CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2023-12-12 11:30 to 2023-12-15 12:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


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  • The Mira Distance to M101 and a 4% Measurement of H0.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Caroline D. Huang, Wenlong Yuan, Adam G. Riess, Warren Hack, Patricia A. Whitelock, Nadia L. Zakamska, Stefano Casertano, Lucas M. Macri, Massimo Marengo, John W. Menzies, Randall K. Smith

    The giant spiral galaxy M101 is host to the nearest recent Type Ia Supernova (SN 2011fe) and thus has been extensively monitored in the near-infrared to study the late-time lightcurve of the supernova. Leveraging this existing baseline of observations, we derive the first Mira-based distance to M101 by discovering and classifying a sample of 211 Miras with periods ranging from 240 to 400 days in the supernova field. Combined with new HST WFC3/IR channel observations, our dataset totals 11 epochs of F110W (HST $YJ$) and 13 epochs of F160W (HST $H$) data spanning $\sim$2900 days. We adopt absolute calibrations of the Mira Period-Luminosity Relation based on geometric distances to the Large Magellanic Cloud and the water megamaser host galaxy NGC 4258, and find $\mu_{\rm M101} = $ 29.10 $\pm$ 0.06 mag. This distance is in 1$\sigma$ agreement with most other recent Cepheid and Tip of the Red Giant Branch distance measurements to M101. Including the previous Mira-SNIa host, NGC 1559 and SN 2005df, we determine the fiducial SN Ia peak luminosity, $M^0_B = -19.27 \pm 0.09$ mag. With the Hubble diagram of SNe Ia, we derive $H_0 = 72.37 \pm 2.97 $ km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$, a $4.1\%$ measurement of $H_0$ using Miras. We find excellent agreement with recent Cepheid distance ladder measurements of $H_0$ and confirm previous indications that the local universe value of $H_0$ is higher than the early-universe value at $\sim$ $95\%$ confidence. Currently, the Mira-based $H_0$ measurement is still dominated by the statistical uncertainty in the SN Ia peak magnitude.

  • The Cosmological Dynamics of String Theory Axion Strings.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joshua N. Benabou, Quentin Bonnefoy, Malte Buschmann, Soubhik Kumar, Benjamin R. Safdi

    The quantum chromodynamics (QCD) axion may solve the strong CP problem and explain the dark matter (DM) abundance of our Universe. The axion was originally proposed to arise as the pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson of global $\mathrm{U}(1)_{\rm PQ}$ Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaking, but axions also arise generically in string theory as zero modes of higher-dimensional gauge fields. In this work we show that string theory axions behave fundamentally differently from field theory axions in the early Universe. Field theory axions may form axion strings if the PQ phase transition takes place after inflation. In contrast, we show that string theory axions do not generically form axion strings. In special inflationary paradigms, such as D-brane inflation, string theory axion strings may form; however, their tension is parametrically larger than that of field theory axion strings. We then show that such QCD axion strings overproduce the DM abundance for all allowed QCD axion masses and are thus ruled out, except in scenarios with large warping. A loop-hole to this conclusion arises in the axiverse, where an axion string could be composed of multiple different axion mass eigenstates; a heavier eigenstate could collapse the network earlier, allowing for the QCD axion to produce the correct DM abundance and also generating observable gravitational wave signals.

  • Quasars as Standard Candles V. Evaluation of a $\leq$ 0.06 dex intrinsic dispersion in the LX-LUV relation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matilde Signorini, Guido Risaliti, Elisabeta Lusso, Emanuele Nardini, Giada Bargiacchi, Andrea Sacchi, Bartolomeo Trefoloni

    A characteristic feature of quasars is the observed non-linear relationship between their monochromatic luminosities at rest-frame 2500 {\AA} and 2 keV. This relationship is evident across all redshifts and luminosities and, due to its non-linearity, can be implemented to estimate quasar distances and construct a Hubble Diagram for quasars. Historically, a significant challenge in the cosmological application of this relation has been its high observed dispersion. Recent studies have demonstrated that this dispersion can be reduced by excluding biased objects from the sample. Nevertheless, the dispersion remains considerable ($\delta \sim 0.20$ dex), especially when compared to the Phillips relation for supernovae Ia. Given the absence of a comprehensive physical model for the relation, it remains unclear how much of the remaining dispersion is intrinsically tied to the relation itself and how much can be attributed to observational factors not addressed by the sample selection and by the choice of X-ray and UV indicators. Potential contributing factors include (i) the scatter produced by using X-ray photometric results instead of spectroscopic ones, (ii) the intrinsic variability of quasars, and (iii) the inclination of the accretion disc relative to our line of sight. In this study, we thoroughly examine these three factors and quantify their individual contributions to the observed dispersion. Based on our findings, we argue that the intrinsic dispersion of the X-ray/UV luminosity relation is likely below 0.06 dex. We also discuss why high-redshift subsamples can show a significantly lower dispersion than the average one.

  • The FLAMINGO project: Baryonic impact on weak gravitational lensingvconvergence peak counts.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jeger C. Broxterman, Matthieu Schaller, Joop Schaye, Henk Hoekstra, Konrad Kuijken, John C. Helly, Roi Kugel, Joey Braspenning, Willem Elbers, Carlos S. Frenk, Juliana Kwan, Ian G. McCarthy, Jaime Salcido, Marcel P. van Daalen, Bert Vandenbroucke

    Weak gravitational lensing convergence peaks, the local maxima in weak lensing convergence maps, have been shown to contain valuable cosmological information complementary to commonly used two-point statistics. To exploit the full power of weak lensing for cosmology, we must model baryonic feedback processes because these reshape the matter distribution on non-linear and mildly non-linear scales. We study the impact of baryonic physics on the number density of weak lensing peaks using the FLAMINGO cosmological hydrodynamical simulation suite. We generate ray-traced full-sky convergence maps mimicking the characteristics of a Stage IV weak lensing survey. We compare the number densities of peaks in simulations that have been calibrated to reproduce the observed galaxy mass function and cluster gas fraction or to match a shifted version of these, and that use either thermally driven or jet AGN feedback. We show that the differences induced by realistic baryonic feedback prescriptions (typically $5-30$% for $\kappa = 0.1-0.4$) are smaller than those induced by reasonable variations in cosmological parameters ($20-60$% for $\kappa = 0.1-0.4$) but must be modeled carefully to obtain unbiased results. The reasons behind these differences can be understood by considering the impact of feedback on halo masses, or by considering the impact of different cosmological parameters on the halo mass function. Our analysis demonstrates that the baryonic suppression is insensitive to changes in cosmology up to $\kappa \approx 0.4$ and that the higher $\kappa$ regime is dominated by Poisson noise and cosmic variance.

  • An Estimate of the Impact of Reionization on Supermassive Black Hole Growth.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Phoebe R. Upton Sanderbeck, Jarrett L. Johnson, Madeline A. Marshall

    The supermassive black holes (SMBHs) that power active galactic nuclei found at $z\geq 6$ were formed during the epoch of reionization. Because reionization is a spatially inhomogeneous process, where different regions of the Universe become reionized at different times, the physical properties of SMBH host galaxy environments will vary spatially during reionization. We construct a semi-analytic model to estimate the impact of reionization on SMBH growth due to reduced gas accretion onto dark matter halos. Using a series of merger trees, reionization models, and black hole growth models, we find that early reionization can reduce an SMBH's mass by up to [50, 70, 90] % within dark matter halos of mass [$10^{12}$, $10^{11}$, $10^{10}$] M$_{\odot}$ by $z$ = 6. Our findings also suggest that the redshift range in which black hole growth is impacted by reionization is strongly dependent on whether the Eddington accretion rate can be exceeded. If so, we find that black hole masses are significantly suppressed principally during the early phases of reionization ($z$ $\gtrsim$ 10), while they are more readily suppressed across the full redshift range if super-Eddington growth is not allowed. We find that the global average impact of reionization may be to reduce the masses of black holes residing in $\lesssim$ 10$^{11}$ M$_{\odot}$ halos by a factor of $\gtrsim$ 2. The census of SMBHs that the James Webb Space Telescope is uncovering provides a promising means by which to test these predictions.

  • Constraints on the Evolution of the Ionizing Background and Ionizing Photon Mean Free Path at the End of Reionization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Frederick B. Davies, Sarah E. I. Bosman, Prakash Gaikwad, Fahad Nasir, Joseph F. Hennawi, George D. Becker, Martin G. Haehnelt, Valentina D'Odorico, Manuela Bischetti, Anna-Christina Eilers, Laura C. Keating, Girish Kulkarni, Samuel Lai, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Yuxiang Qin, Sindhu Satyavolu, Feige Wang, Jinyi Yang, Yongda Zhu

    The variations in Ly$\alpha$ forest opacity observed at $z>5.3$ between lines of sight to different background quasars are too strong to be caused by fluctuations in the density field alone. The leading hypothesis for the cause of this excess variance is a late, ongoing reionization process at redshifts below six. Another model proposes strong ionizing background fluctuations coupled to a short, spatially varying mean free path of ionizing photons, without explicitly invoking incomplete reionization. With recent observations suggesting a short mean free path at $z\sim6$, and a dramatic improvement in $z>5$ Ly$\alpha$ forest data quality, we revisit this latter possibility. Here we apply the likelihood-free inference technique of approximate Bayesian computation to jointly constrain the hydrogen photoionization rate $\Gamma_{\rm HI}$ and the mean free path of ionizing photons $\lambda_{\rm mfp}$ from the effective optical depth distributions at $z=5.0$-$6.1$ from XQR-30. We find that the observations are well-described by fluctuating mean free path models with average mean free paths that are consistent with the steep trend implied by independent measurements at $z\sim5$-$6$, with a concomitant rapid evolution of the photoionization rate.

  • Cross-correlation Techniques to Mitigate the Interloper Contamination for Line Intensity Mapping Experiments.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anirban Roy, Nicholas Battaglia

    Line intensity mapping (LIM) serves as a potent probe in astrophysics, relying on the statistical analysis of integrated spectral line emissions originating from distant star-forming galaxies. While LIM observations hold the promise of achieving a broad spectrum of scientific objectives, a significant hurdle for future experiments lies in distinguishing the targeted spectral line emitted at a specific redshift from undesired line emissions originating at different redshifts. The presence of these interloping lines poses a challenge to the accuracy of cosmological analyses. In this study, we introduce a novel approach to quantify line-line cross-correlations (LIM-LLX), enabling us to investigate the true signal amidst instrumental noise and interloping emissions. For example, at a redshift of approximately $z\sim3.7$, we observed that the measured auto-power spectrum of [CII] exhibited substantial bias, from interloping line emission. However, cross-correlating [CII] with CO(6-5) lines using a FYST-like experiment yielded a promising result, with a Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of $\sim 10$. This measurement is notably unbiased. Additionally, we explore the extensive capabilities of cross-correlation by leveraging various CO transitions to probe the tomographic Universe at lower redshifts through LIM-LLX. We further demonstrate that incorporating low-frequency channels, such as 90 GHz and 150 GHz, into FYST's EoR-Spec-like experiment can maximize the potential for cross-correlation studies, effectively reducing the bias introduced by instrumental noise and interlopers.

  • The CMB lensing imprint of cosmic voids detected in the WISE-Pan-STARRS luminous red galaxy catalog.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Camacho-Ciurana, P. Lee, N. Arsenov, A. Kovács, I. Szapudi, I. Csabai

    The cross-correlation of cosmic voids with the lensing convergence ($\kappa$) map of the CMB fluctuations offers a powerful tool to refine our understanding of the dark sector in the consensus cosmological model. Our principal aim is to compare the lensing signature of our galaxy data set with simulations based on the concordance model and characterize the results with an $A_{\kappa}$ consistency parameter. In particular, our measurements contribute to the understanding of the "lensing-is-low" tension of the $\Lambda$CDM model. We selected luminous red galaxies from the WISE-Pan-STARSS data set, allowing an extended 14,200 deg$^2$ sky area, that offers a more precise measurement compared to previous studies. We created 2D and 3D void catalogs to cross-correlate their locations with the Planck lensing map and studied their average imprint signal using a stacking methodology. Applying the same procedure, we also generated a mock catalog from the WebSky simulation for comparison. The 2D void analysis revealed good agreement with the standard cosmological model with $A_{\kappa}\approx1.06 \pm 0.08$, i.e. $S/N=13.3$, showing a higher $S/N$ than previous studies using voids detected in the Dark Energy Survey data set. The 3D void analysis exhibited a lower $S/N$ and demonstrated worse agreement with our mock catalog than the 2D voids. These deviations might be attributed to limitations in the mock catalog, such as imperfections in the LRG selection, as well as a potential asymmetry between the North and South patches of the WISE-Pan-STARSS data set in terms of data quality. Overall, we present a significant detection of a CMB lensing signal associated with cosmic voids, largely consistent with the concordance model. Future analyses using even larger data sets also hold great promise of further sharpening these results, given their complementary nature to large-scale structure analyses.

  • Exact treatment of weak dark matter-baryon scattering for linear-cosmology observables.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yacine Ali-Haïmoud, Suroor Seher Gandhi, Tristan L. Smith

    Elastic scattering of dark matter (DM) particles with baryons induce cosmological signals that may be detectable with modern or future telescopes. For DM-baryon scattering cross sections scaling with negative powers of relative velocity, $\sigma_{\chi b}(v) \propto v^{-2}, v^{-4}$, such interactions introduce a momentum-exchange rate that is nonlinear in DM-baryon bulk relative velocities, thus not amenable for inclusion as-is into standard linear cosmological Boltzmann codes. Linear ansatzes have been adopted in past works, but their accuracy is unknown as they do not arise from first-principles derivations. In this work, for the first time, we construct a rigorous framework for computing linear-cosmology observables as a perturbative expansion in $\sigma_{\chi b}$. We argue that this approach is accurate for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) angular power spectra when most or all of the DM is scattering with baryons with cross section $\sigma_{\chi b}(v) \propto v^{-2}, v^{-4}$. We derive exact formal expressions for CMB power spectra at linear order in $\sigma_{\chi b}$, and show that they only depend on a specific velocity integral of the momentum-exchange rate. Consequently, we can obtain the exact power spectra at linear order in $\sigma_{\chi b}$ by substituting the original nonlinear momentum-exchange rate with a uniquely specified linear rate. Serendipitously, we find that the exact substitution we derive from first principles precisely coincides with the most widely used linear ansatz, thus placing previous CMB-anisotropy upper bounds on a more solid footing. In addition to finally providing an exact cosmological solution to the DM-baryon scattering problem in a well-defined region of parameter space, the framework we construct opens the way to computing higher-order correlation functions, beyond power spectra, which are promising yet unexplored probes of DM-baryon scattering.

  • Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Hole Evaporation with Large Extra Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aurora Ireland, Stefano Profumo, Jordan Scharnhorst

    The spectra of gravitational waves from black hole evaporation generically peak at frequencies of order the Hawking temperature, making this signal ultra-high frequency for primordial black holes evaporating in the early universe. This motivates us to consider small black holes in theories with large extra dimensions, for which the peak frequency can be lowered substantially, since the true bulk Planck scale $M_*$ can be much smaller than the effective $M_{\rm Pl}$. We study the emission of brane-localized gravitons during the Hawking evaporation of ultra-light primordial black holes in the context of theories with large extra dimensions, with the ultimate goal of computing the contribution to the stochastic gravitational wave background. To accurately model black hole evolution, we compute greybody factors for all particle species emitted on the brane and in the bulk, presuming the majority of emission proceeds during the Schwarzschild phase. We then compute the power spectrum and present day spectral density parameter for brane-localized gravitons contributing to a gravitational wave signal. We find that for an optimal choice of parameters, the peak frequency plateaus in the sub-MHz regime, within range of planned high-frequency gravitational wave detectors, making this scenario a target for detection once their sensitivity exceeds $\Delta N_{\rm eff}$ bounds.

  • Tensions in cosmology: a discussion of statistical tools to determine inconsistencies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matías Leizerovich, Susana J. Landau, Claudia G. Scóccola

    We present a comprehensive analysis of statistical tools for evaluating tensions in cosmological parameter estimates arising from distinct datasets. Focusing on the unresolved Hubble constant ($H_0$) tension, we explore the Pantheon Plus + SH0ES (PPS) compilation, which includes low-redshift Cepheid data from the SH0ES collaboration, and the Cosmic Chronometers (CC) dataset. Employing various tension metrics, we quantitatively assess the inconsistencies in parameter estimates, emphasizing the importance of capturing multidimensional tensions. Our results reveal substantial tension between PPS and Planck 2018 datasets. We highlight the importance of the adoption of these metrics to enhance the precision of future cosmological analyses and facilitate the resolution of existing tensions.

  • Black Hole Spectroscopy for Precessing Binary Black Hole Coalescences.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hengrui Zhu, Harrison Siegel, Keefe Mitman, Maximiliano Isi, Will M. Farr, Michael Boyle, Nils Deppe, Lawrence E. Kidder, Sizheng Ma, Jordan Moxon, Kyle C. Nelli, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Mark A. Scheel, Saul A. Teukolsky, William Throwe, Vijay Varma, Nils L. Vu

    To accurately perform black hole spectroscopy, it is essential to know which quasinormal modes dominate astrophysical ringdown signals. In this Letter, we present a phenomenological description of the quasinormal modes that are excited in the ringdowns of comparable mass, quasi-circular precessing binary black hole coalescences. By analyzing an exhaustive catalog of numerical relativity simulations, we confirm that the relative fundamental quasinormal mode amplitudes of precessing systems are related to those of non-precessing systems by a simple rotation, and that additional structure in the spectrum is connected to the system's kick velocity and other asymmetries in the orbital dynamics. We find that the ringdowns of precessing systems need not be dominated by the ${(\ell,m)=(2,\pm 2)}$ quasinormal modes. These results build upon previous works on waveform modeling, and are consistent with a recent ringdown analysis of the LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave signal GW190521.

  • Generating mock galaxy catalogues for flux-limited samples like the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Smith, C. Grove, S. Cole, P. Norberg, P. Zarrouk, S. Yuan, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, A. de la Macorra, P. Doel, J. E. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, C. Hahn, R. Kehoe, A. Kremin, M. E. Levi, M. Manera, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, J. Moustakas, J. Nie, W. J. Percival, M. Rezaie, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, H. Seo, G. Tarlé, Z. Zhou

    Accurate mock galaxy catalogues are crucial to validate analysis pipelines used to constrain dark energy models. We present a fast HOD-fitting method which we apply to the AbacusSummit simulations to create a set of mock catalogues for the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey, which contain r-band magnitudes and g-r colours. The halo tabulation method fits HODs for different absolute magnitude threshold samples simultaneously, preventing unphysical HOD crossing between samples. We validate the HOD fitting procedure by fitting to real-space clustering measurements and galaxy number densities from the MXXL BGS mock, which was tuned to the SDSS and GAMA surveys. The best-fitting clustering measurements and number densities are mostly within the assumed errors, but the clustering for the faint samples is low on large scales. The best-fitting HOD parameters are robust when fitting to simulations with different realisations of the initial conditions. When varying the cosmology, trends are seen as a function of each cosmological parameter. We use the best-fitting HOD parameters to create cubic box and cut sky mocks from the AbacusSummit simulations, in a range of cosmologies. As an illustration, we compare the Mr<-20 sample of galaxies in the mock with BGS measurements from the DESI one-percent survey. We find good agreement in the number densities, and the projected correlation function is reasonable, with differences that can be improved in the future by fitting directly to BGS clustering measurements. The cubic box and cut-sky mocks in different cosmologies are made publicly available.

  • Theoretically motivated dark electromagnetism as the origin of relativistic MOND.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Felix Finster, J. M. Isidro, Claudio F. Paganini, Tejinder P. Singh

    The present paper is a modest attempt to initiate the research program outlined in this abstract. We propose that general relativity and relativistic MOND (RelMOND) are analogues of the broken electroweak symmetry. That is, $SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{YDEM} \rightarrow U(1)_{DEM}$ (DEM stands for dark electromagnetism), and GR is assumed to arise from the broken $SU(2)_R$ symmetry, and is analogous to the weak force. RelMOND is identified with dark electromagnetism $U(1)_{DEM}$, which is the remaining unbroken symmetry after spontaneous symmetry breaking of the darkelectro-grav sector $SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{YDEM}$. This sector, as well as the electroweak sector, arise from the breaking of an $E_8 \times E_8$ symmetry, in a recently proposed model of unification of the standard model with pre-gravitation, this latter being an $SU(2)_R$ gauge theory. The source charge for the dark electromagnetic force is square-root of mass, motivated by the experimental fact that the square-roots of the masses of the electron, up quark, and down quark, are in the ratio 1:2:3, which is a flip of their electric charge ratios 3:2:1 The introduction of the dark electromagnetic force helps understand the weird mass ratios of the second and third generation of charged fermions. We also note that in the deep MOND regime, acceleration is proportional to square-root of mass, which motivates us to propose the relativistic $U(1)_{DEM}$ gauge symmetry as the origin of MOND. We explain why the dark electromagnetic force falls inversely with distance, as in MOND, and not as the inverse square of distance. We conclude that dark electromagnetism is a good mimicker of cold dark matter, and the two are essentially indistinguishable in those cosmological situations where CDM is successful in explaining observations, such as CMB anisotropies, and gravitational lensing.

  • On the Constraints on Superconducting Cosmic Strings from 21-cm Cosmology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    T. Gessey-Jones, S. Pochinda, H. T. J. Bevins, A. Fialkov, W. J. Handley, E. de Lera Acedo, S. Singh, R. Barkana

    Constraints on the potential properties of superconducting cosmic strings provide an indirect probe of physics beyond the standard model at energies inaccessible to terrestrial particle colliders. In this study, we perform the first joint Bayesian analysis to extract constraints on superconducting cosmic strings from current 21-cm signal measurements while accounting rigorously for the uncertainties in foregrounds and high redshift astrophysics. We include the latest publicly available 21-cm power spectrum upper limits from HERA, 21-cm global signal data from SARAS 3, and the synergistic probe of the unresolved X-ray background in our final analysis. This paper thus constitutes the first attempt to use 21-cm power spectrum data to probe cosmic strings. In contrast to previous works, we find no strong constraints can be placed on superconducting cosmic strings from current 21-cm measurements. This is because of uncertainties in the X-ray emission efficiency of the first galaxies, with X-ray emissivities greater than $3 \times 10^{40}$erg s$^{-1}$ M$_{\odot}^{-1}$ yr able to mask the presence of cosmic strings in the 21-cm signal. We conclude by discussing the prospects for future constraints from definitive 21-cm signal measurements and argue that the recently proposed soft photon heating should be cause for optimism due to its potential to break degeneracies that would have otherwise made the signatures of cosmic strings difficult to distinguish from those of astrophysical origin.

  • Accurate field-level weak lensing inference for precision cosmology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alan Junzhe Zhou, Xiangchong Li, Scott Dodelson, Rachel Mandelbaum

    We present $\texttt{Miko}$, a catalog-to-cosmology pipeline for general flat-sky field-level inference, which provides access to cosmological information beyond the two-point statistics. In the context of weak lensing, we identify several new field-level analysis systematics (such as aliasing, Fourier mode-coupling, and density-induced shape noise), quantify their impact on cosmological constraints, and correct the biases to a percent level. Next, we find that model mis-specification can lead to both absolute bias and incorrect uncertainty quantification for the inferred cosmological parameters in realistic simulations. The Gaussian map prior infers unbiased cosmological parameters, regardless of the true data distribution, but it yields over-confident uncertainties. The log-normal map prior quantifies the uncertainties accurately, although it requires careful calibration of the shift parameters for unbiased cosmological parameters. We demonstrate systematics control down to the $2\%$ level for both models, making them suitable for ongoing weak lensing surveys.

  • Impact of beam far side-lobe knowledge in the presence of foregrounds for LiteBIRD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Leloup, G. Patanchon, J. Errard, C. Franceschet, J. E. Gudmundsson, S. Henrot-Versillé, H. Imada, H. Ishino, T. Matsumura, G. Puglisi, W. Wang, A. Adler, J. Aumont, R. Aurlien, C. Baccigalupi, M. Ballardini, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, N. Bartolo, A. Basyrov, M. Bersanelli, D. Blinov, M. Bortolami, T. Brinckmann, P. Campeti, A. Carones, F. Carralot, F. J. Casas, K. Cheung, L. Clermont, F. Columbro, G. Conenna, A. Coppolecchia, F. Cuttaia, G. D'Alessandro, P. de Bernardis, T. de Haan, M. De Petris, S. Della Torre, P. Diego-Palazuelos, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, U. Fuskeland, G. Galloni, M. Galloway, M. Georges, M. Gerbino, M. Gervasi, R. T. Génova-Santos, T. Ghigna, S. Giardiello, C. Gimeno-Amo, E. Gjerløw, A. Gruppuso, M. Hazumi, L. T. Hergt, D. Herranz, E. Hivon, et al. (53 additional authors not shown)

    We present a study of the impact of an uncertainty in the beam far side-lobe knowledge on the measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background $B$-mode signal at large scale. It is expected to be one of the main source of systematic effects in future CMB observations. Because it is crucial for all-sky survey missions to take into account the interplays between beam systematic effects and all the data analysis steps, the primary goal of this paper is to provide the methodology to carry out the end-to-end study of their effect for a space-borne CMB polarization experiment, up to the cosmological results in the form of a bias $\delta r$ on the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. LiteBIRD is dedicated to target the measurement of CMB primordial $B$ modes by reaching a sensitivity of $\sigma \left( r \right) \leq 10^{-3}$ assuming $r=0$. As a demonstration of our framework, we derive the relationship between the knowledge of the beam far side-lobes and the tentatively allocated error budget under given assumptions on design, simulation and component separation method. We assume no mitigation of the far side-lobes effect at any stage of the analysis pipeline. We show that $\delta r$ is mostly due to the integrated fractional power difference between the estimated beams and the true beams in the far side-lobes region, with little dependence on the actual shape of the beams, for low enough $\delta r$. Under our set of assumptions, in particular considering the specific foreground cleaning method we used, we find that the integrated fractional power in the far side-lobes should be known at a level as tight as $\sim 10^{-4}$, to achieve the required limit on the bias $\delta r < 1.9 \times 10^{-5}$. The framework and tools developed for this study can be easily adapted to provide requirements under different design, data analysis frameworks and for other future space-borne experiments beyond LiteBIRD.

  • Cosmological gravitational particle production and its implications for cosmological relics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Edward W. Kolb, Andrew J. Long

    Cosmological gravitational particle production (CGPP) is the creation of particles in an expanding universe due solely to their gravitational interaction. These particles can play an important role in the cosmic history through their connection to various cosmological relics including dark matter, gravitational wave radiation, dark radiation, and the baryon asymmetry. This review explains the phenomenon of CGPP as a consequence of quantum fields in a time-dependent background, catalogs known results for the spectra and cosmological abundance of gravitationally produced particles of various spins, and explores the phenomenological consequences and observational signatures of CGPP.

  • Unbiased estimation of gravitational-wave anisotropies from noisy data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nikolaos Kouvatsos, Alexander C. Jenkins, Arianna I. Renzini, Joseph D. Romano, Mairi Sakellariadou

    One of the most exciting targets of current and future gravitational-wave observations is the angular power spectrum of the astrophysical GW background. This cumulative signal encodes information about the large-scale structure of the Universe, as well as the formation and evolution of compact binaries throughout cosmic time. However, the finite rate of compact binary mergers gives rise to temporal shot noise, which introduces a significant bias in measurements of the angular power spectrum if not explicitly accounted for. Previous work showed that this bias can be removed by cross-correlating GW sky maps constructed from different observing times. However, this work considered an idealised measurement scenario, ignoring detector specifics and in particular noise contributions. Here we extend this temporal cross-correlation method to account for these difficulties, allowing us to implement the first unbiased anisotropic search pipeline for LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA data. In doing so, we show that the existing pipeline is biased even in the absence of shot noise, due to previously neglected sub-leading contributions to the noise covariance. We apply our pipeline to mock LIGO data, and find that our improved analysis will be crucial for stochastic searches from the current observing run (O4) onwards.

  • Predicting the Initial Conditions of the Universe using a Deterministic Neural Network.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vaibhav Jindal, Albert Liang, Aarti Singh, Shirley Ho, Drew Jamieson

    Finding the initial conditions that led to the current state of the universe is challenging because it involves searching over an intractable input space of initial conditions, along with modeling their evolution via tools such as N-body simulations which are computationally expensive. Recently, deep learning has emerged as a surrogate for N-body simulations by directly learning the mapping between the linear input of an N-body simulation and the final nonlinear output from the simulation, significantly accelerating the forward modeling. However, this still does not reduce the search space for initial conditions. In this work, we pioneer the use of a deterministic convolutional neural network for learning the reverse mapping and show that it accurately recovers the initial linear displacement field over a wide range of scales ($<1$-$2\%$ error up to nearly $k\simeq0.8$-$0.9 \text{ Mpc}^{-1}h$), despite the one-to-many mapping of the inverse problem (due to the divergent backward trajectories at smaller scales). Specifically, we train a V-Net architecture, which outputs the linear displacement of an N-body simulation, given the nonlinear displacement at redshift $z=0$ and the cosmological parameters. The results of our method suggest that a simple deterministic neural network is sufficient for accurately approximating the initial linear states, potentially obviating the need for the more complex and computationally demanding backward modeling methods that were recently proposed.

  • Dynamic Dark Energy from the Local Limit of Nonlocal Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Javad Tabatabaei, Abdolali Banihashemi, Shant Baghram, Bahram Mashhoon

    Nonlocal gravity (NLG), a classical extension of Einstein's theory of gravitation, has been studied mainly in linearized form. In particular, nonlinearities have thus far prevented the treatment of cosmological models in NLG. In this essay, we discuss the local limit of NLG and apply this limit to the expanding homogenous and isotropic universe. The theory only allows spatially flat cosmological models; furthermore, de Sitter spacetime is forbidden. The components of the model will have different dynamics with respect to cosmic time as compared to the standard $\Lambda$CDM model; specifically, instead of the cosmological constant, the modified flat model of cosmology involves a dynamic dark energy component in order to account for the accelerated phase of the expansion of the universe.

  • An improved Compton parameter map of thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from Planck PR4 data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jyothis Chandran, Mathieu Remazeilles, R. B. Barreiro

    Taking advantage of the reduced levels of noise and systematics in the data of the latest Planck release (PR4, also known as NPIPE), we construct a new all-sky Compton-$y$ parameter map (hereafter, $y$-map) of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect from the Planck PR4 data. A tailored Needlet Internal Linear Combination (NILC) pipeline, first validated on detailed sky simulations, is applied to the nine single-frequency Planck PR4 sky maps, ranging from $30$ to $857$ GHz, to produce the PR4 $y$-map over 98% of the sky. Using map comparisons, angular power spectra and one-point statistics we show that the PR4 NILC $y$-map is of improved quality compared to that of the previous PR2 release. The new $y$-map shows reduced levels of large-scale striations associated with $1/f$ noise in the scan direction. Regions near the Galactic plane also show lower residual contamination by Galactic thermal dust emission. At small angular scales, the residual contamination by thermal noise and cosmic infrared background (CIB) emission is found to be reduced by around 7% and 34%, respectively, in the PR4 $y$-map. The PR4 NILC $y$-map is made publicly available for astrophysical and cosmological analyses of the thermal SZ effect.

  • A novel approach to infer population and cosmological properties with gravitational waves standard sirens and galaxy surveys.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Simone Mastrogiovanni, Danny Laghi, Rachel Gray, Giada Caneva Santoro, Archisman Ghosh, Christos Karathanasis, Konstantin Leyde, Danièle A. Steer, Stéphane Perriès, Grégoire Pierra

    Gravitational wave (GW) sources at cosmological distances can be used to probe the expansion rate of the Universe. GWs directly provide a distance estimation of the source but no direct information on its redshift. The optimal scenario to obtain a redshift is through the direct identification of an electromagnetic (EM) counterpart and its host galaxy. With almost 100 GW sources detected without EM counterparts (dark sirens), it is becoming crucial to have statistical techniques able to perform cosmological studies in the absence of EM emission. Currently, only two techniques for dark sirens are used on GW observations: the spectral siren method, which is based on the source-frame mass distribution to estimate conjointly cosmology and the source's merger rate, and the galaxy survey method, which uses galaxy surveys to assign a probabilistic redshift to the source while fitting cosmology. It has been recognized, however, that these two methods are two sides of the same coin. In this paper, we present a novel approach to unify these two methods. We apply this approach to several observed GW events using the \textsc{glade+} galaxy catalog discussing limiting cases. We provide estimates of the Hubble constant, modified gravity propagation effects, and population properties for binary black holes. We also estimate the binary black hole merger rate per galaxy to be $10^{-6}-10^{-5} {\rm yr^{-1}}$ depending on the galaxy catalog hypotheses.

  • ICAROGW: A python package for inference of astrophysical population properties of noisy, heterogeneous and incomplete observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Simone Mastrogiovanni, Grégoire Pierra, Stéphane Perriès, Danny Laghi, Giada Caneva Santoro, Archisman Ghosh, Rachel Gray, Christos Karathanasis, Konstantin Leyde

    We present icarogw 2.0, a pure CPU/GPU python code developed to infer astrophysical and cosmological population properties of noisy, heterogeneous, and incomplete observations. icarogw 2.0 is mainly developed for compact binary coalescence (CBC) population inference with gravitational wave (GW) observations. The code contains several models for masses, spins, and redshift of CBC distributions, and is able to infer population distributions as well as the cosmological parameters and possible general relativity deviations at cosmological scales. We present the theoretical and computational foundations of icarogw 2.0, and we describe how the code can be employed for population and cosmological inference using (i) only GWs, (ii) GWs and galaxy surveys and (iii) GWs with electromagnetic counterparts. We discuss the code performance on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), finding a gain in computation time of about two orders of magnitudes when more than 100 GW events are involved for the analysis. We validate the code by re-analyzing GW population and cosmological studies, finding very good agreement with previous publications.

  • Dust and inclination corrected star-formation and interstellar medium scaling relations in nearby galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bogdan A. Pastrav

    Following from our recent work, we present a detailed analysis of star-formation and interstellar medium (ISM) scaling relations, done on a representative sample of nearby galaxies. H$\alpha$ images are analysed in order to derive the integrated galaxy luminosity, known as a more instantenous and accurate star-formation rate (SFR) tracer, and the required photometric and structural parameters. Dust and inclination corrected H$\alpha$ luminosities, SFRs and related quantities are determined using a self-consistent method based on previous work prescriptions, which do not require the assumption of a dust attenuation curve and use of Balmer decrements (or other hydrogen recombination lines) to estimate the dust attenuation, with the advantage of determining dust opacities and dust masses along the way. We investigate the extent to which dust and inclination effects bias the specific parameters of these relations, the scatter and degree of correlation, and which relations are fundamental or are just a consequence of others. Most of our results are consistent within errors with other similar studies, while others come in opposition or are inconclusive. By comparing the B band optical and H$\alpha$ (star-forming) discs scalelengths, we found on average, the star-formation distribution to be more extended than the stellar continuum emission one (the ratio being 1.10), this difference increasing with stellar mass. Similarly, more massive galaxies have a more compact stellar emission surface density than the star-formation one (average ratio of 0.77). The method proposed can be applied in larger scale studies of star-formation and ISM evolution, for normal low to intermediate redshift galaxies.

  • Primordial non-Gaussianity from ultra slow-roll Galileon inflation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sayantan Choudhury, Ahaskar Karde, Sudhakar Panda, M. Sami

    We present a detailed study of the generation of large primordial non-Gaussianities during the slow-roll (SR) to ultra-slow roll (USR) transitions in the framework of Galileon inflation. We found out that due to having sharp transitions in the USR phase, which persist with a duration of $\Delta {\it N}_{\rm USR} \sim 2$ e-folds, we are able to generate the non-Gaussianity amplitude of the order: $|f_{\rm NL}| \sim {\it O}(10^{-2})$ in the SRI, $-5 < f_{\rm NL} < 5$ in the USR, and $-2 < f_{\rm NL} < 2$ in the SRII phases. As a result, we are able to achieve a cumulative average value of $|f_{\rm NL}| \sim {\it O}(1)$. This implies that our results strictly satisfy Maldacena's no-go theorem in the squeezed limit only for SRI, while they strictly violate the same condition in both the USR and SRII phases. The non-renormalization theorem in the Galileon theory helps to support our results regarding the generation of large mass primordial black holes along with large non-Gaussianities, which we show to be dependent on the specific positions of the transition wave numbers fixed at low scales.

  • Hemispherical Power Asymmetry in intensity and polarization for Planck PR4 data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    C. Gimeno-Amo, R. B. Barreiro, E. Martínez-González, A. Marcos-Caballero

    One of the foundations of the Standard Model of Cosmology is statistical isotropy, which can be tested, among other probes, through the study of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). However, a hemispherical power asymmetry on large scales has been reported for WMAP and Planck data by different works. The statistical significance is above 3${\sigma}$ for temperature, suggesting a directional dependence of the local power spectrum, and thus a feature beyond the ${\Lambda}$CDM model. With the third release of the Planck data (PR3), a new analysis was performed including the E-mode polarization maps, finding an asymmetry at a modest level of significance. In this work, we perform an asymmetry analysis in intensity and polarization maps for the latest Planck processing pipeline (PR4). We obtain similar results to those obtained with PR3, with a slightly lower significance (2.8% for the Sevem method) for the amplitude of the E-mode local variance dipole as well as a significant variability with the considered mask. In addition, a hint of a possible T-E alignment between the asymmetry axes is found at the level of $\sim$ 5%. For the analysis, we have implemented an alternative inpainting approach in order to get an accurate reconstruction of the E-modes. More sensitive all-sky CMB polarization data, such as those expected from the future LiteBIRD experiment, are needed to reach a more robust conclusion on the possible existence of deviations from statistical isotropy in the form of a hemispherical power asymmetry.

