CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2023-12-19 11:30 to 2023-12-22 12:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


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  • Building models of the Universe with hydrodynamic simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Edoardo Altamura

    Hydrodynamic simulations have become irreplaceable in modern cosmology for exploring complex systems and making predictions to steer future observations. In Chapter 1, we begin with a philosophical discussion on the role of simulations in science. We argue that simulations can bridge the gap between empirical and fundamental knowledge. The validation of simulations stresses the importance of achieving a balance between trustworthiness and scepticism. Next, Chapter 2 introduces the formation of structures and comparisons between synthetic and observational data. Chapter 3 describes the production pipeline of zoom-in simulations used to model individual objects and novel methods to mitigate known shortcomings. Then, we assessed the weak scaling of the SWIFT code and found it to be one of the hydrodynamic codes with the highest parallel efficiency. In Chapter 4, we study the rotational kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (rkSZ) effect for high-mass galaxy clusters from the MACSIS simulations. We find a maximum signal greater than 100 $\mu$K, 30 times stronger than early predictions from self-similar models, opening prospects for future detection. In Chapter 5, we address a tension between the distribution of entropy measured from observations and predicted by simulations of groups and clusters of galaxies. We find that most recent hydrodynamic simulations systematically over-predict the entropy profiles by up to one order of magnitude, leading to profiles that are shallower and higher than the power-law-like entropy profiles that have been observed. We discuss the dependence on different hydrodynamic and sub-grid parameters using variations of the EAGLE model. Chapter 6 explores the evolution of the profiles as a function of cosmic time. We report power-law-like entropy profiles at high redshift for both objects. However, at late times, an entropy plateau develops and alters the shape of the profile.

  • Physical Signatures of Fermion-Coupled Axion Dark Matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Asher Berlin, Alexander J. Millar, Tanner Trickle, Kevin Zhou

    In the presence of axion dark matter, fermion spins experience an "axion wind" torque and an "axioelectric" force. We investigate new experimental probes of these effects and find that magnetized analogs of multilayer dielectric haloscopes can explore orders of magnitude of new parameter space for the axion-electron coupling. We also revisit the calculation of axion absorption into in-medium excitations, showing that axioelectric absorption is screened in spin-polarized targets, and axion wind absorption can be characterized in terms of a magnetic energy loss function. Finally, our detailed theoretical treatment allows us to critically examine recent claims in the literature. We find that axioelectric corrections to electronic energy levels are smaller than previously estimated and that the purported electron electric dipole moment due to a constant axion field is entirely spurious.

  • JWST's PEARLS: 119 multiply imaged galaxies behind MACS0416, lensing properties of caustic crossing galaxies, and the relation between halo mass and number of globular clusters at $z=0.4$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jose M. Diego, Nathan J. Adams, Steven Willner, Tom Harvey, Tom Broadhurst, Seth H. Cohen, Rolf A. Jansen, Jake Summers, Rogier A. Windhorst, Jordan C. J. D'Silva, Anton M. Koekemoer, Dan Coe, Christopher J. Conselice, Simon P. Driver, Brenda Frye, Norman A. Grogin, Madeline A. Marshall, Mario Nonino, Rafael Ortiz III, Nor Pirzkal, Aaron Robotham, Russell E. Ryan, Jr., Christopher N. A. Willmer, Haojing Yan, Fengwu Sun, Kevin Hainline, Jessica Berkheimer, Maria del Carmen Polletta, Adi Zitrin

    We present a new lens model for the $z=0.396$ galaxy cluster MACS J0416.1$-$2403 based on a previously known set of 77 spectroscopically confirmed, multiply imaged galaxies plus an additional set of 42 candidate multiply imaged galaxies from past HST and new JWST data. The new galaxies lack spectroscopic redshifts but have geometric and/or photometric redshift estimates that are presented here. The new model predicts magnifications and time delays for all multiple images. The full set of constraints totals 343, constituting the largest sample of multiple images lensed by a single cluster to date. Caustic-crossing galaxies lensed by this cluster are especially interesting. Some of these galaxies show transient events, most of which are interpreted as micro-lensing of stars at cosmological distances. These caustic-crossing arcs are expected to show similar events in future, deeper JWST observations. We provide time delay and magnification models for all these arcs. The time delays and the magnifications for different arcs are generally anti-correlated, as expected from $N$-body simulations. In the major sub-halos of the cluster, the dark-matter mass from our lens model correlates well with the observed number of globular clusters. This confirms earlier results, derived at lower redshifts, which suggest that globular clusters can be used as powerful mass proxies for the halo masses when lensing constraints are scarce or not available.

  • Inhomogeneous Energy Injection in the 21-cm Power Spectrum: Sensitivity to Dark Matter Decay.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yitian Sun, Joshua W. Foster, Hongwan Liu, Julian B. Muñoz, Tracy R. Slatyer

    The 21-cm signal provides a novel avenue to measure the thermal state of the universe during cosmic dawn and reionization (redshifts $z\sim 5-30$), and thus to probe energy injection from decaying or annihilating dark matter (DM). These DM processes are inherently inhomogeneous: both decay and annihilation are density dependent, and furthermore the fraction of injected energy that is deposited at each point depends on the gas ionization and density, leading to further anisotropies in absorption and propagation. In this work, we develop a new framework for modeling the impact of spatially inhomogeneous energy injection and deposition during cosmic dawn, accounting for ionization and baryon density dependence, as well as the attenuation of propagating photons. We showcase how this first completely inhomogeneous treatment affects the predicted 21-cm power spectrum in the presence of exotic sources of energy injection, and forecast the constraints that upcoming HERA measurements of the 21-cm power spectrum will set on DM decays to photons and to electron/positron pairs. These projected constraints considerably surpass those derived from CMB and Lyman-$\alpha$ measurements, and for decays to electron/positron pairs they exceed all existing constraints in the sub-GeV mass range, reaching lifetimes of $\sim 10^{28}\,\mathrm{s}$. Our analysis demonstrates the unprecedented sensitivity of 21-cm cosmology to exotic sources of energy injection during the cosmic dark ages. Our code, $\mathtt{DM21cm}$, includes all these effects and is publicly available in an accompanying release.

  • A Study of Systematics on the Cosmological Inference of the Hubble Constant from Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Grégoire Pierra, Simone Mastrogiovanni, Stéphane Perriès, Michela Mapelli

    Gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences (CBCs) can constrain the cosmic expansion of the universe. In the absence of an associated electromagnetic counterpart, the spectral sirens method exploits the relation between the detector frame and the source frame masses to jointly infer the parameters of the mass distribution of black holes (BH) and the cosmic expansion parameter $H_0$. This technique relies on the choice of the parametrization for the source mass population of BHs observed in binary black holes merger (BBHs). Using astrophysically motivated BBH populations, we study the possible systematic effects affecting the inferred value for $H_0$ when using heuristic mass models like a broken power law, a power law plus peak and a multi-peak distributions. We find that with 2000 detected GW mergers, the resulting $H_0$ obtained with a spectral sirens analysis can be biased up to $3\sigma$. The main sources of this bias come from the failure of the heuristic mass models used so far to account for a possible redshift evolution of the mass distribution and from their inability to model unexpected mass features. We conclude that future dark siren GW cosmology analyses should make use of source mass models able to account for redshift evolution and capable to adjust to unforeseen mass features.

  • Tidal Disruption Events and Dark Matter Scatterings with Neutrinos and Photons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Motoko Fujiwara, Gonzalo Herrera

    Stars can be tidally disrupted when passing near a black hole, and the debris can induce a flux of high-energy neutrinos. It has been discussed that there are hints in IceCube data of high-energy neutrinos produced in Tidal Disruption Events. The emitting region of neutrinos and photons in these astrophysical events is likely to be located in the vicinity of the central black hole, where the dark matter density might be significantly larger than in the outer regions of the galaxy. We explore the potential attenuation of the emitted neutrino and photon fluxes due to interactions with dark matter particles around the supermassive black hole of the host galaxies of AT2019dsg, AT2019fdr and AT2019aalc, and study the implications for some well-motivated models of dark matter-neutrino and dark matter-photon interactions. Furthermore, we discuss the complementarity of our constraints with values of the dark matter-neutrino scattering cross section proven to alleviate some cosmological tensions.

  • Forecasting the constraints on optical selection bias and projection effects of galaxy cluster lensing with multiwavelength data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Conghao Zhou, Hao-Yi Wu, Andrés N. Salcedo, Sebastian Grandis, Tesla Jeltema, Alexie Leauthaud, Matteo Costanzi, Tomomi Sunayama, David H. Weinberg, Tianyu Zhang, Eduardo Rozo, Chun-Hao To, Sebastian Bocquet, Tamas Varga, Matthew Kwiecien

    Galaxy clusters identified with optical imaging tend to suffer from projection effects, which impact richness (the number of member galaxies in a cluster) and lensing coherently. Physically unassociated galaxies can be mistaken as cluster members due to the significant uncertainties in their line-of-sight distances, thereby changing the observed cluster richness; at the same time, projection effects alter the weak gravitational lensing signals of clusters, leading to a correlated scatter between richness and lensing at a given halo mass. As a result, the lensing signals for optically selected clusters tend to be biased high. This optical selection bias problem of cluster lensing is one of the key challenges in cluster cosmology. Fortunately, recently available multiwavelength observations of clusters provide a solution. We analyze a simulated data set mimicking the observed lensing of clusters identified by both optical photometry and gas properties, aiming to constrain this selection bias. Assuming a redMaPPer sample from the Dark Energy Survey with South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect observations, we find that an overlapping survey of 1300 square deg, 0.2 < z < 0.65, can constrain the average lensing bias to an accuracy of 5 percent. This provides an exciting opportunity for directly constraining optical selection bias from observations. We further show that our approach can remove the optical selection bias from the lensing signal, paving the way for future optical cluster cosmology analyses.

  • Towards supermassive primordial black holes from inflationary bubbles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hai-Long Huang, Yun-Song Piao

    The bubbles that nucleated during slow-roll inflation can be supercritical, i.e. their radii are larger than the Hubble horizon of de Sitter spacetime inside the bubble (an inflating baby universe inside it), and thus naturally develop to the supermassive primordial black holes (SMPBHs) with a multi-peaks mass function. In this paper, we further investigate relevant phenomenology. After slow-roll inflation ended, the bubbles may be not only supercritical, but also subcritical. It is showed that it seems unlikely for the subcritical bubbles to collapse to SMPBHs. Theoretically, however, before they collapsed such bubbles might have a probability of up-tunnelling to the supercritical ones and thus contribute to SMPBHs. We present a mechanism for the origin of initial clustering of SMPBHs, which can significantly magnify the merger rate of SMPBH binaries, and show the possibility that the merging of such SMPBH binaries explains recent NANOGrav signal.

  • The impact of an evolving stellar initial mass function on early galaxies and reionisation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Elie Rasmussen Cueto, Anne Hutter, Pratika Dayal, Stefan Gottlöber, Kasper E. Heintz, Charlotte Mason, Maxime Trebitsch, Gustavo Yepes

    Observations with JWST have revealed an unexpected high abundance of bright z>10 galaxy candidates. We explore whether a stellar initial mass function (IMF) that becomes increasingly top-heavy towards higher redshifts and lower gas-phase metallicities results in a higher abundance of bright objects in the early universe and how it affects the evolution of galaxy properties compared to a constant IMF. We incorporate such an evolving IMF into the Astraeus framework that couples galaxy evolution and reionisation in the first billion years. Our implementation accounts for the IMF dependence of supernova feedback, metal enrichment, ionising and ultraviolet radiation emission. We conduct two simulations: one with a Salpeter IMF and one with the evolving IMF. Compared to a constant Salpeter IMF, we find that (i) the higher abundance of massive stars in the evolving IMF results in more light per unit stellar mass, a slower build-up of stellar mass and lower stellar-to-halo mass ratio; (ii) due to the self-similar growth of the underlying dark matter halos, the evolving IMF's star formation main sequence hardly deviates from that of the Salpeter IMF; (iii) the evolving IMF's stellar mass-metallicity relation shifts to higher metallicities while its halo mass-metallicity relation remains unchanged; (iv) the evolving IMF's median dust-to-metal mass ratio is lower due to its stronger SN feedback; (v) the evolving IMF requires lower values of the escape fraction of ionising photons and exhibits a flatter median relation and smaller scatter between the ionising photons emerging from galaxies and the halo mass. Yet, the topology of the ionised regions hardly changes compared to the Salpeter IMF. These results suggest that a top-heavier IMF alone is unlikely to explain the higher abundance of bright z>10 sources, since the lower mass-to-light ratio is counteracted by the stronger stellar feedback.

  • Primordial Black Hole Sterile Neutrinogenesis: Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter Production Independent of Couplings.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Muping Chen, Graciela B. Gelmini, Philip Lu, Volodymyr Takhistov

    Sterile neutrinos ($\nu_s$s) are well-motivated and actively searched for hypothetical neutral particles that would mix with the Standard Model active neutrinos. They are considered prime warm dark matter (DM) candidates, typically when their mass is in the keV range, although they can also be hot or cold DM components. We discuss in detail the characteristics and phenomenology of $\nu_s$s that minimally couple only to active neutrinos and are produced in the evaporation of early Universe primordial black holes (PBHs), a process we called ``PBH sterile neutrinogenesis". Contrary to the previously studied $\nu_s$ production mechanisms, this novel mechanism does not depend on the active-sterile mixing. The resulting $\nu_s$s have a distinctive spectrum and are produced with larger energies than in typical scenarios. This characteristic enables $\nu_s$s to be WDM in the unusual $0.3$ MeV to $0.3$ TeV mass range, if PBHs do not matter-dominate the Universe before evaporating. When PBHs matter-dominate before evaporating, the possible coincidence of induced gravitational waves associated with PBH evaporation and astrophysical X-ray observations from $\nu_s$ decays constitutes a distinct signature of our scenario. constitutes a distinct signature of our scenario.

  • The miniJPAS survey: Optical detection of galaxy clusters with PZWav.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. Doubrawa, E. S. Cypriano, A. Finoguenov, P. A. A. Lopes, A. H. Gonzalez, M. Maturi, R. A. Dupke, R. M. González Delgado, R. Abramo, N. Benitez, S. Bonoli, S. Carneiro, J. Cenarro, D. Cristóbal-Hornillos, A. Ederoclite, A. Hernán-Caballero, C. López-Sanjuan, A. Marín-Franch, C. Mendes de Oliveira, M. Moles, L. Sodré Jr., K. Taylor, J. Varela, H. Vázquez Ramió

    Galaxy clusters are an essential tool to understand and constrain the cosmological parameters of our Universe. Thanks to its multi-band design, J-PAS offers a unique group and cluster detection window using precise photometric redshifts and sufficient depths. We produce galaxy cluster catalogues from the miniJPAS, which is a pathfinder survey for the wider J-PAS survey, using the PZWav algorithm. Relying only on photometric information, we provide optical mass tracers for the identified clusters, including richness, optical luminosity, and stellar mass. By reanalysing the Chandra mosaic of the AEGIS field, alongside the overlapping XMM-Newton observations, we produce an X-ray catalogue. The analysis reveals the possible presence of structures with masses of 4$\times 10^{13}$ M$_\odot$ at redshift 0.75, highlighting the depth of the survey. Comparing results with those from two other cluster catalogues, provided by AMICO and VT, we find $43$ common clusters with cluster centre offsets of 100$\pm$60 kpc and redshift differences below 0.001. We provide a comparison of the cluster catalogues with a catalogue of massive galaxies and report on the significance of cluster selection. In general, we are able to recover approximately 75$\%$ of the galaxies with $M^{\star} >$2$\times 10^{11}$ M$_\odot$. This study emphasises the potential of the J-PAS survey and the employed techniques down to the group scales.

  • Forecast cosmological constraints from the number counts of Gravitational Waves events.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giovanni Antinozzi, Matteo Martinelli, Roberto Maoli

    We present a forecast for the upcoming Einstein Telescope (ET) interferometer with two new methods to infer cosmological parameters. We consider the emission of Gravitational Waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences, whose electromagnetic counterpart is missing, namely Dark Sirens events. Most of the methods used to infer cosmological information from GW observations rely on the availability of a redshift measurement, usually obtained with the help of external data, such as galaxy catalogues used to identify the most likely galaxy to host the emission of the observed GWs. Instead, our approach is based only on the GW survey itself and exploits the information on the distance of the GW rather than on its redshift. Since a large dataset spanning the whole distance interval is expected to fully represent the distribution, we applied our methods to the expected ET's far-reaching measuring capabilities. We simulate a dataset of observations with ET using the package $\texttt{darksirens}$, assuming an underlying $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, and including the possibility to choose between three possible Star Formation Rate density (SFR) models, also accounting for possible population III stars (PopIII). We test two independent statistical methods: one based on a likelihood approach on the theoretical expectation of observed events, and another applying the $\textit{cut-and-count method}$, a simpler method to compare the observed number of events with the predicted counts. Both methods are consistent in their final results, and also show the potential to distinguish an incorrect SFR model from the data, but not the presence of a possible PopIII. Concerning the cosmological parameters, we find instead that ET observations by themselves would suffer from strong degeneracies, but have the potential to significantly contribute to parameter estimation if used in synergy with other surveys.

  • Harmonic analysis of discrete tracers of large-scale structure.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Antón Baleato Lizancos, Martin White

    It is commonplace in cosmology to analyze fields projected onto the celestial sphere, and in particular density fields that are defined by a set of points e.g. galaxies. When performing an harmonic-space analysis of such data (e.g. an angular power spectrum) using a pixelized map one has to deal with aliasing of small-scale power and pixel window functions. We compare and contrast the approaches to this problem taken in the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure communities, and advocate for a direct approach that avoids pixelization. We describe a method for performing a pseudo-spectrum analysis of a galaxy data set and show that it can be implemented efficiently using well-known algorithms for special functions that are suited to acceleration by graphics processing units (GPUs). The method returns the same spectra as the more traditional map-based approach if in the latter the number of pixels is taken to be sufficiently large and the mask is well sampled. The method is readily generalizable to cross-spectra and higher-order functions. It also provides a convenient route for distributing the information in a galaxy catalog directly in harmonic space, as a complement to releasing the configuration-space positions and weights. We make public a code enabling the application of our method to existing and upcoming datasets.

  • Is natural inflation in agreement with CMB data?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    F. B. M. dos Santos, G. Rodrigues, J. G. Rodrigues, R. de Souza, J. S. Alcaniz

    Natural inflation is a well-motivated model for the early universe in which an inflaton potential of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone form, $V(\phi) = \Lambda^4[1 + \cos{(\phi/f)}]$, can naturally drive a cosmic accelerated epoch. This paper investigates the observational viability of the minimally and non-minimally coupled natural inflation scenarios in light of current Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations. We find that a small and negative coupling of the field with gravity can alleviate the well-known observational discrepancies of the minimally coupled model. We perform a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis of the Planck 2018 CMB and BICEP/Keck Array B-mode polarization data to estimate how strong the coupling $\xi$ should be to achieve concordance with data. We also briefly discuss the impact of these results on the physical interpretation of the natural inflation scenario.

  • Celestial Objects as Dark Matter Colliders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thong T. Q. Nguyen

    In the vicinity of the Milky Way Galactic Center, celestial bodies, including neutron stars, reside within a dense dark matter environment. This study explores the accumulation of dark matter by neutron stars through dark matter-nucleon interactions, leading to increased internal dark matter density. Consequently, dark matter annihilation produces long-lived mediators that escape and decay into neutrinos. Leveraging experimental limits from IceCube, ANTARES, and future projections from ARIA, we establish constraints on the dark matter-nucleon cross section within a simplified dark $U(1)_{X}$ mediator model. This approach, applicable to various celestial objects and dark matter models, offers insights into the intricate interplay between dark matter and neutron stars near the Galactic Center.

  • Self Interacting Dark Matter and Dirac neutrinos via Lepton Quarticity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Satyabrata Mahapatra, Sujit Kumar Sahoo, Narendra Sahu, Vicky Singh Thounaojam

    In this paper, we put forward a connection between the self-interacting dark matter and the Dirac nature of neutrinos. Our exploration involves a $Z_4 \otimes Z_4'$ discrete symmetry, wherein the Dirac neutrino mass is produced through a type-I seesaw mechanism. This symmetry not only contributes to the generation of the Dirac neutrino mass but also facilitates the realization of self-interacting dark matter with a light mediator that can alleviate small-scale anomalies of the $\Lambda {\rm CDM}$ while being consistent with the latter at large scales, as suggested by astrophysical observations. Thus the stability of the DM and Dirac nature of neutrinos are shown to stem from the same underlying symmetry. The model also features additional relativistic degrees of freedom $\Delta N_{\rm eff}$ of either thermal or non-thermal origin, within the reach of cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment providing a complementary probe in addition to the detection prospects of DM.

  • Constraints on cosmological coupling from the accretion history of supermassive black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mark Lacy, Athena Engholm, Duncan Farrah, Kiana Ejercito, (2) Department of Physics and Astronomy and Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Manoa)

    Coupling of black hole mass to the cosmic expansion has been suggested as a possible path to understanding the dark energy content of the Universe. We test this hypothesis by comparing the supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass density at $z=0$ to the total mass accreted in AGN since $z=6$, to constrain how much of the SMBH mass density can arise from cosmologically-coupled growth, as opposed to growth by accretion. Using an estimate of the local SMBH mass density of $\approx 1.0\times10^{6}\,$M$_{\odot}\,$Mpc$^{-1}$, a radiative accretion efficiency, $\eta$: $0.05<\eta<0.3$, and the observed AGN luminosity density at $z\approx 4$, we constrain the value of the coupling constant between the scale size of the Universe and the black hole mass, $k$, to lie in the range $0<k\stackrel{<}{_{\sim}}2$, below the value of $k=3$ needed for black holes to be the source term for dark energy. Initial estimates of the gravitational wave background using pulsar timing arrays, however, favor a higher SMBH mass density at $z=0$. We show that if we adopt such a mass density at $z=0$ of $\approx 7.4\times 10^{6}\,$M$_{\odot}\,$Mpc$^{-1}$, this makes $k=3$ viable even for low radiative efficiencies, and may exclude non-zero cosmological coupling. We conclude that, although current estimates of the SMBH mass density based on the black hole mass -- bulge mass relation probably exclude $k=3$, the possibility remains open that, if the GWB is due to SMBH mergers, $k>2$ is preferred.

  • Anti-de Sitter $\to$ de Sitter transition driven by Casimir forces and mitigating tensions in cosmological parameters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luis A. Anchordoqui, Ignatios Antoniadis, Dieter Lust

    Over the last few years, low- and high-redshift observations set off tensions in the measurement of the present-day expansion rate $H_0$ and in the determination of the amplitude of the matter clustering in the late Universe (parameterized by $S_8$). It was recently noted that both these tensions can be resolved if the cosmological constant parametrizing the dark energy content switches its sign at a critical redshift $z_c \sim 2$. However, the anti-de Sitter (AdS) swampland conjecture suggests that the postulated switch in sign of the cosmological constant at zero temperature seems unlikely because the AdS vacua are an infinite distance appart from de Sitter (dS) vacua in moduli space. We provide an explanation for the required AdS $\to$ dS crossover transition in the vacuum energy using the Casimir forces of fields inhabiting the bulk. We then use entropy arguments to claim that any AdS $\to$ dS transition between metastable vacua must be accompanied by a reduction of the species scale where gravity becomes strong. We provide a few examples supporting this AdS $\to$ dS uplift conjecture.

  • PNG-UNITsims: the response of halo clustering to Primodial Non-Gaussianities as a function of mass.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adrian G. Adame, Santiago Avila, Violeta Gonzalez-Perez, Gustavo Yepes, Marcos Pellejero, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Yu Feng, Juan Garcia-Bellido, Alexander Knebe, Mike S. Wang

    We present the largest full N-body simulation to date with local primordial non-Gaussianities (L-PNG), the \textsc{PNG-UNITsim}. It tracks the evolution of $4096^3$ particles within a periodic box with $L_{\rm box} = 1 \; h^{-1}\,{\rm Gpc}$, leading to a mass resolution of $m_{p} = 1.24\times 10^{9}\; h^{-1}\,M_\odot$. This is enough to resolve galaxies targeted by stage-IV spectroscopic surveys. The \textsc{PNG-UNIT} has \textit{Fixed} initial conditions whose phases are also \textit{Matched} to the pre-existing \textsc{UNIT} simulation. These two features in the simulations reduce our uncertainty significantly so we use 100 \textsc{FastPM} mocks to estimate this reduction. The amplitude of the non-Gaussianities used to set the initial conditions of this new simulation is $f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local} = 100$. In this first study, we use mass selected dark matter haloes from the \textsc{PNG-UNIT} simulation to constrain the local PNG parameters. PNG induce a scale dependent bias, parameterised through \bp or $p$, which might depend on the type of cosmological tracer. Those cases when $p=1$ are referred to as the {\it universality relation}. We measure $p$ as a function of the halo mass. Haloes with masses between $1\times 10^{12}$ and $2\times 10^{13} \, h^{-1} M_\odot$ are well described by the {\it universality relation}. For haloes with masses between $2\times 10^{10}$ and $1\times 10^{12} \, h^{-1} M_\odot$ we find that $p<1$ at $3\sigma$. Combining all the mass bins, we find $p$ consistent with a value of $0.955\pm0.013$, which is $3\sigma$ away from \textit{universality}, as low mass haloes are more numerous. We also study the effect of using priors on $p$ when constraining $f_{\rm NL}$. Using the values we obtain for $b_\phi$ as priors, we forecast that a DESI-like (stage-IV) survey will be able to constrain $f_{\rm NL}$ better than if the universality relation is assumed.

  • The Hubble tension as a window on the gravitation of the dark matter sector: exploration of a family of models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jean-Philippe Uzan, Cyril Pitrou

    A family of simple and minimal extensions of the standard cosmological $\Lambda$CDM model in which dark matter experiences an additional long-range scalar interaction is demonstrated to alleviate the long lasting Hubble-tension while letting primordial nucleosynthesis predictions unaffected and passing by construction all current local tests of general relativity. This article describes their theoretical formulation and their implications for dark matter. Then, it investigates their cosmological signatures, both at the background and perturbation levels. A detailed comparison to astrophysical data is performed to discuss their ability to fit existing data. A thorough discussion of the complementarity of the low- and high-redshift data and on their constraining power highlights how these models improve the predictions of the $\Lambda$CDM model whatever the combination of datasets used and why they can potentially resolve the Hubble tension. Being fully predictive in any environment, they pave the way to a better understanding of gravity in the dark matter sector.

  • Loop corrections in the separate universe picture.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Laura Iacconi, David Mulryne, David Seery

    In inflationary models that produce a spike of power on short scales, back-reaction of small-scale substructure onto large-scale modes is enhanced. We argue that the separate universe framework provides a highly convenient tool to compute loop corrections that quantify this back-reaction. Each loop of interest is characterized by large hierarchies in wavenumber and horizon exit time. The separate universe framework highlights important factorizations involving these hierarchies. We interpret each loop correction in terms of a simple, classical, back-reaction model, and clarify the meaning of the different volume scalings that have been reported in the literature. We argue that significant back-reaction requires both short-scale nonlinearities and long-short couplings that modulate the short-scale power spectrum. In the absence of long-short couplings, only incoherent shot noise-like effects are present, which are volume-suppressed. Dropping the shot noise, back-reaction from a particular scale is controlled by a product of $f_{NL}$-like parameters: an equilateral configuration measuring the nonlinearity of the short-scale modes, and a squeezed configuration measuring the long-short coupling. These may carry important scale dependence controlling the behaviour of the loop in the decoupling limit where the hierarchy of scales becomes large. In single-field models the long-short coupling may be suppressed by this hierarchy, in which case the net back-reaction would be safely suppressed. We illustrate our framework using explicit computations in a 3-phase ultra-slow-roll scenario. Finally, we discuss different choices for the smoothing scale used in the separate universe framework and argue the effect can be absorbed into a renormalization of local operators.

  • Velocity reconstruction in the era of DESI and Rubin (part II): Realistic samples on the light cone.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Boryana Hadzhiyska, Simone Ferraro, Bernardita Ried Guachalla, Emmanuel Schaan

    Reconstructing the galaxy peculiar velocity field from the distribution of large-scale structure plays an important role in cosmology. On one hand, it gives us an insight into structure formation and gravity; on the other, it allows us to selectively extract the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (kSZ) effect from cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps. In this work, we employ high-accuracy synthetic galaxy catalogs on the light cone to investigate how well we can recover the velocity field when utilizing the three-dimensional spatial distribution of the galaxies in a modern large-scale structure experiment such as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and Rubin Observatory (LSST). In particular, we adopt the standard technique used in baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) analysis for reconstructing the Zeldovich displacements of galaxies through the continuity equation, which yields a first-order approximation to their large-scale velocities. We investigate variations in the number density, bias, mask, area, redshift noise, and survey depth, and smoothing. Since our main goal is to provide guidance for planned kSZ analysis between DESI and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), we apply velocity reconstruction to a faithful representation of DESI spectroscopic and photometric targets. We report the cross-correlation coefficient between the reconstructed and the true velocities along the line of sight. For the DESI Y1 spectroscopic survey, we expect the correlation coefficient to be $r \approx 0.64$, while for a photometric survey with $\sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.02$, as is approximately the case for the Legacy Survey used in the target selection of DESI galaxies, $r$ shrinks by half to $r \approx 0.31$. We hope the results in this paper can be used to inform future kSZ stacking studies. All scripts used in this paper can be found here: \url{}.

  • Velocity reconstruction in the era of DESI and Rubin (part I): Exploring spectroscopic, photometric & hybrid samples.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bernardita Ried Guachalla, Emmanuel Schaan, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Simone Ferraro

    Peculiar velocities of galaxies and halos can be reconstructed from their spatial distribution alone. This technique is analogous to the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) reconstruction, using the continuity equation to connect density and velocity fields. The resulting reconstructed velocities can be used to measure imprints of galaxy velocities on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) like the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect or the moving lens effect. As the precision of these measurements increases, characterizing the performance of the velocity reconstruction becomes crucial to allow unbiased and statistically optimal inference. In this paper, we quantify the relevant performance metrics: the variance of the reconstructed velocities and their correlation coefficient with the true velocities. We show that the relevant velocities to reconstruct for kSZ and moving lens are actually the halo -- rather than galaxy -- velocities. We quantify the impact of redshift-space distortions, photometric redshift errors, satellite galaxy fraction, incorrect cosmological parameter assumptions and smoothing scale on the reconstruction performance. We also investigate hybrid reconstruction methods, where velocities inferred from spectroscopic samples are evaluated at the positions of denser photometric samples. We find that using exclusively the photometric sample is better than performing a hybrid analysis. The 2 Gpc$/h$ length simulations from AbacusSummit with realistic galaxy samples for DESI and Rubin LSST allow us to perform this analysis in a controlled setting. In the companion paper Hadzhiyska et al. 2023, we further include the effects of evolution along the light cone and give realistic performance estimates for DESI luminous red galaxies (LRGs), emission line galaxies (ELGs), and Rubin LSST-like samples.

  • A Malmquist-like bias in the inferred areas of diamond caustics and consequences for inferred time delays of gravitationally lensed quasars.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Derek Baldwin, Paul L. Schechter

    Quasars are quadruply lensed only when they lie within the diamond caustic of a lensing galaxy. This precondition produces a Malmquist-like selection effect in observed populations of quadruply lensed quasars, overestimating the true caustic area. The bias toward high values of the inferred logarithmic area, $\ln A_{inf}$, is proportional to the square of the error in that area, $\sigma^2_{\ln{A}}$. In effect, Malmquist's correction compensates post-hoc for a failure to incorporate a prior into parameter optimization. Inferred time delays are proportional to the square root of the inferred caustic area of the lensing galaxy. Model time delays are biased long, leading to overestimates of the Hubble constant. Crude estimates of $\sigma_{\ln A}$ for a sample of 13 quadruple systems give a median value of 0.16. We identify a second effect, "inferred magnification bias,'' resulting from the combination of selection by apparent magnitude and errors in model magnification. It is strongly anti-correlated with caustic area bias, and almost always leads to underestimates of the Hubble constant. Malmquist's scheme can be adapted to priors on multiple parameters, but for quad lenses, the negative covariances between caustic area and absolute magnitude are poorly known. Inferred magnification bias may even cancel out caustic area bias, depending upon (among other things) the slope of the number magnitude relation for the sample. Proper correction for these combined effects can, in principle, be built into Bayesian modeling schemes as priors, eliminating the need for Malmquist-style approximation, but is likely to be challenging in practice.

  • Imprints of ultralight axions on the gravitational wave and pulsar timing measurement.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ning Xie, Fa Peng Huang

    The axion or axion-like particle motivated from a natural solution of strong CP problem or string theory is a promising dark matter candidate. We study the new observational effects of ultralight axion-like particles by the space-borne gravitational wave detector and the radio telescope. Taking the neutron star-black hole binary as an example, we demonstrate that the gravitational waveform could be obviously modified by the slow depletion of the axion cloud around the black hole formed through the superradiance process. We compare these new effects on the binary with the well-studied effects from dynamical friction with dark matter and dipole radiation in model-independent ways. Finally, we discuss the constraints from LIGO/Virgo and study the detectability of the ultralight axion particles at LISA and TianQin.

  • A Sample of Dust Attenuation Laws for DES Supernova Host Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J. Duarte, S. González-Gaitán, A. Mourao, A. Paulino-Afonso, P. Guilherme-Garcia, J. Aguas, L. Galbany, L. Kelsey, D. Scolnic, M. Sullivan, D. Brout, A. Palmese, P. Wiseman, A. Pieres, A. A. Plazas Malagón, A. Carnero Rosell, C. To, D. Gruen, D. Bacon, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, D. W. Gerdes, D. J. James, D. L. Hollowood, D. Friedel, E. Bertin, E. Suchyta, E. Sanchez, F. Paz-Chinchón, G. Gutierrez, G. Tarle, H. T. Diehl, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, I. Ferrero, J. Carretero, J. Frieman, J. De Vicente, J. García-Bellido, K. Honscheid, K. Kuehn, M. Gatti, M. Raveri, M. E. S. Pereira, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, M. Smith, M. Carrasco Kind, M. Costanzi, M. Aguena, N. Kuropatkin, N. Weaverdyck, O. Alves, P. Doel, P. Melchior, R. Miquel, R. A. Gruendl, S. R. Hinton, S. Bocquet, S. Desai, S. Everett, et al. (2 additional authors not shown)

    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are useful distance indicators in cosmology, provided their luminosity is standardized by applying empirical corrections based on light-curve properties. One factor behind these corrections is dust extinction, accounted for in the color-luminosity relation of the standardization. This relation is usually assumed to be universal, which could potentially introduce systematics into the standardization. The ``mass-step'' observed for SNe Ia Hubble residuals has been suggested as one such systematic. We seek to obtain a completer view of dust attenuation properties for a sample of 162 SN Ia host galaxies and to probe their link to the ``mass-step''. We infer attenuation laws towards hosts from both global and local (4 kpc) Dark Energy Survey photometry and Composite Stellar Population model fits. We recover a optical depth/attenuation slope relation, best explained by differing star/dust geometry for different galaxy orientations, which is significantly different from the optical depth/extinction slope relation observed directly for SNe. We obtain a large variation of attenuation slopes and confirm these change with host properties, like stellar mass and age, meaning a universal SN Ia correction should ideally not be assumed. Analyzing the cosmological standardization, we find evidence for a ``mass-step'' and a two dimensional ``dust-step'', both more pronounced for red SNe. Although comparable, the two steps are found no to be completely analogous. We conclude that host galaxy dust data cannot fully account for the ``mass-step'', using either an alternative SN standardization with extinction proxied by host attenuation or a ``dust-step'' approach.

  • Tidally offset neutral gas in Lyman continuum emitting galaxy Haro 11.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexandra Le Reste, John M. Cannon, Matthew J. Hayes, John L. Inoue, Amanda A. Kepley, Jens Melinder, Veronica Menacho, Angela Adamo, Arjan Bik, Timmy Ejdetjärn, Gyula I. G. Józsa, Göran Östlin, Sarah H. Taft

    Around 400 million years after the Big Bang, the ultraviolet emission from star-forming galaxies reionized the Universe. Ionizing radiation (Lyman Continuum, LyC) is absorbed by cold neutral hydrogen gas (HI) within galaxies, hindering the escape of LyC photons. Since the HI reservoir of LyC emitters has never been mapped, major uncertainties remain on how LyC photons escape galaxies and ionize the intergalactic medium. We have directly imaged the neutral gas in the nearby reionization-era analog galaxy Haro 11 with the 21cm line to identify the mechanism enabling ionizing radiation escape. We find that merger-driven interactions have caused a bulk offset of the neutral gas by about 6 kpc from the center of the galaxy, where LyC emission production sites are located. This could facilitate the escape of ionizing radiation into our line of sight. Galaxy interactions can cause both elevated LyC production and large-scale displacement of HI from the regions where these photons are produced. They could contribute to the anisotropic escape of LyC radiation from galaxies and the reionization of the Universe. We argue for a systematic assessment of the effect of environment on LyC production and escape.

  • Running vacuum in Brans-Dicke theory: a possible cure for the $\sigma_8$ and $H_0$ tensions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Javier de Cruz Perez, Joan Sola Peracaula

    Extensions of the gravitational framework of Brans-Dicke (BD) are studied by considering two different scenarios: i) `BD-$\Lambda$CDM', in which a rigid cosmological constant, $\Lambda$, is included, thus constituting a BD version of the vanilla concordance $\Lambda$CDM model (the current standard model of cosmology with flat three-dimensional geometry), and ii) `BD-RVM', a generalization of i) in which the vacuum energy density (VED), $\rho_{\textrm{vac}}$, is a running quantity evolving with the square of the Hubble rate: $\delta\rho_{\textrm{vac}}(H)\propto \nu\, m^2_{\textrm{Pl}} (H^2-H_0^2)$ (with $|\nu|\ll 1$). This dynamical scenario is motivated by recent studies of quantum field theory (QFT) in curved spacetime, which lead to the running vacuum model (RVM). We solve the background as well as the perturbation equations for each cosmological model and test their performance against the modern wealth of cosmological data, namely a compilation of the latest SNIa+$H(z)$+BAO+LSS+CMB observations. We utilize the AIC and DIC statistical information criteria in order to determine if they can fit better the observations than the concordance model. The two BD extensions are tested by considering three different datasets. According to the AIC and DIC criteria, both BD extensions i) and ii) are competitive, but the second one (the BD-RVM scenario) is particularly favored when it is compared with the vanilla model. This fact may indicate that the current observations favor a mild dynamical evolution of the Newtonian coupling $G_N$ as well as of the VED. This is in agreement with recent studies suggesting that the combination of these two features can be favorable for a possible resolution of the $\sigma_8$ and $H_0$ tensions. In this work, we show that the Brans-Dicke theory with running vacuum has the potential to alleviate the two tensions at the same time.

  • Flashlights: Properties of Highly Magnified Images Near Cluster Critical Curves in the Presence of Dark Matter Subhalos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Liliya L.R. Williams, Patrick L. Kelly, Tommaso Treu, Alfred Amruth, Jose M. Diego, Sung Kei Li, Ashish K. Meena, Adi Zitrin, Thomas J. Broadhurst, Alexei V. Filippenko

    Dark matter subhalos with extended profiles and density cores, and globular stars clusters of mass $10^6-10^8 M_\odot$, that live near the critical curves in galaxy cluster lenses can potentially be detected through their lensing magnification of stars in background galaxies. In this work we study the effect such subhalos have on lensed images, and compare to the case of more well studied microlensing by stars and black holes near critical curves. We find that the cluster density gradient and the extended mass distribution of subhalos are important in determining image properties. Both lead to an asymmetry between the image properties on the positive and negative parity sides of the cluster that is more pronounced than in the case of microlensing. For example, on the negative parity side, subhalos with cores larger than about $50\,$pc do not generate any images with magnification above $\sim 100$ outside of the immediate vicinity of the cluster critical curve. We discuss these factors using analytical and numerical analysis, and exploit them to identify observable signatures of subhalos: subhalos create pixel-to-pixel flux variations of $\gtrsim 0.1$ magnitudes, on the positive parity side of clusters. These pixels tend to cluster around (otherwise invisible) subhalos. Unlike in the case of microlensing, signatures of subhalo lensing can be found up to $1''$ away from the critical curves of massive clusters.

  • Spectators no more! How even unimportant fields can ruin your Primordial Black Hole model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ashley Wilkins, Archie Cable

    In this work we terminate inflation during a phase of Constant Roll by means of a waterfall field coupled to the inflaton and a spectator field. The presence of a spectator field means that inflation does not end at a single point, $\phi_e$, but instead has some uncertainty resulting in a stochastic end of inflation. We find that even modestly coupled spectator fields can drastically increase the abundance of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) formed by many orders of magnitude. The power spectrum created by the inflaton can be as little as $10^{-4}$ during a phase of Ultra Slow-Roll and still form a cosmologically relevant number of PBHs. We conclude that the presence of spectator fields, which very generically will alter the end of inflation, is an effect that cannot be ignored in realistic models of PBH formation.

  • Glueball dark matter, precisely.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pierluca Carenza, Tassia Ferreira, Roman Pasechnik, Zhi-Wei Wang

    We delve deeper into the potential composition of dark matter as stable scalar glueballs from a confining dark $SU(N)$ gauge theory, focusing on $N=\{3,4,5\}$. To predict the relic abundance of glueballs for the various gauge groups and scenarios of thermalization of the dark gluon gas, we employ a thermal effective theory that accounts for the strong-coupling dynamics in agreement with lattice simulations. We compare our methodology with previous works and discuss the possible sources of discrepancy. The results are encouraging and show that glueballs can account for the totality of dark matter in many unconstrained scenarios with a phase transition scale $20$ MeV$\lesssim\Lambda\lesssim10^{10}$ GeV, thus opening the possibility of exciting future studies.

  • Image of Kerr-de Sitter black holes: An additional avenue for testing the cosmological constant.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ke Wang, Chao-Jun Feng, Towe Wang

    To explore the influence of the cosmological constant on black hole images, we have developed a comprehensive analytical method for simulating images of Kerr-de Sitter black holes illuminated by equatorial thin accretion disks. Through the application of explicit equations, we simulate images of Kerr-de Sitter black holes illuminated by both prograde and retrograde accretion disks, examining the impact of the cosmological constant on their characteristic curves, apparent sizes, and observation intensities. Our findings reveal that, in comparison to Kerr black holes, the cosmological constant not only diminishes the apparent size of a black hole but also amplifies its apparent brightness. Moreover, an observer's relative position in the universe (\(r_0/r_C\)) can influence both the apparent size and brightness of a black hole, where \(r_C\) is determined by the value of the cosmological constant \(\Lambda\). We posit that the study of black hole images provides promising opportunities for scrutinizing the effects of the cosmological constant.

  • An efficient and robust method to estimate halo concentration.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kai Wang, H.J. Mo, Yangyao Chen, Joop Schaye

    We propose an efficient and robust method to estimate the halo concentration based on the first moment of the density distribution, which is $R_1\equiv \int_0^{r_{\rm vir}}4\pi r^3\rho(r)dr/M_{\rm vir}/r_{\rm vir}$. We find that $R_1$ has a monotonic relation with the concentration parameter of the NFW profile, and that a cubic polynomial function can fit the relation with an error $\lesssim 3\%$. Tests on ideal NFW halos show that the conventional NFW profile fitting method and the $V_{\rm max}/V_{\rm vir}$ method produce biased halo concentration estimation by $\approx 10\%$ and $\approx 30\%$, respectively, for halos with 100 particles. In contrast, the systematic error for our $R_1$ method is smaller than $0.5\%$ even for halos containing only 100 particles. Convergence tests on realistic halos in $N$-body simulations show that the NFW profile fitting method underestimates the concentration parameter for halos with $\lesssim 300$ particles by $\gtrsim 20\%$, while the error for the $R_1$ method is $\lesssim 8\%$. We also show other applications of $R_1$, including estimating $V_{\rm max}$ and the Einasto concentration $c_{\rm e}\equiv r_{\rm vir}/r_{-2}$. The calculation of $R_1$ is efficient and robust, and we recommend including it as one of the halo properties in halo catalogs of cosmological simulations.

