CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 | Fridays 11:30 - 12:30

Showing votes from 2024-01-26 12:30 to 2024-01-30 11:30 | Next meeting is Friday Oct 25th, 11:30 am.


  • No papers in this section today!


  • Primordial naked singularities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pankaj S. Joshi, India), Sudip Bhattacharyya, India)

    Primordial black hole formation has been discussed widely, when density perturbations in the early universe cause matter to collapse gravitationally, giving rise to these ultra-compact objects. We propose here that such a gravitational collapse also gives rise to primordial naked singularities, that would play an important role in the observable features of the present universe. We consider two types of collapse scenarios which would give rise to event-like and object-like visible singularities. We briefly discuss implications of primordial naked singularities, including those on dark matter, vis-a-vis primordial black holes.

  • Self-interacting dark matter solves the final parsec problem of supermassive black hole mergers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Gonzalo Alonso-Álvarez, James M. Cline, Caitlyn Dewar

    Evidence for a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background, plausibly originating from the merger of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), is accumulating with observations from pulsar timing arrays. An outstanding question is how inspiraling SMBHs get past the "final parsec" of separation, where they have a tendency to stall before GW emission alone can make the binary coalesce. We argue that dynamical friction from the dark matter (DM) spike surrounding the black holes is sufficient to resolve this puzzle, if the DM has a self-interaction cross section of order $0.2-5\,$cm$^2$/g. The same effect leads to a softening of the GW spectrum at low frequencies as suggested by the current data. For collisionless cold DM, the friction deposits so much energy that the spike is disrupted and cannot bridge the final parsec, while for self-interacting DM, the isothermal core of the halo can act as a reservoir for the energy liberated from the SMBH orbits. A realistic velocity dependence, such as generated by the exchange of a massive mediator like a dark photon, is favored to give a good fit to the GW spectrum while providing a large enough core. A similar velocity dependence has been advocated for solving the small-scale structure problems of cold DM.

  • The universal multiplicity function: counting halos and voids.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giovanni Verza, Carmelita Carbone, Alice Pisani, Cristiano Porciani, Sabino Matarrese

    We present a novel combination of the excursion-set approach with the peak theory formalism in Lagrangian space and provide accurate predictions for halo and void statistics over a wide range of scales. The set-up is based on an effective moving barrier. Besides deriving the corresponding numerical multiplicity function, we introduce a new analytical formula reaching the percent level agreement with the exact numerical solution obtained via Monte Carlo realizations down to small scales, $\sim 10^{12} h^{-1}\mathrm{M_\odot}$. In the void case, we derive the dependence of the effective moving barrier on the void formation threshold, $\delta_{\rm v}$, by comparison against the Lagrangian void size function measured in the Dark Energy and Massive Neutrinos Universe simulations. We discuss the mapping from Lagrangian to Eulerian space for both halos and voids; adopting the spherical symmetry approximation, we obtain a strong agreement at intermediate and large scales. Finally, using the effective moving barrier, we derive Lagrangian void density profiles accurately matching measurements from cosmological simulations, a major achievement towards using void profiles for precision cosmology with the next generation of galaxy surveys.

  • The Kalb-Ramond field and Gravitational Parity Violation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tucker Manton, Stephon Alexander

    Gravitational wave physics can probe theories that extend beyond General Relativity. Motivated by recent attention on the Kalb-Ramond field as a dark matter candidate, in this work, we study a parity violating dimension four operator which couples the dual Riemann curvature to the 2-form field. After mapping the equations of motion for the right- and left-handed gravitational wave amplitudes to the novel parameterization recently presented in \cite{Jenks:2023pmk}, we discuss various constraints on the model parameters in light of the coincident electromagnetic/gravitational wave signal of GW170817 and the GWTC-3 dataset.

  • The Faint Satellite System of NGC 253: Insights into Low-Density Environments and No Satellite Plane.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil, David J. Sand, Denija Crnojević, Paul Bennet, Michael G. Jones, Kristine Spekkens, Ananthan Karunakaran, Dennis Zaritsky, Nelson Caldwell, Catherine E. Fielder, Puragra Guhathakurta, Anil C. Seth, Joshua D. Simon, Jay Strader, Elisa Toloba

    We have conducted a systematic search around the Milky Way (MW) analog NGC 253 (D=3.5 Mpc), as a part of the Panoramic Imaging Survey of Centaurus and Sculptor (PISCeS) - a Magellan+Megacam survey to identify dwarfs and other substructures in resolved stellar light around MW-mass galaxies outside of the Local Group. In total, NGC 253 has five satellites identified by PISCeS within 100 kpc with an absolute V-band magnitude $M_V<-7$. We have additionally obtained deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging of four reported candidates beyond the survey footprint: Do III, Do IV, and dw0036m2828 are confirmed to be satellites of NGC 253, while SculptorSR is found to be a background galaxy. We find no convincing evidence for the presence of a plane of satellites surrounding NGC 253. We construct its satellite luminosity function, which is complete down to $M_V$$\lesssim$$-8$ out to 100 kpc and $M_V$$\lesssim$$-9$ out to 300 kpc, and compare it to those calculated for other Local Volume galaxies. Exploring trends in satellite counts and star-forming fractions among satellite systems, we find relationships with host stellar mass, environment, and morphology, pointing to a complex picture of satellite formation, and a successful model has to reproduce all of these trends.

  • Luminosity Functions of the Host Galaxies of Supernova.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhuoxi Liang, Nao Suzuki, Mamoru Doi, Masayuki Tanaka, Naoki Yasuda

    We present the luminosity functions and stellar mass functions of supernova (SN) host galaxies and test if they differ from the functions of normal field galaxies. We utilize homogeneous samples consisting of 273 SNe Ia ($z\leq0.3$) and 44 core-collapse (CC) SNe ($z \leq 0.1$) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) II Supernova Survey and the high-signal-to-noise-ratio photometry of galaxies from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC SSP). SN hosts are classified into star-forming and passive galaxy groups based on the spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting. We find that the SN host luminosity functions and stellar mass functions deviate from those of normal field galaxies. Star-forming galaxies dominate the low-mass end of the SN Ia host mass function, while passive galaxies dominate the high-mass end. CC SNe are predominantly hosted by star-forming galaxies. In addition, intermediate-mass hosts produce CC SNe with the highest efficiency, while the efficiency of producing SNe Ia monotonically increases as the hosts become more massive. Furthermore, We derive the pseudo mass normalized SN rates (pSNuM) based on the mass functions. We find that the star-forming component of pSNuM$_{Ia}$ is less sensitive to the changes in stellar mass, in comparison with the total rate. The behavior of pSNuM$_{CC}$ suggests that the CC rate is proportional to the star-forming rate.

  • Violation of the equivalence principle induced by oscillating rest mass and transition frequency, and its detection in atom interferometers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jordan Gué, Aurélien Hees, Peter Wolf

    We present a theoretical investigation of the expected experimental signals produced by freely falling atoms with time oscillating mass and transition frequency. These oscillations could be produced in a variety of models, in particular, models of scalar dark matter (DM) non universally coupled to the standard matter (SM) such as axion-like particles (ALP) and dilatons. Performing complete and rigorous calculations, we show that, on one hand, two different atomic species would accelerate at a different rate, and on the other hand, they would produce a non-zero differential phase shift in atom interferometers (AI). The former would produce observable signals in equivalence principle tests like the recent MICROSCOPE mission, and we provide a corresponding sensitivity estimate, showing that MICROSCOPE can reach beyond the best existing searches in the ALP case. We also compare the expected sensitivity of two future AI experiments, namely the AION-10 gradiometer and an isotope differential AI considered for MAGIS-100, that we will refer to as SPID. We show that the SPID setup would be more sensitive to these dark matter fields compared to the gradiometer one, assuming equivalent experimental parameters.

  • Observing Kinematic Anisotropies of the Stochastic Background with LISA.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lavinia Heisenberg, Henri Inchauspé, David Maibach

    We propose a diagnostic tool for future analyses of stochastic gravitational wave background signals of extra-galactic origin in LISA data. Next-generation gravitational wave detectors hold the capability to track unresolved gravitational waves bundled into a stochastic background. This composite background contains cosmological and astrophysical contributions, the exploration of which offers promising avenues for groundbreaking new insights into very early universe cosmology as well as late-time structure formation. In this article, we develop a full end-to-end pipeline for the extraction of extra-galactic signals, based on kinematic anisotropies arising from the galactic motion, via full-time-domain simulations of LISA's response to the gravitational wave anisotropic sky. Employing a Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo map-making scheme, multipoles up to $\ell=2$ are recovered for scale-free spectra that support an interpretation as signals originating from cosmic strings in the case of a high signal-to-noise ratio. We demonstrate that our analysis is consistently beating cosmic variance and is robust against statistical and systematic errors. The impact of instrumental noise on the extraction of kinematic anisotropies is investigated, and we establish a detection threshold of $\Omega_{GW}\gtrsim 5\times 10^{-8}$ in the presence of instrument-induced noise. Potential avenues for improvement in our methodology are highlighted.

  • Weak-lensing mass bias in the dissociative galaxy cluster Abell 56.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Richards P. Albuquerque, Rubens E. G. Machado, Rogério Monteiro-Oliveira

    In galaxy cluster collisions, the gas can be separated from dark matter halos. Abell $56$ displays signatures of a dissociative bullet-like merger with a possible high inclination angle between the plane of orbit and the sky. Our objective is to provide a comprehensive description of the features observed in the collision scenario of Abell $56$. Additionally, we aim to apply a potential weak lensing mass bias correction attributed to the merger to evaluate its impact on our findings. To investigate this, we perform tailored hydrodynamical $N$-body simulations, varying the impact parameter. We initially identified an early scenario at $0.12$ Gyr after the central passage that reproduces some observational features. However, the mean temperature of $9.8$ keV exceeded the observed value. Despite applying a mass bias correction due to the merger process, the new mean temperature of $8.4$ keV remained higher than the observed value. Our best model corresponds to the late scenario at $0.52$ Gyr after the pericenter, reproducing observed features of Abell $56$, with an inclination of $58^\circ$. These features include the offset between the main gas density peak and the south dark matter density peak of $103$ kpc, gas morphology, a line of sight relative velocity of $184$ km s$^{-1}$, and a mean temperature of $6.7$ keV. In the Abell $56$ collision scenario, the weak lensing mass bias did not significantly impact the overall dynamics of the cluster merger. The correction only resulted in a slight decrease in the final mean temperature.

  • The 2024 BBN baryon abundance update.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nils Schöneberg

    We revisit the state of the light element abundances from big bang nucleosynthesis in early 2024 with particular focus on the derived baryon abundance. We find that the largest differences between the final baryon abundances are typically driven by the assumed Deuterium burning rates, characterized in this work by the underlying code. The rates from theoretical ab-initio calculations favor smaller baryon abundances, while experimentally-determined rates prefer higher abundances. Through robust marginalization over a wide range of nuclear rates, the recently released $\mathtt{PRyMordial}$ code allows for a conservative estimate of the baryon abundance at $\Omega_b h^2 = 0.02218 \pm 0.00055$ (using PDG-recommended light element abundances) in $\Lambda$CDM and $\Omega_b h^2 = 0.02196 \pm 0.00063$ when additional ultra-relativistic relics are considered ($\Lambda$CDM + $N_\mathrm{eff}$). These additional relics themselves are constrained to $\Delta N_\mathrm{eff} = -0.10 \pm 0.21$ by light element abundances alone.

  • ${\rm S{\scriptsize IM}BIG}$: Cosmological Constraints from the Redshift-Space Galaxy Skew Spectra.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiamin Hou, Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah, ChangHoon Hahn, Michael Eickenberg, Shirley Ho, Pablo Lemos, Elena Massara, Chirag Modi, Liam Parker, Bruno Régaldo-Saint Blancard

    Extracting the non-Gaussian information of the cosmic large-scale structure (LSS) is vital in unlocking the full potential of the rich datasets from the upcoming stage-IV galaxy surveys. Galaxy skew spectra serve as efficient beyond-two-point statistics, encapsulating essential bispectrum information with computational efficiency akin to power spectrum analysis. This paper presents the first cosmological constraints from analyzing the full set of redshift-space galaxy skew spectra of the data from the SDSS-III BOSS, accessing cosmological information down to nonlinear scales. Employing the ${\rm S{\scriptsize IM}BIG}$ forward modeling framework and simulation-based inference via normalizing flows, we analyze the CMASS-SGC sub-sample, which constitute approximately 10\% of the full BOSS data. Analyzing the scales up to $k_{\rm max}=0.5 \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}h$, we find that the skew spectra improve the constraints on $\Omega_{\rm m}, \Omega_{\rm b}, h$, and $n_s$ by 34\%, 35\%, 18\%, 10\%, respectively, compared to constraints from previous ${\rm S{\scriptsize IM}BIG}$ power spectrum multipoles analysis, yielding $\Omega_{\rm m}=0.288^{+0.024}_{-0.034}$, $\Omega_{\rm b}= 0.043^{+0.005}_{-0.007}$, $h=0.759^{+0.104}_{-0.050}$, $n_{\rm s} = 0.918^{+0.041}_{-0.090}$ (at 68\% confidence limit). On the other hand, the constraints on $\sigma_8$ are weaker than from the power spectrum. Including the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) prior on baryon density reduces the uncertainty on the Hubble parameter further, achieving $h=0.750^{+0.034}_{-0.032}$, which is a 38\% improvement over the constraint from the power spectrum with the same prior. Compared to the ${\rm S{\scriptsize IM}BIG}$ bispectrum (monopole) analysis, skew spectra offer comparable constraints on larger scales ($k_{\rm max}<0.3\, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}h$) for most parameters except for $\sigma_8$.

  • The mass distribution in the outskirts of clusters of galaxies as a probe of the theory of gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michele Pizzardo, Antonaldo Diaferio, Kenneth J. Rines

    We show that $\varsigma$, the radial location of the minimum in the differential radial mass profile $M^\prime(r)$ of a galaxy cluster, can probe the theory of gravity. We derived $M^\prime(r)$ of the dark matter halos of galaxy clusters from N-body cosmological simulations that implement two different theories of gravity: standard gravity in the $\Lambda$CDM model, and $f(R)$. We extracted 49169 dark matter halos in 11 redshift bins in the range $0\leq z\leq 1$ and in three different mass bins in the range $0.9<M_{200c}/10^{14}h^{-1}$M$_\odot<11$. We investigated the correlation of $\varsigma$ with the redshift and the mass accretion rate (MAR) of the halos. We show that $\varsigma$ decreases from $\sim 3R_{200c}$ to $\sim 2R_{200c}$ when $z$ increases from 0 to $1$ in the $\Lambda$CDM model. At $z\sim 0.1$, $\varsigma$ decreases from $2.8R_{200c}$ to $\sim 2.5R_{200c}$ when the MAR increases from $\sim 10^4h^{-1}$M$_\odot$~yr$^{-1}$ to $\sim 2\times 10^5h^{-1}$M$_\odot$~yr$^{-1}$. In the $f(R)$ model, $\varsigma$ is $\sim 15$% larger than in $\Lambda$CDM. The median test shows that for samples of $\gtrsim 400$ dark matter halos at $z\leq 0.8$, $\varsigma$ is able to distinguish between the two theories of gravity with a $p$-value $\lesssim 10^{-5}$. Upcoming advanced spectroscopic and photometric programs will allow a robust estimation of the mass profile of enormous samples of clusters up to large clustercentric distances. These samples will allow us to statistically exploit $\varsigma$ as probe of the theory of gravity, which complements other large-scale probes.

  • Galaxy formation catalyzed by gravastars and the JWST, revisited.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Stephen L. Adler

    We have proposed that galaxy formation is catalyzed by the collision of infalling and outstreaming particles from leaky, horizonless astrophysical black holes, most likely gravastars, and based on this gave a model for the disk galaxy scale length. In this paper we modify our original scale length formula by including an activation probability $P$ for a collision to lead to nucleation of star formation. The revised formula extrapolates from early universe JWST data to late time data to within a factor of five, and suggests that galaxy dimensions should systematically get smaller as the observed redshift z increases. We also show that particles recycling through gravastars can lead to a reduction in the temperature of the surrounding gas, through a ``heat pump'' refrigeration effect. This can trigger galaxy formation through enhanced star formation in the vicinity of the gravastar.

  • Search for subsolar-mass black hole binaries in the second part of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, R. Abbott, H. Abe, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, S. Adhicary, N. Adhikari, R. X. Adhikari, V. K. Adkins, V. B. Adya, C. Affeldt, D. Agarwal, M. Agathos, O. D. Aguiar, L. Aiello, A. Ain, P. Ajith, T. Akutsu, S. Albanesi, R. A. Alfaidi, C. Alléné, A. Allocca, P. A. Altin, A. Amato, S. Anand, A. Ananyeva, S. B. Anderson, W. G. Anderson, M. Ando, T. Andrade, N. Andres, M. Andrés-Carcasona, T. Andrić, S. Ansoldi, J. M. Antelis, S. Antier, T. Apostolatos, E. Z. Appavuravther, S. Appert, S. K. Apple, K. Arai, A. Araya, M. C. Araya, J. S. Areeda, M. Arène, N. Aritomi, N. Arnaud, M. Arogeti, S. M. Aronson, K. G. Arun, H. Asada, G. Ashton, Y. Aso, M. Assiduo, S. Assis de Souza Melo, S. M. Aston, et al. (1647 additional authors not shown)

    We describe a search for gravitational waves from compact binaries with at least one component with mass 0.2 $M_\odot$ -- $1.0 M_\odot$ and mass ratio $q \geq 0.1$ in Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo data collected between 1 November 2019, 15:00 UTC and 27 March 2020, 17:00 UTC. No signals were detected. The most significant candidate has a false alarm rate of 0.2 $\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$. We estimate the sensitivity of our search over the entirety of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run, and present the most stringent limits to date on the merger rate of binary black holes with at least one subsolar-mass component. We use the upper limits to constrain two fiducial scenarios that could produce subsolar-mass black holes: primordial black holes (PBH) and a model of dissipative dark matter. The PBH model uses recent prescriptions for the merger rate of PBH binaries that include a rate suppression factor to effectively account for PBH early binary disruptions. If the PBHs are monochromatically distributed, we can exclude a dark matter fraction in PBHs $f_\mathrm{PBH} \gtrsim 0.6$ (at 90% confidence) in the probed subsolar-mass range. However, if we allow for broad PBH mass distributions we are unable to rule out $f_\mathrm{PBH} = 1$. For the dissipative model, where the dark matter has chemistry that allows a small fraction to cool and collapse into black holes, we find an upper bound $f_{\mathrm{DBH}} < 10^{-5}$ on the fraction of atomic dark matter collapsed into black holes.

  • From Vlasov-Poisson to Schr\"odinger-Poisson: dark matter simulation with a quantum variational time evolution algorithm.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luca Cappelli, Francesco Tacchino, Giuseppe Murante, Stefano Borgani, Ivano Tavernelli

    Cosmological simulations describing the evolution of density perturbations of a self-gravitating collisionless Dark Matter (DM) fluid in an expanding background, provide a powerful tool to follow the formation of cosmic structures over wide dynamic ranges. The most widely adopted approach, based on the N-body discretization of the collisionless Vlasov-Poisson (VP) equations, is hampered by an unfavorable scaling when simulating the wide range of scales needed to cover at the same time the formation of single galaxies and of the largest cosmic structures. The dynamics described by the VP equations is limited by the rapid increase of the number of resolution elements which is required to simulate an ever growing range of scales. Recent studies showed an interesting mapping of the 6-dimensional+1 (6D+1) VP problem into a more amenable 3D+1 non-linear Schr\"odinger-Poisson (SP) problem for simulating the evolution of DM perturbations. This opens up the possibility of improving the scaling of time propagation simulations using quantum computing. In this paper, we introduce a quantum algorithm for simulating the (SP) equation by adapting a variational real-time evolution approach to a self-consistent, non-linear, problem. To achieve this, we designed a novel set of quantum circuits that establish connections between the solution of the original Poisson equation and the solution of the corresponding time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. We also analyzed how nonlinearity impacts the variance of observables. Furthermore, we explored how the spatial resolution behaves as the SP dynamics approaches the classical limit and discovered an empirical logarithmic relationship between the required number of qubits and the scale of the SP equation. This entire approach holds the potential to serve as an efficient alternative for solving the Vlasov-Poisson (VP) equation by means of classical algorithms.

  • Astrophysical Constraints on Decaying Dark Gravitons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jamie A.P. Law-Smith, Georges Obied, Anirudh Prabhu, Cumrun Vafa

    In the dark dimension scenario, which predicts an extra dimension of micron scale, dark gravitons (KK modes) are a natural dark matter candidate. In this paper, we study observable features of this model. In particular, their decay to standard matter fields can distort the CMB and impact other astrophysical signals. Using this we place bounds on the parameters of this model. In particular we find that the natural range of parameters in this scenario is consistent with these constraints and leads to the prediction that the mean mass of the dark matter today is close to a few hundred keV and the effective size of the extra dimension is around $1 - 30 \;\mu\mathrm{m}$.

  • Capse.jl: efficient and auto-differentiable CMB power spectra emulation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Marco Bonici, Federico Bianchini, Jaime Ruiz-Zapatero

    We present Capse.jl, a novel neural network-based emulator designed for rapid and accurate prediction of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature, polarization, and lensing angular power spectra. The emulator computes predictions in just a few microseconds with emulation errors below $0.1\sigma$ for all the scales relevant for the upcoming CMB-S4 survey. Capse.jl can also be trained in an hour's time on a 8-cores CPU. We test Capse.jl on Planck 2018, ACT DR4, and 2018 SPT-3G data and demonstrate its capability to derive cosmological constraints comparable to those obtained by traditional methods, but with a computational efficiency that is three to six orders of magnitude higher. We take advantage of the differentiability of our emulators to use gradient-based methods, such as Pathfinder and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), which speed up the convergence and increase sampling efficiency. Together, these features make Capse.jl a powerful tool for studying the CMB and its implications for cosmology. When using the fastest combination of our likelihoods, emulators, and analysis algorithm, we are able to perform a Plancky TT + TE + EE analysis in less than a second. To ensure full reproducibility, we provide open access to the codes and data required to reproduce all the results of this work.

  • The splashback radius and the radial velocity profile of galaxy clusters in IllustrisTNG.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michele Pizzardo, Margaret J. Geller, Scott J. Kenyon, Ivana Damjanov

    We use 1697 clusters of galaxies from the Illustris TNG300-1 simulation (mass $M_{200c}>10^{14}$M$_\odot$ and redshift range $0.01\leq z \leq 1.04$) to explore the physics of the cluster infall region. We use the average radial velocity profile derived from simulated galaxies, ${\rm v_{rad}}(r)$, and the average velocity dispersion of galaxies at each redshift, ${\rm \sigma_v}(r)$, to explore cluster-centric dynamical radii that characterize the cluster infall region. We revisit the turnaround radius, the limiting outer radius of the infall region, and the radius where the infall velocity has a well-defined minimum. We also explore two new characteristic radii: (i) the point of inflection of ${\rm v_{rad}}(r)$ that lies within the velocity minimum, and (ii) the smallest radius where ${\rm \sigma_v}(r)$ = $|{\rm v_{rad}}(r)|$. These two, nearly coincident, radii mark the inner boundary of the infall region where radial infall ceases to dominate the cluster dynamics. Both of these galaxy velocity based radii lie within $1\sigma$ of the observable splashback radius. The minimum in the logarithmic slope of the galaxy number density is an observable proxy for the apocentric radius of the most recently accreted galaxies, the physical splashback radius. The two new dynamically derived radii relate the splashback radius to the inner boundary of the cluster infall region.

  • Numerical computation of quasinormal modes in the first-order approach to black hole perturbations in modified gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hugo Roussille, David Langlois, Karim Noui

    We present a novel approach to the numerical computation of quasi-normal modes, based on the first-order (in radial derivative) formulation of the equations of motion and using a matrix version of the continued fraction method. This numerical method is particularly suited to the study of static black holes in modified gravity, where the traditional second-order, Schr\"odinger-like, form of the equations of motion is not always available. Our approach relies on the knowledge of the asymptotic behaviours of the perturbations near the black hole horizon and at spatial infinity, which can be obtained via the systematic algorithm that we have proposed recently. In this work, we first present our method for the perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole and show that we recover the well-know frequencies of the QNMs to a very high precision. We then apply our method to the axial perturbations of an exact black hole solution in a particular scalar-tensor theory of gravity. We also cross-check the obtained QNM frequencies with other numerical methods.

  • CSST Large-scale Structure Analysis Pipeline: II. the CSST Emulator for Slitless Spectroscopy (CESS).- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Run Wen, Xian Zhong Zheng, Yunkun Han, Xiaohu Yang, Xin Wang, Hu Zou, Fengshan Liu, Xin Zhang, Ying Zu, Dong Dong Shi, Yizhou Gu, Yirong Wang

    The Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) slitless spectroscopic survey will observe objects to a limiting magnitude of ~ 23 mag (5$\sigma$, point sources) in U, V, and I over 17500 deg$^2$. The spectroscopic observations are expected to be highly efficient and complete for mapping galaxies over 0 < z < 1 with secure redshift measurements at spectral resolutions of R ~ 200, providing unprecedented data sets for cosmological studies. To quantitatively examine the survey potential, we develop a software tool, namely the CSST Emulator for Slitless Spectroscopy (CESS), to quickly generate simulated 1D slitless spectra with limited computing resources. We introduce the architecture of CESS and the detailed process of creating simulated CSST slitless spectra. The extended light distribution of a galaxy induces the self-broadening effect on the 1D slitless spectrum. We quantify the effect using morphological parameters: S\'ersic index, effective radius, position angle, and axis ratio. Moreover, we also develop a module for CESS to estimate the overlap contamination rate for CSST grating observations of galaxies in galaxy clusters. Applying CESS to the high-resolution model spectra of a sample of ~ 140 million galaxies with m_z < 21 mag selected from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument LS DR9 catalogue, we obtain the simulated CSST slitless spectra. We examine the dependence of measurement errors on different types of galaxies due to instrumental and observational effects and quantitatively investigate the redshift completeness for different environments out to z ~ 1. Our results show that the CSST spectroscopy is able to provide secure redshifts for about one-quarter of the sample galaxies.


  • Ejecta-circumstellar medium interaction in high-density environment to kilonova emission: Application for GRB 191019A.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Suo-Ning Wang, Hou-Jun Lü, Yong Yuan, Hao-Yu Yuan, Jared Rice, Meng-Hua Chen, En-Wei Liang

    The nearby long-duration GRB 191019A recently detected by {\em Swift} lacks an associated supernova and belongs to a host galaxy with little star formation activity, suggesting that the origin of this burst is the result of the merger of two compact objects with dynamical interactions in a high-density medium of an active galactic nucleus (AGN). By motivating of this event, it occurs in such high-density environment, the ejecta- circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction cannot be ignored to contribute a possible kilonova emission. Here, we theoretically calculate the kilonova emission by considering the contribution of the ejecta-CSM interaction in the high-density environment. We find that the contribution to the kilonova emission from the ejecta-CSM interaction will dominate at a later time, and a smaller ejecta mass will have a stronger kilonova emission from the ejecta-CSM interaction. Moreover, we try to apply it to GRB 191019A, but we find that it is difficult to identify the possible kilonova emission from the observations due to the contribution of the bright host galaxy. On the other hand, it requires a less injected mass (less than $M_{\rm ej}=2\times10^{-5}M_{\odot}$) if one can detect the kilonova emission associated with a GRB 191019A-like event in the future. The r-process-powered and spin energy contributions from the magnetar are also discussed.

  • Constraining the mass of fermionic dark matter from its feeble interaction with hadronic matter via dark mediators in neutron stars.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Atanu Guha, Debashree Sen

    Considering ten well-known relativistic mean field models, we invoke feeble interaction between hadronic matter and fermionic dark matter (DM) $\chi$ via new physics scalar ($\phi$) and vector ($\xi$) mediators in neutron star core, thereby forming DM admixed neutron stars (DMANSs). The chosen masses of the DM fermion ($m_{\chi}$) and the mediators ($m_{\phi}$ and $m_{\xi}$) are consistent with the self-interaction constraint from Bullet cluster while their respective couplings ($y_{\phi}$ and $y_{\xi}$) are also constrained by the present day relic abundance. Assuming that both $\phi$ and $\xi$ contribute equally to the relic abundance, we compute the equation of state of the DMANSs and consequently their structural properties. We found that for a particular (constant) DM density, the presence of lighter DM results in more massive DMANSs with larger radius. In the light of the various recent constraints like those from the massive pulsar PSR J0740+6620, the gravitational wave (GW170817) data and the results of NICER experiments for PSR J0030+0451 and PSR J0740+6620, we provide a bound on $m_{\chi}$ within the framework of the present work as $m_{\chi}\approx$ (0.1 $-$ 30) GeV for a wide range of fixed DM Fermi momenta $k_F^{\chi}$=(0.01 $-$ 0.06) GeV. In the case of the hadronic models that yield larger radii corresponding to the low mass neutron stars in the no-DM scenario, interaction with comparatively heavier DM fermion is necessary in order to ensure that the DMANSs obtained with such models satisfy the radius constraints from both GW170817 and NICER data for PSR J0030+0451.

