CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2023-12-08 12:30 to 2023-12-12 11:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


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  • The growth of the Universe complexity as a possible solution to the Hubble tension.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Carlos Silva

    In this paper, we show that a possible relationship between the Hubble-Lema\^{i}tre constant and the universe holographic complexity can be established in the context of a new proposal for the emergence of spacetime, according to which spacetime must emerge from quantum information encoded in quantum correlations without correlate. Such a bridge between the Hubble-Lema\^{i}tre constant and the universe holographic complexity can shed some light on the issue of the Hubble tension.

  • Cosmology and Astrophysics with Standard Sirens and Galaxy Catalogs in View of Future Gravitational Wave Observations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicola Borghi, Michele Mancarella, Michele Moresco, Matteo Tagliazucchi, Francesco Iacovelli, Andrea Cimatti, Michele Maggiore

    With the growing number of gravitational-wave detections and the advent of large galaxy redshift surveys, a new era in cosmology is unfolding. This study explores the synergies between gravitational waves and galaxy surveys to jointly constrain cosmological and gravitational-wave population parameters. We introduce CHIMERA, a novel code for gravitational-wave cosmology combining information from the population properties of compact binary mergers and galaxy catalogs. We study constraints for scenarios representative of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA O4 and O5 observing runs, assuming to have a complete catalog of potential host galaxies with either spectroscopic or photometric redshift measurements. We find that a percent-level measurement of $H_0$ could be achieved with the best 100 binary black holes in O5 using a spectroscopic galaxy catalog. In this case, the intrinsic correlation that exists between $H_0$ and the binary black hole population mass scales is broken. Instead, by using a photometric catalog the accuracy is degraded up to a factor of $\sim\! 9$, leaving a significant correlation between $H_0$ and the mass scales that must be carefully modeled to avoid bias. Interestingly, we find that using spectroscopic redshift measurements in the O4 configuration yields a better constraint on $H_0$ compared to the O5 configuration with photometric measurements. In view of the wealth of gravitational-wave data that will be available in the future, we argue the importance of obtaining spectroscopic galaxy catalogs to maximize the scientific return of gravitational-wave cosmology.

  • Nonlinear generation of sound waves in the pre-galactic epoch and 21 cm absorption.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yury N. Eroshenko

    The structure of the sound waves generated in baryonic gas during the evolution of dark matter halos with masses less than the Jeans mass is calculated. In this case, the source of the gravitational field that creates the wave can be either at a linear stage (an evolving perturbation in dark matter) or at a nonlinear stage (detached and virialized objects). The peculiar velocity of baryons in the sound wave in the second order of velocity cause absorption of the relic radiation in the 21 cm line. It is shown that this additional absorption at sound waves ranges from fractions of a percent (at the redshifts z~15-20) to about percent (at z~7-15) of the absorption value in a homogeneous Universe, however, additional absorption may be larger in the case of a non-standard spectrum of small scale cosmological perturbations.

  • Screening fifth forces in scalar-vector-tensor theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manuel Gonzalez-Espinoza, Giovanni Otalora, Lucila Kraiselburd, Susana Landau

    We study a screening mechanism in the context of scalar-vector-tensor (SVT) theories. This screening mechanism is based on both the derivative self-interactions of the vector field and the interactions of the scalar field with the vector field and curvature. We calculate the field equations in a spherically symmetric space-time, and then, we study the conditions for which this mechanism is successful in a weak gravitational background. In order to corroborate these analytical results, we have performed a numerical integration of the full equations. Finally, the corrections to the gravitational potentials have also been computed. We conclude that the present model, including both kinds of interactions, can avoid the propagation of the additional longitudinal mode arising in these theories. We also show that the space parameter of the model is compatible with solar system constraints. This result extends the previous one found in the literature for generalized Proca theories to the case of SVT theories in the presence of scalar-vector interactions.

  • X-ray detection of the most extreme star-forming galaxies at the cosmic noon via strong lensing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Q. Daniel Wang, Carlos Garcia Diaz, Patrick S. Kamieneski, Kevin C. Harrington, Min S. Yun, Nicholas Foo, Brenda L. Frye, Eric F. Jimenez-Andrade, Daizhong Liu, James D. Lowenthal, Belen Alcalde Pampliega, Massimo Pascale, Amit Vishwas, Mark A. Gurwell

    Hyper-luminous infrared galaxies (HyLIRGs) are the most extreme star-forming systems observed in the early Universe, and their properties still elude comprehensive understanding. We have undertaken a large XMM-Newton observing program to probe the total accreting black hole population in three HyLIRGs at z = 2.12, 3.25, and 3.55, gravitationally lensed by foreground galaxies. Selected from the Planck All-Sky Survey to Analyze Gravitationally-lensed Extreme Starbursts (PASSAGES), these HyLIRGs have apparent infrared luminosities > E14 Lsun. Our observations revealed X-ray emission in each of them. PJ1336+49 appears to be dominated by high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs). Remarkably, the luminosity of this non-AGN X-ray emission exceeds by a factor of about three the value obtained by calibration with local galaxies with much lower star formation rates. This enhanced X-ray emission most likely highlights the efficacy of dynamical HMXB production within compact clusters, which is an important mode of star formation in HyLIRGs. The remaining two (PJ0116-24 and PJ1053+60) morphologically and spectrally exhibit a compact X-ray component in addition to the extended non-AGN X-ray emission, indicating the presence of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). The AGN appears to be centrally located in the reconstructed source plane images of PJ0116-24, which manifests its star-forming activity predominantly within an extended galactic disk. In contrast, the AGN in the field of PJ1053+60 is projected 60 kpc away from the extreme star-forming galaxy and could be ejected from it. These results underline the synergistic potential of deep X-ray observations with strong lensing for the study of high-energy astrophysical phenomena in HyLIRGs.

  • Numerical 1-loop correction from a potential yielding ultra-slow-roll dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthew W. Davies, Laura Iacconi, David J. Mulryne

    Single-field models of inflation might lead to amplified scalar fluctuations on small scales due, for example, to a transient ultra-slow-roll phase. It was argued by Kristiano $\&$ Yokoyama in arXiv:2211.03395 that the enhanced amplitude of the scalar power spectrum on small scales has the potential to induce a sizeable 1-loop correction to the spectrum at large scales. In this work, we repeat the calculation for the 1-loop correction presented in arXiv:2211.03395. We closely follow their assumptions but evaluate the loop numerically. This allows us to consider both instantaneous and smooth transitions between the slow-roll and ultra-slow-roll phases. In particular, we generate models featuring realistic, smooth evolution from an analytic inflationary potential. We find that, upon fixing the amplitude of the peak in the power spectrum at short scales, the resulting 1-loop correction is not significantly reduced by considering a smooth evolution. In particular, for a power spectrum with a tree-level peak amplitude potentially relevant for small-scale phenomenology, e.g. primordial black hole production, the 1-loop correction on large scales is a few percent of the tree-level power spectrum.

  • A robust assessment of the local anisotropy of the Hubble constant.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yves-Henri Sanejouand

    Magnitude predictions of $\Lambda$CDM, as parametrized by the Planck collaboration, are not consistent with the supernova data of the whole Pantheon+ sample even when, in order to take into account the uncertainty about its value, the Hubble constant is adjusted. This is a likely consequence of the increase of the number of low-redshift supernovae in the Pantheon+ sample, with respect to previous such samples. Indeed, when supernovae at red-shifts below 0.035 are ignored, $\Lambda$CDM predictions become consistent with Pantheon+ data. Interestingly, this is also the case if subsets of low-redshift supernovae roughly centered on the direction of the CMB dipole are considered, together with high-redshift ones. These results seem robust, since they are also obtained with a simple, single-parameter tired-light model.

  • Modeling the BAO feature in Bispectrum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jayashree Behera, Mehdi Rezaie, Lado Samushia, Julia Ereza

    We investigate how well a simple leading order perturbation theory model of the bispectrum can fit the BAO feature in the measured bispectrum monopole of galaxies. Previous works showed that perturbative models of galaxy bispectrum start failing at the wavenumbers of k ~ 0.1 Mpc/h. We show that when the BAO feature in the bispectrum is separated it can be successfully modeled up to much higher wavenumbers. We validate our modeling on GLAM simulations that were run with and without the BAO feature in the initial conditions. We also quantify the amount of systematic error due to BAO template being offset from the true cosmology. We find that the systematic errors do not exceed 0.3 per cent for reasonable deviations from the true cosmology.

  • ZWCL 1856.8 : A rare double radio relic system captured within NuSTAR and Chandra field of view.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ayşegül Tümer, Daniel R. Wik, Gerrit Schellenberger, Eric D. Miller, Marshall W. Bautz

    Observations of galaxy cluster mergers provide insights on the particle acceleration and heating mechanisms taking place within the intracluster medium. Mergers form shocks that propagate through the plasma, which result in shock/cold fronts in the X-ray, and radio halos and/or relics in the radio regime. The connection between these tracers and the mechanisms driving non-thermal processes, such as inverse Compton, are not well understood. ZWCL 1856.8 is one of the few known double radio relic systems that originate from nearly head-on collisions observed close to the plane of the sky. For the first time, we study NuSTAR and Chandra observations of such a system that contains both relics within their field of view. The spectro-imaging analyses results of the system suggest weak shock fronts with $\mathcal{M}$ numbers within 2$\sigma$ of the radio derived values, and provide evidence of inverse Compton emission at both relic sites. Our findings have great uncertainties due to the shallow exposure times available. Deeper NuSTAR and Chandra data are crucial for studying the connection of the radio and X-ray emission features and for constraining the thermal vs. non-thermal emission contributions in this system. We also present methods and approaches on how to investigate X-ray properties of double relic systems by taking full advantage of the complementary properties of NuSTAR and Chandra missions.

  • Effective Cuscuton Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Mylova, N. Afshordi

    Cuscuton field theory is an extension of general relativity that does not introduce additional propagating degrees of freedom, or violate relativistic causality. We construct a general geometric description of the cuscuton field theory by introducing curvature corrections to both the volume (potential) and the surface (kinetic) terms in the original cuscuton action. Our assumptions involve a stack of spacelike branes, separated by 4-dimensional bulks. We conjecture that the cuscuton, initially a discrete field, becomes continuous in the limit, there are many such transitions. From this we derive an effective action for the cuscuton theory and show that at the quadratic level our theory propagates only the two tensorial degrees of freedom.

  • Optimizing the Gravitational Tree Algorithm for Many-Core Processors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tomoyuki Tokuue, Tomoaki Ishiyama

    Gravitational $N$-body simulations calculate numerous interactions between particles. The tree algorithm reduces these calculations by constructing a hierarchical oct-tree structure and approximating gravitational forces on particles. Over the last three decades, the tree algorithm has been extensively used in large-scale simulations, and its parallelization in distributed memory environments has been well studied. However, recent supercomputers are equipped with many CPU cores per node, and optimizations of the tree construction in shared memory environments are becoming crucial. We propose a novel tree construction method in contrast to the conventional top-down approach. It first creates all leaf cells without traversing the tree and then constructs the remaining cells by a bottom-up approach. We evaluated the performance of our novel method on the supercomputer Fugaku and an Intel machine. On a single thread, our method accelerates one of the most time-consuming processes of the conventional tree construction method by a factor of above 3.0 on Fugaku and 2.2 on the Intel machine. Furthermore, as the number of threads increases, our parallel tree construction time reduces considerably. Compared to the conventional sequential tree construction method, we achieve a speedup of over 45 on 48 threads of Fugaku and more than 56 on 112 threads of the Intel machine. In stark contrast to the conventional method, the tree construction with our method no longer constitutes a bottleneck in the tree algorithm, even when using many threads.

  • Inflation with vector fields revisited: heavy entropy perturbations and primordial black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chong-Bin Chen

    We revisit inflation coupled with vector fields employing kinetic coupling in the comoving gauge. It is known that there is a cumulative effect $IN^2$ on curvature power spectrum. For a large number of e-foldings $N$, this contribution is so significant that it could violate observational constraints when the ratio of kinetic energy between vector fields and inflaton $I$ is not extremely small. In this paper, we explore the regime where $I\gg 1$, a realm that has not been extensively explored due to the limitations of perturbative methods. We found that the entropy perturbation becomes heavy in this regime and the cumulative effect decays away on super-horizon scales. Consequently, the power spectrum retains its scale invariance in the decoupling limit. By straightforwardly integrating out the heavy modes near horizon-crossing, we derive a low-energy effective field theory describing a massless adiabatic perturbation with an imaginary speed of sound $c_s^2= -1/3$. Namely, the inflation with vector fields presents a potential mechanism for generating primordial black holes.

  • The Sensitivity Floor for Primordial Black Holes with Neutrino Searches.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Qishan Liu, Kenny C. Y. Ng

    Primordial black holes (PBHs) formed in the early Universe are well-motivated dark matter (DM) candidates over a wide range of masses. These PBHs could emit detectable signals in the form of photons, electrons, and neutrinos through Hawking radiation. We consider the null observations of astrophysical $\bar{\nu}_{e}$ flux from several neutrino detectors and set new constraints on the PBHs as the dominant DM component to be above $6.4\times10^{15}\,{\rm g}$. We also estimate the expected constraints with JUNO for the prospects in the near future. Lastly, we note that the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB) is an unavoidable isotropic background. We thus estimate the sensitivity floor for PBH parameter space due to DSNB, and show that it is difficult for neutrino detectors to detect PBHs as 100% of DM above $9 \times 10^{15}\,{\rm g}$.

  • CSST Strong Lensing Preparation: Forecast the galaxy-galaxy strong lensing population for the China Space Station Telescope.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiaoyue Cao, Ran Li, Nan Li, Rui Li, Yun Chen, Keyi Ding, Huanyuan Shan, Hu, Zhan, Xing, Zhan, Wei, Du, Shuo Cao

    Galaxy-galaxy strong gravitational lens (GGSL) is a powerful probe for the formation and evolution of galaxies and cosmology, while the sample size of GGSLs leads to considerable uncertainties and potential bias. The China Space Station Telescope (CSST, planned to be launched in 2025) will conduct observations across 17,500 square degrees of the sky, capturing images in the $ugriz$ bands with a spatial resolution comparable to that of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We ran a set of Monte Carlo simulations to predict that the CSST's wide-field survey will observe $\sim$160,000 galaxy-galaxy strong lenses over the lifespan, expanding the number of existing galaxy-galaxy lens samples by three orders of magnitude, which is comparable to the Euclid telescope launched during the same period but with additional color information. Specifically, the CSST can detect strong lenses with Einstein radii above $0.64\pm0.42$ arcsec, corresponding to the velocity dispersions of $217.19 \pm 50.55 \, \text{km/s}$. These lenses exhibit a median magnification of $\sim$5. The apparent magnitude of the unlensed source in the g-band is $25.87 \pm 1.19$. The signal-to-noise ratio of the lensed images covers a range of $\sim 20$ to $\sim 1000$, allowing us to determine the Einstein radius with an accuracy ranging from $\sim 1 \%$ to $\sim 0.1 \%$, ignoring various modeling systematics. Besides, our estimations show that CSST can observe uncommon systems, such as double source-plane and spiral galaxy lenses. The above selection functions of the CSST strong lensing observation help optimize the strategy of finding and modeling GGSLs.

  • Aspects of Machian Gravity (III): Testing Theory against Galaxy Cluster mass.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Santanu Das

    The general theory of relativity (GR) has excelled in explaining gravitational phenomena at the scale of the solar system with remarkable precision. However, when extended to the galactic or cosmological scale, it requires dark matter and dark energy to explain observations. In our previous article arXiv:2308.04503, we've formulated a gravity theory based in Mach's principle, known as Machian gravity. We demonstrated that the theory successfully explains galactic velocity profiles without requiring additional dark matter components. In previous studies, for a selected set of galaxy clusters, we also showed its ability to explain the velocity dispersion in the clusters without extra unseen matter components. This paper primarily explores the mass profiles of galaxy clusters. We test the Machian Gravity acceleration law on two distinct sets comprising approximately 150 galaxy clusters sourced from various studies. We fitted the dynamic mass profiles using the Machian gravity model. The outcomes of our study show exceptional agreement between the theory and observational results.

  • The Hubble Deep Hydrogen Alpha (HDH$\alpha$) Project: I. Catalog of Emission-line Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shuairu Zhu, Zhen-Ya Zheng, James Rhoads, Junxian Wang, Linhua Jiang, Chunyan Jiang, Fang-Ting Yuan, P. T. Rahna, Weida Hu, Ruqiu Lin, Huanyuan Shan, Chun Xu, Leopoldo Infante, L. Felipe Barrientos, Xianzhong Zheng, Guanwen Fang, Zhixiong Liang

    We present the first results of the Hubble Deep Hydrogen Alpha (HDH$\alpha$) project, which analyzes the space-borne deep H$\alpha$ narrowband imaging data in the GOODS-S region. The HDH$\alpha$ data comprises 72 orbits' images taken with the HST ACS/WFC F658N filter. The exposure time varies across a total area of $\sim$76.1 $\rm{arcmin}^2$, adding up to a total exposure time of 195.7 ks, among which 68.8 ks are spent in the deepest region. These images are aligned, reprojected, and combined to have the same pixel grid as the Hubble Legacy Fields (HLF). The scientific goals of the HDH$\alpha$ include establishing a sample of emission-line galaxies (ELGs) including [O III] emitters at $z\sim$ 0.3, [O II] emitters at $z\sim$ 0.8, and Lyman-$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) at $z \sim 4.4$, studying the line morphology of ELGs with high resolution imaging data, and statistically analyzing the line luminosity functions and line equivalent-width distributions of ELGs selected with HST. Furthermore, the HDH$\alpha$ project enhances the legacy value of the GOODS-S field by contributing the first HST-based narrowband image to the existing data sets, which includes the HST broadband data and other ancillary data from X-ray to radio taken by other facilities. In this paper, we describe the data reduction process of the HDH$\alpha$, select ELGs based on HST's F658N and broadband data, validate the redshifts of the selected candidates by cross matching with the public spectroscopic catalogs in the GOODS-S, and present a final catalog of the confirmed [O III] emitters at $z\sim$ 0.3, [O II] emitters at $z\sim$ 0.8, and LAEs at $z \sim 4.4$.

  • Feeding and feedback processes in the Spiderweb proto-intracluster medium.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Lepore, L. Di Mascolo, P. Tozzi, E. Churazov, T. Mroczkowski, S. Borgani, C. Carilli, M.Gaspari, M. Ginolfi, A. Liu, L. Pentericci, E. Rasia, P. Rosati, H.J.A. Röttgering, C. S. Anderson, H. Dannerbauer, G. Miley, C. Norman

    We present the detailed analysis of the thermal, diffuse emission of the proto-intracluster medium (ICM) detected in the halo of the Spiderweb Galaxy at z=2.16, within a radius of $\sim$ 150 kpc. We combined deep X-ray data from Chandra and millimeter observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect obtained by ALMA. Thanks to independent measurements of the pressure profile from ALMA SZ observation and the electron density profile from the available X-ray data, we derived, for the first time, the temperature profile in the ICM of a z>2 protocluster. It reveals the presence of a strong cool core (comparable to the local ones) that may host a significant mass deposition flow, consistent with measured local star formation values. We also find mild evidence of an asymmetry in the X-ray surface brightness distribution, which may be tentatively associated with a cavity carved into the proto-ICM by the radio jets or, alternatively, may be due to the young dynamical status of the halo. The cooling time of baryons in the core of the Spiderweb Protocluster is estimated to be $\sim$ 0.1 Gyr, implying that the baryon cycle in the first stages of the protocluster formation is characterised by a high-duty cycle and a very active environment. In the case of the Spiderweb protocluster, we are witnessing the presence of a strongly peaked core that is possibily hosting a cooling flow with a mass deposition rate up to 250-1000 $M_{\odot}$/yr, responsible for feeding both the central supermassive black hole and the high star formation rate observed in the Spiderweb Galaxy. This phase is expected to be rapidly followed by active galactic nucleus feedback events, whose onset may have already left an imprint in the radio and X-ray appearance of the Spiderweb protocluster, eventually driving the ICM into a self-regulated, long-term evolution in less than one Gyr.

  • First measurement of the Weyl potential evolution from the Year 3 Dark Energy Survey data: Localising the $\sigma_8$ tension.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Isaac Tutusaus, Camille Bonvin, Nastassia Grimm

    We present the first measurement of the Weyl potential at four redshifts bins using data from the first three years of observations of the Dark Energy Survey (DES). The Weyl potential, which is the sum of the spatial and temporal distortions of the Universe's geometry, provides a direct way of testing the theory of gravity and the validity of the $\Lambda$CDM model. We find that the measured Weyl potential is 2.3$\sigma$, respectively 3.1$\sigma$, below the $\Lambda$CDM predictions in the two lowest redshift bins. We show that these low values of the Weyl potential are at the origin of the $\sigma_8$ tension between Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) measurements and weak lensing measurements. Interestingly, we find that the tension remains if no information from the CMB is used. DES data on their own prefer a high value of the primordial fluctuations, followed by a slow evolution of the Weyl potential. A remarkable feature of our method is that the measurements of the Weyl potential are model-independent and can therefore be confronted with any theory of gravity, allowing efficient tests of models beyond General Relativity.

  • Revisiting kink-like parametrization and constraints using OHD/Pantheon/BAO samples.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simran Arora, P.K. Sahoo

    We reexamine the kink-like parameterization of the deceleration parameter to derive constraints on the transition redshift from cosmic deceleration to acceleration. This is achieved using observational Hubble data, Type Ia supernovae Pantheon samples, and Baryon acoustic oscillations/cosmic microwave background. In this parametrization, the value of the initial $q$ parameter is $q_{i}$, the final value is $q_f$, the present value is denoted by $q_{0}$, and the transition duration is given by $\alpha$. We perform our calculations using the Monte Carlo method, utilizing the emcee package. Under the assumption of a flat geometry, we constrain the range of possible values for three scenarios: when $q_{f}$ is unrestricted, when $q_{f}$ is equal to $-1$, and when $\alpha$ is equal to $1/3$. This is done assuming that $q_{i}=1/2$. Here, we achieved that the OHD data fixes the free parameters as in the flat $\Lambda$CDM for unrestricted $q_{f}$. In addition, if we fix $q_{f}=-1$, the model behaves well as the $\Lambda$CDM for the combined dataset. The individual supernova data is causing tension in our determination when contrasted to the $\Lambda$CDM model. We also acquired the current value of the deceleration parameter, which is consistent with the latest results from the Planck Collaboration that assume the $\Lambda$CDM model. Furthermore, we observe a deviation from the standard $\Lambda$CDM model in the current model based on the evolution of $j(z)$, and it is evident that the universe transitions from deceleration to acceleration and will eventually reach the $\Lambda$CDM model in the near future.

  • Measuring the reionization optical depth without large-scale CMB polarization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    William Giarè, Eleonora Di Valentino, Alessandro Melchiorri

    We study the possibility of measuring the optical depth at reionization, $\tau$, without relying on large-scale Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. Our analysis is driven by the need to obtain competitive measurements that can validate the state-of-the-art constraints on this parameter, widely based on E-mode polarization measurements at $\ell\le 30$. This need is partially motivated by the typical concerns regarding anomalies observed in the Planck large-scale CMB data as well as by the remarkable fact that, excluding these latter, $\tau$ consistently exhibits correlations with anomalous parameters, such as $A_{\rm lens}$ and $\Omega_k$, suggesting that slightly higher values of the optical depth at reionization could significantly alleviate or even eliminate anomalies. Within the $\Lambda$CDM model, our most constraining result is $\tau = 0.080 \pm 0.012$, obtained by combining Planck temperature and polarization data at $\ell > 30$, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and Planck measurements of the lensing potential, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), and Type-Ia supernova data from the Pantheon+ catalogue. Notably, using only ACT temperature, polarization, and lensing data in combination with BAO and supernovae, we obtain $\tau = 0.076 \pm 0.015$, which is entirely independent of Planck. The relative precision of these results is approaching the constraints based on large-scale CMB polarization ($\tau = 0.054 \pm 0.008$). Despite the overall agreement, we report a slight $1.8\sigma$ shift towards larger values of $\tau$. We also test how these results change by extending the cosmological model. While in many extensions they remain robust, in general obtaining precise measurements of $\tau$ may become significantly more challenging.

  • Big bang nucleosynthesis with rapidly varying G.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anish Giri, Robert J. Scherrer

    We examine big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) in models with a time-varying gravitational constant $G$, when this time variation is rapid on the scale of the expansion rate $H$, i.e, $\dot G/G \gg H$. Such models can arise naturally in the context of scalar-tensor theories of gravity and result in additional terms in the Friedman equation. We examine two representative models: a step-function evolution for $G$ and a rapidly-oscillating $G$. In the former case, the additional terms in the Friedman equation tend to cancel the effects of an initial value of $G$ that differs from the present-day value. In the case of deuterium, this effect is large enough to reverse the sign of the change in (D/H) for a given change in the initial value of $G$. For rapidly-oscillating $G$, the effect on the Friedman equation is similar to that of adding a vacuum energy density, and BBN allows upper limits to be placed on the product of the oscillation frequency and amplitude. The possibility that a rapidly oscillating $G$ could mimic a cosmological constant is briefly discussed.

  • The Cosmological Flow: A Systematic Approach to Primordial Correlators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lucas Pinol, Sébastien Renaux-Petel, Denis Werth

    The time evolution of primordial fluctuations conceals a wealth of insights into the high-energy physics at play during the earliest moments of our Universe, which is ultimately encoded in late-time spatial correlation functions. However, the conventional procedure to compute them is technically challenging, and a complete dictionary mapping the landscape of inflationary theories and the corresponding observable signatures is not yet available. In this paper, we develop a framework to compute tree-level cosmological correlators based on following their time evolution from their origin as quantum zero-point fluctuations to the end of inflation. From first principles, the structure of the bulk time evolution imposes a set of universal differential equations in time satisfied by equal-time correlators. We automatise the process of systematically solving these equations. This allows us to accurately capture all physical effects and obtain exact results in theories formulated at the level of inflationary fluctuations that include any number of degrees of freedom with arbitrary dispersion relations and masses, coupled through any time-dependent interactions. We then illustrate the power of this formalism by exploring the phenomenology of cosmological correlators emerging from the interaction with a massive scalar field. We study both the size and the shape dependence of non-Gaussianities in the entire parameter space, including the strong mixing regime. We present novel characteristics of cosmological collider signals in (would be) single-, double-, and triple-exchange three-point correlators. In the presence of primordial features, we show that soft limits of cosmological correlators offer a new possibility to probe the inflationary landscape. Finally, we provide templates to search for in future cosmological surveys.

  • New black hole mergers in the LIGO-Virgo O3 data from a gravitational wave search including higher-order harmonics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Digvijay Wadekar, Javier Roulet, Tejaswi Venumadhav, Ajit Kumar Mehta, Barak Zackay, Jonathan Mushkin, Seth Olsen, Matias Zaldarriaga

    Nearly all of the previous gravitational wave (GW) searches in the LIGO-Virgo data included GW waveforms with only the dominant quadrupole mode, i.e., omitting higher-order harmonics which are predicted by general relativity. Based on the techniques developed in Wadekar et al. [1,2], we improve the IAS pipeline by ($i$) introducing higher harmonics in the GW templates, ($ii$) downweighting noise transients ('glitches') to improve the search sensitivity to high-mass and high-redshift binary black hole (BBH) mergers. We find 14 new BBH mergers with $0.53\leq p_{\rm astro}\leq 0.88$ on running our pipeline over the public LIGO-Virgo data from the O3 run (we use the detection threshold as $p_{\rm astro}>0.5$ following the approach of other pipelines). We also broadly recover the high-significance events from earlier catalogs, except some which were either vetoed or fell below our SNR threshold for trigger collection. A few notable properties of our new candidate events are as follows. At $>95$\% credibility, 4 candidates have total masses in the IMBH range (i.e., above 100 $M_\odot$), and 9 candidates have $z>0.5$. 9 candidates have median mass of the primary BH falling roughly within the pair instability mass gap, with the highest primary mass being $300_{+60}^{-120} M_\odot$. 5 candidates have median mass ratio $q < 0.5$. Under a prior uniform in effective spin $\chi_{\rm eff}$, 6 candidates have $\chi_{\rm eff} > 0$ at $>95\%$ credibility. We also find that including higher harmonics in our search raises the significance of a few previously reported marginal events (e.g., GW190711_030756). While our new candidate events have modest false alarm rates ($\gtrsim 1.6 $/yr), a population inference study including these can better inform the parameter space of BHs corresponding to the pair instability mass gap, high redshifts, positive effective spins and asymmetric mass ratios.

  • Dark Matter Minihalos from Primordial Magnetic Fields.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pranjal Ralegankar

    Primordial magnetic fields (PMF) can enhance baryon perturbations on scales below the photon mean free path. However, a magnetically driven baryon fluid becomes turbulent near recombination, thereby damping out baryon perturbations below the turbulence scale. In this Letter, we show that the initial growth in baryon perturbations gravitationally induces growth in the dark matter perturbations, which are unaffected by turbulence and eventually collapse to form $10^{-11}-10^3\ M_{\odot}$ dark matter minihalos. If the magnetic fields purportedly detected in the blazar observations are PMFs generated after inflation and have a Batchelor spectrum, then such PMFs could potentially produce dark matter minihalos.

  • Primordial non-Gaussianity from ultra slow-roll Galileon inflation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sayantan Choudhury, Ahaskar Karde, Sudhakar Panda, M. Sami

    We present a detailed study of the generation of large primordial non-Gaussianities during the slow-roll (SR) to ultra-slow roll (USR) transitions in the framework of Galileon inflation. We found out that due to having sharp transitions in the USR phase, which persist with a duration of $\Delta {\it N}_{\rm USR} \sim 2$ e-folds, we are able to generate the non-Gaussianity amplitude of the order: $|f_{\rm NL}| \sim {\it O}(10^{-2})$ in the SRI, $-5 < f_{\rm NL} < 5$ in the USR, and $-2 < f_{\rm NL} < 2$ in the SRII phases. As a result, we are able to achieve a cumulative average value of $|f_{\rm NL}| \sim {\it O}(1)$. This implies that our results strictly satisfy Maldacena's no-go theorem in the squeezed limit only for SRI, while they strictly violate the same condition in both the USR and SRII phases. The non-renormalization theorem in the Galileon theory helps to support our results regarding the generation of large mass primordial black holes along with large non-Gaussianities, which we show to be dependent on the specific positions of the transition wave numbers fixed at low scales.

  • Astrophysical neutrino oscillations after pulsar timing array analyses.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gaetano Lambiase, Leonardo Mastrototaro, Luca Visinelli

    The pattern of neutrino flavor oscillations could be altered by the influence of noisy perturbations such as those arising from a gravitational wave background (GWB). A stochastic process that is consistent with a GWB has been recently reported by the independent analyses of pulsar timing array (PTA) data sets collected over a decadal timescale by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA), the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA), and the Chinese Pulsar Timing Array (CPTA) collaborations. We investigate the modifications in the neutrino flavor oscillations under the influence of the GWB reported by the PTA collaborations and we discuss how such effects could be potentially revealed in near-future neutrino detectors, possibly helping the discrimination of different models for the GWB below the nHz frequency range.

  • Single-event likelihood of star cluster properties with LIGO-Virgo-Kagra binary black hole observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ken K. Y. Ng, Konstantinos Kritos, Andrea Antonelli, Roberto Cotesta, Emanuele Berti

    The population of binary black hole mergers observed in gravitational waves, together with astrophysical simulations, can help us to understand the properties of the progenitors and the binary formation mechanisms in different astrophysical scenarios. Here we focus on dynamical formation in star clusters. We use the third gravitational-wave transient catalog (GWTC-3) and Rapster, a rapid code to simulate cluster dynamics, to show that it is possible to construct the single-event likelihood of star cluster properties from individual observations. We find that the measured primary mass in a binary black hole merger correlates with the measured star cluster mass, because the mass spectrum of the primary component increases with the mass of the cluster. This trend may be caused by two physical mechanisms: (i) the more efficient production of hierarchical mergers with primary mass above $\sim 40~M_{\odot}$ for cluster masses of $\gtrsim 10^6~M_{\odot}$, and (ii) the suppression of more massive first-generation binaries, which happens because ejected binaries do not merge within the lookback time for cluster masses of $\lesssim 10^5~M_{\odot}$. The formalism presented here can be generalized to infer the population properties of binary progenitors in more realistic scenarios involving multiple formation channels.

  • Real-space quantum-to-classical transition of time dependent background fluctuations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. Mahesh Chandran, Karthik Rajeev, S. Shankaranarayanan

    Understanding the emergence of classical behavior from a quantum theory is vital to establishing the quantum origin for the temperature fluctuations observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). We show that a real-space approach can comprehensively address the quantum-to-classical transition problem in the leading order of curvature perturbations. To this end, we test spatial bipartitions of quadratic systems for the interplay between three different signatures of classical behavior: i) decoherence, ii) peaking of the Wigner function about classical trajectories, and iii) relative suppression of non-commutativity in observables. We extract these signatures from the covariance matrix of a multi-mode Gaussian state and address them primarily in terms of entanglement entropy and log-classicality. Through a phase-space stability analysis of spatial sub-regions via their reduced Wigner function, we ascertain that the underlying cause for the dominance of classicality signatures is the occurrence of gapped inverted mode instabilities. While the choice of conjugate variables enhances some of these signatures, decoherence studied via entanglement entropy is the stronger and more reliable condition for classicality to emerge. We demonstrate the absence of decoherence, which preempts a quantum-to-classical transition of scalar fluctuations in an expanding background in $(1+1)$-dimensions using two examples: i) a Tanh-like expansion and ii) a de-Sitter expansion. We provide connection between log classicality and particle number by studying the evolution of each normal mode at late times. We then extend the analysis to leading order fluctuations in $(3+1)-$dimensions to show that a quantum-to-classical transition occurs in the de-Sitter expansion and discuss the relevance of our analysis in distinguishing cosmological models.

  • Boosted dark matter from a phantom fluid.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    James M. Cline, Matteo Puel, Takashi Toma

    It is known that theories of phantom dark energy, considered as quantum fields, predict a continuous production of positive- plus negative-energy particles, from spontaneous decay of the vacuum. We show that this can be a new source of boosted dark matter or radiation, with consequences for direct detection. We set constraints on such models using data from the XENONnT experiment, and we show that recent excess events reported by the DAMIC experiment can be consistently described as coming from dark radiation, produced by vacuum decay, interacting with electrons.

  • Propagation Speed of Gravitational Wave in Scalar--Einstein--Gauss-Bonnet Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei. D. Odintsov

    The propagation speed of the gravitational wave in scalar--Einstein--Gauss-Bonnet (sEGB) gravity is generally different from that of light. Using differential equation conditions for the speed of gravitational waves to coincide with the light speed in the expanding universe, we constructed a general class of sEGB gravities where this condition is satisfied and realistic inflation occurs. It is demonstrated that the condition that the speed of gravitational wave coincides with that of the light in the Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FRLW) universe is always different from the condition for gravitational wave speed in the sEGB black hole background. Moreover, it is shown that when gravitational wave speed in sEGB black hole is equal to the speed of light the black hole spacetime geometry is changing too so that formally there is no solution for such sEGB black hole. This may indicate that sEGB black holes hardly can be considered as realistic black holes unless some reasonable scenario to make gravitational wave speed to be equal to that of light is proposed, at least asymptotically.

  • Interplay between Black Holes and Ultralight Dark Matter: Analytic Solutions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bruno Bucciotti, Enrico Trincherini

    Dark matter (DM) can consist of a scalar field so light that DM particles in the galactic halo are best described by classical waves. We investigate how these classical solutions are influenced by the presence of a non-rotating supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy, using an analytical, albeit approximate, approach. Relying on this analytic control, we examine the consequences of imposing causal boundary conditions at the horizon, which are typically overlooked. First, we examine the scenario where the backreaction of dark matter can be neglected. The scalar field decays like a power law at large distances, thus endowing the black hole with "hair". We derive solutions for the field profile over a wide range of parameters, including cases with rotating dark matter. As a by-product, we extract the dynamical Love numbers for scalar perturbations. Next, we determine the spectrum of bound states and their behaviour. Finally, we incorporate the self-gravity of the scalar field, with a focus on the situation where dark matter forms a soliton (boson star) at the center of the galaxy. We derive an analytical expression for the soliton at every distance from the center. With a solution that remains applicable even at horizon scales, we can reliably compute the accretion rate of the black hole.

  • Unifying inflationary and reheating solution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Manjeet Kaur, Debottam Nandi, Sharath Raghavan B

    The conventional background solution for the evolution of a single canonical inflaton field performs admirably in extreme scenarios such as the slow-roll phase (where the slow-roll parameter is much less than one) and the deep reheating era (where the Hubble parameter is much smaller than the effective mass of the potential and the field oscillates around the minimum of the potential), but fails to accurately depict the dynamics of the Universe around the end of inflation and the initial oscillatory phases. This article proposes a single, unified, model-independent, parametrized analytical solution for such a model that bridges the gap between these two extremes, providing a near-accurate comprehensive description of the evolution of the Universe. This novel strategy has the potential to substantially enhance both quantitative and qualitative cosmological observational predictions and, as a consequence, can further constrain the inflationary models more effectively using future observations.

  • The Astrophysical Gravitational Wave Background in the mHz band is likely dominated by White Dwarf binaries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Seppe Staelens, Gijs Nelemans

    Context. The Astrophysical Gravitational Wave Background (AGWB) is a collective signal of astrophysical gravitational wave sources and is dominated by compact binaries. Its measurement is one of the science goals of current and future gravitational wave detectors. Aims. We aim to determine what population of compact binaries dominates the AGWB in the mHz band. Methods. We revisit and update earlier work by Farmer & Phinney (2003) to model the astrophysical gravitational wave background sourced by extragalactic white dwarf binaries in the mHz frequency band. We calculate the signal using a single-metallicity model for the white dwarf population in the Universe using a global star formation history. Results. We estimate the white dwarf AGWB amplitude to be a factor $\sim$2 larger than the earlier estimate and find that the overall shape of the white dwarf AGWB is well fitted by a broken power law. Conclusions. We compare the results to the present-day best estimates for the background due to black hole and neutron star binaries, and find that the white dwarf component likely dominates in the mHz band. We provide an order of magnitude estimate that explains this hierarchy, and comment on the implications for future missions that aim to detect the AGWB. The black hole AGWB may only be detectable at high frequency. We outline several improvements that can be made to our estimate, but this is unlikely to change our main conclusion that the white dwarf AGWB dominates in the mHz band.

  • Quantum kinetic approach to the Schwinger production of scalar particles in an expanding universe.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anastasia V. Lysenko, Oleksandr O. Sobol

    We study the Schwinger pair creation of scalar charged particles by a homogeneous electric field in an expanding universe in the quantum kinetic approach. We introduce an adiabatic vacuum for the scalar field based on the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin solution to the mode equation in conformal time and apply the formalism of Bogolyubov coefficients to derive a system of quantum Vlasov equations for three real kinetic functions. Compared to the analogous system of equations previously reported in the literature, the new one has two advantages. First, its solutions exhibit a faster decrease at large momenta which makes it more suitable for numerical computations. Second, it predicts no particle creation in the case of conformally coupled massless scalar field in the vanishing electric field, i.e., it respects the conformal symmetry of the system. We identify the ultraviolet divergences in the electric current and energy-momentum tensor of produced particles and introduce the corresponding counterterms in order to cancel them.

  • The Yukawa-Coupled Dark Sector Model and Cosmological Tensions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gang Liu, Yuhao Mu, Jiaze Gao, Yufen Han, Lixin Xu

    In this paper, we investigate the interaction between early dark energy (EDE) and cold dark matter, proposing a Yukawa-coupled dark sector model to mitigate cosmological tensions. We utilize the EDE component in the coupled model to relieve the Hubble tension, while leveraging the interaction between dark matter and dark energy to alleviate the large-scale structure tension. The interaction takes the form of Yukawa coupling, which describes the coupling between scalar field and fermion field. We employed various cosmological datasets, including cosmic microwave background radiation, baryon acoustic oscillations, Type Ia supernovae, the local distance-ladder data (SH0ES), and the Dark Energy Survey Year-3 data, to analyze our novel model. Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, our findings reveal that the constrained value of $H_0$ obtained from our new model at a 68\% confidence level is $72.21^{+0.82}_{-0.69}$ km/s/Mpc, effectively resolving the Hubble tension. Similar to the EDE model, the coupled model yields the $S_8$ value that still surpasses the result of the $\Lambda$CDM model. Nevertheless, the best-fit value of $S_8$ obtained from our new model is 0.817, which is lower than the EDE model's result of 0.8316. Consequently, although our model fails to fully resolve the large-scale structure tension, it mitigates the adverse effect of the original EDE model.


  • Auroras on planets around pulsars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ruchi Mishra, Miljenko Čemeljić, Jacobo Varela, Maurizio Falanga

    The first extrasolar planets were discovered serendipitously, by finding the slight variation in otherwise highly regular timing of the pulses, caused by the planets orbiting a millisecond pulsar. In analogy with the Solar system planets, we predict the existence of aurora on planets around millisecond pulsars. We perform the first magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of magnetospheric pulsar-planet interaction and estimate the radio emission from such systems. We find that the radio emission from aurora on pulsar planets could be observable with the current instruments. We provide parameters for such a detection, which would be the first radio detection of an extrasolar planet. In addition to probing the atmosphere of planets in such extreme conditions, of great interest is also the prospect of the first direct probe into the pulsar wind.

  • True PISN descendant: implications for the mass distribution of the first stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ioanna Koutsouridou, Stefania Salvadori, Ása Skúladóttir

    The initial mass function (IMF) of the first Pop III stars remains a persistent mystery. Their predicted massive nature implies the existence of stars exploding as pair-instability supernovae (PISN), but no observational evidence had been found. Now, the LAMOST survey claims to have discovered a pure PISN descendant, J1010+2358, at ${\rm [Fe/H]}= -2.4$. Here we confirm that a massive 250-260 ${\rm M_\odot}$ PISN is needed to reproduce the abundance pattern of J1010+2358. However, the PISN contribution can be as low as 10%, since key elements are missing to discriminate between scenarios. We investigate the implications of this discovery for the Pop III IMF, by statistical comparison with the predictions of our cosmological galaxy formation model, NEFERTITI. First, we show that the non-detection of mono-enriched PISN descendants at ${\rm [Fe/H]}<-2.5$ allows us to exclude: (i) a flat IMF at a 90% confidence level; and (ii) a Larson type IMF with characteristic mass $m_{\rm ch}/{\rm M_\odot} > 191.16x - 132.44$, where x is the slope, at a 75% confidence level. Secondly, we show that if J1010+2358 has only inherited <70% of its metals from a massive PISN, no further constraints can be put on the Pop III IMF. If, instead, J1010+2358 will be confirmed to be a nearly pure (>90%) PISN descendant, it will offer strong and complementary constraints on the Pop III IMF, excluding the steepest and bottom-heaviest IMFs: $m_{\rm ch}/{\rm M_\odot} < 143.21x - 225.94$. Our work shows that even a single detection of a pure PISN descendant can be crucial to our understanding of the mass distribution of the first stars.

  • Characterization of high-polarization stars and blazars with DIPOL-1 at Sierra Nevada Observatory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Otero-Santos, V. Piirola, J. Escudero, I. Agudo, D. Morcuende, A. Sota, V. Casanova, F. J. Aceituno, P. Santos-Sanz

    Polarimetric observations have proven to be of vital importance for revealing the physical and particle acceleration processes occurring in astrophysical objects. Therefore, having the capability of performing high-precision, time-dense polarimetric observations in simultaneity with other instruments in different bands can be crucial for understanding their nature. With the objective of performing time-dense polarimetric monitoring, we report the performance and first results of the new multiband optical polarimeter DIPOL-1, installed at the Sierra Nevada Observatory (SNO, Granada, Spain) 90 cm telescope. We characterize the performance of this instrument through a series of tests on zero- and high-polarization standard stars. The instrumental polarization was well determined, with a stable contribution of 4.0806% $\pm$ 0.0014% in the optical $R$ band. For high-polarization bright standards ($m_{R}<8$) we reach precisions of <0.02% polarization degree and 0.1$^{\circ}$ polarization angle for exposures of 2$-$4 min. The polarization properties of these stars have been constrained, providing more recent results also about possible variability for future studies on some of the most used calibrators. Moreover, we have tested the capability of observing much fainter objects through blazar observations, where we reach a precision of <0.5$-$0.6% and <0.5$^{\circ}$ for faint targets (magnitude $m_{R}\sim16.5$) with exposures of $\sim$1 hour. For brighter targets ($m_{R}\sim14.5-15$), we can aim for time-dense observations with errors <0.2-0.4% and <1-1.5$^{\circ}$ in 5-20 min. We have performed a first campaign with DIPOL-1, detecting significant polarized emission of several blazars, with special attention to the highest ever polarization degree of $\sim$32% measured for the blazar 3C 345.

  • Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Core-Collapse Type II Supernovae: Insights from new C, N, Si, and Al-Mg isotopic compositions of presolar grains.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nan Liu, Conel M.O'D. Alexander, Bradley S. Meyer, Larry R. Nittler, Jianhua Wang, Rhonda M. Stroud

    We report C, N, Si, and Al-Mg isotope data for 39 presolar X silicon carbide (SiC) and four silicon nitride grains - a group of presolar grains that condensed in the remnants of core-collapse Type II supernovae (CCSNe) - isolated from the Murchison meteorite. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) data were used to determine the Mg and Al contents of the X SiC grains for comparison with the Mg/Al ratios determined by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). Previous SIMS studies have used O-rich standards in the absence of alternatives. In this study, the correlated isotopic and elemental data of the X SiC grains enabled accurate determination of the initial 26Al/27Al ratios for the grains. Our new grain data suggest that (i) the literature data for X grains are affected to varying degrees by asteroidal/terrestrial contamination, and (ii) the Al/Mg ratios in SiC are a factor of two (with +/-6% 1 sigma uncertainties) lower than estimated based on the SIMS analyses that used O-rich standards. The lowered Al/Mg ratios result in proportionally higher inferred initial 26Al/27Al ratios for presolar SiC grains. In addition, the suppression of asteroidal/terrestrial contamination in this study leads to the observation of negative trends for 12C/13C-30Si/28Si and 26Al/27Al-30Si/28Si among our CCSN grains. We discuss these isotope trends in the light of explosive CCSN nucleosynthesis models, based on which we provide new insights into several non-traditional CCSN nucleosynthesis processes, including explosive H burning, the existence of a C/Si zone in the outer regions of CCSNe, and neutrino-nucleus reactions in deep CCSN regions.

  • The Steady State of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes Near a Supermassive Black Hole.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Erwan Hochart, Simon Portegies Zwart

    Aims: Investigate properties of a cluster of intermediate-mass black holes surrounding a supermassive black hole. Methods: We simulate clusters of equal-mass intermediate-mass black holes ($m_{\rm{IMBH}} = 10^{3}$ ${\rm{M_\odot}}$) initialised in a shell between $0.15\leq r$ [pc] $\leq 0.25$ centered about a supermassive black hole. We explore the influence of the cluster population and supermassive black hole mass on the merger rate, the ejection rate and the escape velocity. For $M_{\text{SMBH}} = 4\times10^{6}$ ${\rm {M}_\odot}$, we use both a Newtonian and post-Newtonian formalism, going up to the 2.5th order and including cross-terms. For the other two SMBH masses ($M_{\rm{SMBH}} = 4\times10^{5}$ ${\rm{M_\odot}}$ and $M_{\rm{SMBH}} = 4\times10^{7}$ $\rm{M_\odot}$), we model the system only taking into account relativistic effects. The simulations end once a black hole escapes the cluster, a merger occurs, or the system has evolved till $100$ Myr. Results: The post-Newtonian formalism accelerates the loss rate of intermediate-mass black holes. Ejections occur more often for lower supermassive black hole masses while more massive ones increase the rate of mergers. Although relativistic effects allow for circularisation, all merging binaries have $e \gtrsim 0.97$. Strong gravitational wave signals are suppressed during our Newtonian calculations. Weaker and more frequent signals are expected from gravitational wave radiation emitted in a fly-by. In our post-Newtonian calculations, $30/406$ of the gravitational wave events capable of being observed with LISA and $\mu$Ares are detected as gravitational wave capture binaries with the remaining being in-cluster mergers. Throughout our investigation, no IMBH-IMBH binaries were detected.

  • All-Sky Search for Transient Astrophysical Neutrino Emission with 10 Years of IceCube Cascade Events.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann, J. Adams, S. K. Agarwalla, J. A. Aguilar, M. Ahlers, J.M. Alameddine, N. M. Amin, K. Andeen, G. Anton, C. Argüelles, Y. Ashida, S. Athanasiadou, L. Ausborm, S. N. Axani, X. Bai, A. Balagopal V., M. Baricevic, S. W. Barwick, V. Basu, R. Bay, J. J. Beatty, J. Becker Tjus, J. Beise, C. Bellenghi, C. Benning, S. BenZvi, D. Berley, E. Bernardini, D. Z. Besson, E. Blaufuss, S. Blot, F. Bontempo, J. Y. Book, C. Boscolo Meneguolo, S. Böser, O. Botner, J. Böttcher, J. Braun, B. Brinson, J. Brostean-Kaiser, L. Brusa, R. T. Burley, R. S. Busse, D. Butterfield, M. A. Campana, K. Carloni, E. G. Carnie-Bronca, S. Chattopadhyay, N. Chau, C. Chen, Z. Chen, D. Chirkin, S. Choi, B. A. Clark, A. Coleman, G. H. Collin, A. Connolly, J. M. Conrad, P. Coppin, P. Correa, D. F. Cowen, et al. (345 additional authors not shown)

    We present the results of a time-dependent search for neutrino flares in data collected by IceCube between May 2011 and 2021. This data set contains cascade-like events originating from charged-current electron neutrino and tau neutrino interactions and all-flavor neutral-current interactions. IceCube's previous all-sky searches for neutrino flares used data sets consisting of track-like events originating from charged-current muon neutrino interactions. The cascade data sets are statistically independent of the track data sets and provide a new opportunity to observe the transient all-sky landscape. This search uses the spatial, temporal, and energy information of the cascade-like events to conduct searches for the most statistically significant neutrino flares in the northern and southern skies. No statistically significant time-dependent neutrino emission was observed. For the most statistically significant location in the northern sky, $p_\mathrm{global} =$ 0.71, and in the southern sky, $p_\mathrm{global} =$ 0.51. These results are compatible with the background hypothesis. Assuming an E$^{-2.53}$ spectrum from the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux as measured with cascades, these results are used to calculate upper limits at the 90\% confidence level on neutrino flares of varying duration and constrain the contribution of these flares to the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux. These constraints are independent of a specified class of astrophysical objects and show that multiple unresolved transient sources may contribute to the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux.

  • Repeating FRBs reveal the secret of pulsar magnetospheric activity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Renxin Xu, Weiyang Wang

    The puzzling mechanism of coherent radio emission remains unknown, but fortunately, repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) provide a precious opportunity, with extremely bright subpulses created in a clear and vacuum-like pulsar magnetosphere. FRBs are millisecond-duration signals that are highly dispersed at distant galaxies but with uncertain physical origin(s). Coherent curvature radiation by bunches has already been proposed for repeating FRBs. The charged particles are created during central star's quakes, which can form bunches streaming out along curved magnetic field lines, so as to trigger FRBs. The nature of narrow-band radiation with time-frequency drifting can be a natural consequence that bunches could be observed at different times with different curvatures. Additionally, high linear-polarization can be seen if the line of sight is confined to the beam angle, whereas the emission could be highly circular-polarized if off-beam. It is also discussed that pulsar surface may be full of small hills (i.e., zits) which would help producing bulk of energetic bunches for repeating FRBs as well as for rotation-powered pulsars.

  • Machine Learning applications for Cataclysmic Variable discovery in the ZTF alert stream.- [PDF] - [Article]

    D. Mistry, C. M. Copperwheat, I. Olier, M. J. Darnley

    Cataclysmic variables (CV) encompass a diverse array of accreting white dwarf binary systems. Each class of CV represents a snapshot along an evolutionary journey, one with the potential to trigger a type Ia supernova event. The study of CVs offers valuable insights into binary evolution and accretion physics, with the rarest examples potentially providing the deepest insights. However, the escalating number of detected transients, coupled with our limited capacity to investigate them all, poses challenges in identifying such rarities. Machine Learning (ML) plays a pivotal role in addressing this issue by facilitating the categorisation of each detected transient into its respective transient class. Leveraging these techniques, we have developed a two-stage pipeline tailored to the ZTF transient alert stream. The first stage is an alerts filter aimed at removing non-CVs, while the latter is an ML classifier produced using XGBoost, achieving a macro average AUC score of 0.92 for distinguishing between CV classes. By utilising the Generative Topographic Mapping algorithm with classifier posterior probabilities as input, we obtain representations indicating that CV evolutionary factors play a role in classifier performance, while the associated feature maps present a potent tool for identifying the features deemed most relevant for distinguishing between classes. Implementation of the pipeline in June 2023 yielded 51 intriguing candidates that are yet to be reported as CVs or classified with further granularity. Our classifier represents a significant step in the discovery and classification of different CV classes, a domain of research still in its infancy.

  • Axion limits from the 10-year gamma-ray emission 1ES 1215+303.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hai-Jun Li, Wei Chao, Yu-Feng Zhou

    We present the limits on photon to axionlike particle (ALP) coupling from the 10-year period observations of the TeV BL Lacertae blazar 1ES 1215+303 (with redshift $z=0.130$). The contemporaneous gamma-ray spectra are measured by the collaborations Fermi-LAT and VERITAS with five flux phases from 2008 to 2017, including four low states and one flare. Using these flux phases, we show the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) under the null/ALP hypotheses and set the combined limit on ALP. The 95% $\rm C.L.$ combined limit set by 1ES 1215+303 with the 10-year gamma-ray data is roughly at the photon-ALP coupling constant $g_{a\gamma} \gtrsim 1.5\times 10^{-11} \rm \, GeV^{-1}$ for the ALP mass $5.0\times10^{-10} \, {\rm eV} \lesssim m_a \lesssim 1.0\times10^{-7} \, {\rm eV}$.

  • Can FSRQ 3C 345 be a Very High Energy Blazar Candidate?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Athar A. Dar, Sunder Sahayanathan, Zahir Shah, Naseer Iqbal

    The recent detection of very high energy (VHE) emissions from flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) at high redshifts has revealed that the universe is more transparent to VHE $\gamma$-rays than it was expected. It has also questioned the plausible VHE emission mechanism responsible for these objects. Particularly for FSRQs, the $\gamma$-ray emission is attributed to the external Compton process (EC). We perform a detailed spectral study of \emph{Fermi}-detected FSRQ 3C 345 using synchrotron, synchrotron self Compton (SSC) and EC emission mechanisms. The simultaneous data available in optical, UV, X-ray, and $\gamma$-ray energy bands is statistically fitted under these emission mechanisms using the $\chi^2$-minimization technique. Three high flux states and one low flux state are chosen for spectral fitting. The broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) during these flux states is fitted under different target photon temperatures, and the model VHE flux is compared with the 50\hspace{0.05cm}hr CTA sensitivity. Our results indicate a significant VHE emission could be attained during the high flux state from MJD 59635-59715 when the target photon temperature is within 900K to 1200K. Furthermore, our study shows a clear trend of variation in the bulk Lorentz factor of the emission region as the source transits through different flux states. We also note that during high $\gamma$-ray flux states, an increase in external photon temperature demands high bulk Lorentz factors, while this behaviour reverses in case of low $\gamma$-ray flux state.

