CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2023-12-19 11:30 to 2023-12-22 12:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


  • No papers in this section today!


  • An analytic description of substructure-induced gravitational perturbations of hot stellar systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Sten Delos

    Perturbations to stellar systems can reflect the gravitational influence of dark matter substructures. Whereas perturbations to cold stellar systems are the most commonly studied, the sources of perturbations to dynamically hot systems are less ambiguous because such systems cannot support persistent inhomogeneity on small scales. We point out a simple algebraic relationship between the two-point statistics of a hot stellar system and those of the perturbing matter. The density and velocity power spectra of the stars are proportional to the density power spectrum of the perturbers, scaled by $k^{-4}$. This relationship allows easy evaluation of the suitability of a stellar system for detecting dark substructure. As examples, we show that the Galactic stellar halo is expected to be sensitive to cold dark matter substructure at wave numbers $k\lesssim 0.4$ kpc$^{-1}$, and the Galactic disk might be sensitive to substructure at wave numbers $k\sim 4$ kpc$^{-1}$. These systems could provide direct measurements of the nonlinear matter power spectrum at these wave numbers.

  • SENSEI: First Direct-Detection Results on sub-GeV Dark Matter from SENSEI at SNOLAB.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Prakruth Adari, Itay M. Bloch, Ana M. Botti, Mariano Cababie, Gustavo Cancelo, Brenda A. Cervantes-Vergara, Michael Crisler, Miguel Daal, Ansh Desai, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Rouven Essig, Juan Estrada, Erez Etzion, Guillermo Fernandez Moroni, Stephen E. Holland, Yonatan Kehat, Yaron Korn, Ian Lawson, Steffon Luoma, Aviv Orly, Santiago E. Perez, Dario Rodrigues, Nathan A. Saffold, Silvia Scorza, Aman Singal, Miguel Sofo-Haro, Leandro Stefanazzi, Kelly Stifter, Javier Tiffenberg, Sho Uemura, Edgar Marrufo Villalpando, Tomer Volansky, Yikai Wu, Tien-Tien Yu, Timon Emken, Hailin Xu

    We present the first results from a dark matter search using six Skipper-CCDs in the SENSEI detector operating at SNOLAB. With an exposure of 534.9 gram-days from well-performing sensors, we select events containing 2 to 10 electron-hole pairs. After aggressively masking images to remove backgrounds, we observe 55 two-electron events, 4 three-electron events, and no events containing 4 to 10 electrons. The two-electron events are consistent with pileup from one-electron events. Among the 4 three-electron events, 2 appear in pixels that are likely impacted by detector defects, although not strongly enough to trigger our "hot-pixel" mask. We use these data to set world-leading constraints on sub-GeV dark matter interacting with electrons and nuclei.

  • Bubble velocities and oscillon precursors in first order phase transitions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dalila Pîrvu, Matthew C. Johnson, Sergey Sibiryakov

    Metastable `false' vacuum states are an important feature of the Standard Model of particle physics and many theories beyond it. Describing the dynamics of a phase transition out of a false vacuum via the nucleation of bubbles is essential for understanding the cosmology of vacuum decay and the full spectrum of observables. In this paper, we study vacuum decay by numerically evolving ensembles of field theories in 1+1 dimensions from a metastable state. We demonstrate that for an initial Bose-Einstein distribution of fluctuations, bubbles form with a Gaussian spread of center-of-mass velocities and that bubble nucleation events are preceded by an oscillon - a long-lived, time-dependent, pseudo-stable configuration of the field. Defining an effective temperature from the long-wavelength amplitude of fluctuations in the ensemble of simulations, we find good agreement between theoretical finite temperature predictions and empirical measurements of the decay rate, velocity distribution and critical bubble solution. We comment on the generalization of our results and the implications for cosmological observables.

  • Gravitational Waves From More Attractive Dark Binaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yang Bai, Sida Lu, Nicholas Orlofsky

    The detection of gravitational waves (GWs) has led to a deeper understanding of binaries of ordinary astrophysical objects, including neutron stars and black holes. In this work, we point out that binary systems may also exist in a dark sector with astrophysical-mass macroscopic dark matter. These "dark binaries," when coupled to an additional attractive long-range dark force, may generate a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) with a characteristic spectrum different from ordinary binaries. We find that the SGWB from planet-mass dark binaries is detectable by space- and ground-based GW observatories. The contribution to the SGWB today is smaller from binaries that merge before recombination than after, avoiding constraints on extra radiation degrees of freedom while potentially leaving a detectable GW signal at high frequencies up to tens of GHz.

  • Gravitational Axiverse Spectroscopy: Seeing the Forest for the Axions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ema Dimastrogiovanni, Matteo Fasiello, Jacob M. Leedom, Margherita Putti, Alexander Westphal

    We consider inflationary models with multiple spectator axions coupled to dark gauge sectors via Chern-Simons (CS) terms. The energy injection into Abelian gauge fields from the axions engenders a multi-peak profile for scalar and tensor spectra. We highlight the constraining power of CMB spectral distortions on the scalar signal and discuss the conditions under which spectator sectors can account for the recently observed stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background in the nHz range. Given the tantalizing prospect of a multi-peak ``GW forest'' spanning several decades in frequency, we elaborate on possible ultraviolet origins of the spectator models from Type IIB orientifolds. String compactifications generically produce a multitude of axions, the ``Axiverse'', from dimensional reduction of p-form gauge fields. The CS coupling of such axions to dark gauge fields in the worldvolume theory of D7-branes can be tuned via multiple brane wrappings and/or quantized gauge field strengths. If string axions coupled to Abelian gauge fields undergo slow-roll during inflation, they produce GW signals with peaked frequency distribution whose magnitude depends on the details of the compactification. We discuss the restrictions on spectator models from consistency and control requirements of the string compactification and thereby motivate models that may live in the string landscape as opposed to the swampland.

  • Entropic Inflation in Presence of Scalar Field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergei D. Odintsov, Simone D'Onofrio, Tanmoy Paul

    In spirit of the recently proposed four-parameter generalized entropy of apparent horizon, we investigate inflationary cosmology where the matter field inside of the horizon is dominated by a scalar field with a power law potential (i.e., the form of $\phi^n$ where $\phi$ is the scalar field under consideration). Actually without any matter inside of the horizon, the entropic cosmology leads to a de-Sitter spacetime, or equivalently, an eternal inflation with no exit. Thus in order to achieve a viable inflation, we consider a minimally coupled scalar field inside the horizon, and moreover, with the simplest quadratic potential. It is well known that the $\phi^2$ potential in standard scalar field cosmology is ruled out from inflationary perspective as it is not consistent with the recent Planck 2018 data; (here it may be mentioned that in the realm of ``apparent horizon thermodynamics'', the standard scalar field cosmology is analogous to the case where the entropy of the apparent horizon is given by the Bekenstein--Hawking entropy). However, the story becomes different if the horizon entropy is of generalized entropic form, in which case, the effective energy density coming from the horizon entropy plays a significant role during the evolution of the universe. In particular, it turns out that in the context of generalized entropic cosmology, the $\phi^2$ potential indeed leads to a viable inflation (according to the Planck data) with a graceful exit, and thus the potential can be made back in the scene.

  • Limits on heavy neutral leptons, $Z'$ bosons and majorons from high-energy supernova neutrinos.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kensuke Akita, Sang Hui Im, Mehedi Masud, Seokhoon Yun

    Light hypothetical particles with masses up to $\mathcal{O}(100)\ {\rm MeV}$ can be produced in the core of supernovae. Their subsequent decays to neutrinos can produce a flux component with higher energies than the standard flux. We study the impact of heavy neutral leptons, $Z'$ bosons, in particular ${\rm U(1)}_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ and ${\rm U(1)}_{B-L}$ gauge bosons, and majorons coupled to neutrinos flavor-dependently. We obtain new strong limits on these particles from no events of high-energy SN 1987A neutrinos and their future sensitivities from observations of galactic supernova neutrinos.

  • Parametric Resonance in the Einstein frame: the Jordan-frame Doppelg\"anger.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Karim H. Seleim, Richa Arya, Sergio E. Jorás

    Modified $f(R)$ theories of gravity have been investigated for quite a long time in the literature as a possible explanation for the inflationary period of the universe. The correspondence to General Relativity with an extra scalar field $\tilde\phi$ in the so-called Einstein Frame via a conformal transformation is a major tool in this class of theories. Here, we assume three different potentials $V(\tilde\phi)$ and a parametric-resonance coupling between $\tilde\phi$ and a secondary scalar field $\tilde\psi$ such that one can have both inflation and preheating in the Einstein frame. We study the instability resonance band structure for our models. Further, we determine the correspondent mechanism -- and the function $f(R)$ itself -- in the Jordan frame, that is possibly related to the so-called vacuum awakening mechanism.

  • Ultralight Dark Matter Search with Space-Time Separated Atomic Clocks and Cavities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Melina Filzinger, Ashlee R. Caddell, Dhruv Jani, Martin Steinel, Leonardo Giani, Nils Huntemann, Benjamin M. Roberts

    We devise and demonstrate a method to search for non-gravitational couplings of ultralight dark matter to standard model particles using space-time separated atomic clocks and cavity-stabilized lasers. By making use of space-time separated sensors, which probe different values of an oscillating dark matter field, we can search for couplings that cancel in typical local experiments. We demonstrate this method using existing data from a frequency comparison of lasers stabilized to two optical cavities connected via a 2220 km fiber link [Nat. Commun. 13, 212 (2022)]. The absence of significant oscillations in the data results in constraints on the coupling of scalar dark matter to electrons, d_me, for masses between 1e-19 eV and 2e-15 eV. These are the first constraints on d_me alone in this mass range, and improve the dark matter constraints on any scalar-Fermion coupling by up to two orders of magnitude.

  • The merger rate of primordial black hole binaries as a probe of Hubble parameter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Qianhang Ding

    We propose that the merger rate of primordial black hole (PBH) binaries can be a probe of Hubble parameter by constraining PBH mass function in the redshifted mass distribution of PBH binaries. In next-generation gravitational wave (GW) detectors, the GWs from PBH binaries would be detected at high redshifts, which gives their redshifted mass and luminosity distances. From a number of detected events, the redshifted mass distribution of PBH binaries can be statistically obtained, and it depends on PBH mass function and redshift distribution of detected PBH binaries. The PBH mass function can be inversely solved by applying the gradient descent method in the relation between redshifted mass distribution and redshift distribution. However, the construction of redshift distribution requires an assumed Hubble parameter in a background cosmology to extract redshift from luminosity distances, which causes solved PBH mass function also depends on assumed Hubble parameter. To determine the Hubble parameter, the merger rate of PBH binaries constrains on this Hubble parameter-dependent PBH mass function by comparing calculated merger rate distribution with observed one, and the best-fit result produces an approximate mass distribution of the physical PBH mass function and pins down the Hubble parameter.

  • On Sphaleron Heating in the Presence of Fermions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marco Drewes, Sebastian Zell

    Axion-like particles with a coupling to non-Abelian gauge fields at finite temperature can experience dissipation due to sphaleron heating. This could play an important role for warm inflation or dynamical dark energy. We investigate to what degree the efficiency of this non-perturbative mechanism depends on the details of the underlying particle physics model. For a wide range of scenarios and energy scales, we find that a previously discussed suppression of sphaleron heating by light fermions can be alleviated. As an outlook, we point out that fermionic effects may provide a new mechanism for ending warm inflation.

  • Testing Axionic Dark Matter during Gravitational Reheating.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Basabendu Barman, Arghyajit Datta

    Assuming axions are potential dark matter (DM) candidate that make up all of the DM abundance, we discuss production of axions via (i) standard misalignment mechanism during the period of reheating and (ii) graviton-mediated 2-to-2 scattering of the inflaton and bath particles, where the inflaton $\phi$ oscillates in a monomial potential $V(\phi)\propto\phi^k$ with a general equation of state. Considering reheating takes place purely gravitationally, mediated by massless gravitons, we explore the viable region of the parameter space that agrees with the observed DM relic abundance, satisfying bounds from big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). We also discuss complementarity between dedicated axion search experiments and futuristic gravitational wave search facilities in probing the viable parameter space.

  • UHZ1 and the other three most distant quasars observed: possible evidence for Supermassive Dark Stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cosmin Ilie, Katherine Freese, Andreea Petric, Jillian Paulin

    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has recently uncovered a new record-breaking quasar, UHZ1, at a redshift of $z\sim10$. This discovery continues JWST's trend of confronting the expectations from the standard $\Lambda$CDM model of cosmology with challenges. Namely, too many very massive galaxies and quasars have been observed at very high redshifts, when the universe was only a few hundred million years old. We have previously shown that Supermassive Dark Stars (SMDSs) may offer a solution to this puzzle. These fascinating objects would be the first stars in the universe, growing to be $\sim 10^5-10^7 M_{\odot}$ and shining as bright as $10^9$ suns. Unlike Population III stars (the major alternative proposed model for the first stars in the universe, which would also have zero metallicity and would be powered by nuclear fusion), SMDSs would be powered by dark matter heating (e.g. dark matter annihilation) and would be comparatively cooler. At the ends of their lives (when they run out of dark matter fuel), SMDSs would directly collapse into black holes, thus providing possible seeds for the first quasars. Previous papers have shown that to form at $z\sim10$, UHZ1 would require an incredibly massive seed ($\sim 10^4 -10^5 M_{\odot}$), which was assumed to be a Direct Collapse Black Hole (DCBH). In this paper, we demonstrate that Supermassive Dark Stars (SMDSs) offer an equally valid solution to the mystery of the first quasars, by examining the four most distant known quasars: UHZ1, J0313-1806, J1342+0928, and J1007+2115, with particular emphasis on UHZ1.

  • Upper Bound on Thermal Gravitational Wave Backgrounds from Hidden Sectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marco Drewes, Yannis Georis, Juraj Klaric, Philipp Klose

    Hot viscous plasmas unavoidably emit a gravitational wave background, similar to the electromagnetic black body radiation. We study the contribution from hidden particles to the diffuse background emitted by the primordial plasma in the early universe. While this contribution can easily dominate over that from Standard Model particles, we find that both are capped by a generic upper bound that makes them difficult to detect with interferometers in the foreseeable future. However, resonant cavity experiments could potentially observe backgrounds that saturate the upper bound. We illustrate our results for axions and heavy neutral leptons. Finally, our results suggest that previous works overestimated the gravitational wave background from particle decays out of thermal equilibrium.

  • The Cosmological Constant Potential: a resolution to the Hubble tension via the cosmological sound horizon.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nima Khosravi

    The cosmological constant term can be seen as a constant potential for a (scalar) field. In this viewpoint, at late times, the field is stopped rolling and behaves as a cosmological constant ($w=-1$). While at the early universe, its kinetic term can be dominant and behaves as a stiff fluid ($w=+1$). This new phase lowers the cosmological sound horizon by increasing the Hubble parameter for very high redshifts. Consequently, the lower cosmological sound horizon results in the higher Hubble constant at the present time. This early phase ends before the photon decoupling, so we do not expect any new physics after the last scattering surface. We checked this model in the presence of (reduced) CMB, BAO's and $H_0$ datasets and could show the Hubble tension is fully relieved.

  • The effectiveness of exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs as sub-GeV Dark Matter detectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cosmin Ilie, Caleb Levy, Jared Diks

    In this work we demonstrate that Dark Matter (DM) evaporation severely hinders the effectiveness of exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs as sub-GeV DM probes. Moreover, we find useful analytic closed form approximations for DM capture rates for arbitrary astrophysical objects, valid in four disticnt regions in the $\sigma-m_X$ parameter space. As expected, in one of those regions the Dark Matter capture saturates to its geometric limit, i.e. the entire flux crossing an object. As a consequence of this region, which for many objects falls within the parameter space not excluded by direct detection experiments, we point out the existence of a DM parameter dependent critical temperature ($T_{crit}$), above which astrophysical objects lose any sensitivity as Dark Matter probes. For instance, Jupiters at the Galactic Center have a $T_{crit}$ ranging from $700$ K (for a $3 M_J$ Jupiter) to $950$ K (for $14 M_J$). This limitation is rarely (if ever) considered in the previous literature of indirect Dark Matter detection based on observable signatures of captured Dark Matter inside celestial bodies.

  • Distinctive GWBs from eccentric inspiraling SMBH binaries with a DM spike.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Li Hu, Rong-Gen Cai, Shao-Jiang Wang

    Recent detections of a low-frequency gravitational wave background (GWB) from various pulsar-timing-array (PTA) observations have renewed the interest in the inspiraling supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs), whose population is believed to be the most promising candidate of but disfavored by the observed GWB spectrum naively fitted with purely GW-driven circular binaries. Including either orbital eccentricity or dark matter (DM) spike can improve the fit to the current data, but the inclusion of both can further display distinctive features detectable in future PTA observations. With a typical initial eccentricity $e_0\sim\mathcal{O}(0.1)$ for the inspiraling SMBHBs, the DM spike can easily drive the orbital eccentricity close to unity, leaving behind a large turnover eccentricity when GWs begin to dominate the orbital circularization. In particular, the DM spike index $\gamma_\mathrm{sp}$ universally flattens the characteristic strain $h_c\sim f^{7/6-\gamma_\mathrm{sp}/3}$ in the infrared and produces a novel structure with an oscillating turnover followed by a flat dip and a bump-like peak at low, intermediate, and high frequencies, respectively. Future PTA detection of such characteristics would necessarily provide the smoking gun for the DM spike and even reveal the nature of DM.

  • Baryogenesis: A Symmetry Breaking in the Primordial Universe Revisited.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David S. Pereira, João Ferraz, Francisco S. N. Lobo, José P. Mimoso

    In this review article, we revisit the topic of baryogenesis, which is the physical process that generated the observed baryon asymmetry during the first stages of the primordial Universe. A viable theoretical explanation to understand and investigate the mechanisms underlying baryogenesis must always ensure that the Sakharov criteria are fulfilled. These essentially state the following: (i) baryon number violation; (ii) the violation of both C (charge conjugation symmetry) and CP (the composition of parity and C); (iii) and the departure from equilibrium. Throughout the years, various mechanisms have been proposed to address this issue, and here we review two of the most important, namely, electroweak baryogenesis (EWB) and Grand Unification Theories (GUTs) baryogenesis. Furthermore, we briefly explore how a change in the theory of gravity affects the EWB and GUT baryogenesis by considering Scalar--Tensor Theories (STT), where the inclusion of a scalar field mediates the gravitational interaction, in addition to the metric tensor field. We consider specific STT toy models and show that a modification of the underlying gravitational theory implies a change in the time--temperature relation of the evolving cosmological model, thus altering the conditions that govern the interplay between the rates of the interactions generating baryon asymmetry, and the expansion rate of the Universe. Therefore, the equilibrium of the former does not exactly occur as in the general relativistic standard model, and there are consequences for the baryogenesis mechanisms that have been devised. This is representative of the type of modifications of the baryogenesis processes that are to be found when considering extended theories of gravity.

  • Accretion, emission, mass and spin evolution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Valerio De Luca, Nicola Bellomo

    Throughout the cosmic history, PBHs may experience an efficient phase of baryonic mass accretion from the surrounding medium. Its main consequences on their cosmological evolution are characteristic growths of the PBH masses and spins, as well as the emission of radiation, which is ultimately responsible for feedback effects that could weaken the efficiency of the process. In this chapter we review the basic formalism to describe the accretion rate, luminosity function and feedback effects, in order to provide distinctive predictions for the evolution of the PBH mass and spin parameters.

  • Axionic defects in the CMB: birefringence and gravitational waves.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ricardo Z. Ferreira, Silvia Gasparotto, Takashi Hiramatsu, Ippei Obata, Oriol Pujolas

    The evidence for a non-vanishing isotropic cosmic birefringence in recent analyses of the CMB data provides a tantalizing hint for new physics. Domain wall (DW) networks have recently been shown to generate an isotropic birefringence signal in the ballpark of the measured value when coupled to photons. In this work, we explore the axionic defects hypothesis in more detail and extending previous results to annihilating and late-forming networks, and by pointing out other smoking-gun signatures of the network in the CMB spectrum such as the anisotropic birefringent spectrum and B-modes. We also argue that the presence of cosmic strings in the network does not hinder a large isotropic birefringence signal because of an intrinsic environmental contribution coming from low redshifts thus leaving open the possibility that axionic defects can explain the signal. Regarding the remaining CMB signatures, with the help of dedicated 3D numerical simulations of DW networks, that we took as a proxy for the axionic defects, we show how the anisotropic birefringence spectrum combined with a tomographic approach can be used to infer the formation and annihilation time of the network. From the numerical simulations, we also computed the spectrum of gravitational waves (GWs) generated by the network in the post-recombination epoch and use previous searches for stochastic GW backgrounds in the CMB to derive for the first time a bound on the tension and abundance of networks with DWs that annihilate after recombination. Our bounds extend to the case where the network survives until the present time and improve over previous bounds by roughly one order of magnitude. Finally, we show the interesting prospects for detecting B-modes of DW origin with future CMB experiments.

  • Clustering of dark matter in the cosmic web as a probe of massive neutrinos.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mohadese Khoshtinat, Mohammad Ansarifard, Farbod Hassani, Shant Baghram

    The large-scale structure of the universe is distributed in a cosmic web. Studying the distribution and clustering of dark matter particles and halos may open up a new horizon for studying the physics of the dark universe. In this work, we investigate the nearest neighbour statistics and spherical contact function in cosmological models with massive neutrinos. For this task, we use the relativistic N-body code, gevolution and study particle snapshots at three different redshifts. In each snapshot, we find the halos and evaluate the letter functions for them. We show that a generic behaviour can be found in the nearest neighbour, $G(r)$, and spherical contact functions, $F(r)$, which makes these statistics promising tools to constrain the total neutrino mass.

  • The interacting vacuum and tensions: a comparison of theoretical models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marco Sebastianutti, Natalie B. Hogg, Marco Bruni

    We analyse three interacting vacuum dark energy models with the aim of exploring whether the $H_0$ and $\sigma_8$ tensions can be simultaneously resolved in such models. We present the first ever derivation of the covariant gauge-invariant perturbation formalism for the interacting vacuum scenario, and, for the sub-class of geodesic cold dark matter models, connect the evolution of perturbation variables in this approach to the familiar cosmological observables. We show how $H_0$ and $\sigma_8$ evolve in three interacting vacuum models: firstly, a simple linear coupling between the vacuum and cold dark matter; secondly, a coupling which mimics the behaviour of a Chaplygin gas; and finally a coupling which mimics the Shan--Chen fluid dark energy model. We identify, if any, the regions of parameter space which would correspond to a simultaneous resolution of both tensions in these models. When constraints from observational data are added, we show how all the models described are constrained to be close to their $\Lambda$CDM limits.

  • On the sensitivity of weak gravitational lensing to the cosmic expansion function.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christian F. Schmidt, Matthias Bartelmann

    We analyse the functional derivative of the cosmic-shear power spectrum $C_\ell^\gamma$ with respect to the cosmic expansion function. Our interest in doing so is two-fold: (i) In view of attempts to detect minor changes of the cosmic expansion function which may be due to a possibly time-dependent dark-energy density, we wish to know how sensitive the weak-lensing power spectrum is to changes in the expansion function. (ii) In view of recent empirical determinations of the cosmic expansion function from distance measurements, independent of specific cosmological models, we wish to find out how uncertainties in the expansion function translate to uncertainties in the cosmic-shear power spectrum. We find the following answers: Relative changes of the expansion function are amplified by the cosmic-shear power spectrum by a factor $\approx 2-6$, weakly depending on the scale factor where the change is applied, and the current uncertainty of one example for an empirically determined expansion function translates to a relative uncertainty of the cosmic-shear power spectrum of $\approx10\,\%$.

  • Primordial Black Hole Formation in Non-Minimal Curvaton Scenario.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shi Pi, Misao Sasaki

    In the curvaton scenario, the curvature perturbation is generated after inflation at the curvaton decay, which may have a prominent non-Gaussian effect. For a model with a non-trivial kinetic term, an enhanced curvature perturbation on a small scale can be realized, which can lead to copious production of primordial black holes (PBHs) and induce secondary gravitational waves (GWs). Using the probability distribution function (PDF) which takes full nonlinear effects into account, we calculate the PBH formation. We find that under the assumption that thus formed PBHs would not overclose the universe, the non-Gaussianity of the curvature perturbation can be well approximated by the local quadratic form, which can be used to calculate the induced GWs. In this model the limit of large non-Gaussianity can be reached when the curvaton energy fraction $r$ is small at the moment of curvaton decay. We also show that in the $r\to1$ limit the PDF is similar to that of ultraslow-roll inflation.

  • Can the Universe decelerate in the future?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. A. Escobal, J. F. Jesus, S. H. Pereira, J. A. S. Lima

    The possibility of an expanding decelerating Universe in the distant future is investigated in the context of a quintessence scalar field cosmology. Such a conceivable evolution is tested against SNe Ia and $H(z)$ cosmic chronometers data, and also through a model independent method based on Gaussian Processes. The scalar field model is an extension of the exponential Ratra-Peebles (RP) quintessential cosmology whose potential now depends on a pair of parameters ($\alpha, \lambda)$ and predicts a decelerated expansion in the future. Different from RP approach the $\alpha$ parameter allows for a decelerating cosmology in the future thereby frustrating the inevitable evolution for a de Sitter Cosmology as predicted by the cosmic concordance model ($\Lambda$CDM). The statistical model analysis is updated with the most recent SNe Ia and $H(z)$ data thereby obtaining $H_0 = 68.6\pm3.7$ km/s/Mpc, $\Omega_{\Phi0} = 0.735^{+0.083}_{-0.069} $, $\alpha < 6.56$ and $\lambda< 0.879 $ (at $2\sigma$ c.l.). It is also found that the extended RP model allows for a future deceleration both for $H(z)$ and SNe Ia data. In the (model-independent) Gaussian Processes analysis, however, future deceleration is allowed only in the case of $H(z)$ data.

  • An archival search for type Ia supernova siblings.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Kelsey

    By searching the Open Supernova Catalog, an extra-galactic transient host galaxy database, and literature analyses, I present the largest sample of type Ia supernova (SN Ia) siblings to date. The sample comprises 158 galaxies, consisting of 327 confirmed SNe Ia - over 10 times larger than existing sibling SN Ia samples. SN siblings share host galaxies, and thus share global environmental properties and associated systematic uncertainties. This makes them valuable for both cosmological and astrophysical analyses; for example, sibling SNe Ia allow for comparison of environmental properties within the same galaxy, progenitor comparisons, rates analyses, and multiple calibrations of the Hubble-Lema\^{\i}tre constant. This large sample will provide a variety of new avenues of research, and be of great interest to the wider SN Ia community. To give an example use of this sample, I define a cosmology sub-sample of 44 siblings; and use it to compare light-curve properties between sibling pairs. I find no evidence for correlations in stretch ($x_1$) and colour ($c$) between pairs of siblings. Moreover, by comparing to a comparable set of random pairs of SNe Ia through boot-strapping, I find that siblings are no more similar in $x_1$ and $c$ than any random pair of SNe Ia. Given that siblings share the same hosts, differences in $x_1$ and $c$ between siblings cannot be due to global galaxy properties. This raises important questions regarding environmental systematics for SN Ia standardisation in cosmology, and motivates future analyses of sibling SNe Ia.

  • Impact of dark matter spikes on the merger rates of Primordial Black Holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pratibha Jangra, Bradley J. Kavanagh, J. M. Diego

    Mergers of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) may contribute to the gravitational wave mergers detected by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration. We study the dynamics of PBH binaries dressed with dark matter (DM) spikes, for PBHs with extended mass functions. We analyze the impact of DM spikes on the orbital parameters of the PBH binaries formed in the early Universe and calculate their merger rates at the age of the Universe today. We consider two possible scenarios for the dynamics of the dressed binaries: assuming that either the DM spikes are completely evaporated from the binaries before merger or they remain static until the merger. Contrary to previous studies, we find that the presence of spikes may increase or decrease the present-day PBH merger rates, in some cases dramatically. Comparing with merger rates reported by the LVK Collaboration in the third Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog (GWTC-3), we derive approximate constraints on the fraction of Solar-mass PBHs in cold dark matter as $f_\mathrm{pbh}\leq \mathcal{O}(10^{-5} - 10^{-3})$, depending on the mass function. Our calculations are valid only for the idealized scenarios in which the DM spikes are either evaporated or static. However, they suggest that the impact of DM spikes on PBH merger rates may be more complicated than previously thought and motivate the development of a more general description of the merger dynamics, including feedback of the DM spikes in highly eccentric PBH binaries.

  • Strongly-Lensed Extreme Mass-ratio Inspirals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Martina Toscani, Ollie Burke, Chang Liu, Nour Bou Zamel, Nicola Tamanini, Federico Pozzoli

    In this work, we investigate detection rates and parameter estimation of strongly-lensed extreme mass-ratio inspirals (LEMRIs) in the context of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Our results indicate that LEMRIs constitute a new gravitational-wave target signal for LISA, with detection rates ranging from zero to $\sim 40$ events over a four year-observation, and that it is possible to reveal and characterize LEMRIs at redshift $z \gtrsim 1$. We finally show that one LEMRI observation with identified host galaxy may yield percent constraints or better on the Hubble constant.

  • $f(T)$ cosmology in the regime of quasar observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rodrigo Sandoval-Orozco, Celia Escamilla-Rivera, Rebecca Briffa, Jackson Levi Said

    The open problems related to cosmological tensions in current times have opened new paths to study new probes to constrain cosmological parameters in standard and extended cosmologies, in particular, to determine at a local level the value of the Hubble constant $H_0$, through independent techniques. However, while standard Cosmological Constant Cold Dark Matter ($\Lambda$CDM) model has been well constrained and parts of extended cosmology have been intensively studied, the physics behind them aspects restrains our possibilities of selecting the best cosmological model that can show a significant difference from the first model. Therefore, to explore a possible deviation from a such model that can explain the current discrepancy on the $H_0$ value, in this work we consider adding the current local observables, e.g. Supernovae Type Ia (SNIa), $H(z)$ measurements, and Baryon Acoustic Observations (BAO) combined with two new calibrated Quasars (QSO) datasets using ultraviolet, x-ray and optical plane techniques. While these can be identified as part of the high-redshift standard candle objects, the main characteristics of these are based on fluxes distributions calibrated up to $z \sim 7 $. We consider five $H_0$ prior scenarios to develop these calibrations. Furthermore, we found that our estimations provide the possibility to relax the $H_0$ tension at 2$\sigma$ using a QSO ultraviolet sample in combination with late measurements showing higher values of $H_0$. Our results can be an initial start for more serious treatments in the quasars physics from ultraviolet, x-ray, and optical plane techniques behind the local observations as cosmological probes to relax the cosmological tensions problems.

  • What are the parities of photon-ring images near a black hole?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ashish Kumar Meena, Prasenjit Saha

    Light that grazes a black-hole event horizon can loop around one or more times before escaping again, resulting for distance observers in an infinite sequence of ever fainter and more delayed images near the black hole shadow. In the case of the M87 and Sgr A$^*$ back holes, the first of these so-called photon-ring images have now been observed. A question then arises: are such images minima, maxima, or saddle-points in the sense of Fermat's principle in gravitational lensing? or more briefly, the title question above. In the theory of lensing by weak gravitational fields, image parities are readily found by considering the time-delay surface (also called the Fermat potential or the arrival-time surface). In this work, we extend the notion of the time delay surface to strong gravitational fields and compute the surface for a Schwarzschild black hole. The time-delay surface is the difference of two wavefronts, one travelling forward from the source and one travelling backwards from the observer. Image parities are read off from the topography of the surface, exactly as in the weak-field regime, but the surface itself is more complicated. Of the images, furthest from the black hole and similar to the weak-field limit, are a minimum and a saddle point. The strong field repeats the pattern, corresponding to light taking one or more loops around the back hole. In between, there are steeply-rising walls in the time-delay surface, which can be interpreted as maxima and saddle points that are infinitely delayed and not observable -- these correspond to light rays taking a U-turn around the black hole.

  • Late-time phenomenology required to solve the $H_0$ tension in view of the cosmic ladders and the anisotropic and angular BAO data sets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Adrià Gómez-Valent, Arianna Favale, Marina Migliaccio, Anjan A. Sen

    The $\sim 5\sigma$ mismatch between the value of the Hubble parameter measured by SH0ES and the one inferred from the inverse distance ladder (IDL) constitutes the biggest tension afflicting the standard model of cosmology, which could be pointing to the need of physics beyond $\Lambda$CDM. In this paper we study the background history required to solve the $H_0$ tension if we consider standard prerecombination physics, paying special attention to the role played by the data on baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) employed to build the IDL. We show that the anisotropic BAO data favor an ultra-late-time (phantom-like) enhancement of $H(z)$ at $z\lesssim 0.2$, accompanied by a transition in the absolute magnitude of supernovae of Type Ia $M(z)$ in the same redshift range. This agrees with previous findings in the literature. The effective dark energy (DE) density must be smaller than in the standard model at higher redshifts. Instead, when angular BAO data (claimed to be less subject to model dependencies) is employed in the analysis, we find that the increase of $H(z)$ starts at much higher redshifts, typically in the range $z\sim 0.5-0.8$. In this case, $M(z)$ could experience also a transition (although much smoother) and the effective DE density becomes negative at $z\gtrsim 2$. Both scenarios require a violation of the weak energy condition (WEC), but leave an imprint on completely different redshift ranges and might also have a different impact on the perturbed observables. They allow for the effective crossing of the phantom divide. Finally, we employ two alternative methods to show that current data from cosmic chronometers do not exclude the violation of the WEC, but do not add any strong evidence in its favor neither. Our work puts the accent on the utmost importance of the choice of the BAO data set in the study of the possible solutions to the $H_0$ tension.

  • Universal Gravitational Waves from Interacting and Clustered Solitons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kaloian D. Lozanov, Misao Sasaki, Volodymyr Takhistov

    Causal soliton formation (e.g. oscillons, Q-balls) in the primordial Universe is expected to give rise to a universal gravitational wave (GW) background, at frequencies smaller than scales of nonlinearity. We show that modifications of the soliton density field, driven by soliton interactions or initial conditions, can significantly enhance universal GWs. Gravitational clustering of solitons naturally leads to generation of correlations in the large-scale soliton density field. As we demonstrate for axion-like particle (ALP) oscillons, the growing power spectrum amplifies universal GW signals, opening new avenues for probing the physics of the early Universe with upcoming GW experiments. Our results are applicable to variety of scenarios, such as solitons interacting through a long range Yukawa-like fifth force.

  • Galaxy groups and clusters and their brightest galaxies within the cosmic web.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Maret Einasto, Jaan Einasto, Peeter Tenjes, Suvi Korhonen, Rain Kipper, Elmo Tempel, Lauri Juhan Liivamägi, Pekka Heinämäki

    Our aim is to combine data on single galaxies, galaxy groups, their BGGs, and their location in the cosmic web, to determine classes of groups, and to obtain a better understanding of their properties and evolution. Data on groups and their BGGs are based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR10 MAIN spectroscopic galaxy sample. We characterize the group environments by the luminosity-density field and their filament membership. We divide BGGs according to their star formation properties as quenched, and red and blue star-forming galaxies. We apply multidimensional Gaussian mixture modelling to divide groups based on their properties and environments. We analyse the offset of BGGs with respect to the group centre, and the relation between the stellar velocity dispersion of BGGs and the group velocity dispersions. We show that the groups in our sample can be divided into two main classes: high-luminosity rich groups and clusters, and low-luminosity poor groups with threshold luminosity $L = 15 \times 10^{10} h^{-2} L_{sun}$ and mass $M = 23 \times 10^{12} h^{-1} M_{sun}$. In rich clusters approximately 90% of the BGGs are red and quenched galaxies, while in poor groups only 40- 60$% of BGGs are red and quenched, and the rest of the BGGs are star-forming, either blue (20 - 40% of BGGs) or red (17% of BCGs). Rich groups and clusters are located in global high-density regions in filaments or filament outskirts, while poor groups reside everywhere in the cosmic web. Our results suggest that group and cluster properties are modulated by their location in the cosmic web, but the properties of their BGGs are mostly determined by processes within group or cluster dark matter halo. We emphasize the role of superclusters as a special environment for group growth.

  • Cosmological constraints on early dark energy from the full shape analysis of eBOSS DR16.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rafaela Gsponer, Ruiyang Zhao, Jamie Donald-McCann, David Bacon, Kazuya Koyama, Robert Crittenden, Theo Simon, Eva-Maria Mueller

    We evaluate the effectiveness of Early Dark Energy (EDE) in addressing the Hubble tension using data from the completed eBOSS survey, focusing on luminous red galaxies (LRGs), quasars (QSOs), and emission line galaxies (ELGs). We perform cosmological parameter measurements based on full shape analysis of the power spectrum of all three tracers. We conduct this full shape analysis with the effective field theory of large-scale structure (EFTofLSS). EDE is known to strongly suffer from volume projection effects, which makes the interpretation of cosmological constraints challenging. To quantify the volume projection effects within an EDE full shape analysis, we explore the impact of different prior choices on the nuisance parameters of EFTofLSS through an extensive mock study. We compare classical Gaussian priors to the non-informative Jeffreys prior, known to mitigate volume projection effects in $\Lambda$CDM. Our full shape analysis combines eBOSS and BOSS data with Planck, external Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO), PantheonPlus, and SH0ES supernova data. EDE demonstrates to reduce the tension from $5.2\sigma$ to $3\sigma$ compared to $\Lambda$CDM. The derived values at a 68\% credible interval with Gaussian and Jeffreys priors are $H_0=71.73_{-0.86}^{+0.82}$ km/s/Mpc with $f_\mathrm{EDE} = 0.1179_{-0.022}^{+0.025}$ and $H_0=72.03_{-0.87}^{+0.82}$ km/s/Mpc with $f_\mathrm{EDE} = 0.1399_{-0.022}^{+0.023}$, respectively. Although the Hubble tension is mitigated compared to $\Lambda$CDM, the inclusion of eBOSS data amplifies the tension within EDE from $2\sigma$ to $3\sigma$, in contrast to the full shape analysis of BOSS data with Planck, external BAO, PantheonPlus, and SH0ES. This highlights the significance of incorporating additional large-scale structure data in discussions concerning models aiming to resolve the Hubble tension.

  • Low-Scale Inflationary Magnetogenesis without Baryon Isocurvature Problem.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kazuki Yanagihara, Fumio Uchida, Tomohiro Fujita, Shinji Tsujikawa

    Primordial magnetogenesis is an intriguing possibility to explain the origin of intergalactic magnetic fields (IGMFs). However, the baryon isocurvature problem has recently been pointed out, ruling out all magnetogenesis models operating above the electroweak scale. In this letter, we show that lower-scale inflationary scenarios with a Chern-Simons coupling can evade this problem. We propose concrete inflationary models whose reheating temperatures are lower than the electroweak scale and numerically compute the amount of magnetic fields generated during inflation and reheating. We find that, for lower reheating temperatures, the magnetic helicity decreases significantly. It is also possible to generate fully helical magnetic fields by modifying the inflaton potential. In both cases, the produced magnetic fields can be strong enough to explain the observed IGMFs, while avoiding the baryon isocurvature problem.

  • Is natural inflation in agreement with CMB data?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    F. B. M. dos Santos, G. Rodrigues, J. G. Rodrigues, R. de Souza, J. S. Alcaniz

    Natural inflation is a well-motivated model for the early universe in which an inflaton potential of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone form, $V(\phi) = \Lambda^4[1 + \cos{(\phi/f)}]$, can naturally drive a cosmic accelerated epoch. This paper investigates the observational viability of the minimally and non-minimally coupled natural inflation scenarios in light of current Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations. We find that a small and negative coupling of the field with gravity can alleviate the well-known observational discrepancies of the minimally coupled model. We perform a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis of the Planck 2018 CMB and BICEP/Keck Array B-mode polarization data to estimate how strong the coupling $\xi$ should be to achieve concordance with data. We also briefly discuss the impact of these results on the physical interpretation of the natural inflation scenario.

  • Hunting Galactic Axion Dark Matter with Gravitationally Lensed Fast Radio Bursts.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ran Gao, Zhengxiang Li, Kai Liao, He Gao, Bing Zhang, Zong-Hong Zhu

    Ultralight axion or axionlike particles are one of the most promising candidates for dark matter because they are a well-motivated solution for the theoretical strong $CP$ problem and observational issues on small scales, i.e. the core-cusp problem and the satellite problem. A tiny coupling of axions and photons induces birefringence. We propose the differential birefringence measurements of multiple images of gravitationally lensed fast radio burst (FRB) systems as probes of the Galactic axion dark matter (ADM) background. In addition to general advantages of lensing systems, i.e. alleviating systematics and intrinsic astrophysical dependencies, precise measurements of lensing time delay and polarization angle in gravitationally lensed FRB systems make them a more robust and powerful probe. We show that, with a single lensed FRB system (which may be detected in large numbers in the SKA era), the axion-photon coupling under the ADM background could be constrained to be $g_{a\gamma} < 7.3 \times 10^{-11}~ \mathrm{GeV^{-1}}$ for an axion mass $m_a\sim10^{-20}~\mathrm{eV}$. This will be of great significance in achieving synergistic searches of the Galactic ADM with other astrophysical probes and laboratorial experiments.


  • Return Currents in Collisionless Shocks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Siddhartha Gupta, Damiano Caprioli, Anatoly Spitkovsky

    Collisionless shocks tend to send charged particles into the upstream, driving electric currents through the plasma. Using kinetic particle-in-cell simulations, we investigate how the background thermal plasma neutralizes such currents in the upstream of quasi-parallel non-relativistic electron-proton shocks. We observe distinct processes in different regions: the far upstream, the shock precursor, and the shock foot. In the far upstream, the current is carried by nonthermal protons, which drive electrostatic modes and produce supra-thermal electrons that move towards upstream infinity. Closer to the shock (in the precursor), both the current density and the momentum flux of the beam increase, which leads to electromagnetic streaming instabilities that contribute to the thermalization of supra-thermal electrons. At the shock foot, these electrons are exposed to shock-reflected protons, resulting in a two-stream type instability. We analyze these processes and the resulting heating through particle tracking and controlled simulations. In particular, we show that the instability at the shock foot can make the effective thermal speed of electrons comparable to the drift speed of the reflected protons. These findings are important for understanding both the magnetic field amplification and the processes that may lead to the injection of supra-thermal electrons into diffusive shock acceleration.

  • AM$^3$: An Open-Source Tool for Time-Dependent Lepto-Hadronic Modeling of Astrophysical Sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marc Klinger, Annika Rudolph, Xavier Rodrigues, Chengchao Yuan, Gaëtan Fichet de Clairfontaine, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter, Martin Pohl, Shan Gao

    We present the AM$^3$ (``Astrophysical Multi-Messenger Modeling'') software, which has been successfully used in the past to simulate the multi-messenger emission, including neutrinos, from active galactic nuclei, including the blazar sub-class, gamma-ray bursts, and tidal disruption events. AM$^3$ is a documented state-of-the-art open source software that efficiently solves the coupled integro-differential equations for the spectral and temporal evolution of the relevant particle densities (photons, electrons, positrons, protons, neutrons, pions, muons, and neutrinos). AM$^3$ includes all relevant non-thermal processes (synchrotron, inverse Compton scattering, photon-photon annihilation, proton-proton and proton-photon pion production, and photo-pair production). The software self-consistently calculates the full cascade of primary and secondary particles, outperforming simple test-particle approaches, and allows for non-linear feedback and predictions in the time domain. It also allows to track separately the contributions of different radiative processes to the overall photon and neutrino spectra, including the different hadronic interaction channels. With its efficient hybrid solver combining analytical and numerical techniques, AM$^3$ combines efficiency and accuracy at a user-adjustable level. We describe the technical details of the numerical framework and present examples of applications to various astrophysical environments.

  • On the Origin of the X-ray Emission in Heavily Obscured Compact Radio Sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dominika Ł. Król, Małgosia Sobolewska, Łukasz Stawarz, Aneta Siemiginowska, Giulia Migliori, Giacomo Principe, Mark A. Gurwell

    X-ray continuum emission of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) may be reflected by circumnuclear dusty tori, producing prominent fluorescence iron lines at X-ray frequencies. Here we discuss the broad-band emission of three radio-loud AGN belonging to the class of compact symmetric objects (CSOs), with detected narrow Fe\,K$\alpha$ lines. CSOs have newly-born radio jets, forming compact radio lobes with projected linear sizes of the order of a few to hundreds of parsecs. We model the radio--to--$\gamma$-ray spectra of compact lobes in J1511+0518, OQ+208, and 2021+614, which are among the nearest and the youngest CSOs known to date, and are characterized by an intrinsic X-ray absorbing column density of $N_{\rm H} > 10^{23}$\,cm$^{-2}$. In addition to the archival data, we analyze the newly acquired {\it Chandra} X-ray Observatory and Sub-Millimeter Array (SMA) observations, and also refine the $\gamma$-ray upper limits from the {\it Fermi} Large Area Telescope (LAT) monitoring. The new {\it Chandra} data exclude the presence of the extended X-ray emission components on scales larger than $1.5^{\prime \prime}$. The SMA data unveil a correlation of the spectral index of the electron distribution in the lobes and $N_{\rm H}$, which can explain the $\gamma$-ray quietness of heavily obscured CSOs. Based on our modeling, we argue that the inverse-Compton emission of compact radio lobes may account for the intrinsic X-ray continuum in all these sources. Furthermore, we propose that the observed iron lines may be produced by a reflection of the lobes' continuum from the surrounding cold dust.

  • Prediction of Multiple Features in the Black Hole Mass Function due to Pulsational Pair-Instability Supernovae.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Djuna Croon, Jeremy Sakstein

    Using high-resolution simulations of black hole formation from the direct collapse of massive stars undergoing pulsational pair-instability supernovae (PPISN), we find a new phenomenon which significantly affects the explosion and leads to two peaks in the resulting black hole mass function (BHMF). Lighter stars experiencing the pair-instability can form a narrow shell in which alpha ladder reactions take place, exacerbating the effect of the PPISN. The shell temperature in higher mass stars ($>62 {\rm M}_\odot $ at the onset of helium burning for population-III stars with metallicity $Z=10^{-5}$) is too low for this to occur. As a result, the spectrum of black holes $M_{\rm BH} (M_i)$ exhibits a shoulder feature whereby a large range of initial masses result in near-identical black hole masses. PPISN therefore predict two peaks in the mass function of astrophysical black holes -- one corresponding to the location of the upper black hole mass gap and a second corresponding to the location of the shoulder. This shoulder effect may explain the peak at $35_{-2.9}^{+1.7}{\rm M}_\odot$ in the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA GWTC-3 catalog of merging binary black holes.

