CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2024-01-09 11:30 to 2024-01-12 12:30 | Next meeting is Tuesday Oct 29th, 10:30 am.


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  • The Redshift Evolution of the $M_\bullet-M_\star$ Relation for JWST's Supermassive Black Holes at $z > 4$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fabio Pacucci, Abraham Loeb

    JWST has detected many overmassive galactic systems at $z > 4$, where the mass of the black hole, $M_\bullet$, is $10-100$ times larger than expected from local relations, given the host's stellar mass, $M_\star$. This Letter presents a model to describe these overmassive systems in the high-$z$ Universe. We suggest that the black hole mass is the main driver of high-$z$ star formation quenching. SMBHs globally impact their high-$z$ galaxies because their hosts are physically small, and the black holes have duty cycles close to unity at $z > 4$. In this regime, we assume that black hole mass growth is regulated by the quasar's output, while stellar mass growth is quenched by it and uncorrelated to the global properties of the host halo. We find that the ratio $M_\bullet/M_\star$ controls the average star formation efficiency: if $M_\bullet/M_\star > 8\times 10^{18} (n \Lambda/f_{edd})[(\Omega_b M_h)/(\Omega_m M_\star) - 1]$, then the galaxy is unable to form stars efficiently. Once this ratio exceeds the threshold, a runaway process brings the originally overmassive system towards the local $M_\bullet - M_\star$ relation. Furthermore, the $M_\bullet - M_\star$ relation evolves with redshift as $\propto (1+z)^{5/2}$. At $z \sim 5$, we find an overmassive factor of $\sim 55$, in excellent agreement with current JWST data and the high-$z$ relation inferred from those. Extending the black hole horizon farther in redshift and lower in mass will test this model and improve our understanding of the early co-evolution of black holes and galaxies.

  • Constraints on Supermassive Black Hole Binaries from JWST and NANOGrav.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hamsa Padmanabhan, Abraham Loeb

    We use the recent statistics of dual active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the $James \ Webb \ Space \ Telescope$ (JWST) data at $z \sim 3.4$ to address two aspects of the feedback and evolution scenarios of supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHB). We find that the JWST data provide evidence for the members of a binary black hole being 'lit' at the same time, rather than independently -- a scenario which is consistent with gas-rich mergers being responsible for concurrent AGN activity. This conclusion is supported by the recent NANOGrav Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) measurements, whose upper limits on the stochastic gravitational wave strain amplitude lie below those expected from extrapolating the dual AGN fraction. The results indicate either a 'stalling' of the binaries at the separations probed by NANOGrav, or rapid gas-driven inspirals.

  • Essentials of strong gravitational lensing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Prasenjit Saha, Dominique Sluse, Jenny Wagner, Liliya L. R. Williams

    Of order one in 10^3 quasars and high-redshift galaxies appears in the sky as multiple images as a result of gravitational lensing by unrelated galaxies and clusters that happen to be in the foreground. While the basic phenomenon is a straightforward consequence of general relativity, there are many non-obvious consequences that make multiple-image lensing systems (aka strong gravitational lenses) remarkable astrophysical probes in several different ways. This article is an introduction to the essential concepts and terminology in this area, emphasizing physical insight. The key construct is the Fermat potential or arrival-time surface: from it the standard lens equation, and the notions of image parities, magnification, critical curves, caustics, and degeneracies all follow. The advantages and limitations of the usual simplifying assumptions (geometrical optics, small angles, weak fields, thin lenses) are noted, and to the extent possible briefly, it is explained how to go beyond these. Some less well-known ideas are discussed at length: arguments using wavefronts show that much of the theory carries over unchanged to the regime of strong gravitational fields; saddle-point contours explain how even the most complicated image configurations are made up of just two ingredients. Orders of magnitude, and the question of why strong lensing is most common for objects at cosmological distance, are also discussed. The challenges of lens modeling, and diverse strategies developed to overcome them, are discussed in general terms, without many technical details.

  • CSST Large-scale Structure Analysis Pipeline: II. the CSST Emulator for Slitless Spectroscopy (CESS).- [PDF] - [Article]

    Run Wen, Xian Zhong Zheng, Yunkun Han, Xiaohu Yang, Xin Wang, Hu Zou, Fengshan Liu, Xin Zhang, Ying Zu, Dong Dong Shi, Yizhou Gu, Yirong Wang

    The Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) slitless spectroscopic survey will observe objects to a limiting magnitude of $\sim23$\,mag (5$\sigma$, point sources) in $U$, $V$, and $I$ over 17,500 square degrees. The spectroscopic observations are expected to be highly efficient and complete for mapping galaxies over $0<z<1$ with secure redshift measurements at spectral resolutions of $R\sim200$, providing unprecedented datasets for cosmological studies. To quantitatively examine the survey potential, we develop a software tool, namely the CSST Emulator for Slitless Spectroscopy (\texttt{CESS}), to quickly generate simulated 1-D slitless spectra with limited computing resources. We introduce the architecture of \texttt{CESS} and the detailed process of creating simulated CSST slitless spectra. The extended light distribution of a galaxy induces the self-broadening effect on the 1-D slitless spectrum. We quantify the effect using morphological parameters: S\'ersic index, effective radius, position angle, and axis ratio. Moreover, we also develop a module for \texttt{CESS} to estimate the overlap contamination rate for CSST grating observations of galaxies in galaxy clusters. Applying \texttt{CESS} to the high-resolution model spectra of a sample of $\sim140$ million galaxies with $m_{z}<21$\,mag selected from the DESI LS DR9 catalogue, we obtain the simulated CSST slitless spectra. We examine the dependence of measurement errors on different types of galaxies due to instrumental and observational effects and quantitatively investigate the redshift completeness for different environments out to $z\sim1$. Our results show that the CSST spectroscopy is able to provide secure redshifts for about one-quarter of the sample galaxies.

  • Optimal, fast, and robust inference of reionization-era cosmology with the 21cmPIE-INN.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Benedikt Schosser, Caroline Heneka, Tilman Plehn

    Modern machine learning will allow for simulation-based inference from reionization-era 21cm observations at the Square Kilometre Array. Our framework combines a convolutional summary network and a conditional invertible network through a physics-inspired latent representation. It allows for an optimal and extremely fast determination of the posteriors of astrophysical and cosmological parameters. The sensitivity to non-Gaussian information makes our method a promising alternative to the established power spectra.

  • Hungry or Not: How Stellar-Mass Black Holes Grow (or Don't) in Dark Matter Mini-Haloes at High-Resolution.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simone Gordon, Britton Smith, Sadegh Khochfar, John Regan

    We compare the performance of the popular Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton (BHL) accretion scheme with a simple mass-flux scheme applied to stellar-mass black holes (BHs) across six levels of increasing spatial resolution. Simulating the formation of black holes within cosmological mini-haloes at $z \sim 20$, we investigate both the core-collapse and direct-collapse channels, which result in BHs of initial mass $10.8 \, \text{M}_\odot$ and $270 \, \text{M}_\odot$ respectively. Our explicit focus on the stellar-mass range pushes the maximum resolution down to sub-$10^{-3} \, \text{pc}$ regimes, where more complicated gas dynamics are resolved. We observe efficient growth and rotationally supported, $\sim$$10^{-1} \, \text{pc}$-scale discs around all $270 \, \text{M}_\odot$ BHs independent of resolution and accretion scheme, though clumps, bars, and spiral arm structures impact stability at high resolution. We analyse the effect of these instabilities on the accretion cycle. In contrast, all bar one of the $10.8 \, \text{M}_\odot$ BHs fail to attract a disc and experience modest growth, even when characteristic scales of accretion and dynamical friction are reasonably resolved. While the two accretion schemes somewhat converge in mass growth for the $270 \, \text{M}_\odot$ case over $1 \, \text{Myr}$, the greater degree of gas fragmentation induces more randomness in the evolution of the $10.8 \, \text{M}_\odot$ BHs. We conclude that early universe black holes of $M_{\text{BH}} \sim 10^1 \, \text{M}_\odot$ struggle to grow even in gas-rich environments without feedback in comparison to seeds of $M_{\text{BH}} \sim 10^2 \, \text{M}_\odot$, and the latter exhibit convergent growth histories across accretion schemes below a spatial resolution of $1 \times 10^{-3} \, \text{pc}$.

  • Is it possible to know cosmological fine-tuning?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón, Ola Hössjer, Calvin Mathew

    Fine-tuning studies whether some physical parameters, or relevant ratios between them, are located within so-called life-permitting intervals of small probability outside of which carbon-based life would not be possible. Recent developments have found estimates of these probabilities that circumvent previous concerns of measurability and selection bias. However, the question remains if fine-tuning can indeed be known. Using a mathematization of the epistemological concepts of learning and knowledge acquisition, we argue that most examples that have been touted as fine-tuned cannot be formally assessed as such. Nevertheless, fine-tuning can be known when the physical parameter is seen as a random variable and it is supported in the nonnegative real line, provided the size of the life-permitting interval is small in relation to the observed value of the parameter.

  • Effects of Bursty Star Formation on [C II] Line Intensity Mapping of High-redshift Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lun-Jun Liu, Guochao Sun, Tzu-Ching Chang, Steven R. Furlanetto, Charles M. Bradford

    Bursty star formation -- a key prediction for high-redshift galaxies from cosmological simulations explicitly resolving stellar feedback in the interstellar medium -- has recently been observed to prevail among galaxies at redshift $z \gtrsim 6$. Line intensity mapping (LIM) of the 158 $\mu$m [C II] line as a star formation rate indicator offers unique opportunities to tomographically constrain cosmic star formation at high redshift, as an alternative to observations of individually detected galaxies. To understand effects of bursty star formation on [C II] LIM, which remain unexplored in previous studies, we present an analytic modeling framework for high-$z$ galaxy formation and [C II] LIM signals that accounts for bursty star formation histories induced by delayed supernova feedback. We use it to explore and characterize how bursty star formation can impact and thus complicate the interpretation of the [C II] luminosity function and power spectrum. Our simple analytic model indicates that bursty star formation is most important for low halo masses, and in the power spectrum it can create a substantial excess in the large-scale clustering term. This distortion results in a power spectrum shape which cannot be explained by invoking a mass-independent scatter. We conclude that burstiness must be accounted for when modeling and analyzing [C II] datasets from the early universe, and that in the extreme, the signature of burstiness may be detectable with first-generation experiments such as TIME, CONCERTO, and CCAT-DSS.

  • Ubiquitous broad line emission and the relation between ionized gas outflows and Lyman continuum escape in Green Pea galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. O. Amorín, M. Rodríguez-Henríquez, V. Fernández, J. M. Vílchez, R. Marques-Chaves, D. Schaerer, Y. I. Izotov, V. Firpo, N. Guseva, A. E. Jaskot, L. Komarova, D. Muñoz-Vergara, M. S. Oey, O. Bait, C. Carr, J. Chisholm, H. Ferguson, S. R. Flury, M. Giavalisco, M. J. Hayes, A. Henry, Z. Ji, W. King, F. Leclercq, G. Östlin, L. Pentericci, A. Saldana-Lopez, T. X. Thuan, M. Trebitsch, B. Wang, G. Worseck, X. Xu

    We report observational evidence of highly turbulent ionized gas kinematics in a sample of 20 Lyman continuum (LyC) emitters (LCEs) at low redshift ($z\sim 0.3$). Detailed Gaussian modeling of optical emission line profiles in high-dispersion spectra consistently shows that both bright recombination and collisionally excited lines can be fitted as one or two narrow components with intrinsic velocity dispersion of $\sigma \sim$40-100 km s$^{-1}$, on top of a broader component with $\sigma \sim$100-300 km s$^{-1}$, which contributes up to $\sim$40% of the total flux and is preferentially blue-shifted from the systemic velocity. We interpret the narrow emission as highly ionized gas close to the young massive star clusters and the broader emission as a signpost of unresolved ionized outflows, resulting from stellar winds and supernova feedback. We find a significant correlation between the width of the broad emission and the LyC escape fraction, with strong LCEs exhibiting more complex and broader line profiles than galaxies with weaker or undetected LyC emission. Our findings provide new observational evidence supporting predictions from models and simulations, which suggest that gas turbulence and outflows resulting from strong radiative and mechanical feedback play a key role in clearing channels through which LyC photons escape from galaxies. We propose that the detection of blue-shifted broad emission in the nebular lines of compact extreme emission-line galaxies can provide a new indirect diagnostic of Lyman photon escape, which could be useful to identify potential LyC leakers in the epoch of reionization with the JWST.

  • How Dark is Dark Energy?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mauro Carfora, Francesca Familiari

    The nature of dark energy is one of the fundamental problems in cosmology. Introduced to explain the apparent acceleration of the Universe's expansion, its origin remains to be determined. In this paper, we illustrate a result that may significantly impact understanding the relationship between dark energy and structure formation in the late-epoch Universe. Our analysis exploits a scale-dependent energy functional, initially developed for image visualization, to compare the physical and geometrical data that distinct cosmological observers register on their celestial spheres. In the presence of late-epoch gravitational structures, this functional provides a non-perturbative technique that allows the standard Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) observer to evaluate a measurable, scale-dependent difference between the idealized FLRW past light cone and the physical light cone. From the point of view of the FLRW observer, this difference manifests itself as a redshift-dependent correction $\Lambda^{(corr)}(z)$ to the FLRW cosmological constant $\Lambda^{(FLRW)}$. At the scale where cosmological expansion couples with the local virialized dynamics of gravitational structures, we get $\Lambda^{(corr)}(z)\sim 10^{-52}\,m^{-2}$, indicating that the late-epoch structures induce an effective cosmological constant that is of the same order of magnitude as the assumed value of the FLRW cosmological constant, a result that may lead to an interpretative shift in the very role of dark energy.

  • On the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Binary Black Hole Mergers Dynamically Assembled in Dense Star Clusters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Xiao Kou, Giacomo Fragione, Vuk Mandic

    With about a hundred binary black hole (BBH) mergers detected by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA, and with several hundreds expected in the current O4 run, GWs are revolutionizing our understanding of the universe. Some BBH sources are too faint to be individually detected, but collectively they may give rise to a stochastic GW background (SGWB). In this paper, we calculate the SGWB associated with BBH mergers dynamically assembled in dense star clusters, using state-of-the-art numerical models. We discuss the role of modeling the evolution of the mass distribution of BBH mergers, which has significant implications for model selection and parameter estimation, and could be used to distinguish between different channels of BBH formation. We demonstrate how the birth properties of star clusters affect the amplitude and frequency spectrum of the SGWB, and show that upcoming observation runs of ground-based GW detectors may be sensitive enough to detect it. Even in the case of a non-detection, we find that GW data can be used to constrain the highly uncertain cluster birth properties, which can complement direct observations of young massive clusters and proto-star clusters in the early universe by JWST.

  • Using gravitational waves to see the first second of the Universe.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rishav Roshan, Graham White

    Gravitational waves are a unique probe of the early Universe, as the Universe is transparent to gravitational radiation right back to the beginning. In this article, we summarise detection prospects and the wide scope of primordial events that could lead to a detectable stochastic gravitational wave background. Any such background would shed light on what (if anything) lies beyond the Standard Model, sometimes at remarkably high scales. We overview the range of strategies for detecting a stochastic gravitational wave background before delving deep into three major primordial events that can source such a background. Finally, we summarize the landscape of other sources of primordial backgrounds.

  • Investigating the compatibility of exact solutions in Weyl-type $f(Q,T)$ gravity with observational data.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Koussour, S. Myrzakulova, N. Myrzakulov

    In this study, we investigate the dynamics of the Universe during the observed late-time acceleration phase within the framework of the Weyl-type $f(Q,T)$ theory. Specifically, we consider a well-motivated model with the functional form $f(Q,T)=\alpha Q+\frac{\beta }{6\kappa ^2}T$, where $Q$ represents the scalar of non-metricity and $T$ denotes the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. In this context, the non-metricity $Q_{\mu\alpha\beta}$ of the space-time is established by the vector field $w_\mu$. The parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$ govern the gravitational field and its interaction with the matter content of the Universe. By considering the case of dust matter, we obtain exact solutions for the field equations and observe that the Hubble parameter $H(z)$ follows a power-law behavior with respect to redshift $z$. To constrain the model parameters, we analyze various datasets including the $Hubble$, $Pantheon$ datasets, and their combination. Our results indicate that the Weyl-type $f(Q,T)$ theory offers a viable alternative to explain the observed late-time acceleration of the Universe avoiding the use of dark energy.

  • Improved Weak Lensing Photometric Redshift Calibration via StratLearn and Hierarchical Modeling.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maximilian Autenrieth, Angus H. Wright, Roberto Trotta, David A. van Dyk, David C. Stenning, Benjamin Joachimi

    Discrepancies between cosmological parameter estimates from cosmic shear surveys and from recent Planck cosmic microwave background measurements challenge the ability of the highly successful $\Lambda$CDM model to describe the nature of the Universe. To rule out systematic biases in cosmic shear survey analyses, accurate redshift calibration within tomographic bins is key. In this paper, we improve photo-$z$ calibration via Bayesian hierarchical modeling of full galaxy photo-$z$ conditional densities, by employing $\textit{StratLearn}$, a recently developed statistical methodology, which accounts for systematic differences in the distribution of the spectroscopic training/source set and the photometric target set. Using realistic simulations that were designed to resemble the KiDS+VIKING-450 dataset, we show that $\textit{StratLearn}$-estimated conditional densities improve the galaxy tomographic bin assignment, and that our $\textit{StratLearn}$-Bayesian framework leads to nearly unbiased estimates of the target population means. This leads to a factor of $\sim 2$ improvement upon the previously best photo-$z$ calibration method. Our approach delivers a maximum bias per tomographic bin of $\Delta \langle z \rangle = 0.0095 \pm 0.0089$, with an average absolute bias of $0.0052 \pm 0.0067$ across the five tomographic bins.

  • Caustic and hydrostatic mass bias: Implications for modified gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Minahil Adil Butt, Balakrishna S. Haridasu, Yacer Boumechta, Francesco Benetti, Lorenzo Pizzuti, Carlo Baccigalupi, Andrea Lapi

    We propose and perform a joint analysis of the two different mass estimates of galaxy clusters, namely the hydrostatic and caustic techniques. Firstly, we show comprehensively that the mass bias between these two techniques can be possibly alleviated when cluster-specific assumptions constrained using the hydrostatic technique are utilized within the caustic technique. While at face value this demotes the caustic technique from a completely independent method, this allows one to further tighten the constraints on the cluster mass and subsequently, allow us to test modifications to gravity. Implementing the aforementioned formalism for two well-observed massive galaxy clusters, A2029 and A2142, we highlight the proof of concept. In the current implementation, we use this method to constrain the Chameleon screening and Vainshtein screening. As anticipated, we show that the joint analysis can help improve the constraints on these modified gravity scenarios.

  • Re-energisation of AGN head-tail radio galaxies in the galaxy cluster ZwCl0634.1+47474.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G. Lusetti, F. de Gasperin, V. Cuciti, M. Brüggen, C. Spinelli, H. Edler, G. Brunetti, R. J. van Weeren, A. Botteon, G. Di Gennaro, R. Cassano, C. Tasse, T. W. Shimwell

    Low-frequency radio observations show an increasing number of radio galaxies located in galaxy clusters that display peculiar morphologies and spectral profiles. This is the result of the dynamical interaction of the galaxy with the surrounding medium. Studying this phenomenon is key to understanding the evolution of low-energy relativistic particles in the intracluster medium. We present a multi-frequency study of the three head-tail (HT) radio galaxies and the radio halo in the galaxy cluster ZwCl0634.1+4747. We make use of observations at four frequencies performed with LOFAR LBA (53 MHz), HBA (144 MHz), GMRT (323 MHz) and VLA (1518 MHz) data. The use of extremely low radio frequency observations, such as LOFAR at 53 and 144 MHz, allowed us to detect the extension of the tails up to a distance of ~ 1 Mpc. We extracted spectral profiles along the tails in order to identify possible departures from a pure ageing model, such as the Jaffe-Perola (JP) model, which only involves synchrotron and inverse-Compton losses. We found clear evidence of departures from this simple ageing model, such as surface brightness enhancement and spectral flattening along all of the tails. This can be interpreted as the consequence of particle re-acceleration along the tails. Possible explanations for this behaviour include the interaction between a shock and the radio tails or a turbulence-driven re-acceleration mechanism. We show that the latter scenario is able to reproduce the characteristic features that we observed in our profiles.

  • The information on halo properties contained in spectroscopic observations of late-type galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tariq Yasin, Harry Desmond, Julien Devriendt, Adrianne Slyz

    Rotation curves are the key observational manifestation of the dark matter distribution around late-type galaxies. In a halo model context, the precision of constraints on halo parameters is a complex function of the properties of the measurements as well as properties of the galaxy itself. Forthcoming surveys will resolve rotation curves to varying degrees of precision, or measure their integrated effect in the HI linewidth. To ascertain the relative significance of the relevant quantities for constraining halo properties, we study the information on halo mass and concentration as quantified by the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the kinematics-informed posterior from the uninformative prior. We calculate this divergence as a function of the different types of spectroscopic observation, properties of the measurement, galaxy properties and auxiliary observational data on the baryonic components. Using the SPARC sample, we find that fits to the full rotation curve exhibit a large variation in information gain between galaxies, ranging from ~1 to ~11 bits. The variation is predominantly caused by the vast differences in the number of data points and the size of velocity uncertainties between the SPARC galaxies. We also study the relative importance of the minimum HI surface density probed and the size of velocity uncertainties on the constraining power on the inner halo slope, finding the latter to be significantly more important. We spell out the implications of these results for optimising the strategy of galaxy surveys aiming to constrain galaxies' dark matter distributions, highlighting spectroscopic precision as the most important factor.

  • Gravitational Waves and Primordial Black Hole Productions from Gluodynamics by Holography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Song He, Li Li, Zhibin Li, Shao-Jiang Wang

    Understanding the nature of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) matter is important but challenging due to the presence of non-perturbative dynamics under extreme conditions. We construct a holographic model describing the gluon sector of QCD at finite temperatures in the non-perturbative regime. The equation of state as a function of temperature is in good accordance with the lattice QCD data. Moreover, the Polyakov loop and the gluon condensation, which are proper order parameters to capture the deconfinement phase transition, also agree quantitatively well with the lattice QCD data. We obtain a strong first-order confinement/deconfinement phase transition at $T_c=276.5\,\text{MeV}$ that is consistent with the lattice QCD prediction. Based on our model for a pure gluon hidden sector, we compute the stochastic gravitational waves and primordial black hole (PBH) productions from this confinement/deconfinement phase transition in the early Universe. The resulting stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds are found to be within detectability in the International Pulsar Timing Array and Square Kilometre Array in the near future when the associated productions of PBHs saturate the current observational bounds on the PBH abundances from the LIGO-Virgo-Collaboration O3 data.

  • Constrain the Dark Matter Distribution of Ultra-diffuse Galaxies with Globular-Cluster Mass Segregation: A Case Study with NGC5846-UDG1.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jinning Liang, Fangzhou Jiang, Shany Danieli, Andrew Benson, Phil Hopkins, Peking University, (2) Wuhan University, (3) Carnegie Observatories, (4) TAPIR, Caltech, (5) Princeton University)

    The properties of globular clusters (GCs) contain valuable information of their host galaxies and dark-matter halos. In the remarkable example of ultra-diffuse galaxy, NGC5846-UDG1, the GC population exhibits strong radial mass segregation, indicative of dynamical-friction-driven orbital decay, which opens the possibility of using imaging data alone to constrain the dark-matter content of the galaxy. To explore this possibility, we develop a semi-analytical model of GC evolution, which starts from the initial mass function, the initial structure-mass relation, and the initial spatial distribution of the GC progenitors, and follows the effects of dynamical friction, tidal evolution, and two-body relaxation. Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, we forward-model the GCs in a NGC5846-UDG1-like potential to match the observed GC mass, size, and spatial distributions, and to constrain the profile of the host halo and the origin of the GCs. We find that, with the assumptions of zero mass segregation when the star clusters were born, NGC5846-UDG1 is relatively dark-matter poor compared to what is expected from stellar-to-halo-mass relations, and its halo concentration is lower than the cosmological average, irrespective of having a cuspy or a cored profile. Its GC population has an initial spatial distribution more extended than the smooth stellar distribution. We discuss the results in the context of scaling laws of galaxy-halo connections, and warn against naively using the GC-abundance-halo-mass relation to infer the halo mass of UDGs. Our model is generally applicable to GC-rich dwarf galaxies, and is publicly available at

  • Distinguishing the nanohertz gravitational-wave sources by the observations of compact dark matter subhalos.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jing Liu

    The latest pulsar timing array data reveals evidence of nanohertz gravitational waves (GWs), which have been explained by both cosmological and astrophysical sources. However, current observations lack the precision needed to differentiate between different models from the spectral index. We find that the cosmological GW sources, including bubble collisions, sound waves, domain walls, condensate fragmentations, and primordial curvature perturbations, induce large energy density perturbations so that most dark matter will exist in gravitationally self-bound subhalos. Then, the observation of such substructures of dark matter can serve as a novel independent method to confirm or exclude the cosmological GW sources.

  • The 2-point correlation function covariance with fewer mocks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Svyatoslav Trusov, Pauline Zarrouk, Shaun Cole, Peder Norberg, Cheng Zhao, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, David Brooks, Axel de la Macorra, Peder Doel, Andreu Font-Ribera, Klaus Honscheid, Theodore Kisner, Martin Landriau, Christophe Magneville, Ramon Miquel, Jundan Nie, Claire Poppett, Michael Schubnell, Gregory Tarlé, Zhimin Zhou

    We present an approach for accurate estimation of the covariance of 2-point correlation functions that requires fewer mocks than the standard mock-based covariance. This can be achieved by dividing a set of mocks into jackknife regions and fitting the correction term first introduced in Mohammad & Percival (2022), such that the mean of the jackknife covariances corresponds to the one from the mocks. This extends the model beyond the shot-noise limited regime, allowing it to be used for denser samples of galaxies. We test the performance of our fitted jackknife approach, both in terms of accuracy and precision, using lognormal mocks with varying densities and approximate EZmocks mimicking the DESI LRG and ELG samples in the redshift range of z = [0.8, 1.2]. We find that the Mohammad-Percival correction produces a bias in the 2-point correlation function covariance matrix that grows with number density and that our fitted jackknife approach does not. We also study the effect of the covariance on the uncertainty of cosmological parameters by performing a full-shape analysis. We find that our fitted jackknife approach based on 25 mocks is able to recover unbiased and as precise cosmological parameters as the ones obtained from a covariance matrix based on 1000 or 1500 mocks, while the Mohammad-Percival correction produces uncertainties that are twice as large. The number of mocks required to obtain an accurate estimation of the covariance for 2-point correlation function is therefore reduced by a factor of 40-60.

  • BubbleDet: A Python package to compute functional determinants for bubble nucleation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andreas Ekstedt, Oliver Gould, Joonas Hirvonen

    We present a Python package, BubbleDet, for computing one-loop functional determinants around spherically symmetric background fields. This gives the next-to-leading order correction to both the vacuum decay rate, at zero temperature, and to the bubble nucleation rate in first-order phase transitions at finite temperature. For predictions of gravitational wave signals from cosmological phase transitions, this is expected to remove one of the leading sources of theoretical uncertainty. BubbleDet is applicable to arbitrary scalar potentials and in any dimension up to seven. It has methods for fluctuations of scalar fields, including Goldstone bosons, and for gauge fields, but is limited to cases where the determinant factorises into a product of separate determinants, one for each field degree of freedom. To our knowledge, BubbleDet is the first package dedicated to calculating functional determinants in spherically symmetric background

  • Gravitational lens effect of a holonomy corrected Schwarzschild black hole.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ednaldo L. B. Junior, Francisco S. N. Lobo, Manuel E. Rodrigues, Henrique A. Vieira

    In this paper we study the gravitational lensing effect for the Schwarzschild solution with holonomy corrections. We use two types of approximation methods to calculate the deflection angle, namely the weak and strong field limits. For the first method, we calculate the deflection angle up to the fifth order of approximation and show the influence of the parameter $\lambda$ (in terms of loop quantum gravity) on it. In addition, we construct expressions for the magnification, the position of the lensed images and the time delay as functions of the coefficients from the deflection angle expansion. We find that $\lambda$ increases the deflection angle. In the strong field limit, we use a logarithmic approximation to compute the deflection angle. We then write four observables, in terms of the coefficients $b_1$, $b_2$ and $u_m$, namely: the asymptotic position approached by a set of images $\theta_{\infty}$, the distance between the first image and the others $s$, the ratio between the flux of the first image and the flux of all other images $r_m$, and the time delay between two photons $\Delta T_{2,1}$. We then use the experimental data of the black hole Sagittarius $A^{\star}$ and calculate the observables and the coefficients of the logarithmic expansion. We find that the parameter $\lambda$ increases the deflection angle, the separation between the lensed images and the delay time between them. In contrast, it decreases the brightness of the first image compared to the others.

  • Zero Metallicity with Zero CPU Hours: Masses of the First Stars on the Laptop.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    James Gurian, Donghui Jeong, Boyuan Liu

    We develop an analytic model for the mass of the first stars forming in the center of primordial gas clouds as a function of host halo mass, redshift, and degree of rotation. The model is based on the estimation of key timescales determining the following three processes: the collapse of the gas cloud, the accretion onto the protostellar core, and the radiative feedback of the protostellar core. The final stellar mass is determined by the total mass accreted until the radiative feedback halts the accretion. The analytic estimation, motivated by the result of the full numerical simulations, leads to algebraic expressions allowing an extremely fast execution. Despite its simplicity, the model reproduces the stellar mass scale and its parameter dependences observed in state-of-the-art cosmological zoom-in simulations. This work clarifies the basic physical principles undergirding such numerical treatments and provides a path to efficiently calibrating numerical predictions against eventual observations of the first stars.

  • Extragalactic Test of General Relativity from Strong Gravitational Lensing by using Artificial Neural Networks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jing-Yu Ran, Jun-Jie Wei

    This study aims to test the validity of general relativity (GR) on kiloparsec scales by employing a newly compiled galaxy-scale strong gravitational lensing (SGL) sample. We utilize the distance sum rule within the Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker metric to obtain cosmology-independent constraints on both the parameterized post-Newtonian parameter $\gamma_{\rm PPN}$ and the spatial curvature $\Omega_{k}$, which overcomes the circularity problem induced by the presumption of a cosmological model grounded in GR. To calibrate the distances in the SGL systems, we introduce a novel nonparametric approach, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), to reconstruct a smooth distance--redshift relation from the Pantheon+ sample of type Ia supernovae. Our results show that $\gamma_{\rm PPN}=1.16_{-0.12}^{+0.15}$ and $\Omega_k=0.89_{-1.00}^{+1.97}$, indicating a spatially flat universe with the conservation of GR (i.e., $\Omega_k=0$ and $\gamma_{\rm PPN}=1$) is basically supported within $1\sigma$ confidence level. Assuming a zero spatial curvature, we find $\gamma_{\rm PPN}=1.09_{-0.10}^{+0.11}$, representing an agreement with the prediction of 1 from GR to a 9.6\% precision. If we instead assume GR holds (i.e., $\gamma_{\rm PPN}=1$), the curvature parameter constraint can be further improved to be $\Omega_k=0.11_{-0.47}^{+0.78}$. These resulting constraints demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in testing GR on galactic scales by combining observations of strong lensing and the distance--redshift relation reconstructed by ANN.

  • A convenient approach to characterizing model uncertainty with application to early dark energy solutions of the Hubble tension.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    S. Paradiso, M. DiMarco, M. Chen, G. McGee, W.J. Percival

    Despite increasingly precise observations and sophisticated theoretical models, the discrepancy between measurements of H0 from the cosmic microwave background or from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations combined with Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis versus those from local distance ladder probes -- commonly known as the $H_0$ tension -- continues to perplex the scientific community. To address this tension, Early Dark Energy (EDE) models have been proposed as alternatives to $\Lambda$CDM, as they can change the observed sound horizon and the inferred Hubble constant from measurements based on this. In this paper, we investigate the use of Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) to evaluate EDE as a solution to the H0 tension. BMA consists of assigning a prior to the model and deriving a posterior as for any other unknown parameter in a Bayesian analysis. BMA can be computationally challenging in that one must approximate the joint posterior of both model and parameters. Here we present a computational strategy for BMA that exploits existing MCMC software and combines model-specific posteriors post-hoc. In application to a comprehensive analysis of cosmological datasets, we quantify the impact of EDE on the H0 discrepancy. We find an EDE model probability of $\sim$90% whenever we include the H0 measurement from Type Ia Supernovae in the analysis, whereas the other data show a strong preference for the standard cosmological model. We finally present constraints on common parameters marginalized over both cosmological models. For reasonable priors on models with and without EDE, the H0 tension is reduced by at least 20%.

  • A fast test for the identification and confirmation of massive black hole binaries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Massimo Dotti, Fabio Rigamonti, Stefano Rinaldi, Walter Del Pozzo, Roberto Decarli, Riccardo Buscicchio

    We present a new observational test to identify massive black hole binaries in large multi-epoch spectroscopical catalogues and to probe the real nature of already proposed binary candidates. The test is tailored for binaries with separations large enough to allow each black hole to retain its own broad line region. In this limit the fast AGN variability typically observed over months cannot be associated to the much longer binary period, and it is assumed (as for the case of single black holes) to be the consequence of the evolution of the innermost regions of the two accretion discs. A simple analysis of the cross-correlation between different parts of individual broad emission lines can therefore identify the presence of two massive black holes whose continua vary independently of each other. Our analysis indicates that to be less affected by the noise in the spectra the broad lines should be divided in two close-to-equal-flux parts. This ensures that in the single massive black hole scenario the cross-correlation will always be high. With monitoring campaigns similar to those performed for reverberation mapping studies, on the other way, a binary can show any value of the cross-correlation and can therefore be distinguished from a standard AGN. The new test can be performed over timescales orders of magnitude shorter than the alternative tests already discussed in literature, and can be a powerful complement to the massive black hole binary search strategies already in place.

  • Probing Reheating with Graviton Bremsstrahlung.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nicolás Bernal, Simon Cléry, Yann Mambrini, Yong Xu

    We investigate the stochastic gravitational wave (GW) spectrum resulting from graviton bremsstrahlung during inflationary reheating. We focus on an inflaton $\phi$ oscillating around a generic monomial potential $V(\phi) \propto \phi^n$, considering two different reheating scenarios: $i)$ inflaton decay and $ii)$ inflaton annihilation. We show that in the case of a quadratic potential, the scattering of the inflatons can give rise to larger GW amplitude than the decay channel. On the other hand, the GW spectrum exhibits distinct features and redshifts in each scenario, which makes it possible to distinguish them in the event of a discovery. Specifically, in the case of annihilation, the GW frequency can be shifted to values higher than those of decay, whereas the GW amplitude generated by annihilation turns out to be smaller than that in the decay case for $n \geq 4$, due to the different scaling of radiation during reheating. We also show that the differences in the GW spectrum become more prominent with increasing $n$. Finally, we highlight the potential of future high-frequency GW detectors to distinguish between the different reheating scenarios.

  • Tracking Quintessence.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Artur Alho, Claes Uggla, John Wainwright

    Tracking quintessence, in a spatially flat and isotropic space-time with a minimally coupled canonical scalar field and an asymptotically inverse power-law potential $V(\varphi)\propto\varphi^{-p}$, $p>0$, as $\varphi\rightarrow0$, is investigated. This is done by introducing a new three-dimensional \emph{regular} dynamical system, which enables a rigorous explanation of the tracking feature: 1) The dynamical system has a tracker fixed point $\mathrm{T}$ with a two-dimensional stable manifold that pushes an open set of nearby solutions toward a single tracker solution originating from $\mathrm{T}$. 2) All solutions, including the tracker solution and the solutions that track/shadow it, end at a common future attractor fixed point that depends on the potential. Thus, the open set of solutions that shadow the tracker solution share its properties during the tracking quintessence epoch. We also discuss similarities and differences of underlying mechanisms for tracking, thawing and scaling freezing quintessence, and, moreover, we illustrate with state space pictures that all of these types of quintessence exist simultaneously for certain potentials.

  • Towards Systemetic Evaluation of de Sitter Amplitudes via Generalized Integration-By-Parts Relations.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiaqi Chen, Bo Feng

    We generalize Integration-By-Parts (IBP) and differential equations methods to de Sitter amplitudes related to inflation. While massive amplitudes in de Sitter spacetime are usually regarded as highly intricate, we find they have remarkably hidden concise structures from the perspective of IBP. We find the irrelevance of IBP relations to propagator-types. This also leads to the factorization of the IBP relations of each vertex integral family corresponding to $\mathrm{d} \tau_i$ integration. Furthermore, with a smart construction of master integrals, the universal formulas for iterative reduction and $\mathrm{d} \log$-form differential equations of arbitrary vertex integral family are presented and proved. These formulas dominate all tree-level de Sitter amplitude and play a kernel role at the loop-level as well.

  • A novel approach to cosmological particle production.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bartomeu Fiol, Mickael Komendyak, Jordi Ruiz-Ponsell

    In this work we present a novel approach to the study of cosmological particle production in asymptotically Minkowski spacetimes. We emphasize that it is possible to determine the amount of particle production by focusing on the mathematical properties of the mode function equations,i.e. their singularities and monodromies, sidestepping the need to solve those equations. We consider in detail creation of scalar and spin 1/2 particles in four dimensional asymptotically Minkowski flat FLRW spacetimes. We explain that when the mode function equation for scalar fields has only regular singular points, the corresponding scale factors are asymptotically Minkowski. For Dirac spin 1/2 fields, the requirement of mode function equations with only regular points is more restrictive, and picks up a subset of the aforementioned scale factors. For the scalar case, we argue that there are two different regimes of particle production; while most of the literature has focused on only one of these regimes, the other regime presents enhanced particle production. On the other hand, for Dirac fermions we find a single regime of particle production. Finally, we very briefly comment on the possibility of studying particle production in spacetimes that don't asymptote to Minkowski, by considering mode function equations with irregular singular points.