  • Intensive Swift and LCO monitoring of PG 1302$-$102: AGN disk reverberation mapping of a supermassive black hole binary candidate.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tingting Liu, Rick Edelson, Juan V. Hernández Santisteban, Erin Kara, John Montano, Jonathan Gelbord, Keith Horne, Aaron J. Barth, Edward M. Cackett, David L. Kaplan

    We present an intensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign of the quasar PG 1302$-$102 with Swift and the Las Cumbres Observatory network telescopes. At $z\sim0.3$, it tests the limits of the reverberation mapping (RM) technique in probing the accretion disk around a supermassive black hole (SMBH) and extends the parameter space to high masses and high accretion rates. This is also the first time the RM technique has been applied to test disk structures predicted in the SMBH binary model that has been suggested for this source. PG 1302$-$102 was observed at a $\sim$daily cadence for $\sim 9$ months in 14 bands spanning from X-ray to UV and optical wavelengths, and it shows moderate to significant levels of variability correlated between wavelengths. We measure the inter-band time lags which are consistent with a $\tau \propto \lambda^{4/3}$ relation as expected from standard disk reprocessing, albeit with large errors. The disk size implied by the lag spectrum is consistent with the expected disk size for its black hole mass within uncertainties. While the source resembles other reverberation-mapped AGN in many respects, and we do not find evidence supporting the prevalent hypothesis that it hosts an SMBH binary, we demonstrate the feasibility of studying SMBH binaries from this novel angle and suggest possibilities for the LSST Deep Drilling Fields.

  • JWST NIRSpec+MIRI Observations of the nearby Type IIP supernova 2022acko.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Shahbandeh, C. Ashall, P. Hoeflich, E. Baron, O. Fox, T. Mera, J. DerKacy, M. D. Stritzinger, B. Shappee, D. Law, J. Morrison, T. Pauly, J. Pierel, K. Medler, J. Andrews, D. Baade, A. Bostroem, P. Brown, C. Burns, A. Burrow, A. Cikota, D. Cross, S. Davis, T. de Jaeger, A. Do, Y. Dong, E. Hsiao, I. Dominguez, L. Galbany, D. Janzen, J. Jencson, E. Hoang, E. Karamehmetoglu, B. Khaghani, K. Krisciunas, S. Kumar, J. Lu, P. Mazzali, N. Morrell, F. Patat, J. Pearson, C. Pfeffer, L. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Z. Cai, Y. Camacho-Neves, N. Elias-Rosa, M. Lundquist, J. Maund, M. Phillips, A. Rest, N. Retamal, S. Stangl, M. Shrestha, C. Stevens, N. Suntzeff, C. Telesco, M. Tucker, R. Foley, S. Jha, L. Kwok, C. Larison, N. LeBaron, S. Moran, J. Rho, I. Salmaso, J. Schmidt, S. Tinyanont

    We present JWST spectral and photometric observations of the Type IIP supernova (SN) 2022acko at ~50 days past explosion. These data are the first JWST spectral observations of a core-collapse SN. We identify ~30 different H I features, other features associated with products produced from the CNO cycle, and s-process elements such as Sc II and Ba II. By combining the JWST spectra with ground-based optical and NIR spectra, we construct a full Spectral Energy Distribution from 0.4 to 25 microns and find that the JWST spectra are fully consistent with the simultaneous JWST photometry. The data lack signatures of CO formation and we estimate a limit on the CO mass of < 10^{-8} solar mass. We demonstrate how the CO fundamental band limits can be used to probe underlying physics during stellar evolution, explosion, and the environment. The observations indicate little mixing between the H envelope and C/O core in the ejecta and show no evidence of dust. The data presented here set a critical baseline for future JWST observations, where possible molecular and dust formation may be seen.

  • The HMXB Luminosity Functions of Dwarf Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Robel Geda, Andy D. Goulding, Bret D. Lehmer, Jenny E. Greene, Anish Kulkarni

    Drawing from the Chandra archive and using a carefully selected set of nearby dwarf galaxies, we present a calibrated high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) luminosity function in the low-mass galaxy regime and search for an already hinted at dependence on metallicity. Our study introduces a new sample of local dwarf galaxies (D < 12.5 Mpc and M* < 5 x 10^9 M_sun), expanding the specific star-formation rates (sSFR) and gas-phase metallicities probed in previous investigations. Our analysis of the observed X-ray luminosity function indicates a shallower power-law slope for the dwarf galaxy HMXB population. In our study, we focus on dwarf galaxies that are more representative in terms of sSFR compared to prior work. In this regime, the HMXB luminosity function exhibits significant stochastic sampling at high luminosities. This likely accounts for the pronounced scatter observed in the galaxy-integrated HMXB population's Lx/SFR versus metallicity for our galaxy sample. Our calibration is necessary to understand the AGN content of low mass galaxies identified in current and future X-ray survey fields and has implications for binary population synthesis models, as well as X-ray driven cosmic heating in the early universe.

  • Minimalist model of the W50/SS433 "Extended X-ray Jet": anisotropic wind with recollimation shocks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E.M.Churazov, I.I.Khabibullin, A.M.Bykov

    W50 is a radio nebula around hyper-accreting Galactic microquasar SS433. In this letter, we focus on one peculiar feature of W50 - a pair of so-called "extended X-ray jets" (EXJs). These "jets" have a size of $\sim20\, {\rm pc}$, a sharp inner boundary, and their spectra are well represented by a featureless X-ray continuum. We argue that EXJ could be an outcome of a powerful {\it anisotropic} wind produced by a super-critical accretion disk. The wind itself consists of two components. The first component is a nearly isotropic outflow that subtends most of the solid angle as seen from the compact source. The second component is a more collimated wind aligned with the binary system rotation axis (polar wind). The termination shock of the former component recollimates the latter, giving it an appearance of an extended X-ray structure. In this model, the EXJ continuum spectrum is due to synchrotron emission of electrons accelerated in the recollimated polar wind. At variance with many other studies, in this model, the EXJ structures are not directly related to the highly collimated $0.26\;\!c$ baryonic jets. Instead, the EXJ and the W50's ears are produced by the part of the wind with an Eddington level kinetic luminosity confined to a half opening angle of $\sim 10$ degrees, which is not necessarily a recollimated version of the jets.

  • Effects of modified gravity on microscopic properties and cooling timescale of white dwarfs.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Aneta Wojnar, Surajit Kalita, Lupamudra Sarmah

    There are currently two open questions in white dwarf physics: why are massive dwarfs observed less often in astronomical surveys, and why have not any super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs been found despite the discovery of more than a dozen peculiar, overly-luminous type Ia supernovae in about a couple of decades? According to different research, magnetic fields appear to somewhat resolve these issues, but stability remains a concern. For the first time, we investigate how modified gravity affects the specific heat of electrons and ions, the crystallization process, and the cooling mechanism in white dwarfs. We demonstrate it for the Ricci-based gravity. We show that massive white dwarfs fade faster and conclude that it could be a physical reason, apart from the presence of high magnetic fields, both for finding fewer massive white dwarfs and the lack of direct detection of super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs.

  • Imaging thick accretion disks and jets surrounding black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhenyu Zhang, Yehui Hou, Minyong Guo, Bin Chen

    Based on the horizon-scale magnetofluid model developed in [arXiv:2309.13304], we investigate the millimeter-wave images of a geometrically thick accretion disk or a funnel wall jet around a Kerr black hole. By employing the numerical method to solve the null geodesic and radiative transfer equations, we obtain the optical appearances at various observational angles and frequencies, generated by the thermal synchrotron radiation within the magnetofluid. For the thick disk, we specifically examine the impact of emission anisotropy on images, concluding that anisotropic synchrotron radiation could play an important role in the observability of the photon ring. For the funnel wall jet, we find that both the outflow and inflow funnel walls exhibit annular structures on the imaging plane. The outflow jet yields a brighter primary image than the photon ring, whereas the inflow jet does not. Based on our investigation, the inflow funnel wall model can not be ruled out by current observations of M87*.

  • Hierarchical binary black hole mergers in globular clusters: mass function and evolution with redshift.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stefano Torniamenti, Michela Mapelli, Carole Périgois, Manuel Arca Sedda, M. Celeste Artale, Marco Dall'Amico, M. Paola Vaccaro

    Hierarchical black hole (BH) mergers are one of the most straightforward mechanisms to produce BHs inside and above the pair-instability mass gap. Here, we investigate the impact of globular cluster (GC) evolution on hierarchical mergers, and we account for the uncertainties related to BH mass pairing functions on the predicted primary BH mass, mass ratio and spin distribution. We find that the evolution of the host GC quenches the hierarchical BH assembly already at the third generation, mainly due to cluster expansion powered by a central BH sub-system. Hierarchical mergers match the primary BH mass distribution from GW events for $m_1 > 50 \, \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$, regardless of the assumed BH pairing function. At lower masses, however, different pairing functions lead to dramatically different predictions on the primary BH mass merger rate density. We find that the primary BH mass distribution evolves with redshift, with a larger contribution from mergers with $m_1 \geq 30 \, \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ for $z\geq{}1$. Finally, we calculate the mixing fraction of BBHs from GCs and isolated binary systems. Our predictions are very sensitive to the spins, which favor a large fraction ($>0.6$) of BBHs born in GCs, in order to reproduce misaligned spin observations.

  • Broadband Study of Gamma-Ray Blazars at Redshifts $z=2.0-2.5$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. Sahakyan, G. Harutyunyan, S. Gasparyan, D. Israyelyan

    High redshift blazars are among the most powerful non-explosive sources in the Universe and play a crucial role in understanding the evolution of relativistic jets. To understand these bright objects, we performed a detailed investigation of the multiwavelength properties of 79 $\gamma$-ray blazars with redshifts ranging from z = 2.0 to 2.5, using data from Fermi LAT, Swift XRT/UVOT, and NuSTAR observations. In the $\gamma$-ray band, the spectral analysis revealed a wide range of flux and photon indices, from $5.32 \times 10^{-10}$ to $3.40 \times 10^{-7}$ photons cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and from 1.66 to 3.15, respectively, highlighting the diverse nature of these sources. The detailed temporal analysis showed that flaring activities were observed in 31 sources. Sources such as 4C+71.07, PKS 1329-049, and 4C+01.02, demonstrated significant increase in the $\gamma$-ray luminosity and flux variations, reaching peak luminosity exceeding $10^{50}$ erg s$^{-1}$. The temporal analysis extended to X-ray and optical/UV bands, showed clear flux changes in some sources in different observations. The time-averaged properties of high redshift blazars were derived through modeling the spectral energy distributions with a one-zone leptonic scenario, assuming the emission region is within the broad-line region (BLR) and the X-ray and $\gamma$-ray emissions are due to inverse Compton scattering of synchrotron and BLR-reflected photons. This modeling allowed us to constrain the emitting particle distribution, estimate the magnetic field inside the jet, and evaluate the jet luminosity, which is discussed in comparison with the disk luminosity derived from fitting the excess in the UV band.

  • Neutron-star Measurements in the Multi-messenger Era.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Stefano Ascenzi, Vanessa Graber, Nanda Rea

    Neutron stars are compact and dense celestial objects that offer the unique opportunity to explore matter and its interactions under conditions that cannot be reproduced elsewhere in the Universe. Their extreme gravitational, rotational and magnetic energy reservoirs fuel the large variety of their emission, which encompasses all available multi-messenger tracers: electromagnetic and gravitational waves, neutrinos, and cosmic rays. However, accurately measuring global neutron-star properties such as mass, radius, and moment of inertia poses significant challenges. Probing internal characteristics such as the crustal composition or superfluid physics is even more complex. This article provides a comprehensive review of the different methods employed to measure neutron-star characteristics and the level of reliance on theoretical models. Understanding these measurement techniques is crucial for advancing our knowledge of neutron-star physics. We also highlight the importance of employing independent methods and adopting a multi-messenger approach to gather complementary data from various observable phenomena as exemplified by the recent breakthroughs in gravitational-wave astronomy and the landmark detection of a binary neutron-star merger. Consolidating the current state of knowledge on neutron-star measurements will enable an accurate interpretation of the current data and errors, and better planning for future observations and experiments.

  • Time-resolved Spectral Properties of Fermi-GBM Bright Long Gamma-Ray Bursts.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wan-Kai Wang, Wei Xie, Zhi-Fu Gao, Shuo Xiao, Ai-Jun Dong, Bin Zhang, Qi-Jun Zhi

    The prompt emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is still unclear, and the time-resolved spectral analysis of GRBs is a powerful tool for studying their underlying physical processes. We performed a detailed time-resolved spectral analysis of 78 bright long GRB samples detected by Fermi/Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). A total of 1490 spectra were obtained and their properties were studied using a typical Band-shape model. Firstly, the parameter distribution of the time-resolved spectrum given as follows: the low-energy spectral index $\alpha \sim -0.72$, high-energy spectral index $\beta \sim -2.42$, the peak energy $E_{\rm p} \sim 221.69 \,\rm{keV}$, and the energy flux $F \sim 7.49\times 10^{-6} \rm{\, erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}}$. More than 80\% of the bursts exhibit the hardest low-energy spectral index $\alpha_{\rm max}$ exceeding the synchrotron limit (-2/3). Secondly, the evolution patterns of $\alpha$ and $E_{\rm p}$ were statistically analyzed. The results show that for multi-pulse GRBs the intensity-tracking pattern is more common than the hard-to-soft pattern in the evolution of both $E_{\rm p}$ and $\alpha$. The hard-to-soft pattern is generally shown in single-pulse GRBs or in the initial pulse of multi-pulse GRBs. Finally, we found a significant positive correlation between $F$ and $E_{\rm p}$, with half of the samples exhibiting a positive correlation between $F$ and $\alpha$. We discussed the spectral evolution of different radiation models. The diversity of spectral evolution patterns indicates that there may be more than one radiation mechanism occurring in the gamma-ray burst radiation process, including photospheric radiation and synchrotron radiation. However, it may also involve only one radiation mechanism, but more complicated physical details need to be considered.

  • The metamorphosis of the Type Ib SN 2019yvr: late-time interaction.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lucía Ferrari, Gastón Folatelli, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Maximilian Stritzinger, Keiichi Maeda, Melina Bersten, Lili M. Román Aguilar, M. Manuela Sáez, Luc Dessart, Peter Lundqvist, Paolo Mazzali, Takashi Nagao, Chris Ashall, Subhash Bose, Seán J. Brennan, Yongzhi Cai, Rasmus Handberg, Simon Holmbo, Emir Karamehmetoglu, Andrea Pastorello, Andrea Reguitti, Joseph Anderson, Ting-Wan Chen, Lluís Galbany, Mariusz Gromadzki, Claudia P. Gutiérrez, Cosimo Inserra, Erkki Kankare, Tomás E. Müller Bravo, Seppo Mattila, Matt Nicholl, Giuliano Pignata, Jesper Sollerman, Shubham Srivastav, David R. Young

    We present observational evidence of late-time interaction between the ejecta of the hydrogen-poor Type Ib supernova (SN) 2019yvr and hydrogen-rich circumstellar material (CSM), similar to the Type Ib SN 2014C. A narrow H{\alpha} emission line appears simultaneously with a break in the light-curve decline rate at around 80-100 d after explosion. From the interaction delay and the ejecta velocity, under the assumption that the CSM is detached from the progenitor, we estimate the CSM inner radius to be located at ~6.5-9.1 {\times} 10^{15} cm. The H{\alpha} emission line persists throughout the nebular phase at least up to +420 d post-explosion, with a full width at half maximum of ~2000 km/s. Assuming a steady mass-loss, the estimated mass-loss rate from the luminosity of the H{\alpha} line is ~3-7 {\times} 10^{-5} M_\odot yr^{-1}. From hydrodynamical modelling and analysis of the nebular spectra, we find a progenitor He-core mass of 3-4 M{_\odot}, which would imply an initial mass of 13-15 M{_\odot}. Our result supports the case of a relatively low-mass progenitor possibly in a binary system as opposed to a higher mass single star undergoing a luminous blue variable phase.

  • Long-term study of the first Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source Swift J0243.6+6124 using NICER.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Birendra Chhotaray, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Prantik Nandi, Sachindra Naik, Neeraj kumari, Mason Ng, Keith C. Gendreau

    We present the results obtained from detailed X-ray timing and spectral studies of X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 during its giant and normal X-ray outbursts between 2017 and 2023 observed by the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER). We focused on the timing analysis of the normal outbursts. A distinct break is found in the power density spectra of the source. The corresponding break frequency and slope of power-laws around the break vary with luminosity, indicating the change in accretion dynamics with mass accretion rate. Interestingly, we detected quasi-periodic oscillations within a specific luminosity range, providing further insights into the underlying physical processes. We also studied the neutron star spin period evolution and a luminosity variation in pulse profile during the recent 2023 outburst. The spectral analysis was conducted comprehensively for the giant and all other normal outbursts. We identified a double transition at luminosities of $\approx$7.5$\times$10$^{37}$ and 2.1$\times$10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in the evolution of continuum parameters like photon index and cutoff energy with luminosity. This indicates three distinct accretion modes experienced by the source mainly during the giant X-ray outburst. A soft blackbody component with a temperature of 0.08-0.7 keV is also detected in spectra. The observed temperature undergoes a discontinuous transition when the pulsar evolves from a sub- to super-Eddington state. Notably, in addition to an evolving 6-7 keV iron line complex, a 1 keV emission line was observed during the super-Eddington state of the source, implying the X-ray reflection from the accretion disc or outflow material.

  • The impact of selection biases on tests of general relativity with gravitational-wave inspirals.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ryan Magee, Maximiliano Isi, Ethan Payne, Katerina Chatziioannou, Will M. Farr, Geraint Pratten, Salvatore Vitale

    Tests of general relativity with gravitational wave observations from merging compact binaries continue to confirm Einstein's theory of gravity with increasing precision. However, these tests have so far only been applied to signals that were first confidently detected by matched-filter searches assuming general relativity templates. This raises the question of selection biases: what is the largest deviation from general relativity that current searches can detect, and are current constraints on such deviations necessarily narrow because they are based on signals that were detected by templated searches in the first place? In this paper, we estimate the impact of selection effects for tests of the inspiral phase evolution of compact binary signals with a simplified version of the GstLAL search pipeline. We find that selection biases affect the search for very large values of the deviation parameters, much larger than the constraints implied by the detected signals. Therefore, combined population constraints from confidently detected events are mostly unaffected by selection biases, with the largest effect being a broadening at the $\sim10$ % level for the $-1$PN term. These findings suggest that current population constraints on the inspiral phase are robust without factoring in selection biases. Our study does not rule out a disjoint, undetectable binary population with large deviations from general relativity, or stronger selection effects in other tests or search procedures.

  • Late Engine Activity in Neutron Star Mergers and Its Cocoon: An Alternative Scenario for the Blue Kilonova.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hamid Hamidani, Shigeo S. Kimura, Masaomi Tanaka, Kunihito Ioka

    Follow-up observations of short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) have continuously unveiled late extended/plateau emissions, attributed to jet launch due to late engine activity, the nature of which remains enigmatic. Observations of GW170817 confirmed that sGRBs are linked to neutron star (NS) mergers, and discovered a kilonova (KN) transient. Nevertheless, the origin of the early "blue" KN in GW170817 remains unclear. Here, we investigate the propagation of late jets in the merger ejecta. By analytically modeling jet dynamics, we determine the properties of the jet heated cocoon, and estimate its cooling emission. Our results reveal that late jets generate significantly brighter cocoons compared to prompt jets, primarily due to reduced energy loss by adiabatic cooling. Notably, with typical late jets, emission from the cocoon trapped inside the ejecta can reproduce the blue KN emission. We estimate that the forthcoming Einstein Probe mission will detect the early cocoon emission with a rate of $\sim 2.1_{-1.6}^{+3.2}$ yr$^{-1}$, and that optical/UV follow-ups in the LIGO-VIRGO-KAGRA O5 run will be able to detect $\sim 1.0_{-0.7}^{+1.5}$ cocoon emission events. As an electromagnetic counterpart, this emission provides an independent tool to probe NS mergers in the Universe, complementing insights from sGRBs and gravitational waves.

  • X-Ray Polarimetry of the Dipping Accreting Neutron Star 4U 1624-49.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Lynne Saade, Philip Kaaret, Andrea Gnarini, Juri Poutanen, Francesco Ursini, Stefano Bianchi, Anna Bobrikova, Fabio La Monaca, Alessandro Di Marco, Fiamma Capitanio, Alexandra Veledina, Ivan Agudo, Lucio A. Antonelli, Matteo Bachetti, Luca Baldini, Wayne H. Baumgartner, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Stephen D. Bongiorno, Raffaella Bonino, Alessandro Brez, Niccolo Bucciantini, Simone Castellano, Elisabetta Cavazzuti, Chien-Ting Chen, Stefano Ciprini, Enrico Costa, Alessandra De Rosa, Ettore Del Monte, Laura Di Gesù, Niccolo Di Lalla, Immacolata Donnarumma, Victor Doroshenko, Michal Dovciak, Steven R. Ehlert, Teruaki Emote, Yuri Evangelista, Sergio Fabiani, Riccardo Ferrazzoli, Javier A. Garcia, Shuichi Gunji, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Jeremy Heyl, Wataru Iwakiri, Svetlana G. Jorstad, Vladimir Karas, et al. (56 additional authors not shown)

    We present the first X-ray polarimetric study of the dipping accreting neutron star 4U 1624$-$49 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). We report a detection of polarization in the non-dip time intervals with a confidence level of 99.99%. We find an average polarization degree (PD) of $3.1\pm0.7$% and a polarization angle of $81\pm6$ degrees east of north in the 2-8 keV band. We report an upper limit on the PD of 22% during the X-ray dips with 95% confidence. The PD increases with energy, reaching from $3.0\pm0.9$% in the 4-6 keV band to $6\pm2$% in the 6-8 keV band. This indicates the polarization likely arises from Comptonization. The high PD observed is unlikely to be produced by Comptonization in the boundary layer or spreading layer alone. It can be produced by the addition of an extended geometrically thin slab corona covering part of the accretion disk, as assumed in previous models of dippers, and/or a reflection component from the accretion disk.

  • Semblance study of force-field and convection-diffusion solutions with observations of solar magnetic phenomena.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Miguel Enríquez-Vargas, Jorge Uriel Pérez-Romero

    A quantitative analytical model based on the semblance method between the modulation factor with solar phenomena is proposed. Different Local Interstellar Spectra (LIS) have been computed to introduce into a transport equation solution which in turn have been introduced into the atmospheric yield function (Caballero-Lopez & Moraal 2012), that allows to compute a Cosmic Rays (CR) Modulation Factor. The results were as expected. &here are correlation between modulation factor and sunspots, and anticorrelation between modulation factor and mean magnetic field. A transport equation's solution is necessary to compute atmospheric yield function, in this case the used transport equation's solutions were convection-diffusion and force field. Both solutions offer similar models, yet the force field solution shows a higher correlation value in the semblance than the convection-diffusion solution. Several LIS were also computed because they are introduced into the transport equation solutions. The used LIS were Lagner, Potgieter and Webber LIS in 2003, Burguer and Potgieter LIS in 2000, Garcia-Munoz, Mason and Simpson LIS in 1975 and Ghelfi, Barao, Derome and Maurin LIS in 2017. Those LIS were used because they have a model for different nuclear composition: Helium and Hydrogen. The LIS with more changes when is introduced into the semblance is Garcia-Munoz, Mason and Simpson in 1975.


  • Hidden Gems on a Ring: Infant Massive Clusters and Their Formation Timeline Unveiled by ALMA, HST, and JWST in NGC 3351.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jiayi Sun, Hao He, Kyle Batschkun, Rebecca C. Levy, Kimberly Emig, M. Jimena Rodriguez, Hamid Hassani, Adam K. Leroy, Eva Schinnerer, Eve C. Ostriker, Christine D. Wilson, Alberto D. Bolatto, Elisabeth A. C. Mills, Erik Rosolowsky, Janice C. Lee, Daniel A. Dale, Kirsten L. Larson, David A. Thilker, Leonardo Ubeda, Bradley C. Whitmore, Thomas G. Williams, Ashley. T. Barnes, Frank Bigiel, Melanie Chevance, Simon C. O. Glover, Kathryn Grasha, Brent Groves, Jonathan D. Henshaw, Remy Indebetouw, Maria J. Jimenez-Donaire, Ralf S. Klessen, Eric W. Koch, Daizhong Liu, Smita Mathur, Sharon Meidt, Shyam H. Menon, Justus Neumann, Francesca Pinna, Miguel Querejeta, Mattia C. Sormani, Robin G. Tress

    We study young massive clusters (YMCs) in their embedded "infant" phase with $\sim$0.1" ALMA, HST, and JWST observations targeting the central starburst ring in NGC 3351, a nearby Milky Way analog galaxy. Our new ALMA data reveal 18 bright and compact (sub-)millimeter continuum sources, of which 11 have apparent counterparts in JWST images and only 6 have counterparts in HST images. Based on the ALMA continuum and molecular line data, as well as ancillary measurements for the HST and JWST counterparts, we identify 14 sources as infant star clusters with high stellar and/or gas masses (${\sim}10^5\;\mathrm{M_\odot}$), small radii (${\lesssim}\,5\;\mathrm{pc}$), large escape velocities ($6{-}10\;\mathrm{km/s}$), and short free-fall times ($0.5{-}1\;\mathrm{Myr}$). Their multiwavelength properties motivate us to divide them into four categories, likely corresponding to four evolutionary stages from starless clumps to exposed HII region-cluster complexes. Leveraging age estimates for HST-identified clusters in the same region, we infer an evolutionary timeline going from $1{-}2\;\mathrm{Myr}$ before cluster formation as starless clumps, to $4{-}6\;\mathrm{Myr}$ after as exposed HII region-cluster complexes. Finally, we show that the YMCs make up a substantial fraction of recent star formation across the ring, exhibit an non-uniform azimuthal distribution without a very coherent evolutionary trend along the ring, and are capable of driving large-scale gas outflows.

  • The Mass of the Large Magellanic Cloud from the Three-Dimensional Kinematics of its Globular Clusters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Laura L. Watkins, Roeland P. van der Marel, 3), Paul Bennet, (2) STScI, (3) JHU)

    We estimate the mass of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using the kinematics of 30 LMC globular clusters (GCs). We combine proper motions (PMs) measured with HST, Gaia, or a combination of the two, from a recent study by Bennet et al. (2022) with literature line-of-sight velocities (LOSVs) to give 3 components of motion. With these, we derive a 3D velocity dispersion anisotropy $\beta = -0.72 ^{+0.62} _{-1.07}$, consistent with the GCs forming a flattened system with significant azimuthal motion. We then apply a tracer mass estimator and measure an enclosed mass $M (<13.2 \mathrm{kpc})= 2.66^{+0.42} _{-0.36} \times 10^{10} \mathrm{M}_\odot$. This is broadly consistent with results from previous studies of the LOSVs of GCs and other luminous tracers. Assuming a cosmologically-constrained NFW distribution for the dark matter, this implies a virial mass $M_\mathrm{virial} = 1.80^{+1.05} _{-0.54} \times 10^{11} \mathrm{M}_\odot$. Despite being an extrapolation by almost an order of magnitude in radius, this result is consistent with published estimates from other methods that are directly sensitive to the LMC's total mass. Our results support the conclusion that the LMC is approximately 17$^{+10}_{-6}$% of the Milky Way's mass, making it a significant contributor to the Local Group (LG) potential.

  • The Hidden Clumps in VY CMa Uncovered by ALMA.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Roberta M. Humphreys, A. M. S. Richards, Kris Davidson, A. P. Singh, L.Decin, L. M. Ziurys

    The red hypergiant VY CMa is famous for its very visible record of high mass loss events. Recent CO observations with ALMA revealed three previously unknown large scale outflows (Paper I). In this paper we use the CO maps to investigate the motions of a cluster of four clumps close to the star, not visible in the optical or infrared images. We present their proper motions measured from two epochs of ALMA images and determine the line of sight velocities of the gas in emission at the clumps. We estimate their masses and ages, or time since ejection, and conclude that all four were ejected during VY CMa's active period in the early 20th century. Together with two additional knots observed with HST, VY CMa experienced at least six massive outflows during a 30 year period with a total mass lost greater than 0.07 Msun. The position-velocity map of the $^{12}$CO emission reveals previously unnoticed attributes of the older outer ejecta. In a very narrow range of Doppler velocities, $^{12}$CO absorption and emission causes some of this outer material to be quite opaque. At those frequencies the inner structure is hidden and we see only emission from an extended outer region. This fact produces a conspicuous but illusory dark spot if one attempts to subtract the continuum in a normal way.