  • Fast and effortless computation of profile likelihoods using CONNECT.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andreas Nygaard, Emil Brinch Holm, Steen Hannestad, Thomas Tram

    The frequentist method of profile likelihoods has recently received renewed attention in the field of cosmology. This is because the results of inferences based on the latter may differ from those of Bayesian inferences, either because of prior choices or because of non-Gaussianity in the likelihood function. Consequently, both methods are required for a fully nuanced analysis. However, in the last decades, cosmological parameter estimation has largely been dominated by Bayesian statistics due to the numerical complexity of constructing profile likelihoods, arising mainly from the need for a large number of gradient-free optimisations of the likelihood function. In this paper, we show how to accommodate the computational requirements of profile likelihoods using the publicly available neural network framework CONNECT together with a novel modification of the gradient-based $basin$-$hopping$ optimisation algorithm. Apart from the reduced evaluation time of the likelihood due to the neural network, we also achieve an additional speed-up of 1$-$2 orders of magnitude compared to profile likelihoods computed with the gradient-free method of $simulated$ $annealing$, with excellent agreement between the two. This allows for the production of typical triangle plots normally associated with Bayesian marginalisation within cosmology (and previously unachievable using likelihood maximisation because of the prohibitive computational cost). We have tested the setup on three cosmological models: the $\Lambda$CDM model, an extension with varying neutrino mass, and finally a decaying cold dark matter model. Given the default precision settings in CONNECT, we achieve a high precision in $\chi^2$ with a difference to the results obtained by CLASS of $\Delta\chi^2\approx0.2$ (and, importantly, without any bias in inferred parameter values) $-$ easily good enough for profile likelihood analyses.

  • Adagio for Thermal Relics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hooman Davoudiasl, Matthew Sullivan

    A larger Planck scale during an early epoch leads to a smaller Hubble rate, which is the measure for efficiency of primordial processes. The resulting slower cosmic tempo can accommodate alternative cosmological histories. We consider this possibility in the context of extra dimensional theories, which can provide a natural setting for the scenario. If the fundamental scale of the theory is not too far above the weak scale, to alleviate the ``hierarchy problem," cosmological constraints imply that thermal relic dark matter would be at the GeV scale, which may be disfavored by cosmic microwave background measurements. Such dark matter becomes viable again in our proposal, due to smaller requisite annihilation cross section, further motivating ongoing low energy accelerator-based searches. Quantum gravity signatures associated with the extra dimensional setting can be probed at high energy colliders -- up to $\sim 13$ TeV at the LHC or $\sim 100$ TeV at FCC-hh. Searches for missing energy signals of dark sector states, with masses $\gtrsim 10$ GeV, can be pursued at a future circular lepton collider.

  • Supersymmetric $U(1)_{B-L}$ flat direction and NANOGrav 15 year data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rinku Maji, Wan-Il Park

    We show that, when connected with monopoles, the flat $D$-flat direction breaking the local $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry as an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model can be responsible for the signal of a stochastic gravitational wave background recently reported by NANOGrav collaborations, while naturally satisfying constraints at high frequency band. Thanks to the flatness of the direction, a phase of thermal inflation arises naturally. The reheating temperature is quite low, and suppresses signals at frequencies higher than the characteristic frequency set by the reheating temperature. Notably, forthcoming spaced-based experiments such as LISA can probe the cutoff frequency, providing an indirect clue of the scale of soft SUSY-breaking mass parameter.

  • Starobinsky inflation with a quadratic Weyl tensor.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Antonio De Felice, Ryodai Kawaguchi, Kotaro Mizui, Shinji Tsujikawa

    In Starobinsky inflation with a Weyl squared Lagrangian $-\alpha C^2$, where $\alpha$ is a coupling constant, we study the linear stability of cosmological perturbations on a spatially flat Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker background. In this theory, there are two dynamical vector modes propagating as ghosts for $\alpha>0$, whose condition is required to avoid tachyonic instabilities of vector perturbations during inflation. The tensor sector has four propagating degrees of freedom, among which two of them correspond to ghost modes. However, the tensor perturbations approach constants after the Hubble radius crossing during inflation, and hence the classical instabilities are absent. In the scalar sector, the Weyl curvature gives rise to a ghost mode coupled to the scalaron arising from the squared Ricci scalar. We show that two gauge-invariant gravitational potentials, which are both dynamical in our theory, are subject to exponential growth after the Hubble radius crossing. There are particular gauge-invariant combinations like the curvature perturbations whose growth is suppressed, but it is not possible to remove the instability of other propagating degrees of freedom present in the perturbed metric. This violent and purely classical instability present in the scalar sector makes the background unviable. Furthermore, the presence of such classical instability makes the quantization of the modes irrelevant, and the homogeneous inflationary background is spoiled by the Weyl curvature term.

  • Parameter free Hubble constant from the quadruply lensed quasar SDSS J1004 + 4112.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J. Martínez-Arrizabalaga, J. M. Diego, L. J. Goicoechea

    We present a free-form lens model for the multiply lensed quasar in the galaxy cluster SDSS J$1004+4112$. Our lens model makes minimal assumptions about the distribution of mass in the lens plane. We pay particular attention to the model uncertainties on the predicted time delay, originating from the particular configuration of model variables. Taking into account this uncertainty, we obtain a value of the Hubble constant of $H_0= 74^{+9}_{-13}$km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, consistent with independent recent estimates. The predicted time delay between the central image E and image C (the first to arrive), is $\Delta T_{E-C}=3200\pm 200$ days. Future measurements of $\Delta T_{E-C}$ will allow to impose a tighter constrain on $H_0$ from this cluster-QSO system.

  • Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z-Physics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Miguel P. Bento, Howard E. Haber, João P. Silva

    Dark Matter models that employ a vector portal to a dark sector are usually treated as an effective theory that incorporates kinetic mixing of the photon with a new U(1) gauge boson, with the $Z$ boson integrated out. However, a more complete theory must employ the full SU(2)$_L\times $U(1)$_Y \times $U(1)$_{Y^\prime}$ gauge group, in which kinetic mixing of the $Z$ boson with the new U(1) gauge boson is taken into account. The importance of the more complete analysis is demonstrated by an example where the parameter space of the effective theory that yields the observed dark matter relic density is in conflict with a suitably defined electroweak $\rho$-parameter that is deduced from a global fit to $Z$ physics data.

  • Deep learning based photometric redshifts for the Kilo-Degree Survey Bright Galaxy Sample.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anjitha John William, Priyanka Jalan, Maciej Bilicki, Wojciech A. Hellwing

    In cosmological analyses, precise redshift determination remains pivotal for understanding cosmic evolution. However, with only a fraction of galaxies having spectroscopic redshifts (spec-$z$s), the challenge lies in estimating redshifts for a larger number. To address this, photometry-based redshift (photo-$z$) estimation, employing machine learning algorithms, is a viable solution. Identifying the limitations of previous methods, this study focuses on implementing deep learning (DL) techniques within the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) Bright Galaxy Sample for more accurate photo-$z$ estimations. Comparing our new DL-based model against prior `shallow' neural networks, we showcase improvements in redshift accuracy. Our model gives mean photo-$z$ bias $\langle \Delta z\rangle= 10^{-3}$ and scatter $\mathrm{SMAD}(\Delta z)=0.016$, where $\Delta z = (z_\mathrm{phot}-z_\mathrm{spec})/(1+z_\mathrm{spec})$. This research highlights the promising role of DL in revolutionizing photo-$z$ estimation.


  • Sustained super-Eddington accretion in high-redshift quasars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessandro Lupi, Giada Quadri, Marta Volonteri, Monica Colpi, John A. Regan

    Observations of $z \gtrsim 6$ quasars provide information on the early phases of the most massive black holes (MBHs) and galaxies. Current observations, able to trace both gas and stellar properties, show that most MBHs at high redshift seem overmassive compared to the local population, in line with the elliptical galaxy population, or even above, thus implying a very rapid growth of these objects. To assess the physical conditions for such a rapid growth and explain the existence of a population of already mature MBHs when the Universe was less than 1~Gyr old, we here explore whether episodes of accretion above the Eddington limit can occur across cosmic epochs. By employing state-of-the-art high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations of a $z\sim 7$ quasar, where different accretion regimes are consistently included, together with their associated radiative and kinetic feedback, we show that super-Eddington phases can be sustained for relatively long time-scales (tens of Myr) and discuss how they affect the growth of MBHs. We also show, by means of a semi-analytic evolution, that the MBH spin remains relatively low during super-Eddington phases, and this would result in a lower feedback efficiency, hence a potentially faster growth that might then explain the overmassiveness of high-redshift MBHs.

  • A unified accretion disc model for supermassive black holes in galaxy formation simulations: method and implementation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sophie Koudmani, Rachel S. Somerville, Debora Sijacki, Martin A. Bourne, Yan-Fei Jiang, Kasar Profit

    It is well established that supermassive black hole (SMBH) feedback is crucial for regulating the evolution of massive, if not all, galaxies. However, modelling the interplay between SMBHs and their host galaxies is challenging due to the vast dynamic range. Previous simulations have utilized simple subgrid models for SMBH accretion, while recent advancements track the properties of the unresolved accretion disc, usually based on the thin $\alpha$-disc model. However, this neglects accretion in the radiatively inefficient regime, expected to occur through a thick disc for a significant portion of an SMBH's lifetime. To address this, we present a novel 'unified' accretion disc model for SMBHs, harnessing results from the analytical advection-dominated inflow-outflow solution (ADIOS) model and state-of-the-art GR(R)MHD simulations. Going from low to high Eddington ratios, our model transitions from an ADIOS flow to a thin $\alpha$-disc via a truncated disc, incorporating self-consistently SMBH spin evolution due to Lense-Thirring precession. Utilizing the moving mesh code AREPO, we perform simulations of single and binary SMBHs within gaseous discs to validate our model and assess its impact. The disc state significantly affects observable luminosities, and we predict markedly different electromagnetic counterparts in SMBH binaries. Crucially, the assumed disc model shapes SMBH spin magnitudes and orientations, parameters that gravitational wave observatories like LISA and IPTA are poised to constrain. Our simulations emphasize the importance of accurately modelling SMBH accretion discs and spin evolution, as they modulate the available accretion power, profoundly shaping the interaction between SMBHs and their host galaxies.

  • Nebular emission from young stellar populations including binary stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Lecroq, S. Charlot, A. Bressan, G. Bruzual, G. Costa, G. Iorio, M. Spera, M. Mapelli, Y. Chen, J. Chevallard, M. Dall'Amico

    We investigate the nebular emission produced by young stellar populations using the new GALSEVN model based on the combination of the SEVN population-synthesis code including binary-star processes and the GALAXEV code for the spectral evolution of stellar populations. Photoionization calculations performed with the CLOUDY code confirm that accounting for binary-star processes strongly influences the predicted emission-line properties of young galaxies. In particular, we find that our model naturally reproduces the strong HeII/Hb ratios commonly observed at high Hb equivalent widths in metal-poor, actively star-forming galaxies, which have proven challenging to reproduce using previous models. Including bursty star formation histories broadens the agreement with observations, while the most extreme HeII equivalent widths can be reproduced by models dominated by massive stars. GALSEVN also enables us to compute, for the first time in a way physically consistent with stellar emission, the emission from accretion discs of X-ray binaries (XRBs) and radiative shocks driven by stellar winds and supernova explosions. We find that these contributions are unlikely to prominently affect the predicted HeII/Hb ratio, and that previous claims of a significant contribution by XRBs to the luminosities of high-ionization lines are based on models predicting improbably high ratios of X-ray luminosity to star formation rate, inconsistent with the observed average luminosity function of XRBs in nearby galaxies. The results presented here provide a solid basis for a more comprehensive investigation of the physical properties of observed galaxies with GALSEVN using Bayesian inference.

  • Dynamical tides in binaries: Inconsistencies in the implementation of Zahn's prescription.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luca Sciarini, Sylvia Ekström, Patrick Eggenberger, Georges Meynet, Tassos Fragos, Han Feng Song

    Binary evolution codes are essential tools to help in understanding the evolution of binary systems. They contain a great deal of physics, for example stellar evolution, stellar interactions, mass transfer, tides, orbital evolution. Since many of these processes are difficult to account for in detail, we often rely on prescriptions obtained in earlier studies. We highlight that the impact of the dynamical tides with radiative damping has been implemented inconsistently with respect to its original theoretical formulation in many studies. We derive a new analytical solution for the evolution toward synchronization in the case of circular orbits and propose turnkey equations for the case of eccentric orbits that can be used in population synthesis studies. We compare the strength of the tidal torque obtained with this new formula with respect to that obtained with the formula generally used in literature by studying how the evolution toward synchronization of main sequence stellar models is affected. We conclude that by using an incorrect formula for the tidal torque, as has been done in many binary codes, the strength of the dynamical tides with radiative damping is over- or underestimated depending on whether the star is close to or far from synchronization.

  • Hot Gas Outflow Properties of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 4945.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Natalia Porraz Barrera, Sebastian Lopez, Laura A. Lopez, Adi Foord, Dustin D. Nguyen, Todd A. Thompson, Alberto D. Bolatto

    We analyze 330 ks of {\it Chandra} X-ray imaging and spectra of the nearby, edge-on starburst and Seyfert Type 2 galaxy NGC~4945 to measure the hot gas properties along the galactic outflows. We extract and model spectra from 15 regions extending from $-$0.55 kpc to $+$0.85 kpc above and below the galactic disk to determine the best-fit parameters and metal abundances. We find that the hot gas temperatures and number densities peak in the central regions and decrease along the outflows. These profiles are inconsistent with a spherical, adiabatically-expanding wind model, suggesting the need to include mass loading and/or a non-spherical outflow geometry. We estimate the mass outflow rate of the hot wind to be $2.1\:M_{\odot}~\rm{yr}^{-1}$. Emission from charge exchange is detected in the northern outflow, and we estimate it contributes 12\% to the emitted, broad-band ($0.5-7$~keV) X-ray flux.

  • Electron and Muon Dynamics in Neutron Stars Beyond Chemical Equilibrium.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joachim Kopp, Toby Opferkuch

    A neutron star harbors of order $10^{56}$ electrons in its core, and almost the same number of muons, with muon decay prohibited by Pauli blocking. However, as macroscopic properties of the star such as its mass, rotational velocity, or magnetic field evolve over time, the equilibrium lepton abundances (dictated by the weak interactions) change as well. Scenarios where this can happen include spin-down, accretion, magnetic field decay, and tidal deformation. We discuss the mechanisms by which a star disrupted in one of these ways re-establishes lepton chemical equilibrium. In most cases, the dominant processes are out-of-equilibrium Urca reactions, the rates of which we compute for the first time. If, however, the equilibrium muon abundance decreases, while the equilibrium electron abundance increases (or decreases less than the equilibrium muon abundance), outward diffusion of muons plays a crucial role as well. This is true in particular for stars older than about 10,000 yrs whose core has cooled to $\lesssim 20$ keV. The muons decay in a region where Pauli blocking is lifted, and we argue that these decays lead to a flux of $\mathcal{O}$(10 MeV) neutrinos. Realistically, however, this flux will remain undetectable for the foreseeable future.

  • Impact of anisotropic ejecta on jet dynamics and afterglow emission in binary neutron-star mergers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vasilis Mpisketzis, Raphaël Duqué, Antonios Nathanail, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Luciano Rezzolla

    Binary neutron stars mergers widely accepted as potential progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts. After the remnant of the merger has collapsed to a black hole, a jet is powered and may breakout from the the matter expelled during the collision and the subsequent wind emission. The interaction of the jet with the ejecta may affect its dynamics and the resulting electromagnetic counterparts. We here examine how an inhomogeneous and anisotropic distribution of ejecta affects such dynamics, dictating the properties of the jet-ejecta cocoon and of the afterglow radiated by the jet upon deceleration. More specifically, we carry out general-relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of relativistic jets launched within a variety of geometrically inhomogeneous and anisotropic distributions of ejected matter. We find that different anisotropies impact the variance of the afterglow light-curves as a function of the jet luminosity and ejected mass. A considerable amount of the jet energy is deposited in the cocoon through the jet-ejecta interaction with a small but important dependence on the properties of the ejecta. Furthermore, all configurations show a two-component behaviour for the polar structure of the jet, with a narrow core at large energies and Lorentz factors and a shallow segment at high latitudes from the jet axis. Hence, afterglows measured on off-axis lines of sight could be used to deduce the properties of the ejected matter, but also that the latter need to be properly accounted for when modelling the afterglow signal and the jet-launching mechanisms.

  • Unveiling the Bent Jet Structure and Polarization of OJ 287 at 1.7 GHz with Space VLBI.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ilje Cho, José L. Gómez, Rocco Lico, Guang-Yao Zhao, Efthalia Traianou, Rohan Dahale, Antonio Fuentes, Teresa Toscano, Marianna Foschi, Yuri Y. Kovalev, Andrei Lobanov, Alexander B. Pushkarev, Leonid I. Gurvits, Jae-Young Kim, Mikhail Lisakov, Petr Voitsik, Ioannis Myserlis, Felix Pötzl, Eduardo Ros

    We present total intensity and linear polarization images of OJ287 at 1.68GHz, obtained through space-based VLBI observations with RadioAstron on April 16, 2016. The observations were conducted using a ground array consisting of the VLBA and the EVN. Ground-space fringes were detected with a maximum projected baseline length of 5.6 Earth's diameter, resulting in an angular resolution of 530 uas. With this unprecedented resolution at such a low frequency, the progressively bending jet structure of OJ287 has been resolved up to 10 pc of the projected distance from the radio core. In comparison with close-in-time VLBI observations at 15, 43, 86 GHz from MOJAVE and VLBA-BU-BLAZAR monitoring projects, we obtain the spectral index map showing the opaque core and optically thin jet components. The optically thick core has a brightness temperature of 10$^{13}$ K, and is further resolved into two sub-components at higher frequencies labeled C1 and C2. These sub-components exhibit a transition from optically thick to thin, with a SSA turnover frequency estimated to be 33 and 11.5 GHz, and a turnover flux density 4 and 0.7 Jy, respectively. Assuming a Doppler boosting factor of 10, the SSA values provide the estimate of the magnetic field strengths from SSA of 3.4 G for C1 and 1.0 G for C2. The magnetic field strengths assuming equipartition arguments are also estimated as 2.6 G and 1.6 G, respectively. The integrated degree of linear polarization is found to be approximately 2.5 %, with the electric vector position angle being well aligned with the local jet direction at the core region. This alignment suggests a predominant toroidal magnetic field, which is in agreement with the jet formation model that requires a helical magnetic field anchored to either the black hole ergosphere or the accretion disk. Further downstream, the jet seems to be predominantly threaded by a poloidal magnetic field.

  • FR0 jets and recollimation-induced instabilities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Costa, G. Bodo, F. Tavecchio, P. Rossi, A. Capetti, S. Massaglia, A. Sciaccaluga, R. D. Baldi, G. Giovannini

    The recently discovered population of faint FR0 radiogalaxies has been interpreted as the extension to low power of the classical FRI sources. Their radio emission appears to be concentrated in very compact (pc-scale) cores, any extended emission is very weak or absent and VLBI observations show that jets are already mildly or sub-relativistic at pc scales. Based on these observational properties we propose here that the jets of FR0s are strongly decelerated and disturbed at pc scale by hydrodynamical instabilities. With the above scenario in mind, we study the dynamics of a low-power relativistic jet propagating into a confining external medium, focusing on the effects of entrainment and mixing promoted by the instabilities developing at the jet-environment interface downstream of a recollimation shock. We perform a 3D relativistic hydrodynamical simulation of a recollimated jet by means of the state-of-the-art code PLUTO. The jet is initially conical, relativistic (with initial Lorentz Factor $\Gamma$=5), cold and light with respect to the confining medium, whose pressure is assumed to slowly decline with distance. The magnetic field is assumed to be dynamically unimportant.The 3D simulation shows that, after the first recollimation/reflection shock system, a rapidly growing instability develops, as a result of the interplay between Kelvin-Helmholtz and Richtmyer-Meshkov modes. In turn, the instability promotes strong mixing and entrainment that rapidly lead to the deceleration of the jet and spread its momentum to slowly moving, highly turbulent external gas. We argue that this mechanism could account for the peculiarities of the low-power FR0 jets. For outflows with higher power, Lorentz factor or magnetic field, we expect that the destabilizing effects are less effective, allowing the survival of the jet up to the kpc scale, as observed in FRIs.

  • Follow-up of gravitational waves alerts with IACTs using Astro-COLIBRI.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mathieu de Bony de Lavergne, Halim Ashkar, Atilla Kaan Alkan, Jayson Mourier, Patrick Reichherzer, Fabian Schüssler, Monica Seglar-Arroyo

    Follow-up of gravitational wave alerts has proven to be challenging in the past due to the large uncertainty on the localisation, much larger than the field of view of most instruments. A smart pointing strategy helps to increase the chance of observing the true position of the underlying compact binary merger event and so to detect an electromagnetic counterpart. To tackle this, a software called tilepy has been developed and was successfully used by the H.E.S.S. collaboration to search for very-high energy gamma-ray emission from GWs during the O2 and O3 runs. The optimised tiling strategies implemented in tilepy allowed H.E.S.S. to be the first ground facility to point toward the true position of GW 170817. Here we present the main strategy used by the software to compute an optimal observation schedule. The Astro-COLIBRI platform helps to plan follow-up of a large range of transient phenomena including GW alerts. The integration of tilepy in this tool allow for an easy planning and visualisation of of follow-up of gravitational wave alert helping the astronomer to maximise the chance of detecting a counterpart. The platform also provides an overview of the multi-wavelength context by grouping and visualising information coming from different observatories alongside GW alerts.

  • Gamma-ray burst detection with Poisson-FOCuS and other trigger algorithms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giuseppe Dilillo, Kes Ward, Idris A. Eckley, Paul Fearnhead, Riccardo Crupi, Yuri Evangelista, Andrea Vacchi, Fabrizio Fiore

    We describe how a novel online changepoint detection algorithm, called Poisson-FOCuS, can be used to optimally detect gamma-ray bursts within the computational constraints imposed by miniaturized satellites such as the upcoming HERMES-Pathfinder constellation. Poisson-FOCuS enables testing for gamma-ray burst onset at all intervals in a count time series, across all timescales and offsets, in real-time and at a fraction of the computational cost of conventional strategies. We validate an implementation with automatic background assessment through exponential smoothing, using archival data from Fermi-GBM. Through simulations of lightcurves modeled after real short and long gamma-ray bursts, we demonstrate that the same implementation has higher detection power than algorithms designed to emulate the logic of Fermi-GBM and Compton-BATSE, reaching the performances of a brute-force benchmark with oracle information on the true background rate, when not hindered by automatic background assessment. Finally, using simulated data with different lengths and means, we show that Poisson-FOCuS can analyze data twice as fast as a similarly implemented benchmark emulator for the historic Fermi-GBM on-board trigger algorithms.

  • Delayed and fast rising radio flares from an optical and X-ray detected tidal disruption event in the center of a dwarf galaxy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fabao Zhang, Xinwen Shu, Lei Yang, Luming Sun, Zhumao Zhang, Yibo Wang, Guobin Mou, Xue-Guang Zhang, Tianyao Zhou, Fangkun Peng

    AT2018cqh is a unique tidal disruption event (TDE) candidate discovered in a dwarf galaxy. Both the light curve fitting and galaxy scaling relationships suggest a central black hole mass in the range of 5.9<logM_BH/M_sun<6.4. A delayed X-ray brightening was found around 590 days after the optical discovery, but shows unusual long-time rising to peak over at least 558 days, which could be coming from delayed accretion of a newly forming debris disk. We report the discovery of delayed radio flares around 1105 days since its discovery, characterized by an initial steep rise of ~>175 days, a flattening lasting about 544 days, and a phase with another steep rise. The rapid rise in radio flux coupled with the slow decay in the X-ray emission points to a delayed launching of outflow, perhaps due to a transition in the accretion state. However, known accretion models can hardly explain the origins of the secondary radio flare that is rising even more rapidly in comparison with the initial one. If confirmed, AT2018cqh would be a rare TDE in a dwarf galaxy exhibiting optical, X-ray and radio flares. We call for continued multi-frequency radio observations to monitor its spectral and temporal evolution, which may help to reveal new physical processes that are not included in standard TDE models.

  • Revisiting RXTE observations of MXB 0656-072 during the type I outbursts in 2007-2008.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Mirac Serim, Danjela Serim, Çağatay Kerem Dönmez, Youli Tuo, Lorenzo Ducci, Altan Baykal, Andrea Santangelo

    We report on the timing characteristics of MXB 0656-072 throughout its 2007-2008 type I outbursts utilising RXTE/PCA and Fermi/GBM data. Using pulse timing technique, we explore the spin frequency evolution of the source during this interval. Subsequently, by examining the torque-luminosity relation, we show that the overall frequency evolution is substantially in line with the Ghosh-Lamb model. Furthermore, the residuals of the spin frequencies do not exhibit clear orbital modulations, which possibly indicate that the system is observed on a relatively top view. In the RXTE/PCA observations, the pulsed emission is found to be disappearing below $\sim$$5 \times 10^{36}$ erg s$^{-1}$, whereas the profiles maintain stability above this value within our analysis timeframe. In addition, we incorporate two novel methods along with the conventional Deeter method in order to generate higher-resolution power density spectra (PDS). A red noise pattern in the PDSs is also verified in these new methods, common in disk-fed sources, with a steepness of $\Gamma \sim -2$, reaching saturation at a time-scale of $\sim$150 d. Considering the models for spectral transitions, we discuss the possible scenarios for the dipolar magnetic field strength of MXB 0656-072 and its coherence with deductions from the cyclotron resonance scattering feature (CRSF).

  • EWOCS-I: The catalog of X-ray sources in Westerlund 1 from the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. G. Guarcello, E. Flaccomio, J. F. Albacete-Colombo, V. Almendros-Abad, K. Anastasopoulou, M. Andersen, C. Argiroffi, A. Bayo, E. S. Bartlett, N. Bastian, M. De Becker, W. Best, R. Bonito, A. Borghese, D. Calzetti, R. Castellanos, C. Cecchi-Pestellini, S. Clark, C. J. Clarke, F. Coti Zelati, F. Damiani, J. J. Drake, M. Gennaro, A. Ginsburg, E. K. Grebel, J. L. Hora, G. L. Israel, G. Lawrence, D. Locci, M. Mapelli, J. R. Martinez-Galarza, G. Micela, M. Miceli, E. Moraux, K. Muzic, F. Najarro, I. Negueruela, A. Nota, C. Pallanca, L. Prisinzano, B. Ritchie, M. Robberto, T. Rom, E. Sabbi, A. Scholz, S. Sciortino, C. Trigilio, G. Umana, A. Winter, N. J. Wright, P. Zeidler

    Context. With a mass exceeding several 10^4 solar masses and a rich and dense population of massive stars, supermassive young star clusters represent the most massive star-forming environment that is dominated by the feedback from massive stars and gravitational interactions among stars. Aims. In this paper we present the "Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey" (EWOCS) project, which aims to investigate the influence of the starburst environment on the formation of stars and planets, and on the evolution of both low and high mass stars. The primary targets of this project are Westerlund 1 and 2, the closest supermassive star clusters to the Sun. Methods. The project is based primarily on recent observations conducted with the Chandra and JWST observatories. Specifically, the Chandra survey of Westerlund 1 consists of 36 new ACIS-I observations, nearly co-pointed, for a total exposure time of 1 Msec. Additionally, we included 8 archival Chandra/ACIS-S observations. This paper presents the resulting catalog of X-ray sources within and around Westerlund 1. Sources were detected by combining various existing methods, and photon extraction and source validation were carried out using the ACIS-Extract software. Results. The EWOCS X-ray catalog comprises 5963 validated sources out of the 9420 initially provided to ACIS-Extract, reaching a photon flux threshold of approximately 2x10^-8 photons/cm^2/s. The X-ray sources exhibit a highly concentrated spatial distribution, with 1075 sources located within the central 1 arcminute. We have successfully detected X-ray emissions from 126 out of the 166 known massive stars of the cluster, and we have collected over 71000 photons from the magnetar CXO J164710.20-455217

  • Search for strongly interacting dark matter at Belle II.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jinhan Liang, Zuowei Liu, Lan Yang

    A small component of dark matter (DM) that is strongly interacting with the standard model sector is consistent with various experimental observations. Despite the small abundance, strongly-interacting DM can lead to pronounced signals in DM direct detection experiments. We study Belle II sensitivity on strongly-interacting DM that has a MeV-GeV mass and couples with electrons. By taking into account the substantial interactions between DM and electrons within detectors, we compute the ceiling of the mono-photon signature at Belle II, beyond which the mono-photon channel loses its sensitivity, and visible ECL clusters due to DM scatterings assume significance. We study two ECL signatures for strongly-interacting DM: the mono-cluster and the di-cluster channels. To carry out detailed calculations and to compare with other constraints, we consider DM models with light mediators, as they naturally lead to sizable interaction cross sections. We compute exclusion regions for the di-cluster, mono-cluster, and mono-photon channels. We find that Belle II (with currently accumulated data of 362 fb$^{-1}$) can rule out a significant portion of the parameter space above the ceilings of the constraints from various DM direct detection and neutrino experiments, for the vector mediator case with mass $\gtrsim$10 MeV. Belle II also offers superior constraints on new light particles compared to PBH for the scalar mediator with mass $\gtrsim$10 MeV.

  • Improving HAWC dark matter constraints with Inverse-Compton Emission.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dylan M. H. Leung, Kenny C. Y. Ng

    The particle nature of dark matter (DM) has been a long-lasting mystery. Many models suggest that DM could decay or self annihilate into standard model particles, and thus could be a source of gamma rays in the sky. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory has yielded some of the strongest limits in searches of DM decay or annihilation. Building on the flux limits provided by the HAWC collaboration in 2018, we consider the effects of additional components from Galactic secondary Inverse-Compton scatterings and extragalactic DM distributions. We find that these effects can significantly improve the DM constraints, up to an order of magnitude in some cases. This highlights the importance of considering secondary effects in detail in LHAASO-WCDA and SWGO in the future.

  • Constraints on Lorentz invariance violation from the LHAASO observation of GRB 221009A.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Ming Yang, Xiao-Jun Bi, Peng-Fei Yin

    In some quantum gravity (QG) theories, Lorentz symmetry may be broken above the Planck scale. The Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) may induce observable effects at low energies and be detected at high energy astrophysical measurements. The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO) has detected the onset, rise, and decay phases of the afterglow of GRB 221009A, covering a wide energy range of photons approximately from $0.2$ to $18$ TeV. This observation provides an excellent opportunity to study the Lorentz invariance violation effect. In this study, we simultaneously utilize the data from the KM2A and WCDA detectors of LHAASO, and apply two event by event methods, namely the pair view method and maximum likelihood method, to investigate LIV. We obtain stringent constraints on the QG energy scale. For instance, through the maximum likelihood method, we determine the 95$\%$ confidence level lower limits to be $E_{QG,1} > 14.7 (6.5)\times 10^{19}$GeV for the subluminal (superluminal) scenario of $n = 1$, and $E_{QG,2} > 12.0 (7.2)\times 10^{11}$GeV for the subluminal (superluminal) scenario of $n = 2$. We find that the rapid rise and slow decay behaviors of the afterglow can impose strong constraints on the subluminal scenario, while the constraints are weaker for the superluminal scenario.

  • Fast Explicit Solutions for Neutrino-Electron Scattering: Explicit Asymptotic Methods.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aaron Lackey-Stewart, Raghav Chari, Adam Cole, Nick Brey, Kyle Gregory, Ryan Crowley, Mike Guidry, Eirik Endeve

    We present results of explicit asymptotic approximations applied to neutrino--electron scattering in a representative model of neutrino population evolution under conditions characteristic of core-collapse supernova explosions or binary neutron star mergers. It is shown that this approach provides stable solutions of these stiff systems of equations, with accuracy and timestepping comparable to that for standard implicit treatments such as backward Euler, fixed point iteration, and Anderson-accelerated fixed point iteration. Because each timestep can be computed more rapidly with the explicit asymptotic approximation than with implicit methods, this suggests that algebraically stabilized explicit integration methods could be used to compute neutrino evolution coupled to hydrodynamics more efficiently in stellar explosions and mergers than the methods currently in use.

  • Swift/XRT observations of superorbital modulations in wind-fed supergiant X-ray binaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P. Romano, E. Bozzo, 3), N. Islam, 5), R.H.D. Corbet, 5, 7) ((1) INAF/OAB, (2) Univ. Geneve, (3) INAF/OAR, (4) Uni. Maryland, (5) NASA GSFC, (6) CRESST and CSST, (7) Maryland ICA)

    We present the first Swift/XRT long-term monitoring of 2S 0114+650, a wind-fed supergiant X-ray binary for which both orbital and superorbital periods are known (P_orb~11.6d and P_sup~0.8d). Our campaign, summing up to ~ 79ks, is the most intense and complete sampling of the X-ray light curve of this source with a sensitive pointed X-ray instrument, and covers 17 orbital, and 6 superorbital cycles. The combination of flexibility, sensitivity, and soft X-ray coverage of XRT allowed us to confirm previously reported spectral changes along the orbital cycle of the source and unveil the variability in its spectral parameters as a function of the superorbital phase. For completeness, we also report on a similar analysis carried out by exploiting XRT archival data on three additional wind-fed supergiant X-ray binaries IGR J16418-4532, IGR J16479-4514, and IGR J16493-4348. For these sources, the archival data provided coverage along several superorbital cycles but our analysis could not reveal any significant spectral variability.

  • Solar flare catalog from 3 years of Chandrayaan-2 XSM observations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aravind Bharathi Valluvan, Ashwin Goyal, Devansh Jain, Abhinna Sundar Samantaray, Abhilash Sarwade, Kasiviswanathan Sankarasubramanian

    We present a catalog of 6266 solar flares detected by the X-Ray Solar Monitor onboard the Chandrayaan-2 lunar orbiter between 1.55 and 12.4 keV (1 and 8 \AA) from 2019 September 12 to 2022 November 4, including 1469 type A flares. The catalog represents the first large sample, including both type A, hot thermal flares, and type B, impulsive flares, with a sub-A class sensitive instrument. We also detect 213 sub-A and 1330 A class flares. Individual flares are fit with an exponentially-modified Gaussian function and multi-flare groups are decomposed into individual flares. We validate our findings with flare catalogs made using visual inspection as well as automatic pipelines on Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite and Solar Dynamics Observatory data. We find a clear bimodality in the ratio of the width to decay time between type A and B flares. We infer a power-law index of $\alpha_F = 1.92 \pm 0.09$ for the background-subtracted peak flux distribution of XSM flares, which is consistent with the value $\sim 2$ reported in the literature. We also infer $\alpha_F = 1.90 \pm 0.09$ for type B, and $\alpha_F = 1.94 \pm 0.08$ for type A flares, which has previously not been reported in the literature. These comparable values hint at a similarity in their generative processes.

  • X-ray Reflection from the Plunging Region of Black Hole Accretion Disks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jameson Dong, Guglielmo Mastroserio, Javier A. Garcıa, Adam Ingram, Edward Nathan, Riley Connors

    Accretion around black holes is very often characterized by distinctive X-ray reflection features (mostly, iron inner-shell transitions), which arise due to the primary radiation being reprocessed by a dense and relatively colder medium, such as an accretion disk. Most reflection modeling assume that emission stops at the inner-most stable circular orbit (ISCO), and that for smaller radii - in the plunging region - the density drops and the accretion flow is far too ionized for efficient line production. We investigate the spectral features of the reflection in the plunging regions of optically-thick and geometrically-thin accretion disks around black holes. We show that for cases in which the density profile is considered constant (as expected in highly magnetized flows), or in cases in which the disk density is high enough such that the ionization still allows line formation within the ISCO, there is a significant modification of the observed reflected spectrum. Consistent with previous studies, we found that the impact of the radiation reprocessed in the plunging region is stronger the lower the black hole spin, when the plunging region subtends a larger area. Likewise, as for the case of standard reflection modeling, the relativistic broadening of the iron line is more pronounced at low inclination, whereas the blueshift and relativistic beaming effect is dominant at high inclination. We also tested the effects of various prescriptions of the stress at the ISCO radius on the reflection spectrum, and found that several of these cases appear to show line profiles distinct enough to be distinguishable with reasonably good quality observational data.

  • Nomen non est omen: Why it is too soon to identify ultra-compact objects as black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sebastian Murk

    Black holes play a pivotal role in the foundations of physics, but there is an alarming discrepancy between what is considered to be a black hole in observational astronomy and theoretical studies. Despite claims to the contrary, we argue that identifying the observed astrophysical black hole candidates as genuine black holes is not justified based on the currently available observational data, and elaborate on the necessary evidence required to support such a remarkable claim. In addition, we investigate whether the predictions of semiclassical gravity are equally compatible with competing theoretical models, and find that semiclassical arguments favor horizonless configurations.