  • Cosmology Ruler Bookmark for Teaching and Outreach Purposes (Pen-and-pencil cosmological ruler calculator for everyone, especially students).- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hervé Dole

    Cosmology in general, and relation between redshift and cosmic epoch in particular, is usually obscure to first years university students, secondary students, as well as journalists, politicians and the general public scientists may have interactions with. I identify the need for a simple artifact scientists may give to the public to clarify a few relations between redshift and other physical quantities, more meaningful for a non-scientist audience. This simple bookmark aims at completing previous "pen-and-pencil cosmological calculator" nomograms. I created a small, handy, duplicable bookmark with two printed sides, showing the corresponding cosmological values of redshift, age, time, and angular scale (for 1 kpc), using the Planck 2018 cosmology. On the recto, the redshift range of [0.1, 1000] approaches the recombination with a logarithmic scale. On the verso, the redshift range is chosen to be [0, 30] using a linear scale, covering the range of current (and future) detections of galaxies. A few examples are given, illustrating e.g. Planck, JWST or Euclid capabilities and complementarities, time interval non-linearity, properties of galaxies and clusters. This handy bookmark may be printed cheaply and offered to every student in physics (undergrad and grad student) in our universities or to secondary schools students we visit. The Cosmology Ruler Bookmark included is ready to print (single- or double-sided). The python script is available on github, allowing changes adapted to everyone's needs for teaching and outreach purposes, including with other cosmologies or applied to other scientific fields.


  • Cosmic-Ray Acceleration of Galactic Outflows in Multiphase Gas.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lucia Armillotta, Eve C. Ostriker, Chang-Goo Kim, Yan-Fei Jiang

    We investigate the dynamical interaction between cosmic rays (CRs) and the multiphase interstellar medium (ISM) using numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations with a two-moment CR solver and TIGRESS simulations of star-forming galactic disks. We previously studied transport of CRs within TIGRESS outputs using a "post-processing" approach, and we now assess the effects of the MHD backreaction to CR pressure. We confirm our previous conclusion that there are three quite different regimes of CR transport in multiphase ISM gas, while also finding that simulations with "live MHD" predict a smoother CR pressure distribution. The CR pressure near the midplane is comparable to other pressure components in the gas, but the scale height of CRs is far larger. Next, with a goal of understanding the role of CRs in driving galactic outflows, we conduct a set of controlled simulations of the extraplanar region above $z=500$ pc, with imposed boundary conditions flowing from the midplane into this region. We explore a range of thermal and kinematic properties for the injected thermal gas, encompassing both hot, fast-moving outflows, and cooler, slower-moving outflows. The boundary conditions for CR energy density and flux are scaled from the supernova rate in the underlying TIGRESS model. Our simulations reveal that CRs efficiently accelerate extra-planar material if the latter is mostly warm/warm-hot gas, in which CRs stream at the Alfv\'en speed and the effective sound speed increases as density decreases. In contrast, CRs have very little effect on fast, hot outflows where the Alfv\'en speed is small, even when the injected CR momentum flux exceeds the injected MHD momentum flux.

  • A Gravitational Waveform Model for Detecting Accelerating Inspiraling Binaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Malcolm Lazarow, Nathaniel Leslie, Liang Dai

    We present an analytic frequency-domain gravitational waveform model for an inspiraling binary whose center-of-mass undergoes a small acceleration, assumed to be constant during the detection, such as when it orbits a distant tertiary mass. The center-of-mass acceleration along the line of sight is incorporated as a new parameter that perturbs the standard TaylorF2 model. We calculate the wave phase to 3rd post-Newtonian order and first order in the acceleration. It is shown that acceleration most significantly modifies the wave phase in the low frequency portion of the signal, so ground-based detectors with a good sensitivity at low frequencies are the most effective at detecting this effect. We present a Fisher information calculation to quantify the detectability of this effect at advanced LIGO A Plus, Cosmic Explorer, and Einstein Telescope over the mass range of neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes, and discuss degeneracy between acceleration and other parameters. We also determine the parameter space where the acceleration is large enough that the wave phase model would have to be extended to nonlinear orders in the acceleration.

  • A Joint SRG/eROSITA + ZTF Search: Discovery of a 97-min Period Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable with Evidence of a Brown Dwarf Secondary.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ilkham Galiullin, Antonio C. Rodriguez, Shrinivas R. Kulkarni, Rashid Sunyaev, Marat Gilfanov, Ilfan Bikmaev, Lev Yungelson, Jan van Roestel, Boris T. Gänsicke, Irek Khamitov, Paula Szkody, Kareem El-Badry, Mikhail Suslikov, Thomas A. Prince, Mikhail Buntov, Ilaria Caiazzo, Mark Gorbachev, Matthew J. Graham, Rustam Gumerov, Eldar Irtuganov, Russ R. Laher, Pavel Medvedev, Reed Riddle, Ben Rusholme, Nail Sakhibullin, Alexander Sklyanov, Zachary P. Vanderbosch

    Cataclysmic variables (CVs) that have evolved past the period minimum during their lifetimes are predicted to be systems with a brown dwarf donor. While population synthesis models predict that around $\approx 40-70\%$ of the Galactic CVs are post-period minimum systems referred to as "period bouncers", only a few dozen confirmed systems are known. We report the study and characterisation of a new eclipsing CV, SRGeJ041130.3+685350 (SRGeJ0411), discovered from a joint SRG/eROSITA and ZTF program. The optical spectrum of SRGeJ0411 shows prominent hydrogen and helium emission lines, typical for CVs. We obtained optical high-speed photometry to confirm the eclipse of SRGeJ0411 and determine the orbital period to be $P_\textrm{orb} \approx 97.530$ minutes. The spectral energy distribution suggests that the donor has an effective temperature of $\lesssim 1,800$ K. We constrain the donor mass with the period--density relationship for Roche-lobe-filling stars and find that $M_\textrm{donor} \lesssim 0.04\ M_\odot$. The binary parameters are consistent with evolutionary models for post-period minimum CVs, suggesting that SRGeJ0411 is a new period bouncer. The optical emission lines of SRGeJ0411 are single-peaked despite the system being eclipsing, which is typically only seen due to stream-fed accretion in polars. X-ray spectroscopy hints that the white dwarf in SRGeJ0411 could be magnetic, but verifying the magnetic nature of SRGeJ0411 requires further investigation. The lack of optical outbursts has made SRGeJ0411 elusive in previous surveys, and joint X-ray and optical surveys highlight the potential for discovering similar systems in the near future.

  • A commensal Fast Radio Burst search pipeline for the Murchison Widefield Array.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Sokolowski, I. S. Morrison, D. Price, G. Sleap, B. Crosse, A. Williams, L. Williams, C. James, B. W. Meyers, S. McSweeney, N. D. R. Bhat, G. Anderson

    We present a demonstration version of a commensal pipeline for Fast Radio Burst (FRB) searches using a real-time incoherent beam from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). The main science target of the pipeline are bright nearby FRBs from the local Universe which are the best candidates to probe FRB progenitors and understand physical mechanisms powering these extremely energetic events. The new MWA beamformer, known as the "MWAX multibeam beamformer", can form multiple incoherent and coherent beams commensally to any on-going MWA observations. One of the beams is currently used for FRB searches (tested in 10 kHz frequency resolution and time resolutions between 0.1 and 100 ms). A second beam is used for a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). This paper focuses on the FRB search pipeline and its verification on selected known bright pulsars. The pipeline uses the FREDDA implementation of the Fast Dispersion Measure Transform algorithm (FDMT) for single pulse searches. Initially, it was tested during standard MWA observations, and more recently using dedicated observations of selected 11 bright pulsars. The pulsar PSR J0835-4510 (aka Vela) has been routinely used as the primary probe of the data quality because its folded profile was always detected in the frequency band 200 - 230 MHz with typical SNR >10. Similarly, the low DM pulsar PSR B0950+08 was always detected in folded profile in the frequency band 140 - 170 MHz, and so far has been the only object for which single pulses were detected. We present the estimated sensitivity of the search in the currently limited observing bandwidth of a single MWA coarse channel (1.28 MHz) and for the upgraded, future system with 12.8 MHz (10 channels) of bandwidth. Based on expected sensitivity and existing FRB rate measurements, we estimate an expected number of FRB detections to be between a few and a few tens per year.

  • Formation of millisecond pulsars with wide orbits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bo Wang, Dongdong Liu, Yunlang Guo, Hailiang Chen, Wenshi Tang, Luhan Li, Zhanwen Han

    Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are a kind of radio pulsars with short spin periods, playing a key role in many aspects of stellar astrophysics. In recent years, some more MSPs with wide orbits ($>30\,\rm d$) have been discovered, but their origin is still highly unclear. In the present work, according to an adiabatic power-law assumption for the mass-transfer process, we carried out a large number of complete binary evolution computations for the formation of MSPs with wide orbits through the iron core-collapse supernova (CCSN) channel, in which a neutron star (NS) originating from a CCSN accretes matter from a red-giant (RG) star and spun up to millisecond periods. We found that this channel can form the observed MSPs with wide orbits in the range of $30-1200\,{\rm d}$, in which the WD companions have masses in the range of $0.28-0.55\,\rm M_{\odot}$. We also found that almost all the observed MSPs can be reproduced by this channel in the WD companion mass versus orbital period diagram. We estimate that the Galactic numbers of the resulting MSPs from the CCSN channel are in the range of $\sim 0.9-1.4\times10^{6}$. Compared with the accretion-induced collapse channel, the CCSN channel provides a dominant way to produce MSPs with wide orbits.

  • Detection of X-ray Polarization from the Blazar 1ES 1959+650 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manel Errando, Ioannis Liodakis, Alan P. Marscher, Herman L. Marshall, Riccardo Middei, Michela Negro, Abel Lawrence Peirson, Matteo Perri, Simonetta Puccetti, Pazit L. Rabinowitz, Iván Agudo, Svetlana G. Jorstad, Sergey S. Savchenko, Dmitry Blinov, Ioakeim G. Bourbah, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Evangelos Kontopodis, Nikos Mandarakas, Stylianos Romanopoulos, Raphael Skalidis, Anna Vervelaki, Francisco José Aceituno, Maria I. Bernardos, Giacomo Bonnoli, Víctor Casanova, Beatriz Agís-González, César Husillos, Alessandro Marchini, Alfredo Sota, Pouya M. Kouch, Elina Lindfors, Carolina Casadio, Juan Escudero, Ioannis Myserlis, Ryo Imazawa, Mahito Sasada, Yasushi Fukazawa, Koji S. Kawabata, Makoto Uemura, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Tatsuya Nakaoka, Hiroshi Akitaya, Mark Gurwell, et al. (103 additional authors not shown)

    Observations of linear polarization in the 2-8 keV energy range with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) explore the magnetic field geometry and dynamics of the regions generating non-thermal radiation in relativistic jets of blazars. These jets, particularly in blazars whose spectral energy distribution peaks at X-ray energies, emit X-rays via synchrotron radiation from high-energy particles within the jet. IXPE observations of the X-ray selected BL Lac-type blazar 1ES 1959+650 in 2022 May 3-4 showed a significant linear polarization degree of $\Pi_\mathrm{x} = 8.0\% \pm 2.3\%$ at an electric-vector position angle $\psi_\mathrm{x} = 123^\circ \pm 8^\circ$. However, in 2022 June 9-12, only an upper limit of $\Pi_\mathrm{x} \leq 5.1\%$ could be derived (at the 99% confidence level). The degree of optical polarization at that time $\Pi_\mathrm{O} \sim 5\%$ is comparable to the X-ray measurement. We investigate possible scenarios for these findings, including temporal and geometrical depolarization effects. Unlike some other X-ray selected BL Lac objects, there is no significant chromatic dependence of the measured polarization in 1ES 1959+650, and its low X-ray polarization may be attributed to turbulence in the jet flow with dynamical timescales shorter than 1 day.

  • How to detect gamma-rays from ground: an introduction to the detection concepts.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manel Errando, Takayuki Saito, The University of Tokyo)

    Indirect detection of gamma rays with ground-based observatories is currently the most sensitive experimental approach to characterize the gamma-ray sky at energies $>0.1$\,TeV. Ground-based detection of gamma-rays relies on the electromagnetic showers that gamma rays initiate in the Earth's atmosphere. In this chapter we will review the properties of electromagnetic air showers as well as the differences with respect to cosmic-ray showers that enable the rejection of the cosmic ray background. The experimental techniques that have been developed for ground-based detection of gamma rays will be introduced. These fall onto three main categories: air shower particle detectors, sampling Cherenkov arrays, and imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Hybrid concepts as well as other experimental approaches are also discussed.

  • Probing the dipole of the diffuse gamma-ray background.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Kashlinsky, F. Atrio-Barandela, C. S. Shrader

    We measured the dipole of the diffuse $\gamma$-ray background (DGB) identifying a highly significant time-independent signal coincidental with that of the Pierre Auger UHECR. The DGB dipole is determined from flux maps in narrow energy bands constructed from 13 years of observations by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) of the {\it Fermi} satellite. The $\gamma$-ray maps were clipped iteratively of sources and foregrounds similar to that done for the cosmic infrared background. The clipped narrow energy band maps were then assembled into one broad energy map out to the given energy starting at $E=2.74$ Gev, where the LAT beam falls below the sky's pixel resolution. Next we consider cuts in Galactic latitude and longitude to probe residual foreground contaminations from the Galactic Plane and Center. In the broad energy range $2.74 < E\leq115.5$ GeV the measured dipoles are stable with respect to the various Galactic cuts, consistent with an extragalactic origin. The $\gamma$-ray sky's dipole/monopole ratio is much greater than that expected from the DGB clustering component and the Compton-Getting effect origin with reasonable velocities. At $\simeq (6.5-7)\%$ it is similar to the Pierre Auger UHECRs with $E_{\rm UHECR}\ge 8$ EeV pointing to a common origin of the two dipoles. However, the DGB flux associated with the found DGB dipole reaches parity with that of the UHECR around $E_{\rm UHECR}\le 1$ EeV, perhaps arguing for a non-cascading mechanism if the DGB dipole were to come from the higher energy UHECRs. The signal/noise of the DGB dipole is largest in the $5-30$ GeV range, possibly suggesting the $\gamma$-photons at these energies are the ones related to cosmic rays.

  • Resolving Galactic center GeV excess with MSP-like sources.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dmitry V. Malyshev

    Excess of gamma-rays with a spherical morphology around the Galactic center (GC) observed in the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) data is one of the most intriguing features in the gamma-ray sky. The spherical morphology and the spectral energy distribution with a peak around a few GeV are consistent with emission from annihilation of dark matter particles. Other possible explanations include a distribution of millisecond pulsars (MSPs). One of the caveats of the MSP hypothesis is the relatively small number of associated MSPs near the GC. In this paper we perform a multi-class classification of Fermi-LAT sources using machine learning and determine the contribution from MSP-like sources among unassociated Fermi-LAT sources near the GC. We find that the unassociated MSP-like sources have a spectral energy distribution that is comparable with the GC excess if the contribution from the Fermi bubbles is taken into account. The spatial morphology and the source count distribution are also consistent with expectations for a population of MSPs that can explain the gamma-ray excess. Possible caveats of the contribution from the unassociated MSP-like sources include uncertainties in the diffuse emission model that can affect the number and the properties of the point-like sources detected near the GC and the contribution of the Fermi bubbles.

  • Pulsar Kick by the Chiral Anisotropy Conversion.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Kenji Fukushima, Chengpeng Yu

    We discuss a novel mechanism for the proto-neutron star acceleration assisted by the chiral separation effect which induces an axial vector current in a dense medium. We consider the process of neutrinos scattering off the background axial vector current of electrons. We show that anisotropy of either magnetic field or density in momentum space is essential for nonzero recoil and we call this mechanism the chiral anisotropy conversion. Assuming a strong magnetic field $B \simeq 10^{12}$ T and anisotropy by $\sim 10\%$, we find that the chiral anisotropy conversion can yield the velocity of order of typical pulsar kicks, i.e., $v_{\mathrm{kick}} \gtrsim 1000$ km/s.

  • On an apparent dearth of recurrent nova super-remnants in the Local Group.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. W. Healy-Kalesh, M. J. Darnley, M. M. Shara

    The Andromeda Galaxy is home to the annually erupting recurrent nova (RN) M31N 2008-12a (12a); the first nova found to host a nova super-remnant (NSR). A NSR is an immense structure surrounding a RN, created from many millions of eruptions sweeping up material in the local environment to form a shell tens of parsecs across. Theory has demonstrated that NSRs should be found around all RNe, even those systems with long periods between eruptions. Befittingly, the second NSR was found around the Galactic classical (and long suspected recurrent) nova, KT Eridani. In this Paper, we aim to find more of these phenomena through conducting the first ever survey for NSRs in M31 and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We find that the surroundings of fourteen RNe in M31 as well as the surroundings of the four RNe in the LMC do not show any evidence of vast parsec-scale structures in narrowband (H${\alpha}$ and [S II]) images, unlike the one clearly seen around 12a, and therefore conclude that observable NSRs are either rare structures, or they are too faint (or small) to be detected in our existing datasets. Yet, the NSR surrounding 12a would also likely to have been overlooked in our study if it were approximately one magnitude fainter. Searches for NSRs around other RNe 'masquerading' as classical novae may prove to be fruitful as would whole surveys of other Local Group galaxies.

  • The infalling elliptical galaxy M89: The chemical composition of the AGN disturbed hot atmosphere.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sinancan Kara, Tomáš Plšek, Klaudia Protušová, Jean-Paul Breuer, Norbert Werner, François Mernier, E. Nihal Ercan

    The chemical enrichment of X-ray-emitting hot atmospheres has hitherto been primarily studied in galaxy clusters. These studies revealed relative abundances of heavy elements that are remarkably similar to Solar. Here, we present measurements of the metal content of M89 (NGC 4552), an elliptical galaxy infalling into the Virgo cluster with a $\sim$10 kpc ram-pressure stripped X-ray tail. We take advantage of deep Chandra and XMM-Newton observations, and with particular attention to carefully modelling the spectra, we measure the O/Fe, Ne/Fe, Mg/Fe, Si/Fe and S/Fe ratios. Contrary to previous measurements in galaxy clusters, our results for the hot atmosphere of M89 suggest super-Solar abundance ratios with respect to iron (i.e. $\alpha$/Fe > 1), similar to its stellar components. Our analysis of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity in this system indicates that the AGN-induced outflow could have facilitated the stripping of the original galactic atmosphere, which has been replaced with fresh stellar mass loss material with super-Solar $\alpha$/Fe abundance ratios. Additionally, we report a new fitting bias in the RGS data of low-temperature plasma. The measured O/Fe ratios are >1$\sigma$ lower in multi-temperature models than a single temperature fit, leading to discrepancies in the calculations of supernova fractions derived from the metal abundances.

  • General relativistic moving-mesh hydrodynamics simulations with AREPO and applications to neutron star mergers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Georgios Lioutas, Andreas Bauswein, Theodoros Soultanis, Rüdiger Pakmor, Volker Springel, Friedrich K. Röpke

    We implement general relativistic hydrodynamics in the moving-mesh code AREPO. We also couple a solver for the Einstein field equations employing the conformal flatness approximation. The implementation is validated by evolving isolated static neutron stars using a fixed metric or a dynamical spacetime. In both tests the frequencies of the radial oscillation mode match those of independent calculations. We run the first moving-mesh simulation of a neutron star merger. The simulation includes a scheme to adaptively refine or derefine cells and thereby adjusting the local resolution dynamically. The general dynamics are in agreement with independent smoothed particle hydrodynamics and static-mesh simulations of neutron star mergers. Coarsely comparing, we find that dynamical features like the post-merger double-core structure or the quasi-radial oscillation mode persist on longer time scales, possibly reflecting a low numerical diffusivity of our method. Similarly, the post-merger gravitational wave emission shows the same features as observed in simulations with other codes. In particular, the main frequency of the post-merger phase is found to be in good agreement with independent results for the same binary system, while, in comparison, the amplitude of the post-merger gravitational wave signal falls off slower, i.e. the post-merger oscillations are less damped. The successful implementation of general relativistic hydrodynamics in the moving-mesh AREPO code, including a dynamical spacetime evolution, provides a fundamentally new tool to simulate general relativistic problems in astrophysics.

  • Detectability of Late-time Supernova Neutrinos with Fallback Accretion onto Protoneutron star.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryuichiro Akaho, Hiroki Nagakura, Thierry Foglizzo

    We investigate the late-time neutrino emission powered by fallback mass accretion onto proto-neutron star (PNS), using neutrino radiation-hydrodynamic simulations with full Boltzmann neutrino transport. We follow the time evolution of accretion flow onto PNS until the system reaches a steady state. A standing shock wave is commonly formed in the accretion flow, whereas the shock radius varies depending on mass accretion rate and PNS mass. A sharp increase in temperature emerges in the vicinity of PNS ($\sim 10$ km), which characterizes neutrino emission. Both neutrino luminosity and average energy become higher with increasing mass accretion rate and PNS mass. The mean energy of emitted neutrinos is in the range of $10\lesssim\epsilon\lesssim20\,\mathrm{MeV}$, which is higher than that estimated from PNS cooling models ($\lesssim10\,\mathrm{MeV}$). Assuming a distance to core-collapse supernova of $10\,\mathrm{kpc}$, we quantify neutrino event rates for Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) and DUNE. The estimated detection rates are well above the background, and their energy-dependent features are qualitatively different from those expected from PNS cooling models. Another notable feature is that the neutrino emission is strongly flavor dependent, exhibiting that the neutrino event rate hinges on the neutrino oscillation model. We estimate them in the case with adiabatic Mikheev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein model, and show that the normal- and inverted mass hierarchy offer the large number of neutrino detection in Super-K and DUNE, respectively. Hence the simultaneous observation with Super-K and DUNE of the fallback neutrinos will provide a strong constraint on neutrino mass hierarchy.

  • X-ray polarization properties of partially ionized equatorial obscurers around accreting compact objects.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jakub Podgorný, Frédéric Marin, Michal Dovčiak

    We present the expected X-ray polarization signal resulting from distant reprocessing material around black holes. Using a central isotropic power-law emission at the center of the simulated model, we add distant equatorial and axially symmetric media that are covering the central accreting sources. We include partial ionization and partial transparency effects, and the impact of various polarization and steepness of the primary radiation spectrum. The results are obtained with the Monte Carlo code STOKES that considers both line and continuum processes and computes the effects of scattering and absorption inside static homogenous wedge-shaped and elliptical toroidal structures, varying in relative size, composition and distance to the source. We provide first order estimates for parsec-scale reprocessing in Compton-thin and Compton-thick active galactic nuclei, as well as winds around accreting stellar-mass compact objects, for observer's inclinations above and below the grazing angle. The resulting reprocessed polarization can reach tens of % with either parallel or perpendicular orientation with respect to the axis of symmetry, depending on subtle details of the geometry, density and ionization structure. We also show how principal parameters constrained from X-ray spectroscopy or polarimetry in other wavelengths can lift the shown degeneracies in X-ray polarization. We provide an application example of the broad modelling discussion by revisiting the recent IXPE 2-8 keV X-ray polarimetric observation of the accreting stellar-mass black hole in Cygnus X-3 from the perspective of partial transparency and ionization of the obscuring outflows.

  • Proof of principle for template synthesis approach for the radio emission from vertical extensive air showers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mitja Desmet, Stijn Buitink, Tim Huege, David Butler, Ralph Engel, Olaf Scholten

    The radio detection technique of cosmic ray air showers has gained renewed interest in the last two decades. While the radio experiments are very cost-effective to deploy, the Monte-Carlo simulations required to analyse the data are computationally expensive. Here we present a proof of concept for a novel way to synthesise the radio emission from extensive air showers in simulations. It is a hybrid approach which uses a single microscopic Monte-Carlo simulation, called the origin shower, to generate the radio emission from a target shower with a different longitudinal evolution, primary particle type and energy. The method employs semi-analytical relations which only depend on the shower parameters to transform the radio signals in the simulated antennas. We apply this method to vertical air showers with energies ranging from $10^{17}$ eV to $10^{19}$ eV and compare the results with CoREAS simulations in two frequency bands, namely the broad [20, 500] MHz band and a more narrow one at [30, 80] MHz. We gauge the synthesis quality using the maximal amplitude and energy fluence contained in the signal. We observe that the quality depends primarily on the difference in $X_{\text{max}}$ between the origin and target shower. After applying a linear bias correction, we find that for a shift in $X_{\text{max}}$ of less than 150 $\text{g}/\text{cm}^2$ , template synthesis has a bias of less than 2% and a scatter up to 6%, both in amplitude, on the broad frequency range. On the restricted [30, 80] MHz range the bias is similar, but the spread on amplitude drops down to 3%. These fluctuations are on the same level as the intrinsic scatter we observe in Monte-Carlo ensembles. We therefore surmise the observed scatter in amplitude to originate from intrinsic shower fluctuations we do not explicitly account for in template synthesis.

  • Generating ultra compact boson stars with modified scalar potentials.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sarah Louisa Pitz, Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich

    The properties of selfinteracting boson stars with different scalar potentials going beyond the commonly used $\phi^4$ ansatz are studied. The scalar potential is extended to different values of the exponent $n$ of the form $V \propto \phi^n$. Two stability mechanism for boson stars are introduced, the first being a mass term and the second one a vacuum term. We present analytic scale-invariant expressions for these two classes of equations of state. The resulting properties of the boson star configurations differ considerably from previous calculations. We find three different categories of mass-radius relation: the first category resembles the mass-radius curve of selfbound stars, the second one those of neutron stars and the third one is the well known constant radius case from the standard $\phi^4$ potential. We demonstrate that the maximal compactness can reach extremely high values going to the limit of causality $C_\text{max} = 0.354$ asymptotically for $n\to\infty$. The maximal compactnesses exceed previously calculated values of $C_\text{max}=0.16$ for the standard $\phi^4$-theory and $C_\text{max}=0.21$ for vector-like interactions and is in line with previous results for solitonic boson stars. Hence, boson stars even described by a simple modified scalar potential in the form of $V \propto \phi^n$ can be ultra compact black hole mimickers where the photon ring is located outside the radius of the star.

  • The Spectra of IceCube Neutrino (SIN) candidate sources -- IV. Spectral energy distributions and multi-wavelength variability.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Martina Karl, Paolo Padovani, Paolo Giommi

    We present hybrid spectral energy distributions, combining photon and neutrino fluxes, for a sample of blazars, which are candidate IceCube neutrino sources. We furthermore check for differences in our sources' variability in the near-infrared, optical, X-ray and $\gamma$-ray bands compared to a sample of non-neutrino source candidate blazars, and investigate the state of each blazar at the arrival time of high-energy neutrinos. We find no significant differences when comparing our sample with control sources, also in terms of their spectral energy distributions, and no correlation between flaring states and neutrino arrival times. Looking for signatures of hadronic production, we check for similar strengths of the $\gamma$-ray and neutrino fluxes and find a $2.2\,\sigma$ signal for our source candidates. The hybrid spectral energy distributions assembled here will form the basis of the next step of our project, namely lepto-hadronic modelling of these blazars to assess the physical likelihood of a neutrino connection.

  • GRB 080710: A narrow, structured jet showing a late, achromatic peak in the optical and infrared afterglow?.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kaori Obayashi, Ayumu Toriyama, Mayu Murakoshi, Yuri Sato, Shuta J. Tanaka, Takanori Sakamoto, Ryo Yamazaki

    We present a possible theoretical interpretation of the observed afterglow emission of long gamma-ray burst GRB 080710. While its prompt GRB emission properties are normal, the afterglow light curves in the optical and infrared bands are exceptional in two respects. One is that the observed light curves of different wavelengths have maximum at the same time, and that the achromatic peak time, $2.2\times10^3$ s after the burst trigger, is about an order of magnitude later than typical events. The other is that the observed flux before the peak increases more slowly than theoretically expected so far. Assuming that the angular distribution of the outflow energy is top-hat or Gaussian-shaped, we calculate the observed light curves of the synchrotron emission from the relativistic jets and explore the model parameters that explain the observed data. It is found that a narrowly collimated Gaussian-shaped jet with large isotropic-equivalent energy is the most plausible model for reproducing the observed afterglow behavior. Namely, an off-axis afterglow scenario to the achromatic peak is unlikely. The inferred values of the opening angle and the isotropic equivalent energy of the jet are possibly similar to those of GRB 221009A, but the jet of GRB 080710 has a much smaller efficiency of the prompt gamma-ray emission. Our results indicate a greater diversity of the GRB jet properties than previously thought.

  • Newly Formed Dust within the Circumstellar Environment of SNIa-CSM 2018evt.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lingzhi Wang, Maokai Hu, Lifan Wang, Yi Yang, Jiawen Yang, Haley Gomez, Sijie Chen, Lei Hu, Ting-Wan Chen, Jun Mo, Xiaofeng Wang, Dietrich Baade, Peter Hoeflich, J. Craig Wheeler, Giuliano Pignata, Jamison Burke, Daichi Hiramatsu, D. Andrew Howell, Curtis McCully, Craig Pellegrino, Lluís Galbany, Eric Y. Hsiao, David J. Sand, Jujia Zhang, Syed A Uddin, J. P. Anderson, Chris Ashall, Cheng Cheng, Mariusz Gromadzki, Cosimo Inserra, Han Lin, N. Morrell, Antonia Morales-Garoffolo, T. E. M üller-Bravo, Matt Nicholl, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, M. M. Phillips, J. Pineda-García, Hanna Sai, Mathew Smith, M. Shahbandeh, Shubham Srivastav, M. D. Stritzinger, Sheng Yang, D. R. Young, Lixin Yu, Xinghan Zhang

    Dust associated with various stellar sources in galaxies at all cosmic epochs remains a controversial topic, particularly whether supernovae (SNe) play an important role in dust production. We report evidence of dust formation in the cold, dense shell behind the ejecta-circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction in the Type Ia-CSM SN 2018evt three years after the explosion, characterized by a rise in the mid-infrared (MIR) emission accompanied by an accelerated decline in the optical radiation of the SN. Such a dust-formation picture is also corroborated by the concurrent evolution of the profiles of the Ha emission line. Our model suggests enhanced CSM dust concentration at increasing distances from the SN as compared to what can be expected from the density profile of the mass loss from a steady stellar wind. By the time of the last MIR observations at day +1041, a total amount of 1.2+-0.2x10^{-2} Msun of new dust has been formed by SN 2018evt, making SN 2018evt one of the most prolific dust factories among SNe with evidence of dust formation. The unprecedented witness of the intense production procedure of dust may shed light on the perceptions of dust formation in cosmic history.

  • Collisional and Fast Neutrino Flavor Instabilities in Two-dimensional Core-collapse Supernova Simulation with Boltzmann Neutrino Transport.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryuichiro Akaho, Jiabao Liu, Hiroki Nagakura, Masamichi Zaizen, Shoichi Yamada

    We present a comprehensive study on the occurrences of the collisional flavor instability (CFI) and the fast flavor instability (FFI) of neutrinos based on a two-dimensional (2D) core-collapse supernova (CCSN) simulation performed with a Boltzmann radiation hydrodynamics code. We find that CFI occurs in a region with the baryon-mass density of $10^{10}\lesssim \rho \lesssim 10^{12}\,\mathrm{g}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-3}$, which is similar to the previous results in one-dimensional (1D) CCSN models. In contrast to 1D, however, the CFI region varies with time vigorously in the 2D model, whereas it had a quiescent structure in 1D. This is attributed to the fact that the turbulent flows advected from a gain region account for the temporal variations. Another noticeable difference from the 1D models is the appearance of resonance-like CFI where number densities of $\nu_e$, $\bar\nu_e$ nearly coincide each other. The CFI growth rate there is enhanced and can reach $\sim10^{-3}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-1}$. As for FFI, on the other hand, it appears in three different regions; (1) the region overlapped with the resonance-like CFI, (2) neutrino decoupling regions where $\bar{\nu}_e$'s are strongly emitted, and (3) optically thin regions where neutral-current scatterings dominate over charged-current reactions. Although overall properties for FFI are consistent with previous studies, we find that the number of electron-neutrinos lepton number crossing (ELN crossing) temporary becomes multiple, which can be assessed accurately only by multi-angle treatments in neutrino transport. We find that the growth rate of FFI is always higher than CFI if both of them occur, which suggests that the former is dominant for the linear evolution.

  • Correlations and Distinguishability Challenges in Supernova Models: Insights from Future Neutrino Detectors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Maria Manuela Saez, Ermal Rrapaj, Akira Harada, Shigehiro Nagataki, Yong-Zhong Qian

    This paper explores core-collapse supernovae as crucial targets for neutrino telescopes, addressing uncertainties in their simulation results. We comprehensively analyze eighteen modern simulations and discriminate among supernova models using realistic detectors and interactions. A significant correlation between the total neutrino energy and cumulative counts, driven by massive lepton neutrinos and oscillations, is identified, particularly noticeable with the DUNE detector. Bayesian techniques indicate strong potential for model differentiation during a Galactic supernova event, with HK excelling in distinguishing models based on equation of state, progenitor mass, and mixing scheme.

  • An insight into chromatic behaviour of jitter in pulsars and its modelling: A case study of PSR J0437$-$4715.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    A. D. Kulkarni, R. M. Shannon, D. J. Reardon, M. T. Miles, M. Bailes, M. Shamohammadi

    Pulse-to-pulse profile shape variations introduce correlations in pulsar times of arrival (TOAs) across radio frequency measured at the same observational epoch. This leads to a broadband noise in excess of radiometer noise, which is termed pulse jitter noise. The presence of jitter noise limits the achievable timing precision and decreases the sensitivity of pulsar-timing data sets to signals of interest such as nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves. Current white noise models used in pulsar timing analyses attempt to account for this, assuming complete correlation of uncertainties through the arrival times collected in a unique observation and no frequency dependence of jitter (which corresponds to a rank-one covariance matrix). However, previous studies show that the brightest millisecond pulsar at decimetre wavelengths, PSR J0437$-$4715, shows decorrelation and frequency dependence of jitter noise. Here we present a detailed study of the decorrelation of jitter noise in PSR J0437$-$4715 and implement a new technique to model it. We show that the rate of decorrelation due to jitter can be expressed as a power-law in frequency. We analyse the covariance matrix associated with the jitter noise process and find that a higher-rank-approximation is essential to account for the decorrelation and to account for frequency dependence of jitter noise. We show that the use of this novel method significantly improves the estimation of other chromatic noise parameters such as dispersion measure variations. However, we find no significant improvement in errors and estimation of other timing model parameters suggesting that current methods are not biased for other parameters, for this pulsar due to this misspecification. We show that pulse energy variations show a similar decorrelation to the jitter noise, indicating a common origin for both observables.

  • Recognizing Blazars Using Radio Morphology from the VLA Sky Survey.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhang-Liang Xie, Eduardo Banados, Silvia Belladitta, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Jan-Torge Schindler, Frederick B. Davies, Bram P. Venemans

    Blazars are radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) whose jets have a very small angle to our line of sight. Observationally, the radio emission are mostly compact or a compact-core with a 1-sided jet. With 2.5$^{\prime\prime}$ resolution at 3 GHz, the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) enables us to resolve the structure of some blazar candidates in the sky north of Decl. $-40$ deg. We introduce an algorithm to classify radio sources as either blazar-like or non-blazar-like based on their morphology in the VLASS images. We apply our algorithm to three existing catalogs, including one of known blazars (Roma-BzCAT) and two of blazar candidates identified by WISE colors and radio emission (WIBRaLS, KDEBLLACS). We show that in all three catalogs, there are objects with morphology inconsistent with being blazars. Considering all the catalogs, more than 12% of the candidates are unlikely to be blazars, based on this analysis. Notably, we show that 3% of the Roma-BzCAT "confirmed" blazars could be a misclassification based on their VLASS morphology. The resulting table with all sources and their radio morphological classification is available online.


  • The origin of the H$\alpha$ line profiles in simulated disc galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Timmy Ejdetjärn, Oscar Agertz, Göran Östlin, Martin P. Rey, Florent Renaud

    Observations of ionised H$\alpha$ gas in disc galaxies with high star formation rates have ubiquitous and significant line broadening with widths $\sigma_{\rm H\alpha}\gtrsim 50-100\ {\rm km\ s^{-1}}$. To understand whether this broadening reflects gas turbulence within the interstellar medium (ISM) of galactic discs, or arises from off-the-plane emission in mass-loaded galactic winds, we perform radiation hydrodynamic (RHD) simulations of isolated Milky Way-mass disc galaxies in a gas-poor (low-redshift) and gas rich (high-redshift) condition and create mock H$\alpha$ emission line profiles. We find that the vast majority of the ${\rm H\alpha}$ emission is confined within the ISM, with extraplanar gas contributing mainly to the extended profile wings. This substantiates the \Halpha emission line as a tracer of mid-plane disc dynamics. We investigate the relative contribution of diffuse and dense ${\rm H\alpha}$ emitting gas, corresponding to DIG ($\rho \lesssim 0.1\ {\rm cm^{-3}}$, $T\sim 8\ 000\ {\rm K}$) and HII regions ($\rho \gtrsim 10\ {\rm cm^{-3}}$, $T\sim 10\ 000\ {\rm K}$), respectively, and find that DIG contributes $\lesssim 10 \%$ of the total ${\rm L}_{\rm H\alpha}$. However, the DIG can reach upwards of $\sigma_{\rm H\alpha} \sim 60-80\ {\rm km\ s^{-1}}$ while the HII regions are much less turbulent $\sigma_{\rm H\alpha}\sim10-40\ {\rm km\ s^{-1}}$. This implies that the $\sigma_{\rm H\alpha}$ observed using the full ${\rm H\alpha}$ emission line is dependent on the relative ${\rm H\alpha}$ contribution from DIG/HII regions and a larger $f_{\rm DIG}$ would shift $\sigma_{\rm H\alpha}$ to higher values. Finally, we show that $\sigma_{\rm H\alpha}$ evolves, in both the DIG and HII regions, with the galaxy gas fraction. Our high-redshift equivalent galaxy is roughly twice as turbulent, except for in the DIG which has a more shallow evolution.

