CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2024-01-05 12:30 to 2024-01-09 11:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


  • No papers in this section today!


  • Probing coherence in metal absorption towards multiple images of strong gravitationally lensed quasars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rajeshwari Dutta, Ana Acebron, Michele Fumagalli, Claudio Grillo, Gabriel B. Caminha, Matteo Fossati

    We present a tomographic analysis of metal absorption lines arising from the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of galaxies at z~0.5-2, using Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) observations of two background quasars at z~2.2 and 2.8, which are two of the few currently known quasars with multiple images due to strong gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters at z~0.6 and 0.5, respectively. The angular separations between different pairs of quasar multiple images enable us to probe the absorption over transverse physical separations of ~0.4-150 kpc, which are based on strong lensing models exploiting MUSE observations. The fractional difference in rest-frame equivalent width (Delta Wr) of MgII, FeII, CIV absorption increases on average with physical separation, indicating that the metal-enriched gaseous structures become less coherent with distance, with a likely coherence length scale of ~10 kpc. However, Delta Wr for all the ions vary considerably over ~0.08-0.9, indicating a clumpy CGM over the full range of length scales probed. At the same time, paired MgII absorption is detected across ~100-150 kpc at similar line-of-sight velocities, which could be probing cool gas clouds within the same halo. No significant dependence of Delta Wr is found on the equivalent width and redshift of the absorbing gas and on the galaxy environment associated with the absorption. The high-ionization gas phase traced by CIV shows a higher degree of coherence than the low-ionization gas phase traced by MgII, with ~90 percent of CIV systems exhibiting Delta Wr <=0.5 at separations <=10 kpc compared to ~50 percent of MgII systems.

  • Dark Matter Candidates of a Very Low Mass.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kathryn M. Zurek

    We review dark matter (DM) candidates of a very low mass, appearing in the window below the traditional weakly-interacting massive particle $m_\chi \lesssim 10$ GeV and extending down to $m_\chi \gtrsim 1$ meV, somewhat below the mass limit where DM becomes wavelike. Such candidates are motivated by hidden sectors such as Hidden Valleys, which feature hidden forces and rich dynamics, but have evaded traditional collider searches looking for New Physics because of their relatively weak coupling to the Standard Model. Such sectors can still be detected through dedicated low-energy colliders which, through their intense beams, can have sensitivity to smaller couplings, or through astrophysical observations of the evolution of DM halos and stellar structures which, through the Universe's epochs, can be sensitive to small DM interactions. We also consider mechanisms where the DM abundance is fixed through the interaction with the SM, which directly motivates the search for light DM in terrestrial experiments. The bulk of this review is dedicated to the new ideas that have been proposed for directly detecting such DM candidates of a low mass, through nuclear recoils, electronic excitations, or collective modes such as phonons and magnons. The rich tapestry of materials and modes in the Condensed Matter landscape is reviewed, along with specific prospects for detection.

  • Thin and thick bubble walls II: expansion in the wall width.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ariel Mégevand, Federico Agustín Membiela

    We study the dynamics of a cosmological bubble wall beyond the approximation of an infinitely thin wall. In a previous paper, we discussed the range of validity of this approximation and estimated the first-order corrections due to the finite width. Here, we introduce a systematic method to obtain the wall equation of motion and its profile at each order in the wall width. We discuss in detail the next-to-next-to-leading-order terms. We use the results to treat the growth of spherical bubbles and the evolution of small deformations of planar walls.

  • A deep learning framework for jointly extracting spectra and source-count distributions in astronomy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Florian Wolf, Florian List, Nicholas L. Rodd, Oliver Hahn

    Astronomical observations typically provide three-dimensional maps, encoding the distribution of the observed flux in (1) the two angles of the celestial sphere and (2) energy/frequency. An important task regarding such maps is to statistically characterize populations of point sources too dim to be individually detected. As the properties of a single dim source will be poorly constrained, instead one commonly studies the population as a whole, inferring a source-count distribution (SCD) that describes the number density of sources as a function of their brightness. Statistical and machine learning methods for recovering SCDs exist; however, they typically entirely neglect spectral information associated with the energy distribution of the flux. We present a deep learning framework able to jointly reconstruct the spectra of different emission components and the SCD of point-source populations. In a proof-of-concept example, we show that our method accurately extracts even complex-shaped spectra and SCDs from simulated maps.

  • Distinguishing $\Lambda$CDM from evolving dark energy with the future gravitational-wave space-borne detector DECIGO.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuting Liu, Shuo Cao, Xiaogang Zheng, Marek Biesiada, Jianyong Jiang, Tonghua Liu

    The $Omh^2(z_i,z_j)$ two point diagnostics was proposed as a litmus test of $\Lambda$CDM model and measurements of cosmic expansion rate $H(z)$ have been extensively used to perform this test. The results obtained so far suggested a tension between observations and predictions of the $\Lambda$CDM model. However, the dataset of $H(z)$ direct measurements from cosmic chronometers and BAO was quite limited. This motivated us to study the performance of this test on a larger sample obtained in an alternative way. In this Letter, we propose that gravitational wave (GW) standard sirens could provide large samples of $H(z)$ measurements in the redshift range of $0<z<5$, based on the measurements of dipole anisotropy of luminosity distance arising from the matter inhomogeneities of large-scale structure and the local motion of observer. We discuss the effectiveness of our method in the context of the future generation space-borne DECi-herz Interferometer Gravitaional-wave Observatory (DECIGO), based on a comprehensive $H(z)$ simulated data set from binary neutron star merger systems. Our result indicate that in the GW domain, the $Omh^2(z_i,z_j)$ two point diagnostics could effectively distinguish whether $\Lambda$CDM is the best description of our Universe. We also discuss the potential of our methodology in determining possible evidence for dark energy evolution, focusing on its performance on the constant and redshift-dependent dark energy equation of state.

  • Simultaneous measurements on cosmic curvature and opacity using latest HII regions and $H(z)$ observations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ying Yang, Tonghua Liu, Jiayuan Huang, Xiaolan Cheng, Marek Biesiada, Shu-min Wu

    The different spatial curvatures of the universe affect the measurement of cosmological distances, which may also contribute to explaining the observed dimming of type Ia supernovae. This phenomenon may be caused by the opacity of the universe. Similarly, the opacity of the universe can lead to a bias in our measurements of curvature. Thus, it is necessary to measure cosmic curvature and opacity simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a new model-independent method to simultaneously measure the cosmic curvature and opacity by using the latest observations of HII galaxies acting as standard candles and the latest Hubble parameter observations. The machine learning method-Artificial Neural Network is adopted to reconstruct observed Hubble parameter $H(z)$ observations. Our results support a slightly opaque and flat universe at $1\sigma$ confidence level by using previous 156 HII regions sample. However, the negative curvature is obtained by using the latest 181 HII regions sample in the redshift range $z\sim 2.5$. More importantly, we obtain the simultaneous measurements with precision on the cosmic opacity $\rm\Delta\tau\sim 10^{-2}$ and curvature $\rm\Delta\Omega_K\sim 10^{-1}$. A strong degeneracy between the cosmic opacity and curvature parameters is also revealed in this analysis.

  • Perturbation Spectra of Warm Inflation in f (Q, T ) Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maryam Shiravand, Mehrdad Farhoudi

    We investigate the warm inflationary scenario within the context of the linear version of f (Q, T ) gravity, coupled with both the inflaton scalar field and the radiation field, under the conditions of the strong dissipation regime. First, we calculate the modified Friedmann equations and the modified slow-roll parameters. Subsequently, we apply the slow-roll approximations to derive the scalar power spectrum and the tensor power spectrum. Also, we develop formulations of the scalar and tensor perturbations for the f (Q, T ) gravity with warm inflation scenario. Furthermore, we scrutinize two different forms of the dissipation coefficient, a constant and a function of the inflaton field to determine the scalar spectral index, the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the temperature for the power-law potential case. By imposing some constraints on the free parameters of the model, we attain results in good agreement with both the Planck 2018 data and the joint Planck, BK15 and BAO data for the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and consistent results aligned with the Planck 2018 data for the scalar spectral index. Consequently, we are able to revive the power-law potential that was previously ruled out by observational data. Moreover, for the variable dissipation coefficient, the model leads to the scalar spectral index with the blue and red tilts in agreement with the WMAP three years data.

  • Detection of pairwise kSZ effect with DESI galaxy groups and Planck in Fourier space.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shaohong Li, Yi Zheng, Ziyang Chen, Haojie Xu, Xiaohu Yang

    We report a $\sim5.2\sigma$ detection of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect in Fourier space, by combining the DESI galaxy groups and the Planck data. We use the density-weighted pairwise kSZ power spectrum as the summary statistic, and the detailed procedure of its measurement is presented in this paper. Meanwhile, we analyze the redshift space group density power spectrum to constrain its bias parameters and photo-z uncertainties. These best fitted parameters are substituted to a non-linear kSZ model, and we fit the measured kSZ power spectrum with this model to constrain the group optical depth $\bar{\tau}$. Selected by a varying lower mass threshold $M_{\rm th}$, the galaxy group catalogs with different median masses ($\tilde{M}$) are constructed from the DR9 data of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys. $\tilde{M}$ spans a wide range of $\sim10^{13}-10^{14}{\rm M}_\odot/h$ and the heaviest $\tilde{M}\sim10^{14} {\rm M}_\odot/h$ is larger than those of most other kSZ detections. When the aperture photometric filter radius $\theta_{\rm AP}$ is set to be $4.2$ arcmin, the $\tilde{M}=1.75\times10^{13}{\rm M}_\odot/h$ group sample at the median redshift $\tilde{z}=0.64$ has the highest kSZ detection ${\rm S/N}=5.2$. By fitting $\bar{\tau}$s from various samples against their $\tilde{M}$s, we obtain a linear $\log\bar{\tau}-\log \tilde{M}$ relation: $\log\bar{\tau} = \gamma(\log \tilde{M}-14)+\log\beta$, in which $\gamma=0.55\pm0.1$. We also vary the aperture photometric filter radius and measure the $\bar{\tau}$ profiles of group samples, whose constraints on the baryon distribution within and around dark matter halos will be discussed in a companion paper.

  • Forecast constraints on the baryonic feedback effect from the future kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect detection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi Zheng, Pengjie Zhang

    The baryonic feedback effect is an important systematic error in the weak lensing (WL) analysis. It contributes partly to the $S_8$ tension in the literature. With the next generations of large scale structure (LSS) and CMB experiments, the high signal-to-noise kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect detection can tightly constrain the baryon distribution in and around dark matter halos, and quantify the baryonic effect in the weak lensing statistics. In this work, we apply the Fisher matrix technique to predict the future kSZ constraints on 3 kSZ-sensitive Baryon Correction Model (BCM) parameters. Our calculations show that, in combination with next generation LSS surveys, the 3rd generation CMB experiments such as AdvACT and Simon Observatory can constrain the matter power spectrum damping $S(k)$ to the precision of $\sigma_S(k)<0.8\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$ at $k\lesssim 10h/$Mpc, where $V$ is the overlapped survey volume between the future LSS and CMB surveys. For the 4th generation CMB surveys such as CMB-S4 and CMB-HD, the constraint will be enhanced to $\sigma_S(k)<0.4\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$. If extra-observations, e.g. X-ray detection and thermal SZ observation, can effectively fix the gas density profile slope parameter $\delta$, the constraint on $S(k)$ will be further boosted to $\sigma_S(k)<0.3\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$ and $\sigma_S(k)<0.1\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$ for the 3rd and 4th generation CMB surveys.

  • Absorption of Millimeter-band CO and CN in the Early Universe: Molecular Clouds in Radio Galaxy B2 0902+34 at Redshift 3.4.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bjorn Emonts, Steve Curran, George Miley, Matthew Lehnert, Chris Carilli, Ilsang Yoon, Raffaella Morganti, 6), Reinout van Weeren, Montserrat Villar-Martin, Pierre Guillard, Cristina Cordun, 6), Tom Oosterloo, 6) ((1) NRAO, (2) Victoria Univ. Wellington, (3) Leiden Univ., (4) CRAL/Univ. Lyon, (5) ASTRON, (6) Univ. Groningen, (7) CAB/CSIC-INTA, (8) IAP)

    Using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), we have detected absorption lines due to carbon-monoxide, CO(J=0-1), and the cyano radical, CN(N=0-1), associated with radio galaxy B2 0902+34 at redshift z=3.4. The detection of millimeter-band absorption observed 1.5 Gyr after the Big Bang facilitates studying molecular clouds down to gas masses inaccessible to emission-line observations. The CO absorption in B2 0902+34 has a peak optical depth of $\tau$ $\ge$ 8.6% and consists of two components, one of which has the same redshift as previously detected 21-cm absorption of neutral hydrogen (HI) gas. Each CO component traces an integrated H$_2$ column density of N(H2) $\ge$ 3x10$^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$. CN absorption is detected for both CO components, as well as for a blueshifted component not detected in CO, with CO/CN line ratios ranging from $\le$0.4 to 2.4. We discuss the scenario that the absorption components originate from collections of small and dense molecular clouds that are embedded in a region with more diffuse gas and high turbulence, possibly within the influence of the central Active Galactic Nucleus or starburst region. The degree of reddening in B2 0902+34, with a rest-frame color B-K ~ 4.2, is lower than the very red colors (B-K > 6) found among other known redshifted CO absorption systems at z<1. Nevertheless, when including also the many non-detections from the literature, a potential correlation between the absorption-line strength and B-K color is evident, giving weight to the argument that the red colors of CO absorbers are due to a high dust content.

  • Inferring the redshift of more than 150 GRBs with a Machine Learning Ensemble model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Elias Taira, Eric Wang, Elias Lehman, Aditya Narendra, Agnieszka Pollo, Grzegorz M. Madejski, Vahe Petrosian, Malgorzata Bogdan, Apratim Dey, Shubham Bhardwaj

    Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), due to their high luminosities are detected up to redshift 10, and thus have the potential to be vital cosmological probes of early processes in the universe. Fulfilling this potential requires a large sample of GRBs with known redshifts, but due to observational limitations, only 11\% have known redshifts ($z$). There have been numerous attempts to estimate redshifts via correlation studies, most of which have led to inaccurate predictions. To overcome this, we estimated GRB redshift via an ensemble supervised machine learning model that uses X-ray afterglows of long-duration GRBs observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. The estimated redshifts are strongly correlated (a Pearson coefficient of 0.93) and have a root mean square error, namely the square root of the average squared error $\langle\Delta z^2\rangle$, of 0.46 with the observed redshifts showing the reliability of this method. The addition of GRB afterglow parameters improves the predictions considerably by 63\% compared to previous results in peer-reviewed literature. Finally, we use our machine learning model to infer the redshifts of 154 GRBs, which increase the known redshifts of long GRBs with plateaus by 94\%, a significant milestone for enhancing GRB population studies that require large samples with redshift.

  • Surface Brightness Bias in the Shape Statistics of High-Redshift Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abraham Loeb

    Recently, Pandya et al. (2023) argued that the shapes of dwarf galaxies in JWST-CEERS observations show a prolate fraction that rises from ~25% at redshifts z=0.5-1 to ~50-80% at z=3-8. Here we suggest that this apparent change could result from a surface-brightness bias, favoring the detection of edge-on disks at low-luminosities and high-redshifts.

  • LSPE-STRIP on-sky calibration strategy using bright celestial sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R.T. Génova-Santos, M. Bersanelli, C. Franceschet, M. Gervasi, C. López-Caraballo, L. Mandelli, M. Maris, A. Mennella, J.A. Rubiño-Martín, F. Villa, M. Zannoni, C. Baccigalupi, B. Caccianiga, L. Colombo, F. Cuttaia, F. Farsian, G. Morgante, G. Paradiso, G. Polenta, S. Ricciardi, M. Sandri, A. Taylor, L. Terenzi, M. Tomasi

    In this paper we describe the global on-sky calibration strategy of the LSPE-Strip instrument. Strip is a microwave telescope operating in the Q- and W-bands (central frequencies of 43 and 95 GHz respectively) from the Observatorio del Teide in Tenerife, with the goal to observe and characterise the polarised Galactic foreground emission, and complement the observations of the polarisation of the cosmic microwave background to be performed by the LSPE-SWIPE instrument and other similar experiments operating at higher frequencies to target the detection of the B-mode signal from the inflationary epoch of the Universe. Starting from basic assumptions on some of the instrument parameters (NET, 1/f noise knee frequency, beam properties, observing efficiency) we perform realistic simulations to study the level of accuracy that can be achieved through observations of bright celestial calibrators in the Strip footprint (sky fraction of 30 %) on the determination and characterisation of the main instrument parameters: global and relative gain factors (in intensity and in polarisation), polarisation direction, polarisation efficiency, leakage from intensity to polarisation, beams, window functions and pointing model.

  • Cosmology Ruler Bookmark for Teaching and Outreach Purposes (Pen-and-pencil cosmological ruler calculator for everyone, especially students).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hervé Dole

    Cosmology in general, and relation between redshift and cosmic epoch in particular, is usually obscure to first years university students, secondary students, as well as journalists, politicians and the general public scientists may have interactions with. I identify the need for a simple artifact scientists may give to the public to clarify a few relations between redshift and other physical quantities, more meaningful for a non-scientist audience. This simple bookmark aims at completing previous "pen-and-pencil cosmological calculator" nomograms. I created a small, handy, duplicable bookmark with two printed sides, showing the corresponding cosmological values of redshift, age, time, and angular scale (for 1 kpc), using the Planck 2018 cosmology. On the recto, the redshift range of [0.1, 1000] approaches the recombination with a logarithmic scale. On the verso, the redshift range is chosen to be [0, 30] using a linear scale, covering the range of current (and future) detections of galaxies. A few examples are given, illustrating e.g. Planck, JWST or Euclid capabilities and complementarities, time interval non-linearity, properties of galaxies and clusters. This handy bookmark may be printed cheaply and offered to every student in physics (undergrad and grad student) in our universities or to secondary schools students we visit. The Cosmology Ruler Bookmark included is ready to print (single- or double-sided). The python script is available on github, allowing changes adapted to everyone's needs for teaching and outreach purposes, including with other cosmologies or applied to other scientific fields.

  • Magnetic field amplification in massive primordial halos: Influence of Lyman-Werner radiation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V.B. Díaz, D.R.G. Schleicher, M.A. Latif, P. Grete, R. Banerjee

    The potential importance of magnetic fields during structure formation and gravitational collapse in the early Universe has been shown in several studies. In particular, magnetic field amplification by the small-scale dynamo plays an important role in addition to the pure amplification expected from gravitational collapse. In this paper, we study the small-scale dynamo for halos of $\gtrsim10^7$ M$_\odot$ collapsing at $z\gtrsim12$, under different ambient conditions due to the strength of the Lyman-Werner background. Additionally, we estimate the approximate saturation level by varying the initial magnetic field strength. We performed cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations for three distinct halos of $\sim10^7$ M$_{\odot}$ at $z\geq13$ by varying the Jeans resolution from $32-256$ cells and employed Lyman Werner background flux of strengths $10^2-10^5$ in units of $J_{21}$, where $J_{21}=10^{-21}$ erg$/$cm$^2/$sr$/$s$/$Hz. To follow the chemical and thermal evolution of the gas we made use of the KROME package. In addition to the compression by collapse, we find magnetic field amplification via the dynamo both in the regimes of atomic and molecular hydrogen cooling. Moreover, we find a lower saturation level in the molecular hydrogen cooling regime. This behaviour can be understood due to the generally reduced radial infall velocities and vorticities in this regime, as well as the higher Mach numbers of the gas, which give rise to a smaller saturation ratio. Our results overall suggest that the dynamo operates over a large range of conditions in the collapsing gas.

  • String Theory and the First Half of the Universe.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fien Apers, Joseph P. Conlon, Edmund J. Copeland, Martin Mosny, Filippo Revello

    We perform a detailed study of stringy moduli-driven cosmologies between the end of inflation and the commencement of the Hot Big Bang, including both the background and cosmological perturbations: a period that can cover half the lifetime of the universe on a logarithmic scale. Compared to the standard cosmology, stringy cosmologies motivate extended kination, tracker and moduli-dominated epochs involving significantly trans-Planckian field excursions. Conventional effective field theory is unable to control Planck-suppressed operators and so such epochs require a stringy completion for a consistent analysis. Perturbation growth in these stringy cosmologies is substantially enhanced compared to conventional cosmological histories. The transPlanckian field evolution results in radical changes to Standard Model couplings during this history and we outline potential applications to baryogenesis, dark matter and gravitational wave production.

  • Spherical collapse and halo abundance in shift-symmetric Galileon theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Inês S. Albuquerque, Noemi Frusciante, Francesco Pace, Carlo Schimd

    We present the nonlinear growth of bound cosmological structures using the spherical collapse approach in the shift-symmetric Galileon theories. In particular, we focus on the class of models belonging to the Kinetic Gravity Braiding by adopting a general parametrization of the action encoding a large set of models by means of four free parameters: two defining the background evolution and two affecting the perturbations. For the latter we identify their specific signatures on the linearised critical density contrast, nonlinear effective gravitational coupling and the virial overdensity and how they drive their predictions away from $\Lambda$CDM. We then use the results of the spherical collapse model to predict the evolution of the halo mass function. We find that the shift-symmetric model predicts a larger number of objects compared to $\Lambda$CDM for masses $M \gtrsim 10^{14} h^{-1} \mathrm{M}_\odot$ and such number increases for larger deviations from the standard model. Therefore, the shift-symmetric model shows detectable signatures which can be used to distinguish it from the standard scenario.

  • Stringy Spacetime Uncertainty Principle and a Modified Trans-Planckian Censorship Criterion.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Robert Brandenberger, Pei-Ming Ho, Hikaru Kawai, Wei-Hsiang Shao

    We study the implications of the stringy space-time uncertainty relation (STUR) for inflationary cosmology. By demanding that no fluctuation modes that exit the Hubble radius are affected by the nonlocality resulting from the STUR, we find an upper bound on the number of e-foldings of inflation. The bound is a factor of 2 weaker than what results from the Trans-Planckian Censorship Criterion (TCC). By demanding that the inflationary phase is simultaneously consistent with STUR and sufficiently long for inflation to provide a causal explanation of structure on the scale of the current Hubble radius, we find an upper bound on the energy scale of inflation. The bound is less restrictive than what follows from the TCC, but it remains in conflict with canonical single-field inflation models.

  • Cosmic Microwave Background Mini-review.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Douglas Scott, George F. Smoot

    A compact overview of the status of CMB anisotropy results and their cosmological interpretation. Section headings: Introduction; CMB Spectrum; Description of CMB Anisotropies; Cosmological Parameters; Physics of Anisotropies; Current Anisotropy Data; CMB Polarization; Complications; Constraints on Cosmological Parameters; Particle Physics Constraints; Fundamental Lessons; and Future Directions. This 2023 replacement is a substantial update compared with earlier versions of this review posted to the arXiv.

  • An updated nuclear-physics and multi-messenger astrophysics framework for binary neutron star mergers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Peter T.H.Pang, Tim Dietrich, Michael W.Coughlin, Mattia Bulla, Ingo Tews, Mouza Almualla, Tyler Barna, Weizmann Kiendrebeogo, Nina Kunert, Gargi Mansingh, Brandon Reed, Niharika Sravan, Andrew Toivonen, Sarah Antier, Robert O. VandenBerg, Jack Heinzel, Vsevolod Nedora, Pouyan Salehi, Ritwik Sharma, Rahul Somasundaram, Chris Van Den Broeck

    The multi-messenger detection of the gravitational-wave signal GW170817, the corresponding kilonova AT2017gfo and the short gamma-ray burst GRB170817A, as well as the observed afterglow has delivered a scientific breakthrough. For an accurate interpretation of all these different messengers, one requires robust theoretical models that describe the emitted gravitational-wave, the electromagnetic emission, and dense matter reliably. In addition, one needs efficient and accurate computational tools to ensure a correct cross-correlation between the models and the observational data. For this purpose, we have developed the Nuclear-physics and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics framework NMMA. The code allows incorporation of nuclear-physics constraints at low densities as well as X-ray and radio observations of isolated neutron stars. In previous works, the NMMA code has allowed us to constrain the equation of state of supranuclear dense matter, to measure the Hubble constant, and to compare dense-matter physics probed in neutron-star mergers and in heavy-ion collisions, and to classify electromagnetic observations and perform model selection. Here, we show an extension of the NMMA code as a first attempt of analyzing the gravitational-wave signal, the kilonova, and the gamma-ray burst afterglow simultaneously. Incorporating all available information, we estimate the radius of a $1.4M_\odot$ neutron star to be $R=11.98^{+0.35}_{-0.40}$km.

  • Dark Black Holes in the Mass Gap.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nicolas Fernandez, Akshay Ghalsasi, Stefano Profumo, Nolan Smyth, Lillian Santos-Olmsted

    In the standard picture of stellar evolution, pair-instability -- the energy loss in stellar cores due to electron-positron pair production -- is predicted to prevent the collapse of massive stars into black holes with mass in the range between approximately 50 and 130 solar masses -- a range known as the "{\em black hole mass gap}". LIGO detection of black hole binary mergers containing one or both black holes with masses in this {\em mass gap} thus challenges the standard picture, possibly pointing to an unexpected merger history, unanticipated or poorly understood astrophysical mechanisms, or new physics. Here, we entertain the possibility that a "dark sector" exists, consisting of dark electrons, dark protons, and electromagnetic-like interactions, but no nuclear forces. Dark stars would inevitably form given such dark sector constituents, possibly collapsing into black holes with masses within the mass gap. We study in detail the cooling processes necessary for successful stellar collapse in the dark sector and show that for suitable choices of the particle masses, we indeed predict populating the mass gap with dark sector black holes. In particular, we numerically find that the heavier of the two dark sector massive particles cannot be lighter than, approximately, the visible sector proton for the resulting dark sector black holes to have masses within the mass gap. We discuss constraints on this scenario and how to test it with future, larger black hole merger statistics.

  • Gas Morphology of Milky Way-like Galaxies in the TNG50 Simulation: Signals of Twisting and Stretching.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thomas K. Waters, Colton Peterson, Razieh Emami, Xuejian Shen, Lars Hernquist, Randall Smith, Mark Vogelsberger, Charles Alcock, Grant Tremblay, Matthew Liska, John C. Forbes, Jorge Moreno

    We present an in-depth analysis of gas morphologies for a sample of 25 Milky Way-like galaxies from the IllustrisTNG TNG50 simulation. We constrain the morphology of cold, warm, hot gas, and gas particles as a whole using a Local Shell Iterative Method (LSIM) and explore its observational implications by computing the hard-to-soft X-ray ratio, which ranges between $10^{-3}$-$10^{-2}$ in the inner $\sim 50 \rm kpc$ of the distribution and $10^{-5}$-$10^{-4}$ at the outer portion of the hot gas distribution. We group galaxies into three main categories: simple, stretched, and twisted. These categories are based on the radial reorientation of the principal axes of the reduced inertia tensor. We find that a vast majority ($77\%$) of the galaxies in our sample exhibit twisting patterns in their radial profiles. Additionally, we present detailed comparisons between 1) the gaseous distributions belonging to individual temperature regimes, 2) the cold gas distributions and stellar distributions, and 3) the gaseous distributions and dark matter (DM) halos. We find a strong correlation between the morphological properties of the cold gas and stellar distributions. Furthermore, we find a correlation between gaseous distributions with DM halo that increases with gas temperature, implying that we may use the warm-hot gaseous morphology as a tracer to probe the DM morphology. Finally, we show gaseous distributions exhibit significantly more prolate morphologies than the stellar distributions and DM halos, which we hypothesize is due to stellar and AGN feedback.

  • The spatial clustering of ROSAT all-sky survey Active Galactic Nuclei: V. The evolution of broad-line AGN clustering properties in the last 6 Gyr.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Krumpe, T. Miyaji, A. Georgakakis, A. Schulze, A. L. Coil, T. Dwelly, D. Coffey, J. Comparat, H. Aceves, M. Salvato, A. Merloni, C. Maraston, K. Nandra, J. R. Brownstein, D. P. Schneider

    This is the fifth paper in a series of investigations of the clustering properties of luminous, broad-emission-line active galactic nuclei (AGN) identified in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In this work we measure the cross-correlation function (CCF) between RASS/SDSS DR14 AGN with the SDSS CMASS galaxy sample at $0.44<z<0.64$. We apply halo occupation distribution (HOD) modeling to the CCF along with the autocorrelation function of the CMASS galaxies. We find that X-ray and optically selected AGN at $0.44<z<0.64$ reside in statistically identical halos with a typical dark matter halo mass of $M_{\rm DMH}^{\rm typ,AGN} \sim 10^{12.7}\,h^{-1}\,\rm{M}_\odot$. The acceptable HOD parameter space for these two broad-line AGN samples have only statistically marginal differences caused by small deviations of the CCFs in the one-halo-dominated regime on small scales. In contrast to optically selected AGN, the X-ray AGN sample may contain a larger population of satellites at $M_{\rm DMH} \sim 10^{13}\,h^{-1}\,\rm{M}_\odot$. We compare our measurements in this work with our earlier studies at lower independent redshift ranges, spanning a look-back time of 6 Gyr. The comparison over this wider redshift range of $0.07<z<0.64$ reveals: (i) no significant difference between the typical DMH masses of X-ray and optically selected AGN, (ii) weak positive clustering dependencies of $M_{\rm DMH}^{\rm typ,AGN}$ with $L_{\rm X}$ and $M_{\rm BH}$, (iii) no significant dependence of $M_{\rm DMH}^{\rm typ,AGN}$ on Eddington ratio, and (iv) the same DMH masses host more-massive accreting black holes at high redshift than at low redshifts.

  • Towards Accurate Field-Level Inference of Massive Cosmic Structures.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Stephen Stopyra, Hiranya V. Peiris, Andrew Pontzen, Jens Jasche, Guilhem Lavaux

    We investigate the accuracy requirements for field-level inference of cluster and void masses using data from galaxy surveys. We introduce a two-step framework that takes advantage of the fact that cluster masses are determined by flows on larger scales than the clusters themselves. First, we determine the integration accuracy required to perform field-level inference of cosmic initial conditions on these large scales, by fitting to late-time galaxy counts using the Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies (BORG) algorithm. A 20-step COLA integrator is able to accurately describe the density field surrounding the most massive clusters in the Local Super-Volume ($<135\,h^{-1}\,\mathrm{Mpc}$), but does not by itself lead to converged virial mass estimates. Therefore we carry out `posterior resimulations', using full $N$-body dynamics while sampling from the inferred initial conditions, and thereby obtain estimates of masses for nearby massive clusters. We show that these are in broad agreement with existing estimates, and find that mass functions in the Local Super-Volume are compatible with $\Lambda$CDM.

  • CONCERTO: Extracting the power spectrum of the [C II ] emission line.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Van Cuyck, N. Ponthieu, G. Lagache, A. Beelen, M. Béthermin, A. Gkogkou, M. Aravena, A. Benoit, J. Bounmy, M. Calvo, A. Catalano, F.X. Désert, F.-X. Dupé, A. Fasano, A. Ferrara, J. Goupy, C. Hoarau, W. Hu, J.-C Lambert, J. F. Macías-Pérez, J. Marpaud, G. Mellema, A. Monfardini, A. Pallottini

    CONCERTO is the first experiment to perform a [CII] line intensity mapping survey to target $z>5.2$. Measuring the [CII] power spectrum allows us to study the role of dusty star-forming galaxies in the star formation history during the Reionization and post-Reionization. The main obstacle to this measurement is the contamination by bright foregrounds. We evaluate our ability to retrieve the [CII] signal in mock observations using the Simulated Infrared Dusty Extragalactic Sky. We compared two methods for dealing with the dust continuum emission from galaxies: the standard PCA and the arPLS method. For line interlopers, the strategy relies on masking low-redshift galaxies using external catalogues. As we do not have observations of CO or classical CO proxies ,we relied on the COSMOS stellar mass catalogue. To measure the power spectrum of masked data, we adapted the P of K EstimatoR and discuss its use on LIM data. The arPLS method achieves a reduction of the continuum background to a sub-dominant level of the [CII] at z=7 by a factor of>70. When using PCA, this factor is only 0.7. The masking lowers the power amplitude of line contamination down to $2 \times 10^2 Jy^2/sr$ This residual level is dominated by faint undetected sources. For our [CII] model, this results in a detection at z = 5.2 with a power ratio [CII]/(residual interlopers) = $62 \pm 32$ for a 22 % area survey loss. However, at z = 7, [C II ] / (residual interlopers)$=2.0 \pm 1.4$. Thanks to the large area covered by SIDES-Uchuu, we show that the power amplitude of line residuals varies by 12-15% for z=5.2-7. We present an end-to-end simulation of the extragalactic foreground removal that we ran to detect the [CII] at high redshift via its power spectrum. We show that dust continuum emission are not a limiting foreground for [CII] LIM. Residual CO and [CI] limits our ability to measure the [CII] power spectrum at z>7.

  • EIGER IV: The cool 10$^4$K circumgalactic environment of high-$z$ galaxies reveals remarkably efficient IGM enrichment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rongmon Bordoloi, Robert A. Simcoe, Jorryt Matthee, Daichi Kashino, Ruari Mackenzie, Simon J. Lilly, Anna-Christina Eilers, Bin Liu, David DePalma, Minghao Yue, Rohan P. Naidu

    We report new observations of the cool diffuse gas around 29, $2.3<z<6.3$ galaxies, using deep JWST/NIRCam slitless grism spectroscopy around the sightline to the quasar J0100+2802. The galaxies span a stellar mass range of $7.1 \leq \log M_{*}/M_{sun} \leq 10.7$, and star-formation rates of $-0.1 < \log \; SFR/M_{sun}yr^{-1} \; <2.3$. We find galaxies for seven MgII absorption systems within 300 kpc of the quasar sightline. The MgII radial absorption profile falls off sharply with radii, with most of the absorption extending out to 2-3$R_{200}$ of the host galaxies. Six out of seven MgII absorption systems are detected around galaxies with $\log M_{*}/M_{sun} >$9. MgII absorption kinematics are shifted from the systemic redshift of host galaxies with a median absolute velocity of 135 km/s and standard deviation of 85 km/s. The high kinematic offset and large radial separation ($R> 1.3 R_{200}$), suggest that five out of the seven MgII absorption systems are gravitationally not bound to the galaxies. In contrast, most cool circumgalactic media at $z<1$ are gravitationally bound. The high incidence of unbound MgII gas in this work suggests that towards the end of reionization, galaxy halos are in a state of remarkable disequilibrium, and are highly efficient in enriching the intergalactic medium. Two strongest MgII absorption systems are detected at $z\sim$ 4.22 and 4.5, the former associated with a merging galaxy system and the latter associated with three kinematically close galaxies. Both these galaxies reside in local galaxy over-densities, indicating the presence of cool MgII absorption in two "proto-groups" at $z>4$.

  • A radio-frequency WIMP search with the MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Natasha Lavis, Michael Sarkis, Geoff Beck, Kenda Knowles

    Radio-frequency, indirect dark matter searches have recently been gaining prevalence, due to the high sensitivity and resolution capabilities of the new generation of radio interferometers. MeerKAT is currently one of the most sensitive instruments of its kind, making it ideal for indirect dark matter searches. By making use of publicly available data from the MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey we are able to use both the observed diffuse synchrotron emission and non-detections to constrain the WIMP dark matter parameter space. In addition to a subset of generic WIMP annihilation channels, we probe the dark matter candidate within the 2HDM+S particle physics model, which was developed as an explanation for anomalies observed in the Large Hadron Collider data from runs 1 and 2. By undertaking a statistical analysis of the radio flux densities within galaxy clusters we are able to exclude the thermal relic value for WIMP masses $< \, \sim 1000 $ GeV for annihilation into bottom quarks with our median case. This is competitive with the best constraints in the current literature.

  • Cluster halo shapes in CDM and SIDM models: Unveiling the DM particle nature using a weak lensing approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Elizabeth Johana Gonzalez, Agustín Rodriguez-Medrano, Luis Alberto Pereyra, Diego García Lambas

    Self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) is an alternative to the standard collisionless cold dark matter model (CDM), allowing for interactions between the dark matter particles through the introduction of a self-scattering cross-section. However, the observable effects between these two scenarios are hard to detect. In this work we present a detailed analysis of an application of galaxy-galaxy lensing to measure with high precision the shapes of cluster halos and how this approach can be used to obtain information regarding the nature of the dark matter particle. Using two sets of simulated data, SIDM and CDM simulations, we compute stacked shear maps centred on several subsets of halos with masses $\gtrsim 10^{13.5} M_\odot$. From these maps, we obtain the quadrupole profiles related to the mean projected elongation of the particle distribution from which the shape parameters are derived. Accounting for a radial shape variation, this technique provides an enhancement of the observed differences between the simulated data-sets. In particular, we obtain a higher slope of the power law for the shape-radial relation for the halos identified in the SIDM simulation, which are rounder towards the centre. Also, as approaching to the mean virial radius, the projected semi-axis ratios converge to similar values than in the CDM simulation. Moreover, we account for the impact of the neighbouring mass, where more strongly elongated distributions are found for the halos in the SIDM simulation, indicating that under dark matter self interaction, the large scale structure imprints a more coherent accretion process.

  • Real-time dynamics of false vacuum decay.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Laura Batini, Aleksandr Chatrchyan, Jürgen Berges

    We investigate false vacuum decay of a relativistic scalar field initialized in the metastable minimum of an asymmetric double-well potential. The transition to the true ground state is a well-defined initial-value problem in real time, which can be formulated in nonequilibrium quantum field theory on a closed time path. We employ the non-perturbative framework of the two-particle irreducible (2PI) quantum effective action at next-to-leading order in a large-N expansion. We also compare to classical-statistical field theory simulations on a lattice in the high-temperature regime. By this, we demonstrate that the real-time decay rates are comparable to those obtained from the conventional Euclidean (bounce) approach. In general, we find that the decay rates are time dependent. For a more comprehensive description of the dynamics, we extract a time-dependent effective potential, which becomes convex during the nonequilibrium transition process. By solving the quantum evolution equations for the one- and two-point correlation functions for vacuum initial conditions, we demonstrate that quantum corrections can lead to transitions that are not captured by classical-statistical approximations.

  • Determining cosmological growth parameter for stellar-mass black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ema Mlinar, Tomaž Zwitter

    It has recently been suggested that black holes (BHs) may grow with time, so that their mass is proportional to the cosmological scale factor to the power $n$, with suggested values $n \approx 3$ for supermassive BHs in elliptical galaxies. Here we test these predictions with stellar mass BHs in X-ray binaries using their masses and ages. We perform two sets of tests to assess the compatible values of $n$. First, we assume that no compact object grows over the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkof limit which marks the borderline between neutron stars and BHs. We show that half of BHs would be born with a mass below this limit if $n=3$ applies. The possibility that all BHs were born above the limit is rejected at $4\,\sigma$ if $n=3$ applies. In the second test, we assume that masses of BHs at their formation stay the same over cosmic history. We compare the mass distribution of the youngest BHs, which could have not grown yet, to their older counterparts. Distributions are compatible for $n = -0.9^{+1.3}_{-4.6}$, with $n=3$ excluded formally with 87 % confidence. This result may be biased, because massive BHs tend to have a massive companion. Correcting for this bias yields $n\approx 0$. We can therefore conclude that while our results are not a clear rejection of BH scaling with $n=3$, we show that $n=0$ is much more consistent with the data.

  • Optimizing the Gravitational Tree Algorithm for Many-Core Processors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomoyuki Tokuue, Tomoaki Ishiyama

    Gravitational $N$-body simulations calculate numerous interactions between particles. The tree algorithm reduces these calculations by constructing a hierarchical oct-tree structure and approximating gravitational forces on particles. Over the last three decades, the tree algorithm has been extensively used in large-scale simulations, and its parallelization in distributed memory environments has been well studied. However, recent supercomputers are equipped with many CPU cores per node, and optimizations of the tree construction in shared memory environments are becoming crucial. We propose a novel tree construction method in contrast to the conventional top-down approach. It first creates all leaf cells without traversing the tree and then constructs the remaining cells by a bottom-up approach. We evaluated the performance of our novel method on the supercomputer Fugaku and an Intel machine. On a single thread, our method accelerates one of the most time-consuming processes of the conventional tree construction method by a factor of above 3.0 on Fugaku and 2.2 on the Intel machine. Furthermore, as the number of threads increases, our parallel tree construction time reduces considerably. Compared to the conventional sequential tree construction method, we achieve a speedup of over 45 on 48 threads of Fugaku and more than 56 on 112 threads of the Intel machine. In stark contrast to the conventional method, the tree construction with our method no longer constitutes a bottleneck in the tree algorithm, even when using many threads.

  • Hierarchical Clustering in ${\Lambda}$CDM Cosmologies via Persistence Energy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michael Etienne Van Huffel, Leonardo Aldo Alejandro Barberi, Tobias Sagis

    In this research, we investigate the structural evolution of the cosmic web, employing advanced methodologies from Topological Data Analysis. Our approach involves leveraging LITE, an innovative method from recent literature that embeds persistence diagrams into elements of vector spaces. Utilizing this methodology, we analyze three quintessential cosmic structures: clusters, filaments, and voids. A central discovery is the correlation between \textit{Persistence Energy} and redshift values, linking persistent homology with cosmic evolution and providing insights into the dynamics of cosmic structures.

  • The Dark Energy Survey: Cosmology Results With ~1500 New High-redshift Type Ia Supernovae Using The Full 5-year Dataset.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    T. M. C. Abbott, M. Acevedo, M. Aguena, A. Alarcon, S. Allam, O. Alves, A. Amon, F. Andrade-Oliveira, J. Annis, P. Armstrong, J. Asorey, S. Avila, D. Bacon, B. A. Bassett, K. Bechtol, P. H. Bernardinelli, G. M. Bernstein, E. Bertin, J. Blazek, S. Bocquet, D. Brooks, D. Brout, E. Buckley-Geer, D. L. Burke, H. Camacho, R. Camilleri, A. Campos, A. Carnero Rosell, D. Carollo, A. Carr, J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, R. Cawthon, C. Chang, R. Chen, A. Choi, C. Conselice, M. Costanzi, L. N. da Costa, M. Crocce, T. M. Davis, D. L. DePoy, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, M. Dixon, S. Dodelson, P. Doel, C. Doux, A. Drlica-Wagner, J. Elvin-Poole, S. Everett, I. Ferrero, A. Ferté, B. Flaugher, R. J. Foley, P. Fosalba, D. Friedel, J. Frieman, C. Frohmaier, L. Galbany, J. García-Bellido, et al. (95 additional authors not shown)

    We present cosmological constraints from the sample of Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) discovered during the full five years of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Supernova Program. In contrast to most previous cosmological samples, in which SN are classified based on their spectra, we classify the DES SNe using a machine learning algorithm applied to their light curves in four photometric bands. Spectroscopic redshifts are acquired from a dedicated follow-up survey of the host galaxies. After accounting for the likelihood of each SN being a SN Ia, we find 1635 DES SN in the redshift range $0.10<z<1.13$ that pass quality selection criteria and can be used to constrain cosmological parameters. This quintuples the number of high-quality $z>0.5$ SNe compared to the previous leading compilation of Pantheon+, and results in the tightest cosmological constraints achieved by any SN data set to date. To derive cosmological constraints we combine the DES supernova data with a high-quality external low-redshift sample consisting of 194 SNe Ia spanning $0.025<z<0.10$. Using SN data alone and including systematic uncertainties we find $\Omega_{\rm M}=0.352\pm 0.017$ in a flat $\Lambda$CDM model, and $(\Omega_{\rm M},w)=(0.264^{+0.074}_{-0.096},-0.80^{+0.14}_{-0.16})$ in a flat $w$CDM model. For a flat $w_0w_a$CDM model, we find $(\Omega_{\rm M},w_0,w_a)=(0.495^{+0.033}_{-0.043},-0.36^{+0.36}_{-0.30},-8.8^{+3.7}_{-4.5})$, consistent with a constant equation of state to within $\sim2 \sigma$. Including Planck CMB data, SDSS BAO data, and DES $3\times2$-point data gives $(\Omega_{\rm M},w)=(0.321\pm0.007,-0.941\pm0.026)$. In all cases dark energy is consistent with a cosmological constant to within $\sim2\sigma$. In our analysis, systematic errors on cosmological parameters are subdominant compared to statistical errors; these results thus pave the way for future photometrically classified supernova analyses.


  • A GPU-Accelerated Modern Fortran Version of the ECHO Code for Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luca Del Zanna, Simone Landi, Lorenzo Serafini, Matteo Bugli, Emanuele Papini

    The numerical study of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) plays a crucial role in high-energy astrophysics, but unfortunately is computationally demanding, given the complex physics involved (high Lorentz factor flows, extreme magnetization, curved spacetimes near compact objects) and the large variety of spatial scales needed to resolve turbulent motions. A great benefit comes from the porting of existing codes running on standard processors to GPU-based platforms. However, this usually requires a drastic rewriting of the original code, the use of specific languages like CUDA, and a complex analysis of data management and optimization of parallel processes. Here we describe the porting of the ECHO code for special and general relativistic MHD to accelerated devices, simply based on native Fortran language built-in constructs, especially 'do concurrent' loops, few OpenACC directives, and the straightforward data management provided by the Unified Memory option of NVIDIA compilers.Thanks to these very minor modifications to the original code, the new version of ECHO runs at least 16 times faster on GPU platforms compared to CPU-based ones. The chosen benchmark is the 3D propagation of a relativistic MHD Alfv\'en wave, for which strong and weak scaling tests performed on the LEONARDO pre-exascale supercomputer at CINECA are provided (using up to 256 nodes corresponding to 1024 GPUs, and over 14 billion cells). Finally, an example of high-resolution relativistic MHD Alfv\'enic turbulence simulation is shown, demonstrating the potential for astrophysical plasmas of the new GPU-based version of ECHO.

  • First High-Resolution Spectroscopy of X-ray Absorption Lines in the Obscured State of NGC 5548.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Missagh Mehdipour, Gerard A. Kriss, Jelle S. Kaastra, Elisa Costantini, Liyi Gu, Hermine Landt, Junjie Mao, Daniele Rogantini

    Multi-wavelength spectroscopy of NGC 5548 revealed remarkable changes due to presence of an obscuring wind from the accretion disk. This broadened our understanding of obscuration and outflows in AGN. Swift monitoring of NGC 5548 shows that over the last 10 years the obscuration has gradually declined. This provides a valuable opportunity for analyses that have not been feasible before because of too much obscuration. The lowered obscuration, together with the high energy spectral coverage of Chandra HETG, facilitate the first study of X-ray absorption lines in the obscured state. The comparison of the lines (Mg XI, Mg XII, Si XIII, and Si XIV) between the new and historical spectra reveals interesting changes, most notably the He-like absorption being significantly diminished in 2022. Our study finds that the changes are caused by an increase in both the ionization parameter and the column density of the warm-absorber outflow in the obscured state. This is contrary to the shielding scenario that is evident in the appearance of the UV lines, where the inner obscuring wind shields outflows that are located further out, thus lowering their ionization. The X-ray absorption lines in the HETG spectra appear to be unaffected by the obscuration. The results suggest that the shielding is complex since various components of the ionized outflow are impacted differently. We explore various possibilities for the variability behavior of the X-ray absorption lines and find that the orbital motion of a clumpy ionized outflow traversing our line of sight is the most likely explanation.

  • A cooling flow around the low-redshift quasar H1821+643.- [PDF] - [Article]

    H. R. Russell, P. E. J. Nulsen, A. C. Fabian, T. E. Braben, W. N. Brandt, L. Clews, M. McDonald, C. S. Reynolds, J. S. Sanders, S. Veilleux

    H1821+643 is the nearest quasar hosted by a galaxy cluster. The energy output by the quasar, in the form of intense radiation and radio jets, is captured by the surrounding hot atmosphere. Here we present a new deep Chandra observation of H1821+643 and extract the hot gas properties into the region where Compton cooling by the quasar radiation is expected to dominate. Using detailed simulations to subtract the quasar light, we show that the soft-band surface brightness of the hot atmosphere increases rapidly by a factor of ~ 30 within the central ~ 10 kpc. The gas temperature drops precipitously to < 0.4 keV and the density increases by over an order of magnitude. The remarkably low metallicity here is likely due to photo-ionization by the quasar emission. The variations in temperature and density are consistent with hydrostatic compression of the hot atmosphere. The extended soft-band peak cannot be explained by an undersubtraction of the quasar or scattered quasar light and is instead due to thermal ISM. The radiative cooling time of the gas falls to only 12 +/- 1 Myr, below the free fall time, and we resolve the sonic radius. H1821+643 is therefore embedded in a cooling flow with a mass deposition rate of up to 3000 Msolar/yr. Multi-wavelength observations probing the star formation rate and cold gas mass are consistent with a cooling flow. We show that the cooling flow extends to much larger radii than can be explained by Compton cooling. Instead, the AGN appears to be underheating the core of this cluster.

  • Timelapse VLBI imaging of the Close Active Binary HR 1099.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Walter W. Golay, Robert L. Mutel, Evan E. Abbuhl

    We report multi-epoch astrometric VLBI observations of the chromospherically active binary HR 1099 (V711 Tau, HD 22468) at six epochs over 63 days using the Very Long Baseline Array at 22.2 GHz. We determined hourly radio centroid positions at each epoch with a positional uncertainty significantly smaller than the component separation. The aggregate radio positions at all epochs define an ellipse in the co-moving reference frame with an inclination $i=39.5^{+3.6}_{-3.5}$ degr and longitude of ascending node $\Omega=212\pm22$ degr. The ellipse center is offset from the Third Gaia Celestial Reference Frame position by $\Delta\alpha=-0.81^{+0.25}_{-0.37}$ mas, $\Delta\delta=0.45^{+0.23}_{-0.25}$ mas. All radio centroids are well-displaced from the binary center of mass at all epochs, ruling out emission from the inter-binary region. We examined the motion of the radio centroids within each epoch by comparing hourly positions over several hours. The measured speeds were not statistically significant for five of the six epochs, with $2\sigma$ upper limits in the range 200--1000 km sec$^{-1}$. However, for one flaring epoch, there was a $\sim3\sigma$ detection $v_{\perp}=228\pm85$ km sec$^{-1}$. This speed is comparable to the mean speed of observed coronal mass ejections on the Sun.

  • The Origin of the X-ray Emission from the Non-Starburst Gas-Rich Luminous Infrared Galaxies Arp 302.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiachen Jiang, William Baker, Andrew Young, Luigi Gallo

    We present an analysis of the XMM-Newton observation of luminous infrared merging galaxies Arp 302 and a joint re-analysis of its Chandra observation. In particular, we focus on the more significant X-ray emitter of the pair, Arp 302N. Chandra detects significant soft X-ray emission from the hot gas in the star-forming region of Arp 302N spreading up to 12 kpc. We estimate the star-formation rate of Arp 302N to be around 1-2 $M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ based on the X-ray luminosity of the star-forming region, similar to previous measurements at longer wavelengths. Chandra and XMM-Newton observations show evidence of a Si XIII emission line with 86% confidence. Our best-fit model infers a super-solar silicon abundance in the star-forming region, likely related to the past core-collapse supernovae in this galaxy. Similar silicon overabundance was reported in the circumstellar medium of core-collapse supernova remnants in our Galaxy. We also detect narrow Fe K$\alpha$ and Fe K$\beta$ (98.6% confidence) emission lines as part of the AGN emission. Our best-fit spectral model using Mytorus indicates the evidence of a heavily obscured power-law emission with $N_{\rm H}>3\times10^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$ in addition to a weak, unobscured power-law emission. The scattering fraction of the unobscured power-law emission from Compton-thin materials is 0.7%. All these spectral features suggest evidence of a Seyfert 2-like AGN in Arp 302N. The X-ray measurement of its AGN activity is consistent with the previous Spitzer measurement of the same object.

  • From the first observations of cosmic rays to the physics of relativistic nuclei.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P.I. Zarubin, A.A. Zaitsev

    Research of cosmic rays at the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences resulted in the construction of the JINR Synchrophasotron. For this purpose the Electrophysical Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences was founded in 1953, which became part of JINR in 1956 as the High Energy Laboratory. The initial milestones to develop experiments at the Laboratory on the Synchrophasotron are presented. Leaders and key participants in the experiments are highlighted, as well as the lessons and results relevant today.

  • The X-ray high-energy cutoff in Compact Symmetric Object Mrk 348.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mai Liao, Junxian Wang, Jialai Kang, Xiaofeng Li, Minhua Zhou

    Compact radio AGN are thought to be young radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) at the early stage of AGN evolution, thus are ideal laboratory to study the high-energy emission throughout the evolution of radio AGN. In this work, we report for the first time the detection of the high-energy cutoff ($E_{\rm cut}$), a direct indicator of thermal coronal radiation, of X-ray emission in Mrk 348 ($z$ = 0.015), a young radio galaxy classified as compact symmetric object. With a 100 ks NuSTAR exposure, we find that the high-energy cutoff ($E_{\rm cut}$ ) is firmly detected ($218^{+124}_{-62}$ keV). Fitting with various Comptonization models indicates the presence of a hot corona with temperature $kT_{\rm e}$ = 35 -- 40 keV. These strongly support the corona origin for its hard X-ray emission. The comparison in the $E_{\rm cut}$ -- spectra index $\Gamma$ plot of Mrk 348 with normal large-scale radio galaxies (mostly FR II) yields no difference between them. This suggests the corona properties in radio sources may not evolve over time (i.e., from the infant stage to mature stage), which is to-be-confirmed with future sample studies of young radio AGN.

  • NuSTAR and Swift observations of two supergiant fast X-ray transients: AX J1841.0-0536 and SAX J1818.6-1703.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. Bozzo, C. Ferrigno, P. Romano

    Supergiant fast X-ray transients are wind-fed binaries hosting neutron star accretors, which display a peculiar variability in the X-ray domain. Different models have been proposed to explain this variability and the strength of the compact object magnetic field is generally considered a key parameter to discriminate among possible scenarios. We present here the analysis of two simultaneous observational campaigns carried out with Swift and NuSTAR targeting the supergiant fast X-ray transient sources AX J1841.0-0536 and SAX J1818.6-1703. A detailed spectral analysis is presented for both sources, with the main goal of hunting for cyclotron resonant scattering features that can provide a direct measurement of the neutron star magnetic field intensity. AX J1841.0-0536 was caught during the observational campaign at a relatively low flux. The source broad-band spectrum was featureless and could be well described by using a combination of a hot blackbody and a power-law component with no measurable cut-off energy. In the case of SAX J1818.6-1703, the broad-band spectrum presented a relatively complex curvature which could be described by an absorbed cut-off power-law (including both a cut-off and a folding energy) and featured a prominent edge at $\sim$7 keV, compatible with being associated to the presence of a "screen" of neutral material partly obscuring the X-ray source. The fit to the broad-band spectrum also required the addition of a moderately broad ($\sim$1.6 keV) feature centered at $\sim$14 keV. If interpreted as a cyclotron resonant scattering feature, our results would indicate for SAX J1818.6-1703 a relatively low magnetized neutron star ($\sim$1.2$\times$10$^{12}$ G).

  • The impact of asymmetric dark matter on the thermal evolution of nucleonic and hyperonic compact stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Edoardo Giangrandi, Afonso Ávila, Violetta Sagun, Oleksii Ivanytskyi, Constança Providência

    We investigate the impact of asymmetric fermionic dark matter (DM) on the thermal evolution of neutron stars (NSs), considering a scenario where DM interacts with baryonic matter (BM) through gravity. Employing the two-fluid formalism, our analysis reveals that DM accrued within the NS core exerts an inward gravitational pull on the outer layers composed of BM. This gravitational interaction results in a noticeable increase in baryonic density within the core of the NS. Consequently, it strongly affects the star's thermal evolution by triggering an early onset of the direct Urca (DU) processes, causing an enhanced neutrino emission and rapid star cooling. Moreover, the photon emission from the star's surface is modified due to a reduction of radius. We demonstrate the effect of DM gravitational pull on nucleonic and hyperonic DU processes that become kinematically allowed even for NSs of low mass. We then discuss the significance of observing NSs at various distances from the Galactic center. Given that the DM distribution peaks toward the Galactic center, NSs within this central region are expected to harbor higher fractions of DM, potentially leading to distinct cooling behaviors.