  • Torsional oscillations of magnetized neutron stars: Impacts of Landau-Rabi quantization of electron motion.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ling Cheung, Lap-Ming Lin, Nicolas Chamel

    Torsional oscillations of magnetized neutron stars have been well studied since they may be excited in magnetar starquakes and relevant to the observed quasiperiodic oscillations in the magnetar giant flares. In the crustal region of a magnetar, the strong magnetic field can alter the equation of state and composition of the crust due to the Landau-Rabi quantization of electron motion. In this paper, we study this effect on the torsional oscillation modes of neutron stars with mixed poloidal-toroidal magnetic fields in general relativity under the Cowling approximation. Furthermore, the inner and outer crusts are treated consistently based on the nuclear-energy density functional theory. Depending on the magnetic-field configurations, we find that the Landau-Rabi quantization of electron can change the frequencies of the fundamental torsional oscillation mode of $1.4 M_\odot$ neutron star models with a normal fluid core by about $10\%$ when the magnetic field strength at the pole reaches the order of $10^{16}$ G. The shift can even approach $20\%$ at a field strength of $10^{15}$ G for neutron stars with a simple model of superconducting core where the magnetic field is assumed to be expelled completely from the core and confined only in the crust.

  • The CO outflow components ejected by a recent accretion event in B335.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chul-Hwan Kim, Jeong-Eun Lee, Carlos Contreras Peña, Doug Johnstone, Gregory J. Herczeg, John J. Tobin, Neal J. Evans II

    Protostellar outflows often present a knotty appearance, providing evidence of sporadic accretion in stellar mass growth. To understand the direct relation between mass accretion and ejection, we analyze the contemporaneous accretion activity and associated ejection components in B335. B335 has brightened in the mid-IR by 2.5 mag since 2010, indicating increased luminosity, presumably due to increased mass accretion rate onto the protostar. ALMA observations of 12CO emission in the outflow reveal high-velocity emission, estimated to have been ejected 4.6 - 2 years before the ALMA observation and consistent with the jump in mid-IR brightness. The consistency in timing suggests that the detected high-velocity ejection components are directly linked to the most recent accretion activity. We calculated the kinetic energy, momentum, and force for the ejection component associated with the most recent accretion activity and found that at least, about 1.0% of accreted mass has been ejected. More accurate information on the jet inclination and the temperature of the ejected gas components will better constrain the ejected mass induced by the recently enhanced accretion event.

  • Discovery and Timing of Millisecond Pulsars in the Globular Cluster M5 (NGC 5904) with FAST and Arecibo.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lei Zhang, Paulo C. C. Freire, Alessandro Ridolfi, Zhichen Pan, Jiaqi Zhao, Craig O. Heinke, Jianxing Chen, Mario Cadelano, Cristina Pallanca, Xian Hou, Xiaoting Fu, Shi Dai, Erbil Gugercinoglu, Meng Guo, Jason Hessels, Jiale Hu, Guodong Li, Mengmeng Ni, Jingshan Pan, Scott M. Ransom, Qitong Ruan, Ingrid Stairs, Chao-Wei Tsai, Pei Wang, Long Wang, Na Wang, Qingdong Wu, Jianping Yuan, Jie Zhang, Weiwei Zhu, Yongkun Zhang, Di Li

    We report on a comprehensive multi-wavelength study of the pulsars in the globular cluster (GC) M5, including the discovery of M5G, a new compact non-eclipsing "black widow" pulsar. Thanks to the analysis of 34 years of radio data taken with the FAST and Arecibo telescopes, we obtained new phase-connected timing solutions for four pulsars in the clusters and improved those of the other three known pulsars. These have resulted in, among other things: a) much improved proper motions for five pulsars, with transverse velocities that are smaller than their respective escape velocities; b) 3-sigma and 1.5-sigma detections of Shapiro delays in M5F and M5D, respectively; c) greatly improved measurement of the periastron advance in M5B, whose value of 0.01361(6) implies that M5B is still likely to be a heavy neutron star. The binary pulsars M5D, E and F are confirmed to be in low-eccentricity binary systems, the low-mass companions of which are newly identified to be He white dwarfs using Hubble Space Telescope data. Four pulsars are also found to be associated with X-ray sources. Similarly to the eclipsing pulsar M5C, M5G shows little or no non-thermal X-ray emission, indicative of weak synchrotron radiation produced by intra-binary shocks. All the seven pulsars known in M5 have short spin periods and five are in binary systems with low orbital eccentricities. These characteristics differ from the overall GC pulsar population, but confirm the expectations for the pulsar population in a cluster with a small rate of stellar encounters per binary system.

  • Testing General Relativity with black hole X-ray data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cosimo Bambi

    The theory of General Relativity has successfully passed a large number of observational tests without requiring any adjustment from its original version proposed by Einstein in 1915. The past 8 years have seen significant advancements in the study of the strong-field regime, which can now be tested with gravitational waves, X-ray data, and black hole imaging. This is a compact and pedagogical review on the state-of-the-art of the tests of General Relativity with black hole X-ray data.

  • Search for "Ronin" Pulsars in Globular Clusters Using FAST: Discovery of Two New Slow Pulsars in M15.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dengke Zhou, Pei Wang, Di Li, Jianhua Fang, Chenchen Miao, Paulo C. C. Freire, Lei Zhang, Dandan Zhang, Huaxi Chen, Yi Feng, Yifan Xiao, Jintao Xie, Xu Zhang, Chenwu Jin, Han Wang, Yinan Ke, Xuerong Guo, Rushuang Zhao, Chenhui Niu, Weiwei Zhu, Mengyao Xue, Yabiao Wang, Jiafu Wu, Zhenye Gan, Zhongyi Sun, Chengjie Wang, Junshuo Zhang, Jinhuang Cao, Wanjin Lu

    Globular clusters harbor numerous millisecond pulsars; however, the detection of long-period pulsars within these clusters has been notably scarce. The search for long-period pulsars encounters significant challenges due to pronounced red noise interference, necessitating the crucial step of red noise removal in the data preprocessing. In this study, we use running median filtering to mitigate red noise in multiple globular cluster datasets obtained through observations with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). Additionally, we estimated the minimum detectable flux density of pulsars ($S_{\rm min}$) considering this processing step, resulting in a function depicting how $S_{\rm min}$ varies with different duty cycles and periods. Subsequently, a systematic search for long-period pulsars was conducted on the globular cluster datasets after red noise elimination. Ultimately, two isolated long-period pulsars were discovered in the M15 globular cluster, with periods of approximately 1.928451 seconds and 3.960716 seconds, both exhibiting remarkably low pulse duty cycles of around 1\%. Using archived data, we obtained timing solutions for these pulsars. Based on the timing results, their positions are found to be close to the center of the M15 cluster. On the $P-\dot{P}$ diagram, they both lie below the spin-up line, suggesting that their recycling process was likely interrupted, leading them to become isolated pulsars. Moreover, in our current search, these very faint long-period pulsars are exclusively identified in M15, and one possible reason for this could be the relatively close proximity and extremely high stellar formation rate of M15. As observational data accumulate and search algorithms undergo iterative enhancements, the prospect of discovering additional long-period pulsars within globular clusters, such as M15, becomes increasingly promising.

  • X-ray luminosity versus orbital period of AM CVn systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Teja Begari, Thomas J. Maccarone

    AM CVn systems are a rare type of cataclysmic variable star consisting of a w hite dwarf accreting material from a low-mass, hydrogen-poor donor star. These helium-rich systems usually have orbital periods that are less than 65 minutes an d are predicted to be sources of gravitational waves. We have analyzed the catalogued X-ray data from the Chandra, XMM-Newton, and the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (hereafter referred to as 'Swift') to investigate the relationship between X-ray luminosity and the orbital period of AM CVn systems. We find that the high accretion-rate systems which are likely to have optically thick boundary laye rs are sub-luminous in X-rays relative to theoretical model predictions for the boundary layer luminosity, while the longer orbital period, lower bolometric luminosity systems match fairly well to the model predictions, with the exception of an overluminous system which has already been suggested to show magnetic accretion.

  • State-of-the-art simulations of line-driven accretion disc winds: realistic radiation-hydrodynamics leads to weaker outflows.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nick Higginbottom, Nicolas Scepi, Christian Knigge, Knox S. Long, James H. Matthews, Stuart A. Sim

    Disc winds are a common feature in accreting astrophysical systems on all scales. In active galactic nuclei (AGN) and accreting white dwarfs (AWDs), specifically, radiation pressure mediated by spectral lines is a promising mechanism for driving these outflows. Previous hydrodynamical simulations have largely supported this idea, but relied on highly approximate treatments of ionization and radiative transfer. Given the sensitivity of line driving to the ionization state and radiation field in the outflow, here we present a new method for carrying out 2.5D radiation-hydrodynamic simulations that takes full account of the frequency-dependent radiative transfer through the wind, the corresponding ionization state and the resulting radiative accelerations. Applying our method to AWDs, we find that it is much harder to drive a powerful line-driven outflow when the interaction between matter and radiation is treated self-consistently. This conclusion is robust to changes in the adopted system parameters. The fundamental difficulty is that discs luminous enough to drive such a wind are also hot enough to over-ionize it. As a result, the mass-loss rates in our simulations are much lower than those found in earlier, more approximate calculations. We also show that the ultraviolet spectra produced by our simulations do not match those observed in AWDs. We conclude that, unless the over-ionization problem can be mitigated (e.g. by sub-grid clumping or a softer-than-expected radiation field), line driving may not be a promising mechanism for powering the outflows from AWDs. These conclusions are likely to have significant implications for disc winds in AGN also.

  • Three Pulsars Discovered in Globular Cluster M15 (NGC 7078) with FAST.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuxiao Wu, Zhichen Pan, Lei Qian, Scott Ransom, BoJun Wang, Zhen Yan, Jintao Luo, Liyun Zhang, Minghui Li, Dejiang Yin, Baoda Li, Yifeng Li, Yinfeng Dai, Yaowei Li, Xinnan Zhang, Tong Liu, Yu Pan

    We present the discovery of three pulsars in Globular Cluster M15 (NGC 7078) by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). In the three pulsars, PSR~J2129+1210J (M15J) is a millisecond pulsar with a spinning period of 11.84 ms and a dispersion measure of 66.68 pc cm$^{-3}$. Both PSR~J2129+1210K and L (M15K and L) are long period pulsars with spinning periods of 1928 ms and 3961 ms , respectively, while M15L is the GC pulsar with the longest spinning period till now. The discoveries of M15K and L support the theory that core-collapsed Globular Clusters may contain partially recycled long period pulsars. With the same dataset, the timing solutions of M15A to H were updated, and the timing parameter P1 of M15F is different from the previous results, which is approximately 0.027$\times 10^{-18} ss^{-1}$ from our work and $0.032 \times 10^{-18} ss^{-1}$ from Anderson's\citep{anderson-1993}. As predicted by Rodolfi et al. , the luminosity of M15C kept decreasing and the latest detection in our dataset is on December 20$^{\rm th}$, 2022. We also detected M15I for one more time. The different barycentric spin periods indicate that this pulsar should locate in a binary system, manifesting itself as the exceptional one in such a core-collapsing GC.

  • Late Engine Activity in Neutron Star Mergers and Its Cocoon: An Alternative Scenario for the Blue Kilonova.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hamid Hamidani, Shigeo S. Kimura, Masaomi Tanaka, Kunihito Ioka

    Follow-up observations of short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) have continuously unveiled late extended/plateau emissions, attributed to jet launch due to late engine activity, the nature of which remains enigmatic. Observations of GW170817 confirmed that sGRBs are linked to neutron star (NS) mergers, and discovered a kilonova (KN) transient. Nevertheless, the origin of the early "blue" KN in GW170817 remains unclear. Here, we investigate the propagation of late jets in the merger ejecta. By analytically modeling jet dynamics, we determine the properties of the jet heated cocoon, and estimate its cooling emission. Our results reveal that late jets generate significantly brighter cocoons compared to prompt jets, primarily due to reduced energy loss by adiabatic cooling. Notably, for certain late jet models, emission from the cocoon trapped inside the ejecta can reproduce the blue KN emission. We estimate that the forthcoming Einstein Probe mission and optical/UV follow-ups in the LIGO-VIRGO-KAGRA O5 run will be able to detect the cocoon emission on a yearly basis. As an electromagnetic counterpart, this emission provides an independent tool to probe NS mergers in the Universe, complementing insights from sGRBs and gravitational waves.

  • Shower formation constraints on cubic Lorentz Invariance Violation parameters in quantum electrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Petr Satunin, Andrey Sharofeev

    We present shower formation constraints on the Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) energy scale for photons with cubic dispersion relation from recent gamma ray observations in $100$ TeV -- PeV energy range by LHAASO observatory. We assume Myers-Pospelov effective field theory framework, and calculate the suppression for the Bethe-Heitler process which is mainly responsible for the formation of photon-initiated atmosphere showers. Comparing the high-energy photon events with the suppressed flux predictions we obtain $95\%$ CL constraints on the LIV energy scale. The obtained shower constraint $E_{\rm LIV} \gtrsim \mathcal{O} \left( 10^{20} \mbox{ GeV}\right)$ is significantly weaker than existing birefringence constraints but is independent.

  • Images of the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Point Sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    K. Dolgikh, A. Korochkin, G.Rubtsov, D. Semikoz, I. Tkachev

    Our latest paper investigates the effects of UHECR propagation in a turbulent intergalactic magnetic field in the small-angle scattering regime, specifically focusing on the non-trivial caustic-like pattern that arises with strong deviation from isotropy. In this paper, we explore the effect of the observer's position on the measurement of source flux at a given distance. We examine three types of source locations, characterized by the density of cosmic rays from a given source at the observation point, which we call knots, filaments and voids. We also investigate the energy spectrum in these different cases and present simulated images of the source as it appears on the observer's telescope after propagation in the combination of intergalactic and Galactic magnetic fields. We show that hot spots in the UHECR data can arrive due to combined distortions of source images on the intergalactic and Galactic magnetic fields. Also the fact that flux of most nearby sources is diluted in the voids affects source population studies.

  • Magnetic and thermal acceleration in extragalactic jets: An application to NGC 315.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. Ricci, M. Perucho, J. López-Miralles, J. M. Martí, B. Boccardi

    Aims. Relativistic jets launched from active galactic nuclei accelerate up to highly relativistic velocities within a few parsecs to tens of parsecs. The precise way in which this process takes place is still under study. While magnetic acceleration is known to be able to accelerate relativistic outflows, little attention has been paid to the role of thermal acceleration. The latter has been assumed to act only on compact regions, very close to the central engine, and to become negligible on parsec scales. However, this holds under the assumption of small internal energies as compared to the magnetic ones, and whether this is true or what happens when we drop this assumption is currently uncertain. Methods. We use a 2D relativistic magnetohydrodynamical code to explore jet acceleration from sub-parsec to parsec scales. As initial conditions for our models, we use observational constraints on jet properties derived by means of very long baseline interferometry observations for a Fanaroff Riley I radio galaxy, NGC\,315. We investigate the parameter space established for this source and perform a number of simulations of magnetically, thermally or kinetically dominated jets at injection, and compare our results with the observed ones. Results. Our simulated jets show that when thermal energy is comparable to or exceeds magnetic energy, thermal acceleration becomes significant at parsec scales. This result has important consequences, potentially extending the acceleration region far beyond the collimation scales, as thermal acceleration can effectively operate within a conically expanding jet. In all the models, we observe acceleration to be driven by expansion, as expected. A number of our models allow us to reproduce the acceleration and opening angles observed in NGC\,315. Finally, our results indicate that disk-launched winds might play an important role in the jet propagation.

  • Multiparameter multipolar test of general relativity with gravitational waves.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Parthapratim Mahapatra, Shilpa Kastha, Anuradha Gupta, B. S. Sathyaprakash, K. G. Arun

    Amplitude and phase of the gravitational waveform from compact binary systems can be decomposed in terms of their mass- and current-type multipole moments. In a modified theory of gravity, one or more of these multipole moments could deviate from general theory of relativity. In this Letter, we show that a waveform model that parametrizes the amplitude and phase in terms of the multipole moments of the binary can facilitate a novel multiparameter test of general relativity with exquisite precision. Using a network of next-generation gravitational wave observatories, simultaneous deviation in the leading seven multipoles of a GW190814-like binary can be bounded to within 6% to 40% depending on the multipole order, while supermassive black hole mergers observed by LISA achieve a bound of 0.3% to 2%. We further argue that bounds from multipoles can be uniquely mapped onto other parametrized tests of general relativity and has the potential to become a down-stream analysis from which bounds of other parametric tests of general relativity can be derived. The set of multipole parameters, therefore, provides an excellent basis to carry out precision tests of general relativity.

  • Fierce Feedback in an Obscured, Sub-Eddington State of the Seyfert 1.2 Markarian 817.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Miranda K. Zak, Jon M. Miller, Ehud Behar, William N. Brandt, Laura Brenneman, Paul A. Draghis, Elias Kammoun, 6), Michael J. Koss, Mark T. Reynolds, 8), Abderahmen Zoghbi, 10) ((1) University of Michigan, (2) Technion, (3) Pennsylvania State University, (4) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (5) IRAP, Universite de Toulouse, (6) Universita Roma Tre, (7) Eureka Scientific, (8) Ohio State University, (9) University of Maryland, College Park, (10) NASA/GSFC)

    Markarian 817 is a bright and variable Seyfert-1.2 active galactic nucleus (AGN). X-ray monitoring of Mrk 817 with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory in 2022 revealed that the source flux had declined to a lower level than recorded at any prior point in the then-19-year mission. We present an analysis of deep XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations obtained in this low flux state. The spectra reveal a complex X-ray wind consisting of neutral and ionized absorption zones. Three separate velocity components are detected as part of a structured ultra-fast outflow (UFO), with v/c = 0.043 (+0.007,-0.003), v/c = 0.079 (+0.003,-0.0008), and v/c = 0.074 (+0.004,-0.005). These projected velocities suggest that the wind likely arises at radii that are much smaller than the optical broad line region (BLR). In order for each component of the outflow to contribute significant feedback, the volume filling factors must be greater than f ~ 0.009, f ~ 0.003, and f ~ 0.3, respectively. For plausible, data-driven volume filling factors, these limits are passed, and the total outflow likely delivers the fierce feedback required to reshape its host environment, despite a modest radiative Eddington fraction of lambda ~ 0.008-0.016 (this range reflects plausible masses). UFOs are often detected at or above the Eddington limit; this result signals that black hole accretion has the potential to shape host galaxies even at modest Eddington fractions, and over a larger fraction of a typical AGN lifetime. We discuss our findings in terms of models for disk winds and black hole feedback in this and other AGN.

  • Comparing HAWC blazars light curves with different data reconstruction versions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. A. García-González, M. M. González

    We present a comparison of the flux normalization of HAWC sources using 17 months of data that was processed using two different versions of the official data reconstruction used for HAWC analyses. Pass4 (P4) has been used so far for most of the results published by HAWC. The most recent reconstruction version, Pass5 (P5) will be used in future analyses and comes with better pointing accuracy and improved gamma/hadron separation. The aim of this work is to do a comparison of the light curves obtained with both P4 and P5 and show that the results are consistent within statistical uncertainties

  • Fast Conversion of Neutrinos: Energy Dependence of Flavor Instabilities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pedro Dedin Neto, Irene Tamborra, Shashank Shalgar

    In core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers, the neutrino density is so large that neutrino-neutrino refraction can lead to flavor conversion, classified as ``fast'' since the neutrino self-interaction strength $\mu=\sqrt{2} G_F n_\nu$ represents the characteristic time-scale of the system. However, it has been empirically realized that the vacuum frequency $\omega=\Delta m^2/2E$ affects the development of flavor conversion even if $\omega \ll \mu$, as is the case in the core of compact astrophysical sources. Focusing on a homogeneous and axially symmetric neutrino gas, we explore the role of $\omega$ in the onset of flavor instabilities. Relying on a perturbative approach, we find that the odd powers of $\omega$ are linked to the angular distribution of the neutrino flavor particle number (FPN). Hence, when $\omega \neq 0$, the flavor conversion dynamics does not depend on the neutrino flavor lepton number only (FLN), like for fast flavor conversion, but also on the FPN. A non-zero vacuum frequency is also responsible for inducing flavor instabilities with a non-negligible growth rate in a neutrino gas that would be otherwise stable for $\omega \rightarrow 0$. Such a neutrino ensemble with $\omega \neq 0$ can be formally mapped into an effective system with $\omega =0$, whose angular distributions have non-zero imaginary components. Our work highlights the overlooked role of vacuum mixing in the development of flavor instabilities in neutrino systems with FLN zero-crossings in the angular distributions.

  • A Lensing-Band Approach to Spacetime Constraints.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alejandro Cárdenas-Avendaño, Aaron Held

    General relativity's prediction that all black holes share identical properties, irrespective of their size, can now be empirically tested using electromagnetic observations of supermassive black holes and gravitational waves from mergers of stellar-mass black holes. In this work, we focus on the electromagnetic side of this test and quantify the constraining power of very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI). We demonstrate how to use lensing bands -- annular regions on the observer's screen surrounding the critical curve -- to constrain the underlying spacetime geometry. Contingent upon a detection of a lensed VLBI feature, the resulting lensing-band framework allows us to exclude spacetimes for which said feature cannot arise from geodesics that traversed the equatorial plane more than once. Focusing on the first lensed image and tests of black-hole uniqueness, we employ a parametrized spacetime as a case study. We find that resolving geometric information that goes beyond the apparent size of the critical curve has the potential to lift degeneracies between different spacetime parameters. Our work thereby quantifies a conservative estimate of the constraining power of VLBI measurements and contributes to a larger effort to simultaneously constrain geometry and astrophysics.

  • Radio Emission and Electric Gaps in Pulsar Magnetospheres.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ashley Bransgrove, Andrei M. Beloborodov, Yuri Levin

    The origin of pulsar radio emission is one of the old puzzles in theoretical astrophysics. In this Letter we present a global kinetic plasma simulation which shows from first-principles how and where radio emission can be produced in pulsar magnetospheres. We observe the self-consistent formation of electric gaps which periodically ignite electron-positron discharge. The gaps form above the polar-cap, and in the bulk return-current. Discharge of the gaps excites electromagnetic modes which share several features with the radio emission of real pulsars. We also observe the excitation of plasma waves and charge bunches by streaming instabilities in the outer magnetosphere. Our numerical experiment demonstrates that global kinetic models can provide deep insight into the emission physics of pulsars, and may help interpret their multi-wavelength observations.

  • HAFFET: Hybrid Analytic Flux FittEr for Transients.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sheng Yang, Jesper Sollerman

    The progenitors for many types of supernovae (SNe) are still unknown, and an approach to diagnose their physical origins is to investigate the light curve brightness and shape of a large set of SNe. However, it is often difficult to compare and contrast the existing sample studies due to differences in their approaches and assumptions, for example in how to eliminate host galaxy extinction, and this might lead to systematic errors when comparing the results. We therefore introduce the Hybrid Analytic Flux FittEr for Transients (haffet), a Python-based software package that can be applied to download photometric and spectroscopic data for transients from open online sources, derive bolometric light curves, and fit them to semi-analytical models for estimation of their physical parameters. In a companion study, we have investigated a large collection of SNe Ib and Ic observed with the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) with haffet, and here we detail the methodology and the software package to encourage more users. As large-scale surveys such as ZTF and LSST continue to discover increasing numbers of transients, tools such as haffet will be critical for enabling rapid comparison of models against data in statistically consistent, comparable and reproducable ways. Additionally, haffet is created with a Graphical User Interface mode, which we hope will boost the efficiency and make the usage much easier.

  • Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Circumbinary Disk Dynamics -- I: Coplanar Systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Siddharth Mahesh, Sean T. McWilliams, Michal Pirog

    We present an analytical and numerical study of a system composed of a stellar binary pair and a massless, locally isothermal viscous accretion disk that is coplanar to the binary orbital plane. Analytically, we study the effect of the binary's gravitational potential over short timescales through the study of stability for epicyclic orbits, and over long timescales by revisiting the concept of resonant torques. Numerically, we perform two-dimensional Newtonian numerical simulations of the disk-binary system over a range of binary mass ratios. We find that the results of our simulations are consistent with previous numerical studies. We additionally show, by comparison of the analytical and numerical results, that the circumbinary gap is maintained on the orbital timescale through the driving of epicyclic instabilities, and does not depend on resonant torquing, contrary to standard lore. While our results are applicable to any disk-binary system, we highlight the importance of this result in the search for electromagnetic and gravitational-wave signatures from supermassive black-hole binaries.

  • Cosmic rays from heavy particle decays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    E.V. Arbuzova, A.D. Dolgov, A.A. Nikitenko

    Multidimensional modification of gravity with a smaller mass scale of the gravitational interaction is considered. Stable by assumption dark matter particles could decay via interactions with virtual black holes. The decay rates of such processes are estimated. It is shown that with the proper fixation of the parameters the decays of these ultra-massive particles can give noticeable contribution to the flux of high energy cosmic rays in particular, near the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit. Such particles can also create neutrinos of very high energies observed in the existing huge underwater or ice-cube detectors.

  • Neutron star matter based on a parity doublet model including the $a_0(980)$ meson.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuk Kei Kong, Takuya Minamikawa, Masayasu Harada

    We study the effect of the isovector-scalar meson $a_0$(980) on the properties of nuclear matter and the neutron star (NS) matter by constructing a parity doublet model with including the $a_0$ meson based on the chiral SU(2)$_L\times$SU(2)$_R$ symmetry. We also include the $\omega$-$\rho$ mixing contribution to adjust the slope parameter at the saturation. We find that, when the chiral invariant mass of nucleon $m_0$ is smaller than about 800 MeV, the existence of $a_0$(980) enlarges the symmetry energy by strengthening the repulsive $\rho$ meson coupling. On the other hand, for large $m_0$ where the Yukawa coupling of $a_0$(980) to nucleon is small, the symmetry energy is reduced by the effect of $\omega$-$\rho$ mixing. We then construct the equation of state (EoS) of a neutron star matter to obtain the mass-radius relation of NS. We find that, in most choices of $m_0$, the existence of $a_0$(980) stiffens the EoS and makes the radius of NS larger. We then constrain the chiral invariant mass of nucleon from the observational data of NS, and find that $580 \,\text{ MeV} \lesssim m_0 \lesssim 860 \,\text{ MeV} $ for $L_0=57.7$ MeV.

  • Stellar triples with chemically homogeneously evolving inner binaries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andris Dorozsmai, Silvia Toonen, Alejandro Vigna-Gómez, Selma E. de Mink, Floris Kummer

    Observations suggest that massive stellar triples are common. However, their evolution is not yet fully understood. We investigate the evolution of hierarchical triples in which the stars of the inner binary experience chemically homogeneous evolution (CHE), particularly to understand the role of the tertiary star in the formation of gravitational-wave (GW) sources. We use the triple-star rapid population synthesis code TRES to determine the evolution of these systems at two representative metallicities: $Z = 0.005$ and $Z = 0.0005$. About half of all triples harbouring a CHE inner binary (CHE triples) experience tertiary mass transfer (TMT) episodes, an event which is rare for classically evolving stars. In the majority of TMT episodes, the inner binary consists of two main-sequence stars (58-60 per cent) or two black holes (BHs, 24-31 per cent). Additionally, we explore the role of von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai (ZLK) oscillations for CHE triples. ZLK oscillations can result in eccentric stellar mergers or lead to the formation of eccentric compact binaries in systems with initial outer pericenters smaller than $\sim$ 1200 $R_{\odot}$. Approximately 24-30 per cent of CHE triples form GW sources, and in 31 per cent of these, the tertiary star plays a significant role and leads to configurations that are not predicted for isolated binaries. We conclude that the evolution of CHE binaries can be affected by a close tertiary companion, resulting in astronomical transients such as BH-BH binaries that merge via GW emission orders of magnitude faster than their isolated binary counterparts and tertiary-driven massive stellar mergers.

  • Establishing connection between neutron star properties and nuclear matter parameters through a comprehensive multivariate analysis.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    N. K. Patra, Prafulla Saxena, B. K. Agrawal, T. K. Jha

    We have attempted to mitigate the challenge of connecting the neutron star (NS) properties with the nuclear matter parameters that describe equations of state (EoSs). The efforts to correlate various neutron star properties with individual nuclear matter parameters have been inconclusive. A Principal Component Analysis is employed as a tool to uncover the connection between multiple nuclear matter parameters and the tidal deformability as well as the radius of neutron stars within the mass range of $1.2-1.8M_\odot$. The essential EOSs for neutron star matter at low densities have been derived using both uncorrelated uniform distributions and minimally constrained joint posterior distributions of nuclear matter parameters. For higher densities ($\rho > 0.32$fm$^{-3}$), the EOSs have been established through a suitable parameterization of the speed of sound, which consistently maintains causality and gradually approaches the conformal limit. Our analysis reveals that in order to account for over 90\% of the variability in NS properties, it is crucial to consider two or more principal components, emphasizing the significance of employing multivariate analysis. To explain the variability in tidal deformability needs a greater number of principal components compared to those for the radius at a given NS mass. The contributions from iso-vector nuclear matter parameters to the tidal deformability and radius of NS decrease by $\sim$ 25\% with the increase in mass of NS from 1.2$M_\odot$ to 1.8$M_\odot$.

  • Bose-Einstein condensation and muon production in ultra-high energy cosmic ray particle collisions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    V. A. Okorokov

    Collisions of cosmic ray particles with ultra-high initial energies with nuclei in the atmosphere open a wide room for appearing of the novel dynamical features for multiparticle production processes. In particular, the pion-lasing behavior driven by Bose-Einstein condensation would result in the shift to larger multiplicities and, as consequence, could provide, in general, the enhanced yield of cosmic muons. In the present work the critical value of the space charged particle density for onset of Bose-Einstein condensation of the boson (pion) wave-packets into the same wave-packet state is estimated within the model with complete multiparticle symmetrization for the energy domain corresponded to the ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR). Energy dependence of mean density of charged pions is evaluated for the cases of absent of the Bose-Einstein effects and for presence of laser-like behavior of pions. The possible influence of the Bose-Einstein condensation is discussed for the muon production in UHECR particle collisions with the atmosphere.

  • A Fast second-order solver for stiff multifluid dust and gas hydrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Leonardo Krapp, Juan Garrido-Deutelmoser, Pablo Benítez-Llambay, Kaitlin M. Kratter

    We present MDIRK: a Multifluid second-order Diagonally-Implicit Runge-Kutta method to study momentum transfer between gas and an arbitrary number ($N$) of dust species. The method integrates the equations of hydrodynamics with an Implicit Explicit (IMEX) scheme and solves the stiff source term in the momentum equation with a diagonally-implicit asymptotically stable Runge-Kutta method (DIRK). In particular, DIRK admits a simple analytical solution that can be evaluated with $\mathcal{O}(N)$ operations, instead of standard matrix inversion, which is $\mathcal{O}(N)^3$. Therefore the analytical solution significantly reduces the computational cost of the multifluid method, making it suitable for studying the dynamics of systems with particle-size distributions. We demonstrate that the method conserves momentum to machine precision and converges to the correct equilibrium solution with constant external acceleration. To validate our numerical method we present a series of simple hydrodynamic tests, including damping of sound waves, dusty shocks, a multi-fluid dusty Jeans instability, and a steady-state gas-dust drift calculation. The simplicity of MDIRK lays the groundwork to build fast high-order asymptotically stable multifluid methods.

  • Discovery of a variable energy-dependent X-ray polarization in the accreting neutron star GX 5-1.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sergio Fabiani, Fiamma Capitanio, Rosario Iaria, Juri Poutanen, Andrea Gnarini, Francesco Ursini, Ruben Farinelli, Anna Bobrikova, James F. Steiner, Jiri Svoboda, Alessio Anitra, Maria C. Baglio, Francesco Carotenuto, Melania Del Santo, Carlo Ferrigno, Fraser Lewis, David M. Russell, Thomas D. Russell, Jakob van den Eijnden, Massimo Cocchi, Alessandro Di Marco, Fabio La Monaca, Kuan Liu, John Rankin, Martin C. Weisskopf, Fei Xie, Stefano Bianchi, Luciano Burderi, Tiziana Di Salvo, Elise Egron, Giulia Illiano, Philip Kaaret, Giorgio Matt, Romana Mikušincová, Fabio Muleri, Alessandro Papitto, Iván Agudo, Lucio A. Antonelli, Matteo Bachetti, Luca Baldini, Wayne H. Baumgartner, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Stephen D. Bongiorno, Raffaella Bonino, Alessandro Brez, Niccolò Bucciantini, et al. (73 additional authors not shown)

    We report on the coordinated observations of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary (NS-LMXB) \gx in X-rays (IXPE, NICER, Nustar and INTEGRAL), optical (REM and LCO), near-infrared (REM), mid-infrared (VLT VISIR), and radio (ATCA). This Z-source was observed by \IXPE twice in March-April 2023 (Obs. 1 and 2). In the radio band, the source was detected, but only upper-limits to the linear polarization were obtained at a $3\sigma$ level of $6.1\%$ at 5.5 GHz and $5.9\%$ at 9 GHz in Obs.~1 and $12.5\%$ at 5.5~GHz and $20\%$ at 9~GHz in Obs.~2. The mid-IR, near-IR and optical observations suggest the presence of a compact jet which peaks in the mid- or far-IR. The X-ray polarization degree was found to be $3.7\% \pm 0.4 \%$ (at $90\%$ confidence level) during Obs.~1 when the source was in the horizontal branch of the Z-track and $1.8\% \pm 0.4 \%$ during Obs.~2 when the source was in the normal-flaring branch. These results confirm the variation of polarization degree as a function of the position of the source in the color-color diagram as for previously observed Z-track sources (Cyg~X-2 and XTE~1701$-$462). Evidence for a variation of the polarization angle $\sim 20^\circ$ with energy is found in both observations, likely related to the different, non-orthogonal polarization angles of the disk and Comptonization components which peak at different energies.

  • Characterizing the Ordinary Broad-lined Type Ic SN 2023pel from the Energetic GRB 230812B.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gokul P. Srinivasaragavan, Vishwajeet Swain, Brendan M. O'Connor, Shreya Anand, Tomás Ahumada, Daniel A. Perley, Robert Stein, Jesper Sollerman, Christoffer Fremling, S. Bradley Cenko, Sarah Antier, Nidhal Guessoum, Thomas Hussenot-Desenonges, Patrice Hello, Stephen Lesage, Erica Hammerstein, M. Coleman Miller, Igor Andreoni, Varun Bhalerao, Joshua S. Bloom, Anirban Dutta, Avishay Gal-Yam, K-Ryan Hinds, Amruta D. Jaodand, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Harsh Kumar, Alexander Kutyrev, Fabio Ragosta, Vikram Ravi, Kritti Sharma, Rishabh S. Teja, Sheng Yang, G. C. Anupama, Eric C. Bellm, Michael W. Coughlin, Ashish A. Mahabal, Frank J. Masci, Utkarsh Pathak, Josiah Purdum, Oliver J. Roberts, Roger Smith, Avery Wold

    We report observations of the optical counterpart of the long gamma-ray burst (LGRB) GRB 230812B, and its associated supernova (SN) SN 2023pel. The proximity ($z = 0.36$) and high energy ($E_{\gamma, \rm{iso}} \sim 10^{53}$ erg) make it an important event to study as a probe of the connection between massive star core-collapse and relativistic jet formation. With a phenomenological power-law model for the optical afterglow, we find a late-time flattening consistent with the presence of an associated SN. SN 2023pel has an absolute peak $r$-band magnitude of $M_r = -19.46 \pm 0.18$ mag (about as bright as SN 1998bw) and evolves on quicker timescales. Using a radioactive heating model, we derive a nickel mass powering the SN of $M_{\rm{Ni}} = 0.38 \pm 0.01$ $\rm{M_\odot}$, and a peak bolometric luminosity of $L_{\rm{bol}} \sim 1.3 \times 10^{43}$ $\rm{erg}$ $\rm{s^{-1}}$. We confirm SN 2023pel's classification as a broad-lined Type Ic SN with a spectrum taken 15.5 days after its peak in $r$ band, and derive a photospheric expansion velocity of $v_{\rm{ph}} = 11,300 \pm 1,600$ $\rm{km}$ $\rm{s^{-1}}$ at that phase. Extrapolating this velocity to the time of maximum light, we derive the ejecta mass $M_{\rm{ej}} = 1.0 \pm 0.6$ $\rm{M_\odot}$ and kinetic energy $E_{\rm{KE}} = 1.3^{+3.3}_{-1.2} \times10^{51}$ $\rm{erg}$. We find that GRB 230812B/SN 2023pel has SN properties that are mostly consistent with the overall GRB-SN population. The lack of correlations found in the GRB-SN population between SN brightness and $E_{\gamma, \rm{iso}}$ for their associated GRBs, across a broad range of 7 orders of magnitude, provides further evidence that the central engine powering the relativistic ejecta is not coupled to the SN powering mechanism in GRB-SN systems.

  • New evidence of multiple channels for the origin of gamma-ray bursts with extended emission.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Q. M.Li, Q. B. Sun, Z. B. Zhang, K. J. Zhang, G. Long

    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most intense explosions in the universe. GRBs with extended emission (GRB EE) constitute a small subclass of GRBs. GRB EE are divided into EE-I GRBs and EE-II GRBs, according to the Amati empirical relationship rather than duration. We test here if these two types of GRB have different origins based on their luminosity function (and formation rate). Therefore, we use Lynden-Bell's c^- method to investigate the LF and FR of GRBs with EE without any assumption. We calculate the formation rate of two types of GRBs. For EE-I GRBs, the fitting function can be written as \rho (z) \propto {(1 + z)^{ - 0.34 \pm 0.04} for z < 2.39 and \rho (z) \propto {(1 + z)^{ - 2.34 \pm 0.24}} for z>2.39. The formation rate of EE-II can describe as \rho (z) \propto {(1 + z)^{ - 1.05 \pm 1.10}} for z<0.43 and \rho (z) \propto {(1 + z)^{ - 8.44 \pm 1.10}} for z>0.43. The local formation rate are \rho (0) = 0.03 Gpc^{-3}yr^{-1} for some EE-I GRBs and \rho (0) = 0.32 Gpc^{-3}yr^{-1} for EE-II GRBs. Based on these results, we provide a new evidence that the origins of EE-I GRBs are different from EE-II GRBs from the perspective of event rate. The EE-I GRB could be produced from the death of the massive star, but EE-II GRB bursts may come from other processes that are unrelated to the SFR. Our findings indicate that the GRB with EE could have multiple production channels.

  • Self-consistent Conditions for $^{26}$Al Injection into Protosolar Disk from a Nearby Supernova.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryo Sawada, Tetsuo Taki, Hiroyuki Kurokawa, Yudai Suwa

    The early solar system contained a short-lived radionuclide, $^{26}$Al (its half-life time $t_{1/2} = 0.7$ Myr). The decay energy $^{26}$Al is thought to have controlled the thermal evolution of planetesimals and, possibly, the water contents of planets. Many hypotheses have been proposed for the origin of $^{26}$Al in the solar system. One of the possible hypotheses is the `disk injection scenario'; when the protoplanetary disk of the solar system had already formed, a nearby $(<1 \,\mathrm{pc})$ supernova injected radioactive material directly into the disk. Such a $^{26}$Al injection hypothesis has been tested so far with limited setups for disk structure and supernova distance, and treated disk disruption and $^{26}$Al injection separately. Here, we revisit this problem to investigate whether there are self-consistent conditions under which the surviving disk radius can receive enough $^{26}$Al which can account for the abundance in the early solar system. We also consider a range of disk mass and structure, $^{26}$Al yields from supernova, and a large dust mass fraction $\eta_\mathrm{d}$. We find that $^{26}$Al yields of supernova are required as $\gtrsim 2.1\times10^{-3}M_\odot(\eta_\mathrm{d}/0.2)^{-1}$, challenging to achieve with known possible $^{26}$Al ejection and dust mass fraction ranges. Furthermore, we find that even if the above conditions are met, the supernova flow changes the disk temperature, which may not be consistent with the solar-system record. Our results place a strong constraint on the disk injection scenario. Rather, we suggest that the fresh $^{26}$Al of the early solar system must have been synthesized/injected in other ways.

  • The jets and the neutron star kick velocity of the supernova remnant CTB 1.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ealeal Bear, Noam Soker, Israel)

    We identify jet-shaped morphology in the core-collapse supernova remnant (SNR) CTB 1 that includes two opposite structural features. We identify these as the imprints of a pair of jets that were among the last jets to explode the massive stellar progenitor of CTB 1. We find the projected angle between the jets' axis and the direction of the pulsar velocity, which is the neutron star natal kick, to be 78 degrees. We tentatively identify possible signatures of a second pair of opposite jets along a different direction. If this identification holds, SNR CTB 1 has a point-symmetric structure. The morphology and large angle of the jets' axis to kick velocity are expected in the jittering jets explosion mechanism (JJEM) of core-collapse supernovae.

  • Constraints on UHECR sources and extragalactic magnetic fields from directional anisotropies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Teresa Bister, Glennys R. Farrar

    A dipole anisotropy in ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) arrival directions, of extragalactic origin, is now firmly established at energies E > 8 EeV. Furthermore, the UHECR angular power spectrum shows no power at smaller angular scales than the dipole, apart from hints of possible individual hot or warm spots for energy thresholds $\gtrsim$40 EeV. Here, we exploit the magnitude of the dipole and the limits on smaller-scale anisotropies to place constraints on two quantities: the extragalactic magnetic field (EGMF) and the number density of UHECR sources or the volumetric event rate if UHECR sources are transient. We also vary the bias between the extragalactic matter and the UHECR source densities, reflecting whether UHECR sources are preferentially found in over- or under-dense regions, and find that little or no bias is favored. We follow Ding et al. (2021) in using the Cosmic Flows 2 density distribution of the local universe as our baseline distribution of UHECR sources, but we improve and extend that work by employing an accurate and self-consistent treatment of interactions and energy losses during propagation. Deflections in the Galactic magnetic field are treated using both the full JF12 magnetic field model, with random as well as coherent components, or just the coherent part, to bracket the impact of the GMF on the dipole anisotropy. This Large Scale Structure (LSS) model gives good agreement with both the direction and magnitude of the measured dipole anisotropy and forms the basis for simulations of discrete sources and the inclusion of EGMF effects.

  • Perturbing Fast Neutrino Flavor Conversion.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marie Cornelius, Shashank Shalgar, Irene Tamborra

    The flavor evolution of neutrinos in dense astrophysical sources, such as core-collapse supernovae or compact binary mergers, is non-linear due to the coherent forward scattering of neutrinos among themselves. Recent work in this context has been addressed to figure out whether flavor equipartition could be a generic flavor outcome of fast flavor conversion. We investigate the flavor conversion physics injecting random perturbations in the neutrino field in two simulation setups: 1. a spherically symmetric simulation shell without periodic boundaries, with angular distributions evolving dynamically thanks to non-forward scatterings of neutrinos with the background medium, and neutrino advection; 2. a periodic simulation shell, with angular distributions of neutrinos defined a priori and neutrino advection. We find that, independent of the exact initial flavor configuration and type of perturbations, flavor equipartition is generally achieved in the system with periodic boundaries; in this case, perturbations aid the diffusion of flavor structures to smaller and smaller scales. However, flavor equipartition is not a general outcome in the simulation shell without periodic boundaries, where the inhomogeneities induced perturbing the neutrino field affect the flavor evolution, but do not facilitate the diffusion of flavor waves. This work highlights the importance of the choice of the simulation boundary conditions in the exploration of fast flavor conversion physics.

  • Taking control of compressible modes: bulk viscosity and the turbulent dynamo.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    James R. Beattie, Christoph Federrath, Neco Kriel, Justin Kin Jun Hew, Amitava Bhattacharjee

    Many polyatomic astrophysical plasmas are compressible and out of chemical and thermal equilibrium, and yet, due to Stokes' hypothesis, a means to carefully control the decay of compressible modes in these systems has largely been neglected. This is especially important for small-scale, turbulent dynamo processes, which are known to be sensitive to the effects of compression. To control the viscous properties of the compressible modes, we perform supersonic, visco-resistive dynamo simulations with additional bulk viscosity $\nu_{\rm bulk}$, deriving a new $\nu_{\rm bulk}$ Reynolds number $\rm{Re}_{\rm bulk}$, and viscous Prandtl number $\rm{P}\nu \equiv \rm{Re}_{\rm bulk} / \rm{Re}_{\rm shear}$, where $\rm{Re}_{\rm shear}$ is the shear viscosity Reynolds number. For $10^{-3} \leq \rm{P}\nu \leq \infty$, we explore a broad range of statistics critical to the dynamo problem, including the integral and spectral energy ratios, growth rates, and the magnetic $E_{\rm mag}(k)$ and kinetic $E_{\rm kin}(k)$ energy spectrum. We derive a general framework for decomposing $E_{\rm mag}$ growth rates into incompressible and compressible terms via orthogonal tensor decompositions of $\nabla\otimes\mathbf{v}$, where $\mathbf{v}$ is the fluid velocity. We find that compressible modes play a dual role, growing and decaying $E_{\rm mag}$, and that field-line stretching is the main driver of growth, even in supersonic dynamos. In the absence of $\nu_{\rm bulk}$, compressible modes pile up on small-scales, creating an apparent spectral bottleneck, which disappears for $\rm{P}\nu \approx 1$. As $\rm{P}\nu$ decreases, compressible modes are dissipated at increasingly larger scales, in turn suppressing incompressible modes through a coupling between viscosity operators. We emphasise the importance of further understanding the role of $\nu_{\rm bulk}$ in compressible astrophysical plasmas.


  • Discovery of a large and faint nebula at the Triangulum galaxy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aleix Roig, Raúl Infante-Sainz, Judith Ardèvo

    We report the discovery of a previously uncatalogued arch-shaped filamentary nebula at the outer part of the Triangulum galaxy (M33) centred at R.A. = 1h34m25s, Dec = +30d20m17s (ICRS). This discovery stems from meticulous observations employing deep exposures of M33, using both H-alpha and [OIII] narrow-band filters. The nebula, designated as "Roig1 Prades Sky", exhibits an H-alpha surface brightness of 23.9 mag/arcsec2. Its sky projected location is 21 arcmin away from the M33 galactic centre towards the southeast direction with an extent of 120 by 440 pc. Deep spectroscopic observations are required to unveil its real nature.

  • Illuminating the Dark Side of Cosmic Star Formation III: Building the largest homogeneous sample of Radio-Selected Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies in COSMOS with PhoEBO.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fabrizio Gentile, Margherita Talia, Meriem Behiri, Gianni Zamorani, Luigi Barchiesi, Cristian Vignali, Francesca Pozzi, Matthieu Bethermin, Andrea F. Enia, Andreas L. Faisst, Marika Giulietti, Carlotta Gruppioni, Andrea Lapi, Marcella Massardi, Vernesa Smolcic, Mattia Vaccari, Andrea Cimatti

    In the last decades, an increasing scientific interest has been growing in the elusive population of "dark" (i.e. lacking an optical/NIR counterpart) Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies (DSFGs). Although extremely promising for their likely contribution to the cosmic Star Formation Rate Density and for their possible role in the evolution of the first massive and passive galaxies around $z\sim3$, the difficulty in selecting statistically significant samples of dark DSFGs is limiting their scientific potentialities. This work presents the first panchromatic study of a sample of 263 Radio-Selected NIRdark galaxies discovered in the COSMOS field following the procedure by Talia+21. These sources are selected as radio-bright galaxies (S(3GHz)>12.65 uJy) with no counterpart in the NIR-selected COSMOS2020 catalog (Ks > 25.5 mag). For these sources, we build a new photometric catalog including accurate photometry from the optical to the radio obtained with a new deblending pipeline (PhoEBO: Photometry Extractor for Blended Objects). We employ this catalog to estimate the photo-zs and the physical properties of the galaxies through an SED-fitting procedure performed with two different codes (Magphys and Cigale). Finally, we estimate the AGN contamination in our sample by performing a series of complementary tests. The high values of the median extinction (Av ~ 4) and star formation rate (SFR ~ 500 Msun/yr) confirm the likely DSFG nature of the RS-NIRdark galaxies. The median photo-z (z~3) and the presence of a significant tail of high-z candidates (z>4.5) suggest that these sources are important contributors to the cosmic SFRD and the evolutionary path of galaxies at high redshifts.

  • The Heavy Metal Survey: The Evolution of Stellar Metallicities, Abundance Ratios, and Ages of Massive Quiescent Galaxies Since z~2.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aliza G. Beverage, Mariska Kriek, Katherine A. Suess, Charlie Conroy, Sedona H. Price, Guillermo Barro, Rachel Bezanson, Marijn Franx, Brian Lorenz, Yilun Ma, Lamiya Mowla, Imad Pasha, Pieter van Dokkum, Daniel Weisz

    We present the elemental abundances and ages of 19 massive quiescent galaxies at $z\sim1.4$ and $z\sim2.1$ from the Keck Heavy Metal Survey. The ultra-deep LRIS and MOSFIRE spectra were modeled using a full-spectrum stellar population fitting code with variable abundance patterns. The galaxies have iron abundances between [Fe/H] = -0.5 and -0.1 dex, with typical values of $-0.2$ [$-0.3$] at $z\sim1.4$ [$z\sim2.1$]. We also find a tentative $\log\sigma_v$-[Fe/H] relation at $z\sim1.4$. The magnesium-to-iron ratios span [Mg/Fe] = 0.1--0.6 dex, with typical values of $0.3$ [$0.5$] dex at $z\sim1.4$ [$z\sim2.1$]. The ages imply formation redshifts of $z_{\rm form}=2-8$. Compared to quiescent galaxies at lower redshifts, we find [Fe/H] was $\sim0.2$ dex lower at $z=1.4-2.1$. We find no evolution in [Mg/Fe] out to $z\sim1.4$, though the $z\sim2.1$ galaxies are $0.2$ dex enhanced compared to $z=0-0.7$. A comparison of these results to a chemical evolution model indicates that galaxies at higher redshift form at progressively earlier epochs and over shorter star-formation timescales, with the $z\sim2.1$ galaxies forming the bulk of their stars over 150 Myr at $z_{\rm form}\sim4$. This evolution cannot be solely attributed to an increased number of quiescent galaxies at later times; several Heavy Metal galaxies have extreme chemical properties not found in massive galaxies at $z\sim0.0-0.7$. Thus, the chemical properties of individual galaxies must evolve over time. Minor mergers also cannot fully account for this evolution as they cannot increase [Fe/H], particularly in galaxy centers. Consequently, the build-up of massive quiescent galaxies since $z\sim2.1$ may require further mechanisms such as major mergers and/or central star formation.

  • Building stellar bulges and halo cores from massive clumps observed in the DYNAMO-HST sample.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mahmoud Hashim, Amr El-Zant, Antonino Del popolo

    We present N-body simulations of the process of bulge formation in disc galaxies due to inward migration of massive stellar clumps. The process is accompanied by dark halo heating, with a quasi-isothermal core replacing the initial central density cusp, transforming an initially dark matter dominated central region into a baryon dominated one. The characteristics of the clumps are chosen to be compatible with low redshift observations of stellar clumps in DYNAMO-HST galaxies, which may be relatively long lived in terms of being robust against internal starburst-instigated disruption. We thus test for disruption due to tidal stripping using different clump internal radial profiles; Plummer, Hernquist and Jaffe, in ascending order of steeper central density profile. Our calculations predict that in order for clump migration to be effective in building galactic bulges and dark halo cores, steeply increasing central clump profiles, or a less massive or less concentrated haloes, are preferred. The dependence on such factors may contribute to the diversity in observed total mass distributions and resulting rotation curves in galaxies. When the process is most efficient, a 'bulge-halo conspiracy', with a singular isothermal total density akin to that observed bright galaxies, results.

  • Stellar Population Properties in the Stellar Streams Around SPRC047.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Seppo Laine, David Martınez-Delgado, Kristi A. Webb, Mohammad Akhlaghi, Roberto Baena-Gallé, Sanjaya Paudel, Michael Stein, Denis Erkal

    We have investigated the properties (e.g., age, metallicity) of the stellar populations of a ring-like tidal stellar stream (or streams) around the edge-on galaxy SPRC047 (z = 0.031) using spectral energy distribution (SED) fits to integrated broad-band aperture flux densities. We used visual images in six different bands and Spitzer/IRAC 3.6 micron data. We have attempted to derive best-fit stellar population parameters (metallicity, age) in three non-contiguous segments of the stream. Due to the very low surface brightness of the stream, we have performed a deconvolution with a Richardson-Lucy type algorithm of the low spatial resolution 3.6 micron IRAC image, thereby reducing the effect of the point-spread-function (PSF) aliased "emission" from the bright edge-on central galaxy at the locations of our three stream segments. Our SED fits that used several different star formation history priors, from an exponentially decaying star formation burst to continuous star formation, indicate that the age-metallicity-dust degeneracy is not resolved, most likely because of inadequate wavelength coverage and low signal-to-noise ratios of the low surface brightness features. We also discuss how future deep visual-near-infrared observations, combined with absolute flux calibration uncertainties at or below the 1 per cent level, complemented by equally well absolute flux calibrated observations in ultraviolet and mid-infrared bands, would improve the accuracy of broad-band SED fitting results for low surface brightness targets, such as stellar streams around nearby galaxies that are not resolved into stars.

  • Sub-Alfvenic Turbulence: Magnetic to Kinetic Energy Ratio, Modification of Weak Cascade and Implications for Magnetic Field Strength Measurement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alex Lazarian, Ka Wai HO, Ka Ho Yuen, Ethan Vishniac

    We study the properties of sub-Alfvenic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, i.e., turbulence with Alfven Mach number $M_A=V_L/V_A<1$, where $V_L$ is the velocity at the injection scale and $V_A$ is the Alfven velocity. We demonstrate that weak turbulence can have different regimes depending on whether it is driven by velocity or magnetic fluctuations. If the turbulence is driven by isotropic bulk forces, i.e. velocity-driven, in an incompressible conducting fluid, we predict that the kinetic energy is $M_A^{-2}$ times larger than the energy of magnetic fluctuations. This effect arises from the long parallel wavelength tail of the forcing, which excites modes with $k_\|/k_\perp < M_A$. We also predict that as the turbulent cascade reaches the strong regime the energy of slow modes exceeds the energy of Alfven modes by a factor $M_A^{-1}$. These effects are absent if the turbulence is magnetically driven at the injection scale. We confirm these predictions with numerical simulations. As the assumption of magnetic and kinetic energy equipartition is at the core of the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) approach to measuring magnetic field strength in sub-Alfvenic turbulence, we conclude that the DCF technique is not universally applicable. In particular, we suggest that the dynamical excitation of long azimuthal wavelength modes in the galactic disk may compromise the use of the DCF technique. We discuss alternative expressions that can be used to obtain magnetic field strength from observations.

  • The Impact of Far-Infrared/Sub-Millimeter Data on the Star Formation Rates of Massive Dusty Galaxies at Cosmic Noon.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eden Wise, Shardha Jogee, Yuchen Guo

    We explore how the star formation rate (SFR), stellar mass, and other properties of massive dusty galaxies at cosmic noon are impacted when far-infrared (FIR)/sub-millimeter data are added to datasets containing only ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (NIR) data. For a sample of 92 massive (stellar mass $> 4{\times}10^{10}$ M$_{\odot}$) dusty galaxies at $z\,{\sim}\,1.5$ to 3.0 (corresponding to ${\sim}25$% of cosmic history), we fit the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) based on DECam UV-to-optical data, VICS82, NEWFIRM, and Spitzer-IRAC NIR data, and Herschel-SPIRE FIR/sub-millimeter data using the Bayesian Analysis of Galaxies for Physical Inference and Parameter Estimation (BAGPIPES) SED-fitting code. We assume a delayed tau star formation history with a log$_{10}$ prior on tau and derive the posterior distributions of stellar mass, SFR, extinction, and specific SFR. We find that adding FIR/sub-millimeter data leads to SFR estimates that can be both significantly higher or lower (typically by up to a factor of 10) than estimates based on UV-to-NIR data alone, depending on the type of galaxies involved. We find that the changes in SFR scale with changes in extinction. These results highlight the importance of including FIR/sub-millimeter data in order to accurately derive the SFRs of massive dusty galaxies at $z\,{\sim}\,2$.