  • Multi-wavelength detection of an ongoing FUOr-type outburst on a low-mass YSO.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zhen Guo, P. W. Lucas, R. G. Kurtev, J. Borissova, V. Elbakyan, C. Morris, A. Bayo, L. Smith, A. Caratti o Garatti, C. Contreras Peña, D. Minniti, J. Jose, M. Ashraf, J. Alonso-García, N. Miller, H. D. S. Muthu

    During the pre-main-sequence evolution, Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) assemble most of their mass during the episodic accretion process. The rarely seen FUOr-type events (FUOrs) are valuable laboratories to investigate the outbursting nature of YSOs. Here, we present multi-wavelength detection of a high-amplitude eruptive source in the young open cluster VdBH 221 with an ongoing outburst, including optical to mid-infrared time series and near-infrared spectra. The initial outburst has an exceptional amplitude of $>$6.3 mag in Gaia and 4.6 mag in $K_s$, with a peak luminosity up to 16 $L_{\odot}$ and a peak mass accretion rate of 1.4 $\times$ 10$^{-5}$ $M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$. The optical to infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) of this object is consistent with a low-mass star (0.2$M_\odot$) with a modest extinction ($A_V < 2$ mag). A 100-d delay between optical and infrared rising stages is detected, suggesting an outside-in origin of the instability. The spectroscopic features of this object reveal a self-luminous accretion disc, very similar to FU Orionis, with a low line-of-sight extinction. Most recently, there has been a gradual increase in brightness throughout the wavelength range, possibly suggesting an enhancement of the mass accretion rate.

  • The most variable VVV sources: eruptive protostars, dipping giants in the Nuclear Disc and others.- [PDF] - [Article]

    P. W. Lucas, L. C. Smith, Z. Guo, 4, 1 and 5), C. Contreras Peña, D. Minniti, 8 and 9), N. Miller, J. Alonso-García, M. Catelan, J. Borissova, R. K. Saito, R. Kurtev, M. G. Navarro, C. Morris, H. Muthu, D. Froebrich, V. D. Ivanov, A. Bayo, A. Caratti o Garatti, J. L. Sanders, (2) University of Cambridge, (3) Universidad de Valparaíso (4) Núcleo Milenio de Formación Planetaria, (5) Universidad Tecnicá Federico Santa María, (6) Seoul National University, (7) Universidad Andres Bello, (8) Vatican Observatory, (9) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, (10) Universidad de Antofagasta, (11) Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, (12) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, (13) Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, (14) University of Kent, (15) European Southern Observatory, (16) Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, (17) University College London)

    We have performed a comprehensive search of a VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) database of 9.5 yr light curves for variable sources with $\Delta K_s \ge 4$ mag, aiming to provide a large sample of high amplitude eruptive young stellar objects (YSOs) and detect unusual or new types of infrared variable source. We find 222 variable or transient sources in the Galactic bulge and disc, most of which are new discoveries. The sample mainly comprises novae, YSOs, microlensing events, Long Period Variable stars (LPVs) and a few rare or unclassified sources. Additionally, we report the discovery of a significant population of aperiodic late-type giant stars suffering deep extinction events, strongly clustered in the Nuclear Disc of the Milky Way. We suggest that these are metal-rich stars in which radiatively driven mass loss has been enhanced by super-solar metallicity. Among the YSOs, 32/40 appear to be undergoing episodic accretion. Long-lasting YSO eruptions have a typical rise time of $\sim$2 yr, somewhat slower than the 6-12 month timescale seen in the few historical events observed on the rise. The outburst durations are usually at least 5 yr, somewhat longer than many lower amplitude VVV events detected previously. The light curves are diverse in nature, suggesting that multiple types of disc instability may occur. Eight long-duration extinction events are seen wherein the YSO dims for a year or more, attributable to inner disc structure. One binary YSO in NGC 6530 displays periodic extinction events (P=59 days) similar to KH 15D.

  • Discourse on infrared colours and bolometric corrections of SiO masing stars in the inner Milky Way.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Maria Messineo

    A sample of SiO-masing late-type stars located in the inner Galaxy is analyzed with the goal of better constraining their obscuration. This reference sample allows us to define mathematical relations between their dereddened infrared colours and the observed colours (e.g. \Ks-[8], \Ks-[24]). The derived equations define a property (a locus) of these late-type stars. Therefore, they enable us to derive the interstellar extinction. With estimated spectral types, it is possible to decompose the total extinction in the two components (interstellar and envelope extinction). These relations are very useful to classify extremely obscured late-type stars located in the inner Galaxy. Estimating the two extinction components is performable on an individual late-type star, independently of its surrounding, and also when a few mid-infrared measurements are available.

  • A dynamical measure of the black hole mass in a quasar 11 billion years ago.- [PDF] - [Article]

    R. Abuter, F. Allouche, A. Amorim, 4), C. Bailet, A. Berdeu, J.-P. Berger, P. Berio, A. Bigioli, O. Boebion, M.-L. Bolzer, 9, 19), H. Bonnet, G. Bourdarot, P. Bourget, W. Brandner, Y. Cao, R. Conzelmann, M. Comin, Y. Clénet, B. Courtney-Barrer, 11), R. Davies, D. Defrère, A. Delboulbé, F. Delplancke-Ströbele, R. Dembet, J. Dexter, P.T. de Zeeuw, A. Drescher, A. Eckart, 14), C. Édouard, F. Eisenhauer, M. Fabricius, H. Feuchtgruber, G. Finger, N.M. Förster Schreiber, P. Garcia, 15), R. Garcia Lopez, F. Gao, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, 16), J.P. Gil, S. Gillessen, T. Gomes, 15), F. Gonté, C. Gouvret, et al. (83 additional authors not shown)

    Tight relationships exist in the local universe between the central stellar properties of galaxies and the mass of their supermassive black hole. These suggest galaxies and black holes co-evolve, with the main regulation mechanism being energetic feedback from accretion onto the black hole during its quasar phase. A crucial question is how the relationship between black holes and galaxies evolves with time; a key epoch to probe this relationship is at the peaks of star formation and black hole growth 8-12 billion years ago (redshifts 1-3). Here we report a dynamical measurement of the mass of the black hole in a luminous quasar at a redshift of 2, with a look back time of 11 billion years, by spatially resolving the broad line region. We detect a 40 micro-arcsecond (0.31 pc) spatial offset between the red and blue photocenters of the H$\alpha$ line that traces the velocity gradient of a rotating broad line region. The flux and differential phase spectra are well reproduced by a thick, moderately inclined disk of gas clouds within the sphere of influence of a central black hole with a mass of 3.2x10$^{8}$ solar masses. Molecular gas data reveal a dynamical mass for the host galaxy of 6x10$^{11}$ solar masses, which indicates an under-massive black hole accreting at a super-Eddington rate. This suggests a host galaxy that grew faster than the supermassive black hole, indicating a delay between galaxy and black hole formation for some systems.

  • Diffuse Light in Milky-Way like Haloes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    E. Contini, S. Han, S. Jeon, J. Rhee, S.K. Yi

    We investigate the diffuse light (DL) content of dark matter haloes in the mass range $11.5\leq \log M_{halo}\leq13$, a range that includes also the dark matter halo of the Milky-Way, taking advantage of a state-of-the-art semi-analytic model run on the merger trees extracted from a set of high-resolution cosmological simulations. The fraction of DL in such relatively small haloes is found to progressively decrease from the high to the low mass end, in good agreement with analytic (\citealt{purcell2007}) and numerical results from simulations (\citealt{proctor2023,ahvazi2023}), in good agreement also with the fraction of the DL observed in the Milky-Way (\citealt{deason2019}) and M31 (\citealt{harmsen2017}). Haloes with different masses have a different efficiency in producing DL: $\log M_{halo} \simeq 13$ is found to be the characteristic halo mass where the production of DL is the most efficient, while the overall efficiency decreases at both larger (\citealt{contini2024}) and smaller scales (this work). The DL content in this range of halo mass is the result of stellar stripping due to tidal interaction between satellites and its host (95\%) and mergers between satellites and the central galaxy (5\%), with pre-processed material, sub-channel of mergers and stripping and so already included in the 100\%, that contributes no more than 8\% on average. The halo concentration is the main driver of the DL formation: more concentrated haloes have higher DL fractions that come from stripping of more massive satellites in the high halo mass end, while dwarfs contribute mostly in the low halo mass end.

  • On the Scarcity of Dense Cores ($n>10^{5}$ cm$^{-3}$) in High Latitude Planck Galactic Cold Clumps.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Fengwei Xu, Ke Wang, Tie Liu, David Eden, Xunchuan Liu, Mika Juvela, Jinhua He, Doug Johnstone, Paul Goldsmith, Guido Garay, Yuefang Wu, Archana Soam, Alessio Traficante, Isabelle Ristorcelli, Edith Falgarone, Huei-Ru Vivien Chen, Naomi Hirano, Yasuo Doi, Woojin Kwon, Glenn J. White, Anthony Whitworth, Patricio Sanhueza, Mark G. Rawlings, Dana Alina, Zhiyuan Ren, Chang Won Lee, Ken'ichi Tatematsu, Chuan-Peng Zhang, Jianjun Zhou, Shih-Ping Lai, Derek Ward-Thompson, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Qilao Gu, Eswaraiah Chakali, Lei Zhu, Diego Mardones, L. Viktor Tóth

    High-latitude ($|b|>30^{\circ}$) molecular clouds have virial parameters that exceed 1, but whether these clouds can form stars has not been studied systematically. Using JCMT SCUBA-2 archival data, we surveyed 70 fields that target high-latitude Planck galactic cold clumps (HLPCs) to find dense cores with density of $10^{5}$-$10^{6}$ cm$^{-3}$ and size of $<0.1$ pc. The sample benefits from both the representativeness of the parent sample and covering densest clumps at the high column density end ($>1\times10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$). At an average noise rms of 15 mJy/beam, we detected Galactic dense cores in only one field, G6.04+36.77 (L183), while also identifying 12 extragalactic objects and two young stellar objects. Compared to the low-latitude clumps, dense cores are scarce in HLPCs. With synthetic observations, the densities of cores are constrained to be $n_c\lesssim10^5$ cm$^{-3}$, should they exist in HLPCs. Low-latitude clumps, Taurus clumps, and HLPCs form a sequence where a higher virial parameter corresponds to a lower dense core detection rate. If HLPCs were affected by the Local Bubble, the scarcity should favor turbulence-inhibited rather than supernova-driven star formation. Studies of the formation mechanism of the L183 molecular cloud are warranted.

  • ELUCID VIII: Simulating the Coma Galaxy Cluster to Calibrate Model and Understand Feedback.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xiong Luo, Huiyuan Wang, Weiguang Cui, Houjun Mo, RenJie Li, Yipeng Jing, Neal Katz, Romeel Davé, Xiaohu Yang, Yangyao Cheng, Hao Li, Shuiyao Huang

    We conducted an investigation of the Coma cluster of galaxies by running a series of constrained hydrodynamic simulations with GIZMO-SIMBA and GADGET-3, based on initial conditions reconstructed from the SDSS survey volume in the ELUCID project. We compared simulation predictions and observations for galaxies, ICM and IGM in and around the Coma cluster to constrain galaxy formation physics. Our results demonstrate that this type of constrained investigation allows us to probe in more detail the implemented physical processes, because the comparison between simulations and observations is free of cosmic variance and hence can be conducted in a ''one-to-one'' manner. We found that an increase in the earlier star formation rate and the supernova feedback of the original GIZMO-SIMBA model is needed to match observational data on stellar, ISM and ICM metallicity. The simulations without AGN feedback can well reproduce the observational ICM electron density, temperature, and entropy profiles, ICM substructures, and the IGM temperature-density relation, while the ones with AGN feedback usually fail. However, one requires something like AGN feedback to reproduce a sufficiently large population of quiescent galaxies, particularly in low-density regions. The constrained simulations of the Coma cluster thus provide a test bed to understand processes that drive galaxy formation and evolution.

  • The JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science Program VI. Identifying Evolved Stars in Nearby Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martha L. Boyer, Giada Pastorelli, Léo Girardi, Paola Marigo, Andrew E. Dolphin, Kristen B. W. McQuinn, Max J. B. Newman, Alessandro Savino, Daniel R. Weisz, Benjamin F. Williams, Jay Anderson, Roger E. Cohen, Matteo Correnti, Andrew A. Cole, Marla C. Geha, Mario Gennaro, Nitya Kallivayalil, Evan N. Kirby, Karin M. Sandstrom, Evan D. Skillman, Christopher T. Garling, Hannah Richstein, Jack T. Warfield

    We present an investigation of evolved stars in the nearby star-forming galaxy WLM, using NIRCam imaging from the JWST resolved stellar populations early-release science (ERS) program. We find that various combinations of the F090W, F150W, F250M, and F430M filters can effectively isolate red supergiants (RSGs) and thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) stars from one another, while also providing a reasonable separation of the primary TP-AGB subtypes: carbon-rich C-type stars and oxygen-rich M-type stars. The classification scheme we present here agrees very well with the well-established Hubble Space Telescope (HST) medium-band filter technique. The ratio of C to M-type stars (C/M) is 0.8$\pm$0.1 for both the new JWST and the HST classifications, which is within one sigma of empirical predictions from optical narrow-band CN and TiO filters. The evolved star colors show good agreement with the predictions from the PARSEC$+$COLIBRI stellar evolutionary models, and the models indicate a strong metallicity dependence that makes stellar identification even more effective at higher metallicity. However, the models also indicate that evolved star identification with NIRCam may be more difficult at lower metallicies. We test every combination of NIRCam filters using the models and present additional filters that are also useful for evolved star studies. We also find that $\approx$90\% of the dusty evolved stars are carbon-rich, suggesting that carbonaceous dust dominates the present-day dust production in WLM, similar to the findings in the Magellanic Clouds. These results demonstrate the usefulness of NIRCam in identifying and classifying dust-producing stars without the need for mid-infrared data.

  • Linking Mg II and [O II] spatial distribution to ionizing photon escape in confirmed LyC leakers and non-leakers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Floriane Leclercq, John Chisholm, Wichahpi King, Greg Zeimann, Anne E. Jaskot, Alaina Henry, Matthew Hayes, Sophia R. Flury, Yuri Izotov, Xavier J. Prochaska, Anne Verhamme, Ricardo O. Amorín, Hakim Atek, Omkar Bait, Jérémy Blaizot, Cody Carr, Zhiyuan Ji, Alexandra Le Reste, Harry C. Ferguson, Simon Gazagnes, Timothy Heckman, Lena Komarova, Rui Marques-Chaves, Göran Östlin, Alberto Saldana-Lopez, Claudia Scarlata, Daniel Schaerer, Trinh X. Thuan, Maxime Trebitsch, Gábor Worseck, Bingjie Wang, Xinfeng Xu

    The geometry of the neutral gas in and around galaxies is a key regulator of the escape of ionizing photons. We present the first statistical study aiming at linking the neutral and ionized gas distributions to the Lyman continuum (LyC) escape fraction (fesc(LyC)) in a sample of 22 confirmed LyC leakers and non-leakers at z~0.35 using the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (Keck/KCWI) and the Low Resolution Spectrograph 2 (HET/LRS2). Our integral field unit data enable the detection of neutral and low-ionization gas, as traced by Mg II, and ionized gas, as traced by [O II], extending beyond the stellar continuum for 7 and 10 objects, respectively. All but one object with extended Mg II emission also shows extended [O II] emission; in this case, Mg II emission is always more extended than [O II] by a factor 1.3 on average. Most of the galaxies with extended emission are non or weak LyC leakers (fesc(LyC) < 5%), but we find a large diversity of neutral gas configurations around these weakly LyC-emitting galaxies. Conversely, the strongest leakers (fesc(LyC) > 10%) appear uniformly compact in both Mg II and [O II] with exponential scale lengths <1 kpc. We also find a trend between fesc(LyC) and the spatial offsets of the nebular gas and the stellar continuum emission. Moreover, we find significant anti-correlations between the spatial extent of the neutral gas and the [O III]/[O II] ratio, and H$\beta$ equivalent width, as well as positive correlations with metallicity and UV size, suggesting that galaxies with more compact neutral gas sizes are more highly ionized. The observations suggest that strong LyC emitters do not have extended neutral gas halos and ionizing photons may be emitted in many directions. Combined with high ionization diagnostics, we propose the Mg II, and potentially [O II], spatial compactness are indirect indicators of LyC emitting galaxies at high-redshift.

  • Saturation of spiral instabilities in disk galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chris Hamilton

    Spiral density waves can arise in galactic disks as linear instabilities of the underlying stellar distribution function. Such an instability grows exponentially in amplitude at some fixed growth rate $\beta$ before saturating nonlinearly. However, the mechanisms behind saturation, and the resulting saturated spiral amplitude, have received little attention. Here we argue that one important saturation mechanism is the nonlinear trapping of stars near the spiral's corotation resonance. Under this mechanism, we show analytically that an $m$-armed spiral instability will saturate when the libration frequency of resonantly trapped orbits reaches $\omega_\mathrm{lib} \sim \mathrm{a\,\, few}\times m^{1/2} \beta$. For a galaxy with a flat rotation curve this implies a maximum relative spiral surface density $\vert \delta\Sigma/\Sigma_0\vert \sim \mathrm{a\,\,few} \times (\beta/\Omega_\mathrm{p})^2 \cot \alpha$, where $\Omega_\mathrm{p}$ is the spiral pattern speed and $\alpha$ is its pitch angle. This result is in reasonable agreement with recent $N$-body simulations, and suggests that spirals driven by internally-generated instabilities reach relative amplitudes of at most a few tens of percent; higher amplitude spirals, like in M51 and NGC 1300, are likely caused by very strong bars and/or tidal perturbations.

  • EMPRESS. XII. Statistics on the Dynamics and Gas Mass Fraction of Extremely-Metal Poor Galaxies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yi Xu, Masami Ouchi, Yuki Isobe, Kimihiko Nakajima, Shinobu Ozaki, Nicolas F. Bouché, John H. Wise, Eric Emsellem, Haruka Kusakabe, Takashi Hattori, Tohru Nagao, Gen Chiaki, Hajime Fukushima, Yuichi Harikane, Kohei Hayashi, Yutaka Hirai, Ji Hoon Kim, Michael V. Maseda, Kentaro Nagamine, Takatoshi Shibuya, Yuma Sugahara, Hidenobu Yajima, Shohei Aoyama, Seiji Fujimoto, Keita Fukushima, Shun Hatano, Akio K. Inoue, Tsuyoshi Ishigaki, Masahiro Kawasaki, Takashi Kojima, Yutaka Komiyama, Shuhei Koyama, Yusei Koyama, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Akinori Matsumoto, Ken Mawatari, Takashi J. Moriya, Kentaro Motohara, Kai Murai, Moka Nishigaki, Masato Onodera, Yoshiaki Ono, Michael Rauch, Tomoki Saito, Rin Sasaki, Akihiro Suzuki, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Hiroya Umeda, Masayuki Umemura, Kuria Watanabe, Kiyoto Yabe, et al. (1 additional author not shown)

    We present demography of the dynamics and gas-mass fraction of 33 extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) with metallicities of $0.015-0.195~Z_\odot$ and low stellar masses of $10^4-10^8~M_\odot$ in the local universe. We conduct deep optical integral-field spectroscopy (IFS) for the low-mass EMPGs with the medium high resolution ($R=7500$) grism of the 8m-Subaru FOCAS IFU instrument by the EMPRESS 3D survey, and investigate H$\alpha$ emission of the EMPGs. Exploiting the resolution high enough for the low-mass galaxies, we derive gas dynamics with the H$\alpha$ lines by the fitting of 3-dimensional disk models. We obtain an average maximum rotation velocity ($v_\mathrm{rot}$) of $15\pm3~\mathrm{km~s^{-1}}$ and an average intrinsic velocity dispersion ($\sigma_0$) of $27\pm10~\mathrm{km~s^{-1}}$ for 15 spatially resolved EMPGs out of the 33 EMPGs, and find that all of the 15 EMPGs have $v_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma_0<1$ suggesting dispersion dominated systems. There is a clear decreasing trend of $v_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma_0$ with the decreasing stellar mass and metallicity. We derive the gas mass fraction ($f_\mathrm{gas}$) for all of the 33 EMPGs, and find no clear dependence on stellar mass and metallicity. These $v_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma_0$ and $f_\mathrm{gas}$ trends should be compared with young high-$z$ galaxies observed by the forthcoming JWST IFS programs to understand the physical origins of the EMPGs in the local universe.

  • Reference frames in General Relativity and the galactic rotation curves.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Filipe O. Costa, José Natário, F. Frutos-Alfaro, Michael Soffel

    The physical interpretation of the exact solutions of the Einstein field equations is, in general, a challenging task, part of the difficulties lying in the significance of the coordinate system. We discuss the extension of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reference system to the exact theory. It is seen that such an extension, retaining some of its crucial properties, can be achieved in a special class of spacetimes, admitting nonshearing congruences of observers which, at infinity, have zero vorticity and acceleration. As applications, we consider the Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW), Kerr and Newman-Unti-Tamburino (NUT) spacetimes, the van Stockum rotating dust cylinder, spinning cosmic strings and, finally, we debunk the so-called Balasin-Grumiller (BG) model, and the claims that the galaxies' rotation curves can be explained through gravitomagnetic effects without the need for dark matter. The BG spacetime is shown to be completely inappropriate as a galactic model: its dust is actually static with respect to the asymptotic inertial frame, its gravitomagnetic effects arise from unphysical singularities along the axis (a pair of NUT rods, combined with a spinning cosmic string), and the rotation curves obtained are merely down to an invalid choice of reference frame -- the congruence of zero angular momentum observers, which are being dragged by the singularities.

  • Euclid Preparation XXXIII. Characterization of convolutional neural networks for the identification of galaxy-galaxy strong lensing events.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    L. Leuzzi, M. Meneghetti, G. Angora, R. B. Metcalf, L. Moscardini, P. Rosati, P. Bergamini, F. Calura, B. Clément, R. Gavazzi, F. Gentile, M. Lochner, C. Grillo, G. Vernardos, N. Aghanim, A. Amara, L. Amendola, S. Andreon, N. Auricchio, S. Bardelli, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, S. Camera, V. Capobianco, C. Carbone, J. Carretero, S. Casas, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, C. J. Conselice, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, et al. (180 additional authors not shown)

    Forthcoming imaging surveys will potentially increase the number of known galaxy-scale strong lenses by several orders of magnitude. For this to happen, images of tens of millions of galaxies will have to be inspected to identify potential candidates. In this context, deep learning techniques are particularly suitable for the finding patterns in large data sets, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in particular can efficiently process large volumes of images. We assess and compare the performance of three network architectures in the classification of strong lensing systems on the basis of their morphological characteristics. We train and test our models on different subsamples of a data set of forty thousand mock images, having characteristics similar to those expected in the wide survey planned with the ESA mission \Euclid, gradually including larger fractions of faint lenses. We also evaluate the importance of adding information about the colour difference between the lens and source galaxies by repeating the same training on single-band and multi-band images. Our models find samples of clear lenses with $\gtrsim 90\%$ precision and completeness, without significant differences in the performance of the three architectures. Nevertheless, when including lenses with fainter arcs in the training set, the three models' performance deteriorates with accuracy values of $\sim 0.87$ to $\sim 0.75$ depending on the model. Our analysis confirms the potential of the application of CNNs to the identification of galaxy-scale strong lenses. We suggest that specific training with separate classes of lenses might be needed for detecting the faint lenses since the addition of the colour information does not yield a significant improvement in the current analysis, with the accuracy ranging from $\sim 0.89$ to $\sim 0.78$ for the different models.

  • RR Lyrae Stars Belonging to the Candidate Globular Cluster Patchick 99.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Evan Butler, Andrea Kunder, Zdenek Prudil, Kevin R. Covey, Macy Ball, Carlos Campos, Kaylen Gollnick, Julio Olivares Carvajal, Joanne Hughes, Kathryn Devine, Christian I. Johnson, A. Katherina Vivas, Michael R. Rich, Meridith Joyce, Iulia T. Simon, Tommaso Marchetti, Andreas J. Koch-Hansen, William I. Clarkson, Rebekah Kuss, (2) Saint Martin's University, (3) European Southern Observatory, (4) Western Washington University, (5) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, (6) Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, (7) Seattle University, (8) The College of Idaho, (9) Space Telescope Science Institute, (10) Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, (11) UCLA, (12) HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, (13) MTA Centre of Excellence, (14) Shanghai Normal University, (15) Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, (16) University of Michigan-Dearborn, (17) Oregon State University)

    Patchick 99 is a candidate globular cluster located in the direction of the Galactic bulge, with a proper motion almost identical to the field and extreme field star contamination. A recent analysis suggests it is a low-luminosity globular cluster with a population of RR Lyrae stars. We present new spectra of stars in and around Patchick 99, targeting specifically the 3 RR Lyrae stars associated with the cluster as well as the other RR Lyrae stars in the field. A sample of 53 giant stars selected from proper motions and a position on CMD are also observed. The three RR Lyrae stars associated with the cluster have similar radial velocities and distances, and two of the targeted giants also have radial velocities in this velocity regime and [Fe/H] metallicities that are slightly more metal-poor than the field. Therefore, if Patchick 99 is a bonafide globular cluster, it would have a radial velocity of -92+/-10 km s-1, a distance of 6.7+/-0.4 kpc (as determined from the RR Lyrae stars), and an orbit that confines it to the inner bulge.

  • Temperature Separation in a Vortex Tube and Solar Convection.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Haibin Chen, Rong Wu

    Why does the temperature gradient within a vortex tube deviate significantly from the adiabatic gradient is an important but unresolved issue. A new theory from solar physics suggests that the vorticity gradient, like the temperature gradient, can suppress or promote convection depending on the conditions, causing the temperature gradient to deviate significantly from or approach the adiabatic gradient. The gas near the wall has a very high vorticity, which can provide a large buoyancy force, driving some fluid parcels to undergo multiple collisions and reach near the axis, achieving temperature separation.


  • The forest as a neutrino detector.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Steven Prohira

    The primary challenge in detecting ultrahigh energy (UHE) neutrinos with energies exceeding $10^{16}$ eV is to instrument a large enough volume to detect the extremely low flux, which falls as $\sim E^{-2}$. We explore in this article the feasibility of using the forest as a detector. Trees have been shown to be efficient broadband antennas, and may, without damage to the tree, be instrumented with a minimum of apparatus. A large scale array of such trees may be the key to achieving the requisite target volumes for UHE neutrino astronomy.

  • FLUID: A rocket-borne pathfinder instrument for high efficiency UV band selection imaging.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Nicholas Nell, Nicholas Kruczek, Kevin France, Stefan Ulrich, Patrick Behr, Emily Farr

    The Far- and Lyman-Ultraviolet Imaging Demonstrator (FLUID) is a rocket-borne arcsecond-level ultraviolet (UV) imaging instrument covering four bands between 92 -- 193 nm. FLUID will observe nearby galaxies to find and characterize the most massive stars that are the the primary drivers of the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies, and the co-evolution of the surrounding galactic environment. The FLUID short wave channel is designed to suppress efficiency at Lyman-$\alpha$ (121.6 nm), while enhancing the reflectivity of shorter wavelengths. Utilizing this technology, FLUID will take the first ever images of local galaxies isolated in the Lyman ultraviolet (90 -- 120 nm). As a pathfinder instrument, FLUID will employ and increase the TRL of band-selecting UV coatings, and solar-blind UV detector technologies including microchannel plate and solid state detectors; technologies prioritized in the 2022 NASA Astrophysical Biennial Technology Report. These technologies enable high throughput and high sensitivity observations in the four co-aligned UV imaging bands that make up the FLUID instrument. We present the design of FLUID, status on the technology development, and results from initial assembly and calibration of the FLUID instrument.

  • Polystyrene based scintillation detector studies in Astro particle Physics and medical physics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sonali Bhatnagar

    DEASA (Dayalbagh Educational Air Shower Array) consists of eight plastic scintillators each with an area of 1 square meter. The cosmic ray showers have been simulated in CORSIKA [1] for the different primary particles in the energy range of 1014- 1015 eV. The longitudinal and lateral profiles have been studied for Agra. The real-life applications of cosmic ray particles in space have been studied to protect the astronaut from the galactic cosmic rays [2]. A plastic scintillation detector is simulated in Geant4 to study applications in hadron and carbon ion therapy [3]. The proton and carbon beam are simulated through the tumour region to study the stopping power and depth dose distribution for different organs. The energy range for each study is optimized and the Bragg curve is then interpreted with Bragg peak position and range.

