CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2023-12-22 12:30 to 2023-12-26 11:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


  • No papers in this section today!


  • iDMEu: An initiative for Dark Matter in Europe and beyond.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marco Cirelli, Caterina Doglioni, Federica Petricca

    We introduce the initiative for Dark Matter in Europe and beyond (iDMEu), a collective effort by a group of particle and astroparticle physicists to set up an online resource meta-repository, a common discussion platform and a series of meetings on everything concerning Dark Matter. This document serves as a status report as well as a citable item concerning iDMEu.

  • Probing scalar induced gravitational waves with PTA and LISA: The Importance of third order correction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhe Chang, Yu-Ting Kuang, Di Wu, Jing-Zhi Zhou

    We revisit the calculation of third order \acp{SIGW} and extend it from a monochromatic primordial power spectrum to a more general log-normal one. We investigate the impact of third order SIGWs on \ac{SNR} of \ac{LISA} and \ac{PTA} observations, and find that third order SIGWs significantly contribute to the total energy density spectrum of \acp{GW} in high-frequency region. For a primordial power spectrum amplitude of $A_{\zeta}=10^{-2}\sim 10^{-1}$, the effects of third order SIGWs lead to a $40\%$ to $400\%$ increase in the SNR for LISA. Additionally, our PTA data analysis reveals that third order SIGWs diminish both the amplitude $A_{\zeta}$ and the peak frequency $f_*$ of the primordial power spectrum.

  • Observing dark matter clumps and asteroid-mass primordial black holes in the solar system with gravimeters and GNSS networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bruno Bertrand, Michal Cuadrat-Grzybowski, Pascale Defraigne, Michel Van Camp, Sébastien Clesse

    In this proceedings, we study the possible gravitational impact of primordial black holes (PBHs) or dark matter (DM) clumps on GNSS satellite orbits and gravimeter measurements. It provides a preliminary step to the future exhaustive statistical analysis over 28 years of gravimeter and GNSS data to get constraints over the density of asteroid-mass PBH and DM clumps inside the solar system. Such constraints would be the first to be obtained by direct observation on a terrestrial scale.

  • Equivalence principle violation in nonminimally coupled gravity and constraints from Lunar Laser Ranging.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Riccardo March, Orfeu Bertolami, Marco Muccino, Simone Dell'Agnello

    We analyze the dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Moon system in the context of a particular class of theories of gravity where curvature and matter are nonminimally coupled (NMC). These theories can potentially violate the Equivalence Principle as they give origin to a fifth force and a extra non-Newtonian force that may imply that Earth and Moon fall differently towards the Sun. We show, through a detailed analysis, that consistency with the bound on Weak Equivalence Principle arising from 48 years of Lunar Laser Ranging data, for a range of parameters of the NMC gravity theory, can be achieved via the implementation of a suitable screening mechanism.

  • Prospects to scrutinise or smash SM*A*S*H.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andreas Ringwald

    SM*A*S*H is an extension of the Standard Model of particle physics which has just the minimal number of fields in order to solve six puzzles of particle physics and cosmology in one smash: vacuum stability, inflation, baryon asymmetry, neutrino masses, strong CP, and dark matter. The parameters of SM*A*S*H are constrained by symmetries and requirements to solve these puzzles. This provides various firm predictions for observables which can be confronted with experiments. We discuss the prospects and timeline to scrutinise or smash SM*A*S*H by cosmic microwave background polarisation experiments, axion haloscopes, and future space-borne gravitational wave detectors.

  • The JWST and standard cosmology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. A. Coley

    Recent observations from the James Webb Space Telescope have identified a population of massive galaxy sources ($\mathrm{>10^{10}\ M_\odot}$) at $z>7-10$, formed less than 700 Myr after the Big Bang. Such massive galaxies do not have enough time to form within the standard cosmological model, and hence these observations significantly challenge standard cosmology. A number of possible solutions to this problem have been put forward, including an enhancement of the gravitational force in a modified theory of gravity and the claim that massive primordial black holes, which were created in the early universe before galaxy formation, might provide seeds for galaxies and black holes to subsequently form. We discuss two more exotic possibilities. Black holes can persist through a cosmological bounce and constitute large seeds formed in the previous cosmic cycle existing before current galaxy formation. And spikes, both incomplete spikes that occur in the early initial oscillatory regime of general cosmological models and permanent spikes that can form in inhomogeneous models at later times, could provide a mechanism for generating large structures early in the Universe.

  • New Light on Dark Extended Lenses with the Roman Space Telescope.- [PDF] - [Article]

    William DeRocco, Nolan Smyth, Volodymyr Takhistov

    The Roman Space Telescope's Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey will constitute the most sensitive microlensing survey of the Galactic Bulge to date, opening up new opportunities to search for dark matter (DM). Many extensions of the Standard Model predict the formation of extended DM substructures, such as DM subhalos, boson/axion stars, and halo-dressed primordial black holes. We demonstrate that for such targets, Roman will be sensitive to a broad parameter space up to four orders of magnitude below existing constraints. Our analysis can be readily applied to other extended DM configurations as well.

  • Virialized Profiles and Oscillations of Self-interacting Fuzzy Dark Matter Solitons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Milos Indjin, I-Kang Liu, Nick P. Proukakis, Gerasimos Rigopoulos

    We investigate the effect of self-interactions on the shape and oscillations of the solitonic core profile of condensed fuzzy dark matter systems without the backdrop of a halo, revealing universal features in terms of an appropriately scaled interaction strength characterizing the crossover between the weakly- and strongly-interacting regimes. Our semi-analytical results are further confirmed by spherically symmetric simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equations. Inverting our obtained relations, we highlight a degeneracy that could significantly affect constraints on the boson mass in the presence of repulsive boson self-interactions and propose the simultaneous extraction of static and dynamical solitonic features as a way to uniquely constrain both the boson mass and self-interactions.

  • The correlations between galaxy properties in different environments of the cosmic web.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Anindita Nandi, Biswajit Pandey, Prakash Sarkar

    We study the correlations between $(u-r)$ colour, stellar mass, specific star formation rate (sSFR) and metallicity of galaxies in different geometric environments of the cosmic web using a volume limited sample from the SDSS. The geometric environment at the location of each galaxy is determined using the eigenvalues of the tidal tensor in three dimensions. We use the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) and the normalized mutual information (NMI) to quantify the correlations between these galaxy properties in sheets, filaments and clusters after matching the stellar mass distributions of the galaxies in these environments. A two-tailed t-test assesses the statistical significance of the observed differences between these relations in different geometric environments. The null hypothesis can be rejected at $>99.99\%$ significance level in most of the cases, suggesting that the scaling relations between the observable galaxy properties are susceptible to the geometric environments of the cosmic web.

  • Repeated Gravitational Wave Bursts from Cosmic Strings.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pierre Auclair, Danièle A. Steer, Tanmay Vachaspati

    A characteristic observational signature of cosmic strings are short duration gravitational wave (GW) bursts. These have been searched for by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration, and will be searched for with LISA. We point out that these burst signals are repeated, since cosmic string loops evolve quasi-periodically in time, and will always appear from essentially the same position in the sky. We estimate the number of GW repeaters for LVK and LISA, and show that the string tension that can be probed scales as detector sensitivity to the sixth power, which raises hope for detection in future GW detectors. The observation of repeated GW bursts from the same cosmic string loop helps distinguish between the GW waveform parameters and the sky-localization.

  • The irreversible relaxation of inflation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Robert Alicki, Gabriela Barenboim, Alejandro Jenkins

    Based on the results of a previous analysis of the Markovian master equation for the irreversible evolution of an open system embedded in de Sitter space, we include in the cosmological Friedmann equations a contribution from the presence of a physical bath at temperature $T_{\rm dS} = h / 2 \pi$, where $h$ is the Hubble parameter. We show that this provides a mechanism for the irreversible relaxation of the cosmological constant and a graceful exit to inflation, without need for subsequent reheating. Thermal particle production during inflation gives adiabatic, Gaussian, and approximately scale-invariant cosmological perturbations. We thus obtain the main features of inflation without any inflaton potential. To clarify the thermodynamic interpretation of these results, we consider the analogy of this irreversible relaxation to superfluorescence in quantum optics.

  • Maxwell equations in curved spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jai-chan Hwang, Hyerim Noh

    In curved spacetime, Maxwell's equations can be expressed in forms valid in Minkowski background, with the effect of the metric (gravity) appearing as effective polarizations and magnetizations. The electric and magnetic (EM) fields depend on the observer's frame four-vector. We derive Maxwell's equations valid in general curved spacetime using the fields defined in the normal frame, the coordinate frame, and two other non-covariant methods used in the literature. By analyzing the case in the generic frame we show that the EM fields, as well as the charge and current densities, defined in non-covariant ways do not correspond to physical ones measured by an observer. We show that modification of the homogeneous part is inevitable to any observer, and such a modification is difficult to interpret as the effective medium property. The normal frame is the relevant one to use as it gives the EM fields measured by an Eulerian observer.

  • A Differentiable Perturbation-based Weak Lensing Shear Estimator.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xiangchong Li, Rachel Mandelbaum, Mike Jarvis, Yin Li, Andy Park, Tianqing Zhang

    Upcoming imaging surveys will use weak gravitational lensing to study the large-scale structure of the Universe, demanding sub-percent accuracy for precise cosmic shear measurements. We present a new differentiable implementation of our perturbation-based shear estimator (FPFS), using JAX, which is publicly available as part of a new suite of analytic shear algorithms called AnaCal. This code can analytically calibrate the shear response of any nonlinear observable constructed with the FPFS shapelets and detection modes utilizing auto-differentiation (AD), generalizing the formalism to include a family of shear estimators with corrections for detection and selection biases. Using the AD capability of JAX, it calculates the full Hessian matrix of the non-linear observables, which improves the previously presented second-order noise bias correction in the shear estimation. As an illustration of the power of the new AnaCal framework, we optimize the effective galaxy number density in the space of the generalized shear estimators using an LSST-like galaxy image simulation for the ten-year LSST. For the generic shear estimator, the magnitude of the multiplicative bias $|m|$ is below $3\times 10^{-3}$ (99.7% confidence interval), and the effective galaxy number density is improved by 5%. We also discuss some planned future additions to the AnaCal software suite to extend its applicability beyond the FPFS measurements.

  • Black Holes and Warp Drive.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Remo Garattini, Kirill Zatrimaylov

    We study the generalizations of the original Alcubierre warp drive metric to the case of curved spacetime background. We find that the presence of a horizon is essential when one moves from spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates in order to avoid additional singularities. For the specific case of Schwarzschild black hole, the horizon would be effectively absent for the observers inside the warp bubble, implying that warp drives may provide a safe route to cross horizons. Moreover, we discover that the black hole's gravitational field can decrease the amount of negative energy required to sustain a warp drive, which may be instrumental for creating microscopic warp drives in lab experiments. A BEC model is also introduced to propose possible test in the Analogue Gravity framework.

  • Exploring primordial curvature perturbation on small scales with the lensing effect of fast radio bursts.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Huan Zhou, Zhengxiang Li, Zong-Hong Zhu

    Cosmological observations, e.g., cosmic microwave background, have precisely measured the spectrum of primordial curvature perturbation on larger scales, but smaller scales are still poorly constrained. Since primordial black holes (PBHs) could form in the very early Universe through the gravitational collapse of primordial density perturbations, constrains on the PBH could encodes much information on primordial fluctuations. In this work, we first derive a simple formula for lensing effect to apply PBH constraints with the monochromatic mass distribution to an extended mass distribution. Then, we investigate the latest fast radio burst observations with this relationship to constrain two kinds of primordial curvature perturbation models on the small scales. It suggests that, from the null search result of lensed fast radio burst in currently available observations, the amplitude of primordial curvature perturbation should be less than $8\times 10^{-2}$ at the scale region of $10^5-10^6~\rm Mpc^{-1}$. This corresponds to an interesting mass range relating to binary black holes detected by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA and future Einstein Telescope or Cosmic Explorer.


  • Compact stars: To cross or go around? That is the question.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shahar Hod

    The travel times of light signals between two antipodal points on the surface of a compact star are calculated for two different trajectories: a straight line that passes through the center of the star and a semi-circular trajectory that connects the antipodal points along the surface of the star. Interestingly, it is explicitly proved that, for highly dense stars, the longer trajectory (the one that goes along the surface of the star) may be characterized by the {\it shorter} travel time as measured by asymptotic observers. In particular, for constant density stars we determine {\it analytically} the critical value of the dimensionless density-area parameter $\Lambda\equiv 4\pi R^2\rho$ that marks the boundary between situations in which a direct crossing of the star through its center has the shorter travel time and situations in which the semi-circular trajectory along the surface of the star is characterized by the shorter travel time as measured by asymptotic observers [here $\{R,\rho\}$ are respectively the radius of the star and its density].

  • The Propagation of Fast Radio Bursts in the Magnetosphere Shapes Their Waiting-time and Flux Distributions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Di Xiao, Zi-Gao Dai, Xue-Feng Wu

    The field of fast radio bursts (FRBs) has entered the age of fine characterization as observational results from different radio telescopes become more and more abundant. The large FRB sample is suitable for a statistical study. There is an interesting finding that the waiting-time distributions of very active repeating FRBs show a universal double-peaked feature, with left peaks lower than right ones. Assuming these two peaks are independent and initially comparable, we show that the observed asymmetric shape can be ascribed to the propagational effect in the magnetosphere. An FRB passing through the magnetized plasma will induce the circular motion of charged particles to form a current loop. This further leads to an induced magnetic field with opposite direction respect to the background field. As the effective field strength changes, the scattering absorption probability of the following FRB will be influenced. The absorption can be important under certain physical conditions and bursts with smaller time-lags are easier to be absorbed. Also there will be an imprint on the flux distribution as the scattering optical depth depends on burst luminosity as well.

  • Disc Novae: Thermodynamics of Gas Assisted Binary Black Hole Formation in AGN Discs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Henry Whitehead, Connar Rowan, Tjarda Boekholt, Bence Kocsis

    We investigate the thermodynamics of close encounters between stellar mass black holes (BHs) in the gaseous discs of active galactic nuclei (AGN), during which binary black holes (BBHs) may form. We consider a suite of 2D viscous hydrodynamical simulations within a shearing box prescription using the Eulerian grid code Athena++. We study formation scenarios where the fluid is either an isothermal gas or an adiabatic mixture of gas and radiation in local thermal equilibrium. We include the effects of viscous and shock heating, as well as optically thick cooling. We co-evolve the embedded BHs with the gas, keeping track of the energetic dissipation and torquing of the BBH by gas and inertial forces. We find that compared to the isothermal case, the minidiscs formed around each BH are significantly hotter and more diffuse, though BBH formation is still efficient. We observe massive blast waves arising from collisions between the radiative minidiscs during both the initial close encounter, and subsequent periapsis periods for successfully bound BBHs. These "disc novae" have a profound effect, depleting the BBH Hill sphere of gas and injecting energy into the surrounding medium. In analysing the thermal emission from these events, we observe periodic peaks in local luminosity associated with close encounters/periapses, with emission peaking in the optical/near-IR. In the AGN outskirts, these outbursts can reach 4% of the AGN luminosity in the IR band, with flares rising over 0.5-1year. Collisions in different disc regions, or when treated in 3D with magnetism, may produce more prominent flares.

  • Milliarcsecond Localisation of the Hyperactive Repeating FRB 20220912A.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Danté M. Hewitt, Shivani Bhandari, Benito Marcote, Jason W. T. Hessels, Kenzie Nimmo, Franz Kirsten, Uwe Bach, Vladislavs Bezrukovs, Mohit Bhardwaj, Richard Blaauw, Justin D. Bray, Salvatore Buttaccio, Alessandro Corongiu, Marcin P. Gawroński, Marcello Giroletti, Aard Keimpema, Giuseppe M. Maccaferri, Zsolt Paragi, Matteo Trudu, Mark P. Snelders, Tiziana Venturi, Na Wang, David R. A. Williams-Baldwin, Nicholas H. Wrigley, Jun Yang, Jianping P. Yuan

    We present very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the hyperactive repeating FRB 20220912A using the European VLBI Network (EVN) with an EVN-Lite setup. We detected 150 bursts from FRB 20220912A over two observing epochs in October 2022. Combining the data of these bursts allows us to localise FRB 20220912A to a precision of a few milliarcseconds, corresponding to a transverse scale of less than 10 pc at the distance of the source. The precision of this localisation shows that FRB 20220912A lies closer to the centre of its host galaxy than previously found, although still significantly offset from the host galaxy's nucleus. On arcsecond scales, FRB 20220912A is coincident with a persistent continuum radio source known from archival observations, however, we find no compact persistent emission on milliarcsecond scales. The persistent radio emission is thus likely to be from star-formation in the host galaxy. This is in contrast to some other active FRBs, such as FRB 20121102A and FRB 20190520B.

  • Particle acceleration by sub-proton cyclotron frequency spectrum of dispersive Alfven waves in inhomogeneous solar coronal plasmas.- [PDF] - [Article]

    D. Tsiklauri

    The problem of explaining observed soft X-ray fluxes during solar flares, which invokes acceleration of large fraction of electrons, if the acceleration takes places at the solar coronal loop-top, can potentially be solved by postulating that flare at loop-top creates dispersive Alfven waves (DAWs) which propagate towards the foot-points. As DAWs move in progressively denser parts of the loop (due to gravitational stratification) the large fraction of electrons is no longer needed. Here we extend our previous results by considering $f ^{-1}$ frequency spectrum of DAWs and add ${\rm He^{++}}$ ions using fully kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. We consider cases when transverse density gradient is in the range ${ 4-40} c/\omega_{\rm { pe}}$ and DAW driving frequency is $0.3-0.6\omega_{\rm { cp}}$. We find that (i) The frequency spectrum case does not affect electron acceleration fraction in the like-to-like cases, but few times larger percentage of ${\rm He^{++}}$ heating is seen due to ion cyclotron resonance; (ii) In cases when counter propagating DAWs collide multiple-times, much larger electron and ion acceleration fractions are found, but the process is intermittent in time. This is because intensive heating (temperature increase) makes the-above-thermal-fraction smaller; Also more isotropic velocity distributions are seen; (iii) Development of kink oscillations occurs when DAWs collide; (iv) Scaling of the magnetic fluctuations power spectrum steepening in the higher-density regions is seen, due to wave refraction. Our PIC runs produce much steeper slopes than the orginal spectrum, indicating that the electron-scale physics has a notable effect of DAW spectrum evolution.

  • A magnetar giant flare in the nearby starburst galaxy M82.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sandro Mereghetti, Michela Rigoselli, Ruben Salvaterra, Dominik P. Pacholski, James C. Rodi, Diego Gotz, Edoardo Arrigoni, Paolo D'Avanzo, Christophe Adami, Angela Bazzano, Enrico Bozzo, Riccardo Brivio, Sergio Campana, Enrico Cappellaro, Jerome Chenevez, Fiore De Luise, Lorenzo Ducci, Paolo Esposito, Carlo Ferrigno, Matteo Ferro, Gian Luca Israel, Emeric Le Floc'h, Antonio Martin-Carrillo, Francesca Onori, Nanda Rea, Andrea Reguitti, Volodymyr Savchenko, Leonardo Tartaglia, William Thuillot, Andrea Tiengo, Lina Tomasella, Martin Topinka, Damien Turpin, Pietro Ubertini

    Giant flares, short explosive events releasing up to 10$^{47}$ erg of energy in the gamma-ray band in less than one second, are the most spectacular manifestation of magnetars, young neutron stars powered by a very strong magnetic field, 10$^{14-15}$ G in the magnetosphere and possibly higher in the star interior. The rate of occurrence of these rare flares is poorly constrained, as only three have been seen from three different magnetars in the Milky Way and in the Large Magellanic Cloud in about 50 years since the beginning of gamma-ray astronomy. This sample can be enlarged by the discovery of extragalactic events, since for a fraction of a second giant flares reach peak luminosities above 10$^{46}$ erg/s, which makes them visible by current instruments up to a few tens of Mpc. However, at these distances they appear similar to, and difficult to distinguish from, regular short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The latter are much more energetic events, 10$^{50-53}$ erg, produced by compact binary mergers and originating at much larger distances. Indeed, only a few short GRBs have been proposed, with different levels of confidence, as magnetar giant flare candidates in nearby galaxies. Here we report the discovery of a short GRB positionally coincident with the central region of the starburst galaxy M82. Its spectral and timing properties, together with the limits on its X-ray and optical counterparts obtained a few hours after the event and the lack of an associated gravitational wave signal, qualify with high confidence this event as a giant flare from a magnetar in M82.

  • Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesco Salamida

    The Pierre Auger Observatory is a unique facility designed to study ultra-high energy cosmic rays, with energies up to 10$^{20}$ eV and beyond. The Observatory is located in Argentina and comprises more than 1600 water Cherenkov detectors spread over an area of 3000 square kilometers overlooked by Fluorescence detectors. The first phase of the Observatory's data-taking began in 2004 and continued until the end of 2021. In this contribution, the results from the Phase~I data analysis of the Pierre Auger Observatory are presented. They include, among others, measurements of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum, composition, and arrival direction anisotropy. The Phase~I results from the Pierre Auger Observatory provide major advances in the understanding of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray phenomena and lay the foundation for second-phase studies with the upgraded AugerPrime detector. The status of the AugerPrime upgrade and its performance will be also discussed.

  • Very high-energy gamma rays from GRB 180720B and GRB 190829A with external Compton emission.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Monica Barnard, Soebur Razzaque, Jagdish C. Joshi

    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) comprise of short, bright, energetic flashes of emission from extragalactic sources followed by a longer afterglow phase of decreased brightness. Recent discoveries of very-high-energy (VHE, $\gtrsim 100$ GeV) afterglow emission from GRB 180720B and GRB 190829A by H.E.S.S. have raised questions regarding the emission mechanism responsible. We interpret these observed late-time emission to be the result of inverse Compton emission of ultra-relativistic electrons in the GRB blastwave in an external radiation field, i.e., external Compton (EC), considering both the wind and interstellar medium scenarios. We present predictions of multiwavelength light curves and energy spectra, ranging from optical to VHE, and include the synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) radiation mechanisms as well. We corrected the EC and SSC model for the $\gamma$-ray attenuation by absorption of photons through their interaction with the extragalactic background light (EBL). We compared our results to multiwavelength data and found that EC gives a satisfactory fit for a given set of fixed model parameters for GRB 180720B, whereas SSC result in a better fit for GRB 190829A. For both GRBs a wind environment is preferred over constant density inter-stellar medium, and the Cosmic Microwave Background as the external radiation field. However, with more data and an effective optimisation tool we can find a more robust fit of the model, implying better constraints on the GRB environment and the particle energy requirements for the emission observed at late times. This has consequences for future observations of GRBs at these extreme energies.

  • Polarised light from accreting low mass X-ray binaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    F. Capitanio, A. Gnarini, S. Fabiani, F. Ursini, R. Farinelli, M. Cocchi, N. Rodriguez Cavero, L. Marra, Italy, (2) Universita\' degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, (3) INAF-OAS, Bologna, Italy, (4) INAF-OAC, Cagliari, Italy, (5) Washington University in St. Louis, United States)

    Thanks to IXPE , the X-ray spectro-polarimeter launched at the end of 2021, X-ray polarimetry has finally become an extraordinary tool in investigating the physics of accretion in low mass X-ray binaries. Similarly to what happened with gravitational waves, X-ray polarimetry would play a new complementary but at the same time fundamental role in the high-energy astrophysical domain. We summarize here the first 1.5 year results on accreting low-mass X-ray binaries obtained by a huge IXPE observation campaign coordinated with the principal X-ray and Gamma-ray telescopes. Then we compare these results with the theoretical prediction highlighting the unexpected results.

  • A Comptonized Fireball Bubble Fits the Second Extragalactic Magnetar Giant Flare GRB 231115A.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi-Han Iris Yin, Zhao Joseph Zhang, Jun Yang, Run-Chao Chen, Umer Rehman, Varun, Bin-Bin Zhang

    Magnetar giant flares (MGFs), originating from non-catastrophic magnetars, share noteworthy similarities with some short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). However, understanding their detailed origin and radiation mechanisms remains challenging due to limited observations. The discovery of MGF GRB 231115A, the second extragalactic magnetar giant flare located in the Cigar galaxy at a luminosity distance of $\sim 3.5$ Mpc, offers yet another significant opportunity for gaining insights into the aforementioned topics. This Letter explores its temporal properties and conducts a comprehensive analysis of both the time-integrated and time-resolved spectra through empirical and physical model fitting. Our results reveal certain properties of GRB 231115A that bear resemblances to GRB 200415A. We employ a Comptonized fireball bubble model, in which the Compton cloud, formed by the magnetar wind with high density $e^{\pm}$, undergoes Compton scattering and inverse Compton scattering, resulting in reshaped thermal spectra from the expanding fireball at the photosphere radius. This leads to dynamic shifts in dominant emission features over time. Our model successfully fits the observed data, providing a constrained physical picture, such as a trapped fireball with a radius of $\sim 1.95 \times 10^{5}$ cm and a high local magnetic field of $2.5\times 10^{16}$ G. The derived peak energy and isotropic energy of the event further confirm the burst's MGF origin and its contribution to the MGF-GRB sample. We also discuss prospects for further gravitational wave detection associated with MGFs, given their high event rate density ($\sim 8\times 10^5\ \rm Gpc^{-3}\ yr^{-1}$) and ultra-high local magnetic field.

  • Isolated pulsar population synthesis with simulation-based inference.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vanessa Graber, Michele Ronchi, Celsa Pardo-Araujo, Nanda Rea

    We combine pulsar population synthesis with simulation-based inference to constrain the magneto-rotational properties of isolated Galactic radio pulsars. We first develop a flexible framework to model neutron-star birth properties and evolution, focusing on their dynamical, rotational and magnetic characteristics. In particular, we sample initial magnetic-field strengths, $B$, and spin periods, $P$, from log-normal distributions and capture the late-time magnetic-field decay with a power law. Each log-normal is described by a mean, $\mu_{\log B}, \mu_{\log P}$, and standard deviation, $\sigma_{\log B}, \sigma_{\log P}$, while the power law is characterized by the index, $a_{\rm late}$, resulting in five free parameters. We subsequently model the stars' radio emission and observational biases to mimic detections with three radio surveys, and produce a large database of synthetic $P$-$\dot{P}$ diagrams by varying our input parameters. We then follow a simulation-based inference approach that focuses on neural posterior estimation and employ this database to train deep neural networks to directly infer the posterior distributions of the five model parameters. After successfully validating these individual neural density estimators on simulated data, we use an ensemble of networks to infer the posterior distributions for the observed pulsar population. We obtain $\mu_{\log B} = 13.10^{+0.08}_{-0.10}$, $\sigma_{\log B} = 0.45^{+0.05}_{-0.05}$ and $\mu_{\log P} = -1.00^{+0.26}_{-0.21}$, $\sigma_{\log P} = 0.38^{+0.33}_{-0.18}$ for the log-normal distributions, and $a_{\rm late} = -1.80^{+0.65}_{-0.61}$ for the power law at $95\%$ credible interval. Our approach represents a crucial step towards robust statistical inference for complex population-synthesis frameworks and forms the basis for future multi-wavelength analyses of Galactic pulsars.

  • Investigation of the correlation between optical and $\gamma$-ray flux variation in the blazar Ton 599.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bhoomika Rajput, Amit Kumar Mandal, Ashwani Pandey, C. S. Stalin, Walter Max-Moerbeck, Blesson Mathew

    The correlation between optical and $\gamma$-ray flux variations in blazars reveals a complex behaviour. In this study, we present our analysis of the connection between changes in optical and $\gamma$-ray emissions in the blazar Ton 599 over a span of approximately 15 years, from August 2008 to March 2023. Ton 599 reached its highest flux state across the entire electromagnetic spectrum during the second week of January 2023. To investigate the connection between changes in optical and $\gamma$-ray flux, we have designated five specific time periods, labeled as epochs A, B, C, D, and E. During periods B, C, D, and E, the source exhibited optical flares, while it was in its quiescent state during period A. The $\gamma$-ray counterparts to these optical flares are present during periods B, C, and E, however during period D, the $\gamma$-ray counterpart is either weak or absent. We conducted a broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting by employing a one-zone leptonic emission model for these epochs. The SED analysis unveiled that the optical-UV emission primarily emanated from the accretion disk in quiescent period A, whereas synchrotron radiation from the jet dominated during periods B, C, D, and E. Diverse correlated patterns in the variations of optical and $\gamma$-ray emissions, like correlated optical and $\gamma$-ray flares, could be accounted for by changes in factors such as the magnetic field, bulk Lorentz factor, and electron density. On the other hand, an orphan optical flare could result from increased magnetic field and bulk Lorentz factor.

  • Truncated, Tilted Discs as a Possible Source of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Deepika Bollimpalli, P. Chris Fragile, W. Janosz Dewberry, Włodek Kluźniak

    Many accreting black holes and neutron stars exhibit rapid variability in their X-ray light curves, termed quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs). The most commonly observed type is the low-frequency ($\lesssim 10$ Hz), type-C QPO, while only a handful of sources exhibit high-frequency QPOs ($\gtrsim 60$ Hz). The leading model for the type-C QPO is Lense-Thirring precession of a hot, geometrically thick accretion flow that is misaligned with the black hole's spin axis. However, existing versions of this model have not taken into account the effects of a surrounding, geometrically thin disc on the precessing, inner, geometrically thick flow. In Bollimpalli et. al 2023, using a set of GRMHD simulations of tilted, truncated accretion discs, we confirmed that the outer thin disc slows down the precession rate of the precessing torus, which has direct observational implications for type-C QPOs. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of those simulations and compare them with an aligned truncated disc simulation. We find that the misalignment of the disc excites additional variability in the inner hot flow, which is absent in the comparable aligned-disc simulations. This suggests that the misalignment may be a crucial requirement for producing QPOs. We attribute this variability to global vertical oscillations of the inner torus at epicyclic frequencies corresponding to the transition radius. This explanation is consistent with current observations of higher frequency QPOs in black hole X-ray binary systems.

  • Searching for Dark Matter Annihilation with IceCube and P-ONE.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kruteesh Desai, Ruohan Li, Stephan Meighen-Berger

    We present a new search for weakly interacting massive particles utilizing ten years of public IceCube data, setting more stringent bounds than previous IceCube analysis on massive dark matter to neutrino annihilation. We also predict the future potential of the new neutrino observatory, P-ONE, showing that it may even exceed the sensitivities of gamma-ray searches by about 1-2 orders of magnitude in 1-10 TeV regions. This analysis considers the diffuse dark matter self-annihilation to neutrinos via direct and indirect channels, from the galactic dark matter halo and extra-galactic sources. We also predict that P-ONE will be capable of pushing these bounds further than IceCube, even reaching the thermal relic abundance utilizing a galactic center search for extended run-time.