  • Rapid dimming followed by a state transition: a study of the highly variable nuclear transient AT 2019avd over 1000+ days.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yanan Wang, Dheeraj R. Pasham, Diego Altamirano, Andres Gurpide, Noel Castro Segura, Matthew Middleton, Long Ji, Santiago del Palacio, Muryel Guolo, Poshak Gandhi, Shuang-Nan Zhang, Ronald Remillard, Dacheng Lin, Megan Masterson, Ranieri D. Baldi, Francesco Tombesi, Jon M. Miller, Wenda Zhang, Andrea Sanna

    The tidal disruption of a star around a supermassive black hole (SMBH) offers a unique opportunity to study accretion onto a SMBH on a human-timescale. We present results from our 1000+ days NICER, Swift and Chandra monitoring campaign of AT 2019avd, a nuclear transient with TDE-like properties. Our primary finding is that approximately 225 days following the peak of X-ray emission, there is a rapid drop in luminosity exceeding two orders of magnitude. This X-ray drop-off is accompanied by X-ray spectral hardening, followed by a 740-day plateau phase. During this phase, the spectral index decreases from 6.2+-1.1 to 2.3+-0.4, while the disk temperature remains constant. Additionally, we detect pronounced X-ray variability, with an average fractional root mean squared amplitude of 47%, manifesting over timescales of a few dozen minutes. We propose that this phenomenon may be attributed to intervening clumpy outflows. The overall properties of AT 2019avd suggest that the accretion disk evolves from a super-Eddington to a sub-Eddington luminosity state, possibly associated with a compact jet. This evolution follows a pattern in the hardness-intensity diagram similar to that observed in stellar-mass black holes, supporting the mass invariance of accretion-ejection processes around black holes.

  • Relativistic heat conduction in the large-flux regime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lorenzo Gavassino

    We propose a general procedure for evaluating, directly from microphysics, the constitutive relations of heat-conducting fluids in regimes of large fluxes of heat. Our choice of hydrodynamic formalism is Carter's two-fluid theory, which happens to coincide with \"{O}ttinger's GENERIC theory for relativistic heat conduction. This is a natural framework, as it should correctly describe the relativistic ``inertia of heat'' as well as the subtle interplay between reversible and irreversible couplings. We provide two concrete applications of our procedure, where the constitutive relations are evaluated respectively from maximum entropy hydrodynamics and Chapman-Enskog theory.

  • A seven-Earth-radius helium-burning star inside a 20.5-min detached binary.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jie Lin, Chengyuan Wu, Heran Xiong, Xiaofeng Wang, Peter Nemeth, Zhanwen Han, Jiangdan Li, Nancy Elias-Rosa, Irene Salmaso, Alexei V. Filippenko, Thomas G. Brink, Yi Yang, Xuefei Chen, Shengyu Yan, Jujia Zhang, Sufen Guo, Yongzhi Cai, Jun Mo, Gaobo Xi, Jialian Liu, Jincheng Guo, Qiqi Xia, Danfeng Xiang, Gaici Li, Zhenwei Li, WeiKang Zheng, Jicheng Zhang, Qichun Liu, Fangzhou Guo, Liyang Chen, Wenxiong Li

    Binary evolution theory predicts that the second common envelope (CE) ejection can produce low-mass (0.32-0.36 Msun) subdwarf B (sdB) stars inside ultrashort-orbital-period binary systems, as their helium cores are ignited under nondegenerate conditions. With the orbital decay driven by gravitational-wave (GW) radiation, the minimum orbital periods of detached sdB binaries could be as short as ~20 minutes. However, only four sdB binaries with orbital periods below an hour have been reported so far, while none of them has an orbital period approaching the above theoretical limit. Here we report the discovery of a 20.5-minute-orbital-period ellipsoidal binary, TMTS J052610.43+593445.1, in which the visible star is being tidally deformed by an invisible carbon-oxygen white dwarf (WD) companion. The visible component is inferred to be an sdB star with a mass of ~0.33 Msun, approaching that of helium-ignition limit, although a He-core WD cannot be completely ruled out. In particular, the radius of this low-mass sdB star is only 0.066 Rsun, about seven Earth radii, possibly representing the most compact nondegenerate star ever known. Such a system provides a key clue to map the binary evolution scheme from the second CE ejection to the formation of AM CVn stars having a helium-star donor, and it will also serve as a crucial verification binary of space-borne GW detectors in the future.

  • High-harmonic Plasma Emission Induced by Electron Beams in Weakly Magnetized Plasmas.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chuanyang Li, Yao Chen, Zilong Zhang, Hao Ning, TangMu Li

    Electromagnetic radiation at higher harmonics of the plasma frequency ($\omega \sim n\omega_{pe}, n > 2$) has been occasionally observed in type II and type III solar radio bursts, yet the underlying mechanism remains undetermined. Here we present two-dimensional fully kinetic electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations with high spectral resolution to investigate the beam-driven plasma emission process in weakly magnetized plasmas of typical coronal conditions. We focused on the generation mechanisms of high-harmonic emission. We found that a larger beam velocity ($u_d$) favors the generation of the higher-harmonic emission. The emissions grow later for higher harmonics and decrease in intensity by $\sim$2 orders of magnitude for each jump of the harmonic number. The second and third harmonic ($\rm H_2$ and $\rm H_3$) emissions get closer in intensity with larger $u_d$. We also show that (1) the $\rm H_3$ emission is mainly generated via the coalescence of the $\rm H_2$ emission with the Langmuir waves, i.e., $\rm H_2 + L \rightarrow H_3$, wherein the coalescence with the forward-propagating beam-Langmuir wave leads to the forward-propagating $\rm H_3$, and coalescence with the backward-propagating Langmuir wave leads to the backward-propagating $\rm H_3$; and (2) the $\rm H_4$ emission mainly arises from the coalescence of the $\rm H_3$ emission with the forward- (backward-) propagating Langmuir wave, in terms of $\rm H_3 + L \rightarrow H_4$.

  • Evolution of the Termination Region of the Parsec-Scale Jet of 3C 84 Over the Past 20 Years.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Minchul Kam, Jeffrey A. Hodgson, Jongho Park, Motoki Kino, Hiroshi Nagai, Sascha Trippe, Alexander Y. Wagner

    We present the kinematics of the parsec-scale jet in 3C 84 from 2003 November to 2022 June observed with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 43 GHz. We find that the C3 component, a bright feature at the termination region of the most recent jet, has maintained a nearly constant apparent velocity of 0.259 +/- 0.003c over the period covered by observations. We observe the emergence of four new subcomponents from C3, each exhibiting apparent speeds higher than that of C3. Notably, the last two subcomponents exhibit apparent superluminal motion, with the fastest component showing an apparent speed of 1.41 +/- 0.08c. Our analysis suggests that a change in viewing angle alone cannot account for the fast apparent speeds of the new subcomponents, indicating that they are intrinsically faster than C3. We identify jet precession (or reorientation), a jet-cloud collision, and magnetic reconnection as possible physical mechanisms responsible for the ejection of the new subcomponents.

  • Multi-wavelength analysis of the SN-associated low-luminosity GRB 171205A.- [PDF] - [Article]

    XiuJuan Li, ZhiBin Zhang, YongFeng Huang, Fan Xu

    Multi-wavelength properties of the nearby Supernova(SN)-associated low-luminosity GRB 171205A are investigated in depth to constrain its physicalan origin synthetically. The pulse width is found to be correlated with energy with a power-law index of $-0.24\pm0.07 $, which is consistent with the indices of other SN/GRBs but larger than those of long GRBs. By analyzing the overall light curve of its prompt gamma-rays and X-ray plateaus simultaneously, we infer that the early X-rays together with the gamma-rays should reflect the activities of central engine while the late X-rays may be dominated by the interaction of external shocks with circumburst material. In addition, we find that the host radio flux and offset of GRB 171205A are similar to those of other nearby low-luminosity GRBs. We adopt 9 SN/GRBs with measured offset to build a relation between peak luminosity ($L_{\gamma,p}$) and spectral lag ($\tau$) as $L_{\gamma,p}\propto\tau^{-1.91\pm0.33}$. The peak luminosity and the projected physical offset of both 12 SN/GRBs and 10 KN/GRBs are found to be moderately correlated, suggesting their different progenitors. The multi-wavelength afterglow fitted with a top-hat jet model indicates that the jet half-opening angle and the viewing angle of GRB 171205A are $\thicksim$ 34.4 and 41.8 degrees, respectively, which implies that the off-axis emissions are dominated by the peripheral cocoon rather than the jet core.

  • Retrograde Ring Formed Around Eccentric Extrasolar Giant Planet.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wenshuai Liu

    We investigate the accretion flow around a giant planet using two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations by studying the local region of accretion disk around the planet. The results show that, when the initial orbit of the planet embedded in protoplanetary disk is eccentric, the accretion disk formed around the planet is retrograde during the evolution and may be a possible origin of the retrograde ring around eccentric extrasolar giant planet.

  • The Sun as a target for axion dark matter detection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Elisa Todarello, Marco Regis, Marco Taoso, Maurizio Giannotti, Jaime Ruz, Julia K. Vogel

    The exploration of the parameter space of axion and axion-like particle dark matter is a major aim of the future program of astroparticle physics investigations. In this context, we present a possible strategy that focuses on detecting radio emissions arising from the conversion of dark matter axions in the Sun's magnetic field, including conversion in sunspots. We demonstrate that near-future low-frequency radio telescopes, such as the SKA Low, may access regions of unexplored parameter space for masses $m_a\lesssim 10^{-6}$ eV.

  • Detectability of Finite-Temperature Effects From Neutron Star Mergers with Next-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Carolyn A. Raithel, Vasileios Paschalidis

    Observations of the high-frequency gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by the hot and massive remnant of a binary neutron star merger will provide new probes of the dense-matter equation of state (EoS). We show that current uncertainties in the thermal physics can cause the emergent GW spectum to differ by a degree comparable to changing the cold EoS by $\pm\sim120$ m in the characteristic radius of a neutron star. Unless a very close binary neutron star merger takes place, these effects are unlikely to be measurable with current GW detectors. However, with proposed next-generation detectors such as Cosmic Explorer or Einstein Telescope, the effects can be measured for events at distances of up to ~80-200 Mpc, if the cold EoS is sufficiently well constrained.

  • Comparing indirect methods for black hole masses in AGN: the good, the bad, and the ugly.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Gliozzi, J. K. Williams, A. Akylas, I. E. Papadakis, O. I. Shuvo, A. Halavatkar, A. Alt

    The black hole mass MBH is crucial in constraining the growth of supermassive BHs within their host galaxies. Since direct measurements of MBH with dynamical methods are restricted to a limited number of nearly quiescent nearby galaxies and a small minority of active galactic nuclei (AGN), we must rely on indirect methods. In this work, we utilize an unbiased, volume-limited, hard X-ray selected sample of AGN to compare the reliability of some commonly used indirect methods, emphasising those that can be applied to obscured AGN. Based on a subsample of AGN with MBH determined via dynamical methods, our study suggests that X-ray based techniques, such as the scaling method and the one based on the variability measured through the excess variance, are in good agreement with the dynamical methods. On the other hand, the M-sigma correlation based on inactive galaxies tends to systematically overestimate MBH, regardless of the level of obscuration. We provide a correcting factor that produces an acceptable agreement with dynamical values and can be used to quickly correct the MBH computed with this method. We also derive an alternative M-sigma correlation based on this unbiased sample of AGN with a slope considerably shallower than the ones obtained using inactive galaxies, suggesting that the latter correlation may not be appropriate to compute the MBH in AGN. Finally, we find that no quick fix can be applied to correct the MBH obtained from the fundamental plane of black hole activity, casting doubts on the reliability of this method.

  • Magnetar-powered Neutrinos and Magnetic Moment Signatures at IceCube.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ting Cheng, Hao-Jui Kuan, Ying-Ying Li, Vedran Brdar

    The IceCube collaboration pioneered the detection of $\mathcal{O}{(\text{PeV})}$ neutrino events and the identification of astrophysical sources of high-energy neutrinos. In this study, we explore scenarios in which high-energy neutrinos are produced in the vicinity of astrophysical objects with strong magnetic field, such as magnetars. While propagating through such magnetic field, neutrinos experience helicity precession induced by their magnetic moments, and this impacts their flux and flavour composition at Earth. Considering both flavor composition of high-energy neutrinos and Glashow resonance events we find that detectable signatures may arise at neutrino telescopes, such as IceCube, for presently unconstrained neutrino magnetic moments in the range between $\mathcal{O}(10^{-15})~\mu_B$ and $\mathcal{O}(10^{-12})~\mu_B$.

  • Low evidence for ringdown overtone in GW150914 when marginalizing over time and sky location uncertainty.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alex Correia, Yi-Fan Wang, Collin D. Capano

    Tests of the no-hair theorem using astrophysical black holes involve the detection of at least two quasi-normal modes (QNMs) in the gravitational wave emitted by a perturbed black hole. A detection of two modes -- the dominant, $(\ell, m, n) = (2,2,0)$, mode and its first overtone, the $(2,2,1)$ mode -- in the post-merger signal of the binary black hole merger GW150914 was claimed in Isi et al. [arXiv:1905.00869], with further evidence provided in Isi \& Farr [arXiv:2202.02941]. However, Cotesta et al. [arXiv:2201.00822] disputed this claim, finding that evidence for the overtone only appeared if the signal was analyzed before merger, when a QNM description of the signal is not valid. Due to technical challenges, both of these analyses fixed the merger time and sky location of GW150914 when estimating the evidence for the overtone. At least some of the contention can be attributed to fixing these parameters. Here, we surmount this difficulty and fully marginalize over merger time and sky location uncertainty while doing a QNM analysis of GW150914. We also simultaneously and independently fit the pre-merger inspiral signal. We find that marginalizing over all parameters yields low evidence for the presence of the overtone, with a Bayes factor of $2.3\pm 0.1$ in favor of a QNM model with the overtone versus one without. The arrival time uncertainty of GW150914 is too large to definitively claim detection of the $(2,2,1)$ mode.

  • Equation of state at neutron-star densities and beyond from perturbative QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oleg Komoltsev, Rahul Somasundaram, Tyler Gorda, Aleksi Kurkela, Jérôme Margueron, Ingo Tews

    We explore the consequences of imposing robust thermodynamic constraints arising from perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) when inferring the dense-matter equation-of-state (EOS). We find that the termination density, up to which the EOS modeling is performed in an inference setup, strongly affects the constraining power of the QCD input. This sensitivity in the constraining power arises from EOSs that have a specific form, with drastic softening immediately above the termination density followed by a strong stiffening. We also perform explicit modeling of the EOS down from perturbative-QCD densities to construct a new QCD likelihood function that incorporates additional perturbative-QCD calculations of the sound speed and is insensitive to the termination density, which we make publicly available.

  • Morphologies of Bright Complex Fast Radio Bursts with CHIME/FRB Voltage Data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jakob T. Faber, Daniele Michilli, Ryan Mckinven, Jianing Su, Aaron B. Pearlman, Kenzie Nimmo, Robert A. Main, Victoria Kaspi, Mohit Bhardwaj, Shami Chatterjee, Alice P. Curtin, Matt Dobbs, Gwendolyn Eadie, B. M. Gaensler, Zarif Kader, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Ayush Pandhi, Emily Petroff, Ziggy Pleunis, Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Ketan R. Sand, Paul Scholz, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick Smith, Ingrid Stairs

    We present the discovery of twelve thus far non-repeating fast radio burst (FRB) sources, detected by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) telescope. These sources were selected from a database comprising of order $10^3$ CHIME/FRB full-array raw voltage data recordings, based on their exceptionally high brightness and complex morphology. Our study examines the time-frequency characteristics of these bursts, including drifting, microstructure, and periodicities. The events in this sample display a variety of unique drifting phenomenologies that deviate from the linear negative drifting phenomenon seen in many repeating FRBs, and motivate a possible new framework for classifying drifting archetypes. Additionally, we detect microstructure features of duration $\lesssim$ 50 $\mu s$ in seven events, with some as narrow as $\approx$ 7 $\mu s$. We find no evidence of significant periodicities. Furthermore, we report the polarization characteristics of seven events, including their polarization fractions and Faraday rotation measures (RMs). The observed $|\mathrm{RM}|$ values span a wide range of $17.24(2)$ - $328.06(2) \mathrm{~rad~m}^{-2}$, with linear polarization fractions between $0.340(1)$ - $0.946(3)$. The morphological properties of the bursts in our sample appear broadly consistent with predictions from both relativistic shock and magnetospheric models of FRB emission, as well as propagation through discrete ionized plasma structures. We address these models and discuss how they can be tested using our improved understanding of morphological archetypes.

  • Optical Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the TESS light curves of three blazars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ashutosh Tripathi, Krista Lynne Smith, Paul J. Wiita, Robert V. Wagoner

    We report the time series analysis of TESS light curves of three blazars, BL Lacertae, 1RXS J111741.0+254858, and 1RXS J004519.6+212735, obtained using a customized approach for extracting AGN light curves. We find tentative evidence for quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in these light curves that range from 2 to 6 days. Two methods of analysis are used for assessing their significance: generalized Lomb-Scargle periodograms and weighted wavelet Z-transforms. The different approaches of these methods together ensure a robust measurement of the significance of the claimed periodicities. We can attribute the apparent QPOs to the kink instability model which postulates that the observed QPOs are related to the temporal growth of kinks in the magnetized relativistic jet. We confirm the application of this model to BL Lacertae and extend the kink instability model to the other two BL Lac objects.

  • New Constraints on Axion-Like Particles from IXPE Polarization Data for Magnetars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ephraim Gau, Fazlollah Hajkarim, Steven P. Harris, P. S. Bhupal Dev, Jean-Francois Fortin, Henric Krawczynski, Kuver Sinha

    We derive new constraints on axion-like particles (ALPs) using precision $X$-ray polarization studies of magnetars. Specifically, we use the first detection of polarized $X$-rays from the magnetars 4U 0142+61 and 1RXS J170849.0-400910 by the Imaging $X$-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) to place bounds on the product of the ALP-photon and ALP-nucleon couplings, $g_{a\gamma}g_{aN}$, with $g_{aN}$ being responsible for ALP production in the core of the magnetar and $g_{a\gamma}$ controlling the ALP-photon conversion probability in the magnetosphere. These bounds are most sensitive to the magnetar core temperature, and we use two benchmark values of $1\times 10^8$ K and $5\times 10^8$ K to derive our constraints. For the latter choice, our bounds are competitive with the existing bounds on the coupling product coming from a combination of CAST (for $g_{a\gamma}$) and SN1987A (for $g_{aN}$). We advocate for more precise and extensive observational campaigns in the higher end of the $2~-~8~$keV spectral window, where ALP-induced polarization is the strongest. We further advocate for hard $X$-ray polarization studies of young, hot, near-Earth magnetars with strong magnetic fields.

  • Observability of the very-high-energy emission from GRB 221009A.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Giorgio Galanti, Lara Nava, Marco Roncadelli, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Giacomo Bonnoli

    The LHAASO Collaboration detected the gamma ray burst GRB 221009A at energies above $500 \, {\rm GeV}$ with a tail extending up to $18 \, \rm TeV$, whose spectral analysis has presently been performed up to $7 \, \rm TeV$ for the lower energy instrument LHAASO-WCDA only, with no indication of a cutoff. Soon thereafter, Carpet-2 at Baksan Neutrino Observatory reported the observation of an air shower consistent with being caused by a photon of energy $251 \, {\rm TeV}$ from the same GRB. Given the source redshift $z=0.151$, the expected attenuation due to the extragalactic background light is very severe so that these detections have proven very hard to explain. In this Letter, we show that the existence of axion-like-particles (ALPs) with mass $m_a \simeq (10^{-11}-10^{-7}) \, {\rm eV}$ and two-photon coupling $g_{a \gamma \gamma} \simeq (3-5) \times 10^{-12} \, {\rm GeV}^{- 1}$ strongly reduce the optical depth of TeV photons, thus explaining the observations. Our ALPs meet all available constraints, are consistent with two previous hints at their existence and are good candidates for cold dark matter. Moreover, we show that Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) can explain the Carpet-2 result but not the LHAASO observations.

  • Glitch systematics on the observation of massive black-hole binaries with LISA.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alice Spadaro, Riccardo Buscicchio, Daniele Vetrugno, Antoine Klein, Davide Gerosa, Stefano Vitale, Rita Dolesi, William Joseph Weber, Monica Colpi

    Detecting and coherently characterizing thousands of gravitational-wave signals is a core data-analysis challenge for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Transient artifacts, or "glitches", with disparate morphologies are expected to be present in the data, potentially affecting the scientific return of the mission. We present the first joint reconstruction of short-lived astrophysical signals and noise artifacts. Our analysis is inspired by glitches observed by the LISA Pathfinder mission, including both acceleration and fast displacement transients. We perform full Bayesian inference using LISA time-delay interferometric data and gravitational waveforms describing mergers of massive black holes. We focus on a representative binary with a detector-frame total mass of $6 \times 10^7 M_\odot$ at redshift $5$, yielding a signal lasting $\sim 30~\mathrm{h}$ in the LISA sensitivity band. We explore two glitch models of different flexibility, namely a fixed parametric family and a shapelet decomposition. In the most challenging scenario, we report a complete loss of the gravitational-wave signal if the glitch is ignored; more modest glitches induce biases on the black-hole parameters. On the other hand, a joint inference approach fully sanitizes the reconstruction of both the astrophysical and the glitch signal. We also inject a variety of glitch morphologies in isolation, without a superimposed gravitational signal, and show we can identify the correct transient model. Our analysis is an important stepping stone toward a realistic treatment of LISA data in the context of the highly sought-after "global fit".

  • Binary Interaction Can Yield a Diversity of Circumstellar Media around Type II Supernova Progenitors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomoki Matsuoka, Ryo Sawada

    Recent observations of supernovae (SNe) have indicated that a fraction of massive stars possess dense circumstellar medium (CSM) at the moment of their core collapses. They suggest the presence of additional activities of the SN progenitor driving the enhancement of the mass-loss rate, and some physical processes attributing to single star's activities have been considered. In this study, we carry out binary evolutionary simulations of massive stars with the aim of investigating the CSM structure. We show that the mass-transfer rate in a binary can increase at the beginning of the Roche lobe overflow, and this enhancement would be associated with the structure of the CSM before the explosion. We also illustrate that depending on the orbital period of the binary, the density structure of the CSM can have a diverse distribution including shell-like and cliff-like structures. These characteristic structures appear within the lengthscale of $\sim 10^{17}\,{\rm cm}$ and could be traced by long-term observations of SNe, if the slow velocity of the CSM is assumed ($\sim 10\,{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}$). Our results highlight the importance of binary interaction in the aspect of reproducing the diversity of the CSM configuration.

  • Towards a model of photon-axion conversion in the host galaxy of GRB 221009A.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sergey Troitsky

    GRB 221009A was the brightest gamma-ray burst ever detected on Earth. In its early afterglow phase, photons with exceptional energies above 10 TeV were observed by LHAASO, and a photon-like air shower above 200 TeV was detected by Carpet-2. Gamma rays of very high energies can hardly reach us from the distant GRB because of pair production on cosmic background radiation. Though final results on the highest-energy photons from this GRB have not been published yet, a number of particle-physics solutions to this problem were discussed in recent months. One of the most popular ones invokes the mixing of photons with axion-like particles (ALPs). Whether this is a viable scenario, depends crucially on the magnetic fields along the line of sight, which are poorly known. Here, we use the results of recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of the host galaxy of GRB 221009A, combined with magnetic-field measurements and simulations for other galaxies, to construct a toy model of the host-galaxy magnetic field and to estimate the rate of the photon-axion conversion there. Thanks, in particular, to the exceptional edge-on orientation of the host galaxy, strong mixing appears to be natural, both for LHAASO and Carpet-2 energy bands, for a wide range of ALP masses m<10^{-5} eV and photon couplings g>10^{-11}/GeV.

  • X-ray Polarization changes with the State Transition in Cygnus X--1.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arghajit Jana, Hsiang-Kuang Chang

    We studied the polarization properties of Cygnus X-1 in both hard and soft spectral states with Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) observations. The polarization degree is $\sim4$%, and $\sim 2.6-2.8$% in the hard and soft states, respectively. The polarization angle is observed along the jet axis and remains the same in both states. Energy-dependent analysis revealed an increasing polarization with the energy. The observed polarization rules out the lamp-post corona and prefers a conical corona if the coronal geometry remains the same in the hard and soft states. The disk is not detected in the hard state but is found in the soft state in the IXPE spectra. The spectral analysis revealed that the disk emission contributes $\sim 20$% of the total emission in the soft state. The scattering of the seed photons inside the corona is likely to reduce the polarization. This could explain the different polarization in different spectral states. Additionally, if the disk polarization is perpendicular to that of the corona, it could also reduce the polarization in the soft state.

  • Fortifying gravitational-wave tests of general relativity against astrophysical assumptions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ethan Payne, Maximiliano Isi, Katerina Chatziioannou, Will M. Farr

    Most tests of general relativity with gravitational-wave observations rely on inferring the degree to which a signal deviates from general relativity in conjunction with the astrophysical parameters of its source, such as the component masses and spins of a compact binary. Due to features of the signal, measurements of these deviations are often highly correlated with the properties of astrophysical sources. As a consequence, prior assumptions about astrophysical parameters will generally affect the inferred magnitude of the deviations. Incorporating information about the underlying astrophysical population is necessary to avoid biases in the inference of deviations from general relativity. Current tests assume that the astrophysical population follows an unrealistic fiducial prior chosen to ease sampling of the posterior -- for example, a prior flat in component masses -- which is is inconsistent with both astrophysical expectations and the distribution inferred from observations. We propose a framework for fortifying tests of general relativity by simultaneously inferring the astrophysical population using a catalog of detections. Although this method applies broadly, we demonstrate it concretely on massive graviton constraints and parameterized tests of deviations to the post-Newtonian phase coefficients. Using observations from LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA's third observing run, we show that concurrent inference of the astrophysical distribution strengthens constraints and improves overall consistency with general relativity. We provide updated constraints on deviations from the theory, finding that, upon modeling the astrophysical population, the 90\%-credible upper limit on the mass of the graviton improves by $25\%$ to $m_g \leq 9.6 \times 10^{-24}\, \mathrm{eV}/c^2$ and the inferred population-level post-Newtonian deviations move ${\sim} 0.4 \sigma$ closer to zero.

  • The Pulsar Magnetosphere with Machine Learning: Methodology.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ioannis Dimitropoulos, Ioannis Contopoulos, Vassilis Mpisketzis, Evangelos Chaniadakis

    In this study, we introduce a novel approach for deriving the solution of the ideal force-free steady-state pulsar magnetosphere in three dimensions. Our method involves partitioning the magnetosphere into the regions of closed and open field lines, and subsequently training two custom Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) to generate the solution within each region. We periodically modify the shape of the boundary separating the two regions (the separatrix) to ensure pressure balance throughout. Our approach provides an effective way to handle mathematical contact discontinuities in Force-Free Electrodynamics (FFE). We present preliminary results in axisymmetry, which underscore the significant potential of our method. Finally, we discuss the challenges and limitations encountered while working with Neural Networks, thus providing valuable insights from our experience.

  • Effects of nuclear matter properties in neutron star mergers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Maximilian Jacobi, Federico Maria Guercilena, Sabrina Huth, Giacomo Ricigliano, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk

    The dynamics in mergers of binary neutron star (BNS) systems depend sensitively on the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter. This has profound implications on the emission of gravitational waves (GWs) and the ejection of matter in the merger and post-merger phases and is thus of high interest for multi-messenger astronomy. Today, a variety of nuclear EOSs are available with various underlying microphysical models. This calls for a study to focus on EOS effects from different physical nuclear matter properties and their influence on BNS mergers. We perform simulations of equal-mass BNS mergers with a set of 9 different EOSs based on Skyrme density functionals. In the models, we systematically vary the effective nucleon mass, incompressibility, and symmetry energy at saturation density. This allows us to investigate the influence of specific nuclear matter properties on the dynamics of BNS mergers. We analyze the impact of these properties on the merger dynamics, the fate of the remnant, disk formation, ejection of matter, and gravitational wave emission. Our results indicate that some aspects of the merger are sensitive to the EOS around saturation density while others are sensitive to the behavior towards higher densities, e.g., characterized by the slope of the pressure as a function of density. The detailed density dependence of the EOS thus needs to be taken into account to describe its influence on BNS mergers.

  • Exploring the nature of ultra-luminous X-ray sources across stellar population ages using detailed binary evolution calculations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Devina Misra, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Tassos Fragos, Jeff J. Andrews, Simone S. Bavera, Emmanouil Zapartas, Zepei Xing, Aaron Dotter, Kyle Akira Rocha, Philipp M. Srivastava, Meng Sun

    Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are sources observed to exceed the Eddington limit of a stellar-mass black hole (BH). A fraction of ULX sources show X-ray pulses which are evidence for accreting neutron stars (NSs). Theoretical studies have suggested that NSs dominate the compact objects of intrinsic ULXs, even though the majority of observed sample is non-pulsating, implying that X-ray pulses from many NS ULXs are unobservable. We use POSYDON to generate and study X-ray binary populations spanning starburst ages 5 to 1000Myr. Following theoretical predictions for the alignment of the NS spin axis with the accretion disc, we estimate the required accreted mass in ULXs so that the alignment suppresses observable X-ray pulses. While the properties of ULXs are sensitive to model assumptions, there are certain trends that the populations follow. Young and old stellar populations are dominated by BH and NS accretors, respectively. The donors go from massive H-rich main-sequence (MS) stars in young populations (<100Myr) to low-mass post-MS H-rich stars in older populations (>100Myr), with stripped He-rich giant stars dominating the populations at around 100Myr. In addition, we find that NS ULXs exhibit stronger geometrical beaming than BH ULXs, leading to an under-representation of NS accretors in observed populations. Coupled with our finding that X-ray pulses are suppressed in at least 60% of the NS ULXs, we suggest that the observed fraction of ULXs with detectable X-ray pulses is very small, in agreement with observations. This study investigates the effects of age on ULXs as well as the effects of different model assumptions on ULX demographics. We show that geometrical beaming and the mass-accretion phase are critical aspects of understanding ULX observations. Our results suggest that even though most ULXs have accreting NSs, those with observable X-ray pulses would be very few.

  • Model Spectrum of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays Accelerated in FR-I Radio Galaxy Jets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jeongbhin Seo, Dongsu Ryu, Hyesung Kang

    Nearby radio galaxies (RGs) of Fanaroff-Riley Class I (FR-I) are considered possible sites for the production of observed ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). Among those, some exhibit blazar-like inner jets, while others display plume-like structures. We reproduce the flow dynamics of FR-I jets using relativistic hydrodynamic simulations. Subsequently, we track the transport and energization of cosmic ray (CR) particles within the simulated jet flows using Monte Carlo simulations. The key determinant of flow dynamics is the mean Lorentz factor of the jet-spine flow, $\langle\Gamma\rangle_{\rm{spine}}$. When $\langle\Gamma\rangle_{\rm{spine}}\gtrsim$ several, the jet spine remains almost unimpeded, but for $\langle\Gamma\rangle_{\rm{spine}}\lesssim$ a few, substantial jet deceleration occurs. CRs gain energy mainly through diffusive shock acceleration for $E\lesssim1$~EeV and shear acceleration for $E\gtrsim1$~EeV. The time-asymptotic energy spectrum of CRs escaping from the jet can be modeled by a double power law, transitioning from $\sim E^{-0.6}$ to $\sim E^{-2.6}$ around a break energy, $E_{\rm{break}}$, with an exponential cutoff at $E_{\rm{break}}\langle\Gamma\rangle_{\rm{spine}}^2$. $E_{\rm{break}}$ is limited either by the Hillas confinement condition or by particle escape from the cocoon via fast spatial diffusion. The spectral slopes primarily arise from multiple episodes of shock and relativistic shear accelerations, and the confinement-escape processes within the cocoon. The exponential cutoff is determined by non-gradual shear acceleration that boosts the energy of high-energy CRs by a factor of $\sim \langle\Gamma\rangle_{\rm{spine}}^2$. We suggest that the model spectrum derived in this work could be employed to investigate the contribution of RGs to the observed population of UHECRs.

  • Chasing Gravitational Waves with the Cherenkov Telescope Array.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jarred Gershon Green, Monica Seglar-Arroyo, Kazuki Abe, Shotaro Abe, Atreya Acharyya, Remi Adam, Arnau Aguasca-Cabot, Ivan Agudo, Jorge Alfaro, Nuria Alvarez-Crespo, Rafael Alves Batista, Jean-Philippe Amans, Elena Amato, Filippo Ambrosino, Ekrem Oguzhan Angüner, Lucio Angelo Antonelli, Carla Aramo, Cornelia Arcaro, Luisa Arrabito, Katsuaki Asano, Jann Aschersleben, Halim Ashkar, Luiz Augusto Stuani, Dominik Baack, Michael Backes, Csaba Balazs, Matteo Balbo, Andres Baquero Larriva, Victor Barbosa Martins, Ulisses Barres de Almeida, Juan Abel Barrio, Denis Bastieri, Pedro Ivo Batista, Ivana Batković, Rowan William Batzofin, Joshua Ryo Baxter, Geoffrey Beck, Julia Becker Tjus, Lukas Beiske, Daniele Belardinelli, Wystan Benbow, Elisa Bernardini, Juan Bernete Medrano, et al. (521 additional authors not shown)

    The detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger by Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo (GW170817), along with the discovery of the electromagnetic counterparts of this gravitational wave event, ushered in a new era of multimessenger astronomy, providing the first direct evidence that BNS mergers are progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Such events may also produce very-high-energy (VHE, > 100GeV) photons which have yet to be detected in coincidence with a gravitational wave signal. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a next-generation VHE observatory which aims to be indispensable in this search, with an unparalleled sensitivity and ability to slew anywhere on the sky within a few tens of seconds. New observing modes and follow-up strategies are being developed for CTA to rapidly cover localization areas of gravitational wave events that are typically larger than the CTA field of view. This work will evaluate and provide estimations on the expected number of of gravitational wave events that will be observable with CTA, considering both on- and off-axis emission. In addition, we will present and discuss the prospects of potential follow-up strategies with CTA.

  • Determining the Origin of Very-high-energy Gamma Rays from Galactic Sources by Future Neutrino Observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bo-Heng Song, Tian-Qi Huang, Kai Wang

    Recently, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) identified 12 $\gamma$-ray sources emitting gamma rays with energies above 100 TeV, making them potential PeV cosmic-ray accelerators (PeVatrons). Neutrino observations are crucial in determining whether the gamma-ray radiation process is of hadronic or leptonic origin. In this paper, we study three detected sources, LHAASO J1908+0621, LHAASO J2018+3651, and LHAASO J2032+4102, which are also the most promising galactic high-energy neutrino candidate sources with the lowest pre-trial p-value based on the stacking searches testing for excess neutrino emission by IceCube Neutrino Observatory. We study the lepto-hadronic scenario for the observed multiband spectra of these LHAASO sources considering the possible counterpart source of the LHAASO sources. The very-high-energy gamma rays are entirely attributed to the hadronic contribution, therefore the most optimistic neutrino flux can be derived. Then, we evaluate the statistical significance (p-value) as a function of the observation time of IceCube and the next-generation IceCube-Gen2 neutrino observatory respectively. Our results tend to disfavor that all gamma rays above $100\,\rm GeV$ from LHAASO J1908+0621 are of purely hadronic origin based on current IceCube observations, but the purely hadronic origin of gamma rays above $100\,\rm TeV$ is still possible. By IceCube-Gen2, the origin of gamma rays above $100\,\rm TeV$ from LHAASO J1908+0621 can be further determined at a $5\sigma$ significance level within a running time of $\sim 3$ years. For LHAASO J2018+3651 and LHAASO J2032+4102, the required running time of IceCube-Gen2 is $\sim 10$ years ($3\sigma$) and $\sim 10$ years ($5\sigma$), respectively. Future observations by the next-generation neutrino telescope will be crucial to understanding the particle acceleration and radiation processes inside the sources.

  • Pulse profile variability associated with the glitch of PSR J1048$-$5832.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    P. Liu, J.-P. Yuan, M.-Y. Ge, W.-T. Ye, S.-Q. Zhou, S.-J. Dang, Z.-R. Zhou, E. Gügercinoğlu, W.-H. Wang, P. Wang, A. Li, D. Li, N. Wang

    PSR J1048$-$5832 (B1046$-$58) is a Vela-like pulsar that has exhibited multiple glitch events. In this study, we analyze the timing data spanning nearly 16 years, acquired from both the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and the Parkes 64 m radio telescope. As a result, a total of five glitches are detected within this dataset. Among them, a previously unknown small glitch is newly found at MJD 56985(9) (November 24, 2014), which is also the smallest glitch recorded from this source so far. The increments of the spin frequency and its first derivative are $\Delta \nu \approx 2.2(3) \times 10^ {-8} $ Hz, and $\Delta \dot{\nu} \approx 3(2) \times 10^ {-15}$ s$^{-2}$, respectively. Significant changes in the integrated normalized mean pulse profile are observed following three of the five glitch events, notably in the radio band. We discuss the influence of glitches on the pulsar's emission properties due to superfluid dynamics accompanied by crustquake, as well as the constraints on the equation of state.

  • Nonlinear aspects of stochastic particle acceleration.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Lemoine, K. Murase, F. Rieger

    In turbulent magnetized plasmas, charged particles can be accelerated to high energies through their interactions with the turbulent motions. As they do so, they draw energy from the turbulence, possibly up to the point where they start modifying the turbulent cascade. Stochastic acceleration then enters a nonlinear regime because turbulence damping back-reacts in turn on the acceleration process. This article develops a phenomenological model to examine this situation in detail and to explore its consequences for the particle and turbulent energy spectra. We determine a criterion that specifies the threshold of nonthermal particle energy density and the characteristic momentum beyond which back-reaction becomes effective. Once the back-reaction sets in, the turbulence cascade becomes damped below a length scale that keeps increasing in time. The accelerated particle momentum distribution develops a near power-law of the form ${\rm d}n/{\rm d}p\propto p^{-s}$ with $s\sim2$ beyond the momentum at which back-reaction first sets in. At very high energies, where the gyroradius of accelerated particles becomes comparable to the outer scale of the turbulence, the energy spectrum can display an even harder spectrum with $s\sim 1.3-1.5$ over a short segment. The low-energy part of the spectrum, below the critical momentum, is expected to be hard ($s\sim 1$ or harder), and shaped by any residual acceleration process in the damped region of the turbulence cascade. This characteristic broken power-law shape with $s\sim 2$ at high energies may find phenomenological applications in various high-energy astrophysical contexts.

  • X-Ray Polarimetry of the Dipping Accreting Neutron Star 4U 1624-49.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Lynne Saade, Philip Kaaret, Andrea Gnarini, Juri Poutanen, Francesco Ursini, Stefano Bianchi, Anna Bobrikova, Fabio La Monaca, Alessandro Di Marco, Fiamma Capitanio, Alexandra Veledina, Ivan Agudo, Lucio A. Antonelli, Matteo Bachetti, Luca Baldini, Wayne H. Baumgartner, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Stephen D. Bongiorno, Raffaella Bonino, Alessandro Brez, Niccolo Bucciantini, Simone Castellano, Elisabetta Cavazzuti, Chien-Ting Chen, Stefano Ciprini, Enrico Costa, Alessandra De Rosa, Ettore Del Monte, Laura Di Gesù, Niccolo Di Lalla, Immacolata Donnarumma, Victor Doroshenko, Michal Dovciak, Steven R. Ehlert, Teruaki Emote, Yuri Evangelista, Sergio Fabiani, Riccardo Ferrazzoli, Javier A. Garcia, Shuichi Gunji, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Jeremy Heyl, Wataru Iwakiri, Svetlana G. Jorstad, Vladimir Karas, et al. (56 additional authors not shown)

    We present the first X-ray polarimetric study of the dipping accreting neutron star 4U 1624$-$49 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). We report a detection of polarization in the non-dip time intervals with a confidence level of 99.99%. We find an average polarization degree (PD) of $3.1\%\pm0.7\%$ and a polarization angle of $81\pm6$ degrees (east of north) in the 2-8 keV band. We report an upper limit on the PD of 22% during the X-ray dips with 95% confidence. There is marginal (95.3% confidence) evidence for an increase of PD with energy. We fit the spectra with the absorbed sum of a black body plus a cutoff power-law component and separately with the absorbed sum of a multitemperature blackbody accretion disk and thermal Comptonization component. The polarization is predominantly derived from the Comptonization component in the second model, while the origin of the polarization cannot be distinguished in the first model. The relatively large PD of the source (up to $6\%\pm2\%$ in the 6-8 keV band) is unlikely to be produced by Comptonization in the boundary layer or spreading layer alone. It can be produced by the addition of an extended geometrically thin slab corona covering part of the accretion disk, as assumed in previous models of dippers, and/or a reflection component from the accretion disk.

  • On the galactic origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    V.N. Zirakashvili, V.S. Ptuskin, S.I. Rogovaya

    It is shown that the acceleration of particles by a powerful relativistic jet associated with the activity of a supermassive black hole in the Galactic center several million years ago may explain the observed cosmic ray spectrum at energies higher than $10^{15}$ eV. The accelerated particles are efficiently confined in the extended magnetized gas halo created by the supernova and central black hole activity just after the Galaxy formation. We found that both the heavy and light chemical composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays can be consistent with observations.


  • A Horseshoe-Shaped Ring of Diffuse Emission Detected at 1.4 GHz.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shobha Kumari, Sabyasachi Pal

    We identify a horseshoe-shaped ring (HSR) of diffuse emission in J1407+0453 from the Faint Images of Radio Sky at Twenty-cm (FIRST) survey using the Very Large Array telescope. An optical galaxy SDSSJ140709.01+045302.1 is present near the limb of the HSR of J1407+0453, with a spectroscopic redshift of $z=0.13360$. The total extent of the source, including the diffuse emission of J1407+0453, is 65 arcsec (with a physical extent of 160 kpc), whereas the diameter of the HSR is approximately 10 arcsec (25 kpc). The flux density of HSR is $\sim$47 mJy at 1400 MHz whereas the flux densities of whole diffuse emission of J1407+0453 at 1400 MHz and 150 MHz are 172 mJy and 763 mJy, respectively. We measure the radio luminosity of HSR J1407+0453 as 1.94 $\times 10^{24}$ W Hz$^{-1}$ with a spectral index $\alpha_{150}^{1400}=-0.67$. The black hole mass of J1407+0453 is 5.8$\times10^8$ M$_{\odot}$. We compare the HSR of diffuse emission of J1407+0453 with other discovered diffused circular sources. The possible formation scenarios for J1407+0453 are discussed to understand the nature of the source. We present a spectral index map of 147+0453 to study the spectral properties of the source.

  • Impact of radiative feedback on the initial mass function of metal-poor stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sunmyon Chon, Takashi Hosokawa, Kazuyuki Omukai, Raffaella Schneider

    The stellar initial mass function (IMF) in the early universe is essential to understand the formation of ancient galaxies. To this end, we conduct a series of long-term radiation hydrodynamic simulations following star cluster formation, varying the metallicity from $Z/Z_\odot = 10^{-4}$ to $1$. We particularly consider the effects of protostellar radiative feedback, which modify the exact shape of the IMF and determine the star formation efficiency (SFE), i.e. the ratio between the mass in stars and the initial gas mass in the parental cloud. Our results show that the IMF changes from a Salpeter-type to a top-heavy function as the metallicity decreases. When $Z/Z_\odot \lesssim 10^{-2}$, the IMF becomes log-flat and distinct from a Salpeter-like IMF. Stellar feedback is effective in shaping both the low- and high-mass ends of the IMF. Heating of dust grains by stellar radiation suppresses small-scale fragmentation and reduces the number of low-mass stars with $M_* \lesssim 1~M_\odot$ at all metallicities. The ionizing radiation hinders the growth of massive stars, steepening the slope of the IMF at the high-mass end. The resulting feedback is more effective at lower metallicity, and star formation is regulated by stellar radiative feedback, with the SFE decreasing with decreasing metallicity. We suggest that the unexpectedly large number of UV-bright galaxies at $z>10$ reported by JWST observations can be explained by considering star cluster formation at $Z/Z_\odot \sim 10^{-2}$ or $10^{-3}$, where the IMF is top-heavy, but the SFE is not too low due to stellar feedback.

  • A large jet narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy: observations from pc to 100 kpc scales.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sina Chen, Preeti Kharb, Silpa Sasikumar, Sumana Nandi, Marco Berton, Emilia Jarvela, Ari Laor, Ehud Behar, Luigi Foschini, Amelia Vietri, Minfeng Gu, Giovanni La Mura, Luca Crepaldi, Minhua Zhou

    We present new 1.5-8.5 GHz Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations and 0.32-1.26 GHz Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations of J0354-1340, which is the only known radio-quiet (RQ) or radio-intermediate (RI) narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy with a 100-kpc two-sided radio jet. A pc-scale one-sided jet in the southeast direction from the core emission is found in the VLBA observations, while the kpc-scale jet observed with Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and GMRT is in the south-north direction. The core spectra on pc and kpc scales are presented in combination with the archival VLASS observations at 3.0 GHz and the VLA C configuration observations at 5.5 GHz. The pc-scale emission dominates the kpc-scale emission above ~ 5 GHz, and the spectrum is inverted due to synchrotron self-absorption. This indicates a compact synchrotron source with a size of ~ 0.04 pc, which is associated with either the jet base or the corona. A sub-kpc scale jet, which is unresolved on scales of ~ 3 arcsec, probably dominates the emission below ~ 5 GHz. Future radio observations can explore the jet structure between the pc and 100 kpc scales, the origin of their direction mismatch, and the pc-scale jet proper motion. It remains to be explored how common such large-scale jets are in RQ or RI AGN.

  • The universal variability of the stellar initial mass function probed by the TIMER survey.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ignacio Martín-Navarro, Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Jairo Méndez-Abreu, Jesús Falcón-Barroso, Patricia Sánchez-Blázquez, Paula Coelho, Justus Neumann, Glenn van de Ven, Isabel Pérez

    The debate about the universality of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) revolves around two competing lines of evidence. While measurements in the Milky Way, an archetypal spiral galaxy, seem to support an invariant IMF, the observed properties of massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) favor an IMF somehow sensitive to the local star formation conditions. The fundamental methodological and physical differences between both approaches have hampered, however, a comprehensive understanding of IMF variations. We describe here an improved modelling scheme that allows for the first time consistent IMF measurements across stellar populations with different ages and complex star formation histories. Making use of the exquisite MUSE optical data from the TIMER survey and powered by the MILES stellar population models, we show the age, metallicity, [Mg/Fe], and IMF slope maps of the inner regions of NGC 3351, a spiral galaxy with a mass similar to that of the Milky Way. The measured IMF values in NGC3351 follow the expectations from a Milky Way-like IMF, although they simultaneously show systematic and spatially coherent variations, particularly for low-mass stars. In addition, our stellar population analysis reveals the presence of metal-poor and Mg-enhanced star-forming regions that appear to be predominantly enriched by the stellar ejecta of core-collapse supernovae. Our findings showcase therefore the potential of detailed studies of young stellar populations to better understand the early stages of galaxy evolution and, in particular, the origin of the observed IMF variations beyond and within the Milky Way.