  • Intranight variability of ultraviolet emission from high-$z$ blazars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Krishan Chand

    Rapid intranight variability of continuum and polarization in blazars is a very useful tool to probe the beaming of a relativistic jet and the associated population of the relativistic particles. Such intranight variability in the rest-frame optical continuum has been carried out extensively, but there is a scarcity of such information in the rest-frame ultra-violet (UV), where the cause of variability might be due to {a} secondary population of relativistic particles. To fill this gap, recently in Chand et al. (2022) we reported for the first time intranight variability study of a sample of high-$z$ blazars so that the monitored optical radiation is their rest-frame UV radiation. Here we discuss in detail the implication of this investigation with a proper comparison of high-$z$ blazar samples with fractional optical polarization ($p_{opt}$) smaller and higher than 3\%. In this context, we also report intranight variability study of an additional high-$z$ blazar at $z$=2.347, namely J161942.38+525613.41, monitored over three sessions each with a duration of $\sim$5 hr. Our investigation does not reveal any compelling evidence for a stronger intranight variability of UV emission for high polarization blazars, in contrast to the blazars monitored in the rest-frame blue-optical. We also discuss this trend in light of the proposal that the synchrotron radiation of blazar jets in the UV/X-ray regime may arise from a relativistic particle population different from that radiating up to near-infrared/optical frequencies.

  • What Drives the Variability in AGN: Explaining the UV-Xray Disconnect Through Propagating Fluctuations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Scott Hagen, Chris Done, Rick Edelson, (2) Eureka Scientific Inc.)

    Intensive broadband reverberation mapping (IBRM) campaigns have shown that AGN variability is significantly more complex than expected from disc reverberation of the variable X-ray illumination. The UV/optical variability is highly correlated and lagged, with longer lag at longer wavelength, but the timescale is longer than expected. More challenging though is that the UV/optical lightcurves are not well correlated with the X-rays which were meant to be driving them. Instead, we consider an intrinsically variable accretion disc, where mass accretion rate fluctuations propagate in through the flow, modulating the intrinsically faster X-ray variability from the central regions. We match our model to the parameters of Fairall 9, a well studied AGN with $L\sim 0.1L_{\mathrm{Edd}}$, where the spectrum is dominated by the UV/EUV rather than the X-rays. We show that intrinsic variability and propagation gives X-ray and UV/optical light-curves that are dominated by variability on two different time-scales, yet are correlated on long time-scales. We include reprocessing of the X-rays from the disc but this has negligible impact on the lightcurves for spectra where the EUV dominates the bolometric power. We also include reverberation of the total (EUV plux X-ray) variable spectrum off a wind. This results in a bound-free component which predominantly follows the slow variable EUV, but lagged and smoothed on the light-travel time. This spectrum is redder than the EUV disc emission, so it contributes more at longer wavelengths giving the apparent rise in lag time with wavelength from a constant lag component. We conclude that contrary to the original motivation for IBRM campaigns, AGN variability is likely driven by intrinsic fluctuations within the disc, not X-ray reprocessing, and that the observed lags are produced by the EUV illumination of the wind not the X-ray illumination of the disc.

  • Yet Another Sunshine Mystery: Unexpected Asymmetry in GeV Emission from the Solar Disk.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bruno Arsioli, Elena Orlando

    The Sun is one of the most luminous gamma-ray sources in the sky and continues to challenge our understanding of its high-energy emission mechanisms. This study provides an in-depth investigation of the solar disk gamma-ray emission, using data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) spanning August 2008 to January 2022. We focus on gamma-ray events with energies exceeding 5 GeV, originating from 0.5$^{\circ}$ angular aperture centered on the Sun, and implement stringent time cuts to minimize potential sample contaminants. We use a helioprojection method to resolve the gamma-ray events relative to the solar rotation axes, and combine statistical tests to investigate the distribution of events over the solar disk. We found that integrating observations over large time windows may overlook relevant asymmetrical features, which we reveal in this work through a refined time-dependent morphological analysis. We describe significant anisotropic trends and confirm compelling evidence of energy-dependent asymmetry in the solar disk gamma-ray emission. Intriguingly, the asymmetric signature coincides with the Sun's polar field flip during the cycle 24 solar maximum, around June 2014. Our findings suggest that the Sun's magnetic configuration plays a significant role in shaping the resulting gamma-ray signature, highlighting a potential link between the observed anisotropies, solar cycle, and the solar magnetic fields. These insights pose substantial challenges to established emission models, prompting fresh perspectives on high-energy solar astrophysics.

  • Lobe-dominated gamma-ray Emission of Compact Symmetric Objects.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ying-Ying Gan, Hai-Ming Zhang, Xing Yang, Ying Gu, Jin Zhang

    The $\gamma$-ray emitting compact symmetric objects (CSOs) PKS 1718--649, NGC 3894, and TXS 0128+554 are lobe-dominated in the radio emission. In order to investigate their $\gamma$-ray radiation properties, we analyze the $\sim$14-yr Fermi/LAT observation data of the three CSOs. They all show the low luminosity ($10^{41}-10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$) and no significant variability in the $\gamma$-ray band. Their $\gamma$-ray average spectra can be well fitted by a power-law function. These properties of $\gamma$-rays are clearly different from the $\gamma$-ray emitting CSOs CTD 135 and PKS 1413+135, for which the $\gamma$-rays are produced by a restarted aligned jet. In the $L_{\gamma}-\Gamma_{\gamma}$ plane, the three CSOs are also located at the region occupied by radio galaxies (RGs) while CTD 135 and PKS 1413+135 display the similar feature to blazars. Together with the similar radio emission property to $\gamma$-ray emitting RGs Cen A and Fornax A, we speculate that the $\gamma$-rays of the three CSOs stem from their extended mini-lobes. The broadband spectral energy distributions of the three CSOs can be well explained by the two-zone leptonic model, where their $\gamma$-rays are produced by the inverse Compton process of the relativistic electrons in extended region. By extrapolating the observed Fermi/LAT spectra to the very high energy band, we find that TXS 0128+554 among the three CSOs may be detected by the Cherenkov Telescope Array in future.

  • GRB 201015A: from seconds to months of optical monitoring and supernova discovery.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Belkin, A. S. Pozanenko, P. Y. Minaev, N. S. Pankov, A. A. Volnova, A. Rossi, G. Stratta, S. Benetti, E. Palazzi, A. S. Moskvitin, O. Burhonov, V. V. Rumyantsev, E. V. Klunko, R. Ya. Inasaridze, I. V. Reva, V. Kim, M. Jelinek, D. A. Kann, A. E. Volvach, L. N. Volvach, D. Xu, Z. Zhu, S. Fu, A. A. Mkrtchyan

    We present full photometric coverage and spectroscopic data for soft GRB 201015A with a redshift z = 0.426. Our data spans a time range of 85 days following the detection of GRB. These observations revealed an underlying supernova SN 201015A with a maximum at $8.54 \pm $1.48 days (rest frame) and an optical peak absolute magnitude $-19.45_{-0.47}^{+0.85}$ mag. The supernova stands out clearly, since the contribution of the afterglow at this time is not dominant, which made it possible to determine SN's parameters. A comparison of these parameters reveals that the SN 201015A is the earliest (the minimum $T_{max}$) known supernova associated with gamma-ray bursts. Spectroscopic observations during the supernova decay stage showed broad lines, indicating a large photospheric velocity, and identified this supernova as a type Ic-BL. Thus, the SN 201015A associated with the GRB 201015A becomes the 27th SN/GRB confirmed by both photometric and spectroscopic observations. Using the results of spectral analysis based on the available data of Fermi-GBM experiment, the parameters $E_\text{p,i} = 20.0 \pm 8.5$ keV and $E_\text{iso} = (1.1 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{50}$ erg were obtained. According to the position of the burst on the $E_\text{p,i}$-$E_\text{iso}$ correlation, GRB 201015A was classified as a Type II (long) gamma-ray burst, which was also confirmed by the $T_\text{90,i}$-$EH$ diagram.

  • Parsec-scale evolution of the gigahertz-peaked spectrum quasar PKS 0858-279.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. A. Kosogorov, Y. Y. Kovalev, M. Perucho, Yu. A. Kovalev

    We conducted multi-epoch, multi-frequency parsec-scale studies on the gigahertz-peaked spectrum quasar PKS 0858-279 with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Our observations on 2005-11-26 elucidated a weak core, characterized by an inverted spectrum, and a distinctly bent jet that exhibited a notable bright feature in its Stokes I emission. Through comprehensive analysis of polarization and spectral data, we inferred the formation of a shock wave within this feature, stemming from interactions with a dense cloud in the ambient medium. In this paper, VLBI-Gaia astrometry further reinforces the core identification. With a deep analysis of six additional VLBA epochs spanning from 2007 to 2018, we observed that while the quasar's parsec-scale structure remained largely consistent, there were discernible flux density changes. These variations strongly imply the recurrent ejection of plasma into the jet. Complementing our VLBA data, RATAN-600 observations of the integrated spectra suggested an interaction between standing and travelling shock waves in 2005. Moreover, our multi-epoch polarization analysis revealed a drastic drop in rotation measure values from 6000 rad/m^2 to 1000 rad/m^2 within a single year, attributable to diminishing magnetic fields and particle density in an external cloud. This change is likely instigated by a shock in the cloud, triggered by the cloud's interaction with the jet, subsequently prompting its expansion. Notably, we also observed a significant change in the magnetic field direction of the jet, from being perpendicular post its observed bend to being perpendicular prior to the bend - an alteration possibly induced by the dynamics of shock waves.

  • A Dependable Distance Estimator to Black Hole Low-Mass X-ray Binaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Youssef Abdulghani, Anne M Lohfink, Jaiverdhan Chauhan

    Black Hole Low Mass X-ray Binaries (BH-LMXBs) is an excellent observational laboratory for studying many open questions in accretion physics. However, determining the physical properties of BH-LMXBs necessitates knowing their distances. With the increased discovery rate of BH-LMXBs, many canonical methods cannot produce accurate distance estimates at the desired pace. In this study, we develop a versatile statistical framework to obtain robust distance estimates soon after discovery. Our framework builds on previous methods where the soft spectral state and the soft-to-hard spectral state transitions, typically present in an outbursting BH-LMXB, are used to place constraints on mass and distance. We further develop the traditional framework by allowing for general relativistic corrections, spectral/physical parameter uncertainties as well as utilizing assumptions based on the best current theoretical and observational knowledge. We tested our framework by analyzing a sample of 50 BH-LMXB sources using X-ray spectral data from the Swift/XRT, MAXI/GSC, and RXTE/PCA missions. By modeling their spectra, we applied our framework to 26 sources from the 50. Comparison of our estimated distances to previous distance estimates indicates that our findings are dependable and in agreement with the accurate estimates obtained through parallax, and H i absorption methods. Investigating the accuracy of our constraints, we have found that estimates obtained using both the soft and transition spectral information have a median uncertainty of 20%, while estimates obtained using only the soft spectral state spectrum have a median uncertainty of around 50%. Furthermore, we have found no instrument-specific biases.

  • An insight into chromatic behaviour of jitter in pulsars and its modelling: A case study of PSR J0437$-$4715.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. D. Kulkarni, R. M. Shannon, D. J. Reardon, M. T. Miles, M. Bailes, M. Shamohammadi

    Pulse-to-pulse profile shape variations introduce correlations in pulsar times of arrival (TOAs) across radio frequency measured at the same observational epoch. This leads to a broadband noise in excess of radiometer noise, which is termed pulse jitter noise. The presence of jitter noise limits the achievable timing precision and decreases the sensitivity of pulsar-timing data sets to signals of interest such as nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves. Current white noise models used in pulsar timing analyses attempt to account for this, assuming complete correlation of uncertainties through the arrival times collected in a unique observation and no frequency dependence of jitter (which corresponds to a rank-one covariance matrix). However, previous studies show that the brightest millisecond pulsar at decimetre wavelengths, PSR J0437$-$4715, shows decorrelation and frequency dependence of jitter noise. Here we present a detailed study of the decorrelation of jitter noise in PSR J0437$-$4715 and implement a new technique to model it. We show that the rate of decorrelation due to jitter can be expressed as a power-law in frequency. We analyse the covariance matrix associated with the jitter noise process and find that a higher-rank-approximation is essential to account for the decorrelation and to account for frequency dependence of jitter noise. We show that the use of this novel method significantly improves the estimation of other chromatic noise parameters such as dispersion measure variations. However, we find no significant improvement in errors and estimation of other timing model parameters suggesting that current methods are not biased for other parameters, for this pulsar due to this misspecification. We show that pulse energy variations show a similar decorrelation to the jitter noise, indicating a common origin for both observables.

  • Quantum refraction effects in pulsar radio emission.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dong-Hoon Kim, Chul Min Kim, Sang Pyo Kim

    Highly magnetized neutron stars exhibit the vacuum non-linear electrodynamics effects, which can be well described using the one-loop effective action for quantum electrodynamics. In this context, we study the propagation and polarization of pulsar radio emission, based on the post-Maxwellian Lagrangian from the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger action. Given the refractive index obtained from this Lagrangian, we determine the leading-order corrections to both the propagation and polarization vectors due to quantum refraction via perturbation analysis. In addition, the effects on the orthogonality between the propagation and polarization vectors and the Faraday rotation angle, all due to quantum refraction are investigated. Furthermore, from the dual refractive index and the associated polarization modes, we discuss quantum birefringence, with the optical phenomenology analogous to its classical counterpart.

  • Intra-night optical variability of peculiar narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies with enigmatic jet behavior.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vineet Ojha, Veeresh Singh, M. Berton, E. Jarvela

    Variability studies of active galactic nuclei are a powerful diagnostic tool in understanding the physical processes occurring in disk-jet regions, unresolved by direct imaging with currently available techniques. Here, we report the first attempt to systematically characterize intra-night optical variability (INOV) for a sample of seven apparently radio-quiet narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (RQNLSy1s) that had shown recurring flaring at 37 GHz in the radio observations at Metsahovi Radio Observatory (MRO), indicating the presence of relativistic jets in them, but no evidence for relativistic jets in the recent radio observations of Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) at 1.6, 5.2, and 9.0 GHz. We have conducted a total of 28 intra-night sessions, each lasting $\geq$ 3 hrs for this sample, resulting in an INOV duty cycle ($\overline{DC} ~\sim$20%) similar to that reported for $\gamma$-ray-NLSy1s (DC $\sim$25% - 30%), that display blazar-like INOV. This in turn infers the presence of relativistic jet in our sample sources. Thus, it appears that even lower-mass (M$_{BH} \sim$10$^{6}$ M$_{\odot}$) RQNLSy1 galaxies can maintain blazar-like activities. However, we note that the magnetic reconnection in the magnetosphere of the black hole can also be a viable mechanism to give rise to the INOV from these sources.

  • Confirmation of the presence of a CRSF in the NICER spectrum of X 1822-371.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Iaria, T. Di Salvo, A. Anitra, C. Miceli, F. Barra, W. Leone, L. Burderi, A. Sanna, A. Riggio

    X 1822-371 is an eclipsing binary system with a period close to 5.57 hr and an orbital period derivative $\dot{P}_{\rm orb}$ of 1.42(3)$\times 10^{-10}$ s s$^{-1}$. The extremely high value of its $\dot{P}_{\rm orb}$ is compatible with a super-Eddington mass transfer rate from the companion star and, consequently, an intrinsic luminosity at the Eddington limit. The source is also an X-ray pulsar, it shows a spin frequency of 1.69 Hz and is in a spin-up phase with a spin frequency derivative of $7.4 \times 10^{-12}$ Hz s$^{-1}$. Assuming a luminosity at the Eddington limit, a neutron star magnetic field strength of $B = 8 \times 10^{10}$ G is estimated. However, a direct measure of $B$ could be obtained observing a CRSF in the energy spectrum. Analysis of \textit{XMM-Newton} data suggested the presence of a cyclotron line at 0.73 keV, with an estimated magnetic field strength of $B=(8.8 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{10}$ G. Here we analyze the 0.3-50 keV broadband spectrum of X 1822-371 combining a 0.3-10 keV NICER spectrum and a 4.5-50 keV \textit{NuSTAR} spectrum to investigate the presence of a cyclotron absorption line and the complex continuum emission spectrum. The NICER spectrum confirms the presence of a cyclotron line at 0.66 keV. The continuum emission is modeled with a Comptonized component, a thermal component associated with the presence of an accretion disk truncated at the magnetospheric radius of 105 km and a reflection component from the disk blurred by relativistic effects. We confirm the presence of a cyclotron line at 0.66 keV inferring a NS magnetic field of $B = (7.9\pm 0.5) \times 10^{10}$ G and suggesting that the Comptonized component originates in the accretion columns.

  • On using the counting method to constrain the anisotropy of kilonova radiation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Siqi Zhang, Furen Deng, Youjun Lu

    A large number of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers are expected to be detected by gravitational wave (GW) detectors and the electromagnetic (EM) counterparts (e.g., kilonovae) of a fraction of these mergers may be detected in multi-bands by large area survey telescopes. For a given number of BNS mergers detected by their GW signals, the expected numbers of their EM counterparts that can be detected by a survey with given selection criteria depend on the kilonova properties, including the anisotropy. In this paper, we investigate whether the anisotropy of kilonova radiation and the kilonova model can be constrained statistically by the counting method, i.e., using the numbers of BNS mergers detected via GW and multi-band EM signals. Adopting simple models for the BNS mergers, afterglows, and a simple two (blue and red)-component model for kilonovae, we generate mock samples for GW detected BNS mergers, their associated kilonovae and afterglows detected in multi-bands. By assuming some criteria for searching the EM counterparts, we simulate the observations of these EM counterparts and obtain the EM observed samples in different bands. With the numbers of BNS mergers detected by GW detectors and EM survey telescopes in different bands, we show that the anisotropy of kilonova radiation and the kilonova model can be well constrained by using the Bayesian analysis. Our results suggest that the anisotropy of kilonova radiation may be demographically and globally constrained by simply using the detection numbers of BNS mergers by GW detectors and EM survey telescopes in multi-bands.

  • Bayesian inference of multimessenger astrophysical data: Joint and coherent inference of gravitational waves and kilonovae.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Matteo Breschi, Rossella Gamba, Gregorio Carullo, Daniel Godzieba, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Albino Perego, David Radice

    We present a Bayesian framework for joint and coherent analyses of multimessenger binary neutron star signals. The method, implemented in our bajes infrastructure, incorporates a joint likelihood for multiple datasets, support for various semi-analytical kilonova models and numerical-relativity (NR) informed relations for the mass ejecta, as well as a technique to include and marginalize over modeling uncertainties. As a first application, we analyze the gravitational-wave GW170817 and the kilonova AT2017gfo data. These results are then combined with the most recent X-ray pulsars analyses of PSR J0030+0451 and PSR J0740+6620 to obtain EOS constraints.Various constraints on the mass-radius diagram and neutron star properties are then obtained by resampling over a set of ten million parametrized EOS built under minimal assumptions. We find that a joint and coherent approach improves the inference of the extrinsic parameters (distance) and, among the instrinc parameters, the mass ratio. The inclusion of NR informed relations strongly improves over the case of using an agnostic prior on the intrinsic parameters. Comparing Bayes factors, we find that the two observations are better explained by the common source hypothesis only by assuming NR-informed relations. These relations break some of the degeneracies in the employed kN models. The EOS inference folding-in PSR J0952-0607 minimum-maximum mass, PSR J0030+0451 and PSR J0740+6620 data constrains, among other quantities, the neutron star radius to $R_{1.4}={12.30}^{+0.81}_{-0.56}$ km ($R_{1.4}={13.20}^{+0.91}_{-0.90}$ km) and the maximum mass to $M_{max}={2.28}^{+0.25}_{-0.17}~{\rm M_\odot}$ ($M_{max}={2.32}^{+0.30}_{-0.19}~{\rm M_\odot}$) where the ST+PDT (PDT-U) analysis for PSR J0030+0451 is employed.Hence, the systematics on PSR J0030+0451 data reduction currently dominate the mass-radius diagram constraints.

  • Boosted Dark Matter From Centaurus A and Its Detection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chen Xia, Chuan-Yang Xing, Yan-Hao Xu

    Dark matter can be boosted by high energy particles in astrophysical environments through elastic scattering. We study the production of boosted dark matter via scattering with electrons in the relativistic jet of the closest active galactic nucleus, Centaurus A, and its detection in the Super-Kamiokande experiment. Since there are a huge number of electrons in the jet and dark matter is extremely dense around the supermassive black hole that powers the jet, the number of boosted dark matter is tremendously large. Compared to boosted dark matter from blazars, the dark matter flux from Centaurus A is enhanced due to the proximity of Centaurus A. The constraint on dark matter-electron scattering cross section set by Super-Kamiokande is more stringent, down to $\sim 10^{-36} \, \mathrm{cm}^2$ for $\mathrm{MeV}$ dark matter.

  • Sub-GeV Dark Matter Annihilation: Limits from Milky Way observations with INTEGRAL.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thomas Siegert, Francesca Calore, Pasquale Dario Serpico

    From 16 years of INTEGRAL/SPI $\gamma$-ray observations, we derive bounds on annihilating light dark matter particles in the halo of the Milky Way up to masses of about 300 MeV. We test four different spatial templates for the dark matter halo, including a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW), Einasto, Burkert, and isothermal sphere profile, as well as three different models for the underlying diffuse Inverse Compton emission. We find that the bounds on the s-wave velocity-averaged annihilation cross sections for both the electron-positron and the photon-photon final states are the strongest to date from $\gamma$-ray observations alone in the mass range $\lesssim 6$ MeV. We provide fitting formulae for the upper limits and discuss their dependences on the halo profile. The bounds on the two-photon final state are superseding the limits from the Cosmic Microwave Background in the range of 50 keV up to $\sim 3$ MeV, showing the great potential future MeV mission will have in probing light dark matter.

  • On the Nucleosynthesis in Accretion-Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chun-Ming Yip, Ming-Chung Chu, Shing-Chi Leung, Lap-Ming Lin

    It has long been hypothesized that accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs contribute to heavy chemical elements production in the universe. We present one-dimensional neutrino-radiative hydrodynamic simulations of AIC followed by post-processing nucleosynthesis calculations of the ejecta. A proto-neutron star is formed after the AIC, and a neutrino burst with peak luminosity $\sim10^{53}$ erg s$^{-1}$, comparable to that of a core-collapse supernova (CCSN), is emitted. The ejecta mass of AIC could be up to $\sim10^{-2}$ M$_\odot$, and the first neutron-capture peak elements (Sr, Y, and Zr) could be abundantly synthesized, with an overproduction of $\sim10^{6}$ relative to the solar abundances. The yield of $^{56}\text{Ni}$ could be up to at most $\sim10^{-3}$ M$_\odot$, suggesting that the electromagnetic light curve associated with AIC is at least $2$ orders dimmer than those associated with Type Ia supernovae (Type Ia SN). The inferred upper bound of AIC event rate, from nucleosynthesis calculations, is at most $\sim10\,\%$ relative to those of CCSNe and Type Ia SNe.

  • Optical and Radio Variability of the Blazar S4 0954+658.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V.V. Vlasyuk, Yu.V. Sotnikova, 2), A.E. Volvach, O.I. Spiridonova, V.A. Stolyarov, 4), A.G. Mikhailov, Yu.A. Kovalev, Y.Y. Kovalev, 6, 7), M.L. Khabibullina, M.A. Kharinov, L. Yang, M.G. Mingaliev, 2, 8), T.A. Semenova, P.G. Zhekanis, T.V. Mufakharov, 2), R.Yu. Udovitskiy, A.A. Kudryashova, L.N. Volvach, A.K. Erkenov, A.S. Moskvitin, E.V. Emelianov, T.A. Fatkhullin, P.G. Tsybulev, N.A. Nizhelsky, G.V. Zhekanis, E. V. Kravchenko, 7) ((1) Special Astrophysical Observatory of RAS, (2) Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, (3) Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, (4) Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, (5) Astro Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, (6) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, (7) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, (8) Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, (9) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sun Yat-sen University)

    We present an optical-to-radio study of the BL Lac object S4 0954+658 observations during 1998-2023. The measurements were obtained with the SAO RAS Zeiss-1000 1-m and AS-500/2 0.5-m telescopes in 2003-2023, with the RATAN-600 radio telescope at 1.25 (0.96, 1.1), 2.3, 4.7 (3.7, 3.9), 8.2 (7.7), 11.2, 22.3 (21.7) GHz in 1998-2023, with the IAA RAS RT-32 Zelenchukskaya and Badary telescopes at 5.05 and 8.63 GHz in 2020--2023, and with the RT-22 single-dish telescope of CrAO RAS at 36.8 GHz in 2009-2023. In this period the blazar had been showing extremely high broadband activity with the variability amplitude of flux densities up to 70-100% both in the optical and radio domains. In the period of 2014-2023 the blazar had been showing the historically highest activity in the radio wavelengths, and we detected multiple radio flares of varying amplitude and duration. The large flares last on average from 0.3 to 1 year at 22-36.8 GHz and slightly longer at 5-11.2 GHz. The optical flares are shorter and last 7-50 days. In the most active epoch of 2018-2023 the characteristic time scale $\tau$ of variation at 5-22 GHz is about 100 days and about 1000 days for the state with lower activity in 2009-2014. We found a general correlation between the optical, radio, and $\gamma$-ray flux variations, which suggests that we observe the same photon population from different emission regions. We estimated linear size of this region as 0.5-2 pc for different epochs. A broadband two components radio spectrum of S4 0954+658 jet was modelled by using both electrons and protons as emitting particles. It is shown that the synchrotron radio waves in this AGN may be generated by relativistic protons.

  • Recognizing Blazars Using Radio Morphology from the VLA Sky Survey.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhang-Liang Xie, Eduardo Banados, Silvia Belladitta, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Jan-Torge Schindler, Frederick B. Davies, Bram P. Venemans

    Blazars are radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) whose jets have a very small angle to our line of sight. Observationally, the radio emission are mostly compact or a compact-core with a 1-sided jet. With 2.5$^{\prime\prime}$ resolution at 3 GHz, the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) enables us to resolve the structure of some blazar candidates in the sky north of Decl. $-40$ deg. We introduce an algorithm to classify radio sources as either blazar-like or non-blazar-like based on their morphology in the VLASS images. We apply our algorithm to three existing catalogs, including one of known blazars (Roma-BzCAT) and two of blazar candidates identified by WISE colors and radio emission (WIBRaLS, KDEBLLACS). We show that in all three catalogs, there are objects with morphology inconsistent with being blazars. Considering all the catalogs, more than 12% of the candidates are unlikely to be blazars, based on this analysis. Notably, we show that 3% of the Roma-BzCAT "confirmed" blazars could be a misclassification based on their VLASS morphology. The resulting table with all sources and their radio morphological classification is available online.

  • Hidden high ionization lines in the low luminosity type II SN 2021gmj.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicolas Meza Retamal, Yize Dong, K. Azalee Bostroem, Stefano Valenti, Lluis Galbany, Jeniveve Pearson, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Jennifer E. Andrews, David J. Sand, Jacob E. Jencson, Daryl Janzen, Michael J. Lundquist, Emily T. Hoang, Samuel Wyatt, Peter J. Brown, D. Andrew Howell, Megan Newsome, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, Craig Pellegrino, Giacomo Terreran, Vladimir Kouprianov, Daichi Hiramatsu, Saurabh W. Jha, Nathan Smith, Joshua Haislip, Daniel E. Reichart, Manisha Shrestha, F. Fabián Rosales-Ortega

    We present comprehensive optical observations of SN~2021gmj, a type II supernova (SN~II) discovered within a day of explosion by the Distance Less Than 40~Mpc (DLT40) survey. Follow up observations show that SN~2021gmj is a low luminosity SN~II (LL~SN~II), with a peak magnitude $M_V = -15.45$ and Fe II velocity of $\sim 1800 \ \mathrm{km} \ \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ at 50 days past explosion. Using the expanding photosphere method we derive a distance of $17.8^{+0.6}_{-0.4}$~Mpc. From the tail of the light-curve we obtain a radioactive nickel mass of $0.014 \pm 0.001$ $\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$. The presence of circumstellar material (CSM) is suggested by the early light curve, early spectra and the presence of high velocity H$\alpha$ in absorption. Analytical shock-cooling models of the early light curve cannot reproduce the fast rise, also supporting the idea that the early emission is partially powered by the interaction of the SN ejecta and CSM. The inferred low CSM mass of 0.025 $\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ in our hydrodynamic-modeling light curve analysis is also consistent with our spectroscopic observations. We observe a broad feature near 4600 A, which may be high ionization lines of C, N or/and He II. This feature is reproduced by radiation hydrodynamic simulations of red supergiants with extended atmospheres. Several LL~SNe~II show similar spectral features implying that high density material around the progenitor may be common among them.

  • One model to rule them all: magnetic braking from CVs to low-mass stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arnab Sarkar, Hongwei Ge, Lev Yungelson, Christopher A. Tout

    We present the results of the study of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn) stars with our double dynamo (DD) formalism of angular momentum loss (AML) by magnetic braking (MB). We show that (1) our MB model reproduces the period gap ($2\lesssim P_\mathrm{orb}/\,\mathrm{hr}\lesssim3$) and the period minimum spike ($P_\mathrm{orb}\approx 80\, \mathrm{min}$) in CV distribution, (2) evolved CVs, where the donor star commences Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) close to or just beyond the end of the main-sequence, populate the region in and beyond the period gap, and are more likely to be detected at $P_\mathrm{orb}\geq 5.5 \,\mathrm{hr}$. This contaminates the mass-radius fit of long-period CV donors. We show that (3) several evolved CVs become AM CVn stars with $10\lesssim P_\mathrm{orb}/\,\mathrm{min}\lesssim 65$. Their evolution, driven by $\mathrm{AML_{MB}}$ and AML by gravitational radiation (GR, $\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$), leaves them extremely H-exhausted to the point of being indistinguishable from AM CVn stars formed via the He-star and the White Dwarf (WD) channels in terms of the absence of H in their spectra. We further show that (4) owing to the presence of a significant radiative region, intermediate-mass giants/sub-giants, which are progenitors of AM CVn stars formed through the He-star channel, may undergo common envelope evolution that does not behave classically, (5) several AM CVn systems with extremely bloated donors, such as Gaia14aae, ZTFJ1637+49 and SRGeJ045359.9+622444 do not match any modelled trajectories if these systems are modelled only with $\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$, (6) the uncertainties in MB greatly affect modelling results. This, in turn, affects our efforts to distinguish between different AM CVn formation channels and their relative importance. Finally, we find that (7) a similar MB prescription also explains the spin-down of single, low-mass stars.

  • Geometric and thermodynamic characterization of binary neutron star accretion discs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alessandro Camilletti, Albino Perego, Federico Maria Guercilena, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, David Radice

    Accretion disks formed in binary neutron star mergers play a central role in many astrophysical processes of interest, including the launching of relativistic jets or the ejection of neutron-rich matter hosting heavy element nucleosynthesis. In this work we analyze in detail the properties of accretion disks from 44 ab initio binary neutron star merger simulations for a large set of nuclear equations of state, binary mass ratios and remnant fates, with the aim of furnishing reliable initial conditions for disk simulations and a comprehensive characterization of their properties. We find that the disks have a significant thermal support, with an aspect ratio decreasing with the mass ratio of the binary from $\sim 0.7$ to 0.3. Even if the disk sample spans a broad range in mass and angular momentum, their ratio is independent from the equation of state and from the mass ratio. This can be traced back to the rotational profile of the disc, characterized by a constant specific angular momentum (as opposed to a Keplerian one) of $3-5 \times 10^{16} \rm ~ cm^2~s^{-1}$. The profiles of the entropy per baryon and of the electron fraction depend on the mass ratio of the binary. For more symmetric binaries, they follow a sigmoidal distribution as a function of the rest mass density, for which we provide a detailed description and a fit. The disk properties discussed in this work can be used as a robust set of initial conditions for future long-term simulations of accretion disks from binary neutron star mergers, posing the basis for a progress in the quantitative study of the outflow properties.

  • Evidence for inflows and outflows in the nearby black hole transient Swift J1727.8-162.- [PDF] - [Article]

    D. Mata Sánchez, 2), T. Muñoz-Darias, 2), M. Armas Padilla, J. Casares, 2), M. A. P. Torres, 2) ((1) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, (2) Departamento de astrofísica, Univ. de La Laguna, E-38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain)

    We present 20 epochs of optical spectroscopy obtained with the GTC-10.4m telescope across the bright discovery outburst of the black hole candidate Swift J1727.8-162. The spectra cover the main accretion states and are characterised by the presence of hydrogen and helium emission lines, commonly observed in these objects. These show complex profiles, including double-peaks, but also blue-shifted absorptions (with blue-edge velocities of 1150 km/s), broad emission wings and flat-top profiles, which are usual signatures of accretion disc winds. Moreover, red-shifted absorptions accompanied by blue emission excesses suggest the presence of inflows in at least two epochs, although a disc origin cannot be ruled out. Using pre-outburst imaging from Pan-STARRS, we identify a candidate quiescent optical counterpart with a magnitude of g = 20.8. This implies an outburst optical amplitude of DV = 7.7, supporting an estimated orbital period of 7.6 h, which favours an early K-type companion star. Employing various empirical methods we derive a distance to the source of d = 2.7 +- 0.3 kpc, corresponding to a Galactic Plane elevation of z = 0.48 +- 0.05 kpc. Based on these findings, we propose that Swift J1727.8-162 is a nearby black hole X-ray transient that exhibited complex signatures of optical inflows and outflows throughout its discovery outburst.

  • Detection of the Permanent Strain Offset Component of Gravitational-Wave Memory in Black Hole Mergers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jeffrey D. Scargle, Zhoujian Cao, Zhi-Chao Zhao

    We propose a novel approach to detecting the elusive gravitational-wave memory predicted by general relativity to accompany black hole mergers: direct measurement of the permanent space-time strain offset. Compared to previous techniques modeling and disentangling both the "chirp" and memory signals, this approach has several advantages: it targets the feature of the signal carrying nearly all its Shannon information, has great simplicity, circumvents the need for precise modeling of the time evolution of all components of the gravitational wave signal, and uses only data largely free of the more complicated chirp signal. The frequency spectrum of the predicted memory signal is roughly similar to that of the chirp signal. However its inclusion of lower frequencies, where noise and data calibration are problematic, makes detection difficult but not impossible. We applied this novel analysis, implemented with a template-like algorithm, to a selection of 67 observations of 41 black hole mergers in the LIGO/Virgo Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog. Statistical significance was assessed by analyzing many time-shifted intervals. The result: a few possible detections ($2\sigma-4\sigma$) and many upper limits. The probability that a random ensemble of 67 strain time series, with the same noise but no memory signals, will yield a particular figure-of-merit computed for the actual data is approximately 0.1. Several validation checks proved useless, partly due to large measurement and theoretical uncertainties, so these results should be viewed with reservation. Appendices contain MatLab code for various operations, including an algorithm for the complex Fourier transform of arbitrarily spaced data.

  • General formulae for the periapsis shift of a quasi-circular orbit in static spherically symmetric spacetimes and the active gravitational mass density.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomohiro Harada, Takahisa Igata, Hiromi Saida, Yohsuke Takamori

    We study the periapsis shift of a quasi-circular orbit in general static spherically symmetric spacetimes. We derive two formulae in full order with respect to the gravitational field, one in terms of the gravitational mass $m$ and the Einstein tensor and the other in terms of the orbital angular velocity and the Einstein tensor. These formulae reproduce the well-known ones for the forward shift in the Schwarzschild spacetime. In a general case, the shift deviates from that in the vacuum spacetime due to a particular combination of the components of the Einstein tensor at the radius $r$ of the orbit. The formulae give a backward shift due to the extended-mass effect in Newtonian gravity. In general relativity, in the weak-field and diffuse regime, the active gravitational mass density, $\rho_{A}=(\epsilon+p_{r}+2p_{t})/c^{2}$, plays an important role, where $\epsilon$, $p_{r}$, and $p_{t}$ are the energy density, the radial stress, and the tangential stress of the matter field, respectively. We show that the shift is backward if $\rho_{A}$ is beyond a critical value $\rho_{c}\simeq 2.8\times 10^{-15} \mbox{g}/\mbox{cm}^{3} (m/M_{\odot})^{2}(r/\mbox{au})^{-4}$, while a forward shift greater than that in the vacuum spacetime instead implies $\rho_{A}<0$, i.e., the violation of the strong energy condition, and thereby provides evidence for dark energy. We obtain new observational constraints on $\rho_{A}$ in the Solar System and the Galactic Centre.

  • Supernova model discrimination with a kilotonne-scale Gd-H$_{2}$O Cherenkov detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Y. Schnellbach, J. Migenda, A. Carroll, J. Coleman, L. Kneale, M. Malek, C. Metelko, A. Tarrant

    The supernova model discrimination capabilities of the WATCHMAN detector concept are explored. This cylindrical kilotonne-scale water Cherenkov detector design has been developed to detect reactor antineutrinos through inverse $\beta$-decay for non-proliferation applications but also has the ability to observe antineutrino bursts of core-collapse supernovae within our galaxy. Detector configurations with sizes ranging from 16 m to 22 m tank diameter and 10% to 20% PMT coverage are used to compare the expected observable antineutrino spectra based on the Nakazato, Vartanyan and Warren supernova models. These spectra are then compared to each other with a fixed event count of 100 observed inverse $\beta$-decay events and a benchmark supernova at 10 kpc distance from Earth. By comparing the expected spectra, each detector configuration's ability to distinguish is evaluated. This analysis then demonstrates that the detector design is capable of meaningful event discrimination (90+% accuracy) with 100 observed supernova antineutrino events in most configurations. Furthermore, a larger tank configuration can maintain this performance at 10 kpc distance and above, indicating that overall target mass is the main factor for such a detector's discrimination capabilities. Finally, it is estimated that the detector design can provide early warning capability for supernova bursts for the entire Milky Way in all configurations.

  • Disc corona radii and QPO frequencies in black hole binaries: testing Lense-Thirring precession origin.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aya Kubota, Chris Done, Kazuki Tsurumi, Ryuki Mizukawa, 3) ((1) Shibaura Institute of Technology, (2) University of Durham, (3) Saitama university)

    Stellar-mass black hole binary systems in the luminous X-ray states show a strong quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in their Comptonised emission. The frequency of this feature correlates with the ratio of a disc to Comptonised emission rather than with total luminosity. Hence it changes dramatically during spectral transitions between the hard and soft states. Its amplitude is also strongest in these intermediate states, making them an important test of QPO models. However, these have complex spectra which generally require a disc and two separate Comptonisation components, making it difficult to uniquely derive the spectral parameters. We build a new energy-conserving model of the accretion flow, SSsed model, which assumes a fixed radial emissivity but with a changing emission mechanism. This is similar to the agnsed model in xspec but tuned to be more suitable for stellar mass black holes. It uses a combination of the disc luminosity and temperature to constrain the inner radius of the (colour temperature corrected) blackbody disc, separating this from the more complex Comptonisation spectra emitted inwards of this radius. We show a pilot study of this model fit to hundreds of RXTE spectra of the black hole binary XTE J1550-564. We show that the derived disc radius tightly anti-correlates with the central frequencies of the low-frequency QPO detected in the same observations. The relation is consistent with the quantitative predictions of Lense-Thirring precession of the entire inner Comptonisation regions for the assumed system parameters. This supports the scenario that low-frequency QPOs are caused by Lense-Thirring precession.

  • Magnetic frame-dragging correction to the electromagnetic solution of a compact neutron star.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. Torres, T. Grismayer, F. Cruz, L.O. Silva

    Neutron stars are usually modelled as spherical, rotating perfect conductors with a predominant intrinsic dipolar magnetic field anchored to their stellar crust. Due to their compactness, General Relativity corrections must be accounted for in Maxwell's equations, leading to modified interior and exterior electromagnetic solutions. We present analytical solutions for slowly-rotating magnetised neutron stars taking into account the magnetic frame-dragging correction. For typical compactness values, i.e. $R_s \sim 0.5 [R_*]$, we show that the new terms lead to a percent order correction in the magnetic field orientation and strength compared to the case with no magnetic frame-dragging correction. Also, we obtain a self-consistent redistribution of the surface azimuthal current. We verify the validity of the derived solution through two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of an isolated neutron star. Defining the azimuthal electric and magnetic field amplitudes during the transient phase as observables, we prove that the magnetic frame-dragging correction reduces the transient wave amplitude, as expected from the analytical solution. We show that simulations are more accurate and stable when we include all first-order terms. The increased accuracy at lower spatiotemporal resolutions translates into a reduction in simulation runtimes.

  • A $\nu$ window onto leptoquarks?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthew Kirk, Shohei Okawa, Keyun Wu

    Upcoming neutrino telescopes promise a new window onto the interactions of neutrinos with matter at ultrahigh energies ($E_\nu = 10^7$-$10^{10}$ GeV), and the possibility to detect deviations from the Standard Model predictions. In this paper, we update previous predictions for the enhancement of the neutrino-nucleon cross-section for motivated leptoquark models and show the latest neutrino physics bound, as well as analyse the latest LHC pair production and Drell-Yan data, and flavour constraints (some of which were previously missed). We find that, despite the next generation of neutrino experiments probing the highest energies, they will not be enough to be competitive with collider searches.

  • New covariant density functionals of nuclear matter for compact star simulations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jia Jie Li, Chongqing), Armen Sedrakian, Frankfurt and U. Wroclaw)

    We generate three families of extended covariant density functionals of nuclear matter that have varying slope of symmetry energy and skewness at nuclear saturation density, but otherwise share the same basic parameters (symmetry energy, compressibility, saturation parameters, etc.) with the standard DDME2, DD2, and MPE functionals. Tables of the parameters of these new density functionals are given, which can be straightforwardly used in DDME2, DD2, and MPE parameterization-based codes. Furthermore, we provide tables of a large number of equations of state (81 for each family) that can be used in astrophysical simulations to assess the impact of variations of not-well-known slope of symmetry energy and skewness of nuclear systems on the astrophysics of compact objects. We also provide tables of computed integral parameters (mass, radius, and tidal deformability) that can be used, e.g., for modeling gravitational waveforms. Finally, for the extended DDME2-based parameterization, we implement a first-order phase transition to quark matter to obtain a family of equations of state that accommodates a phase transition to quark matter. Analogous tables of the equations of state and integral parameters are provided for this case as well.

  • SU(3) parity doubling in cold neutron star matter.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Eduardo S. Fraga, Rodrigo da Mata, Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich

    We present a phenomenological model to investigate the chiral phase transition characterized by parity doubling in dense, beta equilibrated, cold matter. Our model incorporates effective interactions constrained by SU(3) relations and considers baryonic degrees of freedom. By constraining the model with astrophysical data and nuclear matter properties, we find a first-order phase transition within realistic values of the slope parameter L. The inclusion of the baryon octet and negative parity partners, along with a chiral-invariant mass $m_{0}$, allows for a non-massless chiral symmetric phase. Through exploration of parameter space, we identify parameter sets satisfying mass and radius constraints without requiring a partonic phase. The appearance of the parity partner of the nucleon, the N(1535) resonance, suppresses strangeness, pushing hyperonization to higher densities. We observe a mild first-order phase transition to the chirally restored phase, governed by $m_{0}$. Our calculations of surface tension highlight its strong dependence on $m_{0}$. The existence of mixed phases is ruled out since they become energetically too costly. We compare stars with metastable and stable cores using both branches of the equation of state. Despite limited lifespans due to low surface tension values, phase conversion and star contraction could impact neutron stars with masses around 1.3 solar masses or more. We discuss some applications of this model in its non-zero temperatures generalization and scenarios beyond beta equilibrium that can provide insights into core-collapse supernovae, proto-neutron star evolution, and neutron star mergers. Core-collapse supernovae dynamics, influenced by chiral symmetry restoration and exotic hadronic states, affect explosion mechanisms and nucleosynthesis.

  • Secondary accretion of dark matter in intermediate mass-ratio inspirals: Dark-matter dynamics and gravitational-wave phase.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    David A. Nichols, Benjamin A. Wade, Alexander M. Grant

    When particle dark matter is bound gravitationally around a massive black hole in sufficiently high densities, the dark matter will affect the rate of inspiral of a secondary compact object that forms a binary with the massive black hole. In this paper, we revisit previous estimates of the impact of dark-matter accretion by black-hole secondaries on the emitted gravitational waves. We identify a region of parameter space of binaries for which estimates of the accretion were too large (specifically, because the dark-matter distribution was assumed to be unchanging throughout the process, and the secondary black hole accreted more mass in dark matter than that enclosed within the orbit of the secondary). To restore consistency in these scenarios, we propose and implement a method to remove dark-matter particles from the distribution function when they are accreted by the secondary. This new feedback procedure then satisfies mass conservation, and when evolved with physically reasonable initial data, the mass accreted by the secondary no longer exceeds the mass enclosed within its orbital radius. Comparing the simulations with accretion feedback to those without this feedback, including feedback leads to a smaller gravitational-wave dephasing from binaries in which only the effects of dynamical friction are being modeled. Nevertheless, the dephasing can be hundreds to almost a thousand gravitational-wave cycles, an amount that should allow the effects of accretion to be inferred from gravitational-wave measurements of these systems.

  • Hybrid Strangeon Stars.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chen Zhang, Yong Gao, Cheng-Jun Xia, Renxin Xu

    It was conjectured that the basic units of the ground state of bulk strong matter may be strange-clusters called strangeons, and they can form self-bound strangeon stars that are highly compact. Strangeon stars can develop a strange quark matter (SQM) core at high densities, particularly in the color-flavor-locking phase, yielding a branch of hybrid strangeon stars. We explore the stellar structure and astrophysical implications of hybrid strangeon stars. We find that hybrid strangeon stars can meet various astrophysical constraints on pulsar masses, radii, and tidal deformabilities. Finally, we show that the strangeon-SQM mixed phase is not preferred if the charge-neutrality condition is imposed at the strangeon-SQM transition region.

  • Jet Structure and Burst Environment of GRB 221009A.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ren Jia, Wang Yun, Dai Zi-Gao

    We conducted a comprehensive investigation of the brightest-of-all-time GRB 221009A using new insights from very high energy (VHE) observations from LHAASO and a complete multiwavelength afterglow dataset. Through data fitting, we imposed constraints on the jet structure, radiation mechanisms, and burst environment of GRB 221009A. Our findings reveal a structured jet morphology characterized by a core+wing configuration. A smooth transition of energy within the jet takes place between the core and wing, but with a discontinuity in the bulk Lorentz factor. The jet structure differs from both the case of short GRB 170817A and the results of numerical simulations for long-duration bursts. The VHE emission can be explained by the forward-shock synchrotron self-Compton radiation of the core component, but requiring a distinctive transition of the burst environment from uniform to wind-like, suggesting the presence of complex pre-burst mass ejection processes. The low-energy multiwavelength afterglow is mainly governed by the synchrotron radiation from the forward and reverse shocks of the wing component. Our analysis indicates a magnetization factor of 5 for the wing component. Additionally, by comparing the forward shock parameters of the core and wing components, we find a potential correlation between the electron acceleration efficiency and both the Lorentz factor of the shock and the magnetic field equipartition factor. We discuss the significance of our findings, potential interpretations, and remaining issues.

  • Glitching pulsars as gravitational wave sources.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Brynmor Haskell, David Ian Jones

    Spinning neutron stars, when observed as pulsars, are seen to undergo occasional spin-up events known as glitches. Despite several decades of study, the physical mechanisms responsible for glitches are still not well understood, but probably involve an interplay between the star's outer elastic crust, and the superfluid and superconducting core that lies within. Glitches will be accompanied by some level of gravitational wave emission. In this article we review proposed models that link gravitational wave emission to glitches, exploring both short duration burst-like emission, and longer-lived signals. We illustrate how detections (and in some cases, non-detections) of gravitational signals probe both the glitch mechanism, and, by extension, the behaviour of matter at high densities.

  • Delayed X-ray brightening accompanied by variable ionized absorption following a tidal disruption event.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    T. Wevers, M. Guolo, D.R. Pasham, E.R. Coughlin, F. Tombesi, Y. Yao, S. Gezari

    Supermassive black holes can experience super-Eddington peak mass fallback rates following the tidal disruption of a star. The theoretical expectation is that part of the infalling material is expelled by means of an accretion disk wind, whose observational signature includes blueshifted absorption lines of highly ionized species in X-ray spectra. To date, however, only one such ultra-fast outflow (UFO) has been reported in the tidal disruption event (TDE) ASASSN-14li. Here we report on the discovery of transient absorption-like signatures in X-ray spectra of the TDE AT2020ksf/Gaia20cjk (at a redshift of $z$=0.092), following an X-ray brightening $\sim 230$ days after UV/optical peak. We find that while no statistically significant absorption features are present initially, they appear on a timescale of several days, and remain detected up to 770 days after peak. Simple thermal continuum models, combined with a power-law or neutral absorber, do not describe these features well. Adding a partial covering, low velocity ionized absorber improves the fit at early times, but fails at late times. A high velocity (v$_w$ $\sim$ 42000 km s$^{-1}$, or -0.15c), ionized absorber (ultra-fast outflow) provides a good fit to all data. The few day timescale of variability is consistent with expectations for a clumpy wind. We discuss several scenarios that could explain the X-ray delay, as well as the potential for larger scale wind feedback. The serendipitous nature of the discovery could suggest a high incidence of UFOs in TDEs, alleviating some of the tension with theoretical expectations.

  • Mapping GENERIC hydrodynamics into Carter's multifluid theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lorenzo Gavassino

    We show that the GENERIC model for relativistic heat conduction is a multifluid of Carter. This allows one to compute the multifluid constitutive relations directly from the GENERIC formalism. As a quick application, we prove that, in the limit of infinite heat conductivity, GENERIC heat conduction reduces to the relativistic two-fluid model for superfluidity. This surprising ``crossover'' is a consequence of relativistic causality: If diffusion happens too fast, all the diffusing charge cumulates on the surface of the lightcone, and it eventually travels at the speed of light like a wave. Our analysis is non-perturbative, and it is carried out in the fully non-linear regime.

  • Solar flare catalog from 3 years of Chandrayaan-2 XSM observations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aravind Bharathi Valluvan, Ashwin Goyal, Devansh Jain, Abhinna Sundar Samantaray, Abhilash Sarwade, Kasiviswanathan Sankarasubramanian

    We present a catalog of 6266 solar flares detected by the X-Ray Solar Monitor onboard the Chandrayaan-2 lunar orbiter between 1.55 and 12.4 keV (1 and 8 \AA) from 2019 September 12 to 2022 November 4, including 1469 type A flares. The catalog represents the first large sample, including both type A, hot thermal flares, and type B, impulsive flares, with a sub-A class sensitive instrument. We also detect 213 sub-A and 1330 A class flares. Individual flares are fit with an exponentially-modified Gaussian function and multi-flare groups are decomposed into individual flares. We validate our findings with flare catalogs made using visual inspection as well as automatic pipelines on Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite and Solar Dynamics Observatory data. We find a clear bimodality in the ratio of the width to decay time between type A and B flares. We infer a power-law index of $\alpha_F = 1.92 \pm 0.09$ for the background-subtracted peak flux distribution of XSM flares, which is consistent with the value $\sim 2$ reported in the literature. We also infer $\alpha_F = 1.90 \pm 0.09$ for type B, and $\alpha_F = 1.94 \pm 0.08$ for type A flares, which has previously not been reported in the literature. These comparable values hint at a similarity in their generative processes.

  • Magnetar-powered Neutrinos and Magnetic Moment Signatures at IceCube.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ting Cheng, Hao-Jui Kuan, Ying-Ying Li, Vedran Brdar

    The IceCube collaboration pioneered the detection of $\mathcal{O}{(\text{PeV})}$ neutrino events and the identification of astrophysical sources of high-energy neutrinos. In this study, we explore scenarios in which high-energy neutrinos are produced in the vicinity of astrophysical objects with strong magnetic field, such as magnetars. While propagating through such magnetic field, neutrinos experience spin precession induced by their magnetic moments, and this impacts their helicity and flavor composition at Earth. Considering both flavor composition of high-energy neutrinos and Glashow resonance events we find that detectable signatures may arise at neutrino telescopes, such as IceCube, for presently unconstrained neutrino magnetic moments in the range between $\mathcal{O}(10^{-15})~\mu_B$ and $\mathcal{O}(10^{-12})~\mu_B$.


  • Carbon envelopes around merging galaxies at z ~ 4.5.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Di Cesare, M. Ginolfi, L. Graziani, R. Schneider, M. Romano, G. Popping

    Galaxies evolve through a dynamic exchange of material with their immediate surrounding environment, the circumgalactic medium (CGM). Understanding the physics of gas flows and the nature of the CGM is thus fundamental to studying galaxy evolution, especially at $4 \leq z \leq 6$ when galaxies rapidly assembled their masses and reached their chemical maturity. Galactic outflows are predicted to enrich the CGM with metals, although gas stripping in systems undergoing a major merger has also been suggested to play a role. In this work, we explore the metal enrichment of the medium around merging galaxies at $z\sim4.5$, observed by the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [CII] at Early times (ALPINE) survey. To do so, we study the nature of the [CII]158 $\mu$m emission in the CGM around these systems, using simulations to help disentangle the mechanisms contributing to the CGM metal pollution. By adopting an updated classification of major merger systems in the ALPINE survey, we select and analyse merging galaxies whose components can be spatially and/or spectrally resolved in a robust way. In this way, we can distinguish between the [CII] emission coming from the single components of the system and that coming from the system as a whole. We also make use of the dustyGadget cosmological simulation to select synthetic analogues of observed galaxies and guide the interpretation of the observational results. We find a large diffuse [CII] envelope (> 20 kpc) embedding all the merging systems, with around 50% of the total [CII] emission coming from the medium between the galaxies. Using predictions from dustyGadget we suggest that this emission has a two-fold nature: it is due to both dynamical interactions between the galaxies which result in tidal stripped gas and the presence of star-forming satellites (currently unresolved by ALMA) that enrich the medium with heavy elements.

  • Multi-Epoch Optical Spectroscopy Variability of the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 883.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Erika Benítez, Castalia Alenka Negrete, Héctor Ibarra-Medel, Irene Cruz-González, José Miguel Rodríguez-Espinosa

    In this work, we present multi-epoch optical spectra of the Seyfert 1.9 galaxy Mrk 883. Data were obtained with the Gran Telescopio Canarias and the \emph{MEGARA} Integral Field Unit mode, archival data from the SDSS-IV MaNGA Survey and the SDSS-I Legacy Survey, and~new spectroscopic observations obtained at San Pedro M\'artir Observatory. We report the appearance of the broad component of Hb, emission line, showing a maximum FWHM $\sim$ 5927 $\pm$\, 481\,km\,s$^{-1}$ in the MaNGA spectra, finding evidence for a change from Seyfert 1.9 (23 June 2003) to Seyfert 1.8 (18 May 2018). The~observed changing-look variation from Sy1.9 to Sy1.8 has a timescale $\Delta$t\,$\sim$15~y. In~addition, we observe profile and flux broad emission line variability from 2018 to 2023, and a wind component in [OIII]5007~\AA, with~a maximum FWHM = 1758 $\pm$ 178 km\,s$^{-1}$, detected on 15 April 2023. In all epochs, variability of the broad lines was found to be disconnected from the optical continuum emission, which shows little or no variations. These results suggest that an ionized-driven wind in the polar direction could be a possible scenario to explain the observed changing-look variations.

