CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2024-01-02 11:30 to 2024-01-05 12:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


  • No papers in this section today!


  • Convergence properties of fine structure constant measurements using quasar absorption systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    John K. Webb, Chung-Chi Lee

    Searches for spacetime variations of fundamental constants have entered an era of unprecedented precision. New, high quality quasar spectra require increasingly refined analytic methods. In this article, a continuation in a series to establish robust and unbiased methodologies, we explore how convergence criteria in non-linear least squares optimisation impact on quasar absorption system measurements of the fine structure constant alpha. Given previous claims for high-precision constraints, we critically examine the veracity of a so-called ``blinding'' approach, in which alpha is fixed at the terrestrial value during the model building process, releasing it as a free parameter only after the ``final'' absorption system kinematic structure has been obtained. We show that this approach results in an extended flat canyon in chi squared-alpha space, such that convergence is unlikely to be reached, even after as many as 1000 iterations. The fix is straightforward: alpha must be treated as a free parameter from the earliest possible stages of absorption system model building. The implication of the results presented here is that all previous measurements that have used initially-fixed alpha should be reworked.

  • The Mystery of Alpha and the Isotopes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    John K. Webb, Chung-Chi Lee, Dinko Milakovic, Victor V. Flambum, Vladimir A. Dzuba, Joao Magueijo

    We report unbiased AI measurements of the fine structure constant alpha in two proximate absorption regions in the spectrum of the quasar HE0515-4414. The data are high resolution, high signal to noise, and laser frequency comb calibrated, obtained using the ESPRESSO spectrograph on the VLT. The high quality of the data and proximity of the regions motivate a differential comparison, exploring the possibility of spatial variations of fundamental constants, as predicted in some theories. We show that if the magnesium isotopic relative abundances are terrestrial, the fine structure constants in these two systems differ at the 7-sigma level. A 3-sigma discrepancy between the two measurements persists even for the extreme non-terrestrial case of 100% ^{24}Mg, if shared by both systems. However, if Mg isotopic abundances take independent values in these two proximate systems, one terrestrial, the other with no heavy isotopes, both can be reconciled with a terrestrial alpha, and the discrepancy between the two measurements falls to 2-sigma. We discuss varying constant and varying isotope interpretations and resolutions to this conundrum for future high precision measurements.

  • Gravity-driven magnetogenesis.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fan Zhang

    Structure formation heralds the era of deviation of the matter content of the Universe away from thermal equilibrium, so the gravitational contribution to entropy, in the form of Weyl curvature, must become active in order for the overall entropy of the Universe to remain increasing. The tidal and frame dragging sectors of the Weyl tensor must inevitably both be present in this dynamic environment, as they mutually induce each other. The frame dragging effect is able to impress vorticity onto the plasma current arising due to the mass disparity between electrons and protons, which in turn begets a magnetic field from none. We show that this gravity-driven magnetogenesis mechanism, besides being able to operate outside of galaxies, thus facilitate large coherence length scales, may be able to generate the field strength necessary to seed dynamo processes.

  • Stacking the spectra of eROSITA galaxy cluster data for searches of the 3.5keV line: Dark matter decay or charge exchange?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Justo Antonio Gonzalez Villalba

    In this Master Thesis, we use a technique to shift and stack the X-Ray spectra of 1138 galaxy clusters from the eRASS-1 survey, totalling 430649 counts. In comparison with previous stacking techniques, the method presented here introduces proper normalization of the shifted redistribution matrix file (RMF), which allows to recover the physical temperature and metallicity of the stacked spectra. Using this technique, we can obtain constraints in the stacked spectra for the individual abundances of O, Ne, Mg, Si, Ar, Ca, and Fe. Additionally, we study the possible detection of the previously reported 3.5keV unidentified line emission; however, the residuals barely exceed $\pm 2 \sigma$ in the [3-4]keV range. On the other hand, although residuals in the [3.4-3.55]keV band are compatible with charge exchange emission from SXVI (bare sulphur ions), charge exchange emission from OVII at 0.56keV should also be present, since it is 200 orders of magnitude higher than charge emission from SXVI in the [3.4-3.55]keV band; however, it is unfortunately not detected.

  • Compact Binary Foreground Subtraction for Detecting the Stochastic Gravitational-wave Background in Ground-based Detectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hanlin Song, Dicong Liang, Ziming Wang, Lijing Shao

    Stochastic gravitational-wave (GW) background (SGWB) contains information about the early Universe and astrophysical processes. The recent evidence of SGWB by pulsar timing arrays in the nanohertz band is a breakthrough in the GW astronomy. For ground-based GW detectors, while unfortunately in data analysis the SGWB can be masked by loud GW events from compact binary coalescences (CBCs). Assuming a next-generation ground-based GW detector network, we investigate the potential for detecting the astrophysical and cosmological SGWB with non-CBC origins by subtracting recovered foreground signals of loud CBC events. As an extension of the studies by Sachdev et al. (2020) and Zhou et al. (2023), we incorporate aligned spin parameters in our waveform model. Because of the inclusion of spins, we obtain significantly more pessimistic results than the previous work, where the residual energy density of foreground is even larger than the original background. The degeneracy between the spin parameters and symmetric mass ratio is strong in the parameter estimation process and it contributes most to the imperfect foreground subtraction. Our results have important implications for assessing the detectability of SGWB from non-CBC origins for ground-based GW detectors.

  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) luminous galaxies in JWST CEERS data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Wei Lin, Cossas K.-W. Wu, Chih-Teng Ling, Tomotsugu Goto, Seong Jin Kim, Ece Kilerci, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Po-Ya Wang, Simon C.-C. Ho, Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao, Bjorn Jasper R. Raquel, Yuri Uno

    It has been an unanswered question how many dusty galaxies have been undetected from the state-of-the-art observational surveys. JWST enables us to detect faint IR galaxies that have prominent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features in the mid-IR wavelengths. PAH is a valuable tracer of star formation and dust properties in the mid-infrared wavelength. The JWST Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) fields provide us with wavelength coverage from 7.7 to 21 $\mu$m using six photometric bands of the mid-infrared instrument (MIRI). We have identified galaxies dominated by mid-IR emission from PAHs, termed PAH galaxies. From our multi-band photometry catalogue, we selected ten PAH galaxies displaying high flux ratios of $\log(S_{15}/S_{10}) > 0.8$. The SED fitting analysis indicates that these galaxies are star-forming galaxies with total IR luminosities of $10^{10}$ $\sim$ $10^{11.5}$ $L_{\odot}$ at z $\sim 1$. The morphology of PAH galaxies does not show any clear signatures of major merging or interaction within the MIRI resolution. The majority of them are on the star-formation main sequence at $z \sim 1$. Our result demonstrates that JWST can detect PAH emissions from normal star-forming galaxies at $z \sim 1$, in addition to ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) or luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs).

  • Thermal leptogenesis in the presence of helical hypermagnetic fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sahar Safari, Mehran Dehpour, Saeed Abbaslu, Siamak Sadat Gousheh

    One of the major challenges in particle physics and cosmology is understanding why there is an asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the Universe. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is thermal leptogenesis, which involves the addition of at least two right-handed neutrinos (RHNs) to the standard model. Another possible explanation is baryogenesis through the hypermagnetic fields which involves the ${\rm U}_Y(1)$ anomaly and helical hypermagnetic fields in the early Universe. In this paper, after reviewing the thermal leptogenesis and baryogenesis through the ${\rm U}_Y(1)$ anomaly, we investigate the simplest model that combines these two scenarios and explore the parameter space for optimal results. Our results show that the combined scenario permits a specific region of parameter space that is not covered by either one separately. In fact, the minimum required mass scale of the RHN and strength of initial hypermagnetic helicity are reduced by one order of magnitude in our model. Moreover, we find that in the combined scenario, leptogenesis and baryogenesis through the ${\rm U}_Y(1)$ anomaly can either amplify or reduce the effect of each other, i.e., the generated asymmetry, depending on the sign of the helical hypermagnetic fields. Finally, we show the surprising result that a drastic amplification can occur even when the initial abundance of RHN is its equilibrium value for leptogenesis.

  • On the evolution of a twisted thin accretion disc in eccentric inclined supermassive binary black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P. B. Ivanov, V. V. Zhuravlev

    We propose a model of a twisted accretion disc around a Kerr black hole interacting with a secondary black hole of a smaller mass on an inclined eccentric orbit. We use parameters of the system, which may be appropriate for the so-called 'precessing massive' model of OJ 287. We calculate expressions for torque exerted on the disc by the secondary and a contribution of the secondary to the apsidal precession of disc elements by a double averaging procedure over the periods of the secondary and the disc elements. These expressions are used at all scales of interest, including the ones inside the binary orbit. We calculate numerically the evolution of the disc tilt and twist assuming a flat initial configuration. We consider the disc aspect ratio $h/r=10^{-3}$, a rather large viscosity parameter $\alpha=0.1$ and several values of the primary rotational parameter, $\chi$. We find that, after a few periods of Lense-Thirring precession of the orbit, the disc relaxes to a quasi-stationary configuration in the precessing frame with a non-trivial distribution of the disc inclination angle, $\beta$, over the radial scale. We propose an analytic model for this configuration. We show that the presence of the twisted disc leads to multiple crossings of the disc by the secondary per one orbital period, with time periods between the crossings being different from the flat disc model. Our results should be taken into account in the modelling of OJ 287. They can also be applied to similar sources.

  • Neutron Stars in modified $f(R,T)$ gravity framework with $\mathcal{O}(T, T^2)$ terms.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Premachand Mahapatra, Prasanta Kumar Das

    We study the equilibrium configurations of relativistic Neutron Stars(NS) with a polytropic model in a $f(R,T)=R+2\lambda T+\xi T^{2}$ gravity.We investigate the neutron star properties and their dependence on $\lambda$ and $\xi$ corresponding to different central densities ($\rho_c$) of the NS. For $\lambda = 0,-1,-3,-5$ with $\xi=0$ and $\rho_c=1.5\times10^{18}~\rm{kg~m^{-3}}$, we find the maximum mass of the NS as $M = 1.06 M_\odot$, $1.19 M_\odot$ $1.61 M_\odot$ and $2.47~M_\odot$ corresponding to the radius($R$) $10.409$ km, $10.737$ km, $11.461$ km and $12.119$ km. This higher value of NS mass can be compared with gravitational wave data(GW170817). For given $\lambda =-6$ and $\xi = 0$, we find that as $\rho_c$ increases from $\rho_c=1.1 to 1.6 \times 10^{18}~\rm{kg~m^{-3}}$, the maximum mass of the NS decreases from $4.19 M_\odot$ to $3.23 M_\odot$ while it's radius $R$ decreases $13.86 \rm{km}$ to $11.54 \rm{km}$. With the fixed value of $\xi = 10^{-27}$ and $\lambda = 0,-1,-3,-5$, we find the maximum mass $M =1.06 M_\odot$,$1.34 M_\odot$,$1.89 M_\odot$ and $3.39~M_\odot$ corresponding to the radius $R = 10.409$ km, $10.843$ km, $11.549$ km and $11.680$ km. respectively. Taking our observational constraints i.e. GW170817 (BNS Merger) mass - radius data, observed pulsars PSRJ1614-2230, PSRJ0348+0432 maximum mass - radius data; we found that posterior distribution plot of mass $\&$ radius gives good result and the corner plot of modified gravity parameters $\lambda$ and $\xi$ are giving very good posterior results. So, for a range of values of $\lambda$ with $\xi=0 (\neq 0)$, we found that the mass $M$ and the radius $R$ of the NS lie within the range given by the GW170817 gravitational wave data given by LIGO, Pulsars $\&$ Millisecond Pulsars data and the NICER (Neutron star Interior Composition ExploreR) mass-radius data given by NASA.

  • Dark matter search with CMB: a study of foregrounds.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zi-Xuan Zhang, Yi-Ming Wang, Junsong Cang, Zirui Zhang, Yang Liu, Si-Yu Li, Yu Gao, Hong Li

    The energy injected from dark matter annihilation and decay processes potentially raises the ionisation of the intergalactic medium and leaves visible footprints on the anisotropy maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Galactic foregrounds emission in the microwave bands contaminate the CMB measurement and may affect the search for dark matter's signature. In this paper, we construct a full CMB data and foreground simulation based on the design of the next-generation ground-based CMB experiments. The foreground residual after the components separation on maps is fully considered in our data analysis, accounting for various contamination from the emission of synchrotron, thermal dust, free-free and spinning dust. We analyse the corresponding sensitivity on dark matter parameters from the temperature and polarization maps, and we find that the CMB foregrounds leave a non-zero yet controllable impact on the sensitivity. Comparing with statistics-only analysis, the CMB foreground residual leads to a factor of at most 19% weakening on energy-injection constraints, depending on the specific dark matter process and experimental configuration. Strong limits on dark matter annihilation rate and decay lifetime can be expected after foreground subtraction.

  • Particle production during Inflation with a non-minimally coupled spectator scalar field.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhe Yu, Chengjie Fu, Zong-Kuan Guo

    We study the inflationary model with a spectator scalar field $\chi$ coupled to both the inflaton and Ricci scalar. The interaction between the $\chi$ field and the gravity, denoted by $\xi R\chi^2$, can trigger the tachyonic instability of certain modes of the $\chi$ field. As a result, the $\chi$ field perturbations are amplified and serve as a gravitational wave (GW) source. When considering the backreaction of the $\chi$ field, an upper bound on the coupling parameter $\xi$ must be imposed to ensure that inflation does not end prematurely. In this case, we find that the inflaton's evolution experiences a sudden slowdown due to the production of $\chi$ particles, resulting in a unique oscillating structure in the power spectrum of curvature perturbations at specific scales. Moreover, the GW signal induced by the $\chi$ field is more significant than primordial GWs at around its peak scale, leading to a noticeable bump in the overall energy spectrum of GWs. It's worth noting that this bump predicted in the slow-roll inflationary scenario is unlikely to be detected by LISA and Taiji, but there is a slim chance it might approach the detection limits of GW experiments like BBO and SKA if we devise distinctive inflatonary potentials.

  • A Lagrangian theory for galaxy shape statistics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shi-Fan Chen, Nickolas Kokron

    We formulate the Lagrangian perturbation theory of galaxy intrinsic alignments and compute the resulting auto and cross power spectra of galaxy shapes, densities and matter to 1-loop order. Our model represents a consistent effective-theory description of galaxy shape including the resummation of long-wavelength displacements which damp baryon acoustic oscillations, and includes one linear, three quadratic and two cubic dimensionless bias coefficients at this order, along with counterterms and stochastic contributions whose structure we derive. We compare this Lagrangian model against the three-dimensional helicity spectra of halo shapes measured in N-body simulations by Akitsu et al (2023) and find excellent agreement on perturbative scales while testing a number of more restrictive bias parametrizations. The calculations presented are immediately relevant to analyses of both cosmic shear surveys and spectroscopic shape measurements, and we make a fast FFTLog-based code spinosaurus publicly available with this publication.

  • Dark Energy as a Critical Period in Binary Motion: Bounds from Multi-scale Binaries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    David Benisty, Jenny Wagner, Denitsa Staicova

    The two-body problem under the influence of both dark energy and post-Newtonian modifications is studied. In this unified framework, we demonstrate that dark energy plays the role of a critical period with $T_{\Lambda} = 2\pi/c \sqrt{\Lambda} \approx 60~\text{Gyr}$. We also show that the ratio between orbital and critical period naturally emerges from the Kretschmann scalar, which is a quadratic curvature invariant characterizing all binary systems effectively represented by a de Sitter-Schwarzschild spacetime. The suitability of a binary system to constrain dark energy is determined by the ratio between its Keplerian orbital period $T_\text{K}$ and the critical period $T_\Lambda$. Systems with $T_\text{K} \approx T_\Lambda$ are optimal for constraining the cosmological constant $\Lambda$, such as the Local Group and the Virgo Cluster. Systems with $T_{\text{K}} \ll T_\Lambda$ are dominated by attractive gravity (which are best suited for studying modified gravity corrections). Systems with $T_{\text{K}} \gg T_\Lambda$ are dominated by repulsive dark energy and can thus be used to constrain $\Lambda$ from below. We use our unified framework of post-Newtonian and dark-energy modifications to calculate the precession of bounded and unbounded astrophysical systems and infer constraints on $\Lambda$ from them. Pulsars, the solar system, S stars around Sgr A*, the Local Group, and the Virgo Cluster, having orbital periods of days to gigayears, are analyzed. The results reveal that the upper bound on the cosmological constant decreases when the orbital period of the system increases, emphasizing that $\Lambda$ is a critical period in binary motion.

  • Uniform rate inflation on the brane.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chia-Min Lin, Rei Tamura, Keiko I. Nagao

    We propose a model of uniform rate inflation on the brane. The potential is given by a hyperbolic cosine function plus a negative cosmological constant. The equation of motion is solved analytically without using slow-roll approximation. The result is that the inflaton field is rolling at a constant speed. The prediction for cosmological perturbations depends on the field value at the end of inflation. The experimental constraints could be satisfied in the parameter space.


  • Black holes surrounded by generic matter distributions: polar perturbations and energy flux.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicholas Speeney, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Andrea Maselli

    We develop a numerical approach to compute polar parity perturbations within fully relativistic models of black hole systems embedded in generic, spherically symmetric, anisotropic fluids. We apply this framework to study gravitational wave generation and propagation from extreme mass-ratio inspirals in the presence of several astrophysically relevant dark matter models, namely the Hernquist, Navarro-Frenk-White, and Einasto profiles. We also study dark matter spike profiles obtained from a fully relativistic calculation of the adiabatic growth of a BH within the Hernquist profile, and provide a closed-form analytic fit of these profiles. Our analysis completes prior numerical work in the axial sector, yielding a fully numerical pipeline to study black hole environmental effects. We study the dependence of the fluxes on the DM halo mass and compactness. We find that, unlike the axial case, polar fluxes are not adequately described by simple gravitational-redshift effects, thus offering an exciting avenue for the study of black hole environments with gravitational waves.

  • Detection of polarized Fermi-bubble synchrotron and dust emission.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Uri Keshet

    The elusive polarized microwave signal from the Fermi bubbles is disentangled from the more extended polarized lobes, which similarly emanate from the Galactic plane but stretch farther west of the bubbles. The ~20% synchrotron polarization reveals magnetic fields preferentially parallel to the bubble edges, as expected downstream of a strong shock. The ~20% polarization of thermal dust emission is similarly oriented, constraining grain alignment in an extreme environment. We argue that the larger lobes arise from an older Galactic-center, likely supermassive black-hole, outburst.

  • X-ray plasma flow and turbulence in the colliding winds of WR140.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Asca Miyamoto, Yasuharu Sugawara, Yoshitomo Maeda, Manabu Ishida, Kenji Hamaguchi, Christopher M. P. Russell, Anthony F. J. Moffat

    We analyse $\textit{XMM-Newton}$ RGS spectra of Wolf-Rayet (WR) 140, an archetype long-period eccentric WR+O colliding wind binary. We evaluate the spectra of O and Fe emission lines and find that the plasmas emitting these lines have the largest approaching velocities with the largest velocity dispersions between phases 0.935 and 0.968 where the inferior conjunction of the O star occurs. This behaviour is the same as that of the Ne line-emission plasma presented in our previous paper. We perform diagnosis of electron number density $n_{\rm e}$ using He-like triplet lines of O and Ne-like Fe-L lines. The former results in a conservative upper limit of $n_{\rm e} \lesssim 10^{10}$-10$^{12}$ cm$^{-3}$ on the O line-emission site, while the latter can not impose any constraint on the Fe line-emission site because of statistical limitations. We calculate the line-of-sight velocity and its dispersion separately along the shock cone. By comparing the observed and calculated line-of-sight velocities, we update the distance of the Ne line-emission site from the stagnation point. By assuming radiative cooling of the Ne line-emission plasma using the observed temperature and the local stellar wind density, we estimate the line-emission site extends along the shock cone by at most $\pm$58 per cent (phase 0.816) of the distance from the stagnation point. In this framework, excess of the observed velocity dispersion over the calculated one is ascribed to turbulence in the hot-shocked plasma at earlier orbital phases of 0.816, 0.912, and 0.935, with the largest velocity dispersion of 340-630 km s$^{-1}$ at phase 0.912.