  • Measuring the cosmological 21-cm dipole with 21-cm global experiments.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yordan D. Ignatov, Jonathan R. Pritchard, Yuqing Wu

    A measurement of the 21-cm global signal would be a revealing probe of the Dark Ages, the era of first star formation, and the Epoch of Reionization. It has remained elusive owing to bright galactic and extra-galactic foreground contaminants, coupled with instrumental noise, ionospheric effects, and beam chromaticity. The simultaneous detection of a consistent 21-cm dipole signal alongside the 21-cm global signal would provide confidence in a claimed detection. We use simulated data to investigate the possibility of using drift-scan dipole antenna experiments to achieve a detection of both monopole and dipole. We find that at least two antennae located at different latitudes are required to localise the dipole. In the absence of foregrounds, a total integration time of $\sim 10^4$ hours is required to detect the dipole. With contamination by simple foregrounds, we find that the integration time required increases to $\sim 10^5$ hours. We show that the extraction of the 21-cm dipole from more realistic foregrounds requires a more sophisticated foreground modelling approach. Finally, we motivate a global network of dipole antennae that could reasonably detect the dipole in $\sim 10^3$ hours of integration time.

  • On the anisotropic distribution of clusters in the local Universe.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthieu Schaller

    In his 2021 lecture to the Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, P.J.E. Peebles pointed out that the brightest extra-galactic radio sources tend to be aligned with the plane of the de Vaucouleur Local Supercluster up to redshifts of $z=0.02$ ($d_{\rm MW}\approx 85~\rm{Mpc}$). He then asked whether such an alignment of clusters is anomalous in the standard $\Lambda$CDM framework. In this letter, we employ an alternative, absolute orientation agnostic, measure of the anisotropy based on the inertia tensor axis ratio of these brightest sources and use a large cosmological simulation from the FLAMINGO suite to measure how common such an alignment of structures is. We find that only 3.5% of randomly selected regions display an anisotropy of their clusters more extreme than the one found in the local Universe's radio data. This sets the region around the Milky Way as a $1.85\sigma$ outlier. Varying the selection parameters of the objects in the catalogue, we find that the clusters in the local Universe are never more than $2\sigma$ away from the simulations' prediction for the same selection. We thus conclude that the reported anisotropy, whilst note-worthy, is not in tension with the $\Lambda$CDM paradigm.

  • PROSPECT: A profile likelihood code for frequentist cosmological parameter inference.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Emil Brinch Holm, Andreas Nygaard, Jeppe Dakin, Steen Hannestad, Thomas Tram

    Cosmological parameter inference has been dominated by the Bayesian approach for the past two decades, primarily due to its computational efficiency. However, the Bayesian approach involves integration of the posterior probability and therefore depends on both the choice of model parametrisation and the choice of prior on the model parameter space. In some cases, this can lead to conclusions which are driven by choice of parametrisation and priors rather than by data. The profile likelihood method provides a complementary frequentist tool which can be used to investigate this effect. In this paper, we present the code PROSPECT for computing profile likelihoods in cosmology. We showcase the code using a phenomenological model for converting dark matter into dark radiation that suffers from large volume effects and prior dependence. PROSPECT is compatible with both cobaya and MontePython, and is publicly available at

  • Collisions and collective flavor conversion: Integrating out the fast dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Ian Padilla-Gay, Georg G. Raffelt

    In dense astrophysical environments, notably core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers, neutrino-neutrino forward scattering can spawn flavor conversion on very short scales. Scattering with the background medium can impact collective flavor conversion in various ways, either damping oscillations or possibly setting off novel collisional flavor instabilities (CFIs). A key feature in this process is the slowness of collisions compared to the much faster dynamics of neutrino-neutrino refraction. Assuming spatial homogeneity, we leverage this hierarchy of scales to simplify the description accounting only for the slow dynamics driven by collisions. We illustrate our new approach both in the case of CFIs and in the case of fast instabilities damped by collisions. In both cases, our strategy provides new equations, the slow-dynamics equations, that simplify the description of flavor conversion and allow us to qualitatively understand the final state of the system after the instability, either collisional or fast, has saturated.

  • Dark Energy Survey Deep Field photometric redshift performance and training incompleteness assessment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Toribio San Cipriano, J. De Vicente, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, W. G. Hartley, J. Myles, A. Amon, G. M. Bernstein, A. Choi, K. Eckert, R. A. Gruendl, I. Harrison, E. Sheldon, B. Yanny, M. Aguena, S. S. Allam, O. Alves, D. Bacon, D. Brooks, A. Campos, A. Carnero Rosell, J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, C. Conselice, L. N. da Costa, M. E. S. Pereira, T. M. Davis, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, I. Ferrero, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, E. Gaztañaga, G. Giannini, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, S. Lee, C. Lidman, J. L. Marshall, J. Mena-Fernández, F. Menanteau, R. Miquel, A. Palmese, A. Pieres, A. A. Plazas Malagón, A. Roodman, E. Sanchez, M. Smith, M. Soares-Santos, E. Suchyta, M. E. C. Swanson, G. Tarle, M. Vincenzi, N. Weaverdyck, P. Wiseman

    Context. The determination of accurate photometric redshifts (photo-zs) in large imaging galaxy surveys is key for cosmological studies. One of the most common approaches are machine learning techniques. These methods require a spectroscopic or reference sample to train the algorithms. Attention has to be paid to the quality and properties of these samples since they are key factors in the estimation of reliable photo-zs. Aims. The goal of this work is to calculate the photo-zs for the Y3 DES Deep Fields catalogue using the DNF machine learning algorithm. Moreover, we want to develop techniques to assess the incompleteness of the training sample and metrics to study how incompleteness affects the quality of photometric redshifts. Finally, we are interested in comparing the performance obtained with respect to the EAzY template fitting approach on Y3 DES Deep Fields catalogue. Methods. We have emulated -- at brighter magnitude -- the training incompleteness with a spectroscopic sample whose redshifts are known to have a measurable view of the problem. We have used a principal component analysis to graphically assess incompleteness and to relate it with the performance parameters provided by DNF. Finally, we have applied the results about the incompleteness to the photo-z computation on Y3 DES Deep Fields with DNF and estimated its performance. Results. The photo-zs for the galaxies on DES Deep Fields have been computed with the DNF algorithm and added to the Y3 DES Deep Fields catalogue. They are available at Some techniques have been developed to evaluate the performance in the absence of "true" redshift and to assess completeness. We have studied... (Partial abstract)


  • Search for 10--1,000 GeV neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts with IceCube.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann, J. Adams, S. K. Agarwalla, J. A. Aguilar, M. Ahlers, J.M. Alameddine, N. M. Amin, K. Andeen, G. Anton, C. Argüelles, Y. Ashida, S. Athanasiadou, L. Ausborm, S. N. Axani, X. Bai, A. Balagopal V., M. Baricevic, S. W. Barwick, V. Basu, R. Bay, J. J. Beatty, J. Becker Tjus, J. Beise, C. Bellenghi, C. Benning, S. BenZvi, D. Berley, E. Bernardini, D. Z. Besson, E. Blaufuss, S. Blot, F. Bontempo, J. Y. Book, C. Boscolo Meneguolo, S. Böser, O. Botner, J. Böttcher, J. Braun, B. Brinson, J. Brostean-Kaiser, L. Brusa, R. T. Burley, R. S. Busse, D. Butterfield, M. A. Campana, K. Carloni, E. G. Carnie-Bronca, S. Chattopadhyay, N. Chau, C. Chen, Z. Chen, D. Chirkin, S. Choi, B. A. Clark, A. Coleman, G. H. Collin, A. Connolly, J. M. Conrad, et al. (350 additional authors not shown)

    We present the results of a search for 10--1,000 GeV neutrinos from 2,268 gamma-ray bursts over 8 years of IceCube-DeepCore data. This work probes burst physics below the photosphere where electromagnetic radiation cannot escape. Neutrinos of tens of GeVs are predicted in sub-photospheric collision of free streaming neutrons with bulk-jet protons. In a first analysis, we searched for the most significant neutrino-GRB coincidence using six overlapping time windows centered on the prompt phase of each GRB. In a second analysis, we conducted a search for a group of GRBs, each individually too weak to be detectable, but potentially significant when combined. No evidence of neutrino emission is found for either analysis. The most significant neutrino coincidence is for Fermi-GBM GRB bn 140807500, with a p-value of 0.097 corrected for all trials. The binomial test used to search for a group of GRBs had a p-value of 0.65 after all trial corrections. The binomial test found a group consisting only of GRB bn 140807500 and no additional GRBs. The neutrino limits of this work complement those obtained by IceCube at TeV to PeV energies. We compare our findings for the large set of GRBs as well as GRB 221009A to the sub-photospheric neutron-proton collision model and find that GRB 221009A provides the most constraining limit on baryon loading. For a jet Lorentz factor of 300 (800), the baryon loading on GRB 221009A is lower than 3.85 (2.13) at a 90% confidence level.

  • Gravitational Waves from the Pulsar Magnetosphere.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ioannis Contopoulos, Demosthenes Kazanas, Demetrios B. Papadopoulos

    We investigate the generation of gravitational waves from the rotation of an orthogonal pulsar magnetosphere in flat space time. We calculate the first order metric perturbation due to the rotation of the non-axisymmetric distribution of electromagnetic energy density around the central star. We show that gravitational waves from a strong magnetic field pulsar right after its formation within a distance of 1 kpc may be detectable with the new generation of gravitational wave detectors.

  • Do black holes remember what they are made of?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Harshraj Bandyopadhyay, David Radice, Aviral Prakash, Arnab Dhani, Domenico Logoteta, Albino Perego, Rahul Kashyap

    We study the ringdown signal of black holes formed in prompt-collapse binary neutron star mergers. We analyze data from $48$ numerical relativity simulations. We show that the $(\ell=2,m=2)$ and $(\ell=2,m=1)$ multipoles of the gravitational wave signal are well fitted by decaying damped exponentials, as predicted by black-hole perturbation theory. We show that the ratio of the amplitude in the two modes depends on the progenitor binary mass ratio $q$ and reduced tidal parameter $\tilde\Lambda$. Unfortunately, the numerical uncertainty in our data is too large to fully quantify this dependency. If confirmed, these results will enable novel tests of general relativity in the presence of matter with next-generation gravitational-wave observatories.

  • X-Ray Polarimetry of the Dipping Accreting Neutron Star 4U 1624-49.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Lynne Saade, Philip Kaaret, Riccardo Ferrazzoli, Stefano Silvestri, Michela Negro, Alberto Manfreda, Kinwah Wu, Enrico Costa, Paolo Soffitta, Samar Safi-Harb, Juri Poutanen, Alexandra Veledina, Alessandro Di Marco, Patrick Slane, Stefano Bianchi, Adam Ingram, Roger W. Romani, Nicolo Cibrario, Brydyn Mac Intyre, Romana Mikusincova, Ajay Ratheesh, James F. Steiner, Jiri Svoboda, Stefano Tugliani, Ivan Agudo, Lucio A. Antonelli, Matteo Bachetti, Luca Baldini, Wayne H. Baumgartner, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Stephen D. Bongiorno, Raffaella Bonino, Alessandro Brez, Niccolo Bucciantini, Fiamma Capitanio, Simone Castellano, Elisabetta Cavazzuti, Chien-Ting Chen, Stefano Ciprini, Alessandra De Rosa, Ettore Del Monte, Laura Di Gesu, Niccolo Di Lalla, Immacolata Donnarumma, Victor Doroshenko, Michal Dovciak, et al. (61 additional authors not shown)

    We present the first X-ray polarimetric study of the dipping accreting neutron star 4U~1624$-$49 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). We report a detection of polarization in the non-dip time intervals with a confidence level of 99.99\%. We find an average polarization degree (PD) of $3.1\%\pm0.7\%$ and a polarization angle of $81\pm6$ degrees (east of north) in the 2--8 keV band. We report an upper limit on the PD of 22\% during the X-ray dips with 95\% confidence. There is marginal (95.3\% confidence) evidence for an increase of PD with energy. We fit the spectra with the absorbed sum of a black body plus a cutoff power-law component and separately with the absorbed sum of a multitemperature blackbody accretion disk and thermal Comptonization component. The polarization is predominantly derived from the Comptonization component in the second model, while the origin of the polarization cannot be distinguished in the first model. The relatively large PD of the source (up to $6\%\pm2\%$ in the 6--8 keV band) is unlikely to be produced by Comptonization in the boundary layer or spreading layer alone. It can be produced by the addition of an extended geometrically thin slab corona covering part of the accretion disk, as assumed in previous models of dippers, and/or a reflection component from the accretion disk.

  • First constraint on the dissipative tidal deformability of neutron stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Justin L. Ripley, Abhishek Hegade K.R., Rohit S. Chandramouli, and Nicolas Yunes

    The gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by neutron star binaries provide a unique window into the physics of matter at supra nuclear densities. During the late inspiral, tidal deformations raised on each star by the gravitational field of its companion depend crucially on the star's internal properties. The misalignment of a star's tidal bulge with its companion's gravitational field encodes the strength of internal dissipative processes, which imprint onto the phase of the gravitational waves emitted. We here analyze GW data from the GW170817 (binary neutron star) event detected by LIGO and Virgo and find the first constraint on the dissipative tidal deformability of a neutron star. From this constraint, assuming a temperature profile for each star in the binary, we obtain an order of magnitude bound on the averaged bulk ($\zeta$) and shear ($\eta$) viscosity of each star during the inspiral: $\zeta \lesssim 10^{31}$ g/(cm s) and $\eta \lesssim 10^{28}$ g/(cm s). We forecast that this bound for the bulk (shear) viscosities could be improved to $10^{30}$ g/(cm s) ($10^{27}$ g/(cm s)) during the fifth observing run of advanced LIGO and Virgo, and to $10^{29}$ g/(cm s) ($10^{26}$ (g/(cm s)) with third-generation detectors, like Cosmic Explorer, using inspiral data. These constraints already inform nuclear physics models and motivate further theoretical work to better understand the interplay between viscosity and temperature in the late inspiral of neutron stars.

  • A VLITE Search for Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters: Discovery of a Pulsar in GLIMPSE-C01.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Amaris V. McCarver, Thomas J. Maccarone, Scott M. Ransom, Tracy E. Clarke, Simona Giacintucci, Wendy M. Peters, Emil Polisensky, Kristina Nyland, Tasha Gautam, Paulo C. C. Freire, Blagoy Rangelov, (2) Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program, (3) National Radio Astronomy Observatory, (4) U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, (5) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, (6) Texas State University)

    We present results from a search for pulsars in globular clusters, including the discovery of a new millisecond pulsar in the stellar cluster GLIMPSE-C01. We searched for low frequency radio sources within 97 globular clusters using images from the VLA Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE) and epochs 1 and 2 of the VLITE Commensal Sky Survey (VCSS). We discovered 10 sources in our search area, four more than expected from extragalactic source counts at our sensitivity limits. The strongest pulsar candidate was a point source found in GLIMPSE-C01 with a spectral index ~ -2.6, and we present additional measurements at 0.675 and 1.25 GHz from the GMRT and 1.52 GHz from the VLA which confirm the spectral index. Using archival Green Bank Telescope S-band data from 2005, we detect a binary pulsar with a spin period of 19.78 ms within the cluster. Although we cannot confirm that this pulsar is at the same position as the steep spectrum source using the existing data, the pulse flux is consistent with the predicted flux density from other frequencies, making it a probable match. The source also shows strong X-ray emission, indicative of a higher magnetic field than most millisecond pulsars, suggesting that its recycling was interrupted. We demonstrate that low frequency searches for steep spectrum sources are an effective way to identify pulsar candidates, particularly on sightlines with high dispersion.

  • Searching for Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Globular Clusters Through Tidal Disruption Events.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vivian L. Tang, Piero Madau, Elisa Bortolas, Eric W. Peng

    Intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) may be the link between stellar mass holes and the supermassive variety in the nuclei of galaxies, and globular clusters (GCs) may be one of the most promising environments for their formation. Here we carry out a pilot study of the observability of tidal disruption events (TDEs) from 10^3 Msun < M_BH < 10^5 Msun IMBHs embedded in stellar cusps at the center of GCs. We model the long super-Eddington accretion phase and ensuing optical flare, and derive the disruption rate of main-sequence stars as a function of black hole mass and GC properties with the help of a 1D Fokker-Planck approach. The photospheric emission of the adiabatically expanding outflow dominates the observable radiation and peaks in the NUV/optical bands, outshining the brightness of the (old) stellar population of GCs in Virgo for a period of months to years. A search for TDE events in a sample of nearly 4,000 GCs observed at multiple epochs by the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS) yields null results. Given our model predictions, this sample is too small to set stringent constraints on the present-day occupation fraction of GCs hosting IMBHs. Naturally, better simulations of the properties of the cluster central stellar distribution, TDE light curves and rates, together with larger surveys of GCs are all needed to gain deeper insights into the presence of IMBHs in GCs.

  • Exact solution for rotating black holes in parity-violating gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hiroaki W. H. Tahara, Kazufumi Takahashi, Masato Minamitsuji, Hayato Motohashi

    It has recently been pointed out that one can construct invertible conformal transformations with a parity-violating conformal factor, which can be employed to generate a novel class of parity-violating ghost-free metric theories from general relativity. We obtain exact solutions for rotating black holes in such theories by performing the conformal transformation on the Kerr solution in general relativity, which we dub conformal Kerr solutions. We explore the geodesic motion of a test particle in the conformal Kerr spacetime. While null geodesics remain the same as those in the Kerr spacetime, timelike geodesics exhibit interesting differences due to an effective external force caused by the parity-violating conformal factor.

  • MeV Astrophysical Spectroscopic Surveyor (MASS): A Compton Telescope Mission Concept.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiahuan Zhu, Xutao Zheng, Hua Feng, Ming Zeng, Chien-You Huang, Jr-Yue Hsiang, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Hong Li, Hao Chang, Xiaofan Pan, Ge Ma, Qiong Wu, Yulan Li, Xuening Bai, Mingyu Ge, Long Ji, Jian Li, Yangping Shen, Wei Wang, Xilu Wang, Binbin Zhang, Jin Zhang

    We propose a future mission concept, the MeV Astrophysical Spectroscopic Surveyor (MASS), which is a large area Compton telescope using 3D position sensitive cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) detectors optimized for emission line detection. The payload consists of two layers of CZT detectors in a misaligned chessboard layout, with a total geometric area of 4096 cm$^2$ for on-axis observations. The detectors can be operated at room-temperature with an energy resolution of 0.6\% at 0.662 MeV. The in-orbit background is estimated with a mass model. At energies around 1 MeV, a line sensitivity of about $10^{-5}$ photons cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ can be obtained with a 1 Ms observation. The main science objectives of MASS include nucleosynthesis in astrophysics and high energy astrophysics related to compact objects and transient sources. The payload CZT detectors weigh roughly 40 kg, suggesting that it can be integrated into a micro- or mini-satellite. We have constructed a pathfinder, named as MASS-Cube, to have a direct test of the technique with 4 detector units in space in the near future.

  • Constraints on Phase Transitions in Neutron Star Matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Len Brandes, Wolfram Weise

    Recent inference results of the sound velocity in the cores of neutron stars are summarized. Implications for the equation of state and the phase structure of highly compressed baryonic matter are discussed. In view of the strong constraints imposed by the heaviest known pulsars, the equation of state must be very stiff in order to ensure the stability of these extreme objects. This required stiffness limits the possible appearance of phase transitions in neutron star cores. In view of these empirical findings, much discussed issues such as the quest for a phase transition towards restored chiral symmetry and the active degrees of freedom in cold and dense baryonic matter, are explored.

  • PSR B0943+10: Mode Switch, Polar Cap Geometry, and Orthogonally Polarized Radiation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shunshun Cao, Jinchen Jiang, Jaroslaw Dyks, Longfei Hao, Kejia Lee, Zhixuan Li, Jiguang Lu, Zhichen Pan, Weiyang Wang, Zhengli Wang, Jiangwei Xu, Heng Xu, Renxin Xu

    As one of the paradigm examples to probe into pulsar magnetospheric dynamics, PSR B0943+10 (J0946+0951) manifests representatively, showing mode switch, orthogonal polarization and subpulse drifting. Both integrated and single pulses are studied with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). The mode switch phenomenon of this pulsar is studied using an eigen-mode searching method, based on parameter estimation. A phase space evolution for the pulsar's mode switch shows a strange-attractor-like pattern. The radiative geometry is proposed by fitting polarization position angles with the rotating vector model. The pulsar pulse profile is then mapped to the sparking location on pulsar surface, and the differences between the main pulse's and the precursor component's radiative process may explain the X-ray's synchronization with radio mode switch. Detailed single pulse studies on B0943+10's orthogonally polarized radiation are presented, which may support for certain models of radiative transfer of polarized emission. B0943+10's B and Q modes evolve differently with frequency and with proportions of orthogonal modes, which indicates possible magnetospheric changes during mode switch. An extra component is found in B mode, and it shows distinct polarization and modulation properties compared with main part of B mode pulse component. For Q mode pulse profile, the precursor and the main pulse components are orthogonally polarized, showing that the precursor component radiated farther from the pulsar could be radiated in O-mode (X-mode) if the main pulse originates from low altitude in X-mode (O-mode). The findings could impact significantly on pulsar electrodynamics and the radiative mechanism related.

  • ASASSN-18ap: A Dusty Tidal Disruption Event Candidate with an Early Bump in the Light Curve or an extraodinary Type IIn supernovae.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yibo Wang, Tingui Wang, Ning Jiang, Xiaer Zhang, JiaZheng Zhu, XinWen Shu, Shifeng Huang, FaBao Zhang, Zhenfeng Sheng, Zheyu Lin

    We re-examined the classification of the optical transient ASASSN-18ap, which was initially identified as a supernova (SNe) upon its discovery. Based on newly emerged phenomena, such as a delayed luminous infrared outburst and the emergence of luminous coronal emission lines, we suggest that ASASSN-18ap is more likely a tidal disruption event (TDE) in a dusty environment, rather than a supernova. The total energy in the infrared outburst is $\rm 3.1\times10^{51}$ erg, which is an order of magnitude higher than the total energy in the optical-to-ultraviolet range, indicating a large dust extinction, an extra-EUV component, or anisotropic continuum emission. A bumpy feature appeared in the optical light curve at the start of brightening, which was reported in a couple of TDEs very recently. This early bump may have been overlooked in the past due to the lack of sufficient sampling of the light curves of most TDEs during their ascending phase, and it could provide insight into the origin of optical emission.

  • The RATT PARROT: serendipitous discovery of a peculiarly scintillating pulsar in MeerKAT imaging observations of the Great Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction of 2020. I. Dynamic imaging and data analysis.- [PDF] - [Article]

    O. M. Smirnov, B. W. Stappers, C. Tasse, H. L. Bester, H. Bignall, M. A. Walker, M. Caleb, K. M. Rajwade, S. Buchner, P. Woudt, M. Ivchenko, L. Roth, J. E. Noordam, F. Camilo

    We report on a radiopolarimetric observation of the Saturn-Jupiter Great Conjunction of 2020 using the MeerKAT L-band system, initially carried out for science verification purposes, which yielded a serendipitous discovery of a pulsar. The radiation belts of Jupiter are very bright and time variable: coupled with the sensitivity of MeerKAT, this necessitated development of dynamic imaging techniques, reported on in this work. We present a deep radio "movie" revealing Jupiter's rotating magnetosphere, a radio detection of Callisto, and numerous background radio galaxies. We also detect a bright radio transient in close vicinity to Saturn, lasting approximately 45 minutes. Follow-up deep imaging observations confirmed this as a faint compact variable radio source, and yielded detections of pulsed emission by the commensal MeerTRAP search engine, establishing the object's nature as a radio emitting neutron star, designated PSR J2009-2026. A further observation combining deep imaging with the PTUSE pulsar backend measured detailed dynamic spectra for the object. While qualitatively consistent with scintillation, the magnitude of the magnification events and the characteristic timescales are odd. We are tentatively designating this object a pulsar with anomalous refraction recurring on odd timescales (PARROT). As part of this investigation, we present a pipeline for detection of variable sources in imaging data, with dynamic spectra and lightcurves as the products, and compare dynamic spectra obtained from visibility data with those yielded by PTUSE. We discuss MeerKAT's capabilities and prospects for detecting more of such transients and variables.

  • Kilonova-Targeting Lightcurve Classification for Wide Field Survey Telescope.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Runduo Liang, Zhengyan Liu, Lei Lei, Wen Zhao

    With the enhancement of sensitivity of Gravitational Wave (GW) detectors and capabilities of large survey facilities, such as Vera Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and 2.5-m Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST), we now have the potential to detect an increasing number of distant kilonova (KN). However, distinguishing KN from the plethora of detected transients in ongoing and future follow-up surveys presents a significant challenge. In this study, our objective is to establish an efficient classification mechanism tailored for the follow-up survey conducted by WFST, with a specific focus on identifying KN associated with GW. We employ a novel temporal convolutional neural network architecture, trained using simulated multi-band photometry lasting for 3 days by WFST, accompanied by contextual information, i.e. luminosity distance information by GW. By comparison of the choices of contextual information, we can reach 95\% precision, and 94\% recall for our best model. It also performs good validation on photometry data on AT2017gfo and AT2019npv. Furthermore, we investigate the ability of the model to distinguish KN in a GW follow-up survey. We conclude that there is over 80\% probability that we can capture true KN in selected 20 candidates among $\sim 250$ detected astrophysical transients that have passed real-bogus filter and cross-matching.

  • On the spin period distribution of millisecond pulsars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Jin Liu, Zhi-Qiang You, Zu-Cheng Chen, Shen-Shi Du, Ang Li, Xing-Jiang Zhu

    Spin period distribution provides important clues to understand the formation of millisecond pulsars (MSPs). To uncover the intrinsic period distribution, we analyze three samples of radio MSPs in the Galactic field and in globular clusters. The selection bias due to pulse broadening has been corrected but turns out to be negligible. We find that all the samples can be well described by a Weibull distribution of spin frequencies. Considering MSPs in the Galactic field or in globular clusters, and in isolation or in binary systems, we find no significant difference in the spin distribution among these subpopulations. Based on the current known population of MSPs, we find that sub-millisecond pulsars are unlikely to be discovered by the Square Kilometer Array, although up to $\sim10$ discoveries of pulsars that spin faster than the current record holder of $P=1.4$~ms are expected.

  • A photohadronic interpretation of the H.E.S.S. afterglow observations from GRB 221009A.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sarira Sahu, B. Medina-Carrillo, D. I. Páez-Sánchez, G. Sánchez-Colón, Subhash Rajpoot

    The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) started observing the extremely powerful long-duration gamma-ray burst, GRB 221009A, after 53 hours of the triggering event. The H.E.S.S. collaboration carried out observations on the 11, 12, and 17, of October 2022 under poor atmospheric conditions, without detecting significant very high-energy photons from the source and computed the upper limits of the fluxes for the different nights. We study these flux upper limits by using the photohadronic model and show that the interaction of high-energy protons with the synchrotron seed photons in the forward shock region of the GRB jet exhibits behavior compatible with the upper limits computed by the H.E.S.S. collaboration.

  • Describing neutron stars using non-perturbative quantum hadrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hao-Fu Zhu, Xufen Wu, Guo-Zhu Liu

    Although neutron stars have been investigated for fifty years, their interior structure and composition remain enigmatic, largely due to the lack of reliable methods for studying the strong-coupling regime of nuclear matters. In this work, we develop a non-perturbative field-theoretic approach to handle quantum hadrodynamics (QHD), incorporating the quantum many-body effects neglected in all previous mean-field studies. Based on the most basic QHD ($\sigma$-$\omega$) model, we achieve an exceptional fit to five experimental values of nuclear-physics quantities by adjusting merely four parameters. The resulting equation of states yields a mass-radius relation that is in good agreement with recent neutron star observations. Our work establishes a unified framework for the theoretical description of a variety of correlation effects in infinite nuclear matters and neutron stars by using non-perturbative QHD.

  • Neutrino-Driven Outflows and the Elemental Abundance Patterns of Very Metal-Poor Stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Psaltis, M. Jacobi, F. Montes, A. Arcones, C.J. Hansen, H. Schatz

    The elemental abundances between strontium and silver ($Z = 38-47$) observed in the atmospheres of very metal-poor stars (VMP) in the Galaxy may contain the fingerprint of the weak $r$-process and $\nu p$-process occurring in early core-collapse supernovae explosions. In this work, we combine various astrophysical conditions based on a steady-state model to cover the richness of the supernova ejecta in terms of entropy, expansion timescale, and electron fraction. The calculated abundances based on different combinations of conditions are compared with stellar observations with the aim of constraining supernova ejecta conditions. We find that some conditions of the neutrino-driven outflows consistently reproduce the observed abundances of our sample. In addition, from the successful combinations, the neutron-rich trajectories better reproduce the observed abundances of Sr-Zr ($Z= 38-40$), while the proton-rich ones, Mo-Pd ($Z= 42-47$).

  • Fluorescent Fe K line emission of gamma Cas stars I. Do gamma Cas stars host propelling neutron stars?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gregor Rauw

    Gamma~Cas stars are early-type Be stars that exhibit an unusually hard and bright thermal X-ray emission. One of the proposed scenarios to explain these properties postulates the existence of a neutron star companion in the propeller stage, during which the magnetosphere of a rapidly rotating neutron star repels infalling material. To test this model, we examined the fluorescent Fe K$\alpha$ emission line at $\sim 6.4$\,keV in the X-ray spectra of $\gamma$~Cas stars, which offers a powerful diagnostic of both the primary source of hard X-rays and the reprocessing material. We computed synthetic line profiles of the fluorescent Fe K$\alpha$ emission line in the framework of the propelling neutron star scenario. Two reservoirs of material contribute to the fluorescence in this case: the Be circumstellar decretion disk and a shell of cool material that surrounds the shell of X-ray-emitting plasma around the putative propelling neutron star. We analysed the synthetic line profiles and expected equivalent widths of the lines for three well-studied $\gamma$~Cas stars. The predicted line strengths fall short of the observed values by at least an order of magnitude. Pushing the model parameters to reproduce the observed line strengths led to column densities towards the primary X-ray source that exceed the observationally determined values by typically a factor of 20, and would further imply a higher X-ray luminosity than observed. The strengths of the observed Fe K$\alpha$ fluorescent emission lines in $\gamma$~Cas stars are inconsistent with the expected properties of a propeller scenario as proposed in the literature.

  • A Statistical Study of Soft X-ray Flares on Solar-type Stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhanhao Zhao, Ziqian Hua, Xin Cheng, Zhiyuan Li, Mingde Ding

    The statistical characteristic of stellar flares at optical bands has received an extensive study, but it remains to be studied at soft X-ray bands, in particular for solar-type stars. Here, we present a statistical study of soft X-ray flares on solar-type stars, which can help understand multi-wavelength behaviors of stellar flares. We mainly use Chandra Source Catalog Release 2.0, which includes a number of flaring stars with denoted variability, and Gaia Data Release 3, which includes necessary information for classifying stars. We also develop a set of methods for identifying and classifying stellar soft X-ray flares and estimating their properties. A detailed statistical investigation for 129 flare samples on 103 nearby solar-type stars as selected yields the following main results. (1) The flare energy emitted at the soft X-ray band in our sample ranges from $\sim 10^{33}$ to $\sim 10^{37} \ \mathrm{erg}$, and the majority of them are superflares with the most energetic one having energy of $6.0_{-4.7}^{+3.2} \times 10^{37} \ \mathrm{erg}$. (2) The flare duration is related to its energy as formulated by $T_\mathrm{duration,SXR} \propto E_\mathrm{flare,SXR}^{\ 0.201 \pm 0.024}$, which is different from those derived at optical and NIR bands, indicating distinct radiation mechanisms at different bands. (3) The frequency distribution of stellar flares as a function of energy is formulated as $\mathrm{d} N_\mathrm{flare} / \mathrm{d} E_\mathrm{flare,SXR} \propto E_\mathrm{flare,SXR}^{\ -1.77}$, which is similar to the results found at other bands and on other types of stars, indicating that the energy emitted at the soft X-ray band could be a constant fraction of the full-band bolometric energy.

  • Scaling and Universality in the Temporal Occurrence of Repeating FRBs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yanqi Du, Ping Wang, Liming Song, Shaolin Xiong

    Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), are high-energy phenomena with significant implications for understanding fundamental physics and cosmological evolution. Recent observations by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) of FRB 121102, FRB 20220912A, and FRB 20201124A have revealed their high burst rates and distinctive energy distribution and temporal properties. These observations unveil scale invariance in the time intervals between bursts, a feature consistent across different fluence thresholds. Particularly, the waiting time distribution of these FRBs exhibits a unified scaling law, resembling the functional form observed in solar flares more than in earthquakes. This finding challenges previous models suggesting a closer analogy to earthquake dynamics and instead indicates a possible origin in magnetar magnetospheres. Our study explores the potential dynamic mechanisms underlying these phenomena, focusing on the temporal clustering of repeating FRBs and their similarity to solar flare dynamics within the framework of self-organized criticality (SOC). We also discuss how this scale invariance related to a more intricate dynamical mechanism behind their occurrence, drawing similarities with various types of intermittency observed in solar flares and other high-energy astrophysical events. This research highlights the importance of understanding the SOC principles that might be common to these diverse, yet similarly behaving burst events.

  • Precision of localization of single gravitational-wave source with pulsar timing array.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryo Kato, Keitaro Takahashi

    Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) are expected to be able to detect gravitational waves (GWs) from individual supermassive black hole binaries in the near future. In order to identify the host galaxy of a gravitational wave source, the angular resolution of PTAs should be much better than that expected from the conventional methodology of PTAs. We study the potential usefulness of precise pulsar-distance measurements in the determination of the sky location of a single GW source. Precise distance information from external observations such as astrometry by Very Long Baseline Interferometry is incorporated as priors in the PTA analysis and we evaluate the precision of the sky location of a GW source by simulating PTA data of 12 milli-second pulsars with only the GW signal and the Gaussian white noise in the timing residuals. We show that only a few pulsars with a distance precision of 1 pc will improve the precision of the source location by more than 1 order in the presence of white noise of 10 ns.

  • Black Hole - Neutron Star mergers: using kilonovae to constrain the equation of state.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lowri Wyn Prys Mathias, Francesco Di Clemente, Mattia Bulla, Alessandro Drago

    The merging of a binary system involving two neutron stars (NSs), or a black hole (BH) and a NS, often results in the emission of an electromagnetic (EM) transient. One component of this EM transient is the epic explosion known as a kilonova (KN). The characteristics of the KN emission can be used to probe the equation of state (EoS) of NS matter responsible for its formation. We predict KN light curves from computationally simulated BH-NS mergers, by using the 3D radiative transfer code \texttt{POSSIS}. We investigate two EoSs spanning most of the allowed range of the mass-radius diagram. We also consider a soft EoS compatible with the observational data within the so-called 2-families scenario in which hadronic stars coexist with strange stars. Computed results show that the 2-families scenario, characterized by a soft EoS, should not produce a KN unless the mass of the binary components are small ($M_{\rm BH} \leq 6M_{\odot}$, $M_{\rm NS} \leq 1.4M_{\odot}$) and the BH is rapidly spinning ($\chi_{\rm BH} \geq 0.3$). In contrast, a strong KN signal potentially observable from future surveys (e.g. VRO/LSST) is produced in the 1-family scenario for a wider region of the parameter space, and even for non-rotating BHs ($\chi_{\rm BH} = 0$) when $M_{\rm BH} = 4M_{\odot}$ and $M_{\rm NS} = 1.2M_{\odot}$. We also provide a fit that allows for the calculation of the unbound mass from the observed KN magnitude, without running timely and costly radiative transfer simulations. Findings presented in this paper will be used to interpret light curves anticipated during the fourth observing run (O4), of the advanced LIGO, advanced Virgo and KAGRA interferometers and thus to constrain the EoS of NS matter.

  • Far-from-equilibrium bulk-viscous transport coefficients in neutron star mergers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yumu Yang, Mauricio Hippert, Enrico Speranza, Jorge Noronha

    We investigate the weak-interaction-driven bulk-viscous transport properties of $npe$ matter in the neutrino transparent regime. Previous works assumed that the induced bulk viscosity correction to pressure, near beta equilibrium, is linear in deviations from the equilibrium charge fraction. We show that this is not always true for (some) realistic equations of state at densities between one and three times saturation density. This nonlinear nature of the perturbation around equilibrium motivates a far-from-beta-equilibrium description of bulk-viscous transport in neutron star mergers, which can be precisely achieved using a new Israel-Stewart formulation with resummed bulk and relaxation time transport coefficients. The computation of these transport coefficients depends on out-of-beta-equilibrium pressure corrections, which can be computed for a given equation of state. We calculate these coefficients for equations of state that satisfy the latest constraints from multi-messenger observations from LIGO/VIRGO and NICER. We show that varying the nuclear symmetry energy $J$ and its slope $L$ can significantly affect the transport coefficients and the nonlinear behavior of the out-of-equilibrium pressure corrections. Therefore, having better constraints on $J$ and $L$ will directly impact our understanding of bulk-viscous processes in neutron star mergers.

  • Gravitational bremsstrahlung in plasmas and clusters.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. M. Steane

    We study the gravitational bremsstrahlung owing to collisions mediated by a $1/r$ potential. We combine classical and first order Born approximation results in order to construct an approximate gravitational `Gaunt factor' for the total emitted energy. We also obtain the cross-section with an angular momentum cut-off, and hence the cross-section for emission via close hyperbolic encounters in a gravitating cluster. These effects are the dominant source of very high frequency gravitational noise in the solar system. The total gravitational wave power of the Sun is $76\pm 20\,$MW.

  • Subphotospheric emission from short gamma-ray bursts: Protons mold the multi-messenger signals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Annika Rudolph, Irene Tamborra, Ore Gottlieb

    The origin of the observed Band-like photon spectrum in short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) is a long-standing mystery. We carry out the first general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a sGRB jet with initial magnetization $\sigma_0 = 150$ in dynamical ejecta from a binary merger. From this simulation, we identify regions along the jet of efficient energy dissipation due to magnetic reconnection and collisionless sub-shocks. Taking into account electron and proton acceleration processes, we solve for the first time the coupled transport equations for photons, electrons, protons, neutrinos, and intermediate particles species up to close to the photosphere (i.e., up to $1 \times 10^{12}$ cm), accounting for all relevant radiative and cooling processes. We find that the subphotospheric multi-messenger signals carry strong signatures of the hadronic interactions and their resulting particle cascades. Importantly, the spectral energy distribution of photons is significantly distorted with respect to the Wien one, commonly assumed below the photosphere. Our findings suggest that the bulk of the non-thermal photon spectrum observed in sGRBs can stem from hadronic processes, occurring below the photosphere and previously neglected, with an accompanying energy flux of neutrinos peaking in the GeV energy range.

  • A Cacophony of Echoes from daily monitoring of the Crab Pulsar at Jodrell Bank.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thierry Serafin Nadeau, Marten H. van Kerkwijk, Cees G. Bassa, Ben W. Stappers, Mitchell B. Mickaliger, Andrew G. Lyne

    Using archival data from the 42 foot telescope at the Jodrell Bank Observatory, we produce daily stacks of aligned giant pulses for the Crab pulsar, to study changes to the daily profiles between April 2012 to December 2016. From these, we identify echoes, where intervening material away from the line of sight causes pulsed emission to be redirected towards the observer, with delay corresponding to the increased distance of travel, resulting in additional profile components. These observations show that such echoes may be far more common than implied by the previous rate of detections. All the observed echoes are consistent with approaching zero-delay at their closest approach to the normal giant pulse emission. This indicates that the structures responsible for producing these events must be highly anisotropic, with typical lengths greater than $\sim 4\textrm{AU}$, typical widths on the sky of $\sim 0.1 \textrm{AU}$ and typical depths of $\sim 5\textrm{AU}$, given the previously observed electron densities of the nebular filaments, on the order of 1000 cm$^{-3}$. This suggests that these inhomogeneities are likely to be offshoot substructure from the larger nebular filaments of the Crab nebula.

  • A $4^{\rm th}$-order accurate finite volume method for ideal classical and special relativistic MHD based on pointwise reconstructions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vittoria Berta, Andrea Mignone, Matteo Bugli, Giancarlo Mattia

    We present a novel implementation of a genuinely $4^{\rm th}$-order accurate finite volume scheme for multidimensional classical and special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) based on the constrained transport (CT) formalism. The scheme introduces several novel aspects when compared to its predecessors yielding a more efficient computational tool. Among the most relevant ones, our scheme exploits pointwise to pointwise reconstructions (rather than one-dimensional finite volume ones), employs the generic upwind constrained transport averaging and sophisticated limiting strategies that include both a discontinuity detector and an order reduction procedure. Selected numerical benchmarks demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the method.


  • Exploring Low-Mass Black Holes through Tidal Disruption Events in the Early Universe: Perspectives in the Era of JWST, RST, and LSST Surveys.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kohei Inayoshi, Kazumi Kashiyama, Wenxiu Li, Yuichi Harikane, Kohei Ichikawa, Masafusa Onoue

    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has recently uncovered the presence of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at $z=4-11$. Spectroscopic observations have provided estimates of the nuclear black hole (BH) masses for these sources, extending the low-mass boundary down to $M_{\rm BH} \sim 10^{6-7}~M_\odot$. Despite this breakthrough, the observed lowest mass of BHs is still $\gtrsim 1-2$ orders of magnitude heavier than the predicted mass range of their seed population, thereby leaving the initial mass distribution of massive BHs poorly constrained. In this paper, we focus on UV-to-optical (in rest frame) flares of stellar tidal disruption events (TDEs) embedded in low-luminosity AGNs as a tool to explore low-mass BH populations with $\lesssim 10^{4-6}~M_\odot$. We provide an estimate of the TDE rate over $z=4-11$ associated wth the properties of JWST-detected AGN host galaxies, and find that deep and wide survey programs with JWST and Roman Space Telescope (RST) can detect and identify TDEs up to $z\simeq 4-7$. The predicted detection numbers of TDEs at $z>4$ in one year are $N_{\rm TDE} \sim 2-10~(0.2-2)$ for the JADES-Medium (and COSMOS-Web) survey with JWST, and $N_{\rm TDE} \sim 2-10~(8-50)$ for the Deep (and Wide) tier of the High-latitude Time Domain Survey with RST. We further discuss the survey strategies to hunt for the transient high-redshift TDEs in wide-field surveys with RST, as well as a joint observation campaign with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory for enhancing the detection number. The high-redshift TDE search will give us a unique opportunity to probe the mass distribution of early BH populations.