  • Radio Continuum and Water Maser Observations of the High-Mass Protostar IRAS 19035+0641 A.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tatiana M. Rodriguez, Emmanuel Momjian, Peter Hofner, Anuj P. Sarma, Esteban D. Araya

    We present Very Large Array (VLA) 1.3 cm continuum and 22.2 GHz H$_2$O maser observations of the high-mass protostellar object IRAS 19035+0641 A. Our observations unveil an elongated bipolar 1.3 cm continuum structure at scales $\lesssim500\,$au which, together with a rising in-band spectral index, strongly suggests that the radio emission toward IRAS 19035+0641 A arises from an ionized jet. In addition, eight individual water maser spots well aligned with the jet axis were identified. The Stokes V spectrum of the brightest H$_2$O maser line ($\sim100\,$Jy) shows a possible Zeeman splitting and is well represented by the derivatives of two Gaussian components fitted to the Stokes I profile. The measured $B_{\mathrm{los}}$ are $123\,(\pm27)$ and $156\,(\pm8)\,$mG, translating to a pre-shock magnetic field of $\approx7\,$mG. Subsequent observations to confirm the Zeeman splitting showed intense variability in all the water maser spots, with the brightest maser completely disappearing. The observed variability in a one-year time scale could be the result of an accretion event. These findings strengthen our interpretation of IRAS 19035+0641 A as a high-mass protostar in an early accretion/outflow evolutionary phase.

  • Revealing multiple nested molecular outflows with rotating signatures in HH270mms1-A with ALMA.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mitsuki Omura, Kazuki Tokuda, Masahiro N. Machida

    We present molecular line observations of the protostellar outflow associated with HH270mms1 in the Orion B molecular cloud with ALMA. The 12CO(J = 3 - 2) emissions show that the outflow velocity structure consists of four distinct components of low ($\gtrsim$ 10 km s-1), intermediate (~ 10 - 25 km s-1) and high ($\gtrsim$ 40 km s-1) velocities in addition to the entrained gas velocity (~ 25 - 40 km s-1). The high- and intermediate-velocity flows have well-collimated structures surrounded by the low-velocity flow. The chain of knots is embedded in the high-velocity flow or jet, which is the evidence of episodic mass ejections induced by time-variable mass accretion. We could detect the velocity gradients perpendicular to the outflow axis in both the low- and intermediate-velocity flows. We confirmed the rotation of the envelope and disk in the 13CO and C17O emission and found that their velocity gradients are the same as those of the outflow. Thus, we concluded that the velocity gradients in the low- and intermediate-velocity flows are due to the outflow rotation. Using observational outflow properties, we estimated the outflow launching radii to be 67.1 - 77.1 au for the low-velocity flow and 13.3 - 20.8 au for the intermediate-velocity flow. Although we could not detect the rotation in the jets due to the limited spatial resolution, we estimated the jet launching radii to be (2.36 - 3.14) x 10^-2 au using the observed velocity of each knots. Thus, the jet is driven from the inner disk region. We could identify the launching radii of distinct velocity components within a single outflow with all the prototypical characteristics expected from recent theoretical works.

  • Lyman Continuum Emission from AGN at 2.3$\lesssim$z$\lesssim$3.7 in the UVCANDELS Fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Brent M. Smith, Rogier A. Windhorst, Harry Teplitz, Matthew Hayes, Marc Rafelski, 5), Mark Dickinson, Vihang Mehta, Nimish P. Hathi, John MacKenty, L. Y. Aaron Yung, Anton M. Koekemoer, Emmaris Soto, Christopher J. Conselice, Ray A. Lucas, Xin Wang, 12, 13), Keunho J. Kim, Anahita Alavi, Norman A. Grogin, Ben Sunnquist, Laura Prichard, Rolf A. Jansen, UVCANDELS team, Tempe, AZ, USA, (2) Euclid/IPAC, Pasadena, CA, USA, (3) Stockholm U., Stockholm, Sweden, (4) STScI, Baltimore, MD, USA, (5) JHU, Baltimore, MD, USA, (6) NOIRLab, Tucson, AZ, USA, (7) IPAC 314-6, Pasadena, CA, USA, (8) NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD, USA, (9) Comp. Phys., Inc., Springfield, VA, USA, (10) U. Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK, (11) UCAS, Beijing, China, (12) BNU, Beijing, China, (13) CAS, Beijing, China, (14) IPAC, Pasadena, CA, USA)

    We present the results of our search for Lyman continuum (LyC) emitting AGN at redshifts 2.3$\lesssim$z$\lesssim$4.9 from HST WFC3 F275W observations in the UVCANDELS fields. We also include LyC emission from AGN using HST WFC3 F225W, F275W, and F336W found in the ERS and HDUV data. We performed exhaustive queries of the Vizier database to locate AGN with high quality spectroscopic redshifts. In total, we found 51 AGN that met our criteria within the UVCANDELS and ERS footprints. Of these 51, we find 12 AGN had $\geq$4$\sigma$ detected LyC flux in the WFC3/UVIS images. Using space- and ground-based data from X-ray to radio, we fit the multi-wavelength photometric data of each AGN to a CIGALE SED and correlate various SED parameters to the LyC flux. KS-tests of the SED parameter distributions for the LyC-detected and non-detected AGN showed they are likely not distinct samples. However, we find that X-ray luminosity, star-formation onset age, and disk luminosity show strong correlations relative to their emitted LyC flux. We also find strong correlation of the LyC flux to several dust parameters, i.e., polar and toroidal dust emission, 6 $\mu m$ luminosity, and anti-correlation with metallicity and $A_{FUV}$. We simulate the LyC escape fraction ($f_{esc}$) using the CIGALE and IGM transmission models for the LyC-detected AGN and find an average $f_{esc}$$\simeq$18%, weighted by uncertainties. We stack the LyC flux of subsamples of AGN according to the wavelength continuum region in which they are detected and find no significant distinctions in their LyC emission, although our $sub-mm\ detected$ F336W sample shows the brightest stacked LyC flux. These findings indicate that LyC-production and -escape in AGN is more complicated than the simple assumption of thermal emission and a 100% escape fraction. Further testing of AGN models with larger samples than presented here is needed.

  • The FENIKS Survey: Multi-wavelength Photometric Catalog in the UDS Field, and Catalogs of Photometric Redshifts and Stellar Population Properties.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kumail Zaidi, Danilo Marchesini, Casey Papovich, Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Mario Nonino, Marianna Annunziatella, Gabriel Brammer, Karl Glazebrook, Kartheik Iyer, Ivo Labbé, Z. Cemile Marsan, Adam Muzzin, David A. Wake

    We present the construction of a deep multi-wavelength PSF-matched photometric catalog in the UDS field following the final UDS DR11 release. The catalog includes photometry in 24 filters, from the MegaCam-uS (0.38 microns) band to the Spitzer-IRAC (8 microns) band, over 0.9 sq. deg. and with a 5-sigma depth of 25.3 AB in the K-band detection image. The catalog, containing approximately 188,564 (136,235) galaxies at 0.2 < z < 8.0 with stellar mass > 10$^{8}$ solar masses and K-band total magnitude K < 25.2 (24.3) AB, enables a range of extragalactic studies. We also provide photometric redshifts, corresponding redshift probability distributions, and rest-frame absolute magnitudes and colors derived using the template-fitting code eazy-py. Photometric redshift errors are less than 3 to 4 percent at z < 4 across the full brightness range in K-band and stellar mass range 10$^{8}$-10$^{12}$ solar masses. Stellar population properties (e.g., stellar mass, star-formation rate, dust extinction) are derived from the modeling of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using the codes FAST and Dense Basis.

  • The Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41: Gas Properties, Kinematics, and Cluster Formation at the Nexus of Filamentary Flows.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vineet Rawat, M. R. Samal, D. L. Walker, D.K. Ojha, A. Tej, A. Zavagno, C.P. Zhang, Davide Elia, S. Dutta, J. Jose, C. Eswaraiah, E. Sharma, (2) Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, (3) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, (4) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, (5) Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), (6) Aix-Marseille Universite, (7) Institut Universitaire de France, (8) National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (9) Guizhou Radio Astronomical Observatory, Guizhou University, (10) Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, (11) Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, (12) Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati)

    Filamentary flows toward the centre of molecular clouds have been recognized as a crucial process in the formation and evolution of stellar clusters. In this paper, we present a comprehensive observational study that investigates the gas properties and kinematics of the Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41 using the observations of CO (1-0) isotopologues. We find that the cloud is massive (10$^5$ M$_\odot$) and is one of the most massive clouds of the outer Galaxy. We identified six likely velocity coherent filaments in the cloud having length, width, and mass in the range of 14$-$38 pc, 2.5$-$4.2 pc, and (1.3$-$6.9) $\times$ 10$^3$ M$_\odot$, respectively. We find that the filaments are converging towards the central area of the cloud, and the longitudinal accretion flows along the filaments are in the range of $\sim$ 26$-$264 M$_\odot$ Myr$^{-1}$. The cloud has fragmented into 7 clumps having mass in the range of $\sim$ 260$-$2100 M$_\odot$ and average size around $\sim$ 1.4 pc, out of which the most massive clump is located at the hub of the filamentary structures, near the geometric centre of the cloud. Three filaments are found to be directly connected to the massive clump and transferring matter at a rate of $\sim$ 675 M$_\odot$ Myr$^{-1}$. The clump hosts a near-infrared cluster. Our results show that large-scale filamentary accretion flows towards the central region of the collapsing cloud is an important mechanism for supplying the matter necessary to form the central high-mass clump and subsequent stellar cluster.

  • The discovery of bound star clusters 460 Myr after the Big Bang.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Angela Adamo, Larry D. Bradley, Eros Vanzella, Adélaïde Claeyssens, Brian Welch, Jose M Diego, Guillaume Mahler, Masamune Oguri, Keren Sharon, Abdurro'uf, Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao, Matteo Messa, Erik Zackrisson, Gabriel Brammer, Dan Coe, Vasily Kokorev, Massimo Ricotti, Adi Zitrin, Seiji Fujimoto, Akio K. Inoue, Tom Resseguier, Jane R. Rigby, Yolanda Jiménez-Teja, Rogier A. Windhorst, Xinfeng Xu

    Young galaxies, potentially responsible for the last major phase-transition of the Universe, appear brighter than expected and go through rapid bursty phases where copious amounts of ionizing radiation and feedback are produced. However, the stellar components of the majority of these reionization--era galaxies remain spatially unresolved. In this letter, we report the direct discovery of young massive star clusters in the strongly lensed galaxy SPT0615-JD1 (dubbed the Cosmic Gems arc) at redshift $z\sim10.2_{-0.2}^{+0.2}$ when the universe was $\sim 460$ Myr old. Recently observed with JWST/NIRCam imaging, the Cosmic Gems arc stretches over 5\arcsec\, (Bradley in prep.) revealing 5 individual massive young star clusters with lensing-corrected sizes of $\sim$1 pc, located in a region smaller than 70 pc. These Cosmic Gems produce $\sim60$ % of the FUV light of the host, and have very low dust attenuation (A$_V<$0.5 mag) and metallicity ($\sim$ 5% solar), intrinsic masses of $\sim10^6$ M$_{\odot}$, and ages younger than 35 Myr. Their stellar surface densities are around $10^5$~M$_{\odot}$/pc$^2$, three orders of magnitude higher than typical star clusters in the local universe. Despite the uncertainties inherent to the lensing model, their dynamical ages are consistent with being gravitationally bound stellar systems that could potentially evolve into globular clusters. They would be the earliest known proto-globular clusters, formed less than 500 Myr after the Big Bang. This discovery opens a new window into the physical processes that take place in reionization-era bursty galaxies, showing that star cluster formation and clustered stellar feedback might play an important role for reionization.

  • The Kinematic and Dynamic Properties of HBC 494's Wide-Angle Outflows.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Austen Fourkas, Dary Ruiz-Rodriguez, Lee G. Mundy, Jonathan P. Williams

    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) Cycle-5 observations of HBC 494, as well as calculations of the kinematic and dynamic variables which represent the object's wide-angle bipolar outflows. HBC 494 is a binary FU Orionis type object located in the Orion A molecular cloud. We take advantage of combining the ALMA main array, Atacama Compact Array (ACA), and Total Power (TP) array in order to map HBC 494's outflows and thus, estimate their kinematic parameters with higher accuracy in comparison to prior publications. We use $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, C$^{18}$O and SO observations to describe the object's outflows, envelope, and disc, as well as estimate the mass, momentum, and kinetic energy of the outflows. After correcting for optical opacity near systemic velocities, we estimate a mass of $3.0\times10^{-2}$ M$_{\odot}$ for the southern outflow and $2.8\times10^{-2}$ M$_{\odot}$ for the northern outflow. We report the first detection of a secondary outflow cavity located approximately $15$" north of the central binary system, which could be a remnant of a previous large-scale accretion outburst. Furthermore, we find CO spatial features in HBC 494's outflows corresponding to position angles of $\sim35^{\circ}$ and $\sim145^{\circ}$. This suggests that HBC 494's outflows are most likely a composite of overlapping outflows from two different sources, i.e., HBC 494a and HBC 494b, the two objects in the binary system.

  • Formation of the Methyl Cation by Photochemistry in a Protoplanetary Disk.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Olivier Berné, Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel, Ilane Schroetter, Javier R. Goicoechea, Ugo Jacovella, Bérenger Gans, Emmanuel Dartois, Laurent Coudert, Edwin Bergin, Felipe Alarcon, Jan Cami, Evelyne Roueff, John H. Black, Oskar Asvany, Emilie Habart, Els Peeters, Amelie Canin, Boris Trahin, Christine Joblin, Stephan Schlemmer, Sven Thorwirth, Jose Cernicharo, Maryvonne Gerin, Alexander Tielens, Marion Zannese, Alain Abergel, Jeronimo Bernard-Salas, Christiaan Boersma, Emeric Bron, Ryan Chown, Sara Cuadrado, Daniel Dicken, Meriem Elyajouri, Asunción Fuente, Karl D. Gordon, Lina Issa, Olga Kannavou, Baria Khan, Ozan Lacinbala, David Languignon, Romane Le Gal, Alexandros Maragkoudakis, Raphael Meshaka, Yoko Okada, Takashi Onaka, Sofia Pasquini, Marc W. Pound, Massimo Robberto, Markus Röllig, et al. (7 additional authors not shown)

    Forty years ago it was proposed that gas phase organic chemistry in the interstellar medium was initiated by the methyl cation CH3+, but hitherto it has not been observed outside the Solar System. Alternative routes involving processes on grain surfaces have been invoked. Here we report JWST observations of CH3+ in a protoplanetary disk in the Orion star forming region. We find that gas-phase organic chemistry is activated by UV irradiation.

  • Active Galactic Nuclei in a Mid-Infrared Selected Galaxy Sample at z>0.13: [Ne V]3426 Line Emission as a Benchmark.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zi-Jian Li, Y. Sophia Dai, Jia-Sheng Huang, Stijn Wuyts, Tian-Wen Cao

    We present a 24 um-selected spectroscopic sample z > 0.13 (median z = 0.41) in the Lockman Hole field, consisting of 4035 spectra. Our aim is to identify AGNs and determine their fraction in this mid-infrared selected sample. In this work, we use the [Ne V]3426 emission line to spectroscopically identify AGNs. Combined with broad-line Type I AGNs selected in our previous study, our sample consists of 887 (22%) spectroscopically confirmed AGNs. We perform a stacking analysis on the remaining spectra, and find that in various MIR-wedge-selected AGN candidates, the stacked spectra still show significant [Ne V]3426 emission, In contrast, no clear [Ne V]3426 signal is detected in non-AGN candidates falling outside the wedges. Assuming a range of AGN mid-IR SED slope of 0.3< alpha <0.7, and an average star-forming relation derived from 65 star-forming templates, we develop a robust method to separate the AGN and star-forming contributions to the mid-IR SEDs using the rest-frame L12 /L1.6 vs L4.5 /L1.6 diagram. We separate the objects into bins of L12 , and find that AGN fraction increases with increasing L12. We also find that the stacked [Ne V]3426 strength scales with L12 . The pure AGN luminosity at 12 um exhibits a positive correlation with the star formation rates, indicating possible co-evolution and common gas supply between the AGN and their host galaxies. Varying population properties across the redshift range explored contribute to the observed correlation.

  • Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. IV. Guests in the outer Solar System.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maryna Ishchenko, Peter Berczik, Margarita Sobolenko

    The present epoch of the \textit{Gaia} success gives us a possibility to predict the dynamical evolution of our Solar System in the global Galactic framework with high precision. We statistically investigated the total interaction of globular clusters with the Solar System during six billion years of look-back time. We estimated the gravitational influence of globular clusters' flyby onto the Oort cloud system. To perform the realistic orbital dynamical evolution for each individual cluster, we used our own high-order parallel dynamical $N$ body $\varphi$-GPU code that we developed. To reconstruct the orbital trajectories of clusters, we used five external dynamical time variable galactic potentials selected from the IllustrisTNG-100 cosmological database and one static potential. To detect a cluster's close passages near the Solar System, we adopted a simple distance criteria of below 200~pc. To take into account a cluster's measurement errors (based on \textit{Gaia} DR3), we generated 1000 initial positions and velocity randomizations for each cluster in each potential. We found 35 globular clusters that have had close passages near the Sun in all the six potentials during the whole lifetime of the Solar System. We can conclude that at a relative distance of 50~pc between a GC and the SolS, we obtain on average $\sim 15$\% of the close passage probability over all six billion years, and at $dR=100$~pc, we get on average $\sim 35$\% of the close passage probability over all six billion years. The globular clusters BH~140, UKS~1, and Djorg~1 have a mean minimum relative distance to the Sun of 9, 19, and 17~pc, respectively. We can assume that a globular cluster with close passages near the Sun is not a frequent occurrence but also not an exceptional event in the Solar System's lifetime.

  • Cepheid Metallicity in the Leavitt Law (C-MetaLL) Survey. V. New multiband (grizJHKs) Cepheid light curves and period-luminosity relations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Bhardwaj, V. Ripepi, V. Testa, R. Molinaro, M. Marconi, G. De Somma, E. Trentin, I. Musella, J. Storm, T. Sicignano, G. Catanzaro

    We present homogeneous multiband (grizJHKs) time-series observations of 78 Cepheids including 49 fundamental mode variables and 29 first-overtone mode variables. These observations were collected simultaneously using the ROS2 and REMIR instruments at the Rapid Eye Mount telescope. The Cepheid sample covers a large range of distances (0.5 - 19.7 kpc) with varying precision of parallaxes, and thus astrometry-based luminosity fits were used to derive PL and PW relations in optical Sloan (griz) and near-infrared (JHKs) filters. These empirically calibrated relations exhibit large scatter primarily due to larger uncertainties in parallaxes of distant Cepheids, but their slopes agree well with those previously determined in the literature. Using homogeneous high-resolution spectroscopic metallicities of 61 Cepheids covering -1.1 < [Fe/H] < 0.6 dex, we quantified the metallicity dependence of PL and PW relations which varies between $-0.30\pm0.11$ (in Ks) and $-0.55\pm0.12$ (in z) mag/dex in grizJHKs bands. However, the metallicity dependence in the residuals of the PL and PW relations is predominantly seen for metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] < -0.3 dex), which also have larger parallax uncertainties. The modest sample size precludes us from separating the contribution to the residuals due to parallax uncertainties, metallicity effects, and reddening errors. While this Cepheid sample is not optimal for calibrating the Leavitt law, upcoming photometric and spectroscopic datasets of the C-MetaLL survey will allow the accurate derivation of PL and PW relations in the Sloan and near-infrared bandpasses, which will be useful for the distance measurements in the era of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time and upcoming extremely large telescopes.

  • Dust formation in common envelope binary interactions -- II: 3D simulations with self-consistent dust formation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luis C. Bermúdez-Bustamante, Orsola De Marco, Lionel Siess, Daniel J. Price, Miguel González-Bolívar, Mike Y. M. Lau, Chunliang Mu, Ryosuke Hirai, Taïssa Danilovich, Mansi M. Kasliwal

    We performed numerical simulations of the common envelope (CE) interaction between two thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of 1.7 $M_\odot$ and 3.7 $M_\odot$, and their 0.6 $M_\odot$ compact companion. We use tabulated equations of state to take into account recombination energy. For the first time, formation and growth of dust in the envelope is calculated explicitly, using a carbon dust nucleation network with a gas phase C/O number ratio of 2.5. By the end of the simulations, the total dust yield are $\sim8.2\times10^{-3}~M_\odot$ and $\sim2.2\times10^{-2}~M_\odot$ for the CE with a 1.7 $M_\odot$ and a 3.7 $M_\odot$ AGB star, respectively, close to the theoretical limit. Dust formation does not substantially lead to more mass unbinding or substantially alter the orbital evolution. The first dust grains appear as early as $\sim1-3$ yrs after the onset of the CE rapidly forming an optically thick shell at $\sim10-20$ au, growing in thickness and radius to values of $\sim400-500$ au by $\sim40$ yrs. These large objects have approximate temperatures of 400 K. While dust yields are commensurate with those of single AGB stars of comparable mass, the dust in CE ejections forms over decades as opposed to tens of thousands of years. It is likely that these rapidly evolving IR objects correspond to the post-optically-luminous tail of the lightcurve of some luminous red novae. The simulated characteristics of dusty CEs also lend further support to the idea that extreme carbon stars and the so called ``water fountains" may be objects observed in the immediate aftermath of a CE event.

  • Cosmic evolution of black hole-spin and galaxy orientations: clues from the NewHorizon and Galactica simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sebastien Peirani, Yasushi Suto, Ricarda S. Beckmann, Marta Volonteri, Yen-Ting Lin, Yohan Dubois, Sukyoung K. Yi, Christophe Pichon, Katarina Kraljic, Minjung Park, Julien Devriendt, San Han, Wei-Huai Chen

    (Reduced) Using the recent cosmological high-resolution zoom-in simulations, NewHorizon and Galactica, in which the evolution of black hole spin is followed on the fly, we have tracked the cosmic history of a hundred of black holes (BHs) with a mass greater than 2x10^4 Ms. For each of them, we have studied the variations of the three dimensional angle (Psi) subtended between the BH spins and the angular momentum vectors of their host galaxies. The analysis of the individual evolution of the most massive BHs suggests that they are generally passing by three different regimes. First, for a short period after their birth, low mass BHs (<3x10^4 Ms) are rapidly spun up by gas accretion and their spin tends to be aligned with their host galaxy spin. Then follows a second phase in which the accretion of gas onto low mass BHs (<10^5 Ms) is quite chaotic and inefficient, reflecting the complex and disturbed morphologies of forming proto-galaxies at high redshifts. The variations of Psi are rather erratic during this phase and are mainly driven by the rapid changes of the direction of the galaxy angular momentum. Then, in a third and long phase, BHs are generally well settled in the center of galaxies around which the gas accretion becomes much more coherent (>10^5 Ms). In this case, the BH spins tend to be well aligned with the angular momentum of their host galaxy and this configuration is generally stable even though BH merger episodes can temporally induce misalignment. We have also derived the distributions of cos(Psi) at different redshifts and found that BHs and galaxy spins are generally aligned. Finally, based on a Monte Carlo method, we also predict statistics for the 2-d projected spin-orbit angles lambda. In particular, the distribution of lambda traces well the alignment tendency in the 3-d analysis. Such predictions provide an interesting background for future observational analyses.

  • Comparing the structural parameters of the Milky Way to other spiral galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jacob A. Guerrette, Aleksandr V. Mosenkov, Dallin Spencer, Zacory D. Shakespear

    The structural parameters of a galaxy can be used to gain insight into its formation and evolution history. In this paper, we strive to compare the Milky Way's structural parameters to other, primarily edge-on, spiral galaxies in order to determine how our Galaxy measures up to the Local Universe. For our comparison, we use the galaxy structural parameters gathered from a variety of literature sources in the optical and near-infrared wavebands. We compare the scale length, scale height, and disk flatness for both the thin and thick disks, the thick-to-thin disk mass ratio, the bulge-to-total luminosity ratio, and the mean pitch angle of the Milky Way's spiral arms to those in other galaxies. We conclude that many of the Milky Way's structural parameters are largely ordinary and typical of spiral galaxies in the Local Universe, though the Galaxy's thick disk appears to be appreciably thinner and less extended than expected from zoom-in cosmological simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies with a significant contribution of galaxy mergers involving satellite galaxies.

  • Low-mass stars: Their Protoplanetary Disc Lifetime Distribution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Susanne Pfalzner, Furkan Dincer

    While most protoplanetary discs lose their gas within less than 10 Myr, individual disc lifetimes vary from < 1 Myr to >> 20 Myr, with some discs existing for > 40 Myr. Mean disc half lifetimes hide this diversity; only a so-far non-existing disc lifetime distribution could capture this fact. The benefit of a disc lifetime distribution would be twofold. First, it provides a stringent test on disc evolution theories. Second, it can function as input for planet formation models. Here, we derive such a disc lifetime distribution. We heuristically test different standard distribution forms for their ability to account for the observed disc fractions at certain ages. Here, we concentrate on the distribution for low-mass stars (spectral type M3.7 - M6, $M_s \approx $ 0.1 - 0.24 M$_{sun}$) because disc lifetimes depend on stellar mass. A Weibull-type distribution ($k$=1.78, $\lambda$=9.15) describes the observational data if all stars have a disc at a cluster age $t_c$=0. However, a better match exists for lower initial disc fractions. For f(t=0)= 0.65, a Weibull distribution (k=2.34, $\lambda$=11.22) and a Gauss distribution ($\sigma$=9.52, $\mu$=9.52) fit similarly well the data. All distributions have in common that they are wide, and most discs are dissipated at ages > 5 Myr. The next challenge is to quantitatively link the diversity of disc lifetimes to the diversity in planets.

  • Evolved Massive Stars at Low-metallicity VI. Mass-Loss Rate of Red Supergiant Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jing Wen, Jian Gao, Ming Yang, Bingqiu Chen, Yi Ren, Tianding Wang, Biwei Jiang

    Mass loss is a crucial process that affects the observational properties, evolution path and fate of highly evolved stars. However, the mechanism of mass loss is still unclear, and the mass-loss rate (MLR) of red supergiant stars (RSGs) requires further research and precise evaluation. To address this, we utilized an updated and complete sample of RSGs in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and employed the 2-DUST radiation transfer model and spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting approach to determine the dust-production rates (DPRs) and dust properties of the RSGs. We have fitted 4,714 selected RSGs with over 100,000 theoretical templates of evolved stars. Our results show that the DPR range of RSGs in the LMC is $10^{-11}\, \rm{M_{\odot}\, yr^{-1}}$ to $10^{-7}\, \rm{M_{\odot}\, yr^{-1}}$, and the total DPR of all RSGs is 1.14 $\times 10^{-6} \, \rm{M_{\odot} \, yr^{-1}}$. We find that $63.3\%$ RSGs are oxygen-rich, and they account for $97.2\%$ of the total DPR. The optically thin RSG, which comprise $30.6\%$ of our sample, contribute only $0.1\%$ of the total DPR, while carbon-rich RSGs ($6.1\%$) produce $2.7\%$ of the total DPR. Overall, 208 RSGs contributed $76.6\%$ of the total DPR. We have established a new relationship between the MLR and luminosity of RSGs in the LMC, which exhibits a positive trend and a clear turning point at $\log{L/L_{\odot}} \approx 4.4$.

  • Protostellar disk accretion in turbulent filaments.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stefan Heigl, Elena Hoemann, Andreas Burkert

    Recent observations of protostellar cores suggest that most of the material in the protostellar phase is accreted along streamers. Streamers in this context are defined as velocity coherent funnels of denser material potentially connecting the large scale environment to the small scales of the forming accretion disk. Using simulations which simultaneously resolve the driving of turbulence on the filament scale as well as the collapse of the core down to protostellar disk scales, we aim to understand the effect of the turbulent velocity field on the formation of overdensities in the accretion flow. We perform a three-dimensional numerical study on a core collapse within a turbulent filament using the RAMSES code and analyse the properties of overdensities in the accretion flow. We find that overdensities are formed naturally by the initial turbulent velocity field inherited from the filament and subsequent gravitational collimation. This leads to streams which are not really filamentary but show a sheet-like morphology. Moreover, they have the same radial infall velocities as the low density material. As a main consequence of the turbulent initial condition, the mass accretion onto the disk does not follow the predictions for solid body rotation. Instead, most of the mass is funneled by the overdensities to intermediate disk radii.

  • A physical picture for the acoustic resonant drag instability.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nathan Magnan, Tobias Heinemann, Henrik N. Latter

    Mixtures of gas and dust are pervasive in the universe, from AGN and molecular clouds to proto-planetary discs. When the two species drift relative to each other, a large class of instabilities can arise, called resonant drag instabilities (RDIs). The most famous RDI is the streaming instability, which plays an important role in planet formation. On the other hand, acoustic RDIs, the simplest kind, feature in the winds of cool stars, AGN, or starburst regions. Unfortunately, owing to the complicated dynamics of two coupled fluids (gas and dust), the underlying physics of most RDIs is mysterious. In this paper, we develop a clear physical picture of how the acoustic RDI arises and support this explanation with transparent mathematics. We find that the acoustic RDI is built on two coupled mechanisms. In the first, the converging flows of a sound wave concentrate dust. In the second, a drifting dust clump excites sound waves. These processes feed into each other at resonance, thereby closing an unstable feedback loop. This physical picture helps decide where and when RDIs are most likely to happen, and what can suppress them. Additionally, we find that the acoustic RDI remains strong far from resonance. This second result suggests that one can simulate RDIs without having to fine-tune the dimensions of the numerical domain.

  • M Giants with IGRINS III. Abundance Trends for 21 Elements in the Solar Neighborhood from High-Resolution, Near-Infrared Spectra.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Nandakumar, N. Ryde, R. Forsberg, M. Montelius, G. Mace, H. Jönsson, B. Thorsbro

    In order to investigate the chemical history of the entire MilkyWay, it is imperative to also study the dust-obscured regions, where most of the mass lies. The Galactic Center is an example of such a region of interest, where due to the intervening dust along the line-of-sight, near-infrared spectroscopic investigations are necessary. We demonstrate that M giants observed at high spectral resolution in the H and K bands (1.5-2.4 {\mu}m) can yield useful abundance-ratio trends versus metallicity for 21 elements. These elements can therefore be studied also for heavily dust-obscured regions of the Galaxy, such as the Galactic Center, and will be important for the further investigation of the Galactic chemical evolution in these regions. We have observed near-infrared spectra of 50 M giants in the solar neighbourhood at high SNR and at a high spectral resolution (R = 45, 000) with the IGRINS spectrometer on the GEMINI South telescope. We adopted the fundamental stellar parameters for these stars from Nandakumar et al. (2023a), with Teff ranging from 3400 to 3800 K. With a manual spectral synthesis method, we have derived stellar abundances for 21 elements, namely F, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Na, Al, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Ce, Nd, and Yb. We demonstrate what elements can be analysed from H- and K-band high-resolution spectra, and we show which spectral lines can be used for abundance analysis, showing them line by line. We discuss the 21 abundance-ratio trends and compared them with those determined from APOGEE and from the optical GILD sample. Especially, we determine the trends of the heavy elements Cu, Zn, Y, Ce, Nd, and Yb. This opens up these nucleosynthetic channels, including both the s- and the r-process, in dust-obscured populations. The [Mn/Fe] versus [Fe/H] trend is shown to be more or less flat at low metallicities, implying that existing NLTE correction are relevant.

  • Gnuastro: visualizing the full dynamic range in color images.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Raúl Infante-Sainz, Mohammad Akhlaghi

    Color plays a crucial role in the visualization, interpretation, and analysis of multi-wavelength astronomical images. However, generating color images that accurately represent the full dynamic range of astronomical sources is challenging. In response, Gnuastro v0.22 introduces the program 'astscript-color-faint-gray', which is extensively documented in the Gnuastro manual. It employs a non-linear transformation to assign an 8-bit RGB (Red-Green-Blue) value to brighter pixels, while the fainter ones are shown in an inverse grayscale. This approach enables the simultaneous visualization of low surface brightness features within the same image. This research note is reproducible with Maneage, on the Git commit 48f5408.

  • The local Universe in the era of large surveys -- III. Radial activity profiles of S0 galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. L. Tous, J. M. Solanes, J. D. Perea, H. Domínguez-Sánchez

    Spatially resolved MaNGA's optical spectra of 1072 present-day lenticular (S0) galaxies, dimensionally reduced from a principal component analysis (PCA), are used to determine their radial activity structure shaped by any possible nebular ionization source. Activity profiles within $1.5\,R_{\mathrm e}$ are examined in tandem with the mass, age, ellipticity and kinematics of the stars, as well as environmental density. Among the results of this comparison, we find that the sign of the radial activity gradient of S0s is tightly related to their PCA classification, BPT designation, and star formation status. PCA-passive lenticulars often show low-level, flat activity profiles, although there is also a significant number of systems with positive gradients, while their less common active counterparts generally have negative gradients, usually associated with high SSFRs and, sometimes, moderate Seyfert emission. A fraction of the latter also shows radial activity profiles with positive gradients, which become more abundant with increasing stellar mass regardless of environmental density. Our analysis also reveals that the subset of active S0s with negative gradients experiences at all galactocentric radii a systematic reduction in its median activity level with stellar mass, consistent with expectations for main sequence galaxies. In contrast, passive S0s with positive gradients show the opposite behaviour. Furthermore, systems whose activity is dominated by star formation are structurally rounder than the rest of S0s, while those classified as Seyfert exhibit higher rotational support. The possibility that negative and positive activity gradients in S0s may result from rejuvenation by two distinct types of minor mergers is raised.

  • BST1047+1156: A (Failing) Ultradiffuse Tidal Dwarf in the Leo I Group.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Christopher Mihos, Patrick R. Durrell, Aaron E. Watkins, Stacy S. McGaugh, John J. Feldmeier

    We use deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging to study the resolved stellar populations in BST1047+1156, a gas-rich, ultradiffuse dwarf galaxy found in the intragroup environment of the Leo I galaxy group. While our imaging reaches approximately two magnitudes below the tip of the red giant branch at the Leo I distance of 11 Mpc, we find no evidence for an old red giant sequence that would signal an extended star formation history for the object. Instead, we clearly detect the red and blue helium burning sequences of its stellar populations, as well as the fainter blue main sequence, all indicative of a recent burst of star formation having taken place over the past 50--250 Myr. Comparing to isochrones for young metal-poor stellar populations, we infer this post-starburst population to be moderately metal poor, with metallicity [M/H] in the range -1 to -1.5. The combination of a young, moderately metal-poor post starburst population and no old stars motivates a scenario in which BST1047 was recently formed during a weak burst of star formation in gas that was tidally stripped from the outskirts of the neighboring massive spiral M96. BST1047's extremely diffuse nature, lack of ongoing star formation, and disturbed HI morphology all argue that it is a transitory object, a "failing tidal dwarf" in the process of being disrupted by interactions within the Leo I group. Finally, in the environment surrounding BST1047, our imaging also reveals the old, metal-poor ([M/H]=-1.3 +/- 0.2) stellar halo of M96 at a projected radius of 50 kpc.

  • Computational approaches to modeling dynamos in galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Frederick A. Gent

    Galaxies are observed to host magnetic fields with a typical total strength of around 15microgauss. A coherent large-scale field constitutes up to a few microgauss of the total, while the rest is built from strong magnetic fluctuations over a wide range of spatial scales. This represents sufficient magnetic energy for it to be dynamically significant. Several questions immediately arise: What is the physical mechanism that gives rise to such magnetic fields? How do these magnetic fields affect the formation and evolution of galaxies? In which physical processes do magnetic fields play a role, and how can that role be characterized? Numerical modelling of magnetized flows in galaxies is playing an ever-increasing role in finding those answers. We review major techniques used for these models. Current results strongly support the conclusion that field growth occurs during the formation of the first galaxies on timescales shorter than their accretion timescales due to small-scale turbulent dynamos. The saturated small-scale dynamo maintains field strengths at a few percent of equipartition with turbulence. The subsequent action of large-scale dynamos in differentially rotating discs produces observed modern field strengths in equipartition with the turbulence and having power at large scales. The field structure resulting appears consistent with observations including Faraday rotation and polarisation from synchrotron and dust thermal emission. Major remaining challenges include scaling numerical models toward realistic scale separations and Prandtl and Reynolds numbers.

  • Organic chemistry in the H2-bearing, CO-rich interstellar ice layer at temperatures relevant to dense cloud interiors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rafael Martín-Doménech, Alexander DelFranco, Karin I. Öberg, Mahesh Rajappan

    Ice chemistry in the dense, cold interstellar medium (ISM) is probably responsible for the formation of interstellar complex organic molecules (COMs). Recent laboratory experiments performed at T=4 K have shown that irradiation of CO:N2 ice samples analog to the CO-rich interstellar ice layer can contribute to the formation of COMs when H2 molecules are present. We have tested this organic chemistry under a broader range of conditions relevant to the interior of dense clouds by irradiating CO:15N2:H2 ice samples with 2 keV electrons in the 4-15 K temperature range. The H2 ice abundance depended on both, the ice formation temperature and the thermal evolution of the samples. Formation of H-bearing organics such as formaldehyde (H2CO), ketene (C2H2O), and isocyanic acid (H15NCO) was observed upon irradiation of ice samples formed at temperatures up to 10 K, and also in ices formed at 6 K and subsequently warmed up and irradiated at temperatures up to 15 K. These results suggest that a fraction of the H2 molecules in dense cloud interiors might be entrapped in the CO-rich layer of interstellar ice mantles, and that energetic processing of this layer could entail an additional contribution to the formation of COMs in the coldest regions of the ISM.

  • Disentangling the association of PAH molecules with star formation : Insights from JWST and UVIT.- [PDF] - [Article]

    K. Ujjwal, Sreeja S Kartha, Akhil Krishna R, Blesson Mathew, Smitha Subramanian, Sudheesh T P, Robin Thomas

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous complex molecules in the interstellar medium and are used as an indirect indicator of star-formation. On the other hand the ultraviolet (UV) emission from the young massive stars directly traces the star formation activity in a galaxy. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), along with the UltraViolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT), opened up a new window of opportunity to make a better understanding of the properties of the PAH molecules associated with the star-forming regions. In this study, we investigate how the resolved scale properties of PAH molecules in nearby galaxies are affected by star-formation. We analyze the PAH features observed at 3.3, 7.7, and 11.3 {\mu}m using F335M, F770W, and F1130W images obtained from JWST. Additionally, we utilize UVIT images to assess the star formation associated with these PAH emitting regions. Our study focuses on three galaxies, namely NGC 628, NGC 1365, and NGC 7496, selected based on the availability of both JWST and UVIT images. Based on the resolved scale study on the PAH bright regions using JWST and UVIT images, we found that the fraction of ionized PAH molecules is high in the star-forming regions with high {\Sigma}SFR. We observed that emission from smaller PAH molecules is more in the star-forming regions with higher {\Sigma}SFR. Our study suggests that the PAH molecules excited by the photons from SF regions with higher {\Sigma}SFR are dominantly smaller and ionized molecules. UV photons from the star-forming regions could be the reason for a higher fraction of the ionized PAHs. We suggest that the effect of high temperature in the star-forming regions and the formation of smaller PAH molecules in the star-forming regions might also be resulting in the higher fraction of emission in the F335MPAH band.

  • Poisson Cluster Process Models for Detecting Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dayi Li, Alex Stringer, Patrick E. Brown, Gwendolyn M. Eadie, Roberto G. Abraham

    We propose a novel set of Poisson Cluster Process (PCP) models to detect Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs), a class of extremely faint, enigmatic galaxies of substantial interest in modern astrophysics. We model the unobserved UDG locations as parent points in a PCP, and infer their positions based on the observed spatial point patterns of their old star cluster systems. Many UDGs have somewhere from a few to hundreds of these old star clusters, which we treat as offspring points in our models. We also present a new framework to construct a marked PCP model using the marks of star clusters. The marked PCP model may enhance the detection of UDGs and offers broad applicability to problems in other disciplines. To assess the overall model performance, we design an innovative assessment tool for spatial prediction problems where only point-referenced ground truth is available, overcoming the limitation of standard ROC analyses where spatial Boolean reference maps are required. We construct a bespoke blocked Gibbs adaptive spatial birth-death-move MCMC algorithm to infer the locations of UDGs using real data from a \textit{Hubble Space Telescope} imaging survey. Based on our performance assessment tool, our novel models significantly outperform existing approaches using the Log-Gaussian Cox Process. We also obtained preliminary evidence that the marked PCP model improves UDG detection performance compared to the model without marks. Furthermore, we find evidence of a potential new ``dark galaxy'' that was not detected by previous methods.

  • Probing the History of the Galaxy Assembly of the Counter-rotating Disk Galaxy PGC 66551.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ivan Katkov, Damir Gasymov, Alexei Kniazev, Joseph Gelfand, Evgenii Rubtsov, Igor Chilingarian, Olga Sil'chenko

    Stellar counter-rotation in disk galaxies directly relates to the complex phenomenon of the disk mass assembly believed to be driven by external processes, such as accretion and mergers. The detailed study of such systems makes it possible to reveal the source of external accretion and establish the details of this process. In this paper, we investigate the galaxy PGC 66551 (MaNGA ID 1-179561) which hosts two large-scale counter-rotating (CR) stellar disks identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey MaNGA data and then confirmed using deep follow-up spectroscopy with the 10m Southern African Large Telescope. We measured the properties of ionized gas and stellar populations of both CR disks in PGC 66551. We found that the CR disk is compact, contains young stars with subsolar metallicity, and has a stellar mass of $5\times10^{9}$ M$_\odot$ which amounts to $\approx$20% of the galaxy's total. Surprisingly, the main 8 Gyr old disk has a significantly lower metallicity of -0.8 dex than other CR galaxies. We developed a simple analytic model of the history of the metal enrichment, which we applied to PGC 66551 and constrained the parameters of the galactic outflow wind, and estimated the metallicity of the infalling gas that formed the CR disk to be -0.9 ... -0.5 dex. Our interpretation prefers a merger with a gas-rich satellite over cold accretion from a cosmic filament as a source of gas, which then formed the CR disk in PGC 66551.

  • Linking UV spectral properties of MUSE Ly-alpha emitters at z>3 to Lyman continuum escape.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    I. G. Kramarenko, J. Kerutt, A. Verhamme, P. A. Oesch, L. Barrufet, J. Matthee, H. Kusakabe, I. Goovaerts, T. T. Thai

    The physical conditions giving rise to high escape fractions of ionizing radiation (LyC $f_{\rm{esc}}$) in star-forming galaxies - most likely protagonists of cosmic reionization - are not yet fully understood. Using the VLT/MUSE observations of ~1400 Ly$\alpha$ emitters at 2.9 < z < 6.7, we compare stacked rest-frame UV spectra of candidates for LyC leakers and non-leakers selected based on their Ly$\alpha$ profiles. We find that the stacks of potential LyC leakers, i.e. galaxies with narrow, symmetric Ly$\alpha$ profiles with small peak separation, generally show (i) strong nebular OIII]1666, [SiIII]1883, and [CIII]1907+CIII]1909 emission, indicating a high-ionization state of the interstellar medium (ISM); (ii) high equivalent widths of HeII1640 (~1-3 A), suggesting the presence of hard ionizing radiation fields; (iii) SiII*1533 emission, revealing substantial amounts of neutral hydrogen off the line of sight; (iv) high CIV1548,1550 to [CIII]1907+CIII]1909 ratios (CIV/CIII] > 0.75), signalling the presence of low column density channels in the ISM. In contrast, the stacks with broad, asymmetric Ly$\alpha$ profiles with large peak separation show weak nebular emission lines, low HeII1640 equivalent widths (<1 A), and low CIV/CIII] (<0.25), implying low-ionization states and high-neutral hydrogen column densities. Our results suggest that CIV/CIII] might be sensitive to the physical conditions that govern LyC photon escape, providing a promising tool for identification of ionizing sources among star-forming galaxies in the epoch of reionization.

  • AGN STORM 2: V. Anomalous Behavior of the CIV Light Curve in Mrk 817.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Y. Homayouni, Gerard A. Kriss, Gisella De Rosa, Rachel Plesha, Edward M. Cackett, Michael R. Goad, Kirk T. Korista, Keith Horne, Travis Fischer, Tim Waters, Aaron J. Barth, Erin A. Kara, Hermine Landt, Nahum Arav, Benjamin D. Boizelle, Misty C. Bentz, Michael S. Brotherton, Doron Chelouche, Elena Dalla Bonta, Maryam Dehghanian, Pu Du, Gary J. Ferland, Carina Fian, Jonathan Gelbord, Catherine J. Grier, Patrick B. Hall, Chen Hu, Dragana Ilic, Michael D. Joner, Jelle Kaastra, Shai Kaspi, Andjelka B. Kovacevic, Daniel Kynoch, Yan-Rong Li, Missagh Mehdipour, Jake A. Miller, Jake Mitchell, John Montano, Hagai Netzer, J. M. M. Neustadt, Ethan Partington, Luka C. Popovic, Daniel Proga, Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann, David Sanmartim, Matthew R. Siebert, Tommaso Treu, Marianne Vestergaard, Jian-Min Wang, et al. (3 additional authors not shown)

    An intensive reverberation mapping campaign on the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk817 using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) revealed significant variations in the response of the broad UV emission lines to fluctuations in the continuum emission. The response of the prominent UV emission lines changes over a $\sim$60-day duration, resulting in distinctly different time lags in the various segments of the light curve over the 14 months observing campaign. One-dimensional echo-mapping models fit these variations if a slowly varying background is included for each emission line. These variations are more evident in the CIV light curve, which is the line least affected by intrinsic absorption in Mrk817 and least blended with neighboring emission lines. We identify five temporal windows with distinct emission line response, and measure their corresponding time delays, which range from 2 to 13 days. These temporal windows are plausibly linked to changes in the UV and X-ray obscuration occurring during these same intervals. The shortest time lags occur during periods with diminishing obscuration, whereas the longest lags occur during periods with rising obscuration. We propose that the obscuring outflow shields the ultraviolet broad lines from the ionizing continuum. The resulting change in the spectral energy distribution of the ionizing continuum, as seen by clouds at a range of distances from the nucleus, is responsible for the changes in the line response.

  • ALMA 300 pc resolution imaging of a z=6.79 quasar: no evidence for supermassive black hole influence on the [C II] kinematics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Romain A. Meyer, Marcel Neeleman, Fabian Walter, Bram Venemans

    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) [C II] 158 $\mu \rm{m}$ and dust continuum observations of the $z=6.79$ quasar J0109--3047 at a resolution of $0."045$ ($\sim$300 pc). The dust and [C II] emission are enclosed within a $\sim 500\, \rm{pc}$ radius, with the central beam ($r<144\ \rm{pc}$) accounting for $\sim$25\% (8\%) of the total continuum ([C II]) emission. The far--infrared luminosity density increases radially from $\sim$5 $\times 10^{11} L_\odot\ \rm{kpc}^{-2}$ to a central value of $\sim$70 $\times 10^{11} L_\odot\ \rm{kpc}^{-2}$ (SFRD $\sim$50-700 $M_\odot\ \rm{yr}^{-1}\ \rm{kpc}^{-2}$). The [C II] kinematics are dispersion-dominated with a constant velocity dispersion of $137 \pm 6 \,\rm{km\ s}^{-1}$. The constant dispersion implies that the underlying mass distribution is not centrally peaked, consistent with the expectations of a flat gas mass profile. The lack of an upturn in velocity dispersion within the central beam is inconsistent with a black hole mass greater than $M_{\rm{BH}}<6.5\times 10^{8}\ M_\odot\ (2\sigma$ level), unless highly fine-tuned changes in the ISM properties conspire to produce a decrease of the gas mass in the central beam comparable to the black hole mass. Our observations therefore imply either that a) the black hole is less massive than previously measured or b) the central peak of the far-infrared and [C II] emission are not tracing the location of the black hole, as suggested by the tentative offset between the near-infrared position of the quasar and the ALMA continuum emission.

  • Census for the Rest-frame Optical and UV Morphologies of Galaxies at $z=4-10$: First Phase of Inside-Out Galaxy Formation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yoshiaki Ono, Yuichi Harikane, Masami Ouchi, Kimihiko Nakajima, Yuki Isobe, Takatoshi Shibuya, Minami Nakane, Hiroya Umeda, Yi Xu, Yechi Zhang

    We present the rest-frame optical and UV surface brightness (SB) profiles for $149$ galaxies with $M_{\rm opt}< -19.4$ mag at $z=4$-$10$ ($29$ of which are spectroscopically confirmed with JWST NIRSpec), securing high signal-to-noise ratios of $10$-$135$ with deep JWST NIRCam $1$-$5\mu$m images obtained by the CEERS survey. We derive morphologies of our high-$z$ galaxies, carefully evaluating the systematics of SB profile measurements with Monte Carlo simulations as well as the impacts of a) AGNs, b) multiple clumps including galaxy mergers, c) spatial resolution differences with previous HST studies, and d) strong emission lines, e.g., H$\alpha$ and [OIII], on optical morphologies with medium-band F410M images. Conducting S\'ersic profile fitting to our high-$z$ galaxy SBs with GALFIT, we obtain the effective radii of optical $r_{\rm e, opt}$ and UV $r_{\rm e, UV}$ wavelengths ranging $r_{\rm e, opt}=0.05$-$1.6$ kpc and $r_{\rm e, UV}=0.03$-$1.7$ kpc that are consistent with previous results within large scatters in the size luminosity relations. However, we find the effective radius ratio, $r_{\rm e, opt}/r_{\rm e, UV}$, is almost unity, $1.01^{+0.35}_{-0.22}$, over $z=4$-$10$ with no signatures of past inside-out star formation such found at $z\sim 0$-$2$. There are no spatial offsets exceeding $3\sigma$ between the optical and UV morphology centers in case of no mergers, indicative of major star-forming activity only found near a mass center of galaxies at $z\gtrsim 4$ probably experiencing the first phase of inside-out galaxy formation.

  • Nuclear rings are the inner edge of a gap around the Lindblad Resonance.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mattia C. Sormani, Emanuele Sobacchi, Jason L. Sanders

    Gaseous nuclear rings are large-scale coherent structures commonly found at the centres of barred galaxies. We propose that they are an accumulation of gas at the inner edge of an extensive gap that forms around the Inner Lindblad Resonance (ILR). The gap initially opens because the bar potential excites strong trailing waves near the ILR, which remove angular momentum from the gas disc and transport the gas inwards. The gap then widens because the bar potential continuously excites trailing waves at the inner edge of the gap, which remove further angular momentum, moving the edge further inwards until it stops at a distance of several wavelengths from the ILR. The gas accumulating at the inner edge of the gap forms the nuclear ring. The speed at which the gap edge moves and its final distance from the ILR strongly depend on the sound speed, explaining the puzzling dependence of the nuclear ring radius on the sound speed in simulations.

  • The formation of cores in galaxies across cosmic time -- the existence of cores is not in tension with the LCDM paradigm.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. A. Jackson, S. Kaviraj, S. K. Yi, S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, G. Martin, J. E. G. Devriendt, A. Slyz, C. Pichon, M. Volonteri, T. Kimm, K. Kraljic

    The `core-cusp' problem is considered a key challenge to the LCDM paradigm. Halos in dark matter only simulations exhibit `cuspy' profiles, where density continuously increases towards the centre. However, the dark matter profiles of many observed galaxies (particularly in the dwarf regime) deviate strongly from this prediction, with much flatter central regions (`cores'). We use NewHorizon (NH), a hydrodynamical cosmological simulation, to investigate core formation, using a statistically significant number of galaxies in a cosmological volume. Halos containing galaxies in the upper (M* > 10^10.2 MSun) and lower (M* < 10^8 MSun) ends of the stellar mass distribution contain cusps. However, halos containing galaxies with intermediate (10^8 MSun < M* < 10^10.2 MSun) stellar masses are generally cored, with typical halo masses between 10^10.2 MSun and 10^11.5 MSun. Cores form through supernova-driven gas removal from halo centres, which alters the central gravitational potential, inducing dark matter to migrate to larger radii. While all massive (M* > 10^9.5 MSun) galaxies undergo a cored-phase, in some cases cores can be removed and cusps reformed. This happens if a galaxy undergoes sustained star formation at high redshift, which results in stars (which, unlike the gas, cannot be removed by baryonic feedback) dominating the central gravitational potential. After cosmic star formation peaks, the number of cores, and the mass of the halos they are formed in, remain constant, indicating that cores are being routinely formed over cosmic time after a threshold halo mass is reached. The existence of cores is, therefore, not in tension with the standard paradigm.

  • NOEMA reveals the true nature of luminous red JWST z>10 galaxy candidates.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. A. Meyer, L. Barrufet, L. A. Boogaard, R. P. Naidu, P. A. Oesch, F. Walter

    The first year of JWST has revealed a surprisingly large number of luminous galaxy candidates beyond $z>10$. While some galaxies have already been spectroscopically confirmed, there is mounting evidence that a subsample of the candidates with particularly red inferred UV colours are, in fact, lower redshift contaminants. These interlopers are often found to be `HST-dark' or `optically faint' galaxies at $z\sim2-6$, a population that is key to improving our understanding of dust-obscured star formation throughout cosmic time. This paper demonstrates the complementarity of ground-based mm-interferometry and JWST infrared imaging to unveil the true nature of red 1.5-2.0 $\mu \rm{m}$ dropouts that have been selected as ultra-high-redshift galaxy candidates. We present NOEMA Polyfix follow-up observations of four JWST red 1.5-2.0 $\mu \rm{m}$ dropouts selected by Yan et al., 2023 as ultra-high-redshift candidates in the PEARLS-IDF field. The new NOEMA observations constrain the rest-frame far-infrared continuum emission and efficiently discriminate between intermediate- and high-redshift solutions. We report $>10\sigma$ NOEMA continuum detections of all our target galaxies at observed frequencies of $\nu = 236$ and $252\ \rm{GHz}$, with FIR slopes indicating a redshift of $z<5$. We modelled their optical-to-FIR spectral energy distribution (SED) with multiple SED codes, finding that they are not $z>10$ galaxies but dust-obscured, massive star-forming galaxies at $z\sim 2-4$ instead. The contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density (CSFRD) of such sources is not negligible at $z\simeq 3.5$ ($\phi\gtrsim(1.9-4.4)\times10^{-3}\ \rm{cMpc}^{-3}$; or $>3-6\%$ of the total CSFRD), in line with previous studies of optically faint and sub-millimeter galaxies. This approach opens up a new window onto obscured star formation at intermediate redshifts [abridged].

  • Lyman-alpha at Cosmic Noon II: The relationship between kinematics and Lyman-alpha in z~2-3 Lyman Break Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Garry Foran, Jeff Cooke, Emily Wisnioski, Naveen Reddy, Charles Steidel

    We report for the first time a relationship between galaxy kinematics and net Lyman-alpha equivalent width (net Lya EW) in star forming galaxies during the epoch of peak cosmic star formation. Building on the previously reported broadband imaging segregation of Lya-emitting and Lya-absorbing Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z~2 (Paper I in this series) and previously at z~3, we use the Lya spectral type classification method to study the relationship between net Lya EW and nebular emission-line kinematics determined from IFU spectroscopy. We show that z~2 and z~3 LBGs segregate in colour-magnitude space according to their kinematic properties and Lyman-alpha spectral type, and conclude that LBGs with Lya dominant in absorption are almost exclusively rotation-dominated (presumably disc-like) systems, and LBGs with Lya dominant in emission characteristically have dispersion-dominated kinematics. We quantify the relationship between the strength of rotational dynamic support and net Lya EW, and demonstrate the consistency of our result with other properties that scale with net Lya EW and kinematics. Based on these findings, we suggest a method by which large samples of rotation- and dispersion-dominated galaxies might be selected using broadband imaging in as few as three filters and/or net Lya EW alone. Application of this method will enable an understanding of galaxy kinematic behaviour over large scales in datasets from current and future large-area and all-sky photometric surveys that will select hundreds of millions of LBGs in redshift ranges from z~2-6 across many hundreds to thousands of Mpc. Finally, we speculate that the combination of our result linking net Lya EW and nebular emission-line kinematics with the known large-scale clustering behaviour of Lya-absorbing and Lya-emitting LBGs is evocative of a nascent morphology-density relation at z~2-3.