  • Detectability of Strongly Gravitationally Lensed Tidal Disruption Events.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhiwei Chen, Youjun Lu, Yunfeng Chen

    More than one hundred tidal disruption events (TDEs) have been detected at multi-bands, which can be viewed as extreme laboratories to investigate the accretion physics and gravity in the immediate vicinity of massive black holes (MBHs). Future transient surveys are expected to detect several tens of thousands of TDEs, among which a small fraction may be strongly gravitationally lensed by intervening galaxies. In this paper, we statistically etsimate the detection rate of lensed TDEs, with dependence on the limiting magnitude of the transient all-sky surveys searching for them. We find that the requisite limiting magnitude for an all-sky transient survey to observe at least $1$ yr$^{-1}$ is $\gtrsim 21.3$, $21.2$, and $21.5$ mag in the u-, g-, and z-bands, respectively. If the limiting magnitude of the all-sky survey can reach $\sim 25-26$ mag in the u-, g-, and z-bands, the detection rate can be upto about several tens to hundreds per year. The discovery and identification of the first image of the lensed TDE can be taken as an early-warning of the second and other subsequent images, which may enable detailed monitoring of the pre-peak photometry and spectroscopy evolution of the TDE. The additional early-stage information may help to constrain the dynamical and radiation processes involving in the TDEs.

  • Temperature-reducing shocks in optically-thin radiative MHD -- analytical and numerical results.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ben Snow

    Shocks are often invoked as heating mechanisms in astrophysical systems, with both adiabatic compression and dissipative heating that leading to temperature increases. Whilst shocks are reasonably well understood for ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) systems, in many astrophysical plasmas, radiation is an important phenomena, which can allow energy to leave the system. As such, energy becomes non-conservative which can fundamentally change the behaviour of shocks. The energy emitted through optically-thin radiation post-shock can exceed the thermal energy increase, resulting in shocks that reduce the temperature of the medium, i.e., cooling shocks that have a net decrease in temperature across the interface. In this paper, semi-analytical solutions for radiative shocks are derived to demonstrate that both cooling (temperature decreasing) and heating (temperature increasing) shock solutions are possible in radiative MHD. Numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection with optically-thin radiative losses also yield both heating and cooling shocks in roughly equal abundances. The detected cooling shocks feature a significantly lower pressure jump across the shock than their heating counterparts. The compression at the shock front leads to locally-enhanced radiative losses, resulting in significant cooling within a few grid cells in the upstream and downstream directions. The presence of temperature-reducing (cooling) shocks is critical in determining the thermal evolution, and heating or cooling, across a wealth of radiative astrophysical plasmas.

  • Blind source separation for decomposing X-ray pulsar profiles. Introducing phase-correlated variability analysis (PCVA) with a case study of Cen X-3.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Inga Saathoff, Victor Doroshenko, Andrea Santangelo

    Accretion-powered X-ray pulsars offer a unique opportunity to study physics under extreme conditions. To fully exploit this potential, the interrelated problems of modelling radiative transport and the dynamical structure of the accretion flow must, however, be solved. This task is challenging both from a theoretical and observational point of view and is further complicated by a lack of direct correspondence between the properties of emission emerging from the neutron star and observed far away from it. In general, a mixture of emission from both poles of the neutron star viewed from different angles is indeed observed at some or even all phases of the pulse cycle. It is essential, therefore, to reconstruct the contributions of each pole to the observed flux in order to test and refine models describing the formation of the spectra and pulse profiles of X-ray pulsars. In this paper we propose a novel data-driven approach to address this problem using the pulse-to-pulse variability in the observed flux, and demonstrate its application to RXTE observations of the bright persistent X-ray pulsar Cen X-3. We then discuss the comparison of our results with previous work attempting to solve the same problem and how they can be qualitatively interpreted in the framework of a toy model describing emission from the poles of a neutron star.

  • Metastability of stratified magnetohydrostatic equilibria and their relaxation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    David N. Hosking, David Wasserman, Steven C. Cowley

    Motivated by explosive releases of energy in fusion, space and astrophysical plasmas, we consider the nonlinear convective stability of stratified magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibria in 2D. We demonstrate that, unlike the Schwarzschild criterion in hydrodynamics (``entropy must increase upwards for convective stability''), the so-called modified Schwarzschild criterion for 2D MHD (or for any kind of fluid dynamics with more than one source of pressure) guarantees only linear stability. As a result, in 2D MHD (unlike in hydrodynamics) there exist metastable equilibria that are unstable to nonlinear perturbations despite being stable to linear ones. We show that the minimum-energy configurations attainable by these atmospheres via non-diffusive reorganization can be determined by solving a combinatorial optimization problem. We find inter alia that these minimum-energy states are usually 2D, even when the original metastable equilibrium was 1D. We demonstrate with direct numerical simulations that these 2D states are fairly accurate predictors of the final state reached by laminar relaxation of metastable equilibria at small Reynolds number. To describe relaxation at large Reynolds number, we construct a statistical mechanical theory based on the maximization of Boltzmann's mixing entropy that is analogous to the Lynden-Bell statistical mechanics of self-gravitating systems and collisionless plasmas, and to the Robert-Sommeria-Miller (RSM) theory of 2D vortex turbulence. The minimum-energy states described above are, we show, the low-temperature limit of this theory. We demonstrate that the predictions of the statistical mechanics are in reasonable agreement with direct numerical simulations.

  • The impact of effective matter mixing based on three-dimensional hydrodynamical models on the molecule formation in the ejecta of SN 1987A.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Masaomi Ono, Takaya Nozawa, Shigehiro Nagataki, Alexandra Kozyreva, Salvatore Orlando, Marco Miceli, Ke-Jung Chen

    To investigate the impact of matter mixing on the formation of molecules in the ejecta of SN 1987A, time-dependent rate equations for chemical reactions are solved for one-zone and one-dimensional ejecta models of SN 1987A. The latter models are based on the one-dimensional profiles obtained by angle-averaging of the three-dimensional hydrodynamical models (Ono et al. 2020), which effectively reflect the 3D matter mixing; the impact is demonstrated, for the first time, based on three-dimensional hydrodynamical models. The distributions of initial seed atoms and radioactive $^{56}$Ni influenced by the mixing could affect the formation of molecules. By comparing the calculations for spherical cases and for several specified directions in the bipolar-like explosions in the three-dimensional hydrodynamical models, the impact is discussed. The decay of $^{56}$Ni, practically $^{56}$Co at later phases, could heat the gas and delay the molecule formation. Additionally, Compton electrons produced by the decay could ionize atoms and molecules and could destruct molecules. Several chemical reactions involved with ions such as H$^+$ and He$^+$ could also destruct molecules. The mixing of $^{56}$Ni plays a non-negligible role in both the formation and destruction of molecules through the processes above. The destructive processes of carbon monoxide and silicon monoxide due to the decay of $^{56}$Ni generally reduce the amounts. However, if the molecule formation is sufficiently delayed under a certain condition, the decay of $^{56}$Ni could locally increase the amounts through a sequence of reactions.

  • Diffusion in superfluid Fermi mixtures: General formalism.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oleg A. Goglichidze, Mikhail E. Gusakov

    With neutron star applications in mind, we developed a theory of diffusion in mixtures of superfluid, strongly interacting Fermi liquids. By employing the Landau theory of Fermi liquids, we determined matrices that relate the currents of different particle species, their momentum densities, and the partial entropy currents to each other. Using these results, and applying the quasiclassical kinetic equation for the Bogoliubov excitations, we derived general expressions for the diffusion coefficients, which properly incorporate all the Fermi liquid effects and depend on the momentum transfer rates between different particle species. The developed framework can be used as a starting point for systematic calculations of the diffusion coefficients (as well as other kinetic coefficients) in superfluid Fermi mixtures, particularly, in superfluid neutron stars.

  • Quasinormal modes of Einstein--scalar--Gauss--Bonnet black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Prosenjit Paul

    In this paper, we investigate quasinormal modes of scalar and electromagnetic fields in the background of Einstein--scalar--Gauss--Bonnet (EsGB) black holes. Using the scalar and electromagnetic field equations in the vicinity of the EsGB black hole, we study nature of the effective potentials. The dependence of real and imaginary parts of the fundamental quasinormal modes on parameter $p$ (which is related to the Gauss--Bonnet coupling parameter $\alpha$) for different values of multipole numbers $l$ are studied. We analyzed the effects of massive scalar fields on the EsGB black hole, which tells us the existence of quasi--resonances. In the eikonal regime, we find the analytical expression for the quasinormal frequency and show that the correspondence between the eikonal quasinormal modes and null geodesics is valid in the EsGB theory for the test fields. Finally, we study grey-body factors of the electromagnetic fields for different multipole numbers $l$, which deviates from Schwarzschild's black hole.


  • JADES: Rest-frame UV-to-NIR Size Evolution of Massive Quiescent Galaxies from Redshift z=5 to z=0.5.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhiyuan Ji, Christina C. Williams, Katherine A. Suess, Sandro Tacchella, Benjamin D. Johnson, Brant Robertson, Stacey Alberts, William M. Baker, Stefi Baum, Rachana Bhatawdekar, Nina Bonaventura, Kristan Boyett, Andrew J. Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stephane Charlot, Zuyi Chen, Jacopo Chevallard, Emma Curtis-Lake, Francesco D'Eugenio, Anna de Graaff, Christa DeCoursey, Eiichi Egami, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Kevin Hainline, Ryan Hausen, Jakob M. Helton, Tobias J. Looser, Jianwei Lyu, Roberto Maiolino, Michael V. Maseda, Erica Nelson, George Rieke, Marcia Rieke, Hans-Walter Rix, Lester Sandles, Fengwu Sun, Hannah Übler, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Chris Willott, Joris Witstok

    We present the UV-to-NIR size evolution of a sample of 161 quiescent galaxies (QGs) with $M_*>10^{10}M_\odot$ over $0.5<z<5$. With deep multi-band NIRCam images in GOODS-South from JADES, we measure the effective radii ($R_e$) of the galaxies at rest-frame 0.3, 0.5 and 1$\mu m$. On average, QGs are 45% (15%) more compact at rest-frame 1$\mu m$ than they are at 0.3$\mu m$ (0.5$\mu m$). Regardless of wavelengths, the $R_e$ of QGs strongly evolves with redshift, and this evolution depends on stellar mass. For lower-mass QGs with $M_*=10^{10}-10^{10.6}M_\odot$, the evolution follows $R_e\sim(1+z)^{-1.1}$, whereas it becomes steeper, following $R_e\sim(1+z)^{-1.7}$, for higher-mass QGs with $M_*>10^{10.6}M_\odot$. To constrain the physical mechanisms driving the apparent size evolution, we study the relationship between $R_e$ and the formation redshift ($z_{form}$) of QGs. For lower-mass QGs, this relationship is broadly consistent with $R_e\sim(1+z_{form})^{-1}$, in line with the expectation of the progenitor effect. For higher-mass QGs, the relationship between $R_e$ and $z_{form}$ depends on stellar age. Older QGs have a steeper relationship between $R_e$ and $z_{form}$ than that expected from the progenitor effect alone, suggesting that mergers and/or post-quenching continuous gas accretion drive additional size growth in very massive systems. We find that the $z>3$ QGs in our sample are very compact, with mass surface densities $\Sigma_e\gtrsim10^{10} M_\odot/\rm{kpc}^2$, and their $R_e$ are possibly even smaller than anticipated from the size evolution measured for lower-redshift QGs. Finally, we take a close look at the structure of GS-9209, one of the earliest confirmed massive QGs at $z_{spec}\sim4.7$. From UV to NIR, GS-9209 becomes increasingly compact, and its light profile becomes more spheroidal, showing that the color gradient is already present in this earliest massive QG.

  • A refined search for high-velocity gas in the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam M. Ritchey, S. R. Federman, David L. Lambert

    We present the results of a sensitive search for high-velocity gas in interstellar absorption lines associated with the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant (SNR). We examine high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio optical spectra of six stars in the Cygnus Loop region with distances greater than ~700 pc. All stars show low-velocity Na I and Ca II absorption. However, only one star, HD 198301, exhibits high-velocity Ca II absorption components, at velocities of +62, +82, and +96 km/s. The distance to this star of ~870 pc helps to constrain the distance to the receding edge of the Cygnus Loop's expanding shock front. One of our targets, HD 335334, was previously thought to exhibit high positive and high negative velocity interstellar Na I and Ca II absorption. This was one factor leading Fesen et al. to derive a distance to the Cygnus Loop of 725 pc. However, we find that HD 335334 is in fact a double-line spectroscopic binary and shows no evidence of high-velocity interstellar absorption. As such, the distance to HD 335334 cannot be used to constrain the distance to the Cygnus Loop. Our detection of Ca II absorption approaching 100 km/s toward HD 198301 is the first conclusive detection of high-velocity absorption from a low ionization species associated with the Cygnus Loop SNR. A large jump in the Na I column density toward BD+31 4218, a star located beyond the northwestern boundary of the Cygnus Loop, helps to constrain the distance to a large molecular cloud complex with which the Cygnus Loop is evidently interacting.

  • The depletion of star-forming gas by AGN activity in radio sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S J Curran

    Cold, neutral interstellar gas, the reservoir for star formation, is traced through the absorption of the 21-centimetre continuum radiation by neutral hydrogen (HI). Although detected in one hundred cases in the host galaxies of distant radio sources, only recently have column densities approaching the maximum value observed in Lyman-alpha absorption systems been found. Here we explore the implications these have for the hypothesis that the detection rate of HI absorption is dominated by photo-ionisation from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). We find, with the addition all of the current searches for HI absorption at z > 0.1, a strong correlation between the HI absorption strength and the ionising photon rate, with the maximum value at which HI is detected remaining close to the theoretical value in which all of the neutral gas would be ionised in a large spiral galaxy (Q = 2.9e56 ionising photons/s). We also rule out other effects (excitation by the radio continuum and changing gas properties) as the dominant cause for the decrease in the detection rate with redshift. Furthermore, from the maximum theoretical column density we find that the five high column density systems have spin temperatures close to those of the Milky Way (T < 300 K), whereas, from our model of a gaseous galactic disk, the HI detection at Q= 2.9e56 per s yields T~10 000 K, consistent with the gas being highly ionised.

  • Star Formation Histories of Dwarf Lenticular Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hong Bae Ann, Mira Seo

    We present the mean star formation histories (SFHs) of 148 dwarf lenticular galaxies (dS0s) derived from SDSS spectra. The SFHs of dS0s are characterized by multiple bursts of star formation, including an initial burst at a lookback time of $\sim14$ Gyr for most galaxies. Stars formed during the first star-forming phase which ends at a lookback time of 6.3 Gyr primarily consist of old, metal-poor (Z=0.0004) stars , contributing to $\sim60\%$ of the stellar mass and $\sim30\%$ of the luminosity. The almost absence of extremely metal poor (Z=0.0001) stars seems to be due to pre-enrichment during the re-ionization era. Star formation gradually decreases during this initial period. In contrast, during the second period of star formation, there is an increase in star formation activity, peaking at a lookback time of 2.5 Gyr before declining again. Most moderately old stellar populations with intermediate metallicity were formed during this phase. We observe a strong dependence of SFHs on the mass and u-r color of dS0 galaxies but no significant dependence on morphological properties such as the presence or absence of outer spiral arms and nucleation. The star formation history of dS0 galaxies shares many similarities with that of dE galaxies, and many of them are believed to have originated from late-type galaxies.

  • Period-Luminosity Relationship for $\delta$ Scuti Stars Revisited.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Atila Poro, S. Javad Jafarzadeh, Roghaye Harzandjadidi, Mohammad Madani, Elnaz Bozorgzadeh, Esfandiar Jahangiri, Ahmad Sarostad, Ailar Alizadehsabegh, Maryam Hadizadeh, Mohammad EsmaeiliVakilabadi

    The Gaia DR3 parallax approach was used to estimate the absolute parameters of 2375 Delta Scuti stars from the ASAS catalog. The selected stars have a variety of observational characteristics, with a higher than 80% probability of being Delta Scuti stars. We have displayed all the stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram along with the Delta Scuti instability strip, the Zero Age Main Sequence (ZAMS), and the Terminal-Age Main Sequence (TAMS). Then, we determined which fundamental and overtone modes each star belongs to using pulsation constant (Q) calculations. In addition, we evaluated the parameters in the Q calculation equation using three machine learning methods, which showed that surface gravity and temperature have the greatest effect on its calculation. The Period-Luminosity (P-L) relationship of the Delta Scuti stars was also revisited. Eventually, using least squares linear regression, we made four linear fits for fundamental and overtone modes and updated their relationships.

  • Extinction, the elephant in the room that hinders optical Galactic observations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jesús Maíz Apellániz

    Extinction is the elephant in the room that almost everyone tries to avoid when analyzing optical/IR data: astronomers tend to find a quick fix for it that the referee will accept, but that does not mean such a solution is correct or even optimal. In this contribution I address three important issues related to extinction that are commonly ignored and present current and future solutions for them: [1] Extinction produces non-linear photometric effects, [2] the extinction law changes between sightlines, and [3] not all families of extinction laws have the same accuracy.

  • PDRs4All. V. Modelling the dust evolution across the illuminated edge of the Orion Bar.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Elyajouri, N. Ysard, A. Abergel, E. Habart, L. Verstraete, A. Jones, M. Juvela, T. Schirmer, R. Meshaka, E. Dartois, J. Lebourlot, G. Rouille, T. Onaka, E. Peeters, O. Berne, F. Alarcon, J. Bernard-Salas, M. Buragohain, J. Cami, A. Canin, R. Chown, K. Demyk, K. Gordon, O. Kannavou, M. Kirsanova, S. Madden, R. Paladini, Y. Pendleton, F. Salama, I. Schroetter, A. Sidhu, M. Rollig, B. Trahin, D. Van De Putte

    We study the emission of dust grains within the Orion Bar - a well-known, highly far-UV (FUV)-irradiated PDR. The Orion Bar because of its edge-on geometry provides an exceptional benchmark for characterizing dust evolution and the associated driving processes under varying physical conditions. Our goal is to constrain the local properties of dust by comparing its emission to models. Taking advantage of the recent JWST PDRs4All data, we follow the dust emission as traced by JWST NIRCam (at 3.35 and 4.8 micron) and MIRI (at 7.7, 11.3, 15.0, and 25.5 micron), along with NIRSpec and MRS spectroscopic observations. First, we constrain the minimum size and hydrogen content of carbon nano-grains from a comparison between the observed dust emission spectra and the predictions of the THEMIS dust model coupled to the numerical code DustEM. Using this dust model, we then perform 3D radiative transfer simulations of dust emission with the SOC code and compare to data obtained along well chosen profiles across the Orion Bar. The JWST data allows us, for the first time, to spatially resolve the steep variation of dust emission at the illuminated edge of the Orion Bar PDR. By considering a dust model with carbonaceous nano-grains and submicronic coated silicate grains, we derive unprecedented constraints on the properties of across the Orion Bar. To explain the observed emission profiles with our simulations, we find that the nano-grains must be strongly depleted with an abundance (relative to the gas) 15 times less than in the diffuse ISM. The NIRSpec and MRS spectroscopic observations reveal variations in the hydrogenation of the carbon nano-grains. The lowest hydrogenation levels are found in the vicinity of the illuminating stars suggesting photo-processing while more hydrogenated nano-grains are found in the cold and dense molecular region, potentially indicative of larger grains.

