CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2023-12-19 11:30 to 2023-12-22 12:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


  • No papers in this section today!


  • The Hubble tension as a window on the gravitation of the dark matter sector.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cyril Pitrou, Jean-Philippe Uzan

    A simple and minimal extension of the standard cosmological $\Lambda$CDM model in which dark matter experiences an additional long-range scalar interaction is demonstrated to alleviate the long lasting Hubble-tension while letting primordial nucleosynthesis predictions unaffected and passing by construction all current local tests of general relativity. The theoretical formulation of this $\Lambda\beta$CDM model and its comparison to astrophysical observations are presented to prove its ability to fit existing data and potentially resolve the tension.

  • Testing Graviton Parity and Gaussianity with Planck T-, E- and B-mode Bispectra.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oliver H. E. Philcox, Maresuke Shiraishi

    Many inflationary theories predict a non-Gaussian spectrum of primordial tensor perturbations, sourced from non-standard vacuum fluctuations, modified general relativity or new particles such as gauge fields. Several such models also predict a chiral spectrum in which one polarization state dominates. In this work, we place constraints on the non-Gaussianity and parity properties of primordial gravitational waves utilizing the Planck PR4 temperature and polarization dataset. Using recently developed quasi-optimal bispectrum estimators, we compute binned parity-even and parity-odd bispectra for all combinations of CMB T-, E- and B-modes with $2\leq \ell<500$, and perform both blind tests, sensitive to arbitrary three-point functions, and targeted analyses of a well-motivated equilateral gravitational wave template (sourced by gauge fields), with amplitude $f_{\rm NL}^{ttt}$. This is the first time B-modes have been included in primordial non-Gaussianity analyses; they are found to strengthen constraints on the parity-even sector by $\simeq 30\%$ and dominate the parity-odd bounds, without inducing bias. We report no detection of non-Gaussianity (of either parity), with the template amplitude constrained to $f_{\rm NL}^{ttt}=900\pm 700$ (stable with respect to a number of analysis variations), compared to $1300\pm1200$ in Planck 2018. The methods applied herein can be reapplied to upcoming CMB datasets such as LiteBIRD, with the inclusion of B-modes poised to dramatically improve future bounds on tensor non-Gaussianity.

  • Stochastic Gravitational Waves from Early Structure Formation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicolas Fernandez, Joshua W. Foster, Benjamin Lillard, Jessie Shelton

    Early matter-dominated eras (EMDEs) are a natural feature arising in many models of the early universe and can generate a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) during the transition from an EMDE to the radiation-dominated universe required by the time of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. While there are calculations of the SGWB generated in the linear regime, no detailed study has been made of the nonlinear regime. We perform the first comprehensive calculation of GW production in the nonlinear regime, using a hybrid $N$-body and lattice simulation to study GW production from both a metastable matter species and the radiation produced in its decay. We find that nonlinearities significantly enhance GW production up to frequencies at least as large as the inverse light-crossing time of the largest halos that form prior to reheating. The resulting SGWB is within future observational reach for curvature perturbations as small as those probed in the cosmic microwave background, depending on the reheating temperature. Out-of-equilibrium dynamics could further boost the induced SGWB, while a fully relativistic gravitational treatment is required to resolve the spectrum at even higher frequencies.

  • AMICO-COSMOS galaxy cluster and group catalogue up to $z = 2$: Sample properties and X-ray counterparts.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Greta Toni, Matteo Maturi, Alexis Finoguenov, Lauro Moscardini, Gianluca Castignani

    We present a new galaxy cluster search in the COSMOS field through the use of the Adaptive Matched Identifier of Clustered Objects (AMICO). We produced a new cluster and group catalogue up to $z=2$, by performing an innovative application of AMICO with respect to previous successful applications to wide-field surveys, in terms of depth (down to $r < 26.7$), small area covered ($1.69 deg^2$ of unmasked area) and redshift extent. This sample, and the comparative analysis we performed with the X-rays, allowed for the calibration of mass-proxy scaling relations up to $z=2$ and down to less than $10^{13} M_{sun}$ and constitutes the base for the refinement of the cluster model for future applications of AMICO, like the analysis of upcoming Euclid data. AMICO is based on an optimal linear matched filter and detects clusters in photometric galaxy catalogues using galaxy location, photometric redshift and, in the simplest case, one galaxy property. We used one magnitude as galaxy property, avoiding explicit use of galaxy colour, and performed 3 independent runs in the r, Y and H bands using both COSMOS2020 and COSMOS2015 galaxy catalogues. The final catalogue resulting from matching the results of the three runs contains 1269 and 666 candidate clusters with $S/N >3.0$ and $>3.5$, respectively. Most of the unmatched ones have $S/N <3.5$ which can be chosen as cut for a more robust sample. We assigned X-ray properties to our detections via matching with a public X-ray group sample and by estimating, for unmatched detections, X-ray properties at the location of AMICO candidates based on Chandra+XMM-Newton data. 622 are the candidates with X-ray flux estimate. This large sample allowed for the calibration of the scaling relations between AMICO mass-proxies and X-ray mass and the study of their redshift dependence for the selection of the most stable photometric bands.

  • Scaling Characteristics of Hilltop and Hilltop-Squared Inflation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Monika Lynker, Rolf Schimmrigk

    One of the longstanding goals in the framework of inflation is the construction of tools that can be used to classify models in theory space. An idea that has been put forward in this context is to consider the energy dependent scaling behavior of observables to characterize different models. We implement this approach in the framework of hilltop and hilltop-squared inflation by analyzing their observables when the small-field approximation is not imposed and the energy scale $\mu$ of these models is varied as a free parameter, subject to observational constraints. We show that the scalar spectral tilt and the tensor ratio $r$ exhibit $\mu$-dependent scaling behavior and that the scaling exponents as functions of $\mu$ in turn lead to functional forms that are model dependent. Scaling relations of the type discussed here are of interest as characteristics of the inflationary theory space as well as in the context of the post-inflationary reheating process. We further observe a bifurcation behavior in the behavior of $p$-families in the spectral-tensor plane for a critical value of $\mu$.

  • Two-body problem in curved spacetime: exploring gravitational wave transient cases.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V.N. Yershov, A.A. Raikov, E.A. Popova

    We compare two versions of the GW150914 gravitational wave signal analysis by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration. The first version was published in 2016 by this collaboration along with their announcement of the first experimental detection of gravitational waves. It was based on the gravitational wave waveforms with the fully non-linear general-relativistic treatment of the coalescing two-body problem. The second analysis of this signal by the same authors, published in 2017, was based on the quadrupole post-Newtonian (PN) flat spacetime approximation of General Relativity. The authors had shown that the PN-based mass estimation of the system coincide with that obtained by using rigorous relativistic treatment in their first publication. In our view, this coincidence implies that the rigorous non-linear theory for gravitational waveforms of coalescing blackhole binaries does not fully account for the difference between the source and detector reference frames - because the PN-approximation, which is used for the comparison, does not make any distinction between these two reference frames: by design and by the principles and conditions for building the PN-approximation. We discuss possible implications of this conflict and find that the accuracy of most of the previously estimated characteristic (chirp) masses of coalescing binary blackhole systems is likely to be affected by a substantial systematic error. The corresponding luminosity distances of these sources also turn out to be overestimated.

  • Magellan/M2FS and MMT/Hectochelle Spectroscopy of Dwarf Galaxies and Faint Star Clusters within the Galactic Halo.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthew G. Walker, Nelson Caldwell, Mario Mateo, Edward W. Olszewski, Andrew B. Pace, John I. Bailey III, Sergey E. Koposov, Ian U. Roederer

    We present spectroscopic data for 16369 stellar targets within and/or toward 38 dwarf spheroidal galaxies and faint star clusters within the Milky Way halo environment. All spectra come from observations with the multi-object, fiber-fed echelle spectrographs M2FS at the Magellan/Clay telescope or Hectochelle at the MMT, reaching a typical limiting magnitude G < 21. Data products include processed spectra from all observations and catalogs listing estimates -- derived from template model fitting -- of line-of-sight velocity (median uncertainty 1.1 km/s) effective temperature (234 K), (base10 logarithm of) surface gravity (0.52 dex in cgs units), [Fe/H] (0.38 dex) and [Mg/Fe] (0.24 dex) abundance ratios. The sample contains multi-epoch measurements for 3720 sources, with up to 15 epochs per source, enabling studies of intrinsic spectroscopic variability. The sample contains 6078 likely red giant stars (based on surface gravity), and 4494 likely members (based on line-of-sight velocity and Gaia-measured proper motion) of the target systems. The number of member stars per individual target system ranges from a few, for the faintest systems, to ~ 850 for the most luminous. For most systems, our new samples extend over wider fields than have previously been observed; of the likely members in our samples, 823 lie beyond twice the projected halflight radius of their host system, and 42 lie beyond 5 Rhalf.

  • Resolution of the incongruency of dipole asymmetries within various large radio surveys -- implications for the Cosmological Principle.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ashok K. Singal

    We investigate dipole asymmetries in four large radio surveys, each spanning more than 80\% of the sky. Two of them, the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) and the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS), have recently yielded dipoles that appear incongruent with each other as well as seem inconsistent with previous radio survey dipoles and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) dipole. Because these radio surveys have large overlaps in sky coverage, comprising hence large majority of common radio sources, one would not expect significant differences between their radio dipoles, irrespective of their underlying source of origin. We examine here in detail these radio dipoles, to ascertain the source of incongruency amongst them. We find the VLASS and RACS data to be containing some declination-dependent systematics, seemingly in the vicinity of the declination limit of each survey. We show that the effects of such systematics can be mitigated by restricting the declination limits of the respective survey during the dipole determination. A weighted mean of the sky coordinates of thus derived dipoles from the four radio surveys lies within $1.2\sigma$ of the CMB dipole direction. However, the amplitude appears significantly larger, $3.7\pm 0.6$ times or more than the CMB dipole. This puts in doubt not only the conventional wisdom that the genesis of all these dipoles, including that of the CMB dipole, is due to the Solar peculiar motion, it also raises uncomfortable questions about the Cosmological Principle (CP), the basis of the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model.

  • Primordial black hole compaction function from stochastic fluctuations in ultra-slow-roll inflation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sami Raatikainen, Syksy Rasanen, Eemeli Tomberg

    We study the formation of primordial black holes (PBH) with ultra-slow-roll inflation when stochastic effects are important. We use the $\Delta N$ formalism and simplify the stochastic equations with an analytical constant-roll approximation. Considering a viable inflation model, we find the spatial profile of the PBH compaction function numerically for each stochastic patch, without assumptions about Gaussianity or the radial profile. The stochastic effects that lead to an exponential tail for the density distribution also make the compaction function very spiky, unlike assumed in the literature. Naively using collapse thresholds found for smooth profiles, the PBH abundance is enhanced by up to a factor of $10^9$, and the PBH mass distribution is spread over three orders of magnitude in mass. The results point to a need to redo numerical simulations of PBH formation with spiky profiles.

  • Estimating Photometric Redshift from Mock Flux for CSST Survey by using Weighted Random Forest.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Junhao Lu, Zhijian Luo, Zhu Chen, Liping Fu, Wei Du, Yan Gong, Yicheng Li, Xian-Min Meng, Zhirui Tang, Shaohua Zhang, Chenggang Shu, Xingchen Zhou, Zuihui Fan

    Accurate estimation of photometric redshifts (photo-$z$) is crucial in studies of both galaxy evolution and cosmology using current and future large sky surveys. In this study, we employ Random Forest (RF), a machine learning algorithm, to estimate photo-$z$ and investigate the systematic uncertainties affecting the results. Using galaxy flux and color as input features, we construct a mapping between input features and redshift by using a training set of simulated data, generated from the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST-ACS) and COSMOS catalogue, with the expected instrumental effects of the planned China Space Station Telescope (CSST). To improve the accuracy and confidence of predictions, we incorporate inverse variance weighting and perturb the catalog using input feature errors. Our results show that weighted RF can achieve a photo-$z$ accuracy of $\rm \sigma_{NMAD}=0.025$ and an outlier fraction of $\rm \eta=2.045\%$, significantly better than the values of $\rm \sigma_{NMAD}=0.043$ and $\rm \eta=6.45\%$ obtained by the widely used Easy and Accurate Zphot from Yale (EAZY) software which uses template-fitting method. Furthermore, we have calculated the importance of each input feature for different redshift ranges and found that the most important input features reflect the approximate position of the break features in galaxy spectra, demonstrating the algorithm's ability to extract physical information from data. Additionally, we have established confidence indices and error bars for each prediction value based on the shape of the redshift probability distribution function, suggesting that screening sources with high confidence can further reduce the outlier fraction.

  • Cosmological implications of inflaton-mediated dark and visible matter scatterings after reheating.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Deep Ghosh, Sourav Gope, Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay

    The initial density of dark matter (DM) particles, otherwise secluded from the standard model (SM), may be generated at reheating, with an initial temperature ratio for internal thermalizations, $\xi_i=T_{\rm DM,i}/T_{\rm SM,i}$. This scenario necessarily implies inflaton-mediated scatterings between DM and SM after reheating, with a rate fixed by the relic abundance of DM and the reheat temperature. These scatterings can be important for an inflaton mass and reheat temperature as high as $\mathcal{O}(10^7 {~\rm GeV})$ and $\mathcal{O}(10^9{~\rm GeV})$, respectively, since the thermally averaged collision terms become approximately independent of the inflaton mass when the bath temperature is larger than the mass. The impact of these scatterings on DM cosmology is studied modeling the perturbative reheating physics by a gauge-invariant set of inflaton interactions upto dimension-5 with the SM gauge bosons, fermions and the Higgs fields. It is observed that an initially lower (higher) DM temperature will rapidly increase (decrease), even with very small couplings to the inflaton. There is a sharp lower bound on the DM mass below which the relic abundance cannot be satisfied due to faster back-scatterings depleting DM quanta to SM particles. For low DM masses, the CMB constraints become stronger due to the collisions for $\xi_i<1$, probing values as small as $\mathcal{O}(10^{-4})$, and weaker for $\xi_i>1$. The BBN constraints become stronger due to the collisions for lower DM masses, probing $\xi_i$ as small as $\mathcal{O}(0.1)$, and weaker for higher DM mass. Thus inflaton-mediated collisions with predictable rates, relevant even for high-scale inflation models, can significantly impact the cosmology of light DM.

  • Multi-tracing the primordial Universe with future surveys.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mponeng Kopana. Sheean Jolicoeur, Roy Maartens

    The fluctuations generated by Inflation are Gaussian in the simplest models, but may be non-Gaussian in more complex models. Since these fluctuations seed the large-scale structure, any primordial non-Gaussianity of local type will leave an imprint on the tracer power spectrum on ultra-large scales. In order to combat the problem of growing cosmic variance on these scales, we use a multi-tracer analysis that combines different tracers of the matter distribution to maximise any primordial signal. In order to illustrate the advantages that can be brought by multi-tracing future surveys, we consider two pairs of (galaxy survey, 21cm intensity mapping survey), one at high redshift ($1\le z\le2$) and one at very high redshift ($2\le z\le5$). The 21cm surveys are in interferometer mode, and are idealised versions of HIRAX and PUMA. We implement foreground avoidance filters and use non-trivial models of the interferometer thermal noise. The galaxy surveys are idealised versions of Euclid and MegaMapper. Via a simple Fisher forecast we illustrate the potential of the multi-tracer. Our results show a $\sim 20-70\%$ improvement in precision on local primordial non-Gaussianity from the multi-tracer.

  • Hunting Galactic Axion Dark Matter with Gravitationally Lensed Fast Radio Bursts.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ran Gao, Zhengxiang Li, Kai Liao, He Gao, Bing Zhang, Zong-Hong Zhu

    Ultralight axion or axionlike particles are one of the most promising candidates for dark matter because they are a well-motivated solution for the theoretical strong $CP$ problem and observational issues on small scales, i.e. the core-cusp problem and the satellite problem. A tiny coupling of axions and photons induces birefringence. We propose the differential birefringence measurements of multiple images of gravitationally lensed fast radio burst (FRB) systems as probes of the Galactic axion dark matter (ADM) background. In addition to general advantages of lensing systems, i.e. alleviating systematics and intrinsic astrophysical dependencies, precise measurements of lensing time delay and polarization angle in gravitationally lensed FRB systems make them a more robust and powerful probe. We show that, with a single lensed FRB system (which may be detected in large numbers in the SKA era), the axion-photon coupling under the ADM background could be constrained to be $g_{a\gamma} < 7.3 \times 10^{-11}~ \mathrm{GeV^{-1}}$ for an axion mass $m_a\sim10^{-20}~\mathrm{eV}$. This will be of great significance in achieving synergistic searches of the Galactic ADM with other astrophysical probes and laboratorial experiments.

  • The Correlation Function and Detection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Peak from the Spectroscopic SDSS GalWCat Galaxy Cluster Catalogue.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mohamed H. Abdullah, Anatoly Klypin, Francisco Prada, Gillian Wilson, Tomoaki Ishiyama, Julia Ereza

    We measure the two point correlation function (CF) of 1357 galaxy clusters with a mass of $\log_{10}{M_{200}}\geq 13.6$~\hm~and at a redshift of $z \leq 0.125$. This work differs from previous analyses in that it utilizes a spectroscopic cluster catalogue, $\mathtt{SDSS-GalWCat}$, to measure the CF and detect the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) signal. Unlike previous studies which use statistical techniques, we compute covariance errors directly by generating a set of 1086 galaxy cluster lightcones from the GLAM $N$-body simulation. Fitting the CF with a power-law model of the form $\xi(s) = (s/s_0)^{-\gamma}$, we determine the best-fit correlation length and power-law index at three mass thresholds. We find that the correlation length increases with increasing the mass threshold while the power-law index is almost constant. For $\log_{10}{M_{200}}\geq 13.6$~\hm, we find $s_0 = 14.54\pm0.87$~\h~and $\gamma=1.97\pm0.11$. We detect the BAO signal at $s = 100$~\h~with a significance of $1.60 \sigma$. Fitting the CF with a $\Lambda$CDM model, we find $D_\mathrm{V}(z = 0.089)\mathrm{r}^{fid}_d/\mathrm{r}_d = 267.62 \pm 26$ \h, consistent with Planck 2015 cosmology. We present a set of 108 high-fidelity simulated galaxy cluster lightcones from the high-resolution \U~N-body simulation, employed for methodological validation. We find $D_\mathrm{V}(z = 0.089)/r_d = 2.666 \pm 0.129$, indicating that our method does not introduce any bias in the parameter estimation for this small sample of galaxy clusters.

  • Leptogenesis from a Phase Transition in a Dynamical Vacuum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dipendu Bhandari, Arghyajit Datta, Arunansu Sil

    We show that a phase transition may take place in the early Universe at a temperature $T_*$ via a Standard Model singlet scalar field which happens to couple to right handed neutrinos (RHN) resulting a temperature dependent mass for them that finally relaxes to a constant value after electroweak phase transition (EWPT). As a result, a requisite amount of lepton asymmetry can be produced at a temperature close to $T_*$ satisfying the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe via sphaleron process even when the zero temperature masses of the RHNs fall in sub GeV regime providing a testable scenario for leptogenesis. Interestingly, the framework is also capable of predicting a primordial lepton asymmetry (generated at a temperature below the EWPT), as hinted by helium abundance measuring experiments, bearing a correlation with early phase of leptogenesis.

  • An improved Halo Occupation Distribution prescription from UNITsim Halpha emitters: conformity and modified radial profile.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guillermo Reyes-Peraza, Santiago Avila, Violeta Gonzalez-Perez, Daniel Lopez-Cano, Alexander Knebe, Sujatha Ramakrishnan, Gustavo Yepes

    The Euclid mission is poised to make unprecedented measurements in cosmology from the distribution of galaxies with strong Halpha spectral emission lines. Accurately interpreting this data requires understanding the imprints imposed by the physics of galaxy formation and evolution on galaxy clustering. In this work we utilize a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation (SAGE) to explore the necessary components for accurately reproducing the clustering of Euclid-like samples of Halpha emitters. We focus on developing a Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) prescription able to reproduce the clustering of SAGE galaxies. Typically, HOD models assume that satellite and central galaxies of a given type are independent events. We investigate the need for conformity, i.e. whether the average satellite occupation depends on the existence of a central galaxy of a given type. Incorporating conformity into HOD models is crucial for reproducing the clustering in the reference galaxy sample. Another aspect we investigate is the radial distribution of satellite galaxies within haloes. The traditional density profile models, NFW and Einasto profiles, fail to accurately replicate the small-scale clustering measured for SAGE satellite galaxies. To overcome this limitation, we propose a generalization of the NFW profile, thereby enhancing our understanding of galaxy clustering.

  • Starobinsky Inflation in the Swampland.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dieter Lust, Joaquin Masias, Benjamin Muntz, Marco Scalisi

    We argue that the Starobinsky model of inflation, realised via an $R^2$ term in the Lagrangian, can originate from quantum effects due to a tower of light species. By means of two separate arguments, we show how this implies that the scale of the $R^2$ term must be of order of the species scale $\Lambda_s$, namely the energy at which gravity becomes strongly coupled. We discuss the implications and challenges of this scenario for inflation, inflationary reheating, and string theory embeddings. In this context, we collect strong evidence to conclude that Starobinsky inflation lies in the Swampland.

  • Comprehensive Constraints on Dark Radiation Injection After BBN.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexander C. Sobotka, Adrienne L. Erickcek, Tristan L. Smith

    We derive constraints on the injection of free-streaming dark radiation after big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) by considering the decay of a massive hidden sector particle into dark radiation. Such a scenario has the potential to alleviate the Hubble tension by introducing a new energy component to the evolution of the early universe. We employ observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from $\textit{Planck}$ 2018 and SPT-3G, measurements of the primordial deuterium abundance, Pantheon+ Type Ia supernovae data, and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements from BOSS DR12 to constrain these decay scenarios. Pre-recombination decays are primarily restricted by observations of the CMB via their impact on the effective number of relativistic species. On the other hand, long-lived decay scenarios in which the massive particle lifetime extends past recombination tend to decrease the late-time matter density inferred from the CMB and are thus subject to constraints from Pantheon+ and BAO. We find that, when marginalizing over lifetimes of $\tau_Y = [10^{-12.08}, 10^{-1.49}]$ Gyr, the decaying particle is limited at $2\sigma$ to only contribute a maximum of $3\%$ of the energy density of the universe. With limits on these decays being so stringent, neither short-lived nor long-lived scenarios are successful at substantially mitigating the Hubble tension.

  • Inflation (2023).- [PDF] - [Article]

    John Ellis, David Wands

    This is a review of the current status of studies of cosmological inflation, extracted from Chapter 23 of the 2023 edition of the `Review of Particle Physics': R.L. Workman et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022, 083C01 (2022) and 2023 update.

  • FeynMG: a FeynRules extension for scalar-tensor theories of gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sergio Sevillano Muñoz, Edmund J. Copeland, Peter Millington, Michael Spannowsky

    The ability to represent perturbative expansions of interacting quantum field theories in terms of simple diagrammatic rules has revolutionized calculations in particle physics (and elsewhere). Moreover, these rules are readily automated, a process that has catalysed the rise of symbolic algebra packages. However, in the case of extended theories of gravity, such as scalar-tensor theories, it is necessary to precondition the Lagrangian to apply this automation or, at the very least, to take advantage of existing software pipelines. We present a Mathematica code FeynMG, which works in conjunction with the well-known package FeynRules, to do just that: FeynMG takes as inputs the FeynRules model file for a non-gravitational theory and a user-supplied gravitational Lagrangian. FeynMG provides functionality that inserts the minimal gravitational couplings of the degrees of freedom specified in the model file, determines the couplings of the additional tensor and scalar degrees of freedom (the metric and the scalar field from the gravitational sector), and preconditions the resulting Lagrangian so that it can be passed to FeynRules, either directly or by outputting an updated FeynRules model file. The Feynman rules can then be determined and output through FeynRules, using existing universal output formats and interfaces to other analysis packages.

  • Observational signatures of a static $f(R)$ black hole with thin accretion disk.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mohsen Fathi, Norman Cruz

    In this study, we focus on a static spherically symmetric $f(R)$ black hole spacetime characterized by a linear dark matter-related parameter. Our investigation delves into understanding the influence of different assumed values of this parameter on the observable characteristics of the black hole. To fulfill this task, we investigate the light deflection angles, which are inferred from direct analytical calculations of null geodesics.} To examine the black hole's properties further, we assume an optically thin accretion disk and explore various emission profiles. Additionally, we investigate the shadow cast by the illuminated black hole when affected by the disk. Furthermore, we simulate the brightness of an infalling spherical accretion in the context of silhouette imaging for the black hole. Our findings indicate that, except for some specific cases, the observed brightness of the accretion disk predominantly arises from direct emission, rather than lensing and photon rings. Moreover, we reveal that the linear dark parameter of the black hole significantly influences the shadow size and brightness. Our discussion covers both analytical and numerical approaches, and we utilize ray-tracing methods to produce accurate visualizations.

  • Active galactic nuclei and gravitational redshifts.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    N. D. Padilla, S. Carneiro, J. Chaves-Montero, C. J. Donzelli, C. Pigozzo, P. Colazo, J. S. Alcaniz

    Context: Gravitational redshift is a classical effect of Einstein's General Relativity, already measured in stars, quasars and clusters of galaxies. Aims: We here aim to identify the signature of gravitational redshift in the emission lines of active galaxies due to supermassive black holes, and compare to what is found for inactive galaxies. Methods: Using the virial theorem, we estimate gravitational redshifts for quasars from the 14th data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and compare these with measured ones from the difference between the redshifts of emission lines of Sydney Australian Astronomical Observatory Multi-object Integral Field (SAMI) galaxies in central and outer annuli of their integral field spectra. Results: Firstly, from the full width at half maximum of $H_\beta$ lines of 57 Seyfert type I galaxies of the AGN Black Hole Mass Database, we derive a median gravitational redshift $z_g = 1.18 \times 10^{-4}$. Expanding this analysis to 86755 quasars from DR14 of SDSS we have a median value $z_g = 1.52 \times 10^{-4}$. Then, by comparing the redshifts of $34$ lines measured at central and outer regions of LINER galaxies in the SAMI survey we obtain $z_g = (0.68 \pm 0.09) \times 10^{-4}$, which increases to $z_g = (1.0 \pm 0.1) \times 10^{-4}$ when using $H_\alpha$ and $H_\beta$ lines. These numbers are compatible with central black holes of $\approx 10^9$ solar masses and broad line regions of $\approx 1$pc. For non-AGN galaxies the gravitational redshift is compatible with zero.

  • (DarkAI) Mapping the large-scale density field of dark matter using artificial intelligence.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zitong Wang, Feng Shi, Xiaohu Yang, Qingyang Li, Yanming Liu, Xiaoping Li

    Herein, we present a deep-learning technique for reconstructing the dark-matter density field from the redshift-space distribution of dark-matter halos. We built a UNet-architecture neural network and trained it using the COmoving Lagrangian Acceleration fast simulation, which is an approximation of the N-body simulation with $512^3$ particles in a box size of 500 Mpc $h^{-1}$. Further, we tested the resulting UNet model not only with training-like test samples but also with standard N-body simulations, such as the Jiutian simulation with $6144^3$ particles in a box size of 1000 Mpc $h^{-1}$ and the ELUCID simulation, which has a different cosmology. The real-space dark-matter density fields in the three simulations can be reconstructed reliably with only a small reduction of the cross-correlation power spectrum at 1% and 10% levels at $k=0.1$ and $0.3~h\mathrm{Mpc^{-1}}$, respectively. The reconstruction clearly helps to correct for redshift-space distortions and is unaffected by the different cosmologies between the training (Planck2018) and test samples (WMAP5). Furthermore, we tested the application of the UNet-reconstructed density field to obtain the velocity \& tidal field and found that this approach provides better results compared to the traditional approach based on the linear bias model, showing a 12.2% improvement in the correlation slope and a 21.1% reduction in the scatter between the predicted and true velocities. Thus, our method is highly efficient and has excellent extrapolation reliability beyond the training set. This provides an ideal solution for determining the three-dimensional underlying density field from the plentiful galaxy survey data.

  • Neff in the Standard Model at NLO is 3.043.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mattia Cielo, Miguel Escudero, Gianpiero Mangano, Ofelia Pisanti

    The effective number of relativistic neutrino species is a fundamental probe of the early Universe and its measurement represents a key constraint on many scenarios beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics. In light of this, an accurate prediction of $N_{\rm eff}$ in the Standard Model is of pivotal importance. In this work, we consider the last ingredient needed to accurately calculate $N_{\rm eff}^{\rm SM}$: standard zero and finite temperature QED corrections to $e^+e^- \leftrightarrow \nu\bar{\nu}$ interaction rates during neutrino decoupling at temperatures around $T\sim {\rm MeV}$. We find that this effect leads to a reduction of $-0.0007$ in $N_{\rm eff}^{\rm SM}$. This NLO QED correction to the interaction rates, together with finite temperature QED corrections to the electromagnetic density of the plasma, and the effect of neutrino oscillations, implies that $N_{\rm eff}^{\rm SM} = 3.043$ with a theoretical uncertainty that is much smaller than any projected observational sensitivity.

  • Practical approaches to analyzing PTA data: Cosmic strings with six pulsars.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hippolyte Quelquejay Leclere, Pierre Auclair, Stanislav Babak, Aurélien Chalumeau, Danièle A. Steer, J. Antoniadis, A.-S. Bak Nielsen, C. G. Bassa, A. Berthereau, M. Bonetti, E. Bortolas, P. R. Brook, M. Burgay, R. N. Caballero, D. J. Champion, S. Chanlaridis, S. Chen, I. Cognard, G. Desvignes, M. Falxa, R. D. Ferdman, A. Franchini, J. R. Gair, B. Goncharov, E. Graikou, J.-M. Grießmeier, L. Guillemot, Y. J. Guo, H. Hu, F. Iraci, D. Izquierdo-Villalba, J. Jang, J. Jawor, G. H. Janssen, A. Jessner, R. Karuppusamy, E. F. Keane, M. J. Keith, M. Kramer, M. A. Krishnakumar, K. Lackeos, K. J. Lee, K. Liu, Y. Liu, A. G. Lyne, J. W. McKee, R. A. Main, M. B. Mickaliger, I. C. Niţu, A. Parthasarathy, B. B. P. Perera, D. Perrodin, A. Petiteau, N. K. Porayko, A. Possenti, A. Samajdar, et al. (16 additional authors not shown)

    We search for a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) generated by a network of cosmic strings using six millisecond pulsars from Data Release 2 (DR2) of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA). We perform a Bayesian analysis considering two models for the network of cosmic string loops, and compare it to a simple power-law model which is expected from the population of supermassive black hole binaries. Our main strong assumption is that the previously reported common red noise process is a SGWB. We find that the one-parameter cosmic string model is slightly favored over a power-law model thanks to its simplicity. If we assume a two-component stochastic signal in the data (supermassive black hole binary population and the signal from cosmic strings), we get a $95\%$ upper limit on the string tension of $\log_{10}(G\mu) < -9.9$ ($-10.5$) for the two cosmic string models we consider. In extended two-parameter string models, we were unable to constrain the number of kinks. We test two approximate and fast Bayesian data analysis methods against the most rigorous analysis and find consistent results. These two fast and efficient methods are applicable to all SGWBs, independent of their source, and will be crucial for analysis of extended data sets.

  • Limits on scalar-induced gravitational waves from the stochastic background by pulsar timing array observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yi-Fu Cai, Xin-Chen He, Xiao-Han Ma, Sheng-Feng Yan, Guan-Wen Yuan

    Recently, the NANOGrav, PPTA, EPTA, and CPTA collaborations independently reported their evidence of the Stochastic Gravitational Waves Background (SGWB). While the inferred gravitational-wave background amplitude and spectrum are consistent with astrophysical expectations for a signal from the population of supermassive black-hole binaries (SMBHBs), the search for new physics remains plausible in this observational window. In this work, we explore the possibility of explaining such a signal by the scalar-induced gravitational waves (IGWs) in the very early universe. We use a parameterized broken power-law function as a general description of the energy spectrum of the SGWB and fit it to the new results of NANOGrav, PPTA and EPTA. We find that this approach can put constraints on the parameters of IGW energy spectrum and further yield restrictions on various inflation models that may produce primordial black holes (PBHs) in the early universe, which is also expected to be examined by the forthcoming space-based GW experiments.

  • Constraining Postinflationary Axions with Pulsar Timing Arrays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Géraldine Servant, Peera Simakachorn

    Models that produce Axion-Like-Particles (ALP) after cosmological inflation due to spontaneous $U(1)$ symmetry breaking also produce cosmic string networks. Those axionic strings lose energy through gravitational wave emission during the whole cosmological history, generating a stochastic background of gravitational waves that spans many decades in frequency. We can therefore constrain the axion decay constant and axion mass from limits on the gravitational wave spectrum and compatibility with dark matter abundance as well as dark radiation. We derive such limits from analyzing the most recent NANOGrav data from Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA). The limits are similar to the $N_{\rm eff}$ bounds on dark radiation for ALP masses $m_a \lesssim 10^{-22}$ eV. On the other hand, for heavy ALPs with $m_a\gtrsim 0.1$ GeV and $N_{\rm DW}\neq 1$, new regions of parameter space can be probed by PTA data due to the dominant Domain-Wall contribution to the gravitational wave background.

  • Axion-Photon Conversion in 3D Media and Astrophysical Plasmas.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J. I. McDonald, B. Garbrecht, P. Millington

    With axions now a primary candidate for dark matter, understanding their indirect astrophysical signatures is of paramount importance. Key to this is the production of photons from axions in magnetised astrophysical plasmas. While simple formulae for axion-photon mixing in 1D have been sketched several decades ago, there has recently been renewed interest in robust calculations for this process in arbitrary 3D plasmas. These calculations are vital for understanding, amongst other things, the radio production from axion dark matter conversion in neutron stars, which may lead to indirect axion dark matter detection with current telescopes or future searches, e.g., by the SKA. In this paper, we derive the relevant transport equations in magnetised plasmas. These equations describe both the production and propagation of photons in an arbitrary 3D medium due to the resonant conversion of axions into photons. They also fully incorporate the refraction of photons, and we find no evidence for a conjectured phenomenon of dephasing. Our result is free of divergences that plagued previous calculations, and our kinetic theory description provides a direct link between ray tracing and the production mechanism. These results mark an important step toward solving one of the major open questions concerning indirect searches of axions in recent years, namely how to compute the photon production rate from axions in arbitrary 3D plasmas.

  • Post-reionization HI 21-cm signal: A probe of negative cosmological constant.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chandrachud B. V. Dash, Tapomoy Guha Sarkar, Anjan A. Sen

    In this study, we investigate a cosmological model involving a negative cosmological constant (AdS vacua in the dark energy sector). We consider a quintessence field on top of a negative cosmological constant and study its impact on cosmological evolution and structure formation. We use the power spectrum of the redshifted HI 21 cm brightness temperature maps from the post-reionization epoch as a cosmological probe. The signature of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) on the multipoles of the power spectrum is used to extract measurements of the angular diameter distance $D_A(z)$ and the Hubble parameter $H(z)$. The projected errors on these are then subsequently employed to forecast the constraints on the model parameters ($\Omega_\Lambda, w_0, w_a$) using Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques. We find that a negative cosmological constant with a phantom dark energy equation of state (EoS) and a higher value of $H_0$ is viable from BAO distance measurements data derived from galaxy samples. We also find that BAO imprints on the 21cm power spectrum obtained from a futuristic SKA-mid like experiment yield a $1-\sigma$ error on a negative cosmological constant and the quintessence dark energy EoS parameters to be $\Omega_\Lambda=-1.030^{0.589}_{-1.712}$ and $w_0=-1.023^{0.043}_{-0.060}$, $w_a=-0.141^{0.478}_{-0.409}$ respectively.

  • Impact of Galactic dust non-Gaussianity on searches for B-modes from inflation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Irene Abril-Cabezas, Carlos Hervías-Caimapo, Sebastian von Hausegger, Blake D. Sherwin, David Alonso

    A key challenge in the search for primordial B-modes is the presence of polarized Galactic foregrounds, especially thermal dust emission. Power-spectrum-based analysis methods generally assume the foregrounds to be Gaussian random fields when constructing a likelihood and computing the covariance matrix. In this paper, we investigate how non-Gaussianity in the dust field instead affects CMB and foreground parameter inference in the context of inflationary B-mode searches, capturing this effect via modifications to the dust power-spectrum covariance matrix. For upcoming experiments such as the Simons Observatory, we find no dependence of the tensor-to-scalar ratio uncertainty $\sigma(r)$ on the degree of dust non-Gaussianity or the nature of the dust covariance matrix. We provide an explanation of this result, noting that when frequency decorrelation is negligible, dust in mid-frequency channels is cleaned using high-frequency data in a way that is independent of the spatial statistics of dust. We show that our results hold also for non-zero levels of frequency decorrelation that are compatible with existing data. We find, however, that neglecting the impact of dust non-Gaussianity in the covariance matrix can lead to inaccuracies in goodness-of-fit metrics. Care must thus be taken when using such metrics to test B-mode spectra and models, although we show that any such problems can be mitigated by using only cleaned spectrum combinations when computing goodness-of-fit statistics.

  • The Unsettled Number: Hubble's Tension.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota, Salvador Galindo-Uribarri, George F. Smoot

    One of main sources of uncertainty in modern cosmology is the present rate of the universe's expansion, H0, called the Hubble constant. Once again, different observational techniques bring about different results, causing new 'Hubble tension'. In the present work, we review the historical roots of the Hubble constant from the beginning of the twentieth century, when modern cosmology originated, to the present. We develop the arguments that gave rise to the importance of measuring the expansion of the Universe and its discovery, and we describe the different pioneering works attempting to measure it. There has been a long dispute on this matter, even in the present epoch, which is marked by high-tech instrumentation and, therefore, in smaller uncertainties in the relevant parameters. It is, again, currently necessary to conduct a careful and critical revision of the different methods before one invokes new physics to solve the so-called Hubble tension.

  • Physical Models for the Astrophysical Population of Black Holes: Application to the Bump in the Mass Distribution of Gravitational Wave Sources.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jacob Golomb, Maximiliano Isi, Will Farr

    Gravitational wave observations of binary black holes have revealed unexpected structure in the black hole mass distribution. Previous studies of the mass distribution employ physically-motivated phenomenological models and infer the parameters that directly control the features of the mass distribution that are allowed in their model, associating the constraints on those parameters with their physical motivations. In this work, we take an alternative approach in which we introduce a model parameterizing the underlying stellar and core-collapse physics and obtaining the remnant black hole distribution as a derived byproduct. In doing so, we directly constrain the stellar physics necessary to explain the astrophysical distribution of black hole properties under a given model. We apply this approach to modeling the mapping between stellar core mass and remnant black hole mass, including the effects of mass loss due to the pulsational pair instability supernova (PPISN) process, which has been proposed as an explanation for the observed excess of black holes at $\sim 35 M_\odot$. Placing constraints on the nuclear reaction rates necessary to explain the PPISN parameters, we conclude that the peak observed at $\sim 35 M_\odot$ is highly unlikely to be a signature from the PPISN process. This procedure can be applied to modeling any physical process that underlies the astrophysical mass distribution. Allowing the parameters of the core-remnant mass relationship to evolve with redshift permits correlated and physically reasonable changes in the location, shape, and amplitude of features in the mass function. We find that the current data are consistent with no redshift evolution in the core-remnant mass relationship, but ultimately place only weak constraints on the change of these parameters.

  • Axion Cloud Decay due to the Axion-photon Conversion with Multi-pole Background Magnetic Fields.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yusuke Sakurai, Chul-Moon Yoo, Atsushi Naruko, Daisuke Yamauchi

    We consider axion cloud decay due to the axion-photon conversion with multi-pole background magnetic fields. We focus on the $\ell=m=1$ and $n=2$ mode for the axion field configuration since it has the largest growth rate associated with superradiant instability. Under the existence of a background multi-pole magnetic field, the axion field can be converted into the electromagnetic field through the axion-photon coupling. Then the decay rate due to the dissipation of the converted photons is calculated in a successive approximation. We found that the decay rate is significantly dependent on the azimuthal quantum number characterizing the background magnetic field, and can be comparable to or larger than the growth rate of the superradiant instability.

  • Gravitational waves from cosmic superstrings and gauge strings.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    Danny Marfatia, Ye-Ling Zhou

    We perform a phenomenological comparison of the gravitational wave (GW) spectrum expected from cosmic gauge string networks and superstring networks comprised of multiple string types. We show how violations of scaling behavior and the evolution of the number of relativistic degrees of freedom in the early Universe affect the GW spectrum. We derive simple analytical expressions for the GW spectrum from superstrings and gauge strings that are valid for all frequencies relevant to pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) and laser interferometers. We analyze the latest data from PTAs and show that superstring networks are consistent with 32~nHz data from NANOGrav, but are in tension with 3.2~nHz data unless the strings evolve in only about 10\% of the volume of the higher-dimensional space. We also point out that while gauge string networks are excluded by NANOGrav-15 data at $3\sigma$, they are completely compatible with EPTA and PPTA data. Finally, we study correlations between GW signals at PTAs and laser interferometers.