  • An Algorithm to Mitigate Charge Migration Effects in Data from the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph on the James Webb Space Telescope.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Paul Goudfrooij, David Grumm, Kevin Volk, 2), Howard Bushouse, (2) Canadian Space Agency)

    We present an algorithm that mitigates the effects of charge migration due to the "brighter-fatter effect'' (BFE) that occurs for highly illuminated stars in the Teledyne HAWAII-2RG detectors used in the NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec science instruments aboard the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The impact of this effect is most significant for photometry and spectrophotometry of bright stars in data for which the point spread function (PSF) is undersampled, which is the case for several observing modes of the NIRISS instrument. The main impact of the BFE to NIRISS data is incorrect count rate determinations for pixels in the central regions of PSFs of bright stars due to jump detections that are caused by charge migration from peak pixels to surrounding pixels. The effect is especially significant for bright compact sources in resampled, distortion-free images produced by the drizzle algorithm: quantitatively, apparent flux losses of $>$ 50% can occur in such images due to the BFE. We describe the algorithm of the "charge_migration'' mitigation step that has been implemented in version 10.0 of the operational JWST calibration pipeline as of Dec 5, 2023. We illustrate the impact of this step in terms of the resulting improvements of the precision of imaging photometry of point sources. The algorithm renders the effects of the BFE on photometry and surface brightness measurements to stay within 1%.

  • Analysis of the 3.2-3.3 $\mu$m Interstellar Absorption Feature on Three Milky Way Sightlines.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. S. Bernstein, T. R. Geballe

    We report new analyses of spectra of the $3.2-3.3~\mu$m absorption feature observed in the diffuse interstellar medium toward three Milky Way sources: 2MASS $J17470898-2829561$ (2M1747) and the Quintuplet Cluster, both located in the Galactic center, and Cygnus OB2-12. The $3.2-3.3~\mu$m interval coincides with the CH-stretching region for compact polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We focus on the 2M1747 spectrum. Its published optical depth spectrum contains residual telluric transmission features, which arise from the 0.06 difference in mean airmasses between the observations of the source and its telluric standard star. We corrected the published spectrum by adding the airmass residual optical depth spectrum. The corrected spectrum is well fit by a superposition of four Gaussians. The absorption spectra of the other two sources were also fit by four Gaussians, with similar central wavelengths, widths, and relative peak opacities. We associate the three longer wavelength Gaussians covering the $3.23-3.31~\mu$m interval with compact PAHs in positive, neutral, and negative charge states. We identify the shortest wavelength Gaussian, near 3.21 $\mu$m, with irregularly-shaped PAHs. Constraints imposed by spectral smoothness on the corrected 2M1747 spectrum, augmented by a PAH cluster formation model for post-asymptotic giant branch stars, suggests that $> 99$\%\ of the PAHs in the diffuse interstellar medium reside in small clusters. This study supports the PAH hypothesis, and suggests that a family of primarily compact PAHs with a C$_{66}$H$_{20}$ (circumvalene) parent is consistent with the observed mid-infrared and ultraviolet interstellar absorption spectrum.

  • High-resolution spectroscopic study of extremely metal-poor stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    W. S. Oh, T. Nordlander, G. S. Da Costa, M. S. Bessell, A. D. Mackey

    We present detailed abundance results based on UVES high dispersion spectra for 7 very and extremely metal-poor stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We confirm that all 7 stars, two of which have [Fe/H] $\leq$ --3.0, are the most metal-poor stars discovered so far in the Magellanic Clouds. The element abundance ratios are generally consistent with Milky Way halo stars of similar [Fe/H] values. We find that 2 of the more metal-rich stars in our sample are enhanced in r-process elements. This result contrasts with the literature, where all nine metal-poor LMC stars with higher [Fe/H] values than our sample were found to be rich in r-process elements. The absence of r-process enrichment in stars with lower [Fe/H] values is consistent with a minimum delay timescale of $\sim$100 Myr for the neutron star binary merger process to generate substantial r-process enhancements in the LMC. We find that the occurrence rate of r-process enhancement (r-I or r-II) in our sample of very and extremely metal-poor stars is statistically indistinguishable from that found in the Milky Way's halo, although including stars from the literature sample hints at a larger r-II frequency the LMC. Overall, our results shed light on the earliest epochs of star formation in the LMC that may be applicable to other galaxies of LMC-like mass.

  • Discovery of a circularly symmetric extended diffuse radio emission around an elliptical galaxy with the VLA FIRST survey.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shobha Kumari, Sabyasachi Pal

    We identify a source (J1507+3013) with an extended diffuse radio emission around an elliptical galaxy from the Very Large Array (VLA) Faint Images of Radio Sky at Twenty-cm (FIRST) survey. J1507+3013 possesses a morphology similar to the recently identified circular, low-surface-brightness, edge-brightened radio sources commonly known as odd radio circles (ORCs). Such diffuse emissions, as reported in this paper, are also found in mini-haloes and fossil radio galaxies, but the results presented here do not match the properties of mini-haloes or of fossil radio galaxies. The extended emission observed in J1507+3013 around an elliptical galaxy is a very rare class of diffuse emission that is unlike any previously known class of diffuse emission. The extended diffuse emission of J1507+3013 is also detected in the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) at 144 MHz. J1507+3013 is hosted by an optical galaxy near the geometrical centre of the structure with a photometric redshift of $z=0.079$. The physical extent of J1507+3013 is approximately 68 kpc, with a peak-to-peak angular size of 44 arcsec. It shows a significantly higher flux density compared with previously discovered ORCs. The spectral index of J1507+3013 varies between -0.90 and -1.4 in different regions of the diffuse structure, which is comparable to the case for previously discovered ORCs but less steep than for mini-haloes and fossil radio galaxies. If we consider J1507+3013 as a candidate ORC, then this would be the closest and most luminous ORC discovered so far. This paper describes the radio, spectral, and optical/IR properties of J1507+3013 in order to study the nature of this source.


  • Setting the stage for the search for life with the Habitable Worlds Observatory: Properties of 164 promising planet survey targets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Caleb K. Harada, Courtney D. Dressing, Stephen R. Kane, Bahareh Adami Ardestani

    The Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 (Astro2020) has recommended that NASA realize a large IR/O/UV space telescope optimized for high-contrast imaging and spectroscopy of ~25 exo-Earths and transformative general astrophysics. The NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP) has subsequently released a list of 164 nearby (d<25 pc) targets deemed the most accessible to survey for potentially habitable exoplanets with the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO). We present a catalog of system properties for the 164 ExEP targets, including 1744 abundance measurements for 14 elements from the Hypatia Catalog and 924 photometry measurements spanning from 151.6 nm to 22 {\mu}m in the GALEX, Str\"omgren, Tycho, Gaia, 2MASS, and WISE bandpasses. We independently derive stellar properties for these systems by modeling their spectral energy distributions with Bayesian model averaging. Furthermore, we identify TESS flare rates for 44 stars, optical variability for 78 stars, and X-ray emission for 41 stars in our sample from the literature. We discuss our catalog in the context of planet habitability and draw attention to key gaps in our knowledge where precursor science can help to inform HWO mission design trade studies in the near future. Notably, only 33 of the 164 stars in our sample have reliable space-based UV measurements, and only 40 have a mid-IR measurement. We also find that phosphorus, a bio-essential element, has only been measured in 11 of these stars, motivating future abundance surveys. Our catalog is publicly available and we advocate for its use in forthcoming studies of promising HWO targets.

  • The impact of spectral line wing cut-off: Recommended standard method with application to MAESTRO opacity database.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gharib-Nezhad, Natasha E. Batalha, Katy Chubb, Richard Freedman, Iouli E. Gordon, Robert R. Gamache, Robert J. Hargreaves, Nikole K. Lewis, Jonathan Tennyson, Sergei N. Yurchenko

    When computing cross-sections from a line list, the result depends not only on the line strength, but also the line shape, pressure-broadening parameters, and line wing cut-off (i.e., the maximum distance calculated from each line centre). Pressure-broadening can be described using the Lorentz lineshape, but it is known to not represent the true absorption in the far wings. Both theory and experiment have shown that far from the line centre, non-Lorentzian behaviour controls the shape of the wings and the Lorentz lineshape fails to accurately characterize the absorption, leading to an underestimation or overestimation of the opacity continuum depending on the molecular species involved. The line wing cut-off is an often overlooked parameter when calculating absorption cross sections, but can have a significant effect on the appearance of the spectrum since it dictates the extent of the line wing that contributes to the calculation either side of every line centre. Therefore, when used to analyse exoplanet and brown dwarf spectra, an inaccurate choice for the line wing cut-off can result in errors in the opacity continuum, which propagate into the modeled transit spectra, and ultimately impact/bias the interpretation of observational spectra, and the derived composition and thermal structure. Here, we examine the different methods commonly utilized to calculate the wing cut-off and propose a standard practice procedure (i.e., absolute value of 25~cm$^{-1}$ for $P\leqslant$~200~bar and 100~cm$^{-1}$ for $P >$ ~200~bar) to generate molecular opacities which will be used by the open-access {\tt MAESTRO} (Molecules and Atoms in Exoplanet Science: Tools and Resources for Opacities) database. The pressing need for new measurements and theoretical studies of the far-wings is highlighted.

  • On the Influence of ''Red Leak''of Light Filters on the Brightness Estimates of Stars of Late Spectral Types Illustrated by the Observations of Rapid Variability of Symbiotic Stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. E. Nikishev, N. A. Maslennikova, A. M. Tatarnikov, K. Yu. Parusov, A. A. Belinski

    The results of modeling the dependence of the red leak of photometric filters on various factors (color index V-R, luminosity class, interstellar reddening, airmass and PWV) during observations of stars are presented. The error arising from not taking into account the red leak in the case of filters used on the 0.6-m telescope of the CMO SAI can amount to 0.6-0.8 mag for late stars. Algorithms for reducing observational data are presented for filters U and B. The results of observations of the rapid variability of two symbiotic stars CH Cyg and SU Lyn with cold components of very late spectral types are presented. For CH Cyg, rapid variability was detected on both observation dates. Taking into account the red leak effect, the amplitude in the B band was 0.10 mag on November 6, 2019 and 0.19 mag on December 15, 2022, with a characteristic variability time of about 20 minutes. For SU Lyn, no rapid brightness variability was detected in the B band on February 2, 2023 (with an accuracy of 0.003 mag).

  • Near-Earth Object Observations using Synthetic Tracking.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chengxing Zhai, Michael Shao, Navtej Saini, Philip Choi, Nez Evans, Russell Trahan, Kutay Nazli, Max Zhan

    Synthetic tracking (ST) has emerged as a potent technique for observing fast-moving near-Earth objects (NEOs), offering enhanced detection sensitivity and astrometric accuracy by avoiding trailing loss. This approach also empowers small telescopes to use prolonged integration times to achieve high sensitivity for NEO surveys and follow-up observations. In this study, we present the outcomes of ST observations conducted with Pomona College's 1 m telescope at the Table Mountain Facility and JPL's robotic telescopes at the Sierra Remote Observatory. The results showcase astrometric accuracy statistics comparable to stellar astrometry, irrespective of an object's rate of motion, and the capability to detect faint asteroids beyond 20.5th magnitude using 11-inch telescopes. Furthermore, we detail the technical aspects of data processing, including the correction of differential chromatic refraction in the atmosphere and accurate timing for image stacking, which contribute to achieving precise astrometry. We also provide compelling examples that showcase the robustness of ST even when asteroids closely approach stars or bright satellites cause disturbances. Moreover, we illustrate the proficiency of ST in recovering NEO candidates with highly uncertain ephemerides. As a glimpse of the potential of NEO surveys utilizing small robotic telescopes with ST, we present significant statistics from our NEO survey conducted for testing purposes. These findings underscore the promise and effectiveness of ST as a powerful tool for observing fast-moving NEOs, offering valuable insights into their trajectories and characteristics. Overall, the adoption of ST stands to revolutionize fast-moving NEO observations for planetary defense and studying these celestial bodies.

  • Nuclear Thermo-Electric Thruster.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jessica Tymczak

    We present a theoretical analysis of an innovative combination of a nuclear thermal and electromagnetic (EM) thruster. Specifically, we scrutinize the thermodynamics involved in integrating a nuclear thermal reactor with an expansion turbine. This configuration facilitates the generation of substantial electrical power, which is then utilized to power an EM thruster (similar to an afterburner). This process results in a notable increase in the ISP from 900 to 1200 without the necessity for thermal radiators. Furthermore, by incorporating thermal radiators, the ISP can be further increased to approximately 4000. This enhancement allows for a significant reduction in transit time to destinations such as Mars and the outer and inner planets. We provide several examples to illustrate the potential applications of this innovative propulsion system.

  • The JCMT Transient Survey: Six-Year Summary of 450/850\,$\mu$m Protostellar Variability and Calibration Pipeline Version 2.0.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Steve Mairs, Seonjae Lee, Doug Johnstone, Colton Broughton, Jeong-Eun Lee, Gregory J. Herczeg, Graham S. Bell, Zhiwei Chen, Carlos Contreras-Peña, Logan Francis, Jennifer Hatchell, Mi-Ryang Kim, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Geumsook Park, Keping Qiu, Yao-Te Wang, Xu Zhang, JCMT Transient Team

    The JCMT Transient Survey has been monitoring eight Gould Belt low-mass star-forming regions since December 2015 and six somewhat more distant intermediate-mass star-forming regions since February 2020 with SCUBA-2 on the JCMT at \ShortS and \LongS and with an approximately monthly cadence. We introduce our Pipeline v2 relative calibration procedures for image alignment and flux calibration across epochs, improving on our previous Pipeline v1 by decreasing measurement uncertainties and providing additional robustness. These new techniques work at both \LongS and \ShortNS, where v1 only allowed investigation of the \LongS data. Pipeline v2 achieves better than $0.5^{\prime\prime}$ relative image alignment, less than a tenth of the submillimeter beam widths. The v2 relative flux calibration is found to be 1\% at \LongS and $<5$\% at \ShortNS. The improvement in the calibration is demonstrated by comparing the two pipelines over the first four years of the survey and recovering additional robust variables with v2. Using the full six years of the Gould Belt survey the number of robust variables increases by 50\,\%, and at \ShortS we identify four robust variables, all of which are also robust at \LongNS. The multi-wavelength light curves for these sources are investigated and found to be consistent with the variability being due to dust heating within the envelope in response to accretion luminosity changes from the central source.

  • FAIR approach for Low Frequency Radio Astronomy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Baptiste Cecconi

    The Open Science paradigm and the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) are aiming at fostering scientific return, and reinforcing the trust in science production. The MASER (Measuring, Analysing and Simulating Emissions in the Radio range) services implement Open Science through a series of existing solutions that have been put together, only adding new pieces where needed. It is a "science ready" toolbox dedicated to time-domain low frequency radioastronomy, which data products mostly covers solar and planetary observations. MASER solutions are based on IVOA protocols for data discovery, on IHDEA tools for data exploration, and on a dedicated format developed by MASER for the temporal-spectral annotations. The service also proposes a data repository for sharing data collections, catalogues and associated documentation, as well as supplementary materials associated to papers. Each collection is managed through a Data Management Plan, which purpose is two-fold: supporting the provider for managing the collection content; and supporting the data centre for resource management. Each product of the repository is citable with a DOI, and the landing page contains web semantics annotations (using

  • ARES VI: Viability of one-dimensional retrieval models for transmission spectroscopy characterization of exo-atmospheres in the era of JWST and Ariel.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam Yassin Jaziri, William Pluriel, Andrea Bocchieri, Emilie Panek, Lucas Teinturier, Anastasiia Ivanova, Natalia E. Rektsini, Pierre Drossart, Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Aurélien Falco, Jeremy Leconte, Lorenzo V. Mugnai, Olivia Venot

    Observed exoplanet transit spectra are usually retrieved using 1D models to determine atmospheric composition while planetary atmospheres are 3D. With the JWST and future space telescopes such as Ariel, we will be able to obtain increasingly accurate transit spectra. The 3D effects on the spectra will be visible, and we can expect biases in the 1D extractions. In order to elucidate these biases, we have built theoretical observations of transit spectra, from 3D atmospheric modeling through transit modeling to instrument modeling. 3D effects are observed to be strongly nonlinear from the coldest to the hottest planets. These effects also depend on the planet's metallicity and gravity. Considering equilibrium chemistry, 3D effects are observed through very strong variations in certain features of the molecule or very small variations over the whole spectrum. We conclude that we cannot rely on the uncertainty of retrievals at all pressures, and that we must be cautious about the results of retrievals at the top of the atmosphere. However the results are still fairly close to the truth at mid-altitudes (those probed). We also need to be careful with the chemical models used for planetary atmosphere. If the chemistry of one molecule is not correctly described, this will bias all the others, and the retrieved temperature as well. Finally, although fitting a wider wavelength range and higher resolution has been shown to increase retrieval accuracy, we show that this could depend on the wavelength range chosen, due to the accuracy on modeling the different features. In any case, 1D retrievals are still correct for the detection of molecules, even in the event of an erroneous abundance retrieval.

  • Tangent Velocity constraint for orbital maneuvers with Theory of Functional Connections.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. K. de Almeida Jr., T. Vaillant, V. M. de Oliveira, D. Barbosa, D. Maia, S. Aljbaae, B. Coelho, M. Bergano, J. Pandeirada, A.F.B.A. Prado, A. Guerman, A.C.M. Correia

    Maneuvering a spacecraft in the cislunar space is a complex problem, since it is highly perturbed by the gravitational influence of both the Earth and the Moon, and possibly also the Sun. Trajectories minimizing the needed fuel are generally preferred in order to decrease the mass of the payload. A classical method to constrain maneuvers is mathematically modelling them using the Two Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP), defining spacecraft positions at the start and end of the trajectory. Solutions to this problem can then be obtained with optimization techniques like the nonlinear least squares conjugated with the Theory of Functional Connections (TFC) to embed the constraints, which recently became an effective method for deducing orbit transfers. In this paper, we propose a tangential velocity (TV) type of constraints to design orbital maneuvers. We show that the technique presented in this paper can be used to transfer a spacecraft (e.g. from the Earth to the Moon) and perform rendezvous maneuvers (e.g. a swing-by with the Moon). In comparison with the TPBVP, solving the TV constraints via TFC offers several advantages, leading to a significant reduction in computational time. Hence, it proves to be an efficient technique to design these maneuvers.

  • Resident space object detection method based on the connection between Fourier spectrum of the video data difference frame and the linear velocity projection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V.S. Baranova, A.A. Spiridonov, V.A. Cherny, D.V. Ushakov, V.A. Saetchnikov

    A method for resident space object (RSO) detection in video stream processing using a set of matched filters has been proposed. Matched filters are constructed based on the connection between the Fourier spectrum shape of the difference frame and the magnitude of the linear velocity projection onto the observation plane. Experimental data were obtained using the mobile optical surveillance system for low-orbit space objects. The detection problem in testing mode was solved for raw video data with intensity signals from three different satellites: KORONAS-FOTON, CUSAT 2/FALCON 9, GENESIS 1. Difference frames of video data with the AQUA satellite pass to construct matched filters were used. The satellites were automatically detected at points where the difference in the value of their linear velocity projection and the reference satellite was close in value. It has been established that the difference in the inclination angle between the detected satellite intensity signal Fourier image and the reference satellite mask corresponds to the difference in the inclinations of these objects. The proposed method allows not only to detect but also to study the motion parameters of both artificial and natural space objects, such as satellites, debris and asteroids.

  • A novel eccentricity parameterization for transit-only models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jason D. Eastman

    We present a novel eccentricity parameterization for transit-only fits that allows us to efficiently sample the eccentricity and argument of periastron, while being able to generate a self-consistent model of a planet in a Keplerian orbit around its host star. With simulated fits of 330 randomly generated systems, we demonstrate that typical parameterizations often lead to inaccurate and overly precise determinations of the planetary eccentricity. However, our proposed parameterization allows us to accurately -- and often precisely -- recover the eccentricity for the simulated planetary systems with only transit data available.


  • Hawking radiation inside a rotating black hole.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tyler McMaken, Andrew J. S. Hamilton

    In semiclassical gravity, the vacuum expectation value ${\langle N\rangle}$ of the particle number operator for a quantum field gives rise to the perception of thermal radiation in the vicinity of a black hole. This Hawking effect has been examined only for observers asymptotically far from a Kerr black hole; here we generalize the analysis to various classes of freely falling observers both outside and inside the Kerr event horizon. Of note, we find that the effective temperature of the ${\langle N\rangle}$ distribution remains regular for observers at the event horizon but becomes negative and divergent for observers reaching the inner Cauchy horizon. Furthermore, the perception of Hawking radiation varies greatly for different classes of observers, though the spectrum is generally a graybody that decreases in intensity with black hole spin and increases in temperature when looking toward the edges of the black hole shadow.

  • Comparison and application of different post-Newtonian models for inspiralling stellar-mass binary black holes with space-based GW detectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jie Wu, Jin Li

    Space-based gravitational wave (GW) detectors are expected to detect the stellar-mass binary black holes (SBBHs) inspiralling in the low-frequency band, which exist in several years before the merger. Accurate GW waveforms in the inspiral phase are crucial for the detection and analysis of those SBBHs. In our study, based on post-Newtonian (PN) models, we investigate the differences in the detection, accuracy requirement, and parameter estimation of SBBHs in the cases of LISA, Taiji, and their joint detection. We find that low-order PN models are sufficient for simulating low-mass ($\le 50\ \mathrm{M}_\odot$) SBBHs population. Moreover, for detectable SBBHs in space-based GW detectors, over 90% of the GW signals from low-order PN models meet accuracy requirement. Additionally, different PN models do not exhibit significant differences in Bayesian inference. Our research provides a comprehensive reference for balancing computational resources and the desired accuracy of GW waveform generation. It highlights the suitability of low-order PN models for simulating SBBHs and emphasizes their potential in the detection and parameter estimation of SBBHs.

  • Radiation properties of the accretion disk around a black hole in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mirzabek Alloqulov, Sanjar Shaymatov, Bobomurat Ahmedov, Abdul Jawad

    In this study, we explore the properties of a non-rotating black hole in the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar (EMS) theory and investigate the luminosity of the accretion disk surrounding it. We determine all the orbital parameters of particles in the accretion disk, including the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) with angular velocity, angular momentum, and energy. Further, we study the radiative efficiency for different values of black hole parameters. Finally, we analyze the flux, differential luminosity, and temperature of the accretion disk.

  • Euler-Heisenberg black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shi-Jie Ma, Rui-Bo Wang, Jian-Bo Deng, Xian-Ru Hu

    The Euler-Heisenberg black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter is studied. In order to derive the metric, we elaborate on a method for generating the metric and its associated conditions. Based on the metric we derived, we investigate the optical properties, including the photon orbit and the image of the thin accretion disk with the Novikov-Thorne model, as well as the thermodynamics in anti-de Sitter spacetime. Our research illustrated the influence of quantum electrodynamics effect and dark matter on the photon trajectories, and revealed that the phenomena of Doppler shift and gravitational redshift will drastically affect the observed intensity of the accretion disk. In the realm of thermodynamics, we calculated the phase transition and criticality in extended phase space. The result showed that the effect of dark matter will distinctly determine the number of critical points for the black hole.

  • On Some Quantum Correction to the Coulomb Potential in Generalized Uncertainty Principle Approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Baradaran, L.M. Nieto, S. Zarrinkamar

    Taking into account the importance of the unified theory of quantum mechanics and gravity, and the existence of a minimum length of the order of the Planck scale, we consider a modified Schr\"odinger equation resulting from a generalised uncertainty principle, which finds applications from the realm of quantum information to large-scale physics, with a quantum mechanically corrected gravitational interaction proposed very recently. As the resulting equation cannot be solved by common exact approaches, including Heun or Lie algebraic ones, we propose a Bethe-Ansatz approach, which will be applied and whose results we discuss.

  • Nontensorial gravitational wave polarizations from the tensorial degrees of freedom: I. Linearized Lorentz-violating theory of gravity with s tensor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shaoqi Hou, Xi-Long Fan, Tao Zhu, Zong-Hong Zhu

    General relativity predicts the existence of only two tensorial gravitational wave polarizations, while a generic metric theories of gravity can possess up to four additional polarizations, including two vector and two scalar ones. These vector/scalar polarizations are in general generated by the intrinsic new vector/scalar degrees of freedom of the specific theories of gravity. In this paper, we show that, with the violation of the Lorentz symmetry in the framework of the standard model extension, the additional nontensorial polarizations can be directly excited by the two tensorial degrees of freedom. We consider the diffeomorphism invariant standard model extension in the gravity sector with the Lorentz-violating coefficients $\hat{boldsymbol s}^{(d)\mu\rho\nu\sigma}$ of the even mass dimension $d\ge4$. In addition to the extra polarizations induced by the tensor modes, the gravitational wave in this theory travels at a speed depending on the propagation direction, experiences dispersion if and only if $d\ge6$, and possesses neither velocity nor amplitude birefringence. The excitement of the extra polarizations is also chiral. The antenna pattern functions of interferometers due to such kind of gravitational waves are generally linear combinations of those for all polarizations. Detected by pulsar timing arrays and the Gaia satellite, the stochastic gravitational wave background in this model could induce couplings among cross correlations, of the redshifts of photons and the astrometric deflections of the positions of pulsars, for different polarizations. These characteristics enable the use of interferometers, pulsar timing arrays and Gaia mission to constrain this model.

  • Homogeneous Symmetry Operators in Kerr--NUT--AdS Spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Finnian Gray, David Kubiznak

    It is well known that the Kerr--NUT--AdS spacetimes possess hidden symmetries encoded in the so-called principal Killing--Yano tensor. In this paper, focusing on the four-dimensional case, we obtain a number of symmetry operators for scalar, vector, and tensor perturbations, that are of degree two (to be defined below) and homogeneous in the principal tensor. In particular, by considering homogeneous operators that are linear, quadratic, and cubic in the principal tensor, we recover a complete set of 4 mutually commuting operators for scalar perturbations, underlying the separability of (massive) scalar wave equation. Proceeding to vector and tensor perturbations of the Kerr--NUT--AdS spacetimes, we find a set of 7 and 8 commuting operators, respectively. It remains to be seen whether such operators can be used to separate the corresponding spin 1 and spin 2 test field equations in these spacetimes.

  • The cosmic string in Horndeski-like gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fabiano F. Santos, Jackson Levi Said

    Scalar-tensor theories have shown promise in many sectors of cosmology. However, recent constraints from the speed of gravitational waves have put severe limits on the breadth of models such classes of theories can realize. In this work, we explore the possibility of a string-like Horndeski Lagrangian that is equipped with two dilaton fields. This is an interesting low-energy effective string theory that has a healthy general relativity limit. The evolution of a two-dilation coupled cosmology is not well-known in the literature. We explore the tensor perturbations in order to assess the behavior of the model again the speed of gravitational wave constraint. Our main result is that this model exhibits of a class of cosmological theories that is consistent with this observational constraint.

  • Breakdown of Field Theory in Near-Horizon Regions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tom Banks, Patrick Draper, Manthos Karydas

    We discuss back-reaction in the semiclassical treatment of quantum fields near a black hole. When the state deviates significantly from Hartle-Hawking, simple energetic considerations of back-reaction give rise to a characteristic radial distance scale $\sim (r_s^{2}G_N)^{1/D}$, below which some breakdown of effective field theory may occur.

  • Singularity removal in a quantum effective evolution of the Mixmaster cosmological model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Héctor Hugo Hernández Hernández, Gustavo Alejandro Sánchez Herrera

    In this work we analyze the evolution of the quantum Mixmaster cosmological model within an effective approach. In particular, we study the behaviour of the scale factor and anisotropies of the theory, and determine how it deviates from its classical counterpart due to quantum back-reaction. Remarkably, we determine that the effective evolution avoids the initial singularity. The semiclassical dynamic of the system is obtained from a Hamiltonian in an extended phase space, whose classical position and momentum variables are the expectation values of the corresponding quantum operators, as well as of quantum dispersions and correlations of the system, and is in this framework that we obtain semiclassical one-particle trajectories.

  • The Hawking temperature of dynamical black holes via conformal transformations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pravin Kumar Dahal, Swayamsiddha Maharana

    In this second part of our two-series on extracting the Hawking temperature of dynamical black holes, we focus into spacetimes that are conformal transformations of static spacetimes. Our previous investigation builds upon the Unruh-Hawking analogy, which relates the spacetime of a uniformly accelerating observer to the near-horizon region of a black hole, to obtain the Hawking temperature. However, in this work, we explicitly compute the Bogoliubov coefficients associated with incoming and outgoing modes, which not only yields the temperature but also thermal spectrum of particles emitted by a black hole. For illustration, we take the simplest nontrivial example of the linear Vaidya spacetime, which is conformal to the static metric and using this property, we analytically solve the massless scalar field in its background. This allows the explicit computations of the Bogoliubov coefficients to study the particle production in this spacetime. We also derive an expression for the total mass of such dynamical spacetimes using the conformal Killing vector. We then perform differential variations of the mass formula to determine whether the laws of dynamical black hole mechanics correspond to the laws of thermodynamics.

  • Constraints on Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet gravity with Taiji.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Weilong Luo, Chang Liu, Zong-Kuan Guo

    In the 2030s, space-based gravitational-wave (GW) detectors will exhibit unprecedented sensitivity in the millihertz frequency band, greatly expanding the potential for testing theories of gravity compared to ground-based GW detectors. Inspired by effective string theory, Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet (EdGB) gravity introduces an extra dilaton scalar field that is directly coupled to higher curvature terms. Here, we investigate the capability of Taiji to constrain the parameters of EdGB gravity by analyzing GWs from massive black hole binaries (MBHBs). We utilize the parameterized post-Einsteinian (ppE) waveform with the leading order EdGB corrections for the inspiral phase of MBHBs. The constraints on the coupling constants are obtained by performing Fisher matrix analysis. With different mass ratios and spins $\chi_i$ at redshifts $z=2,3,4,5$, the $1\sigma$ bounds on the parameter $\alpha$ have the same order of magnitude: $\sqrt{\alpha}\sim 10^7$m.

  • Direct Smooth Reconstruction of Inflationary Models in f(R) gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gianluca Giacomozzi, Sergio Zerbini

    Starting from parametrization of scalar perturbations generated during inflation in terms of $e$--fold $N$ and using an approach recently developed by Starobinsky, dubbed "direct smooth reconstruction", we show that, in the slow--roll approximation, it is possible to reconstruct the inflation potential in the Einstein frame and its corresponding Lagrangian $f(R)$ model

  • In-vacuo dispersion from $\kappa$-anti-de Sitter algebra.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Iarley P. Lobo

    Based on deformed translations in $\kappa$-anti-de Sitter algebra, we derive a delay in the time of detection between a soft and a hard photon which are simultaneously emitted at a distant event, at first order in the quantum gravity parameter. In the basis analyzed, the trajectories are undeformed and the effect depends exclusively on the symmetry properties of the quantum algebra. The time delay depends linearly on the energy of the hard particle and has a sinusoidal dependence on the redshift of the source.

  • Quantumness of gravitational field: A perspective on monogamy relation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuuki Sugiyama, Akira Matsumura, Kazuhiro Yamamoto

    Understanding the phenomenon of quantum superposition of gravitational fields induced by massive quantum particles is an important starting point for quantum gravity. The purpose of this study is to deepen our understanding of the phenomenon of quantum superposition of gravitational fields. To this end, we consider a trade-off relation of entanglement (monogamy relation) in a tripartite system consisting of two massive particles and a gravitational field that may be entangled with each other. Consequently, if two particles cannot exchange information mutually, they are in a separable state, and the particle and gravitational field are always entangled. Furthermore, even when two particles can send information to each other, there is a trade-off between the two particles and the gravitational field. We also investigate the behavior of the quantum superposition of the gravitational field using quantum discord. We find that quantum discord increases depending on the length scale of the particle superposition. Our results may help understand the relationship between the quantization of the gravitational field and the meaning of the quantum superposition of the gravitational field.

  • The gravitational angular momentum for the super-energy Bel-Robinson tensor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lau Loi So

    Although the super-energy Bel-Robinson tensor gives a desirable gravitational energy-momentum in a small sphere region, the angular-momentum is vanishing. Intuitively, it should be non-zero. Our present work shows that indeed the angular momentum is non-vanishing under the continuity equation requirement. Meanwhile this angular momentum can be converted as a ``Poynting" vector. In addition, by the analog, we also constructed the four ``Maxwell" equations in general relativity.

  • Localization in Quantum Field Theory for inertial and accelerated observers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Riccardo Falcone, Claudio Conti

    We study the problem of localization in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) from the point of view of inertial and accelerated experimenters. We consider the Newton-Wigner, the Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT) and the modal localization schemes, which are, respectively, based on the orthogonality condition for states localized in disjoint regions of space, on the algebraic approach to QFT and on the representation of single particles as positive frequency solution of the field equation. We show that only the AQFT scheme obeys causality and physical invariance under diffeomorphisms. Then, we consider the nonrelativistic limit of quantum fields in the Rindler frame. We demonstrate the convergence between the AQFT and the modal scheme and we show the emergence of the Born notion of localization of states and observables. Also, we study the scenario in which an experimenter prepares states over a background vacuum by means of nonrelativistic local operators and another experimenter carries out nonrelativistic local measurements in a different region. We find that the independence between preparation of states and measurements is not guaranteed when both experimenters are accelerated and the background state is different from Rindler vacuum, or when one of the two experimenters is inertial.

  • From black hole mimickers to black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Roberto Casadio, Alexander Kamenshchik, Jorge Ovalle

    We present a simple analytical model for studying the collapse of an ultracompact stellar object (regular black hole mimicker with infinite redshift surface) to form a (integrable) black hole, in the framework of General Relativity. Both initial and final configurations have the same ADM mass, so that the transition represents an internal redistribution of matter without emission of energy. The model, despite being quite idealized, can be viewed as a good starting point to investigate near-horizon quantum physics

  • Gluing-at-infinity of two-dimensional asymptotically locally hyperbolic manifolds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Piotr T. Chruściel, Raphaela Wutte

    We review notions of mass of asymptotically locally Anti-de Sitter three-dimensional spacetimes, and apply them to some known solutions. For two-dimensional general relativistic initial data sets the mass is not invariant under asymptotic symmetries, but a unique mass parameter can be obtained either by minimisation, or by a monodromy construction, or both. We give an elementary proof of positivity, and of a Penrose-type inequality, in a natural gauge. We apply the "Maskit gluing construction" to time-symmetric asymptotically locally hyperbolic vacuum initial data sets and derive mass/entropy formulae for the resulting manifolds.

  • Mimetic-$f(Q)$ gravity: cosmic reconstruction and energy conditions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam Z. Kaczmarek

    In this study, we present a novel approach to mimetic gravity incorporating a non-zero nonmetricity tensor with vanishing torsion and curvature, establishing a generalized mimetic-$f(Q)$ gravity framework. Using the Lagrange multiplier method, we have obtained and discussed characteristics of the theory's field equations. In order to study cosmic evolution given by the hybrid scale factor, we implemented the reconstruction method in two different ways. In the first case, we have obtained corresponding Lagrange multiplier $\eta$ and potential $U$ for the specific $f(Q)=f(Q)=Q-6\lambda M^2\big(\frac{Q}{6M^2}\big)^\alpha$ function, while in the second scenario we have recovered $f(Q)$ functional and mimetic potential for the given Lagrange multiplier $\eta_0+\gamma H^2$. Subsequently, we explore the fundamental properties of the $f(Q)=Q-6\lambda M^2\big(\frac{Q}{6M^2}\big)^\alpha$ model and analyse the energy conditions to establish its validity. Our findings indicate that the framework introduced herein allows for the derivation of a wide range of viable cosmological models that satisfy energy constraints that are necessary in description of the accelerated expansion.

  • Non-relativistic regime and topology: topological term in the Einstein equation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Quentin Vigneron

    We study the non-relativistic (NR) limit of relativistic spacetimes in relation with the topology of the Universe. We first show that the NR limit of the Einstein equation is only possible in Euclidean topologies, i.e. for which the covering space is $\mathbb{E}^3$. We interpret this result as an inconsistency of general relativity in non-Euclidean topologies and propose a modification of that theory which allows for the limit to be performed in any topology. For this, a second reference non-dynamical connection is introduced in addition to the physical spacetime connection. The choice of reference connection is related to the covering space of the spacetime topology. Instead of featuring only the physical spacetime Ricci tensor, the modified Einstein equation features the difference between the physical and the reference Ricci tensors. This theory should be considered instead of general relativity if one wants to study a model universe with a non-Euclidean topology and admitting a non-relativistic limit.

  • Perturbations of General Relativity to All Orders and the General $n^{\rm th}$ Order Terms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kyoungho Cho, Kwangeon Kim, Kanghoon Lee

    We derive all-order expressions for perturbations of the Einstein-Hilbert action and the Einstein equation with the general $n$-th order terms. To this end, we employ Cheung and Remmen's perturbation conventions both in tensor density and the usual metric tensor formalisms, including the Einstein-dilaton theory. Remarkably, we find minimal building blocks that generate the entire perturbations for each of our formulations. We show that the number of terms of perturbations grows linearly as the order of perturbations increases. We regard our results as the reference and discuss how to derive perturbations in other conventions from the reference. As a consistency check, we compute graviton scattering amplitudes using the perturbiner method based on the perturbative Einstein equation. Finally we discuss how to generalise the results to curved backgrounds and incorporate additional matter.

  • Quench Dynamics in Holographic First-Order Phase Transition.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Qian Chen, Yuxuan Liu, Yu Tian, Xiaoning Wu, Hongbao Zhang

    In this work, we investigate the real-time dynamics of quenching a state from phase separation in a holographic model of first-order phase transition. In addition to the typical phase-separated and high-energy final states, we have discovered a novel dynamical process that drives the system to a low-temperature supercooled final state within a narrow range of quench parameters. The critical behavior is also revealed during the fully non-linear dynamics. Following a sudden quench with critical parameters, the phase separation can be attracted to a critical nucleus. Specifically, the critical nucleus will subsequently shrink in size and eventually disappear for super-critical parameters, where the system is actually supercooled with a temperature lower than the initial one. While for sub-critical parameters, the nucleus will grow in size and finally reform a phase separation, where the absorbed quenching energy is reflected in the increment of the latent heat.

  • Characteristic Gluing with $\Lambda$ 1. Linearised Einstein equations on four-dimensional spacetimes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Piotr T. Chruściel, Wan Cong

    We establish a gluing theorem for linearised vacuum gravitational fields in Bondi gauge on a class of characteristic surfaces in static vacuum four-dimensional backgrounds with cosmological constant $\Lambda \in \mathbb{R}$ and arbitrary topology of the compact cross-sections of the null hypersurface. This generalises and complements, in the linearised case, the pioneering analysis of Aretakis, Czimek and Rodnianski, carried-out on light-cones in Minkowski spacetime.

  • On sufficient conditions for degrees of freedom counting of multi-field generalised Proca theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sujiphat Janaun, Pichet Vanichchapongjaroen

    We derive sufficient conditions for theories consisting of multiple vector fields, which could also couple to external fields, to be multi-field generalised Proca theories. The conditions are derived by demanding that the theories have the required structure of constraints, giving the correct number of degrees of freedom. The Faddeev-Jackiw constraint analysis is used and is cross-checked by Lagrangian constraint analysis. To ensure the theory is constraint, we impose a standard special form of Hessian matrix. The derivation benefits from the realisation that the theories are diffeomorphism invariance (or, in the case of flat spacetime, invariant under Lorentz isometry). The sufficient conditions obtained include a refinement of secondary-constraint enforcing relations derived previously in literature, as well as a condition which ensures that the iteration process of constraint analysis terminates. Some examples of theories are analysed to show whether they satisfy the sufficient conditions. Most notably, due to the obtained refinement on some of the conditions, some theories which are previously interpreted as being undesirable are in fact legitimate, and vice versa. This in turn affects the previous interpretations of cosmological implications which should later be reinvestigated.

  • Self-dual gravity in de Sitter space: lightcone ansatz and static-patch scattering.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yasha Neiman

    Using Krasnov's formulation of General Relativity (GR), we develop a lightcone ansatz for self-dual gravity (along with linearized anti-self-dual perturbations) in the Poincare patch of de Sitter space. This amounts to a generalization of Plebanski's "second heavenly equation" to non-zero cosmological constant. The only interaction vertices are cubic ones, found previously by Metsaev in a bottom-up lightcone approach. We point out a special feature of these vertices, which leads to "almost conservation" of energy at each successive order in perturbation theory, despite the time-dependent de Sitter background. Since we embed the lightcone variables into a full spacetime metric, the solutions have a clear geometric interpretation. In particular, this allows us to read off boundary data on both the past and future horizons of a causal (static) patch. In this way, we add self-dual GR to the program of defining & computing scattering amplitudes in a causal patch of de Sitter space.

  • Exploring wormhole solutions in curvature-matter coupling gravity supported by noncommutative geometry and conformal symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    N. S. Kavya, G. Mustafa, V. Venkatesha, P.K. Sahoo

    This article explores new physically viable wormhole solutions within the framework of f(R,Lm) gravity theory, incorporating noncommutative backgrounds and conformal symmetries. The study investigates the impact of model parameters on the existence and properties of wormholes. The derived shape function is found to obey all the required criteria. Specific attention is given to traceless wormholes with Gaussian and Lorentzian distributions, investigating the behavior of the shape functions and energy conditions. In both cases, the presence of exotic fluid is confirmed.

  • Rotating black hole mimicker surrounded by the string cloud.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yi Yang, Dong Liu, Ali Övgün, Gaetano Lambiase, Zheng-Wen Long

    Traversable wormholes and regular black holes usually represent completely different scenarios. But in the black bounce spacetime they can be described by a same line element, which is very attractive. Furthermore, the black hole photos taken by EHT show that black holes have spin, so spin is an indispensable intrinsic property of black holes in the actual universe. In this work, we derive a rotating black hole mimicker surrounded by the string cloud (SC), which can be interpolated to represent regular black hole spacetime and traversable wormhole spacetime. We investigate the effect of the spin $a$ and SC parameter $L$ on the observables (shadow radius $R_s$ and distortion $\delta_s$) and energy emission rate of the black hole mimicker surrounded by the SC. We find that shadow for this spacetime is very sensitive to the $L$, i.e., the SC parameter can significantly increase the boundary of the shadow.

  • Underdetermination in Classic and Modern Tests of General Relativity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    William J. Wolf, Marco Sanchioni, James Read

    Canonically, `classic' tests of general relativity (GR) include perihelion precession, the bending of light around stars, and gravitational redshift; `modern' tests have to do with, inter alia, relativistic time delay, equivalence principle tests, gravitational lensing, strong field gravity, and gravitational waves. The orthodoxy is that both classic and modern tests of GR afford experimental confirmation of that theory in particular. In this article, we question this orthodoxy, by showing there are classes of both relativistic theories (with spatiotemporal geometrical properties different from those of GR) and non-relativistic theories (in which the lightcones of a relativistic spacetime are `widened') which would also pass such tests. Thus, (a) issues of underdetermination in the context of GR loom much larger than one might have thought, and (b) given this, one has to think more carefully about what exactly such tests in fact are testing.

  • Lorentzian Robin Universe.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Manishankar Ailiga, Shubhashis Mallik, Gaurav Narain

    In this paper, we delve into the gravitational path integral of Gauss-Bonnet gravity in four spacetime dimensions, in the mini-superspace approximation. Our primary focus lies in investigating the transition amplitude between distinct boundary configurations. Of particular interest is the case of Robin boundary conditions, known to lead to a stable Universe in Einstein-Hilbert gravity, alongside Neumann boundary conditions. To ensure a consistent variational problem, we supplement the bulk action with suitable surface terms. This study leads us to compute the necessary surface terms required for Gauss-Bonnet gravity with the Robin boundary condition, which wasn't known earlier. Thereafter, we perform an exact computation of the transition amplitude. Through $\hbar\to0$ analysis, we discover that the Gauss-Bonnet gravity inherently favors the initial configuration, aligning with the Hartle-Hawking no-boundary proposal. Remarkably, as the Universe expands, it undergoes a transition from the Euclidean (imaginary time) to the Lorentzian signature (real time). To further reinforce our findings, we employ a saddle point analysis utilizing the Picard-Lefschetz methods. The saddle point analysis allows us to find the initial configurations which lead to Hartle-Hawking no-boundary Universe that agrees with the exact computations. Our study concludes that for positive Gauss-Bonnet coupling, initial configurations corresponding to the Hartle-Hawking no-boundary Universe gives dominant contribution in the gravitational path-integral.

  • Soft Theorems and Memory Effects at Finite Temperatures.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Divyesh N. Solanki, Srijit Bhattacharjee

    We study the soft theorems for photons and gravitons at finite temperatures using the thermofield dynamics approach. The soft factors lose universality at finite temperatures as the soft amplitudes depend on the nature (or spin) of the particles participating in the scattering processes. However, at low temperatures, a universal behaviour is observed in the cross-section of the soft processes. Further, we obtain the thermal contribution to the electromagnetic and gravitational memory effects and show that they are related to the soft factors consistently. The expected zero temperature results are obtained from the soft factors and memories. The thermal effects in soft theorems and memories seem to be sensitive to the spin of the particles involved in scattering.

  • Superdeterminism Without Conspiracy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tim Palmer

    Superdeterminism - where the Measurement Independence assumption in Bell's Theorem is violated - is frequently assumed to imply implausibly conspiratorial correlations between properties $\lambda$ of particles being measured and measurement settings $x$ and $y$. But it doesn't have to be: a superdeterministic but non-conspiratorial locally causal model is developed where each pair of entangled particles has unique $\lambda$. The model is based on a specific but arbitrarily fine discretisation of complex Hilbert space, where $\lambda$ defines the information, over and above the freely chosen nominal settings $x$ and $y$, which fixes the exact measurement settings $X$ and $Y$ of a run of a Bell experiment. Pearlean interventions, needed to assess whether $x$ and $y$ are Bell-type free variables, are shown to be inconsistent with rational-number constraints on the discretised Hilbert states. These constraints limit the post-hoc freedom to vary $x$ keeping $\lambda$ and $y$ fixed but disappear with any coarse-graining of $\lambda$, $X$ and $Y$, rendering so-called drug-trial conspiracies irrelevant. Points in the discretised space can be realised as ensembles of symbolically labelled deterministic trajectories on an `all-at-once' fractal attractor. It is shown how quantum mechanics might be `gloriously explained and derived' as the singular continuum limit of the discretisation of Hilbert space; It is argued that the real message behind Bell's Theorem has less to do with locality, realism or freedom to choose, and more to do with the need to develop more explicitly holistic theories when attempting to synthesise quantum and gravitational physics.

  • No accelerating scaling cosmologies at string tree level?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thomas Van Riet

    We investigate the scalar potential of string compactifications in the parametric regime where string loops and higher derivative corrections to 10d supergravity can be ignored and where the fields are rolling down exponential slopes leading to powerlaw FLRW cosmologies, aka scaling solutions. We argue that these scaling solutions, if describing an accelerating expansion, are likely to be perturbatively unstable, for reasons identical to the perturbative instabilities in tree-level dS vacua.

  • Uniform Asymptotic Approximation Method with P\"oschl-Teller Potential.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rui Pan, John Joseph Marchetta, Jamal Saeed, Gerald Cleaver, Bao-Fei Li, Anzhong Wang, Tao Zhu

    In this paper, we study analytical approximate solutions of the second-order homogeneous differential equations with the existence of only two turning points (but without poles), by using the uniform asymptotic approximation (UAA) method. To be more concrete, we consider the P\"oschl-Teller (PT) potential, for which analytical solutions are known. Depending on the values of the parameters involved in the PT potential, we find that the upper bounds of the errors of the approximate solutions in general are $\lesssim 0.15\% \sim 10\% $, to the first-order approximation of the UAA method. The approximations can be easily extended to high-order, with which the errors are expected to be much smaller. Such obtained analytical solutions can be used to study cosmological perturbations in the framework of quantum cosmology, as well as quasi-normal modes of black holes.

  • On the geometric trinity of gravity, non-relativistic limits, and Maxwell gravitation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Eleanor March, William J. Wolf, James Read

    We show that the dynamical common core of the recently-discovered non-relativistic geometric trinity of gravity is Maxwell gravitation. Moreover, we explain why no analogous distinct dynamical common core exists in the case of the better-known relativistic geometric trinity of gravity.

  • Entropy-area law and temperature of de Sitter horizons from modular theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Edoardo D'Angelo, Markus B. Fröb, Stefano Galanda, Paolo Meda, Albert Much, Kyriakos Papadopoulos

    We derive an entropy-area law for the future horizon of an observer in diamonds inside the static patch of de Sitter spacetime, taking into account the backreaction of quantum matter fields. We prove positivity and convexity of the relative entropy for coherent states using Tomita--Takesaki modular theory, from which the QNEC for diamonds follows. Furthermore, we show that the generalized entropy conjecture holds. Finally, we reveal that the local temperature which is measured by an observer at rest exhibits subleading quantum corrections with respect to the well-known cosmological horizon temperature $H/(2\pi)$.

  • Equivalence principle and generalised accelerating black holes from binary systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marco Astorino

    The Einstein equivalence principle in general relativity allows us to interpret accelerating black holes as a black hole immersed into the gravitational field of a larger companion black hole. Indeed it is demonstrated that C-metrics can be obtained as a limit of a binary system where one of the black holes grows indefinitely large, becoming a Rindler horizon. When the bigger black hole, before the limiting process, is of Schwarzschild type we recover usual accelerating black holes belonging to the Plebanski-Demianski class, thus type D. Whether the greater black hole carries some extra features, such as electric charges or rotations, we get generalised accelerating black holes which belongs to a more general class, the type I. In that case the background has a richer structure, reminiscent of the physical features of the inflated companion, with respect to the standard Rindler spacetime. The general type D metric, describing an accelerating Kerr-NUT black black hole, has well defined limits to all the type-D black holes of general relativity, including the (type-D) accelerating Taub-NUT spacetime.

  • Extra Attraction Generated by Spacetime Fluctuations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Qingdi Wang

    We show that, due to the nonlinear nature of gravity, fluctuations in spacetime curvature generate additional gravitational attraction. This fluctuation-induced extra attraction was overlooked in the conventional understanding of the cosmological constant problem. If the quantum vacuum of matter fields possesses positive energy and negative pressure, it would produce enormous gravitational repulsion, resulting in a catastrophic explosion of the universe -- the acceleration of the universe's expansion would exceed the observed value by some 120 orders of magnitude. We argue that such an enormous repulsion produced by the violent matter fields vacuum can be completely suppressed by the even more substantial attraction generated by the zero-point fluctuations in the spacetime curvature. As a result, the predicted catastrophic explosion of the universe is averted. Furthermore, at small microscopic scales, the structure of spacetime becomes locally highly inhomogeneous and anisotropic. When averaged over large macroscopic scales, the zero-point fluctuations of spacetime itself could drive the observed slow acceleration of the universe's expansion through a subtle parametric resonance effect.

  • Spherical symmetric black hole based on Higher derivative gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jin-Bo He

    The theory of higher derivative gravity is proposed to solve the non-renormalizable problem in quantum gravity.In this article, We use two numerical methods to fit another static spherically symmetric black hole besides the Schwarzschild black hole.We obtain approximate expressions for two numerical solutions, both of which contain a parameter that deviates from the Schwarzschild degree.We also analyze their degree of precision and the quasi-normal modes of the black hole.

  • Heat kernel coefficients for massive gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Renata Ferrero, Markus B. Fröb, William C. C. Lima

    We compute the heat kernel coefficients that are needed for the regularization and renormalization of massive gravity. Starting from the Stueckelberg action for massive gravity, we determine the propagators of the different fields (massive tensor, vector and scalar) in a general linear covariant gauge depending on four free gauge parameters. We then compute the non-minimal heat kernel coefficients for all the components of the scalar, vector and tensor sector, and employ these coefficients to regularize the propagators of all the different fields of massive gravity. We also study the massless limit and discuss the appearance of the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity. In the course of the computation, we derive new identities relating the heat kernel coefficients of different field sectors, both massive and massless.

  • The motion of twisted particles in a stellar gravitational field.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dan-Dan Lian, Peng-Ming Zhang

    A twisted particle possesses intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM), and the dynamics of such a particle may challenge the Einstein Equivalence Principle. In this study, we disregard the spin characteristic of the twisted particle, modeling it as a massless complex twisted scalar wave packet to simplify its interaction with gravitational fields. Building on this simplification, we investigate the gravitational birefringence of the twisted particle by analyzing the center of its energy density. We demonstrate that the gravitational birefringence induced by OAM can potentially exceed that induced by spin by several orders of magnitude, significantly enhancing its detectability. Furthermore, we examine the influence of the nonminimal coupling term $\lambda R|\phi|^2$ on the propagation of the twisted particle through the internal gravitational field of a star. Contrary to the predictions of the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations, our findings show that the trajectory of the twisted particle under nonminimal coupling differs from that in the minimal coupling scenario. Specifically, we find that for a positive nonminimal coupling constant, the trajectory of the twisted particle is expected to deviate away from the stellar center, compared to the minimal coupling scenario, and this deviation is independent of the particle's OAM. These findings could provide new avenues for testing the Einstein Equivalence Principle.

  • Quasinormal modes of quantum-corrected black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Huajie Gong, Shulan Li, Dan Zhang, Guoyang Fu, Jian-Pin Wu

    In this paper, we investigate the quasinormal mode (QNM) spectra for scalar perturbation over a quantum-corrected black hole (BH). The fundamental modes of this quantum-corrected BH exhibit two key properties. Firstly, there is a non-monotonic behavior concerning the quantum-corrected parameter for zero multipole number. Secondly, the quantum gravity effects result in slower decay modes. For higher overtones, a significant deviation becomes evident between the quasinormal frequencies (QNFs) of the quantum-corrected and Schwarzschild BHs. The intervention of quantum gravity corrections induces a significant outburst of overtones. This outburst of these overtones can be attributed to the distinctions near the event horizons between the Schwarzschild and quantum-corrected BHs. Therefore, overtones can serve as a means to probe physical phenomena or disparities in the vicinity of the event horizon.

  • A radial scalar product for Kerr quasinormal modes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lionel London

    A scalar product for quasinormal mode solutions to Teukolsky's homogeneous radial equation is presented. Evaluation of this scalar product can be performed either by direct integration, or by evaluation of a confluent hypergeometric functions. For direct integration, it is explicitly shown that the quasinormal modes' radial functions are regular on a family of physically bounded complex paths. The related scalar product will be useful for better understanding analytic solutions to Teukolsky's radial equation, particularly the quasi-normal modes, their potential spatial completeness, and whether the quasi-normal mode overtone excitations may be estimated by spectral decomposition rather than fitting. With that motivation, the scalar product is applied to confluent Heun polynomials where it is used to derive their peculiar orthogonality and eigenvalue properties. A potentially new relationship is derived between the confluent Heun polynomials' scalar products and eigenvalues. Using these results, it is shown for the first time that Teukolsky's radial equation (and perhaps similar confluent Heun equations) are, in principle, exactly tridiagonalizable. To this end, "canonical" confluent Heun polynomials are conjectured.