  • Fitting pseudo-S${\rm \acute{e}}$rsic(Spergel) light profiles to galaxies in interferometric data: the excellence of the $uv$-plane.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Qing-Hua Tan, Emanuele Daddi, Victor de Souza Magalhães, Carlos Gómez-Guijarro, Jérôme Pety, Boris S. Kalita, David Elbaz, Zhaoxuan Liu, Benjamin Magnelli, Annagrazia Puglisi, Wiphu Rujopakarn, John D. Silverman, Francesco Valentino, Shao-Bo Zhang

    Modern (sub)millimeter interferometers, such as ALMA and NOEMA, offer high angular resolution and unprecedented sensitivity. This provides the possibility to characterize the morphology of the gas and dust in distant galaxies. To assess the capabilities of current softwares in recovering morphologies and surface brightness profiles in interferometric observations, we test the performance of the Spergel model for fitting in the $uv$-plane, which has been recently implemented in the IRAM software GILDAS (uv$\_$fit). Spergel profiles provide an alternative to the Sersic profile, with the advantage of having an analytical Fourier transform, making them ideal to model visibilities in the $uv$-plane. We provide an approximate conversion between Spergel index and Sersic index, which depends on the ratio of the galaxy size to the angular resolution of the data. We show through extensive simulations that Spergel modeling in the $uv$-plane is a more reliable method for parameter estimation than modeling in the image-plane, as it returns parameters that are less affected by systematic biases and results in a higher effective signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). The better performance in the $uv$-plane is likely driven by the difficulty of accounting for correlated signal in interferometric images. Even in the $uv$-plane, the integrated source flux needs to be at least 50 times larger than the noise per beam to enable a reasonably good measurement of a Spergel index. We characterise the performance of Spergel model fitting in detail by showing that parameters biases are generally low (< 10%) and that uncertainties returned by uv$\_$fit are reliable within a factor of two. Finally, we showcase the power of Spergel fitting by re-examining two claims of extended halos around galaxies from the literature, showing that galaxies and halos can be successfully fitted simultaneously with a single Spergel model.

  • Estimation of the Galactocentric Distance of the Sun from Cepheids Close to the Solar Circle.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vadim V. Bobylev

    Based on Cepheids located near the solar circle, we have determined the Galactocentric distance of the Sun $R_0$ and the Galactic rotation velocity at the solar distance $V_0$. For our analysis we used a sample of $\sim$200 classical Cepheids from the catalogue by Skowron et al. (2019), where the distances to them were determined from the period-luminosity relation. For these stars the proper motions and line-of-sight velocities were taken from the Gaia DR3 catalogue. The values of $R_0$ found lie within the range [7.8-8.3] kpc, depending on the heliocentric distance of the sample stars, on the adopted solar velocity relative to the local standard of rest, and on whether or not the perturbations caused by the Galactic spiral density wave are taken into account. The dispersion of the $R_0$ estimates is $\sim$2 kpc. Similarly, the values of $V_0$ lie within the range [240-270] km s$^{-1}$ with a dispersion of the estimates of 70-90 km s$^{-1}$. We consider the following estimates to be the final ones: $R_0=8.24\pm0.20$ kpc and $V_0=268\pm8$ km s$^{-1}$ found by taking into account the perturbations from the Galactic spiral density wave.

  • Deep imaging with Milankovi\'c telescope: Linking merger history to kinematics of elliptical galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ivana Ebrová, Michal Bílek, Ana Vudragović, Mustafa K. Yıldız, Pierre-Alain Duc, Martin Mašek, Michael Prouza

    Kinematical and morphological features observed in early-type galaxies provide valuable insights into the evolution of their hosts. We studied the origin of prolate rotation (i.e., rotation around the long axis) in Illustris large-scale cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. We found that basically all the simulated massive prolate rotators were created in relatively recent major mergers of galaxies. Such mergers are expected to produce tidal features such as tails, shells, asymmetric stellar halos. We investigated deep optical images of prolate rotators, including newly obtained Milankovi\'c data, revealing signs of galaxy interaction in all of them. This correlation proves to be statistically very significant when compared with a general sample of early-type galaxies from the MATLAS deep imaging survey. In an ongoing project, we use Milankovi\'c to assemble deep images of the complete sample of all known nearby massive prolate rotators. Additionally, we searched these data for asteroids to improve the accuracy of trajectories and even discover one previously unknown main-belt asteroid. The most frequent tidal features among the prolate rotators happen to be shells. We developed methods to calculate the probable time of the merger from optical images. This will allow us to compare the merger history of the sample with predictions from Illustris. Our plan is to expand these methods to even larger samples of shell galaxies supplied by upcoming large surveys like LSST at Rubin Observatory. This will provide an unprecedented amount of statistically significant data on the recent merger history of our Universe and allow extensive investigation of the impact of mergers to a wide range of other astrophysical phenomena.

  • Stellar Spectra Fitting with Amortized Neural Posterior Estimation and nbi.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Keming Zhang, Tharindu Jayasinghe, Joshua S. Bloom

    Modern surveys often deliver hundreds of thousands of stellar spectra at once, which are fit to spectral models to derive stellar parameters/labels. Therefore, the technique of Amortized Neural Posterior Estimation (ANPE) stands out as a suitable approach, which enables the inference of large number of targets as sub-linear/constant computational costs. Leveraging our new nbi software package, we train an ANPE model for the APOGEE survey and demonstrate its efficacy on both mock and real APOGEE stellar spectra. Unique to the nbi package is its out-of-the-box functionality on astronomical inverse problems with sequential data. As such, we have been able to acquire the trained model with minimal effort. We introduce an effective approach to handling the measurement noise properties inherent in spectral data, which utilizes the actual uncertainties in the observed data. This allows training data to resemble observed data, an aspect that is crucial for ANPE applications. Given the association of spectral data properties with the observing instrument, we discuss the utility of an ANPE "model zoo," where models are trained for specific instruments and distributed under the nbi framework to facilitate real-time stellar parameter inference.

  • LOFAR discovery and wide-band characterisation of an ultra-steep spectrum AGN radio remnant associated with Abell 1318.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Shulevski, M. Brienza, F. Massaro, R. Morganti, H. Intema, T. Oosterloo, F. De Gasperin, K. Rajpurohit, T. Pasini, A. Kutkin, D. Vohl, E. A. K. Adams, B. Adebahr, M. Brüggen, K. M. Hess, M. G. Loose, L. C. Oostrum, J. Ziemke

    We present the discovery of a very extended (550 kpc) and low-surface-brightness ($ 3.3 \mu \mathrm{Jy} \, arcsec^{-2} $ at 144 MHz) radio emission region in Abell 1318. These properties are consistent with its characterisation as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) remnant radio plasma, based on its morphology and radio spectral properties. We performed a broad-band (54 - 1400 MHz) radio spectral index and curvature analysis using LOFAR, uGMRT, and WSRT-APERTIF data. We also derived the radiative age of the detected emission, estimating a maximum age of 250 Myr. The morphology of the source is remarkably intriguing, with two larger, oval-shaped components and a thinner, elongated, and filamentary structure in between, plausibly reminiscent of two aged lobes and a jet. Based on archival {\it Swift} as well as SDSS data we performed an X-ray and optical characterisation of the system, whose virial mass was estimated to be $ \sim 7.4 \times 10^{13} \, \mathrm{M} _{\odot}$. This places A1318 in the galaxy group regime. Interestingly, the radio source does not have a clear optical counterpart embedded in it, thus, we propose that it is most likely an unusual AGN remnant of previous episode(s) of activity of the AGN hosted by the brightest group galaxy ($ \sim 2.6 \times 10^{12} \, \mathrm{M} _{\odot}$), which is located at a projected distance of $\sim$170 kpc in the current epoch. This relatively high offset may be a result of IGrM sloshing sourced by a minor merger. The filamentary morphology of the source may suggest that the remnant plasma has been perturbed by the system dynamics, however, only future deeper X-ray observations will be able to address this question.

  • ExoMol line lists -- LIV: Empirical line lists for AlH and AlD and experimental emission spectroscopy of AlD in $A$ $^1\Pi$ ($v=0, 1, 2$).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergei N. Yurchenko, Wojciech Szajna, Rafał Hakalla, Mikhail Semenov, Andrei Sokolov, Jonathan Tennyson, Robert R. Gamache, Yakiv Pavlenko, Mirek R. Schmidt

    New ExoMol line lists AloHa for AlH and AlD are presented improving the previous line lists WYLLoT (Yurchenko et al., MNRAS 479, 1401 (2018)). The revision is motivated by the recent experimental measurements and astrophysical findings involving the highly excited rotational states of AlH in its $A\,^{1}\Pi-{X}\,^{1}\Sigma^{+}$ system. A new high-resolution emission spectrum of ten bands from the ${A}\,^{1}\Pi-{X}\,^{1}\Sigma^{+}$ system of AlD, in the region $17300 - 32000$ cm$^{-1}$ was recorded with a Fourier transform spectrometer, which probes the predissociative $A\,^1\Pi$ $v=2$ state. The AlD new line positions are combined with all available experimental data on AlH and AlD to construct a comprehensive set of empirical rovibronic energies of AlH and AlD covering the $X\,^1\Sigma^+$ and $A\,^1\Pi$ electronic states using the MARVEL approach. We then refine the spectroscopic model WYLLoT to our experimentally derived energies using the nuclear-motion code Duo and use this fit to produce improved line lists for $^{27}$AlH, $^{27}$AlD and $^{26}$AlH with a better coverage of the rotationally excited states of $A\,^1\Pi$ in the predissociative energy region. The lifetimes of the predissociative states are estimated and are included in the line list using the new ExoMol data structure, alongside the temperature-dependent continuum contribution to the photo-absorption spectra of AlH. The new line lists are shown to reproduce the experimental spectra of both AlH and AlD well, and to describe the AlH absorption in the recently reported Proxima Cen spectrum, including the strong predissociative line broadening. The line lists are included into the ExoMol database

  • Stellar Metallicities and Gradients in the Isolated, Quenched Low-Mass Galaxy Tucana.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sal Wanying Fu, Daniel R. Weisz, Else Starkenburg, Nicolas Martin, Francisco J. Mercado, Alessandro Savino, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Patrick Côté, Andrew E. Dolphin, Nicolas Longeard, Mario L. Mateo, Jenna Samuel, Nathan R. Sandford

    We measure the metallicities of 374 red giant branch (RGB) stars in the isolated, quenched dwarf galaxy Tucana using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) narrow-band (F395N) Calcium H & K (CaHK) imaging. Our sample is a factor of $\sim7$ larger than what is published. Our main findings are: (i) A global metallicity distribution function (MDF) with $\langle \mbox{[Fe/H]} \rangle = -1.55 \pm 0.04$ and $\sigma_{\mbox{[Fe/H]}}=0.54\pm0.03$; (ii) A metallicity gradient of $-0.54 \pm 0.07$ dex $R_e^{-1}$ ($-2.1 \pm 0.3$ dex kpc$^{-1}$) over the extent of our imaging ($\sim 2.5 R_e$), which is steeper than literature measurements. Our finding is consistent with predicted gradients from the publicly-available FIRE-2 simulations, in which bursty star formation creates stellar population gradients and dark matter cores; (iii) Tucana's bifurcated RGB has distinct metallicities: a blue RGB with $\langle \mbox{[Fe/H]} \rangle = -1.78 \pm 0.06$ and $\sigma_{\mbox{[Fe/H]}}=0.44^{+0.07}_{-0.06}$, and a red RGB with $\langle \mbox{[Fe/H]} \rangle = -1.08 \pm 0.07$ and $\sigma_{\mbox{[Fe/H]}}=0.42 \pm 0.06$; (iv) At fixed stellar mass, Tucana is more MR than MW satellites by $\sim 0.4$ dex, but its blue RGB is chemically comparable to the satellites. Tucana's MDF appears consistent with star-forming isolated dwarfs, though MDFs of the latter are not as well-populated; (v) $\sim2$% of Tucana's stars have $\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -3$ and 20% $\mbox{[Fe/H]} > -1$. We provide a catalog for community spectroscopic follow-up.

  • Speeding up astrochemical reaction networks with autoencoders and neural ODEs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Immanuel Sulzer, Tobias Buck

    In astrophysics, solving complex chemical reaction networks is essential but computationally demanding due to the high dimensionality and stiffness of the ODE systems. Traditional approaches for reducing computational load are often specialized to specific chemical networks and require expert knowledge. This paper introduces a machine learning-based solution employing autoencoders for dimensionality reduction and a latent space neural ODE solver to accelerate astrochemical reaction network computations. Additionally, we propose a cost-effective latent space linear function solver as an alternative to neural ODEs. These methods are assessed on a dataset comprising 29 chemical species and 224 reactions. Our findings demonstrate that the neural ODE achieves a 55x speedup over the baseline model while maintaining significantly higher accuracy by up to two orders of magnitude reduction in relative error. Furthermore, the linear latent model enhances accuracy and achieves a speedup of up to 4000x compared to standard methods.

  • GAMMA: Galactic Attributes of Mass, Metallicity, and Age Dataset.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ufuk Çakır, Tobias Buck

    We introduce the GAMMA (Galactic Attributes of Mass, Metallicity, and Age) dataset, a comprehensive collection of galaxy data tailored for Machine Learning applications. This dataset offers detailed 2D maps and 3D cubes of 11 727 galaxies, capturing essential attributes: stellar age, metallicity, and mass. Together with the dataset, we publish our code to extract any other stellar or gaseous property from the raw simulation suite to extend the dataset beyond these initial properties, ensuring versatility for various computational tasks. Ideal for feature extraction, clustering, and regression tasks, GAMMA offers a unique lens to explore galactic structures using computational methods and is a bridge between astrophysical simulations and the field of scientific machine learning (ML). As a first benchmark, we applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to this dataset. We find that PCA effectively captures the key morphological features of galaxies with a small number of components. We achieve a dimensionality reduction by a factor of approximately 200 (3650) for 2D images (3D cubes) with a reconstruction accuracy below 5%.

  • GalacticFlow: Learning a Generalized Representation of Galaxies with Normalizing Flows.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luca Wolf, Tobias Buck

    State-of-the-art galaxy formation simulations generate data within weeks or months. Their results consist of a random sub-sample of possible galaxies with a fixed number of stars. We propose a ML based method, GalacticFlow, that generalizes such results. We use normalizing flows to learn the extended distribution function of galaxies conditioned on global galactic parameters. GalacticFlow then provides a continuized and condensed representation of the ensemble of galaxies in the data. Thus, essentially compressing large amounts of explicit simulation data into a small implicit generative model. Our model is able to evaluate any galaxy eDF given by a set of global parameters and allows generating arbitrarily many stars from it. We show that we can learn such a representation, embodying the entire mass range from dwarf to Milky Way mass, from only 90 galaxies in $\sim18$ hours on a single RTX 2080Ti and generate a new galaxy of one million stars within a few seconds.

  • The PHANGS-AstroSat Atlas of Nearby Star Forming Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hamid Hassani, Erik Rosolowsky, Eric W. Koch, Joseph Postma, Joseph Nofech, Harrisen Corbould, David Thilker, Adam K. Leroy, Eva Schinnerer, Francesco Belfiore, Frank Bigiel, Mederic Boquien, Melanie Chevance, Daniel A. Dale, Oleg V. Egorov, Eric Emsellem, Simon C. O. Glover, Kathryn Grasha, Brent Groves, Kiana Henny, Jaeyeon Kim, Ralf S. Klessen, Kathryn Kreckel, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Janice C. Lee, Laura A. Lopez, Justus Neumann, Hsi-An Pan, Karin M. Sandstrom, Sumit K. Sarbadhicary, Jiayi Sun, Thomas G. Williams, University of Alberta, Canada, (2) Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian, USA, (3) Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Canada, (4) Center for Astrophysical Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, USA, (5) Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University, USA, (6) Max Planck Institut für Astronomie, Germany, (7) INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy, (8) Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Universität Bonn, Germany, (9) Instituto de Alta Investigacion, Universidad de Tarapaca, Chile, (10) Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, Germany, (11) Cosmic Origins Of Life (COOL) Research DAO, (12) Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Wyoming, USA, (13) European Southern Observatory, Germany, (14) Univ Lyon, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, France, (15) Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Australia, (16) ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), Australia, (17) International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, University of Western Australia, Australia, (18) Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology (KIPAC), Stanford University, USA, (19) Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, (20) Technical University of Munich, School of Engineering and Design, Germany, (21) Space Telescope Science Institute, USA, (22) Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, USA, (23) Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics, The Ohio State University, USA, (24) Department of Physics, Tamkang University, Taiwan, (25) Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of California, San Diego, USA, (26) Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University, Canada, (27) Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), University of Toronto, Canada, (28) Sub-department of Astrophysics, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK.)

    We present the Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS)-AstroSat atlas, which contains ultraviolet imaging of 31 nearby star-forming galaxies captured by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on the AstroSat satellite. The atlas provides a homogeneous data set of far- and near-ultraviolet maps of galaxies within a distance of 22 Mpc and a median angular resolution of 1.4 arcseconds (corresponding to a physical scale between 25 and 160 pc). After subtracting a uniform ultraviolet background and accounting for Milky Way extinction, we compare our estimated flux densities to GALEX observations, finding good agreement. We find candidate extended UV disks around the galaxies NGC 6744 and IC 5332. We present the first statistical measurements of the clumping of the UV emission and compare it to the clumping of molecular gas traced with ALMA. We find that bars and spiral arms exhibit the highest degree of clumping, and the molecular gas is even more clumped than the FUV emission in galaxies. We investigate the variation of the ratio of observed FUV to H$\alpha$ in different galactic environments and kpc-sized apertures. We report that $\sim 65 \%$ varation of the $\log_{10}$(FUV/H$\alpha$) can be described through a combination of dust attenuation with star formation history parameters. The PHANGS-AstroSat atlas enhances the multi-wavelength coverage of our sample, offering a detailed perspective on star formation. When integrated with PHANGS data sets from ALMA, VLT-MUSE, HST and JWST, it develops our comprehensive understanding of attenuation curves and dust attenuation in star-forming galaxies.

  • The FAST all sky HI survey (FASHI): The first release of catalog.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chuan-Peng Zhang, M. Zhu, P. Jiang, C. Cheng, J. Wang, J. Wang, J.-L. Xu, X.-L. Liu, N.-P. Yu, L. Qian, H. Yu, M. Ai, Y. Jing, C. Xu, Z. Liu, X. Guan, C. Sun, Q. Yang, M. Huang, Q. Hao, FAST Collaboration

    The FAST All Sky HI survey (FASHI) was designed to cover the entire sky observable by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), spanning approximately 22000 square degrees of declination between -14 deg and +66 deg, and in the frequency range of 1050-1450 MHz, with the expectation of eventually detecting more than 100000 HI sources. Between August 2020 and June 2023, FASHI had covered more than 7600 square degrees, which is approximately 35% of the total sky observable by FAST. It has a median detection sensitivity of around 0.76 mJy/beam and a spectral line velocity resolution of ~6.4 km/s at a frequency of ~1.4 GHz. As of now, a total of 41741 extragalactic HI sources have been detected in the frequency range 1305.5-1419.5 MHz, corresponding to a redshift limit of z<0.09. By cross-matching FASHI sources with the Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) catalogs, we found that 16972 (40.7%) sources have spectroscopic redshifts and 10975 (26.3%) sources have only photometric redshifts. Most of the remaining 13794 (33.0%) HI sources are located in the direction of the Galactic plane, making their optical counterparts difficult to identify due to high extinction or high contamination of Galactic stellar sources. Based on current survey results, the FASHI survey is an unprecedented blind extragalactic HI survey. It has higher spectral and spatial resolution and broader coverage than the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey (ALFALFA). When completed, FASHI will provide the largest extragalactic HI catalog and an objective view of HI content and large-scale structure in the local universe.

  • SDSS-IV MaNGA: how do star-formation histories affect gas-phase abundances?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicholas Fraser Boardman, Vivienne Wild, Kate Rowlands, Natalia Vale Asari, Yuanze Luo

    Gas-phase abundances in galaxies are the products of those galaxies' evolutionary histories. The star-formation history (SFH) of a region might therefore be expected to influence that region's present day gaseous abundances. Here, we employ data from the MaNGA survey to explore how local gas metallicities relate to star-formation histories of galaxy regions. We combine MaNGA emission line measurements with SFH classifications from absorption line spectra, to compare gas-phase abundances in star-forming regions with those in regions classified as starburst, post-starburst and green valley. We find that starburst regions contain gas that is more pristine than in normal star-forming regions, in terms of O/H and N/O; we further find that post-starburst regions (which have experienced stochastic SFHs) behave very similarly to ordinary star-forming regions (which have experienced far smoother SFHs) in O/H-N/O space. We argue from this that gas is diluted significantly by pristine infall but is then re-enriched rapidly after a starburst event, making gas-phase abundances insensitive to the precise form of the SFH at late times. We also find that green-valley regions possess slightly elevated N/O abundances at a given O/H; this is potentially due to a reduced star-formation efficiency in such regions, but it could also point to late-time rejuvenation of green valley regions in our sample.

  • Identification of Carbon Stars from LAMOST DR7.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Linlin Li, Kecheng Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, Jianrong Shi, Wei Ji, Zhenyan Huo, Yawei Gao, Shuai Zhang, Mingxu Sun

    Carbon stars are excellent kinematic tracers of galaxies and play important roles in understanding the evolution of the Galaxy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to search for them in a large amount of spectra. In this work, we build a new carbon star catalog based on the LAMOST DR7 spectra. The catalog contains 4542 spectra of 3546 carbon stars, identified through line index and near-infrared color-color diagrams. Through visual inspection of the spectra, we further subclassify them into 925 C--H, 384 C--R, 608 C--N, and 1292 Ba stars. However, 437 stars could not be sub-classified due to their low signal-to-noise. Moreover, by comparing with LAMOST DR7 pipeline we find 567 more carbon stars and visually sub-classify them. We find that on the $J-H$ vs. $H-K_{\rm s}$ two-color diagram, C--N stars can be reliably distinguished from the other three sub-types. Additionally, by utilizing the Gaia distance, we study the distribution of carbon stars in the H-R diagram and identify 258 dwarf carbon stars by the criterion $M_{\rm G}>$5.0\,mag. Finally, we present the spatial distribution in Galactic coordinates of the 3546 carbon stars. The majority of C-N, C-R, and Ba stars are distributed at low Galactic latitudes, while most C--H and dC stars distribute at high Galactic latitudes.

  • LOFAR HBA Observations of the Euclid Deep Field North (EDFN).- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Bondi, R. Scaramella, G. Zamorani, P. Ciliegi, F. Vitello, M. Arias, P.N. Best, M. Bonato, A. Botteon, M. Brienza, G. Brunetti, M.J. Hardcastle, M. Magliocchetti, F. Massaro, L.K. Morabito, L. Pentericci, I. Prandoni, H.J.A. Röttgering, T.W. Shimwell, C. Tasse, R.J. van Weeren, G.J. White

    We present the first deep (72 hours of observations) radio image of the Euclid Deep Field North (EDFN) obtained with the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) High Band Antenna (HBA) at 144 MHz. The EDFN is the latest addition to the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) Deep Fields and these observations represent the first data release for this field. The observations produced a 6" resolution image with a central r.m.s. noise of $32\,\mu$Jy\,beam$^{-1}$. A catalogue of $\sim 23,000$ radio sources above a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold of 5 is extracted from the inner circular 10 deg$^2$ region. We discuss the data analysis and we provide a detailed description of how we derived the catalogue of radio sources and on the issues related to direction-dependent calibration and their effects on the final products. Finally, we derive the radio source counts at 144 MHz in the EDFN using catalogues of mock radio sources to derive the completeness correction factors. The source counts in the EDFN are consistent with those obtained from the first data release of the other LoTSS Deep Fields (ELAIS-N1, Lockman Hole and Bootes), despite the different method adopted to construct the final catalogue and to assess its completeness.

  • The Intrinsic Sizes of Odd Radio Circles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David Rupke, Heidelberg), Alison Coil, Kelly Whalen, Goddard), John Moustakas, Christy Tremonti, Serena Perrotta

    A new class of radio source, the so-called Odd Radio Circles (ORCs), have been discovered by recent sensitive, large-area radio continuum surveys. The distances of these sources have so far relied on photometric redshifts of optical galaxies found at the centers of or near the ORCs. Here we present Gemini rest-frame optical spectroscopy of six galaxies at the centers of, or potentially associated with, the first five ORC discoveries. We supplement this with Legacy Survey imaging and Prospector fits to their griz+W1/W2 photometry. Of the three ORCs with central galaxies, all lie at distances (z = 0.27-0.55) that confirm the large intrinsic diameters of the radio circles (300-500 kpc). The central galaxies are massive ($M_*\sim10^{11}M_\odot$), red, unobscured ellipticals with old ($\gtrsim$1~Gyr) stellar populations. They have LINER spectral types that are shock- or AGN-powered. All three host low-luminosity, radio-quiet AGN. The similarity of their central galaxies are consistent with a common origin, perhaps as a blastwave from an ancient starburst. The other two ORCs are adjacent and have no prominent central galaxies. However, the z=0.25 disk galaxy that lies between them hosts a Type 2, moderate-luminosity AGN. They may instead be the lobes of a radio jet from this AGN.

  • Evidence of a sub-solar star in a microlensing event toward the LMC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Franco, A.A. Nucita, F. De Paolis, F. Strafella

    Gravitational microlensing is known to be an impressive tool for searching dark, small, and compact objects that are missed by the usual astronomical observations. In this paper, by analysing multiple images acquired by DECam, we present the detection and a complete description of the microlensing event LMC J05074558-65574990 which is most likely due to a sub-solar object with mass $(0.16\pm0.10) $M$_\odot$, hence in the mass range between a massive brown dwarf and a red dwarf, whose distance is estimated to be $7.8^{+4.1}_{-3.4}\times10^2$ pc thanks to the Gaia observation of the source, leading us to consider this lens as one the closest ever detected.

  • Single-atom catalysis in space: Computational exploration of Fischer Tropsch reactions in astrophysical environments.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gerard Pareras, Victoria Cabedo, Martin McCoustra, Albert Rimola

    Gas-phase chemistry at extreme conditions (low densities and temperatures) is difficult, so the presence of interstellar grains is especially important for the synthesis of molecules that cannot form in the gas phase. Interstellar grains are advocated to enhance the encounter rate of the reactive species on their surfaces and to dissipate the energy excess of largely exothermic reactions, but less is known of their role as chemical catalysts that provide low activation energy pathways with enhanced reaction rates. Different materials with catalytic properties are present in interstellar environments, like refractory grains containing space-abundant (d)block transition metals. Quantum chemical calculations considering extended periodic surfaces were carried out in order to search for the stationary points and transitions states to finally construct the reaction potential energy surfaces. Binding energy and kinetic calculations based on the Rice Ramsperger Kassel Marcus (RRKM) scheme were also performed to evaluate the catalytical capacity of the grain and to allocate those reaction processes within the astrochemical framework. Our mechanistic studies demonstrate that astrocatalysis is feasible in astrophysical environments. Thermodynamically the proposed process is largely exergonic, but kinetically it shows energy barriers that would need from an energy input in order to go through. The present results can explain the presence of CH3OH in diverse regions where current models fail to reproduce its observational quantity. The evidence of astrocatalysis opens a completely new spectrum of synthetic routes triggering chemical evolution in space. From the mechanistic point of view the formation of methanol catalysed by a single atom of Fe0 is feasible; however, its dependency on the temperature makes the energetics a key issue in this scenario.

  • Zero-polarization candidate regions for calibration of wide-field optical polarimeters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. Mandarakas, G. V. Panopoulou, V. Pelgrims, S. B. Potter, V. Pavlidou, A. Ramaprakash, K. Tassis, D. Blinov, S. Kiehlmann, E. Koutsiona, S. Maharana, S. Romanopoulos, R. Skalidis, A. Vervelaki, S. E. Clark, J. A. Kypriotakis, A. C. S. Readhead

    Context. Calibration of optical polarimeters relies on the use of stars with negligible polarization (unpolarized standard stars) for determining the instrumental polarization zero-point. For wide-field polarimeters, calibration is often done by imaging the same star over multiple positions in the field of view - a process which is time-consuming. A more effective technique is to target fields containing multiple standard stars. While this method has been used for fields with highly polarized stars, there are no such sky regions with well-measured unpolarized standard stars. Aims. We aim to identify sky regions with tens of stars exhibiting negligible polarization, which are suitable for zero-point calibration of wide-field polarimeters. Methods. We selected stars in regions with extremely low reddening, located at high Galactic latitudes. We targeted four ~ 400 x 400 fields in the northern, and eight in the southern Equatorial hemisphere. Observations were carried out at the Skinakas Observatory and the South African Astronomical Observatory respectively. Results. We find two fields in the North and seven in the South with mean polarization lower than p < 0.1%. Conclusions. At least nine out of twelve fields can be used for zero-point calibration of wide-field polarimeters.

  • UOCS XIII. Study of the FUV bright stars in the open cluster NGC 2420 using ASTROSAT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R.K.S. Yadav, Arvind K. Dattatrey, Geeta Rangwal, Annapurni Subramaniam, D. Bisht, Ram Sagar

    We present the study of four FUV stars in the field of open cluster NGC 2420 using the Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) mounted on AstroSat. The three stars 525, 527, and 560 are members, while star 646 is a non-member of the cluster. To characterize and determine the parameters of these stars, multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are analyzed using UV, optical, and IR data sets. For all four FUV bright stars, a two-component SED model fits well. Our findings indicate that two stars, 525 and 560, are binary BSS systems. These binary BSS systems may have formed in a tertiary system due to mass transfer from an evolved outer tertiary companion. Star 527 is a binary system of a BSS and an extremely low-mass (ELM) white dwarf, while Star 646 is a binary system of a horizontal branch star and an ELM white dwarf. The effective temperatures, radii, luminosities and masses of the two ELMs are (10250, 11500) K, (0.42, 0.12) Rsun, (1.61, 0.23) Lsun, and (0.186, 0.170) Msun, respectively. The star 527 could be a post-mass transfer system and may have originated through the Case A/B mass transfer process in a low-density environment. The cooling age of the ELMs is < 1 Myr, indicating that they have only recently formed.

  • Massive Star Cluster Formation I. High Star Formation Efficiency While Resolving Feedback of Individual Stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Brooke Polak, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Ralf S. Klessen, Jia Wei Teh, Claude Cournoyer-Cloutier, Eric P. Andersson, Sabrina M. Appel, Aaron Tran, Sean C. Lewis, Maite J.C. Wilhelm, Simon Portegies Zwart, Simon C.O. Glover, Long Wang, Stephen L. W. McMillan

    The mode of star formation that results in the formation of globular clusters and young massive clusters is difficult to constrain through observations. We present models of massive star cluster formation using the Torch framework, which uses AMUSE to couple distinct multi-physics codes that handle star formation, stellar evolution and dynamics, radiative transfer, and magnetohydrodynamics. We upgrade Torch by implementing the N-body code PeTar, thereby enabling Torch to handle massive clusters forming from $10^6\rm\, M_\odot$ clouds with $\ge10^5$ individual stars. We present results from Torch simulations of star clusters forming from $10^4, 10^5$, and $10^6\rm M_\odot$ turbulent, spherical gas clouds (named M4, M5, M6) of radius $R=11.7$ pc. We find that star formation is highly efficient and becomes more so at higher cloud mass and surface density. For M4, M5, and M6 with initial surface densities $2.325\times 10^{1,2,3}\rm\, M_\odot\, pc^{-2}$, after a free-fall time of $t_{ff}=6.7,2.1,0.67$ Myr, we find that $\sim30\%$, 40%, and 60% of the cloud mass has formed into stars, respectively. The final integrated star formation efficiency is $32\%,\, 65\%$, and 85\% for M4, M5, and M6. Observations of nearby clusters similar to M4 have similar integrated star formation efficiencies of $\leq30\%$. The M5 and M6 models represent a different regime of cluster formation that is more appropriate for the conditions in starburst galaxies and gas-rich galaxies at high redshift, and that leads to a significantly higher efficiency of star formation. We argue that young massive clusters build up through short efficient bursts of star formation in regions that are sufficiently dense ($\ge 10^2 \rm\,M_\odot\,pc^{-2}$) and massive ($\ge10^5\rm\, M_\odot$). In such environments, the dynamical time of the cloud becomes short enough that stellar feedback cannot act quickly enough to slow star formation.

  • First Light And Reionisation Epoch Simulations (FLARES) XII: The consequences of star-dust geometry on galaxies in the EoR.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aswin P. Vijayan, Peter A. Thomas, Christopher C. Lovell, Stephen M. Wilkins, Thomas R. Greve, Dimitrios Irodotou, William J. Roper, Louise T. C. Seeyave

    Using the First Light And Reionisation Epoch Simulations (${\rm F{\small LARES}}$), a suite of hydrodynamical simulations we explore the consequences of a realistic model for star--dust geometry on the observed properties of galaxies. We find that the UV attenuation declines rapidly from the central regions of galaxies, and bright galaxies have spatially extended star formation that suffers less obscuration than their fainter counterparts, demonstrating a non-linear relationship between the UV luminosity and the UV attenuation, giving a double power-law shape to the UVLF. Spatially distinct stellar populations within galaxies experience a wide range of dust attenuation due to variations in the dust optical depth along their line-of-sight; which can range from completely dust obscured to being fully unobscured. The overall attenuation curve of a galaxy is then a complex combination of various lines-of-sight within the galaxy. We explore the manifestation of this effect to study the reliability of line ratios to infer galaxy properties, in particular the Balmer decrement and the BPT diagram. We find the Balmer decrement predicted Balmer line attenuation to be higher (factor of $1$ to $\gtrsim10$) than expected from commonly used attenuation curves. The observed BPT line ratios deviate from their intrinsic values (median difference of 0.08 (0.02) and standard deviation of 0.2 (0.05) for log$_{10}$([N${\rm {\small II}}$]$\lambda 6585/$H$_{\alpha}$) (log$_{10}$([O${\rm {\small III}}$]$\lambda 5008/$H$_{\beta}$)). Finally, we explore the variation in observed properties (UV attenuation, UV slope and Balmer decrement) with viewing angle, finding average differences of $\sim0.3$ magnitudes in the UV attenuation.

  • Pure Spectroscopic Constraints on UV Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Star Formation History From 25 Galaxies at $z_\mathrm{spec}=8.61-13.20$ Confirmed with JWST/NIRSpec.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuichi Harikane, Kimihiko Nakajima, Masami Ouchi, Hiroya Umeda, Yuki Isobe, Yoshiaki Ono, Yi Xu, Yechi Zhang

    We present pure spectroscopic constraints on the UV luminosity functions and cosmic star formation rate (SFR) densities from 25 galaxies at $z_\mathrm{spec}=8.61-13.20$. By reducing the JWST/NIRSpec spectra taken in multiple programs of ERO, ERS, GO, and DDT with our analysis technique, we independently confirm 16 galaxies at $z_\mathrm{spec}=8.61-11.40$ including new redshift determinations, and a bright interloper at $z_\mathrm{spec}=4.91$ that was claimed as a photometric candidate at z~16. In conjunction with nine galaxies at redshifts up to $z_\mathrm{spec}=13.20$ in the literature, we make a sample of 25 spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies in total and carefully derive the best estimates and lower limits of the UV luminosity functions. These UV luminosity function constraints are consistent with the previous photometric estimates within the uncertainties and indicate mild redshift evolution towards z~12 showing tensions with some theoretical models of rapid evolution. With these spectroscopic constraints, we obtain firm lower limits of the cosmic SFR densities and spectroscopically confirm a high SFR density at z~12 beyond the constant star-formation efficiency models, which supports earlier claims from the photometric studies. While there are no spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies with very large stellar masses violating the $\Lambda$CDM model due to the removal of the bright interloper, we confirm star-forming galaxies at $z_\mathrm{spec}=11-13$ with stellar masses much higher than model predictions. Our results indicate possibilities of high star-formation efficiency (>5%), hidden AGN, top-heavy initial mass function (possibly with Pop-III), and large scatter/variance. Having these successful and unsuccessful spectroscopy results, we suggest observational strategies for efficiently removing low redshift interlopers for future JWST programs.

  • The flow direction of interstellar neutral H from SOHO/SWAN.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Bzowski, M.A. Kubiak, M. Strumik, I. Kowalska-Leszczynska, C. Porowski, E. Quemerais

    Interstellar neutral hydrogen flows into the heliosphere as a mixture of the primary and secondary populations from two somewhat different directions due to splitting occurring in the magnetized outer heliosheath. The direction of inflow of interstellar neutral H observed in the inner heliosphere, confronted with that of the unperturbed flow of interstellar neutral helium, is important for understanding the geometry of the distortion of the heliosphere from axial symmetry. It is also needed for facilitating remote-sensing studies of the solar wind structure based on observations of the helioglow, such as those presently performed by SOHO/SWAN, and in a near future by IMAP/GLOWS. In the past, the only means to measure the flow direction of interstellar hydrogen were spectroscopic observations of the helioglow. Here, we propose a new method to determine this parameter based on a long series of photometric observations of the helioglow. The method is based on purely geometric considerations and does not depend on any model and absolute calibration of the measurements. We apply this method to sky maps of the helioglow available from the SOHO/SWAN experiment and derive the mean flow longitude of interstellar hydrogen. We obtain $253.1\degr \pm 2.8\degr$, which is in perfect agreement with the previously obtained results based on spectroscopic observations.

  • Total light bending in non-asymptotically flat black hole spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Flavio C. Sánchez, Armando A. Roque, Benito Rodríguez, Javier Chagoya

    The gravitational deflection of light is a critical test of modified theories of gravity. A few years ago, Gibbons and Werner introduced a definition of the deflection angle based on the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. In more recent years, Arakida proposed a related idea for defining the deflection angle in non-asymptotically flat spacetimes. We revisit this idea and use it to compute the angular difference in the Kottler geometry and a non-asymptotically flat solution in Horndeski gravity. Our analytic and numerical calculations show that a triangular array of laser beams can be designed so that the proposed definition of the deflection angle is sensitive to different sources of curvature. Moreover, we find that near the photon sphere, the deflection angle in the Horndeski solution is similar to its Schwarzschild counterpart, and we confirm that the shadows seen by a static observer are identical.

  • First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Benchmark Comparison of Optical and Mid-IR Tracers of a Dusty, Ionized Red Quasar Wind at z=0.435.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    D. S. N. Rupke, D. Wylezalek, N. L. Zakamska, 4), S. Veilleux, C. Bertemes, Y. Ishikawa, W. Liu, S. Sankar, A. Vayner, H. X. G. Lim, R. McCrory, G. Murphree, 7), L. Whitesell, L. Shen, 9), G. Liu, J. K. Barrera-Ballesteros, H.-W. Chen, N. Diachenko, A. D. Goulding, J. E. Greene, K. N. Hainline, F. Hamann, T. Heckman, S. D. Johnson, D. Lutz, N. Lützgendorf, V. Mainieri, N. Nesvadba, P. Ogle, E. Sturm, (2) Heidelberg, (3) JHU, (4) IAS, (5) Maryland, (6) Arizona, (7) Hawai'i, (8) USTC, (9) Texas A&M, (10) UNAM, (11) Chicago, (12) Princeton, (13) Riverside, (14) Michigan, (15) MPE, (16) ESA, (17) ESO, (18) Côte d'Azur, (19) STScI)

    The [OIII] 5007 A emission line is the most common tracer of warm, ionized outflows in active galactic nuclei across cosmic time. JWST newly allows us to use mid-infrared spectral features at both high spatial and spectral resolution to probe these same winds. Here we present a comparison of ground-based, seeing-limited [OIII] and space-based, diffraction-limited [SIV] 10.51 micron maps of the powerful, kiloparsec-scale outflow in the Type 1 red quasar SDSS J110648.32+480712.3. The JWST data are from the Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI). There is a close match in resolution between the datasets (0."6), in ionization potential of the O$^{+2}$ and S$^{+3}$ ions (35 eV), and in line sensitivity (1e-17 to 2e-17 erg/s/cm$^2$/arcsec$^2$). The [OIII] and [SIV] line shapes match in velocity and linewidth over much of the 20 kpc outflowing nebula, and [SIV] is the brightest line in the rest-frame 3.5-19.5 micron range, demonstrating its usefulness as a mid-IR probe of quasar outflows. [OIII] is nevertheless intriniscally brighter and provides better contrast with the point-source continuum, which is strong in the mid-IR. There is a strong anticorrelation of [OIII]/[SIV] with average velocity, which is consistent with a scenario of differential obscuration between the approaching (blueshifted) and receding (redshifted) sides of the flow. The dust in the wind may also obscure the central quasar, consistent with models that attribute red quasar extinction to dusty winds.

  • Toward a stellar population catalog in the Kilo Degree Survey: the impact of stellar recipes on stellar masses and star formation rates.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Linghua Xie, Nicola R. Napolitano, Xiaotong Guo, Crescenzo Tortora, Haicheng Feng, Antonios Katsianis, Rui Li, Sirui Wu, Mario Radovich, Leslie K. Hunt, Yang Wang, Lin Tang, Baitian Tang, Zhiqi Huang

    The Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) is currently the only sky survey providing optical ($ugri$) plus near-infrared (NIR, $ZYHJK_S$) seeing matched photometry over an area larger than 1000 $\rm deg^2$. This is obtained by incorporating the NIR data from the VISTA Kilo Degree Infrared Galaxy (VIKING) survey, covering the same KiDS footprint. As such, the KiDS multi-wavelength photometry represents a unique dataset to test the ability of stellar population models to return robust photometric stellar mass ($M_*$) and star-formation rate (SFR) estimates. Here we use a spectroscopic sample of galaxies for which we possess $u g r i Z Y J H K_s$ ``gaussianized'' magnitudes from KiDS data release 4. We fit the spectral energy distribution from the 9-band photometry using: 1) three different popular libraries of stellar {population} templates, 2) single burst, simple and delayed exponential star-formation history models, and 3) a wide range of priors on age and metallicity. As template fitting codes we use two popular softwares: LePhare and CIGALE. We investigate the variance of the stellar masses and the star-formation rates from the different combinations of templates, star formation recipes and codes to assess the stability of these estimates and define some ``robust'' median quantities to be included in the upcoming KiDS data releases. As a science validation test, we derive the mass function, the star formation rate function, and the SFR-$M_*$ relation for a low-redshift ($z<0.5$) sample of galaxies, that result in excellent agreement with previous literature data. The final catalog, containing $\sim290\,000$ galaxies with redshift $0.01<z<0.9$, is made publicly available.

  • The Magellanic Puzzle: origin of the periphery.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pol Massana, David L. Nidever, Knut Olsen

    In this paper, we analyse the metallicity structure of the Magellanic Clouds using parameters derived from the Gaia DR3 low-resolution XP spectra, astrometry and photometry. We find that the qualitative behavior of the radial metallicity gradients in the LMC and SMC are quite similar, with both of them having a metallicity plateau at intermediate radii and a second at larger radii. The LMC has a first metallicity plateau at [Fe/H]$\approx$-0.8 for 3$-$7$^{\circ}$, while the SMC has one at [Fe/H]$\approx$-1.1 at 3$-$5$^{\circ}$. The outer LMC periphery has a fairly constant metallicity of [Fe/H]$\approx$-1.0 (10$-$18$^{\circ}$), while the outer SMC periphery has a value of [Fe/H]$\approx$-1.3 (6$-$10$^{\circ}$). The sharp drop in metallicity in the LMC at $\sim$8$^{\circ}$ and the marked difference in age distributions in these two regions suggests that there were two important evolutionary phases in the LMC. In addition, we find that the Magellanic periphery substructures, likely Magellanic debris, are mostly dominated by LMC material stripped off in old interactions with the SMC. This presents a new picture in contrast with the popular belief that the debris around the Clouds had been mostly stripped off from the SMC due to having a lower mass. We perform a detailed analysis for each known substructure and identify its potential origin based on metallicities and motions with respect to each galaxy.

  • The proto-galaxy of Milky Way-mass haloes in the FIRE simulations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Danny Horta, Emily C. Cunningham, Robyn Sanderson, Kathryn V. Johnston, Alis Deason, Andrew Wetzel, Fiona McCluskey, Nicolás Garavito-Camargo, Lina Necib, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Arpit Arora, Pratik J. Gandhi

    Observational studies are finding stars believed to be relics of the earliest stages of hierarchical mass assembly of the Milky Way (i.e., proto-Galaxy). In this work, we contextualize these findings by studying the masses, ages, spatial distributions, morphology, kinematics, and chemical compositions of proto-galaxy populations from the 13 Milky Way (MW)-mass galaxies from the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations. Our findings indicate that proto-Milky Way populations: i) can have a stellar mass range between $1\times10^{8}<\mathrm{M}_{\star}<2\times10^{10}[\mathrm{M}_{\odot}]$, a virial mass range between $3\times10^{10}<\mathrm{M}_{\star}<6\times10^{11}[\mathrm{M}_{\odot}]$, and be as young as $8 \lesssim \mathrm{Age} \lesssim 12.8$ [Gyr] ($1\lesssim z \lesssim 6$); ii) are predominantly centrally concentrated, with $\sim50\%$ of the stars contained within $5-10$ kpc; iii) on average show weak but systematic net rotation in the plane of the host's disc at $z=0$ (i.e., $0.25\lesssim\langle\kappa/\kappa_{\mathrm{disc}}\rangle\lesssim0.8$); iv) present [$\alpha$/Fe]-[Fe/H] compositions that overlap with the metal-poor tail of the host's old disc; v) tend to assemble slightly earlier in Local Group-like environments than in systems in isolation. Interestingly, we find that ~60% of the proto-Milky Way galaxies are comprised by 1 dominant system ($1/5\lesssim$M$_{\star}$/M$_{\star,\mathrm{proto-Milky Way}}$$\lesssim4/5$) and 4-5 lower mass systems (M$_{\star}$/M$_{\star,\mathrm{proto-Milky Way}}$$\lesssim1/10$); the other ~40% are comprised by 2 dominant systems and 3-4 lower mass systems. These massive/dominant proto-Milky Way fragments can be distinguished from the lower mass ones in chemical-kinematic samples, but appear (qualitatively) indistinguishable from one another. Our results could help observational studies disentangle if the Milky Way formed from one or two dominant systems.

  • Evidence of a Cloud-Cloud Collision from Overshooting Gas in the Galactic Center.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Savannah R. Gramze, Adam Ginsburg, David S. Meier, Juergen Ott, Yancy Shirley, Mattia C. Sormani, Brian E. Svoboda

    The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with "bar lanes" that bring gas towards the Galactic Center. Gas flowing along these bar lanes often overshoots, and instead of accreting onto the Central Molecular Zone, it collides with the bar lane on the opposite side of the Galaxy. We observed G5, a cloud which we believe is the site of one such collision, near the Galactic Center at (l,b) = (+5.4, -0.4) with the ALMA/ACA. We took measurements of the spectral lines $^{12}$CO J=2-1, $^{13}$CO J=2-1, C$^{18}$O J=2-1, H$_2$CO J=3$_{03}$-2$_{02}$, H$_{2}$CO J=3$_{22}$-2$_{21}$, CH$_{3}$OH J=4$_{22}$-3$_{12}$, OCS J=18-17 and SiO J=5-4. We observed a velocity bridge between two clouds at $\sim$50 km/s and $\sim$150 km/sin our position-velocity diagram, which is direct evidence of a cloud-cloud collision. We measured an average gas temperature of $\sim$60 K in G5 using H$_2$CO integrated intensity line ratios. We observed that the $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C ratio in G5 is consistent with optically thin, or at most marginally optically thick $^{12}$CO. We measured 1.5 x 10$^{19}$ cm$^{-2}$(K km/s)$^{-1}$ for the local X$_{CO}$, 10-20x less than the average Galactic value. G5 is strong direct observational evidence of gas overshooting the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) and colliding with a bar lane on the opposite side of the Galactic center.

  • Star formation and AGN activity 500 Myr after the Big Bang: Insights from JWST.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jordan C. J. D'Silva, Simon P. Driver, Claudia D. P. Lagos, Aaron S. G. Robotham, Jake Summers, Rogier A. Windhorst

    We consider the effect of including an active galactic nuclei (AGN) component when fitting spectral energy distributions of 109 spectroscopically confirmed $z\approx 3.5-12.5$ galaxies with JWST. Remarkably, we find that the resulting cosmic star formation history is $\approx 0.4$ dex lower at $z\gtrsim 9.5$ when an AGN component is included in the fitting. This alleviates previously reported excess star formation at $z\gtrsim 9.5$ compared to models based on typical baryon conversion efficiencies inside dark matter halos. We find that the individual stellar masses and star formation rates can be as much as $\approx 4$ dex lower when fitting with an AGN component. These results highlight the importance of considering both stellar mass assembly and supermassive black hole growth when interpreting the light distributions of among the first galaxies to ever exist.

  • WISDOM project -- XVIII. Molecular gas distributions and kinematics of three megamaser galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fu-Heng Liang, Mark D. Smith, Martin Bureau, Feng Gao, Timothy A. Davis, Michele Cappellari, Jacob S. Elford, Jenny E. Greene, Satoru Iguchi, Federico Lelli, Anan Lu, Ilaria Ruffa, Thomas G. Williams, Hengyue Zhang

    The co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) underpins our understanding of galaxy evolution, but different methods to measure SMBH masses have only infrequently been cross-checked. We attempt to identify targets to cross-check two of the most accurate methods, megamaser and cold molecular gas dynamics. Three promising galaxies are selected from all those with existing megamaser SMBH mass measurements. We present Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) 12CO(2-1) and 230-GHz continuum observations with angular resolutions of about 0.5". Every galaxy has an extended rotating molecular gas disc and 230-GHz continuum source(s), but all also have irregularities and/or non-axisymmetric features: NGC1194 is highly inclined and has disturbed and lopsided central 12CO(2-1) emission; NGC3393 has a nuclear disc with fairly regular but patchy 12CO(2-1) emission with little gas near the kinematic major axis, faint emission in the very centre and two brighter structures reminiscent of a nuclear ring and/or spiral; NGC5765B has a strong bar and very bright 12CO(2-1) emission concentrated along two bisymmetric offset dust lanes and two bisymmetric nuclear spiral arms. 12CO(2-1) and 12CO(3-2) observations with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope are compared with the ALMA observations. Because of the disturbed gas kinematics and the impractically long integration times required for higher angular resolution observations, none of the three galaxies is suitable for a future SMBH mass measurement. Nonetheless, increasing the number of molecular gas observations of megamaser galaxies is valuable, and the ubiquitous disturbances suggest a link between large-scale gas properties and the existence of megamasers.

  • Using Mg II Doublet to Predict the Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction from 14 HETDEX Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Victoria Salazar, Floriane Leclercq, John Chisholm, Gary J. Hill, Gregory R. Zeimann

    Indirect diagnostics of Lyman continuum (LyC) escape are needed to constrain which sources reionized the universe. We used Mg II to predict the LyC escape fraction (fesc(LyC)) in 14 galaxies selected from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment solely based upon their Mg II properties. Using the Low Resolution Spectrograph on HET, we identified 7 and 5 possible LyC leakers depending on the method, with fesc(LyC) ranging from 3 to 80%. Interestingly, our targets display diverse [O III]/[O II] ratios (O32), with strong inferred LyC candidates showing lower O32 values than previous confirmed LyC leaker samples. Additionally, a correlation between dust and fesc(LyC) was identified. Upcoming Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph LyC observations of our sample will test if Mg II and dust are predictors of fesc(LyC), providing insights for future JWST studies of high-redshift galaxies.

  • Magnetic Fields in the Central Molecular Zone Influenced by Feedback and Weakly Correlated with Star Formation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xing Lu, Junhao Liu, Thushara Pillai, Qizhou Zhang, Tie Liu, Qilao Gu, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Pak Shing Li, Xindi Tang, H Perry Hatchfield, Namitha Issac, Xunchuan Liu, Qiuyi Luo, Xiaofeng Mai, Zhiqiang Shen

    Magnetic fields of molecular clouds in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) have been relatively underobserved at sub-parsec resolution. Here we report JCMT/POL2 observations of polarized dust emission in the CMZ, which reveal magnetic field structures in dense gas at ~0.5 pc resolution. The eleven molecular clouds in our sample including two in the western part of the CMZ (Sgr C and a far-side cloud candidate), four around the Galactic longitude 0 (the 50 km s-1 cloud, CO0.02-0.02, the `Stone' and the `Sticks & Straw' among the Three Little Pigs), and five along the Dust Ridge (G0.253+0.016, clouds b, c, d, and e/f), for each of which we estimate the magnetic field strength using the angular dispersion function method. The morphologies of magnetic fields in the clouds suggest potential imprints of feedback from expanding H II regions and young massive star clusters. A moderate correlation between the total viral parameter versus the star formation rate and the dense gas fraction of the clouds is found. A weak correlation between the mass-to-flux ratio and the star formation rate, and a weak anti-correlation between the magnetic field and the dense gas fraction are also found. Comparisons between magnetic fields and other dynamic components in clouds suggest a more dominant role of self-gravity and turbulence in determining the dynamical states of the clouds and affecting star formation at the studied scales.


  • Interferometric apodization by homothety -- II. Experimental validation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J Chafi, Y El Azhari, O Azagrouze, A Jabiri, A Boskri, Z Benkhaldoun, A Habib

    This work presents the results of experimental laboratory tests on the apodization of circular and rectangular apertures using the Interferometric Apodization by Homothety (IAH) technique. The IAH approach involves splitting the amplitude of the instrumental PSF into two equal parts. One of the two produced PSFs undergoes a homothety to change its transverse dimensions while its amplitude is properly controlled. The two PSFs are then combined to produce an apodized image. The diffraction wings of the resulting PSF are subsequently reduced by some variable reduction factor, depending on an amplitude parameter $\gamma$ and a spread parameter $\eta$. This apodization approach was implemented in the laboratory using an interferometric setup based on the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI). The experimental results exhibit a strong agreement between theory and experiment. For instance, the average experimental contrast obtained at a low angular separation of $2.4\lambda/D$ does not exceed $5\times10^{-4}$. This work also allowed us to study the influence on the apodizer's performance of some parameters such as the wavelength and the density of the neutral filters.

  • FINKER: Frequency Identification through Nonparametric KErnel Regression in astronomical time series.- [PDF] - [Article]

    F. Stoppa, C. Johnston, E. Cator, G. Nelemans, P.J. Groot

    Optimal frequency identification in astronomical datasets is crucial for variable star studies, exoplanet detection, and asteroseismology. Traditional period-finding methods often rely on specific parametric assumptions, employ binning procedures, or overlook the regression nature of the problem, limiting their applicability and precision. We aim to introduce a universal, nonparametric kernel regression method for optimal frequency determination that is generalizable, efficient, and robust across various astronomical data types. FINKER uses nonparametric kernel regression on folded datasets at different frequencies, selecting the optimal frequency by minimizing squared residuals. This technique inherently incorporates a weighting system that accounts for measurement uncertainties and facilitates multiband data analysis. We evaluate our method's performance across a range of frequencies pertinent to diverse data types and compare it with an established period-finding algorithm, conditional entropy. The method demonstrates superior performance in accuracy and robustness compared to existing algorithms, requiring fewer observations to identify significant frequencies reliably. It exhibits resilience against noise and adapts well to datasets with varying complexity.

  • Mitigating astrometric bias in barycentric correction with PEXO.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yicheng Rui, Fabo Feng

    Extremely precise radial velocity is essential for the detection of sub-m/s radial velocity of stars induced by Earth-like planets. Although modeling of the barycentric correction of radial velocity could achieve 1 mm/s precision, the input astrometry could be biased due to nonlinear motions of stars caused by companions. To account for astrometry-induced bias in barycentric correction, we correct for astrometric bias by minimizing the scatter of reduced RV data with PEXO. In particular, we apply this method to the barycentric correction for 266 stars from HARPS data archive. We find that the RV scatter for 8 targets are significantly reduced due to correction of astrometric bias. Among these targets, 2 targets exhibit bias caused by known massive companions, while for the remaining 6 targets, the bias could be attributed to unknown companions or Gaia systematics. Furthermore, 14 targets have an astrometry-induced annual RV variation higher than 0.05 m/s, and 10 of them are closer than 10 pc. We show the results of Barnard's star as an example, and find that an annual RV bias of 10 cm/s is mitigated by replacing BarCor by PEXO as the barycentric correction code. Our work demonstrates the necessity of astrometric bias correction and the utilization of barycentric correction code within a relativistic framework in high-precision RV for the detection of Earth-like planets.