  • Optically-thick Structure in Early B Type Supergiant Stellar Winds at Low Metallicities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Timothy N. Parsons, Raman K. Prinja, Matheus Bernini-Peron, Alex W. Fullerton, Derck L. Massa, Lidia M. Oskinova, Daniel Pauli, Andreas A.C. Sander, Matthew J. Rickard

    Accurate determination of mass-loss rates from massive stars is important to understanding stellar and galactic evolution and enrichment of the interstellar medium. Large-scale structure and variability in stellar winds have significant effects on mass-loss rates. Time-series observations provide direct quantification of such variability. Observations of this nature are available for some Galactic early supergiant stars but not yet for stars in lower metallicity environments such as the Magellanic Clouds. We utilise ultraviolet spectra from the Hubble Space Telescope ULLYSES program to demonstrate that the presence of structure in stellar winds of supergiant stars at low metallicities may be discerned from single-epoch spectra. We find evidence that, for given stellar luminosities and mean stellar wind optical depths, structure is more prevalent at higher metallicities. We confirm, at Large Magellanic Cloud (0.5 Z_solar), Small Magellanic Cloud (0.2 Z_solar) and lower (0.14 -- 0.1 Z_solar) metallicities, earlier Galactic results that there does not appear to be correlation between the degree of structure in stellar winds of massive stars and stellar effective temperature. Similar lack of correlation is found with regard to terminal velocity of stellar winds. Additional and revised values for radial velocities of stars and terminal velocities of stellar winds are presented. Direct evidence of temporal variability, on timescales of several days, in stellar wind at low metallicity is found. We illustrate that narrow absorption components in wind-formed profiles of Galactic OB stellar spectra remain common in early B supergiant spectra at low metallicities, providing means for better constraining hot, massive star mass-loss rates.

  • Discovery of a circular symmetry extended diffuse radio emission around an elliptical galaxy with the VLA FIRST survey.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shobha Kumari, Sabyasachi Pal

    We identify an extended diffuse radio emission (J1507+3013) around an elliptical galaxy from the Very Large Array (VLA) Faint Images of Radio Sky at Twenty-cm (FIRST) survey. J1507+3013 possesses a morphology similar to the recently identified circular, low-surface-brightness, edge-brightened radio sources commonly known as odd radio circles (ORCs). Such diffuse emissions, as reported in the current paper, are also found in mini haloes and fossil radio galaxies, but the results presented in the current paper do not match the properties of mini haloes or fossil radio galaxies. The extended emission observed in J1507+3013 around an elliptical galaxy is a very rare class of diffuse emission which is unlike any previously known classes of diffuse emission. The extended diffuse emission of J1507+3013 is also detected in LOFAR at 144 MHz. J1507+3013 is hosted by an optical galaxy near the geometrical centre of the structure with a photometric redshift of $z=0.079$. The physical extent of J1507+3013 is approximately 68 kpc, with a peak-to-peak angular size of 44 arcsec. J1507+3013 shows significantly higher flux densities compared to previously discovered ORCs. The spectral index of J1507+3013 varies between -0.90 and -1.4 in different regions of the diffused structure, which is comparable to previously discovered ORCs but less steep than mini halos and fossil radio galaxies. If we consider J1507+3013 as a candidate ORC, then this would be the closest and most luminous ORC discovered so far. This paper describes the radio, spectral, and optical/IR properties of J1507+3013 to study the nature of this source.

  • Early Results from GLASS-JWST XXIII: The transmission of Lyman-alpha from UV-faint z ~ 3-6 galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gonzalo Prieto-Lyon, Charlotte Mason, Sara Mascia, Emiliano Merlin, Namrata Roy, Alaina Henry, Guido Roberts-Borsani, Takahiro Morishita, Xin Wang, Kit Boyett, Patricia Bolan, Marusa Bradac, Marco Castellano, Amata Mercurio, Themiya Nanayakkara, Diego Paris, Laura Pentericci, Claudia Scarlata, Michele Trenti, Tommaso Treu, Eros Vanzella

    Lyman-alpha (Ly$\alpha$) emission from galaxies can be used to trace neutral hydrogen in the epoch of reionization, however, there is a degeneracy between the attenuation of Ly$\alpha$ in the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the line profile emitted from the galaxy. Large shifts of Ly$\alpha$ redward of systemic due to scattering in the interstellar medium can boost Ly$\alpha$ transmission in the IGM during reionization. The relationship between Ly$\alpha$ velocity offset from systemic and other galaxy properties is not well-established at high-redshift or low luminosities, due to the difficulty of observing emission lines which trace systemic redshift. Rest-frame optical spectroscopy with JWST/NIRSpec has opened a new window into understanding of Ly$\alpha$ at z>3. We present a sample of 12 UV-faint galaxies ($-20 \lesssim$ MUV $\lesssim -16$) at $3 \lesssim z \lesssim 6$, with Ly$\alpha$ velocity offsets, $\Delta v_{\mathrm{Ly}\alpha}$, measured from VLT/MUSE and JWST/NIRSpec from the GLASS-JWST Early Release Program. We find median $\Delta v_{\mathrm{Ly}\alpha}$ of 205 km s$^{-1}$ and standard deviation 75 km s$^{-1}$, compared to 320 and 170km s$^{-1}$ for MUV < -20 galaxies in the literature. Our new sample demonstrates the previously observed trend of decreasing Ly$\alpha$ velocity offset with decreasing UV luminosity and optical line velocity dispersion, extends to MUV $\gtrsim$ -20, consistent with a picture where the Ly$\alpha$ profile is shaped by gas close to the systemic redshift. Our results imply that during reionization Ly$\alpha$ from UV-faint galaxies will be preferentially attenuated, but that detecting Ly$\alpha$ with low $\Delta v_{\mathrm{Ly}\alpha}$ can be an indicator of large ionized bubbles.

  • Tailoring galaxies: size-luminosity-surface brightness relations of bulges and disks along the morphological sequence.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Louis Quilley, Valérie de Lapparent

    We measure the scaling relations of the bulges and disks of the EFIGI galaxies in the nearby Universe versus morphology, using bulge and disk decomposition of SDSS gri images with SourceXtractor++. The Kormendy (1977) relation between effective surface brightness and effective radius of E galaxies extends to the bulges of types S0 to Sb, whereas fainter and smaller bulges of later Hubble types depart from it, with decreasing bulge-to-total ratio (B/T) and S\'ersic indices. There is a continuous transition from pseudo-bulges to classical ones, proposed to occur for g magnitudes between -17.8 to -19.1. The size-luminosity relations for E and dE types are steeper and similar to those from Binggeli et al. (1984), resp., below which EFIGI lenticular and spiral bulges display a curved relation. The disks and irregulars also follow a continuous curved size-luminosity relation such that while they grow, they first brighten and then stabilize in surface brightness. Moreover, we obtain the unprecedented result that the effective radii of both the bulges and disks of spirals increase as power-laws of B/T, with a steeper increase for the bulges. The increase with B/T is much steeper and similar for the bulges and disks of lenticulars. The ratio of disk-to-bulge effective radii varies accordingly across 2 orders of magnitude in B/T for all lenticular and spiral types, with a mean disk-to-bulge ratio decreasing from ~15 for Sbc to Scd types to ~6 for S0. We tabulate all derived scaling relations, so that they can be used to build realistic mock images of nearby galaxies. The new curved size-luminosity relations will prevent over or under estimates of bulge, disk and galaxy sizes at all magnitudes. These results complement the analysis of Quilley & de Lapparent (2022) by providing the joint size and luminosity variations of bulges and disks, as they evolve reversely along the Hubble sequence.

  • Off-nuclear H2O maser and dense molecular gas in NGC1068.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Willem A. Baan, Masatoshi Imanishi, Philip Diamond

    The results of high-resolution spectral-line observations of dense molecular gas are presented towards the nuclear region of the type 2 Seyfert galaxy NGC1068. MERLIN observations of the 22 GHz H2O maser were made for imaging the known off-nuclear maser emission at radio jet component located about 0.3" north-east of the radio nucleus in the galaxy. High angular resolution ALMA observations have spatially resolved the molecular gas emissions of HCN and HCO$^{+}$ in this region. The off-nuclear maser spots are found to nearly overlap with a ring-like molecular gas structure and are tracing an evolving shock-like structure, which appears to be energized by interaction between the radio jet and circumnuclear medium. A dynamic jet-ISM interaction is further supported by a systematic shift of the centroid velocities of the off-nuclear maser features over a period of 35 years. The integrated flux ratios of the HCO$^{+}$ line emission features at component C suggest a kinetic temperature T$_{k}$ $\gtrsim$ 300K and an H$_2$ density of $\gtrsim$ 10$^6$ cm$^{-3}$, which are conditions where water masers may be formed. The diagnostics of the masering action in this jet-ISM interaction region is exemplary for galaxies hosting off-nuclear H2O maser emission.

  • Quantifying Interstellar Extinction at High Galactic Latitudes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthew O'Callaghan, Gerry Gilmore, Kaisey S. Mandel

    Accurate knowledge of the interstellar medium (ISM) at high Galactic latitudes is crucial for future cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization experiments due to extinction, albeit low, remaining a foreground larger than the anticipated signal in these regions. We develop a Bayesian model to identify a region of the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram suited to constrain the single-star extinction accurately at high Galactic latitudes. Using photometry from Gaia, 2MASS and ALLWISE together with parallax from Gaia, we employ nested sampling to fit the model to the data and analyse the posterior over stellar parameters for both synthetic and real data. Charting low variations in extinction is complex due to both systematic errors and degeneracies between extinction and other stellar parameters. The systematic errors can be minimised by restricting our data to a region of the HR diagram where the stellar models are most accurate. Moreover, the degeneracies can be significantly reduced by including astrophysical priors and spectroscopic constraints. We show accounting for the measurement error of the data and the assumed inaccuracies of the stellar models are critical in accurately recovering small variations in extinction. We compare our posterior to stellar parameters from the LAMOST and Gaia ESO spectroscopic surveys and demonstrate that a full posterior solution is necessary to understand both the extinction parameter and the effective temperature. We conclude by showing that under reasonable prior assumptions and using the posterior mean extinction for each star in a sample we can produce a dust map similar to other benchmark maps.

  • Dwarf-Dwarf Interactions Can Both Trigger and Quench Star Formation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Erin Kado-Fong, Azia Robinson, Kristina Nyland, Jenny E. Greene, Katherine A. Suess, Sabrina Stierwalt, Rachael Beaton

    It is exceedingly rare to find quiescent low-mass galaxies in the field. UGC5205 is an example of such a quenched field dwarf ($M_\star\sim3\times10^8M_\odot$). Despite a wealth of cold gas ($M_{\rm HI}\sim 3.5 \times 10^8 M_\odot$) and GALEX emission that indicates significant star formation in the past few hundred Myr, there is no detection of H$\alpha$ emission -- star formation in the last $\sim 10$ Myr -- across the face of the galaxy. Meanwhile, the near equal-mass companion of UGC5205, PGC027864, is starbursting ($\rm EW_{\rm H\alpha}>1000$ Angstrom). In this work, we present new Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) 21 cm line observations of UGC5205 that demonstrate that the lack of star formation is caused by an absence of HI in the main body of the galaxy. The HI of UGC5205 is highly disturbed; the bulk of the HI resides in several kpc-long tails, while the HI of PGC027864 is dominated by ordered rotation. We model the stellar populations of UGC5205 to show that, as indicated by the UV-H$\alpha$ emission, the galaxy underwent a coordinated quenching event $\sim\!100-300$ Myr ago. The asymmetry of outcomes for UGC5205 and PGC027864 demonstrate that major mergers can both quench and trigger star formation in dwarfs. However, because the gas remains bound to the system, we suggest that such mergers only temporarily quench star formation. We estimate a total quenched time of $\sim 560$ Myr for UGC5205, consistent with established upper limits on the quenched fraction of a few percent for dwarfs in the field.


  • NanoNewton electrostatic force actuators for femtoNewton-sensitive measurements: system performance test in the LISA Pathfinder mission.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M Armano, H Audley, J Baird, M Bassan, P Binetruy, M Born, D Bortoluzzi, E Castelli, A Cavalleri, A Cesarini, V Chiavegato, A M Cruise, D Dal Bosco, K Danzmann, M De Deus Silva, R De Rosa, L Di Fiore, I Diepholz, G Dixon, R Dolesi, L Ferraioli V Ferroni, E D Fitzsimons, M Freschi, L Gesa, D Giardini, F Gibert, R Giusteri, A Grado, C Grimani, J Grzymisch, I Harrison, M S Hartig, G Heinzel, M Hewitson, D Hollington, D Hoyland, M Hueller, H Inchauspé, O Jennrich, P Jetzer, B Johlander, N Karnesis, B Kaune, N Korsakova, C J Killow, L Liu, J A Lobo, J P López-Zaragoza, R Maarschalkerweerd, D Mance, V Martín, L Martin-Polo, F Martin-Porqueras, J Martino, P W McNamara, J Mendes, L Mendes, N Meshksar, J Moerschell, M Nofrarias, S Paczkowski, M Perreur-Lloyd, et al. (28 additional authors not shown)

    Electrostatic force actuation is a key component of the system of geodesic reference test masses (TM) for the LISA orbiting gravitational wave observatory and in particular for performance at low frequencies, below 1 mHz, where the observatory sensitivity is limited by stray force noise. The system needs to apply forces of order 10$^{-9}$ N while limiting fluctuations in the measurement band to levels approaching 10$^{-15}$ N/Hz$^{1/2}$. We present here the LISA actuation system design, based on audio-frequency voltage carrier signals, and results of its in-flight performance test with the LISA Pathfinder test mission. In LISA, TM force actuation is used to align the otherwise free-falling TM to the spacecraft-mounted optical metrology system, without any forcing along the critical gravitational wave-sensitive interferometry axes. In LISA Pathfinder, on the other hand, the actuation was used also to stabilize the TM along the critical $x$ axis joining the two TM, with the commanded actuation force entering directly into the mission's main differential acceleration science observable. The mission allowed demonstration of the full compatibility of the electrostatic actuation system with the LISA observatory requirements, including dedicated measurement campaigns to amplify, isolate, and quantify the two main force noise contributions from the actuation system, from actuator gain noise and from low frequency ``in band'' voltage fluctuations. These campaigns have shown actuation force noise to be a relevant, but not dominant, noise source in LISA Pathfinder and have allowed performance projections for the conditions expected in the LISA mission.

  • Optimization of performance of the KM2A full array using the Crab Nebula.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xuqiang Dong, Cong Li, Huihai He

    The full array of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) has been in operation since July 2021. For its kilometer-square array (KM2A), we have optimized the selection criteria for very high and ultra-high energy $\gamma$-rays, using the data collected from August 2021 to August 2022, resulting in an improvement on significance of about 15$\%$ compared with previous cuts. With the implementation of these new selection criteria, the angular resolution is also significantly improved by approximately 10$\%$ at tens of TeV. Other aspects of the full KM2A array performance, such as the pointing error are also calibrated using the Crab Nebula. The resulting energy spectrum of the Crab Nebula in the energy range of 10-1000 TeV can be well fitted by a log-parabola model, which is consistent with the previous results from LHAASO and other experiments.

  • TOPCAT Corner Plot.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mark Taylor

    TOPCAT is a desktop GUI tool for working with tabular data such as source catalogues. Among other capabilities it provides a rich set of visualisation options suitable for interactive exploration of large datasets. The latest release introduces a Corner Plot window which displays a grid of linked scatter-plot-like and histogram-like plots for all pair and single combinations from a supplied list of coordinates.

  • Linking tracklets over the years in large datasets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Óscar Rodríguez, Giovanni F. Gronchi, Giulio Baù, Robert Jedicke

    We present a new procedure to identify observations of known objects in large data sets of unlinked detections. It begins with a Keplerian integrals method that allows us to link two tracklets, computing preliminary orbits, even when the tracklets are separated in time by a few years. In the second step, we represent the results in a `graph' where the tracklets are the nodes and the preliminary orbits are the edges. Then, acceptable `3-cycles' are identified and a least squares orbit is computed for each of them. Finally, we construct sequences of $n \geq 4$ tracklets by searching through the orbits of nearby 3-cycles and attempting to attribute the remaining tracklets. We calculate the technique's efficiency at identifying unknown objects using real detections that attempt to mimic key parameters of the Minor Planet Center's Isolated Tracklet File (ITF) and then apply the procedure to the ITF to identify tens of thousands of new objects.

  • Numerical behavior of the Keplerian Integral methods for initial orbit determination.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Óscar Rodríguez, Giovanni F. Gronchi, Giulio Baù, Robert Jedicke

    We investigate the behaviour of two recent methods for the computation of preliminary orbits. These methods are based on the conservation laws of Kepler's problem, and enable the linkage of very short arcs of optical observations even when they are separated in time by a few years. Our analysis is performed using both synthetic and real data of 822 main belt asteroids. The differences between computed and true orbital elements have been analysed for the true linkages, as well as the occurrence of alternative solutions. Some metrics have been introduced to quantify the results, with the aim of discarding as many of the false linkages as possible and keeping the vast majority of true ones. These numerical experiments provide thresholds for the metrics which take advantage of the knowledge of the \emph{ground truth}: the values of these thresholds can be used in normal operation mode, when we do not know the correct values of the orbital elements and whether the linkages are true or false.

  • Pruning: a tool to optimize the layout of large scale arrays for ultra-high-energy air-shower detection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A, Benoit-Lévy, K. Kotera, M. Tueros, (2) Sorbonne Université et CNRS, (3) Pennsylvania State University, (4) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, (5) CONICET, (6) Universidad Nacional de La Plata)

    The deployment of several large scale arrays is envisioned to study astroparticles at ultra-high energies. In order to circumvent the heavy computational costs of exploring and optimizing their layouts, we have developed a pruning method. It consists in i) running a set of microscopic simulations and interpolate them over a dense, regularly spaced array of detection units, and ii) pruning the unnecessary units out of the layout, in order to obtain the shower footprint on a newly shaped layout. This method offers flexibility to test various layout parameters, instrumental constraints, and physical inputs, with a drastic reduction in the required CPU time. The method can be universally applied to optimize arrays of any size, and using any detection techniques. For demonstration, we apply the pruning tool to radio antenna layouts, which allows us to discuss the interplay between the energy and inclination of air-showers on the size of the radio footprint and the intensity of the signal on the ground. Some rule-of-thumb conclusions that can be drawn for this specific case are: i) a hexagonal geometry is more efficient than a triangular geometry, ii) the detection efficiency of the array is stable to changes in the spacing between radio antennas around 1000m step size, iii) for a given number of antennas, adding a granular infill on top of a coarse hexagonal array is more efficient than instrumenting the full array with a less dense spacing.

  • Characterisation of night-time outdoor lighting in urban centres using cluster analysis of remotely sensed light emissions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Máximo Bustamante-Calabria, Susana Martín-Ruiz, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, J. L. Ortiz, J. M. Vílchez, Jesús Aceituno

    Evidence of the negative impact of light pollution on ecosystems is increasing every year. Its monitoring and study requires the identification, characterisation and control of the emitting sources. This is the case of urban centres with outdoor lighting that spills light outside the place it is intended to illuminate. The quantity and nature of the pollutant (artificial light at night) depends on the lamps used and how they are positioned. This is important because a greater proportion of blue light means a greater scattering effect. In this study, we analysed the emissions of 100 urban centres in the north of Granada province (Spain), using International Space Station (ISS) images from 2012 and 2021, in order to compare the results with public lighting inventories and verify the validity of these data for characterising night-time lighting emissions. Using inference and cluster analysis techniques, we confirmed an overall increase in emissions and a shift in their colour towards blue, consistent with the results of the lighting inventory analysis. We concluded that it is possible to use ISS imagery to characterise artificial light emissions and the lighting that causes them, none the less there are a number of inherent problems with the data and the way it was collected that require the results to be interpreted with caution.


  • Deep learning bulk spacetime from boundary optical conductivity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Byoungjoon Ahn, Hyun-Sik Jeong, Keun-Young Kim, Kwan Yun

    We employ a deep learning method to deduce the \textit{bulk} spacetime from \textit{boundary} optical conductivity. We apply the neural ordinary differential equation technique, tailored for continuous functions such as the metric, to the typical class of holographic condensed matter models featuring broken translations: linear-axion models. We successfully extract the bulk metric from the boundary holographic optical conductivity. Furthermore, as an example for real material, we use experimental optical conductivity of $\text{UPd}_2\text{Al}_3$, a representative of heavy fermion metals in strongly correlated electron systems, and construct the corresponding bulk metric. To our knowledge, our work is the first illustration of deep learning bulk spacetime from \textit{boundary} holographic or experimental conductivity data.

