CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2023-12-05 11:30 to 2023-12-08 12:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


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  • Linear polarization of the stochastic gravitational-wave background with pulsar timing arrays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Neha Anil Kumar, Mesut Çalışkan, Gabriela Sato-Polito, Marc Kamionkowski, Lingyuan Ji

    Pulsar-timing collaborations have recently reported evidence for the detection of an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background consistent with one sourced by a population of inspiralling supermassive black hole binaries. However, a certain degree of anisotropy and polarization may be present. Thus, the characterization of the energy density and polarization of the background at different angular scales is important. In this paper, we describe the signatures of linear polarization in the stochastic gravitational-wave background on the timing residuals obtained with pulsar-timing arrays. We expand the linear polarization map in terms of spin-weighted spherical harmonics and recast it into the $E$-mode (parity even) and $B$-mode (parity odd) basis. We provide expressions for the minimum-variance estimators for the coefficients of that expansion and evaluate the smallest detectable signal as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio with which the isotropic GW signal is detected and the number of pulsars in the survey. We evaluate the covariance between the estimators for the spherical-harmonic coefficients of the linear polarization $E$-modes and those for the intensity anisotropy. We also show that there is no covariance between the spherical-harmonic coefficients for the $B$-modes of the linear polarization and those for the circular polarization, even though both have the same parity. Our approach results in simple, elegant, and easily evaluated expressions for the overlap reduction functions for linear polarization.

  • Dissecting Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with Astrometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mesut Çalışkan, Yifan Chen, Liang Dai, Neha Anil Kumar, Isak Stomberg, Xiao Xue

    Astrometry, the precise measurement of star motions, offers an alternative avenue to investigate low-frequency gravitational waves through the spatial deflection of photons, complementing pulsar timing arrays reliant on timing residuals. Upcoming data from Gaia, Theia, and Roman can not only cross-check pulsar timing array findings but also explore the uncharted frequency range bridging pulsar timing arrays and LISA. We present an analytical framework to evaluate the feasibility of detecting a gravitational wave background, considering measurement noise and the intrinsic variability of the stochastic background. Furthermore, we highlight astrometry's crucial role in uncovering key properties of the gravitational wave background, such as spectral index and chirality, employing information-matrix analysis. Finally, we simulate the emergence of quadrupolar correlations, commonly referred to as the generalized Hellings-Downs curves.

  • Phenomenology of Spillway Preheating: Equation of State and Gravitational Waves.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gareth Mansfield, JiJi Fan, Qianshu Lu

    In the canonical tachyonic resonance preheating scenario, only an order one fraction of energy density in the inflaton is transferred to radiation, due to backreaction effects. One possible way to improve the energy transfer efficiency is to allow for the perturbative decays of the resonantly produced daughter particles, which serve as the "spillway" to drain the direct decay products from inflaton and to reduce the backreaction. In this article, we study two observational consequences of spillway preheating. The first is on the inflationary observables: the scalar spectrum tilt $n_s$ and tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. The spillway scenario modifies the evolution of the equation of state between the end of inflation and the thermal big bang. As a result, it affects the time elapsed from inflation to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), as well as the fits of inflationary models and their corresponding prediction for $n_s$ and $r$. We map out the equation of state by systematically scanning the parameter space of the spillway scenario, and show that the most efficient spillway scenario predicts a bluer spectrum, compared to the tachyonic preheating scenario. Another consequence is the production of high-frequency gravitational waves (GWs). Comparing the simulation results with those of tachyonic preheating, we find that the existence of spillways leads to sharper-peaked GW spectra with a mildly damped amplitude.

  • Clumpy star formation and an obscured nuclear starburst in the luminous dusty z=4 galaxy GN20 seen by MIRI/JWST.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Bik, J. Álvarez-Márquez, L. Colina, A. Crespo Gómez, F. Peissker, F. Walter, L. A. Boogaard, G. Östlin, T.R. Greve, G. Wright, A. Alonso-Herrero, K.I. Caputi, L. Costantin, A. Eckart, S. Gillman, J. Hjorth, E. Iani, I. Jermann, A. Labiano, D. Langeroodi, J. Melinder, P. G. Pérez-González, J.P. Pye, P. Rinaldi, T. Tikkanen, P. van der Werf, M. Güdel, Th. Henning, P.O. Lagage, T. Ray, E.F. van Dishoeck

    Dusty star-forming galaxies emit most of their light at far-IR to mm wavelengths as their star formation is highly obscured. Far-IR and mm observations have revealed their dust, neutral and molecular gas properties. The sensitivity of JWST at rest-frame optical and near-infrared wavelengths now allows the study of the stellar and ionized gas content. We investigate the spatially resolved distribution and kinematics of the ionized gas in GN20, a dusty star forming galaxy at $z$=4.0548. We present deep MIRI/MRS integral field spectroscopy of the near-infrared rest-frame emission of GN20. We detect spatially resolved \paa, out to a radius of 6 kpc, distributed in a clumpy morphology. The star formation rate derived from \paa\ (144 $\pm$ 9 \msunperyear) is only 7.7 $\pm 0.5 $\% of the infrared star formation rate (1860 $\pm$ 90 \msunperyear). We attribute this to very high extinction (A$_V$ = 17.2 $\pm$ 0.4 mag, or A$_{V,mixed}$ = 44 $\pm$ 3 mag), especially in the nucleus of GN20, where only faint \paa\ is detected, suggesting a deeply buried starburst. We identify four, spatially unresolved, clumps in the \paa\ emission. Based on the double peaked \paa\ profile we find that each clump consist of at least two sub-clumps. We find mass upper limits consistent with them being formed in a gravitationally unstable gaseous disk. The UV bright region of GN20 does not have any detected \paa\ emission, suggesting an age of more than 10 Myrs for this region of the galaxy. From the rotation profile of \paa\ we conclude that the gas kinematics are rotationally dominated and the $v_{rot}/\sigma_{m} = 3.8 \pm 1.4$ is similar to low-redshift LIRGs. We speculate that the clumps seen in GN20 could contribute to building up the inner disk and bulge of GN20.

  • Relic neutrino decay solution to the excess radio background.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P.S.Bhupal Dev, Pasquale Di Bari, Ivan Martínez-Soler, Rishav Roshan

    The excess radio background detected by ARCADE 2 represents a puzzle within the standard cosmological model. There is no clear viable astrophysical solution and, therefore, it might indicate the presence of new physics. Radiative decays of a relic neutrino $\nu_i$ into a sterile neutrino $\nu_{\rm s}$, assumed to be quasi-degenerate, provide a solution that currently evades all constraints posed by different cosmological observations and reproduces very well the ARCADE 2 data. We find a very good fit to the ARCADE 2 data with best fit values $\tau_i = 1.46 \times 10^{21}\,{\rm s}$ and $\Delta m_i = 4.0 \times 10^{-5}\,{\rm eV}$, where $\tau_i$ is the lifetime and $\Delta m_i$ is the mass difference between the decaying active neutrino and the sterile neutrino. On the other hand, if relic neutrino decays do not explain ARCADE 2 data, then these place a stringent constraint $\D m_i^{3/2} \tau_i \gtrsim 2 \times 10^{14}\,{\rm eV}^{3/2}\,{\rm s}$ in the range $1.4 \times 10^{-5} \, {\rm eV} < \D m_i < 2.5 \times 10^{-4}\,{\rm eV}$. The solution also predicts a stronger 21 cm absorption global signal than the predicted one from the $\L$CDM model, with a contrast brightness temperature $T_{21} = -238^{+21}_{-20}\,{\rm mK}$ ($99\%$ C.L.) at redshift $z\simeq 17$. This is in mild tension with the even stronger signal found by the EDGES collaboration, $T_{21} = - 500^{+200}_{-500}\,{\rm mK} $, suggesting that this might have been overestimated, maybe receiving a contribution from some unidentified foreground source.

  • Early Galaxy Formation and the Hubble Tension.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stacy McGaugh

    A tension between the expansion rate of the universe obtained from direct measurements and that inferred from fits to the acoustic power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation has emerged as higher multipoles have been incorporated into CMB fits. This temporal evolution is suggestive of a systematic effect at fine angular scales, and may be related to the observation of unexpectedly massive galaxies at high redshift. Such objects could cause anomalous gravitational lensing of the surface of last scattering, which in turn may affect the best-fit value of $H_0$. If so, the Hubble tension may be the result of a systematic effect in the fitting of CMB data rather than a systematic error in local measurements.

  • Probing cosmic isotropy in the Local Universe.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Camila Franco, Felipe Avila, Armando Bernui

    This is a model-independent analysis that investigates the statistical isotropy in the Local Universe using the ALFALFA survey data ($0 < z < 0.06$). We investigate the angular distribution of HI extra-galactic sources from the ALFALFA catalogue and study whether they are compatible with the statistical isotropy hypothesis using the two-point angular correlation function (2PACF). Aware that the Local Universe is plenty of clustered structures and large voids, we compute the 2PACF with the Landy-Szalay estimator performing directional analyses to inspect 10 sky regions. We investigate these 2PACF using power-law best-fit analyses, and determine the statistical significance of the best-fit parameters for the 10 ALFALFA regions by comparison with the ones obtained through the same procedure applied to a set of mock catalogues produced under the homogeneity and isotropy hypotheses. Our conclusion is that the Local Universe, as mapped by the HI sources of the ALFALFA survey, is in agreement with the hypothesis of statistical isotropy within $2\,\sigma$ confidence level, for small and large angle analyses, with the only exception of one region --located near the Dipole Repeller-- which appears slightly outlier ($2.4\,\sigma$). Interestingly, regarding the large angular distribution of the HI sources, we found 3 regions where the presence of cosmic voids reported in the literature left their signature in our 2PACF, suggesting projected large underdensities there, with number-density contrast $\delta \simeq -0.7$. According to the current literature these regions correspond, partially, to the sky position of the void structures known as Local Cosmic Void and Dipole Repeller.

  • Can we distinguish black holes with electric and magnetic charges from quasinormal modes?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Antonio De Felice, Shinji Tsujikawa

    We compute the quasinormal modes of static and spherically symmetric black holes (BHs) with electric and magnetic charges. For the electrically charged case, the dynamics of perturbations separates into the odd- and even-parity sectors with two coupled differential equations in each sector. In the presence of both electric and magnetic charges, the differential equations of four dynamical degrees of freedom are coupled with each other between odd- and even-parity perturbations. Despite this notable modification, we show that, for a given total charge and mass, a BH with mixed electric and magnetic charges gives rise to the same quasinormal frequencies for fundamental modes. This includes the case in which two BHs have equal electric and magnetic charges for each of them. Thus, the gravitational-wave observations of quasinormal modes during the ringdown phase alone do not distinguish between electrically and magnetically charged BHs.

  • Novel Hydrodynamic Schemes Capturing Shocks and Contact Discontinuities and Comparison Study with Existing Methods.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Takuhiro Yuasa, Masao Mori

    We present a new hydrodynamic scheme named Godunov Density-Independent Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (GDISPH), that can accurately handle shock waves and contact discontinuities without any manually tuned parameters. This is in contrast to the standard formulation of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SSPH), which requires the parameters for an artificial viscosity term to handle the shocks and struggles to accurately handle the contact discontinuities due to unphysical repulsive forces, resulting in surface tension that disrupts pressure equilibrium and suppresses fluid instabilities. While Godunov SPH (GSPH) can handle the shocks without the parameters by using solutions from a Riemann solver, it still cannot fully handle the contact discontinuities. Density-Independent Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (DISPH), one of several schemes proposed to handle contact discontinuities more effectively than SSPH, demonstrates superior performance in our tests involving strong shocks and contact discontinuities. However, DISPH still requires the artificial viscosity term. We integrate the Riemann solver into DISPH in several ways, yielding some patterns of GDISPH. The results of standard tests such as the one-dimensional Riemann problem, pressure equilibrium, Sedov-Taylor, and Kelvin-Helmholtz tests are favourable to GDISPH Case 1 and GDISPH Case 2, as well as DISPH. We conclude that GDISPH Case 1 has an advantage over GDISPH Case 2, effectively handling shocks and contact discontinuities without the need for specific parameters or kernels and without introducing any additional numerical diffusion.

  • Improving Constraint on $\Omega_{m}$ from SDSS Using Marked Correlation Functions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. M. Lai, J. C. Ding, X. L. Luo, Y. Z. Yang, Z. H. Wang, K. S. Liu, G. F. Liu, X. Wang, Y. Zheng, Z. Y. Li, L. Zhang, X. D. Li

    Large-scale structure (LSS) surveys will increasingly provide stringent constraints on our cosmological models. Recently, the density-marked correlation function (MCF) has been introduced, offering an easily computable density-correlation statistic. Simulations have demonstrated that MCFs offer additional, independent constraints on cosmological models beyond the standard two-point correlation (2PCF). In this study, we apply MCFs for the first time to SDSS CMASS data, aiming to investigate the statistical information regarding clustering and anisotropy properties in the Universe and assess the performance of various weighting schemes in MCFs. Upon analyzing the CMASS data, we observe that, by combining different weights ($\alpha = [-0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.6]$), the MCFs provide a tight and independent constraint on the cosmological parameter $\Omega_m$, yielding $\Omega_m = 0.293 \pm0.006$ at the $1\sigma$ level, which represents a significant reduction in the statistical error by a factor of 3.4 compared to that from 2PCF. Our constraint is consistent with recent findings from the small-scale clustering of BOSS galaxies \cite{arXiv:2203.08999v2} within the 1$\sigma$ level. However, we also find that our estimate is lower than the Planck measurements by about 2.6$\sigma$, indicating the potential presence of new physics beyond the standard cosmological model if all the systematics are fully corrected. The method outlined in this study can be extended to other surveys and datasets, allowing for the constraint of other cosmological parameters. Additionally, it serves as a valuable tool for forthcoming emulator analysis on the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST).

  • A unified linear intrinsic alignment model for elliptical and disc galaxies and the resulting ellipticity spectra.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Basundhara Ghosh, Kai Nussbaumer, Eileen Sophie Giesel, Björn Malte Schäfer

    Alignments of disc galaxies were thought to result from tidal torquing, where tidal field of the cosmic large-scale structure exert torquing moments onto dark matter haloes, determining their angular momentum and ultimately the orientation of galactic discs. In this model, resulting intrinsic ellipticity correlations are typically present on small scales, but neither observations nor simulations have found empirical evidence; instead, simulations point at the possibility that alignments of disc galaxies follow a similar alignment model as elliptical galaxies, but with a weaker alignment amplitude. In our article we make the case for the theory of linear alignments resulting from tidal distortions of the galactic disc, investigate the physical properties of this model and derive the resulting angular ellipticity spectra, as they would appear as a contribution to weak gravitational lensing in surveys such as Euclid's. We discuss in detail on the statistical and physical properties of tidally induced alignments in disc galaxies, as they are relevant for mitigation of alignment contamination in weak lensing data, comment on the consistency between the alignment amplitude in spiral and elliptical galaxies and finally, estimate their observability with a Euclid-like survey.

  • Correlations for an anisotropic polarized stochastic gravitational wave background in pulsar timing arrays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Reginald Christian Bernardo, Guo-Chin Liu, Kin-Wang Ng

    The recent compelling observation of the nanohertz stochastic gravitational wave background has brought to light a new galactic arena to test gravity. In this paper, we derive a formula for the most general expression of the stochastic gravitational wave background correlation that could be tested with pulsar timing and future square kilometer arrays. Our expressions extends the harmonic space analysis, also often referred to as the power spectrum approach, to predict the correlation signatures of an anisotropic polarized stochastic gravitational wave background with subluminal tensor, vector, and scalar gravitational degrees of freedom. We present the first few nontrivial anisotropy and polarization signatures in the correlation and discuss their dependence on the gravitational wave speed and pulsar distances. Our results set up tests that could potentially be used to rigorously examine the isotropy of the stochastic gravitational wave background and strengthen the existing constraints on possible non-Einsteinian polarizations in the nanohertz gravitational wave regime.

  • Estimation of line-of-sight velocities of individual galaxies using neural networks I. Modelling redshift-space distortions at large scales.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hongxiang Chen, Jie Wang, Tianxiang Mao, Juntao Ma, Yuxi Meng, Baojiu Li, Yan-Chuan Cai, Mark Neyrinck, Bridget Falck, Alexander S. Szalay

    We present a scheme based on artificial neural networks (ANN) to estimate the line-of-sight velocities of individual galaxies from an observed redshift-space galaxy distribution. By training the network with environmental characteristics surrounding each galaxy in redshift space, our ANN model can accurately predict the line-of-sight velocity of each individual galaxy. When this velocity is used to eliminate the RSD effect, the two-point correlation function (TPCF) in real space can be recovered with an accuracy better than 1% at $s$ > 8 $h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$, and 4% on all scales compared to ground truth. The real-space power spectrum can be recovered within 3% on $k$< 0.5 $\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}h$, and less than 5% for all $k$ modes. The quadrupole moment of the TPCF or power spectrum is almost zero down to $s$ = 10 $h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$ or all $k$ modes, indicating an effective correction of the spatial anisotropy caused by the RSD effect. We demonstrate that on large scales, without additional training with new data, our network is adaptable to different cosmological models, and mock galaxy samples at high redshifts and high biases, achieving less than 10% error for scales greater than 15 $h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$. As it is sensitive to large-scale densities, it does not manage to remove Fingers of God in large clusters, but works remarkably well at recovering real-space galaxy positions elsewhere. Our scheme provides a novel way to predict the peculiar velocity of individual galaxies, to eliminate the RSD effect directly in future large galaxy surveys, and to reconstruct the 3-D cosmic velocity field accurately.

  • Non-Gaussianities and the large $|\eta|$ approach to inflation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gianmassimo Tasinato

    The physics of primordial black holes can be affected by the non-Gaussian statistics of the density fluctuations that generate them. Therefore, it is important to have good theoretical control of the higher-order correlation functions for primordial curvature perturbations. By working at leading order in a $1/|\eta|$ expansion, we analytically determine the bispectrum of curvature fluctuations for single field inflationary scenarios producing primordial black holes. The bispectrum has a rich scale and shape dependence, and its features depend on the dynamics of the would-be decaying mode. We apply our analytical results to study gravitational waves induced at second order by enhanced curvature fluctuations. Their statistical properties are derived in terms of convolution integrals over wide momentum ranges, and they are sensitive on the scale and shape dependence of the curvature bispectrum we analytically computed.

  • HI Galaxy Signatures in the SARAO MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey $-$ I. Probing the richness of the Great Attractor Wall across the inner Zone of Avoidance.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nadia Steyn, Renée C. Kraan-Korteweg, Sambatriniaina H. A. Rajohnson, Sushma Kurapati, Hao Chen, Bradley Frank, Paolo Serra, Lister Staveley-Smith, Fernando Camilo, Sharmila Goedhart

    This paper presents the first HI results extracted from the SARAO MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey (SMGPS) $-$ a narrow strip ($b \sim 3^\circ$) along the southern Milky Way. The primary goal consisted in tracing the Great Attractor (GA) Wall across the innermost Zone of Avoidance. We reduced a segment spanning the longitude range $302^\circ \leq \ell \leq 332^\circ$ for the redshift range $z \leq 0.08$. The superb SMGPS sensitivity (rms = 0.3-0.5 mJy beam$^{-1}$ per 44 kms$^{-1}$ channel) and angular resolution ($\sim$ 31" $\times$ 26") lead to a detection limit of log$(M_{\rm HI}/$M$_\odot) \geq$ 8.5 at the GA distance ($V_{\rm hel} \sim 3500 - 6500$ kms$^{-1}$). A total of 477 galaxy candidates were identified over the full redshift range. A comparison of the few HI detections with counterparts in the literature (mostly HIZOA) found the HI fluxes and other HI parameters to be highly consistent. The continuation of the GA Wall is confirmed through a prominent overdensity of $N = 214$ detections in the GA distance range. At higher latitudes, the wall moves to higher redshifts, supportive of a possible link with the Ophiuchus cluster located behind the Galactic Bulge. This deep interferometric HI survey demonstrates the power of the SMGPS in improving our insight of large-scale structures at these extremely low latitudes, despite the high obscuration and continuum background.

  • Bayesian estimation of cross-coupling and reflection systematics in 21cm array visibility data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Geoff G. Murphy, Philip Bull, Mario G. Santos, Zara Abdurashidova, Tyrone Adams, James E. Aguirre, Paul Alexander, Zaki S. Ali, Rushelle Baartman, Yanga Balfour, Adam P. Beardsley, Gianni Bernardi, Tashalee Billings, Judd D. Bowman, Richard F. Bradley, Jacob Burba, Christopher Cain, Steven Carey, Chris L. Carilli, Carina Cheng, David R. DeBoer, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Matt Dexter, Joshua S. Dillon, Nico Eksteen, John Ely, Aaron Ewall-Wice, Nicolas Fagnoni, Randall Fritz, Steven R. Furlanetto, Kingsley Gale-Sides, Brian Glendenning, Deepthi Gorthi, Bradley Greig, Jasper Grobbelaar, Ziyaad Halday, Bryna J. Hazelton, Jacqueline N. Hewitt, Jack Hickish, Daniel C. Jacobs, Austin Julius, MacCalvin Kariseb, Nicholas S. Kern, Joshua Kerrigan, Piyanat Kittiwisit, Saul A. Kohn, Matthew Kolopanis, Adam Lanman, et al. (31 additional authors not shown)

    Observations with radio arrays that target the 21-cm signal originating from the early Universe suffer from a variety of systematic effects. An important class of these are reflections and spurious couplings between antennas. We apply a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler to the modelling and mitigation of these systematics in simulated Hydrogen Epoch of Reionisation Array (HERA) data. This method allows us to form statistical uncertainty estimates for both our models and the recovered visibilities, which is an important ingredient in establishing robust upper limits on the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) power spectrum. In cases where the noise is large compared to the EoR signal, this approach can constrain the systematics well enough to mitigate them down to the noise level for both systematics studied. Where the noise is smaller than the EoR, our modelling can mitigate the majority of the reflections with there being only a minor level of residual systematics, while cross-coupling sees essentially complete mitigation. Our approach performs similarly to existing filtering/fitting techniques used in the HERA pipeline, but with the added benefit of rigorously propagating uncertainties. In all cases it does not significantly attenuate the underlying signal.

  • The Lyman-$\alpha$ forest catalog from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Early Data Release.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    César Ramírez-Pérez, Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols, Andreu Font-Ribera, M. Abdul Karim, E. Armengaud, J. Bautista, S. F. Beltran, L. Cabayol-Garcia, Z. Cai, S. Chabanier, E. Chaussidon, J. Chaves-Montero, A. Cuceu, R. de la Cruz, J. García-Bellido, A. X. Gonzalez-Morales, C. Gordon, H. K. Herrera-Alcantar, V. Iršič, M. Ishak, N. G. Karaçaylı, Zarija Lukić, C. J. Manser, P. Montero-Camacho, L. Napolitano, G. Niz, M. Pieri, C. Ravoux, F. Sinigaglia, T. Tan, M. Walther, B. Wang, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, S. Bailey, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, K. Dawson, A. de la Macorra, G. Dhungana, P. Doel, K. Fanning, J. E. Forero-Romero, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, J. Guy, K. Honscheid, R. Kehoe, T. Kisner, M. Landriau, L. Le Guillou, M. E. Levi, C. Magneville, P. Martini, et al. (17 additional authors not shown)

    We present and validate the catalog of Lyman-$\alpha$ forest fluctuations for 3D analyses using the Early Data Release (EDR) from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey. We used 88,511 quasars collected from DESI Survey Validation (SV) data and the first two months of the main survey (M2). We present several improvements to the method used to extract the Lyman-$\alpha$ absorption fluctuations performed in previous analyses from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In particular, we modify the weighting scheme and show that it can improve the precision of the correlation function measurement by more than 20%. This catalog can be downloaded from and it will be used in the near future for the first DESI measurements of the 3D correlations in the Lyman-$\alpha$ forest.

  • Macroscopic Dark Matter Detection with Gravitational Wave Experiments.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yufeng Du, Vincent S. H. Lee, Yikun Wang, Kathryn M. Zurek

    We study signatures of macroscopic dark matter (DM) in current and future gravitational wave (GW) experiments. Transiting DM with a mass of $\sim10^5-10^{15}$ kg that saturates the local DM density can be potentially detectable by GW detectors, depending on the baseline of the detector and the strength of the force mediating the interaction. In the context of laser interferometers, we derive the gauge invariant observable due to a transiting DM, including the Shapiro effect (gravitational time delay accumulated during the photon propagation), and adequately account for the finite photon travel time within an interferometer arm. In particular, we find that the Shapiro effect can be dominant for short-baseline interferometers such as Holometer and GQuEST. We also find that proposed experiments such as Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope can constrain a fifth force between DM and baryons, at the level of strength $\sim 10^3$ times stronger than gravity for, e.g., kg mass DM with a fifth-force range of $10^6$ m.

  • Embedding Ultra slow-roll inflaton dynamics in Warm Inflation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sandip Biswas, Kaushik Bhattacharya, Suratna Das

    Slow-roll of the inflaton field defines the standard dynamics of the inflationary epoch. However, the inflationary system deviates from slow-roll when it encounters an extremely flat region of the inflaton potential, and enters a phase dubbed Ultra slow roll. In this article, we explore the possibility of realizing an Ultra slow-roll phase in a particularly interesting inflationary scenario, called Warm Inflation. In the Warm inflationary scenario a thermalized, sub-dominant radiation bath coexists with the inflaton energy density as an effect of dissipative dynamics. We show in this article that though the background dynamics indicate Ultra slow-roll when the potential becomes extremely flat, in Warm Inflation models, where the dissipation coefficient is a sole function of the temperature of the radiation bath, the system fails to maintain the thermal equilibrium as soon as it enters the Ultra slow-roll phase. As thermal equilibrium is a key feature of Warm Inflation, and as it is not yet known how to deal with Warm Inflation without thermal equilibrium, we could not analyze such systems any further in this article. However, we demonstrate that brief periods of Ultra slow-roll phase, which smoothly ends into standard slow-roll, can be accommodated in WI models where the dissipation coefficient is not only a function of the temperature of the radiation bath but also depends on the amplitude of the inflaton field. We theoretically determine the criteria of successfully embedding Ultra slow-roll in WI while the system remain in thermal equilibrium, and also demonstrate numerically that such short Ultra slow-roll phases can indeed be embedded in specific Warm Inflation models which comply with the theoretically determined criteria.

  • Searching for Heavy Leptophilic $Z'$: from Lepton Colliders to Gravitational Waves.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arnab Dasgupta, P. S. Bhupal Dev, Tao Han, Rojalin Padhan, Si Wang, Keping Xie

    We study the phenomenology of leptophilic $Z'$ gauge bosons at the future high-energy $e^+e^-$ and $\mu^+\mu^-$ colliders, as well as at the gravitational wave observatories. The leptophilic $Z'$ model, although well-motivated, remains largely unconstrained from current low-energy and collider searches for $Z'$ masses above ${\cal O}(100~{\rm GeV})$, thus providing a unique opportunity for future lepton colliders. Taking $U(1)_{L_\alpha-L_\beta}~(\alpha,\beta=e,\mu,\tau)$ models as concrete examples, we show that future $e^+e^-$ and $\mu^+\mu^-$ colliders with multi-TeV center-of-mass energies provide unprecedented sensitivity to heavy leptophilic $Z'$ bosons. Moreover, if these $U(1)$ models are classically scale-invariant, the phase transition at the $U(1)$ symmetry-breaking scale tends to be strongly first-order with ultra-supercooling, and leads to observable stochastic gravitational wave signatures. We find that the future sensitivity of gravitational wave observatories, such as advanced LIGO-VIRGO and Cosmic Explorer, can be complementary to the collider experiments, probing higher $Z'$ masses up to ${\cal O}(10^4~{\rm TeV})$, while being consistent with naturalness and perturbativity considerations.

  • $\mathbf{12\times2}$pt combined probes: pipeline, neutrino mass, and data compression.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Reeves, Andrina Nicola, Alexandre Refregier, Tomasz Kacprzak, Luis Fernando Machado Poletti Valle, (2) AIfA Bonn)

    With the rapid advance of wide-field surveys it is increasingly important to perform combined cosmological probe analyses. We present a new pipeline for simulation-based multi-probe analyses, which combines tomographic large-scale structure (LSS) probes (weak lensing and galaxy clustering) with cosmic microwave background (CMB) primary and lensing data. These are combined at the $C_\ell$-level, yielding 12 distinct auto- and cross-correlations. The pipeline is based on $\texttt{UFalconv2}$, a framework to generate fast, self-consistent map-level realizations of cosmological probes from input lightcones, which is applied to the $\texttt{CosmoGridV1}$ N-body simulation suite. It includes a non-Gaussian simulation-based covariance for the LSS tracers, several data compression schemes, and a neural network emulator for accelerated theoretical predictions. We validate our framework, apply it to a simulated $12\times2$pt tomographic analysis of KiDS, BOSS, and $\textit{Planck}$, and forecast constraints for a $\Lambda$CDM model with a variable neutrino mass. We find that, while the neutrino mass constraints are driven by the CMB data, the addition of LSS data helps to break degeneracies and improves the constraint by up to 35%. For a fiducial $M_\nu=0.15\mathrm{eV}$, a full combination of the above CMB+LSS data would enable a $3\sigma$ constraint on the neutrino mass. We explore data compression schemes and find that MOPED outperforms PCA. We also study the impact of an internal lensing tension in the CMB data, parametrized by $A_L$, on the neutrino mass constraint, finding that the addition of LSS to CMB data including all cross-correlations is able to mitigate the impact of this systematic. $\texttt{UFalconv2}$ and a MOPED compressed $\textit{Planck}$ CMB primary + CMB lensing likelihood are made publicly available. [abridged]

  • Visible in the laboratory and invisible in cosmology: decaying sterile neutrinos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kevork N. Abazajian, Helena García Escudero

    The expansion history and thermal physical process that happened in the early Universe before big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) remains relatively unconstrained by observations. Low reheating temperature universes with normalcy temperatures of $T_\mathrm{RH}\sim 2\,\mathrm{MeV}$ remain consistent with primordial nucleosynthesis, and accommodate several new physics scenarios that would normally be constrained by high-temperature reheating models, including massive sterile neutrinos. We explore such scenarios' production of keV scale sterile neutrinos and their resulting constraints from cosmological observations. The parameter space for massive sterile neutrinos is much less constrained than in high-$T_\mathrm{RH}$ thermal histories, though several cosmological constraints remain. Such parameter space is the target of several current and upcoming laboratory experiments such as TRISTAN (KATRIN), HUNTER, MAGNETO-$\nu$, and PTOLEMY. Cosmological constraints remain stringent for stable keV-scale sterile neutrinos. However, we show that sterile neutrinos with a dark decay to radiation through a $Z^\prime$ or a new scalar are largely unconstrained by cosmology. In addition, this mechanism of sterile neutrinos with large mixing may provide a solution to the Hubble tension. We find that keV-scale sterile neutrinos are therefore one of the best probes of the untested pre-BBN era in the early Universe and could be seen in upcoming laboratory experiments.

  • Dynamics of Inspiraling Dark Energy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lilia Anguelova, John Dumancic, Richard Gass, L.C.R. Wijewardhana

    We investigate the dynamics of a multifield dark energy model, which arises from certain rapid-turning and inspiraling trajectories in field space. We find the speed of sound $c_s$ of the dark energy perturbations around the background and show that $c_s$ is monotonically decreasing with time. Furthermore, it has a positive-definite lower bound that implies a certain clustering scale. We also extend the previously known background solution for dark energy to an exact solution that includes matter. This allows us to address the implications of our model for two cosmological tensions. More precisely, we argue that the $\sigma_8$ tension can be alleviated generically, while reducing the Hubble tension requires certain constraints on the parameter space of the model. Notably, a necessary condition for alleviating the Hubble tension is that the transition from matter domination to the dark energy epoch begins earlier than in $\Lambda$CDM.

  • Analytical models of supermassive black holes in galaxies surrounded by dark matter halos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zibo Shen, Anzhong Wang, Yungui Gong, Shaoyu Yin

    We present five analytical models in closed forms, each representing a supermassive black hole located at the center of a galaxy surrounded by a dark matter halo. The density profile of the halo vanishes inside twice the Schwarzschild radii of the hole and satisfies the weak, strong and dominant energy conditions. The spacetimes are asymptotically flat, and the difference among the models lies in the slopes of the density profiles in the spike and far regions from the center of galaxy. Three of them represent spike models, while the other two represent core models.

  • Second leptogenesis: Unraveling the baryon-lepton asymmetry discrepancy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    YeolLin ChoeJo, Kazuki Enomoto, Yechan Kim, Hye-Sung Lee

    We propose a novel scenario to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry by twofold leptogenesis, wherein heavy Majorana neutrinos exhibit temperature-dependent masses and engage in $CP$-violating decays. This scenario envisages two distinct phases of leptogenesis: one occurring above the electroweak scale and the other below it. The sphaleron process converts the first lepton asymmetry to baryon asymmetry, but not the second one due to its decoupling. This mechanism potentially explains the significant discrepancy between baryon and lepton asymmetries, as suggested by recent observations of Helium-4. Furthermore, our model implies that the present masses of Majorana neutrinos are lighter than the electroweak scale, offering a tangible avenue for experimental verification in various terrestrial settings.


  • Front-row seat of the recent R Aqr periastron passage: X-ray multi-epoch spectral and spatial analysis.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Sacchi, M. Karovska, J. Raymond, V. Kashyap, T. J. Gaetz, W. Hack, J. Kennea, N. Lee, A. J Mioduszewski, M. J Claussen

    We report on the X-ray spectral and spatial evolution of the Symbiotic star R Aqr. Through a multi-epoch observational campaign performed with Chandra between 2017 and 2022, we study the X-ray emission of this binary system, composed of an evolved red giant star and a white dwarf (WD). This analysis is particularly timely as the WD approached the periastron in late 2018/early 2019, thus mass transfer, jet emission and outburst phenomena are to be expected. Through detailed spectral analysis, we detect a significant rise in the soft X-ray (0.5-2 keV) emission of R Aqr, likely linked to jet emission, followed by a decay towards the previous quiescent state. The hard X-ray emission (5-8 keV), is not immediately affected by the periastron passage; the hard component, after maintaining the same flux level between 2017 and 2021, rapidly decays after 2022. Possible explanations for this are a change in the reflection properties of the medium surrounding the binary, obscuration of the central region by material ejected during the periastron passage, or even the partial/complete destruction of the inner regions of the accretion disc surrounding the WD. In addition to this activity in the central region, extended emission is also detected, likely linked to a hot spot in a pre-outburst-emitted jet, which can be observed moving away from the system's central region.

  • Resonant Spin-Flavor Precession of Sterile Neutrinos.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Edward Wang

    We analyze the impact of resonant conversions mediated by non-vanishing magnetic moments between active neutrinos and a heavy sterile neutrino on the supernova neutrino flux. We present the level-crossing scheme for such a scenario and derive the neutrino fluxes after conversion, paying special attention to the order in which the resonances occur. We then compute the expected event rates from the neutronization burst of a future supernova at DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande to derive new constraints on the neutrino magnetic moment. With this, we find a sensitivity down to a few $10^{-15} \mu_B$ for a sterile neutrino in the $O(\rm{eV})$ mass range.

  • A Triple Scenario for the Formation of Wide Black Hole Binaries Such As Gaia BH1.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Generozov, H. B. Perets

    Recently, several non-interacting black hole-stellar binaries have been identified in Gaia data. For example, Gaia BH1, where a Sun-like star is in moderate eccentricity (e=0.45), 185-day orbit around a black hole. This orbit is difficult to explain through binary evolution. The present-day separation suggests the progenitor system would have undergone an episode of common envelope evolution, but a common envelope should shrink the period below the observed one. Since the majority of massive stars form in higher multiplicity systems, a triple evolution scenario is more likely for the progenitors of BH binaries. Here we show that such systems can indeed be more easily explained via evolution in hierarchical triple systems. von Zeipel--Lidov--Kozai oscillations or instabilities can delay the onset of the common envelope phase in the inner binary of the triple, so that the black hole progenitor and low-mass star are more widely separated when it begins, leading to the formation of wider binaries. There are also systems with similar periods but larger eccentricities, where the BH progenitor is a merger product of the inner binary in the triple. Such mergers lead to a more top-heavy black hole mass function.