  • Accelerated parameter estimation in Bilby with relative binning.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kruthi Krishna, Aditya Vijaykumar, Apratim Ganguly, Colm Talbot, Sylvia Biscoveanu, Richard N George, Natalie Williams, Aaron Zimmerman

    We describe an implementation of the relative binning technique to speed up parameter estimation of gravitational-wave signals. We first give a pedagogical overview of relative binning, discussing also the expressions for the likelihood marginalized over phase and distance. Then, we describe the details of the code in \texttt{Bilby}, an open-source software package commonly used for parameter estimation of gravitational-wave sources. Our code is able to reproduce the parameters of GW170817 in 14 hours on a single-core CPU, performs well on simulated signals, and passes the percentile-percentile (p-p) tests. We also illustrate that relative binning is an ideal technique to estimate the parameters of signals in next-generation gravitational wave detectors.

  • Capabilities of a 24 -channel slicer for imaging spectroscopy with the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass (MSDP) on 8-meter class solar spectrographs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jean-Marie Malherbe

    Imaging spectroscopy is intended to be coupled with adaptive optics (AO) on large solar telescopes, in order to produce high spatial and temporal resolution measurements of velocities and magnetic fields on a 2D target. We present the theoretical capabilities of a new generation 24-channel MSDP slicer for 8-meter class spectrographs which are common in solar astronomy. The aim is to produce 24-channel spectra-images providing cubes of instantaneous data (x, y, $\lambda$) allowing the study of the plasma dynamics and magnetic fields. We investigate the possibility of doubling the spectral resolution using two interlaced spectra-images, delivering together 48 channels. Two polarimetric methods are also explored providing simultaneous measurements of Stokes combinations with a dual beam; one of them could provide 48 sub-channels (or 96 with wavelength interlaced observations).

  • ESO/HARPS Radial Velocities Catalog.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mauro Barbieri

    This document details the first public data release of the HARPS radial velocities catalog. This data release aims to provide the astronomical community with a catalog of radial velocities obtained with spectroscopic observations acquired from 2003 to 2023 with the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) spectrograph installed at the ESO 3.6m telescope in La Silla Observatory (Chile), and spanning wavelengths from 3800 to 6900 Angstrom. The catalog comprises 289843 observations of 6488 unique astronomical objects. Radial velocities reported in this catalog are obtained using the HARPS pipeline, with a typical precision of 0.5 m/s, which is essential for the search and validation of exoplanets. Additionally, independent radial velocities measured on the H$\alpha$ spectral line are included, with a typical error of around 300 m/s suitable for various astrophysical applications where high precision is not critical. This catalog includes 282294 radial velocities obtained through the HARPS pipeline and 288972 derived from the H$_\alpha$ line, collectively forming a time-series dataset that provides a historical record of measurements for each object. Further, each object has been cross-referenced with the SIMBAD astronomical database to ensure accurate identification, enabling users to locate and verify objects with existing records in astronomical literature. Information provided for each object includes: astrometric parameters (coordinates, parallaxes, proper motions, radial velocities), photometric parameters (apparent magnitudes in the visible and near-infrared), spectral types and object classifications.

  • Initial Characterization of the First Speedster-EXD550 Event-Driven X-Ray Hybrid Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Detectors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joseph M. Colosimo, Hannah M. Grzybowski, Evan C. Jennerjahn, Lukas R. Stone, Abraham D. Falcone, Mitchell Wages, Jacob C. Buffington, David N. Burrows, Zachary E. Catlin, Timothy Emeigh, Frederic Hancock

    Future x-ray observatories will require imaging detectors with fast readout speeds that simultaneously achieve or exceed the other high performance parameters of x-ray charge-coupled devices (CCDs) used in many missions over the past three decades. Fast readout will reduce the impact of pile-up in missions with large collecting areas while also improving performance in other respects like timing resolution. Event-driven readout, in which only pixels with charge from x-ray events are read out, can be used to achieve these faster operating speeds. Speedster-EXD550 detectors are hybrid complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) detectors capable of event-driven readout, developed by Teledyne Imaging Sensors and Penn State University. We present initial results from measurements of the first of these detectors, demonstrating their capabilities and performance in both full-frame and event-driven readout modes. These include dark current, read noise, gain variation, and energy resolution measurements from the first two engineering-grade devices.


  • A note on the AdS/CFT correspondence and the nature of spacetime in quantum gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Carlos Silva

    In this paper, we address the nature of spacetime in quantum gravity in light of a new version of the holographic principle that has established a relationship between string theory and polymer holonomy structures similar to Loop Quantum Cosmology spin networks. In front of the results found out, it is possible to argue that, for such a relationship to work, spacetime must be seen as emergent from a fundamental structure whose degrees of freedom correspond to quantum correlations only.

  • On the status of wormholes in Einstein's theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Peter K.F. Kuhfittig

    It has been claimed that wormholes are just as good a prediction of Einstein's theory as black holes, but they are subject to severe restrictions from quantum field theory. The purpose of this paper is to show that the claim can be substantiated in spite of these restrictions.

  • Regular Black Holes in $D=2+1$ with $f(R)$ Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. C. L. Santos, R. V. Maluf, C. R. Muniz

    Despite the experimental success of general relativity in the scales it has been tested, there are still some inconsistencies, such as explaining the acceleration of the universe and singularities. $f(R)$ gravity has emerged to provide corrections to the Ricci scalar, leading to new equations of motion that could explain this acceleration. On the other hand, Regular Black Holes, supported by non-linear electrodynamics, have well-defined curvature scalars but often violate energy conditions. In this work, we investigate how to obtain regular solutions in $(2+1)$ dimensions by considering $f(R)$ gravity and non-linear electrodynamics. Subsequently, we find that non-linear electrodynamics models that guarantee regular solutions in General Relativity do not produce regular solutions in $f(R)$ theory. Finally, we observe that energy conditions are still violated in $f(R)$ gravity.

  • Adaptive mesh refinement in binary black holes simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alireza Rashti, Maitraya Bhattacharyya, David Radice, Boris Daszuta, William Cook, Sebastiano Bernuzzi

    We discuss refinement criteria for the Berger-Rigoutsos (block-based) refinement algorithm in our numerical relativity code GR-Athena++ in the context of binary black hole merger simulations. We compare three different strategies: the ``box-in-box'' approach, the ``sphere-in-sphere'' approach and a local criterion for refinement based on the estimation of truncation error of the finite difference scheme. We extract and compare gravitational waveforms using the three different mesh refinement methods and compare their accuracy against a calibration waveform and demonstrate that the sphere-in-sphere approach provides the best strategy overall when considering computational cost and the waveform accuracy. Ultimately, we demonstrate the capability of each mesh refinement method in accurately simulating gravitational waves from binary black hole systems -- a crucial aspect for their application in next-generation detectors. We quantify the mismatch achievable with the different strategies by extrapolating the gravitational wave mismatch to higher resolution.

  • Dephasing due to electromagnetic interactions in spatial qubits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martine Schut, Herre Bosma, MengZhi Wu, Marko Toroš, Sougato Bose, Anupam Mazumdar

    Matter-wave interferometers with micro-particles are excellent quantum sensors as they can be sensitive to a minute quantum phase information, which a classical detector cannot. Two such adjacent micro-particles in the interferometers can be entangled solely via the quantum nature of gravity known as the quantum gravity-induced entanglement of masses (QGEM) protocol. The micro-particles can also be entangled via EM interactions. Therefore, it is essential to estimate the decoherence, noise/dephasing rate for such interferometers. In this paper, we will focus on a particular source of an electromagnetic interaction. We will treat this interaction as a noise which will lead to dephasing. We assume that our matter-wave interferometer has a residual charge which can interact with a neighbouring ion in the ambience, e.g., inside the experimental capsule. This will provide dephasing of the matter-wave interferometer due to the Coulomb interaction with external charges and the charge-dipole interaction with external dielectrics or dipoles. Similarly, we will consider neutral micro-particles, which can interact with charged and/or neutral particles in the ambience via induced dipole-charge, permanent dipole-charge, and dipole-dipole interactions. All these interactions constitute electromagnetically driven dephasing to a single and a twin interferometer. We will discuss their relevance for the QGEM experiment and provide insight into the noise of an entangled state for charged micro-particles kept adjacently with an implication for the C-NOT gate.

  • Phase diagrams of quasinormal frequencies for Schwarzschild, Kerr, and Taub-NUT black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chen Lan, Meng-Hu Li, Yan-Gang Miao

    The Newman-Janis algorithm, which involves complex-coordinate transformations, establishes connections between static and spherically symmetric black holes and rotating and/or axially symmetric ones, such as between Schwarzschild black holes and Kerr black holes, and between Schwarzschild black holes and Taub-NUT black holes. However, the transformations in the two samples are based on different physical mechanisms. The former connection arises from the exponentiation of spin operators, while the latter from a duality operation. In this paper, we mainly investigate how the connections manifest in the dynamics of black holes. Specifically, we focus on studying the correlations of quasinormal frequencies among Schwarzschild, Kerr, and Taub-NUT black holes. This analysis allows us to explore the physics of complex-coordinate transformations in the spectrum of quasinormal frequencies.

  • Vacuum currents for a scalar field in models with compact dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. A. Saharian

    This paper reviews the investigations on the vacuum expectation value of the current density for a charged scalar field in spacetimes with toroidally compactified spatial dimensions. As background geometries locally Minkowskian (LM), locally de Sitter (LdS) and locally anti-de Sitter (LAdS) spacetimes are considered. Along compact dimensions quasiperiodicity conditions are imposed on the field operator and the presence of a constant gauge field is assumed. The vacuum current has non-zero components only along compact dimensions. Those components are periodic functions of the magnetic flux enclosed by compact dimensions with the period equal to the flux quantum. For LdS and LAdS geometries and for small values of the length of a compact dimension, compared with the curvature radius, the leading term in the expansion of the the vacuum current along that dimension coincides with that for LM bulk. In this limit the dominant contribution to the mode sum for the current density comes from the vacuum fluctuations with wavelength smaller than the curvature radius and the influence of the gravitational field is weak. The effects of the gravitational field are essential for lengths of compact dimensions larger than the curvature radius. In particular, instead of the exponential suppression of the current density in LM bulk one can have power law decay in LdS and LAdS spacetimes.

  • Cosmological FLRW phase transitions and micro-structure under Kaniadakis statistics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joaquin Housset, Joel F. Saavedra, Francisco Tello-Ortiz

    This article is devoted to the study of the thermodynamics phase transitions and critical phenomena of an FLRW cosmological model under the so-called Kaniadakis's statistics. The equation of state is derived from the corrected Friedmann field equations and the thermodynamics unified first law. This reveals the existence of non-trivial critical points where a first-order phase transition takes place. The system behaves as an ``inverted'' van der Waals fluid in this concern. Interestingly, the numerical values of the critical exponents are the same as those of the van der Waals system. Besides, to obtain more insights into the thermodynamics description, the so-called Ruppeiner's geometry is studied through the normalized scalar curvature, disclosing this invariant zone where the system undergoes repulsive/attractive interactions. Near the critical point, this curvature provides again the same critical exponent and universal constant value as for van der Waals fluid.

  • Evidence that the Rate of Evolution of a Black Hole Interior Has a Holographic Dual.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Brett McInnes

    A ``large'' AdS black hole can attain equilibrium with its own Hawking radiation, and in that condition it is thought to be dual to a strongly coupled field theory, also at equilibrium. But the interior of the black hole is by no means static: the geometry of spatial sections lying inside the event horizon evolves at some rate. This prompts the obvious question: can this rate possibly have a holographic dual? We present circumstantial evidence that such a dual does exist. We do this by making concrete proposals for two objects: first, a rough measure (already suggested in the literature) of the rate at which the unitary evolution of the state vector describing equilibrated strongly coupled matter evolves; and, second, a rough measure of the rate at which the interior (just under the horizon) evolves (in the case of the AdS$_5$-Kerr black hole). We then study how these two very different objects change as two physical parameters describing the exterior of the bulk black hole (the specific angular momentum and the temperature) are varied. We find that they change in remarkably similar ways, as holographic duals should.

  • Study of a complete model of the cosmological evolution of a classical scalar field with a Higgs potential. IV. Large-scale model transformations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu.G. Ignat'ev, A.R. Samigullina

    A study and numerical modeling of the cosmological evolution of a classical scalar field with the Higgs potential was carried out. Based on the formulated similarity properties of cosmological models, their main characteristics are studied for models with different interaction scales: the Planck scale, the Grand Unified scale and the Standard Model scale. Based on numerical integration, the similarity properties of these models are proven with high accuracy.

  • Exploring Non-perturbative Corrections in Thermodynamics of Static Dirty Black Holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saheb Soroushfar, Behnam Pourhassan, İzzet Sakallı

    This study presents an investigation into the thermodynamic properties of a dirty black hole immersed in a uniform electric field within the framework of the Einstein-Nonlinear Electrodynamics (ENE)-dilaton theory. The analysis delves into various thermodynamic aspects, including heat capacity, Helmholtz free energy, and internal energy, providing insights into the behavior of the black hole under the influence of the electric field. Furthermore, the article explores the intricate interplay between quantum effects and thermodynamic behavior through the examination of quantum-corrected entropy. The study aims to shed light on the non-perturbative corrections that arise in this complex system, offering a comprehensive understanding of the modified thermodynamics of dirty black holes within the specified theoretical framework.

  • Constructing maximal extensions of the Vaidya metric in Israel coordinates: II. The completeness of Israel coordinates.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sheref Nasereldin, Kayll Lake

    We present the results of an analysis of three maximal extensions of the Vaidya metric in Israel coordinates, a spherically symmetric solution to the Einstein field equations for the energy momentum tensor of pure radiation in the high-frequency approximation. This metric is necessary for various applications, such as describing the exterior geometry of a radiating star in astrophysics and studying possible formation of naked singularities in the geometry of spacetime. Contrary to the common Eddington-Finkelstein-like (EFL) coordinates, these maximal extensions, in Israel coordinates, are complete and cover the entirety of the Vaidya manifold. We develop three mass functions, one for each extension, and consider the qualitative characteristics of the three mass models and the surfaces of constant (dynamical) radius. We demonstrate that each maximal extension is null geodesically complete, which we assess by solving the radial null geodesics equation and forming the Penrose conformal diagram for each extension.

  • Black Hole Perturbation Theory Meets CFT$_2$: Kerr Compton Amplitudes from Nekrasov-Shatashvili Functions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yilber Fabian Bautista, Giulio Bonelli, Cristoforo Iossa, Alessandro Tanzini, Zihan Zhou

    We present a novel study of Kerr Compton amplitudes in a partial wave basis in terms of the Nekrasov-Shatashvili (NS) function of the \textit{confluent Heun equation} (CHE). Remarkably, NS-functions enjoy analytic properties and symmetries that are naturally inherited by the Compton amplitudes. Based on this, we characterize the analytic dependence of the Compton phase-shift in the Kerr spin parameter and provide a direct comparison to the standard post-Minkowskian (PM) perturbative approach within General Relativity (GR). We also analyze the universal large frequency behavior of the relevant characteristic exponent of the CHE -- also known as the renormalized angular momentum -- and find agreement with numerical computations. Moreover, we discuss the analytic continuation in the harmonics quantum number $\ell$ of the partial wave, and show that the limit to the physical integer values commutes with the PM expansion of the observables. Finally, we obtain the contributions to the tree level, point-particle, gravitational Compton amplitude in a covariant basis through $\mathcal{O}(a_{\text{BH}}^8)$, without the need to take the super-extremal limit for Kerr spin.

  • Analytical Insights into Constant-Roll Condition: Extending the Paradigm to Non-Canonical Models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Mohammad Ahmadi, Nahid Ahmadi, Mehdi Shokri

    In this work, we explore the prospect of generalizing the constant-roll condition in canonical inflationary model to non-canonical models. To find a natural generalization, we focus on three manifestations of this condition and construct constant-roll models corresponding to each manifestation. These models are not equivalent but reduce to the familiar constant-roll model in canonical limit. To showcase the applicability of our generalized mechanism, we examine a specific class of non-canonical models, which can be viewed as extensions of k/G inflation. We conduct a comprehensive analytical examination of the model, elucidating instances where our constant-roll conditions yield disparate outcomes and when they exhibit analogies. We also apply our findings to scrutinize another kinetically driven inflationary model within the constant-roll framework. We demonstrate that each of our constant-roll conditions leads to a unique set of solutions. Afterward, we construct a four-stage constant-roll kinetically driven inflation (or "constant $k$ inflation" for short) capable of producing primordial black holes, satisfying CMB constraints, and providing a graceful exit from inflation. Employing numerical methods, we analyze this scenario to elucidate how altering the constant-roll condition impacts the power spectrum and the model's dynamics.

  • General covariance and dynamics with a Gauss law.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Viqar Husain, Hassan Mehmood

    We present a 4-dimensional generally covariant gauge theory which leads to the Gauss constraint but lacks both the Hamiltonian and spatial diffeomorphism constraints. The canonical theory therefore resembles Yang-Mills theory without the Hamiltonian. We describe its observables, quantization, and some generalizations.

  • Thermodynamic Topology of $D=4,5$ Horava Lifshitz Black Hole in Two Ensembles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bidyut Hazarika, Prabwal Phukon

    We study the thermodynamic topology of four and five dimensional Horava Lifshitz (HL) black holes in Horava gravity. These exotic black hole solutions belong to a special class of of black holes whose thermodynamics exhibit a line of (continuous) second order phase transitions known as $\lambda$ phase transitions akin to those observed in the superfluidity of liquid $^{4}He$. To analyze their thermodynamic topology, we treat the Horava Lifshitz (HL) black holes as topological defects in their thermodynamic spaces and compute the winding numbers at those defects. We work in two different ensembles: fixed $\epsilon$ ensemble and fixed $\zeta$ ensemble, where $\epsilon$ is a parameter of the HL black holes and $\zeta$ is its conjugate parameter. In the fixed $\epsilon$ ensemble, three different horizon types are considered : the spherical horizon for $k=+1$, the flat horizon for $k=0$, and the hyperbolic horizon for $k=-1$. In the fixed $\zeta$ ensemble, two different horizon types are considered : the spherical horizon for $k=+1$, and the hyperbolic horizon for $k=-1$.

  • Lagrangian Formulation of the Raychaudhuri Equation in Non-Riemannian Geometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anish Agashe

    The Raychaudhuri equation for a congruence of curves in a general non-Riemannian geometry is derived. A formal connection is established between the expansion scalar and the cross-sectional volume of the congruence. It is found that the expansion scalar is equal to the fractional rate of change of volume, weighted by a scalar factor that depends on the non-Riemannian features of the geometry. Treating the congruence of curves as a dynamical system, an appropriate Lagrangian is derived such that the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation is the Raychaudhuri equation. A Hamiltonian formulation and Poisson brackets are also presented.

  • An exactly solvable relativistic quantum Otto engine.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nikos K. Kollas, Dimitris Moustos

    We revisit the mathematics of exactly solvable Unruh-DeWitt detector models, interacting with massless scalar fields under instantaneous interactions, to construct a relativistic quantum Otto heat engine. By deriving the conditions under which the thermodynamic cycle is closed we study the effects of motion on the amount of work that can be extracted from the machine when the working medium is moving at a constant relativistic velocity through the heat baths. While there is a degrading effect with respect to speed in the hot bath, we demonstrate that in the case of the cold bath, genuine enhancing effects are sometimes present. For couplings the same order as the inverse frequency of the detector and a specific value for the temporal separation between the two instantaneous interactions--needed in order to be possible to cool the detector--a non-monotonic dependence between speed and extracted work exists raising the intriguing possibility of exploiting relativistic effects for the enhancement of thermodynamic processes in tabletop experiments.

  • Braneworlds in cubic gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. A. Lessa, R. V. Maluf, J. E. G. Silva, C. A. S. Almeida

    We develop cubic gravity within a braneworld framework. Formulating an invariant $P$ by considering all cubic contractions with the curvature tensor, we ensure that the theory adheres to the linear regime of gravitational fluctuations without introducing new degrees of freedom beyond those predicted by General Relativity (GR). Through parameter fixation, we successfully formulate a theory that incorporates interactions up to cubic order in the curvature, yielding second-order equations of motion for a 5-dimensional warped geometry. Employing the first-order BPS formalism, we illustrate that the high-derivative term generates single-kink brane solutions. Additionally, we establish the stability of tensor gravitational fluctuations under the assumption of a warped background. Lastly, we demonstrate that the massless mode is localized at the origin, and the massive Kaluza-Klein (KK) tower remains stable.

  • Unimodular-like times, evolution and Brans-Dicke Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Paolo M Bassani, Joao Magueijo

    In unimodular-like theories, the constants of nature are demoted from pre-given parameters to phase space variables. Their canonical duals provide physical time variables. We investigate how this interacts with an alternative approach to varying constants, where they are replaced by dynamical scalar fields. Specifically we investigate the Brans-Dicke theory of gravity and its interaction with clocks dual to the cosmological constant, the Planck mass, etc. We crucially distinguish between the different role of Newton's G in this process, leading to the possibility of local Lorentz invariance violation. A large number of possible theories emerge, for example where the Brans-Dicke coupling, omega, depends on unimodular-like times (in a generalization of scalar-tensor theories), or even become the dual variable to unimodular-like clocks ticking variations in other demoted constants, such as the cosmological constant. We scan the space of possible theories and select those most interesting regarding the joint variations of the Brans-Dicke omega and other parameters, (such as the cosmological constant); and also regarding their energy conservation violation properties. This ground work is meant to provide the formalism for further developments, namely regarding cosmology, black holes and the cosmological constant problem.

  • Scalar fields in Bonnor-Melvin Universe with potential: A study of dynamics of spin-0 particles-antiparticles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Faizuddin Ahmed, Abdelmalek Bouzenada

    This research focus on the investigation of relativistic quantum dynamics of spin0 scalar particles/fields through the utilization of the Klein-Gordon (KG) equation within the framework of an electrovacuum space-time in the presence of an external scalar potential. Specifically, we focus on a cylindrical symmetric Bonnor-Melvin magnetic universe with a cosmological constant, where the magnetic field aligns along the symmetry axis direction. We derive the radial wave equation of the KG-equation by considering a Cornell-type scalar potential in the background of magnetic universe and successfully obtain an analytical eigenvalue solution for spin-0 quantum system. Notably, our findings reveal that both the energy spectrum and the corresponding radial wave function are significantly influenced by the presence of the cosmological constant, the topology parameter of the space-time geometry, which induces a deficit in the angular coordinates, and the potential parameters.

  • Effects of rainbow gravity on charge-free scalar Bosons in Bonnor-Melvin s universe with cosmological constant.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Faizuddin Ahmed, Abdelmalek Bouzenada

    In this paper, we explore the relativistic quantum motion of spin-zero scalar particles influenced by rainbow gravity's in the background of a magnetic solution. Our focus is on the Bonnor-Melvin magnetic space-time, a four-dimensional solution featuring a non-zero cosmological constant. To analyze this scenario, we solve the Klein-Gordon equation using two sets of rainbow functions: (i) $f(\chi)=\frac{1}{(1-\beta\,\chi)}$, $h(\chi)=1$ and (ii) $f(\chi)=\frac{1}{(1-\beta\,\chi)}=h(\chi)$, where $0 < \chi(=\frac{|E|}{E_p}) \leq 1$ with $E_p$ being Planck's energy. The resulting solutions provide the relativistic energy profiles of the scalar particles. Furthermore, we study the quantum oscillator fields through the Klein-Gordon oscillator within the same Bonnor-Melvin magnetic space-time background. Employing $f(\chi)=\frac{1}{(1-\beta\,\chi)}$, $h(\chi)=1$ as the rainbow function, we obtain the eigenvalue solutions for the quantum oscillator fields. Notably, we demonstrate that the relativistic energy profile of scalar particles and the oscillator fields are influenced by the topology of the geometry and the cosmological constant both are connected with the magnetic field strength. Additionally, we highlight the impact of the rainbow parameter on the energy profiles.

  • Scalar Product for a Version of Minisuperspace Model with Grassmann Variables.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergey L. Cherkas, Vladimir L. Kalashnikov

    Grassmann variables are used to formally transform a system with constraints into an unconstrained system. As a result, the Schr\"{o}dinger equation arises instead of the Wheeler-DeWitt one. The Schr\"{o}dinger equation describes a system's evolution, but a definition of the scalar product is needed to calculate the mean values of the operators. We suggest an explicit formula for the scalar product related to the Klein-Gordon scalar product. The calculation of the mean values is compared with an etalon method in which a redundant degree of freedom is excluded. Nevertheless, we note that a complete correspondence with the etalon picture is not found. Apparently, the picture with Grassmann variables requires a further understanding of the underlying Hilbert space.

  • Greybody Factor for a Non Accelerated Charged Modified Black Hole in anti-de Sitter Regime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Sharif, A. Raza

    This paper investigates the greybody factor for a non accelerated black hole with modified Maxwell electrodynamics in an anti-de Sitter regime. For this purpose, we compute the radial equation for a massless scalar field with the help of Klein-Gordon equation. We then formulate effective potential by transforming this equation into Schrodinger wave equation. We analyze the graphical behavior of effective potential for different values of mass, parameter characterizing the modified Maxwell theory, anti-de Sitter radius and electromagnetic charge parameters. The exact solutions are computed at two different horizons, i.e., event and cosmological horizons through the radial equation. Furthermore, we match the obtained solutions in an intermediate regime to enhance feasibility of the greybody factor over the entire domain and check its behavior graphically. It is found that the greybody factor has a direct relation with the radius, electromagnetic charge as well as angular momentum of the black hole and an inverse relation with the anti-de Sitter radius and modification parameter. We conclude that the modified Maxwell solution reduces the emission rate of the black hole.

  • Coherent states of quantum spacetimes for black holes and de Sitter spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Diego J. Cirilo-Lombardo, Norma G. Sanchez

    We provide a group theory approach to coherent states describing quantum space-time and its properties. This provides a relativistic framework for the metric of a Riemmanian space with bosonic and fermionic coordinates, its continuum and discrete states, and a kind of {\it"quantum optics"} for the space-time. {\bf New} results of this paper are: (i) The space-time is described as a physical coherent state of the complete covering of the SL(2C) group, eg the Metaplectic group Mp(n). (ii) (The discrete structure arises from its two irreducible: $\textit{even}$ $(2n)$ and $\textit{odd}$ $(2n\;+\;1)\;$ representations, ($n = 1,\, 2, \,3\,...$ ), spanning the complete Hilbert space $\mathcal{H} = \mathcal{H}_{odd}\oplus \mathcal{H}_{even}$. Such a global or {\it complete} covering guarantees the CPT symmetry and unitarity. Large $n$ yields the classical and continuum manifold, as it must be. (iii) The coherent and squeezed states and Wigner functions of quantum-space-time for black holes and de Sitter, and (iv) for the quantum space-imaginary time (instantons), black holes in particular. They encompass the semiclassical space-time behaviour plus high quantum phase oscillations, and notably account for the classical-quantum gravity duality and trans-Planckian domain. The Planck scale consistently corresponds to the coherent state eigenvalue $\alpha = 0$ (and to the $n = 0$ level in the discrete representation). It is remarkable the power of coherent states in describing both continuum and discrete space-time. The quantum space-time description is {\it regular}, there is no any space-time singularity here, as it must be.

  • Symmetries of vacuum spacetimes with a compact Cauchy horizon of constant non-zero surface gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oliver Petersen, István Rácz

    We prove that any smooth vacuum spacetime containing a compact Cauchy horizon with surface gravity that can be normalised to a non-zero constant admits a Killing vector field. This proves a conjecture by Moncrief and Isenberg from 1983 under the assumption on the surface gravity and generalises previous results due to Moncrief-Isenberg and Friedrich-R\'acz-Wald, where the generators of the Cauchy horizon were closed or densely filled a 2-torus. Consequently, the maximal globally hyperbolic vacuum development of generic initial data cannot be extended across a compact Cauchy horizon with surface gravity that can be normalised to a non-zero constant. Our result supports, thereby, the validity of the strong cosmic censorship conjecture in the considered special case. The proof consists of two main steps. First, we show that the Killing equation can be solved up to infinite order at the Cauchy horizon. Second, by applying a recent result of the first author on wave equations with initial data on a compact Cauchy horizon, we show that this Killing vector field extends to the globally hyperbolic region.

  • On the initial boundary value problem for the vacuum Einstein equations and geometric uniqueness.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhongshan An, Michael T. Anderson

    We formulate an initial boundary value problem (IBVP) for the vacuum Einstein equations by describing the boundary conditions of a spacetime metric in its associated gauge. This gauge is determined, equivariantly with respect to diffeomorphisms, by the spacetime metric. The vacuum spacetime metric $g$ and its associated gauge $\phi_g$ are solved simultaneously in local harmonic coordinates. Further we show that vacuum spacetimes satisfying fixed initial-boundary conditions and corner conditions are geometrically unique near the initial surface. Finally, in analogy to the solution of the Cauchy problem, we also construct a unique maximal globally hyperbolic solution of the IBVP.

  • Machine Learning Post-Minkowskian Integrals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryusuke Jinno, Gregor Kälin, Zhengwen Liu, Henrique Rubira

    We study a neural network framework for the numerical evaluation of Feynman loop integrals that are fundamental building blocks for perturbative computations of physical observables in gauge and gravity theories. We show that such a machine learning approach improves the convergence of the Monte Carlo algorithm for high-precision evaluation of multi-dimensional integrals compared to traditional algorithms. In particular, we use a neural network to improve the importance sampling. For a set of representative integrals appearing in the computation of the conservative dynamics for a compact binary system in General Relativity, we perform a quantitative comparison between the Monte Carlo integrators VEGAS and i-flow, an integrator based on neural network sampling.

  • Bootstrapping gravity and its extension to metric-affine theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Adrià Delhom, Gerardo García-Moreno, Manuel Hohmann, Alejandro Jiménez-Cano, Tomi S. Koivisto

    In this work we study diffeomorphism-invariant metric-affine theories of gravity from the point of view of self-interacting field theories on top of Minkowski spacetime (or other background). We revise how standard metric theories couple to their own energy-momentum tensor, and discuss the generalization of these ideas when torsion and nonmetricity are also present. We review the computation of the corresponding currents through the Hilbert and canonical (Noether) prescriptions, emphasizing the potential ambiguities arising from both. We also provide the extension of this consistent self-coupling procedure to the vielbein formalism, so that fermions can be included in the matter sector. In addition, we clarify some subtle issues regarding previous discussions on the self-coupling problem for metric theories, both General Relativity and its higher derivative generalizations. We also suggest a connection between Lovelock theorem and the ambiguities in the bootstrapping procedure arising from those in the definition of conserved currents.

  • Analogue black-white hole solitons in travelling wave parametric amplifiers with superconducting nonlinear asymmetric inductive elements.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Haruna Katayama, Noriyuki Hatakenaka, Toshiyuki Fujii, Miles P. Blencowe

    We show that existing travelling wave parametric amplifier (TWPA) setups, using superconducting nonlinear asymmetric inductive elements (SNAILs), admit soliton solutions that act as analogue event horizons. The SNAIL-TWPA circuit dynamics are described by the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) or modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equations in the continuum field approximation, depending on the external magnetic flux bias, and validated numerically. The soliton spatially modulates the velocity for weak probes, resulting in the effective realization of analogue black hole and white hole event horizon pairs. The SNAIL external magnetic flux bias tunability facilitates a three-wave mixing process, which enhances the prospects for observing Hawking photon radiation.

  • A de Broglie-Bohm Model of Pure Shape Dynamics: $N$-body system.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pooya Farokhi, Tim Koslowski, Pedro Naranjo, Antonio Vassallo

    We provide the construction of a de Broglie-Bohm model of the $N$-body system within the framework of Pure Shape Dynamics. The equation of state of the curve in shape space is worked out, with the instantaneous shape being guided by a wave function. In order to get a better understanding of the dynamical system, we also give some numerical analysis of the 3-body case. Remarkably enough, our simulations typically show the attractor-driven behaviour of complexity, well known in the classical case, thereby providing further evidence for the claim that the arrow of complexity is the ultimate cause of the experienced arrow of time.

  • Relation between higher-dimensional gauge theories and gravitational waves from first-order phase transitions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Takuya Hirose, Hiroto Shibuya

    In this work, we investigate the relation between higher-dimensional gauge theories and stochastic gravitational wave (GW) spectrums caused by their potential. It is known that the higher-dimensional gauge theories can induce the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the gauge symmetry. If the spontaneous symmetry breaking induces the first-order phase transition, the stochastic GW can be observed in future interferometers. Through our numerical calculations, we reveal that distinctive parameters in the theories, like the compact scale, can change the GW spectrums dynamically. We also discuss the verifiability of the theories through the GW observations.

  • Dynamical Complexity in Teleparallel Gauss-Bonnet Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. A. Kadam, Santosh V Lohakare, B. Mishra

    The stable critical points and their corresponding cosmology are derived in the teleparallel gravity with an added Gauss-Bonnet topological invariant term. We have analyzed the dynamics of the Universe by presenting two cosmological viable models, showing the potential to describe different phases of the evolution of the Universe. The value of the deceleration parameter ($q$), total equation of state parameter ($\omega_{tot}$) and dark energy equation of state parameter ($\omega_{DE}$) have been presented against each critical point. The existence and stability conditions are also presented. We study the behavior of the phase space trajectories at each critical point. Finally, the evolutionary behavior of the deceleration parameter and the equation of state parameters have been assessed with the initial condition of the dynamical variables, and compatibility has been observed in connection with the present cosmological scenario.

  • Analytic systematics in next-generation of effective-one-body gravitational waveform models for future observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alessandro Nagar, Piero Rettegno, Rossella Gamba, Simone Albanesi, Angelica Albertini, Sebastiano Bernuzzi

    The success of analytic waveform modeling within the effective-one-body (EOB) approach relies on the precise understanding of the physical importance of each technical element included in the model. The urgency of constructing progressively more sophisticated and complete waveform models (e.g. including spin precession and eccentricity) partly defocused the research from a careful comprehension of each building block (e.g. Hamiltonian, radiation reaction, ringdown attachment). Here we go back to the spirit of the first EOB works. We focus first on nonspinning, quasi-circular, black hole binaries and analyze systematically the mutual synergy between numerical relativity (NR) informed functions and the high post-Newtonian corrections (up to 5PN) to the EOB potentials. Our main finding is that it is essential to correctly control the noncircular part of the dynamics during the late plunge up to merger. We then improve the {\tt TEOBResumS-GIOTTO} waveform model for quasi-circular, spin-aligned black hole binaries. We obtain maximal EOB/NR unfaithfulness ${\bar{F}}^{\rm max}_{\rm EOBNR}\sim 10^{-3}$ (with Advanced LIGO noise and in the total mass range $10-200M_\odot$) for the dominant $\ell=m=2$ mode all over the 534 spin-aligned configurations available through the Simulating eXtreme Spacetime catalog. The model performance, also including higher modes, is then explored using the NR surrogates \nrsurqeight{} and \nrsurqfifteen, to validate it up to mass ratio $m_1/m_2=15$. We find that, over the set of configurations considered, more than $98\%$ of the total-mass-maximized unfaithfulness lie below the $3\%$ threshold when comparing to the surrogate models.

  • Computational explorations of a deformed fuzzy sphere.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L Glaser

    This work examines the deformed fuzzy sphere, as an example of a fuzzy space that can be described through a spectral triple, using computer visualisations. We first explore this geometry using an analytic expression for the eigenvalues to examine the spectral dimension and volume of the geometry. In the second part of the paper we extend the code from our past work with Abel Stern, in which the truncated sphere was visualized through localized states. This generalisation allows us to examine finite spectral triples. In particular, we apply this code to the deformed fuzzy sphere as a first step in the more ambitious program of using it to examine arbitrary finite spectral triples, like those generated from random fuzzy spaces.

  • Chaos and Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sebastian J. Szybka, Syed U. Naqvi

    We demonstrate the existence of chaotic geodesics for the Einstein-Rosen standing gravitational waves. The complex dynamics of massive test particles are governed by a chaotic heteroclinic network. We present the fractal associated with the system under investigation. Gravitational standing waves produce intricate patterns through test particles in a vague analogy to mechanical vibrations generating Chladni figures and complicated shapes of Faraday waves.

  • Non-Lorentzian IIB Supergravity from a Polynomial Realization of SL(2,R).- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Eric Bergshoeff, Kevin T. Grosvenor, Johannes Lahnsteiner, Ziqi Yan, Utku Zorba

    We derive the action and symmetries of the bosonic sector of non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity by taking the non-relativistic string limit. We find that the bosonic field content is extended by a Lagrange multiplier that implements a restriction on the Ramond-Ramond fluxes. We show that the SL(2,R) transformation rules of non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity form a novel, nonlinear polynomial realization. Using classical invariant theory of polynomial equations and binary forms, we will develop a general formalism describing the polynomial realization of SL(2,R) and apply it to the special case of non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity. Using the same formalism, we classify all the relevant SL(2,R) invariants. Invoking other bosonic symmetries, such as the local boost and dilatation symmetry, we show how the bosonic part of the non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity action is formed uniquely from these SL(2,R) invariants. This work also points towards the concept of a non-Lorentzian bootstrap, where bosonic symmetries in non-Lorentzian supergravity are used to bootstrap the bosonic dynamics in Lorentzian supergravity, without considering the fermions.

  • Waveform systematics in identifying strongly gravitationally lensed gravitational waves: Posterior overlap method.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ángel Garrón, David Keitel

    Gravitational lensing has been extensively observed for electromagnetic signals, but not yet for gravitational waves (GWs). Detecting lensed GWs will have many astrophysical and cosmological applications, and becomes more feasible as the sensitivity of the ground-based detectors improves. One of the missing ingredients to robustly identify lensed GWs is to ensure that the statistical tests used are robust under the choice of underlying waveform models. We present the first systematic study of possible waveform systematics in identifying candidates for strongly lensed GW event pairs, focusing on the posterior overlap method. To this end, we compare Bayes factors from all posteriors using different waveforms included in GWTC data releases from the first three observing runs (O1-O3). We find that waveform choice yields a wide spread of Bayes factors in some cases. However, it is likely that no event pairs from O1 to O3 were missed due to waveform choice. We also perform parameter estimation with additional waveforms for interesting cases, to understand the observed differences. We also briefly explore if computing the overlap from different runs for the same event can be a useful metric for waveform systematics or sampler issues, independent of the lensing scenario.

  • HPC-driven computational reproducibility in numerical relativity codes: A use case study with IllinoisGRMHD.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yufeng Luo, Qian Zhang, Roland Haas, Zachariah B. Etienne, Gabrielle Allen

    Reproducibility of results is a cornerstone of the scientific method. Scientific computing encounters two challenges when aiming for this goal. Firstly, reproducibility should not depend on details of the runtime environment, such as the compiler version or computing environment, so results are verifiable by third-parties. Secondly, different versions of software code executed in the same runtime environment should produce consistent numerical results for physical quantities. In this manuscript, we test the feasibility of reproducing scientific results obtained using the IllinoisGRMHD code that is part of an open-source community software for simulation in relativistic astrophysics, the Einstein Toolkit. We verify that numerical results of simulating a single isolated neutron star with IllinoisGRMHD can be reproduced, and compare them to results reported by the code authors in 2015. We use two different supercomputers: Expanse at SDSC, and Stampede2 at TACC. By compiling the source code archived along with the paper on both Expanse and Stampede2, we find that IllinoisGRMHD reproduces results published in its announcement paper up to errors comparable to round-off level changes in initial data parameters. We also verify that a current version of IlliinoisGRMHD reproduces these results once we account for bug fixes which has occurred since the original publication

  • Weyl-invariant scalar-tensor gravities from purely metric theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Giorgos Anastasiou, Ignacio J. Araya, Avik Chakraborty

    We describe a method to generate scalar-tensor theories with Weyl symmetry, starting from arbitrary purely metric higher derivative gravity theories. The method consists in the definition of a conformally-invariant metric $\hat{g}_{\mu \nu}$, that is a rank (0,2)-tensor constructed out of the metric tensor and the scalar field. This new object has zero conformal weight and is given by $\phi^{2/\Delta}g_{\mu \nu}$, where ($-\Delta$) is the conformal dimension of the scalar. As $g_{\mu \nu}$ has conformal dimension of 2, the resulting tensor is trivially a conformal invariant. Then, the generated scalar-tensor theory, which we call the Weyl uplift of the original purely metric theory, is obtained by replacing the metric by $\hat{g}_{\mu \nu}$ in the action that defines the original theory. This prescription allowed us to define the Weyl uplift of theories with terms of higher order in the Riemannian curvature. Furthermore, the prescription for scalar-tensor theories coming from terms that have explicit covariant derivatives in the Lagrangian is discussed. The same mechanism can also be used for the derivation of the equations of motion of the scalar-tensor theory from the original field equations in the Einstein frame. Applying this method of Weyl uplift allowed us to reproduce the known result for the conformal scalar coupling to Lovelock gravity and to derive that of Einsteinian cubic gravity. Finally, we show that the renormalization of the theory given by the conformal scalar coupling to Einstein-Anti-de Sitter gravity originates from the Weyl uplift of the original renormalized theory, which is relevant in the framework of conformal renormalization.

  • Could electromagnetism be envisaged as a form of gravity in a metric affine framework?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Panagiotis Mavrogiannis

    We revisit the relativistic coupling between gravity and electromagnetism, putting particularly into question the status of the latter; whether it behaves as a source or as a form of gravity on large scales. Considering a metric-affine framework and a simple action principle, we find out that a component of gravity, the so-called homothetic curvature field, satisfies both sets of Maxwell equations. Therefore, we arrive at a gravito-electromagnetic equivalence analogous to the mass-energy equivalence. We raise and discuss some crucial questions implied by the aforementioned finding, refreshing our viewpoint of electromagnetism in curved spacetime.

  • Reconstruction of $f(R,T)$ gravity model via the Raychaudhuri equation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arijit Panda, Surajit Das, Goutam Manna, Saibal Ray

    In this work, we investigate for an analytical solution under modified gravity theory, specifically the $f(R,T)$ gravity for two different eras, i.e., matter and dark energy dominated accelerating universe from completely geometrical and mathematical point of view with the help of the Raychaudhuri equation. To construct $f(R,T)$ gravity model, we consider the functional form of $f(R,T)$ as the sum of two independent functions of the Ricci scalar $R$ and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor $T$, respectively. Under the consideration of this type of power law expansion of the Universe we have studied the viability, stability and all the energy conditions. We note that the strong energy condition is not satisfied in our model, which is obvious for the present scenario of the Universe.

  • Massless and Partially Massless Limits in Quadratic Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luca Buoninfante

    In the context of perturbative quantum field theory, the addition of quadratic-curvature invariants to the Einstein-Hilbert action makes it possible to achieve strict renormalizability in four dimensions. The additional terms $R^2$ and $C_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma} C^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}$ are multiplied by dimensionless coefficients that are related to the masses of the extra gravitational degrees of freedom and to the interaction couplings. The aim of this paper is to study the limit of the theory in which the Weyl-squared coefficient tends to infinity. Remarkably, the result of this limit turns out to be sensitive to the presence of a cosmological constant: when the latter is zero we have a massless limit for the spin-2 ghost, while when the cosmological constant is different from zero we obtain a partially massless limit. We show that the renormalizability property and the ghost-like nature of the massive spin-$2$ field ensure that the two limits do not hit strong couplings, unlike standard ghost-free theories of massive gravity. In particular, in the partially massless limit the interactions mediated by the spin-$2$ sector vanish. We argue that our results can be useful for understanding the high-energy limit of Quadratic Gravity.

  • A partial defense of algebraic relationalism.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lu Chen

    I defend algebraicism, according to which physical fields can be understood in terms of their structural relations without reference to a spacetime manifold, as a genuine relationalist view against the conventional wisdom that it is equivalent to substantivalism, according to which spacetime exists fundamentally. I criticize the standard version of algebraicism that is considered equivalent to substantivalism. Furthermore, I present alternative examples of algebraicism that better implement relationalism with their conceptual advantages over substantivalism or its standard algebraic counterpart.

  • Nonlinear Quasi-Normal Modes: Uniform Approximation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bruno Bucciotti, Adrien Kuntz, Francesco Serra, Enrico Trincherini

    Recent works have suggested that nonlinear (quadratic) effects in black hole perturbation theory may be important for describing a black hole ringdown. We show that the technique of uniform approximations can be used to accurately compute 1) nonlinear amplitudes at large distances in terms of the linear ones, 2) linear (and nonlinear) quasi-normal mode frequencies, 3) the wavefunction for both linear and nonlinear modes. Our method can be seen as a generalization of the WKB approximation, with the advantages of not losing accuracy at large overtone number and not requiring matching conditions. To illustrate the effectiveness of this method we consider a simplified source for the second-order Zerilli equation, which we use to numerically compute the amplitude of nonlinear modes for a range of values of the angular momentum number.

  • f(R) Gravity in an Ellipsoidal Universe.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Cemsinan Deliduman, Oguzhan Kasikci, Vildan Keles Tugyanoglu

    We propose a new model of cosmology based on an anisotropic background and a specific $f(R)$ theory of gravity. It is shown that field equations of $f(R)$ gravity in a Bianchi type I background give rise to a modified Friedmann equation. This model contains two important parameters: $\gamma$ and $\delta$. We, thus, simply call our model $\gamma\delta$CDM. It is distinguished in two important aspects from the $\Lambda$CDM model: firstly, the contribution of different energy densities to the Hubble parameter are weighted with different weights, and then, dependence of energy densities to redshift is modified as well. This unorthodox relation of energy content to Hubble parameter brings forth a new way of interpreting the cosmological history. This solution does not allow the existence of a cosmological constant component, however, a dark energy contribution with dependence on redshift is possible. We tested observational relevance of the new solution by best fitting to different data sets. We found that our model could accommodate the idea of cosmological coupling of black holes.

  • Adiabatic regularization for spin-$1$ fields.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    F. Javier Marañón-González, José Navarro-Salas

    We analyze the adiabatic regularization scheme to renormalize Proca fields in a four-dimensional Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker spacetime. The adiabatic method is well established for scalar and spin-$1/2$ fields, but is not yet fully understood for spin-$1$ fields. We give the details of the construction and show that, in the massless limit, the renormalized stress-energy tensor of the Proca field is closely related to that of a minimally coupled scalar field. Our result is in full agreement with other approaches, based on the effective action, which also show a discontinuity in the massless limit. The scalar field can be naturally regarded as a St\"ueckelberg-type field. We also test the consistency of our results in de Sitter space.

  • Nonrelativistic Spinless Particle in Vicinity of Schwarzschild-like Black Hole.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ronni Amorim, Vinicius Rispoli, Sérgio Ulhoa, Kayo Araújo

    In this article we analyze the behavior of a non-relativistic spinless particle near the event horizon of a Schwarzschild-like black hole. In this way, the Schr\"odinger covariant equation that describes the particle is obtained from the Galilean covariance technique. The Schr\"odinger equation in a Schwarzschild-like spacetime is solved analytically and its solutions are given in terms of the confluent Heun function. As a relevant result, we discovered that the energy levels of the particles are quantized and that the particle does not escape to infinity. We obtain the existing transmission and reflection coefficients for a particle and anti-particle pair at the event horizon. We thus verify that there is no non-relativistic equivalent of Hawking radiation.

  • Microscopic State of BHs and an Exact One Body Method for Binary Dynamics in General Relativity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ding-fang Zeng

    In gravitational collapses, the horizon and singularity's realisation in the finite future of the proper time used co-moving observer happens in the future of infinitely far away future of the normal time used outside probe. To the latter the horizon and singularity of a black hole formed through gravitational collapse are physical realities only in the sense of uncertainty principle and ensemble interpretation. We provide two exact time dependent solution families to the Einstein equation and show that they form a pair of complementarity description for the microscopic state of black holes by showing that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula follows properly from their canonical wave function's degeneracy. We also develop an eXact One Body method for general relativity two-body dynamics whose conservative part requires no perturbative input from post newtonian approximation and applies to the full three stages of black hole binary merger events. By this method, we analytically calculate the gravitational wave forms following from such merger processes. In the case black holes carry exact and apriori horizon and singularity our wave forms agree with those following from conventional effective one body method but exhibit more consistent late time behaviour. In the case the black holes carry only asymptotic horizon and extended inner structure thus experiencing banana shape deformation as the merger progresses, our wave forms exhibit all features especially the late time quasi-normal mode type oscillation seen in real observations.

  • w(1+infinity) Algebra with a Cosmological Constant and the Celestial Sphere.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomasz R. Taylor, Bin Zhu

    It is shown that in the presence of a nonvanishing cosmological constant, Strominger's infinite-dimensional $\mathrm{w_{1+\infty}}$ algebra of soft graviton symmetries is modified in a simple way. The deformed algebra contains a subalgebra generating $ SO(1,4)$ or $SO(2,3)$ symmetry groups of $\text{dS}_4$ or $\text{AdS}_4$, depending on the sign of the cosmological constant. The transformation properties of soft gauge symmetry currents under the deformed $\mathrm{w_{1+\infty}}$ are also discussed.

  • Double copy, Kerr-Schild gauges and the Effective-One-Body formalism.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anna Ceresole, Thibault Damour, Alessandro Nagar, Piero Rettegno

    We look for a classical double copy structure between gravity and electrodynamics by connecting the descriptions of the scattering of two point masses, and of two point charges, in terms of perturbative (post-Minkowskian or post-Lorentzian) expansions. We do so by recasting available analytical information within the effective-one-body formalism using Kerr-Schild gauges in both cases. Working at the third perturbative level, we find that the usual linear relation (holding in the probe limit) between the dimensionless electric potential, $\tilde{\phi}= \frac{G M}{e_1 e_2} \phi^{\rm el}$, and the Schwarzschildlike gravitational one, $\Phi^{\rm grav}$, is deformed, in the comparable-mass, comparable-charge, case, into a nonlinear relation which becomes universal in the high energy limit: $\Phi^{\rm grav}= 2\tilde{\phi}-5\tilde{\phi}^2 + 18\tilde{\phi}^3$.


  • The Higgs-gluon form factor at three loops in QCD with three mass scales.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marco Niggetiedt, Johann Usovitsch

    We report on the complete three-loop corrections to the Higgs-gluon form factor in QCD. While previous calculations are based on QCD with a single heavy quark of arbitrary mass, we extend the study to QCD involving two different massive quark flavors. Thereby, the full set of possible Feynman diagrams at three-loop order is taken into account. Employing differential equations for the relevant master integrals, we determine the form factor in terms of analytic expansions. Outside the radii of convergence, we compute high-precision numerical samples over the two-dimensional physical parameter space. Our new findings will enter as virtual corrections the computation of the top-bottom interference in hadronic Higgs-boson production at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD.

  • Two-fermion negativity and confinement in the Schwinger model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adrien Florio

    We consider the fermionic (logarithmic) negativity between two fermionic modes in the Schwinger model. Recent results pointed out that fermionic systems can exhibit stronger entanglement than bosonic systems, exhibiting a negativity that decays only algebraically. The Schwinger model is described by fermionic excitations at short distances, while its asymptotic spectrum is the one of a bosonic theory. We show that the two-mode negativity detects this confining, fermion-to-boson transition, shifting from an algebraic decay to an exponential decay at distances of the order of the de Broglie wavelength of the first excited state. We derive analytical expressions in the massless Schwinger model and confront them with tensor network simulations. We also perform tensor network simulations in the massive model, which is not solvable analytically, and close to the Ising quantum critical point of the Schwinger model, where we show that the negativity behaves as its bosonic counterpart.

  • Quantum Algorithms for Simulating Nuclear Effective Field Theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    James D. Watson, Jacob Bringewatt, Alexander F. Shaw, Andrew M. Childs, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Zohreh Davoudi

    Quantum computers offer the potential to simulate nuclear processes that are classically intractable. With the goal of understanding the necessary quantum resources, we employ state-of-the-art Hamiltonian-simulation methods, and conduct a thorough algorithmic analysis, to estimate the qubit and gate costs to simulate low-energy effective field theories (EFTs) of nuclear physics. In particular, within the framework of nuclear lattice EFT, we obtain simulation costs for the leading-order pionless and pionful EFTs. We consider both static pions represented by a one-pion-exchange potential between the nucleons, and dynamical pions represented by relativistic bosonic fields coupled to non-relativistic nucleons. We examine the resource costs for the tasks of time evolution and energy estimation for physically relevant scales. We account for model errors associated with truncating either long-range interactions in the one-pion-exchange EFT or the pionic Hilbert space in the dynamical-pion EFT, and for algorithmic errors associated with product-formula approximations and quantum phase estimation. Our results show that the pionless EFT is the least costly to simulate and the dynamical-pion theory is the costliest. We demonstrate how symmetries of the low-energy nuclear Hamiltonians can be utilized to obtain tighter error bounds on the simulation algorithm. By retaining the locality of nucleonic interactions when mapped to qubits, we achieve reduced circuit depth and substantial parallelization. We further develop new methods to bound the algorithmic error for classes of fermionic Hamiltonians that preserve the number of fermions, and demonstrate that reasonably tight Trotter error bounds can be achieved by explicitly computing nested commutators of Hamiltonian terms. This work highlights the importance of combining physics insights and algorithmic advancement in reducing quantum-simulation costs.

  • A Constituent Model of Light Hybrid Meson Decays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Farina, E.S. Swanson

    A model of light hybrid mesons and their strong decays is developed. The model employs a gluonic quasiparticle to describe low energy gluodynamics and uses the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge to guide the construction of states and decay amplitudes. We compute the partial widths of the twelve low lying isovector and vector hybrids. Implications of these results on hybrid searches are also made, with the chief conclusions being that direct observation of the vector states will be difficult, that a hybrid $\pi(1800)$ has distinctive decay characteristics, a narrow $\eta(1900)$ hybrid should exist, an $\eta_1(1750)$ should be sought, and that the exotic nature of $J^{PC}= 2^{-+}$ hybrid mesons should be discernible with sufficient data. We argue that the isovector $\pi_2$ hybrid has been discovered, giving a total of four possible hybrid mesons, $\pi_1(1600)$, $\eta_1(1855)$, $\pi(1800)$, and $\pi_2(2360)$, which appear to be filling out the lowlying hybrid supermultiplet in the expected fashion.

  • Production of the spin-2 partner of $X(3872)$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pan-Pan Shi, Vadim Baru, Feng-Kun Guo, Christoph Hanhart, Alexey Nefediev

    Recently, the Belle Collaboration reported the first observation of a new structure in the $\psi(2S) \gamma$ final state produced in the two-photon fusion process. In the hadronic molecule picture, this new structure can be associated with the shallow isoscalar $D^*\bar{D}^*$ bound state and as such is an excellent candidate for the spin-2 partner of the $X(3872)$ with the quantum numbers $J^{PC}=2^{++}$ conventionally named $X_2$. In this work we evaluate the electronic width of this new state and argue that its nature is sensitive to its total width, the experimental measurement currently available being unable to distinguish between different options. Our estimates demonstrate that the planned Super $\tau$-Charm Facility offers a promising opportunity to search for and study this new state in the invariant mass distributions for the final states $J/\psi\gamma$ and $\psi(2S)\gamma$.