  • One-loop Gravitational Bremsstrahlung and Waveforms from a Heavy-Mass Effective Field Theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andreas Brandhuber, Graham R. Brown, Gang Chen, Stefano De Angelis, Joshua Gowdy, Gabriele Travaglini

    Using a heavy-mass effective field theory (HEFT), we study gravitational-wave emission in the scattering of two spinless black holes or neutron stars of arbitrary masses at next-to-leading order in the Post-Minkowskian expansion. We compute the contributions to the one-loop scattering amplitude with four scalars and one graviton which are relevant to the calculation of the waveforms, also presenting expressions of classical tree-level amplitudes with four scalars and up to two radiated gravitons. The latter are obtained using a novel on-shell recursion relation for classical amplitudes with four scalars and an arbitrary number of gravitons. Our one-loop five-point amplitude is expressed in terms of a single family of master integrals with the principal value prescription for linearised massive propagators, which we evaluate using differential equations. In our HEFT approach all hyper-classical iterations and quantum corrections to the amplitude are dropped at the diagrammatic level, thereby computing directly contributions to classical physics. Our result exhibits the expected factorisation of infrared divergences, the correct soft limits, and highly nontrivial cancellations of spurious poles. Finally, using our amplitude result we compute numerically the corresponding next-to-leading corrections to the spectral waveforms and the far-field time-domain waveforms using the Newman-Penrose scalar $\Psi_4$.

  • Broadband X-ray timing and spectral characteristics of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhaosheng Li, Lucien Kuiper, Mingyu Ge, Maurizio Falanga, Juri Poutanen, Long Ji, Yuanyue Pan, Yue Huang, Renxin Xu, Liming Song, Jinlu Qu, Shu Zhang, Fangjun Lu, Shuang-Nan Zhang

    We studied the broadband X-ray timing and spectral behaviors of the newly confirmed accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195 during its 2022 outburst. We used the data from Insight-HXMT ME/HE, NICER and NuSTAR which cover the energy range between 0.8$-$210 keV. A coherent timing analysis of solely Insight-HXMT HE data across the full outburst revealed a complex behavior of the timing residuals, also prominently visible in independent Insight-HXMT ME and NICER data, particularly at rising part of the outburst and at the very end in NICER data. Therefore, we broke down the full outburst into a (noisy) rising part, covering only about five days from MJD 59737.0 to 59741.9, and a decaying part lasting for 19 days across MJD 59741.9$-$59760.6. Fitting for the decaying part a timing model including a frequency $\nu$ and frequency time derivative $\dot{\nu}$ component yielded a value of $(+9.0\pm2.1)\times10^{-14}~{\rm Hz~s^{-1}}$ for $\dot{\nu}$, which could be interpreted as a spin-up under our model assumptions. We detected the X-ray pulsations up to $\sim$95 keV in a combination of Insight-HXMT HE observations. The pulse profiles were quite stable over the whole outburst and could be well described by a truncated Fourier series using two harmonics, the fundamental and the first overtone. Both components kept alignment in the range 0.8$-$64 keV. The joint and time-averaged NICER and Insight-HXMT spectra in the energy range 1$-$150 keV were well fitted by the absorbed Comptonization model compps plus disk blackbody with two additional Gaussian components. Using the bolometric flux and spin-up values both evaluated during the decay phase, we determined a magnetic field strength of $(0.2-2)\times10^8$ G for MAXI J1816$-$195.

  • Prompt Gamma-Ray Burst Emission from Internal Shocks -- New Insights.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sk. Minhajur Rahaman, Jonathan Granot, Paz Beniamini

    Internal shocks are a leading candidate for the dissipation mechanism that powers the prompt $\gamma$-ray emission in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). In this scenario a compact central source produces an ultra-relativistic outflow with varying speeds, causing faster parts or shells to collide with slower ones. Each collision produces a pair of shocks -- a forward shock (FS) propagating into the slower leading shell and a reverse shock (RS) propagating into the faster trailing shell. The RS's lab-frame speed is always smaller, while the RS is typically stronger than the FS, leading to different conditions in the two shocked regions that both contribute to the observed emission. We show that optically-thin synchrotron emission from both (weaker FS + stronger RS) can naturally explain key features of prompt GRB emission such as the pulse shapes, time-evolution of the $\nu{}F_\nu$ peak flux and photon-energy, and the spectrum. Particularly, it can account for two features commonly observed in GRB spectra: (i) a sub-dominant low-energy spectral component (often interpreted as ``photospheric''-like), or (ii) a doubly-broken power-law spectrum with the low-energy spectral slope approaching the slow cooling limit. Both features can be obtained while maintaining high overall radiative efficiency without any fine-tuning of the physical conditions.

  • Spectroscopic r-Process Abundance Retrieval for Kilonovae II: Lanthanides in the Inferred Abundance Patterns of Multi-Component Ejecta from the GW170817 Kilonova.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nicholas Vieira, John J. Ruan, Daryl Haggard, Nicole M. Ford, Maria R. Drout, Rodrigo Fernández

    In kilonovae, freshly-synthesized $r$-process elements imprint features on optical spectra, as observed in AT2017gfo, the counterpart to the GW170817 binary neutron star merger. However, measuring the $r$-process compositions of the merger ejecta is computationally challenging. Vieira et al. (2023) introduced Spectroscopic $r$-Process Abundance Retrieval for Kilonovae (SPARK), a software tool to infer elemental abundance patterns of the ejecta, and associate spectral features with particular species. Previously, we applied SPARK to the 1.4 day spectrum of AT2017gfo and inferred its abundance pattern for the first time, characterized by electron fraction $Y_e=0.31$, a substantial abundance of strontium, and a dearth of lanthanides and heavier elements. This ejecta is consistent with wind from a remnant hypermassive neutron star and/or accretion disk. We now extend our inference to spectra at 2.4 and 3.4 days, and test the need for multicomponent ejecta, where we stratify the ejecta in composition. The ejecta at 1.4 and 2.4 days is described by the same single blue component. At 3.4 days, a new redder component with lower $Y_e=0.16$ and a significant abundance of lanthanides emerges. This new redder component is consistent with dynamical ejecta and/or neutron-rich ejecta from a magnetized accretion disk. As expected from photometric modelling, this component emerges as the ejecta expands, the photosphere recedes, and the earlier bluer component dims. At 3.4 days, we find an ensemble of lanthanides, with the presence of cerium most concrete. This presence of lanthanides has important implications for the contribution of kilonovae to the $r$-process abundances observed in the Universe.

  • Measuring Mass and Radius of the Maximum-mass Nonrotating Neutron Star.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shao-Peng Tang, Bo Gao, Yin-Jie Li, Yi-Zhong Fan, Da-Ming Wei

    The mass ($M_{\rm TOV}$) and radius ($R_{\rm TOV}$) of the maximum-mass nonrotating neutron star (NS) play a crucial role in constraining the elusive equation of state of cold dense matter and in predicting the fate of remnants from binary neutron star (BNS) mergers. In this study, we introduce a novel method to deduce these parameters by examining the mergers of second-generation (2G) black holes (BHs) with NSs. These 2G BHs are assumed to originate from supramassive neutron stars (SMNSs) formed in BNS mergers. Since the properties of the remnant BHs arising from the collapse of SMNSs follow a universal relation governed by $M_{\rm TOV}$ and $R_{\rm TOV}$, we anticipate that by analyzing a series ($\sim 100$ detections) of mass and spin measurements of the 2G BHs using the third-generation ground-based gravitational-wave detectors, $M_{\rm TOV}$ and $R_{\rm TOV}$ can be determined with a precision of $\sim 0.01M_\odot$ and $\sim 0.6$ km, respectively.

  • Internal Shocks Hydrodynamics: the Collision of Two Cold Shells in Detail.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sk. Minhajur Rahaman, Jonathan Granot, Paz Beniamini

    Emission in many astrophysical transients originates from a shocked fluid. A central engine typically produces an outflow with varying speeds, leading to internal collisions within the outflow at finite distances from the source. Each such collision produces a pair of forward and reverse shocks with the two shocked regions separated by a contact discontinuity (CD). As a useful approximation, we consider the head-on collision between two cold and uniform shells (a slower leading shell and a faster trailing shell) of finite radial width, and study the dynamics of shock propagation in planar geometry. We find significant differences between the forward and reverse shocks, in terms of their strength, internal energy production efficiency, and the time it takes for the shocks to sweep through the respective shells. We consider the subsequent propagation of rarefaction waves in the shocked regions and explore the cases where these waves can catch up with the shock fronts and thereby limit the internal energy dissipation. We demonstrate the importance of energy transfer from the trailing to leading shell through $pdV$ work across the CD. We outline the parameter space regions relevant for models of different transients,e.g., Gamma-ray burst (GRB) internal shock model, fast radio burst (FRB) blastwave model, Giant flare due to magnetars, and superluminous supernovae (SLSN) ejecta. We find that the reverse shock likely dominates the internal energy production for many astrophysical transients.

  • Effect of the brightest gamma-ray burst (GRB 221009A) on low energy gamma-ray counts at sea level.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pranali Thakur, Gauri Datar, Geeta Vichare, Selvaraj Chelliah

    A gamma-ray burst, named GRB 221009A, occurred on 9 October 2022 and is the brightest ever observed GRB, whose frequency is now estimated as once in 10,000 years. This GRB was reported to be observed from many space missions, VLF receivers, and ground observations in optical and radio data. Additionally, a strikingly large number of very high energy (VHE) photons associated with this GRB were observed by the gamma-ray and cosmic ray observatory LHAASO. Though gamma rays of cosmic origin usually tend to be absorbed by the atmosphere, the high fluence of this GRB, along with the observation of more than 5000 VHE photons (0.5 to 18 TeV) by LHAASO from the ground, emphasises the need to explore other possible ground observations of this GRB. The present paper examines the effect of this GRB using gamma-ray data in a low energy range (0.2-6) MeV obtained using NaI (Tl) detectors located at Tirunelveli (Geographic coordinates: 8.71{\deg}N, 77.76{\deg}E), India. With RA = 288.3{\deg} and Dec = 19.8{\deg}, the exceptionally bright fluence of this GRB was geographically centred on India. We report no significant change in the observations associated with GRB 221009A. We discuss the extent of attenuation of gamma-rays in the atmosphere that could explain the reported observations. Further, we investigate the likelihood of ground observation of gamma-rays ($<$10 MeV) for a much more intense hypothetical GRB, and estimate the parameters, such as distance, fluence, and isotropic energy of such a GRB.

  • Hemisphere-averaged Hellings-Downs curve between pulsar pairs for a gravitational wave source.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tatsuya Sasaki, Kohei Yamauchi, Shun Yamamoto, Hideki Asada

    The Hellings-Downs (HD) curve plays a crucial role in search for nano-hertz gravitational waves (GWs) with pulsar timing arrays. We discuss the angular pattern of correlations for pulsar pairs within a celestial hemisphere. The hemisphere-averaged correlation curve depends upon the sky location of a GW compact source like a binary of supermassive black holes. If a single source is dominant, the variation in the hemisphere-averaged angular correlation is greatest when the hemisphere has its North Pole at the sky location of the GW source. Possible GW amplitude and source distance relevant to the current PTAs by using the hemisphere-averaged correlation are also studied.

  • X-Ray Polarized View on the Accretion Geometry in the X-Ray Binary Circinus X-1.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    John Rankin, Fabio La Monaca, Alessandro Di Marco, Juri Poutanen, Anna Bobrikova, Vadim Kravtsov, Fabio Muleri, Maura Pilia, Alexandra Veledina, Rob Fender, Philip Kaaret, Dawoon E. Kim, Andrea Marinucci, Herman L. Marshall, Alessandro Papitto, Allyn F. Tennant, Sergey S. Tsygankov, Martin C. Weisskopf, Kinwah Wu, Silvia Zane, Filippo Ambrosino, Ruben Farinelli, Andrea Gnarini, Iván Agudo, Lucio A. Antonelli, Matteo Bachetti, Luca Baldini, Wayne H. Baumgartner, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Stefano Bianchi, Stephen D. Bongiorno, Raffaella Bonino, Alessandro Brez, Niccolò Bucciantini, Fiamma Capitanio, Simone Castellano, Elisabetta Cavazzuti, Chien-Ting Chen, Stefano Ciprini, Enrico Costa, Alessandra De Rosa, Ettore Del Monte, Laura Di Gesu, Niccolò di Lalla, Immacolata Donnarumma, Victor Doroshenko, et al. (58 additional authors not shown)

    Cir X-1 is a neutron star X-ray binary characterized by strong variations in flux during its eccentric $\sim$16.6 days orbit. There are also strong variations in the spectral state, and historically it has shown both atoll and Z state properties. We observed the source with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer during two orbital segments, 6 days apart, for a total of 263~ks. We find an X-ray polarization degree in these segments of $1.6\%\pm0.3\%$ and $1.4\%\pm0.3\%$ at polarization angles of $37^\circ\pm5^\circ$ and $-12^\circ\pm7^\circ$, respectively. Thus we observed a rotation of the polarization angle by $49^\circ\pm8^\circ$ along the orbit. Because variations of accretion flow, and then of the hardness ratio, are expected during the orbit, we also studied the polarization binned in hardness ratio, and found the polarization angle differing by $67^\circ\pm11^\circ$ between the lowest and highest values of the hardness ratio. We discuss possible interpretations of this result that could indicate a possible misalignment between the symmetry axes of the accretion disk and the Comptonizing region caused by the misalignment of the neutron star's angular momentum with respect to the orbital one.

  • Constraints on UHECR sources and extragalactic magnetic fields from directional anisotropies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Teresa Bister, Glennys R. Farrar

    A dipole anisotropy in ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) arrival directions, of extragalactic origin, is now firmly established at energies E > 8 EeV. Furthermore, the UHECR angular power spectrum shows no power at smaller angular scales than the dipole, apart from hints of possible individual hot or warm spots for energy thresholds $\gtrsim$40 EeV. Here, we exploit the magnitude of the dipole and the limits on smaller-scale anisotropies to place constraints on two quantities: the extragalactic magnetic field (EGMF) and the number density of UHECR sources or the volumetric event rate if UHECR sources are transient. We also vary the bias between the extragalactic matter and the UHECR source densities, reflecting whether UHECR sources are preferentially found in over- or under-dense regions, and find that little or no bias is favored. We follow Ding et al. (2021) in using the Cosmic Flows 2 density distribution of the local universe as our baseline distribution of UHECR sources, but we improve and extend that work by employing an accurate and self-consistent treatment of interactions and energy losses during propagation. Deflections in the Galactic magnetic field are treated using both the full JF12 magnetic field model, with random as well as coherent components, or just the coherent part, to bracket the impact of the GMF on the dipole anisotropy. This Large Scale Structure (LSS) model gives good agreement with both the direction and magnitude of the measured dipole anisotropy and forms the basis for simulations of discrete sources and the inclusion of EGMF effects.

  • Detectability of Finite-Temperature Effects From Neutron Star Mergers with Next-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Carolyn A. Raithel, Vasileios Paschalidis

    Observations of the high-frequency gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by the hot and massive remnant of a binary neutron star merger will provide new probes of the dense-matter equation of state (EoS). We show that current uncertainties in the thermal physics can cause the emergent GW spectum to differ by a degree comparable to changing the cold EoS by $\pm\sim120$ m in the characteristic radius of a neutron star. Unless a very close binary neutron star merger takes place, these effects are unlikely to be measurable with current GW detectors. However, with proposed next-generation detectors such as Cosmic Explorer or Einstein Telescope, the effects can be measured for events at distances of up to ~80-200 Mpc, if the cold EoS is sufficiently well constrained.


  • Beyond mirkwood: Enhancing SED Modeling with Conformal Predictions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sankalp Gilda

    Traditional spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques face uncertainties due to assumptions in star formation histories and dust attenuation curves. We propose an advanced machine learning-based approach that enhances flexibility and uncertainty quantification in SED fitting. Unlike the fixed NGBoost model used in mirkwood, our approach allows for any sklearn-compatible model, including deterministic models. We incorporate conformalized quantile regression to convert point predictions into error bars, enhancing interpretability and reliability. Using CatBoost as the base predictor, we compare results with and without conformal prediction, demonstrating improved performance using metrics such as coverage and interval width. Our method offers a more versatile and accurate tool for deriving galaxy physical properties from observational data.

  • z~2 dual AGN host galaxies are disky: stellar kinematics in the ASTRID Simulation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ekaterine Dadiani, Tiziana Di Matteo, Nianyi Chen, Patrick Lachance, Yue Shen, Yu-Ching Chen, Rupert Croft, Yueying Ni, Simeon Bird

    We study dual AGN host galaxy morphologies at $z=2$ using the ASTRID simulation, selecting black hole (BH) pairs with small separation ($\Delta r<30\rm{kpc}$), high mass ($M_{\text{BH,12}}>10^7M_\odot$), and luminosity ($L_{\text{bol,12}}>10^{43}\rm{erg/s}$). We kinematically decompose (using MORDOR) $\sim1000$ dual AGN hosts into standard components - a `disk' (thin and thick disk, pseudo-bulge) and 'bulge' (bulge and halo) and define disk-dominated galaxies by the disk-to-total $D/T\geq0.5$. In ASTRID, $60.9\pm2.1\%$ of dual AGN hosts (independent of separation) are disk-dominated, with the $D/T$ distribution peaking at $\sim0.7$. Notably, hosts of BH pairs have similar morphologies (most either both disk or bulge-dominated). In dual-AGN hosts, the $D/T$ increases from $\sim17\% $ at $M_{\rm *}\sim 10^{9} M_{\odot}$ to $ 64\% $ for $M_{\rm *} \sim 10^{11.5} M_{\odot}$, and the pseudo-bulge is the dominant component of the disk fraction at the high mass end. Moreover, dual AGN hosts exhibit a higher fraction of disk/large pseudo-bulge than single-AGN hosts. The Disk-to-Total ratio is approximately constant with BH mass or AGN luminosity. We also create mock images of dual AGN host galaxies, employing morphological fitting software Statmorph to calculate morphological parameters and compare them with our kinematic decomposition results. Around $83.3\pm2.4\%$ of galaxies display disk-like profiles, of which $\sim60.7\pm2.2\%$ are kinematically confirmed as disks. Se\'rsic indices and half-mass radii of dual AGN host galaxies align with observational measurements from HST at $z\sim2$. Around $34\%$ are identified as mergers from the $\text{Gini}-M_{20}$ relation. We find two dual AGN hosted by galaxies that exhibit disk-like se\'rsic index $n_{12}<1$ and $(D/T)_{12}>0.5$, which are in remarkable agreement with properties of recently discovered dual quasars in disk galaxies at $z\sim 2$.

  • AGN driven outflows in the OH absorber galaxy IRAS 19154+2704.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Hekatelyne, Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann, Rogemar A. Riffel, Preeti Kharb, Claudia M. Cassanta, Andrew Robinson, Dinalva A. Sales

    We present a two-dimensional study of the gas distribution, excitation and kinematics of the OH absorber galaxy IRAS 19154+2704 using Gemini GMOS-IFU observations. Its continuum image shows a disturbed morphology indicative of a past or on-going interaction. The ionised gas emission presents two kinematic components: a narrow ($\sigma\lesssim$300 km s$^{-1}$) component that may be tracing the gas orbiting in the galaxy potential and a broad ($\sigma\gtrsim$500 km s$^{-1}$) component which is produced by an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) driven outflow, with velocities reaching $-$500 km s$^{-1}$ which may exceed the escape velocity of the galaxy. The emission-line ratios and BPT diagrams confirm that the gas excitation in the inner $\sim$2 kpc is mainly due the AGN, while in regions farther away, a contribution from star formation is observed. We estimate a mass outflow rate of $\dot{M}_{\rm out}=4.0\pm2.6$ M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ at a distance of 850 pc from the nucleus. The corresponding outflow kinetic power $\dot{E}_{\rm out} = (2.5\pm1.6)\times10^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$, is only $3\times10^{-4}$ L$_{\rm bol}$ (the AGN luminosity), but the large mass-outflow rate, if kept for a $\sim$10 Myr AGN lifecycle, will expel $\approx10^8$ M$_\odot$ in ionised gas alone. This is the 6th of a series of papers in which we have investigated the kinematics of ULIRGS, most of which are interacting galaxies showing OH Megamasers. IRAS19154 shows the strongest signatures of an active AGN, supporting an evolutionary scenario: interactions trigger AGN that fully appear in the most advanced stages of the interaction.

  • Deconvolution of JWST/MIRI Images: Applications to an AGN Model and GATOS Observations of NGC 5728.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. T. Leist, C. Packham, D. J. V. Rosario, D. A. Hope, A. Alonso-Herrero, E. K. S. Hicks, S. Hönig, L. Zhang, R. Davies, T. Díaz-Santos, O. Ganzález-Martín, E. Bellocchi, P. G. Boorman, F. Combes, I. García-Bernete, S. García-Burillo, B. García-Lorenzo, H. Haidar, K. Ichikawa, M. Imanishi, S. M. Jefferies, Á. Labiano, N. A. Levenson, R. Nikutta, M. Pereira-Santaella, C. Ramos Almedia, C. Ricci, D. Rigopoulou, W. Schaefer, M. Stalevski, M. J. Ward, L. Fuller, T. Izumi, D. Rouan, T. Shimizu

    The superb image quality, stability and sensitivity of the JWST permit deconvolution techniques to be pursued with a fidelity unavailable to ground-based observations. We present an assessment of several deconvolution approaches to improve image quality and mitigate effects of the complex JWST point spread function (PSF). The optimal deconvolution method is determined by using WebbPSF to simulate JWST's complex PSF and MIRISim to simulate multi-band JWST/Mid-Infrared Imager Module (MIRIM) observations of a toy model of an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Five different deconvolution algorithms are tested: (1) Kraken deconvolution, (2) Richardson-Lucy, (3) Adaptive Imaging Deconvolution Algorithm, (4) Sparse regularization with the Condat-V\~u algorithm, and (5) Iterative Wiener Filtering and Thresholding. We find that Kraken affords the greatest FWHM reduction of the nuclear source of our MIRISim observations for the toy AGN model while retaining good photometric integrity across all simulated wavebands. Applying Kraken to Galactic Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS) multi-band JWST/MIRIM observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 5728, we find that the algorithm reduces the FWHM of the nuclear source by a factor of 1.6-2.2 across all five filters. Kraken images facilitate detection of a SE to NW $\thicksim$2".5 ($\thicksim$470 pc, PA $\simeq$115\deg) extended nuclear emission, especially in the longest wavelengths. We demonstrate that Kraken is a powerful tool to enhance faint features otherwise hidden in the complex JWST PSF.

  • The Hierarchical Structure of Galactic Haloes: Differentiating Clusters from Stochastic Clumping with \textsc{AstroLink}.- [PDF] - [Article]

    William H. Oliver, Pascal J. Elahi, Geraint F. Lewis, Tobias Buck

    We present \textsc{AstroLink}, an efficient and versatile clustering algorithm designed to hierarchically classify astrophysically-relevant structures from both synthetic and observational data sets. We build upon \textsc{CluSTAR-ND}, a hierarchical galaxy/(sub)halo finder, so that \textsc{AstroLink} now generates a two-dimensional representation of the implicit clustering structure as well as ensuring that clusters are statistically distinct from the noisy density fluctuations implicit within the $n$-dimensional input data. This redesign replaces the three cluster extraction parameters from \textsc{CluSTAR-ND} with a single parameter, $S$ -- the lower statistical significance threshold of clusters, which can be automatically and reliably estimated via a dynamical model-fitting process. We demonstrate the robustness of this approach compared to \textsc{AstroLink}'s predecessors by applying each algorithm to a suite of simulated galaxies defined over various feature spaces. We find that \textsc{AstroLink} delivers a more powerful clustering performance without suffering from computational drawbacks. With these improvements, \textsc{AstroLink} is ideally suited to extracting a meaningful set of hierarchical and arbitrarily-shaped astrophysical clusters from both synthetic and observational data sets -- lending itself as a great tool for morphological decomposition within the context of hierarchical structure formation.

  • Sub-mm wave polarimetry of IRC+10216.- [PDF] - [Article]

    B-G Andersson, Janik Karoly, Pierre Bastien, Archana Soam, Simon Coudé, Mehrnoosh Tahani, Michael S. Gordon, Sydney Fox-Middleton

    We present SCUBA-2/POL-2 850 $\mu$m polarimetric observations of the circumstellar envelope (CSE) of the carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star IRC+10216. Both FIR and optical polarization data indicate grains aligned with their long axis in the radial direction relative to the central star. The 850 $\mu$m polarization does not show this simple structure. The 850 $\mu$m data are indicative, albeit not conclusive, of a magnetic dipole geometry. Assuming such a simple dipole geometry, the resulting 850 $\mu$m polarization geometry is consistent with both Zeeman observations and small-scale structure in the CSE. While there is significant spectral line polarization contained within the SCUBA-2 850 $\mu$m pass-band for the source, it is unlikely that our broadband polarization results are dominated by line polarization. To explain the required grain alignment, grain mineralogy effects, due to either fossil silicate grains from the earlier oxygen-rich AGB phase of the star, or due to the incorporation of ferromagnetic inclusions in the largest grains, may play a role. We argue that the most likely explanation is due to a new alignment mechanism \citep{arXiv:2009.11304} wherein a charged grain, moving relative to the magnetic field, precesses around the induced electric field and therefore aligns with the magnetic field. This mechanism is particularly attractive as the optical, FIR, and sub-mm wave polarization of the carbon dust can then be explained in a consistent way, differing simply due to the charge state of the grains.

  • The XXL survey LII : The evolution of radio AGN luminosity function determined via parametric methods from GMRT, ATCA, VLA and Cambridge interferometer observations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    B. Šlaus, V. Smolcic, Ž. Ivezic, S. Fotopoulou, C. J. Willott, P. Pendo, C. Vignali, L. Chiappetti, M. Pierre

    We model the evolution of active galactic nuclei by constructing their radio luminosity functions. We use a set of surveys of varying area and depth, namely the deep COSMOS survey of $1,916$ AGN sources, the wide shallow 3CRR, 7C and 6CE surveys, containing together $356$ AGNs, and the intermediate XXL-North and South fields consisting of $899$ and $1,484$ sources, respectively. We also used the CENSORS, BRL, Wall $\&$ Peacock and Config surveys, consisting respectively of $150$, $178$, $233$ and $230$ sources. Together, these surveys numbered $5,446$ AGN sources and constrained the luminosity functions at high redshift and over a wide range of luminosities (up to $z \approx 3$ and $\log (L / \mathrm{W Hz^{-1}}) \in [22,29])$. We concentrate on parametric methods within the Bayesian framework and show that the luminosity-dependent density evolution (LDDE) model fits the data best, with evidence ratios varying from "strong" ($>10$) to "decisive" ($>100$) according to the Jeffreys interpretation. We determine the number density, luminosity density and kinetic luminosity density as a function of redshift, and observe a flattening of these functions at higher redshifts, not present in simpler models, which we explain by our use of the LDDE model. Finally, we divide our sample into subsets according to the stellar mass of the host galaxies in order to investigate a possible bimodality in evolution. We found a difference in LF shape and evolution between these subsets. All together, these findings point to a physical picture where the evolution and density of AGN cannot be explained well by simple models but require more complex models either via AGN sub-populations where the total AGN sample is divided into subsamples according to various properties such as, for example, optical properties and stellar mass, or via luminosity-dependent functions.

  • The ALMaQUEST Survey XIV: do radial molecular gas flows affect the star-forming ability of barred galaxies?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lucy M. Hogarth, Amélie Saintonge, Tim A. Davis, Sara L. Ellison, Lihwai Lin, Carlos López-Cobá, Hsi-An Pan, Mallory D. Thorp

    We investigate whether barred galaxies are statistically more likely to harbour radial molecular gas flows and what effect those flows have on their global properties. Using 46 galaxies from the ALMA-MaNGA QUEnching and STar formation (ALMaQUEST) survey, we identify galaxies hosting optical bars using a combination of the morphological classifications in Galaxy Zoo 2 and HyperLEDA. In order to detect radial molecular gas flows, we employ full 3D kinematic modelling of the ALMaQUEST $^{12}$CO(1-0) datacubes. By combining our bar classifications with our radial bar-flow detections, we find that galaxies classed as barred are statistically more likely to host large-scale radial gas motion compared to their un-barred and edge-on counterparts. Moreover, the majority of barred galaxies require multi-component surface brightness profiles in their best-fit model, indicative of the presence of a resonance system. We find that galaxies classed as barred with radial bar-flow (``barred + radial flow'' subset) are significantly suppressed in global star-formation efficiency compared to barred galaxies without radial bar-flows and the other morphological sub-samples. Our ``barred + radial flow'' subset also possess consistently centrally concentrated molecular gas distributions, with no indication of depleted gas fractions, suggesting that gas exhaustion is not the cause of their suppressed star-formation. Furthermore, these objects have higher median gas densities in their central 1 kpc, implying that a central gas enhancement does not fuel a central starburst in these objects. We propose that dynamical effects, such as the shear caused by the large-scale inflow of gas, acts to gravitationally stabilise the inner gas reservoir.

  • Observational Signatures of AGN Feedback in the Morphology and the Ionization States of Milky Way-like Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nadia Qutob, Razieh Emami, Kung-Yi Su, Randall Smith, Lars Hernquist, Dian P. Triani, Cameron Hummels, Drummond Fielding, Philip F. Hopkins, Rachel S. Somerville, David R. Ballantyne, Mark Vogelsberger, Grant Tremblay, James F. Steiner, Douglas Finkbeiner, Ramesh Narayan, Minjung Park, Josh Grindlay, Priyamvada Natarajan, Christopher C. Hayward, Dušan Kereš, Sam B. Ponnada, Sirio Belli, Rebecca Davies, Gabriel Maheson, Letizia Bugiani, Yijia Li

    We make an in-depth analysis of different AGN jet models' signatures, inducing quiescence in galaxies with a halo mass of $10^{12} M_\odot$. Three jet models, including cosmic ray-dominant, hot thermal, and precessing kinetic jets, are studied at two energy flux levels each, compared to a jet-free, stellar feedback-only simulation. We examine the distribution of Mg II, O VI, and O VIII ions, alongside gas temperature and density profiles. Low-energy ions, like Mg II, concentrate in the ISM, while higher energy ions, e.g., O VIII, prevail at the AGN jet cocoon's edge. High-energy flux jets display an isotropic ion distribution with lower overall density. High-energy thermal or cosmic ray jets pressurize at smaller radii, significantly suppressing core density. The cosmic ray jet provides extra pressure support, extending cool and warm gas distribution. A break in the ion-to-mass ratio slope in O VI and O VIII is demonstrated in the ISM-to-CGM transition (between 10-30 kpc), growing smoothly towards the CGM at greater distances.