  • Monitoring the X-ray Variability of Bright X-ray Sources in M33.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rebecca Kyer, Shelby Albrecht, Benjamin F. Williams, Kyros Hinton, Breanna Binder, Margaret Lazzarini, Kristen Garofali, Bret Lehmer, Michael Eracleous, Paul P. Plucinsky, Vallia Antoniou

    We present a new five-epoch Chandra X-ray Observatory monitoring survey of the nearby spiral galaxy M33 which probes X-ray variability with time sampling between two weeks and four months. We characterize the X-ray variability of 55 bright point sources outside of the nucleus, many of which are expected to be high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs). We detect eight new candidate transients not detected in previous X-ray catalogs of M33 and discuss their possible nature. The final catalog includes 26 known HMXB candidates identified in the literature. We extend the baseline of the X-ray light curves up to 21 years by including archival X-ray observations of these sources. We compare the detection and non-detection epochs of the sources to suites of simulated source duty cycles and infer that most of our detected sources have duty cycles > 30%. We find only four sources whose detection patterns are consistent with having duty cycles below 30%. This large fraction of sources with high duty cycles is unexpected for a population of HMXBs, thus more frequent X-ray monitoring will likely reveal many more low duty cycle HMXBs in M33.

  • Short-lived repeating fast radio bursts from tidal disruption of white dwarfs by intermediate-mass black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jing-Tong Xing, Tong Liu

    The origin of repeating fast radio bursts (RFRBs) is still a mystery. We propose that short-lived RFRBs might be triggered from the tidal disruption of white dwarfs (WDs) by intermediate-mass black holes (BHs). In this model, we show that the remnant WD clusters after tidal collapse cuts the magnetic lines on the BH accretion discs, and during each fall of the clump, so that electrons are torn from the surface of the mass and instantly accelerated to the relativistic energy. The subsequent movement of these electrons along magnetic field lines will result in coherent curvature radiation. This short-lived radio transients might accompany with the accretion process. The luminosity and the timescale can be estimated to be $L_\mathrm{tot}\sim 1.96\times10^{40}~{\rm erg~s^{-1}}$ and $\Delta t\sim1.14~{\rm ms}$, respectively, which are consistent with the typical properties of RFRBs. Moreover, the total event rate of our model for generating RFRBs might be as high as $\sim 10~\rm {yr^{-1}~Gpc^{-3}}$.

  • Black hole growths in gamma-ray bursts driven by the Blandford-Znajek mechanism.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Yan Li, Tong Liu

    The Blandford-Znajek (BZ) mechanism in stellar-mass black hole (BH) hyperaccretion systems is generally considered to power gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Based on observational GRB data, we use the BZ mechanism driven by the BH hyperaccretion disc to investigate the evolution of the BH mass and spin after the jets break out from the progenitors. We find that the BH growths are almost independent of initial BH masses. Meanwhile, the BH growths will be more efficient with smaller initial spin parameters. We conclude that (i) the BZ mechanism is efficient for triggering BH growths for only 1 of 206 typical long-duration GRBs; (ii) the mean BH mass growths of ultra-long GRBs are marginal for all 7 samples collected; (iii) for the short-duration GRBs, the results that BHs show minimal growths is consistent with the mass supply limitation in the scenario of compact object mergers.

  • X-ray Observations of the Enigmatic Wolf-Rayet System Theta Mus: Two's Company But Three's a Crowd.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stephen L. Skinner, Svetozar A. Zhekov, Manuel Guedel, Werner Schmutz

    Theta Mus is a remarkable spectroscopic binary (SB) consisting of a carbon-type Wolf-Rayet star and OV companion (WC6+O6-7V) in a 19-day orbit. In addition an O-supergiant is visually detected at a small offset of 46 mas and if gravitationally bound to the SB system would have an orbital period of many decades. Theta Mus is X-ray bright and a nonthermal radio source as commonly observed in massive colliding wind (CW) binaries. We present new Chandra X-ray observations of Theta Mus which complement previous XMM-Newton observations. The X-ray emission consists of a cool nearly steady weakly-absorbed plasma component with broad redshifted emission lines located in an extended region far from the SB system. Hotter plasma is also present traced by Fe XXV emission. The observed flux in the 2-5 keV range dropped significantly on a timescale of less than 5 years. The flux decrease can be attributed to an increase in absorption toward the hotter plasma which is likely located in the confined wind interaction region of the short-period SB system. The X-ray emission of Theta Mus is remarkably similar to the WC+O binary gamma^2 Vel including carbon recombination spectral lines but both systems show unusual line centroid properties that challenge CW models.

  • NuSTAR observation of the Vela pulsar and its nebula.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oleg Kargaltsev, Jeremy Hare, Alexander Lange

    We present the analysis of 200-ks NuSTAR observation of the Vela pulsar and the pulsar wind nebula (PWN). The phase-resolved spectra corresponding to the two main peaks in the folded pulse profile differ significantly. The spectrum of Peak 1 is significantly harder than that of Peak 2 in qualitative agreement with the earlier RXTE results. However, for both spectra, the best-fit values of photon indices for the power-law (PL) fit are noticeably larger than the previously reported values. The hardest (Peak 1) spectrum has a photon index of $1.10\pm0.15$ which is close to those measured for the bright inner jets of the PWN. We used the off-pulse interval to isolate pulsar emission and measure the compact pulsar wind nebula (PWN) spectrum in hard X-rays. We also measured the spectrum from the south-western (SW) region of the PWN which is resolved by NuSTAR from the compact PWN. For both regions, we fit the NuSTAR spectra by themselves and together with the Chandra X-ray Observatory spectra. We found that the compact PWN spectrum requires a more complex model than a simple PL with evidence for exponential cutoff in 50-80 keV. We do not find such evidence for the spectrum extracted from the SW PWN region, located farther from the pulsar, implying the energies over 600 TeV for the pulsar wind particles. This may indicate in-situ particle acceleration in that region.

  • Successful $\nu p$-process in neutrino-driven outflows in core-collapse supernovae.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexander Friedland, Payel Mukhopadhyay, Amol V. Patwardhan

    The origin of the solar system abundances of several proton-rich isotopes, especially $^{92,94}$Mo and $^{96,98}$Ru, has been an enduring mystery in nuclear astrophysics. An attractive proposal to solve this problem is the $\nu p$-process, which can operate in neutrino-driven outflows in a core-collapse supernova after the shock is launched. Years of detailed studies, however, have cast doubt over the ability of this process to generate sufficiently high absolute and relative amounts of various $p$-nuclei. The $\nu p$-process is also thought to be excluded by arguments based on the long-lived radionuclide $^{92}$Nb. Here, we present explicit calculations, in which both the abundance ratios and the absolute yields of the $p$-nuclei up to $A\lesssim105$ are successfully reproduced, even when using the modern (medium enhanced) triple-$\alpha$ reaction rates. The process is also shown to produce the necessary amounts of $^{92}$Nb. The models are characterized by subsonic outflows and by the protoneutron star masses in the {$\gtrsim1.7 M_\odot$ range}. This suggests that the Mo and Ru $p$-nuclides observed in the Solar System were made in CCSN explosions characterized by an extended accretion stage.

  • Optical Appearance of Eccentric Tidal Disruption Events.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fangyi, Daniel J. Price, Ilya Mandel

    Stars approaching supermassive black holes can be tidally disrupted. Despite being expected to emit X-rays, TDEs have been largely observed in optical bands, which is poorly understood. In this Letter, we simulate the tidal disruption of a $1~M_\odot$ main sequence star on an eccentric ($e=0.95$) orbit with a periapsis distance one or five times smaller than the tidal radius ($\beta = 1$ or $5$) using general relativistic smoothed particle hydrodynamics. We follow the simulation for up to a year post-disruption. We show that accretion disks in eccentric TDEs are masked by unbound material outflowing at $\sim10,000~$km/s. Assuming electron scattering opacity, this material would be visible as a $\sim100~$au photosphere at $\sim10^4~$K, in line with observations of candidate TDEs.

  • Inferring host galaxy properties of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA's black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aditya Vijaykumar, Maya Fishbach, Susmita Adhikari, Daniel E. Holz

    Observations of gravitational waves from binary black hole (BBH) mergers have measured the redshift evolution of the BBH merger rate. The number density of galaxies in the Universe evolves differently with redshift based on their physical properties, such as their stellar masses and star formation rates. In this work we show that the measured population-level redshift distribution of BBHs sheds light on the properties of their probable host galaxies. We first assume that the hosts of BBHs can be described by a mixture model of galaxies weighted by stellar mass or star formation rate, and find that we can place upper limits on the fraction of mergers coming from a stellar mass weighted sample of galaxies. We then constrain parameters of a physically motivated power-law delay-time distribution using GWTC-3 data, and self-consistently track galaxies in the \textsc{UniverseMachine} simulations with this delay time model to infer the probable host galaxies of BBHs over a range of redshifts. We find that the inferred host galaxy distribution at redshift $z=0.21$ has a median star formation rate $\sim 0.9\,M_\odot\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$ and a median stellar mass of $\sim 1.9 \times 10^{10}\,M_\odot$. We also provide distributions for the mean stellar age, halo mass, halo radius, peculiar velocity, and large scale bias associated with the host galaxies, as well as their absolute magnitudes in the B- and ${ \rm K_s}$-bands. Our results can be used to design optimal electromagnetic follow-up strategies for BBHs, and also to aid the measurement of cosmological parameters using the statistical dark siren method.

  • eROSITA studies of the Carina Nebula.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manami Sasaki, Jan Robrade, Martin G. H. Krause, Jonathan R. Knies, Kisetsu Tsuge, Gerd Pühlhofer, Andrew Strong, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, (2) Hamburger Sternwarte, Universität Hamburg, Germany, (3) Centre for Astrophysics Research, School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, University of Hertfordshire, UK, (4) Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Universität Tübingen, Germany, (5) Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Germany)

    During the first four all-sky surveys eRASS:4 carried out from December 2019 to 2021, the extended Roentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (eROSITA) on board Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma (Spektr-RG, SRG) observed the Galactic HII region Carina nebula. We analysed the eRASS:4 data to study the distribution and the spectral properties of the hot interstellar plasma and the bright stellar sources in the Carina nebula. Spectral extraction regions of the diffuse emission were defined based on X-ray spectral morphology and multi-wavelength data. The spectra were fit with a combination of thermal and non-thermal emission models. X-ray bright point sources in the Carina nebula are the colliding wind binary $\eta$ Car, several O stars, and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. We extracted the spectrum of the brightest stellar sources, which can be well fit with a multi-component thermal plasma model. The spectra of the diffuse emission in the brighter parts of the Carina nebula is well reproduced by two thermal models, a lower-temperature component ($\sim$0.2 keV) and a higher-temperature component (0.6 - 0.8 keV). An additional non-thermal component dominates the emission above $\sim$1 keV in the central region around $\eta$ Car and the other massive stars. Significant orbital variation of the X-ray flux was measured for $\eta$ Car, WR22 and WR25. $\eta$ Car requires an additional time-variable thermal component in the spectral model, which is associated to the wind-wind-collision zone. Properties like temperature, pressure, and luminosity of the X-ray emitting plasma in the Carina nebula derived from the eROSITA data are consistent with theoretical calculations of emission from superbubbles. It confirms that the X-ray emission is caused by the hot plasma inside the Carina nebula which has been shocked-heated by the stellar winds of the massive stars, in particular, of $\eta$ Car.

  • Geocoronal Solar Wind Charge Exchange Process Associated with the 2006-December-13 Coronal Mass Ejection Event.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu Zhou, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Shin Toriumi, Kazuhisa Mitsuda

    We report the discovery of a geocoronal solar wind charge exchange (SWCX) event corresponding to the well-known 2006 December 13th coronal mass ejection (CME) event. Strong evidence for the charge exchange origin of this transient diffuse emission is provided by prominent non-thermal emission lines at energies of $\rm O^{7+}$, $\rm Ne^{9+}$, $\rm Mg^{11+}$, $\rm Si^{12+}$, $\rm Si^{13+}$. Especially, a 0.53 keV emission line that most likely arises from the $\rm N^{5+}$ $1s^1 5p^1 \to 1s^2$ transition is detected. Previously, the forecastability of SWCX occurrence with proton flares has been disputed. In this particular event, we found that the SWCX signal coincided with the arrival of the magnetic cloud inside CME, triggered with a time delay after the proton flux fluctuation as the CME shock front passed through the Earth. Moreover, a spacecraft orbital modulation in SWCX light curve suggests that the emission arises close to the Earth. The line of sight was found to always pass through the northern magnetospheric cusp. The SWCX intensity was high when the line of sight passed the dusk side of the cusp, suggesting an azimuthal anisotropy in the flow of solar-wind ions inside the cusp. An axisymmetric SWCX emission model is found to underestimate the observed peak intensity by a factor of about 50. We suggest this discrepancy is related to the azimuthal anisotropy of the solar-wind flow in the cusp.

  • Gamma-ray spectra of the Crab, Vela and Geminga pulsars fitted with SED of the emission from their superluminally moving current sheet.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Houshang Ardavan

    We show that the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the tightly focused radiation generated by the superluminally moving current sheet in the magnetosphere of a non-aligned neutron star fits the gamma-ray spectra of the Crab, Vela and Geminga pulsars over the entire range of photon energies so far detected by Fermi-LAT, MAGIC and H.E.S.S. from them: over $10^2$ MeV to $20$ TeV. While emblematic of any emission that entails caustics, the SED introduced here radically differs from those of the disparate emission mechanisms currently invoked in the literature to fit the data in different sections of these spectra. We specify, moreover, the connection between the values of the fit parameters for the analysed spectra and the physical characteristics of the central neutron stars of the Crab, Vela and Geminga pulsars and their magnetospheres.

  • Unveiling hidden variability components in accreting X-ray binaries using both the Fourier power and cross spectra.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mariano Mendez, Valentina Peirano, Federico Garcia, Tomaso M. Belloni, Diego Altamirano, Kevin Alabarta

    We present a novel method for measuring the lags of (weak) variability components in neutron-star and black-hole low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). For this we assume that the power and cross spectra of these sources consists of a number of components that are coherent in different energy bands, but are incoherent with one another. The technique is based on fitting simultaneously the power spectrum (PS) and the Real and Imaginary parts of the cross spectrum (CS) with a combination of Lorentzian functions. We show that, because the PS of LMXBs is insensitive to signals with a large Imaginary part and a small Real part in the CS, this approach allows us to uncover new variability components that are only detected in the CS. We also demonstrate that, contrary to earlier claims, the frequency of the type-C quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the black-hole binary GRS 1915+105 does not depend on energy. Rather, the apparent energy dependence of the QPO frequency can be explained by the presence of a separate QPO component with a slightly higher frequency than that of the QPO, whose rms amplitude increases faster with energy than the rms amplitude of the QPO. From all the above we conclude that, as in the case of the PS, the CS of black-hole and neutron-star binaries can be fitted by a combination of Lorentzian components. Our findings provide evidence that the frequency-dependent part of the transfer function of these systems can be described by a combination of responses, each of them acting over relatively well-defined time scales. This conclusion challenges models that assume that the main contribution to the lags comes from a global, broadband, transfer function of the accreting system.

  • Quasi-periodic oscillations in rotating and deformed spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kuantay Boshkayev, Talgar Konysbayev, Yergali Kurmanov, Marco Muccino, Hernando Quevedo

    Quasi-periodic oscillation (QPOs) analysis is important for understanding the dynamical behavior of many astrophysical objects during transient events such as gamma-ray bursts, solar flares, magnetar flares, and fast radio bursts. In this paper, we analyze QPO data in low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) systems, using the Lense-Thirring, Kerr, and approximate Zipoy-Voorhees metrics. We demonstrate that the inclusion of spin and quadrupole parameters modifies the well-established results for the fundamental frequencies in the Schwarzschild spacetime. We interpret the QPO data within the framework of the standard relativistic precession model, allowing us to infer the values of the mass, spin, and quadrupole parameters of neutron stars in LMXBs. We explore recent QPO data sets from eight distinct LMXBs, assess their optimal parameters, and compare our findings with results in the existing literature. Finally, we discuss the astrophysical implications of our findings.

  • Determining the Hubble Constant with AGN-assisted Black Hole Mergers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lucas M. B. Alves, Andrew G. Sullivan, Yang Yang, Gayathri V., Zsuzsa Marka, Szabolcs Marka, Imre Bartos

    Gravitational waves from neutron star mergers have long been considered a promising way to measure the Hubble constant, $H_0$, which describes the local expansion rate of the universe. While black hole mergers are more abundantly observed, their expected lack of electromagnetic emission and poor gravitational-wave localization make them less well suited for measuring $H_0$. Black hole mergers within the disks of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) could be an exception. Accretion from the AGN disk may produce an electromagnetic signal, pointing observers to the host galaxy. Alternatively, the low number density of AGNs could help identify the host galaxy of $1-5\%$ of mergers. Here we show that black hole mergers in AGN disks may be a sensitive way to determine $H_0$ with gravitational waves. If $1\%$ ($10\%$) of LIGO's observations occur in AGN disks with identified host galaxies, we could measure $H_0$ with $12\%$ ($4\%$) uncertainty in five years, possibly comparable to the sensitivity of neutron star mergers and set to considerably improve current gravitational wave measurements.

  • How the spherical modes of gravitational waves can be detected despite only seeing one ray.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alejandro Torres-Orjuela

    The spherical modes of gravitational waves (GWs) have become a major focus of recent detection campaigns due to the additional information they can provide about different properties of the source. However, GW detection is restricted to only detecting one ray and hence it is not obvious how we can extract information about angular properties. In this paper, we introduce a new gauge that makes visible GW detection does not only contain information on the second time derivative but also on the angular derivatives of the GW. In particular, we show that the angular derivatives are of the same order as the time derivatives of the wave thus allowing us to constrain the spherical modes. To further illustrate the detection of the spherical modes, we discuss how the evolution of the orbit of the source and thus the phase of the wave depends on them.

  • Multi-Component Imaging of the Fermi Gamma-ray Sky in the Spatio-spectral Domain.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lukas I. Platz, Jakob Knollmüller, Philipp Arras, Philipp Frank, Martin Reinecke, Dominik Jüstel, Torsten A. Enßlin

    We perform two distinct spatio-spectral reconstructions of the gamma-ray sky in the range of 0.56-316 GeV based on Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) data. Both describe the sky brightness to be composed of a diffuse-emission and a point-source component. The first model requires minimal assumptions and provides a template-free reconstruction as a reference. It makes use of spatial and spectral correlations to distinguish between the different components. The second model is physics-informed and further differentiates between diffuse emission of hadronic and leptonic origin. For this, we assume parametric, but spatially varying energy spectra to distinguish between the processes and use thermal Galactic dust observations to indicate the preferred sites of hadronic interactions. To account for instrumental effects we model the point-spread, the energy dispersion, and the exposure of the telescope throughout the observation. The reconstruction problem is formulated as a Bayesian inference task, that is solved by variational inference. We show decompositions of the Gamma-ray flux into diffuse and point-like emissions, and of the diffuse emissions into multiple physically motivated components. The diffuse decomposition provides an unprecedented view of the Galactic leptonic diffuse emission. It shows the Fermi bubbles and their spectral variations in high fidelity and other areas exhibiting strong cosmic ray electron contents, such as a thick disk in the inner Galaxy and outflow regions. Furthermore, we report a hard spectrum gamma ray arc in the northern outer bubble co-spatial with the reported X-ray arc by the eROSITA collaboration. All our spatio-spectral sky reconstructions and their uncertainty quantification are publicly available.

  • Numerical Modeling of Time Dependent Diffusive Shock Acceleration.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sophie Aerdker, Lukas Merten, Julia Becker Tjus, Dominik Walter, Frederic Effenberger, Horst Fichtner

    Motivated by cosmic ray (CR) re-acceleration at a potential Galactic Wind Termination Shock (GWTS), we present a numerical model for time-dependent Diffusive Shock Acceleration (DSA). We use the stochastic differential equation solver (DiffusionSDE) of the cosmic ray propagation framework CRPropa3.2 with two modifications: An importance sampling module is introduced to improve statistics at high energies in order to keep the simulation time short. An adaptive time step is implemented in the DiffusionSDE module. This ensures to efficiently meet constraints on the time and diffusion step, which is crucial to obtain the correct shock spectra. The time evolution of the spectrum at a one-dimensional planar shock is verified against the solution obtained by the grid-based solver VLUGR3 for both energy-independent and energy-dependent diffusion. We show that the injection of pre-accelerated particles can lead to a broken power law spectrum in momentum if the incoming spectrum of CRs is harder than the re-accelerated spectrum. If the injected spectrum is steeper, the shock spectrum dominates at all energies. We finally apply the developed model to the GWTS by considering a spherically symmetric shock, a spiral Galactic magnetic field, and anisotropic diffusion. The time-dependent spectrum at the shock is modeled as a basis for further studies.

  • A full waveform model for arbitrarily axis-symmetric black hole mergers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Song Li, Wen-Biao Han

    In this work, we present a non-GR full waveform for general parametrization of axisymmetric black holes by extending our previous PSI model. Our model comprises two main components: an inspiral part obtained by using phenomenological method in frequency-domain and a ringdown part derived from quasinormal modes associated with photon motion. For quantitatively revealing the influence of the deviation from Kerr black holes on the waveforms, we specify our model to the bumpy black holes, which are typical examples of non-GR black holes. The results show that the deviation from the Kerr quadrupole moment could be measured in a high accuracy. The new waveform model can be directly used to test black holes for the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observations, the third generation detectors and space-borne interferometers.

  • Towards exponentially-convergent simulations of extreme-mass-ratio inspirals: A time-domain solver for the scalar Teukolsky equation with singular source terms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Manas Vishal, Scott E. Field, Katie Rink, Sigal Gottlieb, Gaurav Khanna

    Gravitational wave signals from extreme mass ratio inspirals are a key target for space-based gravitational wave detectors. These systems are typically modeled as a distributionally-forced Teukolsky equation, where the smaller black hole is treated as a Dirac delta distribution. Time-domain solvers often use regularization approaches that approximate the Dirac distribution that often introduce small length scales and are a source of systematic error, especially near the smaller black hole. We describe a multi-domain discontinuous Galerkin method for solving the distributionally-forced Teukolsky equation that describes scalar fields evolving on a Kerr spacetime. To handle the Dirac delta, we expand the solution in spherical harmonics and recast the sourced Teukolsky equation as a first-order, one-dimensional symmetric hyperbolic system. This allows us to derive the method's numerical flux to correctly account for the Dirac delta. As a result, our method achieves global spectral accuracy even at the source's location. To connect the near field to future null infinity, we use the hyperboloidal layer method, allowing us to supply outer boundary conditions and providing direct access to the far-field waveform. We document several numerical experiments where we test our method, including convergence tests against exact solutions, energy luminosities for circular orbits, the scheme's superconvergence properties at future null infinity, and the late-time tail behavior of the scalar field. We also compare two systems that arise from different choices of the first-order reduction variables, finding that certain choices are numerically problematic in practice. The methods developed here may be beneficial when computing gravitational self-force effects, where the regularization procedure has been developed for the spherical harmonic modes and high accuracy is needed at the Dirac delta's location.

  • Detecting Detached Black Hole binaries through Photometric Variability.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chirag Chawla, Sourav Chatterjee, Neev Shah, Katelyn Breivik

    Understanding the connection between the properties of black holes (BHs) and their progenitors is interesting in many branches of astrophysics. Discovering BHs in detached orbits with luminous companions (LCs) promises to help create this map since the LC and BH progenitor are expected to have the same metallicity and formation time. We explore the possibility of detecting BH-LC binaries in detached orbits using photometric variations of the LC flux, induced by tidal ellipsoidal variation, relativistic beaming, and self-lensing. We create realistic present-day populations of detached BH-LC binaries in the Milky Way (MW) using binary population synthesis where we adopt observationally motivated initial stellar and binary properties, star formation history and present-day distribution of these sources in the MW based on detailed cosmological simulations. We test detectability of these sources via photometric variability by Gaia and TESS missions by incorporating their respective detailed detection biases as well as interstellar extinction. We find that Gaia (TESS) is expected to resolve ~700-1500 (~100-400) detached BH-LC binaries depending on the photometric precision and details of supernova physics. We find that ~369 BH-LC binaries would be common both in Gaia and TESS. Moreover, between ~80-270 (~70-290) of these BH-LC binaries can be further characterised using Gaia's radial velocity (astrometry) measurements.

  • Quark Stars in $D_3$-$D_7$ Holographic Model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Aleixo, C.H. Lenzi, W. de Paula, R. da Rocha

    This work investigates static and dynamical quark star properties within a $D_3-D_7$ holographic model. We solve the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations for the quark matter equation of state obtained from the brane configuration and determine the range of model parameters in which the quark star family mass-radius diagram are compatible with recent NICER observational data for the pulsars PSR J$0030+0451$ and PSR J$0740+6620$. We show that the model supports stable configurations with maximum masses higher than $2$ Solar masses, in line with the inferred masses of the pulsars PSR J$1614-2230$, PSR J$0348+0432$ and PSR J$0740+6620$. Furthermore, we show that there is a parametrization in which the tidal deformability parameter obtained for each component of the binary star system is consistent with the GW170817 event detected by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration.


  • Modelling JWST mid-infrared counts: excellent consistency with models derived for IRAS, ISO and Spitzer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michael Rowan-Robinson

    Models derived in 2009 to fit mid-infrared (8-24 micron) source counts from the IRAS, ISO and Spitzer missions, provide an excellent fit to deep counts with JWST, demonstrating that the evolution of dusty star-forming galaxies is well understood. The evolution of dust in galaxies at high redshifts is discussed and a simple prescription is proposed to model this. This allows more realistic models for source-counts at submillimetre wavelength. A reasonable fit to 250, 500, 850 and 1100 micron counts is obtained. This paper therefore draws together the IRAS, ISO, Spitzer, Akari, Herschel, submillimetre ground-based, and JWST surveys into a single picture.

  • Insights into the first and second hydrostatic core stages from numerical simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alison K. Young

    The theory of how low mass stars form from the collapse of a dense molecular cloud core has been well-established for decades. Thanks to significant progress in computing and numerical modelling, more physical models have been developed and a wider parameter space explored to understand the early stages of star formation more fully. In this review, I describe the expected physical properties of the first and second core stages and how the inclusion of different physics affects those predicted characteristics. I provide an overview of chemical models and synthetic observations, looking towards the positive identification of the first core in nature, which remains elusive. However, there are a few likely candidate first cores, which are listed, and I briefly discuss the recent progress in characterising the youngest protostellar sources. Chemistry will be instrumental in the firm identification of the first core so we require robust theoretical predictions of the chemical evolution of protostellar cores, especially of the first and second core outflows. Looking ahead, simulations can shed light on how the protostellar collapse phase shapes the evolution of the protostellar disc. Simulations of dust evolution during protostellar core collapse show there is significant enhancement in grain size and abundance towards the centre of the core. Chemical models show that the warm, dense conditions of the first core drive chemical evolution. There is a wide scope for further study of the role that the first and second core stages play in determining the structure and composition of the protostellar disc and envelope and, of course, the eventual influence on the formation of planets.

  • Modelling molecular clouds and CO excitation in AGN-host galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Federico Esposito, Livia Vallini, Francesca Pozzi, Viviana Casasola, Almudena Alonso-Herrero, Santiago García-Burillo, Roberto Decarli, Francesco Calura, Cristian Vignali, Matilde Mingozzi, Carlotta Gruppioni, Dhrubojyoti Sengupta

    We present a new physically-motivated model for estimating the molecular line emission in active galaxies. The model takes into account (i) the internal density structure of giant molecular clouds (GMCs), (ii) the heating associated both to stars and to the active galactic nuclei (AGN), respectively producing photodissociation regions (PDRs) and X-ray dominated regions (XDRs) within the GMCs, and (iii) the mass distribution of GMCs within the galaxy volume. The model needs, as input parameters, the radial profiles of molecular mass, far-UV flux and X-ray flux for a given galaxy, and it has two free parameters: the CO-to-H2 conversion factor $\alpha_{CO}$, and the X-ray attenuation column density $N_H$. We test this model on a sample of 24 local ($z \leq 0.06$) AGN-host galaxies, simulating their carbon monoxide spectral line energy distribution (CO SLED). We compare the results with the available observations and calculate, for each galaxy, the best ($\alpha_{CO}$, $N_H$) with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, finding values consistent with those present in the literature. We find a median $\alpha_{CO} = 4.8$ M$_{\odot}$ (K km s$^{-1}$ pc$^{2}$)$^{-1}$ for our sample. In all the modelled galaxies, we find the XDR component of the CO SLED to dominate the CO luminosity from $J_{\text{upp}} \geq 4$. We conclude that, once a detailed distribution of molecular gas density is taken into account, PDR emission at mid-/high-$J$ becomes negligible with respect to XDR.

  • The JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science Program IV: The Star Formation History of the Local Group Galaxy WLM.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kristen. B. W. McQuinn, Max J. B. Newman, Alessandro Savino, Andrew E. Dolphin, Daniel R. Weisz, Benjamin F. Williams, Martha L. Boyer, Roger E. Cohen, Matteo Correnti, Andrew A. Cole, Marla C. Geha, Mario Gennaro, Nitya Kallivayalil, Karin M. Sandstrom, Evan D. Skillman, Jay Anderson, Alberto Bolatto, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Christopher T. Garling, Karoline M. Gilbert, Leo Girardi, Jason S. Kalirai, Alessandro Mazzi, Giada Pastorelli, Hannah Richstein, Jack T. Warfield

    We present the first star formation history (SFH) and age-metallicity relation (AMR) derived from resolved stellar populations imaged with the JWST NIRCam instrument. The target is the Local Group star-forming galaxy WLM at 970 kpc. The depth of the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) reaches below the oldest main sequence turn-off with a SNR=10 at M_F090W=+4.6 mag; this is the deepest CMD for any galaxy that is not a satellite of the Milky Way. We use Hubble Space Telescope (HST) optical imaging that overlaps with the NIRCam observations to directly evaluate the SFHs derived based on data from the two great observatories. The JWST and HST-based SFHs are in excellent agreement. We use the metallicity distribution function measured from stellar spectra to confirm the trends in the AMRs based on the JWST data. Together, these results confirm the efficacy of recovering a SFH and AMR with the NIRCam F090W-F150W filter combination and provide validation of the sensitivity and accuracy of stellar evolution libraries in the near-infrared relative to the optical for SFH recovery work. From the JWST data, WLM shows an early onset to star formation, followed by an extended pause post-reionization before star formation re-ignites, which is qualitatively similar to what has been observed in the isolated galaxies Leo~A and Aquarius. Quantitatively, 15% of the stellar mass formed in the first Gyr, while only 10% formed over the next ~5 Gyr; the stellar mass then rapidly doubled in ~2.5 Gyr, followed by constant star formation over the last ~5 Gyr.

  • A robust method for filling in masked data in astronomical images.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pieter van Dokkum

    Astronomical images often have regions with missing or unwanted information, such as bad pixels, bad columns, cosmic rays, masked objects, or residuals from imperfect model subtractions. In certain situations it can be essential, or preferable, to fill in these regions. Most existing methods use low order interpolations for this task. In this paper a method is described that uses the full information that is contained in the pixels just outside masked regions. These edge pixels are extrapolated inwards, using iterative median filtering. This leads to a smoothly varying spatial resolution within the filled-in regions, and ensures seamless transitions between masked pixels and good pixels. Gaps in continuous, narrow features can be reconstructed with high fidelity, even if they are large. The method is implemented in maskfill, an open-source MIT licensed Python script. Its performance is illustrated with several examples.

  • Deciphering the JWST spectrum of a 'little red dot' at $z \sim 4.53$: An obscured AGN and its star-forming host.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Meghana Killi, 2, 3), Darach Watson, 2), Gabriel Brammer, 2), Conor McPartland, 2), Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Rosa Newshore, Dan Coe, 7, 8), Natalie Allen, 2), Johan P. U. Fynbo, 2), Katriona Gould, 2), Kasper E. Heintz, 2), Vadim Rusakov, 2), Simone Vejlgaard, 2) ((1) Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN), (2) Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, (3) Instituto de Estudios Astrofísicos, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Diego Portales, (4) David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, (5) Department of Physics, Clark University, (6) Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), (7) Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) for the European Space Agency (ESA), STScI, (8) Center for Astrophysical Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University)

    JWST has revealed a class of numerous, extremely compact sources, with rest-frame red optical/near-infrared (NIR) and blue ultraviolet (UV) colours, nicknamed "little red dots". We present one of the highest signal-to-noise ratio JWST NIRSpec/PRISM spectra of a little red dot, J0647_1045 at $z = 4.5321 \pm 0.0001$, and examine its NIRCam morphology, to differentiate the origin of the UV and optical/NIR emission, and elucidate the nature of the little red dot phenomenon. J0647_1045 is unresolved ($r_e < 0.17$ kpc) in the three NIRCam long-wavelength filters, but significantly extended ($r_e = 0.45 \pm 0.06$ kpc) in the three short-wavelength filters, indicating a red compact source in a blue star-forming galaxy. The spectral continuum shows a clear change in slope, from blue in the optical/UV, to red in the restframe optical/NIR, consistent with two distinct components, fit by power-laws with different attenuation: $A_V = 0.54 \pm 0.01$ (UV) and $A_V = 5.7 \pm 0.2$ (optical/NIR). Fitting the H$\alpha$ line requires both broad (full width at half-maximum $\sim 4300 \pm 300 km s^{-1}$) and narrow components, but none of the other emission lines, including H$\beta$, show evidence of broadness. We calculate $A_V = 1.1 \pm 0.2$ from the Balmer decrement using narrow H$\alpha$ and H$\beta$, and $A_V > 4.1 \pm 0.2$ from broad H$\alpha$ and upper limit on broad H$\beta$, consistent with the blue and red continuum attenuation respectively. Based on single-epoch H$\alpha$ linewidth, the mass of the central black hole is $8 \pm 1 \times 10^8 M_\odot$. Our findings are consistent with a multi-component model, where the optical/NIR and broad lines arise from a highly obscured, spatially unresolved region, likely a relatively massive active galactic nucleus, while the less obscured UV continuum and narrow lines arise, at least partly, from a small but spatially resolved star-forming host galaxy.

  • Analysis of the 3.2-3.3 $\mu$m Interstellar Absorption Feature on Three Milky Way Sightlines.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. S. Bernstein, T. R. Geballe

    We report new analyses of spectra of the $3.2-3.3~\mu$m absorption feature observed in the diffuse interstellar medium toward three Milky Way sources: 2MASS $J17470898-2829561$ (2M1747) and the Quintuplet Cluster, both located in the Galactic center, and Cygnus OB2-12. The $3.2-3.3~\mu$m interval coincides with the CH-stretching region for compact polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We focus on the 2M1747 spectrum. Its published optical depth spectrum contains residual telluric transmission features, which arise from the 0.06 difference in mean airmasses between the observations of the source and its telluric standard star. We corrected the published spectrum by adding the airmass residual optical depth spectrum. The corrected spectrum is well fit by a superposition of four Gaussians. The absorption spectra of the other two sources were also fit by four Gaussians, with similar central wavelengths, widths, and relative peak opacities. We associate the three longer wavelength Gaussians covering the $3.23-3.31~\mu$m interval with compact PAHs in positive, neutral, and negative charge states. We identify the shortest wavelength Gaussian, near 3.21 $\mu$m, with irregularly-shaped PAHs. Constraints imposed by spectral smoothness on the corrected 2M1747 spectrum, augmented by a PAH cluster formation model for post-asymptotic giant branch stars, suggests that $> 99$\%\ of the PAHs in the diffuse interstellar medium reside in small clusters. This study supports the PAH hypothesis, and suggests that a family of primarily compact PAHs with a C$_{66}$H$_{20}$ (circumvalene) parent is consistent with the observed mid-infrared and ultraviolet interstellar absorption spectrum.