  • Energy and system size dependence of strongly intensive fluctuation measures in heavy-ion collisions at FAIR energies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bushra Ali, Shakeel Ahmad, A. Ahmad

    Event-by-event fluctuations of multiplicity and transverse momentum of charged hadrons produced in heavy-ion collisions at FAIR energies, 10A, 20A, 30A and 40A GeV are studied in the framework of relativistic transport model, URQMD. Dependence of two families of strongly intensive measures of multiplicity($N$) and transverse momentum($p_{\rm T}$) fluctuations, $\Delta[p_{\rm T},N]$ and $\Sigma[p_{\rm T},N]$, on collision centrality, centrality bin-widths and pseudorapidity windows are examined. Attempts are also made to study $NN$, $N$$p_{\rm T}$ and $p_{\rm T}$$p_{\rm T}$ fluctuations using two window analysis method. The findings suggest that the measure, $\Delta[p_{\rm T},N]$ be dealt with proper selection of centrality intervals. This measure also exhibits a strong dependence on the widths of $\eta$ windows. The variable $\Sigma[p_{\rm T},N]$, however, is observed to be insensitive to the centrality bin-widths and shows a variation of $< 5\%$ with the widths of $\eta$ windows. The analysis of data after event mixing gives $\Delta[p_{\rm T},N]$ and $\Sigma[p_{\rm T},N]$ values as $\sim 1$ irrespective of the widths of $\eta$ windows and collision centrality, as predicted by model of independent particle emission, IPM. The study of joint fluctuations of the two quantities on two $\eta$ windows separated in $\eta$ space, reveals that $\Sigma[N_{\rm F},N_{\rm B}]$ values are $\sim 1$ irrespective of the position of $\eta$ windows whereas, the values of $\Sigma[N_{\rm F},p_{\rm T_B}]$ and $\Sigma[p_{\rm T_F},p_{\rm T_B}]$ firstly increase with $\eta_{sep}$ and later acquire saturations. The observed trend of centrality dependence of $\Sigma[N_{\rm F},N_{\rm B}], \Sigma[N_{\rm F},p_{\rm T_B}]$ and $\Sigma[p_{\rm T_F},p_{\rm T_B}]$ agrees fairly well with those observed in MC simulated studies carried out for AA collisions at LHC energies in the framework model of string fusion.

  • Rare K decays off and on the lattice.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stefan Schacht, Amarjit Soni

    The importance of rare $K$ decays especially in the context of a kaon unitarity triangle (KUT) is emphasized. The decay $K_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar \nu$ is theoretically very clean but experimentally extremely challenging. The Standard Model prediction $\mathcal{B}\sim 3 \times 10^{-11}$ is still about two orders of magnitude away from the current experimental upper bound. One way to continue to make progress towards the construction of a KUT is by improving the accuracy in the calculation of $\varepsilon'$. Another way which is the primary focus here is via studies of $K^0 \to \pi^0 \mu^+ \mu^-$. LHCb, J-PARC, the proposed HIKE project, phenomenology, and in fact precision studies on the lattice can all play a very important role in this context.

  • Factorization and resummation at next-to-leading-power.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leonardo Vernazza

    We discuss recent progress concerning the resummation of large logarithms at next-to-leading power (NLP) in scattering processes such as Drell-Yan and deep inelastic scattering near threshold, and thrust in the two-jet limit. We start by reviewing the approach based on soft-collinear effective field theory and show that the standard factorization into short distance coefficients, collinear and soft functions at NLP leads in general to the appearance of endpoint divergences, which prevent the naive application of resummation techniques based on the renormalization group. Taking thrust as a case study, we then show that these singularities are indeed an artifact of the effective theory, and discuss how they can be removed to recover a finite factorization theorem and achieve resummation at NLP, at LL accuracy. Last, we discuss recent work concerning the calculation of all collinear and soft functions necessary to reproduce Drell-Yan near threshold up to NNLO in perturbation theory. This calculation provides useful data to extend resummation at NLP beyond LL accuracy.

  • A simple model for the charm structure function of nuclei.- [PDF] - [Article]


    In this paper, we have investigated the importance of quark charm in nuclear structure functions in the color dipole model at small $x$. The charm structure function per nucleon $F_{2}^{cA}/A$ for light and heavy nuclei in a wide range of transverse separations $\mathrm{r}$ with renormalization and factorization scales are considered. Bounds on the ratio $F^{cA}_{2}/AF^{A}_{2}$ for nuclei are well described with respect to the electron-ion future colliders kinematic range, i.e, EIC and EIcC colliders.

  • Contributions of the subprocess $K^*_0(1430) \to K\eta^{\prime}$ in the charmless three-body $B$ meson decays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ai-Jun Ma, Wen-Fei Wang

    We study the contributions for $K\eta^{\prime}$ pair originating from the scalar intermediate state $K_0^{*}(1430)$ in the three-body decays $B\to K\eta^{\prime} h$ ($h=\pi, K$) within the perturbative QCD approach. The contribution of $K^*_0(1430)\to K\eta^{\prime}$ is described by the Flatt${\rm \acute{e}}$ formula with coupled channels $K\pi$, $K\eta$ and $K\eta^{\prime}$. The strong coupling constants $g_{K^*_0K\eta^{(\prime)}}$ are extracted from $g_{K^*_0 K\pi}$ within flavor SU$(3)$ symmetry. In spite of the strong depression by phase space near the threshold of $K\eta^\prime$, the $CP$ averaged branching fractions for the $B\to K^*_0(1430) h \to K\eta^\prime h$ decays are predicted to be on the order of $10^{-8}$ to $10^{-5}$, which are non-negligible for the corresponding three-body $B$ decays. Since the K$\eta$ system is almost decoupled from the even-spin strange mesons under flavor SU$(3)$ symmetry, those quasi-two-body $B$ decays with subprocess $K^*_0(1430) \to K \eta$ shall have quite small branching ratios and are not taken into account in this work. We also estimate that the branching fraction for $K_0^{*}(1430)\to K\eta^{\prime}$ is about one fifth of that for $K_0^{*}(1430)\to K\pi$. The predictions for the relevant decays are expected to be tested by the LHCb and Belle-II experiments in the future.

  • Entanglement Entropy Distributions of a Muon Decay.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shanmuka Shivashankara, Patti Rizzo, Nicole Cafe

    Divergences that occur in density matrices of decay and scattering processes are shown to be regularized by tracing and unitarity or the optical theorem. These divergences are regularized by the lifetime of the decaying particle or the total scattering cross section. Also, this regularization is shown to give the expected helicities of final particles. The density matrix is derived for the weak decay of a polarized muon at rest, $\mu^- \rightarrow \nu_{\mu} (e^- \bar \nu_e)$, with Lorentz invariant density matrix entries and unitarity upheld at tree level. The electron's von Neumann entanglement entropy distributions are calculated with respect to both the electron's emission angle and energy. The angular entropy distribution favors an electron emitted backwards with respect to the muon's polarization given a minimum volume regularization. The kinematic entropy distribution is maximal at half the muon's rest mass energy. These results are similar to the electron's angular and kinematic decay rate distributions. Both the density matrix and entanglement entropy can be cast either in terms of ratios of areas or volumes.

  • A complex singlet extension of the Standard Model with a singlet fermion dark matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gi-Chol Cho, Chikako Idegawa, Rie Inumiya

    We examine a complex singlet scalar extension of the Standard Model (CxSM) with an extra singlet fermion. Both the singlet scalar and fermion are dark matter (DM) candidates. It is known that although the scalar potential in the CxSM can realize strong first-order electroweak phase transition, the scalar DM included in the model gives only a tiny amount of the relic density compared to the observed one. Therefore, a fermion DM is introduced to compensate for the lack of relic density. We find that the scattering of the fermion DM and nucleons is sufficiently suppressed when the masses of scalar mediators are degenerate, as well as in the case of the scalar DM. We show the range of a combination of the mass and the Yukawa coupling of the fermion DM, which satisfies both the observed relic density and conditions of strong first-order electroweak phase transition.

  • Predicting Quadrupole deformation via anisotropic flow and transverse momentum spectra in isotopic $\mathbf{\prescript{128-135}{54}{\mathrm{Xe}}}$ collisions at LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saraswati Pandey, B. K. Singh

    In the hydrodynamical description of heavy-ion collisions, the elliptic flow $\mathrm{v_{2}}$ and triangular flow $\mathrm{v_{3}}$ are sensitive to the quadrupole deformation $\mathrm{\beta_{2}}$ of the colliding nuclei. We produce $\mathrm{v_{2}}$ and $\mathrm{v_{3}}$ ratios qualitatively and quantitatively in most-central Xe-Xe collisions at 5.44 TeV. By employing HYDJET++ model, we study the sensitivity of anisotropic flow coefficients and mean transverse momentum to the quadrupole deformation and system-size in isotopic Xe-Xe collisions. Flow observables strongly depend on the strength of nucleon-nucleon scattering occuring in even-A and odd-A nuclei. Flow for odd-A nuclei is suppressed in comparison to flow in even-A collisions. There exists a linear inter-dependence between $\mathrm{p_{T}}$ integrated anisotropic flow and nuclear deformation. Mean transverse momentum signifies the fireball temperature in body-body and tip-tip collisions. There exists a negative linear correlation of $\mathrm{\langle p_{T} \rangle}$ with collision system-size and a positive correlation with nuclear deformation. Flow measurements in high-energy, heavy-ion collisions using isotopic collision systems, offer a new precision tool to study nuclear structure physics. Observation of nuclear structure properties like nuclear deformation in a heavy-ion collision such as this would be very interesting.

  • Critical dynamics within the real-time fRG approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yong-rui Chen, Yang-yang Tan, Wei-jie Fu

    The Schwinger-Keldysh functional renormalization group (fRG) developed in [1] is employed to investigate critical dynamics related to a second-order phase transition. The effective action of model A is expanded to the order of $O(\partial^2)$ in the derivative expansion for the $O(N)$ symmetry. By solving the fixed-point equations of effective potential and wave function, we obtain static and dynamic critical exponents for different values of the spatial dimension $d$ and the field component number $N$. It is found that one has $z \geq 2$ in the whole range of $2\leq d\leq 4$ for the case of $N=1$, while in the case of $N=4$ the dynamic critical exponent turns to $z < 2$ when the dimension approach towards $d=2$.

  • Anomalous dimensions of twist-two operators in extended N=2 and N=4 super Yang-Mills theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    B.A. Kniehl, V.N. Velizhanin

    We perform direct diagrammatic calculations of the anomalous dimensions of twist-two operators in extended N=2 and N=4 super Yang-Mills theories (SYM). In the case of N=4 SYM, we compute the four-loop anomalous dimension of the twist-two operator for several fixed values of Lorentz spin. This is the first direct diagrammatic calculation of this kind, and we confirm results previously obtained by means of integrability. For N=2 SYM, we obtain the general result for the anomalous dimension at third order of perturbation theory and find the three-loop Cusp anomalous dimension.

  • An atomic probe of dark matter differential interactions with elementary particles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yossi Rosenzweig, Yevgeny Kats, Menachem Givon, Yonathan Japha, Ron Folman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

    Searching for physics beyond the Standard Model is one of the main tasks of experimental physics. Candidates for dark matter include axion-like ultralight bosonic particles. Comagnetometers form ultra-high sensitivity probes for such particles and any exotic field that interacts with the spin of an atom. Here, we propose a multi-atom-species probe that enables not only to discover such fields and measure their spectrum but also to determine the ratios of their coupling strengths to sub-atomic elementary particles, electrons, neutrons and protons. We further show that the multi-faceted capabilities of this probe may be demonstrated with synthetic exotic fields generated by a combination of regular magnetic fields and light-induced fictitious magnetic fields in alkali atoms. These synthetic fields also enable the accurate calibration of any magnetometer or comagnetometer probe for exotic physics.

  • An Effective Field Theory study of medium heavy quark evolution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Miguel Ángel Escobedo

    The evolution of hard probes in a medium is a complex multiscale problem that significantly benefits from the use of Effective Field Theories (EFTs). Within the EFT framework, we aim to define a series of EFTs in a way that addresses each energy scale individually in separate steps. However, studying hard probes in a medium presents challenges. This is because an EFT is typically constructed by formulating the most general Lagrangian compatible with the problem's symmetries. Nevertheless, medium effects may not always be encoded adequately in an effective action. In this paper, we construct an EFT that is valid for studying the evolution of a heavy quark in a QCD plasma, with the temperature scale integrated out. Through this example, we explicitly demonstrate how to handle the doubling of degrees that arise in non-equilibrium field theory. As a result, we derive a Fokker-Planck equation using only symmetry and power counting arguments. The methods introduced in this paper will pave the way for future developments in the study of quarkonium suppression.

  • Polarization dynamics from moment equations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nora Weickgenannt, Jean-Paul Blaizot

    We derive an expression for the local transverse polarization of a boost-invariant expanding system of massive particles, which involves a set of dynamical spin moments. Starting from spin kinetic theory, we obtain a closed set of equations of motion for these spin moments. These equations are valid during the full evolution of the system, from free streaming to local equilibrium, and can be used to study polarization phenomena in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.

  • The exponential regulator without cut.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yizhuang Liu

    We show that the Drell-Yan shape transverse-momentum dependent soft factor in the exponential regulator allows below-threshold (Euclidean) parametric-space representation and can be calculated without cut, to all orders in perturbation theory. Moreover, it is identical to another soft factor with natural interpretation as a space-like form factor.

  • Probing the Interactions of Axion-Like Particles with Electroweak Bosons and the Higgs Boson in the High Energy Regime at LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tisa Biswas

    We study the interactions of Axion-Like Particles (ALPs) with the Standard Model particles, aiming to probe their phenomenology via non-resonant searches at the LHC. These interactions are mediated by higher dimensional effective operators within two possible frameworks of linearly and non-linearly realised electroweak symmetry breaking. We consider the ALPs to be light enough to be produced on-shell and exploit their derivative couplings with the SM Higgs boson and the gauge bosons. We will use the high momentum transfer processes, namely $hZ, Z\gamma, WW$ and $WW\gamma$ production from $pp$ collisions. We derive upper limits on the gauge-invariant interactions of ALPs with the electroweak bosons and/or Higgs boson that contribute to these processes, from the re-interpretation of the latest Run 2 available LHC data. The constraints we obtain are strong for ALP masses below 100 GeV. These allowed effective interactions in the ALP parameter space yield better significance at HL-LHC and thus, offer promising avenues for subsequent studies. Furthermore, we augment our cut-based analysis with gradient-boosted decision trees, which improve the statistical significance distinctly across these interaction channels. We briefly compare the results with the complementary probe of these couplings via direct production of ALPs in association with the Higgs boson or a vector boson.

  • Extending Global Fits of 4D Composite Higgs Models with Partially Composite Leptons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ethan Carragher, Kenn Shern Goh, Wei Su, Martin White, Anthony G. Williams

    We perform the first convergent Bayesian global fits of 4D Composite Higgs Models with partially-composite third generation quarks and leptons based on the minimal $SO(5) \rightarrow SO(4)$ symmetry breaking pattern. We consider two models with the $\tau$ lepton and its associated neutrino in different representations of $SO(5)$. Fitting each model with a wide array of experimental constraints allows us to analyse the Bayesian evidence and currently-observed fine-tuning of each model by calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between their respective priors and posteriors. Both models are found to be capable of satisfying all constraints at the $3\sigma$ level, although the model with leptons in the $\mathbf{14}$ and $\mathbf{10}$ representations is strongly preferred over those in the $\mathbf{5}$ representation from a Bayesian viewpoint. Finally, we consider the experimental signatures for the preferred parameters in these models, including lepton partner decay signatures and gluon-fusion produced Higgs signal strengths, and discuss their potential phenomenology at future high-luminosity LHC runs.

  • Purely leptonic decay of the charged vector mesons ($D_{(s)}^{*+}$).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kalpalata Dash, P. C. Dash, R. N. Panda, Susmita Kar, N. Barik

    In the wake of the first-ever experimental study of the decay: $D_s^{*+}\to e^+\nu_e$ with $e^+e^-$ collision data taken with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we study the purely leptonic decay of the charged vector mesons ($D^*_{(s)}$) in the framework of a relativistic independent quark (RIQ) model based on an average flavor-independent confining potential in equally mixed scalar-vector harmonic form. We calculate the decay constants: $f_{D^*}$ and $f_{D_s^*}$ representing the decay amplitudes using the meson wave function derivable in the RIQ model. Our results for the decay constants: $f_{D^*}=197\pm 14$ MeV, $f_{D_s^*}=236\pm 19$ MeV, decay widths: $\Gamma (D^*\to e\nu_e)=(57.52\pm 8.18) \ \mu eV$, $\Gamma (D_s^*\to e\nu_e) = (1.80\pm 0.27) \ meV$ and corresponding branching fractions (BFs): ${\cal B} (D^*\to e\nu_e)= (6.89\pm 0.99)\times 10^{-10}$ and ${\cal B} (D_s^*\to e\nu_e)= (2.57\pm 1.10) \times 10^{-5}$ are in good agreement with available experimental data and other model predictions including those from the lattice QCD calculation. Our predictions: ${\cal R}_{D^{*+}}=0.066$ and ${\cal R}_{D_s^{*+}}=0.116$, which correspond to the ratios of the BFs for $D_{(s)}^{*+}$ decays in their $\tau^-$ mode to the corresponding values in $e^-$ mode, are in good agreement with the results of the LQCD and LFQM calculations. Our predicted ${\cal R}_{D_{(s)}^{*+}}$ clearly violates the lepton flavor universality (LFU) hinting at new physics (NP) beyond the Standard Model (SM).

  • Improving the performance of weak supervision searches using transfer and meta-learning.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hugues Beauchesne, Zong-En Chen, Cheng-Wei Chiang

    Weak supervision searches have in principle the advantages of both being able to train on experimental data and being able to learn distinctive signal properties. However, the practical applicability of such searches is limited by the fact that successfully training a neural network via weak supervision can require a large amount of signal. In this work, we seek to create neural networks that can learn from less experimental signal by using transfer and meta-learning. The general idea is to first train a neural network on simulations, thereby learning concepts that can be reused or becoming a more efficient learner. The neural network would then be trained on experimental data and should require less signal because of its previous training. We find that transfer and meta-learning can substantially improve the performance of weak supervision searches.

  • Rotating gluon system and confinement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yin Jiang

    In this work the non-abelian gauge theory is reformulated in a local inertial frame with the presence of a background rotation. With this new formalism the influence of the background rotation on the color deconfinement transition for a SU(2) pure gluon system. The KvBLL caloron, which is a color neutral and asymptotically nontrivial solution of Yang-Mills equation at finite temperature, is adopted to confine the color charges. With new solutions of the caloron's constituent particles, i.e. dyons, the semi-classical potential, which confines color charges, and the perturbative potential, induced by the Gaussian fluctuation, have been obtained for this system under rotation. By solving the critical temperature of confinement-deconfinement phase transition in different computation schemes, it is found that neither the rotational semi-classical potential nor Gaussian fluctuations can confine color charges more tightly when the rotation becomes faster. While only a stronger coupling constant is able to make the critical temperature increasing with angular velocity, as that indicated in lattice simulations. And it is also found with some particular sets of parameters, a non-monotonic dependence of the critical temperature will be obtained in the most physically realistic case, in which all the three factors are taken into account.

  • Expansion of hypergeometric functions in terms of polylogarithms with nontrivial variable change.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M.A. Bezuglov, A.I. Onishchenko

    Hypergeometric functions of one and many variables play an important role in various branches of modern physics and mathematics. Often we have hypergeometric functions with indices linear dependent on a small parameter with respect to which one needs to perform Laurent expansions. Moreover such expansions are desirable to be expressed in terms of well known functions which can be evaluated with arbitrary precision. To solve this problem we use the differential equation method and the reduction of corresponding differential systems to canonical basis. Specifically we will be interested in the generalized hypergeometric functions of one variable together with Appell and Lauricella functions and their expansions in terms of Goncharov polylogarithms. Particular attention will be given to the case of rational indices of considered hypergeometric functions when the reduction to canonical basis involves nontrivial variable change. The article comes with a Mathematica package Diogenes, which provides algorithmic implementation of the required steps.

  • The future muon collider for the research of the anomalous neutral quartic $Z\gamma\gamma\gamma$, $ZZ\gamma\gamma$, and $ZZZ\gamma$ couplings.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V. Cetinkaya, A. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, M. Köksal, E. Gurkanli, V. Ari, M. A. Hernández-Ruíz

    In the post-LHC era, the muon collider represents a frontier project capable of providing high-energy and high-luminosity leptonic collisions among future lepton-lepton particle accelerators. In addition, it provides significantly cleaner final states than those produced in hadron collisions. With this expectation in mind, in this article, we research the sensitivity of the anomalous neutral gauge boson couplings $Z\gamma\gamma\gamma$, $ZZ\gamma \gamma$, and $ZZZ\gamma$ defined by dimension-8 operators, through the $\mu^+\mu^- \to \mu^+\mu^-Z\gamma$ signal, with the $Z$-boson decaying to neutrino pair. The projections of new physics at the future muon collider with the center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=10$ TeV, integrated luminosity of ${\cal L}=10$ $\rm ab^{-1}$, and systematic uncertainties of $\delta_{sys}=0\%, 3\%, 5\%$, for extraction of expected sensitivity on the anomalous $f_ {T,j}/\Lambda^4$ couplings at $95\%$ confidence level, are of the order of ${\cal O}(10^{-4}- 10^{-3})$. Compared with the research of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations on the anomalous quartic gauge couplings, we find that the high-luminosity future muon collider could have better sensitivity.

  • Effect of hadronic interaction on the flow of $K^{*0}$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tribhuban Parida, Sandeep Chatterjee, Md. Nasim

    We explore the implications of the late stage hadronic rescattering phase on the flow of $K^{*0}$. The model calculations are done using a (3+1)-dimensional hybrid framework, incorporating both hydrodynamic evolution and hadronic transport that is calibrated to agree with bulk observables including the elusive rapidity differential $v_1$ of light-flavor hadrons. We find that the late stage hadronic rescattering phase causes significant qualitative modification of the $K^{*0}$ $v_1$ resulting in $\frac{dv_1}{dy}(K^{*0})-\frac{dv_1}{dy}(K^{+})$ and $\frac{dv_1}{dy}(\phi)-\frac{dv_1}{dy}(K^{+})$ to have opposite signs with the effect being more pronounced in central collisions as compared to peripheral ones due to the larger multiplicity as well as longer duration of the hadronic phase. Further, this effect is enhanced in low-energy collisions owing to a stronger breaking of boost invariance. On the contrary, the influence of the hadronic phase on the $K^{*0}$ elliptic flow $v_2$ is found to be less significant and quantitative.

  • Leptogenesis with a Coupling Knob.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Peisi Huang, Tao Xu

    We propose a novel leptogenesis mechanism wherein the coupling between the right-handed neutrino and Standard Model particles is temperature-dependent. In this mechanism, the coupling experiences suppression at high temperatures and becomes sizable when the washout processes are Boltzmann-suppressed. This temperature-dependent coupling ensures that the washout rates consistently remain lower than the Hubble expansion rate, allowing all generated lepton asymmetry to survive. We illustrate this mechanism through two toy model examples and demonstrate that the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe can be successfully obtained for right-handed neutrino masses larger than $10^9~{\rm GeV}$ as well as for smaller CP-violation values.

  • On the Landau gauge ghost-gluon-vertex close to and in the conformal window.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fabian Zierler, Reinhard Alkofer

    The gauge-boson, ghost and fermion propagators as well as the gauge-boson--ghost vertex function are studied for SU(N), Sp(2N) and SO(N) gauge groups. We solve a set of coupled Dyson-Schwinger equations in Landau gauge for a variable, fractional number $N_f$ of massless fermions in the fundamental representation. For large $N_f$ we find a phase transition from a chirally broken into a chirally symmetric phase that is consistent with the behaviour expected inside the conformal window. Even in the presence of fermions the gauge-boson--ghost-vertex dressing remains small. In the conformal window this vertex shows the expected power law behaviour. It does not assume its tree-level value in the far infrared, but the respective dressing function is a constant greater than one.

  • Constraints on initial baryon stopping and equation of state from directed flow.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lipei Du, Chun Shen, Sangyong Jeon, Charles Gale

    Our investigation focuses on the rapidity-dependent directed flow, $v_1(y)$, of identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions across a broad range of $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ from 7.7 to 200 GeV. Employing a (3+1)-dimensional hybrid framework, our study successfully reproduces the characteristic features of the measured $v_1(y)$ for both mesons and baryons across the considered beam energies. Notably, our analysis reveals the constraining power of baryonic $v_1(y)$ on the initial baryon stopping mechanism. Together with mesonic $v_1(y)$, the directed flow serves as a crucial tool for probing the equation of state governing dense nuclear matter at finite chemical potentials.

  • The Anatomy of $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ Distributions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martin Gorbahn, Ulserik Moldanazarova, Kai Henryk Sieja, Emmanuel Stamou, Mustafa Tabet

    The excellent experimental prospects to measure the invisible mass spectrum of the $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ decay opens a new path to test generalised quark--neutrino interactions with flavour changing $s\to d$ transitions and as such to novel probes of Physics beyond the Standard Model. Such signals can be a consequence of new lepton-number violating or lepton-number conserving interactions, with their interpretations depending on the Majorana versus Dirac nature of the neutrinos. Furthermore, the possible existence of new massive sterile neutrinos can be tested via their distinctive imprints in the invariant mass spectrum. Within the model-independent framework of the weak effective theory at dimension-six, we study the New Physics effects of Majorana and Dirac neutrinos on the differential distribution of $K^+\rightarrow \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ allowing for lepton-number violating interactions and potential new sterile neutrinos. We determine the current and expected future sensitivity on the corresponding Wilson coefficients using the distribution measured by the NA62 collaboration and accounting for expected improvements based on the HIKE experiment. We present single-operator fits and also determine correlations among different type of operators. Even though we focus on $s\to d\nu\nu$ transitions, the operator bases for Majorana and Dirac and the classification of lepton-number-violating/conserving interactions is applicable also for the study of $b\to s/d\nu\nu$ and $c\to u\nu\nu$ transitions relevant in current phenomenology.

  • N$^3$LL resummation of one-jettiness for $Z$-boson plus jet production at hadron colliders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simone Alioli, Guido Bell, Georgios Billis, Alessandro Broggio, Bahman Dehnadi, Matthew A. Lim, Giulia Marinelli, Riccardo Nagar, Davide Napoletano, Rudi Rahn

    We present the resummation of one-jettiness for the colour-singlet plus jet production process $p p \to ( \gamma^*/Z \to \ell^+ \ell^-) + {\text{jet}}$ at hadron colliders up to the fourth logarithmic order (N$^3$LL). This is the first resummation at this order for processes involving three coloured partons at the Born level. We match our resummation formula to the corresponding fixed-order predictions, extending the validity of our results to regions of the phase space where further hard emissions are present. This result paves the way for the construction of next-to-next-to-leading order simulations for colour-singlet plus jet production matched to parton showers in the GENEVA framework.

  • Exploring hidden sectors with two-particle angular correlations at future $e^{+}e^{-}$ colliders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. Musumeci, A. Irles, R. Perez-Ramos, 3), I. Corredoira, E. Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, 6), V. A. Mitsou, 7), M. A. Sanchis-Lozano, CSIC - University of Valencia, Paterna (Valencia), Spain, (2) DRII-IPSA, Ivry-sur-Seine, France, (3) Laboratoire de Physique Th éorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE), Sorbonne Université et CNRS, Paris Cedex, France, (4) Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxìas (IGFAE, USC), Spain, (5) Experimental Physics Department, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, (6) Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA, (7) Physics Division, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece)

    Future $e^+e^-$ colliders are called to play a fundamental role in measuring Standard Model (SM) parameters with unprecedented precision and the discovery of physics beyond the SM (BSM). This study focus on a QCD-like Hidden Valley (HV) scenario, with relatively light v-quarks ($\lesssim 100$ GeV), perturbing the QCD partonic cascade and increasing azimuthal and (pseudo)rapidity correlations of final-state SM hadrons. Using Pythia8 and detector fast simulation tools we study $ridge$-$like$ structures arising in the two-particle angular correlation function, including selection cuts and detector effects.

  • The simplicial substructure of jets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tejes Gaertner, Jared Reiten

    In this work, we construct a new data type for hadronic jets in which the traditional point-cloud representation is transformed into a simplicial complex consisting of vertices, or 0-simplexes. An angular resolution scale, $r$, is then drawn about each vertex, forming balls about hadrons. As $r$ grows, the overlap of balls form 2- and 3-point connections, thereby appending 1- and 2-simplexes to the complex. We thus associate a jet with an angular-resolution-dependent characterization of its substructure -- we dub this data type the simplicial substructure complex $K_{\rm sub}(r)$. This data type gives rise to two interesting representations. First, the subset of 0-and 1-simplexes lends itself naturally to a graph representation of a given jet's substructure and we provide examples of valuable graph-theoretic calculations such a representation affords. Second, the subset of 1- and 2-simplexes gives rise to what is known as a Face-Counting-Vector, in topological combinatorics parlance. We explore information-theoretic aspects of the components of this vector, various metric properties which follow, as well as how this vector can be used to define new jet-shape observables. The utility of these representations is demonstrated in the context of the discrimination of jets initiated by light quarks and gluons from those initiated by tops.

  • Interplay of baryonic chiral partners in fluctuations of net-baryon number density.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michał Marczenko, Volker Koch, Krzysztof Redlich, Chihiro Sasaki

    In this contribution, we use the parity doublet model to investigate the fluctuations of the net-baryon number density. We discuss the systematics of the susceptibilities and their ratios for nucleons of positive and negative parity, as well as their correlator. We demonstrate that the fluctuations of positive-parity nucleon do not reflect the fluctuations of the total net-baryon number at the chiral phase transition.

  • The physics case for neutrino-neutrino collisions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sitian Qian, Tianyi Yang, Sen Deng, Jie Xiao, Leyun Gao, Andrew Michael Levin, Qiang Li, Meng Lu, Zhengyun You

    Addressing the mass origin and properties of neutrinos is of strong interest to particle physics, baryogenesis and cosmology. Popular explanations involve physics beyond the standard model, for example, the dimension-5 Weinberg operator or heavy Majorana neutrinos arising from ``seesaw'' models. The current best direct limits on the electron neutrino mass, derived from nuclei beta decay or neutrinoless double beta decay processes, are at the sub-electronvolt level. Here we propose a novel neutrino neutrino collider where the neutrino beam is generated from TeV scale muon decays. Such collisions can happen between either neutrinos and anti-neutrinos, or neutrinos and neutrinos. We find that with a tiny integrated luminosity of about $10^{-5}$/fb we can already expect to observe direct neutrino anti-neutrino annihilation, $\nu\bar{\nu}\rightarrow {\rm Z}$, which also opens the door to explore neutrino related resonances $\nu\bar{\nu}\rightarrow {\rm X}$. The low luminosity requirement can accommodate a relatively large emittance muon beam. Such a device would also allow for probing heavy Majorana neutrino and effective Majorana neutrino mass through $\nu\nu\rightarrow {\rm H H}$ to a competitive level, for both electron and muon types.

  • Lighting Electroweak-Violating ALP-Lepton Interactions at $e^{+}e^{-}$ and $ep$ Colliders.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chih-Ting Lu

    Recently, Altmannshofer, Dror and Gori (2022) claimed there is a four-point interaction, $W$-$\ell$-$\nu$-$a$, in the electroweak-violating scenario of axion-like particle (ALP) and lepton interactions which plays a critical role in searching for ALPs from $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$ mesons and $W$ boson decays because of the novel energy enhancements. Inspired by this interesting finding, we first propose new t-channel processes, $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\nu_e a\bar{\nu_e}$ and $e^{-}p\rightarrow\nu_e a j$, for electrophilic ALPs ($e$ALPs) which also involve $W$-$\ell$-$\nu$-$a$ four-point interaction and have obvious energy enhancement behaviors in their cross sections when the collision energy is increasing. On the other hand, heavier $e$ALPs mainly decay to a photon pair induced by the chiral anomaly instead of an electron-positron pair. Therefore, studies of these t-channel processes with a photon pair plus missing energy at $e^+ e^-$ and $ep$ colliders open a new door to search for $e$ALPs at high energy colliders. The proposed search strategies are not only aiming to generate a larger production rate of ALPs, but also trying to distinguish electroweak-violating ALP-lepton interactions from electroweak-preserving ones.

  • Electroweak Monopole-antimonopole Pair in the Standard Model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dan Zhu, Khai-Ming Wong, Guo-Quan Wong

    We present the first numerical solution that corresponds to a pair of Cho-Maison monopole and antimonopole (MAP) in the SU(2)$\times$U(1) Weinberg-Salam (WS) theory. The monopoles are finitely separated, while each pole carries magnetic charge $\pm 4\pi/e$. The positive pole is situated in the upper hemisphere, whereas the negative pole is in the lower hemisphere. The Cho-Maison MAP was investigated for a range of Weinberg angle, $0.4675\leq\tan\theta_W\leq10$, and Higgs self-coupling, $0\leq\beta\leq1.7704$. Magnetic dipole moment ($\mu_m$) and pole separation ($d_z$) of the numerical solutions are calculated and analyzed. Total energy of the system, however, is infinite due to point singularities at the locations of monopoles.

  • Status of Electroweak Baryogenesis in Minimal Composite Higgs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sebastian Bruggisser, Benedict von Harling, Oleksii Matsedonskyi, Geraldine Servant

    We present an update on the status of electroweak baryogenesis in minimal composite Higgs models. The particularity of this framework is that the electroweak phase transition can proceed simultaneously with the confinement phase transition of the new strong dynamics that produces the composite Higgs. The latter transition is controlled by the dilaton - the pseudo-Goldstone boson of an approximate scale invariance of the composite sector. Since it naturally is first-order, the electroweak phase transition becomes first-order too. Another appealing aspect is that the necessary additional source of CP violation can arise from the variation of the quark Yukawa couplings during the phase transition, which is built-in naturally in this scenario. These two features address the shortcomings of electroweak baryogenesis in the Standard Model. We confront this scenario with the latest experimental bounds derived from collider searches for new resonances and measurements of the Higgs couplings and electric dipole moments. All these constraints provide (or will be able to provide in the near future) important bounds on the considered scenario, with the most stringent ones coming from LHC searches for new resonances which constrain the dilaton mass and couplings. We identify the viable region of parameter space which satisfies all the constraints, and is characterized by a dilaton mass in the $300-500$ GeV range and a Higgs decay constant $f \lesssim 1.1$ TeV. We discuss its future tests.

  • On the correlation functions in stable first-order relativistic hydrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Navid Abbasi, Ali Davody, Sara Tahery

    First-order relativistic conformal hydrodynamics in a general (hydrodynamic) frame is characterized by a shear viscosity coefficient and two UV-regulator parameters. Within a certain range of these parameters, the equilibrium is stable and propagation is causal. In this work we study the correlation functions of fluctuations in this theory. We first compute hydrodynamic correlation functions in the linear response regime. Then we use the linear response results to explore the analytical structure of response functions beyond the linear response. A method is developed to numerically calculate the branch cut structure from the well-known Landau equations. We apply our method to the shear channel and find the branch cuts of a certain response function, without computing the response function itself. We then solve the Landau equations analytically and find the threshold singularities of the same response function. Using these results, we achieve the leading singularity in momentum space, by which, we find the long-time tail of the correlation function. The results turn out to be in complete agreement with the loop calculations in effective field theory.

  • Speeding up Madgraph5 aMC@NLO through CPU vectorization and GPU offloading: towards a first alpha release.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andrea Valassi, Taylor Childers, Laurence Field, Stephan Hageböck, Walter Hopkins, Olivier Mattelaer, Nathan Nichols, Stefan Roiser, David Smith, Jorgen Teig, Carl Vuosalo, Zenny Wettersten

    The matrix element (ME) calculation in any Monte Carlo physics event generator is an ideal fit for implementing data parallelism with lockstep processing on GPUs and vector CPUs. For complex physics processes where the ME calculation is the computational bottleneck of event generation workflows, this can lead to large overall speedups by efficiently exploiting these hardware architectures, which are now largely underutilized in HEP. In this paper, we present the status of our work on the reengineering of the Madgraph5_aMC@NLO event generator at the time of the ACAT2022 conference. The progress achieved since our previous publication in the ICHEP2022 proceedings is discussed, for our implementations of the ME calculations in vectorized C++, in CUDA and in the SYCL framework, as well as in their integration into the existing MadEvent framework. The outlook towards a first alpha release of the software supporting QCD LO processes usable by the LHC experiments is also discussed.

  • Constraining the equation of state with heavy quarks in the quasi-particle model of QCD matter.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Feng-Lei Liu, Xiang-Yu Wu, Shanshan Cao, Guang-You Qin, Xin-Nian Wang

    In a quasi-particle model of QCD matter at finite temperature with thermal masses for quarks and gluons from hard thermal loops, the equation of state (EOS) can be described by an effective temperature dependence of the strong coupling $g(T)$. Assuming the same effective coupling between the exchanged gluon and thermal partons, the EOS can also be related to parton energy loss.} Based on the quasi-particle linear Boltzmann transport (QLBT) model coupled to a (3+1)-dimensional viscous hydrodynamic model of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) evolution and a hybrid fragmentation-coalescence model for heavy quark hadronization, we perform a Bayesian analysis of the experimental data on $D$ meson suppression $R_{\rm AA}$ and anisotropy $v_2$ at RHIC and the LHC. We achieve a simultaneous constraint on the QGP EOS and the heavy quark transport coefficient, both consistent with the lattice QCD results.

  • Investigating $Z_{cs}(3985)$ and $Z_{cs}(4000)$ exotic states in $\Lambda_b\to Z^-_{cs}p$ decays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yao Yu, Zhuang Xiong, Han Zhang, Bai-Cian Ke, Jia-Wei Zhang, Dong-Ze He, Rui-Yu Zhou

    We study the $Z_{cs}(3985)$ and $Z_{cs}(4000)$ exotic states in the decays of $\Lambda_b$ baryons through a molecular scenario. In the final state interaction, the $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda_c^+ D_s^{(*)-}$ decays are followed by the $\Lambda_c^+ D_s^{(*)-}$ to $Z^-_{cs}p$ rescatterings via exchange of a $D^{(*)}$ meson. We predict a branching fraction of $(3.1^{+1.4}_{-2.6})\times 10^{-4}$ for $\Lambda_b\to Z^-_{cs}p$, which can be measured in the $\Lambda_b\to J/\psi K^{(*)-}p$ decay. This study proposes a new approach to test the molecular model, and guides future experimental searches for the $Z_{cs}(3985)$ and $Z_{cs}(4000)$.

  • Pseudo-Goldstone dark matter in a radiative inverse seesaw scenario.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kristjan Kannike, Aleksei Kubarski, Luca Marzola, Antonio Racioppi

    We consider a scale-invariant inverse seesaw model with dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry and lepton number. In some regions of the parameter space, the Majoron - the pseudo-Goldstone of lepton number breaking - is a viable dark matter candidate. The bound on the Majoron decay rate implies a very large dilaton vacuum expectation value, which also results in a suppression of other dark matter couplings. Because of that, the observed dark matter relic abundance can only be matched via the freeze-in mechanism. The scalar field which gives mass to heavy neutrinos can play the role of the inflaton, resulting in a tensor-to-scalar ratio $r \lesssim 0.007$ for metric inflation and $r \lesssim 0.16$ for Palatini gravity.

  • $J/\psi$ production at NLO with a scale-dependent color-evaporation model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    B. Guiot, A. Radic, I. Schmidt, K. Werner

    Nearly ten years ago, Kang, Ma, Qiu, and Sterman derived an evolution equation for a $Q\bar{Q}$ pair fragmenting into a quarkonium. In this study we explore the consequence of this evolution for the color-evaporation model, focusing on $J/\psi$ transverse-momentum ($p_t$) distributions in proton-proton collisions. We show that, as expected, it softens the spectrum obtained by fixed-order calculations. While next-to-leading-order calculations strongly overestimate data at large $p_t$, ours, including the (approximate) $Q\bar{Q}$ evolution and next-to-leading-order cross sections computed with Madgraph, are in good agreement with experiments. Since our study with the color-evaporation model shows a significant effect of the $Q\bar{Q}$ evolution at large $p_t$, a determination of scale-dependent long-distance-matrix elements of non-relativistic QCD could be necessary. To describe data at small and intermediate $p_t$, we use the $k_t$-factorization approach, and we argue that quarkonia data could help constrain unintegrated parton densities.

  • Chiral symmetry breaking and phase diagram of dual chiral density wave in a rotating quark matter.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. M. A. Tabatabaee

    We study the inhomogeneous phase of a two-flavor quark matter under rotation at finite temperature and density using the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. To do this, we consider the chiral broken phase, in particular, described by the so-called dual chiral density wave which is formed as a standing wave of simultaneous scalar and pseudoscalar condensates. The solution of the corresponding Dirac equation as well as the energy spectrum found in the mean-field approximation. We then use the thermodynamic potential calculated for this model, to study the $\mu$ and $\Omega$ dependence of constituent mass and the wave vector at $T = 0$. We find there exist two islands in the $\mu - \Omega$ plane that the dual-chiral density wave survives. The first region lies at intermediate densities and small $\Omega$. We observe, by increasing the angular velocity of matter, dual-chiral density wave forms in regions with smaller chemical potential. On the other hand, in contrast to the former, the second region is located at the large $\Omega$ and small densities. Finally, we study this phase of quark matter at finite temperature and present $T-\mu$, $T-\Omega$, and $\mu-\Omega$ phase portraits of a hot-rotating quark matter at finite density.

  • Gravitational form factors of the pion from lattice QCD.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Daniel C. Hackett, Patrick R. Oare, Dimitra A. Pefkou, Phiala E. Shanahan

    The two gravitational form factors of the pion, $A^{\pi}(t)$ and $D^{\pi}(t)$, are computed as functions of the momentum transfer squared $t$ in the kinematic region $0\leq -t< 2~\text{GeV}^2$ on a lattice QCD ensemble with quark masses corresponding to a close-to-physical pion mass $m_{\pi}\approx 170~\text{MeV}$ and $N_f=2+1$ quark flavors. The flavor decomposition of these form factors into gluon, up/down light-quark, and strange-quark contributions is presented in the $\overline{\text{MS}}$ scheme at energy scale $\mu=2~\text{GeV}$, with renormalization factors computed nonperturbatively via the RI-MOM scheme. Using monopole and $z$-expansion fits to the gravitational form factors, we obtain estimates for the pion momentum fraction and $D$-term that are consistent with the momentum fraction sum rule and the next-to-leading order chiral perturbation theory prediction for $D^{\pi}(0)$.

  • Top Quark Mass Calibration for Monte Carlo Event Generators -- An Update.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bahman Dehnadi, André H. Hoang, Oliver L. Jin, Vicent Mateu

    We generalize and update our former top quark mass calibration framework for Monte Carlo (MC) event generators based on the $e^+e^-$ hadron-level 2-jettiness $\tau_2$ distribution in the resonance region for boosted $t\bar t$ production, that was used to relate the PYTHIA 8.205 top mass parameter $m_t^{\rm MC}$ to the MSR mass $m_t^{\rm MSR}(R)$ and the pole mass $m_t^{\rm pole}$. The current most precise direct top mass measurements specifically determine $m_t^{\rm MC}$. The updated framework includes the addition of the shape variables sum of jet masses $\tau_s$ and modified jet mass $\tau_m$, and the treatment of two more gap subtraction schemes to remove the ${\cal O}(\Lambda_{\rm QCD})$ renormalon related to large-angle soft radiation. These generalizations entail implementing a more versatile shape-function fit procedure and accounting for a certain type of $(m_t/Q)^2$ power corrections to achieve gap-scheme and observable independent results. The theoretical description employs boosted heavy-quark effective theory (bHQET) at next-to-next-to-logarithmic order (N$^2$LL), matched to soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) at N$^2$LL and full QCD at next-to-leading order (NLO), and includes the dominant top width effects. Furthermore, the software framework has been modernized to use standard file and event record formats. We update the top mass calibration results by applying the new framework to PYTHIA 8.205, HERWIG 7.2 and SHERPA 2.2.11. Even though the hadron-level resonance positions produced by the three generators differ significantly for the same top mass parameter $m_t^{\rm MC}$ value, the calibration shows that these differences arise from the hadronization modeling. Indeed, we find that $m_t^{\rm MC}$ agrees with $m_t^{\rm MSR}(1\,\mbox{GeV})$ within $200$ MeV for the three generators and differs from the pole mass by $350$ to $600$ MeV.

  • Correlations of dihadron polarization in central, peripheral and ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xiaowen Li, Zhao-Xuan Chen, Shanshan Cao, Shu-Yi Wei

    While jet quenching in relativistic heavy-ion collisions has been extensively studied over decades, the polarization of quenched hadrons has rarely been discussed. It has recently been proposed that the correlations of dihadron polarization in $e^+e^-$ and $pp$ collisions provide a novel probe of the longitudinal spin transfer from hard partons to hadrons without requiring the colliding beams to be polarized. To support realistic experimental measurement of dihadron polarization with sufficient luminosity, we extend the aforementioned study to relativistic heavy-ion collisions by convoluting the vacuum fragmentation of partons with their energy loss inside the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). We find that while the correlation functions of $\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ (or $\Lambda$-$\bar{\Lambda}$) polarization in peripheral collisions is consistent with those in $pp$ collisions, clear enhancement can be seen in central collisions. These correlation functions appear sensitive to different assumptions in the DSV parameterization of parton fragmentation functions, and therefore could place additional constraints on the spin-dependent fragmentation functions of quarks and gluons. The correlation of dihadron polarization has also been explored in ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions, which provides a cleaner probe of fragmentation functions of quarks produced by energetic photon-photon and photon-pomeron interactions.

  • Local infrared safety in time-ordered perturbation theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    George Sterman, Aniruddha Venkata

    We develop a general expression for weighted cross sections in leptonic annihilation to hadrons based on time-ordered perturbation theory (TOPT). The analytic behavior of the resulting integrals over spatial momenta can be analyzed in the language of Landau equations and infrared (IR) power counting. For any infrared-safe weight, the cancellation of infrared divergences is implemented locally at the integrand level, and in principle can be evaluated numerically in four dimensions. We go on to show that it is possible to eliminate unphysical singularities that appear in time-ordered perturbation theory for arbitrary amplitudes. This is done by reorganizing TOPT into an equivalent form that combines classes of time orderings into a ``partially time-ordered perturbation theory". Applying the formalism to leptonic annihilation, we show how to derive diagrammatic expressions with only physical unitarity cuts.

  • Collective modes of a massive fermion in a magnetized medium with finite anomalous magnetic moment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nilanjan Chaudhuri, Snigdha Ghosh, Pradip Roy, Sourav Sarkar

    We calculate, in a systematic way, the general structure of the self-energy of light massive fermions and the effective propagator in a thermomagnetic medium with the inclusion of anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) of the fermion in the weak field approximation. It is found that the self-energy of a massive fermion in this case consists of five non-trivial structure factors in contrast to the massless case where the self-energy contains only four. We employ the real time formalism (RTF) of thermal field theory within the ambit of hard thermal loop (HTL) approximation in the evaluation of the structure factors. The collective modes are obtained from the poles of the effective propagator of the fermion. The investigation of the dispersion relations for non-degenerate ground state shows that the effect of the magnetic field is more for up quark than the down quark because of the larger charge of the former. The important observation is that in the first excited state the degeneracy, which exists for non-zero magnetic field is lifted due to the inclusion of the AMM. It is also observed that the first excited state becomes less dispersive compared to the case when AMM is not considered, whereas the second excited state becomes more dispersive when both the magnetic field and the AMM are non-zero in comparison to the case with vanishing AMM. These effects are observed in both particle and hole-like excitations. Qualitatively similar behaviour is also seen in the case of down quarks.

  • On the Quadratic Phase Quaternion Domain Fourier Transform and on the Clifford algebra of $R^{3,1}$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sadataka Furui

    We study application of the Clifford algebra and the Grassmann algebra to image recognitions in $(3+1)D$ using quaternions. Following S.L.Adler, we construct a quaternion-valued wave function model with fermions and bosons of equal degrees of freedom, similar to Cartan's supersymmetric model. The Clifford algebra ${\mathcal A}_{3,1}$ is compared with ${\mathcal A}_{2,1}$ and the model applied to the $(2+1)D$ non-destructive testing is extended. Comparison with the quaternion time approach of Ariel, quaternion Fourier transform of Hitzer and the tensor renormalization group approach to classical lattice models are also discussed.

  • Tau data-driven evaluation of the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pere Masjuan, Alejandro Miranda, Pablo Roig

    Windows in Euclidean time have become a standard tool for comparing lattice QCD and data-driven computations of the hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contribution to the muon $g-2$. Here we review our results, obtained using isospin-rotated $\tau^-\to\pi^-\pi^0\nu_\tau$ data instead of $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-$ measurements, and compare them to other approaches. Consistency of the tau-based and lattice results hints to underestimated uncertainties in the $e^+e^-$ data. If that is the case, the theory prediction of the muon $g-2$ would only lie at $\sim 2\sigma$ from its measured value.

  • Revisiting Yukawa's Bilocal Field Theory for Composite Scalar Bosons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christopher T. Hill

    Yukawa's old bilocal field theory, with modernization in the treatment of "relative time," can describe a relativistic bound state of chiral fermions. This connects to bosonized effective chiral Lagrangians and the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, providing a description of the internal dynamics of the bound states. It features a static internal wave-function, $\phi(\vec{r})$, in the center-of-mass frame that satisfies a Schr\"odinger-Klein-Gordon equation with eigenvalues $m^2$. We analyze the "coloron" model (single perturbative massive gluon exchange) which yields a UV completion of the NJL model. This has a BCS-like enhancement of its interaction, $\propto N_c$, the number of colors. It is classically critical, with $g_{critical}$ remarkably close to the NJL quantum critical coupling. Negative eigenvalues for $m^2$ lead to spontaneous symmetry breaking, and the Yukawa coupling of the bound state to constituent fermions is emergent.

  • Phase diagram of QCD matter with magnetic field: domain-wall Skyrmion chain in chiral soliton lattice.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Minoru Eto, Kentaro Nishimura, Muneto Nitta

    QCD matter in strong magnetic field exhibits a rich phase structure. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the chiral Lagrangian for two flavors is accompanied by the Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) term containing an anomalous coupling of the neutral pion $\pi_0$ to the magnetic field via the chiral anomaly. Due to this term, the ground state is inhomogeneous in the form of either chiral soliton lattice (CSL), an array of solitons in the direction of magnetic field, or domain-wall Skyrmion (DWSk) phase in which Skyrmions supported by $\pi_3[{\rm SU}(2)] \simeq {\mathbb Z}$ appear inside the solitons as topological lumps supported by $\pi_2(S^2) \simeq {\mathbb Z}$ in the effective worldvolume theory of the soliton. In this paper, we determine the phase boundary between the CSL and DWSk phases beyond the single-soliton approximation, within the leading order of chiral perturbation theory. To this end, we explore a domain-wall Skyrmion chain in multiple soliton configurations. First, we construct the effective theory of the CSL by the moduli approximation, and obtain the ${\mathbb C}P^1$ model or O(3) model, gauged by a background electromagnetic gauge field, with two kinds of topological terms coming from the WZW term: one is the topological lump charge in 2+1 dimensional worldvolume and the other is a topological term counting the soliton number. Topological lumps in the 2+1 dimensional worldvolume theory are superconducting rings and their sizes are constrained by the flux quantization condition. The negative energy condition of the lumps yields the phase boundary between the CSL and DWSk phases. We find that a large region inside the CSL is occupied by the DWSk phase, and that the CSL remains metastable in the DWSk phase in the vicinity of the phase boundary.

  • Large $N_c$ QCD phase diagram at $\mu_B = 0$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    T.D. Cohen, L.Ya. Glozman

    Lattice studies suggest that at zero baryon chemical potential and increasing temperature there are three characteristic regimes in QCD that are connected by smooth analytical crossovers: a hadron gas regime at T < T_ch ~ 155 MeV, an intermediate regime, called stringy fluid, at T_ch < T < ~ 3 T_ch, and a quark-gluon plasma regime at higher temperatures. These regimes have been interpreted to reflect different approximate symmetries and effective degrees of freedom. In the hadron gas the effective degrees of freedom are hadrons and the approximate chiral symmetry of QCD is spontaneously broken. The intermediate regime has been interpreted as lacking spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking along with the emergence of new approximate symmetry, chiral spin symmetry, that is not a symmetry of the Dirac Lagrangian, but is a symmetry of the confining part of the QCD Lagrangian. While the high temperature regime is the usual quark-gluon plasma which is often considered to reflect "deconfinement" in some way. This paper explores the behavior of these regimes of QCD as the number of colors in the theory, N_c, gets large. In the large N_c limit the theory is center-symmetric and notions of confinement and deconfinement are unambiguous. The energy density is O(N_c^0) in the meson gas, O(N_c^1) in the intermediate regime and O(N_c^2) in the quark-gluon plasma regime. In the large N_c limit these regimes may become distinct phases separated by first order phase transitions. The intermediate phase has the peculiar feature that glueballs should exist and have properties that are unchanged from what is seen in the vacuum (up to 1/N_c corrections), while the ordinary dilute gas of mesons with broken chiral symmetry disappears and approximate chiral spin symmetry should emerge.

  • Weyl orbits as probe of chiral separation effect in magnetic Weyl semimetals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]


    We consider magnetic Weyl semimetals. First of all we review relation of intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity, band contribution to intrinsic magnetic moment, and the conductivity of chiral separation effect (CSE) to the topological invariants written in terms of the Wigner transformed Green functions (with effects of interaction and disorder taken into account). Next, we concentrate on the CSE. The corresponding bulk axial current would result in accumulation of particles and holes of opposite chiralities at the surface of the sample. However, this accumulation is compensated by the flow of the states in momentum space along the Fermi arcs. Together with the bulk CSE current this flow forms closed Weyl orbits. Their detection can be considered as experimental discovery of chiral separation effect. Previously it was proposed to detect Weyl orbits through the observation of quantum oscillations \cite{Potter_2014} . We propose the alternative way to detect existence of Weyl orbits through the observation of their contributions to Hall conductance.

  • Ellipticity of dilepton production from a hot and magnetized hadronic medium.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rajkumar Mondal, Nilanjan Chaudhuri, Snigdha Ghosh, Sourav Sarkar, Pradip Roy

    We study the azimuthal angle and transverse momentum dependence of dilepton production from hot and magnetized hadronic matter using $\rho^0$-meson dominance. The thermomagnetic spectral function of the $\rho^0$ is evaluated using the real time method of thermal field theory and Schwinger proper-time formulation. A continuous spectrum is obtained in which there is sizeable Landau cut contributions in the low invariant mass region as a consequence of finite background field. The emission rate of the dileptons is found to be significantly anisotropic in this region and the later effectively increases with the strength of the background field. In addition, we also evaluate the elliptic flow parameter ($v_2$) as a function of invariant mass for different values of magnetic field and temperature. We find that in low invariant mass region $v_2$ remains positive at lower values of $eB$ signifying that the production rate could be larger along the direction transverse to the background field. This behaviour is consistent with the angular dependence of dilepton production rate.


  • Learning to be Simple.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yang-Hui He, Vishnu Jejjala, Challenger Mishra, Max Sharnoff

    In this work we employ machine learning to understand structured mathematical data involving finite groups and derive a theorem about necessary properties of generators of finite simple groups. We create a database of all 2-generated subgroups of the symmetric group on n-objects and conduct a classification of finite simple groups among them using shallow feed-forward neural networks. We show that this neural network classifier can decipher the property of simplicity with varying accuracies depending on the features. Our neural network model leads to a natural conjecture concerning the generators of a finite simple group. We subsequently prove this conjecture. This new toy theorem comments on the necessary properties of generators of finite simple groups. We show this explicitly for a class of sporadic groups for which the result holds. Our work further makes the case for a machine motivated study of algebraic structures in pure mathematics and highlights the possibility of generating new conjectures and theorems in mathematics with the aid of machine learning.

  • Kinematic Flow and the Emergence of Time.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nima Arkani-Hamed, Daniel Baumann, Aaron Hillman, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee, Guilherme L. Pimentel

    Perhaps the most basic question we can ask about cosmological correlations is how their strength changes as we smoothly vary kinematic parameters. The answer is encoded in differential equations that govern this evolution in kinematic space. In this Letter, we introduce a new perspective on these differential equations. We show that, in the simplified setting of conformally coupled scalars in a general FRW spacetime, the equations for arbitrary tree-level processes can be obtained from a small number of simple combinatorial rules. While this "kinematic flow" is defined purely in terms of boundary data, it reflects the physics of bulk time evolution. The unexpected regularity of the equations suggests the existence of an autonomously defined mathematical structure from which cosmological correlations, and the time evolution of the associated spacetime, emerge.