  • Efficient trajectory design for distant planetary orbiters.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesca Scala, Ioannis Gkolias, Camilla Colombo

    Starting from the Hamiltonian representation of the dynamics in \cite{rosengren2015chaos,colombo2019long}, this work proposes an innovative procedure to design fully-analytical maneuvers for post-mission disposal of HEOs satellites, exploiting the third-body perturbations. The Hamiltonian representation has been selected to include the external perturbing effects and to obtain a phase space representation. Notably, the orbit evolution can be described through the variation of double-averaged orbital elements over the orbital periods of the spacecraft and the perturbing bodies around the central planet. this work conveys a two-dimensional Hamiltonian representation under the third-body perturbations and the central planet's oblateness. The effect of solar radiation pressure has been neglected in this analysis.

  • ESPriF: the Echelle Spectropolarimeter of the BTA Primary Focus. Correction of Low-Frequency Variations in the Star Image.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M.V. Yushkin, E.V. Emelianov, Yu.B. Verich, V.E. Panchuk

    The development of a corrector for low-frequency variations in the star image at the input of ESPriF, the echelle spectropolarimeter of the BTA primary focus, is reported. New technical solutions have made it possible to extend the operating frequency range to 10Hz for stars brighter than 13^m.

  • Unveiling hidden companions in post-common-envelope binaries: A robust strategy and uncertainty exploration.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Cristian A. Giuppone, Luciana V. Gramajo, Emmanuel Gianuzzi, Matías N. Ramos, Nicolás Cuello, Tobias C. Hinse

    Some post-common-envelope binaries are binary stars with short periods that exhibit significant period variations over long observational time spans. These eclipse timing variations (ETVs) are most likely to be accounted for by the presence of an unseen massive companion, potentially of planetary or substellar nature, and the light-travel time (LTT) effect. In this study, our main objective is to describe the diversity of compatible nontransit companions around PCEBs and explore the robustness of the solutions by employing tools for uncertainty estimation. We select the controversial data of the QS Vir binary star, which previous studies have suggested hosts a planet. We employ a minimizing strategy, using genetic algorithms to explore the global parameter space followed by refinement of the solution using the simplex method. We evaluate errors through the classical MCMC approach and discuss the error range for parameters. Our results highlight the strong dependence of ETV models for close binaries on the dataset used, which leads to relatively loose constraints on the parameters of the unseen companion. We find that the shape of the $O-C$ curve is influenced by the dataset employed. We propose an alternative method to evaluate errors on the orbital fits based on a grid search surrounding the best-fit values, obtaining a wider range of plausible solutions that are compatible with goodness-of-fit statistics. We also analyze how the parameter solutions are affected by the choice of the dataset, and find that this system continuously changes the compatible solutions as new data are obtained from eclipses. The best-fit parameters for QS Vir correspond to a low-mass stellar companion (57.71 $M_{jup}$ ranging from 40 to 64 $M_{jup}$) on an eccentric orbit ($e=0.91^{+0.07}_{-0.17}$) with a variety of potential periods ($P = 16.69 ^{+0.47}_{-0.42}$ yr.)

  • Modeling the wavelength dependence of photo-response non-uniformity of a CCD sensor.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Zun Luo, Wei Du, Baocun Chen, Xianmin Meng, Hu Zhan

    Precision measurements of astrometry and photometry require stringent control of systematics such as those arising from imperfect correction of sensor effects. In this work, we develop a parametric method to model the wavelength dependence of photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) for a laser annealed backside-illuminated charge-coupled device. The model accurately reproduces the PRNU patterns of flat-field images taken at nine wavelengths from 290nm to 950nm, leaving the root mean square (RMS) residuals no more than 0.2% in most cases. By removing the large-scale non-uniformity in the flat fields, the RMS residuals are further reduced. This model fitting approach gives more accurate predictions of the PRNU than cubic-spline interpolation does with fewer free parameters. It can be applied to make PRNU corrections for individual objects according to their spectral energy distribution to reduce photometry errors.

  • A ThermalKinetic Inductance Detectors Pixel Design for Cosmic Microwave Background Observations at 90/150 GHz bands.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ye Chai, Shibo Shu, Yongping Li, Jiamin Sun, Zhouhui Liu, Yu Xu, Daikang Yan, Zhengwei Li, Yang Liu, Yiwen Wang, Weijie Guo, Juexian Cao, Congzhan Liu

    The highly sensitive millimeter-wave telescope is an important tool for accurate measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, and its core component is a detector array located in a cryogenic focal plane. The feasibility of utilizing thermal kinetic inductance detectors (TKIDs) for CMB observations has been demonstrated. We propose a pixel design of TKIDs for observing CMB through atmospheric windows for observations in the 90/150 GHz bands. Assuming lossless dielectric, the coupling efficiency of a single pixel is around 90%. This pixel design will be utilized for future large-scale TKIDs array designs for CMB observations.

  • Quantum Radio Astronomy: Data Encodings and Quantum Image Processing.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Thomas Brunet, Emma Tolley, Stefano Corda, Roman Ilic, P. Chris Broekema, Jean-Paul Kneib

    We explore applications of quantum computing for radio interferometry and astronomy using recent developments in quantum image processing. We evaluate the suitability of different quantum image representations using a toy quantum computing image reconstruction pipeline, and compare its performance to the classical computing counterpart. For identifying and locating bright radio sources, quantum computing can offer an exponential speedup over classical algorithms, even when accounting for data encoding cost and repeated circuit evaluations. We also propose a novel variational quantum computing algorithm for self-calibration of interferometer visibilities, and discuss future developments and research that would be necessary to make quantum computing for radio astronomy a reality.

  • High-sensitivity Kinetic Inductance Detector Arrays for the Probe Far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Logan Foote, Chris Albert, Jochem Baselmans, Andrew Beyer, Nicholas Cothard, Peter Day, Steven Hailey-Dunsheath, Pierre Echternach, Reinier Janssen, Elijah Kane, Henry Leduc, Lun-Jun Liu, Hien Nguyen, Joanna Perido, Jason Glenn, Jonas Zmuidzinas, Bradford

    Far-infrared (far-IR) astrophysics missions featuring actively cooled telescopes will offer orders of magnitude observing speed improvement at wavelengths where galaxies and forming planetary systems emit most of their light. The PRobe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA), which is currently under study, emphasizes low and moderate resolution spectroscopy throughout the far-IR. Full utilization of PRIMA's cold telescope requires far-IR detector arrays with per-pixel noise equivalent powers (NEPs) at or below 1 x 10-19 W/rtHz. We are developing low-volume Aluminum kinetic inductance detector (KID) arrays to reach these sensitivities. We will present on the development of our long-wavelength (210 um) array approach, with a focus on multitone measurements of our 1,008-pixel arrays. We measure an NEP below 1 x 10-19 W/rtHz for 73 percent of our pixels.


  • Mapping between black-hole perturbation theory and numerical relativity II: gravitational-wave momentum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tousif Islam

    We report an approximate, non-trivial mapping of angular (linear) momentum in gravitational waves obtained from numerical relativity (NR) and adiabatic point-particle black hole perturbation theory (BHPT) in the comparable mass regime for quasi-circular, non-spinning binary black holes. This mapping involves two time-independent scaling parameters, $\alpha_{J}$ ($\alpha_{P}$) and $\beta_{J}$ ($\beta_{P}$), that adjust the BHPT angular (linear) momentum and the BHPT time respectively such a way that it aligns with NR angular (linear) momentum. Our findings indicate that this scaling mechanism works really well until close to the merger. In addition to the comparison of $\alpha_{J}$ ($\alpha_{P}$) with relevant values obtained from the waveform and flux scalings, we explore the mass ratio dependence of the scaling parameter $\alpha_{J}$ ($\alpha_{P}$). Finally, we investigate their possible connection to the missing finite size correction for the secondary black hole within the BHPT framework and the implication of these scalings on the remnant properties of the binary.

  • Quantum hair and entropy for slowly rotating quantum black holes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wenbin Feng, Roldao da Rocha, Roberto Casadio

    We study the quantum hair associated with coherent states describing slowly rotating black holes and show how it can be naturally related with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and with 1-loop quantum corrections of the metric for the (effectively) non-rotating case. We also estimate corrections induced by such quantum hair to the temperature of the Hawking radiation through the tunnelling method.

  • Is equivalence principle valid for quantum gravitational field?.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Baocheng Zhang

    Entanglement can be generated through the gravitational interaction between two massive bodies that are initially in a product state. This shows that the gravitational field is quantum. When the third massive body is introduced and the gravitational interaction only between the third body with either one of the former two bodies is considered, we find that no entanglement is generated between the former two bodies up to the monopole approximation, even though the considered gravitational interaction is quantum. This resembles the behavior of two accelerating two-level atoms that is usually regarded as the Unruh-DeWitt detectors. By linking the acceleration to that generated by the gravitational field, we show that the equivalence principle is still valid even though the gravitational field is quantum.

  • Deficit Angles in 4D Spinfoam with Cosmological Constant: (Anti) de Sitter-ness and More.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Muxin Han, Qiaoyin Pan

    This paper investigates the critical behaviors of the 4-dimensional spinfoam model with cosmological constant for a general 4-dimensional simplicial complex as the discretization of spacetime. We find that, at the semi-classical regime, the spinfoam amplitude is peaked at the real critical points that correspond to zero deficit angles (modulo $4\pi\mathbb{Z}/\gamma$) hinged by internal triangles of the 4-complex. Since the 4-simplices from the model are of constant curvature, the discrete geometry with zero deficit angle manifests a de Sitter (dS) spacetime or an anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetime depending on the sign of the cosmological constant fixed by the boundary condition. The non-(A)dS spacetimes emerge from the complex critical points by an analytic continuation to complex configurations.

  • Accretion, greybody factor, quasinormal modes, power spectrum, sparsity of Hawking radiation, and weak gravitational lensing of a minimum measurable length inspired Schwarzchild black hole.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Himangshu Barman, Ahmad Al-Badawi, Sohan Kumar Jha, Anisur Rahaman

    In this manuscript, we delve into an analytic and numerical probe of shadow with different accretion models, quasinormal modes, Hawking radiation, and gravitational lensing to study observational impacts of quantum effect introduced throughh linear-quadratic GUP(LQG). Our investigation reveals that the shadows of LQG modified black holes are smaller and brighter than Schwarzschild black holes. To examine the impact of the quantum correction on the quasinormal mode, linear-quadratic GUP modified black holes are explored under scalar and electromagnetic field perturbation. Here, linear-quadratic GUP is used to capture quantum corrections. It is observed that the incorporation of quantum correction by linear-quadratic GUP alters the singularity structure of the black hole. To compute the quasinormal modes of this linear-quadratic GUP-inspired quantum-corrected black holes, we compute the effective potential generated under the perturbation of scalar and electromagnetic field, and then we use the sixth-order WKB approach in conjunction with the appropriate numerical analysis. We find that the greybody factor decreases with the GUP parameter $\alpha$ implying that the probability of transmission decreases with the GUP parameter. The total power emitted by LQG modified black hole is found to be greater than that emitted by Schwarzschild black hole. Finally, we study weak gravitational lensing and make a comparison with quadratic GUP and linear GUP modified black holes.

  • Superradiant instability of a charged regular black hole.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sam R. Dolan, Marco A. A. de Paula, Luiz C. S. Leite, Luís C. B. Crispino

    We show that a charged, massive scalar field in the vicinity of an electrically-charged Ay\'on-Beato-Garc\'ia (ABG) regular black hole has a spectrum of quasibound states that (in a certain parameter regime) grow exponentially with time, due to black hole superradiance. Superradiant quasibound states are made possible by the enhancement of the electrostatic potential at the horizon in nonlinear electrodynamics; in contrast, the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole does not possess such superradiant quasibound states. Here we compute the spectrum for a range of multipoles $\ell$ across the parameter space, and we find the fastest growth rate in the monopole mode. We find that a regular black hole with a small charge can still trigger a significant superradiant instability if the charge-to-mass ratio of the field is compensatingly large. Finally, we consider the stationary bound states at the superradiant threshold, and we conjecture that, due to this instability, the ABG black hole will evolve towards a configuration with charged scalar hair.

  • Superradiant clouds may be relevant for close compact object binaries.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ao Guo, Jun Zhang, Huan Yang

    Bosonic fields (within suitable mass range) may be collectively generated by rotating black holes through the black hole superradiance process. The resulting black hole is surrounded by a ``cloud" of particles whose wave function populates the superradiant energy level of the black hole. For comparable mass ratio binary black hole systems, it has been suggested that these clouds are mostly depleted at large binary separations because of a resonant level mixing effect. As a result, these clouds may not be dynamically relevant for black hole and neutron star binaries that enter the LIGO and LISA detection frequency band. In this work, we point out that the common envelope process during a compact binary evolution may bring the binary to $\sim 0.01$AU in hundreds to thousands of years, so that the resonant level mixing of hyperfine levels are no longer important. We derive a relevant regime of binary parameters where the clouds are still present for binary entering the LISA band. When the binary separation further decreases due to gravitational wave radiation, we discuss the impact of non-resonant level mixing for cloud depletion, as well as possible cloud mass transfer between the binary objects.

  • Inequivalence of mimetic gravity with models of loop quantum gravity.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Martin Bojowald, Erick I. Duque

    Certain versions of mimetic gravity have recently been claimed to present potential covariant theories of canonically modified spherically symmetric gravity, motivated by ingredients from loop quantum gravity. If such an equivalence were to hold, it would demonstrate general covariance of a large class of models considered in loop quantum gravity. However, the relationship with mimetic gravity as presented so far is incomplete because it has been proposed only in preferred space-time slicings of uniform scalar fields. Here, several independent arguments are used to show that neither an equivalence nor a covariance claim are correct for models of loop quantum gravity. The framework of emergent modified gravity is found to present a broad setting in which such questions can be analyzed efficiently. As an additional result, the discussion sheds light on the co-existence of different and mutually inequivalent approaches to an implementation of the gravitational dynamics within loop quantum gravity.

  • On the Origin of Black Hole Paradoxes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kamal Hajian

    Black hole firewall paradox is an inconsistency between four postulates in black hole physics: (1) the unitary evolution in quantum systems, (2) application of the semi-classical field theory in low curvature backgrounds, (3) statistical mechanical origin of the black hole entropy, and (4) the equivalence principle in the version of no drama for free-falling observers in the vicinity of the horizon. Based on the existence of the Hawking radiation for the static observers standing outside a Schwarzschild black hole, we show a direct contradiction between the postulates (2) and (4). If there is not a way out of this new problem, it implies the necessity of relaxing one of these two assumptions for resolving the black hole firewall paradox.

  • Singularity at the demise of a black hole.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Justin C. Feng, Shinji Mukohyama, Sante Carloni

    We consider a class of quasiregular singularities characterized by points possessing two future-directed light cones and two past-directed light cones. Such singularities appear in the $1+1$ trousers spacetime and the Deutsch-Politzer spacetime. We argue that these singularities are relevant for describing the end point of an evaporating black hole, and show that a class of emergent Lorentz signature theories can provide a microscopic description for these singularities.

  • Equilibrium tori orbiting Reissner-Nordstr\"om naked singularities.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ruchi Mishra, Włodek Kluźniak

    In general relativity, the asymptotically flat space-time of a charged, spherically symmetric (non-rotating) body is described by the Reissner-Nordstr\"om metric. This metric corresponds to a naked singularity when the absolute value of charge, $Q$, exceeds the mass, $M$. For all Reissner-Nordstr\"om naked singularities, there exists a zero gravity sphere where a test particle can remain at rest. Outside that sphere gravity is attractive, inside it gravity is repulsive. For values of $Q/M>\sqrt{9/8}$ the angular frequency of circular test-particle orbits has a maximum at radius $r=(4/3)\,Q^2/M$. We construct polytropic tori with uniform values of specific angular momentum in the naked singularity regime of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om metric, $(Q/M>1)$.

  • Non-perturbative de Sitter Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jordan Cotler, Kristan Jensen

    With non-perturbative de Sitter gravity and holography in mind, we deduce the genus expansion of de Sitter Jackiw-Teitelboim (dS JT) gravity. We find that this simple model of quantum cosmology has an effective string coupling which is pure imaginary. This imaginary coupling gives rise to alternating signs in the genus expansion of the dS JT S-matrix, which as a result appears to be Borel-Le Roy resummable. We explain how dS JT gravity is dual to a formal matrix integral with, in a sense, a negative number of degrees of freedom.

  • Dark Energy Compact Stars in Extended Teleparallel Gravity.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Allah Ditta, Xia Tiecheng, G. Mustafa, Değer Sofuoğlu, Asif Mahmood

    This paper presents the study of dark-energy compact stars in the context of modified Rastall teleparallel gravity. It is the first time that dark energy celestial phenomena have been explored in this modified gravitational theory. Employing the torsion-based functions, $f(T)$ and $h(T)$, we analyzed their effects in a spherically symmetric spacetime chosen as the interior geometry, while using the Schwarzschild geometry as an outer spacetime. In this study, we explored various dark energy stellar properties, including dark energy pressure components, energy conditions, and equation of state components. Our findings reveal that the observed negative behavior of these stellar properties served as compelling evidence, validating the presence of dark energy in stellar configurations. Detailed investigations of the energy conditions, pressure profiles, sound speeds, TOV equation, adiabatic index, gradients, mass function, compactness, and redshift function forecasts a comprehensive assessment, affirming the acceptability and realism of the investigated stellar configuration.

  • The fiber bundle structure of General Relativity in Ashtekar variables.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matteo Bruno

    In this review, we aim to analyze the mathematical interpretation of the Ashtekar-Barbero-Immirzi formulation of General Relativity. Along with a brief introduction to the necessary mathematical structures and tools, we illustrate some relevant physical theory quantities as geometrical objects within the framework of principal bundle theory.

  • Turnaround Radius for charged particles in the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m deSitter spacetime.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ethan James German, Joseph Sultana

    We investigate the turnaround radius of the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m deSitter Spacetime and how the turnaround radius changes if a test particle carries charge. We also consider the Mart\'{i}nez-Troncoso-Zanelli (MTZ) solution of conformally coupled gravity and investigate how the turnaround radius changes for a scalar test charge. In both scalar and electric interaction cases we find that the Turnaround Radius depends on the particle's energy.


  • Gluon distributions and mass decompositions of the pion and kaon.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Chengdong Han, Wei Kou, Rong Wang, Xurong Chen

    We present pion and kaon gluon distribution functions at small-$x$ and large-$x$ regions, where the gluon distributions of pion and kaon are compared with the results of lattice QCD and continuum Schwinger function methods. Whether in the small-$x$ region or the large-$x$ region, our gluon distribution of pion is consistent with the results of lattice QCD and continuum Schwinger function methods. In addition, the first four moments of gluon distributions of pion and kaon at different Q$^{2}$ scales are calculated. Furthermore, we present the mass decompositions of pion and kaon with the dynamical parton distribution functions calculated from the DGLAP equation with parton-parton recombination corrections. The mass structures for pion and kaon are totally different from that of the proton.

  • Role of Coulomb interaction in elastic pion-proton scattering from holography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Yu-Peng Zhang, Xun Chen, Xiao-Hua Li, Akira Watanabe

    Differential cross sections of the elastic pion-proton scattering are investigated at very small momentum transfer in a holographic QCD model, considering both the strong and Coulomb interaction in the Regge regime. The strong interaction is described by the Pomeron and Reggeon exchange, and the Coulomb interaction is characterized by the one photon exchange. The two interactions are linked through an interference term and we only need to determine a single adjustable parameter involved in this term. As to the parameters for the strong interaction, we can utilize the values determined in the previous studies. The differential cross sections can be predicted without any additional parameters, and it is shown that our predictions are consistent with the experimental data. We explicitly show the momentum transfer dependence for the interference effect. The energy dependence of the contribution ratios for each component is also discussed.

  • Heavy Neutral Leptons in Gauged $U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ at Muon Collider.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ru-Yi He, Jia-Qi Huang, Jin-Yuan Xu, Fa-Xin Yang, Zhi-Long Han, Feng-Lan Shao

    Heavy neutral leptons $N$ are the most appealing candidates to generate the tiny neutrino masses. In this paper, we study the signature of heavy neutral leptons in gauged $U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ at a muon collider. Charged under the $U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ symmetry, the heavy neutral leptons can be pair produced via the new gauge boson $Z'$ at muon collider as $\mu^+\mu^-\to Z^{\prime *}\to NN$ and $\mu^+\mu^-\to Z^{\prime (*)} \gamma\to NN\gamma$. We then perform a detailed analysis on the lepton number violation signature $\mu^+\mu^-\to NN\to \mu^\pm\mu^\pm W^\mp W^\mp$ and $\mu^+\mu^-\to NN \gamma\to \mu^\pm\mu^\pm W^\mp W^\mp \gamma$ at the 3 TeV muon collider, where the hadronic decays of $W$ boson are treated as fat-jets $J$. These lepton number violation signatures have quite clean backgrounds at the muon collider. Our simulation shows that a wide range of viable parameter space is within the reach of the 3 TeV muon collider. For instance, with new gauge coupling $g'=0.6$ and an integrated luminosity of 1000 fb$^{-1}$, the $\mu^\pm\mu^\pm JJ$ signal could probe $m_{Z'}\lesssim 12.5$ TeV. Meanwhile, if the gauge boson mass satisfies $2 m_N<m_{Z'}<\sqrt{s}$, the $\mu^\pm\mu^\pm JJ\gamma$ signature would be more promising than the $\mu^\pm\mu^\pm JJ$ signature.

  • Positron supercritical resonances and spontaneous positron creation in slow collisions of heavy nuclei.- [PDF] - [Article]

    D.A. Telnov, N.K. Dulaev, Y.S. Kozhedub, I.A. Maltsev, R.V. Popov, I.I. Tupitsyn, V.M. Shabaev

    We present a theoretical and computational study of positron supercritical resonances in systems consisting of two highly-charged bare nuclei. The resonance positions and widths depending on the internuclear separation are calculated with the help of the complex-scaling generalized pseudospectral method in modified prolate spheroidal coordinates. The results are applied to estimate the probability of spontaneous positron creation in slow U$^{92+}$--U$^{92+}$ and Cm$^{96+}$--Cm$^{96+}$ collisions.

  • Asymmetric collisions in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Laboni Manna, Anton Safronov, Carlo Flore, Daniel Kikola, Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Olivier Mattelaer

    We will gain unprecedented, high-accuracy insights into the internal structure of the atomic nucleus thanks to lepton-hadron collision studies in the coming years at the Electron-Ion-Collider (EIC) in the United States. A good control of radiative corrections is necessary for the EIC to be fully exploited and to extract valuable information from various measurements. However, there is a significant gap to fill: there are no automated simulation tools for the EIC that can incorporate next-to-leading order QCD radiative corrections. We present our extension of photoproduction at fixed order in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, a widely used framework for (next-to-)leading order calculations at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It applies to electron-hadron collisions, in which the quasi-real photon comes from an electron as well as to proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions.

  • Ab initio calculation of molecular pentaquark magnetic moments in heavy pentaquark chiral perturbation theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hao-Song Li

    We propose a new heavy pentaquark chiral perturbation theory for the recently observed hidden-charm pentaquark states by LHCb Collaboration. With the ab initio constructed chiral Lagrangians, we present a parameter-free calculation of the octet molecular pentaquark magnetic moments up to one-loop level. We improve the quark model description of the data when we include the leading SU(3) breaking effects coming from the one-loop corrections. Without any experimental inputs, our predictions are so simple and unique that we regard them as a theoretical benchmark to be compared with experiments as well as other theoretical models.

  • Magnetic moments and axial charges of the octet hidden-charm molecular pentaquark family.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hao-Song Li, Fei Guo, Ya-Ding Lei, Feng Gao

    In this work, we calculate the magnetic moment and axial charge of the octet hidden-charm molecular pentaquark family in quark model. The Coleman-Glashow sum-rule for the magnetic moments of pentaquark family is always fulfilled independently of SU(3) symmetry breaking. In the $ 8_{2f} $ flavor representation, the magnetic moments of hidden-charm molecular pentaquark states with spin configuration $J^{P}=\frac{1}{2}^{-}(\frac{1}{2}^{+}\otimes0^{-})$ are all equal to $\mu_{c}=0.38\mu_{N}$. The axial charges of octet hidden-charm molecular pentaquark states are quite small compared to the axial charge of nucleon. The axial charges of the pentaquark states with the spin configuration $J^{P}=\frac{1}{2}^{-}(\frac{1}{2}^{+}\otimes0^{-})$ in $8_{2f}$ flavor representation are all zero.

  • Study of spin polarization dependence on rapidity, transverse momentum, and azimuthal angle.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wojciech Florkowski, Radoslaw Ryblewski, Rajeev Singh

    We investigate the spacetime evolution of spin polarization within a hydrodynamic framework based on the de Groot--van Leeuwen--van Weert expressions for energy-momentum and spin tensors. The system's deviation from boost invariance results in the interplay of different spin polarization components, impacting spin observables. We specifically examine the transverse momentum, azimuthal angle, and rapidity dependence of the mean spin polarization vector of $\Lambda$ hyperons. Our results qualitatively align with other models and experimental data on global spin polarization rapidity dependence. While the quadrupole structure is absent in the longitudinal component at midrapidity, our analysis reveals non-trivial signal at forward rapidities that differs from predictions based on the Bjorken expansion.

  • Double parton distributions with flavor interference from lattice QCD.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Daniel Reitinger, Christian Zimmermann, Markus Diehl, Andreas Schäfer

    We study double parton distributions with flavor interference in the nucleon and compare them with previous results for the flavor diagonal case. We investigate both unpolarized and polarized partons, and we compare our lattice results with those obtained from the simple description of the proton in terms of an SU(6) symmetric three-quark wave function.

  • Benchmark calculations of fully heavy compact and molecular tetraquark states.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wei-Lin Wu, Yan-Ke Chen, Lu Meng, Shi-Lin Zhu

    We calculate the mass spectrum of the S-wave fully heavy tetraquark systems $ QQ\bar Q\bar Q~(Q=c,b) $ with both "normal" $ (J^{PC}=0^{++},1^{+-},2^{++}) $ and "exotic" $ (J^{PC}=0^{+-},1^{++},2^{+-}) $ C-parities using three different quark potential models (AL1, AP1, BGS). The "exotic" C-parity systems refer to the ones that cannot be composed of two S-wave ground heavy quarkonia. We incorporate the molecular dimeson and compact diquark-antidiquark spatial correlations simultaneously, thereby discerning the actual configurations of the states. We employ the Gaussian expansion method to solve the four-body Schr\"odinger equation, and the complex scaling method to identify the resonant states. The mass spectra in three different models qualitatively agree with each other. We obtain several resonant states with $ J^{PC} = 0^{++}, 1^{+-}, 2^{++}, 1^{++} $ in the mass region $(6.92,7.30)\, \mathrm{GeV}$, some of which are good candidates of the experimentally observed $X(6900)$ and $X(7200)$. We also obtain several "exotic" C-parity zero-width states with $ J^{PC}=0^{+-} $ and $ 2^{+-} $. These zero-width states have no corresponding S-wave di-quarkonium threshold and can only decay strongly to final states with P-wave quarkonia. With the notation $T_{4Q,J(C)}(M)$, we deduce from the root mean square radii that the $ X(7200) $ candidates $ T_{4c,0(+)}(7173), T_{4c,2(+)}(7214) $ and the state $ T_{4c,1(-)}(7191) $ look like molecular states although most of the resonant and zero-width states are compact states.

  • An analysis of the gluon distribution with next-to-leading order splitting function in small-$x$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Jingxuan Chen, Xiaopeng Wang, Yanbing Cai, Xurong Chen, Qian Wang

    An approximated solution for gluon distribution from DGLAP evolution equations with NLO splitting function in the small-$x$ limit is presented. We first obtain the simplified forms of LO and NLO splitting functions in the small-$x$ limit. With these approximated splitting functions, we obtain the analytical gluon distribution by using the Mellin transform. The free parameters in the boundary conditions are obtained by fitting the CJ15 gluon distribution data. We find that the asymptotic behavior of gluon distribution are consistent with the CJ15 data, however, the NLO results with the consideration of ``ladder'' structure of gluon emission are slightly better than those from LO. These results indicate that the corrections from NLO is significant and is necessary for a better description of the behavior of the gluon distribution in small-$x$ region. In addition, we investigate the DGLAP evolution of the proton structure function by using the analytical solution of the gluon distribution. The differential structure function shows that our results have a similar tendency with CJ15 at small-$x$.