  • The ALMaQUEST Survey XI: A strong but non-linear relationship between star formation and dynamical equilibrium pressure.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sara L. Ellison, Hsi-An Pan, Asa F. L. Bluck, Mark R. Krumholz, Lihwai Lin, Leslie Hunt, Edvige Corbelli, Mallory D. Thorp, Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros, Sebastian F. Sanchez, Jillian M. Scudder, Salvatore Quai

    We present the extended ALMA MaNGA QUEnching and STar formation survey, a combination of the original 46 ALMaQUEST galaxies plus new ALMA observations for a further 20 interacting galaxies. Three well-studied scaling relations are fit to the 19,999 star-forming spaxels in the extended sample, namely the resolved Schmidt-Kennicutt (rSK) relation, the resolved star forming main sequence (rSFMS) and the resolved molecular gas main sequence (rMGMS). We additionally investigate the relationship between the dynamical equilibrium pressure (PDE) and star formation rate surface density (Sigma_SFR), which we refer to as the resolved PDE (rPDE) relation. Contrary to previous studies that have focussed on normal star-forming galaxies and found an approximately linear rPDE relation, the presence of more vigourously star-forming galaxies in the extended ALMaQUEST sample reveals a marked turnover in the relation at high pressures. Although the scatter around the linear fit to the rPDE relation is similar to the other three relations, a random forest analysis, which can extract non-linear dependences, finds that PDE is unambiguously more important than either Sigma_H2 or Sigma_star for predicting Sigma_SFR. We compare the observed rPDE relation to the prediction of the pressure-regulated feedback-modulated (PRFM) model of star formation, finding that galaxies residing on the global SFMS do indeed closely follow the rPDE relation predicted by the PRFM theory. However, galaxies above and below the global SFMS show significant deviations from the model. Galaxies with high SFR are instead consistent with models that include other contributions to turbulence in addition to the local star formation feedback.

  • On the methodological shortcomings in the Wide Binary Gravity test of Banik et al. 2024.- [PDF] - [Article]

    X. Hernandez, Kyu-Hyun Chae

    Over this last year we have published four independent refereed studies confirming the presence of a gravitational anomaly, from studying the relative velocities and separations on the plane of the sky, $v_{2D}$ and $s_{2D}$ respectively, of wide binary stars observed by the {\it Gaia} satellite. These studies show results which are fully consistent with Newtonian dynamics in a high acceleration $s_{2D}<2000$ au regime, but which conclusively identify MOND phenomenology for the low acceleration $s_{2D}>2000$ au regime. These four studies span a range of sample selection strategies and cover also a range of statistical techniques, in all cases, results are consistent in identifying a change in the effective value of the gravitational constant in the low acceleration $s_{2D}>2000$ au regime of $G \to \gamma G$ with $\gamma=1.5 \pm \sigma_{\gamma}$, with $0.06<\sigma_{\gamma}<0.2$, depending on the sample selection strategy and the statistical modelling implemented. Recently, a contradictory study appeared, Banik et al. (2024) (originally arXiv:2311.03436 in 2023), claiming a 19$\sigma$ statistical preference of a purely Newtonian model over a MOND alternative, looking also at distributions of $v_{2D}$ and $s_{2D}$ for wide binaries from the {\it Gaia} satellite, although only in the $s_{2D}>2000$ au regime. Inspection of said study readily shows the use of a statistical treatment inconsistent with the error structure of the data used. Related to the above, the best fit posterior physical parameters found in Banik et al. (2024), show a lack of correlation with their inferred gravity index. In this brief comment we expand upon the above to show that the results of Banik et al. (2024) are not due to the physics of the problem being treated, but to the methodological problems of that study.

  • $\alpha$-enhanced Astrochemistry: the Carbon cycle in extreme galactic conditions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thomas G. Bisbas, Zhi-Yu Zhang, Eda Gjergo, Ying-He Zhao, Gan Luo, Donghui Quan, Xue-Jian Jiang, Yichen Sun, Theodoros Topkaras, Di Li, Ziyi Guo

    Astrochemistry has been widely developed as a power tool to probe physical properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) in various conditions of the Milky Way (MW) Galaxy, and in near and distant galaxies. Most current studies conventionally apply linear scaling to all elemental abundances based on the gas-phase metallicity. However, these elements, including carbon and oxygen, are enriched differentially by stellar nucleosynthesis and the overall galactic chemical evolution, evident from $\alpha$-enhancement in multiple galactic observations such as starbursts, high-redshift star-forming galaxies, and low-metallicity dwarfs. We perform astrochemical modeling to simulate the impact of an $\alpha$-enhanced ISM gas cloud on the abundances of the three phases of carbon (C$^+$, C, CO) dubbed as `the carbon cycle'. The ISM environmental parameters considered include two cosmic-ray ionization rates ($\zeta_{\rm CR}=10^{-17}$ and $10^{-15}\,{\rm s}^{-1}$), two isotropic FUV radiation field strengths ($\chi/\chi_0=1$ and $10^2$), and (sub-)linear dust-to-gas relations against metallicity, mimicking the ISM conditions of different galaxy types. In galaxies with [C/O] $<$ 0, CO, C and C$^+$ all decrease in both abundances and emission, though with differential biases. The low-$J$ CO emission is found to be the most stable tracer for the molecular gas, while C and C$^+$ trace H$_2$ gas only under limited conditions, in line with recent discoveries of [CI]-dark galaxies. We call for caution when using [CII]~$158\mu$m and [CI](1-0) as alternative H$_2$-gas tracers for both diffuse and dense gas with non-zero [C/O] ratios.

  • Multiple shells driven by disk winds ALMA observations in the HH 30 outflow.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. A. López-Vázquez, Chin-Fei Lee, M. Fernández-López, Fabien Louvet, O. Guerra-Alvarado

    We present archive Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 6 observations of the $^{13}$CO (J=2--1) and $^{12}$CO (J=2--1) molecular line emission of the protostellar system associated with HH 30. The $^{13}$CO molecular line shows the accretion disk while the molecular outflow is traced by the emission of the $^{12}$CO molecular line. We estimated a dynamical mass for the central object of $0.45\pm0.14\,\msun$, and a mass for the molecular outflow of $1.83\pm0.19\times10^{-4}\,\msun$. The molecular outflow presents an internal cavity as well as multiple outflowing shell structures. We distinguish three different shells with constant expansion ($\sim4-6\,\kms$) and possible rotation signatures ($\leq0.5\,\kms$). We find that the shells can be explained by magnetocentrifugal disk winds with launching radii $R_\mathrm{launch}\lesssim4\,\au$ and a small magnetic lever arm $\lambda\sim1.6-1.9$. The multiple shell structure may be the result of episodic ejections of the material from the accretion disk associated with three different epochs with dynamical ages of $497\pm15$ yr, $310\pm9$ yr, and $262\pm11$ yr for the first, second, and third shells, respectively. The outermost shell was ejected $187\pm17$ yr before the medium shell, while the medium shell was launched $48\pm14$ yr before the innermost shell. Our estimations of the linear and angular momentum rates of the outflow as well as the accretion luminosity are consistent with the expected values if the outflow of HH 30 is produced by a wide-angle disk wind.

  • ATOMIUM: Molecular inventory of 17 oxygen-rich evolved stars observed with ALMA.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. H. J. Wallstrom, T. Danilovich, H. S. P. Muller, C. A. Gottlieb, S. Maes, M. Van de Sande, L. Decin, A. M. S. Richards, A. Baudry, J. Bolte, T. Ceulemans, F. De Ceuster, A. de Koter, I. El Mellah, M. Esseldeurs, S. Etoka, D. Gobrecht, E. Gottlieb, M. Gray, F. Herpin, M. Jeste, D. Kee, P. Kervella, T. Khouri, E. Lagadec, J. Malfait, L. Marinho, I. McDonald, K. M. Menten, T. J. Millar, M. Montarges, J. A. Nuth, J. M. C. Plane, R. Sahai, L. B. F. M. Waters, K. T. Wong, J. Yates, A. Zijlstra

    The dusty winds of cool evolved stars are a major contributor of the newly synthesised material enriching the Galaxy and future generations of stars. However, the details of the physics and chemistry behind dust formation and wind launching have yet to be pinpointed. Recent spatially resolved observations show the importance of gaining a more comprehensive view of the circumstellar chemistry, but a comparative study of the intricate interplay between chemistry and physics is still difficult because observational details such as frequencies and angular resolutions are rarely comparable. Aiming to overcome these deficiencies, ATOMIUM is an ALMA Large Programme to study the physics and chemistry of the circumstellar envelopes of a diverse set of oxygen-rich evolved stars under homogeneous observing conditions at three angular resolutions between ~0.02"-1.4". Here we summarize the molecular inventory of these sources, and the correlations between stellar parameters and molecular content. Seventeen oxygen-rich or S-type asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars have been observed in several tunings with ALMA Band 6, targeting a range of molecules to probe the circumstellar envelope and especially the chemistry of dust formation close to the star. We systematically assigned the molecular carriers of the spectral lines and measured their spectroscopic parameters and the angular extent of the emission of each line from integrated intensity maps. Across the ATOMIUM sample, we detect 291 transitions of 24 different molecules and their isotopologues. This includes several first detections in oxygen-rich AGB/RSG stars: PO v=1, SO2 v1=1 and v2=2, and several high energy H2O transitions. We also find several first detections in S-type AGB stars: vibrationally excited HCN v2=2,3 and SiS v=4,5,6, as well as first detections of the molecules SiC, AlCl, and AlF in W Aql...

  • New dwarf galaxy candidates in the sphere of influence of the Sombrero galaxy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ethan Crosby, Helmut Jerjen, Oliver Müller, Marcel S. Pawlowski, Mario Mateo, Federico Lelli

    We report the discovery of 40 new satellite dwarf galaxy candidates in the sphere of influence of the Sombrero galaxy (M104) the most luminous galaxy in the Local Volume. Using the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam, we surveyed 14.4 square degrees of its surroundings, extending to the virial radius. Visual inspection of the deep images and GALFIT modelling yielded a galaxy sample highly complete down to $M_{g}\sim-9$ ($L_{g}\sim3\times 10^{5}\,L_\odot$) and spanning magnitudes $-16.4 < M_g < -8$ and half-light radii $50\,pc\ <\ r_e\ <\ 1600\,pc$ assuming the distance of M104. These 40 new, out of which 27 are group members with high confidence, double the number of potential satellites of M104 within the virial radius, placing it among the richest hosts in the Local Volume. Using a Principle Component Analysis (PCA), we find that the entire sample of candidates consistent with an almost circular on-sky distribution, more circular than any comparable environment found in the Illustris TNG100-1 simulation. However the distribution of the high probability sample is more oblate and consistent with the simulation. The cumulative satellite luminosity function is broadly consistent with analogues from the simulation, albeit it contains no bright satellite with $M_{g}<-16.4$ ($L_{g}\sim3 \times 10^{8}\,L_\odot$), a $2.3\,\sigma$ occurrence. Follow-up spectroscopy to confirm group membership will begin to demonstrate how these systems can act as probes of the structure and formation history of the halo of M104.

  • Transfer learning for galaxy feature detection: Finding Giant Star-forming Clumps in low redshift galaxies using Faster R-CNN.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jürgen Popp, Hugh Dickinson, Stephen Serjeant, Mike Walmsley, Dominic Adams, Kameswara Mantha, Vihang Mehta, James Dawson

    Giant Star-forming Clumps (GSFCs) are areas of intensive star-formation that are commonly observed in high-redshift (z>1) galaxies but their formation and role in galaxy evolution remain unclear. High-resolution observations of low-redshift clumpy galaxy analogues are rare and restricted to a limited set of galaxies but the increasing availability of wide-field galaxy survey data makes the detection of large clumpy galaxy samples increasingly feasible. Deep Learning, and in particular CNNs, have been successfully applied to image classification tasks in astrophysical data analysis. However, one application of DL that remains relatively unexplored is that of automatically identifying and localising specific objects or features in astrophysical imaging data. In this paper we demonstrate the feasibility of using Deep learning-based object detection models to localise GSFCs in astrophysical imaging data. We apply the Faster R-CNN object detection framework (FRCNN) to identify GSFCs in low redshift (z<0.3) galaxies. Unlike other studies, we train different FRCNN models not on simulated images with known labels but on real observational data that was collected by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Legacy Survey and labelled by volunteers from the citizen science project `Galaxy Zoo: Clump Scout'. The FRCNN model relies on a CNN component as a `backbone' feature extractor. We show that CNNs, that have been pre-trained for image classification using astrophysical images, outperform those that have been pre-trained on terrestrial images. In particular, we compare a domain-specific CNN -`Zoobot' - with a generic classification backbone and find that Zoobot achieves higher detection performance and also requires smaller training data sets to do so. Our final model is capable of producing GSFC detections with a completeness and purity of >=0.8 while only being trained on ~5,000 galaxy images.

  • Multiwavelength SED Analysis of X-Ray Selected AGNs at $z=0.2-0.8$ in Stripe 82 Region.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kenta Setoguchi, Yoshihiro Ueda, Yoshiki Toba, Junyao Li, John Silverman, Ryosuke Uematsu

    We perform a systematic, multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis of X-ray detected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) at $z=0.2-0.8$ with SDSS counterparts in the Stripe 82 region, consisting of 60 type-1 and 137 type-2 AGNs covering a 2--10 keV luminosity range of $41.6 < {\rm log}\ L_{\rm x} < 44.7$. The latest CIGALE code, where dusty polar components are included, is employed. To obtain reliable host and AGN parameters in type-1 AGNs, we utilize the image decomposed optical SED of host galaxies by Li et al. (2021) based on the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) images. The mean ratio of black hole masses ($M_{\rm BH}$) and stellar masses ($M_{\rm stellar}$) of our X-ray detected type-1 AGN sample, $\log (M_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm stellar}) = -2.7\pm0.5$, is close to the local relation between black hole and stellar masses, as reported by Li et al. (2021) for SDSS quasars. This ratio is slightly lower than that found for more luminous ($\log L_{\rm bol} > 45$) type-1 AGNs at $z\sim1.5$. This can be explained by the AGN-luminosity dependence of $\log (M_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm stellar})$, which little evolves with redshift. We confirm the trend that the UV-to-X-ray slope ($\alpha_{\rm OX}$) or X-ray-to-bolometric correction factor ($\kappa_{2-10}$) increases with AGN luminosity or Eddington ratio. We find that type-1 and type-2 AGNs with the same luminosity ranges share similar host stellar-mass distributions, whereas type-2s tend to show smaller AGN luminosities than type-1s. This supports the luminosity (or Eddington ratio) dependent unified scheme.

  • Enhanced star formation and metallicity deficit in the USS 1558-003 forming protocluster at z=2.53.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jose Manuel Pérez-Martínez, Tadayuki Kodama, Yusei Koyama, Rhythm Shimakawa, Tomoko L. Suzuki, Kazuki Daikuhara, Kota Adachi, Masato Onodera, Ichi Tanaka

    We use K-band multi-object near-infrared spectroscopy with Keck/MOSFIRE to search for environmental imprints on the gas properties of 27 narrow-band selected H$\alpha$ emitters (HAEs) across the three major clumps of the assembling USS1558--003 protocluster at $z=2.53$. We target the H$\alpha$ and [NII]$\lambda$6584 emission lines to obtain star-formation rates (SFR) and gas-phase oxygen abundances for our sources, confirming the membership of 23 objects. HAEs belonging to this protocluster display enhanced SFRs with respect to the main sequence of star formation at the same cosmic epoch. This effect is more prominent for low-mass galaxies ($\mathrm{\log M_*/M_\odot<10.0}$), which may be experiencing a vigorous phase of mass assembly shortly after they were formed. We compute the individual and stacked gas-phase metallicities for our sources finding a metallicity deficit for low-mass objects when compared against the field mass-metallicity relation and the massive Spiderweb protocluster at $z=2.16$. These results suggest that HAEs within USS1558--003 may be less evolved than those in the Spiderweb protocluster. Finally, we explore the gas metallicity - gas fraction relation for a small sample of five galaxies with CO(3-2) molecular gas information. Assuming our objects are in equilibrium, we obtain a relatively wide range of mass loading factors ($\mathrm{\lambda=0.5-2}$) matching field samples at the cosmic noon but in contrast with our previous results in the Spiderweb protocluster. We speculate that these discrepancies between protoclusters may be (partly) driven by differences in their current dynamical and mass assembly stages, hinting at the co-evolution of protoclusters and their galaxy populations at $2<z<3$.

  • GA-NIFS: JWST discovers an offset AGN 740 million years after the Big Bang.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hannah Übler, Roberto Maiolino, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Francesco D'Eugenio, Michele Perna, Mirko Curti, Santiago Arribas, Andrew Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stéphane Charlot, Bruno Rodríguez Del Pino, William Baker, Torsten Böker, Giovanni Cresci, James Dunlop, Norman A. Grogin, Gareth C. Jones, Nimisha Kumari, Isabella Lamperti, Nicolas Laporte, Madeline A. Marshall, Giovanni Mazzolari, Eleonora Parlanti, Tim Rawle, Jan Scholtz, Giacomo Venturi, Joris Witstok

    A surprising finding of recent studies is the large number of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) associated with moderately massive black holes ($\rm \log(M_\bullet/M_\odot)\sim 6-8$), in the first billion years after the Big Bang ($z>5$). In this context, a relevant finding has been the large fraction of candidate dual AGN, both at large separations (several kpc) and in close pairs (less than a kpc), likely in the process of merging. Frequent black hole merging may be a route for black hole growth in the early Universe; however, previous findings are still tentative and indirect. We present JWST/NIRSpec-IFU observations of a galaxy at $z=7.15$ in which we find evidence for a $\rm \log(M_\bullet/M_\odot)\sim7.7$ accreting black hole, as traced by a broad component of H$\beta$ emission, associated with the Broad Line Region (BLR) around the black hole. This BLR is offset by 620 pc in projection from the centroid of strong rest-frame optical emission, with a velocity offset of $\sim$40 km/s. The latter region is also characterized by (narrow) nebular emission features typical of AGN, hence also likely hosting another accreting black hole, although obscured (type 2, narrow-line AGN). We exclude that the offset BLR is associated with Supernovae or massive stars, and we interpret these results as two black holes in the process of merging. This finding may be relevant for estimates of the rate and properties of gravitational wave signals from the early Universe that will be detected by future observatories like LISA.

  • The HI study of XMP gas-rich dwarfs in nearby voids-I.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sushma Kurapati, Simon A. Pustilnik, Evgeniya S. Egorova

    We present and discuss the results of the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) HI 21-cm line mapping for five isolated low-mass (M_bary ~(2--8)*10^7 Mo) eXtremely Metal Poor (XMP) dwarfs [12+log(O/H)=7.13-7.28], selected from the Nearby Void Galaxy (NVG) sample. All the studied void dwarfs show the disturbed morphology in the HI maps with the angular resolutions of ~11" to ~40". We examine the HI morphology and velocity field and the relative orientation of their stellar and gas body spins. We discuss the overall non-equilibrium state of their gas and the possible origin and evolution of the studied void dwarfs. The most straightforward interpretation of the ubiquitous phenomenon of the gas component non-equilibrium state in these and similar void dwarfs is the cold accretion from the void filaments and/or minor mergers. The cold gas accretion in voids could be linked to the presence of small filaments that constitute the substructure of voids.

  • On the existence, rareness and uniqueness of quenched HI-rich galaxies in the local Universe.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao Li, Cheng Li, H. J. Mo, Jianhong Hu, Jing Wang, Ting Xiao

    Using data from ALFALFA, xGASS, HI-MaNGA and SDSS, we identify a sample of 49 "red but HI-rich"(RR) galaxies with $NUV-r > 5$ and unusually high HI-to-stellar mass ratios. We compare the optical properties and local environments between the RR galaxies and a control sample of "red and HI-normal"(RN) galaxies that are matched in stellar mass and color. The two samples are similar in the optical properties typical of massive red (quenched) galaxies in the local Universe. The RR sample tends to be associated with lower density environments and has lower clustering amplitudes and smaller neighbor counts at scales from several $\times$100kpc to a few Mpc. The results are consistent with that the RR galaxies preferentially locate at the center of low-mass halos, with a median halo mass $\sim 10^{12}h^{-1}M_{\odot}$ compared to $\sim 10^{12.5}h^{-1}M_{\odot}$ for the RN sample. This result is confirmed by the SDSS group catalog which reveals a central fraction of 90% for the RR sample, compared to $\sim 60\%$ for the RN sample. If assumed to follow the HI size-mass relation of normal galaxies, the RR galaxies have an average HI-to-optical radius ratio of $R_{HI}/R_{90}\sim 4$, four times the average ratio for the RN sample. We compare our RR sample with similar samples in previous studies, and quantify the population of RR galaxies using the SDSS complete sample. We conclude that the RR galaxies form a unique but rare population, accounting for only a small fraction of the massive quiescent galaxy population. We discuss the formation scenarios of the RR galaxies.

  • Criss Cross Nebula: Case study of shock regions with resolved microstructures at scales of $\sim$1000 AU.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tao Jing, Cheng Li, Renbin Yan, Cheng Cheng, Wei Zhang, Xihan Ji, Niu Li, Jing Wang, Chaojian Wu, Haibo Yuan

    Using integral field spectroscopy from MaNGA, we study the resolved microstructures in a shocked region in Criss Cross Nebula (CCN), with an unprecedentedly high resolution of $\lesssim$1000 AU. We measure surface brightness maps for 34 emission lines, which can be broadly divided into three categories: (1) the [OIII] $\lambda$5007-like group including seven high-ionization lines and two [OII] auroral lines which uniformly present a remarkable lane structure, (2) the H$\alpha$ $\lambda$6563-like group including 23 low-ionization or recombination lines which present a clump-like structure, and (3) [OII] $\lambda$3726 and [OII] $\lambda$3729 showing high densities at both the [OIII] $\lambda$5007 lane and the H$\alpha$ clump. We use these measurements to constrain resolved shock models implemented in MAPPINGS V. We find our data can be reasonably well-fitted by a model which includes a plane-parallel shock with a velocity of $133\pm5$ km/s, plus an isotropic two-dimensional Gaussian component which is likely another clump of gas ionized by photons from the shocked region, and a constant background. We compare the electron density and temperature profiles as predicted by our model with those calculated using observed emission line ratios. We find different line ratios to provide inconsistent temperature maps, and the discrepancies can be attributed to observational effects caused by limited spatial resolution and projection of the shock geometry, as well as contamination of the additional Gaussian component. Implications on shock properties and perspectives on future IFS-based studies of CCN are discussed.

  • Post-starburst galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA: Two broad categories of evolutionary pathways.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhuo Cheng, Cheng Li, Niu Li, Renbin Yan, Houjun Mo

    We study the size-mass relation (SMR) and recent star formation history (SFH) of post-starburst (PSB) galaxies in the local Universe, using spatially resolved spectroscopy from the final data release of MaNGA. Our sample includes 489 PSB galaxies: 94 cPSB galaxies with central PSB regions, 85 rPSB galaxies with ring-like PSB regions and 310 iPSB galaxies with irregular PSB regions. When compared to control galaxies of similar SFR, redshift and mass, a similar SMR is found for all types of PSB samples except the cPSB galaxies which have smaller sizes at intermediate masses ($9.5\lesssim \log_{10}(\rm M_\ast/M_\odot)\lesssim 10.5$). The iPSB galaxies in the star-forming sequence (iPSB-SF) show no/weak gradients in $\textrm{D}_{n}(4000)$, $\textrm{EW}(\textrm{H}\delta_{A})$ and $\textrm{EW}(\textrm{H}\alpha)$, consistent with the global star-forming status of this type of galaxies, while the quiescent iPSB (iPSB-Q) sample shows negative gradients in $\textrm{D}_{n}(4000)$ and positive gradients in $\textrm{EW}(\textrm{H}\delta_{A})$, indicating older stellar populations in the inner regions. Both cPSB and rPSB samples show positive gradients in $\textrm{D}_{n}(4000)$ and negative gradients in $\textrm{EW}(\textrm{H}\delta_{A})$, indicating younger stellar populations in the inner regions. These results imply that the four types of PSB galaxies can be broadly divided into two distinct categories in terms of evolutionary pathway: (1) iPSB-SF and iPSB-Q which have SMRs and SFHs similar to control galaxies, preferring an inside-out quenching process, (2) rPSB and cPSB which appear to be different stages of the same event, likely to follow the outside-in quenching process driven by disruption events such as mergers that result in a more compact structure as quenching proceeds.

  • The Initial Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20-pc Census of $\sim$3,600 Stars and Brown Dwarfs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Davy Kirkpatrick, Federico Marocco, Christopher R. Gelino, Yadukrishna Raghu, Jacqueline K. Faherty, Daniella C. Bardalez Gagliuffi, Steven D. Schurr, Kevin Apps, Adam C. Schneider, Aaron M. Meisner, Marc J. Kuchner, Dan Caselden, R. L. Smart, S. L. Casewell, Roberto Raddi, Aurora Kesseli, Nikolaj Stevnbak Andersen, Edoardo Antonini, Paul Beaulieu, Thomas P. Bickle, Martin Bilsing, Raymond Chieng, Guillaume Colin, Sam Deen, Alexandru Dereveanco, Katharina Doll, Hugo A. Durantini Luca, Anya Frazer, Jean Marc Gantier, Léopold Gramaize, Kristin Grant, Leslie K. Hamlet, Hiro Higashimura, Michiharu Hyogo, Peter A. Jałowiczor, Alexander Jonkeren, Martin Kabatnik, Frank Kiwy, David W. Martin, Marianne N. Michaels, William Pendrill, Celso Pessanha Machado, Benjamin Pumphrey, Austin Rothermich, et al. (43 additional authors not shown)

    A complete accounting of nearby objects -- from the highest-mass white dwarf progenitors down to low-mass brown dwarfs -- is now possible, thanks to an almost complete set of trigonometric parallax determinations from Gaia, ground-based surveys, and Spitzer follow-up. We create a census of objects within a Sun-centered sphere of 20-pc radius and check published literature to decompose each binary or higher-order system into its separate components. The result is a volume-limited census of $\sim$3,600 individual star formation products useful in measuring the initial mass function across the stellar ($<8 M_\odot$) and substellar ($\gtrsim 5 M_{Jup}$) regimes. Comparing our resulting initial mass function to previous measurements shows good agreement above 0.8$M_\odot$ and a divergence at lower masses. Our 20-pc space densities are best fit with a quadripartite power law, $\xi(M) = dN/dM \propto M^{-\alpha}$ with long-established values of $\alpha = 2.3$ at high masses ($0.55 < M < 8.00 M_\odot$) and $\alpha = 1.3$ at intermediate masses ($0.22 < M < 0.55 M_\odot$), but at lower masses we find $\alpha = 0.25$ for $0.05 < M <0.22 M_\odot$ and $\alpha = 0.6$ for $0.01 < M < 0.05 M_\odot$. This implies that the rate of production as a function of decreasing mass diminishes in the low-mass star/high-mass brown dwarf regime before increasing again in the low-mass brown dwarf regime. Correcting for completeness, we find a star to brown dwarf number ratio of, currently, 4:1, and an average mass per object of 0.41 $M_\odot$.

  • The SAMI Galaxy Survey: $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ drives the presence of complex emission line profiles in star-forming galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Henry R. M. Zovaro, 2), J. Trevor Mendel, 2), Brent Groves, 3), Lisa J. Kewley, 4), Matthew Colless, 2), Andrei Ristea, 3), Luca Cortese, 3), Sree Oh, 2, 5), Francesco D'Eugenio, 6, 7), Scott M. Croom, 8), Ángel R. López-Sánchez, 9, 10), Jesse van de Sande, 8), Sarah Brough, 11), Anne M. Medling, 2, 12, 13), Joss Bland-Hawthorn, 8), Julia J. Bryant, 8, 14) ((1) Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Australian National University, (2) ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), (3) International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, University of Western Australia, (4) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (5) Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, (6) Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge, (7) Cavendish Laboratory - Astrophysics Group, University of Cambridge, (8) Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA), School of Physics, The University of Sydney, (9) Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University, (10) Macquarie University Research Centre for Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrophotonics, (11) School of Physics, University of New South Wales, (12) Ritter Astrophysical Research Center, University of Toledo, (13) Cahill Center for Astronomy & Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology, (14) Australian Astronomical Optics, Astralis-USydney, School of Physics, University of Sydney)

    Galactic fountains driven by star formation result in a variety of kinematic structures such as ionised winds and thick gas disks, both of which manifest as complex emission line profiles that can be parametrised by multiple Gaussian components. We use integral field spectroscopy (IFS) from the SAMI Galaxy Survey to spectrally resolve these features, traced by broad H$\alpha$ components, and distinguish them from the star-forming thin disk, traced by narrow components, in 3068 galaxies in the local Universe. Using a matched sample analysis technique, we demonstrate that the presence of complex emission line profiles in star-forming galaxies is most strongly correlated with the global star formation rate (SFR) surface density of the host galaxy measured within $1R_{\rm e}$ ($\Sigma_{{\rm SFR},R_{\rm e}}$), even when controlling for both observational biases, including inclination, amplitude-to-noise and angular scale, and sample biases in parameters such as stellar mass and SFR. Leveraging the spatially resolved nature of the dataset, we determine that the presence of complex emission line profiles within individual spaxels is driven not only by the local $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$, but by the $\Sigma_{{\rm SFR},R_{\rm e}}$ of the host galaxy. We also parametrise the clumpiness of the SFR within individual galaxies, and find that $\Sigma_{{\rm SFR},R_{\rm e}}$ is a stronger predictor of the presence of complex emission line profiles than clumpiness. We conclude that, with a careful treatment of observational effects, it is possible to identify structures traced by complex emission line profiles, including winds and thick ionised gas disks, at the spatial and spectral resolution of SAMI using the Gaussian decomposition technique.

  • Neutral Hydrogen Mass in Galaxies Estimated via Optical Spectroscopy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dmitry Bizyaev

    We propose to employ emission line luminosities obtained via optical spectroscopy to estimate the content of neutral hydrogen (HI) in galaxies. We use the optical spectroscopy data from the Mapping of Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey released in the frames of public DR17 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We compare the HI mass estimated by us for a large sample of SDSS/MaNGA galaxies with direct HI measurements from the ALFALFA survey and find a tight correlation between the masses with the correlation coefficient (CC) of 0.91 and the r.m.s scatter of 0.15 dex for the logarithmic mass. The obtained relationship is verified via another sample of MaNGA galaxies with HI masses measured with the Green Bank Telescope. Despite the coarser angular resolution of the radio data, the relation between the estimated and measured directly HI mass is tight as well - in this case CC=0.74 and the r.nm.s. is 0.29 dex. The established relations allow us to estimate the total mass of neutral hydrogen as well as the spatial distribution of HI surface density in galaxies from optical spectroscopic observations only in a simple and efficient way.

  • Substructure, supernovae, and a time-resolved star formation history for Upper Scorpius.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Geovanny Briceño-Morales, Julio Chanamé

    The improved astrometry precision of Gaia-eDR3 allows us to perform a detailed study of the Upper Scorpius OB association and revisit its spatial, kinematic, and age substructure. We achieve this by combining clustering techniques and complementing with age estimations based on Gaia photometry. Our census retrieves 3661 candidate members for Upper Scorpius with contamination $\sim$9\%. We also extract an astrometrically clean sample of 3004 sources with contamination $\sim$6\%. We show that Upper Scorpius can be divided into at least 3 main kinematic groups. We systematically investigate and characterize the Upper Scorpius' internal structure, revealing that at least $\sim 34\%$ of its stellar populations are contained in 7 spatial substructures, with well defined boundaries, kinematics and relative ages, with suggested names: $\pi$ Scorpii (20 $^{\pm2}_{\pm1}$ Myr), $\alpha$ Scorpii (14$^{\pm2}_{\pm1}$ Myr), $\delta$ Scorpii (9$^{\pm2}_{\pm1}$ Myr), $\beta$ Scorpii (8$^{\pm1}_{\pm1}$ Myr), $\omega$ Scorpii (8$^{\pm1}_{\pm1}$ Myr), $\nu$ Scorpii (7$^{\pm1}_{\pm1}$ Myr), after their brightest member, and the well known $\rho$ Ophiuchi (4$^{\pm1}_{\pm1}$ Myr). We find a clear correlation in (1) density-age, providing an empirical expansion law to be tested in other associations, and (2) tangential velocity-age, providing constrains on the dynamics of these substructures and the position of potential past triggering events. We estimate the time at which 4 potential supernovae events occurred in Upper Scorpius. Based on these findings, we tie together previous work on the region and suggest a star formation history with unprecedented temporal resolution.

  • Dust Formation in Common Envelope Binary Interaction -- I: 3D Simulations Using the Bowen Approximation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Miguel González-Bolívar, Luis C. Bermúdez-Bustamante, Orsola De Marco, Lionel Siess, Daniel J. Price, Mansi Kasliwal

    We carried out 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of the common envelope binary interaction using the approximation of Bowen to calculate the dust opacity in order to investigate the resulting dust-driven accelerations. We have simulated two types of binary star: a 1.7 and a 3.7 $M_{\odot}$ thermally-pulsating, asymptotic giant branch stars with a 0.6 $M_{\odot}$ companion. We carried out simulations using both an ideal gas and a tabulated equations of state, with the latter considering the recombination energy of the envelope. We found that the dust-driven wind leads to a relatively small increase in the unbound gas, with the effect being smaller for the tabulated equation of state simulations and for the more massive primary. Dust acceleration does contribute to envelope expansion with only a slightly elongated morphology, if we believe the results from the tabulated equation of state as more reliable. The Bowen opacities in the outer envelopes of the two models, at late times, are large enough that the photosphere of the post-inspiral object is about ten times larger compared to the same without accounting for the dust opacities. As such, the prediction of the appearance of the transient would change substantially if dust is included.

  • Influence of protostellar outflows on star and protoplanetary disk formation in a massive star-forming clump.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    U. Lebreuilly, P. Hennebelle, A. Maury, M. González, A. Traficante, R. Klessen, L. Testi, S. Molinari

    Context. Due to the presence of magnetic fields, protostellar jets/outflows are a natural consequence of accretion onto protostars. They are expected to play an important role for star and protoplanetary disk formation. Aims. We aim to determine the influence of outflows on star and protoplanetary disk formation in star forming clumps. Methods. Using RAMSES, we perform the first magnetohydrodynamics calculation of massive star-forming clumps with ambipolar diffusion, radiative transfer including the radiative feedback of protostars and protostellar outflows while systematically resolving the disk scales. We compare it to a model without outflows. Results. We find that protostellar outflows have a significant impact on both star and disk formation. They provide significant additional kinetic energy to the clump, with typical velocities of a few 10 km/s, impact the clump and disk temperatures, reduce the accretion rate onto the protostars and enhance fragmentation in the filaments. We find that they promote a more numerous stellar population. They do not impact much the low mass end of the IMF, which is probably controlled by the mass of the first Larson core, however, that they have an influence on its peak and high-mass end. Conclusions. Protostellar outflows appear to have a significant influence on both star and disk formation and should therefore be included in realistic simulations of star-forming environments.

  • Quantifying the stellar ages of dynamically separated bulges and disks of CALIFA spiral galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yunpeng Jin, Ling Zhu, Stefano Zibetti, Luca Costantin, Glenn van de Ven, Shude Mao

    We employ a recently developed population-orbit superposition technique to simultaneously fit the stellar kinematic and age maps of 82 CALIFA spiral galaxies and obtain the ages of stars in different dynamical structures. We first evaluated the capabilities of this method on CALIFA-like mock data created from the Auriga simulations. The recovered mean ages of dynamically cold, warm, and hot components match the true values well, with an observational error of up to $20\%$ in the mock age maps. For CALIFA spiral galaxies, we find that the stellar ages of the cold, warm, and hot components all increase with the stellar mass of the galaxies, from $\overline{t_{\rm cold}}\sim2.2$ Gyr, $\overline{t_{\rm warm}}\sim2.3$ Gyr, and $\overline{t_{\rm hot}}\sim2.6$ Gyr for galaxies with stellar mass $M_*<10^{10}\,\rm M_{\odot}$, to $\overline{t_{\rm cold}}\sim4.0$ Gyr, $\overline{t_{\rm warm}}\sim5.1$ Gyr, and $\overline{t_{\rm hot}}\sim5.9$ Gyr for galaxies with $M_*>10^{11}\,\rm M_{\odot}$. About $80\%$ of the galaxies in our sample have $t_{\rm hot}>t_{\rm cold}$, and the mean values of $t_{\rm hot}-t_{\rm cold}$ also increase with stellar mass, from $0.7_{-0.2}^{+0.6}$ Gyr in low-mass galaxies ($10^{8.9}\,\rm M_{\odot}<M_*\le10^{10.5}\,\rm M_{\odot}$) to $1.7_{-0.2}^{+0.7}$ Gyr in high-mass galaxies ($10^{10.5}\,\rm M_{\odot}<M_*<10^{11.3}\,\rm M_{\odot}$). The stellar age is younger in disks than in bulges, on average. This suggests that either the disks formed later and/or that they experienced a more prolonged and extensive period of star formation. Lower-mass spiral galaxies have younger bulges and younger disks, while higher-mass spiral galaxies generally have older bulges, and their disks span a wide range of ages. This is consistent with the scenario in which the bulges in more massive spirals formed earlier than those in less massive spirals.