  • Differential Equations for Cosmological Correlators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nima Arkani-Hamed, Daniel Baumann, Aaron Hillman, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee, Guilherme L. Pimentel

    Cosmological fluctuations retain a memory of the physics that generated them in their spatial correlations. The strength of correlations varies smoothly as a function of external kinematics, which is encoded in differential equations satisfied by cosmological correlation functions. In this work, we provide a broader perspective on the origin and structure of these differential equations. As a concrete example, we study conformally coupled scalar fields in a power-law cosmology. The wavefunction coefficients in this model have integral representations, with the integrands being the product of the corresponding flat-space results and "twist factors" that depend on the cosmological evolution. These integrals are part of a finite-dimensional basis of master integrals, which satisfy a system of first-order differential equations. We develop a formalism to derive these differential equations for arbitrary tree graphs. The results can be represented in graphical form by associating the singularities of the differential equations with a set of graph tubings. Upon differentiation, these tubings grow in a local and predictive fashion. In fact, a few remarkably simple rules allow us to predict -- by hand -- the equations for all tree graphs. While the rules of this "kinematic flow" are defined purely in terms of data on the boundary of the spacetime, they reflect the physics of bulk time evolution. We also study the analogous structures in ${\rm tr}\,\phi^3$ theory, and see some glimpses of hidden structure in the sum over planar graphs. This suggests that there is an autonomous combinatorial or geometric construction from which cosmological correlations, and the associated spacetime, emerge.

  • Decay and Fission of Magnetic Quivers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Antoine Bourget, Marcus Sperling, Zhenghao Zhong

    In exploring supersymmetric theories with 8 supercharges, the Higgs branches present an intriguing window into strong coupling dynamics. Magnetic quivers serve as crucial tools for understanding these branches. Here, we introduce the decay and fission algorithm for unitary magnetic quivers. It efficiently derives complete phase diagrams (Hasse diagrams) through convex linear algebra. It allows magnetic quivers to undergo decay or fission, reflecting Higgs branch RG-flows in the theory. Importantly, the algorithm generates magnetic quivers for the RG fixed points and simplifies the understanding of transverse slice geometry with no need for a list of minimal transitions. In contrast, the algorithm hints to the existence of a new minimal transition, whose geometry and physics needs to be explored.

  • The Higgs Branch of Heterotic LSTs: Hasse Diagrams and Generalized Symmetries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Craig Lawrie, Lorenzo Mansi

    We study the Higgs branches of the 6d $(1,0)$ little string theories that live on the worldvolume of NS5-branes probing an ADE-singularity in the heterotic $E_8 \times E_8$ and $\mathrm{Spin}(32)/\mathbb{Z}_2$ string theories. On the $E_8 \times E_8$ side, such LSTs are obtained via fusion of orbi-instanton SCFTs. For the $\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_K$ orbifolds, we determine a magnetic quiver for the Higgs branch from the alternative Type IIA brane system engineering the LST; we show that the magnetic quiver obtained in this way is the same as the Coulomb gauging of the 3d mirrors associated to the orbi-instanton building blocks. Using quiver subtraction, we determine the Hasse diagram of Higgs branch RG flows between the LSTs, and we analyze how the structure constants of the generalized global symmetries vary along the edges of the Hasse diagram. From the Hasse diagram of the Higgs branch, we are immediately able to identify LSTs with the same T-duality-invariant properties, and thus to propose candidate T-dual pairs. We perform a similar analysis of the Higgs branch Hasse diagram and putative T-dual families for particular $E_6$-orbifold LSTs by taking advantage of a duality between a rank zero orbi-instanton theory and a rank one conformal matter theory.

  • Oscillons in gapless theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P. Dorey, T. Romanczukiewicz, Y. Shnir, A. Wereszczynski

    We show that large scale oscillons, i.e., quasi-periodic, long living particle like solutions, may exist in massless theories, too. Their existence is explained using an effective (smeared) mass threshold which takes into account nonlinear (finite) perturbations.

  • Engineering Perturbative String Duals for Symmetric Product Orbifold CFTs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yasuaki Hikida, Volker Schomerus

    Constructing a holographic string theory dual for a CFT in the perturbative, weakly coupled regime is a holy grail for gauge/string dualities that would not only open the door for proofs of the AdS/CFT correspondence but could also provide novel examples of string duals with and without supersymmetry. In this work we consider some marginal perturbation of symmetric product orbifolds in two dimensions. From their correlation functions we engineer a bosonic string theory whose amplitudes are shown to reproduce the CFT correlation function order-by-order both in the coupling and in 1/N. Our proof does not require to compute and compare correlation functions explicitly but rather relies on a sequence of identities that can be derived using path integral methods. The bosonic string theory we engineer is based on the field content of the Kac-Wakimoto representation of strings in AdS3 with k units of pure NSNS flux, but the interaction terms we obtain are different. They include a novel type of current algebra preserving interaction term with one unit of spectral flow.

  • Holographic transport beyond the supergravity approximation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alex Buchel, Sera Cremonini, Laura Early

    We set up a unified framework to efficiently compute the shear and bulk viscosities of strongly coupled gauge theories with gravitational holographic duals involving higher derivative corrections. We consider both Weyl$^4$ corrections, encoding the finite 't Hooft coupling corrections of the boundary theory, and Riemann$^2$ corrections, responsible for non-equal central charges $c\ne a$ of the theory at the ultraviolet fixed point. Our expressions for the viscosities in higher derivative holographic models are extracted from a radially conserved current and depend only on the horizon data.

  • Exact Polarization of Particles of Any Spin at Global Equilibrium.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrea Palermo

    The polarization of the $\Lambda$ particle offers the unique opportunity to study the hydrodynamic gradients in the Quark-Gluon Plasma formed in heavy-ion collisions. However, the theoretical formula commonly used to calculate polarization is only a linear order expansion in thermal vorticity and neglects higher-order corrections. Here, I present an exact calculation to all orders in (constant) thermal vorticity at global equilibrium, obtaining the analytic form of the spin density matrix and the polarization vector for massive particles of any spin. Finally, I extend these results to local equilibrium and assess their phenomenological impact by numerically calculating the polarization vector in a 3+1 hydrodynamic simulation.

  • Topological Interfaces of Luttinger Liquids.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ananda Roy, Hubert Saleur

    Topological interfaces of two-dimensional conformal field theories contain information about symmetries of the theory and exhibit striking spectral and entanglement characteristics. While lattice realizations of these interfaces have been proposed for unitary minimal models, the same has remained elusive for the paradigmatic Luttinger liquid {\it i.e.,} the free, compact boson model. Here, we show that a topological interface of two Luttinger liquids can be realized by coupling special one-dimensional superconductors. The gapless excitations in the latter carry charges that are specific integer multiples of the charge of Cooper-pairs. The aforementioned integers are determined by the windings in the target space of the bosonic fields -- a crucial element required to give rise to nontrivial topological interfaces. The latter occur due to the perfect transmission of certain number of Cooper-pairs across the interface. The topological interfaces arise naturally in Josephson junction arrays with the simplest case being realized by an array of experimentally-demonstrated~$0-\pi$ qubits, capacitors and ordinary Josephson junctions. Signatures of the topological interface are obtained through entanglement entropy computations. In particular, the subleading contribution to the so-called interface entropy is shown to differ from existing field theory predictions. The proposed lattice model provides an experimentally-realizable alternative to spin and anyon chains for the analysis of several conjectured conformal fixed points which have so far eluded ab-initio investigation.

  • Generators of the Poincar\'e Group for arbitrary tensors and spinor-tensors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    H.V. Almeida Silva, D. Dalmazi, R.R. Lino dos Santos, E.L. Mendonça

    In this work, we systematically derive Poincar\'e Group generators on arbitrary-rank tensors and spinor-tensors in $D=3+1$ and $D=2+1$ spacetimes. In $D=3+1$, we obtain general expressions for the translation and Lorentz generators, generalizing previous results of the $ISO(3,1)$ group in the literature. We also extend those results to the case of $D=2+1$ spacetime, $ISO(2,1)$, identifying the corresponding Casimir operators. From the Casimir eigenvalue equations, we derive the Fierz-Pauli constraints for massive particles in a model-independent way for spin $\mathfrak{s}=5/2$, 3, and 4 in $D=3+1$ and helicity $\alpha=5/2$, 3, and 4 in $D=2+1$ dimensions.

  • A GLSM realization of derived equivalence in $U(1) \times U(2)$ models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jirui Guo, Ban Lin, Hao Zou

    The paper [arXiv:1506.06999] has studied a derived equivalence between two Calabi-Yau fivefolds. In this paper, we propose a new understanding from the viewpoint of the GLSM, by realizing these two Calabi-Yau fivefolds in two different phases of a $U(1)\times U(2)$ GLSM. We find that this method can be generalized to construct other examples of derived equivalence. The functor for the equivalence can be realized by the brane transport along a path across different phases. To implement the brane transport, we compute the small window categories for anomalous $U(2)$ theories, extending previous results on window categories.

  • Small Schwarzschild de Sitter black holes, the future boundary and islands.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kaberi Goswami, K. Narayan

    We continue the study of 4-dimensional Schwarzschild de Sitter black holes in the regime where the black hole mass is small compared with the de Sitter scale, following arXiv:2207.10724 [hep-th]. The de Sitter temperature is very low compared with that of the black hole. We consider the future boundary as the location where the black hole Hawking radiation is collected. Using 2-dimensional tools, we find unbounded growth of the entanglement entropy of radiation as the radiation region approaches the entire future boundary. Self-consistently including appropriate late time islands emerging just inside the black hole horizon leads to a reasonable Page curve. We also discuss other potential island solutions which show inconsistencies.

  • Chiral Modes of Giant Superfluid Vortices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gabriel Cuomo, Zohar Komargodski, Siwei Zhong

    We discuss rapidly rotating states of a superfluid. We concentrate on the Giant-Vortex (GV) state, which is a coherent rotating solution with a macroscopic hole at the center. We show that, for any trap, the fluctuations obey an approximately chiral dispersion relation, describing arbitrary shape deformations moving with the speed of the ambient superfluid. This dispersion relation is a consequence of a peculiar infinite symmetry group that emerges at large angular velocity and implies an infinite ground-state degeneracy. The degeneracy is lifted by small corrections which we determine both for smooth traps and the hard trap.

  • On the Backreaction of Dirac Matter in JT Gravity and SYK Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pak Hang Chris Lau, Chen-Te Ma, Jeff Murugan, Masaki Tezuka

    We model backreaction in AdS$_2$ JT gravity via a proposed boundary dual Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev quantum dot coupled to Dirac fermion matter and study it from the perspective of quantum entanglement and chaos. The boundary effective action accounts for the backreaction through a linear coupling of the Dirac fermions to the Gaussian-random two-body Majorana interaction term in the low-energy limit. We calculate the time evolution of the entanglement entropy between graviton and Dirac fermion fields for a separable initial state and find that it initially increases and then saturates to a finite value. Moreover, in the limit of a large number of fermions, we find a maximally entangled state between the Majorana and Dirac fields in the saturation region, implying a transition of the von Neumann algebra of observables from type I to type II. This transition in turn indicates a loss of information in the holographically dual emergent spacetime. We corroborate these observations with a detailed numerical computation of the averaged nearest-neighbor gap ratio of the boundary spectrum and provide a useful complement to quantum entanglement studies of holography.

  • The harmonic oscillator on the Moyal-Groenewold plane: an approach via Lie groups and twisted Weyl tuples.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cédric Arhancet, Lukas Hagedorn, Christoph Kriegler, Pierre Portal

    This paper investigates the functional calculus of the harmonic oscillator on each Moyal-Groenewold plane, the noncommutative phase space which is a fundamental object in quantum mechanics. Specifically, we show that the harmonic oscillator admits a bounded $\mathrm{H}^\infty(\Sigma_\omega)$ functional calculus for any angle $0 < \omega < \frac{\pi}{2}$ and even a bounded H\"ormander functional calculus on the associated noncommutative $\mathrm{L}^p$-spaces, where $\Sigma_\omega=\{ z \in \mathbb{C}^*: |\arg z| <\omega \}$. To achieve these results, we develop a connection with the theory of 2-step nilpotent Lie groups by introducing a notion of twisted Weyl tuple and connecting it to some semigroups of operators previously investigated by Robinson via group representations. Along the way, we demonstrate that $\mathrm{L}^p$-square-max decompositions lead to new insights between noncommutative ergodic theory and $R$-boundedness, and we prove a twisted transference principle, which is of independent interest. Our approach accommodate the presence of a constant magnetic field and they are indeed new even in the framework of magnetic Weyl calculus on classical $\mathrm{L}^p$-spaces. Our results contribute to the understanding of functional calculi on noncommutative spaces and have implications for the maximal regularity of the most basic evolution equations associated to the harmonic oscillator.

  • Coupled Free Fermion Conformal Field Theory and Representations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bolin Han

    Conformal field theory (CFT) has become an active area of research beyond its origins in statistical physics and attracted much attention due to its intrinsic mathematical interest, which reveals deep connections with other diverse branches of mathematics. We study a specific subclass of CFTs that involve either uncoupled or coupled free fermions. Coupled free fermion CFTs arise from parafermion CFTs and lattice constructions. We analyse their representation spaces and reveal the exclusion statistics of coupled free fermions with universal chiral partition functions under specific bases. We explicitly decompose their modules into Virasoro modules of minimal models. We reveal an unexpected connection that integrates the coset construction, lattice construction, and orbifold construction, which is supported by proving a range of character identities within the context of coupled free fermions. Simultaneously, we obtain explicit expressions of certain string functions in terms of Dedekind eta functions.

  • Extracting Yang-Mills topological structures with adjoint modes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Georg Bergner, Antonio González-Arroyo, Ivan Soler

    We report on how adjoint zero modes can be used to filter out the topological structures of gauge configurations from the UV fluctuations. We will use the Adjoint Filtering Method (AFM) which relies on the existence of a particular Supersymmetric Zero Mode (SZM) that follows closely the (anti)self-dual part of the action density. In contrast, it is not guaranteed that summing over the lowest lying modes in the fundamental representation reproduces the topological density. We present preliminary qualitative results on smooth, heated, and Monte-Carlo generated configurations with non-trivial content of fractional instantons. The method is capable of distinguishing the underlying topological structures without significantly modifying the gauge field as opposed to smoothing techniques. The method looks promising as a tool to investigate and extend recent studies based on semiclassical methods.

  • Construction of Superconducting Dome and Emergence of Quantum Critical Region in Holography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yunseok Seo, Sejin Kim, Kyung Kiu Kim

    In this work, we investigate an extended model of holographic superconductor by a non-linear electrodynamic interaction coupled to a complex scalar field. This non-linear interaction term can make a quantum phase transition at zero temperature with finite charge carrier density. By solving full equations of motion, we can construct various shapes of the superconducting phase in the phase diagram. With a specific choice of interaction coefficients, we can construct a phase diagram with a superconducting dome. Also, we find a new geometric solution inside the superconducting dome, which turns out to be a Lifshitz-type geometry. This geometry is characterized by a dynamical critical exponent, which plays a crucial role near the quantum critical point. We refer to this region in the phase diagram as a `quantum critical region.'

  • Kink-Meson Inelastic Scattering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hui Liu

    In this thesis, we first review the linearized soliton perturbation theory developed in recent years, which is particularly simple in the one-kink sector. Using it, the amplitude and probability of kink-meson inelastic scattering can be simplified into a perturbative problem in the kink frame. Although the Sine-Gordon soliton and $\phi^4$ kink, which people are usually interested in, are both reflectionless kinks, in order to consider more general cases, we study quantum reflective kinks and find that the amplitude of meson wave packets at different positions during propagation corresponds to the reflection and transmission coefficients of particles scattered by symmetric potential barriers or potential wells in quantum mechanics. We calculate the reduced inner product of the kink states to solve the infrared divergence problem of non-normalizable states. Then we consider the inelastic scattering of a meson off of a kink in a (1+1)-dimensional scalar quantum field theory. At leading order there are three inelastic scattering processes: (1) meson multiplication (the final state is two mesons and a kink); (2) Stokes scattering (the final state is a meson and an excited kink); (3) anti-Stokes scattering (the initial kink is excited and the final kink is de-excited). For the first time, we calculate the leading-order probabilities of these three processes and the differential probabilities for final-state mesons with different momenta. We first obtain general results for arbitrary scalar kinks and then apply them to the kinks of the $\phi^4$ double well model to obtain analytical and numerical results. Finally, we believe that our method can be generalized to higher dimensions, such as the case of monopoles.

  • Drinfel'd Double of Bialgebroids for String and M Theories: Dual Calculus Framework.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aybike Çatal-Özer, Keremcan Doğan, Cem Yetişmişoğlu

    We extend the notion of Lie bialgebroids for more general bracket structures used in string and M theories. We formalize the notions of calculus and dual calculi on algebroids. We achieve this by reinterpreting the main results of the matched pairs of Leibniz algebroids. By examining a rather general set of fundamental algebroid axioms, we present the compatibility conditions between two calculi on vector bundles which are not dual in the usual sense. Given two algebroids equipped with calculi satisfying the compatibility conditions, we construct its double on their direct sum. This generalizes the Drinfel'd double of Lie bialgebroids. We discuss several examples from the literature including exceptional Courant brackets. Using Nambu-Poisson structures, we construct an explicit example, which is important both from physical and mathematical point of views. This example can be considered as the extension of triangular Lie bialgebroids in the realm of higher Courant algebroids, that automatically satisfy the compatibility conditions. We extend the Poisson generalized geometry by defining Nambu-Poisson exceptional generalized geometry and prove some preliminary results in this framework. We also comment on the global picture in the framework of formal rackoids and we slightly extend the notion for vector bundle valued metrics.

  • Diamonds in Klein geometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rafael Mancini Santos, L. C. T. Brito, Cleverson Filgueiras

    Recently it was suggested that the Unruh effect might occur in metamaterials at accessible Unruh temperatures. In some cases, the class of metamaterials that may be useful for this observation has a Klein instead of a Minkowski signature. Thus, confirmation of this effect in those materials requires more careful analysis. In this paper, we use the path integral formulation of Quantum Field Theory to investigate the analogous to the Unruh effect in Kleinian geometry. We calculate the analogous of the Unruh temperature for a scalar theory, provided we restrict the action in a convenient subspace of the Kleinian spacetime. As a consequence, we obtain the diamond temperature for a static observer with a finite lifetime. The result suggest metamaterials as a possible system to observe diamond regions.

  • Simulating thermal qubits through thermofield dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G. X. A. Petronilo, M. R. Araújo, Clebson Cruz

    Quantum computing has attracted the attention of the scientific community in the past few decades. The development of quantum computers promises one path toward safer and faster ways to treat, extract, and transfer information. However, despite the significant advantages of quantum computing, the development of quantum devices operating at room temperature has been compromised by the thermal decoherence process. In addition, in most undergraduate and graduate quantum mechanics courses, the study of thermofield dynamics is usually neglected. In this scenario, this work explores a didactic approach to simulate thermal qubit systems through Thermofield Dynamics (TFD), applied in a quantum computing setup. The results show that the Bloch sphere representation for a qubit can be written in terms of the Bogoliubov transformation, which allows a practical construction for the thermal qubits in a quantum computing setup. Therefore, this work introduces thermofield dynamics through quantum computing to teachers and curious students interested in teaching and learning this important field of studying the temperature impacts on quantum protocols using the TFD technique.

  • A duality in string theory on AdS$_3$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Indranil Halder, Daniel Louis Jafferis, David Kolchmeyer

    We consider bosonic string theory on $\text{AdS}_3$ supported by Kalb-Ramond flux. It is well known that the $\alpha'$ exact worldsheet theory is described by the $\text{SL(2,R)}$ WZW model. In this note we perform checks of an $\alpha'$ exact dual description proposed in [arXiv:2104.07233] involving a winding condensate on a free theory background. We give the explicit map of vertex operators for normalizable states on both sides of the duality and demonstrate the equivalence of their two and three point functions by direct computation. The duality is of strong-weak nature in $\alpha'$.

  • Effects of topological and non-topological edge states on information propagation and scrambling in a Floquet spin chain.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Samudra Sur, Diptiman Sen

    The action of any local operator on a quantum system propagates through the system carrying the information of the operator. This is usually studied via the out-of-time-order correlator (OTOC). We numerically study the information propagation from one end of a periodically driven spin-1/2 $XY$ chain with open boundary conditions using the Floquet infinite-temperature OTOC. We calculate the OTOC for two different spin operators, $\sigma^x$ and $\sigma^z$. For sinusoidal driving, the model can be shown to host different types of edge states, namely, topological (Majorana) edge states and non-topological edge states. We observe a localization of information at the edge for both $\sigma^z$ and $\sigma^x$ OTOCs whenever edge states are present. In addition, in the case of non-topological edge states, we see oscillations of the OTOC in time near the edge, the oscillation period being inversely proportional to the gap between the Floquet eigenvalues of the edge states. We provide an analytical understanding of these effects due to the edge states. It was known earlier that the OTOC for the spin operator which is local in terms of Jordan-Wigner fermions ($\sigma^z$) shows no signature of information scrambling inside the light cone of propagation, while the OTOC for the spin operator which is non-local in terms of Jordan-Wigner fermions ($\sigma^x$) shows signatures of scrambling. We report a remarkable `unscrambling effect' in the $\sigma^x$ OTOC after reflections from the ends of the system. Finally, we demonstrate that the information propagates into the system mainly via the bulk states with the maximum value of the group velocity, and we show how this velocity is controlled by the driving frequency and amplitude.

  • New classes of solutions for Euclidean scalar field theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Carl M. Bender, Sarben Sarkar

    This paper presents new classes of exact radial solutions to the nonlinear ordinary differential equation that arises as a saddle-point condition for a Euclidean scalar field theory in $D$-dimensional spacetime. These solutions are found by exploiting the dimensional consistency of the radial differential equation for a single {\it massless} scalar field, which allows one to transform to an autonomous equation. For massive theories the radial equation is not exactly solvable but the massless solutions provide useful approximations to the results for the massive case. The solutions presented here depend on the power of the interaction and on the spatial dimension, both of which may be noninteger. Scalar equations arising in the study of conformal invariance fit into this framework and classes of new solutions are found. These solutions exhibit two distinct behaviours as $D\to2$ from above.

  • Potential scattering in $L^2$ space: (2) Rigorous scattering probability of wave packets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kenzo Ishikawa

    In this study, potential scatterings are formulated in experimental setups with Gaussian wave packets in accordance with a probability principle and associativity of products. A breaking of an associativity is observed in scalar products with stationary scattering states in a majority of short-range potentials. Due to the breaking, states of different energies are not orthogonal and their superposition is not suitable for representing a normalized isolate state. Free wave packets in perturbative expansions in coupling strengths keep the associativity, and give a rigorous amplitude that preserves manifest unitarity and other principles of the quantum mechanics. An absolute probability is finite and comprises cross sections and new terms of unique properties. The results also demonstrate an interference term displaying unique behavior at an extreme forward direction.

  • Generalised Krylov complexity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhong-Ying Fan

    In this paper, we studied a set of generalised Krylov complexity for operator growth. We demonstrate their universal features at both initial times and long times using half-analytical technique as well as numerical results. In particular, by using the logarithmic relation to the Krylov entropy, we establish an inequality (\ref{master}) between the variance of the K-complexity and the generalised notions which holds in the long time limit. Extending the result to finite (but long) times, we show that for fast scramblers, the K-complexity constrains the growth of generalised complexity more stringently than the dispersion bound. However, for slow scramblers, the growth rate of K-complexity is tighter bounded by the generalised complexity in the other way around. Our results enlarge the zoo of Krylov quantities and may shed new light on the future research in this field.

  • Exact WKB Analysis and TBA Equations for the Stark Effect.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Katsushi Ito, Jingjing Yang

    We apply the exact WKB analysis to a couple of one-dimensional Schroedinger-type equations reduced from the Stark effect of hydrogen in a uniform electric field. By introducing Langer's modification and incorporating the Stokes graphs, we prove the exactness of the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions for the Borel-resummed quantum WKB periods in the specific parameter regions of the electric field intensity and magnetic quantum number. It is also found these quantization conditions get modified with an additional suppressed contribution when the parameters vary beyond the specific regions. We also present Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) equations governing the quantum periods in the absence of Langer's modification and discuss its wall-crossing and analytic continuation. Numerical calculations are conducted to compare the complex resonant frequencies from our quantization conditions against ones from the Riccati-Pade method, the TBA equations are also confirmed by comparing its expansions with all-order quantum periods.

  • Mixed state entanglement measures for the dipole deformed supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anirban Roy Chowdhury, Ashis Saha, Sunandan Gangopadhyay

    Two different entanglement measures for mixed states, namely, the entanglement of purification and entanglement negativity has been holographically computed for the dipole deformed supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory by considering its gravity dual. The dipole deformation induces non-locality in the SYM theory which is characterized by a length-scale $a=\lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}\tilde{L}$. Considering a strip like subsystem of length $\frac{l}{a}$ (in dimensionless form), we first analytically calculate the holographic entanglement entropy for and compare the obtained results with that of obtained numerically.~The analytical calculations have been carried out by considering $au_t \leq 1$,~$1\leq au_t < au_b$ and $au_t\sim au_b$, where $au_b$ is the UV cut-off. The choice of these regions enable us to identify the expansion parameters needed to carry out binomial expansions. The entanglement measures expectedly displays a smooth behaviour with respect to the subsystem size as the geometry has a smooth transition between the mentioned regions. Using these results, the holographic mutual information is then computed for two disjoint subsystems $A$ and $B$. Based upon the $E_{P}=E_{W}$ duality, the entanglement of purification ($E_{P}$) is then computed and the effects of dipole deformation in this context have been studied. Finally, we proceed to compute entanglement negativity for this theory and compare the obtained result with that of the standard SYM theory in order to get a better understanding about the effects of the non-locality.

  • Toward Null State Equations in $d>2$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kuo-Wei Huang

    In two-dimensional CFTs with a large central charge, the level-two BPZ equation governs the heavy-light scalar four-point correlator when the light probe scalar has dimension $h= - {1\over 2}$; the corresponding linear ordinary differential equation can be recast into a schematic form $x^2 u_{xx}+u=0$. In this paper, we make an observation that in a class of four-dimensional CFTs with a large central charge, the heavy-light scalar correlator in the near-lightcone limit obeys a similar equation, $x^3 u_{xxxy}+u=0$, when the light scalar has dimension $\Delta=-1$. We focus on the multi-stress tensor sector of the theory and also discuss the corresponding equations for the cases with $\Delta = -2, -3$. The solutions to these linear partial differential equations in higher dimensions are shown, after a suitable change of variables, to reproduce the near-lightcone correlators previously obtained via holography and the conformal bootstrap.

  • A Novel Holographic Framework Preserving Reflection Positivity in dS$_d$ Spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Mariano A. del Olmo, Hamed Pejhan

    This manuscript introduces a novel holographic correspondence in $d$-dimensional de Sitter (dS$_d$) spacetime, connecting bulk dS$_d$ scalar unitary irreducible representations (UIRs) with their counterparts at the dS$_d$ boundary ${\cal{I}}^\pm$, all while preserving reflection positivity. The proposed approach, with potential applicability to diverse dS$_d$ UIRs, is rooted in the geometry of the complex dS$_d$ spacetime and leverages the inherent properties of the (global) dS$_d$ plane waves, as defined within their designated tube domains.

  • Charged particle scattering near the horizon.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fabiano Feleppa, Nava Gaddam, Nico Groenenboom

    We study Maxwell theory, in the presence of charged scalar sources, near the black hole horizon in a partial wave basis. We derive the gauge field configuration that solves Maxwell equations in the near-horizon region of a Schwarzschild black hole when sourced by a charge density of a localised charged particle. This is the electromagnetic analog of the gravitational Dray-'t Hooft shockwave near the horizon. We explicitly calculate the S-matrix associated with this shockwave in the first quantised $1\rightarrow 1$ formalism. We develop a theory for scalar QED near the horizon using which we compute the electromagnetic eikonal S-matrix from elastic $2\rightarrow 2$ scattering of charged particles exchanging soft photons in the black hole eikonal limit. The resulting ladder resummation agrees perfectly with the result from the first quantised formalism, whereas the field-theoretic formulation allows for a computation of a wider range of amplitudes. As a demonstration, we explicitly compute sub-leading corrections that arise from four-vertices.

  • On the status of DELL systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Mironov, A. Morozov

    A detailed review of the $p,q$-duality for Calogero system and its generalizations is given. For the first time, we present some of elliptic-trigonometric Hamiltonians dual to the elliptic Ruijsenaars Hamiltonians (i.e. trigonometric-elliptic ones), and explain their relations to the bi-elliptic Koroteev-Shakirov (KS) model. The most interesting self-dual double-elliptic (DELL) system remains a mystery, but we provide a clearer formulation of the problem and describe the steps that are still to be done.

  • (2,0) theory on $S^5 \times S^1$ and quantum M2 branes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matteo Beccaria, Simone Giombi, Arkady A. Tseytlin

    The superconformal index $Z$ of the 6d (2,0) theory on $S^5 \times S^1$ (which is related to the localization partition function of 5d SYM on $S^5$) should be captured at large $N$ by the quantum M2 brane theory in the dual M-theory background. Generalizing the type IIA string theory limit of this relation discussed in arXiv:2111.15493 and arXiv:2304.12340, we consider semiclassically quantized M2 branes in a half-supersymmetric 11d background which is a twisted product of thermal AdS$_7$ and $S^4$. We show that the leading non-perturbative term at large $N$ is reproduced precisely by the 1-loop partition function of an "instanton" M2 brane wrapped on $S^1\times S^2$ with $S^2\subset S^4$. Similarly, the (2,0) theory analog of the BPS Wilson loop expectation value is reproduced by the partition function of a "defect" M2 brane wrapped on thermal AdS$_3\subset$ AdS$_7$. We comment on a curious analogy of these results with similar computations in arXiv:2303.15207 and arXiv:2307.14112 of the partition function of quantum M2 branes in AdS$_4 \times S^7/\mathbb Z_k$ which reproduced the corresponding localization expressions in the ABJM 3d gauge theory.

  • Are fermionic conformal field theories more entangled?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gilles Parez, William Witczak-Krempa

    We study the entanglement between disjoint subregions in quantum critical systems through the lens of the logarithmic negativity. We work with conformal field theories (CFTs) in general dimensions, and their corresponding lattice Hamiltonians. At small separations, the logarithmic negativity is big and displays universal behaviour, but we show non-perturbatively that it decays faster than any power at large separations. This can already be seen in the minimal setting of single-spin subregions. The corresponding absence of distillable entanglement at large separations generalises the 1d result, and indicates that quantum critical groundstates do not possess long range bipartite entanglement, at least for bosons. For systems with fermions, a more suitable definition of the logarithmic negativity exists that takes into account fermion parity, and we show that it decays algebraically. Along the way we obtain general CFT results for the moments of the partially transposed density matrix.

  • Hamiltonian birefringence and Born-Infeld limits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luca Mezincescu, Jorge G. Russo, Paul K. Townsend

    Using Hamiltonian methods, we find six relativistic theories of nonlinear electrodynamics for which plane wave perturbations about a constant uniform background are not birefringent. All six have the same strong-field limit to Bialynicki-Birula (BB) electrodynamics, but only four avoid superluminal propagation: Born-Infeld (BI), its non-conformal ``extreme'' limits (electric and magnetic) and the conformal BB limit. The quadratic dispersion relation of BI is shown to degenerate in the extreme limits to a pair of linear relations, which become identical in the BB limit.

  • Central Extension of Scaling Poincar\'e Algebra.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yu Nakayama

    We discuss the possibility of a central extension of the Poincar\'e algebra and the scaling Poincar\'e algebra. In more than two space-time dimensions, all the central extensions are trivial and can be removed. In two space-time dimensions, both the Poincar\'e algebra and the scaling Poincar\'e algebra have distinct non-trivial central extensions that cannot be removed. In higher dimensions, the central charges between dilatation and global $U(1)$ symmetry may not be removed. Based on these central extensions, we give some examples of projective representations of the (scaling) Poincar\'e symmetry in two dimensions.

  • Matrix regularization for gauge theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hiroyuki Adachi, Goro Ishiki, Satoshi Kanno

    We consider how gauge theories can be described by matrix models. Conventional matrix regularization is defined for scalar functions and is not applicable to gauge fields, which are connections of fiber bundles. We clarify how the degrees of freedom of gauge fields are related to the matrix degrees of freedom, by formulating the Seiberg-Witten map between them.

  • Notes on gauging noninvertible symmetries, part 1: Multiplicity-free cases.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Perez-Lona, D. Robbins, E. Sharpe, T. Vandermeulen, X. Yu

    In this paper we discuss gauging noninvertible zero-form symmetries in two dimensions. We specialize to certain gaugeable cases, specifically, fusion categories of the form Rep(H) for H a suitable Hopf algebra (which includes the special case Rep(G) for G a finite group). We also specialize to the case that the fusion category is multiplicity-free. We discuss how to construct a modular-invariant partition function from a choice of Frobenius algebra structure on H^*. We discuss how ordinary G orbifolds for finite groups G are a special case of the construction, corresponding to the fusion category Vec(G) = Rep( C[G]^* ). For the cases Rep(S_3), Rep(D_4), and Rep(Q_8), we construct the crossing kernels for general intertwiner maps. We explicitly compute partition functions in the examples of Rep(S_3), Rep(D_4), Rep(Q_8), and Rep(H_8), and discuss applications in c=1 CFTs. We also discuss decomposition in the special case that the entire noninvertible symmetry group acts trivially.

  • Giant Correlators at Quantum Level.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yunfeng Jiang, Yu Wu, Yang Zhang

    We compute four-point functions with two maximal giant gravitons and two chiral primary operators at three-loop order in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ Super-Yang-Mills theory. The Lagrangian insertion method, together with symmetries of the theory fix the integrand up to a few constants, which can be determined by lower loop data. The final result can be written in terms of the known three-loop conformal integrals. From the four-point function, we extract the OPE coefficients of two giant gravitons and one non-BPS twist-2 operator with arbitrary spin at three-loops, given in terms of harmonic sums. We observe an intriguingly simple relation between the giant graviton OPE coefficients and the OPE coefficients of three single-trace operators.

  • Geometry from D-branes in Nonrelativistic String Theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alberto Guijosa, Igmar C. Rosas-López

    Nonrelativistic (NR) string theory was discovered as a framework that underlies and unifies the various noncommutative open string (NCOS) theories, which were originally envisioned as surprising exceptions to the maxim that all string theories are gravitational in nature. In that view, the fact that NCOS has a gravitational dual was believed to be directly analogous to the AdS/CFT correspondence. When NCOS theories were understood to be simply the particular classes of states of the underlying NR theory that include longitudinal D-branes, it was suggested that the duality between NCOS and the corresponding gravitational theory is not an instance of gauge/gravity-type duality, but of open-string/closed-string duality between D-branes and black branes. The present paper provides direct evidence in support of this perspective, by starting from a stack of D-branes in NR string theory and deriving the long-distance profile of the curved geometry in the corresponding black brane.


  • Determination of Spin-Parity of the $X(2370)$ in $J/\psi\rightarrow\gamma K^{0}_{S}K^{0}_{S}\eta^{\prime}$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, M. R. An, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, W. L. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, S. K. Choi, X. Chu, G. Cibinetto, S. C. Coen, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, B. Ding, X. X. Ding, et al. (562 additional authors not shown)

    Based on $(10087\pm44)\times10^{6}$ $J/\psi$ events collected with the BESIII detector, a partial wave analysis of the decay $J/\psi\rightarrow\gamma K^{0}_{S}K^{0}_{S}\eta^{\prime}$ is performed. The mass and width of the $X(2370)$ are measured to be $2395 \pm 11 ({\rm stat})^{+26}_{-94}({\rm syst})\ \mathrm{MeV}/c^{2}$ and $188^{+18}_{-17}({\rm stat})^{+124}_{-33}({\rm syst})~\mathrm{MeV}$, respectively. The corresponding product branching fraction is $\mathcal{B}[J/\psi\rightarrow\gamma X(2370)] \times \mathcal{B}[X(2370) \rightarrow f_{0}(980)\eta^{\prime}] \times \mathcal{B}[f_{0}(980) \rightarrow K^{0}_{S}K^{0}_{S}] = \left( 1.31 \pm 0.22 ({\rm stat})^{+2.85}_{-0.84}({\rm syst}) \right) \times 10^{-5}$. The statistical significance of the $X(2370)$ is greater than $11.7\sigma$ and the spin-parity is determined to be $0^{-+}$ for the first time. The measured mass and spin-parity of the $X(2370)$ are consistent with the predictions of a pseudoscalar glueball candidate.

  • Towards a fiber barrel detector for next-generation high-pressure gaseous xenon TPCs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. R. Soleti

    The NEXT (Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC) project is an international collaboration aimed at finding evidence of neutrinoless double beta decay using gaseous xenon. The current phase of the project involves the construction and operation of NEXT-100, which is designed to hold 100 kg of xenon at 15 bar and is expected to start commissioning in the first quarter of 2024. NEXT-HD will be a tonne scale experiment following NEXT-100 and will incorporate a symmetric design, with one cathode and two anodes. For this detector, the collaboration is considering implementing a barrel of wavelength-shifting fibers read out by silicon photomultipliers to measure the energy. In this document, we will discuss the characteristics of this approach and provide an update on the related R&D efforts.

  • Light detection and Cosmic Rejection in the ICARUS LArTPC at Fermilab.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anna Heggestuen

    The ICARUS-T600 detector is a 760-ton Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) currently operating at Fermilab as the Far Detector in the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. The SBN program is composed of three LArTPCs with a central goal of testing the sterile neutrino hypothesis. After operating for 3-years in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, the ICARUS detector was shipped to CERN where it was outfitted with 360 8" Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs) for a new optical detection system. The PMT system detects fast scintillation light from charged particles interacting in the Liquid Argon, generating the trigger signal for the full detector and allows 3D reconstruction of events. Now operating at shallow depth, the detector is exposed to a high flux of cosmic rays that can fake neutrino interactions. To mitigate this effect a Cosmic Ray Tagger (CRT) and a 3-meter-thick concrete were installed. Precise timing information from both the PMT and CRT subsystems can help to identify whether an interaction originated from inside or outside of the ICARUS cryostat. This paper reviews a method for cosmogenic background reduction and timing calibration of the CRT and PMT light detection systems in ICARUS.

  • Search for charged-lepton flavor violation in the production and decay of top quarks using trilepton final states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jingyan Li

    This document describes a search for charged-lepton flavor violation (CLFV) in the production and decay of top quarks using 138 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Events are selected for analysis if they contain an opposite-sign electron-muon pair, a third charged lepton (electron or muon), at least one jet, and at most one jet associated with a bottom quark. The analysis utilizes boosted decision trees to separate background processes from a possible signal. The data were found to be consistent with the standard model expectation. Exclusion limits were placed on different CLFV interactions, constituting the most stringent limits to date on these processes.

  • High sensitivity of a future search for P-odd/T-odd interactions on the 0.75 eV $p$-wave resonance in $\vec{n}+^{139}\vec{\rm La}$ forward transmission determined using pulsed neutron beam.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Nakabe, C. J. Auton, S. Endo, H. Fujioka, V. Gudkov, K. Hirota, I. Ide, T. Ino, M. Ishikado, W. Kambara, S. Kawamura, A. Kimura, M. Kitaguchi, R. Kobayashi, T. Okamura, T. Oku, T. Okudaira, M. Okuizumi, J. G. Otero Munoz, J. D. Parker, K. Sakai, T. Shima, H. M. Shimizu, T. Shinohara, W. M. Snow, S. Takada, R. Takahashi, S. Takahashi, Y. Tsuchikawa, T. Yoshioka

    Neutron transmission experiments can offer a new type of highly sensitive search for time-reversal invariance violating (TRIV) effects in nucleon-nucleon interactions via the same enhancement mechanism observed for large parity violating (PV) effects in neutron-induced compound nuclear processes. In these compound processes, the TRIV cross-section is given as the product of the PV cross-section, a spin-factor $\kappa$, and a ratio of TRIV and PV matrix elements. We determined $\kappa$ to be $0.59\pm0.05$ for $^{139}$La+$n$ using both $(n, \gamma)$ spectroscopy and ($\vec{n}+^{139}\vec{\rm La}$) transmission. This result quantifies for the first time the high sensitivity of the $^{139}$La 0.75~eV $p$-wave resonance in a future search for P-odd/T-odd interactions in ($\vec{n}+^{139}\vec{\rm La}$) forward transmission.

  • Study of cosmogenic activation in $^{76}$Ge enriched germanium detectors during fabrication and transportation above ground.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Qiyuan Nie, Zhi Zeng, Hao Ma, Litao Yang, Qian Yue, Jianping Cheng

    Rare event search experiments using germanium detectors are operated in underground laboratories to minimize the background induced by cosmic rays. However, the cosmogenic activation in germanium crystals on the ground during fabrication and transportation generates long half-life radionuclides and contributes a considerable background. We simulated the production rates of cosmogenic radionuclides in germanium and calculated the specifi c activities of cosmogenic radionuclides according to the scheduled fabrication and transportation processes of $^{76}$Ge enriched germanium detectors. The impact of cosmogenic background in germanium crystals for the next generation CDEX experiment was assessed with the scheduled exposure history above ground.

  • Delivery of nanosecond laser pulses by multimode anti-resonant hollow core fiber at 1 um wavelength.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Meng Zhao, Fei Yu, Dakun Wu, Xinyue Zhu, Si Chen, Meng Wang, MinZhe Liu, Kun Zhao, RuiZhan Zhai, Zhongqing Jia, Jonathan Knight

    In this paper we explore the application of low-loss multimode anti-resonant hollow-core fiber (MM-AR-HCF) in the delivery of nanosecond laser pulses at 1 um wavelength. MM-AR-HCF of large core offers a rich content of low-loss higher-order modes which plays a key role in the efficient coupling and transmission of high-power laser of degraded beam quality. In the experiment, laser pulses of an average pulse energy of 21.8 mJ with 14.6 ns pulse width (corresponding a peak power of 1.49 MW) are transmitted through MM-AR-HCF of 9.8 m length without damaging. Up to 94 % coupling efficiency is achieved where the incident laser beam suffers a degraded beam quality with and of 2.18 and 1.99 respectively. Laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of MM-AR-HCF measures 22.6 mJ for 94 % coupling efficiency, which is 7 times higher than that for multimode silica optical fiber with a core diameter of 200 um.

  • Pipeline for performance evaluation of flavour tagging dedicated Graph Neural Network algorithms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Greta Brianti, Roberto Iuppa, Marco Cristoforetti

    Machine Learning is a rapidly expanding field with a wide range of applications in science. In the field of physics, the Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest particle accelerator, utilizes Neural Networks for various tasks, including flavour tagging. Flavour tagging is the process of identifying the flavour of the hadron that initiates a jet in a collision event, and it is an essential aspect of many Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model research. Graph Neural Networks are currently the primary machine-learning tool used for flavour tagging. Here, we present the AUTOGRAPH pipeline, a completely customizable tool designed with a user-friendly interface to provide easy access to the Graph Neural Networks algorithm used for flavour tagging.

  • The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Mondal, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal, H. Aihara, T. Aziz, S. Bacher, S. Bahinipati, G. Batignani, J. Baudot, P. K. Behera, S. Bettarini, T. Bilka, A. Bozek, F. Buchsteiner, G. Casarosa, L. Corona, S. B. Das, G. Dujany, C. Finck, F. Forti, M. Friedl, A. Gabrielli, B. Gobbo, S. Halder, K. Hara, S. Hazra, T. Higuchi, C. Irmler, A. Ishikawa, Y. Jin, M. Kaleta, A. B. Kaliyar, J. Kandra, K. H. Kang, P. Kodyš, T. Kohriki, R. Kumar, K. Lalwani, K. Lautenbach, R. Leboucher, S. C. Lee, J. Libby, L. Martel, L. Massaccesi, G. B. Mohanty, K. R. Nakamura, Z. Natkaniec, Y. Onuki, F. Otani, A. PaladinoA, E. Paoloni, H. Park, L. Polat, K. K. Rao, I. Ripp-Baudot, G. Rizzo, Y. Sato, C. Schwanda, J. Serrano, T. Shimasaki, J. Suzuki, S. Tanaka, H. Tanigawa, F. Tenchini, R. Thalmeier, R. Tiwary, T. Tsuboyama, et al. (8 additional authors not shown)

    The silicon vertex detector (SVD) is installed at the heart of the Belle II experiment, taking data at the high-luminosity $B$-Factory SuperKEKB since 2019. The detector has shown a stable and above-99\% hit efficiency, with a large signal-to-noise in all sensors since the beginning of data taking. Cluster position and time resolution have been measured with 2020 and 2022 data and show excellent performance and stability. The effect of radiation damage is visible, but not affecting the performance. As the luminosity increases, higher machine backgrounds are expected and the excellent hit-time information in SVD can be exploited for background rejection. In particular, we have recently developed a novel procedure to select hits by grouping them event-by-event based on their time. This new procedure allows a significant reduction of the fake rate, while preserving the tracking efficiency, and it has therefore replaced the previous cut-based procedure. We have developed a method that uses the SVD hits to estimate the track time (previously unavailable) and the collision time. It has a similar precision to the estimate based on the drift chamber but its execution time is three orders of magnitude smaller, allowing a faster online reconstruction that is crucial in a high luminosity regime. The track time is a powerful information provided to analysis that allows, together with the above-mention grouping selection, to raise the occupancy limit above that expected at nominal luminosity, leaving room for a safety factor. Finally, in June 2022 the data taking of the Belle II experiment was stopped to install a new two-layer DEPFET detector (PXD) and upgrade components of the accelerator. The whole silicon tracker (PXD+SVD) has been extracted from Belle II, the new PXD installed, the detector closed and commissioned. We briefly describe the SVD results of this upgrade.

  • Excess of charged over neutral $K$ meson production in high-energy collisions of atomic nuclei.- [PDF] - [Article]

    H. Adhikary, P. Adrich, K. K. Allison, N. Amin, E. V. Andronov, I. C. Arsene

    Collisions of atomic nuclei at relativistic velocities produce new particles, predominantly mesons containing one valence quark and one valence anti-quark. These particles are produced in strong interactions, which preserve an approximate symmetry between up ($u$) and down ($d$) quarks. In the case of $K$ meson production, if this symmetry were exact, it would result in equal numbers of charged ($K^+$ and $K^-$) and neutral ($K^0$ and $\overline{K}$$^0$) mesons in the final state. In this Letter, we report a measurement of the relative abundance of charged over neutral $K$ meson production in collisions of argon and scandium nuclei at a center-of-mass energy of 11.9~GeV per nucleon pair. We find that production of $K^+$ and $K^-$ mesons at mid-rapidity displays a significant excess of $(23.3\pm 5.7)\%$ relative to that of the neutral $K$ mesons. The origin of this unexpected excess remains to be elucidated.

  • Ising Meson Spectroscopy on a Noisy Digital Quantum Simulator.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christopher Lamb, Yicheng Tang, Robert Davis, Ananda Roy

    Quantum simulation has the potential to be an indispensable technique for the investigation of non-perturbative phenomena in strongly-interacting quantum field theories (QFTs). In the modern quantum era, with Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum~(NISQ) simulators widely available and larger-scale quantum machines on the horizon, it is natural to ask: what non-perturbative QFT problems can be solved with the existing quantum hardware? We show that existing noisy quantum machines can be used to analyze the energy spectrum of a large family of strongly-interacting 1+1D QFTs. The latter exhibit a wide-range of non-perturbative effects like `quark confinement' and `false vacuum decay' which are typically associated with higher-dimensional QFTs of elementary particles. We perform quench experiments on IBM's ibmq_mumbai quantum simulator to compute the energy spectrum of 1+1D quantum Ising model with a longitudinal field. The latter model is particularly interesting due to the formation of mesonic bound states arising from a confining potential for the Ising domain-walls, reminiscent of t'Hooft's model of two-dimensional quantum chromodynamics. Our results demonstrate that digital quantum simulation in the NISQ era has the potential to be a viable alternative to numerical techniques such as density matrix renormalization group or the truncated conformal space methods for analyzing QFTs.

  • Measurement of triple-differential inclusive muon-neutrino charged-current cross section on argon with the MicroBooNE detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    P. Abratenko, O. Alterkait, D. Andrade Aldana, L. Arellano, J. Asaadi, A. Ashkenazi, S. Balasubramanian, B. Baller, G. Barr, D. Barrow, J. Barrow, V. Basque, O. Benevides Rodrigues, S. Berkman, A. Bhanderi, A. Bhat, M. Bhattacharya, M. Bishai, A. Blake, B. Bogart, T. Bolton, J.Y. Book, L. Camilleri, Y. Cao, D. Caratelli, I. Caro Terrazas, F. Cavanna, G. Cerati, Y. Chen, J.M. Conrad, M. Convery, L. Cooper-Troendle, J.I. Crespo-Anadon, M. Del Tutto, S.R. Dennis, P. Detje, A. Devitt, R. Diurba, Z. Djurcic, R. Dorrill, K. Duffy, S. Dytman, B. Eberly, P. Englezos, A. Ereditato, J.J. Evans, R. Fine, O.G. Finnerud, B.T. Fleming, N. Foppiani, W. Foreman, D. Franco, A.P. Furmanski, D. Garcia-Gamez, S. Gardiner, G. Ge, S. Gollapinni, O. Goodwin, E. Gramellini, P. Green, H. Greenlee, et al. (128 additional authors not shown)

    We report the first measurement of the differential cross section $d^{2}\sigma (E_{\nu})/ d\cos(\theta_{\mu}) dP_{\mu}$ for inclusive muon-neutrino charged-current scattering on argon. This measurement utilizes data from 6.4$\times10^{20}$ protons on target of exposure collected using the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber located along the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam with a mean neutrino energy of approximately 0.8~GeV. The mapping from reconstructed kinematics to truth quantities, particularly from reconstructed to true neutrino energy, is validated by comparing the distribution of reconstructed hadronic energy in data to that of the model prediction in different muon scattering angle bins after conditional constraint from the muon momentum distribution in data. The success of this validation gives confidence that the missing energy in the MicroBooNE detector is well-modeled in simulation, enabling the unfolding to a triple-differential measurement over muon momentum, muon scattering angle, and neutrino energy. The unfolded measurement covers an extensive phase space, providing a wealth of information useful for future liquid argon time projection chamber experiments measuring neutrino oscillations. Comparisons against a number of commonly used model predictions are included and their performance in different parts of the available phase-space is discussed.

  • Jet-hadron correlations with respect to the event plane in $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions in STAR.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    STAR Collaboration

    Angular distributions of charged particles relative to jet axes are studied in $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions as a function of the jet orientation with respect to the event plane. This differential study tests the expected path-length dependence of energy loss experienced by a hard-scattered parton as it traverses the hot and dense medium formed in heavy-ion collisions. A second-order event plane is used in the analysis as an experimental estimate of the reaction plane formed by the collision impact parameter and the beam direction. Charged-particle jets with $15 < p_{\rm T, jet} <$ 20 and $20 < p_{\rm T, jet} <$ 40 GeV/$c$ were reconstructed with the anti-$k_{\rm T}$ algorithm with radius parameter setting of \(R=0.4\) in the 20-50\% centrality bin to maximize the initial-state eccentricity of the interaction region. The reaction plane fit method is implemented to remove the flow-modulated background with better precision than prior methods. Yields and widths of jet-associated charged-hadron distributions are extracted in three angular bins between the jet axis and the event plane. The event-plane (EP) dependence is further quantified by ratios of the associated yields in different EP bins. No dependence on orientation of the jet axis with respect to the event plane is seen within the uncertainties in the kinematic regime studied. This finding is consistent with a similar experimental observation by ALICE in $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collision data.

  • The acrylic vessel for JSNS$^{2}$-II neutrino target.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    C.D.Shin, S.Ajimura, M.K.Cheoun, J.H.Choi, J.Y.Choi, T.Dodo, J.Goh, K.Haga, M.Harada, S.Hasegawa, T.Hiraiwa, W.Hwang, T.Iida, H.I.Jang, J.S.Jang, H.Jeon, S.Jeon, K.K.Joo, D.E.Jung, S.K.Kang, Y.Kasugai, T.Kawasaki, E.J.Kim, J.Y.Kim, S.B.Kim, W.Kim, H.Kinoshita, T.Konno, D.H.Lee, I.T.Lim, C.Little, E.Marzec, T.Maruyama, S.Masuda, S.Meigo, S.Monjushiro, D.H.Moon, T.Nakano, M.Niiyama, K.Nishikawa, M.Y.Pac, H.W.Park, J.S.Park, R.G.Park, S.J.M.Peeters, C.Rott, K.Sakai, S.Sakamoto, T.Shima, J.Spitz, F.Suekane, Y.Sugaya, K.Suzuya, M.Taira, Y.Takeuchi, Y.Yamaguchi, M.Yeh, I.S.Yeo, C.Yoo, I.Yu

    The JSNS$^{2}$ (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) is an experiment designed for the search for sterile neutrinos. The experiment is currently at the stage of the second phase named JSNS$^{2}$-II with two detectors at near and far locations from the neutrino source. One of the key components of the experiment is an acrylic vessel, that is used for the target volume for the detection of the anti-neutrinos. The specifications, design, and measured properties of the acrylic vessel are described.

  • High-pressure xenon gas time projection chamber with scalable design and its performance at around the Q value of $^{136}$Xe double-beta decay.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Masashi Yoshida, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Shinichi Akiyama, Sei Ban, Junya Hikida, Masanori Hirose, Atsuko K. Ichikawa, Yoshihisa Iwashita, Yukimasa Kashino, Tatsuya Kikawa, Akihiro Minamino, Kentaro Miuchi, Yasuhiro Nakajima, Kiseki D. Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Nakaya, Shuhei Obara, Ken Sakashita, Hiroyuki Sekiya, Hibiki Shinagawa, Bungo Sugashima, Soki Urano

    We have been developing a high-pressure xenon gas time projection chamber (TPC) to search for neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay of $^{136}$Xe. The unique feature of this TPC is in the detection part of ionization electrons, called ELCC. ELCC is composed of multiple units, and one unit covers 48.5 $\mathrm{cm}^2$. A 180 L size prototype detector with 12 units, 672 channels, of ELCC was constructed and operated with 7.6 bar natural xenon gas to evaluate the performance of the detector at around the Q value of $^{136}$Xe $0\nu\beta\beta$. The obtained FWHM energy resolution is (0.73 $\pm$ 0.11) % at 1836 keV. This corresponds to (0.60 $\pm$ 0.03) % to (0.70 $\pm$ 0.21) % of energy resolution at the Q value of $^{136}Xe$ $0\nu\beta\beta$. This result shows the scalability of the AXEL detector with ELCC while maintaining high energy resolution. Factors determining the energy resolution were quantitatively evaluated and the result indicates further improvement is feasible. Reconstructed track images show distinctive structures at the endpoint of electron tracks, which will be an important feature to distinguish $0\nu\beta\beta$ signals from gamma-ray backgrounds.

  • A Comprehensive Characterization of the Neutron Fields Produced by the Apollon Petawatt Laser.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ronan Lelièvre, Weipeng Yao, Tessa Waltenspiel, Itamar Cohen, Arie Beck, Erez Cohen, David Michaeli, Ishay Pomerantz, Donald Cort Gautier, François Trompier, Quentin Ducasse, Pavlos Koseoglou, Pär-Anders Söderström, François Mathieu, Amokrane Allaoua, Julien Fuchs

    Since two decades, laser-driven neutron emissions are studied as they represent a complementary source to conventional neutron sources, with further more different characteristics (i.e. shorter bunch duration and higher number of neutrons per bunch). We report here a global, thorough characterization of the neutron fields produced at the Apollon laser facility using the secondary laser beam (F2). A Double Plasma Mirror (DPM) was used to improve the temporal contrast of the laser which delivers pulses of 24 fs duration, a mean on-target energy of ~10 J and up to 1 shot/min. The interaction of the laser with thin targets (few tens or hundreds of nm) in ultra-high conditions produced enhanced proton beams (up to 35 MeV), which were then used to generate neutrons via the pitcher-catcher technique. The characterization of these neutron emissions is presented, with results obtained from both simulations and measurements using several diagnostics (activation samples, bubble detectors and Time-of-Flight detectors), leading to a neutron yield of ~$4.10^{7}$ neutrons/shot. Similar neutron emissions were observed during shots with and without DPM, while fewer X-rays are produced when the DPM is used, making this tool interesting to adjust the neutrons/X-rays ratio for some applications like combined neutron/X-ray radiography.