  • On the challenge of interpreting the morphology and color maps of high-z starburst galaxies with the JWST and Euclid.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Polychronis Papaderos, Göran Östlin

    Morphology and color patterns hold fundamental insights into the early formation history of high-z galaxies. However, 2D reconstruction of rest-frame (RF) color maps of such systems from imaging data is a non-trivial task. This is mainly because the spectral energy distribution (SED) of high-sSFR (starburst) galaxies near and far is spatially inhomogeneous and thus the common practice of applying a spatially constant "morphological" k-correction can lead to serious observational biases. In this study we use the nearby blue compact galaxy Haro11 to illustrate how the spatial inhomogeneity of the SED impacts the morphology and color maps in the observer's frame (ObsF) visual and NIR, and potentially affects the physical characterization of distant starburst galaxies with the JWST and Euclid. Based on MUSE spectroscopy and spectral modeling, we first examine the elements shaping the spatially varying optical SED of Haro11, namely intrinsic stellar age gradients, strong nebular emission and its spatial decoupling from the ionizing stellar background, and differing extinction patterns in the stellar and nebular component both spatially and in their amount. Our simulations show, inter alia, that an optically bright yet dusty star-forming (SF) region may evade detection whereas a gas-evacuated (thus, potentially Lyman continuum photon-leaking) region with weaker SF activity can dominate the ObsF (RF UV) morphology of a high-z galaxy. We also show that ObsF color maps are affected by strong emission lines moving in and out of filter passbands depending on z, and, if taken at face value, can lead to erroneous conclusions about the nature, evolutionary status and dust content of a galaxy. A significant additional problem stems from the uncertain prominence of the 2175 {\AA} extinction bump that translates to appreciable inherent uncertainties in RF color maps of high-z galaxies. (abridged)

  • Contribution of Graphene Molecules C$_{53}$ C$_{52}$ C$_{51}$ on Astronomical Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIB).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Norio Ota

    This molecular orbital analysis predicts that pure carbon graphene molecules would play an important role on astronomically observed Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIB), rather than fullerene. Laboratory experiments precisely coincided with observed DIB bands as studied by E. Cambell et al., which were considered to originate from mono-cation fullerene-(C$_{60}$)$^{1+}$. To check theoretically a molecular orbital excitation of (C$_{60}$)$^{1+}$ was calculated by the Time-Dependent DFT. Calculated two bands were close to observed DIBs, but there were two problems, that the oscillator strength was zero, and that other three DIBs could not be reproduced. Laboratory experiments was the mass spectroscopic one filtering m/e=724, to suggest fullerene-(C$_{60}$)$^{1+}$ combined with He. However, there were other capabilities, as like He-atom intercalated 3D-graphite, [graphene(C$_{53}$)$^{1+}$--He--(C$_7$)], [graphene(C$_{51}$)$^{1+}$--He--(C$_9$)] and so on. A family of graphene (C$_{53}$), (C$_{52}$) and (C$_{51}$) was calculated. Results show that an astronomically observed 957.74nm band was reproduced well by calculated 957.74nm, also confirmed by laboratory experiment of 957.75nm. Other observed 963.26, 936.57 and 934.85nm bands were calculated to be 963.08, 935.89 and 933.72nm. Moreover, experimental 922.27nm band was calculated to be 922.02nm, which is not yet astronomically observed. Similarly, experimental 925.96, 912.80, 909.71 and 908.40nm bands were calculated to 926.01, 912.52, 910.32 and 908.55nm. It should be emphasized that graphene molecules may be ubiquitously floating in interstellar space.

  • The Disk Orientations of Perseus Protostellar Multiples at 8 au Resolution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nickalas K. Reynolds, John J. Tobin, Patrick D. Sheehan, Sarah I. Sadavoy, Leslie W. Looney, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Zhi-Yun Li, Dominique M. Segura-Cox, Nathan A. Kaib

    We present a statistical characterization of circumstellar disk orientations toward 12 protostellar multiple systems in the Perseus molecular cloud using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array at Band 6 (1.3 mm) with a resolution of 25 mas (8 au). This exquisite resolution enabled us to resolve the compact inner disk structures surrounding the components of each multiple system and to determine the projected 3-D orientation of the disks (position angle and inclination) to high precision. We performed a statistical analysis on the relative alignment of disk pairs to determine whether the disks are preferentially aligned or randomly distributed. We considered three subsamples of the observations selected by the companion separations, a <100 au, a >500 au, and a < 10,000 au. We found for the compact (< 100 au) subsample, the distribution of orientation angles is best described by an underlying distribution of preferentially aligned sources (within 30deg) but does not rule out distributions with 40% misaligned sources. The wide companion (>500 au) subsample appears to be consistent with a distribution of 40%-80% preferentially aligned sources. Similarly, the full sample of systems with companions (a< 10, 000 au) is most consistent with a fractional ratio of at most 80% preferentially aligned source and rules out purely randomly aligned distributions. Thus our results imply the compact sources (<100 au) and the wide companions (>500 au) are statistically different.

  • Dust Polarization of Prestellar and Protostellar Sources in OMC-3.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuhua Liu, Satoko Takahashi, Masahiro Machida, Kohji Tomisaka, Josep Miquel Girart, Paul T. P. Ho, Kouichiro Nakanishi, Asako Sato

    We present the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of linearly polarized 1.1 mm continuum emission at $\sim$0.14" (55 au) resolution and CO ($J$=2$-$1) emission at $\sim$1.5" (590 au) resolution towards one prestellar (MMS 4), four Class 0 (MMS$\,$1, MMS$\,$3, MMS$\,$5, and MMS$\,$6), one Class I (MMS$\,$7), and one flat-spectrum (MMS$\,$2) sources in the Orion Molecular Cloud$\,$3 region. The dust disk-like structures and clear CO outflows are detected towards all sources except for MMS$\,$4. The diameters of these disk-like structures, ranging from 16 au to 97 au, are estimated based on the deconvolved full width half maximum (FWHM) values obtained from the multi-Gaussian fitting. Polarized emissions are detected towards MMS$\,$2, MMS$\,$5, MMS$\,$6, and MMS$\,$7, while no polarized emission is detected towards MMS$\,$1, MMS$\,$3, and MMS$\,$4. MMS$\,$2, MMS$\,$5, and MMS$\,$7 show organized polarization vectors aligned with the minor axes of the disk-like structures, with mean polarization fractions ranging from 0.6$\%$ to 1.2$\%$. The strongest millimeter source, MMS$\,$6, exhibits complex polarization orientations and a remarkably high polarization fraction of $\sim$10$\%$ around the Stokes $I$ peak, and 15$-$20$\%$ on the arm-like structure, as reported by Takahashi et al. (2019). The origins of the polarized emission, such as self-scattering and dust alignment due to the magnetic field or radiative torque, are discussed for individual sources. Some disk-like sources exhibit a polarized intensity peak shift towards the nearside of the disk, which supports that the polarized emission originates from self-scattering.

  • UOCS-XII. A study of open cluster NGC 6940 using UVIT/AstroSat: cluster properties and exotic populations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anju Panthi, Kaushar Vaidya

    We study an open cluster NGC 6940 using \textit{AstroSat}/UVIT data and other archival data. This is an intermediate age cluster ($\sim$ 1 Gyr), located at about 770 pc distance, harboring several exotic populations apart from normal single and binary stars. We identify members of this cluster using a machine learning algorithm, ML-MOC and identify 492 members, including 1 blue straggler star (BSS), 2 yellow straggler stars (YSS), 11 blue lurker (BL) candidates, and 2 red clump (RC) stars. The cluster shows the effect of mass segregation, with massive stars segregated the most into the cluster, followed by the equal-mass binary members and the single low mass stars. We report the presence of an extended main-sequence turn-off (eMSTO) feature in this cluster and suggest that the age spread may be a contributing factor behind it. However, the effect of stellar rotation, and the dust absorption needs to be examined more comprehensively with a larger fraction of MSTO stars. All the sixteen sources mentioned above have a counterpart in the UVIT/F169M filter. In order to characterize them, we construct multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 14 of these objects having no nearby sources within 3". The BSS is successfully fitted with a single-component SED. We find that three BLs, two YSS, and one RC star have UV excess greater than 50$\%$ and successfully fit two-component SEDs having hot companions. The parameters derived from the SEDs imply that the hot companions of BLs and the RC star are low-mass and normal-mass white dwarfs, whereas the hot companions of YSS are likely to be subdwarf B (sdB) stars. We suggest that at least 6 out of 14 stars ($\sim$42 $\%$) are formed via mass transfer and/or merger pathways.

  • X-ray stacking reveals average SMBH accretion properties of star-forming galaxies and their cosmic evolution over 4

    Suin Matsui, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Kei Ito, Makoto Ando, Takumi S. Tanaka

    With an X-ray stacking analysis of ~ 12, 000 Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) using the Chandra Legacy Survey image, we investigate average supermassive black hole (SMBH) accretion properties of star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at 4 <~ z <~ 7. Although no X-ray signal is detected in any stacked image, we obtain strong 3 sigma upper limits for the average black hole accretion rate (BHAR) as a function of star formation rate (SFR). At z ~ 4 (5) where the stacked image is deeper, the 3 sigma BHAR upper limits per SFR are ~ 1.5 (1.0) dex lower than the local black hole-to-stellar mass ratio, indicating that the SMBHs of SFGs in the inactive (BHAR <~1M_sun yr^{-1}) phase are growing much more slowly than expected from simultaneous evolution. We obtain a similar result for BHAR per dark halo accretion rate. QSOs from the literature are found to have ~ 1 dex higher SFRs and >~ 2 dex higher BHARs than LBGs with the same dark halo mass. We also make a similar comparison for dusty starburst galaxies and quiescent galaxies from the literature. A duty-cycle corrected analysis shows that for a given dark halo, the SMBH mass increase in the QSO phase dominates over that in the much longer inactive phase. Finally, a comparison with the TNG300, TNG100, SIMBA100, and EAGLE100 simulations finds that they overshoot our BHAR upper limits by <~ 1.5 dex, possibly implying that simulated SMBHs are too massive.

  • The spectral energy distributions and the bolometric luminosities of local AGN: study of the complete 12 micron AGN sample.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luigi Spinoglio, Juan Antonio Fernandez-Ontiveros, Matthew A. Malkan

    We measure the bolometric luminosity of a complete and unbiased 12 micron-selected sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the local Universe. For each galaxy we used a 10-band radio-to-X-ray Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) to isolate the genuine AGN continuum in each band, including sub-arcsecond measurements where available, and correcting those contaminated by the host galaxy. We derive the median SED of Seyfert type 1 AGN, Seyferts with hidden broad-lines (HBL), Seyferts of type 2, and LINER nuclei in our sample. The median Seyfert 1 SED shows the characteristic blue bump feature in the UV, but nevertheless the largest contribution to the bolometric luminosity comes from the IR and X-ray continua. The median SEDs of both HBL and type 2 AGN are affected by starlight contamination in the optical/UV. The median SED of HBL AGN is consistent with that of Seyfert 1's, when an extinction of Av = 1.2 mag is applied. The comprehensive SEDs allowed us to measure accurate bolometric luminosities and derive robust bolometric corrections for the different tracers. The 12 micron and the K-band nuclear luminosities have good linear correlations with the bolometric luminosity, similar to those in the X-rays. We derive bolometric corrections for either continuum bands (K-band, 12 micron, 2-10 keV and 14-195 keV) and narrow emission lines (mid-IR high ionization lines of [OIV] and [NeV] and optical [OIII]5007A) as well as for combinations of IR continuum and line emission. A combination of continuum plus line emission accurately predicts the bolometric luminosity up to quasar luminosities.

  • Supernova environments in J-PLUS. Normalized Cumulative Rank distributions and stellar population synthesis, combining narrow- and broad-band filters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raul González-Díaz, Lluís Galbany, Tuomas Kangas, Rubén García-Benito, Joseph P. Anderson, Joseph Lyman, Jesús Varela, Lamberto Oltra, Rafael Logroño García, Gonzalo Vilella Rojo, Carlos López-Sanjuan, Miguel Ángel Pérez-Torres, Fabián Rosales-Ortega, Seppo Mattila, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Phil James, Stacey Habergham, José Manuel Vílchez, Jailson Alcaniz, Raul E. Angulo, Javier Cenarro, David Cristóbal-Hornillos, Renato Dupke, Alessandro Ederoclite, Carlos Hernández-Monteagudo, Antonio Marín-Franch, Mariano Moles, Laerte Sodré Jr., Héctor Vázquez Ramió

    We study the local environmental properties of 418 supernovae (SNe) of all types using data from the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS), which includes 5 broad- and 7 narrow-band imaging filters, using two independent analyses: 1) the Normalized Cumulative Rank (NCR) method, utilizing all 12 single bands along with five continuum-subtracted narrow-band emission and absorption bands, and 2) simple stellar population (SSP) synthesis, where we build spectral energy distributions (SED) of the surrounding SN environment using the 12 filters. Improvements over previous works include: (i) the extension of the NCR technique to other filters using a set of homogeneous data; (ii) a correction for extinction to all bands based on the relation between the g-i color and the color excess; and (iii) a correction for the [NII] line contamination that falls within the H$\alpha$ filter. All NCR distributions in the broad-band filters, tracing the overall light distribution in each galaxy, are similar to each other, being type Ia, II and IIb SNe are preferably located in redder environments than the other SN types. The radial distribution of the SNe shows that type IIb SNe seem to have a preference for occurring in the inner regions of galaxies. All core-collapse SN (CC) types are strongly correlated to the [OII] emission, which traces SFR. The NCR distributions of the Ca II triplet show a clear division between II/IIb/Ia and Ib/Ic/IIn subtypes, which is interpreted as a difference in the environmental metallicity. Regarding the SSP synthesis, we found that including the 7 J-PLUS narrow filters in the fitting process has a more significant effect for the CC SN environmental parameters than for SNe Ia, shifting their values towards more extinct, younger, and more star-forming environments, due to the presence of strong emission-lines and stellar absorptions in those narrow-bands.

  • Probing supermassive black hole growth and its dependence on stellar mass and star-formation rate in low-redshift galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    O. Torbaniuk, M. Paolillo, R. D'Abrusco, C. Vignali, A. Georgakakis, F. J. Carrera, F. Civano

    We present an improved study of the relation between supermassive black hole growth and their host galaxy properties in the local Universe (z < 0.33). To this end, we build an extensive sample combining spectroscopic measurements of star-formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass from Sloan Digital Sky Survey, with specific Black Hole accretion rate (sBHAR, $\lambda_{\mathrm{sBHAR}} \propto L_{\mathrm{X}}/\mathcal{M}_{\ast}$) derived from the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue (3XMM-DR8) and the Chandra Source Catalogue (CSC 2.0). We find that the sBHAR probability distribution for both star-forming and quiescent galaxies has a power-law shape peaking at $\log\lambda_{\mathrm{sBHAR}}\sim -3.5$ and declining toward lower sBHAR in all stellar mass ranges. This finding confirms the decrease of AGN activity in the local Universe compared to higher redshifts. We observe a significant correlation between $\log\,\lambda_{\mathrm{sBHAR}}$ and $\log\,{\mathrm{SFR}}$ in almost all stellar mass ranges, but the relation is shallower compared to higher redshifts, indicating a reduced availability of accreting material in the local Universe. At the same time, the BHAR-to-SFR ratio for star-forming galaxies strongly correlates with stellar mass, supporting the scenario where both AGN activity and stellar formation primarily depend on the stellar mass via fuelling by a common gas reservoir. Conversely, this ratio remains constant for quiescent galaxies, possibly indicating the existence of the different physical mechanisms responsible for AGN fuelling or different accretion mode in quiescent galaxies.

  • The dynamical state of bars in cluster dwarf galaxies: The cases of NGC 4483 and NGC 4516.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V. Cuomo, L. Morelli, J. A. L. Aguerri, E. M. Corsini, V. P. Debattista, L. Coccato, A. Pizzella, A. Boselli, C. Buttitta, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, L. Ferrarese, D. Gasparri, Y. H. Lee, J. Mendez-Abreu, J. Roediger, S. Zarattini

    Dwarf barred galaxies are the perfect candidates for hosting slowly-rotating bars. They are common in dense environments and they have a relatively shallow potential well, making them prone to heating by interactions. When an interaction induces bar formation, the bar should rotate slowly. They reside in massive and centrally-concentrated dark matter halos, which slow down the bar rotation through dynamical friction. While predictions suggest that slow bars should be common, measurements of bar pattern speed, using the Tremaine-Weinberg method, show that bars are mostly fast in the local Universe. We present a photometric and kinematic characterisation of bars hosted by two dwarf galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, NGC 4483 and NGC 4516. We derive the bar length and strength using the Next Generation Virgo Survey imaging and the circular velocity, bar pattern speed, and rotation rate using spectroscopy from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer. Including the previously studied galaxy IC 3167, we compare the bar properties of the three dwarf galaxies with those of their massive counterparts from literature. Bars in the dwarf galaxies are shorter and weaker, and rotate slightly slower with respect to those in massive galaxies. This could be due to a different bar formation mechanism and/or to a large dark matter fraction in the centre of dwarf galaxies. We show that it is possible to push the application of the Tremaine-Weinberg method to the galaxy low mass regime.

  • OH as a probe of the warm water cycle in planet-forming disks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marion Zannese, Benoît Tabone, Emilie Habart, Javier R. Goicoechea, Alexandre Zanchet, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Marc C. van Hemert, John H. Black, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens, A. Veselinova, P. G. Jambrina, M. Menendez, E. Verdasco, F. J. Aoiz, L. Gonzalez-Sanchez, Boris Trahin, Emmanuel Dartois, Olivier Berné, Els Peeters, Jinhua He, Ameek Sidhu, Ryan Chown, Ilane Schroetter, Dries Van De Putte, Amélie Canin, Felipe Alarcón, Alain Abergel, Edwin A. Bergin, Jeronimo Bernard-Salas, Christiaan Boersma, Emeric Bron, Jan Cami, Daniel Dicken, Meriem Elyajouri, Asunción Fuente, Karl D. Gordon, Lina Issa, Christine Joblin, Olga Kannavou, Baria Khan, Ozan Lacinbala, David Languignon, Romane Le Gal, Alexandros Maragkoudakis, Raphael Meshaka, Yoko Okada, Takashi Onaka, Sofia Pasquini, et al. (7 additional authors not shown)

    Water is a key ingredient for the emergence of life as we know it. Yet, its destruction and reformation in space remains unprobed in warm gas. Here, we detect the hydroxyl radical (OH) emission from a planet-forming disk exposed to external far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation with the James Webb Space Telescope. The observations are confronted with the results of quantum dynamical calculations. The highly excited OH infrared rotational lines are the tell-tale signs of H2O destruction by FUV. The OH infrared ro-vibrational lines are attributed to chemical excitation via the key reaction O+H=OH+H which seeds the formation of water in the gas-phase. We infer that the equivalent of the Earth ocean's worth of water is destroyed per month and replenished. These results show that under warm and irradiated conditions water is destroyed and efficiently reformed via gas-phase reactions. This process, assisted by diffusive transport, could reduce the HDO/H2O ratio in the warm regions of planet-forming disks.

  • Gravitational Interaction of Ultralight Dark Matter with Interferometers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hyungjin Kim

    Ultralight dark matter exhibits an order-one density fluctuation over the spatial scale of its wavelength. These fluctuations gravitationally interact with gravitational wave interferometers, leading to distinctive signals in detectors. We investigate the ultralight dark matter-induced effects in the gravitational wave interferometers. We perform a systematic computation of the power spectrum of ultralight dark matter in interferometers. We show that the ultralight dark matter-induced effect is most relevant for the interferometers with long baseline and that it is only a sub-leading effect compared to the estimated noise level in the case of Laser Interferometer Space Antenna or future interferometers with an arm-length comparable to a few astronomical units. Gravitational wave interferometers can then place upper limits on the ultralight dark matter density in the solar system. We find that, under certain assumptions, future interferometers with AU-scale arm-length might probe the dark matter density a few hundred times the local dark matter density, which is measured over a much larger spatial scale.

  • Constraints on sub-terrestrial free-floating planets from Subaru microlensing observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    William DeRocco, Nolan Smyth, Stefano Profumo

    The abundance of protoplanetary bodies ejected from their parent star system is presently poorly-constrained. With only two existing optical observations of interstellar objects in the $10^{8} - 10^{10}$ kg mass range and a small number of robust microlensing observations of free-floating planets (FFPs) in the $10^{24} - 10^{25}$ kg mass range, there is a large range of masses for which there are no existing measurements of the unbound population. The three primary microlensing surveys currently searching for FFPs operate at a cadence greater than 15 minutes, which limits their ability to observe events associated with bodies with a mass much below an Earth mass. We demonstrate that existing high-cadence observations of M31 with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam place constraints on the abundance of unbound objects at sub-terrestrial masses, with peak sensitivity at $10^{-4}~M_\oplus$ for Milky Way lenses and $10^{-1}~M_\oplus$ for lenses in M31. For a fiducial $\frac{dn}{dM}\propto M^{-2}$ mass distribution, we find that the abundance of unbound objects is constrained to $n_\text{unbound} < 1.4 \times 10^{7} ~\rm{pc}^{-3}$ for masses within 1 dex of $10^{-4}~M_\oplus$. Additionally, we compute limits on an artificial ``monochromatic'' distribution of unbound objects and compare to existing literature, demonstrating that the assumed spatial distribution of lenses has very significant consequences for the sensitivity of microlensing surveys. While the observations ultimately do not probe abundances suggested by current models of planetary formation, our limits place direct observational constraints on the unbound population in the sub-terrestrial mass range and motivate new observational strategies for microlensing surveys.

  • Goodbye to Chi-by-Eye: A Bayesian Analysis of Photometric Binaries in Six Open Clusters.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anna C. Childs, Aaron M. Geller, Ted von Hippel, Erin Motherway, Claire Zwicker

    We present a robust methodology for identifying photometric binaries in star clusters. Using Gaia DR3, Pan-STARRS and 2MASS data, we self-consistently define the cluster parameters and binary demographics for the open clusters (OCs) NGC 2168 (M35), NGC 7789, NGC 6819, NGC 2682 (M67), NGC 188, and NGC 6791. These clusters span in age from ~200 Myr (NGC 2168) to more than ~8 Gyr (NGC 6791) and have all been extensively studied in the literature. We use the Bayesian Analysis of Stellar Evolution software suite (BASE-9) to derive the age, distance, reddening, metallicity, binary fraction, and binary mass-ratio posterior distributions for each cluster. We perform a careful analysis of our completeness and also compare our results to previous spectroscopic surveys. For our sample of main-sequence stars with masses between 0.6 - 1 M_Sun, we find that these OCs have similar binary fractions that are also broadly consistent with the field multiplicity fraction. Within the clusters, the binary fraction increases dramatically toward the cluster centers, likely a result of mass segregation. Furthermore nearly all clusters show evidence of mass segregation within the single and binary populations, respectively. The OC binary fraction increases significantly with cluster age in our sample, possibly due to a combination of mass-segregation and cluster dissolution processes. We also find a hint of an anti-correlation between binary fraction and cluster central density as well as total cluster mass, possibly due to an increasing frequency of higher energy close stellar encounters that inhibit long-period binary survival and/or formation.

  • UV Fe II emission model of HE 0413-4031 and its relation to broad-line time delays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michal Zajaček, Swayamtrupta Panda, Ashwani Pandey, Raj Prince, Alberto Rodríguez-Ardila, Vikram Jaiswal, Bożena Czerny, Krzysztof Hryniewicz, Maciej Urbanowicz, Piotr Trzcionkowski, Marzena Śniegowska, Zuzanna Fałkowska, Mary Loli Martínez-Aldama, Norbert Werner

    Fe II emission is a well-known contributor to the UV spectra of active galactic nuclei, and the modeling of this part may affect the results obtained for the MgII$\lambda2800$ emission which is one of the lines used for black hole mass measurements and cosmological applications. We use the 11-year monitoring of the selected quasar HE 0413-4031 with the South African Large Telescope (SALT), and we supplement this monitoring with the near-IR spectrum taken with the SOAR telescope. A new redshift determination ($z=1.39117 \pm 0.00017$) using [OIII]$\lambda \lambda 4959,5007$ gave a very different value than the previous determination based only on the UV FeII pseudocontinuum ($z=1.3764$). It favors a different decomposition of the spectrum into Mg II and UV Fe II emissions. The line characteristics and the time delay of the Mg II emission ($224^{+21}_{-23}$ days) are not significantly affected. However, in comparison with the previous analysis, the rest-frame UV FeII time delay ($251^{+9}_{-7}$ days) is consistent with the inferred UV FeII line FWHM of $4200\,{\rm km/s}$ that is only slightly smaller than the MgII line FWHM. Hence the FeII-emitting material is more distant than the MgII-emitting gas in HE 0413-4031 by $\sim 0.023$ pc (4700 AU). The inferred velocity shift of both Mg II and UV Fe II lines with respect to the systemic redshift is now rather low, below 300 km s$^{-1}$. In addition, we construct an updated MgII radius-luminosity ($R-L$) relation from 194 sources, which is more than double the previous sample. The MgII $R-L$ relation is flatter than the UV FeII, optical FeII, and H$\beta$ $R-L$ relations. While the new decomposition of the spectrum is satisfactory, we see a need to create better Fe II templates using the newest version of the code CLOUDY.


  • One-Shot Initial Orbit Determination in Low-Earth Orbit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ricardo Ferreira, Marta Guimarães, Filipa Valdeira, Cláudia Soares

    Due to the importance of satellites for society and the exponential increase in the number of objects in orbit, it is important to accurately determine the state (e.g., position and velocity) of these Resident Space Objects (RSOs) at any time and in a timely manner. State-of-the-art methodologies for initial orbit determination consist of Kalman-type filters that process sequential data over time and return the state and associated uncertainty of the object, as is the case of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). However, these methodologies are dependent on a good initial guess for the state vector and usually simplify the physical dynamical model, due to the difficulty of precisely modeling perturbative forces, such as atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure. Other approaches do not require assumptions about the dynamical system, such as the trilateration method, and require simultaneous measurements, such as three measurements of range and range-rate for the particular case of trilateration. We consider the same setting of simultaneous measurements (one-shot), resorting to time delay and Doppler shift measurements. Based on recent advancements in the problem of moving target localization for sonar multistatic systems, we are able to formulate the problem of initial orbit determination as a Weighted Least Squares. With this approach, we are able to directly obtain the state of the object (position and velocity) and the associated covariance matrix from the Fisher's Information Matrix (FIM). We demonstrate that, for small noise, our estimator is able to attain the Cram\'er-Rao Lower Bound accuracy, i.e., the accuracy attained by the unbiased estimator with minimum variance. We also numerically demonstrate that our estimator is able to attain better accuracy on the state estimation than the trilateration method and returns a smaller uncertainty associated with the estimation.

  • Real-time experimental demonstrations of a photonic lantern wavefront sensor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jonathan W. Lin, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Yinzi Xin, Yoo Jung Kim, Olivier Guyon, Barnaby Norris, Christopher Betters, Sergio Leon-Saval, Kyohoon Ahn, Vincent Deo, Julien Lozi, Sébastien Vievard, Daniel Levinstein, Steph Sallum, Nemanja Jovanovic

    The direct imaging of an Earth-like exoplanet will require sub-nanometric wavefront control across large light-collecting apertures, to reject host starlight and detect the faint planetary signal. Current adaptive optics (AO) systems, which use wavefront sensors that reimage the telescope pupil, face two challenges that prevent this level of control: non-common-path aberrations (NCPAs), caused by differences between the sensing and science arms of the instrument; and petaling modes: discontinuous phase aberrations caused by pupil fragmentation, especially relevant for the upcoming 30-m class telescopes. Such aberrations drastically impact the capabilities of high-contrast instruments. To address these issues, we can add a second-stage wavefront sensor to the science focal plane. One promising architecture uses the photonic lantern (PL): a waveguide that efficiently couples aberrated light into single-mode fibers (SMFs). In turn, SMF-confined light can be stably injected into high-resolution spectrographs, enabling direct exoplanet characterization and precision radial velocity measurements; simultaneously, the PL can be used for focal-plane wavefront sensing. We present a real-time experimental demonstration of the PL wavefront sensor on the Subaru/SCExAO testbed. Our system is stable out to around ~400 nm of low-order Zernike wavefront error, and can correct petaling modes. When injecting ~30 nm RMS of low order time-varying error, we achieve ~10x rejection at 1 s timescales; further refinements to the control law and lantern fabrication process should make sub-nanometric wavefront control possible. In the future, novel sensors like the PLWFS may prove to be critical in resolving the wavefront control challenges posed by exoplanet direct imaging.

  • Survey of public attitudes toward astronomy in Japan.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Naohiro Takanashi, Masaaki Hiramatsu, Shio Kawagoe, Nobuhiko Kusakabe, Koki Sawada, Harufumi Tamazawa

    We report on the results of a survey we conducted on the Japanese public's attitudes toward astronomy. This survey was conducted via an online questionnaire, with 2,000 responses received. Based on this data, we present what kind of interest the general public in Japan has in astronomy. We also conducted a questionnaire survey of those involved in astronomy communication to examine how they differ from the general public. The results suggest that while there are clear differences between them in terms of their engagement in astronomy, there is also continuity between them by looking at their attributes in more detail. The data presented in this paper could help us to promote communicating astronomy to the public.

  • The impact of bias row noise to photometric accuracy: case study based on a scientific CMOS detector.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Li Shao, Hu Zhan, Chao Liu, Haonan Chi, Qiuyan Luo, Huaipu Mu, Wenzhong Shi

    We tested a new model of CMOS detector manufactured by the Gpixel Inc, for potential space astronomical application. In laboratory, we obtain some bias images under the typical application environment. In these bias images, clear random row noise pattern is observed. The row noise also contains some characteristic spatial frequencies. We quantitatively estimated the impact of this feature to photometric measurements, by making simulated images. We compared different bias noise types under strict parameter control. The result shows the row noise will significantly deteriorate the photometric accuracy. It effectively increases the readout noise by a factor of 2 to 10. However, if it is properly removed, the image quality and photometric accuracy will be significantly improved.

  • Current status of the Extension of the FRIPON network in Chile.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Felipe Gutiérrez Rojas, Sébastien Bouquillon, Rene A. Mendez, Hernan Pulgar, Marcelo Tala Pinto, Katherine Vieira, Millarca Valenzuela Picón, Andrés Jordán, Christian H.R. Nitschelm, Massinissa Hadjara, José Luis Nilo Castellón, Maja Vuckovic, Hebe Cremades, Bin Yang, Adrien Malgoyre, Colas Francois, Pierre Vernazza, Pierre Bourget, Emmanuel Jehin, Alain Klotz

    FRIPON is an efficient ground-based network for the detection and characterization of fireballs, which was initiated in France in 2016 with over one hundred cameras and which has been very successfully extended to Europe and Canada with one hundred more stations. After seven successful years of operation in the northern hemisphere, it seems necessary to extend this network towards the southern hemisphere - where the lack of detection is evident - to obtain an exhaustive view of fireball activity. The task of extending the network to any region outside the northern hemisphere presents the challenge of a new installation process, where the recommended and tested version of the several sub-systems that compose a station had to be replaced due to regional availability and compatibility considerations, as well as due to constant software and hardware obsolescence and updates. In Chile, we have a unique geography, with a vast extension in latitude, as well as desert regions, which have generated the need to evaluate the scientific and technical performance of the network under special conditions, prioritizing the optimization of a set of factors related to the deployment process, as well as the feasible and achievable versions of the required components, the geographical location of the stations, and their respective operational, maintenance, safety, and communication conditions. In this talk, we will present the current status of this effort, including a brief report on the obstacles and difficulties encountered and how we have solved them, the current operational status of the network in Northern Chile, as well as the challenges and prospects for the densification of the network over South America.

  • Satellite Impact on Astronomical Observations Based on Elliptical Orbit Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tianzhu Hu, Yong Zhang, Xiangqun Cui, Zihuang Cao, Kang Huang, Jingyi Cai, Jun Li, Tong Zhou

    Space-based and ground-based telescopes have extensively documented the impact of satellites on astronomical observations. With the proliferation of satellite mega-constellation programs, their influence on astronomical observations has become undeniable. It is crucial to quantify the impact of satellites on telescopes. To address this need, we have enhanced the circular orbit model for satellites and introduced a methodology based on two-line element (TLE) orbit data. This involves constructing a satellite probability distribution model to evaluate the impact of satellites on telescopes. Using our method, we assessed the satellite impact on global observatories. The results indicate that the regions most severely affected by satellite interference currently are those near the equator, with latitudes around 50 and 80 degrees experiencing the most significant impact from low Earth orbit satellites. Furthermore, we validated the reliability of our method using imaging data obtained from the focal surface acquisition camera of the LAMOST telescope.

  • Observation of solar radio burst events from Mars orbit with the Shallow Radar instrument.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christopher Gerekos, Gregor Steinbrügge, Immanuel Jebaraj, Andreas Casillas, Elena Donini, Beatriz Sánchez-Cano, Mark Lester, Jasmina Magdalenić, Sean Peters, Andrew Romero-Wolf, Donald Blankenship

    Multispacecraft and multiwavelength observations of solar eruptions such as flares and coronal mass ejections are essential to understand the complex processes behind these events. The study of solar burst events in the radio-frequency spectrum has relied almost exclusively on data from ground-based observations and a few dedicated heliophysics missions such as STEREO or Wind. Reanalysing existing data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Shallow Radar (SHARAD) instrument, a Martian planetary radar sounder, we have discovered the instrument was also capable of detecting solar radio bursts, and was able to do so with unprecedented resolution for a space-based solar instrument. In this study we aim at demonstrating the reliability and value of SHARAD as a new solar radio-observatory. We characterised the sensitivity of the instrument to type-III solar radio bursts through a statistical analysis of correlated observations, using STEREO and Wind as references. Using 38 correlated detections, we establish the conditions under which SHARAD can observe solar bursts in terms of acquisition geometry. As an example of scientific application, we also present the first analysis of type-III characteristic times at high resolution beyond 1 AU. A simple logistic model based purely on geometrical acquisition parameters can predict burst show vs. no-show in SHARAD data with an accuracy of 79.2%, demonstrating the reliability of the instrument for detecting solar bursts and laying the foundation for using SHARAD as a solar radio-observatory. The extremely high resolution of the instrument, both in temporal and frequency directions, its bandwidth, and its position in the solar system enable SHARAD to make significant contributions to heliophysics; it could inform on plasma processes on the site of the burst generation and along the propagation path of associated fast electron beams.

  • Subtraction of the confusion foreground and parameter uncertainty of resolvable galactic binaries on the networks of space-based gravitational-wave detectors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jie Wu, Jin Li

    There are tens of millions of compact binary systems in the Milky Way, called galactic binaries (GBs), most of which are unresolved, and the Gravitational waves (GWs) emitted overlap to form foreground confusion. By simulating such foreground confusion, we have studied how LISA, Taiji and TianQin, including their alternative orbital configurations, subtract resolvable GBs when they combine as some networks. The results of our research indicate that the order of detected number for a single detector from high to low is: Taiji-m, Taiji-p (c), LISA, TianQin I, TianQin II. For detector combinations on the network, the foreground confusion is effectively reduced as the number of detectors grows, and the optimal combinations with different numbers are: Taiji-m, LISA+Taiji-m, LISA+Taiji-m+TianQin I, and LISA+Taiji-m+TianQin I+II. The sensitivity curve is optimized as the number of detectors increases, which renders it possible to detect other gravitational wave sources more precisely and decrease the resolvable GBs parameter uncertainty. Based on this, we discuss the parameter uncertainty of resolvable GBs detected by the combinations above and find that GW detection can promote electromagnetic (EM) detection. On the contrary, we discovered that by utilizing EM detection, determining the inclination angle can reduce the uncertainty of GW strain amplitude by $\sim$93%, and determining the sky position can reduce the uncertainty of the phase by $\sim$30%, further strengthening the connection between GW detection and EM detection, and contributing to the research of Multi-messenger astronomy.

  • Ultra-fast high-dynamic range imaging of Cygnus A with the R2D2 deep neural network series.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aghabiglou A, Chu C S, Jackson A, Dabbech A, Wiaux Y

    We present a novel AI approach for high-resolution high-dynamic range synthesis imaging by radio interferometry (RI) in astronomy. R2D2, standing for ``{R}esidual-to-{R}esidual {D}NN series for high-{D}ynamic range imaging'', is a model-based data-driven approach relying on hybrid deep neural networks (DNNs) and data-consistency updates. Its reconstruction is built as a series of residual images estimated as the outputs of DNNs, each taking the residual dirty image of the previous iteration as an input. The approach can be interpreted as a learned version of a matching pursuit approach, whereby model components are iteratively identified from residual dirty images, and of which CLEAN is a well-known example. We propose two variants of the R2D2 model, built upon two distinctive DNN architectures: a standard U-Net, and a novel unrolled architecture. We demonstrate their use for monochromatic intensity imaging on highly-sensitive observations of the radio galaxy Cygnus A at S band, from the Very Large Array (VLA). R2D2 is validated against CLEAN and the recent RI algorithms AIRI and uSARA, which respectively inject a learned implicit regularization and an advanced handcrafted sparsity-based regularization into the RI data. With only few terms in its series, the R2D2 model is able to deliver high-precision imaging, superseding the resolution of CLEAN, and matching the precision of AIRI and uSARA. In terms of computational efficiency, R2D2 runs at a fraction of the cost of AIRI and uSARA, and is also faster than CLEAN, opening the door to near real-time precision imaging in RI.

  • The Resident Space Objects Network: a complex system approach for shaping space sustainability.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matteo Romano, Timoteo Carletti, Jérôme Daquin

    Understanding the Resident Space Objects (RSOs) is nowadays a major societal challenge; indeed, the number of resident objects increases with an incredible steady pace, because of the fragmentation of uncontrolled orbiting objects and new launches. There is thus the need for a better understanding of the system as a whole to be able to determine and shape sustainable and ecological policies. This paper presents a new paradigm for analysing the structural properties of RSOs collisions from the complex systems perspective. Based on neighbouring relationships, we introduce the Resident Space Object Network (RSONet) by connecting RSOs that experience near-collisions events over a finite-time window. The structural collisional properties of RSOs are thus encoded into the RSONet and analysed with the tools of network science. This framework and paradigm shift allow us to use quantitative characteristics related to the RSONet to introduce indices for space sustainability criteria.

  • Alpha backgrounds in NaI(Tl) crystals of COSINE-100.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G. Adhikari, N. Carlin, D. F. F. S. Cavalcante, J. Y. Cho, J. J. Choi, S. Choi, A. C. Ezeribe, L. E. Franca, C. Ha, I. S. Hahn, S. J. Hollick, E. J. Jeon, H. W. Joo, W. G. Kang, M. Kauer, B. H. Kim, H. J. Kim, J. Kim, K. W. Kim, S. H. Kim, S. K. Kim, S. W. Kim, W. K. Kim, Y. D. Kim, Y. H. Kim, Y. J. Ko, D. H. Lee, E. K. Lee, H. Lee, H. S. Lee, H. Y. Lee, I. S. Lee, J. Lee, J. Y. Lee, M. H. Lee, S. H. Lee, S. M. Lee, Y. J. Lee, D. S. Leonard, N. T. Luan, B. B. Manzato, R. H. Maruyama, R. J. Neal, J. A. Nikkel, S. L. Olsen, B. J. Park, H. K. Park, H. S. Park, J. C. Park, K. S. Park, S. D. Park, R. L. C. Pitta, H. Prihtiadi, S. J. Ra, C. Rott, A. Scar, K. A. Shin, M. K. Son, N. J. C. Spooner, L. T. Truc, L. Yang, G. H. Yu, for COSINE-100

    COSINE-100 is a dark matter direct detection experiment with 106 kg NaI(Tl) as the target material. 210Pb and daughter isotopes are a dominant background in the WIMP region of interest and are detected via beta decay and alpha decay. Analysis of the alpha channel complements the background model as observed in the beta/gamma channel. We present the measurement of the quenching factors and Monte Carlo simulation results and activity quantification of the alpha decay components of the COSINE-100 NaI(Tl) crystals. The data strongly indicate that the alpha decays probabilistically undergo two possible quenching factors but require further investigation. The fitted results are consistent with independent measurements and improve the overall understanding of the COSINE-100 backgrounds. Furthermore, the half-life of 216Po has been measured to be 143.4 +/- 1.2 ms, which is consistent and more precise than recent measurements.


  • Two fluids higher dimensional FRW cosmological model rejuvenating the cosmological tests of parametrization of Hubble Parameter in Lyra geometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Syed Sabanam, Kangujam Priyokumar Singh

    This paper has studied five-dimensional FRW cosmological models for k=-1,0,1in the presence of two perfect fluids namely ordinary baryonic fluid and a bizarre creating dark energy within the framework of Lyra's manifold (Lyra 1951). We have obtained the exact solution of the equation assuming the parametrization of the Hubble parameter and the relation between metric coefficients. They lead to the shift from the past decelerating universe to the current accelerating universe in a time-dependent deceleration parameter. We have also constrained our proposed model parameters with 46 observational Hubble datasets. Numerous cosmological parameters have been examined about the universe's history. As such, our model can be considered a realistic one.

  • Graviton Mass and Entanglement Islands in Low Spacetime Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hao Geng

    It has been conjectured and proven that entanglement island is not consistent with long-range (massless) gravity in a large class of spacetimes, including typical asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes, in high spacetime dimensions. The conjecture and its proof are motivated by the observation that existing constructions of entanglement islands in high dimensions are all in gravitational theories where the graviton is massive for which the standard gravitational Gauss' law doesn't apply. In this letter, we show that this observation persists to lower dimensional cases. We achieve this goal by providing a unified description of the gravitational Gauss' law violation in island models that can work in any dimensions. This unified description teaches us new lessons on entanglement islands and subregion physics in quantum gravity. We focus on the case of the (1+1)-dimensional Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity for the purpose of demonstration.

  • Closed-form expressions for smeared bi-distributions of a massless scalar field: non-perturbative and asymptotic results in relativistic quantum information.- [PDF] - [Article]

    T. Rick Perche

    Using spacetime Gaussian test functions, we find closed-form expressions for the smeared Wightman function, Feynman propagator, retarded and advanced Green's functions, causal propagator and symmetric propagator of a massless scalar field in the vacuum of Minkowski spacetime. We apply our results to localized quantum systems which interact with a quantum field in Gaussian spacetime regions and study different relativistic quantum information protocols. In the protocol of entanglement harvesting, we find a closed-form expression for the entanglement that can be acquired by probes which interact in Gaussian spacetime regions and obtain asymptotic results for the protocol. We also revisit the case of two gapless detectors and show that the detectors can become entangled if there is two-way signalling between their interaction regions, providing closed-form expressions for the detectors' final state.

  • Post-Newtonian limit of generalized scalar-teleparallel theories of gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manuel Hohmann, Ulbossyn Ualikhanova

    We propose a general class of scalar-teleparallel theories, which are based on a scalar field which is coupled to a flat connection with torsion and nonmetricity, and study its post-Newtonian limit using the parametrized post-Newtonian formalism. We find that among this class there are theories whose post-Newtonian limit fully agrees with general relativity; for others only the parameters $\beta$ and $\gamma$ deviate from their general relativity values $\beta = \gamma = 1$, while all other parameters remain the same, thus preserving total momentum conservation, local Lorentz invariance and local position invariance; finally, we also find theories whose post-Newtonian limit is pathological. Our main result is a full classification of the proposed theories into these different cases. We apply our findings to a number of simpler classes of theories and show that for these a subset of the aforementioned cases can be found.

  • The superradiant instability spectrum of the hydrodynamic vortex model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shahar Hod

    We study analytically the superradiant instability properties of the hydrodynamic vortex model, an asymptotically flat acoustic geometry which, like the spinning Kerr black-hole spacetime, possesses an effective ergoregion. In particular, we derive a compact analytical formula for the complex resonant frequencies that characterize the long-wavelength dynamics of sound modes in this physically interesting acoustic spacetime.

  • Cornering gravitational entropy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jani Kastikainen, Andrew Svesko

    We present a new derivation of gravitational entropy functionals in higher-curvature theories of gravity using corner terms that are needed to ensure well-posedness of the variational principle in the presence of corners. This is accomplished by cutting open a manifold with a conical singularity into a wedge with boundaries intersecting at a corner. Notably, our observation provides a rigorous definition of the action of a conical singularity that does not require regularization. For Einstein gravity, we compute the R\'enyi entropy of gravitational states with either fixed-periodicity or fixed-area boundary conditions. The entropy functional for fixed-area states is equal to the corner term, whose extremization follows from the variation of the Einstein action of the wedge under transverse diffeomorphisms. For general Lovelock gravity the entropy functional of fixed-periodicity states is equal to the Jacobson--Myers (JM) functional, while fixed-area states generalize to fixed-JM-functional states, having a flat spectrum. Extremization of the JM functional is shown to coincide with the variation of the Lovelock action of the wedge. For arbitrary $F$(Riemann) gravity, under special periodic boundary conditions, we recover the Dong--Lewkowycz entropy for fixed-periodicity states. Since the variational problem in the presence of corners is not well-posed, we conjecture the generalization of fixed-area states does not exist for such theories without additional boundary conditions. Thus, our work suggests the existence of entropy functionals is tied to the existence of corner terms which make the Dirichlet variational problem well-posed.

  • On the tensorial structure of general covariant quantum systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gabriel M.Carral, Iñaki Garay, Francesca Vidotto

    The definition of a quantum system requires a Hilbert space, a way to define the dynamics, and an algebra of observables. The structure of the observable algebra is related to a tensor product decomposition of the Hilbert space and represents the composition of the system by subsystems. It has been remarked that the Hamiltonian may determine this tensor product structure. Here we observe that this fact may lead to questionable consequences in some cases, and does extend to the more general background-independent case, where the Hamiltonian is replaced by a Hamiltonian constraint. These observations reinforces the idea that specifying the observables and the way they interplay with the dynamics, is essential to define a quantum theory. We also reflect on the general role that system decomposition has in the quantum theory.