  • Searching for quasar candidates with periodic variations from the Zwicky Transient Facility: results and implications.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yong-Jie Chen, Shuo Zhai, Jun-Rong Liu, Wei-Jian Guo, Yue-Chang Peng, Yan-Rong Li, Yu-Yang SongSheng, Pu Du, Chen Hu, Jian-Min Wang

    We conduct a systematic search for quasars with periodic variations from the archival photometric data of the Zwicky Transient Facility by cross-matching with the quasar catalogs of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and V{\'e}ron-Cetty \& V{\'e}ron. We first select out 184 primitive periodic candidates using the generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram and auto-correlation function and then estimate their statistical significance of periodicity based on two red-noise models, i.e., damped random walk (DRW) and single power-law (SPL) models. As such, we finally identify 106 (DRW) and 86 (SPL) candidates with the most significant periodic variations out of 143,700 quasars. We further compare DRW and SPL models using Bayes factors, which indicate a relative preference of the SPL model for our primitive sample. We thus adopt the candidates identified with SPL as the final sample and summarize its basic properties. We extend the light curves of the selected candidates by supplying other archival survey data to verify their periodicity. However, only three candidates (with 6-8 cycles of periods) meet the selection criteria. This result clearly implies that, instead of being strictly periodic, the variability must be quasi-periodic or caused by stochastic red-noise. This exerts a challenge to the existing search approaches and calls for developing new effective methods.

  • The Circumgalactic Medium of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies at z ~ 2: Resolved Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Modeling of Spatially Extended Lyman-alpha Emission in the KBSS-KCWI Survey.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dawn K. Erb, Zhihui Li, Charles C. Steidel, Yuguang Chen, Max Gronke, Allison L. Strom, Ryan F. Trainor, Gwen C. Rudie

    The resonantly scattered Lyman-$\alpha$ line illuminates the extended halos of neutral hydrogen in the circumgalactic medium of galaxies. We present integral field Keck Cosmic Web Imager observations of double-peaked, spatially extended Ly$\alpha$ emission in 12 relatively low-mass ($M_{\star} \sim10^9 \, M_{\odot}$) $z\sim2$ galaxies characterized by extreme nebular emission lines. Using individual spaxels and small bins as well as radially binned profiles of larger regions, we find that for most objects in the sample the Ly$\alpha$ blue-to-red peak ratio increases, the peak separation decreases, and the fraction of flux emerging at line center increases with radius. We use new radiative transfer simulations to model each galaxy with a clumpy, multiphase outflow with radially varying outflow velocity, and self-consistently apply the same velocity model to the low ionization interstellar absorption lines. These models reproduce the trends of peak ratio, peak separation and trough depth with radius, and broadly reconcile outflow velocities inferred from Ly$\alpha$ and absorption lines. The galaxies in our sample are well-described by a model in which neutral, outflowing clumps are embedded in a hotter, more highly ionized inter-clump medium (ICM), whose residual neutral content produces absorption at the systemic redshift. The peak ratio, peak separation and trough flux fraction are primarily governed by the line-of-sight component of the outflow velocity, the HI column density, and the residual neutral density in the ICM respectively. Azimuthal asymmetries in the line profile further suggest non-radial gas motions at large radii and variations in the HI column density in the outer halos.

  • ACA observation and chemical modelling of phosphorus nitride (PN) towards the hot molecular cores G10.47+0.03 and G31.41+0.31.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arijit Manna, Sabyasachi Pal

    Phosphorus (P) is one of the important elements for the formation of life and plays a crucial role in several biochemical processes. Recent spectral line surveys have confirmed the existence of P-bearing molecules, especially PN and PO, in the star-formation regions, but their formation mechanisms are poorly understood. The P-bearing molecule phosphorus nitride (PN) is detected in several star-forming regions, but this molecule has been poorly studied at high gas densities ($\geq$10$^{6}$ cm$^{-3}$) hot molecular cores. In this article, we present the detection of the rotational emission line of PN with transition J = 3$-$2 towards the hot molecular cores G10.47+0.03 and G31.41+0.31, using the Atacama Compact Array (ACA). The estimated column densities of PN for G10.47+0.03 and G31.41+0.31 using the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model are (3.60$\pm$0.2)$\times$10$^{13}$ cm$^{-2}$ and (9.10$\pm$0.1)$\times$10$^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$ with an excitation temperature of 150$\pm$25 K. The fractional abundance of PN relative to H$_{2}$ is 2.76$\times$10$^{-10}$ for G10.47+0.03 and 5.68$\times$10$^{-11}$ for G31.41+0.031. We compute the two-phase warm-up chemical model of PN to understand the chemical evolution in the environment of hot molecular cores. After chemical modelling, we claim that PN is created in the gas phase via the neutral-neutral reaction between PO and N in the warm-up stage. Similarly, PN is destroyed via the ion-neutral reaction between H$_{3}$O$^{+}$ and PN.

  • Far-Infrared Luminosity Bursts Trace Mass Accretion onto Protostars.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    William J. Fischer, Cara Battersby, Doug Johnstone, Rachel Lee, Marta Sewilo, Henrik Beuther, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Adam Ginsburg, Klaus Pontoppidan

    Evidence abounds that young stellar objects undergo luminous bursts of intense accretion that are short compared to the time it takes to form a star. It remains unclear how much these events contribute to the main-sequence masses of the stars. We demonstrate the power of time-series far-infrared (far-IR) photometry to answer this question compared to similar observations at shorter and longer wavelengths. We start with model spectral energy distributions that have been fit to 86 Class 0 protostars in the Orion molecular clouds. The protostars sample a broad range of envelope densities, cavity geometries, and viewing angles. We then increase the luminosity of each model by factors of 10, 50, and 100 and assess how these luminosity increases manifest in the form of flux increases over wavelength ranges of interest. We find that the fractional change in the far-IR luminosity during a burst more closely traces the change in the accretion rate than photometric diagnostics at mid-infrared and submillimeter wavelengths. We also show that observations at far-IR and longer wavelengths reliably track accretion changes without confusion from large, variable circumstellar and interstellar extinction that plague studies at shorter wavelengths. We close by discussing the ability of a proposed far-IR surveyor for the 2030s to enable improvements in our understanding of the role of accretion bursts in mass assembly.

  • New Kids in Town. Sextans~II: a new stellar system in the outskirts of the Milky Way.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Massimiliano Gatto, Michele Bellazzini, Crescenzo Tortora, Vincenzo Ripepi, Massimo Dall'Ora, Michele Cignoni, Konrad Kuijken, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Shiyang Zhang, Jelte de Jong, Nicola R. Napolitano, Simon E. T. Smith

    We report on the discovery of a significant and compact over-density of old and metal-poor stars in the KiDS survey (data release 4). The discovery is confirmed by deeper HSC-SSC data revealing the old Main Sequence Turn-Off of a stellar system located at a distance from the sun of $D_{\sun}=145^{+14}_{-13}$~kpc in the direction of the Sextans constellation. The system has absolute integrated magnitude ($M_V=-3.9^{+0.4}_{-0.3}$), half-light radius ($r_h=193^{+61}_{-46}$~pc), and ellipticity ($e=0.46^{+0.11}_{-0.15}$) typical of Ultra Faint Dwarf galaxies (UFDs). The central surface brightness is near the lower limits of known local dwarf galaxies of similar integrated luminosity, as expected for stellar systems that escaped detection until now. The distance of the newly found system suggests that it is likely a satellite of our own Milky Way, consequently, we tentatively baptise it Sextans~II (KiDS-UFD-1).

  • OH as a probe of the warm water cycle in planet-forming disks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marion Zannese, Benoît Tabone, Emilie Habart, Javier R. Goicoechea, Alexandre Zanchet, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Marc C. van Hemert, John H. Black, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens, A. Veselinova, P. G. Jambrina, M. Menendez, E. Verdasco, F. J. Aoiz, L. Gonzalez-Sanchez, Boris Trahin, Emmanuel Dartois, Olivier Berné, Els Peeters, Jinhua He, Ameek Sidhu, Ryan Chown, Ilane Schroetter, Dries Van De Putte, Amélie Canin, Felipe Alarcón, Alain Abergel, Edwin A. Bergin, Jeronimo Bernard-Salas, Christiaan Boersma, Emeric Bron, Jan Cami, Daniel Dicken, Meriem Elyajouri, Asunción Fuente, Karl D. Gordon, Lina Issa, Christine Joblin, Olga Kannavou, Baria Khan, Ozan Lacinbala, David Languignon, Romane Le Gal, Alexandros Maragkoudakis, Raphael Meshaka, Yoko Okada, Takashi Onaka, Sofia Pasquini, et al. (7 additional authors not shown)

    Water is a key ingredient for the emergence of life as we know it. Yet, its destruction and reformation in space remains unprobed in warm gas. Here, we detect the hydroxyl radical (OH) emission from a planet-forming disk exposed to external far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation with the James Webb Space Telescope. The observations are confronted with the results of quantum dynamical calculations. The highly excited OH infrared rotational lines are the tell-tale signs of H2O destruction by FUV. The OH infrared ro-vibrational lines are attributed to chemical excitation via the key reaction O+H=OH+H which seeds the formation of water in the gas-phase. We infer that the equivalent of the Earth ocean's worth of water is destroyed per month and replenished. These results show that under warm and irradiated conditions water is destroyed and efficiently reformed via gas-phase reactions. This process, assisted by diffusive transport, could reduce the HDO/H2O ratio in the warm regions of planet-forming disks.


  • A Fully Explicit Integrator for Modeling Astrophysical Reactive Flows.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Parker Johnson, Michael Zingale, Eric T. Johnson, Alexander Smith, Kyle E. Niemeyer

    Simulating complex astrophysical reacting flows is computationally expensive -- reactions are stiff and typically require implicit integration methods. The reaction update is often the most expensive part of a simulation, which motivates the exploration of more economical methods. In this research note, we investigate how the explicit Runge--Kutta--Chebyshev (RKC) method performs compared to an implicit method when applied to astrophysical reactive flows. These integrators are applied to simulations of X-ray bursts arising from unstable thermonuclear burning of accreted fuel on the surface of neutron stars. We show that the RKC method performs with similar accuracy to our traditional implicit integrator, but is more computationally efficient when run on CPUs.

  • Experimenting with Large Language Models and vector embeddings in NASA SciX.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma, Ioana Ciucă, Alberto Accomazzi, Michael J. Kurtz, Edwin A. Henneken, Kelly E. Lockhart, Felix Grezes, Thomas Allen, Golnaz Shapurian, Carolyn S. Grant, Donna M. Thompson, Timothy W. Hostetler, Matthew R. Templeton, Shinyi Chen, Jennifer Koch, Taylor Jacovich, Daniel Chivvis, Fernanda de Macedo Alves, Jean-Claude Paquin, Jennifer Bartlett, Mugdha Polimera, Stephanie Jarmak

    Open-source Large Language Models enable projects such as NASA SciX (i.e., NASA ADS) to think out of the box and try alternative approaches for information retrieval and data augmentation, while respecting data copyright and users' privacy. However, when large language models are directly prompted with questions without any context, they are prone to hallucination. At NASA SciX we have developed an experiment where we created semantic vectors for our large collection of abstracts and full-text content, and we designed a prompt system to ask questions using contextual chunks from our system. Based on a non-systematic human evaluation, the experiment shows a lower degree of hallucination and better responses when using Retrieval Augmented Generation. Further exploration is required to design new features and data augmentation processes at NASA SciX that leverages this technology while respecting the high level of trust and quality that the project holds.

  • An ab-initio derivation to discuss the heterodyne versus direct detection decision problem for astronomical infrared interferometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. A. Michael, F. E. Besser, M. Hadjara, E. Moreno, A. Berdja, M. Pina, G. Pereira

    A consistent and explicit spectral comparison between heterodyne (HD) and direct detection (DD) derived from first principles including the atmospheric transmission and low beam-filling factors could not be found yet in literature but is needed for decisions in technology planification for future infrared interferometry facilities which are e.g. focused on planet formation. This task requires both, high sensitivity continuum and Doppler-resolved emission and absorption line detection in the mid-IR range (N- and Q-bands) at lower source temperatures (300-1000 K). The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) are derived for both schemes within the same semi-classical theory, which consists of classical mode theory for coupling to an antenna and occupation of these modes by quanta of three radiation fields, the thermal signal, the thermal background, and for HD also the coherent local oscillator (LO). The effects of very small beam filling factors (interferometry) and atmospheric absorption/emission could be consistently incorporated this way, as well as quantum-noise propagation which allows in HD the consideration of balanced mixers with cross-correlation (CC). Especially, the transition from pre- to post-detection SNRs was considered meticulously. We do this all because the usually cited SNR-expressions were derived for a too simple and unrealistic case, and moreover contain some wrong assumptions. We introduce a novel HD scheme for astronomical interferometry gaining an order of magnitude in sensitivity against conventional HD and calculate that it should trespass the sensitivity of DD interferometry in the N- and Q-bands for a spectral resolution of R=10000, and should do also for R=300 with doable technical improvements. This result encourages to develop broad-band heterodyne technologies for future mid-infrared interferometry facilities and for new instruments at existing facilities.

  • Survey and Monitoring of ASKAP's RFI Environment and Trends I: Flagging Statistics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. Lourenço, A. P. Chippendale, B. Indermuehle, V. A. Moss, Tara Murphy, T. J. Galvin, G. Hellbourg, A. W. Hotan, E. Lenc, M. T. Whiting

    We present an initial analysis of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) flagging statistics from archived Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) observations for the 'Survey and Monitoring of ASKAP's RFI environment and Trends' (SMART) project. The survey component covers ASKAP's full 700 MHz to 1800 MHz frequency range, including bands not typically used due to severe RFI. In addition to this dedicated survey, we routinely archive and analyse flagging statistics for all scientific observations to monitor the observatory's RFI environment in near real-time. We use the telescope itself as a very sensitive RFI monitor and directly assess the fraction of scientific observations impacted by RFI. To this end, flag tables are now automatically ingested and aggregated as part of routine ASKAP operations for all science observations, as a function of frequency and time. The data presented in this paper come from processing all archived data for several ASKAP Survey Science Projects (SSPs). We found that the average amount of flagging due to RFI across the routinely-used 'clean' continuum science bands is 3%. The 'clean' mid band from 1293 MHz to 1437 MHz (excluding the 144 MHz below 1293 MHz impacted by radionavigation-satellites which is discarded before processing) is the least affected by RFI, followed by the 'clean' low band from 742 MHz to 1085 MHz. ASKAP SSPs lose most of their data to the mobile service in the low band, aeronautical service in the mid band and satellite navigation service in the 1510 MHz to 1797 MHz high band. We also show that for some of these services, the percentage of discarded data has been increasing year-on-year. SMART provides a unique opportunity to study ASKAP's changing RFI environment and informing the implementation of a suite of RFI mitigation techniques.

  • Likelihood for a Network of Gravitational-Wave Detectors with Correlated Noise.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesco Cireddu, Milan Wils, Isaac C. F. Wong, Peter T. H. Pang, Tjonnie G. F. Li, Walter Del Pozzo

    The Einstein Telescope faces a critical data analysis challenge with correlated noise, often overlooked in current parameter estimation analyses. We address this issue by presenting the statistical formulation of the likelihood function that includes correlated noise for the Einstein Telescope or any detector network. Neglecting these correlations may significantly reduce parameter estimation accuracy, even leading to the failure to reconstruct otherwise resolvable signals. This emphasizes how critical a proper treatment of correlated noise is, as presented in this work, to unlocking the wealth of results promised by the Einstein Telescope.

  • First observation of liquid xenon electroluminescence with a Microstrip Plate.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Martinez-Lema, V. Chepel, A. Roy, A. Breskin

    We report on the first observation of electroluminescence amplification with a Microstrip Plate immersed in liquid xenon. The electroluminescence of the liquid, induced by alpha-particles, was observed in an intense non-uniform electric field in the vicinity of 8-$\mu$m narrow anode strips interlaced with wider cathode ones, deposited on the same side of a glass substrate. The electroluminescence yield in the liquid reached a value of $(35.5 \pm 2.6)$ VUV photons/electron. We propose ways of enhancing this response with more appropriate microstructures towards their potential incorporation as sensing elements in single-phase noble-liquid detectors.

  • nbi: the Astronomer's Package for Neural Posterior Estimation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Keming Zhang, Joshua S. Bloom, Stéfan van der Walt, Nina Hernitschek

    Despite the promise of Neural Posterior Estimation (NPE) methods in astronomy, the adaptation of NPE into the routine inference workflow has been slow. We identify three critical issues: the need for custom featurizer networks tailored to the observed data, the inference inexactness, and the under-specification of physical forward models. To address the first two issues, we introduce a new framework and open-source software nbi (Neural Bayesian Inference), which supports both amortized and sequential NPE. First, nbi provides built-in "featurizer" networks with demonstrated efficacy on sequential data, such as light curve and spectra, thus obviating the need for this customization on the user end. Second, we introduce a modified algorithm SNPE-IS, which facilities asymptotically exact inference by using the surrogate posterior under NPE only as a proposal distribution for importance sampling. These features allow nbi to be applied off-the-shelf to astronomical inference problems involving light curves and spectra. We discuss how nbi may serve as an effective alternative to existing methods such as Nested Sampling. Our package is at


  • Strings near black holes are Carrollian.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arjun Bagchi, Aritra Banerjee, Jelle Hartong, Emil Have, Kedar S. Kolekar, Mangesh Mandlik

    We demonstrate that strings near the horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole, when viewed by a stationary observer at infinity, probe a string Carroll geometry, where the effective lightspeed is given by the distance from the horizon. We expand the Polyakov action in powers of this lightspeed to find a theory of Carrollian strings. We show that the string shrinks to a point to leading order near the horizon, which follows a null geodesic in a two-dimensional Rindler space. At the next-to-leading order the string oscillates in the embedding fields associated with the near-horizon two-sphere.

  • Quantum Entanglement on Black Hole Horizons in String Theory and Holography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Atish Dabholkar, Upamanyu Moitra

    We compute the exact one-loop partition function of $\mathbb{Z}_N$ orbifolds of Euclidean BTZ black hole with the aim to compute the entanglement entropy of the black hole horizon in string theory as a function of the mass and spin of the black hole and the $\mathrm{AdS}_3$ radius. We analyze the tachyonic contribution to the modular integrand for the partition function known for odd integers $N>1$ and show that it admits an analytic continuation resulting in a finite answer for the modular integral in the physical region $0< N \leq 1$. We discuss the flat space limit and the relevance of this computation for quantum gravity near black hole horizons and holography in relation to the thermal entropy.

  • A new approach to $P-V$ phase transitions: Einstein gravity and holographic dark energy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Miguel Cruz, Samuel Lepe, Joel Saavedra

    In the framework of Einstein gravity, we study the thermodynamic equation state, $P=P(V,T)$, associated with a flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe with two dominant non-interacting fluids at late times related by the cosmological coincidence parameter. We find that under these circumstances, first-order $P-V$ phase transitions are admitted if the dark energy density and the cosmological coincidence parameter can be related to the geometry of the apparent horizon.

  • Absorption, scattering, quasinormal modes and shadow by canonical acoustic black holes in Lorentz-violating background.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. A. V. Campos, M. A. Anacleto, F. A. Brito, E. Passos

    In the present work, we study the scattering for a black hole described by the canonical acoustic metric with Lorentz violation using asymptotic and numerical methods. In this scenario, we also check the effects of quasinormal modes and the acoustic shadow radius. In the eikonal limit the relationship between the shadow radius and the real part of the quasinormal frequency is preserved.

  • Hawking Radiation, Entanglement Entropy, and Information Paradox of Kerr Black Holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jun Nian

    The black hole information paradox is a long-standing problem in theoretical physics. Despite some recent progress, many issues remain open and should be clarified. In this paper, we study the information paradox of Kerr black holes and propose a new resolution with precise physical meanings. We compute the time-dependent Hawking radiation rate during the Kerr black hole evaporation using both the gravity and the conformal field theory approaches. Based on the consistent result from both approaches, we formulate the information paradox on top of the time evolution of the entanglement entropy between a Kerr black hole and its Hawking radiation quanta. To resolve the information paradox, we carefully keep track of the ingoing Hawking quanta through the Kerr black hole as a quantum wormhole and microscopically derive the Page curve as a time-delay effect. The result matches the previously obtained semi-classical Page curve and has a natural interpretation in quantum information theory.

  • The motion of twisted particles in a stellar gravitational field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dan-Dan Lian, Peng-Ming Zhang

    A twisted particle possesses intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM), and the dynamics of such a particle may challenge the Einstein Equivalence Principle. In this study, we disregard the spin characteristic of the twisted particle, modeling it as a massless complex twisted scalar wave packet to simplify its interaction with gravitational fields. Building on this simplification, we investigate the gravitational birefringence of the twisted particle by analyzing the center of its energy density. We demonstrate that the gravitational birefringence induced by OAM can potentially exceed that induced by spin by several orders of magnitude, significantly enhancing its detectability. Furthermore, we examine the influence of the nonminimal coupling term $\lambda R|\phi|^2$ on the propagation of the twisted particle through the internal gravitational field of a star. Contrary to the predictions of the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations, our findings show that the trajectory of the twisted particle under nonminimal coupling differs from that in the minimal coupling scenario. Specifically, we find that for a positive nonminimal coupling constant, the trajectory of the twisted particle is expected to deviate away from the stellar center, compared to the minimal coupling scenario, and this deviation is independent of the particle's OAM. These findings could provide new avenues for testing the Einstein Equivalence Principle.

  • Covariant Hamilton-Jacobi Equation for Pure Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Petr Hořava

    The main purpose of this article is to provide access to a previously unpublished and nearly lost paper: P. Ho\v{r}ava, "Covariant Hamilton-Jacobi Equation for Pure Gravity", which appeared originally in July 1990 as a Prague Preprint PRA-HEP-90/4, at the Institute of Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, but appears otherwise unavailable online. The author has recently acquired an original copy of this preprint; the present article contains a verbatim transcript of the original 1990 paper, framed by a small number of comments. The contents of the 1990 paper was based on the results contained in the author's BSc Thesis, written in Czech, and presented at Charles University, Prague, in 1986. The original 1990 Abstract: We present an alternative framework for treating Einstein gravity in any dimension greater than two, and at any signature. It is based on a covariant Hamilton-Jacobi-De~Donder equation, which is proved to be equivalent to the Lagrange theory, on space-times of arbitrary topology. It in particular means that Einstein gravity can be thought of as a (covariantly) regular system. Finally, the Hamilton-Jacobi theory is studied, and it is shown that any solution of Einstein equations can be obtained from the action form equal identically to zero.

  • A torus of $N$-dimensional charged anti-de-Sitter black holes in the quadratic form of $f(Q)$ gravitational theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G.G.L. Nashed

    Due to the absence of spherically symmetric black hole solutions in $f(\mathbb{Q})$ because of the constraint derived from its field equations, which yields either $\mathbb{Q}=0 $ or $f_{\mathbb{Q} \mathbb{Q}}=0 $ \cite{Heisenberg:2023lru,Maurya:2023muz}. We are going to introduce a tours solutions for charged anti-de-Sitter black holes in $N$-dimensions within the framework of the quadratic form of $f(\mathbb{Q})$ gravity, where the coincident gauge condition is applied \cite{Heisenberg:2023lru}. Here, $f(\mathbb{Q})=\mathbb{Q}+\frac{1}2\alpha \mathbb{Q}^2-2\Lambda$, and the condition $N \geq 4$ is satisfied. These black hole solutions exhibit flat or cylindrical horizons as their distinctive features. An intriguing aspect of these black hole solutions lies in the coexistence of electric monopole and quadrupole components within the potential field, which are indivisible and exhibit interconnected momenta. This sets them apart from the majority of known charged solutions in the linear form of the non-metricity theory and its extensions. Moreover, the curvature singularities in these solutions are less severe compared to those found in known charged black hole solutions within the characteristic can be demonstrated by computing certain invariants of the curvature and non-metricity tensors. Finally, we calculate thermodynamic parameters, including entropy, Hawking temperature, and Gibbs free energy. These thermodynamic computations affirm the stability of our model.

  • Symmetries of modified Dirac operators in supergravity flux backgrounds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ümit Ertem

    Modifications of Dirac operators in supergravity flux backgrounds are considered. Modified spin curvature operators and squares of modified Dirac operators corresponding to Schr\"odinger-Lichnerowicz-like formulas are obtained for different types of flux modifications. Symmetry operators of modified massless and massive Dirac equations are found in terms of modified Killing-Yano and modified conformal Killing-Yano forms. Extra constraints for symmetry operators in terms of different types of fluxes and modified Killing-Yano forms are determined.

  • Induced Cosmological Anisotropies and CMB Anomalies by a non-Abelian Gauge-Gravity Interaction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bum-Hoon Lee, Hocheol Lee, Wonwoo Lee, Nils A. Nilsson, Somyadip Thakur

    We present a non-abelian cousin of the model presented in \cite{Lee:2022rtz} which induces cosmological anisotropies on top of standard FLRW geometry. This is in some sense doing a cosmological mean field approximation, where the mean field cosmological model under consideration would be the standard FLRW, and the induced anisotropies are small perturbative corrections on top of it. Here we mostly focus on the non-abelian $SU(2)$ gauge fields coupled to the gravity to generate the anisotropies, which can be a viable model for the axion-like particle (ALP) dark sector. The induced anisotropies are consequences of the non-trivial back-reaction of the gauge fields on the gravity sector, and by a clever choice of the parametrization, one can generate the Bianchi model we have studied in this note. We also show that the anisotropies influence the Sachs-Wolfe effect and we discuss the implications.

  • Non-classicality of Primordial Gravitational Waves in Three-mode Representation Through Quantum Poincare Sphere.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anom Trenggana, Freddy P. Zen

    In this research, we generalize the transformation of the vacuum state that generated gravitational waves in the early universe which is usually transformed using a two-mode into a three-mode Bogoliubov transformation. Based on the calculation of quantum discord this transformation allows the universe to be classical when the squeezed parameter is large if only of the three possible modes, only two are considered. We also studied the quantum characteristics of those gravitational waves by calculating an observable quantity named the quantum Poincare sphere. The result will be the same as the two-mode transformation, where quantum characteristics appear if the squeezed parameter is greater than zero. However, if the initial state is coherent, different results will be obtained, the quantum Poincare sphere will not depend on the squeezed parameter and will be non-classical if $\cos\theta$ or $\sin\theta$ is not zero.

  • From the Lorentz invariant to the coframe form of $f(T)$ gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Milutin Blagojević, James M. Nester

    It is shown that the Lorentz invariant $f(T)$ gravity, defined by the coframe-connection-multiplier form of the Lagrangian, can be gauge-fixed to the pure coframe form. After clarifying basic aspects of the problem in the Lagrangian formalism, a more detailed analysis of this gauge equivalence is given relying on the Dirac Hamiltonian approach.

  • Bouncing cosmologies at the Lagrangian fixed point.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pedro D. Alvarez, Benjamin Koch, Ali Riahinia, Angel Rincon

    We explore the physics of a Lagrangian fixed point within the framework of a gravitational average effective action with scale-dependent couplings. A concrete model with a Lagrangian fixed point in four-dimensional space-time is formulated. The cosmological equations of this model are then solved analytically. The solution offers several non-trivial branches, which have the characteristics of a bouncing cosmology with late time inflation and variable gravitational couplings.

  • Hietarinta Chern-Simons supergravity and its asymptotic structure.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Patrick Concha, Octavio Fierro, Evelyn Rodríguez

    In this paper we present the Hietarinta Chern-Simons supergravity theory in three space-time dimensions which extends the simplest Poincar\'e supergravity theory. After approaching the construction of the action using the Chern-Simons formalism, the analysis of the corresponding asymptotic symmetry algebra is considered. For this purpose, we first propose a consistent set of asymptotic boundary conditions for the aforementioned supergravity theory whose underlying symmetry corresponds to the supersymmetric extension of the Hietarinta algebra. We then show that the corresponding charge algebra contains the super-$\mathfrak{bms}_{3}$ algebra as subalgebra, and has three independent central charges. We also show that the obtained asymptotic symmetry algebra can alternatively be recovered as a vanishing cosmological constant limit of three copies of the Virasoro algebra, one of which is augmented by supersymmetry.

  • Classification of generalised higher-order Einstein-Maxwell Lagrangians.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aimeric Colléaux, David Langlois, Karim Noui

    We classify all higher-order generalised Einstein-Maxwell Lagrangians that include terms linear in the curvature tensor and quadratic in the derivatives of the electromagnetic field strength tensor. Using redundancies due to the Bianchi identities, dimensionally dependent identities and boundary terms, we show that a general Lagrangian of this form can always be reduced to a linear combination of only 21 terms, with coefficients that are arbitrary functions of the two scalar invariants derived from the field strength. We give an explicit choice of basis where these 21 terms include 3 terms linear in the Riemann tensor and 18 terms quadratic in the derivatives of the field strength.

  • Gravitational Bremsstrahlung in Black-Hole Scattering at $\mathcal{O}(G^3)$: Linear-in-Spin Effects.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lara Bohnenblust, Harald Ita, Manfred Kraus, Johannes Schlenk

    We compute the far-field time-domain waveform of the gravitational waves produced in the scattering of two spinning massive objects. The results include linear-in-spin ($S$) couplings and first-order gravitational corrections ($G^3$), and are valid for encounters in the weak-field regime. Employing a field-theory framework based on the scattering of massive scalar and vector particles coupled to Einstein-Hilbert gravity, we derive results for leading and the next-to-leading spectral waveforms. We provide analytic expressions for the required scattering data, which include trees, one-loop amplitudes and their cuts. The expressions are extracted from numerical amplitude evaluations with the Caravel program, using analytic reconstruction techniques applied in the classical limit. We confirm a recent prediction for infrared physics of the classical observable, and observe the surprising appearance of a ultraviolet singularity, which drops out in the far-field waveform.

  • Weak Coupling Regime in Dilatonic f(R,T) Cosmology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    F. A. Brito, C. H. A. B. Borges, J. A. V. Campos, F. G. Costa

    We consider f(R,T) modified theories of gravity in the context of string theory inspired dilaton gravity. We addressed two specific models to check how they can display the inflationary early Universe and late time cosmology by addressing the choice of parameters in accord with observational data in modern cosmology. We employ numerical methods to obtain several important observable quantities.