  • Temporal Multiplexing of Heralded Photons Based on Thin Film Lithium Niobate Photonics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cagin Ekici, Yonghe Yu, Jeremy C. Adcock, Alif Laila Muthali, Mujtaba Zahidy, Heyun Tan, Zhongjin Lin, Hao Li, Leif K. Oxenløwe, Xinlun Cai, Yunhong Ding

    Heralded photons from a silicon source are temporally multiplexed utilizing thin film lithium niobate photonics. The time-multiplexed source, operating at a rate of R = 62.2 MHz, enhances single photon probability by 3.25 $\pm$ 0.05.

  • Topologically compatible non-Hermitian skin effect.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rijia Lin, Linhu Li

    The bulk-boundary correspondence (BBC) relates in-gap boundary modes to bulk topological invariants. In certain non-Hermitian topological systems, conventional BBC becomes invalid in the presence of the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE), which manifests as distinct energy spectra under the periodic and open boundary conditions and massive eigenstate localization at boundaries. In this work, we introduce a scheme to induce NHSE without breaking conventional BBC, dubbed as the topologically compatible NHSE (TC-NHSE). In a general one dimensional two-band model, we unveil two types of TC-NHSE that do not alter topological phase transition points under any circumstance or only in a certain parameter regime, respectively. Extending our model into two dimension, we find that TC-NHSE can be selectively compatible to different sets of Weyl points between different bands of the resultant semimetallic system, turning some of them into bulk Fermi arcs while keeping the rest unchanged. Our work hence helps clarify the intricate interplay between topology and NHSE in non-Hermitian systems, and provides a versatile approach for designing non-Hermitian topological systems where topological properties and NHSE do not interfere each other.

  • Krylov Complexity and Dynamical Phase Transition in the quenched LMG model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pedro H. S. Bento, Adolfo del Campo, Lucas C. Céleri

    Investigating the time evolution of complexity in quantum systems entails evaluating the spreading of the system's state across a defined basis in its corresponding Hilbert space. Recently, the Krylov basis has been identified as the one that minimizes this spreading. In this study, we develop a numerical exploration of the Krylov complexity in quantum states following a quench in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model. Our results reveal that the long-term averaged Krylov complexity acts as an order parameter when the quench originates from a zero magnetic field. It effectively discriminates between the two dynamic phases induced by the quench, sharing a critical point with the conventional order parameter. Additionally, we examine the inverse participation ratio and Shannon entropy in both the Krylov basis and the energy basis. A matching dynamic behavior is observed in both bases when the initial state possesses a specific symmetry. This behavior is analytically elucidated by establishing the equivalence between the Krylov basis and the pre-quench energy eigenbasis.

  • Lecture Notes on Quantum Electrical Circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessandro Ciani, David P. DiVincenzo, Barbara M. Terhal

    During the last 30 years, stimulated by the quest to build superconducting quantum processors, a theory of quantum electrical circuits has emerged and this theory goes under the name of circuit quantum electrodynamics or circuit-QED. The goal of the theory is to provide a quantum description of the most relevant degrees of freedom. The central objects to be derived and studied are the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian governing these degrees of freedom. Central concepts in classical network theory such as impedance and scattering matrices can be used to obtain the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian description for the lossless (linear) part of the circuits. Methods of analysis, both classical and quantum, can also be developed for nonreciprocal circuits. These lecture notes aim at giving a pedagogical overview of this subject for theoretically-oriented Master or PhD students in physics and electrical engineering, as well as Master and PhD students who work on experimental superconducting quantum devices and wish to learn more theory.

  • Optical probing of phononic properties of a tin-vacancy color center in diamond.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cem Güney Torun, Joseph H. D. Munns, Franziska Marie Herrmann, Viviana Villafane, Kai Müller, Andreas Thies, Tommaso Pregnolato, Gregor Pieplow, Tim Schröder

    The coherence characteristics of a tin-vacancy color center in diamond are investigated through optical means including coherent population trapping between the ground state orbital levels and linewidth broadening effects. Due to the large spin-orbit splitting of the orbital ground states, thermalization between the ground states occurs at rates that are impractical to measure directly. Here, spectral information is transformed into its conjugate variable time, providing picosecond resolution and revealing an orbital depolarization timescale of ${\sim30{\rm~ps}}$. Consequences of the investigated dynamics are then used to estimate spin dephasing times limited by thermal effects.

  • Three-dimensional imaging of single atoms in an optical lattice via helical point-spread-function engineering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tangi Legrand, Falk-Richard Winkelmann, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, Andrea Alberti, Carrie A. Weidner

    We demonstrate a method for determining the three-dimensional location of single atoms in a quantum gas microscopy system using a phase-only spatial light modulator to modify the point-spread function of the high-resolution imaging system. Here, the typical diffracted spot generated by a single atom as a point source is modified to a double spot that rotates as a function of the atom's distance from the focal plane of the imaging system. We present and numerically validate a simple model linking the rotation angle of the point-spread function with the distance to the focal plane. We show that, when aberrations in the system are carefully calibrated and compensated for, this method can be used to determine an atom's position to within a single lattice site in a single experimental image, extending quantum simulation with microscopy systems further into the regime of three dimensions.

  • Exact solution of a lambda quantum system driven by a two-photon wavepacket.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wendel Lopes da Silva, Daniel Valente

    Three-level atoms in lambda configuration find diverse applications in quantum information processing, and a promising way to manipulate their quantum states is with single-photon pulses propagating in a waveguide (which can be theoretically regarded as a highly broadband regime of the Jaynes-Cummings model). Here, we analytically find the non-perturbative dynamics of a lambda atom driven by a two-photon wavepacket, propagating in a one-dimensional electromagnetic environment. As an application, we study the dynamics of a quantum state purification. By comparing our exact model with an approximated model of two cascaded single-photon wavepackets, we show how two-photon nonlinearities and stimulated emission affect the purification.

  • Quantum Simulation of Lindbladian Dynamics via Repeated Interactions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthew Pocrnic, Dvira Segal, Nathan Wiebe

    The Lindblad equation generalizes the Schr\"{o}dinger equation to quantum systems that undergo dissipative dynamics. The quantum simulation of Lindbladian dynamics is therefore non-unitary, preventing a naive application of state-of-the-art quantum algorithms. Here, we make use of an approximate correspondence between Lindbladian dynamics and evolution based on Repeated Interaction (RI) CPTP maps to write down a Hamiltonian formulation of the Lindblad dynamics and derive a rigorous error bound on the master equation. Specifically, we show that the number of interactions needed to simulate the Liouvillian $e^{t\mathcal{L}}$ within error $\epsilon$ scales in a weak coupling limit as $\nu\in O(t^2\|\mathcal{L}\|_{1\rightarrow 1}^2/\epsilon)$. This is significant because explicit error bounds in the Lindbladian approximation to the dynamics are not explicitly bounded in existing quantum algorithms for open system simulations. We then provide quantum algorithms to simulate these maps using an iterative Qubitization approach and Trotter-Suzuki formulas and specifically show that for iterative qubitization the number of operations needed to simulate the dynamics (for a fixed value of $\nu$) scales in a weak coupling limit as $O(\nu (t \alpha_0 + \log(1/\epsilon)/\log\log(1/\epsilon)))$ where $\alpha_0$ is the coefficient $1$-norm for the system and bath Hamiltonians. This scaling would appear to be optimal if the complexity of $\nu$ is not considered, which underscores the importance of considering the error in the Liouvillian that we reveal in this work.

  • The Thermodynamic Costs of Pure Dephasing in Quantum Heat Engines: Quasistatic Efficiency at Finite Power.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raphael Weber, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. Plenio

    Quantum heat engines are commonly believed to achieve their optimal efficiency when operated under quasi-static conditions. However, when running at finite power, they suffer effective friction due to the generation of coherences and transitions between energy eigenstates. It was noted that it is possible to increase the power of a quantum heat engine using external control schemes or suitable dephasing noise. Here, we investigate the thermodynamic cost associated with dephasing noise schemes using both numerical and analytical methods. Our findings unveil that the observed gain in power is generally not free of thermodynamic costs, as it involves heat flows from thermal baths into the dephasing bath. These contributions must be duly accounted for when determining the engine's overall efficiency. Interestingly, we identify a particular working regime where these costs become negligible, demonstrating that quantum heat engines can be operated at any power with an efficiency per cycle that approaches arbitrarily closely that under quasistatic operation.

  • Enhancing the Electron Pair Approximation with Measurements on Trapped Ion Quantum Computers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luning Zhao, Joshua Goings, Qingfeng Wang, Kyujin Shin, Woomin Kyoung, Seunghyo Noh, Young Min Rhee, Kyungmin Kim

    The electron pair approximation offers a resource efficient variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) approach for quantum chemistry simulations on quantum computers. With the number of entangling gates scaling quadratically with system size and a constant energy measurement overhead, the orbital optimized unitary pair coupled cluster double (oo-upCCD) ansatz strikes a balance between accuracy and efficiency on today's quantum computers. However, the electron pair approximation makes the method incapable of producing quantitatively accurate energy predictions. In order to improve the accuracy without increasing the circuit depth, we explore the idea of reduced density matrix (RDM) based second order perturbation theory (PT2) as an energetic correction to electron pair approximation. The new approach takes into account of the broken-pair energy contribution that is missing in pair-correlated electron simulations, while maintaining the computational advantages of oo-upCCD ansatz. In dissociations of N$_2$, Li$_2$O, and chemical reactions such as the unimolecular decomposition of CH$_2$OH$^+$ and the \snTwo reaction of CH$_3$I $+$ Br$^-$, the method significantly improves the accuracy of energy prediction. On two generations of the IonQ's trapped ion quantum computers, Aria and Forte, we find that unlike the VQE energy, the PT2 energy correction is highly noise-resilient. By applying a simple error mitigation approach based on post-selection solely on the VQE energies, the predicted VQE-PT2 energy differences between reactants, transition state, and products are in excellent agreement with noise-free simulators.

  • Chiral symmetry breaking and topological charge of graphene nanoribbons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hyun Cheol Lee, S.-R. Eric Yang

    We explore the edge properties of rectangular graphene nanoribbons featuring two zigzag edges and two armchair edges. Although the self-consistent Hartree-Fock fields break chiral symmetry, our work demonstrates that graphene nanoribbons maintain their status as short-range entangled symmetry-protected topological insulators. The relevant symmetry involves combined mirror and time-reversal operations. In undoped ribbons displaying edge ferromagnetism, the band gap edge states with a topological charge form on the zigzag edges. An analysis of the anomalous continuity equation elucidates that this topological charge is induced by the gap term. In low-doped zigzag ribbons, where the ground state exhibits edge spin density waves, this topological charge appears as a nearly zero-energy edge mode.

  • Improving Parameter Training for VQEs by Sequential Hamiltonian Assembly.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jonas Stein, Navid Roshani, Maximilian Zorn, Philipp Altmann, Michael Kölle, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

    A central challenge in quantum machine learning is the design and training of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs). Similar to deep learning, vanishing gradients pose immense problems in the trainability of PQCs, which have been shown to arise from a multitude of sources. One such cause are non-local loss functions, that demand the measurement of a large subset of involved qubits. To facilitate the parameter training for quantum applications using global loss functions, we propose a Sequential Hamiltonian Assembly, which iteratively approximates the loss function using local components. Aiming for a prove of principle, we evaluate our approach using Graph Coloring problem with a Varational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE). Simulation results show, that our approach outperforms conventional parameter training by 29.99% and the empirical state of the art, Layerwise Learning, by 5.12% in the mean accuracy. This paves the way towards locality-aware learning techniques, allowing to evade vanishing gradients for a large class of practically relevant problems.

  • Nonreciprocal Photon-Phonon Entanglement in Kerr-Modified Spinning Cavity Magnomechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiaojiao Chen, Xiao-Gang Fan, Wei Xiong, Dong Wang, Liu Ye

    Cavity magnomechanics has shown great potential in studying macroscopic quantum effects, especially for quantum entanglement, which is a key resource for quantum information science. Here we propose to realize magnons mediated nonreciprocal photon-phonon entanglement with both the magnon Kerr and Sagnac effects in cavity magnomechanics. We find that the mean magnon number can selectively exhibit nonreciprocal linear or nonlinear (bistable) behavior with the strength of the strong driving field on the cavity. Assisted by this driving field, the magnon-phonon coupling is greatly enhanced, leading to the nonreciprocal photon-phonon entanglement via the swapping interaction between the magnons and photons. This nonreciprocal entanglement can be significantly enhanced with the magnon Kerr and Sagnac effects. Given the available parameters, the nonreciprocal photon-phonon entanglement can be preserved at $\sim3$ K, showing remarkable resilience against the bath temperature. The result reveals that our work holds promise in developing various nonreciprocal devices with both the magnon Kerr and Sagnac effects in cavity magnomechanics.

  • Spin noise spectroscopy of an alignment-based atomic magnetometer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marcin Kozbial, Lucy Elson, Lucas M. Rushton, Ali Akbar, Adil Meraki, Kasper Jensen, Jan Kolodynski

    Optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) are revolutionising the task of magnetic-field sensing due to their extremely high sensitivity combined with technological improvements in miniaturisation which have led to compact and portable devices. OPMs can be based on spin-oriented or spin-aligned atomic ensembles which are spin-polarized through optical pumping with circular or linear polarized light, respectively. Characterisation of OPMs and the dynamical properties of their noise is important for applications in real-time sensing tasks. In our work, we experimentally perform spin noise spectroscopy of an alignment-based magnetometer. Moreover, we propose a stochastic model that predicts the noise power spectra exhibited by the device when, apart from the strong magnetic field responsible for the Larmor precession of the spin, white noise is applied in the perpendicular direction aligned with the pumping-probing beam. By varying the strength of the noise applied as well as the linear-polarisation angle of incoming light, we verify the model to accurately predict the heights of the Larmor-induced spectral peaks and their corresponding line-widths. Our work paves the way for alignment-based magnetometers to become operational in real-time sensing tasks.

  • Mechanical Analogue for Schrodinger's Matter-Wave Equation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicos Makris

    In this paper we first show that, there exists a precise mechanical analogue for the one-dimensional version of Schrodinger's original 4th-order, real-valued matter-wave equation. It is a composite, flexural-shear beam supported on distributed elastic springs. Nevertheless, in spite of this finding, this paper shows that it is not possible to construct a physically realizable mechanical analogue for Schrodinger's 2nd-order, complex valued matter-wave equation which yields lower eigenvalues; therefore, lower energy levels than these predicted with his original 4th-order, real-valued matter-wave equation.

  • Comprehensive Analysis of BB84, A Quantum Key Distribution Protocol.- [PDF] - [Article]

    SujayKumar Reddy M, Chandra Mohan B

    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a technique that enables secure communication between two parties by sharing a secret key. One of the most well-known QKD protocols is the BB84 protocol, proposed by Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard in 1984. In this protocol, Alice and Bob use a quantum channel to exchange qubits, allowing them to generate a shared key that is resistant to eavesdropping. This paper presents a comparative study of existing QKD schemes, including the BB84 protocol, and highlights the advancements made in the BB84 protocol over the years. The study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the different QKD schemes and their strengths and weaknesses and demonstrate QKDs working principles through existing simulations and implementations. Through this study, we show that the BB84 protocol is a highly secure QKD scheme that has been extensively studied and implemented in various settings. Furthermore, we discuss the improvements made to the BB84 protocol to enhance its security and practicality, including the use of decoy states and advanced error correction techniques. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive analysis of QKD schemes, focusing on the BB84 protocol in secure communication technologies.

  • Poisson Geometric Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pritish Sinha, Ankit Yadav

    We study the Poisson geometrical formulation of quantum mechanics for finite dimensional mixed and pure states. Equivalently, we show quantum mechanics can be understood in the language of classical mechanics. We review the symplectic structure of the Hilbert space and identify canonical coordinates. We find the geometry extends to space of density matrices $D_N^+$. It is no more symplectic but follows $\mathfrak{su}(N)$ Poisson commutation relation. We identify Casimir surfaces for this algebra and show physical pure states constitute one of the symplectic submanifold lying on the intersection of primitive Casimirs. Various forms of primitive Casimirs are identified. Generic symplectic submanifolds of $D_N^+$ are identified and dimensions of the same are calculated. $D_N^+$ is written as a disjoint union of such symplectic submanifolds. $D_N^+$ and its Poisson structure is recovered from partial tracing of the pure states in $\mathbb{C}^N \times \mathbb{C}^M$ and its symplectic structure. Geometry of physical pure states $\mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ is also reconciled with Poisson geometry of full space of density matrices $D_N^+$. An ascending chain of Poisson submanifolds $D_N^M \subset D_N^{M+1}$ are identified with respect to $\subset$ for $M \leq N$. Each Poisson submanifold lies on the intersection of $N-M$ Casimirs and is constructed by tracing out the $\mathbb{C}^M$ states in $\mathbb{C}^N \times \mathbb{C}^M$. Their foliations are also discussed. Constraints on the geometry due to positive semi-definiteness on a class of symplectic submanifolds $E_N^M$ consisting of mixed states with maximum entropy in $D_N^M$ are studied.

  • Generation of C-NOT, SWAP, and C-Z Gates for Two Qubits Using Coherent and Incoherent Controls and Stochastic Optimization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oleg Morzhin, Alexander Pechen

    In this work, we consider a general form of the dynamics of open quantum systems determined by the Gorini-Kossakowsky-Sudarchhan-Lindblad type master equation with simultaneous coherent and incoherent controls with three particular forms of the two-qubit Hamiltonians. Coherent control enters in the Hamiltonian and incoherent control enters in both the Hamiltonian and the superoperator of dissipation. For these systems, we analyze the control problems of generating two-qubit C-NOT, SWAP, and C-Z gates using with piecewise constant controls and stochastic optimization in the form of an adapted version of the dual annealing algorithm. In the numerical experiment, we analyze the minimal infidelity obtained by the dual annealing for various values of strength of the interaction between the system and the environment.

  • Alignment-Free Coupling to Arrays of Diamond Microdisk Cavities for Scalable Spin-Photon Interfaces.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Helaman R. Flores, Samuel R. Layton, Dirk Englund, Ryan M. Camacho

    We propose a scalable design for a spin-photon interface to a color center in a diamond microdisk. The design consists of a silicon oxynitride hexagonal lattice overlaid on a diamond microdisk to enable vertical emission from the microdisk into low-numerical aperture modes, with quantum efficiencies as high as 45\% for a tin vacancy (SnV) center. Our design is robust to manufacturing errors, potentially enabling large scale fabrication of quantum emitters coupled to optical collection modes. We also introduce a novel approach for optimizing the free space performance of a complex structure using a dipole model, achieving comparable results to full-wave finite difference time domain simulations with a 650,000 times reduction in computational time.

  • Non-classical correlations between phonons and photons in a MHz-frequency mechanical oscillator coupled to an optical cavity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ivan Galinskiy, Georg Enzian, Michał Parniak, Eugene Polzik

    We demonstrate non-classical correlations between phonons and photons created using opto-mechanical spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a system based on a soft-clamped ultracoherent membrane oscillator inside of a Fabry-P\'erot optical resonator. We show that phonons stored in the mechanical oscillator, when subsequently read out, display strong signs of quantum coherence, which we demonstrate by single-photon counting enabled by our state-of-the-art optical filtering system. We observe a violation of the classical Cauchy-Schwarz inequality with a confidence of >92%. The presented system demonstrates the potential for studies of low-frequency quantum effects in sub-millimeter size nanogram-scale mechanical oscillators.

  • Eigenvalues asymptotics of unbounded operators. Two-photon quantum Rabi model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. A. Ianovich

    In this work the general results about asymptotics of eigenvalues of unbounded operators are obtained. We consider here different cases of compact, relatively compact, selfadjoint or nonselfadjoint perturbations. In particular we prove a generalization of Janas-Naboko lemma about eigenvalues asymptotics of unbounded operators at compact perturbation. A generalization of our previous result about noncompact perturbation of oscillator spectrum is also given. As an example we consider two-photon quantum Rabi model. We obtain tree-term asymptotic formula for large eigenvalues of the energy operator of this model. The asymptotics of related to this model polynomials is found. We give also an original proof of the Perelomov factorization theorem for contraction operator of quantum optics.

  • Learning Arbitrary Complex Matrices by Interlacing Amplitude and Phase Masks with Fixed Unitary Operations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthew Markowitz, Kevin Zelaya, Mohammad-Ali Miri

    Programmable photonic integrated circuits represent an emerging technology that amalgamates photonics and electronics, paving the way for light-based information processing at high speeds and low power consumption. Considering their wide range of applications as one of the most fundamental mathematical operations there has been a particular interest in programmable photonic circuits that perform matrix-vector multiplication. In this regard, there has been great interest in developing novel circuit architectures for performing matrix operations that are compatible with the existing photonic integrated circuit technology which can thus be reliably implemented. Recently, it has been shown that discrete linear unitary operations can be parameterized through diagonal phase parameters interlaced with a fixed operator that enables efficient photonic realization of unitary operations by cascading phase shifter arrays interlaced with a multiport component. Here, we show that such a decomposition is only a special case of a much broader class of factorizations that allow for parametrizing arbitrary complex matrices in terms of diagonal matrices alternating with a fixed unitary matrix. Thus, we introduce a novel architecture for physically implementing discrete linear operations. The proposed architecture is built on representing an $N \times N$ matrix operator in terms of $N+1$ amplitude-and-phase modulation layers interlaced with a fixed unitary layer that could be implemented via a coupled waveguide array. The proposed architecture enables the development of novel families of programmable photonic circuits for on-chip analog information processing.

  • One Gate Scheme to Rule Them All: Introducing a Complex Yet Reduced Instruction Set for Quantum Computing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jianxin Chen, Dawei Ding, Weiyuan Gong, Cupjin Huang, Qi Ye

    The design and architecture of a quantum instruction set are paramount to the performance of a quantum computer. This work introduces a gate scheme for qubits with $XX+YY$ coupling that directly and efficiently realizes any two-qubit gate up to single-qubit gates. First, this scheme enables high-fidelity execution of quantum operations, especially when decoherence is the primary error source. Second, since the scheme spans the entire $\textbf{SU}(4)$ group of two-qubit gates, we can use it to attain the optimal two-qubit gate count for algorithm implementation. These two advantages in synergy give rise to a quantum Complex yet Reduced Instruction Set Computer (CRISC). Though the gate scheme is compact, it supports a comprehensive array of quantum operations. This may seem paradoxical but is realizable due to the fundamental differences between quantum and classical computer architectures. Using our gate scheme, we observe marked improvements across various applications, including generic $n$-qubit gate synthesis, quantum volume, and qubit routing. Furthermore, the proposed scheme also realizes a gate locally equivalent to the commonly used CNOT gate with a gate time of $\frac{\pi}{2g}$, where $g$ is the two-qubit coupling. The AshN scheme is also completely impervious to $ZZ$ error, the main coherent error in transversely coupled systems, as the control parameters implementing the gates can be easily adjusted to take the $ZZ$ term into account.

  • Plasmonic skyrmion quantum thermodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vipin Vijayan, L. Chotorlishvili, A. Ernst, M. I. Katsnelson, S. S. P. Parkin, S. K. Mishra

    The primary obstacle in the field of quantum thermodynamics revolves around the development and practical implementation of quantum heat engines operating at the nanoscale. One of the key challenges associated with quantum working bodies is the occurrence of "quantum friction," which refers to irreversible wasted work resulting from quantum inter-level transitions. Consequently, the construction of a reversible quantum cycle necessitates the utilization of adiabatic shortcuts. However, the experimental realization of such shortcuts for realistic quantum substances is exceedingly complex and often unattainable. In this study, we propose a quantum heat engine that capitalizes on the plasmonic skyrmion lattice. Through rigorous analysis, we demonstrate that the quantum skyrmion substance, owing to its topological protection, exhibits zero irreversible work. Consequently, our engine operates without the need for adiabatic shortcuts. We checked by numerical calculations and observed that when the system is in the quantum skyrmion phase, the propagated states differ from the initial states only by the geometricl and dynamical phases. The adiabacit evoluation leads to the zero transition matrix elements and zero irreversible work. By employing plasmonic mods and an electric field, we drive the quantum cycle. The fundamental building blocks for constructing the quantum working body are individual skyrmions within the plasmonic lattice. As a result, one can precisely control the output power of the engine and the thermodynamic work accomplished by manipulating the number of quantum skyrmions present.

  • Bi-Quadratic Improvement in Conditional Quantum Search.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Akankshya Dash, Biswaranjan Panda, Arun K Pati

    The Grover search algorithm performs an unstructured search of a marked item in a database quadratically faster than classical algorithms and is shown to be optimal. Here, we show that if the search space is divided into two blocks with the local query operators and the global operators satisfy certain condition, then it is possible to achieve an improvement of bi-quadratic speed-up. Furthermore, we investigate the bi-quadratic speed-up in the presence of noise and show that it can tolerate noisy scenario. This may have potential applications for diverse fields, including database searching, and optimization, where efficient search algorithms play a pivotal role in solving complex computational problems.

  • Environment induced dynamical quantum phase transition in two-qubit Rabi model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Di Bello, A. Ponticelli, F. Pavan, V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, A. de Candia, C. A. Perroni

    We investigate both dynamical and thermodynamic properties of an open two-qubit Rabi model by means of numerical state-of-the-art approaches. Through a quench on the qubits-oscillator coupling, the global system, including the bath degrees of freedom, runs into a dynamical quantum phase transition signalled by the Loschmidt echo's rate function whose kinks take place at the same parameters where thermodynamic transition sets in. Notably, the onset of this transition arises not only from the bimodal character of the magnetization distribution, but also from signatures in the two qubits' entanglement. These findings shed light on the complex behavior of the dynamics of quantum phase transitions.

  • Parameterized steering criteria via correlation matrices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Qing-Hua Zhang, Lemin Lai, Shao-Ming Fei

    We study the steerability for arbitrary dimensional bipartite systems based on the correlation matrices given by local special unitary groups. We present families of steering criteria for bipartite quantum states in terms of parameterized correlation matrices. We show that these steering criteria may detect more steerable states than the existing steering criteria. The results are illustrated by detailed examples.

  • Reply to "Comment on `Generalized James' effective Hamiltonian method' ".- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wenjun Shao, Chunfeng Wu, Xun-Li Feng

    In the preceding Comment [1] it was claimed that the third-order Hamiltonian obtained in our original paper [2] is not Hermitian for general situations when considering time-dependence and the way of deriving the effective third-order expansion is not very rigorous. To reply the comment we should emphasize the following three points: first of all, the third-order Hamiltonian given in our paper is exactly Hermitian under the conditions mentioned there. Secondly, the iterative method adopted in our paper to derive the generalized effective Hamiltonian is equivalent to the Dyson series, and its correctness can thus be guaranteed. Thirdly, although the truncated effective Hamiltonian is indeed non-Hermitian under the time-dependent situation as presented in the Comment, it corresponds exactly to the non-unitary truncated Dyson series. Considering the truncated Dyson series has been extensively utilized in the time-dependent perturbation theory, in our opinion, the non-Hermitian truncated effective Hamiltonian can still be treated as an approximation of the effective Hamiltonian.

  • Detection of Network and Genuine Network Quantum Steering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhihua Chen, Kai Wu, Shao-Ming Fei

    The quantum network correlations play significant roles in long distance quantum communication,quantum cryptography and distributed quantum computing. Generally it is very difficult to characterize the multipartite quantum network correlations such as nonlocality, entanglement and steering. In this paper, we propose the network and the genuine network quantum steering models from the aspect of probabilities in the star network configurations. Linear and nonlinear inequalities are derived to detect the network and genuine network quantum steering when the central party performs one fixed measurement. We show that our criteria can detect more quantum network steering than that from the violation of the n-locality quantum networks. Moreover, it is shown that biseparable assemblages can demonstrate genuine network steering in the star network configurations.

  • Secured Quantum Identity Authentication Protocol for Quantum Networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mohamed Shaban, Muhammad Ismail

    Quantum Internet signifies a remarkable advancement in communication technology, harnessing the principles of quantum entanglement and superposition to facilitate unparalleled levels of security and efficient computations. Quantum communication can be achieved through the utilization of quantum entanglement. Through the exchange of entangled pairs between two entities, quantum communication becomes feasible, enabled by the process of quantum teleportation. Given the lossy nature of the channels and the exponential decoherence of the transmitted photons, a set of intermediate nodes can serve as quantum repeaters to perform entanglement swapping and directly entangle two distant nodes. Such quantum repeaters may be malicious and by setting up malicious entanglements, intermediate nodes can jeopardize the confidentiality of the quantum information exchanged between the two communication nodes. Hence, this paper proposes a quantum identity authentication protocol that protects quantum networks from malicious entanglements. Unlike the existing protocols, the proposed quantum authentication protocol does not require periodic refreshments of the shared secret keys. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol can detect malicious entanglements with a 100% probability after an average of 4 authentication rounds.

  • Secure and Efficient Entanglement Distribution Protocol for Near-Term Quantum Internet.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicholas Skjellum, Mohamed Shaban, Muhammad Ismail

    Quantum information technology has the potential to revolutionize computing, communications, and security. To fully realize its potential, quantum processors with millions of qubits are needed, which is still far from being accomplished. Thus, it is important to establish quantum networks to enable distributed quantum computing to leverage existing and near-term quantum processors into more powerful resources. This paper introduces a protocol to distribute entanglements among quantum devices within classical-quantum networks with limited quantum links, enabling more efficient quantum teleportation in near-term hybrid networks. The proposed protocol uses entanglement swapping to distribute entanglements efficiently in a butterfly network, then classical network coding is applied to enable quantum teleportation while overcoming network bottlenecks and minimizing qubit requirements for individual nodes. Experimental results show that the proposed protocol requires quantum resources that scale linearly with network size, with individual nodes only requiring a fixed number of qubits. For small network sizes of up to three transceiver pairs, the proposed protocol outperforms the benchmark by using 17% fewer qubit resources, achieving 8.8% higher accuracy, and with a 35% faster simulation time. The percentage improvement increases significantly for large network sizes. We also propose a protocol for securing entanglement distribution against malicious entanglements using quantum state encoding through rotation. Our analysis shows that this method requires no communication overhead and reduces the chance of a malicious node retrieving a quantum state to 7.2%. The achieved results point toward a protocol that enables a highly scalable, efficient, and secure near-term quantum Internet.

  • A Fast Numerical Solver of Quantum-inspired Ising Optimization Problems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Langyu Li, Yu Pan

    Quantum annealers, coherent Ising machines and digital Ising machines for solving quantum-inspired optimization problems have been developing rapidly due to their near-term applications. The numerical solvers of the digital Ising machines are based on traditional computing devices. In this work, we propose a fast and efficient solver for the Ising optimization problems. The algorithm consists of a pruning method that exploits the graph information of the Ising model to reduce the computational complexity, and a domain selection method which introduces significant acceleration by relaxing the discrete feasible domain into a continuous one to incorporate the efficient gradient descent method. The experiment results show that our solver can be an order of magnitude faster than the classical solver, and at least two times faster than the quantum-inspired annealers including the simulated quantum annealing on the benchmark problems. With more relaxed requirements on hardware and lower cost than quantum annealing, the proposed solver has the potential for near-term application in solving challenging optimization problems as well as serving as a benchmark for evaluating the advantage of quantum devices.

  • Quasiparticle dynamics in a superconducting qubit irradiated by a localized infrared source.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rodrigo Benevides, Maxwell Drimmer, Giacomo Bisson, Francesco Adinolfi, Uwe von Lüpke, Hugo Michiel Doeleman, Gianluigi Catelani, Yiwen Chu

    A known source of decoherence in superconducting qubits is the presence of broken Cooper pairs, or quasiparticles. These can be generated by high-energy radiation, either present in the environment or purposefully introduced, as in the case of some hybrid quantum devices. Here, we systematically study the properties of a transmon qubit under illumination by focused infrared radiation with various powers, durations, and spatial locations. Despite the high energy of incident photons, our observations agree well with a model of low-energy quasiparticle dynamics dominated by trapping. This technique can be used for understanding and potentially mitigating the effects of high-energy radiation on superconducting circuits with a variety of geometries and materials.

  • Spin fractionalization and zero modes in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain with boundary fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Parameshwar R. Pasnoori, Yicheng Tang, Junhyun Lee, J. H. Pixley, Natan Andrei, Patrick Azaria

    In this work we argue that the antiferromagnetic spin $\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain in the gapped phase with boundary magnetic fields hosts fractional spin $\frac{1}{4}$ at its edges. Using a combination of Bethe ansatz and the density matrix renormalization group we show that these fractional spins are sharp quantum observables in both the ground and the first excited state as the associated fractional spin operators have zero variance. In the limit of zero edge fields, we argue that these fractional spin operators once projected onto the low energy subspace spanned by the ground state and the first excited state, identify with the strong zero energy mode discovered by P. Fendley \cite{Fendley}.

  • On the relativistic quantum mechanics of a photon between two electrons in 1+1 dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lawrence Frolov, Samuel E. Leigh, A. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh

    A Lorentz-covariant system of wave equations is formulated for a quantum-mechanical three-body system in one space dimension, comprised of one photon and two identical massive spin one-half Dirac particles, which can be thought of as two electrons (or alternatively, two positrons). Manifest covariance is achieved using Dirac's formalism of multi-time wave functions, i.e, wave functions $\Psi(\textbf{x}_{\text{ph}},\textbf{x}_{\text{e}_1},\textbf{x}_{\text{e}_2})$ where $\textbf{x}_{\text{ph}},\textbf{x}_{\text{e}_1},\textbf{x}_{\text{e}_2}$ are generic spacetime events of the photon and two electrons respectively. Their interaction is implemented via a Lorentz-invariant no-crossing-of-paths boundary condition at the coincidence submanifolds $\{\textbf{x}_{\text{ph}}=\textbf{x}_{\text{e}_1}\}$ and $\{\textbf{x}_{\text{ph}}=\textbf{x}_{\text{e}_2}\}$ compatible with conservation of probability current. The corresponding initial-boundary value problem is shown to be well-posed under the additional assumption of anti-symmetry given by the Pauli exclusion principle, and a closed-form solution to the ensuing coupled system of Klein-Gordon and transport equations is given.

  • Randomised benchmarking for characterizing and forecasting correlated processes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xinfang Zhang, Zhihao Wu, Gregory A. L. White, Zhongcheng Xiang, Shun Hu, Zhihui Peng, Yong Liu, Dongning Zheng, Xiang Fu, Anqi Huang, Dario Poletti, Kavan Modi, Junjie Wu, Mingtang Deng, Chu Guo

    The development of fault-tolerant quantum processors relies on the ability to control noise. A particularly insidious form of noise is temporally correlated or non-Markovian noise. By combining randomized benchmarking with supervised machine learning algorithms, we develop a method to learn the details of temporally correlated noise. In particular, we can learn the time-independent evolution operator of system plus bath and this leads to (i) the ability to characterize the degree of non-Markovianity of the dynamics and (ii) the ability to predict the dynamics of the system even beyond the times we have used to train our model. We exemplify this by implementing our method on a superconducting quantum processor. Our experimental results show a drastic change between the Markovian and non-Markovian regimes for the learning accuracies.

  • On the approximability of random-hypergraph MAX-3-XORSAT problems with quantum algorithms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eliot Kapit, Brandon A. Barton, Sean Feeney, George Grattan, Pratik Patnaik, Jacob Sagal, Lincoln D. Carr, Vadim Oganesyan

    Constraint satisfaction problems are an important area of computer science. Many of these problems are in the complexity class NP which is exponentially hard for all known methods, both for worst cases and often typical. Fundamentally, the lack of any guided local minimum escape method ensures the hardness of both exact and approximate optimization classically, but the intuitive mechanism for approximation hardness in quantum algorithms based on Hamiltonian time evolution is poorly understood. We explore this question using the prototypically hard MAX-3-XORSAT problem class. We conclude that the mechanisms for quantum exact and approximation hardness are fundamentally distinct. We qualitatively identify why traditional methods such as quantum adiabatic optimization are not good approximation algorithms. We propose a new spectral folding optimization method that does not suffer from these issues and study it analytically and numerically. We consider random rank-3 hypergraphs including extremal planted solution instances, where the ground state satisfies an anomalously high fraction of constraints compared to truly random problems. We show that, if we define the energy to be $E = N_{unsat}-N_{sat}$, then spectrally folded quantum optimization will return states with energy $E \leq A E_{GS}$ (where $E_{GS}$ is the ground state energy) in polynomial time, where conservatively, $A \simeq 0.6$. We thoroughly benchmark variations of spectrally folded quantum optimization for random classically approximation-hard (planted solution) instances in simulation, and find performance consistent with this prediction. We do not claim that this approximation guarantee holds for all possible hypergraphs, though our algorithm's mechanism can likely generalize widely. These results suggest that quantum computers are more powerful for approximate optimization than had been previously assumed.

  • Measurement-Device-Independent Detection of Beyond-Quantum State.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Baichu Yu, Masahito Hayashi

    In quantum theory, a quantum state on a composite system realizes a non-negative probability with any measurement element with a tensor product form. However, there also exists non-quantum states which satisfy the above condition. Such states are called beyond-quantum states, and cannot be detected by standard Bell tests. To distinguish a beyond-quantum state from quantum states,we propose a measurement-device-independent (MDI) Bell test for beyond-quantum state detection. We show that our method processes the experimental MDI correlations in an optimal way, and we compare it to existing methods according to several criteria. We also discuss the importance of tomographic completeness of the input sets to the detectability of the MDI protocol.

  • Improvement in Variational Quantum Algorithms by Measurement Simplification.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jaehoon Hahm, Hayeon Kim, Young June Park

    Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) are expected to be promising algorithms with quantum advantages that can be run at quantum computers in the close future. In this work, we review simple rules in basic quantum circuits, and propose a simplification method, Measurement Simplification, that simplifies the expression for the measurement of quantum circuit. By the Measurement Simplification, we simplified the specific result expression of VQAs and obtained large improvements in calculation time and required memory size. Here we applied Measurement Simplification to Variational Quantum Linear Solver (VQLS), Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) and other Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms to show an example of speedup in the calculation time and required memory size.

  • Multiscale Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ping Zou

    The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is one of the canonical algorithms designed to find approximate solutions to combinatorial optimization problems in current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. It is an active area of research to exhibit its speedup over classical algorithms. The performance of the QAOA at low depths is limited, while the QAOA at higher depths is constrained by the current techniques. We propose a new version of QAOA that incorporates the capabilities of QAOA and the real-space renormalization group transformation, resulting in enhanced performance. Numerical simulations demonstrate that our algorithm can provide accurate solutions for certain randomly generated instances utilizing QAOA at low depths, even at the lowest depth. The algorithm is suitable for NISQ devices to exhibit a quantum advantage.

  • Quantum physics at your fingertips -- from paper strips to zippers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Franziska Greinert, Malte S. Ubben

    Quantum physics modeling is technically complex and often non-descriptive. This article presents some approaches how quantum physical ideas can be represented by haptic models. For this purpose, models made from 3D printers, models made from paper strips, and models made from textiles are compared. A novelty is the use of zippers instead of paper strips, which can be easily ''cut'' and ''glued'' together. The models have been developed primarily with the aim of conveying and visualizing topological ideas with little basic mathematical knowledge.

  • Dark-Mode Theorems for Quantum Networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jian Huang, Cheng Liu, Xun-Wei Xu, Jie-Qiao Liao

    We propose and prove two theorems for determining the number of dark modes in linear two-component quantum networks composed of two types of bosonic modes. This is achieved by diagonalizing the two sub-networks of the same type of modes, mapping the networks to either a standard or a thick arrowhead matrix, and analyzing the linear dependence and independence between the column vectors associated with degenerate normal modes in the coupling matrix. We confirm the two theorems by checking the simultaneous ground-state cooling of the mechanical modes in linearized optomechanical networks. These results also work for linear fermionic networks and other networks described by quadratic coupled-mode Hamiltonian. The present method can be extended to study the dark-state effect in driven atom systems and to construct large decoherence-free subspaces for processing quantum information. This work will initiate the studies on dynamical, transport, and statistical properties of linear networks with decoupled subspaces.

  • Towards a phase diagram of the topologically frustrated XY chain.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Daniel Sacco Shaikh, Alberto Giuseppe Catalano, Fabio Cavaliere, Fabio Franchini, Maura Sassetti, Niccolò Traverso Ziani

    Landau theory's implicit assumption that microscopic details cannot affect the system's phases has been challenged only recently in systems such as antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains with periodic boundary conditions, where topological frustration can be induced. In this work, we show that the latter modifies the zero temperature phase diagram of the XY chain in a transverse magnetic field by inducing new quantum phase transitions. In doing so, we come across the first case of second order boundary quantum phase transition characterized by a quartic dispersion relation. Our analytical results are supported by numerical investigations and lay the foundation for understanding the phase diagram of this frustrated model.

  • Superdiffusion of vortices in two-component quantum fluids of light.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Roldão, J. L. Figueiredo, P. Monteiro, J. T. Mendonça, H. Terças

    The quantum diffusion of a vortex in a two-component quantum fluid of light is investigated. In these systems, the Kerr nonlinearity promotes interactions between the photons, displaying features that are analogue of a Bose-Einstein condensates. Quantum fluids of light have the advantage of simulating matter-wave phenomena at room temperatures. While the analogy is true at the mean field level, the full quantum dynamics of an impurity in quantum fluids of light of, and therefore the ability of featuring genuine quantum noise, has never been considered. We numerically solve the problem by simulating a vortex-like impurity in the presence of noise with the Bogoliubov spectral density, and show that the vortex undergoes superdiffusion. We support our results with a theory that has been previously developed for the brownian motion of point-like particles.

  • On the hierarchy of classicality and symmetry of quantum states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arsen Khvedelidze, Astghik Torosyan

    The interrelation between classicality/quantumness and symmetry of states is discussed within the phase-space formulation of finite-dimensional quantum systems. We derive representations for classicality measures $\mathcal{Q}_N[H_{\varrho}]$ of states from the stratum of given symmetry type $[H_{\varrho}]$ for the Hilbert-Schmidt ensemble of qudits. The expressions for measures are given in terms of the permanents of matrices constructed from the vertices of the special Wigner function's positivity polytope. The supposition about the partial order of classicality indicators $\mathcal{Q}_N[H_{\varrho}]$ in accordance with the symmetry type of stratum is formulated.

  • Fast nuclear-spin entangling gates compatible with large-scale atomic arrays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Feng Shi, Yan Lu

    Nuclear-spin entangling gates with divalent atoms can be executed by one global laser pulse when $\Delta_{\text{Z}}<\Omega$, where $\Delta_{\text{Z}}$ is the Zeeman-splitting-dominated frequency difference for the clock-Rydberg transitions of the two nuclear-spin qubit states and $\Omega$ is the maximal Rabi frequency. Concerning the sensitivity of Rydberg-state energy to magnetic fluctuation, the gate is compatible with large-scale atomic arrays for weaker magnetic field is suitable for ensuring uniform field in a large qubit array. The gate can have a high fidelity because the relaxation and dephasing of Rydberg states, which limit the fidelity and grow with $1/\Omega$, can be mitigated with easily attainable large $\Omega$.

  • Coherence-preserving cooling of nuclear spin qubits in a weak magnetic field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Feng Shi

    Nuclear spin memories of divalent neutral atoms can allow spin-preserving resolved-sideband cooling in a strong magnetic field [Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 123001 (2007)]. We present a theory for cooling $^{87}$Sr nuclear-spin qubits in a weak magnetic field. The theory depends on laser excitation of $5s5p~^1P_1$ to a nearby state which results in $m_J$-dependent AC Stark shifts large compared to the hyperfine interaction. This effectively suppresses the nuclear-spin mixing due to the hyperfine interaction. Sideband cooling via the clock state quenched by the AC Stark-shifted $^1P_1$ state leads to nuclear-spin-preserving spontaneous emission back to the ground state. More than being compatible with low magnetic fields, the theory is applicable when the nuclear spin qubits are defined by the two lowest Zeeman substates.

  • Dropout is all you need: robust two-qubit gate with reinforcement learning.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tian-Niu Xu, Yongcheng Ding, José D. Martín-Guerrero, Xi Chen

    In the realm of quantum control, reinforcement learning, a prominent branch of machine learning, emerges as a competitive candidate for computer-assisted optimal design for experiments. This study investigates the extent to which guidance from human experts is necessary for the effective implementation of reinforcement learning in designing quantum control protocols. Specifically, we focus on the engineering of a robust two-qubit gate within a nuclear magnetic resonance system, utilizing a combination of analytical solutions as prior knowledge and techniques from the field of computer science. Through extensive benchmarking of different models, we identify dropout, a widely-used method for mitigating overfitting in machine learning, as an especially robust approach. Our findings demonstrate the potential of incorporating computer science concepts to propel the development of advanced quantum technologies.

  • Entanglement and volume monogamy features of permutation symmetric N-qubit pure states with N-distinct spinors: GHZ and WWbar states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sudha, Usha Devi A R, Akshata Shenoy H, Karthik H S, Humera Talath, Govindaraja B P, Rajagopal A K

    We explore the entanglement features of pure symmetric N-qubit states characterized by N-distinct spinors with a particular focus on the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ) states and WWbar, an equal superposition of W and obverse W states. Along with a comparison of pairwise entanglement and monogamy properties, we explore the geometric information contained in them by constructing their canonical steering ellipsoids. We obtain the volume monogamy relations satisfied by WWbar states as a function of number of qubits and compare with the maximal monogamy property of GHZ states.

  • Spin fluctuations in the dissipative phase transitions of the quantum Rabi model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiahui Li, Rosario Fazio, Yingdan Wang, Stefano Chesi

    We investigate the dissipative phase transitions of the anisotropic quantum Rabi model with cavity decay and demonstrate that large spin fluctuations persist in the stationary state, having important consequences on the phase diagram and the critical properties. In the second-order phase transition to the superradiant phase, there is a significant suppression of the order parameter and the appearance of non-universal factors, which directly reflect the spin populations. Furthermore, upon entering a parameter regime where mean-field theory predicts a tricritical phase, we find a first-order phase transition due to the unexpected collapse of superradiance. An accurate and physically transparent description going beyond mean-field theory is established by combining exact numerical simulations, the cumulant expansion, and analytical approximations based on reduced master equations and an effective equilibrium theory. Our findings, compared to the conventional thermodynamic limit of the Dicke model, indicate a general tendency of forming extreme non-equilibrium states in the single-spin system, thus have broad implications for dissipative phase transitions of few-body systems.

  • Instability and quantization in quantum hydrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yakir Aharonov, Tomer Shushi

    In this short paper, we show how a quantum nonlocal effect of far-apart wavepackets in the Schrodinger picture of wavefunctions is replaced by a local instability problem when considering the hydrodynamical formulation of quantum mechanics, known as the Madelung picture. As a second result, we show how the Madelung equations describe quantized energies without any external quantization conditions.

  • Precise Phase Error Rate Analysis for Quantum Key Distribution with Phase Postselection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yao Zhou, Zhen-Qiang Yin, Yang-Guang Shan, Ze-Hao Wang, Shuang Wang, Wei Chen, Guang-Can Guo, Zheng-Fu Han

    Quantum key distribution (QKD) stands as a pioneering method for establishing information-theoretically secure communication channels by utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics. In the security proof of QKD, the phase error rate serves as a critical indicator of information leakage and directly influences the security of the shared key bits between communicating parties, Alice and Bob. In estimating the upper bound of the phase error rate, phase randomization and subsequent postselection mechanisms serve pivotal roles across numerous QKD protocols. Here we make a precise phase error rate analysis for QKD protocols with phase postselection, which helps us to accurately bound the amount of information an eavesdropper may obtain. We further apply our analysis in sending-or-not-sending twin-field quantum key distribution (SNS-TFQKD) and mode-pairing quantum key distribution (MP-QKD). The simulation results confirm that our precise phase error analysis can noticeably improve the key rate performance especially over long distances in practice. Note that our method does not require alterations to the existing experimental hardware or protocol steps. It can be readily applied within current SNS-TF-QKD and MP-QKD for higher key rate generation.

  • Practical Scheme for Realization of a Quantum Battery.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maryam Hadipour, Soroush Haseli, Saeed Haddadi

    In this paper, we propose a practical scheme for a quantum battery consisting of an atom-cavity interacting system under a structured reservoir in the non-Markovian regime. We study a multi-parameter regime for the cavity-reservoir coupling and reveal how these parameters affect the performance of the quantum battery. Our proposed scheme is simple and may be achievable for practical realization and implementation.

  • Optimizing Resonator Frequency Stability in Flip-Chip Architectures: A Novel Experimental Design Approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuan Li, Tianhui Wang, Jingjing Hu, Dengfeng Li, Shuoming An

    In multi-qubit superconducting systems utilizing flip-chip technology, achieving high accuracy in resonator frequencies is of paramount importance, particularly when multiple resonators share a common Purcell filter with restricted bandwidth. Nevertheless, variations in inter-chip spacing can considerably influence these frequencies. To tackle this issue, we present and experimentally validate the effectiveness of a resonator design. In our design, we etch portions of the metal on the bottom chip that faces the resonator structure on the top chip. This enhanced design substantially improves frequency stability by a factor of over 3.5 compared to the non-optimized design, as evaluated by the root mean square error of a linear fitting of the observed frequency distribution, which is intended to be linear. This advancement is crucial for successful scale-up and achievement of high-fidelity quantum operations.

  • Coherent control of a few-channel hole type gatemon qubit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Han Zheng, Luk Yi Cheung, Nikunj Sangwan, Artem Kononov, Roy Haller, Joost Ridderbos, Carlo Ciaccia, Jann Hinnerk Ungerer, Ang Li, Erik P.A.M. Bakkers, Andreas Baumgartner, Christian Schönenberger

    Gatemon qubits are the electrically tunable cousins of superconducting transmon qubits. In this work, we demonstrate the full coherent control of a gatemon qubit based on hole carriers in a Ge/Si core/shell nanowire, with the longest coherence times in group IV material gatemons to date. The key to these results is a high-quality Josephson junction obtained in a straightforward and reproducible annealing technique. We demonstrate that the transport through the narrow junctions is dominated by only two quantum channels, with transparencies up to unity. This novel qubit platform holds great promise for quantum information applications, not only because it incorporates technologically relevant materials, but also because it provides new opportunities, like an ultrastrong spin-orbit coupling in the few-channel regime of Josephson junctions.

  • Coherent microwave, optical, and mechanical quantum control of spin qubits in diamond.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Laura Orphal-Kobin, Cem Güney Torun, Julian M. Bopp, Gregor Pieplow, Tim Schröder

    Diamond has emerged as a highly promising platform for quantum network applications. Color centers in diamond fulfill the fundamental requirements for quantum nodes: they constitute optically accessible quantum systems with long-lived spin qubits. Furthermore, they provide access to a quantum register of electronic and nuclear spin qubits and they mediate entanglement between spins and photons. All these operations require coherent control of the color center's spin state. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, challenges, and prospects of such schemes, including, high fidelity initialization, coherent manipulation, and readout of spin states. Established microwave and optical control techniques are reviewed, and moreover, emerging methods such as cavity-mediated spin-photon interactions and mechanical control based on spin-phonon interactions are summarized. For different types of color centers, namely, nitrogen-vacancy and group-IV color centers, distinct challenges persist that are subject of ongoing research. Beyond fundamental coherent spin qubit control techniques, advanced demonstrations in quantum network applications are outlined, for example, the integration of individual color centers for accessing (nuclear) multi-qubit registers. Finally, we describe the role of diamond spin qubits in the realization of future quantum information applications.

  • Fano Resonance in Excitation Spectroscopy and Cooling of an Optically Trapped Single Atom.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chang Hoong Chow, Boon Long Ng, Vindhiya Prakash, Christian Kurtsiefer

    Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) can be used to cool an atom in a harmonic potential close to the ground state by addressing several vibrational modes simultaneously. Previous experimental efforts focus on trapped ions and neutral atoms in a standing wave trap. In this work, we demonstrate EIT cooling of an optically trapped single neutral atom, where the trap frequencies are an order of magnitude smaller than in an ion trap and a standing wave trap. We resolve the Fano resonance feature in fluorescence excitation spectra and the corresponding cooling profile in temperature measurements. A final temperature of around 6 $\mu$K is achieved with EIT cooling, a factor of two lower than the previous value obtained using olarization gradient cooling.

  • JuliQAOA: Fast, Flexible QAOA Simulation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    John Golden, Andreas Bärtschi, Daniel O'Malley, Elijah Pelofske, Stephan Eidenbenz

    We introduce JuliQAOA, a simulation package specifically built for the Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz (QAOA). JuliQAOA does not require a circuit-level description of QAOA problems, or another package to simulate such circuits, instead relying on a more direct linear algebra implementation. This allows for increased QAOA-specific performance improvements, as well as improved flexibility and generality. JuliQAOA is the first QAOA package designed to aid in the study of both constrained and unconstrained combinatorial optimization problems, and can easily include novel cost functions, mixer Hamiltonians, and other variations. JuliQAOA also includes robust and extensible methods for learning optimal angles. Written in the Julia language, JuliQAOA outperforms existing QAOA software packages and scales well to HPC-level resources. JuliQAOA is available at

  • Electron-assisted manipulation of polaritonic light-matter states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Abad-Arredondo, A. I. Fernández-Domínguez

    Thanks to their exceptional spatial, spectral and temporal resolution, highly-coherent free-electron beams have emerged as powerful probes for material excitations, enabling their characterization even in the quantum regime. Here, we investigate strong light-matter coupling through monochromatic and modulated electron wavepackets. In particular, we consider an archetypal target, comprising a nanophotonic cavity next to a single two-level emitter. We propose a model Hamiltonian describing the coherent interaction between the passing electron beam and the hybrid photonic-excitonic target, which is constructed using macroscopic quantum electrodynamics and fully parameterized in terms of the electromagnetic Dyadic Green's function. Using this framework, we first describe electron-energy-loss and cathodoluminescence spectroscopies, and photon-induced near-field electron emission microscopy. Finally, we show the power of modulated electrons beams as quantum tools for the manipulation of polaritonic targets presenting a complex energy landscape of excitations.

  • Stochastic modeling of superfluorescence in compact systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stasis Chuchurka, Vladislav Sukharnikov, Andrei Benediktovitch, Nina Rohringer

    We propose an approach based on stochastic differential equations to describe superfluorescence in compact ensembles of multi-level emitters in the presence of various incoherent processes. This approach has a numerical complexity that does not depend on the number of emitters. The stochastic differential equations are derived directly from the quantum master equation. In this study, we present a series of numerical examples, comparing our solution to exact calculations and discussing the limits of applicability. For many relevant cases, the proposed stochastic differential equations provide accurate results and correctly capture quantum many-body correlation effects.

  • Classical Invasive Description of Informationally-Complete Quantum Processes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Moritz F. Richter, Andrea Smirne, Walter T. Strunz, Dario Egloff

    In classical stochastic theory, the joint probability distributions of a stochastic process obey by definition the Kolmogorov consistency conditions. Interpreting such a process as a sequence of physical measurements with probabilistic outcomes, these conditions reflect that the measurements do not alter the state of the underlying physical system. Prominently, this assumption has to be abandoned in the context of quantum mechanics, yet there are also classical processes in which measurements influence the measured system. Here, we derive conditions that characterize uniquely classical processes that are probed by a reasonable class of invasive measurements. We then analyse under what circumstances such classical processes can simulate the statistics arising from quantum processes associated with informationally-complete measurements. We expect that our investigation will help build a bridge between two fundamental traits of non-classicality, namely, coherence and contextuality.