  • Probing the galactic and extragalactic gravitational wave backgrounds with space-based interferometers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    Giorgio Mentasti, Carlo R. Contaldi, Marco Peloso

    We employ the formalism developed in \cite{Mentasti:2023gmg} and \cite{Bartolo_2022} to study the prospect of detecting an anisotropic Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) alone, and combined with the proposed space-based interferometer Taiji. Previous analyses have been performed in the frequency domain only. Here, we study the detectability of the individual coefficients of the expansion of the SGWB in spherical harmonics, by taking into account the specific motion of the satellites. This requires the use of time-dependent response functions, which we include in our analysis to obtain an optimal estimate of the anisotropic signal. We focus on two applications. Firstly, the reconstruction of the anisotropic galactic signal without assuming any prior knowledge of its spatial distribution. We find that both LISA and LISA with Taiji cannot put tight constraints on the harmonic coefficients for realistic models of the galactic SGWB. We then focus on the discrimination between a galactic signal of known morphology but unknown overall amplitude and an isotropic extragalactic SGWB component of astrophysical origin. In this case, we find that the two surveys can confirm, at a confidence level $\gtrsim 3\sigma$, the existence of both the galactic and extragalactic background if both have amplitudes as predicted in standard models. We also find that, in the LISA-only case, the analysis in the frequency domain (under the assumption of a time average of data taken homogeneously across the year) provides a nearly identical determination of the two amplitudes as compared to the optimal analysis.

  • Opening windows with Isospin-Violating Dark Matter.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    Jason Kumar, Danny Marfatia, Ningqiang Song

    We consider the effect of isospin-violating dark matter-nucleon interactions on direct detection constraints in the regime of small dark matter mass and large scattering cross section. Isospin-violation can lead to both reductions in sensitivity (due to a reduced cross section for scattering with nuclei in the detector) and enhancements in sensitivity (due to a reduced cross section for scattering in the overburden). Isospin-violating effects can thus open up some closed regions of parameter space, while closing off other regions.


  • The detectability of single spinless stellar-mass black holes through gravitational lensing of gravitational waves with advanced LIGO.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chengjiang Yin, Jian-hua He

    We investigate the detectability of gravitational waves that have been lensed by a spinless stellar-mass black hole, with respect to the advanced LIGO. By solving the full relativistic linear wave equations in the spacetime of a Schwarzschild black hole, we find that the strong gravity can create unique signals in the lensed waveform, particularly during the merger and ringdown stages. The differences in terms of fitting factor between the lensed waveform and best-fitted unlensed general relativity template with spin-precessing and higher-order multipoles are greater than $5\%$ for the lens black hole mass within $70M_{\odot}<M_{\rm lens}<133.33 M_{\odot}$ under advanced LIGO's sensitivity. This is up to 5 times more detectable than the previous analysis based on the weak field approximation for a point mass and covers most part of the black hole mass gap predicted by stellar evolution theory. Based on Bayesian inference, the lensing feature can be distinguished with a signal-to-noise ratio of 12.5 for $M_{\rm lens}=70 M_{\odot}$ and 19.2 for $M_{\rm lens}=250 M_{\odot}$, which is attainable for advanced LIGO.

  • Neutron Stars as the Dark Matter detectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ariel Zhitnitsky

    It has been known for quite sometime that the Neutron Stars (NS) can play a role of the Dark Matter (DM) detectors due to many uniques features of NS. We apply these (previously developed) ideas to a specific form of the DM when it is represented by a composite object, rather than by a local fundamental field (such as WIMPs). To be more precise we consider the so-called axion quark nuggets (AQN) dark matter model, when the ``non-baryonic" dark matter in fact is made of quarks and gluons which are in dense quark phase (similar to the old idea of the Witten's strangelets). We argue that the interaction of the AQNs with NS material may lead to many profound observable effects, which dramatically different from conventional picture when DM particles are represented by weakly interacting WIMPs. In particular, we argue that the AQNs may serve as the triggers for the magnetic reconnection to heat the NS surface. This effect may strongly alleviate (or even completely remove) the observed inconsistencies between the predicted and observed surface temperatures for many old NS. This heating mechanism is always accompanied by the hard X ray emission, which may serve as an indicator of the proposed mechanism.

  • Detection of gamma-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in non-blazar AGN PKS 0521-36.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ajay Sharma, Raj Prince, Debanjan Bose

    Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) have been detected in many Fermi-detected bright blazars. In this letter, we report multiple QPOs detected in a non-blazar AGN PKS 0521-36 searched over the entire 15 years of Fermi-LAT data. QPOs are detected at 268 days, at 295 days, and at 806 days timescales with more than 3$\sigma$ significance. The QPO detected at 806 days happens to be the third harmonic of QPO at 268 days. The time scales are consistent in both Lomb-Scargle and Wavelet analysis. Furthermore, the Gaussian Process modeling of the light curve is performed with stochastically driven damped harmonic oscillator (SHO) and damped random walk (DRW) modeling to uncover the presence of QPOs. The constructed power spectral density (PSD) exhibits two QPOs, with observed timescales of approximately 283 days and 886 days. This is the first non-blazar AGN where the long-term QPO is detected. Earlier studies show this source has a weak beamed jet. The exact cause for these QPOs remains unclear. We also assembled the $\gamma$-ray QPO detected in various blazar and tested the QPO time scale dependent on the black hole mass. No significant correlation is found.

  • Investigating the impact of atomic data uncertainties on measured physical parameters of the Perseus galaxy cluster.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Priyanka Chakraborty, Rachel Hemmer, Adam R. Foster, John Raymond, Arnab Sarkar, Randall Smith, Nancy Brickhouse

    Accurate atomic data and plasma models are essential for interpreting the upcoming high-quality spectra from missions like XRISM and Athena. Estimating physical quantities, like temperature, abundance, turbulence, and resonance scattering factor, is highly dependent on the underlying atomic data. We use the AtomDB tool variableapec to estimate the impact of atomic data uncertainties in Einstein A coefficients, collisional rate coefficient, ionization and recombination rates in H-, He- and Li-like iron in modeling the spectrum of Perseus observed by Hitomi. The best-fit temperature, abundance, resonance scattering factor, and turbulence including atomic data uncertainties, varied approximately 17%, 35%, 30%, and 3%, respectively, from the best-fit temperature, abundance, resonance scattering factor, and turbulence estimated without atomic data uncertainties. This indicates that, approximately 32%, 35%, and 25% of the best-fit temperatures, abundances, and resonance scattering factors, including uncertainties lie outside the 3$\sigma$ error regions of their corresponding best-fit values computed with zero atomic data error. Expanding the energy range to 1.8-20.0 keV shows less variability, with 26% of the abundances and 22% of the resonance scattering factors lying outside the 3$\sigma$ error of the best-fit values. We also studied correlations between physical parameters and atomic rate uncertainties to identify key atomic quantities requiring precise lab measurements. We report negative correlations between best-fit temperature and z (1s.2s $^{3}\rm S_{1}\rightarrow 1s^{2}$) collisional rate coefficient, abundance and y (1s.2p $^{3}\rm P_{1}\rightarrow 1s^{2}$) collisional rate coefficient, abundance and z collisional rate coefficient, and positive correlation between resonance scattering factor and w (1s.2p $^{1}\rm P_{1}\rightarrow 1s^{2}$) collisional rate coefficient.

  • Multi-messenger astronomy in the new physics modality with GPS constellation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arko P. Sen, Kalia Pfeffer, Paul Ries, Geoffrey Blewitt, Andrei Derevianko

    We explore a novel, exotic physics, modality in multi-messenger astronomy. We are interested in exotic fields emitted by the mergers and their direct detection with a network of atomic clocks. We specifically focus on the rubidium clocks onboard satellites of the Global Positioning System. Bursts of exotic fields may be produced during the coalescence of black hole singularities, releasing quantum gravity messengers. To be detectable such fields must be ultralight and ultra-relativistic and we refer to them as exotic low-mass fields (ELFs). Since such fields possess non-zero mass, the ELF bursts lag behind the gravitational waves emitted by the very same merger. Then the gravitational wave observatories provide a detection trigger for the atomic clock networks searching for the feeble ELF signals. ELFs would imprint an anti-chirp transient across the sensor network. ELFs can be detectable by atomic clocks if they cause variations in fundamental constants. We report our progress in the development of techniques to search for ELF bursts with clocks onboard GPS satellites. We focus on the binary neutron star merger GW170817 of August 17, 2017. We find an intriguing excess in the clock noise post LIGO gravitational wave trigger. Potentially the excess noise could be explained away by the increased solar electron flux post LIGO trigger.

  • The Core-shift of Sagittarius A* as a Discriminant between Disk and Jet Emission Models with millimeter-VLBI.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Fraga-Encinas, M. Moscibrodzka, H. Falcke

    The nature of the emission region around Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Center, remains under debate. A prediction of jet models is that a frequency-dependent shift in the position of the radio core (core-shift) of active galactic nucleii occurs when observing emission dominated by a highly collimated relativistic outflow. We use millimeter Very Long Baseline Interferometry to study the frequency-dependent position of Sgr A*'s radio core, estimate the core-shift for different emission models, investigate the core-shift evolution as a function of viewing angle and orientation, and study its behaviour in the presence of interstellar scattering. We simulate images of the emission around Sgr A* for accretion inflow models (disks) and relativistic outflow models (jets). They are based on three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We create flux density maps at 22, 43 and 86 GHz sampling different viewing angles and orientations, and examine the effects of scattering. Jet-dominated models show significantly larger core-shifts (in some cases by a factor of 16) than disk-dominated models, intermediate viewing angles (i=30, 45 degrees) show the largest core-shifts. Our jet models follow a power-law relation for the frequency dependent position of Sgr A*'s core. Their core-shifts decrease as the position angle increases from 0 to 90 degrees. Disk models do not fit well a power-law relation and their core-shifts are insensitive to changes in viewing angle. We place an upper limit of 241.65 +-1.93 microarcseconds per cm for the core-shift of jet models including refractive scattering. Our jet models agree with earlier predictions of AGN with conical jets, and the core-shift is retrievable even in the presence of interstellar scattering.

  • Memory in the Burst Occurrence of Repeating FRBs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ping Wang, Li-Ming Song, Shao-Lin Xiong, Xiao-Yun Zhao, Jin Wang, Shu-Min Zhao, Shuo Xiao, Ce Cai, Sheng-Lun Xie, Wang-Chen Xue, Chen-Wei Wang, Yue Wang, Wen-Long Zhang

    Understanding the nature of repeating FRBs is crucial to probe the physics of FRBs. In this work, we analyze the statistics of waiting time between bursts of three repeating FRBs from four data sets. We find a universally pronounced dependency of the waiting times on the previous time interval (denoted as $\lambda_0$). We observe a temporal clustering where short waiting times tend to be followed by short ones, and long by long. This memory dependency is manifested in the conditional mean waiting time as well as in the conditional mean residual time to the next burst, both of which increase in direct proportion to $\lambda_0$. Consequently, the likelihood of experiencing a subsequent FRB burst within a given time window after the preceding burst is significantly influenced by the burst history. We reveal that, for the first time, these memory effects are present in the scale-invariant preconditioned waiting time distribution. We show that the memory effect provides a unified description of waiting times which may account for both the repeating FRBs and the apparent non-repeating FRBs (i.e. only observed one time). These results shed new light on the mechanism of FRBs.

  • Impact of Correlations on the Modeling and Inference of Beyond Vacuum-GR Effects in Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shubham Kejriwal, Lorenzo Speri, Alvin J. K. Chua

    In gravitational-wave astronomy, extreme-mass-ratio-inspiral (EMRI) sources for the upcoming LISA observatory have the potential to serve as high-precision probes of astrophysical environments in galactic nuclei, and of potential deviations from general relativity (GR). Such ``beyond vacuum-GR'' effects are often modeled as perturbations to the evolution of vacuum EMRIs under GR. Previous studies have reported unprecedented constraints on these effects by examining the inference of one effect at a time. However, a more realistic analysis would require the simultaneous inference of multiple beyond vacuum-GR effects. The parameters describing such effects are generally significantly correlated with each other and the vacuum EMRI parameters. We explicitly show how these correlations remain even if any modeled effect is absent in the actual signal, and how they cause inference bias when any effect in the signal is absent in the analysis model. This worsens the overall measurability of the whole parameter set, challenging the constraints found by previous studies, and posing a general problem for the modeling and inference of beyond vacuum-GR effects in EMRIs.

  • Neutrino spin oscillations in gravitational fields in noncommutative higher dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S.A. Alavi, T. Fallahi Serish

    Investigation of neutrino spin oscillation in the gravitational fields of black holes(BH) is one of the interesting topics in neutrino physics. On the other hand, in recent years, many studies have been devoted to the exploration of different physical phenomena in higher dimensions. Noncommutative geometry has also been in the focus of researchers in the past years to explore deeper and more accurate the structure of space time. In this work, the neutrino spin oscillation in the noncommutative higher dimensions gravitational fields of Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom metrics are studied. The effects of noncommutativity of space are calculated and its role in different dimensions are discussed. Finally upper bounds on noncommutativity parameter are obtained.

  • On the galactic origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V.N. Zirakashvili, V.S. Ptuskin, S.I. Rogovaya

    It is shown that the acceleration of particles by a powerful relativistic jet associated with the activity of a supermassive black hole in the Galactic center several million years ago may explain the observed cosmic ray spectrum at energies higher than $10^{15}$ eV. The accelerated particles are efficiently confined in the extended magnetized gas halo created by the supernova and central black hole activity just after the Galaxy formation. We found that both the heavy and light chemical composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays can be consistent with observations.

  • Photons from neutrinos: the gamma ray echo of a supernova neutrino burst.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cecilia Lunardini, Joshua Loeffler, Mainak Mukhopadhyay, Matthew J. Hurley, Ebraheem Farag, F. X. Timmes

    When a star undergoes core collapse, a vast amount of energy is released in a ~10 s long burst of neutrinos of all species. Inverse beta decay in the star's hydrogen envelope causes an electromagnetic cascade which ultimately results in a flare of gamma rays - an "echo" of the neutrino burst - at the characteristic energy of 0.511 MeV. We study the phenomenology and detectability of this flare. Its luminosity curve is characterized by a fast, seconds-long, rise and an equally fast decline, with a minute- or hour-long plateau in between. For a near-Earth star (distance D<1 kpc) the echo will be observable at near future gamma ray telescopes with an effective area of 10^3 cm^2 or larger. Its observation will inform us on the envelope size and composition. In conjunction with the direct detection of the neutrino burst, it will also give information on the neutrino emission away from the line of sight and will enable tests of neutrino propagation effects between the stellar surface and Earth.

  • Demographics of Tidal Disruption Events with L-Galaxies: I. Volumetric TDE rates and the abundance of Nuclear Star Clusters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Polkas, S. Bonoli, E. Bortolas, D. Izquierdo-Villalba, A. Sesana, L. Broggi, N. Hoyer, D. Spinoso

    Stars can be ripped apart by tidal forces in the vicinity of a massive black hole, causing luminous flares classified as tidal disruption events (TDEs). These events could be contributing to the mass growth of intermediate-mass black holes, while new samples from ongoing transient surveys can provide useful information on this otherwise undetectable growth channel. This work aims to study the demographics of TDEs by modeling the co-evolution of black holes and their galactic environments in a cosmological framework. We use the semi-analytic galaxy formation model L-Galaxies, which follows the evolution of galaxies as well as of massive black holes, including multiple scenarios for black hole seeds and growth, spin evolution, and binary black hole dynamics. Time-dependent TDE rates are associated with each black hole depending on the galaxy environment, following the solutions to the 1-D Fokker Planck equation solved with PhaseFlow. Our model produces TDE volumetric rates that are in agreement with the latest optical sample of 33 TDEs and previous X-ray samples. This agreement requires a high occupation fraction of nuclear star clusters with black holes since these star reservoirs host the majority of TDEs at all mass regimes. Unlike previous studies, we predict that TDE rates are an increasing function of black hole mass up to a peak of ${\sim}\, 10^{6.5}$M$_{\odot}$, beyond which rates drop following a shallow power-law distribution. We also discuss implications for the black hole spin distribution at the event horizon suppression and the cumulative growth due to TDEs. Our results highlight the need for time-dependent TDE rates, especially towards the low-mass regimes of the intermediate-mass black holes and dwarf galaxies.

  • Mass Distribution and Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars: Effects of Orbital Inclination Angle.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lívia S. Rocha, Jorge E. Horvath, Lucas M. de Sá, Gustavo Y. Chinen, Lucas G. Barão, Marcio G. B. de Avellar

    Matter at ultra-high densities finds a physical realization inside neutron stars. One key property is their maximum mass, which has far-reaching implications for astrophysics and the equation of state of ultra dense matter. In this work, we employ Bayesian analysis to scrutinize the mass distribution and maximum mass threshold of galactic neutron stars. We compare two distinct models to assess the impact of assuming a uniform distribution for the most important quantity, the cosine of orbital inclination angles ($i$), which has been a common practice in previous analyses. This prevailing assumption yields a maximum mass of $2.25$~$M_\odot$ (2.15--3.32~$M_\odot$ within $90\%$ confidence), with a strong peak around the maximum value. However, in the second model, which indirectly includes observational constraints of $i$, the analysis supports a mass limit of $2.56^{+0.87}_{-0.58}~M_\odot$ ($2\sigma$ uncertainty), a result that points in the same direction as some recent results gathered from gravitational wave observations, although their statistics are still limited. This work stresses the importance of an accurate treatment of orbital inclination angles, and contributes to the ongoing debate about the maximum neutron star mass, further emphasizing the critical role of uncertainties in the individual neutron star mass determinations.

  • Where Did the Amaterasu Particle Come From?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michael Unger, Glennys R. Farrar

    The Telescope Array Collaboration recently reported the detection of a cosmic-ray particle, ``Amaterasu", with an extremely high energy of $2.4\times10^{20}$ eV. Here we investigate its probable charge and the locus of its production. Interpreted as a primary iron nucleus or slightly stripped fragment, the event fits well within the existing paradigm for UHECR composition and spectrum. Using the most up-to-date modeling of the Galactic magnetic field strength and structure, and taking into account uncertainties, we identify the likely volume from which it originated. We estimate a localization uncertainty on the source direction of 6.6\% of $4\pi$ or 2726 deg$^2$. The uncertainty of magnetic deflections and the experimental energy uncertainties contribute about equally to the localization uncertainty. The maximum source distance is 8-50 Mpc, with the range reflecting the uncertainty on the energy assignment. We provide sky maps showing the localization region of the event and superimpose the location of galaxies of different types. There are no candidate sources among powerful radio galaxies. An origin in AGNs or star-forming galaxies is unlikely but cannot be completely ruled out without a more precise energy determination. The most straightforward option is that Amaterasu was created in a transient event in an otherwise undistinguished galaxy.

  • SN 2021adxl: A luminous nearby interacting supernova in an extremely low metallicity environment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. J. Brennan, S. Schulze, R. Lunnan, J. Sollerman, L. Yan, C. Fransson, I. Irani, J. Melinder, T.-W. Chen, K. De, C. Fremling, Y.-L. Kim, D. Perley, P. J. Pessi, A. J. Drake, M. J. Graham, R. R. Laher, F. J. Masci, J. Purdum, H. Rodriguez

    SN 2021adxl is a slowly evolving, luminous, Type IIn supernova with asymmetric emission line profiles, similar to the well-studied SN 2010jl. We present extensive optical, near-ultraviolet, and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy covering ~1.5 years post discovery. SN 2021adxl occurred in an unusual environment, atop a vigorously star-forming region that is offset from its host galaxy core. The appearance of Ly{\alpha}, O II, as well as the compact core, would classify the host of SN 2021adxl as a Blueberry galaxy, analogous to the higher redshift Green Pea galaxies. Using several abundance indicators, we find a metallicity of the explosion environment of only 10% solar, the lowest reported metallicity for a Type IIn SN environment. SN 2021adxl reaches a peak magnitude of r ~ -20.2 mag and since discovery, SN 2021adxl has faded by only ~4 magnitudes in the r band with a cumulative radiated energy of ~1.5e50 erg over 18 months. SN 2021adxl shows strong signs of interaction with a complex circumstellar medium, seen by the detection of X-rays, revealed by the detection of coronal emission lines, and through multi-component hydrogen and helium profiles. In order to further understand this interaction, we model the H{\alpha} profile using a Monte-Carlo electron scattering code. The blueshifted high-velocity component is consistent with emission from a radially thin, spherical shell resulting in the broad emission components due to electron scattering. Using the velocity evolution of this emitting shell, we find that the SN ejecta collide with circumstellar material of at least 5 Msun, assuming a steady-state mass-loss rate of 4-6e-3 Msun per year for the first ~200 days of evolution. Continuing the observations of SN 2021adxl may reveal signatures of dust formation or an infrared excess, similar to that seen for SN 2010jl.

  • Three-body encounters in black hole discs around a supermassive black hole: The disc velocity dispersion and the Keplerian tidal field determine the eccentricity and spin-orbit alignment of gravitational wave mergers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessandro Alberto Trani, Stefano Quaini, Monica Colpi

    Dynamical encounters of stellar-mass black holes (BHs) in a disc of compact objects around a supermassive BH (SMBH) can accelerate the formation and coalescence of BH binaries. It has been proposed that binary-single encounters among BHs in such discs can lead to an excess of highly-eccentric BH mergers. However, previous studies have neglected how the disc velocity dispersion and the SMBH's tidal field affect the 3-body dynamics. We investigate the outcomes of binary-single encounters considering different values of the disc velocity dispersion, and examine the role of the SMBH's tidal field. We then demonstrate how their inclusion affects the properties of merging BH binaries. We perform simulations of 4-body encounters (i.e. with the SMBH as fourth particle) using the highly-accurate, regularized code TSUNAMI, which includes post-Newtonian corrections up to order 3.5PN. The disc velocity dispersion controls how orbits in the disc are aligned and circular, and determines the relative velocity of the binary-single pair before the encounter. As the velocity dispersion decreases, the eccentricity of post-encounter binaries transitions from thermal to superthermal, and binaries experience enhanced hardening. The transition between these two regimes happens at disc eccentricities and inclinations of order e ~ i ~ 10^-4. These distinct regimes correspond to a disc dominated by random motions, and one dominated by the Keplerian shear. The inclusion of the SMBH's tidal field and the disc velocity dispersion can significantly affect the number of GW mergers, and especially the number of highly-eccentric inspirals. These can be up to ~2 times higher at low velocity dispersion, and ~12 times lower at high velocity dispersions. The spin-orbit alignment is influenced by the tidal field exclusively at high velocity dispersions, effectively inhibiting the formation of anti-aligned binary BHs.

  • Precise Calculations of Nucleosynthesis Parameters and Electron Self-mass.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Samina Masood, Jaskeerat Singh

    We study the effect of temperature on beta decay rate during primordial nucleosynthesis. Using thermal contributions to the renormalized mass of electron, we re-compute thermal effects to the nucleosynthesis parameters in the early universe in relation to the thermal self-mass of electron. In this study we show how the presence of fermions in a medium cause the variation in nucleosynthesis parameters with temperature. Before and after nucleosynthesis, temperature contribution from the electron self-mass goes away. The temperature dependence of beta decay rate, helium abundance and energy density of the universe are calculated as a function of temperature during nucleosynthesis. The values of these nucleosynthesis parameters before and after the nucleosynthesis are also calculated.

  • Influence of hyperon-hyperon interaction on the properties of neutron stars.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. M. Aguirre

    The properties of neutron stars are studied in a composite model of the strong interaction. In the regime of low to medium baryonic densities a covariant hadronic model is adopted which includes an exclusive channel for the hyperon-hyperon interaction mediated by hidden strangeness mesons, which in turn couple to other mesons through polynomial vertices. The new coupling constants are subject to phenomenological constraints. The presence of free quarks in the core of the star is considered by using the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model supplemented with a vector interaction. The deconfinement process is described by a continuous coexistence of phases. Several structure parameters of neutron stars, such as mass-radius relation, moment of inertia, tidal deformability, and the propagation of nonradial f and g-modes within the relativistic Cowling approximation are studied. The predictions of the model are in good agreement with recent observational data, in particular the maximum inertial mass is greater than the observational lower limit of two solar masses.

  • Revealing a deep connection between factorization and saturation: New insight into modeling high-energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus scattering in the EPOS4 framework.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Klaus Werner

    It is known that multiple partonic scatterings in high-energy proton-proton ($pp$) collisions must happen in parallel. However, a rigorous parallel scattering formalism, taking energy sharing properly into account, fails to reproduce factorization, which on the other hand is the basis of almost all $pp$ event generators. In addition, binary scaling in nuclear scatterings is badly violated. These problems are usually ``solved'' by simply not considering strictly parallel scatterings, which is not a solution. I will report on new ideas (leading to EPOS4), which allow recovering perfectly factorization, and also binary scaling in $AA$ collisions, in a rigorous unbiased parallel scattering formalism. In this new approach, dynamical saturation scales play a crucial role, and this seems to be the missing piece needed to reconcile parallel scattering with factorization. From a practical point of view, one can compute within the EPOS4 framework parton distribution functions (EPOS PDFs) and use them to compute inclusive $pp$ cross sections. So, for the first time, one may compute inclusive jet production (for heavy or light flavors) at very high transverse momentum ($p_{t}$) and at the same time in the same formalism study flow effects at low $p_{t}$ in high-multiplicity $pp$ events, making EPOS4 a full-scale ``general purpose event generator''. I discuss applications, essentially multiplicity dependencies (of particle ratios, mean $p_{t}$, charm production) which are very strongly affected by the saturation issues discussed in this paper.

  • Cosmic ray transport in large-amplitude turbulence with small-scale field reversals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Philipp Kempski, Drummond B. Fielding, Eliot Quataert, Alisa K. Galishnikova, Matthew W. Kunz, Alexander A. Philippov, Bart Ripperda

    The nature of cosmic ray (CR) transport in the Milky Way remains elusive. The predictions of current micro-physical CR transport models in magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence are drastically different from what is observed. These models usually focus on MHD turbulence with a strong guide field and ignore the impact of turbulent intermittency on particle propagation. This motivates our studying the alternative regime of large-amplitude turbulence with $\delta B/B_0 \gg 1$, in which intermittent small-scale magnetic field reversals are ubiquitous. We study particle transport in such turbulence by integrating trajectories in stationary snapshots. To quantify spatial diffusion, we use a setup with continuous particle injection and escape, which we term the turbulent leaky box. We find that particle transport is very different from the strong-guide-field case. Low-energy particles are better confined than high-energy particles, despite less efficient pitch-angle isotropization at small energies. In the limit of weak guide field, energy-dependent confinement is driven by the energy-dependent (in)ability to follow reversing magnetic field lines exactly and by the scattering in regions of ``resonant curvature", where the field line bends on a scale that is of order the local particle gyro-radius. We derive a heuristic model of particle transport in magnetic folds that approximately reproduces the energy dependence of transport found numerically. We speculate that CR propagation in the Galaxy is regulated by the intermittent field reversals highlighted here and discuss the implications of our findings for CR transport in the Milky Way.

  • An Asymmetric Double-Degenerate Type Ia Supernova Explosion with a Surviving Companion Star.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthew R. Siebert, Ryan J. Foley, Yossef Zenati, Georgios Dimitriadis, Eva Schmidt, Grace Yang, Kyle W. Davis, Kirsty Taggart, César Rojas-Bravo

    We present nebular spectroscopy of SN 2020hvf, a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) with an early bump in its light curve. SN 2020hvf shares many spectroscopic and photometric similarities to the carbon-rich high-luminosity "03fg-like" SNe Ia. At $>$240 days after peak brightness, we detect unambiguous emission from [Ca II] $\lambda\lambda$7291, 7324 which is never observed in normal-SNe Ia and only seen in peculiar subclasses. SN 2020hvf displays "saw-tooth" emission profiles near 7300 A that cannot be explained with single symmetric velocity components of [Fe II], [Ni II], and [Ca II], indicating an asymmetric explosion. The broad [Ca II] emission is best modeled by two velocity components offset by 1,220 km s$^{-1}$, which could be caused by ejecta associated with each star in the progenitor system, separated by their orbital velocity. For the first time in a SN Ia, we identify narrow (${\rm FWHM} = 180\pm40$ km s$^{-1}$) [Ca II] emission, which we associate with a wind from a surviving, puffed-up companion star. Few published spectra have sufficient resolution and signal-to-noise ratio necessary to detect similar narrow [Ca II] emission, however, we have detected similar line profiles in other 03fg-like SNe Ia. The extremely narrow velocity width of [Ca II] has only otherwise been observed in SNe Iax at late times. Since this event likely had a double-degenerate "super-Chandrasekhar" mass progenitor system, we suggest that a single white dwarf (WD) was fully disrupted and a wind from a surviving companion WD is producing the observed narrow emission. It is unclear if this unique progenitor and explosion scenario can explain the diversity of 03fg-like SNe Ia, potentially indicating that multiple progenitor channels contribute to this subclass.

  • Proper Motions in the sub-kiloparsec Jet of 3C 78: Novel Constraints on the Physical Nature of Relativistic Jets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Agniva Roychowdhury, Eileen T. Meyer, Markos Georganopoulos, Kassidy Kollmann

    Jets from active galactic nuclei are thought to play a role in the evolution of their host and local environments, but a detailed prescription is limited by the understanding of the jets themselves. Proper motion studies of compact bright components in radio jets can be used to produce model-independent constraints on their Lorentz factor, necessary to understand the quantity of energy deposited in the inter-galactic medium. We present our initial work on the jet of radio-galaxy 3C~78, as part of CAgNVAS (Catalogue of proper motions in Active galactic Nuclei using Very Large Array Studies), with a goal of constraining nature of jet plasma on larger ($>100$ parsec) scales. In 3C~78 we find three prominent knots (A, B and C), where knot B undergoes subluminal longitudinal motion ($\sim0.6c$ at $\sim$ 200 pc), while knot C undergoes extreme (apparent) backward motion and eventual forward motion ($\sim-2.6c$, $0.5c$, at $\sim$ 300 pc). Assuming knots are shocks, we infer the bulk speeds from the pattern motion of Knots B and C. We model the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the large-scale jet and observe that a physically motivated two-zone model can explain most of the observed emission. We also find that the jet profile remains approximately conical from parsec to kiloparsec scales. Using the parsec-scale speed from VLBI studies ($\sim0.1c$) and the derived bulk speeds, we find that the jet undergoes bulk acceleration between the parsec and the kiloparsec scales providing the first direct evidence of jet acceleration in a conical and matter-dominated jet.

  • Waveform Modelling for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Niayesh Afshordi, Sarp Akçay, Pau Amaro Seoane, Andrea Antonelli, Josu C. Aurrekoetxea, Leor Barack, Enrico Barausse, Robert Benkel, Laura Bernard, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Emanuele Berti, Matteo Bonetti, Béatrice Bonga, Gabriele Bozzola, Richard Brito, Alessandra Buonanno, Alejandro Cárdenas-Avendaño, Marc Casals, David F. Chernoff, Alvin J. K. Chua, Katy Clough, Marta Colleoni, Mekhi Dhesi, Adrien Druart, Leanne Durkan, Guillaume Faye, Deborah Ferguson, Scott E. Field, William E. Gabella, Juan García-Bellido, Miguel Gracia-Linares, Davide Gerosa, Stephen R. Green, Maria Haney, Mark Hannam, Anna Heffernan, Tanja Hinderer, Thomas Helfer, Scott A. Hughes, Sascha Husa, Soichiro Isoyama, Michael L. Katz, Chris Kavanagh, Gaurav Khanna, et al. (101 additional authors not shown)

    LISA, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, will usher in a new era in gravitational-wave astronomy. As the first anticipated space-based gravitational-wave detector, it will expand our view to the millihertz gravitational-wave sky, where a spectacular variety of interesting new sources abound: from millions of ultra-compact binaries in our Galaxy, to mergers of massive black holes at cosmological distances; from the beginnings of inspirals that will venture into the ground-based detectors' view to the death spiral of compact objects into massive black holes, and many sources in between. Central to realising LISA's discovery potential are waveform models, the theoretical and phenomenological predictions of the pattern of gravitational waves that these sources emit. This white paper is presented on behalf of the Waveform Working Group for the LISA Consortium. It provides a review of the current state of waveform models for LISA sources, and describes the significant challenges that must yet be overcome.

  • The RATT PARROT: serendipitous discovery of a peculiarly scintillating pulsar in MeerKAT imaging observations of the Great Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction of 2020. I. Dynamic imaging and data analysis.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    O. M. Smirnov, B. W. Stappers, C. Tasse, H. L. Bester, H. Bignall, M. A. Walker, M. Caleb, K. M. Rajwade, S. Buchner, P. Woudt, M. Ivchenko, L. Roth, J. E. Noordam, F. Camilo

    We report on a radiopolarimetric observation of the Saturn-Jupiter Great Conjunction of 2020 using the MeerKAT L-band system, initially carried out for science verification purposes, which yielded a serendipitous discovery of a pulsar. The radiation belts of Jupiter are very bright and time variable: coupled with the sensitivity of MeerKAT, this necessitated development of dynamic imaging techniques, reported on in this work. We present a deep radio "movie" revealing Jupiter's rotating magnetosphere, a radio detection of Callisto, and numerous background radio galaxies. We also detect a bright radio transient in close vicinity to Saturn, lasting approximately 45 minutes. Follow-up deep imaging observations confirmed this as a faint compact variable radio source, and yielded detections of pulsed emission by the commensal MeerTRAP search engine, establishing the object's nature as a radio emitting neutron star, designated PSR J2009-2026. A further observation combining deep imaging with the PTUSE pulsar backend measured detailed dynamic spectra for the object. While qualitatively consistent with scintillation, the magnitude of the magnification events and the characteristic timescales are odd. We are tentatively designating this object a pulsar with anomalous refraction recurring on odd timescales (PARROT). As part of this investigation, we present a pipeline for detection of variable sources in imaging data, with dynamic spectra and lightcurves as the products, and compare dynamic spectra obtained from visibility data with those yielded by PTUSE. We discuss MeerKAT's capabilities and prospects for detecting more of such transients and variables.


  • Dynamics in Star-forming Cores (DiSCo): Project Overview and the First Look toward the B1 and NGC 1333 Regions in Perseus.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Che-Yu Chen, Rachel Friesen, Jialu Li, Anika Schmiedeke, David Frayer, Zhi-Yun Li, John Tobin, Leslie W. Looney, Stella Offner, Lee G. Mundy, Andrew I. Harris, Sarah Church, Eve C. Ostriker, Jaime E. Pineda, Tien-Hao Hsieh, Ka Ho Lam

    The internal velocity structure within dense gaseous cores plays a crucial role in providing the initial conditions for star formation in molecular clouds. However, the kinematic properties of dense gas at core scales (~0.01 - 0.1 pc) has not been extensively characterized because of instrument limitations until the unique capabilities of GBT-Argus became available. The ongoing GBT-Argus Large Program, Dynamics in Star-forming Cores (DiSCo) thus aims to investigate the origin and distribution of angular momenta of star-forming cores. DiSCo will survey all starless cores and Class 0 protostellar cores in the Perseus molecular complex down to ~0.01 pc scales with < 0.05 km/s velocity resolution using the dense gas tracer N$_2$H$^+$. Here, we present the first datasets from DiSCo toward the B1 and NGC 1333 regions in Perseus. Our results suggest that a dense core's internal velocity structure has little correlation with other core-scale properties, indicating these gas motions may be originated externally from cloud-scale turbulence. These first datasets also reaffirm the ability of GBT-Argus for studying dense core velocity structure and provided an empirical basis for future studies that address the angular momentum problem with a statistically broad sample.

  • Stellar Flares Are Far-Ultraviolet Luminous.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vera L. Berger, Jason T. Hinkle, Michael A. Tucker, Benjamin J. Shappee, Jennifer L. van Saders, Daniel Huber, Jeffrey W. Reep, Xudong Sun, Kai E. Yang

    We identify 182 flares on 158 stars within 100 pc of the Sun in both the near-ultraviolet (NUV: 1750-2750 \r{A}) and far-ultraviolet (FUV: 1350-1750 \r{A}) using high-cadence light curves from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). Ultraviolet (UV) emission from stellar flares plays a crucial role in determining the habitability of exoplanetary systems. However, whether such UV emission promotes or threatens such life depends strongly on the energetics of these flares. Most studies assessing the effect of flares on planetary habitability assume a 9000 K blackbody spectral energy distribution that produces more NUV flux than FUV flux ($R \equiv F_{\rm FUV} / F_{\rm NUV} \approx \frac{1}{6}$). Instead, we observe the opposite with the excess FUV reaching $R \approx \frac{1}{2} - 2$, roughly $3-12$ times the expectation of a 9000 K blackbody. The ratio of FUV to NUV time-integrated flare energies is 3.0 times higher on average than would be predicted by a constant 9000 K blackbody during the flare. Finally, we find that the FUV/NUV ratio at peak tentatively correlates ($\sim 2 \sigma$ significance) both with total UV flare energy and with the G - RP color of the host star. On average, we observe higher FUV/NUV ratios at peak in $E_{\text{UV}}>10^{32}$ erg flares and in flares on fully convective stars.

  • Swarming in stellar streams: Unveiling the structure of the Jhelum stream with ant colony-inspired computation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Petra Awad, Marco Canducci, Eduardo Balbinot, Akshara Viswanathan, Hanneke C. Woudenberg, Orlin Koop, Reynier Peletier, Peter Tino, Else Starkenburg, Rory Smith, Kerstin Bunte

    The halo of the Milky Way galaxy hosts multiple dynamically coherent substructures known as stellar streams that are remnants of tidally disrupted systems such as globular clusters (GCs) and dwarf galaxies (DGs). A particular case is that of the Jhelum stream, which is known for its complex morphology. Using the available data from Gaia DR3, we extracted a region on the sky that contains Jhelum. We then applied the novel Locally Aligned Ant Technique (LAAT) on the position and proper motion space of stars belonging to the selected region to highlight the stars that are closely aligned with a local manifold in the data and the stars belonging to regions of high local density. We find that the overdensity representing the stream in proper motion space is composed of two components, and show the correspondence of these two signals to the previously reported narrow and broad spatial components of Jhelum. We made use of the radial velocity measurements provided by the $S^5$ survey to confirm, for the first time, a separation between the two components in radial velocity. We show that the narrow and broad components have velocity dispersions of $4.84^{+1.23}_{-0.79}$~km/s and $19.49^{+2.19}_{-1.84}$~km/s, and metallicity dispersions of $0.15^{+0.18}_{-0.10}$ and $0.34^{+0.13}_{-0.09}$, respectively. These measurements, and the difference in component widths, could be explained with a scenario where Jhelum is the remnant of a GC embedded within a DG that were accreted onto the Milky Way during their infall. Although the properties of Jhelum can be explained with this merger scenario, other progenitors of the narrow component remain possible such as a nuclear star cluster or a DG. To rule these possibilities out, we would need more observational data of member stars of the stream. Our analysis highlights the importance of the internal structure of streams with regards to their formation history.

  • The history and mass content of cluster galaxies in the EAGLE simulation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cristóbal Sifón, Jiaxin Han

    We explore the mass content of galaxies residing in galaxy clusters at z=0 in the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation as well as the galaxies' mass build-up through cosmic time. We use a galaxy catalogue generated with the HBT+ algorithm, which identifies subhaloes consistently over time by tracking their dynamical evolution throughout the simulation. The satellite subhalo-to-stellar mass relation (SHSMR) is well described by a double power-law. At stellar masses $9<\log m_\star/\mathrm{M}_\odot<10$, satellites have 20-25% the subhalo mass of central galaxies at fixed stellar mass. At high stellar masses the satellite SHSMR is consistent with that of centrals. The satellite SHSMR decreases steeply for satellites closer to the cluster centre, even in projection, broadly consistent with recent weak lensing measurements. The scatter in the satellite SHSMR is larger than that of central galaxies at all cluster masses and cluster-centric distances $R<R_\mathrm{200m}$. The SHSMR scatter decreases with stellar mass by about 12% over an order of magnitude, but this dependence can be explained by the mixing of infall times. There is significant dark matter preprocessing; the most recent infallers into massive clusters had already lost up to 50% of their dark matter by the time of infall, particularly if they fell in indirectly as satellites of another host. On the contrary, on average satellite galaxies are still gaining stellar mass at the time of infall and they do so for another 2 Gyr afterwards, although we see evidence of a slowing growth for indirect infallers. Overall, pre- and post-processing each have similar impacts on the satellite SHSMR. Finally, we provide a simple prescription to infer the mean mass loss experienced by satellites as a function of cluster-centric distance based on a comparison to central galaxies, convenient for observational weak lensing measurements. [abridged]

  • Searching for WIMPs with TREX-DM: achievements and challenges.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Juan F. Castel, Susana Cebrián, Theopisti Dafni, David Díez-Ibáñez, Álvaro Ezquerro, Javier Galán, Juan Antonio García, Igor G. Irastorza, María Jiménez, Gloria Luzón, Cristina Margalejo, Ángel de Mira, Hector Mirallas, Luis Obis, Alfonso Ortiz de Solórzano, Oscar Pérez, Jaime Ruz, Julia Vogel

    The TREX-DM detector, a low background chamber with microbulk Micromegas readout, was commissioned in the underground laboratory of Canfranc (LSC) in 2018. Since then, data taking campaigns have been carried out with Argon and Neon mixtures, at different pressures from 1 to 4 bar. By achieving a low energy threshold of 1 keV$_{ee}$ and a background level of 80 counts keV$^{-1}$ Kg$^{-1}$ day$^{-1}$ in the region from 1 to 7 keV$_{ee}$, the experiment demonstrates its potential to search for low-mass WIMPs. Two of the most important challenges currently faced are the reduction of both, background level and energy threshold. With respect to the energy threshold, recently a new readout plane is being developed, based on the combination of Micromegas and GEM technologies, aiming to have a pre-amplification stage that would permit very low energy thresholds, close to the single-electron ionization energy. With respect to the background reduction, apart from studies to identify and minimize contamination population, a high sensitivity alpha detector is being developed in order to allow a proper material selection for the TREX-DM detector components. Both challenges, together with the optimization of the gas mixture used as target for the WIMP detection, will take TREX-DM to explore regions of WIMP's mass below 1 GeV c$^{-2}$.