  • The properties of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies for type 1 and 2 AGN in the eFEDS and COSMOS fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Mountrichas, I. Georgantopoulos

    In this study, our primary objective is to compare the properties of SMBH and their host galaxies between type 1 and type 2 AGN. In our analysis, we use X-ray detected sources in two fields, namely the eFEDS and the COSMOS-Legacy. To classify the X-ray sources, we perform SED fitting analysis, using the CIGALE code. Ensuring the robustness of our analysis is paramount, and to achieve this, we impose stringent selection criteria. Thus, only sources with extensive photometric data across the optical, near- and mid-infrared part of the spectrum and reliable host galaxy properties and classifications were included. The final sample consists of 3,312 AGN, of which 3\,049 are classified as type 1 and 263 as type 2. The sources span a redshift range of $\rm 0.5<z<3.5$ and encompass a wide range of L$_X$, falling within $\rm 42<log,[L_{X,2-10keV}(ergs^{-1})]<46$. Our results show that type 2 AGN exhibit a tendency to inhabit more massive galaxies, by $0.2-0.3$\,dex, compared to type 1 sources. Type 2 AGN also display, on average, lower specific black hole accretion rates, a proxy of the Eddington ratio, compared to type 1 AGN. These differences persist across all redshifts and L$_X$ considered within our dataset. Moreover, our analysis uncovers, that type 2 sources tend to have lower star-formation rates compared to 1 AGN, at $\rm z<1$. This picture reverses at $\rm z>2$ and $\rm log,[L_{X,2-10keV}(ergs^{-1})]>44$. Similar patterns emerge when we categorize AGN based on their X-ray obscuration levels ($N_H$). However, in this case, the observed differences are pronounced only for low-to-intermediate L$_X$ AGN and are also sensitive to the $\rm N_H$ threshold applied for the AGN classification. These comprehensive findings enhance our understanding of the intricate relationships governing AGN types and their host galaxy properties across diverse cosmic epochs and luminosity regimes.

  • Detecting the edges of galaxies with deep learning.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jesús Fernández, Fernando Buitrago, Benjamín Sahelices

    Galaxy edges or truncations are low-surface-brightness (LSB) features located in the galaxy outskirts that delimit the distance up to where the gas density enables efficient star formation. As such, they could be interpreted as a non-arbitrary means to determine the galaxy size and this is also reinforced by the smaller scatter in the galaxy mass-size relation when comparing them with other size proxies. However, there are several problems attached to this novel metric, namely, the access to deep imaging and the need to contrast the surface brightness, color, and mass profiles to derive the edge position. While the first hurdle is already overcome by new ultra-deep galaxy observations, we hereby propose the use of machine learning (ML) algorithms to determine the position of these features for very large datasets. We compare the semantic segmentation by our deep learning (DL) models with the results obtained by humans for HST observations of a sample of 1052 massive (M$_{\rm stellar}$ > 10$^{10}$ M$_{\odot}$) galaxies at $z < 1$. In addition, the concept of astronomic augmentations is introduced to endow the inputs of the networks with a physical meaning. Our findings suggest that similar performances than humans could be routinely achieved. The best results are obtained by combining the output of several neural networks using ensemble learning. Additionally, we find that using edge-aware loss functions allows for the networks to focus their optimization on the galaxy boundaries. The experiments reveal a great similarity between the segmentation performed by the AI compared to the human model. For the best model, an average dice of 0.8969 is achieved, while an average dice of 0.9104 is reached by the best ensemble. This methodology will be profusely used in future datasets, such as that of Euclid, to derive scaling relations that are expected to closely follow the galaxy mass assembly.

  • Identification of new nearby white dwarfs using Gaia DR3.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alex Golovin, Sabine Reffert, Akash Vani, Ulrich Bastian, Stefan Jordan, Andreas Just

    Based on the astrometry and photometry in Gaia DR3, we identified new nearby white dwarfs and validated those that had been missed from recent white dwarf catalogues despite being previously documented. To ensure the reliability of their astrometric solutions, we used a cut on just two parameters from Gaia DR3: the amplitude of the image parameter determination goodness-of-fit and the parallax-over-error ratio. In addition, we imposed photometric signal-to-noise requirements to ensure the reliable identification of white dwarfs when using the colour-magnitude diagram. We have identified nine previously unreported white dwarfs within the local population of 50 pc, and validated 21 previously reported white dwarfs missing from the GCWD21 (Gentile Fusillo et al. 2021) and other recent volume-limited white dwarf samples. A few of these objects belong to the rare class of ultra-cool white dwarfs. Four white dwarfs in our sample have an effective temperature of $T_{eff}\leq4000$ K within the $1\sigma$ interval, and two of them have an absolute magnitude of $M_G > 16.0$ mag. The identified white dwarfs are predominantly located in crowded fields, such as near the Galactic plane or in the foreground of the Large Magellanic Cloud. We also find that 19 of these white dwarfs have common proper motion companions with angular separations ranging from $1.1'$ to $7.1'$ and brightness differences between the components of up to 9.8 magnitudes. One of these systems is a triple system consisting of a white dwarf and two K dwarfs, while another is a double white dwarf system. We have identified 103 contaminants among the 2338 high-confidence white dwarfs in the 50 pc subsample of the GCWD21 and have found that their astrometric solutions in Gaia DR3 are spurious, improving the purity by 4.4%.

  • Spatially resolved microlensing timescale distributions across the Galactic bulge with the VVV survey.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zofia Kaczmarek, Peter McGill, N. Wyn Evans, Leigh C. Smith, Nathan Golovich, Eamonn Kerins, David Specht, William A. Dawson, University of Cambridge, (2) Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, (3) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, (4) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester)

    We analyze 1602 microlensing events found in the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) near-infrared (NIR) survey data. We obtain spatially-resolved, efficiency-corrected timescale distributions across the Galactic bulge ($|\ell|<10^\circ,$ $|b|<5^\circ$), using a Bayesian hierarchical model. Spatially-resolved peaks and means of the timescale distributions, along with their marginal distributions in strips of longitude and latitude, are in agreement at a 1$\sigma$ level with predictions based on the Besan\c{c}on model of the Galaxy. We find that the event timescales in the central bulge fields ($|\ell| < 5^\circ$) are on average shorter than the non-central ($|\ell| > 5^\circ$) fields, with the average peak of the lognormal timescale distribution at 23.6 $\pm$ 1.9 days for the central fields and 29.0 $\pm$ 3.0 days for the non-central fields. Our ability to probe the structure of the Bulge with this sample of NIR microlensing events is limited by the VVV survey's sparse cadence and relatively small number of detected microlensing events compared to dedicated optical surveys. Looking forward to future surveys, we investigate the capability of the Roman telescope to detect spatially-resolved asymmetries in the timescale distributions. We propose two pairs of Roman fields, centred on ($\ell = \pm 9,5^\circ$, $b=-0.125^\circ$) and ($\ell = -5^\circ$, $b=\pm 1.375^\circ$) as good targets to measure the asymmetry in longitude and latitude, respectively.

  • Covering factor of the dust-driven broad-line region clouds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mohammad Hassan Naddaf, Bozena Czerny

    The origin of the Broad Line Region (BLR) clouds in Active Galactic Nuclei is still under discussion. We develop the scenario in which the clouds in the outer, less ionized part of BLR, are launched by the radiation pressure acting on dust. Most of the outflow forms a failed wind, so we refer to it as FRADO (Failed Radiatively Accelerated Dusty Outflow), but for a certain parameter range actual outflow also take place. We aim to test the model predictions. In this paper, we present the calculation of the angular distribution of clouds and the net covering factor as this affects the fraction of radiation which can be intercepted and reprocessed in the form of H-beta or Mg II emission line. The results reveal that the covering factor is intricately linked to the mass, accretion rate, and metallicity of the clouds. Notably, as these parameters increase, so does the covering factor, shedding light on the dynamic interplay between the central engine and the surrounding material in AGNs.

  • The Near-Infrared Extinction Law at High and Low Galactic Latitudes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Robert E. Butler, Samir Salim

    The Milky Way extinction curve in the near-infrared (NIR) follows a power law form, but the value of the slope, $\beta_\text{NIR}$, is debated. Systematic variations in the slope of the Milky Way UV extinction curve are known to be correlated with variations in the optical slope (through $R_V$), but whether such a dependence extends to the NIR is unclear. Finally, because of low dust column densities, the NIR extinction law is essentially unconstrained at high Galactic latitudes where most extragalactic work takes place. In this paper, we construct extinction curves from 56,649 stars with SDSS and 2MASS photometry, based on stellar parameters from SDSS spectra. We use dust maps to identify dust-free stars, from which we calibrate the relation between stellar parameters and intrinsic colors. Furthermore, to probe the low-dust regime at high latitudes, we use aggregate curves based on many stars. We find no significant variation of $\beta_\text{NIR}$ across low-to-moderate dust columns ($0.02<E(B-V)\lesssim 1$), and report average $\beta_\text{NIR}=1.85\pm0.01$, in agreement with Fitzpatrick et al. (2019), but steeper than Cardelli et al. (1989) and Fitzpatrick (1999). We also find no intrinsic correlation between $\beta_\text{NIR}$ and $R_V$ (there is an apparent correlation which is the result of the correlated uncertainties in the two values). These results hold for typical sightlines; we do not probe very dusty regions near the Galactic Center, nor rare sightlines with $R_V>4$. Finally, we find $R_H=0.345\pm0.007$ and comment on its bearing on Cepheid calibrations and the determination of $H_0$.

  • The Basic Iterative Deconvolution: A fast instrumental point-spread function deconvolution method that corrects for light that is scattered out of the field of view of a detector.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stefan Johann Hofmeister

    A point-spread function describes the optics of an imaging system and can be used to correct collected images for instrumental effects. The state of the art for deconvolving images with the point-spread function is the Richardson-Lucy algorithm; however, despite its high fidelity, it is slow and cannot account for light scattered out of the field of view of the detector. We reinstate the Basic Iterative Deconvolution (BID) algorithm, a deconvolution algorithm that considers photons scattered out of the field of view of the detector, and extend it for image subregion deconvolutions. Its runtime is 1.8 to 7.1 faster than the Richardson-Lucy algorithm for 4096 x 4096 pixels images and up to an additional factor of 150 for subregions of 250 x 250 pixels. We test the extended BID algorithm for solar images taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), and find that the deviations between the reconstructed intensities of BID and the Richardson-Lucy algorithm are smaller than 1% + 0.1 DN.

  • Final parsec evolution in the presence of intermediate mass black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fan Zhang

    In this short note, we draw attention to the possibility that, under favorable conditions, the final parsec problem could be alleviated by the presence of a moderate population of intermediate mass black holes in the centers of merged galaxies.

  • EMU/GAMA: Radio detected galaxies are more obscured than optically selected galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    U. T. Ahmed, A. M. Hopkins, J. Ware, Y. A. Gordon, M. Bilicki, M. J. I. Brown, M. Cluver, G. Gürkan, Á. R. López-Sánchez, 9 and 10), D. A. Leahy, L. Marchetti, S. Phillipps, I. Prandoni, N. Seymour, E. N. Taylor, E. Vardoulaki, Macquarie University, Australia, (2) Centre for Astrophysics, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, (3) Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, (4) Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, (5) School of Physics \& Astronomy, Monash University, Australia, (6) Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, (7) Thüringer Landessternwarte, Germany, (8) CSIRO Space and Astronomy, ATNF, Australia, (9) Macquarie University Research Centre for Astronomy, Astrophysics \& Astrophotonics, Australia, (10) ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO-3D), (11) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Canada, (12) Department of Astronomy, University of Cape Town, South Africa, (13) INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia, Italy, (14) Astrophysics Group, School of Physics, University of Bristol, UK, (15) International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University, Australia)

    We demonstrate the importance of radio selection in probing heavily obscured galaxy populations. We combine Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) Early Science data in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) G23 field with the GAMA data, providing optical photometry and spectral line measurements, together with Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) infrared (IR) photometry, providing IR luminosities and colours. We investigate the degree of obscuration in star forming galaxies, based on the Balmer decrement (BD), and explore how this trend varies, over a redshift range of 0<z<0.345. We demonstrate that the radio detected population has on average higher levels of obscuration than the parent optical sample, arising through missing the lowest BD and lowest mass galaxies, which are also the lower star formation rate (SFR) and metallicity systems. We discuss possible explanations for this result, including speculation around whether it might arise from steeper stellar initial mass functions in low mass, low SFR galaxies.

  • Chromatically modelling the parsec scale dusty structure in the centre of NGC1068.- [PDF] - [Article]

    James Leftley, Romain Petrov, Niklas Moszczynski, Pierre Vermot, Sebastian Hoenig, Violeta Gamez Rosas, Jacob Isbell, Walter Jaffe, Yann Clenet, Jean-Charles Augereau, Philippe Berio, Richard Davies, Thomas Henning, Stephane Lagarde, Bruno Lopez, Alexis Matter, Anthony Meilland, Florentin Millour, Nicole Nesvadba, Taro Shimizu, Eckhard Sturm, Gerd Weigelt

    Context: The Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) has been providing breakthrough images of the dust in the central parsecs of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), thought to be a key component of the AGN unification scheme and AGN host galaxy interaction. In single infrared bands, these images can have multiple interpretations some of which could challenge the unification scheme. This is the case for the archetypal type 2 AGN of NGC1068. The degeneracy is reduced by multi-band temperature maps which are hindered by ambiguity in alignment between different single band images. Aims: To solve this problem by creating a chromatic model capable of simultaneously explaining the VLTI GRAVITY+MATISSE $2\mu$m$-13\mu$m observations of the AGN hosted by NGC1068. Methods: We employ a simple disk and wind geometry populated with black body emitters and dust obscuration to create a versatile multi-wavelength modelling method for chromatic IR interferometric data of dusty objects. Results: This simple geometry is capable of reproducing the spectro-interferometric data of NGC1068 from K$-$N-band, explains the complex single band images with obscuration and inclination effects, and solves the alignment problem between bands. We find that the resulting inclination and position angle of the model is consistent with those inferred in previous larger scale studies of the narrow line region. Furthermore, the resulting model images visually resemble the multiple achromatic image reconstructions of the same data when evaluated at the same wavelengths. We conclude that the AGN of NGC1068 can indeed be explained by the clumpy disk+wind iteration of the AGN unification scheme. Within the scheme, we find that it is best explained as a type 2 AGN and the obscuring dust chemistry can be explained by a mix of olivine silicates and $16\pm1\%$ amorphous carbon.

  • To high redshift and low mass: exploring the emergence of quenched galaxies and their environments at $3

    Stacey Alberts, Christina C. Williams, Jakob M. Helton, Katherine A. Suess, Zhiyuan Ji, Irene Shivaei, Jianwei Lyu, George Rieke, William M. Baker, Nina Bonaventura, Andrew J. Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stephane Charlot, Emma Curtis-Lake, Francesco D'Eugenio, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Anna de Graaff, Kevin N. Hainline, Ryan Hausen, Benjamin D. Johnson, Roberto Maiolino, Eleonora Parlanti, Marcia J. Rieke, Brant E. Robertson, Yang Sun, Sandro Tacchella, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Chris J. Willott

    We present the robust selection of quiescent (QG) and post-starburst (PSB) galaxies using ultra-deep NIRCam and MIRI imaging from the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES). Key to this is MIRI 7.7$\mu$m imaging which breaks the degeneracy between old stellar populations and dust attenuation at $3<z<6$ by providing rest-frame $J$-band. Using this, we identify 23 passively evolving galaxies in UVJ color space in a mass-limited (log $M_{\star}/M_{\odot}\geq8.5$) sample over 8.8 arcmin$^2$. Evaluation of this selection with and without 7.7$\,\mu$m shows that dense wavelength coverage with NIRCam ($8-11$ bands including $1-4$ medium-bands) can compensate for lacking the $J-$band anchor, meaning that robust selection of high-redshift QGs is possible with NIRCam alone. Our sample is characterized by rapid quenching timescales ($\sim100-600$ Myr) with formation redshifts $z_{\rm f}\lesssim8.5$ and includes a potential record-holding massive QG at $z_{\rm phot}=5.33_{-0.17}^{+0.16}$ and two QGs with evidence for significant residual dust content ($A_{\rm V}\sim1-2$). In addition, we present a large sample of 12 log $M_{\star}/M_{\odot}=8.5-9.5$ PSBs, demonstrating that UVJ selection can be extended to low mass. Analysis of the environment of our sample reveals that the group known as the Cosmic Rose contains a massive QG and a dust-obscured star-forming galaxy (a so-called Jekyll and Hyde pair) plus three additional QGs within $\sim20$ kpc. Moreover, the Cosmic Rose is part of a larger overdensity at $z\sim3.7$ which contains 7/12 of our low-mass PSBs. Another 4 low-mass PSBs are members of an overdensity at $z\sim3.4$; this result strongly indicates low-mass PSBs are preferentially associated with overdense environments at $z>3$.

  • Molecular deuterations in massive Starless Clump Candidates.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kai Yang, Junzhi Wang, Keping Qiu, Tianwei Zhang

    Deuterated molecules are valuable probes for investigating the evolution and the kinematics in the earliest stages of star formation. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive investigation by performing a single point survey of 101 starless clump candidates, and carrying out on-the-fly (OTF) observations of 11 selected sources, focusing on deuterated molecular lines using the IRAM 30-m telescope. In the single-point observation, we make 46 detections for DCO$^{+}$ J=1$-$0, 12 for DCN J=1$-$0, 51 for DNC J=1$-$0, 7 for N$_{2}$D$^{+}$ J=1$-$0, 20 for DCO$^{+}$ J=2$-$1, and 10 for DCN J=2$-$1. The starless clump candidates (SCCs) with deuterated molecule detections exhibit lower median kinetic temperatures and narrower H$_{2}$CO (1$_{(0,1)}$$-$0$_{(0,0)}$) median full width at half maximum (FWHM) compared to those without such detections, while simultaneously displaying similar median values of 1.1mm intensity, mass, and distance. Furthermore, our OTF observations reveal that deuterated molecules predominantly have peaks near the 1.1mm continuum peaks, with the DCO$^{+}$ J=1$-$0 emission demonstrating higher intensity in the deuterated peak region compared to the DCN and DNC J=1$-$0 emissions. Additionally, the majority of emissions from deuterated molecules and $^{13}$C$-$isotopologues exhibit peak positions close to those of the 1.1mm continuum peaks. By analyzing the 20"$\times$20" regions with strongest deuterated emissions in the OTF observations, we estimated deuterated abundances of 0.004$-$0.045, 0.011$-$0.040, and 0.004$-$0.038 for D$_{\rm frac}$(HCN), D$_{\rm frac}$(HCO$^{+}$), and D$_{\rm frac}$(HNC), respectively. The differential detection of deuterated molecular lines in our OTF observations could be attributed to variations in critical densities and formation pathways.

  • Relativistic effects cannot explain galactic dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. Filipe O. Costa, José Natário

    It has been suggested in recent literature that non-linear and/or gravitomagnetic general relativistic effects can play a leading role in galactic dynamics, partially or totally replacing dark matter. Using the 1+3 "quasi-Maxwell" formalism, we show, on general grounds, such hypothesis to be impossible.

  • A new model for dark matter phase space distribution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhen Li, Steen H. Hansen

    Understanding the nature of dark matter is among the top priorities of modern physics. However, due to its inertness, it is very difficult to detect and study it directly in terrestrial experiments. Numerical N-body simulations are currently the best approach to study the particle properties and phase space distribution, by assuming the collisionless nature of dark matter particles. These simulations also compensate for the fact that we do not have a satisfactory theory for predicting the universal properties of dark matter halos, such as the density profile and velocity distribution. In this work, we propose a new analytical model of dark matter phase space distribution that could provide a NFW-like density profile and velocity distribution, as well as velocity component distributions, which agree very well with the simulation data. Our model is relevant both for theoretical modelling of dark matter distributions, as well as for underground detector experiments, which need the dark matter velocity distribution for the experimental analysis.

  • Galaxy clustering measurements out to redshift z$\sim$8 from Hubble Legacy Fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicolò Dalmasso, Michele Trenti, Nicha Leethochawalit

    We present a novel approach for measuring the two-point correlation function of galaxies in narrow pencil beam surveys with varying depths. Our methodology is utilized to expand high-redshift galaxy clustering investigations up to $z \sim 8$ by analyzing a comprehensive sample consisting of $N_g = 160$ Lyman break galaxy candidates obtained through optical and near-infrared photometric data within the CANDELS GOODS datasets from the Hubble Space Telescope Legacy Fields. For bright sources with $M_{UV} < -19.8$, we determine a galaxy bias of $b = 9.33\pm4.90$ at $\overline{z} = 7.7$ and a correlation length of $r_0 = 10.74\pm7.06$ $h^{-1}Mpc$. We obtain similar results for the XDF, with a galaxy bias measurement of $b = 8.26\pm3.41$ at the same redshift for a slightly fainter sample with a median luminosity of $M_{UV} = -18.4$. By comparing with dark-matter halo bias and employing abundance matching, we deduce a characteristic halo mass of $M_h \sim 10^{11.5} M_{\odot}$ and a duty cycle close to unity. To validate our approach for variable-depth datasets, we replicate the analysis in a region with near-uniform depth using a standard two-point correlation function estimator, yielding consistent outcomes. Our study not only provides a valuable tool for future utilization in JWST datasets but also suggests that the clustering of early galaxies continues to increase with redshift beyond $z \gtrsim 8$, potentially contributing to the existence of protocluster structures observed in early JWST imaging and spectroscopic surveys at $z \gtrsim 8$.

  • The He abundance in NGC 1850 A and B: are we observing the early stage of formation of multiple populations in a stellar cluster?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Carini, A. Sollima, E. Brocato, K. Biazzo

    We present the result of a sample of B-stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud young double stellar cluster NGC 1850 A and NGC 1850 B, observed with the integral-field spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope, the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer. We compare the observed equivalent widths (EWs) of four He lines (4922 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$, 5015 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$, 6678 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$, and 7065 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$) with the ones determined from synthetic spectra computed with different He mass fraction (Y=0.25, 0.27, 0.30 and 0.35) with the code SYNSPEC, that takes into account the non-LTE effect. From this comparison, we determined the He mass fraction of the B stars, finding a not homogeneous distribution. The stars can be divided in three groups, He-weak (Y $\lt$ 0.24) and the He-normal (0.24 $\leqslant$ Y $\leqslant$ 0.26) belonging to the MS of NGC 1850 A, and the He-rich stars (0.33 $\leqslant$ Y $\leqslant$ 0.38) situated in the MS associated to NGC 1850 B. We have analyzed the stellar rotation as possible responsible of the anomalous features of the He lines in the He-rich stars. We provide a simple analysis of the differences between the observed EWs and the ones obtained from the theoretical models with different rotation velocity (V$\sin{i}$ = 0 and 250 Km/s). The resolution of the MUSE spectra do not allow to get a conclusive result, however our analysis support the He-enhanced hypothesis.

  • The stellar mass function of quiescent galaxies in 2 < z < 2.5 protoclusters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adit H. Edward, Michael L. Balogh, Yannick M. Bahe, Michael C. Cooper, Nina A. Hatch, Justin Marchioni, Adam Muzzin, Allison Noble, Gregory H. Rednick, Benedetta Vulcani, Gillian Wilson, Gabriella De Lucia, Ricardo Demarco, Ben Forrest, Michaela Hirschmann, Gianluca Castignani, Pierluigi Cerulo, Rose A. Finn, Guillaume Hewitt, Pascale Jablonka, Yadayuki Kodama, Sophie Maurogordato, Julie Nantais, Lizhi Xie

    We present an analysis of the galaxy stellar mass function (SMF) of 14 known protoclusters between $2.0 < z < 2.5$ in the COSMOS field, down to a mass limit of $10^{9.5}$ M$_{\odot}$. We use existing photometric redshifts with a statistical background subtraction, and consider star-forming and quiescent galaxies identified from $(NUV - r)$ and $(r - J)$ colours separately. Our fiducial sample includes galaxies within 1 Mpc of the cluster centres. The shape of the protocluster SMF of star-forming galaxies is indistinguishable from that of the general field at this redshift. Quiescent galaxies, however, show a flatter SMF than in the field, with an upturn at low mass, though this is only significant at $\sim 2\sigma$. There is no strong evidence for a dominant population of quiescent galaxies at any mass, with a fraction of $< 15\%$ at $1\sigma$ confidence for galaxies with log$M_{\ast}/M_{\odot} < 10.5$. We compare our results with a sample of galaxies groups at $1 < z < 1.5$, and demonstrate that a significant amount of environmental quenching must take place between these epochs, increasing the relative abundance of high-mass ($\rm M > 10^{10.5} M_{\odot}$) quiescent galaxies by a factor of $\gtrsim$ 2. However, we find that at lower masses ($\rm M < 10^{10.5} M_{\odot}$), no additional environmental quenching is required.

  • JWST Reveals a Surprisingly High Fraction of Galaxies Being Spiral-like at $0.5\leq z\leq4$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vicki Kuhn, Yicheng Guo, Alec Martin, Julianna Bayless, Ellie Gates, AJ Puleo

    Spiral arms are one of the most important features used to classify the morphology of local galaxies. The cosmic epoch when spiral arms first appeared contains essential clues to their formation mechanisms as well as the overall galaxy evolution. In this letter, we used James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images from the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey to visually identify spiral galaxies with redshift $0.5\leq z\leq4$ and stellar mass $\geq10^{10}\; M_\odot$. Out of 873 galaxies, 216 were found to have a spiral structure. The spiral galaxies in our sample have higher star formation rates (SFRs) and larger sizes than non-spiral galaxies. We found the observed spiral fraction decreases from 48% to 8% at $z\sim0.75-2.75$. These fractions are higher than the fractions observed with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We even detect possible spiral-like features at redshifts $z>3$. We artificially redshifted low redshift galaxies to high redshifts and re-inspected them to evaluate observational effects. By varying the input spiral fraction of the redshifted sample, we found that the input fraction of $\sim40$% matches the observed fraction at $z=2-3$ the best. We are able to rule out spiral fractions being $<20$% (3$\sigma$) for real galaxies at $z\sim3$. This fraction is surprisingly high and implies that the formation of spiral arms, as well as disks, was earlier in the universe.

  • The Connection between Mergers and AGN Activity in Simulated and Observed Massive Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ray S. Sharma, Ena Choi, Rachel S. Somerville, Gregory F. Snyder, Dale D. Kocevski, Michaela Hirschmann, Benjamin P. Moster, Thorsten Naab, Desika Narayanan, Jeremiah P. Ostriker, David J. Rosario

    We analyze a suite of $30$ high resolution zoom-in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of massive galaxies with stellar masses $M_{\ast} > 10^{10.9} M_\odot$, with the goal of better understanding merger activity in AGN, AGN activity in merging systems, SMBH growth during mergers, and the role of gas content. Using the radiative transfer code \textsc{Powderday}, we generate HST-WFC3 F160W synthetic observations of redshift $0.5 < z < 3$ central galaxies, add noise properties similar to the CANDELS survey, and measure morphological properties from the synthetic images using commonly adopted non-parametric statistics. We compare the distributions of morphological properties measured from the synthetic images with a sample of inactive galaxies and X-ray selected AGN hosts from CANDELS. We study the connection between mergers and AGN activity in the simulations, the synthetic images, and the observed CANDELS sample. We find that, in both the simulations and CANDELS, even the most luminous $(L_{\rm bol} > 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1})$ AGN in our sample are no more likely than inactive galaxies $(L_{\rm bol} < 10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1})$ to be found in merging systems. We also find that AGN activity is not overall enhanced by mergers, nor enhanced at any specific time in the $1$ Gyr preceding and following a merger. Even gas rich major mergers (stellar mass ratio $>$1:4) do not necessarily enhance AGN activity or significantly grow the central SMBH. We conclude that in the simulated massive galaxies studied here, mergers are not the primary drivers of AGN.

  • Reconstructing the whole 6D properties of the Sagittarius stream with N-body simulations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hai-Feng Wang, Yan-Bin Yang, Francois Hammer, Jian-Ling Wang

    It is a challenge to reproduce the full 6D space-phase properties of Sagittarius (Sgr) dwarf galaxy and its Stream simultaneously. Using N-body simulations with a Milky Way mass of 5.2$\times10^{11}$ M$_{\odot}$ and a ``scaling down'' Sgr mass of 9.3$\times10^{8}$ M$_{\odot}$, from a qualitative point of view, we have been able to reproduce well all 3D spatial features of Sgr stream, including its core, leading and trailing arms, and their associated bifurcations, moreover, the overall trend of the reported 3D kinematics properties of the Sgr stream have also been reproduced without fine tuning. Furthermore, we also find that our model fails in reproducing the exact behaviours of the line-of-sight velocity and angular-energy distributions. It let us to suggest that significant further progress might be achievable after introducing a major component in the Sgr progenitor, which is the gas that dominates all Irregular dwarf galaxies in the Sgr mass range and can slow down the radial velocity of Sgr before its removal, if gas can not solve this problem then we will consider a non-spherical Milky Way halo with hot gas, LMC, etc. As the first step for us to towards the complete understanding of the Sgr system, this progress is also advancing our understanding of the bifurcations, the generation of which might be due to the MW shocks at each pericenter passage, and also be linked to the orientation and disk-shape in the initial conditions.

  • Free-floating or wide-orbit? Keck adaptive-optics observations of free-floating planet candidates detected with gravitational microlensing.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    P. Mroz, M. Ban, P. Marty, R. Poleski

    Recent detections of extremely short-timescale microlensing events imply the existence of a large population of Earth- to Neptune-mass planets that appear to have no host stars. However, it is currently unknown whether these objects are truly free-floating planets or whether they are in wide orbits around a distant host star. Here, we present an analysis of high-resolution imaging observations of five free-floating planet candidates collected with the Keck telescope. If these candidates were actually wide-orbit planets, then the light of the host would appear at a separation of 40-60 mas from the microlensing source star. No such stars are detected. We carry out injection and recovery simulations to estimate the sensitivity to putative host stars at different separations. Depending on the object, the presented observations rule out 11%-36\% of potential hosts assuming that the probability of hosting a planet does not depend on the host mass. The results are sensitive to the latter assumption, and the probability of detecting the host star in the analyzed images may be a factor of 1.9 +/- 0.1 larger, if the exoplanet hosting probability scales as the first power of the host star mass, as suggested by recent studies of planetary microlensing events. We argue that deeper observations, for example with JWST, are needed to confidently confirm or refute the free-floating planet hypothesis.

  • Ionised gas kinematics and dynamical masses of $z\gtrsim6$ galaxies from JADES/NIRSpec high-resolution spectroscopy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anna de Graaff, Hans-Walter Rix, Stefano Carniani, Katherine A. Suess, Stéphane Charlot, Emma Curtis-Lake, Santiago Arribas, William M. Baker, Kristan Boyett, Andrew J. Bunker, Alex J. Cameron, Jacopo Chevallard, Mirko Curti, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Marijn Franx, Kevin Hainline, Ryan Hausen, Zhiyuan Ji, Benjamin D. Johnson, Gareth C. Jones, Roberto Maiolino, Michael V. Maseda, Erica Nelson, Eleonora Parlanti, Tim Rawle, Brant Robertson, Sandro Tacchella, Hannah Übler, Christina C. Williams, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Chris Willott

    We explore the kinematic gas properties of six $5.5<z<7.4$ galaxies in the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), using high-resolution JWST/NIRSpec multi-object spectroscopy of the rest-frame optical emission lines [OIII] and H$\alpha$. The objects are small and of low stellar mass ($\sim 1\,$kpc; $M_*\sim10^{7-9}\,{\rm M_\odot}$), less massive than any galaxy studied kinematically at $z>1$ thus far. The cold gas masses implied by the observed star formation rates are $\sim 10\times$ larger than the stellar masses. We find that their ionised gas is spatially resolved by JWST, with evidence for broadened lines and spatial velocity gradients. Using a simple thin-disc model, we fit these data with a novel forward modelling software that accounts for the complex geometry, point spread function, and pixellation of the NIRSpec instrument. We find the sample to include both rotation- and dispersion-dominated structures, as we detect velocity gradients of $v(r_{\rm e})\approx100-150\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}}$, and find velocity dispersions of $\sigma_0\approx 30-70\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}}$ that are comparable to those at cosmic noon. The dynamical masses implied by these models ($M_{\rm dyn}\sim10^{9-10}\,{\rm M_\odot}$) are larger than the stellar masses by up to a factor 40, and larger than the total baryonic mass (gas + stars) by a factor of $\sim 3$. Qualitatively, this result is robust even if the observed velocity gradients reflect ongoing mergers rather than rotating discs. Unless the observed emission line kinematics is dominated by outflows, this implies that the centres of these galaxies are dark-matter dominated or that star formation is $3\times$ less efficient, leading to higher inferred gas masses.

  • Asteroseismology of the young open cluster NGC 2516 I: Photometric and spectroscopic observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gang Li, Conny Aerts, Timothy R. Bedding, Dario J. Fritzewski, Simon J. Murphy, Timothy Van Reeth, Benjamin T. Montet, Mingjie Jian, Joey S. G. Mombarg, Seth Gossage, K. R. Sreenivas

    Asteroseismic modelling of isolated star presents significant challenges due to the difficulty in accurately determining stellar parameters, particularly the stellar age. These challenges can be overcomed by observing stars in open clusters, whose coeval members share an initial chemical composition. The light curves by TESS allow us to investigate and analyse stellar variations in clusters with an unprecedented level. We aim to detect gravity-mode oscillations in the early-type main-sequence members of the young open cluster NGC 2516. We selected the 301 member stars as our sample and analysed the TESS FFI light curves. We also collected high-resolution spectra using the FEROS for the g-mode pulsators. By fitting the theoretical isochrones to the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) of a cluster, we determined an age of 102 $\pm$ 15 Myr and inferred the extinction at 550 nm ($A_0$) is 0.53 $\pm$ 0.04 mag. We identified 147 stars with surface brightness modulations, 24 with g-mode pulsations ($\gamma$ Doradus or Slowly Pulsating B stars), and 35 with p-mode pulsations ($\delta$ Sct stars). When sorted by colour index, the amplitude spectra of the $\delta$ Sct stars show a distinct ordering and reveal a discernible frequency-temperature relationship. The near-core rotation rates, measured from period spacing patterns in two SPB and nine $\gamma$ Dor stars, reach up to 3/d . This is at the high end of the values found from Kepler data of field stars of similar variability type. The $\gamma$ Dor stars have internal rotation rates as high as 50% of their critical value, whereas the SPB stars exhibit rotation rates close to their critical rate. We did not find long-term brightness and colour variations in the mid-infrared, which suggests that there are no disk or shell formation events in our sample. We also discussed the results of our spectroscopic observations for the g-mode pulsators.

  • LOFAR discovery and wide-band characterisation of an ultra-steep spectrum AGN radio remnant associated with Abell 1318.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Shulevski, M. Brienza, F. Massaro, R. Morganti, H. Intema, T. Oosterloo, F. De Gasperin, K. Rajpurohit, T. Pasini, A. Kutkin, D. Vohl, E. A. K. Adams, B. Adebahr, M. Brüggen, K. M. Hess, M. G. Loose, L. C. Oostrum, J. Ziemke

    We present the discovery of a very extended (550 kpc) and low-surface-brightness ($ 3.3 \mu \mathrm{Jy} \, arcsec^{-2} $ at 144 MHz) radio emission region in Abell 1318. These properties are consistent with its characterisation as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) remnant radio plasma, based on its morphology and radio spectral properties. We performed a broad-band (54 - 1400 MHz) radio spectral index and curvature analysis using LOFAR, uGMRT, and WSRT-APERTIF data. We also derived the radiative age of the detected emission, estimating a maximum age of 250 Myr. The morphology of the source is remarkably intriguing, with two larger, oval-shaped components and a thinner, elongated, and filamentary structure in between, plausibly reminiscent of two aged lobes and a jet. Based on archival {\it Swift} as well as SDSS data we performed an X-ray and optical characterisation of the system, whose virial mass was estimated to be $ \sim 7.4 \times 10^{13} \, \mathrm{M} _{\odot}$. This places A1318 in the galaxy group regime. Interestingly, the radio source does not have a clear optical counterpart embedded in it, thus, we propose that it is most likely an unusual AGN remnant of previous episode(s) of activity of the AGN hosted by the brightest group galaxy ($ \sim 2.6 \times 10^{12} \, \mathrm{M} _{\odot}$), which is located at a projected distance of $\sim$170 kpc in the current epoch. This relatively high offset may be a result of IGrM sloshing sourced by a minor merger. The filamentary morphology of the source may suggest that the remnant plasma has been perturbed by the system dynamics, however, only future deeper X-ray observations will be able to address this question.


  • Anomaly detection with flow-based fast calorimeter simulators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Claudius Krause, Benjamin Nachman, Ian Pang, David Shih, Yunhao Zhu

    Recently, several normalizing flow-based deep generative models have been proposed to accelerate the simulation of calorimeter showers. Using CaloFlow as an example, we show that these models can simultaneously perform unsupervised anomaly detection with no additional training cost. As a demonstration, we consider electromagnetic showers initiated by one (background) or multiple (signal) photons. The CaloFlow model is designed to generate single photon showers, but it also provides access to the shower likelihood. We use this likelihood as an anomaly score and study the showers tagged as being unlikely. As expected, the tagger struggles when the signal photons are nearly collinear, but is otherwise effective. This approach is complementary to a supervised classifier trained on only specific signal models using the same low-level calorimeter inputs. While the supervised classifier is also highly effective at unseen signal models, the unsupervised method is more sensitive in certain regions and thus we expect that the ultimate performance will require a combination of approaches.

  • Bayesian power spectral estimation of gravitational wave detector noise revisited.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Toral Gupta, Neil Cornish

    The analysis of gravitational wave interferometer data requires estimates for the noise covariance matrix. For stationary noise, this amounts to estimating the power spectrum. Classical methods such as Welch averaging are used in many analyses, but this method require large stretches of ``off-source'' data, where the assumption of stationarity may break down. For this reason, Bayesian spectral estimates using only ``on-source'' data are becoming more widely used, but the Bayesian approach tends to be slower, and more computationally expensive than classical methods. Here we introduce numerous improvements in speed and performance for the BayesWave trans-dimensional Bayesian spectral estimation algorithm, and introduce a new, low-latency fixed dimension Bayesian spectral estimation algorithm, FastSpec, which serves as both a starting point for the BayesWave analysis, and as a stand-alone fast spectral estimation tool. The performance of the Welch, BayesWave and FastSpec algorithms are compared by applying statistical tests for normality to the whitened frequency domain data. Bayesian spectral estimation methods are shown to significantly outperform the classical approach.

  • TiO2 doping effect on reflective coating mechanical loss for gravitational wave detection at low temperature.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yukino Mori, Yota Nakayama, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Takafumi Ushiba, Dani`ele Forest, Christophe Michel, Laurent Pinard, Julien Teillo, Gianpietro Cagnoli

    We measured the mechanical loss of a dielectric multilayer reflective coating (ion-beam-sputtered SiO2 and Ta2O5) with and without TiO2 on sapphire disks between 6 and 77 K. The measured loss angle exhibited a temperature dependence, and the local maximum was found at approximately 20 K. This maximum was 7.0*10^(-4) (with TiO2) and 7.7*10^(-4) (without TiO2), although the previous measurement for the coating on sapphire disks showed almost no temperature dependence (Phys. Rev. D 74 022002 (2006)). We evaluated the coating thermal noise in KAGRA and discussed future investigation strategies.

  • Anti-reflection coating with mullite and Duroid for large-diameter cryogenic sapphire and alumina optics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kana Sakaguri, Masaya Hasegawa, Yuki Sakurai, Junna Sugiyama, Nicole Farias, Charles Hill, Bradley R. Johnson, Kuniaki Konishi, Akito Kusaka, Adrian T. Lee, Tomotake Matsumura, Edward J. Wollack, Junji Yumoto

    We developed a broadband two-layer anti-reflection (AR) coating for use on a sapphire half-wave plate (HWP) and an alumina infrared (IR) filter for the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarimetry. Measuring the faint CMB B-mode signals requires maximizing the number of photons reaching the detectors and minimizing spurious polarization due to reflection with an off-axis incident angle. Sapphire and alumina have high refractive indices of 3.1 and are highly reflective without an AR coating. This paper presents the design, fabrication, quality control, and measured performance of an AR coating using thermally-sprayed mullite and Duroid 5880LZ. This technology enables large optical elements with diameters of 600 mm. We also present a newly developed thermography-based nondestructive quality control technique, which is key to assuring good adhesion and preventing delamination when thermal cycling. We demonstrate the average reflectance of about 2.6% (0.9%) for two observing bands centered at 90/150 (220/280) GHz. At room temperature, the average transmittance of a 105 mm square test sample at 220/280 GHz is 83%, and it will increase to 90% at 100 K, attributed to reduced absorption losses. Therefore, our developed layering technique has proved effective for 220/280 GHz applications, particularly in addressing dielectric loss concerns. This AR coating technology has been deployed in the cryogenic HWP and IR filters of the Simons Array and the Simons observatory experiments and applies to future experiments such as CMB-S4.

  • LLAMA Millimeter and Submillimeter Observatory. Update on its Science Opportunities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Fernandez-Lopez, P. Benaglia, S. Cichowolski, F. S. Correra, G. Cristiani, T. P. Dominici, N. Duronea, G. Gimenez de Castro, J. R. D. Lepine, I. F. Mirabel, J. P. Raulin, H. Saldano, L. Suad, C. Valotto

    The Large Latin American Millimeter Array (LLAMA for short) is a joint scientific and technological undertaking of Argentina and Brazil whose goal is to install and to operate an observing facility capable of performing observations of the Universe at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths. It will consist of a 12m ALMA-like antenna with the addition of two Nasmyth cabins. LLAMA is located at 4850m above sea level in the Puna Saltenia, in the northwest region of Argentina. When completed, LLAMA will be equipped with six ALMA receivers covering Bands 1, 2+3, 5, 6, 7, and 9, which will populate the two Nasmyth cabins. We summarize here the main ideas related with the Science that LLAMA could accomplish on different astronomical topics, gathered from the experience of a group of international experts on each field.


  • Refined Perspectives on the Kerr-Schild Double Copy:Harmonizing Gravity and Electromagnetism in Metric Formulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wen-Xiang Chen, Yao-Guang Zheng

    This paper explores the Kerr-Schild double copy, a duality relating gravity and electromagnetism. We show how Einstein's vacuum solutions in four dimensions can be converted into Maxwell's solutions via a double copy procedure, employing tensor fields. This technique yields novel solutions to Einstein's equations, including Kerr, Schwarzschild, and RN black holes. Introduced by Kerr and Schild in 1965, the Kerr-Schild action decouples the gravitational and matter fields, surpassing the Einstein-Hilbert action in facilitating calculations. It holds significant value for studying gravitational waves, cosmology, and black hole thermodynamics. We further delve into the applications of the Kerr-Schild double copy in deriving black hole solutions, analyzing gravitational waves, exploring alternative cosmological theories, and understanding black hole thermodynamics. Moreover, we investigate the implications of this double copy under SO(3) and SU(2) symmetries on the Schwarzschild and Kerr-Newman black hole metrics.

  • A unified description of curvature, torsion, and non-metricity of the metric-affine geometry with the M\"{o}bius representation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kyosuke Tomonari

    We establish the mathematical fundamentals for a unified description of curvature, torsion, and non-metricity 2-forms in the way extending the so-called M\"{o}bius representation of the affine group, which is the method to convert the semi-direct product into the ordinary matrix product, to revive the fertility of gauge theories of gravity. First of all, a bundle theory, focusing in particular on the Ehresmann connection and its curvature, is provided in a self-contained manner. Based on the theory, curvature, torsion, and non-metricity are introduced in the ordinal manner. Then the curvature and torsion 2-forms are described in a unified manner by using the Cartan connection of the M\"{o}bius representation of the affine group. After that, extending the M\"{o}bius representation, the dilation and shear 2-forms, or equivalently, the non-metricity 2-form, are introduced in the same unified manner. Finally, based on the unified description established in this paper, applying the In\"{o}n\"{u}-Wigner group contraction, the relationships among geometric quantities, gauge structures, and geometries are investigated with respect to the three gauge groups: the metric-affine group and its extension, and an extension of the (anti)-de Sitter group in which the non-metricity exists.