  • Energy Calculation of Pentaquarks Using Thomas Fermi Quark Model: A Theoretical Study.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bipin Aryal, Suman Baral, Gopi Chandra Kaphle

    The possible existence of a family of $uudc\overline{c}$ pentaquark system was explored through the application of Thomas Fermi Quark Model on the system. Considering a pocket of pentaquark contains $5$ quarks, the density functions, and energies of $10$ different pockets of pentaquarks were studied. Out of these $10$ different pockets, a single pocket of pentaquark was found to be more stable as its total energy was lowest compared to others. The kinetic, potential, and volume energies of all pockets of pentaquarks were calculated and the nature of the plots was investigated. The plots displayed an increasing trend for all energies except for kinetic energy, which exhibited a decreasing pattern.

  • N$^3$LO Power Corrections for $0$-jettiness Subtractions With Fiducial Cuts.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gherardo Vita

    We compute the leading logarithmic power corrections at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order for $0$-jettiness subtractions for color singlet production. We discuss how to disentangle these power corrections from those arising from the presence of fiducial and isolation cuts by using Projection-to-Born improved slicing. We present the results for Drell-Yan and Higgs production in gluon fusion differential in both the invariant mass and rapidity of the color singlet. Our results include all the channels contributing at leading logarithmic order for these processes, including the off-diagonal channels that receive contributions from soft quark emission. We study the numerical impact of the power corrections for Drell-Yan and Higgs production and find it to become negligible compared to the size of the N$^3$LO corrections only below $\tau_\text{cut} \sim 10^{-5}$. We estimate that in a fully differential calculation at N$^3$LO combining the Projection-to-Born improved slicing method and our results for the leading logarithmic power corrections may allow for keeping the slicing uncertainties under control already with $\tau_\text{cut} \lesssim 10^{-3}$, marking a significant improvement in efficiency for these methods. These results constitute a crucial ingredient for fully differential N$^3$LO calculations based on the $N$-jettiness subtraction scheme.

  • Loop Feynman integration on a quantum computer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jorge J. Martínez de Lejarza, Leandro Cieri, Michele Grossi, Sofia Vallecorsa, Germán Rodrigo

    This Letter investigates in detail the performance and advantages of a new quantum Monte Carlo integrator, dubbed Quantum Fourier Iterative Amplitude Estimation (QFIAE), to numerically evaluate for the first time loop Feynman integrals in a near-term quantum computer and a quantum simulator. In order to achieve a quadratic speedup, QFIAE introduces a Quantum Neural Network (QNN) that efficiently decomposes the multidimensional integrand into its Fourier series. For a one-loop tadpole Feynman diagram, we have successfully implemented the quantum algorithm on a real quantum computer and obtained a reasonable agreement with the analytical values. Oneloop Feynman diagrams with more external legs have been analyzed in a quantum simulator. These results thoroughly illustrate how our quantum algorithm effectively estimates loop Feynman integrals and the method employed could also find applications in other fields such as finance, artificial intelligence, or other physical sciences.

  • Neutron beta decay and exact conservation of charged weak hadronic vector current in the Standard Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Derar Altarawneh, Roman Höllwieser, Markus Wellenzohn

    We investigate a reliability of the hypothesis of exact conservation of the charged weak hadronic vector current in the neutron $\beta^-$-decay with polarized neutron and unpolarized proton and electron. We calculate the contributions of the phenomenological term, responsible for Exact Conservation of the charged weak hadronic Vector Current (or the ECVC effect) in the neutron $\beta^-$-decay even for different masses of the neutron and proton (see Leitner et al. Phys. Rev. C73, 065502 (2006)), to the correlation coefficients together with a complete set of contributions of scalar and tensor interactions beyond the Standard Model (SM). We argue if total contributions of scalar and tensor interactions beyond the SM (Phys. Rev. D88, 073002 (2013); arXiv: 1212.0332v4 [hep-ph]) will not be able to reconcile the experimental data on the correlation coefficients with the contributions of the ECVC effect, one may conclude that the charged weak hadronic vector current is not conserved in the hadronic transitions of weak processes with different masses of incoming and outgoing hadrons.

  • Investigation for $D^+ \to \pi^+ \nu\bar\nu$ decay process within QCDSR approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu Chen, Hai-Bing Fu, Tao Zhong, Sheng-Bo Wu, Dong Huang

    In the paper, we investigate the charmed meson rare decay process $D^+ \to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ by using QCD sum rules approach. Firstly, the pion twist-2 and twist-3 distribution amplitude $\xi$-moments $\langle\xi_{2;\pi}^n\rangle|_\mu$ up to 10th-order and $\langle \xi_{3;\pi}^{(p,\sigma),n}\rangle|_\mu$ up to fourth-order are calculated by using QCD sum rule under background field theory. After constructing the light-cone harmonic oscillator model for pion twist-2, 3 DAs, we get their behaviors by matching the calculated $\xi$-moments. Then, the $D\to \pi$ transition form factors are calculated by using QCD light-cone sum rules approach. The vector form factor at large recoil region is $f_+^{D\to\pi}(0) = 0.627^{+0.120} _{-0.080}$. By taking the rapidly $z(q^2,t)$ converging simplified series expansion, we present the TFFs and the corresponding angular coefficients in the whole squared momentum transfer physical region. Furthermore, we display the semileptonic decay process $\bar D^0 \to \pi^+ e\bar \nu_e$ differential decay widths and branching fraction with ${\cal B}(\bar D^0\to\pi^+e\bar\nu_e) = 0.308^{+0.155}_{-0.066} \times 10^{2}$. The $\bar D^0\to\pi^+e\bar\nu_e$ differential/total predictions for forward-backward asymmetry, $q^2$-differential flat terms and lepton polarization asymmetry are also given. After considering the non-standard neutrino interactions, the predictions for the $D^+ \to \pi^+ \nu\bar\nu$ branching fraction is ${\cal B}(D^+ \to \pi^+ {\nu }{\bar\nu}) = 1.85^{+0.93}_{-0.46}\times10^{-8}$.

  • Thermal effect in hot QCD matter in strong magnetic fields.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xin-Jian Wen, Jia Zhang

    The quasiparticle model is improved by the free magnetic contribution to investigated the QCD matter in a strong magnetic field. The temperature-dependent bag function is determined by the thermodynamic consistency to represent the difference in energy density between physical vacuum and lowest state of QCD. It is found that the positive bag function vanishes at high temperature indicating the deconfinement. The rapid decrease of the bag function in stronger magnetic fields reveals the so-called inverse magnetic catalysis. The interaction measure at high temperature remains so large that the usual Stefan-Boltzmann limit can not be reached. We suggest a limit $|q_iB_m|T^2/4$ for each landau level pressure. Finally, it is demonstrated that the positive magnetization modified by the bag function and free magnetic contribution indicates the paramagnetic characteristic of QCD matter.

  • Probing dark photons from a light scalar at Belle II.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kingman Cheung, Yongkyu Kim, Youngjoon Kwon, C.J. Ouseph, Abner Soffer, Zeren Simon Wang

    In the minimal $U(1)$ extension of the Standard Model (SM), a new gauge boson referred to as ``dark photon'' is predicted. The dark-photon mass can be generated from an additional Higgs mechanism associated with a dark scalar boson. At $B$-factories such as Belle II, large numbers of $B$-mesons are produced and can decay to a kaon plus the dark scalar via the latter's mixing with the SM Higgs boson. We evaluate the sensitivity of Belle II for the case in which the dark scalar decays exclusively into a pair of dark photons via the new $U(1)$ gauge coupling, and the dark photons are long lived owing to a small kinetic mixing $\epsilon$. We study the experimental signature in which each dark photon decays into a pair of charged leptons, pions, or kaons, resulting in a pair of displaced vertices, and argue that the search is essentially background-free. We perform detailed Monte-Carlo simulations to determine the expected number of signal events at Belle II with an integrated luminosity of 50 ab$^{-1}$, taking into account the efficiencies for both final-state-particle identification and displaced tracking. We find that for experimentally allowed values of the scalar mixing angle and kinematically allowed dark-photon and dark-scalar masses, the proposed search is uniquely sensitive to the medium-$\epsilon$ regime, which is currently mostly unexcluded by experiments.

  • QCD anomalies in electromagnetic processes: A solution to the $\gamma\to3\pi$ puzzle.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zanbin Xing, Hao Dang, M. Atif Sultan, Khépani Raya, Lei Chang

    In this work, the $\gamma\to3\pi$ form factor is calculated within the Dyson-Schwinger equations framework using a contact interaction model within the so-called modified rainbow ladder truncation. The present calculation takes into account the pseudovector component in the pion Bethe-Salpeter amplitude (BSA) and $\pi-\pi$ scattering effects, producing a $\gamma\to3\pi$ anomaly which is $1+6\mathcal{R}_\pi^2$ larger than the low energy prediction. Here $\mathcal{R_\pi}$ is the relative ratio of the pseudovector and pseudoscalar components in the pion BSA; with our parameters input, this correction raises the $\gamma\to3\pi$ anomaly by around $10\%$. The main outcome of this work is the unveiling of the origin of such correction, which could be a possible explanation of the discrepancy between the existing experimental data and the low energy prediction. Moreover, it is highlighted how the magnitude of the anomaly is affected in effective theories that require an irremovable ultraviolet cutoff. We find that for both the anomalous processes $\pi\to2\gamma$ and $\gamma\to 3\pi$, the missing contribution to the anomaly can be compensated by the additional structures related with the quark anomalous magnetic moment.

  • Machine-Learning Performance on Higgs-Pair Production associated with Dark Matter at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ernesto Arganda, Manuel Epele, Nicolas I. Mileo, Roberto A. Morales

    Di-Higgs production at the LHC associated with missing transverse energy is explored in the context of simplified models that generically parameterize a large class of models with heavy scalars and dark matter candidates. Our aim is to figure out the improvement capability of machine-learning tools over traditional cut-based analyses. In particular, boosted decision trees and neural networks are implemented in order to determine the parameter space that can be tested at the LHC demanding four $b$-jets and large missing energy in the final state. We present a performance comparison between both machine-learning algorithms, based on the maximum significance reached, by feeding them with different sets of kinematic features corresponding to the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. Both algorithms present very similar performances and substantially improve traditional analyses, being sensitive to most of the parameter space considered for a total integrated luminosity of 1 ab$^{-1}$, with significances at the evidence level, and even at the discovery level, depending on the masses of the new heavy scalars. A more conservative approach with systematic uncertainties on the background of 30\% has also been contemplated, again providing very promising significances.

  • Thin layer axion dynamo.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maxim Dvornikov

    We study interacting classical magnetic and pseudoscalar fields in frames of the axion electrodynamics. A large scale pseudoscalar field can be the coherent superposition of axions or axion like particles. We consider the evolution of these fields in a thin spherical layer. Decomposing the magnetic field into the poloidal and toroidal components, we take into account their symmetry properties. The dependence of the pseudoscalar field on the latitude is accounted for the induction equation. Then, we derive the dynamo equations in the low mode approximation. The nonlinear evolution equations for the harmonics of the magnetic and pseudoscalar fields are solved numerically. As an application, we consider a dense axion star embedded in solar plasma. The behavior of the harmonics and their typical oscillations frequencies are obtained. We suggest that such small objects consisting of axions and confined magnetic fields can cause the recently observed flashes in solar corona contributing to its heating.

  • Hidden charmonium decays of spin-2 partner of $X(3872)$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuanxin Zheng, Zuxin Cai, Gang Li, Shidong Liu, Jiajun Wu, Qi Wu

    The Belle collaboration recently reported a promising candidate for the spin-2 $D^*\bar{D}^*$ partner of the $X(3872)$, called the $X_2$ for short, having a mass of $(4014.3 \pm 4.0 \pm 1.5)~\mathrm{MeV}$ and a width of $(4 \pm 11 \pm 6)~\mathrm{MeV} $. Assuming the $X_2$ as a pure molecule of the $D^*\bar{D}^*$, we calculated in detail the hidden charmonium decays of the $X_2 \to J/\psi V$ and $X_2\to\eta_cP$ via the intermediate meson loops, where $V = \rho^0\,,\omega$ and $P= \pi^0\,,\eta\,,\eta'$. The results indicate that the decay widths are strongly dependent on the $X_2$ mass. At present center value of the mass $4014.3~\mathrm{MeV}$, the width for the $X_2\to J/\psi\rho^0$ is predicted to be a few tens of keV, while it is on the order of $10^{2\text{-}3}~\mathrm{keV}$ for the $X_2\to J/ \psi\omega$; the predicted width for the $X_2\to \eta_c \pi^0$ is about a few keV, while the widths for $X_2\to\eta_c\eta$ and $\eta_c\eta'$ are around a few tens and tenths of keV, respectively. We also investigated the dependence of the ratios between these widths on the $X_2$ mass and on the $\eta$-$\eta'$ mixing angle, which may be good quantities for experiments. We hope that the present calculations would be checked experimentally in the future.

  • Charge-breaking domain walls separating neutral vacua in multi-Higgs models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yucheng Yang, Igor P. Ivanov

    The scalar potential of a multi-Higgs model can possess a rich structure of minima and saddle points, which evolves in an intricate way as the parameters change. In the hot early Universe, it could trigger multi-step phase transitions, with exotic intermediate phases and peculiar domain wall configurations. Here, we provide a glimpse into this richness with the example of the three-Higgs-doublet model with the symmetry group $\Sigma(36)$, either exact or softly broken. We present its phase diagram tracking not only the global minimum but all of its extrema. In particular, we reveal parameter space regions in which the deepest saddle point is charge breaking. This naturally leads to phase transitions between neutral vacua which involve expanding and colliding charge-breaking bubble walls. We also comment on opportunities of multi-step phase transitions, on charge-breaking intermediate phases, and on phase transitions between different charge-breaking vacua. Cosmological implications of such transitions deserve dedicated study.

  • Prospects for testing CPT and Lorentz symmetry with deuterium ground-state Zeeman-hyperfine transitions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Arnaldo J. Vargas

    This work presents a model for testing Lorentz and CPT symmetry through sidereal-variation studies of the hyperfine-Zeeman deuterium ground-state transition frequencies. It represents an advancement over previous models by using a well-established deuteron wave-function parametrization to calculate contributions from nucleon Lorentz-violating operators toward the Lorentz-violating frequency shift. Furthermore, this work extends the analysis beyond the zeroth-boost order previously considered. This study centers on deuterium's potential for testing Lorentz-violating nonminimal terms. Specifically, it compares the prospects of an ongoing deuterium experiment with the current best limits on nonminimal coefficients. The conclusion drawn is that the deuterium experiment holds the potential to enhance and establish first-time limits on nonminimal proton, neutron, and electron SME coefficients, marking it as a valuable experiment in the current worldwide systematic search for Lorentz and CPT violation.

  • Comparison of spectrum models as applied to single-particle $\bf p_t$ spectra from high-energy p-p collisions and their physical interpretations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thomas A. Trainor

    A parametrized mathematical model is required to extract the information carried by transverse momentum $p_t$ spectra from high-energy nuclear collisions and subject it to physical interpretation in terms of possible hadron production mechanisms. The importance of proper model construction and implementation has increased with the emergence of claims for ``collectivity'' (flows) associated with small collision systems (e.g. $p$-$p$ and $p$-Pb). A two-element spectrum model, denoted herein as the Bylinkin model, includes an exponential element and a ``power-law'' element interpreted by the authors to represent emission from a thermalized source and from jet production respectively. Application of the Bylinkin model to various collision systems has led to conclusions about achievement of thermalization and other characteristics of nuclear dynamics. In connection with the Bylinkin model there has emerged theoretical conjecture that the thermalization mechanism signaled by the exponential element is hard processes interacting with quantum entanglement within projectile protons. Predating the Bylinkin model is a two-component (soft+hard) model (TCM) derived empirically from the evolution of $p$-$p$ spectrum data with event multiplicity as a form of data compression. The TCM has been applied to many collision systems and hadron species from which a systematic description of high-energy nuclear collisions has emerged. The Bylinkin model can be seen as a limiting case of the TCM model functions that is unsuited to represent underlying production mechanisms. The present study provides detailed comparisons of the two models for a variety of situations and contrasts two very different data interpretations that result.

  • The general propagator for S-wave threshold states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hongge Xu, Ning Yu, Zuman Zhang, Guoying Chen

    We show that the propagator derived from an EFT incorporating Weinbeger's compositeness theorem is the more general formula to describe the S-wave near threshold states. Using the propagator to fit the lineshape, one can extract $Z$ for these states and clarify the structure of these states.

  • A New Way to Compute the Pseudoscalar Screening Mass at Finite Chemical Potential.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Prasad Hegde, Rishabh Thakkar

    We present a method to calculate the pion screening mass in 2+1-flavor lattice QCD to $\mathcal{O}(\mu^2_\ell)$, where $\mu_\ell$ is the isoscalar chemical potential. Our approach is based on the expression for the free theory pion screening correlator for massless quarks. We use the Taylor expansion method to calculate the screening correlator to $\mathcal{O}(\mu^4_\ell)$. We then extract the $\mathcal{O}(\mu^2_\ell)$ Taylor coefficient of the screening mass from the Taylor coefficients of the correlator, for two temperatures in the range 2 - 3 GeV. Our calculations were done using the Highly Improved Staggered Quark action, and the strange and light quark masses were set respectively to their physical and nearly physical values, corresponding to meson masses $M_{\bar{s}s}=686$ MeV and $M_\pi=160$ MeV.

  • Quark and gluon distributions in $\rho$-meson from basis light-front quantization.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Satvir Kaur, Jiatong Wu, Zhi Hu, Jiangshan Lan, Chandan Mondal, Xingbo Zhao, James P. Vary

    We solve for the $\rho$-meson's wave functions from a light-front QCD Hamiltonian determined for its constituent quark-antiquark and quark-antiquark-gluon Fock components, with a three-dimensional confinement using basis light-front quantization. From this, we obtain the leading-twist valence quark's parton distribution functions and transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions inside the $\rho$-meson. These results are qualitatively consistent with those of other models. We also demonstrate the important effects of a dynamical gluon on the $\rho$-meson's gluon densities, helicity, transversity, and tensor polarized distributions.

  • Impact of non-thermal phase-space distributions on dark matter abundance in secluded sectors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hugues Beauchesne, Cheng-Wei Chiang

    Many new physics models include secluded sectors that interact little with the Standard Model and whose internal interactions control the dark matter abundance. If these same interactions are responsible for maintaining kinematic equilibrium within the secluded sector, it is possible that the phase-space distributions will differ considerably from their thermal values during freeze-out. This can potentially result in deviations of the dark matter abundance from that computed under the assumption of thermal distributions. In this paper, we revisit dark matter abundance computations for a benchmark secluded sector by numerically tracking the phase-space distributions. Namely, we show that the dark matter abundance can deviate considerably from standard results during the freeze-out process, but that a longer period of annihilation ultimately leaves only a slight excess.

  • Study of $B\to PP$ decays in the modified perturbative QCD approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sheng Lü, Ru-Xuan Wang, Mao-Zhi Yang

    We study the non-leptonic decays of $B\to PP$ in the modified perturbative QCD approach, where $P$ stands for pseudoscalar mesons. Transverse momenta of partons and Sudakov factor are included, which help to suppress the contributions of soft interactions. The wave function of $B$ meson obtained from the relativistic potential model is used, then the contributions in the infrared region can not be suppressed completely. So a soft cutoff scale and soft form factors are introduced. The contributions with the scale higher than the soft cutoff scale are calculated with perturbative QCD, while the contributions lower than the cutoff scale are replaced by the soft form factors. To explain experimental data, we find that contributions of color-octet operators for the quark-antiquarks in the mesons in the final state need to be considered. The contributions of the color-octet operators are parameterized by a few parameters with the help of SU(3) flavor symmetry and symmetry breaking. These parameters for color-octet contributions are universal for all the non-leptonic decay modes of $B$ meson, where the mesons in the final state belong to the same flavor SU(3) nonet. Both the branching ratios and $CP$ violations are studied. We find that the theoretical calculation can well explain the experimental data of $B$ factories.

  • Heavy Hexaquarks in the Flux Tube Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sindhu D G, Akhilesh Ranjan, Hemwati Nandan, V. Sharma

    Hexaquarks are one of the currently emerging topics in both experimental and theoretical high energy physics. Hexaquarks have been examined in relation to particle physics, however, there are still some research and theoretical conjectures surrounding their relationship to dark matter. Due to some experimental discoveries, it has attracted much interest and also resulted in new theoretical models to study the properties of these states. In the present work, Regge trajectories of some hexaquark states are compared with tetraquark and pentaquark states. The study is mainly concentrated on fully heavy hexaquark states. The mass spectra of these hexaquark states have also been investigated and the results are compared with other theoretical works. Our findings agree well with those of other researchers.

  • Anomalous diffusion of the heavy quarks through the fractional Langevin equation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jai Prakash

    The dynamics of heavy quarks within the hot QCD medium have been revisited, considering the influence of anomalous diffusion. This study has been conducted using the framework of the fractional Langevin equation involving the Caputo fractional derivative. We introduce a numerical scheme for the fractional Langevin equation and demonstrate that the mean square displacement of the particle exhibits anomalous diffusion, deviating from a linear relationship with time. Our analysis calculates various entities, such as mean squared momentum, momentum spread, and the nuclear suppression factor, $R_{AA}$. Notably, our findings indicate that superdiffusion strongly suppresses the $R_{AA}$ compared to normal diffusion in the hot QCD medium. The possible impacts on other parameters are also discussed.

  • Split of the pseudo-critical temperatures of chiral and confine/deconfine transitions by temperature gradient.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ji-Chong Yang, Wen-Wen Li, Chong-Xing Yue

    Searching of the critical endpoint of the phase transition of Quantum Chromodynamics~(QCD) matter in experiments is of great interest. The temperature in the fireball of a collider is location dependent, however, most theoretical studies address the scenario of uniform temperature. In this work, the effect of temperature gradients is investigated using lattice QCD approach. We find that the temperature gradient catalyzes chiral symmetry breaking, meanwhile the temperature gradient increases the Polyakov loop in the confined phase but suppresses the Polyakov loop in the deconfined phase. Furthermore, the temperature gradient decreases the pseudo-critical temperature of chiral transition but increases the pseudo-critical temperature of the confine/deconfine transition.

  • Supersymmetry, Part I (Theory).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ben Allanach, Howard E. Haber

    This is a review of the theoretical aspects of the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model of particle physics, extracted from Chapter 88 of the 2023 update of the Review of Particle Physics, which appears in R.L. Workman et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2022, 083C01 (2022) and 2023 update. The companion review, "Supersymmetry, Part II (Experiment)", can be found in Chapter 89 of the Review of Particle Physics (op. cit.).

  • New theoretical developments on the early-time dynamics and approach to equilibrium in Heavy-Ion collisions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Soeren Schlichting

    We discuss recent theoretical developments in understanding the early pre-equilibrium dynamics and onset of hydrodynamic behavior in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. We highlight possible experimental signatures of the pre-equilibrium phase, and present recent progress in developing a consistent theoretical description of collective flow in small systems.

  • Confinement Bubble Wall Velocity via Quasiparticle Determination.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhaofeng Kang, Jiang Zhu

    Lattice simulations reveal that the deconfinement-confinement (D-C) phase transition (PT) of the hot pure $SU(N>2)$ Yang-Mills system is first order. This system can be described by a pool of quasigluons moving in the Polyakov loop background, and in this picture, we establish an effective distribution function for quasigluons, which encodes interactions among quasigluons and in particular the confinement effect. With it, we made the first attempt to calculate the confinement bubble wall velocity $v_w$ at the microscopical level, and we obtained a small velocity $v_w\sim 0.04$ using two different approaches, which is qualitatively consistent with others results like holography.

  • Mono-Higgs and Mono-$Z$ Production in the Minimal Vector Dark Matter Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gonzalo Benítez-Irarrázabal, Alfonso R. Zerwekh

    The Minimal Vector Dark Matter is a viable realization of the minimal dark matter paradigm. It extends the Standard Model by the inclusion of a vector matter field in the adjoint representation of $SU (2)_L$. The dark matter candidate corresponds to the neutral component of the new vector field ($V^0$). Previous studies have shown that the model can explain the observed dark matter abundance while evading direct and indirect searches. At colliders, the attention has been put on the production of the charged companions of the dark matter candidate. In this work, we focus on the mono-Higgs and mono-$Z$ signals at hadron colliders. The new charged vectors ($V^{\pm}$) are invisible unless a dedicated search is performed. Consequently, we assume that the mono-Higgs and mono-$Z$ processes correspond the $pp\rightarrow h V^{+,0} V^{-,0}$ and $pp\rightarrow Z V^{+,0} V^{-,0}$ reactions, respectively. We show that, while the $p p \rightarrow h V^{+,0} V^{-,0}$ is more important, both channels may produce significant signals at the HL-LHC and colliders running at $\sqrt{s} = 27$ TeV and $100$ TeV, probing almost the complete parameter space.

  • MaRTIn -- Manual for the "Massive Recursive Tensor Integration".- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joachim Brod, Lorenz Hüdepohl, Emmanuel Stamou, Tom Steudtner

    We present MaRTIn, an extendable all-in-one package for calculating amplitudes up to two loops in an expansion in external momenta or using the method of infrared rearrangement. Renormalizable and non-renormalizable models can be supplied by the user; an implementation of the Standard Model is included in the package. In this manual, we discuss the scope and functionality of the software, and give instructions of its use.

  • Hadronic contribution to the running of the electromagnetic coupling constant from lattice QCD: challenges at short distances.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sophie Mutzel

    The electromagnetic coupling constant, $\alpha$, is one of the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model (SM). Its value at the Z boson mass, $\alpha(M_Z)$, is of particular interest as it enters electroweak precision tests. When running $\alpha$ from low energies up to the Z mass, five orders of magnitude in precision are lost. This makes it one of the least well determined parameters of the SM at that scale. The largest source of error comes from non-perturbative hadronic effects in the low energy region. These non-perturbative effects can be determined from ab-initio calculations in lattice QCD. At higher energies, needed to match onto QCD perturbation theory, discretization errors become large. In addition, the hadronic vacuum polarization receives logarithmically-enhanced cutoff effects which render the continuum extrapolation more difficult. To better control this extrapolation at higher energies, we test a number of improvement procedures based on lattice perturbation theory. To illustrate their effect, we present a preliminary analysis of the light quark, connected contribution to the Adler function at Euclidean $Q^2=5$ GeV$^2$. The lattice results are obtained using simulations with $2+1+1$ flavors of staggered fermions at physical values of the quark masses.

  • Generalized form factors of the pion and kaon using twisted mass fermions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Joseph Delmar, Constantia Alexandrou, Simone Bacchio, Ian Cloët, Martha Constantinou, Giannis Koutsou

    We present an update on our lattice calculations of the Mellin moments of PDFs and GPDs for the pion and kaon, using momentum-boosted meson states. In particular, we focus on the calculation of the scalar and tensor local operators, and the vector operator with up to three-covariant derivatives. The corresponding matrix elements allow us to extract the scalar and tensor charges, as well as $\langle x^n \rangle$ with $n=1,2,3$. In addition, we introduce momentum transfer between the initial and final meson state that leads to the scalar, vector, and tensor form factors, and the generalized form factors up to three covariant derivatives. The above results are obtained using two ensembles of maximally twisted mass fermions with clover improvement with two degenerate light, a strange, and a charm quark $(N_f=2+1+1)$ at lattice spacings of 0.093 fm and 0.081 fm. The pion mass of the ensembles is about 260 MeV. We study excited-states effects by analyzing four values of the source-sink time separation (1.12 - 1.67 fm). We also examine discretization and volume effects. The lattice data are renormalized non-perturbatively, and the results are presented in the MS scheme at a scale of 2 GeV.

  • Charmonium tetraquarks and pentaquarks or an additional quark?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Scott Chapman

    Most of the exotic hadrons discovered over the last 20 years fit into the quark model as normal mesons and baryons if the existence of a seventh flavor of quark is hypothesized. For the quark to reproduce the mass, spin, parity, production and decay modes of exotic hadrons, it would have to have a mass of $\sim$2.8 GeV, a charge of $-\tfrac{1}{3}$, and a W-boson-mediated interaction with the right-chiral component of the charm quark. The proposed spectrum of hadrons involving this quark is presented.

  • On the possibility of mixed axion/neutralino dark matter in specific SUSY DFSZ axion models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhong-Jun Yang, Tai-Fu Feng, Xing-Gang Wu

    We introduce four supersymmetric (SUSY) axion models in which the strong CP problem and the $\mu$ problem are solved with the help of the Peccei-Quinn mechanism and the Kim-Nilles mechanism, respectively. The axion physics enriches the SUSY model by introducing axion as a dark matter candidate and, therefore, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) could just be a part of the total dark matter. For this reason, axion relieves the tensions between SUSY models and numerous experimental measurements, such as the dark matter direct detection experiments and the precise measurements of anomalous magnetic moment of the muon $a_\mu$. In the present paper, we investigate the constraints imposed by the latest $a_\mu$ measurements and LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment on the relic density of the Higgsino-like LSP. Additionally, we consider the constraints arising from the cosmology of saxions and axinos, and their impacts on the parameter space of our models are carefully examined. For the axion constituting the remaining portion of dark matter, we find that the conventional misalignment mechanism can successfully account for the correct dark matter relic density observed by the Planck satellite.

  • Search for the production of dark fermion candidates in association with heavy neutral gauge boson decaying to dimuon in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV using the CMS open data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Y.Mahmoud, S.Elgammal, H.Abdallah, M.T.Hussein

    This analysis shows a search for dark fermion particles produced in association with a heavy neutral gauge boson (Z$^{\prime}$). The studied events topology are dimuon and a large missing transverse momentum. %We considered the muonic decay of Z$^{\prime}$. The analyzed data were the Open Data collected by the CMS detector in proton-proton collisions at the LHC in 2012 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 11.6 fb$^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s} = $ 8 TeV. One benchmark scenario the light vector was used for interpreting the data, based on a simplified model so called the mono-Z$^{\prime}$ model. No evidence of dark fermion candidates was found, 95$\%$ confidence level limits have been set on both Z$^{\prime}$ and dark fermion masses.

  • Propagation of angular momentum in charged pion decay and related processes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bowen Wang

    There are confusions about angular momentum propagation in scattering or decay processes involving the transition between particle systems that appear to transform differently under Lorentz transformations. This paper provides an analysis of the transformation properties of the states and interactions for a few typical processes within the standard model of particle physics, and performs explicit calculations showing how angular momentum transfers in these processes. We shall show that angular momentum conservation is completely consistent with the calculation in quantum field theory.

  • Automated calculation of Jet fragmentation at NLO in QCD.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ChongYang Liu, XiaoMin Shen, Bin Zhou, Jun Gao

    We present FMNLO, a framework to combine general-purpose Monte Carlo generators and fragmentation functions (FFs). It is based on a hybrid scheme of phase-space slicing method and local subtraction method, and accurate to next-to-leading order (NLO) in QCD. The new framework has been interfaced to MG5 aMC@NLO and made publicly available in this work. We demonstrate its unique ability by giving theoretical predictions of various fragmentation measurements at the LHC, followed by comparison with the data. With the help of interpolation techniques, FMNLO allows for fast calculation of fragmentation processes for a large number of different FFs, which makes it a promising tool for future fits of FFs. As an example, we perform a NLO fit of parton fragmentation functions to unidentified charged hadrons using measurements at the LHC. We find the ATLAS data from inclusive dijet production show a strong constraining power. Notable disparities are found between our gluon FF and that of BKK, DSS and NNFF, indicating the necessities of additional constraints and data for gluon fragmentation function.

  • Pseudo-Goldstone dark matter in a radiative inverse seesaw scenario.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kristjan Kannike, Aleksei Kubarski, Luca Marzola, Antonio Racioppi

    We consider a scale-invariant inverse seesaw model with dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry and lepton number. In some regions of the parameter space, the Majoron - the pseudo-Goldstone of lepton number breaking - is a viable dark matter candidate. The bound on the Majoron decay rate implies a very large dilaton vacuum expectation value, which also results in a suppression of other dark matter couplings. Because of that, the observed dark matter relic abundance can only be matched via the freeze-in mechanism. The scalar field which gives mass to heavy neutrinos can play the role of the inflaton, resulting in a tensor-to-scalar ratio $r \lesssim 0.01$ for metric inflation and $r \lesssim 0.21$ for Palatini gravity.

  • Probing factorization violation with vector angularities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pim Bijl, Steven Niedenzu, Wouter J. Waalewijn

    Factorization underlies all predictions at the Large Hadron Collider, but has only been rigorously proven in a few cases. One of these cases is the Drell-Yan process, $pp \to Z/\gamma + X$, in the limit of small boson transverse momentum. We introduce a one-parameter family of observables, that we call vector angularities, of which the transverse momentum is a special case. This enables the study of factorization violation, with a smooth transition to the limit for which factorization has been established. Like the angularity event shapes, vector angularities are a sum of transverse momenta weighted by rapidity, but crucially this is a vector sum rather than a sum of the magnitude of transverse momenta. We study these observables in Pythia, using the effect of multi-parton interactions (MPI) as a proxy factorization violation, finding a negligible effect in the case where factorization is established but sizable effects away from it. We also present a factorization formula for the cross section, that does not include factorization violating contributions from Glauber gluons, and thus offers a baseline for studying factorization violation experimentally using vector angularities. Our predictions at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy (NLL$'$) are in good in agreement with Pythia (not including MPI), and can be extended to higher order.

  • Equilibration of quantum many-body fast neutrino flavor oscillations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joshua D. Martin, Duff Neill, A. Roggero, Huaiyu Duan, J. Carlson

    Neutrino gases are expected to form in high density astrophysical environments, and accurately modeling their flavor evolution is critical to understanding such environments. In this work we study a simplified model of such a dense neutrino gas in the regime for which neutrino-neutrino coherent forward scattering is the dominant mechanism contributing to the flavor evolution. We show evidence that the generic potential induced by this effect is non-integrable and that the statistics of its energy level spaces are in good agreement with the Wigner surmise. We also find that individual neutrinos rapidly entangle with all of the others present which results in an equilibration of the flavor content of individual neutrinos. We show that the average neutrino flavor content can be predicted utilizing a thermodynamic partition function. A random phase approximation to the evolution gives a simple picture of this equilibration. In the case of neutrinos and antineutrinos, processes like $\nu_e {\bar{\nu}}_e \leftrightarrows \nu_\mu {\bar{\nu}_\mu} $ yield a rapid equilibrium satisfying $n( \nu_e) n({\bar \nu}_e) = n( \nu_\mu) n({\bar \nu}_\mu) = n( \nu_\tau) n({\bar \nu}_\tau)$ in addition to the standard lepton number conservation in regimes where off-diagonal vacuum oscillations are small compared to $\nu-\nu$ interactions.

  • SuperCalo: Calorimeter shower super-resolution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ian Pang, John Andrew Raine, David Shih

    Calorimeter shower simulation is a major bottleneck in the Large Hadron Collider computational pipeline. There have been recent efforts to employ deep-generative surrogate models to overcome this challenge. However, many of best performing models have training and generation times that do not scale well to high-dimensional calorimeter showers. In this work, we introduce SuperCalo, a flow-based super-resolution model, and demonstrate that high-dimensional fine-grained calorimeter showers can be quickly upsampled from coarse-grained showers. This novel approach presents a way to reduce computational cost, memory requirements and generation time associated with fast calorimeter simulation models. Additionally, we show that the showers upsampled by SuperCalo possess a high degree of variation. This allows a large number of high-dimensional calorimeter showers to be upsampled from much fewer coarse showers with high-fidelity, which results in additional reduction in generation time.

  • Octant Degeneracy and Plots of Parameter Degeneracy in Neutrino Oscillations Revisited.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sho Sugama, Osamu Yasuda

    The three kinds of parameter degeneracy in neutrino oscillation, the intrinsic, sign and octant degeneracy, form an eight-fold degeneracy. The nature of this eight-fold degeneracy can be visualized on the ($\sin^22\theta_{13}$, $1/\sin^2\theta_{23}$)-plane, through quadratic curves defined by $P(\nu_\mu\to\nu_e)=$ const. and $P(\bar{\nu}_\mu\to\bar{\nu}_e)=$ const., along with a straight line $P(\nu_\mu\to\nu_\mu)=$ const. After $\theta_{13}$ was determined by reactor neutrino experiments, the intrinsic degeneracy in $\theta_{13}$ transforms into an alternative octant degeneracy in $\theta_{23}$, which can potentially be resolved by incorporating the value of $P(\nu_\mu\to\nu_\mu)$. In this paper, we analytically discuss whether this octant parameter degeneracy is resolved or persists in the future long baseline accelerator neutrino experiments, such as T2HK, DUNE, T2HKK and ESS$\nu$SB. It is found that the energy spectra near the first oscillation maximum are effective in resolving the octant degeneracy, whereas those near the second oscillation maximum are not.

  • Trace Anomaly of Weyl Fermions via the Path Integral.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Rémy Larue, Jérémie Quevillon, Roman Zwicky

    We compute the trace, diffeomorphism and Lorentz anomalies of a free Weyl fermion in a gravitational background field by path integral methods. This is achieved by regularising the variation of the determinant of the Weyl operator building on earlier work by Leutwyler. The trace anomaly is found to be one half of the one of a Dirac fermion. Most importantly we establish that the potential parity-odd curvature term $R \tilde R$, corresponding to the Pontryagin density, vanishes. This is to the contrary of some recent findings in the literature which gave rise to a controversy. We verify, that the regularisation does not lead to (spurious) anomalies in the Lorentz and diffeomorphism symmetries. We argue that in $d = 2\;(\textrm{mod } 4)$ $P$- and $CP$-odd terms cannot appear and that for $d = 4\;(\textrm{mod } 4)$ they are absent at least at leading order.

  • Quark masses and low energy constants in the continuum from the tadpole improved clover ensembles.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhi-Cheng Hu, Bo-Lun Hu, Ji-Hao Wang, Ming Gong, Liuming Liu, Peng Sun, Wei Sun, Wei Wang, Yi-Bo Yang, Dian-Jun Zhao

    We present the light-flavor quark masses and low energy constants using the 2+1 flavor full-QCD ensembles with stout smeared clover fermion action and Symanzik gauge actions. Both the fermion and gauge actions are tadpole improved self-consistently. The simulations are performed on 11 ensembles at 3 lattice spacings $a\in[0.05,0.11]$ fm, 4 spatial sizes $L\in[2.5, 5.1]$ fm, 7 pion masses $m_{\pi}\in[135,350]$ MeV, and several values of the strange quark mass. The quark mass is defined through the partially conserved axial current (PCAC) relation and renormalized to $\overline{\mathrm{MS}}$ 2 GeV through the intermediate regularization independent momentum subtraction (RI/MOM) scheme. The systematic uncertainty of using the symmetric momentum subtraction (SMOM) scheme is also included. Eventually, we predict $m_u=2.45(22)(20)$ MeV, $m_d=4.74(11)(09)$ MeV, and $m_s=98.8(2.9)(4.7)$ MeV with the systematic uncertainties from lattice spacing determination, continuum extrapolation and renormalization constant included. We also obtain the chiral condensate $\Sigma^{1/3}=268.6(3.6)(0.7)$ MeV and the pion decay constant $F=86.6(7)(1.4) $ MeV in the $N_f=2$ chiral limit, and the next-to-leading order low energy constants $\ell_3=2.43(54)(05)$ and $\ell_4=4.322(75)(96)$.

  • Open Strange and Open Heavy Flavour mesons in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter within Quark Meson Coupling model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arpita Mondal, Amruta Mishra

    The in-medium properties of open strange ($K$, $\bar{K}$), open charm ($D$, $\bar{D}$), and open bottom ($B$, $\bar{B}$) mesons are investigated in asymmetric nuclear matter using Quark Meson Coupling (QMC) model. A direct coupling of scalar ($\sigma$, $\delta$) and vector ($\omega$, $\rho$) mesons to the light quarks and anti-quarks of these mesons give rise to the in-medium modification of the properties of the corresponding meson within the model. The inclusion of the $\delta$ (scalar iso-vector) meson breaks the isospin symmetry for the masses of the light quark and antiquark doublets, causing mass splitting between ($u,\;d$) as well as ($\bar{d},\;\bar{u}$). Consequently, the considered mesons exhibit mass splittings within the isodoublets of $K$, $\bar{K}$, $D$, $\bar{D}$, $B$ and $\bar{B}$ mesons when embedded in asymmetric nuclear matter. In the current study, the interactions of the pseudoscalar meson with the scalar, as well as vector mesons, are considered, which lead to significant medium modifications of the excitation energies of the open strange (charm and bottom) mesons. In asymmetric nuclear matter, due to the interaction of the pseudoscalar meson with the vector iso-vector $\rho$ meson, there is a splitting in the excitation energies of the mesons within the isospin doublets. The isospin effects are seen to be large for high baryon densities. This study can have significant observable consequences, such as in the production ratios, e.g., $K^+/K^0$, $K^-/\bar {K^0}$, $D^+/D^0$, $D^-/\bar{D}^0$, $B^+/B^0$ and $B^-/\bar{B}^0$ in the upcoming heavy ion collision experiments at FAIR project at GSI, where the experiments are planned to be performed using neutron-rich beams to study the compressed baryonic matter.

  • 2$b$ or not 2$b$: on the rejection of $g\to b\bar b$ jets.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Enrico Lunghi, Beni Pazar

    Motivated by new physics models which lead to final states containing a high multiplicity of bottom and top quarks, we develop a tagging strategy to suppress reducible and non-reducible multi-jet backgrounds. The idea takes advantage of the properties of light parton showers and of the gluon fragmentation into heavy quarks to reject jets that do not originate from a bottom quark.

  • Gauge Boson Mass Dependence and Chiral Anomalies in Generalized Massless Schwinger models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Howard Georgi

    I bosonize the position-space correlators of flavor-diagonal scalar fermion bilinears in arbitrary generalizations of the Schwinger model with $n_F$ massless fermions coupled to $n_A$ gauge bosons for $n_F\geq n_A$. For $n_A=n_F$, the fermion bilinears can be bosonized in terms of $n_F$ scalars with masses proportional to the gauge couplings. As in the Schwinger model, bosonization can be used to find all correlators, including those that are forbidden in perturbation theory by anomalous chiral symmetries, but there are subtleties when there is more than one gauge boson. The new result here is the general treatment of the dependence on gauge boson masses in models with more than one gauge symmetry. For $n_A<n_F$, there are fermion bilinears with nontrivial anomalous dimensions and there are unbroken chiral symmetries so some correlators vanish while others are non-zero due to chiral anomlies. Taking careful account of the dependence on the masses, I show how the $n_A<n_F$ models emerge from $n_A=n_F$ as gauge couplings (and thus gauge boson masses) go to zero. When this is done properly, the limit of zero gauge coupling is smooth. Our consistent treatment of gauge boson masses guarantees that anomalous symmetries are broken while unbroken chiral symmetries are preserved because correlators that break the non-anomalous symmetries go to zero in the limit of zero gauge coupling.

  • Toward global fits using Higgs STXS data with Lilith.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dang Bao Nhi Nguyen, Duc Ninh Le, Sabine Kraml, Quang Loc Tran, Van Dung Le

    In this talk, we present the program Lilith, a python package for constraining new physics from Higgs measurements. We discuss the usage of signal strength results in the latest published version of Lilith, which allows for constraining deviations from SM Higgs couplings through coupling modifiers. Moreover, we discuss the on-going development to include Higgs STXS data and SMEFT parametrizations in Lilith with the aim of performing global fits of the ATLAS and CMS data. As we point out, detailed information on Standard Model uncertainties and their correlations is important to enable the proper reuse of the experimental results.

  • Theoretical study of the $B^+\to D^-D_s^{+}\pi^+$ reaction.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xuan Luo, Ruitian Li, Hao Sun

    Prompted by the recent discoveries of $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)^{++}$ in the $D_s^+\pi^+$ invariant mass distribution of $B^+\to D^-D_s^+\pi^+$ process, we present a model that hopes to help us investigate the nature of $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)^{++}$ by reproducing the mass distribution of $D^-\pi^+, D_s^+\pi^+$ and $D^-D_s^+$ in $B^+ \to D^-D_s^+\pi^+$ decays. The structure of the triangular singularity peak generated from the $\chi_{c1}D^{*+}K^{*+}$ loop near the $D^{*+}K^{*+}$ threshold is considered in our model may be the experimentally discovered resonance-like state structure $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)^{++}$. In addition, we employ a coupled-channel approach to describe the dominant contribution of the $D\pi$ $S\text{-wave}$ amplitude, and also consider other excitations. Our model provides a well fit to the invariant mass distributions of $D^-\pi^+, D_s^+\pi^+$ and $D^-D_s^+$ simultaneously.

  • Causality constraints on TMD soft factors: the exponential regulator without cuts.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yizhuang Liu

    We show that as a result of causality-constrained coordinate space analyticity, the Drell-Yan-shape transverse-momentum dependent soft factor in the exponential regulator allows below-threshold (Euclidean) parametric representations without cuts, to all orders in perturbation theory. Moreover, it is identical to another soft factor with natural interpretation as a space-like form factor and this relation continues to hold for a larger class of TMD soft factors that interpolate between three different rapidity regulators: the off-light-cone regulator, the finite light-front length regulator and the exponential regulator.

  • Light baryon in three quark picture light front approach and its application: hyperon weak radiative decays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhi-Peng Xing, Yu Ji Shi, Jin Sun, Zhen-Xing Zhao

    Motivated by recent experimental data on $\Sigma^+\to p\gamma$ at BESIII, we investigate a class of hyperon weak radiative decays. To estimate these processes, in our research, we employ a new type of light-front quark model with a three-quark picture for octet baryons. In the three-quark picture, with the use of $SU(3)_f$ and spin symmetries, we present a general form of the light front wave function for each octet baryon. By including contributions from the penguin diagram and W exchange diagram, we perform a complete calculation on the branching ratios ($Br$) and the asymmetry parameter ($\alpha$) for hyperon weak radiative decay processes. Our results are helpful for discovering additional hyperon weak radiative decay processes in experimental facilities, and our research will promote the theoretical study of baryons.

  • Analysis of the $\mathrm{X_{AV}}$ state through its electromagnetic properties.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    U. Özdem

    To improve our understanding of the quark-gluon dynamics underlying multiquark states, we systematically study their electromagnetic properties. In this study, the magnetic and quadrupole moments of the theoretically predicted singly-charmed state with the quantum numbers $\mathrm{J^P = 1^+}$ is investigated within the framework of the QCD light-cone sum rules method by considering the diquark-antidiquark configuration of this state with quark contents $[ud][\bar{c}\bar{s}]$. The predicted results for the magnetic and quadrupole moments are as $\mu_{\mathrm{X_{AV}}}=-0.89 ^{+0.14}_{-0.12}~\mu_N $ and $\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{X_{AV}}} = (-0.46 ^{+0.07}_{-0.06})\times 10^{-2} ~\mbox{fm}^2$. The results obtained can be useful in determining the exact nature of this state. This work will hopefully stimulate experimental interest in the study of the electromagnetic properties of multiquark systems.

  • Analysis of the electromagnetic form factors and the radiative decays of the vector heavy-light mesons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jie Lu, Guo-Liang Yu, Zhi-Gang Wang, Bin Wu

    In this article, we analyze the electromagnetic form factors of the vector heavy-light mesons to the pseudoscalar heavy-light mesons in the framework of three-point QCD sum rules, where the contributions of vacuum condensate terms $\langle\overline{q}q\rangle$, $\langle\overline{q}g_{s}\sigma Gq\rangle$, $\langle g_{s}^{2}G^{2}\rangle$, $\langle f^{3}G^{3}\rangle$ and $\langle\overline{q}q\rangle\langle g_{s}^{2}G^{2}\rangle$ are considered. With these results, we also obtain the radiative decay widths of the vector heavy-light mesons and then compare our results with those of other collaboration's. The final results about the radiative decay widths are $\Gamma(D^{*0}\to D^{0}\gamma)=1.74^{+0.40}_{-0.37}$ keV, $\Gamma(D^{*+}\to D^{+}\gamma)=0.17^{+0.08}_{-0.07}$ keV, $\Gamma(D_{s}^{*}\to D_{s}\gamma)=0.029^{+0.009}_{-0.008}$ keV, $\Gamma(B^{*0}\to B^{0}\gamma)=0.018^{+0.006}_{-0.005}$ keV, $\Gamma(B^{*+}\to B^{+}\gamma)=0.015^{+0.007}_{-0.007}$ keV and $\Gamma(B^{*}_{s}\to B_{s}\gamma)=0.016^{+0.003}_{-0.005}$ keV.

  • Single production of an exotic vector-like $Y$ quark at future high energy $pp$ colliders.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Liangliang Shang, Yuxiao Yan, Stefano Moretti, Bingfang Yang

    Vector-like quarks have been predicted in various new physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model (SM). In a simplified modelling of a $(B,Y)$ doublet including a vector-like quark $Y$, with charge $-\frac{4}{3}$e, there are only two free parameters: the $Y$ coupling $\kappa_{Y}$ and mass $m_Y$. In the five flavor scheme, we investigate the single production of the $Y$ state decaying into $Wb$ at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Run-III and High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) operating at $\sqrt{s}$ = 14 TeV, the possible High-Energy LHC (HE-LHC) with $\sqrt{s}$ = 27 TeV as well as the Future Circular Collider in hadron-hadron mode (FCC-hh) with $\sqrt{s}$ = 100 TeV. Through detailed signal-to-background analyses and detector simulations, we assess the exclusion capabilities of the $Y$ state at the different colliders. We find that this can be improved significantly with increasing collision energy, especially at the HE-LHC and FCC-hh, both demonstrating an obvious advantage with respect to the HL-LHC case in the case of high $m_Y$. Assuming a 10% systematic uncertainty on the background event rate, the exclusion capabilities are summarized as follows: (1) the LHC Run-III can exclude the correlated regions of $\kappa_{Y} \in [0.044,0.5]$ and $m_{Y} \in [1000\text{ GeV},3099\text{ GeV}]$ with integrated luminosity $L = 300\text{ fb}^{-1}$; (2) the HL-LHC can exclude the correlated regions of $\kappa_{Y} \in [0.027,0.5]$ and $m_{Y} \in [1000\text{ GeV},3653\text{ GeV}]$ with $L = 3$ ab$^{-1}$; (3) the HE-LHC can exclude the correlated regions of $\kappa_Y \in [0.030,0.5]$ and $m_{Y} \in [1000\text{ GeV} , 4936\text{ GeV}]$ with $L = 3$ ab$^{-1}$; (4) the FCC-hh can exclude the correlated regions of $\kappa_{Y} \in [0.051,0.5]$ and $m_{Y} \in [1000\text{ GeV} , 6610\text{ GeV}]$ with $L = 3$ ab$^{-1}$.


  • Stable nodal line semimetals in the chiral classes in three dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Faruk Abdulla, Ganpathy Murthy, Ankur Das

    It has been realized over the past two decades that topological nontriviality can be present not only in insulators but also in gapless semimetals, the most prominent example being Weyl semimetals in three dimensions. Key to topological classification schemes are the three ``internal" symmetries, time reversal ${\cal T}$, charge conjugation ${\cal C}$, and their product, called chiral symmetry ${\cal S}={\cal T}{\cal C}$. In this work, we show that robust topological nodal line semimetal phases occur in $d=3$ in systems whose internal symmetries include ${\cal S}$, without invoking crystalline symmetries other than translations. Since the nodal loop semimetal naturally appears as an intermediate gapless phase between the topological and the trivial insulators, a sufficient condition for the nodal loop phase to exist is that the symmetry class must have a nontrivial topological insulator in $d=3$. Our classification uses the winding number on a loop that links the nodal line. A nonzero winding number on a nodal loop implies robust gapless drumhead states on the surface Brillouin zone. We demonstrate how our classification works in all the nontrivial chiral classes and how it differs from the previous understanding of topologically protected nodal line semimetals.

  • On the entanglement of co-ordinate and momentum degrees of freedom in noncommutative space.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shilpa Nandi, Muklesur Rahaman, Pinaki Patra

    In this paper, we investigate the quantum entanglement induced by phase-space noncommutativity. Both the position-position and momentum-momentum noncommutativity are incorporated to study the entanglement properties of coordinate and momentum degrees of freedom under the shade of oscillators in noncommutative space. Exact solutions for the systems are obtained after the model is re-expressed in terms of canonical variables, by performing a particular Bopp's shift to the noncommuting degrees of freedom. It is shown that the bipartite Gaussian state for an isotropic oscillator is always separable. To extend our study for the time-dependent system, we allow arbitrary time dependency on parameters. The time-dependent isotropic oscillator is solved with the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant method. It turns out that even for arbitrary time-dependent scenarios, the separability property does not alter. We extend our study to the anisotropic oscillator, which provides an entangled state even for time-independent parameters. The Wigner quasi-probability distribution is constructed for a bipartite Gaussian state. The noise matrix (covariance matrix) is explicitly studied with the help of Wigner distribution. Simon's separability criterion (generalized Peres-Horodecki criterion) has been employed to find the unique function of the (mass and frequency) parameters, for which the bipartite states are separable. In particular, we show that the mere inclusion of non-commutativity of phase-space is not sufficient to generate the entanglement, rather anisotropy is important at the same footing.

  • Non-Hermitian Dirac theory from Lindbladian dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]


    This study investigates the intricate relationship between dissipative processes of open quantum systems and the non-Hermitian quantum field theory of relativistic fermionic systems. By examining the influence of dissipative effects on Dirac fermions via Lindblad formalism, we elucidate the effects of the coupling of relativistic Dirac particles with the environment. Employing rigorous theoretical analysis, we explore the impact of dissipative interactions and find the Lyapunov equation of the relativistic dissipation-driven fermionic system. By use of a thermal ansatz, one finds the solution to the Lyapunov equations in terms of a stationary Wigner distribution. Our results describe a non-hermitian fermionic system and provide valuable insights into dissipative quantum phenomena' fundamental mechanisms in relativistic fermionic systems, advancing our understanding of their behavior in non-equilibrium scenarios.

  • A Calogero model for the non-Abelian quantum Hall effect.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jean-Emile Bourgine, Yutaka Matsuo

    A model of the non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall effect is obtained from the diagonalization of the matrix model proposed by Dorey, Tong, and Turner (DTT). The Hamiltonian is reminiscent of a spin Calogero-Moser model but involves higher-order symmetric representations of the non-Abelian symmetry. We derive the energy spectrum and show that the Hamiltonian has a triangular action on a certain class of wave functions with a free fermion expression. We deduce the expression of the ground states eigenfunctions and show that they solve a Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation. Finally, we discuss the emergence of Kac-Moody symmetries in the large $N$ limit using the level-rank duality and confirm the results obtained previously by DTT.

  • Heterotic Orbifold Models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saul Ramos-Sanchez, Michael Ratz

    We review efforts in string model building, focusing on the heterotic orbifold compactifications. We survey how one can, starting from an explicit string theory, obtain models which resemble Nature. These models exhibit the standard model gauge group, three generations of standard model matter and an appropriate Higgs sector. Unlike many unified models, these models do not suffer from problems such as doublet-triplet splitting, too rapid proton decay and the $\mu$ problem. Realistic patterns of fermion masses emerge, which are partly explained by flavor symmetries, including their modular variants. We comment on challenges and open questions.

  • Exact surface energy of the isotropic spin-1 Heisenberg chain with generic non-diagonal boundary.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiasheng Dong, Pengcheng Lu, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, Ian Marquette, Yao-Zhong Zhang

    We investigate the thermodynamic limit and exact surface energy of the isotropic spin-1 Heisenberg chain with generic boundary by a novel Bethe ansatz method. We obtain the homogeneous zero points Bethe ansatz equations and the corresponding patterns of zero points. Based on these patterns and the constraints between the zero points, we calculate the densities of zero points and the exact surface energies of the model in all regimes of the boundary parameters.