  • Scintillation Arc from FRB 20220912A.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zi-Wei Wu, Robert A. Main, Wei-Wei Zhu, Bing Zhang, Peng Jiang, Jia-Rui Niu, Jin-Lin Han, Di Li, Ke-Jia Lee, Dong-Zi Li, Yuan-Pei Yang, Fa-Yin Wang, Rui Luo, Pei Wang, Chen-Hui Niu, Heng Xu, Bo-Jun Wang, Wei-Yang Wang, Yong-Kun Zhang, Yi Feng, De-Jiang Zhou, Yong-Hua Xu, Can-Min Deng, Yu-Hao Zhu

    We present the interstellar scintillation analysis of fast radio burst (FRB) 20220912A during its extremely active episode in 2022 using data from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST). We detect a scintillation arc in the FRB's secondary spectrum, which describes the power in terms of the scattered FRB signals' time delay and Doppler shift. The arc indicates that the scintillation is caused by a highly localized region of the ionized interstellar medium (IISM). Our analysis favors a Milky Way origin for the localized scattering medium but cannot rule out a host galaxy origin. We present our method for detecting the scintillation arc, which can be applied generally to sources with irregularly spaced bursts or pulses. These methods could help shed light on the complex interstellar environment surrounding the FRBs and in our Galaxy.

  • Galactic cosmic ray transport in the absence of resonant scattering.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    O. Pezzi, P. Blasi

    Galactic cosmic ray transport relies on the existence of turbulence on scales comparable with the gyration radius of the particles and with wavenumber vector oriented along the local magnetic field. In the standard picture, in which turbulence is injected at large scales and cascades down to smaller scales, it is all but guaranteed that the turbulent fluctuations at the scales relevant for resonant scattering may be present, either because of anisotropic cascading or because of the onset of damping processes. This raises questions on the nature of cosmic-ray scattering, especially at energies $\gtrsim 1$ TeV, where self-generation is hardly relevant. Here, by means of numerical simulations of charged test-particles in a prescribed magnetic field, we perform a gedankenexperiment aimed at investigating particle diffusion in a situation in which turbulence is mainly present at large scales, and discuss possible implications of this setup for cosmic-ray transport phenomenology.

  • R-modes as a New Probe of Dark Matter in Neutron Stars.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Swarnim Shirke, Suprovo Ghosh, Debarati Chatterjee, Laura Sagunski, Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich

    In this work, we perform the first systematic investigation of effects of the presence of dark matter on $r$-mode oscillations in neutron stars (NSs). Using a self-interacting dark matter (DM) model based on the neutron decay anomaly and a hadronic model obtained from the posterior distribution of a recent Bayesian analysis, we impose constraints on the DM self-interaction strength using recent multimessenger astrophysical observations. We also put new constraints on the DM fraction for this model of DM. The constrained DM interaction strength is then used to estimate DM self-interaction cross section and shear viscosity resulting from DM, which is found to be several orders of magnitude smaller than shear viscosity due to hadronic matter. Assuming chemical equilibrium among DM fermions and neutrons, we estimate the bulk viscosity resulting from the dark decay of neutrons considering different scenarios for the temperature dependence of the reaction rate and investigate the effect on the $r$-mode instability window. We conclude that DM shear and bulk viscosity may significantly modify the $r$-mode instability window compared with the minimal hadronic viscosities, depending on the temperature dependence of the process. We also found that for the window to be compatible with the X-ray and pulsar observational data, the rate for the dark decay process must be fast.

  • Phenomenology of DSR-relativistic in-vacuo dispersion in FLRW spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Domenico Frattulillo, Giulia Gubitosi, Giacomo Rosati, Suzana Bedić

    Studies of in-vacuo dispersion are the most active area of quantum-gravity phenomenology. The way in which in-vacuo dispersion produces redshift-dependent corrections to the time of flight of astrophysics particles depends on the model-dependent interplay between Planck-scale effects and spacetime curvature/expansion, and we here derive the most general formula for the leading order redshift-dependent correction to the time of flight for the scenario in which relativistic symmetries are deformed at the Planck scale (DSR) for the constant-curvature case. We find that, contrary to the broken symmetries scenario (LIV), where in principle any arbitrary form of redshift dependence could be allowed, for the DSR scenario only linear combinations of three possible forms of redshift dependence are allowed. We also derive a generalization of our results to the FRW case, and discuss some specific combinations of the three forms of redshift dependence whose investigation might deserve priority from the quantum-gravity perspective.

  • Lorentz invariance violation from GRB221009A.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hao Li, Bo-Qiang Ma

    The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory~(LHAASO) reported observation of photons with energies above 10~TeV from gamma ray burst GRB221009A. A suggestion was proposed that this result may contradict with our knowledge of special relativity~(SR) and the standard model~(SM), according to which photons of about 10~TeV from such a distant object should be severely suppressed because of the absorption by extragalactic background light. As a result, a number of mechanisms have been proposed to solve this potential puzzle, including Lorentz invariance violation~(LIV). In this work, we perform a detailed numerical calculation and show the feasibility to constrain LIV of photons from the LHAASO observation of GRB221009A quantitatively.

  • On hydromagnetic wave interactions in collisionless, high-$\beta$ plasmas.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Stephen Majeski, Matthew W. Kunz

    We describe the interaction of parallel-propagating Alfv\'en waves with ion-acoustic waves and other Alfv\'en waves, in magnetized, high-$\beta$ collisionless plasmas. This is accomplished through a combination of analytical theory and numerical fluid simulations of the Chew-Goldberger-Low (CGL) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations closed by Landau-fluid heat fluxes. An asymptotic ordering is employed to simplify the CGL-MHD equations and derive solutions for the deformation of an Alfv\'en wave that results from its interaction with the pressure anisotropy generated either by an ion-acoustic wave or another, larger-amplitude Alfv\'en wave. The difference in timescales of acoustic and Alfv\'enic fluctuations at high-$\beta$ means that interactions that are local in wavenumber space yield little modification to either mode within the time it takes the acoustic wave to Landau damp away. Instead, order-unity changes in the amplitude of Alfv\'enic fluctuations can result after interacting with frequency-matched acoustic waves. Additionally, we show that the propagation speed of an Alfv\'en-wave packet in an otherwise homogeneous background is a function of its self-generated pressure anisotropy. This allows for the eventual interaction of separate co-propagating Alfv\'en-wave packets of differing amplitudes. The results of the CGL-MHD simulations agree well with these predictions, suggesting that theoretical models relying on the interaction of these modes should be reconsidered in certain astrophysical environments. Applications of these results to weak Alfv\'enic turbulence and to the interaction between the compressive and Alfv\'enic cascades in strong, collisionless turbulence are also discussed.

  • Three-dimensional GRMHD simulations of neutron star jets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pushpita Das, Oliver Porth

    Neutron stars and black holes in X-ray binaries are observed to host strong collimated jets in the hard spectral state. Numerical simulations can act as a valuable tool in understanding the mechanisms behind jet formation and its properties. Although there have been significant efforts in understanding black-hole jets from general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations in the past years, neutron star jets, however, still remain poorly explored. We present the results from three-dimensional (3D) GRMHD simulations of accreting neutron stars with oblique magnetospheres for the very first time. The jets in our simulations are produced due to the anchored magnetic field of the rotating star in analogy with the Blandford-Znajek process. We find that for accreting stars, the star-disk magnetic field interaction plays a significant role and as a result, the jet power becomes directly proportional to ${\Phi^2}_{\rm jet}$, where $\Phi_{\rm jet}$ is the open flux in the jet. The jet power decreases with increasing stellar magnetic inclination and finally for an orthogonal magnetosphere, it reduces by a factor of $\simeq 2.95$ compared to the aligned case. We also find that in the strong propeller regime, with a highly oblique magnetosphere, the disk-induced collimation of the open stellar flux preserves parts of the striped wind resulting in a striped jet.

  • A Shock Flash Breaking Out of a Dusty Red Supergiant.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gaici Li, Maokai Hu, Wenxiong Li, 4), Yi Yang, 1), Xiaofeng Wang, 6, 2), Shengyu Yan, Lei Hu, 7), Jujia Zhang, 9, 10), Yiming Mao, Henrik Riise, Xing Gao, Tianrui Sun, Jialian Liu, Dingrong Xiong, 9), Lifan Wang, Jun Mo, Abdusamatjan Iskandar, 15), Gaobo Xi, Danfeng Xiang, Lingzhi Wang, 4), Guoyou Sun, Keming Zhang, Jian Chen, Weili Lin, Fangzhou Guo, Qichun Liu, Guangyao Cai, Wenjie Zhou, Jingyuan Zhao, Jin Chen, Xin Zheng, Keying Li, Mi Zhang, Shijun Xu, Xiaodong Lyu, A.J.Castro-Tirado, 19), Vasilii Chufarin, 21), Nikolay Potapov, Ivan Ionov, Stanislav Korotkiy, Sergey Nazarov, Kirill Sokolovsky, 26), Norman Hamann, Eliot Herman, (2) PMO, (3) Tel Aviv University, (4) KLOA-CAS, (5) UC Berkeley, (6) Beijing Planetarium, (7) Carnegie Mellon University, (8) YNAO, (9) KLSECO-CAS, (10) ICS-YKL, (11) NAOC, (12) Skjeivik Observatory, (13) XAO-CAS, (14) TAMU, (15) UCAS, (16) SACA-NAOC, (17) XMO, (18) IAA-CSIC, (19) Universidad de Malaga, (20) Novgorod Planetarium, (21) Minin University, (22) Ka-Dar/Astroverty, (23) Vedrus Observatory, (24) CAO, (25) UIUC, (26) SAI, (27) Trevinca Skies, (28) University of Arizona)

    Shock breakout emission is light that arises when a shockwave, generated by core-collapse explosion of a massive star, passes through its outer envelope. Hitherto, the earliest detection of such a signal was at several hours after the explosion, though a few others had been reported. The temporal evolution of early light curves should reveal insights into the shock propagation, including explosion asymmetry and environment in the vicinity, but this has been hampered by the lack of multiwavelength observations. Here we report the instant multiband observations of a type II supernova (SN 2023ixf) in the galaxy M101 (at a distance of 6.85+/-0.15 Mpc), beginning at about 1.4 hours after the explosion. The exploding star was a red supergiant with a radius of about 440 solar radii. The light curves evolved rapidly, on timescales of 1-2 hours, and appeared unusually fainter and redder than predicted by models within the first few hours, which we attribute to an optically thick dust shell before it was disrupted by the shockwave. We infer that the breakout and perhaps the distribution of the surrounding dust were not spherically symmetric.


  • Hints of a disrupted binary dwarf galaxy in the Sagittarius stream.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Elliot Y. Davies, Stephanie Monty, Vasily Belokurov, Adam M. Dillamore

    In this work, we look for evidence of a non-unity mass ratio binary dwarf galaxy merger in the Sagittarius stream. Simulations of such a merger show that, upon merging with a host, particles from the less-massive galaxy will often mostly be found in the extended stream and less-so in the central remnant. Motivated by these simulations, we use APOGEE DR17 chemical data from approximately 1100 stars in both the Sagittarius remnant and stream to look for evidence of contamination from a second dwarf galaxy. This search is initially justified by the idea that disrupted binary dwarf galaxies provide a possible explanation of the Sagittarius bifurcation, and the location of the massive, chemically peculiar globular cluster NGC 2419 found within the stream of Sagittarius. We separate the Sagittarius data into its remnant and stream and compare the [Mg/Fe] content of the two populations. In particular, we select [Mg/Fe] to search for hints of unique star formation histories among our sample stars. Comparing the stream and remnant populations, we find regions have distinct [Mg/Fe] distributions for fixed [Fe/H], in addition to distinct chemical tracks in [Mg/Fe] -- [Fe/H] abundance space. We show that there are large regions of the tracks for which the probability of the two samples being drawn from the same distribution is very low (p < 0.05). Furthermore, we show that the two tracks can be fit with unique star formation histories using simple, one zone galactic chemical evolution models. While more work must be done to discern whether the hypothesis presented here is true, our work hints at the possibility that Sagittarius may consist of two dwarf galaxy progenitors.

  • CECILIA: Direct O, N, S, and Ar Abundances in Q2343-D40, a Galaxy at $z\sim$3.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Noah S. J. Rogers, Allison L. Strom, Gwen C. Rudie, Ryan F. Trainor, Menelaos Raptis, Caroline von Raesfeld

    Measurements of chemical abundances in high-$z$ star-forming (SF) galaxies place important constraints on the enrichment history of massive stars and the physical conditions in the early universe. JWST is beginning to enable direct chemical abundance measurements in galaxies at $z$$>$2 via the detection of the faint T$_e$-sensitive auroral line [O III]$\lambda$4363. However, direct abundances of other elements (e.g., S and Ar) in high-$z$ galaxies remain unconstrained due to a lack of T$_e$ data and wavelength coverage. Here, we present multiple direct abundances in D40, a galaxy at $z$$\sim$3 observed with JWST/NIRSpec as part of the CECILIA program. We report the first simultaneous measurement of T$_e$[O III] and T$_e$[S III] in a high-$z$ galaxy, finding good agreement with the temperature trends in local SF systems and photoionization models. We measure a gas-phase metallicity of 12+log(O/H) $=8.16\pm0.05$ dex, and an N/O abundance indicative of primary nucleosynthesis. The S/O abundance in D40 is slightly sub-solar but consistent with local H II regions. In contrast, the log(Ar/O) in D40 is $-$2.71$\pm$0.09 dex, sub-solar by $>$2$\sigma$. The [Ar III]$\lambda$7135 intensities of D40 and other CECILIA galaxies are similar to those of local SF systems with Ar-deficient interstellar media, suggesting that low gas-phase Ar abundance is common in high-$z$ galaxies. Recent nucleosynthesis models find that Ar is produced in Type Ia supernovae: if low Ar/O is consistently observed in high-$z$ SF galaxies, it would provide further observational evidence that early galaxies are enriched primarily by core-collapse supernovae, which produce enhanced O relative to Ar and Fe.

  • Are There Terrestrial Planets Lurking in the Outer Solar System?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Amir Siraj

    Motivated by recent measurements of the free-floating planet mass function at terrestrial masses, we consider the possibility that the solar system may have captured a terrestrial planet early in its history. We show that $\sim 1.2$ captured free-floating planets with mass strictly greater than that of Mars may exist in the outer solar system, with a median predicted distance of $\sim 1400 \mathrm{\; AU}$. If we consider a logarithmic bin centered on the mass of Mars, rather than a cutoff, we find that $\sim 2.7$ captured free-floating planets with mass comparable to Mars may exist in the outer solar system. We derive an expectation value of $\sim 0.9$ for the number of captured free-floating planets with mass comparable to that of Mars ($\sim 1.4$ for mass comparable to that of Mercury) that are currently brighter than the 10-year co-added point source detection limits of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). Blind shift-and-stack searches could potentially enable the detection of such a planet if it is currently in the Southern sky. The theoretical argument presented here does not rely on the existence of posited patterns in the orbital elements of small bodies in and beyond the Kuiper belt, in contrast with other hypothetical outer-solar-system planets motivated in recent years.

  • The Origins of Gas Accreted by Supermassive Black Holes: the Importance of Recycled Gas.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ena Choi, Rachel S. Somerville, Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Michaela Hirschmann, Thorsten Naab

    We investigate the fueling mechanisms of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) by analyzing ten zoom-in cosmological simulations of massive galaxies, with stellar masses $10^{11-12} M_{\odot}$ and SMBH masses $10^{8.9-9.7}$ at $z=0$ and featuring various major and minor merger events. By tracing the gas history in these simulations, we categorize the gas accreted by the central SMBHs based on its origin. Gas that belonged to a different galaxy before accretion onto the BH is labeled as (1) ``external," while smoothly accreted cosmic gas is classified as (2) ``smooth." Gas produced within the primary halo through stellar evolution and subsequently accreted by the SMBH is classified as (3) ``recycled." Our analysis, which included stellar feedback, reveals that the primary fuel source for SMBHs is the recycled gas from dying stars. This recycled gas from stars in the inner region of the galaxy readily collapses toward the center, triggering starbursts, and simultaneously fueling the SMBH. Galaxy mergers also play a crucial role in fueling SMBHs in massive galaxies as SMBHs in massive halos tend to accrete a higher fraction of external gas from mergers compared to smoothly accreted gas. However, on average, it takes approximately 1.85 Gyr for external gas to enter the main galaxy and accrete onto the SMBH. Considering the presence of various other gas triggers for AGN activity alongside this time delay, the association between AGN and mergers may not always be obvious.

  • Individual chaotic behaviour of the S-stars in the Galactic centre.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sam J. Beckers, Colin M. Poppelaars, Veronica S. Ulibarrena, Simon F. Portegies Zwart

    Located at the core of the Galactic Centre, the S-star cluster serves as a remarkable illustration of chaos in dynamical systems. The long-term chaotic behaviour of this system can be studied with gravitational $N$-body simulations. By applying a small perturbation to the initial position of star S5, we can compare the evolution of this system to its unperturbed evolution. This results in the two solutions diverging exponentially, defined by the separation in position space $\delta_{r}$, with an average Lyapunov timescale of $\sim$420 yr, corresponding to the largest positive Lyapunov exponent. Even though the general trend of the chaotic evolution is governed in part by the supermassive black hole Sagittarius $\rm A^{*}$ (Sgr $\rm A^{*}$), individual differences between the stars can be noted in the behaviour of their phase-space curves. We present an analysis of the individual behaviour of the stars in this Newtonian chaotic dynamical system. The individuality of their behaviour is evident from offsets in the position space separation curves of the S-stars and the black hole. We propose that the offsets originate from the initial orbital elements of the S-stars, where Sgr $\rm A^{*}$ is considered in one of the focal points of the Keplerian orbits. Methods were considered to find a relationship between these elements and the separation in position space. Symbolic regression turns out to provide the clearest diagnostics for finding an interpretable expression for the problem. Our symbolic regression model indicates that $\left\langle\delta_r\right\rangle \propto e$, implying that the time-averaged individual separation in position space is directly proportional to the initial eccentricity of the S-stars.

  • Collisionless cooling of perpendicular electron temperature in the thermal quench of a magnetized plasma.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yanzeng Zhang, Jun Li, Xianzhu Tang

    Thermal quench of a nearly collisionless plasma against a cooling boundary or region is an undesirable off-normal event in magnetic fusion experiments, but an ubiquitous process of cosmological importance in astrophysical plasmas. There is a well-known mismatch that what experimentally diagnosed is the drop in perpendicular electron temperature $T_{e\perp},$ but the parallel transport theory of ambipolar-constrained tail electron loss produces parallel electron temperature $T_{e\parallel}$ cooling. Here two collisionless mechanisms, dilutional cooling by infalling cold electrons and wave-particle interaction by two families of whistler instabilities, are shown to enable fast $T_{e\perp}$ cooling that closely tracks the mostly collisionless crash of $T_{e\parallel}.$

  • High-resolution spectroscopy of the young open cluster M 39 (NGC 7092).- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Alonso-Santiago, A. Frasca, G. Catanzaro, A. Bragaglia, L. Magrini, A. Vallenari, E. Carretta, S. Lucatello

    M 39 is a nearby young open cluster hardly studied in the last decades. No giant is known among its members and its chemical composition has never been studied. In order to investigate it we performed high-resolution spectroscopy of 20 expected cluster members with the HARPS and FIES spectrographs. By combining our observations with archival photometry and $Gaia$-DR3 data we searched for evolved members and studied cluster properties such as the radial velocity, extinction and age. For the first time, we provide stellar parameters and chemical abundances for 21 species with atomic numbers up to 56. We have not found any new giant as likely member and notice a negligible reddening along the cluster field, that we place at 300 pc. We obtain a mean radial velocity for M 39 of -5.5$\pm$0.5 km s$^{-1}$ and an isochrone-fitting age of 430$\pm$110 Ma, which corresponds to a MSTO mass of around 2.8 Msol. This value is consistent with the Li content and chromospheric activity shown by its members. Based on main-sequence stars the cluster exhibits a solar composition, [Fe/H]=+0.04$\pm$0.08 dex, compatible with its Galactocentric location. However, it has a slightly subsolar abundance of Na and an enriched content of neutron-capture elements, specially Ba. In any case, the chemical composition of M 39 is fully compatible with that shown by other open clusters that populate the Galactic thin disc

  • OGLE-2017-BLG-0448Lb: A Low Mass-Ratio Wide-Orbit Microlensing Planet?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ruocheng Zhai, Radosław Poleski, Weicheng Zang, Youn Kil Jung, Andrzej Udalski, Renkun Kuang, Michael D. Albrow, Sun-Ju Chung, Andrew Gould, Cheongho Han, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, In-Gu Shin, Yossi Shvartzvald, Hongjing Yang, Jennifer C. Yee, Sang-Mok Cha, Dong-Jin Kim, Hyoun-Woo Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Chung-Uk Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge, Jan Skowron, Michał K. Szymański, Igor Soszyński, Krzysztof Ulaczyk, Paweł Pietrukowicz, Szymon Kozłowski, Przemek Mróz, Krzysztof A. Rybicki, Patryk Iwanek, Marcin Wrona, Mariusz Gromadzki, Hanyue Wang, Shude Mao, Jiyuan Zhang, Qiyue Qian, Wei Zhu

    The gravitational microlensing technique is most sensitive to planets in a Jupiter-like orbit and has detected more than 200 planets. However, only a few wide-orbit ($s > 2$) microlensing planets have been discovered, where $s$ is the planet-to-host separation normalized to the angular Einstein ring radius, $\theta_{\rm E}$. Here we present the discovery and analysis of a strong candidate wide-orbit microlensing planet in the event, OGLE-2017-BLG-0448. The whole light curve exhibits long-term residuals to the static binary-lens single-source model, so we investigate the residuals by adding the microlensing parallax, microlensing xallarap, an additional lens, or an additional source. For the first time, we observe a complex degeneracy between all four effects. The wide-orbit models with $s \sim 2.5$ and a planet-to-host mass-ratio of $q \sim 10^{-4}$ are significantly preferred, but we cannot rule out the close models with $s \sim 0.35$ and $q \sim 10^{-3}$. A Bayesian analysis based on a Galactic model indicates that, despite the complicated degeneracy, the surviving wide-orbit models all contain a super-Earth-mass to Neptune-mass planet at a projected planet-host separation of $\sim 6$ au and the surviving close-orbit models all consist of a Jovian-mass planet at $\sim 1$ au. The host star is probably an M or K dwarf. We discuss the implications of this dimension-degeneracy disaster on microlensing light-curve analysis and its potential impact on statistical studies.

  • Lyman Continuum Leaker Candidates at $z\sim3-4$ in the HDUV Based on a Spectroscopic Sample of MUSE LAEs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Kerutt, P. A. Oesch, L. Wisotzki, A. Verhamme, H. Atek, E. C. Herenz, G. D. Illingworth, H. Kusakabe, J. Matthee, V. Mauerhofer, M. Montes, R. P. Naidu, E. Nelson, N. Reddy, J. Schaye, C. Simmonds, T. Urrutia, E. Vitte

    In recent years, a number of Lyman continuum (LyC) leaker candidates at intermediate redshifts have been found, providing insight into how the Universe was reionised at early cosmic times. Here we identify new LyC leaker candidates at $z\approx 3-4.5$ and compare them to objects from the literature to get an overview of the different observed escape fractions and their relation to the properties of the Lyman $\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) emission line. The aim of this work is to test indicators for LyC leakage and to improve our understanding of the kind of galaxies from which LyC radiation can escape. We use data from the Hubble Deep Ultraviolet (HDUV) legacy survey to search for LyC emission based on a sample of $\approx 2000$ Ly$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) detected previously in two surveys with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), MUSE-Deep and MUSE-Wide. Based on their known redshifts and positions, we look for potential LyC leakage in the WFC3/UVIS F336W band of the HDUV. The escape fractions are measured and compared based on spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting performed using the CIGALE software. We add twelve objects to the sample of known LyC leaker candidates, one of which was previously known, and compare their Ly$\alpha$ properties to their escape fractions. We find escape fractions between $\sim 20\%$ and $\sim 90\%$, assuming a high transmission in the intergalactic medium (IGM). We show a method to use the number of LyC leaker candidates we find to infer the underlying average escape fraction of galaxies, which is $\approx 12\%$. Based on their Ly$\alpha$ properties, we conclude that LyC leakers are not very different from other high-z LAEs and suggest that most LAEs could be leaking LyC even if this can not always be detected due to the direction of emission and the transmission properties of the IGM.

  • The kinematics of massive high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Amvrosiadis, J. L. Wardlow, J. E. Birkin, I. Smail, A. M. Swinbank, J. Nightingale, F. Bertoldi, W. N. Brandt, C. M. Casey, S. C. Chapman, C.-C. Chen, P. Cox, E. da Cunha, H. Dannerbauer, U. Dudzevičiūtė, B. Gullberg, J. A. Hodge, K. K. Knudsen, K. Menten, F. Walter, P. van der Werf

    We present a new method for modelling the kinematics of galaxies from interferometric observations by performing the optimization of the kinematic model parameters directly in visibility-space instead of the conventional approach of fitting velocity fields produced with the CLEAN algorithm in real-space. We demonstrate our method on ALMA observations of $^{12}$CO (2$-$1), (3$-$2) or (4$-$3) emission lines from an initial sample of 30 massive 850$\mu$m-selected dusty star-forming galaxies with far-infrared luminosities $\gtrsim$$\,10^{12}\,$L$_{\odot}$ in the redshift range $z \sim\,$1.2$-$4.7. Using the results from our modelling analysis for the 12 sources with the highest signal-to-noise emission lines and disk-like kinematics, we conclude the following: (i) Our sample prefers a CO-to-$H_2$ conversion factor, of $\alpha_{\rm CO} = 0.92 \pm 0.36$; (ii) These far-infrared luminous galaxies follow a similar Tully$-$Fisher relation between the circularized velocity, $V_{\rm circ}$, and baryonic mass, $M_{\rm b}$, as more typical star-forming samples at high redshift, but extend this relation to much higher masses $-$ showing that these are some of the most massive disk-like galaxies in the Universe; (iii) Finally, we demonstrate support for an evolutionary link between massive high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies and the formation of local early-type galaxies using the both the distributions of the baryonic and kinematic masses of these two populations on the $M_{\rm b}\,-\,\sigma$ plane and their relative space densities.

  • An update of SB9 orbits using HERMES/Mercator radial velocities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thibault Merle, Dimitri Pourbaix, Alain Jorissen, Christos Siopis, Sophie Van Eck, Hans Van Winckel

    The Gaia mission is delivering a large number of astrometric orbits for binary stars. By combining these with spectroscopic orbits for systems with two observable spectra (SB2), it is possible to derive the masses of both components. However, to get masses with a good accuracy requires accurate spectroscopic orbits, which is the major aim of the present paper. A subsidiary aim is to discover SB2 systems hiding among known SB1, and even though this search may often prove unsuccessful, the acquired radial velocities may be used anyway to improve the existing spectroscopic orbits. New radial velocities for 58 binary systems from the Ninth Catalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits (SB9), obtained using the high-resolution HERMES spectrograph installed on the 1.2 m Mercator telescope, were used to possibly identify hitherto undetected SB2 systems. For SB1 systems with inaccurate orbits, these new radial-velocity measurements were used to improve the orbital accuracy. This paper provides 51 orbits (41 SB1 and 10 SB2) that have been improved with respect to the solution listed in the SB9 catalogue, out of the 58 SB9 orbits studied, which belong to 56 stellar systems. Among them, there are five triple and four quadruple systems. Despite the high resolution of HERMES, HIP 115142 A is the only system which we detected as a new SB2 system. The B component of the visual binary HIP 92726 has now been found to be a spectroscopic system as well, which makes HIP 92726 a newly discovered quadruple system (SB1+SB1). The high HERMES resolution allowed us moreover to better isolate the signature of the secondary component of HIP 12390, HIP 73182 and HIP 111170. More accurate masses have thus been derived for them. Among the 30 SB also present in Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) and with periods shorter than the Gaia DR3 time span (1000 d), only 5 were flagged as binaries by DR3.

  • Properties of 3D HI Filaments in the Smith High Velocity Cloud.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Colin Holm-Hansen, M.E. Putman, D.A. Kim

    We present findings of 3D filamentary structures in the Smith Cloud, a high-velocity cloud (HVC) located at $l=38^{\circ}$, $b=-13^{\circ}$. We use data from the Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array \ion{H}{i} (GALFA-\ion{H}{i}) along with our new filament detection algorithm, \texttt{fil3d}, to characterize these structures. In this paper, we also discuss how different input parameters affect the output of \texttt{fil3d}. We study filaments in the local ISM and compare them to those found in the Smith Cloud. Based on thermal linewidth estimations we find supporting evidence that the Smith Cloud filaments are part of its warm neutral medium. We also find a relationship between thermal linewidth and the $v_{LSR}$ of the filaments. We study the plane-of-sky magnetic field as traced by Planck 353 GHz polarized dust emission along the line of sight and find the HI filaments in this region are not aligned with the magnetic field. This is likely related to their location close to dynamic processes in the Galactic Plane and/or the low column density of the filaments relative to emission in the Plane. The results show the HI filaments are found in a wide range of Galactic environments and form through multiple processes.

  • MAGICS I. The First Few Orbits Encode the Fate of Seed Massive Black Hole Pairs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nianyi Chen, Diptajyoti Mukherjee, Tiziana Di Matteo, Yueying Ni, Simeon Bird, Rupert Croft

    The elusive massive black hole (MBH) seeds stand to be revealed by the Laser Space Antenna Interferometer through mergers. As an aftermath of galaxy mergers, MBH coalescence is a vastly multi-scale process connected to galaxy formation. We introduce the "Massive black hole Assembly in Galaxies Informed by Cosmological Simulations" (MAGICS) suite, with galaxy/MBH properties and orbits recovered from large-volume cosmological simulation ASTRID. The simulations include subgrid star formation, supernovae feedback, and MBH accretion/feedback. In this first suite, we extract fifteen representative galaxy mergers with seed MBHs to examine their dynamics at an improved mass and spatial resolution (by $\sim2000$ and $\sim20$) and follow MBH orbits down to $\sim10\,\text{pc}$. We find that the seed MBH energy loss and orbital decay are largely governed by global torques induced by the galaxy merger process on scales resolvable by cosmological simulations. Specifically, pairs sink quickly if their orbits shrink rapidly below $1\,\text{kpc}$ during the first $\sim200\,\text{Myr}$ of pairing due to effective energy loss in major galaxy mergers, whereas MBHs gaining energy in minor galaxy mergers with head-on collisions are likely to stall. High initial eccentricities ($e_\text{init}>0.5$) and high stellar densities at kpc scales ($\rho_\text{star}>0.05\,M_\odot/\text{pc}^3$) also lead to most efficient decays. $\sim50\%$ high-redshift seed MBH pairs experience consecutive galaxy mergers and are more likely to stall at $\sim1\,\text{kpc}$. For a subset of systems, we carry out N-Body re-simulations until binary formation and find that some stalled systems merge at high-z when embedded in sufficient nuclear star clusters.

  • The Narrow Line Region properties of ESO138-G001 unveiled by SOAR/SIFS observations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Rodríguez-Ardila, 2), D. May, 4), S. Panda, M. A. Fonseca-Faria, L. Fraga, (2) ON/MCTI, (3) IAG/USP, (4) Gemini Observatory)

    We study in detail the inner 600 pc of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO138-G001 by means of the SOAR Integral Field Spectrograph (SIFS) attached to the SOAR telescope. This source is known for displaying a very rich coronal line spectrum and a blob of high-excitation emission ~3" SE of the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The nature of this emission has not been fully understood yet. The excellent spatial and spectral resolution of SIFS allows us to confirm that the bulk of the coronal line forest emission region is very compact, of ~0.8" in diameter, centred on the AGN and most likely powered by radiation from the AGN. In addition, evidence of a nuclear outflow, restricted to the inner 1" centred at the nucleus is found based on the detection of broad components in the most important emission lines. The gas in the inner few tens of parsecs filters out the AGN continuum so that the NLR is basically illuminated by a modified SED. This scenario is confirmed by means of photoionisation models that reproduce the most important lines detected in the SIFS field-of-view. From the modelling, we also found that the black hole mass M_BH of the AGN is about 10^5.5 solar mass, in agreement with previous X-ray observations. The spectrum of the SE blob is dominated by emission lines of low- to mid-ionisation, with no hints of coronal lines. Our results show that it represents gas in the ionisation cone that is photoionised by the filtered central AGN continuum.

  • JWST Reveals Star Formation Across a Spiral Arm in M33.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joshua Peltonen, Erik Rosolowsky, Thomas G. Williams, Eric W. Koch, Andrew Dolphin, Jeremy Chastenet, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Adam Ginsburg, L. Clifton Johnson, Adam K. Leroy, Theo Richardson, Karin M. Sandstrom, Sumit K. Sarbadhicary, Adam Smercina, Tobin Wainer, Benjamin F. Williams

    Young stellar objects (YSOs) are the gold standard for tracing star formation in galaxies but have been unobservable beyond the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds. But that all changed when the James Webb Space Telescope was launched, which we use to identify YSOs in the Local Group galaxy M33, marking the first time that individual YSOs have been identified at these large distances. We present MIRI imaging mosaics at 5.6 and 21 microns that cover a significant portion of one of M33's spiral arms that has existing panchromatic imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope and deep ALMA CO measurements. Using these MIRI and Hubble Space Telescope images, we identify point sources using the new DOLPHOT MIRI module. We identify 793 candidate YSOs from cuts based on colour, proximity to giant molecular clouds (GMCs), and visual inspection. Similar to Milky Way GMCs, we find that higher mass GMCs contain more YSOs and YSO emission, which further shows YSOs identify star formation better than most tracers that cannot capture this relationship at cloud scales. We find evidence of enhanced star formation efficiency in the southern spiral arm by comparing the YSOs to the molecular gas mass.

  • Analytical strong line diagnostics and their redshift evolution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shengqi Yang, Adam Lidz, Andrew Benson, Swathya Singh Chauhan, Aaron Smith, Hui Li

    The JWST is allowing new measurements of gas-phase metallicities in galaxies between cosmic noon and cosmic dawn through observations of multiple rest-frame optical/ultraviolet [OIII], [OII], and hydrogen Balmer series lines. The most robust approach to such measurements uses luminosity ratios between the excited auroral transition, [OIII] 4364A, and the lower [OIII] 5008A/4960A lines to determine the gas temperature. The ratio of the luminosities in the latter transitions to those in hydrogen Balmer series lines then yield relatively clean metallicity estimates. In the absence of detection of the, often faint, [OIII] auroral line, however, the ratios of various [OIII], [OII], [NII], and Balmer lines are instead used to determine metallicities. Here we present a refined approach for extracting metallicities from these ``strong line diagnostics''. Our method exploits empirical correlations between the temperature of OIII/OII regions and gas-phase metallicity, which lie close to theoretical expectations from thermal equilibrium calculations. We then show, from first principles, how to extract metallicities from traditional strong line diagnostics, R2, R3, R23, O3O2, and N2O2. We show that these ratios depend also on ionization correction factors, but that these can be determined self-consistently along with the metallicities. We quantify the success of our method using metallicities derived from galaxies with auroral line determinations and show that it generally works better than previous empirical approaches. The scatter in the observed line ratios and redshift evolution are largely explained by O3O2 variations. We provide publicly available routines for extracting metallicities from strong line diagnostics using our methodology.

  • Diagnostic diagrams for ram-pressure stripped candidates.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. C. Krabbe, J. A. Hernandez-Jimenez, C. Mendes de Oliveira, Y.L. Jaffe, C.B. Oliveira Jr., N. M. Cardoso, A. V. Smith Castelli, O. L. Dors, A. Cortesi, J. P. Crossett

    This paper presents a method for finding ram-pressure stripped (RPS) galaxy candidates by performing a morphological analysis of galaxy images obtained from the Legacy survey. We consider a sample of about 600 galaxies located in different environments such as groups and clusters, tidally interacting pairs and the field. The sample includes 160 RPS previously classified in the literature into classes from J1 to J5, based on the increasing level of disturbances. Our morphological analysis was done using the {\sc astromorphlib} software followed by the inspection of diagnostic diagrams involving combinations of different parameters like the asymmetry ($A$), concentration ($C$), S\'ersic index ($n$), and bulge strength parameters $F(G,\,M_{20})$. We found that some of those diagrams display a distinct region in which galaxies classified as J3, J4 and J5 decouples from isolated galaxies. We call this region as the morphological transition zone and we also found that tidally interacting galaxies in pairs are predominant within this zone. Nevertheless, after visually inspecting the objects in the morphological transition zone to discard obvious contaminants, we ended up with 33 bonafide new RPS candidates in the studied nearby groups and clusters (Hydra, Fornax, and CLoGS sample), of which one-third show clear evidence of unwinding arms. Future works may potentially further increase significantly the samples of known RPS using such method.

  • Slant, Fan, and Narrow: the Response of Stellar Streams to a Tilting Galactic Disk.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jacob Nibauer, Ana Bonaca, Mariangela Lisanti, Denis Erkal, Zoe Hastings

    Stellar streams are sensitive tracers of the gravitational potential, which is typically assumed to be static in the inner Galaxy. However, massive mergers like Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus can impart torques on the stellar disk of the Milky Way that result in the disk tilting at rates of up to 10-20 deg/Gyr. Here, we demonstrate the effects of disk tilting on the morphology and kinematics of stellar streams. Through a series of numerical experiments, we find that streams with nearby apocenters $(r_{\rm apo} \lesssim 20~\rm{kpc})$ are sensitive to disk tilting, with the primary effect being changes to the stream's on-sky track and width. Interestingly, disk tilting can produce both more diffuse streams and more narrow streams, depending on the orbital inclination of the progenitor and the direction in which the disk is tilting. Our model of Pal 5's tidal tails for a tilting rate of 15 deg/Gyr is in excellent agreement with the observed stream's track and width, and reproduces the extreme narrowing of the trailing tail. We also find that failure to account for a tilting disk can bias constraints on shape parameters of the Milky Way's local dark matter distribution at the level of 5-10%, with the direction of the bias changing for different streams. Disk tilting could therefore explain discrepancies in the Milky Way's dark matter halo shape inferred using different streams.