  • Compton Amplitude for Rotating Black Hole from QFT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lucile Cangemi, Marco Chiodaroli, Henrik Johansson, Alexander Ochirov, Paolo Pichini, Evgeny Skvortsov

    We construct a candidate tree-level gravitational Compton amplitude for a rotating Kerr black hole, for any quantum spin $s=0,1/2,1,\dots, \infty$, from which we extract the corresponding classical amplitude to all orders in the spin vector $S^\mu$. We use multiple insights from massive higher-spin quantum field theory, such as massive gauge invariance and improved behavior in the massless limit. A chiral-field approach is particularly helpful in ensuring correct degrees of freedom, and for writing down compact off-shell interactions for general spin. The simplicity of the interactions are echoed in the structure of the spin-$s$ Compton amplitude, for which we use homogeneous symmetric polynomials of the spin variables. Where possible, we compare to the general-relativity results in the literature, available up to eighth order in spin.

  • Semiclassical corrections to the photon orbits of a non-rotating black hole.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Swayamsiddha Maharana, Arundhati Dasgupta

    In this brief article we discuss the corrections to the photon orbits of a non-rotating black hole due to semiclassical fluctuations of the metric. It is found that the photon orbit impact parameter differences with the critical impact parameter become of the order of the semiclassical fluctuations. We calculate the effect of the semi-classical fluctuations on the photon orbits and show that instead of circulating the black hole infinite number of times at the critical orbit, the photons bounce off the semiclassical geometry.

  • On the geometry of silent and anisotropic big bang singularities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hans Ringström

    This article is the second of two in which we develop a geometric framework for analysing silent and anisotropic big bang singularities. In the present article, we record geometric conclusions obtained by combining the geometric framework with Einstein's equations. The main features of the results are the following: The assumptions do not involve any symmetry requirements and are weak enough to be consistent with most big bang singularities for which the asymptotic geometry is understood. The framework gives a clear picture of the asymptotic geometry. It also reproduces the Kasner map, conjectured in the physics literature to constitute the essence of the asymptotic dynamics for vacuum solutions to Einstein's equations. When combined with Einstein's equations, the framework yields partial improvements of the assumptions concerning, e.g., the expansion normalised Weingarten map $\mathcal{K}$ (one of the central objects of the framework, defined as the Weingarten map of the leaves of the foliation divided by the mean curvature). For example, the expansion normalised normal derivative of $\mathcal{K}$ can, under suitable assumptions concerning the eigenvalues of $\mathcal{K}$, be demonstrated to decay exponentially and $\mathcal{K}$ can be demonstrated to converge exponentially, even though we initially only impose weighted bounds on these quantities. Finally, the framework gives a unified perspective on the existing results. Moreover, in $3+1$-dimensions, the only parameters necessary to interpret the results are the eigenvalues of $\mathcal{K}$ and an additional scalar function determined by the geometry induced on the leaves of the foliation. In the companion article, we obtain conclusions concerning the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to linear systems of wave equations on the backgrounds consistent with the framework.

  • On the Optimal Regularity Implied by the Assumptions of Geometry II: Connections on Vector Bundles.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Moritz Reintjes, Blake Temple

    In this paper we achieve the final step in our program to establish optimal regularity and Uhlenbeck compactness for connections on vector bundles over arbitrary base manifolds, including both Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds, and allowing for both compact and non-compact Lie groups. Our proof is based on the discovery of a non-linear system of elliptic equations, (the RT-equations), whose solutions provide the coordinate and gauge transformations that lift the regularity of a connection locally to one derivative above its $L^p$ curvature. The extra derivative gives a natural (local) extension of Uhlenbeck compactness to non-Riemannian geometries. The step accomplished here is to extend authors' prior results for affine connections to general connections on vector bundles by deriving a vector bundle version of the RT-equations, which augments the affine RT-equations from our prior work, and proving existence of solutions. Taken together with the affine case, our results extend the optimal regularity result of Kazdan-DeTurck and Uhlenbeck's compactness theorem from Riemannian geometry, to connections on vector bundles over non-Riemannian manifolds, including Lorentzian manifolds of General Relativity and Yang-Mills connections, allowing for both compact and non-compact gauge groups.

  • Perfect fluid with shear viscosity and spacetime evolution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Inyong Cho, Rajibul Shaikh

    We investigate the anisotropic evolution of spacetime driven by perfect fluid with off-diagonal shear-viscosity components. We consider the simplest form of the equation of state for fluid, for which the pressure and the shear stress are proportional to the energy density individually. At late times, compared with the usual Friedmann universe, we find that the spacetime expands less rapidly as the energy density drops faster due to the transfer to the shear stress. Very interestingly, for some ranges of the equation-of-state parameters, we find that the initial big-bang singularity can be removed.

  • Wave propagation on rotating cosmic string spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Katrina Morgan, Jared Wunsch

    A rotating cosmic string spacetime has a singularity along a timelike curve corresponding to a one-dimensional source of angular momentum. Such spacetimes are not globally hyperbolic: they admit closed timelike curves near the string. This presents challenges to studying the existence of solutions to the wave equation via conventional energy methods. In this work, we show that semi-global forward solutions to the wave equation do nonetheless exist, but only in a microlocal sense. The main ingredient in this existence theorem is a propagation of singularities theorem that relates energy entering the string to energy leaving the string. The propagation theorem is localized in the fibers of a certain fibration of the blown-up string, but global in time, which means that energy entering the string at one time may emerge previously.

  • Boundary Conditions for Constraint Systems in Variational Principle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Keisuke Izumi, Keigo Shimada, Kyosuke Tomonari, Masahide Yamaguchi

    We show the well-posed variational principle in constraint systems. In a naive procedure of the variational principle with constraints, the proper number of boundary conditions does not match with that of physical degrees of freedom dynamical variables, which implies that, even in theories with up to first order derivatives, the minimal (or extremal) of the action with the boundary terms is not a solution of equation of motion in the Dirac procedure of constrained systems. We propose specific and concrete steps to solve this problem. These steps utilize the Hamilton formalism, which allows us to separate the physical degrees of freedom from the constraints. It reveals the physical degrees of freedom which is necessary to be fixed on boundaries, and also enables us to specify the variables to be fixed and the surface terms.

  • The Sub-Leading Scattering Waveform from Amplitudes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aidan Herderschee, Radu Roiban, Fei Teng

    We compute the next-to-leading order term in the scattering waveform of uncharged black holes in classical general relativity and of half-BPS black holes in $\mathcal{N}=8$ supergravity. We propose criteria, generalizing explicit calculations at next-to-leading order, for determining the terms in amplitudes that contribute to local observables. For general relativity, we construct the relevant classical integrand through generalized unitarity in two distinct ways, (1) in a heavy-particle effective theory and (2) in general relativity minimally-coupled to scalar fields. With a suitable prescription for the matter propagator in the former, we find agreement between the two methods, thus demonstrating the absence of interference of quantum and classically-singular contributions. The classical $\mathcal{N}=8$ integrand for massive scalar fields is constructed through dimensional reduction of the known five-point one-loop integrand. Our calculation exhibits novel features compared to conservative calculations and inclusive observables, such as the appearance of master integrals with intersecting matter lines and the appearance of a classical infrared divergence whose absence from classical observables requires a suitable definition of the retarded time.

  • Quantum gravity phenomenology from the perspective of quantum general relativity and quadratic gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gabriel Menezes

    Multi-messenger astronomy provides us with the possibility of discovering phenomenological signatures of quantum-gravity effects. This should be of paramount importance in the pursuit of an elusive quantum theory for the gravitational interactions. Here we discuss feasible explorations within the effective field theory treatment of general relativity. By exploring current techniques borrowed from modern amplitude methods, we calculate leading quantum corrections to the classical radiated momentum and spectral waveforms. The lessons drawn from these low-energy results are that phenomenological applications in gravitational-wave physics can be discussed in line with the effective field theory approach. In turn, we also examine possible phenomenological surveys from the perspective of a UV completion for quantum gravity which employs the metric as the fundamental dynamical variable, namely quadratic gravity. Being more specific, by resorting to the eikonal approximation, we compute the leading-order time delay/advance in the scattering of light by a heavy object and find a possible significant deviation from the standard general-relativity prediction. This allows us to probe causal uncertainty due to quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field as a genuine prediction from Planck-scale physics.

  • Extended Kinematical 3D Gravity Theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Patrick Concha, Daniel Pino, Lucrezia Ravera, Evelyn Rodríguez

    In this work, we classify all extended and generalized kinematical Lie algebras that can be obtained by expanding the $\mathfrak{so}\left(2,2\right)$ algebra. We show that the Lie algebra expansion method based on semigroups reproduces not only the original kinematical algebras but also a family of non- and ultra-relativistic algebras. Remarkably, the extended kinematical algebras obtained as sequential expansions of the AdS algebra are characterized by a non-degenerate bilinear invariant form, ensuring the construction of a well-defined Chern-Simons gravity action in three spacetime dimensions. Contrary to the contraction process, the degeneracy of the non-Lorentzian theories is avoided without extending the relativistic algebra but considering a bigger semigroup. Using the properties of the expansion procedure, we show that our construction also applies at the level of the Chern-Simons action.

  • Stable gravastar with large surface redshift in Einstein's gravity with two scalar fields.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shin'ichi Nojiri, G.G.L. Nashed

    We propose a class of models, in which stable gravastar with large surface redshift becomes a solution. In recent decades, gravastars have become a plausible substitute for black holes. Researchers have explored stable gravastar models in various alternative gravity theories, in addition to the conventional framework of general relativity. In this paper, we present a stellar model within the framework of Einstein's gravity with two scalar fields, in accordance with the conjecture proposed by Mazur and Mottola [Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. \textbf{101} (2004), 9545-9550]. In the model, the two scalar fields become non-dynamical by imposing constraints in order to avoid ghosts. The gravastar comprises two distinct regions, namely: (a) the interior region and (b) the exterior region. We assume the interior region consists of the de Sitter spacetime, and the exterior region is the Schwarzschild one. The two regions are connected with each other by the shell region. On the shell, we assume that the metric is given by a polynomial function of the radial coordinate $r$. The function has six constants. These constants are fixed by the smooth junction conditions, i.e., the interior region with the interior layer of the shell and the exterior region with the exterior layer of the shell. From these boundary conditions, we are able to write the coefficients of the scalar fields in terms of the interior radius and exterior radius. To clarify the philosophy of this study, we also give two examples of spacetimes that asymptote as the de Sitter spacetime for small $r$ and as the Schwarzschild spacetime for large $r$. Exploration is focused on the physical attribute of the shell region, specifically, its proper length.

  • Covariant canonical quantization and the problem of time.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. Carlip, Weixuan Hu

    In the covariant canonical approach to classical physics, each point in phase space represents an entire classical trajectory. Initial data at a fixed time serve as coordinates for this ``timeless'' phase space, and time evolution can be viewed as a coordinate change. We argue for a similar view in quantum theory. As in the Heisenberg picture, the wave function is fundamentally time-independent. On any given time slice, however, we can diagonalize a complete set of position operators to form a basis, in which the projected wave function depends on the choice of time. In this picture, time evolution can be viewed as a basis change in what is otherwise a block universe. We argue that this may help solve the ``problem of time'' in quantum gravity, and illustrate the idea with an example from three-dimensional quantum gravity.


  • An Algebraic Roadmap of Particle Theories, Part III: Intersections.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. Furey

    In this article, we bypass the detailed symmetry breaking pathways established in [1]. Instead, a direct route from the Spin(10) model to the Standard Model is enabled via a single algebraic constraint. This single constraint, however, may be reconfigured as a requirement that three $\mathfrak{so}(10)$ actions coincide on a fixed space of multi-vector fermions. This $\mathfrak{so}(10) \mapsto \mathfrak{su}(3)_{C} \oplus \mathfrak{su}(2)_{L} \oplus{u}(1)_{Y}$ breaking (from a three-way intersection) mirrors, in certain ways, the $\mathfrak{so}(8) \mapsto \mathfrak{g}_2$ breaking (from a three-way intersection) in the context of octonionic triality. By extending this result to include quaternions and complex numbers, we find that a five-way intersection breaks $\mathfrak{so}(10) \mapsto \mathfrak{su}(3)_{C} \oplus \mathfrak{u}(1)_{Q}$. These are the Standard Model's unbroken gauge symmetries, post-Higgs-mechanism.

  • Towards the explanation of flatness of galaxies rotation curves.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S.A. Larin

    We suggest a new explanation of flatness of galaxies rotation curves without invoking dark matter. For this purpose a new gravitational tensor field is introduced in addition to the metric tensor.

  • Tension between neutrino masses and gauge coupling unification in natural grand unified theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nobuhiro Maekawa, Taiju Tanii

    The natural grand unified theories solve various problems of the supersymmetric grand unified theory and give realistic quark and lepton mass matrices under the natural assumption that all terms allowed by the symmetry are introduced with O(1) coefficients. However, because of the natural assumption, it is difficult to achieve the gauge coupling unification without tuning, while keeping neutrino masses at realistic values. In this paper, we try to avoid this tension between the neutrino masses and the gauge coupling unification, by introducing suppression factors for several terms. These suppression factors can be understood by approximate symmetries in some of the solutions. We show that one of the most important results in the natural GUT scenario, that the nucleon decay mediated by superheavy gauge fields is enhanced due to smaller unification scale while the nucleon decay mediated by superheavy colored Higgs is suppressed, can change in those models proposed in this paper.

  • $Z_c$ and $Z_{cs}$ systems with operator mixing at NLO in QCD sum rules.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ren-Hua Wua, Chen-Yu Wang, Ce Meng, Yan-Qing Ma, Kuang-Ta Chao

    We study the mass spectra of hidden-charm tetraquark systems with quantum numbers $(I^G)J^P=(1^+)1^+$ using QCD sum rules. The analysis incorporates the complete next-to-leading order (NLO) contribution to the perturbative QCD part of the operator product expansions, with particular attention to operator mixing effects due to renormalization group evolution. For the $\bar{d}c\bar{c}u$ system, the masses of two mixed operators, $J_{1,5}^{\text{Mixed}}$ and $J_{2,6}^{\text{Mixed}}$, are determined to be $3.89^{+0.18}_{-0.12}$ GeV and $4.03^{+0.06}_{-0.07}$ GeV, respectively, closely matching those of $Z_c$(3900) and $Z_c(4020)$. Similarly, for the $\bar{s}c\bar{c}u$ states, the masses of $J_{1,5}^{\text{Mixed}}$ and $J_{2,6}^{\text{Mixed}}$ are found to be $4.02^{+0.17}_{-0.09}$ GeV and $4.21^{+0.08}_{-0.07}$ GeV, respectively, in close proximity to $Z_{cs}$(3983)/$Z_{cs}$(4000) and $Z_{cs}$(4220), consistent with the expectation that they are the partners of $Z_c$(3900) and $Z_c$(4020). Our results highlight the crucial role of operator mixing, an inevitable effect in a complete NLO calculation, in achieving a robust phenomenological description for the tetraquark system.

  • Numerical Evidence for Fractional Topological Objects in SU(3) Gauge Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jackson A. Mickley, Waseem Kamleh, Derek B. Leinweber

    The continued development of models which propose the existence of fractional topological objects in the Yang-Mills vacuum has called for a quantitative method to study the topological structure of SU($N$) gauge theory. We present an original numerical algorithm which can identify distinct topological objects in the nontrivial ground-state fields and approximate the net charge contained within them. This analysis is performed for SU(3) colour at a range of temperatures crossing the deconfinement phase transition, allowing for an assessment of how the topological structure evolves with temperature. We find a promising consistency with the instanton-dyon model for the structure of the QCD vacuum at finite temperature. Several other quantities, such as object density and radial size, are also analysed to elicit a further understanding of the fundamental structure of ground-state gluon fields.

  • Heavy flavor transport and observables in heavy-ion collisions within the MARTINI+MUSIC framework.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manu Kurian, Mayank Singh, Sangyong Jeon, Charles Gale

    We study the transport dynamics of charm quarks within an expanding quark-gluon plasma for Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV. The analysis incorporates the hydrodynamical approach-MUSIC with fluctuating IP-Glasma initial state and Bayesian-quantified viscous coefficients. We study the interaction strength of charm quarks in the medium, including elastic collisional processes with medium constituents, gluon emission processes, and the impact of non-perturbative interactions on heavy quark transport. Further, we analyze the dynamics of heavy flavors using a hybrid framework that incorporates the MARTINI event generator, with PYTHIA8.1 for the initial production of heavy quarks, and Langevin dynamics to describe the evolution of heavy quarks.

  • Dynamically generated axial-vector meson resonance in the chiral symmetry restored vacuum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jisu Kim, Su Houng Lee

    We study the modification of the properties of the axial-vector meson, dynamically generated through the unitarization procedure, in the vacuum where the chiral symmetry is restored. This is accomplished by scaling the pion decay constant as the chiral order parameter while keeping the other input parameters fixed. We find that the mass and width of the axial-vector meson reduce to those of the vector meson, as anticipated by the Weinberg sum rules. The findings are consistent with the results of a recent QCD sum rule calculation, wherein the chiral order parameter is expressed through chiral symmetry-breaking four-quark operators, leading to the mass-squared difference scaling in proportion to variations in the chiral order parameter. We calculate the scaling behavior for the mass differences obtained from the unitarization method using both the physical and massless pion masses.

  • Phenomenology of light mesons with $J = 2, 3$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shahriyar Jafarzade

    In this thesis, I present the results for light mesons with $J=2,3$ within an effective hadronic model, the so-called extended Linear Sigma Model (eLSM). This model is based on the approximate chiral symmetry of QCD. Qualitative agreement between model results and PDG as well as LQCD data is obtained. Various predictions for the radiative decays can be tested in e.g., GlueX and CLAS12 experiments at Jefferson Lab. After applying the chiral model for well-established spin-2 mesons (with $J^{PC}=2^{++}$), I move on to their chiral partners (the axial-tensor mesons with $J^{PC}=2^{++}$), where the resonances are still missing. Large decay widths are predicted in the chiral model as well as in LQCD simulations.Furthermore, I describe the decays of the spin-2 tensor glueball $G_2(???)$ within the eLSM, which can be helpful in future experimental searches e.g., BESIII and LHCb experiments. Some isoscalar tensor resonances of PDG with a mass of around 2 GeV are studied, and at present, the best tensor glueball candidate turns out to be the broad resonance $f_2(1950)$. In the case of the ground-state spin-3 mesons ($J^{PC}=3^{--}$), our chiral model is limited to the $SU(3)$ flavor symmetry because of the yet unknown chiral partners ($J^{PC}=3^{++}$). The effective model results are in good agreement with the PDG data and LQCD results, and the predictions for the radiative decays can be interesting for photoproduction experiments such as GlueX and CLAS12. Additional estimates for the decay ratios of the $G_3(???)$ tensor glueball with $J^{PC}=3^{--}$ are also presented. The role of the glueball spectrum at non-zero temperature is explored within the Glueball Resonance Gas model below the critical temperature of the pure Yang-Mills sector of the QCD phase diagram. It turns out that the latest glueball spectrum from LQCD can well describe the pressure up to almost the critical temperature.

  • Les Houches guide to reusable ML models in LHC analyses.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jack Y. Araz, Andy Buckley, Gregor Kasieczka, Jan Kieseler, Sabine Kraml, Anders Kvellestad, Andre Lessa, Tomasz Procter, Are Raklev, Humberto Reyes-Gonzalez, Krzysztof Rolbiecki, Sezen Sekmen, Gokhan Unel

    With the increasing usage of machine-learning in high-energy physics analyses, the publication of the trained models in a reusable form has become a crucial question for analysis preservation and reuse. The complexity of these models creates practical issues for both reporting them accurately and for ensuring the stability of their behaviours in different environments and over extended timescales. In this note we discuss the current state of affairs, highlighting specific practical issues and focusing on the most promising technical and strategic approaches to ensure trustworthy analysis-preservation. This material originated from discussions in the LHC Reinterpretation Forum and the 2023 PhysTeV workshop at Les Houches.

  • Hot spots in a proton.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Demirci, T. Lappi, S. Schlichting

    We explore the consequences of gluonic hot spots inside the proton for the initial eccentricities in a proton-nucleus collision, and the constraints on the parameters describing these hot spots from coherent and incoherent exclusive vector meson production cross sections in deep inelastic scattering. We show that geometric fluctuations of hot spots inside the proton are the dominant source of eccentricity whereas color charge fluctuations only give a negligible correction. We find that the coherent cross section is sensitive to both the size of the target and the structure of the probe. The incoherent cross section is dominated by color fluctuations at small transverse momentum transfer (t), by proton and hot spot sizes as well as the structure of the probe at medium -t and again by color fluctuations at large -t.

  • Thermalization and quark production in spatially homogeneous systems of gluons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sergio Barrera Cabodevila, Carlos A. Salgado, Bin Wu

    We first assemble a full set of the Boltzmann Equation in Diffusion Approximation (BEDA) for studying thermalization/hydrodynamization and quark production in out of equilibrium systems. We then discuss thermalization and the production of three flavors of massless quarks in spatially homogeneous systems initially filled only with gluons. A complete parametric understanding for thermalization and quark production is obtained for both initially very dense or dilute systems, which are complemented by detailed numerical simulations. For initial distributions more relevant for heavy-ion collisions, the complete thermal equilibration is found to be significantly delayed by considering quark production.

  • Decay of the Higgs boson to longitudinally polarized leptons and quarks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R.T. Ovsiannikov, A.Yu. Korchin

    An important problem in the particle physics is interaction of the Higgs boson with the fermions. It is in the processes, which involve $h f f $ interaction, the manifestations of $CP$ violation are possible. This in turn can be helpful in solving the problem of the dominance of matter over antimatter in the Universe. In this connection, in the present paper, the effect of longitudinal polarization of leptons and quarks produced in the decay of the Higgs boson is investigated and calculated. We consider the case in which the Higgs boson interacts with fermions via a mixture of scalar and pseudoscalar couplings. Under this assumption, the longitudinal polarization can acquire non-zero values due to imaginary part of loop corrections to tree-level amplitudes. This polarization is a direct signature of the $CP$ violation in the Higgs sector. Effects of the longitudinal polarization of $\tau$ leptons on the energy distribution of the pions in the two-step Higgs-boson decay $h \to \tau^- \tau^+ \to \pi^- \nu_\tau \pi^+ \bar{\nu}_\tau$ are also studied, and the energy asymmetry with corresponding moments are calculated.

  • Extrapolating semileptonic form factors using Bayesian-inference fits regulated by unitarity and analyticity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J.M. Flynn, A. Jüttner, J.T. Tsang

    We discuss our recently proposed model-independent framework for fitting hadronic form-factor data, which are often only available at discrete kinematical points, using parameterisations based on unitarity and analyticity. The accompanying dispersive bound on the form factors (unitarity constraint) is used to regulate the ill-posed fitting problem and allow model-independent predictions over the entire physical range. Kinematical constraints, for example for the vector and scalar form factors in semileptonic meson decays, can be imposed exactly. The core formulae are straight-forward to implement with standard math libraries. We demonstrate the method for the exclusive semileptonic decay $B_s\to K\ell\nu$, an example requiring one to use a generalisation of the original Boyd Grinstein Lebed (BGL) unitarity constraint. We further present a first application of the method to $B \to D^*\ell \nu$ decays.

  • Electromagnetic effects on topological observables in QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bastian B. Brandt, Gergely Endrődi, José Javier Hernández Hernández, Gergely Markó, Laurin Pannullo

    In this proceedings article we present a selected set of our lattice results regarding the effect that background electromagnetic fields have on the topology of QCD. In particular, we report on the lattice spacing-dependence of the axion-photon coupling as well as on the response of the topological susceptibility to strong magnetic fields at nonzero temperatures. We demonstrate that the ratio of topological susceptibilities at finite to zero magnetic field has a well behaved continuum limit at low temperatures using a reweighting technique. Moreover, we study the scaling of the axion-photon coupling towards the continuum limit and show that it is less severely affected by discretisation effects.

  • String fragmentation of a quark pair with entangled spin states: application to $e^+e^-$ annihilation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Kerbizi, X. Artru

    We present a recursive quantum mechanical model for the fragmentation of a string stretched between a quark and an antiquark with entangled spin states. The quarks are assumed to be produced in the $e^+e^-$ annihilation process via the exchange of a virtual photon and the correlations between their spin states are described by a joint spin density matrix. The string fragmentation process is formulated at the amplitude level by using the splitting matrices of the recent string+${}^3P_0$ model of polarized quark fragmentation with pseudoscalar and vector meson emissions, and accounts for the systematic propagation of the spin correlations in the fragmentation chain. The model is formulated as a recursive recipe suitable for a Monte Carlo implementation. It reproduces the expected angular correlation, due to the Collins effect, between back-to-back pseudoscalar and/or vector mesons. For the latter, this correlation also involves the momenta of the decay products. We use the model for studying the sign of the Collins asymmetry for back-to-back vector and pseudoscalar mesons.

  • Fermions at finite density in the path integral approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessandro Podo, Luca Santoni

    We study relativistic fermionic systems in $3+1$ spacetime dimensions at finite chemical potential and zero temperature, from a path-integral point of view. We show how to properly account for the $i\varepsilon$ term that projects on the finite density ground state, and compute the path integral analytically for free fermions in homogeneous external backgrounds, using complex analysis techniques. As an application, we show that the ${\rm U}(1)$ symmetry is always linearly realized for free fermions at finite charge density, differently from scalars. We study various aspects of finite density QED in a homogeneous magnetic background. We compute the free energy density, non-perturbatively in the electromagnetic coupling and the external magnetic field, obtaining the finite density generalization of classic results of Euler--Heisenberg and Schwinger. We also obtain analytically the magnetic susceptibility of a relativistic Fermi gas at finite density, reproducing the de Haas--van Alphen effect. Finally, we consider a (generalized) Gross--Neveu model for $N$ interacting fermions at finite density. We compute its non-perturbative effective potential in the large-$N$ limit, and discuss the fate of the ${\rm U}(1)$ vector and $\mathbb{Z}_2^A$ axial symmetries.

  • SANC Monte Carlo programs for small-angle Bhabha scattering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A.B. Arbuzov, S.G. Bondarenko, I.R. Boyko, L.V. Kalinovskaya, A.A. Kampf, R.R. Sadykov, V.L. Yermolchyk

    Luminosity monitoring at $e^+e^-$ colliders is investigated using SANC Monte Carlo event generator ReneSANCe and integrator MCSANC for simulation of Bhabha scattering at low angles. Results are presented for center-of-mass energies of the Z boson resonance and 240 GeV for the conditions of typical luminosity detectors. It is shown that taking into account bremsstrahlung events with extremely low electron scattering angles is relevant to match the precision tags of the future electron-positron colliders.

  • Scattering of scalar and tensor glueballs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Enrico Trotti

    The scalar glueball, the lightest state in the gluonic Yang-Mills (YM) sector of QCD, is stable in that framework. The scattering of two scalar glueballs is therefore a well defined process in YM, which can be studied with the tools of quantum field theory and partial wave analysis. By using a dilaton Lagrangian, which contains a single dimensionful parameter $\Lambda_G$, in the context of proper unitarization procedures, we find that a bound state is expected to form in the $S$-wave if $\Lambda_G$ is below a certain critical value. Additionally, we also evaluate the impact of a cutoff function on the obtained results and we discuss possible future comparison of our model with Lattice QCD and, eventually, with experimental searches. We show that the expansion into partial wave can also be useful (together with the covariant helicity formalism) in the study of decays of mesons. This method allows us to describe the ratio between two different waves in the same decays. We use this information to describe decay widths and other relevant quantities. Moreover, we show that the results obtained using the covariant helicity formalism do not change when rotating the reference frame centered in the decaying particle. In this way, an alternative calculation scheme is presented. Finally, we use the so-called Glueball Resonance Gas (GRG) model to describe the thermal properties of YM below the critical temperature for deconfinement. The quantities obtained from this model (such as the pressure) can be compared with those obtained from lattice works. The contribution of heavier glueballs and the interaction between scalar and tensor glueballs turns out to be rather small. Within this context, the scattering of two tensor glueballs, required to estimate its contribution in the GRG model, is investigated in detail.

  • Improving the potential of BDF@SPS to search for new physics with liquid argon time projection chambers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martina Ferrillo, Maksym Ovchynnikov, Filippo Resnati, Albert De Roeck

    Beam dump experiments proposed at the SPS are perfectly suited to explore the parameter space of models with long-lived particles, thanks to the combination of a large intensity with a high proton beam energy. In this paper, we study how the exploration power may be augmented further by installing a detector based on liquid argon time projection chamber technology. In particular, we consider several signatures of new physics particles that may be uniquely searched for with such a detector, including double bang events with heavy neutral leptons, inelastic light dark matter, and millicharged particles.

  • Probing flavour constrained SMEFT operators through $tc$ production at the Muon collider.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Subhaditya Bhattacharya, Sahabub Jahedi, Soumitra Nandi, Abhik Sarkar

    We investigate flavour violating four Fermi Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) operators of dimension-six that can be probed via $tc ~(\bar{t}c+t\bar{c})$ production at the multi-TeV muon collider. We study different FCNC and FCCC processes related to $B$, $B_s$, $K$ and $D$ decays and mixings, sensitive to these operators and constrain the corresponding couplings. The tensor operator turns out to be most tightly bound. We perform event simulation of the final state signal from $tc$ production together with the SM background to show that operators after flavour constraint can reach the discovery limit at 10 TeV muon collider. We further adopt the optimal observable technique (OOT) to determine the optimal statistical sensitivity of the Wilson coefficients and compare them with the flavour constraints. We use the limits to predict the observational sensitivities of the rare processes like $K_L \to \pi_0 \ell \ell$, $D_0 \to \mu\mu$, $t \to c\ell\ell$.

  • micrOMEGAs 6.0: N-component dark matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Alguero, G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, S. Chakraborti, A. Goudelis, S. Kraml, A. Mjallal, A. Pukhov

    micrOMEGAs is a numerical code to compute dark matter (DM) observables in generic extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. We present a new version of micrOMEGAs that includes a generalization of the Boltzmann equations governing the DM cosmic abundance evolution which can be solved to compute the relic density of N-component DM. The direct and indirect detection rates in such scenarios take into account the relative contribution of each component such that constraints on the combined signal of all DM components can be imposed. The co-scattering mechanism for DM production is also included, whereas the routines used to compute the relic density of feebly interacting particles have been improved in order to take into account the effect of thermal masses of t-channel particles. Finally, the tables for the DM self-annihilation - induced photon spectra have been extended down to DM masses of 110 MeV, and they now include annihilation channels into light mesons.