  • Time-reparametrization invariance: from Glasses to toy Black Holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jorge Kurchan

    Glassy dynamics have time-reparametrization `softness': glasses fluctuate, and respond to external perturbations, primarily by changing the pace of their evolution. Remarkably, the same situation also appears in toy models of quantum field theory such as the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, where the excitations associated to reparametrizations play the role of an emerging `gravity'. I describe here how these two seemingly unrelated systems share common features, arising from a technically very similar origin. This connection is particularly close between glassy dynamics and supersymmetric variants of the SYK model, which I discuss in some detail. Apart from the curiosity that this correspondence naturally arouses, there is also the hope that developments in each field may be useful for the other.

  • Constructing massive superstring vertex operators from massless vertex operators using the pure spinor formalism.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bruno Rodrigues Soares

    The vertex operator for the first massive states of the open superstring is constructed in terms of d=10 super Yang-Mills superfields using the OPE's of massless vertex operators in the pure spinor formalism.

  • Galilei particles revisited.- [PDF] - [Article]

    José Miguel Figueroa-O'Farrill, Simon Pekar, Alfredo Pérez, Stefan Prohazka

    We revisit the classifications of classical and quantum galilean particles: that is, we fully classify homogeneous symplectic manifolds and unitary irreducible projective representations of the Galilei group. Equivalently, these are coadjoint orbits and unitary irreducible representations of the Bargmann group, the universal central extension of the Galilei group. We provide an action principle in each case, discuss the nonrelativistic limit, as well as exhibit, whenever possible, the unitary irreducible representations in terms of fields on Galilei spacetime. Motivated by a forthcoming study of planons we pay close attention to the mobility of the less familiar massless Galilei particles.

  • Electroweak parameters from mixed SU(2) Yang-Mills Thermodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ralf Hofmann, Janning Meinert

    Based on the thermal phase structure of pure SU(2) quantum Yang-Mills theory, we describe the electron at rest as an extended particle, a so-called blob of radius $r_0$ which is comparable to the Bohr radius $a_0$. This blob is of vanishing pressure and traps an electric-magnetic dually interpreted BPS monopole within its bulk at a temperature of $T_0=7.95$ keV. Utilizing a spherical mirror-charge construction, we approximate the blob's charge at a value of the electromagnetic fine-structure constant $\alpha$ of $\alpha^{-1}\sim 134$ for soft external probes. It is shown that the blob does not exhibit an electric dipole or quadrupole moment. We also calculate the mixing angle $\theta_{\rm W}\sim 30^{\circ}$ belonging to the deconfining phases of two SU(2) gauge theories of very distinct Yang-Mills scales ($\Lambda_{\rm e}=3.6 $ keV and $\Lambda_{\rm CMB}\sim 10^{-4} $eV) which establish the blob's stable bulk thermodynamics. The core radius of the monopole is about 1 % of $r_0$.

  • Analysis of Static Wilson Line Correlators from Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature with $T$-matrix Approach.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhanduo Tang, Swagato Mukherjee, Peter Petreczky, Ralf Rapp

    We employ a thermodynamic $T$-matrix approach to study Wilson line correlators (WLCs) for a static quark-antiquark pair within the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). By refining earlier determined input parameters, self-consistent $T$-matrix calculations can approximately reproduce the WLCs from 2+1-flavor lattice-QCD (lQCD) computations, while also satisfying constraints on the bulk medium from the QGP equation of state. The main difference from earlier results is a reduced screening in the input potential toward higher temperatures. When elaborating the consequences of this scenario on transport properties we find a more pronounced temperature dependence of the low-momentum relaxation rate of heavy quarks in the QGP. This, in particular, leads to a rather weak increase of the (temperature-scaled) spatial diffusion coefficient, which turns out to be in fair agreement with the most recent pertinent lQCD data.

  • Unruh-De Witt detectors, Bell-CHSH inequality and Tomita-Takesaki theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fillipe M. Guedes, Marcelo S. Guimaraes, Itzhak Roditi, Silvio P. Sorella

    The interaction between Unruh-De Witt spin $1/2$ detectors and a real scalar field is scrutinized by making use of the Tomita-Takesaki modular theory as applied to the Von Neumann algebra of the Weyl operators. The use of the modular theory enables to evaluate in an exact way the trace over the quantum field degrees of freedom. The resulting density matrix is employed to the study of the Bell-CHSH correlator. It turns out that, as a consequence of the interaction with the quantum field, the violation of the Bell-CHSH inequality exhibits a decreasing as compared to the case in which the scalar field is absent.

  • Deformation-induced changes in asymptotics of kinks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vakhid A. Gani, Aliakbar Moradi Marjaneh

    We study transformational properties of kink solutions of field-theoretic models with a real scalar field in (1+1)-dimensional space-time. We show how to obtain new models with kinks with different asymptotic behaviour at spatial infinities, using deformation procedure with special deformation function. In particular, starting from the well-known $\varphi^4$ model, we obtain kinks with super-exponential, super-super-exponential, power-law, and logarithmic asymptotics.

  • The Spectral Action on quivers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Carlos I. Perez-Sanchez

    We consider quiver representations not on vector spaces, as traditional, but on a different target category, which emerges in the context of noncommutative geometry. The equivalence between quiver representations and path algebra modules -- established here for the new category -- inspired the following construction: Only from representation theory data, we build the Dirac operator (of a spectral triple) on a quiver and evaluate the spectral action functional from a general formula over closed paths derived here. We apply this construction to gauge theories on lattice-quivers and obtain all the exact Weisz-Wohlert-type cells in the context of Symanzik's improvement to the Wilsonian Yang-Mills lattice gauge theory. We show that a hermitian Higgs field emerges from the self-loops of the quiver and derive the Yang-Mills--Higgs theory on flat space as a limit of certain quivers. We worked in arbitrary dimension and, concerning paths on lattices, we proved some combinatorial claims, which might be useful elsewhere.

  • TBA equations and exact WKB analysis in deformed supersymmetric quantum mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Katsushi Ito, Hongfei Shu

    We study the spectral problem in deformed supersymmetric quantum mechanics with polynomial superpotential by using the exact WKB method and the TBA equations. We apply the ODE/IM correspondence to the Schr\"odinger equation with an effective potential deformed by integrating out the fermions, which admits a continuous deformation parameter. We find that the TBA equations are described by the ${\mathbb Z}_4$-extended ones. For cubic superpotential corresponding to the symmetric double-well potential, the TBA system splits into the two $D_3$-type TBA equations. We investigate in detail this example based on the TBA equations and their analytic continuation as well as the massless limit. We find that the energy spectrum obtained from the exact quantization condition is in good agreement with the diagonalization approach of the Hamiltonian.

  • Multi-trace YMS amplitudes from soft behavior.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi-Jian Du, Kang Zhou

    Tree level multi-trace Yang-Mills-scalar (YMS) amplitudes have been shown to satisfy a recursive expansion formula, which expresses any YMS amplitude by those with fewer gluons and/or scalar traces. In an earlier work, the single-trace expansion formula has been shown to be determined by the universality of soft behavior. This approach is nevertheless not extended to multi-trace case in a straightforward way. In this paper, we derive the expansion formula of tree-level multi-trace YMS amplitudes in a bottom-up way: we first determine the simplest amplitude, the double-trace pure scalar amplitude which involves two scalars in each trace. Then insert more scalars to one of the traces. Based on this amplitude, we further obtain the double-soft behavior when the trace containing only two scalars is soft. The multi-trace amplitudes with more scalars and more gluons finally follow from the double-soft behavior as well as the single-soft behaviors which has been derived before.

  • Next-to-eikonal corrected double graviton dressing and gravitational wave observables at ${\cal O}(G^2)$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Karan Fernandes, Feng-Li Lin

    Following a recent proposal to describe inelastic eikonal scattering processes in terms of gravitationally dressed elastic eikonal amplitudes, we motivate a collinear double graviton dressing and investigate its properties. This is derived from a generalized Wilson line operator in the worldline formalism by integrating over fluctuations of the eikonal trajectories of external particles in gravitationally interacting theories. The dressing can be expressed as a product of exponential terms -- a coherent piece with contributions to all odd orders in the gravitational coupling constant and a term quadratic in graviton modes, with the former providing classical gravitational wave observables. In particular, the coherent dressing involves $\mathcal{O}(\kappa^3)$ subleading double graviton corrections to the Weinberg soft factor. We use this dressing to derive expressions for the waveform, radiative momentum spectrum and angular momentum. In a limiting case of the waveform, we derive the non-linear memory effect resulting from the emission of nearly soft gravitons from a binary scattering process.

  • Noncommutativity in Configuration Space Induced by A Conjugate Magnetic Field in Phase Space.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jan Govaerts, Univ. cath. Louvain, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

    As is well known, an external magnetic field in configuration space coupled to a quantum dynamics induces noncommutativity in its velocity momentum space. By phase space duality, an external vector potential in the conjugate momentum sector of the system induces noncommutativity in its configuration space. Such a rationale for noncommutativity is explored herein for an arbitrary configuration space of Euclidean geometry. Ordinary quantum mechanics with a commutative configuration space is revisited first. Through the introduction of an arbitrary positive definite $*$-product, a one-to-one correspondence between the Hilbert space of abstract quantum states and that of the enveloping algebra of the position quantum operators is identified. A parallel discussion is then presented when configuration space is noncommutative, and thoroughly analysed when the conjugate magnetic field is momentum independent and nondegenerate. Once again the space of quantum states may be identified with the enveloping algebra of the noncommutative position quantum operators. Furthermore when the positive definite $*$-product is chosen in accordance with the value of the conjugate magnetic field which determines the commutator algebra of the coordinate operators, these operators span a Fock algebra of which the canonical coherent states are the localised noncommutative quantum analogues of the sharp and structureless local points of the associated commutative configuration space geometry. These results generalise and justify a posteriori within the context of ordinary canonical quantisation the heuristic approach to quantum mechanics in the noncommutative Euclidean plane as constructed and developed by F. G. Scholtz and his collaborators.

  • Twisted cohomology.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jonathan Rosenberg

    We discuss twisted cohomology, not just for ordinary cohomology but also for $K$-theory and other exceptional cohomology theories, and discuss several of the applications of these in mathematical physics. Our list of applications is by no means exhaustive, but we are hoping that it is extensive enough to give the reader a feel for the possible applications of twisted theories in many different contexts. We also give many suggestions for further reading, but this subject has now expanded to the point where the bibliography is necessarily very incomplete.

  • 4D Chern-Simons and the pure spinor $AdS_5\times S^5$ superstring.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nathan Berkovits, Rodrigo S. Pitombo

    Four-dimensional Chern-Simons (4DCS) theory is useful for understanding integrable sigma-models and constructing new ones. In this paper, we show how to derive the complete pure spinor $AdS_5\times S^5$ superstring sigma-model from 4DCS theory with defects. The matter sector of this sigma model was previously derived by Costello and Yamazaki, and we propose here that the pure spinor ghosts come from gauge-fixing meromorphic transformations of 4DCS which lead to the usual pure spinor Lax connection including the ghost contribution.

  • Weak Correlations as the Underlying Principle for Linearization of Gradient-Based Learning Systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ori Shem-Ur, Yaron Oz

    Deep learning models, such as wide neural networks, can be conceptualized as nonlinear dynamical physical systems characterized by a multitude of interacting degrees of freedom. Such systems in the infinite limit, tend to exhibit simplified dynamics. This paper delves into gradient descent-based learning algorithms, that display a linear structure in their parameter dynamics, reminiscent of the neural tangent kernel. We establish this apparent linearity arises due to weak correlations between the first and higher-order derivatives of the hypothesis function, concerning the parameters, taken around their initial values. This insight suggests that these weak correlations could be the underlying reason for the observed linearization in such systems. As a case in point, we showcase this weak correlations structure within neural networks in the large width limit. Exploiting the relationship between linearity and weak correlations, we derive a bound on deviations from linearity observed during the training trajectory of stochastic gradient descent. To facilitate our proof, we introduce a novel method to characterise the asymptotic behavior of random tensors.

  • Composite cores of monopoles and Alice rings in spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giuseppe Baio, Magnus O. Borgh

    We show that energy relaxation causes a point defect in the uniaxial-nematic phase of a spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensate to deform into a spin-Alice ring that exhibits a composite core structure with distinct topology at short and long distances from the singular line. An outer biaxial-nematic core exhibits a spin half-quantum vortex structure with a uniaxial-nematic inner core. By numerical simulation we demonstrate a dynamical oscillation between the spin-Alice ring and a split-core hedgehog configuration via the appearance of ferromagnetic rings with associated vorticity inside an extended core region. We further show that a similar dynamics is exhibited by a spin-Alice ring surrounding a spin-vortex line resulting from the relaxation of a monopole situated on a spin-vortex line in the biaxial-nematic phase. In the cyclic phase similar states are shown instead to form extended phase-mixing cores containing rings with fractional mass circulation or cores whose spatial shape reflect the order-parameter symmetry of cyclic inner core, depending on the initial configuration.

  • Confined Vortex Surface and Irreversibility. 3. Nested Tubes and Energy Cascade.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Migdal

    We find a new family of exact solutions of the Confined Vortex Surface equations (The Euler equations with extra boundary conditions coming from the stability of the Navier-Stokes equations in the local tangent plane). This family of solutions has an infinite number of nested tubes of varying diameters. The shape of the boundary cross-section is the same up to a scale. This Russian doll implements in physical space the scenario of the energy cascade from an eddy to a smaller eddy. This hierarchy of vortex shells is not wishful thinking but rather an exact solution of the Euler (CVS) equations. The spectrum of the size of the shells is determined from the minimization of the effective Hamiltonian of our turbulent statistics. This effective Hamiltonian is given by a surface dissipation integral, conserved in the \NS{} dynamics in virtue of the \CVS{} conditions. The thickness of each tube goes to zero as a power of Reynolds number $\R^{-\frac{3}{4}}$, compared to the average distance between tubes in the turbulent flow. Thus, at finite viscosity, there will be a logarithmic number of inner tubes nested inside the external one.

  • Timelike entanglement entropy and $T\bar{T}$ deformation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xin Jiang, Peng Wang, Houwen Wu, Haitang Yang

    In a previous work arXiv:1811.07758 about the $T\bar{T}$ deformed CFT$_2$, from the consistency requirement of the entanglement entropy theory, we found that in addition to the usual spacelike entanglement entropy, a timelike entanglement entropy must be introduced and treated equally. Inspired by the recent explicit constructions of the timelike entanglement entropy and its bulk dual, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the timelike and spacelike entanglement entropies in the $T\bar{T}$ deformed finite size system and finite temperature system. The results confirm our prediction that in the finite size system only the timelike entanglement entropy receives a correction, while in the finite temperature system only the usual spacelike entanglement entropy gets a correction. These findings affirm the necessity of a complete measure including both spacelike and timelike entanglement entropies.

  • Timelike entanglement entropy in dS$_3$/CFT$_2$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xin Jiang, Peng Wang, Houwen Wu, Haitang Yang

    In the context of dS$_3$/CFT$_2$, we propose a timelike entanglement entropy defined by the renormalization group flow. This timelike entanglement entropy is calculated in CFT by using the Callan-Symanzik equation. We find an exact match between this entanglement entropy and the length of a timelike geodesic connecting two different spacelike surfaces in dS$_3$.The counterpart of this entanglement entropy in AdS$_3$ is a spacelike one, also induced by RG flow and extends all the way into the bulk of AdS$_3$. As a result, in both AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$ and dS$_3$/CFT$_2$, there exist exactly three entanglement entropies, providing precisely sufficient information to reconstruct the three-dimensional bulk geometry.

  • On Higher-Spin Points and Infinite Distances in Conformal Manifolds.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Florent Baume, José Calderón-Infante

    Distances in the conformal manifold, the space of CFTs related by marginal deformations, can be measured in terms of the Zamolodchikov metric. Part of the CFT Distance Conjecture posits that points in this manifold where part of the spectrum becomes free, called higher-spin points, can only be at infinite distance from the interior. There, an infinite tower of operators become conserved currents, and the conformal symmetry is enhanced to a higher-spin algebra. This proposal was initially motivated by the Swampland Distance Conjecture, one of pillars of the Swampland Program. In this work, we show that the conjecture can be tackled using only methods from the conformal toolkit, and without relying on the existence of a weakly-coupled gravity dual. Via conformal perturbation theory combined with properties of correlators and of the higher-spin algebra, we establish that higher-spin points are indeed at infinite distance in the conformal manifold. We make no assumptions besides the usual properties of local CFTs, such as unitarity and the existence of an energy-momentum tensor. In particular, we do not rely on a specific dimension of spacetime (although we assume $d>2$), nor do we require the presence of supersymmetry.

  • Holographic $T\bar{T}$ deformed entanglement entropy in dS$_3$/CFT$_2$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Deyou Chen, Xin Jiang, Haitang Yang

    In this paper, based on the $T\bar{T}$ deformed version of $\text{dS}_3/\text{CFT}_2$ correspondence, we calculate the pseudoentropy for an entangling surface consisting of two antipodal points on a sphere and find it is exactly dual to the complex geodesic in the bulk.

  • (2+1)D SU(2) Yang-Mills Lattice Gauge Theory at finite density via tensor networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Giovanni Cataldi, Giuseppe Magnifico, Pietro Silvi, Simone Montangero

    We numerically simulate a non-Abelian lattice gauge theory in two spatial dimensions, with Tensor Networks (TN). We focus on the SU(2) Yang-Mills model in Hamiltonian formulation, with dynamical matter and minimally truncated gauge field (hardcore gluon). Thanks to the TN sign-problem-free approach, we characterize the phase diagram of the model at zero and finite baryon number as a function of the quark bare mass and color charge. Already at intermediate system sizes, we distinctly detect a liquid phase of quark-pair bound-state quasi-particles (baryons), whose mass is finite towards the continuum limit. Interesting phenomena arise at the transition boundary where color-electric and color-magnetic terms are maximally frustrated: for low quark masses, we see traces of potential deconfinement, while for high masses, signatures of a possible topological order.

  • Blackhole/blackring transition.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Indranil Halder, Ying-Hsuan Lin

    We consider BPS states in M theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold with one K\"ahler parameter, and investigate their relation to blackholes and blackrings. On the microscopic side, a characterization of the BPS degeneracy can be obtained from the non-perturbative part of the topological string free energy according to the Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture. On the macroscopic side, the Wald entropy of relevant black objects in the four-dimensional IIA description is computed from the perturbative part of the same topological string free energy following the work of Cardoso-de Wit-Mohaupt and then lifted to five-dimensional M theory through the Gaiotto-Strominger-Yin correspondence. For a given value of the M2 brane charge, we find that for small angular momenta, the microscopic BPS degeneracy matches the entropy of a rotating blackhole, whereas an apparent transition occurs at a critical value of the angular momentum. Beyond this value, we find encouraging evidence that the microscopic counting is well approximated by the entropy of a blackring. We conclude by formulating a new puzzle involving the corrections due to degenerate worldsheet instantons.

  • 2-index chiral gauge theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mohamed M. Anber, Samson Y.L. Chan

    We undertake a systematic study of the $4$-dimensional $SU(N)$ $2$-index chiral gauge theories and investigate their faithful global symmetries and dynamics. These are a finite set of theories with fermions in the $2$-index symmetric and anti-symmetric representations, with no fundamentals, and they do not admit a large-$N$ limit. We employ a combination of perturbative and nonperturbative methods, enabling us to constrain their infrared (IR) phases. Specifically, we leverage the 't Hooft anomalies associated with continuous and discrete groups to eliminate a few scenarios. In some cases, the anomalies rule out the possibility of fermion composites. In other cases, the interplay between the continuous and discrete anomalies leads to multiple higher-order condensates, which inevitably form to match the anomalies. Further, we pinpoint the most probable symmetry-breaking patterns by searching for condensates that match the full set of anomalies resulting in the smallest number of IR degrees of freedom. Higher-loop $\beta$-function analysis suggests that a few theories may flow to a conformal fixed point.

  • Relaxation terms for anomalous hydrodynamic transport in Weyl semimetals from kinetic theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andrea Amoretti, Daniel K. Brattan, Luca Martinoia, Ioannis Matthaiakakis, Jonas Rongen

    We consider as a model of Weyl semimetal thermoelectric transport a $(3+1)$-dimensional charged, relativistic and relaxed fluid with a $U(1)_{V} \times U(1)_{A}$ chiral anomaly. We take into account all possible mixed energy, momentum, electric and chiral charge relaxations, and discover which are compatible with electric charge conservation, Onsager reciprocity and a finite DC conductivity. We find that all relaxations respecting these constraints necessarily render the system open and violate the second law of thermodynamics. We then demonstrate how the relaxations we have found arise from kinetic theory and a modified relaxation time approximation. Our results lead to DC conductivities that differ from those found in the literature opening the path to experimental verification.

  • Quantum Scalar Field Theory Based On Principle of Least Observability.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jianhao M. Yang

    Recently it is shown that the non-relativistic quantum formulations can be derived from a least observability principle [36]. In this paper, we apply the principle to massive scalar fields, and derive the Schr\"{o}dinger equation of the wave functional for the scalar fields. The principle extends the least action principle in classical field theory by factoring in two assumptions. First, the Planck constant defines the minimal amount of action a field needs to exhibit in order to be observable. Second, there are constant random field fluctuations. A novel method is introduced to define the information metrics to measure additional observable information due to the field fluctuations, \added{which is then converted to the additional action through the first assumption.} Applying the variation principle to minimize the total actions allows us to elegantly derive the transition probability of field fluctuations, the uncertainty relation, and the Schr\"{o}dinger equation of the wave functional. Furthermore, by defining the information metrics for field fluctuations using general definitions of relative entropy, we obtain a generalized Schr\"{o}dinger equation of the wave functional that depends on the order of relative entropy. Our results demonstrate that the extended least action principle can be applied to derive both non-relativistic quantum mechanics and relativistic quantum scalar field theory. We expect it can be further used to obtain quantum theory for non-scalar fields.

  • Extensions of a scale-separated AdS$_4$ solution and their mass spectrum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    David Andriot, George Tringas

    We consider two extensions of the so-called DGKT solution, a 4d scale-separated anti-de Sitter (AdS) solution obtained as a compactification on a 6d torus orbifold. Each extension consists in a specific large $n$ expansion beyond the DGKT solution, where $n$ is the unbounded $F_4$-flux parameter. One of the extensions considered generalizes the known warped, partially backreacted solution. We analyse the two extensions in 10d massive type IIA supergravity as well as in a 4d effective theory, using a general warped compactification formalism, including axions. On top of known corrections to DGKT, we mainly get new ones from $F_4$; other fluxes are very constrained by flux quantization. In each extension, one would expect corresponding corrections to the mass spectrum, before reaching contributions from $\alpha'$-corrections. But the mass spectrum turns out to be robust, and conformal dimensions remain unchanged.

  • Refined symmetry-resolved Page curve and charged black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pan Li, Yi Ling

    The Page curve plotted by the typical random state approximation is not applicable to a system with conserved quantities, such as the evaporation process of a charged black hole during which the electric charge does not radiate out with a uniform rate macroscopically. In this context the symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy may play a significant role in describing the entanglement structure of such a system. We attempt to impose constraints on microscopic quantum states to match with the macroscopic phenomenon of the charge radiation during black hole evaporation. Specifically, we consider a simple qubit system with conserved spin/charge serving as a toy model for the evaporation of charged black holes. We propose refined rules for selecting a random state with conserved quantities to simulate the distribution of charges during the different stages of evaporation, and obtain refined Page curves that exhibit distinct features in contrast to the original Page curve. We find the refined Page curve may have a different Page time and exhibit asymmetric behavior on both sides of the Page time. Such refined Page curves may provide more realistic description for the entanglement between the charged black hole and radiation during the process of evaporation.

  • Topological aspects of brane fields: solitons and higher-form symmetries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Salvatore D. Pace, Yu Leon Liu

    In this note, we classify topological solitons of $n$-brane fields, which are nonlocal fields that describe $n$-dimensional extended objects. We consider a class of $n$-brane fields that formally define a homomorphism from the $n$-fold loop space $\Omega^n X_D$ of spacetime $X_D$ to a space $\mathcal{E}_n$. Examples of such $n$-brane fields are Wilson operators in $n$-form gauge theories. The solitons are singularities of the $n$-brane field, and we classify them using the homotopy theory of ${\mathbb{E}_n}$-algebras. We find that the classification of codimension ${k+1}$ topological solitons with ${k\geq n}$ can be understood using homotopy groups of $\mathcal{E}_n$. In particular, they are classified by ${\pi_{k-n}(\mathcal{E}_n)}$ when ${n>1}$ and by ${\pi_{k-n}(\mathcal{E}_n)}$ modulo a ${\pi_{1-n}(\mathcal{E}_n)}$ action when ${n=0}$ or ${1}$. However, for ${n>2}$, their classification goes beyond the homotopy groups of $\mathcal{E}_n$ when ${k< n}$, which we explore through examples. We compare this classification to $n$-form $\mathcal{E}_n$ gauge theory. We then apply this classification and consider an ${n}$-form symmetry described by the abelian group ${G^{(n)}}$ that is spontaneously broken to ${H^{(n)}\subset G^{(n)}}$, for which the order parameter characterizing this symmetry breaking pattern is an ${n}$-brane field with target space ${\mathcal{E}_n = G^{(n)}/H^{(n)}}$. We discuss this classification in the context of many examples, both with and without 't Hooft anomalies.

  • New non-supersymmetric flux vacua from generalised calibrations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vincent Menet

    We construct a new class of non-supersymmetric ten-dimensional type II flux vacua, by studying first order differential equations which are deformations of the $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetry conditions. We do so within the context of Generalised Complex Geometry, where there is a natural interpretation of the $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetry conditions in terms of calibration conditions for probe D-branes, called D-string, domain-wall or space-filling branes, depending on them wrapping two, three or four non-compact dimensions. We focus on the class of non-supersymmetric vacua violating the D-string calibration condition, and write down their general equations of motion in the language of pure spinors. We solve them for a subclass of vacua, where the deformation of the calibration condition is dictated by the foliated geometry of the internal space. We also construct backgrounds violating both the domain-wall and D-string calibration conditions, generalising the one-parameter DWSB class of backgrounds introduced in L\"ust et al. We present several explicit solutions with SU$(2)$ and SU$(3)$ structures, and we investigate briefly their associated low energy effective theories.

  • Hyperpolyadic structures.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Steven Duplij

    We introduce a new class of division algebras, hyperpolyadic algebras, which correspond to the binary division algebras $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{H}$, $\mathbb{O}$ without considering new elements. First, we use the proposed earlier matrix polyadization procedure which increases the algebra dimension. The obtained algebras obey the binary addition and nonderived $n$-ary multiplication and their subalgebras are division $n$-ary algebras. For each invertible element we define a new multiplicative norm. We define a polyadic analog of the Cayley-Dickson construction which corresponds to the consequent embedding of monomial matrices. Then we obtain another series of $n$-ary algebras corresponding to the binary division algebras which have more dimension, that is proportional to intermediate arities. Second, a new polyadic product of vectors in any vector space is defined, which is consistent with the polyadization procedure by using vectorization. Endowed with the introduced product the vector space becomes a polyadic algebra which is a division algebra under some invertibility conditions, and it structure constants are computed. Third, we propose a new iterative process (we call it "imaginary tower"), which leads to nonunital nonderived ternary division algebras of half dimension, we call them "half-quaternions" and "half-octonions". The latter are not subalgebras of the binary division algebras, but subsets only, since they have different arity. Nevertheless, they are actually ternary division algebras, because allow division, and their nonzero elements are invertible. From the multiplicativity of the introduced "half-quaternion" norm we obtain the ternary analog of the sum of two squares identity. We prove that the introduced unitless ternary division algebra of imaginary "half-octonions" is ternary alternative.

  • N=2 conformal supergravity in five dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Soumya Adhikari, Bindusar Sahoo

    N=2 conformal supergravity in five dimensions is constructed via a systematic off-shell reduction scheme from maximal conformal supergravity in six dimensions which is (2,0). The dimensional reduction of the (2,0) Weyl multiplet in six dimensions gives us the Weyl multiplet in five dimensions which is a dilaton Weyl multiplet as it has a dilaton scalar. The dimensional reduction of the (2,0) tensor multiplet in six dimensions gives us the N=2 vector multiplet in five dimensions coupled to conformal supergravity. We also comment on Nahm's classification regarding the non-existence of an N=2 superconformal algebra in five dimensions and why it does not contradict the existence of N=2 conformal supergravity in five dimensions that is constructed in this paper.

  • Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and Generalised Hydrodynamics in the sine-Gordon model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    B. C. Nagy, G. Takács, M. Kormos

    We set up a hydrodynamic description of the non-equilibrium dynamics of sine-Gordon quantum field theory for generic coupling. It is built upon an explicit form of the Bethe Ansatz description of general thermodynamic states, with the structure of the resulting coupled integral equations encoded in terms of graphical diagrams. The resulting framework is applied to derive results for the Drude weights of charge and energy. Quantities associated with the charge universally have fractal dependence on the coupling, which is notably absent from those associated with energy, a feature explained by the different roles played by reflective scattering in transporting these quantities. We then present far-from-equilibrium results, including explicit time evolution starting from bipartite initial states and dynamical correlation functions. Our framework can be applied to explore numerous other aspects of non-equilibrium dynamics, which opens the way to a wide array of theoretical studies and potential novel experimental predictions.

  • Three Point Amplitudes in Matrix Theory.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Aidan Herderschee, Juan Maldacena

    We compute the three graviton amplitude in the Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind matrix model for M-theory. Even though the three point amplitude is determined by super Poincare invariance in eleven dimensional M-theory, it requires a non-trivial computation in the matrix model. We consider a configuration where all three gravitons carry non-zero longitudinal momentum. To simplify the problem, we compactify one additional dimension and relate the amplitude to a supersymmetric index computation. We find agreement with the expected answer even at finite values of $N$.

  • Classification of connected \'etale algebras in modular fusion categories up to rank five.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ken Kikuchi

    We classify connected \'etale algebras in (possibly non-unitary) modular fusion categories $\mathcal B$'s with $\text{rank}(\mathcal B)\le5$. We also comment on Lagrangian algebra, anyon condensation, and physical applications. Concretely, we prove certain spontaneous $\mathcal B$-symmetry breaking and predict ground state degeneracies in massive renormalization group flows from non-unitary minimal models.

  • Entanglement of edge modes in (very) strongly correlated topological insulators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nisa Ara, Rudranil Basu, Emil Mathew, Indrakshi Raychowdhury

    Identifying topological phases for a strongly correlated theory remains a non-trivial task, as defining order parameters, such as Berry phases, is not straightforward. Quantum information theory is capable of identifying topological phases for a theory that exhibits quantum phase transition with a suitable definition of order parameters that are related to different entanglement measures for the system. In this work, we study entanglement entropy for a bi-layer SSH model, both in the presence and absence of Hubbard interaction and at varying interaction strengths. For the free theory, edge entanglement acts as an order parameter, which is supported by analytic calculations and numerical (DMRG) studies. We calculate the symmetry-resolved entanglement and demonstrate the equipartition of entanglement for this model which itself acts as an order parameter when calculated for the edge modes. As the DMRG calculation allows one to go beyond the free theory, we study the entanglement structure of the edge modes in the presence of on-site Hubbard interaction for the same model. A sudden reduction of edge entanglement is obtained as interaction is switched on. The explanation for this lies in the change in the size of the degenerate subspaces in the presence and absence of interaction. We also study the signature of entanglement when the interaction strength becomes extremely strong and demonstrate that the edge entanglement remains protected. In this limit, the energy eigenstates essentially become a tensor product state, implying zero entanglement. However, a remnant entropy survives in the non-trivial topological phase which is exactly due to the entanglement of the edge modes.

  • Thermodynamics and dynamics of coupled complex SYK models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jan C. Louw, Linda M. van Manen, Rishabh Jha

    It has been known that the large-$q$ complex SYK model falls under the same universality class as that of van der Waals (mean-field) and saturates the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford bound, both features shared by various black holes. This makes the SYK model a useful tool in probing the fundamental nature of quantum chaos and holographic duality. This work establishes the robustness of this shared universality class and chaotic properties for SYK-like models by extending to a system of coupled large-$q$ complex SYK models of different orders. We provide a detailed derivation of thermodynamic properties, specifically the critical exponents for an observed phase transition, as well as dynamical properties, in particular the Lyapunov exponent, via the out-of-time correlator calculations. Our analysis reveals that, despite the introduction of an additional scaling parameter through interaction strength ratios, the system undergoes a continuous phase transition at low temperatures, similar to that of the single SYK model. The critical exponents align with the Landau-Ginzburg (mean-field) universality class, shared with van der Waals gases and various AdS black holes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the coupled SYK system remains maximally chaotic in the large-$q$ limit at low temperatures, adhering to the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford bound, a feature consistent with the single SYK model. These findings establish robustness and open avenues for broader inquiries into the universality and chaos in complex quantum systems. We conclude by considering the very low-temperature regime where there is again a maximally chaotic to regular (non-chaotic) phase transition. We then discuss relations with the Hawking-Page phase transition observed in the holographic dual black holes.


  • Quantum Noise Limited Phased Arrays for Single-Electron Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stafford Withington, Christopher Thomas, Songyuan Zhao

    Neutrino oscillation experiments show that neutrinos have mass; however, the absolute mass scale is exceedingly difficult to measure and is currently unknown. A promising approach is to measure the energies of the electrons released during the radioactive decay of tritium. The energies of interest are within a few eV of the 18.6 keV end point, and so are mildly relativistic. By capturing the electrons in a static magnetic field and measuring the frequency of the cyclotron radiation emitted the initial energy can be determined, but end-point events are infrequent, the observing times short, and the signal to noise ratios low. To achieve a resolution of $<$ 10 meV, single-electron emission spectra need to be recorded over large fields of view with highly sensitive receivers. The principles of Cylotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) have already been demonstrated by Project 8, and now there is considerable interest in increasing the FoV to $>$ 0.1 m$^3$. We consider a range of issues relating to the design and optimisation of inward-looking quantum-noise-limited microwave receivers for single-electron CRES, and present a single framework for understanding signal, noise and system-level behaviour. Whilst there is a great deal of literature relating to the design of outward-looking phased arrays for applications such as radar and telecommunications, there is very little coverage of the new issues that come into play when designing ultra-sensitive inward-looking phased arrays for volumetric spectroscopy and imaging.

  • Search for a critical point of strongly-interacting matter in central $^{40}$Ar +$^{45}$Sc collisions at 13$A$-75$A$ GeV/$c$ beam momentum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    H. Adhikary, P. Adrich, K. K. Allison, N. Amin, E. V. Andronov, T. Antićić, I. -C. Arsene, M. Bajda, Y. Balkova, M. Baszczyk, D. Battaglia, A. Bazgir, S. Bhosale, M. Bielewicz, A. Blondel, M. Bogomilov, Y. Bondar, N. Bostan, A. Brandin, W. Bryliński, J. Brzychczyk, M. Buryakov, A. F. Camino, M. Ćirković, M. Csanad, J. Cybowska, T. Czopowicz, C. Dalmazzone, N. Davis, A. Dmitriev, P. von Doetinchem, W. Dominik, P. Dorosz, J. Dumarchez, R. Engel, G. A. Feofilov, L. Fields, Z. Fodor, M. Friend, A. Garibov, M. Gaździcki, O. Golosov, V. Golovatyuk, M. Golubeva, K. Grebieszkow, F. Guber, S. N. Igolkin, S. Ilieva, A. Ivashkin, A. Izvestnyy, K. Kadija, N. Kargin, N. Karpushkin, E. Kashirin, M. Kiełbowicz, V.A. Kireyeu, H. Kitagawa, et al. (99 additional authors not shown)

    The critical point of strongly interacting matter is searched for at the CERN SPS by the NA61/SHINE experiment in central $^{40}$Ar +$^{45}$Sc collisions at 13$A$, 19$A$, 30$A$, 40$A$, and 75$A$ GeV/$c$. The dependence of the second-order scaled factorial moments of proton multiplicity distributions on the number of subdivisions in transverse momentum space is measured. The intermittency analysis uses statistically independent data sets for every subdivision in transverse and cumulative-transverse momentum variables. The results obtained do not indicate the searched intermittent pattern. An upper limit on the fraction of correlated protons and the intermittency index is obtained based on a comparison with the Power-law Model.

  • A First-Principle Approach to X-ray Active Optics: Design and Verification.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dezhi Diao, Han Dong, Fugui Yang, Ming Li, Weifan Sheng, Xiaowei Zhang

    This paper presents the first-principle design approach for X-ray active optics, using the simulation-modulation cycle in place of the measurement-modulation feedback loops used in traditional active optics. Hence, the new active optics have the potential to outperform the accuracy of surface-shape metrology instruments. We apply an X-ray mirror with localized thermal elastic deformation to validate the idea. Both the finite element simulations and surface shape measurements have demonstrated that the active optics modulation accuracy limit can be achieved at the atomic layer level. It is believed that the implementation of the first-principle design strategy has the capacity to revolutionize both the manufacturing processes of X-ray mirrors and the beamline engineering of synchrotron radiation.

  • CKM $\gamma$ measurements at LHCb.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lei Hao

    The tree-level measurement of the CKM $\gamma$ angle is a crucial test of $CP$ violation in the Standard Model (SM). Discrepancies between direct measurements (tree-level decays) and indirect measurements (loop decays) could indicate physics beyond the SM. Recent measurements using decays such as $B^0 \rightarrow DK^{*0}, B^{\pm} \rightarrow [D\pi^0/\gamma]_{D^*}h^{\pm}$ (where $D$ decays to $K_{S}^{0} h^+h^-$ with $h=K, \pi$) and $B^{\pm} \rightarrow [h'^+h'^-\pi^+\pi^-]_Dh^{\pm}$ are presented. Additionally, the combination of previous $\gamma$ measurements at LHCb, excluding the aforementioned results, is also presented. The LHCb result, with a precision of $(63.8^{+3.5}_{-3.7})^{\circ}$ establishes itself as a dominant measurement in this field.

  • Four top quark production searches and cross section measurements at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Niels Van den Bossche

    Four top quark production is a rare standard model process that has been observed for the first time in proton-proton collisions at \sqrts at the CERN LHC by both the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. Both observations were made in the same-sign dilepton and multilepton final states of the process and are presented in this contribution. In addition, another measurement of four top production by the CMS Collaboration using the all hadronic, one lepton and opposite-sign dilepton final states is presented. This is the first result to take a direct look at the all hadronic final state.

  • Calculation of Forces to the High Granularity Calorimeter Stainless Steel Absorbers Misaligned inside the CMS Superconducting Coil.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vyacheslav Klyukhin

    The general-purpose Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN includes the hadronic calorimeter to register the energies of the charged and neutral hadrons produced in the proton-proton collisions at the LHC at a centre of mass energy 13.6 TeV. The calorimeter is located inside the superconducting solenoid of 6 m in diameter and 12.5 m in length operating with a direct current of 18.164 kA that creates the central magnetic flux density of 3.81 T. To fit optimally to the high pileup and high radiation environment of the High Luminosity LHC, the existing CMS endcap calorimeter will be replaced with a new high granularity calorimeter (HGCal) comprising the electromagnetic and hadronic sections. The hadronic section in each of two endcaps of the HGCal will include 22 stainless steel absorber plates with a relative permeability value of 1.000588 at to the central magnetic flux density of 3.81 T. The calculation of the electromagnetic forces to the absorber plates due to orthogonal and angular misalignments of the HGCal endcaps with respect to the coil axis is performed with a three-dimensional computer model of the CMS magnet using the method of calculation described earlier.

  • The OBDT-theta board: time digitization for the theta view of Drift Tubes chambers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    J. Sastre, C.F. Bedoya, S. Cuadrado, J. Cuchillo, D. Francia, C. de Lara, A. Navarro, R. Paz, I. Redondo, D. Redondo

    We present the design and performance of the On-Board electronics for the Drift Tubes (OBDT) for the superlayer theta along the direction parallel to the beam-line, the new board built to substitute part of the CMS DT Muon on-detector electronics. The OBDT-theta is responsible for the time digitization of the DT chamber signals for the theta view, allowing further tracking and triggering of the barrel muons. It is also in charge of part of the slow-control of the DT chamber inner electronics in the theta view. Prototypes of the OBDT-theta board are under validation in different laboratories in CERN, as well as in demonstrator chambers installed in the CMS experiment. This allows evaluation of the full functionality of the boards in real conditions, showing very satisfactory results.

  • Radiation in oriented crystals: Innovative application to future positron sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mattia Soldani, Fahad Alharthi, Laura Bandiera, Nicola Canale, Gianluca Cavoto, Iryna Chaikovska, Robert Chehab, Vincenzo Guidi, Viktar Haurylavets, Andrea Mazzolari, Riccardo Negrello, Gianfranco Paternò, Marco Romagnoni, Alexei Sytov, Victor Tikhomirov

    It has been known since decades that the alignment of a beam of high-energy electrons with particular crystal directions involves a significant increase of bremsstrahlung radiation emission. This enhancement lies at the conceptual foundation of innovative positron source schemes for future lepton colliders. In particular, the so-called hybrid scheme makes use of a heavy-metal radiator in crystalline form, which is then followed by an amorphous metallic converter for positron generation from electrons by means of a two-step electromagnetic process. This work presents the most recent simulation results obtained on the development of a hybrid positron source for the FCC-$ee$ from the standpoint of the features of both the crystalline radiator and the amorphous converter.

  • A prototype electromagnetic calorimeter for the MUonE experiment: status and first performance results.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. Spedicato

    The MUonE experiment proposes a novel approach to determine the leading hadronic contribution to the muon g-2, from a precise measurement of the differential cross section of the $\mu-e$ elastic scattering, achievable by using the CERN SPS muon beam onto atomic electrons of a light target. The detector layout is modular, consisting of an array of identical tracking stations, each one made of a light target and silicon strip planes, followed by an electromagnetic calorimeter made of $PbWO_4$ crystals with APD readout, placed after the last station, and a muon filter. The scattering particles are tracked without any magnetic field, and the event kinematics can be defined in a large phase space region from the expected correlation of the outgoing particle angles. The ambiguity affecting a specific region, with electron and muon outgoing with similar deflection angles, can be solved by identifying the electron track as the one with extrapolation matching the calorimeter cluster or the muon track by associating it to hits in the muon filter. The role of the calorimeter will be important for background estimate and reduction, and to assess systematic errors, providing some useful redundancy and allowing for alternative selections. Beam tests are carried out at CERN with a prototype calorimeter to determine its calibration with both high energy (20-150 GeV) and low energy electrons (1-10 GeV). In late summer a pilot run is scheduled with up to three tracking stations and the calorimeter integrated within a common triggerless readout system. The main motivations for the MUonE calorimeter are discussed, and the status and first performance results will be presented.

  • Mathematical methods for neutrino cross-section extraction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Steven Gardiner

    Precise modeling of neutrino-nucleus scattering is becoming increasingly important as accelerator-based oscillation experiments seek definitive answers to open questions about neutrino properties. To guide the needed model refinements, a growing number of experimental collaborations are pursuing a wide-ranging program of neutrino interaction measurements at GeV energies. A key step in most such analyses is cross-section extraction, in which measured event counts are corrected for background contamination and imperfect detector performance to yield cross-section results that are directly comparable to theoretical predictions. In this paper, I review the major approaches to cross-section extraction in the literature using representative examples from the MINERvA, MicroBooNE, and T2K experiments. I then present two mathematical techniques, blockwise unfolding and the conditional covariance background constraint, which overcome some limitations of typical cross-section extraction procedures.

  • CE$\nu$NS at the European Spallation Source.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Simón

    The recent detection of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS) opens the possibility to use neutrinos to explore physics beyond standard model, with small-size detectors. However, the CE$\nu$NS process generates signals at the few keV level, requiring very sensitive detector technologies. The European Spallation Source (ESS) has been identified as an optimal source of low energy neutrinos, offering an opportunity for a definitive exploration of all phenomenological applications of CE$\nu$NS. A number of different detector approaches are currently under development for deployment at ESS. These next-generation technologies will be able to observe the process with lower energy threshold and better energy resolution than current detectors. The combination of their observations will allow for a complete phenomenological exploitation of the CE$\nu$NS signal. In particular, these measurements will not be statistically-limited, a result of the large neutrino flux expected at the ESS. The main projects currently being developed to detect CE$\nu$NS at the ESS are presented: the GanESS project which will use high pressure gas TPC filled with different noble gases; the C$^{\circ}\!$sI project, which employs cryogenic undoped CsI crystals; and p-type point contact HPGe detectors.

  • Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson into long-lived particles in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV using displaced vertices in the ATLAS inner detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    A novel search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson into pairs of long-lived neutral particles, each decaying into a bottom quark pair, is performed using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events consistent with the production of a Higgs boson in association with a leptonically decaying $Z$ boson are analysed. Long-lived particle (LLP) decays are reconstructed from inner-detector tracks as displaced vertices with high mass and track multiplicity relative to Standard Model processes. The analysis selection requires the presence of at least two displaced vertices, effectively suppressing Standard Model backgrounds. The residual background contribution is estimated using a data-driven technique. No excess over Standard Model predictions is observed, and upper limits are set on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson to LLPs. Branching ratios above 10% are excluded at 95% confidence level for LLP mean proper lifetimes $c\tau$ as small as 4 mm and as large as 100 mm. For LLP masses below 40 GeV, these results represent the most stringent constraint in this lifetime regime.

  • Study of the p$-$p$-$K$^+$ and p$-$p$-$K$^-$ dynamics using the femtoscopy technique.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ALICE Collaboration

    The interactions of kaons (K) and antikaons ($\mathrm{\overline{K}}$) with few nucleons (N) were studied so far using kaonic atom data and measurements of kaon production and interaction yields in nuclei. Some details of the three-body KNN and $\mathrm{\overline{K}}$NN dynamics are still not well understood, mainly due to the overlap with multi-nucleon interactions in nuclei. An alternative method to probe the dynamics of three-body systems with kaons is to study the final state interaction within triplet of particles emitted in pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, which are free from effects due to the presence of bound nucleons. This Letter reports the first femtoscopic study of p$-$p$-$K$^+$ and p$-$p$-$K$^-$ correlations measured in high-multiplicity pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The analysis shows that the measured p$-$p$-$K$^+$ and p$-$p$-$K$^-$ correlation functions can be interpreted in terms of pairwise interactions in the triplets, indicating that the dynamics of such systems is dominated by the two-body interactions without significant contributions from three-body effects or bound states.

  • Data-driven precision determination of the material budget in ALICE.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ALICE Collaboration

    The knowledge of the material budget with a high precision is fundamental for measurements of direct photon production using the photon conversion method due to its direct impact on the total systematic uncertainty. Moreover, it influences many aspects of the charged-particle reconstruction performance. In this article, two procedures to determine data-driven corrections to the material-budget description in ALICE simulation software are developed. One is based on the precise knowledge of the gas composition in the Time Projection Chamber. The other is based on the robustness of the ratio between the produced number of photons and charged particles, to a large extent due to the approximate isospin symmetry in the number of produced neutral and charged pions. Both methods are applied to ALICE data allowing for a reduction of the overall material budget systematic uncertainty from 4.5% down to 2.5%. Using these methods, a locally correct material budget is also achieved. The two proposed methods are generic and can be applied to any experiment in a similar fashion.

  • Exclusive and dissociative J/$\psi$ photoproduction, and exclusive dimuon production, in p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 8.16$ TeV.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ALICE Collaboration

    The ALICE Collaboration reports three measurements in ultra-peripheral proton$-$lead collisions at forward rapidity. The exclusive two-photon process \ggmm and the exclusive photoproduction of J/$\psi$ are studied. J/$\psi$ photoproduction with proton dissociation is measured for the first time at a hadron collider. The cross section for the two-photon process of dimuons in the invariant mass range from 1 to 2.5 GeV/$c^2$ agrees with leading order quantum electrodynamics calculations. The exclusive and dissociative cross sections for J/$\psi$ photoproductions are measured for photon$-$proton centre-of-mass energies from 27 to 57 GeV. They are in good agreement with HERA results.

  • Instrumental uncertainties in radiative corrections for the MUSE experiment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Li, S. Strauch, J. C. Bernauer, W. J. Briscoe, A. Christopher Ndukwe, E. Cline, D. Cohen, K. Deiters, E. J. Downie, I. P. Fernando, A. Flannery, R. Gilman, Y. Ilieva, M. Kohl, I. Lavrukhin, W. Lin, W. Lorenzon, S. Lunkenheimer, P. Mohanmurthy, J. Nazeer, M. Nicol, T. Patel, A. Prosnyakov, H. Reid, P. E. Reimer, G. Ron, T. Rostomyan, O. M. Ruimi, N. Sparveris, D. Yaari

    The MUSE experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute is measuring elastic lepton-proton scattering cross sections in a four-momentum transfer range from $Q^2$ of approximately 0.002 to 0.08 GeV$^2$ using positively and negatively charged electrons and muons. The extraction of the Born cross sections from the experimental data requires radiative corrections. Estimates of the instrumental uncertainties in those corrections have been made using the ESEPP event generator. The results depend in particular on the minimum lepton momentum that contributes to the experimental cross section and the fraction of events with hard initial-state radiation that is detected in the MUSE calorimeter and is excluded from the data. These results show that the angular-dependent instrumental uncertainties in radiative corrections to the electron cross section are better than 0.4 % and are negligible for the muon cross section.

  • Measurement of Non-prompt $\rm D^0$-meson Elliptic Flow in Pb-Pb Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ALICE Collaboration

    The elliptic flow ($v_2$) of $\rm D^0$ mesons from beauty-hadron decays (non-prompt $\rm D^0$) was measured in midcentral (30-50%) Pb-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The $\rm D^0$ mesons were reconstructed at midrapidity ($|y|<0.8$) from their hadronic decay $\mathrm{D^0 \to K^-\pi^+}$, in the transverse momentum interval $2 < p_{\rm T} < 12$ GeV/$c$. The result indicates a positive $v_2$ for non-prompt $\rm D^0$ mesons with a significance of 2.7$\sigma$. The non-prompt $\rm D^0$-meson $v_2$ is lower than that of prompt non-strange D mesons with 3.2$\sigma$ significance in $2 < p_{\rm T} < 8$ GeV/$c$, and compatible with the $v_2$ of beauty-decay electrons. Theoretical calculations of beauty-quark transport in a hydrodynamically expanding medium describe the measurement within uncertainties.

  • Study of flavor dependence of the baryon-to-meson ratio in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ALICE Collaboration

    The production cross sections of ${\rm D^0}$ and $\Lambda^+_{\rm c}$ hadrons originating from beauty-hadron decays (i.e. non-prompt) were measured for the first time at midrapidity ($|y|<0.5$) by the ALICE Collaboration in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. They are described within uncertainties by perturbative QCD calculations employing the fragmentation fractions of beauty quarks to baryons measured at forward rapidity by the LHCb Collaboration. The ${\rm b\overline{b}}$ production cross section per unit of rapidity at midrapidity, estimated from these measurements, is ${\rm d}\sigma_{\rm b\overline{b}}/{\rm d}y|_{|y|<0.5} = 83.1 \pm 3.5 (\mathrm{stat.}) \pm 5.4(\mathrm{syst.}) ^{+12.3}_{-3.2} (\mathrm{extrap.})\,\mu$b. The baryon-to-meson ratios are computed to investigate the hadronization mechanism of beauty quarks. The non-prompt $\Lambda^+_{\rm c}/{\rm D^0}$ production ratio has a similar trend to the one measured for the promptly produced charmed particles and to the p$/\pi^+$ and $\Lambda/{\rm K^0_S}$ ratios, suggesting a similar baryon-formation mechanism among light, strange, charm, and beauty hadrons. The $p_{\rm T}$-integrated non-prompt $\Lambda_{\rm c}/{\rm D^0}$ ratio is found to be significantly higher than the one measured in e$^+$e$^-$ collisions.

  • Charm production and fragmentation fractions at midrapidity in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ALICE Collaboration

    Measurements of the production cross sections of prompt ${\rm D^0}$, ${\rm D^+}$, ${\rm D^{\ast +}}$, ${\rm D_s^+}$, ${\rm \Lambda_{c}^{+}}$, and ${\rm \Xi_{c}^{+}}$ charm hadrons at midrapidity in proton$-$proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ALICE detector are presented. The D-meson cross sections as a function of transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) are provided with improved precision and granularity. The ratios of $p_{\rm T}$-differential meson production cross sections based on this publication and on measurements at different rapidity and collision energy provide a constraint on gluon parton distribution functions at low values of Bjorken-$x$ ($10^{-5}-10^{-4}$). The measurements of ${\rm \Lambda_{c}^{+}}$ (${\rm \Xi_{c}^{+}}$) baryon production extend the measured $p_{\rm T}$ intervals down to $p_{\rm T}=0(3)$~GeV$/c$. These measurements are used to determine the charm-quark fragmentation fractions and the ${\rm c\overline{c}}$ production cross section at midrapidity ($|y|<0.5$) based on the sum of the cross sections of the weakly-decaying ground-state charm hadrons ${\rm D^0}$, ${\rm D^+}$, ${\rm D_s^+}$, ${\rm \Lambda_{c}^{+}}$, ${\rm \Xi_{c}^{0}}$ and, for the first time, ${\rm \Xi_{c}^{+}}$, and of the strongly-decaying J/$psi$ mesons. The first measurements of ${\rm \Xi_{c}^{+}}$ and ${\rm \Sigma_{c}^{0,++}}$ fragmentation fractions at midrapidity are also reported. A significantly larger fraction of charm quarks hadronising to baryons is found compared to e$^+$e$^-$ and ep collisions. The ${\rm c\overline{c}}$ production cross section at midrapidity is found to be at the upper bound of state-of-the-art perturbative QCD calculations.

  • Probing the Chiral Magnetic Wave with charge-dependent flow measurements in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ALICE Collaboration

    The Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW) phenomenon is essential to provide insights into the strong interaction in QCD, the properties of the quark-gluon plasma, and the topological characteristics of the early universe, offering a deeper understanding of fundamental physics in high-energy collisions. Measurements of the charge-dependent anisotropic flow coefficients are studied in Pb-Pb collisions at center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=$ 5.02 TeV to probe the CMW. In particular, the slope of the normalized difference in elliptic ($v_{2}$) and triangular ($v_{3}$) flow coefficients of positively and negatively charged particles as a function of their event-wise normalized number difference, is reported for inclusive and identified particles. The slope $r_{3}^{\rm Norm}$ is found to be larger than zero and to have a magnitude similar to $r_{2}^{\rm Norm}$, thus pointing to a large background contribution for these measurements. Furthermore, $r_{2}^{\rm Norm}$ can be described by a blast wave model calculation that incorporates local charge conservation. In addition, using the event shape engineering technique yields a fraction of CMW ($f_{\rm CMW}$) contribution to this measurement which is compatible with zero. This measurement provides the very first upper limit for $f_{\rm CMW}$, and in the 10-60% centrality interval it is found to be 26% (38%) at 95% (99.7%) confidence level.

  • Operation and performance of MEG II detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    K. Afanaciev, A. M. Baldini, S. Ban, V. Baranov, H. Benmansour, M. Biasotti, G. Boca, P. W. Cattaneo, G. Cavoto, F. Cei, M. Chiappini, G. Chiarello, A. Corvaglia, F. Cuna, G. Dal Maso, A. De Bari, M. De Gerone, L. Ferrari Barusso, M. Francesconi, L. Galli, G. Gallucci, F. Gatti, L. Gerritzen, F. Grancagnolo, E. G. Grandoni, M. Grassi, D. N. Grigoriev, M. Hildebrandt, K. Ieki, F. Ignatov, F. Ikeda, T. Iwamoto, S. Karpov, P.-R. Kettle, N. Khomutov, S. Kobayashi, A. Kolesnikov, N. Kravchuk, V. Krylov, N. Kuchinskiy, W. Kyle, T. Libeiro, V. Malyshev, A. Matsushita, M. Meucci, S. Mihara, W. Molzon, Toshinori Mori, F. Morsani, M. Nakao, D. Nicolò, H. Nishiguchi, A. Ochi, S. Ogawa, R. Onda, W. Ootani, A. Oya, D. Palo, M. Panareo, A. Papa, V. Pettinacci, A. Popov, F. Raffaelli, et al. (21 additional authors not shown)

    The MEG II experiment, located at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland, is the successor to the MEG experiment, which completed data taking in 2013. MEG II started fully operational data taking in 2021, with the goal of improving the sensitivity of the mu+ -> e+ gamma decay down to 6e-14 almost an order of magnitude better than the current limit. In this paper, we describe the operation and performance of the experiment and give a new estimate of its sensitivity versus data acquisition time.