  • Density profile of a self-gravitating polytropic turbulent fluid in a rotating disk near to the cloud core.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. Donkov, I. Zh. Stefanov, T. V. Veltchev, R. S. Klessen

    We obtain two equations (following from two different approaches) for the density profile in a self-gravitating polytropic cylindrically symmetric and rotating turbulent gas disk. The adopted physical picture is appropriate to describe the conditions near to the cloud core where the equation of state of the gas changes from isothermal (in the outer cloud layers) to one of "hard polytrope", and the symmetry changes from spherical to cylindrical. On the assumption of steady state, as the accreting matter passes through all spatial scales, we show that the total energy per unit mass is an invariant with respect to the fluid flow. The obtained equation describes the balance of the kinetic, thermal and gravitational energy of a fluid element. We also introduce a method for approximating density profile solutions (in a power-law form), leading to the emergence of three different regimes. We apply, as well, dynamical analysis of the motion of a fluid element. Only one of the regimes is in accordance with the two approaches (energy and force balance). It corresponds to a density profile of a slope -2, polytropic exponent 3/2, and sub-Keplerian rotation of the disk, when the gravity is balanced by the thermal pressure. It also matches with some observations and numerical works and, in particular, leads to a second power-law tail (of a slope approx. -1) of the density distribution function in dense, self-gravitating cloud regions.


  • Mitigation of the Brighter-Fatter Effect in the LSST Camera.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alex Broughton, Yousuke Utsumi, Andrés Plazas Malagón, Christopher Waters, Craig Lage, Adam Snyder, Andrew Rasmussen, Stuart Marshall, Jim Chiang, Simona Murgia, Aaron Roodman

    Thick, fully depleted charge-coupled devices (CCDs) are known to exhibit non-linear behavior at high signal levels due to the dynamic behavior of charges collecting in the potential wells of pixels, called the brighter-fatter effect (BFE). This particularly impacts bright calibration stars, which appear larger than their intrinsic shape, creating a flux-dependent point-spread function (PSF) that if left unmitigated, could make up a large fraction of the error budget in Stage IV weak-lensing (WL) surveys such as the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). In this paper, we analyze image measurements of flat fields and artificial stars taken at different illumination levels with the LSST Camera (LSSTCam) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in order to quantify this effect in the LSST Camera before and after a previously introduced correction technique. We observe that the BFE evolves anisotropically as a function of flux due to higher-order BFEs, which violates the fundamental assumption of this correction method. We then introduce a new sampling method based on a physically motivated model to account these higher-order terms in the correction, and then we test the modified correction on both datasets. We find that the new method corrects the effect in flat fields better than it corrects the effect in artificial stars which we conclude is the result of a unmodeled curl component of the deflection field by the correction. We use these results to define a new metric for the full-well capacity of our sensors and advise image processing strategies to further limit the impact of the effect on LSST WL science pathways.

  • Basic Survey Scheduling for the Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yan-Peng Chen, Ji-an Jiang, Wen-Tao Luo, Xian Zhong Zheng, Min Fang, Chao Yang, Yuan-Yu Hong, Zong-Fei Lv

    Aiming at improving the survey efficiency of the Wide Field Survey Telescope, we have developed a basic scheduling strategy that takes into account the telescope characteristics, observing conditions, and weather conditions at the Lenghu site. The sky area is divided into rectangular regions, referred to as `tiles', with a size of 2.577 deg * 2.634 deg slightly smaller than the focal area of the mosaic CCDs. These tiles are continuously filled in annulars parallel to the equator. The brightness of the sky background, which varies with the moon phase and distance from the moon, plays a significant role in determining the accessible survey fields. Approximately 50 connected tiles are grouped into one block for observation. To optimize the survey schedule, we perform simulations by taking into account the length of exposures, data readout, telescope slewing, and all relevant observing conditions. We utilize the Greedy Algorithm for scheduling optimization. Additionally, we propose a dedicated dithering pattern to cover the gaps between CCDs and the four corners of the mosaic CCD array, which are located outside of the 3 deg field of view. This dithering pattern helps to achieve relatively uniform exposure maps for the final survey outputs.

  • Metadata for the Flux Density Calibration of the April 2018 Event Horizon Telescope Data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Y. Koay, C. Romero-Cañizales, L. D. Matthews, M. Janssen, L. Blackburn, R. P. J. Tilanus, J. Park, K. Asada, S. Matsushita, A.-K. Baczko, N. La Bella, C.-K. Chan, G. B. Crew, V. Fish, N. Patel, V. Ramakrishnan, H. Rottmann, J. Wagner, K. Wiik, P. Friberg, C. Goddi, S. Issaoun, G. Keating, J. Kim, T.P. Krichbaum, D. Marrone, G. Narayanan, A. Roy, I. Ruíz, S. Sánchez, P. Torne, J. Weintroub

    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations carried out in 2018 April at 1.3 mm wavelengths included 9 stations in the array, comprising 7 single-dish telescopes and 2 phased arrays. The metadata package for the 2018 EHT observing campaign contains calibration tables required for the a-priori amplitude calibration of the 2018 April visibility data. This memo is the official documentation accompanying the release of the 2018 EHT metadata package, providing an overview of the contents of the package. We describe how telescope sensitivities, gain curves and other relevant parameters for each station in the EHT array were collected, processed, and validated to produce the calibration tables.

  • Physical Symbolic Optimization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wassim Tenachi, Rodrigo Ibata, Foivos I. Diakogiannis

    We present a framework for constraining the automatic sequential generation of equations to obey the rules of dimensional analysis by construction. Combining this approach with reinforcement learning, we built $\Phi$-SO, a Physical Symbolic Optimization method for recovering analytical functions from physical data leveraging units constraints. Our symbolic regression algorithm achieves state-of-the-art results in contexts in which variables and constants have known physical units, outperforming all other methods on SRBench's Feynman benchmark in the presence of noise (exceeding 0.1%) and showing resilience even in the presence of significant (10%) levels of noise.

  • Direct Exoplanet Detection Using Deep Convolutional Image Reconstruction (ConStruct): A New Algorithm for Post-Processing High-Contrast Images.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Trevor N. Wolf, Brandon A. Jones, Brendan P. Bowler

    We present a novel machine-learning approach for detecting faint point sources in high-contrast adaptive optics imaging datasets. The most widely used algorithms for primary subtraction aim to decouple bright stellar speckle noise from planetary signatures by subtracting an approximation of the temporally evolving stellar noise from each frame in an imaging sequence. Our approach aims to improve the stellar noise approximation and increase the planet detection sensitivity by leveraging deep learning in a novel direct imaging post-processing algorithm. We show that a convolutional autoencoder neural network, trained on an extensive reference library of real imaging sequences, accurately reconstructs the stellar speckle noise at the location of a potential planet signal. This tool is used in a post-processing algorithm we call Direct Exoplanet Detection with Convolutional Image Reconstruction, or ConStruct. The reliability and sensitivity of ConStruct are assessed using real Keck/NIRC2 angular differential imaging datasets. Of the 30 unique point sources we examine, ConStruct yields a higher S/N than traditional PCA-based processing for 67$\%$ of the cases and improves the relative contrast by up to a factor of 2.6. This work demonstrates the value and potential of deep learning to take advantage of a diverse reference library of point spread function realizations to improve direct imaging post-processing. ConStruct and its future improvements may be particularly useful as tools for post-processing high-contrast images from the James Webb Space Telescope and extreme adaptive optics instruments, both for the current generation and those being designed for the upcoming 30 meter-class telescopes.

  • Ranging Sensor Fusion in LISA Data Processing: Treatment of Ambiguities, Noise, and On-Board Delays in LISA Ranging Observables.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jan Niklas Reinhardt, Martin Staab, Kohei Yamamoto, Jean-Baptiste Bayle, Aurélien Hees, Olaf Hartwig, Karsten Wiesner, Sweta Shah, Gerhard Heinzel

    Interspacecraft ranging is crucial for the suppression of laser frequency noise via time-delay interferometry (TDI). So far, the effect of on-board delays and ambiguities in the LISA ranging observables was neglected in LISA modelling and data processing investigations. In reality, on-board delays cause offsets and timestamping delays in the LISA measurements, and PRN ranging is ambiguous, as it only determines the range up to an integer multiple of the pseudo-random noise (PRN) code length. In this article, we identify the four LISA ranging observables: PRN ranging, the sideband beatnotes at the interspacecraft interferometer, TDI ranging, and ground-based observations. We derive their observation equations in the presence of on-board delays, noise, and ambiguities. We then propose a three-stage ranging sensor fusion to combine these observables in order to gain optimal ranging estimates. We propose to calibrate the on-board delays on ground and to compensate the associated offsets and timestamping delays in an initial data treatment (stage 1). We identify the ranging-related routines, which need to run continuously during operation (stage 2), and implement them numerically. Essentially, this involves the reduction of ranging noise, for which we develop a Kalman filter combining the PRN ranging and the sideband beatnotes. We further implement crosschecks for the PRN ranging ambiguities and offsets (stage 3). We show that both ground-based observations and TDI ranging can be used to resolve the PRN ranging ambiguities. Moreover, we apply TDI ranging to estimate the PRN ranging offsets.

  • A novel nuclear recoil calibration for liquid noble gas detectors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fengbo Gu, Jiangfeng Zhou, Junhui Liao, Yuanning Gao, Zhuo Liang, Meiyuenan Ma, Zhaohua Peng, Lifeng Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jian Zheng

    According to many dark matter models, a potential signal registered in a detector would have the feature of a single-scattering nuclear recoil (NR). So, it is crucial to calibrate a dark matter detector's NR response. The calibration conventionally implements $\sim$ keV to MeV neutrons, which might be produced by an accelerator, a neutron generator, or a radioactive source. The calibrating method can be improved in several ways: (a) the incident neutron energy can be more monoenergetic, (b) the calibrating NR energy should line up with the ROI (Region Of Interest) of the experiment, (c) the flux of the calibrating beam should be appropriate. In the paper, we introduce a novel NR calibration method for liquid helium detectors, in which a helium beam ($\alpha$ particles) will be implemented to calibrate the detectors. The helium beam can (i) be tuned precisely to have a jitter of $\lesssim $ 4\% (the $\alpha$ beam's kinetic energy is equivalent to the recoil energy in the conventional calibrations with fast neutrons); (ii) have an energy between $\sim$ 100 eV and tens of keV; and (iii) have a tunable flux down to 10$^{10}$/s, which corresponds to $\sim$ 100 Hz events rate in a liquid helium detector; so the events pileup would be ignorable.


  • Loop correction and resummation of vertex functions for a self interacting scalar field in the de Sitter spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sourav Bhattacharya, Sudesh Kumar

    We consider a massless and minimally coupled self interacting quantum scalar field theory in the inflationary de Sitter background of dimension four. The self interaction potential is taken to be either quartic, $\lambda \phi^4/4!$, or quartic plus cubic, $\lambda \phi^4/4!+\beta \phi^3/3!$ ($\lambda \,{\ensuremath >}\,0$). We compute the four and three point vertex functions up to two loop. The purely local or partly local part of these renormalised loop corrected vertex functions grow unboundedly after sufficient number of de Sitter $e$-foldings, due to the appearances of secular logarithms. We focus on the purely local part of the vertex functions and attempt a resummation of them in terms of the dynamically generated mass of the scalar field at late times. It turns out that the resummed, non-perturbative effective vertex functions have values less than that of the tree level. The variation of these vertex functions are investigated with respect to the tree level couplings numerically. Since neither the secular effect, nor the dynamical generation of field mass is possible in the Minkowski spacetime, the above phenomenon has no flat spacetime analogue.

  • Diffeomorphism-invariant action principles for trace-free Einstein gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Merced Montesinos, Diego Gonzalez

    Trace-free Einstein gravity is a theory of gravity that is an alternative to general relativity, wherein the cosmological constant arises as an integration constant. However, there are no fully diffeomorphism-invariant action principles available that lead to the equations of motion of this theory. Unimodular gravity comes close to this idea, but it relies on action principles that are invariant only under volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. We present a real $BF$-type action principle for trace-free Einstein gravity that is fully diffeomorphism-invariant and does not require any unimodular condition or nondynamical fields. We generalize this action principle by giving another one involving a free parameter.

  • Rescuing the Unruh Effect in Lorentz Violating Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    F. Del Porro, M. Herrero-Valea, S. Liberati, M. Schneider

    While the robustness of Hawking radiation in the presence of UV Lorentz breaking is well-established, the Unruh effect has posed a challenge, with a large literature concluding that even the low-energy restoration of Lorentz invariance may not be sufficient to sustain this phenomenon. Notably, these previous studies have primarily focused on Lorentz-breaking matter on a conventional Rindler wedge. In this work, we demonstrate that considering the complete structure of Lorentz-breaking gravity, specifically the presence of a hypersurface orthogonal aether field, leads to the selection of a new Rindler wedge configuration characterized by a uniformly accelerated aether flow. This uniform acceleration provides a reference scale for comparison with the Lorentz-breaking one, thus ensuring the persistence of the Unruh effect in this context. We establish this by calculating the expected temperature using a Bogolubov approach, and by analyzing the response of a uniformly accelerated detector. We suggest that this resilience of the Unruh effect opens interesting possibilities towards future developments for using it as a tool to constrain Lorentz breaking theories of gravity.

  • Islands Far Outside the Horizon.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raphael Bousso, Geoff Penington

    Information located in an entanglement island in semiclassical gravity can be nonperturbatively reconstructed from distant radiation, implying a radical breakdown of effective field theory. We show that this occurs well outside of the black hole stretched horizon. We compute the island associated to large-angular momentum Hawking modes of a four-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. These modes typically fall back into the black hole but can be extracted to infinity by relativistic strings or, more abstractly, by asymptotic boundary operators constructed using the timelike tube theorem. Remarkably, we find that their island can protrude a distance of order $\sqrt{\ell_p r_{\rm hor}}$ outside the horizon. This is parametrically larger than the Planck scale $\ell_p$ and is comparable to the Bohr radius for supermassive black holes. Therefore, in principle, a distant observer can determine experimentally whether the black hole information information paradox is resolved by complementarity, or by a firewall.

  • Impact of Charge on Complexity Analysis and Isotropic Decoupled Solutions in $f(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{T})$ Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Sharif, Tayyab Naseer

    In this paper, we formulate two exact charged solutions to the field equations by extending the domain of existing anisotropic models with the help of minimal gravitational decoupling in $f(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{T})$ theory. For this, the anisotropic fluid distribution is considered as a seed source that is extended through the inclusion of a new gravitational source. The influence of the later matter configuration is controlled by the decoupling parameter. We formulate the field equations corresponding to the total matter source that are then decoupled into two distinct sets by implementing a transformation only on the radial metric coefficient. Both of these under-determined sets correspond to their parent sources. Some well-behaved forms of the metric potentials are taken into account to deal with the first set of equations. On the other hand, we solve the second set corresponding to an additional source by taking different constraints on the matter sector. We then consider the radius and mass of a compact star $4U~1820-30$ to analyze the physical feasibility of the resulting solutions for a particular modified model. It is concluded that our resulting solutions show stable behavior for certain values of the decoupling parameter and charge.

  • Periodic boundary conditions and $G_2$ cosmology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alan Coley, Woei Chet Lim

    In the standard concordance cosmology the spatial curvature is assumed to be constant and zero (or at least very small). In particular, in numerical computations of the structure of the universe using N-body simulations, exact periodic boundary conditions are assumed which constrains the spatial curvature. In order to confirm this qualitatively, we numerically evolve a special class of spatially inhomogeneous $G_2$ models with both periodic initial data and non periodic initial data using zooming techniques. We consequently demonstrate that in these models periodic initial conditions do indeed suppress the growth of the spatial curvature as the models evolve away from their initial isotropic and spatially homogeneous state, thereby verifying that the spatial curvature is necessarily very small in standard cosmology.

  • $T\Bar{T}$ deformation on non-Hermitian two coupled SYK model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chenhao Zhang, Wenhe Cai

    We investigate $T\Bar{T}$ deformation on non-Hermitian coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model and the holographic picture. The relationship between ground state and thermofield double state is preserved under the $T\Bar{T}$ deformation. We prove that $T\Bar{T}$ deformed theory provides a reparameterization in large $N$ limit. These deformation effects is calculated numerically with green functions and free energy. The thermodynamic phase structures show the equivalence of the wormhole-black hole picture between non-Hermitian model and Hermitian model still holds under $T\Bar{T}$ deformation. We also study the correlation function in Lorentz time and revival dynamic.

  • How to detect the spacetime curvature without rulers and clocks. II. Three-dimensional spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. V. Nenashev, S. D. Baranovskii

    We have generalized the results of the previous work [arXiv:2302.12209] to the case of three-dimensional (3D) spacetime with two spatial and one temporal coordinates. We have found that the flat Minkowski 3D spacetime is "well-stitched", which means that it possesses a structure described by 24 causal relations between 12 events. We have proved that a 3D spacetime is "well-stitched" if and only if it is conformally flat. The concept of a "well-stitched" spacetime does not rely on metrical information about lengths, times, etc., and does not belong to the metric geometry, but rather to geometry of incidence. We therefore have "translated" an important concept of a conformally-flat spacetime from the "metric" language of Riemannian geometry to the "non-metric" language of the geometry of incidence. The results of this paper provide a tool for detecting the curvature of the 3D spacetime on the basis of causal relations only, without any measurement instruments like rulers and clocks, provided that the spacetime is not conformally flat.

  • Gravitational wave double copy of radiation from gluon shockwave collisions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Himanshu Raj, Raju Venugopalan

    In a recent paper, we showed that the gravitational wave spectrum from trans-Planckian shockwave scattering in Einstein gravity is determined by the gravitational Lipatov vertex expressed as the bilinear double copy $\Gamma^{\mu\nu} = \frac12 C^\mu C^\nu - \frac12 N^\mu N^\nu$ where $C^\mu$ is the QCD Lipatov vertex and $N^\mu$ is the QED soft photon factor. We show here that this result can be directly obtained by careful application of the classical color-kinematic duality to the spectrum obtained in gluon shockwave collisions.

  • Cutoff brane vs the Karch-Randall brane: the fluctuating case.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu, Qiang Wen

    Recently, certain holographic Weyl transformed CFT$_2$ is proposed to capture the main features of the AdS$_3$/BCFT$_2$ correspondence \cite{Basu:2022crn,Basu:2023wmv}. In this paper, by adapting the Weyl transformation, we simulate a generalized AdS/BCFT set-up where the fluctuation of the Karch-Randall (KR) brane is considered. In the gravity dual of the Weyl transformed CFT, the so-called cutoff brane induced by the Weyl transformation plays the same role as the KR brane. Unlike the non-fluctuating configuration, in the $2d$ effective theory the additional twist operator is inserted at a different places, compared with the one inserted on the brane. Though this is well-understood in the Weyl transformed CFT set-up, it is confusing in the AdS/BCFT set-up where the effective theory is supposed to locate on the brane. This confusion indicates that the KR brane may be emergent from the boundary CFT$_2$ via the Weyl transformations. We also calculate the balanced partial entanglement (BPE) in the fluctuating brane configurations and find it coincide with the entanglement wedge cross-section (EWCS). This is a non-trivial test for the correspondence between the BPE and the EWCS, and a non-trivial consistency check for the Weyl transformed CFT set-up.

  • Path integral derivation of the thermofield double state in causal diamonds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abhijit Chakraborty, Carlos R. Ordóñez, Gustavo Valdivia-Mera

    In this article, we follow the framework given in the article Physica A, 158, pg 58-63 (1989) by R. Laflamme to derive the thermofield double state for a causal diamond using the Euclidean path integral formalism, and subsequently derive the causal diamond temperature. The interpretation of the physical and fictitious system in the thermofield double state arises naturally from the boundary conditions of the fields defined on the Euclidean sections of the cylindrical background geometry $S^{1}_{\beta}\times \mathbb{R}$, where $\beta$ defines the periodicity of the Euclidean time coordinate and $S^{1}_{\beta}$ is the one-dimensional sphere (circle). The temperature detected by a static diamond observer at $x=0$ matches with the thermofield double temperature derived via this path integral procedure.

  • O$(D,D)$-covariant formulation of perfect and imperfect fluids in the double geometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eric Lescano, Nahuel Mirón-Granese, Yuho Sakatani

    We study generic matter coupled to a $D$-dimensional supergravity using a formulation of Double Field Theory (DFT), where all the fields are encoded in O$(D,D)$ multiplets. We study both the case when the matter comes from a variational principle, as well as the case where the matter comes from a statistical or thermodynamic approach. For the latter, we construct the distribution function for the perfect fluid and its entropy current, which is a conserved quantity. We then include general viscous and elastic terms in the generalized energy-momentum tensor which, in the general case, lead to entropy production. We consistently deform the conservation law of the generalized entropy current and identify a particular non-dissipative deformation. Using the generalized fluid model, we revisit the issue of non-covariance of perfect fluids under T-dualities and we show how to resolve it in our DFT model with matter.

  • Embedding the stationary spacetimes into Brans-Dicke cosmology via conformal transformations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dilek K. Çiftci, Ali Demirözlü

    A conformal transformation of a static or stationary spacetime by a time dependent conformal scale factor ${S(\tau )}^2$ is one of the methods of producing a cosmological spacetime. Using this knowledge and Brans-Dicke (BD) field equations, we investigate two time dependent metrics, including Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime and conformally transformed Kerr-Newman black hole, and we obtain solutions that allow different expansion rates for each geometry. These expansion rates depend on the matter content of the conformally transformed geometry. We state that the BD scalar field yields accelerated expansion of the conformal spacetime if the original metric has vacuum geometry, and no acceleration if the original spacetime has some curvature or matter content in it.

  • Quantum time in near-horizon region of a black hole.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    H. Hadi, F. Darabi, K.Atazadeh

    The understanding of time and dynamics can be elucidated by examining the concept of entanglement in quantum theory. This particular perspective on time is referred to as the timeless approach, which posits that the universe exists in a fixed state where two separate subsystems, namely the "clock" and the "rest," are entangled. By selecting an appropriate observable for the clock, the state of the rest of the universe evolves unitarily in relation to the variable that labels the clock observable's eigenstates, which is then interpreted as time. This intriguing model, initially introduced by Page and Wootters, has also been applied to the context of curved spacetime. In this study, we explore various uncertainties pertaining to the dynamics of the rest of the universe within a curved spacetime, including ambiguities related to the clock, the system's time evolution, the flow of time, and the recording of its history. Our investigation is primarily focused on the near horizon region of a black hole, as the peculiar behavior of quantum effects in this area allows for a thorough examination of the timeless depiction proposed by Page and Wootters in describing the system's dynamics within curved spacetime. This analysis may be valuable for quantum gravity projects that align with the approach put forth by Page and Wootters. It is worth noting that the application of the Page and Wootters approach in this particular region results in a distinct clock without any ambiguity. However, the other aforementioned issues, unlike those resolved in the realm of quantum mechanics, persist in this region.

  • Rapid localization of gravitational wave sources from compact binary coalescences using deep learning.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chayan Chatterjee, Manoj Kovalam, Linqing Wen, Damon Beveridge, Foivos Diakogiannis, Kevin Vinsen

    The mergers of neutron star-neutron star and neutron star-black hole binaries are the most promising gravitational wave events with electromagnetic counterparts. The rapid detection, localization and simultaneous multi-messenger follow-up of these sources is of primary importance in the upcoming science runs of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration. While prompt electromagnetic counterparts during binary mergers can last less than two seconds, the time scales of existing localization methods that use Bayesian techniques, varies from seconds to days. In this paper, we propose the first deep learning-based approach for rapid and accurate sky localization of all types of binary coalescences, including neutron star-neutron star and neutron star-black hole binaries for the first time. Specifically, we train and test a normalizing flow model on matched-filtering output from gravitational wave searches. Our model produces sky direction posteriors in milliseconds using a single P100 GPU, which is three to six orders of magnitude faster than Bayesian techniques.

  • Ownerless island and partial entanglement entropy in island phases.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Debarshi Basu, Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu, Qiang Wen

    In the context of partial entanglement entropy (PEE), we study the entanglement structure of the island phases realized in several 2-dimensional holographic set-ups. The self-encoding property of the island phase changes the way we evaluate the PEE. With the contributions from islands taken into account, we give a generalized prescription to construct PEE and balanced partial entanglement entropy (BPE). Here the ownerless island region, which lies inside the island $\text{Is}(AB)$ of $A\cup B$ but outside $\text{Is}(A)\cup \text{Is}(B)$, plays a crucial role. Remarkably, we find that under different assignments for the ownerless island, we get different BPEs, which exactly correspond to different saddles of the entanglement wedge cross-section (EWCS) in the entanglement wedge of $A\cup B$. The assignments can be settled by choosing the one that minimizes the BPE. Furthermore, under this assignment we study the PEE and give a geometric picture for the PEE in holography, which is consistent with the geometric picture in the no-island phases.

  • Vacuum Branching, Dark Energy, Dark Matter.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Don Weingarten

    Beginning with the Everett-DeWitt many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, there have been a series of proposals for how the state vector of a quantum system might split at any instant into orthogonal branches, each of which exhibits approximately classical behavior. In an earlier version of the present work, we proposed a decomposition of a state vector into branches by finding the minimum of a measure of the mean squared quantum complexity of the branches in the branch decomposition. In the present article, we adapt the earlier version to quantum electrodynamics of electrons and protons on a lattice in Minkowski space. The earlier version, however, here is simplified by replacing a definition of complexity based on the physical vacuum with a definition based on the bare vacuum. As a consequence of this replacement, the physical vacuum itself is expected to branch yielding branches with energy densities slightly larger than that of the unbranched vacuum but no observable particle content. If the vacuum energy renormalization constant is chosen as usual to give 0 energy density to the unbranched vacuum, vacuum branches will appear to have a combination of dark energy and dark matter densities. The hypothesis that vacuum branching is the origin of the observed dark energy and dark matter densities leads to an estimate of $O(10^{-18} m^3)$ for the parameter $b$ which enters the complexity measure governing branch formation and sets the boundary between quantum and classical behavior.

  • Static and spherically symmetric black holes in gravity with a background Kalb-Ramond field.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ke Yang, Yue-Zhe Chen, Zheng-Qiao Duan, Ju-Ying Zhao

    The Lorentz symmetry of gravity is spontaneously broken when the nonminimally coupled Kalb-Ramond field acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value. In this work, we present exact solutions for static and spherically symmetric black holes in the framework of this Lorentz-violating gravity theory. In order to explore the physical implications of Lorentz violation, we analyze the thermodynamic properties of the obtained solutions and evaluate the impact of Lorentz violation on some classical gravitational experiments within the Solar System. Furthermore, the Lorentz-violating parameter is constrained by using the measured results of these experiments.

  • Multiplicative Anomaly matches Casimir Energy for GJMS Operators on Spheres.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. Aros, F. Bugini, D.E. Díaz, B. Zúñiga

    An explicit formula to compute the multiplicative anomaly or defect of $\zeta$-regularized products of linear factors is derived, by using a Feynman parametrization, generalizing Shintani-Mizuno formulas. Firstly, this is applied on $n$-spheres, reproducing known results in the literature. Then, this framework is applied to a closed Einstein universe at finite temperature, namely $S^1_{\beta}\times S^{n-1}$. In doing so, it is shown that the standard Casimir energy for GJMS operators coincides with the accumulated multiplicative anomaly for the shifted Laplacians that build them up. This equivalence between Casimir energy and multiplicative anomaly, unnoticed so far to our knowledge, brings about a new turn regarding the physical significance of the multiplicative anomaly, putting both now on equal footing. An emergent improved Casimir energy, that takes into account the multiplicative anomaly among the building Laplacians, is also discussed.

  • Kinematic and energy properties of dynamical regular black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sebastian Murk, Ioannis Soranidis

    Nonsingular black holes have received much attention in recent years as they provide an opportunity to avoid the singularities inherent to the mathematical black holes predicted by general relativity. Based on the assumption that semiclassical physics remains valid in the vicinity of their horizons, we derive kinematic properties of dynamically evolving spherically symmetric regular black holes. We review the Hawking--Ellis classification of their associated energy-momentum tensors and examine the status of the null energy condition in the vicinity of their horizons as well as their interior. In addition, we analyze the trajectory of a moving observer, find that the horizons can be crossed on an ingoing geodesic, and thus entering and exiting the supposedly trapped spacetime region is possible. We outline the ramifications of this result for the information loss problem and black hole thermodynamics. Throughout the article, we illustrate relevant features based on the dynamical generalization of the regular black hole model proposed in J. High Energy Phys. 09, 118 (2022) and elucidate connections to the only self-consistent dynamical physical black hole solutions in spherical symmetry.

  • Third-order relativistic fluid dynamics at finite density in a general hydrodynamic frame.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Saulo M. Diles, Alex S. Miranda, Luis A. H. Mamani, Alex M. Echemendia, Vilson T. Zanchin

    The motion of water is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations, which are complemented by the continuity equation to ensure local mass conservation. In this work, we construct the relativistic generalization of these equations through a gradient expansion for a fluid with conserved charge in a curved $d$-dimensional spacetime. We adopt a general hydrodynamic frame approach and introduce the Irreducible-Structure (IS) algorithm, which is based on derivatives of both the expansion scalar and the shear and vorticity tensors. By this method, we systematically generate all permissible gradients up to a specified order and derive the most comprehensive constitutive relations for a charged fluid, accurate to third-order gradients. These constitutive relations are formulated to apply to ordinary, non-conformal, and conformally invariant charged fluids. Furthermore, we examine the hydrodynamic frame dependence of the transport coefficients for a non-conformal charged fluid up to the third order in the gradient expansion. The frame dependence of the scalar, vector, and tensor parts of the constitutive relations is obtained in terms of the field redefinitions of the fundamental hydrodynamic variables. Managing these frame dependencies is challenging due to their non-linear character. However, in the linear regime, these higher-order transformations become tractable, enabling the identification of a set of frame-invariant coefficients. An advantage of employing these coefficients is the possibility of studying the linear equations of motion in any chosen frame and, hence, we apply this approach to the Landau frame. Subsequently, these linear equations are solved in momentum space, yielding dispersion relations for shear, sound, and diffusive modes for a non-conformal charged fluid, expressed in terms of the frame-invariant transport coefficients.

  • Page curves and replica wormholes from random dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jan de Boer, Jildou Hollander, Andrew Rolph

    We show how to capture both the non-unitary Page curve and replica wormhole-like contributions that restore unitarity in a toy quantum system with random dynamics. The motivation is to find the simplest dynamical model that captures this aspect of gravitational physics. In our model, we evolve with an ensemble of Hamiltonians with GUE statistics within microcanonical windows. The entropy of the averaged state gives the non-unitary curve, the averaged entropy gives the unitary curve, and the difference comes from matrix index contractions in the Haar averaging that connect the density matrices in a replica wormhole-like manner.

  • Conformally symmetric wormhole solutions supported by non-commutative geometries in the context of $f(Q,T)$ gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Moreshwar Tayde, Zinnat Hassan, P.K. Sahoo

    This paper examines wormhole geometries in the context of $f(Q,T)$ gravity under the background of non-commutative distributions. We discuss the analytical solutions assuming spherical symmetry and the presence of conformal Killing vectors, which provides a systematic approach for seeking exact wormhole solutions. Specifically, the imposition of conformal symmetry places noteworthy constraints on the model, shaping the analytical outcomes more precisely. We studied the properties of traversable wormholes under both Gaussian and Lorentzian distributions and noticed that NEC and SEC are violated in the neighborhood of the wormhole throat. We also observed the influence of model parameters as well as non-commutative parameters for these violations. Employing the "volume integral quantifier," it is established that conformally symmetric wormhole geometries may, in principle, be constructed with infinitesimally small amounts of matter, violating the averaged null energy condition. Further, equilibrium forces and the complexity factor of the non-commutative distributed wormholes have also been explored.

  • de Sitter local thermodynamics in $f(R)$ gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G.E. Volovik

    We consider the local thermodynamics of the de Sitter state in the $f({\cal R})$ gravity. The local temperature, which is the same for all points of the de Sitter space, is $T=H/\pi$, where $H$ is the Hubble parameter. It is twice larger than the Gibbons-Hawking temperature of the cosmological horizon, $T_{\rm GH}=H/2\pi$. The local temperature is not related to the cosmological horizon. It determines the rate of the activation processes, which are possible in the de Sitter environment. The typical example is the process of the ionization of the atom in the de Sitter environment, which rate is determined by temperature $T=H/\pi$. The local temperature determines the local entropy of the de Sitter vacuum state, and this allows to calculate the total entropy inside the cosmological horizon. The result reproduces the Gibbons-Hawking area law, $S_{\rm hor}=4\pi KA$. But in the $f({\cal R})$ theory it is the Wald entropy, which is determined by the effective gravitational coupling $K=df/d{\cal R}$. In the local thermodynamic approach, $K$ is the thermodynamic variable, which is conjugate to the Ricci scalar curvature ${\cal R}$. The agreement with the Wald entropy supports the suggestion that the de Sitter quantum vacuum is characterized by the local thermodynamics of the quantum vacuum with the local temperature $T=H/\pi$.


  • 2023 Update of $\varepsilon_K$ with lattice QCD inputs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Seungyeob Jwa, Jeehun Kim, Sunghee Kim, Sunkyu Lee, Weonjong Lee, Jaehoon Leem, Jeonghwan Pak, Sungwoo Park

    We report recent progress on $\varepsilon_K$ evaluated directly from the standard model (SM) with lattice QCD inputs such as $\hat{B}_K$, $|V_{cb}|$, $|V_{us}|$, $|V_{ud}|$, $\xi_0$, $\xi_2$, $\xi_\text{LD}$, $f_K$, and $m_c$. We find that the standard model with exclusive $|V_{cb}|$ and lattice QCD inputs describes only 66\% of the experimental value of $|\varepsilon_K|$ and does not explain its remaining 34\%, which corresponds to a strong tension in $|\varepsilon_K|$ at the $4.9\sigma \sim 3.9\sigma$ level between the SM theory and experiment. We also find that this tension disappears when we use the inclusive value of $|V_{cb}|$ obtained using the heavy quark expansion based on the QCD sum rule approach.

  • Real-time correlators in 3+1D thermal lattice gauge theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kirill Boguslavski, Paul Hotzy, David I. Müller

    Real-time quantities like spectral functions and transport coefficients are crucial for a proper understanding of the quark-gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Their numerical computation is plagued by a severe sign problem inherent in the real-time formulation of lattice field theories. In this letter, we present the first direct ab-initio computation of unequal-time correlation functions in non-Abelian lattice gauge theory, which are necessary to extract real-time quantities. We demonstrate non-trivial consistency relations among correlators, time-translation invariance, and agreement with Monte-Carlo results for thermal equilibrium in 3+1 dimensions by employing our stabilized complex Langevin method. Our work sets the stage to extract real-time observables in lattice gauge theory in a first-principles real-time framework.

  • Semi-visible jets, energy-based models, and self-supervision.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luigi Favaro, Michael Krämer, Tanmoy Modak, Tilman Plehn, Jan Rüschkamp

    We present DarkCLR, a novel framework for detecting semi-visible jets at the LHC. DarkCLR uses a self-supervised contrastive-learning approach to create observables that are approximately invariant under relevant transformations. We use background-enhanced data to create a sensitive representation and evaluate the representations using a normalized autoencoder as a density estimator. Our results show a remarkable sensitivity for a wide range of semi-visible jets and are more robust than a supervised classifier trained on a specific signal.