  • Uniqueness of Galilean and Carrollian limits of gravitational theories and application to higher derivative gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Poula Tadros, Ivan Kolář

    We show that the seemingly different methods used to derive non-Lorentzian (Galilean and Carrollian) gravitational theories from Lorentzian ones are equivalent. Specifically, the pre-nonrelativistic and the pre-ultralocal parametrizations can be constructed from the gauging of the Galilei and Carroll algebras, respectively. Also, the pre-ultralocal approach of taking the Carrollian limit is equivalent to performing the ADM decomposition and then setting the signature of the Lorentzian manifold to zero. We use this uniqueness to write a generic expansion for the curvature tensors and construct Galilean and Carrollian limits of all metric theories of gravity of finite order ranging from the $f(R)$ gravity to a completely generic higher derivative theory, the $f(g_{\mu\nu},R_{\mu\nu\sigma \rho},\nabla_{\mu})$ gravity. We present an algorithm for calculation of the $n$-th order of the Galilean and Carrollian expansions that transforms this problem into a constrained optimization problem. We also derive the condition under which a gravitational theory becomes a modification of general relativity in both limits simultaneously.

  • Analytical investigations on the Maxwell electromagnetic invariant in the spinning and charged horizonless star background.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yan Peng

    We study properties of the Maxwell electromagnetic invariant in the external region of spinning and charged horizonless stars. We analytically find that the minimum negative value of the Maxwell electromagnetic invariant is obtained on the equator of the star surface. We are interested in scalar fields non-minimally coupled to the Maxwell electromagnetic invariant. The negative enough Maxwell electromagnetic invariant can lead to a negative effective mass term, which forms a binding potential well for the scalar field. It means that the scalar field coupled to the Maxwell electromagnetic invariant may mostly exist around the surface of the star on the equator.

  • Bose-Einstein Condensate and Liquid Helium He$^4$: Implications of GUP and Modified Gravity Correspondence.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aneta Wojnar

    Utilizing the recently established connection between Palatini-like gravity and linear Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) models, we have formulated an approach that facilitates the examination of Bose gases. Our primary focus is on the ideal Bose-Einstein condensate and liquid helium, chosen as illustrative examples to underscore the feasibility of tabletop experiments in assessing gravity models. The non-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate imposes constraints on linear GUP and Palatini $f(R)$ gravity (Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity) within the ranges of $-10^{12}\lesssim\sigma\lesssim 3\times 10^{24}{\text{ s}}/{\text{kg m}}$ and $-10^{-1}\lesssim\bar\beta\lesssim 10^{11} \text{ m}^2$ ($-4\times10^{-1}\lesssim\epsilon\lesssim 4\times 10^{11} \text{ m}^2$), respectively. In contrast, the properties of liquid helium suggest more realistic bounds, specifically $-10^{23}\lesssim\sigma\lesssim 10^{23}{\text{ s}}/{\text{kg m}}$ and $-10^{9}\lesssim\bar\beta\lesssim 10^{9} \text{ m}^2$. Additionally, we argue that the newly developed method employing Earth seismic waves provides improved constraints for quantum and modified gravity by approximately one order of magnitude.

  • Building Three-Dimensional Differentiable Manifolds Numerically II: Limitations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lee Lindblom, Oliver Rinne

    Methods were developed in Ref. [1] for constructing reference metrics (and from them differentiable structures) on three-dimensional manifolds with topologies specified by suitable triangulations. This note generalizes those methods by expanding the class of suitable triangulations, significantly increasing the number of manifolds to which these methods apply. These new results show that this expanded class of triangulations is still a small subset of all possible triangulations. This demonstrates that fundamental changes to these methods are needed to further expand the collection of manifolds on which differentiable structures can be constructed numerically.

  • Some aspects of quantum correlations and decoherence in the cosmological spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nitin Joshi

    This thesis presents a theoretical investigation into the quantum field theoretic aspects of quantum correlations and decoherence in the cosmological spacetimes. We shall focus on the inflationary or dark energy dominated phase of the universe, and we shall take the spacetime background to be de Sitter. The primary objective of this thesis is to study the physics of the very early universe and to gain insight into the interesting interplay among quantum correlations, entanglement and decoherence which can affect the evolution of our universe.

  • Thermal analysis and Joule-Thomson expansion of black hole exhibiting metric-affine gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Muhammad Yasir, Xia Tiecheng, Faisal Javed, G. Mustafa

    This study examines a recently hypothesized black hole, which is a perfect solution of metric-affine gravity with a positive cosmological constant, and its thermodynamic features as well as the Joule-Thomson expansion. We develop some thermodynamical quantities, such as volume, Gibbs free energy, and heat capacity, using the entropy and Hawking temperature. We also examine the first law of thermodynamics and thermal fluctuations, which might eliminate certain black hole instabilities. In this regard, a phase transition from unstable to stable is conceivable when the first law order corrections are present. Besides that, we study the efficiency of this system as a heat engine and the effect of metric-affine gravity for physical parameters $q_e$, $q_m$, $\kappa_{\mathrm{s}}$, $\kappa_{\mathrm{d}}$ and $\kappa_{\mathrm{sh}}$. Further, we study the Joule-Thomson coefficient, and the inversion temperature and also observed the isenthalpic curves in the $T_i -P_i$ plane. In metric-affine gravity, a comparison is made between the Van der Waals fluid and the black hole to study their similarities and differences.

  • Non-perturbative $\langle \phi \rangle$, $\langle \phi^2 \rangle$ and the dynamically generated scalar mass with Yukawa interaction in the inflationary de Sitter spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sourav Bhattacharya, Moutushi Dutta Choudhury

    We consider a massless minimally coupled self interacting quantum scalar field coupled to fermion via the Yukawa interaction, in the inflationary de Sitter background. The fermion is also taken to be massless and the scalar potential is taken to be a hybrid, $V(\phi)= \lambda \phi^4/4!+ \beta \phi^3/3!$ ($\lambda >0$). The chief physical motivation behind this choice of $V(\phi)$ corresponds to, apart from its boundedness from below property, the fact that shape wise $V(\phi)$ has qualitative similarity with standard inflationary classical slow roll potentials. Also, its vacuum expectation value can be negative, suggesting some screening of the inflationary cosmological constant. We choose that $\langle \phi \rangle\sim 0$ at early times with respect to the Bunch-Davies vacuum, so that perturbation theory is valid initially. We consider the equations satisfied by $\langle \phi (t) \rangle$ and $\langle \phi^2(t) \rangle$, constructed from the coarse grained equation of motion for the slowly rolling $\phi$. We then compute the vacuum diagrammes of various relevant operators using the in-in formalism up to three loop, in terms of the leading powers of the secular logarithms. For a closed fermion loop, we have restricted ourselves here to only the local contribution. These large temporal logarithms are then resummed by constructing suitable non-perturbative equations to compute $\langle \phi \rangle$ and $\langle \phi^2 \rangle$. $\langle \phi \rangle$ turns out to be at least approximately an order of magnitude less compared to the minimum of the classical potential, $-3\beta/\lambda$, owing to the strong quantum fluctuations. For $\langle \phi^2 \rangle$, we have computed the dynamically generated scalar mass at late times, by taking the appropriate purely local contributions. Variations of these quantities with respect to different couplings have also been presented.

  • Hawking Radiation Under Generalized Uncertainty Principle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tin-Long Chau, Pei-Ming Ho, Hikaru Kawai, Wei-Hsiang Shao, Cheng-Tsung Wang

    The generalized uncertainty relation is expected to be an essential element in a theory of quantum gravity. In this work, we examine its effect on the Hawking radiation of a Schwarzschild black hole formed from collapse by incorporating a minimal uncertainty length scale into the radial coordinate of the background. This is implemented in both the ingoing Vaidya coordinates and a family of freely falling coordinates. We find that, regardless of the choice of the coordinate system, Hawking radiation is turned off at around the scrambling time. Interestingly, this phenomenon occurs while the Hawking temperature remains largely unmodified.

  • Scalarization of Kerr-Newman black holes in the Einstein-Chern-Simons-scalar theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kun-Hui Fan, Yun Soo Myung, De-Cheng Zou, Meng-Yun Lai

    We investigate the tachyonic instability of Kerr-Newman (KN) black hole with a rotation parameter $a$ in the Einstein-Chern-Simons-scalar theory coupled with a quadratic massive scalar field. This instability analysis corresponds to exploring the onset of spontaneous scalarization for KN black holes. First, we find no $a$-bound for $\alpha<0$ case by considering (1+1)-dimensional analytical method. A direct numerical method is adopted to explore (2+1)-dimensional time evolution of a massive scalar perturbation with positive and negative $\alpha$ to obtain threshold curves numerically. We obtain threshold curves $\alpha_{\rm th}(a)$ of tachyonic instability for positive $\alpha$ without any $a$-bounds. We expect to find the same threshold curves $\alpha_{\rm th}(a)$ of tachyonic instability for negative $\alpha$ without any $a$-bound because its linearized scalar theory is invariant under the transformation of $\alpha\to -\alpha $ and $\theta\to -\theta$. In addition, it is found that the scalar mass term suppresses tachyonic instability of KN black holes.

  • Symmetries of Love: Ladder Structure of Static and Rotating Black Holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chanchal Sharma, Rajes Ghosh, Sudipta Sarkar

    Black hole solutions of general relativity exhibit a symmetry for the static perturbations around these spacetimes, known as ``ladder symmetry''. This symmetry proves useful in constructing a tower of solutions for perturbations and elucidating their general properties. Specifically, the presence of this symmetry leads to vanishing of the tidal love number associated with black holes. In this work, we find the most general spherical symmetric and static black hole spacetime that accommodates this ladder symmetry for scalar perturbation. Furthermore, we extend our calculations beyond spherical symmetry to find the class of stationary Konoplya-Rezzolla-Zhidenko black holes, which also possess a similar ladder structure.

  • Dynamical stability and phase space analysis of an Emergent Universe with non-interacting and interacting fluids.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bikash Chandra Roy, Anirban Chanda, Bikash Chandra Paul

    We investigate the evolution of a flat Emergent Universe obtained with a non-linear equation of state (nEoS) in Einstein's general theory of Relativity. The nEoS is equivalent to three different types of barotropic cosmic fluids, which are found from the nEoS parameter. The EU began expanding initially with no interaction among the cosmic fluids. Assuming an interaction that sets in at a time $t \geq t_i$ in the fluid components, we study the evolution of the EU that leads to the present observed universe. We adopt a dynamical system analysis method to obtain the critical points of the autonomous system for studying the evolution of an EU with or without interaction in fluid components. We also study the stability of critical points and draw the phase portraits. The density parameters and the corresponding cosmological parameters are obtained for both the non-interacting and interacting phases of the evolution dynamics.


  • Non-prompt $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ production in proton-proton collisions with ALICE.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wenda Guo

    $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ production in high-energy hadronic collisions is sensitive to both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) calculations. The production of a heavy-quark pair is well-described by perturbative QCD, whereas the formation of the bound state involves non-perturbative processes, treated in different ways by various available theoretical models. ALICE can measure inclusive $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ at both forward and midrapidity down to low ${p_{\rm T}}$ and the prompt and non-prompt $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ separation can be performed at midrapidity. The study of the production of non-prompt $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ originating from the decay of beauty hadrons, besides allowing to isolate the prompt $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ cross section from the inclusive $\mathrm{J}/\psi$ cross section, can be used to estimate open beauty-hadron production. Heavy-flavour particle production in pp collisions as a function of charged-particle multiplicity can provide insight into the processes occuring in the collision at the partonic level, as well as the interplay between the hard and soft mechanisms in particle production.

  • A new game with Quark Matter Cards: The Eightfold path.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ana Uzelac

    This paper introduces an educational card game designed to elucidate fundamental particle physics concepts, specifically emphasizing the classification of hadrons through the "Eightfold Path." Derived from the Quark Matter Card Games series, the game entails arranging elementary particle cards to construct baryons and mesons on designated game boards. Detailed rules for beginner and intermediate levels are provided. The game aims to enhance understanding of particle properties, color neutrality, and symmetry principles, integral to the quark model and the Standard Model of particle physics. The paper explores the game's physical background, delving into the historical significance of the Eightfold Way and its contributions to quark theory. Adaptable for various age groups, the game serves as a dynamic and engaging tool for learning intricate physics concepts in an entertaining manner. The conclusion expresses gratitude to mentors and pioneers in the realm of card games featuring elementary particles.

  • Enhanced pair production in multi-pulse trains electric fields with oscillation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lie-Juan Li, Xiao-Wei Sun, Melike Mohamedsedik, Li Wang, Li-Na Hu, Bai-Song Xie

    For different alternating-sign multi-pulse trains electric fields with oscillation, the effects of the electric field pulse number and the relative phase of the combined electric field on pair production are investigated by solving quantum Vlasov equation. It is found that the number density of created particles in the combined electric fields is increased by more than one order of magnitude compared to the results without oscillating structure for both zero transverse momentum and full momentum space. In the case of zero transverse momentum, the created particles longitudinal momentum spectrum are monochromatic for large pulse numbers and some suitable relative phases. The number density depends nonlinearly on the relative phase that enables the optimal relative phase parameters for the number density. Moreover, for the full momentum space, the created particles number density and momentum spectrum under different multi-pulse trains electric fields are given and discussed. We also find that the number density as a function of pulse number satisfies the power law with index 5.342 for the strong but slowly varying electric field with large pulse numbers.

  • Exploring the partonic collectivity in small systems at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuanyuan Wang, Wenbin Zhao, Huichao Song

    Using the Hydro-Coal-Frag model that combines hydrodynamics at low $p_{\rm T}$, quark coalescence at intermediate $p_{\rm T}$, and the LBT transport model at high $p_{\rm T}$, we study the spectra and elliptic flow of identified hadrons in high multiplicity p--Pb and p--p collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In p--Pb collisions, the Hydro-Coal-Frag model gives a good description of the differential elliptic flow over the $p_{\rm T}$ range from 0 to 6 GeV and the approximate number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling at intermediate $p_{\rm T}$. Although Hydro-Coal-Frag model can also roughly describe the elliptic flow in high multiplicity p--p collisions with the quark coalescence process, the larger contribution from the string fragmentations leads to a notable violation of the NCQ scaling of $v_2$ at intermediate $p_{\rm T}$ as observed in the experiment. Comparison runs of the Hydro-Frag model without the coalescence process demonstrate that regardless the parameter adjustments, the Hydro-Frag model cannot simultaneously describe the $p_{\rm T}$ spectra and the elliptic flow of identified hadrons in either p--Pb collisions or p--p collisions. The calculations in this paper thus provide support for the existence of partonic degrees of freedom and the possible formation of the QGP in the small systems created at the LHC.

  • A Collinear Perspective on the Regge Limit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Anjie Gao, Ian Moult, Sanjay Raman, Gregory Ridgway, Iain W. Stewart

    The high energy (Regge) limit provides a playground for understanding all loop structures of scattering amplitudes, and plays an important role in the description of many phenomenologically relevant cross-sections. While well understood in the planar limit, the structure of non-planar corrections introduces many fascinating complexities, for which a general organizing principle is still lacking. We study the structure of multi-reggeon exchanges in the context of the effective field theory for forward scattering, and derive their factorization into collinear operators (impact factors) and soft operators. We derive the structure of the renormalization group consistency equations in the effective theory, showing how the anomalous dimensions of the soft operators are related to those of the collinear operators, allowing us to derive renormalization group equations in the Regge limit purely from a collinear perspective. The rigidity of the consistency equations provides considerable insight into the all orders organization of Regge amplitudes in the effective theory, as well as its relation to other approaches. Along the way we derive a number of technical results that improve the understanding of the effective theory. We illustrate this collinear perspective by re-deriving all the standard BFKL equations for two-Glauber exchange from purely collinear calculations, and we show that this perspective provides a number of conceptual and computational advantages as compared to the standard view from soft or Glauber physics. We anticipate that this formulation in terms of collinear operators will enable a better understanding of the relation between BFKL and DGLAP in gauge theories, and facilitate the analysis of renormalization group evolution equations describing Reggeization beyond next-to-leading order.

  • Can Bell inequalities be tested via scattering cross-section at colliders ?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Song Li, Wei Shen, Jin Min Yang

    In current studies for testing Bell inequalities at colliders, the reconstruction of spin correlations from scattering cross-sections relies on the bilinear form of the spin correlations, and not all local hidden variable models (LHVMs) have such a property. To demonstrate that a general LHVM cannot be rule out via scattering cross-section data, we propose a specific LHVM, which can exactly duplicate the same scattering cross-section for particle production and decay as the standard quantum theory, making it indistinguishable at colliders in principle. Despite of this, we find that reconstructing spin correlations through scattering cross-sections can still rule out a broad class of LHVMs, e.g., those models employing classical spin correlations as a surrogate for quantum spin correlations.

  • The reaction $\pi N \to \omega N$ in a dynamical coupled-channel approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Fei Wang

    This talk is on a refined investigation on light flavor meson-baryon scatterings, using a dynamical coupled-channel approach, i.e. the J\"ulich-Bonn model. The previous channel space of $\pi N$, $\pi \Delta$, $\sigma N$, $\rho N$, $\eta N$, $K \Lambda$ and $K \Sigma$ is extended by adding the $\omega N$ final state. The spectra of $N^*$ and $\Delta$ resonances are extracted, based on the result of a global fit to a worldwide collection of data, in the energy region from the $\pi N$ threshold to center-of-mass energy $z=2.3$ GeV (approximately $300$ parameters against $9000$ data points). A negative value of the $\omega N$ elastic spin-averaged scattering length has been extracted.

  • On the nature of the $N^*$ and $\Delta$ resonances via coupled-channel dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Fei Wang

    This talk focuses on a recent work aiming at determining the composition of certain $N^*$ and $\Delta$ resonances, i.e. whether they are compact states formed directly by quarks and gluons, or composite generated from the meson-baryon interaction. The information of the resonance poles is provided by a comprehensive coupled-channel approach, the J\"ulich-Bonn model. Thirteen states that are significant in this approach are studied. Two criteria for each state are adopted in this paper, the comparison thereof roughly indicates the model uncertainties. It is found that the conclusions for eight resonances are relatively certain: $N(1535) \frac{1}{2}^-$, $N(1440) \frac{1}{2}^+$, $N(1710) \frac{1}{2}^+$, and $N(1520) \frac{3}{2}^-$ tend to be composite; whereas $N(1650) \frac{1}{2}^-$, $N(1900) \frac{3}{2}^+$, $N(1680) \frac{5}{2}^+$, and $\Delta(1600) \frac{3}{2}^+$ tend to be compact.

  • Charm Fluctuations and Deconfinement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sipaz Sharma

    We establish that the charmed hadrons start dissociating at the chiral crossover temperature, ${T_{pc}}$, leading to the appearance of charm degrees freedom carrying fractional baryon number. Our method is based on analyzing the second and fourth-order cumulants of charm (${C}$) fluctuations, and their correlations with baryon number (${B}$), electric charge (${Q}$) and strangeness (${S}$) fluctuations. The first-time calculation of the ${QC}$ correlations on the high statistics datasets of the HotQCD Collaboration enables us to disentangle the contributions from different electrically-charged charm subsectors in the hadronic phase. In particular, we see an enhancement over the PDG expectation in the fractional contribution of the ${|Q|}=2$ charm subsector to the total charm partial pressure for ${T<T_{pc}}$; this enhancement is in agreement with the Quark Model extended Hadron Resonance Gas (QM-HRG) model calculations. Furthermore, the agreement of QM-HRG calculations with the projections onto charmed baryonic and mesonic correlations in different charm subsectors indicates the existence of not-yet-discovered charmed hadrons in all charm subsectors below ${T_{pc}}$. We aim at determining the relevant degrees of freedom in temperature range ${T_{pc}<T<340 \text{ MeV}}$ by assuming the existence of a non-interacting gas of charmed quasi-particles composed of meson, baryon and quark-like excitations above $T_{pc}$. Our data suggest that the particles with quantum numbers consistent with quarks start appearing at $T_{pc}$.