  • Disentangling Multiple Emitting Components in Molecular Observations with Non-negative Matrix Factorization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Damien de Mijolla, Jonathan Holdship, Serena Viti, Johannes Heyl

    Molecular emission from the galactic and extragalactic interstellar medium (ISM) is often used to determine the physical conditions of the dense gas. However, even from spatially resolved regions, the observed molecules are not necessarily arising from a single component. Disentangling multiple gas components is often a degenerate problem in radiative transfer studies. In this paper we investigate the use of the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) approach as a means to recover gas components from a set of blended line intensity maps of molecular transitions which may trace different physical conditions. We run a series of experiments on synthetic datasets designed to replicate conditions in two very different environments: galactic pre-stellar cores and the ISM in high redshift galaxies. We find that the NMF algorithm often recovers the multiple components resembling those used in the data-generating process, provided that the different components have similar column densities. When NMF fails to recover all the individual components it does however group together the most similarly emitting ones. We further found that initialisation and regularisation are key factors in the efficiency of the NMF algorithm.

  • On the evolutionary nature of puffed-up stripped star binaries and their occurrence in stellar populations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Debasish Dutta, Jakub Klencki

    The majority of massive stars are formed in multiple systems and will interact with companions via mass transfer. This interaction typically leads to the primary shedding its envelope and the formation of a "stripped star". Classically, stripped stars are expected to quickly contract to become hot UV-bright helium stars. Surprisingly, recent optical surveys have unveiled a large number of stripped stars that are larger and cooler, appearing "puffed-up" and overlapping with the Main Sequence (MS). Here, we study the evolutionary nature and lifetimes of puffed-up stripped (PS) stars using stellar-evolution code MESA. We computed grids of binary models at four metallicities from Z = 0.017 to 0.0017. Contrary to previous assumptions, we find that stripped stars regain thermal equilibrium shortly after the end of mass transfer. Their further contraction is determined by the rate at which the residual H-rich envelope is depleted, with the main agents being H-shell burning (dominant) and mass-loss in winds. The duration of the PS star phase is 1$\%$ of the total lifetime and up to 100 times more than thermal timescale. We explored several relevant factors: orbital period, mass ratio, winds, and semiconvection. We carried out a simple population estimation, finding that $\sim$0.5-0.7 $\%$ of all the stars with $\log (L/L_{\rm \odot}$) $>$ 3.7 are PS stars. Our results indicate that tens to hundred of PS stars may be hiding in the MS population, disguised as normal stars: $\sim$100 in the Small Magellanic Cloud alone. Their true nature may be revealed by low surface gravities, high N enrichment, and likely slow rotations

  • High-resolution spectroscopic study of extremely metal-poor stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud.- [PDF] - [Article]

    W. S. Oh, T. Nordlander, G. S. Da Costa, M. S. Bessell, A. D. Mackey

    We present detailed abundance results based on UVES high dispersion spectra for 7 very and extremely metal-poor stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We confirm that all 7 stars, two of which have [Fe/H] $\leq$ --3.0, are the most metal-poor stars discovered so far in the Magellanic Clouds. The element abundance ratios are generally consistent with Milky Way halo stars of similar [Fe/H] values. We find that 2 of the more metal-rich stars in our sample are enhanced in r-process elements. This result is in contrast with Reggiani et al. (2021), where all nine metal-poor LMC stars, which have higher [Fe/H] values than our sample, were found to be r-process element rich. The absence of r-process enrichment in stars with lower [Fe/H] values is consistent with a minimum delay timescale of $\sim$100 Myr for the neutron star binary merger process to generate substantial r-process enhancements in the LMC. We find that the occurrence rate of r-process enhancement (r-I or r-II) in our sample of very and extremely metal-poor stars is statistically indistinguishable from that found in the Milky Way's halo, although including stars from the Reggiani et al (2021) sample hints at a larger r-II frequency the LMC. Overall, our results shed light on the earliest epochs of star formation in the LMC that may be applicable to other galaxies of LMC-like mass.

  • Calibration of metallicity of LAMOST M dwarf stars Using FGK+M wide binaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dan Qiu, Jiadong Li, Bo Zhang, Chao Liu, Haijun Tian, Zexi Niu

    Estimating precise metallicity of M dwarfs is a well-known difficult problem due to their complex spectra. In this work, we empirically calibrate the metallicity using wide binaries with a F, G, or K dwarf and a M dwarf companion. With 1308 FGK+M wide binaries well observed by LAMOST, we calibrated M dwarf's [Fe/H] by using the Stellar LAbel Machine (SLAM) model, a data-driven method based on support vector regression (SVR). The [Fe/H] labels of the training data are from FGK companions in range of [-1,0.5] dex. The Teffs are selected from Li et al. (2021), spanning [3100,4400] K. The uncertainties in SLAM estimates of [Fe/H] and Teff are ~0.15 dex and ~40 K, respectively, at snri > 100, where snri is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at i-band of M dwarf spectra. We applied the trained SLAM model to determine the [Fe/H] and Teff for ~630,000 M dwarfs with low-resolution spectra in LAMOST DR9. Compared to other literature also using FGK+M wide binaries for calibration, our [Fe/H] estimates show no bias but a scatter of ~ 0.14-0.18 dex. However, the [Fe/H] compared to APOGEE shows a systematic difference of ~ 0.10-0.15 dex with a scatter of ~ 0.15-0.20 dex. While the Teff compared to APOGEE has a bias of 3 K with a scatter of 62 K, it is systematically higher by 180 K compared to other calibrations based on the bolometric temperature. Finally, we calculated the zeta index for 1308 M dwarf secondaries and presents a moderate correlation between zeta and [Fe/H].

  • Deep Chandra observations of Abell 2495: a possible sloshing-regulated feedback cycle in a triple-offset galaxy cluster.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luca Rosignoli, Francesco Ubertosi, Myriam Gitti, Fabrizio Brighenti, Thomas Pasini, Ewan O'Sullivan, Fabio Gastaldello, Massimo Gaspari, Pasquale Temi

    We present the analysis of new, deep $Chandra$ observations (130~ks) of the galaxy cluster Abell~2495. This object is known for the presence of a triple offset between the peaks of the intracluster medium (ICM), the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), and the warm gas glowing in H$\alpha$ line. The new $Chandra$ data confirm that the X-ray emission peak is located at a distance of $\sim$6.2 kpc from the BCG, and at $\sim$3.9 kpc from the H$\alpha$ emission peak. Moreover, we identify two generations of X-ray cavities in the ICM, likely inflated by the central radio galaxy activity. Through a detailed morphological and spectral analysis we determine that the power of the AGN outbursts ($P_{cav} = 4.7\pm1.3\times10^{43}$~erg~s$^{-1}$) is enough to counterbalance the radiative losses from ICM cooling ($L_{cool} = 5.7\pm0.1\times10^{43}$~erg~s$^{-1}$). This indicates that, despite a fragmented cooling core, Abell~2495 still harbors an effective feedback cycle. We argue that the offsets are most likely caused by sloshing of the ICM, supported by the presence of spiral structures and a probable cold front in the gas at $\sim$58 kpc east of the center. Ultimately, we find that the outburst interval between the two generations of X-ray cavities is of the order of the dynamical sloshing timescale, as already hinted from the previous $Chandra$ snapshot. We thus speculate that sloshing may be able to regulate the timescales of AGN feedback in Abell~2495, by periodically fuelling the central AGN.

  • Discovery of optical emission from the supernova remnant G108.2-0.6 and its atomic environment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gunay Payli, Hicran Bakis, Ebru Aktekin, Hidetoshi Sano, Aytap Sezer

    We report the first detection of optical emission from the shell-type Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G108.2$-$0.6. We obtained H$\alpha$ images and long-slit spectra using the 1.5-m RTT150 telescope to examine the morphological and spectral characteristics of the SNR. We detected several filaments along its north and south regions, which is consistent with its SNR nature. The spectra exhibit [SII]/H$\alpha$ ratios in the range of 0.4$-$1.1, indicating emission from shock-heated gas. The oxygen doublet emission lines [OI]$\lambda$6300, $\lambda$6363 detected in the south region also support the indicator of the presence of shocks. We estimate the electron density using the [SII] 6716/6731 ratio ranging from 15 to 1800 cm$^{-3}$. The spectra show a relatively low shock velocity of $V_{\rm s}$ $\sim$ 80 km s$^{-1}$ with the pre-shock cloud density of $n_{\rm c}$ $\sim$18$-$57 cm$^{-3}$. The H$\alpha$/H$\beta$ ratios show significant variation across the observed regions with extinction $E(B-V)$ ranging from 0.22 to 1.65. We also analyzed the archival HI data and estimated the kinematic distance to the SNR of $\sim$0.8 kpc and dynamical age as $\sim$70$\pm$10 kyr of G108.2$-$0.6.

  • The Frequency and Sizes of Inner Bars and Nuclear Rings in Barred Galaxies and Their Dependence on Galaxy Properties.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Peter Erwin

    Using a volume- and mass-limited (D < 30 Mpc, log (M_star/M_sun) $\geq 9.75$) sample of 155 barred S0-Sd galaxies, I determine the fraction with secondary structures within their bars. Some 20 +/- 3% have a separate inner bar, making them double-barred; an identical fraction have nuclear rings, with 11^{+3}_{-2}% hosting both. The inner-bar frequency is a strong, monotonic function of stellar mass: only 4^{+3}_{-2}% of barred galaxies with log (M_star/M_sun) = 9.75-10.25 are double-barred, while 47 +/- 8% of those with log (M_star/M_sun) > 10.5 are. The nuclear-ring frequency is a strong function of absolute bar size: only 1^{+2}_{-1}% of bars with semi-major axes < 2 kpc have nuclear rings, while 39^{+6}_{-5}% of larger bars do. Both inner bars and nuclear rings are absent in very late-type (Scd--Sd) galaxies. Inner bar size correlates with galaxy stellar mass, but is clearly offset to smaller sizes from the main population of bars. This makes it possible to define "nuclear bars" in a consistent fashion, based on stellar mass. There are eight single-barred galaxies where the bars are nuclear-bar-sized; some of these may be systems where an outer bar failed to form, or previously double-barred galaxies where the outer bar has dissolved. Inner bar size is even more tightly correlated with host bar size, which is likely the primary driver. In contrast, nuclear ring size is only weakly correlated with galaxy mass or bar size, with more scatter in size than is true of inner bars.

  • Shedding light on the ejection history of molecular outflows: Multiple velocity modes and precession.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Veronica Lora, Thomas Nony, Alejandro Esquivel, Roberto Galván-Madrid

    Variable accretion has been well studied in evolved stages of low-mass stars formation. However, the accretion history in the initial phases of star formation is still a seldom studied topic. The outflows and jets emerging from protostellar objects could shed some light onto their accretion history. We consider the recently studied case of W43-MM1, a protocluster containing 46 outflows driven by 27 protostellar cores. The outflow kinematics of the individual cores and associated knots in W43-MM1 indicate episodic protostellar ejection. We took the observed parameters of an individual core system (core #8) and performed 3D hydrodynamic simulations of such system including episodic changes in the velocity of the outflow. The simulations consist of a collimated jet emerging from a core taking into account one- and two-velocity modes in the variation of the ejection velocity of the jet. In addition, we investigated the effect of including the precession of the jet to the one- and two-velocity mode models. From the simulations, we constructed position-velocity diagrams and compared them with the observations. We find that including a second mode in the ejection velocity, as well as the precession, are required to explain the positions of the outflow knots and other position-velocity features observed in the outflow of core #8 in W43-MM1.

  • Statistics of Energy in Isothermal Supersonic Turbulence.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Branislav Rabatin, David C. Collins

    Turbulence is a key process in many astrophysical systems. In this work we explore the statistics of thermal and kinetic energy of isothermal, supersonic, turbulent gas. We develop analytic formulas for the PDF of thermal and kinetic energies and their joint PDF. We compare these analytical models with a suite of simulations with a fixed resolution of $1024^3$ cells across 4 different Mach numbers (1, 2, 4, 8) and three different driving patterns (compressive, mixed, solenoidal). We discover an interesting jump discontinuity in the thermal energy PDF, which carries onto the joint PDF.

  • MIGHTEE Polarization Early Science Fields: The Deep Polarized Sky.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. R. Taylor, S. Sekhar, L. Heino, A. M. M. Scaife, J. Stil, M. Bowles, M. Jarvis, I. Heywood, J. D. Collier

    The MeerKAT International GigaHertz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) is one of the MeerKAT large survey projects, designed to pathfind SKA key science. MIGHTEE is undertaking deep radio imaging of four well observed fields (COSMOS, XMM-LSS, ELAIS S1 and CDFS) totaling 20 square degrees to $\mu$Jy sensitivities. Broadband imaging observations between 880--1690 MHz yield total intensity continuum, spectro-polarimetry, and atomic hydrogen spectral imaging. Early science data from MIGHTEE are being released from initial observations of COSMOS and XMM-LSS. This paper describes the spectro-polarimetric observations, the polarization data processing of the MIGHTEE early science fields, and presents polarization data images and catalogues. The catalogues include radio spectral index, redshift information and Faraday rotation measure synthesis results for 13,271 total intensity radio sources down to a polarized intensity detection limit of $\sim$20 $\mu$Jy\,bm$^{-1}$. Polarized signals were detected from 324 sources. For the polarized detections we include a catalogue of Faraday Depth from both Faraday Synthesis and $Q$, $U$ fitting, as well as total intensity and polarization spectral indices. The distribution of redshift of the total radio sources and detected polarized sources are the same, with median redshifts of 0.86 and 0.82 respectively. Depolarization of the emission at longer-wavelengths is seen to increase with decreasing total-intensity spectral index, implying that depolarisation is intrinsic to the radio sources. No evidence is seen for a redshift dependence of the variance of Faraday Depth.

  • Astrometric Microlensing by Primordial Black Holes with The Roman Space Telescope.- [PDF] - [Article]

    James Fardeen, Peter McGill, Scott E. Perkins, William A. Dawson, Natasha S. Abrams, Jessica R. Lu, Ming-Feng Ho, Simeon Bird

    Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) could explain some fraction of dark matter and shed light on many areas of early-universe physics. Despite over half a century of research interest, a PBH population has so far eluded detection. The most competitive constraints on the fraction of dark matter comprised of PBHs ($f_{\rm DM}$) in the $(10^{-9}-10)M_{\odot}$ mass-ranges come from photometric microlensing and bound $f_{\rm DM}\lesssim10^{-2}-10^{-1}$. With the advent of the Roman Space Telescope with its sub-milliarcsecond (mas) astrometric capabilities and its planned Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey (GBTDS), detecting astrometric microlensing signatures will become routine. Compared with photometric microlensing, astrometric microlensing signals are sensitive to different lens masses-distance configurations and contains different information, making it a complimentary lensing probe. At sub-mas astrometric precision, astrometric microlensing signals are typically detectable at larger lens-source separations than photometric signals, suggesting a microlensing detection channel of pure astrometric events. We use a Galactic simulation to predict the number of detectable microlensing events during the GBTDS via this pure astrometric microlensing channel. We find that the number of detectable events peaks at $\approx 10^{3} f_{\rm DM}$ for a population of $ 1 M_{\odot}$ PBHs and tapers to $\approx 10f_{\rm DM}$ and $\approx 100f_{\rm DM}$ at $10^{-4}M_{\odot}$ and $10^{3}M_{\odot}$, respectively. Accounting for the distinguishability of PBHs from Stellar lenses, we conclude the GBTDS will be sensitive and PBH population at $f_{\rm DM}$ down to $\approx10^{-1}-10^{-3}$ for $(10^{-1}-10^{2})M_{\odot}$ likely yielding novel PBH constraints.

  • The Emergence of Brightest Cluster Galaxy in a Protocluster Core at $z=2.24$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dongdong Shi, Xin Wang, XianZhong Zheng, 3), Zheng Cai, Xiaohui Fan, Fuyan Bian, Harry I. Teplitz, (2) UCAS/NAOC/BNU (3) USTC, (4) Tsinghua University, (5) Steward Observatory, (6) ESO, (7) Caltech)

    We report the detection of a pair of massive quiescent galaxies likely in the process of merging at the center of the spectroscopically confirmed, extremely massive protocluster BOSS1244 at $z=2.24\pm0.02$. These galaxies, BOSS1244-QG1 and BOSS1244-QG2, were detected with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) grism slitless spectroscopic observations. These two quiescent galaxies are among the brightest member galaxies with $z=2.223-2.255$ in BOSS1244 and reside at redshifts $z=2.244$ and $z=2.242$, with a half-light radius of $6.76\pm0.50$ and $2.72\pm0.16$ kpc, respectively. BOSS1244-QG1 and BOSS1244-QG2 are separated by a projected distance of about 70 physical kpc, implying that the two galaxies likely merge to form a massive brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) with size and mass similar to the most massive BCGs in the local Universe. We thus infer that BCG formation through dry major mergers may happen earlier than the full assembly of a cluster core, which broadens our previous understanding of the co-evolution of mature galaxy clusters and BCGs in the nearby Universe. Moreover, we find a strong density-star formation relation over a scale of $\sim18$ co-moving Mpc in BOSS1244, i.e. star formation activity decreases as density increases, implying that the quenching of star formation in BCGs and their progenitors is likely governed by environment-related processes before the virialization of the cluster core.

  • PopSED: Population-Level Inference for Galaxy Properties from Broadband Photometry with Neural Density Estimation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiaxuan Li, Peter Melchior, ChangHoon Hahn, Song Huang

    We present PopSED, a framework for the population-level inference of galaxy properties from photometric data. Unlike the traditional approach of first analyzing individual galaxies and then combining the results to determine the physical properties of the entire galaxy population, we directly make the population distribution the inference objective. We train normalizing flows to approximate the population distribution by minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the synthetic photometry of the galaxy population and the observed data. We validate our method using mock observations and apply it to galaxies from the GAMA survey. PopSED reliably recovers the redshift and stellar mass distribution of $10^{5}$ galaxies using broadband photometry within $<1$ GPU hr, being $10^{5-6}$ times faster than the traditional spectral energy distribution modeling method. From the population posterior, we also recover the star-forming main sequence for GAMA galaxies at $z<0.1$. With the unprecedented number of galaxies in upcoming surveys, our method offers an efficient tool for studying galaxy evolution and deriving redshift distributions for cosmological analyses.

  • MAGIC: Muse gAlaxy Groups In Cosmos -- A survey to probe the impact of environment on galaxy evolution over the last 8 Gyr.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    B. Epinat, T. Contini, W. Mercier, L. Ciesla, B.C. Lemaux, S.D. Johnson, J. Richard, J. Brinchmann, L.A. Boogaard, D. Carton, L. Michel-Dansac, R. Bacon, D. Krajnovic, H. Finley, I. Schroetter, E. Ventou, V. Abril-Melgarejo, A. Boselli, N.F. Bouché, W. Kollatschny, K. Kovac, M. Paalvast, G. Soucail, T. Urrutia, P.M. Weilbacher

    We introduce the MUSE gAlaxy Groups in COSMOS (MAGIC) survey, which was built to study the impact of environment on galaxy evolution over the last 8 Gyr. It consists of 17 MUSE fields targeting 14 massive structures at intermediate redshift ($0.3<z<0.8$) in the COSMOS area. We securely measured the redshifts for 1419 sources and identified 76 galaxy pairs and 67 groups of at least 3 members using a friends-of-friends algorithm. The environment of galaxies is quantified from group properties, as well as from global and local density estimators. The MAGIC survey has increased the number of objects with a secure spectroscopic redshift over its footprint by a factor of about 5. Most of the new redshifts have apparent magnitudes in the $z^{++}$ band $z_{app}^{++}>21.5$. The spectroscopic redshift completeness is high: in the redshift range of [OII] emitters ($0.25 \le z < 1.5$), where most of the groups are found, it globally reaches a maximum of 80% down to $z_{app}^{++}=25.9$, and locally decreases from $\sim 100$% to $\sim50$% in magnitude bins from $z_{app}^{++}=23-24$ to $z_{app}^{++}=25.5$. We find that the fraction of quiescent galaxies increases with local density and with the time spent in groups. A morphological dichotomy is also found between bulge-dominated quiescent and disk-dominated star-forming galaxies. As environment gets denser, the peak of the stellar mass distribution shifts towards $M_*>10^{10}~M_\odot$, and the fraction of galaxies with $M_*<10^9~M_\odot$ decreases significantly, even for star-forming galaxies. We also highlight peculiar features such as close groups, extended nebulae, and a gravitational arc. Our results suggest that galaxies are preprocessed in groups of increasing mass before entering rich groups and clusters. We publicly release two catalogs containing the properties of galaxies and groups, respectively.

  • The He abundance in NGC 1850 A and B: are we observing the early stage of formation of multiple populations in a stellar cluster?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. Carini, A. Sollima, E. Brocato, K. Biazzo

    We present the result of a sample of B-stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud young double stellar cluster NGC 1850 A and NGC 1850 B, observed with the integral-field spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope, the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer. We compare the observed equivalent widths (EWs) of four He lines (4922 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$, 5015 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$, 6678 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$, and 7065 $\mathring{\mathrm A}$) with the ones determined from synthetic spectra computed with different He mass fraction (Y=0.25, 0.27, 0.30 and 0.35) with the code SYNSPEC, that takes into account the non-LTE effect. From this comparison, we determined the He mass fraction of the B stars, finding a not homogeneous distribution. The stars can be divided in three groups, He-weak (Y $\lt$ 0.24) and the He-normal (0.24 $\leqslant$ Y $\leqslant$ 0.26) belonging to the MS of NGC 1850 A, and the He-rich stars (0.33 $\leqslant$ Y $\leqslant$ 0.38) situated in the MS associated to NGC 1850 B. We have analyzed the stellar rotation as possible responsible of the anomalous features of the He lines in the He-rich stars. We provide a simple analysis of the differences between the observed EWs and the ones obtained from the theoretical models with different rotation velocity (V$\sin{i}$ = 0 and 250 Km/s). The resolution of the MUSE spectra do not allow to get a conclusive result, however our analysis support the He-enhanced hypothesis.


  • TEMPLATES: A Robust Outlier Rejection Method for JWST/NIRSpec Integral Field Spectroscopy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Taylor A. Hutchison, Brian D. Welch, Jane R. Rigby, Grace M. Olivier, Jack E. Birkin, Kedar A. Phadke, Gourav Khullar, Bernard J. Rauscher, Keren Sharon, Manuel Aravena, Matthew B. Bayliss, Lauren A. Elicker, Seonwoo Kim, Manuel Solimano, Joaquin D. Vieira, David Vizgan

    We describe a custom outlier rejection algorithm for JWST/NIRSpec integral field spectroscopy. This method uses a layered sigma clipping approach that adapts clipping thresholds based upon the spatial profile of the science target. We find that this algorithm produces a robust outlier rejection while simultaneously preserving the signal of the science target. Originally developed as a response to unsatisfactory initial performance of the jwst pipeline outlier detection step, this method works either as a standalone solution, or as a supplement to the current pipeline software. Comparing leftover (i.e., not flagged) artifacts with the current pipeline's outlier detection step, we find that our method results in one fifth as many residual artifacts as the jwst pipeline. However, we find a combination of both methods removes nearly all artifacts -- an approach that takes advantage of both our algorithm's robust outlier rejection and the pipeline's use of individual dithers. This combined approach is what the TEMPLATES Early Release Science team has converged upon for our NIRSpec observations. Finally, we publicly release the code and Jupyter notebooks for the custom outlier rejection algorithm.

  • Long term variability of light-pollution in Bisei Town.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ryosuke Itoh, Syota Maeno

    Bisei town, located in the west part of Japan, is known as a place where the local community protects its beautiful night sky from light pollution through its unique ordinances and the efforts of the local residents. It is also important to monitor in the quantity and quality of light pollution for precise measurement of astronomical observations. The fluorescent lamps in the city were gradually replaced with light emitting diode (LED) lamps. In order to investigate how much light pollution is affecting astronomical observation, we analyzed the archival photometric and spectroscopic data taken by the 101cm telescope that has been installed at Bisei Astronomical Observatory (BAO) since 2006. As a result, we found that there is no significant variability in sky brightness in optical bands, but from spectroscopic observation, we observed a blue humps around 4500 \AA originating from LED lights from 2017 to 2023. The brightness of light pollution observed at BAO is not varied but the origin of light has gradually changed from fluorescent lamps to LED lamps.

  • Directional detection of keV proton and carbon recoils with MIMAC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Beaufort, O. Guillaudin, D. Santos, N. Sauzet, E. Mobio, R. Babut, C. Tao

    Directional detection is the dedicated strategy to demonstrate that DM-like signals measured by direct detectors are indeed produced by DM particles from the galactic halo. The experimental challenge of measuring the direction of DM-induced nuclear recoils with (sub-)millimeter tracks has limited, so far, the maximal directional reach to DM masses around $100~\rm{GeV}$. In this paper, we expose the MIMAC detector to three different neutron fields and we develop a method to reconstruct the direction of the neutron-induced nuclear recoils. We measure an angular resolution better than $16^\circ$ for proton recoils down to a kinetic energy of $4~\rm{keV}$ and for carbon recoils down to a kinetic energy of $5.5~\rm{keV}$. For the first time, a detector achieves the directional measurement of proton and carbon recoils with kinetic energies in the keV range without any restriction on the direction of the incoming particle. This work demonstrates that directional detection is around the corner for probing DM with masses down to $\mathcal{O}(1~\rm{GeV})$.

  • The development of bias current source for time-division superconducting quantum interference device multiplexer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. Li, G. Liao, D. Yan, Y. Xu, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, S. Yuan, Y. Zhang, H. Gao, Y. Li, Y. Gu, C. Liu, H. Li, Z. Li, X. Ren

    Transition-edge sensors (TESs) are useful devices for detecting photons from sub-millimeter radiation to gamma rays, which is typically operate at a current bias point. The problem of large-scale array applications of TES is the low-temperature multiplexed readout based on superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The most mature technology currently is the time-division multiplexing SQUID (TDM). To provide TDM with appropriate current bias, we design a Configurable Ultra-Low Noise Current Source (CLCS), which is based on the feedback structure of ultra-low noise instrumentation amplifiers and low-noise, high-resolution (20 bits) digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The high-impedance output of the CLCS avoids the issue of impedance mismatch. CLCS has an ultra-high resolution of 10 nA in the $0$ to 5 mA current output range. To test the performance of the CLCS, we use three TESs, which have different structure, to conduct I-V testing, and then compare the results with the commercial power supply module SIM928. On the other hand, we compare the output noise level of CLCS with SIM928 and analyze the total system noise at different current bias of TES. All the above measurement and analysis validate that the performance of CLCS meets the experimental requirements.

  • CiaoCiao WFS: sensing phase discontinuities at the ELT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G.Carlà, L.Busoni, S.Esposito, G.Agapito, R.Holzlöhner

    The upcoming extremely large telescopes will have to deal with the so-called ''pupil fragmentation'' effect: for what concerns the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), the presence of thick spider legs supporting the secondary mirror may induce unseen phase discontinuities across the pupil sectors that could limit the performance of the adaptive optics correction. In this context, we propose a wavefront sensor (WFS), the CiaoCiao WFS, consisting in a rotational shearing interferometer to sense phase differences between the pupil sectors. In this work, we present the CiaoCiao WFS concept and the first analyses carried out through numerical simulations. In particular, we analyze the performance of such a wavefront sensor in case the phase discontinuities are induced by low-wind effect during observations with the Multiconjugate adaptive Optics Relay For ELT Observations (MORFEO).

  • BILBY in space: Bayesian inference for transient gravitational-wave signals observed with LISA.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Charlie Hoy, Laura K. Nuttall

    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is scheduled to launch in the mid 2030s, and is expected to observe gravitational-wave candidates from massive black-hole binary mergers, extreme mass-ratio inspirals, and more. Accurately inferring the source properties from the observed gravitational-wave signals is crucial to maximise the scientific return of the LISA mission. BILBY, the user-friendly Bayesian inference library, is regularly used for performing gravitational-wave inference on data from existing ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. Given that Bayesian inference with LISA includes additional subtitles and complexities beyond it's ground-based counterpart, in this work we modify BILBY to perform parameter estimation with LISA. We show that full nested sampling can be performed to accurately infer the properties of LISA sources from transient gravitational-wave signals in a) zero-noise and b) idealized instrumental noise. By focusing on massive black-hole binary mergers, we demonstrate that higher order multipole waveform models can be used to analyse a year's worth of simulated LISA data, and discuss the computational cost and performance of full nested sampling compared with techniques for optimising likelihood calculations, such as the heterodyned likelihood.

  • Boost recall in QSO selection from highly imbalanced photometric datasets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giorgio Calderone, Francesco Guarneri, Matteo Porru, Stefano Cristiani, Andrea Grazian, Luciano Nicastro, Manuela Bischetti, Konstantina Boutsia, Guido Cupani, Valentina D'Odorico, Chiara Feruglio, Fabio Fontanot

    Context. The identification of bright QSOs is of great importance to probe the intergalactic medium and address open questions in cosmology. Several approaches have been adopted to find such sources in currently available photometric surveys, including machine learning methods. However, the rarity of bright QSOs at high redshifts compared to contaminating sources (such as stars and galaxies) makes the selection of reliable candidates a difficult task, especially when high completeness is required. Aims. We present a novel technique to boost recall (i.e., completeness within the considered sample) in the selection of QSOs from photometric datasets dominated by stars, galaxies, and low-z QSOs (imbalanced datasets). Methods. Our method operates by iteratively removing sources whose probability of belonging to a noninteresting class exceeds a user-defined threshold, until the remaining dataset contains mainly high-z QSOs. Any existing machine learning method can be used as underlying classifier, provided it allows for a classification probability to be estimated. We applied the method to a dataset obtained by cross-matching PanSTARRS1, Gaia, and WISE, and identified the high-z QSO candidates using both our method and its direct multi-label counterpart. Results. We ran several tests by randomly choosing the training and test datasets, and achieved significant improvements in recall which increased from 50% to 85% for QSOs with z>2.5, and from 70% to 90% for QSOs with z>3. Also, we identified a sample of 3098 new QSO candidates on a sample of 2.6x10^6 sources with no known classification. We obtained follow-up spectroscopy for 121 candidates, confirming 107 new QSOs with z>2.5. Finally, a comparison of our candidates with those selected by an independent method shows that the two samples overlap by more than 90% and that both methods are capable of achieving a high level of completeness.

  • Unbiased centroiding of point targets close to the Cramer Rao limit.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gerald Hechenblaikner

    Systematic errors affecting center-of-gravity (CoG) measurements may occur from coarse sampling of the point-spread-function (PSF) or from signal truncation at the boundaries of the region-of-interest (ROI). For small ROI and PSF widths, these effects are shown to become dominant, but this can be mitigated by introducing novel unbiased estimators that are largely free of systematic error and perform particularly well for low photon number. Analytical expressions for the estimator variances, comprising contributions from photon shot noise, random pixel noise and residual systematic error, are derived and verified by Monte Carlo simulations. The accuracy and computational speed of the unbiased estimators is compared to those of other common estimators, including iteratively weighted CoG, thresholded CoG, iterative least squares fitting, and two-dimensional Gaussian regression. Each estimator is optimized with respect to ROI size and PSF radius and its error compared to the theoretical limit defined by the Cramer Rao lower bound (CRLB). The unbiased estimator with full systematic error correction operating on a small ROI [3x3] emerges as one of the most accurate estimators while requiring significantly less computing effort than alternative algorithms.

  • A new generation DIFMAP for Modelfitting Interferometric Data and Estimating Variances, Biases and Correlations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Agniva Roychowdhury, Eileen T. Meyer

    We present the program `Catalogue of proper motions in extragalactic jets from Active galactic Nuclei with Very large Array Studies' or CAgNVAS, with the objective of using archival and new VLA observations to measure proper motions of jet components beyond hundred parsecs. This objective requires extremely high accuracy in component localization. Interferometric datasets are noisy and often lack optimal coverage of the visibility plane, making interpretation of subtleties in deconvolved imaging inaccurate. Fitting models to complex visibilities, rather than working in the imaging plane, is generally preferred as a solution when one needs the most accurate description of the true source structure. In this paper, we present a new generation version of $\texttt{DIFMAP}$ (\texttt{ngDIFMAP}) to model and fit interferometric closure quantities developed for the CAgNVAS program. \texttt{ngDIFMAP} uses a global optimization algorithm based on simulated annealing, which results in more accurate parameter estimation especially when the number of parameters is high. Using this package we demonstrate the ramifications of amplitude and phase errors, as well as loss of $u-v$ coverage, on parameters estimated from visibility data. The package can be used to accurately predict variance, bias, and correlations between parameters. Our results demonstrate the limits on information recovery from noisy interferometric data, with a particular focus on the accurate reporting of errors on measured quantities.

  • Visualizing convolutional neural network for classifying gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Seiya Sasaoka, Naoki Koyama, Diego Dominguez, Yusuke Sakai, Kentaro Somiya, Yuto Omae, Hirotaka Takahashi

    In this study, we employ a convolutional neural network to classify gravitational waves originating from core-collapse supernovae. Training is conducted using spectrograms derived from three-dimensional numerical simulations of waveforms, which are injected onto real noise data from the third observing run of both Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. To gain insights into the decision-making process of the model, we apply class activation mapping techniques to visualize the regions in the input image that are significant for the model's prediction. The class activation maps reveal that the model's predictions predominantly rely on specific features within the input spectrograms, namely, the $g$-mode and low-frequency modes. The visualization of convolutional neural network models provides interpretability to enhance their reliability and offers guidance for improving detection efficiency.


  • Half the Schwarzschild Entropy From Strominger and Vafa.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pierre Heidmann

    We construct a regular and neutral bound state of two Strominger-Vafa black holes in type IIB supergravity, one BPS and the other anti-BPS. On the one hand, we show that the bound-state entropy admits a microscopic description in terms of branes and anti-branes within the black holes. On the other hand, we demonstrate that the entropy approaches half of the Schwarzschild entropy as the mass becomes significantly larger than the Kaluza-Klein scales. This opens up the possibility of a brane/anti-brane interpretation of the Schwarzschild entropy in string theory.

  • Searching for ringdown higher modes with a numerical relativity-informed post-merger model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vasco Gennari, Gregorio Carullo, Walter Del Pozzo

    Robust measurements of multiple black hole vibrational modes provide a unique opportunity to characterise gravity in extreme curvature and dynamical regimes, to better investigate the nature of compact objects and search for signs of new physics. We use a numerically-tuned quasicircular non-precessing ringdown model, $\texttt{TEOBPM}$, and the $\texttt{pyRing}$ analysis infrastructure to perform a time-domain spectroscopic analysis of the third catalog of transient gravitational-wave signals, GWTC-3, searching for higher angular modes. The $\texttt{TEOBPM}$ model effectively includes non-linearities in the early post-merger signal portion, and carries information about the progenitors parameters through time-dependent excitation amplitudes of the black hole quasinormal modes. Such a strategy allows us to accurately model the full post-merger emission, recovering higher signal-to-noise ratios compared to templates based on more agnostic superpositions of damped-sinusoids, at the expense of obtaining less agnostic results. We find weak evidence for the $(l,m)=(3,3)$ [$(l,m)=(2,1)$] mode in several events, with the largest Bayes factor in favour of this mode being $B \simeq 2.6$ [$B \simeq 1.2$] within the support of the peak time distribution, of which we crucially characterise the impact on the detection. For GW190521, we observe $B \simeq 5.1$ , but only for times outside the peak time support reconstructed using the highly accurate $\texttt{NRSur7dq4}$ model, indicating significant systematics affecting such putative detection. Allowing for deviations from general relativity under the assumption of the presence of two modes, we find tentative support for the Kerr "final state conjecture". Our work showcases a systematic methodology to robustly identify and characterise higher angular modes in ringdown-only signals [abridged]

  • Non-trivial thick brane realisations with 3-forms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bruno J. Barros, Jose Beltrán Jiménez

    We explore the construction of four-dimensional thick branes supported by massless 3-forms in a five-dimensional bulk space. The required residual Poincar\'e symmetry on the brane is realised as a combination of the bulk symmetries and the internal gauge symmetry of the 3-form. We show the presence of a gradient instability for the perturbations orthogonal to the brane when its profile decays slowly in the asymptotic regions. In particular, we ascertain that the prevailing profiles found in the literature are susceptible to such instabilities. We confirm our results by transitioning to the dual formulation in terms of a shift-symmetric scalar. In this formulation, the residual Poincar\'e group is trivially realised without internal symmetries, and there is a diagonal translational invariance in the fifth dimension reminiscent of the invariance under translations orthogonal to the brane of the dual 3-form. We demonstrate the extension of our results to the cases of de Sitter and Anti de Sitter branes where the gradient instabilities of asymptotically slowly decaying branes persist. Finally, we briefly comment on the construction of thick branes with massive 3-forms and their 1-form duals.

  • A New Probe of Gravitational Parity Violation Through (Non-)Observation of the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thomas Callister, Leah Jenks, Daniel Holz, Nicolás Yunes

    Parity violation in the gravitational sector is a prediction of many theories beyond general relativity. In the propagation of gravitational waves, parity violation manifests by inducing amplitude and/or velocity birefringence between right- and left-circularly polarized modes. We study how the stochastic gravitational wave background can be used to place constraints on these birefringent effects. We consider two model scenarios, one in which we allow birefringent corrections to become arbitrarily large, and a second in which we impose stringent theory priors. In the former, we place constraints on a generic birefringent gravitational-wave signal due to the current non-detection of a stochastic background from compact binary events. We find a joint constraint on birefringent parameters, $\kappa_D$ and $\kappa_z$, of $\mathcal{O}(10^{-1})$. In the latter scenario, we forecast constraints on parity violating theories resulting from observations of the future upgraded LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA network as well as proposed third-generation detectors. We find that third-generation detectors will be able to improve the constraints by at least two orders of magnitude, yielding new stringent bounds on parity violating theories. This work introduces a novel and powerful probe of gravitational parity violation with gravitational-wave data.

  • Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Carlip

    General relativity becomes vastly simpler in three spacetime dimensions: all vacuum solutions have constant curvature, and the moduli space of solutions can be almost completely characterized. As a result, this lower dimensional setting becomes an ideal test bed for a wide range of approaches to quantum gravity, from reduced phase phase space quantization to covariant canonical quantization to path integral methods to asymptotic quantization of "edge states." Here I review a variety of classical descriptions of the moduli space of solutions and a broad range of quantizations, with special attention to implications for realistic quantum gravity in four spacetime dimensions.

  • The BMS group in $D= 6$ spacetime dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oscar Fuentealba, Marc Henneaux

    The asymptotic structure of gravity in $D=6$ spacetime dimensions is described at spatial infinity in the asymptotically flat context through Hamiltonian (ADM) methods. Special focus is given on the BMS supertranslation subgroup. It is known from previous studies that the BMS group contains more supertranslations as one goes from $D=4$ to $D=5$. Indeed, while the supertranslations are described by one single function of the angles in $D=4$, four such functions are neeeded in $D=5$. We consider the case $D=6$ with the aim of determining whether the number of supertranslations keeps increasing with the dimension or remains equal to the number found in $D=5$. We show that even though there is apparent room for more supertranslations, their number remains equal to the $D=5$ value (four): the potentially new supertranslations turn out to define proper gauge transformations corresponding to a redundancy in the description of the system. Critical in the analysis are the boundary conditions chosen to yield a well-defined canonical formalism. Given the computational (but not conceptual) complexity as one increases the dimension, we explicitly discuss the linearized theory and argue that asymptotically, this analysis provides the correct picture. We conclude by considering higher spacetime dimensions where we indicate that the number of physically relevant supertranslations remains equal to four independently of the dimension $\geq 5$.

  • Schwinger-Unruh-Hawking radiation on manifolds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tomohiro Matsuda

    The whole picture of gauge theory is described by manifolds, while the field equation provides only a part (a section) of the manifold. Just as a three-dimensional object is reconstructed from two planar images, a monopole is constructed by combining two solutions. The Schwinger and the Unruh effects and the Hawking radiation are the production of particles out of the ``vacuum''. If the '''vacuum'' on the manifold is properly defined, these phenomena should be described as local phenomena. However, calculations using the field equations have so far resulted in unnatural extrapolations. We present a method for properly defining the ``vacuum'' and explain how to resolve the local particle production on manifolds. By defining the Stokes phenomena on the manifold, the Schwinger effect is naturally accompanied by the Unruh effect. Also, unlike the conventional Unruh effect, calculations on manifolds do not suffer from the entanglement between disconnected wedges.