  • Electromagnetic Entrapment in Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pierre Heidmann, Madhur Mehta

    We derive specific properties of electromagnetism when gravitational effects are not negligible and analyze their impact on new physics at the horizons of black holes. We show that a neutral configuration of charges in a region of high redshift, characterized by a large $g^{tt}$, produces a highly localized electromagnetic field that vanishes just beyond that region. This phenomenon implies the existence of extensive families of spacetime structures generated by electromagnetic degrees of freedom that are as compact as black holes. We construct neutral bound states of extremal black holes in four dimensions and in five dimensions, where one direction is compact. These geometries are indistinguishable from a neutral black hole, referred to as distorted Schwarzschild, except in an infinitesimal region near its horizon where the entrapped electromagnetic structures start to manifest. The five-dimensional solutions satisfy various criteria for describing black hole microstructure: they increase in size with the Newton constant, are as compact as the Schwarzschild black hole, and have an entropy that scales like $M^2$.

  • Improved Reall-Santos method for AdS black holes in general higher derivative gravities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Peng-Ju Hu, Liang Ma, H. Lu, Yi Pang

    For asymptotically flat black holes, Reall-Santos method is a powerful tool to compute leading higher derivative corrections to the thermodynamic variables without actually solving the modified field equations. However, its generalization to asymptotically AdS black holes with general higher derivative corrections is a highly nontrivial task. Using the example of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we show that a direct application of the method fails to produce the correct on-shell action. To resolve this problem, we first derive the conditions under which field redefinitions do not affect thermodynamic variables of AdS black holes with general 4-derivative corrections. We then show that Reall-Santos method does apply to a particular 4-derivative gravity model, known as the Einstein-Weyl gravity. We thus propose that to compute the thermodynamic quantities of AdS black holes in a model with general 4-derivative interactions, one simply needs to transform it to a Einstein-Weyl gravity with identical thermodynamic variables by appropriate field redefinitions. We explicitly verify this proposal with spherically-symmetric and static charged black holes in Einstein-Maxwell theory extended with generic 4-derivative interactions.

  • Mixmaster chaos in an AdS black hole interior.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marine De Clerck, Sean A. Hartnoll, Jorge E. Santos

    We derive gravitational backgrounds that are asymptotically Anti-de Sitter, have a regular black hole horizon and which deep in the interior exhibit mixmaster chaotic dynamics. The solutions are obtained by coupling gravity with a negative cosmological constant to three massive vector fields, within an ansatz that reduces to ordinary differential equations. At late interior times the equations are identical to those analyzed in depth by Misner and by Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz fifty years ago. We review and extend known classical and semiclassical results on the interior chaos, formulated as both a dynamical system of `Kasner eras' and as a hyperbolic billiards problem. The volume of the universe collapses doubly-exponentially over each Kasner era. A remarkable feature is the emergence of a conserved energy, and hence a `time-independent' Hamiltonian, at asymptotically late interior times. A quantisation of this Hamiltonian exhibits arithmetic chaos associated with the principal congruence subgroup $\Gamma(2)$ of the modular group. We compute a large number of eigenvalues numerically to obtain the spectral form factor. While the spectral statistics is anomalous for a chaotic system, the eigenfunctions themselves display random matrix behaviour.

  • Handbook of derivative AdS amplitudes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam Bzowski

    In the 2022 study, together with Paul McFadden and Kostas Skenderis, I analyzed tree-level 3- and 4-point Witten diagrams (amplitudes) of scalar operators in anti-de Sitter space in momentum space. This paper constitutes its extension to Witten diagrams with bulk interactions involving spacetime derivatives. In $d = 3$ boundary dimensions the Witten diagrams involving conformally coupled and massless scalars can be evaluated in closed form. Such cases are of interest in holographic cosmology and correspond to dual operators of conformal dimensions $\Delta = 2$ and $3$ respectively. I present explicit formulae for all such amplitudes and provide a Mathematica package serving as the repository of all the results. I discuss renormalization issues and show that, contrary to the expectation, even finite correlators may acquire non-trivial renormalization effects.

  • Pseudospectrum of de Sitter black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kyriakos Destounis, Valentin Boyanov, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo

    Pseudospectral analyses have broadened our understanding of ringdown waveforms from binary remnants, by providing insight into both the stability of their characteristic frequencies under environmental perturbations, as well as the underlying transient and non-modal phenomenology that a mode analysis may miss. In this work we present the pseudospectrum of scalar perturbations on spherically-symmetric black holes in de Sitter spacetimes. We expand upon previous analyses in this setting by calculating the pseudospectrum of Reissner-Nordstr\"om-de Sitter black holes, and revisit results regarding the stability of quasinormal modes under perturbations in several cases. Of particular note is the case of scalar quasinormal modes with angular parameter $\ell=0$, which possess a zero mode related to the presence of a cosmological horizon. We show that the non-trivial eigenfunction associated to this mode has a vanishing energy norm which poses a challenge in quantifying the magnitude of external perturbations to the wave equation's potential, as well as in calculating the pseudospectrum. Nonetheless, we present results which suggest that the spectral instability manifestation of $\ell=0$ scalar quasinormal modes is qualitatively the same as in other cases, in contrast to recent claims. We also analyze the stability of the fundamental mode for $\ell\ge1$, finding it to be spectrally stable, except for certain configurations in which a perturbation leads to a discontinuous overtaking of the fundamental unperturbed purely-imaginary mode by a perturbed complex quasinormal mode.

  • Cosmology in Lorentzian Regge calculus: causality violations, massless scalar field and discrete dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexander F. Jercher, Sebastian Steinhaus

    We develop a model of spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic cosmology in Lorentzian Regge calculus, employing 4-dimensional Lorentzian frusta as building blocks. By examining the causal structure of the discrete spacetimes obtained by gluing such 4-frusta in spatial and temporal direction, we find causality violations if the sub-cells connecting spatial slices are spacelike. A Wick rotation to the Euclidean theory can be defined globally by a complexification of the variables and an analytic continuation of the action. Introducing a discrete free massless scalar field, we study its equations of motion and show that it evolves monotonically. Furthermore, in a continuum limit, we obtain the equations of a homogeneous scalar field on a spatially flat Friedmann background. Vacuum solutions to the causally regular Regge equations are static and flat and show a restoration of time reparametrisation invariance. In the presence of a scalar field, the height of a frustum is a dynamical variable that has a solution if causality violations are absent and if an inequality relating geometric and matter boundary data is satisfied. Edge lengths of cubes evolve monotonically, yielding a contracting or an expanding branch of the universe. In a small deficit angle expansion, the system can be deparametrised via the scalar field and a continuum limit of the discrete theory can be defined which we show to yield the relational Friedmann equation. These properties are obstructed if higher orders of the deficit angle are taken into account. Our results suggest that the inclusion of timelike sub-cells is necessary for a causally regular classical evolution in this symmetry restricted setting. Ultimately, this works serves as a basis for forthcoming investigations on the cosmological path integral within the framework of effective spin foams.

  • Quantum Matter near a Cosmological Singularity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, David Mateos, Alexandre Serantes

    General Relativity predicts that the spacetime near a cosmological singularity undergoes an infinite number of chaotic oscillations between different Kasner epochs with rapid transitions between them. This so-called BKL behaviour persists in the presence of several types of classical matter. Little is known in the presence of quantum effects. A major obstacle is the fact that the fast metric oscillations inevitably drive the matter far from equilibrium. We use holography to determine the evolution of the quantum stress tensor of a non-conformal, strongly-coupled, four-dimensional gauge theory in a Kasner spacetime. The stress tensor near the singularity is solely controlled by the ultraviolet fixed point of the gauge theory, and it diverges in a universal way common to all theories with a gravity dual. We then compute the backreaction of the stress tensor on the Kasner metric to leading order in the gravitational coupling. The modification of the Kasner exponents that we find suggests that the BKL behaviour may be avoided in the presence of quantum matter.

  • Wee partons in QCD and gravity: double copy and universality.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Himanshu Raj, Raju Venugopalan

    We discuss a quantitative "double copy" between radiation from shockwave collisions in Einstein gravity and in QCD. The correspondence extends to $2\rightarrow N$ amplitudes in Regge asymptotics. The classicalization and unitarization of these amplitudes at maximal occupancy, corresponding to black hole and Color Glass Condensate (CGC) states respectively, are described by the emergent Goldstone dynamics of wee partons. We outline some consequences of the universal dynamics on both sides of the correspondence.

  • Lunar response to gravitational waves.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Kachelriess, M. P. Nødtvedt

    It has been suggested to use seismic detectors on the Moon as a tool to search for gravitational waves in an intermediate frequency range between mHz and Hz. Employing three different spherically symmetric models for the lunar interior, we investigate the response of the Moon to gravitational waves in Einstein and Jordan-Brans-Dicke gravity. We find that the first eigenfrequencies of the different models depend only weakly on the model details, with the fundamental frequency $\nu_1$ close to 1\,ms both for spheroidal and toroidal oscillations. In contrast, the resulting displacement varies up to a factor two, being in the range $(2.7-5.6)\times 10^{11}/h_0$ cm for spheroidal oscillations with amplitude $h_0$. Toroidal oscillations are suppressed by a factor $2\pi\nu R/c$, both in Einstein gravity and in general scalar-tensor theories.

  • Van der Waals black holes in rainbow gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R.Oubagha, B. Hamil, M. Merad, B. C. Lütfüoğlu

    A decade ago, it was shown that it is possible to derive an asymptotic AdS black hole metric whose thermodynamics exactly matches that of the Van der Waals fluid. The thermodynamics of these so-called Van der Waals black holes has recently been discussed in the framework of the generalized uncertainty principle and the extended uncertainty principle. In this manuscript, we handle the thermodynamics of the Van der Waals black holes within the framework of rainbow gravity. To this end, after getting the modified lapse function, we derive the modified mass, thermodynamic volume, Hawking temperature, entropy, and specific heat functions. Besides, we examine the thermodynamics of a black hole, which mimics the thermodynamics of an ideal gas, under the influence of the rainbow gravity formalism.

  • Neutrino spin oscillation in screening models revisited.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fayçal Hammad, Nicolas Fleury, Parvaneh Sadeghi

    We study, using the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations, the spin oscillation of neutrinos when the latter are coupled to the scalar field of screening models of dark energy. First, we derive the transition probability formula for a left-handed neutrino to become a right-handed neutrino within a general static and spherically symmetric metric. We then apply our general formula to neutrinos deflected around a central mass described by the Schwarzschild metric. Our results show that, contrary to what one might expect, the scalar field of chameleon-like and symmetron-like screening models would not show any effect on the spin oscillations of neutrinos. The origin of such an outcome is discussed.

  • A single space-time is too small for all of Wigner's friends.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jacques L. Pienaar

    Recent no-go theorems on interpretations of quantum theory featuring an assumption of `Absoluteness of Observed Events' (AOE) are shown to have an unexpectedly strong corollary: one cannot reject AOE and at the same time assume that the `observed events' in question can all be embedded within a single background space-time common to all observers. Consequently, all interpretations that reject AOE must follow QBism in rejecting a `block universe' view of space-time.

  • Quintessential Inflation in Logarithmic Cartan $F(R)$ Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tomohiro Inagaki, Masahiko Taniguchi

    We investigate the quintessential inflation in the logarithmic Cartan $F(R)$ gravity. A small logarithmic modification of the general relativity has the potential to introduce both inflation and dark energy. We evaluate the time evolution of the Universe such as inflation, reheating, and dark energy. The parameters in the model are fixed to introduce the inflation and the dark energy scales. We show that the CMB fluctuations induced by the inflation are consistent with the current observations. In the reheating process, it is possible to achieve the reheating temperature required for nucleosynthesis in Big Bang scenario. It can be seen that by choosing an appropriate value for the scalaron field after reheating, the scalaron field again dominates the energy of the Universe and causes the current accelerating expansion as dark energy.

  • The rotating solutions beyond the spontaneous scalarization in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wei Xiong, Cheng-Yong Zhang, Peng-Cheng Li

    The Einstein-Maxwell-scalar (EMS) theory with a quartic coupling function features three branches of fundamental black hole (BH) solutions, labeled as cold, hot, and bald black holes. The static bald black holes (the Reissner-Nordstr\"om BH) exhibit an intriguing nonlinear instability beyond the spontaneous scalarization. We study the rotating scalarized black hole solutions in the EMS model with a quartic coupling function through the spectral method numerically. The domain of existence for the scalarized BHs is presented in the spin-charge region. We found that the rotating solutions for both the two scalarized branches possess similar thermodynamic behavior compared to the static case while varying the electric charge. The BH spin enlarges the thermodynamic differences between the cold and hot branches. The profile of the metric function and the scalar field for the scalarized BHs is depicted, which demonstrates that the scalar field concentrates more on the equatorial plane in contrast to the axisymmetric region as the spin increases.

  • Stability of the de-Sitter universe: One-loop nonlocal $f(R)$ gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Haiyuan Feng, Yi Liao, Rong-Jia Yang

    With the method of the background field expansion, we investigate the one-loop quantization of the Euclidean nonlocal $f(R)$ model in the de-Sitter universe. We obtain the ghost-free condition (GFC) based on the transformation from the Jordan frame to the Einstein frame and the classical stability condition (CSC) satisfied $\frac{f^{(0)}_{RR}}{F^{(0)}_{RR}}<\frac{R_0f^{(0)}_R-2f(R_0)}{R_0 F(R_0)}$. We present the on-shell and off-shell one-loop effective action and quantum stability condition (QSC) by utilizing the generalized zeta-function. We have established the equivalence between the QSC and the CSC. This implies that the nonlocal $f(R)$ model remains ghost-free and stability conditions in both classical and quantum situation.

  • Probing the thermodynamics of charged Gauss Bonnet AdS black holes with the Lyapunov exponent.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xin Lyu, Jun Tao, Peng Wang

    In this paper, we investigate the thermodynamic properties of charged AdS Gauss-Bonnet black holes and the associations with the Lyapunov exponent. The chaotic features of the black holes and the isobaric heat capacity characterized by Lyapunov exponent are studied to reveal the stability of black hole phases. With the consideration of both timelike and null geodesic, we find the relationship between Lyapunov exponent and Hawking temperature can fully embody the feature of the Small/Large phase transition and the triple point even further. Then we briefly reveal the properties of Lyapunov exponent as an order parameter and explore the black hole shadow with it.

  • Numerical computation of quasinormal modes in the first-order approach to black hole perturbations in modified gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hugo Roussille, David Langlois, Karim Noui

    We present a novel approach to the numerical computation of quasi-normal modes, based on the first-order (in radial derivative) formulation of the equations of motion and using a matrix version of the continued fraction method. This numerical method is particularly suited to the study of static black holes in modified gravity, where the traditional second-order, Schr\"odinger-like, form of the equations of motion is not always available. Our approach relies on the knowledge of the asymptotic behaviours of the perturbations near the black hole horizon and at spatial infinity, which can be obtained via the systematic algorithm that we have proposed recently. In this work, we first present our method for the perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole and show that we recover the well-know frequencies of the QNMs to a very high precision. We then apply our method to the axial perturbations of an exact black hole solution in a particular scalar-tensor theory of gravity. We also cross-check the obtained QNM frequencies with other numerical methods.

  • Structural aspects of the anti-de Sitter black hole pseudospectrum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Valentin Boyanov, Vitor Cardoso, Kyriakos Destounis, José Luis Jaramillo, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo

    Black holes in anti-de Sitter spacetime provide an important testing ground for both gravitational and field-theoretic phenomena. In particular, the study of perturbations can be useful to further our understanding regarding certain physical processes, such as superradiance, or the dynamics of strongly coupled conformal field theories through the holographic principle. In this work we continue our systematic study of the ultraviolet instabilities of black-hole quasinormal modes, built on the characterization of the latter as eigenvalues of a (spectrally unstable) non-selfadjoint operator and using the pseudospectrum as a main analysis tool, extending our previous studies in the asymptotically flat setting to Anti-de Sitter asymptotics. Very importantly, this step provides a singularly well-suited probe into some of the key structural aspects of the pseudospectrum. This is a consequence of the specific features of the Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter geometry, together with the existence of a sound characterization by Warnick of quasinormal modes as eigenvalues, that is still absent in asymptotic flatness. This work focuses on such structural aspects, with an emphasis on the convergence issues of the pseudospectrum and, in particular, the comparison between the hyperboloidal and null slicing cases. As a physical by-product of this structural analysis we assess, in particular, the spectral stability of purely imaginary ``hydrodynamic" modes, which appear for axial gravitational perturbations, that become dominant when the black-hole horizon is larger than the anti-de Sitter radius. We find that their spectral stability, under perturbations, depends on how close they are to the real axis, or conversely how distant they are from the first oscillatory overtone.

  • Irreversible behaviour of a gas owing to Unruh radiation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrew M. Steane

    When gas molecules collide, they accelerate, and therefore encounter the Fulling-Davies-Unruh and Moore-DeWitt effects. The size of these effects is sufficient to randomize the motion of the gas molecules after about 1 nanosecond at standard temperature and pressure. Such observations show that quantum field theory modifies what is required to isolate a physical system sufficiently for its behaviour to be unitary. In practice the requirements are never satisfied exactly. Therefore the evolution of the observable universe is non-unitary and thermodynamically irreversible.

  • Unified Lagrangian for Canonical and Non-Canonical Scalar Field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tanisha Joshi, S.D Pathak

    We proposed a generalized Lagrangian for three different classes of scalar fields namely quintessence($\alpha =-1$), phantom($\alpha =0$), and tachyonic ($\alpha =1$) parameterized by $\alpha$. These three scalar fields can be described by a common single Lagrangian called generalized scalar field Lagrangian and corresponding scalar field termed as generalized scalar field. We obtain mathematically consistent forms of generalized equations of motion from which individual equations of motion of quintessence, phantom, and tachyon can be recovered.

  • Geodetic precession and shadow of quantum extended black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Reza Saadati, Fatimah Shojai

    We study the circular motion of massive and massless particles in a recently proposed quantum-corrected Schwarzschild black hole in loop quantum gravity. This solution is supposed to introduce small but non-zero quantum corrections in the low curvature limit. In this paper, we confine our attention to the shadow of the black hole and the geodetic precession of a freely falling gyroscope in a circular orbit. Despite the mathematical complexity of the metric, our results are exact and show that the black hole shadow decreases slightly in this solution while the quantum corrections introduce a non-trivial term in the geodetic precession frequency of the gyroscope.

  • Flat and bent branes in Born-Infeld-like scalar field models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. Andrade, M.A. Marques, R. Menezes

    In this work, we investigate the presence of thick branes modeled by a single scalar field with Born-Infeld-like dynamics. We consider the 4-dimensional metric being Minkowski, de Sitter or anti-de Sitter. We obtain the field equations and the conditions to get a first order formalism compatible with them. To illustrate our procedure, some specific models are presented. They support localized warp factor and have their properties controlled by the 4-dimensional cosmological constant. In particular, a hybrid brane may arise, with a thick or thin profile depending on the extra dimension being inside or outside a compact space.

  • Holographic complexity: braneworld gravity versus the Lloyd bound.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergio E. Aguilar-Gutierrez, Ben Craps, Juan Hernandez, Mikhail Khramtsov, Maria Knysh, Ashish Shukla

    We explore the complexity equals volume proposal for planar black holes in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime in 2+1 dimensions, with an end of the world (ETW) brane behind the horizon. We allow for the possibility of intrinsic gravitational dynamics in the form of Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity to be localized on the brane. We compute the asymptotic rate of change of volume complexity analytically and obtain the full time dependence using numerical techniques. We find that the inclusion of JT gravity on the brane leads to interesting effects on time dependence of holographic complexity. We identify the region in parameter space (the brane location and the JT coupling) for which the rate of change of complexity violates the Lloyd bound. In an equivalent description of the model in terms of an asymptotically AdS wormhole, we connect the violation of the Lloyd bound to the violation of a suitable energy condition in the bulk that we introduce. We also compare the Lloyd bound constraints to previously derived constraints on the bulk parameters in this model that are based on bounds on entanglement growth in the dual CFT state.

  • Exact Tunneling Solutions in Multi-Field Potentials.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. R. Espinosa, T. Konstandin

    The tunneling potential formalism makes it easy to construct exact solutions to the vacuum decay problem in potentials with multiple fields. While some exact solutions for single-field decays were known, we present the first nontrivial analytic examples with two and three scalar fields, and show how the method can be generalized to include gravitational corrections. Our results illuminate some analytic properties of the tunneling potential functions and can have a number of uses, among others: to serve as simple approximations to realistic potentials; to learn about parametric dependencies of decay rates; to check conjectures on vacuum decay; as benchmarks for multi-field numerical codes; or to study holographic interpretations of vacuum decay.

  • The hybrid cosmology in the scalar-tensor representation of $f(\mathcal{G},T)$ gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam Z. Kaczmarek, Dominik Szczęśniak

    In this work, the $f(\mathcal{G},T)$ theory of gravity is recast in terms of the $\phi$ and $\psi$ fields within the scalar-tensor formulation, where $\mathcal{G}$ is the Gauss-Bonnet term and $T$ denotes the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. The general aspects of the introduced reformulation are discussed and the reconstruction of the cosmological scenarios is presented, focusing on the so-called hybrid evolution. As a result, the scalar-tensor $f(\mathcal{G},T)$ theory is successfully reconstructed for the early and late time approximations with the corresponding potentials. The procedure of recovering the $f(\mathcal{G},T)$ theory in the original formulation is performed for the late time evolution and a specific quadratic potential. The scalar-tensor formulation introduced herein not only facilitates the description of various cosmic phases but also serves as a viable alternative portrayal of the $f(\mathcal{G},T)$ gravity which can be viewed as an extension of the well-established scalar Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity.

  • Analyticity of quasinormal modes in the Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oliver Petersen, András Vasy

    We prove that quasinormal modes (or resonant states) for linear wave equations in the subextremal Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes are real analytic. The main novelty of this paper is the observation that the bicharacteristic flow associated to the linear wave equations for quasinormal modes with respect to a suitable Killing vector field has a stable radial point source/sink structure rather than merely a generalized normal source/sink structure. The analyticity then follows by a recent result in the microlocal analysis of radial points by Galkowski and Zworski. The results can then be recast with respect to the standard Killing vector field.

  • Cosmology from a non-physical standpoint: an algebraic analysis.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fred Greensite

    We present a non-physical interpretation of the Cosmological Constant based on a particular algebraic analysis. This also introduces some novel algebraic structures, such as ``unital norms", ``uncurling metrics", and ``partial wedge products".

  • A note on the arrow of time in nonminimally coupled scalar field FRW cosmology.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. León Andonayre, M. Skugoreva, A. Toporensky, T. Vargas

    We revisit the cyclic Universe scenario in scalar field FRW cosmology and check its applicability for a nonminimally coupled scalar field. We show that for the most popular case of a quartic potential and the standard nonminimal coupling this scenario does work. On the other hand, we identify certain cases where cyclic model fails to work and present corresponding reasons for this.

  • Modified Measures as an Effective Theory for Causal Fermion Systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Felix Finster, Eduardo Guendelman, Claudio F. Paganini

    We compare the structures of the theory of causal fermion systems (CFS), an approach to unify quantum theory with general relativity (GR), with those of modified measure theories (MMT), which are a set of modified gravity theories. Classical spacetimes with MMT can be obtained as the continuum limit of a CFS. This suggests that MMT could serve as effective descriptions of modifications to GR implied by CFS. The goal is to lay the foundation for future research on exploring which MMTs are consistent with the causal action principle of CFS.

  • Nonlinear Problems Inspired by the Born--Infeld Theory of Electrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yisong Yang

    It is shown that nonlinear electrodynamics of the Born--Infeld theory type may be exploited to shed insight into a few fundamental problems in theoretical physics, including rendering electromagnetic asymmetry to energetically exclude magnetic monopoles, achieving finite electromagnetic energy to relegate curvature singularities of charged black holes, and providing theoretical interpretation of equations of state of cosmic fluids via k-essence cosmology. Also discussed are some nonlinear differential equation problems.

  • Effective Orientifolds from Broken Supersymmetry.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J. Mourad, U. Paris Cité), A. Sagnotti, Pisa)

    We recently proposed a class of type IIB vacua that yield, at low energies, four--dimensional Minkowski spaces with broken supersymmetry and a constant string coupling. They are compactifications with an internal five-torus bearing a five--form flux $\Phi$ and warp factors depending on a single coordinate. The breaking of supersymmetry occurs when the internal space includes a finite interval. A probe-brane analysis revealed a gravitational repulsion and a charge attraction of equal magnitude from the left end of the interval, and a singularity at the other end. Here we complete the analysis revealing the presence, at one end, of an effective $O3$ of negative tension and positive five--form charge. We also determine the values of these quantities, and show that $T = -\, Q = \Phi$, and characterize the singularity present at the other end of the interval, which hosts an opposite charge. Finally, we discuss various forms of the gravity action in the presence of a boundary and identify a self--adjoint form for its fluctuations.

  • Conventionalism, cosmology and teleparallel gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Laur Järv, Piret Kuusk

    We consider homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models in the framework of three geometrical theories of gravitation: in the Einstein general relativity they are given in terms of the curvature of the Levi-Civita connection in torsion free metric spacetimes, in the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity they are given in terms of the torsion of flat metric spacetimes, and in the symmetric teleparallel equivalent of general relativity they are given in terms of the nonmetricity of flat torsion free spacetimes. We argue that although these three formulations seem to be different, the corresponding cosmological models are in fact equivalent and their choice is conventional.

  • Algebraic ER=EPR and Complexity Transfer.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Netta Engelhardt, Hong Liu

    We propose an algebraic definition of ER=EPR in the $G_N \to 0$ limit, which associates bulk spacetime connectivity/disconnectivity to the operator algebraic structure of a quantum gravity system. The new formulation not only includes information on the amount of entanglement, but also more importantly the structure of entanglement. We give an independent definition of a quantum wormhole as part of the proposal. This algebraic version of ER=EPR sheds light on a recent puzzle regarding spacetime disconnectivity in holographic systems with ${\cal O}(1/G_{N})$ entanglement. We discuss the emergence of quantum connectivity in the context of black hole evaporation and further argue that at the Page time, the black hole-radiation system undergoes a transition involving the transfer of an emergent type III$_{1}$ subalgebra of high complexity operators from the black hole to radiation. We argue this is a general phenomenon that occurs whenever there is an exchange of dominance between two competing quantum extremal surfaces.

  • The matter Lagrangian of a non-perfect fluid.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sergio Mendoza, Sarahi Silva

    We show that the matter Lagrangian of a non-perfect fluid takes the negative or positive value of the total energy density of the fluid, which is composed of the the rest plus internal energy densities. The ambiguity of the sign depends on the definition of the matter action and the chosen signature.

  • Radiation in the black hole - plasma system: propagation in equatorial plane.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vladimír Balek, Barbora Bezděková, Jiří Bičák

    Effect of cold plasma on the form of rays propagating in the equatorial plane of a rotating black hole is investigated. Two kinds of regions in the radius-impact parameter plane allowed for the rays are constructed: for radiation with a given frequency at infinity and for radiation with a given ``telescope frequency'' seen by a local observer. The form of allowed regions for locally nonrotating observers as well as observers falling freely from infinity is established. The allowed regions contain rays which directly reach the horizon, or there exists a ``neck'' connecting the forbidden regions such that the rays coming from infinity cannot reach the horizon. In case we considered a set of observers at various radii instead of the neck we find two different regions -- from one the rays reach the horizon and not infinity and from the other one they reach infinity, but not the horizon. The results are analyzed by analytical methods and illustrated by figures constructed numerically.


  • Investigating Unintegrated Gluon Distributions: Analytically Solving the Modified BFKL Equation with Anti-Shadowing Effect.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiaopeng Wang, Yanbing Cai, Xurong Chen

    This paper presents an analysis of the MD-BFKL equation, taking into consideration both shadowing and anti-shadowing effects in gluon recombination. We successfully derive analytical expressions for unintegrated gluon distributions by solving the MD-BFKL equation with and without the inclusion of the anti-shadowing effect. By comparing these solutions with the CT18NLO gluon distribution function, the study reveals that the anti-shadowing effect has a notably stronger impact on the behavior of unintegrated gluon distribution in regions of large rapidity and momentum.

  • Exponentiation of soft quark effects from the replica trick.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Melissa van Beekveld, Leonardo Vernazza, Chris D. White

    In this paper, we show that multiple maximally soft (anti-)quark and gluon emissions exponentiate at the level of either the amplitude or cross-section. We first show that such emissions can be captured by introducing new soft emission operators, which serve to generalise the well-known Wilson lines describing emissions of maximally soft gluons. Next, we prove that vacuum expectation values of these operators exponentiate using the replica trick, a statistical-physics argument that has previously been used to demonstrate soft-gluon exponentiation properties in QCD. The obtained results are general, i.e. not tied to a particular scattering process. We illustrate our arguments by demonstrating the exponentiation of certain real and virtual corrections affecting subleading partonic channels in deep-inelastic scattering.

  • The Constructive Method for Massive Particles in QED.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hsing-Yi Lai, Da Liu, John Terning

    The constructive method of determining amplitudes from on-shell pole structure has been shown to be promising for calculating amplitudes in a more efficient way. However, challenges have been encountered when a massless internal photon is involved in the gluing of three-point amplitudes with massive external particles. In this paper, we use the original on-shell method, old-fashioned perturbation theory, to shed light on the constructive method, and show that one can derive the Feynman amplitude by correctly identifying the residue even when there is an internal photon involved.

  • On heavy-flavour jets with Soft Drop.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simone Caletti, Andrea Ghira, Simone Marzani

    We study hadronic jets that are tagged as heavy-flavoured, i.e. they contain either beauty or charm. In particular, we consider heavy-flavour jets that have been groomed with the Soft Drop algorithm. In order to achieve a deeper understanding of these objects, we apply resummed perturbation theory to jets initiated by a massive quark and we perform analytic calculations for two variables that characterise Soft Drop jets, namely the opening angle and the momentum fraction of the splitting that passes Soft Drop. We compare our findings to Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, we investigate the correlation between the Soft Drop energy fraction and alternative observables that aim to probe heavy-quark fragmentation functions.

  • The NNLO soft function for N-jettiness in hadronic collisions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guido Bell, Bahman Dehnadi, Tobias Mohrmann, Rudi Rahn

    We compute the N-jettiness soft function in hadronic collisions to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in the strong-coupling expansion. Our calculation is based on an extension of the SoftSERVE framework to soft functions that involve an arbitrary number of lightlike Wilson lines. We present numerical results for 1-jettiness and 2-jettiness, and illustrate that our formalism carries over to a generic number of jets by calculating a few benchmark points for 3-jettiness. We also perform a detailed analytic study of the asymptotic behaviour of the soft-function coefficients at the edges of phase space, when one of the jets becomes collinear to another jet or beam direction, and comment on previous calculations of the N-jettiness soft function.

  • Residual ANODE.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ranit Das, Gregor Kasieczka, David Shih

    We present R-ANODE, a new method for data-driven, model-agnostic resonant anomaly detection that raises the bar for both performance and interpretability. The key to R-ANODE is to enhance the inductive bias of the anomaly detection task by fitting a normalizing flow directly to the small and unknown signal component, while holding fixed a background model (also a normalizing flow) learned from sidebands. In doing so, R-ANODE is able to outperform all classifier-based, weakly-supervised approaches, as well as the previous ANODE method which fit a density estimator to all of the data in the signal region instead of just the signal. We show that the method works equally well whether the unknown signal fraction is learned or fixed, and is even robust to signal fraction misspecification. Finally, with the learned signal model we can sample and gain qualitative insights into the underlying anomaly, which greatly enhances the interpretability of resonant anomaly detection and offers the possibility of simultaneously discovering and characterizing the new physics that could be hiding in the data.

  • Strategies for simulating time evolution of Hamiltonian lattice field theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Siddharth Hariprakash, Neel S. Modi, Michael Kreshchuk, Christopher F. Kane, Christian W Bauer

    Simulating the time evolution of quantum field theories given some Hamiltonian $H$ requires developing algorithms for implementing the unitary operator $e^{-iHt}$. A variety of techniques exist that accomplish this task, with the most common technique used in this field so far being Trotterization, which is a special case of the application of a product formula. However, other techniques exist that promise better asymptotic scaling in certain parameters of the theory being simulated, the most efficient of which are based on the concept of block encoding. In this work we derive and compare the asymptotic complexities of several commonly used simulation techniques in application to Hamiltonian Lattice Field Theories (HLFTs). As an illustration, we apply them to the case of a scalar field theory discretized on a spatial lattice. We also propose two new types of block encodings for bosonic degrees of freedom. The first improves the approach based on the Linear Combination of Unitaries (LCU), while the second is based on the Quantum Eigenvalue Transformation for Unitary Matrices (QETU). The paper includes a pedagogical review of utilized techniques, in particular Product Formulas, LCU, Qubitization, QSP, QETU, as well as a technique we call HHKL based on its inventors.

  • Coherent gluon radiation: beyond leading-log accuracy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Greg Jackson, Stéphane Peigné, Kazuhiro Watanabe

    Results are presented for the medium-induced, soft coherent radiation spectrum for all $2\to 2$ partonic channels in QCD, at leading-order in $\alpha_s$ but beyond leading logarithmic accuracy. The general formula is valid in the full kinematic range of the underlying process, and reduces to previous results in special cases. The soft gluon radiation spectrum is expressed in terms of the color density matrix specific to each channel, quantifying the entanglement between the color components of the $2 \to 2$ production amplitude. Beyond the leading logarithm, the spectrum depends explicitly on the off-diagonal elements of this matrix, owing to the soft gluon's ability to probe the internal color structure of the parton pair.

  • $\mathcal{CP}$-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Konstantin Gaul, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Phelan Yu, Andrew M. Jayich, Miroslav Iliaš, Anastasia Borschevsky

    Closed-shell atoms and molecules such as Hg or TlF provide some of the best low-energy tests of hadronic $\mathcal{CP}$-violation which is considered to be a necessary ingredient to explain the observed excess of matter over antimatter in our universe. $\mathcal{CP}$-violation is, however, expected to be strongly enhanced in octupole deformed nuclei such as $^{225}$Ra. Recently, closed-shell radium-containing symmetric-top molecular ions were cooled sympathetically in a Coulomb crystal [M. Fan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023002 (2021)] and shown to be well-suited for precision spectroscopy in the search for fundamental physics [P. Yu and N. R. Hutzler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023003 (2021)]. In closed-shell molecules hadronic $\mathcal{CP}$-violation contributes to a net electric dipole moment (EDM) that violates parity and time-reversal symmetry ($\mathcal{P,T}$), which is the target of measurements. To interpret experiments, it is indispensable to know the electronic structure enhancement parameters for the various sources of $\mathcal{P,T}$-violation which contribute to the net $\mathcal{P,T}$-odd EDM. In this paper we employ relativistic Hartree--Fock and density functional theory calculations to determine relevant parameters for interpretation of possible EDM measurements in RaOCH$_3^+$, RaSH$^+$, RaCH$_3^+$, RaCN$^+$, and RaNC$^+$ and perform accurate relativistic coupled cluster calculations of the Schiff moment enhancement in RaSH$^+$ to gauge the quality of the density functional theory approach. Finally, we project to bounds on various fundamental $\mathcal{P,T}$-odd parameters that could be achievable from an experiment with RaOCH$_3^+$ in the near future and asses the complementarity of this experiment to experiments with Hg and TlF.

  • Ultralight dark matter in neutrino oscillations to accommodate T2K and NO$\nu$A tension.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hai-Xing Lin, Jian Tang, Sampsa Vihonen

    Ultralight dark matter with neutrino couplings is investigated in light of the long-baseline neutrino oscillation data in T2K and NO$\nu$A experiments. The observed tension between T2K and NO$\nu$A is shown to be ameliorated when ultralight dark matter of either scalar or vector form is taken into consideration. The best result is achieved with scalar dark matter which can alleviate the tension by 2.0$\sigma$ CL with flavour-universal couplings. We also consider scalar dark matter with flavour-general couplings and vector dark matter in $L_e - L_\mu$ and $L_\mu - L_\tau$ cases. It is shown in all cases that the tension is relaxed by approximately 1.5$\sigma$-2.0$\sigma$ CL while the current experimental constraints can be evaded.

  • The force-force correlator at the hard thermal scale of hot QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jacopo Ghiglieri, Philipp Schicho, Niels Schlusser, Eamonn Weitz

    High-energy particles traversing the Quark-Gluon plasma experience modified (massive) dispersion, although their vacuum mass is negligible compared to the kinetic energy. Due to poor convergence of the perturbative series in the regime of soft loop momenta, a more precise determination of this effective mass is needed. This paper continues our investigation on the factorisation between strongly-coupled infrared classical and perturbative ultraviolet behavior. The former has been studied non-perturbatively within EQCD by determining a non-local operator on the lattice. By computing the temperature-scale contribution to the same operator in 4D QCD at next-to-leading order (NLO), we remove the ultraviolet divergence of the EQCD calculation with an opposite infrared divergence from the hard thermal scale. The result is a consistent, regulator-independent determination of the classical contribution where the emergence of new divergences signals sensitivities to new regions of phase space. We address the numerical impact of the classical and NLO thermal corrections on the convergence of the factorised approach and on the partial applicability of our results to calculations of transport coefficients.

  • Jet Classification Using High-Level Features from Anatomy of Top Jets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Amon Furuichi, Sung Hak Lim, Mihoko M. Nojiri

    Recent advancements in deep learning models have significantly enhanced jet classification performance by analyzing low-level features (LLFs). However, this approach often leads to less interpretable models, emphasizing the need to understand the decision-making process and to identify the high-level features (HLFs) crucial for explaining jet classification. To address this, we introduce an analysis model (AM) that analyzes selected HLFs designed to capture important features of top jets. Our AM mainly consists of the following three modules: a relation network analyzing two-point energy correlations, mathematical morphology and Minkowski functionals for generalizing jet constituent multiplicities, and a recursive neural network analyzing subjet constituent multiplicity to enhance sensitivity to subjet color charges. We demonstrate that our AM achieves performance comparable to the Particle Transformer (ParT) in top jet tagging and simulated jet comparison at the hadronic calorimeter angular resolution scale while requiring fewer computational resources. Furthermore, as a more constrained architecture than ParT, the AM exhibits smaller training uncertainties because of the bias-variance tradeoff. We also compare the information content of AM and ParT by decorrelating the features already learned by AM.

  • CP phase in modular flavor models and discrete Froggatt-Nielsen models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shota Kikuchi, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Kaito Nasu

    We study the large mass hierarchy and CP violation in the modular symmetric quark flavor models without fine-tuning. Mass matrices are written in terms of modular forms. Modular forms near the modular fixed points are approximately given by $\varepsilon^p$, where $\varepsilon$ and $p$ denote the small deviation from the fixed points and their residual charges. Thus mass matrices have the hierarchical structures depending on the residual charges, and have a possibility describing the large mass hierarchy without fine-tuning. Similar structures of mass matrices are also obtained in Froggatt-Nielsen models. Nevertheless, it seems to be difficult to induce a sufficient amount of CP violation by a single small complex parameter $\varepsilon$. To realize the large mass hierarchy as well as sizable CP violation, multi-moduli are required. We show the mass matrix structures with multi-moduli which are consistent with quark flavor observables including CP phase. We also discuss the origins of the large mass hierarchy and CP violation in such mass matrix structures.

  • Can femtoscopic correlation function shed light on the nature of the lightest, charm, axial mesons?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    K. P. Khemchandani, Luciano M. Abreu, A. Martinez Torres, F. S. Navarra

    There seem to exist two lightest axial mesons with charm whose masses are very similar but the associated widths and other properties are different. These mesons are denominated as $D_1(2430)$ and $D_1(2420)$. Although two mesons with similar masses are expected to exist, with such quantum numbers, within the traditional quark model, as we discuss the description of their decay widths and other properties requires contributions from meson-meson coupled channel scattering. We present the amplitudes obtained by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equations which unavoidably lead to the generation of two axial resonances when mesons are considered as the degrees of freedom in the model. One of them is narrow and has properties in good agreement with those of $D_1(2420)$. The other pole is wider, but not wide enough to be related to $D_1(2430)$. Its position (mass) also does not match well with that of $D_1(2430)$. The situation improves when a bare quark-model state is included. Further, we calculate the scattering lengths for different channels and compare them with the available data from lattice QCD. Using arguments of heavy quark symmetry, we discuss possible differences between the scattering lengths coming from the lattice QCD calculations for the $D\pi$ and $D^*\pi$ systems and the preliminary experimental data from the ALICE Collaboration on the $D\pi$ system. We present two models, which can produce compatible properties for the two lightest $D_1$ states but result in different scattering lengths: one in agreement with the findings of lattice QCD and the other in agreement with the estimation obtained using the $D\pi$ results from the ALICE Collaboration. We present the correlation functions for both cases and discuss how femtoscopic physics can shed light on this issue.

  • Higgs Quadruplet Impact on $W$ Mass Shift, Dark Matter, and LHC Signatures.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Talal Ahmed Chowdhury, Kareem Ezzat, Shaaban Khalil, Ernest Ma, Dibyendu Nanda

    The addition of a Higgs quadruplet to the standard model (SM) of quarks and leptons would shift the $W$ boson mass upward. It could also facilitate the production of dark matter through the conventional thermal freeze-out scenario via Yukawa interaction with the Higgs quadruplet or freeze-in production from the decay of SM Higgs. We investigate the same-sign lepton smoking gun signature of the double-charged scalar component of the Quadruplet Higgs at the LHC.

  • Searches for Additional Scalars at Future $e^{+} e^{-}$ Colliders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Karabo Mosala, Thuso Mathaha, Mukesh Kumar, Bruce Mellado

    We present growing excesses consistent with a 95 GeV scalar. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the Two Higgs Doublet Model and an additional singlet (2HDM+S) at future $e^{+} e^{-}$ collider. In particular, we provide a precise mass reconstruction measurement for the scalar, $m_{S}$, using the recoil mass method through $e^{+} e^{-} \to Z S$ where $Z \to \mu_{+} \mu_{-}$ and $S \to b \bar{b}$ at $\sqrt{s} = 250$~GeV and $\sqrt{s} = 200$~GeV. Furthermore, we employ Deep Neural Network to analyze the properties and behaviour of the scalar particle with a mass most importantly to provide enhanced resolution for the separation between beyond the Standard Model (SM) signal and SM background in the region 95 - 96 GeV in the $S \to b \bar{b}$ for $\mu_{+} \mu_{-}$ channel. A 95 GeV scalar can be observed with $5\sigma$ significance at $15(10)$ fb$^{-1}$ integrated luminosity for $\sqrt{s} = 250(200)$~GeV. This strengthens the discovery of the potential of the future $e^{+} e^{-}$ collider.

  • Thermalization and Annihilation of Dark Matter in Neutron Stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicole F. Bell, Giorgio Busoni, Sandra Robles, Michael Virgato

    The capture of dark matter, and its subsequent annihilation, can heat old, isolated neutron stars. In order for kinetic heating to be achieved, the captured dark matter must undergo sufficient scattering to deposit its kinetic energy in the star. We find that this energy deposit typically occurs quickly, for most of the relevant parameter space. In order for appreciable annihilation heating to also be achieved, the dark matter must reach a state of capture-annihilation equilibrium in the star. We show that this can be fulfilled for all types of dark matter - baryon interactions. This includes cases where the scattering or annihilation cross sections are momentum or velocity suppressed in the non-relativistic limit. Importantly, we find that capture-annihilation equilibrium, and hence maximal annihilation heating, can be achieved without complete thermalization of the captured dark matter. For scattering cross sections that saturate the capture rate, we find that capture-annihilation equilibrium is typically reached on a timescale of less than $1$ year for vector interactions and $10^4$ years for scalar interactions.