  • Universal gravothermal evolution of isolated self-interacting dark matter halos for velocity-dependent cross sections.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nadav Joseph Outmezguine, Kimberly K. Boddy, Sophia Gad-Nasr, Manoj Kaplinghat, Laura Sagunski

    We study the evolution of isolated self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) halos using spherically-symmetric gravothermal equations allowing for the scattering cross section to be velocity dependent. We focus our attention on the large class of models where the core is in the long mean free path regime for a substantial time. We find that the temporal evolution exhibits an approximate universality that allows velocity-dependent models to be mapped onto velocity-independent models in a well-defined way using the scattering timescale computed when the halo achieves its minimum central density. We show how this timescale depends on the halo parameters and an average cross section computed at the central velocity dispersion when the central density is minimum. The predicted collapse time is fully defined by the scattering timescale, with negligible variation due to the velocity dependence of the cross section. We derive new self-similar solutions that provide an analytic understanding of the numerical results.

  • Characterizing the ELG luminosity functions in the nearby Universe.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G. Favole, V. Gonzalez-Perez, Y. Ascasibar, P. Corcho-Caballero, A. D. Montero-Dorta, A. J. Benson, J. Comparat, S. A. Cora, D. Croton, H. Guo, D. Izquierdo-Villalba, A. Knebe, Á. Orsi, D. Stoppacher, C. A. Vega-Martínez

    Nebular emission lines are powerful diagnostics for the physical processes at play in galaxy formation and evolution. Moreover, emission-line galaxies (ELGs) are one of the main targets of current and forthcoming spectroscopic cosmological surveys. We investigate the contributions to the line luminosity functions (LFs) of different galaxy populations in the local Universe, providing a benchmark for future surveys of earlier cosmic epochs. The large statistics of the observations from the SDSS DR7 Main galaxy sample and the MPA-JHU spectral catalogue enabled us to precisely measure the H$\alpha$, H$\beta$, [OII], [OIII], and, for the first time, the [NII], and [SII] emission-line LFs over ~2.4 Gyrs in the low-z Universe, 0.02<z<0.22. We present a generalized 1/Vmax LF estimator capable of simultaneously correcting for spectroscopic, r-band magnitude, and emission-line incompleteness. We studied the contribution to the LF of different types of ELGs classified using two methods: (i) the value of the specific star formation rate (sSFR), and (ii) the line ratios on the Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich (BPT) and the WHAN (i.e., H$\alpha$ equivalent width versus the [NII]/H$\alpha$ line ratio) diagrams. The ELGs in our sample are mostly star forming, with 84 per cent having sSFR>10$^{-11}$/yr. When classifying ELGs using the BPT+WHAN diagrams, we find that 63.3 per cent are star forming, only 0.03 are passively evolving, and 1.3 have nuclear activity (Seyfert). The rest are low-ionization narrow emission-line regions (LINERs) and composite ELGs. We found that a Saunders function is the most appropriate to describe all of the emission-line LFs, both observed and dust-extinction-corrected. They are dominated by star-forming regions, except for the bright end of the [OIII] and [NII] LFs (i.e. L[NII]>10$^{42}$ erg/s, L[OIII]>10$^{43}$ erg/s), where the contribution of Seyfert galaxies is not negligible.

  • EMPRESS. XIII. Chemical Enrichments of Young Galaxies Near and Far at z ~ 0 and 4-10: Fe/O, Ar/O, S/O, and N/O Measurements with Chemical Evolution Model Comparisons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kuria Watanabe, Masami Ouchi, Kimihiko Nakajima, Yuki Isobe, Nozomu Tominaga, Akihiro Suzuki, Miho N. Ishigaki, Ken'ichi Nomoto, Koh Takahashi, Yuichi Harikane, Shun Hatano, Haruka Kusakabe, Takashi J. Moriya, Moka Nishigaki, Yoshiaki Ono, Masato Onodera, Yuma Sugahara

    We present gas-phase elemental abundance ratios of 7 local extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) including our new Keck/LRIS spectroscopy determinations together with 33 JWST $z\sim 4-10$ star-forming galaxies in the literature, and compare chemical evolution models. We develop chemical evolution models with the yields of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe), Type Ia supernovae, hypernovae (HNe), and pair-instability supernovae (PISNe), and compare the EMPGs and high-$z$ galaxies in conjunction with dust depletion contributions. We find that high Fe/O values of EMPGs can (cannot) be explained by PISN metal enrichments (CCSN/HN enrichments even with the mixing-and-fallback mechanism enhancing iron abundance), while that the observed Ar/O and S/O values are much smaller than the predictions of the PISN models. The abundance ratios of the EMPGs can be explained by the combination of Type Ia SNe and CCSNe/HNe whose inner layers of argon and sulfur mostly fallback, which are comparable with Sculptor stellar chemical abundance distribution, suggesting that early chemical enrichment is taken place in the EMPGs. Comparing our chemical evolution models with the star-forming galaxies at $z\sim 4-10$, we find that the Ar/O and S/O ratios of the high-$z$ galaxies are comparable with those of the CCSNe/HNe models, while majority of the high-$z$ galaxies do not have constraints good enough to rule out contributions from PISNe. The high N/O ratio recently reported in GN-z11 cannot be explained even by rotating PISNe, but could be reproduced by the winds of rotating Wolf Rayet stars that end up as a direct collapse.

  • New insights into the role of AGNs in forming the cluster red sequence.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rhythm Shimakawa, José Manuel Pérez-Martínez, Yusei Koyama, Masayuki Tanaka, Ichi Tanaka, Tadayuki Kodama, Nina A. Hatch, Huub J. A. Röttgering, Helmut Dannerbauer, Jaron D. Kurk

    As a considerable investment of time from various telescope facilities were dedicated toward studying the Spiderweb protocluster at $z=2.2$, it so far remains one of the most extensively studied protocluster. We report here the latest results in this field, adding a new dimension to previous research on cluster formation at high redshift. Previous studies have reported a significant overdensity ($\delta\sim10$) of massive H$\alpha$ (+ [Nii]) -emitting galaxies in 3700 comoving Mpc$^3$. Many of these were previously considered to be dusty, active star-forming galaxies, given their rest-frame optical and infrared features. However, this study argues that a third of them are more likely to be "passively-evolving" galaxies with low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) rather than star-forming galaxies, given the multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting including an AGN component. For their SED-based star formation rates to be valid, bulk of their H$\alpha$ + [Nii] emission should come from the central AGNs. This difference in interpretation between this work and past studies, including ours, is particularly supported by the recent deep Chandra X-ray observation. Furthermore, we have spectroscopically confirmed a quiescent nature for one of these AGNs, with its multiple stellar absorption lines but also low ionisation emission lines. This important update provides new insights into the role of AGNs in forming the cluster red sequence observed in the present-day universe.

  • Looking for a needle in a haystack : how to measure the length of a stellar bar?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Soumavo Ghosh, Paola Di Matteo

    One of the challenges related to stellar bars is to determine accurately the length of the bar in a disc galaxy. In past literature, a wide variety of methods has been employed to measure the extent of a bar. However, a systematic study on determining the robustness and accuracy of different bar length estimators is still beyond our grasp. Here, we investigate the accuracy and the correlation (if any) between different bar length measurement methods while using an N-body model of a barred galaxy where the bar evolves self-consistently in presence of a live dark matter halo. We investigate the temporal evolution of the bar length, using different estimators (involving isophotal analysis of de-projected surface brightness distribution and Fourier decomposition of surface density), and study their robustness and accuracy. Further attempts have been made towards determining correlation between any two of these bar length estimators used here. In presence of spirals, the bar length estimators which only consider the amplitudes of different Fourier moments (and do not take into account the phase-angle of m=2 Fourier moment), systematically overestimate the length of the bar. The strength of dark-gaps (produced by bars) correlates strongly with the bar length in early rapid growth phase, and is only weakly anti-correlated during subsequent quiescent phase of bar evolution. However, the location of dark-gaps correlates only weakly with the bar length, hence can not be used as a robust proxy for determining the bar length. In addition, the bar length estimators, obtained using isophotal analysis of de-projected surface brightness distribution, systematically overestimate the bar length. The implications of bar length over(under)estimation in the context of determining fast/slow bars are further discussed.

  • Ultraviolet H$_2$ luminescence in molecular clouds induced by cosmic rays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marco Padovani, Daniele Galli, Liam H. Scarlett, Tommaso Grassi, Una S. Rehill, Mark C. Zammit, Igor Bray, Dmitry V. Fursa, Firenze, Italy, (2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, (3) Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany, (4) Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

    Galactic cosmic rays (CRs) play a crucial role in ionisation, dissociation, and excitation processes within dense cloud regions where UV radiation is absorbed by dust grains and gas species. CRs regulate the abundance of ions and radicals, leading to the formation of more and more complex molecular species, and determine the charge distribution on dust grains. A quantitative analysis of these effects is essential for understanding the dynamical and chemical evolution of star-forming regions. The CR-induced photon flux has a significant impact on the evolution of the dense molecular medium in its gas and dust components. This study is intended to evaluate the flux of UV photons generated by CRs to calculate the photon-induced dissociation and ionisation rates of a vast number of atomic and molecular species, as well as the integrated UV photon flux. Our study takes advantage of recent developments in the determination of the spectra of secondary electrons, in the calculation of state-resolved excitation cross sections of H$_2$ by electron impact, and of photodissociation and photoionisation cross sections. We calculate the H$_2$ level population of each rovibrational level of the $X$, $B$, $C$, $B'$, $D$, $B''$, $D'$ and $a$ states. We then compute the UV photon spectrum of H$_2$ in its line and continuum components between 72 and 700 nm, with unprecedented accuracy as a function of the CR spectrum incident on a molecular cloud, the H$_2$ column density, the isomeric H$_2$ composition, and the dust properties. The resulting photodissociation and photoionisation rates are, on average, smaller than previous determinations by a factor of about 2, with deviations up to a factor of 5. A special focus is given to the photoionisation rates of H$_2$, HF, and H$_2$, as well as to the photodissociation of H$_2$, which we find to be orders of magnitude higher than previous estimates.

  • Specific star formation rates in the $M_{\rm bh}$-$M_{\rm *,sph}$ diagram and the evolutionary pathways of galaxies across the sSFR-$M_{\rm *}$ diagram.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alister W. Graham, T.H. Jarrett, M.E. Cluver

    It has been suggested that the bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio or feedback from black holes (BHs), traced by the BH-to-(total stellar) mass ratio, might establish a galaxy's specific star formation rate (sSFR). We reveal that a galaxy's morphology -- reflecting its formation history, particularly accretions and mergers -- is a far better determinant of the sSFR. Consequently, we suggest that galaxy formation models which regulate the sSFR primarily through BH feedback prescriptions or bulge-regulated disc fragmentation consider acquisitions and mergers which establish the galaxy morphology. We additionally make several new observations regarding current ($z\sim0$) star-formation rates. (i) Galaxies with little to no star formation have bulges with an extensive range of stellar masses; bulge mass does not dictate presence/absence on the `star-forming main sequence'. (ii) The (wet merger)-built, dust-rich S0 galaxies are the `green valley' bridging population between elliptical galaxies on the `red sequence' and spiral galaxies on the blue star-forming main sequence. (iii) The dust-poor S0 galaxies are not on the star-forming main sequence nor in the `green valley'. Instead, they wait in the field for gas accretion and/or minor mergers to transform them into spiral galaxies. Mid-infrared sample selection can miss these (primordial) low dust-content and low stellar-luminosity S0 galaxies. Finally, the appearance of the quasi-triangular-shaped galaxy-assembly sequence, previously dubbed the Triangal, which tracks the morphological evolution of galaxies, is revealed in the sSFR-(stellar mass) diagram.

  • Orbital Torus Imaging: Acceleration, density, and dark matter in the Galactic disk measured with element abundance gradients.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Danny Horta, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, David W. Hogg, Kathryn V. Johnston, Lawrence Widrow, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Melissa K. Ness, Jason A. S. Hunt

    Under the assumption of a simple and time-invariant gravitational potential, many Galactic dynamics techniques infer the Milky Way's mass and dark matter distribution from stellar kinematic observations. These methods typically rely on parameterized potential models of the Galaxy and must take into account non-trivial survey selection effects, because they make use of the density of stars in phase space. Large-scale spectroscopic surveys now supply information beyond kinematics in the form of precise stellar label measurements (especially element abundances). These element abundances are known to correlate with orbital actions or other dynamical invariants. Here, we use the Orbital Torus Imaging (OTI) framework that uses abundance gradients in phase space to map orbits. In many cases these gradients can be measured without detailed knowledge of the selection function. We use stellar surface abundances from the APOGEE survey combined with kinematic data from the Gaia mission. Our method reveals the vertical ($z$-direction) orbit structure in the Galaxy and enables empirical measurements of the vertical acceleration field and orbital frequencies in the disk. From these measurements, we infer the total surface mass density, $\Sigma$, and midplane volume density, $\rho_0$, as a function of Galactocentric radius and height. Around the Sun, we find $\Sigma_{\odot}(z=1.1$ kpc)$=72^{+6}_{-9}$M$_{\odot}$pc$^{-2}$ and $\rho_{\odot}(z=0)=0.081^{+0.015}_{-0.009}$ M$_{\odot}$pc$^{-3}$ using the most constraining abundance ratio, [Mg/Fe]. This corresponds to a dark matter contribution in surface density of $\Sigma_{\odot,\mathrm{DM}}(z=1.1$ kpc)$=24\pm4$ M$_{\odot}$pc$^{-2}$, and in total volume mass density of $\rho_{\odot,\mathrm{DM}}(z=0)=0.011\pm0.002$ M$_{\odot}$pc$^{-3}$. Moreover, using these mass density values we estimate the scale length of the low-$\alpha$ disc to be $h_R=2.24\pm0.06$kpc.


  • Spectral method for metric perturbations of black holes: Kerr background case in general relativity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adrian Ka-Wai Chung, Pratik Wagle, Nicolas Yunes

    We present a novel approach, $\textit{Metric pErTuRbations wIth speCtral methodS}$ (METRICS), to calculate the gravitational metric perturbations and the quasinormal-mode frequencies of rotating black holes of any spin without decoupling the linearized field equations. We demonstrate the method by applying it to perturbations of Kerr black holes of any spin, simultaneously solving all ten linearized Einstein equations in the Regge-Wheeler gauge through purely algebraic methods and computing the fundamental (co-rotating) quadrupole mode frequency at various spins. We moreover show that the METRICS approach is accurate and precise, yielding (i) quasinormal mode frequencies that agree with Leaver's, continuous-fraction solution with a relative fractional error smaller than $10^{-5}$ for all dimensionless spins below up to 0.95, and (ii) metric perturbations that lead to Teukolsky functions that also agree with Leaver's solution with mismatches below $1\%$ for all spins below 0.9. By not requiring the decoupling or the angular separation of the linearized field equations, the METRICS approach has the potential to be straightforwardly adapted for the computation of the quasinormal-mode frequencies of rotating black holes of any spin beyond general relativity or in the presence of matter.

  • A systematic search for double eclipsing binaries in Zwicky Transient Facility data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    T. Vaessen, J. van Roestel

    Context. Double eclipsing binaries are gravitationally bound quadruple systems in a 2+2 configuration where both of the binaries are eclipsing. These systems are interesting objects to better understand stellar formation, to investigate the dynamical interaction between the two binary systems or to study certain stages of stellar evolution. Aims. With this work, we aim to determine if double eclipsing binaries can be found using ZTF data and what the difficulties are in doing so. Secondly, we aim to significantly increase the number of known double eclipsing systems and determine how this sample differs from samples of double eclipsing binaries found with other telescopes. Methods. We develop a new method to systematically search for double eclipsing binaries in sparsely sampled light curves. For this we use box-least-squares (BLS) to search for the period of the first binary in the system. We then remove that signal from the light curves, and search the residual light curve again with BLS to find the second period. We applied this method to ZTF light curves of 575 526 eclipsing binaries known in the Gaia eclipsing binary catalogue. Results. We report the discovery of 198 new double eclipsing binary systems. Conclusions. We successfully implemented a method that systematically searches for double eclipsing binary systems in sparsely sampled data. In total 198 new double eclipsing binary systems have been found in 575 526 light curves. The ZTF sample typically contains more short period binaries compared to the TESS sample, but is also able to find systems with longer periods. We expect that at least three to four times more quadruples can be found by applying this method to all ZTF stellar light curves, by increasing the number of data points as a result of longer observations, and by implementing an automatic detection mechanism that replaces visual inspection.

  • Identifying Planetary Names in Astronomy Papers: A Multi-Step Approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Golnaz Shapurian, Michael J Kurtz, Alberto Accomazzi

    The automatic identification of planetary feature names in astronomy publications presents numerous challenges. These features include craters, defined as roughly circular depressions resulting from impact or volcanic activity; dorsas, which are elongate raised structures or wrinkle ridges; and lacus, small irregular patches of dark, smooth material on the Moon, referred to as "lake" (Planetary Names Working Group, n.d.). Many feature names overlap with places or people's names that they are named after, for example, Syria, Tempe, Einstein, and Sagan, to name a few (U.S. Geological Survey, n.d.). Some feature names have been used in many contexts, for instance, Apollo, which can refer to mission, program, sample, astronaut, seismic, seismometers, core, era, data, collection, instrument, and station, in addition to the crater on the Moon. Some feature names can appear in the text as adjectives, like the lunar craters Black, Green, and White. Some feature names in other contexts serve as directions, like craters West and South on the Moon. Additionally, some features share identical names across different celestial bodies, requiring disambiguation, such as the Adams crater, which exists on both the Moon and Mars. We present a multi-step pipeline combining rule-based filtering, statistical relevance analysis, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, named entity recognition (NER) model, hybrid keyword harvesting, knowledge graph (KG) matching, and inference with a locally installed large language model (LLM) to reliably identify planetary names despite these challenges. When evaluated on a dataset of astronomy papers from the Astrophysics Data System (ADS), this methodology achieves an F1-score over 0.97 in disambiguating planetary feature names.

  • Noctilucent Clouds Altitude and Particle Size Mapping Based on Spread Observations by Ground-based All-sky Cameras.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oleg S. Ugolnikov

    We suggest the procedure of building the maps of noctilucent clouds (NLC) zonal and meridional velocity, mean altitude and particle size based on three-color photometry by identical all-sky RGB-cameras separated by 115 km in a close-meridional direction. The procedure is applied to the bright NLC event on July 3, 2023. The altitude is measured by precise triangulation technique, and effective particle radius is estimated by comparison of each definite NLC fragment intensity and colors at different scattering angles as it is registered from different observation sites. The results are compared with existing photometric methods for average altitude and particle size measurements. A significant difference in evening and morning twilight NLC parameters is found, which is discussed in comparison with existing analysis of diurnal NLC variations.

  • DeepSurveySim: Simulation Software and Benchmark Challenges for Astronomical Observation Scheduling.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maggie Voetberg, Brian Nord

    Modern astronomical surveys have multiple competing scientific goals. Optimizing the observation schedule for these goals presents significant computational and theoretical challenges, and state-of-the-art methods rely on expensive human inspection of simulated telescope schedules. Automated methods, such as reinforcement learning, have recently been explored to accelerate scheduling. However, there do not yet exist benchmark data sets or user-friendly software frameworks for testing and comparing these methods. We present DeepSurveySim -- a high-fidelity and flexible simulation tool for use in telescope scheduling. DeepSurveySim provides methods for tracking and approximating sky conditions for a set of observations from a user-supplied telescope configuration. We envision this tool being used to produce benchmark data sets and for evaluating the efficacy of ground-based telescope scheduling algorithms, particularly for machine learning algorithms that would suffer in efficacy if limited to real data for training.We introduce three example survey configurations and related code implementations as benchmark problems that can be simulated with DeepSurveySim.

  • First observation of neutral bremsstrahlung electroluminescence in liquid argon.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Bondar, A. Buzulutskov, E. Frolov, E. Borisova, V. Nosov, V. Oleynikov, A. Sokolov

    A recent discovery of additional mechanism of electroluminescence (EL) in noble gases due to the neutral bremsstrahlung (NBrS) effect led to a prediction that NBrS EL should be present in noble liquids as well. A theoretical model of NBrS EL in noble liquids was developed accordingly in the frameworks of Cohen-Lekner and Atrazhev. In this work, we confirm this prediction: for the first time, visible-range EL has been observed in liquid argon at electric fields reaching 90~kV/cm, using Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) and Thick GEM (THGEM) structures. Absolute light yields of the EL were measured and found to be in excellent agreement with the theory, provided that the momentum-transfer cross section of electron scattering is used for calculation of NBrS cross section (instead of the energy-transfer one).

  • Plug-and-play imaging with model uncertainty quantification in radio astronomy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthieu Terris, Chao Tang, Adrian Jackson, Yves Wiaux

    Plug-and-Play (PnP) algorithms are appealing alternatives to proximal algorithms when solving inverse imaging problems. By learning a Deep Neural Network (DNN) behaving as a proximal operator, one waives the computational complexity of optimisation algorithms induced by sophisticated image priors, and the sub-optimality of handcrafted priors compared to DNNs. At the same time, these methods inherit the versatility of optimisation algorithms allowing the minimisation of a large class of objective functions. Such features are highly desirable in radio-interferometric (RI) imaging in astronomy, where the data size, the ill-posedness of the problem and the dynamic range of the target reconstruction are critical. In a previous work, we introduced a class of convergent PnP algorithms, dubbed AIRI, relying on a forward-backward algorithm, with a differentiable data-fidelity term and dynamic range-specific denoisers trained on highly pre-processed unrelated optical astronomy images. Here, we show that AIRI algorithms can benefit from a constrained data fidelity term at the mere cost of transferring to a primal-dual forward-backward algorithmic backbone. Moreover, we show that AIRI algorithms are robust to strong variations in the nature of the training dataset: denoisers trained on MRI images yield similar reconstructions to those trained on astronomical data. We additionally quantify the model uncertainty introduced by the randomness in the training process and suggest that AIRI algorithms are robust to model uncertainty. Finally, we propose an exhaustive comparison with methods from the radio-astronomical imaging literature and show the superiority of the proposed method over the current state-of-the-art.


  • Supporting traversable wormholes: the case for noncommutative geometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Peter K.F. Kuhfittig

    While wormholes may be just as good a prediction of Einstein's theory as black holes, they are subject to severe restrictions from quantum field theory. In particular, a wormhole can only be held open by violating the null energy condition, calling for the existence of ``exotic matter," a condition that many researchers consider completely unphysical, enough to rule out macroscopic traversable wormholes. An equally serious problem is the enormous radial tension at the throat of a typical Morris-Thorne wormhole unless the wormhole has an extremely large throat size. It has been proposed that noncommutative geometry, an offshoot of string theory, may be the proper tool for addressing these issues. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: (1) to refine previous arguments to make a stronger and more detailed case for this proposal and (2) to obtain a complete wormhole solution from the given conditions.

  • The entropy of finite gravitating regions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vijay Balasubramanian, Charlie Cummings

    We develop a formalism for calculating the entanglement entropy of an arbitrary spatial region of a gravitating spacetime at a moment of time symmetry. The crucial ingredient is a path integral over embeddings of the region in the overall spacetime, interpretable as a sum over the edge modes associated with the region. We find that the entanglement entropy of a gravitating region equals the minimal surface area among all regions that enclose it. This suggests a notion of "terrestrial holography" where regions of space can encode larger ones, in contrast to the standard form of holography, in which degrees of freedom on the celestial sphere at the boundary of the universe encodes the interior.

  • Non-analyticity of the $S$-matrix with spontaneously broken Lorentz invariance.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Paolo Creminelli, Matteo Delladio, Oliver Janssen, Alessandro Longo, Leonardo Senatore

    We study the $S$-matrix of Goldstones in the renormalizable theory of a $U(1)$ complex scalar at finite charge, i.e. in a state that breaks Lorentz invariance. The theory is weakly coupled so that this $S$-matrix exists at all energies. Unlike the Lorentz invariant case, the resulting $S$-matrix is not analytic in the exchanged (complexified) four-momentum. The non-analyticities stem from the LSZ reduction formula, as a consequence of the energy-dependent mixing between the radial and Goldstone modes.

  • Learning holographic horizons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vishnu Jejjala, Sukrut Mondkar, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Rishi Raj

    We apply machine learning to understand fundamental aspects of holographic duality, specifically the entropies obtained from the apparent and event horizon areas. We show that simple features of only the time series of the pressure anisotropy, namely the values and half-widths of the maxima and minima, the times these are attained, and the times of the first zeroes can predict the areas of the apparent and event horizons in the dual bulk geometry at all times with a fixed maximum length of the input vector. Given that simple Vaidya-type metrics constructed just from the apparent and event horizon areas can be used to approximately obtain unequal time correlation functions, we argue that the corresponding entropy functions are the information that can be learnt from a single one-point function (without explicit knowledge of the gravitational dynamics) and that is necessary for reconstructing specific aspects of the dual quantum state to the best possible approximations.

  • Temporal Entanglement Entropy as a probe of Renormalization Group Flow.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sebastian Grieninger, Kazuki Ikeda, Dmitri E. Kharzeev

    The recently introduced concept of timelike entanglement entropy has sparked a lot of interest. Unlike the traditional spacelike entanglement entropy, timelike entanglement entropy involves tracing over a timelike subsystem. In this work, we propose an extension of timelike entanglement entropy to Euclidean space (``temporal entanglement entropy"), and relate it to the renormalization group (RG) flow. Specifically, we show that tracing over a period of Euclidean time corresponds to coarse-graining the system and can be connected to momentum space entanglement. We employ Holography, a framework naturally embedding RG flow, to illustrate our proposal. Within cutoff holography, we establish a direct link between the UV cutoff and the smallest resolvable time interval within the effective theory through the irrelevant $T\bar T$ deformation. Increasing the UV cutoff results in an enhanced capability to resolve finer time intervals, while reducing it has the opposite effect. Moreover, we show that tracing over a larger Euclidean time interval is formally equivalent to integrating out more UV degrees of freedom (or lowering the temperature). As an application, we point out that the temporal entanglement entropy can detect the critical Lifshitz exponent $z$ in non-relativistic theories which is not accessible from spatial entanglement at zero temperature and density.

  • Symmetries, Spin-2 Scattering Amplitudes, and Equivalence theorems in Warped Five-Dimensional Gravitational Theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Sekhar Chivukula, Joshua A. Gill, Kirtimaan A. Mohan, Dipan Sengupta, Elizabeth H. Simmons, Xing Wang

    Building on work by Hang and He, we show how the residual five-dimensional diffeomorphism symmetries of compactified gravitational theories with a warped extra dimension imply Equivalence theorems which ensure that the scattering amplitudes of helicity-0 and helicity-1 spin-2 Kaluza-Klein states equal (to leading order in scattering energy) those of the corresponding Goldstone bosons present in the `t-Hooft-Feynman gauge. We derive a set of Ward identities that lead to a transparent power-counting of the scattering amplitudes involving spin-2 Kaluza-Klein states. We explicitly calculate these amplitudes in terms of the Goldstone bosons in the Randall-Sundrum model, check the correspondence to previous unitary-gauge computations, and demonstrate the efficacy of `t-Hooft-Feynman gauge for accurately computing amplitudes for scattering of the spin-2 states both among themselves and with matter. Power-counting for the Goldstone boson interactions establishes that the scattering amplitudes grow no faster than $O(s)$, explaining the origin of the behavior previously shown to arise from intricate cancellations between different contributions to these scattering amplitudes in unitary gauge. We describe how our results apply to more general warped geometries, including models with a stabilized extra dimension. In an appendix we explicitly identify the symmetry algebra of the residual 5D diffeomorphisms of a Randall-Sundrum extra-dimensional theory.

  • Spherical symmetric black hole based on Higher derivative gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jin-Bo He

    The theory of higher derivative gravity is proposed to solve the non-renormalizable problem in quantum gravity.In this article, We use two numerical methods to fit another static spherically symmetric black hole besides the Schwarzschild black hole.We obtain approximate expressions for two numerical solutions, both of which contain a parameter that deviates from the Schwarzschild degree.We also analyze their degree of precision and the quasi-normal modes of the black hole.

  • Superradiance and stability of rotating charged black holes in T-duality.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sohan Kumar Jha, Kimet Jusufi

    We investigate the shadow images, the relation between Quasinormal Modes (QNMs) and the shadow radius, and the superradiance effect observed in the context of a rotating charged black hole under T-duality. Our investigation places particular emphasis on two key parameters: the electric charge denoted as $Q$ and the quantum deformed parameter represented by the zero-point length, $l_0$. Our findings reveal a distinct pattern: as the electric charge increases, the shadow radius experiences a consistent decrease. Intriguingly, when considering the quantum deformed parameter, we find a noteworthy phenomenona reflecting point. Specifically, we illustrate that the shadow radius initially increases with an increase in $l_0$ and subsequently decreases. Further analysis involves the computation of eikonal equatorial and polar QNMs, where a similar reflecting point emerges upon varying $l_0$. This establishes the inverse correlation between QNMs and shadow radius within our research framework. Our investigation into the effects of Q and $l_0$ on superradiance reveals that the amplification factor initially increases with $Q$ and $l_0$ and then starts decreasing. Moreover, the rotating black holes in T-duality allows superradiance scattering for a wider range of frequency than Kerr black holes, making black holes in T-duality brighter than the Kerr black holes. We also delve into the stability of the combined system of the rotating black hole and scalar field with the help of black hole bomb mechanism. It provides a window to observe the impact of parameters Q and $l_0$ on the stability. It shows that the combined system is stable for a wider regime for the Kerr black hole.

  • Responses of Small and Large Ads Black Holes to the Collective Influence of Quintessence and String Cloud.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hayat Laassiri, Ahmed Daassou, Rachid Benbrik

    This research paper delves deeply into the intricate interplay between quintessence and a cloud of strings, exploring their influence on critical points, behaviors, and fractional order phase transitions in AdS black holes. We conducted a meticulous analysis of the various thermodynamic properties associated with AdS black holes surrounded by quintessence and a cloud of strings, with a specific focus on understanding how thermal fluctuations affect their thermodynamics. Using critical conditions, we systematically derived an approximate analytical expressions for critical points that are applicable to all types of these black holes. Furthermore, we embarked on an exploration of how changes in the quintessence parameter and the intensity of the cloud of strings impact critical behaviors, using three-dimensional visualizations to vividly depict these effects across different values of omegaq. Our examination illuminated how these factors shape the locations of phase transitions and the regions where both phases coexist. Additionally, we delved into the realm of fractional order phase transitions, which indicate significant transformations within the black hole system. This work delves into examining how the behaviors of both small and large black holes are influenced by the combined effects of quintessence and a string cloud. The study employs two distinct approximations of the horizon radius for Ads black holes, providing a nuanced analysis of their dynamic responses.

  • Stability of Axion-Dilaton Wormholes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Caroline Jonas, George Lavrelashvili, Jean-Luc Lehners

    We study the perturbative stability of Euclidean axion-dilaton wormholes that asymptotically approach flat space, both with a massless and a massive dilaton, and focussing on homogeneous perturbations. We find massless wormholes to always be perturbatively stable. The phenomenologically more relevant case of a massive dilaton presents us with a wide variety of wormhole solutions, depending on the dilaton coupling and mass, and on the axion charge. We find that the solutions with the smallest dilaton potential are perturbatively stable and dominant, even in cases where the wormhole solutions are not continuously connected to the massless case by decreasing the mass. For branches of solutions emanating from a bifurcation point, one side of the branch always contains a negative mode in its spectrum, rendering such solutions unstable. The existence of classes of perturbatively stable wormhole solutions with massive dilaton sharpens the puzzles associated with Euclidean wormholes.

  • Dynamical Vacuum Compressibility of Space.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Cun Xie, Jen-Tsung Hsiang, Bei-Lok Hu

    This paper continues the investigation initiated in arXiv:2204.08634 into the quantum thermodynamic properties of space by deriving the vacuum compressibility of a variety of dynamical spacetimes containing massive and massless conformally coupled quantum fields. The quantum processes studied here include particle creation, Casimir effect, and the trace anomaly. The spaces include $S^2, S^3$, and $T^3$ with prescribed time evolution and $S^1$, where the temporal developments are backreaction determined. Vacuum compressibility belongs to the same group of quantum thermodynamic / mechanical response functions as vacuum viscosity, a concept first proposed in 1970 by Zel'dovich for capturing the effects of vacuum particle production on the dynamics of the early universe, made precise by rigorous work of many authors in the following decade using quantum field theory in curved spacetime methodologies and semiclassical gravity theory for treating backreaction effects. Various subtleties in understanding the behavior of the vacuum energies of quantum field origins, negative pressures and novel complicated features of dynamical compressibility are discussed.

  • Coupled quintessence inspired by warm inflation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Paulo M. Sá

    We investigate a coupled quintessence cosmological model in which a dark-energy scalar field with an exponential potential interacts directly with a dark-matter fluid through a dissipative term inspired by warm inflation. The evolution equations of this model give rise to a three-dimensional dynamical system for which a thorough qualitative analysis is performed for all values of the relevant parameters. We find that the model is able to replicate the observed sequence of late-time cosmological eras, namely, a long enough matter-dominated era followed by a present era of accelerated expansion. In situations where there is a significant transfer of energy from dark energy to dark matter, temporary scaling-type solutions may arise, but, asymptotically, all solutions are dominated by dark energy.

  • A new type of large-scale signature change in emergent modified gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martin Bojowald, Erick I. Duque, Dennis Hartmann

    Emergent modified gravity presents a new class of gravitational theories in which the structure of space-time with Riemannian geometry of a certain signature is not presupposed. Relying on crucial features of a canonical formulation, the geometry of space-time is instead derived from the underlying dynamical equations for phase-space degrees of freedom together with a crucial covariance condition. Here, a large class of spherically symmetric models is solved analytically for Schwarzschild-type black-hole configurations with generic modification functions, using a variety of slicings that explicitly demonstrates general covariance. For some choices of the modification functions, a new type of signature change is found and evaluated. In contrast to previous versions discussed for instance in models of loop quantum gravity, signature change happens on timelike hypersurfaces in the exterior region of a black hole where it is not covered by a horizon. A large region between the horizon and the signature-change hypersurface may nevertheless be nearly classical, such that the presence of a signature-change boundary around Lorentzian space-time, or a Euclidean wall around the universe, is consistent with observations provided signature change happens sufficiently far from the black hole.

  • Starting inflation from inhomogeneous initial conditions with momentum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Maxence Corman, William E. East

    We investigate the circumstances under which cosmic inflation can arise from very inhomogeneous initial conditions using numerical relativity simulations. Previous studies have not considered cases with non-zero momentum density due to technical challenges with solving the coupled Einstein constraint equations. Here we address these, introducing and comparing several different ways of constructing cosmological initial conditions with inhomogeneous scalar field and time derivative profiles. We evolve such initial conditions with large inhomogeneities in both single- and two-field inflationary models. We study cases where the initial gradient and kinetic energy are much larger than the inflationary energy scale, and black holes can form, as well as cases where the initial scalar potential energy is comparable, as in scenarios where inflation occurs at nearly Planckian densities, finding large-field inflation to be generally robust. We consider examples of initial conditions where a large scalar field velocity towards non-inflationary values would prevent inflation from occurring in the homogeneous case, finding that the addition of large gradients in the scalar field can actually dilute this effect, with the increased expansion and non-vanishing restoring force leading to inflation.

  • Comparing models for a unitary black hole S-matrix.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Steven B. Giddings

    This paper compares features, challenges, and puzzles of different models for a unitary black hole S-matrix, focussing on both recent nonisometric models, as well as "nonviolent unitarization," which is based on new quantum interactions of a black hole. As a foundation for comparison, the description of real-time Hawking evolution is first overviewed, including leading effects of gravitational dressing and backreaction. Connection is then made to qubit models for evolution, and some technology is outlined to facilitate their description. Important features of both nonisometric models and nonviolent unitarization are investigated in qubit models, which illustrate essential differences between the respective approaches. The nonisometric models present puzzles for understanding evolution of internal outgoing excitations, which can be excited by interactions such as particle decay. Qubit models for nonviolent unitarization are further developed, and nicely illustrate aspects of that approach. Some remaining questions in generalizing to more complete models for evolution are discussed.

  • Symmetries and Charges in Weyl-Fefferman-Graham Gauge.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luca Ciambelli, Arnaud Delfante, Romain Ruzziconi, Céline Zwikel

    We investigate the asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional AdS Einstein gravity in the Weyl-Fefferman-Graham gauge, which is a generalization of the Fefferman-Graham gauge inducing a Weyl connection as part of the boundary structure. We show that this gauge arises as a natural intermediary step of the gauge-fixing procedure in the Chern-Simons formulation. We prove that the diffeomorphism required to go to the usual Fefferman-Graham gauge can be charged, and thus its implementation has physical repercussions. We discuss the holographic renormalization and the variational principle offering a new holographic take on this gauge and its charges.