  • A search for $\mu^+\to e^+\gamma$ with the first dataset of the MEG II experiment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    K. Afanaciev, A. M. Baldini, S. Ban, V. Baranov, H. Benmansour, M. Biasotti, G. Boca, P. W. Cattaneo, G. Cavoto, F. Cei, M. Chiappini, G. Chiarello, A. Corvaglia, F. Cuna, G. Dal Maso, A. De Bari, M. De Gerone, L. Ferrari Barusso, M. Francesconi, L. Galli, G. Gallucci, F. Gatti, L. Gerritzen, F. Grancagnolo, E. G. Grandoni, M. Grassi, D. N. Grigoriev, M. Hildebrandt, K. Ieki, F. Ignatov, F. Ikeda, T. Iwamoto, S. Karpov, P.-R. Kettle, N. Khomutov, S. Kobayashi, A. Kolesnikov, N. Kravchuk, V. Krylov, N. Kuchinskiy, W. Kyle, T. Libeiro, V. Malyshev, A. Matsushita, M. Meucci, S. Mihara, W. Molzon, Toshinori Mori, M. Nakao, D. Nicolò, H. Nishiguchi, A. Ochi, S. Ogawa, R. Onda, W. Ootani, A. Oya, D. Palo, M. Panareo, A. Papa, V. Pettinacci, A. Popov, F. Renga, S. Ritt, et al. (18 additional authors not shown)

    The MEG II experiment, based at the Paul Scherrer Institut in Switzerland, reports the result of a search for the decay $\mu^+\to e^+\gamma$ from data taken in the first physics run in 2021. No excess of events over the expected background is observed, yielding an upper limit on the branching ratio of B($\mu^+\to e^+\gamma$) < $7.5 \times 10^{-13}$ (90% C.L.). The combination of this result and the limit obtained by MEG gives B($\mu^+\to e^+\gamma$) < $3.1 \times 10^{-13}$ (90% C.L.), which is the most stringent limit to date. A ten-fold larger sample of data is being collected during the years 2022-2023, and data-taking will continue in the coming years.

  • Secondary beams at high-intensity electron accelerator facilities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marco Battaglieri, Andrea Bianconi, Mariangela Bondí, Raffaella De Vita, Antonino Fulci, Giulia Gosta, Stefano Grazzi, Hyon-Suk Jo, Changhui Lee, Giuseppe Mandaglio, Valerio Mascagna, Tetiana Nagorna, Alessandro Pilloni, Marco Spreafico, Luca J Tagliapietra, Luca Venturelli, Tommaso Vittorini

    The interaction of a high-current $O$(100~\textmu A), medium energy $O$(10\,GeV) electron beam with a thick target $O$(1m) produces an overwhelming shower of standard matter particles in addition to hypothetical Light Dark Matter particles. While most of the radiation (gamma, electron/positron, and neutron) is contained in the thick target, deep penetrating particles (muons, neutrinos, and light dark matter particles) propagate over a long distance, producing high-intense secondary beams. Using sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations based on FLUKA and GEANT4, we explored the characteristics of secondary muons and neutrinos and (hypothetical) dark scalar particles produced by the interaction of Jefferson Lab 11 GeV intense electron beam with the experimental Hall-A beam dump. Considering the possible beam energy upgrade, this study was repeated for a 20 GeV CEBAF beam.


  • Ground state energy and magnetization curve of a frustrated magnetic system from real-time evolution on a digital quantum processor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aaron Szasz, Ed Younis, Wibe Albert de Jong

    Models of interacting many-body quantum systems that may realize new exotic phases of matter, notably quantum spin liquids, are challenging to study using even state-of-the-art classical methods such as tensor network simulations. Quantum computing provides a promising route for overcoming these difficulties to find ground states, dynamics, and more. In this paper, we argue that recently developed hybrid quantum-classical algorithms based on real-time evolution are promising methods for solving a particularly important model in the search for spin liquids, the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the two-dimensional kagome lattice. We show how to construct efficient quantum circuits to implement time evolution for the model and to evaluate key observables on the quantum computer, and we argue that the method has favorable scaling with increasing system size. We then restrict to a 12-spin star plaquette from the kagome lattice and a related 8-spin system, and we give an empirical demonstration on these small systems that the hybrid algorithms can efficiently find the ground state energy and the magnetization curve. For these demonstrations, we use four levels of approximation: exact state vectors, exact state vectors with statistical noise from sampling, noisy classical emulators, and (for the 8-spin system only) real quantum hardware, specifically the Quantinuum H1-1 processor; for the noisy simulations, we also employ error mitigation strategies based on the symmetries of the Hamiltonian. Our results strongly suggest that these hybrid algorithms present a promising direction for resolving important unsolved problems in condensed matter theory and beyond.

  • Analytical Quantum Full-Wave Solutions for a 3D Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics System.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Soomin Moon, Dong-Yeop Na, Thomas E. Roth

    High-fidelity general-purpose numerical methods are increasingly needed to improve superconducting circuit quantum information processor performance. One challenge in developing such numerical methods is the lack of reference data to validate them. To address this, we have designed a 3D system where all electromagnetic properties needed in a quantum analysis can be evaluated using analytical techniques from classical electromagnetic theory. Here, we review the basics of our field-based quantization method and then use these techniques to create the first-ever analytical quantum full-wave solution for a superconducting circuit quantum device. Specifically, we analyze a coaxial-fed 3D waveguide cavity with and without transmon quantum bits inside the cavity. We validate our analytical solutions by comparing them to numerical methods in evaluating single photon interference and computing key system parameters related to controlling quantum bits. In the future, our analytical solutions can be used to validate numerical methods, as well as build intuition about important quantum effects in realistic 3D devices.

  • Realization of a chip-based hybrid trapping setup for $^{87}$Rb atoms and Yb$^{+}$ Ion crystals.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Abasalt Bahrami, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

    Hybrid quantum systems integrate laser-cooled trapped ions and ultracold quantum gases within a single experimental configuration, offering vast potential for applications in quantum chemistry, polaron physics, quantum information processing, and quantum simulations. In this study, we introduce the development and experimental validation of an ion trap chip that incorporates a flat atomic chip trap directly beneath it. This innovative design addresses specific challenges associated with hybrid atom-ion traps by providing precisely aligned and stable components, facilitating independent adjustments of the depth of the atomic trapping potential and the positioning of trapped ions. Our findings include successful loading of the ion trap with linear Yb$^{+}$ ion crystals and the loading of neutral $^{87}$Rb atoms into a mirror magneto-optical trap (mMOT)

  • Genuine Entanglement detection via Projection map in multipartite system.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bivas Mallick, Sumit Nandi

    We present a formalism to detect genuine multipartite entanglement by considering projection map which is a positive but not completely positive map. Projection map has been motivated from no-pancake theorem which repudiates the existence of a quantum operation that maps the Bloch sphere onto a disk along its equator. The not-complete positivity feature of projection map is explored to investigate its credibility for certifying bi-separability in multipartite quantum systems. We have lifted projection map to derive a separability criterion in order to ascertain bi-separability in tripartite scenario. We have shown that projection map can detect both inequivalent SLOCC classes of genuine entanglement in tripartite scenario i.e. W state and GHZ state. Also, we have shown that projection map is robust against white noise. We also construct a general framework to certify genuine multipartite entanglement for arbitrary N-qubit states by lifting projection map. The efficacy of our framework is further explored to detect quadripartite GHZ state.

  • Social Echo Chambers in Quantum Field Theory: Exploring Faddeev-Popov Ghosts Phenomena, Loop Diagrams, and Cut-off Energy Theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yasuko Kawahata

    This paper presents an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the emergence and impact of filter bubbles in social phenomena, especially in both digital and offline environments, by applying the concepts of quantum field theory. Filter bubbles tend to occur in digital and offline environments, targeting digital natives with extremely low media literacy and information immunity. In addition, in the aftermath of stealth marketing, fake news, "inspirational marketing," and other forms of stealth marketing that never exist are rampant and can lead to major social disruption and exploitation. These are the causes of various social risks, including declining information literacy and knowledge levels and academic achievement. By exploring quantum mechanical principles such as remote interaction, proximity interaction, Feynman diagrams, and loop diagrams, we aim to gain a better understanding of information dissemination and opinion formation in social contexts. Our model incorporates key parameters such as agents' opinions, interaction probabilities, and flexibility in changing opinions, facilitating the observation of opinion distributions, cluster formation, and polarization under a variety of conditions. The purpose of this paper is to mathematically model the filter bubble phenomenon using the concepts of quantum field theory and to analyze its social consequences. This is a discussion paper and the proposed approach offers an innovative perspective for understanding social phenomena, but its interpretation and application require careful consideration.

  • Generalized Stein's lemma and asymptotic equipartition property for subalgebra entropies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Li Gao, Mizanur Rahaman

    The quantum Stein's lemma is a fundamental result of quantum hypothesis testing in the context of distinguishing two quantum states. A recent conjecture, known as the ``generalized quantum Stein's lemma", asserts that this result is true in a general framework where one of the states is replaced by convex sets of quantum states. In this work, we show that the assertion of the generalized Stien's lemma is true for the setting where the second hypothesis is the state space of any subalgebra $\mathcal{N}$. This is obtained through a strong asymptotic equipartition property for smooth subalgebra entropies that applies for any fixed smoothing parameter $\epsilon\in (0,1)$. As an application in resource theory, we show that the relative entropy of a subalgebra is the asymptotic dilution cost under suitable operations. This provides a scope to establish a connection between different quantum resources.

  • From ergodicity to Stark many-body localization in spin chains with single-ion anisotropy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. G. Sousa, Rafael F. P. Costa, G. D. de Moraes Neto, E. Vernek

    The principles of ergodicity and thermalization constitute the foundation of statistical mechanics, positing that a many-body system progressively loses its local information as it evolves. Nevertheless, these principles can be disrupted when thermalization dynamics lead to the conservation of local information, as observed in the phenomenon known as many-body localization. Quantum spin chains provide a fundamental platform for exploring the dynamics of closed interacting quantum many-body systems. This study explores the dynamics of a spin chain with $S\geq 1/2$ within the Majumdar-Ghosh model, incorporating a non-uniform magnetic field and single-ion anisotropy. Through the use of exact numerical diagonalization, we unveil that a nearly constant-gradient magnetic field suppress thermalization, a phenomenon termed Stark many-body localization (SMBL), previously observed in $S=1/2$ chains. Furthermore, our findings reveal that the sole presence of single-ion anisotropy is sufficient to prevent thermalization in the system. Interestingly, when the magnitudes of the magnetic field and anisotropy are comparable, they compete, favoring delocalization. Despite the potential hindrance of SMBL by single-ion anisotropy in this scenario, it introduces an alternative mechanism for localization. Our interpretation, considering local energetic constraints and resonances between degenerate eigenstates, not only provides insights into SMBL but also opens avenues for future experimental investigations into the enriched phenomenology of disordered free localized $S\geq 1/2$ systems.

  • Cavity magnonics with domain walls in insulating ferromagnetic wires.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mircea Trif, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak

    Magnetic domain walls (DWs) are topological defects that exhibit robust low-energy modes that can be harnessed for classical and neuromorphic computing. However, the quantum nature of these modes has been elusive thus far. Using the language of cavity optomechanics, we show how to exploit a geometric Berry-phase interaction between the localized DWs and the extended magnons in short ferromagnetic insulating wires to efficiently cool the DW to its quantum ground state or to prepare nonclassical states exhibiting a negative Wigner function that can be extracted from the power spectrum of the emitted magnons. Moreover, we demonstrate that magnons can mediate long-range entangling interactions between qubits stored in distant DWs, which could facilitate the implementation of a universal set of quantum gates. Our proposal relies only on the intrinsic degrees of freedom of the ferromagnet, and can be naturally extended to explore the quantum dynamics of DWs in ferrimagnets and antiferromagnets, as well as quantum vortices or skyrmions confined in insulating magnetic nanodisks.

  • Towards the "puzzle" of Chromium dimer Cr$_2$: predicting the Born-Oppenheimer rovibrational spectrum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Horacio Olivares-Pilón, Daniel Aguilar-Díaz, Alexander V. Turbiner

    The experimentally-observed non-trivial electronic structure of Cr$_2$ dimer has made the calculation of the potential energy curve a theoretical challenge in the last decades. By matching the perturbation theory at small internuclear distances $R$, the multipole expansion at large distances $R$ (supposedly both of asymptotic nature) and by adding a few RKR turning points, extracted from experimental data, the analytic form for the potential energy curve for the ground state $X^1\Sigma^+$ of the Cr$_2$ dimer is found for the whole range of internuclear distances $R$. This has the form of a two-point Pade approximant and provides an accuracy of 3-4 decimal digits in 29 experimental vibrational energies. The resulting ground state $X^1\Sigma^+$ potential curve supports 19694 rovibrational states with a maximal vibrational number $\nu_\text{max}=104$ at zero angular momentum and with a maximal angular momentum $L_\text{max}=312$ with energies $> 10^{-4}$ Hartree, and additionally 218 weakly-bound states (close to the dissociation limit) with energies $< 10^{-4}$ Hartree.

  • Prethermalization in an open quantum system coupled to a spatially correlated Bosonic bath.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saptarshi Saha, Rangeet Bhattacharyya

    A nearly-integrable isolated quantum many-body system reaches a quasi-stationary prethermal state before a late thermalization. Here, we revisit a particular example in the settings of an open quantum system. We consider a collection of non-interacting atoms coupled to a spatially correlated bosonic bath characterized by a bath correlation length. Our result implies that the integrability of the system depends on such a correlation length. If this length is much larger than the distance between the atoms, such a system behaves as a nearly integrable open quantum system. We study the properties of the emerging prethermal state for this case, i.e., the state's lifetime, the extensive numbers of existing quasi-conserved quantities, the emergence of the generalized Gibbs state, and the scaling of von Neumann entropy, etc. We find that for the prethermal state, the maximum growth of entropy is logarithmic with the number of atoms, whereas such growth is linear for the final steady state, which is the Gibbs state in this case. Finally, we discuss how such prethermal states can have significant applications in quantum entanglement storage devices.

  • Optimal quantum reservoir computing for market forecasting: An application to fight food price crises.- [PDF] - [Article]

    L. Domingo, M. Grande, G. Carlo, F. Borondo, J. Borondo

    The emerging technology of quantum reservoir computing (QRC) stands out in the noisy-intermediate scale quantum era (NISQ) for its exceptional efficiency and adaptability. By harnessing the power of quantum computing, it holds a great potential to untangle complex economic markets, as demonstrated here in an application to food price crisis prediction - a critical effort in combating food waste and establishing sustainable food chains. Nevertheless, a pivotal consideration for its success is the optimal design of the quantum reservoirs, ensuring both high performance and compatibility with current devices. In this paper, we provide an efficient criterion for that purpose, based on the complexity of the reservoirs. Our results emphasize the crucial role of optimal design in the algorithm performance, especially in the absence of external regressor variables, showcasing the potential for novel insights and transformative applications in the field of time series prediction using quantum computing.

  • Entanglement detection length of multipartite quantum states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fei Shi, Lin Chen, Giulio Chiribella, Qi Zhao

    Multipartite entanglement is a crucial resource for quantum computing, communication, and metrology. However, detecting this resource can be challenging: for genuine multipartite entanglement it may require global measurements that are hard to implement experimentally. In this study, we introduce the concept of entanglement detection length, defined as the minimum length of observables required to detect genuine multipartite entanglement. We characterize the entanglement detection length for various types of genuinely entangled states, including GHZ-like states, Dicke states, and graph states. We also present a classification of genuinely entangled states based on entanglement detection length. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the entanglement detection length differs from the minimum length of observables needed to uniquely determine a genuinely entangled state. Our findings are valuable for minimizing the number of observables that must be measured in entanglement detection.

  • EWS time delay in low energy e C60 elastic scattering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aiswarya R., Rasheed Shaik, Jobin Jose, Hari R. Varma, Himadri S. Chakraborty

    Time delay in a projectile-target scattering is a fundamental tool in understanding their interactions by probing the temporal domain. The present study focuses on computing and analyzing the Eisenbud-Wigner-Smith (EWS) time delay in low energy elastic e C60 scattering. The investigation is carried out in the framework of a non-relativistic partial wave analysis (PWA) technique. The projectile-target interaction is described in (1) Density Functional Theory (DFT) and (2) Annular Square Well (ASW) static model, and their final results are compared in details. The impact of polarization on resonant and non-resonant time delay is also investigated.

  • Entanglement Structure Detection via Computer Vision.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rui Li, Junling Du, Zheng Qin, Shikun Zhang, Chunxiao Du, Yang Zhou, Zhisong Xiao

    Quantum entanglement plays a pivotal role in various quantum information processing tasks. However, there still lacks a universal and effective way to detecting entanglement structures, especially for high-dimensional and multipartite quantum systems. Noticing the mathematical similarities between the common representations of many-body quantum states and the data structures of images, we are inspired to employ advanced computer vision technologies for data analysis. In this work, we propose a hybrid CNN-Transformer model for both the classification of GHZ and W states and the detection of various entanglement structures. By leveraging the feature extraction capabilities of CNNs and the powerful modeling abilities of Transformers, we can not only effectively reduce the time and computational resources required for the training process but also obtain high detection accuracies. Through numerical simulation and physical verification, it is confirmed that our hybrid model is more effective than traditional techniques and thus offers a powerful tool for independent detection of multipartite entanglement.

  • Quantum Computing and Atmospheric Dynamics: Exploring the Lorenz System.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V. Armaos, Athanassios A. Argiriou, Ioannis Kioutsioukis

    This paper explores the potential contribution of quantum computing, specifically the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE), into atmospheric physics research and application problems using as an example the Lorenz system, a paradigm of chaotic behavior in atmospheric dynamics. Traditionally, the complexity and non-linearity of atmospheric systems have presented significant computational challenges. However, the advent of quantum computing, and in particular the VQE algorithm, offers a novel approach to these problems. The VQE, known for its efficiency in quantum chemistry for determining ground state energies, is adapted in our study to analyze the non-Hermitian Jacobian matrix of the Lorenz system. We employ a method of Hermitianization and dimensionality augmentation to make the Jacobian amenable to quantum computational techniques. This study demonstrates the application of VQE in calculating the eigenvalues of the Lorenz system's Jacobian, thus providing insights into the system's stability at various equilibrium points. Our results reveal the VQE's potential in addressing complex systems in atmospheric physics. Furthermore, we discuss the broader implications of VQE in handling non-Hermitian matrices, extending its utility to operations like diagonalization and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), thereby highlighting its versatility across various scientific fields. This research extends beyond the realm of chaotic systems in atmospheric physics, underscoring the significant potential of quantum computing to tackle complex, real-world challenges.

  • Loophole-free test of local realism via Hardy's violation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Si-Ran Zhao, Shuai Zhao, Hai-Hao Dong, Wen-Zhao Liu, Jing-Ling Chen, Kai Chen, Qiang Zhang, Jian-Wei Pan

    Bell's theorem states that quantum mechanical description on physical quantity cannot be fully explained by local realistic theories, and lays solid basis for various quantum information applications. Hardy's paradox is celebrated to be the simplest form of Bell's theorem concerning its "All versus Nothing" way to test local realism. However, due to experimental imperfections, existing tests of Hardy's paradox require additional assumptions of experimental systems, which constitute potential loopholes for faithfully testing local realistic theories. Here, we experimentally demonstrate Hardy's nonlocality through a photonic entanglement source. By achieving a detection efficiency of $82.2\%$, a quantum state fidelity of $99.10\%$ and applying high speed quantum random number generators for measurement setting switching, the experiment is implemented in a loophole-free manner. During $6$ hours of running, a strong violation of $P_{\text{Hardy}}=4.646\times 10^{-4}$ up to $5$ standard deviations is observed with $4.32\times 10^{9}$ trials. A null hypothesis test shows that the results can be explained by local realistic theories with an upper bound probability of $10^{-16348}$. These testing results present affirmative evidence against local realism, and provide an advancing benchmark for quantum information applications based on Hardy's paradox.

  • Kirkwood-Dirac Type Quasiprobabilities as Universal Identifiers of Nonclassical Quantum Resources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kok Chuan Tan, Souradeep Sasmal

    We show that a Kirkwood-Dirac type quasiprobability distribution is sufficient to reveal any arbitrary quantum resource. This is achieved by demonstrating that it is always possible to identify a set of incompatible measurements that distinguishes between resourceful states and nonresourceful states. The quasiprobability reveals a resourceful quantum state by having at least one quasiprobabilty outcome with a strictly negative numerical value. We also show that there always exists a quasiprobabilty distribution where the total negativity can be interpreted as the geometric distance between a resourceful quantum state to the closest nonresourceful state. It can also be shown that Kirkwood-Dirac type quasiprobability distributions, like the Wigner distribution, can be made informationally complete, in the sense that it can provide complete information about the quantum state while simultaneously revealing nonclassicality whenever a quasiprobability outcome is negative. Moreover, we demonstrate the existence of sufficiently strong anomalous weak values whenever the quasiprobability distribution is negative, which suggests a means to experimentally test such quasiprobability distributions. Since incompatible measurements are necessary in order for the quasiprobability to be negative, this result suggests that measurement incompatibility may underlie any quantum advantage gained from utilizing a nonclassical quantum resource

  • Real-time parameter estimation for two-qubit systems based on hybrid control.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yue Tian, Xiujuan Lu, Sen Kuang, Daoyi Dong

    In this paper, we consider the real-time parameter estimation problem for a ZZ-coupled system composed of two qubits in the presence of spontaneous emission. To enhance the estimation precision of the coupling coefficient, we first propose two different control schemes, where the first one is feedback control based on quantum-jump detection, and the second one is hybrid control combining Markovian feedback and Hamiltonian control. The simulation results show that compared with free evolution, both control schemes can improve parameter precision and extend system coherence time. Next, on the basis of the two control schemes, we propose a practical single-parameter quantum recovery protocol based on Bayesian estimation theory. In this protocol, by employing batch-style adaptive measurement rules, parameter recovery is conducted to verify the effectiveness of both control schemes.

  • Reversible ternary logic with Laguerre-Gaussian modes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Przemyslaw Litwin, Jakub Wronski, Konrad Markowski, Dorilian Lopez-Mago, Jan Masajada, Mateusz Szatkowski

    The need set by a computational industry to increase processing power, while simultaneously reducing the energy consumption of data centers became a challenge for modern computational systems. In this work, we propose an optical communication solution, that could serve as a building block for future computing systems, due to its versatility. The solution arises from Landauer principle and utilizes reversible logic, manifested as an optical logical gate with structured light, here represented as Laguerre-Gaussian modes. We introduced an information encoding technique that employs phase shift as an information carrier and incorporates multi-valued logic in the form of a ternary system. In the experimental validation, the free space communication protocol is implemented to determine the similarity between two images. Obtained results are compared with their binary counterparts, illustrating denser information capacity and enhanced information security, which underscores its capability to transmit and process both quantum and classical information.

  • Understanding the Cavity Born-Oppenheimer Approximation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marit R. Fiechter, Jeremy O. Richardson

    Experiments have demonstrated that vibrational strong coupling between molecular vibrations and light modes can significantly change molecular properties, such as ground-state reactivity. Theoretical studies towards the origin of this exciting observation can roughly be divided in two categories, with studies based on Hamiltonians that simply couple a molecule to a cavity mode via its ground-state dipole moment on the one hand, and on the other hand ab initio calculations that self-consistently include the effect of the cavity mode on the electronic ground state within the cavity Born-Oppenheimer (CBO) approximation; these approaches are not equivalent. The CBO approach is more rigorous, but unfortunately it requires the rewriting of electronic-structure code, and gives little physical insight. In this work, we exploit the relation between the two approaches and demonstrate on a real molecule (hydrogen fluoride) that for realistic coupling strengths, we can recover CBO energies and spectra to high accuracy using only out-of-cavity quantities from standard electronic-structure calculations. In doing so, we discover what the physical effects underlying the CBO results are. Our methodology can aid in incorporating more, possibly important features in models, play a pivotal role in demystifying CBO results and provide a practical and efficient alternative to full CBO calculations.

  • Tantalum airbridges for scalable superconducting quantum processors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kunliang Bu, Sainan Huai, Zhenxing Zhang, Dengfeng Li, Yuan Li, Jingjing Hu, Xiaopei Yang, Maochun Dai, Tianqi Cai, Yi-Cong Zheng, Shengyu Zhang

    The unique property of tantalum (Ta), particularly its long coherent lifetime in superconducting qubits and its exceptional resistance to both acid and alkali, makes it promising for superconducting quantum processors. It is a notable advantage to achieve high-performance quantum processors with neat and unified fabrication of all circuit elements, including coplanar waveguides (CPW), qubits, and airbridges, on the tantalum film-based platform. Here, we propose a reliable tantalum airbridges with separate or fully-capped structure fabricated via a novel lift-off method, where a barrier layer with aluminium (Al) film is first introduced to separate two layers of photoresist and then etched away before the deposition of tantalum film, followed by cleaning with piranha solution to remove the residual photoresist on the chip. We characterize such tantalum airbridges as the control line jumpers, the ground plane crossovers and even coupling elements. They exhibit excellent connectivity, minimal capacitive loss, effectively suppress microwave and flux crosstalk and offer high freedom of coupling. Besides, by presenting a surface-13 tunable coupling superconducting quantum processor with median $T_1$ reaching above 100 $\mu$s, the overall adaptability of tantalum airbridges is verified. The median single-qubit gate fidelity shows a tiny decrease from about 99.95% for the isolated Randomized Benchmarking to 99.94% for the simultaneous one. This fabrication method, compatible with all known superconducting materials, requires mild conditions of film deposition compared with the commonly used etching and grayscale lithography. Meanwhile, the experimental achievement of non-local coupling with controlled-Z (CZ) gate fidelity exceeding 99.2% may further facilitate qLDPC codes, laying a foundation for scalable quantum computation and quantum error correction with entirely tantalum elements.

  • Robustness of different modifications of Grovers algorithm based on generalized Householder reflections with different phases.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hristo Tonchev, Petar Danev

    In this work we study five Grovers algorithm modifications, where each iteration is constructed by two generalized Householder reflections, against inaccuracies in the phases. By using semi-empirical methods, we investigate various characteristics of the dependence between the probability to find solution and the phase errors. The first of them is the robustness of the probability to errors in the phase. The second one is how quickly the probability falls beyond the stability interval. And finally, the average success rate of the algorithm when the parameters are in the range of the highly robust interval. Two of the modifications require usage of the same Grover operator each iteration and in the other three it differs. Those semi-empirical methods give us the, tool to make prediction of the quantum algorithm modifications overall behavior and compare them for even larger register size

  • An improved Quantum Max Cut approximation via matching.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Eunou Lee

    Finding a high (or low) energy state of a given quantum Hamiltonian is a potential area to gain a provable and practical quantum advantage. A line of recent studies focuses on Quantum Max Cut, where one is asked to find a high energy state of a given antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian. In this work, we present a classical approximation algorithm for Quantum Max Cut that achieves an approximation ratio of 0.584 given a generic input, and a ratio of 0.595 given a triangle-free input, outperforming the previous best algorithms of Lee \cite{Lee22} (0.562, generic input) and King \cite{King22} (0.582, triangle-free input). The algorithm is based on finding the maximum weighted matching of an input graph and outputs a product of at most 2-qubit states, which is simpler than the fully entangled output states of the previous best algorithms.

  • Fast and high-fidelity dispersive readout of a spin qubit via squeezing and resonator nonlinearity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chon-Fai Kam, Xuedong Hu

    Fast and high-fidelity qubit measurement is crucial for achieving quantum error correction, a fundamental element in the development of universal quantum computing. For electron spin qubits, fast readout stands out as a major obstacle in the pursuit of error correction. In this work, we explore the dispersive measurement of an individual spin in a semiconductor double quantum dot coupled to a nonlinear microwave resonator. By utilizing displaced squeezed vacuum states, we achieve rapid and high-fidelity readout for semiconductor spin qubits. Our findings reveal that introducing modest squeezing and mild nonlinearity can significantly improve both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the fidelity of qubit-state readout. By properly marching the phases of squeezing, the nonlinear strength, and the local oscillator, the optimal readout time can be reduced to the sub-microsecond range. With current technology parameters ($\kappa\approx 2\chi_s$, $\chi_s\approx 2\pi\times 0.15 \:\mbox{MHz}$), utilizing a displaced squeezed vacuum state with $30$ photons and a modest squeezing parameter $r\approx 0.6$, along with a nonlinear microwave resonator charactered by a strength of $\lambda\approx -1.2 \chi_s$, a readout fidelity of $98\%$ can be attained within a readout time of around $0.6\:\mu\mbox{s}$. Intriguing, by using a positive nonlinear strength of $\lambda\approx 1.2\chi_s$, it is possible to achieve an SNR of approximately $6$ and a readout fidelity of $99.99\%$ at a slightly later time, around $0.9\:\mu\mbox{s}$, while maintaining all other parameters at the same settings.

  • Efficient Detection of Preparing Quantum Remote States Using Coherence Quantum Benefits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuan-Sung Liu, Shih-Hsuan Chen, Bing-Yuan Lee, Chan Hsu, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen, Che-Ming Li

    A sender can prepare a quantum state for a remote receiver using preshared entangled pairs, only the sender's single-qubit measurement, and the receiver's simple correction informed by the sender. It provides resource-efficient advantages over quantum teleportation for quantum information. Here, we propose the most efficient approach to detect the remote state preparation (RSP) based on the quantum benefits powered by quantum coherence's static resources of the shared pairs and the dynamic resources both the RSP participants input. It requires only the receiver's minimum of one additional coherence creation operation to verify RSP. Experimentally, we implement the introduced RSP assessment using different photon pair states generated from a high-quality polarization Sagnac interferometer, confirming the necessary and sufficient role played by the static and dynamic quantum coherence resources and demonstrating efficient RSP verification. Our results provide a route to efficiently assess RSP in practical scenarios such as quantum information in quantum networks.

  • On Lattices, Learning with Errors, Random Linear Codes, and Cryptography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Oded Regev

    Our main result is a reduction from worst-case lattice problems such as GapSVP and SIVP to a certain learning problem. This learning problem is a natural extension of the `learning from parity with error' problem to higher moduli. It can also be viewed as the problem of decoding from a random linear code. This, we believe, gives a strong indication that these problems are hard. Our reduction, however, is quantum. Hence, an efficient solution to the learning problem implies a quantum algorithm for GapSVP and SIVP. A main open question is whether this reduction can be made classical (i.e., non-quantum). We also present a (classical) public-key cryptosystem whose security is based on the hardness of the learning problem. By the main result, its security is also based on the worst-case quantum hardness of GapSVP and SIVP. The new cryptosystem is much more efficient than previous lattice-based cryptosystems: the public key is of size $\tilde{O}(n^2)$ and encrypting a message increases its size by a factor of $\tilde{O}(n)$ (in previous cryptosystems these values are $\tilde{O}(n^4)$ and $\tilde{O}(n^2)$, respectively). In fact, under the assumption that all parties share a random bit string of length $\tilde{O}(n^2)$, the size of the public key can be reduced to $\tilde{O}(n)$.

  • Tunneling dynamics of $^{164}$Dy supersolids and droplets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. I. Mistakidis, K. Mukherjee, S. M. Reimann, H. R. Sadeghpour

    The tunneling dynamics of a magnetic $^{164}$Dy quantum gas in an elongated or circular skewed double-well trap is investigated with a time-dependent extended Gross-Pitaevskii approach. Upon lifting the energy offset, different tunneling regimes can be identified. In the elongated trap and for sufficiently large offset, the different configurations exhibit collective macroscopic tunneling. For smaller offset, partial reflection from and transmission through the barrier lead to density accumulation in both wells, and eventually to tunneling-locking. One can also reach the macroscopic self-trapping regime for increasing relative dipolar interaction strength, while tunneling vanishes for large barrier heights. A richer dynamical behavior is observed for the circular trap. For instance, the supersolid maintains its shape, while the superfluid density gets distorted signifying the emergence of peculiar excitation patterns in the macroscopic tunneling regime. The findings reported here may offer new ways to probe distinctive dynamical features in the supersolid and droplet regimes.

  • Generalizable Quantum Computing Pipeline for Real World Drug Discovery.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Weitang Li, Zhi Yin, Xiaoran Li, Dongqiang Ma, Zhenxing Zhang, Chenji Zou, Kunliang Bu, Maochun Dai, Jie Yue, Yuzong Chen, Xiaojin Zhang, Shengyu Zhang

    Quantum computing, with its superior computational capabilities compared to classical approaches, holds the potential to revolutionize numerous scientific domains, including pharmaceuticals. However, the application of quantum computing for drug discovery has primarily been limited to proof-of-concept studies, which often fail to capture the intricacies of real-world drug development challenges. In this study, we diverge from conventional investigations by developing an advanced quantum computing pipeline tailored to address genuine drug design problems. Our approach underscores the pragmatic application of quantum computation and propels it towards practical industrial adoption. We specifically construct our versatile quantum computing pipeline to address two critical tasks in drug discovery: the precise determination of Gibbs free energy profiles for prodrug activation involving covalent bond cleavage, and the accurate simulation of covalent bond interactions. This work serves as a pioneering effort in benchmarking quantum computing against veritable scenarios encountered in drug design, especially the covalent bonding issue present in both of the case studies, thereby transitioning from theoretical models to tangible applications. Our results demonstrate the potential of a quantum computing pipeline for integration into real world drug design workflows.

  • Skyrmion Qubits: Challenges For Future Quantum Computing Applications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christina Psaroudaki, Elias Peraticos, Christos Panagopoulos

    Magnetic nano-skyrmions develop quantized helicity excitations, and the quantum tunneling between nano-skyrmions possessing distinct helicities is indicative of the quantum nature of these particles. Experimental methods capable of non-destructively resolving the quantum aspects of topological spin textures, their local dynamical response, and their functionality now promise practical device architectures for quantum operations. With abilities to measure, engineer, and control matter at the atomic level, nano-skyrmions present opportunities to translate ideas into solid-state technologies. Proof-of-concept devices will offer electrical control over the helicity, opening a promising new pathway towards functionalizing collective spin states for the realization of a quantum computer based on skyrmions. This Perspective aims to discuss developments and challenges in this new research avenue in quantum magnetism and quantum information.

  • Levitated ferromagnetic magnetometer with energy resolution well below $\hbar$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Felix Ahrens, Wei Ji, Dmitry Budker, Chris Timberlake, Hendrik Ulbricht, Andrea Vinante

    A quantum limit on the measurement of magnetic field has been recently pointed out, stating that the so-called Energy Resolution $E_\mathrm{R}$ is bounded to $E_\mathrm{R} \gtrsim \hbar$. This limit holds indeed true for the vast majority of existing quantum magnetometers, including SQUIDs, solid state spins and optically pumped atomic magnetometers. However, it can be surpassed by highly correlated spin systems, as recently demonstrated with a single-domain spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate. Here we show that similar and potentially much better resolution can be achieved with a hard ferromagnet levitated above a superconductor at cryogenic temperature. We demonstrate $E_\mathrm{R}=\left( 0.064 \pm 0.010 \right) \, \hbar$ and anticipate that $E_\mathrm{R}<10^{-3} \, \hbar$ is within reach with near-future improvements. This finding opens the way to new applications in condensed matter, biophysics and fundamental science. In particular, we propose an experiment to search for axionlike dark matter and project a sensitivity orders of magnitude better than in previous searches.

  • Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructures: A Post-Quantum Cryptography Perspective.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Javier Oliva del Moral, Antonio deMarti iOlius, Gerard Vidal, Pedro M. Crespo, Josu Etxezarreta Martinez

    The machinery of industrial environments was connected to the Internet years ago with the scope of increasing their performance. However, this made such environments vulnerable against cyber-attacks that can compromise their correct functioning resulting in economic or social problems. Lately, an increase of cyberattacks to industrial environments has been experienced. Moreover, implementing cryptosystems in the communications between OT devices is a more challenging task than for IT environments since the OT are generally composed of legacy elements, characterized by low-computational capabilities. Consequently, implementing cryptosystems in industrial communication networks faces a trade-off between the security of the communications and the amortization of the industrial infrastructure. Critical Infrastructure (CI) refers to the industries which provide key resources for the daily social and economical development, e.g. electricity or water, and their communications are a very exposed target to cyberattacks. Furthermore, a new threat to cybersecurity has arisen with the theoretical proposal of quantum computers, due to their potential ability of breaking state-of-the-art cryptography protocols, such as RSA or ECC. The chase of functional quantum computers has resulted in a technological race involving many global agents. Those agents have become aware that transitioning their secure communications to a quantum secure paradigm is a priority that should be established before the arrival of fault-tolerance. In this sense, two main cryptographic solutions have been proposed: QKD and PQC. Nevertheless, quantum secure solutions have been mainly centered from the perspective of IT environments. In this paper, we provide a perspective of the problem of applying PQC solutions to CI and analyze which could be the most suitable cryptography schemes for these scenarios.

  • Optical Extreme Learning Machines with Atomic Vapors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nuno A. Silva, Vicente Rocha, Tiago D. Ferreira

    Extreme learning machines explore nonlinear random projections to perform computing tasks on high-dimensional output spaces. Since training only occurs at the output layer, the approach has the potential to speed up the training process and the capacity to turn any physical system into a computing platform. Yet, requiring strong nonlinear dynamics, optical solutions operating at fast processing rates and low power can be hard to achieve with conventional nonlinear optical materials. In this context, this manuscript explores the possibility of using atomic gases in near-resonant conditions to implement an optical extreme learning machine leveraging their enhanced nonlinear optical properties. Our results suggest that these systems have the potential not only to work as an optical extreme learning machine but also to perform these computations at the few-photon level, paving opportunities for energy-efficient computing solutions.

  • Context-Aware Coupler Reconfiguration for Tunable Coupler-Based Superconducting Quantum Computers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leanghok Hour, Sovanmonynuth Heng, Sengthai Heng, Myeongseong Go, Youngsun Han

    We address interconnection challenges in limited-qubit superconducting quantum computers (SQC), which often face crosstalk errors due to expanded qubit interactions during operations. Existing mitigation methods carry trade-offs, like hardware couplers or software-based gate scheduling. Our innovation, the Context-Aware COupler REconfiguration (CA-CORE) compilation method, aligns with application-specific design principles. It optimizes the qubit connections for improved SQC performance, leveraging tunable couplers. Through contextual analysis of qubit correlations, we configure an efficient coupling map considering SQC constraints. Our method reduces depth and SWAP operations by up to 18.84% and 42.47%, respectively. It also enhances circuit fidelity by 40% compared to IBM and Google's topologies. Notably, our method compiles a 33-qubit circuit in less than 1 second.

  • Driven generalized quantum Rayleigh-van der Pol oscillators: Phase localization and spectral response.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. J. Sudler, J. Talukdar, D. Blume

    Driven classical self-sustained oscillators have been studied extensively in the context of synchronization. Using the master equation, this work considers the classically driven generalized quantum Rayleigh-van der Pol oscillator, which is characterized by linear dissipative gain and loss terms as well as three non-linear dissipative terms. Since two of the non-linear terms break the rotational phase space symmetry, the Wigner distribution of the quantum mechanical limit cycle state of the undriven system is, in general, not rotationally symmetric. The impact of the symmetry-breaking dissipators on the long-time dynamics of the driven system are analyzed as functions of the drive strength and detuning, covering the deep quantum to near-classical regimes. Phase localization and frequency entrainment, which are required for synchronization, are discussed in detail. We identify a large parameter space where the oscillators exhibit appreciable phase localization but only weak or no entrainment, indicating the absence of synchronization. Several observables are found to exhibit the analog of the celebrated classical Arnold tongue; in some cases, the Arnold tongue is found to be asymmetric with respect to vanishing detuning between the external drive and the natural oscillator frequency.

  • Opto-RF transduction in Er$^{3+}$:CaWO$_4$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Thierry Chanelière, Rémi Dardaillon, Pierre Lemonde, Jérémie J. Viennot, Emmanuel Flurin, Patrice Bertet, Diana Serrano, Philippe Goldner

    We use an erbium doped CaWO$_4$ crystal as a resonant transducer between the RF and optical domains at 12 GHz and 1532 nm respectively. We employ a RF resonator to enhance the spin coupling but keep a single-pass (non-resonant) setup in optics. The overall efficiency is low but we carefully characterize the transduction process and show that the performance can be described by two different metrics that we define and distinguish: the electro-optics and the quantum efficiencies. We reach an electro-optics efficiency of -84 dB for 15.7 dBm RF power. The corresponding quantum efficiency is -142 dB for 0.4 dBm optical power. We develop the Schr\"odinger-Maxwell formalism, well-known to describe light-matter interactions in atomic systems, in order to model the conversion process. We explicitly make the connection with the cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) approach that are generally used to describe quantum transduction.

  • Quantification of Photon Fusion for Genuine Multiphoton Quantum Correlations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sheng-Yan Sun, Yu-Cheng Li, Shih-Hsuan Chen, Kuan-Jou Wang, Ching-Jui Huang, Tung-Ju Tsai, Wei-Ting Kao, Tzu-Liang Hsu, Che-Ming Li

    Fusing photon pairs creates an arena where indistinguishability can exist between two two-photon amplitudes contributing to the same joint photodetection event. This two-photon interference has been extensively utilized in creating multiphoton entanglement, from passive to scalable generation, from bulk-optical to chip-scale implementations. While significant, no experimental evidence exists that the full capability of photon fusion can be utterly quantified like a quantum entity. Herein, we demonstrate the first complete capability quantification of experimental photon fusion. Our characterization faithfully measures the whole abilities of photon fusion in the experiment to create and preserve entangled photon pairs. With the created four- and six-photon entangled states using spontaneous parametric down-conversion entanglement sources, we show that capability quantification provides a faithful assessment of interferometry for generating genuine multiphoton entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering. These results reveal a practical diagnostic method to benchmark photon fusion underlying the primitive operations in general quantum photonics devices and networks.

  • Quantum revivals in HgTe/CdTe quantum wells and topological phase transitions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Mayorgas, M. Calixto, N.A. Cordero, E. Romera, O. Castaños

    The time evolution of a wave packet is a tool to detect topological phase transitions in two-dimensional Dirac materials, such as graphene and silicene. Here we extend the analysis to HgTe/CdTe quantum wells and study the evolution of their electron current wave packet, using 2D effective Dirac Hamiltonians and different layer thicknesses. We show that the two different periodicities that appear in this temporal evolution reach a minimum near the critical thickness, where the system goes from normal to inverted regime. Moreover, the maximum of the electron current amplitude changes with the layer thickness, identifying that current maxima reach their higher value at the critical thickness. Thus, we can characterize the topological phase transitions in terms of the periodicity and amplitude of the electron currents.

  • Steering spin fluctuations in lattice systems via two-tone Floquet engineering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ruben Peña, Felipe Torres, Guillermo Romero

    We report on the controlled creation and destruction of antiferromagnetic dimers using two-tone Floquet engineering. We consider a one-dimensional spin-1/2 lattice with periodically modulated bonds using parametric resonances. The stroboscopic dynamics generated from distributed bond modulations lead to pair correlation between spins. Consequently, subharmonic response in local observables breaks discrete time translational symmetry and leads to the emergence of Floquet dynamical dimerisation. We present a protocol allowing the control of local spin-correlated pairs driven by one-period evolution operators, providing significant insight into new nonequilibrium states of matter that can be feasibly implemented in current quantum simulator platforms.

  • Estimation of nuclear polarization via discrete measurement of NV center spin evolution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mateusz Kuniej, Katarzyna Roszak

    We propose a method for the estimation of the initial polarization of spinful nuclei of the ${}^{13}C$ isotope in diamond via a measurement of the evolution of the coherence of an NV center spin qubit. Existing polarization measurement methods are difficult to implement experimentally, because they require direct interference in the environment of the qubit. Here, in order to obtain the information, it is necessary to measure the qubit coherence at certain points of time, which are unambiguously determined by the applied magnetic field. For sufficiently high magnetic fields, the minimum value of the measured coherence constitutes an upper bound on the product of the initial polarizations of each environmental spin. The most significant advantage of the method, which allows to infer initial values of nuclear polarizations without any direct access to the environment, lies in its simplicity and the small amount of experimental resources that it requires. We exemplify the operation of the scheme on a realistic, randomly generated environment of eight nuclear spins, obtaining a reasonably accurate estimation of the initial polarization.

  • Coherent excitation of a $\mu$Hz scale optical magnetic quadrupole transition.- [PDF] - [Article]

    V. Klüsener, S. Pucher, D. Yankelev, J. Trautmann, F. Spriestersbach, D. Filin, S. G. Porsev, M. S. Safronova, I. Bloch, S. Blatt

    We report on the coherent excitation of the ultranarrow $^{1}\mathrm{S}_0$-$^{3}\mathrm{P}_2$ magnetic quadrupole transition in $^{88}\mathrm{Sr}$. By confining atoms in a state insensitive optical lattice, we achieve excitation fractions of 97(1)% and observe linewidths as narrow as 58(1) Hz. With Ramsey spectroscopy, we find coherence times of 14(1) ms, which can be extended to 266(36) ms using a spin-echo sequence. We determine the linewidth of the M2 transition to 24(7) $\mu$Hz, confirming longstanding theoretical predictions. These results establish an additional clock transition in strontium and pave the way for applications of the metastable $^{3}\mathrm{P}_2$ state in quantum computing and quantum simulations.

  • BQP, meet NP: Search-to-decision reductions and approximate counting.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sevag Gharibian, Jonas Kamminga

    What is the power of polynomial-time quantum computation with access to an NP oracle? In this work, we focus on two fundamental tasks from the study of Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problems: search-to-decision reductions, and approximate counting. We first show that, in strong contrast to the classical setting where a poly-time Turing machine requires $\Theta(n)$ queries to an NP oracle to compute a witness to a given SAT formula, quantumly $\Theta(\log n)$ queries suffice. We then show this is tight in the black-box model - any quantum algorithm with "NP-like" query access to a formula requires $\Omega(\log n)$ queries to extract a solution with constant probability. Moving to approximate counting of SAT solutions, by exploiting a quantum link between search-to-decision reductions and approximate counting, we show that existing classical approximate counting algorithms are likely optimal. First, we give a lower bound in the "NP-like" black-box query setting: Approximate counting requires $\Omega(\log n)$ queries, even on a quantum computer. We then give a "white-box" lower bound (i.e. where the input formula is not hidden in the oracle) - if there exists a randomized poly-time classical or quantum algorithm for approximate counting making $o(log n)$ NP queries, then $\text{BPP}^{\text{NP}[o(n)]}$ contains a $\text{P}^{\text{NP}}$-complete problem if the algorithm is classical and $\text{FBQP}^{\text{NP}[o(n)]}$ contains an $\text{FP}^{\text{NP}}$-complete problem if the algorithm is quantum.

  • Hidden Variables: Rehabilitation of von Neumann's Analysis, and Pauli's Uncashable Check.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Robert Golub, Steve K. Lamoreaux

    In his book \textit{The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics}, published in 1932, J. von Neumann performed an analysis of the consequences of introducing hidden parameters (hidden variables) into quantum mechanics. He showed that hidden variables cannot be incorporated into the existing theory of quantum mechanics without major modifications, and concluded that if they did exist, the theory would have already failed in situations where it has been successfully applied. von Neumann left open the possibility that the theory is not complete, and his analysis for internal consistency is the best that can be done for a self-referenced logical system (G\"odel's theorem). This analysis had been taken as an ``incorrect proof" against the existence of hidden variables. von Neumann's so-called proof isn't even wrong as such a proof does not exist. One of the earliest attempts at a hidden variable theory was by D. Bohm, and because there were no experimental consequences, W. Pauli referred to it as an ``uncashable check." To our knowledge, a successful hidden variable extension to quantum mechanics with testable consequences has not yet been produced, suggesting that von Neumann's analysis is worthy of rehabilitation, which we attempt to provide in a straightforward manner.

  • Exact results on finite size corrections for surface codes tailored to biased noise.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yinzi Xiao, Basudha Srivastava, Mats Granath

    The code-capacity threshold of a scalable quantum error correcting stabilizer code can be expressed as a thermodynamic phase transition of a corresponding Ising model with random bond-disorder. Here we study the XY and XZZX surface codes under phase-biased noise, $p_x=p_y=p_z/(2\eta)$, with $\eta\geq 1/2$, and total error rate $p=p_x+p_y+p_z$. By appropriately formulating the boundary conditions, in the rotated code geometry, we find exact solutions at a special disordered point, $p=\frac{1+\eta^{-1}}{2+\eta^{-1}}\gtrsim 0.5$, for arbitrary odd code-distance $d$. The total logical failure rate is given by $P_{f}=\frac{3}{4}-\frac{1}{4}e^{-2d_Z\,\text{artanh}(1/2\eta)}$, where $d_{Z}=d^2$ and $d$ for the two codes respectively, is the effective code distance for pure phase-flip noise. The large finite size corrections for $d_Z<\eta$ make threshold extractions, using the total logical failure rate for moderate code-distances, unreliable. We show that independently estimating thresholds for the $X_L$ (phase-flip), $Y_L$, and $Z_L$ (bit-flip) logical failure rates can give a more confident threshold estimate. Using this method for the XZZX model with a tensor-network based decoder we find that the thresholds converge with code distance to a single value at moderate bias ($\eta=30, 100$), corresponding to an error rate above the hashing bound. In contrast, for larger bias the thresholds do not converge for practically maximum-likelihood-decodable code distances (up to $d\approx 100$), leaving a large uncertainty in the precise threshold value.

  • Liouvillian exceptional points of an open driven two-level system.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nikhil Seshadri, Anqi Li, Michael Galperin

    We study the applicability of the Liouvillian exceptional points (LEPs) approach to nanoscale open quantum systems. A generic model of the driven two-level system in a thermal environment is analyzed within the nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) and Bloch quantum master equation (QME) formulations. We derive the latter starting from the exact NEGF Dyson equations and highlight the qualitative limitations of the LEP treatment by examining the approximations employed in its derivation. We find that non-Markov character of evolution in open quantum systems does not allow for the introduction of the concept of exceptional points for a description of their dynamics. Theoretical analysis is illustrated with numerical simulations.

  • Non-adiabatic holonomies as photonic quantum gates.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Vera Neef, Julien Pinske, Tom A.W. Wolterink, Karo Becker, Matthias Heinrich, Stefan Scheel, Alexander Szameit

    One of the most promising nascent technologies, quantum computation faces a major challenge: The need for stable computational building blocks. We present the quantum-optical realization of non-adiabatic holonomies that can be used as single-qubit quantum gates. The hallmark topological protection of non-Abelian geometric phases reduces the need for quantum error correction on a fundamental physical level, while the inherent non-adiabaticity of the structures paves the way for unprecedented miniaturization. To demonstrate their versatility, we realize the Hadamard and Pauli-X gates, experimentally show their non-Abelian nature, and combine them into a single-qubit quantum algorithm, the PQ penny flipover. The planar geometry of such designs enables them to be substituted for the conventional directional coupler meshes currently in wide-spread use in photonic quantum architectures across all platforms.

  • Generation of classical non-Gaussian distributions by squeezing a thermal state into non-linear motion of levitated optomechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rafael Muffato, Tiberius Georgescu, Jack Homans, Thiago Guerreiro, Qiongyuan Wu, Diana Chisholm, Matteo Carlesso, Mauro Paternostro, Hendrik Ulbricht

    We report on an experiment achieving the dynamical generation of non-Gaussian states of motion of a levitated optomechanical system. We access intrinsic Duffing-like non-linearities by squeezing an oscillator's state of motion through rapidly switching the frequency of its trap. We characterize the experimental non-Gaussian state against expectations from simulations and give prospects for the emergence of genuine non-classical features.

  • High-rate and high-fidelity modular interconnects between neutral atom quantum processors.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yiyi Li, Jeff Thompson

    Quantum links between physically separated modules are important for scaling many quantum computing technologies. The key metrics are the generation rate and fidelity of remote Bell pairs. In this work, we propose an experimental protocol for generating remote entanglement between neutral ytterbium atom qubits using an optical cavity. By loading a large number of atoms into a single cavity, and controlling their coupling using only local light shifts, we amortize the cost of transporting and initializing atoms over many entanglement attempts, maximizing the entanglement generation rate. A twisted ring cavity geometry suppresses many sources of error, allowing high fidelity entanglement generation. We estimate a spin-photon entanglement rate of $5 \times 10^5$ s$^{-1}$, and a Bell pair rate of $1.0\times 10^5$ s$^{-1}$, with an average fidelity near $0.999$. Furthermore, we show that the photon detection times provide a significant amount of soft information about the location of errors, which may be used to improve the logical qubit performance. This approach provides a practical path to scalable modular quantum computing using neutral ytterbium atoms.

  • Universality of spectral fluctuations in open quantum chaotic systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jisha C, Ravi Prakash

    Quantum chaotic systems with one-dimensional spectra follow spectral correlations of orthogonal (OE), unitary (UE), or symplectic ensembles (SE) of random matrices depending on their invariance under time reversal and rotation. In this letter, we study the non-Hermitian and non-unitary ensembles based on the symmetry of matrix elements, viz. ensemble of complex symmetric, complex asymmetric (Ginibre), and self-dual matrices of complex quaternions. The eigenvalues for these ensembles lie in the two-dimensional plane. We show that the fluctuation statistics of these ensembles are universal and quantum chaotic systems belonging to OE, UE, and SE in the presence of a dissipative environment show similar spectral fluctuations. The short-range correlations are studied using spacing ratio and spacing distribution. For long-range correlations, unfolding at a non-local scale is crucial. We describe a generic method to unfold the two-dimensional spectra with non-uniform density and evaluate correlations using number variance. We find that both short-range and long-range correlations are universal. We verify our results with the quantum kicked top in a dissipative environment that can be tuned to exhibit symmetries of OE, UE, and SE in its conservative limit.

  • A dynamic programming interpretation of quantum mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam Brownstein

    We introduce a transformation of the quantum phase $S'=S+\frac{\hbar}{2}\log\rho$, which converts the deterministic equations of quantum mechanics into the Lagrangian reference frame of stochastic particles. We show that the quantum potential can be removed from the transformed quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equations if they are solved as stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. The system of equations provide a local description of quantum mechanics, which is enabled by the inherently retrocausal nature of stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. We also investigate the stochastic transformation of the classical system, where is it shown that quantum mechanics with the quantum potential reduced by a factor of $\frac{1}{2}$ has a classical representation, which may have interesting implications. Finally, we discuss the notion of a subsystem correspondence principle, which constrains the ontology of the total quantum system.

  • Quantum mechanics without quantum potentials.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Adam Brownstein

    The issue of non-locality in quantum mechanics can potentially be resolved by considering relativistically covariant diffusion in four-dimensional spacetime. Stochastic particles described by the Klein-Gordon equation are shown to undergo a classical diffusion process in spacetime coordinates, which is seen by transforming the quantum Cauchy-momentum equations to a Lagrangian frame of reference. Since the quantum potential term is removed under this transformation, the equations for momentum propagation along particle trajectories assume a classical form. A local stochastic de Broglie-Bohm interpretation for the Klein-Gordon system can subsequently be derived. We also introduce the concept of momentum equivariance to replace the second-order Bohm-Newton equations of motion, which break down due to non-linear terms of the stochastic Lagrangian derivative.