  • Femtoscopy with L\'evy sources from SPS through RHIC to LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Máté Csanád, Dániel Kincses

    Femtoscopy is a unique tool to investigate the space-time geometry of the matter created in ultra-relativistic collisions. If the probability density distribution of hadron emission is parametrized, then the dependence of its parameters on particle momentum, collision energy, and collision geometry can be given. In recent years, several measurements came to light that indicated the adequacy of assuming a L\'evy-stable shape for the mentioned distribution. In parallel, several new phenomenological developments appeared, aiding the interpretation of the experimental results, or providing tools for the measurements. In this paper we review and discuss some of these advances, phenomenological and experimental.

  • Mixed QCD-EW corrections to $W$-pair production at electron-positron colliders.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhe Li, Ren-You Zhang, Shu-Xiang Li, Xiao-Feng Wang, Wen-Jie He, Liang Han, Yi Jiang, Qing-hai Wang

    The discrepancy between the CDF measurement and the Standard Model theoretical predictions for the $W$-boson mass underscores the importance of conducting high-precision studies on the $W$ boson, which is one of the predominant objectives of proposed future $e^+e^-$ colliders. We investigate in detail the production of $W$-boson pair at $e^+e^-$ colliders and calculate the mixed QCD-EW corrections at the next-to-next-to-leading order. By employing the method of differential equations, we analytically compute the two-loop master integrals for the mixed QCD-EW corrections to $e^+e^- \rightarrow W^+W^-$. By utilizing the Magnus transformation, we derive a canonical set of master integrals for each integral family. This canonical basis fulfills a system of differential equations where the dependence on the dimensional regulator, $\epsilon$, is linearly factorized from the kinematics. Finally, these canonical master integrals are given as Taylor series in $\epsilon$ up to $\epsilon^4$, with coefficients written as combinations of Goncharov polylogarithms up to weight four. Upon applying our analytic expressions of these master integrals to the phenomenological analysis on $W$-pair production, we find that the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha\alpha_s)$ corrections hold substantial significance in the $\alpha(0)$ scheme, especially in the vicinity of the top-pair resonance ($\sqrt{s} = 2\, m_t$) induced by top-loop integrals. However, these corrections can be heavily suppressed by adopting the $G_{\mu}$ scheme.

  • Lepton universality in a model with three generations of sterile Majorana neutrinos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. N. Dubinin, D. M. Kazarkin

    The extension of the Standard Model lepton sector by three right-handed Majorana neutrinos (heavy neutral leptons, HNL) with masses up to GeV scale is considered. While the lightest HNL is the dark matter particle with mass of the order of 5 keV, the remaining two HNLs ensure standard (active) neutrino mass generation by means of the see-saw type I mechanism. Two heavy sterile neutrinos with quasi-degenerate masses up to 5 GeV can induce the deviation of lepton universality violation parameter in the decays of $\pi^\pm$ and $K^\pm$ mesons from the the Standard Model value. Contours are obtained for the permissible values of this parameter within the framework of two mixing scenarios, taking into account the lifetime boundary for heavy neutral lepton from Big Bang nucleosynthesis in the Universe. When calculating the HNL decay width in the framework of the model with six Majorana neutrinos, three active and three heavy, both two-particle and three-particle lepton decays, essential for masses below the mass of the pion, were taken into account. When calculating the decay widths, the limiting case known as the "Dirac limit" is not used. The results based on the explicit form of mixing matrices for three HNL generations and the diagram technique for Majorana neutrinos, which explicitly take into account the interference terms for diagrams with identical mass states, can lead to some differences in lifetime from the results using the "Dirac limit" and the displacement of the corresponding experimental exclusion contours of the "mass-mixing" type. For the second mixing scenario, a mass region of $460~\text{MeV} <M< 485$ MeV has been found that allows violation of lepton universality in charged kaon decays at the level observed in the experiment.

  • Testing Complex Singlet Scalar Cosmology at the Large Hadron Collider.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Wenxing Zhang, Yizhou Cai, Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf, Lei Zhang

    The Standard Model extended with a complex singlet scalar (cxSM) can admit a strong first order electroweak phase transition (SFOEWPT) as needed for electroweak baryogenesis and provide a dark matter (DM) candidate. The presence of both a DM candidate and a singlet-like scalar that mixes with the Standard Model Higgs boson leads to the possibility of a $b\bar{b}+\text{MET}$ final state in $pp$ collisions. Focusing on this channel, we analyze the prospective reach at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for a heavy singlet-like scalar in regions of cxSM parameter space compatible with a SFOEWT and DM phenomenology. We identify this parameter space while implementing current constraints from electroweak precision observable and Higgs boson property measurements as well as those implied by LHC heavy resonance searches.

  • Nature of the $N^*$ and $\Delta$ resonances via coupled-channel dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yu-Fei Wang, Ulf-G. Meißner, Deborah Rönchen, Chao-Wei Shen

    This work aims at determining the composition of certain $N^*$ and $\Delta$ resonances, i.e. whether they are compact states formed directly by quarks and gluons, or hadronic molecules generated from the meson-baryon interaction. The information of the resonance poles is provided by a comprehensive coupled-channel approach, the J\"{u}lich-Bonn model. $13$ states that are significant in this approach are studied. Two criteria for each state are adopted in this paper, the comparison thereof roughly indicates the model uncertainties. It is found that the conclusions for $8$ resonances are relatively certain: $N(1535) \frac{1}{2}^-$, $N(1440) \frac{1}{2}^+$, $N(1710) \frac{1}{2}^+$, and $N(1520) \frac{3}{2}^-$ tend to be composite; whereas $N(1650) \frac{1}{2}^-$, $N(1900) \frac{3}{2}^+$, $N(1680) \frac{5}{2}^+$, and $\Delta(1600) \frac{3}{2}^+$ tend to be compact.

  • Understanding the first measurement of $\mathcal{B}(B\to K \nu \bar{\nu})$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lukas Allwicher, Damir Becirevic, Gioacchino Piazza, Salvador Rosauro-Alcaraz, Olcyr Sumensari

    Recently, Belle II reported on the first measurement of $\mathcal{B}(B^\pm\to K^\pm \nu\bar{\nu})$ which appears to be almost $3\sigma$ larger than predicted in the Standard Model. We point out the important correlation with $\mathcal{B}(B\to K^{\ast} \nu\bar{\nu})$ so that the measurement of that decay mode could help restraining the possible options for building the model of New Physics. We then try to interpret this new experimental result in terms of physics beyond the Standard Model by using SMEFT and find that a scenario with coupling only to $\tau$ can accommodate the current experimental constraints but fails in getting a desired $R_{D^{(\ast )}}^\mathrm{exp}/R_{D^{(\ast )}}^\mathrm{SM}$, unless one turns the other SMEFT operators that are not related to $b\to s\ell\ell$ or/and $b\to s\nu\nu$.

  • Holographic stability for non-$q\bar{q}$ candidates.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Miguel Angel Martin Contreras, Alfredo Vega

    In the context of bottom-up AdS/QCD models, we discuss how the configurational entropy can describe heavy non-$q\,\bar{q}$ states. Using the non-quadratic softwall model, introduced to describe non-linear Regge trajectories, we parametrize different multiquark and exotic meson structures to describe $Z_c$, $\psi$, and $Z_b$ states as non-$q\,\bar{q}$ hadrons in terms of stability. We found that $Z_c$ is better described as a hybrid meson with one gluon tube, $\psi$ as hadrocharmonium, and $Z_b$ as hadronic molecule.

  • Dissipation dynamics of a scalar field.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Laura Batini, Eduardo Grossi, Nicolas Wink

    We investigate the dissipation rate of a scalar field in the vicinity of the phase transition and the ordered phase, specifically within the universality class of model A. This dissipation rate holds significant physical relevance, particularly in the context of interpreting effective potentials as inputs for dynamical transport simulations, such as hydrodynamics. To comprehensively understand the use of effective potentials and other calculation inputs, such as the functional renormalization group, we conduct a detailed analysis of field dependencies. We solve the functional renormalization group equations on the Schwinger-Keldysh contour to determine the effective potential and dissipation rate for both finite and infinite volumes. Furthermore, we conduct a finite-size scaling analysis to calculate the dynamic critical exponent z. Our extracted value closely matches existing values from the literature.

  • Decays of fully beauty scalar tetraquarks to $B_{q}\overline{B}_{q}$ and $B_{q}^{\ast}\overline{B}_{q}^{\ast}$ mesons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. S. Agaev, K. Azizi, B. Barsbay, H. Sundu

    Decays of the fully beauty four-quark structures $X_{\mathrm{4b}}$ and $T_{ \mathrm{4b}}$ to $B$ meson pairs are investigated in the framework of QCD three-point sum rule method. We model the scalar exotic mesons $X_{\mathrm{4b }}$ and $T_{\mathrm{4b}}$ as diquark-antidiquark systems composed of the axial-vector and pseudoscalar diquarks, respectively. The masses $m=(18540 \pm 50)~\mathrm{MeV}$ and $\widetilde{m}=(18858 \pm 50)~\mathrm{MeV}$ of these compounds calculated in our previous articles, fix possible decay channels of these particles. In the present work, we consider their decays to $B_{q}\overline{B}_{q}$ and $B_{q}^{\ast }\overline{B}_{q}^{\ast } (q=u,d,s,c)$ mesons. In the case of $X_{\mathrm{4b}}$ the mass of which is below the $2\eta_{b}$ threshold, these channels determine essential part of its full width $\Gamma_{\mathrm{4b}}$. The tetraquark $T_{\mathrm{4b}}$ can decay to the pair $\eta_{b}\eta_{b}$, therefore partial widths of processes with $B (B^{\ast})$ mesons in the final state permit us to refine our estimate for the full width of this particle. The predictions $\Gamma_{ \mathrm{4b}}=(9.6\pm 1.1)~\mathrm{MeV}$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma }_{\mathrm{4b} }^{\mathrm{Full}}=(144 \pm 29)~\mathrm{MeV}$ obtained in this article can be used in future experimental investigations of four $b$-quark mesons.

  • The topological susceptibility slope $\chi^\prime$ of the pure-gauge SU(3) Yang-Mills theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Claudio Bonanno

    We determine the pure-gauge $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ topological susceptibility slope $\chi^\prime$, related to the next-to-leading-order term of the momentum expansion of the topological charge density 2-point correlator, from numerical lattice Monte Carlo simulations. Our strategy consists in performing a double-limit extrapolation: first we take the continuum limit at fixed smoothing radius, then we take the zero-smoothing-radius limit. Our final result is $\chi^\prime = [17.1(2.1)~\mathrm{MeV}]^2$. We also discuss a theoretical argument to predict its value in the large-$N$ limit, which turns out to be remarkably close to the obtained $N=3$ lattice result.

  • On the molecular nature of the $\Omega_c(3120)$ and its analogy with the $\Omega(2012)$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Natsumi Ikeno, Wei-Hong Liang, Eulogio Oset

    We make a study of the $\Omega_c(3120)$, one of the five $\Omega_c$ states observed by the LHCb collaboration, which is well reproduced as a molecular state from the $\Xi^*_c \bar K$ and $\Omega^*_c \eta$ channels mostly. The state with $J^P = 3/2^-$ decays to $\Xi_c \bar K$ in $D$-wave and we include this decay channel in our approach, as well as the effect of the $\Xi^*_c$ width. With all these ingredients, we determine the fraction of the $\Omega_c(3120)$ width that goes into $\Xi_c \pi \bar K$, which could be a measure of the $\Xi^*_c \bar K$ molecular component, but due to a relatively big binding, compared to its analogous $\Omega(2012)$ state, we find only a small fraction of about 3%, which makes this measurement difficult with present statistics. As an alternative, we evaluate the scattering length and effective range of the $\Xi^*_c \bar K$ and $\Omega^*_c \eta$ channels which together with the binding and width of the $\Omega_c(3120)$ state, could give us an answer to the issue of the compositeness of this state when these magnitudes are determined experimentally, something feasible nowadays, for instance, measuring correlation functions.

  • Hubble Tension and Cosmological Imprints of $U(1)_X$ Gauge Symmetry: $U(1)_{B_3-3 L_i}$ as a case study.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Purusottam Ghosh, Sk Jeesun, Rahul Srivastava

    The current upper limit on $N_{\rm eff}$ at the time of CMB by Planck 2018 can place stringent constraints in the parameter space of BSM paradigms where their additional interactions may affect neutrino decoupling. Motivated by this fact in this paper we explore the consequences of light gauge boson ($Z'$) emerging from local $U(1)_X$ symmetry in $N_{\rm eff}$ at the time of CMB. First, we analyze the generic $U(1)_X$ models with arbitrary charge assignments for the SM fermions and show that, in the context of $N_{\rm eff}$ the generic $U(1)_X$ gauged models can be broadly classified into two categories, depending on the charge assignments of first generation leptons. We then perform a detailed analysis with two specific $U(1)_X$ models: $U(1)_{B_3-3L_e}$ and $U(1)_{B_3-3L_\mu}$ and explore the contribution in $N_{\rm eff}$ due to the presence of $Z'$ realized in those models. For comparison, we also showcase the constraints from low energy experiments like: Borexino, Xenon 1T, neutrino trident, etc. We show that in a specific parameter space, particularly in the low mass region of $Z'$, the bound from $N_{\rm eff}$ (Planck 2018) is more stringent than the experimental constraints. Additionally, a part of the regions of the same parameter space may also relax the $H_0$ tension.


  • Behind-the-horizon excitations from a single 2d CFT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Souvik Banerjee, Gideon Vos

    In this work, we consider the atypical non-equilibrium state found in [1708.06328] which holographically represents a behind-the-horizon excitation in a blackhole spacetime. The special feature of this state is that it looks like an equilibrium state when probed by a class of low-energy operators. First, we retrieve this property using the uniformization mapping in the limit of large central charge, in the process we are able to derive rather than presume approximate thermal physics. Furthermore, in the large-c and high-energy limit we realize these excitations as elements of the commutant algebra of a GNS representation of the light operator algebra. Instead of analytically continuing a mixed heavy-light Euclidean correlator to a Lorentzian correlator, we identify the Euclidean correlator as a GNS linear form and interpret the Lorentzian correlator as a vacuum expectation value of representatives of the light operator algebra on the GNS vacuum.

  • Evaluating Feynman Integrals Using D-modules and Tropical Geometry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Henrik J. Munch

    Feynman integrals play a central role in the modern scattering amplitudes research program. Advancing our methods for evaluating Feynman integrals will, therefore, strengthen our ability to compare theoretical predictions with data from particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider. Motivated by this, the present manuscript purports to study mathematical concepts related to Feynman integrals. In particular, we present both numerical and analytical algorithms for the evaluation of Feynman integrals. The content is divided into three parts. Part I focuses on the method of DEQs for evaluating Feynman integrals. An otherwise daunting integral expression is thereby traded for the comparatively simpler task of solving a system of DEQs. We use this technique to evaluate a family of two-loop Feynman integrals of relevance for dark matter detection. Part II situates the study of DEQs for Feynman integrals within the framework of D-modules, a natural language for studying PDEs algebraically. Special emphasis is put on a particular D-module called the GKZ system, a set of higher-order PDEs that annihilate a generalized version of a Feynman integral. In the course of matching the generalized integral to a Feynman integral proper, we discover an algorithm for evaluating the latter in terms of logarithmic series. Part III develops a numerical integration algorithm. It combines Monte Carlo sampling with tropical geometry, a particular offspring of algebraic geometry that studies "piecewise-linear" polynomials. Feynman's i*epsilon-prescription is incorporated into the algorithm via contour deformation. We present an open-source program named Feyntrop that implements this algorithm, and use it to numerically evaluate Feynman integrals between 1-5 loops and 0-5 legs in physical regions of phase space.

  • Entanglement from holography for five-dimensional charged Schr\"{o}dinger black hole.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Suman Das, Sabyasachi Maulik

    We study entanglement entropy in a non-relativistic Schr\"{o}dinger field theory at finite temperature and electric charge using the principle of gauge/gravity duality. The spacetime geometry is obtained from a charged AdS black hole by a null Melvin twist. By using an appropriate modification of the holographic Ryu-Takayanagi formula, we calculate the entanglement entropy, mutual information, and entanglement wedge cross-section for the simplest strip subsystem. The entanglement measures show non-trivial dependence on the black hole parameters.

  • New solutions of Isochronous potentials in terms of exceptional orthogonal polynomials in heterostructures.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Satish Yadav, Rahul Ghosh, Bhabani Prasad Mandal

    Point canonical transformation (PCT) has been used to find out new exactly solvable potentials in the position-dependent mass (PDM) framework. We solve $1$-D Schr\"{o}dinger equation in the PDM framework by considering two different fairly generic position-dependent masses $ (i) M(x)=\lambda g'(x)$ and $(ii) M(x) = c \left( {g'(x)} \right)^\nu $, $\nu =\frac{2\eta}{2\eta+1},$ with $\eta= 0,1,2\cdots $. In the first case, we find new exactly solvable potentials that depend on an integer parameter $m$, and the corresponding solutions are written in terms of $X_m$-Laguerre polynomials. In the latter case, we obtain a new one parameter $(\nu)$ family of isochronous solvable potentials whose bound states are written in terms of $X_m$-Laguerre polynomials. Further, we show that the new potentials are shape invariant by using the supersymmetric approach in the framework of PDM.

  • Construction of Pseudo-hermitian matrices describing systems with balanced loss-gain.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pijush K.Ghosh

    We present a general construction of pseudo-hermitian matrices in an arbitrary large, but finite dimensional vector space. The positive-definite metric which ensures reality of the entire spectra of a pseudo-hermitian operator, and is used for defining a modified inner-product in the associated vector space is also presented. The construction for an N dimensional vector space is based on the generators of SU (N ) in the fundamental representation and the identity operator. We apply the results to construct a generic pseudo-hermitian lattice model of size N with balanced loss-gain. The system is amenable to periodic as well as open boundary conditions and by construction, admits entirely real spectra along with unitary time-evolution. The tight binding and Su-Schrieffer-Heeger(SSH) models with nearest neighbour(NN) and next-nearest neighbour(NNN) interaction with balanced loss-gain appear as limiting cases.

  • From Invariant Decomposition to Spinors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martin Roelfs, David Eelbode, Steven De Keninck

    Plane-based Geometric Algebra (PGA) has revealed points in a $d$-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}_{p,q,1}$ to be represented by $d$-blades rather than vectors. This discovery allows points to be factored into $d$ orthogonal hyperplanes, establishing points as pseudoscalars of a local geometric algebra $\mathbb{R}_{pq}$. Astonishingly, the non-uniqueness of this factorization reveals the existence of a local $\text{Spin}(p,q)$ geometric gauge group at each point. Moreover, a point can alternatively be factored into a product of the elements of the Cartan subalgebra of $\mathfrak{spin}(p,q)$, which are traditionally used to label spinor representations. Therefore, points reveal previously hidden geometric foundations for some of quantum field theory's mysteries. This work outlines the impact of PGA on the study of spinor representations in any number of dimensions, and is the first in a research programme exploring the consequences of this insight.

  • The geometry of large charge multi-traces in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stefano Giusto, Alessandro Rosso

    We construct a one-parameter family of half-BPS solutions of type IIB supergravity using a consistent truncation to gauged five-dimensional supergravity. For small values of the parameter, the solution reduces to the linear perturbation of AdS$_5\times S^5$ dual to the chiral primary operator in the stress-tensor multiplet, and we give evidence that the geometry is regular and asymptotes AdS in a normalisable way for arbitrarily large values of the parameter. We conjecture that the solution is the gravity dual of a ``heavy" multi-trace operator in $\mathcal{N}=4$ $SU(N)$ Super Yang-Mills made by $p$ copies of the stress-tensor chiral primary operator, with $p$ of order $N^2$ in the large $N$ limit. We perform some holographic checks supporting this duality map.