  • Direct WIMP detection rates for transitions in isomeric nuclei.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M.V Smirnov, G. Yang, Yu.N. Novikov, J.D. Vergados, D. Bonatsos

    The direct detection of dark matter constituents, in particular the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), is central to particle physics and cosmology. In this paper we study WIMP induced transitions from isomeric nuclear states for two possible isomeric candidates: $\rm^{180}Ta$ and $\rm^{166}Ho$. The experimental setup, which can measure the possible decay of $\rm^{180}Ta$ induced by WIMPs, was proposed. The corresponding estimates of the half-life of $\rm^{180}Ta$ are given in the sense that the WIMP-nucleon interaction can be interpreted as ordinary radioactive decay.

  • A New Determination of the (Z,A) Dependence of Coherent Muon-to-Electron Conversion.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Léo Borrel, David G. Hitlin, Sophie Middleton

    Should muon-to-electron conversion in the field of a nucleus be found in the current generation of experiments, the measurement of the atomic number dependence of the process will become an important experimental goal. We present a new treatment of the (Z,A) dependence of coherent muon-to-electron conversion in 236 isotopes. Our approach differs from previous treatments in several ways. Firstly, we include the effect of permanent quadrupole deformation on the charged lepton flavor violating matrix elements, using the method of Barrett moments. This method also enables the addition of muonic X-ray nuclear size and shape determinations of the charge distribution to the electron scattering results used previously. Secondly, we employ a Hartree-Bogoliubov model to calculate neutron-related matrix elements for even-even nuclei. This takes into account the quadrupole deformation of the neutron distributions and the fact that neutrons are, in general, in different shell model orbits than protons. The calculated conversion rates differ from previous calculations, particularly in the region of large permanent quadrupole deformation. Finally, we propose an alternative normalization of the muon-to-electron conversion rated, which related more closely to what a given experiment acturally measures, and better separate lepton physics from nuclear physics effects.

  • Non-Unitary $3 \times 3$ Mixing in Majorana Neutrinos and Vector-like Quark Models.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pedro M. F. Pereira

    Non-unitary $3 \times 3$ mixing matrices are present in many extensions of the Standard Model. One of the most simple extensions is the addition of $n_R$ right-handed neutrinos without imposing Lepton Number Conservation ($n_R$$\nu$SM). In the region of the parameter space where the usual seesaw approximation is valid, deviations from $3 \times 3$ unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix are negligible, while one has three light neutrinos and two or three heavy neutrinos with masses close to the GUT scale. This gap between the mass scales occurs while having order 1 Yukawa couplings, providing a natural explanation for the smallness of light neutrino masses - hence the name seesaw. Other regions of the parameter space, with lighter heavy neutrinos - with an eV or keV mass, for instance - and bigger deviations from unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix, are still allowed by experiment. In fact, whenever heavy neutrino masses are many orders of magnitude below the GUT scale there are interesting phenomenological implications at low energies. To analyse such regions with precision, one needs an exact parameterisation, since approximations that were valid in the usual seesaw case now fail. This thesis will consist of a study and classification of regions of the 3$\nu$SM parameter space in the light of a newly-developed exact parameterisation. Furthermore, it will also include a study of models with vector-like quarks, another simple extension of the SM, that contains a $3 \times 3$ non-unitary quark mixing matrix. Studying the most interesting regions of the parameter space of vector-like quarks models also benefits from the use of the aforementioned exact parameterisation. These regions are phenomenologically rich and may explain certain open questions like the CKM unitarity problem/Cabibbo angle anomaly. A chapter discussing the experimental implications of these models is also included.

  • Physical Yukawa Couplings in Heterotic String Compactifications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Giorgi Butbaia, Damián Mayorga Peña, Justin Tan, Per Berglund, Tristan Hübsch, Vishnu Jejjala, Challenger Mishra

    One of the challenges of heterotic compactification on a Calabi-Yau threefold is to determine the physical $(\mathbf{27})^3$ Yukawa couplings of the resulting four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ theory. In general, the calculation necessitates knowledge of the Ricci-flat metric. However, in the standard embedding, which references the tangent bundle, we can compute normalized Yukawa couplings from the Weil-Petersson metric on the moduli space of complex structure deformations of the Calabi-Yau manifold. In various examples (the Fermat quintic, the intersection of two cubics in $\mathbb{P}^5$, and the Tian-Yau manifold), we calculate the normalized Yukawa couplings for $(2,1)$-forms using the Weil-Petersson metric obtained from the Kodaira-Spencer map. In cases where $h^{1,1}=1$, this is compared to a complementary calculation based on performing period integrals. A third expression for the normalized Yukawa couplings is obtained from a machine learned approximate Ricci-flat metric making use of explicit harmonic representatives. The excellent agreement between the different approaches opens the door to precision string phenomenology.

  • Sub-GeV dark matter search at ILC beam dumps.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Kento Asai, Sho Iwamoto, Maxim Perelstein, Yasuhito Sakaki, Daiki Ueda

    Light dark matter particles may be produced in electron and positron beam dumps of the International Linear Collider (ILC). We propose an experimental setup to search for such events, the Beam-Dump eXperiment at the ILC (ILC-BDX). The setup consists of a muon shield placed behind the beam dump, followed by a multi-layer tracker and an electromagnetic calorimeter. The calorimeter can detect electron recoils due to elastic scattering of dark matter particles produced in the dump, while the tracker is sensitive to decays of excited dark-sector states into the dark matter particle. We study the production, decay and scattering of sub-GeV dark matter particles in this setup in several models with a dark photon mediator. Taking into account beam-related backgrounds due to neutrinos produced in the beam dump as well as the cosmic-ray background, we evaluate the sensitivity reach of the ILC-BDX experiment. We find that the ILC-BDX will be able to probe interesting regions of the model parameter space and, in many cases, reach well below the relic target.

  • $B \rightarrow D^*$ vector, axial-vector and tensor form factors for the full $q^2$ range from lattice QCD.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Judd Harrison, Christine T. H. Davies

    We compute the complete set of SM and tensor $B_{(s)}\to D_{(s)}^*\ell\bar{\nu}$ semileptonic form factors across the full kinematic range of the decay using second generation MILC $n_f=2+1+1$ HISQ gluon field configurations and HISQ valence quarks, with the heavy-HISQ method. Lattice spacings range from $0.09\mathrm{fm}$ to $0.044\mathrm{fm}$ with pion masses from $\approx 300\mathrm{MeV}$ down to the physical value and heavy quark masses ranging between $\approx 1.5 m_c$ and $4.1 m_c \approx 0.9 m_b$; currents are normalised nonperturbatively. Using the recent $B_{(s)}\to D^*_{(s)}\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell$ data from Belle and LHCb together with our form factors we determine a model independent value of $V_{cb}=39.03(56)_\mathrm{exp}(67)_\mathrm{latt}\times 10^{-3}$, in agreement with previous exclusive determinations and in tension with the inclusive result at the level of $3.6\sigma$. We observe a $\approx 1\sigma$ tension between the shape of the differential decay rates computed using our form factors and those measured by Belle. We compute a lattice-only SM value for the ratio of semitauonic and semimuonic decay rates, $R(D^*)=0.273(15)$, which we find to be closer to the recent Belle measurement and HFLAV average than theory predictions using fits to experimental differential rate data for $B\to D^*\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell$. Determining $V_{cb}$ using the total rate for $B\to D^*\ell\nu$ gives a value in agreement with inclusive results. We compute the longitudinal polarisation fraction for the semitauonic mode, $F_L^{D^*}=0.395(24)$, which is in tension at the level of $2.2\sigma$ with the recent Belle measurement. Our calculation combines $B\to D^*$ and $B_s\to D_s^*$ lattice results, and we provide an update which supersedes our previous lattice computation of the $B_s\to D_s^*$ form factors. We also give the chiral perturbation theory needed to analyse the tensor form factors.

  • Measuring axion gradients with photon interferometry (MAGPI).- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Michael A. Fedderke, Jedidiah O. Thompson, Raphael Cervantes, Bianca Giaccone, Roni Harnik, David E. Kaplan, Sam Posen, Surjeet Rajendran

    We propose a novel search technique for axions with a $CP$-violating monopole coupling $\tilde{g}_Q$ to bulk Standard Model charges $Q \in \{B,L,B-L\}$. Gradients in the static axion field configurations sourced by matter induce achromatic circular photon birefringence via the axion-photon coupling $g_{\phi\gamma}$. Circularly polarized light fed into an optical or (open) radio-frequency (RF) Fabry-P\'erot (FP) cavity develops a phase shift that accumulates up to the cavity finesse: the fixed axion spatial gradient prevents a cancellation known to occur for an axion dark-matter search. The relative phase shift between two FP cavities fed with opposite circular polarizations can be detected interferometrically. This time-independent signal can be modulated up to non-zero frequency by altering the cavity orientations with respect to the field gradient. Multi-wavelength co-metrology techniques can be used to address chromatic measurement systematics and noise sources. With Earth as the axion source, we project reach beyond current constraints on the product of couplings $\tilde{g}_Q g_{\phi\gamma}$ for axion masses $m_{\phi} \lesssim 10^{-5} \mathrm{eV}$. If shot-noise-limited sensitivity can be achieved, an experiment using high-finesse RF FP cavities could reach a factor of $\sim 10^{5}$ into new parameter space for $\tilde{g}_Q g_{\phi\gamma}$ for masses $m_\phi \lesssim 4\times 10^{-11} \mathrm{eV}$.

  • Core-corona procedure and microcanonical hadronization to understand strangeness enhancement in proton-proton and heavy ion collisions in the EPOS4 framework.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    K. Werner

    The multiplicity dependence of multistrange hadron yields in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at several TeV allows one to study the transition from very big to very small systems, in particular, concerning collective effects. I investigate this, employing a core-corona approach based on new microcanonical hadronization procedures in the EPOS4 framework, as well as new methods allowing one to transform energy-momentum flow through freeze-out surfaces into invariant-mass elements. I try to disentangle effects due to ``canonical suppression'' and ``core-corona separation'', which will both lead to a reduction of the yields at low multiplicity.

  • Numerical analysis of a baryon and its dilatation modes in holographic QCD.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Keiichiro Hori, Hideo Suganuma, Hiroki Kanda, Kyoto U.)

    We investigate a baryon and its dilatation modes in holographic QCD based on the Sakai-Sugimoto model, which is expressed as a 1+4 dimensional U($N_f$) gauge theory in the flavor space. For spatially rotational symmetric systems, we apply a generalized version of the Witten Ansatz, and reduce 1+4 dimensional holographic QCD into a 1+2 dimensional Abelian Higgs theory in a curved space. In the reduced theory, the holographic baryon is described as a two-dimensional topological object of an Abrikosov vortex. We numerically calculate the baryon solution of holographic QCD using a fine and large lattice with spacing of 0.04 fm and size of 10 fm. Using the relation between the baryon size and the zero-point location of the Higgs field in the description with the Witten Ansatz, we investigate a various-size baryon through this vortex description. As time-dependent size-oscillation modes (dilatation modes) of a baryon, we numerically obtain the lowest excitation energy of 577 MeV and deduce the dilatational excitation of a nucleon to be the Roper resonance N$^*$(1440).

  • Precision Higgs Width and Couplings with a High Energy Muon Collider.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matthew Forslund, Patrick Meade

    The interpretation of Higgs data is typically based on different assumptions about whether there can be additional decay modes of the Higgs or if any couplings can be bounded by theoretical arguments. Going beyond these assumptions requires either a precision measurement of the Higgs width or an absolute measurement of a coupling to eliminate a flat direction in precision fits that occurs when $|g_{hVV}/g_{hVV}^{SM}|>1$, where $V=W^\pm, Z$. In this paper we explore how well a high energy muon collider can test Higgs physics without having to make assumptions on the total width of the Higgs. In particular, we investigate off-shell methods for Higgs production used at the LHC and searches for invisible decays of the Higgs to see how powerful they are at a muon collider. We then investigate the theoretical requirements on a model which can exist in such a flat direction. Combining expected Higgs precision with other constraints, the most dangerous flat direction is described by generalized Georgi-Machacek models. We find that by combining direct searches with Higgs precision, a high energy muon collider can robustly test single Higgs precision down to the $\mathcal{O}(.1\%)$ level without having to assume SM Higgs decays. Furthermore, it allows one to bound new contributions to the width at the sub-percent level as well. Finally, we comment on how even in this difficult flat direction for Higgs precision, a muon collider can robustly test or discover new physics in multiple ways. Expanding beyond simple coupling modifiers/EFTs, there is a large region of parameter space that muon colliders can explore for EWSB that is not probed with only standard Higgs precision observables.

  • An Explicit Expression of Generating Function for One-Loop Tensor Reduction.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Chang Hu, Tingfei Li, Jiyuan Shen, Yongqun Xu

    This work introduces an explicit expression for the generation function for the reduction of an $n$-gon to an $(n-k)$-gon. A novel recursive relation of generation function is formulated based on Feynman Parametrization in projective space, involving a single ordinary differential equation. The explicit formulation of generation functions provides crucial insights into the complex analytic structure inherent in loop amplitudes.

  • Prospects for searches of $b \to s \nu \bar{\nu}$ decays at FCC-ee.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yasmine Amhis, Matthew Kenzie, Méril Reboud, Aidan R. Wiederhold

    We investigate the physics reach and potential for the study of various decays involving a $b \to s \nu \bar{\nu}$ transition at the Future Circular Collider running electron-positron collisions at the $Z$-pole (FCC-ee). Signal and background candidates, which involve inclusive $Z$ contributions from $b\bar{b}$, $c\bar{c}$ and $uds$ final states, are simulated for a proposed multi-purpose detector. Signal candidates are selected using two Boosted Decision Tree algorithms. We determine expected relative sensitivities of $0.53\%$, $1.20\%$, $3.37\%$ and $9.86\%$ for the branching fractions of the $B^{0} \to K^{*0} \nu \bar{\nu}$, $B^{0}_{s} \to \phi \nu \bar{\nu}$, $B^{0} \to K^{0}_{S} \nu \bar{\nu}$ and $\Lambda_{b}^{0} \to \Lambda^{0} \nu \bar{\nu}$ decays, respectively. In addition, we investigate the impact of detector design choices related to particle-identification and vertex resolution. The phenomenological impact of such measurements on the extraction of Standard Model and new physics parameters is also studied.

  • True muonium resonant production at $e^+e^-$ colliders with standard crossing angle.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ruben Gargiulo, Elisa Di Meco, Daniele Paesani, Stefano Palmisano, Eleonora Diociaiuti, Ivano Sarra

    True muonium ($\mu^+\mu^-$) is the heaviest and smallest bound state not involving quantum chromodynamics, after true tauonium ($\tau^+\tau^-$) and mu-tauonium ($\mu^\pm\tau^\mp$). Unlike atoms containing $\tau$ particles, the muon lifetime is long enough to allow observation of true muonium (TM) decays and transitions. One of the proposed methods to observe the spin 1 fundamental state of TM, which has the smallest lifetime among TM spin 1 states, was to build an $e^+e^-$ collider with a large crossing angle ($\theta \sim 30^\circ$) in order to provide TM with a large boost and detect its decay vertex in $e^+ e^-$. The following paper will instead show that TM excited states ($n\geq2$) can be observed in relatively large quantities ($\mathcal{O}$(10)/month) at a feasible $e^+e^-$ collider with standard crossing angles, after setting their center-of-mass energy to the TM mass ($\sim2m_{\mu}=211.4$ MeV).

  • Hadron-quark transition and chiral symmetry restoration at high density.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hiroaki Kouno, Kouji Kashiwa

    A simple phenomenological hybrid hadron-quark model with effective volume effects of baryons and chiral dynamics is investigated. The hybrid EoS naturally connects the low density baryonic matter with the high density quark matter. In the intermediate region, the phase which can not be regarded as pure hadron matter or pure quark matter appears. In this model, there is a possibility that the abrupt first -order like transition to pure quark matter induces the strong chiral symmetry restoration and the speed of sound has a large peak at considerable large density.

  • Winos from natural SUSY at the high luminosity LHC.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Xerxes Tata, Kairui Zhang

    In natural supersymmetric models defined by no worse than a part in thirty electroweak fine-tuning, winos and binos are generically expected to be much heavier than higgsinos. Moreover, the splitting between the higgsinos is expected to be small, so that the visible decay products of the heavier higgsinos are soft, rendering the higgsinos quasi-invisible at the LHC. Within the natural SUSY framwork, heavy electroweak gauginos decay to W, Z or h bosons plus higgsinos in the ratio ~2:1:1, respectively. This is in sharp contrast to models with a bino-like lightest superpartner and very heavy higgsinos, where the charged (neutral) wino essentially always decays to a W (h) boson and an invisible bino. Wino pair production at the LHC, in natural SUSY, thus leads to VV, Vh and hh+MET final states (V=W, Z) where, for TeV scale winos, the vector bosons and h daughters are considerably boosted. We identify eight different channels arising from the leptonic and hadronic decays of the vector bosons and the decay h-> b\bar{b}, each of which offers an avenue for wino discovery at the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). By combining the signal in all eight channels we find, assuming \sqrt{s}=14 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb^{-1}, that the discovery reach for winos extends to m(wino)~1.1~TeV, while the 95% CL exclusion range extends to a wino mass of almost 1.4~TeV. We also identify ``higgsino specific channels'' which could serve to provide 3\sigma evidence that winos lighter than 1.2~TeV decay to light higgsinos rather than to a bino-like LSP, should a wino signal appear at the HL-LHC.

  • Anomalous Strangeness Transport.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Eugenio Megias, Miguel A. Vazquez-Mozo

    Nondissipative transport of strangeness is studied in a chiral hadronic plasma with three flavors. In the phase in which chiral symmetry is preserved, strangeness transport is found to be driven by both an external magnetic field and fluid vorticity. As for the constitutive relations of the baryon and electromagnetic currents, they exhibit vortical terms proportional to the strangeness chemical potential. In the superfluid phase, transverse nondissipative diffusion of the baryon, electromagnetic, and strangeness charges is found, which survives in the limit of vanishing chiral imbalance and mixes in a fashion similar to standard dissipative diffusion in quark-gluon plasma.

  • The production of charmonium pentaquark from b-baryon and B-meson decay: SU(3) analysis.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Wei-Hao Han, Ye Xing, Ji Xu

    In this paper, we study the production of charmonium pentaquark $c \bar c q q q$ from bottom baryon and B-meson decays under the flavor SU(3) symmetry. Decay amplitudes for various processes are parametrized in terms of the SU(3) irreducible nonperturbative amplitudes. A number of relations between decay widths have been deduced. Moreover, the strong decays of pentaquark is also taken into account. These results can be tested in future measurements at LHCb, Belle II and CEPC. Once a few decay branching fractions have been measured, our work could provide hints for exploring new decay channels or new pentaquark states.

  • Chiral Soliton Lattice turns into 3D crystal.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Geraint W. Evans, Andreas Schmitt

    Chiral perturbation theory predicts the chiral anomaly to induce a so-called Chiral Soliton Lattice at sufficiently large magnetic fields and baryon chemical potentials. This state breaks translational invariance in the direction of the magnetic field and was shown to be unstable with respect to charged pion condensation. Improving on previous work by considering a realistic pion mass, we employ methods from type-II superconductivity and construct a three-dimensional pion (and baryon) crystal perturbatively, close to the instability curve of the Chiral Soliton Lattice. We find an analogue of the usual type-I/type-II transition in superconductivity: Along the instability curve for magnetic fields $eB > 0.12\, {\rm GeV}^2$ and chemical potentials $\mu< 910\, {\rm MeV}$, this crystal can continuously supersede the Chiral Soliton Lattice. For smaller magnetic fields the instability curve must be preceded by a discontinuous transition.

  • Anomalous dimension of the heavy-light quark current in HQET up to four loops.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Andrey Grozin

    The anomalous dimension of the heavy-light quark current in HQET is calculated up to four loops. The N$^3$LL perturbative correction to $f_B/f_D$ is obtained.

  • Analysis of the electromagnetic form factors and the radiative decays of the vector heavy-light mesons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Jie Lu, Guo-Liang Yu, Zhi-Gang Wang, Bin Wu

    In this article, we analyze the electromagnetic form factors of the vector heavy-light mesons to the pseudoscalar heavy-light mesons in the framework of three-point QCD sum rules, where the contributions of vacuum condensate terms $\langle\overline{q}q\rangle$, $\langle\overline{q}g_{s}\sigma Gq\rangle$, $\langle g_{s}^{2}G^{2}\rangle$, $\langle f^{3}G^{3}\rangle$ and $\langle\overline{q}q\rangle\langle g_{s}^{2}G^{2}\rangle$ are considered. With these results, we also obtain the radiative decay widths of the vector heavy-light mesons and then compare our results with those of other collaboration's. The final results about the radiative decay widths are $\Gamma(D^{*0}\to D^{0}\gamma)=1.74^{+0.40}_{-0.37}$ keV, $\Gamma(D^{*+}\to D^{+}\gamma)=0.17^{+0.08}_{-0.07}$ keV, $\Gamma(D_{s}^{*}\to D_{s}\gamma)=0.029^{+0.009}_{-0.008}$ keV, $\Gamma(B^{*0}\to B^{0}\gamma)=0.018^{+0.006}_{-0.005}$ keV, $\Gamma(B^{*+}\to B^{+}\gamma)=0.015^{+0.007}_{-0.007}$ keV and $\Gamma(B^{*}_{s}\to B_{s}\gamma)=0.016^{+0.003}_{-0.005}$ keV.

  • Recent $B^+ \!\to K^+\nu\bar{\nu}$ Excess and Muon $g-2$ Illuminating Light Dark Sector with Higgs Portal.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Shu-Yu Ho, Jongkuk Kim, Pyungwon Ko

    The Belle II collaboration recently announced that they observed the $B^+ \!\to K^+\nu\bar{\nu}$ decay process for the first time. This dineutrino mode of $B^+ \!\to K^+\nu\bar{\nu}$ has been theoretically identified as a very clean channel. However, their result encounters a $2.7{}^{}\sigma$ deviation from the Standard Model (SM) calculation. On the other hand, last year, Fermilab released new data on muon $g-2$ away from the SM expectation with $5{}^{}\sigma$. In this letter, we study the simplest UV-complete $\text{U}(1)_{\textsf{L}_\mu - \textsf{L}_\tau}^{}$-charged complex scalar Dark Matter (DM) model. Thanks to the existence of light dark Higgs boson and light dark photon, we can explain the observed relic density of DM and resolve the results reported by both Belle II and Fermilab experiments simultaneously. As a byproduct, the Hubble tension is alleviated by taking $\Delta N_\textsf{eff}^{} \simeq 0.3$ induced by the light dark photon.

  • Approximate Bound States Solution of the Varshni-Hellmann Potential.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    N. Tazimi, M. Monemzadeh

    In this paper, we solve the bound state problem for Varshni-Hellmann potential via a useful technique. In our technique, we obtain the bound state solution of the Schrodinger equation for the Varshni-Hellmann potential via ansatz method. We obtain the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigen-functions. Also, the behavior of the energy spectra for both the ground and the excited state of the two body systems is illustrated graphically. The similarity of our results to the accurate numerical values is indicative of the efficiency of our technique.


  • Proving the Weak Gravity Conjecture in Perturbative String Theory, Part I: The Bosonic String.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ben Heidenreich, Matteo Lotito

    We present a complete proof of the Weak Gravity Conjecture in any perturbative bosonic string theory in spacetime dimension $D\ge6$. Our proof works by relating the black hole extremality bound to long range forces, which are more easily calculated on the worldsheet, closing the gaps in partial arguments in the existing literature. We simultaneously establish a strict, sublattice form of the conjecture in the same class of theories. We close by discussing the scope and limitations of our analysis, along with possible extensions including an upcoming generalization of our work to the superstring.

  • Probing bad theories with the dualization algorithm II.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simone Giacomelli, Chiung Hwang, Fabio Marino, Sara Pasquetti, Matteo Sacchi

    We continue our analysis of bad theories, focusing on quiver theories with bad unitary and special unitary gauge groups in three dimensions. By extending the dualization algorithm we prove that the partition function of bad linear quivers can be written as a distribution, given by a sum of terms involving a product of delta functions times the partition function of a good quiver theory. We describe in detail the good quiver theories appearing in the partition function of the bad theory and discuss the brane interpretation of our result. We also discuss in detail the lift of these theories to 4d quivers with symplectic gauge groups, in which our results can be recovered by studying the Higgsing triggered by the expectation value for certain chiral operators. The paper is accompanied by a Mathematica file which implements the algorithm for an arbitrary unitary bad linear quiver.

  • Generating Functions for Line Bundle Cohomology Dimensions on Complex Projective Varieties.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Andrei Constantin

    This paper explores the possibility of constructing multivariate generating functions for all cohomology dimensions of all holomorphic line bundles on certain complex projective varieties of Fano, Calabi-Yau and general type in various dimensions and Picard numbers. Most of the results are conjectural and rely on explicit cohomology computations. We first propose a generating function for the Euler characteristic of all holomorphic line bundles on complete intersections in products of projective spaces and toric varieties. This generating function is constructed by expanding the Hilbert-Poincare series associated with the coordinate ring of the variety around all possible combinations of zero and infinity and then summing up the resulting contributions with alternating signs. Similar generating functions are proposed for the individual cohomology dimensions of all holomorphic line bundles on certain complete intersections, including examples of Mori and non-Mori dream spaces. Surprisingly, the examples studied indicate that a single generating function encodes both the zeroth and all higher cohomologies upon expansion around different combinations of zero and infinity, raising the question whether such generating functions determine the variety uniquely.

  • Strongly interacting matter in a sphere at nonzero magnetic field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Bing-Jun Zuo, Zheng Zhang, Chao Shi, Yong-Feng Huang

    We investigate the chiral phase transition within a sphere under a uniform background magnetic field. The Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model is employed and the MIT boundary condition is imposed for the spherical confinement. Using the wave expansion method, the diagonalizable Hamiltonian and energy spectrum are derived for the system. By solving the gap equation in the NJL model, the influence of magnetic field on quark matter in a sphere is studied. It is found that inverse magnetic catalysis occurs at small radii, while magnetic catalysis occurs at large radii. Additionally, both magnetic catalysis and inverse magnetic catalysis are observed at the intermediate radii ($R\approx4$ fm).

  • Liouville Irregular States of Half-Integer Ranks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ryo Hamachika, Tomoki Nakanishi, Takahiro Nishinaka, Shou Tanigawa

    We conjecture a set of differential equations that characterizes the Liouville irregular states of half-integer ranks, which extends the generalized AGT correspondence to all the $(A_1,A_\text{even})$ and $(A_1,D_\text{odd})$ types Argyres-Douglas theories. For lower half-integer ranks, our conjecture is verified by deriving it as a suitable limit of a similar set of differential equations for integer ranks. This limit is interpreted as the 2D counterpart of a 4D RG-flow from $(A_1,D_{2n})$ to $(A_1,D_{2n-1})$. For rank $3/2$, we solve the conjectured differential equations and find a power series expression for the irregular state $|I^{(3/2)}\rangle$. For rank $5/2$, our conjecture is consistent with the differential equations recently discovered by H. Poghosyan and R. Poghossian.

  • Lessons from discrete light-cone quantization for physics at null infinity: Bosons in two dimensions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Glenn Barnich, Sucheta Majumdar, Simone Speziale, Wen-Di Tan

    Motivated by issues in the context of asymptotically flat spacetimes at null infinity, we discuss in the simplest example of a massless scalar field in two dimensions several subtleties that arise when setting up the canonical formulation on a single or on two intersecting null hyperplanes with a special emphasis on the infinite-dimensional global and conformal symmetries and their canonical generators, the free data, a consistent treatment of zero modes, matching conditions, and implications for quantization of massless versus massive fields.

  • Non-Relativistic M2-Branes and the AdS/CFT Correspondence.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Neil Lambert, Joseph Smith

    A non-relativistic limit of the AdS/CFT correspondence is studied in the context of M2-branes. On the field theory side this corresponds to a near-BPS limit of ABJM that localises onto solutions of Hitchin's equations. It is shown that the symmetries of the theory include an infinite-dimensional enhancement of the spatial symmetry algebra corresponding to time-dependent holomorphic transformations. Taking the limit of the gravitational dual splits the geometry into three 'large' directions and eight 'small' directions, which for the near-horizon limit of the M2-brane metric has the effect of reducing the $AdS_4$ factor to an $AdS_2$ factor. Evidence is presented that the duality is maintained after the limit.