  • Black Holes and Non-perturbative Gravitational Waves in $f(R)$ Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chunmei Liu, Hongsheng Zhang

    Exact solutions of spherically symmetric black hole and gravitational wave are explored in $f(R)$ gravity in arbitrary dimension. We find two exact solutions for the radiation and absorption of null dust. In the framework of general relativity, the Birkhoff theorem strictly forbids the existence of spherical gravitational waves in vacuum space. We find spherical non-perturbative gravitational waves, which are shear-free, twist-free, but expanding.

  • What is the correct definition of entropy for general relativistic field theory?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shuichi Yokoyama

    Recently, the author and collaborators proposed a method to construct a new conserved charge different from the Noether one for general relativistic field theory on curved space-time with energy-momentum tensor covariantly conserved, and that the new conserved charge describes the entropy of the system. As concrete evidence of the proposals, it was shown that such a new conserved charge indeed exists for several classic gravitational systems, and that the proposed entropy density computed in them satisfies the local Euler's relation and the first law of thermodynamics concurrently and non-perturbatively with respect to the Newton constant. These developments are reviewed including brief discussions of physical implications of the local thermodynamic relations.

  • Atomic electron transitions of hydrogen-like atoms induced by gravitational waves.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bo-Hung Chen, Dah-Wei Chiou

    As a realistic model of a quantum system of matter, this paper investigates the gravitational-wave effects on a hydrogen-like atom. By formulating the tetrad formalism of linearized gravity, we naturally incorporate the gravitational-wave effects through minimal coupling in the covariant Dirac equation. The atomic electron transition rates induced by the gravitational wave are calculated using the first-order perturbation theory, revealing a distinctive selection rule along with Fermi's golden rule. This rule can be elegantly understood in terms of gravitons as massless spin-2 particles. Our results suggest the existence of gravitons and may lead to a novel approach to probe Ultra-High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (UHF-GWs).

  • Thermodynamic topology of Kerr-Sen black holes via R\'{e}nyi statistics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Meng-Yao Zhang, Hao Chen, Hassan Hassanabadi, Zheng-Wen Long, Hui Yang

    In the present study, we investigate the topological properties of black holes in terms of R\'{e}nyi statistics as an extension of the Gibbs-Boltzmann (GB) statistics, aiming to characterize the non-Boltzmannian thermodynamic topology of Kerr-Sen and dyonic Kerr-Sen black holes. Through this research, we discover that the topological number derived via R\'{e}nyi statistics differs from that obtained through GB statistics. Interestingly, although the non-extended parameter $\lambda$ changes the topological number, the topological classification of the Kerr-Sen and dyonic Kerr-Sen black holes remains consistent under both GB and R\'{e}nyi statistics. In addition, the topological numbers associated with these two types of black holes without cosmological constant using R\'{e}nyi entropy processes are the same as the AdS cases of them by considering the GB entropy, as further evidenced by such a study found here. This indicates the cosmological constant has some potential connections the with the nonextensive R\'{e}nyi parameter from the perspective of thermodynamic topology.

  • On the heat evolution of the early Universe.- [PDF] - [Article]

    K.A. Bronnikov, M.I. Kalinin, V.V. Khruschov

    We discuss the heat history of the early Universe and its further evolution in the framework of modern cosmological models of general relativity (GR) and alternative theories of gravity. Of great importance are the new puzzling forms of matter comprising parts of our Universe, namely, dark energy and dark matter that crucially affect the Universe structure and evolution.

  • Probing light scalars with not quite black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ximeng Li, Jing Ren

    The rapid progress in gravitational wave astronomy has provided an opportunity for investigating the presence of long-range scalar forces that exclusively manifest around astrophysical black holes. In this paper, we explore a new possibility in this context, particularly in connection to the hypothesis that astrophysical black holes might be horizonless ultracompact objects (UCOs). In the absence of horizons, UCOs could feature unique interiors with extreme environments. This could help generate non-trivial scalar profiles and significant scalar charges. For demonstration, we consider 2-2-holes in quadratic gravity as a concrete example of UCOs. These objects can be formed by ordinary gases and closely resemble black holes externally. However, they have distinct interiors characterized by high curvatures and substantial redshift. In particular, the gases inside could reach extremely high temperatures or densities, making them an ideal object for investigating the generation of scalar profiles by UCOs. Within a minimal model of the scalar field, we find that this unique environment enables the generation of a substantial scalar charge for astrophysical 2-2-holes, which is challenging for other stellar objects. The predicted scalar charge-to-mass ratio of 2-2-holes remains nearly constant across a wide range of masses, offering different predictions for gravitational wave observations compared to other mechanisms.

  • Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor

    The GNH method is used in this paper to study the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euclidean self-dual action. This action can be used to arrive at the complex Ashtekar formulation of General Relativity or a real connection formulation for Euclidean General Relativity. The main result of the paper is a derivation of the Ashtekar formulation for Euclidean gravity without using any gauge fixing. It is interesting to compare this derivation with the one corresponding to the Holst action. In particular it is worth noting that no ``tertiary'' constraints appear in the case considered in the present paper.

  • Tilted Circular Orbits around a Kerr Black Hole.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abdallah M. Al Zahrani

    We study circular orbits that are tilted with respect to the equatorial plane around a Kerr black hole. We write the equations for the parameters of a tilted circular orbit in terms of the orbit's radius and the Carter constant, or equivalently, the tilt angle. The tilted innermost stable circular orbits (TISCO)s are discussed as well as the last circular orbits. The azimuthal precession of an orbit is then studied and an approximate expression for the precession speed is given. We finally try to link tilted circular orbits to quai-periodic oscillations in some astrophysical black hole systems.

  • Lightcone fluctuations in a five dimensional Kaluza-Klein model and an estimation on the size of the extra dimension.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giulia Aleixo, Herondy Mota

    In this work we consider lightcone fluctuation effects in a five-dimensional spacetime arising as a consequence of the compactification of the extra dimension via a quasiperiodic condition, characterized by a phase angle $2\pi\alpha$. By considering light propagating in a non-compactified direction we are able to compute both the renormalized graviton two-point function and the flight time of a photon caused by the fluctuations. We show that the resulting expressions depend on the quasiperiodic parameter, the compactification length and also on the distance traveled by the photon. Based on the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) sensitivity built on the James Webb Space Telescope, we discuss the possibility of making estimations on the size of the extra dimension if one assumes that the mean deviation on the flight time of photons can be observed through the NIRSpec. We also analyze the differences between the estimations in the periodic $\alpha=0$, antiperiodic $\alpha=1/2$ and other condition cases for $\alpha$.

  • Bound on Lyapunov exponent in Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black holes by a charged particle.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Junsu Park, Bogeun Gwak

    We investigate the bound on the Lyapunov exponents by a charged particle in Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black holes using analytic and numerical methods. We determine whether the Lyapunov exponent can exceed the bound by an electrically charged particle with an angular momentum. Our tests are applied to the de Sitter spacetime by the positive cosmological constant such as Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m-de Sitter, Kerr-de Sitter, and Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black holes. In particular, we consider Nariai and ultracold limits on these black holes for our tests. From our analysis results, there remain violations on the bound under the positive cosmological constant, and electric charge and angular momentum of the particle significantly impact the Lyapunov exponent.

  • Gravity-gauge Anomaly Constraints on the Energy-momentum Tensor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rémy Larue, Jérémie Quevillon, Roman Zwicky

    We derive constraints on the four dimensional energy-momentum tensor from gravitational and gauge anomalies. Our work can be considered an extension of Duff's analysis [1] to include parity-odd terms and explicit symmetry breaking. The constraints imply the absence of the parity-odd $R\tilde R$-term in a model-independent way. Remarkably, even in the case of explicit symmetry breaking the $\Box R$-anomaly is found to be finite and unambiguous after applying the symmetry constraints. We compute mixed gravity-gauge anomalies at leading order and deduce phenomenological consequences for vector bosons associated with global chiral symmetries.

  • Kaluza-Klein Spectroscopy from Neutron Oscillations into Hidden Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gia Dvali, Manuel Ettengruber, Anja Stuhlfauth

    Neutrons and neutrinos are natural probes for new physics. Since they carry no conserved gauge quantum numbers, both can easily mix with the fermions from hidden sectors. A particularly interesting effect is the oscillation of a neutron or a neutrino into a fermion propagating in large extra dimensions. In fact, such a mixing has been identified as the possible origin of small neutrino mass. In this paper, we study neutron oscillations into an extra-dimensional fermion and show that this effect provides a resonance imaging of the Kaluza-Klein tower. The remarkable feature of this phenomenon is its generic nature: because of a fine spacing of the Kaluza-Klein tower, neutrons at a variety of energy levels, both free or within nuclei, find a bulk oscillation partner. In particular, the partner can be a Kaluza-Klein mode of the same species that gives mass to the neutrino. The existence of bulk states matching the neutron energy levels of nuclear spectra gives rise to tight constraints as well as to potentially observable effects. For a free neutron, we predict recurrent resonant oscillations occurring with the values of the magnetic field correlated with the KK levels. We derive bounds on extra dimensions from ultra-cold neutron experiments and suggest signatures for refined measurements, which, in particular, can probe the parameter space motivated by the Hierarchy Problem. Ultra-cold neutron experiments offer a unique way of Kaluza-Klein spectroscopy.

  • The statistical mechanics of near-extremal black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luca V. Iliesiu, Gustavo J. Turiaci

    An important open question in black hole thermodynamics is about the existence of a "mass gap" between an extremal black hole and the lightest near-extremal state within a sector of fixed charge. In this paper, we reliably compute the partition function of Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m near-extremal black holes at temperature scales comparable to the conjectured gap. We find that the density of states at fixed charge does not exhibit a gap; rather, at the expected gap energy scale, we see a continuum of states. We compute the partition function in the canonical and grand canonical ensembles, keeping track of all the fields appearing through a dimensional reduction on $S^2$ in the near-horizon region. Our calculation shows that the relevant degrees of freedom at low temperatures are those of $2d$ Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity coupled to the electromagnetic $U(1)$ gauge field and to an $SO(3)$ gauge field generated by the dimensional reduction.

  • Efficient computation of null affine parameters.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matt Visser

    Finding affine parameters for null geodesics is often of considerable physical importance, especially when studying the paths swept out by null geodesics or when dealing with conservation laws and/or averaged energy conditions. But explicitly finding null affine parameters is also often quite tedious and can sometimes even be somewhat tricky. Herein we shall demonstrate that the existence of a conformally related spacetime containing a conformal Killing vector, timelike in the domain of outer communication, is quite sufficient to define a preferred set of spatial three-slices -- on which a well-defined "affine" three-metric can be introduced to capture the notion of affine null parameter -- before explicitly finding the null geodesics. The construction depends on the properties of conformal transformations and on the conserved quantity associated with the conformal Killing vector. Having the affine null parameter in hand before attempting to find the actual null geodesics often quite radically simplifies other parts of the analysis. We emphasize that the successful identification of affine null parameters is a general-purpose tool of wide applicability in both general relativistic and astrophysical settings.

  • Thermodynamic Topology and Photon Spheres in the Hyperscaling violating black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jafar Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali S. Afshar, Saeed Noori Gashti, Mohammad Reza Alipour

    It was shown that a standard ring of light can be imagined outside the event horizon for stationary rotating four-dimensional black holes with axial symmetry using the topological method\cite{001,002}. Based on this concept, in this paper, we investigate the topological charge and the conditions of existence of the photon sphere (PS) for a hyperscaling violation (HSV) black hole with various values of the parameters of this model. Then, after carrying out a detailed analysis, we show the conventional topological classes viz $Q=-1$ for the mentioned black hole and $Q=0$ for the naked singularities. \textit{Also, we propose a new topological class for naked singularities (Q=+1) with respect to $z\geq1$. We also determined that $z\geq2$, it either shows a naked singularity form with total topological charge $+1$ or has no solution. Therefore, we have the black hole solution only in $1\leq z<2$}. Then, we will use two different methods, namely the temperature (Duan's topological current $\Phi$-mapping theory) and the generalized Helmholtz free energy method, to study the topological classes of our black hole. We discuss the critical and zero points (topological charges and topological numbers) for different parameters of hyperscaling violating black holes, such as ($z, \overline{\theta}$) and other free parameters, and study their thermodynamic topology. We observe that for a given value of the parameters $1\leq z<2$, $\overline{\theta}$, and other free parameters, there exist two total topological charges $(Q_{total}=-1, 0)$ with the same phase structure for the $T$ method and total topological numbers $(W=+1)$ for the generalized Helmholtz free energy method. Additionally, we summarize the results for each study as photon sphere, temperature, and generalized Helmholtz free energy in some figures and tables. Finally, we compare our findings with other related studies in the literature.

  • Chern-Simons action and the Carrollian Cotton tensors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Olivera Miskovic, Rodrigo Olea, P. Marios Petropoulos, David Rivera-Betancour, Konstantinos Siampos

    In three-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, the Cotton tensor arises as the variation of the gravitational Chern-Simons action with respect to the metric. It is Weyl-covariant, symmetric, traceless and covariantly conserved. Performing a reduction of the Cotton tensor with respect to Carrollian diffeomorphisms in a suitable frame, one discloses four sets of Cotton Carrollian relatives, which are conformal and obey Carrollian conservation equations. Each set of Carrollian Cotton tensors is alternatively obtained as the variation of a distinct Carroll-Chern-Simons action with respect to the degenerate metric and the clock form of a strong Carroll structure. The four Carroll-Chern-Simons actions emerge in the Carrollian reduction of the original Chern-Simons ascendant. They inherit its anomalous behaviour under diffeomorphisms and Weyl transformations. The extremums of these Carrollian actions are commented and illustrated.

  • Random pure Gaussian states and Hawking radiation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Erik Aurell, Lucas Hackl, Paweł Horodecki, Robert H. Jonsson, Mario Kieburg

    A black hole evaporates by Hawking radiation. Each mode of that radiation is thermal. If the total state is nevertheless to be pure, modes must be entangled. Estimating the minimum size of this entanglement has been an important outstanding issue. We develop a new theory of constrained random symplectic transformations, based on that the total state is pure and Gaussian with given marginals. In the random constrained symplectic model we then compute the distribution of mode-mode correlations, from which we bound mode-mode entanglement. Modes of frequency much larger than $\frac{k_B T_{H}(t)}{\hbar}$ are not populated at time $t$ and drop out of the analysis. Among the other modes find that correlations and hence entanglement between relatively thinly populated modes (early-time high-frequency modes and/or late modes of any frequency) to be strongly suppressed. Relatively highly populated modes (early-time low-frequency modes) can on the other hand be strongly correlated, but a detailed analysis reveals that they are nevertheless also weakly entangled. Our analysis hence establishes that restoring unitarity after a complete evaporation of a black hole does not require strong quantum entanglement between any pair of Hawking modes. Our analysis further gives exact general expressions for the distribution of mode-mode correlations in random, pure, Gaussian states with given marginals, which may have applications beyond black hole physics.

  • Islands Far Outside the Horizon.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Raphael Bousso, Geoff Penington

    Information located in an entanglement island in semiclassical gravity can be nonperturbatively reconstructed from distant radiation, implying a radical breakdown of effective field theory. We show that this occurs well outside of the black hole stretched horizon. We compute the island associated to large-angular momentum Hawking modes of a four-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. These modes typically fall back into the black hole but can be extracted to infinity by relativistic strings or, more abstractly, by asymptotic boundary operators constructed using the timelike tube theorem. Remarkably, we find that their island can protrude a distance of order $\sqrt{\ell_p r_{\rm hor}}$ outside the horizon. This is parametrically larger than the Planck scale $\ell_p$ and is comparable to the Bohr radius for supermassive black holes. Therefore, in principle, a distant observer can determine experimentally whether the black hole information paradox is resolved by complementarity, or by a firewall.

  • Irreversible behaviour of a gas owing to Unruh radiation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andrew M. Steane

    When gas molecules collide, they accelerate, and therefore encounter the Fulling-Davies-Unruh and Moore-DeWitt effects. The size of these effects is sufficient to randomize the motion of the gas molecules after about 1 nanosecond at standard temperature and pressure. Such observations show that quantum field theory modifies what is required to isolate a physical system sufficiently for its behaviour to be unitary. In practice the requirements are never satisfied exactly. Therefore the evolution of the observable universe is non-unitary and thermodynamically irreversible.


  • Staying on Top of SMEFT-Likelihood Analyses.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nina Elmer, Maeve Madigan, Tilman Plehn, Nikita Schmal

    We present a new global SMEFT analysis of LHC data in the top sector. After updating our set of measurements, we show how public ATLAS likelihoods can be incorporated in an external global analysis and how our analysis benefits from the additional information. We find that, unlike for the Higgs and electroweak sector, the SMEFT analysis of the top sector is mostly limited by the correlated theory uncertainties.

  • The Impact of LHC Jet and $Z$ $p_T$ Data at up to Approximate N${}^3$LO Order in the MSHT Global PDF Fit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    T. Cridge, L. A. Harland-Lang, R. S. Thorne

    We present an analysis of two key sets of data constraining the high $x$ gluon at up to approximate N${}^3$LO in QCD within the MSHT global PDF fitting framework. We begin with LHC 7 and 8 TeV inclusive jet and dijet production at both NNLO and aN${}^3$LO. This makes use of the formalism established in the previous global MSHT20aN${}^3$LO PDF fit, but now considers the role of dijet production for the first time at this order. We present a detailed comparison of the fit quality and PDF impact for both cases, and consider the role that electroweak corrections, and the scale choice for inclusive jet production has. Some mild tension between these data sets in the impact on the high $x$ gluon is seen at NNLO, but this is largely eliminated at aN${}^3$LO. While a good fit quality to the dijet data is achieved at both orders, the fit quality to the inclusive jet data is relatively poor. We examine the impact of including full colour corrections in a global PDF fit for the first time, finding this to be relatively mild. We also revisit the fit to the ATLAS 8 TeV $Z$ $p_T$ data, considering the role that the $p_T$ cuts, data selection and different aspects of the aN${}^3$LO treatment have on the fit quality and PDF impact. We observe that in all cases the aN${}^3$LO fit quality is consistently improved relative to the NNLO, indicating a clear preference for higher order theory for these data.

  • Decoding the $B \to K \nu \nu$ excess at Belle II: kinematics, operators, and masses.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kåre Fridell, Mitrajyoti Ghosh, Takemichi Okui, Kohsaku Tobioka

    An excess in the branching fraction for $B^+ \to K^+ \nu\nu$ recently measured at Belle II may be a hint of new physics. We perform thorough likelihood analyses for different new physics scenarios such as $B \to KX$ with a new invisible particle $X$, or $B\to K\chi\chi$ through a scalar, vector, or tensor current with $\chi$ being a new invisible particle or a neutrino. We find that vector-current 3-body decay with $m_X \simeq 0.6$ GeV - which may be dark matter - is most favored, while 2-body decay with $m_X \simeq 2$ GeV is also competitive. The best-fit branching fractions for the scalar and tensor cases are a few times larger than for the 2-body and vector cases. Past BaBar measurements provide further discrimination, although the best-fit parameters stay similar.

  • Optimal New Physics estimation in presence of Standard Model backgrounds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Subhaditya Bhattacharya, Sahabub Jahedi, Jayita Lahiri, Jose Wudka

    In this work, we develop a numerical technique for the optimal estimation of the new physics (NP) couplings applicable to any collider process without any simplifying assumptions. This approach also provides a way to measure the quality of the NP estimates derived using standard $\chi^2$ analysis and can be used to gauge the advantages of various modalities of collider design. We illustrate the techniques and arguments by considering the pair production of heavy charged fermions at an $e^+e^-$ collider.

  • Heavy Quark Fragmentation in $e^+e^-$ Collisions to NNLO+NNLL Accuracy in Perturbative QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leonardo Bonino, Matteo Cacciari, Giovanni Stagnitto

    Fragmentation of heavy quarks into heavy-flavoured hadrons receives both perturbative and non-perturbative contributions. We consider perturbative QCD corrections to heavy quark production in $e^+e^-$ collisions to next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy in QCD with next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic resummation of quasi-collinear and soft emissions. We study multiple matching schemes, and multiple regularisations of the soft resummation, and observe a significant dependence of the perturbative results on these ingredients, suggesting that NNLO+NNLL perturbative accuracy may not lead to real gains unless the interface with non-perturbative physics is properly analysed. We confirm previous evidence that $D^{*+}$ experimental data from CLEO/BELLE and from LEP are not reconcilable with perturbative predictions employing standard DGLAP evolution. We extract non-perturbative contributions from $e^+e^-$ experimental data for both $D$ and $B$ meson fragmentation. Such contributions can be used to predict heavy-quark fragmentation in other processes, e.g. DIS and proton-proton collisions.

  • Searching Dark Photons using displaced vertices at Belle II -- with backgrounds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joerg Jaeckel, Anh Vu Phan

    Dark photons in the MeV to GeV range with kinetic mixing of the order of $\lesssim 10^{-4}-10^{-3}$ can be produced in significant numbers at low energy colliders such as Belle II. Their decay length can be macroscopic raising the hope for a fairly clean search via displaced vertices as proposed in Ref. [1]. However, even this is not background free. Here, we calculate and discuss problematic backgrounds from displaced photon conversion and discuss their potential impact on the sensitivity. In addition we also briefly consider the dangers of prompt backgrounds.

  • Flavour-changing top quark decays in the alternative left-right model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mariana Frank, Benjamin Fuks, Sumit K. Garg, Poulose Poulose

    We examine flavour-changing neutral-current decays of the top quark, $t\to q \gamma$, $t \to qZ$, $t \to q H$, and $ t\to q g$ (with $q=u, c$), in the Alternative Left-Right Model, a left right-symmetric model featuring exotic quarks and light bosons. These decays have a very small probability of occurring within the Standard Model, but they can be enhanced in this model through the presence of the exotic states. While associated signals may be detected directly at the LHC, rare decays have the advantage of offering means to probe new particles indirectly, through loop-contributions. We perform a comprehensive analysis of the model's parameter space to demonstrate the possible existence of enhancements in the corresponding branching ratios, the theoretical predictions being sometimes even close to current experimental bounds. We subsequently determine the preferred parameter space regions of the model in terms of potential of being reached in the near future.

  • Advancing the understanding of energy-energy correlators in heavy-ion collisions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    João Barata, Paul Caucal, Alba Soto-Ontoso, Robert Szafron

    We investigate the collinear limit of the energy-energy correlator (EEC) in a heavy-ion context. First, we revisit the leading-logarithmic (LL) resummation of this observable in vacuum following a diagrammatic approach. We argue that this route allows to naturally incorporate medium-induced effects into the all-orders structure systematically. As an example, we show how the phase-space constraints imposed by the medium on vacuum-like emissions can be incorporated into the LL result by modifying the anomalous dimensions. On the fixed-order side, we calculate the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s)$ expansion of the in-medium EEC for a $\gamma\to q\bar q$ splitting using, for the first time, the exact matrix element. When comparing this result to previously used approximations in the literature, we find up to $\mathcal{O}(1)$ deviations in the regime of interest for jet quenching signatures. Energy loss effects are also quantified and further suppress the EEC at large angles. These semi-analytic studies are complemented with a phenomenological study using the jet quenching Monte Carlo JetMed. Finally, we argue that the imprint of medium-induced effects in energy-energy correlators can be enhanced by using an alternative definition that takes as input Lund primary declusterings instead of particles.

  • One and Two-Body Current Contributions to Lepton-Nucleus Scattering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessandro Lovato, Noemi Rocco, Noah Steinberg

    Modeling lepton-nucleus scattering with the accuracy required to extract neutrino-oscillation parameters from long- and short-baseline experiments necessitates retaining most quantum-mechanical effects. One such effect is the interference between one- and two-body current operators in the transition currents, which has been known to enhance the cross-sections, especially in transverse kinematics. In this work, we incorporate such interference in the spectral function formalism, which combines relativistic currents and kinematics with an accurate description of the initial target state. Our analysis of lepton-scattering off $^{12}$C demonstrates that interference effects appreciably enhance the transverse electromagnetic response functions and the flux-folded neutrino-nucleus cross section, in both cases, improving the agreement with experimental data. We discuss the impact on the neutrino-oscillation program and the determination of nucleon axial form factors.

  • Initial-state and final-state effects on hadron production in small collision systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ivan Vitev, Weiyao Ke

    Heavy meson production in reactions with nuclei is an active new frontier to understand QCD dynamics and the process of hadronization in nuclear matter. Measurements in various colliding systems at RHIC and LHC, including Pb-Pb, Xe-Xe, O-O, p-Pb, and p-O, enable precision tests of the medium-size, temperature, and mass dependencies of the in-medium parton propagation and shower formation. We employ a coupled DGLAP evolution framework that takes advantage of splitting functions recently obtained in soft-collinear effective theory with Glauber gluons (SCET$_{\rm G}$) and hard thermal loop (HTL) motivated collisional energy loss effects. With jet quenching effects constrained to the nuclear modification factor of charged hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV, we present predictions for light and heavy-meson in Xe-Xe, O-O and p-Pb collisions at the LHC. We find that the nuclear modification scales non-trivially with the quark mass and medium properties. In particular, there can be sizeable collision-induced attenuation of heavy mesons in small systems such as oxygen-oxygen and high-multiplicity p-Pb events. Finally, we analyze the impact of different models of initial-state parton dynamics on the search for QGP signatures in small colliding systems.

  • Double Higgs Boson Production via Photon Fusion at Muon Colliders within the Triplet Higgs Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bathiya Samarakoon, Terrance M. Figy

    In this paper, we present predictions for scattering cross-section the of Higgs boson pair production via photon fusion at future muon colliders, focusing specifically the production processes $\mu^+\mu^- \rightarrow \gamma\gamma \rightarrow h^0h^0, A^0A^0$. We investigated the impact of three choices the photon structure functions on cross-section predictions for a range model input parameters within the theoretical framework of the Higgs Triplet Model.

  • The role of longitudinal decorrelations for measurements of anisotropic flow in small collision systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sangwook Ryu, Bjoern Schenke, Chun Shen, Wenbin Zhao

    Within a (3+1)D viscous hydrodynamic model we compute anisotropic flow in small system collisions as performed at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and measured by the STAR and PHENIX Collaborations. We emphasize the importance of the rapidity dependence of the geometry for interpreting the differences encountered in measurements by the two collaborations.

  • Impact of SeaQuest data on sea-quark PDFs at large $x$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Alekhin, M.V. Garzelli, S. Kulagin, S.-O. Moch

    We investigate the impact of the recently released FNAL-E906 (SeaQuest) data on the ratio of proton-deuteron and proton-proton Drell-Yan production cross-sections on the sea quark PDFs. We find that they have constraining power on the light-quark sea isospin asymmetry $(\bar{d}-\bar{u})(x)$ and on the $(\bar{d}/\bar{u})(x)$ ratio at large longitudinal momentum fraction $x$ values, and that their constraints turn out to be compatible with those from Drell-Yan data in collider experiments (Tevatron and Large Hadron Collider) and in the old fixed-target experiment by the FNAL-E866 collaboration. We study the impact of nuclear corrections due to the deuteron target, finding them within 1% in most of the kinematic region covered by SeaQuest. We perform a new proton PDF fit, including SeaQuest data, using the ABMP16 methodology and we compare it to the ABMP16 baseline.

  • Study of the hidden-heavy pentaquarks and $P_{cs}$ states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wen-Xuan Zhang, Chang-Le Liu, Duojie Jia

    In light of the recently observed resonance states $P_{\psi s}^{\Lambda}(4338)^0$ and $P_{cs}(4459)^0$ by LHCb Collaboration in $J/\psi\Lambda$ decay channel, we perform a systematical study of all possible hidden-heavy pentaquarks with strangeness $S=0,-1,-2,-3$, in unified framework of MIT bag model. The color-spin wavefunctions presented in terms of Young-Yamanouchi bases and transformed into baryon-meson couplings, are utilized to calculate masses, magnetic moments and ratios of partial widths. With numerical analysis, the observed $P_{\psi s}^{\Lambda}(4338)^0$ is likely to be a $1/2^-$ compact $P_{cs}$ pentaquark, and $P_{cs}(4459)^0$ favors two-peak structure of $3/2^-$ and $1/2^-$ $P_{cs}$ states. Further predictions on hadron properties and decay channels are given to compact $P_{css}$, $P_{csss}$ states and bottom sectors.

  • An Algebraic Roadmap of Particle Theories, Part II: Theoretical checkpoints.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. Furey

    An optimal algebraic model of particle physics has a number of checkpoints to pass. As a minimum, models should $\langle 1 \rangle$ conform to the Coleman-Mandula theorem (or establish a loophole), $\langle 2 \rangle$ evade familiar fermion doubling problems, $\langle 3 \rangle$ naturally explain the Standard Model's chirality, $\langle 4 \rangle$ exclude B-L gauge symmetry at low energy, and $\langle 5 \rangle$ explain the existence of three generations. We demonstrate how the model introduced in [1] passes checkpoints $\langle 1 \rangle, \langle 2 \rangle, \langle 3 \rangle, \langle 4 \rangle$, and has yet to cross $\langle 5 \rangle$. We close by elucidating an unexpected appearance of spacetime symmetries.

  • Questions of flavor physics and neutrino mass from a flipped hypercharge.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Duong Van Loi, Phung Van Dong, N. T. Duy, Nguyen Huy Thao

    The flavor structure of quarks and leptons is not yet fully understood, but it hints a more fundamental theory of non-universal generations. We therefore propose a simple extension of the Standard Model by flipping (i.e., enlarging) the hypercharge $U(1)_Y$ to $U(1)_X\otimes U(1)_N$ for which both $X$ and $N$ depend on generations of both quark and lepton. By anomaly cancellation, this extension not only explains the existence of just three fermion generations as observed but also requires the presence of a right-handed neutrino per generation, which motivates seesaw neutrino mass generation. Furthermore, in its minimal version with a scalar doublet and two scalar singlets, the model naturally generates the measured fermion-mixing matrices while it successfully accommodates several flavor anomalies observed in the neutral meson mixings, $B$-meson decays, lepton-flavor-violating decays of charged leptons, as well as satisfying constraints from particle colliders.

  • Structure-dependent QED effects in exclusive $B$-meson decays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Philipp Böer, Thorsten Feldmann

    We review recent progress in the computation of structure-dependent QED corrections to exclusive $B$ decays in the factorization approach.

  • Infinite order results for charged sectors of the Standard Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oleg Antipin, Jahmall Bersini, Pantelis Panopoulos, Francesco Sannino, Zhi-Wei Wang

    We determine anomalous dimensions of a family of fixed hypercharge operators in the Standard Model featuring the general Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa structure. The results are obtained at infinite orders in the couplings and to leading and subleading orders in the charge. The computed anomalous dimensions are shown to agree with the maximum known order in perturbation theory. We further show that the large hypercharge sector of the Standard Model is characterised by a non-Abelian vector condensation phase.

  • Explicit form for the most general Lorentz transformation revisited.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Howard E. Haber

    Explicit formuale for the $4\times 4$ Lorentz transformation matrices corresponding to a pure boost and a pure three-dimensional rotation are very well-known. Significantly less well-known is the explicit formula for a general Lorentz transformation with arbitrary boost and rotation parameters. We revisit this more general formula by presenting two different derivations. The first derivation (which is somewhat simpler than previous ones appearing in the literature) evaluates the exponential of a $4\times 4$ matrix $A$, where $GA$ is an arbitrary $4\times 4$ real antisymmetric matrix and $G$ is a diagonal matrix corresponding to the Minkowski metric. The formula for $\exp A$ depends only on the eigenvalues of $A$ and makes use of the Lagrange interpolating polynomial. The second derivation exploits the assertion that the spinor product $\eta^\dagger{\bar{\sigma}}^{\,\mu}\chi$ transforms as a Lorentz four-vector, where $\chi$ and $\eta$ are two-component spinors. The advantage of this derivation is that the formula for a general Lorentz transformation $\Lambda$ reduces to the computation of the trace of a product of $2\times 2$ matrices. Both computations are shown to yield equivalent expressions for $\Lambda$.

  • Nuclear mass radius and pressure in the Skyrme model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alberto García Martín-Caro, Yoshitaka Hatta, Miguel Huidobro

    We compute the mass radius, scalar radius, tensor radius, baryon number radius and mechanical radius of nuclei with baryon number $B=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,32,108$ in the Skyrme model. The relations between these radii and the nuclear gravitational form factors are investigated. We also compute the `pressure' distribution and find that it is negative in the core region for all the nuclei with $B>1$. This suggests that the way mechanical stability is achieved in nuclei is qualitatively different than in the nucleon.

  • Proton PDFs with non-linear corrections from gluon recombination.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pit Duwentäster, Vadim Guzey, Ilkka Helenius, Hannu Paukkunen

    We present numerical studies of the leading non-linear corrections to the Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi evolution equations of parton distribution functions (PDFs) resulting from gluon recombination. The effect of these corrections is to reduce the pace of evolution at small momentum fractions $x$, while slightly increasing it at intermediate $x$. By implementing the non-linear evolution in the xFitter framework, we have carried out fits of proton PDFs using data on lepton-proton deep inelastic scattering from HERA, BCDMS and NMC. While we find no evidence for the presence of non-linearities, they cannot be entirely excluded either and we are able to set limits for their strength. In terms of the recombination scale $Q_r$, which plays a similar role as the saturation scale in the dipole picture of the proton, we find that $Q_r \lesssim 2.5\,{\rm GeV}$. We also quantify the impact of the non-linear terms for the longitudinal structure function at the Electron-Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Electron Collider and find that these measurements could provide stronger constraints on the projected effects.

  • Associated production of heavy quarkonium and $D-$meson in the improved color evaporation model with KaTie.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexey Chernyshev, Vladimir Saleev

    In the article, we study associated production of prompt $J/\psi(\Upsilon)$ and $D-$mesons in the improved color evaporation model using the high-energy factorization approach as it is realized in the Monte-Carlo event generator KaTie. The modified Kimber-Martin-Ryskin-Watt model for unintegrated parton distribution functions is used. We predict cross sections for associated $J/\psi(\Upsilon)$ and $D-$meson hadroproduction via the single and double parton scattering mechanisms using the set of model parameters which has been fixed early for description of prompt single and pair heavy quarkonium production at the LHC energies. We found the results of calculations agree with the LHCb Collaboration data at the energies $\sqrt{s} = 7,8$ TeV and we present theoretical predictions for the energy $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV .

  • New physics interpretations for nonstandard values of $h\to Z\gamma$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rafael Boto, Dipankar Das, Jorge C. Romao, Ipsita Saha, Joao P. Silva

    Current measurement of the $h\to Z\gamma$ signal strength invite us to speculate about possible new physics interactions that exclusively affect $\mu_{Z\gamma}$ without altering the other signal strengths. Additional consideration of tree-unitarity enables us to correlate the nonstandard values of $\mu_{Z\gamma}$ with an upper limit on the scale of new physics. We find that even when $\mu_{Z\gamma}$ deviates from the SM value by only $20\%$, the scale of new physics should be well within the reach of the LHC.

  • Fifth Force and Hyperfine Splitting in Muonic Atoms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jingxuan Chen, Qian Wu, Xurong Chen, Qian Wang

    The potential existence of a fifth fundamental force, mediated by the X17 boson, has generated significant interest. This force can manifest itself as either a vector or pseudoscalar particle. In order to gain insight into the effective potentials produced by the X17 boson for hyperfine interactions in muonic systems, we conduct calculations for both the pseudoscalar and vector hypotheses. Our study reveals that, for muonic atoms with nuclear charge numbers ranging from 10 to 15, the energy shift associated with the fifth force can be as high as 0.61 eV. These effects have the potential to be detected through the utilization of high-precision X-ray detectors that are used to analyze the energy spectrum of muonic characteristic X-rays.

  • Fierz identities at the one-loop level.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jason Aebischer

    One-loop Fierz identities are discussed, together with general basis transformations in Effective Field theories at the tree- and one-loop level. To this end, the notion of one-loop shifts is introduced, together with several examples that illustrate the virtues of this method.

  • Structure of the $\mathbf{\Lambda(1670)}$ resonance.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiong-Jiong Liu, Zhan-Wei Liu, Kan Chen, Dan Guo, Derek B. Leinweber, Xiang Liu, Anthony W. Thomas

    We examine the internal structure of the $\Lambda(1670)$ through an analysis of lattice QCD simulations and experimental data within Hamiltonian effective field theory. Two scenarios are presented. The first describes the $\Lambda(1670)$ as a bare three-quark basis state, which mixes with the $\pi\Sigma$, $\bar{K}N$, $\eta\Lambda$ and $K\Xi$ meson-baryon channels. In the second scenario, the $\Lambda(1670)$ is dynamically generated from these isospin-0 coupled channels. The $K^-p$ scattering data and the pole structures of the $\Lambda(1405)$ and the $\Lambda(1670)$ can be simultaneously described well in both scenarios. However, a comparison of the finite-volume spectra to lattice QCD calculations reveals significant differences between these scenarios, with a clear preference for the first case. Thus the lattice QCD results play a crucial role in allowing us to distinguish between these two scenarios for the internal structure of the $\Lambda(1670)$.

  • Hadron Production in Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions and Finite Baryon-Size Effects.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sameer Ahmad Mir, Nasir Ahmad Rather, Iqbal Mohi Ud Din, Saeed Uddin

    We analyze relative hadron production in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. Several particle ratios are analyzed over a wide range of collision energies. Employing a simple statistical model approach we consider baryons (antibaryons) with finite-sizes, leading to an excluded volume type effect in the dense hadronic medium which mimics the hardcore repulsive interactions among the pair of baryons or pairs of antibaryons. It is found that it has significant effect on the relative abundance of hadrons produced in such collisions. A hardcore radius of 0.76 fm to 0.79 fm is required to obtain a good fit to the experimental data over a wide range of energy. Invoking the hadron resonance gas(HRG) model we fix the values of the freeze-out baryon chemical potential and temperature at different collision energies using the standard ansatzes. Contributions of weak decays to the final state relative hadron multiplicities are taken into account considering single weak decays and those double decays where weak decay is followed by the strong decay. The particle ratios at different energies are found to be sensitive to the values of the baryonic (antibaryonic) hardcore radius. Minimum chi-squared fits to the experimental data at various energies are obtained by treating the baryonic (antibaryonic) hard-core radius as a free parameter for each type of antibaryon to baryon ratio. We also find indication of two different freezeout stages. The earlier one corresponds to the baryonic (hyperonic) and antibaryonic (antihyperonic) degrees of freedom and the latter corresponds to freeze-out of the mesonic degrees of freedom such as K and $\pi$. However, the phi meson due its small reaction cross section with other hadrons is assumed to freeze-out earlier than K and $\pi$. We find that there is a strong indication of strangeness suppression relative to the non-strange ones in the system.

  • Probing Higgs-muon interactions at a multi-TeV muon collider.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eugenia Celada, Tao Han, Wolfgang Kilian, Nils Kreher, Yang Ma, Fabio Maltoni, Davide Pagani, Jürgen Reuter, Tobias Striegl, Keping Xie

    We study the capabilities of a muon collider, at 3 and 10 TeV center-of-mass energy, of probing the interactions of the Higgs boson with the muon. We consider all the possible processes involving the direct production of EW bosons ($W,Z$ and $H$) with up to five particles in the final state. We study these processes both in the HEFT and SMEFT frameworks, assuming that the dominant BSM effects originate from the muon Yukawa sector. Our study shows that a Muon Collider has sensitivity beyond the LHC, as it not only relies on the Higgs-decay branching fraction to muons. A 10 TeV muon collider provides a unique sensitivity on muon and (multi-) Higgs interactions, significantly better than the 3 TeV option. We find searches based purely on multi-Higgs production to be particularly effective in probing these couplings.

  • Chiral perturbation theory and Bose-Einstein condensation in QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jens O. Andersen, Martin Kjøllesdal, Qing Yu, Hua Zhou

    We present recent results in three-flavor chiral perturbation theory at finite isospin $\mu_I$ and strangeness $\mu_s$ chemical potentials at zero temperature. The phase diagram to ${\cal O}(p^2)$ in the $\mu_I$--$\mu_S$ plane is mapped out with and without electromagnetic effects. The phase diagram consists of a vacuum phase and three Bose-condensed phases with condensates of $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$, and $K^{0}/\bar{K}^0$, respectively. Including electromagnetic interactions, the Bose-condensed phases become Higgs phases via the Higgs mechanism. The tree-level spectrum for the mesons and gauge bosons is also derived. We calculate the pressure, energy density, isospin density, and speed of sound in the pion-condensed phase to ${\cal O}(p^4)$ for three-flavor $\chi$PT. The results are compared with recent lattice simulations and the agreement is very good for isospin chemical potentials up to approximately 200 MeV. Moreover, by integrating out the $s$-quark, we show that the thermodynamic quantities can be mapped onto their two-flavor counterparts with renormalized parameters. %to ${\cal O}(p^6)$ for two-flavor $\chi$PT in the chiral limit. We also consider the nonrelativistic limit. It is shown that the energy density can be matched onto the classic result by Lee, Huang and Yang (LHY) for a dilute Bose, with an $s$-wave scattering length that includes radiative corrections. The breaking of the $U(1)$ symmetry in the Bose-condensed phases gives rise to a Goldstone bosons, whose dispersion is linear for momenta $p\ll\mu_I$. In this regime, we use Son's prescription to construct an effective theory for the Goldstone field which is valid in this regime. It is shown that its damping rate is of order $p^5$. This result is in agreement with Beliav's for a dilute Bose gas.