  • To Wedge Or Not To Wedge, Wedges and operator reconstructability in toy models of AdS/CFT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vic Vander Linden

    The AdS/CFT correspondence is an explicit realization of the holographic principle relating a theory of gravity in a volume of space to a lower dimensional quantum field theory on its boundary. By exploiting elements of quantum error correction, qubit toy models of this correspondence have been constructed for which the bulk logical operators are representable by operators acting on the boundary. Given a boundary subregion, wedges in the volume space are used to enclose the bulk qubits for which logical operators are reconstructable on that boundary subregion. In this thesis a number of different wedges, such as the causal wedge, greedy entanglement wedge and minimum entanglement wedge, are examined. More specifically, Monte-Carlo simulations of boundary erasure are performed with various toy models to study the differences between wedges and the effect on these wedge by the type of the model, non-uniform boundaries and stacking of models. It has been found that the minimum entanglement wedge is the best approximate for the true geometric wedge. This is illustrated by an example toy model for which an operator beyond the greedy entanglement wedge was also reconstructed. In addition, by calculating the entropy of these subregions, the viability of a mutual information wedge is rejected. Only for particular connected boundary subregions was the inclusion of the central tensor by the geometric wedge associated to a rise in mutual information.

  • Comment on `Index-free Heat Kernel Coefficients'.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. A. Franchino-Viñas

    The article by Anton E. M. van de Ven, Class. Quantum Grav. \textbf{15} (1998), is one of the fundamental references for higher-order heat kernel coefficients in curved backgrounds and with non-abelian gauge connections. In this manuscript, we point out two errors and ambiguities in the $\mathsf{a}_5$ coefficient, which may also affect the higher-order ones.

  • Ascending the attractor flow in the D1-D5 system.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Silvia Georgescu, Monica Guica, Nicolas Kovensky

    We study maximally supersymmetric irrelevant deformations of the D1-D5 CFT that correspond to following the attractor flow in reverse in the dual half-BPS black string solutions of type IIB supergravity on K3. When a single, quadratic condition is imposed on the parameters of the 22 such irrelevant deformations, the asymptotics of the solution degenerate to a linear dilaton like spacetime. We identify each such degeneration limit with a known decoupling limit of string theory, which yields little string theory or deformations thereof (the so-called open brane LST, or ODp theories), compactified to two dimensions. This suggests that a 21-parameter family of the above deformations leads to UV-complete theories, which are string theories decoupled from gravity that are continuously connected to each other. All these theories have been argued to display Hagedorn behaviour; we show that including the F1 strings leads to an additional Cardy term. The resulting entropy formula closely resembles that of single-trace $T\bar T$-deformed CFTs, whose generalisations could provide possibly tractable effective two-dimensional descriptions of the above web of theories. We also consider the asymptotically flat black strings. At fixed temperature, the partition function is dominated by thermodynamically stable, small black string solutions, similar to the ones in the decoupled backgrounds. We show that certain asymptotic symmetries of these black strings bear a striking resemblance with the state-dependent symmetries of single-trace $T\bar T$, and break down precisely when the background solution reaches the large black string threshold. This suggests that small, asymptotically flat black strings may also admit a $T\bar T$ - like effective description.

  • Lattice realization of the axial $U(1)$ non-invertible symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yamato Honda, Okuto Morikawa, Soma Onoda, Hiroshi Suzuki

    In $U(1)$ lattice gauge theory with compact $U(1)$ variables, we construct the symmetry operator, i.e., the topological defect, for the axial $U(1)$ non-invertible symmetry. This requires a lattice formulation of chiral gauge theory with an anomalous matter content and we employ the lattice formulation on the basis of the Ginsparg--Wilson relation. Then, the invariance of the symmetry operator under the gauge transformation of the gauge field on the defect is realized, imitating the prescription by Karasik in continuum theory, by integrating the lattice Chern--Simons term on the defect over smooth lattice gauge transformations. The projection operator for allowed magnetic fluxes on the defect then automatically emerges with lattice regularization. The resulting symmetry operator is manifestly gauge invariant under lattice gauge transformations.

  • Rademacher expansion of a Siegel modular form for ${\cal N}= 4$ counting.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Suresh Nampuri, Martí Rosselló

    The degeneracies of $1/4$ BPS states with unit torsion in heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus are given in terms of the Fourier coefficients of the reciprocal of the Igusa cusp Siegel modular form $\Phi_{10}$ of weight $10$. We use the symplectic symmetries of the latter to construct a fine-grained Rademacher type expansion which expresses these BPS degeneracies as a regularized sum over residues of the poles of $1/\Phi_{10}$. The construction uses two distinct ${\rm SL}(2, \mathbb{Z})$ subgroups of ${\rm Sp}(2, \mathbb{Z})$ which encode multiplier systems, Kloosterman sums and Eichler integrals appearing therein. Additionally, it shows how the polar data are explicitly built from the Fourier coefficients of $1/\eta^{24}$ by means of a continued fraction structure.

  • Discovering T-Dualities of Little String Theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lakshya Bhardwaj

    We describe a general method for deducing T-dualities of little string theories, which are dualities between these theories that arise when they are compactified on circle. The method works for both untwisted and twisted circle compactifications of little string theories and is based on surface geometries associated to these circle compactifications. The surface geometries describe information about Calabi-Yau threefolds on which M-theory can be compactified to construct the corresponding circle compactified little string theories. Using this method, we deduce at least one T-dual, and in some cases multiple T-duals, for untwisted and twisted circle compactifications of most of the little string theories that can be described on their tensor branches in terms of a 6d supersymmetric gauge theory with a simple non-abelian gauge group, which are also known as rank-0 little string theories. This includes little string theories carrying N=(1,1) and N=(1,0) supersymmetries. For many, but not all, circle compactifications of N=(1,1) little string theories, we have T-dualities that realize Langlands dualities between affine Lie algebras. Along the way, we find another discrete theta angle distinct from 0 and $\pi$ for an E-string node.

  • Exact large-scale fluctuations of the phase field in the sine-Gordon model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Giuseppe Del Vecchio Del Vecchio, Márton Kormos, Benjamin Doyon, Alvise Bastianello

    We present the first exact theory and analytical formulas for the large-scale phase fluctuations in the sine-Gordon model, valid in all regimes of the field theory, for arbitrary temperatures and interaction strengths. Our result is based on the Ballistic Fluctuation Theory combined with Generalized Hydrodynamics, and can be seen as an exact ``dressing" of the phenomenological soliton-gas picture first introduced by Sachdev and Young [S. Sachdev and A. P. Young, PRL 78, 2220 (1997)], to the modes of Generalised Hydrodynamics. The resulting physics of phase fluctuations in the sine-Gordon model is qualitatively different, as the stable quasi-particles of integrability give coherent ballistic propagation instead of diffusive spreading. We provide extensive numerical checks of our analytical predictions within the classical regime of the field theory by using Monte Carlo methods. We discuss how our results are of ready applicability to experiments on tunnel-coupled quasicondensates.

  • Conformal Invariance and Multifractality at Anderson Transitions in Arbitrary Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jaychandran Padayasi, Ilya A. Gruzberg

    Multifractals arise in various systems across nature whose scaling behavior is characterized by a continuous spectrum of multifractal exponents $\Delta_q$. In the context of Anderson transitions, the multifractality of critical wave functions is described by operators $O_q$ with scaling dimensions $\Delta_q$ in a field-theory description of the transitions. The operators $O_q$ satisfy the so-called Abelian fusion expressed as a simple operator product expansion. Assuming conformal invariance and Abelian fusion, we use the conformal bootstrap framework to derive a constraint that implies that the multifractal spectrum $\Delta_q$ (and its generalized form) must be quadratic in its arguments in any dimension $d \geq 2$.

  • Disorder-free localisation in continuous-time quantum walks : Role of symmetries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. P. Balachandran, Anjali Kundalpady, Pramod Padmanabhan, Akash Sinha

    We investigate the phenomenon of disorder-free localisation in quantum systems with global permutation symmetry. We use permutation group theory to systematically construct permutation symmetric many-fermion Hamiltonians and interpret them as generators of continuous-time quantum walks. When the number of fermions is very large we find that all the canonical basis states localise at all times, without the introduction of any disorder coefficients. This time-independent localisation is not the result of any emergent disorder distinguishing it from existing mechanisms for disorder-free localisation. Next we establish the conditions under which the localisation is preserved. We find that interactions that preserve and break the global permutation symmetry sustains localisation. Furthermore the basis states of systems with reduced permutation symmetry, localise even for a small number of fermions when the symmetry-reducing parameters are tuned accordingly. We show that similar localisation also occurs for a permutation symmetric Heisenberg spin chain and permutation symmetric bosonic systems, implying that the localisation is independent of the superselected symmetry. Finally we make connections of the Hamiltonians studied here to the adjacency matrices of graphs and use this to propose a prescription for disorder-free localisation in continuous-time quantum walk systems. Many of the models proposed here feature all-to-all connectivity and can be potentially realised on superconducting quantum circuits, trapped ion systems and ultracold atoms.

  • Corner Transfer Matrix Approach to the Yang-Lee Singularity in the 2D Ising Model in a magnetic field.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vladimir V. Mangazeev, Bryte Hagan, Vladimir V. Bazhanov

    We study the 2D Ising model in a complex magnetic field in the vicinity of the Yang-Lee edge singularity. By using Baxter's variational corner transfer matrix method combined with analytic techniques, we numerically calculate the scaling function and obtain an accurate estimate of the location of the Yang-Lee singularity. The existing series expansions for susceptibility of the 2D Ising model on a triangular lattice by Chan, Guttmann, Nickel and Perk allowed us to substantially enhance the accuracy of our calculations. Our results are in excellent agreement with the Ising field theory calculations by Fonseca, Zamolodchikov and the recent work by Xu and Zamolodchikov. In particular, we numerically confirm an agreement between the leading singular behavior of the scaling function and the predictions of the ${\mathcal M}_{2/5}$ conformal field theory.

  • A Stringy Effect on Hawking Radiation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pei-Ming Ho, Yosuke Imamura, Hikaru Kawai, Wei-Hsiang Shao

    In string theories, interactions are exponentially suppressed for trans-Planckian space-like external momenta. We study a class of quantum field theories that exhibit this feature modeled after Witten's bosonic open string field theory, and discover a Lorentz-invariant UV/IR relation that leads to the spacetime uncertainty principle proposed by Yoneya. Application to a dynamical black hole background suggests that Hawking radiation is turned off around the scrambling time.

  • The normal Casimir force for lateral moving planes with isotropic conductivities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    N. Emelianova, N. Khusnutdinov

    We consider the two planes at zero temperature with isotropic conductivity that are in relative lateral motion with velocity $v$ and inter-plane distance $a$. Two models of conductivity are taken into account -- the constant and frequency-dependent Drude models. The normal (perpendicular to planes) Casimir force is analysed in detail for two systems -- i) two planes with identical conductivity and ii) one of the planes is a perfect metal. The velocity correction to the Casimir energy $\Delta_v\mathcal{E} \sim v^2$ for small velocity for all considered cases. In the case of the constant conductivity $\eta$, the energy correction is $ \Delta_v\mathcal{E} \sim \frac{\eta}{a^3} \left(\frac{v}{\eta}\right)^2$for $v\ll \eta \ll 1$.

  • Exact WKB analysis for ${\cal PT}$ symmetric quantum mechanics: Study of the Ai-Bender-Sarkar conjecture.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Syo Kamata

    In this paper, we consider exact WKB analysis to a ${\cal PT}$ symmetric quantum mechanics defined by the potential, $V(x) = \omega^2 x^2 + g x^2(i x)^{\varepsilon=2}$ with $\omega \in {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}$, $g \in {\mathbb R} _{> 0}$. We in particular aim to verify a conjecture proposed by Ai-Bender-Sarkar (ABS), that pertains to a relation between $D$-dimensional ${\cal PT}$-symmetric theories and analytic continuation (AC) of Hermitian theories concerning the energy spectrum or Euclidean partition function. For the purpose, we construct energy quantization conditions by exact WKB analysis and write down their transseries solution by solving the conditions. By performing alien calculus to the energy solutions, we verify validity of the ABS conjecture and seek a possibility of its alternative form by Borel resummation theory if it is violated. Our results claim that the validity of the ABS conjecture drastically changes depending on whether $\omega > 0$ or $\omega = 0$: If ${\omega}>0$, then the ABS conjecture is violated when exceeding the semi-classical level, but its alternative form is constructable by Borel resummation theory. The ${\cal PT}$ and the AC energies are related to each other by a one-parameter Stokes automorphism, and a median resummed form, which corresponds to a formal exact solution, of the AC energy (resp. ${\cal PT}$ energy) is directly obtained by acting Borel resummation to the transseries solution of the ${\cal PT}$ energy (resp. AC energy). If $\omega = 0$, then, with respect to the inverse energy level-expansion, not only perturbative/non-perturbative structures of the ${\cal PT}$ and the AC energies but also their perturbative parts do not match with each other. These energies are independent solutions, and no alternative form of the ABS conjecture can be reformulated by Borel resummation theory.



  • Diamond-on-chip infrared absorption magnetic field camera.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Julian M. Bopp, Hauke Conradi, Felipe Perona, Anil Palaci, Jonas Wollenberg, Thomas Flisgen, Armin Liero, Heike Christopher, Norbert Keil, Wolfgang Knolle, Andrea Knigge, Wolfgang Heinrich, Moritz Kleinert, Tim Schröder

    Integrated and fiber-packaged magnetic field sensors with a sensitivity sufficient to sense electric pulses propagating along nerves in life science applications and with a spatial resolution fine enough to resolve their propagation directions will trigger a tremendous step ahead not only in medical diagnostics, but in understanding neural processes. Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond represent the leading platform for such sensing tasks under ambient conditions. Current research on uniting a good sensitivity and a high spatial resolution is facilitated by scanning or imaging techniques. However, these techniques employ moving parts or bulky microscope setups. Despite being far developed, both approaches cannot be integrated and fiber-packaged to build a robust, adjustment-free hand-held device. In this work, we introduce novel concepts for spatially resolved magnetic field sensing and 2-D gradiometry with an integrated magnetic field camera. The camera is based on infrared absorption optically detected magnetic resonance (IRA-ODMR) mediated by perpendicularly intersecting infrared and pump laser beams forming a pixel matrix. We demonstrate our 3-by-3 pixel sensor's capability to reconstruct the position of an electromagnet in space. Furthermore, we identify routes to enhance the magnetic field camera's sensitivity and spatial resolution as required for complex sensing applications.

  • Optical tweezer generation using automated alignment and adaptive optics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bharath Hebbe Madhusudhana, Karatzyna Krzyzanowska, Malcolm Boshier

    Recent progress in quantum technologies with ultracold atoms has been propelled by spatially fine-tuned control of lasers and diffraction-limited imaging. The state-of-the-art precision of optical alignment to achieve this fine-tuning is reaching the limits of manual control. Here, we show how to automate this process. One of the elementary techniques of manual alignment of optics is cross-walking of laser beams. Here, we generalize this technique to multi-variable cross-walking. Mathematically, this is a variant of the well-known Alternating Minimization (AM) algorithm in convex optimization and is closely related to the Gauss-Seidel algorithm. Therefore, we refer to our multi-variable cross-walking algorithm as the modified AM algorithm. While cross-walking more than two variables manually is challenging, one can do this easily for machine-controlled variables. We apply this algorithm to mechanically align high numerical aperture (NA) objectives and show that we can produce high-quality diffraction-limited tweezers and point spread functions (PSF). After a rudimentary coarse alignment, the algorithm takes about 1 hour to align the optics to produce high-quality tweezers. Moreover, we use the same algorithm to optimize the shape of a deformable mirror along with the mechanical variables and show that it can be used to correct for optical aberrations produced, for example, by glass thickness when producing tweezers and imaging point sources. The shape of the deformable mirror is parametrized using the first 14 non-trivial Zernike polynomials, and the corresponding coefficients are optimized together with the mechanical alignment variables. We show PSF with a Strehl ratio close to 1 and tweezers with a Strehl ratio >0.8. The algorithm demonstrates exceptional robustness, effectively operating in the presence of significant mechanical fluctuations induced by a noisy environment.

  • Tensor Networks for Explainable Machine Learning in Cybersecurity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Borja Aizpurua, Roman Orus

    In this paper we show how tensor networks help in developing explainability of machine learning algorithms. Specifically, we develop an unsupervised clustering algorithm based on Matrix Product States (MPS) and apply it in the context of a real use-case of adversary-generated threat intelligence. Our investigation proves that MPS rival traditional deep learning models such as autoencoders and GANs in terms of performance, while providing much richer model interpretability. Our approach naturally facilitates the extraction of feature-wise probabilities, Von Neumann Entropy, and mutual information, offering a compelling narrative for classification of anomalies and fostering an unprecedented level of transparency and interpretability, something fundamental to understand the rationale behind artificial intelligence decisions.

  • Thermal effects in an imbalanced dipolar fermionic superfluid.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Subhanka Mal, Hiranmaya Mishra, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, Bimalendu Deb

    We investigate the temperature effects in an imbalanced superfluid atomic Fermi gas. We consider a bilayer system of two-component dipolar fermionic atoms with one layer containing atoms of one component and the other layer the atoms of other component with an imbalance between the populations of the two components. This imbalance results in uniform and nonuniform superfluid phases such as phase-separated BCS, Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO), Sarma and normal Fermi liquid phases for different system parameters. Using the mean-field BCS theory together with the superfluid mass-density criterion we classify different phases in thermodynamic phase diagram. Our results indicate that for a dipolar Fermi system the Sarma phase is stable for large imbalance at finite temperature below the critical temperature, and the FFLO phase is stable for intermediate imbalance on the BCS side of a BCS-BCE crossover. The phase diagram in the temperature and population imbalance plane indicate three Lifshitz points: one corresponding to coexistance of BCS, FFLO and normal Fermi liquid phase while the other two correspond to the coexistance of the Sarma phase, FFLO phase and normal Fermi phase for dipolar interactions.

  • Quantum control in artificial neurons with superconductor-ionic memory inserted in the feedback.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Osama M. Nayfeh, Haik Manukian, Matthew Kelly, Justin Mauger

    To improve artificial intelligence/autonomous systems and help with treating neurological conditions, there's a requirement for artificial neuron hardware that mimics biological. We examine experimental artificial neurons with quantum tunneling memory using 4.2 nm of ionic Hafnium oxide and Niobium metal inserted in the positive and negative feedback of an oscillator. These neurons have adaptive spiking behavior and hybrid non-chaotic/chaotic modes. When networked, they output with strong itinerancy. The superconducting state at 8.1 Kelvin results in Josephson tunneling with signs that the ionic states are influenced by quantum coherent control in accordance with quantum master equation calculations of the expectation values and correlation functions with a calibrated time dependent Hamiltonian. We experimentally demonstrate a learning network of 4 artificial neurons, and the modulation of signals.

  • Understanding and Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dong Luo

    Taking Heisenberg's and Schrodinger's theories of quantum mechanics as his case study, De Regt's contextual theory of understanding argues that recognizing qualitatively characteristic consequences of a theory T without performing exact calculations is a criterion for scientific understanding. From the perspective of this theory of understanding, the task of understanding quantum mechanics seems to have been achieved already or even finished. This appears to disagree with some physicists' attitude to the understanding of quantum mechanics in line with Richard Feynman's famous slogan "I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics." Moreover, if the task of understanding quantum mechanics has been finished already, there would be a conflict between the contextual theory of understanding of quantum mechanics and interpretations of quantum mechanics.