  • On order $\Lambda_{\rm QCD}^2/m$ renormalons in quarkonium system.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Takuya Agemura, Yukinari Sumino

    For the heavy quarkonium system we examine ${\cal O}(\Lambda_{\rm QCD}^2/m)$ renormalons, which are expected to be included in the perturbative series of the pole mass and $1/(mr^2)$ interquark potential. We find indications of existence and cancellation of these renormalons, from examinations of stability and convergence properties of the perturbative series and their resummations, as well as by comparison with the known properties of the ${\cal O}(\Lambda_{\rm QCD})$ renormalons.

  • Correlation function for the $a_0(980)$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Molina, Zhi-Wei Liu, Li-Sheng Geng, E. Oset

    We have conducted a model independent analysis of the $K^+ \bar{K}^0$ pair correlation function obtained from ultra high energy $pp$ collisions, with the aim of extracting the information encoded in it related to the $K\bar{K}$ interaction and the coupled channel $\pi^+ \eta$. With the present large errors at small relative $K^+\bar{K}^0$ momenta, we find that the information obtained about the scattering matrix suffers from large uncertainties. Even then, we are able to show that the data imply the existence of the $a_0$ resonance, $a_0(980)$, showing as a strong cusp close to the $K\bar{K}$ threshold. We also mention that the measurement of the $\pi^+ \eta$ correlation function will be essential in order to constrain more the information on $K\bar{K}$ dynamics that can be obtained from correlation functions.

  • Stripping triangle loops: Discussion of $D_s^+\to \rho^+\eta\to \pi^+\pi^0\eta$ in $a_0(980)$ production.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Bayar, R. Molina, E. Oset, Ming-Zhu Liu, Li-Sheng Geng

    We address a general problem in the evaluation of triangle loops stemming from the consideration of the range of the interaction involved in some of the vertices, as well as the energy dependence of the width of some unstable particles in the loop. We find sizeable corrections from both effects. We apply that to a loop relevant to the $D_s^+ \to \pi^+ \pi^0 \eta $ decay, and find reductions of about a factor of $4$ in the mass distribution of invariant mass of the $\pi \eta$ in the region of the $a_0(980)$. The method used is based on the explicit analytical evaluation of the $q^0$ integration in the $d^4q$ loop integration, using Cauchy's residues method, which at the same time offers an insight on the convergence of the integrals and the effect of form factors and cutoffs.

  • Glueballs from Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Markus Q. Huber, Christian S. Fischer, Hèlios Sanchis-Alepuz

    The quenched spectrum of glueballs with positive charge parity is calculated from two-body bound state equations. As input, a self-contained solution for the primitively divergent correlation functions from Dyson-Schwinger equations is used. It only has one parameter to be set which is the physical scale. An important feature of this setup is the consistent construction of the bound state kernels along the same lines as the equations from which the input was obtained. Keeping only the one-particle exchanges, already good agreement with lattice results is obtained. For the tensor glueball, we present first results including two-loop contributions, elevating its calculation to the same level of truncation as for the spin zero glueballs for which such calculations have been done previously.

  • Quantum field theories of relativistic Luttinger fermions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Holger Gies, Philip Heinzel, Johannes Laufkötter, Marta Picciau

    We propose relativistic Luttinger fermions as a new ingredient for the construction of fundamental quantum field theories. We construct the corresponding Clifford algebra and the spin metric for relativistic invariance of the action using the spin-base invariant formalism. The corresponding minimal spinor has 32 complex components, matching with the degrees of freedom of a standard-model generation including a right-handed neutrino. The resulting fermion fields exhibit a canonical scaling different from Dirac fermions and thus support the construction of novel relativistic and perturbatively renormalizable, interacting quantum field theories. In particular, new asymptotically free self-interacting field theories can be constructed, representing first examples of high-energy complete quantum field theories based on pure matter degrees of freedom. Gauge theories with relativistic Luttinger fermions exhibit a strong paramagnetic dominance, requiring large nonabelian gauge groups to maintain asymptotic freedom. We comment on the possibility to use Luttinger fermions for particle physics model building and the expected naturalness properties of such models.

  • Neutron-antineutron oscillation accompanied by CP-violation in magnetic fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yongliang Hao, Kamphamba Sokalao Nyirenda, Zhenwei Chen

    Baryon number ($\mathcal{B}$) violation and CP-violation (along with the C-symmetry violation) are two of the important conditions suggested by Sakharov to explain the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in our universe. The $n$-$\bar{n}$ oscillation process, which violates baryon number by two units ($|\Delta \mathcal{B}|=2$), has attracted an enormous level of attention both theoretically and experimentally. It is predicted that CP-violation can possibly occur in the $n$-$\bar{n}$ oscillation process. In this work, we explore the possibility of the $n$-$\bar{n}$ oscillation accompanied by CP-violation in the presence of magnetic fields. Such effect may give rise to non-trivial effects that are different from the Standard Model (SM) predictions. We show that the possibility of the $n$-$\bar{n}$ oscillation can be greatly enhanced by adjusting the magnetic field properly. In particular, the peak values of the oscillation probability can be $8$-$10$ orders of magnitude higher than the ones in the absence of magnetic field. We also analyze the interplay between the parameters associated with $\mathcal{B}$-violation and CP-violation. The $n$-$\bar{n}$ oscillation process accompanied by CP-violation may opens a promising avenue for exploring new physics effects beyond the SM.

  • On the asymptotic safety in the Litim-Sannino model at four loops.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A.V. Bednyakov, A.I. Mukhaeva

    We consider a four-dimensional $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory coupled to $N_f$ species of color fermions and $N_f^2$ colorless scalars. The quantum field theory possesses a weakly interacting ultraviolet fixed point that we determine from beta functions computed up to four-loop order in the gauge coupling, and up to three-loop order in the Yukawa and quartic scalar couplings. The fixed point has one relevant direction giving rise to asymptotic safety. We compute fixed-point values of dimensionless couplings together with the corresponding scaling exponents up to the first three non-trivial orders in Veneziano parameter $\epsilon$, both for infinite and finite number of colors $N_c$. We also consider anomalous dimensions for fields, scalar mass squared, and a class of dimension-3 operators. Contrary to previous studies, we take into account possible mixing of the latter and compute eigenvalues of the corresponding matrix. Further, we investigate the size of the conformal window in the Veneziano limit and its dependence on $N_c$.

  • Heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient during hydrodynamization via effective kinetic theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kirill Boguslavski, Aleksi Kurkela, Tuomas Lappi, Florian Lindenbauer, Jarkko Peuron

    In these proceedings, we compute the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient using QCD effective kinetic theory for a plasma going through the bottom-up thermalization scenario until approximate hydrodynamization. This transport coefficient describes heavy quark momentum diffusion in the quark-gluon plasma and is used in many phenomenological frameworks, e.g. in the open quantum systems approach. Our extracted nonthermal diffusion coefficient matches the thermal one for the same energy density within 30\%. At large occupation numbers in the earliest stage, the transverse diffusion coefficient dominates, while the longitudinal diffusion coefficient is larger for the underoccupied system in the later stage of hydrodynamization.

  • The $\theta$-dependence of the $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ critical temperature at large $N$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Claudio Bonanno, Massimo D'Elia, Lorenzo Verzichelli

    We investigate, by means of numerical lattice simulations, the $\theta$-dependence of the critical deconfinement temperature of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ gauge theories at large $N$: $T_c(\theta) = T_c(0)[1-R\theta^2+O(\theta^4)]$, with $R\sim O(1/N^2)$. We follow two different strategies to determine $R$, one based on the calculation of the latent heat of the transition and on the jump of the topological susceptibility at the $\theta=0$ critical point, the other relying on a direct probe of $T_c(\theta)$ by means of imaginary-$\theta$ Monte Carlo simulations. Our results show that $R$ follows the expected large-$N$ scaling.

  • Stochastic Ultralight Dark Matter Fluctuations in Pulsar Timing Arrays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hyungjin Kim, Andrea Mitridate

    Metric perturbations induced by ultralight dark matter (ULDM) fields have long been identified as a potential target for pulsar timing array (PTA) observations. Previous works have focused on the coherent oscillation of metric perturbations at the characteristic frequency set by the ULDM mass. In this work, we show that ULDM fields source low-frequency stochastic metric fluctuations and that these low-frequency fluctuations can produce distinctive detectable signals in PTA data. Using the NANOGrav 12.5-year data set and synthetic data sets mimicking present and future PTA capabilities, we show that the current and future PTA observations provide the strongest probe of ULDM density within the solar system for masses in the range of $10^{-18}\;{\rm eV}-10^{-16}\;{\rm eV}$.

  • On the high-energy behavior of massive QCD amplitudes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guoxing Wang, Tianya Xia, Li Lin Yang, Xiaoping Ye

    In this note, we propose a factorization formula for gauge-theory scattering amplitudes up to two loops in the high-energy boosted limit. Our formula extends existing results in the literature by incorporating the contributions from massive loops. We derive the new ingredients in our formula using the method of regions with analytic regulators for the rapidity divergences. We verify our results with various form factors and the scattering amplitudes for top-quark pair production. Our results can be used to obtain approximate expressions for complicated two-loop massive amplitudes from simpler massless ones, and can be used to resum the mass logarithms to all orders in the coupling constant.

  • Vertex Reconstruction with MaskFormers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Samuel Van Stroud, Nikita Pond, Max Hart, Jackson Barr, Sébastien Rettie, Gabriel Facini, Tim Scanlon

    In high-energy particle collisions, secondary decays can be reconstructed as displaced vertices using the measured trajectories of charged particles. Such vertices are useful in identifying and studying jets originating from $b$- or $c$-hadrons, which is a key component of the physics programs of modern collider experiments. While machine learning has become mainstream in particle physics, most applications are on an per-object basis, for example the prediction of class labels or the regression of object properties. However, vertex reconstruction is a many-to-many problem, in which a set of input tracks must be grouped into a second variable length set of vertices. In this work, we propose a fully learned approach to reconstruct secondary vertices inside jets based on recent advancements in object detection from computer vision. We demonstrate and discuss the advantages of this approach, in particular its ability to estimate the properties of any number of vertices, and conclude that the same methodology could be applicable to other reconstruction tasks in particle physics.

  • Heavy quark momentum broadening in a non-Abelian plasma away from thermal equilibrium.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Harshit Pandey, Soeren Schlichting, Sayantan Sharma

    We perform classical-statistical real-time lattice simulations to compute real-time spectral functions and momentum broadening of quarks in the presence of strongly populated non-Abelian gauge fields. Based on a novel methodology to extract the momentum broadening for relativistic quarks, we find that the momentum distribution of quarks exhibit interesting non-perturbative features as a function of time due to correlated momentum kicks it receives from the medium, eventually going over to a diffusive regime. We extract the momentum diffusion coefficient for a mass range describing charm and bottom quarks and find sizeable discrepancies from the heavy quark limit.

  • Quarkonium transport in weakly and strongly coupled plasmas.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Govert Nijs, Bruno Scheihing-Hitschfeld, Xiaojun Yao

    We report on progress in the nonperturbative understanding of quarkonium dynamics inside a thermal plasma. The time evolution of small-size quarkonium is governed by two-point correlation functions of chromoelectric fields dressed with an adjoint Wilson line, known in this context as generalized gluon distributions (GGDs). The GGDs have been calculated in both weakly and strongly coupled plasmas by using perturbative and holographic methods. Strikingly, the results of our calculations for a strongly coupled plasma indicate that the quarkonium dissociation and recombination rates vanish in the transport descriptions that assume quarkonium undergoes Markovian dynamics. However, this does not imply that the dynamics is trivial. As a starting point to explore the phenomenological consequences of the result at strong coupling, we show a calculation of the $\Upsilon(1S)$ formation probability in time-dependent perturbation theory. This is a first step towards the development of a transport formalism that includes non-Markovian effects, which, depending on how close the as of yet undetermined nonperturbative QCD result of the GGDs is to the strongly coupled $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM result, could very well dominate over the Markovian ones in quark-gluon plasma produced at RHIC and the LHC.

  • Interpretable deep learning models for the inference and classification of LHC data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vishal S. Ngairangbam, Michael Spannowsky

    The Shower Deconstruction methodology is pivotal in distinguishing signal and background jets, leveraging the detailed information from perturbative parton showers. Rooted in the Neyman-Pearson lemma, this method is theoretically designed to differentiate between signal and background processes optimally in high-energy physics experiments. A key challenge, however, arises from the combinatorial growth associated with increasing jet constituents, which hampers its computational feasibility. We address this by demonstrating that the likelihood derived from comparing the most probable signal and background shower histories is equally effective for discrimination as the conventional approach of summing over all potential histories in top quark versus Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) scenarios. We propose a novel approach by conceptualising the identification of the most probable shower history as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). Utilising a sophisticated modular point-transformer architecture, our method efficiently learns the optimal policy for this task. The developed neural agent excels in constructing the most likely shower history and demonstrates robust generalisation capabilities on unencountered test data. Remarkably, our approach mitigates the complexity inherent in the inference process, achieving a linear scaling relationship with the number of jet constituents. This offers a computationally viable and theoretically sound method for signal-background differentiation, paving the way for more effective data analysis in particle physics.

  • Tracing baryon and electric charge transport in isobar collisions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gregoire Pihan, Akihiko Monnai, Björn Schenke, Chun Shen

    It is of fundamental interest to understand the carrier of conserved quantum charges within protons and nuclei at high energy. Preliminary data from isobar collisions at RHIC reveal a scaled net-baryon to net-electric charge ratio ($B/\Delta Q \times \Delta Z/A$) at mid-rapidity between 1.2 and 2, consistent with string junction model predictions. Here, we compute the initial stage scaled net-baryon to net-electric charge ratio for isobar collisions. Our model incorporates a realization of the string junction model and models the nuclear structure. Our predictions identify the baseline expectations for such measurement and quantify the impact of the nuclear structure.

  • An Algebraic Roadmap of Particle Theories, Part I: General construction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. Furey

    It is a curious fact that our most well-studied BSM theories can inform us about the Standard Model itself. Just over a decade ago, [1], Baez and Huerta explained how the Standard Model's gauge group can be seen to coincide with the intersection of Georgi and Glashow's SU(5), and Pati and Salam's $SU(4)\times SU(2)\times SU(2)$, inside Spin(10). More recently, [2], [3], it was shown how (up to a factor of B-L) the Spin(10) model, the Pati-Salam model, the Left-Right Symmetric model, the Standard Model pre-Higgs mechanism, and the Standard Model post-Higgs mechanism are interlinked via a sequence of division algebraic reflections. Between these three papers, [1], [2], [3], are six theories that have been studied extensively by particle physicists. In this article, we demonstrate how the full set of six familiar particle models may be laid out in one connected algebraic particle roadmap. The inclusion of a quaternionic reflection within the network further differentiates $W^{\pm}$ bosons from the $Z^0$ boson in comparison to the Standard Model. It may introduce subtle new considerations for the phenomenology of electroweak symmetry breaking.

  • Interference Effects in $\mathbf{gg \to H \to Z \gamma}$ Beyond Leading Order.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Federico Buccioni, Federica Devoto, Abdelhak Djouadi, John Ellis, Jérémie Quevillon, Lorenzo Tancredi

    The ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC have recently announced evidence for the rare Higgs boson decay into a $Z$ boson and a photon. We analyze the interference between the process $gg\! \to \! H \! \to \! Z \gamma$ induced by loops of heavy particles, which is by far the dominant contribution to the signal, and the continuum $gg \to Z \gamma$ QCD background process mediated by light quark loops. This interference modifies the event yield, the resonance line-shape and the apparent mass of the Higgs boson. We calculate the radiative corrections to this interference beyond the leading-order approximation in perturbative QCD and find that, while differing numerically from the corresponding effects on the more studied $gg \! \to \! \gamma \gamma$ signal, they are generally rather small. As such, they do not impact significantly the interpretation of the present measurements of the $H \to Z \gamma$ decay mode.

  • Introducing the concept of Widom line in the QCD phase diagram.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Sordi, A.-M. S. Tremblay

    Critical phenomena emerging from the critical end point of a first-order transition are ubiquitous in nature. Here we bring the concept of a supercritical crossover, the Widom line, initially developed in the context of fluids, into the interacting matter described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). We show that the existence of the putative critical end point between hadron gas and quark-gluon plasma in the temperature versus chemical potential of the QCD phase diagram implies the existence of a Widom line emerging from it in the supercritical region. We survey the thermodynamic anomalies already identified in simplified theoretical models of QCD exhibiting a critical end point, to show that they can be interpreted in terms of a Widom line. Then we suggest possible directions where the Widom line concept could provide new light on the QCD phase diagram.

  • Gravitational waves from supercooled phase transitions: dimensional transmutation meets dimensional reduction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maciej Kierkla, Bogumila Swiezewska, Tuomas V. I. Tenkanen, Jorinde van de Vis

    Models with radiative symmetry breaking typically feature strongly supercooled first-order phase transitions, which result in an observable stochastic gravitational wave background. In this work, we analyse the role of higher order thermal corrections for these transitions, applying high-temperature dimensional reduction to a theory with dimensional transmutation. In particular, we study to what extent high-temperature effective field theories (3D EFT) can be used. We find that despite significant supercooling down from the critical temperature, the high-temperature expansion for the bubble nucleation rate can be applied using the 3D EFT framework, and we point out challenges in the EFT description. We compare our findings to previous studies, and find that the next-to-leading order corrections obtained in this work have a significant effect on the predictions for GW observables, motivating a further exploration of higher order thermal effects.

  • Searching for Axial Neutral Current Non-Standard Interactions of neutrinos by DUNE-like experiments.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saeed Abbaslu, Mehran Dehpour, Yasaman Farzan, Sahar Safari

    The increasingly precise neutrino experiments raise the hope for searching for new physics through studying the impact of Neutral Current (NC) Non-Standard Interactions (NSI) of neutrinos with matter fields. Neutrino oscillation experiments along with the Elastic Coherent $\nu$ Nucleus Scattering (CE$\nu$NS) experiments already set strong bounds on all the flavor elements of the "vector" NC NSI. However, "axial" NC NSI can hide from these experiments. We show how a DUNE-like experiment can probe these couplings by studying NC Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) events. We find that strong bounds can be set on the axial NC NSI of neutrinos with the $u$, $d$, and $s$ quarks. We show that using both the near and far detectors, a DUNE-like experiment can significantly improve the present bounds on all the flavor elements.

  • Fate of False Vacuum in Non-perturbative Regimes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal, Nobuchika Okada

    We use some exact results in the scalar field theory to revise the analysis by Coleman and Callan about the false vacuum decay and propose a simple non-perturbative formalism. We introduce exact Green's function which incorporates non-perturbative corrections in the strong coupling regimes of the theory. The solution of the scalar field theory involves Jacobi elliptical function and has been used to calculate the effective potential for any arbitrary coupling values. We demonstrate the use of this formalism in a simple $\lambda \phi^4$ theory and show that the effective potential exhibits a false minimum at the origin. We then calculate the false vacuum decay rate and suggest simple analytic formulas which may be useful for the analysis for the first order phase transition beyond the perturbative regime. In our methodology, we show that the standard results obtained in perturbation theory are reproduced by taking the coupling values very small.

  • Heavy quark diffusion coefficient in heavy-ion collisions via kinetic theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kirill Boguslavski, Aleksi Kurkela, Tuomas Lappi, Florian Lindenbauer, Jarkko Peuron

    We compute the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient $\kappa$ using QCD kinetic theory for a system going through bottom-up isotropization in the initial stages of a heavy ion collision. We find that the values of $\kappa$ are within 30% from a thermal system at the same energy density. When matching for other quantities we observe considerably larger deviations. We also observe that the diffusion coefficient in the transverse direction is larger at high occupation numbers, whereas for an underoccupied system the longitudinal diffusion coefficient dominates. The behavior of the diffusion coefficient can be understood on a qualitative level based on the Debye mass $m_D$ and the effective temperature of soft modes $T_*$. Our results for the kinetic evolution of $\kappa$ in different directions can be used in phenomenological descriptions of heavy quark diffusion and quarkonium dynamics to include the impact of pre-equilibrium stages.

  • Experimental methods and prospects on the measurement of electroweak $b$ and $c$-quark observables at the ILC operating at 250 GeV.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Irles, R. Pöschl, F. Richard, (1) IFIC, Universitat de València and CSIC, C./ Catedrático José Beltrán 2, Spain, (2) Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab, France)

    This paper describes a comprehensive experimental study on viability and prospects for the measurement of electroweak observables in $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow b\bar{b}$ and $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow c\bar{c}$ processes at the International Linear Collider (ILC) operating at 250 GeV of centre of mass energy. The ILC will produce electron and positron beams with different degrees of longitudinal polarisation (up to 80$\%$ for electrons and $30\%$ for positrons). The studies are based on a detailed simulation of the International Large Detector (ILD) concept. This will allow to inspect in detail the four independent chirality combinations of the electroweak couplings to electrons and other fermions and also perform background free analysis. The ILD design is based on the particle flow approach and the excellent vertexing and tracking capabilities, including charged hadron identification thanks to the $dE/dx$. We evaluate the main sources of experimental systematic uncertainties and identify the key design aspects of the accelerator and detector that are crucial to achieve the required per mil level accuracy that matches the expected statistical accuracy.

  • An alternative form of supersymmetry with reduced cross-sections and modified experimental signatures.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Roland E. Allen

    There is a convincing case for some form of supersymmetry, but conventional supersymmetry has been plagued by many unsolved theoretical difficulties, and not a single superpartner has been identified up to surprisingly high experimental limits. These failures suggest that it is appropriate to rethink the meaning of supersymmetry at the most fundamental level. Here we consider a radically different form of supersymmetry, which initially combines standard Weyl fermion fields and primitive (unphysical) boson fields. A stable vacuum then requires that the initial boson fields be transformed into three kinds of scalar-boson fields: the usual complex fields $\phi$, auxiliary fields $F$, and real fields $\varphi$ of a new kind. The requirement of a stable vacuum thus imposes Lorentz invariance, and also immediately breaks the initial susy -- whereas the breaking of conventional supersymmetry has long been a formidable difficulty. Even more importantly, for future experimental success, the present formulation may explain why no superpartners have yet been identified: Embedded in an $SO(10)$ grand-unified description, most of the conventional processes for production, decay, and detection of sfermions are excluded, and the same is true for many processes involving gauginos and higgsinos. This implies that superpartners with masses $\sim 1$ TeV may exist, but with reduced cross-sections and modified experimental signatures. For example, a top squark (as redefined here) will not decay at all, but can radiate pairs of gauge bosons and will also leave straight tracks through second-order (electromagnetic, weak, strong, and Higgs) interactions with detectors. The predictions of the present theory include (1) the dark matter candidate of our previous papers, (2) many new fermions with masses not far above 1 TeV, and (3) the full range of superpartners with a modified phenomenology.

  • The two-pole nature of the $\Lambda(1405)$ from lattice QCD.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    John Bulava, Bárbara Cid-Mora, Andrew D. Hanlon, Ben Hörz, Daniel Mohler, Colin Morningstar, Joseph Moscoso, Amy Nicholson, Fernando Romero-López, Sarah Skinner, André Walker-Loud

    This letter presents the first lattice QCD computation of the coupled channel $\pi\Sigma-\bar{K}N$ scattering amplitudes at energies near $1405\,{\rm MeV}$. These amplitudes contain the resonance $\Lambda(1405)$ with strangeness $S=-1$ and isospin, spin, and parity quantum numbers $I(J^P)=0(1/2^-)$. However, whether there is a single resonance or two nearby resonance poles in this region is controversial theoretically and experimentally. Using single-baryon and meson-baryon operators to extract the finite-volume stationary-state energies to obtain the scattering amplitudes at slightly unphysical quark masses corresponding to $m_\pi\approx200$ MeV and $m_K\approx487$ MeV, this study finds the amplitudes exhibit a virtual bound state below the $\pi\Sigma$ threshold in addition to the established resonance pole just below the $\bar{K}N$ threshold. Several parametrizations of the two-channel $K$-matrix are employed to fit the lattice QCD results, all of which support the two-pole picture suggested by $SU(3)$ chiral symmetry and unitarity.

  • Lepton flavor violating dark photon.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexey S. Zhevlakov, Dmitry V. Kirpichnikov, Valery E. Lyubovitskij

    We study possible impact of dark photons on lepton flavor phenomenology. We derive the constraints on non-diagonal dark photon couplings with leptons by analyzing corresponding contributions to lepton anomalous magnetic moments, rare lepton decays and the prospects of fixed-target experiments aiming for search for light dark matter based on missing energy/momentum techniques.

  • Search for Dark-Matter-Nucleon Interactions with a Dark Mediator in PandaX-4T.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Di Huang, Abdusalam Abdukerim, Zihao Bo, Wei Chen, Xun Chen, Yunhua Chen, Chen Cheng, Zhaokan Cheng, Xiangyi Cui, Yingjie Fan, Deqing Fang, Changbo Fu, Mengting Fu, Lisheng Geng, Karl Giboni, Linhui Gu, Xuyuan Guo, Chencheng Han, Ke Han, Changda He, Jinrong He, Yanlin Huang, Zhou Huang, Ruquan Hou, Xiangdong Ji, Yonglin Ju, Chenxiang Li, Jiafu Li, Mingchuan Li, Shu Li, Shuaijie Li, Qing Lin, Jianglai Liu, Xiaoying Lu, Lingyin Luo, Yunyang Luo, Wenbo Ma, Yugang Ma, Yajun Mao, Yue Meng, Xuyang Ning, Ningchun Qi, Zhicheng Qian, Xiangxiang Ren, Nasir Shaheed, Changsong Shang, Xiaofeng Shang, Guofang Shen, Lin Si, Wenliang Sun, Andi Tan, Yi Tao, Anqing Wang, Meng Wang, Qiuhong Wang, Shaobo Wang, Siguang Wang, Wei Wang, Xiuli Wang, Zhou Wang, Yuehuan Wei, Mengmeng Wu, Weihao Wu, Jingkai Xia, Mengjiao Xiao, et al. (30 additional authors not shown)

    We report results of a search for dark-matter-nucleon interactions via a dark mediator using optimized low-energy data from the PandaX-4T liquid xenon experiment. With the ionization-signal-only data and utilizing the Migdal effect, we set the most stringent limits on the cross section for dark matter masses ranging from 30~$\rm{MeV/c^2}$ to 2~$\rm{GeV/c^2}$. Under the assumption that the dark mediator is a dark photon that decays into scalar dark matter pairs in the early Universe, we rule out significant parameter space of such thermal relic dark-matter model.

  • Expected sensitivity on the anomalous quartic neutral gauge couplings in $\gamma\gamma$ collisions at the CLIC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, E. Gurkanli, M. Köksal, V. Ari, M. A. Hernández-Ruíz

    The presence of multi-boson self-interactions is implied by the non-Abelian gauge structure of the Standard Model (SM). Precise measurements of these interactions allow not only testing the nature of the SM but also new physics contribution arising from the beyond SM. The investigation of these interactions can be approached in a model-independent manner using an effective theory approach, which forms the main motivation of this study. In this paper, we examine the anomalous neutral quartic gauge couplings through the process $\gamma \gamma \rightarrow Z Z$ at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) with the center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=3$ TeV, integrated luminosities of ${\cal L}=5$ $\rm ab^{-1}$. The anomalous neutral quartic gauge couplings is implemented into FeynRules to generate a UFO module inserted into Madgraph to generate both background and signal events. These events are then passed through Pythia 8 for parton showering and Delphes to include realistic detector effects. We obtain that the sensitivities on the anomalous quartic neutral gauge couplings with $95\%$ Confidence Level are given as: $f_{T0}/\Lambda^{4}=[-1.06; 1.08]\times 10^{-3}$ ${\rm TeV^{-4}}$, $f_{T1}/\Lambda^{4}=[-1.06; 1.08]\times 10^{-3}$ ${\rm TeV^{-4}}$,$f_{T2}/\Lambda^{4}=[-1.06; 1.08]\times 10^{-3}$ ${\rm TeV^{-4}}$,$f_{T0}/\Lambda^{4}=[-1.06; 1.08]\times 10^{-3}$ ${\rm TeV^{-4}}$, $f_{T5}/\Lambda^{4}=[-4.08; 4.08]\times 10^{-4}$ ${\rm TeV^{-4}}$ and $f_{T8}/\Lambda^{4}=[-1.10; 1.10]\times10^{-4}$ ${\rm TeV^{-4}}$. Our results on the anomalous quartic neutral gauge couplings are set more stringent sensitivity with respect to the recent experimental limits.

  • Global analysis of polarized DIS & SIDIS data with improved small-$x$ helicity evolution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Daniel Adamiak, Nicholas Baldonado, Yuri V. Kovchegov, W. Melnitchouk, Daniel Pitonyak, Nobuo Sato, Matthew D. Sievert, Andrey Tarasov, Yossathorn Tawabutr

    We analyze the world polarized deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) and semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS) data at low values of $x < 0.1$, using small-$x$ evolution equations for the flavor singlet and nonsinglet helicity parton distribution functions (hPDFs). The hPDFs for quarks, antiquarks, and gluons are extracted and evolved to lower values of $x$ to make predictions for the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). We improve on our earlier work by employing the more realistic large-$N_c\, \& N_f$ limit of the revised small-$x$ helicity evolution, and incorporating running coupling corrections along with SIDIS data into the fit. We find an anti-correlation between the signs of the gluon and $C$-even quark hPDFs as well as the $g_1$ structure function. While the existing low-$x$ polarized DIS and SIDIS data are insufficient to constrain the initial conditions for the polarized dipole amplitudes in the helicity evolution equations, future EIC data will allow more precise predictions for hPDFs and the $g_1$ structure function for $x$ values beyond those probed at the EIC. Using the obtained hPDFs, we discuss the contributions to the proton spin from quark and gluon spins at small $x$.

  • Textures of Neutrino Mass Matrix from $S_4$-flavor Symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    N. Chamoun, E. I. Lashin

    We study a texture of neutrino mass matrix characterized by two constraints consisting of one equality and another antiequality between two elements corresponding to two pairs of the matrix entries. Amidst such textures, we limit our study to three patterns which were realizable assuming an $S_4$-symmetry within type II-seesaw scenario. Three such cases were found and studied: I ($M_{\n 22}=-M_{\n 33}$ \& $M_{\n 11}=+M_{\n 23}$), II ($M_{\n 11}=-M_{\n 33}$ \& $M_{\n 22}=+M_{\n 13}$) and III ($M_{\n 11}=-M_{\n 22}$ \& $M_{\n 33}=+M_{\n 12}$). We specify the role of unphysical phases in the definition of the textures under study which were tested against experimental constraints, and were found to accommodate data with both hierarchies allowed. However, switching off the unphysical phases allows only for inverted hierarchy, except for the texture III which allows also, albeit for a very narrow parameter space region, for normal ordering. We stress that the different phenomenologies when including/excluding unphysical phases stem from the different definitions of the texture one has to adopt in order to make it insensitive to unphysical phases, rather than to any `absent' physical effects of unphysical phases. We present a complete phenomenological analysis of these three textures and justify analytically the resulting correlations. We detail the effect of the unphysical phases in diluting/deforming several correlations, which otherwise would have been ``clear". Finally, we give theoretical realizations within seesaw type II scenarios for such textures.

  • MeV Sterile Neutrino in light of the Cabibbo-Angle Anomaly.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Teppei Kitahara, Kohsaku Tobioka

    A modified neutrino sector could imprint a signature on precision measurements of the quark sector because many such measurements rely on the semi-leptonic decays of the charged currents. Currently, global fits of the determinations of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements point to a $3\sigma$-level deficit in the first-row CKM unitarity test, commonly referred to as the Cabibbo-angle anomaly. We find that a MeV sterile neutrino that mixes with the electron-type neutrino increases the extracted $|V_{ud}|$, accommodating the Cabibbo-angle anomaly. This MeV sterile neutrino affects the superallowed nuclear $\beta$ decays and neutron decay, but it barely modifies the other measurements of the CKM elements. While various constraints may apply to such a sterile neutrino, we present viable scenarios within an extension of the inverse seesaw model.

  • Correlation function for the $T_{bb}$ state: Determination of the binding, scattering lengths, effective ranges and molecular probabilities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Feijoo, L. R. Dai, L. M. Abreu, E. Oset

    We perform a study of the $B^{*+}B^0,B^{*0}B^+$ correlation functions using an extension of the local hidden gauge approach which provides the interaction from the exchange of light vector mesons and gives rise to a bound state of these components in $I=0$ with a binding energy of about $21$~MeV. After that, we face the inverse problem of determining the low energy observables, scattering length and effective range for each channel, the possible existence of a bound state, and, if found, the couplings of such a state to each $B^{*+}B^0,B^{*0}B^+$ component as well as the molecular probabilities of each of the channels. We use the bootstrap method to determine these magnitudes and find that, with errors in the correlation function typical of present experiments, we can determine all these magnitudes with acceptable precision. In addition, the size of the source function of the experiment from where the correlation functions are measured can be also determined with a high precision.

  • When Energy Goes Missing: New Physics in $b\to s\nu\nu$ with Sterile Neutrinos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tobias Felkl, Anjan Giri, Rukmani Mohanta, Michael A. Schmidt

    Belle II recently reported the first measurement of $B^+\to K^++\mathrm{inv}$, which is $2.8\sigma$ above the Standard Model prediction. We explore the available parameter space of new physics within Standard Model effective field theory extended by sterile neutrinos ($\nu$SMEFT) and provide predictions for the other $B\to K^{(\star)}+\mathrm{inv}$ decay modes and invisible $B_s$ decays. We also briefly comment on charged current decays $B\to D^{(\star)}\ell\bar\nu$ and possible ultraviolet completions of the relevant $\nu$SMEFT operators.

  • Thermodynamics of the parity-doublet model: Symmetric nuclear matter and the chiral transition.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jürgen Eser, Jean-Paul Blaizot

    We present a detailed discussion of the thermodynamics of the parity-doublet nucleon-meson model within a mean-field theory, at finite temperature and baryon-chemical potential, with special emphasis on the chiral transition at large baryon densities and vanishing temperature. We consider isospin-symmetric matter. We systematically compare the parity-doublet model to a related singlet model obtained by disregarding the chiral partner of the nucleon. After studying the ground state properties of nuclear matter, the nuclear liquid-gas transition, and the density modifications of the nucleon sigma term which govern the low-density regime, we give new insight into the underlying mechanisms of the zero-temperature chiral transition occurring at several times the nuclear saturation density. We show that the chiral transition is driven by a kind of symmetry energy that tends to equilibrate the populations of opposite parity baryons. This symmetry energy dictates the composition of matter at large baryon densities, once the phase space for the appearance of the negative-parity partner is opened. We furthermore highlight the characteristic role, within the thermodynamics, of the chiral-invariant mass of the parity-doublet model. We include the chiral limit into all of our discussions in order to provide a complete picture of the chiral transition.

  • Probing the existence of \eta^3He mesic nucleus with a few-body approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Qian Wu, Gang Xie, Xurong Chen

    Motivated by the two recent observations in the WASA-at-COSY detector, we investigate the $\eta^3$He nucleus with the $\eta NNN$ few body method. We construct the effective $s$-wave energy dependent $\eta N$ potential which reproduce the $\eta N$ subthreshold scattering amplitude in the 2005 Green-Wycech model. It gives the $\eta$ separation energy and decay width of 0.19 MeV and 1.71 MeV, respectively. We also construct various sets of effective $s$-wave energy independent $\eta N$ potentials where the corresponding complex scattering lengths (a) are within the range given in most theoretical models. We obtain the bound $\eta^3$He nucleus with decay width of about 5 MeV when a is (1.0 fm, 0.3 fm), and of about 10 MeV when a is (1.0 fm, 0.5 fm).

  • Low-energy matrix elements of heavy-quark currents.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Harvey B. Meyer

    In QCD at energies well below a heavy-quark threshold, the heavy-quark vector current can be represented via local operators made of the lighter quarks and of the gluon fields. We extract the leading perturbative matching coefficients for the two most important sets of operators from known results. As an application, we analytically determine the ${\rm O}(\alpha_s^3)m_c^2/m_b^2$ effect of the bottom quark current on the $R(s)$ ratio below the bottom but above the charm threshold. For the low-energy representation of the charm quark current, the two most important operators are given by the total divergence of dimension-six gluonic operators. We argue that the charm magnetic moment of the nucleon is effectively measuring the forward matrix elements of these gluonic operators and predict the corresponding bottom magnetic moment. Similarly, the contribution of the charm current to $R(s\approx 1\,{\rm GeV}^2)$, which is associated with quark-disconnected diagrams, is dominantly determined by the decay constants of the $\omega$ and $\phi$ mesons with respect to the two gluonic operators.

  • A new subtraction scheme at NLO exploiting the privilege of kT-factorization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alessandro Giachino, Andreas van Hameren, Grzegorz Ziarko

    We present a subtraction method for the calculation of real-radiation integrals at NLO in hybrid kT-factorization. The main difference with existing methods for collinear factorization is that we subtract the momentum recoil, occurring due to the mapping from an (n+1)-particle phase space to an n-particle phase space, from the initial-state momenta, instead of distributing it over the final-state momenta.

  • The proton magnetic radius: a new puzzle?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yong-Hui Lin, Hans-Werner Hammer, Ulf-G. Meißner

    We comment on the puzzling status of the proton magnetic radius determinations.

  • Improving new physics searches with diffusion models for event observables and jet constituents.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Debajyoti Sengupta, Matthew Leigh, John Andrew Raine, Samuel Klein, Tobias Golling

    We introduce a new technique called Drapes to enhance the sensitivity in searches for new physics at the LHC. By training diffusion models on side-band data, we show how background templates for the signal region can be generated either directly from noise, or by partially applying the diffusion process to existing data. In the partial diffusion case, data can be drawn from side-band regions, with the inverse diffusion performed for new target conditional values, or from the signal region, preserving the distribution over the conditional property that defines the signal region. We apply this technique to the hunt for resonances using the LHCO di-jet dataset, and achieve state-of-the-art performance for background template generation using high level input features. We also show how Drapes can be applied to low level inputs with jet constituents, reducing the model dependence on the choice of input observables. Using jet constituents we can further improve sensitivity to the signal process, but observe a loss in performance where the signal significance before applying any selection is below 4$\sigma$.


  • Computing Four-Point Functions with Integrability, Bootstrap and Parity Symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrea Cavaglià, Nikolay Gromov, Michelangelo Preti

    The combination of integrability and crossing symmetry has proven to give tight non-perturbative bounds on some planar structure constants in $\mathcal{N}$=4 SYM, particularly in the setup of defect observables built on a Wilson-Maldacena line. Whereas the precision is good for the low lying states, higher in the spectrum it drops due to the degeneracies at weak coupling when considering a single correlator. As this could be a clear obstacle in restoring higher point functions, we studied the problem of bounding directly a 4-point function at generic cross ratio, showing how to adapt for this purpose the numerical bootstrap algorithms based on semidefinite programming. Another tool we are using to further narrow the bounds is a parity symmetry descending from the $\mathcal{N}$=4 SYM theory, which allowed us to reduce the number of parameters. We also give an interpretation for the parity in terms of the Quantum Spectral Curve at weak coupling. Our numerical bounds give an accurate determination of the 4-point function for physical values of the cross ratio, with at worst 5-6 digits precision at weak coupling and reaching more than 11 digits for 't Hooft coupling $\frac{\sqrt{\lambda}}{4 \pi} \sim 4$.

  • Non-minimal Elliptic Threefolds at Infinite Distance II: Asymptotic Physics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rafael Álvarez-García, Seung-Joo Lee, Timo Weigand

    We interpret infinite-distance limits in the complex structure moduli space of F-theory compactifications to six dimensions in the light of general ideas in quantum gravity. The limits we focus on arise from non-minimal singularities in the elliptic fiber over curves in a Hirzebruch surface base, which do not admit a crepant resolution. Such degenerations take place along infinite directions in the non-perturbative brane moduli space in F-theory. A blow-up procedure, detailed generally in Part I of this project, gives rise to an internal space consisting of a union of log Calabi-Yau threefolds glued together along their boundaries. We geometrically classify the resulting configurations for genus-zero single infinite-distance limits. Special emphasis is put on the structure of singular fibers in codimension zero and one. As our main result, we interpret the central fiber of these degenerations as endpoints of a decompactification limit with six-dimensional defects. The conclusions rely on an adiabatic limit to gain information on the asymptotically massless states from the structure of vanishing cycles. We also compare our analysis to the heterotic dual description where available. Our findings are in agreement with general expectations from quantum gravity and provide further evidence for the Emergent String Conjecture.

  • Boundary Overlaps from Functional Separation of Variables.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simon Ekhammar, Nikolay Gromov, Paul Ryan

    In this paper we show how the Functional Separation of Variables (FSoV) method can be applied to the problem of computing overlaps with integrable boundary states in integrable systems. We demonstrate our general method on the example of a particular boundary state, a singlet of the symmetry group, in an su(3) rational spin chain in an alternating fundamental--anti-fundamental representation. The FSoV formalism allows us to compute in determinant form not only the overlaps of the boundary state with the eigenstates of the transfer matrix, but in fact with any factorisable state. This includes off-shell Bethe states, whose overlaps with the boundary state have been out of reach with other methods. Furthermore, we also found determinant representations for insertions of so-called Principal Operators (forming a complete algebra of all observables) between the boundary and the factorisable state as well as certain types of multiple insertions of Principal Operators. Concise formulas for the matrix elements of the boundary state in the SoV basis and su(n) generalisations are presented. Finally, we managed to construct a complete basis of integrable boundary states by repeated action of conserved charges on the singlet state. As a result, we are also able to compute the overlaps of all of these states with integral of motion eigenstates.

  • The Nordic-walking mechanism and its explanation of deconfined pseudocriticality from Wess-Zumino-Witten theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bilal Hawashin, Astrid Eichhorn, Lukas Janssen, Michael M. Scherer, Shouryya Ray

    The understanding of phenomena falling outside the Ginzburg-Landau paradigm of phase transitions represents a key challenge in condensed matter physics. A famous class of examples is constituted by the putative deconfined quantum critical points between two symmetry-broken phases in layered quantum magnets, such as pressurised SrCu$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$. Experiments find a weak first-order transition, which simulations of relevant microscopic models can reproduce. The origin of this behaviour has been a matter of considerable debate for several years. In this work, we demonstrate that the nature of the deconfined quantum critical point can be best understood in terms of a novel dynamical mechanism, termed Nordic walking. Nordic walking denotes a renormalisation group flow arising from a beta function that is flat over a range of couplings. This gives rise to a logarithmic flow that is faster than the well-known walking behaviour, associated with the annihilation and complexification of fixed points, but still significantly slower than the generic running of couplings. The Nordic-walking mechanism can thus explain weak first-order transitions, but may also play a role in high-energy physics, where it could solve hierarchy problems. We analyse the Wess-Zumino-Witten field theory pertinent to deconfined quantum critical points with a topological term in 2+1 dimensions. To this end, we construct an advanced functional renormalisation group approach based on higher-order regulators. We thereby calculate the beta function directly in 2+1 dimensions and provide evidence for Nordic walking.

  • Topological twists of massive SQCD, Part II.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Johannes Aspman, Elias Furrer, Jan Manschot

    This is the second and final part of ``Topological twists of massive SQCD''. Part I is available at arXiv:2206.08943. In this second part, we evaluate the contribution of the Coulomb branch to topological path integrals for $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric QCD with $N_f\leq 3$ massive hypermultiplets on compact four-manifolds. Our analysis includes the decoupling of hypermultiplets, the massless limit and the merging of mutually non-local singularities at the Argyres-Douglas points. We give explicit mass expansions for the four-manifolds $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $K3$. For $\mathbb{P}^2$, we find that the correlation functions are polynomial as function of the masses, while infinite series and (potential) singularities occur for $K3$. The mass dependence corresponds mathematically to the integration of the equivariant Chern class of the matter bundle over the moduli space of $Q$-fixed equations. We demonstrate that the physical partition functions agree with mathematical results on Segre numbers of instanton moduli spaces.