  • Weyl quadratic gravity as a gauge theory and non-metricity vs torsion duality.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Condeescu, D. M. Ghilencea, A. Micu

    We review (non-supersymmetric) gauge theories of four-dimensional space-time symmetries and their quadratic action. The only true gauge theory of such a symmetry (with a physical gauge boson) that has an exact geometric interpretation, generates Einstein gravity in its spontaneously broken phase and is anomaly-free, is that of Weyl gauge symmetry (of dilatations). Gauging the full conformal group does not generate a true gauge theory of physical (dynamical) associated gauge bosons. Regarding the Weyl gauge symmetry, it is naturally realised in Weyl conformal geometry, where it admits two different but equivalent geometric formulations, of same action: one non-metric but torsion-free, the other Weyl gauge-covariant and metric (with respect to a new differential operator). To clarify the origin of this intriguing result, a third equivalent formulation of this gauge symmetry is constructed in the standard way on the tangent space (uplifted to space-time by the vielbein), which is metric but has vectorial torsion. This shows an interesting duality vectorial non-metricity vs vectorial torsion, related to a projective transformation. We comment on the physical meaning of these results.

  • Nonextensive entropies impact onto thermodynamics and phase structure of Kerr-Newman black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Ghaffari, G. G. Luciano, A. Sheykhi

    Taking the nonextensive Tsallis and R\'enyi entropies into account, we explore thermodynamic properties and phase transitions of the Kerr-Newman black holes (KNBH) in the microcanonical and canonical ensembles. We also compare our results with those obtained by attributing the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy bound to the mentioned black holes. Our analysis indicates that, similarly to the standard Boltzmann picture, isolated KNBH in the microcanonical approach are stable against axisymmetric perturbations in both Tsallis and R\'enyi models. On the other hand, in considering the case when the black holes are enveloped by a bath of thermal radiation in the canonical treatment, the KNBH based on the Tsallis and R\'enyi entropies can be stable for some values of the entropy parameters, in contrast to the traditional Boltzmann framework. For the case of R\'enyi entropy, we find that a Hawking-Page transition and a first order small black hole/large black hole transition can occur in a similar fashion as in rotating black holes in an anti-de Sitter space. Finally, we employ the Ruppeneir geometrothermodynamic technique to provide a new perspective on studying the nature of interactions between black hole microstructures, revealing a non-trivial impact of nonextensive entropies.

  • Mechanical cosmology: simulating inflationary models in synthetic mechanical lattices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Brendan Rhyno, Ivan Velkovsky, Peter Adshead, Bryce Gadway, Smitha Vishveshwara

    Inspired by recent advances in observational astrophysics and continued explorations in the field of analog gravity, we discuss the prospect of simulating models of cosmology within the context of synthetic mechanical lattice experiments. We focus on the physics of expanding Universe scenarios described by the Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric. Specifically, quantizing scalar fluctuations in a background FLRW spacetime leads to a quadratic bosonic Hamiltonian with temporally varying pair production terms. Here we present a mapping that provides a one-to-one correspondence between these classes of cosmology models and physical mechanical oscillator systems. As proof-of-principle, we then perform experiments on an actual synthetic lattice system composed of such oscillators. We simulate two different FLRW expansion scenarios driven by inflationary dark energy- and matter-dominated Universes and discuss our experimental results.

  • Considering a superposition of classical reference frames.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Elliott Tammaro, Hunter Angle, Edmund Mbadu

    A ubiquitous feature of quantum mechanical theories is the existence of states of superposition. This is expected to be no different for a quantum gravity theory. Guided by this consideration and others we consider a framework in which classical reference frames may be in superposition relative to one another. Mirroring standard quantum mechanics we introduce a complex-valued wavefunctional, which takes as input the transformations between the coordinates, $\Psi[x(x')]$, with the interpretation that an interaction between the reference frames may select a particular transformation with probability distribution given by the Born rule - $P[x(x')] = \text{probability distribution functional} \equiv \vert \Psi[x(x')] \vert^2$. The cases of two and three reference frames in superposition are considered explicitly. It is shown that the set of transformations is closed. A rule for transforming wavefunctions from one system to another system in superposition is proposed and consistency with the Schrodinger equation is demonstrated.

  • Holographic study on Einstein ring for a charged black hole in conformal gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xin-Yun Hu, Xiao-Xiong Zeng, Li-Fang Li, Peng Xu

    With the help of AdS/CFT correspondence, the Einstein ring of a charged black hole in conformal gravity has been studied. Imposing an oscillating Gauss source on one side of the AdS boundary which propagates in the bulk, we derive the response function on the other side of the boundary. With the proposed wave optics system, we observe the Einstein ring as expect. The results reveal that when the observer locates at the north pole, the Einstein ring and surrounding concentric stripes always exist. While the observer departs away from the north pole, the ring becomes into a luminosity-deformed ring or light spot. We also investigate the effect of temperature $T$, chemical potential $u$ and gravity-related parameters $c_0$ on the ring radius. We find the ring radius increases with the decrease of the temperature, increase of the chemical potential, and increase of the gravity-related parameters respectively. To check the results in the framework of holography, we investigate the ingong angle of photon at the photon ring via geometric optics and find it is consistent with the angle of Einstein ring obtained via holography.

  • No black hole bomb for $D$-dimensional non-extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes against charged massive scalar perturbation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jia-Hui Huang

    The superradiant stability of asymptotically flat $D$-dimensional non-extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes under charged massive scalar perturbation is analytically studied. In previous works, it proved that there are no black hole bombs for five and six-dimensional non-extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes against charged massive scalar perturbation. In this work, we extend the previous discussions to the $D$-dimensional case ($D\geq7$) and find that the same conclusion holds in arbitrary higher dimensional case.

  • The Subtle Simplicity of Cosmological Correlators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chandramouli Chowdhury, Arthur Lipstein, Jiajie Mei, Ivo Sachs, Pierre Vanhove

    We investigate cosmological correlators for conformally coupled $\phi^4$ theory in four-dimensional de Sitter space. These \textit{in-in} correlators differ from scattering amplitudes for massless particles in flat space due to the spacelike structure of future infinity in de Sitter. They also require a regularization which preserves de Sitter-invariance, which makes the flat space limit subtle to define at loop-level. Nevertheless we find that up to two loops, the \textit{in-in} correlators are structurally simpler than the wave function and have the same transcendentality as flat space amplitudes. Moreover, we show that their loop integrands can be recast in terms of flat space integrands and can be derived from a novel recursion relation.

  • Geometry of teleparallel theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexey Golovnev

    I give a brief introduction to and explain the geometry of teleparallel models of modified gravity. In particular I explain why, in my opinion, the covariantised approaches are not needed and the Weitzenb\"ock connection is the most natural representation of the parallel transport structure. An interesting point is that it also applies to the symmetric teleparallel case. I also share my thoughts on why the teleparallel framework does not seem to be a next rung in the ladder of understanding the real worlds' gravity. At the same time, these theories do have a clear and justified academic interest to them.

  • Setting the connection free in the Galilei and Carroll expansions of gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jørgen Musaeus, Niels A. Obers, Gerben Oling

    We obtain a Palatini-type formulation for the Galilei and Carroll expansions of general relativity, where the connection is promoted to a variable. Known versions of these large and small speed of light expansions are derived from the Einstein-Hilbert action and involve dynamical Newton-Cartan or Carroll geometry, along with additional gauge fields at subleading orders. The corresponding Palatini actions that we obtain in this paper are derived from an appropriate expansion of the Einstein-Palatini action, and the connection variable reduces to the Galilei- or Carroll-adapted connection on shell. In particular, we present the Palatini form for the next-to-leading order Galilean action and recover the known equations of motion. We also compute the leading-order Palatini-type action for the Carrollian case and show that, while it depends on the connection variable, it reduces on shell to the known action of electric Carroll gravity, which only depends on extrinsic curvature.

  • Area metric gravity revisited.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Johanna N. Borissova, Bianca Dittrich, Kirill Krasnov

    Area metrics are an intriguing generalization of length metrics which appears in several quantum-gravity approaches. We describe the space of diffeomorphism-invariant area-metric actions quadratic in fluctuations and derivatives. A general theory is found to be specified by four parameters, two of which are mass parameters for the non-length degrees of freedom. We find that a two-parameter subclass of theories exhibits an additional shift symmetry of the kinetic term, and leads to a ghost-free graviton propagator for the effective theory obtained after integrating out the non-length degrees of freedom. One of the two parameters determines the strength of parity violations, the other defines a mass parameter for the non-length degrees of freedom. The same type of action has been found to appear from modified Plebanski theory and in the continuum limit of (effective) spin foams. We moreover find that area-metric actions in Lorentzian (but not in Euclidean) signature feature wrong-sign kinetic and mass terms for the non-length degrees of freedom. Nevertheless, despite a coupling of these degrees of freedom to the length metric, the linearized dynamics turns out to be stable for the above subclass of actions.

  • Hybrid classical-quantum systems in terms of moments.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David Brizuela, Sara F. Uria

    We present a consistent formalism to describe the dynamics of hybrid systems with mixed classical and quantum degrees of freedom. The probability function of the system, which, in general, will be a combination of the classical distribution function and the quantum density matrix, is described in terms of its corresponding moments. We then define a hybrid Poisson bracket, such that the dynamics of the moments is ruled by an effective Hamiltonian. In particular, a closed formula for the Poisson brackets between any two moments for an arbitrary number of degrees of freedom is presented, which corrects previous expressions derived in the literature for the purely quantum case. This formula is of special relevance for practical applications of the formalism. Finally, we study the dynamics of a particular hybrid system given by two coupled oscillators, one being quantum and the other classical. Due to the coupling, specific quantum and classical properties are transferred between different sectors. In particular, the quantum sector is allowed to violate the uncertainty relation, though we explicitly show that there exists a minimum positive bound of the total uncertainty of the hybrid system.

  • Singularity avoidance from path integral.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ribhu Paul, Sumanta Chakraborty

    We have demonstrated that the wave functional describing the quantum nature of the spacetime inside the black hole horizon, vanishes near the singularity, using the path integral formalism. This is akin to the DeWitt criterion, applied to the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole. To achieve the same we have expressed the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole as a Kantowski-Sachs spacetime and have applied the minisuperspace formalism to determine an exact form of the propagator, and hence the wave function near the singularity, using path integral over the reduced phase space. It is to be emphasized that our result is exact and not a saddle point approximation to the path integral.

  • Higher-Order Gravity, Finite Action, and a Safe Beginning for the Universe.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jean-Luc Lehners, K. S. Stelle

    General relativity allows for inhomogeneous and anisotropic universes with finite action. By contrast, in quadratic gravity such solutions obtain infinite action and are thus eliminated. What remains are homogeneous and isotropic solutions undergoing accelerated expansion, thereby automatically inducing an early inflationary phase. In this manner, semi-classical consistency may explain some of the basic, coarse-grained features of the early universe. This includes suitable initial conditions for the second law of thermodynamics, in the spirit of the Weyl curvature hypothesis. We note that quadratic gravity is a renormalisable theory and may admit an asymptotically safe regime at high energies, rendering the theory trustworthy to high energies. We also comment on theories containing curvature terms up to infinite derivative order, and on the contrast with no-boundary initial conditions.

  • Spontaneous and Explicit Spacetime Symmetry Breaking in Einstein-Cartan Theory with Background Fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Robert Bluhm, Yu Zhi

    Explicit and spontaneous breaking of spacetime symmetry under diffeomorphisms, local translations, and local Lorentz transformations due to the presence of fixed background fields is examined in Einstein-Cartan theory. In particular, the roles of torsion and violation of local translation invariance are highlighted. The nature of the types of background fields that can arise and how they cause spacetime symmetry breaking is discussed. With explicit breaking, potential no-go results are known to exist, which if not evaded lead to inconsistencies between the Bianchi identities, Noether identities, and the equations of motion. These are examined in detail, and the effects of nondynamical backgrounds and explicit breaking on the energy-momentum tensor when torsion is present are discussed as well. Examples illustrating various features of both explicit and spontaneous breaking of local translations are presented and compared to the case of diffeomorphism breaking.

  • Template bank for compact binary mergers in the fourth observing run of Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo, and KAGRA.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shio Sakon, Leo Tsukada, Heather Fong, Chad Hanna, James Kennington, Wanting Niu, Shomik Adhicary, Pratyusava Baral, Amanda Baylor, Kipp Cannon, Sarah Caudill, Bryce Cousins, Jolien D. E. Creighton, Becca Ewing, Patrick Godwin, Reiko Harada, Yun-Jing Huang, Rachael Huxford, Prathamesh Joshi, Soichiro Kuwahara, Alvin K. Y. Li, Ryan Magee, Duncan Meacher, Cody Messick, Soichiro Morisaki, Debnandini Mukherjee, Alex Pace, Cort Posnansky, Surabhi Sachdev, Divya Singh, Ron Tapia, Takuya Tsutsui, Koh Ueno, Aaron Viets, Leslie Wade, Madeline Wade, Jonathan Wang

    Matched-filtering gravitational wave search pipelines identify gravitational wave signals by computing correlations, i.e., signal-to-noise ratios, between gravitational wave detector data and gravitational wave template waveforms. Intrinsic parameters, the component masses and spins, of the gravitational wave waveforms are often stored in "template banks", and the construction of a densely populated template bank is essential for some gravitational wave search pipelines. This paper presents a template bank that is currently being used by the GstLAL-based compact binary search pipeline in the fourth observing run of the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA collaboration, and was generated with a new binary tree approach of placing templates, {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont manifold}. The template bank contains $1.8 \times 10^6$ sets of template parameters covering plausible neutron star and black hole systems up to a total mass of $400$ $M_\odot$ with component masses between $1$-$200$ $M_\odot$ and mass ratios between $1$ and $20$ under the assumption that each component object's angular momentum is aligned with the orbital angular momentum. We validate the template bank generated with our new method, {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont manifold}, by comparing it with a template bank generated with the previously used stochastic template placement method. We show that both template banks have similar effectualness. The {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont GstLAL} search pipeline performs singular value decomposition (SVD) on the template banks to reduce the number of filters used. We describe a new grouping of waveforms that improves the computational efficiency of SVD by nearly $5$ times as compared to previously reported SVD sorting schemes.

  • Hadrons, Superconductor Vortices, and Cosmological Constant.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Keh-Fei Liu

    We explore the roles of the trace anomaly in several hadron properties. We derive the scale invariant expression for the pressure from the gravitational form factors (GFF) of QCD which results in consistent results for the mass and rest energy from the GFF and those from the trace and the Hamiltonian of the energy-momentum tensor (EMT) operators. It is shown that the energy-equilibrium correspondence of hadrons infers an equation of state where the trace anomaly matrix element, emerging from the glue condensate in the vacuum, gives a negative constant pressure that leads to confinement, much like the confinement mechanism for the vortices in type II superconductors where the negative constant pressure is due to the cost of depleting the superconducting condensate. We also note that both the trace anomaly in the QCD energy-momentum tensor and the cosmological constant in Einstein's equation are associated with the metric term which contributes to both energy and pressure. Their difference in terms of the role the pressure plays is discussed. Finally, we note that a lattice calculation of the trace anomaly distribution in the pion has addressed a question about the trace anomaly contribution to the pion mass and suggests that there might be a connection between the conformal symmetry breaking and chiral symmetry breaking in this case.

  • Quasi-periodic relativistic shells in reflecting boundaries: How likely are black holes to form?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Takafumi Kokubu

    A system of two gravitating bodies floating around a restricted region of strong gravitational field is investigated. We consider two concentric spherically symmetric timelike shells spatially constrained by a perfectly reflecting inner and outer boundary. It is shown numerically that even when the gravitational radius of a contracting shell is larger than the radius of the inner boundary, energy transfer occurs due to the intersection with the other expanding shell before the contracting shell becomes a black hole, resulting nonlinearly stable motion. The system appears to be in a permanently stable periodic motion due to the repetition of forward and reverse energy transfer. The larger the specific energy of a shell, the more stable the motion is. In addition, the motion of the null shell as the fastest limit of the timelike shell is also investigated. Unlike the timelike shell, the motion of the two null shells reduces to exact recurrence equations. By analyzing the recurrence equations, we find the null shells also allow stable motions. Using the algebraic computation of the recurrence equations, we show numerical integration is not necessary for the nonlinear dynamics of the null shells in confined geometry.

  • Rotating black strings beyond Maxwell's electrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hamid R. Bakhtiarizadeh, Hanif Golchin

    In this paper, we investigate the asymptotically Anti de Sitter solutions of rotating black strings coupled to Born-Infeld and Modified Maxwell non-linear electrodynamics in the context of Einsteinian, Einsteinian cubic and Einsteinian quartic gravity. By studying the near-horizon behavior of solutions, we find the mass parameter, surface gravity and accordingly the Hawking temperature. We also compute the entropy, mass, angular momentum, electric charge, and the electrostatic potential of solutions to show that, in the context of above theories and in the presence of two mentioned non-linear electrodynamics, the first law of thermodynamics for rotating black strings is also exactly hold. We also investigate extremality, thermal stability and phase transition of solutions.

  • Model-independent search for the quasinormal modes of gravitational wave echoes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Di Wu, Pengyuan Gao, Jing Ren, Niayesh Afshordi

    Postmerger gravitational wave echoes provide a unique opportunity to probe the near-horizon structure of astrophysical black holes, which may be modified due to nonperturbative quantum gravity phenomena. However, since the waveform is subject to large theoretical uncertainties, it is necessary to develop search methods that are less reliant on specific models for detecting echoes from observational data. A promising strategy is to identify the characteristic quasinormal modes (QNMs) associated with echoes, {\it in frequency space}, which complements existing searches of quasiperiodic pulses in time. In this study, we build upon our previous work targeting these modes by incorporating relative phase information to optimize the Bayesian search algorithm. Using a new phase-marginalized likelihood, the performance can be significantly improved for well-resolved QNMs. This enables an efficient search for QNMs of various shapes, utilizing a simple search template that is independent of specific models. To demonstrate the robustness of the search algorithm, we construct four complementary benchmarks for the echo waveform that span a diverse range of different theoretical possibilities for the near-horizon structure. We then validate our Bayesian search algorithms by injecting the benchmark models into different realizations of Gaussian noise. Using two types of phase-marginalized likelihoods, we find that the search algorithm can efficiently detect the corresponding QNMs. Therefore, our search strategy provides a concrete Bayesian and model-independent approach to "quantum black hole seismology."

  • Stability of Non-Minimally Coupled Topological-Defect Boson Stars.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gray D. Reid, Matthew W. Choptuik

    As shown by Marunovic and Murkovic, non-minimal d-stars, composite structures consisting of a boson star and a global monopole non-minimally coupled to the general relativistic field, can have extremely high gravitational compactness. In a previous paper we demonstrated that these ground-state stationary solutions are sometimes additionally characterized by shells of bosonic matter located far from the center of symmetry. In order to investigate the question of stability posed by Marunovic and Murkovic, we investigate the stability of several families of d-stars using both numerical simulations and linear perturbation theory. For all families investigated, we find that the most highly compact solutions, along with those solutions exhibiting shells of bosonic matter, are unstable to radial perturbations and are therefore poor candidates for astrophysically-relevant black hole mimickers or other highly compact stable objects.

  • Local scale symmetry in non-riemannian geometry based gravitational theories and the role of the noether current.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. Gonzalez Quaglia, Israel Quiros

    In this paper, we delve into the significance of local scale symmetry and the role of the associated noether current, within gravitational theories which are based in non-riemannian background space. Our focus is in Weyl and in Riemann-Cartan geometry based gravitational theories. We show that local scale symmetry is associated with vanishing noether current whenever there are not new propagating gravitational degrees of freedom beyond the two polarizations of the massless graviton. In contrast, in local scale invariant theories where there are more than two propagating gravitational degrees of freedom, local scale symmetry is associated with nonvanishing noether current. The known result that Weyl symmetry has vanishing noether current, is generalized to non-riemannian gravitational theories. An exception are the local scale invariant gravitational theories with vectorial nonmetricity, where the associated noether current is nonvanishing.

  • RCCZ4: A Reference Metric Approach to Z4.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gray D. Reid, Matthew W. Choptuik

    The hyperbolic formulations of numerical relativity due to Baumgarte, Shapiro, Shibata & Nakamura (BSSN) and Nagy Ortiz & Reula (NOR), among others, achieve stability through the effective embedding of general relativity within the larger Z4 system. In doing so, various elliptic constraints are promoted to dynamical degrees of freedom, permitting the advection of constraint violating modes. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to achieve equivalent performance through a modification of fully covariant and conformal Z4 (FCCZ4) wherein constraint violations are coupled to a reference metric completely independently of the physical metric. We show that this approach works in the presence of black holes and holds up robustly in a variety of spherically symmetric simulations including the critical collapse of a scalar field. We then demonstrate that our formulation is strongly hyperbolic through the use of a pseudodifferential first order reduction and compare its hyperbolicity properties to those of FCCZ4 and generalized BSSN (GBSSN). Our present approach makes use of a static Lorentzian reference metric and does not appear to provide significant advantages over FCCZ4. However, we speculate that dynamical specification of the reference metric may provide a means of exerting greater control over constraint violations than what is provided by current BSSN-type formulations.

  • Kinetic gases in static spherically symmetric modified dispersion relations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Manuel Hohmann

    We study the dynamics of a collisionless kinetic gas in the most general static, spherically symmetric dispersion relation. For a static, spherically symmetric kinetic gas, we derive the most general solution to these dynamics, and find that any solution is given by a one-particle distribution function which depends on three variables. For two particular solutions, describing a shell of monoenergetic orbiting particles and a purely radial inflow, we calculate the particle density as a function of the radial coordinate. As a particular example, we study a $\kappa$-Poincar\'e modification of the Schwarzschild metric dispersion relation and derive its influence on the particle density. Our results provide a possible route towards quantum gravity phenomenology via the observation of matter dynamics in the vicinity of massive compact objects.

  • Reheating formulas in Quintessential Inflation via Gravitational Particle Production.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jaume de Haro

    We calculate the reheating temperature in scenarios where heavy particles are gravitationally produced during a phase transition. We explore two distinct situations: the decay of these particles both during and after the kination phase. Subsequently, we determine the respective reheating temperatures. Finally, we constrain these temperatures based on considerations related to the overproduction of Gravitational Waves during the phase transition from the end of inflation to the onset of kination.

  • Gauge-invariant cosmological perturbations in general teleparallel gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lavinia Heisenberg, Manuel Hohmann

    We study linear cosmological perturbations in the most general teleparallel gravity setting, where gravity is mediated by the torsion and nonmetricity of a flat connection alongside the metric. For a general linear perturbation of this geometry around a homogeneous and isotropic background geometry, we derive the irreducible decomposition of the perturbation variables, as well as their behavior under gauge transformations, i.e., infinitesimal diffeomorphisms generated by a vector field. In addition, we also study these properties for the most general set of matter variables and gravitational field equations. We then make use of these result to construct gauge-invariant perturbation variables, using a general approach based on gauge conditions. We further calculate these quantities also in the metric and symmetric teleparallel geometries, where nonmetricity or torsion is imposed to vanish. To illustrate our results, we derive the energy-momentum-hypermomentum conservation equations for both the cosmological background and the linear perturbations. As another example, we study the propagation of tensor perturbations in the $f(G)$, $f(T)$ and $f(Q)$ class of theories.

  • Scalarization of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole with higher gauge field corrections.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Stella Kiorpelidi, Thanasis Karakasis, George Koutsoumbas, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos

    We discuss spontaneous scalarization of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole in the presence of higher gauge field corrections that arise in the context of string, as well as higher-dimensional more fundamental gravity theories. Our theory admits the Reissner-Nordstr\"om solution at the scalar vacuum of the theory ($\phi=0$) and we find that the higher order gauge field correction term always result in the tachyonic instability of our system once the coupling function satisfies the condition that its second derivative is positive at the scalar vacuum. We find that the branches do not end with an extremal black hole, rather with a singularity as indicated by the divergence of the Kretschmann scalar. The black holes can be overcharged in the sense that they may carry larger electric charge in comparison to their mass. Finally, these solutions possess larger entropy at the event horizon radius when compared to the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole, as well as to scalarized black holes without the higher order gauge field terms, indicating in this way the thermodynamic prefer-ability of our system, when compared to existing literature, while they respect the energy conditions.

  • Unveiling Phase Space Modifications: A Clash of Modified Gravity and the Generalized Uncertainty Principle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aneta Wojnar

    This study explores the link between Modified Gravity and modifications of phase space volume. Analyzing Fermi gas modifications {in the non-relativistic limit of the} Ricci-based gravities, we derive a generalized partition function in the grand-canonical ensemble, connecting Modified Gravity models with the Generalized Uncertainty Principle. Using this correspondence, we also establish bounds on the linear Generalized Uncertainty Principle: $-6\times10^{22}\lesssim\sigma\lesssim 3\times 10^{22}{\text{ s}}/{\text{kg m}}$, as well as lower bounds for Palatini $f(R)$ gravity $\beta > -7.51587\times 10^7 \text{ m}^2$ and Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity $\epsilon > -1.88\times 10^7 \text{ m}^2$, ensuring microscopic stability. This connection also facilitates testing gravity proposals through tabletop experiments.


  • Blowing in the Dark Matter Wind.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hannah Day, Da Liu, Markus A. Luty, Yue Zhao

    Interactions between dark matter and ordinary matter will transfer momentum, and therefore give rise to a force on ordinary matter due to the dark matter `wind.' We present a realistic model of dark matter where this force can be maximal, meaning that an order-1 fraction of the dark matter momentum incident on a target of ordinary matter is reflected. The model consists of light m_\phi \sim eV scalar dark matter with an effective interaction \phi^2 \bar{\psi}\psi, where \psi is an electron or nucleon field. If the coupling is repulsive and sufficiently strong, the field \phi is excluded from ordinary matter, analogous to the Meissner effect for photons in a superconductor. We show that there is a large region of parameter space that is compatible with existing constraints, and which can be probed by sensitive force experiments, such as satellite tests of the equivalence principle and torsion balance experiments.

  • Phenomenology of a Deconstructed Electroweak Force.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joe Davighi, Alastair Gosnay, David J Miller, Sophie Renner

    We study an effective theory of flavour in which the $SU(2)_L$ interaction is `flavour-deconstructed' near the TeV scale. This arises, for example, in UV models that unify all three generations of left-handed fermions via an $Sp(6)_L$ symmetry. Flavour-universality of the electroweak force emerges accidentally (but naturally) from breaking the $\prod_{i=1}^3 SU(2)_{L,i}$ gauge group to its diagonal subgroup, delivering hierarchical fermion masses and left-handed mixing angles in the process. The heavy gauge bosons transform as two $SU(2)_L$ triplets that mediate new flavour non-universal forces. The lighter of these couples universally to the light generations, allowing consistency with flavour bounds even for a TeV scale mass. Constraints from flavour, high mass LHC searches, and electroweak precision are then highly complementary, excluding masses below 9 TeV. The heavier triplet must instead be hundreds of TeV to be consistent with meson mixing constraints. Because only the lighter triplet couples to the Higgs, we find radiative Higgs mass corrections of a few hundred GeV, meaning this model of flavour is arguably natural. The natural region will, however, be almost completely covered by the planned electroweak programme at FCC-ee. On shorter timescales, significant parameter space will be explored by the High-Luminosity LHC measurements at high-$p_T$, and upcoming lepton flavour violation experiments, principally Mu3e.

  • Hilbert series for covariants and their applications to Minimal Flavor Violation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Benjamín Grinstein, Xiaochuan Lu, Luca Merlo, Pablo Quílez

    We elaborate how to apply the Hilbert series method to enumerating group covariants, which transform under any given representation, including but going beyond group invariants. Mathematically, group covariants form a module over the ring of the invariants. The number of independent covariants is given by the rank of the module, which can be computed by taking a ratio of two Hilbert series. In many cases, the rank equals the dimension of the group covariant representation. When this happens, we say that there is a \textit{rank saturation}. We apply this technology to revisit the hypothesis of Minimal Flavor Violation in constructing Effective Field Theories beyond the Standard Model. We find that rank saturation is guaranteed in this case, leading to the important consequence that the MFV symmetry principle does not impose any restriction on the EFT, \textit{i.e.} MFV SMEFT = SMEFT, in the absence of additional assumptions.

  • Neutrino masses from new Weinberg-like operators: Phenomenology of TeV scalar multiplets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessio Giarnetti, Juan Herrero-Garcia, Simone Marciano, Davide Meloni, Drona Vatsyayan

    The unique dimension-$5$ effective operator, $LLHH$, known as the Weinberg operator, generates tiny Majorana masses for neutrinos after electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking. If there are new scalar multiplets that take vacuum expectation values (VEVs), they should not be far from the electroweak scale. Consequently, they may generate new dimension-$5$ Weinberg-like operators which in turn also contribute to Majorana neutrino masses. In this study, we consider scenarios with one or two new scalars up to quintuplet SU(2) representations. We analyse the scalar potentials, studying whether the new VEVs can be induced and therefore are naturally suppressed, as well as the potential existence of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. Additionally, we also obtain general limits on the new scalar multiplets from direct searches at colliders, loop corrections to electroweak precision tests and the $W$-boson mass.

  • Non-Polynomial Interactions as a Path Towards a Non-Renormalizable UV-Completion.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mikhail Shaposhnikov, Sebastian Zell

    We propose a new class of single-field scalar quantum field theories with non-polynomial interactions leading to a two-point Green's function that can be naturally continued beyond the naive cutoff scale. This provides a new prospect for self-completing theories in the UV-domain. In our approach, the formal power series for the scalar potential has a vanishing radius of convergence and is defined through Borel resummation. We discuss concrete examples, among others with a spectral function that vanishes at large momenta, potentially leading to an asymptotically free theory. Finally, we give an outlook on future research, with a view towards possible applications to inflation and gravity.

  • An EFT approach to baryon number violation: lower limits on the new physics scale and correlations between nucleon decay modes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arnau Bas i Beneito, John Gargalionis, Juan Herrero-Garcia, Arcadi Santamaria, Michael A. Schmidt

    Baryon number is an accidental symmetry of the Standard Model at the Lagrangian level. Its violation is arguably one of the most compelling phenomena predicted by physics beyond the Standard Model. Furthermore, there is a large experimental effort to search for it including the Hyper-K, DUNE, JUNO, and THEIA experiments. Therefore, an agnostic, model-independent, analysis of baryon number violation using the power of Effective Field Theory is very timely. In particular, in this work we study the contribution of dimension six and seven effective operators to $|\Delta (B-L)|=0, \, 2$ nucleon decays taking into account the effects of Renormalisation Group Evolution. We obtain lower limits on the energy scale of each operator and study the correlations between different decay modes. We find that for some operators the effect of running is very significant.

  • JLab spectral functions of argon in NuWro and their implications for MicroBooNE.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rwik Dharmapal Banerjee, Artur M. Ankowski, Krzysztof M. Graczyk, Beata E. Kowal, Hemant Prasad, Jan T. Sobczyk

    The Short-Baseline Neutrino program in Fermilab aims to resolve the nature of the low-energy excess events observed in LSND and MiniBooNE, and analyze with unprecedented precision neutrino interactions with argon. These studies require reliable estimate of neutrino cross sections, in particular for charged current quasielastic scattering (CCQE). Here, we report updates of the NuWro Monte Carlo generator that, most notably, bring the state-of-the-art spectral functions to model the ground state properties of the argon nucleus, and improve the accuracy of the cross sections at low energies by accounting for the effects of the nuclear Coulomb potential. We discuss these developments in the context of electron and neutrino interactions, by comparing updated NuWro predictions to experimental data from Jefferson Laboratory Hall A and MicroBooNE. The MicroBooNE CCQE data are described with the $\chi^2$ per degree of freedom of 0.7, compared with 1.0 in the local Fermi gas model. The largest improvement is observed for the angular distributions of the produced protons, where the $\chi^2$ reduces nearly by half. Being obtained using the axial form factor parametrization from MINERvA, our results indicate a~consistency between the CCQE measurements in MINERvA and MicroBooNE.

  • FIMP Dark Matter at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Susanne Westhoff

    This brief summary targets feebly interacting massive particles, FIMPs, which are interesting candidates for dark matter. The cosmic history of FIMP dark matter often leads to predictions of long-lived mediator particles at laboratory experiments. I point out the role of the LHC in searching for such particles and sketch its complementarity with low-energy experiments.

  • Masses and Magnetic Moments of Doubly Heavy Tetraquarks via Diffusion Monte Carlo Method.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Halil Mutuk

    We present mass spectrum and magnetic moments of the $\bar{n}\bar{n}QQ$ states, where $n=u,d,s$ and $Q=c,b$. We solve four-body Schr\"odinger equation with a quark potential model by using diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) method. The quark potential is based on the Coulomb, confinement and spin-spin interaction terms. We find mass and magnetic moment of the $T_{cc}^+$ state as $M_{T_{cc}^+}=3892 ~\text{MeV}$ and $\mu=0.28 \mu_N$, respectively. We also find the mass and magnetic moment of $T_{bb}^-$ as $M_{T_{bb}^-}=10338 ~\text{MeV}$ and $\mu=-0.32 \mu_N$, respectively. We find some bound state candidates of doubly heavy tetraquark systems with $I(J^P)=0(1)^+$ $nn \bar b \bar b$, $I(J^P)=0(0)^+$ $nn \bar c \bar b$, $I(J^P)=0(1)^+$ $nn \bar c \bar b$, and $I(J^P)=1/2(1)^+$ $ns \bar b \bar b$. We compare our results with other approaches in the literature.

  • Testing Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis for Non-Abelian Gauge Theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiaojun Yao, Lukas Ebner, Berndt Müller, Andreas Schäfer, Clemens Seidl

    We report on progress in full quantum understanding of thermalization in non-Abelian gauge theories. Specifically, we test the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for (2+1)-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory.

  • $M_W$ in String Derived $Z'$ Models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alon E. Faraggi, Mark D. Goodsell

    We introduce a phenomenological model for a string-derived $Z'$ scenario, and study its predictions for the mass of the W boson. In the process, we compare it to collider constraints for both pair-produced particles, Higgs boson properties, and $Z'$ searches. We also describe the implementation of new tools in the scanning code BSMArt.

  • The Minimal Massive Majoron Seesaw Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arturo de Giorgi, Luca Merlo, Xavier Ponce Díaz, Stefano Rigolin

    A convincing explanation of the smallness of neutrino masses is represented by the Type-I Seesaw mechanism, where the two measured neutrino mass differences can be generated by introducing at least two right-handed neutrinos. In an ultraviolet complete model, it is possible to dynamically generate the heavy Majorana scale through the spontaneous symmetry breaking of a global Abelian symmetry and the most economical realisation consists in coupling the two exotic neutral leptons to a singlet complex scalar field. The associated Goldstone boson is often dubbed as Majoron, which may achieve a non-vanishing mass by means of a small term that explicitly breaks the Abelian symmetry. In a generic model, the neutrino and Majoron mass generation mechanisms are completely uncorrelated. In this paper, instead, we reduce the landscape of possible models proposing a unique, minimal and predictive framework in which these two types of masses are strictly tied and arise from the same source. Bounds from various terrestrial and astrophysical experiments are discussed.

  • Anomalous Thresholds for the S-matrix of Unstable Particles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Katsuki Aoki, Yu-tin Huang

    In this work, we study the analytic properties of S-matrix for unstable particles, which is defined as the residues on the unphysical sheets where unstable poles reside. We demonstrate that anomalous threshold associated with UV physics is unavoidable for unstable particles. This is in contrast to stable particles, where the anomalous thresholds are due to IR physics, set by the scale of the external kinematics. As a result any dispersive representation for the amplitude will involve contributions from these thresholds that are not computable from the IR theory, and thus invalidates general positivity bound. Indeed using toy models, we explicitly demonstrate that the four-derivative couplings for unstable particles can become negative, violating positivity bounds even for non-gravitational theories. Along the way we show that contributions from anomalous thresholds in a given channel can be captured by the double discontinuity of that channel.

  • Multi-Higgs Boson Production with Anomalous Interactions at Current and Future Proton Colliders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andreas Papaefstathiou, Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi

    We investigate multi-Higgs boson production at proton colliders, in a framework involving anomalous interactions, focusing on triple Higgs boson production. We consider modifications to the Higgs boson self-couplings, to the Yukawa interactions, as well as new contact interactions of Higgs bosons with either quarks or gluons. To this end, we have developed a MadGraph5_aMC@NLO loop model, publicly available at, designed to incorporate the relevant operators in the production of multiple Higgs bosons (and beyond). We have performed cross section fits at various energies over the anomalous interactions, and have derived constraints on the most relevant anomalous coefficients, through detailed phenomenological analyses at proton-proton collision energies of 13.6 TeV and 100 TeV, through the 6 $b$-jet final state.

  • A Possible Reason of Difficulty in the Interpretation of Deuteron Compositeness.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zanpeng Yin, Daisuke Jido

    We study the theoretical structure of compositeness with explicit energy dependence, and find a possible explanation for the difficulty in the interpretation of compositeness of deuteron. Compositeness of deuteron is calculated as larger than one in many methods like weak-binding limit. Even though it is widely assumed that the energy dependence in interaction always comes from other states, which we call surjective interpretation, we find that the outcome of deuteron may suggest a violation of surjective interpretation. We directly perform numerical and perturbative calculations of compositeness of deuteron. It is concluded that if the energy dependent part of interaction contributes to attraction, compositeness is likely to be enhanced from unity. We discuss the indications of this outcome and the model dependence of compositeness. We propose a straightforward extension and a thourough revise on the formalism of compositeness with field theory considerations.

  • Quarkonium spectral functions in a bulk-viscous quark-gluon plasma.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lata Thakur, Yuji Hirono

    We study the interplay of non-equilibrium properties of a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and heavy quarkonia. For this purpose, we compute the quarkonium spectral functions in a bulk-viscous QGP. We take into account the bulk viscous nature of the medium by modifying the distribution functions of thermal quarks and gluons. This modification affects the dielectric permittivity, which is used to calculate the in-medium heavy quark potential. With this modified complex potential, we calculate the quarkonium spectral functions and extract their physical properties. We discuss the impact of bulk viscosity on quarkonia properties such as decay widths and binding energies. We also estimate the relative production yield of $ \psi' $ to $ J/\psi $ and discuss the bulk viscous effects on it.

  • Spectrum of the molecular pentaquarks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bo Wang, Kan Chen, Lu Meng, Shi-Lin Zhu

    We investigate the mass spectrum of the molecular pentaquarks composed of a baryon and a meson. We establish the underlying relations among the near-threshold interactions of the molecular tetraquark and pentaquark systems. We find the existence of the molecule candidates in the $\Sigma_c\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$, $DD^\ast$, and $D\bar{D}^\ast$ systems indicates a substantial presence of the hadronic molecules in the {\it heavy} baryon plus {\it heavy} meson systems ({\it heavy} refers to the hadrons with the $c$ and/or $s$ quarks). We make an exhaustive prediction of the possible bound/virtual molecular states in the systems: $\Sigma_{c}^{(\ast)}\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$, $\Sigma_{c}^{(\ast)}D^{(\ast)}$, $\Xi_{c}^{(\prime,\ast)}\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$, $\Xi_{c}^{(\prime,\ast)}D^{(\ast)}$, $\Sigma_{c}^{(\ast)}K^{\ast}$, $\Sigma_{c}^{(\ast)}\bar{K}^{\ast}$, $\Xi_{c}^{(\prime,\ast)}K^{\ast}$, $\Xi_{c}^{(\prime,\ast)}\bar{K}^{\ast}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{(\ast)}\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{(\ast)}D^{(\ast)}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{(\ast)}K^{\ast}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{(\ast)}\bar{K}^{\ast}$, $\Sigma^{(\ast)}\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$, $\Sigma^{(\ast)}D^{(\ast)}$, $\Xi^{(\ast)}\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$, $\Xi^{(\ast)}D^{(\ast)}$, $\Sigma^{(\ast)} K^\ast$, $\Sigma^{(\ast)} \bar{K}^\ast$, $\Xi^{(\ast)} K^\ast$, $\Xi^{(\ast)} \bar{K}^\ast$. Hunting for the predicted states in experiments will significantly deepen our understanding of the formation mechanism of the hadronic molecules, and shed light on the manifestation of flavor symmetry in the low-energy residual strong interactions.

  • Comment on applying dispersion relations to amplitudes with infrared singularities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    B.I. Ermolaev, S.I. Troyan

    Dispersion Relations (DR) are known to be a powerful instrument for studying scattering amplitudes. In particular, they often apply to calculations in Perturbative QCD and Standard Model. We argue that applying DR to amplitudes with double-logarithmic (DL) contributions should be done with a proper caution because DL terms are often infrared-divergent. Ignoring this circumstance leads to incorrect results. As an example of such situation, we consider applying DR to decays of on-shell W and Z -bosons into fermion pairs in the Double-Logarithmic Approximation

  • Nucleon to $\Delta$ axial and pseudoscalar transition form factors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chen Chen, Christian S. Fischer, Craig D. Roberts

    A symmetry-preserving continuum approach to the calculation of baryon properties in relativistic quantum field theory is used to predict all form factors associated with nucleon-to-$\Delta$ axial and pseudoscalar transition currents, thereby unifying them with many additional properties of these and other baryons. The new parameter-free predictions can serve as credible benchmarks for use in analysing existing and anticipated data from worldwide efforts focused on elucidation of $\nu$ properties.

  • On the molecular nature of the $\Omega_c(3120)$ and its analogy with the $\Omega(2012)$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Natsumi Ikeno, Wei-Hong Liang, Eulogio Oset

    We make a study of the $\Omega_c(3120)$, one of the five $\Omega_c$ states observed by the LHCb collaboration, which is well reproduced as a molecular state from the $\Xi^*_c \bar K$ and $\Omega^*_c \eta$ channels mostly. The state with $J^P = 3/2^-$ decays to $\Xi_c \bar K$ in $D$-wave and we include this decay channel in our approach, as well as the effect of the $\Xi^*_c$ width. With all these ingredients, we determine the fraction of the $\Omega_c(3120)$ width that goes into $\Xi_c \pi \bar K$, which could be a measure of the $\Xi^*_c \bar K$ molecular component, but due to a relatively big binding, compared to its analogous $\Omega(2012)$ state, we find only a small fraction of about 3%, which makes this measurement difficult with present statistics. As an alternative, we evaluate the scattering length and effective range of the $\Xi^*_c \bar K$ and $\Omega^*_c \eta$ channels which together with the binding and width of the $\Omega_c(3120)$ state, could give us an answer to the issue of the compositeness of this state when these magnitudes are determined experimentally, something feasible nowadays, for instance, measuring correlation functions.

  • Towards a realistic setup for a dynamical measurement of deviations from Newton's $1/r^2$ law: the impact of air viscosity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros, Andrea Donini, Gabriel Molina-Terriza, Francesc Monrabal, Ander Simón

    A novel experimental setup to measure deviations from the $1/r^2$ distance dependence of Newtonian gravity was proposed in arXiv:1609.05654. The underlying theoretical idea was to study the orbits of a microscopically-sized planetary system composed of a ``Satellite'', with mass $m_{\rm S} \sim {\cal O}(10^{-9})$ g, and a ``Planet'', with mass $M_{\rm P} \sim {\cal O} (10^{-5}) $ g at an initial distance of hundreds of microns. The detection of precession of the orbit in this system would be an unambiguous indication of a central potential with terms that scale with the distance differently from $1/r$. This is a huge advantage with respect to the measurement of the absolute strength of the attraction between two bodies, as most electrically-induced background potentials do indeed scale as $1/r$. Detection of orbit precession is unaffected by these effects, allowing for better sensitivities. In arXiv:2106.08611, the impact of other subleading backgrounds that may induce orbit precession, such as, {\em e.g.}, the electrical Casimir force or general relativity, was studied in detail. It was found that the proposed setup could test Yukawa-like corrections, $\alpha \times \exp(-r/\lambda)$, to the $1/r$ potential with couplings as low as $\alpha \sim 10^{-2}$ for distances as small as $\lambda \sim 10$ $\mu$m, improving by roughly an order of magnitude present bounds. In this paper, we start to move from a theoretical study of the proposal to a more realistic implementation of the experimental setup. As a first step, we study the impact of air viscosity on the proposed setup and see how the setup should be modified in order to preserve the theoretical sensitivity achieved in our previous works.

  • Non-Canonical Nucleon Decays as Window into Light New Physics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kåre Fridell, Chandan Hati, Volodymyr Takhistov

    Nucleon decays are generic predictions of motivated theories, including those based on the unification of forces and supersymmetry. We demonstrate that non-canonical nucleon decays offer a unique opportunity to broadly probe light new particles beyond the Standard Model with masses below $\sim$few GeV over decades in mass range, including axion-like particles, dark photons, sterile neutrinos, and scalar dark matter. Conventional searches can misinterpret and even completely miss such new physics. We propose a general strategy based on momenta of visible decay final states to probe these processes, offering a rich physics program for existing and upcoming experiments such as Super-Kamiokande, Hyper-Kamiokande, DUNE, and JUNO.

  • Anomalies and Persistent Order in the Chiral Gross-Neveu model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Riccardo Ciccone, Lorenzo Di Pietro, Marco Serone

    We study the $2d$ chiral Gross-Neveu model at finite temperature $T$ and chemical potential $\mu$. The analysis is performed by relating the theory to a $SU(N)\times U(1)$ Wess-Zumino-Witten model with appropriate levels and global identifications necessary to keep track of the fermion spin structures. We study the two-point function of a certain composite fermion operator which allows us to determine the remnants for $T>0$ of the inhomogeneous chiral phase configuration found for any $N$ at $T=0$. The inhomogeneous configuration decays exponentially at large distances for anti-periodic fermions while, as a consequence of a certain $\mathbb{Z}_2$-valued 't Hooft anomaly, it persists for any $T>0$ and $\mu$ for periodic fermions. A large $N$ analysis confirms the above findings.

  • Ultraheavy Atomic Dark Matter Freeze-Out through Rearrangement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Cheng Qiu, Jie Sheng, Liang Tan, Chuan-Yang Xing

    Atomic dark matter is usually considered to be produced asymmetrically in the early Universe. In this work, we first propose that the symmetric atomic dark matter can be thermally produced through the freeze-out mechanism. The dominant atom anti-atom annihilation channel is the atomic rearrangement. It has a geometrical cross section much larger than that of elementary fermions. After the atomic formation, this annihilation process further depletes dark matter particles and finally freezes out. To give the observed dark matter relic, the dark atoms are naturally ultraheavy, ranging from $10^6$ to $10^{10} \,\mathrm{GeV}$.

  • QCD with an Infrared Fixed Point and a Dilaton.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Roman Zwicky

    Following previous work we further explore the possibility that the chirally broken phase of gauge theories admits an infrared fixed point interpretation. The slope of the $\beta$ function, $\beta'_*$, is found to vanish at the infrared fixed point which has several attractive features such as logarithmic running. We provide a more in-depth analysis of our previous result that the mass anomalous assumes $\gamma_* = 1$ at the fixed point. The results are found to be consistent with ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge theories. In a second part the specific properties of a dilaton, the (pseudo) Goldstone, due to spontaneous symmetry breaking are investigated. Dilaton soft theorems indicate that a soft dilaton mass can only originate from an operator of scaling dimension two. In the gauge theory this role is taken on by the $\bar qq$-operator. The QCD dilaton candidate, the $\sigma = f_0(500)$ meson is investigated. Singlet-octet mixing is found to be important. We briefly discuss the dilaton as a candidate for the Higgs boson, which relies on the ratio of dilaton to pion decay constant being close to unity. In QCD this is approximately satisfied but it is remains unclear if this is accidental or whether there is unknown reason behind it.