  • Evidence for Intrinsic X-ray Weakness Among Red Quasars at Cosmic Noon.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yilun Ma, Andy Goulding, Jenny E. Greene, Nadia L. Zakamska, Dominika Wylezalek, Yan-Fei Jiang

    Quasar feedback is a key ingredient in shaping galaxy evolution. A rare population of extremely red quasars (ERQs) at $z=2-3$ are often associated with high-velocity [OIII]$\lambda5008$ outflows and may represent sites of strong feedback. In this paper, we present an X-ray study of 50 ERQs to investigate the link between the X-ray and outflow properties of these intriguing objects. Using hardness ratio analysis, we confirm that the ERQs are heavily obscured systems with gas column density reaching $N_\mathrm{H}=10^{23-24}\,\mathrm{cm^{-2}}$. We identify 17 X-ray-non-detected ERQs at high mid-infrared luminosities of $\nu L_\mathrm{\nu,6\mu m}\gtrsim3\times10^{46}\,\mathrm{erg\,s^{-1}}$. By stacking the X-ray observations, we find that the non-detected ERQs are on average underluminous in X-rays by a factor of $\sim5$ for their bolometric luminosities. We consider such X-ray weakness to be due to both gas absorption and intrinsic factors. Moreover, we find that the X-ray-weak sources also display higher-velocity outflows. One option to explain this trend is that weaker X-rays facilitate more vigorous line-driven winds, which then accelerate the [OIII]-emitting gas to kpc-scales. Alternatively, super-Eddington accretion could also lead to intrinsic X-ray weakness and more powerful continuum-driven outflow.

  • Differences in the properties of disrupted and surviving satellites of Milky-Way-mass galaxies in relation to their host accretion histories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Salvador E. Grimozzi, Andreea S. Font, María Emilia De Rossi

    From the chemo-dynamical properties of tidal debris in the Milky Way, it has been inferred that the dwarf satellites that have been disrupted had different chemical abundances from their present-day counterparts of similar mass that survive today, specifically, they had lower [Fe/H] and higher [Mg/Fe]. Here we use the ARTEMIS simulations to study the relation between the chemical abundances of disrupted progenitors of MW-mass galaxies and their stellar mass, and the evolution of the stellar mass - metallicity relations (MZR) of this population with redshift. We find that these relations have significant scatter, which correlates with the accretion redshifts ($z_{\rm acc}$) of satellites, and with their cold gas fractions. We investigate the MZRs of dwarf populations accreted at different redshifts and find that they have similar slopes, and also similar with the slope of the MZR of the surviving population ($\approx 0.32$). However, the entire population of disrupted dwarfs displays a steeper MZR, with a slope of $\approx 0.48$, which can be explained by the changes in the mass spectrum of accreted dwarf galaxies with redshift. We find strong relations between the (mass-weighted) $\langle z_{\rm acc} \rangle$ of the disrupted populations and their global chemical abundances ($\langle$[Fe/H]$\rangle$ and $\langle$[Mg/Fe]$\rangle$), which suggests that chemical diagnostics of disrupted dwarfs can be used to infer the types of merger histories of their hosts. For the case of the MW, our simulations predict that the bulk of the disrupted population was accreted at $\langle z_{\rm acc} \rangle \approx 2$, in agreement with other findings. We also find that disrupted satellites form and evolve in denser environments, closer to their hosts, than their present-day counterparts.

  • A Walk on the Retrograde Side (WRS) project. I. Tidying-up the retrograde halo with high-resolution spectroscopy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E.Ceccarelli, D.Massari, A.Mucciarelli, M.Bellazzini, A.Nunnari, F.Cusano, C.Lardo, D.Romano, I.Ilyin, A.Stokholm

    Relics of ancient accretion events experienced by the Milky Way are predominantly located within the stellar halo of our Galaxy. However, debris from different objects display overlapping distributions in dynamical spaces, making it extremely challenging to properly disentangle their contribution to the build-up of the Galaxy. To shed light on this chaotic context, we started a program aimed at the homogeneous chemical tagging of the local halo of the Milky Way, focusing on the component in retrograde motion, since this is expected to host a large fraction of stars accreted from past mergers. The A Walk on the Retrograde Side (WRS) project targets retrograde halo stars in the Solar Neighborhood having accurate $6$-D phase space information available, measuring the precise chemical abundance of several chemical elements from high-resolution spectroscopy. In this first paper, we present the project and the analysis of high-resolution spectra obtained with UVES at VLT and PEPSI at LBT for $186$ stars. Accurate radial velocity and chemical abundance of several elements have been obtained for all the target stars. In particular we focus on the chemical composition of a specific subset of substructures identified dynamically in the literature. Our study reveals that two among the more recently discovered structures in the retrograde halo, namely Antaeus / L-RL$64$ and ED-$3$, have identical chemical patterns and similar integrals of motion, suggesting a common origin. In turn, the abundance patterns of this unified system differ from that of Gaia-Enceladus, confirming that it is an independent structure. Finally, Sequoia exhibits a different chemistry with respect to that of Gaia-Enceladus at $\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -1.5$ dex, showcasing an excess of stars with lower Mg and Ca in the common metallicity range.

  • Maser polarization through anisotropic pumping.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Boy Lankhaar, Gabriele Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, Violette Impellizzeri

    (Abridged) Polarized emission from masers is an excellent tool to study magnetic fields in maser sources. The linear polarization of most masers is understood as an interplay of maser saturation and anisotropic pumping. However, for the latter mechanism, no quantitative modeling has been presented yet. We present a comprehensive model of maser polarization, including quantitative modeling of both anisotropic pumping and the effects of maser saturation on the polarization of masers. We extend regular maser excitation modeling with a dimension that describes the molecular population alignments, as well as including the linear polarization dimension to the radiative transfer. The results of the excitation analysis yield the anisotropic pumping and decay parameters, that are subsequently used in one-dimensional proper maser polarization radiative transfer modeling. We present the anisotropic pumping parameters for a variety of transitions from class I CH$_3$OH masers, H$_2$O masers and SiO masers. SiO masers are highly anisotropically pumped due to them occurring in the vicinity of a late-type star, that irradiates the maser region with a strong directional radiation field. Class I CH$_3$OH masers and H$_2$O masers occur in association with shocks, and they are modestly anisotropically pumped due to the anisotropy of the excitation region. Our modeling constitutes the first quantitative constraints on the anisotropic pumping of masers. We find that anisotropic pumping can explain the high polarization yields of SiO masers, as well as the modest polarization of unsaturated class I CH$_3$OH masers. We predict that the $183$ GHz H$_2$O maser is strongly anisotropically pumped. Finally, we outline a mechanism through which non-Zeeman circular polarization is produced, when the magnetic field changes direction along the propagation through an anisotropically pumped maser.

  • A Size Estimate for Galaxy GN-z11.- [PDF] - [Article]

    James O. Baldwin, Erica Nelson, Benjamin D. Johnson, Pascal A. Oesch, Sandro Tacchella, Garth D. Illingworth, Justus Gibson, Abby Hartley

    GN-z11 is the highest redshift galaxy spectroscopically confirmed with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Previous measurements of the effective radius of GN-z11 utilized galfit, which is not optimized to measure structural parameters for such a faint, distant object. Using a new software program called forcepho on HST data for the first time, we derive a size from images in the F160W band obtained both from the complete CANDELS survey and additional midcycle observations in order to contribute to the knowledge base on the size evolution, size-luminosity, and size-mass relation of early galaxies. We find a half-light radius mean of 0''.036 \(\pm\) 0''.006 corresponding to a physical size of 0.15 \(\pm\) 0.025 kpc. This size, smaller than the point spread function, is dramatically smaller than previous estimates with shallower HST data using galfit but consistent with recent measurements using forcepho on new JWST data arXiv:2302.07234. Such a small size, combined with the JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopic observations arXiv:2305.12492, suggests that GN-z11's high luminosity is dominated by an AGN.

  • HYPERION. The SMBH-galaxy co-evolution at $z>6$ and the build-up of massive galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Tripodi, C. Feruglio, F. Fiore, L. Zappacosta, E. Piconcelli, M. Bischetti, A. Bongiorno, S. Carniani, F. Civano, C.-C. Chen, S. Cristiani, G. Cupani, F. Di Mascia, V. D'Odorico, X. Fan, A. Ferrara, S. Gallerani, M. Ginolfi, R. Maiolino, V. Mainieri, A. Marconi, I. Saccheo, F. Salvestrini, A. Tortosa, R. Valiante

    We leveraged low to high frequency ALMA observations to investigate the cold gas and dust in 10 QSOs at $z\gtrsim 6$. Our analysis of the CO(6-5) and CO(7-6) emission lines in the selected QSOs provided insights into their molecular gas masses, averaging around $10^{10}\ \rm M_\odot$, consistent with typical values for high-redshift QSOs. Proprietary and archival ALMA observations in bands 8 and 9 enabled, for the first time, precise constraints on the dust properties and SFR of 4 QSOs in our sample. Examination of the redshift distribution of dust temperatures revealed a general trend of increasing $T_{\rm dust}$ with redshift, which is in agreement with theoretical expectations. On the contrary, investigation of the dust emissivity index indicated a generally constant value with redshift, suggesting shared dust properties among sources. We computed a mean cold dust SED considering all 10 QSOs that offers a comprehensive view of high-$z$ QSO's dust properties. The QSOs marked by more intense supermassive black hole growth (HYPERION QSOs) showed -- on average -- smaller dust masses and higher gas-to-dust ratios, while having $\rm H_2$ gas reservoirs consistent with other QSOs at the same redshift. Beyond supporting the paradigm that high-$z$ QSOs reside in highly star-forming galaxies, our findings portrayed an interesting evolutionary path at $z>6$. Our study suggested that QSOs at $z\gtrsim 6$ are undergoing rapid galaxy growth, potentially regulated by strong outflows. In the $M_{\rm BH}-M_{\rm dyn}$ plane, our high-$z$ QSOs lie above the relation measured locally. Their inferred evolutionary path portends a convergence towards the massive end of the local relation, supporting their candidacy as progenitors of local massive galaxies. The observed pathway involves intense BH growth followed by substantial galaxy growth, in contrast with a symbiotic growth scenario.

  • The TNG50-SKIRT Atlas: post-processing methodology and first data release.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maarten Baes, Andrea Gebek, Ana Trcka, Peter Camps, Arjen van der Wel, Abdurro'uf, Nick Andreadis, Sena Bokona Tulu, Abdissa Tassama Emana, Jacopo Fritz, Raymond Kelly, Inja Kovacic, Antonio La Marca, Marco Martorano, Aleksandr Mosenkov, Angelos Nersesian, Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez, Crescenzo Tortora, Bert Vander Meulen, Lingyu Wang

    Galaxy morphology is a powerful diagnostic to assess the realism of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Determining the morphology of simulated galaxies requires the generation of synthetic images through 3D radiative transfer post-processing that properly accounts for different stellar populations and interstellar dust attenuation. We use the SKIRT code to generate the TNG50-SKIRT Atlas, a synthetic UV to near-infrared broadband image atlas for a complete stellar-mass selected sample of 1154 galaxies extracted from the TNG50 cosmological simulation at $z=0$. The images have a high spatial resolution (100 pc) and a wide field of view (160 kpc). In addition to the dust-obscured images, we also release dust-free images and physical parameter property maps with matching characteristics. As a sanity check and preview application we discuss the UVJ diagram of the galaxy sample. We investigate the effect of dust attenuation on the UVJ diagram and find that it affects both the star-forming and the quiescent galaxy populations. The quiescent galaxy region is polluted by younger and star-forming highly inclined galaxies, while dust attenuation induces a separation in inclination of the star-forming galaxy population, with low-inclination galaxies remaining at the blue side of the diagram and high-inclination galaxies systematically moving towards the red side. This image atlas can be used for a variety of other applications, including galaxy morphology studies and the investigation of local scaling relations. We publicly release the images and parameter maps, and we invite the community to use them.

  • The TNG50-SKIRT Atlas: wavelength dependence of the effective radius.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maarten Baes, Aleksandr Mosenkov, Raymond Kelly, Abdurro'uf, Nick Andreadis, Sena Bokona Tulu, Peter Camps, Abdissa Tassama Emana, Jacopo Fritz, Andrea Gebek, Inja Kovacic, Antonio La Marca, Marco Martorano, Angelos Nersesian, Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez, Crescenzo Tortora, Ana Trcka, Bert Vander Meulen, Arjen van der Wel, Lingyu Wang

    Galaxy sizes correlate with many other important properties of galaxies, and the cosmic evolution of galaxy sizes is an important observational diagnostic for constraining galaxy evolution models. The effective radius is probably the most widely used indicator of galaxy size. We used the TNG50-SKIRT Atlas to investigate the wavelength dependence of the effective radius of galaxies at optical and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. We find that, on average, the effective radius in every band exceeds the stellar mass effective radius, and that this excess systematically decreases with increasing wavelength. The optical g-band (NIR Ks-band) effective radius is on average 58% (13%) larger than the stellar mass effective radius. Effective radii measured from dust-obscured images are systematically larger than those measured from dust-free images, although the effect is limited (8.7% in the g-band, 2.1% in the Ks-band). We find that stellar population gradients are the dominant factor (about 80%) in driving the wavelength dependence of the effective radius, and that differential dust attenuation is a secondary factor (20%). Comparing our results to recent observational data, we find offsets in the absolute values of the median effective radii, up to 50% for the population of blue galaxies. We find better agreement in the slope of the wavelength dependence of the effective radius, with red galaxies having a slightly steeper slope than green-blue galaxies. Comparing our effective radii with those of galaxies from the Siena Galaxy Atlas in separate bins in z-band absolute magnitude and g-z colour, we find excellent agreement for the reddest galaxies, but again significant offsets for the blue populations: up to 70% for galaxies around Mz=-21.5. This difference in median effective radius for the bluer galaxies is most probably due to (abridged...).

  • The dynamic centres of infrared-dark clouds and the formation of cores.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrew J. Rigby, Nicolas Peretto, Michael Anderson, Sarah E. Ragan, Felix D. Priestley, Gary A. Fuller, Mark A. Thompson, Alessio Traficante, Elizabeth J. Watkins, Gwenllian M. Williams

    High-mass stars have an enormous influence on the evolution of the interstellar medium in galaxies, so it is important that we understand how they form. We examine the central clumps within a sample of seven infrared-dark clouds (IRDCs) with a range of masses and morphologies. We use 1 pc-scale observations from NOEMA and the IRAM 30-m telescope to trace dense cores with 2.8 mm continuum, and gas kinematics in C$^{18}$O, HCO$^+$, HNC, and N$_2$H$^+$ ($J$=1$-$0). We supplement our continuum sample with six IRDCs observed at 2.9 mm with ALMA, and examine the relationships between core- and clump-scale properties. We have developed a fully-automated multiple-velocity component hyperfine line-fitting code called mwydyn which we employ to trace the dense gas kinematics in N$_2$H$^+$ (1$-$0), revealing highly complex and dynamic clump interiors. We find that parsec-scale clump mass is the most important factor driving the evolution; more massive clumps are able to concentrate more mass into their most massive cores - with a log-normally distributed efficiency of around 9% - in addition to containing the most dynamic gas. Distributions of linewidths within the most massive cores are similar to the ambient gas, suggesting that they are not dynamically decoupled, but are similarly chaotic. A number of studies have previously suggested that clumps are globally collapsing; in such a scenario, the observed kinematics of clump centres would be the direct result of gravity-driven mass inflows that become ever more complex as the clumps evolve, which in turn leads to the chaotic mass growth of their core populations.

  • Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search. XI. Complete Sample of 2016 Sub-Prime Field Planets.- [PDF] - [Article]

    In-Gu Shin, Jennifer C. Yee, Weicheng Zang, Cheongho Han, Hongjing Yang, Andrew Gould, Chung-Uk Lee, Andrzej Udalski, Takahiro Sumi, Michael D. Albrow, Sun-Ju Chung, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Youn Kil Jung, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, Yossi Shvartzvald, Sang-Mok Cha, Dong-Jin Kim, Hyoun-Woo Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge, Przemek Mróz, Michał K. Szymański, Jan Skowron, Radosław Poleski, Igor Soszyński, Paweł Pietrukowicz, Szymon Kozłowski, Krzysztof A. Rybicki, Patryk Iwanek, Krzysztof Ulaczyk, Marcin Wrona, Mariusz Gromadzki, Fumio Abe, Ken Bando, Richard Barry, David P. Bennett, Aparna Bhattacharya, Ian A. Bond, Hirosane Fujii, Akihiko Fukui, Ryusei Hamada, Shunya Hamada, Naoto Hamasaki, Yuki Hirao, Stela Ishitani Silva, et al. (18 additional authors not shown)

    Following Shin et al. (2023b), which is a part of the Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search series (i.e., a search for planets in the 2016 KMTNet prime fields), we conduct a systematic search of the 2016 KMTNet sub-prime fields using a semi-machine-based algorithm to identify hidden anomalous events missed by the conventional by-eye search. We find four new planets and seven planet candidates that were buried in the KMTNet archive. The new planets are OGLE-2016-BLG-1598Lb, OGLE-2016-BLG-1800Lb, MOA-2016-BLG-526Lb, and KMT-2016-BLG-2321Lb, which show typical properties of microlensing planets, i.e., giant planets orbit M dwarf host stars beyond their snow lines. For the planet candidates, we find planet/binary or 2L1S/1L2S degeneracies, which are an obstacle to firmly claiming planet detections. By combining the results of Shin et al. (2023b) and this work, we find a total of nine hidden planets, which is about half the number of planets discovered by eye in 2016. With this work, we have met the goal of the systematic search series for 2016, which is to build a complete microlensing planet sample. We also show that our systematic searches significantly contribute to completing the planet sample, especially for planet/host mass ratios smaller than $10^{-3}$, which were incomplete in previous by-eye searches of the KMTNet archive.

  • Outflows Driven from a Magnetic Pseudodisk.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shantanu Basu, Mahmoud Sharkawi, Masahiro N. Machida

    Outflows play a pivotal role in star formation as one of its most visible markers and a means of transporting mass, momentum, and angular momentum from the infalling gas into the surrounding molecular cloud. Their wide reach (at least $\sim 1000$s of au) is a contrast to typical disk sizes ($\sim 10-100$ au). We employ high-resolution three-dimensional nested-grid nonideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to study outflow properties in the Class 0 phase. We find that no disk wind is driven from the extended centrifugal disk that has weak magnetic coupling. The low-velocity winds emerge instead from the infalling magnetic pseudodisk. Much of the disk actually experiences an infall of matter rather than outflowing gas. Some of the pseudodisk wind (PD-wind) moves inward to regions above the disk and either falls onto the disk or proceeds upward. The upward flow gives the impression of a disk wind above a certain height even if the gas is originally emerging from the pseudodisk. The PD-wind has the strongest flow coming from a disk interaction zone that lies just outside the disk and is an interface between the inwardly advected magnetic field of the pseudodisk and the outwardly diffusing magnetic field of the disk. The low-velocity wind exhibits the features of a flow driven by the magnetic pressure gradient force in some regions and those of a magnetocentrifugal wind in other regions. We interpret the structure and dynamics of the outflow zone in terms of the basic physics of gravity, angular momentum, magnetic fields, and nonideal MHD.

  • Star-forming environments in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics simulations II: Re-simulating isolated clumps to determine equivalence of extracted clumps and parent simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    James Wurster, Connar Rowan

    What is the numerical reproducibility of a stellar system (including its discs) when evolving only a sub-set of (partially-evolved) smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) particles? To investigate this, we modelled the evolution of 29 star forming clumps that were extracted from our previous simulations that investigated the formation and early evolution of low-mass star clusters. These clumps were evolved using a three-dimensional smoothed particle radiation magnetohydrodynamics code, where we included or excluded non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics to match the cluster simulation. While star formation proceeded as expected, we were unable to identically reproduce any of the systems present at the end of the cluster simulations. However, the final distributions of stellar mass, stellar system mass, disc mass, and disc radii were reproduced statistically; unfortunately, the distribution of average magnetic field strengths in the discs was not reproduced statistically, but this may be a result of our updated algorithms governing the evolution of the magnetic field. Therefore, given that our clumps yield stellar masses that are statistically similar to those in the original low-mass star clusters, we have demonstrated that we can statistically reproduce systems (aside from their magnetic field strength) by evolving a subset of SPH particles. Therefore, clumps such as these can be used as initial conditions to investigate the formation of isolated stars from less-contrived initial environments.

  • Circumgalactic Environments around Distant Quasars 3C 9 and 4C 05.84.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sanchit Sabhlok, Shelley A. Wright, Andrey Vayner, Sonata Simonaitis-Boyd, Norman Murray, Lee Armus, Maren Cosens, James Wiley, Mariska Kriek

    We present results from the ``Quasar hosts Unveiled by high Angular Resolution Techniques" (QUART) survey studying the Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) by observing rest-frame UV emission lines Ly$\alpha$, C IV and He II around two radio-loud quasars, 3C 9 (z=2.02) and 4C 05.84 (z=2.32), using Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI). We detect large-scale Ly$\alpha$ nebulae around both quasars with projected diameters $\sim$ 100 kpc, with spatially resolved, embedded 15-30 kpc He II and C IV nebulae around both quasars as well as kinematically distinct He II and C IV nebulae at a physical separation of $\sim$ 15 kpc from both quasars. Observations of H$\alpha$, H$\beta$, and [O III] emission using Keck MOSFIRE spectroscopically confirm that the Ly$\alpha$ nebulae extend to companion galaxies and that these quasars are in a protogroup/protocluster environment. We confirm that the He II and C IV emission is kinematically and spatially coincident with the companion galaxies. We estimate the virial masses of the companion galaxies, their metallicities, and star formation rates, and investigate the sources of ionization. We measure the dynamical mass of the host dark matter halos and estimate that the dark matter halos of these systems will grow to a mass of 2 $\times 10^{14}$ M$_{\odot}$ (3C 9) and 2 $\times 10^{13}$ M$_{\odot}$ (4C 05.84) by z=0. The combined CGM and companion galaxies observations indicate Ly$\alpha$ substructure can indicate the presence of companion galaxies in the CGM.

  • The ALMA-QUARKS survey: Detection of two extremely dense substructures in a massive prestellar core.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiaofeng Mai, Tie Liu, Xunchuan Liu, Lei Zhu, Guido Garay, Paul F. Goldsmith, Mika Juvela, Hongli Liu, Emma Mannfors, Emma Mannfors, Anandmayee Tej, Patricio Sanhueza, Shanghuo Li, Fengwei Xu, Enrique Vazquez Semadeni, Wenyu Jiao, Yaping Peng, T. Baug, Aiyuan Yang, Lokesh Dewangan, Leonardo Bronfman, Gilberto C. Gómez, Aina Palau, Chang Won Lee, Sheng-Li Qin, Ken'ichi Tatematsu, James O. Chibueze, Dongting Yang, Xing Lu, Qiuyi Luo, Qilao Gu, Namitha Issac, Suinan Zhang, Pak-Shing Li, Bo Zhang, L. Viktor Tóth

    Only a handful of massive starless core candidates have been discovered so far, but none of them have been fully confirmed. Within the MM1 clump in the filamentary infrared dark cloud G34.43+0.24 that was covered by the ALMA-ATOMS survey at Band 3 ($\sim2\arcsec$, 6000\,au) and the ALMA-QUARKS survey at Band 6 ($\sim 0.3\arcsec$, 900\,au), two prestellar core candidates MM1-C and E1 with masses of 71 and 20 \solarmass~and radii of 2100--4400\,au were discovered. The two cores show no obvious sign of star-formation activities. In particular, MM1-C is a very promising massive prestellar core candidate with a total gas mass of 71\,\solarmass. Within MM1-C, we detected two extremely dense substructures, C1 and C2, as characterized by their high densities of $\rm n_{H_2}\sim 10^{8-9} cm^{-3}$. Moreover, evidence of further fragmentation in C2 was also revealed. We have detected the primordial fragmentation in the earliest stage of massive star formation, and we speculate that MM1-C would be the birthplace of a massive multiple system. However, we cannot fully rule out the possibility that the massive prestellar core MM1-C will just form a cluster of low-mass stars if it undergoes further fragmentation.

  • Deuterium fractionation in cold dense cores in the low-mass star forming region L1688.- [PDF] - [Article]

    I. V. Petrashkevich, A. F. Punanova, P. Caselli, O. Sipilä, J. E. Pineda, R. K. Friesen, M. G. Korotaeva, A. I. Vasyunin

    In this work, we study deuterium fractionation in four starless cores in the low-mass star-forming region L1688 in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. We study how the deuterium fraction ($R_D$) changes with environment, compare deuteration of ions and neutrals, core centre and its envelope, and attempt to reproduce the observed results with a gas-grain chemical model. We chose high and low gas density tracers to study both core centre and the envelope. With the IRAM 30m antenna, we mapped N$_2$H$^+$(1-0), N$_2$D$^+$(1-0), H$^{13}$CO$^+$ (1-0) and (2-1), DCO$^+$(2-1), and $p$-NH$_2$D(1$_{11}$-1$_{01}$) towards the chosen cores. The missing $p$-NH$_3$ and N$_2$H$^+$(1-0) data were taken from the literature. To measure the molecular hydrogen column density, dust and gas temperature within the cores, we used the Herschel/SPIRE dust continuum emission data, the GAS survey data (ammonia), and the COMPLETE survey data to estimate the upper limit on CO depletion. We present the deuterium fraction maps for three species towards four starless cores. Deuterium fraction of the core envelopes traced by DCO$^+$/H$^{13}$CO$^+$ is one order of magnitude lower ($\sim$0.08) than that of the core central parts traced by the nitrogen-bearing species ($\sim$0.5). Deuterium fraction increases with the gas density as indicated by high deuterium fraction of high gas density tracers and low deuterium fraction of lower gas density tracers and by the decrease of $R_D$ with core radii, consistent with the predictions of the chemical model. Our model results show a good agreement with observations for $R_D$(N$_2$D$^+$/N$_2$H$^+$) and R$_D$(DCO$^+$/HCO$^+$) and underestimate the $R_D$(NH$_2$D/NH$_3$).

  • At the end of cosmic noon: Short gas depletion times in unobscured quasars at $z \sim$ 1.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Frias Castillo, M. Rybak, J. Hodge, P. van der Werf, L. J. Abbo, F. J. Ballieux, S. Ward, C. Harrison, G. Calistro Rivera, J. P. McKean, H. R. Stacey

    Unobscured quasars (QSOs) are predicted to be the final stage in the evolutionary sequence from gas-rich mergers to gas-depleted, quenched galaxies. Studies of this population, however, find a high incidence of far-infrared-luminous sources -suggesting significant dust-obscured star formation-but direct observations of the cold molecular gas fuelling this star formation are still necessary. We present a NOEMA study of CO(2-1) emission, tracing the cold molecular gas, in ten lensed z=1-1.5 unobscured QSOs. We detected CO(2-1) in seven of our targets, four of which also show continuum emission (\lambda_rest = 1.3mm). After subtracting the foreground galaxy contribution to the photometry, spectral energy distribution fitting yielded stellar masses of 10^9-11 M_\odot, with star formation rates of 25-160 M_\odot yr^-1 for the host galaxies. These QSOs have lower $L'_\mathrm{CO}$ than star-forming galaxies with the same L_IR, and show depletion times spanning a large range (50-900 Myr), but with a median of just 90 Myr. We find molecular gas masses in the range 2-40 x 10^9(alpha_CO/4) M_\odot, which suggest gas fractions above ~50% for most of the targets. Despite the presence of an unobscured QSO, the host galaxies are able to retain significant amounts of cold gas. However, with a median depletion time of ~90 Myr, the intense burst of star formation taking place in these targets will quickly deplete their molecular gas reservoirs in the absence of gas replenishment, resulting in a quiescent host galaxy. The non-detected QSOs are three of the four radio-loud QSOs in the sample, and their properties indicate that they are likely already transitioning into quiescence. Recent cosmological simulations tend to overestimate the depletion times expected for these z~1 QSO-host galaxies, which is likely linked to their difficulty producing starbursts across the general high-redshift galaxy population.

  • The Lockman-SpReSO project. Galactic flows in a sample of far-infrared galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mauro González-Otero, Carmen P. Padilla-Torres, J. Ignacio González-Serrano, Jordi Cepa, Ana María Pérez García, J. Jesús González, Erika Benítez, Ángel Bongiovanni, Miguel Cerviño, Irene Cruz-González, Jesús Gallego, Martín Herrera-Endoqui, Héctor J. Ibarra-Medel, Yair Krongold, Maritza A. Lara-López, Jakub Nadolny, C. Alenka Negrete, Ricardo Pérez-Martínez, Mirjana Povic, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Bernabé Cedrés José A. de Diego, Héctor Hernández-Toledo, Rocío Navarro Martínez

    Methods. We performed measurements of the \MgII, \MgI, \FeIIa, \FeIIb, and \FeIIc\ spectral lines present in the spectra of the selected sample to determine the EW and velocity of the flows observed in the star-forming galaxies. Subsequently, we conducted $10^7$ bootstrap simulations using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient ($\rho_s$) to explore correlations with galaxy properties. Furthermore, we calculated the covering factor, gas density, and optical depth for the measured \ion{Fe}{II} doublets. Results. Our analysis revealed strong correlations between the EW of \ion{Mg}{II} lines and both $M_{*}$ ($\rho_s=0.43$, 4.5$\sigma$) and SFR ($\rho_s=0.42$, 4.4$\sigma$). For the \ion{Fe}{II} lines, we observed strong correlations between the EW and SFR ($\rho_s\sim0.65$, $>3.9\sigma$), with a weaker correlation for $M_{*}$ ($\rho_s\sim0.35$, $>1.9\sigma$). No notable correlations were found between velocity measurements of \ion{Mg}{II} line and $M_{*}$, SFR, or sSFR of the objects ($\rho_s\sim0.1)$. However, a negative strong correlation was found between the velocity of the \ion{Fe}{II} lines and the SFR of the galaxies ($\rho_s\sim-0.45$, $\sim3\sigma$). Our results align with previous studies but studying FIR-selected objects. Finally, we detected a candidate \textit{loitering outflow}, a recently discovered subtype of FeLoBAL quasar, at redshift of $z=1.4399$, exhibiting emission in \ion{C}{III}] and low line velocities ($|v|\lesssim$ 200 km/s).

  • First spiral arm detection using dynamical mass measurements of the Milky Way disk.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Axel Widmark, Aneesh P. Naik

    We apply the vertical Jeans equation to the Milky Way disk, in order to study non-axisymmetric variations in the thin disk surface density. We divide the disk plane into area cells with a 100 pc grid spacing, and use four separate subsets of the Gaia DR3 stars, defined by cuts in absolute magnitude, reaching distances up to 3 kpc. The vertical Jeans equation is informed by the stellar number density field and the vertical velocity field; for the former, we use maps produced via Gaussian Process regression; for the latter, we use Bayesian Neural Network radial velocity predictions, allowing us to utilize the full power of the Gaia DR3 proper motion sample. For the first time, we find evidence of a spiral arm in the form of an over-density in the dynamically measured disk surface density, detected in all four data samples, which also agrees very well with the spiral arm as traced by stellar age and chemistry. We fit a simple spiral arm model to this feature, and infer a relative over-density of roughly 20 % and a width of roughly 400 pc. We also infer a thin disk surface density scale length of 3.3--4.2 kpc, when restricting the analysis to stars within a distance of 2 kpc.

  • Diverse molecular gas excitations in quasar host galaxies at z \sim 6.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jianan Li, Ran Wang, Antonio Pensabene, Fabian Walter, Bram P. Venemans, Roberto Decarli, Eduardo Bañados, Pierre Cox, Roberto Neri, Alain Omont, Zheng Cai, Yana Khusanova, Fuxiang Xu, Dominik Riechers, Jeff wagg, Yali Shao, Yuanqi Liu, Karl M. Menten, Qiong Li, Xiaohui Fan

    We present observations using the NOrthern Extended Millimetre Array (NOEMA) of CO and $\rm H_{2}O$ emission lines, and the underlying dust continuum in two quasars at $z \sim 6$, i.e., P215-16 at $z$ = 5.78 and J1429+5447 at $z$ = 6.18. Notably, among all published CO SLEDs of quasars at $z \sim 6$, the two systems reveal the highest and the lowest CO level of excitation, respectively. Our radiative transfer modeling of the CO SLED of P215-16 suggests that the molecular gas heated by AGN could be a plausible origin for the high CO excitation. For J1429+5447, we obtain the first well-sampled CO SLED (from transitions from 2-1 to 10-9) of a radio-loud quasar at $z\gtrsim 6$. Analysis of the CO SLED suggests that a single photo-dissociation region (PDR) component could explain the CO excitation in the radio-loud quasar J1429+5447. This work highlights the utility of the CO SLED in uncovering the ISM properties in these young quasar-starburst systems at the highest redshift. The diversity of the CO SLEDs reveals the complexities in gas conditions and excitation mechanisms at their early evolutionary stage.

  • North-South asymmetries in the Galactic thin disk associated with the vertical phase spiral as seen using LAMOST-Gaia stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jun Lin, Rui Guo, Sarah A. Bird, Haijun Tian, Chao Liu, Chris Flynn, Gaochao Liu, Sheng Cui

    We select 1,052,469 (754,635) thin disk stars from {\it Gaia} eDR3 and LAMOST DR7 in the range of Galactocentric radius $R$ (guiding center radius $R_\mathrm{g}$) from 8 to 11\,kpc to investigate the asymmetries between the North and South of the disk midplane. More specifically we analyze the vertical velocity dispersion profiles ($\sigma_{v_{z}}(z$)) in different bins of $R$ ($R_\mathrm{g}$) and $[\mathrm{Fe/H}]$. We find troughs in the profiles of $\sigma_{v_{z}}(z)$ located in both the North ($z \sim 0.7$\,kpc) and South ($z \sim -0.5$\,kpc) of the disk at all radial and chemical bins studied. The difference between the Northern and Southern vertical velocity dispersion profiles ($\Delta\sigma_{v_{z}}(|z|)$) shows a shift between curves of different $R$ and $R_\mathrm{g}$. A similar shift exists in these NS asymmetry profiles further divided into different $[\mathrm{Fe/H}]$ ranges. The sample binned with $R_\mathrm{g}$ more clearly displays the features in the velocity dispersion profiles. The shift in the peaks of the $\Delta\sigma_{v_{z}}$ profiles and the variation in the phase spiral shape binned by metallicity indicate the variation of the vertical potential profiles and the radial metallicity gradient. The wave-like signal in NS asymmetry of $\sigma_{v_{z}}(z)$ largely originates from phase spiral; while the NS asymmetry profiles of [Fe/H] only display a weak wave-like feature near solar radius. We perform a test particle simulation to qualitatively reproduce the observed results. A quantitative explanation of the NS asymmetry in the metallicity profile needs careful consideration of the spiral shape and the perturbation model, and we leave this for future work.

  • Decomposing galaxies with BANG: an automated morpho-kinematical decomposition of the SDSS-DR17 MaNGA survey.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Fabio Rigamonti, Massimo Dotti, Stefano Covino, Francesco Haardt, Luca Cortese, Marco Landoni, Ludovica Varisco

    From a purely photometric perspective galaxies are generally decomposed into a bulge+disc system, with bulges being dispersion-dominated and discs rotationally-supported. However, recent observations have demonstrated that such a framework oversimplifies complexity, especially if one considers galaxy kinematics. To address this issue we introduced with the GPU-based code \textsc{bang} a novel approach that employs analytical potential-density pairs as galactic components, allowing for a computationally fast, still reliable fit of the morphological and kinematic properties of galaxies. Here we apply \textsc{bang} to the SDSS-MaNGA survey, estimating key parameters such as mass, radial extensions, and dynamics, for both bulges and discs of +10,000 objects. We test our methodology against a smaller subsample of galaxies independently analysed with an orbit-based algorithm, finding agreement in the recovered total stellar mass. We also manage to reproduce well-established scaling relations, demonstrating how proper dynamical modelling can result in tighter correlations and provide corrections to standard approaches. Finally, we propose a more general way of decomposing galaxies into "hot" and "cold" components, showing a correlation with orbit-based approaches and visually determined morphological type. Unexpected tails in the "hot-to-total" mass-ratio distribution are present for galaxies of all morphologies, possibly due to visual morphology misclassifications.

  • HYPERION. Interacting companion and outflow in the most luminous $z>6$ quasar.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    R. Tripodi, J. Scholtz, R. Maiolino, S. Fujimoto, S. Carniani, J. D. Silverman, C. Feruglio, M. Ginolfi, L. Zappacosta, T. Costa, G. C. Jones, E. Piconcelli, M. Bischetti, F. Fiore

    We present ALMA deep observations of the [CII] 158 $\mu$m emission line and the continuum at 253 GHz and 99 GHz towards SDSS J0100+2802 at $z\simeq 6.3$, the most luminous quasi-stellar object (QSO) at z$>$6. J0100+2802 belongs to the HYPERION sample of luminous QSOs at $z\sim 6-7.5$. The observations (at 2.2" resolution in Band 3 and 0.9" resolution in Band 6) are optimized to detect extended emission around the QSO. We detect an interacting, tidally disrupted companion both in [CII], peaking at $z\sim 6.332$, and in continuum, stretching on scales up to 20 kpc from the quasar, with a knotty morphology. The higher velocity dispersion in the direction of the companion emission and the complex morphology of tidally stretched galaxy suggest a possible ongoing or future merger. For the newly-detected companion we derive a range of dust mass, $M_{\rm dust}=(0.3-2.6)\times 10^7\ \rm M_\odot$, and of star formation rate, SFR$=[35-344]\ \rm M_\odot$. This shows that both the QSO and its companion are gas rich and that a major merger may be at the origin of the boosted star formation. We also detect a broad blueshifted component in the [CII] spectrum, that we interpret as a gaseous outflow for which we estimate a mass outflow rate in the range $\dot{M}_{\rm out}=(118-269)\ \rm M_\odot\ yr^{-1}$. J0100+2802 was recently found to reside in a strong overdensity, however this close companion remained undetected by both previous higher resolution ALMA observations and by JWST-NIRCAM imaging. Our results highlight the importance of deep medium-resolution ALMA observations for the study of QSOs and their environment at the Epoch of Reionization.