  • Zero-bin subtraction and the $q_{\mathrm{T}}$ spectrum beyond leading power.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giancarlo Ferrera, Wan-Li Ju, Marek Schoenherr

    In this paper, we present an algorithm to construct the qT distribution at NLO accuracy to arbitrary power precision, including the assembly of suitable zero-bin subtrahends, in a mathematically well-defined way for a generic choice of rapidity-divergence regularisation prescription. In its derivation, we divide the phase space into two sectors, the interior of the integration domain as well as the integration boundary, which we include here for the first time. To demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of our algorithm, we calculate the NNLP corrections for Higgs hadroproduction for the first time. We observe that our approximate NNLP-accurate qT spectra replicate the asymptotic behaviour of the full QCD calculation to a much better degree than the previously available results, both within the $q_{\mathrm{T}}\to 0$ limit and in the large-qT domain for all the involved partonic processes. While playing a minor role at larger transverse momenta, we show that the newly incorporated boundary contribution plays a vital role in the $q_{\mathrm{T}}\to 0$ limit, where any subleading power accuracy would be lost without them. In particular, our NNLP-accurate qT expansion can approximate the exact qT distribution up to $q_{\mathrm{T}}\sim30\,\text{GeV}$ at the percent level for rapidities $|Y_H|\lesssim 3$.

  • The $\eta \rightarrow \gamma^* \gamma^*$ transition form factor and the hadronic light-by-light $\eta$-pole contribution to the muon $g-2$ from lattice QCD.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Constantia Alexandrou, Simone Bacchio, Sebastian Burri, Jacob Finkenrath, Andrew Gasbarro, Kyriakos Hadjiyiannakou, Karl Jansen, Gurtej Kanwar, Bartosz Kostrzewa, Konstantin Ottnad, Marcus Petschlies, Ferenc Pittler, Carsten Urbach, Urs Wenger

    We calculate the double-virtual $\eta \rightarrow \gamma^* \gamma^*$ transition form factor $\mathcal{F}_{\eta \to \gamma^* \gamma^*}(q_1^2,q_2^2)$ from first principles using a lattice QCD simulation with $N_f=2+1+1$ quark flavors at the physical pion mass and at one lattice spacing and volume. The kinematic range covered by our calculation is complementary to the one accessible from experiment and is relevant for the $\eta$-pole contribution to the hadronic light-by-light scattering in the anomalous magnetic moment $a_\mu = (g-2)/2$ of the muon. From the form factor calculation we extract the partial decay width $\Gamma(\eta \rightarrow \gamma \gamma) = 323(85)_\text{stat}(22)_\text{syst}$ eV and the slope parameter $b_\eta=1.19(36)_\text{stat}(16)_\text{syst}$ GeV${}^{-2}$. For the $\eta$-pole contribution to $a_\mu$ we obtain $a_\mu^{\eta-\text{pole}} = 13.2(5.2)_\text{stat}(1.3)_\text{syst} \cdot 10^{-11}$.

  • Building models of quarks and gluons with an arbitrary number of colors using Cartan-Polyakov loops.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Renan Câmara Pereira, Pedro Costa

    In this work we introduce the concept of Cartan-Polyakov loops, a special subset of Polyakov loops in the fundamental representation of the $\mathrm{SU}(N_c)$ group, with charges $k=1,\ldots,(N_c-1)/2$. It constitutes a sufficient set of independent degrees of freedom and it is used to parametrize the thermal Wilson line. Polyakov loops not contained in this set are classified as non-Cartan-Polyakov loops. Using properties of the characteristic polynomial of the thermal Wilson line, we write a non-Cartan-Polyakov loop charge decomposition formula. This formalism allows one to readily build effective models of quarks and gluons with an arbitrary number of colors. We apply it to the Polyakov$-$Nambu$-$Jona-Lasinio model and to an effective glue model, in the mean field approximation, showing how to directly extend these models to higher values of $N_c$.

  • Liouvillian Dynamics of the Open Schwinger Model: String Breaking and Kinetic Dissipation in a Thermal Medium.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kyle Lee, James Mulligan, Felix Ringer, Xiaojun Yao

    Understanding the dynamics of bound state formation is one of the fundamental questions in confining quantum field theories such as Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). One hadronization mechanism that has garnered significant attention is the breaking of a string initially connecting a fermion and an anti-fermion. Deepening our understanding of real-time string-breaking dynamics with simpler, lower dimensional models like the Schwinger model can improve our understanding of the hadronization process in QCD and other confining systems found in condensed matter and statistical systems. In this paper, we consider the string-breaking dynamics within the Schwinger model and investigate its modification inside a thermal medium, treating the Schwinger model as an open quantum system coupled to a thermal environment. Within the regime of weak coupling between the system and environment, the real-time evolution of the system can be described by a Lindblad evolution equation. We analyze the Liouvillian gaps of this Lindblad equation and the time dependence of the system's von Neumann entropy. We observe that the late-time relaxation rate decreases as the environment correlation length increases. Moreover, when the environment correlation length is infinite, the system exhibits two steady states, one in each of the sectors with definite charge-conjugation-parity (CP) quantum numbers. For parameter regimes where an initial string breaks in vacuum, we observe a delay of the string breaking in the medium, due to kinetic dissipation effects. Conversely, in regimes where an initial string remains intact in vacuum time evolution, we observe string breaking (melting) in the thermal medium. We further discuss how the Liouvillian dynamics of the open Schwinger model can be simulated on quantum computers and provide an estimate of the associated Trotter errors.

  • Meson cloud contributions to the Dalitz decays of decuplet to octet baryons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G. Ramalho, K. Tsushima

    We study the role of the meson cloud on the electromagnetic transitions from decuplet ($B'$) to octet ($B$) baryons in terms of the squared four-momentum transfer $q^2$. In the quark model framework, the meson cloud dressing of the quark cores gives important contributions to the $\gamma^\ast N \to \Delta(1232)$ transition form factors. In the present work, we estimate the meson cloud contributions of all decuplet to octet baryon transitions ($\gamma^\ast B \to B'$ or $B' \to \gamma^\ast B$). Models that combine valence quark effects with pion and kaon cloud dressing provide a fair description of the radiative decays of decuplet to octet baryons, namely the $\Sigma^0(1385) \to \gamma \Lambda (1116)$ and $\Sigma^+(1385) \to \gamma \Sigma^+ (1193)$ decays. Previous studies indicated the relevance of the pion cloud effects on the $B^\prime \to \gamma^\ast B$ transition, but also suggested that the kaon cloud contributions may be important in the timelike region. We combine then the contributions of the bare core, estimated by a covariant quark model, with $q^2$-dependent contributions of pion and kaon clouds. We use the framework to calculate the Dalitz decay rates and the Dalitz decay widths of decuplet baryons in octet baryons with di-electrons ($B' \to e^+ e^- B$) or di-muons ($B' \to \mu^+ \mu^- B$). We conclude, based on the magnitude of our results, that most estimates of the $B' \to e^+ e^- B$ Dalitz decay widths may be tested at HADES and PANDA (GSI) in a near future. We discuss also the possibility of measuring the $\Delta (1232) \to \mu^+ \mu^- N$ and $\Sigma^0 (1385) \to \mu^+ \mu^- \Lambda (1116)$ decay widths in some facilities, based on the estimated branching ratios.

  • Measurement of additional radiation in the initial-state-radiation processes $e^+e^-\to \mu^+\mu^-\gamma$ and $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-\gamma$ at BABAR.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    BABAR Collaboration

    A dedicated measurement of additional radiation in $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-\gamma$ and $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\gamma$ initial-state-radiation events is presented using the full BABAR data sample. For the first time results are presented at next-to- and next-to-next-to-leading order, with one and two additional photons, respectively, for radiation from the initial and final states. Comparison with predictions from Phokhara and AfkQed Monte Carlo generators is performed, revealing discrepancies in the one-photon rates and angular distributions for the former. This disagreement has a negligible effect on the BABAR measurement of the $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$ cross section, but could affect other measurements significantly. This study sheds a new light on the longstanding discrepancy in this channel that affects the theoretical prediction of hadronic vacuum polarization contributions to the muon magnetic moment anomaly.

  • The renormalization of the shell-model GT operator starting from effective field theory for nuclear systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Coraggio, N. Itaco, G. De Gregorio, A. Gargano, Z. H. Cheng, Y. Z. Ma, F. R. Xu, M. Viviani

    For the first time, we approach in this work the problem of the renormalization of the Gamow-Teller decay operator for nuclear shell-model calculations by way of many-body perturbation theory, starting from a nuclear Hamiltonian and electroweak currents derived consistently by way of the chiral perturbation theory. These are the inputs we need to construct microscopically the effective shell-model Hamiltonians and decay operators. The goal is to assess the role of both electroweak currents and many-body correlations as the origins of the well-known problem of the quenching of the axial coupling constant gA. To this end, the calculation of observables related to the Gamow-Teller transitions has been performed for several nuclear systems outside the 40Ca and 56Ni closed cores and compared with the available data.

  • Advancing the understanding of energy-energy correlators in heavy-ion collisions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    João Barata, Paul Caucal, Alba Soto-Ontoso, Robert Szafron

    We investigate the collinear limit of the energy-energy correlator (EEC) in a heavy-ion context. First, we revisit the leading-logarithmic (LL) resummation of this observable in vacuum following a diagrammatic approach. We argue that this route allows to naturally incorporate medium-induced effects into the all-orders structure systematically. As an example, we show how the phase-space constraints imposed by the medium on vacuum-like emissions can be incorporated into the LL result by modifying the anomalous dimensions. On the fixed-order side, we calculate the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s)$ expansion of the in-medium EEC for a $\gamma\to q\bar q$ splitting using, for the first time, the exact matrix element. When comparing this result to previously used approximations in the literature, we find up to $\mathcal{O}(1)$ deviations in the regime of interest for jet quenching signatures. Energy loss effects are also quantified and further suppress the EEC at large angles. These semi-analytic studies are complemented with a phenomenological study using the jet quenching Monte Carlo JetMed. Finally, we argue that the imprint of medium-induced effects in energy-energy correlators can be enhanced by using an alternative definition that takes as input Lund primary declusterings instead of particles.


  • Operator dynamics in Floquet many-body systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Takato Yoshimura, Samuel J. Garratt, J. T. Chalker

    We study operator dynamics in many-body quantum systems, focusing on generic features of systems which are ergodic, spatially extended, and lack conserved densities, as exemplified by spin chains with Floquet time evolution. To characterise dynamics we examine, in solvable models and numerically, the behaviour of operator autocorrelation functions, as a function of time and the size of the operator support. The standard expectation is that operator autocorrelation functions in such systems are maximum at time zero and decay, over a few Floquet periods, to a fluctuating value that reduces to zero under an average over an ensemble of statistically similar systems. Our central result is that ensemble-averaged correlation functions also display a second generic feature, which consists of a peak at a later time. In individual many-body systems, this peak can also be revealed by averaging autocorrelation functions over complete sets of operators supported within a finite spatial region, thereby generating a partial spectral form factor. The duration of the peak grows indefinitely with the size of the operator support, and its amplitude shrinks, but both are essentially independent of system size provided this is sufficiently large to contain the operator. In finite systems, the averaged correlation functions also show a further feature at still later times, which is a counterpart to the so-called ramp and plateau of the spectral form factor; its amplitude in the autocorrelation function decreases to zero with increasing system size. Both the later-time peak and the ramp-and-plateau feature are specific to models with time-translation symmetry, such as Floquet systems or models with a time-independent Hamiltonian, and are absent in models with an evolution operator that is a random function of time, such as the extensively-studied random unitary circuits.

  • Hofstadter-Toda spectral duality and quantum groups.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pasquale Marra, Valerio Proietti, Xiaobing Sheng

    The Hofstadter model allows to describe and understand several phenomena in condensed matter such as the quantum Hall effect, Anderson localization, charge pumping, and flat-bands in quasiperiodic structures, and is a rare example of fractality in the quantum world. An apparently unrelated system, the relativistic Toda lattice, has been extensively studied in the context of complex nonlinear dynamics, and more recently for its connection to supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories and topological string theories on Calabi-Yau manifolds in high-energy physics. Here we discuss a recently discovered spectral relationship between the Hofstadter model and the relativistic Toda lattice which has been later conjectured to be related to the Langlands duality of quantum groups. Moreover, by employing similarity transformations compatible with the quantum group structure, we establish a formula parametrizing the energy spectrum of the Hofstadter model in terms of elementary symmetric polynomials and Chebyshev polynomials. The main tools used are the spectral duality of tridiagonal matrices and the representation theory of the elementary quantum group.

  • Comments on the negative grade KdV hierarchy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Y. F. Adans, Jose F. Gomes, G. V. Lobo, A. H. Zimerman

    The construction of negative grade KdV hierarchy is proposed in terms of a Miura-gauge transformation. Such gauge transformation is employed within the zero curvature representation and maps the Lax operator of the mKdV into its couterpart within the KdV setting. Each odd negative KdV flow is obtained from an odd and its subsequent even negative mKdV flows. The negative KdV flows are shown to inherit the two different vacua structure that characterizes the associated mKdV flows.

  • Entanglement islands read perfect-tensor entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi-Yu Lin, Jun Zhang, Jie-Chen Jin

    In this paper, we make use of holographic Boundary Conformal Field Theory (BCFT) to simulate the black hole information problem in the semi-classical picture. We investigate the correlation between a portion of Hawking radiation and entanglement islands by the area of an entanglement wedge cross-section. Building on the understanding of the relationship between entanglement wedge cross-sections and perfect tensor entanglement as discussed in reference [1], we make an intriguing observation: in the semi-classical picture, the positioning of an entanglement island automatically yields a pattern of perfect tensor entanglement. Furthermore, the contribution of this perfect tensor entanglement, combined with the bipartite entanglement contribution, precisely determines the area of the entanglement wedge cross-section.

  • Holographic coarse-grained states and the necessity of perfect entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi-Yu Lin, Jun Zhang

    In the framework of the holographic principle, focusing on a central concept, conditional mutual information, we construct a class of coarse-grained states, which are intuitively connected to a family of thread configurations. These coarse-grained states characterize the entanglement structure of holographic systems at a coarse-grained level. Importantly, these coarse-grained states can be used to further reveal nontrivial requirements for the holographic entanglement structure. Specifically, we employ these coarse-grained states to probe the entanglement entropies of disconnected regions and the entanglement wedge cross-section dual to the inherent correlation in a bipartite mixed state. The investigations demonstrate the necessity of perfect tensor state entanglement. Moreover, in a certain sense, our work establishes the equivalence between the holographic entanglement of purification and the holographic balanced partial entropy. We also construct a thread configuration with the Multi-Scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz (MERA) structure, reexamining the connection between the MERA structure and kinematic space.

  • Extensions of dark KdV equations: nonhomogeneous classifications, bosonizations of fermionic systems and supersymmetric dark systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Y. Lou

    Dark equations are defined as some kinds of integrable couplings with some fields being homogeneously and linearly coupled to others. In this paper, dark equations are extended in several aspects. Taking the Korteweg-de Vrise (KdV) equation as an example, the dark KdV systems are extended to nonhomogenous forms, nonlinear couplings and graded linear cases. The two-component nonhomogeneous linear coupled dark KdV systems are completely classified. The nonlinear coupled dark KdV systems may be obtained through the decompositions from higher dimensional integrable systems like the B-type KP equation. Graded linear coupled dark KdV systems may be produced by introducing dark parameters (including the Grassmann parameters) to usual integrable systems. Especially, applying the bosonization approach to the integrable systems with fermion fields such as the supersymmetric integrable systems and super-integrable models, infinitely many graded linear dark systems can be generated. Finally, the dark KdV systems are extended to supersymmetric ones. The full classifications for the supersymmetric dark KdV systems are obtained related to two types of usual supersymmetric KdV equations.

  • Thermodynamics and dynamics of coupled complex SYK models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jan C. Louw, Linda M. van Manen, Rishabh Jha

    It has been known that the large-$q$ complex SYK model falls under the same universality class as that of van der Waals (mean-field) which is also shared by a variety of black holes. At the same time, it also saturates the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford (MSS) bound and is thus maximally chaotic. This work establishes the robustness of shared universality class and quantum chaos for SYK-like models by extending to a system of coupled large-$q$ complex SYK models of different orders. We provide a detailed derivation of thermodynamic (critical exponents) properties observing a phase transition and dynamic (Lyapunov exponent) properties via the out-of-time correlator (OTOC) calculations. Our analysis reveals that, despite the introduction of an additional scaling parameter through interaction strength ratios, the system undergoes a continuous phase transition at low temperatures, similar to that of a single SYK model. The critical exponents align with the Landau-Ginzburg (mean-field) universality class, shared with van der Waals gases and various AdS black holes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the coupled SYK system remains maximally chaotic in the large-$q$ limit at low temperatures, adhering to the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford (MSS) bound, a feature consistent with single large-$q$ complex SYK model. These findings open avenues for broader inquiries into the universality and chaos in complex quantum systems by showing that our coupled SYK system belong to the same universality class as that of van der Waals and various AdS black holes while saturating the MSS bound of quantum chaos.

  • Decomposition of ${\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}_{,k} \ \oplus \ {\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}_{,1}$ highest weight representations for generic level $k$ and equivalence between two dimensional CFT models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leszek Hadasz, Błażej Ruba

    We construct highest weight vectors of ${\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}_{,k+1} \oplus \mathsf{Vir}$ in tensor products of highest weight modules of ${\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}_{,k}$ and ${\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}_{,1}$, and thus for generic weights we find the decomposition of the tensor product into irreducibles of ${\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}_{,k+1} \oplus \mathsf{Vir}$. The construction uses Wakimoto representations of ${\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}_{,k}$, but the obtained vectors can be mapped back to Verma modules. Singularities of this mapping are cancelled by a renormalization. A detailed study of ``degenerations'' of Wakimoto modules allowed to find the renormalization factor explicitly. The obtained result is a significant step forward in a proof of equivalence of certain two-dimesnional CFT models.

  • Four-Manifold Invariants and Donaldson-Witten Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jan Manschot

    This article surveys invariants of four-manifolds and their relation to Donaldson-Witten theory, and other topologically twisted Yang-Mills theories. The article is written for the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, and focuses on the period since the first edition in 2006.

  • More on the Subleading Gravitational Waveform.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessandro Georgoudis, Carlo Heissenberg, Ingrid Vazquez-Holm

    In this short note, we address the calculation of the contribution to the one-loop gravitational waveform arising from the difference of the unitarity cuts associated to the $s$- and $s'$-channels recently pointed out in arXiv:2308.02125, providing its explicit expression for minimally-coupled massive scalars in momentum space.

  • Boundary Liouville Conformal Field Theory in Four Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adwait Gaikwad, Amitay C. Kislev, Tom Levy, Yaron Oz

    Higher dimensional Euclidean Liouville conformal field theories (LCFTs) consist of a log-correlated real scalar field with a background charge and an exponential potential. We analyse the LCFT on a four-dimensional manifold with a boundary. We extend to the boundary, the conformally covariant GJMS operator and the ${\cal Q}$-curvature term in the LCFT action and classify the conformal boundary conditions. Working on a flat space with plate boundary, we calculate the dimensions of the boundary conformal primary operators, the two- and three-point functions of the displacement operator and the boundary conformal anomaly coefficients.

  • Tensor Renormalization Group Methods for Quantum Real-time Evolution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Michael Hite, Yannick Meurice

    Ab-initio calculations of real-time evolution for lattice gauge theory have very interesting potential applications but present challenging computational aspects. We show that tensor renormalization group methods developed in the context of Euclidean-time lattice field theory can be applied to calculation of Trotterized evolution operators at real time. We discuss the optimization of truncation procedures for various observables. We apply the numerical methods to the 1D Quantum Ising Model with an external transverse field in the ordered phase and compare with universal quantum computing for $N_{s}=4$ and 8 sites.

  • Fusion of irreducible modules in the periodic Temperley--Lieb algebra.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yacine Ikhlef, Alexi Morin-Duchesne

    We propose a new family ${\sf Y}_{k,\ell,x,y,[z,w]}$ of modules over the enlarged periodic Temperley--Lieb algebra ${\sf{\cal E}PTL}_N(\beta)$. These modules are built from link states with two marked points, similarly to the modules ${\sf X}_{k,\ell,x,y,z}$ that we constructed in a previous paper. They however differ in the way that defects connect pairwise. We analyse the decomposition of ${\sf Y}_{k,\ell,x,y,[z,w]}$ over the irreducible standard modules ${\sf W}_{k,x}$ for generic values of the parameters $z$ and $w$, and use it to deduce the fusion rules for the fusion $\sf W \times W$ of standard modules. These turn out to be more symmetric than those obtained previously using the modules ${\sf X}_{k,\ell,x,y,z}$. From the work of Graham and Lehrer, it is known that, for $\beta=-q-q^{-1}$ where $q$ is not a root of unity, there exists a set of non-generic values of the twist $y$ for which the standard module ${\sf W}_{\ell,y}$ is indecomposable yet reducible with two composition factors: a radical submodule ${\sf R}_{\ell,y}$ and a quotient module ${\sf Q}_{\ell,y}$. Here, we construct the fusion products $\sf W\times R$, $\sf W\times Q$ and $\sf Q\times Q$, and analyse their decomposition over indecomposable modules. For the fusions involving the quotient modules ${\sf Q}$, we find very simple results reminiscent of $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ fusion rules. This construction with modules ${\sf Y}_{k,\ell,x,y,[z,w]}$ is a good lattice regularization of the operator product expansion in the underlying logarithmic bulk conformal field theory. Indeed, it fits with the correspondence between standard modules and connectivity operators, and is useful for the calculation of their correlation functions. Remarkably, we show that the fusion rules $\sf W\times Q$ and $\sf Q\times Q$ are consistent with the known fusion rules of degenerate primary fields.

  • Generalised $T\bar{T}$-deformations of classical free particles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Benjamin Doyon, Friedrich Hübner, Takato Yoshimura

    Deformations of many-body Hamiltonians by certain products of conserved currents, referred to as $T\bar{T}$-deformations, are known to preserve integrability. Generalised $T\bar{T}$-deformations, based on the complete space of pseudolocal currents, were suggested [B. Doyon, J, Durnin, T. Yoshimura, Scipost Physics 13, 072 (2022)] to give rise to integrable systems with arbitrary two-body scattering shifts, going beyond those from known models or standard CDD factors. However, locality properties were not clear. We construct explicit generalised $T\bar{T}$-deformations of the system of classical free particles. We show rigorously that they are Liouville integrable Hamiltonian systems with finite-range interactions. We show elastic, factorised scattering, with a two-particle scattering shift that can be any continuously differentiable non-negative even function of momentum differences, fixed by the $T\bar{T}$-deformation function. We show that the scattering map (or wave operator) has a finite-range property allowing us to trace carriers of asymptotic momenta even at finite times - an important characteristics of many-body integrability. We evaluate the free energy and prove the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz with Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, including with space-varying potentials and in finite and infinite volumes. We give equations for the particles' trajectories where time appears explicitly, generalising the contraction map of hard rod systems: the effect of generalised $T\bar{T}$-deformations is to modify the local metric perceived by each particle, adding extra space in a way that depends on their neighbours. The systems generalise the gas of interacting Bethe ansatz wave packets recently introduced in the Lieb-Liniger model. They form a new class of models that, we believe, most clearly make manifest the structures of many-body integrability.

  • Unlinking symmetric quivers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Piotr Kucharski, Hélder Larraguível, Dmitry Noshchenko, Piotr Sułkowski

    We analyse the structure of equivalence classes of symmetric quivers whose generating series are equal. We consider such classes constructed using the basic operation of unlinking, which increases a size of a quiver. The existence and features of such classes do not depend on a particular quiver but follow from the properties of unlinking. We show that such classes include sets of quivers assembled into permutohedra, and all quivers in a given class are determined by one quiver of the largest size, which we call a universal quiver. These findings generalise the previous ones for permutohedra graphs for knots. We illustrate our results with generic examples, as well as specialisations related to the knots-quivers correspondence.

  • The giant graviton expansion in $\mathbf{\text{AdS}_5 \times S^5}$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giorgos Eleftheriou, Sameer Murthy, Martí Rosselló

    The superconformal index of $\frac12$-BPS states of $\mathcal{N}=4$ $U(N)$ super Yang-Mills theory has a known infinite $q$-series expression with successive terms suppressed by $q^N$. We derive a holographic bulk interpretation of this series by evaluating the corresponding functional integral in the dual AdS$_5 \times S^5$. The integral localizes to a product of small fluctuations of the vacuum and of the collective modes of an arbitrary number of giant-gravitons wrapping an $S^3$ of maximal size inside the $S^5$. The quantum mechanics of the small fluctuations of one maximal giant is described by a supersymmetric version of the Landau problem. The quadratic fluctuation determinant reduces to a sum over the supersymmetric ground states, and precisely reproduces the first non-trivial term in the infinite series. Further, we show that the terms corresponding to multiple giants are obtained precisely by the matrix versions of the above super-quantum-mechanics.

  • Family Puzzle, Framing Topology, $c_-=24$ and 3(E8)$_1$ Conformal Field Theories: 48/16 = 45/15 = 24/8 =3.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Juven Wang

    Family Puzzle or Generation Problem demands an explanation of why there are 3 families or generations of quarks and leptons in the Standard Model of particle physics. Here we propose a novel solution -- the multiple of 3 families of 16 Weyl fermions (namely $(N_f=3) \times 16$) in the 3+1d spacetime dimensions are topologically robust due to constraints rooted in profound mathematics (such as Hirzebruch signature and Rokhlin theorems, and cobordism) and derivable in physics (such as chiral edge states, quantized thermal Hall conductance, and gravitational Chern-Simons theory), which holds true even forgetting or getting rid of any global symmetry or gauge structure of the Standard Model. By the dimensional reduction through a sequence of sign-reversing mass domain wall of domain wall and so on, we reduce the Standard Model fermions to obtain the $(N_f=3) \times 16$ multiple of 1+1d Majorana-Weyl fermion with a total chiral central charge $c_-=24$. Effectively via the fermionization-bosonization, the 1+1d theory becomes 3 copies of $c_-=8$ of (E$_8)_1$ conformal field theory, living on the boundary of 3 copies of 2+1d E$_8$ quantum Hall states. Based on the framing anomaly-free $c_- = 0 \mod 24$ modular invariance, the framed bordism and string bordism $\mathbb{Z}_{24}$ class, the 2-framing and $p_1$-structure, the $w_1$-$p_1$ bordism $\mathbb{Z}_3$ class constraints, we derive the family number constraint $N_f \in (\frac{48}{16} =\frac{24}{8}=3) \mathbb{Z}$. The dimensional reduction process, although not necessary, is sufficiently supported by the $\mathbb{Z}_{16}$ class Smith homomorphism. We also comment on the $\frac{45}{15}=3$ relation: the 3 families of 15 Weyl-fermion Standard Model vacuum where the absence of some sterile right-handed neutrinos is fulfilled by additional topological field theories or conformal field theories in Ultra Unification.

  • On correlation functions in the coordinate and the algebraic Bethe ansatz.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rafael Hernandez, Juan Miguel Nieto

    The Bethe ansatz, both in its coordinate and its algebraic version, is an exceptional method to compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of integrable systems. However, computing correlation functions using the eigenvectors thus constructed complicates rather fast. In this article, we will compute some simple correlation functions for the isotropic Heisenberg spin chain to highlight the shortcomings of both Bethe ans\"atze. In order to compare the results obtained from each approach, a discussion on the normalization of states in each ansatz will be required. We will show that the analysis can be extended to the long-range spin chain governing the spectrum of anomalous dimensions of single trace operators in four-dimensional Yang-Mills with maximal supersymmetry.

  • Geometries in perturbative quantum field theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oliver Schnetz

    In perturbative quantum field theory one encounters certain, very specific geometries over the integers. These perturbative quantum geometries determine the number contents of the amplitude considered. In the article `Modular forms in quantum field theory' F. Brown and the author report on a first list of perturbative quantum geometries using the $c_2$-invariant in $\phi^4$ theory. A main tool was denominator reduction which allowed the authors to examine graphs up to loop order (first Betti number) 10. We introduce an improved quadratic denominator reduction which makes it possible to extend the previous results to loop order 11 (and partially orders 12 and 13). For comparison, also non-$\phi^4$ graphs are investigated. Here, we extend the results from loop order 9 to 10. The new database of 4801 unique $c_2$-invariants (previously 157) -- while being consistent with all major $c_2$-conjectures -- leads to a more refined picture of perturbative quantum geometries. In the appendix, Friedrich Knop proves a Chevalley-Warning-Ax theorem for double covers of affine space.

  • On the well-posed variational principle in degenerate point particle systems using embeddings of the symplectic manifold.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kyosuke Tomonari

    A methodology on making the variational principle well-posed in degenerate systems is constructed. In the systems including higher-order time derivative terms being compatible with Newtonian dynamics, we show that a set of position variables of a coordinate system of a given system has to be fixed on the boundaries and that such systems are always Ostrogradski stable and causal. For these systems, Frobenius integrability conditions are derived in explicit form. Relationships between integral constants indicated from the conditions and boundary conditions in a given coordinate system are also investigated by introducing three fundamental correspondences between Lagrange and Hamilton formulation. Based on these ingredients, we formulate problems that have to be resolved to realize the well-posedness in the degenerate systems. To resolve the problems, we compose a set of embbedings that extract a subspace holding the symplectic structure of the entire phase space in which the variational principle should be well-posed. Using these embeddings, we establish a methodology to set appropriate boundary conditions that the well-posed variational principle demands. Finally, we apply the methodology to examples and summarize this work as three-step procedure such that one can use just by following it.

  • Color confinement due to topological defects -- restoration of residual gauge symmetries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Naoki Fukushima, Kei-Ichi Kondo

    The local gauge symmetry remaining even after imposing a gauge fixing condition is called the residual local gauge symmetry, which is spontaneously broken in the perturbative vacuum, and is expected to be restored in the true confining vacuum. Indeed, the criterion for restoring a special choice of the residual gauge symmetry was shown to be equivalent to the Kugo-Ojima color confinement criterion in the Lorenz gauge. In the previous paper, we demonstrated that such restoration can occur even in the Maximal Abelian gauge due to topological defects. However, it was later found that the topological defects introduced in the previous paper give an infinite Euclidean action and hence do not contribute to the path integral. In this paper, therefore, we reexamine modified topological defects giving a finite Euclidean action to contribute to the path integral. We show the restoration of the residual local gauge symmetry in the Maximal Abelian gauge due to such a class of topological defects.