  • An operational definition of quantum information scrambling.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gabriele Lo Monaco, Luca Innocenti, Dario Cilluffo, Diana A. Chisholm, Salvatore Lorenzo, G. Massimo Palma

    Quantum information scrambling (QIS) is a characteristic feature of several quantum systems, ranging from black holes to quantum communication networks. While accurately quantifying QIS is crucial to understanding many such phenomena, common approaches based on the tripartite information have limitations due to the accessibility issues of quantum mutual information, and do not always properly take into consideration the dependence on the encoding input basis. To address these issues, we propose a novel and computationally efficient QIS quantifier, based on a formulation of QIS in terms of quantum state discrimination. We show that the optimal guessing probability, which reflects the degree of QIS induced by an isometric quantum evolution, is directly connected to the accessible min-information, a generalized channel capacity based on conditional min-entropy, which can be cast as a convex program and thus computed efficiently. By applying our proposal to a range of examples with increasing complexity, we illustrate its ability to capture the multifaceted nature of QIS in all its intricacy.

  • Pauli Spectrum and Magic of Typical Quantum Many-Body States.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xhek Turkeshi, Anatoly Dymarsky, Piotr Sierant

    An important question of quantum information is to characterize genuinely quantum (beyond-Clifford) resources necessary for universal quantum computing. Here, we use the Pauli spectrum to quantify how magic, beyond Clifford, typical many-qubit states are. We first present a phenomenological picture of the Pauli spectrum based on quantum typicality and then confirm it for Haar random states. We then introduce filtered stabilizer entropy, a magic measure that can resolve the difference between typical and atypical states. We proceed with the numerical study of the Pauli spectrum of states created by random circuits as well as for eigenstates of chaotic Hamiltonians. We find that in both cases the Pauli spectrum approaches the one of Haar random states, up to exponentially suppressed tails. Our results underscore differences between typical and atypical states from the point of view of quantum information.

  • Conformal boundary conditions for a 4d scalar field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lorenzo Di Pietro, Edoardo Lauria, Pierluigi Niro

    We construct unitary, stable, and interacting conformal boundary conditions for a free massless scalar in four dimensions by coupling it to edge modes living on a boundary. The boundary theories we consider are bosonic and fermionic QED$_3$ with $N_f$ flavors and a Chern-Simons term at level $k$, in the large-$N_f$ limit with fixed $k/N_f$. We find that interacting boundary conditions only exists when $k\neq 0$. To obtain this result we compute the $\beta$ functions of the classically marginal couplings at the first non-vanishing order in the large-$N_f$ expansion, and to all orders in $k/N_f$ and in the couplings. To check vacuum stability we also compute the large-$N_f$ effective potential. We compare our results with the the known conformal bootstrap bounds.

  • String Theory in Rolling Tachyon Vacuum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ashoke Sen

    We suggest that the universe filled with unstable D-branes in their rolling tachyon vacuum state, described by periodic arrays of D-instantons along the imaginary time direction, may be a natural background for formulating string theory. While the presence of these D-instanton arrays do not affect the usual perturbative closed string amplitudes, the open string degrees of freedom on the instanton may be used to create the regular D-branes via a series of marginal deformations, thereby describing D-branes as regular classical solutions in the theory. Furthermore, we argue that a combination of the open string degrees of freedom in the rolling tachyon vacuum is set equal to time by the equations of motion, and hence this combination could provide an intrinsic definition of time in the theory. We illustrate these observations using the example of two dimensional string theory.

  • Spread complexity for measurement-induced non-unitary dynamics and Zeno effect.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aranya Bhattacharya, Rathindra Nath Das, Bidyut Dey, Johanna Erdmenger

    Using spread complexity and spread entropy, we study non-unitary quantum dynamics. For non-hermitian Hamiltonians, we extend the bi-Lanczos construction for the Krylov basis to the Schr\"odinger picture. Moreover, we implement an algorithm adapted to complex symmetric Hamiltonians. This reduces the computational memory requirements by half compared to the bi-Lanczos construction. We apply this construction to the one-dimensional tight-binding Hamiltonian subject to repeated measurements at fixed small time intervals, resulting in effective non-unitary dynamics. We find that the spread complexity initially grows with time, followed by an extended decay period and saturation. The choice of initial state determines the saturation value of complexity and entropy. In analogy to measurement-induced phase transitions, we consider a quench between hermitian and non-hermitian Hamiltonian evolution induced by turning on regular measurements at different frequencies. We find that as a function of the measurement frequency, the time at which the spread complexity starts growing increases. This time asymptotes to infinity when the time gap between measurements is taken to zero, indicating the onset of the quantum Zeno effect, according to which measurements impede time evolution.

  • Matrix models from black hole geometries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrea Boido, Alice Lüscher, James Sparks

    Supersymmetric, magnetically charged (and possibly accelerating) black holes in AdS$_4$ that uplift on Sasaki-Einstein manifolds $Y_7$ to M-theory have a dual matrix model description. The matrix model in turn arises by localization of the 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs, dual to the AdS$_4$ vacuum, on the black hole horizon geometry, which is a Riemann surface $\Sigma_g$ (or a spindle $\Sigma$). We identify the imaginary part $t$ of the continuously distributed eigenvalues in the matrix model, and their density function $\rho(t)$, with natural geometric quantities associated with the M-theory circle action $U(1)_M$ on the near-horizon geometry AdS$_2\times Y_9$, the internal space $Y_9$ being a $Y_7$ fibration over $\Sigma_g$ (or $\Sigma$). Moreover, we argue that the points where $\rho'(t)$ is discontinuous match with the classical action of BPS probe M2-branes wrapping AdS$_2$ and the M-theory circle. We illustrate our findings with the ABJM and ADHM theories, whose duals have $Y_7 = S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$, and some of their flavoured variants corresponding to other toric $Y_7$.

  • Lining up a Positive Semi-Definite Six-Point Bootstrap.- [PDF] - [Article]

    António Antunes, Sebastian Harris, Apratim Kaviraj, Volker Schomerus

    In this work we initiate a positive semi-definite numerical bootstrap program for multi-point correlators. Considering six-point functions of operators on a line we reformulate the crossing symmetry equation for a pair of comb-channel expansions as a semi-definite programming problem. We provide two alternative formulations of this problem. At least one of them turns out to be amenable to numerical implementation. Through a combination of analytical and numerical techniques we obtain rigorous bounds on CFT data in the triple-twist channel for several examples.

  • Krylov complexity for non-local spin chains.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aranya Bhattacharya, Pingal Pratyush Nath, Himanshu Sahu

    Building upon recent research in spin systems with non-local interactions, this study investigates operator growth using the Krylov complexity in different non-local versions of the Ising model. We find that the non-locality results in a faster scrambling of the operator to all sites. While the saturation value of Krylov complexity of local integrable and local chaotic theories differ by a significant margin, this difference is much suppressed when non-local terms are introduced in both regimes. This results from the faster scrambling of information in the presence of non-locality. In addition, we investigate the behavior of level statistics and spectral form factor as probes of quantum chaos to study the integrability breaking due to non-local interactions. Our numerics indicate that even in the non-local case, Krylov complexity can distinguish between different underlying theories as well as different degrees of non-locality.

  • SUSY QED with Lorentz-asymmetric fermionic matter and a glance at the electron's EDM.- [PDF] - [Article]

    João Paulo S. Melo, Wagno Cesar e Silva, José A. Helayël-Neto

    This contribution sets out to pursue the investigation of a supersymmetric electrodynamics model with Lorentz-symmetry violation (LSV) manifested by a space-time unbalance in the propagation of the fermionic charged matter. Despite violation of Lorentz symmetry, the supersymmetry algebra is kept untouched. We then adopt a superspace approach to build up an $\mathcal{N}=1$-supersymmetric Abelian gauge theory in presence of a Lorentz-violating background supermultiplet that accommodates the space-time asymmetry parameter of the charged matter. We describe, in this scenario, how the particular Lorentz-symmetry breaking, brought about by the fermionic matter, affects its (matter) scalar partners and the photon/photino that minimally couple to charged matter. From the (modified) Dirac, Klein-Gordon and Maxwell field equations, we work out the corresponding dispersion relations to inspect and discuss the physical effects of the LSV Majorana fermion condensates that naturally emerge from the background supermultiplet. Finally, we target efforts to investigate the Gordon decomposition of the charged lepton electromagnetic current. This is carried out by iterating the (fermion and scalar) matter field equations, which points to an effective contribution to the electron's electric dipole moment (EDM). This result allows us to attain an estimate of the pseudo-vector condensate of the (LSV) Majorana background fermion.

  • Negativity and its capacity in JT gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kazumi Okuyama, Takeshi Tachibana

    We study the refined R\'{e}nyi negativity in the matrix model of Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity. We first consider the JT gravity with dynamical branes, which serves as a toy model of the evaporating black hole. By including the backreaction of branes, we find that the refined R\'{e}nyi negativity monotonically decreases at late time of the evaporation. Next we define a novel quantity, which we call ``capacity of negativity,'' as a derivative of the refined R\'{e}nyi negativity with respect to the replica number. We find that the capacity of negativity has two peaks as a function of time, which comes from the exchange of dominance of the different types of replica wormholes.

  • $T\bar{T}$-deformation: a lattice approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yunfeng Jiang

    Integrable quantum field theories can be regularized on the lattice while preserving integrability. The resulting theory on the lattice are integrable lattice models. A prototype of such a regularization is the correspondence between sine-Gordon model and 6-vertex model on a light-cone lattice. We propose an integrable deformation of the light-cone lattice model such that in the continuum limit we obtain the $T\bar{T}$-deformed sine-Gordon model. Under this deformation, the cut-off momentum becomes energy dependent while the underlying Yang-Baxter integrability is preserved. Therefore this deformation is integrable but non-local, similar to the $T\bar{T}$-deformation of quantum field theory.

  • Torsional Constitutive Relations at Finite Temperature.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manuel Valle, Miguel A. Vazquez-Mozo

    The general form of the linear torsional constitutive relations at finite temperature of the gauge chiral current, energy-momentum tensor, and spin energy potential are computed for a chiral fermion fluid minimally coupled to geometric torsion and with nonzero chiral chemical potential. The corresponding transport coefficients are explicitly calculated in terms of the energy and number densities evaluated at vanishing torsion. A microscopic calculation of these constitutive relations in some particular backgrounds is also presented, confirming the general structure found.

  • $G_2$ Mirrors from Calabi-Yau Mirrors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andreas P. Braun, Richie Dadhley

    We study the worldsheet CFTs of type II strings on compact $G_2$ orbifolds obtained as quotients of a product of a Calabi-Yau threefold and a circle. For such models, we argue that the Calabi-Yau mirror map implies a mirror map for the associated $G_2$ varieties by examining how anti-holomorphic involutions behave under Calabi-Yau mirror symmetry. The mirror geometries identified by the worldsheet CFT are consistent with earlier proposals for twisted connected sum $G_2$ manifolds.

  • A String Theory for Two Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory I.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ofer Aharony, Suman Kundu, Tal Sheaffer

    Two dimensional gauge theories with charged matter fields are useful toy models for studying gauge theory dynamics, and in particular for studying the duality of large $N$ gauge theories to perturbative string theories. A useful starting point for such studies is the pure Yang-Mills theory, which is exactly solvable. Its $1/N$ expansion was interpreted as a string theory by Gross and Taylor 30 years ago, but they did not provide a worldsheet action for this string theory, and such an action is useful for coupling it to matter fields. The chiral sector of the Yang-Mills theory can be written as a sum over holomorphic maps and has useful worldsheet descriptions, but the full theory includes more general extremal-area maps; a formal worldsheet action including all these maps in a ''topological rigid string theory'' was written by Ho\v{r}ava many years ago, but various subtleties arise when trying to use it for computations. In this paper we suggest a Polyakov-like generalization of Ho\v{r}ava's worldsheet action which is well-defined, and we show how it reproduces the free limit of the Yang-Mills theory, both by formal arguments and by explicitly computing its partition function in several cases. In the future we plan to generalize this string theory to the finite-coupling gauge theory, and to analyze it with boundaries, corresponding either to Wilson loops or to dynamical matter fields in the fundamental representation.

  • Holography of New Conformal Higher Spin Gravities in 3d.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. Lovrekovic

    We study the holography of the new conformal higher spin theories imposing general boundary conditions and the near horizon boundary conditions. General boundary conditions lead to the asymptotic symmetry algebra which is a loop algebra of the underlying gauge algebra. The near horizon boundary conditions give u(1) currents at the boundary. For each of the boundary conditions we consider an example of conformal graviton, and its combination with a vector, and a spin-3 field, respectively. The near horizon boundary conditions lead to three dimensional Banados-Teitelboim- Zanelli (BTZ)-like black hole which can have up to four real eigenvalues, Lobachevsky solution, and to generalisation of that BTZ-like solution. We verify this result independently obtaining it from the Cotton tensor. We also consider the classification of the one parameter subgroups of the SO(3,2) and comment on the classification of the obtained solutions.

  • Ricci Flat Metrics, Flat Connections and $G_{2}$-Manifolds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bobby Samir Acharya, Daniel Andrew Baldwin

    Inspired by considerations in $M$-theory, we prove the equivalence between the moduli spaces of (suitably complexified) torsion free $G_{2}$-structures on 7-manifolds which are families of hyperK\"ahler ALE 4-manifolds fibered over compact flat 3-manifolds $T^{3}/K$ and certain moduli spaces of flat $G^{\mathbb{C}}_{ADE}$ connections on $T^{3}/K$.

  • The Tropical Amplituhedron.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Evgeniya Akhmedova, Ran J. Tessler

    The Amplituhedron is a subspace of the Grassmannian that was recently defined by Arkani-Hamed and Trnka in their study of scattering amplitudes in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang Mills theory (arXiv:1312.2007), and was the subject of many papers in the last decade. In this work we define a tropical analog of the amplituhedron, and develop techniques to address it. We prove that many of the key properties of the amplituhedron hold also in this simpler, piecewise linear, model.

  • Vinberg's T-Algebras. From Exceptional Periodicity to Black Hole Entropy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessio Marrani

    We introduce the so-called Magic Star (MS) projection within the root lattice of finite-dimensional exceptional Lie algebras, and relate it to rank-3 simple and semi-simple Jordan algebras. By relying on the Bott periodicity of reality and conjugacy properties of spinor representations, we present the so-called Exceptional Periodicity (EP) algebras, which are finite-dimensional algebras, violating the Jacobi identity, and providing analternative with respect to Kac-Moody infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. Remarkably, also EP algebras can be characterized in terms of a MS projection, exploiting special Vinberg T-algebras, a class of generalized Hermitian matrix algebras introduced by Vinberg in the '60s within his theory of homogeneous convex cones. As physical applications, we highlight the role of the invariant norm of special Vinberg T-algebras in Maxwell-Einstein-scalar theories in 5 space-time dimensions, in which the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal black strings can be expressed in terms of the cubic polynomial norm of the T-algebras.

  • Discontinuity in RG Flows Across Dimensions: Entanglement, Anomaly Coefficients and Geometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    José de-la-Cruz-Moreno, James T. Liu, Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas

    We study the entanglement entropy associated with a holographic RG flow from $\textrm{AdS}_7$ to $\textrm{AdS}_{4} \times \mathbb{H}_3$, where $\mathbb{H}_3$ is a $3$-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with curvature $\kappa$. The dual six-dimensional RG flow is disconnected from Lorentz-invariant flows. In this context we address various notions of central charges and identify a monotonic candidate $c$-function that captures IR aspects of the flow. The UV behavior of the holographic entanglement entropy and, in particular its universal term, display an interesting dependence on the curvature, $\kappa$. We then contrast our holographic results with existing field theory computations in six dimensions and find a series of new corrections in curvature to the universal term in the entanglement entropy.

  • Minimal massive supergravity and new theories of massive gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nihat Sadik Deger, Marc Geiller, Jan Rosseel, Henning Samtleben

    We present an action for minimal massive gravity (MMG) in three dimensions in terms of a dreibein and an independent spin connection. Furthermore, the construction provides an action principle for an infinite family of so-called third-way consistent generalizations of the three-dimensional Einstein field equations, including exotic massive gravity and new higher-order generalizations. It allows to systematically construct the matter couplings for these models, including the couplings to fermions, depending on the spin connection. In particular, we construct different supersymmetric extensions of MMG, and derive their second order fermionic field equations. This establishes a new class of three-dimensional supergravity theories and we discuss their limit to topological massive supergravity. Finally, we identify the landscape of (A)dS vacua of the supersymmetric models. We analyze the spectrum and the unitarity properties of these vacua. We recover the known AdS vacua of MMG which are bulk and boundary unitary.

  • Jordan meets Freudenthal. A Black Hole Exceptional Story.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessio Marrani

    Within the extremal black hole attractors arising in ungauged $\mathcal{N}\geqslant 2$-extended Maxwell Einstein supergravity theories in $3+1$ space-time dimensions, we provide an overview of the stratification of the electric-magnetic charge representation space into "large" orbits and related "moduli spaces", under the action of the (continuous limit of the) non-compact $U$-duality Lie group. While each "large" orbit of the $U$-duality supports a class of attractors, the corresponding "moduli space" is the proper subspace of the scalar manifold spanned by those scalar fields on which the Attractor Mechanism is inactive. We present the case study concerning $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity theories with symmetric vector multiplets' scalar manifold, which in all cases (with the exception of the minimally coupled models) have the electric-magnetic charge representation of $U$-duality fitting into a reduced Freudenthal triple system over a cubic (simple or semi-simple) Jordan algebra.

  • Celestial Gluon Amplitudes from the Outside In.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Walker Melton, Sruthi A. Narayanan

    We show that, given a two-dimensional realization of the celestial OPE in self-dual Yang-Mills, we can find a scalar source around which scattering amplitudes replicate correlation functions computed from the 2D 'gluon' operators in a limit where a dynamic massless scalar decouples. We derive conditions on the two-dimensional three-point correlation function so that such a source exists and give two particular examples of this construction, one in which gluons are constructed from vertex operators in the semiclassical limit of Liouville theory and another in which the soft gluons arise from generalized free fields. Finally, we identify a bulk dual to the level of the boundary Kac-Moody algebra and discuss moving beyond the decoupling limit.

  • Gauged permutation invariant matrix quantum mechanics: Path Integrals.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Denjoe O'Connor, Sanjaye Ramgoolam

    We give a path integral construction of the quantum mechanical partition function for gauged finite groups. Our construction gives the quantization of a system of $d$, $N\times N$ matrices invariant under the adjoint action of the symmetric group $S_N$. The approach is general to any discrete group. For a system of harmonic oscillators, i.e. for the non-interacting case, the partition function is given by the Molien-Weyl formula times the zero-point energy contribution. We further generalise the result to a system of non-square and complex matrices transforming under arbitrary representations of the gauge group.

  • Gauged permutation invariant matrix quantum mechanics: Partition functions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Denjoe O'Connor, Sanjaye Ramgoolam

    The Hilbert spaces of matrix quantum mechanical systems with $N \times N$ matrix degrees of freedom $ X $ have been analysed recently in terms of $S_N$ symmetric group elements $U$ acting as $X \rightarrow U X U^T $. Solvable models have been constructed uncovering partition algebras as hidden symmetries of these systems. The solvable models include an 11-dimensional space of matrix harmonic oscillators, the simplest of which is the standard matrix harmonic oscillator with $U(N)$ symmetry. The permutation symmetry is realised as gauge symmetry in a path integral formulation in a companion paper. With the simplest matrix oscillator Hamiltonian subject to gauge permutation symmetry, we use the known result for the micro-canonical partition function to derive the canonical partition function. It is expressed as a sum over partitions of $N$ of products of factors which depend on elementary number-theoretic properties of the partitions, notably the least common multiples and greatest common divisors of pairs of parts appearing in the partition. This formula is recovered using the Molien-Weyl formula, which we review for convenience. The Molien-Weyl formula is then used to generalise the formula for the canonical partition function to the 11-parameter permutation invariant matrix harmonic oscillator.

  • Earthquake Quantization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Benjamin Koch, Enrique Muñoz

    In this homage to Einstein's 144th birthday we propose a novel quantization prescription, where the paths of a path-integral are not random, but rather solutions of a geodesic equation in a random background. We show that this change of perspective can be made mathematically equivalent to the usual formulations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. To conclude, we comment on conceptual issues, such as quantum gravity coupled to matter and the quantum equivalence principle.

  • The $D^{(2)}_{3}$ spin chain and its finite-size spectrum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Holger Frahm, Sascha Gehrmann, Rafael I. Nepomechie, Ana L. Retore

    Using the analytic Bethe ansatz, we initiate a study of the scaling limit of the quasi-periodic $D^{(2)}_3$ spin chain. Supported by a detailed symmetry analysis, we determine the effective scaling dimensions of a large class of states in the parameter regime $\gamma\in (0,\frac{\pi}{4})$. Besides two compact degrees of freedom, we identify two independent continuous components in the finite-size spectrum. The influence of large twist angles on the latter reveals also the presence of discrete states. This allows for a conjecture on the central charge of the conformal field theory describing the scaling limit of the lattice model.

  • Universality of Effective Central Charge in Interface CFTs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andreas Karch, Yuya Kusuki, Hirosi Ooguri, Hao-Yu Sun, Mianqi Wang

    When an interface connects two CFTs, the entanglement entropy between the two CFTs is determined by a quantity called the effective central charge. The effective central charge does not have a simple form in terms of the central charges of the two CFTs, but intricately depends on the transmissive properties of the interface. In this article, we examine universal properties of the effective central charge. We first clarify how the effective central charge appears when considering general subsystems of the interface CFT. Then using this result and ideas used in the proof of the $c$-theorem, we provide a universal upper bound on the effective central charge. In past studies, the effective central charge was defined only in two dimensions. We propose an analogue of the effective central charge in general dimensions possessing similar universal properties as in two dimensions.

  • Exploring supersymmetric wormholes in $\cal{N} = 2$ SYK with chords.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jan Boruch, Henry W. Lin, Cynthia Yan

    A feature the $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model shares with extremal black holes is an exponentially large number of ground states that preserve supersymmetry. In fact, the dimension of the ground state subsector is a finite fraction of the total dimension of the SYK Hilbert space. This fraction has a remarkably simple bulk interpretation as the probability that the zero-temperature wormhole -- a supersymmetric Einstein-Rosen bridge -- has vanishing length. Using chord techniques, we compute the zero-temperature Hartle-Hawking wavefunction; the results reproduce the ground state count obtained from boundary index computations, including non-perturbative corrections. Along the way, we improve the construction [arXiv:2003.04405] of the super-chord Hilbert space and show that the transfer matrix of the empty wormhole enjoys an enhanced $\mathcal{N} = 4 $ supersymmetry. We also obtain expressions for various two point functions at zero temperature. Finally, we find the expressions for the supercharges acting on more general wormholes with matter and present the superchord algebra.

  • Remarks on BPS Wilson loops in non-conformal N=2 gauge theories and localization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Billo', L. Griguolo, A. Testa

    We consider 1/2 BPS supersymmetric circular Wilson loops in four-dimensional N=2 SU(N) SYM theories with massless matter content and non-vanishing beta-function. Following Pestun's approach, we can use supersymmetric localization on the sphere S4 to map these observables into a matrix model, provided that the one-loop determinants are consistently regularized. Employing a suitable procedure, we construct the regularized matrix model for these theories and show that, at order g^4, the predictions for the 1/2 BPS Wilson loop match standard perturbative renormalization based on the direct evaluation of Feynman diagrams on S4. Despite conformal symmetry begin broken at the quantum level, we also demonstrate that the matrix model approaches perfectly captures the expression of the renormalized observable in flat space at this perturbative order. Moreover, we revisit in detail the difference theory approach, showing that when the beta-function is non-vanishing, this method does not account for evanescent terms which are made finite by the renormalization procedure and participate to the corrections at order g^6.

  • Scaling limit of the staggered six-vertex model with $U_q\big(\mathfrak{sl}(2)\big)$ invariant boundary conditions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Holger Frahm, Sascha Gehrmann, Gleb A. Kotousov

    We study the scaling limit of a statistical system, which is a special case of the integrable inhomogeneous six-vertex model. It possesses $U_q\big(\mathfrak{sl}(2)\big)$ invariance due to the choice of open boundary conditions imposed. An interesting feature of the lattice theory is that the spectrum of scaling dimensions contains a continuous component. By applying the ODE/IQFT correspondence and the method of the Baxter $Q$ operator the corresponding density of states is obtained. In addition, the partition function appearing in the scaling limit of the lattice model is computed, which may be of interest for the study of nonrational CFTs in the presence of boundaries. As a side result of the research, a simple formula for the matrix elements of the $Q$ operator for the general, integrable, inhomogeneous six-vertex model was discovered, that has not yet appeared in the literature. It is valid for a certain one parameter family of diagonal open boundary conditions in the sector with the $z\,$-projection of the total spin operator being equal to zero.


  • Coffea-Casa: Building composable analysis facilities for the HL-LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sam Albin, Garhan Attebury, Kenneth Bloom, Brian Bockelman, Carl Lundstedt, Oksana Shadura, John Thiltges, (2) Morgridge Institute for Research)

    The large data volumes expected from the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) present challenges to existing paradigms and facilities for end-user data analysis. Modern cyberinfrastructure tools provide a diverse set of services that can be composed into a system that provides physicists with powerful tools that give them straightforward access to large computing resources, with low barriers to entry. The Coffea-Casa analysis facility (AF) provides an environment for end users enabling the execution of increasingly complex analyses such as those demonstrated by the Analysis Grand Challenge (AGC) and capturing the features that physicists will need for the HL-LHC. We describe the development progress of the Coffea-Casa facility featuring its modularity while demonstrating the ability to port and customize the facility software stack to other locations. The facility also facilitates the support of batch systems while staying Kubernetes-native. We present the evolved architecture of the facility, such as the integration of advanced data delivery services (e.g. ServiceX) and making data caching services (e.g. XCache) available to end users of the facility. We also highlight the composability of modern cyberinfrastructure tools. To enable machine learning pipelines at coffee-casa analysis facilities, a set of industry ML solutions adopted for HEP columnar analysis were integrated on top of existing facility services. These services also feature transparent access for user workflows to GPUs available at a facility via inference servers while using Kubernetes as enabling technology.

  • Evidence for tWZ production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV in multilepton final states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    CMS Collaboration

    The first evidence for the standard model production of a top quark in association with a W boson and a Z boson is reported. The measurement is performed in multilepton final states, where the Z boson is reconstructed via its decays to electron or muon pairs and the W boson decays either to leptons or hadrons. The analysed data were recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC in 2016-2018 in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$. The measured cross section is 354 $\pm$ 54 (stat) $\pm$ 95 (syst) fb, and corresponds to a statistical significance of 3.4 standard deviations.

  • Smartpixels: Towards on-sensor inference of charged particle track parameters and uncertainties.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jennet Dickinson, Rachel Kovach-Fuentes, Lindsey Gray, Morris Swartz, Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Alice Bean, Doug Berry, Manuel Blanco Valentin, Karri DiPetrillo, Farah Fahim, James Hirschauer, Shruti R. Kulkarni, Ron Lipton, Petar Maksimovic, Corrinne Mills, Mark S. Neubauer, Benjamin Parpillon, Gauri Pradhan, Chinar Syal, Nhan Tran, Dahai Wen, Jieun Yoo, Aaron Young

    The combinatorics of track seeding has long been a computational bottleneck for triggering and offline computing in High Energy Physics (HEP), and remains so for the HL-LHC. Next-generation pixel sensors will be sufficiently fine-grained to determine angular information of the charged particle passing through from pixel-cluster properties. This detector technology immediately improves the situation for offline tracking, but any major improvements in physics reach are unrealized since they are dominated by lowest-level hardware trigger acceptance. We will demonstrate track angle and hit position prediction, including errors, using a mixture density network within a single layer of silicon as well as the progress towards and status of implementing the neural network in hardware on both FPGAs and ASICs.

  • Generalizing mkFit and its Application to HL-LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giuseppe Cerati, Peter Elmer, Patrick Gartung, Leonardo Giannini, Matti Kortelainen, Vyacheslav Krutelyov, Steven Lantz, Mario Masciovecchio, Tres Reid, Allison Reinsvold Hall, Daniel Riley, Matevz Tadel, Emmanouil Vourliotis, Peter Wittich, Avi Yagil

    mkFit is an implementation of the Kalman filter-based track reconstruction algorithm that exploits both thread- and data-level parallelism. In the past few years the project transitioned from the R&D phase to deployment in the Run-3 offline workflow of the CMS experiment. The CMS tracking performs a series of iterations, targeting reconstruction of tracks of increasing difficulty after removing hits associated to tracks found in previous iterations. mkFit has been adopted for several of the tracking iterations, which contribute to the majority of reconstructed tracks. When tested in the standard conditions for production jobs, speedups in track pattern recognition are on average of the order of 3.5x for the iterations where it is used (3-7x depending on the iteration). Multiple factors contribute to the observed speedups, including vectorization and a lightweight geometry description, as well as improved memory management and single precision. Efficient vectorization is achieved with both the icc and the gcc (default in CMSSW) compilers and relies on a dedicated library for small matrix operations, Matriplex, which has recently been released in a public repository. While the mkFit geometry description already featured levels of abstraction from the actual Phase-1 CMS tracker, several components of the implementations were still tied to that specific geometry. We have further generalized the geometry description and the configuration of the run-time parameters, in order to enable support for the Phase-2 upgraded tracker geometry for the HL-LHC and potentially other detector configurations. The implementation strategy and high-level code changes required for the HL-LHC geometry are presented. Speedups in track building from mkFit imply that track fitting becomes a comparably time consuming step of the tracking chain.

  • RenderCore -- a new WebGPU-based rendering engine for ROOT-EVE.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ciril Bohak, Dmytro Kovalskyi, Sergey Linev, Alja Mrak Tadel, Sebastien Strban, Matevz Tadel, Avi Yagil

    ROOT-Eve (REve), the new generation of the ROOT event-display module, uses a web server-client model to guarantee exact data translation from the experiments' data analysis frameworks to users' browsers. Data is then displayed in various views, including high-precision 2D and 3D graphics views, currently driven by THREE.js rendering engine based on WebGL technology. RenderCore, a computer graphics research-oriented rendering engine, has been integrated into REve to optimize rendering performance and enable the use of state-of-the-art techniques for object highlighting and object selection. It also allowed for the implementation of optimized instanced rendering through the usage of custom shaders and rendering pipeline modifications. To further the impact of this investment and ensure the long-term viability of REve, RenderCore is being refactored on top of WebGPU, the next-generation GPU interface for browsers that supports compute shaders, storage textures and introduces significant improvements in GPU utilization. This has led to optimization of interchange data formats, decreased server-client traffic, and improved offloading of data visualization algorithms to the GPU. FireworksWeb, a physics analysis-oriented event display of the CMS experiment, is used to demonstrate the results, focusing on high-granularity calorimeters and targeting high data-volume events of heavy-ion collisions and High-Luminosity LHC. The next steps and directions are also discussed.

  • Search for new Higgs bosons in same sign top-quark pair+jets final state.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ting-Hsiang Hsu

    A search is presented for new Higgs bosons, targeting proton-proton (pp) collision events with a same-sign top quark pair associated with an extra jet via the processes pp$\rightarrow tH/A \rightarrow tt\bar{c}$ and pp$\rightarrow tH/A \rightarrow tt\bar{u}$, where H and A represent exotic scalar and pseudoscalar bosons, respectively. The study is based on data collected at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with the CMS detector at LHC Run 2, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 $\text{fb}^{-1}$. The analysis is made based on generalized two-Higgs-doublet model (g2HDM). It targets the new Higgs masses ranging from 200 GeV to 1TeV and extra Yukawa couplings, $\rho_{tu}$ and $\rho_{tc}$, from 0.1 to 1.0. Two scenarios are studied, in which only one of H and A exists or in which they coexist and interfere. No significant excess above standard model predictions is observed.

  • Search for leptonic decays of the dark photon at NA62.- [PDF] - [Article]

    NA62 collaboration

    The NA62 experiment at CERN, configured in beam-dump mode, has searched for dark photon decays in flight to electron-positron pairs using a sample of $1.4\times 10^{17}$ protons on dump collected in 2021. No evidence for a dark photon signal is observed. The combined result for dark photon searches in lepton-antilepton final states is presented and a region of the parameter space is excluded at 90% CL, improving on previous experimental limits for dark photon mass values between 50 and 600 MeV$/c^2$ and coupling values in the range $10^{-6}$ to $4\times10^{-5}$. An interpretation of the $e^+ e^-$ search result in terms of the emission and decay of an axion-like particle is also presented.

  • Search for $B_c^+\to\pi^+\mu^+\mu^-$ decays and measurement of the branching fraction ratio ${\cal B}(B_c^+\to\psi(2S)\pi^+)/{\cal B}(B_c^+\to J/\psi \pi^+)$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Aaij, A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb, C. Abellan Beteta, F. Abudinén, T. Ackernley, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, P. Adlarson, C. Agapopoulou, C.A. Aidala, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, K. Akiba, P. Albicocco, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, A. Alfonso Albero, Z. Aliouche, P. Alvarez Cartelle, R. Amalric, S. Amato, J.L. Amey, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, M. Andersson, A. Andreianov, P. Andreola, M. Andreotti, D. Andreou, A. Anelli, D. Ao, F. Archilli, M. Argenton, S. Arguedas Cuendis, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, M. Atzeni, B. Audurier, D. Bacher, I. Bachiller Perea, S. Bachmann, M. Bachmayer, J.J. Back, P. Baladron Rodriguez, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, J. Baptista de Souza Leite, M. Barbetti, I. R. Barbosa, R.J. Barlow, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, M. Bartolini, J. Bartz, F. Baryshnikov, et al. (1040 additional authors not shown)

    The first search for nonresonant $B_c^+\to\pi^+\mu^+\mu^-$ decays is reported. The analysis uses proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector between 2011 and 2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb$^{-1}$. No evidence for an excess of signal events over background is observed and an upper limit is set on the branching fraction ratio ${\cal B}(B_c^+\to\pi^+\mu^+\mu^-)/{\cal B}(B_c^+\to J/\psi \pi^+) < 2.1\times 10^{-4}$ at $90\%$ confidence level. Additionally, an updated measurement of the ratio of the $B_c^+\to\psi(2S)\pi^+$ and $B_c^+\to J/\psi \pi^+$ branching fractions is reported. The ratio ${\cal B}(B_c^+\to\psi(2S)\pi^+)/{\cal B}(B_c^+\to J/\psi \pi^+)$ is measured to be $0.254\pm 0.018 \pm 0.003 \pm 0.005$, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic, and the third is due to the uncertainties on the branching fractions of the leptonic $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ decays. This measurement is the most precise to date and is consistent with previous LHCb results.

  • The PMT System of the TRIDENT Pathfinder Experiment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fuyudi Zhang, Fan Hu, Shishen Xian, Wei Tian, Kun Jiang, Wenlian Li, Jianglai Liu, Peng Miao, Zhengyang Sun, Jiannan Tang, Zebo Tang, Mingxin Wang, Yan Wang, Donglian Xu, Ziping Ye

    Next generation neutrino telescopes are highly anticipated to boost the development of neutrino astronomy. A multi-cubic-kilometer neutrino telescope, TRopIcal DEep-sea Neutrino Telescope (TRIDENT), was proposed to be built in the South China Sea. The detector aims to achieve ~ 0.1 degree angular resolution for track-like events at energy above 100 TeV by using hybrid digital optical modules, opening new opportunities for neutrino astronomy. In order to measure the water optical properties and marine environment of the proposed TRIDENT site, a pathfinder experiment was conducted, in which a 100-meter-long string consisting of three optical modules was deployed at a depth of 3420 m to perform in-situ measurements. The central module emits light by housing LEDs, whereas the other two modules detect light with two independent and complementary systems: the PMT and the camera systems. By counting the number of detected photons and analyzing the photon arrival time distribution, the PMT system can measure the absorption and scattering lengths of sea water, which serve as the basic inputs for designing the neutrino telescope. In this paper, we present the design concept, calibration and performance of the PMT system in the pathfinder experiment.

  • Search for dark photons from Higgs boson decays via $ZH$ production with a photon plus missing transverse momentum signature from $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Atlas Collaboration

    This paper describes a search for dark photons ($\gamma_d$) in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The dark photons are searched for in the decay of Higgs bosons ($H \to \gamma\gamma_d$) produced through the $ZH$ production mode. The transverse mass of the system, made of the photon and the missing transverse momentum from the non-interacting $\gamma_d$, presents a distinctive signature as it peaks near the Higgs boson mass. The results presented use the total Run-2 integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$ recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The dominant reducible background processes are estimated using data-driven techniques. A Boosted Decision Tree technique is adopted to enhance the sensitivity of the search. As no excess is observed with respect to the Standard Model prediction, an observed (expected) upper limit on the branching ratio BR$(H\to \gamma\gamma_d)$ of 2.28$\%$ (2.82$^{+1.33}_{-0.84}\%$) is set at 95$\%$ CL for massless $\gamma_d$. For massive dark photons up to 40 GeV, the observed (expected) upper limits on BR$(H\to \gamma\gamma_d)$ at 95\% confidence level is found within the [2.19,2.52]$\%$ ([2.71,3.11]$\%$) range.

  • Search for high-mass $W\gamma$ and $Z\gamma$ resonances using hadronic W/Z boson decays from 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    A search for high-mass charged and neutral bosons decaying to $W\gamma$ and $Z\gamma$ final states is presented in this paper. The analysis uses a data sample of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV proton-proton collisions with an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the ATLAS detector during LHC Run 2 operation. The sensitivity of the search is determined using models of the production and decay of spin-1 charged bosons and spin-0/2 neutral bosons. The range of resonance masses explored extends from 1.0 TeV to 6.8 TeV. At these high resonance masses, it is beneficial to target the hadronic decays of the $W$ and $Z$ bosons because of their large branching fractions. The decay products of the high-momentum $W/Z$ bosons are strongly collimated and boosted-boson tagging techniques are employed to improve the sensitivity. No evidence of a signal above the Standard Model backgrounds is observed, and upper limits on the production cross-sections of these bosons times their branching fractions to $W\gamma$ and $Z\gamma$ are derived for various boson production models.

  • Search for a new pseudoscalar decaying into a pair of muons in events with a top-quark pair at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    A search for a new pseudoscalar $a$-boson produced in events with a top-quark pair, where the $a$-boson decays into a pair of muons, is performed using $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV $pp$ collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $139\, \mathrm{fb}^{-1}$. The search targets the final state where only one top quark decays to an electron or muon, resulting in a signature with three leptons $e\mu\mu$ and $\mu\mu\mu$. No significant excess of events above the Standard Model expectation is observed and upper limits are set on two signal models: $pp \rightarrow t\bar{t}a$ and $pp \rightarrow t\bar{t}$ with $t \rightarrow H^\pm b$, $H^\pm \rightarrow W^\pm a$, where $a\rightarrow\mu\mu$, in the mass ranges $15$ GeV $ < m_a < 72$ GeV and $120$ GeV $ \leq m_{H^{\pm}} \leq 160$ GeV.

  • Search for Dark Photons in Rare $Z$ Boson Decays with the ATLAS Detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    A search for events with a dark photon produced in association with a dark Higgs boson via rare decays of the Standard Model $Z$ boson is presented, using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The dark Higgs boson decays into a pair of dark photons, and at least two of the three dark photons must each decay into a pair of electrons or muons, resulting in at least two same-flavor opposite-charge lepton pairs in the final state. The data are found to be consistent with the background prediction, and upper limits are set on the dark photon's coupling to the dark Higgs boson times the kinetic mixing between the Standard Model photon and the dark photon, $\alpha_{D}\varepsilon^2$, in the dark photon mass range of $[5, 40]$ GeV except for the $\Upsilon$ mass window $[8.8, 11.1]$ GeV. This search explores new parameter space not previously excluded by other experiments.

  • Fast Neural Network Inference on FPGAs for Triggering on Long-Lived Particles at Colliders.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andrea Coccaro, Francesco Armando Di Bello, Stefano Giagu, Lucrezia Rambelli, Nicola Stocchetti

    Experimental particle physics demands a sophisticated trigger and acquisition system capable to efficiently retain the collisions of interest for further investigation. Heterogeneous computing with the employment of FPGA cards may emerge as a trending technology for the triggering strategy of the upcoming high-luminosity program of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In this context, we present two machine-learning algorithms for selecting events where neutral long-lived particles decay within the detector volume studying their accuracy and inference time when accelerated on commercially available Xilinx FPGA accelerator cards. The inference time is also confronted with a CPU- and GPU-based hardware setup. The proposed new algorithms are proven efficient for the considered benchmark physics scenario and their accuracy is found to not degrade when accelerated on the FPGA cards. The results indicate that all tested architectures fit within the latency requirements of a second-level trigger farm and that exploiting accelerator technologies for real-time processing of particle-physics collisions is a promising research field that deserves additional investigations, in particular with machine-learning models with a large number of trainable parameters.

  • Search for the $Z\gamma$ decay mode of new high-mass resonances in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    This letter presents a search for narrow, high-mass resonances in the $Z\gamma$ final state with the $Z$ boson decaying into a pair of electrons or muons. The $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV $pp$ collision data were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and have an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$. The data are found to be in agreement with the Standard Model background expectation. Upper limits are set on the resonance production cross section times the decay branching ratio into $Z\gamma$. For spin-0 resonances produced via gluon-gluon fusion, the observed limits at 95% confidence level vary between 65.5 fb and 0.6 fb, while for spin-2 resonances produced via gluon-gluon fusion (or quark-antiquark initial states) limits vary between 77.4 (76.1) fb and 0.6 (0.5) fb, for the mass range from 220 GeV to 3400 GeV.

  • Waveform Simulation in PandaX-4T.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiafu Li, Abdusalam Abdukerim, Chen Cheng, Zihao Bo, Wei Chen, Xun Chen, Yunhua Chen, Zhaokan Cheng, Xiangyi Cui, Yingjie Fan, Deqing Fang, Changbo Fu, Mengting Fu, Lisheng Geng, Karl Giboni, Linhui Gu, Xuyuan Guo, Chencheng Han, Ke Han, Changda He, Jinrong He, Di Huang, Yanlin Huang, Zhou Huang, Ruquan Hou, Xiangdong Ji, Yonglin Ju, Chenxiang Li, Mingchuan Li, Shu Li, Shuaijie Li, Qing Lin, Jianglai Liu, Xiaoying Lu, Lingyin Luo, Yunyang Luo, Wenbo Ma, Yugang Ma, Yajun Mao, Nasir Shaheed, Yue Meng, Xuyang Ning, Ningchun Qi, Zhicheng Qian, Xiangxiang Ren, Changsong Shang, Xiaofeng Shang, Guofang Shen, Lin Si, Wenliang Sun, Andi Tan, Yi Tao, Anqing Wang, Meng Wang, Qiuhong Wang, Shaobo Wang, Siguang Wang, Wei Wang, Xiuli Wang, Zhou Wang, Yuehuan Wei, Mengmeng Wu, Weihao Wu, Jingkai Xia, Mengjiao Xiao, et al. (26 additional authors not shown)

    Signal reconstruction through software processing is a crucial component of the background and signal models in the PandaX-4T experiment, which is a multi-tonne dark matter direct search experiment. The accuracy of signal reconstruction is influenced by various detector artifacts, including noise, dark count of photomultiplier, impurity photoionization in the detector, and other relevant considerations. In this study, we present a detailed description of a semi-data-driven approach designed to simulate the signal waveform. This work provides a reliable model for the efficiency and bias of the signal reconstruction in the data analysis of PandaX-4T. By comparing critical variables which relate to the temporal shape and hit pattern of the signals, we demonstrate a good agreement between the simulation and data.