  • Understanding the predication mechanism of deep learning through error propagation among parameters in strong lensing case.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xilong Fan, Peizheng Wang, Jin Li, Nan Yang

    The error propagation among estimated parameters reflects the correlation among the parameters. We study the capability of machine learning of "learning" the correlation of estimated parameters. We show that machine learning can recover the relation between the uncertainties of different parameters, especially, as predicted by the error propagation formula. Gravitational lensing can be used to probe both astrophysics and cosmology. As a practical application, we show that the machine learning is able to intelligently find the error propagation among the gravitational lens parameters (effective lens mass $M_{L}$ and Einstein radius $\theta_{E}$) in accordance with the theoretical formula for the singular isothermal ellipse (SIE) lens model. The relation of errors of lens mass and Einstein radius, (e.g. the ratio of standard deviations $\mathcal{F}=\sigma_{\hat{ M_{L}}}/ \sigma_{\hat{\theta_{E}}}$) predicted by the deep convolution neural network are consistent with the error propagation formula of SIE lens model. As a proof-of-principle test, a toy model of linear relation with Gaussian noise is presented. We found that the predictions obtained by machine learning indeed indicate the information about the law of error propagation and the distribution of noise. Error propagation plays a crucial role in identifying the physical relation among parameters, rather than a coincidence relation, therefore we anticipate our case study on the error propagation of machine learning predictions could extend to other physical systems on searching the correlation among parameters.

  • Panic at the ISCO: time-varying double-peaked broad lines from evolving accretion disks are common amongst optically variable AGN.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Charlotte Ward, Suvi Gezari, Peter Nugent, Matthew Kerr, Michael Eracleous, Sara Frederick, Erica Hammerstein, Matthew J. Graham, Sjoert van Velzen, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Russ R. Laher, Frank J. Masci, Josiah Purdum, Benjamin Racine, Roger Smith

    About 3-10\% of Type I active galactic nuclei (AGN) have double-peaked broad Balmer lines in their optical spectra originating from the motion of gas in their accretion disk. Double-peaked profiles arise not only in AGN, but occasionally appear during optical flares from tidal disruption events and changing-state AGN. In this paper we identify 250 double-peaked emitters (DPEs) amongst a parent sample of optically variable broad-line AGN in the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) survey, corresponding to a DPE fraction of 19\%. We model spectra of the broad H$\alpha$ emission line regions and provide a catalog of the fitted accretion disk properties for the 250 DPEs. Analysis of power spectra derived from the 5 year ZTF light curves finds that DPE light curves have similar amplitudes and power law indices to other broad-line AGN. Follow-up spectroscopy of 12 DPEs reveals that $\sim$50\% display significant changes in the relative strengths of their red and blue peaks over long $10-20$ year timescales, indicating that broad-line profile changes arising from spiral arm or hotspot rotation are common amongst optically variable DPEs. Analysis of the accretion disk parameters derived from spectroscopic modeling provides evidence that DPEs are not in a special accretion state, but are simply normal broad-line AGN viewed under the right conditions for the accretion disk to be easily visible. We include inspiraling SMBH binary candidate SDSSJ1430+2303 in our analysis, and discuss how its photometric and spectroscopic variability is consistent with the disk-emitting AGN population in ZTF.

  • MIDIS: JWST NIRCam and MIRI unveil the stellar population properties of Ly$\alpha$-emitters and Lyman-Break galaxies at z ~ 3-7.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Edoardo Iani, Karina I. Caputi, Pierluigi Rinaldi, Marianna Annunziatella, Leindert A. Boogaard, Göran Östlin, Luca Costantin, Steven Gillman, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Luis Colina, Gillian Wright, Almudena Alonso-Herrero, Javier Álvarez-Márquez, Arjan Bik, Sarah E. I. Bosman, Alejandro Crespo-Gómez, Andreas Eckart, Thomas R. Greve, Thomas K. Henning, Jens Hjorth, Iris Jermann, Alvaro Labiano, Danial Langeroodi, Jens Melinder, Thibaud Moutard, Florian Peissker, John P. Pye, Tuomo V. Tikkanen, Paul P. van der Werf, Fabian Walter, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Ewine F. van Dishoeck

    We study the stellar population properties of 182 spectroscopically-confirmed (MUSE/VLT) Lyman-$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) and 450 photometrically-selected Lyman-Break galaxies (LBGs) at z = 2.8 - 6.7 in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF). Leveraging the combined power of HST and JWST NIRCam and MIRI observations, we analyse their rest-frame UV-through-near-IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with MIRI playing a crucial role in robustly assessing the LAE's stellar mass and ages. Our LAEs are low-mass objects (log$_{10}$(M$_\star$[M$_\odot$]) ~ 7.5), with little or no dust extinction (E(B - V) ~ 0.1) and a blue UV continuum slope ($\beta$ ~ -2.2). While 75% of our LAEs are young (< 100 Myr), the remaining 25% have significantly older stellar populations (> 100 Myr). These old LAEs are statistically more massive, less extinct and have lower specific star formation rate (sSFR) compared to young LAEs. Besides, they populate the M$_\star$ - SFR plane along the main-sequence (MS) of star-forming galaxies, while young LAEs populate the starburst region. The comparison between the LAEs properties to those of a stellar-mass matched sample of LBGs shows no statistical difference between these objects, except for the LBGs redder UV continuum slope and marginally larger E(B - V) values. Interestingly, 48% of the LBGs have ages < 10 Myr and are classified as starbursts, but lack detectable Ly$\alpha$ emission. This is likely due to HI resonant scattering and/or selective dust extinction. Overall, we find that JWST observations are crucial in determining the properties of LAEs and shedding light on the properties and similarities between LAEs and LBGs.

  • Magnetic field amplification in cosmological zoom simulations from dwarf galaxies to galaxy groups.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ruediger Pakmor, Rebekka Bieri, Freeke van de Voort, Maria Werhahn, Azadeh Fattahi, Thomas Guillet, Christoph Pfrommer, Volker Springel, Rosie Y. Talbot

    Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the Universe. Recently, cosmological simulations of galaxies have successfully begun to incorporate magnetic fields and their evolution in galaxies and their haloes. However, so far they have mostly focused on Milky Way-like galaxies. Here we analyse a sample of high resolution cosmological zoom simulations of disc galaxies in haloes with mass $M_\mathrm{200c}$ from $10^{10}\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ to $10^{13}\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$, simulated with the Auriga galaxy formation model. We show that with sufficient numerical resolution the magnetic field amplification and saturation is converged. The magnetic field strength reaches equipartition with turbulent energy density for galaxies in haloes with $M_\mathrm{200c}\gtrsim 10^{11.5}\,\mathrm{M_\odot}$. For galaxies in less massive haloes, the magnetic field strength saturates at a fraction of equipartition that decreases with decreasing halo mass. For our lowest mass haloes, the magnetic field saturates significantly below $10\%$ of equipartition. We quantify the resolution we need to obtain converged magnetic field strengths and discuss our resolution requirements also in the context of the IllustrisTNG cosmological box simulations. We show that, at $z=0$, rotation-dominated galaxies in our sample exhibit for the most part an ordered large scale magnetic field, with fewer field reversals in more massive galaxies. Finally, we compare the magnetic fields in our cosmological galaxies at $z=0$ with simulations of isolated galaxies in a collapsing halo setup. Our results pave the way for detailed studies of cosmic rays and other physical processes in similar cosmological galaxy simulations that crucially depend on the strength and structure of magnetic fields.

  • The UNCOVER Survey: A First-Look HST+JWST Catalog of Galaxy Redshifts and Stellar Population Properties Spanning $0.2 \lesssim z \lesssim 15$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bingjie Wang, Joel Leja, Ivo Labbé, Rachel Bezanson, Katherine E. Whitaker, Gabriel Brammer, Lukas J. Furtak, John R. Weaver, Sedona H. Price, Adi Zitrin, Hakim Atek, Dan Coe, Sam E. Cutler, Pratika Dayal, Pieter van Dokkum, Robert Feldmann, Danilo Marchesini, Marijn Franx, Natascha Förster Schreiber, Seiji Fujimoto, Marla Geha, Karl Glazebrook, Anna de Graaff, Jenny E. Greene, Stéphanie Juneau, Susan Kassin, Mariska Kriek, Gourav Khullar, Michael Maseda, Lamiya A. Mowla, Adam Muzzin, Themiya Nanayakkara, Erica J. Nelson, Pascal A. Oesch, Camilla Pacifici, Richard Pan, Casey Papovich, David J. Setton, Alice E. Shapley, Renske Smit, Mauro Stefanon, Katherine A. Suess, Edward N. Taylor, Christina C. Williams

    The recent UNCOVER survey with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) exploits the nearby cluster Abell 2744 to create the deepest view of our universe to date by leveraging strong gravitational lensing. In this work, we perform photometric fitting of more than 50,000 robustly detected sources out to $z \sim 15$. We show the redshift evolution of stellar ages, star formation rates, and rest-frame colors across the full range of $0.2 \lesssim z \lesssim 15$. The galaxy properties are inferred using the \texttt{Prospector} Bayesian inference framework using informative \texttt{Prospector}-$\beta$ priors on masses and star formation histories to produce joint redshift and stellar population posteriors, and additionally lensing magnification is performed on-the-fly to ensure consistency with the scale-dependent priors. We show that this approach produces excellent photometric redshifts with $\sigma_{\rm NMAD} \sim 0.03$, of a similar quality to the established photometric redshift code \texttt{EAzY}. In line with the open-source scientific objective of the Treasury survey, we publicly release the stellar population catalog with this paper, derived from the photometric catalog adapting aperture sizes based on source profiles. This release includes posterior moments, maximum-likelihood spectra, star-formation histories, and full posterior distributions, offering a rich data set to explore the processes governing galaxy formation and evolution over a parameter space now accessible by JWST.

  • Quantifying the Effects of Known Unknowns on Inferred High-redshift Galaxy Properties: Burstiness, the IMF, and Nebular Physics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Bingjie Wang, Joel Leja, Hakim Atek, Ivo Labbe, Yijia Li, Rachel Bezanson, Gabriel Brammer, Sam E. Cutler, Pratika Dayal, Lukas J. Furtak, Jenny E. Greene, Vasily Kokorev, Richard Pan, Sedona H. Price, Katherine A. Suess, John R. Weaver, Katherine E. Whitaker, Christina C. Williams

    The era of the James Webb Space Telescope ushers stellar population models into uncharted territories, particularly at the high-redshift frontier. In a companion paper, we apply the \texttt{Prospector} Bayesian framework to jointly infer galaxy redshifts and stellar population properties from broad-band photometry as part of the UNCOVER survey. Here we present a comprehensive error budget in spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling. Using a sample selected to have photometric redshifts higher than 9, we quantify the systematic shifts stemming from various model choices in inferred stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), and age. These choices encompass different timescales for changes in the star formation history (SFH), non-universal stellar initial mass functions (IMF), and the inclusion of variable nebular abundances, gas density and ionizing photon budget. We find that the IMF exerts the strongest influence on the inferred properties: the systematic uncertainties can be as much as 1 dex, 2--5 times larger than the formal reported uncertainties in mass and SFR; and importantly, exceed the scatter seen when using different SED fitting codes. Although the assumptions on the lower end of the IMF induce degeneracy, our findings suggest that a common practice in the literature of assessing uncertainties in SED-fitting processes by comparing multiple codes is substantively underestimating the true systematic uncertainty. Highly stochastic SFHs change the inferred SFH by much larger than the formal uncertainties, and introduce $\sim 0.8$ dex systematics in SFR averaged over short time scale and $\sim 0.3$ dex systematics in average age. Finally, employing a flexible nebular emission model causes $\sim 0.2$ dex systematic increase in mass and SFR, comparable to the formal uncertainty. This paper constitutes an initial step toward a complete uncertainty estimate in SED modeling.

  • Detecting the tidal heating with the generic extreme-mass-ratio inspirals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tieguang Zi, Chang-Qing Ye, Peng-Cheng Li

    The horizon of a classical black hole, functioning as a one-way membrane, plays a vital role in the dynamic evolution of binary objects, capable of absorbing fluxes entirely. Tidal heating, stemming from this phenomenon, exerts a notable influence on the production of gravitational waves (GWs).This impact can be utilized for model-independent investigations into the nature of massive objects. In this paper, assuming that the extreme-mass-ratio inspiral (EMRI) contains a stellar-mass compact object orbiting around a massive exotic compact object (ECO) with a reflective surface, we compute the GWs from the generic EMRI orbits. Using the accurate and analytic flux formulas in the black hole spacetime, we adapted these formulas in the vicinity of the ECO surface by incorporating a reflectivity parameter. Under the adiabatic approximation, we can evolve the orbital parameters and compute the EMRI waveforms. The effect of tidal heating for the spinning and non-spinning objects can be used to constrain the reflectivity of the surface at the level of O(10^-4) by computing the mismatch and Fisher information matrix.

  • Covering factor of the dust-driven broad-line region clouds.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mohammad Hassan Naddaf, Bozena Czerny

    The origin of the broad-line region (BLR) clouds in active galactic nuclei is still under discussion. We develop a scenario in which the clouds in the outer, less ionized part of the BLR are launched by the radiation pressure acting on dust. Most of the outflow forms a failed wind, so we refer to it as failed radiatively accelerated dusty outflow (FRADO), but, for a certain parameter range, actual outflow also takes place. We aim to test the model predictions. In this paper, we present the calculation of the angular distribution of clouds and the net covering factor as this affects the fraction of radiation that can be intercepted and reprocessed in the form of the H-beta or MgII emission line. The results reveal that the covering factor is intricately linked to the mass, accretion rate, and metallicity of the clouds. Notably, as these parameters increase, so does the covering factor, shedding light on the dynamic interplay between the central engine and the surrounding material in AGNs.

  • Carbon envelopes around merging galaxies at z ~ 4.5.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    C. Di Cesare, M. Ginolfi, L. Graziani, R. Schneider, M. Romano, G. Popping

    Galaxies evolve through a dynamic exchange of material with their immediate surrounding environment, the circumgalactic medium (CGM). Understanding the physics of gas flows and the nature of the CGM is thus fundamental to studying galaxy evolution, especially at $4 \leq z \leq 6$ when galaxies rapidly assembled their masses and reached their chemical maturity. Galactic outflows are predicted to enrich the CGM with metals, although gas stripping in systems undergoing a major merger has also been suggested to play a role. In this work, we explore the metal enrichment of the medium around merging galaxies at $z\sim4.5$, observed by the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [CII] at Early times (ALPINE) survey. To do so, we study the nature of the [CII]158 $\mu$m emission in the CGM around these systems, using simulations to help disentangle the mechanisms contributing to the CGM metal pollution. By adopting an updated classification of major merger systems in the ALPINE survey, we select and analyse merging galaxies whose components can be spatially and/or spectrally resolved in a robust way. In this way, we can distinguish between the [CII] emission coming from the single components of the system and that coming from the system as a whole. We also make use of the dustyGadget cosmological simulation to select synthetic analogues of observed galaxies and guide the interpretation of the observational results. We find a large diffuse [CII] envelope (> 20 kpc) embedding all the merging systems, with around 50% of the total [CII] emission coming from the medium between the galaxies. Using predictions from dustyGadget we suggest that this emission has a two-fold nature: it is due to both dynamical interactions between the galaxies which result in tidal stripped gas and the presence of star-forming satellites (currently unresolved by ALMA) that enrich the medium with heavy elements.

  • The Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41: Gas Properties, Kinematics, and Cluster Formation at the Nexus of Filamentary Flows.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vineet Rawat, M. R. Samal, D. L. Walker, D.K. Ojha, A. Tej, A. Zavagno, C.P. Zhang, Davide Elia, S. Dutta, J. Jose, C. Eswaraiah, E. Sharma, (2) Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, (3) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, (4) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, (5) Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), (6) Aix-Marseille Universite, (7) Institut Universitaire de France, (8) National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (9) Guizhou Radio Astronomical Observatory, Guizhou University, (10) Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, (11) Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, (12) Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati)

    Filamentary flows toward the centre of molecular clouds have been recognized as a crucial process in the formation and evolution of stellar clusters. In this paper, we present a comprehensive observational study that investigates the gas properties and kinematics of the Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41 using the observations of CO (1-0) isotopologues. We find that the cloud is massive (10$^5$ M$_\odot$) and is one of the most massive clouds of the outer Galaxy. We identified six likely velocity coherent filaments in the cloud having length, width, and mass in the range of 14$-$38 pc, 2.5$-$4.2 pc, and (1.3$-$6.9) $\times$ 10$^3$ M$_\odot$, respectively. We find that the filaments are converging towards the central area of the cloud, and the longitudinal accretion flows along the filaments are in the range of $\sim$ 26$-$264 M$_\odot$ Myr$^{-1}$. The cloud has fragmented into 7 clumps having mass in the range of $\sim$ 260$-$2100 M$_\odot$ and average size around $\sim$ 1.4 pc, out of which the most massive clump is located at the hub of the filamentary structures, near the geometric centre of the cloud. Three filaments are found to be directly connected to the massive clump and transferring matter at a rate of $\sim$ 675 M$_\odot$ Myr$^{-1}$. The clump hosts a near-infrared cluster. Our results show that large-scale filamentary accretion flows towards the central region of the collapsing cloud is an important mechanism for supplying the matter necessary to form the central high-mass clump and subsequent stellar cluster.

  • Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. IV. Guests in the outer Solar System.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Maryna Ishchenko, Peter Berczik, Margarita Sobolenko

    The present epoch of the Gaia success gives us a possibility to predict the dynamical evolution of our Solar System in the global Galactic framework with high precision. We statistically investigated the total interaction of globular clusters with the Solar System during six billion years of look-back time. We estimated the gravitational influence of globular clusters' flyby onto the Oort cloud system. To perform the realistic orbital dynamical evolution for each individual cluster, we used our own high-order parallel dynamical $N$ body $\varphi$-GPU code that we developed. To reconstruct the orbital trajectories of clusters, we used five external dynamical time variable galactic potentials selected from the IllustrisTNG-100 cosmological database and one static potential. To detect a cluster's close passages near the Solar System, we adopted a simple distance criterion of below 200 pc. To take into account a cluster's measurement errors (based on Gaia DR3), we generated 1000 initial positions and velocity randomizations for each cluster in each potential. We found 35 globular clusters that have had close passages near the Sun in all the six potentials during the whole lifetime of the Solar System. We can conclude that at a relative distance of 50 pc between a GC and the SolS, we obtain on average $\sim 15$\% of the close passage probability over all six billion years, and at $dR=100$ pc, we get on average $\sim 35$\% of the close passage probability over all six billion years. The globular clusters BH_140, UKS_1, and Djorg_1 have a mean minimum relative distance to the Sun of 9, 19, and 17 pc, respectively. We can assume that a globular cluster with close passages near the Sun is not a frequent occurrence but also not an exceptional event in the Solar System's lifetime.


  • FlopPITy: Enabling self-consistent exoplanet atmospheric retrievals with machine learning.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francisco Ardévol Martínez, Michiel Min, Daniela Huppenkothen, Inga Kamp, Paul I. Palmer

    Interpreting the observations of exoplanet atmospheres to constrain physical and chemical properties is typically done using Bayesian retrieval techniques. Because these methods require many model computations, a compromise is made between model complexity and run time. Reaching this compromise leads to the simplification of many physical and chemical processes (e.g. parameterised temperature structure). Here we implement and test sequential neural posterior estimation (SNPE), a machine learning inference algorithm, for exoplanet atmospheric retrievals. The goal is to speed up retrievals so they can be run with more computationally expensive atmospheric models, such as those computing the temperature structure using radiative transfer. We generate 100 synthetic observations using ARCiS (ARtful Modeling Code for exoplanet Science, an atmospheric modelling code with the flexibility to compute models in varying degrees of complexity) and perform retrievals on them to test the faithfulness of the SNPE posteriors. The faithfulness quantifies whether the posteriors contain the ground truth as often as we expect. We also generate a synthetic observation of a cool brown dwarf using the self-consistent capabilities of ARCiS and run a retrieval with self-consistent models to showcase the possibilities that SNPE opens. We find that SNPE provides faithful posteriors and is therefore a reliable tool for exoplanet atmospheric retrievals. We are able to run a self-consistent retrieval of a synthetic brown dwarf spectrum using only 50,000 forward model evaluations. We find that SNPE can speed up retrievals between $\sim2\times$ and $\geq10\times$ depending on the computational load of the forward model, the dimensionality of the observation, and the signal-to-noise ratio of the observation. We make the code publicly available for the community on Github.

  • Equations of State, Thermodynamics, and Miscibility Curves for Jovian Planet and Giant Exoplanet Evolutionary Models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Yubo Su, Ankan Sur, Adam Burrows

    The equation of state of hydrogen-helium (H-He) mixtures plays a vital role in the evolution and structure of gas giant planets and exoplanets. Recent equations of state that account for hydrogen-helium interactions, coupled with hydrogen-helium immiscibility curves, can now produce more physical evolutionary models, such as accounting for helium rain with greater fidelity than in the past. In this work, we present a set of tools for planetary evolution\footnote{Available at \url{}} that provides a Python interface for tables of useful thermodynamic quantities, state-of-the-art H-He equations of state, and pressure-dependent immiscibility curves. In particular, for a collection of independent variable choices, we provide scripts to calculate a variety of thermodynamic derivatives used to model convection and energy transport. This centralized resource is meant to facilitate and consolidate giant planet structural and evolutionary modeling going forward.

  • Coronagraphic Data Post-processing Using Projections on Instrumental Modes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yinzi Xin, Laurent Pueyo, Romain Laugier, Leonid Pogorelyuk, Ewan S. Douglas, Benjamin J. S. Pope, Kerri L. Cahoy

    Directly observing exoplanets with coronagraphs is impeded by the presence of speckles from aberrations in the optical path, which can be mitigated in hardware with wavefront control as well as in post-processing. This work explores using an instrument model in post-processing to separate astrophysical signals from residual aberrations in coronagraphic data. The effect of wavefront error (WFE) on the coronagraphic intensity consists of a linear contribution and a quadratic contribution. When either of the terms is much larger than the other, the instrument response can be approximated by a transfer matrix mapping WFE to detector plane intensity. From this transfer matrix, a useful projection onto instrumental modes that removes the dominant error modes can be derived. We apply this projection to synthetically generated Roman Space Telescope hybrid Lyot coronagraph (HLC) data to extract "robust observables," which can be used instead of raw data for applications such as detection testing. The projection improves planet flux ratio detection limits by about 28% in the linear regime and by over a factor of 2 in the quadratic regime, illustrating that robust observables can increase sensitivity to astrophysical signals and improve the scientific yield from coronagraphic data. While this approach does not require additional information such as observations of reference stars or modulations of a deformable mirror, it can and should be combined with these other techniques, acting as a model-informed prior in an overall post-processing strategy.

  • Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) Phase II Deployment and Commissioning.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lindsay M. Berkhout, Daniel C. Jacobs, Zuhra Abdurashidova, Tyrone Adams, James E. Aguirre, Paul Alexander, Zaki S. Ali, Rushelle Baartman, Yanga Balfour, Adam P. Beardsley, Gianni Bernardi, Tashalee S. Billings, Judd D. Bowman, Richard F. Bradley, Philip Bull, Jacob Burba, Steven Carey, Chris L. Carilli, Kai-Feng Chen, Carina Cheng, Samir Choudhuri, David R. DeBoer, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Matt Dexter, Joshua S. Dillon, Scott Dynes, Nico Eksteen, John Ely, Aaron Ewall-Wice, Nicolas Fagnoni, Randall Fritz, Steven R. Furlanetto, Kingsley Gale-Sides, Hugh Garsden, Bharat Kumar Gehlot, Abhik Ghosh, Brian Glendenning, Adelie Gorce, Deepthi Gorthi, Bradley Greig, Jasper Grobbelaar, Ziyaad Halday, Bryna J. Hazelton, Jacqueline N. Hewitt, Jack Hickish, Tian Huang, Alec Josaitis, Austin Julius, MacCalvin Kariseb, et al. (47 additional authors not shown)

    This paper presents the design and deployment of the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) phase II system. HERA is designed as a staged experiment targeting 21 cm emission measurements of the Epoch of Reionization. First results from the phase I array are published as of early 2022, and deployment of the phase II system is nearing completion. We describe the design of the phase II system and discuss progress on commissioning and future upgrades. As HERA is a designated Square Kilometer Array (SKA) pathfinder instrument, we also show a number of "case studies" that investigate systematics seen while commissioning the phase II system, which may be of use in the design and operation of future arrays. Common pathologies are likely to manifest in similar ways across instruments, and many of these sources of contamination can be mitigated once the source is identified.

  • Design study and spectroscopic performance of SOI pixel detector with a pinned depleted diode structure for X-ray astronomy.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Masataka Yukumoto, Koji Mori, Ayaki Takeda, Yusuke Nishioka, Syuto Yonemura, Daisuke Izumi, Uzuki Iwakiri, Takeshi G. Tsuru, Ikuo Kurachi, Kouichi Hagino, Yasuo Arai, Takayoshi Kohmura, Takaaki Tanaka, Miraku Kimura, Yuta Fuchita, Taiga Yoshida, Tomonori Ikeda

    We have been developing silicon-on-insulator (SOI) pixel detectors with a pinned depleted diode (PDD) structure, named "XRPIX", for X-ray astronomy. The PDD structure is formed in a thick p-type substrate, to which high negative voltage is applied to make it fully depleted. A pinned p-well is introduced at the backside of the insulator layer to reduce a dark current generation at the Si-SiO$_{2}$ interface and to fix the back-gate voltage of the SOI transistors. An n-well is further introduced between the p-well and the substrate to make a potential barrier between them and suppress a leakage current. An optimization study on the n-well dopant concentration is necessary because a higher dopant concentration could result in a higher potential barrier but also in a larger sense-node capacitance leading to a lower spectroscopic performance, and vice versa. Based on a device simulation, we fabricated five candidate chips having different n-well dopant concentrations. We successfully found out the best n-well design, which suppressed a large leakage current and showed satisfactory X-ray spectroscopic performance. Too low and too high n-well dopant concentration chips showed a large leakage current and degraded X-ray spectroscopic performance, respectively. We also found that the dependency of X-ray spectroscopic performance on the n-well dopant concentration can be largely explained by the difference in sense-node capacitance.

  • Direction dependent calibration with diffuse radio sky models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sarod Yatawatta

    A fundamental assumption of the data model used in radio interferometric calibration is that the sky model only consists of compact and discrete radio sources. This assumption breaks down when there are large scale diffuse structure such as the Galaxy visible in the observed data. No straightforward method currently exists to include such large scale diffuse structure in calibration and only indirect techniques such as excluding short baselines or filtering are used in practice as a remedy. In this paper, we propose a novel mechanism to include large scale diffuse sky models into direction dependent calibration of radio interferometers. We extend distributed calibration of radio interferometric data with both spectral and spatial regularization to include models for diffuse emission. We use shapelet basis functions to model both the diffuse sky structure as well as the spatial variation of systematic errors. The application of the direction dependent errors onto the diffuse sky is done in closed form using specific properties of shapelet basis functions, avoiding the need for expensive operations such as convolution. We provide extensive simulations showing the efficacy of our proposed method. We are able to overcome a major problem faced by existing calibration techniques, i.e., the suppression of large scale diffuse structure by not properly modeling such structure in calibration.

  • Development and validation of a cryogenic far-infrared diffraction grating spectrometer used to post-disperse the output from a Fourier transform spectrometer.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alicia M. Anderson, David A. Naylor, Brad G. Gom, Matthew A. Buchan, Adam J. Christiansen, Ian T. Veenendaal

    Recent advances in far-infrared detector technology have led to increases in raw sensitivity of more than an order of magnitude over previous state-of-the-art detectors. With such sensitivity, photon noise becomes the dominant noise component, even when using cryogenically cooled optics, unless a method of restricting the spectral bandpass is employed. The leading instrument concept features reflecting diffraction gratings which post-disperse the light that has been modulated by a polarizing Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) onto a detector array, thereby reducing the photon noise on each detector. This paper discusses the development of a cryogenic (4 K) diffraction grating spectrometer which operates over the wavelength range from \SIrange{285}{500}{\micro \meter} and was used to post-disperse the output from a room-temperature polarizing FTS. Measurements of the grating spectral response and diffraction efficiency are presented as a function of both wavelength and polarization to characterize the instrumental performance.

  • Ground-Based Photometric Follow-up for Exoplanet Detections with the PLATO Mission.- [PDF] - [Article]

    H.J. Deeg, R. Alonso, (2) Universidad de La Laguna)

    Detections of transiting planets from the upcoming PLATO mission are expected to face significant contamination from contaminating eclipsing binaries, resulting in false positives. To counter this, a ground-based programme to acquire time-critical photometry is pursued. Its principal aim is to obtain time-series observations of the planet candidate and its surrounding stars at the times of expected transits. This programme is part of the PLATO Ground-based Observations Programme, which also covers spectroscopic and imaging observations. The current photometric follow-up programme is assembling the required observational resources, executing benchmark observations, and defining strategies for the observations and their reporting. Post-launch, it will focus on coordinating photometric data collection and analysis, and will update candidate statuses in the PLATO follow-up database. Its work packages are outlined, covering specific tools, citizen contributions, standard and multi-colour observations, secondary eclipses, and reprocessing of archival photometry. Ground-based follow-up photometry will likely concentrate on longer-period candidates, given that false positives of short-period candidates will likely become identifiable in timeseries available from GAIA in the near future. Geographical considerations for follow-up observations from the first PLATO long-observation field LOPS2 are outlined, which lies in the southern hemisphere, with later fields expected to be more suitable for northern observers.

  • Quantitative grain size estimation on airless bodies from the negative polarization branch. I. Insights from experiments and lunar observations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yoonsoo P. Bach, Masateru Ishiguro, Jun Takahashi, Jooyeon Geem, Daisuke Kuroda, Hiroyuki Naito, Jungmi Kwon

    This work explores characteristics of the negative polarization branch (NPB), which occurs in scattered light from rough surfaces, with particular focus on the effects of fine particles. Factors such as albedo, compression, roughness, and the refractive index are considered to determine their influence on the NPB. This study compiles experimental data and lunar observations to derive insights from a wide array of literature. Employing our proposed methodology, we estimate the representative grain sizes on the lunar surface to be $D \sim 1 \mathrm{-} 2 \mathrm{\mu m}$, with $D \lesssim 2 \mathrm{-} 4 \mathrm{\mu m}$, consistent with observed grain size frequency distributions in laboratory settings for lunar fines. Considering Mars, we propose that the finest particles are likely lacking ($D\gg 10 \mathrm{\mu m}$), which matches previous estimations. This study highlights the potential of multiwavelength, particularly near-infrared, polarimetry for precisely gauging small particles on airless celestial bodies. The conclusions provided here extend to cross-validation with grain sizes derived from thermal modeling, asteroid taxonomic classification, and regolith evolution studies.

  • AstroInformatics: Recommendations for Global Cooperation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ashish Mahabal, Pranav Sharma, Rana Adhikari, Mark Allen, Stefano Andreon, Varun Bhalerao, Federica Bianco, Anthony Brown, S. Bradley Cenko, Paula Coehlo, Jeffery Cooke, Daniel Crichton, Chenzhou Cui, Reinaldo de Carvalho, Richard Doyle, Laurent Eyer, Bernard Fanaroff, Christopher Fluke, Francisco Forster, Kevin Govender, Matthew J. Graham, Renée Hložek, Puji Irawati, Ajit Kembhavi, Juna Kollmeier, Alberto Krone-Martins, Shri Kulkarni, Giuseppe Longo, Vanessa McBride, Jess McIver, Sanjit Mitra, Timo Prusti, A. N. Ramaprakash, Eswar Reddy, David H. Reitze, Reinaldo R. Rosa, Rafael Santos, Kazuhiro Sekiguchi, Kartik Sheth, Seetha Somasundaram, Tarun Souradeep, R. Srianand, Annapurni Subramaniam, Alex Szalay, Shriharsh Tendulkar, Laura Trouille, Yogesh Wadadekar, Patricia Whitelock

    Policy Brief on "AstroInformatics, Recommendations for Global Collaboration", distilled from panel discussions during S20 Policy Webinar on Astroinformatics for Sustainable Development held on 6-7 July 2023. The deliberations encompassed a wide array of topics, including broad astroinformatics, sky surveys, large-scale international initiatives, global data repositories, space-related data, regional and international collaborative efforts, as well as workforce development within the field. These discussions comprehensively addressed the current status, notable achievements, and the manifold challenges that the field of astroinformatics currently confronts. The G20 nations present a unique opportunity due to their abundant human and technological capabilities, coupled with their widespread geographical representation. Leveraging these strengths, significant strides can be made in various domains. These include, but are not limited to, the advancement of STEM education and workforce development, the promotion of equitable resource utilization, and contributions to fields such as Earth Science and Climate Science. We present a concise overview, followed by specific recommendations that pertain to both ground-based and space data initiatives. Our team remains readily available to furnish further elaboration on any of these proposals as required. Furthermore, we anticipate further engagement during the upcoming G20 presidencies in Brazil (2024) and South Africa (2025) to ensure the continued discussion and realization of these objectives. The policy webinar took place during the G20 presidency in India (2023). Notes based on the seven panels will be separately published.

  • Benefit of enhanced electrostatic and optical accelerometry for future gravimetry missions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexey Kupriyanov, Arthur Reis, Manuel Schilling, Vitali Müller, Jürgen Müller

    Twenty years of gravity observations from various satellite missions have provided unique data about mass redistribution processes in the Earth system. This paper studies the benefit of enhanced electrostatic and novel optical accelerometers and gradiometers for the future gravimetry missions. One of the limiting factors in the current space gravimetry missions is the drift of the Electrostatic Accelerometers (EA). This study focuses on the modeling of enhanced EAs with laser-interferometric readout, so called 'optical accelerometers', and on evaluating their performance for gravity field recovery in future satellite missions. In this paper, we simulate gravimetry missions in multiple scopes, applying the various software modules for satellite dynamics integration, accelerometer (ACC) and gradiometer simulation and gravity field recovery. The total noise budget of the modeled enhanced Electrostatic and optical ACCs show a similar sensitivity as the ACC concepts from other research groups. Parametrization w.r.t. ACCs test mass (TM) weight and the gap between the test mass and surrounding electrode housing confirmed previously known results that an ACC with a heavier TM and larger gap will have better performance. Our results suggest that the anticipated gain of novel ACCs might at some point be potentially limited by noise from the inter-satellite laser ranging interferometry. In order to present the advantage of the novel sensors, time-variable background models and associated aliasing errors were not considered in our simulations. Utilization of enhanced EA and optical ACC show a significant improvement of accuracy w.r.t. current GRACE-like EA. Also, their benefit in double satellite pairs in a so called 'Bender' constellations as well as in the combination of low-low satellite-to-satellite tracking with cross-track gradiometry has been simulated.


  • The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity IV: Linearised Gravity Around Schwarzschild -- An Overview.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leonhard Kehrberger

    This paper is the fourth in a series dedicated to the mathematically rigorous asymptotic analysis of gravitational radiation under astrophysically realistic setups. It provides an overview of the physical ideas involved in setting up the mathematical problem, the mathematical challenges that need to be overcome once the problem is posed, as well as the main new results we obtain in the companion paper [KM24]. From the physical perspective, this includes a discussion of how Post-Newtonian theory provides a prediction on the gravitational radiation emitted by $N$ infalling masses from the infinite past in the intermediate zone, i.e. up to some finite advanced time. From the mathematical perspective, we then take this prediction, together with the condition that there be no incoming radiation from $\mathcal{I}^-$, as a starting point to set up a scattering problem for the linearised Einstein vacuum equations around Schwarzschild and near spacelike infinity, and we outline how to solve this scattering problem and obtain the asymptotic properties of the scattering solution near $i^0$ and $\mathcal{I}^+$. The full mathematical details are presented in the companion paper [KM24].

  • The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity V: Early-Time Asymptotics of Linearised Gravity Around Schwarzschild for Fixed Spherical Harmonic Modes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Leonhard Kehrberger, Hamed Masaood

    Starting from Post-Newtonian predictions for a system of $N$ infalling masses from the infinite past, we formulate and solve a scattering problem for the system of linearised gravity around Schwarzschild as introduced in [DHR19]. The scattering data are posed on a null hypersurface $\mathcal C$ emanating from a section of past null infinity $\mathcal I^-$, and on the part of $\mathcal I^-$ that lies to the future of this section: Along $\mathcal C$, we implement the Post-Newtonian theory-inspired hypothesis that the gauge-invariant components of the Weyl tensor $\alpha$ and $\underline{\alpha}$ (a.k.a. $\Psi_0$ and $\Psi_4$) decay like $r^{-3}$, $r^{-4}$, respectively, and we exclude incoming radiation from $\mathcal I^-$ by demanding the News function to vanish along $\mathcal I^-$. We also show that compactly supported gravitational perturbations along $\mathcal I^-$ induce very similar data, with $\alpha$, $\underline{\alpha}$ decaying like $r^{-3}$, $r^{-5}$ along $\mathcal C$. After constructing the unique solution to this scattering problem, we provide a complete analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of projections onto fixed spherical harmonic number $\ell$ near spacelike $i^0$ and future null infinity $\mathcal I^+$. Using our results, we also give constructive corrections to popular historical notions of asymptotic flatness such as Bondi coordinates or asymptotic simplicity. In particular, confirming earlier heuristics due to Damour and Christodoulou, we find that the peeling property is violated both near $\mathcal I^-$ and near $\mathcal I^+$, with e.g. $\alpha$ near $\mathcal I^+$ only decaying like $r^{-4}$ instead of $r^{-5}$. We also find that the resulting solution decays slower towards $i^0$ than often assumed, with $\alpha$ decaying like $r^{-3}$ towards $i^0$. The issue of summing up the fixed angular mode estimates in $\ell$ is dealt with in forthcoming work.