  • Systematic studies of $DDKK$ and $D\bar{D}K\bar{K}$ four-hadron molecules.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ya-Wen Pan, Ming-Zhu Liu, Jun-Xu Lu, Li-Sheng Geng

    Assuming that $D_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ is a $DK$ molecular state with a binding energy of 45 MeV, we investigate the existence of four-hadron molecules, $DDKK$ and $D\Bar{D}K\Bar{K}$, with the Gaussian expansion method. Their binding energies are $138\sim155$ MeV and $123\sim163$ MeV below the mass thresholds of $DDKK$ and $D\Bar{D}K\Bar{K}$. The $D\Bar{D}K\Bar{K}$ state has a decay width of $36\sim54$ MeV due to the complex $K\Bar{K}$ interaction. Further theoretical studies of and experimental searches for such four-hadron molecules can help deepen the understanding of the nonperturbative strong interaction in a nontrivial way.

  • Magnetic monopoles in extensions of Georgi-Glashow model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Petr Beneš, Filip Blaschke

    We discuss a class of effective extensions of the $SU(2)$ Georgi-Glashow model and discuss its Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. We identify a specific subclass of these models that admit analytical solutions of the monopole type. We present some concrete examples and find that the resulting monopoles tend to have their energy concentrated not in their center, but rather in a spherical shell around it.

  • Deuteron production in a combined thermal and coalescence framework for heavy-ion collisions in the few-GeV energy regime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wojciech Florkowski, Radoslaw Ryblewski, Piotr Salabura, Nikodem Witkowski

    A recently formulated thermal model for hadron production in heavy-ion collisions in the few-GeV energy regime is combined with the idea that some part of protons and neutrons present in the original thermal system forms deuterons via the coalescence mechanism. Using realistic parametrizations of the freeze-out conditions, which reproduce well the spectra of protons and pions, we make predictions for deuteron transverse-momentum and rapidity spectra. The best agreement with the experimentally known deuteron yield is obtained if the freeze-out temperature is relatively high and, accordingly, the system size at freeze-out is rather small. In addition, the standard Gaussian distribution of the relative distance between nucleons is replaced by the distribution resulting from their independent and approximately uniform production inside the initial thermal system.

  • Effects of the anomalous magnetic moments of the quarks on the neutral pion properties within a SU(2) Nambu-Jona Lasinio model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. M. Aguirre

    The properties of the neutral pion in quark matter under the influence of an external magnetic field are studied. The effects of the anomalous magnetic moments (AMM) of the quarks at finite density is considered. The inclusion of the AMM into the NJL model gives rise to additional magnetic effects. In particular the Dirac sea produce new divergences in the vacuum contributions, which depend explicitly on the magnetic field. An improper treatment of these contributions is the source of unphysical results, as emphasized in recent investigations. The pion polarization function is evaluated in the random phase approximation using analytic regularization and a subtraction scheme to deal with such divergencies. This procedure is combined with the standard three momentum cutoff, and reduces to it for vanishing magnetic intensity. The pion mass and coupling constant are evaluated for a wide range of magnetic intensity and baryonic density.

  • Two-Higgs Doublet Model Matched to Nonlinear Effective Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Buchalla, F. König, Ch. Müller-Salditt, F. Pandler

    We use functional methods to match the Two-Higgs Doublet Model with heavy scalars in the nondecoupling regime to the appropriate nonlinear effective field theory, which takes the form of an electroweak chiral Lagrangian (HEFT). The effective Lagrangian is derived to leading order in the chiral counting. This includes the loop induced $h\to\gamma\gamma$ and $h\to Z\gamma$ local terms, which enter at the same chiral order as their counterparts in the Standard Model. An algorithm is presented that allows us to compute the coefficient functions to all orders in $h$. Some of the all-orders results are given in closed form. The parameter regimes for decoupling, nondecoupling and alignment scenarios in the effective field theory context and some phenomenological implications are briefly discussed.

  • Exclusive photoproduction of open heavy flavor meson pairs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marat Siddikov

    In this paper we argue that exclusive photoproduction of $D$-meson pairs can be used as a complementary tool for studies of the generalized parton distributions of the target. We analyzed the photoproduction of the pseudoscalar-vector pairs with net zero electric charge (e.g. $D^{\pm}D^{*\mp}$, $D^{0}\overline{D}^{*0}$, $D_{s}^{+}D_{s}^{*-}$) and found that it allows to study the chiral even GPDs in ERBL region. A unique feature of the suggested process is contribution of the gluon and just one of the light quark flavors. We made numerical estimates in the kinematics of the future Electron Ion Collider and found that numerically the production cross-section is reasonably large for experimental studies, thus justifying its viability as a complementary probe of GPDs.

  • Towards consistent nuclear interactions from chiral Lagrangians II: Symmetry preserving regularization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hermann Krebs, Evgeny Epelbaum

    Low-energy nuclear structure and reactions can be described in a systematically improvable way using the framework of chiral effective field theory. This requires solving the quantum mechanical many-body problem with regularized nuclear forces and current operators, derived from the most general effective chiral Lagrangian. To maintain the chiral and gauge symmetries, a symmetry preserving cutoff regularization has to be employed when deriving nuclear potentials. Here, we discuss various regularization techniques and show how this task can be accomplished by regularizing the pion field in the effective chiral Lagrangian using the gradient flow method. The actual derivation of the nuclear forces and currents from the regularized effective Lagrangian can be carried out utilizing the novel path-integral approach introduced in our earlier paper.

  • Cold and dense perturbative QCD in a very strong magnetic background.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eduardo S. Fraga, Letícia F. Palhares, Tulio E. Restrepo

    We compute the pressure from first principles within perturbative QCD at finite baryon density and very high magnetic fields up to two-loops and with physical quark masses. The region of validity for our framework is given by $m_s \ll \mu_q \ll \sqrt{eB}$, where $m_s$ is the strange quark mass, $\mu_q$ is the quark chemical potential, $e$ is the fundamental electric charge, and $B$ is the magnetic field strength. We include the effects of the renormalization scale in the running coupling, $\alpha_s (\mu_q,\sqrt{eB})$, and running strange quark mass. We also discuss the simplifications that come about in the chiral limit. The effectively negligible contribution of the exchange diagram allows for building a simple analytic model for the equation of state for pure quark magnetars and computing their mass and radius at very large values of $B$. These results provide constraints on the behavior of the maximum mass and associated radius from perturbative QCD. We also discuss the magnetic bag model for extreme magnetic fields.

  • Searching for top squarks from the landscape at HL-LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Juhi Dutta

    Supersymmetric models with low electroweak fine-tuning are more prevalent on the string landscape than fine-tuned models. We assume a fertile patch of landscape vacua containing the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) as a low-energy EFT. Such models are characterized by light higgsinos in the mass range of a few hundred GeV whilst top squarks are in the 1-2.5 TeV range. Other sparticles are generally beyond current LHC reach. We evaluate prospects for top squark searches of the expected natural SUSY at HL-LHC.

  • Connecting Inflation and Low Energy Phenomenology in an Extended Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Juhi Dutta

    We investigate the Two-Higgs-Doublet-Standard Model-Axion-Seesaw-Higgs-Portal inflation (2hdSMASH) model consisting of two Higgs doublets, a Standard Model (SM) singlet complex scalar and three SM singlet right-handed Majorana neutrinos that can address the strong CP problem, dark matter, neutrino masses, baryogenesis and inflation. We identify inflationary directions consistent with successful inflation and theoretical constraints including perturbative unitarity, boundedness-from-below conditions and high scale validity upto the PLANCK scale. Further, we present representative benchmark points satisfying theoretical and experimental constraints potentially accessible at future colliders.

  • Two-component dark matter : How to get the hint at collider?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jayita Lahiri, Subhaditya Bhattacharya, Purusottam Ghosh, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya

    We investigate ways of identifying two kinds of dark matter (DM) component particles at high-energy colliders. The strategy is to notice and distinguish double-peaks(humps) in the missing energy/transverse energy distribution. The relative advantage of looking for {\em missing energy} is pointed out, in view of the fact that the longitudinal component of the momentum imbalance becomes an added input. It thus turns out that an electron-positron collider is better suited for discovering a two-component DM scenario. Furthermore, using Gaussian fits of the distribution histograms, we develop a set of criteria to evaluate the distinguishability of the two-peaks quantitatively.

  • Minimal flavour deconstruction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Riccardo Barbieri, Gino Isidori

    We construct two concrete examples of flavour non-universal gauge theories which, after the inclusion of all $d\leq 4$ gauge invariant operators, allow to describe the observed pattern of flavour in the charged fermion sector without any small Yukawa coupling ($y \gtrsim 0.1$). Guided by the criterium of minimality, we assume that flavour non universality is confined to the Abelian sector of the gauge group: the universal hypercharge emerges after a sequence of symmetry-breaking steps characterised by two high mass scales, $\Lambda_{[23]} < \Lambda_{[12]}$, where the second and the first fermion generations get their mass respectively. At least in one of the two models the smaller of these scales can be in the 10 TeV range, consistently with current bounds from flavour observables. Both models are extended to include as well neutrino masses and mixings.

  • Identifying regions in wide-angle scattering via graph-theoretical approaches.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yao Ma

    The method of regions, which provides a systematic approach for computing Feynman integrals involving multiple kinematic scales, proposes that a Feynman integral can be approximated and even reproduced by summing over integrals expanded in certain regions. A modern perspective of the method of regions considers any given Feynman integral as a specific Newton polytope, defined as the convex hull of the points associated with Symanzik polynomials. The regions then correspond one-to-one with the lower facets of this polytope. As Symanzik polynomials correspond to the spanning trees and spanning 2-trees of the Feynman graph, a graph-theoretical study of these polynomials may allow us to identify the complete set of regions for a given expansion. In this work, our primary focus is on three specific expansions: the on-shell expansion of generic wide-angle scattering, the soft expansion of generic wide-angle scattering, and the mass expansion of heavy-to-light decay. For each of these expansions, we employ graph-theoretical approaches to derive the generic forms of the regions involved in the method of regions. The results, applicable to all orders, offer insights that can be leveraged to investigate various aspects of scattering amplitudes.

  • Quantum Chromodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joey Huston, Klaus Rabbertz, Giulia Zanderighi

    This article is part of the "Review of Particle Physics" by the Particle Data Group and reviews the current status of quantum chromodynamics and the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$. The latest updates as of August 2023 are included.

  • LHCb potential to discover long-lived new physics particles with lifetimes above 100 ps.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Volodymyr Gorkavenko, Brij Jashal, Valerii Kholoimov, Yehor Kyselov, Diego Mendoza, Maksym Ovchynnikov, Arantza Oyanguren, Volodymyr Svintozelskyi, Jiahui Zhuo

    For years, it has been believed that the main LHC detectors can only restrictively play the role of a lifetime frontier experiment exploring the parameter space of long-lived particles (LLPs) -- hypothetical particles with tiny couplings to the Standard Model. This paper demonstrates that the LHCb experiment may become a powerful lifetime frontier experiment if it uses the new \texttt{Downstream} algorithm reconstructing tracks that do not let hits in the LHCb vertex tracker. In particular, for many LLP scenarios, LHCb may be as sensitive as the proposed experiments beyond main LHC detectors for various LLP models, including heavy neutral leptons, dark scalars, dark photons, and axion-like particles.

  • Iteration on the Higgs-portal for vector Dark Matter and its effective field theory description.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giorgio Arcadi, Juan Carlos Criado, Abdelhak Djouadi

    We reanalyze the effective field theory (EFT) approach for the scenario in which the particles that account for the dark matter (DM) in the universe are vector states that interact only through the Standard Model-like Higgs boson. These DM particles are searched for in direct and indirect detection in astrophysical experiments and in invisible Higgs decays at the LHC. The constraints obtained in these two search types are complementary and correlated. In recent years, it has been advocated that the EFT approach is problematic for small DM mass and that it does not capture all the aspects of vector DM; one should thus rather interpret the searches in ultraviolet complete theories that are more realistic. In this note, we show that a more appropriate definition of the EFT with the introduction of an effective New Physics scale parameter, can encompass such issues. We illustrate this by matching the EFT to two examples of ultraviolet completions for it: the U(1) model with a dark photon and a model that was recently adopted by the LHC experiments in which vector-like fermions generate an effective interaction between the Higgs and the DM states at the one-loop level. Additionally, we find that the region of parameter space that is relevant for DM phenomenology is well inside the range of validity of the EFT. It thus provides a general parametrization of the effects of any ultraviolet model in the regime under exploration, making it the ideal framework for model-independent analyses of the vector DM Higgs-portal.

  • Lepton Flavor Violation in Semileptonic Observables.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. Plakias, O. Sumensari

    In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study of Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) in semileptonic transitions in the framework of an Effective Field Theory with general flavor structure. We account for the Renormalization Group Equations (RGEs), which induce non-trivial correlations between the different types of LFV processes. In particular, we show that these loop effects are needed to improve the bounds on several coefficients that are not efficiently constrained at tree level. For illustration, we consider a few concrete scenarios, with predominant couplings to third-generation quarks, and we explore the correlations between the various tree- and loop-level constraints on these models. As a by-product, we also provide expressions for several semileptonic LFV meson decays by using the latest determinations of the relevant hadronic form factors on the lattice.

  • Thermal hadron resonances and Ward identities: results for the QCD phase diagram.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Angel Gómez Nicola, Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira, Andrea Vioque-Rodríguez

    We review recent work regarding the role of light scalar resonances at finite temperature for chiral symmetry and $U(1)_A$ restoration. The results obtained are based on unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory and Ward Identities and are directly connected with presently open problems within the QCD phase diagram

  • Event-by-event Kinetic Description of Pre-Equilibrium Charge Evolution in QCD Plasma.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Travis Dore, Xiaojian Du, Sören Schlichting

    We use QCD effective kinetic theory to calculate far-from-equilibrium dynamics on an event-by-event basis within the K\o{}MP\o{}ST framework. We present non-equilibrium charge response functions and the dynamical evolution of the conserved charge current pertinent to the early-time dynamics of heavy-ion collisions at the highest energies. The K\o{}MP\o{}ST framework with conserved baryon, strangeness, and electric charges can then be readily implemented into a multistage model allowing for the initialization of a non-equilibrium charge current in hydrodynamic simulations.

  • FeynCalc 10: Do multiloop integrals dream of computer codes?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Rolf Mertig, Frederik Orellana

    In this work we report on a new version of FeynCalc, a Mathematica package widely used in the particle physics community for manipulating quantum field theoretical expressions and calculating Feynman diagrams. Highlights of the new version include greatly improved capabilities for doing multiloop calculations, including topology identification and minimization, optimized tensor reduction, rewriting of scalar products in terms of inverse denominators, detection of equivalent or scaleless loop integrals, derivation of Symanzik polynomials, Feynman parametric as well as graph representation for master integrals and initial support for handling differential equations and iterated integrals. In addition to that, the new release also features completely rewritten routines for color algebra simplifications, inclusion of symmetry relations between arguments of Passarino--Veltman functions, tools for determining matching coefficients and quantifying the agreement between numerical results, improved export to LaTeX and first steps towards a better support of calculations involving light-cone vectors.

  • Predictive Dirac Neutrino Spectrum with Strong CP Solution in $\pmb{SU(5)_L \times SU(5)_R}$ Unification.- [PDF] - [Article]

    K.S. Babu, Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Anil Thapa

    We develop a grand unified theory of matter and forces based on the gauge symmetry $SU(5)_L\times SU(5)_R$ with parity interchanging the two factor groups. Our main motivation for such a construction is to realize a minimal GUT embedding of left-right symmetric models that provide a parity solution to the strong CP problem without the axion. We show how the gauge couplings unify with an intermediate gauge symmetry $SU(3)_{cL}\times SU(2)_{2L}\times U(1)_{L}\times SU(5)_R$, and establish its consistency with proton decay constraints. The model correctly reproduces the observed fermion masses and mixings and leads to naturally light Dirac neutrinos with their Yukawa couplings suppressed by a factor $M_I/M_G$, the ratio of the intermediate scale to the GUT scale. We call this mechanism type II-Dirac seesaw. Furthermore, the model predicts $\delta_{CP} = \pm (130.4 \pm 1.2)^\circ $ and $m_{\nu_1} = (4.8-8.4)$ meV for the Dirac CP phase and the lightest neutrino mass. We demonstrate how the model solves the strong CP problem via parity symmetry.

  • cLFV leptophilic $Z^\prime$ as a dark matter portal: prospects for colliders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Goudelis, J. Kriewald, E. Pinsard, A. M. Teixeira

    Extensions of the Standard Model featuring light vector bosons have been explored with the goal of resolving certain tensions between theory and experiment, among them the discrepancy in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $\Delta a_{\mu}$. In particular, this is the case of a minimal construction including a leptophilic, strictly flavour violating, vector boson $Z^\prime$. These new vector bosons are also well-motivated dark matter portals, with non-trivial couplings to stable, weakly interacting states which can account for the correct dark matter density. Here we study the prospects of a Standard Model extension (via a vector boson and a fermionic dark matter candidate) concerning signatures at the LHC, and at future lepton and hadron colliders.We discuss the cross-sections of several processes leading to same- and opposite-sign muon-tau lepton pairs in the final state, as well as final states with missing energy (in the form of neutrinos and/or dark matter). Our findings suggest that a future muon collider offers the best prospects to probe this model (together with searches for dilepton pairs and missing energy signatures at the FCC-ee running at the $Z$-pole); moreover, the complementarity of the different future high-energy colliders is also paramount to probing distinct $Z^\prime$ mass regimes.

  • Three-Loop Inverse Scotogenic Seesaw Models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Asmaa Abada, Nicolás Bernal, Antonio E. Cárcamo Hernández, Sergey Kovalenko, Téssio B. de Melo

    We propose a class of models providing an explanation of the origin of light neutrino masses, the baryon asymmetry of the Universe via leptogenesis and offering viable dark matter candidates. In these models the Majorana masses of the active neutrino are generated by the inverse seesaw mechanism with the lepton number violating right-handed Majorana neutrino masses $\mu$ arising at three loops. The latter is ensured by the preserved discrete symmetries, which also guarantee the stability of the dark matter candidate. We focus on one of these models and perform a detailed analysis of the phenomenology of its leptonic sector. The model can successfully accommodate baryogenesis through leptogenesis in both weak and strong washout regimes. The lightest heavy fermion turns out to be a viable dark matter candidate, provided that the entries of the Majorana submatrix $\mu$ are in the keV to MeV range. The solutions are consistent with the experimental constraints, accommodating both mass orderings for active neutrinos, in particular charged-lepton flavor violating decays $\mu\to e\gamma$, $\mu\to eee$, and the electron-muon conversion processes get sizable rates within future sensitivity reach.

  • Neutrino masses from new seesaw models: Low-scale variants and phenomenological implications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessio Giarnetti, Juan Herrero-Garcia, Simone Marciano, Davide Meloni, Drona Vatsyayan

    With just the Standard Model Higgs doublet, there are only three types of seesaw models that generate light Majorana neutrino masses at tree level after electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking. However, if there exist additional TeV scalars acquiring vacuum expectation values, coupled with heavier fermionic multiplets, several new seesaw models become possible. These new seesaws are the primary focus of this study and correspond to the tree-level ultraviolet completions of the effective operators studied in a companion publication. We are interested in the genuine cases, in which the standard seesaw contributions are absent. In addition to the tree-level generation of neutrino masses, we also consider the one-loop contributions. Furthermore, we construct low-energy versions that exhibit a very rich phenomenology. Specifically, we scrutinise the generation of dimension-6 operators and explore their implications, including non-unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix, non-universal $Z-$boson interactions, and lepton flavor violation. Finally, we provide (Generalised) Scotogenic-like variants that incorporate viable dark matter candidates.

  • Two-loop mixed QCD-electroweak amplitudes for $Z+$jet production at the LHC: bosonic corrections.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Piotr Bargiela, Fabrizio Caola, Herschel Chawdhry, Xiao Liu

    We present a calculation of the bosonic contribution to the two-loop mixed QCD-electroweak scattering amplitudes for $Z$-boson production in association with one hard jet at hadron colliders. We employ a method to calculate amplitudes in the 't Hooft-Veltman scheme that reduces the amount of spurious non-physical information needed at intermediate stages of the computation, to keep the complexity of the calculation under control. We compute all the relevant Feynman integrals numerically using the Auxiliary Mass Flow method. We evaluate the two-loop scattering amplitudes on a two-dimensional grid in the rapidity and transverse momentum of the $Z$ boson, which has been designed to yield a reliable numerical sampling of the boosted-$Z$ region. This result provides an important building block for improving the theoretical modelling of a key background for monojet searches at the LHC.

  • Non-factorisable Contributions of Strong-Penguin Operators in $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \ell^+\ell^-$ Decays.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thorsten Feldmann, Nico Gubernari

    We investigate for the first time a certain class of non-factorisable contributions of the four-quark operators ${\cal O}_{3-6}$ in the weak effective Hamiltonian to the $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \ell^+\ell^-$ decay amplitude. We focus on the case where a virtual photon is radiated from one of the light constituents of the $\Lambda_b$ baryon, in the kinematic situation of large hadronic recoil with an energetic $\Lambda$ baryon in the final state. The effect on the suitably defined ``non-local form factors'' is calculated using the light-cone sum rule approach for a correlator with an interpolating current for the light $\Lambda$ baryon. We find that this approach requires the introduction of new soft functions that generalise the standard light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) for the heavy $\Lambda_b$ baryon. We give a heuristic discussion of their properties and a model that relates them to the standard LCDAs. Within this framework, we provide numerical results for the size of the non-local form factors considered.

  • A Dark Sink Enhances the Direct Detection of Freeze-in Dark Matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Prudhvi N. Bhattiprolu, Robert McGehee, Aaron Pierce

    We describe a simple dark sector structure which, if present, has implications for the direct detection of dark matter (DM): the Dark Sink. A Dark Sink transports energy density from the DM into light dark-sector states that do not appreciably contribute to the DM density. As an example, we consider a light, neutral fermion $\psi$ which interacts solely with DM $\chi$ via the exchange of a heavy scalar $\Phi$. We illustrate the impact of a Dark Sink by adding one to a DM freeze-in model in which $\chi$ couples to a light dark photon $\gamma '$ which kinetically mixes with the Standard Model (SM) photon. This freeze-in model (absent the sink) is itself a benchmark for ongoing experiments. In some cases, the literature for this benchmark has contained errors; we correct the predictions and provide them as a public code. We then analyze how the Dark Sink modifies this benchmark, solving coupled Boltzmann equations for the dark-sector energy density and DM yield. We check the contribution of the Dark Sink $\psi$'s to dark radiation; consistency with existing data limits the maximum attainable cross section. For DM with a mass between $\text{MeV} -\mathcal{O}(10\text{ GeV})$, adding the Dark Sink can increase predictions for the direct detection cross section all the way up to the current limits.

  • Charm content of the proton: An analytic calculation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. R. Olamaei, S. Rostami, K. Azizi

    According to general understanding, the proton as one of the main ingredients of the nucleus is composed of one down and two up quarks bound together by gluons, described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In this view, heavy quarks do not contribute to the primary wave function of the proton. Heavy quarks arise in the proton perturbatively by gluon splitting and the probability gradually increases as $Q^2$ increases (extrinsic heavy quarks). In addition, the existence of non-perturbative intrinsic charm quarks in the proton has also been predicted by QCD. In this picture, the heavy quarks also exist in the proton's wave function. In fact, the wave function has a five-quark structure $ \vert u u d c \bar{c}\rangle $ in addition to the three-quark bound state $ \vert u u d\rangle $. So far, many studies have been done to confirm or reject this additional component. One of the recent studies has been done by the NNPDF collaboration. They established the existence of an intrinsic charm component at the 3-standard-deviation level in the proton from the structure function measurements. Most of the studies performed to calculate the contribution of the intrinsic charm so far have been based on the global analyses of the experimental data. In this article, for the first time we directly calculate this contribution by an analytic method. We estimate a $x^{c\bar{c}} = (1.36 \pm 0.67)\% $ contribution for the $ \vert u u d c \bar{c}\rangle $ component of the proton.

  • Test of new physics effects in $\bar{B} \to (D^{(*)}, \pi) \ell^-\bar{\nu}_{\ell}$ decays with heavy and light leptons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ipsita Ray, Soumitra Nandi

    We study the $\bar{B}\to D(D^*) \ell^-\bar{\nu}_{\ell}$ decays based on the up-to-date available inputs from experiments and the lattice. First, we review the standard model (SM) predictions of the different observables associated with these decay channels. In the analyses, we consider new physics (NP) effects in the channels with the heavy ($\tau$), as well as the light leptons ($\mu, e$). We have extracted $|V_{cb}|$ along with the new physics Wilson coefficients (WCs) from the available data on light leptons; the extracted value of $|V_{cb}|$ is $(40.3 \pm 0.5)\times 10^{-3}$. The extracted WCs are zero consistent, but some could be of order $10^{-2}$. Also, we have done the simultaneous analysis of the data in $\bar{B} \to D^{(*)}(\mu^-,e^-)\bar{\nu}$ alongside the inputs on $R(D^{(*)}) = \frac{\Gamma(\bar{B}\to D^{(*)}\tau^-\bar{\nu}_{\tau})}{\Gamma(\bar{B}\to D^{(*)}\ell^-\bar{\nu}_{\ell})}$ and the $D^*$ longitudinal polarisation fraction $F_L^{D^*}$ in different NP scenarios and extracted $|V_{cb}|$ which is consistent with the number mentioned above. Also, the simultaneous explanation of $R(D^{(*)})$ and $F_L^{D^*}$ is not possible in the one-operator scenarios. However, the two operator scenarios with $\mathcal{O}_{S_2}^{\tau} = (\bar{q}_R b_L)(\bar{\tau}_R\nu_{\tau L})$ as one of the operators could explain all these three measurements. Finally, we have given predictions of all the related observables in $\bar{B} \to D^{(*)}(\tau^-,\mu^-,e^-)\bar{\nu}$ decays in the NP scenarios, which could be tested in future experiments. We have repeated this exercise for $\bar{B} \to \pi\ell^-\bar{\nu}_{\ell}$ decays with the light lepton and extracted $|V_{ub}|$ and the new WCs. Finally, using all these available data for the light and heavy leptons, we have given bounds on the couplings of the relevant SM effective field theory (SMEFT) operators and the probable NP scale $\Lambda$.

  • Numerical Scattering Amplitudes with pySecDec.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G. Heinrich, S. P. Jones, M. Kerner, V. Magerya, A. Olsson, J. Schlenk

    We present a major update of the program pySecDec, a toolbox for the evaluation of dimensionally regulated parameter integrals. The new version enables the evaluation of multi-loop integrals as well as amplitudes in a highly distributed and flexible way, optionally on GPUs. The program has been optimised and runs up to an order of magnitude faster than the previous release. A new integration procedure that utilises construction-free median Quasi-Monte Carlo rules is implemented. The median lattice rules can outperform our previous component-by-component rules by a factor of 5 and remove the limitation on the maximum number of sampling points. The expansion by regions procedures have been extended to support Feynman integrals with numerators, and functions for automatically determining when and how analytic regulators should be introduced are now available. The new features and performance are illustrated with several examples.

  • Disentangle Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties with Atomic Radiative Pair Emission.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shao-Feng Ge, Pedro Pasquini

    We elaborate the possibility of using the atomic radiative emission of neutrino pair (RENP) to probe the neutrino electromagnetic properties, including magnetic and electric dipole moments, charge radius, and anapole. With the typical O(eV) momentum transfer, the atomic RENP is sensitive to not just the tiny neutrino masses but also very light mediators to which the massless photon belongs. The neutrino EM properties introduce extra contribution besides the SM one induced by the heavy W/Z gauge bosons. Since the associated photon spectrum is divided into several sections whose boundaries are determined by the final-state neutrino masses, it is possible to identify the individual neutrino EM form factor elements. Most importantly, scanning the photon spectrum inside the particular section with deviation from the SM prediction once observed allows identification of the neutrino EM form factor type. The RENP provides an ultimate way of disentangling the neutrino EM properties to go beyond the current experimental searches or observations.

  • The Basis Invariant Flavor Puzzle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Miguel P. Bento, Joao P. Silva, Andreas Trautner

    The flavor puzzle of the Standard Model quark sector is formulated in a non-perturbative way, using basis invariants that are independent of the choice of quark field basis. To achieve this, we first derive the algebraic ring of 10 CP even (primary) and 1 CP odd (secondary) basis invariants, using the Hilbert series and plethystic logarithm. An orthogonal basis in the ring of basis invariants is explicitly constructed, using hermitian projection operators derived via birdtrack diagrams. The thereby constructed invariants have well defined CP transformation behavior and give the most direct access to the flavor symmetric alignments of basis covariants. We firstly "measure" the orthogonal basis invariants from experimental data and characterize their location in the available parameter space. The experimentally observed orthogonal basis invariants take very close to maximal values and are highly correlated. Explaining the location of the invariants at close to maximal points, including the associated miniscule and highly correlated deviations, corresponds to solving the flavor puzzle in the invariant language. Once properly normalized, the orthogonal basis invariants are close to scale (RGE) invariant, hence, provide exquisite targets for fits of both, low- and high-scale (bottom-up and top-down) flavor models. Our result provides an entirely new angle on the flavor puzzle, and opens up ample opportunities for its ultimate exploration.

  • A high-energy QCD portal to exotic matter: Heavy-light tetraquarks at the HL-LHC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Francesco Giovanni Celiberto, Alessandro Papa

    By taking advantage of the natural stability of the high-energy resummation, recently discovered in the context of heavy-flavor studies, we investigate the inclusive hadroproduction of a neutral heavy-light, hidden-flavored tetraquark ($X_{cu\bar{c}\bar{u}}$ or $X_{bs\bar{b}\bar{s}}$ state), in association with a heavy (single $c$- or $b$-flavored) hadron or a light jet at the (HL-)LHC. We make use of the JETHAD multi-modular working package to provide predictions for rapidity, azimuthal-angle and transverse-momentum distributions calculated via the hybrid high-energy and collinear factorization, where the Balitsky--Fadin--Kuraev--Lipatov resummation of energy logarithms is supplemented by collinear parton densities and fragmentation functions. We rely upon the single-parton fragmentation mechanism, valid in the large transverse-momentum regime, to describe the tetraquark production. Our study represents a first attempt at bridging the gap between all-order calculations of high-energy QCD and the exotics.

  • $K^\pm\to\pi^\pm a$ at Next-to-Leading Order in Chiral Perturbation Theory and Updated Bounds on ALP Couplings.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Claudia Cornella, Anne Mareike Galda, Matthias Neubert, Daniel Wyler

    The weak decays $K^\pm\to\pi^\pm a$ offer a powerful probe of axion-like particles (ALPs). In this work, we provide a comprehensive analysis of these processes within chiral perturbation theory, extending existing calculations by including complete next-to-leading order (NLO) contributions and isospin-breaking corrections at first order in $(m_d-m_u)$. We show that the consistent incorporation of ALPs in the QCD and weak chiral Lagrangians requires a non-trivial extension of the corresponding operator bases, which we describe in detail. Furthermore, we show that in the presence of an ALP the so-called ``weak mass term'', which is unobservable in the Standard Model, is non-redundant already at leading order. We find that NLO corrections associated with flavor-violating ALP couplings modify the leading-order result by a few percent, with negligible uncertainties. NLO corrections proportional to flavor-conserving ALP couplings lead to potentially larger corrections, which, however, are accompanied by sizable uncertainties mainly due to the currently limited knowledge of various low-energy constants. We study how these corrections impact bounds on the ALP couplings, first model independently, and then specializing to the case of an ALP with flavor-universal couplings in the UV. Our findings confirm that the decays $K^\pm\to\pi^\pm a$ provide the strongest particle-physics constraints for $m_a\lesssim 300$\,MeV. In addition, we point out that these bounds have interesting implications for the ALP couplings to nucleons, which were so far only constrained by astrophysical measurements and non-accelerator experiments.

  • Searching for new physics effects in future $W$ mass and $\sin^2\theta_W (Q^2)$ determinations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hooman Davoudiasl, Kazuki Enomoto, Hye-Sung Lee, Jiheon Lee, William J. Marciano

    We investigate the phenomenology of the dark $Z$ boson, $Z_d$, which is associated with a new Abelian gauge symmetry and couples to the standard model particles via kinetic mixing $\varepsilon$ and mass mixing $\varepsilon_Z^{}$. We examine two cases: (i) $Z_d$ is lighter than the $Z$ boson, and (ii) $Z_d$ is heavier than that. In the first case, it is known that $Z_d$ causes a deviation in the weak mixing angle at low energies from the standard model prediction. We study the prediction in the model and compare it with the latest experimental data. In the second case, the $Z$-$Z_d$ mixing enhances the $W$ boson mass. We investigate the effect of $Z_d$ on various electroweak observables including the $W$ boson mass using the $S$, $T$, and $U$ parameters. We point out an interesting feature: in the limit $\varepsilon \to 0$, the equation $S = - U$ holds independently of the mass of $Z_d$ and the size of $\varepsilon_Z^{}$, while $|S|\gg |U|$ in many new physics models. We find that the dark $Z$ boson with a mass of $O(100)~\mathrm{GeV}$ with a relatively large mass mixing can reproduce the CDF result within $2\sigma$ while avoiding all other experimental constraints. Such dark $Z$ bosons are expected to be tested at future high-energy colliders.

  • End of the World Perspective to BCFT.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kyung Kiu Kim, Sejin Kim, Jung Hun Lee, Chanyong Park, Yunseok Seo

    In this work, we study the end-of-the-world (EOW) branes anchored to the boundaries of BCFT${}_2$ dual to the BTZ black hole. First, we explore the thermodynamics of the boundary system consisting of the conformal boundary and two EOW branes. This thermodynamics is extended by the tension appearing as the effective cosmological constant of JT black holes on the EOW branes. The tension contribution is identified with the shadow entropy equivalent to the boundary entropy of the BCFT${}_2$. The thermodynamics of the JT black holes and the bulk of BCFT${}_2$ can be combined into a novel grafted thermodynamics based on the first law. Second, we focus on the observer's view of the EOW branes by lowering the temperature. We show that the EOW branes generate a scale called ``reefs" inside the horizon. This scale also appears in the grafted thermodynamics. At high temperatures, observers on the EOW branes see their respective event horizons. The reef starts to grow relatively to the horizon size at the temperature, $T_{grow}$. As the temperature cools down the reef area fills the entire interior of the JT black holes at the temperature $T_{out}$. Then, the observers recognize their horizons disappear and see the large density of the energy flux. At this temperature, the two JT regions become causally connected. This connected spacetime has two asymptotic $AdS_2$ boundaries with a conformal matter. Also, we comment on the grafted thermodynamics to higher dimensions in Appendix B.

  • Decipher the width of the $X(3872)$ via the QCD sum rules.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhi-Gang Wang

    In this work, we take the $X(3872)$ as the hidden-charm tetraquark state with both isospin $I=0$ and $1$ components, then investigate the strong decays $X(3872)\to J/\psi \pi^+\pi^-$, $J/\psi\omega$, $\chi_{c1}\pi^0$, $D^{*0}\bar{D}^0$ and $D^{0}\bar{D}^0\pi^0$ with the QCD sum rules. We take account of all the Feynman diagrams, and acquire four QCD sum rules based on rigorous quark-hadron duality. We obtain the total decay width about $1\,\rm{MeV}$, which is in excellent agreement with the experiment data $ \Gamma_{X}=1.19\pm 0.21\,\rm{MeV}$ from the Particle Data Group, it is the first time to reproduce the tiny width of the $X(3872)$ via the QCD sum rules, which supports assigning the $X(3872)$ as the hidden-charm tetraquark state with the $J^{PC}=1^{++}$.

  • Vavilov-Cherenkov emission with a twist: a study of the final entangled state.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A.D. Chaikovskaia, D.V. Karlovets, V.G. Serbo

    We present a theoretical investigation of the Vavilov-Cherenkov (VC) radiation by a plane-wave or twisted electron. Special emphasis is put on the question whether and at what conditions the emitted VC photons can be twisted. For this aim we obtain a general expression in the coordinate and momentum representations for the quantum state of the final electron-photon system that is a result of the radiation process itself and does not depend on the properties of a detector. It is shown that this evolved state is an entangled state of an electron and a photon, and both particles can be twisted. A direct consequence of this result follows: if one uses a detector sensitive to the twisted electron (photon) with the definite projection of the total angular momentum (TAM), then the final photon (electron) also will be in the twisted state with a definite TAM projection. Further, we investigate the polarization properties of the final twisted photon in more general conditions than has been calculated before. Finally, we exploit a close similarity between the discussed VC radiation and the process of the equivalent photon emission in the Weizs\"acker-Williams method and find the corresponding final state.

  • Long-lived neutral fermions at the DUNE near detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Julian Y. Günther, Jordy de Vries, Herbi K. Dreiner, Zeren Simon Wang, Guanghui Zhou

    At the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), a proton beam hits a fixed target leading to large production rates of mesons. These mesons can decay and potentially provide a source of long-lived neutral fermions. Examples of such long-lived fermions are heavy neutral leptons which can mix with the standard-model active neutrinos, and the bino-like lightest neutralino in R-parity-violating supersymmetry. We show that the Standard Model Effective Field Theory extended with right-handed singlet neutrinos can simultaneously describe heavy neutral leptons and bino-like neutralinos in a unified manner. We use the effective-field-theory framework to determine the sensitivity reach of the DUNE near detector in probing various scenarios of long-lived neutral fermions.

  • Radiative correction on moduli stabilization in modular flavor symmetric models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tatsuo Kobayashi, Kaito Nasu, Riku Sakuma, Yusuke Yamada

    We study the radiative corrections to the stabilization of the complex structure modulus $\tau$ in modular flavor symmetric models. We discuss the possibility of obtaining the vacuum expectation value of $\tau$ in the vicinity of the fixed point where residual symmetries remain unbroken. As concrete examples, we analyze the 1-loop Coleman-Weinberg potential in the $A_4$ modular flavor models. We show that the 1-loop correction may lead to the slight deviation from the tree level result, which may realize a phenomenologically preferred value of the complex structure modulus $\tau$ particularly when the number of species contributing to the 1-loop correction is large enough.

  • The $\rho(770,1450)\to \omega\pi$ contributions for three-body decays $B\to\bar{D}^{(*)} \omega\pi$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yu-Shan Ren, Ai-Jun Ma, Wen-Fei Wang

    The decays $B\to\bar{D}^{(*)} \omega\pi$ are very important for the investigation of $\rho$ excitations and the test of factorization hypothesis for $B$ meson decays. The $B^{+}\to \bar{D}^{(*)0}\omega\pi^+$ and $B^{0}\to D^{(*)-}\omega\pi^+$ have been measured by different collaborations but without any predictions for their observables on theoretical side. In this work, we study the contributions of $\rho(770,1450)\to \omega\pi$ for the cascade decays $B^{+}\to \bar{D}^{(*)0} \rho^+ \to \bar{D}^{(*)0}\omega\pi^+$, $B^{0}\to D^{(*)-} \rho^+ \to D^{(*)-}\omega\pi^+$ and $B_s^{0}\to D_s^{(*)-} \rho^+ \to D^{(*)-}\omega\pi^+$. We introduce $\rho(770,1450)\to \omega\pi$ subprocesses into the distribution amplitudes for $\omega\pi$ system via the vector form factor $F_{\omega\pi}(s)$ and then predict the branching fractions for the first time for concerned quasi-two-body decays with $\rho(770,1450)\to \omega\pi$, as well as the corresponding longitudinal polarization fractions $\Gamma_L/\Gamma$ for the cases with the vector $\bar{D}^{*0}$ or $D_{(s)}^{*-}$ in their final states. The branching fractions of these quasi-two-body decays are predicted at the order of $10^{-3}$, which can be detected at the LHCb and Belle-II experiments. The predictions for the decays ${B}^0 \to{D}^{*-} \rho(770)^+\to {D}^{*-} \omega\pi^+$ and ${B}^0 \to {D}^{*-} \rho(1450)^+\to {D}^{*-} \omega\pi^+$ agree well with the measurements from Belle Collaboration. In order to avoid the pollution from annihilation Feynman diagrams, we recommend to take the $B_s^0 \to D_s^{*-}\rho(770,1450)^+$ decays, which have only emission diagrams at quark level, to test the factorization hypothesis for $B$ decays.

  • 2023 Update of $\varepsilon_K$ with lattice QCD inputs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Seungyeob Jwa, Jeehun Kim, Sunghee Kim, Sunkyu Lee, Weonjong Lee, Jaehoon Leem, Jeonghwan Pak, Sungwoo Park

    We report recent progress on $\varepsilon_K$ evaluated directly from the standard model (SM) with lattice QCD inputs such as $\hat{B}_K$, $|V_{cb}|$, $|V_{us}|$, $|V_{ud}|$, $\xi_0$, $\xi_2$, $\xi_\text{LD}$, $f_K$, and $m_c$. We find that the standard model with exclusive $|V_{cb}|$ and lattice QCD inputs describes only 66\% of the experimental value of $|\varepsilon_K|$ and does not explain its remaining 34\%, which corresponds to a strong tension in $|\varepsilon_K|$ at the $4.9\sigma \sim 3.9\sigma$ level between the SM theory and experiment. We also find that this tension disappears when we use the inclusive value of $|V_{cb}|$ obtained using the heavy quark expansion based on the QCD sum rule approach.

  • The oblique parameters from arbitrary new fermions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Francisco Albergaria, Darius Jurčiukonis, Luís Lavoura

    We compute the six oblique parameters $S, T, U, V, W, X$ in a New Physics Model with an arbitrary number of new fermions, in arbitrary representations of $SU(2) \times U(1)$, and mixing arbitrarily among themselves. We show that $S$ and $U$ are automatically finite, but $T$ is finite only if there is a specific relation between the masses of the new fermions and the representations of $SU(2) \times U(1)$ that they sit in. We apply our general computation to two illustrative cases.


  • Conformal Perturbation Theory for $n$-Point Functions: Structure Constant Deformation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Benjamin A. Burrington, Ida G. Zadeh

    We consider conformal perturbation theory for $n$-point functions on the sphere in general 2D CFTs to first order in coupling constant. We regulate perturbation integrals using canonical hard disk excisions of size $\epsilon$ around the fixed operator insertions, and identify the full set of counter terms which are sufficient to regulate all such integrated $n$-point functions. We further explore the integrated 4-point function which computes changes to the structure constants of the theory. Using an $sl(2)$ map, the three fixed locations of operators are mapped to $0$, $1$, and $\infty$. We show that approximating the mapped excised regions to leading order in $\epsilon$ does not lead to the same perturbative shift to the structure constant as the exact in $\epsilon$ region. We explicitly compute the correction back to the exact in $\epsilon$ region of integration in terms of the CFT data. We consider the compact boson, and show that one must use the exact in $\epsilon$ region to obtain agreement with the exact results for structure constants in this theory.

  • Bosonization and Anomaly Indicators of (2+1)-D Fermionic Topological Orders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arun Debray, Weicheng Ye, Matthew Yu

    We provide a mathematical proposal for the anomaly indicators of symmetries of (2+1)-d fermionic topological orders, and work out the consequences of our proposal in several nontrivial examples. Our proposal is an invariant of a super modular tensor category with a fermionic group action, which gives a (3+1)-d topological field theory (TFT) that we conjecture to be invertible; the anomaly indicators are partition functions of this TFT on $4$-manifolds generating the corresponding twisted spin bordism group. Our construction relies on a bosonization construction due to Gaiotto-Kapustin and Tata-Kobayashi-Bulmash-Barkeshli, together with a ``bosonization conjecture'' which we explain in detail. In the second half of the paper, we discuss several examples of our invariants relevant to condensed-matter physics. The most important example we consider is $\mathbb{Z}/4^T\times \mathbb{Z}/2^f$ time-reversal symmetry with symmetry algebra $\mathcal T^2 = (-1)^FC$, which many fermionic topological orders enjoy, including the $\mathrm{U}(1)_5$ spin Chern-Simons theory. Using newly developed tools involving the Smith long exact sequence, we calculate the cobordism group that classifies its anomaly, present the generating manifold, and calculate the partition function on the generating manifold which serves as our anomaly indicator. Our approach allows us to reproduce anomaly indicators known in the literature with simpler proofs, including $\mathbb{Z}/4^{Tf}$ time-reversal symmetry with symmetry algebra $\mathcal T^2 = (-1)^F$, and other symmetry groups in the 10-fold way involving Lie group symmetries.

  • Improving the five-point bootstrap.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David Poland, Valentina Prilepina, Petar Tadić

    We present a new algorithm for the numerical evaluation of five-point conformal blocks in $d$-dimensions, greatly improving the efficiency of their computation. To do this we use an appropriate ansatz for the blocks as a series expansion in radial coordinates, derive a set of recursion relations for the unknown coefficients in the ansatz, and evaluate the series using a Pad\'e approximant to accelerate its convergence. We then study the $\langle\sigma\sigma\epsilon\sigma\sigma\rangle$ correlator in the 3d critical Ising model by truncating the operator product expansion (OPE) and only including operators with conformal dimension below a cutoff $\Delta\leqslant \Delta_{\rm cutoff}$. We approximate the contributions of the operators above the cutoff by the corresponding contributions in a suitable disconnected five-point correlator. Using this approach, we compute a number of OPE coefficients with greater accuracy than previous methods.

  • The Bestiary of 6d (1,0) SCFTs: Nilpotent Orbits and Anomalies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Florent Baume, Craig Lawrie

    Many six-dimensional $(1,0)$ SCFTs are known to fall into families labelled by nilpotent orbits of certain simple Lie algebras. For each of the three infinite series of such families, we show that the anomalies for the continuous zero-form global symmetries of a theory labelled by a nilpotent orbit $O$ of $\mathfrak{g}$ can be determined from the anomalies of the theory associated to the trivial nilpotent orbit (the parent theory), together with the data of $O$. In particular, knowledge of the tensor branch field theory is bypassed completely. We show that the known anomalies, previously determined from the geometric/atomic construction, are reproduced by analyzing the Nambu--Goldstone modes inside of the moment map associated to the $\mathfrak{g}$ flavor symmetry of the parent SCFT. This provides further evidence for the physics underlying the labelling of the SCFTs by nilpotent orbits. We remark on some consequences, such as the reinterpretation of the 6d $a$-theorem for such SCFTs in terms of group theory.