  • Entanglement in massive Schwinger model at finite temperature and density.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sebastian Grieninger, Kazuki Ikeda, Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Ismail Zahed

    We evaluate the entanglement entropy and entropic function of massive two dimensional QED (Schwinger model) at finite temperature, density, and $\theta$-angle. In the strong coupling regime, the entropic function is dominated by the boson mass for large spatial intervals, and reduces to the CFT result for small spatial intervals. We also discuss the entanglement spectrum at finite temperature and a finite $\theta$-angle.

  • Kaluza-Klein tower and bubble nucleation in six dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Min-Seok Seo

    We study the implication of the distance and the cobordism conjecture on the 6-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory compactified on $S^2$. In this toy model, the radion potential is stabilized by the conspiracy of the curvature of $S^2$ and the flux through $S^2$ parametrized by $f$, and uplifted by the positive 6-dimensional cosmological constant parametrized by $\lambda$. When $\lambda=0$, the radion is stabilized at the anti-de Sitter (AdS) vacuum, which cannot be interpolated to the Minkowski vacuum since the Kaluza-Klein (KK) tower descends from UV in the vanishing limit of the 4-dimensional cosmological constant. For nonzero $\lambda$ which realizes the metastable de Sitter (dS) vacuum, as well as the AdS and the Minkowski vacuum, such an obstruction can be found provided the combination $f^2\lambda$ is fixed and the limit $\lambda\to 0$ is taken. Moreover, the 6-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory allows the transition between vacua through the nucleation of the bubble. In this case, the values of the 4-dimensional cosmological constant inside and outside the bubble are different as $f$ is changed at the bubble wall, while $\lambda$ remains unchanged. Regarding the AdS vacuum with the vanishing curvature radius as the `nothing', we find that the transition from the metastable dS vacuum to the nothing is not prevented by the descent of the KK tower since $f^2\lambda$ is not fixed.

  • Speed of Sound in Magnetized Nuclear Matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rajkumar Mondal, Nilanjan Chaudhuri, Pradip Roy, Sourav Sarkar

    Employing the non-linear Walecka model we investigate the characteristics of nuclear matter under the influence of a background magnetic field at a finite temperature and baryon chemical potential. In the presence of the magnetic field the spinodal lines and the critical end point (CEP) undergo changes in the $T-\mu_B$ plane. The squared speed of sound exhibits anisotropic behavior, dividing into parallel and perpendicular components. Additionally, the presence of a magnetic field induces anisotropy in the isothermal compressibility. It is found that the parallel component is smaller than the perpendicular one for all values of temperature, chemical potential and magnetic field indicating that the equation of state is stiffer along the magnetic field direction.

  • Implications of Gamma Ray Burst GRB221009A for Extra Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Janus Capellan Aban, Chuan-Ren Chen, Yuan-Feng Hsieh, Chrisna Setyo Nugroho

    Anomalous high energy photons, known as GRB221009A, with 18 TeV and 251 TeV were observed by LHAASO and Carpet-2 recently. Such observation of high energy gamma-ray bursts from distant source causes a mystery since high energy photons suffer severe attenuation before reaching the earth. One possibility is the existence of axion-like particles (ALP), and high energy photons at the source can convert to these ALPs which travel intergalactically. In this paper, we study the effects of extra dimensions on the conversion probability between photon and ALPs. The conversion probability saturates and may reach almost $100\%$ for high energy photons. We show that the size of extra dimension affects the energy at which saturation occurs. The observations of high-energy photons may support the possibility of smaller extra dimension.

  • Probing CP Violation in Dark Sector through the Electron Electric Dipole Moment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jia Liu, Yuichiro Nakai, Yoshihiro Shigekami, Muyuan Song

    The Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) stands as a promising framework for exploring physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Within this context, we explore the possibility that the two Higgs doublets may serve as a window into CP-violating dark sectors, neutral under the SM gauge groups. Specifically, our focus is on investigating the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron, generated solely by CP violation in the dark sector. We present a general formula for the electron EDM, without specifying the structure of the dark sectors, and discuss the current constraints on various dark sector models. It is noteworthy that even in the case of a CP-conserving 2HDM, the resulting electron EDM is capable of reaching the current experimental limit, with CP violation arising exclusively from the dark sectors. Furthermore, we introduce a heavy dark sector (HDS) approximation for the analytic calculation of the EDM, assuming that the dark sector particles are much heavier than the physical states in the 2HDM. This approximation yields simplified analytic results that are consistent with the full numerical calculations.

  • Gravitational Wave as a Probe of Light Feebly Interacting Dark Matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuchao Gu, Liangliang Su, Lei Wu, Yongcheng Wu, Bin Zhu

    Light feebly interacting dark matter is widely predicted in a plethora of new physics models. However, due to very feeble couplings with the Standard Model particles, its relic density produced via the relativistic thermal freeze-out process easily exceeds the observed value. The entropy dilution in an early matter-dominated era provides an attractive mechanism for solving such an overabundance problem. In this work, we note that this dark matter dilution mechanism will lead to two distinctive kinks in the primordial GW spectrum, whose frequencies strongly correlate with the DM mass. We show that the GW detectors, such as Cosmic Explorer (CE) and Big Bang Observer (BBO), can measure the kinks in the primordial GW spectrum and will offer a new avenue to probe light feebly interacting dark matter.

  • Quark-versus-gluon tagging in CMS Open Data with CWoLa and TopicFlow.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthew J. Dolan, John Gargalionis, Ayodele Ore

    We use the CMS Open Data to examine the performance of weakly-supervised learning for tagging quark and gluon jets at the LHC. We target $Z$+jet and dijet events as respective quark- and gluon-enriched mixtures and derive samples both from data taken in 2011 at 7 TeV, and from Monte Carlo. CWoLa and TopicFlow models are trained on real data and compared to fully-supervised classifiers trained on simulation. In order to obtain estimates for the discrimination power in real data, we consider three different estimates of the quark/gluon mixture fractions in the data. Compared to when the models are evaluated on simulation, we find reversed rankings for the fully- and weakly-supervised approaches. Further, these rankings based on data are robust to the estimate of the mixture fraction in the test set. Finally, we use TopicFlow to smooth statistical fluctuations in the small testing set, and to provide uncertainty on the performance in real data.

  • The recursive structure of Baikov representations II: the top-down reduction with intersection theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xuhang Jiang, Ming Lian, Li Lin Yang

    Following our previous study of the recursive structure of Baikov representations, we discuss its application in the integration-by-parts reduction of Feynman integrals. We combine the top-down reduction approach with the recursive structure, which can greatly simplify the calculation for each sector in many cases. We introduce a new concept called the top-sector ISP reduction, which generalizes the maximal-cut reduction by retaining the sub-sector information. After subtracting the top-sector components, we provide a general method to transform the remaining integrand explicitly to sub-sectors, such that the reduction procedure can be carried out recursively. In this work, we use the intersection theory to demonstrate our method, although it can be applied to any implementation of the integration-by-parts reduction.

  • Higher order dynamical charge fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bhanu Sharma, P. K. Sahu

    The event-by-event charge fluctuation measurements are proposed to provide the signature of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in heavy-ion collisions. Measure of dynamical charge fluctuations is expected to carry information of initial fractional charge of the QGP phase at the final state. We propose the higher order charge fluctuation measurement to study the QGP signal in heavy-ion collisions. This higher order charge fluctuation observable can amplify the signature of QGP. Also, the SMASH model is used to study the behavior of these observable in heavy-ion collisions at center of mass energies accessible in the STAR beam energy scan program.

  • Exploring Charmonium-like Molecular Resonances from Deeply Bound $D \bar D_1$, $D^* \bar D_1$, and $D^* \bar D_2^*$ Molecules.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhi-Peng Wang, Fu-Lai Wang, Guang-Juan Wang, Xiang Liu

    Resonance phenomena are well-known in various areas of physics. Based on the scenario of decoding the mysterious $Y(4220)$, $Y(4360)$, and $\psi(4415)$ states as the $S$-wave deeply bound $D \bar D_1$, $D^* \bar D_1$, and $D^* \bar D_2^*$ molecules, respectively, we predict the existence of charmonium-like molecular resonances by utilizing the one-boson-exchange model and the complex scaling method. A conclusive finding is that the existence of deeply bound charmonium-like molecules must indicate the existence of $S$-wave deeply bound $C$-parity partners. While no radially excited $S$-wave resonances were found, our results suggest the existence of $P$-wave $D \bar D_1$, $D^* \bar D_1$, and $D^* \bar D_2^*$ molecular resonances. We expect future experiments to search for such molecular resonances predicted here, which will not only enrich the ongoing construction of "Particle Zoo 2.0" but also provide a crucial hint to scrutinize the assignments of hadronic molecules to the $Y(4220)$, $Y(4360)$, and $\psi(4415)$ states.

  • Higgs self-coupling measurements at the FCC-hh.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Birgit Stapf, Angela Taliercio, Elisabetta Gallo, Kerstin Tackmann, Paola Mastrapasqua

    The hadron collider phase of the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) is a proton-proton collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 100 TeV. It is one of the most ambitious projects planned for the rest of this century and offers ample opportunities in the hunt for new physics, both through its direct detection reach as well as through indirect evidence from precision measurements. Extracting a precision measurement of the Higgs self-coupling from the Higgs pair production cross-section will play a key role in our understanding of electroweak symmetry breaking, as the self-coupling gives insight into the nature of the Higgs potential. With the large data set of in total 30 $\text{ab}^{-1}$ which is envisioned to be collected during the FCC-hh runtime the Higgs self-coupling will be determined down to the percent level. This paper presents prospect studies for Higgs self-coupling measurements in the $b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ and $b\bar{b}\ell\ell + E_{\text{T}}^{\text{miss}}$ final states, with the combined, expected precision on the Higgs self-coupling modifier $\kappa_{\lambda}$ reaching 3.2-5.7% at 68% confidence level, assuming all other Higgs couplings follow their Standard Model expectations and depending on the systematic uncertainties assumed. This high precision is mostly driven by the $b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ final state analysis, while the $b\bar{b}\ell\ell + E_{\text{T}}^{\text{miss}}$ final state - newly studied for its FCC-hh prospects in this document - on its own reaches a maximum precision of roughly 20% on $\kappa_{\lambda}$.

  • Axion and Dark Fermion Electromagnetic Form Factors in Superfluid He-4.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wei Chao, Sichun Sun, Xin Wang, Chen-Hui Xie

    Condensed matter materials have shown great potential in searching for light dark matter (DM) via detecting the phonon or magnon signals induced by the scattering of DMs off the materials. In this paper, we study the possibility of detecting electromagnetic form factors of fermionic DM and axion-like particles (ALPs) using superfluid Helium-4. The phonon induced by a sub-GeV fermionic DM scattering off the superfluid can be described using the effective field theory with the interaction between DM and the bulk ${}^4$He. Signals arising from the electromagnetic form factors of light DM in the presence of an external electric field are calculated. Projected constraints on the charge radius, the anapole moment, and the magnetic moment of the DM are derived with 1 kg$\cdot$year exposure. The phonon signal induced by the scattering of ALPs off the superfluid is also calculated, which can put competitive and the first direct detection bounds on ALP-photon-dark photon couplings in the projected experiments.

  • Momentum anisotropy generation in a hybrid approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Niklas Götz, Lucas Constantin, Hannah Elfner

    Anisotropic flow emerges in all three of hybrid approaches: initial conditions, viscous relativistic hydrodynamics as well as hadronic transport. Previous works focus mainly on a constant or temperature dependent shear viscosity $\eta/s$. Here instead, we study qualitatively the effect of a generalized $\eta/s(T,\mu_B)$ in the hybrid approach SMASH-vHLLE-hybrid. The parameterization takes into account the constraints of matching to the transport coefficients in the hadronic phase, as well as of recent Bayesian analysis results. We compare the effect of the different parameterizations in the intermediate energy region of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=7.7 - 39.0 GeV. We observe that using the energy density dependent parameterization decreases the effect of the point of particlization. In addition, we quantify the uncertainty due to different initial state profiles, including the SMASH initial conditions as well as TrENTo and IP-Glasma profiles. It can be shown that the initial state transverse momentum impacts final state momentum anisotropy.

  • Charged pion production in the annihilation reactions $e^+ + e^- \to p + \bar{n} +\pi^-$ and $e^+ + e^- \to n + \bar{p} +\pi^+$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. I. Gakh, M.I. Konchatnij, N.P. Merenkov, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson

    The nonresonant mechanism in the reactions $e^+\,e^-\to \pi^-\,p\,\bar{n}$ and $e^+\,e^-\to \pi^+\,n\,\bar{p}$ is investigated in frame of the one-photon exchange approximation. The description of the hadronic phase space and the invariant amplitude formalism, earlier developed for the neutral pion channel, are applied here. Some modifications are required to fulfill the invariance and to account for an additional contribution due to diagram with the pion pole. Two different variants which lead to dipole and monopole asymptotic behaviour of the pion electromagnetic form factor, are considered. The double and single distributions over the invariant variables as well the total cross section, are obtained. The results are plotted for $s=$5,\,6,\,10,\,16\, GeV$^2$. The calculations are performed for the $\pi^-\,p\,\bar{n}$ channel and the rules to proceed to the $\pi^+\,n\,\bar{p}$ channel are formulated for every distribution.

  • Analytical solutions for quantum radiation reaction in high-intensity lasers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    T. G. Blackburn

    While the Landau-Lifshitz equation, which describes classical radiation reaction, can be solved exactly and analytically for a charged particle accelerated by a plane electromagnetic wave, no such solutions are available for quantum radiation reaction. Yet upcoming experiments with ultrarelativistic electron beams and high-intensity lasers will explore the regime where both radiation-reaction and quantum effects are important. Here we present analytical solutions for the mean and variance of the energy distribution of an electron beam that collides with a pulsed plane electromagnetic wave, which are obtained by means of a perturbative expansion in the quantum parameter $\chi_0$. These solutions capture both the quantum reduction in the radiated power and stochastic broadening, and are shown to be accurate across the range of experimentally relevant collision parameters, i.e. GeV-class electron beams and laser amplitudes $a_0 \lesssim 200$.

  • Calculation of SU(2) string tension in the continuum limit by an effective theory of center vortices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zahra Asmaee, Motahareh Kiamari, Sedigheh Deldar

    The area law fall-off for the Wilson loop average has been confirmed by lattice calculations. Using an effective theory for an ensemble of center vortices, we observe the area law fall-off in the continuum limit for the SU(2) gauge group in three-dimensional Euclidean space-time. The string tension is obtained in terms of the intrinsic properties of the vortices and the parameter describing their interactions. A good qualitative agreement between our results and the lattice ones is observed. In addition, we show that the repulsive force between the vortices increases with temperature. This behavior is expected due to the reduction of vortex structures at higher temperatures, required for the deconfinement regime.

  • p-adic reconstruction of rational functions in multi-loop amplitudes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Herschel A. Chawdhry

    Numerical reconstruction techniques are widely employed in the calculation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes. In recent years, it has been observed that the rational functions in multi-loop calculations greatly simplify under partial fractioning. In this article, we present a technique to reconstruct rational functions directly in partial-fractioned form, by evaluating the functions at special integer points chosen for their properties under a p-adic metric. As an application, we apply this technique to reconstruct the largest rational function in the integration-by-parts reduction of one of the rank-5 integrals appearing in 2-loop 5-point full-colour massless QCD amplitude calculations. The number of required numerical probes (per prime field) is found to be around 25 times smaller than in conventional techniques, and the obtained result is 130 times smaller. The reconstructed result displays signs of additional structure that could be used to further reduce its size and the number of required probes.

  • Extracting the Asymptotic Behavior of S-matrix Elements from their Phases.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ira Z. Rothstein, Michael Saavedra

    The asymptotic kinematic limits of S-matrices are dominated by large logarithms which, roughly speaking, fall into two categories: those which are controlled by a renormalization group (RG) scale, which we may think of as logs involving ratios of invariant mass scales, and those which are functions of ratios of rapidities, so called "rapidity logs". It has been pointed out by Caron-Huot and Wilhlem [1] that RG anomalous dimension can be extracted from the phase of the S-matrix, which can greatly simplify calculations via unitarity methods. In this paper we generalize the results of [1] to show that the phase can be used to reconstruct rapidity anomalous dimensions, by performing a complex boost. The methodology introduced here also allows one to calculate without the need for a rapidity regulator. We demonstrate the use of this method to derive the rapidity anomalous dimensions in the Sudakov form factor, the two parton soft function and the Regge trajectory in QCD.

  • Revisiting the averaged annihilation rate of thermal relics at low temperature.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Arbey, N.F. Mahmoudi, M. Palmiotto

    We derive a low-temperature expansion of the formula to compute the average annihilation rate $\langle \sigma v \rangle$ for dark matter in $\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetric models, both in the absence and the presence of mass degeneracy in the spectrum near the dark matter candidate. We show that the result obtained in the absence of mass degeneracy is compatible with the analytic formulae in the literature, and that it has a better numerical behaviour for low temperatures. We also provide as ancillary files two Wolfram Mathematica notebooks which perform the two expansions at any order.

  • Coulomb-Nuclear Interference in polarized pA scattering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    B. Z. Kopeliovich, M. Krelina, I. K. Potashnikova

    We made the first attempt to understand the observed unusual t-dependence of single-spin asymmetry observed in the HJET experiment at RHIC. On the contrary to the usual division of the interaction amplitudes to pure electromagnetic and strong interaction terms with Coulomb corrections (Coulomb phase), we combine Usually the interaction of hadrons is is presented as long-range Coulomb interaction and short-range strong interaction with Coulomb corrections. Such a division gives rise to a Coulomb phase of the hadronic term. On the contrary, here we consider short-range hadronic interaction as a correction to the long-range electromagnetic term, i.e. treat it as absorptive corrections. They significantly affect the Coulomb-nuclear interference, which is a source of single-spin azimuthal asymmetry at very small angles.

  • Asymmetric particle-antiparticle Dirac equation: second quantization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gustavo Rigolin

    We build the fully relativistic quantum field theory related to the asymmetric Dirac fields. These fields are solutions of the asymmetric Dirac equation, a Lorentz covariant Dirac-like equation whose positive and "negative" frequency plane wave solutions' dispersion relations are no longer degenerate. At the second quantization level, we show that this implies that particles and antiparticles sharing the same wave number have different energies and momenta. In spite of that, we prove that by properly fixing the values of the relativistic invariants that define the asymmetric Dirac free field Lagrangian density, we can build a consistent, fully relativistic, and renormalizable quantum electrodynamics (QED) that is empirically equivalent to the standard QED. We discuss the reasons and implications of this non-trivial equivalence, exploring qualitatively other scenarios in which the asymmetric Dirac fields may lead to beyond the standard model predictions. We conjecture that this non-degeneracy in the energies for particles and antiparticles may lead to a fully relativistic understanding of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the present day universe as well as to an alternative way of modeling the gravitational interaction between a particle and an antiparticle. We give a complete account of how the asymmetric Dirac fields and the corresponding annihilation and creation operators transform under improper Lorentz transformations (parity and time reversal operations) and under the charge conjugation operation. We also prove that the present theory respects the CPT theorem.

  • Two-loop helicity amplitudes for $H+$jet production to higher orders in the dimensional regulator.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thomas Gehrmann, Petr Jakubčík, Cesare Carlo Mella, Nikolaos Syrrakos, Lorenzo Tancredi

    In view of the forthcoming High-Luminosity phase of the LHC, next-to-next-to-next-to-leading (N$^3$LO) calculations for the most phenomenologically relevant processes become necessary. In this work, we take the first step towards this goal for H$+$jet production by computing the one- and two-loop helicity amplitudes for the two contributing processes, $H\to ggg$, $H\to q\bar{q}g$, in an effective theory with infinite top quark mass, to higher orders in the dimensional regulator. We decompose the amplitude in scalar form factors related to the helicity amplitudes and in a new basis of tensorial structures. The form factors receive contributions from Feynman integrals which were reduced to a novel canonical basis of master integrals. We derive and solve a set of differential equations for these integrals in terms of Multiple Polylogarithms (MPLs) of two variables up to transcendental weight six.

  • Gravitational waves from first-order phase transition in an electroweakly interacting vector dark matter model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomohiro Abe, Katsuya Hashino

    We consider gravitational waves in an electroweakly interacting vector dark matter (DM) model. The gauge symmetry of the model is ${\rm SU}(3)_C\times{\rm SU}(2)_0\times{\rm SU}(2)_1\times{\rm SU}(2)_2\times {\rm U}(1)_Y$, and an exchange symmetry between ${\rm SU}(2)_0$ and ${\rm SU}(2)_2$ is imposed to ensure the stability of the DM. Above the electroweak scale, phase transition ${\rm SU}(2)_0\times{\rm SU}(2)_1\times{\rm SU}(2)_2 \to {\rm SU}(2)_L$ occurs. All new particles in the model are bosons, and the new gauge couplings can be relatively large within the perturbative regime. Thus, a potential barrier is easily produced during the phase transition. Consequently, the phase transition can be strongly first-order and produces detectable gravitational waves. The results depend on $m_{h'}$, which is the mass of the $Z_2$-even new scalar particle under the exchange symmetry, and on $m_V$, which is the mass of the vector DM. We find that the model can be tested by future observations of the gravitational waves from the first-order phase transition if 2.5 TeV $\lesssim m_{h'} \lesssim$ 3.5 TeV for $m_V =$ 7 TeV, 1.6 TeV $\lesssim m_{h'} \lesssim$ 2.5 TeV for $m_V =$ 5 TeV, and 2.8 TeV $\lesssim m_{h'} \lesssim$ 3.5 TeV for $m_V = 3$ TeV, respectively.

  • Sterile neutrino searches with reactor antineutrinos using coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. P. Behera, D. K. Mishra, P. K. Netrakanti, R. Sehgal, R. Dey, V. Jha

    We present an analysis on the sensitivity to the active-sterile neutrino mixing with Germanium (Ge) and Silicon (Si) detectors in the context of the proposed coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus experiment in India. The study has been carried out with 3 (active) $+$ 1 (sterile) neutrino oscillation model. It is observed that the measurements that can be carried out with the Ge detector exhibit better sensitivity to the active-sterile neutrino mixing as compared to the Si detector. Both detectors are able to exclude most of the anomaly regions observed by the GALLIUM experiment. The Ge detector with mass 10 kg, can observe the active-sterile neutrino oscillation at 95$\%$ confidence level, provided that $\sin^{2}2\theta_{14}\geq 0.09$ at $\Delta m^{2}_{41}$ = 1.0 eV$^{2}$ for an exposure of 1-yr. At higher values of $\Delta m^{2}_{41}$, a better sensitivity is obtained at a short baseline. It is also found that the threshold as well as resolution of the detectors play a crucial role on the measurements of active-sterile neutrino mixing parameters.

  • Exploring the flavor structure of quarks and leptons with reinforcement learning.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Satsuki Nishimura, Coh Miyao, Hajime Otsuka

    We propose a method to explore the flavor structure of quarks and leptons with reinforcement learning. As a concrete model, we utilize a basic value-based algorithm for models with $U(1)$ flavor symmetry. By training neural networks on the $U(1)$ charges of quarks and leptons, the agent finds 21 models to be consistent with experimentally measured masses and mixing angles of quarks and leptons. In particular, an intrinsic value of normal ordering tends to be larger than that of inverted ordering, and the normal ordering is well fitted with the current experimental data in contrast to the inverted ordering. A specific value of effective mass for the neutrinoless double beta decay and a sizable leptonic CP violation induced by an angular component of flavon field are predicted by autonomous behavior of the agent. Our finding results indicate that the reinforcement learning can be a new method for understanding the flavor structure.

  • Properties of the $\eta_q$ leading-twist distribution amplitude and its effects to the $B/D^+ \to\eta^{(\prime)}\ell^+ \nu_\ell$ decays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dan-Dan Hu, Xing-Gang Wu, Hai-Bing Fu, Tao Zhong, Zai-Hui Wu, Long Zeng

    The $\eta^{(\prime)}$-mesons in the quark-flavor basis are mixtures of two mesonic states $|\eta_{q}\rangle=|\bar u u+\bar d d\rangle/\sqrt 2$ and $|\eta_{s}\rangle=|\bar s s\rangle$. In the previous work, we have made a detailed study on the $\eta_{s}$ leading-twist distribution amplitude. As a sequential work, in the present paper, we fix the $\eta_q$ leading-twist distribution amplitude by using the light-cone harmonic oscillator model for its wave function and by using the QCD sum rules within the QCD background field to calculate its moments. The input parameters of $\eta_q$ leading-twist distribution amplitude $\phi_{2;\eta_q}$ at an initial scale $\mu_0\sim 1$ GeV are then fixed by using those moments. The sum rules for the $0_{\rm th}$-order moment can also be used to fix the magnitude of $\eta_q$ decay constant, which gives $f_{\eta_q}=0.141\pm0.005$ GeV. As an application of the present derived $\phi_{2;\eta_q}$, we calculate the transition form factors $B(D)^+ \to\eta^{(\prime)}$ by using the QCD light-cone sum rules up to twist-4 accuracy and by including the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the twist-2 part, and then fix the related CKM matrix element and the decay width for the semi-leptonic decays $B(D)^+ \to\eta^{(\prime)}\ell^+ \nu_\ell$.

  • Novel approach to measure quark/gluon jets at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Petr Baroň, Michael H. Seymour, Andrzej Siódmok

    In this paper, we present a new proposal on how to measure quark/gluon jet properties at the LHC. The measurement strategy takes advantage of the fact that the LHC has collected data at different energies. Measurements at two or more energies can be combined to yield distributions of any jet property separated into quark and gluon jet samples on a statistical basis, without the need for an independent event-by-event tag. We illustrate our method with a variety of different angularity observables, and discuss how to narrow down the search for the most useful observables.

  • Planar three-loop QCD helicity amplitudes for $V$+jet production at hadron colliders.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thomas Gehrmann, Petr Jakubčík, Cesare Carlo Mella, Nikolaos Syrrakos, Lorenzo Tancredi

    We compute the planar three-loop Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) corrections to the helicity amplitudes involving a vector boson $V=Z,W^\pm,\gamma^*$, two quarks and a gluon. These amplitudes are relevant to vector-boson-plus-jet production at hadron colliders and other precision QCD observables. The planar corrections encompass the leading colour factors $N^3$, $N^2 N_f$, $N N_f^2$ and $N_f^3$. We provide the finite remainders of the independent helicity amplitudes in terms of multiple polylogrithms, continued to all kinematic regions and in a form which is compact and lends itself to efficient numerical evaluation.

  • Probing the Short-Distance Structure of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with Energy Correlators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhong Yang, Yayun He, Ian Moult, Xin-Nian Wang

    Energy-energy-correlators (EEC's) are a promising observable to study the dynamics of jet evolution in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) through its imprint on angular scales in the energy flux of final-state particles. We carry out the first complete calculation of EEC's using realistic simulations of high-energy heavy-ion collisions, and dissect the different dynamics underlying the final distribution through analyses of jet propagation in a uniform medium. The EEC's of $\gamma$-jets in heavy-ion collisions are found to be enhanced by the medium response from elastic scatterings instead of induced gluon radiation at large angles. In the meantime, EEC's are suppressed at small angles due to energy loss and transverse momentum broadening of jet shower partons. These modifications are further shown to be sensitive to the angular scale of the in-medium interaction, as characterized by the Debye screening mass. Experimental verification and measurement of such modifications will shed light on this scale, and the short-distance structure of the QGP in heavy-ion collisions.

  • A global analysis of the SMEFT under the minimal MFV assumption.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Riccardo Bartocci, Anke Biekötter, Tobias Hurth

    We present comprehensive global fits of the SMEFT under the $\textit{minimal}$ minimal flavour violation (MFV) hypothesis, i.e. assuming that only the flavour-symmetric and CP-invariant operators are relevant at the high scale. The considered operator set is determined by theory rather than the used datasets. We establish global limits on these Wilson coefficients using leading order and next-to-leading order SMEFT predictions for electroweak precision observables, Higgs, top, flavour and dijets data as well as measurements from parity violation experiments and lepton scattering. Our investigations reveal an intriguing crosstalk among different observables, underscoring the importance of combining diverse observables from various energy scales in global SMEFT analyses.

  • Non-universal Milan factors for QCD jets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Farid Hounat

    Using the dispersive method we perform a two-loop analysis of the leading non-perturbative power correction to the change in jet transverse momentum $p_T$, in the small $R$ limit of a Cambridge-Aachen jet clustering algorithm. We frame the calculation in such a way so as to maintain connection with the universal "Milan factor" that corrects for the naive inclusive treatment of the leading hadronization corrections. We derive an enhancement factor that differs from the universal Milan factor computed for event-shape variables as well as the corresponding enhancement factor previously derived for the $k_t$ algorithm. Our calculation directly exploits the soft and triple-collinear limit of the QCD matrix element and phase space, which is relevant for capturing the coefficient of the leading $1/R$ power correction. As an additional check on our new calculational framework, we also independently confirm the known result for the $k_t$ algorithm.

  • Compatibility between theoretical predictions and experimental data for top-antitop hadroproduction at NNLO QCD accuracy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Javier Mazzitelli, Sven-Olaf Moch, Oleksandr Zenaiev

    We compare double-differential normalized production cross sections for top-antitop $+ X$ hadroproduction at NNLO QCD accuracy, as obtained through a customized version of the MATRIX framework interfaced to PineAPPL, with recent data by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. We take into account theory uncertainties due to scale variation and we see how predictions vary as a function of parton distribution function (PDF) choice and top-quark pole mass value, considering different state-of-the-art PDF fits with their uncertainties. Notwithstanding the overall reasonable good agreement, we observe discrepancies at the level of a few $\sigma$'s between data and theoretical predictions in some kinematical regions, which can be alleviated by refitting the top-quark mass value, and/or the PDFs and/or $\alpha_s(M_Z)$, considering the correlations between these three quantities. In a fit of top-quark mass standalone, we notice that, for all considered PDF + $\alpha_s(M_Z)$ sets used as input, some datasets point towards top-quark pole mass values lower by about $2\,\sigma$'s than those emerging from fitting other datasets, suggesting a possible tension between experimental measurements using different decay channels, and/or the need of better estimating uncertainties on the latter.


  • A Foray on SCFT$_3$ via Super Spinor-Helicity and Grassmann Twistor Variables.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sachin Jain, Dhruva K.S, Deep Mazumdar, Shivang Yadav

    In this paper, we develop a momentum super space formalism for $\mathcal{N}=1,2$ superconformal field theories in three dimensions. First, we solve for super-correlators in the usual momentum superspace variables. However, we found that expressing quantities in super space spinor helicity variables greatly simplifies the analysis. Further, by performing a "half" Fourier transform of the Grassmann coordinates which is analogous to the Twistor transform, an even more remarkable simplification occurs. Using these formalism, we first compute all three point correlation functions involving conserved super-currents with arbitrary spins in $\mathcal{N}=1,2$ theories. We discover interesting double copy relations in $\mathcal{N}=1$ super-correlators. Also, we discovered super double copy relations that take us from $\mathcal{N}=1$ to $\mathcal{N}=2$ super-correlators. We also comment on the connection of our results with the flat space super amplitudes in one higher dimension.

  • Universality in driven open quantum matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lukas M. Sieberer, Michael Buchhold, Jamir Marino, Sebastian Diehl

    Universality is a powerful concept, which enables making qualitative and quantitative predictions in systems with extensively many degrees of freedom. It finds realizations in almost all branches of physics, including in the realm of nonequilibrium systems. Our focus here is on its manifestations within a specific class of nonequilibrium stationary states: driven open quantum matter. Progress in this field is fueled by a number of uprising platforms ranging from light-driven quantum materials over synthetic quantum systems like cold atomic gases to the functional devices of the noisy intermediate scale quantum era. These systems share in common that, on the microscopic scale, they obey the laws of quantum mechanics, while detailed balance underlying thermodynamic equilibrium is broken due to the simultaneous presence of Hamiltonian unitary dynamics and nonunitary drive and dissipation. The challenge is then to connect this microscopic physics to macroscopic observables, and to identify universal collective phenomena that uniquely witness the breaking of equilibrium conditions, thus having no equilibrium counterparts. In the framework of a Lindblad-Keldysh field theory, we discuss on the one hand the principles delimiting thermodynamic equilibrium from driven open stationary states, and on the other hand show how unifying concepts such as symmetries, the purity of states, and scaling arguments are implemented. We then present instances of universal behavior structured into three classes: new realizations of paradigmatic nonequilibrium phenomena, including a survey of first experimental realizations; novel instances of nonequilibrium universality found in these systems made of quantum ingredients; and genuinely quantum phenomena out of equilibrium, including in fermionic systems. We also discuss perspectives for future research on driven open quantum matter.

  • The $\mathfrak{u}(2|2)_1$ WZW model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthias R. Gaberdiel, Elia Mazzucchelli

    WZW models based on super Lie algebras play an important role for the description of string theory on AdS spaces. In particular, for the case of ${\rm AdS}_3 \times {\rm S}^3$ with pure NS-NS flux the super Lie algebra of $\mathfrak{psu}(1,1|2)_k$ appears in the hybrid formalism, and higher dimensional AdS spaces can be described in terms of related supergroup cosets. In this paper we study the WZW models based on $\mathfrak{u}(2|2)_1$ and $\mathfrak{psu}(2|2)_1$ that may play a role for the worldsheet theory that is dual to free super Yang-Mills in 4D.

  • Existence and orthogonality of stable envelopes for bow varieties.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Catharina Stroppel, Till Wehrhan

    Stable envelopes, introduced by Maulik and Okounkov, provide a family of bases for the equivariant cohomology of symplectic resolutions. The theory of stable envelopes provides a fascinating interplay between geometry, combinatorics and integrable systems. In this expository article, we give a self-contained introduction to cohomological stable envelopes of type A bow varieties (an interesting class of varieties extending Nakajima quiver varieties). Our main focus is on the existence and the orthogonality properties of stable envelopes for bow varieties. The restriction to this specific class of varieties allows us to illustrate the theory combinatorially and to provide simplified proofs, both laying a basis for explicit calculations.

  • Hyperbolization of affine Lie algebras.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kaiwen Sun, Haowu Wang, Brandon Williams

    In 1983, Feingold and Frenkel posed a question about possible relations between affine Lie algebras, hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras and Siegel modular forms. In this paper we give an automorphic answer to this question and its generalization. We classify hyperbolic Borcherds-Kac-Moody superalgebras whose super-denominators define reflective automorphic products of singular weight on lattices of type $2U \oplus L$. As a consequence, we prove that there are exactly $81$ affine Lie algebras $g$ which have nice extensions to hyperbolic BKM superalgebras for which the leading Fourier-Jacobi coefficients of super-denominators coincide with the denominators of $g$. We find that 69 of them appear in Schellekens' list of semi-simple $V_1$ structures of holomorphic CFT of central charge $24$, while $8$ of them correspond to the $N=1$ structures of holomorphic SCFT of central charge $12$ composed of $24$ chiral fermions. The last $4$ cases are related to exceptional modular invariants from nontrivial automorphisms of fusion algebras. This clarifies the relationship of affine Lie algebras, vertex algebras and hyperbolic BKM superalgebras at the level of modular forms.

  • Generalized monodromy method in gauge/gravity duality.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuanpeng Hou

    The method of monodromy is an important tool for computing Virasoro conformal blocks in a two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory (2d CFT) at large central charge and external dimensions. In deriving the form of the monodromy problem, which defines the method, one needs to insert a degenerate operator, usually a level-two operator, into the corresponding correlation function. It can be observed that the choice of which degenerate operator to insert is arbitrary, and they shall reveal the same physical principles underlying the method. In this paper, we exploit this freedom and generalize the method of monodromy by inserting higher-level degenerate operators. We illustrate the case with a level-three operator, and derive the corresponding form of the monodromy problem. We solve the monodromy problem perturbatively and numerically; and check that it agrees with the standard monodromy method, despite the fact that the two versions of the monodromy problem do not seem to be related in any obvious way. The forms corresponding to other higher-level degenerate operators are also discussed. We explain the physical origin of the coincidence and discuss its implication from a mathematical perspective.