  • Amplification of genuine tripartite nonlocality and entanglement in the Schwarzschild spacetime under decoherence.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chunyao Liu, Zhengwen Long, Qiliang He

    We investigate the amplification of the genuine tripartite nonlocality (GTN) and the genuine tripartite entanglement (GTE) of Dirac particles in the background of a Schwarzschild black hole by a local filtering operation under decoherence. It is shown that both the physically accessible GTN and the physically accessible GTE are decreased by the Hawking effect and decoherence. The "sudden" death of the physically accessible GTN occurs at some critical Hawking temperature, and the critical Hawking temperature degrades as the decoherence strength increases. In particular, it is found that the critical Hawking temperature of "sudden death" can be prolonged by applying the local filtering operation, which means that the physically accessible GTN can exist for a longer time. Furthermore, we also find that the physically accessible GTE approaches to the nonzero stable value in the limit of infinite Hawking temperature for most cases, but if the decoherence parameter p is less than 1, the "sudden death" of GTE will take place when the decoherence strength is large enough. It is worth noting that the nonzero stable value of GTE can be increased by performing the local filtering operation, even in the presence of decoherence. Finally, we explore the generation of physically inaccessible GTN and GTE of other tripartite subsystems under decoherence, it is shown that the physically inaccessible GTN cannot be produced, but the physically inaccessible GTE can be produced, namely, GTE can pass through the event horizon of black hole, but the GTN cannot do it. In addition, we can see that the generated physically inaccessible GTE can be increased by applying the local filtering operation, even if the system suffers decoherence.

  • Non-singular cosmology from non-supersymmetric AdS instability conjecture.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cao H. Nam

    We show that the non-supersymmetric AdS instability conjecture can point to how quantum gravity removes the initial Big Bang singularity, leading to a potential resolution for the past-incomplete inflationary universe. From the constraints on the dynamics of the universe realized as the nucleation of a thin-wall bubble mediating the decay of the non-supersymmetric AdS vacuum, we find the critical temperature $T_c$ and the critical scale factor $a_c$ for which the universe exists. These critical quantities are all finite and determined in terms of the parameters specifying the stringy 10D AdS vacuum solutions. Additionally, we derive the prediction of quantum gravity for $T_c$ and $a_c$ relying on the inflationary observations.

  • Characteristic Gluing with $\Lambda$: II. Linearised equations in higher dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wan Cong, Piotr T. Chruściel, Finnian Gray

    We prove a gluing theorem for linearised vacuum gravitational fields in Bondi gauge on a class of characteristic hypersurfaces in static vacuum $(n+1)$-dimensional backgrounds with cosmological constant $ \Lambda \in \mathbb{R}$, $n\ge 4$. This generalises, in the linearised case, the pioneering analysis of Aretakis, Czimek and Rodnianski, carried-out on light cones in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.

  • Detecting dark matter with extreme mass-ratio inspirals.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chao Zhang, Guoyang Fu, Ning Dai

    Extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs), where a small compact object inspiralls onto a supermassive black hole, are excellent sources for the space-based laser interferometer gravitational wave (GW) detectors. The presence of dark matter surrounding the supermassive black hole will influence the binary orbital evolution and emitted gravitational waveform. By direct observation of GW signals, we assess the detector's capability to detect whether an EMRI is immersed in a dark matter halo and to measure its characteristic spatial scale $a_0$ and mass $M_{\rm halo}$. Apart from the GW emission, the dynamical friction and accretion caused by the dark matter halo can also affect the dynamics of an EMRI, leaving detectable signatures in the emitted gravitational signal. We perform a Fisher-matrix error analysis to estimate the errors of parameters $a_0$ and $M_{\rm halo}$, as well as their correlation. The results show that the highly correlated parameters $a_0$ and $M_{\rm halo}$ deteriorate the detector's ability to measure dark matter even though the dephasing and mismatch between signals with and without dark matter indicate much difference. The effects of the dynamical friction and accretion can break possible degeneracies between parameters $a_0$ and $M_{\rm halo}$, thus greatly decreasing the uncertainty by about one order of magnitude.

  • Firewalls from wormholes in higher genus.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hamed Zolfi

    An old black hole can tunnel into a white hole/ firewall by emitting large baby universes. This phenomenon was investigated in Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity for genus one. In this paper, the focus is on higher genus corresponding to emitting more than one baby universe ($n > 1$). The probability of encountering a firewall or tunneling into a white hole after emitting $n$ baby universes is proportional to $e^{-2nS(E)}e^{4 \pi \sqrt{E}(n-1)}E^{2n^2-n-9/2}t^{4n^2-2n-5}$, where $t$ is the age of the black hole, and $S$ and $E$ represent the entropy and energy of the black hole, respectively.

  • Raychaudhuri equations, Tidal forces and Weak field Limit in Schwarzshild-Finsler-Randers spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Triantafyllopoulos, E. Kapsabelis, P. C. Stavrinos

    In this article, we study the form of deviation of geodesics (tidal forces) and Raychaudhuri equation in a Schwarzshild-Finsler-Randers (SFR) spacetime which has been investigated in previous papers. This model is obtained by considering the structure of a Lorentz tangent bundle of spacetime and in particular the kind of the curvatures in generalized metric spaces where there is more than one curvature tensor, such as Finsler-like spacetimes. In these cases, the concept of the Raychaudhuri equation is extended with extra terms and degrees of freedom from the dependence of internal variables as the velocity or an anisotropic vector field. Additionally, we investigate some consequences of the weak field limit on the spacetime under consideration and study the Newtonian limit equations which include a generalization of the Poisson equation.

  • Essential role of destructive interference in the gravitationally induced entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aiham M. Rostom

    The gravitationally induced entanglement is a type of quantum entanglement that can be generated between two mesoscopic particles using their Newtonian gravitational interaction. It has attracted a great deal of attention as a new platform for studying quantum aspects of gravity. The present paper analyzes the gravitationally induced entanglement as a pure interference effect and shows that the entanglement is induced solely by a sign change associated with the destructive quantum interference. It is also shown that when the entanglement is non-maximal, the preparation for destructive interference for one of the particles can recover a maximum visibility interference pattern for the other particle. Therefore, the non-maximally entangled state can be extremely effective for experimental testing since it can help in reducing requirements (on masses of the particles and their interaction duration, separation distances and sources) and preserve the information about entanglement at the same time. As a result, the improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio is demonstrated and a parameter that determines minimal requirements for experimental testing is defined.

  • Spacetime Foam and Solution of the Cosmological Constant Problem.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexander I Nesterov

    The cosmological constant problem is a fundamental issue that has puzzled researchers in the fields of theoretical physics and cosmology for a long time. It arises from the discrepancy between the observed value of the cosmological constant and the value predicted by quantum field theory. A new spacetime model based on nonassociative geometry and statistical physics of complex networks offers a fresh perspective on the problem. Our research indicates that spacetime topology plays a crucial role in solving the cosmological constant problem and addressing the dark energy issue. We discovered that spacetime foam significantly impacts the effective cosmological constant, which is determined by the density of topological geons. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the source of dark energy is topological geons

  • Dirac stars in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Yu Zhang, Li-Zhao, Yong-Qiang Wang

    In this paper, we construct the Dirac stars model composed of two Dirac fields and Einstein gravity in four-dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetime. We consider the Dirac stars with free field (no self-interacting). Our investigation focuses on understanding the relationship between Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) mass, Noether charge, and binding energy in relation to the cosmological constant. Furthermore, we extend the study to the Dirac stars with self-interacting potentials. For the self-interacting Dirac stars, three types of interactions are examined: only quartic, only sextic, quartic and sextic interactions that is kind of Q-ball type interactions. In these three distinct scenarios, it is essential to investigate the impact of self-interaction constants on Dirac stars. Additionally, we study the Dirac Q-balls in the AdS background.

  • Analytic three-dimensional primary hair charged black holes with Coulomb-like electrodynamics and their thermodynamics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ayan Daripa, Subhash Mahapatra

    We construct and discuss new solutions of primary hair charged black holes in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space that have well-defined Coulomb-like potential in three dimensions. The gauge field source to the Einstein equation is a power-Maxwell nonlinear electrodynamics with traceless energy-momentum tensor. The coupled Einstein-power-Maxwell-scalar gravity system, which carries the coupling $f(\phi)$ between the gauge and scalar fields, is analyzed, and hairy charged black hole solutions are found analytically. We consider three different profiles of the coupling functions: (i) $f(\phi)=1$, corresponding to no direct coupling between the gauge and scalar fields, (ii) $f(\phi)=e^{\phi}$, and (iii) $f(\phi)=e^{\phi^2/2}$, corresponding to their non-minimal coupling. For all these cases, the scalar field, gauge fields, and curvature scalars are regular and well-behaved everywhere outside the horizon. We further study the thermodynamics of the obtained hairy black hole in the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles and find significant changes in its thermodynamic structure due to the scalar field. In particular, for all considered coupling functions, the hairy parameter has a critical value above which the hairy black hole undergoes the Hawking/Page phase transition, whereas below which no such phase transition appears.

  • Shadows and gravitational weak lensing by the black hole in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ahmad Al-Badawi, Mirzabek Alloqulov, Sanjar Shaymatov, Bobomurat Ahmedov

    In this paper, we investigate the optical properties of the black hole in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar (EMS) theory. We evaluate the shadow cast by the black hole and obtain analytical solutions for both the radius of the photon sphere and the shadow radius. We observe that the black hole parameters $\gamma$ and $\beta$ both influence the shadow of black hole. It is shown that the photon sphere and the shadow radius increase as a consequence of the presence of parameter $\gamma$. Interestingly, we show that shadow radius decreases first and then remains unchanged due to the impact of parameter $\beta$. Finally, we consider the weak gravitational lensing and the total magnification of lensed images around black hole. We find that the black hole charge and parameter $\beta$ both give rise to a significant effect, reducing the deflection angle. Similarly, the same behaviour for the total magnification is observed due to the effect of black hole charge and parameter $\beta$.

  • Azimuthal geodesics in closed FLRW cosmologies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christian G. Boehmer, Antonio d'Alfonso del Sordo, Betti Hartmann

    Modern cosmology is closely linked to our understanding of radial null geodesics as these model the propagation of light signals through an expanding universe. Azimuthal geodesics, on the other hand, are perhaps best known for their relevance within closed cosmological models. Such models typically have a finite lifetime: the universe expands up to a maximum size after which it recollapses during the so-called big crunch. An azimuthal geodesic starting at the beginning of the universe will travel a finite angular distance during the expansion and recollapse. It is well-known that this angle is $2\pi$ for a matter-dominated universe and $\pi$ for a radiation-dominated solution. Here we derive the simple formula $$\Delta \varphi = \frac{2\pi}{1+3w}$$ for an arbitrary linear equation of state parameter $w$. To the best of our knowledge this result has not been reported elsewhere and fills a small gap in the literature.

  • Entanglement inside a black hole before the Page time.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yuxuan Liu, Shao-Kai Jian, Yi Ling, Zhuo-Yu Xian

    We investigate the evolution of entanglement within an open, strongly coupled system interacting with a heat bath as its environment, in the frameworks of both the doubly holographic model and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Generally, the entanglement within the system initially increases as a result of internal interactions; however, it eventually dissipates into the environment. In the doubly holographic setup, we consider an end-of-the-world brane in the bulk to represent an eternal black hole thermalized by holographic matters. The reflected entropy between the bipartition of a large black hole exhibits a ramp-plateau-slump behavior, where the plateau arises due to the phase transition of the entanglement wedge cross-section before the Page time. In quantum mechanics, we consider a double copy of the SYK-plus-bath system in a global thermofield double state, resembling an eternal black hole interacting with an environment. The R\'enyi mutual information within the double-copied SYK clusters exhibits a ramp-plateau-slope-stabilizing behavior. The dynamic behaviors of the entanglement quantities observed in these two models are attributable to the competition between the internal interaction of the system and the external interaction with the baths. Our study provides a fine-grained picture of the dynamics of entanglement inside black holes before their Page time.

  • Effective Potential for Conformal Factor and GL(4) Symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ichiro Oda

    We revisit the issue that the effective potential for the conformal factor of the metric, which is generated by quantized matter fields, possesses a non-vanishing vacuum expectation value (VEV) or not. We prove that the effective potential has a vanishing vacuum expectation value on the basis of a global $GL(4)$ symmetry. We also account for the reason why there seem to be two different effective potentials for the conformal factor in a theory, one of which gives rise to a vanishing VEV for the conformal factor whereas the other does a non-vanishing VEV.

  • Loss of coherence and coherence protection from a graviton bath.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marko Toroš, Anupam Mazumdar, Sougato Bose

    We consider a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled with a graviton bath and discuss the loss of coherence in the matter sector due to the matter-graviton vertex interaction. Working in the quantum-field-theory framework, we obtain a master equation by tracing away the gravitational field at the leading order $\mathcal{\sim O}(G)$ and $\sim\mathcal{O}(c^{-2})$. We find that the decoherence rate is proportional to the cube of the harmonic trapping frequency and vanishes for a free particle, as expected for a system without a mass quadrupole. Furthermore, our quantum model of graviton emission recovers the known classical formula for gravitational radiation from a classical harmonic oscillator for coherent states with a large occupation number. In addition, we find that the quantum harmonic oscillator eventually settles in a steady state with \emph{a remnant coherence} of the ground and first excited states. While classical emission of gravitational waves would make the harmonic system loose all of its energy, our quantum field theory model does not allow the number states $\vert 1\rangle$ and $\vert 0\rangle$ to decay via graviton emission. In particular, the superposition of number states $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\vert0\rangle+\vert1\rangle\right]$ is a steady state and never decoheres.

  • Entanglement negativity in de Sitter biverse from Stringy Axionic Bell pair: An analysis using Bunch-Davies vacuum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sayantan Choudhury

    In this work, we study the signatures of quantum entanglement by computing entanglement negativity between two causally unrelated regions in $3+1$ dimensional global de Sitter space. We investigate a bipartite quantum field theoretic setup for this purpose, driven by an axionic Bell pair resulting from Type IIB string compactification on a Calabi-Yau three fold. We take into account a spherical surface that divides the spatial slice of the global de Sitter space into exterior and interior causally unrelated sub regions. For the computational purpose we use the simplest possible initial choice of quantum vacuum, which is Bunch-Davies state. The quantitative quantum information theoretic measure for entanglement negativity turns out be consistent with the results obtained for entanglement entropy, even we have to say it is better than that from quantum information theoretic point of view. We design the problem in a hyperbolic open chart where one of the causally unrelated observers remains constrained and the scale dependence enters to the corresponding quantum information theoretic entanglement measure for axionic Bell pair.We find from our analysis that in the large scales initially maximally entangled Bunch-Davies state turns out to be strongly entangled or weakly entangled depending on the axionic decay constant and the supersymmetry breaking scale. We also find that at the small scales the initial entanglement can be perfectly recovered.We also discuss the possibility of having a biverse picture, which is a mini version of the multiverse in the present theoretical set up. Last but not the least, we provide the necessary criteria for generating non vanishing quantum entanglement measures within the framework of quantum field theory of global de Sitter space as well as well as in primordial cosmology due to the axion derived from string theory.

  • Experimental observation of a Rindler horizon.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Morgan H. Lynch

    In this manuscript we confirm the presence of a Rindler horizon at CERN-NA63 by exploring its thermodynamics induced by the Unruh effect in their high energy channeling radiation experiments. By linking the entropy of the emitted radiation to the photon number, we find the measured spectrum to be a simple manifestation of the second law of Rindler horizon thermodynamics and thus a direct measurement of the recoil Fulling-Davies-Unruh (FDU) temperature. Moreover, since the experiment is born out of an ultra-relativistic positron, and the FDU temperature is defined in the proper frame, we find that temperature boosts as a length and thus fast objects appear colder. The spectrum also provides us with a simple setting to measure fundamental constants, and we employ it to measure the positron mass.

  • Extended Holographic R\'{e}nyi Entropy and hyperbolic black hole with scalar hair.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dao-Quan Sun

    We study the extended thermodynamics of the hyperbolic black hole with scalar hair and obtain the extended holographic R\'{e}nyi entropy of holographic conformal field theories with scalar hair. We analyze the behaviors of the extended holographic R\'{e}nyi entropy in terms of holographic calculations. Moreover, we generalize the capacity of entanglement from the extended R\'{e}nyi entropy and show that it maps to the heat capacity of the thermal conformal field theories on the hyperbolic space.

  • Circular geodesics in the field of double-charged dilatonic black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kuantay Boshkayev, Gulnara Suliyeva, Vladimir Ivashchuk, Ainur Urazalina

    A non-extreme dilatonic charged (by two ``color electric'' charges) black hole solution is examined within a four-dimensional gravity model that incorporates two scalar (dilaton) fields and two Abelian vector fields. The scalar and vector fields interact through exponential terms containing two dilatonic coupling vectors. The solution is characterized by a dimensionless parameter $a$ $(0 < a < 2)$, which is a specific function of dilatonic coupling vectors. The paper presents solutions for timelike and null circular geodesics that may play a crucial role in different astrophysical scenarios, including quasinormal modes of various test fields in the eikonal approximation. For $a = 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2$, the radii of the innermost stable circular orbit are presented and analyzed.

  • Black holes with scalar hair: Extending from and beyond the Schwarzschild solution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xi-Jing Wang, Guoyang Fu, Peng Liu, Xiao-Mei Kuang, Bin Wang, Jian-Pin Wu

    We construct novel scalarized black hole (BH) solutions beyond the general relativity (GR) framework. These scalarized BH solutions are extended from the Schwarzschild one and the non-Schwarzschild one in the pure Einstein-Weyl gravity. By studying the BH entropy and free energy, we demonstrate that the scalarized BH extending from the Schwarzschild one exhibits thermodynamically preferred. We obtain these novel solutions by directly solving the full fourth-order equations of motion. This narrows the problematic solution space obtained by commonly adopted second-order reduction to physically valid spaces. Our findings also unveil the evasion of the no-hair theorem within the realm of higher-derivative gravity.

  • Dirac-Bergmann analysis and Degrees of Freedom of Coincident $f(Q)$-gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kyosuke Tomonari, Sebastian Bahamonde

    We investigate the propagating degrees of freedom of $f(Q)$-gravity in a $4$-dimensional space-time under the imposition of the coincident gauge by performing the Dirac-Bergmann analysis. In this work, we start with a top-down reconstruction of the metric-affine gauge theory of gravity based only on the concept of a vector bundle. Then, the so-called geometrical trinity of gravity is introduced and the role of the coincident GR is clarified. After that, we reconstruct the Dirac-Bergmann analysis and reveal relationships between the boundary terms in the variational principle and the symplectic structure of the theory in order to confirm the validity of the analysis for our studied theories. Then, as examples, we revisit the analysis of GR and its $f(\lc{R})$-extensions. Finally, after reviewing the Dirac-Bergmann analysis of the coincident GR and that of $f(T)$-gravity, we perform the analysis of coincident $f(Q)$-gravity. Under the imposition of appropriate spatial boundary conditions, we find that, as a generic case, the theory has five primary, three secondary, and two tertiary constraint densities and all these constraint densities are classified into second-class constraint density; the number six is the propagating degrees of freedom of the theory and there are no longer any remaining gauge degrees of freedom. We also discuss the condition of providing seven pDoF as a generic case. The violation of diffeomorphism invariance of coincident $f(Q)$-gravity make it possible to emerge such several sectors.

  • Viscous fluid dynamics with decaying vacuum energy density.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    C. P. Singh, Vinita Khatri

    In this work, we investigate the dynamics of bulk viscous models with decaying vacuum energy density (VED) in a spatially homogeneous and isotropic flat Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre- Robertson-walker (FLRW) spacetime. We particularly are interested to study the viscous model which considers first order deviation from equilibrium, i.e., the Eckart theory. In the first part, using the different forms of the bulk viscous coefficient, we find the main cosmological parameters, like Hubble parameter, scale factor, deceleration parameter and equation of state parameter analytically. We discuss some cosmological consequences of the evolutions and dynamics of the different viscous models with decaying VED. We examine the linear perturbation growth in the context of the bulk viscous model with decaying VED to see if it survives this further level of scrutiny. The second part of the work is devoted to constrain the viscous model of the form $\zeta \propto H$, where $\zeta$ is the bulk viscous coefficient and $H$ is the Hubble parameter, using three different combinations of data from type Ia supernovae (Pantheon), $H(z)$ (cosmic chronometers), Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and $f(z)\sigma_8(z)$ measurements with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. We show that the considered model is compatible with the cosmological probes, and the $\Lambda$CDM recovered in late-time of the evolution of the Universe. Finally, we obtain selection information criteria (AIC and BIC) to study the stability of the models.

  • Constraints from Solar System tests on a covariant loop quantum black hole.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ruo-Ting Chen, Shulan Li, Li-Gang Zhu, Jian-Pin Wu

    Recently, a covariant spherically symmetric model of a black hole within the framework of loop quantum gravity (LQG), characterized by a quantum parameter $r_0$ or $\lambda$, has been proposed. To derive constraints on the LQG-corrected parameter, we explore observational constraints imposed on $r_0$ and $\lambda$ through investigations of the light deflection, the Shapiro time delay, the precession of perihelia, and the geodetic precession test. Among these constraints, the tightest one arises from the Shapiro time delay measured by the Cassini mission, yielding an upper constraint of approximately $10^{-5}$.

  • Thin accretion disk images of rotating hairy Horndeski black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mohaddese Heydari-Fard, Malihe Heydari-Fard, Nematollah Riazi

    By considering the steady-state Novikov-Thorne model, we study thin accretion disk processes for rotating hairy black holes in the framework of the Horndeski gravity. We obtain the electromagnetic properties of accretion disk around such black holes and investigate the effects of the hair parameter $h$ on them. We find that by decreasing the hair parameter from the Kerr limit, $h\rightarrow0$, the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit decreases which makes thin accretion disks around rotating hairy black holes in Horndeski gravity more efficient than that for the Kerr black hole in general relativity. Furthermore, using the numerical ray-tracing method, we plot thin accretion disk images around these black holes and investigate the effects of hair parameter on the central shadow area of accretion disk.

  • de Sitter local thermodynamics in $f(R)$ gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    G.E. Volovik

    We consider the local thermodynamics of the de Sitter state in the $f({\cal R})$ gravity. The local temperature, which is the same for all points of the de Sitter space, is $T=H/\pi$, where $H$ is the Hubble parameter. It is twice larger than the Gibbons-Hawking temperature of the cosmological horizon, $T_{\rm GH}=H/2\pi$. The local temperature is not related to the cosmological horizon. It determines the rate of the activation processes, which are possible in the de Sitter environment. The typical example is the process of the ionization of the atom in the de Sitter environment, which rate is determined by temperature $T=H/\pi$. The local temperature determines the local entropy of the de Sitter vacuum state, and this allows to calculate the total entropy inside the cosmological horizon. The result reproduces the Gibbons-Hawking area law, which corresponds to the Wald entropy, $S_{\rm hor}=4\pi KA$. Here $K$ is the effective gravitational coupling, $K=df/d{\cal R}$. In the local thermodynamic approach, $K$ is the thermodynamic variable, which is conjugate to the Ricci scalar curvature ${\cal R}$. The holographic connection between the bulk entropy of the Hubble volume, and the surface entropy of the cosmological horizon supports the suggestion that the de Sitter quantum vacuum is characterized by the local thermodynamics with the local temperature $T=H/\pi$. The local temperature $T=H/\pi$ of the de Sitter vacuum suggests that the de Sitter vacuum is locally unstable towards the creation of matter and its further heating. The decay of the de Sitter vacuum due to such processes is discussed.


  • Parisi-Wu Quantization, CP violation and Beyond the Standard Model.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. K. Kapoor

    The Parisi-Wu scheme of quantization opens up the possibility of using anomalous fermionic gauge theories. An analysis of ultra-violet divergences reveals that the structure of counter terms is different from what is expected in conventional quantization schemes. In this letter it is argued that there exists a possible mechanism of CP violation that requires at least three generations of quarks, a result well known from a phenomenological analysis of mass mixing of quarks. A few observations on possible ways of going beyond the standard model are included.

  • QED meson description of the anomalous particles at ~17 and ~38 MeV.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cheuk-Yin Wong

    Approximating light quarks as massless, we apply the Schwinger confinement mechanism to light quarks and infer that a light quark and a light antiquark interacting in the QED interaction are confined and bound as a QED meson in (1+1)D. Similarly, a light quark and a light antiquark interacting in the QCD interaction in the quasi-Abelian approximation are confined and bound as a QCD meson in (1+1)D. The QED and QCD mesons in (1+1)D can represent physical mesons in (3+1)D when the flux tube radius is taken into account. Such a theory leads to a reasonable description of the masses of $\pi^0, \eta$, and $ \eta'$, and its extrapolation to the unknown QED sector yields an isoscalar QED meson at about 17 MeV and an isovector QED meson at about 38 MeV. The observations of the anomalous soft photons, the hypothetical X17 particle, and the hypothetical E38 particle bear promising evidence for the possible existence of the QED mesons. Pending further confirmation, they hold important implications on the properties on the quarks and their interactions.

  • Leading order track functions in a hot and dense QGP.- [PDF] - [Article]

    João Barata, Robert Szafron

    We study the modifications to the fragmentation pattern of partons into charged particles in the presence of a hot and dense Quark Gluon Plasma. To this end, we analyze the perturbative renormalization group equations of the track functions, which describe the energy fraction carried by charged hadrons. Focusing on pure Yang-Mills theory, we compute the lowest order moments of the medium-modified track functions, which are found to be sensitive to the reduced phase space for emissions in the medium and to energy loss. We use the extracted moments to calculate the Energy Energy Correlator (EEC) on tracks in the collinear limit. The EEC on medium-evolved tracks does not differ qualitatively from the EEC on vacuum tracks despite being sensitive to the color decoherence transition and suppressing the distribution due to quenching, as seen in other jet observables.

  • On interpretation of fluctuations of conserved charges at high T.- [PDF] - [Article]

    T.D. Cohen, L.Ya. Glozman

    Fluctuations of conserved charges calculated on the lattice which can be measured experimentally, are well reproduced by a hadron resonanse gas model at temperatures below T_{ch} ~ 155 MeV and radically deviate from the hadron resonance gas predictions above the chiral restoration crossover. This behavior is typically interpreted as an indication of deconfinement in the quark-gluon plasma regime. We present an argument that this interpretation may be too simple. The argument is based on the scaling of quantities with the number of colors: demonstration of deconfinement and QGP requires observable that is sensitive to N_c^2 gluons while the conserved charges are sensitive only to quarks and above T_{ch} scale as N_c^1. The latter scaling is consistent with the existence of an intermediate regime characterized by restored chiral symmetry and by approximate chiral spin symmetry which is a symmetry of confining interaction. In this regime the energy density, pressure and entropy density scale as N_c^1. In the large N_c limit this regime might become a distinct phase separated from the hadron gas and from QGP by phase transitions. A natural observable that associates with deconfinement and is directly sensitive to deconfined N_c^2-1 gluons is the Polyakov loop; in the N_c=3 world it remains very close to 0 at temperatures well above chiral crossover, reaches the value 0.5 around 3T_{ch} and the value close to 1 at temperatures ~1 GeV.

  • Measuring jet quenching with a Bayesian inference analysis of hadron and jet data by JETSCAPE.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Ehlers, A. Angerami, R. Arora, S. A. Bass, S. Cao, Y. Chen, L. Du, H. Elfner, W. Fan, R. J. Fries, C. Gale, Y. He, U. Heinz, B. V. Jacak, P. M. Jacobs, S. Jeon, Y. Ji, L. Kasper, M. Kordell II, A. Kumar, R. Kunnawalkam-Elayavalli, J. Latessa, S. Lee, Y.-J. Lee, D. Liyanage, M. Luzum, S. Mak, A. Majumder, A. Mankolli, C. Martin, H. Mehryar, T. Mengel, J. Mulligan, C. Nattrass, J.-F. Paquet, C. Parker, J. H. Putschke, H. Roch, G. Roland, B. Schenke, L. Schwiebert, A. Sengupta, C. Shen, C. Sirimanna, D. Soeder, R. A. Soltz, I. Soudi, M. Strickland, Y. Tachibana, J. Velkovska, G. Vujanovic, X.-N. Wang, W. Zhao

    The JETSCAPE Collaboration reports the first multi-messenger study of the QGP jet transport parameter $\hat{q}$ using Bayesian inference, incorporating all available hadron and jet inclusive yield and jet substructure data from RHIC and the LHC. The theoretical model utilizes virtuality-dependent in-medium partonic energy loss coupled to a detailed dynamical model of QGP evolution. Tension is observed when constraining $\hat{q}$ for different kinematic cuts of the inclusive hadron data. The addition of substructure data is shown to improve the constraint on $\hat{q}$, without inducing tension with the constraint due to inclusive observables. These studies provide new insight into the mechanisms of jet interactions in matter, and point to next steps in the field for comprehensive understanding of jet quenching as a probe of the QGP.

  • Logarithmic moments of B-meson quasidistribution amplitude.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shu-Man Hu, Ji Xu, Shuai Zhao

    It was demonstrated that the lattice simulation of $B$-meson light-cone distribution amplitude (LCDA) is feasible via the quasi-distribution amplitude (quasi-DA) in large momentum effective theory (LaMET). The structures of logarithmic moments (LMs) of $B$-meson quasi-DA is explored in this work. The one-loop results indicate mixing in the matching: the $n$-th LM would be not only factorized into the $n$-th LM of LCDA, but also other moments with different power, accompanied by short distance coefficients. These results supply the understanding of the matching in LaMET and may provide guidance to the lattice study of LMs or other parameters of $B$-meson LCDA.

  • Effect of Longitudinal Fluctuations of $3$D Weizs\"{a}cker-Williams Field on Pressure Isotropization of Glasma.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hidefumi Matsuda, Xu-Guang Huang

    We investigate the effects of boost invariance breaking on the isotropization of pressure in the glasma, using the $3+1$D glasma simulation. The breaking is attributed to spatial fluctuations of the classical color charge density along the collision axis. We present numerical results for pressure and energy density at mid-rapidity and across a wider rapidity region. It is found that, despite varying longitudinal correlation lengths, the behaviors of the pressure isotropizations are qualitatively similar. The numerical results suggest that, in the initial stage, longitudinal color electromagnetic fields develop, similar to those in the boost invariant glasma. Subsequently, these fields evolve into a dilute glasma, expanding longitudinally in a manner akin to a dilute gas. We also show that the energy density at mid-rapidity exhibits a $1/\tau$ decay in the dilute glasma stage.

  • The effect of charm quark on chiral phase transition in $N_f=2+1+1$ holographic QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hiwa A. Ahmed, Mamiya Kawaguchi, Mei Huang

    We investigate the effect of charm quark on the chiral phase transition of light quarks at finite temperature based on the four-flavor soft-wall holographic QCD model. In the massless limit, we find that the thermal chiral phase transition is of the second order in the four-quark flavor system. In the case with the massive charm quark and the massless light and strange quarks, the order of the phase transition changes to the first order. This is due to the quark flavor symmetry breaking which is associated with the violation of the $U(1)$ axial symmetry. Once the light and strange quarks get massive, the explicit chiral symmetry breaking becomes eminent, then the crossover phase transition is realized at the physical quark masses. We also map the order of the phase transition on a phase diagram in the quark mass plane where the light- and strange-quark masses are degenerate but differ from the value of the charm quark mass. This phase diagram is an extension of the conventional Columbia plot to the four-quark flavor system.

  • Dipole momenta and compositeness of the $\tau$ lepton at Belle II.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Fabbrichesi, L. Marzola

    The large number of $\tau$ leptons available at the Belle II experiment makes it possible to study their properties and the extent of their compositeness. Our strategy relies on three observables defined in terms of elements of the polarization density matrix of the produced $\tau$ pairs, which we obtain via quantum tomography. The observables are able to explore values of the magnetic dipole moment down to $6.3 \times 10^{-4}$, which is two order of magnitude better than the current experimental limit, constrain the electromagnetic radius below $4.3 \times 10^{-3}$ fm and exclude an electric dipole moment larger than $1.7 \times 10^{-17}$ e cm. The quoted limits are at the $95\%$ confidence level and are obtained for a benchmark integrated luminosity of 1 ab$^{-1}$.

  • Jet medium modifications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Carlota Andres

    Since the start of the heavy-ion collision programs at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider, the study of jet modifications resulting from their interactions with the produced QCD matter has provided a unique tool to investigate and characterize the properties of the quark-gluon plasma. In this mini-overview, I will present the recent theoretical advancements in describing and understanding the modifications of jets within a QCD medium.

  • Phenomenology of isospin-symmetry breaking with vector mesons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Péter Kovács, György Wolf, Nora Weickgenannt, Dirk H. Rischke

    We study the effect of isospin-symmetry breaking in the framework of the extended Linear Sigma Model (eLSM) in vacuum. In this model, several particles mix with each other at tree level, due to the three non-zero scalar condensates (non-strange, strange, isospin). We resolve these mixings with the help of various field transformations. We compute all possible meson mixings and decay widths at tree level and perform a $\chi^2$ fit to PDG data. A very good fit is found if we exclude the (very small $\sim 130$~keV) $\omega\to \pi\pi$ decay. We also investigate the violation of Dashen's theorem.

  • Determining the structure of $Hqt$ couplings at the LHC.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saurabh D. Rindani

    Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have found that the Higgs boson discovered in 2012 has properties largely consistent with predictions from the standard model (SM). However, the determination of the couplings of the Higgs boson to various other SM particles is not very precise, and it is possible that future experiments with enhanced accuracy may be able to detect deviations from the SM if any. One category of couplings studied at the LHC is Higgs flavour-changing couplings to a top-quark and a light-quark ($u$ or $c$) combination, which vanishes at tree level in the SM, but could be induced by interactions beyond the SM. Experiments have put a limit on the magnitude of these couplings, only one coupling assumed nonzero at a time. We investigate here to what extent the relative magnitudes of the $Hut$ and $Hct$ couplings and their chirality structure can be determined by means of more detailed kinematics at a future higher-luminosity version of the LHC in the process of $tH$ production. In particular, we find that the top-quark polar-angle distribution in $tH$ production could reveal the relative magnitudes of the $Hut$ and $Hct$ couplings, while the azimuthal distribution of the charged leptons arising from top decay can be used for a determination of the chiral structure of the $Hut$ coupling.

  • $\bar{B}_s^0 \to D_{s1}(2460)^+ K^-, D_{s1}(2536)^+ K^-$ and the nature of the two $D_{s1}$ resonance.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jia-Xin Lin, Hua-Xing Chen, Wei-Hong Liang, Chu-Wen Xiao, Eulogio Oset

    Starting from the molecular picture for the $D_{s1}(2460)$ and $D_{s1}(2536)$ resonances, which are dynamically generated by the interaction of coupled channels, the most important of which are the $D^*K$ for the $D_{s1}(2460)$ and $DK^*$ for the $D_{s1}(2536)$, we evaluate the ratio of decay widths for the $\bar{B}_s^0 \to D_{s1}(2460)^+ K^-$ and $\bar{B}_s^0 \to D_{s1}(2536)^+ K^-$ decays, the latter of which has been recently investigated by the LHCb collaboration. We obtain a ratio of the order of unity with about $25\%$ uncertainty. The present results should provide an incentive for the related decay into the $D_{s1}(2460)$ resonance to be performed, which would provide valuable information on the nature of these two resonances.

  • Production of para-true muonium in linearly polarized photon fusions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jian-Ping Dai, Shuai Zhao

    True muonium (TM) -- the bound state of $\mu^+\mu^-$, has not been discovered yet. It was demonstrated that searching TM via $\gamma\gamma$ fusions in heavy ion collisions is feasible due to the enhancement of the atom number. We study the production of the para-true muonium (pTM) in the collisions of linearly polarized photons in the experiments of ultra-peripheral nuclear collisions, calculate the production rate as well as the transverse spectrum of pTM, and explore the discovery potential in nuclear experiments. Our results show that there is a significant correlation between the linearly polarized photon distribution and the transverse momentum distribution of pTM. The optimal kinematic region of the generated pTM is identified, which can provide a theoretical guide to the detection of pTM in experiments.

  • An Effective Theory for Graphene Nanoribbons with Junctions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Johann Ostmeyer, Lado Razmadze, Evan Berkowitz, Thomas Luu, Ulf-G. Meißner

    Graphene nanoribbons are a promising candidate for fault-tolerant quantum electronics. In this scenario, qubits are realised by localised states that can emerge on junctions in hybrid ribbons formed by two armchair nanoribbons of different widths. We derive an effective theory based on a tight-binding ansatz for the description of hybrid nanoribbons and use it to make accurate predictions of the energy gap and nature of the localisation in various hybrid nanoribbon geometries. We discover, in addition to the well known localisations on junctions, which we call `Fuji', a new type of `Kilimanjaro' localisation smeared out over a segment of the hybrid ribbon. We show that Fuji localisations in hybrids of width $N$ and $N+2$ armchair nanoribbons occur around symmetric junctions if and only if $N\pmod3=1$, while edge-aligned junctions never support strong localisation. This behaviour cannot be explained relying purely on the topological $Z_2$ invariant, which has been believed the origin of the localisations to date.

  • An All-loop Soft Theorem for Pions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christoph Bartsch, Karol Kampf, Jiri Novotny, Jaroslav Trnka

    In this letter, we discuss a generalization of the Adler zero to loop integrands in the planar limit of the $SU(N)$ non-linear sigma model (NLSM). While possible to maintain at one-loop, the Adler zero for integrands is violated starting at the two-loop order and is only recovered after integration. Here we propose a non-zero soft theorem satisfied by loop integrands with any number of loops and legs. This requires a generalization of NLSM integrands to an off-shell framework with certain deformed kinematics. Defining an `algebraic soft limit', we identify a particularly simple non-vanishing soft behavior of integrands, which we call the `algebraic soft theorem'. We find that the proposed soft theorem is satisfied by the `surface' integrand of Arkani-Hamed, Cao, Dong, Figueiredo and He, which is obtained from the shifted ${\rm Tr}\phi^3$ surfacehedron integrand. Finally, we derive an on-shell version of the algebraic soft theorem that takes an interesting form in terms of propagator renormalization factors and lower-loop integrands in a mixed theory of pions and scalars.