  • Classification of connected \'etale algebras in modular fusion categories up to rank five.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ken Kikuchi

    We classify connected \'etale algebras in (possibly non-unitary) modular fusion categories $\mathcal B$'s with $\text{rank}(\mathcal B)\le5$. We also comment on Lagrangian algebra, anyon condensation, and physical applications. Concretely, we prove certain spontaneous $\mathcal B$-symmetry breaking and predict ground state degeneracies in massive renormalization group flows from non-unitary minimal models.

  • Disconnected gauge groups in the infrared.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guillermo Arias-Tamargo, Mario De Marco

    Gauging a discrete 0-form symmetry of a QFT is a procedure that changes the global form of the gauge group but not its perturbative dynamics. In this work, we study the Seiberg-Witten solution of theories resulting from the gauging of charge conjugation in 4d $\mathcal{N} = 2$ theories with $SU(N)$ gauge group and fundamental hypermultiplets. The basic idea of our procedure is to identify the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ action at the level of the SW curve and perform the quotient, and it should also be applicable to non-lagrangian theories. We study dynamical aspects of these theories such as their moduli space singularities and the corresponding physics; in particular, we explore the complex structure singularity arising from the quotient procedure. We also discuss some implications of our work in regard to three problems: the geometric classification of 4d SCFTs, the study of non-invertible symmetries from the SW geometry, and the String Theory engineering of theories with disconnected gauge groups.

  • Affine $\mathcal{W}$-algebras and Miura maps from 3d $\mathcal N=4$ non-Abelian quiver gauge theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ioana Coman, Myungbo Shim, Masahito Yamazaki, Yehao Zhou

    We study Vertex Operator Algebras (VOAs) obtained from the H-twist of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ linear quiver gauge theories. We find that H-twisted VOAs can be regarded as the ''chiralization'' of the extended Higgs branch: many of the ingredients of the Higgs branch are naturally ''uplifted'' into the VOAs, while conversely the Higgs branch can be recovered as the associated variety of the VOA. We also discuss the connection of our VOA with affine $\mathcal{W}$-algebras. For example, we construct an explicit homomorphism from an affine $\mathcal{W}$-algebra $\mathcal{W}^{-n+1}(\mathfrak{gl}_n,f_{\mathrm{min}})$ into the H-twisted VOA for $T^{[2,1^{n-2}]}_{[1^n]}[\mathrm{SU}(n)]$ theories. Motivated by the relation with affine $\mathcal{W}$-algebras, we introduce a reduction procedure for the quiver diagram, and use this to give an algorithm to systematically construct novel free-field realizations for VOAs associated with general linear quivers.

  • The Conformal Manifold of S-folds in String Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nikolay Bobev, Fridrik Freyr Gautason, Jesse van Muiden

    We continue the holographic exploration of the conformal manifold of 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ S-fold SCFTs constructed by gauging the flavor symmetry of the Gaiotto-Witten $T[U(N)]$ theory. We show how to uplift the two-parameter family of AdS$_4$ vacua dual to this conformal manifold to 10d backgrounds of type IIB supergravity. We use these uplifted solutions to shed new light on the mysterious nature of the infinite distance limit on the conformal manifold and to study probe strings and D3-branes. This analysis uncovers an intriguing structure of the $S^3$ partition function of the S-fold SCFTs which resembles the giant graviton expansion of the superconformal index of 4d $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM. We also show how to each member of the family of supersymmetric AdS$_4$ vacua one can associate a consistent truncation to 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ gauged supergravity and use this result, in conjunction with holography, to calculate the large $N$ partition function of the 3d S-fold SCFT on compact Euclidean manifolds. Finally, we generalize the supersymmetric AdS$_4$ vacua to a four-parameter family of non-supersymmetric AdS$_4$ solutions.

  • Dimer piling problems and interacting field theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rolando Ramirez Camasca, John McGreevy

    The dimer tiling problem asks in how many ways can the edges of a graph be covered by dimers so that each site is covered once. In the special case of a planar graph, this problem has a solution in terms of a free fermionic field theory. We rediscover and explore an expression for the number of coverings of an arbitrary graph by arbitrary objects in terms of an interacting fermionic field theory first proposed by Samuel. Generalizations of the dimer tiling problem, which we call `dimer piling problems,' demand that each site be covered N times by indistinguishable dimers. Our field theory provides a solution of these problems in the large-N limit. We give a similar path integral representation for certain lattice coloring problems.

  • Born-Infeld Supermaze Waves.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Iosif Bena, Raphaël Dulac

    The entropy of the supersymmetric D2-D4-P black hole comes at weak coupling from D2-brane strips stretched between parallel D4 branes and carrying momentum waves. We use the DBI action of D4 branes to construct two pieces of plumbing that enter in the construction of these microstates. The first is a semi-infinite D2 brane ending on a D4 brane and carrying a momentum wave along the common D2-D4 direction. The second is a non-Abelian solution to the 5D maximally-supersymmetric SU(2) Super-Yang-Mills theory describing a momentum-carrying D2 strip stretched between two D4 branes. The solution without momentum is the same as the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole, and the fields that carry the momentum can be added without changing any of the fields of the monopole.

  • Bulk reconstruction in flat holography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bin Chen, Zezhou Hu

    In this note, we discuss bulk reconstruction of massless free fields in flat space from the highest-weight representation of boundary Carrollian conformal field theory (CCFT). We expand the bulk field as a sum of infinite descendants of a primary state defined in the boundary CCFT, and discuss the Lorentz invariant bulk-boundary propagator in detail for the BMS_3/CCFT_2 case. In our calculation, it is necessary to introduce a nonzero mass at the very beginning and take it to be vanishing at the end. The framework we proposed has potential to probe local bulk physics from the boundary CCFT.

  • Thermodynamic topology of 4D Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole in different ensembles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Naba Jyoti Gogoi, Prabwal Phukon

    We study the thermodynamic topology of 4D Euler-Heisenberg-AdS (EHAdS) black hole and higher-order QED corrected Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole in different ensembles using generalized off-shell free energy. In this approach black holes are viewed as defects in the thermodynamic space. We mainly work on two ensembles: canonical ensemble in which the charge is kept fixed and the grand canonical ensemble in which the conjugate potential $\phi_e$ is kept fixed. In each case, the local and global topology of the thermodynamic space is investigated via the computation of winding numbers at the defects. We also analyse the influence of higher order QED correction on the thermodynamic topology of 4D EHAdS black hole. For 4D Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole in canonical ensemble, the topological class is found to be different depending on the Euler-Heisenberg (EH) parameter $a$. The topological numbers for $a<0$ and $a>0$ cases are respectively found to be $W=+1$ and $W=0$. The topological number is found to be independent of the variation in pressure $P$ and charge $Q$ of the black hole. With the introduction of higher order QED correction, the difference in topological class of 4D EHAdS black hole is observed to go away. The topological number in this case is found to be $W=+1$ irrespective of the values of $a$, $P$ and $Q$. Therefore, we infer that the topological class of 4D EHAdS black hole is ensemble dependent. Moreover, in the canonical ensemble, higher order QED correction alter the topological class of the black hole for positive values of EH parameter $a$. In the grand canonical ensemble, the higher order corrections do not change the thermodynamic topology of the black hole.

  • Entanglement of edge modes in (very) strongly correlated topological insulators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nisa Ara, Emil Mathew, Rudranil Basu, Indrakshi Raychowdhury

    Identifying topological phases for a strongly correlated theory remains a non-trivial task, as defining order parameters, such as Berry phases, is not straightforward. Quantum information theory is capable of identifying topological phases for a theory that exhibits quantum phase transition with a suitable definition of order parameters that are related to different entanglement measures for the system. In this work, we study entanglement entropy for a bi-layer SSH model, both in the presence and absence of Hubbard interaction and at varying interaction strengths. For the free theory, edge entanglement acts as an order parameter, which is supported by analytic calculations and numerical (DMRG) studies. We calculate the symmetry-resolved entanglement and demonstrate the equipartition of entanglement for this model which itself acts as an order parameter when calculated for the edge modes. As the DMRG calculation allows one to go beyond the free theory, we study the entanglement structure of the edge modes in the presence of on-site Hubbard interaction for the same model. A sudden reduction of edge entanglement is obtained as interaction is switched on. The explanation for this lies in the change in the size of the degenerate subspaces in the presence and absence of interaction. We also study the signature of entanglement when the interaction strength becomes extremely strong and demonstrate that the edge entanglement remains protected. In this limit, the energy eigenstates essentially become a tensor product state, implying zero entanglement. However, a remnant entropy survives in the non-trivial topological phase which is exactly due to the entanglement of the edge modes.

  • Parameter dependence of entanglement spectra in quantum field theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wu-zhong Guo, Jin Xu

    In this paper, we explore the characteristics of reduced density matrix spectra in quantum field theories. Previous studies mainly focus on the function $\mathcal{P}(\lambda):=\sum_i \delta(\lambda-\lambda_i)$, where $\lambda_i$ denote the eigenvalues of the reduced density matirx. We introduce a series of functions designed to capture the parameter dependencies of these spectra. These functions encompass information regarding the derivatives of eigenvalues concerning the parameters, notably including the function $\mathcal{P}_{\alpha_J}(\lambda):=\sum_i \frac{\partial \lambda_i }{\partial \alpha_J}\delta(\lambda-\lambda_i)$, where $\alpha_J$ denotes the specific parameter. Computation of these functions is achievable through the utilization of R\'enyi entropy. Intriguingly, we uncover compelling relationships among these functions and demonstrate their utility in constructing the eigenvalues of reduced density matrices for select cases. We perform computations of these functions across several illustrative examples. Specially, we conducted a detailed study of the variations of $\mathcal{P}(\lambda)$ and $\mathcal{P}_{\alpha_J}(\lambda)$ under general perturbation, elucidating their physical implications. In the context of holographic theory, we ascertain that the zero point of the function $\mathcal{P}_{\alpha_J}(\lambda)$ possesses universality, determined as $\lambda_0=e^{-S}$, where $S$ denotes the entanglement entropy of the reduced density matrix. Furthermore, we exhibit potential applications of these functions in analyzing the properties of entanglement entropy.

  • Spinors from pure spinors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Niren Bhoja, Kirill Krasnov

    We propose and develop a new method to classify orbits of the spin group ${\rm Spin}(2d)$ in the space of its semi-spinors. The idea is to consider spinors as being built as a linear combination of their pure constituents, imposing the constraint that no pair of pure spinor constituents sums up to a pure spinor. We show that this leads to a simple combinatorial problem that has a finite number of solutions in dimensions up to and including fourteen. We call each distinct solution a combinatorial type of an impure spinor. We represent each combinatorial type graphically by a simplex, with vertices corresponding to the pure constituents of a spinor, and edges being labelled by the dimension of the totally null space that is the intersection of the annihilator subspaces of the pure spinors living at the vertices. We call the number of vertices in a simplex the impurity of an impure spinor. In dimensions eight and ten the maximal impurity is two. Dimension twelve is the first dimension where one gets an impurity three spinor, represented by a triangle. In dimension fourteen the generic orbit has impurity four, while the maximal impurity is five. We show that each of our combinatorial types uniquely corresponds to one of the known spinor orbits, thus reproducing the classification of spinors in dimensions up to and including fourteen from simple combinatorics. Our methods continue to work in dimensions sixteen and higher, but the number of the possible distinct combinatorial types grows rather rapidly with the dimension.

  • Genus $g$ Zhu Recursion for Vertex Operator Algebras and Their Modules.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michael P. Tuite, Michael Welby

    We describe Zhu recursion for a vertex operator algebra (VOA) and its modules on a genus $g$ Riemann surface in the Schottky uniformisation. We show that $n$-point (intertwiner) correlation functions are written as linear combinations of $(n-1)$-point functions with universal coefficients given by derivatives of the differential of the third kind, the Bers quasiform and certain holomorphic forms. We use this formula to describe conformal Ward identities framed in terms of a canonical differential operator which acts with respect to the Schottky moduli and to the insertion points of the $n$-point function. We consider the generalised Heisenberg VOA and determine all its correlation functions by Zhu recursion. We also use Zhu recursion to derive linear partial differential equations for the Heisenberg VOA partition function and various structures such as the bidifferential of the second kind, holomorphic $1$-forms, the prime form and the period matrix. Finally, we compute the genus $g$ partition function for any rational Euclidean lattice generalised VOA.

  • Thermodynamics and Holography of Three-dimensional Accelerating black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jia Tian, Tengzhou Lai

    We address the problem of describing the thermodynamics and holography of three-dimensional accelerating black holes. By embedding the solutions in the Chern-Simons formalism, we identify two distinct masses, each with its associated first law of thermodynamics. We also show that a boundary entropy should be included (or excluded) in the black hole entropy.

  • Lecture notes on current-current deformations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Riccardo Borsato

    These are pedagogical lecture notes discussing current-current deformations of 2-dimensional field theories. The deformations that are considered here are generated infinitesimally by bilinears of Noether currents corresponding to internal global symmetries of the ``seed'' theory. When the seed theory is conformal, these deformations are marginal and are often known as $J\bar J$-deformations. In this context, we review the criterion for marginal operators due to Chaudhuri and Schwartz. When the seed theory is an integrable $\sigma$-model (in the sense that it possesses a Lax connection), these deformations preserve the integrability. Here we review this fact by viewing the deformations as maps that leave the equations of motion and the Poisson brackets of the 2-dimensional $\sigma$-models invariant. The reinterpretation as undeformed theories with twisted boundary conditions is also discussed, as well as the effect of the deformation at the level of the S-matrix of the quantum theory. The finite (or integrated) form of the deformations is equivalent to sequences of T-duality--shift--T-duality transformations (TsT's), and here we review the $O(d,d)$-covariant formalism that is useful to describe them. The presentation starts with pedagogical examples of deformations of free massless scalars in 2 dimensions, and minimal prerequisites on conformal field theories or integrability are needed to understand later sections. Moreover, guided exercises are proposed to the reader. These notes were prepared for the Young Researchers Integrability School and Workshop (YRISW) held in Durham from 17 to 21 July 2023.

  • Lectures on classical Affine Gaudin models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sylvain Lacroix

    These lecture notes present an introduction to classical Affine Gaudin models, which provide a general framework for the systematic construction and study of a large class of integrable two-dimensional field theories. A key role is played by Kac-Moody currents, which are fields satisfying a particular Poisson bracket. After reviewing this notion, we discuss in detail the construction of Affine Gaudin models in the language of Hamiltonian field theories. Special emphasis is placed on their symmetries and conserved quantities, including the construction of infinite families of local and non-local Poisson-commuting charges in terms of Kac-Moody currents. Moreover, we study explicit examples of affine Gaudin models, making the link with the realm of integrable sigma-models. Finally, we mention briefly various perspectives concerning these theories, including the question of their quantisation. Minimal prerequisites on classical Hamiltonian field theories and integrability are required to follow the presentation and a brief reminder of these notions is given at the beginning of the notes. Moreover, various exercises are included throughout the document. These notes were prepared for the Young Researchers Integrability School and Workshop held in Durham from 17 to 21 July 2023.

  • On AdS/CFT duality in the twisted sector of string theory on $AdS_5 \times S^5/\mathbb{Z}_2$ orbifold background.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Torben Skrzypek, Arkady A. Tseytlin

    We consider type IIB string theory on an $AdS_5 \times S^5/\mathbb{Z}_2$ orbifold background, which should be dual to 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal $SU(N)\times SU(N)$ gauge theory with two bi-fundamental hypermultiplets. The correlator of two chiral BPS operators from the twisted sector of this quiver CFT exhibits non-trivial dependence on the 't Hooft coupling $\lambda$ already in the planar limit. This dependence was recently determined using localisation and the expansion at large $\lambda$ contains a subleading contribution proportional to $\zeta(3) \lambda^{-3/2}$. We address the question of how to reproduce this correction on the string theory side by starting with the $\zeta(3) \alpha'^3$ term in the type IIB string effective action. We find a regular solution of type IIB supergravity which represents a resolution of the $AdS_5 \times S^5/\mathbb{Z}_2$ orbifold and demonstrate that the relevant light twisted sector states may be identified as additional supergravity 2-form modes ``wrapping" a finite 2-cycle in the resolution space. Reproducing the structure of the gauge theory result becomes more transparent in the large R-charge or BMN-like limit in which the resolved background takes a pp-wave form with the transverse space being a product of $\mathbb R^4$ and the Eguchi-Hanson space.

  • Zig-zag deformations of toric quiver gauge theories. Part I: reflexive polytopes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stefano Cremonesi, José Sá

    We study one-parameter families of $U(1)^2$ preserving deformations relating pairs of toric quiver gauge theories on D-branes probing local toric (pseudo) del Pezzo surfaces. The superpotential deformations are defined by zig-zag paths in the brane tiling and are non-trivial in the chiral ring if the geometry has a non-isolated singularity. In the dual $(p,q)$ web, the deformation is realized as a Hanany-Witten move that reverses a semi-infinite fivebrane. We use these deformations to find RG flows between 4d $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFTs on D3-branes probing local toric (pseudo) del Pezzo surfaces of the same degree, and briefly comment on the interpretation for BPS quivers of rank one 5d SCFTs on $S^1$.

  • Approaching the conformal WZW behavior in the infrared limit of two-dimensional massless QCD: a lattice study.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nikhil Karthik, Rajamani Narayanan, Sruthi A. Narayanan

    Two-dimensional QCD with $N_c$ colors and $N_f$ flavors of massless fermions in the fundamental representation is expected to exhibit conformal behavior in the infrared governed by a $u(N_f)$ WZW model with level $N_c$. Using numerical analysis within the lattice formalism with exactly massless overlap fermions, we show the emergence of such behavior in the infrared limit. Both the continuum extrapolated low-lying eigenvalues of the massless Dirac operator and as the propagator of scalar mesons exhibit a flow from the ultraviolet to the infrared. We find that the amplitude of the conserved current correlator remains invariant under the flow, while the amplitude of the scalar correlator approaches $N_f$-independent values in the infrared.

  • Euclidean flows, solitons and wormholes in AdS from M-theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrés Anabalón, Álvaro Arboleya, Adolfo Guarino

    Multi-parametric families of non-supersymmetric EAdS$_{4}$ flows as well as asymptotically EAdS$_{4}$ solitons and wormholes are constructed within the four-dimensional $\textrm{SO}(8)$ gauged supergravity that describes the compactification of M-theory on $\textrm{S}^{7}$. More concretely, the solutions are found within the so-called STU-model that describes the $\textrm{U}(1)^4$ invariant sector of the theory. The on-shell action and gravitational free energy are computed for the regular solutions, the latter being zero for the wormholes irrespective of supersymmetry. There are special loci in parameter space yielding solutions with enhanced (super)symmetry. Examples include a supersymmetric EAdS$_{4}$ flow with $\textrm{SO}(4) \times \textrm{SO}(4)$ symmetry dual to a specific real mass deformation of ABJM on S$^{3}$ as well as a non-supersymmetric wormhole with $\textrm{SU}(3) \times \textrm{U}(1)^2$ symmetry. The uplift of these examples to Euclidean solutions of eleven-dimensional supergravity is presented and their complex nature discussed.

  • BV-refinement of the on-shell supersymmetry and localization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrey Losev, Vyacheslav Lysov

    We generalize the BV formalism for the physical theories on supermanifolds with graded symmetry algebras realized off-shell and on-shell. An application of such generalization to supersymmetric theories allows us to formulate the new classification which refines the usual off-shell/on-shell classification. Our new classification is based on the type of higher order antifield terms in the corresponding BV action. We provide explicit examples for each class of the refined classification. We show that the supersymmetric localization for the off-shell theories is a BV integral over particular Lagrangian submanifold. We generalize the supersymmetric localization to the on-shell supersymmetric theories of quadratic type in our classification. The partition function for such theories becomes Gaussian integral for a particular choice of Lagrangian submanifold.

  • Elliptic deformations of the $\mathsf{AdS}_3 \times \mathsf{S}^3 \times \mathsf{T}^4$ string.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ben Hoare, Ana L. Retore, Fiona K. Seibold

    With the aim of investigating the existence of an integrable elliptic deformation of strings on $\mathsf{AdS}_3 \times \mathsf{S}^3 \times \mathsf{T}^4$, we compute the tree-level worldsheet S-matrix of the elliptically-deformed bosonic sigma model on $\mathsf{AdS}_3 \times \mathsf{S}^3$ in uniform light-cone gauge. The resulting tree-level S-matrix is compatible with the integrability of the model and has interesting features, including a hidden $\mathsf{U}(1)$ symmetry not manifest in the Lagrangian. We find that it cannot be embedded in the known exact integrable R-matrices describing deformations of the undeformed $\mathsf{AdS}_3 \times \mathsf{S}^3 \times \mathsf{T}^4$ light-cone gauge S-matrix including fermions. Therefore, we construct embeddings of the deformed 6-d metric in type II supergravity with constant dilaton and homogeneous fluxes. The simplicity of these solutions suggests they are promising candidates to lead to an integrable string sigma model including fermions.

  • Complex KdV rogue waves from gauge-Miura transformation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ysla F. Adans, Guilherme França, José F. Gomes, Gabriel V. Lobo, Abraham H. Zimerman

    The gauge-Miura correspondence establishes a map between the entire KdV and mKdV hierarchies, including positive and also negative flows, from which new relations besides the standard Miura transformation arise. We use this correspondence to classify solutions of the KdV hierarchy in terms of elementary tau functions of the mKdV hierarchy under both zero and nonzero vacua. We illustrate how interesting nonlinear phenomena can be described analytically from this construction, such as ``rogue waves'' of a complex KdV system that corresponds to a limit of a vector nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation.

  • A Smooth Horizon without a Smooth Horizon.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vaibhav Burman, Suchetan Das, Chethan Krishnan

    Recent observations on type III algebras in AdS/CFT raise the possibility that smoothness of the black hole horizon is an emergent feature of the large-$N$ limit. In this paper, we present a $bulk$ toy model for the finite-$N$ mechanism underlying this transition. We quantize a free scalar field on a BTZ black hole with a Planckian stretched horizon placed as a Dirichlet boundary for the field. This is a tractable model for the stretched horizon that does not ignore the angular directions, and it defines a black hole vacuum which has similarities to (but is distinct from) the Boulware state. Using analytic approximations for the normal modes, we first improve upon 't Hooft's brick wall calculation: we are able to match $both$ the entropy and the temperature, $exactly$. Emboldened by this, we compute the boundary Wightman function of the scalar field in a typical pure state built on our stretched horizon vacuum, at an energy sliver at the mass of the black hole. A key result is that despite the manifest lack of smoothness, this single-sided pure state calculation yields precisely the Hartle-Hawking thermal correlator associated to the smooth horizon, in the small-$G_N$ limit. At finite $G_N$, there are variance corrections that are suppressed as $\mathcal{O}(e^{-S_{BH}/2})$. They become important at late times and resolve Maldacena's information paradox. Highly excited typical pure states on the stretched horizon vacuum are therefore models for black hole microstates, while the smooth horizon describes the thermal state. We note that heavy excited states on the stretched horizon are better defined than the vacuum itself. These results suggest that complementarity in the bulk EFT could arise from a UV complete bulk description in which the black hole interior is not manifest.

  • Normal Modes of the Stretched Horizon: A Bulk Mechanism for Black Hole Microstate Level Spacing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chethan Krishnan, Pradipta S. Pathak

    In 1984, 't Hooft famously used a brickwall (aka stretched horizon) to compute black hole entropy up to a numerical pre-factor. This calculation is sometimes interpreted as due to the entanglement of the modes across the horizon, but more operationally, it is simply an indirect count of the semi-classical modes trapped between the stretched horizon and the angular momentum barrier. Because the calculation was indirect, it needed both the mass and the temperature of the black hole as inputs, to reproduce the area. A more conventional statistical mechanics calculation should be able to get the entropy, once the ensemble is specified (say via the energy, in a microcanonical setting). In this paper, we explicitly compute black hole normal modes in various examples, numerically as well as (in various regimes) analytically. The explicit knowledge of normal modes allows us to reproduce $both$ the Hawking temperature as well as the entropy, once the charges are specified, making this a conventional statistical mechanics calculation. A quasi-degeneracy in the angular quantum numbers is directly responsible for the area scaling of the entropy, and is the key distinction between the Planckian black body calculation (volume scaling) and the 't Hooftian calculation (area scaling). We discuss the (rotating) BTZ case in detail and match the thermodynamic quantities $exactly$. Schwarzschild and Kerr normal modes are discussed in less detail using near-horizon approximations. Our calculations reveal a new hierarchy in the angular quantum numbers, which we speculate is related to string theory.

  • Comments on Integrability in the Symmetric Orbifold.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergey Frolov, Alessandro Sfondrini

    We present a map between the excitation of the symmetric-product orbifold CFT of $T^4$, and of the worldsheet-integrability description of $AdS_3\times S^3\times T^4$ of Lloyd, Ohlsson Sax, Sfondrini, and Stefa\'nski at $k=1$. We discuss the map in the absence of RR fluxes, when the theory is free, and at small RR flux, $h\ll 1$, where the symmetric-orbifold CFT is deformed by a marginal operator from the twist-two sector. We discuss the recent results of Gaberdiel, Gopakumar, and Nairz, who computed from the perturbed symmetric-product orbifold the central extension to the symmetry algebra of the theory and its coproduct. We show that it coincides with the $h\ll 1$ expansion of the lightcone symmetry algebra known from worldsheet integrability, and that hence the S~matrix found by Gaberdiel, Gopakumar, and Nairz maps to the one bootstrapped by the worldsheet integrability approach.

  • Yang-Mills field from fuzzy sphere quantum Kaluza-Klein model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chengcheng Liu, Shahn Majid

    Using the framework of quantum Riemannian geometry, we show that gravity on the product of spacetime and a fuzzy sphere is equivalent under minimal assumptions to gravity on spacetime, an $su_2$-valued Yang-Mills field $A_{\mu i}$ and real-symmetric-matrix valued Liouville-sigma model field $h_{ij}$ for gravity on the fuzzy sphere. Moreover, a massless real scalar field on the product appears as a tower of scalar fields on spacetime, with one for each internal integer spin $l$ representation of $SU(2)$, minimally coupled to $A_{\mu i}$ and with mass depending on $l$ and the fuzzy sphere size. For discrete values of the deformation parameter, the fuzzy spheres can be reduced to matrix algebras $M_{2j+1}(C)$ for $j$ any non-negative half-integer, and in this case only integer spins $0\le l\le 2j$ appear in the multiplet. Thus, for $j=1$ a massless field on the product appears as a massless $SU(2)$ internal spin 0 field, a massive internal spin 1 field and a massive internal spin 2 field, in mass ratio $0,1,\sqrt{3}$ respectively, which we conjecture could arise in connection with an approximate $SU(2)$ flavour symmetry.

  • A non-relativistic limit of M-theory and 11-dimensional membrane Newton-Cartan geometry.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chris D. A. Blair, Domingo Gallegos, Natale Zinnato

    We consider a non-relativistic limit of the bosonic sector of eleven-dimensional supergravity, leading to a theory based on a covariant `membrane Newton-Cartan' (MNC) geometry. The local tangent space is split into three `longitudinal' and eight `transverse' directions, related only by Galilean rather than Lorentzian symmetries. This generalises the ten-dimensional stringy Newton-Cartan (SNC) theory. In order to obtain a finite limit, the field strength of the eleven-dimensional four-form is required to obey a transverse self-duality constraint, ultimately due to the presence of the Chern-Simons term in eleven dimensions. The finite action then gives a set of equations that is invariant under longitudinal and transverse rotations, Galilean boosts and local dilatations. We supplement these equations with an extra Poisson equation, coming from the subleading action. Reduction along a longitudinal direction gives the known SNC theory with the addition of RR gauge fields, while reducing along a transverse direction yields a new non-relativistic theory associated to D2 branes. We further show that the MNC theory can be embedded in the U-duality symmetric formulation of exceptional field theory, demonstrating that it shares the same exceptional Lie algebraic symmetries as the relativistic supergravity, and providing an alternative derivation of the extra Poisson equation.

  • Krylov construction and complexity for driven quantum systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Amin A. Nizami, Ankit W. Shrestha

    Krylov complexity is an important dynamical quantity with relevance to the study of operator growth and quantum chaos, and has recently been much studied for various time-independent systems. We initiate the study of K-complexity in time-dependent (driven) quantum systems. For periodic time-dependent (Floquet) systems, we develop a natural method for doing the Krylov construction and then define (state and operator) K-complexity for such systems. Focusing on kicked systems, in particular the quantum kicked rotor on a torus, we provide a detailed numerical study of the time dependence of Arnoldi coefficients as well as of the K-complexity with the system coupling constant interpolating between the weak and strong coupling regime. We also study the growth of the Krylov subspace dimension as a function of the system coupling constant.

  • Entanglement entropy analysis of dyonic black holes using doubly holographic theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hyun-Sik Jeong, Keun-Young Kim, Ya-Wen Sun

    We investigate the entanglement between the eternal black hole and Hawking radiation. For this purpose, we utilize the doubly holographic theories and study the entanglement entropy of the radiation to find the Page curve consistent with the unitarity principle. Doubly holographic theories introduce two types of boundaries in the AdS bulk, namely the usual AdS boundary and the Planck brane. In such a setup, we calculate the entanglement entropy by examining two extremal surfaces: the Hartman-Maldacena (HM) surface and the island surface. The latter surface emerges when the island appears on the Planck brane. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of dyonic black holes with regard to the Page curve in the context of the doubly holographic setup. To begin with, we ascertain that the pertinent topological terms must be included in the Planck brane to describe the systems at finite density and magnetic field. Furthermore, we also develop a general numerical method to compute the time-dependent HM surface and achieve excellent agreement between the numerical results and analytical expressions. Utilizing numerical methodology, we find that the entanglement entropy of dyonic black holes exhibits unitary evolution over time, wherein it grows in early time and reaches saturation after the Page time. The initial growth can be explained by the HM surface, while the saturation is attributed to the island surface. In addition, using the holographic entanglement density, we also show that, for the first time, the saturated value of the entanglement entropy is twice the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy with the tensionless brane in double holography.

  • The Phase Transition of Non-minimal Yang-Mills AdS Black Brane.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mehdi Sadeghi, Faramaz Rahmani

    In this paper, we shall study the phase transition of non-minimal coupling of Einstein-Hilbert gravity and electric field of Yang-Mills type in AdS space-time. We couple the Ricci scalar to the Yang-Mills invariant to obtain a modified theory of gravity. A black brane solution is introduced up to the first order of the term $RF^{(a)}_{\mu \alpha }F^{(a)\mu \alpha} $ in this model. Then, the phase transition of this solution will be investigated in canonical ensemble. Our investigation shows that the second order phase transition is seen in this model. But, due to coupling of the Yang-Mills field and Ricci scalar, there are differences with the phase transitions of the usual minimal models. Also, we shall show that in the absence of non-minimal coupling there is no any phase transition.

  • Crossed Products, Extended Phase Spaces and the Resolution of Entanglement Singularities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marc S. Klinger, Robert G. Leigh

    We identify a direct correspondence between the crossed product construction which plays a crucial role in the theory of Type III von Neumann algebras, and the extended phase space construction which restores the integrability of non-zero charges generated by gauge symmetries in the presence of spatial substructures. This correspondence provides a blue-print for resolving singularities which are encountered in the computation of entanglement entropy for subregions in quantum field theories. The extended phase space encodes quantities that would be regarded as `pure gauge' from the perspective of the full theory, but are nevertheless necessary for gluing together, in a path integral sense, physics in different subregions. These quantities are required in order to maintain gauge covariance under such gluings. The crossed product provides a consistent method for incorporating these necessary degrees of freedom into the operator algebra associated with a given subregion. In this way, the extended phase space completes the subregion algebra and subsequently allows for the assignment of a meaningful, finite entropy to states therein.

  • Emergent Supersymmetry at Large $N$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shiroman Prakash, Shubham Kumar Sinha

    We search for infrared fixed points of Gross-Neveu Yukawa models with matrix degrees of freedom in $d=4-\varepsilon$. We consider three models -- a model with $SU(N)$ symmetry in which the scalar and fermionic fields both transform in the adjoint representation, a model with $SO(N)$ symmetry in which the scalar and fermion fields both transform as real symmetric-traceless matrices, and a model with $SO(N)$ symmetry in which the scalar field transforms as a real symmetric-traceless matrix, while the fermion transforms in the adjoint representation. These models differ at finite $N$, but their large-$N$ limits are perturbatively equivalent. The first two models contain a supersymmetric fixed point for all $N$, which is attractive to all classically-marginal deformations for $N$ sufficiently large. The third model possesses a stable fixed point that, although non-supersymmetric, gives rise to many correlation functions that are identical to those of a supersymmetric fixed point when $N$ is sufficiently large. We also find several non-supersymmetric fixed points at finite and large-$N$. Planar diagrams dominate the large-$N$ limit of these fixed points, which suggests the possibility of a stringy holographic dual description.

  • The Geometry of the Modular Bootstrap.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Li-Yuan Chiang, Tzu-Chen Huang, Yu-tin Huang, Wei Li, Laurentiu Rodina, He-Chen Weng

    We explore the geometry behind the modular bootstrap and its image in the space of Taylor coefficients of the torus partition function. In the first part, we identify the geometry as an intersection of planes with the convex hull of moment curves on $R^+{\otimes}\mathbb{Z}$, with boundaries characterized by the total positivity of generalized Hankel matrices. We phrase the Hankel constraints as a semi-definite program, which has several advantages, such as constant computation time with increasing central charge. We derive bounds on the gap, twist-gap, and the space of Taylor coefficients themselves. We find that if the gap is above $\Delta^*_{gap}$, where $\frac{c{-}1}{12}<\Delta^*_{gap}< \frac{c}{12}$, all coefficients become bounded on both sides and kinks develop in the space. In the second part, we propose an analytic method of imposing the integrality condition for the degeneracy number in the spinless bootstrap, which leads to a non-convex geometry. We find that even at very low derivative order this condition rules out regions otherwise allowed by bootstraps at high derivative order.

  • Equivariant Topological T-Duality.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tom Dove, Thomas Schick

    Topological T-duality is a relationship between pairs (E, P ) over a fixed space X, where E over X is a principal torus bundle and P over E is a twist, such as a gerbe of principal PU(H)-bundle. This is of interest to topologists because of the T-duality transformation: a T-duality relation between pairs (E, P ) and (F, Q ) comes with an isomorphism (with degree shift) between the twisted K-theory of E and the twisted K-theory of F. We formulate topological T-duality in the equivariant setting, following the definition of Bunke, Rumpf, and Schick. We define the T-duality transformation in equivariant K-theory and show that it is an isomorphism for actions of compact Lie groups, equal to its own inverse and uniquely characterized by naturality and a normalization for trivial situations.

  • Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and Generalised Hydrodynamics in the sine-Gordon model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    B. C. Nagy, G. Takács, M. Kormos

    We set up a hydrodynamic description of the non-equilibrium dynamics of sine-Gordon quantum field theory for generic coupling. It is built upon an explicit form of the Bethe Ansatz description of general thermodynamic states, with the structure of the resulting coupled integral equations encoded in terms of graphical diagrams. The resulting framework is applied to derive results for the Drude weights of charge and energy. Quantities associated with the charge universally have fractal dependence on the coupling, which is notably absent from those associated with energy, a feature explained by the different roles played by reflective scattering in transporting these quantities. We then present far-from-equilibrium results, including explicit time evolution starting from bipartite initial states and dynamical correlation functions. Our framework can be applied to explore numerous other aspects of non-equilibrium dynamics, which opens the way to a wide array of theoretical studies and potential novel experimental predictions.

  • Higher geometry in physics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luigi Alfonsi

    This survey article is an invited contribution to the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2nd edition. We provide an accessible overview on relevant applications of higher and derived geometry to theoretical physics, including higher gauge theory, higher geometric quantization and Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism.

  • String Theory in Rolling Tachyon Vacuum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ashoke Sen

    We suggest that the universe filled with unstable D-branes in their rolling tachyon vacuum state, described by periodic arrays of D-instantons along the imaginary time direction, may be a natural background for formulating string theory. While the presence of these D-instanton arrays do not affect the usual perturbative closed string amplitudes, the open string degrees of freedom on the instanton may be used to create the regular D-branes via a series of marginal deformations, thereby describing D-branes as regular classical solutions in the theory. Furthermore, we argue that a combination of the open string degrees of freedom in the rolling tachyon vacuum is set equal to time by the equations of motion, and hence this combination could provide an intrinsic definition of time in the theory. We illustrate these observations using the example of two dimensional string theory.



  • Contextual Measurement Model and Quantum Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrei Khrennikov

    We develop the contextual measurement model (CMM) which is used for clarification of the quantum foundations. This model matches with Bohr's views on the role of experimental contexts. CMM is based on contextual probability theory which is connected with generalized probability theory. CMM covers measurements in classical, quantum, and semi-classical physics. The CMM formalism is illustrated by a few examples. We consider CMM framing of classical probability, the von Neumann measurement theory, the quantum instrument theory. CMM can also be applied outside of physics, in cognition, decision making, and psychology, so called quantum-like modeling.

  • Quantum vacuum amplification in time-varying media with arbitrary temporal profiles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Antonio Ganfornina-Andrades, J. Enrique Vázquez-Lozano, Iñigo Liberal

    In this work we address quantum vacuum amplification effects in time-varying media with an arbitrary time-modulation profile. To this end, we propose a theoretical formalism based on the concept of conjugated harmonic oscillators, evaluating the impact on the transition time in temporal boundaries, shedding light into the practical requirements to observe quantum effects at them. In addition, we find nontrivial effects in pulsed-modulations, where the swiftest and strongest modulation does not lead to the highest photon production. Thus, our results provide key insights for the design of temporal modulation sequences to enhance quantum phenomena.

  • Improving fidelity of multi-qubit gates using hardware-level pulse parallelization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sagar Silva Pratapsi, Diogo Cruz

    Quantum computation holds the promise of solving computational problems which are believed to be classically intractable. However, in practice, quantum devices are still limited by their relatively short coherence times and imperfect circuit-hardware mapping. In this work, we present the parallelization of pre-calibrated pulses at the hardware level as an easy-to-implement strategy to optimize quantum gates. Focusing on $R_{ZX}$ gates, we demonstrate that such parallelization leads to improved fidelity and gate time reduction, when compared to serial concatenation. As measured by Cycle Benchmarking, our most modest fidelity gain was from 98.16(7)% to 99.15(3)% for the application of two $R_{ZX}(\pi/2)$ gates with one shared qubit. We show that this strategy can be applied to other gates like the CNOT and CZ, and it may benefit tasks such as Hamiltonian simulation problems, amplitude amplification, and error-correction codes.

  • Advantage of multi-partite entanglement for quantum cryptography over long and short ranged networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Janka Memmen, Jens Eisert, Nathan Walk

    The increasing sophistication of available quantum networks has seen a corresponding growth in the pursuit of multi-partite cryptographic protocols. Whilst the use of multi-partite entanglement is known to offer an advantage in certain abstractly motivated contexts, the quest to find practical advantage scenarios is ongoing and substantial difficulties in generalising some bi-partite security proofs still remain. We present rigorous results that address both these challenges at the same time. First, we prove the security of a variant of the GHZ state based secret sharing protocol against general attacks, including participant attacks which break the security of the original GHZ state scheme. We then identify parameters for a performance advantage over realistic bottleneck networks. We show that whilst channel losses limit the advantage region to short distances over direct transmission networks, the addition of quantum repeaters unlocks the performance advantage of multi-partite entanglement over point-to-point approaches for long distance quantum cryptography.

  • Long-time Quantum Information Scrambling and Emergent Mereology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Faidon Andreadakis, Emanuel Dallas, Paolo Zanardi

    Recent work by Zanardi et al. (arXiv:2212.14340) has associated each possible partition of a quantum system with an operational subalgebra and proposed that the short-time growth of the algebraic out-of-time-order-correlator ("$\mathcal{A}$-OTOC") is a suitable criterion to determine which partition arises naturally from the system's unitary dynamics. We extend this work to the long-time regime. Specifically, the long-time average of the $\mathcal{A}$-OTOC serves as our metric of subsystem emergence. Under this framework, natural system partitions are characterized by the tendency to minimally scramble information over long time scales. We derive an analytic expression for the $\mathcal{A}$-OTOC long-time average under the non-resonance condition. We then consider several physical examples and perform minimization of this quantity both analytically and numerically over relevant families of algebras. For simple cases subject to the non-resonant condition, minimal $\mathcal{A}$-OTOC long-time average is shown to be related to minimal entanglement of the Hamiltonian eigenstates across the emergent system partition. Finally, we conjecture and provide evidence for a general structure of the algebra that minimizes the average for non-resonant Hamiltonians.

  • SICs and the triangle group (3,3,3).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Danylo Yakymenko

    The problem of existence of symmetric informationally-complete positive operator-valued measures (SICs for short) in every dimension is known as Zauner's conjecture and remains open to this day. Most of the known SIC examples are constructed as an orbit of the Weyl-Heisenberg group action. It appears that in these cases SICs are invariant under so-called canonical order 3 unitaries, which define automorphisms of the Weyl-Heisenberg group. In this note we show that those order 3 unitaries appear in projective unitary representations of the triangle group $(3,3,3)$. We give a full description of such representations and show how it can be used to obtain results about the structure of canonical order 3 unitaries. In particular, we present an alternative way of proving the fact that any canonical order 3 unitary is conjugate to Zauner's unitary if dimension $d>3$ is prime.

  • A condition for the zero-error capacity of quantum channels.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marciel M. Oliveira, Francisco M. de Assis, Micael A. Dias

    In this paper, we present a condition for the zero-error capacity of quantum channels. To achieve this result we first prove that the eigenvectors (or eigenstates) common to the Kraus operators representing the quantum channel are fixed points of the channel. From this fact and assuming that these Kraus operators have at least two eigenstates in common and also considering that every quantum channel has at least one fixed point, it is proved that the zero-error capacity of the quantum channel is positive. Moreover, this zero-error capacity condition is a lower bound for the zero-error capacity of the quantum channel. This zero-error capacity condition of quantum channels has a peculiar feature that it is easy to verify when one knows the Kraus operators representing the quantum channel.

  • Entanglement Dynamics in Monitored Systems and the Role of Quantum Jumps.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Youenn Le Gal, Xhek Turkeshi, Marco Schirò

    Monitored quantum many-body systems display a rich pattern of entanglement dynamics, which is unique to this non-unitary setting. This work studies the effect of quantum jumps on the entanglement dynamics beyond the no-click limit corresponding to a deterministic non-Hermitian evolution. We consider two examples, a monitored SSH model and a quantum Ising chain, for which we show the jumps have remarkably different effects on the entanglement despite having the same statistics as encoded in their waiting-time distribution. To understand this difference, we introduce a new metric, the statistics of entanglement gain and loss due to jumps and non-Hermitian evolution. This insight allows us to build a simple stochastic model of a random walk with partial resetting, which reproduces the entanglement dynamics, and to dissect the mutual role of jumps and non-Hermitian evolution on the entanglement scaling. We demonstrate that significant deviations from the no-click limit arise whenever quantum jumps strongly renormalize the non-Hermitian dynamics, as in the case of the SSH model at weak monitoring or in the Ising chain at large transverse field. On the other hand, we show that the weak monitoring phase of the Ising chain leads to a robust sub-volume logarithmic phase due to weakly renormalized non-Hermitian dynamics.

  • Ultraslow Growth of Number Entropy in an l-bit Model of Many-Body Localization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David Aceituno Chávez, Claudia Artiaco, Thomas Klein Kvorning, Loïc Herviou, Jens H. Bardarson

    We demonstrate that slow growth of the number entropy following a quench from a local product state is consistent with many-body localization. To do this we construct a random circuit l-bit model with exponentially localized l-bits and exponentially decaying interactions between them. We observe an ultraslow growth of the number entropy starting from a N\'eel state, saturating at a value that grows with system size. This suggests that the observation of such growth in microscopic models is not sufficient to rule out many-body localization.

  • Geometric signature of non-Markovian dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Da-Wei Luo, Ting Yu

    Non-Markovian effects of an open system dynamics are typically characterized by non-monotonic information flows from the system to its environment or information backflows from the environment to the system. By using a two-level system (TLS) coupled to a dissipative single-mode cavity, we show that the geometric decoherence of the open quantum system of interest can serve as a reliable witness of non-Markovian dynamics. This geometric approach can also reveal the finer details about the dynamics such as the time points where the non-Markovian behaviors come into operation. Specifically, we show that the divergence of the geometric decoherence factor of the TLS can be a sufficient condition for the non-Markovian dynamics. Remarkably, it can even become a necessary and sufficient condition in certain cases.

  • Optimal energy storage in the Tavis-Cummings quantum battery.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hui-Yu Yang, Hai-Long Shi, Qing-Kun Wan, Kun Zhang, Xiao-Hui Wang, Wen-Li Yang

    The Tavis-Cummings (TC) model, which serves as a natural physical realization of a quantum battery, comprises $N_b$ atoms as battery cells that collectively interact with a shared photon field, functioning as the charger, initially containing $n_0$ photons. In this study, we introduce the invariant subspace method to effectively represent the quantum dynamics of the TC battery. Our findings indicate that in the limiting case of $n_0\!\gg\! N_b$ or $N_b\!\gg\! n_0$, a distinct SU(2) symmetry emerges in the dynamics, thereby ensuring the realization of optimal energy storage. We also establish a negative relationship between the battery-charger entanglement and the energy storage capacity. As a result, we demonstrate that the asymptotically optimal energy storage can be achieved in the scenario where $N_b\!=\!n_0\!\gg\! 1$. Our approach not only enhances our comprehension of the algebraic structure inherent in the TC model but also contributes to the broader theoretical framework of quantum batteries. Furthermore, it provides crucial insights into the relation between energy transfer and quantum correlations.

  • Fourier Quantum Process Tomography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesco Di Colandrea, Nazanin Dehghan, Alessio D'Errico, Ebrahim Karimi

    The characterization of a quantum device is a crucial step in the development of quantum experiments. This is accomplished via Quantum Process Tomography, which combines the outcomes of different projective measurements to deliver a possible reconstruction of the underlying process. The tomography is typically performed by processing an overcomplete set of measurements and extracting the process matrix from maximum-likelihood estimation. Here, we introduce a new technique, referred to as Fourier Quantum Process Tomography, which requires a reduced number of measurements, and benchmark its performance against the standard maximum-likelihood approach. Fourier Quantum Process Tomography is based on measuring probability distributions in two conjugate spaces for different state preparations and projections. Exploiting the concept of phase retrieval, our scheme achieves a complete and robust characterization of the setup by processing a near-minimal set of measurements. We experimentally test the technique on different space-dependent polarization transformations, reporting average fidelities higher than 90% and significant computational advantage.