  • Classical Yang-Baxter equation, Lagrangian multiforms and ultralocal integrable hierarchies.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Vincent Caudrelier, Matteo Stoppato, Benoit Vicedo

    We cast the classical Yang-Baxter equation (CYBE) in a variational context for the first time, by relating it to the theory of Lagrangian multiforms, a framework designed to capture integrability in a variational fashion. This provides a significant connection between Lagrangian multiforms and the CYBE, one of the most fundamental concepts of integrable systems. This is achieved by introducing a generating Lagrangian multiform which depends on a skew-symmetric classical $r$-matrix with spectral parameters. The multiform Euler-Lagrange equations produce a generating Lax equation which yields a generating zero curvature equation. The CYBE plays a role at three levels: 1) It ensures the commutativity of the flows of the generating Lax equation; 2) It ensures that the generating zero curvature equation holds; 3) It implies the closure relation for the generating Lagrangian multiform. The specification of an integrable hierarchy is achieved by fixing certain data: a finite set $S\in CP^1$, a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, a $\mathfrak{g}$-valued rational function with poles in $S$ and an $r$-matrix. We show how our framework is able to generate a large class of ultralocal integrable hierarchies by providing several known and new examples pertaining to the rational or trigonometric class. These include the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur hierarchy, the sine-Gordon (sG) hierarchy and various hierachies related to Zakharov-Mikhailov type models which contain the Faddeev-Reshetikhin (FR) model and recently introduced deformed sigma/Gross-Neveu models as particular cases. The versatility of our method is illustrated by showing how to couple integrable hierarchies together to create new examples of integrable field theories and their hierarchies. We provide two examples: the coupling of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger system to the FR model and the coupling of sG with the anisotropic FR model.

  • Anomalies of Generalized Symmetries from Solitonic Defects.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lakshya Bhardwaj, Mathew Bullimore, Andrea E. V. Ferrari, Sakura Schafer-Nameki

    We propose the general idea that 't Hooft anomalies of generalized global symmetries can be understood in terms of the properties of solitonic defects, which generically are non-topological defects. The defining property of such defects is that they act as sources for background fields of generalized symmetries. 't Hooft anomalies arise when solitonic defects are charged under these generalized symmetries. We illustrate this idea for several kinds of anomalies in various spacetime dimensions. A systematic exploration is performed in 3d for 0-form, 1-form, and 2-group symmetries, whose 't Hooft anomalies are related to two special types of solitonic defects, namely vortex line defects and monopole operators. This analysis is supplemented with detailed computations of such anomalies in a large class of 3d gauge theories. Central to this computation is the determination of the gauge and 0-form charges of a variety of monopole operators: these involve standard gauge monopole operators, but also fractional gauge monopole operators, as well as monopole operators for 0-form symmetries. The charges of these monopole operators mainly receive contributions from Chern-Simons terms and fermions in the matter content. Along the way, we interpret the vanishing of the global gauge and ABJ anomalies, which are anomalies not captured by local anomaly polynomials, as the requirement that gauge monopole operators and mixed monopole operators for 0-form and gauge symmetries have non-fractional integer charges.

  • Lieb-Schultz-Mattis anomalies and web of dualities induced by gauging in quantum spin chains.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ömer M. Aksoy, Christopher Mudry, Akira Furusaki, Apoorv Tiwari

    Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) theorems impose non-perturbative constraints on the zero-temperature phase diagrams of quantum lattice Hamiltonians (always assumed to be local in this paper). LSM theorems have recently been interpreted as the lattice counterparts to mixed 't Hooft anomalies in quantum field theories that arise from a combination of crystalline and global internal symmetry groups. Accordingly, LSM theorems have been reinterpreted as LSM anomalies. In this work, we provide a systematic diagnostic for LSM anomalies in one spatial dimension. We show that gauging subgroups of the global internal symmetry group of a quantum lattice model obeying an LSM anomaly delivers a dual quantum lattice Hamiltonian such that its internal and crystalline symmetries mix non-trivially through a group extension. This mixing of crystalline and internal symmetries after gauging is a direct consequence of the LSM anomaly, i.e., it can be used as a diagnostic of an LSM anomaly. We exemplify this procedure for a quantum spin-1/2 chain obeying an LSM anomaly resulting from combining a global internal $\mathbb{Z}^{\,}_{2}\times\mathbb{Z}^{\,}_{2}$ symmetry with translation or reflection symmetry. We establish a triality of models by gauging a $\mathbb{Z}^{\,}_{2}\subset\mathbb{Z}^{\,}_{2}\times\mathbb{Z}^{\,}_{2}$ symmetry in two ways, one of which amounts to performing a Kramers-Wannier duality, while the other implements a Jordan-Wigner duality. We discuss the mapping of the phase diagram of the quantum spin-1/2 $XYZ$ chains under such a triality. We show that the deconfined quantum critical transitions between Neel and dimer orders are mapped to either topological or conventional Landau-Ginzburg transitions. Finally, we extend our results to $\mathbb{Z}^{\,}_{n}$ clock models and provide a reinterpretation of the dual internal symmetries in terms of $\mathbb{Z}^{\,}_{n}$ charge and dipole symmetries.

  • Surfin' pp-waves with Good Vibrations: Causality in the presence of stacked shockwaves.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Calvin Y.-R. Chen, Claudia de Rham, Aoibheann Margalit, Andrew J. Tolley

    Relativistic causality constrains the $S$-matrix both through its analyticity, and by imposing lower bounds on the scattering time delay. These bounds are easiest to determine for spacetimes which admit either a timelike or null Killing vector. We revisit a class of pp-wave spacetimes and carefully determine the scattering time delay for arbitrary incoming states in the eikonal, semi-classical, and Born approximations. We apply this to the EFT of gravity in arbitrary dimensions. It is well-known that higher-dimension operators such as the Gauss-Bonnet term, when treated perturbatively at low energies, can appear to make both positive and negative contributions to the time delays of the background geometry. We show that even when multiple shockwaves are stacked, the corrections to the scattering time delay relative to the background are generically unresolvable within the regime of validity of the effective field theory so long as the Wilson coefficients are of order unity. This is in agreement with previously derived positivity/bootstrap bounds and the requirement that infrared causality be maintained in consistent low-energy effective theories, irrespective of the UV completion.

  • On quantum Poisson-Lie T-duality of WZNW models.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yuho Sakatani, Yuji Satoh

    We study Poisson-Lie T-duality of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten (WZNW) models which are obtained from a class of Drinfel'd doubles and its generalization. In this case, the resultant WZNW models are known to be classically self-dual under Poisson-Lie T-duality. We describe an explicit construction of the associated currents, and discuss the conformal invariance under this duality. In a concrete example of the SU(2) WZNW model, we find that the self-duality is represented as a chiral automorphism of the $\widehat{\mathfrak{su}}(2)$ affine Lie algebra, though the transformation of the currents is non-local and non-linear. This classical automorphism can be promoted to the quantum one through the parafermionic formulation of $\widehat{\mathfrak{su}}(2)$, which in turn induces an isomorphism of the WZNW model. We thus find a full quantum equivalence of the dual pair under Poisson-Lie T-duality. The isomorphism is represented by a sign-change of a chiral boson or the order-disorder duality of the parafermionic conformal field theory as in Abelian T-duality on tori or in the mirror symmetry of the Gepner model.

  • Representations of shifted quantum affine algebras and cluster algebras I. The simply-laced case.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Christof Geiss, David Hernandez, Bernard Leclerc

    We introduce a family of cluster algebras of infinite rank associated with root systems of type $A$, $D$, $E$. We show that suitable completions of these cluster algebras are isomorphic to the Grothendieck rings of the categories $\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{Z}$ of the corresponding shifted quantum affine algebras. The cluster variables of a class of distinguished initial seeds are certain formal power series defined by E. Frenkel and the second author, which satisfy a system of functional relations called $QQ$-system. We conjecture that all cluster monomials are classes of simple objects of $\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{Z}$. In the final section, we show that these cluster algebras contain infinitely many cluster subalgebras isomorphic to the coordinate ring of the open double Bruhat cell of the corresponding simple simply-connected algebraic group. This explains the similarity between $QQ$-system relations and certain generalized minor identities discovered by Fomin and Zelevinsky.

  • On the origin of Higher Schwarzians.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Sergey Krivonos

    In this paper, we analyze higher Schwarzians and show that they are closely related to the nonlinear realization of the Virasoro algebra. The Goldstone fields of such a realization provide a new set of SL(2,R) invariant higher Schwarzians that are deeply related to the Aharonov,Tamanoi and Bonora-Matone ones. A minor change of the coset space parametrization leads to a new set of SL(2,R) non-invariant higher Schwarzians now related to the Schippers and Bertilsson Schwarzians.


  • Nonresonant central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV.- [PDF] - [Article]

    CMS, TOTEM Collaborations

    The central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13\TeV is examined, based on data collected in a special high-$\beta^*$ run of the LHC. The nonresonant continuum processes are studied with the invariant mass of the centrally produced two-pion system in the resonance-free region, $m_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ $\lt$ 0.7 GeV or $m_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ $\gt$ 1.8 GeV. Differential cross sections as functions of the azimuthal angle between the surviving protons, squared exchanged four-momenta, and $m_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ are measured in a wide region of scattered proton transverse momenta, between 0.2 and 0.8 GeV, and for pion rapidities $\lvert y\rvert$ $\lt$ 2. A rich structure of interactions related to double-pomeron exchange is observed. A parabolic minimum in the distribution of the two-proton azimuthal angle is observed for the first time. It can be interpreted as an effect of additional pomeron exchanges between the protons from the interference between the bare and the rescattered amplitudes. After model tuning, various physical quantities are determined that are related to the pomeron cross section, proton-pomeron and meson-pomeron form factors, pomeron trajectory and intercept, and coefficients of diffractive eigenstates of the proton.

  • Study of $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ at $\sqrt{s}$ from 2.00 to 3.08 GeV at BESIII.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, M. R. An, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, T. T. Chang, W. L. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, S. K. Choi, X. Chu, G. Cibinetto, S. C. Coen, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, B. Ding, et al. (565 additional authors not shown)

    With the data samples taken at center-of-mass energies from 2.00 to 3.08 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, a partial wave analysis on the $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ process is performed. The Born cross sections for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ and its intermediate processes $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\rho\pi$ and $\rho(1450)\pi$ are measured as functions of $\sqrt{s}$. The results for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ are consistent with previous results measured with the initial state radiation method within one standard deviation, and improve the uncertainty by a factor of ten. By fitting the line shapes of the Born cross sections for the $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\rho\pi$ and $\rho(1450)\pi$, a structure with mass $M = 2119\pm11\pm15\ {\rm MeV}/c^2$ and width $\Gamma=69\pm30\pm5 {\rm MeV}$ is observed with a significance of $5.9\sigma$, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second ones are systematic. This structure can be intepreteted as an excited $\omega$ state.

  • Observation of two structures in the processes $e^+e^-\rightarrow\omega\chi_{c1}$ and $\omega\chi_{c2}$.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, M. R. An, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, T. T. Chang, W. L. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, W. S. Cheng, S. K. Choi, X. Chu, G. Cibinetto, S. C. Coen, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, et al. (565 additional authors not shown)

    We present measurements of the Born cross sections for the processes $e^+e^-\rightarrow\omega\chi_{c1}$ and $\omega\chi_{c2}$ at center-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s}$ from 4.308 to 4.951 GeV. The measurements are performed with data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 11.0 $\rm{fb}^{-1}$ collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring. Assuming the $e^+e^-\rightarrow\omega\chi_{c2}$ signals come from a single resonance, the mass and width are determined to be $M=(4413.6\pm9.0\pm0.8)$ MeV/$c^2$ and $\Gamma=(110.5\pm15.0\pm2.9)$ MeV, respectively, which is consistent with the parameters of the well-established resonance $\psi(4415)$. In addition, we also use one single resonance to describe the $e^+e^-\rightarrow\omega\chi_{c1}$ line shape, and determine the mass and width to be $M=(4544.2\pm18.7\pm1.7)$ MeV/$c^2$ and $\Gamma=(116.1\pm33.5\pm1.7)$ MeV, respectively. The structure of this line shape requires further understanding.

  • Preliminary Investigation of a Higgs Factory based on Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration.- [PDF] - [Article]

    John P Farmer, Allen Caldwell, Alexander Pukhov

    A Higgs Factory is considered the highest priority next collider project by the high-energy physics community. Very advanced designs based on radio-frequency cavities exist, and variations on this approach are still being developed. Recently, also an option based on electron-bunch driven plasma wakefield acceleration has been proposed. In this article, we discuss a further option based on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration. This option has significant potential advantages due to the high energy of the plasma wakefield driver, simplifying the plasma acceleration stage, and due to the breadth of particle physics research it will make possible. Its success will depend on further developments in producing compact high-energy proton bunches at a high rate.

  • Towards the first axion search results of the Any Light Particle Search II experiment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Li-Wei Wei

    Any Light Particle Search II (ALPS II) is a dual optical cavity enhanced light-shining-through-a-wall (LSW) experiment at DESY in Hamburg looking for axions and axion-like particles with a target search sensitivity of $g_{a \gamma \gamma}$ down to $2 \times 10^{-11}\,\textrm{GeV}^{-1}$ for masses $m_a \leq 0.1\,\textrm{meV}$. Two 120$\,$m long strings of superconducting dipole magnets have been set up, each providing a magnetic field-length product of $560\,\textrm{T}\cdot\textrm{m}$. A resonant optical cavity with a record-worthy storage time of as high as 7$\,$ms has been constructed to encompass one magnet string. During its initial data-taking phase ALPS II will be operated with a simplified optical configuration that facilitates the characterization of the experiment. The first ALPS II science run took place in May/June 2023 and achieved an estimated search sensitivity of $g_{a \gamma \gamma}$ of around $6 \times 10^{-10}\,\textrm{GeV}^{-1}$ for $m_a \leq 0.1\,\textrm{meV}$. Data analysis and further data runs are under way. Final results on axion-photon coupling from the initial science runs of ALPS II are expected in early 2024.

  • Search for pair production of higgsinos in events with two Higgs bosons and missing transverse momentum in $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV $pp$ collisions at the ATLAS experiment.- [PDF] - [Article]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    This paper presents a search for pair production of higgsinos, the supersymmetric partners of the Higgs bosons, in scenarios with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. Each higgsino is assumed to decay into a Higgs boson and a nearly massless gravitino. The search targets events where each Higgs boson decays into $b\bar{b}$, leading to a reconstructed final state with at least three energetic $b$-jets and missing transverse momentum. Two complementary analysis channels are used, with each channel specifically targeting either low or high values of the higgsino mass. The low-mass (high-mass) channel exploits 126 (139) fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV data collected by the ATLAS detector during Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess above the Standard Model prediction is found. At 95% confidence level, masses between 130 GeV and 940 GeV are excluded for higgsinos decaying exclusively into Higgs bosons and gravitinos. Exclusion limits as a function of the higgsino decay branching ratio to a Higgs boson are also reported.

  • Quota management in dCache or making a perfectly normal file system normal.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Dmitry Litvintsev, Chitrapu Krishnaveni, Svenja Meyer, Paul Millar, Tigran Mkrtchyan, Lea Morschel, Albert Rossi, Marina Sahakyan, (2) Linkoping University, (3) Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)

    dCache ( is a highly scalable storage system providing location-independent access to data. The data are stored across multiple data servers as complete files presented to the end-user via a single-rooted namespace. From its inception, dCache has been designed as a caching disk buffer to a tertiary tape storage system with the assumption that the latter has virtually unlimited capacity. dCache can also be configured as a disk-only storage system with no tape backend. Owing to the idea that a tape resource is infinite, or purely physically limited by budget considerations, the system has never provided for any restrictions on how much data can be stored on tape. Likewise, in the disk-only configuration, the capacity of the system is only limited by the aggregate disk capacity of the data servers. In a multi-user environment, however, this has become problematic. This presentation will describe the design and implementation of a user- and group-based quota system, that allows to manage tape and disk space allocations, as part of dCache namespace.

  • A Simple Model of Energy Threshold for Snowball Chambers.- [PDF] - [Article]

    M. Szydagis, C. Levy, A.E. Bolotnikov, M.V. Diwan, G.J. Homenides, A.C. Kamaha, J. Martin, R. Rosero, M. Yeh

    Cloud and bubble chambers have historically been used for particle detection, capitalizing on supersaturation and superheating, respectively. Here we present new results from a prototype snowball chamber, in which an incoming particle triggers crystallization of a purified, supercooled liquid. We demonstrate, for the first time, simulation agreement with our first results from 5 years ago: the higher temperature of the freezing of water and significantly shorter time spent supercooled with respect to control in the presence of a Cf-252 fission neutron source. This is accomplished by combining Geant4 modeling of neutron interactions with the Seitz nucleation model used in superheated bubble chambers, including those seeking dark matter. We explore the possible implications of using this new technology for GeV-scale WIMP searches, especially in terms of spin-dependent proton coupling, and report the first supercooling of WbLS (water-based liquid scintillator).

  • Measurement of exclusive pion pair production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV with the ATLAS detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    The exclusive production of pion pairs in the process $pp\to pp\pi^+\pi^-$ has been measured at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, using 80 $\mu$b$^{-1}$ of low-luminosity data. The pion pairs were detected in the ATLAS central detector while outgoing protons were measured in the forward ATLAS ALFA detector system. This represents the first use of proton tagging to measure an exclusive hadronic final state at the LHC. A cross-section measurement is performed in two kinematic regions defined by the proton momenta, the pion rapidities and transverse momenta, and the pion-pion invariant mass. Cross section values of $4.8 \pm 1.0 \text{(stat.)} + {}^{+0.3}_{-0.2} \text{(syst.)}\mu$b and $9 \pm 6 \text{(stat.)} + {}^{+2}_{-2}\text{(syst.)}\mu$b are obtained in the two regions; they are compared with theoretical models and provide a demonstration of the feasibility of measurements of this type.

  • Search for inelastic dark matter in events with two displaced muons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    CMS Collaboration

    A search for dark matter in events with a displaced nonresonant muon pair and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is performed using an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton (pp) collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV produced by the LHC in 2016-2018. No significant excess over the predicted backgrounds is observed. Upper limits are set on the product of the inelastic dark matter production cross section $\sigma$(pp $\to$ A' $\to$ $\chi_1$ $\chi_2$) and the decay branching fraction $\mathcal{B}$($\chi_2$ $\to$ $\chi_1 \mu^+ \mu^-$), where A' is a dark photon and $\chi_1$ and $\chi_2$ are states in the dark sector with near mass degeneracy. This is the first dedicated collider search for inelastic dark matter.

  • Jet charge identification in ee-Z-qq process at Z pole operation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Hanhua Cui, Mingrui Zhao, Yuexin Wang, Hao Liang, Manqi Ruan

    Accurate jet charge identification is essential for precise electroweak and flavor measurements at the high-energy frontier. We propose a novel method called the Leading Particle Jet Charge method (LPJC) to determine the jet charge based on information about the leading charged particle. Tested on Z - bb and Z - cc samples at a center-of-mass energy of 91.2GeV, the LPJC achieves an effective tagging power of 20%/9% for the c/b jet, respectively. Combined with the Weighted Jet Charge method (WJC), we develop a Heavy Flavor Jet Charge method (HFJC), which achieves an effective tagging power of 39%/20% for c/b jet, respectively. This paper also discusses the dependencies between jet charge identification performance and the fragmentation process of heavy flavor jets, and critical detector performances.

  • Search for magnetic monopoles and stable particles with high electric charges in $\sqrt{s}=$13 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    ATLAS Collaboration

    We present a search for magnetic monopoles and high-electric-charge objects using LHC Run 2 $\sqrt{s} =$13 TeV proton$-$proton collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector. A total integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$ was collected by a specialized trigger. No highly ionizing particle candidate was observed. Considering the Drell-Yan and photon-fusion pair production mechanisms as benchmark models, cross-section upper limits are presented for spin-0 and spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ magnetic monopoles of magnetic charge $1g_\textrm{D}$ and $2g_\textrm{D}$ and for high-electric-charge objects of electric charge $20 \leq |z| \leq 100$, for masses between 200 GeV and 4000 GeV. The search improves by approximately a factor of three the previous cross-section limits on the Drell-Yan production of magnetic monopoles and high-electric charge objects. Also, the first ATLAS limits on the photon-fusion pair production mechanism of magnetic monopoles and high-electric-charge objects have been obtained.

  • Measurements of $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$, $p$ and $\bar{p}$ spectra in $^{40}$Ar+$^{45}$Sc collisions at 13$A$ to 150$A$ GeV/$c$.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    H. Adhikary, P. Adrich, K.K. Allison, N. Amin, E.V. Andronov, T. Antićić, I.-C. Arsene, M. Bajda, Y. Balkova, M. Baszczyk, D. Battaglia, A. Bazgir, S. Bhosale, M. Bielewicz, A. Blondel, M. Bogomilov, Y. Bondar, N. Bostan, A. Brandin, W. Bryliński, J. Brzychczyk, M. Buryakov, A.F. Camino, M. Ćirković, M. Csanád, J. Cybowska, T. Czopowicz, C. Dalmazzone, N. Davis, A. Dmitriev, P. von Doetinchem, W. Dominik, P. Dorosz, J. Dumarchez, R. Engel, G.A. Feofilov, L. Fields, Z. Fodor, M. Friend, M. Gaździcki, O. Golosov, V. Golovatyuk, M. Golubeva, K. Grebieszkow, F. Guber, S.N. Igolkin, S. Ilieva, A. Ivashkin, A. Izvestnyy, K. Kadija, N. Kargin, N. Karpushkin, E. Kashirin, M. Kiełbowicz, V.A. Kireyeu, H. Kitagawa, R. Kolesnikov, et al. (97 additional authors not shown)

    The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron studies the onset of deconfinement in strongly interacting matter through a beam energy scan of particle production in collisions of nuclei of varied sizes. This paper presents results on inclusive double-differential spectra, transverse momentum and rapidity distributions and mean multiplicities of $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$, $p$ and $\bar{p}$ produced in $^{40}$Ar+$^{45}$Sc collisions at beam momenta of 13$A$, 19$A$, 30$A$, 40$A$, 75$A$ and 150$A$~\GeVc. The analysis uses the 10\% most central collisions, where the observed forward energy defines centrality. The energy dependence of the $K^\pm$/$\pi^\pm$ ratios as well as of inverse slope parameters of the $K^\pm$ transverse mass distributions are placed in between those found in inelastic $p$+$p$ and central Pb+Pb collisions. The results obtained here establish a system-size dependence of hadron production properties that so far cannot be explained either within statistical or dynamical models.

  • Search for long-lived heavy neutral leptons with lepton flavour conserving or violating decays to a jet and a charged lepton.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    CMS Collaboration

    A search for long-lived heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) is presented, which considers the hadronic final state and coupling scenarios involving all three lepton generations in the 2-20 GeV HNL mass range for the first time. Events comprising two leptons (electrons or muons) and jets are analyzed in a data sample of proton-proton collisions, recorded with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$. A novel jet tagger, based on a deep neural network, has been developed to identify jets from an HNL decay using various features of the jet and its constituent particles. The network output can be used as a powerful discriminating tool to probe a broad range of HNL lifetimes and masses. Contributions from background processes are determined from data. No excess of events in data over the expected background is observed. Upper limits on the HNL production cross section are derived as functions of the HNL mass and the three coupling strengths $V_{\ell\mathrm{N}}$ to each lepton generation $\ell$ and presented as exclusion limits in the coupling-mass plane, as lower limits on the HNL lifetime, and on the HNL mass. In this search, the most stringent limit on the coupling strength is obtained for pure muon coupling scenarios; values of $\lvert V_{\mu\mathrm{N}}\rvert^{2}\gt $ 5 (4)$\times$10$^{-7}$ are excluded for Dirac (Majorana) HNLs with a mass of 10 GeV at a confidence level of 95% that correspond to proper decay lengths of 17 (10) mm.


  • Order-chaos transition in correlation diagrams and quantization of period orbits.- [PDF] - [Article]

    F. J. Arranz, J. Montes, F. Borondo

    Eigenlevel correlation diagrams has proven to be a very useful tool to understand eigenstate characteristics of classically chaotic systems. In particular, we showed in a previous publication [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 944 (1998)] how to unveil the scarring mechanism, a cornerstone in the theory of quantum chaos, using the Planck constant as the correlation parameter. By increasing Planck constant, we induced a transition from order to chaos, in which scarred wavefunctions appeared as the interaction of pairs of eigenstates in broad avoided crossings, forming a well defined frontier in the correlation diagram. In this paper, we demonstrate that this frontier can be obtained by means of the semiclassical quantization of the involved scarring periodic orbits. Additionally, in order to calculate the Maslov index of each scarring periodic orbit, which is necessary for the semiclassical quantization procedure, we introduce a novel straightforward method based on Lagrangian descriptors. We illustrate the theory using the vibrational eigenstates of the LiCN molecular system.

  • Characterization of partially accessible anisotropic spin chains in the presence of anti-symmetric exchange.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Simone Cavazzoni, Marco Adani, Paolo Bordone, Matteo G. A. Paris

    We address quantum characterization of anisotropic spin chains in the presence of antisymmetric exchange, and investigate whether the Hamiltonian parameters of the chain may be estimated with precision approaching the ultimate limit imposed by quantum mechanics. At variance with previous approaches, we focus on the information that may be extracted by measuring only two neighbouring spins rather than a global observable on the entire chain. We evaluate the Fisher information (FI) of a two-spin magnetization measure, and the corresponding quantum Fisher information (QFI), for all the relevant parameters, i.e. the spin coupling, the anisotropy, and the Dzyaloshinskii Moriya (DM) parameter. Our results show that the reduced system made of two neighbouring spins may be indeed exploited as a probe to characterize global properties of the entire system. In particular, we find that the ratio between the FI and the QFI is close to unit for a large range of the coupling values. The DM coupling is beneficial for coupling estimation, since it leads to the presence of additional bumps and peaks in the FI and QFI, which are not present in a model that neglects exchange interaction and may be exploited to increase the robustness of the overall estimation procedure. Finally, we address the multiparameter estimation problem, and show that the model is compatible but sloppy, i.e. both the Uhlmann curvature and the determinant of the QFI matrix vanish. Physically, this means that the state of the system actually depends only on a reduced numbers of combinations of parameters, and not on all of them separately.

  • Hong-Ou-Mandel Comb and Switch using parallel chains of non-identical Micro-Ring Resonators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Peter L. Kaulfuss, Paul M. Alsing, Richard J. Birrittella, Edwin E. Hach III, A. Matthew Smith

    Micro-Ring Resonators (MRRs) allow us to access the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect at a variety of tunable parameter combinations along exact analytic solutions. This higher-dimensional space of parameters for which the HOM effect occurs constitutes what is known as a Hong-Ou-Mandel manifold (HOMM). Using a parallel series of non-identical MRRs and changing relative round-trip phase shifts between MRRs allows for the manipulation of the wavelength locations of the HOM effect. Through clever design and fabrication, we can mold the HOMM to place the HOM effect, or lack thereof, precisely at desired locations. In this paper we discuss how to adjust non-identical MRR parameters to change the resulting HOMM. We also promote example designs that exhibit advantageous HOMM structures, and highlight some of the myriad of possibilities that can be accessed with different circuit design.

  • Topological signatures of a p-wave superconducting wire through light.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Frederick Del Pozo, Karyn Le Hur

    We show how the $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ topological index of a one-dimensional topological p-wave superconductor can be revealed when driving with a classical vector potential i.e. an electromagnetic wave, through the quasiparticles inter-band transition rates. As a function of driving frequency $\omega$, it is possible to obtain a measure of this topological invariant from the resonance envelope classifying the two distinct topological phases of the short-range Kitaev wire. We also propose to probe the topological phase transition in the model through the responses of the global capacitance in the presence of the light field and also through the Josephson current between the wire and the proximity coupled bulk superconductor. The system may also be implemented on the Bloch sphere allowing alternative ways to measure the $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological invariants through circuit or cavity quantum electrodynamics.

  • Characterization of individual charge fluctuators in Si/SiGe quantum dots.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Feiyang Ye, Ammar Ellaboudy, Dylan Albrecht, Rohith Vudatha, N. Tobias Jacobson, John M. Nichol

    Electron spins in silicon quantum dots are excellent qubits due to their long coherence times, scalability, and compatibility with advanced semiconductor technology. Although high gate fidelities can be achieved with spin qubits, charge noise in the semiconductor environment still hinders further improvements. Despite the importance of charge noise, key questions about the specific nature of the fluctuators that cause charge noise remain unanswered. Here, we probe individual two-level fluctuators (TLFs) in Si/SiGe quantum dots through simple quantum-dot transport measurement and analyses based on the Allan variance and factorial hidden Markov modeling. We find that the TLF switching times depend sensitively on gate voltages, decrease with temperature, and depend on the current through a nearby quantum dot. A model for the data of the primary TLF we study indicates that it may be a bistable charge dipole near the plunger gate electrode, heated by current through the sensor dot, and experiencing state transitions driven not by direct electron-phonon coupling but through some other mechanism such as coupling to electrons passing through the sensor dot.