  • Mass splitting and spin alignment for $\phi$ mesons in a magnetic field in NJL model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xin-Li Sheng, Shu-Yun Yang, Yao-Lin Zou, Defu Hou

    Based on the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, we develop a framework for calculating the spin alignment of vector mesons and applied it to study $\phi$ mesons in a magnetic field. We calculate mass spectra for $\phi$ mesons and observe mass splitting between the longitudinally polarized state and transversely polarized states. The $\phi$ meson in a thermal equilibrium system is preferred to occupy the state with spin $\lambda=0$ than those with spin $\lambda=\pm1$, because the former state has a smaller energy. As a consequence, we conclude that the spin alignment will be larger than 1/3 if one measures along the direction of the magnetic field, which is qualitatively consistent with the recent STAR data. Around the critical temperature $T_{C}=150$ MeV, the positive deviation from 1/3 is proportional to the square of the magnetic field strength, which agrees with the result from the non-relativistic coalescence model. Including the anomalous magnetic moments for quarks will modify the dynamical masses of quarks and thus affect the mass spectra and spin alignment of $\phi$ mesons. The discussion of spin alignment in the NJL model may help us better understand the formation of hadron's spin structure during the chiral phase transition.

  • Chiral soliton lattice at next-to-leading order.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tomáš Brauner, Helena Kolešová

    We compute the free energy of the chiral soliton lattice state in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at nonzero baryon chemical potential, temperature and external magnetic field at the next-to-leading order of chiral perturbation theory. This extends previous work where only a special limit of the chiral soliton lattice, the domain wall, was considered. Our results therefore serve as a consistency check of the previously established phase diagram of QCD at moderate magnetic fields and temperature and sub-nuclear baryon chemical potentials. Moreover, we use the result for the free energy to determine the magnetization carried by the domain wall and the chiral soliton lattice, both at the next-to-leading order.

  • Searching for high-frequency axion in quantum electromagnetodynamics through interface haloscopes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tong Li, Chang-Jie Dai, Rui-Jia Zhang

    The so-called Witten effect implies the existence of electromagnetic interactions between axion and magnetic monopole due to the axion-photon coupling. A sound quantization in the presence of magnetic monopoles, called quantum electromagnetodynamics (QEMD), was utilized to construct a more generic axion-photon Lagrangian in the low-energy axion effective field theory. This generic axion-photon Lagrangian introduces the interactions between axion and two four-potentials, and leads to new axion-modified Maxwell equations. The interface haloscopes place an interface between two electromagnetic media with different properties and are desirable to search for high-mass axions $m_a\gtrsim \mathcal{O}(10)~\mu{\rm eV}$. In this work, for the generic axion-photon couplings built under QEMD, we perform comprehensive calculations of the axion-induced propagating waves and energy flux densities in different interface setups. We also obtain the sensitivity to new axion-photon couplings for high-mass axions.

  • Dispersive Analysis of $B\to K^{(*)}$ and $B_s\to \phi$ Form Factors.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nico Gubernari, Méril Reboud, Danny van Dyk, Javier Virto

    We propose a stronger formulation of the dispersive (or unitarity) bounds \`a la Boyd-Grinstein-Lebed (BGL), which are commonly applied in analyses of the hadronic form factors for $B$ decays. In our approach, the existing bounds are split into several new bounds, thereby disentangling form factors that are jointly bounded in the common approach. This leads to stronger constraints for these objects, to a significant simplification of our numerical analysis, and to the removal of spurious correlations among the form factors. We apply these novel bounds to $\bar{B}\to \bar{K}^{(*)}$ and $\bar{B}_s\to \phi$ form factors by fitting them to purely theoretical constraints. Using a suitable parametrization, we take into account the form factors' below-threshold branch cuts arising from on-shell $\bar{B}_s \pi^0$ and $\bar{B}_s \pi^0 \pi^0$ states, which so-far have been ignored in the literature. In this way, we eliminate a source of hard-to-quantify systematic uncertainties. We provide machine readable files to obtain the full set of the $\bar{B}\to \bar{K}^{(*)}$ and $\bar{B}_s\to \phi$ form factors in and beyond the entire semileptonic phase space.

  • Learning Likelihood Ratios with Neural Network Classifiers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shahzar Rizvi, Mariel Pettee, Benjamin Nachman

    The likelihood ratio is a crucial quantity for statistical inference in science that enables hypothesis testing, construction of confidence intervals, reweighting of distributions, and more. Many modern scientific applications, however, make use of data- or simulation-driven models for which computing the likelihood ratio can be very difficult or even impossible. By applying the so-called ``likelihood ratio trick,'' approximations of the likelihood ratio may be computed using clever parametrizations of neural network-based classifiers. A number of different neural network setups can be defined to satisfy this procedure, each with varying performance in approximating the likelihood ratio when using finite training data. We present a series of empirical studies detailing the performance of several common loss functionals and parametrizations of the classifier output in approximating the likelihood ratio of two univariate and multivariate Gaussian distributions as well as simulated high-energy particle physics datasets.

  • The roles of the $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)^0$ and $D_0^*(2300)$ in the process $B^-\to D_s^+K^-\pi^-$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Wen-Tao Lyu, Yun-He Lyu, Man-Yu Duan, De-Min Li, Dian-Yong Chen, En Wang

    Motivated by the recent LHCb observations of $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)^0$ and $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)^{++}$ in the processes $B^0\to\bar{D}^0D_s^+\pi^-$ and $B^+\to D^-D_s^+\pi^+$, we have investigated the decay $B^-\to D_s^+K^-\pi^-$ by taking into account the contributions from the $S$-wave vector-vector interactions, and the $S$-wave $D^+_s K^-$ interactions. Our results show that the $D_s^+K^-$ invariant mass distribution has an enhancement structure near the threshold, associated with the $D^*_0(2300)$, which is in good agreement with the Belle measurements. We have also predicted the $D^+_s\pi^-$ invariant mass distribution and the Dalitz plot, which show the significant signal of the $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)$. With the same formalism, the $D^-_sK^0_s$ invariant mass distribution of the process $B^0 \to D^-_sK^0_s\pi^+$ measured by Belle could be well reproduced, and the peak of $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)$ is expected to be observed around 2900~MeV in the $D^-_s\pi^+$ invariant mass distribution. Our results could be tested by the Belle II and LHCb experiments in the future.

  • The Dark Dimension and the Standard Model Landscape.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luis A. Anchordoqui, Ignatios Antoniadis, Jules Cunat

    We study the landscape of lower-dimensional vacua of the SM coupled to gravity in the presence of the ``dark dimension'' of size $R_\perp$ in the micron range, focusing on the validity of the swampland conjecture forbidding the presence of non-SUSY AdS vacua in a consistent quantum gravity theory. We first adopt the working assumption that right-handed neutrinos propagate in the bulk, so that neutrino Yukawa couplings become tiny due to a volume suppression, leading to naturally light Dirac neutrinos. We show that the neutrino KK towers compensate for the graviton tower to maintain stable dS vacua found in the past, but neutrino oscillation data set restrictive bounds on $R_\perp$ and therefore the first KK neutrino mode is too heavy to alter the shape of the radon potential or the required maximum mass for the lightest neutrino to carry dS rather than AdS vacua found in the absence of the dark dimension, $m_{1,{\rm max}}\lesssim 7.63~{\rm meV}$. We also show that a very light gravitino (with mass in the meV range) could help relax the neutrino mass constraint $m_{1,{\rm max}} \lesssim 50~{\rm meV}$. The differences for the predicted total neutrino mass $\sum m_\nu$ among these two scenarios are within reach of next-generation cosmological probes that may measure the total neutrino mass with an uncertainty $\sigma (\sum m_\nu) = 0.014~{\rm eV}$. We also demonstrate that the KK tower of a very light gravitino can compensate for the graviton tower to sustain stable dS vacua and thus right-handed neutrinos can (in principle) be locked on the brane. For this scenario, Majorana neutrinos could develop dS vacua, which is not possible in the SM coupled to gravity. Finally, we investigate the effects of bulk neutrino masses in suppressing oscillations of the 0-modes into the first KK modes to relax the oscillation bound on $R_\perp$.

  • An effective gauge field theory of the nucleon interactions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Eduard Boos

    We discuss the possibility of constructing an effective gauge field theory of the nucleon interations based on the ideas of isotopic invariance as well as hypercharge invariance as a local gauge symmetry and spontaneous breaking of this symmetry. The constructed model predicts the structure of interactions of protons and neutrons with $\rho$- and $\sigma$-mesons, with pi-mesons and photons, as well as interactions of these particles with each other. The Lagrangian of the model consists of several parts parts involving dimension 4 and 5 gauge invariant operators. Feynman rules for physical degrees of freedom as follow from the Lagrangian define the structure of diagrams for one-boson exchanges between nucleons predicting the internucleon one-boson exchange potential as well as nucleon scattering amplitudes. The range of applicability of the model is discussed and estimates are made of the resulting coupling constants. The model predicts the mass of the neutral $\rho^0$-meson to be about $1\,MeV$ larger than the mass of the charged mesons $\rho^{\pm}$. The vector $\omega$-meson, which is a sterile particle with respect to the considered gauge group $SU_I(2)\times U_Y(1)$, can be added to the scheme by means of a gauge-invariant operator of dimension 5, as shown in Appendix ~A.

  • Finite Naturalness and Quark-Lepton Unification.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pavel Fileviez Perez, Clara Murgui, Samuel Patrone, Adriano Testa, Mark B. Wise

    We study the implications of finite naturalness in Pati-Salam models where $SU(3)_C$ is embedded in $SU(4)$. For the minimal realization at low-scale of quark-lepton unification, which employs the inverse seesaw for neutrino masses, we find that radiative corrections to the Higgs boson mass are at least $\delta m_h^2 / m_h^2 \sim {\cal O}(10^4)$. The one-loop contributions to the Higgs mass are suppressed by four powers of the hypercharge gauge coupling. We find that for the vector leptoquarks the naively leading part of the two-loop corrections cancel. We assume the Dirac Yukawa couplings for neutrinos are equal to the up-type quark Yukawa couplings as predicted in the minimal theory for quark-lepton unification. Despite these findings, the two-loop corrections still dominate the finite naturalness bound. We mention a way to relax the lower bound on the vector leptoquark mass and have $\delta m_h^2 / m_h^2 \sim {\cal O}(10^2)$.

  • Proton's gluon GPDs at large skewness and gravitational form factors from near threshold heavy quarkonium photo-production.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuxun Guo, Xiangdong Ji, Feng Yuan

    We study the exclusive near-threshold photo-production of heavy quarkonium in the framework of the generalized parton distribution (GPD) factorization, taking the $J/\psi$ production as an example. Due to the threshold kinematics, the Compton-like amplitudes are related to gluon GPDs at large skewness $\xi$, distinct from the common kinematics in asymptotic high energy where the skewness is typically small. We discuss the nature of large-$\xi$ expansion of these amplitudes in terms of the moments of gluon GPDs in the large-$\xi$ limit. Based on that, we propose several ways to extract the first few moments of the gluon GPDs from these amplitudes, with the leading ones corresponding to the gluonic gravitational or energy-momentum tensor form factors (GFFs). We apply these methods to analyze the recent near-threshold $J/\psi$ production measurements by the $J/\psi$ 007 experiment and GlueX collaboration, and find that the $\xi$-scaling of the measured differential cross sections is consistent with the asymptotic behavior. However, the current data are not accurate enough yet for a complete determination of the gluonic GFFs, and therefore we consider some prospects for better extractions in the future.

  • Artificial first-order phase transition in a magnetized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with a quark anomalous magnetic moment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    William R. Tavares, Sidney S. Avancini, Ricardo L. S. Farias, Rafael P. Cardoso

    Recently, first-order phase transitions have been predicted as an effect of the inclusion of quark anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) in the hot and magnetized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model (NJL). These transitions appear in the chiral condensate for different combinations of AMM and magnetic fields and could lead to inverse magnetic catalysis. However, in this work, we show that the predicted first-order phase transitions are related to regularization-dependent issues. To show this, we explore, in the context of the vacuum magnetic regularization (VMR) scheme, two different scenarios: when mass-dependent (MD) and mass-independent (MI) terms are present in the subtraction of the divergences. In the MD case, as we increase the AMM value, it is observed the appearance of a nonmassive minimum in the thermodynamical potential, which induces a first-order phase transition from the massive minimum. We argue that the MD terms must be avoided in order to satisfy the predictions of Lattice QCD, and we propose a MI solution that is valid in the limit which the magnetic fields are smaller than the squared of vacuum effective quark mass.

  • Heavy flavor as a probe of hot QCD matter produced in proton-proton collisions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiaxing Zhao, Joerg Aichelin, Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Klaus Werner

    The creation of a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is expected in heavy ion collisions. It came as a surprise that proton-proton collisions at ultrarelativistic energies show as well a ``QGP-like'' behavior and signs of the creation of a fluid, although the corresponding system size is not more than a few cubic femtometers. Even more surprisingly, also heavy flavor particles seem to be part of the fluid or at least interact with it. In this paper, we will investigate in a quantitative way this ``collective behavior'' of heavy flavor, by employing the newly developed EPOS4HQ approach, which has proven to be compatible with basic experimental data of light flavor hadrons. We will investigate all observables, which may manifest collectivity, as particle spectra, elliptic flow, baryon-to-meson ratios, and two-particle correlations, and compare the results with experimental data. We will try to disentangle initial state effects, those being due to interactions between charm quarks and plasma partons, and final state effects (hadronization).

  • Non-resonant Anomaly Detection with Background Extrapolation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kehang Bai, Radha Mastandrea, Benjamin Nachman

    Complete anomaly detection strategies that are both signal sensitive and compatible with background estimation have largely focused on resonant signals. Non-resonant new physics scenarios are relatively under-explored and may arise from off-shell effects or final states with significant missing energy. In this paper, we extend a class of weakly supervised anomaly detection strategies developed for resonant physics to the non-resonant case. Machine learning models are trained to reweight, generate, or morph the background, extrapolated from a control region. A classifier is then trained in a signal region to distinguish the estimated background from the data. The new methods are demonstrated using a semi-visible jet signature as a benchmark signal model, and are shown to automatically identify the anomalous events without specifying the signal ahead of time.

  • A simple model for the charm structure function of nuclei.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]


    In this paper, we have investigated the importance of quark charm in nuclear structure functions in the color dipole model at small $x$. The charm structure function per nucleon $F_{2}^{cA}/A$ for light and heavy nuclei in a wide range of transverse separations $\mathrm{r}$ with renormalization and factorization scales are considered. Bounds on the ratio $F^{cA}_{2}/AF^{A}_{2}$ for nuclei are well described with respect to the electron-ion future colliders kinematic range, i.e, EIC and EIcC colliders.

  • The reaction $\pi N \to \omega N$ in a dynamical coupled-channel approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yu-Fei Wang

    This talk is on a refined investigation on light flavor meson-baryon scatterings, using a dynamical coupled-channel approach, i.e. the J\"ulich-Bonn model. The previous channel space of $\pi N$, $\pi \Delta$, $\sigma N$, $\rho N$, $\eta N$, $K \Lambda$ and $K \Sigma$ is extended by adding the $\omega N$ final state. The spectra of $N^*$ and $\Delta$ resonances are extracted, based on the result of a global fit to a worldwide collection of data, in the energy region from the $\pi N$ threshold to center-of-mass energy $z=2.3$ GeV (approximately $300$ parameters against $9000$ data points). A negative value of the $\omega N$ elastic spin-averaged scattering length has been extracted.


  • From conformal to confining field theories using holography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ali Fatemiabhari, Carlos Nunez

    We construct a new family of Type IIB backgrounds that are dual to five dimensional conformal field theories compactified and deformed by VEVs of certain operators. This generates an RG flow into a smooth background dual to non-SUSY gapped field theories in four dimensions. We study various holographic observables: a monotonic quantity associated with the number of degrees of freedom, Wilson loops that interpolate between conformal and confining behaviour with the possibility of screening, Entanglement Entropy, etc. We also give a prescription to compute the Holographic Complexity in this type of backgrounds and calculate the spectrum of spin-two glueballs of the field theories.

  • Exploring duality symmetries, multicriticality and RG flows at $c = 2$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jeremias Aguilera Damia, Giovanni Galati, Ondrej Hulik, Salvo Mancani

    In this work, we study the realization of non-invertible duality symmetries along the toroidal branch of the $c=2$ conformal manifold. A systematic procedure to construct symmetry defects is implemented to show that all Rational Conformal Field Theories along this branch enjoy duality symmetries. Furthermore, we delve into an in-depth analysis of two representative cases of multicritical theories, were the toroidal branch meets various orbifold branches. For these particular examples, the categorical data and the defect Hilbert spaces associated to the duality symmetries are obtained by resorting to modular covariance. Finally, we study the interplay between these novel symmetries and the various exactly marginal and relevant deformations, including some representative examples of Renormalization Group flows where the infrared is constrained by the non-invertible symmetries and their anomalies.

  • Born Again.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jorge G. Russo, Paul K. Townsend

    Born's original 1933 theory of nonlinear electrodynamics (in contrast to the later Born-Infeld theory) is acausal for strong fields. We explore the issue of strong-field causality violation in families of theories containing Born and/or Born-Infeld, and many variants that have been previously proposed in contexts that include cosmology and black hole physics. Many of these variants are acausal and hence unphysical. A notable exception is the modified Born-Infeld theory with ModMax as its conformal weak-field limit.

  • Schr\"odinger cats escape confinement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Krasznai, G. Takács

    We consider local quenches from initial states generated by a single spin flip in either the true or the false vacuum state of the confining quantum Ising spin chain in the ferromagnetic regime. Contrary to global quenches, where the light-cone behaviour is strongly suppressed, we find a significant light-cone signal propagating with a nonzero velocity besides the expected localised oscillating component. Combining an analytic representation of the initial state with a numerical description of the relevant excitations using the two-fermion approximation, we can construct the spectrum of post-quench excitations and their overlaps with the initial state, identifying the underlying mechanism. For confining quenches built upon the true vacuum, the propagating signal consists of Schr{\"o}dinger cats of left and right-moving mesons escaping confinement. In contrast, for anti-confining quenches built upon the false vacuum, it is composed of Schr{\"o}dinger cats of left and right-moving bubbles which escape Wannier-Stark localisation.

  • Geometric Conformal Algebra and Galilean Spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article]

    G X A Petronilo

    This paper explores the use of geometric algebra to study the Galilean spacetime and its physical implications. The authors introduce the concept of geometric algebra and its advantages over tensor algebra for describing physical phenomena. They define the Galilean-spacetime algebra (GSTA) as a geometric algebra generated by a four-dimensional vector space with a degenerate metric. They show how the GSTA can be used to represent Galilean transformations, rotations, translations, and boosts. The authors also derive the general form of Galilean transformations in the GSTA and show how they preserve the scalar product and the pseudoscalar. They develop a tensor formulation of Galilean electromagnetism using the GSTA and show how it reduces to the usual Maxwell equations in the non-relativistic limit. They introduce the concept of Galilean spinors as elements of the minimal left ideals of the GSTA and show how the Galilean spinors can be used to construct the Levy-Leblond equation for a free electron and its matrix representation. They provide a suitable matrix representation for the Galilean gamma matrices and the Galilean pseudoscalar. They relate the GSTA to the four component dual numbers introduced by Majernik to express Galilean transformations and show how the dual numbers can be used to develop a Newton-Cartan theory of gravity. The paper concludes by summarizing the main results and suggesting some possible applications and extensions of the GSTA.

  • The Kondo effect in the quantum $XX$ spin chain.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pradip Kattel, Yicheng Tang, J. H. Pixley, Natan Andrei

    We investigate the boundary phenomena that arise in a finite-size $XX$ spin chain interacting through an $XX$ interaction with a spin$-\frac{1}{2}$ impurity located at its edge. Upon Jordan-Wigner transformation, the model is described by a quadratic Fermionic Hamiltonian. Our work displays, within this ostensibly simple model, the emergence of the Kondo effect, a quintessential hallmark of strongly correlated physics. We also show how the Kondo cloud shrinks and turns into a single particle bound state as the impurity coupling increases beyond a critical value. Using both \textit{Bethe Ansatz} and \textit{exact diagonalization} techniques, we show that the local moment of the impurity is screened by different mechanisms depending on the ratio of the boundary and bulk coupling. When the ratio falls below the critical value $\sqrt{2}$, the impurity is screened via the multiparticle Kondo effect. However, when the ratio between the coupling exceeds the critical value , a bound mode is formed at the impurity site which screens the spin of the impurity. We show that the boundary phase transition is reflected in local ground state properties by calculating the spinon density of states, the magnetization at the impurity site in the presence of a global magnetic field, and the finite temperature susceptibility. We find that the spinon density of states in the Kondo phase has the characteristic Lorentzian peak that moves from the Fermi level to the maximum energy of the spinon as the impurity coupling is increased and becomes a localized bound mode in the bound mode phase. Moreover, the impurity magnetization and the finite temperature impurity susceptibility behave differently in the two phases. When the boundary coupling $J_{\mathrm{imp}}$ exceeds the critical value $\sqrt{2}J$, the model is no longer boundary conformal invariant as a massive bound mode appears at the impurity site.

  • U-Folds From Geodesics in Moduli Space.- [PDF] - [Article]

    D. Astesiano, D. Ruggeri, M. Trigiante

    We exploit the presence of moduli fields in the ${\rm AdS}_3\times { S}^3\times CY_2$, where $CY_2=T^4$ or $K3$, solution to Type IIB superstring theory, to construct a U-fold solution with geometry ${\rm AdS}_2\times S^1\times {\rm S}^3\times CY_2$. This is achieved by giving a non-trivial dependence of the moduli fields in ${\rm SO}(4,n)/{\rm SO}(4)\times {\rm SO}(n)$ ($n=4$ for $CY_2=T^4$ and $n=20$ for $CY_2=K3$ ), on the coordinate $\eta$ of a compact direction $S^1$ along the boundary of ${\rm AdS}_3$, so that these scalars, as functions of $\eta$, describe a geodesic on the corresponding moduli space. The back-reaction of these evolving scalars on spacetime amounts to a splitting of ${\rm AdS}_3$ into ${\rm AdS}_2\times S^1$ with a non-trivial monodromy along $S^1$ defined by the geodesic. Choosing the monodromy matrix in ${\rm SO}(4,n;\,\mathbb{Z})$, this supergravity solution is conjectured to be a consistent superstring background. We generalize this construction starting from an ungauged theory in $D=2d$, $d$ odd, describing scalar fields non-minimally coupled to $(d-1)$-forms and featuring solutions with topology ${\rm AdS}_d\times S^d$, and moduli scalar fields. We show, in this general setting, that giving the moduli fields a geodesic dependence on the $\eta $ coordinate of an $S^1$ at the boundary of ${\rm AdS}_d$ is sufficient to split this space into ${\rm AdS}_{d-1}\times S^1$, with a monodromy along $S^1$ defined by the starting and ending points of the geodesic. This mechanism seems to be at work in the known J-fold solutions in $D=10$ Type IIB theory and hints towards the existence of similar solutions in the Type IIB theory compactified on $CY_2$. We argue that the holographic dual theory on these backgrounds is a 1+0 CFT on an interface in the 1+1 theory at the boundary of the original ${\rm AdS}_3$.

  • The Odd Fermion.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Daniel S. Freed, Michael J. Hopkins, Constantin Teleman

    In this short note we use the geometric approach to (topological) field theory to address the question: Does an odd number of quantum mechanical fermions make sense?

  • 3D Tensor Renormalisation Group at High Temperatures.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nikolay Ebel

    Building upon previous $2D$ studies, this research focuses on describing $3D$ tensor renormalisation group (RG) flows for lattice spin systems, such as the Ising model. We present a novel RG map, which operates on tensors with infinite-dimensional legs and does not involve truncations, in contrast to numerical tensor RG maps. To construct this map, we developed new techniques for analysing tensor networks. Our analysis shows that the constructed RG map contracts the region around the tensor $A_*$, corresponding to the high-temperature phase of the $3D$ Ising model. This leads to the iterated RG map convergence in the Hilbert-Schmidt norm to $A_*$ when initialised in the vicinity of $A_*$. This work provides the first steps towards the rigorous understanding of tensor RG maps in $3D$.

  • Multi-entropy at low Renyi index in 2d CFTs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jonathan Harper, Tadashi Takayanagi, Takashi Tsuda

    For a static time slice of AdS$_3$ we describe a particular class of minimal surfaces which form trivalent networks of geodesics. Through geometric arguments we provide evidence that these surfaces describe a measure of multipartite entanglement. By relating these surfaces to Ryu-Takayanagi surfaces it can be shown that this multipartite contribution is related to the angles of intersection of the bulk geodesics. A proposed boundary dual, the multi-entropy, generalizes replica trick calculations involving twist operators by considering monodromies with finite group symmetry beyond the cyclic group used for the computation of entanglement entropy. We make progress by providing explicit calculations of Renyi multi-entropy in two dimensional CFTs and geometric descriptions of the replica surfaces for several cases with low genus. We also explore aspects of the free fermion and free scalar CFTs. For the free fermion CFT we examine subtleties in the definition of the twist operators used for the calculation of Renyi multi-entropy. In particular the standard bosonization procedure used for the calculation of the usual entanglement entropy fails and a different treatment is required.

  • Revisiting the Landau criterion: a hydrodynamic and holographic approach to superfluid instabilities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Filippo Sottovia

    In this thesis we investigate the instabilities of superfluids at finite superflow by means of a hydrodynamical approach. We find that at a finite value of the background superfluid velocity a hydrodynamic collective mode crosses to the upper half complex frequency plane, thereby signalling a dynamical instability. At the same time, however, this instability is also thermodynamic, as its onset is controlled by one of the second derivatives of the free energy changing sign. We carry out our analysis in two main setups: the "probe limit", where the fluctuations of the temperature and the normal fluid's velocity are frozen, and a complete approach, which includes them. In both cases we test our results with the help of gauge-gravity duality, finding good agreement between the hydrodynamic modes of the boundary theory and the quasinormal modes of the gravity theory. Our criterion for the onset of the instability, which is formulated in a model-independent way, applies to interacting systems irrespective of the strength of interactions, does not rely on boost invariance and does not assume any specific quantum statistics. As a final check, we also show that it yields the Landau critical velocity for Galilean superfluids with Bose-Einstein quasiparticles.

  • Krylov complexity as an order parameter for deconfinement phase transitions at large $N$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Takanori Anegawa, Norihiro Iizuka, Mitsuhiro Nishida

    Krylov complexity has been proposed as a diagnostic of chaos in non-integrable lattice and quantum mechanical systems, and if the system is chaotic, Krylov complexity grows exponentially with time. However, when Krylov complexity is applied to quantum field theories, even in free theory, it grows exponentially with time. This exponential growth in free theory is simply due to continuous momentum in non-compact space and has nothing to do with the mass spectrum of theories. Thus by compactifying space sufficiently, exponential growth of Krylov complexity due to continuous momentum can be avoided. In this paper, we propose that the Krylov complexity of operators such as $\mathcal{O}=\textrm{Tr}[F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}]$ can be an order parameter of confinement/deconfinement transitions in large $N$ quantum field theories on such a compactified space. We explicitly give a prescription of the compactification at finite temperature to distinguish the continuity of spectrum due to momentum and mass spectrum. We then calculate the Krylov complexity of $\mathcal{N}=4, 0$ $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theories in the large $N$ limit by using holographic analysis of the spectrum and show that the behavior of Krylov complexity reflects the confinement/deconfinement phase transitions through the continuity of mass spectrum.

  • Out-of-time-order correlators of Skyrmion as baryon in holographic QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Si-wen Li, Yi-peng Zhang, Hao-qian Li

    As the out-of-time-order correlator (OTOC) is a measure of quantum chaos and an important observable in the context of AdS/CFT, we investigate the OTOC of holographic Skyrmion which is described by an analytical quantum mechanical system from the D4/D8 model (as the holographic QCD). By employing the OTOC defined in quantum mechanics, we derive the formulas and demonstrate the numerical calculations of the OTOC explicitly which is also available for the general case with central force field. Our numerical evaluation illustrates the behaviors of the OTOC with large $N_{c}$, however the expected exponential growth of OTOC is not obtained. Besides, we also take a look at the classical limit of the OTOC and analyze the associated behaviors. At the end of this work, we additionally study the OTOC with three-dimensional Coulomb potential, as another example for the central force field, to support our analyses of the general properties of quantum OTOC.

  • Gravitons in a gravitational plane wave.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Enrique Alvarez, Jesus Anero, Irene Sanchez-Ruiz

    Gravitational plane waves (when Ricci flat) belong to the VSI family. The achronym VSI stands for vanishing scalar invariants, meaning that all scalar invariants built out of Riemann tensor and its derivatives vanish, although the Riemann tensor itself does not. In the particular case of plane waves many interesting phenomena have been uncovered for strings propagating in this background. Here we comment on gravitons propagating in such a spacetime, which itself presumably consists of an Avogadro number of such gravitons.

  • Aspects of three-dimensional C-metric.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jia Tian, Tengzhou Lai

    In this work, we present an extensive analysis of the thermodynamics and holographic properties of three-dimensional C-metrics in the FG gauge, where we find that the free energy is equal to the Euclidean on-shell action with a generic conformal factor. For the black hole solutions we find that Smarr relation and the first law of thermodynamics can be formulated when the contributions of the boundary entropy are considered . We also compute holographic entanglement entropy following the AdS/BCFT formalism. By comparing the free energies of different bulk solutions with a fixed flat torus boundary geometry, we find that a specific type of accelerating black hole is dominant in the high temperature regime.

  • Constructing a weakly-interacting fixed point of the Fermionic Polchinski equation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rafael Leon Greenblatt

    I rigorously prove the existence of a nontrivial fixed point of a family of continuous renormalization group flows corresponding to certain weakly interacting Fermionic quantum field theories with a parameter in the propagator allowing the scaling dimension to be tuned in a manner analogous to dimensional regularization.

  • Spin-$(s,j)$ projectors and gauge-invariant spin-$s$ actions in maximally symmetric backgrounds.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Daniel Hutchings, Michael Ponds

    Given a maximally symmetric $d$-dimensional background with isometry algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, a symmetric and traceless rank-$s$ field $\phi_{a(s)}$ satisfying the massive Klein-Gordon equation furnishes a collection of massive $\mathfrak{g}$-representations with spins $j\in \{0,1,\cdots,s\}$. In this paper we construct the spin-$(s,j)$ projectors, which are operators that isolate the part of $\phi_{a(s)}$ that furnishes the representation from this collection carrying spin $j$. In the case of an (anti-)de Sitter ((A)dS$_d$) background, we find that the poles of the projectors encode information about (partially-)massless representations, in agreement with observations made earlier in $d=3,4$. We then use these projectors to facilitate a systematic derivation of two-derivative actions with a propagating massless spin-$s$ mode. In addition to reproducing the massless spin-$s$ Fronsdal action, this analysis generates new actions possessing higher-depth gauge symmetry. In (A)dS$_d$ we also derive the action for a partially-massless spin-$s$ depth-$t$ field with $1\leq t \leq s$. The latter utilises the minimum number of auxiliary fields, and corresponds to the action originally proposed by Zinoviev after gauging away all St\"{u}ckelberg fields. Some higher-derivative actions are also presented, and in $d=3$ are used to construct (i) generalised higher-spin Cotton tensors in (A)dS$_3$; and (ii) topologically-massive actions with higher-depth gauge symmetry. Finally, in four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ Minkowski superspace, we provide closed-form expressions for the analogous superprojectors.

  • Modelling the elliptical instability of magnetic skyrmions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bruno Barton-Singer

    Two recently developed methods of modelling chiral magnetic soliton elliptical instability are applied in two novel scenarios, the tilted ferromagnetic phase of chiral magnets dominated by easy-plane anisotropy and the general case of the chiral magnet with tilted applied field and arbitrary uniaxial anisotropy. In the former case, the analytical predictions are found to exactly match previous numerical results. In the latter case, instability of isolated chiral skyrmions has not yet been studied, although the predictions correspond interestingly to previous numerical investigation of the phase diagram.

  • Representations of shifted quantum affine algebras and cluster algebras I. The simply-laced case.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Christof Geiss, David Hernandez, Bernard Leclerc

    We introduce a family of cluster algebras of infinite rank associated with root systems of type $A$, $D$, $E$. We show that suitable completions of these cluster algebras are isomorphic to the Grothendieck rings of the categories $\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{Z}$ of the corresponding shifted quantum affine algebras. The cluster variables of a class of distinguished initial seeds are certain formal power series defined by E. Frenkel and the second author, which satisfy a system of functional relations called $QQ$-system. We conjecture that all cluster monomials are classes of simple objects of $\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{Z}$. In the final section, we show that these cluster algebras contain infinitely many cluster subalgebras isomorphic to the coordinate ring of the open double Bruhat cell of the corresponding simple simply-connected algebraic group. This explains the similarity between $QQ$-system relations and certain generalized minor identities discovered by Fomin and Zelevinsky.

  • Classical Yang-Baxter equation, Lagrangian multiforms and ultralocal integrable hierarchies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vincent Caudrelier, Matteo Stoppato, Benoit Vicedo

    We cast the classical Yang-Baxter equation (CYBE) in a variational context for the first time, by relating it to the theory of Lagrangian multiforms, a framework designed to capture integrability in a variational fashion. This provides a significant connection between Lagrangian multiforms and the CYBE, one of the most fundamental concepts of integrable systems. This is achieved by introducing a generating Lagrangian multiform which depends on a skew-symmetric classical $r$-matrix with spectral parameters. The multiform Euler-Lagrange equations produce a generating Lax equation which yields a generating zero curvature equation. The CYBE plays a role at three levels: 1) It ensures the commutativity of the flows of the generating Lax equation; 2) It ensures that the generating zero curvature equation holds; 3) It implies the closure relation for the generating Lagrangian multiform. The specification of an integrable hierarchy is achieved by fixing certain data: a finite set $S\in CP^1$, a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, a $\mathfrak{g}$-valued rational function with poles in $S$ and an $r$-matrix. We show how our framework is able to generate a large class of ultralocal integrable hierarchies by providing several known and new examples pertaining to the rational or trigonometric class. These include the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur hierarchy, the sine-Gordon (sG) hierarchy and various hierachies related to Zakharov-Mikhailov type models which contain the Faddeev-Reshetikhin (FR) model and recently introduced deformed sigma/Gross-Neveu models as particular cases. The versatility of our method is illustrated by showing how to couple integrable hierarchies together to create new examples of integrable field theories and their hierarchies. We provide two examples: the coupling of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger system to the FR model and the coupling of sG with the anisotropic FR model.

  • The Floquet Baxterisation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuan Miao, Vladimir Gritsev, Denis V. Kurlov

    Quantum integrability has proven to be a useful tool to study quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium. In this paper we construct a generic framework for integrable quantum circuits through the procedure of Floquet Baxterisation. The integrability is guaranteed by establishing a connection between Floquet evolution operators and inhomogeneous transfer matrices obtained from the Yang-Baxter relations. This allows us to construct integrable Floquet evolution operators with arbitrary depths and various boundary conditions. Furthermore, we focus on the example related to the staggered 6-vertex model. In the scaling limit we establish a connection of this Floquet protocol with a non-rational conformal field theory. Employing the properties of the underlying affine Temperley--Lieb algebraic structure, we demonstrate the dynamical anti-unitary symmetry breaking in the easy-plane regime. We also give an overview of integrability-related quantum circuits, highlighting future research directions.

  • Anomaly and double copy in quantum self-dual Yang-Mills and gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ricardo Monteiro, Ricardo Stark-Muchão, Sam Wikeley

    Recent works have explored how scattering amplitudes in quantum self-dual Yang-Mills theory and self-dual gravity can be interpreted as resulting from an anomaly, as first proposed by W. Bardeen. We study this problem in the light-cone-gauge formulation of the theories. Firstly, we describe how the infinite tower of symmetries associated to classical integrability can be quantum corrected, exhibiting the one-loop anomaly. Secondly, we present quantum-corrected light-cone Lagrangians worthy of the simplicity of the amplitudes, building on recent works describing the anomaly in twistor space. Finally, we discover an unexpected BCJ-like double copy for the (loop-integrated) amplitudes, distinct from the well-known BCJ double copy for the loop integrands.

  • Euler fluid in 2+1 dimensions as a gauge theory, and an action for the Euler fluid in any dimension.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Horatiu Nastase, Jacob Sonnenschein

    In this paper we parallel the construction of Tong of a gauge theory for shallow water, by writing a gauge theory for the Euler fluid in 2+1 dimensions. We then extend it to an Euler fluid coupled to electromagnetic background. We argue that the gauge theory formulation provides a topological argument for the quantization of 2+1 dimensional Euler Hopfion solution. In the process, we find a (non-gauge) action for the Euler fluid that can be extended to any dimension, including the physical 3+1 dimensions. We discuss several aspects of the ABC flow.

  • Equivariant localization and holography.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dario Martelli, Alberto Zaffaroni

    We discuss the theory of equivariant localization focussing on applications relevant for holography. We consider geometries comprising compact and non-compact toric orbifolds, as well as more general non-compact toric Calabi-Yau singularities. A key object in our constructions is the equivariant volume, for which we describe two methods of evaluation: the Berline-Vergne fixed-point formula and the Molien-Weyl formula, supplemented by the Jeffrey-Kirwan prescription. We present two applications in supersymmetric field theories. Firstly, we describe a method for integrating the anomaly polynomial of SCFTs on compact toric orbifolds. Secondly, we discuss equivariant orbifold indices that are expected to play a key role in the computation of supersymmetric partition functions. In the context of supergravity, we propose that the equivariant volume can be used to characterise universally the geometry of a large class of supersymmetric solutions. As an illustration, we employ equivariant localization to prove the factorization in gravitational blocks of various supergravity free energies, recovering previous results as well as obtaining generalizations.