  • Geometry from D-branes in Nonrelativistic String Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alberto Guijosa, Igmar C. Rosas-López

    Nonrelativistic (NR) string theory was discovered as a framework that underlies and unifies the various noncommutative open string (NCOS) theories, which were originally envisioned as surprising exceptions to the maxim that all string theories are gravitational in nature. In that view, the fact that NCOS has a gravitational dual was believed to be directly analogous to the AdS/CFT correspondence. When NCOS theories were understood to be simply the particular classes of states of the underlying NR theory that include longitudinal D-branes, it was suggested that the duality between NCOS and the corresponding gravitational theory is not an instance of gauge/gravity-type duality, but of open-string/closed-string duality between D-branes and black branes. The present paper provides direct evidence in support of this perspective, by starting from a stack of D-branes in NR string theory and deriving the long-distance profile of the curved geometry in the corresponding black brane.

  • On Geometries and Monodromies for Branes of Codimension Two.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tetsuji Kimura, Shin Sasaki, Kenta Shiozawa

    We study geometries for the NS5-, the KK5- and the $5^2_2$-branes of codimension two in type II and heterotic string theories. The geometries are classified by monodromies that each brane has. They are the $B$-, the general coordinate and the $\beta$-transformations of the spacetime metric, the $B$-field and the dilaton (and the gauge fields). We show that the monodromy nature appears also in the geometric quantities such as the curvature and the complex structures of spacetime. They are linearly realized in the doubled (generalized) structures in the doubled space.

  • Strange higher-spin topological systems in 3D.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicolas Boulanger, Andrea Campoleoni, Victor Lekeu, Evgeny Skvortsov

    Motivated by the generation of action principles from off-shell dualisation, we present a general class of free, topological theories in three dimensional Minkowski spacetime that exhibit higher-spin gauge invariance. In the spin-two case, we recover a dual reformulation of the triplet system already known, while the higher-spin systems that we obtain seem to be new. They are associated with wild quivers. We study in which situations these exotic (or strange) higher-spin models can be extended to dS${}_3$ and AdS${}_3$ backgrounds, revealing that the flat limit of such models, when they exist, admits a one-parameter freedom. Interactions are studied in the simplest higher-spin case featuring spin-2 and spin-3 fields. We then give several higher-spin generalisations of these strange systems.

  • Holographic timelike superconductor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexander Krikun, Uriel Elinos

    We explore the state of matter characterized by the charged timelike vector order parameter. We employ holographic duality in order to construct such a state and study its thermoelectric transport, fermionic spectral function and the sign of the Meissner effect. We uncover the unusual features of this "timelike superconductor": the absence of the gap in the fermionic spectrum and co-existence of Drude peak and supercurrent in the AC transport, which are reminiscent to those of time-reversal-odd and gapless superconductors, correspondingly. We show that this state is dynamically stable and thermodynamically at least metastable. Along the way we develop the holographic model of the charged vector field, which acquires mass due to a variant of the Stueckelberg mechanism with the adjoint Higgs field.

  • Revisiting Brownian SYK and its possible relations to de Sitter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexey Milekhin, Jiuci Xu

    We revisit Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and argue that it has emergent energy conservation overlooked in the literature before. We solve this model in the double-scaled regime and demonstrate hyperfast scrambling, exponential decay of correlation functions, bounded spectrum and unexpected factorization of higher-point functions. We comment on how these results are related to de Sitter holography.

  • Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dylan Butson

    We construct vertex algebras $\mathbb{V}(Y,S)$ from divisors $S$ on toric Calabi-Yau threefolds $Y$, satisfying conjectures of Gaiotto-Rapcak and Feigin-Gukov, as the kernel of screening operators on lattice vertex algebras determined by the GKM graph of $Y$ and a filtration on $\mathcal{O}_S$. We prove that there are representations of $\mathbb{V}(Y,S)$ on the homology groups of various moduli spaces of coherent sheaves on $Y$ supported on $S$ constructed in a companion paper with Rapcak, defined by certain Hecke modifications of these sheaves along points and curve classes in the divisor $S$. This generalizes the common mathematical formulation of a conjecture of Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa, the special case in which $Y=\mathbb{C}^3$ and $S=r[\mathbb{C}^2]$, to toric threefolds and divisors as proposed by Gaiotto-Rapcak. We outline an approach to the general conjecture and prove many special cases and partial results using tools developed in the companion paper, following the proof of the original conjecture by Schiffmann-Vasserot and its generalization to divisors in $\mathbb{C}^3$ by Rapcak-Soibelman-Yang-Zhao. The vertex algebras $\mathbb{V}(Y,S)$ conjecturally include $W$-superalgebras $ W_{f_0,f_1}^\kappa(\mathfrak{gl}_{m|n})$ and genus zero class $\mathcal{S}$ chiral algebras $\mathbb{V}^{\mathcal{S}}_{\text{Gl}_m;f_1,...,f_k}$, each for general nilpotents $f_i$. By definition, this implies the existence of a family of compatible free field realizations of these vertex algebras, relevant to their parabolic induction and inverse quantum Hamiltonian reduction. We prove these conjectures in the examples of lowest non-trivial rank for each case, and outline the proof in general for some cases.

  • M/F-Theory as Mf-Theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber

    In the quest for mathematical foundations of M-theory, the "Hypothesis H" that fluxes are quantized in Cohomotopy theory, implies, on flat but possibly singular spacetimes, that M-brane charges locally organize into equivariant homotopy groups of spheres. Here we show how this leads to a correspondence between phenomena conjectured in M-theory and fundamental mathematical concepts/results in stable homotopy, generalized cohomology and Cobordism theory Mf: Stems of homotopy groups correspond to charges of probe p-branes near black b-branes; stabilization within a stem is the boundary-bulk transition; the Adams d-invariant measures G4-flux; trivialization of the d-invariant corresponds to H3-flux; refined Toda brackets measure H3-flux; the refined Adams e-invariant sees the H3-charge lattice; vanishing Adams e-invariant implies consistent global C3-fields; Conner-Floyd's e-invariant is H3-flux seen in the Green-Schwarz mechanism; the Hopf invariant is the M2-brane Page charge (G7-flux); the Pontrjagin-Thom theorem associates the polarized brane worldvolumes sourcing all these charges. Cobordism in the third stable stem witnesses spontaneous KK-compactification on K3-surfaces; the order of the third stable stem implies 24 NS5/D7-branes in M/F-theory on K3. Quaternionic orientations correspond to unit H3-fluxes near M2-branes; complex orientations lift these unit H3-fluxes to heterotic M-theory with heterotic line bundles. In fact, we find quaternionic/complex Ravenel-orientations bounded in dimension; and we find the bound to be 10, as befits spacetime dimension 10+1.

  • Log Calabi-Yau surfaces and Jeffrey-Kirwan residues.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Riccardo Ontani, Jacopo Stoppa

    We prove an equality, predicted in the physical literature, between the Jeffrey-Kirwan residues of certain explicit meromorphic forms attached to a quiver without loops or oriented cycles and its Donaldson-Thomas type invariants. In the special case of complete bipartite quivers we also show independently, using scattering diagrams and theta functions, that the same Jeffrey-Kirwan residues are determined by the the Gross-Hacking-Keel mirror family to a log Calabi-Yau surface.

  • Automorphic symmetries and $ AdS_n $ integrable deformations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anton Pribytok

    We develop the method based on $ \mathcal{B} $-automorphism for finding new lattice integrable models with various dimensions of local Hilbert spaces. We initiate the technique by implementing it to the two-dimensional models and resolve classification problem, which not only confirms known vertex model solution space, but also extends to the new $ \mathfrak{sl}_{2} $ deformed sector. The generalisation of the approach for string integrable models is provided and allows to find new integrable deformations and associated $ R $-matrices. Hence novel integrable solutions appear to be of non-difference form that admit $ AdS_2 $ and $ AdS_3 $ $ S $-matrices as special cases, we also obtain embedding of double deformed sigma model $ R $-matrix into one of the solutions. The braiding and crossing for the found models as well as their emergence with respect to the deformation parameter $ k $ are shown.

  • States localized on a boundary of the time-dependent parity-breaking medium.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oleg O. Novikov, Anna Zakharova

    We consider the massive vector field propagating in the inhomogeneous parity-breaking medium, such as the dense hot hadronic matter with chiral imbalance. The transition between the regions with approximately constant values of the parity-breaking parameter allows for the states localized on such boundary to occur. The adiabatic change of the background introduces either decay or the amplification of the localized states. We also discuss the non-adiabatic destruction of these bound states.

  • Spectral Properties of the Symmetry Generators of Conformal Quantum Mechanics: A Path-Integral Approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    H. E. Camblong, A. Chakraborty, P. Lopez-Duque, C. R. Ordóñez

    A path-integral approach is used to study the spectral properties of the generators of the SO(2,1) symmetry of conformal quantum mechanics (CQM). In particular, we consider the CQM version that corresponds to the weak-coupling regime of the inverse square potential. We develop a general framework to characterize a generic symmetry generator $G$ (linear combinations of the Hamiltonian $H$, special conformal operator $K$, and dilation operator $D$), from which the path-integral propagators follow, leading to a complete spectral decomposition. This is done for the three classes of operators: elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic. We also highlight novel results for the hyperbolic operators, with a continuous spectrum, and their quantum-mechanical interpretation. The spectral technique developed for the eigensystem of continuous-spectrum operators can be generalized to other operator problems.

  • Generalized Parton Distribution Functions via Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theory in Light-front Coordinates.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Carter M. Gustin, Gary Goldstein

    Quantum simulation of quantum field theories offers a new way to investigate properties of the fundamental constituents of matter. We develop quantum simulation algorithms based on the light-front formulation of relativistic field theories. The process of quantizing the system in light-cone coordinates will be explained for a Hamiltonian formulation, which becomes block diagonal, each block approximating the Fock space with a certain harmonic resolution K. We analyze a QCD theory in 2+1D. We compute the analogue of parton distribution functions, the generalized parton distribution functions for mesonic composite particles, like hadrons, in these theories. The dependence of such analyses on the scaling of the number of qubits is compared with other schemes and conventional computations. There is a notable advantage to the light-front formulation.

  • Majorana Scars as Group Singlets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Z. Sun, F.K. Popov, I.R. Klebanov, K. Pakrouski

    In some quantum many-body systems, the Hilbert space breaks up into a large ergodic sector and a much smaller scar subspace. It has been suggested [arXiv:2007.00845] that the two sectors may be distinguished by their transformation properties under a large group whose rank grows with the system size (it is not a symmetry of the Hamiltonian). The quantum many-body scars are invariant under this group, while all other states are not. Here we apply this idea to lattice systems containing $M$ Majorana fermions per site. The Hilbert space for $N$ sites may be decomposed under the action of the O$(N)\times$O$(M)$ group, and the scars are the SO$(N)$ singlets. For any even $M$ there are two families of scars. One of them, which we call the $\eta$ states, is symmetric under the group O$(N)$. The other, the $\zeta$ states, has the SO$(N)$ invariance. For $M=4$, where our construction reduces to spin-$1/2$ fermions on a lattice with local interactions, the former family are the $N+1$ $\eta$-pairing states, while the latter are the $N+1$ states of maximum spin. We generalize this construction to $M>4$. For $M=6$ we exhibit explicit formulae for the scar states and use them to calculate the bipartite entanglement entropy analytically. For large $N$, it grows logarithmically with the sub-system size. We present a general argument that any group-invariant scars should have the entanglement entropy that is parametrically smaller than that of typical states. The energies of the scars we find are not equidistant in general but can be made so by choosing Hamiltonian parameters. For $M>6$ we find that with local Hamiltonians the scars typically have certain degeneracies. The scar spectrum can be made ergodic by adding a non-local interaction term. We derive the dimension of each scar family and show the scars could have a large contribution to the density of states for small $N$.

  • The Rough with the Smooth of the Light Cone String.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Norbert Dragon, Florian Oppermann

    The polynomials in the generators of a unitary representation of the Poincar\'e group constitute an algebra which maps the dense subspace S of smooth, rapidly decreasing wavefunctions to itself. This mathematical result is highly welcome to physicists, who previously just assumed their algebraic treatment of unbounded operators be justified. The smoothness, however, has the side effect that a rough operator R, which does not map a dense subspace of S to itself, has to be shown to allow for some other dense domain which is mapped to itself both by R and all generators. Otherwise their algebraic product, their concatenation, is not defined. Canonical quantization of the light cone string postulates operators -i X^1 and P^- = (P^0 - P^z)/2 and as their commutator the multiplicative operator R = P^1/(P^0 + P^z). This is not smooth but rough on the negative z-axis of massless momentum. Using only the commutation relations of P^m with the generators -i M_iz of rotations in the P^i-P^z-plane we show that on massless states the operator R is inconsistent with a unitary representation of SO(D-1). This makes the algebraic determination of the critical dimension, D=26, of the bosonic string meaningless: if the massless states of the light cone string admit R then they do not admit a unitary representation of the subgroup SO(D-1) of the Poincar\'e group. With analogous arguments we show: Massless multiplets are inconsistent with a translation group of the spatial momentum which is generated by a self-adjoint spatial position operator X.

  • Multi-body wave function of ground and low-lying excited states using unornamented deep neural networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomoya Naito, Hisashi Naito, Koji Hashimoto

    We propose a method to calculate wave functions and energies not only of the ground state but also of low-lying excited states using a deep neural network and the unsupervised machine learning technique. For systems composed of identical particles, a simple method to perform symmetrization for bosonic systems and antisymmetrization for fermionic systems is also proposed.

  • Constraints on physical computers in holographic spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aleksander M. Kubicki, Alex May, David Pérez-Garcia

    Within the setting of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we ask about the power of computers in the presence of gravity. We show that there are computations on $n$ qubits which cannot be implemented inside of black holes with entropy less than $O(2^n)$. To establish our claim, we argue computations happening inside the black hole must be implementable in a programmable quantum processor, so long as the inputs and description of the unitary to be run are not too large. We then prove a bound on quantum processors which shows many unitaries cannot be implemented inside the black hole, and further show some of these have short descriptions and act on small systems. These unitaries with short descriptions must be computationally forbidden from happening inside the black hole.

  • Analytic Results for Loop-Level Momentum Space Witten Diagrams.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chandramouli Chowdhury, Kajal Singh

    This paper presents an evaluation of the wave function coefficients for conformally coupled scalars at both one and two-loop levels at leading order in the coupling constant, in momentum space. We take cues from time-dependent interactions in flat spacetime and under suitable approximations, these can also be used to study the wave function coefficients for general cosmologies. We make use of recursion relations developed in arxiv:\{1811.01125\} to regularize certain bulk-point integrals and express the wave function coefficients in a form that simplifies the loop integrals. We utilize hard-cutoff regularization to regularize the loop integrals and further provide a discussion on their renormalization. Our results can also be analytically continued to obtain answers for transition amplitudes in AdS.

  • Where charged sectors are localizable: a viewpoint from covariant cohomology.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fabio Ciolli, Giuseppe Ruzzi, Ezio Vasselli

    Given a Haag-Kastler net on a globally hyperbolic spacetime, one can consider a family of regions where quantum charges are supposed to be localized. Assuming that the net fulfils certain minimal properties (factoriality of the global observable algebra and relative Haag duality), we give a geometric criterion that the given family must fulfil to have a superselection structure with charges localized on its regions. Our criterion is fulfilled by all the families used in the theory of sectors (double cones, spacelike cones, diamonds, hypercones). In order to take account of eventual spacetime symmetries, our superselection structures are constructed in terms of covariant charge transporters, a novel cohomological approach generalizing that introduced by J.E. Roberts. In the case of hypercones, with the forward light cone as an ambient spacetime, we obtain a superselection structure with Bose-Fermi parastatistics and particle-antiparticle conjugation. It could constitute a candidate for a different description of the charged sectors introduced by Buchholz and Roberts for theories including massless particles.

  • Quantum difference equation for the affine type $A$ quiver varieties I: General Construction.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tianqing Zhu

    In this article we use the philosophy in [OS22] to construct the quantum difference equation of affine type $A$ quiver varieties in terms of the quantum toroidal algebra $U_{q,t}(\hat{\hat{\mathfrak{sl}}}_{r})$. In the construction, and we define the set of wall for each quiver varieties by the action of the universal $R$-matrix, which is shown to be almost equivalent to that of the $K$-theoretic stable envelope on each interval in $H^2(X,\mathbb{Q})$. We also give the examples of the instanton moduli space $M(n,r)$ and the Hilbert scheme $\text{Hilb}_{n}(\widehat{\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_{r}})$ to show the explicit form of the quantum difference operator.

  • Exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation for a Dirac equation describing the interaction of spin-1/2 relativistic particles with an external electromagnetic field.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bruno Gonçalves, Mário M. Dias Júnior, Larissa F. Eleotério

    The Thomas-Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi (T-BMT) equation is derived using the Exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation. Extra new terms were found, and we discuss their possible physical applications. The main point of this work is to detail the procedure to get the general result. We explicitly present the choice of parametrization we used on the initial Hamiltonian and the motivations to take it. We emphasize that the final equations can depend on this choice, and it is possible to prevent the manipulations of the quadratic Hamiltonian become extremely cumbersome. More importantly, it is done in such a way that the transformed equations allow the direct separation into mass, kinetic, and interaction correction terms to the original T-BMT equation.

  • Symmetries as Ground States of Local Superoperators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sanjay Moudgalya, Olexei I. Motrunich

    Symmetry algebras of quantum many-body systems with locality can be understood using commutant algebras, which are defined as algebras of operators that commute with a given set of local operators. In this work, we show that these symmetry algebras can be expressed as frustration-free ground states of a local superoperator, which we refer to as a "super-Hamiltonian". We demonstrate this for conventional symmetries such as $Z_2$, $U(1)$, and $SU(2)$, where the symmetry algebras map to various kinds of ferromagnetic ground states, as well as for unconventional ones that lead to weak ergodicity breaking phenomena of Hilbert space fragmentation and quantum many-body scars. In addition, we show that this super-Hamiltonian is exactly the superoperator that governs the operator relaxation in noisy symmetric Brownian circuits. This physical interpretation provides a novel interpretation for Mazur bounds for autocorrelation functions, and relates the low-energy excitations of the super-Hamiltonian to approximate symmetries that determine slowly relaxing modes in symmetric systems. We find examples of gapped/gapless super-Hamiltonians indicating the absence/presence of slow-modes, which happens in the presence of discrete/continuous symmetries. In the gapless cases, we recover slow-modes such as diffusion, tracer diffusion, and asymptotic scars in the presence of $U(1)$ symmetry, Hilbert space fragmentation, and a tower of quantum scars respectively. In all, this demonstrates the power of the commutant algebra framework in obtaining a comprehensive understanding of symmetries and their dynamical consequences in systems with locality.

  • Hilbert Schemes of Points in the Plane and Quasi-Lisse Vertex Algebras with $\mathcal{N}=4$ Symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomoyuki Arakawa, Toshiro Kuwabara, Sven Möller

    To each complex reflection group $\Gamma$ one can attach a canonical symplectic singularity $\mathcal{M}_\Gamma$ arXiv:math/9903070. Motivated by the 4D/2D duality arXiv:1312.5344, arXiv:1707.07679, Bonetti, Meneghelli and Rastelli arXiv:1810.03612 conjectured the existence of a supersymmetric vertex operator superalgebra $\mathsf{W}_\Gamma$ whose associated variety is isomorphic to $\mathcal{M}_\Gamma$. We prove this conjecture when the complex reflection group $\Gamma$ is the symmetric group $S_N$ by constructing a sheaf of $\hbar$-adic vertex operator superalgebras on the Hilbert scheme of $N$ points in the plane. For that case, we also show the free-field realisation of $\mathsf{W}_\Gamma$ in terms of $\operatorname{rk}(\Gamma)$ many $\beta\gamma bc$-systems proposed in arXiv:1810.03612, and identify the character of $\mathsf{W}_\Gamma$ as a certain quasimodular form of mixed weight and multiple $q$-zeta value. In physical terms, the vertex operator superalgebra $\mathsf{W}_{S_N}$ constructed in this article corresponds via the 4D/2D duality arXiv:1312.5344 to the four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with gauge group $\operatorname{SL}_N$.

  • Simplified algorithm for the Worldvolume HMC and the Generalized-thimble HMC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Masafumi Fukuma

    The Worldvolume Hybrid Monte Carlo method (WV-HMC method) [arXiv:2012.08468] is a reliable and versatile algorithm towards solving the sign problem. Similarly to the tempered Lefschetz thimble method [arXiv:1703.00861], this method removes the ergodicity problem inherent in algorithms based on Lefschetz thimbles. In addition to this advantage, the WV-HMC method significantly reduces the computational cost because one needs not compute the Jacobian of deformation in generating configurations. A crucial step in this method is the RATTLE algorithm, which projects at each molecular dynamics step a transported configuration onto a submanifold (worldvolume) in the complex space. In this paper, we simplify the RATTLE algorithm by using a simplified Newton method with an improved initial guess, which can be similarly implemented to the HMC algorithm for the generalized thimble method (GT-HMC method). We perform a numerical test for the convergence of the simplified Newton method, and show that the convergence depends on the system size only weakly. The application of this simplified algorithm to various models will be reported in subsequent papers.

  • Emergent Topology in Many-Body Dissipative Quantum Chaos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Antonio M. García-García, Lucas Sá, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, Can Yin

    The identification, description, and classification of topological features is an engine of discovery and innovation in several fields of physics. This research encompasses a broad variety of systems, from the integer and fractional Chern insulators in condensed matter, to protected states in complex photonic lattices in optics, and the structure of the QCD vacuum. Here, we introduce another playground for topology: the dissipative dynamics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, $N$ fermions in zero dimensions with strong $q$-body interactions coupled to a Markovian bath. For $q = 4, 8, \ldots$ and certain choices of $N$ and bath details, involving pseudo-Hermiticity, we find a rectangular block representation of the vectorized Liouvillian that is directly related to the existence of an anomalous trace of the unitary operator implementing fermionic exchange. As a consequence of this rectangularization, the Liouvillian has purely real modes for any coupling to the bath. Some of them are demonstrated to be topological by an explicit calculation of the spectral flow, leading to a symmetry-dependent topological index $\nu$. Topological properties have universal features: they are robust to changes in the Liouvillian provided that the symmetries are respected and they are also observed if the SYK model is replaced by a quantum chaotic dephasing spin chain in the same symmetry class. Moreover, the topological symmetry class can be robustly characterized by the level statistics of the corresponding random matrix ensemble. In the limit of weak coupling to the bath, topological modes govern the approach to equilibrium, which may enable a direct path for experimental confirmation of topology in dissipative many-body quantum chaotic systems.

  • All $S$ invariant gluon OPEs on the celestial sphere.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shamik Banerjee, Raju Mandal, Sagnik Misra, Sudhakar Panda, Partha Paul

    $S$ algebra is an infinite dimensional Lie algebra which is known to be the symmetry algebra of some gauge theories. It is a "coloured version" of the $w_{1+\infty}$. In this paper we write down all possible $S$ invariant (celestial) OPEs between two positive helicity outgoing gluons and also find the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type null states for these theories. Our analysis hints at the existence of an infinite number of $S$ invariant gauge theories which include the (tree-level) MHV-sector and the self-dual Yang-Mills theory.

  • On quantum Poisson-Lie T-duality of WZNW models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuho Sakatani, Yuji Satoh

    We study Poisson-Lie T-duality of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten (WZNW) models which are obtained from a class of Drinfel'd doubles and its generalization. In this case, the resultant WZNW models are known to be classically self-dual under Poisson-Lie T-duality. We describe an explicit construction of the associated currents, and discuss the conformal invariance under this duality. In a concrete example of the SU(2) WZNW model, we find that the self-duality is represented as a chiral automorphism of the $\widehat{\mathfrak{su}}(2)$ affine Lie algebra, though the transformation of the currents is non-local and non-linear. This classical automorphism can be promoted to the quantum one through the parafermionic formulation of $\widehat{\mathfrak{su}}(2)$, which in turn induces an isomorphism of the WZNW model. We thus find a full quantum equivalence of the dual pair under Poisson-Lie T-duality. The isomorphism is represented by a sign-change of a chiral boson or the order-disorder duality of the parafermionic conformal field theory as in Abelian T-duality on tori or in the mirror symmetry of the Gepner model.

  • Variational Loop Vertex Expansion.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vasily Sazonov

    Loop Vertex Expansion (LVE) was developed to construct QFT models with local and non-local interactions. Using LVE, one can prove the analyticity in the finite cardioid-like domain in the complex plain of the coupling constant of the free energies and cumulants of various vector, matrix, or tensor-type models. Here, applying the idea of choosing the initial approximation depending on the coupling constant, we construct the analytic continuation of the free energy of the quartic matrix model beyond the standard LVE cardioid over the branch cut and for arbitrary large couplings.

  • Hyperpolyadic structures.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    Steven Duplij

    We introduce a new class of division algebras, hyperpolyadic algebras, which correspond to the binary division algebras $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{H}$, $\mathbb{O}$ without considering new elements. First, we use the proposed earlier matrix polyadization procedure which increases the algebra dimension. The obtained algebras obey the binary addition and nonderived $n$-ary multiplication and their subalgebras are division $n$-ary algebras. For each invertible element we define a new norm which is polyadically multiplicative and the corresponding map is $n$-ary homomorphism. We define a polyadic analog of the Cayley-Dickson construction which corresponds to the consequent embedding of monomial matrices from the polyadization procedure. Then we obtain another series of $n$-ary algebras corresponding to the binary division algebras which have more dimension, that is proportional to intermediate arities, and they are not isomorphic to those obtained by the previous constructions. Second, we propose a new iterative process (we call it "imaginary tower"), which leads to nonunital nonderived ternary division algebras of half dimension, we call them "half-quaternions" and "half-octonions". The latter are not subalgebras of the binary division algebras, but subsets only, since they have different arity. Nevertheless, they are actually ternary division algebras, because allow division, and their nonzero elements are invertible. From the multiplicativity of the introduced "half-quaternion" norm we obtain the ternary analog of the sum of two squares identity. We prove that the introduced unitless ternary division algebra of imaginary "half-octonions" is ternary alternative.


  • The DUNE Far Detector Vertical Drift Technology, Technical Design Report.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Abed Abud, B. Abi, R. Acciarri, M. A. Acero, M. R. Adames, G. Adamov, M. Adamowski, D. Adams, M. Adinolfi, C. Adriano, A. Aduszkiewicz, J. Aguilar, B. Aimard, F. Akbar, K. Allison, S. Alonso Monsalve, M. Alrashed, A. Alton, R. Alvarez, H. Amar, P. Amedo, J. Anderson, D. A. Andrade, C. Andreopoulos, M. Andreotti, M. P. Andrews, F. Andrianala, S. Andringa, N. Anfimov, A. Ankowski, M. Antoniassi, M. Antonova, A. Antoshkin, A. Aranda-Fernandez, L. Arellano, E. Arrieta Diaz, M. A. Arroyave, J. Asaadi, A. Ashkenazi, L. Asquith, E. Atkin, D. Auguste, A. Aurisano, V. Aushev, D. Autiero, F. Azfar, A. Back, H. Back, J. J. Back, I. Bagaturia, L. Bagby, N. Balashov, S. Balasubramanian, P. Baldi, W. Baldini, B. Baller, B. Bambah, R. Banerjee, F. Barao, G. Barenboim, P. Barham Alzás, et al. (1267 additional authors not shown)

    DUNE is an international experiment dedicated to addressing some of the questions at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics, including the mystifying preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe. The dual-site experiment will employ an intense neutrino beam focused on a near and a far detector as it aims to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy and to make high-precision measurements of the PMNS matrix parameters, including the CP-violating phase. It will also stand ready to observe supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector implements liquid argon time-projection chamber (LArTPC) technology, and combines the many tens-of-kiloton fiducial mass necessary for rare event searches with the sub-centimeter spatial resolution required to image those events with high precision. The addition of a photon detection system enhances physics capabilities for all DUNE physics drivers and opens prospects for further physics explorations. Given its size, the far detector will be implemented as a set of modules, with LArTPC designs that differ from one another as newer technologies arise. In the vertical drift LArTPC design, a horizontal cathode bisects the detector, creating two stacked drift volumes in which ionization charges drift towards anodes at either the top or bottom. The anodes are composed of perforated PCB layers with conductive strips, enabling reconstruction in 3D. Light-trap-style photon detection modules are placed both on the cryostat's side walls and on the central cathode where they are optically powered. This Technical Design Report describes in detail the technical implementations of each subsystem of this LArTPC that, together with the other far detector modules and the near detector, will enable DUNE to achieve its physics goals.

  • CaloQVAE : Simulating high-energy particle-calorimeter interactions using hybrid quantum-classical generative models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sehmimul Hoque, 2), Hao Jia, Abhishek Abhishek, Mojde Fadaie, J. Quetzalcoatl Toledo-Marín, Tiago Vale, 4), Roger G. Melko, 6), Maximilian Swiatlowski, Wojciech T. Fedorko, (2) Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, (3) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, (4) TRIUMF, (5) Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, (6) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo)

    The Large Hadron Collider's high luminosity era presents major computational challenges in the analysis of collision events. Large amounts of Monte Carlo (MC) simulation will be required to constrain the statistical uncertainties of the simulated datasets below these of the experimental data. Modelling of high-energy particles propagating through the calorimeter section of the detector is the most computationally intensive MC simulation task. We introduce a technique combining recent advancements in generative models and quantum annealing for fast and efficient simulation of high-energy particle-calorimeter interactions.

  • Search for charged-lepton flavor violation in the production and decay of top quarks using trilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV.- [PDF] - [Article]

    CMS Collaboration

    A search is performed for charged-lepton flavor violating processes in top quark (t) production and decay. The data were collected by the CMS experiment from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$. The selected events are required to contain one opposite-sign electron-muon pair, a third charged lepton (electron or muon), and at least one jet of which no more than one is associated with a bottom quark. Boosted decision trees are used to distinguish signal from background, exploiting differences in the kinematics of the final states particles. The data are consistent with the standard model expectation. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are placed in the context of effective field theory on the Wilson coefficients, which range between 0.024-0.424 TeV$^{-2}$ depending on the flavor of the associated light quark and the Lorentz structure of the interaction. These limits are converted to upper limits on branching fractions involving up (charm) quarks, t$\to$e$\mu$u (t$\to$e$\mu$c), of 0.032 (0.498)$\times$10$^{-6}$, 0.022 (0.369)$\times$10$^{-6}$, and 0.012 (0.216)$\times$10$^{-6}$ for tensor-like, vector-like, and scalar-like interactions, respectively.

  • Search for short- and long-lived axion-like particles in $H\rightarrow a a \rightarrow 4\gamma$ decays with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    Presented is the search for anomalous Higgs boson decays into two axion-like particles (ALPs) using the full Run 2 data set of 140 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment. The ALPs are assumed to decay into two photons, providing sensitivity to recently proposed models that could explain the $(g-2)_\mu$ discrepancy. This analysis covers an ALP mass range from 100 MeV to 62 GeV and ALP-photon couplings in the range $10^{-5}\, \text{TeV}^{-1}<C_{a\gamma\gamma}/\Lambda<1\, \text{TeV}^{-1}$, and therefore includes signatures with significantly displaced vertices and highly collinear photons. No significant excess of events above the Standard Model background is observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are placed on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson to two ALPs in the four-photon final state, and are in the range of $ 10^{-5}$ to $3\times 10^{-2}$, depending on the hypothesized ALP mass and ALP-photon coupling strength.

  • DarkSide-20k: Next generation Direct Dark Matter searches with liquid Argon.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. Manthos

    DarkSide-20k is a next-generation dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber, currently under construction at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) in Italy. With a 20 t fiducial mass of liquid Argon, DarkSide-20k will probe WIMP-nucleon interactions down to cross sections equal to 10$^{-48}$ cm$^2$ for a WIMP mass of 0.1 TeV/c$^2$. DarkSide-20k is designed to be a nearly "instrumental background-free" experiment, meaning that less than 0.1 background events are expected in the WIMP search region during the 200 tonne-year planned exposure. To achieve this, the TPC is surrounded by an inner (neutron) and outer (muon) veto, while low-radioactivity underground argon (depleted in $^{39}$Ar), is used as the inner detector (TPC and inner veto) medium. Both the TPC and the veto systems are instrumented with novel cryogenic silicon photomultiplier, capable of resolving single photoelectrons and providing the required spatial and time resolution. An overview of the DarkSide-20k experimental program is reported, with a focus on the photo-detector system construction and testing procedures for the inner veto system.

  • Evidence for the decays $B^{0}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{(*)0}\phi$ and updated measurements of the branching fractions of the $B^{0}_{s}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{(*)0}\phi$ decays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    LHCb Collaboration

    Evidence for the decays $B^{0}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{0}\phi$ and $B^{0} \rightarrow \bar{D}^{*0}\phi$ is reported with a significance of 3.6$\,\sigma$ and 4.3$\,\sigma$, respectively. The analysis employs $pp$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s}=7$, 8 and 13 TeV collected by the LHCb detector and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 $\rm{fb}^{-1}$. The branching fractions are measured to be $\mathcal{B}(B^{0}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{0}\phi) = (7.7\pm2.1\pm0.7\pm0.7)\times10^{-7}$,$\mathcal{B}(B^{0} \rightarrow \bar{D}^{*0}\phi)=(2.2\pm0.5\pm0.2\pm0.2)\times10^{-6}$. In these results, the first uncertainties are statistical, the second systematic, and the third is related to the branching fraction of the $B^{0}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{0}K^{+}K^{-}$ decay, used for normalisation. By combining the branching fractions of the decays $B^{0}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{(*)0}\phi$ and $B^{0}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{(*)0}\omega$, the $\omega$-$\phi$ mixing angle $\delta$ is constrained to be $\tan^2\delta = (3.6\pm0.7\pm0.4)\times10^{-3}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. An updated measurement of the branching fractions of the $B^{0}_{s} \rightarrow \bar{D}^{(*)0}\phi$ decays, which can be used to determine the CKM angle $\gamma$, leads to $\mathcal{B}(B^{0}_{s}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{0}\phi)=(2.30\pm0.10 \pm 0.11\pm0.20)\times10^{-5}$,$\mathcal{B}(B^{0}_{s}\rightarrow\bar{D}^{*0}\phi) =(3.17\pm0.16 \pm 0.17 \pm 0.27)\times10^{-5}$.

  • Tau lepton identification and reconstruction: a new frontier for jet-tagging ML algorithms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Torben Lange, Saswati Nandan, Joosep Pata, Laurits Tani, Christian Veelken

    Identifying and reconstructing hadronic $\tau$ decays ($\tau_{\textrm{h}}$) is an important task at current and future high-energy physics experiments, as $\tau_{\textrm{h}}$ represent an important tool to analyze the production of Higgs and electroweak bosons as well as to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. The identification of $\tau_{\textrm{h}}$ can be viewed as a generalization and extension of jet-flavour tagging, which has in the recent years undergone significant progress due to the use of deep learning. Based on a granular simulation with realistic detector effects and a particle flow-based event reconstruction, we show in this paper that deep learning-based jet-flavour-tagging algorithms are powerful $\tau_{\textrm{h}}$ identifiers. Specifically, we show that jet-flavour-tagging algorithms such as LorentzNet and ParticleTransformer can be adapted in an end-to-end fashion for discriminating $\tau_{\textrm{h}}$ from quark and gluon jets. We find that the end-to-end transformer-based approach significantly outperforms contemporary state-of-the-art $\tau_{\textrm{h}}$ reconstruction and identification algorithms currently in use at the Large Hadron Collider.

  • Double-pion electroproduction off protons in deuterium: quasi-free cross sections and final state interactions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Iu.A. Skorodumina, G.V. Fedotov, R.W. Gothe, CLAS Collaboration

    The single-differential and fully integrated cross sections for quasi-free $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ electroproduction off protons bound in deuterium have been extracted for the first time. The experimental data were collected at Jefferson Laboratory with the CLAS detector. The measurements were performed in the kinematic region of the invariant mass $W$ from 1.3 GeV to 1.825 GeV and photon virtuality $Q^{2}$ from 0.4 GeV$^2$ to 1.0 GeV$^2$. Sufficient experimental statistics allowed for narrow binning in all kinematic variables, while maintaining a small statistical uncertainty. The extracted cross sections were compared with the corresponding cross sections off free protons, which allowed us to obtain an estimate of the contribution from events in which interactions between the final-state hadrons and the spectator neutron took place.