  • Radical pairs and superoxide amplification can explain magnetic field effects on planarian regeneration.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rishabh, Hadi Zadeh-Haghighi, Christoph Simon

    Weak magnetic field exposure can affect many biological processes across a wide range of living organisms. Recently, it has been observed that weak magnetic fields can modulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration, affecting regeneration in planaria. These effects show unusual nonlinear dependence on magnetic field strength, including a sign change. In another study by the same group, superoxide is identified as the particular ROS being modulated. We propose a radical pair mechanism based on a flavin-superoxide radical pair to explain the modulation of superoxide production and its effect on planarian regeneration. The results of our calculations favor a triplet-born radical pair. Our yield calculations can reproduce the observed magnetic field dependence, including the sign change. Moreover, to explain the size of the effect on ROS concentration, we suggest a simple amplification model inspired by known biochemical mechanisms and lay out the conditions for such a model to work. Further, we also make empirical predictions concerning the hypomagnetic field effects on planarian regeneration.

  • How To Program Your Own Quantum Computer or QUBE: QUantum computing for BEginners.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martin N. P. Nilsson

    Do you think you need to know quantum physics to understand how a quantum computer works? Nope, no worries there. You don't need a deep dive into physics or mathematics, just a bit of familiarity with vectors and matrix multiplication. That's really it. A good handle on Python programming and a few numpy functions will do the trick, specifically reshape(), kron(), matmul(), swapaxes(), linalg.norm(), and random.choice(). In fact, an appendix shows that twelve lines of Python code suffice to define a complete simulator. The whole point of this article is to give you an informal, brief, hopefully digestible and educational description of how you can easily implement your own quantum computer simulator. It's not about `Yet Another Quantum Computer Simulator' (YAQCS?), which are a dime a dozen, but about how to build your own. And, honestly, there's probably no better way to learn how a quantum computer works!

  • Accurate optimal quantum error correction thresholds from coherent information.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luis Colmenarez, Ze-Min Huang, Sebastian Diehl, Markus Müller

    Quantum error correcting (QEC) codes protect quantum information from decoherence, as long as error rates fall below critical error thresholds. In general, obtaining thresholds implies simulating the QEC procedure using, in general, sub-optimal decoding strategies. In a few cases and for sufficiently simple noise models, optimal decoding of QEC codes can be framed as a phase transition in disordered classical spin models. In both situations, accurate estimation of thresholds demands intensive computational resources. Here we use the coherent information of the mixed state of noisy QEC codes to accurately estimate the associated optimal QEC thresholds already from small-distance codes at moderate computational cost. We show the effectiveness and versatility of our method by applying it first to the topological surface and color code under bit-flip and depolarizing noise. We then extend the coherent information based methodology to phenomenological and quantum circuit level noise settings. For all examples considered we obtain highly accurate estimates of optimal error thresholds from small, low-distance instances of the codes, in close accordance with threshold values reported in the literature. Our findings establish the coherent information as a reliable competitive practical tool for the calculation of optimal thresholds of state-of-the-art QEC codes under realistic noise models.

  • Continuous dynamical decoupling of spin chains: Inducing two-qubit interactions to generate perfect entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Abdullah Irfan, Syed Furqan Abbas Hashmi, Syeda Neha Zaidi, Muhammad Usman Baig, Wahaj Ayub, Adam Zaman Chaudhry

    Efficient control over entanglement in spin chains is useful for quantum information processing applications. In this paper, we propose the use of a combination of two different configurations of strong static and oscillating fields to control and generate near-perfect entanglement between any two spins in a spin chain, even in the presence of noise. This is made possible by the fact that our control fields not only decouple the spin chain from its environment but also selectively modify the spin-spin interactions. By suitably tuning these spin-spin interactions via the control fields, we show that the quantum state of any two spins in the spin chain can be made to be a Bell state. We illustrate our results for various spin chains, such as the XY model, the XYZ model, and the Ising spin chain.

  • The long mean-life-time-controlled and potentially scalable qubits composed of electric dipolar molecules based on graphene.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yong-Yi Huang

    We propose a new kind of qubits composed of electric dipolar molecules. The electric dipolar molecules in an external uniform electric field will take simple harmonic oscillations, whose quantum states belonging to the two lowest energy levels act as the states |0>, |1> of a qubit. The qubits' excited states have a very long controlled mean life time about 260 seconds, decoherence is no longer an obstacle in quantum computation. We can perform quantum computations by manipulating the qubits of electric dipolar molecules just like those of neutral atoms. When the qubits are used for quantum computations, the dipolar moments' orientations will harmonically oscillate along an external electric field and they will not change the directions: along or against the electric field, so the qubits can be large-scalely manufactured in graphene system. The radius of Rydberg blockade is about 100nm. The number of operated qubits reach several millions.

  • Quantum-enhanced neural networks in the neural tangent kernel framework.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kouhei Nakaji, Hiroyuki Tezuka, Naoki Yamamoto

    Recently, quantum neural networks or quantum-classical neural networks (qcNN) have been actively studied, as a possible alternative to the conventional classical neural network (cNN), but their practical and theoretically-guaranteed performance is still to be investigated. In contrast, cNNs and especially deep cNNs, have acquired several solid theoretical basis; one of those basis is the neural tangent kernel (NTK) theory, which can successfully explain the mechanism of various desirable properties of cNNs, particularly the global convergence in the training process. In this paper, we study a class of qcNN composed of a quantum data-encoder followed by a cNN. The quantum part is randomly initialized according to unitary 2-designs, which is an effective feature extraction process for quantum states, and the classical part is also randomly initialized according to Gaussian distributions; then, in the NTK regime where the number of nodes of the cNN becomes infinitely large, the output of the entire qcNN becomes a nonlinear function of the so-called projected quantum kernel. That is, the NTK theory is used to construct an effective quantum kernel, which is in general nontrivial to design. Moreover, NTK defined for the qcNN is identical to the covariance matrix of a Gaussian process, which allows us to analytically study the learning process. These properties are investigated in thorough numerical experiments; particularly, we demonstrate that the qcNN shows a clear advantage over fully classical NNs and qNNs for the problem of learning the quantum data-generating process.

  • The Impact of Logical Errors on Quantum Algorithms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Omer Subasi, Sriram Krishnamoorthy

    In this work, we explore the impact of logical stochastic Pauli and coherent Z-rotation errors on quantum algorithms. We evaluate six canonical quantum algorithms' intrinsic resilience to the logical qubit and gate errors by performing the Monte Carlo simulations guided by the quantum jump formalism. The results suggest that the resilience of the studied quantum algorithms decreases as the number of qubits and the depth of the algorithms' circuits increase for both Pauli and Z-rotation errors. Our results also suggest that the algorithms split into two different groups in terms of algorithmic resilience. The evolution of Hamiltonian, Simon and the quantum phase estimation algorithms are less resilient to logical errors than Grover's search, Deutsch-Jozsa and Bernstein-Vazirani algorithms.

  • On the Normalization and Density of 1D Scattering States.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chris L. Lin

    The normalization of scattering states is more than a rote step necessary to calculate expectation values. This normalization actually contains important information regarding the density of the scattering spectrum (along with useful details on the bound states). For many applications, this information is more useful than the wavefunctions themselves. In this paper we show that this correspondence between scattering state normalization and the density of states is a consequence of the completeness relation, and we present formulas for calculating the density of states which are applicable to certain potentials. We then apply these formulas to the delta function potential and the square well. We then illustrate how the density of states can be used to calculate the partition function for a system of two particles with a point-like (delta potential) interaction.

  • On the reality of the quantum state once again: A no-go theorem for $\psi$-ontic models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gabriele Carcassi, Andrea Oldofredi, Christine A. Aidala

    In this paper we show that $\psi$-ontic models, as defined by Harrigan and Spekkens (HS), cannot reproduce quantum theory. Instead of focusing on probability, we use information theoretic considerations to show that all pure states of $\psi$-ontic models must be orthogonal to each other, in clear violation of quantum mechanics. Given that (i) Pusey, Barrett and Rudolph (PBR) previously showed that $\psi$-epistemic models, as defined by HS, also contradict quantum mechanics, and (ii) the HS categorization is exhausted by these two types of models, we conclude that the HS categorization itself is problematic as it leaves no space for models that can reproduce quantum theory.

  • Deviation from maximal entanglement for mid-spectrum eigenstates of local Hamiltonians.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yichen Huang

    In a spin chain governed by a local Hamiltonian, we consider a microcanonical ensemble in the middle of the energy spectrum and a contiguous subsystem whose length is a constant fraction of the system size. We prove that if the bandwidth of the ensemble is greater than a certain constant, then the average entanglement entropy (between the subsystem and the rest of the system) of eigenstates in the ensemble deviates from the maximum entropy by at least a positive constant. This result highlights the difference between the entanglement entropy of mid-spectrum eigenstates of (chaotic) local Hamiltonians and that of random states. We also prove that the former deviates from the thermodynamic entropy at the same energy by at least a positive constant.

  • Pipelined correlated minimum weight perfect matching of the surface code.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexandru Paler, Austin G. Fowler

    We describe a pipeline approach to decoding the surface code using minimum weight perfect matching, including taking into account correlations between detection events. An independent no-communication parallelizable processing stage reweights the graph according to likely correlations, followed by another no-communication parallelizable stage for high confidence matching. A later general stage finishes the matching. This is a simplification of previous correlated matching techniques which required a complex interaction between general matching and re-weighting the graph. Despite this simplification, which gives correlated matching a better chance of achieving real-time processing, we find the logical error rate practically unchanged. We validate the new algorithm on the fully fault-tolerant toric, unrotated, and rotated surface codes, all with standard depolarizing noise. We expect these techniques to be applicable to a wide range of other decoders.

  • A Synergistic Compilation Workflow for Tackling Crosstalk in Quantum Machines.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fei Hua, Yuwei Jin, Ang Li, Chenxu Liu, Meng Wang, Yanhao Chen, Chi Zhang, Ari Hayes, Samuel Stein, Minghao Guo, Yipeng Huang, Eddy Z. Zhang

    Near-term quantum systems tend to be noisy. Crosstalk noise has been recognized as one of several major types of noises in superconducting Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. Crosstalk arises from the concurrent execution of two-qubit gates on nearby qubits, such as \texttt{CX}. It might significantly raise the error rate of gates in comparison to running them individually. Crosstalk can be mitigated through scheduling or hardware machine tuning. Prior scientific studies, however, manage crosstalk at a really late phase in the compilation process, usually after hardware mapping is done. It may miss great opportunities of optimizing algorithm logic, routing, and crosstalk at the same time. In this paper, we push the envelope by considering all these factors simultaneously at the very early compilation stage. We propose a crosstalk-aware quantum program compilation framework called CQC that can enhance crosstalk mitigation while achieving satisfactory circuit depth. Moreover, we identify opportunities for translation from intermediate representation to the circuit for application-specific crosstalk mitigation, for instance, the \texttt{CX} ladder construction in variational quantum eigensolvers (VQE). Evaluations through simulation and on real IBM-Q devices show that our framework can significantly reduce the error rate by up to 6$\times$, with only $\sim$60\% circuit depth compared to state-of-the-art gate scheduling approaches. In particular, for VQE, we demonstrate 49\% circuit depth reduction with 9.6\% fidelity improvement over prior art on the H4 molecule using IBMQ Guadalupe. Our CQC framework will be released on GitHub.

  • Tree-based Implementation of the Small Matrix Path Integral for System-Bath Dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Geshuo Wang, Zhenning Cai

    The small matrix path integral (SMatPI) method is an efficient numerical approach to simulate the evolution of a quantum system coupled to a harmonic bath. The method relies on a sequence of kernel matrices that defines the non-Markovian dynamics of the quantum system. In the original SMatPI method, these kernels are computed indirectly through the QuAPI method. Instead, we focus on the definition of the kernel matrices and reveal a recurrence relation in these matrices. Using such a relationship, a tree based algorithm (t-SMatPI) is developed, which is shown to be much faster than straightforward computation of the kernel matrices based on their definitions. This algorithm bypasses the step to compute the SMatPI matrices by other path integral methods and provides more understanding of the SMatPI matrices themselves. Meanwhile, it keeps the memory cost and computational cost low. Numerical experiments show that the t-SMatPI algorithm gives exactly the same result as i-QuAPI and SMatPI. In spite of this, our method may indicate some new properties of open quantum systems, and has the potential to be generalized to higher-order numerical schemes.

  • Second quantization of open quantum systems in Liouville space.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    V. Sukharnikov, S. Chuchurka, A. Benediktovitch, N. Rohringer

    We present a theoretical framework based on second quantization in Liouville space to treat open quantum systems. We consider an ensemble of identical quantum emitters characterized by a discrete set of quantum states. The second quantization is performed directly at the level of density matrices, thereby significantly reducing the size of the Liouville space. In contrast to conventional Hilbert space techniques, statistically mixed states and dissipation are naturally incorporated. As a particular example of application, we study the effect of incoherent processes and statistical mixing of emitters' initial states in the interaction with quantum light. Moreover, we link our framework to a phase-space description of the dynamics, which can overcome the computational limitations of our method with the increasing number of particles.

  • A quantum algorithm for solving open system dynamics on quantum computers using noise.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Juha Leppäkangas, Nicolas Vogt, Keith R. Fratus, Kirsten Bark, Jesse A. Vaitkus, Pascal Stadler, Jan-Michael Reiner, Sebastian Zanker, Michael Marthaler

    In this paper we present a quantum algorithm that uses noise as a resource. The goal of our quantum algorithm is the calculation of operator averages of an open quantum system evolving in time. Selected low-noise system qubits and noisy bath qubits represent the system and the bath of the open quantum system. All incoherent qubit noise can be mapped to bath spectral functions. The form of the spectral functions can be tuned digitally, allowing for the time evolution of a wide range of open-system models at finite temperature. We study the feasibility of this approach with a focus on the solution of the spin-boson model and assume intrinsic qubit noise that is dominated by damping and dephasing. We find that classes of open quantum systems exist where our algorithm performs very well, even with gate errors as high as 1%. In general the presented algorithm performs best if the system-bath interactions can be decomposed into native gates.

  • High-performance repetition cat code using fast noisy operations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Francois-Marie Le Régent, Camille Berdou, Zaki Leghtas, Jérémie Guillaud, Mazyar Mirrahimi

    Bosonic cat qubits stabilized by two-photon driven dissipation benefit from exponential suppression of bit-flip errors and an extensive set of gates preserving this protection. These properties make them promising building blocks of a hardware-efficient and fault-tolerant quantum processor. In this paper, we propose a performance optimization of the repetition cat code architecture using fast but noisy CNOT gates for stabilizer measurements. This optimization leads to high thresholds for the physical figure of merit, given as the ratio between intrinsic single-photon loss rate of the bosonic mode and the engineered two-photon loss rate, as well as a very interesting scaling below threshold of the required overhead, to reach an expected level of logical error rate. Relying on the specific error models for cat qubit operations, this optimization exploits fast parity measurements, using accelerated low-fidelity CNOT gates, combined with fast ancilla parity-check qubits. The significant enhancement in the performance is explained by: 1- the highly asymmetric error model of cat qubit CNOT gates with a major component on control (ancilla) qubits, and 2- the robustness of the error correction performance in presence of the leakage induced by fast operations. In order to demonstrate these performances, we develop a method to sample the repetition code under circuit-level noise that also takes into account cat qubit state leakage.

  • Deep Quantum Error Correction.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yoni Choukroun, Lior Wolf

    Quantum error correction codes (QECC) are a key component for realizing the potential of quantum computing. QECC, as its classical counterpart (ECC), enables the reduction of error rates, by distributing quantum logical information across redundant physical qubits, such that errors can be detected and corrected. In this work, we efficiently train novel {\emph{end-to-end}} deep quantum error decoders. We resolve the quantum measurement collapse by augmenting syndrome decoding to predict an initial estimate of the system noise, which is then refined iteratively through a deep neural network. The logical error rates calculated over finite fields are directly optimized via a differentiable objective, enabling efficient decoding under the constraints imposed by the code. Finally, our architecture is extended to support faulty syndrome measurement, by efficient decoding of repeated syndrome sampling. The proposed method demonstrates the power of neural decoders for QECC by achieving state-of-the-art accuracy, outperforming {for small distance topological codes,} the existing {end-to-end }neural and classical decoders, which are often computationally prohibitive.

  • Quantum defects from single surface exhibit strong mutual interactions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chih-Chiao Hung, Tim Kohler, Kevin D. Osborn

    Two-level system (TLS) defects constitute a major decoherence source of quantum information science, but they are generally less understood at material interfaces than in deposited films. Here we study surface TLSs at the metal-air interface, by probing them using a quasi-uniform field within vacuum-gap (VG) capacitors of resonators. The VG capacitor has a nano-gap which creates an order-of-magnitude larger contribution from the metal-air interface than typical resonators used in circuit QED. We measure three phenomena and find qualitative agreement with an interacting TLS model, where near-resonant TLSs experience substantial frequency jitter from the state switching of far-detuned low-frequency TLSs. First, we find that the loss in all of our VG resonators is weakly or logarithmically power dependent, in contrast to data from deposited dielectric films. Second, we add a saturation tone with power $P_{in}$ to a transmission measurement and obtain the TLS Rabi frequency $\Omega_{0}$. These data show a substantially weaker $P_{in}$ dependence of $\Omega_{0}$ than the prediction from the standard non-interacting TLS model. Lastly, we increase the temperature and find an increased TLS jitter rate and dephasing rate from power-dependent loss and phase noise measurements, respectively. We also anneal samples, which lowers the low-frequency TLS density and jitter rate, but the single-photon loss is found to be unchanged. The results are qualitatively consistent with a fast-switching interacting-TLS model and they contrast the standard model of TLSs which describes TLSs independently.

  • Q-score Max-Clique: The First Quantum Metric Evaluation on Multiple Computational Paradigms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ward van der Schoot, Robert Wezeman, Niels M. P. Neumann, Frank Phillipson, Rob Kooij

    Evaluating the performance of quantum devices is an important step towards scaling quantum devices and eventually using them in practice. The great number of available quantum metrics and the different hardware technologies used to develop quantum computers complicate this evaluation. In addition, different computational paradigms implement quantum operations in different ways. We add to the landscape of quantum metrics by extending the Q-score metric of Atos to the Q-score Max-Clique. To our knowledge, this yields the first application-level metric which allows comparison of three different paradigms of quantum computing. This metric is evaluated on these computational quantum paradigms -- quantum annealing, gate-based quantum computing, and photonic quantum computing -- and the results are compared to those obtained by classical solvers.

  • Using Cryogenic CMOS Control Electronics To Enable A Two-Qubit Cross-Resonance Gate.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Devin L. Underwood, Joseph A. Glick, Ken Inoue, David J. Frank, John Timmerwilke, Emily Pritchett, Sudipto Chakraborty, Kevin Tien, Mark Yeck, John F. Bulzacchelli, Chris Baks, Pat Rosno, Raphael Robertazzi, Matthew Beck, Rajiv V. Joshi, Dorothy Wisnieff, Daniel Ramirez, Jeff Ruedinger, Scott Lekuch, Brian P. Gaucher, Daniel J. Friedman

    Qubit control electronics composed of CMOS circuits are of critical interest for next generation quantum computing systems. A CMOS-based application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) fabricated in 14nm FinFET technology was used to generate and sequence qubit control waveforms and demonstrate a two-qubit cross resonance gate between fixed frequency transmons. The controller was thermally anchored to the T = 4K stage of a dilution refrigerator and the measured power was 23 mW per qubit under active control. The chip generated single--side banded output frequencies between 4.5 and 5.5 GHz with a maximum power output of -18 dBm. Randomized benchmarking (RB) experiments revealed an average number of 1.71 instructions per Clifford (IPC) for single-qubit gates, and 17.51 IPC for two-qubit gates. A single-qubit error per gate of $\epsilon_{\text{1Q}}$=8e-4 and two-qubit error per gate of $\epsilon_\text{2Q}$=1.4e-2 is shown. A drive-induced Z-rotation is observed by way of a rotary echo experiment; this observation is consistent with expected qubit behavior given measured excess local oscillator (LO) leakage from the CMOS chip. The effect of spurious drive induced Z-errors is numerically evaluated with a two-qubit model Hamiltonian, and shown to be in good agreement with measured RB data. The modeling results suggest the Z-error varies linearly with pulse amplitude.

  • On the stability of dissipatively-prepared Mott insulators of photons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Orazio Scarlatella, Aashish A. Clerk, Marco Schirò

    Reservoir engineering is a powerful approach for using controlled driven-dissipative dynamics to prepare target quantum states and phases. In this work, we study a paradigmatic model that can realize a Mott insulator of photons in its steady-state. We show that, while in some regimes its steady state approximates a Mott-insulating ground state, this phase can become unstable through a non-equilibrium transition towards a coherent yet non-classical limit-cycle phase, driven by doublon excitations. This instability is completely distinct from the ground-state Mott-insulator to superfluid transition. This difference has dramatic observable consequences and leads to an intrinsic fragility of the steady-state Mott phase: a fast pump compared to losses is required to sustain the phase, but also determines a small critical hopping. We identify unique features of the steady-state Mott phase and its instability, that distinguish them from their ground-state counterpart and can be measured in experiments.

  • Physical Entanglement Between Localized Orbitals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lexin Ding, Gesa Dünnweber, Christian Schilling

    In [arXiv:2207.03377] the first closed formula of a faithful entanglement measure applicable to realistic electron systems has been derived. In the present work, we build on this key achievement with the ultimate goal of guiding the development of quantum technologies. For this, we first elucidate the process of entanglement swapping in electron systems such as atoms, molecules or solid bodies. This clearly demonstrates the necessity of both the reference to localized few-orbital subsystems and the implementation of the number-parity superselection rule. Accordingly, in virtue of Wick's theorem, we then provide a fully analytical study of the true physical entanglement between sites in free electron chains. In that sense, we break the common paradigm of restricting such analytical analyses to unitarily invariant settings, i.e. bipartitions of the chain into rather impractical, macroscopically large subsystems. We then upgrade this model to a hydrogen ring of interacting electrons and construct the sought-after localized orbitals. For both systems, we confirm the presence of long-distance entanglement, provided the filling fractions are sufficiently low/high.

  • Polytope compatibility -- from quantum measurements to magic squares.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andreas Bluhm, Ion Nechita, Simon Schmidt

    Several central problems in quantum information theory (such as measurement compatibility and quantum steering) can be rephrased as membership in the minimal matrix convex set corresponding to special polytopes (such as the hypercube or its dual). In this article, we generalize this idea and introduce the notion of polytope compatibility, by considering arbitrary polytopes. We find that semiclassical magic squares correspond to Birkhoff polytope compatibility. In general, we prove that polytope compatibility is in one-to-one correspondence with measurement compatibility, when the measurements have some elements in common and the post-processing of the joint measurement is restricted. Finally, we consider how much tuples of operators with appropriate joint numerical range have to be scaled in the worst case in order to become polytope compatible and give both analytical sufficient conditions and numerical ones based on linear programming.

  • Quantum MAC: Genuine Entanglement Access Control via Many-Body Dicke States.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jessica Illiano, Marcello Caleffi, Michele Viscardi, Angela Sara Cacciapuoti

    Multipartite entanglement plays a crucial role for the design of the Quantum Internet, due to its peculiarities with no classical counterpart. Yet, for entanglement-based quantum networks, a key open issue is constituted by the lack of an effective entanglement access control (EAC) strategy for properly handling and coordinating the quantum nodes in accessing the entangled resource. In this paper, we design a quantum-genuine entanglement access control (EAC) to solve the contention problem arising in accessing a multipartite entangled resource. The proposed quantum-genuine EAC is able to: i) fairly select a subset of nodes granted with the access to the contended resource; ii) preserve the privacy and anonymity of the identities of the selected nodes; iii) avoid to delegate the signaling arising with entanglement access control to the classical network. We also conduct a theoretical analysis of noise effects on the proposed EAC. This theoretical analysis is able to catch the complex noise effects on the EAC through meaningful parameters.

  • Local geometry and quantum geometric tensor of mixed states.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xu-Yang Hou, Zheng Zhou, Xin Wang, Hao Guo, Chih-Chun Chien

    The quantum geometric tensor (QGT) is a fundamental concept for characterizing the local geometry of quantum states. After casting the geometry of pure quantum states and extracting the QGT, we generalize the geometry to mixed quantum states via the density matrix and its purification. The gauge-invariant QGT of mixed states is derived, whose real and imaginary parts are the Bures metric and the Uhlmann form, respectively. In contrast to the imaginary part of the pure-state QGT that is proportional to the Berry curvature, the Uhlmann form vanishes identically for ordinary physical processes. Moreover, there exists a Pythagorean-like equation that links different local distances and reflect the underlying fibration. The Bures metric of mixed states is shown to reduce to the corresponding Fubini-Study metric of the ground state as temperature approaches zero, establishing a correspondence despite the different underlying fibrations. We also present two examples with contrasting local geometries and discuss experimental implications.

  • Non-equilibrium dynamics of dipolar polarons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Artem G. Volosniev, Giacomo Bighin, Luis Santos, Luis A. Peña Ardila

    We study the out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics of dipolar polarons, i.e., impurities immersed in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate, after a quench of the impurity-boson interaction. We show that the dipolar nature of the condensate and of the impurity results in anisotropic relaxation dynamics, in particular, anisotropic dressing of the polaron. More relevantly for cold-atom setups, quench dynamics is strongly affected by the interplay between dipolar anisotropy and trap geometry. Our findings pave the way for simulating impurities in anisotropic media utilizing experiments with dipolar mixtures.

  • On the Role of Entanglement and Statistics in Learning.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Srinivasan Arunachalam, Vojtech Havlicek, Louis Schatzki

    In this work we make progress in understanding the relationship between learning models with access to entangled, separable and statistical measurements in the quantum statistical query (QSQ) model. To this end, we show the following results. $\textbf{Entangled versus separable measurements.}$ The goal here is to learn an unknown $f$ from the concept class $C\subseteq \{f:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow [k]\}$ given copies of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_x \vert x,f(x)\rangle$. We show that, if $T$ copies suffice to learn $f$ using entangled measurements, then $O(nT^2)$ copies suffice to learn $f$ using just separable measurements. $\textbf{Entangled versus statistical measurements}$ The goal here is to learn a function $f \in C$ given access to separable measurements and statistical measurements. We exhibit a class $C$ that gives an exponential separation between QSQ learning and quantum learning with entangled measurements (even in the presence of noise). This proves the "quantum analogue" of the seminal result of Blum et al. [BKW'03]. that separates classical SQ and PAC learning with classification noise. $\textbf{QSQ lower bounds for learning states.}$ We introduce a quantum statistical query dimension (QSD), which we use to give lower bounds on the QSQ learning. With this we prove superpolynomial QSQ lower bounds for testing purity, shadow tomography, Abelian hidden subgroup problem, degree-$2$ functions, planted bi-clique states and output states of Clifford circuits of depth $\textsf{polylog}(n)$. $\textbf{Further applications.}$ We give and $\textit{unconditional}$ separation between weak and strong error mitigation and prove lower bounds for learning distributions in the QSQ model. Prior works by Quek et al. [QFK+'22], Hinsche et al. [HIN+'22], and Nietner et al. [NIS+'23] proved the analogous results $\textit{assuming}$ diagonal measurements and our work removes this assumption.

  • Probing Dynamical Sensitivity of a Non-KAM System Through Out-of-Time-Order Correlators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Naga Dileep Varikuti, Abinash Sahu, Arul Lakshminarayan, Vaibhav Madhok

    Non-KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser) systems, when perturbed by weak time-dependent fields, offer a fast route to classical chaos through an abrupt breaking of invariant phase space tori. In this work, we employ out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) to study the dynamical sensitivity of a perturbed non-KAM system in the quantum limit as the parameter that characterizes the $\textit{resonance}$ condition is slowly varied. For this purpose, we consider a quantized kicked harmonic oscillator (KHO) model, which displays stochastic webs resembling Arnold's diffusion that facilitate large-scale diffusion in the phase space. Although the Lyapunov exponent of the KHO at resonances remains close to zero in the weak perturbative regime, making the system weakly chaotic in the conventional sense, the classical phase space undergoes significant structural changes. Motivated by this, we study the OTOCs when the system is in resonance and contrast the results with the non-resonant case. At resonances, we observe that the long-time dynamics of the OTOCs are sensitive to these structural changes, where they grow quadratically as opposed to linear or stagnant growth at non-resonances. On the other hand, our findings suggest that the short-time dynamics remain relatively more stable and show the exponential growth found in the literature for unstable fixed points. The numerical results are backed by analytical expressions derived for a few special cases. We will then extend our findings concerning the non-resonant cases to a broad class of near-integrable KAM systems.

  • Exploring Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Quantum Boltzmann Machines in Fraud Detection.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jonas Stein, Daniëlle Schuman, Magdalena Benkard, Thomas Holger, Wanja Sajko, Michael Kölle, Jonas Nüßlein, Leo Sünkel, Olivier Salomon, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

    Anomaly detection in Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a critical task in cybersecurity programs of large companies. With rapidly growing amounts of data and the omnipresence of zero-day attacks, manual and rule-based detection techniques are no longer eligible in practice. While classical machine learning approaches to this problem exist, they frequently show unsatisfactory performance in differentiating malicious from benign anomalies. A promising approach to attain superior generalization than currently employed machine learning techniques are quantum generative models. Allowing for the largest representation of data on available quantum hardware, we investigate Quantum Annealing based Quantum Boltzmann Machines (QBMs) for the given problem. We contribute the first fully unsupervised approach for the problem of anomaly detection using QBMs and evaluate its performance on an EDR inspired synthetic dataset. Our results indicate that QBMs can outperform their classical analog (i.e., Restricted Boltzmann Machines) in terms of result quality and training steps in special cases. When employing Quantum Annealers from D-Wave Systems, we conclude that either more accurate classical simulators or substantially more QPU time is needed to conduct the necessary hyperparameter optimization allowing to replicate our simulation results on quantum hardware.

  • Benchmarking Quantum Surrogate Models on Scarce and Noisy Data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jonas Stein, Michael Poppel, Philip Adamczyk, Ramona Fabry, Zixin Wu, Michael Kölle, Jonas Nüßlein, Daniëlle Schuman, Philipp Altmann, Thomas Ehmer, Vijay Narasimhan, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

    Surrogate models are ubiquitously used in industry and academia to efficiently approximate given black box functions. As state-of-the-art methods from classical machine learning frequently struggle to solve this problem accurately for the often scarce and noisy data sets in practical applications, investigating novel approaches is of great interest. Motivated by recent theoretical results indicating that quantum neural networks (QNNs) have the potential to outperform their classical analogs in the presence of scarce and noisy data, we benchmark their qualitative performance for this scenario empirically. Our contribution displays the first application-centered approach of using QNNs as surrogate models on higher dimensional, real world data. When compared to a classical artificial neural network with a similar number of parameters, our QNN demonstrates significantly better results for noisy and scarce data, and thus motivates future work to explore this potential quantum advantage in surrogate modelling. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of current NISQ hardware experimentally and estimate the gate fidelities necessary to replicate our simulation results.

  • Large-Scale Quantum Separability Through a Reproducible Machine Learning Lens.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Balthazar Casalé, Giuseppe Di Molfetta, Sandrine Anthoine, Hachem Kadri

    The quantum separability problem consists in deciding whether a bipartite density matrix is entangled or separable. In this work, we propose a machine learning pipeline for finding approximate solutions for this NP-hard problem in large-scale scenarios. We provide an efficient Frank-Wolfe-based algorithm to approximately seek the nearest separable density matrix and derive a systematic way for labeling density matrices as separable or entangled, allowing us to treat quantum separability as a classification problem. Our method is applicable to any two-qudit mixed states. Numerical experiments with quantum states of 3- and 7-dimensional qudits validate the efficiency of the proposed procedure, and demonstrate that it scales up to thousands of density matrices with a high quantum entanglement detection accuracy. This takes a step towards benchmarking quantum separability to support the development of more powerful entanglement detection techniques.

  • Towards chemical accuracy with shallow quantum circuits: A Clifford-based Hamiltonian engineering approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiace Sun, Lixue Cheng, Weitang Li

    Achieving chemical accuracy with shallow quantum circuits is a significant challenge in quantum computational chemistry, particularly for near-term quantum devices. In this work, we present a Clifford-based Hamiltonian engineering algorithm, namely CHEM, that addresses the trade-off between circuit depth and accuracy. Based on variational quantum eigensolver and hardware-efficient ansatz, our method designs Clifford-based Hamiltonian transformation that (1) ensures a set of initial circuit parameters corresponding to the Hartree--Fock energy can be generated, (2) effectively maximizes the initial energy gradient with respect to circuit parameters, (3) imposes negligible overhead for classical processing and does not require additional quantum resources, and (4) is compatible with any circuit topology. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach using a quantum hardware emulator, achieving chemical accuracy for systems as large as 12 qubits with fewer than 30 two-qubit gates. Our Clifford-based Hamiltonian engineering approach offers a promising avenue for practical quantum computational chemistry on near-term quantum devices.

  • Misinference of interaction-free measurement from a classical system.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Valeri Frumkin, John W. M. Bush

    Interaction-free measurement is thought to allow for quantum particles to detect objects along paths they never traveled. As such, it represents one of the most beguiling of quantum phenomena. Here, we present a classical analog of interaction-free measurement using the hydrodynamic pilot-wave system, in which a droplet self-propels across a vibrating fluid surface, guided by a wave of its own making. We argue that existing rationalizations of interaction-free quantum measurement in terms of particles being guided by wave forms allow for a classical description manifest in our hydrodynamic system, wherein the measurement is decidedly not interaction-free.

  • Relating non-local quantum computation to information theoretic cryptography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rene Allerstorfer, Harry Buhrman, Alex May, Florian Speelman, Philip Verduyn Lunel

    Non-local quantum computation (NLQC) is a cheating strategy for position-verification schemes, and has appeared in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Here, we connect NLQC to the wider context of information theoretic cryptography by relating it to a number of other cryptographic primitives. We show one special case of NLQC, known as $f$-routing, is equivalent to the quantum analogue of the conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) primitive, where by equivalent we mean that a protocol for one task gives a protocol for the other with only small overhead in resource costs. We further consider another special case of position verification, which we call coherent function evaluation (CFE), and show CFE protocols induce similarly efficient protocols for the private simultaneous message passing (PSM) scenario. By relating position-verification to these cryptographic primitives, a number of results in the cryptography literature give new implications for NLQC, and vice versa. These include the first sub-exponential upper bounds on the worst case cost of $f$-routing of $2^{O(\sqrt{n\log n})}$ entanglement, the first example of an efficient $f$-routing strategy for a problem believed to be outside $P/poly$, linear lower bounds on entanglement for CDS in the quantum setting, linear lower bounds on communication cost of CFE, and efficient protocols for CDS in the quantum setting for functions that can be computed with quantum circuits of low $T$ depth.

  • Nontrivial worldline winding in non-Hermitian quantum systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shi-Xin Hu, Yongxu Fu, Yi Zhang

    Amid the growing interest in non-Hermitian quantum systems, non-interacting models have received the most attention. Here, through the stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo method, we investigate non-Hermitian physics in interacting quantum systems, e.g., various non-Hermitian quantum spin chains. While calculations yield consistent numerical results under open boundary conditions, non-Hermitian quantum systems under periodic boundary conditions observe an unusual concentration of imaginary-time worldlines over nontrivial winding and require enhanced ergodicity between winding-number sectors for proper convergences. Such nontrivial worldline winding is an emergent physical phenomenon that also exists in other non-Hermitian models and analytical approaches. Alongside the non-Hermitian skin effect and the point-gap spectroscopy, it largely extends the identification and analysis of non-Hermitian topological phenomena to quantum systems with interactions, finite temperatures, biorthogonal basis, and periodic boundary conditions in a novel and controlled fashion. Finally, we study the direct physical implications of such nontrivial worldline winding, which bring additional, potentially quasi-long-range contributions to the entanglement entropy.

  • Experimental demonstration of a high-fidelity virtual two-qubit gate.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Akhil Pratap Singh, Kosuke Mitarai, Yasunari Suzuki, Kentaro Heya, Yutaka Tabuchi, Keisuke Fujii, Yasunobu Nakamura

    We experimentally demonstrate a virtual two-qubit gate and characterize it using quantum process tomography~(QPT). The virtual two-qubit gate decomposes an actual two-qubit gate into single-qubit unitary gates and projection gates in quantum circuits for expectation-value estimation. We implement projection gates via mid-circuit measurements. The deterministic sampling scheme reduces the number of experimental circuit evaluations required for decomposing a virtual two-qubit gate. We also apply quantum error mitigation to suppress the effect of measurement errors and improve the average gate fidelity of a virtual controlled-$Z$ (CZ) gate to $f_{\rm av} = 0.9938 \pm 0.0002$. Our results highlight a practical approach to implement virtual two-qubit gates with high fidelities, which are useful for simulating quantum circuits using fewer qubits and implementing two-qubit gates on a distant pair of qubits.

  • Effective Hamiltonian approach to the Quantum Phase transitions in the extended Jaynes-Cummings model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    H. T. Cui, Y. A. Yan, M. Qin, X. X. Yi

    The study of phase transitions in dissipative quantum systems based on the Liouvillian is often hindered by the difficulty of constructing a time-local master equation when the system-environment coupling is strong. To address this issue, the complex discretization approximation for the environment has been proposed to study the quantum phase transition in the extended Jaynes-Cumming model with an infinite number of boson modes. This approach yields a non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian that can be used to simulate the dynamics of the spin. It was found that the ground state of this effective Hamiltonian determines the spin dynamics in the single-excitation subspace. Depending on the opening of the energy gap and the maximum population of excitations on the spin degree of freedom, three distinct phases can be identified: fast decaying, localized, and stretched dynamics of the spin. This approach can be extended to multiple excitations, and similar dynamics were found in the double-excitation subspace, indicating the robustness of the single-excitation phase.

  • Monte Carlo approach to the evaluation of the security of device-independent quantum key distribution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hong-Yi Su

    We present a generic study on the information-theoretic security of multi-setting device-independent quantum key distribution protocols, i.e., ones that involve more than two measurements (or inputs) for each party to perform, and yield dichotomic results (or outputs). The approach we develop, when applied in protocols with either symmetric or asymmetric Bell experiments, yields nontrivial upper bounds on the secure key rates, along with the detection efficiencies required upon the measuring devices. The results imply that increasing the number of measurements may lower the detection efficiency required by the security criterion. The improvement, however, depends on (i) the choice of multi-setting Bell inequalities chosen to be tested in a protocol, and (ii) either a symmetric or asymmetric Bell experiment is considered. Our results serve as an advance toward the quest for evaluating security and reducing efficiency requirement of applying device-independent quantum key distribution in scenarios without heralding.

  • Fusion mechanism for quasiparticles and topological quantum order in the lowest Landau level.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arkadiusz Bochniak, Gerardo Ortiz

    Starting from Halperin multilayer systems we develop a hierarchical scheme that generates, bosonic and fermionic, single-layer quantum Hall states (or vacua) of arbitrary filling factor. Our scheme allows for the insertion of quasiparticle excitations with either Abelian or non-Abelian statistics and quantum numbers that depend on the nature of the original vacuum. Most importantly, it reveals a fusion mechanism for quasielectrons and magnetoexcitons that generalizes ideas about particle fractionalization introduced in A. Bochniak, Z. Nussinov, A. Seidel, and G. Ortiz, Commun. Phys. 5, 171 (2022) for the case of Laughlin fluids. In addition, in the second quantization representation, we uncover the inherent topological quantum order characterizing these vacua. In particular, we illustrate the methodology by constructing generalized composite (generalized Read) operators for the non-Abelian Pfaffian and Hafnian quantum fluid states.

  • Microwave photon detection at parametric criticality.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kirill Petrovnin, Jiaming Wang, Michael Perelshtein, Pertti Hakonen, Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu

    The detection of microwave fields at single-photon power levels is a much sought-after technology, with practical applications in nanoelectronics and quantum information science. Here we demonstrate a simple yet powerful criticality-enhanced method of microwave photon detection by operating a magnetic-field tunable Kerr Josephson parametric amplifier near a first-order quantum phase transition. We obtain a 73% efficiency and a dark-count rate of 167 kHz, corresponding to a responsivity of $1.3 \times 10^{17}~\mathrm{W}^{-1}$ and noise-equivalent power of 3.28 zW/$\sqrt{\rm Hz}$. We verify the single-photon operation by extracting the Poissonian statistics of a coherent probe signal.

  • Quantifying operator spreading and chaos in Krylov subspaces with quantum state reconstruction.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Abinash Sahu, Naga Dileep Varikuti, Bishal Kumar Das, Vaibhav Madhok

    We study operator spreading in many-body quantum systems by its potential to generate an informationally complete measurement record in quantum tomography. We adopt continuous weak measurement tomography for this purpose. We generate the measurement record as a series of expectation values of an observable evolving under the desired dynamics, which can show a transition from integrability to complete chaos. We find that the amount of operator spreading, as quantified by the fidelity in quantum tomography, increases with the degree of chaos in the system. We also observe a remarkable increase in information gain when the dynamics transitions from integrable to nonintegrable. We find our approach in quantifying operator spreading is a more consistent indicator of quantum chaos than Krylov complexity as the latter may correlate/anti-correlate or show no explicit behavior with the level of chaos in the dynamics. We support our argument through various metrics of information gain for two models: the Ising spin chain with a tilted magnetic field and the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain with an integrability-breaking field. Our paper gives an operational interpretation for operator spreading in quantum chaos.

  • Quantum Information-Assisted Complete Active Space Optimization (QICAS).- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lexin Ding, Stefan Knecht, Christian Schilling

    Automated active space selection is arguably one of the most challenging and essential aspects of multiconfigurational methods. In this work we propose an effective quantum information-assisted complete active space optimization (QICAS) scheme. What sets QICAS apart from other correlation-based selection schemes is (i) the use of unique measures from quantum information that assess the correlation in electronic structures in an unambiguous and predictive manner, and (ii) an orbital optimization step that minimizes the correlation discarded by the active space approximation. Equipped with these features QICAS yields for smaller correlated molecules sets of optimized orbitals with respect to which the CASCI energy reaches the corresponding CASSCF energy within chemical accuracy. For more challenging systems such as the Chromium dimer, QICAS offers an excellent starting point for CASSCF by greatly reducing the number of iterations required for numerical convergence. Accordingly, our study validates a profound empirical conjecture: the energetically optimal non-active spaces are predominantly those that contain the least entanglement.

  • Topological quantum synchronization of fractionalized spins.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christopher W. Wächtler, Joel E. Moore

    The gapped symmetric phase of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) model exhibits fractionalized spins at the ends of an open chain. We show that breaking SU(2) symmetry and applying a global spin-lowering dissipator achieves synchronization of these fractionalized spins\rev{, which remains protected even if the inversion symmetry is not preserved}. Additional local dissipators ensure convergence to the ground state manifold. In order to understand which aspects of this synchronization are robust within the entire Haldane-gap phase, we reduce the biquadratic term which eliminates the need for an external field but destabilizes synchronization. Within the ground state subspace, stability is regained using only the global lowering dissipator. These results demonstrate that fractionalized degrees of freedom can be synchronized in extended systems with a significant degree of robustness arising from topological protection.

  • A Josephson Parametric Oscillator-Based Ising Machine.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sasan Razmkhah, Mehdi Kamal, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa, Massoud Pedram

    Ising machines have emerged as a promising solution for rapidly solving NP-complete combinatorial optimization problems, surpassing the capabilities of traditional computing methods. By efficiently determining the ground state of the Hamiltonian during the annealing process, Ising machines can effectively complement CPUs in tackling optimization challenges. To realize these Ising machines, a bi-stable oscillator is essential to emulate the atomic spins and interactions of the Ising model. This study introduces a Josephson parametric oscillator (JPO)-based tile structure, serving as a fundamental unit for scalable superconductor-based Ising machines. Leveraging the bi-stable nature of JPOs, which are superconductor-based oscillators, the proposed machine can operate at frequencies of 7.5GHz while consuming significantly less power (by three orders of magnitude) than CMOS-based systems. Furthermore, the compatibility of the proposed tile structure with the Lechner-Hauke-Zoller (LHZ) architecture ensures its viability for large-scale integration. We conducted simulations of the tile in a noisy environment to validate its functionality. We verified its operational characteristics by comparing the results with the analytical solution of its Hamiltonian model. This verification demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the JPO-based tile in implementing Ising machines, opening new avenues for efficient and scalable combinatorial optimization in quantum computing.

  • On Reducing the Amount of Samples Required for Training of QNNs: Constraints on the Linear Structure of the Training Data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Mandl, Johanna Barzen, Frank Leymann, Daniel Vietz

    Training classical neural networks generally requires a large number of training samples. Using entangled training samples, Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) have the potential to significantly reduce the amount of training samples required in the training process. However, to minimize the number of incorrect predictions made by the resulting QNN, it is essential that the structure of the training samples meets certain requirements. On the one hand, the exact degree of entanglement must be fixed for the whole set of training samples. On the other hand, training samples must be linearly independent and non-orthogonal. However, how failing to meet these requirements affects the resulting QNN is not fully studied. To address this, we extend the proof of the QNFL theorem to (i) provide a generalization of the theorem for varying degrees of entanglement. This generalization shows that the average degree of entanglement in the set of training samples can be used to predict the expected quality of the QNN. Furthermore, we (ii) introduce new estimates for the expected accuracy of QNNs for moderately entangled training samples that are linear dependent or orthogonal. Our analytical results are (iii) experimentally validated by simulating QNN training and analyzing the quality of the QNN after training.

  • Percolation-induced PT symmetry breaking.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mengjie Yang, Ching Hua Lee

    We propose a new avenue in which percolation, which has been much associated with critical phase transitions, can also dictate the asymptotic dynamics of non-Hermitian systems by breaking PT symmetry. Central to it is our newly-designed mechanism of topologically guided gain, where chiral edge wavepackets in a topological system experience non-Hermitian gain or loss based on how they are topologically steered. For sufficiently wide topological islands, this leads to irreversible growth due to positive feedback from interlayer tunneling. As such, a percolation transition that merges small topological islands into larger ones also drives the edge spectrum across a real to complex transition. Our discovery showcases intriguing dynamical consequences from the triple interplay of chiral topology, directed gain and interlayer tunneling, and suggests new routes for the topology to be harnessed in the control of feedback systems.

  • Grad DFT: a software library for machine learning enhanced density functional theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pablo A. M. Casares, Jack S. Baker, Matija Medvidovic, Roberto dos Reis, Juan Miguel Arrazola

    Density functional theory (DFT) stands as a cornerstone method in computational quantum chemistry and materials science due to its remarkable versatility and scalability. Yet, it suffers from limitations in accuracy, particularly when dealing with strongly correlated systems. To address these shortcomings, recent work has begun to explore how machine learning can expand the capabilities of DFT; an endeavor with many open questions and technical challenges. In this work, we present Grad DFT: a fully differentiable JAX-based DFT library, enabling quick prototyping and experimentation with machine learning-enhanced exchange-correlation energy functionals. Grad DFT employs a pioneering parametrization of exchange-correlation functionals constructed using a weighted sum of energy densities, where the weights are determined using neural networks. Moreover, Grad DFT encompasses a comprehensive suite of auxiliary functions, notably featuring a just-in-time compilable and fully differentiable self-consistent iterative procedure. To support training and benchmarking efforts, we additionally compile a curated dataset of experimental dissociation energies of dimers, half of which contain transition metal atoms characterized by strong electronic correlations. The software library is tested against experimental results to study the generalization capabilities of a neural functional across potential energy surfaces and atomic species, as well as the effect of training data noise on the resulting model accuracy.

  • Maximum Entropy Principle as Postulate of Quantum Mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexei V. Tkachenko

    Even a century after the formulation of Quantum Mechanics (QM), the wave function collapse (WFC) remains a contentious aspect of the theory. Environment-induced decoherence has offered a partial resolution by illustrating how unitary evolution in an open quantum system can lead to effective WFC within its components. However, this approach by itself does not lead to a fully self-consistent reformulation of QM. We introduce a modified set of QM postulates, which exclude both WFC and Born's probability rule. They are replaced with the Maximum Entropy Principle, a weaker postulate that specifies conditional probabilities for mutually compatible observations. Within this formulation, both WFC and Born's rule become emerging properties.

  • Characterization of non-adaptive Clifford channels.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vsevolod I. Yashin, Maria A. Elovenkova

    We show that multiqubit quantum channels which may be realised via stabilizer circuits without classical control (Clifford channels) have a particularly simple structure. They can be equivalently defined as channels that preserve mixed stabilizer states, or the channels with stabilizer Choi state. Up to unitary encoding and decoding maps any Clifford channel is a product of stabilizer state preparations, qubit discardings, identity channels and dephasing channels. This simple structure allows to characterise information-theoretic properties of such channels.

  • Bistability-assisted Mechanical Squeezing and Entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Souvik Agasti, P. Djorwé

    We propose a scheme to squeeze mechanical motion and to entangle optical field with mechanical motion in an optomechanical system containing a parametric amplification. The scheme is based on optical bistability which emerges in the system for a strong enough driving field. By considering the steady state's lower branch of the bistability, the system shows weak entanglement and almost no mechanical squeezing. When the steady state is on the upper branch of the bistable shape, both squeezing and entanglement are greatly enhanced. Specifically, the entanglement shows three degrees of magnitude enhancement. However, this giant entanglement is fragile against decoherence and thermal fluctuation. Regarding the mechanical squeezing, it reaches the standard quantum limit (SQL) in the upper branch of the bistability. Our proposal provides a way to improve quantum effects in optomechanical systems by taking advantage of nonlinearities. This scheme can be realized in similar systems such as superconducting microwave, and hybrid optomechanical systems.

  • J-coupling NMR Spectroscopy with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers at High Fields.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    P. Alsina-Bolívar, A. Biteri-Uribarren, C. Munuera-Javaloy, J. Casanova

    A diamond-based sensor utilizing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center ensembles permits the analysis of micron-sized samples through NMR techniques at room temperature. Current efforts are directed towards extending the operating range of NV centers into high magnetic fields, driven by the potential for larger nuclear spin polarization of the target sample and the presence of enhanced chemical shifts. Especially interesting is the access to J-couplings as they carry information of chemical connectivity inside molecules. In this work, we present a protocol to access J-couplings in both homonuclear and heteronuclear cases with NV centers at high magnetic fields. Our protocol leads to a clear spectrum exclusively containing J-coupling features with high resolution. This resolution is limited primarily by the decoherence of the target sample, which is mitigated by the noise filtering capacities of our method.

  • Robustness of chaotic behavior in iterated quantum protocols.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Attila Portik, Orosolya Kálmán, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss

    One of the simplest possible quantum circuits, consisting of a CNOT gate, a Hadamard gate and a measurement on one of the outputs is known to lead to chaotic dynamics when applied iteratively on an ensemble of equally prepared qubits. The evolution of pure initial quantum states is characterized by a fractal (in the space of states), formed by the border of different convergence regions. We examine how the ideal evolution is distorted in the presence of both coherent error and incoherent initial noise, which are typical imperfections in current implementations of quantum computers. It is known that under the influence of initial noise only, the fractal is preserved, moreover, its dimension remains constant below a critical noise level. We systematically analyze the effect of coherent Hadamard gate errors by determining fixed points and cycles of the evolution. We combine analytic and numerical methods to explore to what extent the dynamics is altered by coherent errors in the presence of preparation noise as well. We show that the main features of the dynamics, and especially the fractal borders, are robust against the discussed noise, they will only be slightly distorted. We identify a range of error parameters, for which the characteristic properties of the dynamics are not significantly altered. Hence, our results allow to identify reliable regimes of operation of iterative protocols.

  • Unclonable Cryptography in the Plain Model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Céline Chevalier, Paul Hermouet, Quoc-Huy Vu

    By leveraging the no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics, unclonable cryptography enables us to achieve novel cryptographic protocols that are otherwise impossible classically. Two most notable examples of unclonable cryptography are quantum copy-protection and unclonable encryption. Despite receiving a lot of attention in recent years, two important open questions still remain: copy-protection for point functions in the plain model, which is usually considered as feasibility demonstration, and unclonable encryption with unclonable indistinguishability security in the plain model. In this work, by relying on previous works of Coladangelo, Liu, Liu, and Zhandry (Crypto'21) and Culf and Vidick (Quantum'22), we establish a new monogamy-of-entanglement property for subspace coset states, which allows us to obtain the following new results: - We show that copy-protection of point functions exists in the plain model, with different challenge distributions (including arguably the most natural ones). - We show, for the first time, that unclonable encryption with unclonable indistinguishability security exists in the plain model.

  • Entanglement-magic separation in hybrid quantum circuits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gerald E. Fux, Emanuele Tirrito, Marcello Dalmonte, Rosario Fazio

    Magic describes the distance of a quantum state to its closest stabilizer state. It is -- like entanglement -- a necessary resource for a potential quantum advantage over classical computing. We study magic, quantified by stabilizer entropy, in a hybrid quantum circuit with projective measurements and a controlled injection of non-Clifford resources. We discover a phase transition between a (sub)-extensive and area law scaling of magic controlled by the rate of measurements. The same circuit also exhibits a phase transition in entanglement that appears, however, at a different critical measurement rate. This mechanism shows how, from the viewpoint of a potential quantum advantage, hybrid circuits can host multiple distinct transitions where not only entanglement, but also other non-linear properties of the density matrix come into play.

  • Mixed Quantum/Classical Theory (MQCT) Approach to the Dynamics of Molecule-Molecule Collisions in Complex Systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Carolin Joy, Bikramaditya Mandal, Dulat Bostan, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Dmitri Babikov

    We developed a general theoretical approach and a user-ready computer code that permit to study the dynamics of collisional energy transfer and ro-vibrational energy exchange in complex molecule-molecule collisions. The method is a mixture of classical and quantum mechanics. The internal ro-vibrational motion of collision partners is treated quantum mechanically using time-dependent Schrodinger equation that captures many quantum phenomena including state quantization and zero-point energy, propensity and selection rules for state-to-state transitions, quantum symmetry and interference phenomena. A significant numerical speed up is obtained by describing the translational motion of collision partners classically, using the Ehrenfest mean-field trajectory approach. Within this framework a family of approximate methods for collision dynamics is developed. Several benchmark studies for diatomic and triatomic molecules, such as H$_2$O and ND$_3$ collided with He, H$_2$ and D$_2$, show that the results of MQCT are in good agreement with full-quantum calculations in a broad range of energies, especially at high collision energies where they become nearly identical to the full quantum results. Numerical efficiency of the method and massive parallelism of the MQCT code permit us to embrace some of the most complicated collisional systems ever studied, such as C$_6$H$_6$ + He, CH$_3$COOH + He and H$_2$O + H$_2$O. Application of MQCT to the collisions of chiral molecules such as CH$_3$CHCH$_2$O + He, and to the molecule-surface collisions is also possible and will be pursued in the future.

  • Comparative study of quantum emitter fabrication in wide bandgap materials using localized electron irradiation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anand Kumar, Chanaprom Cholsuk, Mohammad N. Mishuk, Mouli Hazra, Clotilde Pillot, Tjorben Matthes, Tanveer A. Shaik, Asli Cakan, Volker Deckert, Sujin Suwanna, Tobias Vogl

    Quantum light sources are crucial foundational components for various quantum technology applications. With the rapid development of quantum technology, there has been a growing demand for materials that are capable of hosting quantum emitters. One such material platform are fluorescent defects in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) inducing deep sub-levels within the band gap. The question arises if other layered wide bandgap (2D) materials offer similar single photon emitting defects. Here, we investigate and compare the fabrication of quantum emitters in exfoliated multi-layer mica flakes with hBN and other wide bandgap 3D crystals (silicon carbide and gallium nitride) which are known to host quantum emitters. We use our primary fabrication technique of localized electron irradiation using a standard scanning electron microscope. To complement our experimental work, we employ density functional theory simulations to study the atomic structures of intrinsic defects and their photophysical properties. While our fabrication technique can create hBN quantum emitters with a high yield and high single photon purity, it is unable to fabricate emitters in the other solid-state crystals under investigation. This allows us to draw conclusions on the emitter fabrication mechanism, which could be relying on the activation of already present defects by charge state manipulation. We therefore provide an important step toward the identification of hBN emitters and their formation process.


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