  • Universal Asymptotics for High Energy CFT Data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nathan Benjamin, Jaeha Lee, Hirosi Ooguri, David Simmons-Duffin

    Equilibrium finite temperature observables of a CFT can be described by a local effective action for background fields -- a "thermal effective action." This effective action determines the asymptotic density of states of a CFT as a detailed function of dimension and spin. We discuss subleading perturbative and nonperturbative corrections to the density, comparing with free and holographic examples. We furthermore show how to use the thermal effective action on more complicated geometries at special locations called "hot spots." The hot spot idea makes a prediction for a CFT partition function on a higher-dimensional version of a genus-2 Riemann surface, in a particular high temperature limit. By decomposing the partition function into a novel higher-dimensional version of genus-2 conformal blocks (which we compute at large scaling dimension), we extract the asymptotic density of heavy-heavy-heavy OPE coefficients in a higher-dimensional CFT. We also compute asymptotics of thermal 1-point functions using the same techniques.

  • Lagrangian multiforms on coadjoint orbits for finite-dimensional integrable systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vincent Caudrelier, Marta Dell'Atti, Anup Anand Singh

    Lagrangian multiforms provide a variational framework to describe integrable hierarchies. The case of Lagrangian $1$-forms covers finite-dimensional integrable systems. We use the theory of Lie dialgebras introduced by Semenov-Tian-Shansky to construct a Lagrangian $1$-form. Given a Lie dialgebra associated with a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ and a collection $H_k$, $k=1,\dots,N$, of invariant functions on $\mathfrak{g}^*$, we give a formula for a Lagrangian multiform describing the commuting flows for $H_k$ on a coadjoint orbit in $\mathfrak{g}^*$. We show that the Euler-Lagrange equations for our multiform produce the set of compatible equations in Lax form associated with the underlying $r$-matrix of the Lie dialgebra. We establish a structural result which relates the closure relation for our multiform to the Poisson involutivity of the Hamiltonians $H_k$ and the so-called ``double zero'' on the Euler-Lagrange equations. The construction is extended to a general coadjoint orbit by using reduction from the free motion of the cotangent bundle of a Lie group. We illustrate the dialgebra construction of a Lagrangian multiform with the open Toda chain and the rational Gaudin model. The open Toda chain is built using two different Lie dialgebra structures on $\mathfrak{sl}(N+1)$. The first one possesses a non-skew-symmetric $r$-matrix and falls within the Adler-Kostant-Symes scheme. The second one possesses a skew-symmetric $r$-matrix. In both cases, the connection with the well-known descriptions of the chain in Flaschka and canonical coordinates is provided.

  • Universal entanglement signatures of interface conformal field theories.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Qicheng Tang, Zixia Wei, Yin Tang, Xueda Wen, W. Zhu

    An interface connecting two distinct conformal field theories hosts rich critical behaviors. In this work, we investigate the entanglement properties of such critical interface theories for probing the underlying universality. As inspired by holographic perspectives, we demonstrate vital features of various entanglement measures regarding such interfaces based on several paradigmatic lattice models. Crucially, for two subsystems adjacent at the interface, the mutual information and the reflected entropy exhibit identical leading logarithmic scaling, giving an effective interface central charge that takes the same value as the smaller central charge of the two conformal field theories. Our work demonstrates that the entanglement measure offers a powerful tool to explore the rich physics in critical interface theories.

  • Complex eigenvalue instantons and the Fredholm determinant expansion in the Gross-Witten-Wadia model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Dan Stefan Eniceicu, Raghu Mahajan, Chitraang Murdia

    We study the leading nonperturbative corrections to the strong-coupling (ungapped) phase of the Gross-Witten-Wadia (GWW) integral over unitary matrices, to one-loop order. We compute these corrections directly in terms of eigenvalue tunneling in a holomorphic presentation of the integral over eigenvalues. The leading nonperturbative contribution to the partition function comes from a pair of complex eigenvalue instantons. We show that these are in fact "ghost instantons", which are extrema of the one-eigenvalue effective potential on the "unphysical sheet" of the spectral curve and have been discussed in detail recently by Mari\~no, Schiappa, and Schwick. Further, we discuss the relationship of these instantons to the Fredholm determinant expansion of the unitary matrix integral, which has recently become an object of interest in the computations of BPS indices of supersymmetric gauge theories and black holes. We find that, after taking the 't Hooft limit, the first correction given by the Fredholm determinant expansion of the GWW integral agrees precisely with the leading nonperturbative correction, to one-loop order.

  • More Fermionic Supersymmetric Wilson loops in Four Dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hao Ouyang, Jun-Bao Wu

    We construct supersymmetric fermionic Wilson loops along general curves in four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory and along general planar curves in $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal $SU(N)\times SU(N)$ quiver theory. These loops are generalizations of the Zarembo loops and are cohomologically equivalent to them. In $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory, we compute their expectation values and verify the cohomological equivalence relation up to the order $g^4$ in perturbation theory.

  • Genus-one open string amplitudes on AdS$_5\times$S$^3$ from CFT.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hynek Paul, Michele Santagata

    We bootstrap one-loop string corrections to the four-point function of half-BPS operators in a 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFT with flavour group $SO(8)$, dual to gluon scattering at genus one on AdS$_5\times$S$^3$. We identify an 8-dimensional organising principle which governs the spectrum of double-trace anomalous dimensions, valid to all orders in the string length. This has precise implications for the structure of one-loop Mellin amplitudes, which we explicitly compute for the first three orders beyond the field-theory limit. We also consider the corresponding position space representation, which is entirely determined by the square of a certain differential operator acting on a simpler "pre-correlator". Finally, we show that the flat-space limit of the Mellin amplitudes exactly matches the logarithmic terms of the genus-one amplitude in 8-dimensional flat space, which we compute via a partial-wave analysis.

  • Emergence of Species Scale Black Hole Horizons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    José Calderón-Infante, Matilda Delgado, Angel M. Uranga

    The scale at which quantum gravity becomes manifest, the species scale $\Lambda_s$, has recently been argued to take values parametrically lower than the Planck scale. We use black holes of vanishing horizon area (small black holes) in effective field theories coupled to quantum gravity to shed light on how the three different physical manifestations of the species scale $\Lambda_s$ relate to each other. (i) Near the small black hole core, a scalar field runs to infinite distance in moduli space, a regime in which the Swampland Distance Conjecture predicts a tower of exponentially light states, which lower $\Lambda_s$. (ii) We integrate out modes in the tower and generate via Emergence a set of higher derivative corrections, showing that $\Lambda_s$ is the scale at which such terms become relevant. (iii) Finally, higher derivative terms modify the black hole solution and grant it a non-zero, species scale sized stretched horizon of radius $\Lambda_s^{-1}$, showcasing the species scale as the size of the smallest possible black hole describable in the effective theory. We present explicit 4d examples of small black holes in 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity, and the 10d example of type IIA D0-branes. The emergence of the species scale horizon for D0-branes requires a non-trivial interplay of different 8-derivative terms in type IIA and M-theory, providing a highly non-trivial check of our unified description of the different phenomena associated to the species scale.

  • Integral of depth zero to three basis of Modular Graph Functions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mehregan Doroudiani

    Modular Graph Functions (MGFs) are SL(2,$\mathbb{Z}$)-invariant functions that emerge in the study of the low-energy expansion of the one-loop closed string amplitude. To find the string scattering amplitude, we must integrate MGFs over the moduli space of the torus. In this paper, we use the iterated integral representation of MGFs to establish a depth-dependent basis for them, where "depth" refers to the number of iterations in the integral. This basis has a suitable Laplace equation. We integrate this basis from depth zero to depth three over the fundamental domain of SL(2,$\mathbb{Z}$) with a cut-off.

  • BCFT One-point Functions of Coulomb Branch Operators.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Davide Bason, Lorenzo Di Pietro, Roberto Valandro, Jesse van Muiden

    We show that supersymmetry can be used to compute the BCFT one-point function coefficients for chiral primary operators, in 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs with $\frac{1}{2}$-BPS boundary conditions. The main ingredient is the hemisphere partition function, with the boundary condition on the equatorial $S^3$. A supersymmetric Ward identity relates derivatives with respect to the chiral coupling constants to the insertion of the primaries at the pole of the hemisphere. Exact results for the one-point functions can be then obtained in terms of the localization matrix model. We discuss in detail the example of the super Maxwell theory in the bulk, interacting with 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs on the boundary. In particular we derive the action of the SL(2,$\mathbb{Z}$) duality on the one-point functions.

  • Thermodynamics and Holography of Three-dimensional Accelerating black holes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jia Tian, Tengzhou Lai

    We address the problem of describing the thermodynamics and holography of three-dimensional accelerating black holes. By embedding the solutions in the Chern-Simons formalism, we identify two distinct masses, each with its associated first law of thermodynamics. We also show that a boundary entropy should be included (or excluded) in the black hole entropy.

  • The $g$-function and Defect Changing Operators from Wavefunction Overlap on a Fuzzy Sphere.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zheng Zhou, Davide Gaiotto, Yin-Chen He, Yijian Zou

    Defects are common in physical systems with boundaries, impurities or extensive measurements. The interaction between bulk and defect can lead to rich physical phenomena. Defects in gapless phases of matter with conformal symmetry usually flow to a defect conformal field theory (dCFT). Understanding the universal properties of dCFTs is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a computational strategy applicable to a line defect in arbitrary dimensions. Our main assumption is that the defect has an UV description in terms of a local modification of the Hamiltonian, so that we can compute the overlap between low-energy eigenstates of a system with or without the defect insertion. We argue that these overlaps contains a wealth of conformal data, including the $g$-function, which is an RG monotonic quantity that distinguishes different dCFTs, the scaling dimensions of defect creation operators $\Delta^{+0}_\alpha$ and changing operators $\Delta^{+-}_\alpha$ that live on the intersection of different types of line defects, and various OPE coefficients. We apply this method to the fuzzy sphere regularization of 3D CFTs and study the magnetic line defect of the 3D Ising CFT. Using exact diagonalization, we report the non-perturbative results $g=0.6055(7),\Delta^{+0}_0=0.1076(9)$ and $\Delta^{+-}_0=0.84(4)$ for the first time. We also obtain other OPE coefficients and scaling dimensions. Our results have significant physical implications. For example, they constrain the possible occurrence of spontaneous symmetry breaking at line defects of the 3D Ising CFT. Our method can be potentially applied to various other dCFTs, such as plane defects and Wilson lines in gauge theories.

  • Lattice realization of the axial $U(1)$ non-invertible symmetry.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yamato Honda, Okuto Morikawa, Soma Onoda, Hiroshi Suzuki

    In $U(1)$ lattice gauge theory with compact $U(1)$ variables, we construct the symmetry operator, i.e., the topological defect, for the axial $U(1)$ non-invertible symmetry. This requires a lattice formulation of chiral gauge theory with an anomalous matter content and we employ the lattice formulation on the basis of the Ginsparg--Wilson relation. The invariance of the symmetry operator under the gauge transformation of the gauge field on the defect is realized, imitating the prescription by Karasik in continuum theory, by integrating the lattice Chern--Simons term on the defect over \emph{smooth\/} lattice gauge transformations. The projection operator for allowed magnetic fluxes on the defect then emerges with lattice regularization. The resulting symmetry operator is manifestly invariant under lattice gauge transformations.

  • Root patterns and exact surface energy of the spin-1 Heisenberg model with generic open boundaries.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jiasheng Dong, Pengcheng Lu, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, Ian Marquette, Yao-Zhong Zhang

    We investigate the thermodynamic limit and exact surface energy of the isotropic spin-1 Heisenberg chain with integrable generic open boundary conditions by a novel Bethe ansatz method. We obtain the homogeneous Bethe ansatz equations for the zero roots of the transfer matrix. Based on the patterns of the zero roots, we analytical calculate the densities of zero roots and the surface energies of the model in all regimes of the boundary parameters.



  • Many-body Non-Hermitian Skin Effect for Multipoles.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jacopo Gliozzi, Giuseppe De Tomasi, Taylor L. Hughes

    In this work, we investigate the fate of the non-Hermitian skin effect in one-dimensional systems that conserve the dipole moment and higher moments of an associated global $\text{U}(1)$ charge. Motivated by field theoretical arguments and lattice model calculations, we demonstrate that the key feature of the non-Hermitian skin effect for $m$-pole conserving systems is the generation of an $(m+1)$th multipole moment. For example, in contrast to the conventional skin effect where charges are anomalously localized at one boundary, the dipole-conserving skin effect results in charges localized at both boundaries, in a configuration that generates an extremal quadrupole moment. In addition, we explore the dynamical consequences of the $m$-pole skin effect, focusing on charge and entanglement propagation. Both numerically and analytically, we provide evidence that long-time steady-states have Fock-space localization and an area-law scaling of entanglement entropy, which serve as quantum indicators of the skin effect.

  • Efficient Quantum Trace Estimation with Reconfigurable Real-Time Circuits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yizhi Shen, Katherine Klymko, Eran Rabani, Daan Camps, Roel Van Beeumen, Michael Lindsey

    Recently, quantum algorithms that leverage real-time evolution under a many-body Hamiltonian have proven to be exceptionally effective in estimating individual eigenvalues near the edge of the Hamiltonian spectrum, such as the ground state energy. By contrast, evaluating the trace of an operator requires the aggregation of eigenvalues across the entire spectrum. In this work, we introduce an efficient near-term quantum algorithm for computing the trace of a broad class of operators, including matrix functions of the target Hamiltonian. Our trace estimator is similar to the classical Girard-Hutchinson estimator in that it involves the preparation of many random states. Although the exact Girard-Hutchinson estimator is not tractably realizable on a quantum computer, we can construct random states that match the variance of the Girard-Hutchinson estimator through only real-time evolution. Importantly, our random states are all generated using the same Hamiltonians for real-time evolution, with randomness owing only to stochastic variations in the duration of the evolutions. In this sense, the circuit is reconfigurable and suitable for realization on both digital and analog platforms. For numerical illustration, we highlight important applications in the physical, chemical, and materials sciences, such as calculations of density of states and free energy.

  • Cooper quartets designing in multi-terminal superconducting devices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Luca Chirolli, Alessandro Braggio, Francesco Giazotto

    Quantum design of Cooper quartets in a double quantum dot system coupled to ordinary superconducting leads is presented as a novel platform for the study of an elusive many-body state of matter, that is at the basis of the phenomenon of charge-$4e$ superconductivity. A fundamentally novel, maximally correlated ground state, in the form of a superposition of vacuum $|0\rangle$ and four-electron state $|4e\rangle$, emerges as a narrow resonance and it is promoted by an attractive interdot interaction. A novel phenomenology in the dissipationless transport regime is elucidated, that yields typical flux quantization in units of $h/4e$ and manifests in non-local multi-terminal coherence and in two-Cooper pair transport properties mediated by the quartet ground state. The results open the way to the exploration of correlation effects and non-local coherence in hybrid superconducting devices, parity-protected quantum computing schemes and more generally, the work poses the basis for the design and simulation of novel correlated states of matter starting from ordinary ingredients available in a quantum solid state lab.

  • Observation of quantum oscillations in the extreme weak anharmonic limit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    A. Théry, B. Neukelmance, B. Hue, W. Legrand, L. Jarjat, J. Craquelin, M. Villiers, A. Cottet, M.R. Delbecq, T. Kontos

    We investigate a granular aluminium quantum circuit with an anharmonicity of the order of its decoherence rate in a 3-dimensional microwave cavity. We perform single qubit-like manipulations such as Rabi oscillations and Ramsey fringes. Our findings, supported by quantitative numerical modeling, show that a very weakly anharmonic oscillator can also display quantum oscillations outside the qubit regime. These oscillations are hard to disambiguate from qubit oscillations in time domain measurements for a single driving frequency. This sheds new light on recent findings for new material superconducting quantum bits. Our platform shows in addition large magnetic field resilience which could find applications for quantum enhanced dark matter search.

  • Design of Fully Integrated 45 nm CMOS System-on-Chip Receiver for Readout of Transmon Qubit.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ahmad Salmanogli, Amine Bermak

    This study unveils a comprehensive design strategy, intricately addressing the realization of transmon qubits, the design of Josephson parametric amplifiers, and the development of an innovative fully integrated receiver dedicated to sensing ultra-low-level quantum signals. Quantum theory takes center stage, leveraging the Lindblad master and quantum Langevin equations to design the transmon qubit and Josephson parametric amplifier as open quantum systems. The mentioned quantum devices engineering integrated with the design of a fully integrated 45 nm CMOS system-on-chip receiver, weaves together a nuanced tapestry of quantum and classical elements. On one hand, for the transmon qubit and parametric amplifier operating at 10 mK, critical quantum metrics including entanglement, Stoke projector probabilities, and parametric amplifier gain are calculated. On the other hand, the resulting receiver is a symphony of high-performance elements, featuring a wide-band low-noise amplifier with a 0.8 dB noise figure and ~37 dB gains, a sweepable 5.0 GHz sinusoidal wave generator via the voltage-controlled oscillator, and a purpose-designed mixer achieving C-band to zero-IF conversion. Intermediate frequency amplifier, with a flat gain of around 26 dB, and their low-pass filters, generate a pure sinusoidal wave at zero-IF, ready for subsequent processing at room temperature. This design achieves an impressive balance, with low power consumption (~122 mW), a noise figure of ~0.9 dB, high gain (~130 dB), a wide bandwidth of 3.6 GHz, and compact dimensions (0.54*0.4 mm^2). The fully integrated receiver capability to read out at least 90 qubits positions this design for potential applications in quantum computing. Validation through post-simulations at room temperature underscores the promising and innovative nature of this design.

  • S-FABLE and LS-FABLE: Fast approximate block-encoding algorithms for unstructured sparse matrices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Parker Kuklinski, Benjamin Rempfer

    The Fast Approximate BLock-Encoding algorithm (FABLE) is a technique to block-encode arbitrary $N\times N$ dense matrices into quantum circuits using at most $O(N^2)$ one and two-qubit gates and $\mathcal{O}(N^2\log{N})$ classical operations. The method nontrivially transforms a matrix $A$ into a collection of angles to be implemented in a sequence of $y$-rotation gates within the block-encoding circuit. If an angle falls below a threshold value, its corresponding rotation gate may be eliminated without significantly impacting the accuracy of the encoding. Ideally many of these rotation gates may be eliminated at little cost to the accuracy of the block-encoding such that quantum resources are minimized. In this paper we describe two modifications of FABLE to efficiently encode sparse matrices; in the first method termed Sparse-FABLE (S-FABLE), for a generic unstructured sparse matrix $A$ we use FABLE to block encode the Hadamard-conjugated matrix $H^{\otimes n}AH^{\otimes n}$ (computed with $\mathcal{O}(N^2\log N)$ classical operations) and conjugate the resulting circuit with $n$ extra Hadamard gates on each side to reclaim a block-approximation to $A$. We demonstrate that the FABLE circuits corresponding to block-encoding $H^{\otimes n}AH^{\otimes n}$ significantly compress and that overall scaling is empirically favorable (i.e. using S-FABLE to block-encode a sparse matrix with $\mathcal{O}(N)$ nonzero entries requires approximately $\mathcal{O}(N)$ rotation gates and $\mathcal{O}(N\log N)$ CNOT gates). In the second method called `Lazy' Sparse-FABLE (LS-FABLE), we eliminate the quadratic classical overhead altogether by directly implementing scaled entries of the sparse matrix $A$ in the rotation gates of the S-FABLE oracle. This leads to a slightly less accurate block-encoding than S-FABLE, while still demonstrating favorable scaling to FABLE similar to that found in S-FABLE.

  • Observing the quantum Mpemba effect in quantum simulations.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lata Kh Joshi, Johannes Franke, Aniket Rath, Filiberto Ares, Sara Murciano, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Benoît Vermersch, Pasquale Calabrese, Christian F. Roos, Manoj K. Joshi

    The non-equilibrium physics of many-body quantum systems harbors various unconventional phenomena. In this study, we experimentally investigate one of the most puzzling of these phenomena -- the quantum Mpemba effect, where a tilted ferromagnet restores its symmetry more rapidly when it is farther from the symmetric state compared to when it is closer. We present the first experimental evidence of the occurrence of this effect in a trapped-ion quantum simulator. The symmetry breaking and restoration are monitored through entanglement asymmetry, probed via randomized measurements, and postprocessed using the classical shadows technique. Our findings are further substantiated by measuring the Frobenius distance between the experimental state and the stationary thermal symmetric theoretical state, offering direct evidence of subsystem thermalization.

  • Fault-tolerant quantum computation using large spin cat-codes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sivaprasad Omanakuttan, Vikas Buchemmavari, Jonathan A. Gross, Ivan H Deutsch, Milad Marvian

    We construct a fault-tolerant quantum error-correcting protocol based on a qubit encoded in a large spin qudit using a spin-cat code, analogous to the continuous variable cat encoding. With this, we can correct the dominant error sources, namely processes that can be expressed as error operators that are linear or quadratic in the components of angular momentum. Such codes tailored to dominant error sources {can} exhibit superior thresholds and lower resource overheads when compared to those designed for unstructured noise models. To preserve the dominant errors during gate operations, we identify a suitable universal gate set. A key component is the CNOT gate that preserves the rank of spherical tensor operators. Categorizing the dominant errors as phase and amplitude errors, we demonstrate how phase errors, analogous to phase-flip errors for qubits, can be effectively corrected. Furthermore, we propose a measurement-free error correction scheme to address amplitude errors without relying on syndrome measurements. Through an in-depth analysis of logical CNOT gate errors, we establish that the fault-tolerant threshold for error correction in the spin-cat encoding surpasses that of standard qubit-based encodings. We consider a specific implementation based on neutral-atom quantum computing, with qudits encoded in the nuclear spin of $^{87}$Sr, and show how to generate the universal gate set, including the rank-preserving CNOT gate, using quantum control and the Rydberg blockade. These findings pave the way for encoding a qubit in a large spin with the potential to achieve fault tolerance, high threshold, and reduced resource overhead in quantum information processing.

  • Frequency-dependent squeezing for gravitational-wave detection through quantum teleportation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yohei Nishino, Stefan Danilishin, Yutaro Enomoto, Teng Zhang

    Ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors are highly precise sensors for weak forces, limited in sensitivity across their detection band by quantum fluctuations of light. Current and future instruments address this limitation by injecting frequency-dependent squeezed vacuum into the detection port, utilizing narrow-band, low-loss optical cavities for optimal rotation of the squeezing ellipse at each signal frequency. This study introduces a novel scheme employing the principles of quantum teleportation and entangled states of light. It allows achieving broadband suppression of quantum noise in detuned signal recycled-Fabry-Perot--Michelson interferometers, which is the baseline design of the low-frequency detector within the Einstein Telescope xylophone detector, without requiring additional filter cavities or modifications to the core optics of the main interferometer.

  • Magnetically controlled quantum thermal devices via three nearest-neighbor coupled spin-1/2 systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yi-jia Yang, Yu-qiang Liu, Zheng Liu, Chang-shui Yu

    A quantum thermal device based on three nearest-neighbor coupled spin-1/2 systems controlled by the magnetic field is proposed. We systematically study the steady-state thermal behaviors of the system. When the two terminals of our system are in contact with two thermal reservoirs, respectively, the system behaves as a perfect thermal modulator that can manipulate heat current from zero to specific values by adjusting magnetic field direction over different parameter ranges, since the longitudinal magnetic field can completely block the heat transport. Significantly, the modulator can also be achieved when a third thermal reservoir perturbs the middle spin. We also find that the transverse field can induce the system to separate into two subspaces in which neither steady-state heat current vanishes, thus providing an extra level of control over the heat current through the manipulation of the initial state. In addition, the performance of this device as a transistor can be enhanced by controlling the magnetic field, achieving versatile amplification behaviors, in particular substantial amplification factors.

  • Implementation of space-division multiplexed entanglement-based quantum cryptography over multicore fiber.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Evelyn A. Ortega, Jorge Fuenzalida, Krishna Dovzhik, Rodrigo F. Shiozaki, Juan Carlos Alvarado-Zacarias, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Martin Bohmann, Sören Wengerowsky, Rupert Ursin

    Quantum communication implementations require efficient and reliable quantum channels. Optical fibers have proven to be an ideal candidate for distributing quantum states. Thus, today's efforts address overcoming issues towards high data transmission and long-distance implementations. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the secret key rate enhancement via space-division multiplexing using a multicore fiber. Our multiplexing technique exploits the momentum correlation of photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We distributed polarization-entangled photon pairs into opposite cores within a 19-core multicore fiber. We estimated the secret key rates in a configuration with 6 and 12 cores from the entanglement visibility after transmission through 411 m long multicore fiber.

  • Long-lived topological time-crystalline order on a quantum processor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Liang Xiang, Wenjie Jiang, Zehang Bao, Zixuan Song, Shibo Xu, Ke Wang, Jiachen Chen, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Zitian Zhu, Fanhao Shen, Ning Wang, Chuanyu Zhang, Yaozu Wu, Yiren Zou, Jiarun Zhong, Zhengyi Cui, Aosai Zhang, Ziqi Tan, Tingting Li, Yu Gao, Jinfeng Deng, Xu Zhang, Hang Dong, Pengfei Zhang, Si Jiang, Weikang Li, Zhide Lu, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Hekang Li, Zhen Wang, Chao Song, Qiujiang Guo, Fangli Liu, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Norman Y. Yao, Thomas Iadecola, Francisco Machado, H. Wang, Dong-Ling Deng

    Topologically ordered phases of matter elude Landau's symmetry-breaking theory, featuring a variety of intriguing properties such as long-range entanglement and intrinsic robustness against local perturbations. Their extension to periodically driven systems gives rise to exotic new phenomena that are forbidden in thermal equilibrium. Here, we report the observation of signatures of such a phenomenon -- a prethermal topologically ordered time crystal -- with programmable superconducting qubits arranged on a square lattice. By periodically driving the superconducting qubits with a surface-code Hamiltonian, we observe discrete time-translation symmetry breaking dynamics that is only manifested in the subharmonic temporal response of nonlocal logical operators. We further connect the observed dynamics to the underlying topological order by measuring a nonzero topological entanglement entropy and studying its subsequent dynamics. Our results demonstrate the potential to explore exotic topologically ordered nonequilibrium phases of matter with noisy intermediate-scale quantum processors.

  • Counting and metrology of distributed atomic clocks using metropolitan fiber.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jialiang Wang, Deling Zeng, Youzhen Gui, Lian Dong, Rong Wei

    We demonstrate a distributed atomic clocks network between Shanghai Institute of Optics and fine Mechanics (SIOM) and Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Test (SIMT). The frequency signals from three different clocks transfer in one fiber link and four clocks can have comparison in two different labs.By comparing the results of the comparison between the two labs, it was found that the consistency of the frequency signal is on the order of lower than 1E-15. And we also achieve consistency between two locations at the E-15 level of frequency reporting. This scheme can achieve distributed time counting and frequency dissemination of remote atomic clocks, which is a new exploration of the future time keeping laboratory mode.

  • Generalized wave-particle-Mixdness triality for n-path interferometers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Y. T. Tsui, Sunho Kim

    The wave-particle duality, as one of the expressions of Bohr complementarity, is usually quantified by path predictability and the visibility of interference fringes. With the development of quantum resource theory, the quantitative analysis of wave-particle duality is increasing, most of which are expressed in the form of specific functions. In this paper, we obtain the path information measure for pure states by converting the coherence measure for pure state into a symmetric concave function. Then we prove the function as a path information measure is also valid for mixed states. Furthermore, we also establish a generalized wave-particle-mixedness traility. Although the mixedness proposed in the text is not a complete mixedness measure, it also satisfies some conditions of mixdness measure. From the perspective of resource theory, the path information we establish can be used as the measure of the resource of predictability, and the triaility relationship we establish reveals the relationship among coherence, predictability, purity and mixdness degree to a certain extent. According to our method, given either coherence measure or path information, a particular form of wave-particle-mixedness traility can be established. This will play an important role in establishing connections between wave, particle and other physical quantifiers.

  • Minimal criteria for continuous-variable genuine multipartite entanglement.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Olga Leskovjanová, Ladislav Mišta Jr

    We derive a set of genuine multi-mode entanglement criteria for second moments of the quadrature operators. The criteria have a common form of the uncertainty relation between sums of variances of position and momentum quadrature combinations. A unique feature of the criteria is that the sums contain the least possible number of variances of at most two-mode combinations. The number of second moments we need to know to apply the criteria thus scales only linearly with the number of modes, as opposed to the quadratic scaling of the already existing criteria. Each criterion is associated with a tree graph, which allowed us to develop a direct method of construction of the criteria based solely on the structure of the underlying tree. The practicality of the proposed criteria is demonstrated by finding a number of examples of Gaussian states of up to six modes, whose genuine multi-mode entanglement is detected by them. The designed criteria are particularly suitable for verification of genuine multipartite entanglement in large multi-mode states or when only a set of two-mode nearest-neighbour marginal covariance matrices of the investigated state is available.

  • Quantum heat valve and diode of strongly coupled defects in amorphous material.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-qiang Liu, Yi-Jia Yang, Ting-ting Ma, Zheng Liu, Chang-shui Yu

    The mechanical strain can control the frequency of two-level atoms in amorphous material. In this work, we would like to employ two coupled two-level atoms to manipulate the magnitude and direction of heat transport by controlling mechanical strain to realize the function of a thermal switch and valve. It is found that a high-performance heat diode can be realized in the wide Piezo voltage range at different temperatures. We also discuss the dependence of the rectification factor on temperatures and couplings of heat reservoirs. We find that the higher temperature differences correspond to the larger rectification effect. The asymmetry system-reservoir coupling strength can enhance the magnitude of heat transfer, and the impact of asymmetric and symmetric coupling strength on the performance of the heat diode is complementary. It may provide an efficient way to modulate and control heat transport's magnitude and flow preference. This work may give insight into designing and tuning quantum heat machines.

  • Error suppression in multicomponent cat codes with photon subtraction and teleamplification.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Saurabh U. Shringarpure, Yong Siah Teo, Hyunseok Jeong

    It is known that multiphoton states can be protected from decoherence due to a passive loss channel by applying noiseless attenuation before and noiseless amplification after the channel. In this work, we propose the combined use of multiphoton subtraction on four-component cat codes and teleamplification to effectively suppress errors under detection and environmental losses. The back-action from multiphoton subtraction modifies the encoded qubit encoded on cat states by suppressing the higher photon numbers, while simultaneously ensuring that the original qubit can be recovered effectively through teleamplification followed by error correction, thus preserving its quantum information. With realistic photon subtraction and teleamplification-based scheme followed by optimal error-correcting maps, one can achieve a worst-case fidelity (over all encoded pure states) of over $93.5\%$ ($82\%$ with only noisy teleamplification) at a minimum success probability of about $3.42\%$, under a $10\%$ environmental-loss rate, $95\%$ detector efficiency and sufficiently large cat states with the coherent-state amplitudes of 2. This sets a promising standard for combating large passive losses in quantum-information tasks in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, such as direct quantum communication or the storage of encoded qubits on the photonic platform.

  • Frontier science in a quantum experiment: AEgIS at CERN.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Georgy Kornakov, Jakub Zieliński

    Precise manipulation of matter at the atomic or molecular level has provided the path for the nanotechnological revolution impacting diverse fields such as biology, medicine, material science, quantum technologies, and electronics. At the Antiproton Decelerator facility at CERN, the AEgIS experiment utilises state-of-the-art technology to store and manipulate synthesised exotic atoms containing both matter and antimatter. Such experiments lay the groundwork for a better understanding of the fundamental interactions and hold the potential to unravel the enigma of the absence of antimatter in our universe. Additionally, the developed techniques advance the technological frontier of controlling the quantum states of ions, a critical aspect of quantum sensing and quantum computing applications.

  • High fidelity optical readout of a nuclear spin qubit in Silicon Carbide.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Erik Hesselmeier, Pierre Kuna, Wolfgang Knolle, Florian Kaiser, Nguyen Tien Son, Misagh Ghezellou, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Vadim Vorobyov, Jörg Wrachtrup

    Quantum state readout is a key requirement for a successful qubit platform. In this work we demonstrate a high fidelity quantum state readout of a V2 center nuclear spin based on a repetitive readout technique. We demonstrate up to 99.5$\,\%$ readout fidelity and 99$\,\%$ for state preparation. Using this efficient readout we initialise the nuclear spin by measurement and demonstrate its Rabi and Ramsey nutation. Finally, we use the nuclear spin as a long lived memory for quantum sensing application of weakly coupled diatomic nuclear spin bath.

  • Single-Shot Readout of a Nuclear Spin in Silicon Carbide.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiao-Yi Lai, Ren-Zhou Fang, Tao Li, Ren-Zhu Su, Jia Huang, Hao Li, Li-Xing You, Xiao-Hui Bao, Jian-Wei Pan

    Solid-state qubits with a photonic interface is very promising for quantum networks. Color centers in silicon carbide have shown excellent optical and spin coherence, even when integrated with membranes and nano-structures. Additionally, nuclear spins coupled with electron spins can serve as long-lived quantum memories. Pioneering work in previous has realized the initialization of a single nuclear spin and demonstrated its entanglement with an electron spin. In this paper, we report the first realization of single-shot readout for a nuclear spin in SiC. We obtain a deterministic readout fidelity of 98.2% with a measurement duration of 1.13 ms. With a dual-step readout scheme, we obtain a readout fidelity as high as 99.5% with a success efficiency of 89.8%. Our work complements the experimental toolbox of harnessing both electron and nuclear spins in SiC for future quantum networks.

  • Simulating quantum field theories on gate-based quantum computers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gayathree M. Vinod, Anil Shaji

    We implement a simulation of a quantum field theory in 1+1 space-time dimensions on a gate-based quantum computer using the light front formulation of the theory. The nonperturbative simulation of the Yukawa model field theory is verified on IBM's simulator and is also demonstrated on a small-scale IBM circuit-based quantum processor, on the cloud, using IBM Qiskit. The light front formulation allows for controlling the resource requirement and complexity of the computation with commensurate trade-offs in accuracy and detail by modulating a single parameter, namely the harmonic resolution. Qubit operators for the bosonic excitations were also created and were used along with the fermionic ones already available, to simulate the theory involving all of these particles. With the restriction on the number of logical qubits available on the existent gate-based Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, the trotterization approximation is also used. We show that experimentally relevant quantities like cross-sections for various processes, survival probabilities of various states, etc. can be computed. We also explore the inaccuracies introduced by the bounds on achievable harmonic resolution and Trotter steps placed by the limited number of qubits and circuit depth supported by present-day NISQ devices.

  • Coherent errors in stabilizer codes caused by quasistatic phase damping.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dávid Pataki, Áron Márton, János K. Asbóth, András Pályi

    Quantum error correction is a key challenge for the development of practical quantum computers, a direction in which significant experimental progress has been made in recent years. In solid-state qubits, one of the leading information loss mechanisms is dephasing, usually modelled by phase flip errors. Here, we introduce quasistatic phase damping, a more subtle error model which describes the effect of Larmor frequency fluctuations due to 1/f noise. We show how this model is different from a simple phase flip error model, in terms of multi-cycle error correction. Considering the surface code, we provide numerical evidence for an error threshold, in the presence of quasistatic phase damping and readout errors. We discuss the implications of our results for spin qubits and superconducting qubits.

  • Quasi-exactly solvable potentials in Wigner-Dunkl quantum mechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Quesne

    It is shown that the Dunkl harmonic oscillator on the line can be generalized to a quasi-exactly solvable one, which is an anharmonic oscillator with $n+1$ known eigenstates for any $n\in \N$. It is also proved that the Hamiltonian of the latter can also be rewritten in a simpler way in terms of an extended Dunkl derivative. Furthermore, the Dunkl isotropic oscillator and Dunkl Coulomb potentials in the plane are generalized to quasi-exactly solvable ones. In the former case, potentials with $n+1$ known eigenstates are obtained, whereas, in the latter, sets of $n+1$ potentials associated with a given energy are derived.

  • Optimal CHSH values for regular polygon theories in generalized probabilistic theories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ryo Takakura

    In this study, we consider generalized probabilistic theories (GPTs) and focus on a class of theories called regular polygon theories, which can be regarded as natural generalizations of a two-level quantum system (a qubit system). In the usual CHSH setting for quantum theory, the CHSH value is known to be optimized by maximally entangled states. This research will reveal that the same observations are obtained also in regular polygon theories. Our result gives a physical meaning to the concept of ``maximal entanglement" in regular polygon theories.

  • Breaking local quantum speed limits with steering.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Federico Centrone, Manuel Gessner

    We show how quantum correlations allow us to break the local speed limits of physical processes using only local measurements and classical communication between two parties that share an entangled state. Inequalities that bound the minimal time of evolution of a quantum state by energy fluctuations can be violated in the presence of steering by conditioning on the measurement outcomes of a remote system. Our results open up new pathways for studying how quantum correlations influence the dynamical properties of states and observables.

  • Training embedding quantum kernels with data re-uploading quantum neural networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pablo Rodriguez-Grasa, Yue Ban, Mikel Sanz

    Kernel methods play a crucial role in machine learning and the Embedding Quantum Kernels (EQKs), an extension to quantum systems, have shown very promising performance. However, choosing the right embedding for EQKs is challenging. We address this by proposing a $p$-qubit Quantum Neural Network (QNN) based on data re-uploading to identify the optimal $q$-qubit EQK for a task ($p$-to-$q$). This method requires constructing the kernel matrix only once, offering improved efficiency. In particular, we focus on two cases: $n$-to-$n$, where we propose a scalable approach to train an $n$-qubit QNN, and $1$-to-$n$, demonstrating that the training of a single-qubit QNN can be leveraged to construct powerful EQKs.