  • Sparse random matrices and Gaussian ensembles with varying randomness.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Takanori Anegawa, Norihiro Iizuka, Arkaprava Mukherjee, Sunil Kumar Sake, Sandip P. Trivedi

    We study a system of $N$ qubits with a random Hamiltonian obtained by drawing coupling constants from Gaussian distributions in various ways. This results in a rich class of systems which include the GUE and the fixed $q$ SYK theories. Our motivation is to understand the system at large $N$. In practice most of our calculations are carried out using exact diagonalisation techniques (up to $N=24$). Starting with the GUE, we study the resulting behaviour as the randomness is decreased. While in general the system goes from being chaotic to being more ordered as the randomness is decreased, the changes in various properties, including the density of states, the spectral form factor, the level statistics and out-of-time-ordered correlators, reveal interesting patterns. Subject to the limitations of our analysis which is mainly numerical, we find some evidence that the behaviour changes in an abrupt manner when the number of non-zero independent terms in the Hamiltonian is exponentially large in $N$. We also study the opposite limit of much reduced randomness obtained in a local version of the SYK model where the number of couplings scales linearly in $N$, and characterise its behaviour. Our investigation suggests that a more complete theoretical analysis of this class of systems will prove quite worthwhile.

  • 5d SCFTs and their non-supersymmetric cousins.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mohammad Akhond, Masazumi Honda, Francesco Mignosa

    We consider generalisations of the recently proposed supersymmetry breaking deformation of the 5d rank-1 $E_1$ superconformal field theory to higher rank. We generalise the arguments to theories which admit a mass deformation leading to gauge theories coupled to matter hypermultiplets at low energies. These theories have a richer space of non-supersymmetric deformations, due to the existence of a larger global symmetry. We show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the non-SUSY deformations of the gauge theory and their $(p,q)$ 5-brane web. We comment on the (in)stability of these deformations both from the gauge theory and the 5-brane web point of view. UV duality plays a key role in our analysis, fixing the effective Chern-Simons level for the background vector multiplets, together with their complete prepotential. We partially classify super-Yang-Mills theories known to enjoy UV dualities which show a phase transition where different phases are separated by a jump of Chern-Simons levels of both a perturbative and an instantonic global symmetry. When this transition can be reached by turning on a non-supersymmetric deformation of the UV superconformal field theory, it can be a good candidate to host a 5d non-supersymmetric CFT. We also discuss consistency of the proposed phase diagram with the 't Hooft anomalies of the models that we analyse.

  • Evolution of capacity of entanglement and modular entropy in harmonic chains and scalar fields.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    K. Andrzejewski

    We examine the temporal evolution of the modular entropy and capacity (in particular, the fluctuation of the entanglement entropy) for systems of time-dependent oscillators coupled by a (time-dependent) parameter. Such models, through the discretization procedure, fit into field theory problems arising from quench phenomena or non-static spacetimes. First, we compare the dynamics of the modular and Renyi entropies and derive the form of the modular capacity for the single time-dependent oscillator as well as chains with bipartite decompositions. In the latter case we analyse distinguished periodicities during the evolution and the role of various boundary conditions. Next, we focus on the dynamics of the capacity (fluctuation) of entanglement. We compare the results obtained with the predictions of quasiparticles models; in particular, we obtain a theoretical value of the initial slope of the capacity for abrupt quenches. We study also continuous protocols with the frequency that vanishes at plus (and minus) infinity, including a model in which the frequency tends to the Dirac delta. All the above issues are discussed with the emphasis on the analytical methods.

  • Holographic Limitations and Corrections to Quantum Information Protocols.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Stefano Pirandola

    We discuss the limitations imposed on entanglement distribution, quantum teleportation, and quantum communication by holographic bounds, such as the Bekenstein bound and Susskind's spherical entropy bound. For continuous-variable (CV) quantum information, we show how the naive application of holographic corrections disrupts well-established results. These corrections render perfect CV teleportation impossible, preclude uniform convergence in the teleportation simulation of lossy quantum channels, and impose a revised PLOB bound for quantum communication. While these mathematical corrections do not immediately impact practical quantum technologies, they are critical for a deeper theoretical understanding of quantum information theory.

  • Boundary vertex algebras for 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ rank-0 SCFTs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andrea E. V. Ferrari, Niklas Garner, Heeyeon Kim

    We initiate the study of boundary Vertex Operator Algebras (VOAs) of topologically twisted 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ rank-0 SCFTs. This is a recently introduced class of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SCFTs that by definition have zero-dimensional Higgs and Coulomb branches. We briefly explain why it is reasonable to obtain rational VOAs at the boundary of their topological twists. When a rank-0 SCFT is realized as the IR fixed point of a $\mathcal{N}=2$ Lagrangian theory, we propose a technique for the explicit construction of its topological twists and boundary VOAs based on deformations of the holomorphic-topological twist of the $\mathcal{N}=2$ microscopic description. We apply this technique to the $B$ twist of a newly discovered family of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ rank-0 SCFTs ${\mathcal T}_r$ and argue that they admit the simple affine VOAs $L_r(\mathfrak{osp}(1|2))$ at their boundary. In the simplest case, this leads to a novel level-rank duality between $L_1(\mathfrak{osp}(1|2))$ and the minimal model $M(2,5)$. As an aside, we present a TQFT obtained by twisting a 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ QFT that admits the $M(3,4)$ minimal model as a boundary VOA and briefly comment on the classical freeness of VOAs at the boundary of 3d TQFTs.

  • Hadamard products and BPS networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mohamed Elmi

    We study examples of fourth-order Picard-Fuchs operators that are Hadamard products of two second-order Picard-Fuchs operators. Each second-order Picard-Fuchs operator is associated with a family of elliptic curves, and the Hadamard product computes period integrals on the fibred product of the two elliptic surfaces. We construct 3-cycles on this geometry as the union of 2-cycles in the fibre over contours on the base. We then use the special Lagrangian condition to constrain the contours on the base. This leads to a construction that is reminiscent of spectral networks and exponential networks that have previously appeared in string theory literature.

  • Entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals and spin structures in interacting chains in and out of equilibrium.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vanja Marić, Saverio Bocini, Maurizio Fagotti

    We take the paradigm of interacting spin chains, the Heisenberg spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ model, as a reference system and consider interacting models that are related to it by Jordan-Wigner transformations and restrictions to sub-chains. An example is the fermionic analogue of the gapless XXZ Hamiltonian, which, in a continuum scaling limit, is described by the massless Thirring model. We work out the R\'enyi-$\alpha$ entropies of disjoint blocks in the ground state and extract the universal scaling functions describing the R\'enyi-$\alpha$ tripartite information in the limit of infinite lengths. We consider also the von Neumann entropy, but only in the limit of large distance. We show how to use the entropies of spin blocks to unveil the spin structures of the underlying massless Thirring model. Finally, we speculate about the tripartite information after global quenches and conjecture its asymptotic behaviour in the limit of infinite time and small quench. The resulting conjecture for the ``residual tripartite information'', which corresponds to the limit in which the intervals' lengths are infinitely larger than their (large) distance, supports the claim of universality recently made studying noninteracting spin chains. Our mild assumptions imply that the residual tripartite information after a small quench of the anisotropy in the gapless phase of XXZ is equal to $-\log 2$.

  • Thermodynamic topology of 4D Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole in different ensembles.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Naba Jyoti Gogoi, Prabwal Phukon

    We study the thermodynamic topology of 4D Euler-Heisenberg-AdS (EHAdS) black hole and higher-order QED corrected Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole in different ensembles using generalized off-shell free energy. In this approach, black holes are viewed as defects in the thermodynamic space. We work in two ensembles: canonical ensemble in which the charge is kept fixed and grand canonical ensemble in which the conjugate potential $\phi_e$ is kept fixed. In each case, the local and global topology of the thermodynamic space is investigated via the computation of winding numbers at the defects. For 4D Euler-Heisenberg-AdS black hole in canonical ensemble, the topological class is found to be different depending on the Euler-Heisenberg (EH) parameter $a$. The topological numbers for $a<0$ and $a>0$ cases are found to be $W=+1$ and $W=0$ respectively. The topological number is found to be independent of the variation in pressure $P$ and charge $Q$ of the black hole. With the introduction of higher order QED correction, the difference in the topological class of 4D EHAdS black hole with the sign of $a$ is observed to go away.The topological number in this case is found to be $W=+1$ irrespective of the values of $a$, $P$ and $Q$. In the grand canonical ensemble, the topological number for both EHAdS and higher order QED corrected EHAdS black hole is found to be $W=0$, independent of the values of $P$, $\phi_e$ and $a$. Therefore, we infer that the topological class of both 4D EHAdS black hole and higher order QED corrected EHAdS black hole is ensemble dependent. Moreover, in the canonical ensemble, higher order QED correction alters the topological class of the black hole for positive values of EH parameter $a$. In the grand canonical ensemble, the higher order corrections do not change the thermodynamic topology of the black hole.


  • Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Particle Physics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vasilis Belis, Patrick Odagiu, Thea Klæboe Årrestad

    The detection of out-of-distribution data points is a common task in particle physics. It is used for monitoring complex particle detectors or for identifying rare and unexpected events that may be indicative of new phenomena or physics beyond the Standard Model. Recent advances in Machine Learning for anomaly detection have encouraged the utilization of such techniques on particle physics problems. This review article provides an overview of the state-of-the-art techniques for anomaly detection in particle physics using machine learning. We discuss the challenges associated with anomaly detection in large and complex data sets, such as those produced by high-energy particle colliders, and highlight some of the successful applications of anomaly detection in particle physics experiments.

  • Applications of Lipschitz neural networks to the Run 3 LHCb trigger system.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Blaise Delaney, Nicole Schulte, Gregory Ciezarek, Niklas Nolte, Mike Williams, Johannes Albrecht

    The operating conditions defining the current data taking campaign at the Large Hadron Collider, known as Run 3, present unparalleled challenges for the real-time data acquisition workflow of the LHCb experiment at CERN. To address the anticipated surge in luminosity and consequent event rate, the LHCb experiment is transitioning to a fully software-based trigger system. This evolution necessitated innovations in hardware configurations, software paradigms, and algorithmic design. A significant advancement is the integration of monotonic Lipschitz neural networks into the LHCb trigger system. These deep learning models offer certified robustness against detector instabilities, and the ability to encode domain-specific inductive biases. Such properties are crucial for the inclusive heavy-flavour triggers and, most notably, for the topological triggers designed to inclusively select $b$-hadron candidates by exploiting the unique kinematic and decay topologies of beauty decays. This paper describes the recent progress in integrating Lipschitz neural networks into the topological triggers, highlighting the resulting enhanced sensitivity to highly displaced multi-body candidates produced within the LHCb acceptance.

  • CEPC Technical Design Report -- Accelerator.- [PDF] - [Article]

    CEPC Study Group

    The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large scientific project initiated and hosted by China, fostered through extensive collaboration with international partners. The complex comprises four accelerators: a 30 GeV Linac, a 1.1 GeV Damping Ring, a Booster capable of achieving energies up to 180 GeV, and a Collider operating at varying energy modes (Z, W, H, and ttbar). The Linac and Damping Ring are situated on the surface, while the Booster and Collider are housed in a 100 km circumference underground tunnel, strategically accommodating future expansion with provisions for a Super Proton Proton Collider (SPPC). The CEPC primarily serves as a Higgs factory. In its baseline design with synchrotron radiation (SR) power of 30 MW per beam, it can achieve a luminosity of 5e34 /cm^2/s^1, resulting in an integrated luminosity of 13 /ab for two interaction points over a decade, producing 2.6 million Higgs bosons. Increasing the SR power to 50 MW per beam expands the CEPC's capability to generate 4.3 million Higgs bosons, facilitating precise measurements of Higgs coupling at sub-percent levels, exceeding the precision expected from the HL-LHC by an order of magnitude. This Technical Design Report (TDR) follows the Preliminary Conceptual Design Report (Pre-CDR, 2015) and the Conceptual Design Report (CDR, 2018), comprehensively detailing the machine's layout and performance, physical design and analysis, technical systems design, R&D and prototyping efforts, and associated civil engineering aspects. Additionally, it includes a cost estimate and a preliminary construction timeline, establishing a framework for forthcoming engineering design phase and site selection procedures. Construction is anticipated to begin around 2027-2028, pending government approval, with an estimated duration of 8 years. The commencement of experiments could potentially initiate in the mid-2030s.

  • Production and optical characterisation of blended Polyethylene Tethraplate (PET)/Polyethylene Naphtalate (PEN) scintillator samples.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P. Conde Muíño, J. A. Covas, A. Gomes, L. Gurriana, R. Machado, T. Martins, P. Mendes, R. Pedro, B. Pereira, A. J. Pontes, H. Wilkens

    In Particle and Nuclear Physics research and related applications, organic scintillators provide a cost-effective technology for the detection of ionising radiation. The next generation of experiments in this field is driving fundamental research and development on these materials, demanding improved light yield, radiation hardness, and fast response. Common materials such as PEN and PET have been found to offer scintillation properties competitive to commercial alternatives without the use of dopants. Motivated by their complementarity in terms of light yield, radiation hardness, and response time, there is an increasing interest in investigating PET:PEN mixtures to ascertain whether they exhibit synergistic blending. This paper presents results from the systematic development of samples of PET, PEN, and PET:PEN mixtures with varied mass proportions. The manufacturing technique, involving injection moulding of granule raw material, is detailed. The effects of doping the polymer base substrate with fluorescent dopants are explored. Finally, the emission spectra of the different material compositions and their relative light output are presented.

  • Insights on strange quark hadronization in small collision system with ALICE: multiple strange hadrons and $\Sigma^{\pm}$ baryons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sara Pucillo

    Among the most iconic results of Run-1 and Run-2 of the LHC is the observation of enhanced production of (multi-)strange to non-strange particles, gradually rising from low-multiplicity to high-multiplicity pp or p--Pb collisions and reaching values close to those measured in peripheral Pb--Pb collisions. The observed behaviour cannot be quantitatively reproduced by any of the available QCD-inspired MC generators. In this contribution two extensions of this study are presented: the measurement of $\Sigma$ baryons and the first measurement of the full Probability Density Function (PDF) for $K^{0}_{S}$, $\Lambda$, $\Xi^{-}$ and $\Omega^{-}$, therefore extending the study of strangeness production beyond the average of the distribution. This novel method represents a unique opportunity to test the connection between charged and strange particle multiplicity production.

  • Precise measurement of the $D^+_s$ lifetime at Belle II.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal, H. Aihara, N. Akopov, A. Aloisio, N. Anh Ky, D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan, T. Aushev, V. Aushev, M. Aversano, V. Babu, H. Bae, S. Bahinipati, P. Bambade, Sw. Banerjee, M. Barrett, J. Baudot, M. Bauer, A. Baur, A. Beaubien, J. Becker, P. K. Behera, J. V. Bennett, F. U. Bernlochner, V. Bertacchi, M. Bertemes, E. Bertholet, M. Bessner, S. Bettarini, B. Bhuyan, F. Bianchi, T. Bilka, D. Biswas, D. Bodrov, A. Bondar, A. Bozek, M. Bračko, P. Branchini, R. A. Briere, T. E. Browder, A. Budano, S. Bussino, M. Campajola, L. Cao, G. Casarosa, C. Cecchi, J. Cerasoli, M.-C. Chang, P. Chang, P. Cheema, V. Chekelian, B. G. Cheon, K. Chilikin, K. Chirapatpimol, H.-E. Cho, K. Cho, S.-K. Choi, S. Choudhury, J. Cochran, L. Corona, S. Das, F. Dattola, S. A. De La Motte, et al. (297 additional authors not shown)

    We measure the lifetime of the $D_s^+$ meson using a data sample of 207 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the Belle II experiment running at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider. The lifetime is determined by fitting the decay-time distribution of a sample of $116\times 10^3$ $D_s^+\rightarrow\phi\pi^+$ decays. Our result is $\tau^{}_{D^+_s} = (499.5\pm 1.7\pm 0.9)$ fs, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. This result is significantly more precise than previous measurements.


  • Time dependent Vibrational Electronic Coupled Cluster (VECC) theory for non-adiabatic nuclear dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Songhao Bao, Neil Raymond, Marcel Nooijen

    A time-dependent vibrational electronic coupled-cluster (VECC) approach is proposed to simulate photoelectron/ UV-VIS absorption spectra, as well as time-dependent properties for non-adiabatic vibronic models, going beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. A detailed derivation of the equations of motion and a motivation of the ansatz are presented. The VECC method employs second-quantized bosonic construction operators and a mixed linear and exponential ansatz to form a compact representation of the time-dependent wave-function. Importantly, the method does not require a basis set, has only few user-defined inputs, and has a classical (polynomial) scaling with respect to the number of degrees of freedom (of the vibronic model), resulting in a favourable computational cost. In benchmark applications to small models and molecules the VECC method provides accurate results, compared to Multi-Configurational Time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) calculations when predicting short-time dynamical properties (i.e. photo-elecron / UV-VIS absorption spectra) for non-adiabatic vibronic models. To illustrate the capabilities the VECC method is also applied successfully to a large vibronic model for hexahelicene with 14 electronic states and 63 normal modes, developed in the group by Santoro.

  • The ground-state potential and dipole moment of carbon monoxide: contributions from electronic correlation, relativistic effects, QED, adiabatic, and non-adiabatic corrections.- [PDF] - [Article]

    D. P. Usov, Y. S. Kozhedub, V. V. Meshkov, A. V. Stolyarov, N. K. Dulaev, N. S. Mosyagin, A. M. Ryzhkov, I. M. Savelyev, V. M. Shabaev, I. I. Tupitsyn

    The ground X1{\Sigma}+ state potential energy curve (PEC) and dipole moment curve (DMC) of CO molecule have been revisited within the framework of the relativistic coupled-cluster approach, which incorporates non-perturbative single, double, and triple cluster amplitudes (CCSDT) in conjunction with a finite-field methodology. The generalized relativistic pseudo-potential model was used for the effective introducing the relativity in all-electron correlation treatment and accounting the quantum-electrodynamics (QED) corrections within the model-QED-operator approach. The diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction to PEC has been evaluated using the CCSD approach. The sensitivity of resulting PEC and DMC to variations in basis set parameters and regular intramolecular perturbations were considered as well. The present ab initio results are in a reasonable agreement with their most accurate semi-empirical counterparts.

  • Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory with the Orthogonal Projector Augmented Wave Method.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Minh Nguyen, Tim Duong, Daniel Neuhauser

    The projector augmented wave (PAW) method of Bl\"ochl linearly maps smooth pseudo wavefunctions to the highly oscillatory all-electron DFT orbitals. Compared to norm-conserving pseudopotentials (NCPP), PAW has the advantage of lower kinetic energy cutoffs and larger grid spacings at the cost of having to solve for non-orthogonal wavefunctions. We earlier developed orthogonal PAW (OPAW) to allow the use of PAW when orthogonal wavefunctions are required. In OPAW, the pseudo wavefunctions are transformed through the efficient application of powers of the PAW overlap operator with essentially no extra cost compared to NCPP methods. Previously, we applied OPAW to DFT. Here, we take the first step to make OPAW viable for post-DFT methods by implementing it in real-time time-dependent (TD) DFT. Using fourth-order Runge-Kutta for the time-propagation, we compare calculations of absorption spectra for various organic and biological molecules and show that very large grid spacings are sufficient, 0.6-0.8 Bohr in OPAW-TDDFT rather than the 0.4-0.5 Bohr used in traditional NCPP-TDDFT calculations. This reduces the memory and propagation costs by up to a factor of 5. Our method would be directly applicable to any post-DFT methods that require time-dependent propagations such as GW and BSE.

  • Reversal of Orbital Hall Conductivity and Emergence of Tunable Topological Quantum States in Orbital Hall Insulator.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shilei Ji, Chuye Quan, Ruijia Yao, Jianping Yang, Xing'ao Li

    Recent findings indicate that orbital angular momentum (OAM) has the capability to induce the intrinsic orbital Hall effect (OHE), which is characterized by orbital Chern number in the orbital Hall insulator. Unlike the spin-polarized channel in Quantum anomalous Hall insulator, the OAM is valley-locked, posing challenges in manipulating the corresponding edge state. Here we demonstrate the sign-reversal orbital Chern number through strain engineering by combing the $k \cdot p$ model and first-principles calculation. Under the manipulation of strain, we observe the transfer of non-zero OAM from the valence band to the conduction band, aligning with the orbital contribution in the electronic structure. Our investigation reveals that electrons and holes with OAM exhibit opposing trajectories, resulting in a reversal of the orbital Hall conductivity. Furthermore, we explore the topological quantum state between the sign-reversible OHE.

  • Equilibrium parametric amplification in Raman-cavity hybrids.- [PDF] - [Article]

    H. P. Ojeda Collado, Marios H. Michael, Jim Skulte, Angel Rubio, Ludwig Mathey

    Parametric resonances and amplification have led to extraordinary photo-induced phenomena in pump-probe experiments. While these phenomena manifest themselves in out-of-equilibrium settings, here, we present the striking result of parametric amplification in equilibrium. In particular, we demonstrate that quantum and thermal fluctuations of a Raman-active mode amplifies light inside a cavity, at equilibrium, when the Raman mode frequency is twice the cavity mode frequency. This noise-driven amplification leads to the creation of an unusual parametric Raman polariton, intertwining the Raman mode with cavity squeezing fluctuations, with smoking gun signatures in Raman spectroscopy. In the resonant regime, we show the emergence of not only quantum light amplification but also localization and static shift of the Raman mode. Apart from the fundamental interest of equilibrium parametric amplification our study suggests a resonant mechanism for controlling Raman modes and thus matter properties by cavity fluctuations. We conclude by outlining how to compute the Raman-cavity coupling, and suggest possible experimental realization

  • Scalable simulation of non-equilibrium quantum dynamics via classically optimised unitary circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luke Causer, Felix Jung, Asimpunya Mitra, Frank Pollmann, Adam Smith

    The advent of near-term digital quantum computers could offer us an exciting opportunity to investigate quantum many-body phenomena beyond that of classical computing. To make the best use of the hardware available, it is paramount that we have methods that accurately simulate Hamiltonian dynamics for limited circuit depths. In this paper, we propose a method to classically optimise unitary brickwall circuits to approximate quantum time evolution operators. Our method is scalable in system size through the use of tensor networks. We demonstrate that, for various three-body Hamiltonians, our approach produces quantum circuits that can outperform Trotterization in both their accuracy and the quantum circuit depth needed to implement the dynamics, with the exact details being dependent on the Hamiltonian. We also explain how to choose an optimal time step that minimises the combined errors of the quantum device and the brickwall circuit approximation.

  • Rigorous results on approach to thermal equilibrium, entanglement, and nonclassicality of an optical quantum field mode scattering from the elements of a non-equilibrium quantum reservoir.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stephan De Bievre, Marco Merkli, Paul E. Parris

    Rigorous derivations of the approach of individual elements of large isolated systems to a state of thermal equilibrium, starting from arbitrary initial states, are exceedingly rare. This is particularly true for quantum mechanical systems. We demonstrate here how, through a mechanism of repeated scattering, an approach to equilibrium of this type actually occurs in a specific quantum system, one that can be viewed as a natural quantum analog of several previously studied classical models. In particular, we consider an optical mode passing through a reservoir composed of a large number of sequentially-encountered modes of the same frequency, each of which it interacts with through a beam splitter. We then analyze the dependence of the asymptotic state of this mode on the assumed stationary common initial state $\sigma$ of the reservoir modes and on the transmittance $\tau=\cos\lambda$ of the beam splitters. These results allow us to establish that at small $\lambda$ such a mode will, starting from an arbitrary initial system state $\rho$, approach a state of thermal equilibrium even when the reservoir modes are not themselves initially thermalized. We show in addition that, when the initial states are pure, the asymptotic state of the optical mode is maximally entangled with the reservoir and exhibits less nonclassicality than the state of the reservoir modes.

  • Asynchronous Entanglement Routing for the Quantum Internet.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zebo Yang, Ali Ghubaish, Raj Jain, Hassan Shapourian, Alireza Shabani

    With the emergence of the Quantum Internet, the need for advanced quantum networking techniques has significantly risen. Various models of quantum repeaters have been presented, each delineating a unique strategy to ensure quantum communication over long distances. We focus on repeaters that employ entanglement generation and swapping. This revolves around establishing remote end-to-end entanglement through repeaters, a concept we denote as the "quantum-native" repeaters (also called "first-generation" repeaters in some literature). The challenges in routing with quantum-native repeaters arise from probabilistic entanglement generation and restricted coherence time. Current approaches use synchronized time slots to search for entanglement-swapping paths, resulting in inefficiencies. Here, we propose a new set of asynchronous routing protocols for quantum networks by incorporating the idea of maintaining a dynamic topology in a distributed manner, which has been extensively studied in classical routing for lossy networks, such as using a destination-oriented directed acyclic graph (DODAG) or a spanning tree. The protocols update the entanglement-link topology asynchronously, identify optimal entanglement-swapping paths, and preserve unused direct-link entanglements. Our results indicate that asynchronous protocols achieve a larger upper bound with an appropriate setting and significantly higher entanglement rate than existing synchronous approaches, and the rate increases with coherence time, suggesting that it will have a much more profound impact on quantum networks as technology advances.

  • Federated Quantum Long Short-term Memory (FedQLSTM).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mahdi Chehimi, Samuel Yen-Chi Chen, Walid Saad, Shinjae Yoo

    Quantum federated learning (QFL) can facilitate collaborative learning across multiple clients using quantum machine learning (QML) models, while preserving data privacy. Although recent advances in QFL span different tasks like classification while leveraging several data types, no prior work has focused on developing a QFL framework that utilizes temporal data to approximate functions useful to analyze the performance of distributed quantum sensing networks. In this paper, a novel QFL framework that is the first to integrate quantum long short-term memory (QLSTM) models with temporal data is proposed. The proposed federated QLSTM (FedQLSTM) framework is exploited for performing the task of function approximation. In this regard, three key use cases are presented: Bessel function approximation, sinusoidal delayed quantum feedback control function approximation, and Struve function approximation. Simulation results confirm that, for all considered use cases, the proposed FedQLSTM framework achieves a faster convergence rate under one local training epoch, minimizing the overall computations, and saving 25-33% of the number of communication rounds needed until convergence compared to an FL framework with classical LSTM models.

  • High fidelity two-qubit quantum state tomography of Electron-14N hybrid spin register in diamond.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abhishek Shukla, Boo Carmans, Michael Petrov, Daan Vrancken, Milos Nesladek

    We report here on a major improvement of the control and characterization capabilities of 14N nuclear spin of single NV centers in diamond, as well as on a new method that we have devised for characterizing quantum states, i.e. quantum state tomography using Rabi experiments. Depending on whether we use amplitude information or phase information from Rabi experiments, we define two sub-methods namely Rabi amplitude quantum state tomography (RAQST) and Rabi phase quantum state tomography (RPQST). The advantage of Rabi-based tomography methods is that they lift the requirement of unitary operations used in other methods in general and standard methods in particular. On one hand, this does not increase the complexity of the tomography experiments in large registers, and on the other hand, it decreases the error induced by MW irradiation. We used RAQST and RPQST to investigate the quality of various two-qubit pure states in our setup. As expected, test quantum states show very high fidelity with the theoretical counterpart.

  • Lifetime Reduction of Single Germanium-Vacancy Defects in Diamond via a Tunable Open Microcavity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rigel Zifkin, César Daniel Rodríguez-Rosenblueth, Erika Janitz, Yannik Fontana, Lilian Childress

    Coupling between a single quantum emitter and an optical cavity presents a key capability for future quantum networking applications. Here, we explore interactions between individual germanium-vacancy (GeV) defects in diamond and an open microcavity at cryogenic temperatures. Exploiting the tunability of our microcavity system to characterize and select emitters, we observe a Purcell-effect-induced lifetime reduction of up to $4.5\pm0.3$, and extract coherent coupling rates up to $350\pm20$ MHz. Our results indicate that the GeV defect has favorable optical properties for cavity coupling, with a quantum efficiency of at least $0.32\pm0.05$ and likely much higher.

  • Trapped atoms and superradiance on an integrated nanophotonic microring circuit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xinchao Zhou, Hikaru Tamura, Tzu-Han Chang, Chen-Lung Hung

    Interfacing cold atoms with integrated nanophotonic devices could offer new paradigms for engineering atom-light interactions and provide a potentially scalable route for quantum sensing, metrology, and quantum information processing. However, it remains a challenging task to efficiently trap a large ensemble of cold atoms on an integrated nanophotonic circuit. Here, we demonstrate the first direct loading of an ensemble of nearly a hundred atoms into an optical microtrap on a nanophotonic microring circuit, with a trap lifetime approaching one second. Efficient trap loading is achieved by employing degenerate Raman-sideband cooling with a built-in spin-motion coupling in the microtrap and a single optical beam sent from free space for optical pumping. We show that the trapped atoms display large cooperative coupling and superradiant decay into a whispering-gallery mode of the microring resonator, holding promise for explorations of new collective effects. Our technique can be extended to trapping a large ensemble of cold atoms on nanophotonic circuits for various quantum applications.

  • Data Needs and Challenges of Quantum Dot Devices Automation: Workshop Report.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Justyna P. Zwolak, Jacob M. Taylor, Reed Andrews, Jared Benson, Garnett Bryant, Donovan Buterakos, Anasua Chatterjee, Sankar Das Sarma, Mark A. Eriksson, Eliška Greplová, Michael J. Gullans, Fabian Hader, Tyler J. Kovach, Pranav S. Mundada, Mick Ramsey, Torbjoern Rasmussen, Brandon Severin, Anthony Sigillito, Brennan Undseth, Brian Weber

    Gate-defined quantum dots are a promising candidate system to realize scalable, coupled qubit systems and serve as a fundamental building block for quantum computers. However, present-day quantum dot devices suffer from imperfections that must be accounted for, which hinders the characterization, tuning, and operation process. Moreover, with an increasing number of quantum dot qubits, the relevant parameter space grows sufficiently to make heuristic control infeasible. Thus, it is imperative that reliable and scalable autonomous tuning approaches are developed. In this report, we outline current challenges in automating quantum dot device tuning and operation with a particular focus on datasets, benchmarking, and standardization. We also present ideas put forward by the quantum dot community on how to overcome them.