  • From square plaquettes to triamond lattices for SU(2) gauge theory.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Ali H. Z. Kavaki, Randy Lewis

    Lattice gauge theory should be able to address significant new scientific questions when implemented on quantum computers. In practice, error-mitigation techniques have already allowed encouraging progress on small lattices. In this work we focus on a truncated version of SU(2) gauge theory, which is a familiar non-Abelian step toward quantum chromodynamics. First, we demonstrate effective error mitigation for imaginary time evolution on a lattice having two square plaquettes, obtaining the ground state using an IBM quantum computer and observing that this would have been impossible without error mitigation. Then we propose the triamond lattice as an expedient approach to lattice gauge theories in three spatial dimensions, deriving the Hamiltonian and obtaining energy eigenvalues and eigenstates from a noiseless simulator for a three-dimensional unit cell.

  • Superconducting flux qubit operating at zero magnetic field.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Sunmi Kim, Leonid V. Abdurakhimov, Duong Pham, Wei Qiu, Hirotaka Terai, Sahel Ashhab, Shiro Saito, Taro Yamashita, Kouichi Semba

    The operation of a conventional superconducting flux qubit requires the application of a precisely tuned magnetic field to set the operation point at half a flux quantum through the qubit loop, which makes the scaling of quantum circuits based on this type of qubits difficult. It has been proposed that, by inducing a pi phase shift in the superconducting order parameter using a precisely controlled nanoscale-thickness superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor Josephson junction, commonly referred to as pi-junction, it is possible to realize a flux qubit operating at zero magnetic flux. We report the realization of a zero-flux-biased flux qubit based on three NbN/AlN/NbN Josephson junctions and a NbN/PdNi/NbN ferromagnetic pi-junction. The qubit lifetime is in the microsecond range, which we argue is limited by quasiparticle excitations in the metallic ferromagnet layer. With further improvements in the materials of the ferromagnetic junction, the zero-flux-biased flux qubits can become a promising platform for quantum computing.

  • Empirical Risk-aware Machine Learning on Trojan-Horse Detection for Trusted Quantum Key Distribution Networks.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Hong-fu Chou, Thang X. Vu, Ilora Maity

    Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a cryptographic technique that leverages principles of quantum mechanics to offer extremely high levels of data security during transmission. It is well acknowledged for its capacity to accomplish provable security. However, the existence of a gap between theoretical concepts and practical implementation has raised concerns about the trustworthiness of QKD networks. In order to mitigate this disparity, we propose the implementation of risk-aware machine learning techniques that present risk analysis for Trojan-horse attacks over the time-variant quantum channel. The trust condition presented in this study aims to evaluate the offline assessment of safety assurance by comparing the risk levels between the recommended safety borderline. This assessment is based on the risk analysis conducted. Furthermore, the proposed trustworthy QKD scenario demonstrates its numerical findings with the assistance of a state-of-the-art point-to-point QKD device, which operates over optical quantum channels spanning distances of 1m, 1km, and 30km. Based on the results from the experimental evaluation of a 30km optical connection, it can be concluded that the QKD device provided prior information to the proposed learner during the non-existence of Eve's attack. According to the optimal classifier, the defensive gate offered by our learner possesses the capability to identify any latent Eve attacks, hence effectively mitigating the risk of potential vulnerabilities. The Eve detection probability is provably bound for our trustworthy QKD scenario.

  • Quantum Emitters in Aluminum Nitride Induced by Zirconium Ion Implantation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Alexander Senichev, Zachariah O. Martin, Yongqiang Wang, Owen M. Matthiessen, Alexei Lagutchev, Han Htoon, Alexandra Boltasseva, Vladimir M. Shalaev

    The integration of solid-state single-photon sources with foundry-compatible photonic platforms is crucial for practical and scalable quantum photonic applications. This study investigates aluminum nitride (AlN) as a material with properties highly suitable for integrated on-chip photonics specifically due to AlN capacity to host defect-center related single-photon emitters. We conduct a comprehensive study of the creation and photophysical properties of single-photon emitters in AlN utilizing Zirconium (Zr) and Krypton (Kr) heavy ion implantation and thermal annealing techniques. Guided by theoretical predictions, we assess the potential of Zr ions to create optically addressable spin-defects and employ Kr ions as an alternative approach that targets lattice defects without inducing chemical doping effects. With the 532 nm excitation wavelength, we found that single-photon emitters induced by ion implantation are primarily associated with vacancy-type defects in the AlN lattice for both Zr and Kr ions. The emitter density increases with the ion fluence, and there is an optimal value for the high density of emitters with low AlN background fluorescence. Additionally, under shorter excitation wavelength of 405 nm, Zr-implanted AlN exhibits isolated point-like emitters, which can be related to Zr-based defect complexes. This study provides important insights into the formation and properties of single-photon emitters in aluminum nitride induced by heavy ion implantation, contributing to the advancement of the aluminum nitride platform for on-chip quantum photonic applications.

  • Generating Shuttling Procedures for Constrained Silicon Quantum Dot Array.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Naoto Sato, Tomonori Sekiguchi, Takeru Utsugi, Hiroyuki Mizuno

    In silicon quantum computers, a single electron is trapped in a microstructure called a quantum dot, and its spin is used as a qubit. For large-scale integration of qubits, we previously proposed an approach of arranging the quantum dots in a two-dimensional array and sharing a control gate in a row or column of the array. In our array, the shuttling of electrons is a useful technique to operate the target qubit independently and avoid crosstalk. However, since the shuttling is also conducted using shared control gates, the movement of qubits is complexly constrained. We therefore propose a formal model on the basis of state transition systems to describe those constraints and operation procedures on the array. We also present an approach to generate operation procedures under the constraints. Utilizing this approach, we present a concrete method for our 16 $\times$ 8 quantum dot array. By implementing the proposed method as a quantum compiler, we confirmed that it is possible to generate operation procedures in a practical amount of time for arbitrary quantum circuits. We also demonstrated that crosstalk can be avoided by shuttling and that the fidelity in that case is higher than when crosstalk is not avoided.

  • Switching the sign of the Casimir force between two PEMC spheres.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tanja Schoger, Gert-Ludwig Ingold

    For non-reciprocal objects in vacuum, the Casimir interaction can become repulsive. Here, we present a comprehensive study for idealized non-reciprocal materials known as perfect electromagnetic conductors (PEMC). The system consists of two spheres made of different PEMC materials, including the plane-sphere geometry as a particular case. The sign of the Casimir force does not only depend on the distance between the spheres and their geometric parameters but can be controlled by adjusting the temperature. A repulsive Casimir interaction at small distances allows for stable equilibrium configurations of the spheres. A sum rule previously derived for the plane-plane geometry at zero temperature is violated in general, if at least one plane is replaced by a sphere.

  • Low loss hybrid Nb/Au superconducting resonators for quantum circuit applications.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Marina C. de Ory, David Rodriguez, Maria T. Magaz, Víctor Rollano, Daniel Granados, Alicia Gomez

    Superconducting resonators play a crucial role in developing forthcoming quantum computing schemes. The complete integration of molecular spin-based quantum bits with superconducting resonators still requires further developments, notably in maintaining low-loss resonances and high quality factors. In this work, we have developed a superconducting device combining a niobium (Nb) circuit with a 10 nm gold (Au) capping layer, which supports low microwave losses and enables new functionalities such as the integration of magnetic molecules into solid-state devices. Our investigation across a wide temperature and driving power range reveals that adding the Au layer reduces the density of two-level system (TLS) defects present in the device. Moreover, the presence of the thin Au layer induces a higher kinetic inductance at low temperatures, leading to enhanced responsivity. Cryogenic characterization confirms the good performance of the device, allowing these resonators to serve as platforms for hybrid devices involving molecular spin qubits/gates where the gold can anchor alkyl thiol groups to form self-assembled monolayers. Our findings suggest the potential of Nb/Au lumped element resonators (LERs) as versatile and promising tools for advancing superconducting quantum technologies and the integration of quantum functionalities into solid-state devices.

  • Soliton sheets formed by interference of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shusong Wang, Suying Zhang

    Soliton sheets which are formed by interference of Bose Einstein condensates occupying different single-particle states are observed in optical lattice potential. This structure consists of one-dimensional stationary solitons arranged periodically along the peaks of optical lattice (y direction) with the phase difference between the two sides of the soliton sheets is a linear function of y in each period, so we call it soliton sheet. A y component velocity difference exists between the two sides of the soliton sheet. Similar velocity distributions can be produced by the alignment of an infinite number of isotropic vortices along the peaks of the optical lattice. Their difference is that the soliton sheet structure is not limited by the number of phase singularities and can be generated even without phase singularities.

  • Exploring exact-factorization-based trajectories for low-energy dynamics near a conical intersection.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Lea M. Ibele, Federica Agostini

    We study low-energy dynamics generated by a two-dimensional two-state Jahn-Teller Hamiltonian in the vicinity of a conical intersection using quantum wavepacket and trajectories dynamics. Recently, these dynamics were studied by comparing the adiabatic representation and the exact factorization, with the purpose to highlight the different nature of topological- and geometric-phase effects arising in the two theoretical representation of the same problem. Here, we employ the exact factorization to understand how to model accurately low-energy dynamics in the vicinity of a conical intersection using an approximate description of the nuclear motion that uses trajectories. We find that, since nonadiabatic effects are weak but non-negligible, the trajectory-based description that invokes the classical approximation struggles to capture the correct behavior.

  • Hot electrons and singlet-fission dark excitons modulate strong-coupling conditions in metal-organic optical microcavities.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Pavel V. Kolesnichenko, Manuel Hertzog, Felix Hainer, Oskar Kefer, Jana Zaumseil, Tiago Buckup

    Polaritons, formed as a result of strong mixing between light and matter, are promising for numerous applications including organic solar cells, optical logic gates, and qubits. In low-Q organic optical microcavities, polaritonic signatures due to strong hybridization between photons and Frenkel excitons were found to decay together with the dynamics of dark excitons. A conundrum, however, remained whether dark excitons modulate exciton-photon coupling strength. It also remained unclear how dark excitons in the organic layer and hot electrons in the metal layers contribute to shaping the long-lived optical response at the energies of the hybrid states. Here, we identified that due to delocalization of polaritons over both organic and metal layers, they are sensitive to the effects of both dark excitons and hot electrons. We observed that the dynamics of dark excitons modulate exciton-photon strong coupling (Rabi energy). The role of metal layers is to contribute absorptive components near the energies of the polaritonic branches; contributions from hot electrons have also been detected. These and other mechanistic insights into the dynamics of strong-coupling conditions were supported by theoretical analysis based on non-Hermitian Hamiltonian mechanics, axially-resolved transfer-matrix simulations, global analysis of pump-probe spectra, and statistical correlation analysis. The developed methodology can be applied to other microcavity structures. Our findings pave the way for disentangling pure polaritonic effects from other excitations in organic and metal layers, with the ultimate aim of achieving photonic control over photophysical and photochemical processes.

  • Dimensional gain in sensing through higher-dimensional quantum spin chain.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shivansh Singh, Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju, Srijon Ghosh, Aditi Sen De

    Recent breakthroughs in quantum technology pave the way for extensive utilization of higher-dimensional quantum systems, which outperform their qubit counterparts in terms of capabilities and versatility. We present a framework for accurately predicting weak external magnetic fields using a higher-dimensional many-body quantum probe. We demonstrate that dimension serves as a valuable resource for quantum sensing when a transverse spin-s Ising chain interacts locally with a magnetic field whose strength has to be determined. We observe the distinct performance of sensors for spin chains with half-integer and integer spins. Furthermore, we highlight that the time duration appropriate for quantum-enhanced sensing increases with the increase of dimension. Additionally, we observe that, in addition to nearest-neighbor interactions, incorporating interactions between the next nearest-neighbor sites increases sensing precision, particularly for spin chains with integer spins. We also prove the dimensional-dependence of the bound on quantum Fisher information which provides the limit on the precision in estimating parameters.

  • Benchmarking Bayesian quantum estimation.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Valeria Cimini, Emanuele Polino, Mauro Valeri, Nicolò Spagnolo, Fabio Sciarrino

    The quest for precision in parameter estimation is a fundamental task in different scientific areas. The relevance of this problem thus provided the motivation to develop methods for the application of quantum resources to estimation protocols. Within this context, Bayesian estimation offers a complete framework for optimal quantum metrology techniques, such as adaptive protocols. However, the use of the Bayesian approach requires extensive computational resources, especially in the multiparameter estimations that represent the typical operational scenario for quantum sensors. Hence, the requirement to characterize protocols implementing Bayesian estimations can become a significant challenge. This work focuses on the crucial task of robustly benchmarking the performances of these protocols in both single and multiple-parameter scenarios. By comparing different figures of merits, evidence is provided in favor of using the median of the quadratic error in the estimations in order to mitigate spurious effects due to the numerical discretization of the parameter space, the presence of limited data, and numerical instabilities. These results, providing a robust and reliable characterization of Bayesian protocols, find natural applications to practical problems within the quantum estimation framework.

  • Many-excitation removal of a transmon qubit using a single-junction quantum-circuit refrigerator and a two-tone microwave drive.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Wallace Teixeira, Timm Mörstedt, Arto Viitanen, Heidi Kivijärvi, András Gunyhó, Maaria Tiiri, Suman Kundu, Aashish Sah, Vasilii Vadimov, Mikko Möttönen

    Achieving fast and precise initialization of qubits is a critical requirement for the successful operation of quantum computers. The combination of engineered environments with all-microwave techniques has recently emerged as a promising approach for the reset of superconducting quantum devices. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate the utilization of a single-junction quantum-circuit refrigerator (QCR) for an expeditious removal of several excitations from a transmon qubit. The QCR is indirectly coupled to the transmon through a resonator in the dispersive regime, constituting a carefully engineered environmental spectrum for the transmon. Using single-shot readout, we observe excitation stabilization times down to roughly $500$ ns, a $20$-fold speedup with QCR and a simultaneous two-tone drive addressing the $e$-$f$ and $f0$-$g1$ transitions of the system. Our results are obtained at a $48$-mK fridge temperature and without postselection, fully capturing the advantage of the protocol for the short-time dynamics and the drive-induced detrimental asymptotic behavior in the presence of relatively hot other baths of the transmon. We validate our results with a detailed Liouvillian model truncated up to the three-excitation subspace, from which we estimate the performance of the protocol in optimized scenarios, such as cold transmon baths and fine-tuned driving frequencies. These results pave the way for optimized reset of quantum-electric devices using engineered environments and for dissipation-engineered state preparation.

  • Super-exponential quantum advantage for finding the center of a sphere.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Guanzhong Li, Lvzhou Li

    This article considers the geometric problem of finding the center of a sphere in vector space over finite fields, given samples of random points on the sphere. We propose a quantum algorithm based on continuous-time quantum walks that needs only a constant number of samples to find the center. We also prove that any classical algorithm for the same task requires approximately as many samples as the dimension of the vector space, by a reduction to an old and basic algebraic result -- Warning's second theorem. Thus, a super-exponential quantum advantage is revealed for the first time for a natural and intuitive geometric problem.

  • Shadow simulation of quantum processes.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Xuanqiang Zhao, Xin Wang, Giulio Chiribella

    We introduce the task of shadow process simulation, where the goal is to reproduce the expectation values of arbitrary quantum observables at the output of a target physical process. When the sender and receiver share classical random bits, we show that the performance of shadow process simulation exceeds that of conventional process simulation protocols in a variety of scenarios including communication, noise simulation, and data compression. Remarkably, shadow simulation provides increased accuracy without any increase in the sampling cost. Overall, shadow simulation provides a unified framework for a variety of quantum protocols, including probabilistic error cancellation and circuit knitting in quantum computing.

  • Confinement Induced Resonances in Spherical Shell Traps.- [PDF] - [Article]

    C. Moritz Carmesin, Maxim A. Efremov

    We have computed exactly the energy spectrum and corresponding wave functions of two bosonic particles, which are confined in a spherically symmetric shell-shaped trap and interact with each other via a three-dimensional zero-range potential. Confinement induced resonances (CIRs), originating entirely from the strong coupling of the relative and center-of-mass motions of the two particles, are identified as avoided crossings at certain values of the shell radius. By working close to the found CIRs, these results offer a new way to enhance the atom-atom interaction in the atomic gas by tuning only the geometrical parameters of the shell.

  • Spin Noise Spectroscopy of a Single Spin using Single Detected Photons.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Manuel Gundín, Paul Hilaire, Clément Millet, Elham Mehdi, Carlos Antón, Abdelmounaim Harouri, Aristide Lemaître, Isabelle Sagnes, Niccolo Somaschi, Olivier Krebs, Pascale Senellart, Loïc Lanco

    Spin noise spectroscopy has become a widespread technique to extract information on spin dynamics in atomic and solid-state systems, in a potentially non-invasive way, through the optical probing of spin fluctuations. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new approach in spin noise spectroscopy, based on the detection of single photons. Due to the large spin-dependent polarization rotations provided by a deterministically-coupled quantum dot-micropillar device, giant spin noise signals induced by a single-hole spin are extracted in the form of photon-photon cross-correlations. Ultimately, such a technique can be extended to an ultrafast regime probing mechanisms down to few tens of picoseconds.

  • Integrability and chaos in the quantum brachistochrone problem.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Malikis, V. Cheianov

    The quantum brachistochrone problem addresses the fundamental challenge of achieving the quantum speed limit in applications aiming to realize a given unitary operation in a quantum system. Specifically, it looks into optimization of the transformation of quantum states through controlled Hamiltonians, which form a small subset in the space of the system's observables. Here we introduce a broad family of completely integrable brachistochrone protocols, which arise from a judicious choice of the control Hamiltonian subset. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the inherent stability of the completely integrable protocols makes them numerically tractable and therefore practicable as opposed to their non-integrable counterparts.

  • Liouvillian Exceptional Points of Non-Hermitian Systems via Quantum Process Tomography.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Shilan Abo, Patrycja Tulewicz, Karol Bartkiewicz, Şahin K. Özdemir, Adam Miranowicz

    Hamiltonian exceptional points (HEPs) are spectral degeneracies of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians describing classical and semiclassical open systems with gain and/or loss. However, this definition overlooks the occurrence of quantum jumps in the evolution of open quantum systems. These quantum effects are properly accounted for by considering Liouvillians and their exceptional points (LEPs) [Minganti et al., Phys. Rev. A {\bf 100}, 062131 (2019)]. Here, we explicitly describe how standard quantum process tomography, which reveals the dynamics of a quantum system, can be readily applied to reveal and characterize LEPs of non-Hermitian systems. We conducted experiments on an IBM quantum processor to implement a prototype model simulating the decay of a single qubit through three competing channels. Subsequently, we performed tomographic reconstruction of the corresponding experimental Liouvillians and their LEPs using both single- and two-qubit operations. This example underscores the efficacy of process tomography in tuning and observing LEPs, despite the absence of HEPs in the model.

  • Geometric measure of entanglement of quantum graph states prepared with controlled phase shift operators.- [PDF] - [Article]

    N. A. Susulovska

    We consider graph states generated by the action of controlled phase shift operators on a separable state of a multi-qubit system. The case when all the qubits are initially prepared in arbitrary states is investigated. We obtain the geometric measure of entanglement of a qubit with the remaining system in graph states represented by arbitrary weighted graphs and establish its relationship with state parameters. For two-qubit graph states, the geometric measure of entanglement is also quantified on IBM's simulator Qiskit Aer and quantum processor ibmq lima based on auxiliary mean spin measurements. The results of quantum computations verify our analytical predictions.

  • Protocol for certifying entanglement in surface spin systems using a scanning tunneling microscope.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Rik Broekhoven, Curie Lee, Soo-hyon Phark, Sander Otte, Christoph Wolf

    Certifying quantum entanglement is a critical step towards realizing quantum-coherent applications of surface spin systems. In this work, we show that entanglement can be unambiguously shown in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) with electron spin resonance by exploiting the fact that entangled states undergo a free time evolution with a distinct characteristic time constant that clearly distinguishes it from any other time evolution in the system. By implementing a suitable phase control scheme, the phase of this time evolution can be mapped back onto the population of one entangled spin in a pair, which can then be read out reliably using a weakly coupled sensor spin in the junction of the scanning tunneling microscope. We demonstrate through open quantum system simulations with realistic spin systems, which are currently available with spin coherence times of $T_2\approx$ 300 ns, that a signal directly correlated with the degree of entanglement can be measured at a temperature range of 100$-$400 mK accessible in sub-Kelvin cryogenic STM systems.

  • Symmetries in the many-body problems, a method to find its ayalytical solution, and Helium atom spectrum.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Siddhesh C. Ambhire

    In this work it is shown that there are symmetries beyond the Euclidean group $E\left(3\right)$ in 3-body problem, and by extension in many-body problem, with inverse squared distance inter particle force. The symmetries in 3-body problem form a group: $SO\left(4\times3,2\times3\right)/\left(C\left(3\times2\right)\right)$, where $C\left(n\right)$ is the planar translation group in n dimensions, which forms its Spectrum-Generating group. Some of these quantities commute with the Hamiltonian. The existence of these conserved quantities was verified by calculating energy spectrum of the Helium atom. This method can also be used to find symmetries in many-body problem, and to calculate energy levels, and wave-functions of more complicated systems, which include every possible atomic and molecular systems in chemistry.

  • A Nonlinear Journey from Structural Phase Transitions to Quantum Annealing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Mithun Thudiyanga, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Avadh Saxena, Alan R. Bishop

    Motivated by an exact mapping between equilibrium properties of a 1-dimensional chain of quantum Ising spins in a transverse field (the transverse field Ising (TFI) model) and a 2-dimensional classical array of particles in double-well potentials (the "$\phi^4$ model") with weak inter-chain coupling, we explore connections between the driven variants of the two systems. We argue that coupling between the fundamental topological solitary waves in the form of kinks between neighboring chains in the classical $\phi^4$ system is the analogue of the competing effect of the transverse field on spin flips in the quantum TFI model. As an example application, we mimic simplified measurement protocols in a closed quantum model system by studying the classical $\phi^4$ model subjected to periodic perturbations. This reveals memory/loss of memory and coherence/decoherence regimes, whose quantum analogues are essential in annealing phenomena. In particular, we examine regimes where the topological excitations control the thermal equilibration following perturbations. This paves the way for further explorations of the analogy between lower-dimensional linear quantum and higher-dimensional classical nonlinear systems.

  • Concurrence distribution in excited states of the 1D spin-1/2 transverse field XY model: two different regions.- [PDF] - [Article]

    S. Mahdavifar, Z. Balador, M. R. Soltani

    We investigate the variation of concurrence in a spin-1/2 transverse field XY chain system in an excited state. Initially, we precisely solve the eigenvalue problem of the system Hamiltonian using the fermionization technique. Subsequently, we calculate the concurrence between nearest-neighbor pairs of spins in all excited states with higher energy than the ground state. Below the factorized field, denoted as $h_f=\sqrt{J^2-(J \delta)^2}$, we find no pairwise entanglement between nearest neighbors in excited states. At the factorized field, corresponding to a factorized state, we observe weak concurrence in very low energy states. Beyond $h_f$, the concurrence strengthens, entangling all excited states. The density of entangled states peaks at the center of the excited spectrum. Additionally, the distribution of concurrence reveals that the midpoint of the non-zero concurrence range harbors the most entangled excited states.

  • Efficient High-Dimensional Entangled State Analyzer with Linear Optics.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Niv Bharos, Liubov Markovich, Johannes Borregaard

    The use of higher-dimensional photonic encodings (qudits) instead of two-dimensional encodings (qubits) can improve the loss tolerance and reduce the computational resources of photonic-based quantum information processing. To harness this potential, efficient schemes for entangling operations such as the high-dimensional generalization of a linear optics Bell measurement will be required. We show how an efficient high-dimensional entangled state analyzer can be implemented with linear optics and auxiliary photonic states. The Schmidt rank of the auxiliary state in our protocol scales only linearly with the dimensions of the input states instead of more than exponentially, as in previous proposals. In addition, we outline how the state can be generated deterministically from a single quantum emitter coupled to a small qubit processor. Our protocol thus outlines an experimentally feasible route for efficient, high-dimensional entangled state analyzers with linear optics.

  • Universality conditions of unified classical and quantum reservoir computing.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Francesco Monzani, Enrico Prati

    Reservoir computing is a versatile paradigm in computational neuroscience and machine learning, that exploits the non-linear dynamics of a dynamical system - the reservoir - to efficiently process time-dependent information. Since its introduction, it has exhibited remarkable capabilities in various applications. As widely known, classes of reservoir computers serve as universal approximators of functionals with fading memory. The construction of such universal classes often appears context-specific, but in fact, they follow the same principles. Here we present a unified theoretical framework and we propose a ready-made setting to secure universality. We test the result in the arising context of quantum reservoir computing. Guided by such a unified theorem we suggest why spatial multiplexing may serve as a computational resource when dealing with quantum registers, as empirically observed in specific implementations on quantum hardware. The analysis sheds light on a unified view of classical and quantum reservoir computing.

  • Quantum types: going beyond qubits and quantum gates.- [PDF] - [Article]

    Tamás Varga, Yaiza Aragonés-Soria, Manuel Oriol

    Quantum computing is a growing field with significant potential applications. Learning how to code quantum programs means understanding how qubits work and learning to use quantum gates. This is analogous to creating classical algorithms using logic gates and bits. Even after learning all concepts, it is difficult to create new algorithms, which hinders the acceptance of quantum programming by most developers. This article outlines the need for higher-level abstractions and proposes some of them in a developer-friendly programming language called Rhyme. The new quantum types are extensions of classical types, including bits, integers, floats, characters, arrays, and strings. We show how to use such types with code snippets.

  • Self phase-matched broadband amplification with a left-handed Josephson transmission line.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    C. Kow, V. Podolskiy, A. Kamal

    Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (J-TWPAs) are promising platforms for realizing broadband quantum-limited amplification of microwave signals. However, substantial gain in such systems is attainable only when strict constraints on phase matching of the signal, idler and pump waves are satisfied -- this is rendered particularly challenging in the presence of nonlinear effects, such as self- and cross-phase modulation, which scale with the intensity of propagating signals. In this work, we present a simple J-TWPA design based on `left-handed' (negative-index) nonlinear Josephson metamaterial, which has phase matching native to its design precluding the need for any complicated circuit or dispersion engineering. The resultant efficiency of four-wave mixing process can implement gains in excess of 20 dB over few GHz bandwidths with much shorter lines than previous implementations. Furthermore, the autonomous nature of phase matching considerably simplifies the J-TWPA design than previous implementations based on `right-handed' (positive index) Josephson metamaterials, making the proposed architecture particularly appealing from a fabrication perspective. The left-handed JTL introduced here constitutes a new modality in distributed Josephson circuits, and forms a crucial piece of the unified framework that can be used to inform the optimal design and operation of broadband microwave amplifiers.

  • Digital quantum simulation of non-perturbative dynamics of open systems with orthogonal polynomials.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    José D. Guimarães, Mikhail I. Vasilevskiy, Luís S. Barbosa

    Classical non-perturbative simulations of open quantum systems' dynamics face several scalability problems, namely, exponential scaling of the computational effort as a function of either the time length of the simulation or the size of the open system. In this work, we propose the use of the Time Evolving Density operator with Orthogonal Polynomials Algorithm (TEDOPA) on a quantum computer, which we term as Quantum TEDOPA (Q-TEDOPA), to simulate non-perturbative dynamics of open quantum systems linearly coupled to a bosonic environment (continuous phonon bath). By performing a change of basis of the Hamiltonian, the TEDOPA yields a chain of harmonic oscillators with only local nearest-neighbour interactions, making this algorithm suitable for implementation on quantum devices with limited qubit connectivity such as superconducting quantum processors. We analyse in detail the implementation of the TEDOPA on a quantum device and show that exponential scalings of computational resources can potentially be avoided for time-evolution simulations of the systems considered in this work. We applied the proposed method to the simulation of the exciton transport between two light-harvesting molecules in the regime of moderate coupling strength to a non-Markovian harmonic oscillator environment on an IBMQ device. Applications of the Q-TEDOPA span problems which can not be solved by perturbation techniques belonging to different areas, such as the dynamics of quantum biological systems and strongly correlated condensed matter systems.

  • Localization in the random XXZ quantum spin chain.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander Elgart, Abel Klein

    We study the many-body localization (MBL) properties of the Heisenberg XXZ spin-$\frac12$ chain in a random magnetic field. We prove that the system exhibits localization in any given energy interval at the bottom of the spectrum in a nontrivial region of the parameter space. This region, which includes weak interaction and strong disorder regimes, is independent of the size of the system and depends only on the energy interval. Our approach is based on the reformulation of the localization problem as an expression of quasi-locality for functions of the random many-body XXZ Hamiltonian. This allows us to extend the fractional moment method for proving localization, previously derived in a single-particle localization context, to the many-body setting.