  • An effective field theory of damped ferromagnetic systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jingping Li

    Using the in-in formalism, we generalize the recently constructed magnetoelastic EFT arXiv:2112.13873 [hep-th] to describe the damping dynamics of ferromagnetic systems at long wavelengths. We find that the standard Gilbert damping term naturally arises as the simplest leading-order symmetry-consistent non-conservative contribution within the in-in framework. The EFT is easily generalized to scenarios with anisotropy and inhomogeneity. In particular, we find the classic Landau-Lifshitz damping term emerges when isotropy is broken by a constant external background field. This provides a first principle explanation for distinguishing the two types of damping dynamics that were originally constructed phenomenologically. Furthermore, the EFT framework could also incorporate intrinsic anisotropy of the material in a straightforward way using the spurion method. For systems with inhomogeneity such as nontrivial spin textures, we find that the leading order derivative correction yields the generalized Gilbert damping equations that were found in condensed matter literature. This shows that the EFT approach enables us to derive the form of higher-derivative-order corrections in a systematic way. Lastly, using the phonon-magnon coupling deduced in the magnetoelastic EFT, we are able to make a prediction for the generic form of the phononic contribution to the damping equation.

  • Generalized angular-order parton showers in Herwig 7.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joon-Bin Lee, M.R. Masouminia, Michael H. Seymour, Un-ki Yang

    This paper presents the inaugural investigation of beyond the Standard Model (BSM) radiation processes, framed as a generalized, process- and model-independent parton shower algorithm within Herwig 7, based on direct translations of Universal FeynRules Output (UFO) constructed via Herwig's ufo2herwig module. Leveraging the fact that shower kinematics are dictated by the spins of involved particles, we calculate comprehensive helicity-dependent branching kernels for all feasible splittings of scalars, fermions, and vector bosons, tailored to Herwig 7's angular-ordering (AO) parton shower algorithm. Utilizing these kernels, we derive BSM splitting functions in the quasi-collinear limit, ensuring compatibility with the Standard Model (SM) and supersymmetry (SUSY) splitting functions when analogous parameter conditions are applied. These newly derived functions have been integrated into the Herwig 7 event generator framework. Comparative analyses with fixed-order matrix element calculations show good agreement for single radiation events. Moreover, the results showcase the influence of BSM radiation at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and envisage its implications for future collider endeavours. This research augments our comprehension of BSM radiation effects, with significant bearings on present and prospective collider-based inquiries.

  • Renormalon-based resummation of Bjorken polarised sum rule in perturbative and holomorphic QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    César Ayala, Camilo Castro-Arriaza, Gorazd Cvetič

    The present knowledge of the renormalon structure of Bjorken polarised sum rule (BSR) ${\overline \Gamma}_1^{{\rm p-n}}(Q^2)$ is used to construct its characteristic function and thus to evaluate the leading-twist part of BSR. In this resummation, we take for the running coupling either the perturbative QCD (pQCD) coupling $a(Q^2) \equiv \alpha_s(Q^2)/\pi$ in specific schemes, or holomorphic couplings [$(a(Q^2) \mapsto {\mathcal A}(Q^2)$] that have no Landau singularities. The $D=2$ and $D=4$ terms are included in the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) of inelastic BSR, and fits are performed to the available experimental data in various intervals $(Q^2_{\rm min},Q^2_{\rm max})$ where $ Q^2_{\rm max}=4.74 \ {\rm GeV}^2$. Since the pQCD coupling $a(Q^2)$ has Landau singularities at $Q^2 \lesssim 1 \ {\rm GeV}^2$, we need relatively high $Q^2_{\rm min} \approx 1.7 \ {\rm GeV}^2$ in the pQCD case. When holomorphic couplings ${\mathcal A}(Q^2)$ are used, no such problems occur; for the $3 \delta$AQCD and $2 \delta$AQCD variants the preferred values are $Q^2_{\rm min} \approx 0.6 \ {\rm GeV}^2$. The preferred values of $\alpha_s$ in general cannot be unambiguously extracted, due to large uncertainties of the experimental BSR data, although the fit with $2 \delta$AQCD and the $D=2$ term included suggests $\alpha_s^{{\overline {\rm MS}}}(M_Z^2) \approx 0.1181$. At fixed value of $\alpha_s^{{\overline {\rm MS}}}(M_Z^2)$, the values of the $D=2$ and $D=4$ residue parameters are determined in all cases, with the corresponding uncertainties.

  • Double Higgs production at the HL-LHC: probing a loop-enhanced model with kinematical distributions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leandro Da Rold, Manuel Epele, Anibal D. Medina, Nicolás I. Mileo, Alejandro Szynkman

    We study di-Higgs production via gluon fusion at the high luminosity LHC in the presence of new physics, focusing on the $b\bar b\gamma\gamma$ final states. Taking a minimal set of three scalar leptoquarks (LQs) with cubic and quartic interactions with the Higgs and choosing four benchmark points with a light LQ, we perform a detailed analysis of differential distributions of the di-Higgs production cross section, studying the imprints of the new physics states running in the loops. Simulating the signal and main backgrounds, we study the influence of the new physics in differential distributions such as the invariant mass of the subsystems of final particles, the transverse momentum, and angular variables, finding in particular a resonance peak associated with the light LQ. It turns out that the angular separation of the photons, which is correlated with the resonance LQ peak, is a very sensitive observable that helps in discriminating the new physics signal from the Standard Model background. We find that for two of our benchmarks discovery could be reached with 3 ab$^{-1}$, whereas exclusion limits at 95% C.L. could be claimed with 0.60-0.75 ab$^{-1}$. For the other two benchmarks that have heavier LQ masses significances of order 2$\sigma$ are possible for 3 ab$^{-1}$. A similar analysis could be applied to other loop-enhanced models.

  • The twist-3 contribution to deeply virtual electroproduction of pions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Goran Duplančić, Peter Kroll, Kornelija Passek-K., Lech Szymanowski

    The twist-3 contribution, consisting of twist-2 transversity generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and a twist-3 meson wave function, to deeply virtual pion electroproduction is discussed. The twist-3 meson wave function includes both the $q\bar{q}$ and the $q\bar{q}g$ Fock components. Two methods to regularize the end-point singularities are introduced - quark transverse momenta and a gluon mass. Using existing GPD parameterizations the transverse and the transverse-transverse interference cross sections for $\pi^0$ production are calculated and compared to experimental data.

  • A 95 GeV Higgs Boson in the Georgi-Machacek Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ting-Kuo Chen, Cheng-Wei Chiang, Sven Heinemeyer, Georg Weiglein

    CMS and ATLAS have reported small excesses in the search for low-mass Higgs bosons in the di-photon decay channel at exactly the same mass, $95.4~$GeV. These searches rely on improved analysis techniques, enhancing in particular the discrimination against the $Z \to e^+e^-$ background. In models beyond the Standard Model (SM) that extend the Higgs sector with triplets, doubly-charged Higgs bosons are predicted which can contribute substantially to the di-photon decay rate of a light Higgs boson. The Georgi-Machacek (GM) Model is of particular interest in this context, since despite containing Higgs triplets it preserves the electroweak $\rho$-parameter to be$~$1 at the tree level. We show that within the GM model, a Higgs boson with a mass of $\sim 95~$GeV with a di-photon decay rate as observed by CMS and ATLAS can be well described. We discuss the di-photon excess in conjunction with an excess in the $b \bar b$ final state observed at LEP and an excess observed by CMS in the di-tau final state, which have been found at comparable masses with local significances of about $2\sigma$ and $3\sigma$, respectively. The presence of a Higgs boson at about $95~$GeV within the GM model would imply good prospects of the searches for additional light Higgs bosons. In particular, the observed excess in the di-photon channel would be expected to be correlated in the GM model with a light doubly-charged Higgs boson in the mass range between $100~$GeV and $200~$GeV, which motivates dedicated searches in upcoming LHC Runs.

  • Two body non-leptonic $D^0$ decays from LCSR and implications for $\Delta a^{\rm dir}_{\rm CP}$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexander Lenz, Maria Laura Piscopo, Aleksey V. Rusov

    Motivated by the recent measurements of CP violating effects in singly Cabibbo suppressed $D^0$ decays, we revisit the theoretical predictions of these channels. Using up-to-date values for the decay constants and form factors, we find already within naive QCD factorisation surprisingly good agreement between the central values of the branching ratios and the corresponding experimental data. We further extend the study of these modes by employing the method of light-cone sum rules (LCSR) with light-meson light-cone distribution amplitudes. Using for the first time this framework to compute the leading contribution to the decay amplitude, we can again describe well the experimental branching ratios for the modes $D^0 \to \pi^+ K^-$, $D^0 \to K^+ K^-$, $D^0 \to \pi^+ \pi^- $ and $D^0 \to K^+ \pi^-$. The combination of our results with known predictions for the penguin contributions, obtained with LCSR, leads to an upper bound for the value of direct CP violation expected in the Standard Model of $|\Delta a_{\rm CP}^{\rm dir}| \leq {2.4} \times 10^{-4} \,,$ which is approximately a factor six smaller than the current measurement.

  • Introduction to the PanScales framework, version 0.1.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Melissa van Beekveld, Mrinal Dasgupta, Basem Kamal El-Menoufi, Silvia Ferrario Ravasio, Keith Hamilton, Jack Helliwell, Alexander Karlberg, Rok Medves, Pier Francesco Monni, Gavin P. Salam, Ludovic Scyboz, Alba Soto-Ontoso, Gregory Soyez, Rob Verheyen

    In this article, we document version 0.1 of the PanScales code for parton shower simulations. With the help of a few examples, we discuss basic usage of the code, including tests of logarithmic accuracy of parton showers. We expose some of the numerical techniques underlying the logarithmic tests and include a description of how users can implement their own showers within the framework. Some of the simpler logarithmic tests can be performed in a few minutes on a modern laptop. As an early step towards phenomenology, we also outline some aspects of a preliminary interface to Pythia, for access to its hard matrix elements and its hadronisation modules.

  • Dark matter in the Scotogenic model with spontaneous lepton number violation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Valentina De Romeri, Jacopo Nava, Miguel Puerta, Avelino Vicente

    Scotogenic models constitute an appealing solution to the generation of neutrino masses and to the dark matter mystery. In this work we consider a version of the Scotogenic model that breaks lepton number spontaneously. At this scope, we extend the particle content of the Scotogenic model with an additional singlet scalar which acquires a non-zero vacuum expectation value and breaks a global lepton number symmetry. As a consequence, a massless Goldstone boson, the majoron, appears in the particle spectrum. We discuss how the presence of the majoron modifies the phenomenology, both in flavor and dark matter observables. We focus on the fermionic dark matter candidate and analyze its relic abundance and prospects for both direct and indirect detection.

  • Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions for exclusive $J/\psi$ photoproduction in oxygen-oxygen and lead-lead collisions at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kari J. Eskola, Christopher A. Flett, Vadim Guzey, Topi Löytäinen, Hannu Paukkunen

    We present predictions for the cross sections of coherent $J/\psi$ photoproduction in lead-lead and oxygen-oxygen ultraperipheral collisions (UPCs) as a function of the $J/\psi$ rapidity at the LHC in the framework of collinear factorization at next-to-leading order (NLO) in perturbative QCD. Taking generalized parton distribution functions in their forward limit and using the EPPS21, nNNPDF3.0, and nCTEQ15WZSIH nuclear parton distribution functions, we update our recent results for Pb-Pb collisions, make detailed predictions for O-O collisions for several beam energy configurations, and examine the ratio of O-O and Pb-Pb UPC cross sections. We show that the latter observable allows one to significantly reduce the scale uncertainty of NLO predictions for this process.

  • Life at the Landau pole.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Paul Romatschke

    If a quantum field theory has a Landau pole, the theory is usually called 'sick' and dismissed as a candidate for an interacting UV-complete theory. In a recent study on the interacting 4d O(N) model at large N, it was shown that at the Landau pole, observables remain well-defined and finite. In this work, I study both relevant and irrelevant deformations of the said model at the Landau pole, finding that physical observables remain unaffected. Apparently, the Landau pole in this theory is benign. As a phenomenological application, I compare the O(N) model to QCD, by identifying $\Lambda_{\overline{\rm MS}}$ with the Landau pole in the O(N) model.

  • Terrestrial detection of hidden vectors produced by solar nuclear reactions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Francesco D'Eramo, Giuseppe Lucente, Newton Nath, Seokhoon Yun

    Solar nuclear reactions can occasionally produce sub-MeV elusive beyond the Standard Model particles that escape the solar interior without further interactions. This study focuses on massive spin-one particles. We construct the general theoretical framework and identify two crucial mixing sources involving the photon, which facilitate communication between the hidden and visible sectors: kinetic mixing with the photon, and plasma-induced mixing due to thermal electron loops. For both cases, we focus on the second stage of the solar proton-proton chain and evaluate the fluxes of monochromatic 5.49~MeV hidden vectors produced by the $p(d, ^3{\rm He})\gamma^\prime$ nuclear reaction. We then investigate their terrestrial detection via Compton-like scatterings. The incoming fluxes are polarized, and we evaluate the cross sections for Compton-like scatterings for transverse and longitudinal vectors. Finally, we apply this framework to a concrete case by investigating the sensitivity of the forthcoming Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) experiment and identifying parameter space where current terrestrial bounds will be improved.

  • Decay of entangled fermion pairs with post-selection.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra

    We consider a pair of unstable fermions in a spin-entangled state. After the decay of one fermion, a spin measurement is performed on the surviving partner, with a Stern-Gerlach experiment or similar. The measurement not only projects the spin of the surviving fermion, but is also physically equivalent to a spin projection for the decayed one -- even when it no longer exists. This post-selection effect would be experimentally accessible using muon pairs in a maximally-entangled state, produced either in the decay of a scalar particle, or in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at wide angles.

  • Mapping properties of the quark gluon plasma in Pb-Pb and Xe-Xe collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Vermunt, Y. Seemann, A. Dubla, S. Floerchinger, E. Grossi, A. Kirchner, S. Masciocchi, I. Selyuzhenkov

    A phenomenological analysis of the experimental measurements of transverse momentum spectra of identified charged hadrons and strange hyperons in Pb-Pb and Xe-Xe collisions at the LHC is presented. The analysis is based on the relativistic fluid dynamics description implemented in the numerically efficient \textsc{Fluid{\it u}M} approach. Building on our previous work, we separate in our treatment the chemical and kinetic freeze-out, and incorporate the partial chemical equilibrium to describe the late stages of the collision evolution. This analysis makes use of Bayesian inference to determine key parameters of the QGP evolution and its properties including the shear and bulk viscosity to entropy ratios, the initialisation time, the initial entropy density, and the freeze-out temperatures. The physics parameters and their posterior probabilities are extracted using a global search in multidimensional space with modern machine learning tools, such as ensembles of neural networks. We employ our newly developed fast framework to assess systematic uncertainties in the extracted model parameters by systematically varying key components of our analysis.

  • Constraining the low-energy S=-2 meson-baryon interaction with two-particle correlations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    V. Mantovani Sarti, A. Feijoo, I. Vidaña, A. Ramos, F. Giacosa, T. Hyodo, Y. Kamiya

    The two-particle correlation technique applied to $K^-\Lambda$ pairs in pp collisions at LHC recently provided the most precise data on the strangeness $S=-2$ meson-baryon interaction. In this letter, we use for the first time femtoscopic data to constrain the parameters of a low-energy effective QCD Lagrangian. The tuned model delivers new insights on the molecular nature of the $\Xi(1620)$ and $\Xi(1690)$ states. This procedure opens the possibility to determine higher order corrections, directly constraining QCD effective models particularly in the multi-strange and charm sectors.

  • Evaluation of Bjorken polarised sum rule with a renormalon-motivated approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Cesar Ayala, Camilo Castro-Arriaza, Gorazd Cvetič

    We use the known renormalon structure of Bjorken polarised sum rule (BSR) ${\overline \Gamma}_1^{p-n}(Q^2)$ to evaluate the leading-twist part of that quantity. In addition, we include $D=2$ and $D=4$ Operator Product Expansion (OPE) terms and fit this expression to available experimental data for inelastic BSR. Since we use perturbative QCD (pQCD) coupling, which fails at low squared spacelike momenta $Q^2 \lesssim 1 \ {\rm GeV}^2$ due to Landau singularities, the fit is performed for $Q^2 \geq Q^2_{\rm min}$ where $Q^2_{\rm min} \approx (1.7 \pm 0.3) \ {\rm GeV}^2$. Due to large BSR experimental uncertainties, the extracted value of the pQCD coupling has very large uncertainties, especially when $Q^2_{\rm min}$ is varied. However, when we fix the pQCD coupling to the known world average values, the $D=2$ and $D=4$ residue parameters can be determined within large but reasonable uncertainties.

  • On the Axion Electrodynamics in a two-dimensional slab and the Casimir effect.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Iver Brevik, Masud Chaichian, Amedeo M. Favitta

    We analyze the Axion Electrodynamics in a two-dimensional slab of finite width $L$ containing a homogeneous and isotropic dielectric medium with constant permittivity and permeability. We start from the known decomposition of modes in the nonaxion case and then solve perturbatively the governing equations for the electromagnetic fields to which the axions are also coupled. This is a natural approach, since the finiteness of $L$ destroys the spatial invariance of the theory in the $z$ direction normal to the plates. In this way we derive the value of the axion-generated rotation angle of the electric and magnetic fields after their passage through the slab, and use the obtained results to calculate the Casimir force between the two conducting plates. Our calculations make use of the same method as previously outlined in \cite{hoye20} for the case of Casimir calculations in chiral media and extend former results on the Casimir force in the Axion Electrodynamics.

  • Decays of fully beauty scalar tetraquarks to $B_{q}\overline{B}_{q}$ and $B_{q}^{\ast}\overline{B}_{q}^{\ast}$ mesons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. S. Agaev, K. Azizi, B. Barsbay, H. Sundu

    Decays of the fully beauty four-quark structures $X_{\mathrm{4b}}$ and $T_{ \mathrm{4b}}$ to $B$ meson pairs are investigated in the framework of QCD three-point sum rule method. We model the scalar exotic mesons $X_{\mathrm{4b }}$ and $T_{\mathrm{4b}}$ as diquark-antidiquark systems composed of the axial-vector and pseudoscalar diquarks, respectively. The masses $m=(18540 \pm 50)~\mathrm{MeV}$ and $\widetilde{m}=(18858 \pm 50)~\mathrm{MeV}$ of these compounds calculated in our previous articles, fix possible decay channels of these particles. In the present work, we consider their decays to $B_{q}\overline{B}_{q}$ and $B_{q}^{\ast }\overline{B}_{q}^{\ast } (q=u,d,s,c)$ mesons. In the case of $X_{\mathrm{4b}}$ the mass of which is below the $2\eta_{b}$ threshold, these channels determine essential part of its full width $\Gamma_{\mathrm{4b}}$. The tetraquark $T_{\mathrm{4b}}$ can decay to the pair $\eta_{b}\eta_{b}$, therefore partial widths of processes with $B (B^{\ast})$ mesons in the final state permit us to refine our estimate for the full width of this particle. The predictions $\Gamma_{ \mathrm{4b}}=(9.6\pm 1.1)~\mathrm{MeV}$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma }_{\mathrm{4b} }^{\mathrm{Full}}=(144 \pm 29)~\mathrm{MeV}$ obtained in this article can be used in future experimental investigations of four $b$-quark mesons.

  • Forward dijet production at the LHC within an impact parameter dependent TMD approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    F. Deganutti, C. Royon, S. Schlichting

    We investigate possible signatures of gluon saturation using forward $p+A \to j+j+X$ di-jet production processes at the Large Hadron Collider. In the forward rapidity region, this is a highly asymmetric process where partons with large longitudinal momentum fraction \(x\) in the dilute projectile are used as a probe to resolve the small \(x\) partonic content of the dense target. Such dilute-dense processes can be described in the factorization framework of Improved Transverse Momentum Distributions (ITMDs). We present a new model for ITMDs where we explicitly introduce the impact parameter (\(b\)) dependence in the ITMDs, to properly account for the nuclear enhancement of gluon saturation effects, and discuss the phenomenological consequences for $p-Pb$, $p-Xe$ and $p-O$ collisions at the LHC. While the case of $p-p$ and $e-p$ collisions is used to fix the model parameters, we find that, on average, the nuclear enhancement of the saturation scale is noticeably weaker than expected from naive scaling with a simple dependence on the atomic number. Since our model explicitly accounts for event-by-event fluctuations of the nuclear geometry, it can also be applied to study forward central correlations in $p-A$ collisions.

  • Impact of the LZ Experiment on DM Phenomenology and Naturalness in the MSSM.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Li Dongwei, Meng Lei, Zhou Haijing

    Taking the bino-dominated dark matter (DM) as an example, through approximate analytical formulas and numerical results, this paper analyzes the impact of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment on the DM phenomenology and naturalness in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The conclusion is that the limitation of the latest LZ experiment worsens the naturalness of the MSSM. This phenomenon manifests itself in the predictions of the $Z$-boson mass and dark matter relic density, particularly the $Z$- and $h$-mediated resonant annihilations.

  • $\mathcal{CP}$-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Konstantin Gaul, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Phelan Yu, Andrew M. Jayich, Miroslav Iliaš, Anastasia Borschevsky

    Closed-shell atoms and molecules such as Hg or TlF provide some of the best low-energy tests of hadronic $\mathcal{CP}$-violation which is considered to be a necessary ingredient to explain the observed excess of matter over antimatter in our universe. $\mathcal{CP}$-violation is, however, expected to be strongly enhanced in octupole deformed nuclei such as $^{225}$Ra. Recently, closed-shell radium-containing symmetric-top molecular ions were cooled sympathetically in a Coulomb crystal [M. Fan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023002 (2021)] and shown to be well-suited for precision spectroscopy in the search for fundamental physics [P. Yu and N. R. Hutzler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023003 (2021)]. In closed-shell molecules hadronic $\mathcal{CP}$-violation contributes to a net electric dipole moment (EDM) that violates parity and time-reversal symmetry ($\mathcal{P,T}$), which is the target of measurements. To interpret experiments, it is indispensable to know the electronic structure enhancement parameters for the various sources of $\mathcal{P,T}$-violation which contribute to the net $\mathcal{P,T}$-odd EDM. In this paper we employ relativistic Hartree--Fock and density functional theory calculations to determine relevant parameters for interpretation of possible EDM measurements in RaOCH$_3^+$, RaSH$^+$, RaCH$_3^+$, RaCN$^+$, and RaNC$^+$ and perform accurate relativistic coupled cluster calculations of the Schiff moment enhancement in RaSH$^+$ to gauge the quality of the density functional theory approach. Finally, we project to bounds on various fundamental $\mathcal{P,T}$-odd parameters that could be achievable from an experiment with RaOCH$_3^+$ in the near future and asses the complementarity of this experiment to experiments with Hg and TlF.


  • Boundary Chaos: Spectral Form Factor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Felix Fritzsch, Tomaž Prosen

    Random matrix spectral correlations is a defining feature of quantum chaos. Here, we study such correlations in a minimal model of chaotic many-body quantum dynamics where interactions are confined to the system's boundary, dubbed \textit{boundary chaos}, in terms of the spectral form factor and its fluctuations. We exactly calculate the latter in the limit of large local Hilbert space dimension $q$ for different classes of random boundary interactions and find it to coincide with random matrix theory, possibly after a non-zero Thouless time. The latter effect is due to a drastic enhancement of the spectral form factor, when integer time and system size fulfill a resonance condition. We compare our semiclassical (large $q$) results with numerics at small local Hilbert space dimension ($q=2,3$) and observe qualitatively similar features as in the semiclassical regime.

  • Resurgence of large order relations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Coenraad Marinissen, Alexander van Spaendonck, Marcel Vonk

    One of the main applications of resurgence in physics is the decoding of nonperturbative effects through large order relations. These relations connect perturbative asymptotic expansions of observables to expansions around other saddle points. Together, this data is unified in transseries that describe the nonperturbative structure. It is known that such large order relations themselves also take the form of transseries. We study these large order transseries, and show that they in turn are resurgent -- that is: their nonperturbative sectors `know about each other' through Borel residues that are essentially equal to those of the original transseries. We show that with an appropriate resummation prescription, large order relations are often exact: they can be used to exactly compute perturbative coefficients -- not just their large order growth. Finally, we argue that Stokes phenomenon plays an important role for large order relations, for example if we want to extend the discrete index of the perturbative coefficients to arbitrary complex values.

  • Holographic duals of Higgsed $\mathcal{D}_p^b(BCD)$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christopher Couzens, Monica Jinwoo Kang, Craig Lawrie, Yein Lee

    We construct the AdS$_5$ holographic duals to all non-Lagrangian 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theories of Argyres--Douglas type, namely, $\mathcal{D}_p^{\,b}(G)$, arising from class $\mathcal{S}$ of classical type involving irregular punctures of regular semi-simple type. The 11d supergravity duals contain an internal space of the form of a fibered product of a disc with a squashed and fibered four-sphere and includes orbifold projections which depend on the type of twist lines/outer-automorphism twists in the class $\mathcal{S}$ theory. We verify the holographic duality by determining and matching the anomalies (including the central charges $a$ and $c$ and the flavor central charges) at leading and subleading orders. The Higgs branch of the conformal field theory is described via Higgsing by a nilpotent orbit of a classical Lie algebra; we find the exact closed form formulae for the central charges for every Higgsing. We prove that in the supergravity duals, constraints on the type of partitions associated to allowable Higgsings are enforced by the consistency condition known as the t-rule.

  • Hamiltonian truncation tensor networks for quantum field theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Philipp Schmoll, Jan Naumann, Alexander Nietner, Jens Eisert, Spyros Sotiriadis

    Understanding the equilibrium properties and out of equilibrium dynamics of quantum field theories are key aspects of fundamental problems in theoretical particle physics and cosmology. However, their classical simulation is highly challenging. In this work, we introduce a tensor network method for the classical simulation of continuous quantum field theories that is suitable for the study of low-energy eigenstates and out-of-equilibrium time evolution. The method is built on Hamiltonian truncation and tensor network techniques, bridging the gap between two successful approaches. One of the key developments is the exact construction of matrix product state representations of global projectors, crucial for the implementation of interacting theories. Despite featuring a relatively high computational effort, our method dramatically improves predictive precision compared to exact diagonalisation-based Hamiltonian truncation, allowing the study of so far unexplored parameter regimes and dynamical effects. We corroborate trust in the accuracy of the method by comparing it with exact theoretical results for ground state properties of the sine-Gordon model. We then proceed with discussing $(1+1)$-dimensional quantum electrodynamics, the massive Schwinger model, for which we accurately locate its critical point and study the growth and saturation of momentum-space entanglement in sudden quenches.

  • The entanglement membrane in exactly solvable lattice models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michael A. Rampp, Suhail A. Rather, Pieter W. Claeys

    Entanglement membrane theory is an effective coarse-grained description of entanglement dynamics and operator growth in chaotic quantum many-body systems. The fundamental quantity characterizing the membrane is the entanglement line tension. However, determining the entanglement line tension for microscopic models is in general exponentially difficult. We compute the entanglement line tension in a recently introduced class of exactly solvable yet chaotic unitary circuits, so-called generalized dual-unitary circuits, obtaining a non-trivial form that gives rise to a hierarchy of velocity scales with $v_E<v_B$. We find that these circuits saturate certain bounds on entanglement growth that are also saturated in holographic models. Furthermore, we relate the entanglement line tension to temporal entanglement and correlation functions. We also find new methods of constructing generalized dual-unitary gates beyond qubits that display behavior unique to local dimension $\geq3$. Our results shed light on entanglement membrane theory in microscopic Floquet lattice models and enable us to perform non-trivial checks on the validity of its predictions by comparison to exact and numerical calculations.

  • Unravelling T-Duality: Magnetic Quivers in Rank-zero Little String Theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lorenzo Mansi, Marcus Sperling

    An intriguing class of 6d supersymmetric theories are known as little strings theories, which exhibit a rich network of T-dualities. A robust feature of these theories are their Higgs branches. Focusing on the little string theories that are realised on a single curve of zero self-intersection, we utilise brane systems to derive the magnetic quivers. Using a variety of techniques (including branching rules, brane dynamics, F-theory geometry, quiver subtraction, and the decay and fission algorithm), we detail the Higgs branch Hasse diagram and determine the transverse slices for every elementary Higgs branch RG-flow. Building on these insights, we pursue two directions: firstly, we used the established connection between the change of the 2-Group structure constants along Higgs branch RG-flows and the transition-type in the Hasse diagram to infer putative T-dual models. Secondly, we conjecture an algorithm that predicts the non-Abelian flavour symmetry of the compactified little string theory by inspecting the magnetic quivers of all T-dual frames.

  • Holographic Reflected Entropy and Islands in Interface CFTs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jaydeep Kumar Basak, Debarshi Basu, Vinay Malvimat, Himanshu Parihar, Gautam Sengupta

    We investigate the reflected entropy for various mixed state configurations in the two dimensional holographic conformal field theories sharing a common interface (ICFTs). In the AdS$_3$/ICFT$_2$ framework, we compute the holographic reflected entropy for the required configurations in the vacuum state of the ICFT$_{\text{2}}$ which is given by twice the entanglement wedge cross section (EWCS) in a spacetime involving two AdS$_3$ geometries glued along a thin interface brane. Subsequently, we evaluate the EWCS in the bulk geometry involving eternal BTZ black strings with an AdS$_2$ interface brane, which is dual to an ICFT$_2$ in the thermofield double (TFD) state. We explore the system from a doubly holographic perspective and determine the island contributions to the reflected entropy in the two dimensional semi-classical description involving two CFT$_{\text{2}}$s coupled to an AdS$_2$ brane. We demonstrate that the results from the island formula match precisely with the bulk AdS$_3$ results in the large tension limit of the interface brane. We illustrate that the phase structure of the reflected entropy is quite rich involving many novel induced island phases and demonstrate that it obeys the expected Page curve for the reflected entropy in a radiation bath coupled to the AdS$_2$ black hole.

  • Flux Quantization on Phase Space.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber

    While it has become widely appreciated that (higher) gauge theories need, besides their variational phase space data, to be equipped with "flux quantization laws" in generalized differential cohomology, there used to be no general prescription for how to define and construct the resulting flux-quantized phase space stacks. In this short note we observe that all higher Maxwell-type equations have solution spaces given by flux densities on a Cauchy surface subject to a higher Gauss law and no further constraint: The metric duality-constraint is all absorbed into the evolution equation away from the Cauchy surface. Moreover, we observe that the higher Gauss law characterizes the Cauchy data as flat differential forms valued in a characteristic L-infinity-algebra. Using the recent construction of the non-abelian Chern-Dold character map, this implies that compatible flux quantization laws on phase space have classifying spaces whose rational Whitehead L-infinity algebra is this characteristic one. The flux-quantized higher phase space stack of the theory is then simply the corresponding (generally non-abelian) differential cohomology moduli stack on the Cauchy surface. We show how this systematic prescription subsumes existing proposals for flux-quantized phase spaces of vacuum Maxwell theory and of the chiral boson. Moreover, for the case of NS/RR-fields in type II supergravity, the traditional "Hypothesis K" of flux quantization in topological K-theory is naturally implied, without the need, on phase space, for the notorious further duality constraint. Finally, as a genuinely non-abelian example, we consider flux-quantization of the C-field in 11d supergravity/M-theory given by unstable differential 4-Cohomotopy ("Hypothesis H") and emphasize again that, implemented on Cauchy data, this qualifies as the full phase space without the need for a further duality constraint.

  • Thermodynamics of black holes with probe D-branes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alejandro Cabo-Bizet, Marina David, Alfredo González Lezcano

    Understanding how the thermodynamic properties of a black hole are modified when probed by D-branes is an important problem in AdS/CFT. This work focuses on a recently proposed black hole/D3-brane system in AdS$_5\times$S$^5$, which is dual to four-dimensional N=4 SYM in the presence of a two-dimensional surface defect. The Laplace transform that extracts the asymptotic growth of states in this defect CFT naturally defines a thermodynamic approach in the gravitational side of the duality for which charges and entropy are real. Studying the superconformal defect index in a large-charge expansion for all values of~$N$, we compute the leading correction to the entropy of the combined system, which matches precisely with its gravity counterpart.

  • Conformal field theories in a magnetic field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rufus Boyack, Luca V. Delacrétaz, Éric Dupuis, William Witczak-Krempa

    We study the properties of 2+1d conformal field theories (CFTs) in a background magnetic field. Using generalized particle-vortex duality, we argue that in many cases of interest the theory becomes gapped, which allows us to make a number of predictions for the magnetic response, background monopole operators, and more. Explicit calculations at large N for Wilson-Fisher and Gross-Neveu CFTs support our claim, and yield the spectrum of background (defect) monopole operators. Finally, we point out that other possibilities exist: certain CFTs can become metallic in a magnetic field. Such a scenario occurs for a Dirac fermion coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge field, where a non-Fermi liquid is argued to emerge.

  • Unmixing the Wilson line defect CFT. Part I: spectrum and kinematics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pietro Ferrero, Carlo Meneghelli

    This is the first of a series of two papers in which we study the one-dimensional defect CFT defined by insertions of local operators along a $\tfrac{1}{2}$-BPS Wilson line in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills. In this first paper we focus on the kinematical implications of invariance under the $\mathfrak{osp}(4^*|4)$ superconformal algebra preserved by the line. We study correlation functions involving both protected and unprotected supermultiplets and derive the associated superconformal blocks, using two types of superspace for short and long representations. We also discuss the spectrum of defect theories defined by the Wilson line, focusing in particular on fundamental lines in the planar limit: in this case we provide a detailed analysis of the type and number of states both at weak 't Hooft coupling, via the free gauge theory description of the defect CFT, and at strong coupling, where there is a dual description via AdS/CFT. Focusing on the strongly-coupled regime, which will be subject to a detailed analysis using analytic bootstrap techniques in a companion paper, we also develop a strategy that allows to explicitly build superconformal primary operators and their superconformal descendants in terms of the elementary fields in the AdS Lagrangian description. The explicit results will be used in a companion paper to address the problem of operators mixing at strong coupling. This paper and its companion provide an extended version of the results presented in 2103.10440.

  • Unmixing the Wilson line defect CFT. Part II: analytic bootstrap.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pietro Ferrero, Carlo Meneghelli

    In this second installment of a series of two papers on the $\tfrac{1}{2}$-BPS Wilson line defect CFT in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, we focus on dynamical aspects of the theory, in particular studying four-point functions with analytic bootstrap methods. Relying on the results of a companion paper for the kinematics and strong coupling spectrum, we consider various four-point functions in the planar limit, in an expansion for large 't Hooft coupling. Our ultimate goal is to provide a detailed derivation of the four-point function of the displacement supermultiplet at three loops, first presented in 2103.10440. Along the way, we present a large amount of new results including four-point functions with zero, one or two long external supermultiplets. The last two represent a novelty in the analytic bootstrap literature and are instrumental in addressing the problem of operators degeneracy. Such phenomenon leads to the necessity of resolving a mixing problem that is more complicated than those usually encountered in the study of holographic correlators, thus leading us to the development of a new approach that we believe will have a wider range of applicability. Related to this issue, we analyze in some detail the structure of the dilatation operator in this model. Some of the ingredients that we use apply more generally to holographic theories, although a thorough investigation of these aspects is missing, to the best of our knowledge, in most interesting cases.

  • Large-$N$ Solution and Effective Action of "Twisted-Mass'' Deformed $\mathbb{CP}(N-1)$ Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Sumbatian, E. Ievlev, A. Yung

    We study effective dynamics of the non-supersymmetric two-dimensional $\mathbb{CP}(N-1)$ model in the large $N$ limit. This model is deformed by a mass term $m$ preserving $\mathbb{Z}_N$ symmetry of the Lagrangian. At small $m$ the theory is strongly coupled and resembles the undeformed $\mathbb{CP}(N-1)$ model, while at large $m$ it is in a weakly coupled Higgs phase with spontaneously broken $\mathbb{Z}_N$. We find the phase transition point and discuss the fate of the kink-antikink ``mesons'' at strong coupling. We also resolve an issue of instability that arose in previous studies of this model.

  • Level Repulsion in $\mathcal{N} = 4$ super-Yang-Mills via Integrability, Holography, and the Bootstrap.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shai M. Chester, Ross Dempsey, Silviu S. Pufu

    We combine supersymmetric localization with the numerical conformal bootstrap to bound the scaling dimension and OPE coefficient of the lowest-dimension operator in $\mathcal{N} = 4$ $\text{SU}(N)$ super-Yang-Mills theory for a wide range of $N$ and Yang-Mills couplings $g_\text{YM}$. We find that our bounds are approximately saturated by weak coupling results at small $g_\text{YM}$. Furthermore, at large $N$ our bounds interpolate between integrability results for the Konishi operator at small $g_\text{YM}$ and strong-coupling results, including the first few stringy corrections, for the lowest-dimension double-trace operator at large $g_\text{YM}$. In particular, our scaling dimension bounds describe the level splitting between the single- and double-trace operators at intermediate coupling.

  • Three Point Amplitudes in Matrix Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aidan Herderschee, Juan Maldacena

    We compute the three graviton amplitude in the Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind matrix model for M-theory. Even though the three point amplitude is determined by super Poincare invariance in eleven dimensional M-theory, it requires a non-trivial computation in the matrix model. We consider a configuration where all three gravitons carry non-zero longitudinal momentum. To simplify the problem, we compactify one additional dimension and relate the amplitude to a supersymmetric index computation. We find agreement with the expected answer even at finite values of $N$.

  • Spread complexity in saddle-dominated scrambling.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kyoung-Bum Huh, Hyun-Sik Jeong, Juan F. Pedraza

    Recently, the concept of spread complexity, Krylov complexity for states, has been introduced as a measure of the complexity and chaoticity of quantum systems. In this paper, we study the spread complexity of the thermofield double state within \emph{integrable} systems that exhibit saddle-dominated scrambling. Specifically, we focus on the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model and the inverted harmonic oscillator as representative examples of quantum mechanical systems featuring saddle-dominated scrambling. Applying the Lanczos algorithm, our numerical investigation reveals that the spread complexity in these systems exhibits features reminiscent of \emph{chaotic} systems, displaying a distinctive ramp-peak-slope-plateau pattern. Our results indicate that, although spread complexity serves as a valuable probe, accurately diagnosing true quantum chaos generally necessitates additional physical input. We also explore the relationship between spread complexity, the spectral form factor, and the transition probability within the Krylov space. We provide analytical confirmation of our numerical results, validating the Ehrenfest theorem of complexity and identifying a distinct quadratic behavior in the early-time regime of spread complexity.

  • Toward coherent quantum computation of scattering amplitudes with a measurement-based photonic quantum processor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raúl A. Briceño, Robert G. Edwards, Miller Eaton, Carlos González-Arciniegas, Olivier Pfister, George Siopsis

    In recent years, applications of quantum simulation have been developed to study properties of strongly interacting theories. This has been driven by two factors: on the one hand, needs from theorists to have access to physical observables that are prohibitively difficult to study using classical computing; on the other hand, quantum hardware becoming increasingly reliable and scalable to larger systems. In this work, we discuss the feasibility of using quantum optical simulation for studying scattering observables that are presently inaccessible via lattice QCD and are at the core of the experimental program at Jefferson Lab, the future Electron-Ion Collider, and other accelerator facilities. We show that recent progress in measurement-based photonic quantum computing can be leveraged to provide deterministic generation of required exotic gates and implementation in a single photonic quantum processor.

  • Quantum geometry and mock modularity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergei Alexandrov, Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Albrecht Klemm, Boris Pioline

    In previous work, we used new mathematical relations between Gopakumar-Vafa (GV) invariants and rank 0 Donaldson-Thomas (DT) invariants to determine the first few terms in the generating series of Abelian D4-D2-D0 indices for a class of compact one-parameter Calabi-Yau threefolds. This allowed us to obtain striking checks of S-duality, namely the prediction that these series should be vector-valued weakly holomorphic modular forms under $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$. In this work, we extend this analysis to the case of D4-D2-D0 indices with two units of D4-brane charge, where S-duality instead predicts that the corresponding generating series should be mock modular with a specific shadow. For the degree 10 hypersurface in weighted projective space $\mathbb{P}_{5,2,1,1,1}$, and the degree 8 hypersurface in $\\mathbb{P}_{4,1,1,1,1}$, where GV invariants can be computed to sufficiently high genus, we find that the first few terms indeed match a unique mock modular form with the required properties, which we determine explicitly. Turning the argument around, we obtain new boundary conditions on the holomorphic ambiguity of the topological string amplitude, which in principle allow to determine it completely up to genus 95 and 112, respectively, i.e. almost twice the maximal genus obtainable using gap and ordinary Castelnuovo vanishing conditions.

  • Holographic description for correlation functions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hanse Kim, Jitendra Pal, Chanyong Park

    We study general correlation functions of various quantum field theories in the holographic setup. Following the holographic proposal, we investigate correlation functions via a geodesic length connecting boundary operators. We show that this holographic description can reproduce the known two- and three-point functions of conformal field theory. Using this holographic method, we further study general two-point functions of a two-dimensional thermal CFT and of a scalar field theory living in a dS or AdS space. Due to the nontrivial thermal or curvature effect, the two-point functions in an IR limit show different scaling behaviors from those of the UV CFT. We study such nontrivial IR scaling behaviors by applying the holographic method.