  • Multipartite entanglement measures based on geometric mean.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hui Li, Ting Gao, Fengli Yan

    In this paper, we investigate $k$-nonseparable $(2\leq k\leq n)$ entanglement measures based on geometric mean of all entanglement values of $k$-partitions in $n$-partite quantum systems. We define a class of entanglement measures called $k$-GM concurrence which explicitly detect all $k$-nonseparable states in multipartite systems. It is rigorously shown that the $k$-GM concurrence complies with all the conditions of an entanglement measure. Compared to $k$-ME concurrence [\href{} {Phys. Rev. A \textbf{86}, 062323 (2012)}], the measures proposed by us emerge several different aspects, embodying that (i) $k$-GM concurrence can reflect the differences in entanglement but $k$-ME concurrence fails at times, (ii) $k$-GM concurrence does not arise sharp peaks when the pure state being measured varies continuously, while $k$-ME concurrence appears discontinuity points, (iii) the entanglement order is sometimes distinct. In addition, we establish the relation between $k$-ME concurrence and $k$-GM concurrence, and further derive a strong lower bound on the $k$-GM concurrence by exploiting the permutationally invariant part of a quantum state. Furthermore, we parameterize $k$-GM concurrence to obtain two categories of more generalized entanglement measures, $q$-$k$-GM concurrence $(q>1, 2\leq k\leq n)$ and $\alpha$-$k$-GM concurrence $(0\leq\alpha<1, 2\leq k\leq n)$, which fulfill the properties possessed by $k$-GM concurrence as well. Moreover, $\alpha$-$2$-GM concurrence $(0<\alpha<1)$, as a type of genuine multipartite entanglement measures, is proven in detail satisfying the requirement that the GHZ state is more entangled than the $W$ state in multiqubit systems.

  • Long-lived Microwave Electromechanical Systems Enabled by Cubic Silicon-Carbide Membrane Crystals.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yulong Liu, Huanying Sun, Qichun Liu, Haihua Wu, Mika A. Sillanpää, Tiefu Li

    Cubic silicon-carbide crystals, known for their high thermal conductivity and in-plane stress, hold significant promise for the development of high-quality ($Q$) mechanical oscillators. Enabling coherent electrical manipulation of long-lived mechanical resonators would be instrumental in advancing the development of phononic memories, repeaters, and transducers for microwave quantum states. In this study, we demonstrate the compatibility of high-stress and crystalline (3C-phase) silicon-carbide membranes with superconducting microwave circuits. We establish a coherent electromechanical interface for long-lived phonons, allowing precise control over the electromechanical cooperativity. This interface enables tunable slow-light time with group delays extending up to an impressive duration of \emph{an hour}. We then investigate a phononic memory based on the high-$Q$ ($10^{8}$) silicon-carbide membrane, capable of storing and retrieving microwave coherent states \emph{on-demand}. The thermal and coherent components can be distinguished through state tomography in quadrature phase space, which shows an exponential increase and decay trend respectively as the storage time increases. The electromechanical interface and phononic memory made from crystalline silicon-carbide membrane possess enticing attributes, including low microwave-induced mechanical heating, phase coherence, an energy decay time of $T_{1}=19.9$~s, and it acquires less than one quantum noise within $\tau_{\textrm{coh}}=41.3$~ms storage period. These findings underscore the unique opportunities provided by cubic silicon-carbide membrane crystals for the storage and transfer of quantum information across distinct components of hybrid quantum systems.

  • Braiding and fusion of Majorana fermions in minimal Kitaev spin liquid on a single hexagon with $5$ qubits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Motohiko Ezawa

    We investigate the minimal Kitaev spin liquid on a single hexagon with three Ising-type exchange interactions proportional to $K_{x}$, $K_{y}$ and $K_{z}$. In the limit $K_{z}=0$, we find 32-fold zero-energy states, leading to 10 free Majorana fermions, and hence, 5 qubits are constructed. These qubits are protected by particle-hole symmetry even for $K_{z}\neq 0$. Braiding of these Majorana fermions is possible by temporally controlling a spin-correlation Hamiltonian. In addition, the fusion is possible by measuring the spin correlation. By switching on the Heisenberg interaction together with magnetic field, only one zero-energy state persists, which can be used as an initialization of qubits. Furthermore, it is shown that $3L+2$ qubits are constructed on the Kitaev spin liquid model on connected $L$ hexagons. All the processes of initialization, operation and readout of qubits are executable in terms of spin operators.

  • Trade-off relations of quantum resource theory in Heisenberg models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Asad Ali, Saif Al-Kuwari, Saeed Haddadi

    Studying the relations between entanglement and coherence is essential in many quantum information applications. For this, we consider the concurrence, intrinsic concurrence and first-order coherence, and evaluate the proposed trade-off relations between them. In particular, we study the temporal evolution of a general two-qubit XYZ Heisenberg model with asymmetric spin-orbit interaction under decoherence and analyze the trade-off relations of quantum resource theory. For XYZ Heisenberg model, we confirm that the trade-off relation between intrinsic concurrence and first-order coherence holds. Furthermore, we show that the lower bound of intrinsic concurrence is universally valid, but the upper bound is generally not. These relations in Heisenberg models can provide a way to explore how quantum resources are distributed in spins, which may inspire future applications in quantum information processing.

  • Shaping the Laser Control Landscape of a Hydrogen Transfer Reaction by Vibrational Strong Coupling. A Direct Optimal Control Approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. R. Ramos Ramos, E. W. Fischer, P. Saalfrank, O. Kühn

    Controlling molecular reactivity by shaped laser pulses is a long-standing goal in chemistry. Here we suggest a direct optimal control approach which combines external pulse optimization with other control parameters arising in the upcoming field of vibro-polaritonic chemistry, for enhanced controllability The direct optimal control approach is characterized by a simultaneous simulation and optimization paradigm, meaning that the equations of motion are discretized and converted into a set of holonomic constraints for a nonlinear optimization problem given by the control functional. Compared with indirect optimal control this procedure offers great flexibility such as final time or Hamiltonian parameter optimization. Simultaneous direct optimal control (SimDOC) theory will be applied to a model system describing H-atom transfer in a lossy Fabry-P\'erot cavity under vibrational strong coupling conditions. Specifically, optimization of the cavity coupling strength and thus of the control landscape will be demonstrated.

  • Differentiable Quantum Architecture Search For Job Shop Scheduling Problem.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yize Sun, Jiarui Liu, Yunpu Ma, Volker Tresp

    The Job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) plays a pivotal role in industrial applications, such as signal processing (SP) and steel manufacturing, involving sequencing machines and jobs to maximize scheduling efficiency. Before, JSSP was solved using manually defined circuits by variational quantum algorithm (VQA). Finding a good circuit architecture is task-specific and time-consuming. Differentiable quantum architecture search (DQAS) is a gradient-based framework that can automatically design circuits. However, DQAS is only tested on quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) and error mitigation tasks. Whether DQAS applies to JSSP based on a more flexible algorithm, such as variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), is still open for optimization problems. In this work, we redefine the operation pool and extend DQAS to a framework JSSP-DQAS by evaluating circuits to generate circuits for JSSP automatically. The experiments conclude that JSSP-DQAS can automatically find noise-resilient circuit architectures that perform much better than manually designed circuits. It helps to improve the efficiency of solving JSSP.

  • Photonic quantum interference in the presence of coherence with vacuum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. Maillette de Buy Wenniger, S. C. Wein, D. Fioretto, S. E. Thomas, C. Antón-Solanas, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, A. Harouri, N. Belabas, N. Somaschi, P. Hilaire, J. Senellart, P. Senellart

    Quantum emitters such as atoms or quantum dots are excellent sources of indistinguishable single photons for quantum technologies. However, upon coherent excitation, the emitted photonic state can include a vacuum component in a superposition with the one-photon component. Here, we study how the presence of such coherence with vacuum impacts photonic quantum information processing, starting with Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference that is central to quantum photonic technology. We first demonstrate that when coherence with vacuum is present, it causes a systematic error in the measurement of photon indistinguishability, an effect that has previously been overlooked and impacts some results in the literature. Using a proper normalisation method we show how this can be corrected. Our complete analysis of HOM interference also reveals a coherent phenomenon that results in path entanglement between photons in presence of coherence with vacuum. This type of phenomenon appears when multiple interfering wavepackets are only partially measured, a scenario that is key for heralded quantum gates implementation. To illustrate its impact on information processing, we simulate a heralded controlled-NOT gate and show that the presence of coherence with vacuum can actually improve the fidelity compared to incoherent photon losses. Our work reveals that the lack of a photon cannot always be accounted for by a simple loss mechanism, and that coherence with vacuum must be considered to properly explain error processes in photon-based quantum information processing.

  • Non-Gaussian entanglement criteria for atomic homodyne detection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jaehak Lee, Jiyong Park, Jaewan Kim, M. S. Kim, Hyunchul Nha

    Homodyne measurement is a crucial tool widely used to address continuous variables for bosonic quantum systems. While an ideal homodyne detection provides a powerful analysis, e.g. to effectively measure quadrature amplitudes of light in quantum optics, it relies on the use of a strong reference field, the so-called local oscillator typically in a coherent state. Such a strong coherent local oscillator may not be readily available particularly for a massive quantum system like Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), posing a substantial challenge in dealing with continuous variables appropriately. It is necessary to establish a practical framework that includes the effects of non-ideal local oscillators for a rigorous assessment of various quantum tests and applications. We here develop entanglement criteria beyond Gaussian regime applicable for this realistic homodyne measurement that do not require assumptions on the state of local oscillators. We discuss the working conditions of homodyne detection to effectively detect non-Gaussian quantum entanglement under various states of local oscillators.

  • Monogamy and tradeoff relations for wave-particle duality information.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shailja Kapoor, Sohail, Gautam Sharma, Arun K. Pati

    The notions of predictability and visibility are essential in the mathematical formulation of wave particle duality. The work of Jakob and Bergou [Phys. Rev. A 76, 052107] generalises these notions for higher-dimensional quantum systems, which were initially defined for qubits, and subsequently proves a complementarity relation between predictability and visibility. By defining the single-party information content of a quantum system as the addition of predictability and visibility, and assuming that entanglement in a bipartite system in the form of concurrence mutually excludes the single-party information, the authors have proposed a complementarity relation between the concurrence and the single-party information content. We show that the information content of a quantum system defined by Jakob and Bergou is nothing but the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between the state of the quantum system of our consideration and the maximally mixed state. Motivated by the fact that the trace distance is a good measure of distance as compared to the Hilbert-Schmidt distance from the information theoretic point of view, we, in this work, define the information content of a quantum system as the trace distance between the quantum state and the maximally mixed state. We then employ the quantum Pinsker's inequality and the reverse Pinsker's inequality to derive a new complementarity and a reverse complementarity relation between the single-party information content and the entanglement present in a bipartite quantum system in a pure state. As a consequence of our findings, we show that for a bipartite system in a pure state, its entanglement and the predictabilities and visibilities associated with the subsystems cannot be arbitrarily small as well as arbitrarily large.

  • An operational approach to classifying measurement incompatibility.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arun Kumar Das, Saheli Mukherjee, Debashis Saha, Debarshi Das, A. S. Majumdar

    Measurement incompatibility has proved to be an important resource for information-processing tasks. In this work, we analyze various levels of incompatibility of measurement sets. We provide operational classification of measurement incompatibility with respect to two elementary classical operations, viz., coarse-graining of measurement outcomes and convex mixing of different measurements. We derive analytical criteria for determining when a set of projective measurements is fully incompatible with respect to coarse-graining or convex mixing. Robustness against white noise is investigated for mutually unbiased bases that can sustain full incompatibility. Furthermore, we propose operational witnesses for different levels of incompatibility subject to classical operations, using the input-output statistics of Bell-type experiments as well as experiments in the prepare-and-measure scenario.

  • Analysis of quantum Krylov algorithms with errors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    William Kirby

    This work provides an error analysis of quantum Krylov algorithms based on real-time evolutions, subject to generic errors in the outputs of the quantum circuits. We establish a collective noise rate to summarize those errors, and prove that the resulting errors in the ground state energy estimates are leading-order linear in that noise rate. This resolves a misalignment between known numerics, which exhibit this linear scaling, and prior theoretical analysis, which only provably obtained square-root scaling. Our main technique is expressing generic errors in terms of an effective target Hamiltonian studied in an effective Krylov space. These results provide a theoretical framework for understanding the main features of quantum Krylov errors.

  • Floquet topological phases with large winding number.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kaiye Shi, Xiang Zhang, Wei Zhang

    Recently, anomalous Floquet topological phases without static counterparts have been observed in different systems, where periodically driven models are realized to support a winding number of 1 and a pair of edge modes in each quasienergy gap. Here, we focus on cold atomic gases in optical lattices and propose a novel driving scheme that breaks rotation symmetry but maintains inversion symmetry of the instantaneous Hamiltonian, and discover a novel type of anomalous Floquet topological phase with winding number larger than 1. By analyzing the condition of band touching under symmetry constraint, we map out the phase diagram exactly by varying the driving parameters and discuss the quasienergy spectra of typical topological phases, which can present multiple pairs of edge modes within a single gap. Finally, we suggest to characterize the topology of such phases by detecting the band inversion surfaces via quench dynamics.

  • Dissipative coupling induced UWB magnonic frequency combs generation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zeng-Xing Liu

    Magnonic frequency combs have recently attracted particular attention due to their potential impact on spin-wave science. Here, we demonstrate theoretically the generation of ultra-wideband (UWB) magnonic frequency combs induced by dissipative coupling in an open cavity magnomechanical system. A broadband comb with gigahertz repetition rates is obtained in the magnonic spectrum and a typical non-perturbation frequency-comb structure is also observed. The total width of the magnonic comb in the robust plateau region can be up to 400 comb lines, which is much broader and flatter than the reported in the previous works. Furthermore, when the dissipative coupling strength is further increased, the chaotic motion is predicted in the magnonic spectrum. Our results provide an in-depth understanding of nonlinear magnomechanic dynamics in open quantum systems and fundamentally broadens the research range of magnon in new spectral regimes.

  • Restart uncertainty relation for monitored quantum dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ruoyu Yin, Qingyuan Wang, Sabine Tornow, Eli Barkai

    We introduce a novel time-energy uncertainty relationship within the context of restarts in monitored quantum dynamics. Initially, we investigate the concept of ``first hitting time'' in quantum systems using an IBM quantum computer and a three-site ring graph as our starting point. Previous studies have established that the mean recurrence time, which represents the time taken to return to the initial state, is quantized as an integer multiple of the sampling time, displaying pointwise discontinuous transitions at resonances. Our findings demonstrate that, the natural utilization of the restart mechanism in laboratory experiments, driven by finite data collection time spans, leads to a broadening effect on the transitions of the mean recurrence time. Our newly proposed uncertainty relation captures the underlying essence of these phenomena, by connecting the broadening of the mean hitting time near resonances, to the intrinsic energies of the quantum system and to the fluctuations of recurrence time. This work not only contributes to our understanding of fundamental aspects related to quantum measurements and dynamics, but also offers practical insights for the design of efficient quantum algorithms with mid-circuit measurements.

  • Hamiltonian Learning in Quantum Field Theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Robert Ott, Torsten V. Zache, Maximilian Prüfer, Sebastian Erne, Mohammadamin Tajik, Hannes Pichler, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Peter Zoller

    We discuss Hamiltonian learning in quantum field theories as a protocol for systematically extracting the operator content and coupling constants of effective field theory Hamiltonians from experimental data. Learning the Hamiltonian for varying spatial measurement resolutions gives access to field theories at different energy scales, and allows to learn a flow of Hamiltonians reminiscent of the renormalization group. Our method, which we demonstrate in both theoretical studies and available data from a quantum gas experiment, promises new ways of addressing the emergence of quantum field theories in quantum simulation experiments.

  • What is the effective size of a parity-time symmetric dimer?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Li Ge

    Parity-time (PT) symmetric dimers were introduced to highlight the unusual properties of non-Hermitian systems that are invariant after a combined parity and time reversal operation. They are also the building blocks of a variety of symmetry and topologically protected structures, especially on integrated photonic platforms. As the name suggests, it consists of two coupled oscillators, which can be optical, mechanical, electronic, etc. in nature. In this article, we show that its effective size, \cc{defined by the number of lattice sites inversely proportional to the lattice momentum}, is surprisingly three instead of two from the perspective of energy quantization. More specifically, we show analytically that the complex energy levels of a one-dimensional concatenated chain with $N$ PT-dimers are determined by a system size of $1+2N$, which reduces to three in the case of a single PT-dimer. We note that while energy quantization conditions have been established in various non-Hermitian systems, exact and explicitly quantized complex energies as reported here are still scarce. In connection, we also discuss the other symmetries of a PT-dimer and concatenated PT-dimer chain, including non-Hermitian particle-hole symmetry and chiral symmetry.

  • Procrustean entanglement concentration in quantum-classical networking.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hsuan-Hao Lu, Muneer Alshowkan, Jude Alnas, Joseph M. Lukens, Nicholas A. Peters

    The success of a future quantum internet will rest in part on the ability of quantum and classical signals to coexist in the same optical fiber infrastructure, a challenging endeavor given the orders of magnitude differences in flux of single-photon-level quantum fields and bright classical traffic. We theoretically describe and experimentally implement Procrustean entanglement concentration for polarization-entangled states contaminated with classical light, showing significant mitigation of crosstalk noise in dense wavelength-division multiplexing. Our approach leverages a pair of polarization-dependent loss emulators to attenuate highly polarized crosstalk that results from imperfect isolation of conventional signals copropagating on shared fiber links. We demonstrate our technique both on the tabletop and over a deployed quantum local area network, finding a substantial improvement of two-qubit entangled state fidelity from approximately 75\% to over 92\%. This local filtering technique could be used as a preliminary step to reduce asymmetric errors, potentially improving the overall efficiency when combined with more complex error mitigation techniques in future quantum repeater networks.

  • Silicon Photomultipliers for Detection of Photon Bunching Signatures.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lucas Finazzi, Federico Izraelevitch, Alexis Luszczak, Thomas Huber, Andreas Haungs, Federico Golmar

    In this work, photon bunching from LED light was observed for the first time using SiPMs. The bunching signature was observed with a significance of $7.3~\sigma$ using 97 hs of data. The light was spectrally filtered using a 1 nm bandpass filter and an Etalon filter to ensure temporal coherence of the field and its coherence time was measured to be $\tau_C = (13.0 \pm 1.3)$ ps. The impact of SiPM non-idealities in these kinds of measurements is explored, and we describe the methodology to process SiPM analog waveforms and the event selection used to mitigate these non-idealities.

  • A Knowledge Compilation Map for Quantum Information.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lieuwe Vinkhuijzen, Tim Coopmans, Alfons Laarman

    Quantum computing is finding promising applications in optimization, machine learning and physics, leading to the development of various models for representing quantum information. Because these representations are often studied in different contexts (many-body physics, machine learning, formal verification, simulation), little is known about fundamental trade-offs between their succinctness and the runtime of operations to update them. We therefore analytically investigate three widely-used quantum state representations: matrix product states (MPS), decision diagrams (DDs), and restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs). We map the relative succinctness of these data structures and provide the complexity for relevant query and manipulation operations. Further, to chart the balance between succinctness and operation efficiency, we extend the concept of rapidity with support for the non-canonical data structures studied in this work, showing in particular that MPS is at least as rapid as some DDs. By providing a knowledge compilation map for quantum state representations, this paper contributes to the understanding of the inherent time and space efficiency trade-offs in this area.

  • Emulated nuclear spin gyroscope with $^{15}$NV centers in diamond.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guoqing Wang, Minh-Thi Nguyen, Dane W. de Quilettes, Eden Price, Zhiyao Hu, Danielle A. Braje, Paola Cappellaro

    Nuclear spins in solid-state platforms are promising for building rotation sensors due to their long coherence times. Among these platforms, nitrogen-vacancy centers have attracted considerable attention with ambient operating conditions. However, the current performance of NV gyroscopes remains limited by the degraded coherence when operating with large spin ensembles. Protecting the coherence of these systems requires a systematic study of the coherence decay mechanism. Here we present the use of nitrogen-15 nuclear spins of NV centers in building gyroscopes, benefiting from its simpler energy structure and vanishing nuclear quadrupole term compared with nitrogen-14 nuclear spins, though suffering from different challenges in coherence protection. We systematically reveal the coherence decay mechanism of the nuclear spin in different NV electronic spin manifolds and further develop a robust coherence protection protocol based on controlling the NV electronic spin only, achieving a 15-fold dephasing time improvement. With the developed coherence protection, we demonstrate an emulated gyroscope by measuring a designed rotation rate pattern, showing an order-of-magnitude sensitivity improvement.