  • Stalled response near thermal equilibrium in periodically driven systems.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lennart Dabelow, Peter Reimann

    The question of how systems respond to perturbations is ubiquitous in physics. Predicting this response for large classes of systems becomes particularly challenging if many degrees of freedom are involved and linear response theory cannot be applied. Here, we consider isolated many-body quantum systems which either start out far from equilibrium and then thermalize, or find themselves near thermal equilibrium from the outset. We show that time-periodic perturbations of moderate strength, in the sense that they do not heat up the system too quickly, give rise to the following phenomenon of stalled response: While the driving usually causes quite considerable reactions as long as the unperturbed system is far from equilibrium, the driving effects are strongly suppressed when the unperturbed system approaches thermal equilibrium. Likewise, for systems prepared near thermal equilibrium, the response to the driving is barely noticeable right from the beginning. Numerical results are complemented by a quantitatively accurate analytical description and by simple qualitative arguments.

  • Experimental bounds on linear-friction dissipative collapse models from levitated optomechanics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Matteo Carlesso

    Collapse models constitute an alternative to quantum mechanics that solve the well-know quantum measurement problem. In this framework, a novel approach to include dissipation in collapse models has been recently proposed, and awaits experimental validation. Our work establishes experimental bounds on the so-constructed linear-friction dissipative Di\'osi-Penrose (dDP) and Continuous Spontaneous localisation (dCSL) models by exploiting experiments in the field of levitated optomechanics. Our results in the dDP case exclude collapse temperatures below $ 10^{-13}$K and $ 6 \times 10^{-12}$K respectively for values of the localisation length smaller than $10^{-6}$m and $10^{-8}$m. In the dCSL case the entire parameter space is excluded for values of the temperature lower than $6 \times 10^{-9}$K.

  • Reversing Unknown Quantum Processes via Virtual Combs: for Channels with Limited Information.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chengkai Zhu, Yin Mo, Yu-Ao Chen, Xin Wang

    The inherent irreversibility of quantum dynamics for open systems poses a significant barrier to the inversion of unknown quantum processes. To tackle this challenge, we propose the framework of virtual combs that exploit the unknown process iteratively with additional classical post-processing to simulate the process inverse. Our research establishes a path to achieving the exact inverse of unknown channels with certain conditions, accompanied by a no-go theorem that underscores the intrinsic limitations imposed by quantum mechanics on such tasks. Notably, we demonstrate that an $n$-slot virtual comb can exactly reverse a depolarizing channel with one unknown noise parameter out of $n+1$ potential candidates, and a 1-slot virtual comb can exactly reverse an arbitrary pair of quantum channels. We further explore the approximate inverse of an unknown channel within a given channel set. For any unknown depolarizing channels within a specified noise region, we unveil a worst-case error decay of $\mathcal{O}(n^{-1})$ of reversing the channel via virtual combs. Moreover, we show that virtual combs with constant slots can be applied to universally reverse unitary operations and investigate the trade-off between the slot number and the sampling overhead.

  • Autobiographical Notes of a Physicist.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. David Mermin

    I describe aspects of my life in physics: the name I publish under, great physicists I have known, how I got into quantum foundations, what role I've played in it. My form is autobiographical, but my personal experience may illustrate what it was like being a physicist over the past 60 years. I offer some offbeat ways of thinking about some orthodox physics.

  • Analytical solutions for optimal photon absorption into inhomogeneous spin memories.- [PDF] - [Article]

    József Zsolt Bernád, Michael Schilling, Yutian Wen, Matthias M. Müller, Tommaso Calarco, Patrice Bertet, Felix Motzoi

    We investigate for optimal photon absorption a quantum electrodynamical model of an inhomogeneously-broadened spin ensemble coupled to a single-mode cavity. We consider a one-photon input pulse and obtain a simple one-parameter form for its optimal shape for absorption in the spin ensemble. Solutions to this problem are developed without using perturbation theory concerning the spin ensemble. Furthermore, we exploit the possibility of modulating the frequency and coupling rate of the resonator. We show some optimal scenarios and demonstrate the usefulness of our approach for the design of efficient quantum memories. In particular, we find the optimal cooperativity for different parameters and identify cases where absorption with a success probability larger than $99\%$ is achieved.

  • A parametrically programmable delay line for microwave photons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Takuma Makihara, Nathan Lee, Yudan Guo, Wenyan Guan, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini

    Delay lines capable of storing quantum information are crucial for advancing quantum repeaters and hardware efficient quantum computers. Traditionally, they are physically realized as extended systems that support wave propagation, such as waveguides. But such delay lines typically provide limited control over the propagating fields. Here, we introduce a parametrically addressed delay line (PADL) for microwave photons that provides a high level of control over the dynamics of stored pulses, enabling us to arbitrarily delay or even swap pulses. By parametrically driving a three-waving mixing superconducting circuit element that is weakly hybridized with an ensemble of resonators, we engineer a spectral response that simulates that of a physical delay line, while providing fast control over the delay line's properties and granting access to its internal modes. We illustrate the main features of the PADL, operating on pulses with energies on the order of a single photon, through a series of experiments, which include choosing which photon echo to emit, translating pulses in time, and swapping two pulses. We also measure the noise added to the delay line from our parametric interactions and find that the added noise is much less than one photon.

  • Parallel Quantum Algorithm for Hamiltonian Simulation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhicheng Zhang, Qisheng Wang, Mingsheng Ying

    We study how parallelism can speed up quantum simulation. A parallel quantum algorithm is proposed for simulating the dynamics of a large class of Hamiltonians with good sparse structures, called uniform-structured Hamiltonians, including various Hamiltonians of practical interest like local Hamiltonians and Pauli sums. Given the oracle access to the target sparse Hamiltonian, in both query and gate complexity, the running time of our parallel quantum simulation algorithm measured by the quantum circuit depth has a doubly (poly-)logarithmic dependence $\operatorname{polylog}\log(1/\epsilon)$ on the simulation precision $\epsilon$. This presents an exponential improvement over the dependence $\operatorname{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$ of previous optimal sparse Hamiltonian simulation algorithm without parallelism. To obtain this result, we introduce a novel notion of parallel quantum walk, based on Childs' quantum walk. The target evolution unitary is approximated by a truncated Taylor series, which is obtained by combining these quantum walks in a parallel way. A lower bound $\Omega(\log \log (1/\epsilon))$ is established, showing that the $\epsilon$-dependence of the gate depth achieved in this work cannot be significantly improved. Our algorithm is applied to simulating three physical models: the Heisenberg model, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and a quantum chemistry model in second quantization. By explicitly calculating the gate complexity for implementing the oracles, we show that on all these models, the total gate depth of our algorithm has a $\operatorname{polylog}\log(1/\epsilon)$ dependence in the parallel setting.

  • Finite resource performance of small satellite-based quantum key distribution missions.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tanvirul Islam, Jasminder S. Sidhu, Brendon L. Higgins, Thomas Brougham, Tom Vergoossen, Daniel K. L. Oi, Thomas Jennewein, Alexander Ling

    In satellite-based quantum key distribution (QKD), the number of secret bits that can be generated in a single satellite pass over the ground station is severely restricted by the pass duration and the free-space optical channel loss. High channel loss may decrease the signal-to-noise ratio due to background noise, reduce the number of generated raw key bits, and increase the quantum bit error rate (QBER), all of which have detrimental effects on the output secret key length. Under finite-size security analysis, higher QBER increases the minimum raw key length necessary for non-zero secret key length extraction due to less efficient reconciliation and post-processing overheads. We show that recent developments in finite key analysis allow three different small-satellite-based QKD projects CQT-Sat, UK-QUARC-ROKS, and QEYSSat to produce secret keys even under very high loss conditions, improving on estimates based on previous finite key bounds. This suggests that satellites in low Earth orbit can satisfy finite-size security requirements, but remains challenging for satellites further from Earth. We analyse the performance of each mission to provide an informed route toward improving the performance of small-satellite QKD missions. We highlight the short and long-term perspectives on the challenges and potential future developments in small-satellite-based QKD and quantum networks. In particular, we discuss some of the experimental and theoretical bottlenecks, and improvements necessary to achieve QKD and wider quantum networking capabilities in daylight and at different altitudes.

  • Superdiffusion in random two dimensional system with time-reversal symmetry and long-range hopping.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Xiaolong Deng, Ivan M. Khaymovich, Alexander L. Burin

    Although it is recognized that Anderson localization takes place for all states at a dimension $d$ less or equal $2$, while delocalization is expected for hopping $V(r)$ decreasing with the distance slower or as $r^{-d}$, the localization problem in the crossover regime for the dimension $d=2$ and hopping $V(r) \propto r^{-2}$ is not resolved yet. Following earlier suggestions we show that for the hopping determined by two-dimensional anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions in the presence of time-reversal symmetry there exist two distinguishable phases at weak and strong disorder. The first phase is characterized by ergodic dynamics and superdiffusive transport, while the second phase is characterized by diffusive transport and delocalized eigenstates with fractal dimension less than $2$. The transition between phases is resolved analytically using the extension of scaling theory of localization and verified numerically using an exact numerical diagonalization.

  • Valid and efficient entanglement verification with finite copies of a quantum state.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Pawel Cieslinski, Jan Dziewior, Lukas Knips, Waldemar Klobus, Jasmin Meinecke, Tomasz Paterek, Harald Weinfurter, Wieslaw Laskowski

    Detecting entanglement in multipartite quantum states is an inherently probabilistic process, typically with a few measured samples. The level of confidence in entanglement detection quantifies the scheme's validity via the probability that the signal comes from a separable state, offering a meaningful figure of merit for big datasets. Yet, with limited samples, avoiding experimental data misinterpretations requires considering not only the probabilities concerning separable states but also the probability that the signal came from an entangled state, i.e. the detection scheme's efficiency. We demonstrate this explicitly and apply a general method to optimize both the validity and the efficiency in small data sets providing examples using at most 20 state copies. The method is based on an analytical model of finite statistics effects on correlation functions which takes into account both a Frequentist as well as a Bayesian approach and is applicable to arbitrary entanglement witnesses.

  • Mimicking states with limited resources: passing quantum quiz via global control.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    P. V. Pyshkin, E. Ya. Sherman, A. Gábris, Lian-Ao Wu

    Precise control of quantum systems with a moderate number of degrees of freedom, being of interest for application in quantum technologies, becomes experimentally feasible. Various types of quantum scenarios and protocols are being widely discussed in scientific literature. We propose, analyze, and optimize a protocol which allows fast simulation of properties of unknown quantum states relying on minimum relevant information. Our protocol, having common features with quantum identification and shortcuts to adiabaticity, permits avoiding orthogonality catastrophe, where transitions between physically very similar systems are characterized by zero or a very low fidelity.

  • Quantum-classical tradeoffs and multi-controlled quantum gate decompositions in variational algorithms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Teague Tomesh, Nicholas Allen, Daniel Dilley, Zain Saleem

    The computational capabilities of near-term quantum computers are limited by the noisy execution of gate operations and a limited number of physical qubits. Hybrid variational algorithms are well-suited to near-term quantum devices because they allow for a wide range of tradeoffs between the amount of quantum and classical resources used to solve a problem. This paper investigates tradeoffs available at both the algorithmic and hardware levels by studying a specific case -- applying the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) to instances of the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem. We consider three variants of the QAOA which offer different tradeoffs at the algorithmic level in terms of their required number of classical parameters, quantum gates, and iterations of classical optimization needed. Since MIS is a constrained combinatorial optimization problem, the QAOA must respect the problem constraints. This can be accomplished by using many multi-controlled gate operations which must be decomposed into gates executable by the target hardware. We study the tradeoffs available at this hardware level, combining the gate fidelities and decomposition efficiencies of different native gate sets into a single metric called the \textit{gate decomposition cost}.

  • Certifying Quantum Separability with Adaptive Polytopes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ties-A. Ohst, Xiao-Dong Yu, Otfried Gühne, H. Chau Nguyen

    The concept of entanglement and separability of quantum states is relevant for several fields in physics. Still, there is a lack of effective operational methods to characterise these features. We propose a method to certify quantum separability of two- and multiparticle quantum systems based on an adaptive polytope approximation. This leads to an algorithm which, for practical purposes, conclusively recognises two-particle separability for small and medium-size dimensions. For multiparticle systems, the approach allows to characterise full separability for up to five qubits or three qutrits; in addition, different classes of entanglement can be distinguished. Finally, our methods allow to identify systematically quantum states with interesting entanglement properties, such as maximally robust states which are separable for all bipartitions, but not fully separable.

  • Stabilizer subsystem decompositions for single- and multi-mode Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mackenzie H. Shaw, Andrew C. Doherty, Arne L. Grimsmo

    The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) error correcting code encodes a finite dimensional logical space in one or more bosonic modes, and has recently been demonstrated in trapped ions and superconducting microwave cavities. In this work we introduce a new subsystem decomposition for GKP codes that we call the stabilizer subsystem decomposition, analogous to the usual approach to quantum stabilizer codes. The decomposition has the defining property that a partial trace over the non-logical stabilizer subsystem is equivalent to an ideal decoding of the logical state. We describe how to decompose arbitrary states across the subsystem decomposition using a set of transformations that move between the decompositions of different GKP codes. Besides providing a convenient theoretical view on GKP codes, such a decomposition is also of practical use. We use the stabilizer subsystem decomposition to efficiently simulate noise acting on single-mode GKP codes, and in contrast to more conventional Fock basis simulations, we are able to to consider essentially arbitrarily large photon numbers for realistic noise channels such as loss and dephasing.

  • Interaction graph-based characterization of quantum benchmarks for improving quantum circuit mapping techniques.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Medina Bandić, Carmen G. Almudever, Sebastian Feld

    To execute quantum circuits on a quantum processor, they must be modified to meet the physical constraints of the quantum device. This process, called quantum circuit mapping, results in a gate/circuit depth overhead that depends on both the circuit properties and the hardware constraints, being the limited qubit connectivity a crucial restriction. In this paper, we propose to extend the characterization of quantum circuits by including qubit interaction graph properties using graph theory-based metrics in addition to previously used circuit-describing parameters. This approach allows for in-depth analysis and clustering of quantum circuits and a comparison of performance when run on different quantum processors, aiding in developing better mapping techniques. Our study reveals a correlation between interaction graph-based parameters and mapping performance metrics for various existing configurations of quantum devices. We also provide a comprehensive collection of quantum circuits and algorithms for benchmarking future compilation techniques and quantum devices.

  • Tracial embeddable strategies: Lifting MIP* tricks to MIPco.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Junqiao Lin

    We prove that any two-party correlation in the commuting operator model can be approximated using a tracial embeddable strategy, a class of strategy defined on a finite tracial von Neumann algebra, which we define in this paper. Using this characterization, we show that any approximately synchronous correlation can be approximated to the average of a collection of synchronous correlations in the commuting operator model. This generalizes the result from Vidick [JMP 2022] which only applies to finite-dimensional quantum correlations. As a corollary, we show that the quantum tensor code test from Ji et al. [FOCS 2022] follows the soundness property even under the general commuting operator model. Furthermore, we extend the state-dependent norm variant of the Gowers-Hatami theorem to finite von Neumann algebras. Combined with the aforementioned characterization, this enables us to lift many known results about robust self-testing for non-local games to the commuting operator model, including a sample efficient finite-dimensional EPR testing for the commuting operator strategies. We believe that, in addition to the contribution from this paper, this class of strategies can be helpful for further understanding non-local games in the infinite-dimensional setting.

  • Ab initio calculations of quantum light-matter interactions in general electromagnetic environments.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Mark Kamper Svendsen, Kristian Sommer Thygesen, Angel Rubio, Johannes Flick

    The emerging field of strongly coupled light-matter systems has drawn significant attention in recent years due to the prospect of altering physical and chemical properties of molecules and materials. Because this emerging field draws on ideas from both condensed-matter physics and quantum optics, it has attracted attention from theoreticians from both fields. While the former employ accurate descriptions of the electronic structure of the matter the description of the electromagnetic environment is often oversimplified. Contrastingly, the latter often employs sophisticated descriptions of the electromagnetic environment, while using simple few-level approximations for the matter. Both approaches are problematic because the oversimplified descriptions of the electronic system are incapable of describing effects such as light-induced structural changes, while the oversimplified descriptions of the electromagnetic environments can lead to unphysical predictions because the light-matter interactions strengths are misrepresented. Here we overcome these shortcomings and present the first method which can quantitatively describe both the electronic system and general electromagnetic environments from first principles. We realize this by combining macroscopic QED (MQED) with Quantum Electrodynamical Density-functional Theory. To exemplify this approach, we consider an absorbing spherical cavity and study the impact of different parameters of both the environment and the electronic system on the transition from weak-to-strong coupling for different aromatic molecules. As part of this work, we also provide an easy-to-use tool to calculate the cavity coupling strengths for simple cavity setups. Our work is a step towards parameter-free ab initio calculations for strongly coupled quantum light-matter systems and will help bridge the gap between theoretical methods and experiments in the field.

  • Quantum Velocity Limits for Multiple Observables: Conservation Laws, Correlations, and Macroscopic Systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryusuke Hamazaki

    How multiple observables mutually influence their dynamics has been a crucial issue in statistical mechanics. We introduce a new concept, "quantum velocity limits," to establish a quantitative and rigorous theory for non-equilibrium quantum dynamics for multiple observables. Quantum velocity limits are universal inequalities for a vector the describes velocities of multiple observables. They elucidate that the speed of an observable of our interest can be tighter bounded when we have knowledge of other observables, such as experimentally accessible ones or conserved quantities, compared with the conventional speed limits for a single observable. We first derive an information-theoretical velocity limit in terms of the generalized correlation matrix of the observables and the quantum Fisher information. The velocity limit has various novel consequences: (i) conservation law in the system, a fundamental ingredient of quantum dynamics, can improve the velocity limits through the correlation between the observables and conserved quantities; (ii) speed of an observable can be bounded by a nontrivial lower bound from the information on another observable; (iii) there exists a notable non-equilibrium tradeoff relation, stating that speeds of uncorrelated observables, e.g., anti-commuting observables, cannot be simultaneously large; (iv) velocity limits for any observables on a local subsystem in locally interacting many-body systems remain convergent even in the thermodynamic limit. Moreover, we discover another distinct velocity limit for multiple observables on the basis of the local conservation law of probability current, which becomes advantageous for macroscopic transitions of multiple quantities.

  • The Performance Analysis of a Quantum-Mechanical Carnot-like Engine using Diatomic Molecules.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    E. O. Oladimeji, T. T. Ibrahim, A. N. Ikot, J.D. Koffa, V. T. Idundun, E. C. Umeh, J.O. Audu

    This study presents an analysis of a quantum mechanical formulation of the Carnot like cycle using diatomic molecules, i.e., the Morse oscillator, as the working substance. The generalized model with an arbitrary one dimensional potential is used to obtain the important performance parameters such as the efficiency, the power output, and the optimal region of the engine by considering well width L moving with a finite speed. The optimal efficiency, the maximum power output, and dimensionless power ranges of the working substance was also determined. The results obtained in this work are found to agree with those obtained for similar engine but with different working substance.

  • Stability of the many-body scars in fermionic spin-1/2 models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Patrice Kolb, Kiryl Pakrouski

    We study the stability of the many-body scars in spin-1/2 fermionic systems under the most typical perturbations in relevant materials. We find that some families of scars are completely insensitive to certain perturbations. In some other cases they are stable to the first order in perturbation theory. Our analytical results apply to a large class of Hamiltonians that are known [arXiv:2106.10300] to support exact many-body scars. For the numerical calculations we choose the deformed $t-J-U$ model that includes both Heisenberg and Hubbard interactions. We propose two new stability measures that are based on physical observables rather than the fidelity to the exact initial wavefunction. They enable the experimental detection of scars and are more reliable from the theoretical and numerical perspectives. One of these measures may potentially find applications in other systems where the exact many-body scars are equally spaced in energy. In small systems and at small perturbations, a regime particularly relevant for quantum simulators, we identify and describe an additional stability exhibited by the many-body scars. For larger perturbation strengths we observe a distinct mode of ergodicity breaking that is consistent with many-body localization.

  • Solving quantum optimal control problems using projection-operator-based Newton steps.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jieqiu Shao, Mantas Naris, John Hauser, Marco M. Nicotra

    The Quantum Projection Operator-Based NewtonMethod for Trajectory Optimization (Q-PRONTO) is a numerical method for solving quantum optimal control problems. This paper significantly improves prior versions of the quantum projection operator by introducing a regulator that stabilizes the solution estimate at every iteration. This modification is shown to not only improve the convergence rate of the algorithm, but also steer the solver towards better local minima compared to the unregulated case. Numerical examples showcase how Q-PRONTO can be used to solve multi-input quantum optimal control problems featuring time-varying costs and undesirable populations that ought to be avoided during the transient.

  • Quantum droplets with particle imbalance in one-dimensional optical lattices.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jofre Vallès-Muns, Ivan Morera, Grigori E. Astrakharchik, Bruno Juliá-Díaz

    We study the formation of particle-imbalanced quantum droplets in a one-dimensional optical lattice containing a binary bosonic mixture at zero temperature. To understand the effects of the imbalance from both the few- and many-body perspectives, we employ density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations and perform the extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit. In contrast to the particle-balanced case, not all bosons are paired, resulting in an interplay between bound states and individual atoms that leads to intriguing phenomena. Quantum droplets manage to sustain a small particle imbalance, resulting in an effective magnetization. However, as the imbalance is further increased, a critical point is eventually crossed, and the droplets start to expel the excess particles while the magnetization in the bulk remains constant. Remarkably, the unpaired particles on top of the quantum droplet effectively form a super Tonks-Girardeau (hard-rod) gas. The expulsion point coincides with the critical density at which the size of the super Tonks-Girardeau gas matches the size of the droplet.

  • Tunnel-coupled optical microtraps for ultracold atoms.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shangguo Zhu, Yun Long, Wei Gou, Mingbo Pu, Xiangang Luo

    Arrays of individual atoms trapped in optical microtraps with micrometer-scale sizes have emerged as a fundamental, versatile, and powerful platform for quantum sciences and technologies. This platform enables the bottom-up engineering of quantum systems, offering the capability of low-entropy preparation of quantum states with flexible geometry, as well as manipulation and detection at the single-site level. The utilization of ultracold itinerant atoms with tunnel coupling in optical microtraps provides new opportunities for quantum simulation, enabling the exploration of exotic quantum states, phases, and dynamics, which would otherwise be challenging to achieve in conventional optical lattices due to high entropy and limited geometric flexibility. Here the development of tunnel-coupled optical microtraps for the manipulation of ultracold atomic quantum systems and its recent advances are briefly reviewed.

  • Phase Diagram and Crossover Phases of Topologically Ordered Graphene Zigzag Nanoribbons: Role of Localization Effects.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hoang Anh Le, In Hwan Lee, Young Heon Kim, S.-R. Eric Yang

    We computed the phase diagram of the zigzag graphene nanoribbons as a function of on-site repulsion, doping, and disorder strength. The topologically ordered phase undergoes topological phase transitions into crossover phases, which are new disordered phases with a nonuniversal topological entanglement entropy with significant variance. The topological order is destroyed by competition between localization effects and on-site repulsion. We found that strong on-site repulsion and/or doping weakens the nonlocal correlations between the opposite zigzag edges. In one of the crossover phases, both $\frac{e^-}{2}$ fractional charges and spin-charge separation were absent; however, charge-transfer correlations between the zigzag edges were possible. Another crossover phase contains $\frac{e^-}{2}$ fractional charges, but no charge transfer correlations. In low-doped zigzag ribbons the interplay between electron localization and on-site repulsion contributes to the spatial separation of quasi-degenerate gap-edge states and protects the charge fractionalization against quantum fluctuations. In all these effects, mixed chiral gap-edge states play an important role. The properties of nontopological strongly disordered and strongly repulsive phases are also observed. Each phase of the phase diagram has a different zigzag-edge structure.

  • Hardness of the Maximum Independent Set Problem on Unit-Disk Graphs and Prospects for Quantum Speedups.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ruben S. Andrist, Martin J. A. Schuetz, Pierre Minssen, Romina Yalovetzky, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Dylan Herman, Niraj Kumar, Grant Salton, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Marco Pistoia, Helmut G. Katzgraber

    Rydberg atom arrays are among the leading contenders for the demonstration of quantum speedups. Motivated by recent experiments with up to 289 qubits [Ebadi et al., Science 376, 1209 (2022)] we study the maximum independent set problem on unit-disk graphs with a broader range of classical solvers beyond the scope of the original paper. We carry out extensive numerical studies and assess problem hardness, using both exact and heuristic algorithms. We find that quasi-planar instances with Union-Jack-like connectivity can be solved to optimality for up to thousands of nodes within minutes, with both custom and generic commercial solvers on commodity hardware, without any instance-specific fine-tuning. We also perform a scaling analysis, showing that by relaxing the constraints on the classical simulated annealing algorithms considered in Ebadi et al., our implementation is competitive with the quantum algorithms. Conversely, instances with larger connectivity or less structure are shown to display a time-to-solution potentially orders of magnitudes larger. Based on these results we propose protocols to systematically tune problem hardness, motivating experiments with Rydberg atom arrays on instances orders of magnitude harder (for established classical solvers) than previously studied.

  • Decoding algorithms for surface codes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Antonio deMarti iOlius, Patricio Fuentes, Román Orús, Pedro M. Crespo, Josu Etxezarreta Martinez

    Quantum technologies have the potential to solve computationally hard problems that are intractable via classical means. Unfortunately, the unstable nature of quantum information makes it prone to errors. For this reason, quantum error correction is an invaluable tool to make quantum information reliable and enable the ultimate goal of fault-tolerant quantum computing. Surface codes currently stand as the most promising candidates to build error corrected qubits given their two-dimensional architecture, a requirement of only local operations, and high tolerance to quantum noise. Decoding algorithms are an integral component of any error correction scheme, as they are tasked with producing accurate estimates of the errors that affect quantum information, so that it can subsequently be corrected. A critical aspect of decoding algorithms is their speed, since the quantum state will suffer additional errors with the passage of time. This poses a connundrum-like tradeoff, where decoding performance is improved at the expense of complexity and viceversa. In this review, a thorough discussion of state-of-the-art surface code decoding algorithms is provided. The core operation of these methods is described along with existing variants that show promise for improved results. In addition, both the decoding performance, in terms of error correction capability, and decoding complexity, are compared. A review of the existing software tools regarding surface code decoding is also provided.

  • Generation of phonon quantum states and quantum correlations among single photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hugo Molinares, Fernanda Pinilla, Enrique Muñoz, Francisco Muñoz, Vitalie Eremeev

    Hexagonal boron nitride exhibits two types of defects with great potential for quantum information technologies: single-photon emitters (SPEs) and one-dimensional grain boundaries hosting topologically-protected phonons, termed as {\it{topologically-protected phonon lines}} (TPL). Here, by means of a simple effective model and density functional theory calculations, we show that it is possible to use these phonons for the transmission of information. Particularly, a single SPE can be used to induce single-, two- and qubit-phonon states in the one dimensional channel, and \textit{(ii)} two distant SPEs can be coupled by the TPL that acts as a waveguide, thus exhibiting strong quantum correlations. We highlight the possibilities offered by this material-built-in nano-architecture as a phononic device for quantum information technologies.

  • Finite-Key Analysis for Coherent One-Way Quantum Key Distribution.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ming-Yang Li, Xiao-Yu Cao, Yuan-Mei Xie, Hua-Lei Yin, Zeng-Bing Chen

    Coherent-one-way (COW) quantum key distribution (QKD) is a significant communication protocol that has been implemented experimentally and deployed in practical products due to its simple equipment requirements. However, existing security analyses of COW-QKD either provide a short transmission distance or lack immunity against coherent attacks in the finite-key regime. In this paper, we present a tight finite-key security analysis within the universally composable framework for a variant of COW-QKD, which has been proven to extend the secure transmission distance in the asymptotic case. We combine the quantum leftover hash lemma and entropic uncertainty relation to derive the key rate formula. When estimating statistical parameters, we use the recently proposed Kato's inequality to ensure security against coherent attacks and achieve a higher key rate. Our paper confirms the security and feasibility of COW-QKD for practical application and lays the foundation for further theoretical study and experimental implementation.

  • Strong enhancement of superconductivity on finitely ramified fractal lattices.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Askar A. Iliasov, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Andrey A. Bagrov

    Using the Sierpinski gasket (triangle) and carpet (square) lattices as examples, we theoretically study the properties of fractal superconductors. For that, we focus on the phenomenon of $s$-wave superconductivity in the Hubbard model with attractive on-site potential and employ the Bogoliubov-de Gennes approach and the theory of superfluid stiffness. For the case of the Sierpinski gasket, we demonstrate that fractal geometry of the underlying crystalline lattice can be strongly beneficial for superconductivity, not only leading to a considerable increase of the critical temperature $T_c$ as compared to the regular triangular lattice but also supporting macroscopic phase coherence of the Cooper pairs. In contrast, the Sierpinski carpet geometry does not lead to pronounced effects, and we find no substantial difference as compared with the regular square lattice. We conjecture that the qualitative difference between these cases is caused by different ramification properties of the fractals.

  • Variational quantum simulation using non-Gaussian continuous-variable systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Paolo Stornati, Antonio Acin, Ulysse Chabaud, Alexandre Dauphin, Valentina Parigi, Federico Centrone

    This work introduces a novel approach to quantum simulation by leveraging continuous-variable systems within a photonic hardware-inspired framework. The primary focus is on simulating static properties of the ground state of Hamiltonians associated with infinite-dimensional systems, such as those arising in quantum field theory. We present a continuous-variable variational quantum eigensolver compatible with state-of-the-art photonic technology. The framework we introduce allows us to compare discrete and continuous variable systems without introducing a truncation of the Hilbert space, opening the possibility to investigate the scenarios where one of the two formalisms performs better. We apply it to the study of static properties of the Bose--Hubbard model and demonstrate its effectiveness and practicality, highlighting the potential of continuous-variable quantum simulations in addressing complex problems in quantum physics.

  • Sensitivity Bounds for Quantum Control and Time-Domain Performance Guarantees.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sean Patrick O'Neil, Edmond Jonckheere, Sophie Schirmer

    Control of quantum systems via time-varying external fields optimized to maximize a fidelity measure at a given time is a mainstay in modern quantum control. However, save for specific systems, current analysis techniques for such quantum controllers provide no analytical robustness guarantees. In this letter we provide analytical bounds on the differential sensitivity of the gate fidelity error to structured uncertainties for a closed quantum system controlled by piecewise-constant, optimal control fields. We additionally determine those uncertainty structures that result in this worst-case maximal sensitivity. We then use these differential sensitivity bounds to provide conditions that guarantee performance, quantified by the fidelity error, in the face of parameter uncertainty.

  • Lattice Boltzmann-Carleman quantum algorithm and circuit for fluid flows at moderate Reynolds number.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Claudio Sanavio, Sauro Succi

    We present a quantum computing algorithm for fluid flows based on the Carleman-linearization of the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method. First, we demonstrate the convergence of the classical Carleman procedure at moderate Reynolds numbers, namely for Kolmogorov-like flows. Then we proceed to formulate the corresponding quantum algorithm, including the quantum circuit layout and analyze its computational viability. We show that, at least for moderate Reynolds numbers between 10 and 100, the Carleman-LB procedure can be successfully truncated at second order, which is a very encouraging result. We also show that the quantum circuit implementing the single time-step collision operator has a fixed depth, regardless of the number of lattice sites. However, such depth is of the order of ten thousands quantum gates, meaning that quantum advantage over classical computing is not attainable today, but could be achieved in the near-mid term future. The same goal for the multi-step version remains however an open topic for future research.

  • Topological phases of many-body non-Hermitian systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kui Cao, Su-Peng Kou

    We show that many-body fermionic non-Hermitian systems require two distinct sets of topological invariants to describe the topology of energy bands and quantum states respectively, with the latter yet to be explored. We identify 10 symmetry classes -- determined by particle-hole, linearized time-reversal, and linearized chiral symmetries. Each class has topological invariant associated with each dimension, dictating the topology of quantum states. These findings pave the way for deeper understanding of the topological phases of many-body non-Hermitian systems.

  • A Spin-Optical Quantum Computing Architecture.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Grégoire de Gliniasty, Paul Hilaire, Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, Stephen C. Wein, Alexia Salavrakos, Shane Mansfield

    We introduce an adaptable and modular hybrid architecture designed for fault-tolerant quantum computing. It combines quantum emitters and linear-optical entangling gates to leverage the strength of both matter-based and photonic-based approaches. A key feature of the architecture is its practicality, grounded in the utilisation of experimentally proven optical components. Our framework enables the execution of any quantum error correcting code, but in particular maintains scalability for low-density parity check codes by exploiting built-in non-local connectivity through distant optical links. To gauge its efficiency, we evaluated the architecture using a physically motivated error model. It exhibits loss tolerance comparable to existing all-photonic architecture but without the need for intricate linear-optical resource-state-generation modules that conventionally rely on resource-intensive multiplexing. The versatility of the architecture also offers uncharted avenues for further advancing performance standards.

  • Subsystem eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for translation invariant systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhiqiang Huang, Xiao-Kan Guo

    The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for translation invariant quantum spin systems has been proved recently by using random matrices. In this paper, we study the subsystem version of eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for translation invariant quantum systems without referring to random matrices. By showing the small upper bounds on the quantum variance or the Belavkin-Staszewski relative entropy, we prove the subsystem eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for translation invariant quantum systems with an algebraic speed of convergence in an elementary way.

  • Chiral symmetry breaking and topological charge of graphene nanoribbons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hyun Cheol Lee, S.-R. Eric Yang

    We explore the edge properties of rectangular graphene nanoribbons featuring two zigzag edges and two armchair edges. Although the self-consistent Hartree-Fock fields break chiral symmetry, our work demonstrates that graphene nanoribbons maintain their status as short-range entangled symmetry-protected topological insulators. The relevant symmetry involves combined mirror and time-reversal operations. In undoped ribbons displaying edge ferromagnetism, the band gap edge states with a topological charge form on the zigzag edges. An analysis of the anomalous continuity equation elucidates that this topological charge is induced by the gap term. In low-doped zigzag ribbons, where the ground state exhibits edge spin density waves, this topological charge appears as a nearly zero-energy edge mode.

  • SPulseGen: Succinct pulse generator architecture maximizing gate fidelity for superconducting quantum computers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryosuke Matsuo, Kazuhisa Ogawa, Hidehisa Shiomi, Makoto Negoro, Takefumi Miyoshi, Michihiro Shintani, Hiromitsu Awano, Takashi Sato, Jun Shiomi

    This paper proposes a cost-effective architecture for an RF pulse generator for superconducting qubits. Most existing works use arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) that require both a large amount of high-bandwidth memories and high-performance analog circuits to achieve the highest gate fidelity with an optimized RF pulse waveform. The proposed pulse generator architecture significantly simplifies both the generator circuit and the waveform of the RF pulse to a cost-aware square pulses. This architecture eliminates the requirement for power- and cost-intensive AWG, a major obstacle in realizing scalable quantum computers. Additionally, this paper proposes a process to optimize pulse waveforms to maximize fidelity of gate operations for single and multiple qubits. Quantum dynamics simulation of transmon qubits, wherein the state of system evolves with time, demonstrates that our pulse generator can achieve practically the same gate fidelity as ideal RF pulses, while substantially reducing the performance requirements of memory and analog circuits.

  • Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, Athreya Shankar

    Trapped ion systems are a leading platform for quantum information processing, but they are currently limited to 1D and 2D arrays, which imposes restrictions on both their scalability and their range of applications. Here, we propose a path to overcome this limitation by demonstrating that Penning traps can be used to realize remarkably clean bilayer crystals, wherein hundreds of ions self-organize into two well-defined layers. These bilayer crystals are made possible by the inclusion of an anharmonic trapping potential, which is readily implementable with current technology. We study the normal modes of this system and discover salient differences compared to the modes of single-plane crystals. The bilayer geometry and the unique properties of the normal modes open new opportunities, in particular in quantum sensing and quantum simulation, that are not straightforward in single-plane crystals. Furthermore, we illustrate that it may be possible to extend the ideas presented here to realize multilayer crystals with more than two layers. Our work increases the dimensionality of trapped ion systems by efficiently utilizing all three spatial dimensions and lays the foundation for a new generation of quantum information processing experiments with multilayer 3D crystals of trapped ions.

  • Jordan Algebraic Formulation of Quantum Mechanics and The Non-commutative Landau Problem.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Tekin Dereli, Ekin Sıla Yörük

    We present a Jordan algebraic formulation of the non-commutative Landau problem coupled to a harmonic potential. To achieve this, an alternative formulation of the Hilbert space version of quantum mechanics is presented. Using this construction, the Hilbert space corresponding to the non-commutative Landau problem is obtained. Non-commutative parameters are then described in terms of an associator in the Jordan algebraic setting. Pure states and density matrices arising from this problem are characterized. This in turn leads us to the Jordan-Schr\"odinger time-evolution equation for the state vectors for this specific problem.

  • Fast emulation of fermionic circuits with matrix product states.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Justin Provazza, Klaas Gunst, Huanchen Zhai, Garnet K.-L. Chan, Toru Shiozaki, Nicholas C. Rubin, Alec F. White

    We describe a matrix product state (MPS) extension for the Fermionic Quantum Emulator (FQE) software library. We discuss the theory behind symmetry adapted matrix product states for approximating many-body wavefunctions of spin-1/2 fermions, and we present an open-source, MPS-enabled implementation of the FQE interface (MPS-FQE). The software uses the open-source pyblock3 and block2 libraries for most elementary tensor operations, and it can largely be used as a drop-in replacement for FQE that allows for more efficient, but approximate, emulation of larger fermionic circuits. Finally, we show several applications relevant to both near-term and fault-tolerant quantum algorithms where approximate emulation of larger systems is expected to be useful: characterization of state preparation strategies for quantum phase estimation, the testing of different variational quantum eigensolver Ans\"atze, the numerical evaluation of Trotter errors, and the simulation of general quantum dynamics problems. In all these examples, approximate emulation with MPS-FQE allows us to treat systems that are significantly larger than those accessible with a full statevector emulator.


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