  • Essay: Where Can Quantum Geometry Lead Us?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Paivi Torma

    Quantum geometry defines the phase and amplitude distances between quantum states. The phase distance is characterized by the Berry curvature and thus relates to topological phenomena. The significance of the full quantum geometry, including the amplitude distance characterized by the quantum metric, has started to receive attention in the last few years. Various quantum transport and interaction phenomena have been found to be critically influenced by quantum geometry. For example, quantum geometry allows counterintuitive flow of supercurrent in a flat band where single electrons are immobile. In this Essay, I will discuss my view of the important open problems and future applications of this research topic and will try to inspire the reader to come up with further ideas. At its best, quantum geometry can open a new chapter in band theory and lead to breakthroughs as transformative as room-temperature superconductivity. However, first, more experiments directly showing the effect of quantum geometry are needed. We also have to integrate quantum geometry analysis in our most advanced numerical methods. Further, the ramifications of quantum geometry should be studied in a wider range, including electric and electromagnetic responses and interaction phenomena in free- and correlated-electron materials, bosonic systems, optics, and other fields.

  • Shortcut-to-Adiabatic Controlled-Phase Gate in Rydberg Atoms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luis S. Yagüe Bosch, Tim Ehret, Francesco Petiziol, Ennio Arimondo, Sandro Wimberger

    A shortcut-to-adiabatic protocol for the realization of a fast and high-fidelity controlled-phase gate in Rydberg atoms is developed. The adiabatic state transfer, driven in the high-blockade limit, is sped up by compensating nonadiabatic transitions via oscillating fields that mimic a counterdiabatic Hamiltonian. High fidelities are obtained in wide parameter regions. The implementation of the bare effective counterdiabatic field, without original adiabatic pulses, enables to bypass gate errors produced by the accumulation of blockade-dependent dynamical phases, making the protocol efficient also at low blockade values. As an application toward quantum algorithms, how the fidelity of the gate impacts the efficiency of a minimal quantum-error correction circuit is analyzed.

  • Reinforcement Learning Based Quantum Circuit Optimization via ZX-Calculus.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jordi Riu, Jan Nogué, Gerard Vilaplana, Artur Garcia-Saez, Marta P. Estarellas

    We propose a novel Reinforcement Learning (RL) method for optimizing quantum circuits using the graph-like representation of a ZX-diagram. The agent, trained using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm, employs Graph Neural Networks to approximate the policy and value functions. We test our approach for two differentiated circuit size regimes of increasing relevance, and benchmark it against the best-performing ZX-calculus based algorithm of the PyZX library, a state-of-the-art tool for circuit optimization in the field. We demonstrate that the agent can generalize the strategies learned from 5-qubit circuits to 20-qubit circuits of up to 450 Clifford gates, with enhanced compressions with respect to its counterpart while remaining competitive in terms of computational performance.

  • Error-corrected Hadamard gate simulated at the circuit level.- [PDF] - [Article]

    György P. Gehér, Campbell McLauchlan, Earl T. Campbell, Alexandra E. Moylett, Ophelia Crawford

    We simulate the logical Hadamard gate in the surface code under a circuit-level noise model, compiling it to a physical circuit on square-grid connectivity hardware. Our paper is the first to do this for a logical unitary gate on a quantum error-correction code. We consider two proposals, both via patch-deformation: one that applies a transversal Hadamard gate (i.e. a domain wall through time) to interchange the logical $X$ and $Z$ strings, and another that applies a domain wall through space to achieve this interchange. We explain in detail why they perform the logical Hadamard gate by tracking how the stabilisers and the logical operators are transformed in each quantum error-correction round. We optimise the physical circuits and evaluate their logical failure probabilities, which we find to be comparable to those of a quantum memory experiment for the same number of quantum error-correction rounds. We present syndrome-extraction circuits that maintain the same effective distance under circuit-level noise as under phenomenological noise. We also explain how a $SWAP$-quantum error-correction round (required to return the patch to its initial position) can be compiled to only four two-qubit gate layers. This can be applied to more general scenarios and, as a byproduct, explains from first principles how the ''stepping'' circuits of the recent Google paper [McEwen, Bacon, and Gidney, Quantum 7, 1172 (2023)] can be constructed.

  • Universal structure of measurement-induced information in many-body ground states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zihan Cheng, Rui Wen, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Romain Vasseur, Andrew C. Potter

    Unlike unitary dynamics, measurements of a subsystem can induce long-range entanglement via quantum teleportation. The amount of measurement-induced entanglement or mutual information depends jointly on the measurement basis and the entanglement structure of the state (before measurement), and has operational significance for whether the state is a resource for measurement-based quantum computing, as well as for the computational complexity of simulating the state using quantum or classical computers. In this work, we examine entropic measures of measurement-induced entanglement (MIE) and information (MII) for the ground-states of quantum many-body systems in one- and two- spatial dimensions. From numerical and analytic analysis of a variety of models encompassing critical points, quantum Hall states, string-net topological orders, and Fermi liquids, we identify universal features of the long-distance structure of MIE and MII that depend only on the underlying phase or critical universality class of the state. We argue that, whereas in $1d$ the leading contributions to long-range MIE and MII are universal, in $2d$, the existence of a teleportation transition for finite-depth circuits implies that trivial $2d$ states can exhibit long-range MIE, and the universal features lie in sub-leading corrections. We introduce modified MIE measures that directly extract these universal contributions. As a corollary, we show that the leading contributions to strange-correlators, used to numerically identify topological phases, are in fact non-universal in two or more dimensions, and explain how our modified constructions enable one to isolate universal components. We discuss the implications of these results for classical- and quantum- computational simulation of quantum materials.

  • Nonequilibrium Dyson equations for strongly coupled light and matter: spin glass formation in multi-mode cavity QED.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hossein Hosseinabadi, Darrick E. Chang, Jamir Marino

    Light-matter interfaces have now entered a new stage marked by the ability to engineer quantum correlated states under driven-dissipative conditions. To propel this new generation of experiments, we are confronted with the need to model non-unitary many-body dynamics in strongly coupled regimes, by transcending traditional approaches in quantum optics. In this work, we contribute to this program by adapting a functional integral technique, conventionally employed in high-energy physics, in order to derive nonequilibrium Dyson equations for interacting light-matter systems. Our approach is grounded in constructing two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective actions, which provide a non-perturbative and conserving framework for describing quantum evolution at a polynomial cost in time. One of the aims of the article is to offer a pedagogical introduction designed to bridge readers from diverse scientific communities, including those in quantum optics, condensed matter, and high-energy physics. We apply our method to complement the analysis of spin glass formation in the context of frustrated multi-mode cavity quantum electrodynamics, initiated in our accompanying work [H. Hosseinabadi, D. Chang, J. Marino, arXiv:2311.05682]. Finally, we outline the capability of the technique to describe other near-term platforms in many-body quantum optics, and its potential to make predictions for this new class of experiments.

  • Cutting circuits with multiple two-qubit unitaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lukas Schmitt, Christophe Piveteau, David Sutter

    Quasiprobabilistic cutting techniques allow us to partition large quantum circuits into smaller subcircuits by replacing non-local gates with probabilistic mixtures of local gates. The cost of this method is a sampling overhead that scales exponentially in the number of cuts. It is crucial to determine the minimal cost for gate cutting and to understand whether allowing for classical communication between subcircuits can improve the sampling overhead. In this work, we derive a closed formula for the optimal sampling overhead for cutting an arbitrary number of two-qubit unitaries and provide the corresponding decomposition. Interestingly, cutting several arbitrary two-qubit unitaries together is cheaper than cutting them individually and classical communication does not give any advantage. This is even the case when one cuts multiple non-local gates that are placed far apart in the circuit.

  • Classification and transformations of quantum circuit decompositions for permutation operations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ankit Khandelwal, Handy Kurniawan, Shraddha Aangiras, Özlem Salehi, Adam Glos

    Efficient decomposition of permutation unitaries is vital as they frequently appear in quantum computing. In this paper, we identify the key properties that impact the decomposition process of permutation unitaries. Then, we classify these decompositions based on the identified properties, establishing a comprehensive framework for analysis. We demonstrate the applicability of the presented framework through the widely used multi-controlled Toffoli gate, revealing that the existing decompositions in the literature belong to only three out of ten of the identified classes. Motivated by this finding, we propose transformations that can adapt a given decomposition into a member of another class, enabling resource reduction.

  • Transformation-Dependent Performance-Enhancement of Digital Annealer for 3-SAT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christian Münch, Fritz Schinkel, Sebastian Zielinski, Stefan Walter

    Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems are NP-hard problems and many real-world problems can be formulated as QUBO. Currently there are no algorithms known that can solve arbitrary instances of NP-hard problems efficiently. Therefore special-purpose hardware such as Digital Annealer, other Ising machines, as well as quantum annealers might lead to benefits in solving such problems. We study a particularly hard class of problems which can be formulated as QUBOs, namely Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problems, and specifically 3-SAT. One intriguing aspect about 3-SAT problems is that there are different transformations from 3-SAT to QUBO. We study the transformations' influence on the problem solution, using Digital Annealer as a special-purpose solver. Besides well-known transformations we investigate a novel in this context not yet discussed transformation, using less auxiliary variables and leading to very good performance. Using exact diagonalization, we explain the differences in performance originating from the different transformations. We envision that this knowledge allows for specifically engineering transformations that improve a solvers capacity to find high quality solutions. Furthermore, we show that the Digital Annealer outperforms a quantum annealer in solving hard 3-SAT instances.

  • A Quantum Federated Learning Framework for Classical Clients.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yanqi Song, Yusen Wu, Shengyao Wu, Dandan Li, Qiaoyan Wen, Sujuan Qin, Fei Gao

    Quantum Federated Learning (QFL) enables collaborative training of a Quantum Machine Learning (QML) model among multiple clients possessing quantum computing capabilities, without the need to share their respective local data. However, the limited availability of quantum computing resources poses a challenge for each client to acquire quantum computing capabilities. This raises a natural question: Can quantum computing capabilities be deployed on the server instead? In this paper, we propose a QFL framework specifically designed for classical clients, referred to as CC-QFL, in response to this question. In each iteration, the collaborative training of the QML model is assisted by the shadow tomography technique, eliminating the need for quantum computing capabilities of clients. Specifically, the server constructs a classical representation of the QML model and transmits it to the clients. The clients encode their local data onto observables and use this classical representation to calculate local gradients. These local gradients are then utilized to update the parameters of the QML model. We evaluate the effectiveness of our framework through extensive numerical simulations using handwritten digit images from the MNIST dataset. Our framework provides valuable insights into QFL, particularly in scenarios where quantum computing resources are scarce.

  • First quantum machine learning applications on an on-site room-temperature quantum computer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nils Herrmann, Mariam Akhtar, Daanish Arya, Marcus W. Doherty, Pascal Macha, Florian Preis, Stefan Prestel, Michael L. Walker

    We demonstrate - for the first time - the application of a quantum machine learning (QML) algorithm on an on-site room-temperature quantum computer. A two-qubit quantum computer installed at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth, Australia, is used to solve multi-class classification problems on unseen, i.e. untrained, 2D data points. The underlying 1-qubit model is based on the data re-uploading framework of the universal quantum classifier and was trained on an ideal quantum simulator using the Adam optimiser. No noise models or device-specific insights were used in the training process. The optimised model was deployed to the quantum device by means of a single XYX decomposition leading to three parameterised single qubit rotations. The results for different classification problems are compared to the optimal results of an ideal simulator. The room-temperature quantum computer achieves very high classification accuracies, on par with ideal state vector simulations.

  • Interplay between the Hilbert-space dimension of the control system and the memory induced by quantum SWITCH.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saheli Mukherjee, Bivas Mallick, Sravani Yanamandra, Samyadeb Bhattacharya, Ananda G. Maity

    Several recent studies have demonstrated the utility of the quantum SWITCH as an important resource for enhancing the performance of various information processing tasks. In a quantum SWITCH, the advantages appear significantly due to the coherent superposition of alternative configurations of the quantum components which are controlled by an additional control system. Here we explore the impact of increasing the Hilbert-space dimension of the control system on the performance of the quantum SWITCH. In particular, we focus on a quantifier of the quantum SWITCH through the emergence of non-Markovianity and explicitly study their behavior when we increase the Hilbert-space dimension of the control system. We observe that increasing the Hilbert-space dimension of the control system leads to the corresponding enhancement of the non-Markovian memory induced by it. Our study demonstrates how the dimension of the control system can be harnessed to improve the quantum SWITCH-based information processing or communication tasks.

  • All-optical modulation with single-photons using electron avalanche.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Demid V. Sychev, Peigang Chen, Morris Yang, Colton Fruhling, Alexei Lagutchev, Alexander V. Kildishev, Alexandra Boltasseva, Vladimir M. Shalaev

    The distinctive characteristics of light such as high-speed propagation, low-loss, low cross-talk and power consumption as well as quantum properties, make it uniquely suitable for various critical applications in communication, high-resolution imaging, optical computing, and emerging quantum information technologies. One limiting factor though is the weak optical nonlinearity of conventional media that poses challenges for the control and manipulation of light, especially with ultra-low, few-photon-level intensities. Notably, creating a photonic transistor working at single-photon intensities remains an outstanding challenge. In this work, we demonstrate all-optical modulation using a beam with single-photon intensity. Such low-energy control is enabled by the electron avalanche process in a semiconductor triggered by the impact ionization of charge carriers. This corresponds to achieving a nonlinear refractive index of n2~7*10^-3m^2/W, which is two orders of magnitude higher than in the best nonlinear optical media (Table S1). Our approach opens up the possibility of terahertz-speed optical switching at the single-photon level, which could enable novel photonic devices and future quantum photonic information processing and computing, fast logic gates, and beyond. Importantly, this approach could lead to industry-ready CMOS-compatible and chip-integrated optical modulation platforms operating with single photons.

  • Complex Time Evolution in Tensor Networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Grundner, P. Westhoff, F. B. Kugler, O. Parcollet, U. Schollwöck

    Real-time calculations in tensor networks are strongly limited in time by entanglement growth, restricting the achievable frequency resolution of Green's functions, spectral functions, self-energies, and other related quantities. By extending the time evolution to contours in the complex plane, entanglement growth is curtailed, enabling numerically efficient high-precision calculations of time-dependent correlators and Green's functions with detailed frequency resolution. Various approaches to time evolution in the complex plane and the required post-processing for extracting the pure real-time and frequency information are compared. We benchmark our results on the examples of the single-impurity Anderson model using matrix-product states and of the three-band Hubbard-Kanamori and Dworin-Narath models using a tree tensor network. Our findings indicate that the proposed methods are also applicable to challenging realistic calculations of materials.

  • Fewer measurements from shadow tomography with $N$-representability conditions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Irma Avdic, David A. Mazziotti

    Classical shadow tomography provides a randomized scheme for approximating the quantum state and its properties at reduced computational cost with applications in quantum computing. In this Letter we present an algorithm for realizing fewer measurements in the shadow tomography of many-body systems by imposing $N$-representability constraints. Accelerated tomography of the two-body reduced density matrix (2-RDM) is achieved by combining classical shadows with necessary constraints for the 2-RDM to represent an $N$-body system, known as $N$-representability conditions. We compute the ground-state energies and 2-RDMs of hydrogen chains and the N$_{2}$ dissociation curve. Results demonstrate a significant reduction in the number of measurements with important applications to quantum many-body simulations on near-term quantum devices.

  • Disentangling the Physics of the Attractive Hubbard Model via the Accessible and Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement Entropies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tong Shen, Hatem Barghathi, Adrian Del Maestro, Brenda Rubenstein

    The complicated ways in which electrons interact in many-body systems such as molecules and materials have long been viewed through the lens of local electron correlation and associated correlation functions. However, quantum information science has demonstrated that more global diagnostics of quantum states, like the entanglement entropy, can provide a complementary and clarifying lens on electronic behavior. One particularly useful measure that can be used to distinguish between quantum and classical sources of entanglement is the accessible entanglement, the entanglement available as a quantum resource for systems subject to conservation laws, such as fixed particle number, due to superselection rules. In this work, we introduce an algorithm and demonstrate how to compute accessible and symmetry-resolved entanglements for interacting fermion systems. This is accomplished by combining an incremental version of the swap algorithm with a recursive Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm recently developed by the authors. We apply these tools to study the pairing and charge density waves exhibited in the paradigmatic attractive Hubbard model via entanglement. We find that the particle and spin symmetry-resolved entanglements and their related full probability distribution functions show very clear - and unique - signatures of the underlying electronic behavior even when those features are less pronounced in more conventional correlation functions. Overall, this work provides a systematic means of characterizing the entanglement within quantum systems that can grant a deeper understanding of the complicated electronic behavior that underlies quantum phase transitions and crossovers in many-body systems.

  • Field-free alignment and orientation of linear molecules by two-color trapezoidal laser pulses.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eugene A. Koval

    The field-free alignment and orientation of linear molecules by two-color laser pulses with trapezoidal shape are investigated. We show that after pulse molecular alignment is produced both in both adiabatic and non-adiabatic regimes. The degrees of molecular alignment and orientation are optimized by the laser pulse durations. The bipulse strategy of Zhang~[Phys. Rev. A 83, 043410 (2011)] with monochromatic prepulse is applied to enhance the orientation degree for the trapezoidal pulses with short durations.

  • $k$-commutativity and measurement reduction for expectation values.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ben DalFavero, Rahul Sarkar, Daan Camps, Nicolas Sawaya, Ryan LaRose

    We introduce a notion of commutativity between operators on a tensor product space, nominally Pauli strings on qubits, that interpolates between qubit-wise commutativity and (full) commutativity. We apply this notion, which we call $k$-commutativity, to measuring expectation values of observables in quantum circuits and show a reduction in the number measurements at the cost of increased circuit depth. Last, we discuss the asymptotic measurement complexity of $k$-commutativity for several families of $n$-qubit Hamiltonians, showing examples with $O(1)$, $O(\sqrt{n})$, and $O(n)$ scaling.

  • Re-exploring Control Strategies in a Non-Markovian Open Quantum System by Reinforcement Learning.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Amine Jaouadi, Etienne Mangaud, Michèle Desouter-Lecomte

    In this study, we reexamine a recent optimal control simulation targeting the preparation of a superposition of two excited electronic states in the UV range in a complex molecular system. We revisit this control from the perspective of reinforcement learning, offering an efficient alternative to conventional quantum control methods. The two excited states are addressable by orthogonal polarizations and their superposition corresponds to a right or left localization of the electronic density. The pulse duration spans tens of femtoseconds to prevent excitation of higher excited bright states what leads to a strong perturbation by the nuclear motions. We modify an open source software by L. Giannelli et al., Phys. Lett. A, 434, 128054 (2022) that implements reinforcement learning with Lindblad dynamics, to introduce non-Markovianity of the surrounding either by timedependent rates or more exactly by using the hierarchical equations of motion with the QuTiP-BoFiN package. This extension opens the way to wider applications for non-Markovian environments, in particular when the active system interacts with a highly structured noise.

  • Anderson transition and mobility edges on hyperbolic lattices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tianyu Li, Yi Peng, Yucheng Wang, Haiping Hu

    Hyperbolic lattices, formed by tessellating the hyperbolic plane with regular polygons, exhibit a diverse range of exotic physical phenomena beyond conventional Euclidean lattices. Here, we investigate the impact of disorder on hyperbolic lattices and reveal that the Anderson localization occurs at strong disorder strength, accompanied by the presence of mobility edges. Taking the hyperbolic $\{p,q\}=\{3,8\}$ and $\{p,q\}=\{4,8\}$ lattices as examples, we employ finite-size scaling of both spectral statistics and the inverse participation ratio to pinpoint the transition point and critical exponents. Our findings indicate that the transition points tend to increase with larger values of $\{p,q\}$ or curvature. In the limiting case of $\{\infty, q\}$, we further determine its Anderson transition using the cavity method, drawing parallels with the random regular graph. Our work lays the cornerstone for a comprehensive understanding of Anderson transition and mobility edges in non-Euclidean lattices.

  • Macroscopic entanglement between ferrimagnetic magnons and atoms via crossed optical cavity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ke Di, Xi Wang, Huarong Xia, Yinxue Zhao, Anyu Cheng, Yu Liu, Jiajia Du

    We consider a two-dimensional opto-magnomechanical (OMM) system including two optical cavity modes, a magnon mode, a phonon mode, and a collection of two-level atoms. In this study, we demonstrate the methodology for generating stationary entanglement between two-level atoms and magnons, which are implemented using two optical cavities inside the setup. Additionally, we investigate the efficiency of transforming entanglement from atom-phonon entanglement to atom-magnon entanglement. The magnons are stimulated by both a bias magnetic field and a microwave magnetic field, and they interact with phonons through the mechanism of magnetostrictive interaction. This interaction generates magnomechanical displacement, which couples to an optical cavity via radiation pressure. We demonstrate that by carefully selecting the frequency detuning of an optical cavity, it is possible to achieve an increase in bipartite entanglements. Furthermore, this improvement is found to be resistant to changes in temperature. The entanglement between atoms and magnons plays a crucial role in the construction of hybrid quantum networks. Our modeling approach exhibits potential applications in the field of magneto-optical trap systems as well.

  • Co-propagation of QKD & 6 Tb/s (60x100G) DWDM channels with ~17 dBm total WDM power in single and multi-span configurations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P. Gavignet, E. Pincemin, F. Herviou, Y. Loussouarn, F. Mondain, A. J. Grant, L. Johnson, R. I. Woodward, J. F. Dynes, B. Summers, A. J. Shields, K. Taira, H. Sato, R. Zink, V. Grempka, V. Castay, J. Zou

    We report co-propagation experiments of the quantum channel (at 1310 nm) of a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) system with Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) data channels in the 1550 nm range. Two configurations are assessed. The first one is a single span configuration where various lengths of Standard Single Mode Fiber (SSMF) (from 20 to 70 km) are used and the total WDM channels power is varied. The Secure Key Rate (SKR) and the Quantum Bit Error Ratio (QBER) are recorded showing that up to ~17 dBm total power of 30 or 60 channels at 100 Gb/s can coexist with the quantum channel. A metric to evaluate the co-propagation efficiency is also proposed to better evaluate the ability of a QKD system to provide secure keys in a co-propagation regime. The second experiment is a three spans link with a cascade of three QKD systems and two trusted nodes in a 184 km total link length. We report the transmission of a coherent 400 Gb/s Dual Polarization DP-16QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) channel that transports a QKD secured 100 GbE data stream, with other fifty-four 100 Gb/s WDM channels. Encryption is demonstrated at the same time as co-propagation.

  • Entanglement transition in deep neural quantum states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giacomo Passetti, Dante M. Kennes

    Despite the huge theoretical potential of neural quantum states, their use in describing generic, highly-correlated quantum many-body systems still often poses practical difficulties. Customized network architectures are under active investigation to address these issues. For a guided search of suited network architectures a deepened understanding of the link between neural network properties and attributes of the physical system one is trying to describe, is imperative. Drawing inspiration from the field of machine learning, in this work we show how information propagation in deep neural networks impacts the physical entanglement properties of deep neural quantum states. In fact, we link a previously identified information propagation phase transition of a neural network to a similar transition of entanglement in neural quantum states. With this bridge we can identify optimal neural quantum state hyperparameter regimes for representing area as well as volume law entangled states. The former are easily accessed by alternative methods, such as tensor network representations, at least in low physical dimensions, while the latter are challenging to describe generally due to their extensive quantum entanglement. This advance of our understanding of network configurations for accurate quantum state representation helps to develop effective representations to deal with volume-law quantum states, and we apply these findings to describe the ground state (area law state) vs. the excited state (volume law state) properties of the prototypical next-nearest neighbor spin-1/2 Heisenberg model.

  • Further Exercises about Sporadic SICs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Blake C. Stacey

    I review some recent technical developments in quantum information theory by rephrasing them in the form of exercises.

  • Boosting energy transfer between quantum devices through spectrum engineering in the dissipative ultrastrong coupling regime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alba Crescente, Dario Ferraro, Maura Sassetti

    The coherent energy transfer between two quantum devices (a quantum charger and a quantum battery) mediated by a photonic cavity is investigated, in presence of dissipative environments, with particular focus on the the ultrastrong coupling regime. Here, very short transfer times and high charging power can be achieved in comparison with the usually addressed weak coupling case. Such phenomenology is further magnified by the presence of level crossings appearing in the energy spectrum and which reveal very robust against dissipative environmental effects. Moreover, by carefully control the physical parameters of the model, e.g. the matter-radiation coupling and the frequencies of the system, it is possible to tune these crossings making this device more flexible and experimentally feasible. Finally to broaden our analysis, we assume the possibility of choosing between a Fock and a coherent initial state of the cavity, with the latter showing better energetic performances.

  • Transitive Nonlocal Games.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Prem Nigam Kar, Jitendra Prakash, David E Roberson

    We study a class of nonlocal games, called transitive games, for which the set of perfect strategies forms a semigroup. We establish several interesting correspondences of bisynchronous transitive games with the theory of compact quantum groups. In particular, we associate a quantum permutation group with each bisynchronous transitive game and vice versa. We prove that the existence of a C*-strategy, the existence of a quantum commuting strategy, and the existence of a classical strategy are all equivalent for bisynchronous transitive games. We then use some of these correspondences to establish necessary and sufficient conditions for some classes of correlations, that arise as perfect strategies of transitive games, to be nonlocal.

  • Jordan Algebraic Formulation of Quantum Mechanics and The Non-commutative Landau Problem.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tekin Dereli, Ekin Sıla Yörük

    We present a Jordan algebraic formulation of the non-commutative Landau problem coupled to a harmonic potential. To achieve this, a new formulation of the Hilbert space version of quantum mechanics is postulated. Using this construction, the Hilbert space corresponding to the non-commutative Landau problem is obtained. Non-commutative parameters are then described in terms of an associator in the Jordan algebraic setting. Pure states and density matrices arising from this problem are characterized. This in turn leads us to the Jordan-Schr\"odinger time-evolution equation for the state vectors for this specific problem.

  • Effects of cavity-mediated processes on the polarization entanglement of photon pairs emitted from quantum dots.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mukesh Kumar Samal, Divya Mishra, Parvendra Kumar

    Semiconductor quantum dots are among the best sources of on-demand entangled photon pairs. The degree of entanglement, however, is generally limited by the fine structure splitting of exciton states. In this paper, we theoretically investigate the generation of polarisation-entangled photon pairs under two-photon excitation and cavity-assisted two-photon emission, both in the weak and strong cavity coupling regimes. We demonstrate and clarify that cavity coupling together with an excitation pulse reduces the degree of entanglement in three different ways. Firstly, in a strong coupling regime, cavity introduces the unequal ac-Stark shift of horizontally and vertically polarised exciton states, which results in the effective splitting of exciton states. Secondly, it induces the cross-coupling between the exciton states even in the weak coupling regime, causing the creation of unfavorable two-photon states. Finally, higher excited states of the cavity modes also contribute to the reduction of entanglement. Therefore, in the setting considered here, cavity coupling, which is generally required for the efficient collection of emitted photons, degrades the entanglement both in weak and strong coupling regimes.

  • Quantum Tunnelling and Thermally Driven Transitions in a Double Well Potential at Finite Temperature.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Robson Christie, Jessica Eastman

    We explore dissipative quantum tunnelling, a phenomenon central to various physical and chemical processes, using a double-well potential model. This paper aims to bridge gaps in understanding the crossover from thermal activation to quantum tunnelling, a domain still shrouded in mystery despite extensive research. We study a Caldeira-Leggett-derived model of quantum Brownian motion and investigate the Lindblad and stochastic Schr\"{o}dinger dynamics numerically, seeking to offer new insights into the transition states in the crossover region. Our study has implications for quantum computing and understanding fundamental natural processes, highlighting the significance of quantum effects on transition rates and temperature influences on tunnelling. Additionally, we introduce a new model for quantum Brownian motion which takes Lindblad form and is formulated as a modification of the widely known model found in Breuer and Petruccione. In our approach, we remove the zero-temperature singularity resulting in a better description of low-temperature quantum Brownian motion near a potential minima.

  • Iteration-Dependent Scaled Min-Sum Decoding for Low-Complexity Key Reconciliation in CV-QKD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Erdem Eray Cil, Laurent Schmalen

    We introduce an iteration-dependent scaled min-sum decoding for low-rate LDPC codes in CV-QKD, achieving near-sum product algorithm performance with reduced complexity, and facilitating CV-QKD hardware implementation.

  • Towards an in-depth detection of malware using distributed QCNN.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tony Quertier, Grégoire Barrué

    Malware detection is an important topic of current cybersecurity, and Machine Learning appears to be one of the main considered solutions even if certain problems to generalize to new malware remain. In the aim of exploring the potential of quantum machine learning on this domain, our previous work showed that quantum neural networks do not perform well on image-based malware detection when using a few qubits. In order to enhance the performances of our quantum algorithms for malware detection using images, without increasing the resources needed in terms of qubits, we implement a new preprocessing of our dataset using Grayscale method, and we couple it with a model composed of five distributed quantum convolutional networks and a scoring function. We get an increase of around 20 \% of our results, both on the accuracy of the test and its F1-score.

  • Phase Retrieval in Incoherent Diffractive Imaging using higher-order photon correlation functions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Bojer, J. Eckert, S. Karl, S. Richter, J. von Zanthier

    To obtain spatial information about an arbitrary object in x-ray structure analysis, the standard method is to measure the intensity in the far field, i.e., the first-order photon correlation function of the coherently scattered x-ray photons (coherent diffractive imaging). Recently, it was suggested to record alternatively the incoherently scattered photons and measure the second-order photon correlation function to reconstruct the geometry of the unknown object (incoherent diffractive imaging). Yet, besides various advantages of the latter method, both techniques suffer from the so-called phase retrieval problem. Lately, an ab-initio phase retrieval algorithm to reconstruct the phase of the so-called structure factor of the scattering objects based on the third-order photon correlation function was reported. The algorithm makes use of the so-called closure phase, which contains important, yet incomplete phase information, well-known from triple correlations and their bispectrum in speckle masking and astronomy applications. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the underlying scheme and quantities in the context of x-ray structure analysis. In particular, we explicitly calculate the third-order photon correlation function in a full quantum mechanical treatment and discuss the uniqueness of the closure phase equations constructed from it. In this context, we recapitulate the sign problem of the closure phase and how it can be lifted using redundant information. We further show how the algorithm can be improved using even higher-order photon correlation functions, e.g., the fourth-order correlation function, delivering new phase relations appearing in the four-point correlations.

  • Reassessing the advantage of indefinite causal orders for quantum metrology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raphaël Mothe, Cyril Branciard, Alastair A. Abbott

    The quantum switch, the canonical example of a process with indefinite causal order, has been claimed to provide various advantages over processes with definite causal orders for some particular tasks in the field of quantum metrology. In this work, we argue that some of these advantages in fact do not hold if a fairer comparison is made. To this end, we consider a framework that allows for a proper comparison between the performance, quantified by the quantum Fisher information, of different classes of indefinite causal order processes and that of causal strategies on a given metrological task. More generally, by considering the recently proposed classes of circuits with classical or quantum control of the causal order, we come up with different examples where processes with indefinite causal order offer (or not) an advantage over processes with definite causal order, qualifying the interest of indefinite causal order regarding quantum metrology. As it turns out, for a range of examples, the class of quantum circuits with quantum control of causal order, which are known to be physically realizable, is shown to provide a strict advantage over causally ordered quantum circuits as well as over the class of quantum circuits with causal superposition. Thus, considering this class provides new evidence that indefinite causal order strategies can strictly outperform definite causal order strategies in quantum metrology. Moreover, it shows that the so-called dynamical control of causal order, a feature of quantum circuits with quantum control of the causal order but not of quantum circuits with mere causal superposition, can be a useful resource in quantum metrology.

  • Transient Temperature Dynamics of Reservoirs Connected Through an Open Quantum System.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. V. Vovchenko, A. A. Zyablovsky, A. A. Pukhov, E. S. Andrianov

    The dynamics of open quantum systems connected with several reservoirs attract great attention due to its importance in quantum optics, biology, quantum thermodynamics, transport phenomena, etc. In many problems, the Born approximation is applicable which implies that the influence of the open quantum system on the reservoirs can be neglected. However, in the case of a long-time dynamics or mesoscopic reservoir, the reverse influence can be crucial. In this paper, we investigate the transient dynamics of several bosonic reservoirs connected through an open quantum system. We use an adiabatic approach to study the temporal dynamics of temperatures of the reservoirs during relaxation to thermodynamic equilibrium. We show that there are various types of temperature dynamics that strongly depend on the values of dissipative rates and initial temperatures. We demonstrate that temperatures of the reservoirs can exhibit non-monotonic behavior. Moreover, there are moments of time during which the reservoir with initially intermediate temperature becomes the hottest or coldest reservoir. The obtained results pave the way for managing energy flows in mesoscale and nanoscale systems.

  • Solvable entanglement dynamics in quantum circuits with generalized dual unitarity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chuan Liu, Wen Wei Ho

    We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of kicked Ising models in $1+1$ dimensions which have interactions alternating between odd and even bonds in time. These models give rise to time-evolution equivalent to quantum circuits having both the global property of tri-unitarity (three 'arrows of time') and also the local property of second-level dual-unitarity, which constrains the behavior of pairs of local gates underlying the circuit under a space-time rotation. We identify a broad class of initial product states wherein the effect of the environment on a small subsystem can be exactly represented by influence matrices with simple Markovian structures, resulting in the subsystem's full dynamics being efficiently computable. We further find additional conditions under which the dynamics of entanglement can be solved for all times, yielding rich phenomenology ranging from linear growth at half the maximal speed allowed by locality, followed by saturation to maximum entropy (i.e., thermalization to infinite temperature); to entanglement growth with saturation to extensive but sub-maximal entropy. Our findings extend our knowledge of interacting quantum systems whose thermalizing dynamics can be efficiently and analytically computed, going beyond the well-known examples of integrable models, Clifford circuits, and dual-unitary circuits.

  • Cavity-resonated detection of spin polarization in a microfabricated atomic vapor cell.- [PDF] - [Article]

    María Hernández Ruiz, Yintao Ma, Hana Medhat, Vito Giovanni Lucivero, Morgan W. Mitchell

    We demonstrate continuous Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) nondestructive monitoring of the electron spin polarization of an atomic vapor in a microfabricated vapor cell within an optical resonator. The two-chamber silicon and glass cell contains $^{87}$Rb and 1.3 amagat of N$_{2}$ buffer gas, and is placed within a planar optical resonator formed by two mirrors with dichroic dielectric coatings to resonantly enhance the coupling to phase-modulated probe light near the D$_2$ line at 780 nm. We describe the theory of signal generation in this system, including the spin-dependent complex refractive index, cavity optical transfer functions, and PDH signal response to spin polarization. We observe cavity transmission and PDH signals across $\approx 200$ GHz of detuning around the atomic resonance line. By resonant optical pumping on the 795 nm D$_1$ line, we observe spin-dependent cavity line shifts, in good agreement with theory. We use the saturation of the line shift vs. optical pumping power to calibrate the number density and efficiency of the optical pumping. In the unresolved sideband regime, we observe quantum-noise-limited PDH readout of the spin polarization density, with a flat noise floor of $9 \times 10^9$ spins cm$^{-3}$ Hz$^{-1/2}$ for frequencies above 700 Hz. We note possible extensions of the technique.

  • Quench dynamics in higher-dimensional Holstein models: Insights from Truncated Wigner Approaches.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eva Paprotzki, Alexander Osterkorn, Vibhu Misha, Stefan Kehrein

    Charge-density wave phases in quantum materials stem from the complex interplay of electronic and lattice degrees of freedom. Nowadays, various time-resolved spectroscopy techniques allow to actively manipulate such phases and monitor their dynamics in real time. Modeling such nonequilibrium dynamics theoretically is a great challenge and exact methods can usually only treat a small number of atoms and finitely many phonons. We approach the melting of charge-density waves in a Holstein model after a sudden switch-on of the electronic hopping from two perspectives: We prove that in the non-interacting and in the strong-coupling limit, the CDW order parameter on high-dimensional hypercubic lattices obeys a factorization relation for long times, such that its dynamics can be reduced to the one-dimensional case. Secondly, we present numerical results from semiclassical techniques based on the Truncated Wigner Approximation for two spatial dimensions. A comparison with exact data obtained for a Holstein chain shows that a semiclassical treatment of both the electrons and phonons is required in order to correctly describe the phononic dynamics. This is confirmed, in addition, for a quench in the electron-phonon coupling strength.

  • Quantum squeezing induced quantum entanglement and EPR steering in coupled optomechanical system.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shao-Xiong Wu, Cheng-Hua Bai, Gang Li, Chang-shui Yu, Tiancai Zhang

    We propose a theoretical project in which quantum squeezing induces quantum entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in a coupled whispering-gallery-mode optomechanical system. Through pumping the $\chi^{(2)}$-nonlinear resonator with the phase matching condition, the generated squeezed resonator mode and the mechanical mode of the optomechanical resonator can generate strong quantum entanglement and EPR steering, where the squeezing of the nonlinear resonator plays the vital role. The transitions from zero entanglement to strong entanglement and one-way steering to two-way steering can be realized by adjusting the system parameters appropriately. The photon-photon entanglement and steering between the two resonators can also be obtained by deducing the amplitude of the driving laser. Our project does not need an extraordinarily squeezed field, and it is convenient to manipulate and provides a novel and flexible avenue for diverse applications in quantum technology dependent on both optomechanical and photon-photon entanglement and steering.

  • Accurate harmonic vibrational frequencies for diatomic molecules via quantum computing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shih-Kai Chou, Jyh-Pin Chou, Alice Hu, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Hsi-Sheng Goan

    During the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, quantum computational approaches refined to overcome the challenge of limited quantum resources are highly valuable. However, the accuracy of the molecular properties predicted by most of the quantum computations nowadays is still far off (not within chemical accuracy) compared to their corresponding experimental data. Here, we propose a promising qubit-efficient quantum computational approach to calculate the harmonic vibrational frequencies of a large set of neutral closed-shell diatomic molecules with results in great agreement with their experimental data. To this end, we construct the accurate Hamiltonian using molecular orbitals, derived from density functional theory to account for the electron correlation and expanded in the Daubechies wavelet basis set to allow an accurate representation in real space grid points, where an optimized compact active space is further selected so that only a reduced small number of qubits is sufficient to yield an accurate result. To justify the approach, we benchmark the performance of the Hamiltonians spanned by the selected molecular orbitals by first transforming the molecular Hamiltonians into qubit Hamiltonians and then using the exact diagonalization method to calculate the results, regarded as the best results achievable by quantum computation. Furthermore, we show that the variational quantum circuit with the chemistry-inspired UCCSD ansatz can achieve the same accuracy as the exact diagonalization method except for systems whose Mayer bond order indices are larger than 2. For those systems, we demonstrate that the heuristic hardware-efficient RealAmplitudes ansatz, even with a shorter circuit depth, can provide a significant improvement over the UCCSD ansatz, verifying that the harmonic vibrational frequencies could be calculated accurately by quantum computation in the NISQ era.

  • Optical Feedback Loop in Paraxial Fluids of Light: A Gate to new phenomena in analogue physical simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tiago D. Ferreira, Ariel Guerreiro, Nuno A. Silva

    Easily accessible through tabletop experiments based on laser propagation inside nonlinear optical media, Paraxial Fluids of Light are emerging as promising platforms for the simulation and exploration of quantum-like phenomena. In particular, the analogy builds on a formal equivalence between the governing model for a Bose-Einstein Condensate under the mean-field approximation and the model of laser propagation under the paraxial approximation. Yet, the fact that the role of time is played by the propagation distance in the optical analogue system may impose strong bounds on the range of accessible phenomena due to the limited length of the nonlinear medium. In this manuscript, we present a novel experimental approach to solve this limitation in the form of an optical feedback loop, which consists of the reconstruction of the optical states at the end of the system followed by their subsequent re-injection exploiting wavefront shaping techniques. The results enclosed demonstrate the potential of this approach to access unprecedented dynamics, paving for the observation of novel phenomena in these systems.

  • Work and efficiency fluctuations in a quantum Otto cycle with idle levels.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maron F. Anka, Thiago R. de Oliveira, Daniel Jonathan

    We study the performance of a quantum Otto heat engine with two spins coupled by a Heisenberg interaction, taking into account not only the mean values of work and efficiency but also their fluctuations. We first show that, for this system, the output work and its fluctuations are directly related to the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of the system at equilibrium with either heat bath. We analyze the regions where the work extraction can be done with low relative fluctuation for a given range of temperatures, while still achieving an efficiency higher than that of a single spin system heat engine. In particular, we find that, due to the presence of `idle' levels, an increase in the inter-spin coupling can either increase or decrease fluctuations, depending on the other parameters. In all cases, however, we find that the relative fluctuations in work or efficiency remain large, implying that this microscopic engine is not very reliable as a source of work.

  • Frequency-resolved Purcell effect for the dissipative generation of steady-state entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alejandro Vivas-Viaña, Diego Martín-Cano, Carlos Sánchez Muñoz

    We report a driven-dissipative mechanism to generate stationary entangled $W$ states among strongly-interacting quantum emitters placed within a cavity. Driving the ensemble into the highest energy state -- whether coherently or incoherently -- enables a subsequent cavity-enhanced decay into an entangled steady state consisting of a single de-excitation shared coherently among all emitters, i.e., a $W$ state, well known for its robustness against qubit loss. The non-harmonic energy structure of the interacting ensemble allows this transition to be resonantly selected by the cavity, while quenching subsequent off-resonant decays. Evidence of this purely dissipative mechanism should be observable in state-of-the-art cavity QED systems in the solid-state, enabling new prospects for the scalable stabilization of quantum states in dissipative quantum platforms.

  • Quantum Equation of Motion with Orbital Optimization for Computing Molecular Properties in Near-Term Quantum Computing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Phillip W. K. Jensen, Erik Rosendahl Kjellgren, Peter Reinholdt, Karl Michael Ziems, Sonia Coriani, Jacob Kongsted, Stephan P. A. Sauer

    Determining the properties of molecules and materials is one of the premier applications of quantum computing. A major question in the field is how to use imperfect near-term quantum computers to solve problems of practical value. Inspired by the recently developed variants of the quantum counterpart of the equation-of-motion (qEOM) approach and the orbital-optimized variational quantum eigensolver (oo-VQE), we present a quantum algorithm (oo-VQE-qEOM) for the calculation of molecular properties by computing expectation values on a quantum computer. We perform noise-free quantum simulations of BeH$_2$ in the series of STO-3G/6-31G/6-31G* basis sets, H$_4$ and H$_2$O in 6-31G using an active space of four electrons and four spatial orbitals (8 qubits) to evaluate excitation energies, electronic absorption, and for twisted H$_4$, circular dichroism spectra. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can reproduce the results of conventional classical CASSCF calculations for these molecular systems.

  • Enhancing quantum utility: simulating large-scale quantum spin chains on superconducting quantum computers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Talal Ahmed Chowdhury, Kwangmin Yu, Mahmud Ashraf Shamim, M.L. Kabir, Raza Sabbir Sufian

    We present the quantum simulation of the frustrated quantum spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain with competing nearest-neighbor $(J_1)$ and next-nearest-neighbor $(J_2)$ exchange interactions in the real superconducting quantum computer with qubits ranging up to 100. In particular, we implement, for the first time, the Hamiltonian with the next-nearest neighbor exchange interaction in conjunction with the nearest neighbor interaction on IBM's superconducting quantum computer and carry out the time evolution of the spin chain by employing first-order Trotterization. Furthermore, our novel implementation of second-order Trotterization for the isotropic Heisenberg spin chain, involving only nearest-neighbor exchange interaction, enables precise measurement of the expectation values of staggered magnetization observable across a range of up to 100 qubits. Notably, in both cases, our approach results in a constant circuit depth in each Trotter step, independent of the initial number of qubits. Our demonstration of the accurate measurement of expectation values for the large-scale quantum system using superconducting quantum computers designates the quantum utility of these devices for investigating various properties of many-body quantum systems. This will be a stepping stone to achieving the quantum advantage over classical ones in simulating quantum systems before the fault tolerance quantum era.