  • Accuracy vs Memory Advantage in the Quantum Simulation of Stochastic Processes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leonardo Banchi

    Many inference scenarios rely on extracting relevant information from known data in order to make future predictions. When the underlying stochastic process satisfies certain assumptions, there is a direct mapping between its exact classical and quantum simulators, with the latter asymptotically using less memory. Here we focus on studying whether such quantum advantage persists when those assumptions are not satisfied, and the model is doomed to have imperfect accuracy. By studying the trade-off between accuracy and memory requirements, we show that quantum models can reach the same accuracy with less memory, or alternatively, better accuracy with the same memory. Finally, we discuss the implications of this result for learning tasks.

  • SQuADDS: A validated design database and simulation workflow for superconducting qubit design.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sadman Shanto, Andre Kuo, Clark Miyamoto, Haimeng Zhang, Vivek Maurya, Evangelos Vlachos, Malida Hecht, Chung Wa Shum, Eli Levenson-Falk

    We present an open-source database of superconducting quantum device designs that may be used as the starting point for customized devices. Each design can be generated programmatically using the open-source Qiskit Metal package, and simulated using finite-element electromagnetic solvers. We present a robust workflow for achieving high accuracy on design simulations. Many designs in the database are experimentally validated, showing excellent agreement between simulated and measured parameters. Our database includes a front-end interface that allows users to generate ``best-guess'' designs based on desired circuit parameters. This project lowers the barrier to entry for research groups seeking to make a new class of devices by providing them a well-characterized starting point from which to refine their designs.

  • An occupation number quantum subspace expansion approach to compute the single-particle Green function.- [PDF] - [Article]

    B. Gauthier, P. Rosenberg, A. Foley, M. Charlebois

    We introduce a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm to compute the Green function for strongly correlated electrons on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. The technique consists in the construction of a non-orthogonal excitation basis composed of a set of single-particle excitations generated by occupation number operators. The excited sectors of the Hamiltonian in this basis can then be measured on the quantum device and a classical post-processing procedure yields the Green function in the Lehmann representation. The technique allow for noise filtering, a useful feature for NISQ devices. To validate the approach, we carry out a set of proof-of-principle calculations on the single-band Hubbard model on IBM quantum hardware. For a 2 site system we find good agreement between the results of quantum simulations and the exact result for the local spectral function. A simulation of a 4 site system carried out on classical hardware suggests that the approach can achieve similar accuracy for larger systems.

  • Annealing reduces Si$_3$N$_4$ microwave-frequency dielectric loss in superconducting resonators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sarang Mittal, Kazemi Adachi, Nicholas E. Frattini, Maxwell D. Urmey, Sheng-Xiang Lin, Alec E. Emser, Cyril Metzger, Luca Talamo, Sarah Dickson, David Carlson, Scott B. Papp, Cindy A. Regal, Konrad W. Lehnert

    The dielectric loss of silicon nitride (Si$_3$N$_4$) limits the performance of microwave-frequency devices that rely on this material for sensing, signal processing, and quantum communication. Using superconducting resonant circuits, we measure the cryogenic loss tangent of either as-deposited or high-temperature annealed stoichiometric Si$_3$N$_4$ as a function of drive strength and temperature. The internal loss behavior of the electrical resonators is largely consistent with the standard tunneling model of two-level systems (TLS), including damping caused by resonant energy exchange with TLS and by the relaxation of non-resonant TLS. We further supplement the TLS model with a self-heating effect to explain an increase in the loss observed in as-deposited films at large drive powers. Critically, we demonstrate that annealing remedies this anomalous power-induced loss, reduces the relaxation-type damping by more than two orders of magnitude, and reduces the resonant-type damping by a factor of three. Employing infrared absorption spectroscopy, we find that annealing reduces the concentration of hydrogen in the Si$_3$N$_4$, suggesting that hydrogen impurities cause substantial dissipation.

  • Time and event symmetry in quantum mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michael Ridley, Emily Adlam

    We investigate two types of temporal symmetry in quantum mechanics. The first type, time symmetry, refers to the inclusion of opposite time orientations on an equivalent physical footing. The second, event symmetry, refers to the inclusion of all time instants in a history sequence on an equivalent physical footing. We find that recent time symmetric interpretations of quantum mechanics fail to respect event symmetry. Building on the recent fixed-point formulation (FPF) of quantum theory, we formulate the notion of an event precisely as a fixed point constraint on the Keldysh time contour. Then, considering a sequence of measurement events in time, we show that both time and event symmetry can be retained in this multiple-time formulation of quantum theory. We then use this model to resolve conceptual paradoxes with time symmetric quantum mechanics within an `all-at-once', atemporal picture.

  • Quantum electrodynamics under a quench.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ming-Rui Li, Shao-Kai Jian

    Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is a cornerstone of particle physics and also finds diverse applications in condensed matter systems. Despite its significance, the dynamics of quantum electrodynamics under a quantum quench remains inadequately explored. In this paper, we investigate the nonequilibrium regime of quantum electrodynamics following a global quantum quench. Specifically, a massive Dirac fermion is quenched to a gapless state with an interaction with gauge bosons. In stark contrast to equilibrium (3+1)-dimensional QED with gapless Dirac fermions, where the coupling is marginally irrelevant, we identify a nonequilibrium fixed point characterized by nonFermi liquid behavior. Notably, the anomalous dimension at this fixed point varies with the initial quench parameter, suggesting an interesting quantum memory effect in a strongly interacting system. Additionally, we propose distinctive experimental signatures for nonequilibrium quantum electrodynamics.

  • Quantum entanglement between optical and microwave photonic qubits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Srujan Meesala, David Lake, Steven Wood, Piero Chiappina, Changchun Zhong, Andrew D. Beyer, Matthew D. Shaw, Liang Jiang, Oskar Painter

    Entanglement is an extraordinary feature of quantum mechanics. Sources of entangled optical photons were essential to test the foundations of quantum physics through violations of Bell's inequalities. More recently, entangled many-body states have been realized via strong non-linear interactions in microwave circuits with superconducting qubits. Here we demonstrate a chip-scale source of entangled optical and microwave photonic qubits. Our device platform integrates a piezo-optomechanical transducer with a superconducting resonator which is robust under optical illumination. We drive a photon-pair generation process and employ a dual-rail encoding intrinsic to our system to prepare entangled states of microwave and optical photons. We place a lower bound on the fidelity of the entangled state by measuring microwave and optical photons in two orthogonal bases. This entanglement source can directly interface telecom wavelength time-bin qubits and GHz frequency superconducting qubits, two well-established platforms for quantum communication and computation, respectively.

  • Revocable Quantum Digital Signatures.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tomoyuki Morimae, Alexander Poremba, Takashi Yamakawa

    We study digital signatures with revocation capabilities and show two results. First, we define and construct digital signatures with revocable signing keys from the LWE assumption. In this primitive, the signing key is a quantum state which enables a user to sign many messages and yet, the quantum key is also revocable, i.e., it can be collapsed into a classical certificate which can later be verified. Once the key is successfully revoked, we require that the initial recipient of the key loses the ability to sign. We construct digital signatures with revocable signing keys from a newly introduced primitive which we call two-tier one-shot signatures, which may be of independent interest. This is a variant of one-shot signatures, where the verification of a signature for the message ``0'' is done publicly, whereas the verification for the message ``1'' is done in private. We give a construction of two-tier one-shot signatures from the LWE assumption. As a complementary result, we also construct digital signatures with quantum revocation from group actions, where the quantum signing key is simply ``returned'' and then verified as part of revocation. Second, we define and construct digital signatures with revocable signatures from OWFs. In this primitive, the signer can produce quantum signatures which can later be revoked. Here, the security property requires that, once revocation is successful, the initial recipient of the signature loses the ability to find accepting inputs to the signature verification algorithm. We construct this primitive using a newly introduced two-tier variant of tokenized signatures. For the construction, we show a new lemma which we call the adaptive hardcore bit property for OWFs, which may enable further applications.

  • Nonclassical resource for continuous variable telecloning with non-Gaussian advantage.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sudipta Das, Rivu Gupta, Himadri Shekhar Dhar, Aditi Sen De

    The telecloning protocol distributes quantum states from a single sender to multiple receivers via a shared entangled state by exploiting the notions of teleportation and approximate cloning. We investigate the optimal telecloning fidelities obtained using both Gaussian and non-Gaussian shared resources. When the shared non-Gaussian state is created by subtracting photons from both the modes of the Gaussian two-mode squeezed vacuum state, we demonstrate that higher telecloning fidelities can be achieved in comparison with its Gaussian counterpart. To quantify this advantage, we introduce a quadrature-based nonclassicality measure, which is capable of estimating the fidelity of the clones, both with Gaussian and non-Gaussian resource states. We further provide a linear optical setup for asymmetric telecloning of continuous variables using a multimode entangled state.

  • Generalized system-bath entanglement theorem for Gaussian environments.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu Su, Yao Wang, Rui-Xue Xu, YiJing Yan

    A system-bath entanglement theorem (SBET) with Gaussian environments was established previously in J. Chem. Phys. 152, 034102 (2020) in terms of linear response functions. This theorem connects the system-bath entanglement responses to the local system and bare bath ones. In this work, we generalize it to correlation functions. Key steps in derivation are the generalized Langevin dynamics for the hybridizing bath modes as in the previous work, together with the Bogoliubov transformation mapping the original finite-temperature canonical reservoir to an effective zero-temperature vacuum via an auxiliary bath. With the theorem, the system-bath entangled correlations and the bath modes correlations in the full composite space can be evaluated as long as the bare-bath statistical properties are known and the reduced system correlations are obtained. Numerical demonstrations are carried out for the evaluation of the solvation free energy of an electron transfer system with a certain intramolecular vibrational modes.

  • Quantum Optimization Algorithms in Operations Research: Methods, Applications, and Implications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Florian Klug

    Quantum optimization algorithms (QOAs) have the potential to fundamentally transform the application of optimization methods in decision making. For certain classes of optimization problems, it is widely believed that QOA enables significant run-time performance benefits over current state-of-the art solutions. With the latest progress on building quantum computers entering the industrialization stage, quantum-based optimization algorithms have become more relevant. The recent extreme increase in the number of publications in the field of QOA demonstrates the growing importance of the topic in both the academia and the industry. The objectives of this paper are as follows: (1) First, we provide insight into the main techniques of quantum-based optimization algorithms for decision making. (2) We describe and compare the two basic classes of adiabatic and gate-based optimization algorithms and argue their potentials and limitations. (3) Herein, we also investigate the key operations research application areas that are expected to be considerably impacted by the use of QOA in decision making in the future. (4) Finally, current implications arising from the future use of QOA from an operations research perspective are discussed.

  • Distributed Quantum Neural Networks via Partitioned Features Encoding.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yoshiaki Kawase

    Quantum neural networks are expected to be a promising application in near-term quantum computation, but face challenges such as vanishing gradients during optimization and limited expressibility by a limited number of qubits and shallow circuits. To mitigate these challenges, distributed quantum neural networks have been proposed to make a prediction by approximating a large circuit with multiple small circuits. However, the approximation of a large circuit requires an exponential number of small circuit evaluations. Here, we instead propose to distribute partitioned features over multiple small quantum neural networks and use the ensemble of their expectation values to generate predictions. To verify our distributed approach, we demonstrate multi-class classifications of handwritten digit datasets. Especially for the MNIST dataset, we succeeded in ten class classifications of the dataset with exceeding 96% accuracy. Our proposed method not only achieved highly accurate predictions for a large dataset but also reduced the hardware requirements for each quantum neural network compared to a single quantum neural network. Our results highlight distributed quantum neural networks as a promising direction for practical quantum machine learning algorithms compatible with near-term quantum devices. We hope that our approach is useful for exploring quantum machine learning applications.

  • Hyperfine and Zeeman interactions in ultracold collisions of molecular hydrogen with atomic lithium.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hubert Jóźwiak, Timur V. Tscherbul, Piotr Wcisło

    We present a rigorous quantum scattering study of the effects of hyperfine and Zeeman interactions on cold Li - H$_{2}$ collisions in the presence of an external magnetic field using a recent ab initio potential energy surface. We find that the low-field-seeking states of H$_{2}$ predominantly undergo elastic collisions: the ratio of elastic-to-inelastic collisions exceeds 100 for collision energies below 1.5 K. Furthermore, we demonstrate that most inelastic collisions conserve the space-fixed projection of the nuclear spin. We show that the anisotropic hyperfine interaction between the nuclear spin of H$_{2}$ and the electron spin of Li can have a significant effect on inelastic scattering in the ultracold regime, as it mediates two processes: the electron spin relaxation in lithium, and the nuclear spin - electron spin exchange. Given the predominance of elastic collisions and the propensity of inelastic collisions to retain H$_{2}$ in its low-field-seeking states, our results open up the possibility of sympathetic cooling of molecular hydrogen by atomic lithium, paving the way for future exploration of ultracold collisions and high-precision spectroscopy of H$_{2}$ molecules.

  • On super quantum discord for high-dimensional bipartite state.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jianming Zhou, Xiaoli Hu, Naihuan Jing

    By quantifying the difference between quantum mutual information through weak measurement performed on a subsystem one is led to the notion of super quantum discord. The super version is also known to be difficult to compute as the quantum discord which was captured by the projective (strong) measurements. In this paper, we give effective bounds of the super quantum discord with or without phase damping channels for higher-dimensional bipartite quantum states, and found that the super version is always larger than the usual quantum discord as in the 2-dimensional case.

  • Calogero-like model without rearrangement symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Miloslav Znojil

    A new generalization of the Calogero's rational ($A_N$) many-body quantum model is proposed and studied. The key innovation lies in an asymmetrization of the Calogero's two-body interaction. In the generalized model the exact solvability is preserved while the Calogeero's single coupling constant $C$ is replaced by a certain multiplet of freely variable parameters. The resulting Calogero-like Hamiltonian ceases to be re-arrangement-invariant. As a consequence, the degeneracy of the bound-state spectrum gets partially unfolded.

  • Contextual particle propagation in a three-path interferometer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Holger F. Hofmann

    Quantum information is based on the apparent contradictions between classical logic and quantum coherence described by Kochen-Specker contextuality. Surprisingly, this contradiction can be demonstrated in a comparatively simple three-path interferometer, where it is impossible to trace the path of a single photon through five consecutive stages of the interferometer. Here, I discuss the paradoxical aspects of single photon interferences revealed by the three-path interferometer and point out the essential role of dynamics in quantum information.

  • Adaptive variational low-rank dynamics for open quantum systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luca Gravina, Vincenzo Savona

    We introduce a novel, model-independent method for the efficient simulation of low-entropy systems, whose dynamics can be accurately described with a limited number of states. Our method leverages the time-dependent variational principle to efficiently integrate the Lindblad master equation, dynamically identifying and modifying the low-rank basis over which we decompose the system's evolution. By dynamically adapting the dimension of this basis, and thus the rank of the density matrix, our method maintains optimal representation of the system state, offering a substantial computational advantage over existing adaptive low-rank schemes in terms of both computational time and memory requirements. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through extensive benchmarks on a variety of model systems, with a particular emphasis on multi-qubit bosonic codes, a promising candidate for fault-tolerant quantum hardware. Our results highlight the method's versatility and efficiency, making it applicable to a wide range of systems characterized by arbitrary degrees of entanglement and moderate entropy throughout their dynamics. We provide an implementation of the method as a Julia package, making it readily available to use.

  • Optical decoder learning for fiber communication at the quantum limit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matteo Rosati, Albert Solana

    Quantum information theory predicts that communication technology can be enhanced by using quantum signals to transfer classical bits. In order to fulfill this promise, the message-carrying signals must interact coherently at the decoding stage via a joint-detection receiver (JDR), whose realization with optical technologies remains an outstanding open problem to date. We introduce a supervised-learning framework for the systematic discovery of new JDR designs based on parametrized photonic integrated circuits. Our framework relies on the synthesis of a training set comprising quantum codewords and the corresponding classical message label; the codewords are processed by the JDR circuit and, after photo-detection, produce a guess for the label. The circuit parameters are then updated by minimizing a suitable loss function, reaching an optimal JDR design for that specific architecture. We showcase our method with coherent-state codes for the pure-loss bosonic channel, modelling optical-fiber and space communication, with a circuit architecture comprising linear optics, squeezing and threshold photo-detectors. We train JDR circuits for several code families, varying energy and code-size. We discover optical JDR circuit setups for maximum-size codes and small message-length that offer up to a $3$-fold enhancement in the bit decoding rate with respect to the optimal single-symbol receiver, and less than $7\%$-away from the theoretically optimal decoder, for which an explicit design is missing to date. Furthermore, the discovered receivers surpass previous JDR designs both in terms of bit decoding and bit transmission rate. Finally, we observe that the best-performing codes are those which can be mapped, via the JDR's optical processing, to modulations with different energy levels on different symbols, making the message symbols more distinguishabile via photo-detection.

  • Improving magnetic-field resilience of NbTiN planar resonators using a hard-mask fabrication technique.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arne Bahr, Matteo Boselli, Benjamin Huard, Audrey Bienfait

    High-quality factor microwave resonators operating in a magnetic field are a necessity for some quantum sensing applications and hybrid platforms. Losses in microwave superconducting resonators can have several origins, including microscopic defects, usually known as two-level-systems (TLS). Here, we characterize the magnetic field response of NbTiN resonators patterned on sapphire and observe clear absorption lines occurring at specific magnetic fields. We identify the spin systems responsible for these features, including a yet unreported spin with $g=1.85$ that we attribute to defects in the NbTiN thin film. We develop mitigation strategies involving namely an aluminum etch mask, resulting in maintaining quality factors above $Q>2 \times 10^5$ in the range $0$-$0.3$ T.

  • Ultracold coherent control of molecular collisions at a F\"orster resonance.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thibault Delarue, Goulven Quéméner

    We show that the precise preparation of a quantum superposition between three rotational states of an ultracold dipolar molecule generates controllable interferences in their two-body scattering dynamics and collisional rate coefficients, at an electric field that produces a F\"orster resonance. This proposal represents a feasible protocol to achieve coherent control on ultracold molecular collisions in current experiments. It sets the basis for future studies in which one can think to control the amount of each produced pairs, including trapped entangled pairs of reactants, individual pairs of products in a chemical reaction, and measuring each of their scattering phase-shifts that could envision ``complete chemical experiments" at ultracold temperatures.

  • Pattern formation in charge density wave states after a quantum quench.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lingyu Yang, Yang Yang, Gia-Wei Chern

    We study post-quench dynamics of charge-density-wave (CDW) order in the square-lattice $t$-$V$ model. The ground state of this system at half-filling is characterized by a checkerboard modulation of particle density. A generalized self-consistent mean-field method, based on the time-dependent variational principle, is employed to describe the dynamical evolution of the CDW states. Assuming a homogeneous CDW order throughout the quench process, the time-dependent mean-field approach is reduced to the Anderson pseudospin method. Quench simulations based on the Bloch equation for pseudospins produce three canonical behaviors of order-parameter dynamics: phase-locked persistent oscillation, Landau-damped oscillation, and dynamical vanishing of the CDW order. We further develop an efficient real-space von Neumann equation method to incorporate dynamical inhomogeneity into simulations of quantum quenches. Our large-scale simulations uncover complex pattern formations in the post-quench CDW states, especially in the strong quench regime. The emergent spatial textures are characterized by super density modulations on top of the short-period checkerboard CDW order. Our demonstration of pattern formation in quenched CDW states, described by a simple broken $Z_2$ symmetry, underscores the importance of dynamical inhomogeneity in quantum quenches of many-body systems with more complex orders.

  • Fidelity Estimation of Entangled Measurements with Local States.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zanqiu Shen, Kun Wang

    We propose an efficient protocol to estimate the fidelity of an $n$-qubit entangled measurement device, requiring only qubit state preparations and classical data post-processing. It works by measuring the eigenstates of Pauli operators, which are strategically selected according to their importance weights and collectively contributed by all measurement operators. We rigorously analyze the protocol's performance and demonstrate that its sample complexity is uniquely determined by the number of Pauli operators possessing non-zero expectation values with respect to the target measurement. Moreover, from a resource-theoretic perspective, we introduce the stabilizer R\'enyi entropy of quantum measurements as a precise metric to quantify the inherent difficulty of estimating measurement fidelity.

  • Coherence in resonance fluorescence.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xu-Jie Wang, Guoqi Huang, Ming-Yang Li, Yuan-Zhuo Wang, Li Liu, Bang Wu, Hanqing Liu, Haiqiao Ni, Zhichuan Niu, Weijie Ji, Rongzhen Jiao, Hua-Lei Yin, Zhiliang Yuan

    Resonance fluorescence (RF) serves as a fundamental path for matter to coherently interact with light. Accompanying this coherent process, recent studies suggested parallel existence of an incoherent scattering channel in order to explain the long-standing paradox of joint observation of a laser-like spectrum and anti-bunching in the RF of a weakly driven two-level emitter. If truly present, this incoherent process would cast doubt over RF's prospects in quantum information applications. Here, we exploit the concept of single-photon time-energy entanglement and have thus revolved the paradox without reliance on any incoherent scattering process. We derive a dimensionless dependence of the first-order coherence of the RF on the driving strength, followed by experimental verification on a cavity-enhanced quantum dot device with near-perfect light coupling. Furthermore, we perform the first phase-dependent two-photon interference experiment and observe peculiar coincidence bunching that is explained by single-photon time-energy entanglement. Our work reveals a new dimension in the understanding of photonic quantum superposition and may stimulate new applications.

  • Microscopic Legendre Transform, Canonical Distribution and Jaynes' Maximum Entropy Principle.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ramandeep S. Johal

    The equilibrium state of a closed system in contact with a heat reservoir can be described in terms of the Helmholtz free energy ($F$). Mathematically, $F$ is related to the entropy ($S$) of the system by the Legendre transform where the independent variable is changed from the energy ($U$) of the system to its inverse temperature ($1/T$). This mathematical structure is preserved in the statistical framework of canonical ensemble where the system energy and entropy are defined in terms of expectation values over the canonical probability distribution. In this paper, we present the microscopic form of the Legendre transform ($\mathscr{L}_{\!\mathscr{M}}^{}$) by treating the microstate probabilities and the energies (scaled by the inverse temperature) as conjugate variables. The transform $\mathscr{L}_{\!\mathscr{M}}^{}$ requires that the canonical entropy be redefined by explicitly incorporating the normalization constraint on the probabilities and underscores the exact differential property of the canonical entropy. Canonical distribution may be derived as a consequence of this transform. Other approaches, in particular, Jaynes' maximum entropy principle is compared with the present approach. The relevance of $\mathscr{L}_{\!\mathscr{M}}^{}$ is explored based on the thermodynamics of a system in contact with a heat reservoir.

  • Variational Quantum Circuit Design for Quantum Reinforcement Learning on Continuous Environments.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Georg Kruse, Theodora-Augustina Dragan, Robert Wille, Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

    Quantum Reinforcement Learning (QRL) emerged as a branch of reinforcement learning (RL) that uses quantum submodules in the architecture of the algorithm. One branch of QRL focuses on the replacement of neural networks (NN) by variational quantum circuits (VQC) as function approximators. Initial works have shown promising results on classical environments with discrete action spaces, but many of the proposed architectural design choices of the VQC lack a detailed investigation. Hence, in this work we investigate the impact of VQC design choices such as angle embedding, encoding block architecture and postprocessesing on the training capabilities of QRL agents. We show that VQC design greatly influences training performance and heuristically derive enhancements for the analyzed components. Additionally, we show how to design a QRL agent in order to solve classical environments with continuous action spaces and benchmark our agents against classical feed-forward NNs.

  • Compressing continuous variable quantum measurements.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pauli Jokinen, Sophie Egelhaaf, Juha-Pekka Pellonpää, Roope Uola

    We generalize the notion of joint measurability to continuous variable systems by extending a recently introduced compression algorithm of quantum measurements to this realm. The extension results in a property that asks for the minimal dimensional quantum system required for representing a given set of quantum measurements. To illustrate the concept, we show that the canonical pair of position and momentum is completely incompressible. We translate the concept of measurement compression to the realm of quantum correlations, where it results in a generalisation of continuous variable quantum steering. In contrast to the steering scenario, which detects entanglement, the generalisation detects the dimensionality of entanglement. We illustrate the bridge between the concepts by showing that an analogue of the original EPR argument is genuinely infinite-dimensional with respect to our figure of merit, and that a fundamental discrete variable result on preparability of unsteerable state assemblages with separable states does not directly carry over to the continuous variable setting. We further prove a representation result for partially entanglement breaking channels that can be of independent interest.

  • Cairo lattice with time-reversal non-invariant vertex couplings.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner

    We analyze the spectrum of a periodic quantum graph of the Cairo lattice form. The used vertex coupling violates the time reversal invariance and its high-energy behavior depends on the vertex degree parity; in the considered example both odd and even parities are involved. The presence of the former implies that the spectrum is dominated by gaps. In addition, we discuss two modifications of the model in which this is not the case, the zero limit of the length parameter in the coupling, and the sign switch of the coupling matrix at the vertices of degree three; while different they both yield the same probability that a randomly chosen positive energy lies in the spectrum.

  • Adaptive Reconciliation for Experimental Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution Over a Turbulent Free-Space Optical Channel.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kadir Gümüş, João dos Reis Frazão, Vincent van Vliet, Sjoerd van der Heide, Menno van den Hout, Aaron Albores-Mejia, Thomas Bradley, Chigo Okonkwo

    We experimentally demonstrate adaptive reconciliation for continuous-variable quantum key distribution over a turbulent free-space optical channel. Additionally, we propose a method for optimising the reconciliation efficiency, increasing secret key rates by up to 8.1%.

  • Phases of Matrix Product States with Symmetric Quantum Circuits and Symmetric Measurements with Feedforward.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David Gunn, Georgios Styliaris, Tristan Kraft, Barbara Kraus

    Two matrix product states (MPS) are in the same phase in the presence of symmetries if they can be transformed into one another via symmetric short-depth circuits. We consider how symmetry-preserving measurements with feedforward alter the phase classification of MPS in the presence of global on-site symmetries. We demonstrate that, for all finite abelian symmetries, any two symmetric MPS belong to the same phase. We give an explicit protocol that achieves a transformation between any two phases and that uses only a depth-two symmetric circuit, two rounds of symmetric measurements, and a constant number of auxiliary systems per site. In the case of non-abelian symmetries, symmetry protection prevents one from deterministically transforming symmetry-protected topological (SPT) states to product states directly via measurements, thereby complicating the analysis. Nonetheless, we provide protocols that allow for asymptotically deterministic transformations between the trivial phase and certain SPT phases.

  • Quantum Wave Function Collapse for Procedural Content Generation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raoul Heese

    Quantum computers exhibit an inherent randomness, so it seems natural to consider them for procedural content generation. In this work, a quantum version of the famous (classical) wave function collapse algorithm is proposed. This quantum wave function collapse algorithm is based on the idea that a quantum circuit can be prepared in such a way that it acts as a special-purpose random generator for content of a desired form. The proposed method is presented theoretically and investigated experimentally on simulators and actual IBM Quantum devices.

  • Variational quantum algorithm for enhanced continuous variable optical phase sensing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jens A. H. Nielsen, Mateusz Kicinski, Tummas N. Arge, Kannan Vijayadharan, Jonathan Foldager, Johannes Borregaard, Johannes Jakob Meyer, Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Tobias Gehring, Ulrik L. Andersen

    Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are hybrid quantum-classical approaches used for tackling a wide range of problems on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. Testing these algorithms on relevant hardware is crucial to investigate the effect of noise and imperfections and to assess their practical value. Here, we implement a variational algorithm designed for optimized parameter estimation on a continuous variable platform based on squeezed light, a key component for high-precision optical phase estimation. We investigate the ability of the algorithm to identify the optimal metrology process, including the optimization of the probe state and measurement strategy for small-angle optical phase sensing. Two different optimization strategies are employed, the first being a gradient descent optimizer using Gaussian parameter shift rules to estimate the gradient of the cost function directly from the measurements. The second strategy involves a gradient-free Bayesian optimizer, fine-tuning the system using the same cost function and trained on the data acquired through the gradient-dependent algorithm. We find that both algorithms can steer the experiment towards the optimal metrology process. However, they find minima not predicted by our theoretical model, demonstrating the strength of variational algorithms in modelling complex noise environments, a non-trivial task.

  • Time resolved optical response of the Dicke's model via the nonequilibrium Green's function approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Megha Gopalakrishna, Yaroslav Pavlyukh, Claudio Verdozzi

    Due to their conceptual appeal and computational convenience, two-level systems (TLS) and their generalisations are often used to investigate nonlinear behavior in quantum optics, and to assess the applicability of theoretical methods. Here the focus is on second harmonic generation (SHG) and, as system of interest, on the Dicke model, which consists of several TLSs inside an optical cavity. The main aspect addressed is the scope of non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) to describe the effect of disorder and electron-electron (e-e) interactions on the SHG signal. For benchmarking purposes, exact diagonalization (ED) results are also presented and discussed. SHG spectra obtained with NEGF and ED are found to be in very good mutual agreement in most situations. Furthermore, inhomogeneity in the TLS and e-e interactions reduce the strength of SHG, and the reduction is stronger with inhomogeneity than with interactions. This trend is consistently noted across different (small to large) system sizes. Finally, a modified NEGF approach is proposed to account for cavity leakage, where the quantum photon fields are coupled to a bath of classical oscillators. As to be expected, within this mixed quantum-classical scheme a decrease in the intensity of the fluorescent spectra takes place depending on the entity of cavity leakage.

  • A complete continuous-variable quantum computation architecture: from cluster state generation to fault-tolerant accomplishment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Peilin Du, Jing Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Rongguo Yang, Jiangrui Gao

    Continuous-variable measurement-based quantum computation, which requires deterministically generated large-scale cluster state, is a promising candidate for practical, scalable, universal, and fault-tolerant quantum computation. In this work, a complete architecture including cluster state preparation, gate implementations, and error correction, is demonstrated. First, a scheme for generating two-dimensional large-scale continuous-variable cluster state by multiplexing both the temporal and spatial domains is proposed. Then, the corresponding gate implementations for universal quantum computation by gate teleportation are discussed and the actual gate noise from the generated cluster state and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) state are considered. After that, the quantum error correction can be further achieved by utilizing the square-lattice GKP code. Finally, a fault-tolerent quantum computation can be realized by introducing bias into the square-lattice GKP code (to protect against phase-flips) and concatenating a classical repetition code (to handle the residual bit-flip errors), with a squeezing threshold of 12.3 dB. Our work provides a possible option for a complete fault-tolerent quantum computation architecture in the future.

  • Koopmon trajectories in nonadiabatic quantum-classical dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Werner Bauer, Paul Bergold, François Gay-Balmaz, Cesare Tronci

    In order to alleviate the computational costs of fully quantum nonadiabatic dynamics, we present a mixed quantum-classical (MQC) particle method based on the theory of Koopman wavefunctions. Although conventional MQC models often suffer from consistency issues such as the violation of Heisenberg's principle, we overcame these difficulties by blending Koopman's classical mechanics on Hilbert spaces with methods in symplectic geometry. The resulting continuum model enjoys both a variational and a Hamiltonian structure, while its nonlinear character calls for suitable closures. Benefiting from the underlying action principle, here we apply a regularization technique previously developed within our team. This step allows for a singular solution ansatz which introduces the trajectories of computational particles - the koopmons - sampling the Lagrangian classical paths in phase space. In the case of Tully's nonadiabatic problems, the method reproduces the results of fully quantum simulations with levels of accuracy that are not achieved by standard MQC Ehrenfest simulations. In addition, the koopmon method is computationally advantageous over similar fully quantum approaches, which are also considered in our study. As a further step, we probe the limits of the method by considering the Rabi problem in both the ultrastrong and the deep strong coupling regimes, where MQC treatments appear hardly applicable. In this case, the method succeeds in reproducing parts of the fully quantum results.

  • Observation of many-body dynamical localization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yanliang Guo, Sudipta Dhar, Ang Yang, Zekai Chen, Hepeng Yao, Milena Horvath, Lei Ying, Manuele Landini, Hanns-Christoph Nägerl

    The quantum kicked rotor is a paradigmatic model system in quantum physics. As a driven quantum system, it is used to study the transition from the classical to the quantum world and to elucidate the emergence of chaos and diffusion. In contrast to its classical counterpart, it features dynamical localization, specifically Anderson localization in momentum space. The interacting many-body kicked rotor is believed to break localization, as recent experiments suggest. Here, we present evidence for many-body dynamical localization for the Lieb-Liniger version of the many-body quantum kicked rotor. After some initial evolution, the momentum distribution of interacting quantum-degenerate bosonic atoms in one-dimensional geometry, kicked hundreds of times by means of a pulsed sinusoidal potential, stops spreading. We quantify the arrested evolution by analysing the energy and the information entropy of the system as the interaction strength is tuned. In the limiting cases of vanishing and strong interactions, the first-order correlation function exhibits a very different decay behavior. Our results shed light on the boundary between the classical, chaotic world and the realm of quantum physics.

  • Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Filtering Product States.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Reinis Irmejs, Mari Carmen Bañuls, J. Ignacio Cirac

    We introduce a quantum algorithm to efficiently prepare states with an arbitrarily small energy variance at the target energy. We achieve it by filtering a product state at the given energy with a Lorentzian filter of width $\delta$. Given a local Hamiltonian on $N$ qubits, we construct a parent Hamiltonian whose ground state corresponds to the filtered product state with variable energy variance proportional to $\delta\sqrt{N}$. We prove that the parent Hamiltonian is gapped and its ground state can be efficiently implemented in $\mathrm{poly}(N,1/\delta)$ time via adiabatic evolution. We numerically benchmark the algorithm for a particular non-integrable model and find that the adiabatic evolution time to prepare the filtered state with a width $\delta$ is independent of the system size $N$. Furthermore, the adiabatic evolution can be implemented with circuit depth $\mathcal{O}(N^2\delta^{-4})$. Our algorithm provides a way to study the finite energy regime of many body systems in quantum simulators by directly preparing a finite energy state, providing access to an approximation of the microcanonical properties at an arbitrary energy.

  • Which options exist for NISQ-friendly linear response formulations?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Karl Michael Ziems, Erik Rosendahl Kjellgren, Peter Reinholdt, Phillip W. K. Jensen, Stephan P. A. Sauer, Jacob Kongsted, Sonia Coriani

    Linear response (LR) theory is a powerful tool in classic quantum chemistry crucial to understanding photo-induced processes in chemistry and biology. However, performing simulations for large systems and in the case of strong electron correlation remains challenging. Quantum computers are poised to facilitate the simulation of such systems, and recently, a quantum linear response formulation (qLR) was introduced. To apply qLR to near-term quantum computers beyond a minimal basis set, we here introduce a resource-efficient qLR theory using a truncated active-space version of the multi-configurational self-consistent field LR ansatz. Therein, we investigate eight different near-term qLR formalisms that utilize novel operator transformations that allow the qLR equations to be performed on near-term hardware. Simulating excited state potential energy curves and absorption spectra for various test cases, we identify two promising candidates dubbed ``proj LRSD'' and ``all-proj LRSD''.

  • A Superconducting Single-Atom Phonon Laser.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C.A. Potts, W.J.M. Franse, V.A.S.V. Bittencourt, A. Metelmann, G.A. Steele

    The development of quantum acoustics has enabled the cooling of mechanical objects to their quantum ground state, generation of mechanical Fock-states, and Schrodinger cat states. Such demonstrations have made mechanical resonators attractive candidates for quantum information processing, metrology, and tests of quantum gravity theories. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a direct quantum-acoustic equivalent of a single-atom laser. A single superconducting qubit coupled to a high-overtone bulk acoustic resonator is used to drive the onset of phonon lasing. We observe the absence of a sharp lower lasing threshold and characteristic upper lasing threshold, unique predictions of single-atom lasing. Lasing of an object with an unprecedented 25 ug mass represents a new regime of laser physics and provides a foundation for integrating phonon lasers with on-chip devices.

  • Probing pair correlations in Fermi gases with Ramsey-Bragg interferometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Théo Malas-Danzé, Alexandre Dugelay, Nir Navon, Hadrien Kurkjian

    We propose an interferometric method to probe pair correlations in a gas of spin-1/2 fermions. The method consists of a Ramsey sequence where both spin states of the Fermi gas are set in a superposition of a state at rest and a state with a large recoil velocity. The two-body density matrix is extracted via the fluctuations of the transferred fraction to the recoiled state. In the pair-condensed phase, the off-diagonal long-range order is directly reflected in the asymptotic behavior of the interferometric signal for long interrogation times. The method also allows to probe the spatial structure of the condensed pairs: the interferometric signal is an oscillating function of the interrogation time in the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer regime; it becomes an overdamped function in the molecular Bose-Einstein condensate regime.

  • Beyond Operator Systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gemma De les Coves, Mirte van der Eyden, Tim Netzer

    Operator systems connect operator algebra, free semialgebraic geometry and quantum information theory. In this work we generalize operator systems and many of their theorems. While positive semidefinite matrices form the underlying structure of operator systems, our work shows that these can be promoted to far more general structures. For instance, we prove a general extension theorem which unifies the well-known homomorphism theorem, Riesz' extension theorem, Farkas' lemma and Arveson's extension theorem. On the other hand, the same theorem gives rise to new vector-valued extension theorems, even for invariant maps, when applied to other underlying structures. We also prove generalized versions of the Choi-Kraus representation, Choi-Effros theorem, duality of operator systems, factorizations of completely positive maps, and more, leading to new results even for operator systems themselves. In addition, our proofs are shorter and simpler, revealing the interplay between cones and tensor products, captured elegantly in terms of star autonomous categories. This perspective gives rise to new connections between group representations, mapping cones and topological quantum field theory, as they correspond to different instances of our framework and are thus siblings of operator systems.

  • Quantum null-hypothesis dimension witness for a bipartite state.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tomasz Białecki, Tomasz Rybotycki, Josep Batle, Jakub Tworzydło, Adam Bednorz

    We present the null test of the dimension of bipartite quantum systems using local measurements on each party, assuming no-signaling. We find the dimension being dependent on classical and quantum limits and finite statistics error. The test is performed on IBM quantum computers, in perfect agreement with two-level Hilbert spaces. However, in one of test we observe a moderate violation of no-signaling, requiring further tests.

  • Low-excitation transport and separation of high-mass-ratio mixed-species ion chains.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesco Lancellotti, Stephan Welte, Matteo Simoni, Carmelo Mordini, Tanja Behrle, Brennan de Neeve, Matteo Marinelli, Vlad Negnevitsky, Jonathan Home

    We demonstrate low-excitation transport and separation of two-ion crystals consisting of one beryllium and one calcium ion, with a high mass ratio of $4.4$. The full separation involves transport of the mixed-species chain, splitting each ion into separate potential wells, and then transport of each ion prior to detection. We find the high mass ratio makes the protocol sensitive to mode crossings between axial and radial modes, as well as to uncontrolled radial electric fields that induce mass-dependent twists of the ion chain. By controlling these stages, we achieve excitation as low as $\bar{n}=1.40 \pm 0.08$ phonons for the calcium ion and $\bar{n}=1.44 \pm 0.09$ phonons for the beryllium ion. Separation and transport of mixed-species chains are key elements of the QCCD architecture, and may also be applicable to quantum-logic-based spectroscopy of exotic species.

  • Control of threshold voltages in Si/SiGe quantum devices via optical illumination.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. A. Wolfe, Brighton X. Coe, Justin S. Edwards, Tyler J. Kovach, Thomas McJunkin, Benjamin Harpt, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, R. McDermott, Mark Friesen, Shimon Kolkowitz, M. A. Eriksson

    Optical illumination of quantum-dot qubit devices at cryogenic temperatures, while not well studied, is often used to recover operating conditions after undesired shocking events or charge injection. Here, we demonstrate systematic threshold voltage shifts in a dopant-free, Si/SiGe field effect transistor using a near infrared (780 nm) laser diode. We find that illumination under an applied gate voltage can be used to set a specific, stable, and reproducible threshold voltage that, over a wide range in gate bias, is equal to that gate bias. Outside this range, the threshold voltage can still be tuned, although the resulting threshold voltage is no longer equal to the applied gate bias during illumination. We present a simple and intuitive model that provides a mechanism for the tunability in gate bias. The model presented also explains why cryogenic illumination is successful at resetting quantum dot qubit devices after undesired charging events.

  • Mutual averaged non-commutativity of quantum operator algebras.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Paolo Zanardi

    We introduce an elementary measure of non-commutativity between two algebras of quantum operators acting on the same Hilbert space. This quantity, which we call Mutual Averaged Non-commutativity (MAN), is a simple generalization of a type of averaged Out-of-Time-Order-Correlators used in the study of quantum scrambling and chaos. MAN is defined by a Haar averaged squared norm of a commutator and for some types of algebras is manifestly of entropic nature. In particular, when the two algebras coincide the corresponding self-MAN can be fully computed in terms of the structural data of the associated Hilbert space decomposition. Properties and bounds of MAN are established in general and several concrete examples are discussed. Remarkably, for an important class of algebras, -- which includes factors and maximal abelian ones -- MAN can be expressed in the terms of the algebras projections CP-maps. Assuming that the latter can be enacted as physical processes, one can devise operational protocols to directly estimate the MAN of a pair of algebras.

  • Theory of free fermions dynamics under partial post-selected monitoring.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chun Y. Leung, Dganit Meidan, Alessandro Romito

    Monitored quantum systems undergo Measurement-induced Phase Transitions (MiPTs) stemming from the interplay between measurements and unitary dynamics. When the detector readout is post-selected to match a given value, the dynamics is generated by a Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with MiPTs characterized by different universal features. Here, we derive a partial post-selected stochastic Schr\"odinger equation based on a microscopic description of continuous weak measurement. This formalism connects the monitored and post-selected dynamics to a broader family of stochastic evolution. We apply the formalism to a chain of free fermions subject to partial post-selected monitoring of local fermion parities. Within a 2-replica approach, we obtained an effective bosonized Hamiltonian in the strong post-selected limit. Using a renormalization group analysis, we find that the universality of the non-Hermitian MiPT is stable against a finite (weak) amount of stochasticity. We further show that the passage to the monitored universality occurs abruptly at finite partial post-selection, which we confirm from the numerical finite size scaling of the MiPT. Our approach establishes a way to study MiPTs for arbitrary subsets of quantum trajectories and provides a potential route to tackle the experimental post-selected problem.

  • Efficient quantum algorithms for some instances of the semidirect discrete logarithm problem.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Muhammad Imran, Gábor Ivanyos

    The semidirect discrete logarithm problem (SDLP) is the following analogue of the standard discrete logarithm problem in the semidirect product semigroup $G\rtimes \mathrm{End}(G)$ for a finite semigroup $G$. Given $g\in G, \sigma\in \mathrm{End}(G)$, and $h=\prod_{i=0}^{t-1}\sigma^i(g)$ for some integer $t$, the SDLP$(G,\sigma)$, for $g$ and $h$, asks to determine $t$. As Shor's algorithm crucially depends on commutativity, it is believed not to be applicable to the SDLP. Previously, the best known algorithm for the SDLP was based on Kuperberg's subexponential time quantum algorithm. Still, the problem plays a central role in the security of certain proposed cryptosystems in the family of \textit{semidirect product key exchange}. This includes a recently proposed signature protocol called SPDH-Sign. In this paper, we show that the SDLP is even easier in some important special cases. Specifically, for a finite group $G$, we describe quantum algorithms for the SDLP in $G\rtimes \mathrm{Aut}(G)$ for the following two classes of instances: the first one is when $G$ is solvable and the second is when $G$ is a matrix group and a power of $\sigma$ with a polynomially small exponent is an inner automorphism of $G$. We further extend the results to groups composed of factors from these classes. A consequence is that SPDH-Sign and similar cryptosystems whose security assumption is based on the presumed hardness of the SDLP in the cases described above are insecure against quantum attacks. The quantum ingredients we rely on are not new: these are Shor's factoring and discrete logarithm algorithms and well-known generalizations.

  • Probing quantum properties of black holes with a Floquet-driven optical lattice simulator.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Asmae Benhemou, Georgia Nixon, Aydin Deger, Ulrich Schneider, Jiannis K. Pachos

    In the curved spacetime of a black hole, quantum physics gives rise to distinctive effects such as Hawking radiation. Here, we present a scheme for an analogue quantum simulation of (1 + 1)- dimensional black holes using ultracold atoms in a locally Floquet-driven 1D optical lattice. We show how the effective dynamics of the driven system can generate a position-dependent tunnelling profile that encodes the curved geometry of the black hole. Moreover, we provide a simple and robust scheme to determine the Hawking temperature of the simulated black hole based solely on on-site atom population measurements. Finally, we show how this scheme can be directly applied to simulate (2 + 1)D black holes by utilising 2D optical lattices. By incorporating the effect of atom-atom interactions, our simulator can probe the scrambling of quantum information which is a fundamental property of black holes.

  • Fault-tolerant quantum architectures based on erasure qubits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shouzhen Gu, Alex Retzker, Aleksander Kubica

    The overhead of quantum error correction (QEC) poses a major bottleneck for realizing fault-tolerant computation. To reduce this overhead, we exploit the idea of erasure qubits, relying on an efficient conversion of the dominant noise into erasures at known locations. We start by introducing a formalism for QEC schemes with erasure qubits and express the corresponding decoding problem as a matching problem. Then, we propose and optimize QEC schemes based on erasure qubits and the recently-introduced Floquet codes. Our schemes are well-suited for superconducting circuits, being compatible with planar layouts. We numerically estimate the memory thresholds for the circuit noise model that includes spreading (via entangling operations) and imperfect detection of erasures. Our results demonstrate that, despite being slightly more complex, QEC schemes based on erasure qubits can significantly outperform standard approaches.

  • Near-ideal Microwave Photon to Electron Conversion in a High Impedance Quantum Circuit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ognjen Stanisavljević, Jean-Côme Philippe, Julien Gabelli, Marco Aprili, Jérôme Estève, Julien Basset

    Photoelectric detectors cover a wide frequency spectrum spanning from the far ultraviolet to the infrared light with high sensitivity, large quantum efficiency and low dark current. The equivalent photoelectric detection of microwave frequency photons has remained elusive due to inherent differences between microwave photon energy and the interband transition energies exploited in standard photoelectric detectors. Here we present the realization of a near-ideal microwave photon to electron converter at a frequency typical of circuit quantum electrodynamics. These unique properties are enabled by the use of a high kinetic inductance disordered superconductor, granular aluminium, to enhance the light-matter interaction. This experiment constitutes an important proof of concept regarding low energy microwave photon to electron conversion unveiling new possibilities such as the detection of single microwave photons using charge detection. It finds significance in quantum research openning doors to a wide array of applications, from quantum-enhanced sensing to exploring the fundamental properties of quantum states.