  • Bayesian test of Brans-Dicke theories with planetary ephemerides: Investigating the strong equivalence principle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vincenzo Mariani, Olivier Minazzoli, Agnès Fienga, Jacques Laskar, Mickaël Gastineau

    Context: We are testing the Brans-Dicke class of scalar tensor theories with planetary ephemerides. Aims: In this work, we apply our recently proposed Bayesian methodology to the Brans-Dicke case, with an emphasis on the issue of the strong equivalence principle (SEP). Methods: We use an MCMC approach coupled to full consistent planetary ephemeris construction (from point-mass body integration to observational fit) and compare the posterior distributions obtained with and without the introduction of potential violations of the SEP. Results: We observe a shift in the confidence levels of the posteriors obtained. We interpret this shift as marginal evidence suggesting that the effect of violation of the SEP can no longer be assumed to be negligible in planetary ephemerides with the current data. We also notably report that the constraint on the Brans-Dicke parameter with planetary ephemerides is getting closer to the figure reported from the Cassini spacecraft alone, but also to the constraints from pulsars. We anticipate that data from future spacecraft missions, such as BepiColombo, will significantly enhance the constraints based on planetary ephemerides.

  • Torsion at different scales: from materials to the Universe.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nick E. Mavromatos, Pablo Pais, Alfredo Iorio

    The concept of torsion in geometry, although known since long time, has not gained considerable attention by the physics community until relatively recently, due to its diverse and potentially important applications to a plethora of contexts of physical interest. These range from novel materials, such as graphene and graphene-like materials, to advanced theoretical ideas, such as string theory and supersymmetry/supergravity and applications thereof in understanding the dark sector of our Universe. This work reviews such applications of torsion at different physical scales.

  • Herglotz variational principle and Fermat principle in arbitrary metric.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joanna Piwnik, Joanna Gonera, Piotr Kosiński

    Lagrangian formalism for the Lagrangians homogeneous of degree two in velocities is considered. It is shown that the reduced dynamics obtained by neglecting one generalized coordinate is, in general, described by the Herglotz extension of Lagrangian formalism. This result is applied to the propagation of light in general gravitational field leading to the extended Fermat principle.

  • Constrained HRT Surfaces and their Entropic Interpretation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xi Dong, Donald Marolf, Pratik Rath

    Consider two boundary subregions $A$ and $B$ that lie in a common boundary Cauchy surface, and consider also the associated HRT surface $\gamma_B$ for $B$. In that context, the constrained HRT surface $\gamma_{A:B}$ can be defined as the codimension-2 bulk surface anchored to $A$ that is obtained by a maximin construction restricted to Cauchy slices containing $\gamma_B$. As a result, $\gamma_{A:B}$ is the union of two pieces, $\gamma^B_{A:B}$ and $\gamma^{\bar B}_{A:B}$ lying respectively in the entanglement wedges of $B$ and its complement $\bar B$. Unlike the area $\mathcal{A}\left(\gamma_A\right)$ of the HRT surface $\gamma_A$, at least in the semiclassical limit, the area $\mathcal{A}\left(\gamma_{A:B}\right)$ of $\gamma_{A:B}$ commutes with the area $\mathcal{A}\left(\gamma_B\right)$ of $\gamma_B$. To study the entropic interpretation of $\mathcal{A}\left(\gamma_{A:B}\right)$, we analyze the R\'enyi entropies of subregion $A$ in a fixed-area state of subregion $B$. We use the gravitational path integral to show that the $n\approx1$ R\'enyi entropies are then computed by minimizing $\mathcal{A}\left(\gamma_A\right)$ over spacetimes defined by a boost angle conjugate to $\mathcal{A}\left(\gamma_B\right)$. In the case where the pieces $\gamma^B_{A:B}$ and $\gamma^{\bar B}_{A:B}$ intersect at a constant boost angle, a geometric argument shows that the $n\approx1$ R\'enyi entropy is then given by $\frac{\mathcal{A}(\gamma_{A:B})}{4G}$. We discuss how the $n\approx1$ R\'enyi entropy differs from the von Neumann entropy due to a lack of commutativity of the $n\to1$ and $G\to0$ limits. We also discuss how the behaviour changes as a function of the width of the fixed-area state. Our results are relevant to some of the issues associated with attempts to use standard random tensor networks to describe time dependent geometries.

  • Effects of anisotropic pressure on interacting quark star structure.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Juan M. Z. Pretel, Takol Tangphati, Ayan Banerjee, Anirudh Pradhan

    Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) corrections and color superconductivity predict that strongly interacting matter can reveal new physical phenomena under extreme conditions. Taking into account these interaction effects, we investigate the role of anisotropic pressure in quark stars composed of interacting quark matter. Adopting two physically well-motivated anisotropy profiles, we numerically solve the stellar structure equations in order to explore the consequences of anisotropic pressure on various macroscopic properties such as radius, gravitational mass, surface redshift, moment of inertia, tidal Love number and oscillation spectrum. Remarkably, for both anisotropy models, negative anisotropies increase the radial stability of interacting quark stars, while the opposite occurs for positive anisotropies. However, for the Bowers-Liang profile, the central density corresponding to the maximum-mass point does not coincide with the central density where the squared oscillation frequency vanishes, indicating that the existence of stable anisotropic interacting quark stars is possible beyond the maximum mass for negative anisotropies. Additionally, we compare our theoretical predictions with several observational mass-radius measurements and tidal deformability constraints, which suggest that both strong interaction effects and anisotropy effects play a crucial role in describing compact stars observed in the Universe.

  • Black hole shadows of massive particles and photons in plasma.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kirill Kobialko, Igor Bogush, Dmitri Gal'tsov

    Explicitly covariant analytical expressions are derived that describe the boundaries of shadows cast by massive particles scattered by a gravitating object. This covers scenarios with particles having effectively variable mass, such as photons in plasma, geodesics in higher dimensions, and particles interacting with a scalar field. The derived formula takes advantage of recent advances in understanding the relationship between slice-reducible Killing tensors and massive particle surfaces that generalize photon surfaces. The formula allows us to obtain simple approximations of scaling as the particle energy changes. We illustrate this structure using Kerr-NUT and EMD black holes for both massive particles and photons in plasma. The versatility of this framework extends beyond astrophysics and has potential applications in analog models of gravity and condensed matter physics.


  • Gluonic evanescent operators: negative-norm states and complex anomalous dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Qingjun Jin, Ke Ren, Gang Yang, Rui Yu

    In this paper, we build on our previous work to further investigate the role of evanescent operators in gauge theories, with a particular focus on their contribution to violations of unitarity. We develop an efficient method for calculating the norms of gauge-invariant operators in Yang-Mills (YM) theory by employing on-shell form factors. Our analysis, applicable to general spacetime dimensions, reveals the existence of negative norm states among evanescent operators. We also explore the one-loop anomalous dimensions of these operators and find complex anomalous dimensions. We broaden our analysis by considering YM theory coupled with scalar fields and we observe similar patterns of non-unitarity. The presence of negative norm states and complex anomalous dimensions across these analyses provides compelling evidence that general gauge theories are non-unitary in non-integer spacetime dimensions.

  • Using the effective weak mixing angle as an input parameter in SMEFT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anke Biekötter, Benjamin D. Pecjak, Tommy Smith

    We implement electroweak renormalisation schemes involving the effective weak mixing angle to NLO in Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). After developing the necessary theoretical machinery, we analyse a select set of electroweak precision observables in such input schemes. An attractive feature is that large corrections from top-quark loops appearing in other schemes are absorbed into the definition of the effective weak mixing angle. On the other hand, the renormalisation condition which achieves this involves a large number of flavour-specific SMEFT couplings between the $Z$ boson and charged leptons, motivating simple flavour assumptions such as minimal flavour violation for practical applications. The results of this paper provide a valuable new component for estimating systematic uncertainties in SMEFT fits by performing analyses in multiple input schemes.

  • Integrating Particle Flavor into Deep Learning Models for Hadronization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jay Chan, Xiangyang Ju, Adam Kania, Benjamin Nachman, Vishnu Sangli, Andrzej Siodmok

    Hadronization models used in event generators are physics-inspired functions with many tunable parameters. Since we do not understand hadronization from first principles, there have been multiple proposals to improve the accuracy of hadronization models by utilizing more flexible parameterizations based on neural networks. These recent proposals have focused on the kinematic properties of hadrons, but a full model must also include particle flavor. In this paper, we show how to build a deep learning-based hadronization model that includes both kinematic (continuous) and flavor (discrete) degrees of freedom. Our approach is based on Generative Adversarial Networks and we show the performance within the context of the cluster hadronization model within the Herwig event generator.

  • The Cosmological Constant, Dark Matter and the ElectroWeak Scale meet in the Swampland.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kazem Bitaghsir Fadafan, Giacomo Cacciapaglia

    The Swampland program, which looks for low energy theories consistent with quantum gravity, has led to the introduction of a dark dimension stemming from the cosmological constant. We show that the same argument leads to the emergence of the electroweak scale, once the dark dimension is realised in a warped background. A warped extra dimension at the TeV scale is, therefore, postulated, where the long-standing problem of the hierarchy between the electroweak scale and Planck scale can be addressed. In the emergent holistic picture of gravity and gauge interactions, both Planck and the electroweak scales are emergent from a theory with two fundamental scales: $10^{-2}$ eV and $10^{10}$ GeV. Hence, a bridge is established between the two standard models of particle physics and cosmology.

  • Earth-Catalyzed Detection of Magnetic Inelastic Dark Matter with Photons in Large Underground Detectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joshua Eby, Patrick J. Fox, Graham D. Kribs

    Inelastic dark matter with moderate splittings, $\mathcal{O}({\rm few} \; {\rm to} \; 150)$ keV, can upscatter to an excited state in the Earth, with the excited state subsequently decaying, leaving a distinctive monoenergetic photon signal in large underground detectors. The photon signal can exhibit sidereal-daily modulation, providing excellent separation from backgrounds. Using a detailed numerical simulation, we examine this process as a search strategy for magnetic inelastic dark matter with the dark matter mass near the weak scale, where the upscatter to the excited state and decay proceed through the same magnetic dipole transition operator. At lower inelastic splittings, the scattering is dominated by moderate mass elements in the Earth with high spin, especially $^{27}$Al, while at larger splittings, $^{56}$Fe becomes the dominant target. We show that the proposed large volume gaseous detector CYGNUS will have excellent sensitivity to this signal. Xenon detectors also provide excellent sensitivity through the inelastic nuclear recoil signal, and if a future signal is seen, we show that the synergy among both types of detection can provide strong evidence for magnetic inelastic dark matter. In the course we have calculated nuclear response functions for elements relevant for scattering in the Earth, which are publicly available on GitHub.

  • A novel search strategy for right-handed charged gauge bosons at the Large Hadron Collider.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mariana Frank, Benjamin Fuks, Adil Jueid, Stefano Moretti, Ozer Ozdal

    We explore the potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in detecting a signal originating from the production of a heavy $SU(2)_R$ charged gauge boson that then decays into a top-bottom quark pair via the mediation of a right-handed neutrino, $p p \to W_R \to N_R \ell \to (\ell' t b)\ell$. Such a channel, that we study in the context of the minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model, contrasts with conventional smoking-gun signatures targeted experimentally and phenomenologically in which only light quarks are involved. We propose a selection strategy aimed at extracting such a top-bottom signal and we estimate the resulting sensitivity of the LHC to the model. Our results demonstrate the potential impact of such a search and we therefore urge the experimental collaborations to carry out a similar analysis in the light of present and future data.

  • Feynman rules for Scalars at the Bestest Little Higgs Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, E. Cruz-Albaro, D. Espinosa-Gómez

    The Bestest Little Higgs Model (BLHM) has attracted increasing attention in recent years, mainly because it can explain the hierarchy problem without fine-tuning by introducing one-loop corrections to the Higgs boson mass through heavy top-quark partners and gauge bosons. In this paper, we lay the groundwork for future research in the BLHM, derive and present Feynman rules for scalars ($h_0, H_0, \phi^{0}, \eta^{0}, \sigma, H^{\pm}, \phi^{\pm}, \eta^{\pm}, A_0$) and include the self-interactions of Higgs bosons. We also provide the Mathematica notebooks used to obtain the Feynman rules. These Feynman rules help investigate new physics beyond the Standard Model. The calculations are performed using FeynCalc, and all model files are publicly available online at this http URL Export of the Lagrangians to FeynArt is also posible.

  • Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Two Higgs Doublet Model from 6D Gauge-Higgs Unification on $T^2/Z_2$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kento Akamatsu, Takuya Hirose, Nobuhito Maru, Akio Nago

    Electroweak symmetry breaking is explored in a two Higgs doublet model based on a six dimensional $SU(4)$ gauge-Higgs unification compactified on an orbifold $T^2/Z_2$. The remarkable property of this model is a prediction of realistic weak mixing angle $\sin^2 \theta_W = 1/4$ at the compactification scale. We calculate one-loop effective potential of the Standard Model Higgs boson from the contributions of the gauge boson and the fermion in a four-rank totally symmetric tensor where top quark is included. We find that the electroweak symmetry breaking certainly takes place.

  • Harnessing the global correlations of the QCD power spectrum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Keith Pedersen, Mithila Mangedarage, Zack Sullivan

    As multiplicity increases at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, an opportunity arises to explore the information contained in the full QCD power spectrum on an event-by-event basis. This paper lays the foundations for a framework to encode and extract the information contained in finite sampling of a QCD event.

  • Pseudo-neutrino versus recoil formalism for 4-body phase space and applications to nuclear decay.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chien-Yeah Seng

    It is well-known that the traditional treatment of radiative corrections that utilizes the ``true'' neutrino momentum $\vec{p}_\nu$ in the differential decay rate formula could lead to a $\sim \alpha/\pi$ systematic error in certain observables due to the mistreatment of 4-body kinematics. We investigate the theory structure of one of the proposed solutions, the ``$\nu'$-formalism'', in the non-recoil limit appropriate for neutron and nuclear beta decays. We derive an elegant master formula for the 4-body phase space and use it to re-analyze the spectrum-dependent ``outer'' radiative corrections to the beta decay of a polarized spin-half nucleus; a complete set of analytic expressions is provided for readers to straightforwardly obtain the final numerical results. We compare it to the ``recoil formalism'' where the energy of the recoil nucleus is fixed.

  • The mass and spectral function of scalar and pseudoscalar mesons in hot and chirally imbalanced medium using the two-flavour NJL model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Snigdha Ghosh, Nilanjan Chaudhuri, Sourav Sarkar, Pradip Roy

    We explore the properties of neutral mesons within the context of a chirally imbalanced medium, employing the two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The temperature dependence of the constituent quark mass at finite values of the chiral chemical potential (CCP) demonstrates the well-established phenomena of chiral catalysis at lower temperatures and inverse chiral catalysis at higher temperatures. The polarization functions in both the scalar ($\sigma$) and pseudo-scalar ($\pi^0$) channels have been evaluated using real time formalism of thermal field theory. These have been used to determine the masses and spectral functions of $ \sigma $ and $ \pi $ mesons. Detailed investigation of the analytic structure of the imaginary part of the polarization function for $\sigma$ and $\pi$ mesons results in the emergence of non-trivial Landau cut contributions due to the presence of chiral imbalance. The multiple solutions for the mass of the $\pi$ meson for specific values of CCP have been analysed on the basis of their residue at the pole. Furthermore, we have observed abrupt changes in the masses of both scalar and pseudo-scalar mesons at finite CCP values, particularly at higher temperatures. A decreasing trend in the Mott transition temperature is seen with the increase in CCP.

  • The small kt-region in Drell-Yan production at next-to-leading order with the Parton Branching Method.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. Bubanja, A. Bermudez Martinez, L. Favart, F. Guzman, F. Hautmann, H. Jung, A. Lelek, M. Mendizabal, K. Moral Figueroa, L. Moureaux, N. Raicevic, M. Seidel, S. Taheri Monfared

    The Parton Branching (PB) method describes the evolution of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions, covering all kinematic regions from small to large transverse momenta kT. The small kT-region is very sensitive both to the contribution of the intrinsic motion of partons (intrinsic kT) and to the resummation of soft gluons taken into account by the PB TMD evolution equations. We study the role of soft-gluon emissions in TMD as well as integrated parton distributions. We perform a detailed investigation of the PB TMD methodology at next-to-leading order (NLO) in Drell-Yan (DY) production for low transverse momenta. We present the extraction of the nonperturbative "intrinsic-kT" distribution from recent measurements of DY transverse momentum distributions at the LHC across a wide range in DY masses, including a detailed treatment of statistical, correlated and uncorrelated uncertainties. We comment on the (in)dependence of intrinsic transverse momentum on DY mass and center-of-mass energy, and on the comparison with other approaches.

  • Analysis of $T_{cc}$ and $T_{bb}$ based on the hadronic molecular model and their spin multiplets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manato Sakai, Yasuhiro Yamaguchi

    ${T_{cc}(cc\bar{u}\bar{d})}^{+}$ has been reported by the LHCb experiment in 2022. The analysis using the Breit-Wigner parametrization found the small binding energy, $0.273$ MeV, which is measured from the threshold of $D^{*+}D^{0}$. In this paper, we consider $T_{cc}$ as a $DD^*$ hadronic molecule as a deuteron-like state. The one boson exchange model is employed as for the heavy meson interactions, where we determine the cut-off parameter $\Lambda$ to reproduce the reported binding energy of $T_{cc}$ with $I(J^P)=0(1^+)$. We discuss the properties of the bound state, and also search for $T_{cc}$ with the quantum numbers other than $0(1^{+})$. Futhermore, we analyze $T_{bb}$ as a bottom counterpart of $T_{cc}$, which involves two bottom quarks, and obtain several bound states. Finally we consider the light-cloud basis for wave functions of the doubly heavy tetraquarks in the heavy quark limit. Using the basis, we find the spin multiplets of their bound states, indicating the spin structures of diquarks in $T_{cc}$ and $T_{bb}$ with the finite quark masses.

  • The proton magnetic radius: a new puzzle?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yong-Hui Lin, Hans-Werner Hammer, Ulf-G. Meißner

    We comment on the puzzling status of the proton magnetic radius determinations.

  • Fate of the $\rho$-$a_1$ mixing in dilepton production.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Azumi Sakai, Masayasu Harada, Chiho Nonaka, Chihiro Sasaki, Kenta Shigaki, Satoshi Yano

    We investigate the effect of chiral mixing on dilepton production by combining the in-medium spectral function in the chiral effective field theory with the state-of-the-art fluid dynamical simulations. We compare the spectral functions with different chiral symmetry restoration scenarios. We find that the scenario with proper chiral symmetry restoration that takes into account the degenerate $\rho$ and $a_1$ mesons leads to an increase of the yield in the window of $1.1<M<1.4$ GeV. Whereas, the low-temperature theorem of chiral mixing extrapolated toward a chiral crossover, often used in the literature, leads to a substantial overestimate at $M=1.2$ GeV.

  • High temperature $U(1)_A$ breaking in the chiral limit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tamas G. Kovacs, Inst. Nucl. Res.)

    We solve the long-standing problem concerning the fate of the chiral $U(1)_A$ symmetry in QCD-like theories at high temperature in the chiral limit. We introduce a simple instanton based random matrix model that precisely reproduces the properties of the lowest part of the lattice overlap Dirac spectrum. We show that in the chiral limit the instanton gas splits into a free gas component with a density proportional to $m^{N_f}$ and a gas of instanton-antiinstanton molecules. While the latter do not influence the chiral properties, for any nonzero quark mass the free gas component produces a singular spectral peak at zero that dominates Banks-Casher type spectral sums. By calculating these we show that the difference of the pion and delta susceptibility vanishes only for three or more massless flavors, however, the chiral condensate is zero already for two massless flavors

  • $Z$-boson decays into $S$-wave quarkonium plus a photon up to ${\cal O}(\alpha_{s} v^2)$ corrections.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guang-Yu Wang, Xu-Chang Zheng, Xing-Gang Wu, Guang-Zhi Xu

    In this paper, we calculate the decay widths and branching fractions for the decays $Z \to H+ \gamma$ up to ${\cal O}(\alpha_{s} v^2)$ accuracy within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD, where $H$ stands for the $S$-wave quarkonium $\eta_c$, $J/\psi$, $\eta_b$ or $\Upsilon$, respectively. To compare with the leading-order terms, those corrections show good perturbative behavior as expected. It is found that contributions from the next-to-leading order QCD correction ${\cal O}(\alpha_{s}v^0)$, the relativistic correction ${\cal O}(\alpha^{0}_{s}v^2)$ and their joint correction ${\cal O}(\alpha_{s} v^2)$ are sizable and comparable to each other, especially for the charmonium case. Thus we need to take all of them into consideration for a sound estimation. For a high luminosity electron-positron collider running around the $Z$-pole, due to $Z$-boson resonance effect, sizable events could be produced from those rare decay channels.

  • Constraining 2HDM+S model through W-boson mass measurements.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anza-Tshilidzi Mulaudzi, Mukesh Kumar, Ashok Goyal, Bruce Mellado

    Following a discussion on $W$-boson mass observed at the CDF and ATLAS, we explore the parameter space allowed in the 2HDM+$S$ model. Further, the model parameter space is constrained through vector-like leptons via muon $g-2$ measurements. We show our results for additional scalar mass fixed to $m_S \approx 95$ and $150$~GeV keeping the standard Higgs-boson mass at 125~GeV in all four types of 2HDM+$S$ model. The chosen mass of the singlet scalar is motivated by the excesses seen at the CMS and ATLAS data in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider.

  • Global analysis of CP-violation in atoms, molecules and role of medium-heavy systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Konstantin Gaul, Robert Berger

    Detection of parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetry-odd electric dipole moments (EDMs) within currently achievable resolution would evidence physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Via the CPT-theorem, which includes charge conjugation (C), such low-energy searches complement high-energy physics experiments that probe CP-violation up to the TeV scale. Heavy-elemental atoms and molecules are considered to be among the most promising candidates for a first direct detection of P,T-violation due to enhancement effects that increase steeply with increasing nuclear charge number $Z$. However, different P,T-odd sources on the subatomic level can contribute to molecular or atomic EDMs, which are target of measurements, and this complicates obtaining rigorous bounds on P,T-violation on a fundamental level. Consequently, several experiments of complementary sensitivity to these individual P,T-odd sources are required for this purpose. Herein, a simply-applicable qualitative model is developed for global analysis of the P,T-odd parameter space from an electronic-structure theory perspective. Rules of thumb are derived for the choice of atoms and molecules in terms of their angular momenta and nuclear charge number. Contrary to naive expectations from $Z$-scaling laws, it is demonstrated that medium-heavy molecules with $Z\leq54$ can be of great value to tighten global bounds on P,T-violating parameters, in particular, if the number of complementary experiments increases. The model is confirmed by explicit density functional theory calculations of all relevant P,T-odd electronic structure parameters in systems that were used in past experiments or are of current interest for future experiments, respectively: the atoms Xe, Cs, Hg, Tl, Ra, Fr and the molecules CaOH, SrOH, YO, CdH, BaF, YbF, YbOH, HfF$^+$, WC, TlF, PbO, RaF, ThO, ThF$^+$ and PaF$^{3+}$.

  • Baryon electric charge correlation as a magnetometer of QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Heng-Tong Ding, Jin-Biao Gu, Arpith Kumar, Sheng-Tai Li, Jun-Hong Liu

    The correlation between net baryon number and electric charge, $\chi_{11}^{\rm BQ}$, can serve as a magnetometer of QCD. This is demonstrated by lattice QCD computations using the highly improved staggered quarks with physical pion mass of $M_\pi=135~$MeV on $N_\tau=8$ and 12 lattices. We find that $\chi_{11}^{\rm BQ}$ along the transition line starts to increase rapidly with magnetic field strength $eB\gtrsim 2M_\pi^2$ and by a factor 2 at $eB\simeq 8M_\pi^2$. Furthermore, the ratio of electric charge chemical potential to baryon chemical potential, $\mu_{\rm Q}/\mu_{\rm B}$, shows significant dependence on the magnetic field strength and varies from the ratio of electric charge to baryon number in the colliding nuclei in heavy ion collisions. These results can provide baselines for effective theory and model studies, and both $\chi_{11}^{\rm BQ}$ and $\mu_{\rm Q}/\mu_{\rm B}$ could be useful probes for the detection of magnetic fields in relativistic heavy ion collision experiments as compared with corresponding results from the hadron resonance gas model.

  • Orbifold Modular GUT of Flavour.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francisco J. de Anda, Stephen F. King

    We discuss an $SU(5)$ Grand Unified Theory (GUT) based on the 10d orbifold $(\mathbb{T}^2)^3/(\mathbb{Z}_4\times\mathbb{Z}_2)$ plus three modular $S_4$ groups with moduli at respective fixed points $i,i+2,\omega=e^{2i\pi/3}$. The resulting model has hierarchical quark and charged lepton mass matrices, arising from a double weighton mechanism, and reproduces the highly predictive Littlest Seesaw Mechanism in the neutrino sector. The down quark mass matrix has an upper triangular form, contributing to CKM mixing, while the charged lepton mass matrix has a lower triangular form with suppressed contributions to PMNS mixing. The orbifold yields successful $SU(5)$ breaking with doublet-triplet splitting of the Higgs multiplets.

  • High-energy behavior of scattering amplitudes in theories with purely virtual particles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marco Piva

    We study a class of renormalizable quantum field theories with purely virtual particles that exhibits nonrenormalizable behavior in the high-energy limit of scattering cross sections, which grow as powers of the center-of-mass energy squared and seems to violate unitarity bounds. We point out that the problem should be viewed as a violation of perturbativity, instead of unitarity, and show that the resummation of self energies fixes the issue. As an explicit example, we consider a class of $O(N)$ theories at the leading order in the large-$N$ expansion and show that the different quantization prescription of purely virtual particles takes care of the nonrenormalizable behavior, making the resummed cross sections to decrease at high energies and the amplitudes to satisfy the unitarity bounds. We compare the results to the case of theories with ghosts, where the resummation cannot change the behavior of cross sections due to certain cancellations in the high-energy expansion of the self energies. These results are particularly relevant for quantum gravity.

  • Adiabatic Hydrodynamization: a Natural Framework to Find and Describe Prehydrodynamic Attractors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Krishna Rajagopal, Bruno Scheihing-Hitschfeld, Rachel Steinhorst

    The adiabatic hydrodynamization framework is a promising framework within which to describe and characterize pre-hydrodynamic attractors in a model-independent fashion. Using this framework, we define a procedure to identify a time-dependent change in coordinates which reveals a dynamical reduction in the number of active degrees of freedom. Applying this procedure to the kinetic theory of a Bjorken-expanding gas of gluons in the small angle elastic scattering limit, we are able to intuitively explain the self-similar evolution of the gluon distribution function long before the applicability of hydrodynamics, as well as the loss of memory of its initial condition.

  • Global and local polarization of $\Lambda$ hyperons across RHIC-BES energies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiang-Yu Wu, Cong Yi, Guang-You Qin, Shi Pu

    We report our recent study on the global and local polarization of $\Lambda$ hyperons in Au+Au collisions at RHIC-BES energies within the (3+1)-dimensional CLVisc hydrodynamics framework. We present our numerical results for the global polarization as the function of collision energies and the local polarization along the beam direction as functions of azimuthal angle in $20-50$% centrality at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=7.7 GeV Au+Au collision energy. We have discussed the effects of initial conditions, Spin Hall effect and baryon diffusion.

  • The oblique parameters from arbitrary new fermions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francisco Albergaria, Darius Jurčiukonis, Luís Lavoura

    We compute the six oblique parameters $S, T, U, V, W, X$ in a New Physics Model with an arbitrary number of new fermions, in arbitrary representations of $SU(2) \times U(1)$, and mixing arbitrarily among themselves. We show that $S$ and $U$ are automatically finite, but $T$ is finite only if there is a specific relation between the masses of the new fermions and the representations of $SU(2) \times U(1)$ that they sit in. We apply our general computation to two illustrative cases.

  • Exploring the freeze-out hypersurface of relativistic nuclear collisions with a rapidity-dependent thermal model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Han Gao, Lipei Du, Sangyong Jeon, Charles Gale

    Considering applications to relativistic heavy-ion collisions, we develop a rapidity-dependent thermal model that includes thermal smearing effect and longitudinal boost. We calibrate the model with thermal yields obtained from a multistage hydrodynamic simulation. Through Bayesian analysis, we find that our model extracts freeze-out thermodynamics with better precision than rapidity-independent models. The potential of such a model to constrain longitudinal flow from data is also demonstrated.

  • Composite resonances at a 10 TeV muon collider.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Da Liu, Lian-Tao Wang, Ke-Pan Xie

    We investigate the reach for resonances of the composite Higgs models at a 10 TeV \mu^+\mu^- collider with up to 10 ab^{-1} luminosity. The strong dynamics sector is modeled by the minimal coset SO(5)/SO(4), where vector resonances are in (3, 1) of SO(4) and fermions are in (2, 2). Various production and decay channels are studied. For the spin-1 resonances, the projections are made based on the radiative return and vector boson fusion production channels. The muon collider can cover most of the kinematically allowed mass range and can measure the coupling g_\rho to percent level. For the fermionic resonances (i.e. the top partners), pair production easily covers the resonance mass below 5 TeV, while single production extends the reach to 6 TeV for a small \xi = 0.015.

  • The hierarchy problem and $\mathcal{N} =2$ $\mathcal{D} = 5$ supergravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Safinaz Salem

    We introduce a new scenario to solve the hierarchy problem based on $\mathcal{N}=2$, five-dimensional supergravity compactified on Calabi-Yau threefold down from $\mathcal{D}=11$ supergravity. When modeling the universe as a 3-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk, the background metric is proportional to one of the hypermultiplets fields, namely the dilaton, the volume modulus of the Calabi-Yau space. When solving the dilaton field equation, we find that it is dependent on the extra dimension. We solve the modified Friedmann equations and find the implications of the model on the relation between the effective four-dimensional gravity scale in the brane and the Planck scale of the fifth extra dimension ($\mathcal{M} $). A couple of different scales are considered for the extra dimension, the first where the extra dimension is in range of the solar system and $\mathcal{M} $ is of order of the electroweak scale, and the second where the scale of the extra dimension is of order $\mu m$ and the higher dimensional Planck scale $\mathcal{M} \sim 10^{13} ~ \text{GeV}$. In both cases, the signatures of Kaluza-Klein excitations are quite distinct from the signatures of any previous extra dimensions model.

  • Leading directions in the SMEFT: Renormalization Effects.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Admir Greljo, Ajdin Palavrić, Aleks Smolkovič

    The stability of the electroweak scale, challenged by the absence of deviations in flavor physics, prompts the consideration of SMEFT scenarios governed by approximate SM flavor symmetries. This study examines microscopic theories that match onto a set of $U(3)^5$-symmetric dimension-6 operators. Renormalization group mixing from the ultraviolet to the electroweak scale yields significant phenomenological constraints, particularly pronounced for UV-motivated directions. To demonstrate this, we explore a complete suite of tree-level models featuring new spin-0, 1/2, and 1 fields, categorized by their irreducible representations under the flavor group. We find that for the leading directions, corresponding to a single-mediator dominance, RG mixing effects occasionally serve as the primary indirect probe.

  • Mutually elusive: vectorlike antileptons and leptoquarks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Innes Bigaran, Bogdan A. Dobrescu, Alessandro Russo

    We study the properties of vectorlike fermions that have the same gauge charges as the Standard Model lepton doublets, but opposite lepton number. These antileptons undergo decays mediated by heavier scalar leptoquarks, while the symmetries of this renormalizable model protect the vectorlike fermions and the leptoquarks from standard decays probed so far at colliders. If the new particles couple predominantly to second-generation quarks, then their collider probes involve multiple jets and two taus or neutrinos, and are hampered by large backgrounds. If couplings to third-generation quarks are large, then the collider signals involve top quarks, and can be probed more efficiently at the LHC. Even in that case, both the vectorlike fermion doublet and the leptoquarks remain more elusive than in models with standard decays.

  • Hamiltonian Truncation Crafted for UV-divergent QFTs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Olivier Delouche, Joan Elias Miro, James Ingoldby

    We develop the theory of Hamiltonian Truncation (HT) to systematically study RG flows that require the renormalization of coupling constants. This is a necessary step towards making HT a fully general method for QFT calculations. We apply this theory to a number of QFTs defined as relevant deformations of $d=1+1$ CFTs. We investigated three examples of increasing complexity: the deformed Ising, Tricritical-Ising, and non-unitary minimal model $M(3,7)$. The first two examples provide a crosscheck of our methodologies against well established characteristics of these theories. The $M(3,7)$ CFT deformed by its $Z_2$-even operators shows an intricate phase diagram that we clarify. At a boundary of this phase diagram we show that this theory flows, in the IR, to the $M(3,5)$ CFT.

  • Nuclear modified transverse momentum dependent parton distribution and fragmentation functions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mishary Alrashed, Zhong-Bo Kang, John Terry, Hongxi Xing, Congyue Zhang

    In this study, we extend our previous global analysis of nuclear-modified transverse momentum distribution functions (nTMDs) to also consider the nuclear-modified collinear fragmentation function. Our methodology incorporates the global set of experimental data from both Drell-Yan production and Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering. Through a comprehensive global extraction of these distributions, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this extension by strongly describing the entire global dataset. A focal point of this paper is the impact of recent Jefferson Lab measurements. Most notably, to simultaneously describe experimental data at Jefferson Lab and HERMES we find that it is necessary to introduce a parameter which accounts for the non-perturbative scale evolution of the nTMDs. Additionally, we assess the kinematic coverage of the experimental data and provide insights into experimental opportunities at Jefferson Lab, future Electron-Ion Colliders, RHIC, and the LHC. These opportunities have the potential to significantly enhance and refine global analyses of nuclear-modified TMDs, contributing to a deeper understanding of the structure of cold nuclear matter.

  • Universal Coarsening in a Homogeneous Two-Dimensional Bose Gas.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martin Gazo, Andrey Karailiev, Tanish Satoor, Christoph Eigen, Maciej Gałka, Zoran Hadzibabic

    Coarsening of an isolated far-from-equilibrium quantum system is a paradigmatic many-body phenomenon, relevant from subnuclear to cosmological lengthscales, and predicted to feature universal dynamic scaling. Here, we observe universal scaling in the coarsening of a homogeneous two-dimensional Bose gas, with exponents that match analytical predictions. For different initial states, we reveal universal scaling in the experimentally accessible finite-time dynamics by elucidating and accounting for the initial-state-dependent prescaling effects. The methods we introduce are applicable to any quantitative study of universality far from equilibrium.

  • Quark-lepton mass relations from modular flavor symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mu-Chun Chen, Stephen F. King, Omar Medina, José W. F. Valle

    The so-called Golden Mass Relation provides a testable correlation between charged-lepton and down-type quark masses, that arises in certain flavor models that do not rely on Grand Unification. Such models typically involve broken family symmetries. In this work, we demonstrate that realistic fermion mass relations can emerge naturally in modular invariant models, without relying on ad hoc flavon alignments. We provide a model-independent derivation of a class of mass relations that are experimentally testable. These relations are determined by both the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the specific finite modular group and the expansion coefficients of its modular forms, thus offering potential probes of modular invariant models. As a detailed example, we present a set of viable mass relations based on the $\Gamma_4\cong S_4$ symmetry, which have calculable deviations from the usual Golden Mass Relation.

  • Exploring $HVV$ amplitudes with $CP$ violation by decomposition and on-shell scattering amplitude methods.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ke-Yao Feng, Xia Wan, You-Kai Wang, Chao Wu

    $CP$ violation may play an important role in Baryogenesis in early universe, and should be examined at colliders comprehensively. We study $CP$ properties of $HVV$ vertexes between Higgs and gauge boson pairs with defining a $CP$ violation phase angle $\xi$, which indicates the mixture of $CP$-even and $CP$-odd Higgs states in $HVV$ in new physics. A series of $HVV$ amplitudes $H\to\gamma\gamma, H\to\gamma V\to \gamma \ell\ell$, and $H\to VV\to 4\ell$ with $CP$ phase angle are studied systematically, which explains explicitly why $CP$ violation could only be probed in $4\ell$ process independently. We get a novel amplitude decomposition relation which illustrates if two preconditions (multilinear momentum dependent vertexes and current $J_\mu$ of $V\to \ell^+ \ell^-$ is formally proportional to a photon's polarization vector) are satisfied, an high-point amplitude can be decomposed into a summation of a series of low-point amplitudes. As a practical example, the amplitude of $H\to\gamma V\to \gamma \ell\ell$, and $H\to VV\to 4\ell$ processes can be decomposed into summation of many $H\to\gamma\gamma$ amplitudes. Meanwhile, we calculate these amplitudes in the framework of on-shell scattering amplitude method, with considering both massless and massive vector gauge bosons with $CP$ violation phase angle. The above two approaches provides consistent results and exhibit clearly the $CP$ violation $\xi$ dependence in the amplitudes.

  • General quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation with applications to a non-Abelian lattice gauge theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zohreh Davoudi, Alexander F. Shaw, Jesse R. Stryker

    With a focus on universal quantum computing for quantum simulation, and through the example of lattice gauge theories, we introduce rather general quantum algorithms that can efficiently simulate certain classes of interactions consisting of correlated changes in multiple (bosonic and fermionic) quantum numbers with non-trivial functional coefficients. In particular, we analyze diagonalization of Hamiltonian terms using a singular-value decomposition technique, and discuss how the achieved diagonal unitaries in the digitized time-evolution operator can be implemented. The lattice gauge theory studied is the SU(2) gauge theory in 1+1 dimensions coupled to one flavor of staggered fermions, for which a complete quantum-resource analysis within different computational models is presented. The algorithms are shown to be applicable to higher-dimensional theories as well as to other Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories. The example chosen further demonstrates the importance of adopting efficient theoretical formulations: it is shown that an explicitly gauge-invariant formulation using loop, string, and hadron degrees of freedom simplifies the algorithms and lowers the cost compared with the standard formulations based on angular-momentum as well as the Schwinger-boson degrees of freedom. The loop-string-hadron formulation further retains the non-Abelian gauge symmetry despite the inexactness of the digitized simulation, without the need for costly controlled operations. Such theoretical and algorithmic considerations are likely to be essential in quantumly simulating other complex theories of relevance to nature.