  • A study of the violation of the Bell-CHSH inequality through a pairing mechanism.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Silvio Paolo Sorella

    The violation of the Bell-CHSH inequality for bipartite systems is discussed by making use of the pseudospin operators which enable us to group all modes of the Hilbert space of the system in pairs. We point out that a single pair can be already employed to perform a test of the Bell-CHSH inequality in order to check out its violation. The mechanism is illustrated with the help of $N00N$ states as well as with coherent and squeezed states.

  • Creation and annihilation operators for 2D non-abelian anyons.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nicetu Tibau Vidal, Lucia Vilchez-Estevez

    We define creation and annihilation operators for any 2D non-abelian anyon theory by studying the algebraic structure from the anyon diagrammatic formalism. We construct the creation operators for Fibonacci anyons explicitly. We obtain that a single creation operator per particle type is not enough; we need an extra creation operator for every alternative fusion channel. We express any physically allowed observable in terms of these creation and annihilation operators. Finally, we express the 2D Fibonacci Hubbard Hamiltonian in terms of the Fibonacci creation and annihilation operators, and we comment on developing methods for simulation based on these creation and annihilation operators.

  • Minimizing readout-induced noise for early fault-tolerant quantum computers.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Yunzhe Zheng, Keita Kanno

    Quantum error correcting code can diagnose potential errors and correct them based on measured outcomes by leveraging syndrome measurement. However, mid-circuit measurement has been technically challenging for early fault-tolerant quantum computers and the readout-induced noise acts as a main contributor to the logical infidelity. We present a different method for syndrome extraction, namely Generalized Syndrome Measurement, that requires only a single-shot measurement on a single ancilla, while the canonical syndrome measurement requires multiple measurements to extract the eigenvalue for each stabilizer generator. As such, we can detect the error in the logical state with minimized readout-induced noise. By adopting our method as a pre-check routine for quantum error correcting cycles, we can significantly reduce the readout overhead, the idling time, and the logical error rate during syndrome measurement. We numerically analyze the performance of our protocol using Iceberg code and Steane code under realistic noise parameters based on superconducting hardware and demonstrate the advantage of our protocol in the near-term scenario. As mid-circuit measurements are still error-prone for near-term quantum hardware, our method may boost the applications of early fault-tolerant quantum computing.

  • Minimal orthonormal bases for pure quantum state estimation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Leonardo Zambrano, Luciano Pereira, Aldo Delgado

    We present an analytical method to estimate pure quantum states using a minimum of three measurement bases in any finite-dimensional Hilbert space. This is optimal as two bases are insufficient to construct an informationally complete positive operator-valued measurement (IC-POVM) for pure states. We demonstrate our method using a binary tree structure, providing an algorithmic path for implementation. The performance of the method is evaluated through numerical simulations, showcasing its effectiveness for quantum state estimation.

  • Tuning atom-field interaction via phase shaping.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Y.-T. Cheng, C.-H. Chien, K.-M. Hsieh, Y.-H. Huang, P. Y. Wen, W.-J. Lin, Y. Lu, F. Aziz, C.-P. Lee, K.-T. Lin, C.-Y. Chen, J. C. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, A. F. Kockum, G.-D. Lin, Y.-H. Lin, I.-C. Hoi

    A coherent electromagnetic field can be described by its amplitude, frequency, and phase. All these properties can influence the interaction between the field and an atom. Here we demonstrate the phase shaping of microwaves that are scattered by a superconducting artificial atom coupled to the end of a semi-infinite 1D transmission line. In particular, we input a weak exponentially rising pulse with phase modulation to a transmon qubit. We observe that field-atom interaction can be tuned from nearly full interaction (interaction efficiency, i.e., amount of the field energy interacting with the atom, of 94.5%) to effectively no interaction (interaction efficiency 3.5%).

  • Splitting and Parallelizing of Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks for Learning Translationally Symmetric Data.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Koki Chinzei, Quoc Hoan Tran, Kazunori Maruyama, Hirotaka Oshima, Shintaro Sato

    The quantum convolutional neural network (QCNN) is a promising quantum machine learning (QML) model that is expected to achieve quantum advantages in classically intractable problems. However, the QCNN requires a large number of measurements for data learning, limiting its practical applications in large-scale problems. To alleviate this requirement, we propose a novel architecture called split-parallelizing QCNN (sp-QCNN), which exploits the prior knowledge of quantum data to design an efficient model. This architecture draws inspiration from geometric quantum machine learning and targets translationally symmetric quantum data commonly encountered in physics and quantum computing science. By splitting the quantum circuit based on translational symmetry, the sp-QCNN can substantially parallelize the conventional QCNN without increasing the number of qubits and improve the measurement efficiency by an order of the number of qubits. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we apply the sp-QCNN to a quantum phase recognition task and show that it can achieve comparable classification accuracy to the conventional QCNN while considerably reducing the measurement resources required. Due to its high measurement efficiency, the sp-QCNN can mitigate statistical errors in estimating the gradient of the loss function, thereby accelerating the learning process. These results open up new possibilities for incorporating the prior data knowledge into the efficient design of QML models, leading to practical quantum advantages.

  • Shadow-based quantum subspace algorithm for the nuclear shell model.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Ruyu Yang, Tianren Wang, Bing-Nan Lu, Ying Li, Xiaosi Xu

    In recent years, researchers have been exploring the applications of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computation in various fields. One important area in which quantum computation can outperform classical computers is the ground state problem of a many-body system, e.g., the nucleus. However, using a quantum computer in the NISQ era to solve a meaningful-scale system remains a challenge. To calculate the ground energy of nuclear systems, we propose a new algorithm that combines classical shadow and subspace diagonalization techniques. Our subspace is composed of matrices, with the basis of the subspace being the classical shadow of the quantum state. We test our algorithm on nuclei described by Cohen-Kurath shell model and USD shell model. We find that the accuracy of the results improves as the number of shots increases, following the Heisenberg scaling.

  • System-bath entanglement of noninteracting fermionic impurities: Equilibrium, transient, and steady-state regimes.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Krzysztof Ptaszynski, Massimiliano Esposito

    We investigate the behavior of entanglement between a single fermionic level and a fermionic bath in three distinct thermodynamic regimes. First, in thermal equilibrium, we analyze the dependence of entanglement on the considered statistical ensemble: for the grand canonical state, it is generated only for a sufficiently strong system-bath coupling, whereas it is present for arbitrarily weak couplings for the canonical state with a fixed particle number. The threshold coupling strength, at which entanglement appears, is shown to strongly depend on the bath bandwidth. Second, we consider the relaxation to equilibrium. In this case a transient entanglement in a certain time interval can be observed even in the weak-coupling regime, when the reduced dynamics and thermodynamics of the system can be well described by an effectively classical and Markovian master equation for the state populations. At strong coupling strengths, entanglement is preserved for long times and converges to its equilibrium value. Finally, in voltage-driven junctions, a steady-state entanglement is generated for arbitrarily weak system-bath couplings at a certain threshold voltage. It is enhanced in the strong-coupling regime, and it is reduced by either the particle-hole or the tunnel coupling asymmetry.

  • Optimization tools for distance-preserving flag fault-tolerant error correction.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Balint Pato, Theerapat Tansuwannont, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown

    Lookup table decoding is fast and distance-preserving, making it attractive for near-term quantum computer architectures with small-distance quantum error-correcting codes. In this work, we develop several optimization tools that can potentially reduce the space and time overhead required for flag fault-tolerant quantum error correction (FTQEC) with lookup table decoding on Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) codes. Our techniques include the compact lookup table construction, the Meet-in-the-Middle technique, the adaptive time decoding for flag FTQEC, the classical processing technique for flag information, and the separated $X$ and $Z$ counting technique. We evaluate the performance of our tools using numerical simulation of hexagonal color codes of distances 3, 5, 7, and 9 under circuit-level noise. Combining all tools can result in more than an order of magnitude increase in pseudothreshold for the hexagonal color code of distance 9, from $(1.34 \pm 0.01) \times 10^{-4}$ to $(1.42 \pm 0.12) \times 10^{-3}$.

  • Efficient tensor network simulation of IBM's Eagle kicked Ising experiment.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joseph Tindall, Matt Fishman, Miles Stoudenmire, Dries Sels

    We report an accurate and efficient classical simulation of a kicked Ising quantum system on the heavy-hexagon lattice. A simulation of this system was recently performed on a 127 qubit quantum processor using noise mitigation techniques to enhance accuracy (Nature volume 618, p.~500-505 (2023)). Here we show that, by adopting a tensor network approach that reflects the geometry of the lattice and is approximately contracted using belief propagation, we can perform a classical simulation that is significantly more accurate and precise than the results obtained from the quantum processor and many other classical methods. We quantify the tree-like correlations of the wavefunction in order to explain the accuracy of our belief propagation-based approach. We also show how our method allows us to perform simulations of the system to long times in the thermodynamic limit, corresponding to a quantum computer with an infinite number of qubits. Our tensor network approach has broader applications for simulating the dynamics of quantum systems with tree-like correlations.

  • Autonomous Distribution of Programmable Multiqubit Entanglement in a Dual-Rail Quantum Network.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Joan Agustí, Xin H. H. Zhang, Yuri Minoguchi, Peter Rabl

    We propose and analyze a scalable and fully autonomous scheme for preparing spatially distributed multiqubit entangled states in a dual-rail waveguide QED setup. In this approach, arrays of qubits located along two separated waveguides are illuminated by correlated photons from the output of a nondegenerate parametric amplifier. These photons drive the qubits into different classes of pure entangled steady states, for which the degree of multipartite entanglement can be conveniently adjusted by the chosen pattern of local qubit-photon detunings. Numerical simulations for moderate-sized networks show that the preparation time for these complex multiqubit states increases at most linearly with the system size and that one may benefit from an additional speedup in the limit of a large amplifier bandwidth. Therefore, this scheme offers an intriguing new route for distributing ready-to-use multipartite entangled states across large quantum networks, without requiring any precise pulse control and relying on a single Gaussian entanglement source only.

  • Combining contextuality and causality: a game semantics approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Samson Abramsky, Rui Soares Barbosa, Amy Searle

    We develop an approach to combining contextuality with causality, which is general enough to cover causal background structure, adaptive measurement-based quantum computation, and causal networks. The key idea is to view contextuality as arising from a game played between Experimenter and Nature, allowing for causal dependencies in the actions of both the Experimenter (choice of measurements) and Nature (choice of outcomes).

  • Critical steady states of all-to-all squeezed and driven superradiance: An analytic approach.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Diego Barberena, Ana Maria Rey

    We analyse the properties across steady state phase transitions of two all-to-all driven-dissipative spin models that describe possible dynamics of N two-level systems inside an optical cavity. We show that the finite size behaviour around the critical points can be captured correctly by carefully identifying the relevant non-linearities in the Holstein-Primakoff representation of spin operators in terms of bosonic variables. With these tools, we calculate analytically various observables across the phase transitions and obtain their finite size scalings, including numerical prefactors. In particular, we look at the amount of spin squeezing carried by the steady states, of relevance for quantum metrology applications, and describe in analytical detail the mechanism by which the optimal spin squeezing acquires logarithmic corrections that depend on the system size. We also demonstrate that the logarithmic nature of these corrections is difficult to characterize through numerical procedures for any experimentally realistic and/or simulable values of particle number. We complement all of our analytical arguments with numerical benchmarks.

  • A Scheme to Implement a Universal Two-Qubit Quantum Circuit using Cross-Resonance Hamiltonian.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    M. Karthick Selvan, S. Balakrishnan

    In this brief report, we propose a circuit which is locally equivalent to a recently proposed universal two-qubit quantum circuit involving two applications of special perfect entanglers (SPEs) and local y-rotations. Further, we discuss a scheme to implement the equivalent circuit using cross-resonance Hamiltonian. We implement the B-gate circuit using a CNOT gate and a \sqrt{\text{CNOT}} gate. This requires the implementation time which is approximately 64.84% of the time required to implement the same gate using two CNOT gates. We also show that (n - 1) applications of B-gate can generate both the n-qubit GHZ state and n-qubit perfect W state.

  • Number-State Reconstruction with a Single Single-Photon Avalanche Detector.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Patrick Banner, Deniz Kurdak, Yaxin Li, Alan Migdall, J. V. Porto, S. L. Rolston

    Single-photon avalanche detectors (SPADs) are crucial sensors of light for many fields and applications. However, they are not able to resolve photon number, so typically more complex and more expensive experimental setups or devices must be used to measure the number of photons in a pulse. Here we present a methodology for performing photon number-state reconstruction with only one SPAD. The methodology, which is cost-effective and easy to implement, uses maximum-likelihood techniques with a detector model whose parameters are measurable. We achieve excellent agreement between known input pulses and their reconstructions for coherent states with up to $\approx 10$ photons and peak input photon rates up to several Mcounts/s. When detector imperfections are small, we maintain good agreement for coherent pulses with peak input photon rates of over 40 Mcounts/s, greater than one photon per detector dead time. For anti-bunched light, the reconstructed and independently measured pulse-averaged values of $g^{(2)}(0)$ are also consistent with one another. Our algorithm is applicable to light pulses whose pulse width and correlation timescales are both at least a few detector dead times. These results, achieved with single commercially available SPADs, provide an inexpensive number-state reconstruction method and expand the capabilities of single-photon detectors.

  • Modifying cooperative decay via disorder in atom arrays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nik O. Gjonbalaj, Stefan Ostermann, Susanne F. Yelin

    Atomic arrays can exhibit collective light emission when the transition wavelength exceeds their lattice spacing. Subradiant states take advantage of this phenomenon to drastically reduce their overall decay rate, allowing for long-lived states in dissipative open systems. We build on previous work to investigate whether or not disorder can further decrease the decay rate of a singly-excited atomic array. More specifically, we consider spatial disorder of varying strengths in a 1D half waveguide and in 1D, 2D, and 3D atomic arrays in free space and analyze the effect on the most subradiant modes. While we confirm that the dilute half waveguide exhibits an analog of Anderson localization, the dense half waveguide and free space systems can be understood through the creation of close-packed, few-body subradiant states similar to those found in the Dicke limit. In general, we find that disorder provides little advantage in generating darker subradiant states in free space on average and will often accelerate decay. However, one could potentially change interatomic spacing within the array to engineer specific subradiant states.

  • Design and simulation of a transmon qubit chip for Axion detection.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Roberto Moretti, Hervè Atsè Corti, Danilo Labranca, Felix Ahrens, Guerino Avallone, Danilo Babusci, Leonardo Banchi, Carlo Barone, Matteo Mario Beretta, Matteo Borghesi, Bruno Buonomo, Enrico Calore, Giovanni Carapella, Fabio Chiarello, Alessandro Cian, Alessando Cidronali, Filippo Costa, Alessandro Cuccoli, Alessandro D'Elia, Daniele Di Gioacchino, Stefano Di Pascoli, Paolo Falferi, Marco Fanciulli, Marco Faverzani, Giulietto Felici, Elena Ferri, Giovanni Filatrella, Luca Gennaro Foggetta, Claudio Gatti, Andrea Giachero, Francesco Giazotto, Damiano Giubertoni, Veronica Granata, Claudio Guarcello, Gianluca Lamanna, Carlo Ligi, Giovanni Maccarrone, Massimo Macucci, Giuliano Manara, Federica Mantegazzini, Paolo Marconcini, Benno Margesin, Francesco Mattioli, Andrea Miola, Angelo Nucciotti, et al. (12 additional authors not shown)

    Quantum Sensing is a rapidly expanding research field that finds one of its applications in Fundamental Physics, as the search for Dark Matter. Devices based on superconducting qubits have already been successfully applied in detecting few-GHz single photons via Quantum Non-Demolition measurement (QND). This technique allows us to perform repeatable measurements, bringing remarkable sensitivity improvements and dark count rate suppression in experiments based on high-precision microwave photon detection, such as for Axions and Dark Photons search. In this context, the INFN Qub-IT project goal is to realize an itinerant single-photon counter based on superconducting qubits that will exploit QND for enhancing Axion search experiments. In this study, we present Qub-IT's status towards the realization of its first superconducting qubit device, illustrating design and simulation procedures and the characterization of fabricated Coplanar Waveguide Resonators (CPWs) for readout. We match target qubit parameters and assess a few-percent level agreement between lumped and distributed element simulation models. We reach a maximum internal quality factor of 9.2x10^5 for -92 dBm on-chip readout power.

  • Continuous Transition Between Weak and Strong Thermalization using Rigorous Bounds on Equilibration of Isolated Systems.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Luis Fernando dos Prazeres, Thiago R. de Oliveira

    We analyze strong and weak thermalization regimes from a perspective of rigorous mathematical upper bounds on the equilibration of isolated quantum systems. We show that weak equilibration can be understood to be due to the small effective dimension of the initial state. Furthermore, analyzing the scaling of an upper bound on the fluctuations, we show that the observable fluctuations decay exponentially with the system size for both weak and strong thermalization indicating no sharp transitions between these two regimes.

  • On the connection between least squares, regularization, and classical shadows.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Zhihui Zhu, Joseph M. Lukens, Brian T. Kirby

    Classical shadows (CS) offer a resource-efficient means to estimate quantum observables, circumventing the need for exhaustive state tomography. Here, we clarify and explore the connection between CS techniques and least squares (LS) and regularized least squares (RLS) methods commonly used in machine learning and data analysis. By formal identification of LS and RLS "shadows" completely analogous to those in CS -- namely, point estimators calculated from the empirical frequencies of single measurements -- we show that both RLS and CS can be viewed as regularizers for the underdetermined regime, replacing the pseudoinverse with invertible alternatives. Through numerical simulations, we evaluate RLS and CS from three distinct angles: the tradeoff in bias and variance, mismatch between the expected and actual measurement distributions, and the interplay between the number of measurements and number of shots per measurement. Compared to CS, RLS attains lower variance at the expense of bias, is robust to distribution mismatch, and is more sensitive to the number of shots for a fixed number of state copies -- differences that can be understood from the distinct approaches taken to regularization. Conceptually, our integration of LS, RLS, and CS under a unifying "shadow" umbrella aids in advancing the overall picture of CS techniques, while practically our results highlight the tradeoffs intrinsic to these measurement approaches, illuminating the circumstances under which either RLS or CS would be preferred, such as unverified randomness for the former or unbiased estimation for the latter.

  • A Pure Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Based on CNR Operation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Da You Lv, An Min Wang

    By introducing the "comparison and replacement" (CNR) operation, we propose a general-purpose pure quantum approximate optimization algorithm and derive its core optimization mechanism quantitatively. The algorithm is constructed to a $p$-level divide-and-conquer structure based on the CNR operations. The quality of approximate optimization improves with the increase of $p$. For sufficiently general optimization problems, the algorithm can work and produce the near-optimal solutions as expected with considerably high probability. Moreover, we demonstrate that the algorithm is scalable to be applied to large size problems. Our algorithm is applied to two optimization problems with significantly different degeneracy, the Gaussian weighted 2-edge graph and MAX-2-XOR, and then we show the algorithm performance in detail when the required qubits number of the two optimization problems is 10.

  • Non-Hermitian extended midgap states and bound states in the continuum.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Maria Zelenayova, Emil J. Bergholtz

    We investigate anomalous localization phenomena in non-Hermitian systems by solving a class of generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger/Rice-Mele models and by relating their provenance to fundamental notions of topology, symmetry-breaking and biorthogonality. We find two flavours of bound states in the continuum, both stable even in the absence of chiral symmetry. The first being skin bulk states which are protected by the spectral winding number. The second flavour is constituted by boundary modes associated with a quantized biorthogonal polarization. Furthermore, we find the extended state stemming from the boundary state that delocalizes while remaining in the gap at bulk critical points. This state may also delocalize within a continuum of localized (skin) states. These results clarify fundamental aspects of topology, and symmetry in the light of different approaches to the anomalous non-Hermitan bulk-boundary correspondence -- and are of direct experimental relevance for mechanical, electrical and photonic systems.

  • Coin dimensionality as a resource in quantum metrology involving discrete-time quantum walks.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Simone Cavazzoni, Luca Razzoli, Giovanni Ragazzi, Paolo Bordone, Matteo G. A. Paris

    We address metrological problems where the parameter of interest is encoded in the internal degree of freedom of a discrete-time quantum walker, and provide evidence that coin dimensionality is a potential resource to enhance precision. In particular, we consider estimation problems where the coin parameter governs rotations around a given axis and show that the corresponding quantum Fisher information (QFI) may increase with the dimension of the coin. We determine the optimal initial state of the walker to maximize the QFI and discuss whether, and to which extent, precision enhancement may be achieved by measuring only the position of the walker. Finally, we consider Grover-like encoding of the parameter and compare results with those obtained from rotation encoding.

  • Atomic excitation trapping in dissimilar chirally-coupled atomic arrays.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    I Gusti Ngurah Yudi Handayana, Chun-Chi Wu, Sumit Goswami, Ying-Cheng Chen, H. H. Jen

    Atomic array coupled to a one-dimensional nanophotonic waveguide allows photon-mediated dipole-dipole interactions and nonreciprocal decay channels, which hosts many intriguing quantum phenomena owing to its distinctive and emergent quantum correlations. In this atom-waveguide quantum system, we theoretically investigate the atomic excitation dynamics and its transport property, specifically at an interface of dissimilar atomic arrays with different interparticle distances. We find that the atomic excitation dynamics hugely depends on the interparticle distances of dissimilar arrays and the directionality of nonreciprocal couplings. By tuning these parameters, a dominant excitation reflection can be achieved at the interface of the arrays in the single excitation case. We further study two effects on the transport property-of external drive and of single excitation delocalization over multiple atoms, where we manifest a rich interplay between multi-site excitation and the relative phase in determining the transport properties. Finally, we present an intriguing trapping effect of atomic excitation by designing multiple zones of dissimilar arrays. Similar to the single excitations, multiple excitations are reflected from the array interfaces and trapped as well, although complete trapping of many excitations together is relatively challenging at long time due to a faster combined decay rate. Our results can provide insights to nonequilibrium quantum dynamics in dissimilar arrays and shed light on confining and controlling quantum registers useful for quantum information processing.

  • Robust universal quantum processors in spin systems via Walsh pulse sequences.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Matteo Votto, Johannes Zeiher, Benoît Vermersch

    We propose a protocol to realize quantum simulation and computation in spin systems with long-range interactions. Our approach relies on the local addressing of single spins with external fields parametrized by Walsh functions. This enables a mapping from a class of target Hamiltonians, defined by the graph structure of their interactions, to pulse sequences. We then obtain a recipe to implement arbitrary two-body Hamiltonians and universal quantum circuits. Performance guarantees are provided in terms of bounds on Trotter errors and total number of pulses. Additionally, Walsh pulse sequences are shown to be robust against various types of pulse errors, in contrast to previous hybrid digital-analog schemes of quantum computation. We demonstrate and numerically benchmark our protocol with examples from the dynamics of spin models, quantum error correction and quantum optimization algorithms.

  • Causal flow preserving optimisation of quantum circuits in the ZX-calculus.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Calum Holker

    Optimising quantum circuits to minimise resource usage is crucial, especially with near-term hardware limited by quantum volume. This paper introduces an optimisation algorithm aiming to minimise non-Clifford gate count and two-qubit gate count by building on ZX-calculus-based strategies. By translating a circuit into a ZX-diagram it can be simplified before being extracted back into a circuit. We assert that simplifications preserve a graph-theoretic property called causal flow. This has the advantage that qubit lines are well defined throughout, permitting a trivial extraction procedure and in turn enabling the calculation of an individual transformation's impact on the resulting circuit. A general procedure for a decision strategy is introduced, inspired by an existing heuristic based method. Both phase teleportation and the neighbour unfusion rule are generalised. In particular, allowing unfusion of multiple neighbours is shown to lead to significant improvements in optimisation. When run on a set of benchmark circuits, the algorithm developed reduces the two-qubit gate count by an average of 19.8%, beating both the previous best ZX-based strategy (14.6%) and non-ZX strategy (18.5%) at the time of publication. This lays a foundation for multiple avenues of improvement. A particularly effective strategy for optimising QFT circuits is also noted, resulting in exactly one two-qubit gate per non-Clifford gate.

  • Mechanical Analogue for Schrodinger's Matter-Wave Equation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Nicos Makris

    In this paper we first show that, there exists a precise mechanical analogue for the one-dimensional version of Schrodinger's original 4th-order, real-valued matter-wave equation. It is a composite, flexural-shear beam supported on distributed elastic springs. Nevertheless, in spite of this finding, this paper shows that it is not possible to construct a physically realizable mechanical analogue for Schrodinger's 2nd-order, complex valued matter-wave equation which yields lower eigenvalues; therefore, lower energy levels than these predicted with his original 4th-order, real-valued matter-wave equation.

  • Toolbox for nonreciprocal dispersive models in circuit QED.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Lautaro Labarca, Othmane Benhayoune-Khadraoui, Alexandre Blais, Adrian Parra-Rodriguez

    We provide a systematic method for constructing effective dispersive Lindblad master equations to describe weakly-anharmonic superconducting circuits coupled by a generic dissipationless nonreciprocal linear system, with effective coupling parameters and decay rates written in terms of the immittance parameters characterizing the coupler. This article extends the foundational work of Solgun et al. (2019) for linear reciprocal couplers described by an impedance response. Here, we expand the existing toolbox to incorporate nonreciprocal elements, account for direct stray coupling between immittance ports, circumvent potential singularities, and include dissipative interactions arising from interaction with a common bath. We illustrate the use of our results with a circuit of weakly-anharmonic Josephson junctions coupled to a multiport nonreciprocal environment and a dissipative port. The results obtained here can be used for the design of complex superconducting quantum processors with non-trivial routing of quantum information, as well as analog quantum simulators of condensed matter systems.

  • Superfluid rings as quantum pendulums.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Antonio Muñoz Mateo, Grigory E. Astrakharchik, Bruno Juliá-Díaz

    A feasible experimental proposal to realize a non-dispersive quantum pendulum is presented. The proposed setup consists of an ultracold atomic cloud, featuring attractive interatomic interactions, loaded into a tilted ring potential. The classical and quantum domains are switched on by tuned interactions, and the classical dynamical stabilization of unstable states, i.e. {\it a la} Kapitza, is shown to be driven by quantum phase imprinting. The potential use of this system as a gravimeter is discussed.

  • Finding the optimal probe state for multiparameter quantum metrology using conic programming.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Masahito Hayashi, Yingkai Ouyang

    The aim of the channel estimation is to estimate the parameters encoded in a quantum channel. For this aim, it is allowed to choose the input state as well as the measurement to get the outcome. Various precision bounds are known for the state estimation. For the channel estimation, the respective bounds are determined depending on the choice of the input state. However, determining the optimal input probe state and the corresponding precision bounds in estimation is a non-trivial problem, particularly in the multi-parameter setting, where parameters are often incompatible. In this paper, we present a conic programming framework that allows us to determine the optimal probe state for the corresponding multi-parameter precision bounds. The precision bounds we consider include the Holevo-Nagaoka bound and the tight precision bound that give the optimal performances of correlated and uncorrelated measurement strategies, respectively. Using our conic programming framework, we discuss the optimality of a maximally entangled probe state in various settings. We also apply our theory to analyze the canonical field sensing problem using entangled quantum probe states.

  • New spectral-parameter dependent solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    Alexander. S. Garkun, Suvendu K. Barik, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Vladimir Gritsev

    The Yang-Baxter Equation (YBE) plays a crucial role for studying integrable many-body quantum systems. Many known YBE solutions provide various examples ranging from quantum spin chains to superconducting systems. Models of solvable statistical mechanics and their avatars are also based on YBE. Therefore, new solutions of the YBE could be used to construct new interesting 1D quantum or 2D classical systems with many other far-reaching applications. In this work, we attempt to find (almost) exhaustive set of solutions for the YBE in the lowest dimensions corresponding to a two-qubit case. We develop an algorithm, which can potentially be used for generating new higher-dimensional solutions of the YBE.

  • Optimal compilation of parametrised quantum circuits.- [PDF] - [Article] - [UPDATED]

    John van de Wetering, Richie Yeung, Tuomas Laakkonen, Aleks Kissinger

    Parametrised quantum circuits contain phase gates whose phase is determined by a classical algorithm prior to running the circuit on a quantum device. Such circuits are used in variational algorithms like QAOA and VQE. In order for these algorithms to be as efficient as possible it is important that we use the fewest number of parameters. We show that, while the general problem of minimising the number of parameters is NP-hard, when we restrict to circuits that are Clifford apart from parametrised phase gates and where each parameter is used just once, we can efficiently find the optimal parameter count. We show that when parameter transformations are required to be sufficiently well-behaved that the only rewrites that reduce parameters correspond to simple 'fusions'. Using this we find that a previous circuit optimisation strategy by some of the authors [Kissinger, van de Wetering. PRA (2019)] finds the optimal number of parameters. Our proof uses the ZX-calculus. We also prove that the standard rewrite rules of the ZX-calculus suffice to prove any equality between parametrised Clifford circuits.


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