  • Spectral anomalies and broken symmetries in maximally chaotic quantum maps.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Laura Shou, Amit Vikram, Victor Galitski

    Spectral statistics such as the level spacing statistics and spectral form factor (SFF) are widely expected to accurately identify ``ergodicity'', including the presence of underlying macroscopic symmetries, in generic quantum systems ranging from quantized chaotic maps to interacting many-body systems. By studying various quantizations of maximally chaotic maps that break a discrete classical symmetry upon quantization, we demonstrate that this approach can be misleading and fail to detect macroscopic symmetries. Notably, the same classical map can exhibit signatures of different random matrix symmetry classes in short-range spectral statistics depending on the quantization. While the long-range spectral statistics encoded in the early time ramp of the SFF are more robust and correctly identify macroscopic symmetries in several common quantizations, we also demonstrate analytically and numerically that the presence of Berry-like phases in the quantization leads to spectral anomalies, which break this correspondence. Finally, we provide numerical evidence that long-range spectral rigidity remains directly correlated with ergodicity in the quantum dynamical sense of visiting a complete orthonormal basis.

  • Where Quantum Complexity Helps Classical Complexity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arash Vaezi, Seyed Mohammad Hussein Kazemi, Negin Bagheri Noghrehy, Seyed Mohsen Kazemi, Mohammad Ghodsi, Ali Movaghar

    Scientists have demonstrated that quantum computing has presented novel approaches to address computational challenges, each varying in complexity. Adapting problem-solving strategies is crucial to harness the full potential of quantum computing. Nonetheless, there are defined boundaries to the capabilities of quantum computing. This paper concentrates on aggregating prior research efforts dedicated to solving intricate classical computational problems through quantum computing. The objective is to systematically compile an exhaustive inventory of these solutions and categorize a collection of demanding problems that await further exploration.

  • High-fidelity, multi-qubit generalized measurements with dynamic circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Petr Ivashkov, Gideon Uchehara, Liang Jiang, Derek S. Wang, Alireza Seif

    Generalized measurements, also called positive operator-valued measures (POVMs), can offer advantages over projective measurements in various quantum information tasks. Here, we realize a generalized measurement of one and two superconducting qubits with high fidelity and in a single experimental setting. To do so, we propose a hybrid method, the "Naimark-terminated binary tree," based on a hybridization of Naimark's dilation and binary tree techniques that leverages emerging hardware capabilities for mid-circuit measurements and feed-forward control. Furthermore, we showcase a highly effective use of approximate compiling to enhance POVM fidelity in noisy conditions. We argue that our hybrid method scales better toward larger system sizes than its constituent methods and demonstrate its advantage by performing detector tomography of symmetric, informationally complete POVM (SIC-POVM). Detector fidelity is further improved through a composite error mitigation strategy that incorporates twirling and a newly devised conditional readout error mitigation. Looking forward, we expect improvements in approximate compilation and hardware noise for dynamic circuits to enable generalized measurements of larger multi-qubit POVMs on superconducting qubits.

  • Scalable Full-Stack Benchmarks for Quantum Computers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jordan Hines, Timothy Proctor

    Quantum processors are now able to run quantum circuits that are infeasible to simulate classically, creating a need for benchmarks that assess a quantum processor's rate of errors when running these circuits. Here, we introduce a general technique for creating efficient benchmarks from any set of quantum computations, specified by unitary circuits. Our benchmarks assess the integrated performance of a quantum processor's classical compilation algorithms and its low-level quantum operations. Unlike existing "full-stack benchmarks", our benchmarks do not require classical simulations of quantum circuits, and they use only efficient classical computations. We use our method to create randomized circuit benchmarks, including a computationally efficient version of the quantum volume benchmark, and an algorithm-based benchmark that uses Hamiltonian simulation circuits. We perform these benchmarks on IBM Q devices and in simulations, and we compare their results to the results of existing benchmarking methods.

  • Quantum Dynamics Happens Only on Paper: QBism's Account of Decoherence.- [PDF] - [Article]

    John B. DeBrota, Christopher A. Fuchs, Ruediger Schack

    QBism has long recognized quantum states, POVM elements, Kraus operators, and even unitary operations to be cut from the same cloth: They all express aspects of an agent's personal belief system concerning the consequences (for her) of actions she might take on her external world. Such action-consequence pairs have conventionally been called "quantum measurements." The calculus of quantum theory is then viewed as an empirically motivated addition to Bayesian decision theory when brought to this notion of measurement. This radical approach has allowed QBism to eliminate the conceptual problems that plague other interpretations of quantum mechanics. However, one issue has remained elusive: If a QBist agent does not believe in the existence of an ontic (agent-independent) dynamical variable evolving over time, why would there be any constraints on her quantum state assignment in the absence of performing a measurement? Why would she introduce unitary or open-system quantum dynamics at all? Here, we present a representation theorem based on van Fraassen's reflection principle to answer these questions. Simply put, an agent's assignment of quantum dynamics represents her belief that a measurement action she is contemplating would not change her current odds for future gambles. A corollary to this approach is that one can make sense of "open-system dynamics" without ever introducing an "environment with a measurement record" as is common in decoherence accounts of quantum measurement. Instead, the QBist understanding of decoherence rests entirely on an agent's beliefs about the system of interest (not system plus environment) and her judgments about measurements she might perform on that system.

  • Sub-dimensional magnetic polarons in the one-hole doped SU(3) $t$-$J$ model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Henning Schlömer, Fabian Grusdt, Ulrich Schollwöck, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Annabelle Bohrdt

    The physics of doped Mott insulators is at the heart of strongly correlated materials and is believed to constitute an essential ingredient for high-temperature superconductivity. In systems with higher SU(N) spin symmetries, even richer magnetic ground states appear at a filling of one particle per site compared to the case of SU(2) spins, but their fate upon doping remains largely unexplored. Here we address this question by studying a single hole in the SU(3) $t$-$J$ model, whose undoped ground state features long-range, diagonal spin stripes. By analyzing both ground state and dynamical properties utilizing the density matrix renormalization group, we establish the appearence of magnetic polarons consisting of chargons and flavor defects, whose dynamics is constrained to a single effective dimension along the ordered diagonal. We semi-analytically describe the system using geometric string theory, where paths of hole motion are the fundamental degrees of freedom. With recent advances in the realization and control of SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard models with ultracold atoms in optical lattices, our results can directly be observed in quantum gas microscopes with single-site resolution. Our work suggests the appearance of intricate ground states at finite doping constituted by emergent, coupled Luttinger liquids along diagonals, and is a first step towards exploring a wealth of physics in doped SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard models on various geometries.

  • Quasi-Probabilistic Readout Correction of Mid-Circuit Measurements for Adaptive Feedback via Measurement Randomized Compiling.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Akel Hashim, Arnaud Carignan-Dugas, Larry Chen, Christian Juenger, Neelay Fruitwala, Yilun Xu, Gang Huang, Joel Wallman, Irfan Siddiqi

    Quantum measurements are a fundamental component of quantum computing. However, on modern-day quantum computers, measurements can be more error prone than quantum gates, and are susceptible to non-unital errors as well as non-local correlations due to measurement crosstalk. While readout errors can be mitigated in post-processing, it is inefficient in the number of qubits due to a combinatorially-large number of possible states that need to be characterized. In this work, we show that measurement errors can be tailored into a simple stochastic error model using randomized compiling, enabling the efficient mitigation of readout errors via quasi-probability distributions reconstructed from the measurement of a single preparation state in an exponentially large confusion matrix. We demonstrate the scalability and power of this approach by correcting readout errors without the need for any matrix inversion on a large number of different preparation states applied to a register of a eight superconducting transmon qubits. Moreover, we show that this method can be extended to measurement in the single-shot limit using quasi-probabilistic error cancellation, and demonstrate the correction of mid-circuit measurement errors on an ancilla qubit used to detect and actively correct bit-flip errors on an entangled memory qubit. Our approach paves the way for performing an assumption-free correction of readout errors on large numbers of qubits, and offers a strategy for correcting readout errors in adaptive circuits in which the results of mid-circuit measurements are used to perform conditional operations on non-local qubits in real time.

  • Quantum Algorithms for the Pathwise Lasso.- [PDF] - [Article]

    João F. Doriguello, Debbie Lim, Chi Seng Pun, Patrick Rebentrost, Tushar Vaidya

    We present a novel quantum high-dimensional linear regression algorithm with an $\ell_1$-penalty based on the classical LARS (Least Angle Regression) pathwise algorithm. Similarly to available classical numerical algorithms for Lasso, our quantum algorithm provides the full regularisation path as the penalty term varies, but quadratically faster per iteration under specific conditions. A quadratic speedup on the number of features/predictors $d$ is possible by using the simple quantum minimum-finding subroutine from D\"urr and Hoyer (arXiv'96) in order to obtain the joining time at each iteration. We then improve upon this simple quantum algorithm and obtain a quadratic speedup both in the number of features $d$ and the number of observations $n$ by using the recent approximate quantum minimum-finding subroutine from Chen and de Wolf (ICALP'23). As one of our main contributions, we construct a quantum unitary based on quantum amplitude estimation to approximately compute the joining times to be searched over by the approximate quantum minimum finding. Since the joining times are no longer exactly computed, it is no longer clear that the resulting approximate quantum algorithm obtains a good solution. As our second main contribution, we prove, via an approximate version of the KKT conditions and a duality gap, that the LARS algorithm (and therefore our quantum algorithm) is robust to errors. This means that it still outputs a path that minimises the Lasso cost function up to a small error if the joining times are only approximately computed. Finally, in the model where the observations are generated by an underlying linear model with an unknown coefficient vector, we prove bounds on the difference between the unknown coefficient vector and the approximate Lasso solution, which generalises known results about convergence rates in classical statistical learning theory analysis.

  • Simple and general bounds on quantum random access codes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Máté Farkas, Nikolai Miklin, Armin Tavakoli

    Random access codes are a type of communication task that is widely used in quantum information science. The optimal average success probability that can be achieved through classical strategies is known for any random access code. However, only a few cases are solved exactly for quantum random access codes, and there are no known analytical bounds that can be applied in general. In this paper, we provide such a bound for the fully general setting of n independent variables, each selected from a d-dimensional classical alphabet and encoded in a D-dimensional quantum system subject to an arbitrary quantum measurement. The bound recovers the known special cases, and we demonstrate numerically that even though the bound is not tight overall, it can still yield a good approximation.

  • Fundamental charges for dual-unitary circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tom Holden-Dye, Lluis Masanes, Arijeet Pal

    Dual-unitary quantum circuits have recently attracted attention as an analytically tractable model of many-body quantum dynamics. Consisting of a 1+1D lattice of 2-qudit gates arranged in a 'brickwork' pattern, these models are defined by the constraint that each gate must remain unitary under swapping the roles of space and time. This dual-unitarity restricts the dynamics of local operators in these circuits: the support of any such operator must grow at the effective speed of light of the system, along one or both of the edges of a causal light cone set by the geometry of the circuit. Using this property, it is shown here that for 1+1D dual-unitary circuits the set of width-$w$ conserved densities (constructed from operators supported over $w$ consecutive sites) is in one-to-one correspondence with the set of width-$w$ solitons - operators which, up to a multiplicative phase, are simply spatially translated at the effective speed of light by the dual-unitary dynamics. A number of ways to construct these many-body solitons (explicitly in the case where the local Hilbert space dimension $d=2$) are then demonstrated: firstly, via a simple construction involving products of smaller, constituent solitons; and secondly, via a construction which cannot be understood as simply in terms of products of smaller solitons, but which does have a neat interpretation in terms of products of fermions under a Jordan-Wigner transformation. This provides partial progress towards a characterisation of the microscopic structure of complex many-body solitons (in dual-unitary circuits on qubits), whilst also establishing a link between fermionic models and dual-unitary circuits, advancing our understanding of what kinds of physics can be explored in this framework.

  • Variational Quantum Multi-Objective Optimization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Linus Ekstrom, Hao Wang, Sebastian Schmitt

    Solving combinatorial optimization problems using variational quantum algorithms to be executed on near-term quantum devices has gained a lot of attraction in recent years. Currently, most works have focused on single-objective problems. In contrast, many real-world problems need to consider multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously, which is not well studied using variation quantum algorithms. In multi-objective optimization, one seeks the optimal trade-offs among conflicting objectives - the well-known Pareto set/front. We present a variational quantum multiple-objective optimization (QMOO) algorithm, which allows us to solve multi-objective optimization problems using NISQ computers. At the core of the algorithm is a variational quantum circuit (VQC) tuned to produce a quantum state which is a superposition of Pareto-optimal solutions, solving the original multi-objective optimization problem. The VQC achieves this by incorporating all cost Hamiltonians representing the classical objective functions. We retrieve a set of solutions from the quantum state prepared by the VQC, and utilize the widely-applied hypervolume indicator to determine the quality of it as approximation to the Pareto-front. The variational parameters of the VQC are tuning by maximizing the hypervolume indicator. As many realistic problems are integer optimization problems we formulate the whole scheme for qudit quantum systems. We show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm on several benchmark problems with up to five objectives.

  • Entanglement R\'{e}nyi Negativity of Interacting Fermions from Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fo-Hong Wang, Xiao Yan Xu

    Many-body entanglement unveils additional aspects of quantum matter and offers insights into strongly correlated physics. While ground-state entanglement has received much attention in the past decade, the study of mixed-state quantum entanglement using negativity in interacting fermionic systems remains unexplored. We demonstrate that the partially transposed density matrix of interacting fermions, similar to the reduced density matrix, can be expressed as a weighted sum of Gaussian states describing free fermions, enabling the calculation of rank-$n$ R\'{e}nyi negativity within the determinantal quantum Monte Carlo framework. We conduct the first calculation of rank-two R\'{e}nyi negativity for the half-filled Hubbard model and the spinless $t$-$V$ model and find that the area law coefficient of the R\'{e}nyi negativity has a singularity at the finite-temperature transition point. Our work contributes to the calculation of entanglement and sets the stage for future studies on quantum entanglement in various fermionic many-body mixed states.

  • Formation of stripes in a mixed-dimensional cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard system.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dominik Bourgund, Thomas Chalopin, Petar Bojović, Henning Schlömer, Si Wang, Titus Franz, Sarah Hirthe, Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt, Immanuel Bloch, Timon A. Hilker

    The relation between d-wave superconductivity and stripes is fundamental to the understanding of ordered phases in cuprates. While experimentally both phases are found in close proximity, numerical studies on the related Fermi-Hubbard model have long been investigating whether stripes precede, compete or coexist with superconductivity. Such stripes are characterised by interleaved charge and spin density wave ordering where fluctuating lines of dopants separate domains of opposite antiferromagnetic order. Here we show first signatures of stripes in a cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard quantum simulator. By engineering a mixed-dimensional system, we increase their typical energy scales to the spin exchange energy, enabling us to access the interesting crossover temperature regime where stripes begin to form. We observe extended, attractive correlations between hole dopants and find an increased probability to form larger structures akin to stripes. In the spin sector, we study correlation functions up to third order and find results consistent with stripe formation. These higher-order correlation measurements pave the way towards an improved microscopic understanding of the emergent properties of stripes and their relation to other competing phases. More generally, our approach has direct relevance for newly discovered high-temperature superconducting materials in which mixed dimensions play an essential role.

  • Effects of quenching protocols based on parametric oscillators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mariagiovanna Gianfreda, Giulio Landolfi

    We consider the problem of understanding the basic features displayed by quantum systems described by parametric oscillators whose time-dependent frequency parameter $\omega(t)$ varies continuously during evolution so to realise quenching protocols of different types. To this scope we focus on the case where $\omega(t)^2$ behaves like a Morse potential, up to possible sign reversion and translations in the $(t,\omega^2)$ plane. We derive closed form solution for the time-dependent amplitude of quasi-normal modes, which is the very fundamental dynamical object entering the description of both classical and quantum parametric oscillators, and highlight its significant characteristics for distinctive cases arising based on the driving specifics. After doing so, we provide an insight on the way quantum states evolve by paying attention on the position-momentum Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the statistical aspects implied by second-order correlation functions over number-type states.

  • Electron-mediated entanglement of two distant macroscopic ferromagnets within a nonequilibrium spintronic device.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Suresh, R. D. Soares, P. Mondal, J. P. Santos Pires, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes, Aires Ferreira, A. E. Feiguin, P. Plecháč, B. K. Nikolić

    Using the nascent concept of quantum spin-transfer torque [A. Zholud et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 119}, 257201 (2017); M. D. Petrovi\'{c} {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. X {\bf 11}, 021062 (2021)], we demonstrate that a current pulse can be harnessed to entangle quantum localized spins of two spatially separated ferromagnets (FMs) which are initially unentangled. The envisaged setup comprises a spin-polarizer (FM$_p$) and a spin-analyzer (FM$_a$) FM layers separated by normal metal (NM) spacer. The injection of a current pulse into the device leads to a time-dependent superposition of many-body states characterized by a high degree of entanglement between the spin degrees of freedom of the two distant FM layers. The non-equilibrium dynamics are due to the transfer of spin angular momentum from itinerant electrons to the localized spins via a quantum spin-torque mechanism that remains active even for {\em collinear but antiparallel} arrangements of the FM$_p$ and FM$_a$ magnetizations (a situation in which the conventional spin-torque is absent). We quantify the mixed-state entanglement generated between the FM layers by tracking the time-evolution of the full density matrix and analyzing the build-up of the mutual logarithmic negativity over time. The effect of decoherence and dissipation in the FM layers due to coupling to bosonic baths at finite temperature, the use of multi-electron current pulses and the dependence on the number of spins are also considered in an effort to ascertain the robustness of our predictions under realistic conditions. Finally, we propose a ``current-pump/X-ray-probe'' scheme, utilizing ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy, that can witness nonequilibrium and transient entanglement of the FM layers by extracting its time-dependent quantum Fisher information.

  • Robustness of the Floquet-assisted superradiant phase and possible laser operation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lukas Broers, Ludwig Mathey

    We demonstrate the robustness of the recently established Floquet-assisted superradiant phase of the parametrically driven dissipative Dicke model, inspired by light-induced dynamics in graphene. In particular, we show the robustness of this state against key imperfections and argue for the feasibility of utilizing it for laser operation. We consider the effect of a finite linewidth of the driving field, modelled via phase diffusion. We find that the linewidth of the light field in the cavity narrows drastically across the FSP transition, reminiscent of a line narrowing at the laser transition. We then demonstrate that the FSP is robust against inhomogeneous broadening, while displaying a reduction of light intensity. We show that the depleted population inversion of near-resonant Floquet states leads to hole burning in the inhomogeneously broadened Floquet spectra. Finally, we show that the FSP is robust against dissipation processes, with coefficients up to values that are experimentally available. We conclude that the FSP presents a robust mechanism that is capable of realistic laser operation.

  • Quantum advantage and stability to errors in analogue quantum simulators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rahul Trivedi, Adrian Franco Rubio, J. Ignacio Cirac

    Several quantum hardware platforms, while being unable to perform fully fault-tolerant quantum computation, can still be operated as analogue quantum simulators for addressing many-body problems. However, due to the presence of errors, it is not clear to what extent those devices can provide us with an advantage with respect to classical computers. In this work we consider the use of noisy analogue quantum simulators for computing physically relevant properties of many-body systems both in equilibrium and undergoing dynamics. We first formulate a system-size independent notion of stability against extensive errors, which we prove for Gaussian fermion models, as well as for a restricted class of spin systems. Remarkably, for the Gaussian fermion models, our analysis shows the stability of critical models which have long-range correlations. Furthermore, we analyze how this stability may lead to a quantum advantage, for the problem of computing the thermodynamic limit of many-body models, in the presence of a constant error rate and without any explicit error correction.

  • Closest lattice point decoding for multimode Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mao Lin, Christopher Chamberland, Kyungjoo Noh

    Quantum error correction (QEC) plays an essential role in fault-tolerantly realizing quantum algorithms of practical interest. Among different approaches to QEC, encoding logical quantum information in harmonic oscillator modes has been shown to be promising and hardware efficient. In this work, we study multimode Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) codes, encoding a qubit in many oscillators, through a lattice perspective. In particular, we implement a closest point decoding strategy for correcting random Gaussian shift errors. For decoding a generic multimode GKP code, we first identify its corresponding lattice followed by finding the closest lattice point in its symplectic dual lattice to a candidate shift error compatible with the error syndrome. We use this method to characterize the error correction capabilities of several known multimode GKP codes, including their code distances and fidelities. We also perform numerical optimization of multimode GKP codes up to ten modes and find three instances (with three, seven and nine modes) with better code distances and fidelities compared to the known GKP codes with the same number of modes. While exact closest point decoding incurs exponential time cost in the number of modes for general unstructured GKP codes, we give several examples of structured GKP codes (i.e., of the repetition-rectangular GKP code types) where the closest point decoding can be performed exactly in linear time. For the surface-GKP code, we show that the closest point decoding can be performed exactly in polynomial time with the help of a minimum-weight-perfect-matching algorithm (MWPM). We show that this MWPM closest point decoder improves both the fidelity and the noise threshold of the surface-GKP code to 0.602 compared to the previously studied MWPM decoder assisted by log-likelihood analog information which yields a noise threshold of 0.599.

  • Dissipative stabilization of maximal entanglement between non-identical emitters via two-photon excitation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alejandro Vivas-Viaña, Diego Martín-Cano, Carlos Sánchez Muñoz

    Two non-identical quantum emitters, when placed within a cavity and coherently excited at the two-photon resonance, can reach stationary states of nearly maximal entanglement. In Vivas-Via\~na et al., we introduce a frequency-resolved Purcell effect stabilizing entangled $W$ states among strongly interacting quantum emitters embedded in a cavity. Here, we delve deeper into a specific configuration with a particularly rich phenomenology: two interacting quantum emitters under coherent excitation at the two-photon resonance. This scenario yields two resonant cavity frequencies where the combination of two-photon driving and Purcell-enhanced decay stabilizes the system into the sub- and superradiant states, respectively. By considering the case of non-degenerate emitters and exploring the parameter space of the system, we show that this mechanism is merely one among a complex family of phenomena that can generate both stationary and metastable entanglement when driving the emitters at the two-photon resonance. We provide a global perspective of this landscape of mechanisms and contribute analytical characterizations and insights into these phenomena, establishing connections with previous reports in the literature and discussing how some of these effects can be optically detected.

  • Tunable coupler to fully decouple and maximally localize superconducting qubits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lukas Heunisch, Christopher Eichler, Michael J. Hartmann

    Enhancing the capabilities of superconducting quantum hardware, requires higher gate fidelities and lower crosstalk, particularly in larger scale devices, in which qubits are coupled to multiple neighbors. Progress towards both of these objectives would highly benefit from the ability to fully control all interactions between pairs of qubits. Here we propose a new coupler model that allows to fully decouple dispersively detuned Transmon qubits from each other, i.e. ZZ-crosstalk is completely suppressed while maintaining a maximal localization of the qubits' computational basis states. We further reason that, for a dispersively detuned Transmon system, this can only be the case if the anharmonicity of the coupler is positive at the idling point. A simulation of a 40ns CZ-gate for a lumped element model suggests that achievable process infidelity can be pushed below the limit imposed by state-of-the-art coherence times of Transmon qubits. On the other hand, idle gates between qubits are no longer limited by parasitic interactions. We show that our scheme can be applied to large integrated qubit grids, where it allows to fully isolate a pair of qubits, that undergoes a gate operation, from the rest of the chip while simultaneously pushing the fidelity of gates to the limit set by the coherence time of the individual qubits.

  • Physics-Constrained Hardware-Efficient Ansatz on Quantum Computers that is Universal, Systematically Improvable, and Size-consistent.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xiaoxiao Xiao, Hewang Zhao, Jiajun Ren, Wei-hai Fang, Zhendong Li

    Variational wavefunction ans\"{a}tze are at the heart of solving quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. Previous designs of hardware-efficient ansatz (HEA) on quantum computers are largely based on heuristics and lack rigorous theoretical foundations. In this work, we introduce a physics-constrained approach for designing HEA with rigorous theoretical guarantees by imposing a few fundamental constraints. Specifically, we require that the target HEA to be universal, systematically improvable, and size-consistent, which is an important concept in quantum many-body theories for scalability, but has been overlooked in previous designs of HEA. We extend the notion of size-consistency to HEA, and present a concrete realization of HEA that satisfies all these fundamental constraints while only requiring linear qubit connectivity. The developed physics-constrained HEA is superior to other heuristically designed HEA in terms of both accuracy and scalability, as demonstrated numerically for the Heisenberg model and some typical molecules. In particular, we find that restoring size-consistency can significantly reduce the number of layers needed to reach certain accuracy. In contrast, the failure of other HEA to satisfy these constraints severely limits their scalability to larger systems with more than ten qubits. Our work highlights the importance of incorporating physical constraints into the design of HEA for efficiently solving many-body problems on quantum computers.

  • A high-flux source system for matter-wave interferometry exploiting tunable interactions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Herbst, Timothé Estrampes, Henning Albers, Vera Vollenkemper, Knut Stolzenberg, Sebastian Bode, Eric Charron, Ernst M. Rasel, Naceur Gaaloul, Dennis Schlippert

    Atom interferometers allow determining inertial effects to high accuracy. Quantum-projection noise as well as systematic effects impose demands on large atomic flux as well as ultra-low expansion rates. Here we report on a high-flux source of ultra-cold atoms with free expansion rates near the Heisenberg limit directly upon release from the trap. Our results are achieved in a time-averaged optical dipole trap and enabled through dynamic tuning of the atomic scattering length across two orders of magnitude interaction strength via magnetic Feshbach resonances. We demonstrate BECs with more than $6\times 10^{4}$ particles after evaporative cooling for $170$ ms and their subsequent release with a minimal expansion energy of $4.5$ nK in one direction. Based on our results we estimate the performance of an atom interferometer and compare our source system to a high performance chip-trap, as readily available for ultra-precise measurements in micro-gravity environments.

  • Dequantizing quantum machine learning models using tensor networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Seongwook Shin, Yong Siah Teo, Hyunseok Jeong

    Ascertaining whether a classical model can efficiently replace a given quantum model -- dequantization -- is crucial in assessing the true potential of quantum algorithms. In this work, we introduced the dequantizability of the function class of variational quantum-machine-learning~(VQML) models by employing the tensor network formalism, effectively identifying every VQML model as a subclass of matrix product state (MPS) model characterized by constrained coefficient MPS and tensor product-based feature maps. From this formalism, we identify the conditions for which a VQML model's function class is dequantizable or not. Furthermore, we introduce an efficient quantum kernel-induced classical kernel which is as expressive as given any quantum kernel, hinting at a possible way to dequantize quantum kernel methods. This presents a thorough analysis of VQML models and demonstrates the versatility of our tensor-network formalism to properly distinguish VQML models according to their genuine quantum characteristics, thereby unifying classical and quantum machine-learning models within a single framework.

  • $N$ Scaling of Large-Sample Collective Decay in Inhomogeneous Ensembles.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sergiy Stryzhenko, Alexander Bruns, Thorsten Peters

    We experimentally study collective decay of an extended disordered ensemble of $N$ atoms inside a hollow-core fiber. We observe up to $300$-fold enhanced decay rates, strong optical bursts and a coherent ringing. Due to inhomogeneities limiting the synchronization of atoms, the data does not show the typical scaling with $N$. We show that an effective number of collective emitters can be determined to recover the $N$ scaling known to homogeneous ensembles over a large parameter range. This provides physical insight into the limits of collective decay and allows for its optimization in extended ensembles as used, e.g., in quantum optics, precision time-keeping or waveguide QED.

  • Many-Body Mobility Edge in Quantum Sun models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Konrad Pawlik, Piotr Sierant, Lev Vidmar, Jakub Zakrzewski

    The Quantum Sun model is an interacting model that exhibits sharp signatures of ergodicity breaking phase transition. Here, we show that the model exhibits a many-body mobility edge. We provide analytical arguments for its existence, complemented by the state-of-the-art numerical simulations analysing gap ratios, Thouless times as well as entanglement entropy of eigenstates. We also introduce the Quantum Sun model with particle number conservation, and we argue that it shares many similarities with his unrestricted predecessor.

  • Bertlmann's socks from a Viennese perspective.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marcello Poletti

    Quantum mechanics is a theory that is as effective as it is counterintuitive. While quantum practices operate impeccably, they compel us to embrace enigmatic phenomena like the collapse of the state vector and non-locality, thereby pushing us towards untenable "hypotheses non fingo" stances. However, a century after its inception, we are presented with a promising interpretive key, intimated by Wheeler as early as 1974. The interpretative paradoxes of this theory might be resolved if we discern the relationship between logical undecidability and quantum undecidability. It will be demonstrated how both are intricately linked to an observer/observed relational issue, and how the idiosyncratic behaviours of quantum physics can be reconciled with the normative, following this path.

  • Error-resilience Phase Transitions in Encoding-Decoding Quantum Circuits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xhek Turkeshi, Piotr Sierant

    Understanding how errors deteriorate the information encoded in a many-body quantum system is a fundamental problem with practical implications for quantum technologies. Here, we investigate a class of encoding-decoding random circuits subject to local coherent and incoherent errors. We analytically demonstrate the existence of a phase transition from an error-protecting phase to an error-vulnerable phase occurring when the error strength is increased. This transition is accompanied by R\'enyi entropy transitions and by onset of multifractal features in the system. Our results provide a new perspective on storing and processing quantum information, while the introduced framework enables an analytic understanding of a dynamical critical phenomenon in a many-body system.

  • Hands-on Quantum Programming Labs for EECS Students.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Janche Sang, Chansu Yu

    This report presents a practical approach to teaching quantum computing to Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) students through dedicated hands-on programming labs. The labs cover a diverse range of topics, encompassing fundamental elements, such as entanglement, quantum gates and circuits, as well as advanced algorithms including Quantum Key Distribution, Deutsch and Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithms, Simon's algorithm, and Grover's algorithm. As educators, we aim to share our teaching insights and resources with fellow instructors in the field. The full lab handouts and program templates are provided for interested instructors. Furthermore, the report elucidates the rationale behind the design of each experiment, enabling a deeper understanding of quantum computing.

  • Heterogeneous integration of spin-photon interfaces with a scalable CMOS platform.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Linsen Li, Lorenzo De Santis, Isaac Harris, Kevin C. Chen, Yihuai Gao, Ian Christen, Matthew Trusheim, Hyeongrak Choi, Yixuan Song, Carlos Errando-Herranz, Jiahui Du, Yong Hu, Genevieve Clark, Mohamed I. Ibrahim, Gerald Gilbert, Ruonan Han, Dirk Englund

    Color centers in diamonds have emerged as a leading solid-state platform for advancing quantum technologies, satisfying the DiVincenzo criteria and recently achieving a quantum advantage in secret key distribution. Recent theoretical works estimate that general-purpose quantum computing using local quantum communication networks will require millions of physical qubits to encode thousands of logical qubits, which presents a substantial challenge to the hardware architecture at this scale. To address the unanswered scaling problem, in this work, we first introduce a scalable hardware modular architecture "Quantum System-on-Chip" (QSoC) that features compact two-dimensional arrays "quantum microchiplets" (QMCs) containing tin-vacancy (SnV-) spin qubits integrated on a cryogenic application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). We demonstrate crucial architectural subcomponents, including (1) QSoC fabrication via a lock-and-release method for large-scale heterogeneous integration; (2) a high-throughput calibration of the QSoC for spin qubit spectral inhomogenous registration; (3) spin qubit spectral tuning functionality for inhomogenous compensation; (4) efficient spin-state preparation and measurement for improved spin and optical properties. QSoC architecture supports full connectivity for quantum memory arrays in a set of different resonant frequencies and offers the possibility for further scaling the number of solid-state physical qubits via larger and denser QMC arrays and optical frequency multiplexing networking.

  • Progress on the Kretschmann-Schlingemann-Werner Conjecture.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Frederik vom Ende

    Given any pair of quantum channels $\Phi_1,\Phi_2$ such that at least one of them has Kraus rank one, as well as any respective Stinespring isometries $V_1,V_2$, we prove that there exists a unitary $U$ on the environment such that $\|V_1-({\bf1}\otimes U)V_2\|_\infty\leq\sqrt{2\|\Phi_1-\Phi_2\|_\diamond}$. Moreover, we provide a simple example which shows that the factor $\sqrt2$ on the right-hand side is optimal, and we conjecture that this inequality holds for every pair of channels.

  • Post-processing variationally scheduled quantum algorithm for constrained combinatorial optimization problems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tatsuhiko Shirai, Nozomu Togawa

    We propose a post-processing variationally scheduled quantum algorithm (pVSQA) for solving constrained combinatorial optimization problems (COPs). COPs are typically transformed into ground-state search problems of the Ising model on a quantum annealer or gate-type quantum device. Variational methods are used to find an optimal schedule function that leads to high-quality solutions in a short amount of time. Post-processing techniques convert the output solutions of the quantum devices to satisfy the constraints of the COPs. pVSQA combines the variational methods and the post-processing technique. We obtain a sufficient condition for constrained COPs to apply pVSQA based on a greedy post-processing algorithm. We apply the proposed method to two constrained NP-hard COPs: the graph partitioning problem and the quadratic knapsack problem. pVSQA on a simulator shows that a small number of variational parameters is sufficient to achieve a (near-)optimal performance within a predetermined operation time. Then building upon the simulator results, we implement pVSQA on a quantum annealer and a gate-type quantum device. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

  • The Generalized Fokker-Planck Equation in terms of Dunkl-type Derivatives.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. D. Mota, D. Ojeda-Guillén, M. A. Xicoténcatl

    In this work we introduce two different generalizations of the Fokker-Planck equation in (1+1) dimensions by replacing the spatial derivatives in terms of generalized Dunkl-type derivatives involving reflection operators. As applications of these results, we solve exactly the generalized Fokker-Planck equations for the harmonic oscillator and the centrifugal-type potentials.

  • Classical Shadow Tomography with Mutually Unbiased Bases.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yu Wang, Wei Cui

    Classical shadow tomography, harnessing randomized informationally complete (IC) measurements, provides an effective avenue for predicting many properties of unknown quantum states with sample-efficient precision. Projections onto $2^n+1$ mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) are widely recognized as minimal and optimal IC measurements for full-state tomography. We study how to use MUBs circuits as the ensemble in classical shadow tomography. For the general observables, the variance to predict their expectation value is shown to be exponential to the number of qubits $n$. However, for a special class termed as appropriate MUBs-average (AMA) observables, the variance decreases to $poly(n)$. Additionally, we find that through biased sampling of MUBs circuits, the variance for non-AMA observables can again be reduced to $poly(n)$ with the MUBs-sparse condition. The performance and complexity of using the MUBs and Clifford circuits as the ensemble in the classical shadow tomography are compared in the end.

  • Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill encoding in continuous modal variables of single photons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Éloi Descamps, Arne Keller, Pérola Milman

    GKP states, introduced by Gottesman, Kitaev, and Preskill, are continuous variable logical qubits that can be corrected for errors caused by phase space displacements. Their experimental realization is challenging, in particular using propagating fields, where quantum information is encoded in the quadratures of the electromagnetic field. However, travelling photons are essential in many applications of GKP codes involving the long-distance transmission of quantum information. We introduce a new method for encoding GKP states in propagating fields using single photons, each occupying a distinct auxiliary mode given by the propagation direction. The GKP states are defined as highly correlated states described by collective continuous modes, as time and frequency. We analyze how the error detection and correction protocol scales with the total photon number and the spectral width. We show that the obtained code can be corrected for displacements in time-frequency phase space - which correspond to dephasing, or rotations, in the quadrature phase space - and to photon losses. Most importantly, we show that generating two-photon GKP states is relatively simple, and that such states are currently produced and manipulated in several photonic platforms where frequency and time-bin biphoton entangled states can be engineered.

  • Propagation of light in cold emitter ensembles with quantum position correlations due to static long-range dipolar interactions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G. J. Bean, N. D. Drummond, J. Ruostekoski

    We analyze the scattering of light from dipolar emitters whose disordered positions exhibit correlations induced by static, long-range dipole-dipole interactions. The quantum-mechanical position correlations are calculated for zero temperature bosonic atoms or molecules using variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo methods. For stationary atoms in dense ensembles in the limit of low light intensity, the simulations yield solutions for the optical responses to all orders of position correlation functions that involve electronic ground and excited states. We calculate how coherent and incoherent scattering, collective linewidths, line shifts, and eigenmodes, and disorder-induced excitation localization are influenced by the static interactions and the density. We find that dominantly repulsive static interactions in strongly confined oblate and prolate traps introduce short-range ordering among the dipoles which curtails large fluctuations in the light-mediated resonant dipole-dipole interactions. This typically results in an increase in coherent reflection and optical depth, accompanied by reduced incoherent scattering. The presence of static dipolar interactions permits the highly selective excitation of subradiant eigenmodes in dense clouds. This effect becomes even more pronounced in a prolate trap, where the resonances narrow below the natural linewidth. When the static dipolar interactions affect the optical transition frequencies, the ensemble exhibits inhomogeneous broadening due to the nonuniformly experienced static dipolar interactions that suppress cooperative effects, but we argue that, e.g., for Dy atoms such inhomogeneous broadening is negligible.

  • Steady-state charging of quantum batteries via dissipative ancillas.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    F. H. Kamin, S. Salimi, M. B. Arjmandi

    We investigate the steady-state charging process of a single-cell quantum battery embedded in an N-cell star network of qubits, each interacting with a fermion reservoir, collectively and individually in equilibrium and non-equilibrium scenarios, respectively. We find an optimal steady-state charging in both scenarios, which grows monotonically with the reservoirs' chemical potential and chemical potential difference. Where the high base temperature of the reservoirs has a destructive role in all parameter regimes. We indicate that regardless of the strength of the non-equilibrium condition, the high base chemical potential of the battery's corresponding reservoir can significantly enhance the charging process. On the other hand, a weak coupling strength can strongly suppress the charging. Consequently, our results could counteract the detrimental effects of self-discharging and provide valuable guidelines for enhancing the stable charging of open quantum batteries in the absence of an external charging field.

  • Two-photon quantum state tomography of photonic qubits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Guilherme P. Temporão, Pedro Ripper, Thiago B. Guerreiro, Gustavo C. do Amaral

    We provide a tool for measuring the Stokes parameters and the degree of polarization of single photons by employing second order interference, namely the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interferometer. It is shown that the technique is able to distinguish a partially polarized photon where the polarization state is coupled to an internal degree of freedom, such as time of arrival, from partial polarization due to external entanglement with the environment. The method does not directly resort to any kind of polarization-selective components and therefore is not limited by the extinction ratio of polarizers. Moreover, the technique can be generalized to any two-level encoding of quantum information in single photons, such as time-bin or orbital angular momentum qubits.

  • A distributed multi-GPU ab initio density matrix renormalization group algorithm with applications to the P-cluster of nitrogenase.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chunyang Xiang, Weile Jia, Wei-Hai Fang, Zhendong Li

    The presence of many degenerate $d/f$ orbitals makes polynuclear transition metal compounds such as iron-sulfur clusters in nitrogenase challenging for state-of-the-art quantum chemistry methods. To address this challenge, we present the first distributed multi-GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) \emph{ab initio} density matrix renormalization (DMRG) algorithm, suitable for modern high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures. The central idea is to parallelize the most computationally intensive part - the multiplication of $O(K^2)$ operators with a trial wavefunction, where $K$ is the number of spatial orbitals, by combining operator parallelism for distributing the workload with a batched algorithm for performing contractions on GPU. With this new implementation, we are able to reach an unprecedentedly large bond dimension $D=14000$ on 48 GPUs (NVIDIA A100 80 GB SXM) for an active space model (114 electrons in 73 active orbitals) of the P-cluster, which is nearly three times larger than the bond dimensions reported in previous DMRG calculations for the same system using only CPUs.

  • Quantum Neural Networks under Depolarization Noise: Exploring White-Box Attacks and Defenses.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    David Winderl, Nicola Franco, Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

    Leveraging the unique properties of quantum mechanics, Quantum Machine Learning (QML) promises computational breakthroughs and enriched perspectives where traditional systems reach their boundaries. However, similarly to classical machine learning, QML is not immune to adversarial attacks. Quantum adversarial machine learning has become instrumental in highlighting the weak points of QML models when faced with adversarial crafted feature vectors. Diving deep into this domain, our exploration shines light on the interplay between depolarization noise and adversarial robustness. While previous results enhanced robustness from adversarial threats through depolarization noise, our findings paint a different picture. Interestingly, adding depolarization noise discontinued the effect of providing further robustness for a multi-class classification scenario. Consolidating our findings, we conducted experiments with a multi-class classifier adversarially trained on gate-based quantum simulators, further elucidating this unexpected behavior.

  • On the Computational Hardness of Quantum One-Wayness.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bruno Cavalar, Eli Goldin, Matthew Gray, Peter Hall, Yanyi Liu, Angelos Pelecanos

    There is a large body of work studying what forms of computational hardness are needed to realize classical cryptography. In particular, one-way functions and pseudorandom generators can be built from each other, and thus require equivalent computational assumptions to be realized. Furthermore, the existence of either of these primitives implies that $\rm{P} \neq \rm{NP}$, which gives a lower bound on the necessary hardness. One can also define versions of each of these primitives with quantum output: respectively one-way state generators and pseudorandom state generators. Unlike in the classical setting, it is not known whether either primitive can be built from the other. Although it has been shown that pseudorandom state generators for certain parameter regimes can be used to build one-way state generators, the implication has not been previously known in full generality. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, the existence of one-way state generators has no known implications in complexity theory. We show that pseudorandom states compressing $n$ bits to $\log n + 1$ qubits can be used to build one-way state generators and pseudorandom states compressing $n$ bits to $\omega(\log n)$ qubits are one-way state generators. This is a nearly optimal result since pseudorandom states with fewer than $c \log n$-qubit output can be shown to exist unconditionally. We also show that any one-way state generator can be broken by a quantum algorithm with classical access to a $\rm{PP}$ oracle. An interesting implication of our results is that a $t(n)$-copy one-way state generator exists unconditionally, for every $t(n) = o(n/\log n)$. This contrasts nicely with the previously known fact that $O(n)$-copy one-way state generators require computational hardness. We also outline a new route towards a black-box separation between one-way state generators and quantum bit commitments.

  • Path integral for the quartic oscillator: A simple analytic expression for the partition function.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michel Caffarel

    The path-integral method is used to derive a simple parameter-free expression for the partition function of the quartic oscillator described by the potential $V(x) = \frac{1}{2} \omega^2 x^2 + g x^4$. This new expression gives a free energy accurate to a few percent over the entire range of temperatures and coupling strengths $g$. Both the harmonic ($g\rightarrow 0$) and classical (high-temperature) limits are exactly recovered. Analytic expressions for the ground- and first-excited state energies are derived. The divergence of the power series of the ground-state energy at weak coupling, characterized by a factorial growth of the perturbational energies, is reproduced as well as the functional form of the strong-coupling expansion along with accurate coefficients. Our simple expression is compared to the approximate partition functions proposed by Feynman and Kleinert and by B\"uttner and Flytzanis.

  • Reassessing the advantage of indefinite causal orders for quantum metrology.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Raphaël Mothe, Cyril Branciard, Alastair A. Abbott

    The quantum switch, the canonical example of a process with indefinite causal order, has been claimed to provide various advantages over processes with definite causal orders for some particular tasks in the field of quantum metrology. In this work, we argue that some of these advantages in fact do not hold if a fairer comparison is made. To this end, we consider a framework that allows for a proper comparison between the performance, quantified by the quantum Fisher information, of different classes of indefinite causal order processes and that of causal strategies on a given metrological task. More generally, by considering the recently proposed classes of circuits with classical or quantum control of the causal order, we come up with different examples where processes with indefinite causal order offer (or not) an advantage over processes with definite causal order, qualifying the interest of indefinite causal order regarding quantum metrology. As it turns out, for a range of examples, the class of quantum circuits with quantum control of causal order, which are known to be physically realizable, is shown to provide a strict advantage over causally ordered quantum circuits as well as over the class of quantum circuits with causal superposition. Thus, considering this class provides new evidence that indefinite causal order strategies can strictly outperform definite causal order strategies in quantum metrology. Moreover, it shows that the so-called dynamical control of causal order, a feature of quantum circuits with quantum control of the causal order but not of quantum circuits with mere causal superposition, can be a useful resource in quantum metrology.

  • Depolarizing Reference Devices in Generalized Probabilistic Theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthew B. Weiss

    QBism is an interpretation of quantum theory which views quantum mechanics as standard probability theory supplemented with a few extra normative constraints. The fundamental gambit is to represent states and measurements, as well as time evolution, with respect to an informationally complete reference device. From this point of view, the Born rule appears as a coherence condition on probability assignments across several different experiments which manifests as a deformation of the law of total probability (LTP). In this work, we fully characterize those reference devices for which this deformation takes a "simplest possible" (term-wise affine) form. Working in the framework of generalized probability theories (GPTs), we show that, given any reference measurement, a set of post-measurement reference states can always be chosen to give its probability rule this very form. The essential condition is that the corresponding measure-and-prepare channel be depolarizing. We also relate our construction to Szymusiak and S{\l}omczy\'nski's recently introduced notion of morphophoricity and re-examine critically a matrix-norm-based measure of LTP deformation in light of our results. What stands out for the QBist project from this analysis is that it is not only the pure form of the Born rule that must be understood normatively, but the constants within it as well. It is they that carry the details of quantum theory.

  • On the Path Integral Formulation of Wigner-Dunkl Quantum Mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Georg Junker

    Feynman's path integral approach is studied in the framework of the Wigner-Dunkl deformation of quantum mechanics. We start with reviewing some basics from Dunkl theory and investigate the time evolution of a Gaussian wave packet, which exhibits the same dispersion relation as observed in standard quantum mechanics. Feynman's path integral approach is then extended to Wigner-Dunkl quantum mechanics. The harmonic oscillator problem is solved explicitly. We then look at the Euclidean time evolution and the related Dunkl process. This process, which exhibit jumps, can be represented by two continuous Bessel processes, one with reflection and one with absorbtion at the origin. The Feynman-Kac path integral for the harmonic oscillator problem is explicitly calculated.

  • Bootstrap methods for digitized scalar field theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [CROSS LISTED]

    Zane Ozzello, Yannick Meurice

    General positivity constraints linking various powers of observables in energy eigenstates can be used to sharply locate acceptable regions for the energy eigenvalues, provided that efficient recursive methods are available to calculate the matrix elements. These recursive methods are derived by looking at the commutation relations of the observables with the Hamiltonian. We discuss how this self-consistent (bootstrap) approach can be applied to the study of digitized scalar field theory in the harmonic basis. Using known results, we develop the method by testing on quantum systems, including the harmonic and anharmonic oscillators. We report recent numerical results for up to four coupled anharmonic oscillators. From here, we consider the possibility of using the groundwork of this method as a means of studying phase transitions in 1+1 dimensions.


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