  • Covariant odd entanglement entropy in AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saikat Biswas, Ankur Dey, Boudhayan Paul, Gautam Sengupta

    We develop a replica technique to compute the odd entanglement entropy (OEE) for time dependent bipartite states in a CFT$_2$. In this context we obtain the OEE for bipartite mixed states in zero, finite temperature and finite size CFT$_2$s dual to bulk pure AdS$_3$ and BTZ black hole geometries. The replica technique results for the time dependent OEE are reproduced modulo constants in the large central charge limit through holographic computations involving the bulk entanglement wedge cross section (EWCS). Subsequently we obtain the time dependent OEE for mixed states in zero and finite temperature CFT$_2$s with a conserved charge dual to bulk extremal and non-extremal rotating BTZ black holes through both field theory and bulk covariant holographic computations which again match up to constants in the large central charge limit.

  • Protected edge modes based on the bulk and boundary renormalization group: A relationship between duality and generalized symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yoshiki Fukusumi

    We propose a theoretical formulation of protected edge modes in the language of quantum field theories based on the contemporary understanding of the renormalization group. We use bulk and boundary renormalization arguments which have never captured enough attention in condensed matter physics and related fields. Moreover, in the systems with open boundaries in general space-time dimensions, we also analyze their implications under general duality implemented by the shift of defects corresponding to generalized symmetries, including higher-form, non-invertible symmetries, in principle. Our formulation opens up a new paradigm to explore the systems with protected edge modes in the established language of the renormalization group.

  • Exact approaches on the string worldsheet.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saskia Demulder, Sibylle Driezen, Bob Knighton, Gerben Oling, Ana L. Retore, Fiona K. Seibold, Alessandro Sfondrini, Ziqi Yan

    We review different exact approaches to string theory. In the context of the Green-Schwarz superstring, we discuss the action in curved backgrounds and its supercoset formulation, with particular attention to superstring backgrounds of the $AdS_3$ type supported by both Ramond-Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz fluxes. This is the basis for the discussion of classical integrability, of worldsheet-scattering factorisation in the uniform lightcone gauge, and eventually of the string spectrum through the mirror thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, which for $AdS_3$ backgrounds was only derived and analysed very recently. We then illustrate some aspects of the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz string, and introduce the formalism of Berkovits-Vafa-Witten, which has seen very recent applications to $AdS_3$ physics, which we also briefly review. Finally, we present the relation between M-theory in the discrete lightcone quantisation and decoupling limits of string theory that exhibit non-relativistic behaviours, highlighting the connection with integrable $T\bar{T}$ deformations, as well as the relation between spin-matrix theory and Landau-Lifshitz models. This review is based on lectures given at the Young Researchers Integrability School and Workshop 2022 "Taming the string worldsheet" at NORDITA, Stockholm.

  • String structures and loop spaces.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Konrad Waldorf

    This invited contribution to the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (2nd edition) gives a gentle and accessible introduction to string structures and their approach via loop spaces.

  • Sum rules & Tauberian theorems at finite temperature.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Enrico Marchetto, Alessio Miscioscia, Elli Pomoni

    We study CFTs at finite temperature and derive explicit sum rules for one-point functions of operators by imposing the KMS condition. In the case of a large gap between light and heavy operators, we explicitly compute one-point functions for light operators. Turning to heavy operators we employ Tauberian theorems and compute the asymptotic OPE density for heavy operators, from which we extract the leading terms of the OPE coefficients associated with heavy operators. Furthermore, we approximate and establish bounds for the two-point functions.

  • Quantum Observables of Quantized Fluxes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber

    While it has become widely appreciated that defining (higher) gauge theories requires, in addition to ordinary phase space data, also "flux quantization" laws in generalized differential cohomology, there has been little discussion of the general rules, if any, for lifting Poisson-brackets of (flux-)observables and their quantization from traditional phase spaces to the resulting higher moduli stacks of flux-quantized gauge fields. In this short note, we present a systematic analysis of (i) the canonical quantization of flux observables in Yang-Mills theory and (ii) of valid flux quantization laws in abelian Yang-Mills, observing (iii) that the resulting topological quantum observables form the homology Pontrjagin algebra of the loop space of the moduli space of flux-quantized gauge fields. This is remarkable because the homology Ponrjagin algebra on loops of moduli makes immediate sense in broad generality for higher and non-abelian (non-linearly coupled) gauge fields, such as for the C-field in 11d supergravity, where it recovers the quantum effects previously discussed in the context of "Hypothesis H".

  • Langlands Dualities through Bethe/Gauge Correspondence for 3d Gauge Theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiang-Mao Ding, Ting Zhang

    For non-simple laced Lie algebras, the $\text{B}_{N}$ and $\text{C}_{N}$ are Langlands dual to each other in mathematical. In this article, we give another Bethe/Gauge correspondence between 3d (or 2d) classical Lie group supersymmetry gauge theory with closed and open $\text{XXZ}$ (or $\text{XXX}$) spin chain. Here, the representations of the $\text{ADE}$ Lie algebras are self-dual, and while for the non-simple laced Lie algebras $\text{B}_{N}$ and $\text{C}_{N}$, their roles are exchanged in contrast with the results in \cite{DZ23a}. From Bethe/Gauge correspondence point of view, the two types of the effective superpotentials are Langlands duality to each other. For the $\text{B}_{N}$-type Lie algebra, a remarkable feature is that, to fix the spin sites by boundaries through Bethe/Gauge, the spins of the sites will be reversed. This is similarly to the so called electron-hole effect, we call this as a boundary-spin effect, a new kind of duality.

  • Bootstrapping M-theory Orbifolds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shai M. Chester, Silviu S. Pufu, Yifan Wang, Xi Yin

    We analyze correlation functions of $SU(k) \times SU(2)_F$ flavor currents in a family of three-dimensional ${\cal N}=4$ superconformal field theories, combining analytic bootstrap methods with input from supersymmetric localization. Via holographic duality, we extract gluon and graviton scattering amplitudes of M-theory on ${\rm AdS}_4\times S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$ which contains a $\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_{k}$ orbifold singularity. From these results, we derive aspects of the effective description of M-theory on the orbifold singularity beyond its leading low energy limit. We also determine a threshold correction to the holographic correlator from the combined contribution of two-loop gluon and tree-level bulk graviton exchange.

  • Screwon spectral statistics and dispersion relation in the quantum Rajeev-Ranken model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Govind S. Krishnaswami, T. R. Vishnu

    The Rajeev-Ranken (RR) model is a Hamiltonian system describing screw-type nonlinear waves (screwons) of wavenumber $k$ in a scalar field theory pseudodual to the 1+1D SU(2) principal chiral model. Classically, the RR model based on a quadratic Hamiltonian on a nilpotent/Euclidean Poisson algebra is Liouville integrable. Upon adopting canonical variables in a slightly extended phase space, the model was interpreted as a novel 3D cylindrically symmetric quartic oscillator with a rotational energy. Here, we examine the spectral statistics and dispersion relation of quantized screwons via numerical diagonalization validated by variational and perturbative approximations. We also derive a semiclassical estimate for the cumulative level distribution which compares favorably with the one from numerical diagonalization. The spectrum shows level crossings typical of an integrable system. The $i^{\rm th}$ unfolded nearest neighbor spacings are found to follow Poisson statistics for small $i$. Nonoverlapping spacing ratios also indicate that successive spectral gaps are independently distributed. After displaying universal linear behavior over energy windows of short lengths, the spectral rigidity saturates at a length and value that scales with the square-root of energy. For strong coupling $\lambda$ and intermediate $k$, we argue that reduced screwon energies can depend only on the product $\lambda k$. Numerically, we find power law dependences on $\lambda$ and $k$ with an approximately common exponent $2/3$ provided the angular momentum quantum number $l$ is small compared to the number of nodes $n$ in the radial wavefunction. On the other hand, for the ground state $n = l = 0$, the common exponent becomes 1.

  • New dimer integrable systems and defects in five dimensional gauge theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Norton Lee

    We study the relation between the quantum integrable systems derived from the dimer graphs and five dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge theories on $S^1 \times \mathbb{R}^4$. We construct integrable systems based on new dimer graphs obtained from modification of hexagon dimer diagram. We study the gauge theories in correspondence to the newly proposed integrable systems. By examining three types of defects -- a line defect, a canonical co-dimensional two defect and a monodromy defect -- in five-dimensional gauge theory with $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetry and $\Omega_{\varepsilon_1,\varepsilon_2}$-background. We identify, in the $\varepsilon_2 \to 0$ limit, the canonical co-dimensional two defect satisfying the Baxter T-Q equation of the generalized $A$-type dimer integrable system, and the monodromy defect as its common eigenstate of the commuting Hamiltonians, with the eigenvalues being the expectation value of the BPS Wilson loop in the anti-symmetric representation of the bulk gauge group.

  • Transmuted spectrum-generating algebras and detectable parastatistics of the Superconformal Quantum Mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesco Toppan

    In a recent paper (Balbino-de Freitas-Rana-FT, arXiv:2309.00965) we proved that the supercharges of the supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be statistically transmuted and accommodated into a $Z_2^n$-graded parastatistics. In this talk I derive the $6=1+2+3$ transmuted spectrum-generating algebras (whose respective $Z_2^n$ gradings are $n=0,1,2$) of the ${\cal N}=2$ Superconformal Quantum Mechanics. These spectrum-generating algebras allow to compute, in the corresponding multiparticle sectors of the de Alfaro-Fubini-Furlan deformed oscillator, the degeneracies of each energy level. The levels induced by the $Z_2\times Z_2$-graded paraparticles cannot be reproduced by the ordinary bosons/fermions statistics. This implies the theoretical detectability of the $Z_2\times Z_2$-graded parastatistics.

  • Anisotropic cold plasma modes in the chiral vector MCFJ electrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Filipe S. Ribeiro, Pedro D. S. Silva, Manoel M. Ferreira Jr

    In this work, we study the propagation and absorption of plasma waves in the context of the Maxwell-Carroll-Field-Jackiw (MCFJ) electrodynamics, with a purely spacelike background playing the role of the anomalous Hall conductivity. The Maxwell equations are rewritten for a cold, uniform and collisionless fluid plasma model, allowing us to determine the new refractive indices and propagating modes. The analysis begins for the propagation along the magnetic axis, being examined the cases of chiral vector parallel and orthogonal to the magnetic field. Two distinct refractive indices (associated with RCP and LCP waves) are attained, with the associated propagation and absorption zones determines. The low frequency regime is discussed, with the attainment of RCP and LCP helicons. Optical effects, as birefringence and dichroism, are scrutinized, being observed rotatory power sign reversion, a property of chiral MCFJ plasmas. The case of transversal propagation to the direction orthogonal of the magnetic field is also examined, providing much more involved results.

  • Asymptotically Nonrelativistic String Backgrounds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Daniel Ávila, Alberto Guijosa, Rafael Olmedo

    In recent years, interesting curved-space extensions of nonrelativistic (NR) string theory have been very actively pursued, where the background has a structure that is a stringy generalization of Newton-Cartan geometry. Here we show that the natural black branes of the NR theory, sourced by the familiar repertoire of stringy objects, generally have a different structure. The black string is our main example. We find that the source distorts the background significantly, generating a large throat within which physics is in fact relativistic. It is only far away from the throat that the background approaches the string Newton-Cartan form. We show that exactly the same is true for the longitudinal RR-charged black brane. On the other hand, the transverse RR-charged black brane turns out to have a proper string Newton-Cartan structure everywhere, not just asymptotically.

  • Extended Baxter relations and QQ-systems for quantum affine algebras.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Edward Frenkel, David Hernandez

    Generalized Baxter's TQ-relations and the QQ-system are systems of algebraic relations in the category O of representations of the Borel subalgebra of a quantum affine algebra U_q(g^), which we established in our earlier works arXiv:1308.3444 and arXiv:1606.05301. In the present paper, we conjecture a family of analogous relations labeled by elements of the Weyl group W of g, so that the original relations correspond to the identity element. These relations are closely connected to the W-symmetry of q-characters established in arXiv:2211.09779. We prove these relations for all w in W if g has rank two, and we prove the extended TQ-relations if w is a simple reflection. We also generalize our results and conjectures to the shifted quantum affine algebras.

  • Mixed boundary conditions in AdS$_2$/CFT$_1$ from the coupling with a Kalb-Ramond field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Diego H. Correa, Maximiliano G. Ferro, Victor I. Giraldo-Rivera

    The open string dual to a 1/6 BPS Wilson line in the ${\cal N} = 6$ super Chern-Simons-matter theory is coupled to a flat Kalb-Ramond field. We show that the resulting boundary term imposes mixed boundary conditions on the fields that describe the fluctuations on the world-sheet. These boundary conditions fix a combination of the derivatives of the fluctuations, parallel and transverse to the boundary. We holographically compute the correlation functions of insertions on the Wilson line in terms of world-sheet Witten diagrams. We observe that their functional dependence is consistent with the conformal symmetry on the line.

  • On the anomaly interpretation of amplitudes in self-dual Yang-Mills and gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    George Doran, Ricardo Monteiro, Sam Wikeley

    We investigate the integrability anomalies arising in the self-dual sectors of gravity and Yang-Mills theory, focusing on their connection to both the chiral anomaly and the trace anomaly. The anomalies in the self-dual sectors generate the one-loop all-plus amplitudes of gravitons and gluons, and have recently been studied via twistor constructions. On the one hand, they can be interpreted as an anomaly of the chiral U(1) electric-magnetic-type duality in the self-dual sectors. On the other hand, due to the self-duality condition, they also resemble the trace anomaly, sharing the same type of non-local effective action. We highlight the role of a Weyl-covariant fourth-order differential operator familiar from the trace anomaly literature, which (i) explains the conformal properties of the one-loop amplitudes, and (ii) indicates how this story may be extended to non-trivial spacetime backgrounds, e.g.~with a cosmological constant. Moving beyond the self-dual sectors, and focusing on the gravity case, we comment on an intriguing connection to the two-loop ultraviolet divergence of pure gravity, whereby cancelling the anomaly at one-loop eliminates the two-loop divergence for the simplest helicity amplitudes.

  • The 1/4-BPS building blocks of brane interactions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ben Eckardt, Yixuan Li

    We study, from the perspective of supersymmetry and space-time Killing spinors, the local brane densities involved in 1/4-BPS intersecting brane systems. In particular, we classify the possible local brane structures that have maximal (16) supersymmetries in 1/4-BPS intersecting brane backgrounds. Applied to BPS black holes, this classification reveals the allowed local microstructure for pure microstates. We further use these structures with local 16 supersymmetries as building blocs to generalise to 1/8-BPS systems. Finally, we give examples of 1/8-BPS black holes for which the local supersymmetries are compatible with the combination of different entropy-generating effects from brane interaction.

  • Interpolating Bremsstrahlung function in ABJM.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luigi Castiglioni, Silvia Penati, Marcia Tenser, Diego Trancanelli

    In ABJM theory, enriched RG flows between circular 1/6 BPS bosonic and 1/2 BPS fermionic Wilson loops have been introduced in arXiv:2211.16501. These flows are triggered by deformations corresponding to parametric 1/6 BPS fermionic loops. In this paper we revisit the study of these operators, but instead of circular contours we consider an interpolating cusped line and a latitude and study their RG flow in perturbation theory. This allows for the definition of a Bremsstrahlung function away from fixed points. We generalize to this case the known cusp/latitude correspondence that relates the Bremsstrahlung function to a latitude Wilson loop. We find that away from the conformal fixed points the ordinary identity is broken by the conformal anomaly in a controlled way. From a defect perspective, the breaking of the correspondence can be traced back to the appearance of an anomalous dimension for fermionic operators localized on the defect. As a by-product, we provide a brand new result for the two-loop cusp anomalous dimension of the 1/6 BPS fermionic and the 1/6 BPS bosonic Wilson lines.

  • Beyond the Tensionless Limit: Integrability in the Symmetric Orbifold.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthias R. Gaberdiel, Rajesh Gopakumar, Beat Nairz

    The symmetric orbifold of $\mathbb{T}^4$ is exactly dual to string theory on $\mathrm{AdS}_3\times \mathrm{S}^3 \times \mathbb{T}^4$ with minimal ($k=1$) NS-NS flux. In this paper we study the perturbation of the symmetric orbifold that is dual to switching on R-R flux, and hence to deforming the theory away from the tensionless point. More specifically, we determine systematically the action of a centrally extended supersymmetry algebra on the CFT states, and deduce from it the anomalous conformal dimensions. In the $w$-twisted sector with large $w$ the structure is similar to what was found for $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM: the basic excitations are multi-magnons whose individual dispersion relation is fixed by symmetry, and the comparison with the BMN answer suggests that the result is true to all orders in perturbation theory. Finally we show that the multi-magnon states interact via an integrable $S$-matrix and possess a natural family of bound states.

  • Precision Holography for 5D Super Yang-Mills.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Friðrik Freyr Gautason, Valentina Giangreco M. Puletti

    We study 1/2-BPS Wilson loop (WL) operators in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (MSYM) on $\mathbf{S}^5$. Their vacuum expectation value (vev) can be computed exactly at large $N$ thanks to supersymmetric localization. The holographic dual to MSYM on $\mathbf{S}^5$ is geometrically realized by a stack of $N$ D4-branes with spherical worldvolume in ten dimensions. We compute the vev of the circular WL using holography by evaluating the partition function of a fundamental string in this background. Our focus is on the next-to-leading order correction to the string partition function which is composed of two parts; the dilaton coupling to the worldsheet and the one-loop fluctuations of the worldsheet itself. We face a variety of issues, some related to the presence of a non-constant dilaton, and others that are common to its AdS analogue. However, the universality of UV divergences as well as the importance of a proper choice of an IR regulator have been recently stressed in the literature. Inspired by this, we resolve our issues by first carefully treating the Weyl anomaly which receives contributions from the non-constant dilaton, and then by computing the ratio of our partition function and the one of a string in AdS$_4\times \mathbf{C}P^3$, which is dual to a 1/2-BPS WL in ABJM. Crucially, this approach yields a finite result which matches the corresponding ratio of WL vevs on the gauge theory side.

  • Topological twists of massive SQCD, Part I.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Johannes Aspman, Elias Furrer, Jan Manschot

    We consider topological twists of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric QCD with gauge group SU(2) and $N_f\leq 3$ fundamental hypermultiplets. The twists are labelled by a choice of background fluxes for the flavour group, which provides an infinite family of topological partition functions. In this Part I, we demonstrate that in the presence of such fluxes the theories can be formulated for arbitrary gauge bundles on a compact four-manifold. Moreover, we consider arbitrary masses for the hypermultiplets, which introduce new intricacies for the evaluation of the low-energy path integral on the Coulomb branch. We develop techniques for the evaluation of these path integrals. In the forthcoming Part II, we will deal with the explicit evaluation.

  • Learning Lattice Quantum Field Theories with Equivariant Continuous Flows.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mathis Gerdes, Pim de Haan, Corrado Rainone, Roberto Bondesan, Miranda C. N. Cheng

    We propose a novel machine learning method for sampling from the high-dimensional probability distributions of Lattice Field Theories, which is based on a single neural ODE layer and incorporates the full symmetries of the problem. We test our model on the $\phi^4$ theory, showing that it systematically outperforms previously proposed flow-based methods in sampling efficiency, and the improvement is especially pronounced for larger lattices. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our model can learn a continuous family of theories at once, and the results of learning can be transferred to larger lattices. Such generalizations further accentuate the advantages of machine learning methods.

  • Vacuum stability, fixed points, and phases of QED$_3$ at large $N_f$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lorenzo Di Pietro, Edoardo Lauria, Pierluigi Niro

    We consider three-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics in the presence of a Chern-Simons term at level $k$ and $N_f$ flavors, in the limit of large $N_f$ and $k$ with $k/N_f$ fixed. We consider either bosonic or fermionic matter fields, with and without quartic terms at criticality: the resulting theories are critical and tricritical bosonic QED$_3$, Gross-Neveu and fermionic QED$_3$. For all such theories we compute the effective potentials and the $\beta$ functions of classically marginal couplings, at the leading order in the large $N_f$ limit and to all orders in $k/N_f$ and in the couplings. We determine the RG fixed points and discuss the quantum stability of the corresponding vacua. While critical bosonic and fermionic QED$_3$ are always stable CFTs, we find that tricritical bosonic and Gross-Neveu QED$_3$ exist as stable CFTs only for specific values of $k/N_f$. Finally, we discuss the phase diagrams of these theories as a function of their relevant deformations.

  • Conformal Field Theory Ground States as Critical Points of an Entropy Function.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ting-Chun Lin, John McGreevy

    We derive an entropy formula satisfied by the ground states of 1+1D conformal field theories. The formula implies that the ground state is the critical point of an entropy function. We conjecture that this formula may serve as an information-theoretic criterion for conformal field theories, which differs from the conventional algebraic definition. In addition to these findings, we use the same proof method to extract the six global conformal generators of the conformal field theory from its ground state. We validate our results by testing them on different critical lattice models with excellent agreement.

  • Earthquake Quantization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Benjamin Koch, Enrique Muñoz

    In this homage to Einstein's 144th birthday we propose a novel quantization prescription, where the paths of a path-integral are not random, but rather solutions of a geodesic equation in a random background. We show that this change of perspective can be made mathematically equivalent to the usual formulations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. To conclude, we comment on conceptual issues, such as quantum gravity coupled to matter and the quantum equivalence principle.

  • Quantized Strings and Instantons in Holography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fridrik Freyr Gautason, Valentina Giangreco M. Puletti, Jesse van Muiden

    We study worldsheet instantons in holographic type IIA backgrounds directly in string theory. The first background is a dimensional reduction of AdS$_7\times S^4$ and is dual to the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on $S^5$. The second background is AdS$_4\times \mathbf{C}P^3$ dual to ABJM in the type IIA limit. We compute the one-loop partition function of the fundamental string in these backgrounds and show that the result is in exact agreement with field theory predictions. We argue that for higher rank instantons, the string partition function takes a product form of the single instanton partition function times the contribution of two orbifolds on the worldsheet. We determine the orbifold factor to be $n^{-3/2}$ where $n$ is the instanton rank. With this result, we reproduce the series of non-perturbative corrections in $\alpha'$ to the planar $S^5$ free energy. When studying the worldsheet instanton partition function on $\mathbf{C}P^3$, we encounter twelve fermionic and twelve bosonic zero modes. By deforming the ABJM theory, the zero-modes are lifted and consequently the tower of worldsheet instantons can be evaluated and matched to known results in the QFT. As a by-product, we determine a series of higher rank instanton corrections to the free energy of the mass-deformed and orbifolded ABJ(M) theory.

  • Odd entanglement entropy in $\text{T}\bar{\text{T}}$ deformed CFT$_2$s and holography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Debarshi Basu, Saikat Biswas, Ankur Dey, Boudhayan Paul, Gautam Sengupta

    We construct a replica technique to perturbatively compute the odd entanglement entropy (OEE) for bipartite mixed states in $\text{T}\bar{\text{T}}$ deformed CFT$_2$s. This framework is then utilized to obtain the leading order correction to the OEE for two disjoint intervals, two adjacent intervals, and a single interval in $\text{T}\bar{\text{T}}$ deformed thermal CFT$_2$s in the large central charge limit. The field theory results are subsequently reproduced in the high temperature limit from holographic computations for the entanglement wedge cross sections in the dual bulk finite cut-off BTZ geometries. We further show that for finite size $\text{T}\bar{\text{T}}$ deformed CFT$_2$s at zero temperature the corrections to the OEE are vanishing to the leading order from both field theory and bulk holographic computations.

  • Symmetries and spectral statistics in chaotic conformal field theories II: Maass cusp forms and arithmetic chaos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Felix M. Haehl, Wyatt Reeves, Moshe Rozali

    We continue the study of random matrix universality in two-dimensional conformal field theories. This is facilitated by expanding the spectral form factor in a basis of modular invariant eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the fundamental domain. The focus of this paper is on the discrete part of the spectrum, which consists of the Maass cusp forms. Both their eigenvalues and Fourier coefficients are sporadic discrete numbers with interesting statistical properties and relations to analytic number theory; this is referred to as `arithmetic chaos'. We show that the near-extremal spectral form factor at late times is only sensitive to a statistical average over these erratic features. Nevertheless, complete information about their statistical distributions is encoded in the spectral form factor if all its spin sectors exhibit universal random matrix eigenvalue repulsion (a `linear ramp'). We `bootstrap' the spectral correlations between the cusp form basis functions that correspond to a universal linear ramp and show that they are unique up to theory-dependent subleading corrections. The statistical treatment of cusp forms provides a natural avenue to fix the subleading corrections in a minimal way, which we observe leads to the same correlations as those described by the [torus]$\times$[interval] wormhole amplitude in AdS${}_3$ gravity.

  • An excursion into the string spectrum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chrysoula Markou, Evgeny Skvortsov

    We propose a covariant technique to excavate physical bosonic string states by entire trajectories rather than individually. The approach is based on Howe duality: the string's spacetime Lorentz algebra commutes with a certain inductive limit of $sp(\bullet)$, with the Virasoro constraints forming a subalgebra of the Howe dual algebra $sp(\bullet)$. There are then infinitely many simple trajectories of states, which are lowest-weight representations of $sp(\bullet)$ and hence of the Virasoro algebra. Deeper trajectories are recurrences of the simple ones and can be probed by suitable trajectory-shifting operators built out of the Howe dual algebra generators. We illustrate the formalism with a number of subleading trajectories and compute a sample of tree-level amplitudes.

  • Notes on the degenerate integrability of reduced systems obtained from the master systems of free motion on cotangent bundles of compact Lie groups.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Feher

    The reduction of the `master system' of free motion on the cotangent bundle $T^*G$ of a compact, connected and simply connected, semisimple Lie group is considered using the conjugation action of $G$. It is proved that the restriction of the reduced system to the smooth component of the quotient space $T^*G/G$, given by the principal orbit type, inherits the degenerate integrability of the master system. The proof can be generalized easily to other interesting examples of Hamiltonian reduction.

  • Shock Waves in Holographic EPR pair.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chen-Pin Yeh

    We study real-time correlators for $N=4$ super Yang Mill fields coupled to a pair of entangled quarks using holography, in the setup that energy quanta sent from one quark perturb the quantum state of the fields and affect the other quark. We make the connection with the ER=EPR conjecture by considering the situation when two quarks are uniformly accelerating opposite to each other. The dynamics of quarks, in the gravity dual, is described by the string worldsheet theory, which in this case has the induced metric describing a two-sided AdS black hole, or a wormhole. Energy quanta sent by one of the quarks produce the shock wave on the worldsheet. We find the effect of shock wave on the boundary field correlators and we discuss the consequence for the ER=EPR conjecture.

  • The resurgence of the plateau in supersymmetric ${\cal N}=1$ Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luca Griguolo, Jacopo Papalini, Lorenzo Russo, Domenico Seminara

    Significant progresses have been made recently in understanding the spectral form factor of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, particularly at late times where non-perturbative effects are expected to play a dominant role. By focusing on a peculiar regime of large time and fixed temperature, called $\tau$-scaling limit, it was found that it is possible to analytically investigate the late-time plateau directly through the gravitational genus expansion. We extend this analysis to the supersymmetric $\mathcal{N}=1$ generalization of the bosonic theory, revealing an interesting structure. First, we notice that in the $\tau$-scaling limit the perturbative sum over genera truncates after a single term, which solely accounts for the ramp behaviour. Instead a non-perturbative completion, responsible for the plateau, is encoded into an exact formula coming from the properties of the chiral gaussian ensemble, governing the spectral properties of the supersymmetric theory. We are able to recover the non-perturbative contributions by slightly deforming the genus of the involved surfaces and using resurgence theory. We derive a closed-form analytical expression for the late-time plateau and a trans-series expansion that captures the ramp-plateau transition.

  • Exact overlaps for all integrable two-site boundary states of $\mathfrak{gl}(N)$ symmetric spin chains.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tamas Gombor

    We find closed formulas for the overlaps of Bethe eigenstates of $\mathfrak{gl}(N)$ symmetric spin chains and integrable boundary states. We derive the general overlap formulas for $\mathfrak{gl}(M)\oplus\mathfrak{gl}(N-M)$ symmetric boundary states and give a well-established conjecture for the $\mathfrak{sp}(N)$ symmetric case. Combining these results with the previously derived $\mathfrak{so}(N)$ symmetric formula, now we have the overlap functions for all integrable boundary states of the $\mathfrak{gl}(N)$ spin chains which are built from two-site states. The calculations are independent from the representations of the quantum space therefore our formulas can be applied for the $SO(6)$ and the alternating $SU(4)$ spin chains which describe the scalar sectors of $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills and ABJM theories which are important application areas of our results.

  • Worldsheet Formalism for Decoupling Limits in String Theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joaquim Gomis, Ziqi Yan

    We study the bosonic sector of a decoupling limit of type IIA superstring theory, where a background Ramond-Ramond one-form is fined tuned to its critical value, such that it cancels the associated background D0-brane tension. The light excitations in this critical limit are D0-branes, whose dynamics are described by Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (BFSS) Matrix theory that corresponds to M-theory in the Discrete Light-Cone Quantization (DLCQ). We develop the worldsheet formalism for the fundamental string in the same critical limit of type IIA superstring theory. We show that the fundamental string has a nonrelativistic worldsheet, whose topology is described by nodal Riemann spheres as in ambitwistor string theory. We study the T-duality transformations of this string sigma model and provide a worldsheet derivation for the recently revived and expanded duality web that unifies a zoo of decoupling limits in type II superstring theories. By matching the string worldsheet actions, we demonstrate how some of these decoupling limits are related to tensionless (and ambitwistor) string theory, Carrollian string theory, and the Spin Matrix limits of the AdS/CFT correspondence.

  • Page curve entanglement dynamics in an analytically solvable model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Stefan Kehrein

    The entanglement entropy of black holes is expected to follow the Page curve. After an initial linear increase with time the entanglement entropy should reach a maximum at the Page time and then decrease. This bending down of the Page curve and the apparent contradiction with Hawking's semiclassical calculation from 1975 is at the center of the black hole information paradox. Motivated by this - from the point of view of non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems - unusual behavior of the entanglement entropy, this paper introduces an exactly solvable model of free fermions that explicitly shows such a Page curve: Instead of saturating at a volume law the entanglement entropy vanishes asymptotically for late times. Physical observables like the particle current do not show any unusual behavior at the Page time and one can explicitly see how the semiclassical connection between particle current and entanglement generation breaks down.

  • Superconformal interacting particles.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Roberto Casalbuoni, Daniele Dominici, Joaquim Gomis

    The free massless superparticle is reanalysed, in particular by performing the Gupta-Bleuler quantization, using the first and second class constraints of the model, and obtaining, as a result, the Weyl equation for the spinorial component of the chiral superfield. Then we construct a superconformal model of two interacting massless superparticles from the free case by the introduction of an invariant interaction. The interaction introduces an effective mass for each particle by modifying the structure of fermionic constraints, all becoming second class. The quantization of the model produces a bilocal chiral superfield. We also generalise the model by considering a system of superconformal interacting particles and its continuum limit.

  • Construction of Superconducting Dome and Emergence of Quantum Critical Region in Holography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yunseok Seo, Sejin Kim, Kyung Kiu Kim

    In this work, we investigate an extended model of holographic superconductor by a non-linear electrodynamic interaction coupled to a complex scalar field. This non-linear interaction term can make a quantum phase transition at zero temperature with finite charge carrier density. By solving full equations of motion, we can construct various shapes of the superconducting phase in the phase diagram. With a specific choice of interaction coefficients, we can construct a phase diagram with a superconducting dome. Also, we find a new geometric solution inside the superconducting dome, which turns out to be a Lifshitz-type geometry. This geometry is characterized by a dynamical critical exponent, which plays a crucial role near the quantum critical point. We refer to this region in the phase diagram as a `quantum critical region.'

  • Covariant canonical quantization and the problem of time.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    S. Carlip, Weixuan Hu

    In the covariant canonical approach to classical physics, each point in phase space represents an entire classical trajectory. Initial data at a fixed time serve as coordinates for this ``timeless'' phase space, and time evolution can be viewed as a coordinate change. We argue for a similar view in quantum theory. As in the Heisenberg picture, the wave function is fundamentally time-independent. On any given time slice, however, we can diagonalize a complete set of position operators to form a basis, in which the projected wave function depends on the choice of time. In this picture, time evolution can be viewed as a basis change in what is otherwise a block universe. We argue that this may help solve the ``problem of time'' in quantum gravity, and illustrate the idea with an example from three-dimensional quantum gravity.


  • Measurements of $\Sigma$ electromagnetic form factors in the time-like region using the untagged initial-state radiation technique.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, O. Afedulidis, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, W. L. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, C. H. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, Z. Y. Chen, S. K. Choi, X. Chu, G. Cibinetto, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, C. Q. Deng, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, et al. (584 additional authors not shown)

    The process $e^{+}e^{-}\to\Sigma^{+}\bar{\Sigma}^{-}$ is studied from threshold up to 3.04 GeV/$c^2$ via the initial-state radiation technique using data with an integrated luminosity of 12.0 fb$^{-1}$, collected at center-of-mass energies between 3.773 and 4.258 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. The pair production cross sections and the effective form factors of $\Sigma$ are measured in eleven $\Sigma^{+}\bar{\Sigma}^{-}$ invariant mass intervals from threshold to 3.04 GeV/$c^2$. The results are consistent with the previous results from Belle and BESIII. Furthermore, the branching fractions of the decays $J/\psi\to\Sigma^{+}\bar{\Sigma}^{-}$ and $\psi(3686)\to\Sigma^{+}\bar{\Sigma}^{-}$ are determined and the obtained results are consistent with the previous results of BESIII.

  • Investigating the nature of the K$^*_0(700)$ state with $\pi^\pm$K$^0_{\rm S}$ correlations at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    ALICE Collaboration

    The first measurements of femtoscopic correlations with the particle pair combinations $\pi^\pm$K$^0_{\rm S}$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reported by the ALICE experiment. Using the femtoscopic approach, it is shown that it is possible to study the elusive K$^*_0(700)$ particle that has been considered a tetraquark candidate for over forty years. Boson source parameters and final-state interaction parameters are extracted by fitting a model assuming a Gaussian source to the experimentally measured two-particle correlation functions. The final-state interaction is modeled through a resonant scattering amplitude, defined in terms of a mass and a coupling parameter, decaying into a $\pi^\pm$K$^0_{\rm S}$ pair. The extracted mass and Breit-Wigner width, derived from the coupling parameter, of the final-state interaction are found to be consistent with previous measurements of the K$^*_0(700)$. The small value and increasing behavior of the correlation strength with increasing source size support the hypothesis that the K$^*_0(700)$ is a four-quark state, i.e. a tetraquark state. This latter trend is also confirmed via a simple geometric model that assumes a tetraquark structure of the K$^*_0(700)$ resonance.

  • Study of Silicon Photomultiplier External Cross-Talk.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Y.Guan, N. Anfimov, G.Cao, Z.Xie, Q.Dai, D. Fedoseev, K.Kuznetsova, A.Rybnikov, A.Selyunin, A.Sotnikov, Chinese Academy of Science, (2) University of Chinese Academy of Science, (3) Joint Institute for Nuclear Researc, (4) School of Physics and Electronic Scienc)

    Optical cross-talk is a critical characteristic of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) and represents a significant source of the excess noise factor, exerting a substantial influence on detector performance. During the avalanche process of SiPMs, photons generated can give rise to both internal cross-talk within the same SiPM and external cross-talk when photons escape from one SiPM and trigger avalanches in others. In scenarios where SiPMs are arranged in a compact configuration and positioned facing each other, the external cross-talk could even dominate the cross-talk phenomenon. This paper investigates two distinct methods for measuring external cross-talk: the counting method, which involves operating SiPMs face-to-face and measuring their coincident signals, and the reflection method, which employs a highly reflective film attached to the surface of the SiPMs. External cross-talk measurements have been conducted on several types of SiPMs, including Vacuum Ultra-Violet (VUV) sensitive SiPMs that Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) and Hamamatsu Photonics Inc (HPK) produced for nEXO as well as visible-sensitive SiPMs provided by FBK, HPK and SensL Technologies Ltd (SenSL) for JUNO-TAO. The results reveal a significant presence of external cross-talk in all tested SiPMs, with HPK's SiPMs exhibiting a dominant external cross-talk component due to the implementation of optical trenches that effectively suppress internal cross-talk. Furthermore, we found that the number of fired pixels resulting from internal cross-talk can be described by combining Geometric and Borel models for all tested SiPMs, while the external cross-talk can be predicted using a pure Borel model. These distinct probability distributions lead to different excess noise factors, thereby impacting the detector performance in varying ways.

  • Solar neutrino measurements using the full data period of Super-Kamiokande-IV.- [PDF] - [Article]

    K. Abe, C. Bronner, Y. Hayato, K. Hiraide, K. Hosokawa, K. Ieki, M. Ikeda, S. Imaizumi, K. Iyogi, J. Kameda, Y. Kanemura, R. Kaneshima, Y. Kashiwagi, Y. Kataoka, Y. Kato, Y. Kishimoto, S. Miki, S. Mine, M. Miura, T. Mochizuki, S. Moriyama, Y. Nagao, M. Nakahata, Y. Nakano, S. Nakayama, Y. Noguchi, T. Okada, K. Okamoto, A. Orii, K. Sato, H. Sekiya, H. Shiba, K. Shimizu, M. Shiozawa, Y. Sonoda, Y. Suzuki, A. Takeda, Y. Takemoto, A. Takenaka, H. Tanaka, S. Watanabe, T. Yano, S. Han, T. Kajita, K. Okumura, T. Tashiro, T. Tomiya, R. Wang, X. Wang, S. Yoshida, D. Bravo-Berguno, P. Fernandez, L. Labarga, N. Ospina, B. Zaldivar, B. W. Pointon, F. d. M. Blaszczyk, C. Kachulis, E. Kearns, J. L. Raaf, J. L. Stone, L. Wan, T. Wester, J. Bian, N. J. Griskevich, W. R. Kropp, et al. (262 additional authors not shown)

    An analysis of solar neutrino data from the fourth phase of Super-Kamiokande~(SK-IV) from October 2008 to May 2018 is performed and the results are presented. The observation time of the data set of SK-IV corresponds to $2970$~days and the total live time for all four phases is $5805$~days. For more precise solar neutrino measurements, several improvements are applied in this analysis: lowering the data acquisition threshold in May 2015, further reduction of the spallation background using neutron clustering events, precise energy reconstruction considering the time variation of the PMT gain. The observed number of solar neutrino events in $3.49$--$19.49$~MeV electron kinetic energy region during SK-IV is $65,443^{+390}_{-388}\,(\mathrm{stat.})\pm 925\,(\mathrm{syst.})$ events. Corresponding $\mathrm{^{8}B}$ solar neutrino flux is $(2.314 \pm 0.014\, \rm{(stat.)} \pm 0.040 \, \rm{(syst.)}) \times 10^{6}~\mathrm{cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}}$, assuming a pure electron-neutrino flavor component without neutrino oscillations. The flux combined with all SK phases up to SK-IV is $(2.336 \pm 0.011\, \rm{(stat.)} \pm 0.043 \, \rm{(syst.)}) \times 10^{6}~\mathrm{cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}}$. Based on the neutrino oscillation analysis from all solar experiments, including the SK $5805$~days data set, the best-fit neutrino oscillation parameters are $\rm{sin^{2} \theta_{12,\,solar}} = 0.306 \pm 0.013 $ and $\Delta m^{2}_{21,\,\mathrm{solar}} = (6.10^{+ 0.95}_{-0.81}) \times 10^{-5}~\rm{eV}^{2}$, with a deviation of about 1.5$\sigma$ from the $\Delta m^{2}_{21}$ parameter obtained by KamLAND. The best-fit neutrino oscillation parameters obtained from all solar experiments and KamLAND are $\sin^{2} \theta_{12,\,\mathrm{global}} = 0.307 \pm 0.012 $ and $\Delta m^{2}_{21,\,\mathrm{global}} = (7.50^{+ 0.19}_{-0.18}) \times 10^{-5}~\rm{eV}^{2}$.

  • Quarkonia as probes of initial and final states in small systems with ALICE.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Subikash Choudhury

    The multiple parton$-$parton interactions (MPIs) are an important element to describe the observed collective flow and strangeness enhancement in high multiplicity pp and p$-$Pb collisions, the so-called small systems. At LHC energy, MPIs affect both soft and hard scales of the event. Since quarkonium production involves both, it can be an excellent tool to understand the role of MPIs in small systems. Study of multiplicity dependent quarkonium production provides an indirect probe of MPIs in hadronic collisions. Also, relative production of excited-to-ground quarkonium states as a function of multiplicity are sensitive to final state effects. Cross section measurements of different quarkonium states are also important to understand their production mechanisms. In these proceedings, first preliminary results of $\psi$(2S)-over-J/$\psi$ cross section measurements at mid and forward rapidity ($\textit{y}$) from Run 2 and Run 3 pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 and 13.6 TeV, respectively will be presented. Preliminary results on $\Upsilon$(nS) states (n = 1,2) cross sections and final multiplicity dependent measurements of excited-to-ground states quarkonium yields, at forward $\textit{y}$, in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV will be shown. In addition, few performance plots from Run 3 in the quarkonium sector will be presented and discussed.