  • The Spectrum of Low-$p_T$ $J/\psi$ in Heavy-Ion Collisions in a Statistical Two-Body Fractal Model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Huiqiang Ding, Luan Cheng, Tingting Dai, Enke Wang, Wei-Ning Zhang

    We establish a statistical two-body fractal (STF) model to study the spectrum of $J/\psi$. $J/\psi$ serves as a reliable probe in heavy-ion collisions. The distribution of $J/\psi$ in hadron gas is influenced by flow, quantum and strong interaction effects. Previous models have predominantly focused on one or two of these effects while neglecting the others, resulting in the inclusion of unconsidered effects in the fitted parameters. Here, we study the issue from a new point of view by analyzing the fact that all three effects induce a self-similarity structure, involving a $J/\psi$-$\pi$ two-meson state and a $J/\psi$, $\pi$ two-quark state, respectively. We introduce modification factor $q_{TBS}$ and $q_2$ into the probability and entropy of charmonium. $q_{TBS}$ denotes the modification of self-similarity on $J/\psi$, $q_2$ denotes that of self-similarity and strong interaction between \emph{c }and $\bar{c}$ on quarks. By solving the probability and entropy equations, we derive the values of $q_{TBS}$ and $q_2$ at various collision energies and centralities. Substituting the value of $q_{TBS}$ into distribution function, we successfully obtain the transverse momentum spectrum of low-$p_T$ $J/\psi$, which demonstrates good agreement with experimental data. The STF model can be employed to investigate other mesons and resonance states.

  • Capability of the proposed long-baseline experiments to probe large extra dimension.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Samiran Roy

    Future long-baseline experiments will play an important role in exploring physics beyond the standard model. One such new physics concept is the large extra dimension (LED), which provides an elegant solution to the hierarchy problem. This model also explains the small neutrino mass in a natural way. The presence of LED modifies the standard neutrino oscillation probabilities. Hence, the long-baseline experiments are sensitive to the LED parameters. We explore the potential of the three future long-baseline neutrino experiments, namely T2HK, ESSnuSB, and DUNE, to probe the LED parameter space. We also compare the capability of the charged and neutral current measurements at DUNE to constrain the LED model. We find that T2HK will provide more stringent bounds on the largest compactification radius ($R_{\rm{ED}}$) compared to the DUNE and ESSnuSB experiments. At $90\%$ C.L., T2HK can exclude $R_{\rm{ED}}\sim 0.45~(0.425)$ $\mu$m for the normal (inverted) mass hierarchy scenario.

  • Two dark matter candidates in a doublet-triplet Higgs model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sheryl Melara-Duron, R. Gaitán, J. M. Lamprea

    We study a Standard Model extension that provides a bicomponent dark matter scenario as well as a mechanism for the generation of left-handed neutrino masses. We extend the Standard Model scalar sector by adding an inert $SU(2)_L$ doublet with hypercharge $Y= 1/2$ and a triplet with hypercharge $Y=0$. These scalars provide dark matter candidates in two dark sectors stabilised by discrete symmetries. We consider the contribution of both candidates to the total relic abundance in order to recover the desert regions in their standard alone cases. In addition, we add an active scalar $SU(2)_L$ triplet with hypercharge $Y=1$ in order to generate light neutrino masses. We analyse the results of dark matter phenomenology for the model and the neutrino mass generation through the type-II seesaw mechanism.

  • Theoretical study of scalar meson $a_0(1710)$ in the $\eta_c \to {\bar{K}}^0K^+\pi^- $ reaction.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yan Ding, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Meng-Yuan Dai, En Wang, De-Min Li, Li-Sheng Geng, Ju-Jun Xie

    We investigate the process $\eta_c \to {\bar{K}}^0K^+\pi^-$ by taking into account the $S$-wave ${K^*\bar{K}^*}$ and $\rho\omega$ interactions within the unitary coupled-channel approach, where the scalar meson $a_0(1710)$ is dynamically generated. In addition, the contributions from the intermediate resonances $K_0^*(1430)^{-}\to {\bar{K}}^0\pi^- $ and $K_0^*(1430)^{0}\to K^+\pi^-$ are also considered. We find a significant dip structure around 1.8~GeV, associated to the $a_0(1710)$, in the ${{\bar{K}}^0K^+}$ invariant mass distribution, and the clear peaks of the $K_0^*(1430)$ in the ${\bar{K}}^0\pi^-$ and $K^+\pi^-$ invariant mass distributions, consistent with the {\it BABAR} measurements. We further estimate the branching fractions $\mathcal{B}(\eta_c \to \bar{K}^{*0}K^{\ast+}\pi^-)= 5.5\times10^{-3}$ and $\mathcal{B}(\eta_c \to \omega\rho^+\pi^-)= 7.9\times10^{-3}$. Our predictions can be tested by the BESIII and BelleII experiments in the future.

  • Predictions of the hybrid mesons with exotic quantum numbers $J^{PC}=2^{+-}$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Qi-Nan Wang, Ding-Kun Lian, Wei Chen

    We study the non-strange and strangeonium light hybrid mesons with $J^{PC}=2^{+-}$ by using the method of QCD sum rules. The local hybrid interpolating currents with three Lorentz indices are constructed to couple to such exotic quantum numbers. We calculate the correlation functions up to dimension eight condensates at the leading order of $\alpha_{s}$. In our results, the masses of the non-strange $b_2$ and $h_2$ hybrids are about $2.65~\mathrm{GeV}$, while that of the strangeonium $h_2^\prime$ hybrid is about $2.72~\mathrm{GeV}$. Such exotic $2^{+-}$ hybrids can be generated through both the two-gluon and three-gluon emission processes in the radiative decays of $\chi_{cJ}$. Moreover, these hybrid mesons may be detectable due to their peculiar decay behaviors and small decay widths. Using the high-statistics data samples of $\psi(3686)$ in BESIII and BelleII, it is possible to hunt for such hybrid states through the partial wave analyses in the $b_2\to\omega/a_1/h_1/a_2\pi\to4\pi$, $h_2\to\rho\pi\to3\pi$ and $h_2\to b_1\pi\to5\pi$ processes.

  • Gauge invariant spectral analysis of quark hadronization dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alberto Accardi, Caroline S. R. Costa, Andrea Signori

    We study the Dirac decomposition of the gauge invariant quark propagator, whose imaginary part describes the hadronization of a quark as this interacts with the vacuum, and relate each of its coefficients to a specific sum rule for the chiral-odd and chiral-even quark spectral functions. Working at first in light-like axial gauge, we obtain a new sum rule for the spectral function associated to the gauge fixing vector, and show that its second moment is in fact equal to zero. Then, we demonstrate that the first moment of the chiral-odd quark spectral function is equal in any gauge to the so-called inclusive jet mass, which is related to the mass of the particles produced in the hadronization of a quark. Finally, we present a gauge-dependent formula that connects the second moment of the chiral-even quark spectral function to invariant mass generation and final state rescattering in the hadronization of a quark.

  • BSM patterns in scalar-sector coupling modifiers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christoph Englert, Wrishik Naskar, Dave Sutherland

    We consider what multiple Higgs interactions may yet reveal about the scalar sector. We estimate the sensitivity of a Feynman topology-templated analysis of weak boson Higgs pair production at present and future colliders - where the signal is a function of the Higgs coupling modifiers $\kappa_V$, $\kappa_{2V}$, and $\kappa_\lambda$. While measurements are statistically limited at the LHC, they are under general perturbative control at present and future colliders, departures from the SM expectation give rise to a significant future potential for BSM discrimination in $\kappa_{2V}$. We explore the landscape of BSM models in the space of deviations in $\kappa_V$, $\kappa_{2V}$, and $\kappa_\lambda$, highlighting models that have measurable order-of-magnitude enhancements in either $\kappa_{2V}$ or $\kappa_\lambda$, relative to their deviation in the single Higgs coupling $\kappa_V$.

  • Explainable Equivariant Neural Networks for Particle Physics: PELICAN.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Bogatskiy, Timothy Hoffman, David W. Miller, Jan T. Offermann, Xiaoyang Liu

    PELICAN is a novel permutation equivariant and Lorentz invariant or covariant aggregator network designed to overcome common limitations found in architectures applied to particle physics problems. Compared to many approaches that use non-specialized architectures that neglect underlying physics principles and require very large numbers of parameters, PELICAN employs a fundamentally symmetry group-based architecture that demonstrates benefits in terms of reduced complexity, increased interpretability, and raw performance. We present a comprehensive study of the PELICAN algorithm architecture in the context of both tagging (classification) and reconstructing (regression) Lorentz-boosted top quarks, including the difficult task of specifically identifying and measuring the $W$-boson inside the dense environment of the Lorentz-boosted top-quark hadronic final state. We also extend the application of PELICAN to the tasks of identifying quark-initiated vs.~gluon-initiated jets, and a multi-class identification across five separate target categories of jets. When tested on the standard task of Lorentz-boosted top-quark tagging, PELICAN outperforms existing competitors with much lower model complexity and high sample efficiency. On the less common and more complex task of 4-momentum regression, PELICAN also outperforms hand-crafted, non-machine learning algorithms. We discuss the implications of symmetry-restricted architectures for the wider field of machine learning for physics.

  • Nature of $X(3872)$ from its radiative decay.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shuo-Ying Yu, Xian-Wei Kang

    We study the radiative decay of $X(3872)$ based on the assumption that $X(3872)$ is regarded as a $c\overline{c}$ charmonium with quantum number $J^{PC}=1^{++}$ ($J,\,P,\,C$ represent the spin, parity and charge conjugation, respectively). The form factors of $X(3872)$ transitions to $J/\psi\gamma$ and $\psi'\gamma$ ($\psi'$ denotes $\psi(2S)$ throughout the paper) are calculated in the framework of the covariant light-front quark model. The phenomenological wave function of a meson depends on the parameter $\beta$, whose inverse essentially describes the confinement scale. In the present work, the parameters $\beta$ for the vector $J/\psi$ and $\psi'$ mesons will be determined through their decay constants, which are obtained from the experimental values of their partial decay widths to the electron-positron pair. For $X(3872)$, we determined the value of $\beta$ by the decay width of $X(3872)\rightarrow \psi'\gamma$. Then, we examined the width of $X(3872)\to J/\psi\gamma$ in a manner of parameter-free prediction and compared it with the experimental value. As a result, an inconsistency or contradiction occurs between the widths of $X(3872)\to J/\psi\gamma$ and $X(3872)\to \psi'\gamma$. We thus conclude that $X(3872)$ cannot be a pure $c\overline c$ resonance and that other components are necessary in its wave function.

  • Implications of an enhanced $B \to K \nu \bar \nu$ branching ratio.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rigo Bause, Hector Gisbert, Gudrun Hiller

    Rare decays mediated by $b \to s \nu \bar \nu$ transitions have been reported by the Belle II experiment. The branching ratio of the decay $B^+ \to K^+ \nu \bar \nu$ is found to be enhanced with respect to the standard model value. If taken at face value, the implications are profound: either lepton flavor universality is violated at the (multi)-TeV-scale, or light new physics is involved. This holds in general if $\mathcal{B}(B^+ \to K^+ \nu \bar \nu)$ exceeds $1.2 \cdot 10^{-5} \, (1.3 \cdot 10^{-5})$ at $1 \sigma$ ($2 \sigma$), which tightens with a decreasing upper limit on $\mathcal{B}(B \to K^*\nu \bar \nu)$, that is in reach of the Belle II experiment. In view of the strong constraints on electron-muon universality violation in $|\Delta b|=|\Delta s|=1$ processes, viable explanations are heavy, $(5-10)$-TeV tree-level new physics mediators that couple only to tau-flavors, or lepton flavor violating ones. In addition, couplings of similar size to both left- and right-handed quarks are generically required, implying non-minimal BSM sectors which are carefully balanced against flavor constraints. The decay $B_s^0 \to \text{invisibles}$ can shed light on whether new physics is light or heavy. In the former case, branching ratios can be as large as $10^{-5}$.

  • Moving doubly heavy baryon in a strongly coupled plasma from holography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xuan Liu, Jia-Jie Jiang, Xun Chen, Mitsutoshi Fujita, Akira Watanabe

    Gauge/gravity duality is used to study properties of the doubly heavy baryon $(\mathrm{QQq})$ at finite rapidity and finite temperature in the heavy-ion collision. We investigated the impact of rapidity on the string breaking and the melting into free quarks. Computations reveal that when $\mathrm{QQq}$ is confined, the larger the rapidity, the larger the distance of string breaking, but the impact is not significant, which aligns with our conjecture about hadrons. $\mathrm{QQq}$ transitions to a deconfined state when the temperature and rapidity reach critical values. In this case, a higher rapidity makes it more prone to melt into free quarks. We attempt to optimize the model for distinguishing confined and deconfined states of hadrons based on their behavior of string breaking or melting into free quarks at long distances. Additionally, unlike heavy quarkonium $\mathrm{(Q\bar{Q})}$, $\mathrm{QQq}$ has a distinct property in that its temperature or rapidity cannot increase indefinitely. Beyond that, $\mathrm{QQq}$ theoretically cannot exist in a higher temperature or rapidity medium. Other qualitative properties remain consistent with heavy quarkonium, but overall, $\mathrm{Q\bar{Q}}$ is more stable. This discrepancy arises due to the light quark in $\mathrm{QQq}$. We also plot a state diagram on the $T- \eta$ plane by examining whether string breaking or melting occurs and comparing it with $\mathrm{Q\bar{Q}}$. $\mathrm{QQq}$ is more prone to enter the deconfined state.

  • 19 Parameters Is All You Need: Tiny Neural Networks for Particle Physics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Bogatskiy, Timothy Hoffman, Jan T. Offermann

    As particle accelerators increase their collision rates, and deep learning solutions prove their viability, there is a growing need for lightweight and fast neural network architectures for low-latency tasks such as triggering. We examine the potential of one recent Lorentz- and permutation-symmetric architecture, PELICAN, and present its instances with as few as 19 trainable parameters that outperform generic architectures with tens of thousands of parameters when compared on the binary classification task of top quark jet tagging.

  • Spatial distribution of Angular Momentum Inside a Quark State Dressed with a Gluon.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ravi Singh, Sudeep Saha, Asmita Mukherjee, Nilmani Mathur

    We investigate the different decompositions of the angular momentum in QCD for a relativistic spin $1/2$ composite state, namely a quark dressed with a gluon. We use light-front Hamiltonian perturbation theory, and in the light-front gauge, use the two-component framework by eliminating the constrained degrees of freedom. We also investigate the different decompositions of the angular momentum at the level of two-dimensional densities in the front form, including the effect of the so-called potential term. In this work, we consider the contribution coming from the quark part of the energy-momentum tensor. We contrast the different decompositions and also compare with other calculations in the literature. We also present the gravitational form factor related to the antisymmetric part of the energy-momentum tensor.

  • Coulomb-nuclear interference in elastic proton scattering in the eikonal approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. L. Nekrasov

    We find exact solution in the Cahn eikonal model, which describes Coulomb-nuclear interference in elastic scattering of charged hadrons. The cases of both point-like and extended particles equipped with electromagnetic form factors are considered. According to the solution obtained the Coulomb-nuclear contributions are not exponentiated and cannot be added to the Coulomb phase. At the same time, the $O(\alpha)$-approximation of the amplitude is ambiguous, which makes it unsuitable for data processing.

  • Influence of baryon number, strangeness, and electric charge fluctuations at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christopher Plumberg, Dekrayat Almaalol, Travis Dore, Jordi Salinas San Martin, Patrick Carzon, Debora Mroczek, Nanxi Yao, Willian M. Serenone, Lydia Spychalla, Matthew Sievert, Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler

    At the Large Hadron Collider it is possible to generate BSQ (baryon, strangeness, and electric) charge density fluctuations from gluon splittings into quark/anti-quark pairs, generated within the ICCING model. In this work, we implement BSQ charge dynamics in a fully integrated framework. We propagate these conserved charges within an upgraded version of the v-USPhydro hydrodynamic model, which conserves the BSQ densities exactly. Our hydrodynamic simulation uses the full 4D equation of state $\left\{T,\mu_B,\mu_S,\mu_Q\right\}$ from lattice Quantum Chromodynamics and includes decays from the Particle Data Group 2016+. We study the dynamical trajectories of fluid cells passing through the QCD phase diagram. We discuss future applications for this new framework.


  • Spectral flow and localisation in $\text{AdS}_3$ string theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bob Knighton, Sean Seet, Vit Sriprachyakul

    We study string theory in three-dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetime in the path integral formalism. We derive expressions for generic spectrally-flowed near-boundary vertex operators in the Wakimoto representation, and relate their correlation functions to covering maps from the worldsheet to the target space boundary. We show that the path integral structurally reproduces correlation functions of the dual symmetric orbifold theory. By rephrasing spectral flow as the introduction of a background gauge field, we provide a path integral derivation of the localisation property of the near boundary theory. We then focus on the case of IIB string theory on $\text{AdS}_3\times\text{S}^3\times\mathbb{T}^4$ with $k=1$ units of NS-NS flux, where the relationship between correlation functions and covering maps can be made sharp. We also comment on the relation of the $k=1$ theory and twistor theory.

  • Coherent spin states and emergent de Sitter quasinormal modes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Klaas Parmentier

    As a toy model for the microscopic description of matter in de Sitter space, we consider a Hamiltonian acting on the spin-j representation of SU(2). This is a model with a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, from which quasinormal modes emerge in the large-spin limit. The path integral over coherent spin states can be evaluated at the semiclassical level and from it we find the single-particle de Sitter density of states, including 1/j corrections. Along the way, we discuss the use of quasinormal modes in quantum mechanics, starting from the paradigmatic upside-down harmonic oscillator.

  • Dilaton shifts, probability measures, and decomposition.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. Sharpe

    In this paper we discuss dilaton shifts (Euler counterterms) arising in decomposition of two-dimensional quantum field theories with higher-form symmetries. These take a universal form, reflecting underlying (noninvertible, quantum) symmetries. The first part of this paper constructs a general formula for such dilaton shifts, and discusses related computations. In the second part of this paper, we comment on the relation between decomposition and ensembles.

  • Majorana modes in striped two-dimensional inhomogeneous topological superconductors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pasquale Marra, Daisuke Inotani, Takeshi Mizushima, Muneto Nitta

    Majorana zero modes have gained significant interest due to their potential applications in topological quantum computing and in the realization of exotic quantum phases. These zero-energy quasiparticle excitations localize at the vortex cores of two-dimensional topological superconductors or at the ends of one-dimensional topological superconductors. Here we describe an alternative platform: a two-dimensional topological superconductor with inhomogeneous superconductivity, where Majorana modes localize at the ends of topologically nontrivial one-dimensional stripes induced by the spatial variations of the order parameter phase. In certain regimes, these Majorana modes hybridize into a single highly nonlocal state delocalized over spatially separated points, with exactly zero energy at finite system sizes and with emergent quantum-mechanical supersymmetry. We then present detailed descriptions of braiding and fusion protocols and showcase the versatility of our proposal by suggesting possible setups which can potentially lead to the realization Yang-Lee anyons and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model.

  • $S$-matrix positivity without Lorentz invariance: a case study.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lam Hui, Ioanna Kourkoulou, Alberto Nicolis, Alessandro Podo, Shengjia Zhou

    We investigate the analytic structure of scattering amplitudes in theories in which Lorentz invariance is spontaneously broken. We do so by computing and studying the S-matrix for a simple example: a superfluid described by a complex scalar with quartic interactions. The computation is confined to tree-level, for there are no absolutely stable single-particle states, though the lifetime can be made long by lowering the chemical potential. For the $2 \to 2$ amplitude in center-of-mass configurations, not only is crossing symmetry violated, there appears a {\it tree level} branch cut for unphysical kinematics. Its appearance is a consequence of non-analyticity in the dispersion relation. The branch point defines a new scale in the problem, which scales inversely with the chemical potential. In this example, even derivatives of the forward amplitude are positive while odd derivatives are negative. This pattern can be understood in a general way in the limit of a small chemical potential, or weak Lorentz breaking.

  • Singular limits in STU supergravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gabriel Larios, Christopher N. Pope, Haoyu Zhang

    We analyse the STU sectors of the four-dimensional maximal gauged supergravities with gauge groups ${\rm SO(8)}$, ${\rm SO(6)}\ltimes\mathbb{R}^{12}$ and $[{\rm SO(6)}\times{\rm SO(2)}]\ltimes\mathbb{R}^{12}$, and construct new domain-wall black-hole solutions in $D=4$. The consistent Kaluza-Klein embedding of these theories is obtained using the techniques of Exceptional Field Theory combined with the 4$d$ tensor hierarchies, and their respective uplifts into $D=11$ and type IIB supergravities are connected through singular limits that relate the different gaugings.

  • A perturbation theory for the Coulomb phase infrared-divergence.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luke Lippstreu

    We construct a perturbation theory which we conjecture to be free of the Coulomb-phase infrared divergence. This perturbation theory is developed for one of the simplest yet prototypical scattering amplitudes which would otherwise exhibit this divergence: the semiclassical scattering of a spinless boson on a background Coulomb field. The perturbation theory is based upon replacing plane waves with Coulomb wavefunctions, and the free-field propagator with the Coulomb propagator, in order to appropriately match the asymptotics of the exact in/out states. We compute the leading-order (LO) and next-to-leading-order (NLO) infrared-finite scattering amplitudes in this framework, which include all-order-in-the-coupling effects, and demonstrate that these amplitudes are in agreement with the known exact amplitude at these orders. We comment on the Runge-Lenz symmetry of the LO amplitude which occurs as a principal series representation of the Euclidean conformal group on the 2-sphere.

  • ${\rm w}_{1+\infty}$ in 4D Gravitational Scattering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Elizabeth Himwich, Monica Pate

    In four-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes, an infinite tower of soft graviton modes is known to generate the symmetry algebra of ${\rm w}_{1+\infty}$ at tree-level. Here we demonstrate that the symmetry action follows from soft graviton theorems and acts non-trivially on massive scalar particles. By generalizing previous analyses that were specifically tailored to the scattering of massless particles, our results clarify that ${\rm w}_{1+\infty}$ symmetry is a universal feature of tree-level gravitational scattering in four-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes and originates from minimally-coupled gravitational interactions. In addition, we show that the ${\rm w}_{1+\infty}$ symmetry acts non-diagonally on massive states by mixing an infinite number of conformal families. We also present a concrete example of non-local behavior on the celestial sphere in the presence of massive scattering states.

  • Confinement and Kink Entanglement Asymmetry on a Quantum Ising Chain.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Brian J. J. Khor, D. M. Kürkçüoglu, T. J. Hobbs, G. N. Perdue, Israel Klich

    In this work, we explore the interplay of confinement, string breaking and entanglement asymmetry on a 1D quantum Ising chain. We consider the evolution of an initial domain wall and show that, surprisingly, while the introduction of confinement through a longitudinal field typically suppresses entanglement, it can also serve to increase it beyond a bound set for free particles. Our model can be tuned to conserve the number of domain walls, which gives an opportunity to explore entanglement asymmetry associated with link variables. We study two approaches to deal with the non-locality of the link variables, either directly or following a Kramers-Wannier transformation that maps bond variables (kinks) to site variables (spins). We develop a numerical procedure for computing the asymmetry using tensor network methods and use it to demonstrate the different types of entanglement and entanglement asymmetry.

  • Direct solution of Minkowski-space Bethe-Salpeter equation in Wick-Cutkosky model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shaoyang Jia

    In order to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) in the Minkowski space, we first introduce the Nakanishi integral representations of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude (BSA) and the Bethe-Salpeter wave function (BSWF). We then derive the explicit integral equations for the corresponding spectral functions from the BSE for states of $2$ scalar particles bound by a scalar-particle exchange interaction, where the propagators of constituents are allowed to be fully dressed. These integral equations are subsequently solved numerically in the Wick-Cutkosky model, where an algorithm of adaptive mash grid is proposed. The equations and algorithm we develop here serve as the foundation of Minkowski-space formulation of BSE for bound states of fermions.

  • Large N limit of complex multi-matrix model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lu-Yao Wang, Yu-Sen Zhu, Shao-Kui Yao, Bei Kang

    We construct the complex multi-matrix model with W-representation and calculate the correlators. We establish the correspondence between the connected correlators and length-2n q-colored Dyck walks in Fredkin spin chain and discuss the entanglement entropy. Moreover, we analyze the free energy of this multi-matrix model. For the leading coefficient of the free energy, it relates to the connected correlators in large N limit.

  • Toward Exact Critical Exponents from the low-order loop expansion of the Effective Potential in Quantum Field Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abouzeid M. Shalaby

    The asymptotic strong-coupling behavior as well as the exact critical exponents from scalar field theory even in the simplest case of $1+1$ dimensions have not been obtained yet. Hagen Kleinert has linked both critical exponents and strong coupling parameters to each other. He used a clevert variational technique ( back to kleinert and Feynman) to extract accurate values for the strong coupling parameters from which he was able to extract precise critical exponents. In this work, we suggest a simple method of using the effective potential (low-order) to obtain exact values for the strong-coupling parameters for the $\phi^{4}$ scalar field theory in $0+1$ and $1+1$ space-time dimensions. For the $0+1$ case, our results coincide with the well-known exact values from literature while for the $1+1$ case we test the results by obtaining the corresponding exact critical exponent. As the effective potential is a well-established tool in quantum field theory, we expect that the results can be easily extended to the most important three dimensional case and then the dream of getting exact critical exponents is made possible.

  • A compendium of logarithmic corrections in AdS/CFT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nikolay Bobev, Marina David, Junho Hong, Valentin Reys, Xuao Zhang

    We study the logarithmic corrections to various CFT partition functions in the context of the AdS$_4$/CFT$_3$ correspondence for theories arising on the worldvolume of M2-branes. We utilize four-dimensional gauged supergravity and heat kernel methods and present general expressions for the logarithmic corrections to the gravitational on-shell action and black hole entropy for a number of different supergravity backgrounds. We outline several subtle features of these calculations and contrast them with a similar analysis of logarithmic corrections performed directly in the eleven-dimensional uplift of a given four-dimensional supergravity background. We find results consistent with AdS/CFT provided that the infinite sum over KK modes on the internal space is regularized in a specific manner. This analysis leads to an explicit expression for the logarithmic correction to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of large Kerr-Newmann and Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes in AdS$_4$. Our results also have important implications for effective field theory coupled to gravity in AdS$_4$ and for the existence of scale-separated AdS$_4$ vacua in string theory, which come in the form of new constraints on the field content and mass spectrum of matter fields.

  • Topology change and heterotic flux vacua.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dan Israel, Ilarion V. Melnikov, Ruben Minasian, Yann Proto

    We investigate the interrelation between topology and Narain T-duality of heterotic flux vacua. We present evidence that all 5 and 4-dimensional Minkowski space heterotic flux backgrounds with 8 supercharges have a locus in the moduli space with a T-dual description in terms of a compactification on the product of a K3 surface with a circle or a torus. A test of this equivalence is provided by calculating the new supersymmetric index on both sides of the duality. We examine the implications of these dualities for CHL-like orbifolds that reduce the rank of the gauge group, as well as those that lead to minimal supersymmetry in 4 dimensions. We also discuss properties of flux vacua that preserve minimal supersymmetry in 4 dimensions that cannot be related to conventional compactifications by Narain T-duality. Along the way we point out a number of properties of these vacua, including the role played by non-trivial flat gerbes, the appearance of rational worldsheet CFTs in decompactification limits, and the role of attractive K3 surfaces in backgrounds with minimal supersymmetry. Finally, we discuss the dual pairs from the perspective of M-theory/heterotic duality.

  • Anomalies of Average Symmetries: Entanglement and Open Quantum Systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Po-Shen Hsin, Zhu-Xi Luo, Hao-Yu Sun

    Symmetries and their anomalies are powerful tools for understanding quantum systems. However, realistic systems are often subject to disorders, dissipation and decoherence. In many circumstances, symmetries are not exact but only on average. This work investigates the constraints on mixed states resulting from non-commuting average symmetries. We will focus on the cases where the commutation relations of the average symmetry generators are violated by nontrivial phases, and call such average symmetry anomalous. We show that anomalous average symmetry implies degeneracy in the density matrix eigenvalues, and present several lattice examples with average symmetries, including XY chain, Heisenberg chain, and deformed toric code models. In certain cases, the results can be further extended to reduced density matrices, leading to a new lower bound on the entanglement entropy. We discuss several applications in the contexts of many body localization, quantum channels, entanglement phase transitions and also derive new constraints on the Lindbladian evolution of open quantum systems.

  • Bethe ansatz equations for quantum $\mathcal{N}=2$ KdV systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dmitry Kolyaskin, Alexey Litvinov

    Based on our previous studies of affine Yangian of $\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}(1|1)$ we propose Bethe ansatz equations for the spectrum of $\mathcal{N}=2$ quantum KdV systems.

  • Gravitational positivity in electroweak sector.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tran Quang Loc

    This study investigates the compatibility of the electroweak sector of particle physics with quantum gravity, under the assumption that the conventional S-matrix positivity bounds can be extended to gravitational context. It focuses on constraints implied by these bounds to the weak couplings of the Weinberg-Salam model coupled to gravity, analyzed through forward-limit of various $2\rightarrow 2$ scatterings, including $HH \rightarrow HH, H\gamma \rightarrow H\gamma, \gamma\gamma\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$. These constraints suggest possible extensions to the magnetic Weak Gravity Conjecture, relating gauge couplings with the EFT cutoff scale.

  • Permutation invariant tensor models and partition algebras.- [PDF] - [Article]

    George Barnes, Adrian Padellaro, Sanjaye Ramgoolam

    Matrix models with continuous symmetry are powerful tools for studying quantum gravity and holography. Tensor models have also found applications in holographic quantum gravity. Matrix models with discrete permutation symmetry have been shown to satisfy large $N$ factorisation properties relevant to holography, while also having applications to the statistical analysis of ensembles of real-world matrices. Here we develop 3-index tensor models in dimension $D$ with a discrete symmetry of permutations in the symmetric group $S_D$. We construct the most general permutation invariant Gaussian tensor model using the representation theory of symmetric groups and associated partition algebras. We define a representation basis for the 3-index tensors, where the two-point function is diagonalised. Inverting the change of basis gives an explicit formula for the two-point function in the tensor basis for general $D$.

  • Random-matrix models of monitored quantum circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vir B. Bulchandani, S. L. Sondhi, J. T. Chalker

    We study the competition between Haar-random unitary dynamics and measurements for unstructured systems of qubits. For projective measurements, we derive various properties of the statistical ensemble of Kraus operators analytically, including the purification time and the distribution of Born probabilities. The latter generalizes the Porter-Thomas distribution for random unitary circuits to the monitored setting and is log-normal at long times. We also consider weak measurements that interpolate between identity quantum channels and projective measurements. In this setting, we derive an exactly solvable Fokker-Planck equation for the joint distribution of singular values of Kraus operators, analogous to the Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar (DMPK) equation modelling disordered quantum wires. We expect that the statistical properties of Kraus operators we have established for these simple systems will serve as a model for the entangling phase of monitored quantum systems more generally.

  • On Krylov complexity in open systems: an approach via bi-Lanczos algorithm.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aranya Bhattacharya, Pratik Nandy, Pingal Pratyush Nath, Himanshu Sahu

    Continuing the previous initiatives arXiv: 2207.05347 and arXiv: 2212.06180, we pursue the exploration of operator growth and Krylov complexity in dissipative open quantum systems. In this paper, we resort to the bi-Lanczos algorithm generating two bi-orthogonal Krylov spaces, which individually generate non-orthogonal subspaces. Unlike the previously studied Arnoldi iteration, this algorithm renders the Lindbladian into a purely tridiagonal form, thus opening up a possibility to study a wide class of dissipative integrable and chaotic systems by computing Krylov complexity at late times. Our study relies on two specific systems, the dissipative transverse-field Ising model (TFIM) and the dissipative interacting XXZ chain. We find that, for the weak coupling, initial Lanczos coefficients can efficiently distinguish integrable and chaotic evolution before the dissipative effect sets in, which results in more fluctuations in higher Lanczos coefficients. This results in the equal saturation of late-time complexity for both integrable and chaotic cases, making the notion of late-time chaos dubious.

  • Phase Diagram of the Two-Flavor Schwinger Model at Zero Temperature.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ross Dempsey, Igor R. Klebanov, Silviu S. Pufu, Benjamin T. Søgaard, Bernardo Zan

    We examine the phase structure of the two-flavor Schwinger model as a function of the $\theta$-angle and the two masses, $m_1$ and $m_2$. In particular, we find interesting effects at $\theta=\pi$: along the $SU(2)$-invariant line $m_1 = m_2 = m$, in the regime where $m$ is much smaller than the charge $g$, the theory undergoes logarithmic RG flow of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type. As a result, in this regime there is a non-perturbatively small mass gap $\sim e^{- A g^2/m^2}$. The $SU(2)$-invariant line lies within a region of the phase diagram where the charge conjugation symmetry is spontaneously broken and whose boundaries we determine numerically. Our numerical results are obtained using the Hamiltonian lattice gauge formulation that includes the mass shift $m_\text{lat} = m- g^2 a/4$ dictated by the discrete chiral symmetry.

  • 3D Ising CFT and Exact Diagonalization on Icosahedron: The Power of Conformal Perturbation Theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bing-Xin Lao, Slava Rychkov

    We consider the transverse field Ising model in $(2+1)$D, putting 12 spins at the vertices of the regular icosahedron. The model is tiny by the exact diagonalization standards, and breaks rotation invariance. Yet we show that it allows a meaningful comparison to the 3D Ising CFT on $\mathbb{R}\times S^2$, by including effective perturbations of the CFT Hamiltonian with a handful of local operators. This extreme example shows the power of conformal perturbation theory in understanding finite $N$ effects in models on regularized $S^2$. Its ideal arena of application should be the recently proposed models of fuzzy sphere regularization.

  • Neural Network Field Theories: Non-Gaussianity, Actions, and Locality.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mehmet Demirtas, James Halverson, Anindita Maiti, Matthew D. Schwartz, Keegan Stoner

    Both the path integral measure in field theory and ensembles of neural networks describe distributions over functions. When the central limit theorem can be applied in the infinite-width (infinite-$N$) limit, the ensemble of networks corresponds to a free field theory. Although an expansion in $1/N$ corresponds to interactions in the field theory, others, such as in a small breaking of the statistical independence of network parameters, can also lead to interacting theories. These other expansions can be advantageous over the $1/N$-expansion, for example by improved behavior with respect to the universal approximation theorem. Given the connected correlators of a field theory, one can systematically reconstruct the action order-by-order in the expansion parameter, using a new Feynman diagram prescription whose vertices are the connected correlators. This method is motivated by the Edgeworth expansion and allows one to derive actions for neural network field theories. Conversely, the correspondence allows one to engineer architectures realizing a given field theory by representing action deformations as deformations of neural network parameter densities. As an example, $\phi^4$ theory is realized as an infinite-$N$ neural network field theory.

  • Localization of matters coupled nonminimally to gravity on a scalar thick braneworld.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Muhammad Taufiqur Rohman, Triyanta, Agus Suroso

    We are investigating the localization of matter that interacts nonminimally with gravity within thick braneworld models generated by a scalar bulk. Our review focuses on two models of scalar thick branes. The natural mechanism is used to analyze the localization of the fields. Without losing the point of field localization, we examine matter field localizations by considering the asymptotic behavior of the warp function on z towards infinity. Both massless and massive modes of the nonminimally coupled scalar field are localized on the brane in both models. When the coupling is minimal, the scalar field is localized for the massless mode. A nonminimally coupled vector field behaves similarly to the nonminimally coupled scalar field, the massless and massive modes in both models are localized. For a nonminimally coupled spinor field, in model 1, we observe localization of the spinor for massive mode, while in model 2, only the massless spinor field is localized.

  • What can be measured asymptotically?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Simon Caron-Huot, Mathieu Giroux, Holmfridur S. Hannesdottir, Sebastian Mizera

    We consider asymptotic observables in quantum field theories in which the S-matrix makes sense. We argue that in addition to scattering amplitudes, a whole compendium of inclusive observables exists where the time-ordering is relaxed. These include expectation values of electromagnetic or gravitational radiation fields as well as out-of-time-order amplitudes. We explain how to calculate them in two ways: by relating them to amplitudes and products of amplitudes, and by using a generalization of the LSZ reduction formula. As an application, we discuss one-loop master integrals contributing to gravitational radiation in the post-Minkowski expansion, emphasizing the role of classical cut contributions and highlighting the different infrared physics of in-in observables.