  • On Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting Bose gases in the Kac-Luttinger model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chiara Boccato, Joachim Kerner, Maximilian Pechmann

    We study interacting Bose gases of dimensions $2\le d \in \mathbb N$ at zero temperature in a random model known as the Kac-Luttinger model. Choosing the pair-interaction between the bosons to be of a mean-field type, we prove (complete) Bose-Einstein condensation in probability or with probability almost one into the minimizer of a Hartree-type functional. We accomplish this by building upon very recent results by Alain-Sol Sznitman on the spectral gap of the noninteracting Bose gas.

  • Experimental Upper Bounds for Resonance-Enhanced Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Section of Indocyanine Green.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manni He, Bryce P. Hickam, Nathan Harper, Scott K. Cushing

    Resonant intermediate states have been proposed to increase the efficiency of entangled two-photon absorption (ETPA). Although resonance-enhanced ETPA (r-ETPA) has been demonstrated in atomic systems using bright squeezed vacuum, it has not been studied in organic molecules. We investigate for the first time r-ETPA in an organic molecular dye, indocyanine green (ICG), when excited by broadband entangled photons in near-IR. Similar to many reported virtual state mediated ETPA (v-ETPA) measurements, no r-ETPA signals are measured, with an experimental upper bound for the cross section placed at $6 \times 10^{-23}$ cm$^2$/molecule. In addition, the classical resonance-enhanced two-photon absorption (r-TPA) cross section of ICG at 800 nm is measured for the first time to be $20(\pm13)$ GM, suggesting that having a resonant intermediate state does not significantly enhance two-photon processes in ICG. The spectrotemporally resolved emission signatures of ICG excited by entangled photons are also presented to support this conclusion.

  • Broken inversion symmetry in van der Waals topological ferromagnetic metal iron germanium telluride.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kai-Xuan Zhang, Hwiin Ju, Hyuncheol Kim, Jingyuan Cui, Jihoon Keum, Je-Geun Park, Jong Seok Lee

    Inversion symmetry breaking is critical for many quantum effects and fundamental for spin-orbit torque, which is crucial for next-generation spintronics. Recently, a novel type of gigantic intrinsic spin-orbit torque has been established in the topological van-der-Waals (vdW) magnet iron germanium telluride. However, it remains a puzzle because no clear evidence exists for interlayer inversion symmetry breaking. Here, we report the definitive evidence of broken inversion symmetry in iron germanium telluride directly measured by the second harmonic generation (SHG) technique. Our data show that the crystal symmetry reduces from centrosymmetric P63/mmc to noncentrosymmetric polar P3m1 space group, giving the three-fold SHG pattern with dominant out-of-plane polarization. Additionally, the SHG response evolves from an isotropic pattern to a sharp three-fold symmetry upon increasing Fe deficiency, mainly due to the transition from random defects to ordered Fe vacancies. Such SHG response is robust against temperature, ensuring unaltered crystalline symmetries above and below the ferromagnetic transition temperature. These findings add crucial new information to our understanding of this interesting vdW metal, iron germanium telluride: band topology, intrinsic spin-orbit torque and topological vdW polar metal states.

  • Concatenating Binomial Codes with the Planar Code.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Juliette Soule, Andrew C. Doherty, Arne L. Grimsmo

    Rotation symmetric bosonic codes are are an attractive encoding for qubits into oscillator degrees of freedom, particularly in superconducting qubit experiments. While these codes can tolerate considerable loss and dephasing, they will need to be combined with higher level codes to achieve large-scale devices. We investigate concatenating these codes with the planar code in a measurement-based scheme for fault-tolerant quantum computation. We focus on binomial codes as the base level encoding, and estimate break-even points for such encodings under loss for various types of measurement protocol. These codes are more resistant to photon loss errors, but require both higher mean photon numbers and higher phase resolution for gate operations and measurements. We find that it is necessary to implement adaptive phase measurements, maximum likelihood quantum state inference, and weighted minimum weight decoding to obtain good performance for a planar code using binomial code qubits.

  • Quantum multigraph states and multihypergraph states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Dong Zhang, Bin-Bin Cai, Song Lin

    We proposed two classes of multiparticle entangled states, the multigraph states and multihypergraph states, defined by unique operations on the edges and hyperedges. A key discovery is the one-to-one correspondence between the proposed multihypergraph states and the generalized real equally weighted states when d is prime. While for composite d, multihypergraph states form a subset of the generalized real equally weighted states. Meanwhile, we detailed a method for constructing real equally weighted states from hypergraph states and revealed the generalized real equally weighted states which cannot be generated from d-dimensional hypergraph states.

  • Critical quantum geometric tensors of parametrically-driven nonlinear resonators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hao-Long Zhang, Jia-Hao Lv, Ken Chen, Xue-Jia Yu, Fan Wu, Zhen-Biao Yang, Shi-Biao Zheng

    Parametrically driven nonlinear resonators represent a building block for realizing fault-tolerant quantum computation and are useful for critical quantum sensing. From a fundamental viewpoint, the most intriguing feature of such a system is perhaps the critical phenomena, which can occur without interaction with any other quantum system. The non-analytic behaviors of its eigenspectrum have been substantially investigated, but those associated with the ground state wavefunction have largely remained unexplored. Using the quantum ground state geometric tensor as an indicator, we comprehensively establish a phase diagram involving the driving parameter $\varepsilon$ and phase $\phi$. The results reveal that with the increase in $\varepsilon$, the system undergoes a quantum phase transition from the normal to the superradiant phase, with the critical point unaffected by $\phi$. Furthermore, the critical exponent and scaling dimension are obtained by an exact numerical method, which is consistent with previous works. Our numerical results show that the phase transition falls within the universality class of the quantum Rabi model. This work reveals that the quantum metric and Berry curvature display diverging behaviors across the quantum phase transition.

  • Time-reversal assisted quantum metrology with an optimal control.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Da-Wei Luo, Ting Yu

    We propose a protocol to overcome the shot noise limit and reach the Heisenberg scaling limit for parameter estimation by using quantum optimal control and a time-reversal strategy. Exemplified through the phase estimation, which can play an important role in quantum navigation and measurement, we show that the uncertainty arising from a photon number measurement of the system can saturate the assisted Cream\'er-Rao bound, independent of the phase being estimated. In a realistic case with photon loss, we show that the optimal estimation may still be attainable by optimal control and a projective measurement on an ancilla two-level system coupled to photonic modes.

  • Entanglement in few-nucleon scattering events.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tanja Kirchner, Wael Elkamhawy, Hans-Werner Hammer

    We investigate the spin entanglement in few-nucleon scattering processes involving nucleons and deuterons. For this purpose, we consider the entanglement power introduced by Beane et al. We analyze different entanglement entropies as a basis to define the entanglement power of the strong interaction and calculate the corresponding entanglement powers for proton-neutron, neutron-deuteron, proton-deuteron, and deuteron-deuteron scattering. For the latter two processes, we also take into account the modification from the Coulomb interaction. In contrast to proton-neutron scattering, no universal low-energy features are evident in the spin entanglement in neutron-deuteron, proton-deuteron, and deuteron-deuteron scattering.

  • Tuning Quantum Computing Privacy through Quantum Error Correction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hui Zhong, Keyi Ju, Manojna Sistla, Xinyue Zhang, Xiaoqi Qin, Xin Fu, Miao Pan

    Quantum computing is a promising paradigm for efficiently solving large and high-complexity problems. To protect quantum computing privacy, pioneering research efforts proposed to redefine differential privacy (DP) in quantum computing, i.e., quantum differential privacy (QDP), and harvest inherent noises generated by quantum computing to implement QDP. However, such an implementation approach is limited by the amount of inherent noises, which makes the privacy budget of the QDP mechanism fixed and uncontrollable. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose to leverage quantum error correction (QEC) techniques to reduce quantum computing errors, while tuning the privacy protection levels in QDP. In short, we gradually decrease the quantum noise error rate by deciding whether to apply QEC operations on the gate in a multiple single qubit gates circuit. We have derived a new calculation formula for the general error rate and corresponding privacy budgets after QEC operation. Then, we expand to achieve further noise reduction using multi-level concatenated QEC operation. Through extensive numerical simulations, we demonstrate that QEC is a feasible way to regulate the degree of privacy protection in quantum computing.

  • Generalised Geometric Phase: Mathematical Aspects.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vivek M. Vyas

    An operator generalisation of the notion of geometric phase has been recently proposed purely based on physical grounds. Here we provide a mathematical foundation for its existence, while uncovering new geometrical structures in quantum systems. While probing the average of any observable it is found that a quantum system exhibits different ray spaces and associated fibre bundle structures. The generalised geometric phase is understood as (an)holonomy of a connection over these fibre bundles. The underlying ray spaces in general are found to be pseudo-Kahler manifolds, and its symplectic structure gets manifests as the generalised geometric phase.

  • Proposals for ruling out the real quantum theories in an entanglement-swapping quantum network with causally independent sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jian Yao, Hu Chen, Ya-Li Mao, Zheng-Da Li, Jingyun Fan

    The question of whether complex numbers play a fundamental role in quantum theory has been debated since the inception of quantum mechanics. Recently, a feasible proposal to differentiate between real and complex quantum theories based on the technique of testing Bell nonlocalities has emerged [Nature 600, 625-629 (2021)]. Based on this method, the real quantum theory has been falsified experimentally in both photonic and superconducting quantum systems [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 040402 (2022), Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 040403 (2022)]. The quantum networks with multiple independent sources which are not causally connected have gained significant interest as they offer new perspective on studying the nonlocalities. The independence of these sources imposes additional constraints on observable covariances and leads to new bounds for classical and quantum correlations. In this study, we examine the discrimination between the real and complex quantum theories with an entanglement swapping scenario under a stronger assumption that the two sources are causally independent, which wasn't made in previous works. Using a revised Navascu\'es-Pironio-Ac\'in method and Bayesian optimization, we find a proposal with optimal coefficients of the correlation function which could give a larger discrimination between the real and quantum theories comparing with the existing proposals. This work opens up avenues for further exploration of the discrimination between real and complex quantum theories within intricate quantum networks featuring causally independent parties.

  • A fixed-point algorithm for matrix projections with applications in quantum information.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shrigyan Brahmachari, Roberto Rubboli, Marco Tomamichel

    We develop a simple fixed-point iterative algorithm that computes the matrix projection with respect to the Bures distance on the set of positive definite matrices that are invariant under some symmetry. We prove that the fixed-point iteration algorithm converges exponentially fast to the optimal solution in the number of iterations. Moreover, it numerically shows fast convergence compared to the off-the-shelf semidefinite program solvers. Our algorithm, for the specific case of matrix barycenters, recovers the fixed-point iterative algorithm originally introduced in (\'Alvarez-Esteban et al., 2016). Compared to previous works, our proof is more general and direct as it is based only on simple matrix inequalities. Finally, we discuss several applications of our algorithm in quantum resource theories and quantum Shannon theory.

  • Arbitrary relaxation rate under non-Hermitian matrix iterations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jaš Bensa

    We study the exponential relaxation of observables, propagated with a non-Hermitian transfer matrix, an example being out-of-time-ordered correlations (OTOC) in brickwall (BW) random quantum circuits. Until a time that scales as the system size, the exponential decay of observables is not usually determined by the second largest eigenvalue of the transfer matrix, as one can naively expect, but it is in general slower -- this slower decay rate was dubbed "phantom eigenvalue". Generally, this slower decay is given by the largest value in the pseudospecturm of the transfer matrix, however we show that the decay rate can be an arbitrary value between the second largest eigenvalue and the largest value in the pseudospectrum. This arbitrary decay can be observed for example in the propagation of OTOC in periodic boundary conditions BW circuits. To explore this phenomenon, we study a 1D biased random walk coupled to two reservoirs at the edges, and prove that this simple system also exhibits phantom eigenvalues.

  • Dipole coupling of a bilayer graphene quantum dot to a high-impedance microwave resonator.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Max J. Ruckriegel, Lisa M. Gächter, David Kealhofer, Mohsen Bahrami Panah, Chuyao Tong, Christoph Adam, Michele Masseroni, Hadrien Duprez, Rebekka Garreis, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Andreas Wallraff, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Wei Wister Huang

    We implement circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) with quantum dots in bilayer graphene, a maturing material platform for semiconductor qubits that can host long-lived spin and valley states. The presented device combines a high-impedance ($Z_\mathrm{r} \approx 1 \mathrm{k{\Omega}}$) superconducting microwave resonator with a double quantum dot electrostatically defined in a graphene-based van der Waals heterostructure. Electric dipole coupling between the subsystems allows the resonator to sense the electric susceptibility of the double quantum dot from which we reconstruct its charge stability diagram. We achieve sensitive and fast detection with a signal-to-noise ratio of 3.5 within 1 ${\mu}\mathrm{s}$ integration time. The charge-photon interaction is quantified in the dispersive and resonant regimes by comparing the coupling-induced change in the resonator response to input-output theory, yielding a maximal coupling strength of $g/2{\pi} = 49.7 \mathrm{MHz}$. Our results introduce cQED as a probe for quantum dots in van der Waals materials and indicate a path toward coherent charge-photon coupling with bilayer graphene quantum dots.

  • Generation of squeezed Fock states by measurement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. B. Korolev, E. N. Bashmakova, A. K. Tagantsev, T. Yu. Golubeva

    The generation of squeezed Fock states by the one or more photon subtraction from a two-mode entangled Gaussian (TMEG) state is theoretically addressed. We showed that an arbitrary order Fock state can be generated this way and we obtained a condition that should be imposed on the parameters of the TMEG state to guaranty such a generation. We called the regime, in which this condition is satisfied, universal solution regime. We showed that, for first squeezed Fock state, the above condition is redundant such that the generation of the first squeezed Fock state is still possible by a one photon subtraction from an arbitrary TMEG state. At the same time, the maximum generation probability of the first squeezed Fock state generation corresponds to the universal solution regime. We applied the above results to the description of generation of the squeezed Fock states using a beam splitter and a Controlled-Z operation. We have estimated the parameters of such setups and input squeezed states, which are necessary to obtain squeezed Fock states with the maximum probability.

  • On-demand transposition across light-matter interaction regimes in bosonic cQED.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fernando Valadares, Ni-Ni Huang, Kyle Chu, Aleksandr Dorogov, Weipin Chua, Kong Lingda, Pengtao Song, Yvonne Y. Gao

    The diverse applications of light-matter interactions in science and technology stem from the qualitatively distinct ways these interactions manifest, prompting the development of physical platforms that can interchange between regimes on demand. Bosonic cQED employs the light field of high-Q superconducting cavities coupled to non-linear circuit elements, harnessing the rich dynamics of their interaction for quantum information processing. However, implementing fast switching of the interaction regime without deteriorating the cavity coherence is a significant challenge. We present the first experiment to achieve this feat, combining nanosecond-scale frequency tunability of a transmon coupled to a cavity with lifetime of hundreds of microseconds. Our implementation affords a range of new capabilities for quantum information processing; from fast creation of cavity Fock states using resonant interaction and interchanging tomography techniques at qualitatively distinct interaction regimes on the fly, to the suppression of unwanted cavity-transmon dynamics during idle evolution. By bringing flux tunability into the bosonic cQED toolkit, our work opens up a new paradigm to probe the full range of light-matter interaction dynamics within a single platform and provides valuable new pathways towards robust and versatile quantum information processing.

  • Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, Weibin Li

    We investigate a tripartite quantum Rabi model (TQRM) wherein a bosonic mode concurrently couples to two spin-1/2 particles through a spin-spin interaction, resulting in a spin-spin-boson coupling--a departure from conventional quantum Rabi models featuring bipartite spin-boson couplings. The symmetries of the TQRM depend on the detuning parameter, representing the energy difference between the spin states. At zero detuning, a parity symmetry renders the TQRM reducible to a quantum Rabi model. A subradiant to superradiant transition in the groundstate is predicted as the tripartite coupling strength increases. For non-zero detuning, the total spin emerges as the sole conserved quantity in the TQRM. It is found that superradiance prevails in the groundstate as long as the tripartite coupling remains non-zero. We derive the Braak G-function of the TQRM analytically, with which the eigenspectra are obtained. The TQRM can be realized in a viable trapped Rydberg ion quantum simulator where the required tripartite couplings and single body interactions in the TQRM are naturally present.

  • Digital homodyne and heterodyne detection for stationary bosonic modes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ingrid Strandberg, Axel Eriksson, Baptiste Royer, Mikael Kervinen, Simone Gasparinetti

    Homo- and heterodyne detection are fundamental techniques for measuring propagating electromagnetic fields. However, applying these techniques to stationary fields confined in cavities poses a challenge. As a way to overcome this challenge, we propose to use repeated indirect measurements of a two-level system interacting with the cavity. We demonstrate numerically that the proposed measurement scheme faithfully reproduces measurement statistics of homo- or heterodyne detection at the single-shot level. The scheme can be implemented in various physical architectures, including circuit quantum electrodynamics. Our results pave the way to the implementation of quantum algorithms requiring linear detection, including quantum verification protocols, in stationary modes.

  • Effective models for dense vortex lattices in the Kitaev honeycomb model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David J. Alspaugh, Jean-Noël Fuchs, Anna Ritz-Zwilling, Julien Vidal

    We introduce low-energy effective models for dense configurations of vortices in the Kitaev honeycomb model. Specifically, we consider configurations of vortices in which vortex-free plaquettes form triangular lattices against a vortex-full background. Depending on the vortex density, these "dual" configurations belong to either one of two families classified by translation and inversion symmetry. As a function of a time-reversal symmetry breaking term, one family exhibits gapped phases with even Chern numbers separated by extended gapless phases, while the other exhibits gapped phases with even or odd Chern numbers, separated by critical points. We construct an effective model for each family, determine the parameters of these models by fitting the integrated density of states, and reproduce energy spectra and Chern numbers of the Kitaev honeycomb model. We also derive phase diagrams and determine these models' validity.

  • Estimation of electrostatic interaction energies on a trapped-ion quantum computer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pauline J. Ollitrault, Matthias Loipersberger, Robert M. Parrish, Alexander Erhard, Christine Maier, Christian Sommer, Juris Ulmanis, Thomas Monz, Christian Gogolin, Christofer S. Tautermann, Gian-Luca R. Anselmetti, Matthias Degroote, Nikolaj Moll, Raffaele Santagati, Michael Streif

    We present the first hardware implementation of electrostatic interaction energies using a trapped-ion quantum computer. As test system for our computation, we focus on the reduction of $\mathrm{NO}$ to $\mathrm{N}_2\mathrm{O}$ catalyzed by a nitric oxide reductase (NOR). The quantum computer is used to generate an approximate ground state within the NOR active space. To efficiently measure the necessary one-particle density matrices, we incorporate fermionic basis rotations into the quantum circuit without extending the circuit length, laying the groundwork for further efficient measurement routines using factorizations. Measurements in the computational basis are then used as inputs for computing the electrostatic interaction energies on a classical computer. Our experimental results strongly agree with classical noise-less simulations of the same circuits, finding electrostatic interaction energies within chemical accuracy despite hardware noise. This work shows that algorithms tailored to specific observables of interest, such as interaction energies, may require significantly fewer quantum resources than individual ground state energies would in the straightforward supermolecular approach.

  • A quantum computing concept for 1-D elastic wave simulation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Malte Schade, Cyrill Boesch, Vaclav Hapla, Andreas Fichtner

    Quantum computing has attracted considerable attention in recent years because it promises speed-ups that conventional supercomputers cannot offer, at least for some applications. Though existing quantum computers are, in most cases, still too small to solve significant problems, their future impact on domain sciences is already being explored now. Within this context, we present a quantum computing concept for 1-D elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous media with two components: a theoretical formulation and an implementation on a real quantum computer. The method rests on a finite-difference approximation, followed by a sparsity-preserving transformation of the discrete elastic wave equation to a Schr\"{o}dinger equation, which can be simulated directly on a gate-based quantum computer. An implementation on an error-free quantum simulator verifies our approach and forms the basis of numerical experiments with small problems on the real quantum computer IBM Brisbane. The latter produce simulation results that qualitatively agree with the error-free version but are contaminated by quantum decoherence and noise effects. Complementing the discrete transformation to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation by a continuous version allows the replacement of finite differences by other spatial discretisation schemes, such as the spectral-element method. Anticipating the emergence of error-corrected quantum chips, an analogy between our method and analyses of coupled mass-spring systems suggests that our quantum computing approach may lead to wave field simulations that run exponentially faster than simulations on classical computers.

  • Absence of a dissipative quantum phase transition in Josephson junctions: Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Carles Altimiras, Daniel Esteve, Çağlar Girit, Hélène le Sueur, Philippe Joyez

    We obtain the reduced density matrix of a resistively shunted Josephson junction (RSJ), using the stochastic Liouville equation method in imaginary time - an exact numerical scheme based on the Feynman-Vernon influence functional. For all parameters looked at, we find a shunted junction is more superconducting than the same unshunted junction. We find no trace of Schmid's superconducting-insulating quantum phase transition long believed to occur in the RSJ. This work confirms theoretically a similar conclusion drawn in 2020 by Murani et al., based on experimental observations. We reveal that predictions of an insulating junction in previous works were due to considering Ohmic environments with no UV cutoff.

  • Action formalism for geometric phases from self-closing quantum trajectories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dominic Shea, Alessandro Romito

    When subject to measurements, quantum systems evolve along stochastic quantum trajectories that can be naturally equipped with a geometric phase observable via a post-selection in a final projective measurement. When post-selecting the trajectories to form a close loop, the geometric phase undergoes a topological transition driven by the measurement strength. Here, we study the geometric phase of a subset of self-closing trajectories induced by a continuous Gaussian measurement of a single qubit system. We utilize a stochastic path integral that enables the analysis of rare self-closing events using action methods and develop the formalism to incorporate the measurement-induced geometric phase therein. We show that the geometric phase of the most likely trajectories undergoes a topological transition for self-closing trajectories as a function of the measurement strength parameter. Moreover, the inclusion of Gaussian corrections in the vicinity of the most probable self-closing trajectory quantitatively changes the transition point in agreement with results from numerical simulations of the full set of quantum trajectories.

  • On the Conditions for a Quantum Violent Relaxation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giachetti Guido, Defenu Nicolò

    In general, classical fully-connected systems are known to undergo violent relaxation. This phenomenon refers to the relaxation of observables to stationary, non-thermal, values on a finite timescale, despite their long-time dynamics being dominated by mean-field effects in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we analyze the ``quantum" violent relaxation by studying the dynamics of generic many-body systems with two-body, all-to-all, interactions in the thermodynamic limit. We show that, in order for violent relaxation to occur very specific conditions on the spectrum of the mean-field effective Hamiltonian have to be met. These conditions are hardly met and ``quantum" violent relaxation is observed rarely with respect to its classical counterpart. Our predictions are validated by the study of a spin model which, depending on the value of the coupling, shows a transition between violent-relaxation and a generic prethermal phase. We also analyze a spin version of the quantum Hamiltonian-Mean-Field model, which is shown not to exhibit violent-relaxation. Finally, we discuss how the violent-relaxation picture emerges back in the classical limit. Our results demonstrate how, even in the mean-field regime, quantum effects have a rather dramatic impact on the dynamics, paving the way to a better understanding of light-matter coupled systems.

  • Improved Quantum Algorithms for Eigenvalues Finding and Gradient Descent.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nhat A. Nghiem, Tzu-Chieh Wei

    Block encoding is a key ingredient in the recently developed quantum signal processing that forms a unifying framework for quantum algorithms. Initially showcased for simplifying and optimizing resource utilization in several problems, such as searching, amplitude estimation, and Hamiltonian simulation, the capabilities of the quantum signal processing go beyond these and offer untapped potential for devising new quantum algorithms. In this article, we utilize block encoding to substantially enhance two previously proposed quantum algorithms: largest eigenvalue estimation and quantum gradient descent. Unlike previous works that involve sophisticated procedures, our findings, using the unitary block encoding, demonstrate that even with elementary operations, these new quantum algorithms can eliminate major scaling factors present in their original counterparts. This yields much more efficient quantum algorithms capable of tackling complex computational problems with remarkable efficiency. Furthermore, we show how to extend our proposed method to different contexts, including matrix inversion and multiple eigenvalues estimation.

  • Quantum repeater node with free-space coupled trapped ions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Max Bergerhoff, Omar Elshehy, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, Jürgen Eschner

    The quantum repeater cell is a basic building block for a quantum network, as it allows to overcome the distance limitations due to unavoidable fiber loss in direct transmission. We demonstrate the implementation of a quantum repeater cell, based on two free-space coupled $^{40}$Ca$^+$ ions in the same trap that act as quantum memories. We demonstrate the asynchronous generation of atom-photon and photon-photon entanglement by controlled emission of single photons from the individually addressed ions and entanglement swapping. We discuss the fidelity as well as the scaling of the generated rate.

  • The Geometry of Quantum Computing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. Ercolessi, R. Fioresi, T. Weber

    In this expository paper we present a brief introduction to the geometrical modeling of some quantum computing problems. After a brief introduction to establish the terminology, we focus on quantum information geometry and ZX-calculus, establishing a connection between quantum computing questions and quantum groups, i.e. Hopf algebras.

  • A strontium quantum-gas microscope.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sandra Buob, Jonatan Höschele, Vasiliy Makhalov, Antonio Rubio-Abadal, Leticia Tarruell

    The development of quantum-gas microscopes has brought novel ways of probing quantum degenerate many-body systems at the single-atom level. Until now, most of these setups have focused on alkali atoms. Expanding quantum-gas microscopy to alkaline-earth elements will provide new tools, such as SU(N)-symmetric fermionic isotopes or ultranarrow optical transitions, to the field of quantum simulation. Here, we demonstrate the site-resolved imaging of a $^{84}$Sr bosonic quantum gas in a Hubbard-regime optical lattice. The quantum gas is confined by a two-dimensional in-plane lattice and a light-sheet potential, which operate at the strontium clock-magic wavelength of 813.4 nm. We realize fluorescence imaging using the broad 461 nm transition, which provides high spatial resolution. Simultaneously, we perform attractive Sisyphus cooling with the narrow 689 nm intercombination line. We reconstruct the atomic occupation from the fluorescence images, obtaining imaging fidelities above 94%. Finally, we realize a $^{84}$Sr superfluid in the Bose-Hubbard regime. We observe its interference pattern upon expansion, a probe of phase coherence, with single-atom resolution. Our strontium quantum-gas microscope provides a new platform to study dissipative Hubbard models, quantum optics in atomic arrays, and SU(N) fermions at the microscopic level.

  • Enhanced phonon lifetimes with optically controlled single molecules.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Victor Ceban, Mihai A. Macovei

    We have investigated the phonon dynamics of a single-molecule embedded in a mechanical resonator made of an organic crystal. The whole system is placed in an optical resonator within the bad cavity limit. We have found that the optical control of the molecular population affects the phonon dynamics. Long-lived phonons are obtained when slowing-down the decay dynamics of the molecule via modulation of the transition frequency. The discussed results are also valid for optomechanical setups based on other types of two-level emitters and mechanical resonators.

  • Polar Duality and the Reconstruction of Quantum Covariance Matrices from Partial Data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maurice A. de Gosson

    We address the problem of the reconstruction of quantum covariance matrices using the notion of Lagrangian and symplectic polar duality introduced in previous work. We apply our constructions to Gaussian quantum states which leads to a non-trivial generalization of Pauli's reconstruction problem and we state a simple tomographic characterization of such states.

  • Simulating a two component Bose-Hubbard model with imbalanced hopping in a Rydberg tweezer array.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Y. Zhang, A. Gaddie, H-V. Do, G. W. Biedermann, R. J. Lewis-Swan

    Optical tweezer arrays of neutral atoms provide a versatile platform for quantum simulation due to the range of interactions and Hamiltonians that can be realized and explored. We propose to simulate a two-component Bose-Hubbard model with power-law hopping using arrays of multilevel Rydberg atoms featuring resonant dipolar interactions. The diversity of states that can be used to encode the local Hilbert space of the Bose-Hubbard model enables control of the relative hopping rate of each component and even the realization of spin-flip hopping. We use numerical simulations to show how multilevel Rydberg atoms provide an opportunity to explore the diverse non-equilibrium quench dynamics of the model. For example, we demonstrate a separation of the relaxation timescales of effective spin and charge degrees of freedom, and observe regimes of slow relaxation when the effective hopping rates of the two components are vastly different due to dynamical constraints arising from hardcore boson interactions. We discuss the technical details of realizing our proposal in state-of-the-art Rydberg tweezer arrays.

  • Low-noise cryogenic microwave amplifier characterization with a calibrated noise source.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Malnou, T. F. Q. Larson, J. D. Teufel, F. Lecocq, J. Aumentado

    Parametric amplifiers have become a workhorse in superconducting quantum computing, however research and development of these devices has been hampered by inconsistent, and sometimes misleading noise performance characterization methodologies. The concepts behind noise characterization are deceptively simple, and there are many places where one can make mistakes, either in measurement or interpretation and analysis. In this article we cover the basics of noise performance characterization, and the special problems it presents in parametric amplifiers with limited power handling capability. We illustrate the issues with three specific examples: a high-electron mobility transistor amplifier, a Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier, and a Josephson parametric amplifier. We emphasize the use of a 50-$\Omega$ shot noise tunnel junction (SNTJ) as a broadband noise source, demonstrating its utility for cryogenic amplifier amplifications. These practical examples highlight the role of loss as well as the additional parametric amplifier `idler' input mode.

  • Ancilla-Assisted Process Tomography with Bipartiete Mixed Separable States.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhuoran Bao, Daniel F. V. James

    It has been shown that the entanglement between the system state and the ancillary state is not a strict requirement for performing ancilla-assisted process tomography(AAPT). Instead, it only requires that the system-ancilla state be faithful, which is equivalent to the invertibility of a certain matrix representing the state. However, it is difficult to distinguish between a faithful state that brings small error amplification and one that produces larger error amplification. Restricted to two-qubit system-ancilla states, we present a theoretical analysis to connect the invertibility problem to the concept of sinisterness, which classifies the correlation of two qubits. Using sinisterness, we provide a way of constructing all two qubits faithful mixed separable states with the smallest error amplification. We show that the maximally entangled states provided the smallest error amplification, while the separable Werner states produced an uneven error amplification larger than the maximally entangled state. Nevertheless, the error amplification due to inverting the separable Werner states or isotropic states is the best any mixed separable state can do.