  • Quantum transport of high-dimensional spatial information with a nonlinear detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bereneice Sephton, Adam Vallés, Isaac Nape, Mitchell A. Cox, Fabian Steinlechner, Thomas Konrad, Juan P. Torres, Filippus S. Roux, Andrew Forbes

    Information exchange between two distant parties, where information is shared without physically transporting it, is a crucial resource in future quantum networks. Doing so with high-dimensional states offers the promise of higher information capacity and improved resilience to noise, but progress to date has been limited. Here we demonstrate how a nonlinear parametric process allows for arbitrary high-dimensional state projections in the spatial degree of freedom, where a strong coherent field enhances the probability of the process. This allows us to experimentally realise quantum transport of high-dimensional spatial information facilitated by a quantum channel with a single entangled pair and a nonlinear spatial mode detector. Using sum frequency generation we upconvert one of the photons from an entangled pair resulting in high-dimensional spatial information transported to the other. We realise a d=15 quantum channel for arbitrary photonic spatial modes which we demonstrate by faithfully transferring information encoded into orbital angular momentum, Hermite-Gaussian and arbitrary spatial mode superpositions, without requiring knowledge of the state to be sent. Our demonstration merges the nascent fields of nonlinear control of structured light with quantum processes, offering a new approach to harnessing high-dimensional quantum states, and may be extended to other degrees of freedom too.

  • From Non-Markovian Dissipation to Spatiotemporal Control of Quantum Nanodevices.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thibaut Lacroix, Brendon W. Lovett, Alex W. Chin

    Nanodevices exploiting quantum effects are critically important elements of future quantum technologies (QT), but their real-world performance is strongly limited by decoherence arising from local `environmental' interactions. Compounding this, as devices become more complex, i.e. contain multiple functional units, the `local' environments begin to overlap, creating the possibility of environmentally mediated decoherence phenomena on new time-and-length scales. Such complex and inherently non-Markovian dynamics could present a challenge for scaling up QT, but -- on the other hand -- the ability of environments to transfer `signals' and energy might also enable sophisticated spatiotemporal coordination of inter-component processes, as is suggested to happen in biological nanomachines, like enzymes and photosynthetic proteins. Exploiting numerically exact many body methods (tensor networks) we study a fully quantum model that allows us to explore how propagating environmental dynamics can instigate and direct the evolution of spatially remote, non-interacting quantum systems. We demonstrate how energy dissipated into the environment can be remotely harvested to create transient excited/reactive states, and also identify how reorganisation triggered by system excitation can qualitatively and reversibly alter the `downstream' kinetics of a `functional' quantum system. With access to complete system-environment wave functions, we elucidate the microscopic processes underlying these phenomena, providing new insight into how they could be exploited for energy efficient quantum devices.

  • Super-resolution of Green's functions on noisy quantum computers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Diogo Cruz, Duarte Magano

    Quantum computers, using efficient Hamiltonian evolution routines, have the potential to simulate Green's functions of classically-intractable quantum systems. However, the decoherence errors of near-term quantum processors prohibit large evolution times, posing limits to the spectrum resolution. In this work, we show that Atomic Norm Minimization, a well-known super-resolution technique, can significantly reduce the minimum circuit depth for accurate spectrum reconstruction. We demonstrate this technique by recovering the spectral function of an impurity model from measurements of its Green's function on an IBM quantum computer. The reconstruction error with the Atomic Norm Minimization is one order of magnitude smaller than with more standard signal processing methods. Super-resolution methods can facilitate the simulation of large and previously unexplored quantum systems, and may constitute a useful non-variational tool to establish a quantum advantage in a nearer future.

  • Continuous-variable quantum state designs: theory and applications.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joseph T. Iosue, Kunal Sharma, Michael J. Gullans, Victor V. Albert

    We generalize the notion of quantum state designs to infinite-dimensional spaces. We first prove that, under the definition of continuous-variable (CV) state $t$-designs from Comm. Math. Phys. 326, 755 (2014), no state designs exist for $t\geq2$. Similarly, we prove that no CV unitary $t$-designs exist for $t\geq 2$. We propose an alternative definition for CV state designs, which we call rigged $t$-designs, and provide explicit constructions for $t=2$. As an application of rigged designs, we develop a design-based shadow-tomography protocol for CV states. Using energy-constrained versions of rigged designs, we define an average fidelity for CV quantum channels and relate this fidelity to the CV entanglement fidelity. As an additional result of independent interest, we establish a connection between torus $2$-designs and complete sets of mutually unbiased bases.

  • Noisy decoding by shallow circuits with parities: classical and quantum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman, Davi Castro-Silva, Niels M. P. Neumann

    We consider the problem of decoding corrupted error correcting codes with NC$^0[\oplus]$ circuits in the classical and quantum settings. We show that any such classical circuit can correctly recover only a vanishingly small fraction of messages, if the codewords are sent over a noisy channel with positive error rate. Previously this was known only for linear codes with large dual distance, whereas our result applies to any code. By contrast, we give a simple quantum circuit that correctly decodes the Hadamard code with probability $\Omega(\varepsilon^2)$ even if a $(1/2 - \varepsilon)$-fraction of a codeword is adversarially corrupted. Our classical hardness result is based on an equidistribution phenomenon for multivariate polynomials over a finite field under biased input-distributions. This is proved using a structure-versus-randomness strategy based on a new notion of rank for high-dimensional polynomial maps that may be of independent interest. Our quantum circuit is inspired by a non-local version of the Bernstein-Vazirani problem, a technique to generate ``poor man's cat states'' by Watts et al., and a constant-depth quantum circuit for the OR function by Takahashi and Tani.

  • Stochastic modeling of x-ray superfluorescence.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Stasis Chuchurka, Andrei Benediktovitch, Špela Krušič, Aliaksei Halavanau, Nina Rohringer

    An approach to modeling the dynamics of x-ray amplified spontaneous emission and superfluorescence -- the phenomenon of collective x-ray emission initiated by intense pulses of X-ray Free Electron Lasers -- is developed based on stochastic partial differential equations. The equations are derived from first principles, and the relevant approximations, derivation steps, and extensions specific to stimulated x-ray emission are presented. The resulting equations take the form of three-dimensional generalized Maxwell-Bloch equations augmented with noise terms for both field and atomic variables. The derived noise terms possess specific correlation properties that enable the correct reconstruction of spontaneous emission. Consequently, the developed theoretical formalism is universally suitable for describing all stages of stimulated x-ray emission: spontaneous emission, amplified spontaneous emission, and superfluorescence. We present numerical examples that illustrate various properties of the emitted field, including spatio-temporal coherence, spectral-angular and polarization characteristics. We anticipate that the proposed theoretical framework will establish a robust foundation for interpreting measurements in stimulated x-ray emission spectroscopy, modeling x-ray laser oscillators, and describing other experiments leveraging x-ray superfluorescence.

  • Edelstein effect induced superconducting diode effect in inversion symmetry breaking MoTe$_2$ Josephson junctions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pingbo Chen, Gongqi Wang, Bicong Ye, Jinhua Wang, Liang Zhou, Zhenzhong Tang, Le Wang, Jiannong Wang, Wenqing Zhang, Jiawei Mei, Weiqiang Chen, Hongtao He

    Superconducting diode effect (SDE) with nonreciprocal supercurrent transport has attracted intense attention recently, not only for its intriguing physics, but also for its great application potential in superconducting circuits. It is revealed in this work that planar Josephson junctions (JJs) based on type-II Weyl semimetal (WSM) MoTe$_2$ can exhibit a prominent SDE due to the emergence of asymmetric Josephson effect (AJE) in perpendicular magnetic fields. The AJE manifests itself in a very large asymmetry in the critical supercurrents with respect to the current direction. The sign of this asymmetry can also be effectively modulated by the external magnetic field. Considering the special noncentrosymmetric crystal symmetry of MoTe$_2$, this AJE is understood in terms of the Edelstein effect, which induces a nontrivial phase shift in the current phase relation of the junctions. Besides these, it is further demonstrated that the rectification of supercurrent in such MoTe$_2$ JJs with the rectification efficiency up to 50.4%, unveiling the great application potential of WSMs in superconducting electronics.

  • Operational Quantum Reference Frame Transformations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Titouan Carette, Jan Głowacki, Leon Loveridge

    Quantum reference frames are needed in quantum theory for much the same reasons as reference frames are in classical relativity theories: to manifest invariance in line with fundamental relativity principles. Though around since the 1960s, and used in a wide range of applications, only recently has the means for transforming descriptions between different frames been tackled in detail. Such transformations are needed for an internally consistent theory of quantum reference frames. In this work, we provide a general, operationally motivated framework for quantum reference frames and their transformations, holding for locally compact groups. The work is built around the notion of operational equivalence, in which theoretical objects that cannot be physically distinguished are identified. For example, we describe the collection of observables relative to a given frame as a subspace of the algebra of invariants on the composite of system and frame, and from here the set of relative states can be constructed as a convex subset of the predual. Besides being invariant, the relative observables are also framed, meaning that they can be realized with the chosen frame observable. The frame transformations are then maps between equivalence classes of relative states that can be distinguished by both initial and final frames. We give an explicit realisation in the setting that the initial frame admits a highly localized state with respect to the frame observable. The transformations are invertible exactly when the final frame also has such a localizability property. The procedure we present is in operational agreement with other recent inequivalent constructions on the domain of common applicability, but extends them in a number of ways which we describe.

  • Optimizing resetting of superconducting qubits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ciro M. Diniz, Rogerio J. de Assis, Norton G. de Almeida, Celso J. Villas-Boas

    Many quantum algorithms demand a large number of repetitions to obtain reliable statistical results. Thus, at each repetition it is necessary to reset the qubits efficiently and precisely in the shortest possible time, so that quantum computers actually have advantages over classical ones. In this work, we perform a detailed analysis on three different models for information resetting in superconducting qubits. Our experimental setup consists of a main qubit coupled to different auxiliary dissipative systems, that are employed in order to perform the erasing of the information of the main qubit. Our analysis shows that it is not enough to increase the coupling and the dissipation rate associated with the auxiliary systems to decrease the resetting time of the main qubit, a fact that motivates us to find the optimal set of parameters for each studied approach, allowing a significant decrease in the reset time of the three models analyzed.

  • Sufficiency of R\'enyi divergences.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Niklas Galke, Lauritz van Luijk, Henrik Wilming

    A set of classical or quantum states is equivalent to another one if there exists a pair of classical or quantum channels mapping either set to the other one. For dichotomies (pairs of states), this is closely connected to (classical or quantum) R\'enyi divergences (RD) and the data-processing inequality: If a RD remains unchanged when a channel is applied to the dichotomy, then there is a recovery channel mapping the image back to the initial dichotomy. Here, we prove for classical dichotomies that equality of the RDs alone is already sufficient for the existence of a channel in any of the two directions and discuss some applications. In the quantum case, all families of quantum RDs are seen to be insufficient because they cannot detect anti-unitary transformations. Thus, including anti-unitaries, we pose the problem of finding a sufficient family. It is shown that the Petz and maximal quantum RD are still insufficient in this more general sense and we provide evidence for sufficiency of the minimal quantum RD. As a side result of our techniques, we obtain an infinite list of inequalities fulfilled by the classical, the Petz quantum, and the maximal quantum RDs. These inequalities are not true for the minimal quantum RDs. Our results further imply that any sufficient set of conditions for state transitions in the resource theory of athermality must be able to detect time-reversal.

  • Multiple polaritonic edge states in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain strongly coupled to a multimode cavity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thomas F. Allard, Guillaume Weick

    A dimerized chain of dipolar emitters strongly coupled to a multimode optical waveguide cavity is studied. By integrating out the photonic degrees of freedom of the cavity, the system is recast in a two-band model with an effective coupling, so that it mimics a variation of the paradigmatic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, which features a nontrivial topological phase and hosts topological edge states. In the strong-coupling regime, the cavity photons hybridize the bright dipolar bulk band into a polaritonic one, renormalizing the eigenspectrum and strongly breaking chiral symmetry. This leads to a formal loss of the in-gap edge states present in the topological phase while they merge into the polaritonic bulk band. Interestingly, however, we find that bulk polaritons entering in resonance with the edge states inherit part of their localization properties, so that multiple polaritonic edge states are observed. Although these states are not fully localized on the edges, they present unusual properties. In particular, due to their delocalized bulk part, owing from their polaritonic nature, such edge states exhibit efficient edge-to-edge transport characteristics. Instead of being degenerate, they occupy a large portion of the spectrum, allowing one to probe them in a wide driving frequency range. Moreover, being reminiscent of symmetry-protected topological edge states, they feature a strong tolerance to positional disorder.

  • On Testing and Learning Quantum Junta Channels.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zongbo Bao, Penghui Yao

    We consider the problems of testing and learning quantum $k$-junta channels, which are $n$-qubit to $n$-qubit quantum channels acting non-trivially on at most $k$ out of $n$ qubits and leaving the rest of qubits unchanged. We show the following. 1. An $O\left(k\right)$-query algorithm to distinguish whether the given channel is $k$-junta channel or is far from any $k$-junta channels, and a lower bound $\Omega\left(\sqrt{k}\right)$ on the number of queries; 2. An $\widetilde{O}\left(4^k\right)$-query algorithm to learn a $k$-junta channel, and a lower bound $\Omega\left(4^k/k\right)$ on the number of queries. This gives the first junta channel testing and learning results, and partially answers an open problem raised by Chen et al. (2023). In order to settle these problems, we develop a Fourier analysis framework over the space of superoperators and prove several fundamental properties, which extends the Fourier analysis over the space of operators introduced in Montanaro and Osborne (2010). Besides, we introduce $\textit{Influence-Sample}$ to replace $\textit{Fourier-Sample}$ proposed in Atici and Servedio (2007). Our $\textit{Influence-Sample}$ includes only single-qubit operations and results in only constant-factor decrease in efficiency.

  • Approaching Collateral Optimization for NISQ and Quantum-Inspired Computing.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Megan Giron, Georgios Korpas, Waqas Parvaiz, Prashant Malik, Johannes Aspman

    Collateral optimization refers to the systematic allocation of financial assets to satisfy obligations or secure transactions, while simultaneously minimizing costs and optimizing the usage of available resources. {This involves assessing number of characteristics, such as cost of funding and quality of the underlying assets to ascertain the optimal collateral quantity to be posted to cover exposure arising from a given transaction or a set of transactions. One of the common objectives is to minimise the cost of collateral required to mitigate the risk associated with a particular transaction or a portfolio of transactions while ensuring sufficient protection for the involved parties}. Often, this results in a large-scale combinatorial optimization problem. In this study, we initially present a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation for the collateral optimization problem, followed by a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary optimization (QUBO) formulation in order to pave the way towards approaching the problem in a hybrid-quantum and NISQ-ready way. We conduct local computational small-scale tests using various Software Development Kits (SDKs) and discuss the behavior of our formulations as well as the potential for performance enhancements. We further survey the recent literature that proposes alternative ways to attack combinatorial optimization problems suitable for collateral optimization.

  • Zeeman dependence of the quasiparticle scattering rate and ARPES in copper oxides and related materials.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    George Kastrinakis

    Within a strongly interacting Fermi liquid framework, we calculate the effects of the Zeeman energy $\omega_H$ for a finite magnetic field, in a metallic system with a van Hove peak in the density of states, located close to and below the Fermi surface. We find that the chemical potential increases with the square of $\omega_H$. We obtain a characteristic quasiparticle scattering rate linear in the maximum of $\omega_H$ and temperature, both in the normal and the d-wave superconducting state. We predict that ARPES experiments in copper oxides, and related compounds, should be able to elucidate this behavior of the scattering rate, and in particular, the difference between spin up and down electrons.

  • Quantum Phase Estimation by Compressed Sensing.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Changhao Yi, Cunlu Zhou, Jun Takahashi

    As a signal recovery algorithm, compressed sensing is particularly useful when the data has low-complexity and samples are rare, which matches perfectly with the task of quantum phase estimation (QPE). In this work we present a new Heisenberg-limited QPE algorithm for early quantum computers based on compressed sensing. More specifically, given many copies of a proper initial state and queries to some unitary operators, our algorithm is able to recover the frequency with a total runtime $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1}\text{poly}\log(\epsilon^{-1}))$, where $\epsilon$ is the accuracy. Moreover, the maximal runtime satisfies $T_{\max}\epsilon \ll \pi$, which is comparable to the state of art algorithms, and our algorithm is also robust against certain amount of noise from sampling. We also consider the more general quantum eigenvalue estimation problem (QEEP) and show numerically that the off-grid compressed sensing can be a strong candidate for solving the QEEP.

  • Relating non-local quantum computation to information theoretic cryptography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rene Allerstorfer, Harry Buhrman, Alex May, Florian Speelman, Philip Verduyn Lunel

    Non-local quantum computation (NLQC) is a cheating strategy for position-verification schemes, and has appeared in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Here, we connect NLQC to the wider context of information theoretic cryptography by relating it to a number of other cryptographic primitives. We show one special case of NLQC, known as $f$-routing, is equivalent to the quantum analogue of the conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) primitive, where by equivalent we mean that a protocol for one task gives a protocol for the other with only small overhead in resource costs. We further consider another special case of position verification, which we call coherent function evaluation (CFE), and show CFE protocols induce similarly efficient protocols for the private simultaneous message passing (PSM) scenario. By relating position-verification to these cryptographic primitives, a number of results in the cryptography literature give new implications for NLQC, and vice versa. These include the first sub-exponential upper bounds on the worst case cost of $f$-routing of $2^{O(\sqrt{n\log n})}$ entanglement, the first example of an efficient $f$-routing strategy for a problem believed to be outside $P/poly$, linear lower bounds on entanglement for CDS in the quantum setting, linear lower bounds on communication cost of CFE, and efficient protocols for CDS in the quantum setting for functions that can be computed with quantum circuits of low $T$ depth.

  • Analysis of a Programmable Quantum Annealer as a Random Number Generator.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Elijah Pelofske

    Quantum annealing (QA) is a type of analog quantum computation that is a relaxed form of adiabatic quantum computation and uses quantum fluctuations in order to search for ground state solutions of a programmable Ising model. Here we present extensive experimental random number results from a D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer, totaling over 20 billion bits of QA measurements, which is significantly larger than previous D-Wave QA random number generator studies. Current quantum annealers are susceptible to noise from environmental sources and calibration errors, and are not in general unbiased samplers. Therefore, it is of interest to quantify whether noisy quantum annealers can effectively function as an unbiased QRNG. The amount of data that was collected from the quantum annealer allows a comprehensive analysis of the random bits to be performed using the NIST SP 800-22 Rev 1a testsuite, as well as min-entropy estimates from NIST SP 800-90B. The randomness tests show that the generated random bits from the D-Wave 2000Q are biased, and not unpredictable random bit sequences. With no server-side sampling post-processing, the $1$ microsecond annealing time measurements had a min-entropy of $0.824$.

  • Optical Memory in a Microfabricated Rubidium Vapor Cell.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Roberto Mottola, Gianni Buser, Philipp Treutlein

    Scalability presents a central platform challenge for the components of current quantum network implementations that can be addressed by microfabrication techniques. We demonstrate a high-bandwidth optical memory using a warm alkali atom ensemble in a microfabricated vapor cell compatible with wafer-scale fabrication. By applying an external tesla-order magnetic field, we explore a novel ground-state quantum memory scheme in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime, where individual optical transitions can be addressed in a Doppler-broadened medium. Working on the $^{87}$Rb D$_2$ line, where deterministic quantum dot single-photon sources are available, we demonstrate bandwidth-matching with hundreds of megahertz broad light pulses keeping such sources in mind. For a storage time of 80 ns we measure an end-to-end efficiency of $\eta_{e2e}^{\text{80ns}} = 3.12(17)\%$, corresponding to an internal efficiency of $\eta_{\text{int}}^{\text{0ns}} = 24(3)\%$, while achieving a signal-to-noise ratio of $\text{SNR} = 7.9(8)$ with coherent pulses at the single-photon level.

  • Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Optical Pumping in the Hyperfine Paschen-Back Regime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Roberto Mottola, Gianni Buser, Philipp Treutlein

    We report spectroscopy experiments of rubidium vapor in a high magnetic field under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and optical pumping. The 1.1 T static magnetic field decouples nuclear and electronic spins and shifts each magnetic state via the Zeeman effect, allowing us to resolve individual optical transitions of the D$_2$ line in a Doppler-broadened medium. By varying the control laser power driving one leg of a spectrally isolated $\Lambda$ system we tune the vapor from the EIT regime to conditions of Autler-Townes line splitting. The resulting spectra conform to simple three-level models demonstrating the effective simplification of the energetic structure. Further, we quantify the viability of state preparation via optical pumping on nuclear spin-forbidden transitions. We conclude that the ``cleanliness'' of this system greatly enhances the capabilities of quantum control in hot vapor, offering advantages in a broad variety of quantum applications plagued by spurious light-matter interaction processes, such as atomic quantum memories for light.

  • Probing quantum chaos with the entropy of decoherent histories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Evgeny Polyakov, Nataliya Arefyeva

    Quantum chaos, a phenomenon that began to be studied in the last century, still does not have a rigorous understanding. By virtue of the correspondence principle, the properties of the system that lead to chaotic dynamics at the classical level must also be present in the underlying quantum system. In the classical case, the exponential divergence of nearby trajectories in time is described in terms of the Lyapunov exponent. However, in the quantum case, a similar description of chaos is, strictly speaking, impossible due to absence of trajectories. There are different approaches to remedy this situation, but the universal criterion of quantum chaos is absent. We propose the quantum chaos definition in the manner similar to the classical one using decoherent histories as a quantum analogue of trajectories. For this purpose, we consider the model of an open quantum kicked top interacting with the environment, which is a bosonic bath, and illustrate this idea. Here, the environment plays the role of a trajectory recording device. For the kicked top model at the classical level, depending on the kick strength, crossover occurs between the integrable and chaotic regimes. We show that for such a model, the production of entropy of decoherent histories is radically different in integrable and chaotic regimes. Thus, the entropy of an ensemble of quantum trajectories can be used as a signature of quantum chaos.

  • Exactly solvable dynamics and signatures of integrability in an infinite-range many-body Floquet spin system.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Harshit Sharma, Udaysinh T. Bhosale

    We study $N$ qubits having infinite-range Ising interaction and subjected to periodic pulse of external magnetic field. We solve the cases of $N=5$ to $11$ qubits analytically, finding its eigensystem, the dynamics of the entanglement for various initial states, and the unitary evolution operator. These quantities shows signatures of quantum integrability. For the general case of $N>11$ qubits, we provide a conjecture on quantum integrability based on the numerical evidences like degenerate spectrum, and the exact periodic nature of the time-evolved unitary evolution operator and the entanglement dynamics. Using linear entropy we show that for class of initial unentangled state the entanglement displays periodically maximum and zero values.

  • Strong squeezing of microwave output fields via reservoir-engineered cavity magnomechanics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hang Qian, Xuan Zuo, Zhi-Yuan Fan, Jiong Cheng, Jie Li

    We show how to achieve strong squeezing of a microwave output field by reservoir engineering a cavity magnomechanical system, consisting of a microwave cavity, a magnon mode, and a mechanical vibration mode. The magnon mode is simultaneously driven by two microwave fields at the blue and red sidebands associated with the vibration mode. The two-tone drive induces a squeezed magnonic reservoir for the intracavity field, leading to a squeezed cavity mode due to the cavity-magnon state swapping, which further yields a squeezed cavity output field. The squeezing of the output field is stationary and substantial using currently available parameters in cavity magnomechanics. The work indicates the potential of the cavity magnomechanical system in preparing squeezed microwave fields, and may find promising applications in quantum information science and quantum metrology.

  • Finding Optimal Pathways in Chemical Reaction Networks Using Ising Machines.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuta Mizuno, Tamiki Komatsuzaki

    Finding optimal pathways in chemical reaction networks is essential for elucidating and designing chemical processes, with significant applications such as synthesis planning and metabolic pathway analysis. Such a chemical pathway-finding problem can be formulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem, aiming to find an optimal combination of chemical reactions connecting starting materials to target materials in a given network. Due to combinatorial explosion, the computation time required to find an optimal pathway increases exponentially with the network size. Ising machines, including quantum and simulated annealing devices, are promising novel computers dedicated to such hard combinatorial optimization. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has yet to be an attempt to apply Ising machines to chemical pathway-finding problems. In this article, we present the first Ising/quantum computing application for chemical pathway-finding problems. The Ising model, translated from a chemical pathway-finding problem, involves several types of penalty terms for violating constraints. It is not obvious how to set appropriate penalty strengths of different types. To address this challenge, we employ Bayesian optimization for parameter tuning. Furthermore, we introduce a novel technique that enhances tuning performance by grouping penalty terms according to the underlying problem structure. The performance evaluation and analysis of the proposed algorithm were conducted using a D-Wave Advantage system and simulated annealing. The benchmark results reveal challenges in finding exact optimal pathways. Concurrently, the results indicate the feasibility of finding approximate optimal pathways, provided that a certain degree of relative error in cost value is acceptable.

  • Simple Information Processing Tasks with Unbounded Quantum Advantage.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Teiko Heinosaari, Oskari Kerppo, Leevi Leppäjärvi, Martin Plávala

    Communication scenarios between two parties can be implemented by first encoding messages into some states of a physical system which acts as the physical medium of the communication and then decoding the messages by measuring the state of the system. We show that already in the simplest possible scenarios it is possible to detect a definite, unbounded advantage of quantum systems over classical systems. We do this by constructing a family of operationally meaningful communication tasks each of which on one hand can be implemented by using just a single qubit but which on the other hand require unboundedly larger classical system for classical implementation. Furthemore, we show that even though with the additional resource of shared randomness the proposed communication tasks can be implemented by both quantum and classical systems of the same size, the number of coordinated actions needed for the classical implementation also grows unboundedly. In particular, no finite storage can be used to store all the coordinated actions needed to implement all the possible quantum communication tasks with classical systems. As a consequence, shared randomness cannot be viewed as a free resource.

  • All-optical switching at the two-photon limit with interference-localized states.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ville A. J. Pyykkönen, Grazia Salerno, Jaakko Kähärä, Päivi Törmä

    We propose a single-photon-by-single-photon all-optical switch concept based on interference-localized states on lattices and their delocalization by interaction. In its 'open' operation, the switch stops single photons while allows photon pairs to pass the switch. Alternatively, in the 'closed' operation, the switch geometrically separates single-photon and two-photon states. We demonstrate the concept using a three-site Stub unit cell and the diamond chain. The systems are modeled by Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians, and the dynamics is solved by exact diagonalization with Lindblad master equation. We discuss realization of the switch using photonic lattices with nonlinearities, superconductive qubit arrays, and ultracold atoms. We show that the switch allows arbitrary 'ON'/'OFF' contrast while achieving picosecond switching time at the single-photon switching energy with contemporary photonic materials.

  • Resonance states of the three-disk scattering system.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jan Robert Schmidt, Roland Ketzmerick

    For the paradigmatic three-disk scattering system, we confirm a recent conjecture for open chaotic systems, which claims that resonance states are composed of two factors. In particular, we demonstrate that one factor is given by universal exponentially distributed intensity fluctuations. The other factor, supposed to be a classical density depending on the lifetime of the resonance state, is found to be very well described by a classical construction. Furthermore, ray-segment scars, recently observed in dielectric cavities, dominate every resonance state at small wavelengths also in the three-disk scattering system. We introduce a new numerical method for computing resonances, which allows for going much further into the semiclassical limit. As a consequence we are able to confirm the fractal Weyl law over a correspondingly large range.

  • Tight-binding model subject to conditional resets at random times.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anish Acharya, Shamik Gupta

    We investigate the dynamics of a quantum system subjected to a time-dependent and conditional resetting protocol. Namely, we ask: what happens when the unitary evolution of the system is repeatedly interrupted at random time instants with an instantaneous reset to a specified set of reset configurations taking place with a probability that depends on the current configuration of the system at the instant of reset? Analyzing the protocol in the framework of the so-called tight-binding model describing the hopping of a quantum particle to nearest-neighbour sites in a one-dimensional open lattice, we obtain analytical results for the probability of finding the particle on the different sites of the lattice. We explore a variety of dynamical scenarios, including the one in which the resetting time intervals are sampled from an exponential as well as from a power-law distribution, and a set-up that includes a Floquet-type Hamiltonian involving an external periodic forcing. Under exponential resetting, and in both presence and absence of the external forcing, the system relaxes to a stationary state characterized by localization of the particle around the reset sites. The choice of the reset sites plays a defining role in dictating the relative probability of finding the particle at the reset sites as well as in determining the overall spatial profile of the site-occupation probability. Indeed, a simple choice can be engineered that makes the spatial profile highly asymmetric even when the bare dynamics does not involve the effect of any bias. Furthermore, analyzing the case of power-law resetting serves to demonstrate that the attainment of the stationary state in this quantum problem is not always evident and depends crucially on whether the distribution of reset time intervals has a finite or an infinite mean.

  • Optimal entanglement-assisted electromagnetic sensing and communication in the presence of noise.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Haowei Shi, Bingzhi Zhang, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Zheshen Zhang, Quntao Zhuang

    High time-bandwidth product signal and idler pulses comprised of independent identically distributed two-mode squeezed vacuum (TMSV) states are readily produced by spontaneous parametric downconversion. These pulses are virtually unique among entangled states in that they offer quantum performance advantages -- over their best classical-state competitors -- in scenarios whose loss and noise break their initial entanglement. Broadband TMSV states' quantum advantage derives from its signal and idler having a strongly nonclassical phase-sensitive cross correlation, which leads to information bearing signatures in lossy, noisy scenarios stronger than what can be obtained from classical-state systems of the same transmitted energy. Previous broadband TMSV receiver architectures focused on converting phase-sensitive cross correlation into phase-insensitive cross correlation, which can be measured in second-order interference. In general, however, these receivers fail to deliver broadband TMSV states' full quantum advantage, even if they are implemented with ideal equipment. This paper introduces the correlation-to-displacement receiver -- a new architecture comprised of a correlation-to-displacement converter, a programmable mode selector, and a coherent-state information extractor -- that can be configured to achieve quantum optimal performance in known sensing and communication protocols for which broadband TMSV provides quantum advantage that is robust against entanglement-breaking loss and noise.

  • Single Qubit Multi-Party Transmission Using Universal Symmetric Quantum Cloning.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Elijah Pelofske

    We consider the hypothetical quantum network case where Alice wishes to transmit one qubit of information (specifically a pure quantum state) to $M$ parties, where $M$ is some large number. The remote receivers locally perform single qubit quantum state tomography on the transmitted qubits in order to compute the quantum state within some error rate (dependent on the tomography technique and number of qubits used). We show that with the use of an intermediate optimal symmetric universal quantum cloning machine (between Alice and the remote receivers) as a repeater-type node in a hypothetical quantum network, Alice can send significantly fewer qubits compared to direct transmission of the message qubits to each of the $M$ remote receivers. This is possible due to two properties of quantum cloning. The first being that single qubit quantum clones retain the same angle, in the Bloch sphere representation, as the initial quantum state. This means that if the mixed state of the quantum clone can be computed to high enough accuracy, the pure quantum state can be computed by extrapolating that vector to the surface of the Bloch sphere. The second property is that the state overlap of approximate quantum clones, with respect to the original pure quantum state, quickly converges (specifically for $1 \rightarrow M$ the limit of the fidelity as M goes to infinity is $\frac{2}{3}$). This means that Alice can prepare a constant number of qubits (which are then passed through the quantum cloning machine) in order to achieve a desired error rate, if $M$ is large enough. Combined, these two properties mean that for large $M$, Alice can prepare orders of magnitude fewer qubits in order to achieve the same single qubit transmission accuracy compared to the naive direct qubit transmission approach.

  • Uncovering anisotropic effects of electric high-moment dipoles on the tunneling current in $\delta$-layer tunnel junctions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Juan P. Mendez, Denis Mamaluy

    The precise positioning of dopants in semiconductors using scanning tunneling microscopes has led to the development of planar dopant-based devices, also known as $\delta$-layers, facilitating the exploration of new concepts in classical and quantum computing. Recently it have been shown that two distinct conductivity regimes (low- and high- bias regimes) exist in $\delta$-layer tunnel junctions due to the presence of quasi-discrete and continuous states in the conduction band of $\delta$-layer systems. Furthermore, discrete charged impurities in the tunnel junction region significantly influence the tunneling rates in $\delta$-layer tunnel junctions. Here we demonstrate that zero-charge impurities, or electrical dipoles, present in the tunnel junction region can also significantly alter the tunneling rate, depending, however, on the specific conductivity regime and orientation and moment of the dipole. In the low-bias regime with high-resistance tunneling mode dipole impurities of nearly all orientations and moments can alter the current, indicating the extreme sensitivity of the tunnel current to the slightest imperfection in the tunnel gap. In the high-bias regime with low-resistivity only dipole defects with high moment and orientated in the direction perpendicular to the electron tunneling direction can significantly affect the current, thus making this conductivity regime significantly less prone to the influence of dipole defects with low-moment or dipoles oriented along the propagation direction.

  • Topological Orders Beyond Topological Quantum Field Theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    P. Vojta, G. Ortiz, Z. Nussinov

    Systems displaying quantum topological order feature robust characteristics that are very attractive to quantum computing schemes. Topological quantum field theories have proven to be powerful in capturing the quintessential attributes of systems displaying topological order including, in particular, their anyon excitations. Here, we investigate systems that lie outside this common purview, and present a rich class of models exhibiting topological orders with distance-dependent interacting anyons. As we illustrate, in some instances, the gapped lowest-energy excitations are comprised of anyons that densely cover the entire system. This leads to behaviors not typically described by topological quantum field theories. We examine these models by performing dualities to systems displaying conventional (i.e., Landau) orders. Our approach enables a general method for mapping generic Landau-type theories to dual models with topological order of the same spatial dimension. The low-energy subspaces of our models can be made more resilient to thermal effects than those of surface codes.

  • Exploiting nonclassical motion of a trapped ion crystal for quantum-enhanced metrology of global and differential spin rotations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. C. Zuñiga Castro, D. Barberena, A. M. Rey

    We theoretically investigate prospects for the creation of nonclassical spin states in trapped ion arrays by coupling to a squeezed state of the collective motion of the ions. The correlations of the generated spin states can be tailored for quantum-enhanced sensing of global or differential rotations of sub-ensembles of the spins by working with specific vibrational modes of the ion array. We propose a pair of protocols to utilize the generated states and determine the impact of finite size effects, inhomogeneous couplings between the spin and motional degrees of freedom and technical noise. Our work suggests new opportunities for the preparation of many-body states with tailored correlations for quantum-enhanced metrology in spin-boson systems.

  • Exploiting Maximally Mixed States for Spectral Estimation by Time Evolution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kaelyn J. Ferris, Zihang Wang, Itay Hen, Amir Kalev, Nicholas T. Bronn, Vojtech Vlcek

    We introduce a novel approach for estimating the spectrum of quantum many-body Hamiltonians, and more generally, of Hermitian operators, using quantum time evolution. In our approach we are evolving a maximally mixed state under the Hamiltonian of interest and collecting specific time-series measurements to estimate its spectrum. We demonstrate the advantage of our technique over currently used classical statistical sampling methods. We showcase our approach by experimentally estimating the spectral decomposition of a 2-qubit Heisenberg Hamiltonian on an IBM Quantum backend. For this purpose, we develop a hardware-efficient decomposition that controls $n$-qubit Pauli rotations against the physically closest qubit alongside expressing two-qubit rotations in terms of the native entangling interaction. This substantially reduced the accumulation of errors from noisy two-qubit operations in time evolution simulation protocols. We conclude by discussing the potential impact of our work and the future directions of research it opens.

  • Quantum Acceleration Limit.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arun Kumar Pati

    The speed limit provides an upper bound for the dynamical evolution time of a quantum system. Here, we introduce the notion of quantum acceleration limit for unitary time evolution of quantum systems under time-dependent Hamiltonian. We prove that the quantum acceleration is upper bounded by the fluctuation in the derivative of the Hamiltonian. This leads to a universal quantum acceleration limit (QAL) which answers the question: What is the minimum time required for a quantum system to be accelerated from arbitrary initial state to final state? We illustrate the quantum acceleration limit for a two-level quantum system and show that the bound is indeed tight. This notion can have important applications in adiabatic quantum computing, quantum control and quantum thermodynamics.

  • Failures of the Feynman-Dyson diagrammatic perturbation expansion of propagators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    So Hirata, Ireneusz Grabowski, Rodney J. Bartlett

    Using a general-order many-body Green's-function method for molecules, we numerically illustrate several pathological behaviors of the Feynman--Dyson diagrammatic perturbation expansion of one-particle many-body Green's functions as electron propagators. (i) The perturbation expansion of the frequency-dependent self-energy is not convergent at the exact self-energy in many frequency domains. (ii) An odd-perturbation-order self-energy has a qualitatively wrong shape and, as a result, most satellite roots of the Dyson equation with it are complex and nonphysical. (iii) The Dyson equation with an even-order self-energy has an exponentially increasing number of roots as the perturbation order is raised, which quickly exceeds the correct number of roots. (iv) Infinite partial summation of diagrams by vertex or edge modification exacerbates these problems. Not only does the nonconvergence render higher-order perturbation theories useless for satellite roots, but it also calls into question the validity of their combined use with the ans\"{a}tze requiring the knowledge of all poles and residues. Such ans\"{a}tze include the Galitskii--Migdal identity, self-consistent Green's-function methods, Luttinger--Ward functional, and some models of the algebraic diagrammatic construction.

  • Non-Hermitian Entropy Dynamics in Anyonic-PT Symmetric Systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhihang Liu, Chao Zheng

    Non-Hermitian (NH) physics has a close relationship with open and dissipative systems, attracting attentions increasingly. The conventional entropy based on the normalized probability distribution or density matrix is successful when describing the isolated system, but not always appropriate for the case of open systems. We develop a new approach using the generalized non-Hermitian entropy based on non-normalized density matrices to investigate the information dynamics of PT, anti-PT, and anyonic-PT symmetric systems. Our approach reveals three distinguished patterns of information dynamics in different areas of the parameter space of anti-PT and anyonic-PT symmetric Hamiltonians, respectively, which are three-fold degenerate and distorted when using the conventional entropy or trace distance adopted in previous works. According to our analysis and mathematical demonstration, it is the normalization of the non-normalized density matrices of the NH systems that leads to the three-fold degeneracy, as it causes the loss of information about the total probability flow between the NH system and the environment. Our approach using the generalized NH entropy and the non-normalized density matrices keeps all the nonunitary information of the NH systems, so that it can properly characterize the dynamical properties of the systems, avoiding the degeneracy of the entropy dynamics patterns.

  • Cryogenic hybrid magnonic circuits based on spalled YIG thin films.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jing Xu, Connor Horn, Yu Jiang, Xinhao Li, Daniel Rosenmann, Xu Han, Miguel Levy, Supratik Guha, Xufeng Zhang

    Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) magnonics has sparked extensive research interests toward harnessing magnons (quasiparticles of collective spin excitation) for signal processing. In particular, YIG magnonics-based hybrid systems exhibit great potentials for quantum information science because of their wide frequency tunability and excellent compatibility with other platforms. However, the broad application and scalability of thin-film YIG devices in the quantum regime has been severely limited due to the substantial microwave loss in the host substrate for YIG, gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG), at cryogenic temperatures. In this study, we demonstrate that substrate-free YIG thin films can be obtained by introducing the controlled spalling and layer transfer technology to YIG/GGG samples. Our approach is validated by measuring a hybrid device consisting of a superconducting resonator and a spalled YIG film, which gives a strong coupling feature indicating the good coherence of our system. This advancement paves the way for enhanced on-chip integration and the scalability of YIG-based quantum devices.

  • Probing atoms and molecules close to macroscopic bodies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Athanasios Laliotis

    In this habilitation thesis, I briefly present my work at Imperial College London on trapping atomic clouds in micro-pyramids fabricated on silicon chips, which led to the fabrication of an on-chip integrated atom source. Next, I describe the research carried out at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers in the SAI group. Our experiments demonstrated the temperature dependence of near-field Casimir-Polder interactions due to thermal excitation of surface waves, thus advancing our understanding of the dielectric properties of matter and the quantum vacuum that surrounds it. I also present spectroscopic experiments with atomic vapors confined in nanostructures (nano-sphere opals) aiming at the fabrication of miniature frequency references. Finally, I explore the possibility of performing spectroscopic experiments on molecular gases close to surfaces.

  • Beam Splitter Physics and Testing Bell Inequalities with Phase Retarders.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    H.O. Cildiroglu

    The role of Beam Splitters (BS) is crucial for quantum physics as it reveals the statistical behavior of quantum mechanical particles (quantons) and some of the fundamental quantum phenomena such as quantum superposition and randomness. Here, we investigate the use of BS and Phase Retarders (P) in combination and emphasize the importance of BS-P-BS systems for emerging quantum technologies. We demonstrate that the detection probabilities are equivalent to the spin measurement probabilities in analog setups. Then, by extending the discussion to spatially correlated two-quanton systems, we construct a suitable basis for analysis of other quantum mechanical processes that seem to have common origins. Last, we propose a new experimental setup for testing Bell-CHSH inequalities with spatially correlated two-quanton BS-P-BS systems by introducing topological phases.

  • A prescriptive method for fibre polarisation compensation in two bases.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    Teodor Strömberg, Peter Schiansky, Philip Walther

    Single-mode optical fibres exhibit a small but non-negligible birefringence that induces random polarisation rotations during light propagation. In classical interferometry these rotations give rise to polarisation-induced fading of the interferometric visibility, and in fibre-based polarimetric sensors as well as quantum optics experiments they scramble the information encoded in the polarisation state. Correcting these undesired rotations is consequently an important part of many experiments and applications employing optical fibres. In this Lab Note we review an efficient method for fully compensating fibre polarisation rotations for general input states. This method was not originally devised by us, but does to the best of our knowledge not appear in the literature, and our interactions with the community have indicated that it is not well known.

  • Belief Propagation Decoding of Quantum LDPC Codes with Guided Decimation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    Hanwen Yao, Waleed Abu Laban, Christian Häger, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Henry D. Pfister

    Quantum low-density parity-check (QLDPC) codes have emerged as a promising technique for quantum error correction. A variety of decoders have been proposed for QLDPC codes and many of them utilize belief propagation (BP) decoding in some fashion. However, the use of BP decoding for degenerate QLDPC codes is known to face issues with convergence. These issues are commonly attributed to short cycles in the Tanner graph and multiple syndrome-matching error patterns due to code degeneracy. Although various methods have been proposed to mitigate the non-convergence issue, such as BP with ordered statistics decoding (BP-OSD) and BP with stabilizer inactivation (BP-SI), achieving better performance with lower complexity remains an active area of research. In this work, we propose to decode QLDPC codes with BP guided decimation (BPGD), which has been previously studied for constraint satisfaction and lossy compression problems. The decimation process is applicable to both binary BP and quaternary BP and involves sequentially freezing the value of the most reliable qubits to encourage BP convergence. Despite its simplicity, we find that BPGD significantly reduces BP failures due to non-convergence while maintaining a low probability of error given convergence, achieving performance on par with BP-OSD and BP-SI. To better understand how and why BPGD improves performance, we discuss several interpretations of BPGD and their connection to BP syndrome decoding.


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