  • Study of $B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_c \pi^+$ decays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Aaij, A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb, C. Abellan Beteta, F. Abudinén, T. Ackernley, A. A. Adefisoye, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, P. Adlarson, C. Agapopoulou, C.A. Aidala, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, K. Akiba, P. Albicocco, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, A. Alfonso Albero, Z. Aliouche, P. Alvarez Cartelle, R. Amalric, S. Amato, J.L. Amey, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, M. Andersson, A. Andreianov, P. Andreola, M. Andreotti, D. Andreou, A. Anelli, D. Ao, F. Archilli, M. Argenton, S. Arguedas Cuendis, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, M. Atzeni, B. Audurier, D. Bacher, I. Bachiller Perea, S. Bachmann, M. Bachmayer, J.J. Back, P. Baladron Rodriguez, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, J. Baptista de Souza Leite, M. Barbetti, I. R. Barbosa, R.J. Barlow, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, M. Bartolini, et al. (1036 additional authors not shown)

    A study of $B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_c \pi^+$ decays is reported using proton-proton collision data, collected with the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9fb$^{-1}$. The decay $B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_{c2} \pi^+$ is observed for the first time, with a significance exceeding seven standard deviations. The relative branching fraction with respect to the $B_c^+ \rightarrow J/\psi \pi^+$ decay is measured to be $$ \frac{\mathcal{B}_{B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_{c2} \pi^+}} {\mathcal{B}_{B_c^+ \rightarrow J/\psi \pi^+}} = 0.37 \pm 0.06 \pm 0.02 \pm 0.01 , $$ where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third is due to the knowledge of the $\chi_c \rightarrow J/\psi \gamma$ branching fraction. No significant $B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_{c1} \pi^+$ signal is observed and an upper limit for the relative branching fraction for the $B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_{c1} \pi^+$ and $B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_{c2} \pi^+$ decays of $$ \frac{\mathcal{B}_{B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_{c1} \pi^+}} {\mathcal{B}_{B_c^+ \rightarrow \chi_{c2} \pi^+}} < 0.49 $$ is set at the 90\% confidence level.

  • Multi-Calorimetry in Light-based Neutrino Detectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anatael Cabrera, Yang Han, Steven Calvez, Emmanuel Chauveau, Hanyi Chen, Hervé de Kerret, Stefano Dusini, Marco Grassi, Leonard Imbert, Jiajun Li, Roberto Carlos Mandujano, Diana Navas-Nicolás, Hiroshi Nunokawa, Michel Obolensky, Juan Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux, Guillaume Pronost, Benoit Viaud, Frederic Yermia

    Neutrino detectors are among the largest photonics instruments built for fundamental research. Since its inception, neutrino detection has been inexorably linked to the challenging detection of scarce photons in huge instrumented volumes. Many discoveries in neutrino physics, including the neutrino itself, are inseparable from the evolution of the detector photonics interfaces, i.e. photo-sensors and readout electronics, to yield ever higher precision and richer detection information. The measurement of the energy of neutrinos, referred to as calorimetry, is pursued today to reach permille level systematics control precision, thus leading to further innovation in specialised photonics. This publication describes a novel articulation that detectors may be endowed with multiple photonics interfaces for simultaneous light detection to yield unprecedented high-precision calorimetry. This multi-calorimetry approach opens the novel notion of dual-calorimetry detectors as an evolution from the single-calorimetry setups used over several decades for most experiments so far. The dual-calorimetry design exploits unique response synergies between photon counting and photon-integration detection systems, including correlations and cancellations between calorimetric responses, to yield the unprecedented mitigation of the dominant response systematic effects today for the possible improved design of a new generation of neutrino experiments.

  • Search for the $e^+e^-\to\eta_{b}(1S)\omega$ and $e^+e^-\to\chi_{b0}(1P)\omega$ processes at $\sqrt{s}=10.745\,\mathrm{GeV}$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed, H. Aihara, N. Akopov, A. Aloisio, N. Anh Ky, D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan, T. Aushev, V. Aushev, M. Aversano, V. Babu, H. Bae, S. Bahinipati, P. Bambade, Sw. Banerjee, M. Barrett, J. Baudot, M. Bauer, A. Baur, A. Beaubien, F. Becherer, J. Becker, P. K. Behera, J. V. Bennett, F. U. Bernlochner, V. Bertacchi, M. Bertemes, E. Bertholet, M. Bessner, S. Bettarini, B. Bhuyan, F. Bianchi, T. Bilka, S. Bilokin, D. Biswas, A. Bobrov, D. Bodrov, A. Bolz, A. Bondar, J. Borah, A. Bozek, M. Bračko, P. Branchini, T. E. Browder, A. Budano, S. Bussino, M. Campajola, L. Cao, G. Casarosa, C. Cecchi, J. Cerasoli, M.-C. Chang, P. Chang, R. Cheaib, P. Cheema, B. G. Cheon, K. Chilikin, K. Chirapatpimol, H.-E. Cho, K. Cho, S.-J. Cho, S.-K. Choi, S. Choudhury, et al. (356 additional authors not shown)

    We search for the $e^+e^-\to\eta_b(1S)\omega$ and $e^+e^-\to\chi_{b0}(1P)\omega$ processes at a center-of-mass energy of 10.745 GeV, which is close to the peak of the $\Upsilon(10753)$ state. We use data collected by the Belle II experiment during a special run, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $9.8\,\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$. We reconstruct $\omega\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ decays and use the $\omega$ meson's recoil mass to search for the signals. We do not find evidence for either process, and set upper limits on the corresponding Born-level cross sections of 2.5 pb and 7.8 pb, respectively, at the 90% confidence level. The $\chi_{b0}(1P)\omega$ limit is the result of a combination of this analysis and a previous search using full reconstruction.

  • Mechanical tuning of a rectangular axion haloscope operating around 8.4 GHz.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jessica Golm, Jose María García-Barceló, Sergio Calatroni, Walter Wuensch, Babette Döbrich

    The axion haloscope is the currently most sensitive method to probe the vanishingly small coupling of this prominent Dark Matter candidate to photons. To scan a sizeable axion Dark Matter parameter space, the cavities that make up the haloscope need to be tuned efficiently. In this article, we describe a novel technique to tune axion haloscopes around $8.4$ GHz in a purely mechanical manner without the use of dielectrics. We achieve tuning by introducing a gap along the cavity geometry. Losses are added due to the leaking of the field out of the structure only if the gap becomes too large concerning the total width. A tuning range of around $600$ MHz is achieved, depending on the environmental conditions. We present the results of a corresponding prototype and outline prospects to further develop this technique.

  • A search for the $K^+\to\mu^-\nu e^+e^+$ decay.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    NA62 collaboration

    A search for the $K^+\to\mu^-\nu e^+e^+$ decay, forbidden within the Standard Model by either lepton number or lepton flavour conservation depending on the flavour of the emitted neutrino, has been performed using the dataset collected by the NA62 experiment at CERN in 2016--2018. An upper limit of $8.1\times 10^{-11}$ is obtained for the decay branching fraction at 90% CL, improving by a factor of 250 over the previous search.

  • Evidence of off-shell Higgs boson production from $ZZ$ leptonic decay channels and constraints on its total width with the ATLAS detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    This Letter reports on a search for off-shell production of the Higgs boson using 139 $\textrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The signature is a pair of $Z$ bosons, with contributions from both the production and subsequent decay of a virtual Higgs boson and the interference of that process with other processes. The two observable final states are $ZZ\rightarrow 4\ell$ and $ZZ\rightarrow 2\ell2\nu$ with $\ell = e$ or $\mu$. In the $ZZ\rightarrow 4\ell$ final state, a dense Neural Network is used to enhance analysis sensitivity with respect to matrix element-based discrimination. The background-only hypothesis is rejected with an observed (expected) significance of 3.3 (2.2) standard deviations, representing experimental evidence for off-shell Higgs boson production. Assuming that no new particles enter the production of the virtual Higgs boson, its total width can be deduced from the measurement of its off-shell production cross-section. The measured total width of the Higgs boson is $4.5^{+3.3}_{-2.5}$ MeV, and the observed (expected) upper limit on the total width is found to be 10.5 (10.9) MeV at 95% confidence level.

  • Dark Count of 20-inch PMTs Generated by Natural Radioactivity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yu Zhang, Zhimin Wang, Min Li, Caimei Liu, Narongkiat Rodphai, Yongpeng Zhang, Jilei Xu, Changgen Yang, Yuekun Heng

    The primary objective of the JUNO experiment is to determine the ordering of neutrino masses using a 20-kton liquid-scintillator detector. The 20-inch photomultiplier tube (PMT) plays a crucial role in achieving excellent energy resolution of at least 3% at 1 MeV. Understanding the characteristics and features of the PMT is vital for comprehending the detector's performance, particularly regarding the occurrence of large pulses in PMT dark counts. This research paper aims to further investigate the origin of these large pulses in the 20-inch PMT dark count rate through measurements and simulations. The findings confirm that the main sources of the large pulses are natural radioactivity and muons striking the PMT glass. By analyzing the PMT dark count rate spectrum, it becomes possible to roughly estimate the radioactivity levels in the surrounding environment.


  • Efficient fidelity estimation: Alternative derivation and related applications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Diego S. S. Chrysosthemos, Marcos L. W. Basso, Jonas Maziero

    In [Phys. Rev. A 107, 012427 (2023)], the authors proved that Uhlmann-Jozsa fidelity, $F(\rho,\sigma) := Tr\sqrt{\sqrt{\rho}\sigma\sqrt{\rho}}$, can be written as $F(\rho,\sigma) = Tr\sqrt{\rho\sigma}$. Here we give an alternative proof of this result, using a function power series expansion and the properties of the trace function. We also regard possible applications of our technique to other quantum states dissimilarity functions.

  • Entropy production in the mesoscopic-leads formulation of quantum thermodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Artur Lacerda, Michael J. Kewming, Marlon Brenes, Conor Jackson, Stephen R. Clark, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold

    Understanding the entropy production of systems strongly coupled to thermal baths is a core problem of both quantum thermodynamics and mesoscopic physics. While there exist many techniques to accurately study entropy production in such systems, they typically require a microscopic description of the baths, which can become numerically intractable to study for large systems. Alternatively an open-systems approach can be employed with all the nuances associated with various levels of approximation. Recently, the mesoscopic leads approach has emerged as a powerful method for studying such quantum systems strongly coupled to multiple thermal baths. In this method, a set of discretised lead modes, each locally damped, provide a Markovian embedding. Here we show that this method proves extremely useful to describe entropy production of a strongly coupled open quantum system. We show numerically, for both non-interacting and interacting setups, that a system coupled to a single bath exhibits a thermal fixed point at the level of the embedding. This allows us to use various results from the thermodynamics of quantum dynamical semi-groups to infer the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the strongly coupled, non-Markovian central systems. In particular, we show that the entropy production in the transient regime recovers the well established microscopic definitions of entropy production with a correction that can be computed explicitly for both the single- and multiple-lead cases.

  • Quantum steering ellipsoids and quantum obesity in critical systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pedro Rosario, Alan C. Santos

    Quantum obesity (QO) is new function used to quantify quantum correlations beyond entanglement, which also works as a witness for entanglement. Thanks to its analyticity for arbitrary state of bipartite systems, it represents an advantage with respect to other quantum correlations, like quantum discord for example. In this work we show that QO is a fundamental quantity to observe signature of quantum phase transitions. We also describe a mechanism based on local filtering operations able to intensify the critical behavior of the QO near to the transition point. To this end, we introduce a theorem stating how QO changes under local quantum operations and classical communications. This work opens perspective for the characterization of new phenomena in quantum critical systems through the analytically computable pairwise QO.

  • Three-photon electron spin resonances.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. I. Atwood, V. V. Mkhitaryan, S. Dhileepkumar, C. Nuibe, S. Hosseinzadeh, H. Malissa, 2), J. M. Lupton, 2), C. Boehme, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, (2) Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany)

    We report the observation of a three-photon resonant transition of charge-carrier spins in an organic light-emitting diode using electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) spectroscopy at room temperature. Under strong magnetic-resonant drive (drive field $B_1$ ~ static magnetic field $B_0$), a $B_0$-field swept EDMR line emerges when $B_0$ is approximately threefold the one-photon resonance field. Ratios of drive-induced shifts of this line to those of two- and one-photon shifts agree with analytical expressions derived from the Floquet Hamiltonian and confirm the nature of these three-photon transitions, enabling access of spin physics to a hitherto inaccessible domain of quantum mechanics.

  • Making Existing Quantum Position Verification Protocols Secure Against Arbitrary Transmission Loss.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rene Allerstorfer, Andreas Bluhm, Harry Buhrman, Matthias Christandl, Llorenç Escolà-Farràs, Florian Speelman, Philip Verduyn Lunel

    Signal loss poses a significant threat to the security of quantum cryptography when the chosen protocol lacks loss-tolerance. In quantum position verification (QPV) protocols, even relatively small loss rates can compromise security. The goal is thus to find protocols that remain secure under practically achievable loss rates. In this work, we modify the usual structure of QPV protocols and prove that this modification makes the potentially high transmission loss between the verifiers and the prover security-irrelevant for a class of protocols that includes a practically-interesting candidate protocol inspired by the BB84 protocol ($\mathrm{QPV}_{\mathrm{BB84}}^{f}$). This modification, which involves photon presence detection, a small time delay at the prover, and a commitment to play before proceeding, reduces the overall loss rate to just the prover's laboratory. The adapted protocol c-$\mathrm{QPV}_{\mathrm{BB84}}^{f}$ then becomes a practically feasible QPV protocol with strong security guarantees, even against attackers using adaptive strategies. As the loss rate between the verifiers and prover is mainly dictated by the distance between them, secure QPV over longer distances becomes possible. We also show possible implementations of the required photon presence detection, making c-$\mathrm{QPV}_{\mathrm{BB84}}^{f}$ a protocol that solves all major practical issues in QPV. Finally, we discuss experimental aspects and give parameter estimations.

  • Quantifying the magnetic noise power spectrum for ensembles of P1 and NV centers in diamond.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ethan Q. Williams, Chandrasekhar Ramanathan

    We use Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) dynamical decoupling to measure the magnetic noise power spectra for ensembles of P1 and NV centers in diamond using pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (pEPR) at 2.5 GHz. The stroboscopically detected pEPR experiments on NV centers were performed on an HPHT (high pressure, high temperature) diamond sample at 13 mT and 190 mT, while the experiments on P1 centers were performed on a CVD (chemical vapor deposition) diamond sample at 89 mT. All power spectra show two distinct features, a broad component that is observed to scale as approximately $1/\omega$, and a prominent peak at the $^{13}$C Larmor precession frequency. The broad $1/\omega$ behavior is consistent with an inhomogeneous distribution of Lorentzian spectra due to clustering of P1 centers, which has recently been shown to be prevalent in HPHT diamond. However, it is unknown if such clustering occurs in CVD diamond. The maximum rate at which we can apply $\pi$ pulses is higher than the $^{13}$C frequency at 13 mT, but is lower than the $^{13}$C frequency at 89 mT and 190 mT. We develop techniques that utilize the higher harmonics of the CPMG filter function to improve our estimate of the $^{13}$C contribution to the power spectrum at the higher fields. Surprisingly, the $^{13}$C peak, when measured with higher harmonics of the CPMG filter, appears larger than expected based on measurements with the lower harmonics. We assess the robustness of our methods in the presence of finite pulse widths and flip angle errors. These techniques could be used in a variety of ac magnetometry and noise spectroscopy measurements such as chemical sensing and nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance.

  • Electromagnetically-induced transparency assists the Raman gradient echo memory at moderate detuning, dependent on gradient order.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jesse L. Everett, Ankit Papneja, Arindam Saha, Cameron Trainor, Aaron D. Tranter, Ben C. Buchler

    Optical quantum memories are essential for quantum communications and photonic quantum technologies. Ensemble optical memories based on 3-level interactions are a popular basis for implementing these memories. However, ensemble optical memories based on an off-resonant 3-level interaction, such as the Raman gradient echo memory (GEM), suffer loss due to scattering from the intermediate state. This scattering is normally reduced by a large detuning from the intermediate state. In this work we show that loss is reduced in GEM due to electromagnetically induced transparency adjacent to the Raman absorption line, and the highest efficiency is instead achieved at a moderate detuning. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the transparency, and therefore the efficiency of GEM, depends on the order in which gradients are applied to store and recall the light. We provide a theoretical analysis and show experimentally how the efficiency depends on gradient order and detuning.

  • A Criterion for Unentanglement of Quantum States.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xufeng Liu

    The concept of entanglement is at the core of the theory of quantum information. In this paper a criterion for unentanglement of quantum states is proposed and proved. This criterion is natural, practical and easy to check.

  • Single-photon manipulations based on optically-controlled chiral couplings in waveguide structures of Rydberg giant atoms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yao-Tong Chen, Lei Du, Zhihai Wang, M. Artoni, G. C. La Rocca, Jin-Hui Wu

    Two interacting Rydberg atoms coupled to a waveguide realize a giant-atom platform that exhibits the controllable (phase-dependent) chirality where the direction of nonreciprocal photon scattering can be switched on demand, e.g., by the geometrical tuning of an external driving field. At variance with previous chiral setups, the simplified approach of our proposed platform arises from an optical implementation of the local phase difference between two coupling points of the Rydberg giant atom. Furthermore, employing two or more driving fields, this platform could also be used as a frequency converter with its efficiency exhibiting a strong asymmetry and being significantly enhanced via the chiral couplings. Our results suggest an extendable giant-atom platform that is both innovative and promising for chiral quantum optics and tunable frequency conversion in the optical domain.

  • Observation of Highly Correlated Ultrabright Biphotons Through Increased Atomic Ensemble Density in Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiun-Shiuan Shiu, Zi-Yu Liu, Chin-Yao Cheng, Yu-Chiao Huang, Ite A. Yu, Ying-Cheng Chen, Chih-Sung Chuu, Che-Ming Li, Shiang-Yu Wang, Yong-Fan Chen

    The pairing ratio, a crucial metric assessing a biphoton source's ability to generate correlated photon pairs, remains underexplored despite theoretical predictions. This study presents experimental findings on the pairing ratio, utilizing a double-$\Lambda$ spontaneous four-wave mixing biphoton source in cold atoms. At an optical depth (OD) of 20, we achieved an ultrahigh biphoton generation rate of up to $1.3\times10^7$ per second, with a successful pairing ratio of $61\%$. Increasing the OD to 120 significantly improved the pairing ratio to $89\%$, while maintaining a consistent biphoton generation rate. This achievement, marked by high generation rates and robust biphoton pairing, holds great promise for advancing efficiency in quantum communication and information processing. Additionally, in a scenario with a lower biphoton generation rate of $5.0 \times 10^4$ per second, we attained an impressive signal-to-background ratio of 241 for the biphoton wavepacket, surpassing the Cauchy-Schwarz criterion by approximately $1.5\times10^4$ times.

  • Depolarizing Reference Devices in Generalized Probabilistic Theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matthew B. Weiss

    QBism is an interpretation of quantum theory which views quantum mechanics as standard probability theory supplemented with a few extra normative constraints. The fundamental gambit is to represent states and measurements, as well as time evolution, with respect to an informationally complete reference device. From this point of view, the Born rule appears as a coherence condition on probability assignments across several different experiments which manifests as a deformation of the law of total probability (LTP). In this work, we fully characterize those reference devices for which this deformation takes a "simplest possible" (term-wise affine) form. Working in the framework of generalized probability theories (GPTs), we show that, given any reference measurement, a set of post-measurement reference states can always be chosen to give its probability rule this very form. The essential condition is that the corresponding measure-and-prepare channel be depolarizing. We also relate our construction to Szymusiak and S{\l}omczy\'nski's recently introduced notion of morphophoricity and re-examine critically a matrix-norm-based measure of LTP deformation in light of our results. What stands out for the QBist project from this analysis is that it is not only the pure form of the Born rule that must be understood normatively, but the constants within it as well. It is they that carry the details of quantum theory.

  • A note on Wigner-Yanase skew information-based uncertainty of quantum channels.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Qing-Hua Zhang, Jing-Feng Wu, Shao-Ming Fei

    The variance of quantum channels involving a mixed state gives a hybrid of classical and quantum uncertainties. We seek certain decomposition of variance into classical and quantum parts in terms of the Wigner-Yanase skew information. Generalizing the uncertainty relations for quantum observables to quantum channels, we introduce a new quantity with better quantum mechanical nature to describe the uncertainty relations for quantum channels. We derive several uncertainty relations for quantum channels via variances and the Wigner-Yanase skew information.

  • Quantum description of atomic diffraction by material nanostructures.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Quentin Bouton, G Dutier, Nathalie Fabre, Eric Charron, Charles Garcion, Naceur Gaaloul, Lecoffre Julien

    We present a theoretical model of matter-wave diffraction through a material nanostructure. This model is based on the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr{\"o}dinger equation, which goes beyond the standard semi-classical approach. In particular, we consider the dispersion force interaction between the atoms and the material, which is responsible for high energy variations. The effect of such forces on the quantum model is investigated, along with a comparison with the semi-classical model. In particular, for atoms at low velocity and close to the material surface, the semi-classical approach fails, while the quantum model accurately describes the expected diffraction pattern. This description is thus relevant for slow and cold atom experiments where increased precision is required, e.g. for metrological applications.

  • First-Order Phase Transition of the Schwinger Model with a Quantum Computer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Takis Angelides, Pranay Naredi, Arianna Crippa, Karl Jansen, Stefan Kühn, Ivano Tavernelli, Derek S. Wang

    We explore the first-order phase transition in the lattice Schwinger model in the presence of a topological $\theta$-term by means of the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE). Using two different fermion discretizations, Wilson and staggered fermions, we develop parametric ansatz circuits suitable for both discretizations, and compare their performance by simulating classically an ideal VQE optimization in the absence of noise. The states obtained by the classical simulation are then prepared on the IBM's superconducting quantum hardware. Applying state-of-the art error-mitigation methods, we show that the electric field density and particle number, observables which reveal the phase structure of the model, can be reliably obtained from the quantum hardware. To investigate the minimum system sizes required for a continuum extrapolation, we study the continuum limit using matrix product states, and compare our results to continuum mass perturbation theory. We demonstrate that taking the additive mass renormalization into account is vital for enhancing the precision that can be obtained with smaller system sizes. Furthermore, for the observables we investigate we observe universality, and both fermion discretizations produce the same continuum limit.

  • Quantum Annealing for Computer Vision Minimization Problems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shahrokh Heidari, Michael J. Dinneen, Patrice Delmas

    Computer Vision (CV) labelling algorithms play a pivotal role in the domain of low-level vision. For decades, it has been known that these problems can be elegantly formulated as discrete energy minimization problems derived from probabilistic graphical models (such as Markov Random Fields). Despite recent advances in inference algorithms (such as graph-cut and message-passing algorithms), the resulting energy minimization problems are generally viewed as intractable. The emergence of quantum computations, which offer the potential for faster solutions to certain problems than classical methods, has led to an increased interest in utilizing quantum properties to overcome intractable problems. Recently, there has also been a growing interest in Quantum Computer Vision (QCV), with the hope of providing a credible alternative or assistant to deep learning solutions in the field. This study investigates a new Quantum Annealing based inference algorithm for CV discrete energy minimization problems. Our contribution is focused on Stereo Matching as a significant CV labeling problem. As a proof of concept, we also use a hybrid quantum-classical solver provided by D-Wave System to compare our results with the best classical inference algorithms in the literature.

  • From quantum to classical via crystallization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ioannis Kleftogiannis, Ilias Amanatidis

    We show that classical states can emerge as pure ground state solutions of a quantum many-body system. We use a simple Hubbard model in 1D with strong short-range interactions and a second nearest neighbor hopping with N particles arranged among M sites. We show that the ground state of this Hubbard chain for M=2N-1 consists of a single many-body state where the strongly interacting particles arrange in a classical state with crystalline order. The ground state is separated by an energy gap from the first excited state, and survives in the thermodynamic limit for large N. The energy gap increases linearly with the strength of the interaction between the particles making the classical ground state robust to external perturbations like disorder. Our result is an example of how a quantum system can converge to a classical state, like a crystal, without requiring decoherence, wavefunction collapse or other external mechanisms.

  • Controlled phase gate in exchange coupled quantum dots affected by quasistatic charge noise.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yinan Fang

    Charge noise has been one of the main issues in realizing high fidelity two-qubit quantum gates in semiconductor based qubits. Here, we study the influence of quasistatic noise in quantum dot detuning on the controlled phase gate for spin qubits that defined on a double quantum dot. Analytical expressions for the noise averaged Hamiltonian, exchange interaction, as well as the gate fidelity are derived for weak noise covering experimental relevant regime. We also perform interleaved two-qubit randomized benchmarking analysis for the controlled phase gate and show that an exponential decay of the sequential fidelity is still valid for the weak noise.

  • On the Path Integral Formulation of Wigner-Dunkl Quantum Mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Georg Junker

    Feynman's path integral approach is studied in the framework of the Wigner-Dunkl deformation of quantum mechanics. We start with reviewing some basics from Dunkl theory and investigate the time evolution of a Gaussian wave packet, which exhibits the same dispersion relation as observed in standard quantum mechanics. Feynman's path integral approach is then extended to Wigner-Dunkl quantum mechanics. The harmonic oscillator problem is solved explicitly. We then look at the Euclidean time evolution and the related Dunkl process. This process, which exhibit jumps, can be represented by two continuous Bessel processes, one with reflection and one with absorbtion at the origin. The Feynman-Kac path integral for the harmonic oscillator problem is explicitly calculated.

  • A short note about the dynamical description of the measurement process in quantum physics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jean Richert, Tarek Khalil

    The measurement process of observables in a quantum system comes out to be an unsovable problem which started in the early times of the development of the theory. In the present note we consider the measured system part of an open system interacting with the measuring device and show under which ideal conditions the measure process may ideally work. Our procedure leads to the conclusion that there is no hope that any experimental procedure will be able to lead to a clean solution of the process, except maybe in very specific cases. The reasons for this situation are deeply rooted in the fundamental properties of quantum theory.

  • Order-by-disorder in the antiferromagnetic long-range transverse-field Ising model on the ruby lattice.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Duft, J.A. Koziol, P. Adelhardt, M. Mühlhauser, K.P. Schmidt

    We demonstrate that geometric frustration and long-range interactions both promote order-by-disorder in the antiferromagnetic transverse-field Ising model on the ruby lattice. To this end we investigate the quantum phase diagram for truncated $J_1$-$J_2$-$J_3$ Ising interactions. In the low-field limit we derive an effective quantum dimer model, analyzing how the extensive ground-state degeneracy at zero field is lifted by two distinct order-by-disorder scenarios. We support our analysis by studying the gap-closing of the high-field phase using series expansions. For $J_2>J_3$, we find an emergent clock-ordered phase at low fields, stabilized by resonating plaquettes, and a 3d-XY quantum phase transition to the polarized high-field phase. For $J_3>J_2$, an order-by-disorder mechanism stabilizes a distinct $k=(0,0)$ order and a quantum phase transition in the 3d-Ising universality class is observed. In contrast to the triangular lattice, on the ruby lattice algebraically decaying long-range interactions favor the clock-ordered low-field phase and therefore allow a robust implementation in existing Rydberg atom quantum simulators.

  • Restrictions to realize multiport quantum dense coding in a many-body quantum spin system with two- and three-body interactions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P. Kiran, Hemant Shreepad Hegde, Harsha Miriam Reji, R. Prabhu

    Quantum information with many-body quantum spin systems has, from time to time, given intriguing and intuitive outcomes to our understanding of multiport quantum communications. We identify that in an anisotropic many-body quantum spin system with two- and three-body interactions, when its two-spin subsystems are all negative under partial transpose, one can restrict this system for realizing only the multiport quantum dense coding protocol which has $(N-1)$ senders and a single receiver. All other single and multi channel dense coding protocols will have quantum dense coding capacities less than that of their respective classical capacities. We characterize the multiport quantum dense coding capacity with $(N-1)$ senders and a single receiver for this system with respect to its system parameters. We also define a magnetic field averaged dense coding capacity for this system, which allows us to comprehensively capture the influence of the entire range of external applied magnetic field and characterize its variation with respect to other system parameters.

  • Nanoparticle Interferometer by Throw and Catch.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jakub Wardak, Tiberius Georgescu, Giulio Gasbarri, Alessio Belenchia, Hendrik Ulbricht

    Matter-wave interferometry with increasingly larger masses could pave the way to understanding the nature of wavefunction collapse, the quantum to classical transition or even how an object in a spatial superposition interacts with its gravitational field. In order to improve upon the current mass record, it is necessary to move into the nano-particle regime. In this paper we provide a design for a nano-particle Talbot-Lau matter-wave interferometer that circumvents the practical challenges of previously proposed designs. We present simulations of the expected fringe patterns that such an interferometer would produce, considering all major sources of decoherence. We discuss the practical challenges involved in building such an experiment as well as some preliminary experimental results to illustrate the proposed measurement scheme. We show that such a design is suitable for seeing interference fringes with $10^6$amu SiO$_2$ particles, and that this design can be extended to even $10^8$amu particles by using flight times below the typical Talbot time of the system.

  • Quadrature squeezing enhances Wigner negativity in a mechanical Duffing oscillator.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christian A. Rosiek, Massimiliano Rossi, Albert Schliesser, Anders S. Sørensen

    Generating macroscopic non-classical quantum states is a long-standing challenge in physics. Anharmonic dynamics is an essential ingredient to generate these states, but for large mechanical systems, the effect of the anharmonicity tends to become negligible compared to decoherence. As a possible solution to this challenge, we propose to use a motional squeezed state as a resource to effectively enhance the anharmonicity. We analyze the production of negativity in the Wigner distribution of a quantum anharmonic resonator initially in a squeezed state. We find that initial squeezing enhances the rate at which negativity is generated. We also analyze the effect of two common sources of decoherence, namely energy damping and dephasing, and find that the detrimental effects of energy damping are suppressed by strong squeezing. In the limit of large squeezing, which is needed for state-of-the-art systems, we find good approximations for the Wigner function. Our analysis is significant for current experiments attempting to prepare macroscopic mechanical systems in genuine quantum states. We provide an overview of several experimental platforms featuring nonlinear behaviors and low levels of decoherence. In particular, we discuss the feasibility of our proposal with carbon nanotubes and levitated nanoparticles.

  • Spectrality in convex sequential effect algebras.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anna Jenčová, Sylvia Pulmannová

    For convex and sequential effect algebras, we study spectrality in the sense of Foulis. We show that under additional conditions (strong archimedeanity, closedness in norm and a certain monotonicity property of the sequential product), such effect algebra is spectral if and only if every maximal commutative subalgebra is monotone $\sigma$-complete. Two previous results on existence of spectral resolutions in this setting are shown to require stronger assumptions.

  • Quantum multi-anomaly detection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Santiago Llorens, Gael Sentís, Ramon Muñoz-Tapia

    A source assumed to prepare a specified reference state sometimes prepares an anomalous one. We address the task of identifying these anomalous states in a series of $n$ preparations with $k$ anomalies. We analyse the minimum-error protocol and the zero-error (unambiguous) protocol and obtain closed expressions for the success probability when both reference and anomalous states are known to the observer and anomalies can appear equally likely in any position of the preparation series. We find the solution using results from association schemes theory. In particular we use the Johnson association scheme which arises naturally from the Gram matrix of this problem. We also study the regime of large $n$ and obtain the expression of the success probability that is non-vanishing. Finally, we address the case in which the observer is blind to the reference and the anomalous states. This scenario requires an universal protocol for which we prove that in the asymptotic limit the success probability correspond to average of the known state scenario.

  • Quantum State Compression Shadow.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chen Ding, Xiao-Yue Xu, Shuo Zhang, Wan-Su Bao, He-Liang Huang

    Quantum state readout serves as the cornerstone of quantum information processing, exerting profound influence on quantum communication, computation, and metrology. In this study, we introduce an innovative readout architecture called Compression Shadow (CompShadow), which transforms the conventional readout paradigm by compressing multi-qubit states into single-qubit shadows before measurement. Compared to direct measurements of the initial quantum states, CompShadow achieves comparable accuracy in amplitude and observable expectation estimation while consuming similar measurement resources. Furthermore, its implementation on near-term quantum hardware with nearest-neighbor coupling architectures is straightforward. Significantly, CompShadow brings forth novel features, including the complete suppression of correlated readout noise, fundamentally reducing the quantum hardware demands for readout. It also facilitates the exploration of multi-body system properties through single-qubit probes and opens the door to designing quantum communication protocols with exponential loss suppression. Our findings mark the emergence of a new era in quantum state readout, setting the stage for a revolutionary leap in quantum information processing capabilities.

  • Microscopic theory of exciton-polariton model involving multiple molecules: Macroscopic quantum electrodynamics formulation and essence of direct intermolecular interactions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi-Ting Chuang, Liang-Yan Hsu

    Cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) and its extensions are widely used for the description of exciton-polariton systems. However, the exciton-polariton models based on CQED vary greatly within different contexts. One of the most significant discrepancies among these CQED models is whether one should include direct intermolecular interactions in the CQED Hamiltonian. To answer this question, in this article, we derive an effective dissipative CQED model including free-space dipole-dipole interactions (CQED-DDI) from a microscopic Hamiltonian based on macroscopic quantum electrodynamics. Dissipative CQED-DDI successfully captures the nature of vacuum fluctuations in dielectric media and separates it into the free-space effects and the dielectric-induced effects. The former include spontaneous emissions, dephasings and dipole-dipole interactions in free space; the latter include exciton-polariton interactions and photonic losses due to dielectric media. We apply dissipative CQED-DDI to investigate the exciton-polariton dynamics (the population dynamics of molecules above a plasmonic surface) and compare the results with those based on the methods proposed by several previous studies. We find that direct intermolecular interactions are a crucial element when employing CQED-like models to study exciton-polariton systems involving multiple molecules.

  • State Expansion of a Levitated Nanoparticle in a Dark Harmonic Potential.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eric Bonvin, Louisiane Devaud, Massimiliano Rossi, Andrei Militaru, Lorenzo Dania, Dmitry S. Bykov, Oriol Romero-Isart, Tracy E. Northup, Lukas Novotny, Martin Frimmer

    Levitated nanoparticles in vacuum are prime candidates for generating macroscopic quantum superposition states of massive objects. Most protocols for preparing these states necessitate coherent expansion beyond the scale of the zero-point motion to produce sufficiently delocalized and pure phase-space distributions. Here, we spatially expand and subsequently recontract the thermal state of a levitated nanoparticle by modifying the stiffness of the trap holding the particle. We achieve state-expansion factors of 25 in standard deviation for a particle initially feedback-cooled to a center-of-mass thermal state of \SI{155}{\milli\kelvin}. Our method relies on a hybrid scheme combining an optical trap, for cooling and measuring the particle's motion, with a Paul trap for expanding its state. Consequently, state expansion occurs devoid of measurement backaction from photon recoil, making this approach suitable for coherent wavefunction expansion in future experiments.

  • Investigating techniques to optimise the layout of turbines in a windfarm using a quantum computer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    James Hancock, Matthew J. Craven, Craig McNeile, Davide Vadacchino

    We study the optimal placement of wind turbines within a windfarm to maximize the power produced by mapping the system to a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimisation (QUBO) problem. We investigate solving the resulting QUBO problem using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) on a quantum computer simulator and compare the results to those from two classical optimisation methods: simulated annealing and the Gurobi solver. The maximum grid size we study is 4 $\times$ 4, which requires 16 qubits.

  • Accelerated adiabatic passage of a single electron spin qubit in quantum dots.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Fei Liu, Yuta Matsumoto, Takafumi Fujita, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Akira Oiwa

    Adiabatic processes can keep the quantum system in its instantaneous eigenstate, which is robust to noises and dissipation. However, it is limited by sufficiently slow evolution. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the transitionless quantum driving (TLQD) of the shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) in gate-defined semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) to greatly accelerate the conventional adiabatic passage for the first time. For a given efficiency of quantum state transfer, the acceleration can be more than 2-fold. The dynamic properties also prove that the TLQD can guarantee fast and high-fidelity quantum state transfer. In order to compensate for the diabatic errors caused by dephasing noises, the modified TLQD is proposed and demonstrated in experiment by enlarging the width of the counter-diabatic drivings. The benchmarking shows that the state transfer fidelity of 97.8% can be achieved. This work will greatly promote researches and applications about quantum simulations and adiabatic quantum computation based on the gate-defined QDs.

  • Measurement-based quantum computation from Clifford quantum cellular automata.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Hans J. Briegel

    Measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC) is a paradigm for quantum computation where computation is driven by local measurements on a suitably entangled resource state. In this work we show that MBQC is related to a model of quantum computation based on Clifford quantum cellular automata (CQCA). Specifically, we show that certain MBQCs can be directly constructed from CQCAs which yields a simple and intuitive circuit model representation of MBQC in terms of quantum computation based on CQCA. We apply this description to construct various MBQC-based Ans\"atze for parameterized quantum circuits, demonstrating that the different Ans\"atze may lead to significantly different performances on different learning tasks. In this way, MBQC yields a family of Hardware-efficient Ans\"atze that may be adapted to specific problem settings and is particularly well suited for architectures with translationally invariant gates such as neutral atoms.

  • Polylogarithmic-depth controlled-NOT gates without ancilla qubits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Baptiste Claudon, Julien Zylberman, César Feniou, Fabrice Debbasch, Alberto Peruzzo, Jean-Philip Piquemal

    Controlled operations are fundamental building blocks of quantum algorithms. Decomposing $n$-control-NOT gates ($C^n(X)$) into arbitrary single-qubit and CNOT gates, is a crucial but non-trivial task. This study introduces $C^n(X)$ circuits outperforming previous methods in the asymptotic and non-asymptotic regimes. Three distinct decompositions are presented: an exact one using one borrowed ancilla with a circuit depth $\Theta\left(\log(n)^{\log_2(12)}\right)$, an approximating one without ancilla qubits with a circuit depth $\mathcal O \left(\log(n)^{\log_2(12)}\log(1/\epsilon)\right)$ and an exact one with an adjustable-depth circuit using $m\leq n$ ancilla qubits. The resulting exponential speedup is likely to have a substantial impact on fault-tolerant quantum computing by improving the complexities of countless quantum algorithms with applications ranging from quantum chemistry to physics, finance and quantum machine learning.

  • Quantum transition probability in convex sets and self-dual cones.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gerd Niestegge

    The interplay between the algebraic structure (operator algebras) for the quantum observables and the convex structure of the state space has been explored for a long time and most advanced results are due to Alfsen and Shultz. Here we present a more elementary approach with a more generic structure for the observables, which focuses on the transition probability of the quantum logical atoms. The binary case gives rise to the generalized qubit models and was fully developed in a preceding paper. Here we consider any case with finite information capacity (binary means that the information capacity is 2). A novel geometric property that makes any compact convex set a matching state space is presented. Generally, the transition probability is not symmetric; if it is symmetric, we get an inner product and a self-dual cone. The emerging mathematical structure comes close to the Euclidean Jordan algebras and becomes a new mathematical model for a potential extension of quantum theory.

  • A pedagogical introduction to continuously monitored quantum systems and measurement-based feedback.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesco Albarelli, Marco G. Genoni

    In this manuscript we present a pedagogical introduction to continuously monitored quantum systems. We start by giving a simplified derivation of the Markovian master equation in Lindblad form, in the spirit of collision models and input-output theory, which describes the unconditional dynamics of a continuously monitored system. The same formalism is then exploited to derive stochastic master equations that describe the conditional dynamics. We focus on the two most paradigmatic examples of continuous monitoring: continuous photodetection, leading to a discontinuous dynamics with "quantum jumps", and continuous homodyne measurements, leading to a diffusive dynamics. We then present a derivation of feedback master equations that describe the dynamics (either conditional or unconditional) when the continuous measurement photocurrents are fed back to the system as a linear driving Hamiltonian, a paradigm known as linear Markovian feedback. In the second part of the manuscript we focus on continuous-variable Gaussian systems: we first present the equations for first and second moments describing the dynamics under continuous general-dyne measurements, and we then discuss in more detail the conditional and unconditional dynamics under Markovian and state-based feedback.

  • Robust atom-photon gate for quantum information processing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Omar Nagib, P. Huft, A. Safari, M. Saffman

    We propose a scheme for two-qubit gates between a flying photon and an atom in a cavity. The atom-photon gate setup consists of a cavity and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with doubly degenerate ground and excited state energy levels mediating the atom-light interaction. We provide an error analysis of the gate and model important errors, including spatial mode mismatch between the photon and the cavity, spontaneous emission, cavity losses, detunings, and random fluctuations of the cavity parameters and frequencies. Error analysis shows that the gate protocol is more robust against experimental errors compared to previous atom-photon gates and achieves higher fidelity.