  • Hyperfine-enhanced gyroscope based on solid-state spins.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guoqing Wang, Minh-Thi Nguyen, Paola Cappellaro

    Solid-state platforms based on electro-nuclear spin systems are attractive candidates for rotation sensing due to their excellent sensitivity, stability, and compact size, compatible with industrial applications. Conventional spin-based gyroscopes measure the accumulated phase of a nuclear spin superposition state to extract the rotation rate and thus suffer from spin dephasing. Here, we propose a gyroscope protocol based on a two-spin system that includes a spin intrinsically tied to the host material, while the other spin is isolated. The rotation rate is then extracted by measuring the relative rotation angle between the two spins starting from their population states, robust against spin dephasing. In particular, the relative rotation rate between the two spins can be enhanced by their hyperfine coupling by more than an order of magnitude, further boosting the achievable sensitivity. The ultimate sensitivity of the gyroscope is limited by the lifetime of the spin system and compatible with a broad dynamic range, even in the presence of magnetic noises or control errors due to initialization and qubit manipulations. Our result enables precise measurement of slow rotations and exploration of fundamental physics.

  • Quantum trajectories interference detection and spontaneous superposition breaking.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vladan Pankovic

    In this work we strictly and accurately (within standard quantum mechanical formalism) consider quantum dynamical interaction between single photon and photographic plate in case when before this interaction photon trajectories (obtained by beam splitter) are not detected (when photographic plate detects interference patterns) as well as in case when before this interaction photon trajectories are detected in general case (when photographic plate effectively detects absence of the interference patterns). (We consider real experiment with Hong-Ou-Mandel superposition of two-photons where second photon can be considered as the micro detector of the first photon trajectories.) Also we consider collapse as a quantum-classical continuous phase transition with spontaneous (non-dynamical) unitary symmetry (superposition) breaking (effective hiding). (Practically, collapse can be considered as an especial case of the general formalism of spontaneous symmetry breaking with applications in many different domains of the physics, e.g. in elasticity of rigid bodies, quantum theory of ferromagnetism, quantum theory of electro-weak interactions as well as in chaotic inflation cosmology.) All this (that can be simply generalized for arbitrary quantum system) is in full agreement with existing experimental facts. More over it admits existence of the entanglement between photon (quantum system) and detector (metaphorically called Schr\"odinger cat effect) which clearly demonstrates that detection procedure (collapse) has no any absolute character. In this way it admits a simple solution of the quantum mechanics foundation problem.

  • Fundamental limits on concentrating and preserving tensorized quantum resources.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jaehak Lee, Kyunghyun Baek, Jiyong Park, Jaewan Kim, Hyunchul Nha

    Quantum technology offers great advantages in many applications by exploiting quantum resources like nonclassicality, coherence, and entanglement. In practice, an environmental noise unavoidably affects a quantum system and it is thus an important issue to protect quantum resources from noise. In this work, we investigate the manipulation of quantum resources possessing the so-called tensorization property and identify the fundamental limitations on concentrating and preserving those quantum resources. We show that if a resource measure satisfies the tensorization property as well as the monotonicity, it is impossible to concentrate multiple noisy copies into a single better resource by free operations. Furthermore, we show that quantum resources cannot be better protected from channel noises by employing correlated input states on joint channels if the channel output resource exhibits the tensorization property. We address several practical resource measures where our theorems apply and manifest their physical meanings in quantum resource manipulation.

  • Bell-type games on deformable manifolds.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    David H. Oaknin, Amir Kalev, Itay Hen

    We study bipartite correlations in Bell-type games. We show that in a setup where the information carriers are allowed to locally deform the manifold on which the game is played, stronger correlations may be obtained than those maximally attainable otherwise. We discuss the implications of our results in the context of Bell's theorem and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.

  • Observation of superradiance in a phase fluctuating dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bojeong Seo, Mingchen Huang, Ziting Chen, Mithilesh K. Parit, Yifei He, Peng Chen, Gyu-Boong Jo

    Despite the extensive study of matter-wave superradiance in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) using its unique coherence property, the controllability of superradiant process has remained limited in the previous studies exploiting a phase-coherent condensate with isotropic contact interactions. Here, we combine tunable s-wave scattering with dipolar interactions in a BEC of $^{168}$Er atoms wherein the asymmetry and threshold of superradiance are independently controlled. By changing the s-wave scattering length near the Feshbach resonance, we tune the superradiance threshold with increasing phase fluctuations. In contrast to collective light scattering from a condensate only with contact interactions, we observe an asymmetric superradiant peak in a dipolar BEC by changing the direction of external magnetic field. This results from the anisotropic excitation spectrum induced by the dipole-dipole interaction. Our observation is expected to bring forth unprecedented application of matter-wave optics leading to controlled emission of matter wave.

  • Quantum Dueling: an Efficient Solution for Combinatorial Optimization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Letian Tang, Haorui Wang, Zhengyang Li, Haozhan Tang, Chi Zhang, Shujin Li

    In this paper, we present a new algorithm for generic combinatorial optimization, which we term quantum dueling. Traditionally, potential solutions to the given optimization problems were encoded in a ``register'' of qubits. Various techniques are used to increase the probability of finding the best solution upon measurement. Quantum dueling innovates by integrating an additional qubit register, effectively creating a ``dueling'' scenario where two sets of solutions compete. This dual-register setup allows for a dynamic amplification process: in each iteration, one register is designated as the 'opponent', against which the other register's more favorable solutions are enhanced through a controlled quantum search. This iterative process gradually steers the quantum state within both registers toward the optimal solution. With a quantitative contraction for the evolution of the state vector, classical simulation under a broad range of scenarios and hyper-parameter selection schemes shows that a quadratic speedup is achieved, which is further tested in more real-world situations. In addition, quantum dueling can be generalized to incorporate arbitrary quantum search techniques and as a quantum subroutine within a higher-level algorithm. Our work demonstrates that increasing the number of qubits allows the development of previously unthought-of algorithms, paving the way for advancement of efficient quantum algorithm design.

  • Effect of light injection on the security of practical quantum key distribution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Liying Han, Yang Li, Hao Tan, Weiyang Zhang, Wenqi Cai, Juan Yin, Jigang Ren, Feihu Xu, Shengkai Liao, Chengzhi Peng

    Quantum key distribution (QKD) based on the fundamental laws of quantum physics can allow the distribution of secure keys between distant users. However, the imperfections in realistic devices may lead to potential security risks, which must be accurately characterized and considered in practical security analysis. High-speed optical modulators, being as one of the core components of practical QKD systems, can be used to prepare the required quantum states. Here, we find that optical modulators based on LiNbO3, including phase modulators and intensity modulators, are vulnerable to photorefractive effect caused by external light injection. By changing the power of external light, eavesdroppers can control the intensities of the prepared states, posing a potential threat to the security of QKD. We have experimentally demonstrated the influence of light injection on LiNbO3-based optical modulators and analyzed the security risks caused by the potential green light injection attack, along with the corresponding countermeasures.

  • Robust Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Applications to Quantum Key Distribution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Giulio Malavolta, Michael Walter

    Quantum key distribution (QKD) allows Alice and Bob to agree on a shared secret key, while communicating over a public (untrusted) quantum channel. Compared to classical key exchange, it has two main advantages: (i) The key is unconditionally hidden to the eyes of any attacker, and (ii) its security assumes only the existence of authenticated classical channels which, in practice, can be realized using Minicrypt assumptions, such as the existence of digital signatures. On the flip side, QKD protocols typically require multiple rounds of interactions, whereas classical key exchange can be realized with the minimal amount of two messages using public-key encryption. A long-standing open question is whether QKD requires more rounds of interaction than classical key exchange. In this work, we propose a two-message QKD protocol that satisfies everlasting security, assuming only the existence of quantum-secure one-way functions. That is, the shared key is unconditionally hidden, provided computational assumptions hold during the protocol execution. Our result follows from a new construction of quantum public-key encryption (QPKE) whose security, much like its classical counterpart, only relies on authenticated classical channels.

  • Trapped-ion quantum simulations for condensed-phase chemical dynamics: seeking a quantum advantage.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mingyu Kang, Hanggai Nuomin, Sutirtha N. Chowdhury, Jonathon L. Yuly, Ke Sun, Jacob Whitlow, Jesús Valdiviezo, Zhendian Zhang, Peng Zhang, David N. Beratan, Kenneth R. Brown

    Simulating the quantum dynamics of molecules in the condensed phase represents a longstanding challenge in chemistry. Trapped-ion quantum systems may serve as a platform for the analog-quantum simulation of chemical dynamics that is beyond the reach of current classical-digital simulation. To identify a "quantum advantage" for these simulations, performance analysis of both analog-quantum simulation on noisy hardware and classical-digital algorithms is needed. In this Review, we make a comparison between a noisy analog trapped-ion simulator and a few choice classical-digital methods on simulating the dynamics of a model molecular Hamiltonian with linear vibronic coupling. We describe several simple Hamiltonians that are commonly used to model molecular systems, which can be simulated with existing or emerging trapped-ion hardware. These Hamiltonians may serve as stepping stones toward the use of trapped-ion simulators for systems beyond the reach of classical-digital methods. Finally, we identify dynamical regimes where classical-digital simulations seem to have the weakest performance compared to analog-quantum simulations. These regimes may provide the lowest hanging fruit to exploit potential quantum advantages.

  • Tip of the Quantum Entropy Cone.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthias Christandl, Bergfinnur Durhuus, Lasse Harboe Wolff

    Relations among von Neumann entropies of different parts of an $N$-partite quantum system have direct impact on our understanding of diverse situations ranging from spin systems to quantum coding theory and black holes. Best formulated in terms of the set $\Sigma^*_N$ of possible vectors comprising the entropies of the whole and its parts, the famous strong subaddivity inequality constrains its closure $\overline\Sigma^*_N$, which is a convex cone. Further homogeneous constrained inequalities are also known. In this work we provide (non-homogeneous) inequalities that constrain $\Sigma_N^*$ near the apex (the vector of zero entropies) of $\overline\Sigma^*_N$, in particular showing that $\Sigma_N^*$ is not a cone for $N\geq 3$. Our inequalities apply to vectors with certain entropy constraints saturated and, in particular, they show that while it is always possible to up-scale an entropy vector to arbitrary integer multiples it is not always possible to down-scale it to arbitrarily small size, thus answering a question posed by A. Winter. Relations of our work to topological materials, entanglement theory, and quantum cryptography are discussed.

  • Quantum Algorithms for the Shortest Common Superstring and Text Assembling Problems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kamil Khadiev, Carlos Manuel Bosch Machado, Zeyu Chen, Junde Wu

    In this paper, we consider two versions of the Text Assembling problem. We are given a sequence of strings $s^1,\dots,s^n$ of total length $L$ that is a dictionary, and a string $t$ of length $m$ that is texts. The first version of the problem is assembling $t$ from the dictionary. The second version is the ``Shortest Superstring Problem''(SSP) or the ``Shortest Common Superstring Problem''(SCS). In this case, $t$ is not given, and we should construct the shortest string (we call it superstring) that contains each string from the given sequence as a substring. These problems are connected with the sequence assembly method for reconstructing a long DNA sequence from small fragments. For both problems, we suggest new quantum algorithms that work better than their classical counterparts. In the first case, we present a quantum algorithm with $O(m+\log m\sqrt{nL})$ running time. In the case of SSP, we present a quantum algorithm with running time $O(n^3 1.728^n +L +\sqrt{L}n^{1.5}+\sqrt{L}n\log^2L\log^2n)$.

  • Realization of a crosstalk-avoided quantum network node with dual-type qubits by the same ion species.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Feng, Y.-Y Huang, Y.-K. Wu, W.-X. Guo, J.-Y. Ma, H.-X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Yao, B.-X. Qi, Y.-F. Pu, Z.-C. Zhou, L.-M. Duan

    Generating ion-photon entanglement is a crucial step for scalable trapped-ion quantum networks. To avoid the crosstalk on memory qubits carrying quantum information, it is common to use a different ion species for ion-photon entanglement generation such that the scattered photons are far off-resonant for the memory qubits. However, such a dual-species scheme requires elaborate control of the portion and the location of different ion species, and can be subject to inefficient sympathetic cooling. Here we demonstrate a trapped-ion quantum network node in the dual-type qubit scheme where two types of qubits are encoded in the $S$ and $F$ hyperfine structure levels of ${}^{171}\mathrm{Yb}^+$ ions. We generate ion photon entanglement for the $S$-qubit in a typical timescale of hundreds of milliseconds, and verify its small crosstalk on a nearby $F$-qubit with coherence time above seconds. Our work demonstrates an enabling function of the dual-type qubit scheme for scalable quantum networks.

  • Integrated Photonic Fractional Convolution Accelerator.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kevin Zelaya, Mohammad-Ali Miri

    An integrated photonic circuit architecture to perform a modified-convolution operation based on the Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (DFrFT) is introduced. This is accomplished by utilizing two nonuniformly-coupled waveguide lattices with equally-spaced eigenmode spectra and with different lengths that perform DFrDT operations of complementary orders sandwiching a modulator array. Numerical simulations show that smoothing and edge detection tasks are indeed performed even for noisy input signals.

  • Maximal Information Leakage from Quantum Encoding of Classical Data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Farhad Farokhi

    A new measure of information leakage for quantum encoding of classical data is defined. An adversary can access a single copy of the state of a quantum system that encodes some classical data and is interested in correctly guessing a general randomized or deterministic function of the data (e.g., a specific feature or attribute of the data in quantum machine learning) that is unknown to the security analyst. The resulting measure of information leakage, referred to as maximal quantum leakage, is the multiplicative increase of the probability of correctly guessing any function of the classical data upon observing measurements of the quantum state. Maximal quantum leakage is shown to satisfy post-processing inequality (i.e., applying a quantum channel reduces information leakage) and independence property (i.e., leakage is zero if the quantum state is independent of the classical data), which are fundamental properties required for privacy and security analysis. It also bounds accessible information. Effects of global and local depolarizing noise models on the maximal quantum leakage are established.

  • Convergence of Digitized-Counterdiabatic QAOA: circuit depth versus free parameters.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mara Vizzuso, Gianluca Passarelli, Giovanni Cantele, Procolo Lucignano

    Recently, Digitized-Counterdiabatic (CD) Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) has been proposed to make QAOA converge to the solution of an optimization problem in fewer steps, inspired by Trotterized counterdiabatic driving in continuous-time quantum annealing. In this paper, we critically revisit this approach by focusing on the paradigmatic weighted and unweighted one-dimensional MaxCut problem. We study two variants of QAOA with first and second-order CD corrections. Our results show that, indeed, higher order CD corrections allow for a quicker convergence to the exact solution of the problem at hand by increasing the complexity of the variational cost function. Remarkably, however, the total number of free parameters needed to achieve this result is independent of the particular QAOA variant analyzed.

  • A review on the questions of spin and spin quantum correlations in the relativistic regime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shrobona Bagchi

    The majority of current understanding of the quantum correlations is in the field of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. To develop quantum information and computation tasks fully, one must inevitably take into account the relativistic effects. In this regard, the spin is one of the central tools. For this purpose, it is of paramount importance to understand and characterize fully the theory of spin in relativistic quantum information theory where the spin states act as qubit. This area is still far from being resolved. As a result, this article will explore the recent studies of the concepts of the spin and spin quantum correlations in inertial frames and some apparent paradoxes regarding this concept. We will mainly focus on the problem of characterizing the spin, reduced spin density matrices and spin quantum correlations in inertial reference frames and the apparent paradoxes involved therein. Another important aspect is the use of tools of quantum field theory to extend several concepts in non-relativistic domain to relativistic one. In this regard, we analyze the development of the theory of relativistic secret sharing and a correlation measure namely the entanglement of purification.

  • Scale-invariant critical dynamics at eigenstate transitions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Miroslav Hopjan, Lev Vidmar

    The notion of scale-invariant dynamics is well established at late times in quantum chaotic systems, as illustrated by the emergence of a ramp in the spectral form factor (SFF). Building on the results of the preceding Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 060404 (2023)], we explore features of scale-invariant dynamics of survival probability and SFF at criticality, i.e., at eigenstate transitions from quantum chaos to localization. We show that, in contrast to the quantum chaotic regime, the quantum dynamics at criticality do not only exhibit scale invariance at late times, but also at much shorter times that we refer to as mid-time dynamics. Our results apply to both quadratic and interacting models. Specifically, we study Anderson models in dimensions three to five and power-law random banded matrices for the former, and the quantum sun model and the ultrametric model for the latter, as well as the Rosenzweig-Porter model.

  • Active Suppression of Quantum Dephasing in Resonantly Driven Ensembles.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chengxing He, Robert R. Jones

    We have used quantum control to suppress the impact of random atom positions on coherent population transfer within atom pairs, enabling the observation of dipole-dipole driven Rabi oscillations in a Rydberg gas with hundreds of atoms. The method exploits the reduced coupling-strength sensitivity of the off-resonant Rabi frequency, and coherently amplifies the achievable population transfer in analogy to quasi-phase-matching in non-linear optics. Simulations reproduce the experimental results and demonstrate the potential benefits of the technique to other many-body quantum control applications.

  • Highly Efficient Creation and Detection of Ultracold Deeply-Bound Molecules via Chainwise Stimulated Raman Shortcut-to-Adiabatic Passage.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiahui Zhang, Li Deng, Yueping Niu, Shangqing Gong

    Chainwise stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (C-STIRAP) in M-type molecular system is a good alternative in creating ultracold deeply-bound molecules when the typical STIRAP in {\Lambda}-type system does not work due to weak Frank-Condon factors between states. However, its creation efficiency under the smooth evolution is generally low. During the process, the population in the intermediate states may decay out quickly and the strong laser pulses may induce multi-photon processes. In this paper, we find that shortcut-to-adiabatic (STA) passage fits very well in improving the performance of the C-STIRAP. Currently, related discussions on the so-called chainwise stimulated Raman shortcut-to-adiabatic passage (C-STIRSAP) are rare. Here, we investigate this topic under the adiabatic elimination. Given a relation among the four incident pulses, it is quite interesting that the M-type system can be generalized into an effective {\Lambda}-type structure with the simplest resonant coupling. Consequently, all possible methods of STA for three-state system can be borrowed. We take the counter-diabatic driving and "chosen path" method as instances to demonstrate our treatment on the molecular system. Although the "chosen path" method does not work well in real three-state system if there is strong decay in the excited state, our C-STIRSAP protocol under both the two methods can create ultracold deeply-bound molecules with high efficiency in the M-type system. The evolution time is shortened without strong laser pulses and the robustness of STA is well preserved. Finally, the detection of ultracold deeply-bound molecules is discussed.

  • Estimating Trotter Approximation Errors to Optimize Hamiltonian Partitioning for Lower Eigenvalue Errors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luis A. Martínez-Martínez, Prathami Divakar Kamath, Artur F. Izmaylov

    One of the ways to encode many-body Hamiltonians on a quantum computer to obtain their eigen-energies through Quantum Phase Estimation is by means of the Trotter approximation. There were several ways proposed to assess the quality of this approximation based on estimating the norm of the difference between the exact and approximate evolution operators. Here, we would like to explore how these different error estimates are correlated with each other and whether they can be good predictors for the true Trotter approximation error in finding eigenvalues. For a set of small molecular systems we calculated the exact Trotter approximation errors of the first order Trotter formulas for the ground state electronic energies. Comparison of these errors with previously used upper bounds show almost no correlation over the systems and various Hamiltonian partitionings. On the other hand, building the Trotter approximation error estimation based on perturbation theory up to a second order in the time-step for eigenvalues provides estimates with very good correlations with the Trotter approximation errors. The developed perturbative estimates can be used for practical time-step and Hamiltonian partitioning selection protocols, which are paramount for an accurate assessment of resources needed for the estimation of energy eigenvalues under a target accuracy.


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