  • One-Half Topological Number in Entangled Quantum Physics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Karyn Le Hur

    A topological phase can be engineered in quantum physics from the Bloch sphere of a spin-1/2 showing an hedgehog structure as a result of a radial magnetic field. We elaborate on a relation between the formation of an entangled wavefunction at one pole, in a two-spins model, and an interesting pair of one-half topological numbers. Similar to Cooper pairs in superconductors, the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair or Bell state produces a half flux quantization, which here refers to the halved flux of the Berry curvature on the surface. These 1/2-numbers also reveal the presence of a free Majorana fermion at a pole. The topological responses can be measured when driving from north to south and also from a circularly polarized field at the poles revealing the quantized or half-quantized nature of the protected transverse currents. We show applications of entangled wavefunctions in band structures, introducing a local topological marker in momentum space, to characterize the topological response of two-dimensional semimetals in bilayer geometries.

  • The open string pair production, its enhancement and the physics behind.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J. X. Lu

    Why adding a collinear magnetic field to the electric one on a D3 brane in a system of two parallel separated D3 branes can enhance the open string pair production? How is the open string pair production rate related to the QED ones in the weak field limit? We answer these questions and report the somehow expected but still remarkable relation between the weak field non-perturbative stringy rate and the corresponding QED ones in this letter.



  • One-dimensional quantum scattering from multiple Dirac delta potentials: A Python-based solution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Erfan Keshavarz, S. Habib Mazharimousavi

    In this paper, we present a Python-based solution designed to simulate a one-dimensional quantum system that incorporates multiple Dirac delta potentials. The primary aim of this research is to investigate the scattering phenomenon within such a system. By developing this program, we can generate wave functions throughout the system and compute transmission and reflection coefficients analytically and numerically for an infinite range of combinations involving potential strengths, distances, and the number of Dirac delta potentials. Furthermore, by modifying the code, we investigate transmission resonances, which yields the energy eigenvalues for particles undergoing perfect transmission through the quantum system. Subsequently, our research can be extended by considering impurities in the system. Finally, we attain the general analytical solution for transmission and reflection probabilities applicable to any number of potentials, and we possess the capability to generate variation plots that effectively explore the behavior of the system under scattering.

  • Robust and Parallel Control of Many Qubits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wenjie Gong, Soonwon Choi

    The rapid growth in size of quantum devices demands efficient ways to control them, which is challenging for systems with thousands of qubits or more. Here, we present a simple yet powerful solution: robust, site-dependent control of an arbitrary number of qubits in parallel with only minimal local tunability of the driving field. Inspired by recent experimental advances, we consider access to only one of three constrained local control capabilities: local control of either the phase or amplitude of the beam at each qubit, or individual Z rotations. In each case, we devise parallelizable composite pulse sequences to realize arbitrary single-qubit unitaries robust against quasistatic amplitude and frequency fluctuations. Numerical demonstration shows that our approach outperforms existing sequences such as BB1 and CORPSE in almost all regimes considered, achieving average fidelity $>0.999$ under a decoherence rate $\sim 10^{-5}$, even with a few percent amplitude and frequency error. Our results indicate that even for very large qubit ensembles, accurate, individual manipulation can be achieved despite substantial control inhomogeneity.

  • Transition of Anticoncentration in Gaussian Boson Sampling.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam Ehrenberg, Joseph T. Iosue, Abhinav Deshpande, Dominik Hangleiter, Alexey V. Gorshkov

    Gaussian Boson Sampling is a promising method for experimental demonstrations of quantum advantage because it is easier to implement than other comparable schemes. While most of the properties of Gaussian Boson Sampling are understood to the same degree as for these other schemes, we understand relatively little about the statistical properties of its output distribution. The most relevant statistical property, from the perspective of demonstrating quantum advantage, is the anticoncentration of the output distribution as measured by its second moment. The degree of anticoncentration features in arguments for the complexity-theoretic hardness of Gaussian Boson Sampling, and it is also important to know when using cross-entropy benchmarking to verify experimental performance. In this work, we develop a graph-theoretic framework for analyzing the moments of the Gaussian Boson Sampling distribution. Using this framework, we show that Gaussian Boson Sampling undergoes a transition in anticoncentration as a function of the number of modes that are initially squeezed compared to the number of photons measured at the end of the circuit. When the number of initially squeezed modes scales sufficiently slowly with the number of photons, there is a lack of anticoncentration. However, if the number of initially squeezed modes scales quickly enough, the output probabilities anticoncentrate weakly.

  • Entanglement spectrum of matchgate circuits with universal and non-universal resources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrew M. Projansky, Joshuah T. Heath, James D. Whitfield

    The entanglement level statistics of a quantum state have recently been proposed to be a signature of universality in the underlying quantum circuit. This is a consequence of level repulsion in the entanglement spectra being tied to the integrability of entanglement generated. However, such studies of the level-spacing statistics in the entanglement spectrum have thus far been limited to the output states of Clifford and Haar random circuits on product state inputs. In this work, we provide the first example of a circuit which is composed of a simulable gate set, yet has a Wigner-Dyson distributed entanglement level spectrum without any perturbing universal element. We first show that, for matchgate circuits acting on random product states, Wigner-Dyson statistics emerge by virtue of a single SWAP gate, in direct analog to previous studies on Clifford circuits. We then examine the entanglement spectrum of matchgate circuits with varied input states, and find a sharp jump in the complexity of entanglement as we go from two- to three-qubit entangled inputs. Studying Clifford and matchgate hybrid circuits, we find examples of classically simulable circuits whose output states exhibit Wigner-Dyson entanglement level statistics in the absence of universal quantum gate elements. Our study thus provides strong evidence that entanglement spectrum is not strongly connected to notions of simulability in any given quantum circuit.

  • Unifying non-Markovian characterisation with an efficient and self-consistent framework.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gregory A. L. White, Petar Jurcevic, Charles D. Hill, Kavan Modi

    Noise on quantum devices is much more complex than it is commonly given credit. Far from usual models of decoherence, nearly all quantum devices are plagued both by a continuum of environments and temporal instabilities. These induce noisy quantum and classical correlations at the level of the circuit. The relevant spatiotemporal effects are difficult enough to understand, let alone combat. There is presently a lack of either scalable or complete methods to address the phenomena responsible for scrambling and loss of quantum information. Here, we make deep strides to remedy this problem. We establish a theoretical framework that uniformly incorporates and classifies all non-Markovian phenomena. Our framework is universal, assumes unknown control, and is written entirely in terms of experimentally accessible circuit-level quantities. We formulate an efficient reconstruction using tensor network learning, allowing also for easy modularisation and simplification based on the expected physics of the system. This is then demonstrated through both extensive numerical studies and experiments on IBM Quantum devices, estimating a comprehensive set of spacetime correlations. Finally, we conclude our analysis with applications thereof to the efficacy of control techniques to counteract these effects -- including noise-aware circuit compilation and optimised dynamical decoupling. We find significant improvements are possible in the diamond norm and average gate fidelity of arbitrary $SU(4)$ operations, as well as related decoupling improvements in contrast to off-the-shelf schemes.

  • Fracton models from product codes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi Tan, Brenden Roberts, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Beni Yoshida, Norman Y. Yao

    We explore a deep connection between fracton order and product codes. In particular, we propose and analyze conditions on classical seed codes which lead to fracton order in the resulting quantum product codes. Depending on the properties of the input codes, product codes can realize either Type-I or Type-II fracton models, in both nonlocal and local constructions. For the nonlocal case, we show that a recently proposed model of lineons on an irregular graph can be obtained as a hypergraph product code. Interestingly, constrained mobility in this model arises only from glassiness associated with the graph. For the local case, we introduce a novel type of classical LDPC code defined on a planar aperiodic tiling. By considering the specific example of the pinwheel tiling, we demonstrate the systematic construction of local Type-I and Type-II fracton models as product codes. Our work establishes product codes as a natural setting for exploring fracton order.

  • Completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth $k$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maciej Demianowicz, Kajetan Vogtt, Remigiusz Augusiak

    We introduce a new class of entangled subspaces -- completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth $k$ ($k$-CESs). These are subspaces of multipartite Hilbert spaces containing only pure states with the entanglement depth at least $k$. We present an efficient construction of $k$-CESs of any achievable dimensionality in any multipartite scenario. Further, we discuss the relation between these subspaces and unextendible product bases (UPBs). In particular, we establish that there is a non-trivial bound on the cardinality of a UPB whose orthocomplement is a $k$-CES. Further, we discuss existence of such UPBs for qubit systems.

  • Leveraging commuting groups for an efficient variational Hamiltonian ansatz.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abhinav Anand, Kenneth R. Brown

    Efficiently calculating the low-lying eigenvalues of Hamiltonians, written as sums of Pauli operators, is a fundamental challenge in quantum computing. While various methods have been proposed to reduce the complexity of quantum circuits for this task, there remains room for further improvement. In this article, we introduce a new circuit design using commuting groups within the Hamiltonian to further reduce the circuit complexity of Hamiltonian-based quantum circuits. Our approach involves partitioning the Pauli operators into mutually commuting clusters and finding Clifford unitaries that diagonalize each cluster. We then design an ansatz that uses these Clifford unitaries for efficient switching between the clusters, complemented by a layer of parameterized single qubit rotations for each individual cluster. By conducting numerical simulations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in accurately determining the ground state energy of different quantum chemistry Hamiltonians. Our results highlight the applicability and potential of our approach for designing problem-inspired ansatz for various quantum computing applications.

  • Theory of quantum super impulses.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christopher Jarzynski

    A quantum impulse is a brief but strong perturbation that produces a sudden change in a wavefunction $\psi(x)$. We develop a theory of quantum impulses, distinguishing between ordinary and super impulses. An ordinary impulse paints a phase onto $\psi$, while a super impulse -- the main focus of this paper -- deforms the wavefunction under an invertible map, $\mu: x -> x'$. Borrowing tools from optimal mass transport theory and shortcuts to adiabaticity, we show how to design a super impulse that deforms a wavefunction under a desired map $\mu$, and we illustrate our results using solvable examples. We point out a strong connection between quantum and classical super impulses, expressed in terms of the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. We briefly discuss hybrid impulses, in which ordinary and super impulses are applied simultaneously. While our central results are derived for evolution under the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, they apply equally well to the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and thus may be relevant for the manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensates.

  • Making the zeroth-order process fidelity independent of state preparation and measurement errors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Hao Chen, Renata Wong, Hsi-Sheng Goan

    A protocol called zero-fidelity was recently proposed as an approximation to the process fidelity. It can be understood as the zeroth-order process fidelity. It remedies problems of the process fidelity such as complex experimental settings and long running times. However, like the process fidelity, zero-fidelity is also not robust to state preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors. This limits both protocols' usefulness for real devices. Here, we investigate how SPAM errors affect the zero-fidelity for two operation channels: one channel containing controlled-NOT gates and the other containing controlled-Z gates. Then, we compare these two channels by checking the difference in the zero-fidelities between them. Finally, to make the zero-fidelity protocol independent of SPAM errors, we combine it with the randomized benchmarking (RB) protocol.

  • Measuring entanglement entropy and its topological signature for phononic systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhi-Kang Lin, Yao Zhou, Bin Jiang, Bing-Quan Wu, Li-Mei Chen, Xiao-Yu Liu, Li-Wei Wang, Peng Ye, Jian-Hua Jiang

    Entanglement entropy is a fundamental concept with rising importance in different fields ranging from quantum information science, black holes to materials science. In complex materials and systems, entanglement entropy provides insight into the collective degrees of freedom that underlie the systems' complex behaviours. As well-known predictions, the entanglement entropy exhibits area laws for systems with gapped excitations, whereas it follows the Gioev-Klich-Widom scaling law in gapless fermion systems. Furthermore, the entanglement spectrum provides salient characterizations of topological phases and phase transitions beyond the conventional paradigms. However, many of these fundamental predictions have not yet been confirmed in experiments due to the difficulties in measuring entanglement entropy in physical systems. Here, we report the experimental verification of the above predictions by probing the nonlocal correlations in phononic systems. From the pump-probe responses in phononic crystals, we obtain the entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum for phononic systems with the fermion filling analog. With these measurements, we verify the Gioev-Klich-Widom scaling law of entanglement entropy for various quasiparticle dispersions in one- and two-dimensions. Moreover, we observe the salient signatures of topological phases in the entanglement spectrum and entanglement entropy which unveil an unprecedented probe of topological phases without relying on the bulk-boundary correspondence. The progress here opens a frontier where entanglement entropy serves as an important experimental tool in the study of emergent phases and phase transitions which can be generalized to non-Hermitian and other unconventional regimes.

  • SPulseGen: Succinct pulse generator architecture maximizing gate fidelity for superconducting quantum computers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ryosuke Matsuo, Kazuhisa Ogawa, Hidehisa Shiomi, Makoto Negoro, Takefumi Miyoshi, Michihiro Shintani, Hiromitsu Awano, Takashi Sato, Jun Shiomi

    This paper proposes a cost-effective architecture for an RF pulse generator for superconducting qubits. Most existing works use arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) that require both a large amount of high-bandwidth memories and high-performance analog circuits to achieve the highest gate fidelity with an optimized RF pulse waveform. The proposed pulse generator architecture significantly simplifies both the generator circuit and the waveform of the RF pulse to a cost-aware square pulses. This architecture eliminates the requirement for power- and cost-intensive AWG, a major obstacle in realizing scalable quantum computers. Additionally, this paper proposes a process to optimize pulse waveforms to maximize fidelity of gate operations for single and multiple qubits. Quantum dynamics simulation of transmon qubits, wherein the state of system evolves with time, demonstrates that our pulse generator can achieve practically the same gate fidelity as ideal RF pulses, while substantially reducing the performance requirements of memory and analog circuits.

  • A Rydberg-atom approach to the integer factorization problem.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Juyoung Park, Seokho Jeong, Minhyuk Kim, Kangheun Kim, Andrew Byun, Louis Vignoli, Louis-Paul Henry, Loïc Henriet, Jaewook Ahn

    The task of factoring integers poses a significant challenge in modern cryptography, and quantum computing holds the potential to efficiently address this problem compared to classical algorithms. Thus, it is crucial to develop quantum computing algorithms to address this problem. This study introduces a quantum approach that utilizes Rydberg atoms to tackle the factorization problem. Experimental demonstrations are conducted for the factorization of small composite numbers such as $6 = 2 \times 3$, $15 = 3 \times 5$, and $35 = 5 \times 7$. This approach involves employing Rydberg-atom graphs to algorithmically program binary multiplication tables, yielding many-body ground states that represent superpositions of factoring solutions. Subsequently, these states are probed using quantum adiabatic computing. Limitations of this method are discussed, specifically addressing the scalability of current Rydberg quantum computing for the intricate computational problem.

  • All-to-all reconfigurability with sparse Ising machines: the XORSAT challenge with p-bits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Navid Anjum Aadit, Srijan Nikhar, Sidharth Kannan, Shuvro Chowdhury, Kerem Y. Camsari

    Domain-specific hardware to solve computationally hard optimization problems has generated tremendous excitement recently. Here, we evaluate probabilistic bit (p-bit) based Ising Machines (IM), or p-computers with a benchmark combinatorial optimization problem, namely the 3-regular 3-XOR Satisfiability (3R3X). The 3R3X problem has a glassy energy landscape and it has recently been used to benchmark various IMs and other solvers. We introduce a multiplexed architecture where p-computers emulate all-to-all (complete) graph functionality despite being interconnected in highly sparse networks, enabling highly parallelized Gibbs sampling. We implement this architecture in FPGAs and show that p-bit networks running an adaptive version of the powerful parallel tempering algorithm demonstrate competitive algorithmic and prefactor advantages over alternative IMs by D-Wave, Toshiba and others. Scaled magnetic nanodevice-based realizations of p-computers could lead to orders-of-magnitude further improvement according to experimentally established projections.

  • Tomographic entanglement indicators in a coupled oscillator model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sreelekshmi Pillai, S. Ramanan, V. Balakrishnan, S. Lakshmibala

    We study entanglement in a simple model comprising two coupled linear harmonic oscillators of the same natural frequency. The system is separable in the center of mass (COM) and relative coordinates into two oscillators of frequency $\omega_c$ and $\omega_r$. We compute standard entanglement measures (subsystem linear entropy and subsystem von Neumann entropy) as well as several tomographic entanglement indicators (Bhattacharyya distance, Kullback-Leibler divergence and inverse participation ratio) as functions of the frequency ratio $\eta = \omega_c/\omega_r$, keeping the COM oscillator in the ground state. We demonstrate that, overall, the entanglement indicators reflect quite faithfully the variations in the standard measures. The entanglement is shown to be minimum at $\eta = 1$ and maximum as $\eta \to 0$ or $\infty$.

  • All genuinely entangled stabilizer subspaces are multipartite fully nonlocal.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Owidiusz Makuta, Remigiusz Augusiak

    Understanding the relationship between entanglement and Bell nonlocality is one of the long-lasting open problems in quantum physics which is important both from the fundamental and application points of view. In particular, while both entanglement and Bell nonlocality are key resources in quantum information, the latter appears to be a stronger one because it allows for information processing in the device-independent framework in which the players need not trust their devices. Thus, understanding which entangled states give rise to Bell nonlocality and thus are resourceful in this framework is an important and interesting task. Here we establish the equivalence between genuine entanglement and genuine nonlocal for a broad class of multipartite (pure and mixed) states originating from the stabilizer formalism. In fact, we demonstrate a much stronger result that any (mixed) stabilizer state defined on a genuinely entangled subspace is multipartite fully nonlocal meaning that it gives rise to correlations that have no contribution coming from local hidden variable models of any type. We thus also introduce the first examples of genuinely nonlocal subspaces in multiqubit Hilbert spaces in which every single pure state is genuinely nonlocal.

  • New circuits and an open source decoder for the color code.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Craig Gidney, Cody Jones

    We present two new color code circuits: one inspired by superdense coding and the other based on a middle-out strategy where the color code state appears halfway between measurements. We also present ``Chromobius'', an open source implementation of the m\"obius color code decoder. Using Chromobius, we show our new circuits reduce the performance gap between color codes and surface codes. Under uniform depolarizing noise with a noise strength of $0.1\%$, the middle-out color code circuit achieves a teraquop footprint of 1250 qubits (vs 650 for surface codes decoded by correlated matching). Finally, we highlight that Chromobius decodes toric color codes better when given *less* information, suggesting there's substantial room for improvement in color code decoders.

  • Collective Strong Coupling Modifies Aggregation and Solvation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matteo Castagnola, Tor S. Haugland, Enrico Ronca, Henrik Koch, Christian Schäfer

    Intermolecular interactions are pivotal for aggregation, solvation, and crystallization. We demonstrate that the collective strong coupling of several molecules to a single optical mode results in notable changes in the molecular excitations around an impurity, e.g., in the first aggregation or solvation shell. A competition between short-range Coulombic and long-range photonic correlation inverts the local transition density in a polaritonic state, suggesting notable changes in the polarizability of the solvation shell. Our results provide an alternative perspective on recent work in polaritonic chemistry and pave the way for the rigorous treatment of cooperative effects in aggregation, solvation, and crystallization.

  • Catch and release of propagating bosonic field with non-Markovian giant atom.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luting Xu, Lingzhen Guo

    The non-Markovianity of physical systems is considered to be a valuable resource that has potential applications to quantum information processing. The control of traveling quantum fields encoded with information (flying qubit) is crucial for quantum networks. In this work, we propose to catch and release the propagating photon/phonon with a non-Markovian giant atom, which is coupled to the environment via multiple coupling points. Based on the Heisenberg equation of motion for the giant atom and field operators, we calculate the time-dependent scattering coefficients from the linear response theory and define the criteria for the non-Markovian giant atom. We analyze and numerically verify that the field bound states due to non-Markovianity can be harnessed to catch and release the propagating bosonic field on demand by tuning the parameters of giant atom.

  • Roadmap on Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Imaging.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raffi Budakian, Amit Finkler, Alexander Eichler, Martino Poggio, Christian L. Degen, Sahand Tabatabaei, Inhee Lee, P. Chris Hammel, Eugene S. Polzik, Tim H. Taminiau, Ronald L. Walsworth, Paz London, Ania Bleszynski Jayich, Ashok Ajoy, Arjun Pillai, Jörg Wrachtrup, Fedor Jelezko, Yujeong Bae, Andreas J. Heinrich, Christian R. Ast, Patrice Bertet, Paola Cappellaro, Cristian Bonato, Yoann Altmann, Erik Gauger

    The field of nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging (NanoMRI) was started 30 years ago. It was motivated by the desire to image single molecules and molecular assemblies, such as proteins and virus particles, with near-atomic spatial resolution and on a length scale of 100 nm. Over the years, the NanoMRI field has also expanded to include the goal of useful high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of molecules under ambient conditions, including samples up to the micron-scale. The realization of these goals requires the development of spin detection techniques that are many orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional NMR and MRI, capable of detecting and controlling nanoscale ensembles of spins. Over the years, a number of different technical approaches to NanoMRI have emerged, each possessing a distinct set of capabilities for basic and applied areas of science. The goal of this roadmap article is to report the current state of the art in NanoMRI technologies, outline the areas where they are poised to have impact, identify the challenges that lie ahead, and propose methods to meet these challenges. This roadmap also shows how developments in NanoMRI techniques can lead to breakthroughs in emerging quantum science and technology applications.

  • Universal algorithm for transforming Hamiltonian eigenvalues.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tatsuki Odake, Hlér Kristjánsson, Philip Taranto, Mio Murao

    Manipulating the Hamiltonians governing physical systems has found a broad range of applications, from quantum chemistry to semiconductor design. In this work, we provide a new way of manipulating Hamiltonians, by transforming their eigenvalues while keeping their eigenvectors fixed. If a classical description of the initial Hamiltonian is known, then one can -- in principle -- diagonalize it and compute the Hamiltonian transformation on a classical computer. However, this comes with a significant computational cost, and a classical description of the initial Hamiltonian is not always available, in particular for complex systems. In this work, we develop a universal algorithm that deterministically implements any desired (suitably differentiable) function on the eigenvalues of any unknown Hamiltonian, whose dynamics is given as a black box. Our algorithm makes use of correlated randomness to efficiently combine two subroutines -- namely controlization and Fourier series simulation -- using a general compilation procedure developed in this work. We show that the runtime of our algorithm is significantly reduced using our general compilation framework, compared to a na\"ive concatenation of the subroutines, and moreover outperforms similar methods based on the quantum singular value transformation.

  • Block encoding of matrix product operators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martina Nibbi, Christian B. Mendl

    Quantum signal processing combined with quantum eigenvalue transformation has recently emerged as a unifying framework for several quantum algorithms. In its standard form, it consists of two separate routines: block encoding, which encodes a Hamiltonian in a larger unitary, and signal processing, which achieves an almost arbitrary polynomial transformation of such a Hamiltonian using rotation gates. The bottleneck of the entire operation is typically constituted by block encoding and, in recent years, several problem-specific techniques have been introduced to overcome this problem. Within this framework, we present a procedure to block-encode a Hamiltonian based on its matrix product operator (MPO) representation. More specifically, we encode every MPO tensor in a larger unitary of dimension $D+2$, where $D = \lceil\log(\chi)\rceil$ is the number of subsequently contracted qubits that scales logarithmically with the virtual bond dimension $\chi$. Given any system of size $L$, our method requires $L+D$ ancillary qubits in total, while the computational cost for the decomposition of the block encoding circuit into one- and two-qubit gates scales as $\mathcal{O}(L\cdot\chi^2)$.

  • A Theory of Digital Quantum Simulations in the Low-Energy Subspace.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Weiyuan Gong, Shuo Zhou, Tongyang Li

    Digital quantum simulation has broad applications in approximating unitary evolutions of Hamiltonians. In practice, many simulation tasks for quantum systems focus on quantum states in the low-energy subspace instead of the entire Hilbert space. In this paper, we systematically investigate the complexity of digital quantum simulation based on product formulas in the low-energy subspace. We show that the simulation error depends on the effective low-energy norm of the Hamiltonian for a variety of digital quantum simulation algorithms and quantum systems, allowing improvements over the previous complexities for full unitary simulations even for imperfect state preparations. In particular, for simulating spin models in the low-energy subspace, we prove that randomized product formulas such as qDRIFT and random permutation require smaller step complexities. This improvement also persists in symmetry-protected digital quantum simulations. We prove a similar improvement in simulating the dynamics of power-law quantum interactions. We also provide a query lower bound for general digital quantum simulations in the low-energy subspace.

  • A universal shortcut method for state transfer in quantum spin systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jian Xu, Feng Mei, Yan-Qing Zhu

    The need for fast and robust quantum state transfer is an essential element in scalable quantum information processing, leading to widespread interest in shortcuts to adiabaticity for speeding up adiabatic quantum protocols. However, shortcuts to adiabaticity for systems with more than a few levels is occasionally challenging to compute in theory and frequently difficult to implement in experiments. In this work, we develop a protocol for constructing shortcuts to adiabaticity through the multi-state Landau-Zener approach and a stricter adiabatic condition. Importantly, our protocol only requires a few pieces of information about the energy spectrum and adjusts the evolutionary rate of the system, making it both generic for theoretical models and friendly for experimental implementation. As examples, we apply our protocol to state transfer in the non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model and the topological Thouless pump models and find that it can speed up the manipulation speed while remaining robust to Hamiltonian errors. Furthermore, our findings can be realized using current technology and could potentially be extended to many-body systems, dissipation cases, or Floquet processes. Overall, the proposed shortcut protocol offers a promising avenue for enhancing the efficiency and reliability of quantum state transfer protocols.

  • Electron-correlation induced nonclassicallity of light from high-harmonic generation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christian Saugbjerg Lange, Thomas Hansen, Lars Bojer Madsen

    We study the effect of electron-electron correlations on the quantum state of the light emitted from high-harmonic generation (HHG). The quantum state of the emitted light is obtained by using a fully quantum mechanical description of both the optical modes as well as the electronic system. This is different from the usual semiclassical description of HHG, which only treats the electronic target system quantum mechanically. Using the generic Fermi-Hubbard model, the strength of the electron-electron correlation can be treated as a parameter enabling us to investigate the two limiting cases of a completely uncorrelated phase and a correlated Mott-insulating phase. In the completely uncorrelated phase, the model reduces to a single-band tight-binding model in which only intraband currents contribute to the spectrum. In this limit, we analytically find that the emitted light is in a classical coherent state. In the Mott-insulating phase, a consideration of the photon statistics and squeezing of the emitted photonic state shows that the inter-Hubbard-subband current generates nonclassical light. In this sense, we show that electron-electron correlation can induce the generation of nonclassical states of light.

  • Strongly Coupled Spins of Silicon-Vacancy Centers Inside a Nanodiamond with Sub-Megahertz Linewidth.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marco Klotz, Richard Waltrich, Niklas Lettner, Viatcheslav Agafonov, Alexander Kubanek

    The search for long-lived quantum memories, which can be efficiently interfaced with flying qubits is longstanding. One possible solution is to use the electron spin of a color center in diamond to mediate interaction between a long-lived nuclear spin and a photon. Realizing this in a nanodiamond furthermore facilitates the integration into photonic devices and enables the realization of hybrid quantum systems with access to quantum memories. Here, we investigated the spin environment of negatively-charged Silicon-Vacancy centers in a nanodiamond and demonstrate strong coupling of its electron spin, while the electron spin's decoherence rate remained below 1 MHz. We furthermore demonstrate multi-spin coupling with the potential to establish registers of quantum memories in nanodiamonds.

  • Random Problems in Mathematical Physics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Frederik Ravn Klausen

    This PhD thesis deals with a number of different problems in mathematical physics with the common thread that they have probabilistic aspects. The problems all stem from mathematical studies of lattice systems in statistical and quantum physics; however beyond that, the selection of the concrete problems is to a certain extent arbitrary. This thesis consists of an introduction and seven papers.

  • Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Intrinsic SNR in Spin Qubit Gate-Based Readout and Its Impacts on Readout Electronics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bagas Prabowo, Jurgen Dijkema, Xiao Xue, Fabio Sebastiano, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen, Masoud Babaie

    In semiconductor spin quantum bits (qubits), the radio-frequency (RF) gate-based readout is a promising solution for future large-scale integration, as it allows for a fast, frequency-multiplexed readout architecture, enabling multiple qubits to be read out simultaneously. This paper introduces a theoretical framework to evaluate the effect of various parameters, such as the readout probe power, readout chain's noise performance, and integration time on the intrinsic readout signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and thus readout fidelity of RF gate-based readout systems. By analyzing the underlying physics of spin qubits during readout, this work proposes a qubit readout model that takes into account the qubit's quantum mechanical properties, providing a way to evaluate the trade-offs among the aforementioned parameters. The validity of the proposed model is evaluated by comparing the simulation and experimental results. The proposed analytical approach, the developed model, and the experimental results enable designers to optimize the entire readout chain effectively, thus leading to a faster, lower-power readout system with integrated cryogenic electronics.

  • Quantum improvement in Spatial Discretization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saul Gonzalez, Parfait Atchade-Adelomou

    Quantum algorithms have begun to surpass classical ones in several computation fields, yet practical application remains challenging due to hardware and software limitations. Here, we introduce a quantum algorithm that quadratically improves spatial discretization within these constraints. Implemented in the quantum software library Pennylane, our algorithm bridges the gap from theoretical models to tangible quantum circuitry. The approach promises enhanced efficiency in quantum spatial analysis, with simulations and hardware experiments validating its potential.

  • Photonic fusion of entangled resource states from a quantum emitter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yijian Meng, Carlos F.D. Faurby, Ming Lai Chan, Patrik I. Sund, Zhe Liu, Ying Wang, Nikolai Bart, Andreas D. Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Leonardo Midolo, Anders S. Sørensen, Stefano Paesani, Peter Lodahl

    Fusion-based photonic quantum computing architectures rely on two primitives: i) near-deterministic generation and control of constant-size entangled states and ii) probabilistic entangling measurements (photonic fusion gates) between entangled states. Here, we demonstrate these key functionalities by fusing resource states deterministically generated using a solid-state spin-photon interface. Repetitive operation of the source leads to sequential entanglement generation, whereby curiously entanglement is created between the quantum states of the same spin at two different instances in time. Such temporal multiplexing of photonic entanglement provides a resource-efficient route to scaling many-body entangled systems with photons.

  • On variants of multivariate quantum signal processing and their characterizations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Balázs Németh, Blanka Kövér, Boglárka Kulcsár, Roland Botond Miklósi, András Gilyén

    Quantum signal processing (QSP) is a highly successful algorithmic primitive in quantum computing which leads to conceptually simple and efficient quantum algorithms using the block-encoding framework of quantum linear algebra. Multivariate variants of quantum signal processing (MQSP) could be a valuable tool in extending earlier results via implementing multivariate (matrix) polynomials. However, MQSP remains much less understood than its single-variate version lacking a clear characterization of "achievable" multivariate polynomials. We show that Haah's characterization of general univariate QSP can be extended to homogeneous bivariate (commuting) quantum signal processing. We also show a similar result for an alternative inhomogeneous variant when the degree in one of the variables is at most 1, but construct a counterexample where both variables have degree 2, which in turn refutes an earlier characterization proposed / conjectured by Rossi and Chuang for a related restricted class of MQSP. Finally, we describe homogeneous multivariate (non-commuting) QSP variants that break away from the earlier two-dimensional treatment limited by its reliance on Jordan-like decompositions, and might ultimately lead to the development of novel quantum algorithms.

  • Efficient fault-tolerant implementations of non-Clifford gates with reconfigurable atom arrays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi-Fei Wang, Yixu Wang, Yu-An Chen, Wenjun Zhang, Tao Zhang, Jiazhong Hu, Wenlan Chen, Yingfei Gu, Zi-Wen Liu

    To achieve scalable universal quantum computing, we need to implement a universal set of logical gates fault-tolerantly, for which the main difficulty lies with non-Clifford gates. We demonstrate that several characteristic features of the reconfigurable atom array platform are inherently well-suited for addressing this key challenge, potentially leading to significant advantages in fidelity and efficiency. Specifically, we consider a series of different strategies including magic state distillation, concatenated code array, and fault-tolerant logical multi-controlled-$Z$ gates, leveraging key platform features such as non-local connectivity, parallel gate action, collective mobility, and native multi-controlled-$Z$ gates. Our analysis provides valuable insights into the efficient experimental realization of logical gates, serving as a guide for the full-cycle demonstration of fault-tolerant quantum computation with reconfigurable atom arrays.

  • Does provable absence of barren plateaus imply classical simulability? Or, why we need to rethink variational quantum computing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Cerezo, Martin Larocca, Diego García-Martín, N. L. Diaz, Paolo Braccia, Enrico Fontana, Manuel S. Rudolph, Pablo Bermejo, Aroosa Ijaz, Supanut Thanasilp, Eric R. Anschuetz, Zoë Holmes

    A large amount of effort has recently been put into understanding the barren plateau phenomenon. In this perspective article, we face the increasingly loud elephant in the room and ask a question that has been hinted at by many but not explicitly addressed: Can the structure that allows one to avoid barren plateaus also be leveraged to efficiently simulate the loss classically? We present strong evidence that commonly used models with provable absence of barren plateaus are also classically simulable, provided that one can collect some classical data from quantum devices during an initial data acquisition phase. This follows from the observation that barren plateaus result from a curse of dimensionality, and that current approaches for solving them end up encoding the problem into some small, classically simulable, subspaces. This sheds serious doubt on the non-classicality of the information processing capabilities of parametrized quantum circuits for barren plateau-free landscapes and on the possibility of superpolynomial advantages from running them on quantum hardware. We end by discussing caveats in our arguments, the role of smart initializations, and by highlighting new opportunities that our perspective raises.

  • Membrane-in-the-middle optomechanical system and structural frequencies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luis Pedro Lara, Ricardo Weder, Luis Octavio Castaños-Cervantes

    We consider a one-dimensional membrane-in-the-middle model for a cavity that consists of two fixed, perfect mirrors and a mobile dielectric membrane between them that has a constant electric susceptibility. We present a sequence of exact cavity angular frequencies that we call {\it structural angular frequencies} and that have the remarkable property that they are independent of the position of the membrane inside the cavity. Furthermore, the case of a thin membrane is considered and simple, approximate, and accurate formulae for the angular frequencies and for the modes of the cavity are obtained. Finally, the cavity electromagnetic potential is numerically calculated and it is found that a multiple scales, analytic solution is an accurate approximation.

  • Statistical properties and repetition rates for a quantum network with geographical distribution of nodes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rute Oliveira, Raabe Oliveira, Nadja K. Bernardes, Rafael Chaves

    Steady technological advances and recent milestones such as intercontinental quantum communication and the first implementation of medium-scale quantum networks are paving the way for the establishment of the quantum internet, a network of nodes interconnected by quantum channels. Here we build upon recent models for quantum networks based on optical fibers by considering the effect of a non-uniform distribution of nodes, more specifically based on the demographic data of the federal states in Brazil. We not only compute the statistical properties of this more realistic network, comparing its features with previous models but also employ it to compute the repetition rates for entanglement swapping, an essential protocol for quantum communication based on quantum repeaters.

  • Measurement-induced landscape transitions in hybrid variational quantum circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sonny Rappaport, Gaurav Gyawali, Tiago Sereno, Michael J. Lawler

    The entanglement-induced barren plateau phenomenon is an exponential vanishing of the parameter gradients with system size that limits the use of variational quantum algorithms(VQA). Recently, it was observed that a landscape transition from a barren plateau to no barren plateau occurs if the volume-law growth of entanglement is suppressed by adding measurements with post-selection. This suppression appears to coincide with a measurement-induced phase transition (MIPT) that measurements are known to cause in monitored circuits. From an information theory perspective, we argue that these are different transitions. We back this hypothesis with a numerical study of the cost landscape of such hybrid variational quantum circuits with extensive results on the behavior of cost-gradient variances with and without post-selection, direct visualizations of optimization runs for specific local quantum circuits, and a mutual information measure we introduce and compare with entanglement measures used in the study of MIPT. Specifically, our results show there are two transitions, a measurement-induced landscape transition (MILT) that seems universal across different VQA ansatzes and appears at a lower probability of measurements, and the MIPT that appears at a higher probability of measurements and appears at an ansatz specific location. Finally, to reap the benefits of MILT for optimization, our numerical simulations suggest the necessity of post-selecting measurement outcomes.

  • Observable-enriched entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joe H. Winter, Reyhan Ay, Bernd Braunecker, A. M. Cook

    We introduce methods of characterizing entanglement, in which entanglement measures are enriched by the matrix representations of operators for observables. These observable operator matrix representations can enrich the partial trace over subsets of a system's degrees of freedom, yielding reduced density matrices useful in computing various measures of entanglement, which also preserve the observable expectation value. We focus here on applying these methods to compute observable-enriched entanglement spectra, unveiling new bulk-boundary correspondences of canonical four-band models for topological skyrmion phases and their connection to simpler forms of bulk-boundary correspondence. Given the fundamental roles entanglement signatures and observables play in study of quantum many body systems, observable-enriched entanglement is broadly applicable to myriad problems of quantum mechanics.

  • Towards Efficient Quantum Anomaly Detection: One-Class SVMs using Variable Subsampling and Randomized Measurements.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michael Kölle, Afrae Ahouzi, Pascal Debus, Robert Müller, Danielle Schuman, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

    Quantum computing, with its potential to enhance various machine learning tasks, allows significant advancements in kernel calculation and model precision. Utilizing the one-class Support Vector Machine alongside a quantum kernel, known for its classically challenging representational capacity, notable improvements in average precision compared to classical counterparts were observed in previous studies. Conventional calculations of these kernels, however, present a quadratic time complexity concerning data size, posing challenges in practical applications. To mitigate this, we explore two distinct approaches: utilizing randomized measurements to evaluate the quantum kernel and implementing the variable subsampling ensemble method, both targeting linear time complexity. Experimental results demonstrate a substantial reduction in training and inference times by up to 95\% and 25\% respectively, employing these methods. Although unstable, the average precision of randomized measurements discernibly surpasses that of the classical Radial Basis Function kernel, suggesting a promising direction for further research in scalable, efficient quantum computing applications in machine learning.