  • Angular distributions and polarization correlations of the two-photon spherical states.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Moorad Alexanian, Vanik E. Mkrtchian

    We have analyzed in detail the angular polarization properties in the center of mass reference frame of Landau's two-photon spherical states in momentum space. The angular distributions for fixed values of $J$ and $M$ do not depend on the parity but are defined by two different functions of the polar angle between the relative momentum and the quantization axes. The two-photon polarization density matrices are derived for each values of $J$, $M$, and $P$. The linear polarization correlations of individual photons are analyzed in detail. We find, besides the usual correlation laws for $J\geq 2$ in terms of $sin$ and $cos$ of the angle between the orientation of the analyzers, correlations in terms of the sum of the orientation angles of the analyzers.

  • The complexity of quantum support vector machines.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Gian Gentinetta, Arne Thomsen, David Sutter, Stefan Woerner

    Quantum support vector machines employ quantum circuits to define the kernel function. It has been shown that this approach offers a provable exponential speedup compared to any known classical algorithm for certain data sets. The training of such models corresponds to solving a convex optimization problem either via its primal or dual formulation. Due to the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, the training algorithms are affected by statistical uncertainty, which has a major impact on their complexity. We show that the dual problem can be solved in $O(M^{4.67}/\varepsilon^2)$ quantum circuit evaluations, where $M$ denotes the size of the data set and $\varepsilon$ the solution accuracy compared to the ideal result from exact expectation values, which is only obtainable in theory. We prove under an empirically motivated assumption that the kernelized primal problem can alternatively be solved in $O(\min \{ M^2/\varepsilon^6, \, 1/\varepsilon^{10} \})$ evaluations by employing a generalization of a known classical algorithm called Pegasos. Accompanying empirical results demonstrate these analytical complexities to be essentially tight. In addition, we investigate a variational approximation to quantum support vector machines and show that their heuristic training achieves considerably better scaling in our experiments.

  • Sudden change of the photon output field marks phase transitions in the quantum Rabi model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ye-Hong Chen, Yuan Qiu, Adam Miranowicz, Neill Lambert, Wei Qin, Roberto Stassi, Yan Xia, Shi-Biao Zheng, Franco Nori

    The experimental observation of quantum phase transitions predicted by the quantum Rabi model in quantum critical systems is usually challenging due to the lack of signature experimental observables associated with them. Here, we describe a method to identify the dynamical critical phenomenon in the quantum Rabi model consisting of a three-level atom and a cavity at the quantum phase transition. Such a critical phenomenon manifests itself as a sudden change of steady-state output photons in the system driven by two classical fields, when both the atom and the cavity are initially unexcited. The process occurs as the high-frequency pump field is converted into the low-frequency Stokes field and multiple cavity photons in the normal phase, while this conversion cannot occur in the superradiant phase. The sudden change of steady-state output photons is an experimentally accessible measure to probe quantum phase transitions, as it does not require preparing the equilibrium state.

  • Complexity-Theoretic Limitations on Quantum Algorithms for Topological Data Analysis.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Schmidhuber, Seth Lloyd

    Quantum algorithms for topological data analysis (TDA) seem to provide an exponential advantage over the best classical approach while remaining immune to dequantization procedures and the data-loading problem. In this paper, we give complexity-theoretic evidence that the central task of TDA -- estimating Betti numbers -- is intractable even for quantum computers. Specifically, we prove that the problem of computing Betti numbers exactly is #P-hard, while the problem of approximating Betti numbers up to multiplicative error is NP-hard. Moreover, both problems retain their hardness if restricted to the regime where quantum algorithms for TDA perform best. Because quantum computers are not expected to solve #P-hard or NP-hard problems in subexponential time, our results imply that quantum algorithms for TDA offer only a polynomial advantage in the worst case. We support our claim by showing that the seminal quantum algorithm for TDA developed by Lloyd, Garnerone and Zanardi achieves a quadratic speedup over the best known classical approach in asymptotically almost all cases. Finally, we argue that an exponential quantum advantage can be recovered if the input data is given as a specification of simplices rather than as a list of vertices and edges.

  • Security of quantum key distribution with imperfect phase randomisation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Guillermo Currás-Lorenzo, Shlok Nahar, Norbert Lütkenhaus, Kiyoshi Tamaki, Marcos Curty

    The performance of quantum key distribution (QKD) is severely limited by multiphoton emissions, due to the photon-number-splitting attack. The most efficient solution, the decoy-state method, requires that the phases of all transmitted pulses are independent and uniformly random. In practice, however, these phases are often correlated, especially in high-speed systems, which opens a security loophole. Here, we address this pressing problem by providing a security proof for decoy-state QKD with correlated phases that offers key rates close to the ideal scenario. Our work paves the way towards high-performance secure QKD with practical laser sources, and may have applications beyond QKD.

  • A source of entangled photons based on a cavity-enhanced and strain-tuned GaAs quantum dot.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michele B. Rota, Tobias M. Krieger, Quirin Buchinger, Mattia Beccaceci, Julia Neuwirth, Hêlio Huet, Nikola Horová, Gabriele Lovicu, Giuseppe Ronco, Saimon F. Covre da Silva, Giorgio Pettinari, Magdalena Moczała-Dusanowska, Christoph Kohlberger, Santanu Manna, Sandra Stroj, Julia Freund, Xueyong Yuan, Christian Schneider, Miroslav Ježek, Sven Höfling, Francesco Basso Basset, Tobias Huber-Loyola, Armando Rastelli, Rinaldo Trotta

    A quantum-light source that delivers photons with a high brightness and a high degree of entanglement is fundamental for the development of efficient entanglement-based quantum-key distribution systems. Among all possible candidates, epitaxial quantum dots are currently emerging as one of the brightest sources of highly entangled photons. However, the optimization of both brightness and entanglement currently requires different technologies that are difficult to combine in a scalable manner. In this work, we overcome this challenge by developing a novel device consisting of a quantum dot embedded in a circular Bragg resonator, in turn, integrated onto a micromachined piezoelectric actuator. The resonator engineers the light-matter interaction to empower extraction efficiencies up to 0.69(4). Simultaneously, the actuator manipulates strain fields that tune the quantum dot for the generation of entangled photons with fidelities up to 0.96(1). This hybrid technology has the potential to overcome the limitations of the key rates that plague current approaches to entanglement-based quantum key distribution and entanglement-based quantum networks. Introduction

  • Matrix majorization in large samples.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Muhammad Usman Farooq, Tobias Fritz, Erkka Haapasalo, Marco Tomamichel

    One tuple of probability vectors is more informative than another tuple when there exists a single stochastic matrix transforming the probability vectors of the first tuple into the probability vectors of the other. This is called matrix majorization. Solving an open problem raised by Mu et al, we show that if certain monotones - namely multivariate extensions of R\'{e}nyi divergences - are strictly ordered between the two tuples, then for sufficiently large $n$, there exists a stochastic matrix taking the $n$-fold Kronecker power of each input distribution to the $n$-fold Kronecker power of the corresponding output distribution. The same conditions, with non-strict ordering for the monotones, are also necessary for such matrix majorization in large samples. Our result also gives conditions for the existence of a sequence of statistical maps that asymptotically (with vanishing error) convert a single copy of each input distribution to the corresponding output distribution with the help of a catalyst that is returned unchanged. Allowing for transformation with arbitrarily small error, we find conditions that are both necessary and sufficient for such catalytic matrix majorization. We derive our results by building on a general algebraic theory of preordered semirings recently developed by one of the authors. This also allows us to recover various existing results on majorization in large samples and in the catalytic regime as well as relative majorization in a unified manner.

  • Block-encoding structured matrices for data input in quantum computing.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christoph Sünderhauf, Earl Campbell, Joan Camps

    The cost of data input can dominate the run-time of quantum algorithms. Here, we consider data input of arithmetically structured matrices via block encoding circuits, the input model for the quantum singular value transform and related algorithms. We demonstrate how to construct block encoding circuits based on an arithmetic description of the sparsity and pattern of repeated values of a matrix. We present schemes yielding different subnormalisations of the block encoding; a comparison shows that the best choice depends on the specific matrix. The resulting circuits reduce flag qubit number according to sparsity, and data loading cost according to repeated values, leading to an exponential improvement for certain matrices. We give examples of applying our block encoding schemes to a few families of matrices, including Toeplitz and tridiagonal matrices.

  • Quantum Mechanics From Principle of Least Observability.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jianhao M. Yang

    We show that the basic non-relativistic quantum formulations can be derived from a least observability principle. The principle extends the least action principle from classical mechanics by factoring in two assumptions. First, the Planck constant defines the discrete amount of action a physical object needs to exhibit during its dynamics in order to be observable. Second, there is constant vacuum fluctuation along a classical trajectory. A novel method is introduced to define the information metrics that measures additional observable information due to vacuum fluctuations, which is then converted to the additional action through the first assumption. Applying the variation principle to minimize the total actions allows us to elegantly recover the basic quantum formulations including the uncertainty relation and the Schr\"{o}dinger equation in both position and momentum representations. Adding the no preferred representation assumption, we obtain the transformation formulation between position and momentum representations. The extended least action principle shows clearly how classical mechanics becomes quantum mechanics. Furthermore, it is a mathematical tool that can bring in new results. By defining the information metrics for vacuum fluctuations using more general definitions of relative entropy, we obtain a generalized Schr\"{o}dinger equation that depends on the order of relative entropy. The principle can be applied to derive more advance quantum formalism such as quantum scalar field theory.

  • Objectivity of classical quantum stochastic processes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Piotr Szańkowski, Łukasz Cywiński

    We investigate what can be concluded about the quantum system when the sequential quantum measurements of its observable -- a prominent example of the so-called quantum stochastic process -- fulfill the Kolmogorov consistency condition, and thus, appear to an observer as a sampling of classical trajectory. We identify a set of physical conditions imposed on the system dynamics, that when satisfied lead to the aforementioned trajectory interpretation of the measurement results. Then, we show that when another quantum system is coupled to the observable, the operator representing it can be replaced by an external noise. Crucially, the realizations of this surrogate (classical) stochastic process are following the same trajectories as those measured by the observer. Therefore, it can be said that the trajectory interpretation suggested by the Kolmogorov consistent measurements also applies in contexts other than sequential measurements.

  • Universal platform of point-gap topological phases from topological materials.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Daichi Nakamura, Kazuya Inaka, Nobuyuki Okuma, Masatoshi Sato

    Whereas point-gap topological phases are responsible for exceptional phenomena intrinsic to non-Hermitian systems, their realization in quantum materials is still elusive. Here we propose a simple and universal platform of point-gap topological phases constructed from Hermitian topological insulators and superconductors. We show that (d-1)-dimensional point-gap topological phases are realized by making a boundary in d-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors dissipative. A crucial observation of the proposal is that adding a decay constant to boundary modes in d-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors is topologically equivalent to attaching a (d-1)-dimensional point-gap topological phase to the boundary. We furthermore establish the proposal from the extended version of the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem, relating dissipative gapless modes to point-gap topological numbers. From the bulk-boundary correspondence of the point-gap topological phases, the resultant point-gap topological phases exhibit exceptional boundary states or in-gap higher-order non-Hermitian skin effects.

  • Microcanonical windows on quantum operators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Silvia Pappalardi, Laura Foini, Jorge Kurchan

    We discuss the construction of a microcanonical projection WOW of a quantum operator O induced by an energy window filter W, its spectrum, and the retrieval of canonical many-time correlations from it.

  • Codesign of quantum error-correcting codes and modular chiplets in the presence of defects.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sophia Fuhui Lin, Joshua Viszlai, Kaitlin N. Smith, Gokul Subramanian Ravi, Charles Yuan, Frederic T. Chong, Benjamin J. Brown

    Fabrication errors pose a significant challenge in scaling up solid-state quantum devices to the sizes required for fault-tolerant (FT) quantum applications. To mitigate the resource overhead caused by fabrication errors, we combine two approaches: (1) leveraging the flexibility of a modular architecture, (2) adapting the procedure of quantum error correction (QEC) to account for fabrication defects. We simulate the surface code adapted to qubit arrays with arbitrarily distributed defects to find metrics that characterize how defects affect fidelity. We then determine the impact of defects on the resource overhead of realizing a fault-tolerant quantum computer, on a chiplet-based modular architecture. Our strategy for dealing with fabrication defects demonstrates an exponential suppression of logical failure where error rates of non-faulty physical qubits are ~0.1% in a circuit-based noise model. This is a typical regime where we imagine running the defect-free surface code. We use our numerical results to establish post-selection criteria for building a device from defective chiplets. Using our criteria, we then evaluate the resource overhead in terms of the average number of fabricated physical qubits per logical qubit. We find that an optimal choice of chiplet size, based on the defect rate and target fidelity, is essential to limiting any additional error correction overhead due to defects. When the optimal chiplet size is chosen, at a defect rate of 1% the resource overhead can be reduced to below 3X and 6X respectively for the two defect models we use, for a wide range of target performance. We also determine cutoff fidelity values that help identify whether a qubit should be disabled or kept as part of the error correction code.

  • Scalable noisy quantum circuits for biased-noise qubits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marco Fellous-Asiani, Moein Naseri, Chandan Datta, Alexander Streltsov, Michał Oszmaniec

    In this work, we consider biased-noise qubits affected only by bit-flip errors, which is motivated by existing systems of stabilized cat qubits. This property allows us to design a class of noisy Hadamard-tests involving entangling and certain non-Clifford gates, which can be conducted reliably with only a polynomial overhead in algorithm repetitions. On the flip side we also found classical algorithms able to efficiently simulate both the noisy and noiseless versions of our specific variants of Hadamard test. We propose to use these algorithms as a simple benchmark of the biasness of the noise at the scale of large circuits. The bias being checked on a full computational task, it makes our benchmark sensitive to crosstalk or time-correlated errors, which are usually invisible from individual gate tomography. For realistic noise models, phase-flip will not be negligible, but in the Pauli-Twirling approximation, we show that our benchmark could check the correctness of circuits containing up to $10^6$ gates, several orders of magnitudes larger than circuits not exploiting a noise-bias. Our benchmark is applicable for an arbitrary noise-bias, beyond Pauli models.

  • Alignment between Initial State and Mixer Improves QAOA Performance for Constrained Optimization.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zichang He, Ruslan Shaydulin, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Dylan Herman, Changhao Li, Yue Sun, Marco Pistoia

    Quantum alternating operator ansatz (QAOA) has a strong connection to the adiabatic algorithm, which it can approximate with sufficient depth. However, it is unclear to what extent the lessons from the adiabatic regime apply to QAOA as executed in practice with small to moderate depth. In this paper, we demonstrate that the intuition from the adiabatic algorithm applies to the task of choosing the QAOA initial state. Specifically, we observe that the best performance is obtained when the initial state of QAOA is set to be the ground state of the mixing Hamiltonian, as required by the adiabatic algorithm. We provide numerical evidence using the examples of constrained portfolio optimization problems with both low ($p\leq 3$) and high ($p = 100$) QAOA depth. Additionally, we successfully apply QAOA with XY mixer to portfolio optimization on a trapped-ion quantum processor using 32 qubits and discuss our findings in near-term experiments.

  • Partial and full tunneling processes across potential barriers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Philip Caesar M. Flores, Dean Alvin L. Pablico, Eric A. Galapon

    We introduce the concept of partial and full tunneling processes to explain the seemingly contradictory non-zero and vanishing tunneling times often reported in the literature. Our analysis starts by considering the traversal time of a quantum particle through a potential barrier, including both above and below-barrier traversals, using the theory of time-of-arrival operators. We then show that there are three traversal processes corresponding to non-tunneling, full-tunneling, and partial tunneling. The distinction between the three depends on the support of the incident wavepackets energy distribution in relation to the shape of the barrier. Non-tunneling happens when the energy distribution of the quantum particle lies above the maximum of the potential barrier. Otherwise, full-tunneling process occurs when the energy distribution of the particle is below the minimum of the potential barrier. For this process, the obtained traversal time is interpreted as the tunneling time. Finally, the partial-tunneling process occurs when the energy distribution lies between the minimum and maximum of the potential barrier. This signifies that the quantum particle tunneled only through some portions of the potential barrier. We argue that the duration for a partial-tunneling process should not be interpreted as the tunneling time but instead as a partial traversal time to differentiate it from the full-tunneling process. We then show that a full-tunneling process is always instantaneous, while a partial-tunneling process takes a non-zero amount of time. We are then led to the hypothesis that experimentally measured non-zero and vanishing tunneling times correspond to partial and full-tunneling processes, respectively.

  • Demonstration of quantum-digital payments.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Peter Schiansky, Julia Kalb, Esther Sztatecsny, Marie-Christine Roehsner, Tobias Guggemos, Alessandro Trenti, Mathieu Bozzio, Philip Walther

    Digital payments have replaced physical banknotes in many aspects of our daily lives. Similarly to banknotes, they should be easy to use, unique, tamper-resistant and untraceable, but additionally withstand digital attackers and data breaches. Current technology substitutes customers' sensitive data by randomized tokens, and secures the payment's uniqueness with a cryptographic function, called a cryptogram. However, computationally powerful attacks violate the security of these functions. Quantum technology comes with the potential to protect even against infinite computational power. Here, we show how quantum light can secure daily digital payments by generating inherently unforgeable quantum cryptograms. We implement the scheme over an urban optical fiber link, and show its robustness to noise and loss-dependent attacks. Unlike previously proposed protocols, our solution does not depend on long-term quantum storage or trusted agents and authenticated channels. It is practical with near-term technology and may herald an era of quantum-enabled security.

  • Simulating quantum computation: how many "bits" for "it"?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michael Zurel, Cihan Okay, Robert Raussendorf

    A recently introduced classical simulation method for universal quantum computation with magic states operates by repeated sampling from probability functions [M. Zurel et al. PRL 260404 (2020)]. This method is closely related to sampling algorithms based on Wigner functions, with the important distinction that Wigner functions can take negative values obstructing the sampling. Indeed, negativity in Wigner functions has been identified as a precondition for a quantum speed-up. However, in the present method of classical simulation, negativity of quasiprobability functions never arises. This model remains probabilistic for all quantum computations. In this paper, we analyze the amount of classical data that the simulation procedure must track. We find that this amount is small. Specifically, for any number $n$ of magic states, the number of bits that describe the quantum system at any given time is $2n^2+O(n)$.

  • Combining Matrix Product States and Noisy Quantum Computers for Quantum Simulation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Baptiste Anselme Martin, Thomas Ayral, François Jamet, Marko J. Rančić, Pascal Simon

    Matrix Product States (MPS) and Operators (MPO) have been proven to be a powerful tool to study quantum many-body systems but are restricted to moderately entangled states as the number of parameters scales exponentially with the entanglement entropy. While MPS can efficiently find ground states of 1D systems, their capacities are limited when simulating their dynamics, where the entanglement can increase ballistically with time. On the other hand, quantum devices appear as a natural platform to encode and perform the time evolution of correlated many-body states. However, accessing the regime of long-time dynamics is hampered by quantum noise. In this study we use the best of worlds: the short-time dynamics is efficiently performed by MPSs, compiled into short-depth quantum circuits, and is performed further in time on a quantum computer thanks to efficient MPO-optimized quantum circuits. We quantify the capacities of this hybrid classical-quantum scheme in terms of fidelities taking into account a noise model. We show that using classical knowledge in the form of tensor networks provides a way to better use limited quantum resources and lowers drastically the noise requirements to reach a practical quantum advantage. Finally we successfully demonstrate our approach with an experimental realization of the technique. Combined with efficient circuit transpilation we simulate a 10-qubit system on an actual quantum device over a longer time scale than low-bond-dimension MPSs and purely quantum Trotter evolution.

  • Frame representations of qudit quantum mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nicolae Cotfas

    There exist many attempts to define a Wigner function for qudits, each of them coming with its advantages and limitations. The existing finite versions have simple definitions, but they are artificial in their construction and do not allow an intuitive state analysis. The continuous versions have more complicated definitions, but they are similar to the original Wigner function and allow a visualization of the quantum states. The version based on the concept of tight frame we present is finite, but it has certain properties and applications similar to those of continuous versions.

  • Introducing Reduced-Width QNNs, an AI-inspired Ansatz Design Pattern.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jonas Stein, Tobias Rohe, Francesco Nappi, Julian Hager, David Bucher, Maximilian Zorn, Michael Kölle, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

    Variational Quantum Algorithms are one of the most promising candidates to yield the first industrially relevant quantum advantage. Being capable of arbitrary function approximation, they are often referred to as Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) when being used in analog settings as classical Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Similar to the early stages of classical machine learning, known schemes for efficient architectures of these networks are scarce. Exploring beyond existing design patterns, we propose a reduced-width circuit ansatz design, which is motivated by recent results gained in the analysis of dropout regularization in QNNs. More precisely, this exploits the insight, that the gates of overparameterized QNNs can be pruned substantially until their expressibility decreases. The results of our case study show, that the proposed design pattern can significantly reduce training time while maintaining the same result quality as the standard "full-width" design in the presence of noise.

  • Quantum JPEG.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Simone Roncallo, Lorenzo Maccone, Chiara Macchiavello

    The JPEG algorithm compresses a digital image by filtering its high spatial-frequency components. Similarly, we introduce a quantum algorithm that uses the quantum Fourier transform to discard the high spatial-frequency qubits of an image, downsampling it to a lower resolution. This allows one to capture, compress, and send images even with limited quantum resources for storage and communication. We show under which conditions this protocol is advantageous with respect to its classical counterpart.

  • Union-find quantum decoding without union-find.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sam J. Griffiths, Dan E. Browne

    The union-find decoder is a leading algorithmic approach to the correction of quantum errors on the surface code, achieving code thresholds comparable to minimum-weight perfect matching (MWPM) with amortised computational time scaling near-linearly in the number of physical qubits. This complexity is achieved via optimisations provided by the disjoint-set data structure. We demonstrate, however, that the behaviour of the decoder at scale underutilises this data structure for twofold analytic and algorithmic reasons, and that improvements and simplifications can be made to architectural designs to reduce resource overhead in practice. To reinforce this, we model the behaviour of erasure clusters formed by the decoder and show that there does not exist a percolation threshold within the data structure for any mode of operation. This yields a linear-time worst-case complexity for the decoder at scale, even with a naive implementation omitting popular optimisations.

  • Observation and manipulation of quantum interference in a superconducting Kerr parametric oscillator.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Daisuke Iyama, Takahiko Kamiya, Shiori Fujii, Hiroto Mukai, Yu Zhou, Toshiaki Nagase, Akiyoshi Tomonaga, Rui Wang, Jiao-Jiao Xue, Shohei Watabe, Sangil Kwon, Jaw-Shen Tsai

    Quantum tunneling is the phenomenon that makes superconducting circuits "quantum". Recently, there has been a renewed interest in using quantum tunneling in phase space of a Kerr parametric oscillator as a resource for quantum information processing. Here, we report a direct observation of quantum interference induced by such tunneling in a planar superconducting circuit through Wigner tomography. We experimentally elucidate all essential properties of this quantum interference, such as mapping from Fock states to cat states, a temporal oscillation due to the pump detuning, as well as its characteristic Rabi oscillations and Ramsey fringes. Finally, we perform gate operations as manipulations of the observed quantum interference. Our findings lay the groundwork for further studies on quantum properties of superconducting Kerr parametric oscillators and their use in quantum information technologies.

  • High-impedance surface acoustic wave resonators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yadav P. Kandel, Suraj Thapa Magar, Arjun Iyer, William H. Renninger, John M. Nichol

    Because of their small size, low loss, and compatibility with magnetic fields and elevated temperatures, surface acoustic wave resonators hold significant potential as future quantum interconnects. Here, we design, fabricate, and characterize GHz-frequency surface acoustic wave resonators with the potential for strong capacitive coupling to nanoscale solid-state quantum systems, including semiconductor quantum dots. Strong capacitive coupling to such systems requires a large characteristic impedance, and the resonators we fabricate have impedance values above 100 $\Omega$. We achieve such high impedance values by tightly confining a Gaussian acoustic mode. At the same time, the resonators also have low loss, with quality factors of several thousand at millikelvin temperatures. These high-impedance resonators are expected to exhibit large vacuum electric-field fluctuations and have the potential for strong coupling to a variety of solid-state quantum systems.

  • Quantifying total correlations in quantum systems through the Pearson correlation coefficient.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Spyros Tserkis, Syed M. Assad, Ping Koy Lam, Prineha Narang

    Conventionally, the total correlations within a quantum system are quantified through distance-based expressions such as the relative entropy or the square-norm. Those expressions imply that a quantum state can contain both classical and quantum correlations. In this work, we provide an alternative method to quantify the total correlations through the Pearson correlation coefficient. Using this method, we argue that a quantum state can be correlated in either a classical or a quantum way, i.e., the two cases are mutually exclusive. We also illustrate that, at least for the case of two-qubit systems, the distribution of the correlations among certain locally incompatible pairs of observables provides insight in regards to whether a system contains classical or quantum correlations. Finally, we show how correlations in quantum systems are connected to the general entropic uncertainty principle.

  • Long time rigidity to flux-induced symmetry breaking in quantum quench dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lorenzo Rossi, Luca Barbiero, Jan Carl Budich, Fabrizio Dolcini

    We investigate how the breaking of charge conjugation symmetry $\mathcal{C}$ impacts on the dynamics of a half-filled fermionic lattice system after global quenches. We show that, when the initial state is insulating and the $\mathcal{C}$-symmetry is broken non-locally by a constant magnetic flux, local observables and correlations behave as if the symmetry were unbroken for a time interval proportional to the system size $L$. In particular, the local particle density of a quenched dimerized insulator remains pinned to $1/2$ in each lattice site for an extensively long time, while it starts to significantly fluctuate only afterwards. Due to its qualitative resemblance to the sudden arrival of rapidly rising ocean waves, we dub this phenomenon the ``tsunami effect". Notably, it occurs even though the chiral symmetry is dynamically broken right after the quench. Furthermore, we identify a way to quantify the amount of symmetry breaking in the quantum state, showing that in insulators perturbed by a flux it is exponentially suppressed as a function of the system size, while it is only algebraically suppressed in metals and in insulators with locally broken $\mathcal{C}$-symmetry. The robustness of the tsunami effect to weak disorder and interactions is demonstrated, and possible experimental realizations are proposed.

  • Entanglement and quantum discord in the cavity QED models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Miao Hui-hui, Li Wang-shun

    Based on the two-qubit Jaynes-Cummings model - a common cavity quantum electrodynamics model, and extending to modification of the three-qubit Tavis-Cummings model, we investigate the quantum correlation between light and matter in bipartite quantum systems. By resolving the quantum master equation, we are able to derive the dissipative dynamics in open systems. To gauge the degree of quantum entanglement, some entanglement measurements are introduced: von Neumann entropy, concurrence and quantum discord. In addition, consideration is given to the impacts of initial entanglement and dissipation strength on quantum discord. Finally we discussed two different cases of nuclei motion: quantum and classical.

  • Convergence of Digitized-Counterdiabatic QAOA: circuit depth versus free parameters.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mara Vizzuso, Gianluca Passarelli, Giovanni Cantele, Procolo Lucignano

    Recently, Digitized-Counterdiabatic (CD) Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) has been proposed to make QAOA converge to the solution of an optimization problem in fewer steps, inspired by Trotterized counterdiabatic driving in continuous-time quantum annealing. In this paper, we critically revisit this approach by focusing on the paradigmatic weighted and unweighted one-dimensional MaxCut problem. We study two variants of QAOA with first and second-order CD corrections. Our results show that, indeed, higher order CD corrections allow for a quicker convergence to the exact solution of the problem at hand by increasing the complexity of the variational cost function. Remarkably, however, the total number of free parameters needed to achieve this result is independent of the particular QAOA variant analyzed.

  • One photon simultaneously excites two atoms in a ultrastrongly coupled light-matter system.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Akiyoshi Tomonaga, Roberto Stassi, Hiroto Mukai, Franco Nori, Fumiki Yoshihara, Jaw-Shen Tsai

    We experimentally investigate a superconducting circuit composed of two flux qubits ultrastrongly coupled to a common $LC$ resonator. Owing to the large anharmonicity of the flux qubits, the system can be correctly described by a generalized Dicke Hamiltonian containing spin-spin interaction terms. In the experimentally measured spectrum, an avoided level crossing provides evidence of the exotic interaction that allows the \textit{simultaneous} excitation of \textit{two} artificial atoms by absorbing \textit{one} photon from the resonator. This multi-atom ultrastrongly coupled system opens the door to studying nonlinear optics where the number of excitations is not conserved. This enables novel processes for quantum-information processing tasks on a chip.

  • Linear rotor in an ideal Bose gas near the threshold for binding.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tibor Dome, Artem G. Volosniev, Areg Ghazaryan, Laleh Safari, Richard Schmidt, Mikhail Lemeshko

    We study a linear rotor in a bosonic bath within the angulon formalism. Our focus is on systems where isotropic or anisotropic impurity-boson interactions support a shallow bound state. To study the fate of the angulon in the vicinity of bound-state formation, we formulate a beyond-linear-coupling angulon Hamiltonian. First, we use it to study attractive, spherically symmetric impurity-boson interactions for which the linear rotor can be mapped onto a static impurity. The well-known polaron formalism provides an adequate description in this limit. Second, we consider anisotropic potentials, and show that the presence of a shallow bound state with pronounced anisotropic character leads to a many-body instability that washes out the angulon dynamics.

  • Absorption to Fluctuating Bunching States in Non-Unitary Boson Dynamics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ken Mochizuki, Ryusuke Hamazaki

    We show that noisy nonunitary dynamics of bosons drives arbitrary initial states into a novel fluctuating bunching state, where all bosons occupy one time-dependent mode. We propose a concept of the noisy spectral gap, a generalization of the spectral gap in noiseless systems, and demonstrate that the exponentially fast absorption to the fluctuating bunching state takes place asymptotically. The fluctuating bunching state is unique to noisy nonunitary dynamics, with no counterpart in any unitary dynamics and nonunitary dynamics described by a time-independent generator. We also argue that the times of relaxation to the fluctuating bunching state obey a universal power law as functions of the noise parameter in generic noisy nonunitary dynamics.

  • An Efficient Quantum Factoring Algorithm.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oded Regev

    We show that $n$-bit integers can be factorized by independently running a quantum circuit with $\tilde{O}(n^{3/2})$ gates for $\sqrt{n}+4$ times, and then using polynomial-time classical post-processing. The correctness of the algorithm relies on a number-theoretic heuristic assumption reminiscent of those used in subexponential classical factorization algorithms. It is currently not clear if the algorithm can lead to improved physical implementations in practice.

  • Bound entangled Bell diagonal states of unequal local dimensions, and their witnesses.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Johannes Moerland, Nikolai Wyderka, Hermann Kampermann, Dagmar Bruß

    Bell diagonal states constitute a well-studied family of bipartite quantum states that arise naturally in various contexts in quantum information. In this paper we generalize the notion of Bell diagonal states to the case of unequal local dimensions and investigate their entanglement properties. We extend the family of entanglement criteria of Sarbicki et al. to non-Hermitian operator bases to construct entanglement witnesses for the class of generalized Bell diagonal states. We then show how to optimize the witnesses with respect to noise robustness. Finally, we use these witnesses to construct bound entangled states that are not detected by the usual computable cross norm or realignment and de Vicente criteria.

  • A new symmetry theory for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mustapha Maamache, Nour El Houda Absi

    The {\eta} pseudo PT symmetry theory, denoted by the symbol {\eta}, explores the conditions under which non-Hermitian Hamiltonians can possess real spectra despite the violation of PT symmetry, that is the adjoint of H, denoted H^{{\dag}} is expressed as H^{{\dag}}=PTHPT. This theory introduces a new symmetry operator, {\eta}=PT{\eta}, which acts on the Hilbert space. The {\eta} pseudo PT symmetry condition requires the Hamiltonian to commute with the {\eta} operator, leading to real eigenvalues. We discuss some general implications of our results for the coupled non hermitian harmonic oscillator.

  • A pragma based C++ framework for hybrid quantum/classical computation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Arnaud Gazda, Oceane Koska

    Quantum computers promise exponential speed ups over classical computers for various tasks. This emerging technology is expected to have its first huge impact in High Performance Computing (HPC), as it can solve problems beyond the reach of HPC. To that end, HPC will require quantum accelerators, which will enable applications to run on both classical and quantum devices, via hybrid quantum-classical nodes. Hybrid quantum-HPC applications should be scalable, executable on Quantum Error Corrected (QEC) devices, and could use quantum-classical primitives. However, the lack of scalability, poor performances, and inability to insert classical schemes within quantum applications has prevented current quantum frameworks from being adopted by the HPC community. This paper specifies the requirements of a hybrid quantum-classical framework compatible with HPC environments, and introduces a novel hardware-agnostic framework called Q-Pragma. This framework extends the classical programming language C++ heavily used in HPC via the addition of pragma directives to manage quantum computations.

  • Braiding topology of symmetry-protected degeneracy points in non-Hermitian systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jia-Zheng Li, Kai Bai, Cheng Guo, Tian-Rui Liu, Liang Fang, Duanduan Wan, Meng Xiao

    Degeneracy points in non-Hermitian systems are of great interest. While a homotopic framework exists for understanding their behavior in the absence of symmetry, it does not apply to symmetry-protected degeneracy points with reduced codimension. In this work, utilizing algebraic topology, we provide a systematic classification of these symmetry-protected degenerate points and investigate the braid conservation rule followed by them. Using a model Hamiltonian and circuit simulation, we discover that, contrary to simple annihilation, pairwise-created symmetry-protected degeneracy points merge into a higher-order degeneracy point, which goes beyond the abelian picture. Our findings empower researchers across diverse fields to uncover new phenomena and applications harnessing symmetry-protected non-Hermitian degeneracy points.

  • Towards surgery with good quantum LDPC codes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Cowtan

    We show that the good quantum LDPC codes of Panteleev-Kalachev \cite{PK} allow for surgery using any logical qubits, albeit incurring an asymptotic penalty which lowers the rate and distance scaling. We also prove that we can satisfy 3 of the 4 conditions for performing surgery \textit{without} incurring an asymptotic penalty. If the last condition is also satisfied then we can perform code surgery while maintaining $k, d\in \Theta(n)$.

  • Spontaneously interacting qubits from Gauss-Bonnet.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sean Prudhoe, Rishabh Kumar, Sarah Shandera

    Building on previous constructions examining how a collection of small, locally interacting quantum systems might emerge via spontaneous symmetry breaking from a single-particle system of high dimension, we consider a larger family of geometric loss functionals and explicitly construct several classes of critical metrics which "know about qubits" (KAQ). The loss functional consists of the Ricci scalar with the addition of the Gauss-Bonnet term, which introduces an order parameter that allows for spontaneous symmetry breaking. The appeal of this method is two-fold: (i) the Ricci scalar has already been shown to have KAQ critical metrics and (ii) exact equations of motions are known for loss functionals with generic curvature terms up to two derivatives. We show that KAQ critical metrics, which are solutions to the equations of motion in the space of left-invariant metrics with fixed determinant, exist for loss functionals that include the Gauss-Bonnet term. We find that exploiting the subalgebra structure leads us to natural classes of KAQ metrics which contain the familiar distributions (GUE, GOE, GSE) for random Hamiltonians. We introduce tools for this analysis that will allow for straightfoward, although numerically intensive, extension to other loss functionals and higher-dimension systems.

  • Symmetry protected topological order as a requirement for measurement-based quantum gate teleportation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhuohao Liu, Emma C. Johnson, David L. Feder

    All known resource states for measurement-based quantum teleportation in correlation space possess symmetry protected topological order, but is this a sufficient or even necessary condition? This work considers two families of one-dimensional qubit states to answer this question in the negative. The first is a family of matrix-product states with bond dimension two that includes the cluster state as a special case, protected by a global non-onsite symmetry, which is characterized by a finite correlation length and a degenerate entanglement spectrum in the thermodynamic limit but which is unable to deterministically teleport a universal set of single-qubit gates. The second are states with bond dimension four that are a resource for deterministic universal teleportation of finite single-qubit gates, but which possess no symmetry.

  • Highly Efficient Creation and Detection of Ultracold Deeply-Bound Molecules via Chainwise Stimulated Raman Shortcut-to-Adiabatic Passage.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiahui Zhang, Li Deng, Yueping Niu, Shangqing Gong

    Chainwise stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (C-STIRAP) in M-type molecular system is a good alternative in creating ultracold deeply-bound molecules when the typical STIRAP in {\Lambda}-type system does not work due to weak Frank-Condon factors between states. However, its creation efficiency under the smooth evolution is generally low. During the process, the population in the intermediate states may decay out quickly and the strong laser pulses may induce multi-photon processes. In this paper, we find that shortcut-to-adiabatic (STA) passage fits very well in improving the performance of the C-STIRAP. Currently, related discussions on the so-called chainwise stimulated Raman shortcut-to-adiabatic passage (C-STIRSAP) are rare. Here, we investigate this topic under the adiabatic elimination. Given a relation among the four incident pulses, it is quite interesting that the M-type system can be generalized into an effective {\Lambda}-type structure with the simplest resonant coupling. Consequently, all possible methods of STA for three-state system can be borrowed. We take the counter-diabatic driving and "chosen path" method as instances to demonstrate our treatment on the molecular system. Although the "chosen path" method does not work well in real three-state system if there is strong decay in the excited state, our C-STIRSAP protocol under both the two methods can create ultracold deeply-bound molecules with high efficiency in the M-type system. The evolution time is shortened without strong laser pulses and the robustness of STA is well preserved. Finally, the detection of ultracold deeply-bound molecules is discussed.

  • Thermodynamic Limit in the Two-qubit Quantum Rabi Model with Spin-Spin Coupling.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. Grimaudo, G. Falci, A. Messina, E. Paladino, A. Sergi, E. Solano, D. Valenti

    The occurrence of a second-order superradiant quantum phase transition is brought to light in a quantum system consisting of two interacting qubits coupled to the same quantized field mode. We introduce an appropriate thermodynamic-like limit for the integrable two-qubit quantum Rabi model with spin-spin interaction. Namely, it is determined by the infinite ratios of the spin-spin and the spin-mode couplings to the mode frequency, regardless of the spin-to-mode frequency ratios.

  • Scalable architecture for trapped-ion quantum computing using RF traps and dynamic optical potentials.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    David Schwerdt, Lee Peleg, Yotam Shapira, Nadav Priel, Yanay Florshaim, Avram Gross, Ayelet Zalic, Gadi Afek, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Amit Ben Kish, Roee Ozeri

    Qubits based on ions trapped in linear radio-frequency traps form a successful platform for quantum computing, due to their high fidelity of operations, all-to-all connectivity and degree of local control. In principle there is no fundamental limit to the number of ion-based qubits that can be confined in a single 1D register. However, in practice there are two main issues associated with long trapped-ion crystals, that stem from the 'softening' of their modes of motion, upon scaling up: high heating rates of the ions' motion, and a dense motional spectrum; both impede the performance of high-fidelity qubit operations. Here we propose a holistic, scalable architecture for quantum computing with large ion-crystals that overcomes these issues. Our method relies on dynamically-operated optical potentials, that instantaneously segment the ion-crystal into cells of a manageable size. We show that these cells behave as nearly independent quantum registers, allowing for parallel entangling gates on all cells. The ability to reconfigure the optical potentials guarantees connectivity across the full ion-crystal, and also enables efficient mid-circuit measurements. We study the implementation of large-scale parallel multi-qubit entangling gates that operate simultaneously on all cells, and present a protocol to compensate for crosstalk errors, enabling full-scale usage of an extensively large register. We illustrate that this architecture is advantageous both for fault-tolerant digital quantum computation and for analog quantum simulations.

  • Self-adjointness of a simplified Dirac interaction operator without any cutoffs.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mads J. Damgaard

    We show that a simplified version of the Dirac interaction operator given by $\hat H_\mathrm{I} \propto \int d\mathbf{k}d\mathbf{p}(\hat a(\mathbf{k}) + \hat a^\dagger(-\mathbf{k})) \hat b^\dagger(\mathbf{p} + \mathbf{k}) \hat b(\mathbf{p})/\sqrt{|\mathbf{k}|}$ is self-adjoint on a certain domain that is dense in the Hilbert space, even without any cutoffs. The technique that we use for showing this can potentially be extended to a much wider range of operators as well. This technique might therefore potentially lead to more mathematically well-defined theories of QFT in the future.

  • On quantum channels that destroy negative conditional entropy.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    PV Srinidhi, Indranil Chakrabarty, Samyadeb Bhattacharya, Nirman Ganguly

    Counter-intuitive to classical notions, quantum conditional entropy can be negative, playing a pivotal role in information-processing tasks. This article delves deeply into quantum channels, emphasizing negative conditional entropy breaking channels (NCEB) and introducing negative conditional entropy annihilating channels (NCEA). We characterize these channels from both topological and information-theoretic perspectives, examining their properties when combined serially and NCEB in parallel. Our exploration extends to complimentary channels associated with NCEB, leading to the introduction of information-leaking channels. Utilizing the parameters of the standard depolarizing channel, we provide tangible examples and further characterization. We demonstrate the relationship of NCEB and NCEA with newly introduced channels like coherent information breaking (CIB) and mutual information breaking (MIB), along with standard channels like zero capacity channels. Preservation of quantum resources is an integral constituent of quantum information theory. Recognizing this, we lay prescriptions to detect channels that do not break the negativity of conditional entropy, ensuring the conservation of this quantum resource.

  • Charge transport battery with quantum feedback.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Oscar Bohorquez

    A battery is a work storage device, i.e. a device that stores energy in the form of work for later use by other devices. In this work, we study the realization of a quantum battery in a double quantum dot in series, charged by two electrodes at different chemical potentials and optimized by a Markovian quantum feedback protocol. Using the concept of ergotropy as a figure of merit, we first establish a simple expression for the maximum ergotropy in a two-level system, and then find the parameters under which a Markovian feedback can achieve this optimal ergotropy. We also study the influence of interaction with a phonon environment on the charging and discharging process of the battery.

  • Coherence Distillation Unveils Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kuan-Yi Lee, Jhen-Dong Lin, Karel Lemr, Antonín Černoch, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori, Huan-Yu Ku, Yueh-Nan Chen

    Quantum coherence is a fundamental property in quantum information science. Recent developments have provided valuable insights into its distillability and its relationship with nonlocal quantum correlations, such as quantum discord and entanglement. In this work, we focus on quantum steering and the local distillable coherence for a steered subsystem. We propose a steering inequality based on collaborative coherence distillation. Notably, we prove that the proposed steering witness can detect one-way steerable and all pure entangled states. Through linear optical experiments, we corroborate our theoretical efficacy in detecting pure entangled states. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the violation of the steering inequality can be employed as a quantifier of measurement incompatibility. Our work provides a clear quantitative and operational connection between coherence and entanglement, two landmark manifestations of quantum theory and both key enablers for quantum technologies.

  • A scalable narrow linewidth high power laser for barium ion optical qubit.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Morteza Ahmadi, Tarun Dutta, Manas Mukherjee

    The linewidth of a laser plays a pivotal role in ensuring the high fidelity of ion trap quantum processors and optical clocks. As quantum computing endeavors scale up in qubit number, the demand for higher laser power with ultra-narrow linewidth becomes imperative, and leveraging fiber amplifiers emerges as a promising approach to meet these requirements. This study explores the effectiveness of Thulium-doped fiber amplifiers (TDFAs) as a viable solution for addressing optical qubit transitions in trapped barium ion qubits. We demonstrate that by performing high-fidelity gates on the qubit while introducing minimal intensity noise, TDFAs do not significantly broaden the linewidth of the seed lasers. We employed a Voigt fitting scheme in conjunction with a delayed self-heterodyne method to accurately measure the linewidth independently, corroborating our findings through quadrupole spectroscopy with trapped barium ions. Our results show linewidth values of $160 \pm 15$ Hz and $156 \pm 16$ Hz, respectively, using these two methods, underscoring the reliability of our measurement techniques. The slight variation between the two methods can be attributed to factors such as amplified spontaneous emission in the TDFA or the influence of 1/f noise within the heterodyne setup delay line. These contribute to advancing our understanding of laser linewidth control in the context of ion trap quantum computing as well as stretching the availability of narrow linewidth, high-power tunable lasers beyond the C-band.

  • Towards Quantum Computational Mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Burigede Liu, Michael Ortiz, Fehmi Cirak

    The advent of quantum computers, operating on entirely different physical principles and abstractions from those of classical digital computers, sets forth a new computing paradigm that can potentially result in game-changing efficiencies and computational performance. Specifically, the ability to simultaneously evolve the state of an entire quantum system leads to quantum parallelism and interference. Despite these prospects, opportunities to bring quantum computing to bear on problems of computational mechanics remain largely unexplored. In this work, we demonstrate how quantum computing can indeed be used to solve representative volume element (RVE) problems in computational homogenisation with polylogarithmic complexity of~$ \mathcal{O}((\log N)^c)$, compared to~$\mathcal{O}(N^c)$ in classical computing. Thus, our quantum RVE solver attains exponential acceleration with respect to classical solvers, bringing concurrent multiscale computing closer to practicality. The proposed quantum RVE solver combines conventional algorithms such as a fixed-point iteration for a homogeneous reference material and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). However, the quantum computing reformulation of these algorithms requires a fundamental paradigm shift and a complete rethinking and overhaul of the classical implementation. We employ or develop several techniques, including the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), quantum encoding of polynomials, classical piecewise Chebyshev approximation of functions and an auxiliary algorithm for implementing the fixed-point iteration and show that, indeed, an efficient implementation of RVE solvers on quantum computers is possible. We additionally provide theoretical proofs and numerical evidence confirming the anticipated~$ \mathcal{O} \left ((\log N)^c \right) $ complexity of the proposed solver.

  • Memory Effects in Quantum State Verification.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Siyuan Chen, Wei Xie, Kun Wang

    We consider the quantum memory assisted state verification task, where the local verifiers can store copies of quantum states and measure them collectively. We establish an exact analytic formula for optimizing two-copy state verification and give a globally optimal two-copy strategy for multi-qubit graph states involving only Bell measurements. For arbitrary memory availability, we present a dimension expansion technique that designs efficient verification strategies, showcasing its application to GHZ-like states. These strategies become increasingly advantageous with growing memory resources, ultimately approaching the theoretical limit of efficiency. Our findings demonstrate that quantum memories dramatically enhance state verification efficiency, sheding light on error-resistant strategies and practical applications of large-scale quantum memory-assisted verification.

  • Optimal energy storage in the Tavis-Cummings quantum battery.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hui-Yu Yang, Hai-Long Shi, Qing-Kun Wan, Kun Zhang, Xiao-Hui Wang, Wen-Li Yang

    The Tavis-Cummings (TC) model, which serves as a natural physical realization of a quantum battery, comprises $N_b$ atoms as battery cells that collectively interact with a shared photon field, functioning as the charger, initially containing $n_0$ photons. In this study, we introduce the invariant subspace method to effectively represent the quantum dynamics of the TC battery. Our findings indicate that in the limiting case of $n_0\!\gg\! N_b$ or $N_b\!\gg\! n_0$, a distinct SU(2) symmetry emerges in the dynamics, thereby ensuring the realization of optimal energy storage. We also establish a negative relationship between the battery-charger entanglement and the energy storage capacity. As a result, we demonstrate that the asymptotically optimal energy storage can be achieved in the scenario where $N_b\!=\!n_0\!\gg\! 1$. Our approach not only enhances our comprehension of the algebraic structure inherent in the TC model but also contributes to the broader theoretical framework of quantum batteries. Furthermore, it provides crucial insights into the relation between energy transfer and quantum correlations.

  • Quantum Optimization Algorithms in Operations Research: Methods, Applications, and Implications.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Florian Klug

    Quantum optimization algorithms (QOAs) have the potential to fundamentally transform the application of optimization methods in decision making. For certain classes of optimization problems, it is widely believed that QOA enables significant run-time performance benefits over current state-of-the art solutions. With the latest progress on building quantum computers entering the industrialization stage, quantum-based optimization algorithms have become more relevant. The recent extreme increase in the number of publications in the field of QOA demonstrates the growing importance of the topic in both the academia and the industry. The objectives of this paper are as follows: (1) First, we provide insight into the main techniques of quantum-based optimization algorithms for decision making. (2) We describe and compare the two basic classes of adiabatic and gate-based optimization algorithms and argue their potentials and limitations. (3) Herein, we also investigate the key operations research application areas that are expected to be considerably impacted by the use of QOA in decision making in the future. (4) Finally, current implications arising from the future use of QOA from an operations research perspective are discussed.

  • Distributed Quantum Neural Networks via Partitioned Features Encoding.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yoshiaki Kawase

    Quantum neural networks are expected to be a promising application in near-term quantum computing, but face challenges such as vanishing gradients during optimization and limited expressibility by a limited number of qubits and shallow circuits. To mitigate these challenges, an approach using distributed quantum neural networks has been proposed to make a prediction by approximating outputs of a large circuit using multiple small circuits. However, the approximation of a large circuit requires an exponential number of small circuit evaluations. Here, we instead propose to distribute partitioned features over multiple small quantum neural networks and use the ensemble of their expectation values to generate predictions. To verify our distributed approach, we demonstrate ten class classification of the Semeion and MNIST handwritten digit datasets. The results of the Semeion dataset imply that while our distributed approach may outperform a single quantum neural network in classification performance, excessive partitioning reduces performance. Nevertheless, for the MNIST dataset, we succeeded in ten class classification with exceeding 96\% accuracy. Our proposed method not only achieved highly accurate predictions for a large dataset but also reduced the hardware requirements for each quantum neural network compared to a large single quantum neural network. Our results highlight distributed quantum neural networks as a promising direction for practical quantum machine learning algorithms compatible with near-term quantum devices. We hope that our approach is useful for exploring quantum machine learning applications.

  • A complete continuous-variable quantum computation architecture: from cluster state generation to fault-tolerant accomplishment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Peilin Du, Jing Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Rongguo Yang, Jiangrui Gao

    Continuous-variable measurement-based quantum computation, which requires deterministically generated large-scale cluster state, is a promising candidate for practical, scalable, universal, and fault-tolerant quantum computation. In this work, a complete architecture including cluster state preparation, gate implementations, and error correction, is demonstrated. First, a scheme for generating two-dimensional large-scale continuous-variable cluster state by multiplexing both the temporal and spatial domains is proposed. Then, the corresponding gate implementations for universal quantum computation by gate teleportation are discussed and the actual gate noise from the generated cluster state and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) state are considered. After that, the quantum error correction can be further achieved by utilizing the square-lattice GKP code. Finally, a fault-tolerent quantum computation can be realized by introducing bias into the square-lattice GKP code (to protect against phase-flips) and concatenating a classical repetition code (to handle the residual bit-flip errors), with a squeezing threshold of 12.3 dB. Our work provides a possible option for a complete fault-tolerent quantum computation architecture in the future.

  • Robust generation of $N$-partite $N$-level singlet states by identical particle interferometry.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matteo Piccolini, Marcin Karczewski, Andreas Winter, Rosario Lo Franco

    We propose an interferometric scheme for generating the totally antisymmetric state of $N$ identical bosons with $N$ internal levels (generalized singlet). This state is a resource for various problems with dramatic quantum advantage. The procedure uses a sequence of Fourier multi-ports, combined with coincidence measurements filtering the results. Successful preparation of the generalized singlet is confirmed when the $N$ particles of the input state stay separate (anti-bunch) on each multiport. The scheme is robust to local lossless noise and works even with a totally mixed input state.

  • Emulated nuclear spin gyroscope with $^{15}$NV centers in diamond.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Guoqing Wang, Minh-Thi Nguyen, Dane W. deQuilettes, Eden Price, Zhiyao Hu, Danielle A. Braje, Paola Cappellaro

    Nuclear spins in solid-state platforms are promising for building rotation sensors due to their long coherence times. Among these platforms, nitrogen-vacancy centers have attracted considerable attention with ambient operating conditions. However, the current performance of NV gyroscopes remains limited by the degraded coherence when operating with large spin ensembles. Protecting the coherence of these systems requires a systematic study of the coherence decay mechanism. Here we present the use of nitrogen-15 nuclear spins of NV centers in building gyroscopes, benefiting from its simpler energy structure and vanishing nuclear quadrupole term compared with nitrogen-14 nuclear spins, though suffering from different challenges in coherence protection. We systematically reveal the coherence decay mechanism of the nuclear spin in different NV electronic spin manifolds and further develop a robust coherence protection protocol based on controlling the NV electronic spin only, achieving a 15-fold dephasing time improvement. With the developed coherence protection, we demonstrate an emulated gyroscope by measuring a designed rotation rate pattern, showing an order-of-magnitude sensitivity improvement.

  • Two-Unitary Complex Hadamard Matrices of Order $36$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Wojciech Bruzda, Karol Życzkowski

    A family of two-unitary complex Hadamard matrices (CHM) stemming from a particular matrix, of size $36$ is constructed. Every matrix in this orbit remains unitary after operations of partial transpose and reshuffling which makes it a distinguished subset of CHM. It provides a novel solution to the quantum version of the Euler problem, in which each field of the Graeco-Latin square of size six contains a symmetric superposition of all $36$ officers with phases being multiples of sixth root of unity. This simplifies previously known solutions as all amplitudes of the superposition are equal and the set of phases consists of $6$ elements only. Multidimensional parameterization allows for more flexibility in a potential experimental treatment.

  • Does the Hamiltonian determine the tensor product structure and the 3d space?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ovidiu Cristinel Stoica

    It was proposed that the tensor product structure of the Hilbert space is uniquely determined by the Hamiltonian's spectrum, for most finite-dimensional cases satisfying certain conditions. I show that any such method would lead to infinitely many tensor product structures. The dimension of the space of solutions grows exponentially with the number of qudits. In addition, even if the result were unique, such a Hamiltonian would not entangle subsystems. These results affect the proposals to recover the 3d space from the Hamiltonian.

  • Generation of complete graph states in a spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg chain with a globally optimized magnetic field.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    X. X. Li, D. X. Li, X. Q. Shao

    Graph states possess significant practical value in measurement-based quantum computation, with complete graph states that exhibit exceptional performance in quantum metrology. In this work, we introduce a method for generating multiparticle complete graph states using a spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg $XX$ chain subjected to a time-varying magnetic field, which applies to a wide range of systems. Our scheme relies exclusively on nearest-neighbor interactions between atoms, with real-time magnetic field formation facilitated by quantum optimal control theory. We focus specifically on neutral-atom systems, finding that multiparticle complete graph states with $N=3\sim6$ can be achieved in less than $0.25~\mu{\rm s}$, utilizing a hopping amplitude of ${J}/{(2\pi)} = -2.443~{\rm MHz}$. This assumes an initial state provided by an equal-weight superposition of all spin states that are encoded by the dipolar interacting Rydberg states. Additionally, we thoroughly address various experimental imperfections and showcase the robustness of our approach against atomic vibrations, fluctuations in pulse amplitude, and spontaneous emission of Rydberg states. Considering the common occurrence of disturbances in experimental setups of neutral-atom systems, our one-step strategy for achieving such graph states emerges as a more empirically viable alternative to techniques based on controlled-Z gates.

  • Nonreciprocal entanglement in cavity magnomechanics exploiting chiral cavity-magnon coupling.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhi-Yuan Fan, Xuan Zuo, Hao-Tian Li, Jie Li

    We show how to achieve nonreciprocal quantum entanglement in a cavity magnomechanical system by exploiting the chiral cavity-magnon coupling. The system consists of a magnon mode, a mechanical vibration mode, and two degenerate counter-propagating microwave cavity modes in a torus-shaped cavity. We show that nonreciprocal stationary microwave-magnon and -phonon bipartite entanglements and photon-magnon-phonon tripartite entanglement can be achieved by respectively driving different circulating cavity modes that hold a chiral coupling to the magnon mode. The nonreciprocal entanglements are shown to be robust against various experimental imperfections. The work may find promising applications of the cavity magnomechanical systems in nonreciprocal electromechanical quantum teleportation and chiral magnonic quantum networks.


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