  • Unified Framework for Open Quantum Dynamics with Memory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Felix Ivander, Lachlan P. Lindoy, Joonho Lee

    Studies of the dynamics of a quantum system coupled to a bath are typically performed by utilizing the Nakajima-Zwanzig memory kernel (${\mathcal{K}}$) or the influence functions ($\mathbf{{I}}$), especially when the dynamics exhibit memory effects (i.e., non-Markovian). Despite their significance, the formal connection between the memory kernel and the influence functions has not been explicitly made. We reveal their relation through the observation of a diagrammatic structure underlying the system propagator, $\mathbf{{I}}$, and ${\mathcal{K}}$. Based on this, we propose a non-perturbative, diagrammatic approach to construct ${\mathcal{K}}$ from $\mathbf{{I}}$ for (driven) systems interacting with harmonic baths without the use of any projection-free dynamics inputs required by standard approaches. With this construction, we also show how approximate path integral methods can be understood in terms of approximate memory kernels. Furthermore, we demonstrate a Hamiltonian learning procedure to extract the bath spectral density from a set of reduced system trajectories obtained experimentally or by numerically exact methods, opening new avenues in quantum sensing and engineering. The insights we provide in this work will significantly advance the understanding of non-Markovian dynamics, and they will be an important stepping stone for theoretical and experimental developments in this area.

  • Deterministic Ans\"atze for the Measurement-based Variational Quantum Eigensolver.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anna Schroeder, Matthias Heller, Mariami Gachechiladze

    Measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC) is a promising approach to reducing circuit depth in noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE). Unlike gate-based computing, MBQC employs local measurements on a preprepared resource state, offering a trade-off between circuit depth and qubit count. Ensuring determinism is crucial to MBQC, particularly in the VQE context, as a lack of flow in measurement patterns leads to evaluating the cost function at irrelevant locations. This study introduces MBVQE-ans\"atze that respect determinism and resemble the widely used problem-agnostic hardware-efficient VQE ansatz. We evaluate our approach using ideal simulations on the Schwinger Hamiltonian and $XY$-model and perform experiments on IBM hardware with an adaptive measurement capability. In our use case, we find that ensuring determinism works better via postselection than by adaptive measurements at the expense of increased sampling cost. Additionally, we propose an efficient MBQC-inspired method to prepare the resource state, specifically the cluster state, on hardware with heavy-hex connectivity, requiring a single measurement round, and implement this scheme on quantum computers with $27$ and $127$ qubits. We observe notable improvements for larger cluster states, although direct gate-based implementation achieves higher fidelity for smaller instances.

  • A refinement of the argument of local realism versus quantum mechanics by algorithmic randomness.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kohtaro Tadaki

    The notion of probability plays a crucial role in quantum mechanics. It appears in quantum mechanics as the Born rule. In modern mathematics which describes quantum mechanics, however, probability theory means nothing other than measure theory, and therefore any operational characterization of the notion of probability is still missing in quantum mechanics. In our former works [K. Tadaki, arXiv:1804.10174], based on the toolkit of algorithmic randomness, we presented a refinement of the Born rule, called the principle of typicality, for specifying the property of results of measurements in an operational way. In this paper, we make an application of our framework to the argument of local realism versus quantum mechanics for refining it, in order to demonstrate how properly our framework works in practical problems in quantum mechanics.

  • The role of data embedding in equivariant quantum convolutional neural networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sreetama Das, Stefano Martina, Filippo Caruso

    Geometric deep learning refers to the scenario in which the symmetries of a dataset are used to constrain the parameter space of a neural network and thus, improve their trainability and generalization. Recently this idea has been incorporated into the field of quantum machine learning, which has given rise to equivariant quantum neural networks (EQNNs). In this work, we investigate the role of classical-to-quantum embedding on the performance of equivariant quantum convolutional neural networks (EQCNNs) for the classification of images. We discuss the connection between the data embedding method and the resulting representation of a symmetry group and analyze how changing representation affects the expressibility of an EQCNN. We numerically compare the classification accuracy of EQCNNs with three different basis-permuted amplitude embeddings to the one obtained from a non-equivariant quantum convolutional neural network (QCNN). Our results show that all the EQCNNs achieve higher classification accuracy than the non-equivariant QCNN for small numbers of training iterations, while for large iterations this improvement crucially depends on the used embedding. It is expected that the results of this work can be useful to the community for a better understanding of the importance of data embedding choice in the context of geometric quantum machine learning.

  • Estimating Trotter Approximation Errors to Optimize Hamiltonian Partitioning for Lower Eigenvalue Errors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luis A. Martínez-Martínez, Prathami Divakar Kamath, Artur F. Izmaylov

    One of the ways to encode many-body Hamiltonians on a quantum computer to obtain their eigen-energies through Quantum Phase Estimation is by means of the Trotter approximation. There were several ways proposed to assess the quality of this approximation based on estimating the norm of the difference between the exact and approximate evolution operators. Here, we would like to explore how these different error estimates are correlated with each other and whether they can be good predictors for the true Trotter approximation error in finding eigenvalues. For a set of small molecular systems we calculated the exact Trotter approximation errors of the first order Trotter formulas for the ground state electronic energies. Comparison of these errors with previously used upper bounds show almost no correlation over the systems and various Hamiltonian partitionings. On the other hand, building the Trotter approximation error estimation based on perturbation theory up to a second order in the time-step for eigenvalues provides estimates with very good correlations with the Trotter approximation errors. The developed perturbative estimates can be used for practical time-step and Hamiltonian partitioning selection protocols, which are paramount for an accurate assessment of resources needed for the estimation of energy eigenvalues under a target accuracy.

  • Justifying Kubo's formula for gapped systems at zero temperature: a brief review and some new results.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joscha Henheik, Stefan Teufel

    We first review the problem of a rigorous justification of Kubo's formula for transport coefficients in gapped extended Hamiltonian quantum systems at zero temperature. In particular, the theoretical understanding of the quantum Hall effect rests on the validity of Kubo's formula for such systems, a connection that we review briefly as well. We then highlight an approach to linear response theory based on non-equilibrium almost-stationary states (NEASS) and on a corresponding adiabatic theorem for such systems that was recently proposed and worked out by one of us in [51] for interacting fermionic systems on finite lattices. In the second part of our paper we show how to lift the results of [51] to infinite systems by taking a thermodynamic limit.

  • Adiabatic theorem in the thermodynamic limit: Systems with a uniform gap.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joscha Henheik, Stefan Teufel

    We show that recent results on adiabatic theory for interacting gapped many-body systems on finite lattices remain valid in the thermodynamic limit. More precisely, we prove a generalised super-adiabatic theorem for the automorphism group describing the infinite volume dynamics on the quasi-local algebra of observables. The key assumption is the existence of a sequence of gapped finite volume Hamiltonians which generates the same infinite volume dynamics in the thermodynamic limit. Our adiabatic theorem holds also for certain perturbations of gapped ground states that close the spectral gap (so it is an adiabatic theorem also for resonances and in this sense `generalised'), and it provides an adiabatic approximation to all orders in the adiabatic parameter (a property often called `super-adiabatic'). In addition to existing results for finite lattices, we also perform a resummation of the adiabatic expansion and allow for observables that are not strictly local. Finally, as an application, we prove the validity of linear and higher order response theory for our class of perturbations also for infinite systems. While we consider the result and its proof as new and interesting in itself, they also lay the foundation for the proof of an adiabatic theorem for systems with a gap only in the bulk, which will be presented in a follow-up article.

  • Adiabatic theorem in the thermodynamic limit: Systems with a gap in the bulk.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joscha Henheik, Stefan Teufel

    We prove a generalised super-adiabatic theorem for extended fermionic systems assuming a spectral gap only in the bulk. More precisely, we assume that the infinite system has a unique ground state and that the corresponding GNS-Hamiltonian has a spectral gap above its eigenvalue zero. Moreover, we show that a similar adiabatic theorem also holds in the bulk of finite systems up to errors that vanish faster than any inverse power of the system size, although the corresponding finite volume Hamiltonians need not have a spectral gap.

  • Exact correlations in topological quantum chains.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nick G. Jones, Ruben Verresen

    Although free-fermion systems are considered exactly solvable, they generically do not admit closed expressions for nonlocal quantities such as topological string correlations or entanglement measures. We derive closed expressions for such quantities for a dense subclass of certain classes of topological fermionic wires (classes BDI and AIII). Our results also apply to spin chains called generalised cluster models. While there is a bijection between general models in these classes and Laurent polynomials, restricting to polynomials with degenerate zeros leads to a plethora of exact results: (1) we derive closed expressions for the string correlation functions - the order parameters for the topological phases in these classes; (2) we obtain an exact formula for the characteristic polynomial of the correlation matrix, giving insight into ground state entanglement; (3) the latter implies that the ground state can be described by a matrix product state (MPS) with a finite bond dimension in the thermodynamic limit - an independent and explicit construction for the BDI class is given in a concurrent work [Phys. Rev. Res. 3 (2021), 033265, 26 pages, arXiv:2105.12143]; (4) for BDI models with even integer topological invariant, all non-zero eigenvalues of the transfer matrix are identified as products of zeros and inverse zeros of the aforementioned polynomial. General models in these classes can be obtained by taking limits of the models we analyse, giving a further application of our results. To the best of our knowledge, these results constitute the first application of Day's formula and Gorodetsky's formula for Toeplitz determinants to many-body quantum physics.

  • On the effects of biased quantum random numbers on the initialization of artificial neural networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Raoul Heese, Moritz Wolter, Sascha Mücke, Lukas Franken, Nico Piatkowski

    Recent advances in practical quantum computing have led to a variety of cloud-based quantum computing platforms that allow researchers to evaluate their algorithms on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. A common property of quantum computers is that they can exhibit instances of true randomness as opposed to pseudo-randomness obtained from classical systems. Investigating the effects of such true quantum randomness in the context of machine learning is appealing, and recent results vaguely suggest that benefits can indeed be achieved from the use of quantum random numbers. To shed some more light on this topic, we empirically study the effects of hardware-biased quantum random numbers on the initialization of artificial neural network weights in numerical experiments. We find no statistically significant difference in comparison with unbiased quantum random numbers as well as biased and unbiased random numbers from a classical pseudo-random number generator. The quantum random numbers for our experiments are obtained from real quantum hardware.

  • Mitigated barren plateaus in the time-nonlocal optimization of analog quantum-algorithm protocols.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lukas Broers, Ludwig Mathey

    Quantum machine learning has emerged as a promising utilization of near-term quantum computation devices. However, algorithmic classes such as variational quantum algorithms have been shown to suffer from barren plateaus due to vanishing gradients in their parameters spaces. We present an approach to quantum algorithm optimization that is based on trainable Fourier coefficients of Hamiltonian system parameters. Our ansatz is exclusive to the extension of discrete quantum variational algorithms to analog quantum optimal control schemes and is non-local in time. We demonstrate the viability of our ansatz on the objectives of compiling the quantum Fourier transform and preparing ground states of random problem Hamiltonians. In comparison to the temporally local discretization ans\"atze in quantum optimal control and parameterized circuits, our ansatz exhibits faster and more consistent convergence. We uniformly sample objective gradients across the parameter space and find that in our ansatz the variance decays at a non-exponential rate with the number of qubits, while it decays at an exponential rate in the temporally local benchmark ansatz. This indicates the mitigation of barren plateaus in our ansatz. We propose our ansatz as a viable candidate for near-term quantum machine learning.

  • A Comprehensive Review of Quantum Random Number Generators: Concepts, Classification and the Origin of Randomness.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vaisakh Mannalath, Sandeep Mishra, Anirban Pathak

    Random numbers are central to cryptography and various other tasks. The intrinsic probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics has allowed us to construct a large number of quantum random number generators (QRNGs) that are distinct from the traditional true number generators. This article provides a review of the existing QRNGs with a focus on their various possible features (e.g., device independence, semi-device independence) that are not achievable in the classical world. It also discusses the origin, applicability, and other facets of randomness. Specifically, the origin of randomness is explored from the perspective of a set of hierarchical axioms for quantum mechanics, implying that succeeding axioms can be regarded as a superstructure constructed on top of a structure built by the preceding axioms. The axioms considered are: (Q1) incompatibility and uncertainty; (Q2) contextuality; (Q3) entanglement; (Q4) nonlocality and (Q5) indistinguishability of identical particles. Relevant toy generalized probability theories (GPTs) are introduced, and it is shown that the origin of random numbers in different types of QRNGs known today are associated with different layers of nonclassical theories and all of them do not require all the features of quantum mechanics. Further, classification of the available QRNGs has been done and the technological challenges associated with each class are critically analyzed. Commercially available QRNGs are also compared.

  • On converses to the polynomial method.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jop Briët, Francisco Escudero Gutiérrez

    A surprising 'converse to the polynomial method' of Aaronson et al. (CCC'16) shows that any bounded quadratic polynomial can be computed exactly in expectation by a 1-query algorithm up to a universal multiplicative factor related to the famous Grothendieck constant. A natural question posed there asks if bounded quartic polynomials can be approximated by $2$-query quantum algorithms. Arunachalam, Palazuelos and the first author showed that there is no direct analogue of the result of Aaronson et al. in this case. We improve on this result in the following ways: First, we point out and fix a small error in the construction that has to do with a translation from cubic to quartic polynomials. Second, we give a completely explicit example based on techniques from additive combinatorics. Third, we show that the result still holds when we allow for a small additive error. For this, we apply an SDP characterization of Gribling and Laurent (QIP'19) for the completely-bounded approximate degree.

  • Optimal Quantum Control of Charging Quantum Batteries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. R. Rodriguez, B. Ahmadi, G. Suarez, P. Mazurek, S. Barzanjeh, P. Horodecki

    Quantum control allows us to address the problem of engineering quantum dynamics for special purposes. While recently the field of quantum batteries has attracted much attention, optimization of their charging has not benefited from the quantum control methods. Here we fill this gap by using an optimization method. We apply for the first time this convergent iterative method for the control of the population of a bipartite quantum system in two cases, starting with a qubit-qubit case. The quantum charger-battery system is considered here, where the energy is pumped into the charger by an external classical electromagnetic field. Secondly, we systematically develop the original formulation of the method for two harmonic oscillators in the Gaussian regime. In both cases, the charger is considered to be an open dissipative system. Our optimization takes into account experimentally viable problem of turning-on and off of the charging external field. Optimising the shape of the pulse significantly boosts both the power and efficiency of the charging process in comparison to the sinusoidal drive. The harmonic oscillator setting of quantum batteries is of a particular interest, as the optimal driving pulse remains so independently of the temperature of environment.

  • Automatic and effective discovery of quantum kernels.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Massimiliano Incudini, Daniele Lizzio Bosco, Francesco Martini, Michele Grossi, Giuseppe Serra, Alessandra Di Pierro

    Quantum computing can empower machine learning models by enabling kernel machines to leverage quantum kernels for representing similarity measures between data. Quantum kernels are able to capture relationships in the data that are not efficiently computable on classical devices. However, there is no straightforward method to engineer the optimal quantum kernel for each specific use case. While recent literature has focused on exploiting the potential offered by the presence of symmetries in the data to guide the construction of quantum kernels, we adopt here a different approach, which employs optimization techniques, similar to those used in neural architecture search and AutoML, to automatically find an optimal kernel in a heuristic manner. The algorithm we present constructs a quantum circuit implementing the similarity measure as a combinatorial object, which is evaluated based on a cost function and is then iteratively modified using a meta-heuristic optimization technique. The cost function can encode many criteria ensuring favorable statistical properties of the candidate solution, such as the rank of the Dynamical Lie Algebra. Importantly, our approach is independent of the optimization technique employed. The results obtained by testing our approach on a high-energy physics problem demonstrate that, in the best-case scenario, we can either match or improve testing accuracy with respect to the manual design approach, showing the potential of our technique to deliver superior results with reduced effort.

  • Quantum metrology using time-frequency as quantum continuous variables: Resources, sub shot-noise precision and phase space representation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Eloi Descamps, Nicolas Fabre, Arne Keller, Perola Milman

    We study the role of the electromagnetic field's frequency in time precision measurements using single photons as a paradigmatic system. For such, we independently identify the contributions of intensity and spectral resources and show that both can play a role on the scaling of the precision of parameter estimation with the number of probes. We show in particular that it is possible to observe a quadratic scaling using quantum mode correlations only and explicit the mathematical expression of states saturating the Heisenberg limit. We also provide a geometrical and phase space interpretation of our results, and observe a curious quantum-to-classical-like transition on scaling by modifying the spectral variance of states. Our results connect discrete and continuous aspects of single photons and quantum optics by considering from a quantum mechanical perspective the role of frequency.

  • The Thermomajorization Polytope and Its Degeneracies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Frederik vom Ende, Emanuel Malvetti

    Drawing inspiration from transportation theory, in this work we introduce the notions of ``well-structured'' and ``stable'' Gibbs states and we investigate their implications for quantum thermodynamics and its resource theory approach via thermal operations. It turns out that, in the quasi-classical realm, global cyclic state transfers are impossible if and only if the Gibbs state is stable. Moreover, using a geometric approach by studying the so-called thermomajorization polytope we prove that any subsystem in equilibrium can be brought out of equilibrium via thermal operations. Interestingly, the case of some subsystem being in equilibrium can be witnessed via degenerate extreme points of the thermomajorization polytope, assuming the Gibbs state of the system is well structured. These physical considerations are complemented by simple new constructions for the polytope's extreme points as well as for an important class of extremal Gibbs-stochastic matrices.

  • Exponentially Improved Efficient and Accurate Machine Learning for Quantum Many-body States with Provable Guarantees.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yanming Che, Clemens Gneiting, Franco Nori

    Solving the ground state and the ground-state properties of quantum many-body systems is generically a hard task for classical algorithms. For a family of Hamiltonians defined on an $m$-dimensional space of physical parameters, the ground state and its properties at an arbitrary parameter configuration can be predicted via a machine learning protocol up to a prescribed prediction error $\varepsilon$, provided that a sample set (of size $N$) of the states can be efficiently prepared and measured. In a recent work [Huang et al., Science 377, eabk3333 (2022)], a rigorous guarantee for such a generalization was proved. Unfortunately, an exponential scaling for the provable sample complexity, $N=m^{{\cal{O}}\left(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}\right)}$, was found to be universal for generic gapped Hamiltonians. This result applies to the situation where the dimension of the parameter space is large while the scaling with the accuracy is not an urgent factor. In this work, we consider an alternative scenario where $m$ is a finite, not necessarily large constant while the scaling with the prediction error becomes the central concern. By jointly preserving the fundamental properties of density matrices in the learning protocol and utilizing the continuity of quantum states in the parameter range of interest, we rigorously obtain a polynomial sample complexity for predicting quantum many-body states and their properties, with respect to the uniform prediction error $\varepsilon$ and the number of qubits $n$. Moreover, if restricted to learning local quantum-state properties, the number of samples with respect to $n$ can be further reduced exponentially. Our results provide theoretical guarantees for efficient and accurate learning of quantum many-body states and their properties, with model-independent applications not restricted to ground states of gapped Hamiltonians.

  • Reducing the instability of an optical lattice clock using multiple atomic ensembles.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xin Zheng, Jonathan Dolde, Shimon Kolkowitz

    The stability of an optical atomic clock is a critical figure of merit for almost all clock applications. To this end, much optical atomic clock research has focused on reducing clock instability by increasing the atom number, lengthening the coherent interrogation times, and introducing entanglement to push beyond the standard quantum limit. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate an alternative approach to reducing clock instability using a phase estimation approach based on individually controlled atomic ensembles in a strontium (Sr) optical lattice clock. We first demonstrate joint Ramsey interrogation of two spatially-resolved atom ensembles that are out of phase with respect to each other, which we call "quadrature Ramsey spectroscopy," resulting in a factor of 1.36(5) reduction in absolute clock instability as measured with interleaved self-comparisons. We then leverage the rich hyperfine structure of ${}^{87}$Sr to realize independent coherent control over multiple ensembles with only global laser addressing. Finally, we utilize this independent control over 4 atom ensembles to implement a form of phase estimation, achieving a factor of greater than 3 enhancement in coherent interrogation time and a factor of 2.08(6) reduction in instability over an otherwise identical single ensemble clock with the same local oscillator and the same number of atoms. We expect that multi-ensemble protocols similar to those demonstrated here will result in reduction in the instability of any optical lattice clock with an interrogation time limited by the local oscillator.

  • Quantum Discrete Maps: Data-driven Quantum Dynamical Embedding Method for Long-term Prediction on a Near-term Quantum Computer.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tai-Ping Sun, Zhao-Yun Chen, Cheng Xue, Huan-Yu Liu, Xi-Ning Zhuang, Yun-Jie Wang, Shi-Xin Ma, Hai-Feng Zhang, Yu-Chun Wu, Guo-Ping Guo

    The increasing focus on long-term time series prediction across various fields has been significantly strengthened by advancements in quantum computation. In this paper, we introduce quantum discrete maps (QDMs), a data-driven method designed for long-term time series prediction with quantum dynamical embedding. This approach enables a trainable embedding of the data space into an extended state space, allowing for the recursive retrieval of time series information. Based on its independency of time series length, this method achieves depth-efficient quantum circuits that are crucial for near-term quantum computers. Numerical simulations demonstrate the model's improved performance in prediction accuracy and resource efficiency over existing methods. We implement this model on the Originq Wu-Kong superconducting quantum processor with a learnable error-cancellation layer (LECL) for error mitigation, further validates the practical applicability of our approach on near-term quantum devices. Furthermore, the theoretical analysis of the QDM's dynamical properties and its universality enhances its potential for time series prediction. This study establishes a significant step towards the processing of long-term time series on near-term quantum computers, integrating data-driven learning with discrete time quantum maps for enhanced forecasting capabilities.

  • Efficient stabilizer entropies for quantum computers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tobias Haug, Soovin Lee, M.S. Kim

    Stabilizer entropies (SEs) are measures of nonstabilizerness or `magic' that quantify the degree to which a state is described by stabilizers. SEs are especially interesting due to their connections to scrambling, localization and property testing. However, applications have been limited so far as previously known measurement protocols for SEs scale exponentially with the number of qubits. Here, we show how to efficiently measure SEs for integer index $n>1$ via Bell measurements. We provide efficient bounds of various nonstabilizerness monotones which are intractable to compute beyond a few qubits. Using the IonQ quantum computer, we measure SEs of random Clifford circuits doped with non-Clifford gates and give bounds for the stabilizer fidelity, stabilizer extent and robustness of magic. As applications, we provide efficient algorithms to measure $4n$-point out-of-time-order correlators and multifractal flatness. Our results open up the exploration of nonstabilizerness with quantum computers.

  • Reducing circuit depth with qubitwise diagonalization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Edison M. Murairi, Michael J. Cervia

    A variety of quantum algorithms employ Pauli operators as a convenient basis for studying the spectrum or evolution of Hamiltonians or measuring multi-body observables. One strategy to reduce circuit depth in such algorithms involves simultaneous diagonalization of Pauli operators generating unitary evolution operators or observables of interest. We propose an algorithm yielding quantum circuits with depths $O(n \log r)$ diagonalizing $n$-qubit operators generated by $r$ Pauli operators. Moreover, as our algorithm iteratively diagonalizes all operators on at least one qubit per step, it is well suited to maintain low circuit depth even on hardware with limited qubit connectivity. We observe that our algorithm performs favorably in producing quantum circuits diagonalizing randomly generated Hamiltonians as well as molecular Hamiltonians with short depths and low two-qubit gate counts.

  • Applicability of Measurement-based Quantum Computation towards Physically-driven Variational Quantum Eigensolver.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zheng Qin, Xiufan Li, Yang Zhou, Shikun Zhang, Rui Li, Chunxiao Du, Zhisong Xiao

    Variational quantum algorithms are considered one of the most promising methods for obtaining near-term quantum advantages; however, most of these algorithms are only expressed in the conventional quantum circuit scheme. The roadblock to developing quantum algorithms with the measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC) scheme is resource cost. Recently, we discovered that the realization of multi-qubit rotation operations requires a constant number of single-qubit measurements with the MBQC scheme, providing a potential advantage in terms of resource cost. The structure of the Hamiltonian variational ansatz (HVA) aligns well with this characteristic. Thus, we propose an efficient measurement-based quantum algorithm for quantum many-body system simulation tasks, called measurement-based Hamiltonian variational ansatz (MBHVA). We then demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and advantages of the two-dimensional Heisenberg model and the Fermi-Hubbard chain. Numerical experiments show that MBHVA is expected to reduce resource overhead compared to quantum circuits, especially in the presence of large multi-qubit rotation operations. Furthermore, when compared to Measurement-based Hardware Efficient Ansatz (MBHEA), MBHVA also demonstrates superior performance. We conclude that the MBQC scheme is potentially feasible for achieving near-term quantum advantages in terms of both resource efficiency and error mitigation, particularly for photonic platforms.

  • A cost-efficient quantum access network with qubit-based synchronization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chunfeng Huang, Ye Chen, Tingting Luo, Wenjie He, Xin Liu, Zhenrong Zhang, Kejin Wei

    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a physical layer encryption technique that enables two distant parties to exchange secure keys with information-theoretic security. In the last two decades, QKD has transitioned from laboratory research to real-world applications, including multi-user quantum access networks (QANs). This network structure allows users to share a single-photon detector at a network node through time-division multiplexing, thereby significantly reducing the network cost. However, current QAN implementations require additional hardware for auxiliary tasks such as time synchronization. To address this issue, we propose a cost-efficient QAN that uses qubit-based synchronization. In this approach, the transmitted qubits facilitate time synchronization, eliminating the need for additional synchronization hardware. We tested our scheme by implementing a network for two users and successfully achieved average secure key rates of $53.84$ kbps and $71.90$ kbps for each user over a 50-km commercial fiber spool. In addition, we investigated the capacity of the access network under cross-talk and loss conditions. The simulation results demonstrate that this scheme can support a QAN with 64 users with key rates up to 1070~bps. Our work provides a feasible and cost-effective way to implement a multi-user QKD network, further promoting the widespread application of QKD.

  • Light-harvesting efficiency cannot depend on optical coherence in the absence of orientational order.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dominic M Rouse, Adesh Kushwaha, Stefano Tomasi, Brendon W Lovett, Erik M Gauger, Ivan Kassal

    The coherence of light has been proposed as a quantum-mechanical control for enhancing light-harvesting efficiency. In particular, optical coherence can be manipulated by changing either the polarization state or spectral phase of the light. Here, we show that, in weak light, light-harvesting efficiency cannot be controlled using any form of optical coherence in molecular light-harvesting systems and, more broadly, those comprising orientationally disordered sub-units and operating on longer-than-ultrafast timescales. Under those conditions, optical coherence does not affect light-harvesting efficiency, meaning that it cannot be used for control. Specifically, polarization-state control is lost in disordered samples or when the molecules reorient on the timescales of the light-harvesting, and spectral-phase control is lost when the efficiency is time-averaged for longer than the optical coherence time. In practice, efficiency is always averaged over long times, meaning that coherent optical control is only possible through polarisation in systems with orientational order.

  • Qutrit Circuits and Algebraic Relations: A Pathway to Efficient Spin-1 Hamiltonian Simulation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oluwadara Ogunkoya, Joonho Kim, Bo Peng, A. Barış Özgüler, Yuri Alexeev

    Quantum information processing has witnessed significant advancements through the application of qubit-based techniques within universal gate sets. Recently, exploration beyond the qubit paradigm to $d$-dimensional quantum units or qudits has opened new avenues for improving computational efficiency. This paper delves into the qudit-based approach, particularly addressing the challenges presented in the high-fidelity implementation of qudit-based circuits due to increased complexity. As an innovative approach towards enhancing qudit circuit fidelity, we explore algebraic relations, such as the Yang-Baxter-like turnover equation, that may enable circuit compression and optimization. The paper introduces the turnover relation for the three-qutrit time propagator and its potential use in reducing circuit depth. We further investigate whether this relation can be generalized for higher-dimensional quantum circuits, including a focused study on the one-dimensional spin-1 Heisenberg model. Our work outlines both rigorous and numerically efficient approaches to potentially achieve this generalization, providing a foundation for further explorations in the field of qudit-based quantum computing.

  • Clock Transitions Versus Bragg Diffraction in Atom-interferometric Dark-matter Detection.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Daniel Derr, Enno Giese

    Atom interferometers with long baselines are envisioned to complement the ongoing search for dark matter. They rely on atomic manipulation based on internal (clock) transitions or state-preserving atomic diffraction. Principally, dark matter can act on the internal as well as the external degrees of freedom to both of which atom interferometers are susceptible. We therefore study in this contribution the effects of dark matter on the internal atomic structure and the atoms' motion. In particular, we show that the atomic transition frequency depends on the mean coupling and the differential coupling of the involved states to dark matter, scaling with the unperturbed atomic transition frequency and the Compton frequency, respectively. The differential coupling is only of relevance when internal states change, which makes detectors, e.g., based on single-photon transitions sensitive to both coupling parameters. For sensors generated by state-preserving diffraction mechanisms like Bragg diffraction, the mean coupling modifies only the motion of the atom as the dominant contribution. Finally, we compare both effects observed in terrestrial dark-matter detectors.

  • Exact quantum revivals for the Dirac equation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fernando Chamizo, Osvaldo P. Santillán

    In the present work, the results obtained in [1] about the revivals of a relativistic fermion wave function on a torus are considerably enlarged. In fact, all the possible quantum states exhibiting revivals are fully characterized. The revivals are exact, that is, are true revivals without taking any particular limit such as the non relativistic one. The present results are of interest since they generalize the Talbot effect and the revivals of the Schr\"odinger equation to a relativistic situation with non zero mass. This makes the problem nontrivial, as the dispersion relation is modified and is not linear. The present results are obtained by the use of arithmetic tools which are described in certain detail. In addition, several plots of the revivals are presented, which are useful for exemplifying the procedure proposed along the text.

  • Dimension-free Remez Inequalities and norm designs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lars Becker, Ohad Klein, Joseph Slote, Alexander Volberg, Haonan Zhang

    The classical Remez inequality bounds the supremum of a bounded-degree polynomial on an interval $X$ by its supremum on any subset $Y\subset X$ of positive Lebesgue measure. There are many multivariate generalizations of the Remez inequality, but most have constants that depend strongly on dimension. Here we show that a broad class of domains $X$ and test sets $Y$ -- termed \emph{norm designs} -- enjoy dimension-free Remez-type estimates. Instantiations of this theorem allow us for example \emph{a}) to bound the supremum of an $n$-variate degree-$d$ polynomial on the solid cube $[0,1]^n$ by its supremum on the regular grid $\{0,1/d,2/d,\ldots, 1\}^n$ independent of dimension; and \emph{b}) in the case of a degree-$d$ polynomial $f:\mathbf{Z}_K^n\to\mathbf{C}$ on the $n$-fold product of cyclic groups of order $K$, to show the supremum of $f$ does not increase by more than $\mathcal{O}(\log K)^{2d}$ when $f$ is extended to the polytorus as $f:\mathbf{T}^n\to\mathbf{C}$.

  • Integrating Subsystem Embedding Subalgebras and Coupled Cluster Green's Function: A Theoretical Foundation for Quantum Embedding in Excitation Manifold.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bo Peng, Karol Kowalski

    In this study, we introduce a novel approach to coupled-cluster Green's function (CCGF) embedding by seamlessly integrating conventional CCGF theory with the state-of-the-art sub-system embedding sub-algebras coupled cluster (SES-CC) formalism. This integration focuses primarily on delineating the characteristics of the sub-system and the corresponding segments of the Green's function, defined explicitly by active orbitals. Crucially, our work involves the adaptation of the SES-CC paradigm, addressing the left eigenvalue problem through a distinct form of Hamiltonian similarity transformation. This advancement not only facilitates a comprehensive representation of the interaction between the embedded sub-system and its surrounding environment but also paves the way for the quantum mechanical description of multiple embedded domains, particularly by employing the emergent quantum flow algorithms. Our theoretical underpinnings further set the stage for a generalization to multiple embedded sub-systems. This expansion holds significant promise for the exploration and application of non-equilibrium quantum systems, enhancing the understanding of system-environment interactions. In doing so, the research underscores the potential of SES-CC embedding within the realm of quantum computations and multi-scale simulations, promising a good balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.

  • Dilute measurement-induced cooling into many-body ground states.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Josias Langbehn, Kyrylo Snizhko, Igor Gornyi, Giovanna Morigi, Yuval Gefen, Christiane P. Koch

    Cooling a quantum system to its ground state is important for the characterization of non-trivial interacting systems, and in the context of a variety of quantum information platforms. In principle, this can be achieved by employing measurement-based passive steering protocols, where the steering steps are predetermined and are not based on measurement readouts. However, measurements, i.e., coupling the system to auxiliary quantum degrees of freedom, is rather costly, and protocols in which the number of measurements scales with system size will have limited practical applicability. Here, we identify conditions under which measurement-based cooling protocols can be taken to the dilute limit. For two examples of frustration-free one-dimensional spin chains, we show that steering on a single link is sufficient to cool these systems into their unique ground states. We corroborate our analytical arguments with finite-size numerical simulations and discuss further applications.

  • Dynamics of spin glass formation under tunable fluctuations in frustrated cavity QED experiments.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hossein Hosseinabadi, Darrick E. Chang, Jamir Marino

    We solve the dynamics of multi-mode cavity QED with frustrated atom-photon couplings using non-perturbative diagrammatics. Our technique enables a thorough investigation of the nature of the spin glass transition hosted in these platforms. We focus in particular on the role of quantum correlations in each of the atomic ensembles which form the frustrated spin network modeling the experiment. We report on the stabilizing effect of strong quantum fluctuations in fostering a glassy phase over extended time scales. At variance with this behaviour, in the semi-classical limit, spin glass order is pre-thermally obstructed by the ferromagnetic correlations present at the level of individual atomic ensembles, which substantially delay spin glass formation, acting as competing order. Our results set the stage for studying cavity QED experiments with tunable quantum fluctuations, and accompanying them in the transition from semi-classical to strongly correlated operational regimes.

  • A postgraduate laboratory experiment to set up a single-photon detector using MKIDs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pietro Campana, Rodolfo Carobene, Eleonora Cipelli, Marco Gobbo, Aurora Perego, Davide Vertemati

    This paper presents a laboratory activity aimed at developing knowledge and expertise in microwave applications at cryogenic temperatures. The experience focuses on the detection of single infrared photons through Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs). The experimental setup, theoretical concepts, and activities involved are detailed, highlighting the skills and knowledge gained through the experience. This experiment is designed for postgraduate students in the field of quantum technologies.

  • A $\delta$-free approach to quantization of transmission lines connected to lumped circuits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Carlo Forestiere, Giovanni Miano

    The quantization of systems composed of transmission lines connected to lumped circuits poses significant challenges, arising from the interplay between continuous and discrete degrees of freedom. A widely adopted strategy, based on the pioneering work of Yurke and Denker, entails representing the lumped circuit contributions using Lagrangian densities that incorporate Dirac $\delta$-functions. However, this approach introduces complications, as highlighted in the recent literature, including divergent momentum densities, necessitating the use of regularization techniques. In this work, we introduce a $\delta$-free Lagrangian formulation for a transmission line coupled to a lumped circuit without the need for a discretization of the transmission line or mode expansions. This is achieved by explicitly enforcing boundary conditions at the line ends in the principle of least action. In this framework, the quantization and the derivation of the Heisenberg equations of the network are straightforward. We apply our approach to an analytically solvable network consisting of a semi-infinite transmission line capacitively coupled to a LC circuit.

  • Two-dimensional symmetry-protected topological phases and transitions in open quantum systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuxuan Guo, Yuto Ashida

    We investigate the influence of local decoherence on a symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase of the two-dimensional (2D) cluster state. Mapping the 2D cluster state under decoherence to a classical spin model, we show a topological phase transition of a $\mathbb{Z}_2^{(0)}\times\mathbb{Z}_{2}^{(1)}$ SPT phase into the trivial phase occurring at a finite decoherence strength. To characterize the phase transition, we employ three distinct diagnostic methods, namely, the relative entropy between two decohered SPT states with different topological edge states, the strange correlation function of $\mathbb{Z}_2^{(1)}$ charge, and the multipartite negativity of the mixed state on a disk. All the diagnostics can be obtained as certain thermodynamic quantities in the corresponding classical model, and the results of three diagnostic tests are consistent with each other. Given that the 2D cluster state possesses universal computational capabilities in the context of measurement-based quantum computation, the topological phase transition found here can also be interpreted as a transition in the computational power.

  • State Diagrams to determine Tree Tensor Network Operators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Richard M. Milbradt, Qunsheng Huang, Christian B. Mendl

    This work is concerned with tree tensor network operators (TTNOs) for representing quantum Hamiltonians. We first establish a mathematical framework connecting tree topologies with state diagrams. Based on these, we devise an algorithm for constructing a TTNO given a Hamiltonian. The algorithm exploits the tensor product structure of the Hamiltonian to add paths to a state diagram, while combining local operators if possible. We test the capabilities of our algorithm on random Hamiltonians for a given tree structure. Additionally, we construct explicit TTNOs for nearest neighbour interactions on a tree topology. Furthermore, we derive a bound on the bond dimension of tensor operators representing arbitrary interactions on trees. Finally, we consider an open quantum system in the form of a Heisenberg spin chain coupled to bosonic bath sites as a concrete example. We find that tree structures allow for lower bond dimensions of the Hamiltonian tensor network representation compared to a matrix product operator structure. This reduction is large enough to reduce the number of total tensor elements required as soon as the number of baths per spin reaches $3$.

  • Dynamical Magic Transitions in Monitored Clifford+T Circuits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mircea Bejan, Campbell McLauchlan, Benjamin Béri

    The classical simulation of highly-entangling quantum dynamics is conjectured to be generically hard. Thus, recently discovered measurement-induced transitions between highly entangling and low-entanglement dynamics are phase transitions in classical simulability. Here, we study simulability transitions beyond entanglement: noting that some highly-entangling dynamics (e.g., integrable systems or Clifford circuits) are easy to classically simulate, thus requiring "magic"--a subtle form of quantum resource--to achieve computational hardness, we ask how the dynamics of magic competes with measurements. We study the resulting "dynamical magic transitions" focusing on random monitored Clifford circuits doped by T gates (injecting magic). We identify dynamical "stabilizer-purification"--the collapse of a superposition of stabilizer states by measurements--as the mechanism driving this transition. We find cases where transitions in magic and entanglement coincide, but also others with a magic and simulability transition in a highly (volume-law) entangled phase. In establishing our results, we use Pauli-based computation, a scheme distilling the quantum essence of the dynamics to a magic state register subject to mutually commuting measurements. We link stabilizer-purification to "magic fragmentation" wherein these measurements separate into disjoint, O(1)-weight blocks, and relate this to the spread of magic in the original circuit becoming arrested.

  • Preserving feasible space variational quantum algorithm for solving the uncapacitated facility location problem.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sha-Sha Wang, Hai-Ling Liu, Fei Gao, Su-Juan Qin, Qiao-Yan Wen

    The Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem (UFLP) is an important NP-hard problem with wide applications in many fields, which can be transformed into a constrained optimization problem with unconstrained variables, and we call such problem as Unconstrained-Variables Problem (UVP). The Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz (QAOA+) is a kind of hybrid quantum-classical algorithm, which can be used to solve the UVP. However, we find that the success probability of QAOA+ may be decreased by the lack of entanglement gates as applied to UVP. In this paper, taking the UFLP as an example, the Preserving Feasible Space-Variational Quantum Algorithm (PFS-VQA) suitable for the UVP was designed. As the mixed operators in QAOA+ preserve the feasible subspace and Hardware-Efficient Ansatz (HEA) reduces the circuit depth, PFS-VQA combines the advantages of both by performing mixed operators on constrained variables and HEA on unconstrained variables. By introducing more CNOT gates and parameters of HEA, PFS-VQA can traverse enough quantum states, thereby improving the success probability. Moreover, since the mixed operators and HEA of PFS-VQA act on different qubits respectively, parallelization can be realized, leading to a lower circuit depth. Finally, the numerical results demonstrate that PFS-VQA decreases the circuit depth, enhances the success probability, and converges faster compared to QAOA+, Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), and HEA. The proposed algorithm is flexible as HEA can be replaced if a more efficient ansatz is available. Moreover, our algorithm is general and instructive for solving such UVPs.

  • Nonequilibrium Dyson equations for strongly coupled light and matter: spin glass formation in multi-mode cavity QED.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hossein Hosseinabadi, Darrick E. Chang, Jamir Marino

    Light-matter interfaces have now entered a new stage marked by the ability to engineer quantum correlated states under driven-dissipative conditions. To propel this new generation of experiments, we are confronted with the need to model non-unitary many-body dynamics in strongly coupled regimes, by transcending traditional approaches in quantum optics. In this work, we contribute to this program by adapting a functional integral technique, conventionally employed in high-energy physics, in order to derive nonequilibrium Dyson equations for interacting light-matter systems. Our approach is grounded in constructing two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective actions, which provide a non-perturbative and conserving framework for describing quantum evolution at a polynomial cost in time. One of the aims of the article is to offer a pedagogical introduction designed to bridge readers from diverse scientific communities, including those in quantum optics, condensed matter, and high-energy physics. We apply our method to complement the analysis of spin glass formation in the context of frustrated multi-mode cavity quantum electrodynamics, initiated in our accompanying work [H. Hosseinabadi, D. Chang, J. Marino, arXiv:2311.05682]. Finally, we outline the capability of the technique to describe other near-term platforms in many-body quantum optics, and its potential to make predictions for this new class of experiments.


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