  • Theoretical consideration of a twisted atom.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P.K. Maslennikov, A.V. Volotka, S.S. Batuirn

    We investigate the twisted state of an atom and the possible effect of such a state on the properties of the photons emitted as a result of the electron transition in that atom. We first propose a framework for describing the twisted atomic state, and then explore possible differences in the nuclear recoil effects in the twisted atom compared to those in the plane-wave atom. We conclude that if the initial atomic state is twisted, then in a certain observation scheme one can detect a feature of this twist in the distribution of the emitted photons, even in the zero order in $m/M$.

  • A symplectic approach to Schr\"odinger equations in the infinite-dimensional unbounded setting.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Javier de Lucas, Julia Lange, Xavier Rivas

    By using the theory of analytic vectors and manifolds modelled on normed spaces, we provide a rigorous symplectic differential geometric approach to $t$-dependent Schr\"odinger equations on separable (possibly infinite-dimensional) Hilbert spaces determined by unbounded $t$-dependent self-adjoint Hamiltonians satisfying a technical condition. As an application, the Marsden--Weinstein reduction procedure is employed to map above-mentioned $t$-dependent Schr\"odinger equations onto their projective spaces. Other applications of physical and mathematical relevance are also analysed.

  • Pseudorandomness from Subset States.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tudor Giurgica-Tiron, Adam Bouland

    We show it is possible to obtain quantum pseudorandomness and pseudoentanglement from random subset states -- i.e. quantum states which are equal superpositions over (pseudo)random subsets of strings. This answers an open question of Aaronson et al. [arXiv:2211.00747], who devised a similar construction augmented by pseudorandom phases. Our result follows from a direct calculation of the trace distance between $t$ copies of random subset states and the Haar measure, via the representation theory of the symmetric group. We show that the trace distance is negligibly small, as long as the subsets are of an appropriate size which is neither too big nor too small. In particular, we analyze the action of basis permutations on the symmetric subspace, and show that the largest component is described by the Johnson scheme: the double-cosets of the symmetric group $\mathbb{S}_N$ by the subgroup $\mathbb{S}_t \times \mathbb{S}_{N-t}$. The Gelfand pair property of this setting implies that the matrix eigenbasis coincides with the symmetric group irreducible blocks, with the largest eigenblock asymptotically approaching the Haar average. An immediate corollary of our result is that quantum pseudorandom and pseudoentangled state ensembles do not require relative phases.

  • A colossal advantage: 3D-local noisy shallow quantum circuits defeat unbounded fan-in classical circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Libor Caha, Xavier Coiteux-Roy, Robert Koenig

    We present a computational problem with the following properties: (i) Every instance can be solved with near-certainty by a constant-depth quantum circuit using only nearest-neighbor gates in 3D even when its implementation is corrupted by noise. (ii) Any constant-depth classical circuit composed of unbounded fan-in AND, OR, as well as NOT gates, i.e., an AC0-circuit, of size smaller than a certain subexponential, fails to solve a uniformly random instance with probability greater than a certain constant. Such an advantage against unbounded fan-in classical circuits was previously only known in the noise-free case or without locality constraints. We overcome these limitations, proposing a quantum advantage demonstration amenable to experimental realizations. Subexponential circuit-complexity lower bounds have traditionally been referred to as exponential. We use the term colossal since our fault-tolerant 3D architecture resembles a certain Roman monument.

  • Physics-Informed Quantum Machine Learning for Solving Partial Differential Equations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abhishek Setty, Rasul Abdusalamov, Mikhail Itskov

    In this work, we solve differential equations using quantum Chebyshev feature maps. We propose a tensor product over a summation of Pauli-Z operators as a change in the measurement observables resulting in improved accuracy and reduced computation time for initial value problems processed by floating boundary handling. This idea has been tested on solving the complex dynamics of a Riccati equation as well as on a system of differential equations. Furthermore, a second-order differential equation is investigated in which we propose adding entangling layers to improve accuracy without increasing the variational parameters. Additionally, a modified self-adaptivity approach of physics-informed neural networks is incorporated to balance the multi-objective loss function. Finally, a new quantum circuit structure is proposed to approximate multivariable functions, tested on solving a 2D Poisson's equation.

  • Speed limits of two-qubit gates with qudits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bora Basyildiz, Casey Jameson, Zhexuan Gong

    The speed of elementary quantum gates ultimately sets the limit on the speed at which quantum circuits can operate. For a fixed physical interaction strength between two qubits, the speed of any two-qubit gate is limited even with arbitrarily fast single-qubit gates. In this work, we explore the possibilities of speeding up two-qubit gates beyond such a limit by expanding our computational space outside the qubit subspace, which is experimentally relevant for qubits encoded in multi-level atoms or anharmonic oscillators. We identify an optimal theoretical bound for the speed limit of a two-qubit gate achieved using two qudits with a bounded interaction strength and arbitrarily fast single-qudit gates. In addition, we find an experimentally feasible protocol using two parametrically coupled superconducting transmons that achieves this theoretical speed limit in a non-trivial way. We also consider practical scenarios with limited single-qudit drive strengths and off-resonant transitions. For such scenarios, we develop an open-source, machine learning assisted, quantum optimal control algorithm that can achieve a speedup close to the theoretical limit with near-perfect gate fidelity. This work opens up a new avenue to speed up two-qubit gates when the physical interaction strength between qubits cannot be easily increased while extra states outside the qubit subspace can be well controlled.

  • Beyond the parametric approximation: pump depletion, entanglement and squeezing in macroscopic down-conversion.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Karthik Chinni, Nicolás Quesada

    We study the dynamics of the pump mode in the down-conversion Hamiltonian using the cumulant expansion method, perturbation theory, and the full numerical simulation of systems with a pump mean photon number of up to one hundred thousand. We particularly focus on the properties of the pump-mode such as depletion, entanglement, and squeezing for an experimentally relevant initial state in which the pump mode is initialized in a coherent state. Through this analysis, we obtain the short-time behaviour of various quantities and derive timescales at which the above-mentioned features, which cannot be understood through the parametric approximation, originate in the system. We also provide an entanglement witness involving moments of bosonic operators that can capture the entanglement of the pump mode. Finally, we study the photon-number statistics of the pump and the signal/idler modes to understand the general behaviour of these modes for experimentally relevant time scales.

  • Bayesian Optimization for Robust State Preparation in Quantum Many-Body Systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tizian Blatz, Joyce Kwan, Julian Léonard, Annabelle Bohrdt

    New generations of ultracold-atom experiments are continually raising the demand for efficient solutions to optimal control problems. Here, we apply Bayesian optimization to improve a state-preparation protocol recently implemented in an ultracold-atom system to realize a two-particle fractional quantum Hall state. Compared to manual ramp design, we demonstrate the superior performance of our optimization approach in a numerical simulation - resulting in a protocol that is 10x faster at the same fidelity, even when taking into account experimentally realistic levels of disorder in the system. We extensively analyze and discuss questions of robustness and the relationship between numerical simulation and experimental realization, and how to make the best use of the surrogate model trained during optimization. We find that numerical simulation can be expected to substantially reduce the number of experiments that need to be performed with even the most basic transfer learning techniques. The proposed protocol and workflow will pave the way toward the realization of more complex many-body quantum states in experiments.

  • Quantum clocks driven by measurement.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. A. Gangat, G. J. Milburn

    In classical physics, clocks are open dissipative systems driven from thermal equilibrium and necessarily subject to thermal noise. We describe a quantum clock driven by entropy reduction through measurement. The mechanism consists of a superconducting transmon qubit coupled to an open co-planar resonator. The cavity and qubit are driven by coherent fields and the cavity output is monitored with homodyne detection. We show that the measurement itself induces coherent oscillations, with fluctuating period, in the conditional moments. The clock signal can be extracted from the observed measurement currents and analysed to determine the noise performance. The model demonstrates a fundamental principle of clocks at zero temperature: good clocks require high rates of energy dissipation and consequently entropy generation.

  • Time of arrival operator in the momentum space.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A.M. Schlichtinger, A. Jadczyk

    It is shown that in presence of certain external fields a well defined self-adjoint time operator exists, satisfying the standard canonical commutation relations with the Hamiltonian. Examples include uniform electric and gravitational fields with nonrelativistic and relativistic Hamiltonians. The physical intepretation of these operators is proposed in terms of time of arrival in the momentum space.

  • Fall of a Particle to the Center of a Singular Potential: Classical vs. Quantum Exact Solutions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michael I. Tribelsky

    Exact solutions describing a fall of a particle to the center of a non-regularized singular potential in classical and quantum cases are obtained and compared. We inspect the quantum problem with the help of the conventional Schr\"{o}dinger's equation. During the fall, the wave function spatial localization area contracts into a single zero-dimensional point. For the fall-admitting potentials, the Hamiltonian is non-Hermitian. Because of that, the wave function norm occurs time-dependent. It demands an extension to this case of the continuity equation and rules for mean value calculations. Surprisingly, the quantum and classical solutions exhibit striking similarities. In particular, both are self-similar at the particle energy equals zero. The characteristic spatial scales of the quantum and classical self-similar solutions obey the same temporal dependence. We present arguments indicating that these self-similar solutions are attractors to a broader class of solutions, describing the fall at finite energy of the particle.

  • Renormalization approach to the analysis and design of Hermitian and non-Hermitian interfaces.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Henning Schomerus

    I describe a concrete and efficient real-space renormalization approach that provides a unifying perspective on interface states in a wide class of Hermitian and non-Hermitian models, irrespective of whether they obey a traditional bulk-boundary principle or not. The emerging interface physics are governed by a flow of microscopic interface parameters, and the properties of interface states become linked to the fixed-point topology of this flow. In particular, the quantization condition of interface states converts identically into the question of the convergence to unstable fixed points. As its key merit, the approach can be directly applied to concrete models and utilized to design interfaces that induce states with desired properties, such as states with a predetermined and possibly symmetry-breaking energy. I develop the approach in general, and then demonstrate these features in various settings, including for the design of circular, triangular and square-shaped complex dispersion bands and associated arcs at the edge of a two-dimensional system. Furthermore, I describe how this approach transfers to nonlinear settings, and demonstrate the efficiency, practicability and consistency of this extension for a paradigmatic model of topological mode selection by distributed saturable gain and loss.

  • One-Wayness in Quantum Cryptography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomoyuki Morimae, Takashi Yamakawa

    The existence of one-way functions is one of the most fundamental assumptions in classical cryptography. In the quantum world, on the other hand, there are evidences that some cryptographic primitives can exist even if one-way functions do not exist. We therefore have the following important open problem in quantum cryptography: What is the most fundamental element in quantum cryptography? In this direction, Brakerski, Canetti, and Qian recently defined a notion called EFI pairs, which are pairs of efficiently generatable states that are statistically distinguishable but computationally indistinguishable, and showed its equivalence with some cryptographic primitives including commitments, oblivious transfer, and general multi-party computations. However, their work focuses on decision-type primitives and does not cover search-type primitives like quantum money and digital signatures. In this paper, we study properties of one-way state generators (OWSGs), which are a quantum analogue of one-way functions. We first revisit the definition of OWSGs and generalize it by allowing mixed output states. Then we show the following results. (1) We define a weaker version of OWSGs, weak OWSGs, and show that they are equivalent to OWSGs. (2) Quantum digital signatures are equivalent to OWSGs. (3) Private-key quantum money schemes (with pure money states) imply OWSGs. (4) Quantum pseudo one-time pad schemes imply both OWSGs and EFI pairs. (5) We introduce an incomparable variant of OWSGs, which we call secretly-verifiable and statistically-invertible OWSGs, and show that they are equivalent to EFI pairs.

  • Asymptotic Large Deviations of Counting Statistics in Open Quantum Systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fei Liu

    We use a semi-Markov process method to calculate large deviations of counting statistics for three open quantum systems, including a resonant two-level system and resonant three-level systems in the $\Lambda$- and $V$-configurations. In the first two systems, radical solutions to the scaled cumulant generating functions are obtained. Although this is impossible in the third system, since a general sixth-degree polynomial equation is present, we still obtain asymptotically large deviations of the complex system. Our results show that, in these open quantum systems, the large deviation rate functions at zero current are equal to two times the largest nonzero real parts of the eigenvalues of operator $-{\rm i}\hat H$, where $\hat H$ is a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, while at a large current, these functions possess a unified formula.

  • Carbon Kagome Nanotubes -- quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures with flat bands.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hsuan Ming Yu, Shivam Sharma, Shivang Agarwal, Olivia Liebman, Amartya S. Banerjee

    We introduce carbon Kagome nanotubes (CKNTs) -- a new allotrope of carbon formed by rolling up sheets of Kagome graphene, and investigate the properties of this material using first principles calculations. Based on the direction of rolling, we identify two principal varieties of CKNTs -- armchair and zigzag, and find that the bending stiffness associated with rolling Kagome graphene into either type of CKNT is about a third of that associated with rolling conventional graphene into carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations indicate that both types of CKNTs are likely to exist as stable structures at room temperature. Each CKNT explored here is metallic and features dispersionless states (i.e., flat bands) throughout its Brillouin zone, along with an associated singular peak in the electronic density of states, close to the Fermi level. We calculate the mechanical and electronic response of CKNTs to torsional and axial strains and compare against conventional CNTs. We show in particular, that upon twisting, degenerate dispersionless electronic states in CKNTs split, Dirac points and partially flat bands emerge from the quadratic band crossing point at the Fermi level, and that these features can be explained using a relatively simple tight-binding model. Overall, CKNTs appear to be unique and striking examples of realistic elemental quasi-one-dimensional (1D) materials that can potentially display fascinating collective material properties arising from the presence of strongly correlated electrons. Additionally, distorted CKNTs may provide an interesting material platform where flat band physics and chirality induced anomalous transport effects may be studied together.

  • Synergy between deep neural networks and the variational Monte Carlo method for small $^4He_N$ clusters.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    William Freitas, S. A. Vitiello

    We introduce a neural network-based approach for modeling wave functions that satisfy Bose-Einstein statistics. Applying this model to small $^4He_N$ clusters (with N ranging from 2 to 14 atoms), we accurately predict ground state energies, pair density functions, and two-body contact parameters $C^{(N)}_2$ related to weak unitarity. The results obtained via the variational Monte Carlo method exhibit remarkable agreement with previous studies using the diffusion Monte Carlo method, which is considered exact within its statistical uncertainties. This indicates the effectiveness of our neural network approach for investigating many-body systems governed by Bose-Einstein statistics.

  • Pitfalls of the sublinear QAOA-based factorization algorithm.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sergey V. Grebnev, Maxim A. Gavreev, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Anton P. Guglya, Albert R. Efimov, Aleksey K. Fedorov

    Quantum computing devices are believed to be powerful in solving the prime factorization problem, which is at the heart of widely deployed public-key cryptographic tools. However, the implementation of Shor's quantum factorization algorithm requires significant resources scaling linearly with the number size; taking into account an overhead that is required for quantum error correction the estimation is that 20 millions of (noisy) physical qubits are required for factoring 2048-bit RSA key in 8 hours. Recent proposal by Yan et al. claims a possibility of solving the factorization problem with sublinear quantum resources. As we demonstrate in our work, this proposal lacks systematic analysis of the computational complexity of the classical part of the algorithm, which exploits the Schnorr's lattice-based approach. We provide several examples illustrating the need in additional resource analysis for the proposed quantum factorization algorithm.

  • Closed systems refuting quantum-speed-limit hypotheses.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Niklas Hörnedal, Ole Sönnerborn

    Many quantum speed limits for isolated systems can be generalized to also apply to closed systems. This is, for example, the case with the well-known Mandelstam-Tamm quantum speed limit. Margolus and Levitin derived an equally well-known and ostensibly related quantum speed limit, and it seems to be widely believed that the Margolus-Levitin quantum speed limit can be similarly generalized to closed systems. However, a recent geometrical examination of this limit reveals that it differs significantly from most known quantum speed limits. In this paper, we show that, contrary to the common belief, the Margolus-Levitin quantum speed limit does not extend to closed systems in an obvious way. More precisely, we show that for every hypothetical bound of Margolus-Levitin type, there are closed systems that evolve with a conserved normalized expected energy between states with any given fidelity in a time shorter than the bound. We also show that for isolated systems, the Mandelstam-Tamm quantum speed limit and a slightly weakened version of this limit that we call the Bhatia-Davies quantum speed limit always saturate simultaneously. Both of these evolution time estimates extend straightforwardly to closed systems. We demonstrate that there are closed systems that saturate the Mandelstam-Tamm but not the Bhatia-Davies quantum speed limit.

  • Normalizing Resistor Networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Robin Cockett, Amolak Ratan Kalra, Priyaa Varshinee Srinivasan

    Star to mesh transformations are well-known in electrical engineering, and are reminiscent of local complementation for graph states in qudit stabilizer quantum mechanics. This paper describes a rewriting system for resistor circuits over any positive division rig using general star to mesh transformations. We show how these transformations can be organized into a confluent and terminating rewriting system on the category of resistor circuits. Furthermore, based on the recently established connections between quantum and electrical circuits, this paper pushes forward the quest for approachable normal forms for stabilizer quantum circuits.

  • Graph-theoretical optimization of fusion-based graph state generation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Seok-Hyung Lee, Hyunseok Jeong

    Graph states are versatile resources for various quantum information processing tasks, including measurement-based quantum computing and quantum repeaters. Although the type-II fusion gate enables all-optical generation of graph states by combining small graph states, its non-deterministic nature hinders the efficient generation of large graph states. In this work, we present a graph-theoretical strategy to effectively optimize fusion-based generation of any given graph state, along with a Python package OptGraphState. Our strategy comprises three stages: simplifying the target graph state, building a fusion network, and determining the order of fusions. Utilizing this proposed method, we evaluate the resource overheads of random graphs and various well-known graphs. Additionally, we investigate the success probability of graph state generation given a restricted number of available resource states. We expect that our strategy and software will assist researchers in developing and assessing experimentally viable schemes that use photonic graph states.

  • Equilibration of Isolated Systems: investigating the role of coarse-graining on the initial state magnetization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gabriel Dias Carvalho, Luis Fernando dos Prazeres, Pedro Silva Correia, Thiago R de Oliveira

    Many theoretical and experimental results show that even isolated quantum systems evolving unitarily may equilibrate, since the evolution of some observables may be around an equilibrium value with negligible fluctuations most of the time. There are rigorous theorems giving the conditions for such equilibration to happen. In particular, initial states prepared with a lack of resolution in the energy will equilibrate. We investigate how equilibration may be affected by a lack of resolution, or coarse-graining, in the magnetization of the initial state. In particular, for a chaotic spin chain and using exact diagonalization, we show that the level of equilibration of an initial state with a coarse, not well-defined magnetization is different from the level of an initial state with well-defined magnetization. This difference will depend on the degree of coarse-graining and the direction of magnetization. We also analyze the time for the system to reach equilibrium, showing good agreement with theoretical estimates and with some evidence that less resolution leads to faster equilibration. Our study highlights the crucial role of initial state preparation in the equilibration dynamics of quantum systems and provides new insights into the fundamental nature of equilibration in closed systems.

  • Amplified Nanoscale Detection of Labelled Molecules via Surface Electrons on Diamond.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Biteri-Uribarren, P. Alsina-Bolívar, C. Munuera-Javaloy, R. Puebla, J. Casanova

    The detection of individual molecules and their dynamics has been a long-standing challenge in the field of nanotechnology. In this work, we present a method that utilizes a nitrogen vacancy (NV) center and a dangling-bond on the diamond surface to measure the coupling between two electronic targets tagged on a macromolecule. To achieve this, we design a multi-tone dynamical decoupling sequence that leverages the strong interaction between the nitrogen vacancy center and the dangling bond. In addition, this sequence minimizes the impact of decoherence finally resulting in an increased signal-to-noise ratio. This proposal has the potential to open up new avenues for fundamental research and technological innovation in distinct areas such as biophysics and biochemistry.

  • Digital-Analog Quantum Computation with Arbitrary Two-Body Hamiltonians.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mikel Garcia-de-Andoin, Álvaro Saiz, Pedro Pérez-Fernández, Lucas Lamata, Izaskun Oregi, Mikel Sanz

    Digital-analog quantum computing is a computational paradigm which employs an analog Hamiltonian resource together with single-qubit gates to reach universality. Here, we design a new scheme which employs an arbitrary two-body source Hamiltonian, extending the experimental applicability of this computational paradigm to most quantum platforms. We show that the simulation of an arbitrary two-body target Hamiltonian of $n$ qubits requires $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ analog blocks with guaranteed positive times, providing a polynomial advantage compared to the previous scheme. Additionally, we propose a classical strategy which combines a Bayesian optimization with a gradient descent method, improving the performance by $\sim55\%$ for small systems measured in the Frobenius norm.

  • A Linear Algebraic Framework for Dynamic Scheduling Over Memory-Equipped Quantum Networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Paolo Fittipaldi, Anastasios Giovanidis, Frédéric Grosshans

    Quantum Internetworking is a recent field that promises numerous interesting applications, many of which require the distribution of entanglement between arbitrary pairs of users. This work deals with the problem of scheduling in an arbitrary entanglement swapping quantum network - often called first generation quantum network - in its general topology, multicommodity, loss-aware formulation. We introduce a linear algebraic framework that exploits quantum memory through the creation of intermediate entangled links. The framework is then employed to apply Lyapunov Drift Minimization (a standard technique in classical network science) to mathematically derive a natural class of scheduling policies for quantum networks minimizing the square norm of the user demand backlog. Moreover, an additional class of Max-Weight inspired policies is proposed and benchmarked, reducing significantly the computation cost at the price of a slight performance degradation. The policies are compared in terms of information availability, localization and overall network performance through an ad-hoc simulator that admits user-provided network topologies and scheduling policies in order to showcase the potential application of the provided tools to quantum network design.

  • Eigenvalue sensitivity from eigenstate geometry near and beyond arbitrary-order exceptional points.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Henning Schomerus

    Systems with an effectively non-Hermitian Hamiltonian display an enhanced sensitivity to parametric and dynamic perturbations, which arises from the nonorthogonality of their eigenstates. This enhanced sensitivity can be quantified by the phase rigidity, which mathematically corresponds to the eigenvalue condition number, and physically also determines the Petermann factor of quantum noise theory. I derive an exact nonperturbative expression for this sensitivity measure that applies to arbitrary eigenvalue configurations. The expression separates spectral correlations from additional geometric data, and retains a simple asymptotic behaviour close to exceptional points (EPs) of any order, while capturing the role of additional states in the system. This reveals that such states can have a sizable effect even if they are spectrally well separated, and identifies the specific matrix whose elements determine this nonperturbative effect. The employed algebraic approach, which follows the eigenvectors-from-eigenvalues school of thought, also provides direct insights into the geometry of the states near an EP. For instance, it can be used to show that the phase rigidity follows a striking equipartition principle in the quasi-degenerate subspace of a system.

  • Sensing microscopic directional noise baths with an optically cooled and levitated nanoparticle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J.M.H. Gosling, A. Pontin, J. H. Iacoponi, P.F. Barker, T.S. Monteiro

    Optomechanical devices are being harnessed as sensors of ultraweak forces for applications ranging from inertial sensing to the search for the elusive dark matter. For the latter, there is a focus on detection of either higher energy single recoils or ultralight, narrowband sources; a directional signal is expected. However, the possibility of searching for a stochastic stream of weak impulses, or more generally a directional broadband signal, need not be excluded; with this and other applications in mind, we investigate the experimental signature of Gaussian white noise impulses with a well defined direction $\Psi$ on a levitated nanosphere, trapped and 3D cooled in an optical tweezer. We find that cross-correlation power spectra offer a calibration-free distinctive signature of the presence of a directional but stochastic microscopic force and its orientation quadrant, unlike normal power spectral densities (PSDs). We obtain excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental results. With calibration we are able to measure the angle $\Psi$, akin to a force compass in a plane. We discuss prospects for extending this technique into quantum regime and compare the expected behaviour of quantum baths and classical baths.

  • Entanglement dynamics in the many-body Hatano-Nelson model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Takahiro Orito, Ken-Ichiro Imura

    The entanglement dynamics in a non-Hermitian quantum system is studied numerically and analyzed from the viewpoint of quasiparticle picture. As a concrete model, we consider a one-dimensional tight-binding model with asymmetric hopping (Hatano-Nelson model) under onsite disorder and nearest-neighbor interaction. As opposed to an assertion of previous studies, the entanglement dynamics in this non-Hermitian quantum system is very different from the one in its Hermitian counterpart, especially in the delocalized regime with weak disorder; there the entanglement entropy $S_{\rm ent}(t)$ shows a characteristic non-monotonic time evolution. We have clarified and quantified the nature of this behavior in the quasiparticle picture. In the asymptotic regime of $t\rightarrow\infty$, the entanglement entropy $S_{\rm ent}(t)$ in this regime saturates to a much suppressed value, which increases only logarithmically with respect to the size of the subsystem.

  • Constant-depth circuits for Uniformly Controlled Gates and Boolean functions with application to quantum memory circuits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jonathan Allcock, Jinge Bao, João F. Doriguello, Alessandro Luongo, Miklos Santha

    We explore the power of the unbounded Fan-Out gate and the Global Tunable gates generated by Ising-type Hamiltonians in constructing constant-depth quantum circuits, with particular attention to quantum memory devices. We propose two types of constant-depth constructions for implementing Uniformly Controlled Gates. These gates include the Fan-In gates defined by $|x\rangle|b\rangle\mapsto |x\rangle|b\oplus f(x)\rangle$ for $x\in\{0,1\}^n$ and $b\in\{0,1\}$, where $f$ is a Boolean function. The first of our constructions is based on computing the one-hot encoding of the control register $|x\rangle$, while the second is based on Boolean analysis and exploits different representations of $f$ such as its Fourier expansion. Via these constructions, we obtain constant-depth circuits for the quantum counterparts of read-only and read-write memory devices -- Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) and Quantum Random Access Gate (QRAG) -- of memory size $n$. The implementation based on one-hot encoding requires either $O(n\log{n}\log\log{n})$ ancillae and $O(n\log{n})$ Fan-Out gates or $O(n\log{n})$ ancillae and $6$ Global Tunable gates. On the other hand, the implementation based on Boolean analysis requires only $2$ Global Tunable gates at the expense of $O(n^2)$ ancillae.

  • Analysis and mitigation of residual exchange coupling in linear spin qubit arrays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Irina Heinz, Adam R. Mills, Jason R. Petta, Guido Burkard

    In recent advancements of quantum computing utilizing spin qubits, it has been demonstrated that this platform possesses the potential for implementing two-qubit gates with fidelities exceeding 99.5%. However, as with other qubit platforms, it is not feasible to completely turn qubit couplings off. This study aims to investigate the impact of coherent error matrices in gate set tomography by employing a double quantum dot. We evaluate the infidelity caused by residual exchange between spins and compare various mitigation approaches, including the use of adjusted timing through simple drives, considering different parameter settings in the presence of charge noise. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to larger arrays of exchange-coupled spin qubits to provide an estimation of the expected fidelity. In particular, we demonstrate the influence of residual exchange on a single-qubit $Y$ gate and the native two-qubit SWAP gate in a linear chain. Our findings emphasize the significance of accounting for residual exchange when scaling up spin qubit devices and highlight the tradeoff between the effects of charge noise and residual exchange in mitigation techniques.

  • Design and execution of quantum circuits using tens of superconducting qubits and thousands of gates for dense Ising optimization problems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Filip B. Maciejewski, Stuart Hadfield, Benjamin Hall, Mark Hodson, Maxime Dupont, Bram Evert, James Sud, M. Sohaib Alam, Zhihui Wang, Stephen Jeffrey, Bhuvanesh Sundar, P. Aaron Lott, Shon Grabbe, Eleanor G. Rieffel, Matthew J. Reagor, Davide Venturelli

    We develop a hardware-efficient ansatz for variational optimization, derived from existing ansatze in the literature, that parametrizes subsets of all interactions in the Cost Hamiltonian in each layer. We treat gate orderings as a variational parameter and observe that doing so can provide significant performance boosts in experiments. We carried out experimental runs of a compilation-optimized implementation of fully-connected Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Hamiltonians on a 50-qubit linear-chain subsystem of Rigetti Aspen-M-3 transmon processor. Our results indicate that, for the best circuit designs tested, the average performance at optimized angles and gate orderings increases with circuit depth (using more parameters), despite the presence of a high level of noise. We report performance significantly better than using a random guess oracle for circuits involving up to approx 5000 two-qubit and approx 5000 one-qubit native gates. We additionally discuss various takeaways of our results toward more effective utilization of current and future quantum processors for optimization.

  • Work statistics for Quantum Spin Chains: characterizing quantum phase transitions, benchmarking time evolution, and examining passivity of quantum states.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Feng-Li Lin, Ching-Yu Huang

    We study three aspects of work statistics in the context of the fluctuation theorem for the quantum spin chains by numerical methods based on matrix-product states. First, we elaborate that the work done on the spin-chain by a sudden quench can be used to characterize the quantum phase transitions (QPT). We further obtain the numerical results to demonstrate its capability of characterizing the QPT of both Landau-Ginzbrug types, such as the Ising chain, or topological types, such as the Haldane chain. Second, we propose to use the fluctuation theorem, such as Jarzynski's equality, which relates the real-time correlator to the ratio of the thermal partition functions, as a benchmark indicator for the numerical real-time evolving methods. Third, we study the passivity of ground and thermal states of quantum spin chains under some cyclic impulse processes. We show that the passivity of thermal states and ground states under the hermitian actions are ensured by the second laws and variational principles, respectively, and also verify it by numerical calculations. Besides, we also consider the passivity of ground states under non-hermitian actions, for which the variational principle cannot be applied. Despite that, we find no violation of passivity from our numerical results for all the cases considered in both Ising-like and Haldane-like chains.

  • Reducing defect production in random transverse-field Ising chains by inhomogeneous driving fields.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. Juhász, G. Roósz

    In transverse-field Ising models, disorder in the couplings gives rise to a drastic reduction of the critical energy gap and, accordingly, to an unfavorable, slower-than-algebraic scaling of the density of defects produced when the system is driven through its quantum critical point. By applying Kibble-Zurek theory and numerical calculations, we demonstrate in the one-dimensional model that the scaling of defect density with annealing time can be made algebraic by balancing the coupling disorder with suitably chosen inhomogeneous driving fields. Depending on the tail of the coupling distribution at zero, balancing can be either perfect, leading to the well-known inverse-square law of the homogeneous system, or partial, still resulting in an algebraic decrease but with a smaller, non-universal exponent. We also study defect production during an environment-temperature quench of the open variant of the model in which the system is slowly cooled down to its quantum critical point. According to our scaling and numerical results, balanced disorder leads again to an algebraic temporal decrease of the defect density.

  • Atomic excitation delocalization at the clean to disordered interface in a chirally-coupled atomic array.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    C.-C. Wu, K.-T. Lin, I G. N. Y. Handayana, C.-H. Chien, S. Goswami, G.-D. Lin, Y.-C. Chen, H. H. Jen

    In one-dimensional quantum emitter systems, the dynamics of atomic excitations are influenced by the collective coupling between emitters through photon-mediated dipole-dipole interactions. By introducing positional disorders in a portion of the atomic array, we investigate the delocalization phenomena at the interface between disordered zone and clean zone. The excitation is initialized as symmetric Dicke states in the disordered zone, and several measures are used to quantify the excitation localization. We first use population imbalance and half-chain entropy to investigate the excitation dynamics under time evolutions, and further investigate the crossover of excitation localization to delocalization via the gap ratio from the eigenspectrum in the reciprocal coupling case. In particular, we study the participation ratio of the whole chain and the photon loss ratio between both ends of the atomic chain, which can be used to quantify the delocalization crossover in the non-reciprocal coupling cases. Furthermore, by increasing the overall size or the ratio of the disordered zone under a fixed number of the whole chain, we observe that excitation localization occurs at a smaller disorder strength in the former case, while in the latter, a facilitation of the delocalization appears when a significant ratio of clean zone to disordered zone is applied. Our results can reveal the competition between the clean zone and the disordered zone sizes on localization phenomenon, give insights to non-equilibrium dynamics in the emitter-waveguide interface, and provide potential applications in quantum information processing.

  • Quantum dots as optimized chiral emitters for photonic integrated circuits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jakub Rosiński, Michał Gawełczyk, Karol Tarnowski, Paweł Karwat, Daniel Wigger, Paweł Machnikowski

    Chiral coupling, which allows directional interactions between quantum dots (QDs) and photonic crystal waveguide modes, holds promise for enhancing the functionality of quantum photonic integrated circuits. Elliptical polarizations of QD transitions offer a considerable enhancement in directionality. However, in epitaxial QD fabrication, the lack of precise control over lateral QD positions still poses a challenge in achieving efficient chiral interfaces. Here, we present a theoretical analysis in which we propose to optimize the polarization of a QD emitter against the spatially averaged directionality and demonstrate that the resulting emitter offers a considerable technological advantage in terms of the size and location of high-directionality areas of the waveguide as well as their overlap with the regions of large Purcell enhancement, thereby improving the scalability of the device. Moreover, using $\mathbf{\mathit{k}}\cdot\mathbf{\mathit{p}}$ modeling, we demonstrate that the optimal elliptical polarization can be achieved for neutral exciton transitions in a realistic QD structure. Our results present a viable path for efficient chiral coupling in QD-based photonic integrated circuits, to a large extent overcoming the challenges and limitations of the present manufacturing technology.

  • Alternative Characterization of Entanglers and Some Applications.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Isaac Dobes, Naihuan Jing

    In this paper we provide an alternative characterization of entanglers, which are unitary matries that transform local qubit gates into special orthogonal matrices via the adjoint action. Our alternative characterization invovles a property which we refer to as the "reverse dot product identity," which we show has various applications. In particular, we use the reverse dot product identity to prove that the change of basis matrix from the computational basis to the Bell gems (a proposed generaliztion of the Bell basis), are entanglers, and we also reveal a close connection between the reverse dot product identity to the $n$-tangle and use this to provide sufficient conditions for when a mixed state is spin-invariant.

  • A Practical Multi-Protocol Collaborative QKD Networking Scheme.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jia-Meng Yao, Qiong Li, Hao-Kun Mao, Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif

    With the advancement of quantum computing, the security of public key cryptography is under serious threat. To guarantee security in the quantum era, Quantum Key Distribution has become a competitive solution. QKD networks can be classified into measurement-device-dependent network and measurement-device-independent network. In measurement-device-dependent networks, the information is available for all trusted relays. This means that all trusted relays are strongly trusted relays that require strict control, which is difficult to realize. To address this issue, measurement-device-independent networks reduce the proportion of strongly trusted relay nodes by introducing untrusted relays. However, due to the higher key rate of measurement-device-dependent protocols over short distances, the communication capability of measurement-device-independent networks has a degradation compared to measurement-device-dependent networks. Therefore, how to reduce the dependence of QKD networks on strong trusted relays without significantly affecting the communication capability has become a major issue in the practicalization process of QKD networks. To address this issue, a novel Multi-Protocol Collaborative networking cell is proposed in this paper. The QKD network built by the MPC networking cell reduces the dependence on strongly trusted relays by combining the two protocols to introduce weak trusted relays while maintaining the high communication capacity. What's more, to further enhance the overall performance of the QKD network, an optimal topology design method is presented via the proposed flow-based mathematical model and optimization method. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme reduces the dependence on strongly trusted relays without a significant reduction in communication capability, our work holds great significance in promoting the practicalization of QKD networks.

  • Error Correcting States in Ultracold Atoms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Harry C. P. Kendell, Giacomo Ferranti, Carrie A. Weidner

    We demonstrate a method for encoding Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) error-correcting qubits with single ultracold atoms trapped in individual sites of a deep optical lattice. Using quantum optimal control protocols, we demonstrate the generation of GKP qubit states with 10 dB squeezing, which is the current minimum allowable squeezing level for use in surface code error correction. States are encoded in the vibrational levels of the individual lattice sites and generated via phase modulation of the lattice potential. Finally, we provide a feasible experimental protocol for the realization of these states. Our protocol opens up possibilities for generating large arrays of atomic GKP states for continuous-variable quantum information.

  • Hubbard physics with Rydberg atoms: using a quantum spin simulator to simulate strong fermionic correlations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Antoine Michel, Loïc Henriet, Christophe Domain, Antoine Browaeys, Thomas Ayral

    We propose a hybrid quantum-classical method to investigate the equilibrium physics and the dynamics of strongly correlated fermionic models with spin-based quantum processors. Our proposal avoids the usual pitfalls of fermion-to-spin mappings thanks to a slave-spin method which allows to approximate the original Hamiltonian into a sum of self-correlated free-fermions and spin Hamiltonians. Taking as an example a Rydberg-based analog quantum processor to solve the interacting spin model, we avoid the challenges of variational algorithms or Trotterization methods. We explore the robustness of the method to experimental imperfections by applying it to the half-filled, single-orbital Hubbard model on the square lattice in and out of equilibrium. We show, through realistic numerical simulations of current Rydberg processors, that the method yields quantitatively viable results even in the presence of imperfections: it allows to gain insights into equilibrium Mott physics as well as the dynamics under interaction quenches. This method thus paves the way to the investigation of physical regimes -- whether out-of-equilibrium, doped, or multiorbital -- that are difficult to explore with classical processors.


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