  • Longitudinal and transverse spin transfer to $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ hyperons in polarized $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$ GeV.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. I. Abdulhamid, B. E. Aboona, J. Adam, L. Adamczyk, J. R. Adams, I. Aggarwal, M. M. Aggarwal, Z. Ahammed, D. M. Anderson, E. C. Aschenauer, S. Aslam, J. Atchison, V. Bairathi, W. Baker, J. G. Ball Cap, K. Barish, R. Bellwied, P. Bhagat, A. Bhasin, S. Bhatta, J. Bielcik, J. Bielcikova, J. D. Brandenburg, X. Z. Cai, H. Caines, M. Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, D. Cebra, J. Ceska, I. Chakaberia, P. Chaloupka, B. K. Chan, Z. Chang, A. Chatterjee, D. Chen, J. Chen, J. H. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Cheng, Y. Cheng, S. Choudhury, W. Christie, X. Chu, H. J. Crawford, M. Csanád, G. Dale-Gau, A. Das, M. Daugherity, I. M. Deppner, A. Dhamija, L. Di Carlo, P. Dixit, X. Dong, J. L. Drachenberg, E. Duckworth, J. C. Dunlop, J. Engelage, G. Eppley, S. Esumi, O. Evdokimov, A. Ewigleben, et al. (321 additional authors not shown)

    The longitudinal and transverse spin transfers to $\Lambda$ ($\overline{\Lambda}$) hyperons in polarized proton-proton collisions are expected to be sensitive to the helicity and transversity distributions, respectively, of (anti-)strange quarks in the proton, and to the corresponding polarized fragmentation functions. We report improved measurements of the longitudinal spin transfer coefficient, $D_{LL}$, and the transverse spin transfer coefficient, $D_{TT}$, to $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ in polarized proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The data set includes longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions with an integrated luminosity of 52 pb$^{-1}$, and transversely polarized proton-proton collisions with a similar integrated luminosity. Both data sets have about twice the statistics of previous results and cover a kinematic range of $|\eta_{\Lambda(\overline{\Lambda})}|$ $<$ 1.2 and transverse momentum $p_{T,{\Lambda(\overline{\Lambda})}}$ up to 8 GeV/$c$. We also report the first measurements of the hyperon spin transfer coefficients $D_{LL}$ and $D_{TT}$ as a function of the fractional jet momentum $z$ carried by the hyperon, which can provide more direct constraints on the polarized fragmentation functions.

  • Search for the semileptonic decays $\Xi_c^0 \to \Xi^0\ell^+\ell^-$ at Belle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J. X. Cui, Y. B. Li, C. P. Shen, I. Adachi, H. Aihara, S. Al Said, D. M. Asner, T. Aushev, R. Ayad, V. Babu, S. Bahinipati, Sw. Banerjee, M. Bauer, P. Behera, K. Belous, J. Bennett, M. Bessner, B. Bhuyan, T. Bilka, D. Biswas, A. Bobrov, D. Bodrov, J. Borah, M. Bračko, P. Branchini, T. E. Browder, A. Budano, M. Campajola, D. Červenkov, M.-C. Chang, B. G. Cheon, K. Chilikin, K. Cho, S.-K. Choi, Y. Choi, S. Choudhury, S. Das, N. Dash, G. De Nardo, G. De Pietro, R. Dhamija, F. Di Capua, J. Dingfelder, Z. Doležal, T. V. Dong, S. Dubey, P. Ecker, D. Epifanov, T. Ferber, D. Ferlewicz, B. G. Fulsom, R. Garg, V. Gaur, A. Garmash, A. Giri, P. Goldenzweig, E. Graziani, K. Gudkova, C. Hadjivasiliou, S. Halder, K. Hayasaka, H. Hayashii, S. Hazra, D. Herrmann, W.-S. Hou, et al. (100 additional authors not shown)

    Using the full data sample of 980 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy electron-positron collider, we report the results of the first search for the rare semileptonic decays $\Xi_c^0 \to \Xi^0\ell^+\ell^-$ ($\ell=e$ or $\mu)$. No significant signals are observed in the $\Xi^0\ell^+\ell^-$ invariant-mass distributions. Taking the decay $\Xi_c^0 \to \Xi^- \pi^+$ as the normalization mode, we report 90\% credibility upper limits on the branching fraction ratios ${\cal{B}} (\Xi_c^0 \to \Xi^0 e^+ e^-) / {\cal{B}}(\Xi_c^0\to \Xi^-\pi^+) < 6.7 \times 10^{-3}$ and ${\cal{B}} (\Xi_c^0 \to \Xi^0 \mu^+ \mu^-) / {\cal{B}}(\Xi_c^0\to \Xi^-\pi^+) < 4.3 \times 10^{-3}$ based on the phase-space assumption for signal decays. The 90\% credibility upper limits on the absolute branching fractions of ${\cal{B}} (\Xi_c^0 \to \Xi^0 e^+ e^-)$ and ${\cal{B}} (\Xi_c^0 \to \Xi^0 \mu^+ \mu^-)$ are found to be $9.9 \times 10^{-5}$ and $6.5 \times 10^{-5}$, respectively.


  • Towards Optimizations of Quantum Circuit Simulation for Solving Max-Cut Problems with QAOA.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Cheng Lin, Chuan-Chi Wang, Chia-Heng Tu, Shih-Hao Hung

    Quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is one of the popular quantum algorithms that are used to solve combinatorial optimization problems via approximations. QAOA is able to be evaluated on both physical and virtual quantum computers simulated by classical computers, with virtual ones being favored for their noise-free feature and availability. Nevertheless, performing QAOA on virtual quantum computers suffers from a slow simulation speed for solving combinatorial optimization problems which require large-scale quantum circuit simulation (QCS). In this paper, we propose techniques to accelerate QCS for QAOA using mathematical optimizations to compress quantum operations, incorporating efficient bitwise operations to further lower the computational complexity, and leveraging different levels of parallelisms from modern multi-core processors, with a study case to show the effectiveness on solving max-cut problems.

  • Device-Independent Quantum Secure Direct Communication Under Non-Markovian Quantum Channels.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pritam Roy, Subhankar Bera, Shashank Gupta, A. S. Majumdar

    Device-independent quantum secure direct communication (DI-QSDC) is a promising primitive in quantum cryptography aimed towards addressing the problems of device imperfections and key management. However, significant effort is required to tackle practical challenges such as the distance limitation due to decohering effects of quantum channels. Here, we explore the constructive effect of non-Markovian noise to improve the performance of DI-QSDC. Considering two different environmental dynamics modeled by the amplitude damping and the dephasing channels, we show that for both cases non-Markovianty leads to a considerable improvement over Markovian dynamics in terms of three benchmark performance criteria of the DI-QSDC task. Specifically, we find that non-Markovian noise (i) enhances the protocol security measured by Bell-violation, (ii) leads to a lower quantum bit error rate, and (iii) enables larger communication distances by increasing the capacity of secret communication.

  • Braids and Higher-order Exceptional Points from the Interplay Between Lossy Defects and Topological Boundary States.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zi-Jian Li, Gabriel Cardoso, Emil J. Bergholtz, Qing-Dong Jiang

    We show that the perturbation of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain by a localized lossy defect leads to higher-order exceptional points (HOEPs). Depending on the location of the defect, third- and fourth-order exceptional points (EP3s & EP4s) appear in the space of Hamiltonian parameters. On the one hand, they arise due to the non-Abelian braiding properties of exceptional lines (ELs) in parameter space. Namely, the HOEPs lie at intersections of mutually non-commuting ELs. On the other hand, we show that such special intersections happen due to the fact that the delocalization of edge states, induced by the non-Hermitian defect, hybridizes them with defect states. These can then coalesce together into an EP3. When the defect lies at the midpoint of the chain, a special symmetry of the full spectrum can lead to an EP4. In this way, our model illustrates the emergence of interesting non-Abelian topological properties in the multiband structure of non-Hermitian perturbations of topological phases.

  • Advantage of Quantum Machine Learning from General Computational Advantages.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hayata Yamasaki, Natsuto Isogai, Mio Murao

    An overarching milestone of quantum machine learning (QML) is to demonstrate the advantage of QML over all possible classical learning methods in accelerating a common type of learning task as represented by supervised learning with classical data. However, the provable advantages of QML in supervised learning have been known so far only for the learning tasks designed for using the advantage of specific quantum algorithms, i.e., Shor's algorithms. Here we explicitly construct an unprecedentedly broader family of supervised learning tasks with classical data to offer the provable advantage of QML based on general quantum computational advantages, progressing beyond Shor's algorithms. Our learning task is feasibly achievable by executing a general class of functions that can be computed efficiently in polynomial time for a large fraction of inputs by arbitrary quantum algorithms but not by any classical algorithm. We prove the hardness of achieving this learning task for any possible polynomial-time classical learning method. We also clarify protocols for preparing the classical data to demonstrate this learning task in experiments. These results open routes to exploit a variety of quantum advantages in computing functions for the experimental demonstration of the advantage of QML.

  • Dual-VQE: A quantum algorithm to lower bound the ground-state energy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hanna Westerheim, Jingxuan Chen, Zoë Holmes, Ivy Luo, Theshani Nuradha, Dhrumil Patel, Soorya Rethinasamy, Kathie Wang, Mark M. Wilde

    The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is a hybrid quantum--classical variational algorithm that produces an upper-bound estimate of the ground-state energy of a Hamiltonian. As quantum computers become more powerful and go beyond the reach of classical brute-force simulation, it is important to assess the quality of solutions produced by them. Here we propose a dual variational quantum eigensolver (dual-VQE) that produces a lower-bound estimate of the ground-state energy. As such, VQE and dual-VQE can serve as quality checks on their solutions; in the ideal case, the VQE upper bound and the dual-VQE lower bound form an interval containing the true optimal value of the ground-state energy. The idea behind dual-VQE is to employ semi-definite programming duality to rewrite the ground-state optimization problem as a constrained maximization problem, which itself can be bounded from below by an unconstrained optimization problem to be solved by a variational quantum algorithm. When using a convex combination ansatz in conjunction with a classical generative model, the quantum computational resources needed to evaluate the objective function of dual-VQE are no greater than those needed for that of VQE. We simulated the performance of dual-VQE on the transverse-field Ising model, and found that, for the example considered, while dual-VQE training is slower and noisier than VQE, it approaches the true value with error of order $10^{-2}$.

  • Flexible polar encoding for information reconciliation in QKD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Snehasis Addy, Sabyasachi Dutta, Somnath Panja, Kunal Dey, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Daniel Oblak

    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) enables two parties to establish a common secret key that is information-theoretically secure by transmitting random bits that are encoded as qubits and sent over a quantum channel, followed by classical information processing steps known as information reconciliation and key extraction. Transmission of information over a quantum channel introduces errors that are generally considered to be due to the adversary's tempering with the quantum channel and needs to be corrected using classical communication over an (authenticated) public channel. Commonly used error-correcting codes in the context of QKD include cascade codes, low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, and more recently polar codes. In this work, we explore the applicability of designing of a polar code encoder based on a channel reliability sequence. We show that the reliability sequence can be derived and used to design an encoder independent of the choice of decoder. We then implement our design and evaluate its performance against previous implementations of polar code encoders for QKD as well as other typical error-correcting codes. A key advantage of our approach is the modular design which decouples the encoder and decoder design and allows independent optimization of each. Our work leads to more versatile polar code-based error reconciliation in QKD systems that would result in deployment in a broader range of scenarios.

  • Absence of backscattering in Fermi-arc-mediated conductivity of topological Dirac semimetal Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vsevolod Ivanov, Lotte Borkowski, Xiangang Wan, Sergey Y. Savrasov

    Having previously been the subject of decades of semiconductor research, cadmium arsenide has now reemerged as a topological material, realizing ideal three-dimensional Dirac points at the Fermi level. These topological Dirac points lead to a number of extraordinary transport phenomena, including strong quantum oscillations, large magnetoresistance, ultrahigh mobilities, and Fermi velocities exceeding graphene. The large mobilities persist even in thin films and nanowires of cadmium arsenide, suggesting the involvement of topological surface states. However, computational studies of the surface states in this material are lacking, in part due to the large 80-atom unit cell. Here we present the computed Fermi arc surface states of a cadmium arsenide thin film, based on a tight-binding model derived directly from the electronic structure. We show that despite the close proximity of the Dirac points, the Fermi arcs are very long and straight, extending through nearly the entire Brillouin zone. The shape and spin properties of the Fermi arcs suppress both back- and side- scattering at the surface, which we show by explicit integrals over the phase space. The introduction of a small symmetry-breaking term, expected in a strong electric field, gaps the electronic structure, creating a weak topological insulator phase that exhibits similar transport properties. Crucially, the mechanisms suppressing scattering in this material differ from those in other topological materials such as Weyl semimetals and topological insulators, suggesting a new route for engineering high-mobility devices based on Dirac semimetal surface states.

  • The Automated Bias Triangle Feature Extraction Framework.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Madeleine Kotzagiannidis, Jonas Schuff, Nathan Korda

    Bias triangles represent features in stability diagrams of Quantum Dot (QD) devices, whose occurrence and property analysis are crucial indicators for spin physics. Nevertheless, challenges associated with quality and availability of data as well as the subtlety of physical phenomena of interest have hindered an automatic and bespoke analysis framework, often still relying (in part) on human labelling and verification. We introduce a feature extraction framework for bias triangles, built from unsupervised, segmentation-based computer vision methods, which facilitates the direct identification and quantification of physical properties of the former. Thereby, the need for human input or large training datasets to inform supervised learning approaches is circumvented, while additionally enabling the automation of pixelwise shape and feature labeling. In particular, we demonstrate that Pauli Spin Blockade (PSB) detection can be conducted effectively, efficiently and without any training data as a direct result of this approach.

  • Longitudinal (curvature) couplings of an $N$-level qudit to a superconducting resonator at the adiabatic limit and beyond.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rusko Ruskov, Charles Tahan

    Understanding how and to what magnitude solid-state qubits couple to metallic wires is crucial to the design of quantum systems such as quantum computers. Here, we investigate the coupling between a multi-level system, or qudit, and a superconducting (SC) resonator's electromagnetic field, focusing on the interaction involving both the transition and diagonal dipole moments of the qudit. Specifically, we explore the effective dynamical (time-dependent) longitudinal coupling that arises when a solid-state qudit is adiabatically modulated at small gate frequencies and amplitudes, in addition to a static dispersive interaction with the SC resonator. For the first time, we derive Hamiltonians describing the longitudinal multi-level interactions in a general dispersive regime, encompassing both dynamical longitudinal and dispersive interactions. These Hamiltonians smoothly transition between their adiabatic values, where the couplings of the n-th level are proportional to the level's energy curvature concerning a qudit gate voltage, and the substantially larger dispersive values, which occur due to a resonant form factor. We provide several examples illustrating the transition from adiabatic to dispersive coupling in different qubit systems, including the charge (1e DQD) qubit, the transmon, the double quantum dot singlet-triplet qubit, and the triple quantum dot exchange-only qubit. In some of these qubits, higher energy levels play a critical role, particularly when their qubit's dipole moment is minimal or zero. For an experimentally relevant scenario involving a spin-charge qubit with magnetic field gradient coupled capacitively to a SC resonator, we showcase the potential of these interactions. They enable close-to-quantum-limited quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements and remote geometric phase gates, demonstrating their practical utility in quantum information processing.

  • Failures of the Feynman-Dyson diagrammatic perturbation expansion of propagators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    So Hirata, Ireneusz Grabowski, Rodney J. Bartlett

    Using a general-order many-body Green's-function method for molecules, we illustrate numerically three pathological behaviors of the Feynman-Dyson diagrammatic perturbation expansion of one-particle many-body Green's functions as electron propagators. First, the perturbation expansion of the frequency-dependent self-energy is nonconvergent at the exact self-energy in wide domains of frequency. Second, the Dyson equation with an odd-order self-energy has a qualitatively wrong shape and, as a result, most of their satellite roots are complex and nonphysical. Third, the Dyson equation with an even-order self-energy has an exponentially increasing number of roots as the perturbation order is raised, which quickly exceeds the correct number of roots. Infinite partial summation of diagrams by vertex or edge modification exacerbates these problems. Not only does the nonconvergence render higher-order perturbation theories useless for satellite roots, but it also calls into question the validity of their combined use with the ans\"{a}tze requiring the knowledge of all poles and residues. Such ans\"{a}tze include the Galitskii-Migdal formula, self-consistent Green's-function methods, Luttinger-Ward functional, and some models of the algebraic diagrammatic construction.

  • Efficient quantum circuits for port-based teleportation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dmitry Grinko, Adam Burchardt, Maris Ozols

    Port-based teleportation (PBT) is a variant of quantum teleportation that, unlike the canonical protocol by Bennett et al., does not require a correction operation on the teleported state. Since its introduction by Ishizaka and Hiroshima in 2008, no efficient implementation of PBT was known. We close this long-standing gap by building on our recent results on representations of partially transposed permutation matrix algebras and mixed quantum Schur transform. We describe efficient quantum circuits for probabilistic and deterministic PBT protocols on $n$ ports of arbitrary local dimension, both for EPR and optimized resource states. We describe two constructions based on different encodings of the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis for $n$ qudits: a standard encoding that achieves $\widetilde{O}(n)$ time and $O(n\mathrm{log}(n))$ space complexity, and a Yamanouchi encoding that achieves $\widetilde{O}(n^2)$ time and $O(\mathrm{log}(n))$ space complexity, both for constant local dimension and target error. We also describe efficient circuits for preparing the optimal resource states.

  • $n$-body anti-bunching in a degenerate Fermi gas of $^3$He* atoms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kieran F. Thomas, Shijie Li, A. H. Abbas, Andrew G. Truscott, Sean. S. Hodgman

    A key observable in investigations into quantum systems are the $n$-body correlation functions, which provide a powerful tool for experimentally determining coherence and directly probing the many-body wavefunction. While the (bosonic) correlations of photonic systems are well explored, the correlations present in matter-wave systems, particularly for fermionic atoms, are still an emerging field. In this work, we use the unique single-atom detection properties of $^3$He* atoms to perform simultaneous measurements of the $n$-body quantum correlations, up to the fifth-order, of a degenerate Fermi gas. In a direct demonstration of the Pauli exclusion principle, we observe clear anti-bunching at all orders and find good agreement with predicted correlation volumes. Our results pave the way for using correlation functions to probe some of the rich physics associated with fermionic systems, such as d-wave pairing in superconductors.

  • An inverter-chain link implementation of quantum teleportation and superdense coding.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Felix A. Buot, Roland E.S. Otadoy

    A new perspective in terms of inverter-chain link (ICL) diagrams of quantum entanglement faithfully captures the fundamental concept of quantum teleportation and superdense coding. Here, we employ discrete phase space and ICL analyses of quantum entanglement as a resource for quantum teleportation and superdense coding. We underscore the quantum superposition principle and Hadamard transformation under a single qubit local operations. On the fundamental question posed by EPR, our result seems to lend support to the geometric nature of quantum entanglement. In concluding remarks, we discuss very briefly a bold conjecture in physics aiming to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics, namely, ER=EPR.

  • Quantum Fusion of Independent Networks Based on Multi-user Entanglement Swapping.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yiwen Huang, Yilin Yang, Hao Li, Jing Qiu, Zhantong Qi, Jiayu Wang, Yuting Zhang, Yuanhua Li, Yuanlin Zheng, Xianfeng Chen

    With the advance development in quantum science, constructing a large-scale quantum network has become a hot area of future quantum information technology. Future quantum networks promise to enable many fantastic applications and will unlock fundamentally new technologies in information security and large-scale computation. The future quantum internet is required to connect quantum information processors to achieve unparalleled capabilities in secret communication and enable quantum communication between any two points on Earth. However, the existing quantum networks are basically constructed to realize the communication between the end users in their own networks. How to bridge different independent networks to form a fully-connected quantum internet becomes a pressing challenge for future networks. Here, we demonstrate the quantum fusion of two independent networks for the first time based on multiuser entanglement swapping, to merge two 10-user networks into a larger network with 18 users in quantum correlation layer. By performing the Bell state measurement between two nonneighboring nodes, the users from different networks can establish entanglement and ultimately every pair of the 18 users are able to communicate with each other using the swapped states. Our approach opens attractive opportunities for the establishment of quantum entanglement between remote nodes in different networks, which facilitates versatile quantum information interconnects and has great application in constructing large-scale intercity quantum communication networks.

  • Advantage of probabilistic non-Gaussian operations in the distillation of single mode squeezed vacuum state.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chandan Kumar

    We consider the distillation of squeezing in single mode squeezed vacuum state using three different probabilistic non-Gaussian operations: photon subtraction (PS), photon addition (PA) and photon catalysis (PC). To accomplish this, we consider a practical model to implement these non-Gaussian operations and derive the Wigner characteristic function of the resulting non-Gaussian states. Our result shows that while PS and PC operations can distill squeezing, PA operations cannot. Furthermore, we delve into the success probabilities associated with these non-Gaussian operations and identify optimal parameters for the distillation of squeezing. Our current analysis holds significant relevance for experimental endeavors concerned with squeezing distillation.

  • Quantum Random Number Generation with Partial Source Assumptions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xing Lin, Rong Wang

    Quantum random number generator harnesses the power of quantum mechanics to generate true random numbers, making it valuable for various scientific applications. However, real-world devices often suffer from imperfections that can undermine the integrity and privacy of generated randomness. To combat this issue, we present a novel quantum random number generator and experimentally demonstrate it. Our approach circumvents the need for exhaustive characterization of measurement devices, even in the presence of a quantum side channel. Additionally, we also do not require detailed characterization of the source, relying instead on reasonable assumptions about encoding dimension and noise constraints. Leveraging commercially available all-fiber devices, we achieve a randomness generation rate of 40 kbps.

  • Observations of super-resolution using phase-controlled coherent photons in a delayed-choice quantum eraser scheme.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sangbae Kim, Byoung S. Ham

    Super-resolution overcoming the standard quantum limit has been intensively studied for quantum sensing applications of precision target detection over the last decades. Not only higher-order entangled photons but also phase-controlled coherent photons have been used to demonstrate the super-resolution. Due to the extreme inefficiency of higher-order entangled photon-pair generation and ultralow signal-to-noise ratio, however, quantum sensing has been severely limited. Here, we report observations of coherently excited super-resolution using phase-controlled coherent photons in a delayed-choice quantum eraser scheme. Using phase manipulations of the quantum erasers, super-resolution has been observed for higher-order intensity correlations between them, satisfying the Heisenberg limit in phase resolution. This new type of precision phase-detection technique opens the door to practical applications of quantum sensing compatible with current technologies based on coherence optics.

  • Measuring the arrival time of an electron wave packet using a dynamical potential barrier.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wanki Park, H.-S. Sim, Sungguen Ryu

    A time-dependent potential barrier has been used to probe the arrival-time distribution of the wave packet of a hot electron by raising the barrier to block the packet upon arrival of the packet at the barrier. To see whether the barrier precisely detects the distribution, it is necessary to study an error caused by a finite rising speed of the barrier. For this purpose, we study transmission of an electron wave packet through the dynamical barrier, and identify two regimes, the semiclassical regime and the quasistatic regime. In each regime, we calculate the arrival-time distribution reconstructed by using the barrier and quantify the error in the detection, the difference of the temporal uncertainty between the wave-packet distribution and the reconstructed distribution. Our finding suggests that for precise detection, the time scale, in which the barrier height rises over the energy distribution of the wave packet and the tunneling energy window of the barrier, has to be much shorter than the temporal uncertainty of the wave packet. The analytical results are confirmed with numerical calculations.

  • Three-dimensional harmonic oscillator as a quantum Otto engine.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aleksandr Rodin

    A quantum Otto engine based on a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator is proposed. One of the modes of this oscillator functions as the working fluid, while the other two play the role of baths. The coupling between the working fluid and the baths is controlled using an external central potential. All four strokes of the engine are simulated numerically, exploring the nonadiabatic effects in the compression and expansion phases, as well as the energy transfer during the working fluid's contact with the baths. The efficiency and power of several realizations of the proposed engine are also computed with the former agreeing well with the theoretical predictions for the quantum Otto cycle.

  • High power narrow linewidth laser for scaling barium ion optical qubit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Morteza Ahmadi, Tarun Dutta, Manas Mukherjee

    The linewidth of a laser plays a pivotal role in ensuring high fidelity of ion trap quantum processors and optical clocks. As quantum computing endeavors scale up, the demand for higher laser power with ultra-narrow linewidth becomes imperative, and leveraging fiber amplifiers emerges as a promising approach to meet these requirements. This study explores the effectiveness of Thulium-doped fiber amplifiers as a viable solution for addressing optical qubit transitions in trapped barium ion qubits. We demonstrate that by performing high-fidelity gates on the qubit while introducing minimal intensity noise, TDFAs do not significantly broaden the linewidth of the seed lasers. We employed a Voigt fitting scheme in conjunction with a delayed self-heterodyne method to accurately measure the linewidth independently, corroborating our findings through quadrupole spectroscopy with trapped barium ions. Our results show linewidth values of $\sim$ $160$~Hz and $156$~Hz, respectively, using these two methods, underscoring the reliability of our measurement techniques. The slight variation between the two methods may be attributed to factors such as amplified spontaneous emission in the TDFA or the influence of $1/f$ noise within the heterodyne setup delay line. These contribute to advancing our understanding of laser linewidth control in the context of ion trap quantum computing as well as stretching the availability of narrow linewidth, high-power tunable lasers beyond the C-band.

  • Multiple wave packets running in the photon number-space.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luca Nimmesgern, Moritz Cygorek, Adam Mielnik-Pyszczorski, Doris E. Reiter, Alexei Vagov, Vollrath Martin Axt

    If a two-level system coupled to a single-mode cavity is strongly driven by an external laser, instead of a continuous accumulation of photons in the cavity, oscillations in the mean photon number occur. These oscillations correspond to peaks of finite width running up and down in the photon number distribution, reminiscent of wave packets in linear chain models. A single wave packet is found if the cavity is resonant to the external laser. Here, we show that for finite detuning multiple packet structures can exist simultaneously, oscillating at different frequencies and amplitudes. We further study the influence of dissipative effects resulting in the formation of a stationary state, which depending on the parameters can be characterized by a bimodal photon number distribution. While we give analytical limits for the maximally achievable photon number in the absence of any dissipation, surprisingly, dephasing processes can push the photon occupations towards higher photon numbers.

  • Quantum-Inspired Neural Network Model of Optical Illusions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ivan S. Maksymov

    Ambiguous optical illusions have been a paradigmatic object of fascination, research and inspiration in arts, psychology and video games. However, accurate computational models of perception of ambiguous figures have been elusive. In this paper, we design and train a deep neural network model to simulate the human's perception of the Necker cube, an ambiguous drawing with several alternating possible interpretations. Defining the weights of the neural network connection using a quantum generator of truly random numbers, in agreement with the emerging concepts of quantum artificial intelligence and quantum cognition we reveal that the actual perceptual state of the Necker cube is a qubit-like superposition of the two fundamental perceptual states predicted by classical theories. Our results will find applications in video games and virtual reality systems employed for training of astronauts and operators of unmanned aerial vehicles. They will also be useful for researchers working in the fields of machine learning and vision, psychology of perception and quantum-mechanical models of human mind and decision-making.

  • Telling different unravelings apart via nonlinear quantum-trajectory averages.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eloy Piñol, Th. K. Mavrogordatos, Dustin Keys, Romain Veyron, Piotr Sierant, Miguel Angel García-March, Samuele Grandi, Morgan W. Mitchell, Jan Wehr, Maciej Lewenstein

    We propose a way to operationally infer different unravelings of the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation appealing to stochastic conditional dynamics via quantum trajectories. We focus on the paradigmatic quantum nonlinear system of resonance fluorescence for the two most popular unravelings: the Poisson-type, corresponding to direct detection of the photons scattered from the two-level emitter, and the Wiener-type, revealing complementary attributes of the signal to be measured, such as the wave amplitude and the spectrum. We show that a quantum-trajectory-averaged variance, made of single trajectories beyond the standard description offered by the density-matrix formalism, is able to make a distinction between the different environments encountered by the field scattered from the two-level emitter. Our proposal is tested against commonly encountered experimental limitations, and can be readily extended to account for open quantum systems with several degrees of freedom.

  • Modeling the dynamics of quantum systems coupled to large dimensional baths using effective energy states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Loïse Attal, Cyril Falvo, Florent Calvo, Pascal Parneix

    The quantum dynamics of a low-dimensional system in contact with a large but finite harmonic bath is theoretically investigated by coarse-graining the bath into a reduced set of effective energy states. In this model, the couplings between the system and the bath are obtained from the statistical average over the discrete, degenerate effective states. Our model is aimed at intermediate bath sizes in which non-Markovian processes and energy transfer between the bath and the main system are important. The method is applied to a model system of a Morse oscillator coupled to 40 harmonic modes. The results are found to be in excellent agreement with the direct quantum dynamics simulations of Bouakline et al. [J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 11118-11127 (2012)], but at a much lower computational cost. Extension to larger baths is discussed in comparison to the time-convolutionless method. We also extend this study to the case of a microcanonical bath with finite initial internal energies. The computational efficiency and convergence properties of the effective bath states model with respect to relevant parameters are also discussed.

  • Quantum-secured single-pixel imaging under general spoofing attack.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jaesung Heo, Taek Jeong, Nam Hun Park, Yonggi Jo

    In this paper, we introduce a quantum-secured single-pixel imaging (QS-SPI) technique designed to withstand spoofing attacks, wherein adversaries attempt to deceive imaging systems with fake signals. Unlike previous quantum-secured protocols that impose a threshold error rate limiting their operation, even with the existence of true signals, our approach not only identifies spoofing attacks but also facilitates the reconstruction of a true image. Our method involves the analysis of a specific mode correlation of a photon-pair, which is independent of the mode used for image construction, to check security. Through this analysis, we can identify both the targeted image region by the attack and the type of spoofing attack, enabling reconstruction of the true image. A proof-of-principle demonstration employing polarization-correlation of a photon-pair is provided, showcasing successful image reconstruction even under the condition of spoofing signals 2000 times stronger than the true signals. We expect our approach to be applied to quantum-secured signal processing such as quantum target detection or ranging.

  • Convolutional neural network based decoders for surface codes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simone Bordoni, Stefano Giagu

    The decoding of error syndromes of surface codes with classical algorithms may slow down quantum computation. To overcome this problem it is possible to implement decoding algorithms based on artificial neural networks. This work reports a study of decoders based on convolutional neural networks, tested on different code distances and noise models. The results show that decoders based on convolutional neural networks have good performance and can adapt to different noise models. Moreover, explainable machine learning techniques have been applied to the neural network of the decoder to better understand the behaviour and errors of the algorithm, in order to produce a more robust and performing algorithm.

  • The Hadamard gate cannot be replaced by a resource state in universal quantum computation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Benjamin D. M. Jones, Paul Skrzypczyk, Noah Linden

    We consider models of quantum computation that involve operations performed on some fixed resourceful quantum state. Examples that fit this paradigm include magic state injection and measurement-based approaches. We introduce a framework that incorporates both of these cases and focus on the role of coherence (or superposition) in this context, as exemplified through the Hadamard gate. We prove that given access to incoherent unitaries (those that are unable to generate superposition from computational basis states, e.g. CNOT, diagonal gates), classical control, computational basis measurements, and any resourceful ancillary state (of arbitrary dimension), it is not possible to implement any coherent unitary (e.g. Hadamard) exactly with non-zero probability. We also consider the approximate case by providing lower bounds for the induced trace distance between the above operations and $n$ Hadamard gates. To demonstrate the stability of this result, this is then extended to a similar no-go result for the case of using $k$ Hadamard gates to exactly implement $n>k$ Hadamard gates.

  • Clustering by Contour coreset and variational quantum eigensolver.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Canaan Yung, Muhammad Usman

    Recent work has proposed solving the k-means clustering problem on quantum computers via the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) and coreset techniques. Although the current method demonstrates the possibility of quantum k-means clustering, it does not ensure high accuracy and consistency across a wide range of datasets. The existing coreset techniques are designed for classical algorithms and there has been no quantum-tailored coreset technique which is designed to boost the accuracy of quantum algorithms. In this work, we propose solving the k-means clustering problem with the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) and a customised coreset method, the Contour coreset, which has been formulated with specific focus on quantum algorithms. Extensive simulations with synthetic and real-life data demonstrated that our VQE+Contour Coreset approach outperforms existing QAOA+Coreset k-means clustering approaches with higher accuracy and lower standard deviation. Our work has shown that quantum tailored coreset techniques has the potential to significantly boost the performance of quantum algorithms when compared to using generic off-the-shelf coreset techniques.

  • Validation and benchmarking of quantum annealing technology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Konrad Jałowiecki

    In this thesis, we focus on the problem of validating and benchmarking quantum annealers. To this end, we propose two algorithms for solving real-world problems and test how they perform on the current generation of quantum annealers. The first algorithm allows for solving the dynamics of quantum systems (or, in fact, any dynamical systems). The second of the proposed algorithms is suitable for solving a particular family of railway dispatching problems. We assess the performance of those algorithms on the current generation of D-Wave quantum annealers with the assistance of two novel, classical strategies for solving an Ising model also presented in the thesis. The first, tensor network-based approach is a heuristic algorithm tailored for solving instances defined on Chimera-like graphs, thus making it ideal for providing a baseline with which the results from physical annealers can be compared. The other presented approach is a massively parallel implementation of the exhaustive (brute-force) search through the whole solution space. Although the brute-force approach is limited to moderate instance sizes, it has the advantage of being able to compute the low energy spectrum and certify the solutions. Our results suggest that present-day quantum annealers are able to solve a subset of the aforementioned problems. In particular, we show that the D-Wave annealers are capable of capturing the dynamics of a simple quantum system in a specific regime of parameters, and can be used to obtain good-quality solutions for instances of railway conflict management problems. Finally, our findings indicate that the current generation of D-Wave annealers is far from perfect. We discuss problem instances for which the annealers failed to find a good or even feasible solution. We also provide, where possible, a plausible explanation of why some of the presented problems might be hard for the annealers.

  • Schroedinger equation as a confluent Heun equation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bartolomeu Donatila Bonorino Figueiredo

    This article deals with two classes of quasi-exactly solvable (QES) trigonometric potentials for which the one-dimensional Schroedinger equation reduces to a confluent Heun equation (CHE) where the independent variable takes only finite values. Power series for the CHE are used to get finite- and infinite-series eigenfunctions. Finite series occur only for special sets of parameters and characterize the quasi-exact solvability. Infinite series occur for all admissible values of the parameters (even values involving finite series), and are bounded and convergent in the entire range of the independent variable. Moreover, throughout the article we examine other QES trigonometric and hyperbolic potentials. In all cases, for a finite series there is a convergent infinite series.

  • Generalized $\alpha$-Observational Entropy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shivam Sinha, S. Aravinda

    Recognizing the inadequacy of existing measures for thermodynamic entropy, recent research focuses on observational Eetropy (OE) as a promising alternative, offering practical applicability and theoretical insights. In this work, we extend the scope of observational entropy by generalizing it to a parameterized version called $\alpha$-Observational entropy ($\alpha$-OE). $\alpha$-OE is expressed in terms of the Petz-R\'{e}nyi relative entropy between the states on which a quantum-to-classical channel is applied. It is also expressed by using Sandwitched relative entropy. We prove various properties of the $\alpha$-OE, which are the generalization of the properties of OE, including the monotonically increasing of $\alpha$-OE as a function of refinement of coarse-graining. The generalized quantum relative entropies play a central role in many areas of quantum information theory, and we provide a connection of these entropic quantities to thermodynamic properties.

  • Fluorescence Lifetime Hong-Ou-Mandel Sensing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ashley Lyons, Vytautas Zickus, Raúl Álvarez-Mendoza, Danilo Triggiani, Vincenzo Tamma, Niclas Westerberg, Manlio Tassieri, Daniele Faccio

    Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy in the time domain is typically performed by recording the arrival time of photons either by using electronic time tagging or a gated detector. As such the temporal resolution is limited by the performance of the electronics to 100's of picoseconds. Here, we demonstrate a fluorescence lifetime measurement technique based on photon-bunching statistics with a resolution that is only dependent on the duration of the reference photon or laser pulse, which can readily reach the 1-0.1 picosecond timescale. A range of fluorescent dyes having lifetimes spanning from 1.6 to 7 picoseconds have been here measured with only ~1 second measurement duration. We corroborate the effectiveness of the technique by measuring the Newtonian viscosity of glycerol/water mixtures by means of a molecular rotor having over an order of magnitude variability in lifetime, thus introducing a new method for contact-free nanorheology. Accessing fluorescence lifetime information at such high temporal resolution opens a doorway for a wide range of fluorescent markers to be adopted for studying yet unexplored fast biological processes, as well as fundamental interactions such as lifetime shortening in resonant plasmonic devices.