  • Quantum algorithms for scientific applications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Au-Yeung, B. Camino, O. Rathore, V. Kendon

    Quantum computing promises to provide the next step up in computational power for diverse application areas. In this review, we examine the science behind the quantum hype and breakthroughs required to achieve true quantum advantage in real world applications. Areas that are likely to have the greatest impact on high performance computing (HPC) include simulation of quantum systems, optimisation, and machine learning. We draw our examples from materials simulations and computational fluid dynamics which account for a large fraction of current scientific and engineering use of HPC. Potential challenges include encoding and decoding classical data for quantum devices, and mismatched clock speeds between classical and quantum processors. Even a modest quantum enhancement to current classical techniques would have far-reaching impacts in areas such as weather forecasting, engineering, aerospace, drug design, and realising ``green'' materials for sustainable development. This requires significant effort from the computational science, engineering and quantum computing communities working together.

  • Quantization of pseudo-hermitian systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M.C. Baldiotti, R. Fresneda

    This work is a generalization of \cite{baldiotti2021} to Grassmann algebras of arbitrary dimensions. Here we present a covariant quantization scheme for pseudoclassical theories focused on non-hermitian quantum mechanics. The quantization maps canonically related pseudoclassical theories to equivalent quantum realizations in arbitrary dimensions. We apply the formalism to the problem of two coupled spins with Heisenberg interaction.

  • Permutation-invariant quantum circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maximilian Balthasar Mansky, Santiago Londoño Castillo, Victor Ramos Puigvert, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

    The implementation of physical symmetries into problem descriptions allows for the reduction of parameters and computational complexity. We show the integration of the permutation symmetry as the most restrictive discrete symmetry into quantum circuits. The permutation symmetry is the supergroup of all other discrete groups. We identify the permutation with a $\operatorname{SWAP}$ operation on the qubits. Based on the extension of the symmetry into the corresponding Lie algebra, quantum circuit element construction is shown via exponentiation. This allows for ready integration of the permutation group symmetry into quantum circuit ansatzes. The scaling of the number of parameters is found to be $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$, significantly lower than the general case and an indication that symmetry restricts the applicability of quantum computing. We also show how to adapt existing circuits to be invariant under a permutation symmetry by modification.

  • Quantum density estimation with density matrices: Application to quantum anomaly detection.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Diego H. Useche, Oscar A. Bustos-Brinez, Joseph A. Gallego, Fabio A. González

    Density estimation is a central task in statistics and machine learning. This problem aims to determine the underlying probability density function that best aligns with an observed data set. Some of its applications include statistical inference, unsupervised learning, and anomaly detection. Despite its relevance, few works have explored the application of quantum computing to density estimation. In this article, we present a novel quantum-classical density matrix density estimation model, called Q-DEMDE, based on the expected values of density matrices and a novel quantum embedding called quantum Fourier features. The method uses quantum hardware to build probability distributions of training data via mixed quantum states. As a core subroutine, we propose a new algorithm to estimate the expected value of a mixed density matrix from its spectral decomposition on a quantum computer. In addition, we present an application of the method for quantum-classical anomaly detection. We evaluated the density estimation model with quantum random and quantum adaptive Fourier features on different data sets on a quantum simulator and a real quantum computer. An important result of this work is to show that it is possible to perform density estimation and anomaly detection with high performance on present-day quantum computers.

  • Dynamical decoupling for superconducting qubits: a performance survey.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nic Ezzell, Bibek Pokharel, Lina Tewala, Gregory Quiroz, Daniel A. Lidar

    Dynamical Decoupling (DD) is perhaps the simplest and least resource-intensive error suppression strategy for improving quantum computer performance. Here we report on a large-scale survey of the performance of 60 different DD sequences from 10 families, including basic as well as advanced sequences with high order error cancellation properties and built-in robustness. The survey is performed using three different superconducting-qubit IBMQ devices, with the goal of assessing the relative performance of the different sequences in the setting of arbitrary quantum state preservation. We find that the high-order universally robust (UR) and quadratic DD (QDD) sequences generally outperform all other sequences across devices and pulse interval settings. Surprisingly, we find that DD performance for basic sequences such as CPMG and XY4 can be made to nearly match that of UR and QDD by optimizing the pulse interval, with the optimal interval being substantially larger than the minimum interval possible on each device.

  • On Quantum Sobolev Inequalities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Laurent Lafleche

    We investigate the quantum analogue of the classical Sobolev inequalities in the phase space, with the quantum Sobolev norms defined in terms of Schatten norms of commutators. These inequalities provide an uncertainty principle for the Wigner-Yanase skew information, and also lead to new bounds on the Schatten norms of the Weyl quantization in terms of its symbol. As an intermediate tool, we obtain the analogue of Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev's inequalities for a semiclassical analogue of the convolution, and introduce quantum Besov spaces. Explicit estimates are obtained on the optimal constants.

  • Quasiparticles of Decoherence Processes in Open Quantum Many-Body Systems: Incoherentons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Taiki Haga, Masaya Nakagawa, Ryusuke Hamazaki, Masahito Ueda

    The relaxation dynamics of an open quantum system is determined by the competition between the coherent Hamiltonian dynamics of a system and the dissipative dynamics due to interactions with environments. It is therefore of fundamental interest to understand the transition from the coherent to incoherent regimes. We find that hitherto unrecognized quasiparticles -- incoherentons -- describe this coherent-to-incoherent transition in eigenmodes of a Liouvillian superoperator that governs the dynamics of an open quantum many-body system. Here, an incoherenton is defined as an interchain bound state in an auxiliary ladder system that represents the density matrix of a system. The Liouvillian eigenmodes are classified into groups with different decay rates that reflect the number of incoherentons involved therein. We also introduce a spectral gap -- quantum coherence gap -- that separates the different groups of eigenmodes. We demonstrate the existence of incoherentons in a lattice boson model subject to dephasing, and show that the quantum coherence gap closes when incoherentons are deconfined, which signals a dynamical transition from incoherent relaxation with exponential decay to coherent oscillatory relaxation. Furthermore, we discuss how the decoherence dynamics of quantum many-body systems can be understood in terms of the generation, localization, and diffusion of incoherentons.

  • Reduce&chop: Shallow circuits for deeper problems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Adrián Pérez-Salinas, Radoica Draškić, Jordi Tura, Vedran Dunjko

    State-of-the-art quantum computers can only reliably execute circuits with limited qubit numbers and computational depth. This severely reduces the scope of algorithms that can be run. While numerous techniques have been invented to exploit few-qubit devices, corresponding schemes for depth-limited computations are less explored. This work investigates to what extent we can mimic the performance of a deeper quantum computation by repeatedly using a shallower device. We propose a method for this purpose, inspired by Feynman simulation, where a given circuit is chopped in two pieces. The first piece is executed and measured early on, and the second piece is run based on the previous outcome. This method is inefficient if applied in a straightforward manner due to the high number of possible outcomes. To mitigate this issue, we propose a shallow variational circuit, whose purpose is to maintain the complexity of the method within pre-defined tolerable limits, and provide a novel optimisation method to find such circuit. The composition of these components of the methods is called reduce\&chop. As we discuss, this approach works for certain cases of interest. We believe this work may stimulate new research towards exploiting the potential of shallow quantum computers.

  • Generalized dynamical theories in phase space and the hydrogen atom.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Martin Plávala, Matthias Kleinmann

    We show that the phase-space formulation of general probabilistic theories can be extended to include a generalized time-evolution and that it can describe a nonquantum hydrogen-like system which is stable, has discrete energy levels, and includes the Zeeman effect. This allows us to study dynamical effects such as excitations of the hydrogen-like system by a resonant laser and Rutherford scattering. Our construction demonstrates that classical theory and quantum theory can be seen as specific choices of general probabilistic theory in phase space and that other probabilistic theories also lead to measurable predictions.

  • Principle of learning sign rules by neural networks in qubit lattice models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jin Cao, Shijie Hu, Zhiping Yin, Ke Xia

    A neural network is a powerful tool that can uncover hidden laws beyond human intuition. However, it often appears as a black box due to its complicated nonlinear structures. By drawing upon the Gutzwiller mean-field theory, we can showcase a principle of sign rules for ordered states in qubit lattice models. We introduce a shallow feed-forward neural network with a single hidden neuron to present these sign rules. We conduct systematical benchmarks in various models, including the generalized Ising, spin-$1/2$ XY, (frustrated) Heisenberg rings, triangular XY antiferromagnet on a torus, and the Fermi-Hubbard ring at an arbitrary filling. These benchmarks show that all the leading-order sign rule characteristics can be visualized in classical forms, such as pitch angles. Besides, quantum fluctuations can result in an imperfect accuracy rate quantitatively.

  • The Wigner function of a semiconfined harmonic oscillator model with a position-dependent effective mass.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S.M. Nagiyev, A.M. Jafarova, E.I. Jafarov

    We propose a phase-space representation concept in terms of the Wigner function for a quantum harmonic oscillator model that exhibits the semiconfinement effect through its mass varying with the position. The new method is used to compute the Wigner distribution function exactly for such a semiconfinement quantum system. This method suppresses the divergence of the integrand in the definition of the quantum distribution function and leads to the computation of its analytical expressions for the stationary states of the semiconfined oscillator model. For this quantum system, both the presence and absence of the applied external homogenous field are studied. Obtained exact expressions of the Wigner distribution function are expressed through the Bessel function of the first kind and Laguerre polynomials. Furthermore, some of the special cases and limits are discussed in detail.

  • Quantum limits for the precision of optical parameter estimation of arbitrarily shaped phase objects.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arturo Villegas, Marcello H. M. Passos, Silvania F. Pereira, Juan P. Torres

    We show a general method to estimate with optimum precision, i.e., the best precision determined by the light-matter interaction process, a set of parameters that characterize a phase object. The method derives from ideas presented by Pezze et al., [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 130504 (2017)]. Our goal is to illuminate the main characteristics of this method as well as its applications to the physics community, probably not familiar with the formal quantum language usually employed in works related to quantum estimation theory. First, we derive precision bounds for the estimation of the set of parameters characterizing the phase object. We compute the Cr\`amer-Rao lower bound for two experimentally relevant types of illumination: a multimode coherent state with mean photon number N, and N copies of a multimode single-photon quantum state. We show under which conditions these two models are equivalent. Second, we show that the optimum precision can be achieved by projecting the light reflected/transmitted from the object onto a set of modes with engineered spatial shape. We describe how to construct these modes, and demonstrate explicitly that the precision of the estimation using these measurements is optimum. As example, we apply these results to the estimation of the height and sidewall angle of a cliff-like nanostructure, an object relevant in semiconductor industry for the evaluation of nanofabrication techniques.

  • Security boundaries of an optical power limiter for protecting quantum key distribution systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Qingquan Peng, Binwu Gao, Konstantin Zaitsev, Dongyang Wang, Jiangfang Ding, Yingwen Liu, Qin Liao, Ying Guo, Anqi Huang, Junjie Wu

    Unauthorized light injection has always been a vital threat to the practical security of a quantum key distribution (QKD) system. An optical power limiter (OPL) based on the thermo-optical defocusing effect has been proposed and implemented, limiting the injected hacking light. As a hardware countermeasure, the performance of the OPL under various light-injection attacks shall be tested to clarify the security boundary before being widely deployed. To investigate the OPL's security boundary in quantum cryptography, we comprehensively test and analyse the behavior of OPL under continuous-wave (c.w.) light-injection attacks and pulse illumination attacks with pulses' repetition rate at $0.5$-$\hertz$, $40$-$\mega\hertz$, and $1$-$\giga\hertz$. The testing results illuminate the security boundary of the OPL, which allows one to properly employ the OPL in the use cases. The methodology of testing and analysis proposed here is applicable to other power-limitation components in a QKD system.

  • Phase transition in Random Circuit Sampling.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. Morvan, B. Villalonga, X. Mi, S. Mandrà, A. Bengtsson, P. V. Klimov, Z. Chen, S. Hong, C. Erickson, I. K. Drozdov, J. Chau, G. Laun, R. Movassagh, A. Asfaw, L. T.A.N. Brandão, R. Peralta, D. Abanin, R. Acharya, R. Allen, T. I. Andersen, K. Anderson, M. Ansmann, F. Arute, K. Arya, J. Atalaya, J. C. Bardin, A. Bilmes, G. Bortoli, A. Bourassa, J. Bovaird, L. Brill, M. Broughton, B. B. Buckley, D. A. Buell, T. Burger, B. Burkett, N. Bushnell, J. Campero, H. S. Chang, B. Chiaro, D. Chik, C. Chou, J. Cogan, R. Collins, P. Conner, W. Courtney, A. L. Crook, B. Curtin, D. M. Debroy, A. Del Toro Barba, S. Demura, A. Di Paolo, A. Dunsworth, L. Faoro, E. Farhi, R. Fatemi, V. S. Ferreira, L. Flores Burgos, E. Forati, A. G. Fowler, B. Foxen, G. Garcia, E. Genois, W. Giang, C. Gidney, D. Gilboa, et al. (119 additional authors not shown)

    Undesired coupling to the surrounding environment destroys long-range correlations on quantum processors and hinders the coherent evolution in the nominally available computational space. This incoherent noise is an outstanding challenge to fully leverage the computation power of near-term quantum processors. It has been shown that benchmarking Random Circuit Sampling (RCS) with Cross-Entropy Benchmarking (XEB) can provide a reliable estimate of the effective size of the Hilbert space coherently available. The extent to which the presence of noise can trivialize the outputs of a given quantum algorithm, i.e. making it spoofable by a classical computation, is an unanswered question. Here, by implementing an RCS algorithm we demonstrate experimentally that there are two phase transitions observable with XEB, which we explain theoretically with a statistical model. The first is a dynamical transition as a function of the number of cycles and is the continuation of the anti-concentration point in the noiseless case. The second is a quantum phase transition controlled by the error per cycle; to identify it analytically and experimentally, we create a weak link model which allows varying the strength of noise versus coherent evolution. Furthermore, by presenting an RCS experiment with 67 qubits at 32 cycles, we demonstrate that the computational cost of our experiment is beyond the capabilities of existing classical supercomputers, even when accounting for the inevitable presence of noise. Our experimental and theoretical work establishes the existence of transitions to a stable computationally complex phase that is reachable with current quantum processors.

  • Bound States in Bent Soft Waveguides.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pavel Exner, Semjon Vugalter

    The aim of this paper is to show that a two-dimensional Schr\"odinger operator with the potential in the form of a `ditch' of a fixed profile can have a geometrically induced discrete spectrum; this happens if such a potential channel has a single or multiple bends being straight outside a compact. Moreover, under stronger geometric restrictions the claim remains true in the presence of a potential bias at one of the channel `banks'.

  • Wafer-Scale MgB2 Superconducting Devices.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Changsub Kim, Christina Bell, Jake Evans, Jonathan Greenfield, Emma Batson, Karl Berggren, Nathan Lewis, Daniel Cunnane

    Progress in superconducting device and detector technologies over the past decade have realized practical applications in quantum computers, detectors for far-infrared telescopes, and optical communications. Superconducting thin film materials, however, have remained largely unchanged, with aluminum still being the material of choice for superconducting qubits, and niobium compounds for high frequency/high kinetic inductance devices. Magnesium diboride ($\mathrm{MgB}_2$), known for its highest transition temperature ($\mathrm{T}_c$ = 39 K) among metallic superconductors, is a viable material for elevated temperature and higher frequency superconducting devices moving towards THz frequencies. However, difficulty in synthesizing wafer-scale thin films have prevented implementation of $\mathrm{MgB}_2$ devices into the application base of superconducting electronics. Here, we report ultra-smooth (< 0.5 nm root-mean-square roughness) and uniform $\mathrm{MgB}_2$ thin (< 100 nm) films over 100 mm in diameter for the first time and present prototype devices fabricated with these films demonstrating key superconducting properties including internal quality factor over $\mathrm{10}^4$ at 4.5 K and high tunable kinetic inductance in the order of tens of pH/sq in a 40 nm film. This groundbreaking advancement will enable development of elevated temperature, high frequency superconducting quantum circuits and devices.

  • Quantum Optimal Transport and Weak Topologies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Laurent Lafleche

    Several extensions of the classical optimal transport distances to the quantum setting have been proposed. In this paper, we investigate the pseudometrics introduced by Golse, Mouhot and Paul in [Commun Math Phys 343:165-205, 2016] and by Golse and Paul in [Arch Ration Mech Anal 223:57-94, 2017]. These pseudometrics serve as a quantum analogue of the Monge-Kantorovich-Wasserstein distances of order $2$ on the phase space. We prove that they are comparable to negative Sobolev norms up to a small term due to a positive "self-distance" in the semiclassical approximation, which can be bounded above using the Wigner-Yanase skew information. This enables us to improve the known results in the context of the mean-field and semiclassical limits by requiring less regularity on the initial data.

  • Fault-Tolerant Computing with Single Qudit Encoding.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matteo Mezzadri, Alessandro Chiesa, Luca Lepori, Stefano Carretta

    We discuss stabilizer quantum-error correction codes implemented in a single multi-level qudit to avoid resource escalation typical of multi-qubit codes. These codes can be customized to the specific physical errors on the qudit, effectively suppressing them. We demonstrate a Fault-Tolerant implementation on molecular spin qudits, showcasing nearly exponential error suppression with only linear qudit size growth. Notably, this outperforms qubit codes using thousands of units. We also outline the required properties for a generic physical system to Fault-Tolerantly implement these embedded codes.

  • Compressed gate characterization for quantum devices with time-correlated noise.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. J. Gullans, M. Caranti, A. R. Mills, J. R. Petta

    As quantum devices make steady progress towards intermediate scale and fault-tolerant quantum computing, it is essential to develop rigorous and efficient measurement protocols that account for known sources of noise. Most existing quantum characterization protocols such as gate set tomography and randomized benchmarking assume the noise acting on the qubits is Markovian. However, this assumption is often not valid, as for the case of 1/f charge noise or hyperfine nuclear spin noise. Here, we present a general framework for quantum process tomography (QPT) in the presence of time-correlated noise. We further introduce fidelity benchmarks that quantify the relative strength of different sources of Markovian and non-Markovian noise. As an application of our method, we perform a comparative theoretical and experimental analysis of silicon spin qubits. We first develop a detailed noise model that accounts for the dominant sources of noise and validate the model against experimental data. Applying our framework for time-correlated QPT, we find that the number of independent parameters needed to characterize one and two-qubit gates can be compressed by 10x and 100x, respectively, when compared to the fully generic case. These compressions reduce the amount of tomographic measurements needed in experiment, while also significantly speeding up numerical simulations of noisy quantum circuit dynamics compared to time-dependent Hamiltonian simulation. Using this compressed noise model, we find good agreement between our theoretically predicted process fidelities and two qubit interleaved randomized benchmarking fidelities of 99.8% measured in recent experiments on silicon spin qubits. More broadly, our formalism can be directly extended to develop efficient and scalable tuning protocols for high-fidelity control of large-arrays of quantum devices with non-Markovian noise.

  • Solving optimization problems with local light shift encoding on Rydberg quantum annealers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kapil Goswami, Rick Mukherjee, Herwig Ott, Peter Schmelcher

    We provide a non-unit disk framework to solve combinatorial optimization problems such as Maximum Cut (Max-Cut) and Maximum Independent Set (MIS) on a Rydberg quantum annealer. Our setup consists of a many-body interacting Rydberg system where locally controllable light shifts are applied to individual qubits in order to map the graph problem onto the Ising spin model. Exploiting the flexibility that optical tweezers offer in terms of spatial arrangement, our numerical simulations implement the local-detuning protocol while globally driving the Rydberg annealer to the desired many-body ground state, which is also the solution to the optimization problem. Using optimal control methods, these solutions are obtained for prototype graphs with varying sizes at time scales well within the system lifetime and with approximation ratios close to one. The non-blockade approach facilitates the encoding of graph problems with specific topologies that can be realized in two-dimensional Rydberg configurations and is applicable to both unweighted as well as weighted graphs. A comparative analysis with fast simulated annealing is provided which highlights the advantages of our scheme in terms of system size, hardness of the graph, and the number of iterations required to converge to the solution.

  • Subsystem symmetries, critical Bose surface and immobile excitations in an extended compass model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhidan Li, Chun-Jiong Huang, Changle Liu, Hai-Zhou Lu

    We propose an extended compass model that hosts subsystem symmetries and has potential experimental relevance with 3d transition metal compounds. The subsystem symmetries strongly constrain the mobility of spin excitations and lead to profound consequences. At the quantum critical point we find the presence of "critical Bose surface" along the entire $k_x$ and $k_y$ axis. Across which we find a nodal-line spin liquid that undergoes nematic instability at low temperatures. In the ferro-quadrupole phase, we find that one excitation is immobile individually analogous to "fractons".

  • Temporal evolution of a driven optomechanical system in the strong coupling regime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Medina-Dozal, J. Récamier, H. M. Moya-Cessa, F. Soto-Eguibar, R. Román-Ancheyta, I. Ramos-Prieto, A. R. Urzúa

    We obtain a time-evolution operator for a forced optomechanical quantum system using Lie algebraic methods when the normalized coupling between the electromagnetic field and a mechanical oscillator, $G/\omega_m$, is not negligible compared to one. Due to the forcing term, the interaction picture Hamiltonian contains the number operator in the exponents, and in order to deal with it, we approximate these exponentials by their average values taken between initial coherent states. Our approximation is justified when we compare our results with the numerical solution of the number of photons, phonons, Mandel parameter, and the Wigner function, showing an excellent agreement.

  • The Convexity Condition of Density-Functional Theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andrew C. Burgess, Edward Linscott, David D. O'Regan

    It has long been postulated that within density-functional theory (DFT) the total energy of a finite electronic system is convex with respect to electron count, so that 2 E_v[N_0] <= E_v[N_0 - 1] + E_v[N_0 + 1]. Using the infinite-separation-limit technique, this article proves the convexity condition for any formulation of DFT that is (1) exact for all v-representable densities, (2) size-consistent, and (3) translationally invariant. An analogous result is also proven for one-body reduced density matrix functional theory. While there are known DFT formulations in which the ground state is not always accessible, indicating that convexity does not hold in such cases, this proof nonetheless confirms a stringent constraint on the exact exchange-correlation functional. We also provide sufficient conditions for convexity in approximate DFT, which could aid in the development of density-functional approximations. This result lifts a standing assumption in the proof of the piecewise linearity condition with respect to electron count, which has proven central to understanding the Kohn-Sham band-gap and the exchange-correlation derivative discontinuity of DFT.

  • Optimising motion-induced spin transfer.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Daigo Oue, Matsuo Mamoru

    In this paper, the spin transfer between two ferromagnetic insulators is studied. There is a narrow gap between the ferromagnetic insulators so that they are weakly interacting with each other. One of the ferromagnetic insulators is moving at a constant speed while the other is at rest; hence, the system is out of equilibrium. In the presence of the shearing motion, the interaction amplitude is periodically modulated at the Doppler frequency. A unitary transformation allows us to regard the periodic modulation of the interaction amplitude as an effective potential, which drives the spin transfer. The amount of the spin current is controlled by the spectral overlap and the carrier population difference between the two ferromagnetic media. If the spectra of the two ferromagnets are moderately broadened, the overlap in the spectral domain increases, enlarging the spin current. However, too much broadening spoils the spectral overlap and, hence, the spin current. This implies that there is an optimal condition for maximising the spin transfer.

  • All-optical correlated noisy channel and its application in recovering quantum coherence.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dan Lei, Disheng Guo, Jun Xin, Xiao-Ming Lu

    Attenuation and amplification are the most common processes for optical communications. Amplification can be used to compensate the attenuation of the complex amplitude of an optical field, but is unable to recover the coherence lost, provided that the attenuation channel and the amplification channel are independent. In this work, we show that the quantum coherence of an optical filed can be regained if the attenuation channel and the amplification channel share correlated noise. We propose an all-optical correlated noisy channel relying on four-wave mixing process and demonstrate its capability of recovering quantum coherence within continuous-variable systems. We quantitatively investigate the coherence recovery phenomena for coherent states and two-mode squeezed states. Moreover, we analyze the effect of other photon losses that are independent with the recovery channel on the performance of recovering coherence. Different from correlated noisy channels previously proposed based on electro-optic conversions, the correlated noisy channel in our protocol is all-optical and thus owns larger operational bandwidths.

  • Realistic Cost to Execute Practical Quantum Circuits using Direct Clifford+T Lattice Surgery Compilation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tyler LeBlond, Christopher Dean, George Watkins, Ryan S. Bennink

    In this article, we report a resource estimation pipeline that explicitly compiles quantum circuits expressed using the Clifford+T gate set into a surface code lattice surgery instruction set. The cadence of magic state requests from the compiled circuit enables the optimization of magic state distillation and storage requirements in a post-hoc analysis. To compile logical circuits into lattice surgery operations, we build upon the open-source Lattice Surgery Compiler. The revised compiler operates in two stages: the first translates logical gates into an abstract, layout-independent instruction set; the second compiles these into local lattice surgery instructions that are allocated to hardware tiles according to a specified resource layout. The second stage retains logical parallelism while avoiding resource contention in the fault-tolerant layer, aiding realism. Additionally, users can specify dedicated tiles at which magic states are replenished, enabling resource costs from the logical computation to be considered independently from magic state distillation and storage. We demonstrate the applicability of our pipeline to large, practical quantum circuits by providing resource estimates for the ground state estimation of molecules. We find that, unless carefully considered, the resource costs of magic state storage can dominate in real circuits which have variable magic state consumption rates.

  • Performance Analysis of Multi-Angle QAOA for p > 1.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Igor Gaidai, Rebekah Herrman

    In this paper we consider the scalability of Multi-Angle QAOA with respect to the number of QAOA layers. We found that MA-QAOA is able to significantly reduce the depth of QAOA circuits, by a factor of up to 4 for the considered data sets. However, MA-QAOA is not optimal for minimization of the total QPU time. Different optimization initialization strategies are considered and compared for both QAOA and MA-QAOA. Among them, a new initialization strategy is suggested for MA-QAOA that is able to consistently and significantly outperform random initialization used in the previous studies.

  • Vacuum Beam Guide for Large-Scale Quantum Networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuexun Huang, Francisco Salces--Carcoba, Rana X Adhikari, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Liang Jiang

    The vacuum beam guide (VBG) presents a completely different solution for quantum channels to overcome the limitations of existing fiber and satellite technologies for long-distance quantum communication. With an array of aligned lenses spaced kilometers apart, the VBG offers ultra-high transparency over a wide range of optical wavelengths. With realistic parameters, the VBG can outperform the best fiber by three orders of magnitude in terms of attenuation rate. Consequently, the VBG can enable long-range quantum communication over thousands of kilometers with quantum channel capacity beyond $10^{13}$ qubit/sec, orders of magnitude higher than the state-of-the-art quantum satellite communication rate. Remarkably, without relying on quantum repeaters, the VBG can provide a ground-based, low-loss, high-bandwidth quantum channel that enables novel distributed quantum information applications for computing, communication, and sensing.

  • Phonon-photon conversion as mechanism for cooling and coherence transfer.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alessandro Ferreri, David Edward Bruschi, Frank K. Wilhelm, Franco Nori, Vincenzo Macrì

    The dynamical Casimir effect is the physical phenomenon where the mechanical energy of a movable wall of a cavity confining a quantum field can be converted into quanta of the field itself. This effect has been recognized as one of the most astonishing predictions of quantum field theory. At the quantum scale, the energy conversion can also occur incoherently, namely without an physical motion of the wall. We employ quantum thermodynamics to show that this phenomenon can be employed as a tool to cool down the wall when there is a non-vanishing temperature gradient between the wall and the cavity. At the same time, the process of heat-transfer enables to share the coherence from one cavity mode, driven by a laser, to the wall, thereby forcing its coherent oscillation. Finally, we show how to employ one laser drive to cool the entire system including the case when it is composed of other subsystems.

  • Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, Athreya Shankar

    Trapped ion systems are a leading platform for quantum information processing, but they are currently limited to 1D and 2D arrays, which imposes restrictions on both their scalability and their range of applications. Here, we propose a path to overcome this limitation by demonstrating that Penning traps can be used to realize remarkably clean bilayer crystals, wherein hundreds of ions self-organize into two well-defined layers. These bilayer crystals are made possible by the inclusion of an anharmonic trapping potential, which is readily implementable with current technology. We study the normal modes of this system and discover salient differences compared to the modes of single-plane crystals. The bilayer geometry and the unique properties of the normal modes open new opportunities in quantum information processing that are not straightforward in single-plane crystals. Furthermore, we illustrate that it may be possible to extend the ideas presented here to realize multilayer crystals with more than two layers. Our work increases the dimensionality of trapped ion systems by efficiently utilizing all three spatial dimensions and lays the foundation for a new generation of quantum information processing experiments with multilayer 3D crystals of trapped ions.

  • Polylogarithmic-depth controlled-NOT gates without ancilla qubits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Baptiste Claudon, Julien Zylberman, César Feniou, Fabrice Debbasch, Alberto Peruzzo, Jean-Philip Piquemal

    Controlled operations are fundamental building blocks of quantum algorithms. Decomposing $n$-control-NOT gates ($C^n(X)$) into arbitrary single-qubit and CNOT gates, is a crucial but non-trivial task. This study introduces $C^n(X)$ circuits outperforming previous methods in the asymptotic and non-asymptotic regimes. Three distinct decompositions are presented: an exact one using one borrowed ancilla with a circuit depth $\Theta\left(\log(n)^{\log_2(12)}\right)$, an approximating one without ancilla qubits with a circuit depth $\mathcal O \left(\log(n)^{\log_2(12)}\log(1/\epsilon)\right)$ and an exact one with an adjustable-depth circuit using $m\leq n$ ancilla qubits. The resulting exponential speedup is likely to have a substantial impact on fault-tolerant quantum computing by improving the complexities of countless quantum algorithms with applications ranging from quantum chemistry to physics, finance and quantum machine learning.

  • Quantum entanglement between optical and microwave photonic qubits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Srujan Meesala, David Lake, Steven Wood, Piero Chiappina, Changchun Zhong, Andrew D. Beyer, Matthew D. Shaw, Liang Jiang, Oskar Painter

    Entanglement is an extraordinary feature of quantum mechanics. Sources of entangled optical photons were essential to test the foundations of quantum physics through violations of Bell's inequalities. More recently, entangled many-body states have been realized via strong non-linear interactions in microwave circuits with superconducting qubits. Here we demonstrate a chip-scale source of entangled optical and microwave photonic qubits. Our device platform integrates a piezo-optomechanical transducer with a superconducting resonator which is robust under optical illumination. We drive a photon-pair generation process and employ a dual-rail encoding intrinsic to our system to prepare entangled states of microwave and optical photons. We place a lower bound on the fidelity of the entangled state by measuring microwave and optical photons in two orthogonal bases. This entanglement source can directly interface telecom wavelength time-bin qubits and GHz frequency superconducting qubits, two well-established platforms for quantum communication and computation, respectively.


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