  • Rotating quantum droplets confined in an anharmonic potential.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Nikolaou, G. M. Kavoulakis, M. Ogren

    We investigate the rotational properties of quantum droplets, which form in a mixture of two Bose-Einstein condensates, in the presence of an anharmonic trapping potential. We identify various phases as the atom number and the angular momentum/angular velocity of the trap vary. These phases include center-of-mass-like excitation (without, or with vortices), vortices of single and multiple quantization, etc. Finally, we compare our results with those of the single-component problem.

  • Coherent pair injection as a route towards the enhancement of supersolid order in many-body bosonic models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Emmanouil Grigoriou, Zhiyao Ning, Hang Su, Benjamin Löckler, Ming Li, Yoshitomo Kamiya, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch

    Over the last couple of decades, quantum simulators have been probing quantum many-body physics with unprecedented levels of control. So far, the main focus has been on the access to novel observables and dynamical conditions related to condensed-matter models. However, the potential of quantum simulators goes beyond the traditional scope of condensed-matter physics: Being based on driven-dissipative quantum optical platforms, quantum simulators allow for processes that are typically not considered in condensed-matter physics. These processes can enrich in unexplored ways the phase diagram of well-established models. Taking the extended Bose-Hubbard model as the guiding example, in this work we examine the impact of coherent pair injection, a process readily available in, for example, superconducting circuit arrays. The interest behind this process is that, in contrast to the standard injection of single excitations, it can be configured to preserve the U(1) symmetry underlying the model. We prove that this process favors both superfluid and density-wave order, as opposed to insulation or homogeneous states, thereby providing a novel route towards the access of lattice supersolidity.

  • Quantum Optics with Rydberg Superatoms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jan Kumlin, Christoph Braun, Christoph Tresp, Nina Stiesdal, Sebastian Hofferberth, Asaf Paris-Mandoki

    Quantum optics based on highly excited atoms, also known as Rydberg atoms, has cemented itself as a powerful platform for the manipulation of light at the few-photon level. The Rydberg blockade, resulting from the strong interaction between individual Rydberg atoms, can turn a large ensemble of atoms into a system which collectively resembles a single two-level emitter, a so-called Rydberg superatom. The coupling of this artificial emitter to a driving photonic mode is collectively enhanced by Rydberg interactions, enabling strong coherent coupling at the few-photon level in free-space. The exquisite level of control achievable through this has already demonstrated its utility in applications of quantum computing and information processing. Here, we review the derivation of the collective coupling between a Rydberg superatom and a single light mode and discuss the similarity of this free-space setup to waveguide quantum electrodynamics systems of quantum emitters coupled to photonic waveguides. We also briefly review applications of Rydberg superatoms to quantum optics such as single-photon generation and single-photon subtraction.

  • Quantum Picturalism: Learning Quantum Theory in High School.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Selma Dündar-Coecke, Lia Yeh, Caterina Puca, Sieglinde M.-L. Pfaendler, Muhammad Hamza Waseem, Thomas Cervoni, Aleks Kissinger, Stefano Gogioso, Bob Coecke

    Quantum theory is often regarded as challenging to learn and teach, with advanced mathematical prerequisites ranging from complex numbers and probability theory to matrix multiplication, vector space algebra and symbolic manipulation within the Hilbert space formalism. It is traditionally considered an advanced undergraduate or graduate-level subject. In this work, we challenge the conventional view by proposing "Quantum Picturalism" as a new approach to teaching the fundamental concepts of quantum theory and computation. We establish the foundations and methodology for an ongoing educational experiment to investigate the question "From what age can students learn quantum theory if taught using a diagrammatic approach?". We anticipate that the primary benefit of leveraging such a diagrammatic approach, which is conceptually intuitive yet mathematically rigorous, will be eliminating some of the most daunting barriers to teaching and learning this subject while enabling young learners to reason proficiently about high-level problems. We posit that transitioning from symbolic presentations to pictorial ones will increase the appeal of STEM education, attracting more diverse audience.

  • Single-ion optical autocorrelator.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. I. Hussain, M. Guevara-Bertsch, E. Torrontegui, J. J. Garcıa-Ripoll, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos

    Well isolated quantum systems are exquisite sensors of electromagnetic fields. In this work, we use a single trapped ion for characterizing chirped ultraviolet (UV) picosecond laser pulses. The frequency swept pulses resonantly drive a strong dipole transition via rapid adiabatic passage, resulting in near deterministic population exchange caused by absorption or stimulated emission of photons. When subjecting an ion to counterpropagating pulse pairs, we observe the loss and revival of atomic coherence as a function of the pulse pair spatial overlap enabling quantification of the temporal pulse broadening caused by a frequency chirp in shaped UV pulses with a very low peak power. We find good agreement between measured and applied chirp. The ultrafast population exchange imparts an impulsive force where the estimated change in the mean phonon numbers of 0.5 is measured for two pairs of pulses. The resonant ultrafast kicks could be applied to matter wave interferometry experiments and present a step towards ultrafast entanglement operations in trapped ions.

  • Systematic Literature Review: Quantum Machine Learning and its applications.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    David Peral García, Juan Cruz-Benito, Francisco José García-Peñalvo

    Quantum computing is the process of performing calculations using quantum mechanics. This field studies the quantum behavior of certain subatomic particles for subsequent use in performing calculations, as well as for large-scale information processing. These capabilities can give quantum computers an advantage in terms of computational time and cost over classical computers. Nowadays, there are scientific challenges that are impossible to perform by classical computation due to computational complexity or the time the calculation would take, and quantum computation is one of the possible answers. However, current quantum devices have not yet the necessary qubits and are not fault-tolerant enough to achieve these goals. Nonetheless, there are other fields like machine learning or chemistry where quantum computation could be useful with current quantum devices. This manuscript aims to present a Systematic Literature Review of the papers published between 2017 and 2023 to identify, analyze and classify the different algorithms used in quantum machine learning and their applications. Consequently, this study identified 94 articles that used quantum machine learning techniques and algorithms. The main types of found algorithms are quantum implementations of classical machine learning algorithms, such as support vector machines or the k-nearest neighbor model, and classical deep learning algorithms, like quantum neural networks. Many articles try to solve problems currently answered by classical machine learning but using quantum devices and algorithms. Even though results are promising, quantum machine learning is far from achieving its full potential. An improvement in the quantum hardware is required since the existing quantum computers lack enough quality, speed, and scale to allow quantum computing to achieve its full potential.

  • Engines for predictive work extraction from memoryful quantum stochastic processes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ruo Cheng Huang, Paul M. Riechers, Mile Gu, Varun Narasimhachar

    Quantum information-processing techniques enable work extraction from a system's inherently quantum features, in addition to the classical free energy it contains. Meanwhile, the science of computational mechanics affords tools for the predictive modeling of non-Markovian classical and quantum stochastic processes. We combine tools from these two sciences to develop a technique for predictive work extraction from non-Markovian stochastic processes with quantum outputs. We demonstrate that this technique can extract more work than non-predictive quantum work extraction protocols, on one hand, and predictive work extraction without quantum information processing, on the other. We discover a phase transition in the efficacy of memory for work extraction from quantum processes, which is without classical precedent. Our work opens up the prospect of machines that harness environmental free energy in an essentially quantum, essentially time-varying form.

  • Close-to-optimal continuity bound for the von Neumann entropy and other quasi-classical applications of the Alicki-Fannes-Winter technique.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]


    We consider a quasi-classical version of the Alicki-Fannes-Winter technique widely used for quantitative continuity analysis of characteristics of quantum systems and channels. This version allows us to obtain continuity bounds under constraints of different types for quantum states belonging to subsets of a special form that can be called "quasi-classical". Several applications of the proposed method are described. Among others, we obtain the universal continuity bound for the von Neumann entropy under the energy-type constraint which in the case of one-mode quantum oscillator is close to the specialized optimal continuity bound presented recently by Becker, Datta and Jabbour. We obtain semi-continuity bounds for the quantum conditional entropy of quantum-classical states and for the entanglement of formation in bipartite quantum systems with the rank/energy constraint imposed only on one state. Semi-continuity bounds for entropic characteristics of classical random variables and classical states of a multi-mode quantum oscillator are also obtained.

  • Exhaustive Characterization of Quantum Many-Body Scars using Commutant Algebras.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sanjay Moudgalya, Olexei I. Motrunich

    We study Quantum Many-Body Scars (QMBS) in the language of commutant algebras, which are defined as symmetry algebras of families of local Hamiltonians. This framework explains the origin of dynamically disconnected subspaces seen in models with exact QMBS, i.e., the large "thermal" subspace and the small "non-thermal" subspace, which are attributed to the existence of unconventional non-local conserved quantities in the commutant; hence this unifies the study of conventional symmetries and weak ergodicity breaking phenomena into a single framework. Furthermore, this language enables us to use the von Neumann Double Commutant Theorem (DCT) to formally write down the exhaustive algebra of all Hamiltonians with a desired set of QMBS, which demonstrates that QMBS survive under large classes of local perturbations. We illustrate this using several standard examples of QMBS, including the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic, AKLT, spin-1 XY $\pi$-bimagnon, and the electronic $\eta$-pairing towers of states; and in each of these cases we explicitly write down a set of generators for the full algebra of Hamiltonians with these QMBS.Understanding this hidden structure in QMBS Hamiltonians also allows us to recover results of previous "brute-force" numerical searches for such Hamiltonians. In addition, this language clearly demonstrates the equivalence of several unified formalisms for QMBS proposed in the literature, and also illustrates the connection between two apparently distinct classes of QMBS Hamiltonians -- those that are captured by the so-called Shiraishi-Mori construction, and those that lie beyond. Finally, we show that this framework motivates a precise definition for QMBS that automatically implies that they violate the conventional Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH), and we discuss its implications to dynamics.

  • Quantum Event Learning and Gentle Random Measurements.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Adam Bene Watts, John Bostanci

    We prove the expected disturbance caused to a quantum system by a sequence of randomly ordered two-outcome projective measurements is upper bounded by the square root of the probability that at least one measurement in the sequence accepts. We call this bound the Gentle Random Measurement Lemma. We then consider problems in which we are given sample access to an unknown state $\rho$ and asked to estimate properties of the accepting probabilities $\text{Tr}[M_i \rho]$ of a set of measurements $\{M_1, M_2, \ldots , M_m\}$. We call these types of problems Quantum Event Learning Problems. Using the gentle random measurement lemma, we show randomly ordering projective measurements solves the Quantum OR problem, answering an open question of Aaronson. We also give a Quantum OR protocol which works on non-projective measurements but which requires a more complicated type of measurement, which we call a Blended Measurement. Given additional guarantees on the set of measurements $\{M_1, \ldots, M_m\}$, we show the Quantum OR protocols developed in this paper can also be used to find a measurement $M_i$ such that $\text{Tr}[M_i \rho]$ is large. We also give a blended measurement based protocol for estimating the average accepting probability of a set of measurements on an unknown state. Finally we consider the Threshold Search Problem described by O'Donnell and B\u{a}descu. By building on our Quantum Event Finding result we show that randomly ordered (or blended) measurements can be used to solve this problem using $O(\log^2(m) / \epsilon^2)$ copies of $\rho$. Consequently, we obtain an algorithm for Shadow Tomography which requires $\tilde{O}(\log^2(m)\log(d)/\epsilon^4)$ samples, matching the current best known sample complexity. This algorithm does not require injected noise in the quantum measurements, but does require measurements to be made in a random order and so is no longer online.

  • The Min-Entropy of Classical-Quantum Combs for Measurement-Based Applications.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Isaac D. Smith, Marius Krumm, Lukas J. Fiderer, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Hans J. Briegel

    Learning a hidden property of a quantum system typically requires a series of interactions. In this work, we formalise such multi-round learning processes using a generalisation of classical-quantum states, called classical-quantum combs. Here, "classical" refers to a random variable encoding the hidden property to be learnt, and "quantum" refers to the quantum comb describing the behaviour of the system. The optimal strategy for learning the hidden property can be quantified by applying the comb min-entropy (Chiribella and Ebler, NJP, 2016) to classical-quantum combs. To demonstrate the power of this approach, we focus attention on an array of problems derived from measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC) and related applications. Specifically, we describe a known blind quantum computation (BQC) protocol using the combs formalism and thereby leverage the min-entropy to provide a proof of single-shot security for multiple rounds of the protocol, extending the existing result in the literature. Furthermore, we consider a range of operationally motivated examples related to the verification of a partially unknown MBQC device. These examples involve learning the features of the device necessary for its correct use, including learning its internal reference frame for measurement calibration. We also introduce a novel connection between MBQC and quantum causal models that arises in this context.

  • Cryogenic hyperabrupt strontium titanate varactors for sensitive reflectometry of quantum dots.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rafael S. Eggli, Simon Svab, Taras Patlatiuk, Dominique A. Trüssel, Miguel J. Carballido, Pierre Chevalier Kwon, Simon Geyer, Ang Li, Erik P. A. M. Bakkers, Andreas V. Kuhlmann, Dominik M. Zumbühl

    Radio frequency reflectometry techniques enable high bandwidth readout of semiconductor quantum dots. Careful impedance matching of the resonant circuit is required to achieve high sensitivity, which however proves challenging at cryogenic temperatures. Gallium arsenide-based voltage-tunable capacitors, so-called varactor diodes, can be used for in-situ tuning of the circuit impedance but deteriorate and fail at temperatures below 10 K and in magnetic fields. Here, we investigate a varactor based on strontium titanate with hyperabrupt capacitance-voltage characteristic, that is, a capacitance tunability similar to the best gallium arsenide-based devices. The varactor design introduced here is compact, scalable and easy to wirebond with an accessible capacitance range from 45 pF to 3.2 pF. We tune a resonant inductor-capacitor circuit to perfect impedance matching and observe robust, temperature and field independent matching down to 11 mK and up to 2 T in-plane field. Finally, we perform gate-dispersive charge sensing on a germanium/silicon core/shell nanowire hole double quantum dot, paving the way towards gate-based single-shot spin readout. Our results bring small, magnetic field-resilient, highly tunable varactors to mK temperatures, expanding the toolbox of cryo-radio frequency applications.

  • Constant Depth Code Deformations in the Parity Architecture.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anette Messinger, Michael Fellner, Wolfgang Lechner

    We present a protocol to encode and decode arbitrary quantum states in the parity architecture with constant circuit depth using measurements, local nearest-neighbor and single-qubit operations only. While this procedure typically requires a quadratic overhead of simultaneous qubit measurements, it allows for a simple and low-depth implementation of logical multi-qubit gates in the parity encoding via code deformation. We discuss how such encoding and decoding schemes can be used to flexibly change the size and shape of the underlying code to enable a more efficient implementation of quantum gates or algorithms. We apply the new findings to the QAOA which leads to a constant depth implementation using local gates at the same optimization performance as the standard, potentially non-local, QAOA approach without the parity encoding. Furthermore, we show that our method can reduce the depth of implementing the quantum Fourier transform by a factor of two when allowing measurements.

  • Multi-ensemble metrology by programming local rotations with atom movements.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Adam L. Shaw, Ran Finkelstein, Richard Bing-Shiun Tsai, Pascal Scholl, Tai Hyun Yoon, Joonhee Choi, Manuel Endres

    Current optical atomic clocks do not utilize their resources optimally. In particular, an exponential gain in sensitivity could be achieved if multiple atomic ensembles were to be controlled or read-out individually, even without entanglement. However, controlling optical transitions locally remains an outstanding challenge for neutral atom based clocks and quantum computing platforms. Here we show arbitrary, single-site addressing for an optical transition via sub-wavelength controlled moves of tweezer-trapped atoms, which we perform with $99.84(5)\%$ fidelity and with $0.1(2)\%$ crosstalk to non-addressed atoms. The scheme is highly robust as it relies only on relative position changes of tweezers and requires no additional addressing beams. Using this technique, we implement single-shot, dual-quadrature readout of Ramsey interferometry using two atomic ensembles simultaneously, and show an enhancement of the usable interrogation time at a given phase-slip error probability. Finally, we program a sequence which performs local dynamical decoupling during Ramsey evolution to evolve three ensembles with variable phase sensitivities, a key ingredient of optimal clock interrogation. Our results demonstrate the potential of fully programmable quantum optical clocks even without entanglement and could be combined with metrologically useful entangled states in the future.

  • Quantum butterfly effect at the crossroads of symmetry breaking.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pranaya Pratik Das, Biplab Ganguli

    We investigate the effect of symmetry breaking on chaos in one-dimensional quantum mechanical models using the numerical chaos diagnostic tool, Out-of-Time-Order Correlator(OTOC). Previous research has primarily shown that OTOC shows exponential growth in the neighbourhood of a local maximum. If this is true, the exponential growth should disappear once the local maximum is removed from the system. However, we find that removing the local maximum by a small symmetry-breaking(perturbation) term to the Hamiltonian does not drastically affect the behaviour of OTOC. Instead, with the increase of perturbation strength, the broken symmetric region expands, causing the exponential growth of OTOC to spread over a broader range of eigenstates. We adopt various potentials and find this behaviour universal. We also use other chaos diagnostic tools, such as Loschmidt Echo(LE) and spectral form factor(SFF), to confirm this. This study confirms that a broken symmetric region is responsible for the exponential growth of the microcanonical and thermal OTOC rather than the local maximum. In other words, OTOC is sensitive to symmetry breaking in the Hamiltonian, which is often synonymous with the butterfly effect.

  • Thermal cycle and polaron formation in structured bosonic environments.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Riva, D. Tamascelli, A. J. Dunnett, A. W. Chin

    Chain-mapping techniques combined with the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group are powerful tools for simulating the dynamics of open quantum systems interacting with structured bosonic environments. Most interestingly, they leave the degrees of freedom of the environment open to inspection. In this work, we fully exploit the access to environmental observables to illustrate how the evolution of the open quantum system can be related to the detailed evolution of the environment it interacts with. In particular, we give a precise description of the fundamental physics that enables the finite temperature chain-mapping formalism to express dynamical equilibrium states. Furthermore, we analyze a two-level system strongly interacting with a super-Ohmic environment, where we discover a change in the spin-boson ground state that can be traced to the formation of polaronic states.

  • Prediction of the neutron drip line in oxygen isotopes using quantum computation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chandan Sarma, Olivia Di Matteo, Abhishek Abhishek, Praveen C. Srivastava

    In the noisy intermediate-scale quantum era, variational algorithms have become a standard approach to solving quantum many-body problems. Here, we present variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) results of selected oxygen isotopes within the shell model description. The aim of the present work is to locate the neutron drip line of the oxygen chain using unitary coupled cluster (UCC) type ansatze with different microscopic interactions (DJ16, JISP16, and N3LO), in addition to a phenomenological USDB interaction. While initially infeasible to execute on contemporary quantum hardware, the size of the problem is reduced significantly using qubit tapering techniques in conjunction with custom circuit design and optimization. The optimal values of ansatz parameters from classical simulation are taken for the DJ16 interaction, and the tapered circuits are run on IonQ's Aria, a trapped-ion quantum computer. After applying gate error mitigation for three isotopes, we reproduced exact ground state energies within a few percent error. The post-processed results from hardware also clearly show $^{24}$O as the drip line nucleus of the oxygen chain. Future improvements in quantum hardware could make it possible to locate drip lines of heavier nuclei.

  • Gauging tensor networks with belief propagation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joseph Tindall, Matthew T. Fishman

    Effectively compressing and optimizing tensor networks requires reliable methods for fixing the latent degrees of freedom of the tensors, known as the gauge. Here we introduce a new algorithm for gauging tensor networks using belief propagation, a method that was originally formulated for performing statistical inference on graphical models and has recently found applications in tensor network algorithms. We show that this method is closely related to known tensor network gauging methods. It has the practical advantage, however, that existing belief propagation implementations can be repurposed for tensor network gauging, and that belief propagation is a very simple algorithm based on just tensor contractions so it can be easier to implement, optimize, and generalize. We present numerical evidence and scaling arguments that this algorithm is faster than existing gauging algorithms, demonstrating its usage on structured, unstructured, and infinite tensor networks. Additionally, we apply this method to improve the accuracy of the widely used simple update gate evolution algorithm.

  • Thermometry by correlated dephasing of impurities in a 1D Fermi gas.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sindre Brattegard, Mark T. Mitchison

    We theoretically investigate the pure dephasing dynamics of two static impurity qubits embedded within a common environment of ultracold fermionic atoms, which are confined to one spatial dimension. Our goal is to understand how bath-mediated interactions between impurities affect their performance as nonequilibrium quantum thermometers. By solving the dynamics exactly using a functional determinant approach, we show that the impurities become correlated via retarded interactions of the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida type. Moreover, we demonstrate that these correlations can provide a metrological advantage, enhancing the sensitivity of the two-qubit thermometer beyond that of two independent impurities. This enhancement is most prominent in the limit of low temperature and weak collisional coupling between the impurities and the gas. We show that this precision advantage can be exploited using standard Ramsey interferometry, with no need to prepare correlated initial states nor to individually manipulate or measure the impurities. We also quantitatively assess the impact of ignoring these correlations when constructing a temperature estimate, finding that acceptable precision can still be achieved from a simplified model of independent impurities. Our results demonstrate the rich nonequilibrium physics of impurities dephasing in a common Fermi gas, and may help to provide better temperature estimates at ultralow temperatures.

  • Fluctuation theorems and expected utility hypothesis.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gianluca Francica, Luca Dell'Anna

    The expected utility hypothesis is a popular concept in economics that is useful for making decisions when the payoff is uncertain. In this paper, we investigate the implications of a fluctuation theorem in the theory of expected utility. In particular, we wonder whether entropy could serve as a guideline for gambling. We prove the existence of a bound involving the certainty equivalent which depends on the entropy produced. Then, we examine the dependence of the certainty equivalent on the entropy by looking at specific situations, in particular the work extraction from a nonequilibrium initial state.

  • Analog quantum simulation of partial differential equations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shi Jin, Nana Liu

    Quantum simulators were originally proposed for simulating one partial differential equation (PDE) in particular - Schrodinger's equation. Can quantum simulators also efficiently simulate other PDEs? While most computational methods for PDEs - both classical and quantum - are digital (PDEs must be discretised first), PDEs have continuous degrees of freedom. This suggests that an analog representation can be more natural. While digital quantum degrees of freedom are usually described by qubits, the analog or continuous quantum degrees of freedom can be captured by qumodes. Based on a method called Schrodingerisation, we show how to directly map D-dimensional linear PDEs onto a (D+1)-qumode quantum system where analog or continuous-variable Hamiltonian simulation on D+1 qumodes can be used. This very simple methodology does not require one to discretise PDEs first, and it is not only applicable to linear PDEs but also to some nonlinear PDEs and systems of nonlinear ODEs. We show some examples using this method, including the Liouville equation, heat equation, Fokker-Planck equation, Black-Scholes equations, wave equation and Maxwell's equations. We also devise new protocols for linear PDEs with random coefficients, important in uncertainty quantification, where it is clear how the analog or continuous-variable framework is most natural. This also raises the possibility that some PDEs may be simulated directly on analog quantum systems by using Hamiltonians natural for those quantum systems.

  • First Passage Times for Continuous Quantum Measurement Currents.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michael J. Kewming, Anthony Kiely, Steve Campbell, Gabriel T. Landi

    The First Passage Time (FPT) is the time taken for a stochastic process to reach a desired threshold. In this letter we address the FPT of the stochastic measurement current in the case of continuously measured quantum systems. Our approach is based on a charge-resolved master equation, which is related to the Full-Counting statistics of charge detection. In the quantum jump unravelling this takes the form of a coupled system of master equations, while for quantum diffusion it becomes a type of quantum Fokker-Planck equation. In both cases, we show that the FPT can be obtained by introducing absorbing boundary conditions, making their computation extremely efficient {and analytically tractable}. The versatility of our framework is demonstrated with two relevant examples. First, we show how our method can be used to study the tightness of recently proposed kinetic uncertainty relations (KURs) for quantum jumps, which place bounds on the signal-to-noise ratio of the FPT. Second, we study the usage of qubits as threshold detectors for Rabi pulses, and show how our method can be employed to maximize the detection probability while, at the same time, minimize the occurrence of false positives.

  • A Framework for Curriculum Transformation in Quantum Information Science and Technology Education.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Simon Goorney, Jonas Bley, Stefan Heusler, Jacob Sherson

    The field of Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) is booming. Due to this, many new educational courses and university programs are needed in order to prepare a workforce for the developing industry. Owing to its specialist nature, teaching approaches in this field can suffer with being disconnected from the substantial degree of science education research which aims to support the best approaches to teaching in STEM fields. In order to connect these two communities with a pragmatic and repeatable methodology, we have synthesised this educational research into a decision-tree based theoretical model for the transformation of QIST curricula, intended to provide a didactical perspective for practitioners. The QCTF consists of four steps: 1. choose a topic, 2. choose one or more targeted skills, 3. choose a learning goal and 4. choose a teaching approach that achieves this goal. We show how this can be done using an example curriculum and more specifically quantum teleportation as a basic concept of quantum communication within this curriculum. By approaching curriculum creation and transformation in this way, educational goals and outcomes are more clearly defined which is in the interest of the individual and the industry alike. The framework is intended to structure the narrative of QIST teaching, and with future testing and refinement it will form a basis for further research in the didactics of QIST.

  • Photocurrents in bulk tellurium.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. D. Moldavskaya, L. E. Golub, S. N. Danilov, V. V. Bel'kov, D. Weiss, S. D. Ganichev

    We report a comprehensive study of polarized infrared/terahertz photocurrents in bulk tellurium crystals. We observe different photocurrent contributions and show that, depending on the experimental conditions, they are caused by the trigonal photogalvanic effect, the transverse linear photon drag effect, and the magnetic field induced linear and circular photogalvanic effects. All observed photocurrents have not been reported before and are well explained by the developed phenomenological and microscopic theory. We show that the effects can be unambiguously distinguished by studying the polarization, magnetic field, and radiation frequency dependence of the photocurrent. At frequencies around 30 THz, the photocurrents are shown to be caused by the direct optical transitions between subbands in the valence band. At lower frequencies of 1 to 3 THz, used in our experiment, these transitions become impossible and the detected photocurrents are caused by the indirect optical transitions (Drude-like radiation absorption).

  • Multi-site Integrated Optical Addressing of Trapped Ions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joonhyuk Kwon, William J. Setzer, Michael Gehl, Nicholas Karl, Jay Van Der Wall, Ryan Law, Daniel Stick, Hayden J. McGuinness

    One of the most effective ways to advance the performance of quantum computers and quantum sensors is to increase the number of qubits or quantum resources in the system. A major technical challenge that must be solved to realize this goal for trapped-ion systems is scaling the delivery of optical signals to many individual ions. In this paper we demonstrate an approach employing waveguides and multi-mode interferometer splitters to optically address multiple $^{171}\textrm{Yb}^+$ ions in a surface trap by delivering all wavelengths required for full qubit control. Measurements of hyperfine spectra and Rabi flopping were performed on the E2 clock transition, using integrated waveguides for delivering the light needed for Doppler cooling, state preparation, coherent operations, and detection. We describe the use of splitters to address multiple ions using a single optical input per wavelength and use them to demonstrate simultaneous Rabi flopping on two different transitions occurring at distinct trap sites. This work represents an important step towards the realization of scalable integrated photonics for atomic clocks and trapped-ion quantum information systems.

  • Fully Passive Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jinjie Li, Wenyuan Wang, Hoi-Kwong Lo

    A recently proposed fully passive QKD removes all source modulator side channels. In this work, we combine the fully passive sources with MDI-QKD to remove simultaneously side channels from source modulators and detectors. We show a numerical simulation of the passive MDI-QKD, and we obtain an acceptable key rate while getting much better implementation security, as well as ease of implementation, compared with a recently proposed fully passive TF-QKD, paving the way towards more secure and practical QKD systems. We have proved that a fully passive protocol is compatible with MDI-QKD and we also proposed a novel idea that could potentially improve the sifting efficiency.

  • A new quantum computational set-up for algebraic topology via simplicial sets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Roberto Zucchini

    In this paper, we lay down the foundation of a quantum computational framework for algebraic topology based on simplicial set theory. This extends previous work, which was limited to simplicial complexes and aimed mostly to topological data analysis. Our set--up applies to any parafinite simplicial set and proceeds by associating with it a finite dimensional simplicial Hilbert space, whose simplicial operator structure we study in depth. We show in particular how the problem of determining the simplicial set's homology can be solved within the simplicial Hilbert framework. We examine further the conditions under which simplicial set theoretic algorithms can be implemented in a quantum computational setting taking into account a quantum computer's finite resources. We outline finally a quantum algorithmic scheme capable to compute the simplicial homology spaces and Betti numbers of a simplicial set combining a number of basic quantum algorithms.

  • Measurement-induced phase transition for free fermions above one dimension.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Igor Poboiko, Igor V. Gornyi, Alexander D. Mirlin

    A theory of the measurement-induced entanglement phase transition for free-fermion models in $d>1$ dimensions is developed. The critical point separates a gapless phase with $\ell^{d-1} \ln \ell$ scaling of the second cumulant of the particle number and of the entanglement entropy and an area-law phase with $\ell^{d-1}$ scaling, where $\ell$ is a size of the subsystem. The problem is mapped onto an SU($R$) replica non-linear sigma model in $d+1$ dimensions, with $R\to 1$. Using renormalization-group analysis, we calculate critical indices in one-loop approximation justified for $d = 1+ \epsilon$ with $\epsilon \ll 1$. Further, we carry out a numerical study of the transition for a $d=2$ model on a square lattice, determine numerically the critical point, and estimate the critical index of the correlation length, $\nu \approx 1.4$.

  • Quantum advantage of time-reversed ancilla-based metrology of absorption parameters.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiaxuan Wang, Ruynet. L. de Matos Filho, Girish S. Agarwal, Luiz Davidovich

    Quantum estimation of parameters defining open-system dynamics may be enhanced by using ancillas that are entangled with the probe but are not submitted to the dynamics. Here we consider the important problem of estimation of transmission of light by a sample, with losses due to absorption and scattering. We show, through the determination of the quantum Fisher information, that the ancilla strategy leads to the best possible precision in single-mode estimation, the one obtained for a Fock state input, through joint photon-counting of probe and ancilla, which are modes of a bimodal squeezed state produced by an optical parametric amplifier. This proposal overcomes the challenge of producing and detecting high photon-number Fock states, and it is quite robust against additional noise: we show that it is immune to phase noise and the precision does not change if the incoming state gets disentangled. Furthermore, the quantum gain is still present under moderate photon losses of the input beams. We also discuss an alternative to joint photon counting, which is readily implementable with present technology, and approaches the quantum Fisher information result for weak absorption, even with moderate photons losses of the input beams before the sample is probed: a time-reversal procedure, placing the sample between two optical parametric amplifiers, with the second undoing the squeezing produced by the first one. The precision of estimation of the loss parameter is obtained from the average outgoing total photon number and its variance. In both procedures, the state of the probe and the detection procedure are independent of the value of the parameter.

  • Quantum Algorithm for Green's Functions Measurements in the Fermi-Hubbard Model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gino Bishop, Dmitry Bagrets, Frank K. Wilhelm

    In the framework of the hybrid quantum-classical variational cluster approach (VCA) to strongly correlated fermion systems one of the goals of a quantum subroutine is to find single-particle correlation functions of lattice fermions in polynomial time. Previous works suggested to use variants of the Hadamard test for this purpose. However, it requires an implementation of controlled unitaries specifying the full dynamics of the simulated model. In this work, we propose a new quantum algorithm, which uses an analog of the Kubo formula within linear response theory adapted to a quantum circuit simulating the Hubbard model. It allows to access the Green's function of a cluster directly and thereby circumvents the usage of the Hadamard test. We find a drastic reduction in gate count of two-qubits gates and limitations on hardware design as compared to previous approaches.

  • A Hyperparameter Study for Quantum Kernel Methods.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sebastian Egginger, Alona Sakhnenko, Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

    Quantum kernel methods are a promising method in quantum machine learning thanks to the guarantees connected to them. Their accessibility for analytic considerations also opens up the possibility of prescreening datasets based on their potential for a quantum advantage. To do so, earlier works developed the geometric difference, which can be understood as a closeness measure between two kernel-based machine learning approaches, most importantly between a quantum kernel and classical kernel. This metric links the quantum and classical model complexities. Therefore, it raises the question of whether the geometric difference, based on its relation to model complexity, can be a useful tool in evaluations other than for the potential for quantum advantage. In this work, we investigate the effects of hyperparameter choice on the model performance and the generalization gap between classical and quantum kernels. The importance of hyperparameter optimization is well known also for classical machine learning. Especially for the quantum Hamiltonian evolution feature map, the scaling of the input data has been shown to be crucial. However, there are additional parameters left to be optimized, like the best number of qubits to trace out before computing a projected quantum kernel. We investigate the influence of these hyperparameters and compare the classically reliable method of cross validation with the method of choosing based on the geometric difference. Based on the thorough investigation of the hyperparameters across 11 datasets we identified commodities that can be exploited when examining a new dataset. In addition, our findings contribute to better understanding of the applicability of the geometric difference.

  • The noisy Werner-Holevo channel and its properties.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shayan Roofeh, Vahid Karimipour

    The interest in the Werner-Holevo channel has been mainly due to its abstract mathematical properties. We show that in three dimensions and with a slight modification, this channel can be realized as rotation of qutrit states in random directions by random angles. Therefore and in view of the potential use of qutrits in quantum processing tasks and their realization in many different platforms, the modifed Werner-Holevo channel can be used as a very simple and realistic noise model, in the same way that the depolarizing channel is for qubits. We will make a detailed study of this channel and derive its various properties. In particular we will use the recently proposed flag extension and other techniques to derive analytical expressions and bounds for different capacities of this channel. The role of symmetry is revealed in these derivations.

  • A Case for Synthesis of Recursive Quantum Unitary Programs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Haowei Deng, Runzhou Tao, Yuxiang Peng, Xiaodi Wu

    Quantum programs are notoriously difficult to code and verify due to unintuitive quantum knowledge associated with quantum programming. Automated tools relieving the tedium and errors associated with low-level quantum details would hence be highly desirable. In this paper, we initiate the study of program synthesis for quantum unitary programs that recursively define a family of unitary circuits for different input sizes, which are widely used in existing quantum programming languages. Specifically, we present QSynth, the first quantum program synthesis framework, including a new inductive quantum programming language, its specification, a sound logic for reasoning, and an encoding of the reasoning procedure into SMT instances. By leveraging existing SMT solvers, QSynth successfully synthesizes ten quantum unitary programs including quantum adder circuits, quantum eigenvalue inversion circuits and Quantum Fourier Transformation, which can be readily transpiled to executable programs on major quantum platforms, e.g., Q#, IBM Qiskit, and AWS Braket.

  • Resolving Multiphoton Coincidences in Single-Photon Detector Arrays with Row-Column Readouts.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shashwath Bharadwaj, Ruangrawee Kitichotkul, Akshay Agarwal, Vivek K Goyal

    Row-column multiplexing has proven to be an effective strategy in scaling single-photon detector arrays to kilopixel and megapixel spatial resolutions. However, with this readout mechanism, multiphoton coincidences on the array cannot be easily resolved due to ambiguities concerning their spatial locations of incidence. In this work, we propose a method to resolve up to 4-photon coincidences in single-photon detector arrays with row-column readouts. By utilizing unambiguous single-photon measurements to estimate probabilities of detection at each pixel, we redistribute the ambiguous multiphoton counts among candidate pixel locations such that the peak signal-to-noise-ratio of the reconstruction is increased between 3 and 4 dB compared to conventional methods at optimal operating conditions. We also show that our method allows the operation of these arrays at higher incident photon fluxes as compared to previous methods. The application of this technique to imaging natural scenes is demonstrated using Monte Carlo experiments.


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